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A04520 The first and second part of the troublesome raigne of Iohn King of England With the discouerie of King Richard Cordelions base sonne (vulgarly named, the bastard Fawconbridge:) Also, the death of King Iohn at Swinstead Abbey. As they were (sundry times) lately acted by the Queenes Maiesties Players. Written by W. Sh.; Troublesome raigne of John, King of England. Shakespeare, William, 1564-1616, attributed name.; Marlowe, Christopher, 1564-1593, attributed name. 1611 (1611) STC 14646; ESTC S106395 50,051 91

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Listen braue Lords a fearefull mourning tale To be deliuered by a man of death Behold these scarres the dole of bloudie Mars Are harbingers from natures common foe Citing this truncke to Tellus prison house Lifes charter Lordings lasteth not an houre And fearefull thoughts forerunners of my end Bids me giue physicke to a sickely soule O Peeres of England know you what you do There 's but a haire that sunders you from harme The hooke is baited and the traine is made And simply you runne doating to your deaths But lest I die and leaue my tale vntolde With silence slaughtering so braue a crew This I auerre if Lewes winne the day There 's not an Englishman that lifts his hand Against King Iohn to plant the heire of France But is already damnd to cruell death I heard it vow'd my selfe amongst the rest Swore on the Altar aide to this Edict Two causes Lords makes me display this drift The greatest for the freedome of my soule That longs to leaue this mansion free from guilt The other on a naturall instinct For that my Grandsire was an Englishman Misdoubt not Lords the truth of my discourse No frensie nor no brainsicke idle fit But well aduisde and wotting what I say Pronounce I here before the face of heauen That nothing is discouered but a truth T is time to flie submit your selues to Iohn The smiles of Fraunce shade in the frownes of death Lift vp your swords turne face against the French Expell the yoke that 's framed for your necks Backe warremen backe imbowell not the clime Your seate your nurse your birth dayes breathing place That bred you beares you brought you vp in armes Ah! be not so ingrate to digge your mothers graue Preserue your lambes and beate away the wolfe My soule hath said contritions penitence Laies hold on mans redemption for my sinne Farewell my Lords witnesse my faith when we are met in heauen And for my kindnesse giue me graue roome here My soule doth fleet worlds vanities farewell Sals Now ioy betide thy soule well-meaning man How now my Lords what cooling carde is this A greater griefe growes now than earst hath beene What counsell giue you shall we stay and die Or shall we home and kneele vnto the King Pemb. My heart misgaue this sad accursed newes What haue we done fie Lords what frensie moued Our hearts to yeeld vnto the pride of Fraunce If we perseuer we are sure to die If we desist small hope againe of life Salsb. Beare hence the body of this wretched man That made vs wretched with his dying tale And stand not wayling on our present harmes As women wont but seeke our harmes redresse As for my selfe I will in haste be gone And kneele for pardon to our soueraigne Iohn Pemb. I there 's the way le ts rather kneele to him Than to the French that would confound vs all Exeunt Enter King Iohn carried betweene two Lords Iohn Set downe set downe the loade not woorth your paine For done I am with deadly wounding griefe Sickely and succourlesse hopelesse of any good The world hath wearied me and I haue wearied it It loathes I liue I liue and loathe my selfe Who pities me to whom haue I beene kinde But to a few a few will pitie me Why die I not Death scornes so vilde a prey Why liue I not life hates so sad a prize I sue to both to be retaind of either But both are deafe I can be heard of neither Nor death nor life yet life and neare the neere Ymixt with death biding I wot not where Phil. How fares my Lord that he is carried thus Not all the aukeward fortunes yet befalne Made such impression of lament in me Nor euer did my eye attaint my heart With any obiect moouing more remorse Than now beholding of a mighty King Borne by his Lords in such distressed State Ioh. What newes with thee if bad report it straight If good be mute it doth but flatter me Phil. Such as it is and heauy though it be To glut the world with tragicke elegies Once will I breathe to aggrauate the rest Another moane to make the measure full The brauest bow-man had not yet sent forth Two arrowes from the quiuer at his side But that a rumor went throughout our Campe That Iohn was fled the King had left the field At last the rumor scal'd these eares of mine Who rather chose as sacrifice for Mars Than ignominious scandall by retire I cheer'd the troupes as did the prince of Troy His weary followers gainst the Mermidons Crying alowd S. George the day is ours But feare had captiuated courage quite And like the Lambe before the greedie Wolfe So heartlesse fled our war-men from the field Short tale to make my selfe amongst the rest Was faine to flie before the eager foe By this time night had shadowed all the earth With sable curtaines of the blackest hue And fenc'd vs from the furie of the French As Io from the iealous Iunoes eie When in the morning our troupes did gather head Passing the washes with our carriages The impartiall tide deadly and inexorable Came raging in with billowes threatning death And swallowed vp the most of all our men My selfe vpon a Galloway right free well pac'd Out stript the flouds that followed waue by waue I so escap'd to tell this tragicke tale Iohn Griefe vpon griefe yet none so great a griefe To end this life and thereby rid my griefe Was euer any so infortunate The right Idea of a cursed man As I poore I a triumph for despight My feuer growes what ague shakes me so How farre to Sminstead tell me do you know Present vnto the Abbot word of my repaire My sicknesse rages to tyrannize vpon me I cannot liue vnlesse this feuer leaue me Philip Good cheere my Lord the Abbey is at hand Behold my Lord the Churchmen come to meet you Enter the Abbot and certaine Monkes Abb. All health happines to our soueraigne lord the King Iohn Nor health nor happines hath Iohn at all Say Abbot am I welcome to thy house Abbot Such welcome as our Abbey can afford Your Maiestie shall be assured of Philip The King thou seest is weake and very faint What victuals hast thou to refresh his Grace Abb. Good stote my Lord of that you need not feare For Lincolneshire and these our Abbey grounds Were neuer fatter nor in better plight Iohn Philip thou neuer needst to doubt of cates Nor King nor Lord is seated halfe so well As are the Abbeis throughout all the land If any plot of ground do passe another The Friers fasten on it strait But let vs in to taste of their repast It goes against my heart to feed with them Or be beholding to such Abbey groomes Exeunt Manet the Monke Monke Is this the King that neuer lou'd a Frier Is this the man that doth contemne the Pope Is this the man that rob'd the holy Church And yet will flie
