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A45754 The ladies dictionary, being a general entertainment of the fair-sex a work never attempted before in English. N. H.; Dunton, John, 1659-1733. 1694 (1694) Wing H99; ESTC R6632 671,643 762

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the Wife of Atlas was feigned the Daughter of Thetis and Ocianus having one Son of twelve Daughters five of the Daughters wept to death upon the Sons being killed by a Serpent whereupon they were turned into the Stars called Hyades which rise about St. Swithin's Day and generally bring Lowring or Rainy Weather Afrania she was Wife to Lucinus Buccio a woman of Masculine Spirit for though the Senate of Rome had decreed that Women should not speak in the places of Judicature unless questions were asked them she bodily started up before the Pretors and pleaded her own Law Suits Agarilla Daughter to Clis●●nes was so exceeding beautiful that all the Grecian Youths were Enamouted on her and at great cost made Plays and other Entertainments that she being present they might feast their Eyes on her beauteous face Agatha a Sicilian Lady who refusing to turn Pagan and Marry Quintianus the Proconsul was by him cruelly Tormented and afterwards put to death When that day Twelvemonth Mount Aetna broke out in a violent Torrent of fire which streamed in s●ames as far as Catana where she was Martyred so that the Pagan Inhabitants looking upon it as a fearful Judgment for shedding innocent blood ran to her Grave and taking the Shroud that covered her opposed it to the Torrent of Fire which thereupon immediately stopped Agathor●ca a famous Curt●●●● so bewitched Ptolome Philopater King of Egypt with her Charms and Beauty that to make way for Marrying her he made away his Wife Euridice by whom he had Ptolome Epiphanes whom the new advanced Queen would have murthered but the people h●ndered it and made her fly the Country 〈◊〉 was Daughter to Cadmus and Hermione Marryed to Echiron of Thebes by whom she had Pentheus who was King of Thebes after his Fathers death but torn to pieces by his Mother and other Women at the feet of Baccus in their drunken sits because he disapproved of such unseemly Revels Agen●ria was a name the Ancients gave to their Goddess of Industry and a Temple was erected to her in the Adventine Mount Agno one of the Nimphs by whom Jupiter was brought up she gave name to a Fountain said to have this rare gift that if it in time of drowth the Priest of Jupiter Lyceus stirred it with an Oaken bough a thick mist would arise from it and imediately gathering into Clouds send down plenty of Rain Agnodi●e a Virgin of Athens Who above all things desired to study Physick and became so famous therein that the Physicians e●vyed her and accused her before the Ar●●pagites or Judges as an Ignorant Pretender but she gave such Learned Demonstrations that the cause not only went for her but an order was made That any free Woman of Athens might practice Physick and that the Men Physicians should no more meddle with Women in Child-birth seeing the Women were as capable in all matters Agraules was Daughter to Cecrops sometimes King of Athens who being over curious though forbid it in opening a basket wherein Minerva had hid Ericthenius was stricken with Phrensy to that height of madness that running to a precipice she threw her self headlong from it and was dashed in pieces on the Rocks Agiripina Daughter to Marcus Agrippa she was Marryed to Tyberius the Emperor by whom he had Drafius Agripina ●espania daughter to M. Agrippa by Julia the Daughter of Augustus a Woman Couragious and Chast but because she prosecuted the Murtherers of her Husband Tyberius banished her Agrippina wife of Claudius daughter of Germanicus and Sister to Caligula and Mother to Nero all Caesars so that she had more Emperours in her Family than any before or after her She was slain at the commandment of her Son Nero When he was Emperour as had been foretold by a Soathsayer and her ●elly ripped up to show him the place where he had lain Albuna Anciently held as a Goddess and worshipped at Rome had 〈◊〉 being in a Grove in the Teritories of T●●●●tum Some will have her to be Juno the Daughter of At●●n●s who ●lying her Husbands fury threw her self together with her son Maliceris into the Sea Alceste otherwise Alcestis she was the daugeter to Peleus wife to Admetus King of Thessaly and so loving was she to her husband that being Condemned she offered to lay down her Life as a Ransom for his Alcippehed To be the Daughter of Mars and Agl●●●os who being pursued by 〈◊〉 Neptunes Son who designed to Ravish her and the crying out for help Ma●s came to her rescue and killed her Pu●s●●r There was likewise another 〈◊〉 daughter to 〈◊〉 wife to 〈◊〉 and Mother to Marpissa who being R●vi●l●ed by Ida but thhe Ravi●●er being pursued threw himself into the River 〈◊〉 where he is fa●l●● to be 〈◊〉 into a River God Al●●ppe a Woman mentioned by 〈◊〉 to have brought ●orth an 〈…〉 〈◊〉 for 〈◊〉 the 〈◊〉 of 〈◊〉 and spinning at home whilst other Women were Celebrating her Festival is fa●led to be turned into a 〈◊〉 and her spinning yarn into Ivy and a Vine 〈◊〉 Ele●●●ya's daughter by ●●sidice and Wi●e to 〈◊〉 on her 〈◊〉 ●●got 〈◊〉 by 〈…〉 himself the 〈◊〉 of her Husband which is 〈…〉 famous for his great 〈◊〉 Althea Wife to Collidon upon notice that all her Sons except Meleager were slain in Battle threw a brand into the Fire on which the Fates had write his desteny at the Expiration of which though many miles distant he dyed and upon notice of his death after repenting her rash Act she killed herself Amalasontha Daugther to the Austra-gothick King a Woman of rare Wit and Ingenuity so that after the death of her Father taking the Government upon her she answered all Ambassadours in their own Language But marrying her Kinsman that he might assist her in the Government he put her to death to gain a more absolute power which Justinian the Roman Emperour Revenged by driving him and his people out of Ita● Amalthea was Daughter to M●lisius King of Creet and said to Nurse Jupiter with Goats Milk and Honey when his Father Saturn had doomed him to death for which he afterwards gave her plenty of what ever she desired and placed the Goat as the Celestial Sign Capricorn Amestrie Wife to Xerxes King of Persia upon a jealousie that her Husband loved his Sons Wife took an opportunity to beg her of him in a drunken humour at his Feast called Tycta and then most Inhumanely murthered her she likewise caused divers of the Persian Nobility to be buryed alive as Sacrifices to her Idol that she might have long Life and be prosperous in her undertakings Amymone Accounted the Daughter of Danaus she gave her self much to Hunting and in a Forrest letting an Arrow fly at Random she wounded a Satyr who thereby being roused pursued her to Ravish her but upon her Invocation Neptune rescued her and for that kindness got her good will and by him she conceived and brought forth Naupleous a famous Hero Ancelis was Celebrated
Kingdom of Portugal but though the Spaniard had then the longest Sword it is since fallen to her Posterity The Vertuous Donna Catharina Queen Dowager of England being likewise decended from her Cave vel raba Daughter of Julian Count of Ceuta and Consuegra she was Ravished by Rhoderick King of Spain which so incensed her Father that to Revenge it he called in the Sarazens who in a Barbarous manner over-run all Spain and expulsed Rhoderick his Kingdom Centhris Wife to Cinyre King of Cyprus Mother of Myrrha whom Venus turned into a Myrrhe tree Cenee a Maid That for her Viginity prevailed with Neptune to turn her into a Man that she might never more be ravished which he did and finding her of a Martial Spirit that she might be safe in War he rendred her Invulnerable but fighting with the Centaurs they bruised her to death with the weight of mighty Clubs after which she is fabled to be turned into a Bird. Ceres the Goddess of Corn Daughter of Saturn and Ops who went about the World with blazing Pines to seek her Daughter Proserpina whom Pluto had Ravished and carryed to Hell and at last finding her agreed that the should be six months in the year with Pluto and the other six with her on Earth Cesonie Empress of Caligula and after his death was Murthered by Julius Lupus for weeping over the dead Body of her Husband baring her Neck to the Cruel Wretch and dying with great Constancy and Courage she likewise strangled her Daughter Julia Drusila a Child of Four Years old Charicke Hyda●pes a King of Aethiopia's Daughter being very Fair and Beautiful to the rest of the Ethiops so that the Queen feared being mistrusted of Disloyalty but when she beheld an Ebbony Spot Arrisen on the Princess Arm the true Mark of a Legitimate Child of that Family she greatly rejoiced Charlotte Daughter of Lewis the Second Duke of Montpensire she was veiled a Nun when very young and afterward became Abbess of St. Jovare but not liking that kind of Life she privately withdrew into Germany and there turned Protestant and was Marryed to William of Nasau Prince of Orange whom she Loved so intirely that hearing he was desperately wounded by one Jourigni she fell sick with Grief and dyed at Antwerpt Chahatri Colombe a Taylors Wife of Burgundy being in Labour could by no means be Delivered but her Belly continued big till she dyed which was twenty four years after when being opened to find the cause the shape of a perfect Female Infant was found in her Womb petrefied to the hardness of a●stone Christiana Queen of Sweden she was Daughter to Gustavus Adolphus the Warlike King of the Swedes and Mary Eleanor of Brandenburgh after she had Reigned as Queen some years she voluntarily resigned the Crown to her Cousin Charies Gustavus and went to Rome where she lived very Splendidly to her death which happened Anno 1688. Chrysame a Thessalia● Priestess who inured Cattl● by degrees to eat poisono●● Herbs till they became their Natural Food And in the War between the Grecians and Barbarians Left them as a Prey to the hungery Enemy who feeding on their Flesh became distracted so that 〈◊〉 easie Victory was gained over them Ciree an Inchantress dwelling in the Isle of Oggia 〈◊〉 to be the Daughter of the S●● who by her Inchantmen● changed Mens shapes and turned them into Beasts 〈◊〉 stayed Vlysses in his return from Troy till Minerva 〈◊〉 Protectress got leave of 〈◊〉 to set him free St. Claire an Order of Religious Women taking the●● Denomination from her they were confirmed by Pope Innocent the Third Claudia a Roman 〈◊〉 Virgin she fastening her 〈◊〉 to the Galley wherein the S●●tue of Cyble was on the Riv● Tyber drew it to Rome when it stopt and no other 〈◊〉 move it Clemeníé a Pagan Goddess Patroness of Mildness and Mercy she was painted wi●● a Branch of Laurel in one hand and a Lance in the other she had her Temple in Rome Celia a Roman Virgin she was given in Hostage to Porsena when he besieged Rome but made her Escape on Horse-back over the Tyber but being sent back again he freely released her for the Vertue he found in her whereupon the Senate Erected her a Statue on Horse-back in the Market-place Ceobulina she Renounced the Crown of Rhodes to apply herself to Philosophy and a Contemplative Life Cleopatria Second Wife to King Philip of Macedon she was Murthered by Olimpias his first Wife after his being slain by Possanias Cleopatra Daughter of Philip of Macedon she was Marryed to Alexander King of Epirus and put to death by Antigonus at Sardis Cleopatria Daughter of Ptolomy Philometus King of Egypt Admirable for her Wit and Beauty she was Marryed to Alexander Bela King of Syria and left him for Demetrius Nicanor but he being taken Prisoner by the Persians she Marryed Rodogune and soon after put him to death and her Son Selucius ascending the Throne without her leave she ●hot him dead with an Arrow and made Antiochus the Eight King who understanding she ●●●ended to poison him at a Banquet she had prepared made her drink the dose of which she dyed Cleopatra Daughter of Ptolomy Physoon King of the Egyptians she was Marryed to her Brother and then to Antiochus King of Syria but she was strangled by Griphine his first Wife which known so ingraged the King that he caused her to be offered as a Sacrifice to appease the Ghost of the Murthered Cleopatra Cleopatra Daughter of Ptolomy Epiphanes Cleopatra The fair Queen of Egypt Daughter to Ptolomy Auletes she was first Marryed to her Brother Ptolomy but he being drowned in the Nilus when he fled from the overthrow given him by Julius Cesar she Captivated the Conquerer with her Beauty he begot on her a Son called Cesa●ion slain after Cesars death by the Soldiers of Augustus afterward Mark Anthony doated on her but after the overthrow at Actium she clapped Aspicks to her Breast and dyed to prevent her being carried Captive to Rome Cleophe Queen of the Massagues a People of India ●he opposed the Progress of Alexanders Victories till she brought him to terms which were to draw off his Army and leave her in quiet Possession of her Kingdom for which sue is said to pay him only the Tribute of a Nights Lodging Cleopatra Selene Marryed to Antiochus G●●phus King of Syria and afterward to Antiochus Cizicenus and thirdly to Antiochus Eusebius but being taken in a Battle by Tyranes he put her to death Clio one of the Nine Muses said to be the Daughter of Jupiter and Memory Clotilde Queen of France Wife to Clovis the First she Converted him to the Christian Religion and perswaded him to be Baptized she had divers Sons among whom after their Fathers Death there arose Civil Dissentions in disputes for the Throne which she being by no means able to Regulate it hastened her death Clotilde Daughter of Clovis and St. Clotilde she was Marryed to
builded she was called Augusta and Imperatrix and relieved the Poor wi●h all the Treasure that came to her hand and was a munificent Patroness to the before afflicted Christians Helle was Daughter to Athmus King of Thebes who flying from her Mother-in-law with her Brother Phryxus was drowned in the Narrow Sea that parts Asia from Europe and by that Misfortune gave to it the Name of Hellespont Heliades Sisters accounted the Daughters of the Son and Celymene whose Brother Phaeton was who unwarily aspiring to guide the Chariot of the Sun was destroyed by Jupiters Thunder for firing the Earth and Skies by his misguiding it for whom these Sisters wept till the Gods turned them into Poplar-trees and their tears into Amber Here 's Martia or the Martial Heir it was accounted amongst the Ancient Romans as a Goddess of Heirs and held to be one of M●●s's Companions she took her Surname of Martial by reason in those times Quarrels frequently arose about Inheritances and Successions and when they were decided either by Arms of contesting in Law they supposed a right decision Hermophrodite An ancient Idol bearing the Resemblance of Venus and Mercury called otherwise Aphrodite as Joyning trading and Eloquence with delights c. Hersilia Wife to Romulus first Founder of Rome a Virtuous Sabian Lady Herta was accounted a Goddess among the Germans worshipped in a thick Grove and her residence when she pleased to appear was a Cart with a Carpet over it her Victims were menial Servants or Slaves who were thrown into a Lake and there perished in hopes of enjoying Pleasure and Plenty in another World her Cart upon general Processions was sometimes drawn with Oxen and sometimes by Lyons Hesione the fair was Daughter to Leomedon King of Troy and by reason of the raging of a Plague the Oracle being consulted it told them that to appease the God of the Sun and the Sea with whom the King had broken his word a Virgin must every day be tyed to a Rock where a Sea Monster should be sent by Neptune to devour her this being done by Lot it fell upon Hesione but Hercules returning from his Hysperian Voyage in a dreadful Combate killed the Monster and freed the Royal Maid Hildigardcan Abbess of the Order of the Benedictines famous for her Learning and Piety but more for her Prophecies of the Errors that should creep into the Romish Church Hannah the Mother of the famous Prophet Samuel who obtained him of God by her servent Prayers after she had been a long while Barren Hiparthia Marry'd Crates only for his Wisdom and Learning being otherways deformed and unfightly and poor 〈◊〉 could all her Friends or 〈◊〉 offers of Rich matches 〈◊〉 her from him She was ●●r self very Learned and In●●●●ous so that their Souls rather than their Bodies coveted to be near together Hippodamia Daughter to Briseus and fell among other Captives at the taking of Tenedos to the share of Achilies but Agameamon falling in Love with her took her from him which made him refuse to assist the Greeks till the Trojans had near vanquished them and came to set fire to his Ships Hippodame Oenomaus the King of Ellis's Daughter being very Beautiful abundance of Suitors crouded to gain her in Marriage which made him consult the Oracle about the success which gave Answer That whoever married his Daughter should came his Death whereupon he made Decree that whoever could outrun him in a Chariot-Race should have the fair Hi●podame in Marriage but being vanquished he should dye Many declined it but some being vanquished were put to death Till P●l●ps having bribed the King's Chariotier to leave a Pin out of the Wheel that it might fall off in the Career by which fall the King was wounded to death Hortensia a Roman Lady Daughter to the Orator Horlensius At the time a great Tax was laid upon the Matrons of Rome she notably pleaded their Cause before the Triumvire that a great part of it was remitted Hostilina was by the Pagans accounted a Goddess taking care of their Corn that it should grow to an equal length and be full Eare● without Blasting Houres by some Reputed God esses begot by Jupiter 〈◊〉 Themis and were call'd Eunormia Irene and Di●ce or Good Laws Peace and Justice Howard Ci●●erine she was Marryed to King Henry the VIII and was Daughter to the Lord Edmond Howard Son to Thomas Duke of Norfolk she was one of the two Queens that he caused to be beheaded upon suspicion of Incontinency though neither against her nor Anna Bullen who felt the same Fate before her any thing deserving Death appeared only the Kings Pleasure must be obeved to make way for more Wives Hyacinthides six Daughters of Erichtheus who succeeded Pandion King of Athens taking their Names from the Village Hyachithius where they all se●● a Sacrifice for their Court v. for the Oracle having declared that the Thracians who were Warring against the Athenians could not be overcome unless one of their Ladies was offered up as a Sacrifice to Dima they all contented so earnestly to have the Honour to dye for their Country and the Love they bore to each other that they would not have one to dye unless ●●w all participated in the same Death and their Wishes being granted the Athenians gained most notable Victory their Proper Names were Pandora Procris Clithonia and Orithia and are fabled to be placed among the Stars Hyades are a Company of Stars to the number of seven placed in the Neck of Taurus they are tabled to be Nurses to Ba●chus and by him in return of their Kindness fixed as Constellations and are called the Weeping Stars as having great Influence over Rains and mo●st Clouds Hypermenstra one of Daraus K. of Argo's fifty Daughters who married the fifty Sons of Egytus whom Daraus ordered them to k●ll on their Wedding Night which they all did but this Lady who saved her Husband Lynceus for which her Father Imp●●●tioned her but soon after 〈◊〉 her and restored 〈◊〉 to her Husband Hysiphile ho Queen of the Island of 〈◊〉 was banished by the Cruel Women who had killed all their Husbands Fathers and Brothers for sparing her Father Thaos and being taken upon the Sea by Pirates she was sold to Lycurgus King of Ne●e● who understanding who she was gave his Son Archemrus to be Nursed by her she having a little before brought forth Twins whom Jason had begot on her in his Voyage to Colobis when he fetched thence the Golden Fleece House-keepers to Persons of Honour or Quality Those Persons who would qualifie themselves for this Employment must in their Behaviour carry themselves grave solid and ferious which will inculcate into the beliefs of the Persons whom they are to serve that they will be able to govern a Family well They must endeavour to gain a Competent knowledge in Preserving Conserving and Candying making of Cates and all manner of Spoon-meats Jellies and the like Also in Distilling all
Food with her into the Prison however her Mother subsisting beyond what could be suspected the Jaylor watched the Daughter and at last found she had supported her with the Milk from her Breasts which known the Consul pardoned the Mother and highly praised the Daughter and in Memory of this An Altar was raised to Piety in the place where the Prison stood Sir Thomas Moor being Lord Chancellor of England at the same time that his Father was a Judge of the Keng's Bench he would always at his going to Westminster go first to the King's Bench and ask his Fathers Blessing before he went to sit in the Chancery There happened in Sicily as it hath often an Eruption of Aetna now called Mount Gibel it murmurs burns belches up Flames and throws out its fiery Entrails making all the World to fly from it It happened then that in this Violent and horrible breach of Flames every one flying and carrying away what they had most precious with them two Sons the one called Anagias the other Amphinomius careless of the Wealth and Goods of their Houses reflected on their Father and Mother both very old who could not save themselves from the fire by flight And where shall we said they find a more precious Treasure then those who begat us The one took up his Father on his Shoulders the other his Mother and so made passage through the Flames It is an admirable thing that God in consideration of this Piety though Pagans did a Miracle for the Monuments of all Antiquity witness that the devouring Flames staid at this Spectacle and the Fire wasting and broiling all about them the way only thro' which these two good Sons passed was tapistried with fresh Vendure and called afterwards by Posterity the Field of the Pious in Memory of this Accident Love in former times when Sacrifices attended the Hymenial Rites as part of the Ceremony that it might not be imbittered the Gall of the Beast was not us'd but cast on the ground to signifie that between the young Couple there should be nothing of that Nature to disturb their Felicity but that instead of discontent Sweetness and Love should fill up the whole space of their Lives and indeed it is the best Harmony in the World where a Man and Woman have the pleasant Mu●●●● of Contentment and Peace to refresh them in their dwellings whilst they make their study to encrease their Happiness This is as comely a sight as Apples of Gold set in Pictures of Silver or Brethren living together in Unity Love was so powerful with Plautius Nu●●● that hearing his Wife was dead he killed himself Darius after he had grievously lamented the loss of his Wife Statira as thinking she had perished in the General 〈◊〉 Alexander had given his Army was so over-joyed when he heard she was safe and honourably used by the Conqueror that he prayed that Alexander might be fortunate in all things although he was his Enemy Two large Snakes Male and Female being found in the House of Titus Gracchus the Augurs or Soothsayers told him That if the Male was let go his Wife should die first but if the Female himself should die first Then pray said he let the Female Snake go that Cornelia may live by my Death and so the Historians say it happened for he died in a few years after and leaving her a Widow she refused the King of Egypt in Marriage the better to preserve the Memory of her deceased Husband Ferdinand King of Spain married Elizabeth the Sister of Ferdinand Son of John King of Arragon Great were the Virtues of this admirable Princess whereby she gained so much upon the heart of her Husband a valiant and fortunate Prince that he admitted her to an equal share in the Government of the Kingdom with himself wherein they lived with such mutual agreement as the like hath not been known amongst any of the Kings and Queens of that Countrey There was nothing done in the Affairs of State but what was debated ordained and subscribed by both the Kingdom of Spain was a Name common to them both Ambassadors were sent abroad in both their Names Armies and Soldiers were levied and formed in both their Names and so was the whole Wars and also Civil Affairs that King Ferdinand did not Challange to himself an Authority in any thing or in any respect greater than that whereunto he had admitted this his beloved Wise. Love so bound the Soul of a Neopolitan to his fair and vertuous Wife that she being surprized by some Moorish Pirates who privately landed in a Creek and then put off again with their Prize that whilst they yet Cruiz'd near the Shoar he threw himself into the Sea and swam to their Ship and calling to the Captain told him He was come a voluntary Prisoner because he must needs follow his Wife not scaring the Barbarism of the Enemies of the Christian Faith nor Bondage for the Love of her who was so near and dear to him The Moors were full of admiration at so great a proof of Affection yet carry'd him to Tunis where the Story of his conjugal Affections being rumour'd abroad it came to the Ear of the King of that Countrey who wondring at so strange a thing and moved with Compassion to such a Lover ordered them their Liberty and placed the Man as a Soldier in his Life-guard Love in this a Passi●n is so strange It hides all fauits and ne'r is gi'n to change it uneclips'd in it's full Blaze shines bright Pure in it self it wants no borrowed Light Nor sets till Death draws the dark Scene of Night Liberty is so sweet and pleasant that all Creatures naturally cover it and though irrational are uneasie under restraint or Confinenmet The Romans of old had so high an Esteem of it that they priz'd it before all things in the World and thought it worthy of Veneration making it one of their Goddesses erected and dedicated Temples in Honour of it and esteemed Life in Golden Chains of Bondage not worth regarding and their greatest Offenders were punished with Interdiction Religation Deportation and such like accounting it worse than any other Severity as knowing without it the mind becomes a tormentor not only to it self but to the Body by wasting and consuming it with Grief and Anguish and that a Man will refuse no kind of Hardship nor Danger to secure his Liberty but Sacrifice their chiefest Ornaments and even Life it self as precious as it is to the uttermost hazard to preserve it Many Cities rather than fall into the hands of their Enemies and become Captives have been turned by their Citizens into an Acheldama of Blood and spread Ghastly Scenes of Death to amaze and slartle their most cruel Enemies When Hannibal had besieged the City of Saguntum nine Months and Famine warring within their Walls so that they found themselves in a great straight and without hopes of Succour but that they must fall into
Indians none can claim greater Dower with his 〈◊〉 than the price of a 〈◊〉 Oxen neither can he m●● out of his own Tribe ●● Assyrians brought their 〈◊〉 blest Virgins into the 〈◊〉 place and their prices 〈◊〉 publickly proclaimed by 〈◊〉 Cr●er whosoever wanted wife and would reach to●● sum propounded might 〈◊〉 be furnished and he 〈◊〉 had not ready mony if 〈◊〉 could put in good secu●● it was held sufficient 〈◊〉 like custome was amongst 〈◊〉 Babylonians in which 〈◊〉 observed this order T● first set out to sale the m● ingenious and beautiful 〈◊〉 those at an high rate and when they were put off they brought forth the worser featured even unto the degree of deformity and the Crier proclaims That who will marry any of them He shall have so much or so much to recompence her souless or lam●ness Nuptial-ornaments Amongst the Greeks the ●●ide was crowned with water-Mints or Cresses her head was ●embed with a piece of a Lance or Spear of a Fencer with which some man had been slain In other places of Greece the Brides heads were covered with a Veil to signify her Bashfulness and modest shame It was of Clay-coloured Silk by which colour the Matrons of the most temperate life and modest carriage denoted unto the world their continence and vertue The Law of Ly●●rgus amongst the Spartans was That the Bride should cut her hair and puting her self into mans habit be brought into her chamber by the Bride-maids who had before prepared it In B●eo●ia their Virgins were crowned with a wreath made of the herb called Sperage In the Isle Cous the husbands were tempelled to enter the Bride ch●mber attired like women It was an use amongst the Locrenses for the Matrons to pick and gather selected flowers to make garlands for the Brides but such as were bought for ●ony were held vile and ●o●temptuous All mariages amongst the Lustranians were celebrated in Rose-coloured garments or else not permitted The Chelidonian women that had prostituted themselves to strangers went with half of their faces open the other half covered else it was not lawful for them to be seen abroad The German Virgins when they prepared to give meeting to their betrothed and so to proceed to the Conjugal ceremony put on a streight or plain garment such a one as they in some places call a Huk and over that a Cloak without spot or stain bearing a garland woven of Vervain At length comes forth the Bride in all parts rare To meet the Bridegroom A Virgins face a Virgins chast attire She wares Now modest blushes kindle fire Within her bashful cheek which by degrees Grows stillmore hot and warms all that she sees The youthful frie dispersed her● and there On tip-toe move to see this star appear And rise with such refulgence on each hand The aged Fathers and the Matrons stand And make a reverend Lane for her to pass She makes them think upon the time that was Their prime their youth their Strength now gone wasted And Nuptial sweets which they before have tasted A Nuptial Song All that 's sweet and lost attend All that 's calm s●rene and bright That can please or pleasure mend Or secure or cause delight Li●●●e C●●ds come and move Round the Bridesgrooms greedy Eyes Whilst the stately Queen of love Round the Bride her Cest●● Eyes Golden Hym●n bring the Robe Bring thy Torch that still inspires Round the stately a●●rous Globe Vigorous flames and gay desires Sister Graces all appear Sister Graces come away Let the Heavens be bright and clear Let the Earth keep Holy day I●●●nd Nature does prepare To salute the Charming Bride And with Odours fills the Air Snatch from all the World beside Virtue Wit and Beauty may For a time refuse to yield But at length they must obey And with Honour quit the Field Their efforts in vain will prove To defend their Free-born State When attack't by mighty Love They must all Cp ilate Marble-hearted Virgins who Rail at Love to show your Wits So did one Eliza too Yet with Pleasure now submits You too envious S●ains who would Follow Cupid if you might Like the Fox that gaping stood Discommend the Grapes for spight Since Experience teacheth best Ask if mutual Love has Charms When the Bride and Bridegroom rest Lock't in one another's Arms. O OLive from the Olive Tree Olimpia 1. Hevenl● Omphale 1. Lascivious and Wanton Orabilis 1. Easy to be in●rea●ed Ogna Sancha a Coun●els of Castile who Falling in Love with a Mo●●ish Prince about the year 99● being then a Widow and resolving to have him being opposed in it by her Son Sancho Garcia she resolved to remove him by Poyson but when at the Table the Poysoned Wine was offered him he having notice of the Plot against his Life gave 〈◊〉 his Mother who presently drank it up which with 〈◊〉 greater ●●ame quickly quen●●ed that of her Lust with 〈◊〉 Life and for this reason 〈◊〉 Women of Castile at 〈◊〉 Feasts are always obliged 〈◊〉 Drink before the Men 〈◊〉 now it passes only as a Ceremony Olimpias the Sister of Alexander King of Epirus Wife to Philip of Macedon and Mother to Alexander the Great who Dreamed when the first Conceived of him that Jupiter Ammon turned himself into a Dragon and Embraced her which made that Monarch afterwards fancy him self to be the Son of Jupiter and require to be esteemed as a God for opposing which Vanity Clytus and many other of his faithful Friends were put to Death This Queen likewise after the Death of King Philip put all his other Wives and Concubines to Death as also all the the Nobility that stood in her way to the Throne for which Cassander Besieged her in the Castle of Pindus and having taken her he put her to Death Olimpias a very Devout VVidow who was Deaconness of the Church of Constantinople in the time of St. Chrysostom she was Wife to Nebridius who Dying lest her great Riches which she as freely bestowed upon the Poor and was at length banished with St. Chrysostom by the prevailing of the Hereticks in those parts the Greeks and a great Veneration for her and after her Death Celebrated her memory every ●5th of July Omphale a Lydian Queen who Captivated Her●●●● so much with her Beauty and Voice that laying aside his Fierceness he learned to Spin among her Maids Occasio or Occasion was accounted by the Heathens a Goddess and Worshipped by them that she might be Propitious to them in putting into their hands the fittest season and opportunity to accomplish and bring their Affairs to an happy issue and was represented by them naked bald on the head behind but a long foretop streaming with the Wind one of her Feet on a Wheel and sometimes a Globe and the other in the Air having a Sail in the one hand and a Sail in the other to shew that we ought to take all advantages of opportunity lest giving us the slip it returns
