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A50352 The VVhite-Powder Plot discovered, or, A prophetical poeme wherein is most elegantly revealed the secret combination of Hell and Rome, against the interest of true religion, and more particularly against the late King of blessed memory, and kingdom of England. Written before the late unhappy wars broke forth, and too sadly verified in them, which yet the author scarce lived to see. Also a prophetical rapture concerning the future extent of this British Empire into Italy. By George May, gent. May, George, gent. 1662 (1662) Wing M1388A; ESTC R217747 25,879 52

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thee instruct and see that no disgrace Befall thy self nor any in thy place All Pluto's Subjects shall on thee attend With help from Hell thou shalt not need to send Give pardons for all Sins nay sell them rather For Whoredom Murther though one kill his Father Commit Theft Incest or what ever thing To any Subject that shall kill his King Thus shalt thou heap up VVealth in endless store By Bribes and gifts from every Knave or VVhore Thus wealthy Men from Sin shall never cease In hope their pelf will purchase their release Imitate me thy Prince for thou dost know That Fercer-like I give Christ blow for blow And though I could not overcome by might Yet ce●st I not to work my utmost spight So though thy aim do sometimes chance to miss Yet faint nor but molest both him and his Strike the best Christian alwaies on the face And by all means work vertuous Men disgrace Though ne'r so small their fault yet shalt thou make Them baited be like Bulls at every stake Suppress Religion but be sure t' advance Found Superstition and Ignorance Make Laws and Statutes wherein let 't be death For him that whispers but the smallest breath Against thy Supreme Pow'r so Mighty Nations Shall fear thy Bulls and Excommunications Let Dirges Masses and such trash be brought Into the Churches as are good for nought But t' fill Mens minds with vain fantastick toies As Drums and Ratles please young Gils and Boies The end of Pluto's Oration This said Don Pluto sat down in his place For whilst he spake he stood up all the space Judaa by signs did gratify his Lord For he made curt'sies but spake ne'r a word Then 't was devis'd how this great Potentate Iudas his State Should be conveid unto his Chair of State Some said't were fitting that the Great Iscarios Triumphant like should have a stately Chariot Some said by water he might better go But I deni'd and sware I would not row So far from Styx although it be not far For Styx and Tyber two neer neighbours are But loss might come hereby and you may note And we lose Souls by wanting of my Boat One cry'd a Coach and this was liked well The first that e'r was known was made in Hell Strait six Pegasian Sprights were ready prest To draw the Coach in Harness richly drest Despight was Coach-man whose commanding hand Did guide the reigns and make them go or stand And Attendants At every check who with his knotty whip VVould now and then cause them curvet and skip He had so his Postillian Vain Desire A vile ambirious Dwarff who to be higher Doth toil and moil in mire and dirt full oft And yet regards not so he be aloft In th' one end Judas sits in th' other sat Pride with a plume of feachers in his Hat In one Boot sat Murther and Treachery In th' other Drunkenness and Leachery Twelve Lacquies ran close by the Coaches side As pestilent as any there but Pride Ten thousand Furies rode before and after Some making antique tricks provoking laughter So thus attended mighty Judas road And strait in Rome was honored as God And reason good who else durst be so brisk To tread upon the Asp and Basilisque At first he spreads abroad his potent Theam Charging the VVorld to Title him Supreme The haughty Spaniard he began to puff And swore by 's Rapier and great Spanish Ruff Spain is startled That with the Prelates pride he would be even Scorning to stoop to any under Heaven To stop whose mouth Judas did forthwith call On Pride who newly was made Cardinal And sent him Lord Ambassador to Spain The scope of whose Embassage did contain That Spain should pardons have for Usurpation And Pride should be no sin unto that Nation He likewise from his Hollowness did bring Spain's Popish Title The Catholick King The Cardinal in Spain such favour gain'd That by the King he strait was entertain'd In sum●tuous manner who did likewise give Him maintenance in Spain whilst he should live This news from Spain went posting into France France fiels Who g●●l'd therewith upon great Horses prance Into the fields threatning not only Rome But all that took their parts in Christendom Whose firy fury Judas to prevent Sent an Ambassador incontinent VVho brought them pardons for Idolatry Fainthearted Cowardize and Lechery Though they should worship breathless stones and stocks And Whore and wanton till they got the Pox Yet should these be no sins unto that Nation But only counted for their Countries fashion These things buz'd into their fantastick heads The Apes return from fields unto their bedds This done th' Ambassadors return again The one from France the other forth of Spain The Spaniard sent in token of contrition Both are quieted VVord he would found the Spanish Inquisition The French sent word to Rome he would advance The Pope's