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ID Title Author Corrected Date of Publication (TCP Date of Publication) STC Words Pages
A34922 The voyage of the wandring knight shewing the whole course of man's life, how apt he is to follow vanity, and how hard it is for him to attain vertue / devised by John Cartheny, a French man ; and translated out of French into English by W.G. of Southampton, merchant ...; Voyage du chevalier errant. English Cartigny, Jean de, 1520?-1578.; N. R.; Goodyear, William. 1661 (1661) Wing C681A; ESTC R34789 91,602 121

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compassion upon thee Where be the Worldlings the would not be sorry for their sins Where are they become Are they not condemned to everlasting torment in Hell fire O think then that sin doth greatly offend God Think what punishment God hath ordained for sin which makes Man an Enemy to God and a friend to the Devil Secondly think that at this present time thou art in Gods favour by the means of his Grace who made thee a child of God and an Heir of Heaven by Hope so that now thy Conscience is quiet Think what good Consolation thou hast received by devour prayer think what spiritual instructions Gods Grace hath given to thee think all the pleasures of the World are mingled with Sorrow think that this World shall pass away with all the pomps and pleasures of the same think that thy present Estate is the high way to Heaven and so shalt thou keep perseverance Thirdly think that the just judgment of God is to come which is to the good to give Heaven and to the evill Hell Think thou must dye and that at thy death thou shalt not receive so good consolation as thou hast had of Vertue and Gods grace Think that at thy death thou must leave behind thee Wife Children Goods and Mony whether thou do good or evill Think that thou must go to a Region unknown and to a place where thou hast never been and if thou be sound to have dyed in sin without repentance the Devils will attend to take thy damned Soul and will carry it into the dungeon of Darkness there to seel eternal torments But if thou be sound with Perseverance in the Palace of Vertue millions of Angels will go before thee and with great joy will bring thee to heaven O think upon the just judgment of God to come when every one shall be judged according to his deeds For God fahoureth neither Kings Princes nor People high nor low rich nor poor without respect of persons be will chuse the good and condemn the evil at the day of doom when we must appear personally without excuse or exception before him then every man must be his own Atturney when the just Iudge at that day will shew himself terrible to the Perverse which have followed Voluptuousness and have not heartily repented but will be gentle mercifull and good unto those that have been sorry for their offences O think what torments the un-repentant shall suffer both in body and soul perpetually whereas all such as have persevered in goodness to the end shall receive joy and the fulness of God and of Heaven In such sort to persevere in goodness to the end do thine utter endeavour and thou shalt see that God will be ready with his grace to arm thee with constancy in thy Christian purpose CAP. XI A protestation which Good Understanding taught the Knight to make every day for the avoiding of temptations and how he ought to humble himself before God and what he should ask in his prayer MY Son alwayes I wish thee to keep perseverance with thee by whom thou mayest avoid temptations which would induce thee to sin and force thee to forsake the true Faith and also to transgress the holy Commandements of Almighty God This to avoid I wish thee every day to repeat the promises which thou hast made to God in thy Baptism which follow thus in effect O Most high most excellent and holy Lord God I protest that I will live and dye in the true Catholike and Apostolike faith revealed in thy holy Word and that I will do my utmost endravour to keep thy holy Commandements which heretofore I have wilfully and carelessy transgressed wherefore I am sorry and do heartily repent me for the breach of them and in token thereof I make my Confession saying I Believe in God the Father Almighty maker of Heaven and Earth And in Jesus Christ his only Sonne our Lord which was conceived by the holy Ghost Born of the Virgin Mary Sufferred under Pontius Pylate Was crucified dead and buryed He descended into Hell The third day he rose again from the dead He ascended into Heaven and sitteth at the right hand of God the Father Almighty From thence he shall come to judge the quick and the dead I believe in the holy Ghost The holy Catholick Church The communion of Saints The forgiveness of sinnes The resurrection of the body And the life everlasting Amen Then say Lord God give me grace most heartily I beseech thee without doubting to confess and believe the articles of this my Christian Faith and in the same to persevere to the end And so rehearse the Ten Commandements of Almighty God which are these The same which God spake in the xx Chapter