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ID Title Author Corrected Date of Publication (TCP Date of Publication) STC Words Pages
A01727 A godlie, zealous, and profitable sermon vpon the second chapter of Saint Iames. Preached at London, by Master George Gifford, and published at the request of sundry godly and well disposed persons Gifford, George, d. 1620. 1582 (1582) STC 11860; ESTC S108636 20,920 56

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left for a man to hide himselfe in nor to créepe out at but hée is holden fast to this that if hée will bée saued he must so beléeue that he declare and shew forth to the world by his good works and holy life how he walketh in the steps of his faithfull father Abrahā But why doth he choose this one worke of Abraham before all the rest For his life did shine with holy works he was merciful to y e poore he interteined lodged strangers he was peaceable w t al men iust true in al his delings doubtles this did excel al y e rest so farre passe them that it maye well inough be mentioned in stéede of them all it did declare a wonderfull faith and loue towardes God as we may easily sée considering al the whole circumstaunces of the storie God had called him out of his-nati●● Countrey and from his Fathers house into a straunge lande he had promised him a sonne by his wife Sara of whom the blessed séede should come he performed this promise in his olde age euen when Sara was by nature past childe bearing he had no other childe by hir the promise was made in none but in him In Isaac shall thy séede be blessed Each man shall now be driuen to confesse that héere was a great triall when God doth bid him take his onely sonne euen Isaac and goe thrée dayes iourney to the place which he would shew him and to offer him vpon the Altar a slaine Sacrifice How great a griefe is it for a louing father to loose a sonne which he loueth déerelye especially when he hath no more sonnes then how much griefe might this be not onely to sée his sonne slain but also to slay him with his own hands and most of all that childe in whom the couenaunt of eternall lyfe was made because Christ shoulde come of him who being dead all hope of saluation did dye with him Al this did not with-hold but y e faith of Abraham caried so great a loue in him feare towards God that he neuer grudged at the matter nor neuer made delay but went indéede to haue slaine his sonne hauing bound him vpon the woode and hauing taken in his hand the sacrificing knife to kill him Then the Angell of y e Lord frō heuen did forbid him Before y e Lord it was as if it had bene done because Abraham did fully purpose to do it then we sée plainlye by this what the true faith is But if any man should obiect and say this example is not fit euerie man cannot be lyke Abraham nor haue such a faith as he had he was a rare man few or none to be compared with him Saint Iames doth aunswere If ye thinke this example to be too high and that ye are not to be measured by it I will shew you another as lowe what say ye to Rahab the harlot was not she iustified by workes did not hir faith declare it selfe by good workes Can ye take any exception against this example Will ye not be ashamed that your faith shoulde not be lyke hirs As the faith of Abraham did vtter it selfe to the world so did hirs whereby she shewed hir selfe to be a right daughter of Abraham although she were not of his posteritie according to the flesh but came of one of those cursed Nations which God had commaunded the Children of Israel to roote out and destroy yet I say she was his daughter according as S. Paule setteth it forth in the Epistle to the Romanes that he should be the Father not onely of them which are of the Circumcision but also of those y t walke in y e steps of y e faith of our father Abraham like as all his children both of the Iews Gentiles must do which will be blessed w t their faithfull father Abrahā Then we haue héere y e exāple of y e father of all y e faithfull with y e exāple of one of his daughters which had ben a poore harlot what excuse remaineth or what can we pretende shall we not blush and be ashamed to say that we beléeue well and take our selues to be the Children of Abraham and the Children of God when we are no more lyke him then as the common saieng is an Apple is lyke an oyster Christ our Sauiour doth vse this reason against the Pharesies in the Gospell of S. Iohn If ye were Abrahams Children saith he ye would doe the workes of Abraham but now ye goe about to kill me a man that haue tolde you the truth which I haue heard of God this did not Abraham And a little after Ye are of your father the Diuell and the lusts of your father ye will do What would we haue more plaine then this Euen the very séed and posteritie of Abraham which tooke thēselues to be the children of Abraham 〈◊〉 the children of God yet Christ Iesus telleth them plainly they are the children of the Diuell and why Because theyr workes were not like the works of Abraham their beléefe was not lyke his but it was dead Shall not we then as boldly say at this day nay rather doeth not Christ speake as plainly as he did and telleth vngodlye men to theyr face howsoeuer ye brag of your faith it is but dead and howsoeuer ye boast and take your selues to be the Children of God yet in very déede vnlesse ye returne from your vngodly waies shew forth the fruites of a true and liuely faith ye are the children of the Diuell trust not vnto your vaine hope and dead faith for it will but deceiue you Déerely beloued let vs not be so mad when God telleth vs this with his owne mouth as to beléeue the contrary and to perswade our selues we shall do well inough although we continue in our sinnes This is a most pestilent craft of Satan and commeth from the roote of Infidelitie as ye may sée in our great grandmother Eue God had tolde hir and Adam that what day soeuer they shuld eate of y e trée they should dye the death the Diuell told hir ye shall not dye she beléeued him but beléeued not God she thought euen as the Diuel told hir she shuld do wel inough or els she would neuer haue eate therof we haue sucked this poyson from hir breasts when God telleth vs if your faith bring not forth good workes it is dead it cannot helpe ye if ye continue in these wicked déedes ye are the children of the Diuell ye must spéedelye repent for ye cannot when ye would No no saith the Diuell on the other side that is not true your faith is good inough goe on ye shall doe wel God hath mercie in store ye may repent afterwarde Now the most doth beleeue the Diuell in this and giue no credite at all vnto God and neuer séeke to try themselues whether they be in good case or not When the Apostle saith héer that Abraham was iustified by