Supremacy throughout all France By imitation of these two great Kings He in short time into subjection brings All Christendom within the Papal power T' imbrew themselves in lust with Babels Whore Thus lull'd a-sleep with poison of her Cup Of which all Christian Nations took a sup Hell danc'd for joy for Souls did seldom cease To fill my Boat and glut Hell with increase From Sweathland Poland Holland Germany From Denmark Ireland and fair Albany Came Popish Proselites in flocks to Hell It were impossible the number tell Thus it continu'd many hundred years Untill at length in Germany appears Some glimpse o' th' Gospel and to England came King Henry call'd the eighth King of that name In whose last years and his son Edward's Reign Hells Kingdom lost in England But again King Edward dead Queen Mary got the Crown Our hopes revive the Gospel's troden down Oh then our friends did flourish in the Court Gardiner and Bonner London and Winchester did make us sport My Boat and I on Thames were as well known As here upon this River of our own But as for Lambeth Canterburies seat Old Cranmer left thereon such holy sweat As I had rather spend my time in Hell Than one hours space be bound t' abide that smell Well all Queen Maries dayes Smithfield did flame With fire and Faggots one may without shame Report that Smithfield had more Roast therein Than all Pye-corner yet commit no sin But sure I think that blood for vengeance cry'd ' Gainst Rome and Hell for then Queen Mary dy'd Whose too stout sister banished the Pope Q. Eliz. His Masse-Priests suffering penance in a Rope And although Rome did oft stout spirits send With strange devises for to work her end Yet could they ne'r prevail good reason why For she had help which man could not espy As in her life so did she at her death Her Crown and Kingdom unto one bequeath As far declining from Romes pow'r as she As by his own hand-writing you may see Whose Son Great Charls is of his fathers
mind So that we are almost past hope to find Any redress in England yet we hope'd That when their King had with Queen Mary cop'd We should have gotten in by means of France And by Queen Maries means our cause advance But she 's more like to Mary Christs dear Mother Than their last Mary Queen or any other Yet under colour of that Flower de Luce Our Priests make bold to chatter and seduce So that in England we have better store Of Papists now than three-score years before By this and other grievous sins we know Which in that Land do plentifully flow We hope such Bills against them to preferr As shall take place at Gods Tribunal Barr. As he is mercifull so is he just And Sinnets certainly he punish must If We for one sin were cast down to Hell And they unpunish'd pass he doth not well For our one sin we 'l prove at least a score Imbrac'd by them if not a thousand more We stay but till our Prince return again And then we hope to work their utter bane Now have I done I can no longer stay For Pluto calls and I must needs obey Charons Tale ends Thus with a clownish tone his tale he ends Then to his rusty Boat in haste he wends My Angel smil'd to see this hasty Devil How swift are they said he to run to evil But we 'l prevent their haste and be in Hell Before they come to hear Achitophel Dispute with Judas for the Speakers place And yet we 'l be concealed all the space Then were we there before one could devise To think one thought or twinkle with one's eyes The place was wondrous spacious dark as night Hell described But that Sulphureous fire did give some light The noyse was marvellous the shrieks and howls Which pierc'd our ears from Hell-tormented Souls The several torments I cannot declare But wish all men take heed they come not there Scarce had we view'd this ghastly spacious round But that we heard a strange disordered sound Much like the noise of some Rebellious rout Such burly burly was made all about By which we guest that place was then prepar'd Against the Disputation should be heard And as we thought so did the matter prove A Parliament in Hell For strait came Pluto and with him his Love VVith whom such multitudes of Devils came As it is past all cunning for to the name The Rable set in some disordered order There stood up one I think 't was Hells Recorder VVho after Declaration of the cause Of this their meeting took a little pawse Then roaring out aloud he did proclame In their great Prince Don Plutoes dreadfull name That none should dare once silence for to break VVhil'st the two Disputants had ought to speak This said Ahithophel appear'd in place And then came Judas with a shameless grace VVho strait began in vile unmanner'd sort VVithout leave ask'd t' break silence in the Court But Pluto sharply him then reprehended Although said he thou art to be commended For much good service yet I must thee tell Thou art much younger than Ahithophel So that when he his mind hath first declar'd My friend at large thou likewise shalt be heard This caused Judas cease then strait began Ahithophel to stroak his beard and than Obeysance made with thanks unto his Prince He thus begun Ahithophels Oration Most dreadfull Monarch since It is thy pleasure so far me to grace To give me such preheminence of place And you my Lords and fellow Furies all By him assembled in this spacious Hall Give me but leave t' unfold my mortal life Then judge of me this