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B08142 A most godly and vvorthy treatis of holy signes sacrifices, and sacraments instituted of God, euen since the beginning of the world. Very necessary for Christian understanding. ; Seene and allowed by authority.. Worseley, Edw. 1609 (1609) STC 23434.5; ESTC S95424 138,496 398

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in mortall sinne which is to liue against Iesus 39 In time of thy death or sicknes procure to haue alwaies some spirituall persons neere vnto thee 40 Cease not to lead a vertuous life and Christ will not faile to assist thee at thy death 41 Giue thy selfe to God with all thy heart and serue him with true humility if thou dost thinke to liue and die content 42 Thou are fouly deceiued if being aliue thou care not for heauen and yet dost thinke that dying thy soule shall fly thither 43 They shall be praised of Angels in heauen which haue eschewed the praise of men here vpon earth 44. The more thou shalt abase thy selfe here vpon earth for the loue of God the more thou shalt be exalted in heauen 45 Make billes of remembrance of thine owne sinnes especially of those sins by which thou hast most dishonored God wounded thine owne conscience set them before thee often especially then when thou hast particular occasion to renue thy repentance that thy heart by this doleful sight may be the more humble This was Dauids practise when he considered his waies and turned his feet to Gods cōmandement as in the 119. Psalme is expressed This was Iobs practise who said he was not able to answere one of a thousand of his sins vnto God Iob 9. 46 When thou first openest thine eies in a morning pray vnto God and giue him thankes heartily God then shall haue his honour and thy heart shall be the better for it the whole day following and when thou liest downe let that be lastly done also for thou knowest not whether falling asleep thou shalt euer rise againe to life in this world It is good therefore that thou giue vp thy selfe into the hands of God whilest thou ar● waking 47. Labour to see and feele thy spirituall pouerty that is to see and feele the want of thy grace in thy selfe by hauing the inward corruptions of vnbeleefe pride and selfe loue for which labour to be displeased with thy selfe and to see that thou needest to be healed and cleansed by Christs bloud and to know thine owne wants to be such that if thou be demanded what in thy estimation is the vilest creature vpon earth thy heart and conscience may answere I euen I by reason of my great sinnes and againe if thou be demanded what is the most precious thing in the world for thee thy heart conscience may likewise answere one drop of the bloud of Christ to wash away my sins 48 Shew thy selfe to be a member of Christ and a seruant of God not onely in the general calling of a Christian but also in thy particular calling and state of life for note euery one that diligently heareth the word and receiueth the sacraments is not therefore a good Christian vnles his conuersation and all his actions be sutable 49 Search the scriptures to see what is sinne and what is not sinne in euery action this done carie in thy hart a constant and a resolute purpose not to sin in any thing for true faith and the purpose of sinning can neuer stand together 50 Let thy indeuor be sutable to thy purpose and therefore exercise thy selfe to eschew eueric sinne and to obey God in euerie one of his commandements Thus did good Iosiah who turned vnto God with all his heart according to all the law of Moses 1. King 25. 25. And thus did Zachary and Elizabeth who walked in all the commandemēts of God without reproofe Luk. 1. 16. 51 If at any time against thy purpose and resolution thou be ouertaken with any sinne lie not in it but spedily recouer thy selfe by true repentāce humble thy selfe confesse thy sinnes intreating the Lord to pardon the same pray earnestly vntill thou finde thy conscience pacified and thy care to auoid all sinneincreased 52 Consider often of the right and proper end of thy life in this worlde which is not to seeke profit honour or pleasure but that in seruing of men we might serue God in some calling God could if it pleased him preserue man without the seruice of man but his will and pleasure is that in the faithfull seruice one of another according to our seuerall callings wee should all faithfully serue our Lord Iesus Christ of actuall sinnes both in words deeds 58 When any good motion or affection ariseth in your hart suffer it not to passe away but feede it by reading thinking vpon it and by praier 59 Whatsoeuer good thing thou goest about whether it be in word or deed do it not in a conceit of thy selfe or in the pride of thy hart