parce Dabo pecuniam si habeo veniam To goe and fetch it I will dispatch it A hundred pound sterling for my liues sparing Enter Peter a Prophet with people Pet. Hoe who is here S. Francis be your speed Come in my flocke and follow me your fortunes I will reed Come hither boy goe get thee home and clime not ouer hie For from aloft thy fortune stands in hazard thou shalt die Boy God be with you Peter I pray you come to our house a Sunday Pet. My boy shew me thy hand blesse thee my boy For in thy palme I see a many troubles are ybent to dwel But thou shalt scape them all and doe full well Boy I thanke you Peter there 's a cheese for your labor my sister prayes yee to come home and tell her how many husbands she shall haue and shee 'l giue you a rib of bacon Peter My masters stay at the townes end for me I le come to you all anone I must dispatch some busines with a Frier and then I le reade your fortunes Philip How now a prophet sir prophet whence are ye Peter I am of the world and in the world but liue not as others by the world what I am I know and what thou wilt be I know If thou knowest me now be answered if not enquire no more what I am Phil. Sir I know you will be a dissembling knaue that deludes the people with blinde prophecies you are hee I look for you shal away with me bring away all the rable and you Frier Laurence remember your raunsome a hundred pound and a pardon for your selfe and the rest come on sir prophet you shall with me to receiue a prophets rewarde Exeunt Enter Hubert de Burgh with three men Hubert My masters I haue shewed you what warrant I haue for this attempt I perceiue by your heauy countenances you had rather be otherwise imployed and for my owne part I would the King had made choice of some other executioner only this is my comfort that a king commaunds whose precepts neglected or omitted threatneth torture for the default Therefore in briefe leaue me and be ready to attend the aduenture stay within that entry and when you heare me crie God saue the King issue sodainely forth lay hands on Arthur set him in this chaire wherein once fast bound leaue him with me to finish the rest Attendants We goe though loath Exeunt Hubert My Lord will it please your Honor to take the benefit of the faire euening Enter Arthur to Hubert de Burgh Arthur Gramercie Hubert for thy care of me In or to whom restraint is newly knowne The ioy of walking is small benefit Yet will I take thy offer with small thanks I would not loose the pleasure of the eie But tell me curteous Keeper if thou can How long the King will haue me tarrie heere Hubert I know not Prince but as I gesse not long God send you freedome and God saue the King They issue forth Arthur Why how now sirs what may this outrage meane O help me Hubert gentle Keeper help God send this sodaine mutinous approach Tend not to reaue a wretched guiltles life Hubert So sirs depart and leaue the rest for me Arth. Then Arthur yeeld death frowneth in thy face What meaneth this good Hubert pleade the case Hubert Patience yong Lord and listen words of woe Harmefull and harsh hells horror to be heard A dismall tale fit for a furies tongue I faint to tell deepe sorrow is the sound Arthur What must I die Hubert No newes of death but tidings of more hate A wrathfull doome and most vnluckie fate Deaths dish were daintie at so fell a feast Be deafe heare not its hell to tell the rest Arthur Alas thou wrongst my youth with words of feare T is hell t is horror not for one to heare What is it man if it must needes be done Act it and end it that the paine were gone Hubert I will not chaunt such dolour with my tongue Yet must I act the outrage with my hand My heart my head and all my powers beside To aide the office haue at once denide Peruse this Letter lines of trebble woe Reade ore my charge and pardon when you know Hubert these are to commaund thee as thou tendrest our quiet in minde and the estate of our person that presently vpon the receipt of our commaund thou put out the eies of Arthur Plantaginet Arthur Ah monstrous damned man his very breath infects the elements Contagious venome dwelleth in his heart Effecting meanes to poyson all the world Vnreuerent may I be to blame the heauens Of great iniustice that the miscreant Liues to oppresse the innocents with wrong Ah Hubert makes he thee his instrument To sound the trump that causeth hell triumph Heauen weepes the Saints do shed celestiall teares They feare thy fall and cite thee with remorse They knocke thy conscience mouing pitie there Willing to fence thee from the rage of hell Hell Hubert trust me all the plagues of hell Hangs on performance of this damned deed This scale the warrant of the bodies blisse Ensureth Satan chiefetaine of thy soule Subscribe not Hubert giue not Gods part away I speake not only for eies priuiledge The chiefe exterior that I would enioy But for thy perill farre beyond my paine Thy sweete soules losse more than my eies vaine lacke A cause internall and eternall too Aduise thee Hubert for the case is hard To loose saluation for a Kings reward Hubert My Lord a subiect dwelling in the land Is tied to execute the Kings commaund Arthur Yet God commaunds whose power reacheth further That no command should stand in force to murther Hubert But that same Essence hath ordaind a law A death for guilt to keepe the world in awe Arthur I pleade not guilty treasonlesse and free Hubert But that appeale my Lord concernes not me Arthur Why thou art he that maist omit the perill Hubert I if my Soueraigne would omit his quarrell Arthur His quarrell is vnhallowed false and wrong Hubert Then be the blame to whom it doth belong Arthur Why that 's to thee if thou as they proceede Conclude their iudgement with so vile a deede Hubert Why then no execution can be lawfull If Iudges doomes must be reputed doubtfull Arthur Yes where in forme of Law in place and time The offender is conuicted of the crime Hubert My Lord my Lord this long expostulation Heapes vp more griefe than promise of redresse For this I know and so resolude I end That subiects liues on Kings commands depend I must not reason why he is your foe But do his charge since he commaunds it so Arthur Then do thy charge and charged be thy soule With wrongfull persecution done this day You rowling eyes whose superficies yet I doe behold with eies that Nature lent Send foorth the terror of your Moouers frowne To wreake my wrong vpon the murtherers That rob me of your faire