of Exodus saying I am the Lord thy God which have brought thee out of the Land of Ægypt out of the house of Bondage 1. Thou shalt have none other Gods but me 2. Thou shalt not make to thy self any graven image nor the likenesse of any thing that is in Heaven above nor in the Earth beneath nor in the water under the Earth Thou shalt not bow down to them nor worship them For I the Lord thy God am a jealous God and visit the sins of the Fathers upon the Children unto the third and fourth generation of them that hate me and shew mercy unto thousands in them that love me and keep my commandements 3. Thou shalt not take the name of the Lord thy God in vain for the Lord will not hold him guiltlesse that taketh his name in vaine 4. Remember that thou keep holy the Sabbath day six dayes shalt thou labour and doe all that thou hast to do but the seventh day is the Sabbath of the Lord thy God in it thou shalt do no manner of work thou and thy son and thy daughter thy man servant thy maid servant thy catell and the stranger that is within thy gates for in six dayes the Lord made Heaven and Earth the Sea and all that therein is and rested the seventh day wherefore the Lord blessed the seventh day and hallowed it 5. Honour thy Father and thy Mother that thy dayes may be long in the Land which the Lord thy God giveth thee 6. Thou shalt do no murther 7. Thou shalt not commit Adultery 8. Thou shalt not steal 9. Thou shalt not bear false witness against thy Neighbour 10. Thou shalt not cover thy Neighbours house thou shalt not covet thy Neighbours wife nor his servant nor his maide nor his ox nor his Asse nor any thing that is his Then considering the tenour of that which thou hast said crave grace at Gods hands to walk after his will using the same prayer which Christ taught thee and saying Our Father which art in Heaven hallowed be thy Name Thy Kingdome come Thy will be done in Earth as it is in Heaven Give us this day our daily bread And forgive us our trespasses as we forgive them that trespass
Book and thou shalt see how thou hast lived even against God and contrary to right and reason Thou hast been Proud Arrogant ambitious spitefull at others prosperity a prolonger of time Wrathfull a Backbiter injurious Trayterous hatefull Covetous of Gold more than of God Gluttouous Wanton Shameless a stewes-hunter given to all vices and hast transgressed all the commandements of God leading a loathsome life denying God swearing and blaspheming his name an haynous effender a false Witness bearer a lyar a desirer of other Mens goods disobedient to Parents cursing them and wishing their death Furthermore thou hadst neisher Faith nor hope in God but rather in the force riches honour and friendship of thy kindred with their Authority I cannot reckon up the rest of thy Sins for they are uncountable Very little care hast thou had of Christs merits or of thy own souls health but alwayes yielding to Voluptuousness filthiness and iniquity When Conscience had thus accused me Sorow for Sin sell bitterly aweeping and oftentimes struck her breast Then Conscience shewed me what Torments I had deserved for following Voluptuous affections and for loving them better then God Thou oughtest said she to burn in Hell fire that never quencheth and to be nipped with Torments both of Body and Soul for evermore Thy laughing shall be turned to Weeping the Ioy to Sorrow thy Songs to Cries yea what pains can be named but thou art like perpetually to suffer them without hope of Redemption For this is the due reward of Worldly Felicity and following Folly Be think thee now and tell me if it be in thy power to rid thee from these grievances Hearing my Conscience thus speak me thought I saw Hell open to swallow me up and with sorrowfull sadness I fell to the ground before Gods grace speechless but she had Compassion on me and bade me arise the which I did though half in despair and to re-comfort me she opened the book which Remembrance held in her hand CAP. V. By the Commandements of Gods grace remembrance read to me the goodness of God with his promises made to repen tant sinners AFter Remembrance had opened her Book I perceived the Letters were Gold and Azure containing the great goodness and infinire mercy of God so repentant Sinners with fair promises annexed thereunto Then at the commandment of Gods grace remembrance read out of that book unto me in this manner Saint Paul Writing to the Romans saith Where Sin hath abounded grace hath more abounded He that mistrusteth the mercy of God mistrusteth God to be mercifull and in so doing he doth God great dishonour For he denyeth God to be Love and power wherein consisteth all the hope of poor Sinners For of his great love he sent his only Son to take Mans Nature upon him in this World that in the same he might suffer death upon the Cross for the remission of Sins Consequently he promised for the love of his Son Remission and Pardon to all Poor Sinners so often as they desired it in Faith with an heavy and sorrowfull Heart Now God is as true of his Promises as he is of Power able to perform them And as