Darius Ocohus she was of a cruel nature causing Satira her son Attaxerxus Wife to be poysoned because she out-vied her in Reav●y She put divers others to death in her Son's Reign who conselled him to suppress her Tyranny Pasiphe Daughter to Apollo or the Sun She was Wife to Minos the King 〈◊〉 Creet yet falling passionately in love with a Young Buli 〈◊〉 framed a Cow of Wood covered with the Skin of an Heifer She found means to enjoy her bestial desire She was brought to bed of the Minotaur half Man and half Beast which did great mischief in the Country till Theseus came and destroyed it in the Labyrinth Patalena an H●athenish Goddess taken notice of by St. Augustine in his book de Civitate Dei and her Care was assigned her over Corn just coming out of the Earth in its Sprout or Blade the word being derived from Patera to open or disclose the Earth at its first coming up Pavence was stiled a Goddess in ancient Times much adored by Mothers and Nurses to whose Care and Protection they recommended their Infant Children others say they made a Bugbear of her Name to fright them into quietness when they were froward Paula a Pious Matron remark for her good works and Alms-deeds She made it her business to do good and died in the high Esteem of all good Christians at the age of Fifty six Years and Eight Months Paulina Wife to Seneca the famous Philosopher Nero's Tutor when she heard that the doom'd him to Death and that he had chosen to bleed to Death by cutting his Veins resolved to accompany him in Death in the same manner and ordered her Veins to be opened at the same time her husband 's were that she might at company him to the other world but Nero through a Tyrant delighting in blood out of pity commanded it to be prevented Penelope Wife of Vlysses and Daughter to Icarius was Mother to Telamachus She was wife and beautiful and though in her Husband's absence Twenty Years at the wars of Troy and his dangerous Voyage home many Rich and Powerful Sweethearts courted her she put them by till her husband came home who with the help of his Swinherd and Son slew them Penthesilia Queen of the Amazons who came for the love she bore to Hector Son of Priam with a gallant Army of women to fight for the Trojans agaiust the Greeks and did wonders till she was stain in pressing too far into the fight by the hand of Aechilles Peta a Goddess adored by the Ancients for that they believed she took care of Suits Petitions and Requests made in Law Coures and to Kings or other greatmen Phaetusa accounted one of Heliades aod Sister to Phaeton and as seigned to be turned into a Poplar Tree during the Extraordinary Lamentation she made for the Death of her brother thrown headlong from the Battlements of the Skies by Jupiter's Thunder for burning a great part of the word by misguiding the Chariot of the Sun Phedima Dotanes a Lord of Persia's Daughter she marry'd smerdis the Son of Cyrus King of Persia and after his Death she was Wife to the Magician who usurped the Persian Monarchy by declaring himself to be the same Smerdis that was supposed to be put to Death by Cambyses his brother upon the account of a Dream he had wherein he fancy'd he sat on the Persian Throne and his Head reached the Sky But this Lady being charged by he Father to make a discovery of the Impostor did so by taking an opportunity when he was asleep to feel for his Ears but finding none she then concluded it was the Magician Spandabalus whose Ears Cyrus had cut off for his Crimes of which having given Information the Lords of Persia assembled and forcing his Guards kill'd him together with his brother and chose Darius King Pherenice she was Daughter to Diagoras King of the Rhodians she took great delight in the Olimpick Games and coming thither disguised in man 's apparel often bore away the price in running with the nimblest Youths of Greece and brought up her Son to be so expert in it that he was always Victor Philippa Catenisa of a Laundress came to be Governess of the King of Naples Children She it was who incited Queen Jane of Naples to consent to the death of her Husband Andrew of Hungary by somen●●ing the differences between them and had an hand first strangling him and then hanging him out at a Window in the City of Aversa for which she afterward suffered a cruel death by torments Phyllis she was Daughter to Lycurgus King of the Thracians she fell in love with Demophoon the Son of Theseus in his return from the Trojan Wars and granted him her choicest Favours upon promise when he had setled affairs in his own Country to return and marry her but being detained too long by contrary Winds in his way she thinking he had flighted and forsaken her after much lamenting her folly and misfortune committed greater in hanging her self It is fabled that the Gods in compassion turned her into an Almond Tree but without leaves yet Demophoon no sooner embrac'd it but it shot out leaves and flourished exceedingly Periades held to be the Daughters or Pierus Prince of the Macedonians she being given much to Poetry thought her self more expert in Numbers and singing than the the Muses thereupon sent them a bold Challenge for a Trial of the Skill which they accepting and remaning Victors they are said to turn this Lady into a Magpy and sent her to chatter in the Woods and Hedges c. Plety worthily held by the Pagans for a great Virtue and Good and for that cause they ●i●led her a Goddess and pay'd her Adoration and to her care they committed their good Thoughts and Actions also the Education of their Children c. Pyrene a Lady whom Hercules got with child upon promise to return and marry her but he delaying and her Womb increasing she fled from the Father's anger to the Mountains between Spain and France where she was thought to be devoured of Wild Beasts yet lest a lasting Monument behind her those Hills upon the occasion being called by her Name Placidia Galla Daughter to Theodosius the Great Emperour she was also Sister to Honorius and Arcadius who were likewise Emperours and afterwards Mother to Valentinian the Third she was taken Caprive by Alathulsus King of the Huns c. who marry'd her for her Beauty Wit and pleasing Humour So that by her Ascendant over him she diverted him from his Purpose utterly to raze and destroy the City of Rome Placidia Daughter to Valentinian the Third Emperour and Eudo●ia his Empress She was carried away by the Vandels but restored soaa after and honourably marry'd the Senator Plectruda Queen to Pippin called the Fat. After her Husband's Death she took upon her the Govenment of the Kingdom in the behalf of her Grand-son a Child and put Charles Martel whom Pippin had by
amongst the Eastern People and the fairest Females that could be chosen were her Priestesses who by an Indecent custom prostituted their Chastity to such as came to offer at her Shrine which brought her crouds of Adorers Anchire Queen of Sparta upon a discovery that her Son designed to betray her Country to her Enemy Ordered him to be brought to Justice but upon notice of it he fled to the Temple of Minerva which the caused to be so strictly guarded in order to prevent his Escape that he there perished by famine Andromeda Daughter to Cepheus for her Mothers comparing her Beauty to that of the Nerci●es was doomed to be devoured by a Sea-Monster but Perseus the Son of Jupiter by Dane seeing her bound naked to a Rock became Enamoured of her killed the Sea-Monster that came to devour her and made her his wife Angerona was by the An-cient Romans worshipped as the Goddess of silence and Consulted in all Abstruse matters her Altar being placed under that of the Goddess of Pleasure Anna Goranena Daughter to Alexix Emperour of Constantinople she wrote the Reign of her Father and other Learned Books and is remembred by divers Authors Anne Mother to the Virgin Mary who was Mother to our Blessed Saviour according to the Flesh. Anne a Prophetess daughter to Phanuel who frequented the Temple in Jerusalem in a devout manner and Sung Praises to God by the Direction of the Holy Spirit when our Saviour was first brought and presented there she dyed in the 84 year of her Age and in the first of our Lords Incarnation Anne P●gmalion the King of Tyres Siner she was also Sister to Queen Dido of Carthage and after her Sisters death who flew her self for the Love of Ae●eas she failed to Malea and thence to Italy where L●vinia who had Marryed Aeneas being jealous of her she fled her Fury and in her flight was drowned in the River Numicus and afterwards was held amongst the Romans as a Goddess Her Feast with much Reveling was held in the Ides of March. Anne Daughter and Heires to Duke Francis the Secon● of Brittanny she should have been Marryed to Maxmilian of Austria but after the death of her Father Charles the Eight of France ne●re●● to whose Te●r●tories her Dutchy lay Gained her and annexed that Dukedom to the Kingdom of France Anne the Third daughter of King Charles the Fir●● of England was born on the 13. of March 1637 at St. James's Her Piety and Ingenuity was above her Age for being but Four Years old and falling ●ick she fervently called u●on God by Prayer and being at last almo●t s●ent and feeling the Pangs of death upon her after a Sigh or two ●he said I cannot now say my long Prayer meaning the Lord's Prayer but I 'll say my short one viz. Lighten mine E●es O Lord least I sleep the sleep of Death and then quietly gave up the the Ghost Anne Queen of Bohemia and Hungary Daughter to Landislaus was Wife to Ferdinand of Austria upon which after some contests such discontents arose that S●●●man the Turkish Emperor being called in War a great part of Hungary and narrowly missed taking Vienna to which he laid a hard Seige which went very bloody on both sides Anteborta held to be a Goddess among the Romans and had Adoration given her for the Success of things and favours past as they did to another Goddess called Postvorta in Expectation of the Success of things to come Antiope a Queen of the Amazons she assisted the Ethiopians in their Invasion of the Athenians but Theseus commanding the Greeks vanquished both Armies There was another of the same name who was married to Lycus a Thebian King who is fabled to be ravi●●d by Jupiter and Conceiving of that Rape brought forth Amphion who drew the Stones with the Musick of his Harp after him that rebuilded the demolish'd Walls of the City Antonia The Emperor Clad●●●'s Daug●ter who being accused by Nero the Emperor for intending to raise Sedition in the State and finding no hopes to free her self from the Tyrants Cruelty without marrying him which he earnestly pressed her to do and she de●●●●ing the Murder of his two Wives kill'd her self to be freed from his Insults over her rather than she would yield to his Embraces or be at his Mercy Apicata Sejanus's Wife writ upon her being divorced a Memorial to Tiberius Emperor of Rome informing him how Drusius came by his death and the hand that Livia his Wife had in the concurring to it Also the Villanies of Ligdus the Eunuch and Endemes the Physician for which those that the accused were severely punished though the main end of her discovery was to revenge her self upon Livia her fair Rival Araclue a Lydian Virgin Daughter of Idomon who was so expert in all manner of Needle-work and Textury that she boasted her self equal in those Arts to Minerva which caused her to spoil her curious Manufactury which so grieved her that she hang'd her self but the Goddess in compassion brought her again to life yet turn'd her into a Spider a Creature which is usually busy in Spinning out its own Bowels Arch●damia Cleonigmus a King of Sparta's Daughter hearing that upon the approach of Phyrus to besiege the City the Senate had made a Decree that all the Women should depart it she went boldly with a drawn Sword in her hand to the Senate-house and told them That the Mothers Sisters and Wives of those Warriers that were to fight the Enemy scorn'd to be less Valiant than they and thereupon got the Decree revoked Autem Mor●s are such who are married having always Children with them one in the Arm and another at the Back and sometimes leading a third in the Hand You are not to ask what Church she was married in or by what Parson so long as a Totterdemallion shall swear he will justifie himself her Husband before any Justice of Peace in England Armenias's strict Virtue and great Love to her Husband Ladies we have in London who are so far from having a light Assent as they scorn to admit a weak Assault which confirms the Judgment of that noble accomplish'd though unfortunate Gentleman In part to blame is she that has been tride He comes too near that comes to be denied Sir T.O. This that noble minded Lady Armenia expressed who being solemnly invited to King Cyrik's Wedding went thither with her Husband At night when those Royal Rites had been solemnized and they returned her Husband asked her how she liked the Bride-groom whether upon perusal of him she thought him to be a fair and beautiful Prince or no Truth says she I know not for all the while I was forth I cast mine Eyes upon none other but upon thy self Those receiving Portels of her Senses were shut against all foreign Intruders She had made a moral League with her Loyal Eyes to fix on no unlawful Beauty left her surprized Eye might ingage her to folly We may imagine that
with Mildness and Moderation that so you may make a better Judgment and more easily determine what is fit to be done Anger makes People rush blindly upon things that many times they repent in their ruin The Athenians were extream angry and displeas'd with the Macedonian Government that Philip the Father of Alexander as a Conqueror had set over them so that when they heard that Alexander was dead at Babylon they were imediately for revolting and assuming their former Liberty but Phocian staid their hasty Proceedings which their Anger to the Macedonians who were set over them in Command was about upon a meer Rumour to put in practice which if it had fail'd to have been true would have been their ruin by telling them that they ought advisedly to consider what they did and that their rashness if Alexander was not dead would bring a great Calamity upon them but on the other hand if he were dead their staying for the Assurance of it could no ways prejudice them for if he was dead to day he would be as certainly dead to morrow So if your Servants or Inferiours deserve Punishment staying till to morrow will not make him innocent but it will many times abate an unjust Anger and you see your Error that in your Passion you was blind too 'T is the greatest Victory for one to over-come one's-self So Aristotle finding Alexander the Great was causlesly in his Anger determined to put one of his Princes to death none of the Commanders daring to interceed in his behalf the Philosopher went boldly to the King and told him he would that day that he should be a greater Conqueror than ever he had been to which Alexander admiring to what it should tend seeing he had made so great a progress in Arms that he wept to think there was no more Worlds to Conquer he would be contented so to be why then says the other I will that you Conquer your self by subduing your Anger which is more Glory to a Prince than the Conquering of Armies for there he is assisted by others and but here his own Power and Magnanimity is more evident upon this a Pardon was granted But for all this there is something that requires our Indignation but it must be with great Caution and that is a displeasure against Sin which is more properly called a Holy Zeal than Anger and an Effect of Love to God and our Brother For whose Interest we may like concerned Persons be passionate and if we take care that our Anger makes no Reflection of Scorn or Cruelty upon the Offendor or of Pride and Violence and Transportation on our selves it is not blameable Ability In some Women why Extraordinary Although Man from the Dominion given him in Paradice may stile himself Superior and boast of his wonderful Abilities looking on those in Women much Inferiour Yet let us mind him that he frequently runs into mistakes for though the Strength of body may be different by reason that of the fair Sex is Soft and Plyable made for Pleasure and Charming Attraction more than Rebu●● Actions and suffering hardship Yet we conclude that either Souls proceeding from the Same Fountain of Life can admit of no difference or distinction and where the Organick parts are Entire and Undisturbed why should they not equally operate If we consider Women in these particulars we find her more lively and active than Men by reason of her Soft Contexture Nature has not been wanting to frame this Cabinet of the Soul to the best Advantage manifesting her self herein an excellent work Mistris for a Creature more Regular in every part or fairer and more lovely in proportion she never made Therefore those that Object that the difference is in the Organs of the Body where the Soul Actuates in the several Faculties may here be mistaken unless in case of some visible defect as in Idiots Madmyn or those not of years of Discretion or where distempers Reign and Disorder the frame of Nature nor can the reasons they would fain seem to draw from the Coldness of the Womans Constitution be allowed in this case to hinder them from vigor Activity Acuteness and solid Judgment since Experience shews us the contrary and we frequently find that a Womans Wit upon a sudden Conception or a swift turn is most available and many times draws Men out of danger which they would otherwise sink under by their own Inadvertencies when all their solid reason as they term it would fail to help them at a dead Lift. Any one of Understanding observes that Men are of divers Complexions and Constitutions yet of every kind there have been some famous on sundry Accounts as in Learning Arts and Arms c. And Men doubtless of Flegmatick or Melancholly Complexions cannot easily be allowed to be of hotter Constitutions than Women that are of Cholerick and Sanguine ones if it be measured by strength which heat in General gives more to the Men than to the Women We answer that some Women are stronger than some Men which they have proved in War and by the Atchievement of much Fame and Renown and therefore their Souls freedom in Acting cannot reasonably be said to be so restrained but that they move and operate in their degrees equal at least to those of Men But for a plainer Demonstration we see that Crooked Deformed body which one might imagine should have more obstructions and hinderances than one cast in Natures curious Mould is frequenly joined with a Beautiful Mind that makes even the Bodies Deformities seem Fair and Lovely Aristotle was Crooked and Deformed yet the World has never since been known to produce a Man of so universal Learning and Skill in all Arts and Sciences And to confute the main Obstruction we find that Men of the coldest Constitutions are frequently the Wisest and most Judicious too much heat being an Enemy to the Sagacity of the Understanding And is rather fit to push them rashly on to unadvised attempts and actions why then though Women in General are granted to be of a colder Constitution than Men should that hinder them from being Prudent Learned and Skilled in Arts and Sciences We can find no warrantable Reason to Obstruct it and therefore must be apt to think that Men having gotten the upper hand and Engrossed the Power will right or wrong have Women to be no wiser than they will have them to be and then to be sure they will not allow them to be so wise as themselves what ever Evidence they can bring as plain Proof and Demonstration a Master-piece in Cunning. We must allow it is in the Men to Endeavour as much as in them lyes to keep the Fair-Sex in Ignorance that they may Reign the more securely without Controul and to Effect it possess them if possibly with a belief of their Incapacity that they are not made to reach at Sublime things but ought to be contented and rest satisfied with things that are In view near
Homer in an Hymn to Venus allows her Roseat Fingers a red or ruddy colour and to be drawn in a Golden Chariot Virgil sometimes allows her four Horses sometimes but two and those of a red colour Theocrites describes them white or gray according to the colour of the morning Lycopheon in Alexandra brings her in mounted upon Pegasus Pausanius in Laconie Writes that she was doatingly besotted of the fair young Man Cephalus as likewise of Orion in which Homer agrees with him Apollodorus makes her the Mother of the Winds and the Stars Hesiod is of the same opinion that by prostrating herself to her Brother Astraeus the Son of Hyperion and Thya she brought forth Argestre Zephyrus Boreas and Notus with a Daughter called Jadama Amphitrite Jupiter having expelled Saturn from his Kingdom by the help of his Brothers Neptune and Pluto and having cast Lots for the Tripartite Empire the Heaven fell to Jupiter Hell to Pluto and the Sea with all the Isles adjacent to Neptune who Solicited the Love of Amphitrite but she not willing to condescend to his Amorous purpose he imployed a Dolphin to Negotiate in his behalf who deals so well in the Business that they were not only reconciled but soon after Married For which in the perpetual Memory of so great and good an Office done to him he placed him among the Stars not far from Capricorn as Higinus hath left remembred in his Fables and Aratus in his Astronomicks Others contend that Venilia was the Wife of Neptune But notwithstanding his Love to and Marriage with Amphitrite he had many Children by other Nymphs Goddesses and Wantons Ate. Ate whom some call Laesio is the Goddess of Discord or Contention and by Homer termed the daughter of Jupiter Ate prisca proles quae laserit omnes Mortales Ate the ancient Off-spring that hath hurt and harmed all Mankind He calls her a certain Woman that to all men hath been Obnoxious and Perilous alluding no doubt to the Parent of us all Eve that first transgressed and by some Reliques of Truth with which he was enlightned for he saith Filiae prima Jovis queque omnes perdidit Ate Pernisciosa As much as to say Pernitious Ate the eldest daughter of Jupiter who hath lost us all In another Fable he alludes to the same purpose where he saith Jupiter notwithstanding he was the most wise of all Mortals yet was in the days of old tempted and deceived of his Wife Juno And this Homer hath plainly delivered that the beginning of evil came first from a Woman and by her the wisest of Men was beguiled Hesiod in his Book of Weeks and Days is of the same opinion and writes to the same purpose But in another kind of Fable from the old Tradition For saith he From Pandora a Woman of all Creatures the most fairest and first created by the Gods all mischiefs whatsoever were dispersed through the face of the whole earth Aretaphile was Wife to Nicecocrates called the Tyrant of Cyrene who very passionately Loved her for extraordinary beauty but was so detested by her for his cruelty that she complotted with Leander his Brother to destroy him One Grand Motive Inducing her to it was that he had put her first Husband to death to enjoy her but being discovered e're she could give him the intended Dose of Poison she was Rack'd to Extort a Confession of her Accomplices but stood to firmly in her denyal that she was acquitted yet gave not over her enterprise till she had accomplished it And then Married Leander who proving more cruell than his Brother She caused him to be sewed up in a Sack and thrown into the Sea where he perished By which those of Cyrene gained their lost Liberty and in Grateful acknowment offered her to be their Queen but she refused Soveraignty And chus'd to live a private Life the rest of her days Arethusa Daughter as tho Poets fable of Nereus Coris one of the Nymphs attending one the Goddess Diana who flying the Embraces of Alpheus is said upon her imploring the Goddess to be turned into a Fountain which bears her Name Argyra a Beautiful Nymph whose Charming Features so Ravished Solemnus that not finding means to enjoy her he dyed for Love Whereupon Venus in Compassion to his Sufferings turned him into a Fountain in which whomsoever Bathed were Cured of Love and had the Memory of the fair Female for whom they Languished obliterated Ariadne King Minos of Creets Daughter who was carried away by Theseus after he had overcome the Minataure but he in his flight being warned by Bacchus to leave her in the Isle of Naxos set sail whilst she slept who awaking and missing him run about the Island in a distracted Condition till the fabled God came and Espoused her and afterward translated her to the Starry Region where some of those bright Spangles are at this day called her Crown Ariadne another of the Name Wife to Leno Emperour of Constantinople She caused her Husband to be made drunk and then Emured him in a Tomb After that she placed Anastasius her Paramour in the Throne and got her Husbands brother whose right it was to be Excluded Arie an I●a●●an Lady wife 〈…〉 a Roman Senator who advised her Husband to dye a Heroick death after he was condemned and shewed him the way by first stabbing herself Athalia Ahabs Daughter Mother to Ahaziah who being slain by Jebu upon notice of it she put all the Royal Seed except Joash to death who was saved by Jehojadahs wife and assumed the Government but she was afterward slain in the Court of the Temple 2 King 11. Augea Daughter to Alaeus she was Ravished by Hercules and of that Rape brought forth Telephus which known to the Father of Augea he put her and her Son into a Chest and cast them into the River Caycus but Venus taking compassion on them caused it to float safe till it was taken up by Teuthras the King of the Country who Marryed the Lady for her Beauty and left the Kingdom to her Son after his decease Aurora held to be the Daughter of the Earth and Sun of whom Procris Wife of Cephalus being jealous was slain with an Arrow by her Husband who took her for a wild Beast as she lay in the bushes to discover his Amours This Aurora is fabled to be Marryed to Tytheus a very Ancient Man which makes her rise Early in the Morning by reason she finds no pleasure in his cold Embraces Signifying that Young Ladies Marryed to old Men think the Night tedious and wish for day that they may disencumber themselves of Society so unagreeable to their Constitutions Arrabella d' Cordona a Beautiful Spanish Lady of Toledo skilled in almost all the Arts and Sciences her Musick and Voice Charmed all that heard her into wonder and many of the Grandees laboured to gain her in Marriage but she refused all Society with Men in that way as having Vowed perpetual Virginity Antonia Daughter