but in humilitie ascribing the power whereby thou doest the worke the praise thereof to God otherwise thou shalt finde by experience God will curse thy best doings 60 Despise not ciuill honesty good conscience and good manners must goe together therefore remember to make conscience of lying and customable swearing in common talke contend not either in word or deede with any man be curteous and gentle to all good and bad beare with mens wants and frailties as hastines frowardnes selfe-liking curiousnes passing by thē as being not perceiued requite not euill for euill but rather good for euil vse meat drinke and apparell in that manner measure that they may further godline striue not to go before any vnlesse ●● be in good things go before thy equa● in giuing of honor rather thē in takin● of it make conscience of thy word an● let it be as a bond professe not mo● outwardly then thou hast inwardly i● heart oppresse or defraud no mā in an● dealing in all cōpanies either do goo● or take good 61 Be not ouercome of euill but ouercome euill with goodnes FINIS
wicked cease from their tyranny and they that haue laboured valiantly shall be at rest there shal the prisoners rest together heare no more the voyce of the oppressor there shal be small and great and the seruant shal be free from his master and euery man liuing shal draw after them as before there were innumerable wee shall bee brought all vnto death and to the house appointed for all the liuing For in the hand of the Almightie is the soule of euery liuing thing and the breath of all mankinde the daies of man are determined the number of his monethes are with him hee hath appointed him as bounds which he cannot passe man knoweth not the houre of his death for when his flesh is vpon him he shal be sorrowful while his soule is in him it shal mourn but when death shal come then he sleepeth and riseth not for he shall not wake againe nor be raised from his sleep vntill the heauens be no more For all shall go to one place all was of the dust all shall returne to the dust But though after our skins wormes destroy this body yet shal we see God in our flesh whom we our selues shall see and our eies shall behold and none other for vs though our reines be consumed within vs for our redeemer liueth and he shall stand the last on the earth and he shall bring euery worke to iudgment with euery secret thought whether it be good or euill Therfore take away griefe anger and enuie out of the heart and cause euill to depart from thy flesh thinke oft on the saying of the Apostle in the 9. to the Hebrues It is appointed vnto all men that they shall all once die and after that commeth the iudgement So Christ was once offred to take away the sins of many and vnto them that looke for him he shall appeare the second time vnto saluation for we must all appeare before the iudgement seate of Christ that euery man may receiue the things that he hath done in his body according to that he hath done in his body according to that he hath done whether it be good or euill This death thē vnto which all flesh shal come is either an entrance or gate to perpetual liberty and pleasure or to perpetual prison and paine the death which maketh entrance to euerlasting paine is termed Ghostly and the sicknes which warneth of the same is also Ghostly which Ghostly sicknes and infection proceedeth of the malice of Satan and corruption of our owne wicked nature driuing all of whom it taketh hold either to errour in religion errour in life or errour in both Of errour in life the booke of Wisedome speaketh saying Seeke not death in the errour of your life destroy not your selues through the workes of your owne hands And of errour in religion it is spoken in the 106. Psalme and 39. verse Thus were they steined with their owne workes went a whooring with their owne inuentions The like wherof is affirmed in the 2. Epistle of S. Iohn where it is said He that transgresseth and abideth not in the doctrine of Christ hath not God he that continueth and abideth in the doctrine of Christ he hath both the Father and the Sonne which commandement and lesson our Sauiour had taught before in the Gospel of S. Mathew the 15. chapter and the 9. verse And in vaine do they worship mee teaching doctrines commandements of men as do all the heathenish idolaters Iewes Infidels Turks Heretikes Miscreāts which do worship false gods or honour and serue the true God after a false manner according to the inuentions and commandements of men embracing doctrines and traditions for the worship and seruice of God more then are deliuered in the holy scriptures the word of God and some also contrary to the same according as doth the Court or Church of Rome and all the company of