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B05113 An elogie with an accrostick and an epitaph on the death of that laborious servant and minister of Christ, Mr James Janeway; who departed this life and put on imortality; the 16th. day of March 1673/4. S. R. 1674 (1674) Wing R70B; Interim Tract Supplement Guide C.20.f.3[76] 2,890 1

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AN ELOGIE WITH AN ACCROSTICK And an Epitaph On the Death of that Laborious Servant and Minister of CHRIST Mr. James Janeway who departed this Life and put on Imortality the 16th Day of March 1673 4. M●rs ommibus Commune est An Elogie AH Whither whither into what Abyss Of Sorrow and unfatom'd Grief is this In which my troubled Soul is plung'd what Seas Of terrour causing what strange thoughts are these What ai●es my Heart that thus with fear it quakes What have the Furyes with their hissing Snakes And flaming Torches left their Dark abodes VVhat hath Black Dis and the Infernal Gods Let loose those Hellish Fiends confin'd to lye In that Infernal place Eternally Ah? No great JANEWAY'S dead whose name ev'n struck Such fear that nam'd the Throne o● darkness shook Th' Infernal Legions trembled at his Name More than th' Dice Charmes Thessalian Witcke● frame Their Great Antig'nist who so oft assail'd Their Pow'r and spite of all their spites prevail'd He who so often did retake the prey Which else those Cursed Fiends had born away Now 's Dead But FAME loth to divulge his death Refus'd to give her Trump its wonted Breath She deck'd her self in Sable Weeds Then took A ruthful Gesture and a Mounrnful look And with great Grief Tears bursting out did shew That he was Dead alas by far too true VVhich when those Damned Spirits heard they all VVith joy if joy's in Hell kept Festivall They joy to think that he from whom they fled And were so oft o'recome by now is Dead He was But Oh! that some Celestial one VVould tell me what 'till then I can't make known CALIOPE and all the Learned NINE Nay though with Great HYPERION they combine Cannot sufficiently Sing forth his praise Unless Divine Assistance time my Layes I shall but Blot and Blur and not Indite His worth then Lord inspire my Pen to VVrite But why digress I thus he 's known so well That who or what he was I need not tell His Learning Labour Gifts and Graces shew His worth which in his want we dearly Rue His Life confirm'd his Motto still to be HOLY and BLAMELESS in the high'st Degree Such was his Death he could Triumph and Sing Grave w●ere's thy Victory Death where 's thy Sting He was a Burning and a shining Light In this so wicked Age to judge aright Unto that place of Bliss t' which now he 's gone Except true followers now he 'l live with none A Star a Famous star which did appear VVith such great Glory in our Hemispheare Is fallen know ye not ye know full well A Great Man 's fallen this day in Israel I would I wish and therein I 'de bear part That JANEWAY were ingrav'd on every Heart When else our Hearts would sin they would forbear For shame when as they find his Name writ there Ah! Cruel DEATH could thy impartial Dart Be Level'd at and pierce good JANEWAYS Heart Had he been one to whom the Glass of LIME Had run Three 〈◊〉 't were less but in the prime And Flow'r of all his Days Ah Cruel DEATH Then to deprive him often Life and Breath And Launch him-forth in to Eternity Virtus Post fueri vivet Was he so fair and tempting to thine Eye That thou did'st long and take or was 't that he In this respect made like to Christ might be Or wer 't solic'ted by the Pow'rs below Who fear'd Subversion and an overthrow No 't was not Fate or any other Pow'r But Gods Decree that caus'd that fatal hour And wherefore Lord when as the Harvest 's large Remov'st thou those who 're faithful in their charge VVhen faithful Labourers are so scarce then will Their Nunber lessen and diminish still VVhen Canaies out so fast so fast decay 'T is a sad Omen God will take away