to enter upon an unfair War without any just cause or provocation to go about to put that force upon a Lady which no Man would endure to have put upon himself viz. to compel her to Love and settle her Affections on him whether she can or no or else the Reputation of the Sex must be wounded which is so unreasonable and carries such a contradiction in it self that it ought to be avoided by all that would be thought ingenious for their Credits sake For Malice and Scandal are highly blameable and looked upon as ' Monstruous by the sober part of Men and he can neither be a Wise or Good Man that admits them to take any place in his thoughts we must however acknowledge that the fall of Man broke in pieces the Frame and Evenness of Spirit and raised a disturbance in the Serenity of the Soul since Adam came into complyance with the Serpent the whole race of Mankind hath plentifully vented the poison of Reproach our purpose however is not to create a tedious Discourse by evincing this in its Latitude but to bring in Evidence and inveigh against those Envenomed Arrows of contumely with which Men unfairly shoot at the Reputation of the Female Sex to erect Trophies of a Spightful Ambition upon if possibly the Ruins of their Reputation and in attempting this they draw their Malice to the dregs and pour it upon them with a flood of evil Words as if an universal malady possessed that Sex and all Women were of an evil Complexion The repute of Women has been perplexed with Volumes of Invectives and Similies drawn from the most unconstant and unstable things to liken their humours an unvariableness of Win●s Water c. Even Old 〈◊〉 with his hobling ●eet treads upon Female Credit and Reputation in these words Half so bloody there can none Swear and lie as a Woman 〈◊〉 Others make her the Moral of Pando●●s Box the Emphatical punishment of the over bold Prometheus Aretine Mantuan and Petronius have laboured mightily to fully so Beautiful a Creature yet there is no tongue so impudent as to affirm that Adams Rib abstracteth wholly from crookedness that there is no particular Woman whose Merits hath not raised her above the reach of just Reproof Modesty abounds most in Woman and where the habitation of Modesty is there is the Tabernacle of Vertue If the Man may be properly stiled the Son of the Creation Woman may aptly be termed Ray and Splendour for as he is stiled 1 Cor. 11.7 The Glory of God She is stiled his Glory and how fordidly does he degenerate from the Innate Dictate of self-preservation that puts an Eclipse upon his own brightness Woman is the Mother of all Living and shall not Man rather bless than curse the Fountain from whence such happiness flows to him as a Being in this World an I p●ting him in a state of attaining one more Glorious in the other Woman is part of Man and what an intense degree of folly must possess him who hates his own Flesh and bites it with the Teeth of Slander The Aim●● God who judged A●ams Felicity 〈◊〉 ●mpla●ed till he had made him another self and therefore in affronting and dispising that Gift he affronts the Wisdom of Heaven and Scorns the Workmanship of Gods hands which is a very high Impiety and though there may be some bad Women yet the darkness of their Vices cannot cloud and benight the bright Vertues of so many as have adorned the Stage of the World with uncommon Lustre and in their Zeal for Religion they have more particularly Exceeded Men. Socrates makes mention of a Fair Christian Lady who observing divers of their profession ready to embrace the Flames under the Persecution of Valentian her Zeal in so good a Cause made her press through the crowd of People that were Spectators and Voluntarily pass through the Fiery Tryal with these blessed Martyrs to the enjoyment of Thrones and Kingdoms of unspeakable Pleasure and Delight which Constancy and Holy Courage so confounded the Tyrant that he thereupon ●ackned the Persecution Eudo●●a Wife to Theodosius the Emperour did so abound in Religion and Honourable Practices that she got her a name more lasting than the stately Structures She founded for the use of Piety and Divotion Eusebius tells us Theod●cia the Virgin not Eighteen years of Age too beautiful and Tender a Morsel for devouring Flames with Incredible Constancy and Patience endured Martyrdom under Diocletian And mentions two other Virgins that Expired by the same Fate of whom he tells us that the Earth they had trampled on was not worthy longer to bear them Paula a Noble Religious Lady is spoke off with venerable Esteem by St. Hierom in these words Were my Members says she as many Tongues and all my Joints endued with the Gifts of Elocution the Expressions which I could then utter would be low and fall much beneath the worth of that venerable Lady who has not heard of the Patience of Eleonora who thrust out to a desperate Fortune by her own Friends for her Religions sake endured Commerce with Wolves and Tigers And Men more Savage in their corrupt Natures than those untamed Beasts Xenophon has made Panthe● famous in his Writings by the Character he has given her viz. That she was so Excellent a Woman That when her Husband was at home or abroad That she was a Faithful Wife as well in his absence as in his presence It was that as it were changed Sexes with him and infused Courage and Magnanimity into his fainting Spirits Herxes once confessed that Women were his best Soldiers having turned their Distaffs into Swords whilst on the contrary the Men degenerated and took the natural fear and weakness of Women upon the miseries Egyptian Women of old Negotiated abroad and the Men kept house betaking themselves to deminitive Labours Admetus King of Thessally being ready to breath our his last farewel Air in the World was upon consulting the Oracle of Apollo at Delphos told him his Life would be assured to him if any one would voluntarily undertake to dye for him The People loved their Prince but not so well as themselves all his Friends denyed to shoot the Gloomy Gulf of Death for him Even those that were Aged and ready to return to their Primitive Dust would not Anticipate their Fates some few hours to save a King on whom the welfare of the Kingdom depended Till Alceste his Queen whose tender youth and Beauty made all not to expect any such offer from her as a Bud too fresh and tender for deaths cold hand to crop with Joy and Alacrity undertook to die for her Lord and performed it with more than Manly Courage Whose Legends might be written of Women who have caused wonder and admiration in the minds of Men not prepossessed with Malice or Envy to the Fair-Sex enough to make them blush to see themselves so far out done by those they suppose themselves so much Superiour
Fr. Apparel cloathing array attire also Armour or Harness Habit habitus the outward attire of the Body whereby one Person is distinguished from another as the Habit of a Gentleman is different from that of a Merchant and the Habit of a Handy-crafts-man from both Hans-en-helder is in Dutch as much as Jack in a Cellar and by Metaphor it is taken for the Child in a Womans Belly Hermione the Daughter of Menelaus Hermitress a Woman-Hermite or Eremite Heroine g. a Noble or Virtuous Woman Herophila the Erith●● Sibyl who being by Tar●●● denied the price of her three Books of Prophesies burnt two and received the whole price for that which was left Her●●lia the Wife of Romulus worshipped by the Name of Hera the Goddess of youth Herthus a Saxon Goddess like the Latin Tellus Hessone Daughter of Lumedon King of Troy whom Hercules delivered from a great Whale Hibride mongrel of a mixt Generation Helicon a hill of Phacis not far from Parnassus and much of the same bigness consecrated to Apollo and the Muses Hence Helitoniam pertaining to that Hill Hillutim h. praises a Jewish wedding-song Heppece f. I. Cheese made of Mares milk Hipparchus an Athenian Tyrant slain upon his deflowring a Maid Hippe Daughter of Cbi●●● a great Huntress got with child and turn'd into a mare Hippiades g. Images of women on horse-back Hippoctenides the Muses Hippodamia Daughter to 〈◊〉 King of Elis whom 〈◊〉 won at a race with her father by corrupting his chariot driver Hipoliyta a Queen of the Amazons whom Hercules gave a Theseus to wife Hippolytus their Son torn in pieces by his chariot-horses is he fled being accused of adultery by his wives mother ●●edra whose solicitations he refused Hippomenes and Atalanta won by his golden apples drown in her way were turn'd to a Lion and Lioness for lying together in Cybele's Temple Hippona the Goddess of horses and horse-coursers Hip●●crataea followed her Husband Mithridates in all his 〈◊〉 and dangers Hermaphrodite Hermaphro●●● one who is both man and woman Hermitress A woman Hermite or Eremite one who lives in a wilderness Hesperides the daughters of Hesperus brother to Atlas called Aegle Aretbusa and Hes●●●busa They had Gardens and Orchards that bore Golden fruit kept by a vigilant Dra●●● which Hercules slew and ●●bbed the Orchard From this story we find often mention of the Gardens and Apples of Hesperides Honorificabilitudinity honourableness Horae l. Hours Goddesses daughters of Jupiter and Themis Hillulim Heb. Praises a Song sung at the Jews marriages by the Bridegrooms intimate Friends Hippona the Goddess of horses Hyades Atlantides Suculae the seven Stars daughters of Atlas lamenting of Hyas their brother devoured by a Lyon Hyena a Beast like a Wolf with a Mane and long hairs accounted the subtlest of all beasts changing sex often and counterfeiting Mans voice Hylas going to fetch Hercules some water fell into the river or poetically was pulled in by the Nymphs in love with him Hyllus Hercules's son who built a Temple at Athens to Misericordia the Goddess of pity Hymen aeus son of Bacchus and Venus the God or first instituter of marriage also a Nuptial or wedding song Hypermnestra one of Danaus's 59 daughters commanded to kill their Husbands the 50 sons of Aegyptus she onely saved her Husband Lynceus who afterwards killed Danaus Hyp●●phile Queen of Lemnos banished thence for saving her Father Thous when all the men of the Island were killed by women Hony-moon applied to those married persons that love well at first and decline in affections afterwards it is Hony now but it will change as the Moon Min. Horse-ballet a Dance or Ball performed by Horses such was that at the Emperors wedding 1666. Hypermeter Lat. a verse having a redundant syllable or one syllable above measure called by some a Feminine Verse Hysterical hysterious troubled with fits of the Mother I. JEan i. Gracious or Merciful see Joan. Iennet der from Jean Ioac or Joanna Gracious Luk. 8.3 the same with John in Mens Names Ioice i. Merry or Pleasant Iael 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 Jagnel Judg. 4.21 perhaps 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 Jagnalah a Roe or Goat Isabella or Jezebel 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 2 King 9.30 i. Wo to the dwelling or the Province of dwelling Iulian i. Soft-Hair'd Iudith or Judah i. praising or confessing Ioan Countess of Montford Daughter to Lewis of Flanders and Count of Nevers she w●● married to John the 4th 〈◊〉 of Britain and Count d'●●●ford she Warred after her Husbands Death upon the 〈◊〉 d' Blois and took divers Town from him in Brittain and being besieged in Hennebor● 〈◊〉 sallied at the head of 60 men and burnt the Enemies standard and following this success with greater Numbers not onely raised the siege but recovered all the Dutchy of Britain Ioan d' Arc the Valiant Maid of France who of a Shepherdess became a Leader of Armies and by her Courage Conduct and success raised the drooping spirits of the French men that were at a very low Ebb by reason the English had gained the greatest part of France so that under her Conduct they beat them out of several strong holds but after she had done wonders always fighting on horse back in mans Apparel she was taken as she sallied upon the English and venturing too far in Confidence of her Fortune she was taken carried to Roan and there burnt for a witch though no such thing appeared against her Ioan d' Valois she was daughter to Charles King of France by his first wife Margaret of Sicily she was Married to William Earl of Holland Hainault and Zealand who died before her leaving William the Second his Son and four Daughters after which she 〈◊〉 a Religious Habit in the ●●bby of Fontenele and by her Prudent Intercession stayed the battle at the point to be given between the Kings of England and France dying each Lamented of the People 〈◊〉 1400. Iocasta Daughter of Creon the Thebean King she Married King Laius and was Mother to 〈◊〉 who by reason of the words of the Oracle that he should Dethrone his Father was in his Infancy cast out to a desperate Fortune and she 〈◊〉 knowing him when grown 〈◊〉 Married him by whom she had Polynices and Eteocles who falling out about the Succession Killed each other in a Com●●ce for whose Deaths and the Discovery of the Error 〈◊〉 committed in Marriage pi●●● away with grief and died Ioan the female Pope of 〈◊〉 Called by them John 〈◊〉 finding her self with Child and ready to be delivered desperately killed her self with her Dagger Ioan Queen of France and 〈◊〉 the sole Daughter of Henry the first King of Navar and left Heiress of her Fathers Kingdom she was Wife to ●bi●●● the fair King of France transcendent for her Piety as well as Beauty very Liberal in Charitable Deeds for she founded divers Charitable Houses and left at her Death great Treasure to be bestowed among the Poor Ioan de Albert Queen of Navar a woman of a Martial Spirit she was Mother to Henry the fourth called Henry the Great King of
France who was Grandfather to the present French King she being a Protestant highly Espoused their Cause for which she is said to be poisoned at Paris with a Pair of perfumed Gloves presented her at her Sons Wedding with Margaret Sister to Charles the Ninth of France and soon after her death the horrid Massacre of the Protestants ensued in which perished about 300000. Ioan of France Daughter to King Lewis the Eleventh was Married to Lewis Duke of Orleance afterwards King of France she was a Princess of Great Virtue she Instituted the Order of the Annuntiation forming it upon the ten Virtues of the Blessed Virgin Viz. Prudence Humility Chastity Verity Devotion Obedience Poverty Patience Compassion and Charity Ioan the first Queen of Jerusalem Naples and Sicily was Daughter to Charles of Sicily Duke of Calabria who after having successively Married four Husbands Andreas James Lewis and Otho was deprived of her Kingdoms and Life by Charles d' Durass her Cousin whom she had adopted her Heir as having no Children of her own Joan the second Queen of Naples a Woman of great Courage and Conduct but had a very troublesome Reign upon William of Austria her Husband retiring into a Monastery upon Discontent occasioned by her being too Prodigal of her Favours to others and dying without Children she bequeathed her Kingdom to Rene Duke of Anjou Ioan Infanta and Regent of the Kingdom of Portugal she was Daughter to Alphonsus the fifth who for her Prudence and Courage left her Regent when he went to War against the Moors yet at last she retired into a Monastery Ioia a Woman of Spain who preached to the People in the Cathedral of Barcelona and is said in the time of the Papacy of Pope Paul the third to Convert divers Jews at Rome and to explain in the presence of the Cardinals the Books of John Don Scotus commonly called the Subtle Doctor Iole Daughter of Eurytus the Oechalian King with her Hercules fell desperately in Love but her Father would not Consent he should have her unless he could gain her by Combate with him which when he had done he still denied to give her to him which so inraged Hercules that he slew him and took her away by force and afterwards gave her to his Son Hillus but Dejaneiza Jealous of Hercules she being his first Wife sent him a Shirt dipt in Poison and Tinctured in Nessus Blood which in Pains and Torment put an end to his Glorious Atchievements with his Life Iphianassa Daughter 〈◊〉 Praetus King of the Argines who with her Sister being in the Temple of Juno and despising the homeliness of it as also the Beauty of the Goddess she throughly nettled at the Contempt so Changed and Disordered their Minds that they fancied themselves to be Heifers and could by no means be perswaded out of that Opinion till Melampus the Physician restored them again to their Right Senses and for his Reward had Iphianassa in Marriage and a part of the Kingdom for her Dowry Iphis she was the Daughter of Lygdus and Theletusa whose Sex her Mother kept secret and from her Infancy brought her up in Masculine Apparel for that her Father had doomed the Infant if a Girl to be made away when under this disguise she came of Years Lygdus concluded a Marriage between her and Janibe a Beautiful Maid which made her Mother almost at her Wits end because that by this means a Discovery would be made but however upon her invoking Venus and offering in her Temple she on the Wedding-day was changed into a Man and did the Office of a Bridegroom to the Satisfaction of her Fair Bride Iphigenia she was Daughter to King Agamemnon by Cly●●●nestra and is said by Homer to be offered up to Diana for the successful Passage of the Grecian Fleet to Troy but as she lay on the Altar ready to be sacrificed the Goddess wrapt her in a Cloud and bearing her thence made her her Priesteis Irene Empress of Constantinople Mother to Constantine the seventh whose Eyes she put out that she might Reign alone upon which as if Heaven demonstrated a Detestation of the Cruelty the Sun for eighteen days shined so dimly as if it had drawn in its Light as it Thyestes Feast but Nicephorus having wrested the Empire out of her Hands banished her to Metylene where she soon after died of Grief Irene the Fair Grecian Lady that was presented to Mabomet the Great at the Sack of Constantinople on whom he doated so much that he spent whole Days and Nights in her Company and neglected his weighty Affairs but being reproved by his Bassas he in a rage cut off her Head with his Scymeter but repenting it betook him to the Wars to put the cruel Act out of his Mind Iris Messenger to Juno said to be the Daughter of Thaumus and Electra she is painted with a Rain-bow circling her her Name importing the Painted Bow so often seen after Showers in the Clouds Isaura Clementia a Lady of Tholouse in France famous for her Learning and Ingenious Parts she appointed the Floral Games yearly kept there and in the Town-house her Marble Statue stands Crowned with Flowers Ius a Goddess worshipped by the Egyptians her Sacrifice and worship was Infamous and Obscene insomuch that the Priests were forbidden to speak any thing of them and the Romans forbid it in their City Isota of Verona a Lady of great Learning she wrote five hundred sixty four Books which are to be seen in Thaurus Library and held divers Disputes with the most Learned Men yet dyed at the Age of thirty six Years a Virgin Iudith a Holy Widow who by destroying the Tyrant Holyphernes delivered the Jews Iudith Daughter to Velpo Count of Ruensburge she was made Recluse by the People Iudith Daughter to Charles the Bald and Wife to Ethelwolfe and Ethelred Kings of England Iulia Wife to Severus the Roman Emperour and Mother to Geta she after the Death of her Husband Married Bassianus Caracalla her Son in Law who fell in Love with her upon seeing her naked Thigh Iulia Wife to Pompey and Daughter to Julius Caesar she died in Child-bed before she could compose the differences between those great Captains which afterward caused such Distractions in the Roman State by a Piteous war Iulia the Daughter of Augustus Caesar and Scribonia ●he greatly perplexed that Emperour in the heighth of his Fortune by her loofe Carriage and Wanton way of living she was Married to divers Husbands by whom she had several Children but Wedlock not being capable of satisfying her Lustful Desires and sh● continuing her leud Courses her Father Banished her after that she was Married to Tyberius but disdaining him he coming to be Emperour revenged her Pride and Scorn by confining her so straight that she pined away for Hunger Iulia Daughter to Agrippa and the beforementioned Julia she followed her
Sincerity of their Affections said Well Eginardus hadst thou loved my Daughters Honour thou oughtest to have come to her Father who is the proper Disposer of her Liberty you have justly deserved to dye but I give thee two Lives take thy fair Portress in Marriage fear God and love one another As for the Joy they conceived at this unexpected Declaration we leave to Lovers in such a a like Condition to Judge of And now since Holy Writ tells us what Love is I shall give you one more singular Example and so proceed to the rest of the Branches of this excellent Passion that so much enobles the minds of Men and Women In the Seventh Persecution of the Christians when Rivers of precious Blood were shed in all the Roman Empire for the Gospel-truth one Theodora a beautiful and chaste Virgin was taken and the barbarons Judge perceiving she preferred her Chastity before her life Condemned her to the Stews with an Order she should be ravished by as many as pleased upon News of which a great many lewd Fellows came Crowding to wait the appointed time when one 〈◊〉 a young Man who bore her an extraordinary Love for her Piety though he suspected the Attempt would be his Death nevertheless resolved to free her from that Shame and therefore pressing in in Soldiers habit before the rest he prevailed with her to change Cloaths with him and so make her Escape but he staying in her stead was doomed to die The Virgin hearing this resolved to save him if possible by surrendring her self but so cruel was the Tyrant that this stupendious Miracle of Love and Friendship prevailed not for he doom'd them both to Death which they suffered joyfully and ascended to the Quite of eternal Harmony Tho' the fair Sex be counted the weaker yet in this glorious Passion they prove the strongest superseding the Fidelity of of their Nature by the strength of an incredible Affection so that being born up with that they have often performed as worthy things as could ●e expected from the Courage and Constancy of mankind even the most generous of them They have despised Death in all the Variety of his terrible Shapes and forced the strong opposing Bars of Difficulties and Dangers to make way to the Centre of invicible Love and in which they seemed proud to let it appear more strong in the greatest Extremities of their Husbands of which a few Examples will not be amss Love in Aviz the Wife of Cicinna Poectus was exceeding for having knowledge that her Husband was condemned to die yet Liberty given him to chuse was Death he pleased she went to him and exhorted him to contemn the fear of Death and die Couragiously and then giving a kind Farewel she with a Knife hid in her Garments stabbed her self as resolving not to out-live her Husbands fall and then whilst strength of Life remained reaching him the Knife she said The would I have made 〈◊〉 Smarts not but that which thou art about to give thy self is I●tolerable to me and so they both died Embracing each other with all the tender Expressions of a constant Affection At the time the Emperor Conrade the Third besieged the Duke Ou●tsus of Bavaria in the City of Wensberg in Germany the Women perceiving the Town at the point of being taken Petitioned the Emperor that they might depart with each of them so much as they could carry on their Backs which being granted and every one expecting they would come forth with their rich Apparel Vessels and of Gold and Silver and the like they on the contrary neglecting them brought every one her Husband on her Back at which so extraordinary Love and Tenderness in these Virtuous women the Emperor was so moved that he could not refrain from Tears and thereupon not only forgave them all though before he had doomed them to Destruction but received the Duke into Favour and highly praised the Women And we find divers others in Story that have equalled if not exceeded these we have mentioned Portia the Daughter of Cato and Wife to Brutus hearing of her Husbands overthrow and Death in the Philippi Field she for the great Love we bare him determined to die and though her Friends apprehensive of her Design kept all manner of mischievous Instruments from her she founds means to Cram burning Coals down her Throat and so expired others have leaped into their Husbands flaming Funeral Piles and so expired Eumines burying the dead that had fail'n in the Battle of Jabbins against Antigonus amongst others there was found the Body of Ceteas the Captain of those Troops that had come out of India This Man had two Wives who accompanied him in the Wars the one of which he had newly married and another which he had married a few years before but both of them bore an intire love to him for whereas the Laws of India require that one Wife shall be burnt with her dead Husband both proffer'd themselves to Death and strove with that Ambition as if it was some glorious Prize they sought after Before such Captains as were appointed their Judges the younger pleaded that the other was with Child and that therefore she could not have benefit of that Law Tht Elder pleaded that whereas she was before the other it was also fit that she should be before her in Honour since it was customary in other things that the Elder should have place The Judges when they understood by Midwives that the elder was with child passed Judgment that the younger should be burnt which done she that had lost the cause departed rending her Diadem and tearing her Hair as if some grievous Calamity had befallen her The other all Joy at her Victory went to the Funeral Fire magnificently dressed up by her Friends led along by her Kindred as if to her Nuptials they all the way singing Hymns in her Praises When he drew near the Fire taking of her Ornaments she delivered them to her Friends and Servants as tokens of Remembrance they were a multitude of Rings with variety of precious Stones Chains and Stars of God c. this done she was by her Brother placed upon the 〈◊〉 Matter by the side of her Husband and after the Army had thrice compassed the Funeral Pile fire was put to it and she without a word of Complaint finished her life in the Flames Again some Wives have lived with their van●●●shed or bansshed Husbands 〈◊〉 Woods Rocks Cave c choosing to undergo all manner of Hardship and Misery rather than be seperated from them Julius Sabinus who had caused the Galls to Rebell against Vespatian flying his wrath accompanied with a Servant or two to a Tomb or Burying-place of the dead there dismissed one of them to spread the news abroad that he was slain in the Field or had afterward poisoned himself this coming to the Ears of Epo●●●● his wife she wept and would by no means be comforted resolving to die this made
the Belly of a little Shell fish Margery from the Herb called Marjoram Mary in the Hebrew 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 Miriam Exod. 15.33 Mat. 1.18 some make it the Sea of bitterness of 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 Mar bitterness and 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 Jam the Sea Maud i. Noble or Honourable Lady of the Maids Maudlin see Magdalin Medea i. Counsel Mehetabel 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 Gen. 36. ver 39. as if it were 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 Mehtcb-el i. how good is God Melicent i. sweet Honey Fr. Meraud perhaps by Contraction from the precious E meraud stone Milchah 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 Gen. 11.29 as it were 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 Malchah i. a Queen Modesta i. Modest or Temperate Mickerel a Pandor or Procurer Mabel Mabilia q. amabilis l. lovely or Mabelie f. My fair one a Womans name Macarons Fr. little Frirer-like Buns or thick Lozenges compounded of Sugar Almonds Rose-water and Musk pounded tog●her and baked wich a gentle fire Also the Italian Macaroni lumps or gobbers of boiled paste served up in butter and strewed over with Spice and grated cheese a common dish in Italy Maturnia a Roman Goddess who over-awed young Brides and kept them from gadding abroad or giving their Bridegrooms the slip on the Wedding-night Marcella an illustrious Lady Daughter of Albion she was brought up under St. Jerome and faithfully instructed by him in the Fundamentals of the Christian Religion and being a Wife only of seven Months she afterward led a Contemplative Life in Widdowhood and never would be perswaded to Marry Marcelina a beautiful but lewd Lady she in the time of Pope Avecetus embraced the Doctrine of the Gnostick Heresie and drew many of the Orthodox to follow it that they might keep in favour with her Marcelin Sister to St. Ambrose she took the Veil of Virginity from Pope Liberius and lived a vertuous Life in a Monastery Margaret Valois Dutchess of Alanson c. She was first Married to the Duke of Alancon and afterward to Albert K. of Navarry and of her descended Henry the IVth of France Margaret Countess of Holland this Lady upbraiding a poor Woman that came to ask an Alms because she had two Twins in her Arms saying such a thing could not be unless she had lain with two several Men the Woman upon this prayed the Counsels might have as many Children as there were days in the Year at one Birth to convince her of her Error which accordingly sell out in 1276. there remaining to this day an Epitaph in the Abby of the Bernardines half a League from the Hague where she and her Children lye buried that expressly mentions it Margaret Dutchess of Parma Florence and Plaisance Governess of the Low-Countries she was a Lady of admirable Wit and Beauty she was Married first to Octavius Farnese Pope Paul the Thirds Nephew and afterward to Alexander Fernose Duke of Florence she had a Masculine Courage and delighted more in manly Actions than in those more proper to her Sex and managed the Government in her Charge with great Prudence Macareus the Son of Ae●clus who got his Sister Conace with Child whereupon her Father fe●t her a Sword with which she killed her self Marcaria Daughter to Hercules who for the Safety of her Countrey devoted her self to Death by being Sacrificed to appease the anger of the Gods for the Preservation of whose Memory the Athenians in generous Gratitude because she had freely offered her Life to prevent their falling into the hands of their Enemies built her a stately Monument which they adorned with Garlands of Flowers to shew she died a Virgin Ma one that was intrusted by Jupiter with the Education of Bacchus Rea the Goddess was likewise called Ma and went under that Name among the Lydians who usually sacrificed to her a Bull at the Altar erected to the Honour of her Magdalen Sister to Laz●●us and Martha to her to whom our Blessed Saviour shewed himself after his Resurrection before he appeared to the Disciples Magdalen Daughter to Francis the first of France and Married to James the fifth of Scotland she was a Lady of admirable Virtue and Beauty but she enjoyed not long her Marriage dying seven Months after she Landed in Scotland Mahaud Countess of Damartin and Balonia she was Married to Philip of France Son to Philip the August and in his Life-time to Alphonsus King of Portugal the Third of that name Mamea Julia Mother to Alexander Severus the Emperor she governed the Empire whilst her Son was Emperor having an entire Ascendant over him she held a Conference with Origen and did divers good Offices to the Christians but her Cruelty and Covetousness at last caused the Death of her self and her Son by an Insurrection of the Souldiery Mandane Daughter to Astiages she dreamed her own water overflowed the Face of the Earth and out of her Bosom came a Vine that overspread it after that she was Married to Cambyses the Persian King and brought forth the great Cyrus who won the Babyloian Kingdom and many other Countries Mariamne the Virtuous and beautiful Queen of Herod the great King of Juda she was of the Royal Blood of the Asmonaean Family and though in her Right he gained the Crown yet at the Instigation of his Sister and other Conspirators against her Life he caused her to be publickly beheaded after which he never enjoyed himself Morosia a beautiful Lady of Phoenitia Martia Wife to Cato Vticensis he after she had born him Children gave her to Hortensius that he might have an Heir to his Family by her but he dying she returned again to Cato and was a second time married to him about the time the Civil War broke out between Pompey and Caesar. Morosia a Roman Lady very beautiful which gained her such an Ascendant over the chief of the Roman Clergy that she made and unmade Popes at her Pleasure Martha Sister to Lazarus and Mary Magdalen said among other Christians to be put into a Boat and turned out to Sea but by Providence the Boat arrived at Marseilles in France where she lived and died a Saint Martina Wife to Heraclius the emperor she poisoned her Husbands Sons by a former Wife to make way for Heracleo who was her Son by Heraclius to the Throne but er'e two years were expired the Senate adjudged her to have her Tongue cut out and her Sons Nose to be cut off least the one by Eloquence and the other by Beauty should move the People to compassionate them and afterwards being banished to Cappadocia they died in Exile Mary the Blessed Virgin Mother of our Saviour according to the flesh Mary of Aragon Wife of Otho the third Emperor being a Woman of insatiable Lust and causing many Mischiefs in the Empire she at last was Sentenced and burnt alive Mary Q. of France Daughter to Francis d' Medicis great Duke of Tuscany Married to Henry the Fourth of France after the Divorce between him and