Catholike Papists disciples and followers of the Court and Church of Rome which ghostly sicknes infectiō of errour in religion errour in life or errour in both bringeth with it euerlasting death both of body and soule if the infected truely penitent renouncing and detesting all his former errours both of religion life be not washed purged and clensed in the pretious bloud of Iesus Christ the sonne of God so through Gods mercifull grace and goodnesse granted in his beloued sonne bee forgiuen and fully pardoned of the same according as S. Paul affirmeth That without bloud nothing can be made cleane and the bloud of Christ shal cleanse our conscience from all sin It is then necessarie for you and all others that looke and hope for saluation to beleeue and hold stedfastly vnto your liues end the true holy Catholike and Christian saith cōteined sūmarily in the articles of our beleefe according as the same hath bin of ancient time gathered and drawē out of the scriptures of the old new testament the holy writtē word of God and is more amply and large declared in those holy bookes with all other things taught in those bookes necessarie for a Christian man to instruct him fully perfectly and sufficiently in the way to euerlasting life Quest Do you then truely and vnfeynedly beleeue that all things pertaining to the true worship and seruice of God and for the instruction and guiding of your soule in the right knowledge of the way to euerlasting life and saluation are sufficiently and fully contained and taught in the holy written word of God of the old and new Testament and will you heartily and vnfeinedly renoūce al other faiths worship and seruice of God not being most truely conteined and taught in those holy bookes Answ I beleeue and embrace that faith worship and seruice of God conteined and taught in the holy books aforsaid as only fullie sufficient through the grace of Gods spirit to instruct and teach my soule in the way to euerlasting life and I do heartilie vnfeinedlie renounce all faithes worship and seruice of God more then that or contrarie to that which is most truelie and sufficientlie taught and deliuered in those holie bookes of the old and new Testament Reioice then and be of good comfort that god doth giue you grace to beleeue and hold stedfastly the true ancient Catholike Christian faith of our Lord Iesus Christ contained and fully taught in the holy bookes oforesaid Qu. Do you as all true beleeuers christiās confesse according as you are taught in gods holy word that you haue not spēt the time of your life past so holy vprightly as you ought to haue done hauing in thought word deed many times and waies transgressed the most holy cōmandemēts of god deseruing therby the sentence condēnation of eternall punishment and he● fire Answ I confesse it Quest Are you truely and vnfainedly heartily sorry for it Answ ● am and I beseech God by his grace to make me truelie penitent of all my offences
and trespasses Quest Haue you an earnest desire and stedfast purpose through the power of Gods grace to amend your sinfull life past and to lead a new life according to Gods holy will and commandements all the rest of your daies that God shall grant you life Ans I do earnestlie desire it and I beseech God who is the giuer of all goodnes to direct me by his grace so to do Qu. Do you truely vnfainedly and stedfastly beleeue that Christ the Son of God and sauiour of the world hath died and sh●d his bloud for you and hath by his death and the shedding of his most pre●●ons bloud washed and cleansed your soule from sinne giuen vnto the same by his gracious imputation perfect wisedome righteousnes sanctification redemption through himselfe that your body and soule may be deliuered through the merits of his death from euerlasting damnation and obtaine euerlasting life Ans I beleeue and I beseech God of his mercie to helpe mine vnbeleefe and to increase and strengthen this faith in me vnto my liues end Quest Do you stedfastly beleeue that there is no help comfort nor saluatiō for your soule or body but through the pretious death and passion of Iesus Christ the sonne of God who knowing no sinne was made to be sinne for vs that we might be made the righteousnesse of God in him according as the Apostle declareth in the 5. of the 2. to the Corinths and last verse For he made him to be sin for vs which knew no sin that wee should bee made the righteousnes of God in him he alone being as the same Apostle affirmeth our wisedome righteousnes sanctification and redemption An. I doe stedfastly beleeue it Q. Are you hartily glad and thankfull for this great mercie bestowed vpō you An. I am and I pra●e God giue me grace so to be Be of good comfort then and while your soule