This if you grant were all vnto your good For simple people muse you keepe him close Ioh. Your words haue searcht the center of my thoghts Confirming warrant of your loyalties Dismisse your counsell sway my state Let Iohn doe nothing but by your consents Why how now Philip what extasie is this Why casts thou vp thy eyes to heauen so There the fiue Moones appeare Bast. See see my Lord strange apparitions Glancing mine eie to see the Diadem Plac'd by the Bishops on your Highnesse head From forth a gloomie cloud which curtaine-like Displaid it selfe I suddainely espied Fiue Moones reflecting as you see them now Euen in the moment that the crowne was plac'd Can they appeare holding the course you see Ioh. What might portend these apparitions Vnvsuall signes forerunners of euent Presagers of strange terrors to the world Beleeue me Lords the obiect feares me much Philip thou toldst me of a Wizard but of late Fetch in the man to descant of this show Pemb. The heauens frowne vpon the sinfull earth When with prodigious vnaccustom'd signes They spot their superficies with such wonder Essex Before the ruines of Ierusalem Such meteors were the Ensignes of his wrath That hast'ned to destroy the faultfull towne Enter the Bastard with the Prophet Iohn Is this the man Bast. It is my Lord. Iohn Prophet of Pomfret for so I heare thou art That calculat'st of many things to come Who by a power repleat with heauenly gift Canst blab the counsell of thy Makers will If fame be true or truth be wrong'd by thee Decide in cyphering what these fiue moones Portend this clime if they presage at all Breath out thy gift and if I liue to see Thy diuination take a true effect I le honour thee aboue all earthly men Pet. The skie wherein these moones haue residence Presenteth Rome the great Metropolis Where sits the Pope in all his holy pompe Foure of the moones present foure prouinces To wit Spaine Denmarke Germanie and France That beare the yoke of proud commanding Rome And stand in feare to tempt the Prelates curse The smallest moone that whirles about the rest Impatient of the place he holds with them Doth figure forth this Island Albion Who gins to scorne the sea and seat of Rome And seekes to shunne the Edicts of the Pope This showes the heauen and this I doe auerre Is figured in the apparitions Ioh. Why then it seemes the heauens smile on vs Giuing applause for leauing of the Pope But for they chance in our Meridian Doe they effect no priuate growing ill To be inflicted on vs in this clime Pet. The moones effect no more than what I said But on some other knowledge that I haue By my prescience ere Ascension day Haue brought the Sunne vnto his vsuall height Of Crowne Estate and Royall dignity Thou shalt be cleane dispoyl'd and dispossest Ioh. False dreamer perish with thy witched newes Villaine thou woundst me with thy fallacies If it be true die for thy tidings price If false for fearing me with vaine suppose Hence with the Witch hels damned secretarie Locke him vp sure for by my faith I sweare True or not true the Wizard shall not liue Before Ascension day who should be cause hereof Cut off the cause and then the effect will die Tut tut my mercie serues to maime my selfe The roote doth liue from whence these thornes spring vp I and my promise past for his deliu'rie Frowne friends faile faith the diuell goe withall The brat shall die that terrifies me thus Pembrooke and Essex I recall my graunt I will not buy your fauours with my feare Nay murmure not my will is lawe enough I loue you well but if I lou'd you better I would not buy it with my discontent Enter Hubert How now what newes with thee Hub. According to your highnesse strict command Young Arthurs eies are blinded and extinct Ioh. Why so then he may feele the crown but neuer see it Hub. Nor see nor feele for of the extream paine Within one houre gaue he vp the ghost Ioh. What is he dead Hub. He is my Lord. Ioh. Then with him dies my cares Essex Now ioy betide thy soule Pemb. And heauens reuenge thy death Essex What haue you done my Lord Was euer heard A deed of more inhumane consequence Your foes will curse your friends will crie reuenge Vnkindly rage more rough than Northern wind To clip the beautie of so sweete a flower What hope in vs for mercie on a fault When kinsman dies without impeach of cause As you haue done so come to cheere you with The guilt shall neuer be cast me in my teeth Exeunt Ioh. And are you gone The diuell be your guide Proud rebels as ye are to braue me so Saucie vnciuill checkers of my will Your tongues giue edge vnto the fatall knife That shall haue passage through your trayt'rous throats But husht breath not bugs words too soone abroad Lest time preuent the issue of thy reach Arthur is dead I there the corzie growes But while he liu'd the danger was the more His death hath freed me from a thousand feares But it hath purchast me ten times ten thousand foes Why all is one such lucke shall haunt his game To whom the diuell owes an open shame His life a foe that leueld at my crowne His death a frame to pull my building downe My thoughts harpt still on quiet by his end Who liuing aimed shrewdly at my roome But to preuent that plea twice was I crown'd Twice did my subiects sweare me fealtie And in my conscience lou'd me as their liege In whose defence they would haue pawn'd their liues But now they shun me as a Serpents sting A tragyke tyrant sterne and pitilesse And not a title followes after Iohn But butcher blood-sucker and murtherer What planet gouern'd my natiuitie To bode me soueraigne types of high estate So interlac'd with hellish discontent Wherein fell furie hath no interest Curst be the crowne chiefe author of my care Nay curst my will that made the crowne my care Curst be my birth-day curst ten times the wombe That yeelded me aliue into the world Art thou there villaine furies haunt thee still For killing him whom all the world laments Hub. Why here 's my Lord your Highnes hand seale Charging on liues regard to do the deed Iohn Ah dull conceipted pesant knowst thou not It was a damned execrable deed Shewst me a Seale Oh villaine both our soules Haue solde their freedome to the thrall of hell Vnder the warrant of that cursed Seale Hence villaine hang thy selfe and say in hell That I am comming for a kingdome there Hubert My Lord attend the happy tale I tell For heauens health send Sathan packing hence That instigates your Highnesse to despaire If Arthurs death be dismall to be heard Bandie the newes for rumors of vntruth He liues my Lord the sweetest youth aliue In health with eie sight not a haire amisse This heart tooke vigor from