Ancients to ●e Goddesses and worshipped by them as such having their charge assigned over Rivers and Fountains perhaps being Spirits that haunted those places and as they saw it convenient put on pleasing shapes to gain adoration from those that wandered in a melancholy posture to or by those solitary places Naprae a sort of Wood-Nymphs fancied or fabled like the ●ormer and held by the rural people in the like Veneration upon the same account their name being taken from the Greek word 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 signifying a Wood. Nev●u Sirnamed Magdalen was a very Learned and Ingenious Lady of Roches in Poitu famous for her parts and ingenuity leaving divers of her Writings of considerable use behind her and had a daughter no less accomplished in Learning and Ingenuity which was improved the more by her great industry in the Arts and Sciences she had brought up in by her careful mother to the praise and lustrution of her sex Niobe Daughter of Tantalus wept for the death of her children so immeasurably because they were slain for boasting themselves equal in birth to those of the Goddess Lat●n ●●iz Appolo and Diana that she is seigned to be turned into a perpetual weeping Marble Pillar and that sympathizing with her grief the natural Marble has ever since wept against Rainy and cloudy weather She was Wife to Amphio● King of Thebes who was said by the melody of his Harp to bring together the stones that built the walls of that City and from her came the saying of a mourning Niobe when any of the fair sex is too much overwhelmed with tears and grief for the loss of children or relations Naomi was mother in Law to Ruth the M●abitess who was married to Booz the Father of Obed the Father of 〈◊〉 who was the Father of David from whom according to the flesh Christ took upon him in the fullness of time by a Lineal Descent our humane nature to redeem lost mankind and reconcile us to a state of happiness Nox Night or the Queen of Night was by the Ancients stiled an Heathen Goddess and accounted the daughter of Primitive Chaos and darkness Some likewise held her to be the Daughter of Heaven and Earth married as Poets fable to Erebus the God of the lower Region of Hell by whom she had four children viz. Fate or Destiny Old Age Sleep and Death and she was painted by them holding two infants in her arms one sleeping and the other waking the one fresh coloured ●●●e other pale or inclining to blackness deno●ing sleep the office of night to be the Image or representative of Death Nitocris Queen of Babylon was mother of Lebinetus whom Cyrus the great King of Persia thrust from his Throne though to prevent that City falling into the Enemies hands caused the great River Euphrates to be turned from its wonted course and brought it through the streets of Babylon an other way that by the rapidness of its course it might frustrate the Enterance of the Persians causing a Bridge likewise to be laid over it and her Tomb to be erected over the principal Gate of the City the which when the Persians saw she was notwithstanding buried in and when some time after Darius hoping by the promise of a Superscription to find great store of treasure therein sound nothing but a sharp reproof engraved on a stone for disturbing through covetousness the Repository of the dead Numbers were of so great account among the Greecians for their usefulness and the harmony and agreement as to mysteries and parts of the Creation sound in them that in their Heatheni●h Times they set up an Idol which they called Numeria or the Goddess of Numbers or accounts and payed Adoration to it Nymphs in general were accounted in the time of Paganism of an immortal Race fabled to be the daughters of Oceanus and Thetis and were distinguished into Nereides and Naides for the waters their Dryades and Hamadryades had the care of the Forests assigned them the Napeae of the Meadows and Groves the Oreades of the Mountains some supposing them to be departed Souls haunting places they most delighted in when they lived in the body Nursery-Maids If you intend to fit your self for this imployment you must naturally incline your self to love Young Children otherwise you will soon discover your unfitness to manage that charge you must be very neat and clearly about them and careful to keep good hours for them both to arise and go to bed likewise to get their breakfasts and Suppers at good and convenient time Let them not sit too long but walk them often up and down especially those who cannot go well of themselves you must also be extraordinary careful and vigilant that they get not any falls thorough your neglect for by such falls many the cause at first being unperceivable have grown irrecoverably lame or crooked Therefore if any such thing should happen besure you conceal it not but acquaint your Lord or Lady Master or Mistriss thereof with all convenient speed that so means may be used for their Child's recovery before it be too late You must be extraordinary careful that you be no● churlish or dogged to the children but be always merry and pleasant and contrive and invent pretty sports and pastimes as will be most suitable and agreeable to the childrens age keep their Linen and other things always mended and s●●ter them not to run too fast to decay Do not let the children see that you love any one child above the other for that will be a means of dejecting and casting down the other Be careful to hear them read if it be imposed upon you and be not too hasty with them have a special care how you behave your self before them neither speaking nor acting misbecomingly le● your 〈◊〉 Example prove the Subject of their imitation Night-Walkers and Divers I joyn them together as being but one and the same thing for she that is a Diver or Pick-pocket is an infallible s●oler or Night-walker This Occupation is contrary to all other for she opens her shop-windows when all other Trades are about to shut them The Night approaching she rigs her self in the best manner she can with some apparent outward Ensign of her Protection having weigh'd Anchor and quitted her Port she steers her course for some one principal street as Cheapside or Cornhil with a gentle breese she first sails slowly on the one side and if she meet never a Man of War between Snow-hill and the Poultry she tacks and stands away to the other side but if she be a tolerable right Frigar she is laid aboard before ma●e fast with the Grapplings and presently rummaged in the Whold sometimes she sheers off and leaves my Man of War on fire You shall know her by her brushing you s●riog in your face often hastings in the street by gazing about her or looking after some or other she hath brush'd but the most infallible sign is
no more Octavia she was Daughter to Octavius and the Emperor Augustus's Sister she was first Married to Marcellus and then Mark Anthony she had divers Children that came to be great Men and was admired by the Romans for her Virtue and Prudence so that her Brother Dedicated a Temple and Porticoes to her in Rome as we find it Recorded by Dion Octavia Daughter to Claudius and Messalina was Wife to Nero the Emperor of Rome who without any apparent Cause Divorced her and having Poisoned her Brother Britanicus he caused her to be put to Death Oenoe a Beautiful Nymph that resorted Mount Ida where when Paris was Shepherd she fell in love with him but he coming afterwards to know that he was Son to King Priam of Troy slighted her for Hellen of Greece yet she continued her Love towards him and bewailed her self in the Mountain for being so Deserted but when Paris was slain by the Greeks and his dead Body sent to her to be buried thinking thereby to comfort her her love was so extream that as soon as she saw it she fell upon it and Died of Grief Orgiva or Orgina Wife of Charles the third King of France and Daughter to King Edward the first before the Conquest of the Normans a very learned and virtuous Lady Orbona a Goddess of the Ancients held to take care of Orphans and Children in Distress she was Worshiped by the Romans that they might not be afflicted in their Widowhood or in the loss of their Children her name is derived from the word Orbus denoting any one that has lost Father or Children c. Her Altar was near to that of the Lares in the City of Rome Ordeal an old Saxon way of trying of Women that were suspected to be unchast yet no proof against them they laid nine hot bars of Iron about a yard asunder and the party suspected being blindfolded was to pass over them the which if she did without touching any of them she was accounted Innocent but if otherways then guilty and Sentenced by the Laws which in those times were Death in case of Adultery Orithia Queen of the Amazons who was Queen after Marpesia and did wonders in ●eats of Arms in all Battles she fought especially against the Greeks who invaded her Territories to her succeeded Penthesila who with her Female Troop signalized her noble Bravery at the Siege of Troy Orithya Daughter Ezichtheus an Athenian King said to ●e Ravished by one of the Gods of the Wind and by him conceive Lethis and Calais Obedient Wives If their Husbands be pleasant they rejoyce in his pleasure If he suffer in any evertu●● which he neither expected nor his actions deserved they bear a part in his Lachrym● Husbands to such Wives are made happy in their choice and have good cause never to wish a change Por they may consort with those they affected without fearing of being call'd to an Evening account If their days expence should chance to be too immoderate they need fear no fingers but their own to dive into their Pockets or to make privy search for more than can be found These need not fear to receive discipline for their laist nights error Or to wear their night-Caps after the o●● fashion with both their Ears through them These can play the merry Mates with their Wives and never laugh till their hearts ake If they come home late tho sooner were better they are entertain'd with a chearful Welcome They find no Pouts in their Dish nor amongst all their necessary utensils one Chasing-dish Out of this precious Mine was surely that good Burgomasters Wife cut out who ever met her Husband at the Portel with a gentle word in her Mouth a sweet smile on her lip a merry look on her cherry cheeke a pair of slippers in one hand and in the other a rubber not at cuffs but a Towel to rub him after his Travel whereas the old beldam Tbestylis would have exchang'd that rubber with an halter if she might have had her will rather than be bound to such a Task And to such a one without all doubt was ●o matched who in a pensive plight all full of discontent published to the World from whence he desired a speedy dismission his hard Fortune in this Bridal Br●wl Married whereto to distast Bedded where all grief is plae't Clothed how with Womans shame Branded how with loss of Name How wretchlese is that Man that is disgrast With loss of Name shame grief and all distast Imprison'd h ow to womans Will Ingag'd to what is ill Restrain'd by whom by jealous fear Inthral'd to whom suspicions care How hapless is that wretch that must fulfil A false Suspicious jealous womans will Taxed for what for modest mirth Exposed how a Stale on Earth Surpriz'd with what with discontent Profess'd as how times penitent How can that forlorn Soul take joy on Earth Where Discontent and Penance is his Mirth Threatned how as he're was no man Fool'd by whom a foolish woman Slav'd to what to causeless pleen Sprite-affrighted when I dream How should th' Infernal Pri●●e more Furies summ●n Than lodge in such a spleenful Spiteful Woman Cheered most when least at home Planted where ●'th Torrid Zone Chased how with oyle of tongue Hardned how by suffering wrong How wretched in his Fate who is become Contented most when he is least at home Vrged most when she is near Vsher'd how with fruitless fear Shielded when when I do flye Cur'd with what with hope to dye How cureless doth that cure to sense appear Whose Hope is Death whose Life is fruitless fear Old mans notions of Love I would not says the Old Men be to run through the miseries of life again for a great sum for when I come toward Man the Women will have me as sure as a Gun for to catch Woodcocks and if ever I come to set eye upon a Lass that understands Dress and Raillerly I 'm gone if there were no more Lads in Christendom but for my part I am as sick as a Dog of Powdering Curling and Playing the lady Bird I would not for all the World be in the Shoomakers Stocks and Choak my self 〈◊〉 again in a straight Dublet only to have the Ladies say Look what a delicate shape and foot that Gentleman has and I would take as little pleasure to spend six hours of the four and twenty in picking Gray Hairs out of my Head or Beard or turning white into black to sl●●d half ravisht in the Contemplation of my own shadow ●o Dress fine and to go to Church only to see handsome Ladies to correct the midnight air with Ardent Sighs and Ejaculations and to keep company with Owls and Bats like a bird of evil Omen to walk the round of a Mistresses Lodgings and play at bo-peep at the corner of every street to Adore her Imperfections or as the Song says for her ugliness and for her want of Coin to make bracelets for her locks
Weakness and Oversight of either Sex which makes an Over kind Sufferer that Exclaim against such Kind of Love viz. Be gone he gone thou wheedling Cheat Thou Enemy to all that 's Great That only wer't at first design'd To be in pleasing Torments kind Thou lovely Paris dids● destroy In a worse flame than the Greeks Troy Well may●t thou still delight in strife That to a Tempest owd'st thy life Hence all the beauteeus Sex we 〈◊〉 Have learn'd Inconstancy from thee Be banish'd then to some cold Isle Where never yet the Sun did smile And only there Exert thy power Where Ice glaz'd Se●s embrace the shoar I 'll burn my Songs I 'll break my Lyre Vnless they nobler thoughts inspire And on the Thebian Swan will fly To view mellodious worlds on high Where Love is pure where Joys can never die There are but two sorts on which Love can fix that is on those that are Vertuous and those that are otherwise On a dishonest woman love is but lust and is the greatest degree of Folly imaginable for as Aeneas Sylvas says in one of his Epistles to his Friend a dishonest woman is a Poler of Youth a Ruin to mankind a lost destruction a devourer of Patrimonies the downfall of honour fodder for the Devil the Gates of Death and the Supplement of Hell a sweet poyson bitter hony a delicate misery and a voluntary mischief And Lucretia one of that Profession ingeniously confesses that Theft Envy Sacriledge Pride Gluttony Anger Murther c. were all born that day a Whore began her profession and further says Her Pride is as great as a rich Churl she is more Envious than the pox as Malitious as Melencholy as Malitious as hell and if from the beginning of the world any has been superlatively wicked it must be a harlot O Antonina continued she how many have I ruined caused to be wounded and slain Thou seest what I am without but G●d knows within I am such a soul Wretch such a puddle and Cinque of sin that Hell affords not a worse Pray tell us now this being the true Character of a Strumper what delight any but Madmen can take in them and yet we see how many doat upon these painted Sepulchres that tho they have a gaudy out-side are fill'd with french and Rottenness within so many Pandora's with boxes full of deadly plagues Yet these by many a keeping madmen for they cannot sure be in their senses and guilty of such a Transcendant Folly nay even those that have Fair Virtuous Wives are many times so poffest with this Phrensie s●ghting their chast Embraces for the mercenary smiles of a painted car-case full of Impudence and Diseases They bravely do maintain these Jilts in Tomn Whilst my great Ladies are in haste sent down And forc'd in Country Mansion house to fix That Miss may rattle in her Coach and six We think the true Character we have given her may be an Antidote against Lerchery where there is but a glimpse of Reason to discern the miseries that follow close at the heels of such lawless lusts tho in all we have said we do not forbid a Virtuous Love where it is Mutual stable and Agreeable Propose to your self seriously if your Intentions are honourable whether it be pure Love or Lust that drives you on to this Liking and desire if the Latter you may conclude if you have so much reason Left undisordered that it is very unlikely to be a happy match for burning lust once allay'd turns to Loathing be therefore serious call reason home and consider well what you go about before you go too far before your Affections settle pry as narrowly as may be into the parties Estate conditions c. And trust not too much to your own Judgment but take the advice of others see with the Eyes of a friend least your own should dazle with too much earnestly gazing on the Mountain that you suppose is about to bring forth a world of felicity though at Last it may be delivered only of a Rediculous Mouse Proportion of years must above all be considered for by their disproportion they put love out of tune and in a very little time quite spoil his harmony for Age an youth are as contrary in this affair as fire and water winter and summer though money which is the witchcraft of the world doing such Miracles by it's charrus as is almost incredible to beleive is the cause that fourscore Joyns with twenty threescore and ten with fifteen and even deformity it self if guilded o're his courted and pretended to be liked and admired tho pardon us reader if we have not so large a faith as to believe it but having treated upon the subject of Marriage very copiously else where we may here spare a further enlargement our pretentious being in this Chapter to prescribe such remedies as may cure love-sick Malencholicks rather than to spur them on in the pursuit of what perhaps may make them worse for some though we ought to blame them for so harsh a sentence will have it that Marrying and hanging are desten'd Perjury to be Avoided in Love c. Perjury among some Rhedomontado pretenders to love even of either sex it set lightly by and in Excuse for the breach of their oaths vows and solemn Protestations they would flamn us with an old tale of the Antient Poets that Jupiter having in his may scapes and transformations been guilty himself In Compassion to the frailties of Morral lovers puts all their vows in a bottomless bag never to rise up in Judgment against them but however they may flatter themselves it will not serve their turns an oath tho not taken in manner and form before a Majestrate is not a matter of such light moment as not to be regarded or trifled with it is a solemn and sacred security as one can give to an other and God himself is the witness to it and in some degree is Engaged to see it performed or in his Justice to revenge the afront and dishonour done to his Name as indeed to the terrour of mankind he has very often done in the most Astonishing ways the more lively to express his high displeasure Pitious was the fate of 〈◊〉 and her Children who was betrayed into her Brother 〈◊〉 hands who resolving to seize to himself the Kingdom of Macedonia after the Death of Alexander th' Great to which Arsina's Children had the right as Sons to Lysimachus the deceased King of Macedon he laboured to get Lysymacus and Philip the two young Princes into his hands but finding it could not be done by force he betook him to fraud and wrote many kind and endearing Letters to his Sister proposing by his Messengers a Marriage with her a thing then usual in those Countries and that her Children after his decease should enjoy not only that but his other Dominions and to this he promised to Swear in the Temple By these fair Promises she was
●o D●●i●s a woman of great Cour●ge who bore all her afflictions with patience and dispised the Frowns of Fortune Sophia Emperess to Jus●trnian the second she held a great sway in the Empire and after her husband's death advanced Tiberius to the Throne in hopes of marrying him but finding her self defeated she in Favour of Justinian the Nephew of Justine conspir'd again●● him Sopho●isba of Cremona a Lady very Famous for her skill in painting Sophronia a Roman Lady who being ravished by the Tyrant Maxentius begg'd leave of her husband that she might kill her self which accordingly she did and is called the Christian Lucretia Spaco Wife to Mithridates Herdsman to Astyages King of the Medes she was Nurse to Cyrus the Great King of Persia and Hedia Statira the beautiful Daughter of Darius Codmanus she was taken Prisoner at the battle of Issus by Alexander the Great and at his return from the Conquest of a great part of India he marry'd her though when she was offered as a Pledge of Peace by her Father he refused it and at the Wedding give away 9000 Golden Cups to so many persons that attended the Feast After his Death she was murthered by Roxana his first Wife being then great with child by Alexander Stesiclea a Lady of Athens Exceeding beautiful beloved by Themistocles and Aristides which Rivalship caused a great Division between them upon which much mischief ensued in the state Stratonice Concubine to Mithridates King of Pontus a Lady of great Courage and Beauty yet contributed to his misfortunes by siding with the Romans upon a disgust she took for her husbands checking her Ambition but afterwards she greatly lamented the Ruine of her house Sulpicia a Roman Lady living in the Reign of Domitian she composed divers books one in Verse of her own Amours and boasted she was the first that incited the Noble Women of Rome to aspire to the Wit and Learning of the Grecian Ladies Sulpitia daughter to Paterculus a chaste and virtuous Lady which made her only among all others be thought sit to dedicate the Statue of Venus at its setting up in Rome Sylvia daughter of Numitor an Albanian King otherways called Rhea she was Mother to Romulus and Rhemus Founders of Rome and held to conceive them by others Sylvia Botrix she founded the Order of the Conception and retired with Twelve Virgins to an house given her by Q. Isabella of Castile and led a chaste Life all her days Syrinx an Arcadian Nymph beloved by Pan the God of Rusticks but flying from him to the River Lad●● she pray'd to be turned into Reed that she might escap● his Lust which being 〈◊〉 he made a Pipe of it to mak● the Shepherds merry Susannah a chaste Hebrew Lady who was wrongfully accused of Incourine ●y by the Elder and proved In●●cent by Daniel to the shame and confusion of her Accuiers Sable Fr. Black colour in Blazon It is also a Rich Fur a beast so called ●●e and near as big as a Pole●● of colour between black ●d crown and breeds in 〈◊〉 but most in Tartana Strowling Morts Strowling Morts are such as ●●tend to be Widows travelling about from Country to Country making Laces upon lives as Beggar Tape or the 〈◊〉 They are subtle Queans 〈◊〉 hearted light finger'd impocritical and dissembling and very dangerous to meet if any Ruffer or Rogue be in their company Shop Lift. She is most commonly well clad and 〈◊〉 that wants more of Grace ●woed● Wit she has several large ●●●kets about her but that which stands her principally instead is her Gown or Pet●●● so tuckt up before that will contain any thing with●● falling out Thus prepa●● she will boldly go into a 〈◊〉 shop and there pre●● to lay out a great deal of 〈◊〉 whereas her whole 〈◊〉 is to convey into her lap 〈◊〉 Piece of Silk or Satin which will lie in a little com●● And that she may the better facilitate her purpose she will be very troublosome to 〈◊〉 Shop-keeper by causing him to shew her much variety of Commodity to the intent that what she hath stolen may not be easily mist And having sped in one Shop she will attempt other Shops of a different Profession She hath variety of Customers for these stolen Commodities As Taylors Piece-Brokers c. Where she makes up her Merchadise She Orators that have pleaded their own Causes or others Strange and admirable is the Efficacy and Force of Eloquence Amesia a modest Roman Lady who being of a great Crime accused and ready to incur the sentence of the Praecor she in a great confluence slept up among the people and without any Advocate pleaded her own Cause so effectually and strongly that by the publick Suffrage she was freed and acquitted from all Aspersions whatsoever which she did with such a manly yet modest constancy that from that time forward she was called Androgine Equal to her was Hortensia the Daughter of Q. Hortensius She when the Roman Matrons had a grievous Fine put upon them by the Tribunes and when all the Tribunes Lawyers and Orators were afraid to take upon them the Patronage of their Cause this discreet Lady in Person pleaded before the Triumvirate in the behalf o● the Women which she did boldly and happily For as one hereditary to her Fathers Eloquence she prevailed so far that the gre●●st part of the mulctimpoled 〈◊〉 them was instantly remined Differing from their modesties was tha● 〈◊〉 A●●●● the Wife of Lycinius Eru●●● a Woman plompt and ap● for all contention and discord and in all Troubles and Controversies still pleaded her own Cases before the 〈◊〉 Nor that she wanted the help of an Advocate but rather to express her own impudence whose common railing and 〈◊〉 before th● 〈◊〉 grew to that scandal that it almost stre●cht to the injury of the whole Sex insomuch that if any women were 〈◊〉 taxed with boldness or irregularity she in the way of a Proverb was branded with the Name of Affrania My 〈◊〉 leaves her with this Character That it is much better to 〈◊〉 when such a 〈…〉 than 〈◊〉 to be 〈◊〉 when or of whom she was 〈◊〉 Val. Max. lib. 8. cap. 3. 〈◊〉 Orators I come to Sophists and from Declamer to Disputants It is reported of C●cilia the chast Roman Virgin being married against her Will to a Noble Gentleman calted Valerianus when they were left together in the Bride-Chamber she with her strong Reasons and prompt Arguments discoursed and disputed with him in the Patronage and Defence of her Virginity proving unto him from the Scriptures how justly vowed Chastity is more acceptable in the Eyes of the Great maker than marriage insomuch that notwithstanding his 〈◊〉 of 〈◊〉 mee●ing with a Tempting Provoking Beauty the Convenience of Opportunity Time and Place with the lawfulness of the Act Establish● by the Ceremonies of the Church yet he at her interc●ssion not only 〈◊〉 from that time to offer her any Force or Violence but ever after