is in you be thankfull vnto God for this his great mercy bestowed vpon you and in the precious death passion of our Lord and Sauiour Iesus Christ put your whole trust commit your selfe vnto him and with his precious body bloud couer your soule and infold and wrap your selfe wholly in it and say vnto him after this maner O my sweet Sauiour for this thy names sake be it vnto me according to this thy name looke vpō me a sinful wretch calling vpon thy holy name and O sauiour bee vnto mee a sauiour for thy names sake For surely there is no man iust in the earth that doeth good and sinneth not neither any that can say I haue made my heart cleane I am cleane from my sinne Thou onely art the holy of all holiest and I am the filth of all sinners but Lord if thou wilt thou canst make me cleane say thou also vnto my soule I wil be thou cleane Who can tell how oft he offendeth O clense thou me from my secret sinnes Thou Lord hast said also in the gospell that the whole neede not the Physition but they that are sick and hast also most gratiously bidden vs to come vnto thee when we feele our selues trauailed and heauie loaden saying in most sweete and comfortable words Come vnto mee all ye that trauaile and are heauie loaden and I w●ll refresh you I come therefore vnto thee because of thy sweet bidding sore trauailed and loaden with the burden of my sinnes which are so heauie vpon me that I am not able to looke vp yea they are more in number then the haires of my head and my heart hath failed me but Lord let it bee thy pleasure to deliuer me make hast O Lord to help me for I am sore charged and cumbred with many euil temptations my heart is also intangled and oppressed with many euil passiōs which come of my flesh of the world and of the diuell and there is none that can help me or deliuer mee nor that can make mee free and safe but only thou my Lord God my onley sauiour to whom I commit me Refresh me which am so trauailed lighten me which am so burdened thou art the most soueraigne physition and my soule is also sore sick in sinne heale mee which come to bee made whole through thee the sicker that my soule is the more desire it hath to be healed and the more neede hath it of thee Turne not thy face away therefore from me neither cast thy seruant away in displeasure leaue me not neither forsake me O God of my saluation for why in healing the deadly sicknes of my soule shall well be shewed and commended the greatnes of thy goodnes that wilt helpe and heale so wretched a creature if thou receiue me into the large bosome of thy mercy the place wil not be the more straitned or lessened by me It is true Lord that I haue sinned and in the whole course of my life haue multiplied many offences and no repentance or punishment of my selfe may suffice to satisfie thy iustice But I humbly beseech thee to forgiue me O Lord forgiue me destroy me not with my transgressions bee not angry with me for euer by reseruing euill for me neither condemne me into the euerlasting damnation of hell darknes and paines prepared for the Diuel and his angels for thou art the God euen the God of them that repent and in me thou wilt shewe all thy goodnes for sure it is that thy mercies are endlesly more then mine offenses and though my transgressions are infinite yet more infinite are thy mercies Therefore if thou shalt enter into iudgement with me thy poore and vnworthy seruant I wil lay before thee the rich righteousnes of thy beloued sonne Iesus Christ my sauiour which hee hath purchased giuen vnto me by his precious death I will lay his righteousnes giuen vnto me betweene my soule and thy iudgement otherwise Lord I may not nay I dare not contend with thee for thine angry threatnings towards sinners are importable but thy mercifull promises are vnmeasurable and vnsearchable for thou art the most high Lord of great compassion long suffering and most mercifull Thou Lord according to thy great goodnes hast promised repentance and forgiuenes to them that sinne against thee and for thine infinit mercies hast appointed repentance vnto sinners that they may bee saued I therefore a most wretched sinner bewaile my manifold sinnes earnestly repent me of my former wickednes and vngodly behauiour towards thee and all my christian brothers sisters gone before me or remaining still in this present worlde for I haue sinned against heauen and against thee and I am no more worthy to be called thy sonne though for min● vnworthines I am not able of my selfe to purchase thy pardon hauing beene thy prodigal wastful childe which haue wasted all the substance of my life in sinne am fallen to great wretchednes yet I beseech thee blessed Lord to looke vpon mee with the eies of thy pitie and receiue me in the