to shew that although he loued Isaac déerely yet he loued God more so y t if we féele our loue to the Lord our God to be so small that it cannot preuaile with vs to kill and mortifie the lusts of sinne and vaine plesures of the flesh how shall we perswade our selues that we are like Abraham which had denied the loue of himsefe so farre that he did neuer grudge but would willingly haue killed his sonne Rahab after shée had made confessiō what she did beleeue concerning the God of Israel for the same Gods sake for the true religion and for the Church or people of God tooke the messengers and did hide them to the hazard of her life all y t she had affirming to the king when he sent to séeke thē that they were departed Doth not this improue the faith of those which for the religion of God are so farre off from hazarding their liues goods that they dare not be séene when neuer so little daunger doth arise wherein are those like vnto Rahab which will turne with euery winde and a man cannot tell what religion they be of they will be sure to rowe with the tide and neuer to striue against the streame doe such now iustifie themselues lyke Rahab haue they such a faith as she had No déerely beloued they are as yet verye Infidells and loue themselues and the worlde more then they loue GOD and his truth this thing then is most euident y t the true beléefe doth make all those y t haue it ready willing to loose their liues their goods for y e gospel this must not séeme to be a strange doctrine whē as our sauiour telleth vs in sundry places y t he y t doth not forsake al take vp his crosse folow him cannot be his disciple Wel we must therfore be so hot and zealous in the profession of true religion that it cause vs to forget our own state and commoditie we must haue so burning a loue to Gods truth that nothing may be able to quench the same We must not stagger and varie because we shal endure trouble Let vs conclude this point wherein it is proued y t they erre are deceiued which doe not make account of kéeping religion pure of louing it before all other things and so of giuing to God his due honour Remember y t from hence ye are to fetch the first part of y e true description of a godly mā the triall of the iustifieng faith which is but one therfore worketh alike in all which are pertakers of it though not in the like mesure with all mark how far y e holye Ghost doth differ in setting forth a righteous man from y e common māner of worldlings wheras he taketh it to be y e chiefe work which respecteth God himself his truth they passe ouer that count it no matter though a man be an Idolater or superstitious or a swearer which doth not reuerence the name of God so y t he be a friendly man to his friend such lyke how great an enimy he be to y e word of God it skilleth not these are brute beasts w tout vnderstāding very Atheists which wil say plainly they can sée no differēce betwéen the papists the professors of y e gospel both because they are not able to iudge of doctrine also y t they looke but vnto men now let vs come to y e second thing wherin they erre which this text doth confute sharply they suppose as I tolde ye y e men are to haue no farther regard but to this not to hurt passing by all those duties wherin they are to do good vnto their brethren not duly cōsidering how y e law of god doth not only bind vs to abstein frō hurting our neighbor but also doth most straightly tie vs to do al good déeds vnto them so that he is guiltie before God not onely which committeth that which the law forbiddeth but also which leaueth the thing vndone which the law enioyneth Now then because the true faith bringeth vs to haue care to obey God wholy S. Iames requireth that a man should shew his faith not only by leauing y t which is euil but also by the performaunce of y t which is good for thus he saith shew me thy faith by thy déeds that faith which is without works is dead héere by y e way obserue by comparison how far of are those frō grace which swarme ful of vncleane vices their whole race is nothing but a continual sinning wheras this is euidently héere proued y t such mē as carie a great shew of vprightnes in refraining from sundry vices are stil without testimonie of true beléefe because their holy déeds do not appeare for when as y e holy scriptures do testify y t y e hart is purified by faith y t those are borne againe in the new spirituall birth that they are new creatures haue a new heart a right spirit created and renewed in them it must néedes be that they are prepared vnto euery good worke they haue not onely put off the olde man with his corrupt lusts but haue also put on y e new man which is created in righteousnesse and true holinesse as they haue walked in darknesse so now they walke in the light There is one step yet further in this matter I trust that as ye will confesse this that if those do not beléeue well which haue no good workes to shewe although they be in some things vpright and much more the foule and filthy liuers which dishonour God and his truth so ye will also be brought to sée that those miserable men are yet further off which barke against this holye doctrine and cannot abide that a man should say to the wicked and vngodlye thou art in the waye to hell thou shalt dye the death if thou returne not from these euills They may thunder raile against men and saye they vtter damnation but let them looke if they can quench the light which the Holy Ghost hath giuen in this text Let vs retourne to the former matter againe We must not onely abstaine from euill but also doe good there be many likewise deceiued in this doing good restraining it to the baser and lesser part they looke but vnto the bodies of their bretheren and suppose they are to haue no further regard but of them to reléeue and ease the miseries of the flesh let the soule be neuer so blinde neuer so sicke in neuer so great danger of eternall destruction they haue no pitie of that which doth bewray that they sée no further then this lyfe they haue no true loue nor pitie in thē for then woulde they loue the soules of men which are so precious they would pitie the wofull miserie that they be in For how absurd a thing is this y t one should be carefull to ease the calamitie