in great Pain and Grief he soon after Dyed A Captain under the Duke of Anjou when he came to Assist the Revolted Netherlanders against the Spaniards coming into a Farmer 's House and not content with the Provisions they aforded him on sreecost he demanded his Daughter for his pleasure the Countryman who loved her dearly intreated him he would be otherwise satisfied offering him any thing else that was in his power but this so inraged him that he ordered his Soldiers to beat 'em all out of doors except the young Woman whom amidst Tears and lamentable Cries he forced to his Lust and after his beastial appetite was satisfi'd with unlawful pleasure he fell to flouting and dispising her This Master'd up a Womans Revenge in its most bloody shape so that being at the Table with him the with one home-thrust of a sharp Knife let out the hot Blood that circled in his Veins whilst he was giving orders to one of his Corporals and not aware of the stroak that brought him sudden death Thas you see Carnal Lust. 'T is a bewiching evil being an 〈◊〉 appetite in whomsoever it reigneth it k●lleth all good motions of the mind 〈◊〉 drieth and weakeneth the body shortning life deminishing memory and understanding Cirena a notorious strumpet was sirnamed Dodo Camechana for that she found out and invented twelve several ways of beastly pleasure Proculeius the Emperour of an hundred Samatian Virgins he took Captives defloured ten the first might and all the rest within fifteen days after Hercules in one night defloured fifty Sigismund Malatesta strived to have carnal knowledge of his Son Robert who thru●●ing his dagger into his Fathers ●osom revenged his wickedness Cleopatra had the use of her brother At●●o●eus's company as of her Husband Auteochus staid a whole winter in Chalcidea for one Maid which he there fancied Lust was the cause of the Wars between the Romans and the 〈◊〉 Thalestins Queen of the Amazons came 2● days journey to lie with Alexander Adultery in Germany is never pardoned 〈…〉 and P pilia were so inco●in 〈◊〉 that they commended with most shameful 〈…〉 themselves without respect of time place or company to any though never so 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 not co●●ented with ●is three 〈…〉 commi●ted 〈…〉 si●te●s 〈…〉 like 〈◊〉 the 〈…〉 by his wi●e the 〈…〉 A 〈…〉 the c●●se of the 〈…〉 of the City of Rome Sempronia a woman well learned in the Greek and Sappho no less famous defended Luxury and Lust by their Writings Cleopatra invited Anthony to a Banquet in the Province in Bithynia in the wood Sesthem where at one instant of threescore young Virgins fifty and five were made Mothers Cleophis a Queen of India saved her Kingdom and Subjects from destruction by a nights lodging with Alexander by whom she had a Son called Alexander who was afterward King of India she was ever after called Scortum Reginum Jane Queen of Naples was hanged up for her Adultery in the same place where she had hanged her husband Andreas before because he was not as she said able to satisfie her beastly desire Foron King of Egypt had been blind ten years and in the eleventh the Oracle told him that he should recover his sight if he washed his Eyes in the water of a Woman which never had to do with any but her husband whereupon he first made trial of his own wife but that did him no good after of infinite others which did him all as little save only one by whom he recovered his fight and then he put all the rest to death Julia the Daughter of Augustus was so immodest shameless and unchaste that the Emperor was never able to reclaim her And when she was admonished to forsake her bad kind of life and to follow chastity as her Father did she answered That her Father forgot he was Caesar but as for herself she knew well enough that she was Caesars Daughter Caelius Rhodoginus In his II Book of Antiquities telleth of a certain man that the more he was beaten the more he fervently desired women The Widow of the Emperour Sigismund intending to marry again one perswaded her to spend the remainder of her life after the manner of the Turtle Dove who hath but one Mate If you counsel me quoth she to follow the example of Birds why do you not tell me of Pidgeons and Sparrows which after the death of their Mates do ordinarly couple with the next they meet Hiero King of Syracusa banished the Poet Epicharmus for speaking wantonly before his Wife and that very justly for his Wife was a true Mirrour of Chastity Sulpitius Gallius put away his Wife by divorce because she went about unmasked Pompey caused one of his Souldiers eyes to be put out in Spain for thrusting his hand under a Womans Garment that was a Spainard and for the like offence did Sertorius command a footman of his band to be cut in pieces If Caracalla had not seen his Mothers thigh he had not married her Tigellenus died amongst his Concubines The Terentines had taken and spoiled Carbinas a Town in Japyges and were not only for Ravishing the Women themselves but permitted Strangers that came that way to do it even in the Temple where they had Penn'd them up naked Divine Vengeance over-took them so that all who had committed this Villany were struck dead with Lightning from Heaven and their own Friends looking upon it as a just Judgment were so far from pittying them that they offered Sacrifice to Jupiter the Thunderer It would be too tedious to draw the Scene too open and discover the miseries that have befallen such as have been eager in pursuit of these Vices they have occasioned the subversions of Kingdoms and States Tarquine the proud and all his Race were driven out of England for Ravishing Leucretian who finding her Chastity violated though by a King killed her self and if we believe our Chronologers it occasioned the calling in the Danes by the incensed Husband who had been Ravished by the Kings Viceroy in the North and with them came in a Deluge of miseries for almost a hundred years The Adulteries of Fergus King of Scotland was by the occasion of hers likewise for when she had killed him in his bed and was yet unsuspected for the good opinion all people had of her vertue hearing that divers people ignorant of the Murther were tortured in order to a Confession She came into the Judgment Hall where the Lords and others were Assembled and thus Expressed● her self As for me said she good People I know not what it is that moveth me nor what Divine Vengeance pursues and vexes me with divers Cogitations but this I am sure of all this day I have had no rest nor quiet either in body or mind And truly when I heard that divers guiltless Persons were cruelly tortured Here in your presence had it not been for their sakes I had soon rid my self out of the way and not have
formerly recoverable in the Spiritual Court but now only in Chancery Abortion an untimely Birth or Miscarriage which happens through divers Causes Inward and Outward Amnion the Membrane with which the Faetus in the Womb is most immediately clad which with the rest of the Sc●ndine the Chorion and Alantoin is ejected after the Birth it is whiter and thinner than the Chorion It contains not only the Faetus but the nutritious Humour whence the Faetus by the Mouth and Throat sucks its nourishment It is outwardly clothed with the Urinary Membrane and the Chorion which sometimes stick so close to one another that they can scarce be separated Dr. Blanchard Amazons Amazones Warlike Women of Scythia that had but one Teat their name in Greek impowring as much they were very Man-like and cut off their Right Breasts that it might not hinder their shooting for they were excellent Archers they lived by themselves and if at any time they went to their Husbands or neighbouring Men and conceived if it were a Female Child they kept it if a Male they sent it to the Father The Country where they lived is denominated from them and called Amazonia Anchores● a Religious Woman that Lives solitarily in a Cell Vide Anachorite Anne Heb. Hannah gracious or merciful Annulet Annulus a Ring or any thing like a Ring Aretaphila Gr. i.e. amatrix virtutus a lover of or friend to virtue a Woman's Name Abia Hercules Daughter Aegiale the Wife of Diomedes an Adultress Aegina Jupiter's Mistress in the shape of fire Aegle Daughter of Hesperus King of Italy Agatha g. good a Womans Name Aglata one of the Graces Aglais a very great sheeater Megale's Daugther Agnes g. chast a Womans Name Agnodice a Maid Physician Alepone Neptunes Daughter turned into a King-fisher Ambosexons Male and Female Amorets f. Love toys Amulet l. a ball about the neck to keep from Poison or Witchcraft Amymone one of Danaiis's fifty Daughters Mother of Nauplius by Neptune Anetis a Lydian Goddess Anatiferius l. Bringing the age of old Women Anaxarete a hard hearted Virgin turned into a stone Anchoress a Nun. Andrago g. a Manly Woman Andrast●s Andate Goddess of Victory among the Britans Andromache g. many fight Hectors wife Andromeda Cepheus's daughter Aretapila g. a she-friend of vertue Arethusa Daughter of Nereus a river of Sicily also an Armenian fountain in which nothing sinks Ariadne Daughter of Minos Asbiaroth Goddess of the Adonians Assedrix a she-assistant a Midwife Astroarch Queen of Pl●nets the Moon Atalanta the swift Lady won by Hipomanes's three Golden Apples Arthis Daughter to Cranaus King of Athens Ave Marie l. Her Salutation by the Angel Avice Hildevig Sa. Lady ●● defense Anses African Virgins used to combat in honour of Minerva Autonoe Actaeon's Mother Agetus the Lacedemonian Herodotus lib. 6. thus writes of this Lady the Daughter of Alcydes the Spartan first wife to Agetus and after to the King Ariston She of the most deformed became the excellentest amongst Women Aristorlea Of all the deaths that I have read of this of Aristoclaea methinks exceeds example with which howsoever her body was tormented her soul could not be grieved for never woman died such a loving death Her Lovers contending in the heat of their affection but not regarding her safety whom they did affect she as it were set upon the rack of Love plucked almost to pieces betwixt them both expired Ada Alexander the Great amongst his many other conquests having besieged the great City Halicarnassus by reason of opposition made against him levell'd it with the ground He entred Caria where Ada then reigned Queen who being before opprest by Orontobas imployed by Darius was almost quite beaten out of her Kingdom Having at that time no more of all her large Dominions left her saving Alynda the most defenced City into which she had retired herself for safety She hearing of Alexanders approach gave him a Royal meeting and submitted herself her Subjects and City into his Power withal Adopting him by the Name of Son Agathoclea Ptolme being free from all foreign Invasions he began Domestick troubles at home For being given over to his own Appetite and besotted to his Insatiate Pleasures he first began with Loadice both his Sister and Wife causing her to be slain that he might the more freely enjoy the society and fellowship of his most rare and beautiful Mistress Agathoclea So that the greatness of his Name and the Splendor of his Majesty both set apart he abandoned hinself solely to Whoredoms by Night and to Banquets and all profuseness of Riot by day Aristomache Dionysius the Tyrant banisht Dion out of Sicily taking into his own custody the Exiles Wife Aristomache and her Daughter But after at the great Intercession of one of his Servants Polycrates a man by him much affected he compelled the Lady who still Lamented the absence of her Lord unto a second Marriage with this Polycrates who was by Nation of Syracusa But Dion having gathered fresh Forces and expelling Dionysius from Syracusa unto the Locrenses Arete his Sister meeting him and Congratulating his Famous Victory made Intercession for Aristomache who with great shame had kept herself from the presence of her first Husband not daring to look him in the Face howsoever her second Nuptials were made by Force and Compulsion But the necessity of the cause the wondrous submission and modest Excuse of Aristomache together with the Mediation of Arete so much he prevailed with Dion all confirming her innocence that he received his wife and Daughter into his Family still continuing their former Love and Society Artimesia Queen of Caria so much honoured the remembrance of her Husband Mausolus being dead that after Meditation and deliberate counsel which way she might best decorate his Hearse and withal to express to Perpetuity her unmatchable Love She caused to be erected over him a Tomb so Magnificent that for the Cost and State it was not doubted to be worthily reckoned amongst the Nine Wonders But what do I speak of so rich a Structure when she her self became the living Sepulcher of her dead husband by their Testimonies who have Recorded that she preserved his bones and having beaten them to powder mingled their dust with her Wine in remembrance of him every morning and evening Cicer. Tusc. lib. 3 and Plin. lib. 36. cap. 5. Aretaphila Cyrenea is deservedly numbred amongst the Heroick Ladies she lived in the time of Mithridates and was the Daughter of Aeglatur and the Wife of Phedimus A Woman of excellent Vertue exquisite Beauty singular Wisedom and in the Managing of Common-Wealths business and Civil Affairs ingeniously Expert Aurora or the Morning Hesiodus in Theog terms her the Daughter of Hyperion and the Nymph Thya and Sister to the Sun and Moon Others derive her from Tytan and Terra they call her the way leader to the Sun as Lucifer the Day-Star is stil'd her Henshman or Usher For so saith Orpheus in an Hymn to Aurora
fading Bethiah 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 may be rendred the Daughter of the Lord as it were 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 or the House of the Lord as it were 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 1 Chron 4.18 of 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 bath a Daughter see 22. and 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 beth a House from 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 banah he builded and 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 jah a name of God from 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 hajah he was Blanch or Blanchia i. white or fair from blanc Fr. Bona i. She that is good favourable or affable Lat. Bridget from Bride Irish. Batilda Queen of France she is Renowned for her Piety and Learning Descended from an English Saxon Prince In her Youth as she walked by the Sea-shoar she was surpized by Pirates who carryed her to France and sold her to the Mayor the Kings Palace where the King no sooner saw her viz. Clovis the Second but he fell in Love with her Marryed her and had by her Three Sons and Governed the Kingdom very prudently till Clotaire her third Son came of Age She was for her holy manner of Living and the Charitable Deeds she had done Sainted or Cannonized by Pope Nicholas the First Baudise or Boadicia a Queen of the Antient Britains who for the Rape of her Daughters by the Roman Lieutenant fell upon their Army with a great power at unawares and cut of seventy Thousand of them but not being afterward assisted by the rest of the British Princes she was Vanquished by Suctonius and treacherously poisoned by those to whom she fled for Refuge Beatrix Queen of Naples and Sicily Daughter of Raymond Berrenger the fifth Earl of Provence she was a Woman of a Masculine Spirit and stired up great Wars in those Kingdoms which occasioned much Blood-shed Beatrix Daughter to Renaud Earl of Burgundy she was Marryed to Frederick the first Emperour of the Romans she going out of Curiosity to see the City of Milan the People by some Incendiaries were possessed that she had contributed to the Abridgment of their Liberties whereupon they took her from her stately Chariot and set her upon a scurbbed Ass her face to the Tail which they compelled her to hold in her hand instead of a Bridle and so led her through the Principal parts of the City Which Afront the Emperour Resented so highly that he razed the City except the Churches to the Ground sowed it with Salt and put all those who had a hand in this business to death unless such as could with their Teeth take a Figg out of the Fundament of the Ass on which they had set the Empress which many detested and chose rather to suffer death than attempt it Batsheba Wife to Uriah the Hittite her naked beauties so Inchanted King David who espyed her from a Turras as she was washing in a Fountain that he procured her Husband to be slain and took her to Wife of whom he begat Solomon the wife King of Israel Bacchanetes a sort of War-like Woman who attended Bacchus in his War and Conquest of the Indians and afterwards the Priestess of Bacchus were so called who Celebrated his Feasts and Drunken Revels and were clad in Leopards and Panthars skins The Men were attired like Satyrs and Crowned with Ivy or Vines and these Feasts were Celebrated with all manner of Discordant Musick as Horns and Cymbals c. And with very great disorder to shew the folly of Drunkenness Barchia Daughter of Bacchus at the Celebration of whose Feast the Bacchinalians tore Acteon the Son of Melissus in pieces because he refused to join with them in those disorders for which they were banished the City of Corinth Bagoe held to be the Nymph that taught the Tuscan Sages the Art of Divination by the flight of Ligthning and is held by some to be one of the Sibyls others say she was the first Woman that Interpreted the Oracles and flourished in the time of Alexander the Great Barrbancon Marie de Daughter of Michael Lord of Cany in her Castle of Benegon in the Province of Berry by the Lord Lietenant of Burgundy she with her Sword in her hand marched at the head of the Breach that was made and beat the Enemy out again but famine growing so fast upon her she was compelled to surrender yet in consideration of her great Courage and Conduct had her Castle restored to her again Barro a Woman very Learned in Philosophy Bassine Artebabaze a Persion Captains Daughter she was taken in Damascus and presented to Alexander the Great who for her Beauty Marryed her Beaufort Margaret Grand Child to Edward the Third she was Mother to Henry the Seventh she founded many Religious Houses and gave liberaly to Charitable uses among which Christs and St. Johns Colledges in Cambridge are not the least Memorable she was so zealous for the promotion of the Christian Religion on in the Eastern Countrys where it was so much decayed that she would often say if it pleased God to stir up the Christian Princes to War for the Recovery of the Holy Land she would attend upon them as their Laundress Bertos Claudia first a Nun then an Abbess She was a Virgin of Singular Learning and Piety Beledes they were so called as being the fifty Daughters of Danaus who being Marryed to Egyptus fifty Sons all of them at their Fathers command except Hypemnestray killed their Husbands on the Wedding Night and she for her refusal and contributing to his Escape was a long while imprisoned by her Father till her Husband came with an Armed power and Rescued her Bellides or Danaides the same with the former Bellona stiled the Goddess of War Companion and Sister to Mars she had Temples Dedicated to her and Priests who were called Belonary they used to offer part of their blood to her and then give it to those that participaed with them in the Mistery Some will have her to be the same with Pallas the Cappadocians held her in such Esteem that her Priests took place next the Kings she is variously painted in Warlike dresses Biblia or Billa Wife to Duellus a Roman being reproved by him for not telling him of the strong smell of his breath that had been objected to him in a Brawl she innocently told him that never having kissed any Man but himself she concluded all Mens breath had the same favour Biblis Daughter of the Nymph Cyana she fell passionately in Love with her Brother Caunus who refusing to comply with her desires in a Lustful way she attempted to hang herself but being prevented in that by her Nurse she mourned and wept so long till she dyed and is fabled to be turned into a Fountain Billichilde first Marryed to Theodebertus Second King of Austrasia who of a Slave for her beauty advanced her to the dignity of a Queen and by her he had two Sons and and a Daughter but within a while after growing jealous of her he caused her to be put to
favour A Lady gave me once her cheek to kiss Being no less than I my self did wish For this I 'll say and bind it with an oath Her cheek tastes sweeter far than do's her mouth But there is nothing so much discovereth the vain Pride of these Beauties as a coyness to their Servants in their Wooing and Winning If they affect you that affection must be so shrowded and shaddowed as Lynceus's eyes could not disclose it Walk from them their eyes are on you walk to them their eyes are from you There is no argument be it never so well-relishing nor sorting with their liking that they will give ear to No posture be it never so graceful they will afford an eye to Opposition suiteth best with their condition To a stranger they will shew themselves familiar to you whose intimacy hath got a room in their hearts they will seem a stranger If you appear merry it must be expounded trifting childishness if grave stoick fullenness It were a gift above apprehension in every particular to fit their humour And yet they must be humour'd or they are lost for ever Beauty is coveted by all and where Nature has not cast the Face and Body in one of her finest Moulds what Arts what Costs are used to repair her work and varnish over her defect that they may not be obvious Beauty was so greatly Admired by the Ancients that whereas Gorgon by some called Medusa had such a loveliness imprinted on her Face that she fixed the Admiring Spectators for a time Immovable rendring them as Men Amaz'd and Astonished They hereupon feigned that she converted Men into Stones with the dazling brightness of her Eyes The Barbarous Nations had also such veneration for it that they thought none capable of any extraordinary Action unless nature had Impressed an Excellent shape and Loveliness upon their Persons to dignifie and distinguish them from others Holding that the accidental meeting of a Beautiful Person was an Augury or presage of good fortune whereas the contrary was looked upon as an unlucky Omen And indeed Beauty has found its favourers amongst all sorts of Persons pleading more powerfully than the most refined Oratory No Armour is proof against it's pointed rays the Sword and the Gown bend to it and pay it homage as the Soveraign Commandress of Affection And lays a Thousand snares for even the most stubborn and stoical of Mankind which they cannot at all times escape Beauty so Captivated the heart of that Renowned Warriour Edward the Fourth King of England that after in a Bloody War with the House of Lancaster having obtained the Crown the Lady Elizabeth Gray Widow to Sir John Gray slain in the Quarrel of Henry the Sixth coming to petition him for her Husbands Estate that had been declared Forfeited and Seized to the Kings use He at the first sight of her was so passionately in Love that though the Great Earl of Warwick who had by his Valour been mainly Instrumental in making him King was at that time as his Proxy Wooing for him the Infanta of Savoy he finding she would not yield to be his Mistress made her his Queen though to the hazard of his Kingdom Being driven out by the Inraged Earl who for this Affront took part with Henry the Sixth and remained as an Exile for a considerable time till Fortune favouring him he again by force of Arms assumed the Royal Dignity Beauty in Aspasia the daughter of Hermotimus the Phocian surpassed all the Virgins of her Age in the Elegance of her form being a perfect Pattern of an Excellent Beauty Attracting the Affections of all that gazed upon her so that he who came a Spectator departed a Lover and is by Aelian described in this manner Her Hair Yellow and naturally Curling her Eyes bright Sparkling and full her Ears small and her Nose a Gentle rising in the Midest her Skin smooth and her Countenance of a Rosie Colour For which cause the Phocians whilst she was a Girl gave her the Name of Milto her Lips Were red and her Teeth white as Alablaster her Feet small and her Voice had something in it so smooth and sweet that whilst the spoke it was like the Musick of Syrens she used no Feminine Arts to render her Beauties more Advantageous as being born and brought up by poor Parents she was as Chaste as Lovely so that allured by both Cyrus the Younger King of Persia made her his Wife And after his Decease she was Married to King Artaxerxes the force of Beauty and Chastity having so Transcendant a power as to make her twice a Queen and have the Ascendant over the most Celebrated Monarchs of Asia Beautiful Phryne being accused of Lewdness and having Learned to plead for herself at Athens baring her Breasts and disclosing but part of her Beauty so charmed her Judges that notwithstanding the proof against her they declared her innocent At that time notwithstanding they ordained for the prevention of the like Rapture or Surprize that no woman should ever after Plead her Cause And so admirable was her Beauty Naturally without the Assistance of Art that she took all in her snares that had the least Glimmering of a Conversation with her Beauty was so Dazling Triumphant in Lais that she inflamed all Greece many at the report of her Excellent Features falling in love with her when being pestered with Troops of Adorers whom she refused she at last fell in Love with Hypolochus and went to him at Meglopolis but there her Beauty proved her destruction for the Women envying her rare Perfections in Nature wherein themselves were so much out-done surprized the charming Lady and carryed her to the Temple of Venus where in a fit of jealous rage they Stoned her to death which so grieved the Men that they Branded the place from that time with the Temple of Venus the Murtheress Beautiful Polyxena Daughter of Pryamus King of Troy is Discribed by Dares to be in this manner of stature She was Tall Beautiful in her Features her Neck long and white as Down of Swans her Eyes sparkling her Hair of a Golden Colour and Long her Body exactly Shaped throughout her Fingers small and long her Legs Streight with a declining Calf her Feet neatly compacted And in the whole frame of Nature such a one as for Beauty excelled all the Women of her time besides which in Modesty she was Plain Hearted Bountiful and Affable to all Persons Beautiful Helena of Greece whose story is not unknown to the World since in her Cause so many Thousand Lives were spent and the famous City of Troy after a hard Ten Years Siege reduced to Ashes Is thus Discribed by the aforementioned Dares a Phrygian who was present in the War She saith he was of a Golden Hair full and Sparkling Eyes exceeding Fair of Face her Body well Shaped her Mouth Small and Curiously made her Legs Exactly Framed and a Mold between her Eye-brows her Disposition was Open and
with wonder and they take her for a kind of a Terrestial Paradise furnished out with delights not common to the World Friends and Relations are forsaken for her and she is exalted upon the Soveraign Throne of Affection Life is a small hazard to protect or vindicate her Honour Says Esdras though it was death for any to touch the Persian Kings without an especial Command yet says he of Darius I saw Apame his Concubine sitting familiar with him on his right hand and she took the Crown from off his head and put it on her own and stroaked him with her left hand yet the King was well pleased Gaping and Gazing on her and when she smilled he smilled and laughed when she laughed and when she was angry he flattered to be reconciled to her When the fair Chariclea fell into the hands of Pyrates with divers others she only escaped being put to the Sword her Excelling Beauty working upon the Villains heart contrary to their bloody custom to save her Life Some Nations chuse their Kings and Queens by their Beauty and Proportion of Body without regard to their Birth As of Old the Indians Persians and Aethiopians have done Barbarians Stand in awe of a Fair Woman c. Barbarous People have many times given Adoration to Beauty And Helena though she was the cause of a Ten Years War attended with so much Ruin and Dissolation with the Armour of her Dazling Beauty stood proof against her injured Husbands Anger and Disarmed his hand that was about to take her head so that he stood as one amaz'd at her Excellent Features and letting his Weapon fall tenderly Embraced her For as the Old saying is The Edge of the Sword is dull'd by Beauties Aspect It is said of Sinalda a Queen that when she was doomed to be trampled to death by wild Horses the Beasts though before untractable were so astonished at her Beauty that they stood still gazing with wonder upon her admirable Form and would not by any force be driven over her Lucian confesses though a Person very judicious that his Mistrisses Presence has for a time so over-powered his Senses that he has been void of Understanding And others indeed have run quite distracted when they have found nothing but disdain after a long attendance They waite the sentence of her Scornful Eyes And whom she favours lives the other dyes No Medium she allows there always waits Life on her smiles her frown commands the fates To cut his Early Thread who must forego Her Beauties for the Mellancholy shades below Body the Beautifying thereof Bodies that are weak and moving Mansions of Mortality are exposed to the Treacherou● underminings of so many Sicknesses and Distempers that it 's own frailty seems a Petitioner for some Artificial Enamel which might be a fixation to natures Inconstancy and a help to its variating Infirmities for he that narrowly observes that Fading house of distempered Clay will soon find that it Imulates the Moon in Mutability that though to day it be Varnished o're with a Lively Rosie Blush to Morrow it is white-washed with Megar paleness as if death had took it to hire and made it a whited Sepulchre that though to day it appears smooth and gay So that Venus herself might be tempted to take her Recreation there to Morrow it may be so rough cast and Squall'd that Cupid can scarce walk there without being over Shoes Now to Sublimate Nature beyond the reach of Sickness by a lasting Aetherial Pulcritude and by Cosemetick Antidotes to fortifie it with and Incapacity of being surprized by any Features Fretting Malady would be a business that would not only puzle the whole Elaboratory of Chymists but their Atcheus too although of the Privy Council to Nature and confident to her recluded Privacies But to make Beauty the Lure of Love of a more ordinary Lustre to fix the Complexion of the Body so that it be not too frequent in it's variation or to keep the Fair and Damasked Skin from being too much sullied with deformities Is a task not transcending the Sphere of a Modest Vndertaking and such a one Ladies you will find in this work beyond perhaps what ever has been before exposed to your fair Eyes though not in a Compleat Body but reduced under their Several Alphabets as the nature and necessity of this undertaking requires But let us come a little nearer to the purpose Bodies that are very Lean and Scragged we all must own cannot be very Comely It is a contrary Extream to Corpulency and the Parties Face seems always to carry Lent in it though at Christmas looking so Megarly that when such of either Sex come to their Confessor he perceiving them meer Skelitons dares not for fear of Solecism join them Pennance to Mortifie the Flesh No part about them thrive but their Bones and they look so Jolly and Lusty as if they had eaten up the Flesh and were ready to leap up of the Skin that they may fall upon others Truly Ladies such Leanness is a very Ravenous Guest and will keep you bare to Maintain him If thefore you are Desirous to be rid of his Company observe the Following prescriptions Be sure to take care in the Summer to keep your Chamber Cool and moist with some Fragrant Flowers set or scattered about it when you are about to go to Meals chase your Body as much as you can that the blood may be stirred in the Veins and the Skin sit more loose At your Meals Eat not any thing that is very Salt Sharp Bitter or too Hot but let your Food be sweet of a quick Digestion and Nourishing as New Eggs Veal Mutton Capon c. and for three hours after Meat take your Recreation in that whereby your Body may be moving and stiring twice a Month if the weather be not extream bad make moreover an Electuary to be taken Morning and Evening in this manner viz. Take sweet Almonds Pistach-nuts Suga● and white Poppy-Seed beat them according to Art into the form of an Electuary and take the Quantity of a Walnut for many Mornings and Evenings this will not only make you Fat but give you a good Complexion then for your diet take a young Capon and the Flesh of Four Calves feet with a piece of the Fillet of Veal boil them in a sufficient quantity of fair Water and white Wine then scum the Fat off and put the Broth well pressed from the Meat into a New Earthen Vessel with a pound and a half of Sugar a doz●● of Cloves half an ounce of Cinnamon then boil it gently again and add the whites of 2 Eggs reboil it and pass it through a strainer before it cool mix with it a little Musk and Amber boiled in Rose-water and take of this which will be a kind of a Jelley twice or thrice a day Bodies sometimes fall away in one part and not in another if so to bring your Body to even terms take