euerlasting life through the merits of thy percious death and passion And thus must wee that are sicke in sinne receiue this healthfull medicine of the holy Sacrament the body and bloud of Christ and when we feele through it any comfort to our soules let vs ascribe that comfort not to our selues but to the goodnes of God which so comforteth and refresheth our soules by feeding vs with his own flesh and bloud of his own great mercy grace let vs thus thinke with our selues loe thus doth our Lord vnto vs to shew vs our wretchednes and miseries wherein we lie intāgled vnles we be loosed by him and to ouercome our wickednes with the plentie of his goodnes for he maketh vs that are dead in sinne to feele life and being rotten and stincking wormes to tast heauenly sweetnes O Lord God sith thou art so mercifull to vs that now liue in sinne as to feed vs with the heauenly bread of thy owne flesh and bloud in this holy sacrament by which foode through the working of the holy Ghost wee are nourished and cherished in body and soule vnto life euerlasting let our hearts from henceforth in this most cherefully reioyce that our God our spouse and our loue is made vnto vs our spirituall meate and drinke to strengthen our bodies and soules that wee may grow vp to life euerlasting the blisle of Saints the ioy of Angels the sonne of the highest father maketh himselfe our spirituall nourishing the light of the world the sonne of righteousnes the wisedome of God is made the foode of our soule the redeemer of man the brightnes of heauen the matter of all mirth and the Lord of ioy vouchsafeth for to feed vs with himselfe what kindnes what courtesie what tokē of loue might bee more Wherefore since wee haue him let vs not from henceforth suffer our hearts to delight in any creature for it were a great vnkindnes and vile wretchednes of vs after the receiuing of so worthy a meate so precious and sweete as it is to s●ttle our selues to the liking and iust againe of the world and of the flesh Keepe vs therefore sweet Iesus from such wretchednes and vnkindnes and be thou our meate and our foode our lust and our liking and make vs continually to hunger after thee and to feede on thee with greedie desire for thy sweetnes sufficeth vnto all the world why vouchsafest thou merciful Lord to feed vs with this heauenly bread and with this so precious foode of thine owne flesh and bloud what seest thou in vs or what findest thou in vs or what profit shalt thou haue of vs surely none but thy great loue constraineth thee to doe thus vnto vs since therefore thou which art the soueraigne goodnes the whitenesse of endles light and mirror without spot vouchsafest thus louingly to come to vs to dwell in vs and to feede vs how is it that wee stincking wretches desire not most earnestly to welcome thee deuoutly to receiue thee it is great shame to vs but Lord we beseech thee to take away our shame and to make vs to amēd Giue vs daily this heauēly bread make vs daily to receiue the precious body bloud of thy son our Lord and Sauiour Iesus Christ either ghostly or both ghostly and sacramentally through a true liuely vnfained faith so that thou maist continually be with vs and we with thee for thou hast so limed vs with thy loue and so glewed vs with thy grace that we may not depart from thee grant therefore thy grace that Christ in vs and wee in Christ may dwell perpetually and that we may worthily beare this name sith of Christ wee are called Christen By this which hath been shewed it appeareth how Christs reall naturall holy flesh and bloud is receiued in by and with the Sacramēt wherin as hath beene also shewed there is not any consubstantiation nor transubstantiation It hath beene shewed also what preparation must bee vsed that wee receiue not this holy Sacrament vnworthily whereby Christ is refused and cleane shut out from vs and wee refused and cleane shut out from him to the eternal damnation of our owne soules From which danger God of his great mercy deliuer vs and giue vs grace that wee may at all times be made thankfull and worthy receiuers to the praise of his name and the attainement of euerlasting life through his onely sonne our Lord Iesus Christ to whom with the Father and the holy Ghost be all honour glory and praise now and for euer Amen LAMENTATIONS mournings and woes pronounced by the Prophet Isaiah against impenitent sinners HEare O heauens and harken Esay against impenitent sinners cap. 1. O earth for the Lord hath said I haue nourished and brought vp childrē but they haue rebelled against me A sinfull nation a people laden with iniquitie a seede of the wicked corrupt children They haue forsaken the Lord and prouoked the holy one of Israel to anger They are gone backward for