he is of Power so will he do whatsoever pleaseth him God will pardon Sinners their Sins who then can let him from doing it To whom God pleaseth or hath promised to pardon their Sins he forgiveth The truth hereof is Written in plain Words and shewed by examples in many places of the holy Scripture as well in the Old Testament as the New First Esay saith It is I my self It is I my self that doth blot out thine iniquities for mine own love sake and I will not have thy sins in remembrance For the love of me saith he and not for the love of thee meaning his goodness and mercy and not for the love of thy merits As if he had said to all sinners in this sort If thou thinkest that I pardon thy Sins for thy merits sake thou art deceived and Wallowest in despair no no but for my mercy and infinite goodness I remit and forgive Thou hast no cause to despair for the least part of my mercy exceedeth all thy Sins In another place he saith by the same Prophet Turn your selves unto me all the Earth and you shall be saved for I am God and there is none other besides me What is the meaning of these Words I am God any thing else but that God is good and mercifull If it be unpossible but he should be God it is unpossible but he should be good and mercifull The same Prophet speaketh unto every one of us saying Let the Infidell leave his wayes and the unjust Man his thoughts let them turn to the Lord and he will have pitty upon him for he is ready to forgive And by the Prophet Jeremy he saith to the People of Israel that he was wroth for their Idolatry and many other Sins nevertheless he said Turn Israel thou Rebell unto me thy Lord and I will not turn my face from thee or as the Hebrew Text saith I will not lay mine ire upon thee for I am saith the Lord holy and gentle and keep not mine anger for ever And by the Prophet Ezechiel he saith If the evill Man repent him of his Sins and keep my Commandements doing righteously he shall live and not dye neither will I have his former offences any more in remembrance Do you think saith the Lord that I delight in the death of a Sinner nay rather that he should turn from his Wickedness and live Repent you then and you shall live The Prophet David said That from morning till night Israel hoped in the Lord what doth this signifie but that the faithfull from their Nativity and Birth untill their very Death have hope in the Lord There is mercy in the Lord and great Redemption attendeth upon him In Joel it is Written Turn your selves unto the Lord with all your heart in Fasting Praying Weeping Sorrow tearing your hearts and not your Garments so shall you be turned unto the Lord your God for he is full of Clemency Mercy and Grace slow to ire and ready to forgive or as the Hebrew Text saith such a one as repents him of evill that is to say is leath to execute the punishment upon Sinners which he hath denounced and threatned Micheas the Prophet saith What God is there like unto thee which takest away iniquities and forgivest Sins for the rest of thine Heritage sake He keepeth not his ire for ever but of his compassion and mercy will have pitty upon us He will put out our iniquities and throw all our Sins into the bottom of the Sea What Sinner is there that hearing these words hath so heavy a heart as to despair seeing that God is more ready to forgive than the Sinner is to ask forgiveness Now let us come to the New Testament to try if there be not Testimenies to the same effect The Son of God which is
for his Vertue to be a God so that the matter by my Counsell quoth Folly turned to Idolatry For they offered Sacrifice unto him and honoured him in form of an Ox or a Calfe the like also did the Children of Israel in the Desarts with their Idol which afterwards was named Seraphis But as yet France and Germany were not infected with Idolatry howbeit I did my Endeavour to make it more Vniversall and ceased not till that shortly after this Pestilence had taken Root For the above-named Ninus Sonne of Bell King of Babylon married Semiramis that wonderfull Woman who as it is written devised that all the Male Children should be gelded of her Body begat he one Sonne named Ninus the Second and by another wise he had another Sonne called Trabeta who by Right of Succession should have enjoyed the Crown of Babylon but that his Mother-in-Law kept him from it and took the Government and rule unto her self and kept it in the behalfe of her young Sonne Ninus Trabeta then fearing his Step-Mother fled from Babylon and after long travell he arrived in France not farr from the River of Rhene where he founded a City and called it Treves which is yet a very ancient City At that time was Gallica Belgica and all the Country about it which we call Low Almaine first Infected and Poysoned with Idolatrry which was 1947 Years before the Incarnation of Iesus Christ There Trabeta by my Counsell made the Picture of his Grand-father Bell the Sonne of Nimroth the great Gyant and first Saturn of the Babylonians to be Worshipped in the City of Treves But afterward Bavo who founded the City Pelges otherwise called Bayvoy in