Love Chara I. She that is dear beloved favour'd or pretious Charity I. Charity Love Bounty Chl●ris forsan à 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 i. green Gr. Christian given from our Christian Profession from Xe●● i. the Annointed i. 〈◊〉 C●●rlie that hath a kind of dimness in his sight or th● is Gray-ey'd Clare she that is fair bright or clear Lat. Cleobulina dun for Cleo●lus I. famous for Counsel Cleopatria qu. 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 i. the Glory 〈◊〉 her Father or Country Constance i. constant fine always one Lat. Calphurnia a Roman Ma●tron who pleading her own Cause made such an unpl●sing a Harangue that the Senate made a Decree that ● Woman should be admitted 〈◊〉 plead for the future Camillia Queen of the Volscians she aided Turnus 〈◊〉 gainst Aeneas and after many brave Atchievements was 〈◊〉 by a cowardly hand Camilla Sister to Pope Sixtus the Fifth who of ● Poor Woman was rais'd by him to the degree of a Princess and her Children provided for after an extraordinary manne tho we do not hear that her Advancement made her proud a thing very common in o●● Age. Camma a Lady of Galatia marry'd to Sinatus who being kill'd by Sinorix that he might enjoy Camma she after having bewail'd her Husband's death seemingly consented sented to be his Wife but poisoned him in the Nuptial Cup and at the same time 〈◊〉 rejoicing that she had the happiness in her Fall to be revenged on her Husband's Murtherer Campaspe a very beautiful Woman whose Picture Alexander the Great caused to 〈◊〉 drawn by Apelles but the Painter whilst he was drawing 〈◊〉 fell in Love with her and ●btain'd the King's leave to marry her Candace an Ethiopian Queen of the Isle of Meroe whose Eunuch St. Philip con●erted to the Christian Religion and he converted the Queen with a great number of her Subjects She was a Woman of a Heroick Spirit much ●ddicted to the Wars in which ●he lost one of her Eyes Carines Women who in great Funerals were Mourners and made doleful Lamentations over the Dead Carmel our Lady of Mount-Carmel Carmenta a Grecian Lady Mother to Evander who ●ailing from Greece planted himself in Italy by the courtesie of King Faunus and assisted Aeneas in his Wars against Turnus for the gaining the Fair Livinia Carna a Goddess taking Care of the Vital parts of Men to keep them in Health and ●engthen their Days Cassandra a Lady of Venice very famous for her Learning in divers Languages and Sciences leaving many curious Pieces of her works behind her Cassandra Daughter to King Priamus ravished by Apollo who to recompence her gave her the Gift of Prophecy but she afterward not proving so agreeable as he expected he so order'd it that none should believe her Cat●hina Daughter to Lucippius the Sicyonian King she succeeding her Father marry'd Messapais a Sea Captain who had before gotten her with Child as she was rambling on the Sea-shoar when to hide her Infamy she declar'd That Neptune came out of the Sea and ravish'd her which passed for current with the People Calliope one of the Nine Muses styl'd the Goddess of Rhetorick and Heroick Poetry She was painted Young crown'd with Flowers holding in one hand a Book and in the other a wreath of Laurel Callipatria a Woman of Elis being of great strenght she us'd to disguise herself in Man's Apparel and Wrestle at the Olimpick Games tho Women were strictly forbidden to appear there but being discover'd she was pardoned and to prevent the like for the future it was ordined that those who enter'd the Lists should be stript naked Calithoe Daughter of S●amander marry'd to Tro● third King of the 〈◊〉 afterward from him named 〈…〉 had by him three Sons 〈◊〉 ●●nim●les and 〈◊〉 Grandfather father to Anchises the Father of Aeneas the Fugitive Trojan who planted himself in Italy after the Destruction of Troy Chalisto Daughter of Lycaon an Arcadian who listing herself among the Nymphs of Diana and vowing Chastity was nevertheless debauched by Jupiter and being found with Child the Goddess turn'd her into a Bear yet she brought forth a Son call'd Arcos But Jupiter taking compassion on them translated them to the Stars where they are called the great and little Bear Callithoe Daughter of Lycus a Tyrant of Lybia she advertis'd Diomedes her Husband of the Ambushes her Father had laid and by that means sav'd his Life But he afterwards ungratefully forsook her upon which she hang'd herself Callithoe Daughter of the River Achelous she was Wife to Alcemon who being Murther'd her Father obtain'd of Jupiter that her young Children should immediately grow up to Mens estate that they might revenge their Father's death which was granted and they accordingly perform'd it by slaying the Conspirators Calphurnia Wife to Julius Cesar a virtuous Lady who dreaming that the Roof of the House was fallen down her Husband stab'd in her Arms and all the Doors opened of their one accord perswaded him not to go to the Senate But 〈◊〉 regarding her he was there stab'd by the Conspirato● Cassiope Wife to Cep● an Aethiopian King she 〈◊〉 Mother to Andromede 〈◊〉 for comparing her Beauty 〈◊〉 the Nereides had a Sea-●●ster sent by Neptune to ●●vour her Daughter but she was ty'd naked to a Ro● Perseus the Sun of Dane ●● Jupiter came on his wi●● Horse Pegassus through 〈◊〉 Air and in a dreadful Com● kill'd the Monster and 〈◊〉 the Lady and is fabled to ●●tain of Jupiter that the Mo● and Daughter when they 〈◊〉 might be made Constellati●● and fixed in the Skies 〈◊〉 the Northern Stars Catharine d'Bedicis 〈◊〉 of France Catharine d'Siena a 〈◊〉 of the third Order of St. D●minick a very Pious and D●vout Lady after her death 〈◊〉 was Canoniz'd by Pope 〈◊〉 Catharine of Alexan●● another Saint tho some 〈◊〉 whether there ever was such Person Catharine of Ara●● Daughter to K. Ferdinand 〈◊〉 Fifth she was sent over 〈◊〉 England and first married ●● Prince Arthur and after 〈◊〉 death to Prince Henry w●● Succeeded Henry the Seve●● She was Mother to Q. 〈◊〉 and being divorc'd the 〈◊〉 after dy'd for Grief Catharine of Austria D●ches of Savoy she was Daughter to Philip the Second ●● Spain by Elizabeth of France she was Marryed to Emmanuel the first Duke of Savoy and dyed at Turin Anno 1597. Leaving Five Sons and Four Daughters behind her Catherine of Poland she was Queen of Sweden and Daughter of Sigismund the first King of Poland she was Married to John Prince of Swedeland and Duke of Fineland Son to Gustavus the first She was a Lady of great Virtue and Patience bearing her Husbands troubles and continuing with him during his seven years Imprisonment with a wonderful Constancy Catharine of Portugal Dutches of Bragance she was Daughter of Edward the Second King of Portugal and Maryed to John the Second Duke of Bragance after the death of Sebastian she disputed her Right with Philip the Second King of Spain for the
Amaury King of the Vice-Goths in Spain but he abusing her because she would not change her Religion Childeber her brother made War upon him and rescued her out of his hands but in her way to France she dyed Clotho one of the Fatal Sisters that spun the thread of Mens Lives which when cut by Atropos another of them the Party whose Thread was so cut dyed Clusia the Chast Daughter of King Thuscus who being denyed in Marriage to Valerius Torqu●tus he Besieged her Father in his Chief City When to prevent the Misery of which she was innocently the Cause the threw herself from the Battlements but her Coats 〈◊〉 the got no harm Constance or Constantia Daughter of the Emperour Constantine Clorus by his Wife theodora she was Married to Licinus who raising Rebellions in the Empire was slain Constance Daughter of Roger King of Sicily Constance Marryed to Robert King of France she was Daughter of William the First Earl of Provence Constance Queen of Aragon Wife to Peter the Third King of Aragon and Daughter of Manfroy Frederick Core Daughter of Cere● the word from the Greek signifying Nourishment Corrina a Grecian Lady famous for Poetry and mu●● Celebrated by the Poets of he● Nation and others as a very Learned Ingenious and Beautiful Woman Cornelia Daughter of Scipio first Married to Marcus Crassus but he being 〈◊〉 in the Parthian Wars 〈◊〉 Marryed Pompey the Great and Accompanyed him in his flight after the Battle of Pharsalia Cornelia a Roman Lady Married to Cornelius Gr●chus Cornelia Daughter to Ci●na and Wife to Julius Cesar she had by him Julia marryed to Pompey before Cornelia Cratefipolis Wife to Alexander King of Siconie The Siconeans after the death of her Husband Rebelled against her and fought to Dethrone her but at the head of a far less Army she Routed them Executing the Chiefs which quieted the rest Cretheis Marryed to Ascestus King of Thessaly a Woman of infatiable Lust. Creusa Daughter of Creon King of Corinth she was Married to Jason upon which Mede● his former Wife destroyed ●er and most of her Fathers Family by Inchantments Cumegonde Marryed to the Second yet living with him as a Virgin upon his suspecting her not to have brought her Virginity to his Bed After his death she went into a Convent of Nuns and spent the remainder of her days Cunina a Goddess held by ●he Ancients to have the care of young Children in their tender Age. Cyana a Nymph attending in Proserpina endeavouring ●o rescue her from Pluto was ●●med into a Fountain that ●ears her Name Cyble stiled the Mother and Grandmother of the Gods and Goddesses she is represented Crowned with Castles and 〈◊〉 Key in her hand Cyna Daughter of Philip King of Macedon Marryed to ●myntas Son to Perdicas the Third and then to Lageus King of the Argives a Lady of a Courageous and Magnanimous ●pirit for under the Command of the Argives won many Victories She killed the Queen of the Illyrians fighting hand to hand and after the death of Alexander the Great her Brother she opposed the aspiring of Perdicas who in vain contrived her death Canidia a Thessalian Woman that dealt in Charms so powerful that it held She could easily destroy People at a great distance stopt the Course of Rivers and make Birds fall in their Flight raise Storms of Rain Hail and Thunder stop a Ship in her Course and many such like Matters by the Power of her Hellish Art Cumea or the Cumean Sibyl a Prophetess that foretold the Roman affairs and many of other things Of which see more at large Converted Whore An honest Gentleman in the heat of Summer having been walking in the Fields comtemplating with himself and returning back not the same way he went out but through another part of the Suburbs to which he was a meer stranger and finding himself athirst he stepped into the first House and called for a Cup of Beer seating himself in the first Room next the Street He had not well wip'd the Sweat from his Face with his Hankerchief but two or three young Wenches came skittishly in and out of the Room who seeing him to be a Man of Fashion they thought to make of him some booty being it seems set on by the Grandam of the House for as 〈◊〉 proved it was a common Brothel house The handsom●● amongst them was put upon him who entreated him not to be seen below where every Porter Carman and common Fellow Came to drink but to take a more convenient and retir'd Room The Gentleman being willing to see some fashions took her gentle prosfer and went with her up Stairs where they two being alone Beer being brought up she began to offer him more than common courtesie which he apprehending ask'd her in plain terms If these were not meer Provocations to incite him to Lust which she as plainly confess'd To whom he reply'd That since it was so he was most willing to accept of her kind proffer only for modesty sake he desired her to shew him into a Darker Room to which she assented and leads him from one place to another but he still told her that none of all these was dark enough insomuch that she began at length somewhat to di●ta●le him because in all that time he had not made unto her any friendly proffer At length she brought him into a close narrow Room with nothing but a Loop-hole for light and told him Sir unless you propose to go into the Cole home this is the darke● place in the House How doth this please you To whom he answer'd Unless thou strumpet thou canst bring me to ● place so palpably tenebrio●● into which the Eyes of Heaven cannot pierce and see me tho●● canst not perswade me to 〈◊〉 Act so detestable before Go● and good Men For cannot 〈◊〉 that sees into the Hearts and Reins of all behold us here 〈◊〉 our Wickedness To conclude he read unto her so strict and austere a Lecture concerning her base and debauch'd Life that from an impudent Strumpet he wrought her to be ● repentant Convert Wh●● further asking her of her Birt● and Country the freely co●fess'd unto him That she 〈◊〉 sold such small things as 〈◊〉 had to come up to 〈◊〉 with the Carriers where i● was no sooner alighted at 〈◊〉 Inn but she was hired by 〈◊〉 Bawd altogether unacquaint●● with her base course of Life 〈◊〉 by degrees trained her to 〈◊〉 base Prostitution Her app●rent Tears and seeming P●●tence much prevailing 〈◊〉 the Gentleman he protested If it lay in him he would otherwise dispose of her according to her wishes and with 〈◊〉 charging her That if he 〈◊〉 unto her within two or three days with Mony to acquit he● of the House that she 〈◊〉 attire herself as modesty as 〈◊〉 could possibly not bringing with her any one rag that belonged to that Abominabl● House or any borrow'd G●ment in which she had offended but instantly to repair unto him at his
a thing common to all they Solace the incommodiousness of 〈◊〉 Age closes our Eyes bring● us to the Earth from whe●● we came They are our Bones our Flesh and Blood seeing them we see our selves in 〈◊〉 sort that the Father seeing 〈◊〉 Children may be assured 〈◊〉 he seeth his lively Youth ● newed in the Face of the● But if we do we consider and weigh in a 〈◊〉 Ballance the great and un●●●portable doings we shall 〈◊〉 amongst these Roses 〈◊〉 Thorns and among the● Sweet Showers of 〈◊〉 that there falleth alway● much Hail it is true the Athenians are a People 〈◊〉 commended for their Pruden● and Wisdom seeing that 〈◊〉 Husbands and Wives could 〈◊〉 agree because of an infinit number of Dissentions and Provocations that chanced ordinarily between them were co●●trained to ordain in their Common wealth several Magistra●●● whom they called Reconcilers of Married ones the Office of whom is to Reduce Reconcile and make Agreement by 〈◊〉 means The Spartans in their Common-Wealth had in like case Established certain Magi strates Named Armasins who had the charge to Correct the Insolency of Women to Reprove their Arrogancy and Audacity towards their Husbands The Romans would not ordain Magistrates perswading with themselves per adventure that Men were not sufficient to bridle the unbridled raging Temerity of Women when that they were out of Order But they had their Refuge to the Gods For they Dedicated a Temple to the Goddess Viripla where in the end they agreed of their Domestical Quarrels But who can say they patiently bear the charges of Marriage the Insolency and Arrogancy of Women the yoke of a kind so unperfect Who may accomplish their carnal appetite is also their unsatiable Pomps ●oth not the Old Greek Proverb say that Women and ●hips are never so well accomplished but that alwayes they ●ant Repairing If thou takest ●er poor she shall be despised ●●d thy self less esteemed If ●ou takest her rich thou mak●st thy self a Bond-slave For ●hinking to Marry a Compani●n equal to thee thou Marriest ●n unsupportable Mistress If ●ou takest her soul thou 〈◊〉 not love her If thou ●kest her fair it is an Image ● thy gate for to bring thee ●ompany Beauty is a Tower that is Assailed of all the World and therefore it is very hard to keep that every one seeketh to have the Key behold the hazard wherein thou art saith William de la Perreire that thy round-head become not forked which were a fearful Metamorphosis if it were visible and apparent This then is the Conclusion Riches causeth a Woman to be Proud Beauty maketh her suspected and Deformity or foulness causeth her to be hated Therefore Diponares having tasted the Martyrdoms of Marriage said That there were but two good days in all the Life of Marriage the one was the Wedding day and the other the day that the Woman dyeth For that on the day of Marriage there is made good Cheer the Bride is fresh and new and all Novelties are Pleasant and of all Pleasures the beginning is most delectable The other day that he commends to be good is the day the Woman dyeth For the Beast being dead dead is the poyson and by the death of the Woman the Husband is out of Bondage and Thraldom Ceremonies before Marriage The Persians were only permitted to contract Matrimony in or before the Summer Equinoctial but not after The Dapsolites once a Year make a solemn Convention of all the Men and Women that are dispos'd to Marriage in one day in which after their great Feast the Women retire themselves and lay them down upon their several Pallets the Lights being all put out the Men according to their number are admitted in the dark where without any premeditate Choice but meer Lot and Chance every Man chuseth her whom he first lights on and Divirginates her and be she fair or foul ever holds her as his Wife Stobre Serm. 42. Amongst the Carmanians no Man is suffer'd to marry before he hath presented the Head of an Enemy to the King About the Lake Meotes there is a People called Laxamat●e amongst whom no Virgin contracts Matrimony before she hath subdu'd an Enemy There is a Law amongst the Armenians that Virgins are first prostituted in an old Temple dedicated to the Goddess Anetes whose Picture was of solid Gold which Antonius after sacrilegiously as they held it took away according to the gain of their Compression it was lawful for any Man to chuse a Wife where he pleas'd Amongst the C●prians the Virgins before Marriage daily repair to the Sea ●hoar and there company with Strangers till they have got such a competent Sum as ma● make up their Marriage Dowe● The Phoenicians do the like i● the City of Syca but th●● Prostitution is in the Temple of Venus the Surplusage th● ariseth above the Dower returns towards the Repairing o● the Church The Carthagi●nians observe the like Custom The Lydian Virgins befo●● they were suffer'd to lie wi●● their Husbands made them●selves for a certain time com●mon to any Man till 〈◊〉 with Saciety they became gen●tle and quiet to their Beds 〈◊〉 from that time forward vow● Chastity but if any one 〈◊〉 found ever after to transg●●● the bounds of Temperance she was punished with all Ri●gour and Cruelty Ae●●●●ib 4. de Var. Hist. Lycur●● having prescribed a certain Ag● before which time it was 〈◊〉 lawful for young Men 〈◊〉 Maids to have Carnal company being demanded the reason ●●●swer'd Because the issue 〈◊〉 proceeds from those of Ra● Years and grown Strength 〈◊〉 likewise able and perfect 〈◊〉 the hasty and untimely Ge●● ration is still subject to We● ness and Infirmity Plut●● in Lacon Ceremonies used in M●●●riage by several Nations In the Roman Marriages wh● commenc'd with Contracts mutually Sealed and Sign● with the Signets of divers W●●●nesses there present there we● sundry Customs observed by them The Man in token of good Will gave to the Woman a Ring which she was to wear upon the next Finger to the little one of the Left-hand because unto that Finger alone a certain Artery proceedeth from the Heart The Sabine Women they continu'd a Custom that the Man should come and take away his Wife by a seeming Violence from the Lap or Bosom of her Mother or her next Kin. She being thus taken away her Husband did part and divide the Hair of her Head with the top of a Spear wherewith some Fencer had been formerly kill'd which Ceremony did betoken that nothing should disjoin them but such a Spear and such like Violence Towards Night the Woman was brought home to her Husband's House with five Torches signifying thereby the need which married Persons have of five Goddesses and Gods Jupiter Juno Venus Suadela and Diana who is called Lucina When the Woman was thus brought to the Door then did she annoint the Polls of the Door with Oyl from which Ceremony the Wife was call'd Vxor quasi Vnxor
takes it for a Child wantonly brought up and calls it in Latin Mammothreptus Cybele the Mother of the Gods c. See the many names and particular Fables of her in Rider Co●mptional Co●mpt●●●●lis which is often in Buying or a Buying together Among the Romans 〈…〉 were those old Men in whose Tuition and Authority Men by their last Will and Testament left their Widows o● Daughters and without whom they might not pass in Dominium vironum per Coemptionem i. be marry'd according to the Ceremony call'd Coemption whereby the Husband and Wife seem'd to buy one another Coition Carnal Copulation Collateral Collateralis not direct on the one side joining to or coming from the same side Every degree of Kindred is either right Lineal or Collateral The right Lineal is that which comes from the Grand-father to the Father from the Father to the Son and so still right downward Collateral is that which comes side-ways as first between Brothers and Sisters then between their Children c. Also Uncles Aunts and all Cousens are contain'd under this Term Collateral Kindred Comperage Fr. Gossiping the affinity or friendship gotten by Christning Children together Cotgr. Complement Complementum a furnishing filling up or perfecting that which wants It is usually taken for verbal Expressions of Respect of Affection of readiness to serve and the like Or Complement is a Performance of affected Ceremonies in Words Looks and Gestures Caramenia Womens Courses which gathering every Month by the Fermentation of the Blood and being come to a Turgency by the Accessio● of a Ferment that is in the Womb discharge themselves at their set time Some ascribe the Courses to the Motions 〈◊〉 the Moon but if this were true then all Women would have them at the same time They begin at Twelve T●●teen or Fourteen Years of Age and stop about Fifty But 〈◊〉 cannot exactly be determined They are supprest in Breeding Women and Nurses yet 〈◊〉 is not a Rule neither Dr. 〈◊〉 Clitoris a part of a Woman whose Use is Titillation it consists like a Mans Yard 〈◊〉 Nervous Bodies which 〈◊〉 from the lower part of the Bones of the Privities and 〈◊〉 the end is covered with a 〈◊〉 and a Prepuce or Foreskin Its Substance is spungy so that it is capable of Increase and Relaxation but is not perforated as in Men. Dr. Blankard Conserva a Conserve is a Composition of Flowers 〈◊〉 Herbs beat together to every Pound whereof if they be dry are added three Pounds of Sugar if moister two Pounds so that they may be kept severral Years Carnis a Thessalian Virgin Ravished by Neptune Cainsham-smoke a Man's Weeping when beat by his Wife Calisto one of Diana's Nymph's corrupted by Jupiter and turn'd out of her Train Calliope one of the Nine Muses Callirchoe her 30 Suitors having kill'd her Father Phocus King of Baeotia were burnt to death Callot sa a wanton Woman Cambles a Lydian King who devour'd his own Wife Camene l. the Muses Campions a kind of Lychnis or Batchelors-buttons Campus ●celeratus where the incontinent Vestal Nuns were buried alive Cana●e Daughter of Aeolus with child by her own Brother Canachus a Fountain near N●uplia where Juno used to bathe to recover her Virginity Candiope being ravish'd by her Brother Theodotion brought forth Hippolagus Caratar a Wife yet contemptible Counsellor to Saladine the Turk Caranet a rich Chain to wear about the Neck Cardiacline the Heart-line or Line of Life on the Hand Carmenta Ni●co●trato an Arcadian Prophetess who first gave the Oracle in Verse Carthismandua a British Queen who casting off her Husband Venusius marry'd and crown'd his Armour-bearer ●ell●-catus Cassandra a Prophetess the Daughter of Priam and Hecuba Calliope-pea Cephus's daughter plac'd among the Stars Cecrops an Egyptian King of Athens he first civiliz'd them and instituted marriage Cest l. the Bride's Wedding girdle unty'd the first Night by the Bridgeroom Charitees g. the Graces Thalia Aglia Euphrosyne● Childwit power to take a Fine of your Bond-woman gotten with Child without your consent also the reputed Father of a Bastard Crinisus a River of 〈◊〉 which in the form of a Bear ravishing Hogesta begat ●●castes King of Sicily Cui ante Devortion a Writ empowering a divorc'd Woman to recover her L●nds from him to whom her Husband did before the Divorce alienate them Cui in vira a Writ of entry for a Widow upon her Lands alienated by her Husband Cybele Cib elle Barecynthia Dindymene Ops Rhea Vesta Magna mater or the Mother of the Gods Cynthia Diana Twin-sister to Cynthius Apollo born near Cynthus a Hill in Delos Cos●ak● Turkish Women Girdles Coverture Covertbarn or Bar●n f. the Condition of an English Wife who can make no bargain without her Husbands Consent Countess f. an Earls Wife Courtisane f. a Court-Lady also a Strumper Crabbat f. comely also a Womans Gorget also a Cravate worn first they say by the Croats in Germany Cornucopia py a Horn with plenty of all things given by Jupiter to his Nurse Amalthea Constupration a Ravishing of a Virgin Concubinage f. Fornication also an Exception against her that sues for Dowry alledging that she is not a Wife but Concubine Concubine half Wife Confarreation l. a Wedding Ceremony like the breaking of our Bride-cake Compeer l. Confort fellow also Go●●ip and in some places all the young Men invited to the same Wedding Comperage f. Gossipping also the affinity or friendship gotten by being Gossips Conception a conceiving with Child also a Thought Fancy or Conceit Colostration a Distemper in Childrens Stomachs by sucking the beectings or first Milk Coludum Coldana Coldingham in Scotland where the Nuns and Prioress Ebba cut off their Lips and Noses to shun the Lust of the Danes Clytemnestra lived in Adultery with Aegisthus and with his help kill'd her Husband Agamemnon Clytia flighted by Apo●● pin'd away to an Heliotrope Clio one of the Nine Muses Inventress of History Cloetia a noble Romon Vi●●gin who swam over Tybris fro● Persenno with whom she wa● left an Hostage Clotho one of the 〈◊〉 Destinies carrying the 〈◊〉 of Man's Life Chione Daughter to 〈◊〉 with Child by 〈◊〉 and Phoebus brought the at once Antolychus and 〈◊〉 Chlozis Flora the 〈◊〉 Zephyrus Course of Life What 〈◊〉 to preserve or procure 〈◊〉 Course of Life by us 〈◊〉 mentioned is intended as a general Notion Comprehensing all those things that Physicians frequently term 〈◊〉 non Naturales So that it 〈◊〉 taken in whatsoever any 〈◊〉 of a sensible alteration in 〈◊〉 Body as Air Watching Sleeping External Exercise Repos●● Passions or Perturbation of 〈◊〉 Mind and to conclude 〈◊〉 or Drinks Consider first then That Air is the 〈◊〉 Ocean wherein we must Traffique if we intend to make Thriving Husbands Life and Gain the least Addition to the too soon fleeting number of our days It is Sword● gentle Aeolus that 〈◊〉 forth prosperous Gales 〈◊〉 the Lobes of our expanded Lungs to land us carefully on the Silver Topt Alps of hoary Hairs but