they fall away more and more The whole head is sicke and the whole heart is heauie from the soule of the foote vnto the head there is nothing sound therin but woundes and swellings and sores full of corruption When you come to appeare before the Lord who requireth this at your handes to tread in my Courts and when you shall stretch out your hands I will hide mine eyes from you and though you make many praiers I will not heare for your hands are full of bloud Wash you make you cleane take away the euill of your workes from before mine eyes cease to do euill learne to do well seeke iudgement releeue the oppressed iudge the fatherles defend the widow If you consent and obey you shall eate the good things of the land but if you refuse and be rebellious you shall be deuoured with the sword for the mouth of the Lord hath spoken it How is the faithfull citie become an ha●lot it was full of iudgement and iustice lodged therein but now they are murtherers thy Princes are rebellious and companions with theeues euery one loueth gifts and followeth after rewards they iudge not the fatherles neither doth the widdowes cause come before them Therefore saith the Lord God of hosts the mightie one of Israel ah I will case me of mine aduersaries and auenge me of mine enemies and the strong shall be as tow and the maker thereof as a sparke and they shall both burne together and none shall quench them Enter into the rocks and hide thee in the dust from before the feare of the Lord and from the glory of his maiestie The high looke of a man shal be humbled and the loftines of men shall be abased and the Lord onely shall be exalted in that day For the day of the Lord of hosts is vpon all the proud and haughtie and vpon all that is exalted and it shall be made low The people shall bee oppressed one of another and euery
night for the staine of the daughter of my people Oh that I had in the wildernes a cottage of wayfaring men that I might leaue my people and go from them for they be all adulterers and an assemblie of rebels and they bend their tongues like their bowes for lies but they haue no courage for the truth vpon the earth for they proceed from euill to worse and they haue not knowne mee saith the lord Let euerie one take heede of his neighbour and trust you not in any brother for euery brother will vse deceit and euerie friend will deale deceitfully and euery one will deceiue his frend and will not speake the truth for they haue taught their tongues to speake lies and take great paines to do wickedly Thine habitation is in the midst of deceiuers because of their deceite they refuse to know me saith the lord Therefore thus saith the lorde of hostes behold I will melt them try them for what shall I else doe for the daughter of my people their tongue is an arrowe shot out and speaketh deceipt one speaketh peaceably to his neighbour with his mouth but his hart he layeth waite for him Shall I not visit them for these things saith the lord or shall not my soule be auenged on such a nation as this Therefore thus saith the Lord God of Hostes the God of Israel behold I will feede this people with wormewood and giue them waters of gall to drinke for death is come vp into our windowes and is entred into our palaces to destroy the children without and the yong men in the streetes Speake thus saith the lord the carkases of men shall lie euen as the dung vpon the field and as the handfull after the mower and none shall gather them Thus saith the Lord let not the wise man glory in his wisedom nor the strong mā glory in his strength nether the rich man glory in his riches but let him that glorieth glory in this that he vnderstādeth and knoweth me for I am the Lord which shew mercie iudgement and righteousnesse in the earth for in these things I delight saith the Lord. Thus saith the Lord learne not the way of the heathen be not afraid for the signes of heauen though the heathen be afraid of such Euery man is a beast by his owne knowledge for the pastors are become beasts and haue not sought the lord therfore haue they no vnderstanding and all the flocks of their pastures are scattered O Lord I know that the way of mā is not in him selfe neither is it in man to walke and to direct his steps O Lord correct me but with iudgement not in thine anger lest thou bring me to nothing power out thy wrath vpon the heathen that know thee not and vpon the families that call not vpō thy name let me see thy vengeance on them for vnto thee haue I opened my cause O lord if I dispute with thee thou art righteous yet let me talke with thee of thy iudgements wherefore doth the way of the wicked prosper why are all they in wealth that rebelliously transgresse Thou hast planted them and they haue taken