His Golden Candlestick from us and give It those who will more answerably live And art thou gone SWEET SOUL hast thou forsook Thy Earthly House of Clay he could not brook Those daring sins which ev'ry where are found In all Relations and Degrees t' abound For when he saw 't with holy Zeal he hurl'd Contempt on this and fled to th' other VVorld And could he dye and yet no blazing Star Or Comet usually portending VVar Presage his Death Ah! no alas alas The great decrease of worthys that that was A certain sign which seen he would no more Stay here behind 's Companions gone before Alas alas and shall he now depart VVithout the sighs and sobs of ev'ry heart Oh! that mine Eyes had pow'r to draw up All and each Spring into my Brain and sup Th' Ocean into my Brest that 't might supply Perpetual moisture to my weeping Eye Come VVidows Orphans all who 're in distress Let this be th' Object here your Grief express And you Dear Friend who had so large a share Of his Affections and of ev'ry Pray'r 'Twixt whom the Name of Brothti past alas You shall no more behold him as he was You shall no more on Earth behold or see His Heav'nly face and therefore now with me And with this Troop of Mourners bear a part To weep and Mourn with an unfeigned Heart Let 's weep whole Flood 's of Tears that may surround His Tomb and keep th' impure from holy Ground Then Metamorphose them to Chrystal pure And grave his Fame for ever to indure And you his Hearers weep Oh! weep full fast Now use your Tears this day may be your last He spent his Strength and Life for you Oh! then In Tears strive to retaliate it agen Come come be liberal for God observes And in ordained Bottles there preserves Them as the Tokens of your tender Love To and esteem of him by Grief you 'l prove Your Love was real Weep and do not grudge God sees your Grief and thereby will you judge An Accrostick Jt is a Truth Ripe Fruit is soon'st pull'd down And 't is like Truth he ripe receiv'd his Crown Much pains much fear●s much care he here exprest Eternally he now ●njoyeth Rest Sorrow and 〈…〉 doth stay Jn Heav'n all 's joy no Night ensues his day All Earthly things do change are transitory No change is incident to Heav'ns Glory Ere we 're aware our Thread of Life being spun Whilst we 're secure is cut or Life is done And now from heav'n his Voice this seems to be You all must dye prepare to follow me An EPITAPH WHat is 't Spectator thou would'st see or know Who 's here Inter'd Alas I dare not show VVould'st know his Name why no unhallow'd ea●… Must hear it nam'd avaunt then come not near You who 're Prophane but you whose Gentle Eye Can weep at will know JANEWAY here doth lye Here Lyes his Body But his Soul 's at Rest In Glorious Glory not to be exprest To his Late Wife but now sorrowful Widow YOur Lost is great 'T is true but 't is much le●… That though a Widow you 'r not husbandless The God of Heav'n and Earth's Espous'd to you Lessen your Grief for why Behold all do Lament your Loss in theirs Look how their Eyes Pay back Tear-Tribute to his Obsequies Ah! cease those floods of tears though Death doth sever Your self and him yet know 't is not for ever For when that nought shall of this all remain You 'l meet in Bliss and never part again S. R. Aetatis Suae 45. NOx Erat et nigra velaverat omnia veste Herebam Nexis tecam ego brachietis Membraqque lanqui duto reparabam fassa sapore Cum steti● ante oculos Pallid us ille meos Scire velu quid agam vivo modo simodo vivit P●nano ●ners animae Corpus inare suae Sed 〈◊〉 ingratas cev vivi Ducimus auras Er 〈◊〉 evan●mem languida vita moram San●tu● sed JANEWAY castae Pietatis mago Pramia sudorum quos habet ante tenet Es 〈◊〉 supremae te●●get consinia metae Hic Dixis Merti cur mihi tarda venis Nunc ubi seradies fatalem v●x erat horam Quae solvat vin c'lis te quoqque corporeis Laetus in Elysa mecum spatiabore ripa Qua Lauri vitreas lucus inu●brat aquas FINIS LONDON Printed for Thomas Cockeril 〈…〉 * Mr. Nat. Vincent