this forward hand Making it weake to execute your charge Iohn What liues he Then sweete hope come home agen Chase hence despaire the purueyor for hell Hye Hubert tell these tidings to my Lords That throb in passions for yong Arthurs death Hence Hubert stay not till thou hast reueald The wished newes of Arthurs happy health I goe my selfe the ioyfullst man aliue To storie out this new supposed crime Exeunt The end of the first Part. To the Gentlemen Readers THe changelesse purpose of determinde Fate Giues period to our care or hearts content When heau'ns fixt time for this or that hath end Nor can earths pomp or pollicie preuent The doome ordained in their secret will Gentles we left King Iohn repleate with blisse That Arthur liude whom he supposed slaine And Hubert posting to returne those Lords Who deem'd him dead and parted discontent Arthur himselfe begins our latter Act Our Act of outrage desprate furie death Wherein fond rashnesse murdreth first a Prince And Monkish falsenesse poysneth last a King First Scene shews Arthurs death in infancie And last concludes Iohns fatall tragedie The second part of The troublesome Raigne of King Iohn Containing The entrance of Lewis the French Kings sonne With the poysoning of King Iohn by a Monke Enter yong Arthur on the walls NOw help good hap to further mine entent Crosse not my youth with any more extremes I venter life to gaine my libertie And if I die worlds troubles haue an end Feare gins disswade the strength of my resolue My holde will faile and then alas I fall And if I fall no question death is next Better desist and liue in prison still Prison said I nay rather death than so Comfort and courage come againe to me I le venter sure t is but a leape for life He leapes and brusing his bones after he was from his traunce speakes thus Hoe who is nigh some bodie take me vp Where is my mother let me speake with her Who hurts me thus speake hoe where are you gone Ay me poore Arthur I am heere alone Why calld I mother how did I forget My fall my fall hath killd my mothers sonne How will she weepe at tidings of my death My death indeed O God my bones are burst Sweet Iesu saue my soule forgiue my rash attempt Comfort my mother shield her from despaire When shee shall heare my tragycke ouerthrowe My heart controls the office of my tongue My vitall powers forsake my brused trunke I die I die heauen take my fleeting soule And Lady mother all good hap to thee He dies Enter Pembrooke Salisburie Essex Essex My Lords of Pembrooke and of Salisburie We must be carefull in our policie To vndermine the keepers of this place Else shall we neuer find the Princes graue Pemb. My Lord of Essex take no care for that I warrant you it was not closely done But who is this lo Lords the withered flowre Who in his life shin'd like the Mornings blush Cast out a doore deni'd his buriall right A prey for birds and beasts to gorge vpon Salisb. O ruthfull spectacle O damned deed My sinewes shake my very heart doth bleed Essex Leaue childish teares braue Lords of England If water-floods could fetch his life againe My eies should conduit forth a sea of teares If sobs would helpe or sorows serue the turne My heart should volley out deepe piercing plaints But bootlesse were 't to breath as many sighes As might ecclipse the brightest Sommers sunne Here rests the helpe a seruice to his ghost Let not the tyrant causer of this dole Liue to triumph in ruthfull massacres Giue hand and heart and Englishmen to armes T is Gods decree to wreake vs of these harmes Pemb. The best aduice But who comes posting here Enter Hubert Right noble Lords I speake vnto you all The King entreats your soonest speed To visit him who on your present want Did ban and curse his birth himselfe and me For executing of his strict command I saw his passion and at fittest time Assur'd him of his cousins being safe Whom pity would not let me doe to death He craues your company my Lords in haste To whom I will conduct young Arthur straight Who is in health vnder my custody Essex In health base villaine were 't not I leaue the crime To Gods reuenge to whom reuenge belongs Here should'st thou perish on my rapiers point Call'st thou this health such health betide thy friends And all that are of thy condition Hub. My Lords but heare me speake and kil me then If here I left not this yong Prince aliue Maugre the hastie Edict of the King Who gaue me charge to put out both his eyes That God that gaue me liuing to this houre Thunder reuenge vpon me in this place And as I tendred him with earnest loue So God loue me and then I shall be well Sals Hence traytor hence thy counsel is herein Exit Hu. Some in this place appointed by the King Haue throwne him from this lodging here aboue And sure the murther hath bin newly done For yet the body is not fully cold Essex How say you Lords shal we with speed dispatch Vnder our hands a packet into France To bid the Dolphin enter with his force To claime the kingdom for his proper right His title maketh lawfull strength thereto Besides the Pope on peril of his curse Hath bard vs of obedience vnto Iohn This hatefull murder Lewis his true descent The holy charge that we receiu'd from Rome Are weightie reasons if you like my reed To make vs all perseuer in this deed Pemb. My Lord of Essex well haue you aduis'd I will accord to further you in this Salisb. And Salisbury will not gainesay the same But aide that course as farre forth as he can Essex Then each of vs send straight to his allies To win them to this famous enterprise And let vs all yclad in Palmers weed The tenth of April at S. Edmunds Bury Meet to conferre and on the altar there Sweare secrecie and aid to this aduise Meane while let vs conuey this body hence And giue him buriall as befits his state Keeping his months mind and his obsequies With solemne intercession for his soule How say you Lordings are you all agreed Pemb. The tenth of April at S. Edmunds Burie God letting not I will not faile the time Essex Then let vs all conuey the body hence Exeunt Enter K. Iohn with two or three and the Prophet Ioh. Disturbed thoughts foredoomers of mine ill Distracted passions signes of growing harmes Strange prophecies of imminent mishaps Confound my wits and dull my senses so That euery obiect these mine eies behold Seeme instruments to bring me to my end Ascension day is come Iohn feare not then The prodigies this pratling Prophet threats T is come indeed ah were it fully past Then were I carelesse of a thousand feares The Diall tels me it is twelue at noone Were twelue at midnight past then might I