roote they grow and bring forth fruit thou art neare in their mouth farre from their reines O lord thou hast ordeined them for iudgement and O GOD thou hast established them for correction Giue glory to the lord your God before hee bring draknes and or euer your feete stumble in the darke mountains and whiles you looke for light he turneth it into the shadowe of death and make it as darkenes But if you will not heare this my soule shall weepe in secret for your pride mine eie shall weepe and drop downe teares for the crowne of your glorie shal come downe frō your heads O lord though our iniquities testifie against vs deale with vs according to thy name for our rebellions are many we haue sinned against the. O the hope of Israel the sauiour thereof in the time of trouble why art thou as a stranger in the land as one that passeth by to tarry for a night why art thou as a man astonied as a strōg man that cannot helpe yet art thou O lord in the middest of vs thy name is called vpon vs O forsake vs not Thus saith the lord vnto this people thus haue they delighted to wander they haue not refrained their feete Therfore hath the lord no delight in them but he will now remember their iniquitie and visit their sinnes when they fast I will not heare their cries I will not accept them but I will consume them by the sword and by the famine and by the pestilence Wee acknowledge O lord our wickednes and the iniquitie of our fathers for wee haue sinned against thee do not abhorre vs for thy names sake cast not downe the throne of thy glory remember and breake not thy couenant with vs. Are there any among the vanities of the gentiles that can giue raine or can the heauens giue showers is it not thou O lord our God Therefore will we waite vpon thee for thou hast made all these things Then said the lord vnto me though Moises and Samuel stoode before me yet mine affection could not be towards this people Cast them out of my sight and let them depart and if they say vnto thee whither shall wee depart then tell them thus saith the lord such as are apointed to death vnto death such as are for the sword to the sword and such as are for famine to the famine such as are for the captiuitie to the captiuitie and I will appoint ouer them foure kindes saith the Lord the sword to slay and the dogs to teare in pieces and the fowles of the heauen and the beasts of the earth to deuoure and to destroy Thou hast forsaken me saith the lord and gone backward therfore will I stretch out my hand against thee and destroy thee for I am wearie with repenting Thy substance and thy treasures will I giue to be spoiled without gaine and that for all thy sinnes euen in all thy borders Behold saith the lord I will send out many fishers and they shall fish them and after I will send out many hunters and they shall hunt them from euerie mountaine and from euery hill out of the caues of the rocks for mine eies are vppon all their waies they are not hid from my face neither is their iniquitie hid from mine eies And first I will recompence their iniquitie their sinne double because they haue defiled my land and haue filled my inheritance with their fil●hy carrions and their abhominations Thus saith the lord cursed be the man that trusteth in man and maketh flesh his arme and withd●aweth his heart from the lord for he shall be like the heath in the wildernes shall not see when any good commeth but shall inhabite the parched places in the wildernes in a salt land and not inhabited Blessed is
reioicings of peace and grant me the blessings of forgiuenes and do away the wickednesse that I haue done that I may appeare cleane vnto thee as thou madest me and receiue mee againe into fauour and if thou answere vnto my Soule thou hast deserued damnation Lord I confesse that I haue sinned aboue the number of the sand of the sea and my transgressions are exceeding many I did not thy will neither kept I thy commandements ● am not worthy to behold and see the height of the heauens for the multitude of mine vnrighteousnes but I lay before thee betweene mine euill deserts and thine vnsearchable and terrible iudgement the death and sufferings of my sauiour and redeemer which hath giuen his most precious body to be broken and his blessed bloud to be shed as a iust recompence for all mine offences in whom only thou art pleased through whom thou canst not be offended with me receiue O Lord the merits of his precious death and passion for those merits which I ought to haue had and alas haue not now Lord I say againe I put the most cleare shining and glorious bodie of thy beloued Sonne my Lord and sauiour betweene me thy wrath betweene my sinfull soule and thy feareful and terrible iudgements in the triumphant victorious