Judas and our strife My famous Counsel unto David King Of mighty Judah through the Word did ring He and his Princes did my cousnel follow More than the Oracles of great Apollo No thing was done which pleased not me well No Counsel then but from Ahithophel Thus did I flourish in that famous Court For many years as Scriptures do report Until proud Absalom began t' rebel Oh then began thy fall Ahithophel For though my Master was King Prophet Priest And more than that the Type of Jesus Christ Yet did I Oh abominable thing Seek to betray this Prophet Priest and King Read Histories and Scriptures o're and o're And you shall never find the like before And yet not satisfi'd with this great evil To show I lov'd my Soveraign Lord the Devil I sacrifiz'd to him my latest breath So to make sure my everlasting death Having a great desire with him to dwell And rather than see David live in Hell I know that many foolish Jacks and Gills Have come to Hell but sore against their wills In hope to rid themselves from further pain But I of malice and of proud disdain Did chuse this place because I was perswaded I should not meet my wronged Master David VVhere I have dutifully ever since Attended on the person of our Prince Now having both Antiquity and fame Preceding Judas I do hold it shame To stand in competition with a fool VVho ne'r was train'd like me in wisdoms school I hope this is sufficient and will try VVhich of us twain Iscariot or I Deserve the more respect in each degree And therefore judge betwixt the fool and me Ahithophels Oration ends Then sent the Devils out a mighty yell Casting up fire-brands cry'd Ahithophel Ahithophel Ahithophel cry'd they Must have the place come let us not delay To give our voyces all with one consent He may be Speaker in this Parliament Nay soft said Judas you must hear me speak Or else you cause our Prince his promise break And when at full I have declar'd my mind Then give your voyces unto him you find The best deserving for our King and Hell VVhether to me or proud Ahithophel Then Pluto said they could not well deny His reasonable sute therefore reply VVith expedition what thou hast to say For often danger is bred by delay Thus Judas having leave did forthwith rise And on Ahithophel did fix his eyes Iudas his speech I wonder said he this man hath a face VVith me to make contention for this place For I can cause him eat each word he spake And for his folly me amends to make One but half-witted marking every word May well perceive they very much afford For my avail for see how he begins Even at the first fool like to break his shins He was of Counsel to a mighty King A goodly Dish nay more to mend the thing Not onely King but Prophet and a Priest And Type of that immortal Jesus Christ In one of these thou art mistaken why He was no Priest and therein do'st thou lye Now judge of this and of the rest beside He serv'd the Type and I him Typifi'd He did the shaddow I the substance serve In all his life and never from him swerve But followed him and was of credit such I all his Treasure kept though ne'r so
much He did betray an Earthly man but I A heavenly wight and King of Majesty Now judge I pray if our deserts be even He betray'd Man But I great God of Heaven Did ever any do the like beside My self and thee great Belzebub in pride I imitate thy self for thine was done Against the Father mine against the Son In one thing we agree all three the most VVe all did sin against the Holy Ghost But as my sin was equal unto thine Ahithophels cannot compare with mine I did deserve not onely to be Pope But with great Belzebub himself to cope Much more to stand at this same time for place VVith such a slave I do my self disgrace And therefore chuse you whom you list for me I scorn the matter should in ballance be Iudas his speech ends And so in fury from the place he flung Having their ears with these his speeches stung And when they saw how fiercely he departed It made Ahithophel to seem faint-hearted But all were mute and dumb till Pluto's self Began to speak said he this peevish elf I mean Iscariot hath but truely said And for his service should be ill apaid If we should not reward him with this place Or any other though of greater grace And as for thee Ahithophel I 'le see By some means else to grace and honour thee This said they all consent and gave their voyces For Judas which they yiel'd with fearfull noyses Crying a Judas Judas all about And so broke up this Court of hellish rout Thus having seen Hells scope and full intent VVe haste to Heaven against the Parliament VVhich we imagin'd would begin with speed And as we thought so did it prove indeed For as we came without the Walls we found Of New-Jerusalem a spacious ground New Ierusalem All full of seats in order finely set Some white as Ivory some black as Jet But none might come thereto by a great space VVithout leave got of them who kept the place VVhich were strong Angels who were set to guard The place from comers so I was debarr'd From entrance in untill my Angel said He must come in who heard was strait obey'd Then sate we down upon a bank of Roses As wearied men are wont to take reposes Untill such time as some few hours were spent Before th' appointed time of Parliament But I being weak of nature could not keep My orewak'd eye-lids ope but fell asleep VVherein such heavenly Visions did