vaunt False seers prophecies of no import Could I as well with this right hand of mine Remoue the Sunne from our Meridian Vnto the moonested circle of th' antipodes As turne this steele from twelue to twelue agen Then Iohn the date of fatall prophecies Should with the Prophets life together end But multa cadunt inter calicem supremaque labra Peter vnsay thy foolish doting dreame And by the crowne of England here I sweare To make thee great and greatest of thy kin Peter King Iohn although the time I haue prescrib'd Be but twelue houres remaining yet behind Yet doe I know by inspiration Ere that fixt time be fully come about King Iohn shall not be king as heretofore Iohn Vaine buzzard what mischance can chance so soone To set a king beside his regall seat My heart is good my body passing strong My Land in peace my enemies subdu'd Onely my barons storme at Arthurs death But Arthur liues I there the challenge growes Were he dispatch'd vnto his longest home Then were the King secure of thousand foes Hubert what newes with thee where are my Lords Hub. Hard newes my Lord Arthur the louely prince Seeking to escape ouer the castle walles Fell headlong downe and in the cursed fall He brake his bones and there before the gate Your barons found him dead and breathlesse quite Ioh. Is Arthur dead then Hubert without more words hang the Prophet Away with Peter villain out of my sight I am deafe be gone let him not speake a word Now Iohn thy feares are vanisht into smoake Arthur is dead thou guiltlesse of his death Sweet youth but that I striued for a crowne I could haue well affoarded to thine age Long life and happinesse to thy content Enter the Bastard Ioh. Philip what newes with thee Bast The newes I heard was Peters prayers Who wisht like fortune to befall vs all And with that word the rope his latest friend Kept him from falling headlong to the ground Ioh. There let him hang and be the Rauens food While Iohn triumphs in spite of prophecies But what 's the tydings from the Popelings now What say the Monkes and Priests to our proceedings Or where 's the Barons that so suddainely Did leaue the king vpon a false surmise Bast The Prelates storme and thirst for sharp reuenge But please your Maiestie were that the worst It little skild a greater danger growes Which must be weeded out by carefull speed Or all is lost for all is leueld at Ioh. More frights and feares what ere thy tidings be I am prepar'd then Philip quickly say Meane they to murder or imprison me To giue my Crowne away to Rome or France Or will they each of them become a King Worse than I thinke it is it cannot be Bast. Not worse my Lord but euery whit as bad The Nobles haue elected Lewis King In right of Lady Blanch your neece his wife His landing is expected euery houre The Nobles Commons Clergie all Estates Incited chiefly by the Cardinall Pandulph that lies here Legate for the Pope Thinke long to see their new elected King And for vndoubted proofe see here my Liege Letters to me from your Nobilitie To be a partie in this action Who vnder shew of fained holinesse Appoint their meeting at S. Edmunds Burie There to consult conspire and conclude The ouerthrowe and downefall of your State Ioh. Why so it must be one houre of content Match'd with a month of passionate effects Why shines the Sunne to fauour this consort Why doe the winds not breake their brazen gates And scatter all these periur'd complices With all their counsels and their damned drifts But see the welkin rolleth gently on There 's not a lowring cloud to frowne on them The heauen the earth the sunne the moone and all Conspire with those confederates my decay Then hell for me if any power be there Forsake that place and guide me step by step To poyson strangle murder in their steps These traytors oh that name is too good for them And death is easie is there nothing worse To wreake me on this proud peace-breaking crew What saist thou Philip why assists thou not Bast These curses good my Lord fit not the season Help must descend from heauen against this treason Ioh. Nay thou wilt proue a traytor with the rest Goe get thee to them shame come to you all Bast I would be loath to leaue your Highnesse thus Yet you command and I though grieu'd will goe Ioh. Ah Philip whither go'st thou come againe Bast My Lord these motions are as passions of a mad man Ioh. A mad man Philip I am mad indeed My heart is maz'd my sences all foredone And Iohn of England now is quite vndone Was euer King as I opprest with cares Dame Elianor my noble mother Queene My onely hope and comfort in distresse Is dead and England excommunicate And I am interdicted by the Pope All Churches curst their doores are sealed vp And for the pleasure of the Romish Priest The seruice of the Highest is neglected The multitude a beast of many heads Doe wish confusion to their soueraigne The Nobles blinded with ambitions fumes Assemble powers to beate mine Empire downe And more than this elect a forrein king O England wert thou euer miserable King Iohn of England sees thee miserable Iohn t is thy sinnes that makes it miserable Quicquid delirunt Reges plectuntur Achiui Philip as thou hast euer lou'd thy King So show it now post to S. Edmunds Burie Dissemble with the Nobles know their drifts Confound their diuellish plots and damn'd deuises Though Iohn be faultie yet let subiects beare He will amend and right the peoples wrongs A mother though shee were vnnaturall Is better than the kindest step-dame is Let neuer Englishman trust forraine rule Then Philip shew thy fealty to thy King And mongst the Nobles plead thou for the King Bast. I goe my Lord see how he is distraught This is the cursed Priest of Italy Hath heap'd these mischiefes on this haplesse land Now Philip hadst thou Tullies eloquence Then might'st thou hope to plead with good successe Exit Ioh. And art thou gone successe may follow thee Thus hast thou shew'd thy kindnesse to thy King Sirra in haste goe greet the Cardinall Pandulph I meane the Legat from the Pope Say that the King desires to speake with him Now Iohn bethinke thee how thou maist resolue And if thou wilt continue Englands King Then cast about to keepe thy Diadem For life and land and all is leueld at The Pope of Rome t is he that is the cause He curseth thee he sets thy subiects free From due obedience to their Soueraigne He animates the Nobles in their warres He giues away the Crowne to Philips sonne And pardons all that seeke to murther thee And thus blind zeale is still predominant Then Iohn there is no way to keepe thy crowne But finely to dissemble with the Pope That hand that gaue the wound must