Hainot had taken by Force the City of Treves and victoriously brought to Bavoy all the Treasure of Treves and their Idols wherewith also he brought his own Idols from Phrygia By this means the errour of Idolatry was more authorised For by my counsell he built with the spoyles of his conquest seven marvellous and mighty Temples in his City which had seven doors according to the seven Planets they had also a thousand Towers every one an hundred cubits high and eighteen foot broad By what I have related quoth Folly you may perceive that the Babylonians the Aegyptians the Phrygians the French-men and the Germains followed my counsell but as for other Nations they were not as yet infected with Idolatry For the good Patriarch Noah otherwise called Janus having dwelt in Italy fourscore and two years and being 950 years old 370 years after the Floud he dyed before the Incarnation 1976 years This good Man was lamented and bewayled through all the World generally but chiefly of the Italians then called Lanigenes and of the Armenians over whom be first raigned These People presently after they knew of Noahs death they honoured him as a holy Man For in those dayes all holy Men were counted Gods as it is often mentioned in the holy Scripture I have said ye are Gods and ye all are children of the most high And which is more they made him Temples and Altars as now adayes Idolaters do unto the Saints of Heaven I quoth Folly made the simple people assure themselves that his Soul was removed into some of the Heavenly bodies for the which they called him the Sun and the seen of the World the Father of Gods the greater and lesser the God of Peace Iustice and Holinesse the driver away of evill things and the preserver of all good things Again they called his Successours Janus Geminus Quadifrons Enotrius Ogiges Vertumnus Jupiter Optimus Maximus Then I perswaded the People to offer Sacrifice unto him as unto God by which deed they became all Idolaters for if they had esteemed him no better then a holy Man they had not finned in that for indeed he was a holy Man Mark what Austine saith in his tenth Book of the City of God It is not lawfull saith he to offer any sacrifice to any Saint be it Man or Angel but only to God After the destruction of Troy Aeneas came into Italy bringing with him his own Idols and the Gods of Troy hereupon Idolatry took force and encreased more and more I think quoth Folly that this which I have told thee already may suffice to declare how Idolatry entred the world first Thou best heard also how I governed Angels and Nations Now thou shalt understand how I have ruled and ordered particular persons After the Floud I first ruled Cham Noahs Son who being wholly given to the Magicall Art obtained and had the name of Zoroaster He hated his Father because he loved his own brother better then him in revenge whereof upon a day he found his Father Noah drunk lying fast asleep upon the ground unhonestly he discovered his Fathers Privities and by my counsell he presumed to touch those his secret parts and enchanted them by his Magicall Art so that ever after for want of ability he could not joyne issue with any woman to beget Children His Father being angry thereat abandoned him for a season After that he became the first King and Saturn of Aegypt insomuch as the holy Scriptures called Cham the first King of Aegypt Again by my counsell he trayned up his People according to his own Nature in all villany and filthiness openly affirming that Men might lawfully use and have to do with their own Daughters and Sisters as was the custome before the Floud and also to commit many other unlawfull deeds which I am ashamed to declare by the which doctrine natural Virginity was oftentimes violently assaulted and ravished Then my friend Cham went into Italy and Vsurped the Realm to himself And whereas other Princes of his Linage in Germany Spain and France gave good examples to their Subjects instructing them in good and godly Lawes he contrariwise spoyled all the Youths in Italy corrupting them with all kinds of Vices as Leachery Theft Mutther Poysoning and Enchantment whereof he himself was the first Inventer as all Historiographers hold Opinion But when his good Father Noah understood of it he came into Italy and hunted him from thence If I should write of all the evill deeds of Cham it would be a weighty piece of work and the matter would seem monstrous But at the last he conveyed himself over among the Bactrians a People inhabiting towards the Indians where by his Enchantment the People became his Subjects and he raigned over them with great Force and Power Yet at the last he was Vanquished and Slain in Battel by Ninus King of Babylon which descended of his race by his Son Chus Thus quoth Folly I lost my Friend Cham sirnamed Zoroaster Saturn of Aegypt the common Enemy of God and Man and one of the most perverse and untowardest Tyrants that ever was in the World I governed Bell the second Ring of Babylon and his Sonne Ninus into whese heads I put a disordinate raging so that they desired to rule alone in the World