merits of his most precious death and passion I commend my soule LORD into thine handes for in that that I liue now in the flesh I liue by the faith in the sonne of God who hath loued me giuen himselfe for mee through whom and for whose sake I am assured that thou wilt saue me that am vnworthy according to thy great mercie Therefore will I praise thee for euer all the daies of my life for all the powers of the heauens praise thee thine is the glorie for euer and euer Amen Finis Oratio pro salute Christianorum Laus Deo Pro salute omnium Christianorum in hac vita peregrinantium breuis hymnus oratio REx tremendae maiestatis Qui saluandos saluas gratis Salua nos fons pietatis Circum Christe nos agnosce Libro vitae nos deposce Cum electis inseri Vt consortes tuae sortis Et a poenis a portis Er●amur inferi Tuspes certa miserorum Verus pater orphanorum Te leuamen oppressorum Medicamen infirmorum Solus semper Christus es Te la●damus voce pari Lan●e dignus singulari Vt errantes in hoc mari Nos in portu salutari Sista● tua gratia Supplicamus nos emenda Emendatos nos commenda Tuo patri ad habenda Sempiterna gaudia Amen De salutifera mortis memoria carmina composita ex diuersis authoribus TEmpora longa tihi noli promittere vitae Quocuuque ingrederis sequitur mors corpus vt vmbra Vita quid ●st hominis nisi vallis plena malorum Principio medio fine dolenda suo Curalabor morbus tui mentem membra dolorem Multa frequens varians occupat angit alit Nunquam bellaborus nunquam discrimina desunt Et cum quo certet mens pia semper habet Cum bene pugnaris cuncta subacta putaris Quae magis in testat vincen●a superbia restat Vnde super bit homo cuius conceptio culta Vita labor nasci poena necesse mori Vitalabor nostra est releuas 〈◊〉 Christe laborem In te fit noster vita beata labor Expectanda dies homini est dicique beatus Ante obitum nemo supremaque funera debet Dulce mori miseris sed mors optata recedit Et cum tristis erit praecipitata venit Vermis adhuc spiras moriturus forte sub horam Mors etenim certa est funeris hora later Qui modo sanus erat nunc lecto aegrotus adharet Estque cinis subito qui modo ciuis erat V●na sa●us hominis vanus decor omnia vana Inter vana nihil vaniu● est homine Post hominem vermis post vermem foetor horror Sic in non hominem vertitur omnis homo Omnia terrena per vices sunt aliena Nunc mea nunc huius post mortem nescio cuius Omnia mors tollit quam nulla potentia mollit Et redit ad nihilum quod fuit ante nihil Omnia peribunt sic ibimus ibit is ibunt Omnia mors delet omnia morte cadunt Quod potes instanter operare bonum quiae mundus Transit inca●tos mors inopina rapit Tendimus huc omnes haec est domus vltima cunctis Panditur ad nullus ianua nigra preces Nudus vt in mundum veni sic nudus abibo Ereptis opibus spes mea Christus erit Qui moritur Christo vinit qui viuus in illo est Non moritur non est mors vbi Christus adest Mors tua Christe mihi vita est victoria regnum Labe mea morior sanguine viuo tuo Vt viuas morior nulla est dilectio maior Mortem morte demo ne moriariis homo Itaque peruigili cura meditare futura Semper habens memorimente necesse mori De dulcissimo nomine Iesu hymnus Dulcissimus Sancti Bernardi IEsus dulcis memoria Dans vera cordis gaudia● Sed super mel omnia Dulcis eius praesentia Nil canitur suauius Auditur nil iucundius Nil cogitatur dulcius Quam Iesu Dei filius Iesus spes poenitentibus Quam pius es petentihus Quam bonus te quaerentibus Sed quid inuenientibus Iesus dulcedo cordium Fons vitae lumen mentium Excedit omne gaudium Et omne desiderium Nec lingua potest dicere Nec lingua exprimere Expertus nouit tenere Quid sit Iesum diliger● Iesum quaeram diluculo Clause cordis cubiculo Priuatim in populo Quaeram amore sedulo Iesus rex amabilis Triumphator nobilis Dulcedo ineffabilis Et totus defiderabilis Mane nobiscum domine Nos replens tuo lumine Mentis pulsa caligine Tuapasce dulcedine Cum cor nostrum visit as Tunc lucet ei veritas Mundi vilescit vanitas Et intus feruet charitas Amor Iesu dulcissimus Est vere su●uissimus Plus millies gra●issimus Quam dicere sufficimus Hoc probat eius passio Hoc sanguinis effusio Per quam nobis redemptio Datur Dei visio Sic amantem diligite Amoris vicem reddite In hoc amore currite Et vota votis addite Ista saepe reuoluite Amor●m pium pascite Iesum ardenter quaeri●e Quaerendo inardescite Iesus auctor clementiae Totius spes laetitiae Dulcoris fons gratiae Et verae cordis dilitiae Iesu benigne sentiam Dulcoris tui copiam Tr●he me fac vt sitiam Tuam videre gloriam Cum digne loqui nequeam De te tamen non sileam Amor facit vt audeam Cum solum de te gaeude●m Tu● Iesu dilectio Grata mentis refectio Replet si●e fastidio Dans famem desiderio Quite gustant esuriunt Qui bibunt ad huc sitiunt Desiderare