bring them to a fortunate euent Sal. We leaue your Hignesse to your good intent Exeunt Lords of England Lew. Now Vicount Meloun what remains behind Trust me these traytors to their Soueraigne State Are not to be beleeu'd in any sort Meloun Indeed my Lord they that infringe their oths And play the Rebels gainst their natiue King Will for as little cause reuolt from you If euer opportunitie incite them so For once forsworne and neuer after sound There 's no affiance after periury Lew. Well Meloun wel let 's smooth with thē awhile Vntill we haue as much as they can doe And when their vertue is exhaled drie I le hang them for the guerdon of their helpe Meane while wee 'l vse them as a pretious poyson To vndertake the issue of our hope Fr. Lo. T is policy my Lord to bait our hookes With merry smiles and promise of much weight But when your Highnesse needeth them no more T is good make sure worke with them lest indeede They prooue to you as to their naturall King Melun Trust mee my Lord right well haue you aduisde Venome for vse but neuer for a sport Is to be dallied with lest it infect Were you instald as soone I hope you shall Be free from traitors and dispatch them all Lewes That so I meane I sweare before you all On this same Altar and by heauens power There 's not an English traitor of them all Iohn once dispatcht and I faire Englands King Shall on his shoulders beare his head one day But I will crop it for their guilts desert Nor shall their heires inioy their Seigniories But perish by their parents foule amisse This haue I sworne and this will I performe If ere I come vnto the height I hope Lay downe your hands and sweare the same with me The French Lords sweare Why so now call them in and speake them faire A smile of Fraunce will feed an English foole Beare them in hand as friends for so they be But in the heart like traitors as they are Enter the English Lords Now famous followers chiefetaines of the world Haue we sollicited with hearty prayer The heauen in fauour of our high attempt Leaue we this place and march we with our power To rowse the tyrant from his chiefest hold And when our labours haue a prosprous end Each man shall reape the fruit of his desert And so resolu'd braue followers let vs hence Enter K. Iohn Bastard Pandulph and a many Priests with them Thus Iohn thou art absolu'd from all thy sinnes And freed by order from our Fathers curse Receiue thy Crowne againe with this prouiso That thou remaine true liegeman to the Pope And carry armes in right of holy Rome Iohn I holde the same as tenant to the Pope And thanke your Holinesse for your kindnesse shewne Philip A proper iest when Kings must stoop to Friers Need hath no law when Friers must be Kings Enter a Messenger Mess Please it your maiestie the Prince of France With all the Nobles of your Graces Land Are marching hitherward in good aray Where ere they set their foot all places yeeld Thy Land is theirs and not a foot holds out But Douer Castle which is hard besieg'd Pan. Feare not king Iohn thy kingdome is the Popes And they shall know his Holinesse hath power To beate them soone from whence he hath to doe Drums and Trumpets Enter Lewes Melun Salisbury Essex Pembrooke and all the Nobles from Fraunce and England Lewes Pandulph as gaue his Holinesse in charge So hath the Dolphin mustred vp his troupes And wonne the greatest part of all this Land But ill becomes your Grace Lord Cardinall Thus to conuerse with Iohn that is accurst Pand. Lewes of France victorious Conqueror Whose sword hath made this Iland quake for feare Thy forwardnesse to fight for holy Rome Shall be remunerated to the full But know my Lord K. Iohn is now absolu'd The Pope is pleasde the Land is blest agen And thou hast brought each thing to good effect It resteth then that thou withdraw thy powers And quietly returne to Fraunce againe For all is done the Pope would wish thee doe Lewes But all 's not done that Lewes came to do Why Pandulph hath king Philip sent his sonne And beene at such excessiue charge in warres To be dismist with words king Iohn shall know England is mine and he vsurps my right Pand. Lewes I charge thee and thy complices Vpon the paine of Pandulphs holy curse That thou withdraw thy powers to Fraunce againe And yeeld vp London and the neighbour townes That thou hast tane in England by the sword Melun Lord Cardinall by Lewes princely leaue It can be nought but vsurpation In thee the Pope and all the Church of Rome Thus to insult on Kings of Christendome Now with a word to make them carrie armes Then with a word to make them leaue their armes This must not be Prince Lewes keepe thine owne Let Pope and Popelings curse their bellies full Bast. My Lord of Melun what title had the Prince To England and the Crowne of Albion But such a title as the Pope confirm'd The Prelate now le ts fall his fained claime Lewes is but the agent for the Pope Then must the Dolphin cease sith he hath ceast But cease or no it greatly matters not If you my Lords and Barons of the Land Will leaue the French and cleaue vnto our King For shame yee Peeres of England suffer not Your selues your honours and your land to fall But with resolued thoughts beate backe the French And free the Land from yoke of seruitude Salisbury Philip not so Lord Lewes is our King And wee will follow him vnto the death Pand. Then in the name of Innocent the Pope I curse the Prince and all that take his part And excommunicate the rebell Peeres As traitors to the King and to the Pope Lew. Pandulph our swords shall blesse our selues agen Prepare thee Iohn Lords follow me your King Exeunt Iohn Accursed Iohn the Diuell owes thee shame Resisting Rome or yeelding to the Pope all 's one The diuell take the Pope the Peeres and Fraunce Shame be my share for yeelding to the Priest Pand. Comfort thy selfe king Iohn the Cardnall goes Vpon his curse to make them leaue their armes Exit Bastard Comfort my Lord and curse the Cardinall Betake your selfe to armes my troupes are prest To answer Lewes with a lustie shocke The English archers haue their quiuers full Their bowes are bent the pikes are prest to push Good cheere my Lord King Richards fortune hangs Vpon the plume of warrelike Philips helme Then let them know his brother and his sonne Are leaders of the Englishmen at armes Iohn Philip I know not how to answer thee But let vs hence to answer Lewes pride Excursions Enter Meloun with English Lords Mel. O I am slaine Nobles Salsbury Pembrooke My soule is charged heare me for what I say Concerns the Peeres of England and their State