so that in the midst of his singing Halelujahs and Songs of Triumph and Joy amidst the blessed Quire he may boldly confess with Praise and Thanksgiving that his Lot is fal'n in a fair Land where he has a goodly Heritage but if his Days multiply upon Earth and he lives perhaps to see his Children's Children his Parents dying before him he must not only honourably Inter them with a Mournful Solemnity but keep their Memories and good Names alive in the Living Monument of his Mind and when he must Fall by the Impartial Hand of Death he transmits them to be Embalm'd in the Remembrance of his Posterity that they may pass from one Generation to another that the Bleding he deriv'd from them may pas along with them from Age to Age. And they take an Example by the Pattern he has set before them to imitate so that a great Happiness in their Duty and Obedience may attend them to the utmost flight of Time and be abundantly encreased upon their having passed the Wilderness of this World and there entring the Heavenly Canaan We might Instance many Examples of Dutiful Children and the Blessing that have always attended them as how they have been wonderfully preserv'd from the dangers of Fire Sword Water and in the midst of Famines and Pest●lences how even the ravenous Beasts of the Forests forgetting their Hunger and natural ●erceness have been kind and 〈◊〉 to them but since many have already taken pains in this matter we think fit to recommend you to their Books of Examples where you will be plentifully furnish'd to your Satisfaction Compassion and a Merciful Disposition Praise-worthy in the Female-Sex Compassion is that which inclines us to do Good to all but more especially to those that are in Misery and stand in need of our help and to those that stand in need of our Pardon and Forgiveness when they are sorry for the Injuries they have done us and this chiefly should Reign in the lovely tender Breasts of the Female-Sex made for the Seats of Mercy and Commiseration they being made of the Softest Mold ought to be most pliant and yielding to the Impressions of Pity and Compassion and to redouble the Horror of any sad Object when God himself would most Magnifie his own Compassion he Illustrates it by that of a Woman as the highest humane Instance We must confess such a Propension have Women to Commiseration that they are frequently taxed with an Excess in it So that the Cruelty of Men call a Just Commiseration a Womanish Pity however it is commendable and highly to be esteem'd and valu'd since even the Great Creator of all Things prefers Mercy before Justice and Severity And in this Virtue Women have in former Ages eminently Excell'd to that degree that the Wisest of Kings concluded not their Character perfect without it when he says Prov. 31.20 She stretcheth forth her Hand to the Poor and reacheth her Bread to the Needy And it is a little observeable that after he has described her Diligence and Industry for the acquiring of Wealth he places this in the Front of her Disbursements as the chief Use she made of it and it precedes her providing 〈◊〉 for her Husband and fine Linnen and Purple for herself The Application i● very obvious and directs all that own the like Title of Virtuous Women to prefer the Necessities of the Hungry and Needy before their own Delicasies and Superfluities the Poor beholding Ladies in glittering attire reflecting the Sun-beams to dazle the Ey●● of the Beholders and finding their Cries and Prayers cannot prevail with them to drop a● Alms to supply their craving Wants will not only wonder that such Hard-Hearts can be cover'd in such Soft Garmen● but be apt to sin if not by Cursing and Reviling yet 〈◊〉 least by Repining at the u●●qual Distribution of Providence and ignorantly Tax the Almighty with Partiality to his Creatures they imagining themselves as well to deserve it ●● his hands as others and so they do not only refuse ●● supply their Wants but 〈◊〉 them of their Innocence Thei● are many ways among those ●● Ability to save out of Supe●fluous Expences that which would warm and fill the Hungry that their Souls might bless them yet we too sadly see should many Ladies 〈◊〉 up the Account of their Charity it would appear little 〈◊〉 their own Eyes and nothing in the sight of God But 〈◊〉 such remember that whatever they have is given them by God and that he only 〈◊〉 them as his Stewards to see how they will dispose of it that he may thereby know them to be worthy or unworthy Servants or when the time comes that their Luxurious Fare shall only feast the Worms and render them passive in that Epicurism they were so active in before they will wish they had made the Bellies of the Poor their Refectory and by feeding them when they had Time and Ability have nourished themselves up to a glorious Immortality The Poor and Needy are only the Hands of God who receive what is given for him and whoever Lends to the Great and Merciful Giver of Life Being and all that we Enjoy and Possess need not fear a large Restitution here and more exceedingly hereafter Compassion stretches out farther than the relieving the Wants of the Distressed for besides this part of Mercy in giving there is another and that is Forgiving of Injuries and Wrongs which is of a very large Extent for whereas the former is confin'd to the Poor and Needy only this has no such Limits but as it is possible Injury may be done by Persons of all Ranks so this Pardoning Mercy must reach equally with that Possibility viz. that part of Charity which we peculiarly call Clemency a Virtue which not only Christianity but even Morality recommends The Ancient Romans had such a high Esteem and Veneration for it that they not only plac'd it amongst their Deities and built a Temple to Clemency stiling her a Goddess and though indeed it is no such thing yet it is one of God's Attributes so Eminent that there is nothing can more assimulate Man unto him and even all the Noble and Generous Spirits have got their Fame and Renown by it more than by the Sword or Bloody Victories and those who have had their most inveterate Enemies at their Mercy and pardoned them have gain'd a greater Reputation in Triumphing over their Passions than if they had conquer'd Armies King Lycurgus not only forgave A●●xander who had struck out one of his Eyes but took him home to his Palace and gave him liberal Entertainment by which means he work'd a Miracle on him by Reclaiming him from his former Vitious Life Phocian being unjustly condemn'd left it as a Solemn Charge to his Son that he should never go about to Revenge his Death Many the like Examples Histories abound withal but as there have been many Merciful so there has been likewise many Cruel both Men and Women
as that of Revenge and Spite is Brutal and fal●y called a Pleasure the Act of the most Contemptible Animal is to return a mischief for one received We should conclude from hence that it is an easie Determination rather to Embrace that Compassion and Clemency which we find Exemplefied not only in the wisest and best of Rational Creatures but in the Omniscent and Imortal Being than to embrace that Savage fierceness of the Ignoblest Irrational Creatures and this is certain that no Woman would have a liking to assume the outward form of any of those Creatures whose ferocity is too frequently Imitated Why then should the Mind the Nobler part appear in so monstrous a Transformation for as there are no Monsters so deformed as those that are compounded of Man and Beast so among them all nothing is more unnatural than Female Anger when it boiles up into Rage and Fury for their Blood thus fermented by an unruly Passion may probably enough occasion the Effusion of anothers swelling and overflowing in a Crimson Inundatien Solomon tells us Prov. 17.14 The beginning of strife is as when one let●eth our water therefore leave off Contention c. When by Immoderate Passion or Anger a breach is once made upon the Spirits all the consequent Mischiefs will flow in like a rapid Torrent when the Banks are forced or broken down and this happens unprevented and unavoidable where great care is not taken to keep the bounds intire by Preserving and Cherishing that Tenderness and Compassion which God and Nature do equally command and Enforce Consider then and duly weigh these things and you will if you call your Reason to your assistance soon distinguish between the Advantage of the one and the Mischiefs and Miseries inherent to the other Contentment Contentedness in all Stations and conditions carries along with it a wonderful Felicity and renders humane Life easie and comfortable to the Fair Sex especially It is a beam of that happiness darted into their Souls that shall hereafter be more fully possessed but we hold it not sufficient where it is only a senseless stupidity or a carelese neglegence what becomes of our Estate or Affairs nor a seeming in Discourse to dispise and contemn the Riches of this World As mean and unworthy our Care or Regard but it is an humble and willing submitting our selves to Gods Pleasure in all Conditions And this makes us carry our selves Gracefully in Wealth Want Sickness Freedom Fetters or whatsoever it shall please God to allot us It renders Marriage comfortable in what condition soever it happens and is the great Agent and Supporter of Love Though indeed we must allow it is no breach of Contentment If we complain of unjust sufferings offered by Men provided we allow them as just proceedings from God who uses wicked mens injustice to correct those he Loves and returns them a Blessing for their Afflictions when he has tryed their Patience and Humility Nor is it any breach of Contentment by lawful means to seek the removal of our Miseries or the bettering our Fortunes Pious Medi●ations greatly advantage Contentme●● in Adversity And God's Sp●rit is the be●t School-master to teach it us in the School of Sancti●ied Afflictions the best place of Learning true Contentment In Riches it cannot be found for they avail not in the day of Wrath And those that seek Contentment in that are deluded with the shaddow and by fondly setting their hearts on it create more discontents to themselves than perhaps would ever have be fallen them had they declined it and been well pleased with a competency Contentment makes Homely Cloaths and Diet as Gay and Satisfying as the most Glittering Apparel and Sumptuous Banquets of the most Riotous Epicures And this is that can only give a full satisfaction beyond the Limits of craving And in a word Ladys it is Riches Beauty Honour Pleasure and all that you can reasonably name for there is scarce any thing pleasant delightful or to be desired but is Treasur'd up in a Contented Mind And as the Poet says Content is all we aim at with our store And having that with little what needs more Child-bearing Women Christian Wives says a Learned Author in a Child-bearing state that they may Comfortably bring forth the Fruit of their Wombs are highly concern'd for that good work to ●●ve their fruit unto holiness Then be sure all shall go well with them both here and 〈…〉 belongs to the pure in heart and the ●●defiled in the course of their lives What knows the 〈◊〉 Wife whether if she should be married to a bad Man by Parents disposal she may 〈◊〉 her Husband We read of several Christian Wives whose Husbands have been brought to real Godliness by the●● Zealous Endeavours as Cemens by Domitia c. For the holy Conversation of a Wife hath sometimes a great force upon the mind of the Husband who is thereby dispos'd to entertain good And if a work of Grace be wrough● upon him then he will be more fervent in prayer for his Child-bearing Wife who 〈◊〉 she ought through the whole course of her life to be da●●● dying to sin and living to rig●teousness so in her approaching sorrows she is more especially concerned 'T is the duty of a big-bellied Woman to be in a readiness for her departure that she may not be surpriz'd sith the pangs are perilous th● she hath to pass through and the more if she be but of a weak and not of a hail Constitution Mrs. Joceline when she felt herself quick with child as then travailing with 〈◊〉 it self she secretly took order for the buying a new Winding-sheet thus preparing and consecrating herself to him who rested in a new Sepulcher wherein was man never 〈◊〉 laid and privately in her Closet looking Death in the Face wrote her excellent Legacy to her unborn Child None ever repented of making ready to dye And every Christian is ready who can intirely submit to Gods disposal in Life or Death Yea and then a good Woman is likest to have her will in a safe temporal deliverance when she is most sincerely willing that God should have his in dealing with her as seemeth best to himself It behoves you as righteous Hand-maids of the Lord To continue in the constant exercise of Faith Patience Sobriety and Temperance Certainly you who are blessed in being Instruments for the propagation of Mankind when you find you have conceived and grow pregnant are highly concerned to put on and use these Ornaments A great work you are usually busie about in preparing your Child-bed-linnen and I shall not discourage but rather encourage you to make necessary provision for your tender selves and babes And let every ingenuous and grateful Mother whom God hath safely delivered from her Child-bearing pains and peril imprint a grateful remembrance of so signal a Mercy with indeleble Characters in her mind Lord thou hast regarded the low estate of thine Maiden when I was in an
to her dearest Husband In her affectionate Letter to him prefix'd to that little Book she declares with thankfulness to God her fears of Child-bed painfulness were cured with the remembrance that things should work together for the best to those that love God which cannot be right in a Wife without this true love to her Husband and a certain assurance that God would give her patience according to her pain And she bare all patiently So did Mrs. Wilkinson a most loving Wife whose patience was remarkable in the midst of very sore pains which frequented her in the breeding and bearing Children Yet then her speech was I fear not pains I fear myself le●t through impatiency I should let fall any unbesitting word 'T is a blessed frame said that grave Divine who recorded it when pain seems light and sin heavy So on the other hand for want of this prevalent Conjugal Love in conjunction with Christian Love a Daughter of King Ethelred having found the difficulty of her first birth she did afterwards perpetually abstain from her Husband's bed against the Apostle's Rule protesting from a Principle of unaccountable self-love Th●● it was not fit a Daughter of a Crowned Head should commit her self any more to such perish 'T was far otherwise with a young Woman in Euba●a who being Married to a Man she lov'd dearly became Mother and Grand-Mother to an Hundred Children The Story of Mrs Honywood in our Age is not less famous The Wife hath plighted her Tro●● to her Husband according 〈◊〉 the flesh unto whom the Lord hath in the Marriage-Covenant joyn'd her and she is obliged to be constantly faithful in 〈◊〉 Conjugal Duties to him 〈◊〉 whom she hath trusted herself and that by Vertue of the Covenant of her God Neither 〈◊〉 enough to be really faithful but also to seem so or be seen as much as may be so to be Not that any Christian Women should be like some of those in the Great Moguls Country 〈◊〉 to gain the repute of Modest Loving and Faithful Wives will have their own Corps burnt together with their deceased Husbands but she should shew her real fidelity as in an honest and prudent concealment of her Husbands Secrets so in avoiding all just suspicion by any familiar Converse with others of being false to his Bed and Religiously keeping till death the Matrimonial Obligation not deserting her dear Yoke-fellow when reduced to straits For so 't is storied of the King of Pontus his Wife that she disguised herself to follow her banished Husband saying There she reckoned was her Kingdom her Riches and Country wheresoever she could find her Husband The Wife of a certain Count of Castile when the King had detained her Husband in Prison went to visit him whom she perswaded to put on her Cloaths and leave her there in his stead Of which Fact the King hearing did much wonder at the fidelity of the Countess and sent her to her Husband wishing he had such Wives for himself and Sons To this matter in his present to seeming Women hath very well observed 't was his will that in their Travail their should ever be while the world stands that most eminent instance of his power indeed that I may say which made the great Heathen Phis●cian after a deep search into the causes of a Womans bringing forth a Child to cry out Oc Sin taile of Nature Hence 〈◊〉 her low Estate the pious Wife who lives by Faith alone Nature when she utters her doleful groans before the Almighty concludes It is the Lord let him do what seemeth him good If it seems good unto him then to call for her Life and the Life of her Babe she can say Lord here am I and the Child which thou gavest me A prudent Wife abideing in Faith Charity Holiness and Sobriety may have such support from the strengthening word of Promise here and elsewhere that Travailing in Birth and Pain to be delivered she may have good hope to be preserved in Child-bearing For tho as the most beloved wife Rachel in her hard labour thought she should die She may have good evidence from the Exercise of her Graces that she shall be eternally saved and that may be written on her Tomb-stone which a learned Doctor wrote on that of Pious Mrs. Wilkinson who with her Child went to Heaven from her Child-bed viz. Here lyes the Mother and Babe both without Sins Her Birth will make her and her Infant Twins Hereupon the Upright Woman tho' frail can resign up herself to God being fully perswaded with the Father of the Faithful that what he hath promised he is also able to perform and not Oliver speaking largely As for those who have Wives they should take special care to discharge the duties of good Husbands towords their Child-bearing Wives with all good fidelity viz. 1. To dwell with them according to knowledg giving honour unto them as the weaker vessels and as being Heirs together of the graces of Life that their prayers be not hindred 2. To endeavour as much as may be to discharge the parts of good Christians and tender Husbands towards their dearest Yoke-fellows in such a prevailing Condition laying much to heart those antecedent concomitants and consequent pains such a state of pregnancy involves them in which these Husbands themselves in such a kind cannot have experience of That as it becomes them for the sake of their good and godly Wives they may as is sometimes said of some Sympathizing ones in a fort breed with them and for them by putting on as the elect of God bowels of mercy kindness humbleness of mind me●kness long-suffering c. and fulfil all the Duties of the Relation they are in readily and ●●mely providing for them not only Necessaries but such Convenienc●es as they can for their longing appetites and for the ●eartning of their dear suffering Wives who are apt to be 〈◊〉 down under apprehensions of their approaching sorrows to call in the aid of faithful praying Ministers and pious Friends to make their requests known unto God for them And if God hears their Prayers 3. To be heartily thank-ful to God upon his giving safe deliverance to their gracious wives from the pains and perils of Child-bearing D. DAmaris Acts 17.34 perhaps a little Wife from 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 a Wife Danae i. Laurus the Lawrel or Bay-tree Dalilah Judges 16.4.1 poor impoverish'd Deborah may be render'd a By-word Speech Praise or Praising Denis belonging to Baechus Dido signifies a Man like or stout Woman Phoenician Dinah 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 Judgement Dorras 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 i. a She Goat or with Polit. a Roe Buck see Tabitha Acts 9.36 Dorothy the Gift of God or given of God Dousabella i. sweet and fair Maiden Fr. Douse i. sweet Fr. Drusilla 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 Act 24 25. G. P. composeth it of 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 i. Ros the Dew Damia a Goddess of the Ancients only worshipped
A 〈◊〉 that was as clear as day 〈◊〉 bright Should bud with Stars like an Enamell'd Night Your Sickness meant to turn Astrologer Your Face the Heaven and every spot a Star Or else would write on Almanacks and raise By those red Letters nought but Holy Days They blush no more but let the fair ones know They are but Characters wri● on your brow Or Etch'd by skilful hands that they may see That Beauties subject to Mortality How frail 't is how vain 's to adore it How weak they are that Love and Marry for it Divorce the manner of it among the Jews Divorce among the Jews was in this Form The Day Month and Year of the Creation of the World being first named according to the Computation we use here in this City The Son of Rabi D. but now I Dwelling near such a River in such or such a Place have desired of mine own Free-will without any Coaction And have Divorced Dismissed and cast out thee I say Thee My Wife C. of the Country G. of B. Daughter of Rabi N. Dweling in such or such a Country or Dwelling now in such or such a Place Scituate near such or such a River which hast been my Wife Heretofore But now I do Divorce thee Dismiss thee and cast thee out that thou mayst be Free and have the Ri●e of thy self to depart to Marry to any Man whom thou wilt and let no Man be refused by thee for me from this Day forward for ever Thus b●th a Lawful for any Man and this shall be to thee from me a Bill of Separation a Bill of Divorce a Bill of Dismission according to the Law of Moses N. The Son of N. Witness N. The Son of N. Witness Domry The Copy of a Bill among the Jews was in this Form viz. Upon the sixth Day of the Week being the Fourth of Month 〈◊〉 in the Year of the Creation of the World 5234. According to the Comput●●ion we use here at Massilna a City which is Scituate near the Sea-shore The Bridegroom Rabi Moses the Son of Rabi Jehuda said unto the Bride-Wife Dinah Daughter of Rabi Joseph the Son of Rabi Jacob a Citizen of Madrid be unto me a Wife according to the Law of Moses and Israel and I according to the Law of God will Worship Honour and Maintain and Govern thee according to the manner of the Husbands among the Jews who do Worship Honour Maintain and Govern their Wives faithfully I do also bestow upon thee the Dowry of thy Virginity two hundred Denairs in Silver which belong un●o thee by the Law and moreover thy Food thy Apparel and sufficient Necessaries as likewise the Knowledge of thee according to the Custom of all the Earth Thus Dian the Virgin rested and became a Wife to Rabi Moses the Son of Jehuda the Bridegroom Such Virtues as to Women praises win Are sober shews without Chast Thoughts within True Faith and due Obedience to their Mate And of their Children honest Care to take Dunmow a Town in Essex has a very strange Custom anciently settled in it which is upon these Conditions viz. by a Monastry held there it was ordain'd That if any Man would come and Kneel on Two Stones yet to be seen at the Church Door before the Convent and solemnly take an Oath he might peremptorily demand a Flitch of Bacon as his Right which would be freely given him Wherefore since this is a common saying in Essex and because we know not but the Custom is yet good we shall set down the Form of the Oath that Marry'd Men and Women knowing it may be the better capable of Judging whether they can safely dispence with it or not You shall Swear by the Custom of our Confession That you never made any Nuptial Transgression Since you were Marry'd Man and Wife By Houshould-Brawls or any Strife Or otherwise at Bed or at Board Offended each other in Deed or Word Or since the Parish-Clark said Amen Wish'd your selves unmarried agen Or in a Twelve-Month and a Day Repenting Thoughts did never stray But continu'd True and in Desire As when you Joyn'd Hands in Holy Quire If to these Conditions without all fear Of your own accord if you 'll freely swear A Gammon of Bacon you shall Receive And carry it hence with Love and good Leave For this is our Custom at Dunmow well known Tho the Sport be ours the Bacon's your own And by an old Book they keep to show there it stands upon Record that one Richard Wrighte of Badsworth in Norfolk in the 23 of Henry the Sixth when John Canon was Prior Stephen Samuel of little Easton in Essex on the Seventh of Edward the Fourth and Thomas Lee of Coxhal in the asorenamed County in the Second of Henry the Eight The said Oath at the Respective times mentioned and had their Bacon with great applause of their being Extraordinary Husbands that they could keep their Wives in good Humour so long And indeed this Custom was first brought up to show the young Nuns that a Married Life consisted not of such Extraordinary felicity as was supposed by young unmarried People since it was apparant by the few that came for Bacon and those that came perhaps swallowed the Oath for Lucre of the Profit that there were discontents and divisions in it and thereby confirmed 'em to live contented in a Single Life sequestered from the World and indeed many such Whimseys they had in those dark times of Ignorance to work upon the youn●er sort and draw them into a snare but being once ●oosed● in a Monastry not all their Tears and Repentance without a good sum of Money could bring them out again for to that end most of the cunning Contrivers of those Orders laid their Nets as well foreseeing most people would be desirous of a Novel or Change in their Course of Life to live on Plenty and be at Ease Danes 〈◊〉 by Women Denmark and Norway over-swarming of those Ravenous People they made great Spoil and used Intollerable Cruelties not only here but in Scotland being then Pagans or Heathens so that Churches Abbeys Monasteries were Burnt and Plundred the Nuns Ravished and all manner of Miseries heaped upon the bleeding Nation that a Barbarous Enemy could inflict They shot King Edmund to death at St. Edmonbsbury his death putting the Town in awe and continued their Mischiefs till King Ethelred taking pity of his Subjects and finding he could not root out their Enemies by force used policy he had at this time bought his Peace of them for Ten thousand Pounds a Year Notwithstanding which they Compell'd him to pay Fourty thousand Pound a Year And Billited their Soldiers in Al●-Houses to be a Spy upon their Landlord where he lived a lasie Life and was called in honour Lord Dane which is since corruptly turned Jut Lurden for an idle dronish Fellow nor were they so contended but they took the priviledge to lie with the Wives and
that aspiring Priest with the Queen that he was not so much as Repremanded for go●ng about to Murder under a pretext of Law the best of Princesses and Sister to his Soveraign Every day they Laboured to bring her to destruction for no other reason but that she was a Protestant Once the boards were fir'd under her Lodgings and whilst she was at Woodstock under the Guard of one Sir Henry Beddingfield whom she called her Goaler a Russian belonging to him attempted to murther her but was prevented At another time Gardiner sent one to dispatch her but Beddingfield being gone to London had left strict order with his Brother that none should see or speak with her till his return So that the Villain fearing his Bloody purpose was discovered returned without success Her Sister dying and she coming to the Crown never was Queen or King more beloved by Subjects nor shined more Glorious in the Actions of a Reign And when her Clandestin Enemies were defeated they brought by their Solicitations the power of Spain against her whose Invincible Armada was destroyed almost without fighting upon the rumour of this Invasion She led her Army into the Field in Person And riding through her Camp at Tilbury with her Leaders-Staff She made this Encouraging Oration worthy of so Heroick a Queen Even my Good People We have been perswaded by some that are careful of our safety to take heed how we commit our selves to Armed Multitudes for fear of Treachery but I assure you I do not desire to live to mistrust my Faithful and Loving People Let Tyrants fear I have ever so well behaved my self that under God I have always placed my Chief Strength and Safeguard in the Loyal Hearts and Good Wills of my Subjects And therefore I am come among you as you see at this times Not for my Recreation and Disport but being resolved in the midst and heat of the Battel to Live or Dye among you to lay down for my God and for my Kingdom and for my People mine Honour and my Blood Even in the Dust. I well know that I have the Body but of a Weak and Feeble Woman but I have a Heart of a King yea of a King of England too And I think it a Scorn that Parma or Spain or any Prince in Europe should dare to Invade the Borders of my Realm to which rather than any Dishonour shall grow by me I my self will take up Arms I will be your General and Judge and the Rewarder of every one of your Virtues in the Field I know already for your forwardness you have deserved Rewards and Crowns and We do assure you on the word of a Princess that shall be duly paid 〈◊〉 In the mean time my ●eutenant General Leicester shall be in my stead than whom never Princess Commanded a more Noble and Worshire Subject not doubting but by your obedience to your General your Concord in the Camp and your Valour in the Field We shall shortly have a famous Victory over these Enemies of my God of my Kingdom and of my People Elizabeth our Famous Queen when the Fleet she sent against Spain was ready to set Sail made this Pious Prayer for their Success which for an Example to others we have inserted Elizabeth Queen of England her Prayer MOst Omnipotent Maker and Guider of the World that only Searchest and Fathomest the bottom of our Hearts and in thom 〈◊〉 the true Originals of all 〈◊〉 intended Actions that by thy foresight do'st truely discer● how that no Malice of Revenge nor requital of Injury 〈◊〉 desire of Blood-shed nor greediness of Gain hath bred 〈◊〉 Resolution of setting forth 〈◊〉 Army and Navy but a careful Providence and way Watch that no neglect of Fo●● or over-surety of Heaven might breed either Danger 〈◊〉 us or Glory to them 〈◊〉 being our true Grounds 〈◊〉 humbly beseech thee with bended knees to prosper this great Work and with the best 〈◊〉 winds guide the Voyage speed the Victory and make the Return to be the Advancement of thy Glory the Triumph of their Fame and a means of surety to the Realm with the least loss of English Blood To these Devout Petition 's Lord give thy Blessed Grant c. Nor was this Prayer fruitless for the Fleet in a short time returned with Victory and Rich Spoils taken from the Enemy in divers places and were always Triumphant on the Ocean during her Reign Ever it was observed in this Great and Glorious Queen that in all her Victories and Successes she was never swelled or pussed with Ambition or vain Glory but Atributing nothing to herself Gave all the Glory to God 〈◊〉 is the alone Giver of Victories who by weak things can Confound the Insulting Pride and Boasts of Power and by a few lay Innumerable Armies in the Dust. Elizabeth Couper An Example of Christian Courage and Piety Elizabeth Couper being a very Religious Woman in the way of the Reformed Worship in King Edward the Sixths Reign Was however afterwards through Temptation Perswasion and Fear prevailed with to Sign a Recantation at St. Andrews Church in Norwich after which she scarce got home before she found her Spirits so afflicted that she was scarce able to support herself and the Agony of her Mind all that Night she was restless and though she prayed to God she could find no sweet influence of his Holy Spirit refreshing her afflicted Soul She laboured under this anguish for a time but perceiving it increased upon her more and more even almost to be Intolerable she resolved rather to hazard her life than to continue under the Almighties displeasure and so went to the same Church and openly Renounced her Recantation for which she was sent to Prison and soon after found herself full of Joy and so continued with a Christian Courage till she Sealed the Testimony of her Faith with her Blood Elizabeth a King of Hungaries Daughter and Wife to Lewis the Landigrave of Tharengia Amidst the Pomps and Glories that Replenished the Court was so Humble Modest and Meek that she put off her costly Apparel and in disguise made it her Business to Visit and Relieve the Necessities of the Poor and when she went to her Devotions she laid aside her Greatness and declining from her State went and kneeled among the poorer sort of People After the death of her Husband she retired from Populous Cities with a small Train of Attendance and even thinking them too many quited all and 〈◊〉 her Fathers House that the King of Heaven might be delighted in her Beauty She went on a Pilgrimage giving her Riches and Ornaments to relieve the necessities of the Poor except so much as built for their relief an Hospital and some small matter to endow it wherein she in Person upon her return Ministered to the Sick and was very diligent that nothing should be wanting that might contribute to their Relief and Recovery Her Father ●●ill being on the Regal