bewrap me As I desir'd such sleep might still benap me There did the Lamb and Lion play together The Dove and Falcon Dog and Hare yet neither The Lion Lamb Dove Falcon Dog or Hare Shew'd any enmity or malice there But were as Loving one unto another As any Sister to her dearest Brother VVith many slumbers of such sweet delight I past the quantity of one whole night Yet is no night nor darkness in that place For it was light as Sun-shine all the space But when my Angel saw it time to wake me He took me by the elbow and did shake me Saying 't is time to rouze for now said he The time approaches wherein thou shalt see The houses set and all the Devils at hand To urge their bills against thy Native Land VVhere thou shalt be admitted t' speak thy mind VVhen just occasion thou shalt see or find Alas said I I am but Earthly mould And dare not think much lesse to speak be bold The Devils are fearfull yet for them I care not But before Heaven and glorious wights I dare not Then he rebuk'd me saying Thou canst tell That I preserv'd thee from the powers of Hell And that at my command thou wast let in Into this place where none like thee in Sin Did ever enter therefore never doubt To answer for my self will help thee out VVith that recomforted I promist I VVould by him prompt make answer and reply For my poor Countrey so thou must said he For 't is determin'd that it so shall be I am content said I then did we hear Such Mvsick as might ravish mortal ear Then Thunder Lightning and such streaks of fire VVere hurl'd abroad as made me to admire VVhat was the cause well now the Lamb said he The Lamb takes his place in Parliament Doth take his place and sit unseen yet see All passages what here is said or done More perfectly than e're thou saw'st the Sun Then Thunder ceast and Musick plaid again VVhen I beheld a brave and goodly train Of glorified Saints appear in view I ne'r did see mens faces of such hew VVho filled all the seats of Ivory white In such grave order that bred sweet delight I never saw so brave a sight before Nor mortal eye was e'r delighted more VVe 'l they being set the Musick then did cease And for a space there was a silent peace Until a Trumpets sound was heard from high VVhich done a Royal voyce did by and by Pronounce these words My Faithfull servants here The damned Fiends of Hell will strait appear To cry for Justice ' gainst that sinfull Land England Which I have loved as my own right hand And cannot hate it if they would be driven To leave their vices and look up to Heaven Which is as much offended with their crimes As with Jerusalem in former times For as their Barns and Coffers fill with store So do their sins abound and gather more So that the Dev'ls will find sufficient cause Of punishment for breach of all our Laws You shall their bills and all such answers take As any person to the same shall make Which you in Parliament shall read and see But you the censure shall referr to me So that no Statute shall be made or done Before I grant for it Commission This said we presently did hear a Din The British Island is indited Crying on on apace in in in in Then came grim Pluto rushing in with whom Came hand in hand the powerfull Pope of Rome Accompanied with such a hellish Rable As to account Arithmetick's not able Who being seated Judas up did stand Crying for Justice on the British Land If God be just said he we Justice crave That they with us might equal Justice have I have brought Witnesses to prove their sin Desiring they may be admitted in Some of their Witnesses I here will name Enter the Witnesses Who with their bills they brought to prove the same They brought to prove Pride FAbius who in his life swelled with pride Swallow'd a hair in Milk whereof he di'd Poppeia Neroe's Concubine of old Who shod her Horses feet with burnisht Gold The Emperour Dioclesian likewise came Who brother to the Sun himself did name To prove Covetousnesse THey brought Hermocrates who at his death Did all his goods unto himself bequeath Craesus and eke Caligula were there Whose covetous Actions did surpass compare Demonica who Ephesus for gain Sold and with weight of that same Gold was slain To
prove Anger GReat Alexander who in 's angry mood Kill'd Clitus his old Counsellor and good And Dionysius who orecom'd with rage Stab'd to the heart his most indulgent Page Periander who with furious anger led His most dear Wife unkindly murdered To prove Drunkenness THe Tyrant Dionysius whose delight In too much drinking caus'd him lose his sight Aruntius who in beastly drunken fit With his own Daughter incest did commit And Ptolomy who with excess opprest Slew both his Parents and di'd like a beast To prove Disdain GReat Anthony who caused Tullies head Be set to scorn when Cicero was dead Xenophon Demosthenes and Plato wise Who each to other did strange scoffs devise And Geta and Antonius brethren born Who each kill'd other through their private scorn To prove vain Delight SArdanapalus pleasures true sworn guest Who from a man was changed to a beast Xerxes who unto none would give his Treasure But t' such as could invent new kinds of pleasure Demetrius who to pleasure was so given That from his Countrey he was forc'd and driven To prove Lust QUeen Cleopatra whom her brother us'd And both her husband and her self abus'd Thalestris who did twenty five dayes ride To ly one night by