THE First and second Part of the troublesome Raigne of John King of England With the discouerie of King Richard Cordelions Base sonne vulgarly named The Bastard Fawconbridge Also the death of King Iohn at Swinstead Abbey As they were sundry times lately acted the Queenes Maiesties Players Written by W. Sh. Imprinted at London by Valentine Simmes for Iohn Helme and are to be sold at his shop in Saint Dunstons Churchyard in Fleetestreet 1611. The troublesome Raigne of King Iohn Enter K. Iohn Queene Elinor his mother William Marshall Earle of Pembrooke the Earles of Essex and of Salisbury Queene Elianor BArons of England and my noble Lords Though God and Fortune haue bereft from vs Victorious Richard scourge of Infidells And clad this Land in stole of dismall hew Yet giue me leaue to ioy and ioy you all That from this wombe hath sprung a second hope A King that may in rule and vertue both Succeede his brother in his Emperie K. Iohn My gratious mother Queene and Barons all Though farre vnworthy of so high a place As is the Throne of mighty Englands King Yet Iohn your Lord contented vncontent Will as he may sustaine the heauy yoke Of pressing cares that hang vpon a Crowne My Lord of Pembrooke and Lord Salsbury Admit the Lord Chattilion to our presence That we may know what Philip King of Fraunce By his Ambassadors requires of vs. Q. Elinor Dare lay my hand that Elinor can gesse Whereto this weighty Embassade doth tend If of my nephew Arthur and his claime Then say my Sonne I haue not missde my aime Enter Chattilion and the two Earles Iohn My Lord Chattilion welcome into England How fares our brother Philip king of Fraunce Chat. His Highnesse at my comming was in health And will'd me to salute your Maiestie And say the message he hath giuen in charge Iohn And spare not man wee are preparde to heare Chat. Philip by the grace of God most Christian King of France hauing taken into his gardain protection Arthur D. of Brittaine sonne and heire to Ieffrey thine elder brother requireth in the behalfe of the saide Arthur the kingdome of England with the lordship of Ireland Poiters Aniow Toraine Maine and I attend thine answer Iohn A small request belike hee makes account That England Ireland Poiters Aniow Toraine Maine Are nothing for a King to giue at once I wonder what he meanes to leaue for me Tell Philip he may keepe his Lords at home With greater honour than to send them thus On Embassades that not concerne himselfe Or if they did would yeeld but small returne Chat. Is this thine answer Iohn It is and too good an answer for so prowd a message Chat. Then King of England in my Masters name And in Prince Arthur duke of Brittaines name I doe defie thee as an enemie And wish thee to prepare for bloody warres Q. Elinor My Lord that stands vpon defiance thus Commend me to my nephew tell the boy That I Queene Elianor his grandmother Vpon my blessing charge him leaue his Armes Whereto his head-strong mother prickes him so Her pride we know and know her for a Dame That will not sticke to bring him to his end So she may bring herselfe to rule a realme Next wish him to forsake the King of Fraunce And come to me and to his vncle here And he shall want for nothing at our hands Chat. This shall I do and thus I take my leaue Iohn Pembrooke conuey him safely to the sea But not in haste for as we are aduisde We meane to be in France as soone as he To fortifie such townes as we possesse In Aniow Toraine and in Normandie Exit Chatt Enter the Shriue and whispers the Earle of Salis in the care Sals Please it your maiesty here is the shriue of Northhamptonshire with certaine persons that of late committed a riot and haue appeald to your Maiestie beseeching your Highnesse for speciall cause to heare them Iohn Will them come neere and while wee heare the cause Goe Salsbury and make prouision We meane with speed to passe the Sea to France Say shriue what are these men what haue they done Or whereto tends the course of this appeale Shriue Please it your maiesty these two brethren vnnaturally falling at odds about their fathers liuing haue broken your Highnesse peace in seeking to right their owne wrongs without course of Lawe or order of Iustice vnlawfully assembled thēselues in mutinous maner hauing committed a riot appealing from triall in their country to your Highnes and here I Thomas Nidigate shrine of Northamptonshire do deliuer them ouer to their triall Iohn My Lord of Essex wil th offenders to stand forth and tell the cause of their quarrell Essex Gentlemen it is the Kings pleasure that you discouer your griefs and doubt not but you shal haue iustice Phil. Please it your M. the wrong is mine yet will I abide all wrongs before I once open my mouth t' vnrip the shamefull slander of my parents the dishonor of my self the bad dealing of my brother in this princely assemblie Robert Then by my Prince his leaue shall Robert speake And tell your Maiestie what right I haue To offer wrong as he accounteth wrong My father not vnknowne vnto your Grace Receiu'd his spurres of Knighthood in the Field At kingly Richards hands in Palestine When as the walls of Acon gaue him way His name sir Robert Fauconbridge of Mountbery What by succession from his Ancestors And warlike seruice vnder Englands Armes His liuing did amount to at his death Two thousand markes reuenew euery yeare And this my Lord I challenge for my right As lawfull heire to Robert-Fauconbridge Philip If first-borne sonne be heire indubitate By certaine right of Englands auntient Lawe How should my selfe make any other doubt But I am heire to Robert Fauconbridge Iohn Fond youth to trouble these our princely cares Or make a question in so plaine a case Speake is this man thine elder brother borne Robert Please it your Grace with patience for to heare I not deny but he mine elder is Mine elder brother too yet in such sort As he can make no title to the land Iohn A doubtfull tale as euer I did heare Thy brother and thine elder and no heire Explaine this darke Aenigma Robert I grant my Lord he is my mothers sonne Base borne and base begot no Fauconbridge Indeede the world reputes him lawfull heire My father in his life did count him so And here my mother stands to prooue him so But I my Lord can prooue and doe auerre Both to my mothers shame and his reproach He is no heire nor yet legitimate Then gratious Lord let Fauconbridge enioy The liuing that belongs to Fauconbridge And let not him possesse anothers right Iohn Prooue this the land is thine by Englands lawe Q. Elin. Vngratious youth to rip thy mothers shame The wombe from whence thou didst thy being take All honest eares abhorre thy wickednesse But
reflecting view Let hell to them as earth they wish to me Be darke and direfull guerdon for their guilt And let the blacke tormenters of deepe Tartary Vpbraide them with this damned enterprise Inflicting change of tortures on their soules Delay not Hubert my orisons are ended Begin I pray thee reaue me of my sight But to performe a tragedie indeede Conclude the period with a mortall stab Constance farewell tormenter come away Make my dispatch the Tyrants feasting day Hubert I faint I feare my conscience bids desist Faint did I say feare was it that I named My King commaunds that warrant sets me free But God forbids and he commaundeth Kings That great Commaunder countercheckes my charge He stayes my hand he maketh soft my heart Goe cursed tooles your office is exempt Cheere thee yong Lord thou shalt not loose an eie Though I should purchase it with losse of life I le to the King and say his will is done And of the langor tell him thou art dead Goe in with me for Hubert was not borne To blinde those lampes that Nature pollisht so Arthur Hubert if euer Arthur be in state Looke for amends of this receiued gift I tooke my eiesight by thy curtesie Thou lentst them me I will not be ingrate But now procrastination may offend The issue that thy kindnesse vndertakes Depart we Hubert to preuent the worst Exeunt Enter K. Iohn Essex Salisbury Penbrooke Iohn Now warlike followers resteth aught vndone That may impeach vs of fond ouersight The French haue felt the temper of our swords Cold terror keepes possession in their soules Checking their ouerdaring arrogance For buckling with so great an ouermatch The arch prowd titled Priest of Italy That calls himselfe grand Vicar vnder God Is busied now with trentall obsequies Masse and months mind dirge and I know not what To ease their soules in painefull purgatorie That haue miscarried in these bloody warres Heard you not Lords when first his Holinesse Had tidings of our small account of him How with a taunt vaunting vpon his toes He vrgde a reason why the English Asse Disdaind the blessed ordinance of Rome The title reuerently might I inferre Became the Kings that earst haue borne the load The slauish weight of that controlling Priest Who at his pleasure temperd them like waxe To carrie armes on danger of his curse Banding their soules with warrants of his hand I grieue to thinke how Kings in ages past Simply deuoted to the Sea of Rome Haue run into a thousand acts of shame But now for confirmation of our State Sith we haue proind the more than needfull braunch That did oppresse the true well-growing stocke It resteth we throughout our Territories Be reproclaimed and inuested King Pemb. My Liege that were to busie men with doubts Once were you crownd proclaimd and with applause Your citie streets haue ecchoed to the eare God saue the King God saue our Soueraigne Iohn Pardon my feare my censure doth inferre Your Highnesse not deposde from regall State Would breed a mutinie in peoples mindes What it should meane to haue you crownd againe Iohn Pembrooke performe what I haue bid thee do Thou knowst not what induceth me to this Essex goe in and Lordings all be gone About this taske I will be crownd anone Enter the Bastard Philip What newes how do the Abbots chests Are Friers fatter than the Nunnes are faire What cheere with Church-men had they gold or no Tell me how hath thy office tooke effect Phil. My Lord I haue performd your Highnes charge The ease-bred Abbots and the bare-foote Friers The Monks the Priors and holy cloystred Nunnes Are all in health and were my Lord in wealth Till I had tithde and tolde their holy hoords I doubt not when your Highnesse sees my prize You may proportion all their former pride Iohn Why so now sorts it Philip as it should This small intrusion into Abbey trunkes Will make the Popelings excommunicate Curse ban and breathe out damned orisons As thicke as haile-stones fore the Springs approach But yet as harmelesse and without effect As is the eccho of a Cannons cracke Dischargde against the battlements of heauen But what newes else befell there Philip Bast. Strange news my Lord within your territories Neere Pomfret is a prophet new sprung vp Whose diuination volleis wonders foorth To him the Commons throng with Countrey gifts He sets a date vnto the Beldames death Prescribes how long the Virgins state shall last Distinguisheth the moouing of the heauens Giues limits vnto holy nuptiall rites Foretelleth famine aboundeth plentie forth Of fate of fortune life and death he chats With such assurance scruples put apart As if he knew the certaine doomes of heauen Or kept a Register of all the Destinies Ioh. Thou telst me maruels would thou hadst brought the man We might haue questiond him of things to come Bastard My Lord I tooke a care of had-I-wist And brought the prophet with me to the Court He staies my Lord but at the Presence doore Pleaseth your Highnesse I will call him in Iohn Nay stay awhile wee 'l haue him here anone A thing of weight is first to be performd Enter the Nobles and crowne King Iohn and then cry God saue the King Iohn Lordings and friends supporters of our State Admire not at this vnaccustomd course Nor in your thoughts blame not this deede of yours Once ere this time was I inuested King Your fealtie sworne as Liegemen to our state Once since that time ambitious weedes haue sprung To staine the beauty of our garden plot But heauens in our conduct rooting thence The false intruders breakers of worlds peace Haue to our ioy made sunne-shine chase the storme After the which to trie your constancie That now I see is worthy of your names We crau'd once more your helps for to inuest vs Into the right that enuy sought to wracke Once was I not deposde your former choice Now twice beene crowned and applauded King Your cheered action to install me so Infers assured witnesse of your loues And binds me ouer in a Kingly care To render loue with loue rewards of worth To ballance downe requitall to the full But thankes the while thankes Lordings to you all Aske me and vse me trie me and finde me yours Essex A boone my Lord at vantage of your words We aske to guerdon all our loyalties Pemb. We take the time your Highnesse bids vs aske Please it you grant you make your promise good With lesser losse than one superfluous haire That not remembred falleth from your head Iohn My word is past receiue your boone my Lords What may it be Aske it and it is yours Ess We craue my Lord to please the Commons with The libertie of Lady Constance sonne Whose durance darkeneth your Highnesse right As if you kept him prisoner to the end Your selfe were doubtfull of the thing you haue Dismisse him thence your Highnesse needs not feare Twice by consent you are proclaim'd our King Pemb.