Alexanders side Claudius who of his sister made no spare Semiramis who us'd her Son and Heir To prove Blasphemy PHer●cides who did great God despise Then eat with Lice most miserably dies Lucian the Atheist likewise God deni'd Who torn by Dogs in pieces justly di'd Justinian who did sleightly God regard Became a fool and di'd with that reward To prove Idolatry THey brought so many for to prove this same That I admir'd and therefore cease to name All these said Judas ready are to prove The English Nation do imbrace and love All these forenamed sins and Millions more As well as we who damned are therefore The old World of Gods Justice yet can tell Ninivie and Babylon can witness well Thus Sodom and Gomorrha tokens bear That by his Justice they consumed were Nay his beloved people can declare How that Jerusalem he did not spare And Judahs Lion yet can testifie Gods Justice spar'd not him but he did die And is it just that this so sinfull Land Should find more favour flourish still and stand If that his Justice he hath quite forgot Then let him favour us we feel it not Or if his Mercie hath o'r-drown'd it quite Then let him turn our Tortures to delight Or else impartial alwayes let him prove And not for sin some punish and some love I wish some of that Land were in this place That we might plead our causes face to face Then spake my Guide I here have brought a man The Poets plea for his Native Countrey To answer for his Countrey what he can With that prostrated on the ground I fell Said I These vvitnesses are all of Hell Therefore according to our English Laws I might except against them and their cause But great Celestial Saints I dare not move it For they have nothing said but they may prove it There is no sin these Hellish Fiends do name But in our Land abundantly the same Doth over-run it yet God doth not will For any sin a Sinner strait to kill He in his Mercy alwayes shakes the Wand Before in Justice he consume a Land Thus with the old World it is understood He sweetly dealt before he brought the Flood With Babylon Ninivie Jerusalem Sodom Gomorrah And as so with them Even so to us he hath fair warning given That by that Means we might from sin be driven For often our distressed Sin-sick Land Is scortched by the Taper of his hand And if these warnings cause us not t' renew Plague Our lives we may fear Judgements will ensue But as a Woman which at Barr doth stand Simile And is commanded to hold up her hand Then being asked what she can reply To stay her sentence that she should not die She falling down doth openly confess That as the Jury found her so no less She hath deserved death and Guilty stands Ready to suffer when the Judge commands But yet his Lordships favour she doth crave He would be pleased for to let her have The benefit of her increasing Womb Before the execution of her Doom It is not fit the Judge doth then reply For Mothers fault the guiltless Child should die Because hereafter if God send it health It may do service to the Commonwealth And therefore grants the Woman a Reprieve That till she be delivered she may live Even so I here in my poor Nations name Plead guilty and confess that for the same It stands condemn'd to th' fire and know not why It should not execution have and die But that within it is some unknown birth Of holy fruit as yet not blossom'd forth Which may hereafter if God bless 't with health Prove to Gods glory and to th' Commonwealth A special Member therefore we desire Till it be born to spare us from the fire Which being done let execution come And all the World receive the fiery doom Untill which time we trust the Lord will prove As he hath promised the God of Love And keep his Justice in his powerfull hand But pour his Mercy on us and our Land That we thereby may once again be driven To leave our sins and set our minds on Heaven The Devils Justice cry I Mercy crave And either party hope their sute to have But sure I shall obtain they shall mistake For I beg Mercy for Christ Jesus sake Whereat the Devils trembled but that face Which never yet had any spark of grace Hells Speaker Judas he began to cry God wanteth Justice if they do not die And bawling Lawyer like made such a do I think he would have bawled untill now But that St. Michael caus'd him cease his prate Teaching him Manners with a broken pate Then stood up good St. Paul who thus Disputes St. Pauls Plea Of all Jehovahs mighty Attributes He loveth Mercie though he Justice show Unto some sinfull peoples overthrow Yet is that unto some forsaken place Which is past hope and barren of all grace What though this Land in many sins abound Yet in this place they near the Gospels sound Which of it self sufficient is to gain A sinfull Soul although't be dy'd in grain And therefore blessed Saints if you consent For this time we 'l adjourn this Parliament And send these bawling faries into Hell Me thinks this English-man hath pleaded well For since it was jehovahs sacred mind To send them plagues we hope we shall them find Hereafter penitent and grace obtain Or otherwise they but prolong their pain With that the Saints did yield their full consent The Parliament is adjourned For that time to adjourn the Parliament But promist Pluto that if Mercy fail To work redress then Justice shall prevail With that the Devils were compell'd again Unto their place of everlasting pain And