questioned about her Religion had Twelve Articles put up against her which she denyed and put her Adversaries upon the proof when strange for one to Imagine they produced her husband and two Sons whom they had perswaded before to abjure their Religion and caused them to give Evidence against her But she bore all with a Christian Patience and being condemned she joyfully embraced the flames Anne Hunter hearing her Son William who lived at Brentwood in Essex was condemned to the flames by Bonner Bishop of London in Queen Maries days She together with his Father came to him and finding there was no hopes of Life for him but by a Renunciation of his Religion they were so far from perswading him to it that they fervently prayed to God he might persevere in it and continue constant to the end in that good way he had begun The Mother adding that she thought herself happy that she had born such a Child as could find in his heart to lose his Life for Christs sake to which th●s Son cheerfully answered For the little pain that I shall have which is but for a Moment Christ hath promised me a Crown of Everlasting Joy His Mother almost Transported with this Expression fell on her knees and said I pray God to strengthen thee my Son to the end I think thee as well bestowed as any Child I ever bore Adelicia a Gentlewoman about 23 Years of Age coming from Gascoin to Paris to join herself with a Church there was betrayed to the Magistrates and condemned to be burnt which she bore with admirable Patience but Gods Judgment overtook her Prosecutors for they quarrelling about the price of her blood slew each other A Woman and her Son in the Low Countries being condemned to be burnt alive and their Ashes to be sprinkled in the Air As they were carried back to Prison they said now blessed be God who causeth us to Triumph over our Enemies This is the wished for hour the gladjoin day is come Let us not therefore be forgetful to be thankful for that honour God doth us in thus conforming us to the Image of his Son Let us remember those that have troden this path before us for this is the high-way to the Kingdom of Heaven and being brougt it to to the Stake they sung Praises to God in the flames A● Potten and John T●unchfield in the Reign of Queen Mary being Imprisoned at I●●●ich one of them before she was apprehended was by her Friends perswaded to avoid the threatning danger by flight but ●rong in Faith and Chrian 〈◊〉 Couragiously she reply●d I know very well that being Persecuted in one place it is lawful for me to fly to another But I am tyed to a Husband and have many young Children and I know not how my Husband being a Carnal Man will resent my departure from him Therefore I am resolved for the Love of Christ and his Truth to stand the worst Extreamity And so being apprehended was Condemned to the Flames and dyedeou ragiously Ama●onians were a Warlike Women in part of Scythia who held a Female Government and Warred with divers mighty Princes maintaining their Laws and Customs by Policy and by the Sword Penthisilia one of their Queens came with a Thousand Virago's to Troy and assisted Priamus against the Greeks where she and most of her Women Fighting Valiantly and Acting wonders in Arms were at length sl●in Athenias though of mean Parentage yet of Excellent Wisdom Learning and Education beyond what could be expected from the degree of her Birth was for these and other good Qualities preferred to be an Empress when divers Great Princesses Rich and Powerful in Friends and had Kingdoms to their Dower were refused Aspasia a Meletian Virgin was so excellent in all Philosophical Contemplations and fluent in f●●tori●● 〈◊〉 the Wise and Renowned Socrates that Mirror of Philosophy confesses without blushing that he imitated her in his Facultas Politica Amalasuntha Queen of the Ostrogothes in Italy was not only Learned in the Latin and Greek Tongues but speak exceeding fluently all the Languages that were spoke in the Eastern Empire now possessed by different Nations Amesia a Modest Roman Lady being falsly accused of a great Crime and ready to incur the Pretorial Sentence she with a Manly yet Modest Courage stept up and with an Audible Voice and Becoming Gesture pleaded her own Cause so Eloquently and Effectually that by the publick Suffrages she was acquitted of all Aspersions and her Accuser severely punished Apolonia a Virgin of Alexandria for speaking boldly in the Defence of her Faith had her Teeth pluck'd out in a rude manner by the Tormentors She was doomed to the Flames and willingly snbmitted Rejoicing and Gloriously Triumphing over Death by her Patience and Constancy in suffering Alceste Queen to Admetus King of Greece willingly resigned herself up to death to redeem the health and life of her Husband in Sucking a Poysonous Wound he had received in the War Agrippina the Mother of D●m●●● Nere was killed by he● unnatural Son and ripped up that he might see the Womb wherein he had lain though she had been so careful of his welfare that though whilst he was a private Man she was told her destiny by a Chaldean Astrologer if he came to be Emperour she however preferred his Advancement before her Life saying I care not though I dye so he may attain the Empire Alice Countess of Salisbury being frequently Importuned by King Edward the Third to yield to his Lustful desires and often denyed him he grew impatient of delay and resolved to take by force what he could not get by intreaty when being brought into his Presence in a manner by Constraint and be renewing his Request she fell at his feet with a Flood of Tears gushing from her fair Eyes able to Mollefie the most obdurate heart she thus humbly besought him not to violate her Chastity viz. Whereas her unhappy Destiny had brought her before his Presence as an Innocent Lamb committed to the Sacrifice She most humbly Craved that his Majesty could be pleased to grant her one Request he provided much a Solemn Oath he would Then she humbly besought him to draw his Sword and take away her Life and 〈…〉 Pray for 〈…〉 Breath 〈…〉 Monarch and that it would remain as a stain upon his Honour she renewed her Request that she might be suffered to dye by her own hand rather than to lose her Honour and pulling out a Dagger concealed in her Garments was about to give the Fatal Blow which so astonished the King that taking it from her he laid aside his first Resolutions and as the Mirror of Chastity made her his Queen Eloquence Eloquence of Speech Se●●ger calls it The Garment of Nature and says it covereth the Soldier with Arms for necessity or as a Gown the Senator for Profit and as a more dainty Garment for the Courtier and Citizen for pleasure and profit It consec●●teth the 〈◊〉 R●●●ons
to become an object to his du●● Fancy who knew not how to value it Though no doubt with that excellent Geometrician he could well enough gather by the proportion of her Foot the entire Feature which would wound him as deadly to the Heart as Achilles w●● wounded in his Heel It●● the Eye that conveys Love 〈◊〉 the heart curious Models 〈◊〉 to dull Spectators move 〈◊〉 admiration and consequently leave but a weak impression To see a Compaspe portrayed in her Colours her V●●● enazured her sweet Smiles shadowed her Love-enthralling Eyes sparkled and all the●● with a native Art and 〈◊〉 Colour displayed would make their Apelles to do what he did Whence we read that Alexander the Worlds Monarch not only affecting but adm●●ing the Art of Apelles to parallel his skill with an equal subject commanded him on a time to Paint Campaspe naked who was then held the Beauty of that Age which Apo●●●● having done his Pencil purchased him a pen●ive he●●● falling in Love with her who was his Pi●●●● and wh●●● Love he despaired to compass ever Which Alexander having perceived he gave him her The like incomparable Art was shown by Zenxes upon the Beauties of Croton's five Daughters which Pictures took more Hearts than his Grapes had before deceived Birds Elizabeth Carew wrote the Tragedy of Mariam Elizabetha Joanna We●●ous an English Poetess of some repute in the esteem of Farnaby Etinna a Poetess of Tros who is said to have writ a Poem in the Doric Dialect consisting of 300 Verses She dyed at Nineteen Years of Age. Eurhesia an unknown Poe●ess except by a fragment of 32 Latin Verses Eccho or Echo Gr. a resounding or giving again of any noise or voice in a Wood Valley or Hollow place Poets feign that this Eccho was a Nymph so call'd who being rejected by one whom she lev'd pin'd away for sorrow in the Woods where her voice still remains answering the Out cries of all complaints Esseminate essoeminatus Woman-like nice wanton Eleanor a Womans name from Helena i.e. pitiful Elizabeth Hebr. the God of Oath or as some will Peace of God or quiet rest of the Lord. Mantuan playing with it makes it Eliza-bella Min. ridiculously compounds it of the Hebrew word El. i. Deus and the Greek Isa and Beta Elopement a Law Term is when a married Woman leaves her Husband and dwells with the Adul●erer by which without voluntary Submission and reconcilement to him she shall lose her Dower Stat. West 2. c. 34. Sponte virum mul●er fugiens adultera fa'cta Dote sua careat nisisponse sponte retr●●ta Elysium or Elysian fields Campus Elysius a Paradise into which the Heathens believed the Souls of the Just went after their departure hence This Elyzium is meant by Virgil when he says Devenere locos lotus amaend vir●● For 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 on nemorum 〈◊〉 beate● E●bellish Fr. 〈◊〉 to beautifie garni●h adorn bedeck trim up or set out unto the Eye Embryon embryo a Child in the Mother's Womb before it has perfect shape and by Metaphor any thing before it has Perfection Epithalamy epithalamium a Bridal Song or Poem or a Song at a Wedding in Commendation of the pa●●●●● married Such also is that of Stella in Statius and of 〈◊〉 in Catullus c. It is so called from the Greek 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 i. e.apud and Thalamus a Bed-Chamber but more properly a Bride-Chamber because this Song was used to be sung at the Door of the Bride-Chamber when the Bride bedded There are two kinds of Epithalamies the one used to be sung at night when the marry'd couple entred Bed the other in the morning to raise them up Min. Erato one of the Nine Muses who as Ovid saith Nomen amoris habet Eve the Wife of Adam from the Heb. Evah i.e. living or giving Life Adam so call'd his Wife because she was the Mother of every living thing Eugenia Gr. Nobleness or Goodness of Birth or Blood Eye-bite to bewitch with the Eyes Erhidne a Scythian Queen who had three Children at a birth by Hercules Edessleda Ehseda govern'd the Kingdom prudently eight Years after the death of her Husband Ethelred King of the Merc●ans El 〈◊〉 Cu. a Stepmother Emme a Womans name either as Anne or Eigiva help-giver Endomment de la plus belle 〈◊〉 Widows dower of Lands ●olden in Soc●age as the fairer or better part Endea●ion a Shepherd in Enge● 〈◊〉 Bright angel Love with the Moon 〈◊〉 stops every night to kiss him being cast into a perpetual 〈◊〉 on the Top of Le●●mus Hill Ephiatres g. the Night-mare Epiraene g. comprehending both Sexes under one gender Erigone Daughter of L●rus who hang'd herself for her Father's death the Constellation Virgo Eriphile for a Bracelet betray'd her Husband Amphi●●as to the Theban Wars to 〈◊〉 Destruction Eros g. Love Cupid Ester f. Estre c. Substance State or Being Esther h. Secret Eur●dire being fetch'd from Hell by her Husband Orphen was snatch'd back again because he lookt back on her before she arrived upon Earth Erp●●tant fee tail 〈◊〉 having Lands given to a M●● and the Heirs of his Body 〈◊〉 F. Fabia a Beam Faith a Name commonly used Felice i. Happy Florence i. Flourishing Florida i. deck'd 〈◊〉 Flowers Flaminea i. Fiery Fortune as if vertu●● ●●vertendo so called for her Mutability and Inconstancy Francis i. Free Frideswid i. very free or truly free Fa●rada Third Wife to Charlemaign a Woman of such Ambition and Cruelty that the People not being able to endure it and she at the same time being countenan●'d by her Husband they depos'd them both and set up Peppin one of Charlemaign's natural Sons Faussa the Wife of Constantine the Great falling in Love with Crispus her Husband's Son by another Wife and he refusing to comply with her Lustful desires she accus'd him of attempting her Chastity whereupon without sssmination he was put to ●●eath but the Wickedness turning afterwards to light the Emperor caus'd her to be 〈◊〉 in a hot Bath Feronia a Goddess of the Pagans to whom they attri●●●e the Care of Wood and is ●o call'd from her Temple ●ear Feronia not far from a Wood Consecrated to her and those that worshipped her are said to walk on burning Coals 〈◊〉 footed without any hurt and in 〈◊〉 Temple they Enfranchised their Cap or Hat in ●●ken their Condition was al●●red Flora the Goddess of Flowers said to be the Wife of Zepherus or the gentle West-wind which with friendly Gales in Spring time clears the Air and makes Flowers to grow though Lactantius will have her to be a Roman Curtezan who was w●nt to set up a May-pole with Garlands of Flowers before her door to allure Young-Men to her House by which Stratagem she got much Riches which she leaving to the Common-wealth when she dy'd was for her Liberality styl'd a Goddess and the Games called Ludos Florales celebrated to her Memory Fluonia an ancient Name given by the Pagans to June Fraud a Goddess whom
understood how passionately and disconsolately ●her Noble Husband took the death of his Daughter whom ●e infinitely loved for her promising Infancy gave apparent arguments of Succeeding Maturity made it one of her constant'st tasks to allay his Passion and by playing the part of a Faithful and Discreet Con●ort expostulates with the grounds of his immoderate sorrow in this manner How is it Sir that your Wisdom should thus forget it self Is it any newer thing to dye than to be born Are we here placed to survive Fate Or here planted to plead a pripriviledge against Death Is our Daughter gone to any other place than where all our Predecessors have gone to Yea but you will say She dy'd in her blooming Youth before the infirmities of a Decrepit Age came upon her The more was she bound to her Maker The fewer her Years the lesser her Cares the fewer her Tears Take upon you then something more of Man and partake less of Woman These comforts which I make bold to apply to you might be more seemingly derived to me by you 'To grieve for that which is Remediless argues weakness and not to prevent what admits a probability of Cure implies carelesness Let us neither be too Esseminately weak in the one nor too securely remiss in the other So may we cure the one with Patience and redeem the other by a timely Diligence For the next Object reflecting upon their Fame Nicetas says plainly No punishment so grievous as shame And Nazianzen yet more expresly Better were a Man dye right-out than still live in reproach and shame 〈◊〉 being ready to dispatch himself used these as his last words No grief doth so cut the heart of a Generous and Magnanimous Spirit as Shame and Reproach For a Man to live or dye is natural But for a man to live in shame and contempt and to be made a l●ughing stock of his Enemies is such a matter as no well bred and noble-minded Man that hath any Courage or Stomach in him can ever digest it And yet bravely-spirited Leonida 〈◊〉 those Assailants of her Fame with● less dis-respect then her 〈◊〉 sought to blemish it I am more confident of my Fame said she than to suspect how any light tongue should impeach it Nor was that vertuous Clareana less resolute who directing her speech to her Accusers told them her fame was so far distanced beyond the reach of their impeaching as it ingeniously pittied the weakness of their detraction This confirmed the resolution of that Noble Patron who occasionally used these words in a grave and great Assembly No Womans fame could priviledge it self from a dangerous taint if it were in hazard to suffer or lose it self by a poysonous tongue For the last but least which is Fortune Many Heroick Spirits have we had of this Sex who so far disesteemed this outward rind for no other title would they daign to bestow on it as one of them freely professed What matter is it whether I be rich or poor so my mind be pure And these instances are not so rare but we may find another of the same sex to second so vertuous and accomplished a filter The poorest thing on earth is to suffer ones enlivened thoughts to be fixt on earth And we have a third to make up a Consort She is of a weak command who submits her thoughts to the command of fortune And ●his a Quatermon of brave resolved Spirits expressed in 〈◊〉 livering the nobleness of 〈◊〉 thoughts in these proper ●●presses which with their ●●monds they left writ in ●●panes of their own 〈◊〉 Windows The device of 〈◊〉 first was this It is not in the 〈◊〉 fate To weaken a 〈◊〉 state And the second scorns to 〈◊〉 short of her resolution Fortune may sundry E●gines find But none to raze a 〈◊〉 mind The third in contempt of Fortune inlargeth this subject Should Fortune me ●●stress My Mind would be ● less The fourth to shew her affection true Touch attests be Constancy in this Fate may remove Life but not love Thus have we shown their Sprightly Tempers in their ●tempt of all oppositions 〈◊〉 might assail or assault them Life they sleighted being competition with honour 〈◊〉 though it was too high a 〈◊〉 to lose yet being not 〈◊〉 to themselves of any stain they neglected with a graceful 〈◊〉 the irregular liberty of a loose tongue And for Fort● they stood so indifferent as they held Content their Crown and that Crown the absolutest imbellishment of an infranchis'd 〈◊〉 Female Generosity There was sometime a Person who weary of the World desir'd to ease himself from all the secular Cares and betake himself to a Religious Privacy so as within short time he was received into the Covent Now it hapned one day that this Religious Man walking alone in the Garden seem'd as One much discontented which the Abbot observing came unto him demanding the reason of his Heaviness willing him to impart unto him the occasion of his Grief as became an inferiour Member of the Society to do unto his Superiour Nothing Reverend Father answer'd he concerning my own particular 〈◊〉 doth it repent me to have enter'd into this Religious Order For I find more comfort in one hour within these Walls than ever I could in all those Possessions I injoy'd in the World But I must tell you Father that I have one only Son which I left behind me and very dear was he unto me 〈◊〉 I am much perplext in mind about him for I know 〈◊〉 how the World may deal with him Tender are his Years which adds to the measure and number of my Cares Nor am I so confident of their Trust to whom I recommended him as to free me from that pious Jealousie which I harbour in my Breast touching him Advise me then dear Sir what course were best to take that my Care may be setled and his Safety provided on whom with equal Hopes and Fears the troubled Thoughts of a Father are many times fixed Is this your cause of Pleaviness said the Abbot To rid you from these Cares and increase your hope in his succeeding Years send him to me and see what effect will come of it According to the Abbot's Direction he causeth his Son who indeed was a Daughter which he dissembled for some reasons to be sent for Who after some time of Probation was admi●ted to the Society Now it chanced that the Daughter of an Eminent Person not far distant from that Abbey was got with Child and for some private respects to her self best known desirous to conceal the true Father laid the Child upon this supposed Brother who was indeed a Sister This modest Creature was so far from defending her own Innocency as she took unto it as if she had been the true Father which be got it The Rumour hereof so highly incensed the Abbot holding it to be a great Scandal to his Society to have any one under his Charge conscious of such
pound and a half the whites and shells of thirty Eggs the young branches of a Fig-tree cut in small shivers incorporate them well and distill them in a Glass Alimbick over a gentle five Then to the Water you draw off add Sugar-Candy Borace and Camphire each an ounce Olibanum two ounces bruise them small and then distill them over again preserving the Water upon this Second Distillation as a rare Secret and improver or Imbellisher of Beauty Again take Lithargy of Gold and Silver each a dram put them into stronge white Wine Vinegar add Camphire and Allum of each half a Scrupleas much of Musk and Ambergreece to scent the Composition boyl them in a small quantity of Vinegar silter and keep it then boyl a little Roch-Allum in spring water and keep it apart from the other but when you use them mingle them together Thus Venus in her brightest form you 'll vie Or all those Female Star● that guild the Sky Who for their Beauties there were 〈◊〉 and shine But you out dazled now 〈◊〉 must refine To see their long 〈◊〉 leave 〈…〉 Faustina was cured of dishonest Love And of divers other Remedies against that Passion That the affection and prison of the Mind which is ordinarily called Love is a strong Passion and of great effect in the Soul let us ask of such Men which by Experience have known it and of such whom Examples are notorious namely of very excellent Personages that have suffer'd their Wills to have been transported even so far that some of them have died Jules Capitolin amongst other Examples recites that which happen'd to Faustina Daughter to Amoninus and Wife to the Emperor Marcus Aurelius who fell in Love with a Master of Fence or Gladiator in such sort that for the desire which she had of his Company she was in danger of Death she did so consume away Which being understood by Marcas Aurelius he presently call'd together a great company of Astrologians and Doctors to have counsel and find remedy thereupon At last it was concluded That the Fencer should be kill'd and that they should unknown to her give Faustina his Blood to drink and that after she had drank it the Emperor her Husband should lie with her This Remedy wrought marvellously for it put this Affection so far from her that she never afterwards thought of him And the History saith of this Copulation that the Emperor had then with her was begotten Antoninus Commodus which became so bloody and Cruel that he resembled more the Fencer whose Blood his Mother had drank a the Conception of him than Marcus Aurelius whose Son he was which Commodus was always found amongst the Gladiators as Eutropius W●●nesses in the Life of the same Commodus The 〈◊〉 and Arabick Physicians place this Disease of Love amongst the grievous Infirmities of the Body of Man and thereupon prescribe divers Remedies C●d●mus Milesien as S●yd●● ●●ports in his Collections writes a whole Book treating of 〈◊〉 particular Remedies which Physicians give for this Disease one is That to him that is passionate in Love one 〈◊〉 put into his hands great Affairs importuning his Credit and his Profit that his Spirit being occupied in divers matters it may draw away his Imagination from that which troubles him And they say further that they should 〈◊〉 him to be merry and conversant with other Women Against this heat Pliny saith it is good to take the Dust upon which a Mule hath tumbled and cast it upon the Lover and all to be powder him or else of the Sweat of a chased Mule as Cardanus affirms in his Book of Subtilties The Physicians also teach how to know what Person is loved of him that is sick in Love and it is by the same Rule that Eristratus Physician to King Seleucus knew the love that Antiochus bare to the Queen Stratonicus his Stepmother for he being extream sick and would rather die than discover the cause of his Sickness proceeding from Love which he bare to his Father's Wife She came into the Chamber just then when the Physician was feeling the Patients Pulse which beat so strong when he saw the Queen come into the Chamber that Eristratus knew that he was in Love with her and that was the cause of his Sickness wherefore he found the way to make the King acquainted with it by such a means as would be too tedious to recite Which being experimented by the Father and seeing his Son in danger if he did not prevent it thought it good tho contrary to the Intention of the Son which chose rather Death than to be healed by his Father's Loss to deprive himself of his Queen and give her to his sick Son And so indeed the Age and the Beauty of the Lady and likewise Marriage was more proper for the Son than for the Father And by this means Antiochus lived well and gallantly many Years with his well-beloved Stratoni●●● The History is very neatly recited by Plutarch in the Life of Demetrius And thus you see why Physicians say that you must feel the Pulse of those that are in Love and repeat to them divers names of Persons and if you name the right the Pulse will beat thick and strong and by that you shall know whom they Love By divers other signs one may know when any is in Love and with whom which I leave to speak of now Friendship Friendship well chosen and placed is a great felicity of Life but we ought in this respect to move very cautiously and be certain we are not mistaken before we unbosom our Thoughts or make too strict a Union We see in Politicks Leagues offensive and defensive do not always hold and being abruptly broken prove more mischievous than any thing before they were contracted because there is a more eager desire of Revenge and ground of Injury started and so when a close knit Friendship slips the knot or is violently broken in sunder by the force of some mischievous Engine set on work to that end Anger and Hatred ensues all the Secrets on either side how unbecoming or prejudicial so ever are let fly abroad to become the Entertainment and Laughter of the World redounding perhaps not only to the Injury of your self but of others whose Secrets have upon Confidence of your Virtue been intrusted with you and by you again upon the like Confidence communicated to the Party you entrusted with your own who upon breaking with you persidiously discloses them Therefore keep to your self a Reservedness and try all manner of ways the strength and constancy of Fidelity before you trust too far for if you lay out your Friendship at first too lavishly like things of other natures it will be so much the sooner wasted suffer it by no means to be of too speedy a growth considering that those Plants which floot up over quickly are not of long duration comparable with those that grow flower and by degrees Choice of this kind ought
Infamy Therefore I would advise all to do do with their loose and poysonous Pamphlets as those Converts of Ephesus did with their Books of Curious Arts bring them forth and burn them I know one that took upon himself this Revenge a Friend of his coming into his Chamber took down from off a Shelf a Play-Book who reading a little he perceiv'd his Friend was soon infected useth this Remedy You complain'd saith he when you came in of cold I will make you a better fire So burnt the Book before him G. GErtrud i. e. truly amiable Gilian see Julian Gillet dim from Giles i. e. a little Kid. Glauce i. e. Gray-eyed Glycera i. e. Duici sweet Grace commonly used Grishild i. e. Grey Lady Grimtrid i. e. of a Fair Countenance Gorgons appearing so terrible in Fables for their sweaty Hair and stone transforming Looks are held to be the Daughters of Cela and P●●●●s● called by the Names of Medusa Euri●le and Thenio having their aboad near the Hesperian Gardens turning those that came to approach the Golden Fruit into Stone with their looks till by Minervas Assistance Perseus vanquished them 〈◊〉 which seems to be a Fable alluding to Fortitude which overcomes Difficulties and Danger Graces are those the Gr●●i●●stile stile Charities and are held to be the Daughters of Jupiter and Euronyme but some will have them to be got by Jupiter on Venus as being the Guardians and Attendants on Beauty c. being three in number viz. Eupbrosyne signifying Gladness Aglais Beauty and Thalia Youth and Mirth referring to the delighting of Mankind and the faithfulness of Things and many other Matters as relating to Joyful Times and Seasons Pleasure and Mirth are alluded to by them in sundry Manners Grey the Lady June a Lady though very Young of admirable Learning and Virtue she was Daughter of Henry Duke of Suffolk and Grand-Daughter to Mary Daughter to King Henry the seventh and being by King Edward the sixth declared his Successor she took upon her the Crown after Edwards Decease but enjoyed it not long for Queen Mary prevailing she was Deposed and together with the Lord Guilford Dudley her Husband Beheaded in the Tower of London of whose wonderful Virtues and Pieties we speak more largely hereafter Galatea a Sea-nimph who growing Jealous that Glaucus of whom she was inamoured had gained the Beautiful Nimph Sylla to his Embraces when she usually did bathe i his Streams she by Inchantations turned her into a deformed foul Monster compelling her perpetually to bark in the Caves of the Sicilian Rocks beaten with the Sea which is no more than the sounding of the Waters against it Geruena A Noble Italian Lady seeing divers Assassins enter her Husbands Chamber to Assassinate him threw her self between him and his Enemies Receiving the Points of their Swords with the loss of her Life till her Lord recovering his Sword that hung near him not only detended his own Life but revenged her Death by killing divers of them and putting the rest of flight Gabriela a fair and ingenious French Lady flourished in the French Court in such rare Perfections of Beauty that so she far Captivated the Heart of the Warlike King Henry the fourth of France that he had a design to have Married her thô at that time he was Married to Margaret Sister to his Predecessor to prevent which she was Poisoned by an Italian scented Pair of Gloves presented to her by an unknown Hand Genura Queen to the Famous King Arthur King of the Brittains for her Beauty and Courage stands a famous Monument in Histories to 〈◊〉 the Lustre of the fair Sex Gratiana a Lady at 〈◊〉 in Spain being surprized at the Sack of the Town by the Barbarians gave all her Gold and Jewels freely to the Captain who had taken her Prisoner to save her Honour but the Infidel breaking his Promise as over-infiamed with the Charms of her incomparable Beauty going to break his Word and force her she in the first place stabbed him to the Heart with a Dagger she had concealed in her Garment and then to prevent the like attempt of her Chastity from others she killed her self Gonzaga Julia a very Beautiful Italian Lady had her Name so famed that it was heard to Constantinople and found so Charming in the Ears of So●man the Turkish Emperor that it 's thought the Fleet he sent under Barbaressa King of Argiers his Admiral was more to surprize her than spoil the Countrey but upon their Landing fied to save her Chastity half naked to the Mountains Government Female asserted the best I stick not to affirm that Domination and Government is not only lawful and tolerable in Women but Justly Naturally and properly theirs First then though force Crazy Phylosophers drunk and besotted with Aristotelism have endeavoured to devance them from the same species with Men and others madder than they deny them Souls yet when we shall oppose Holy Scripture which makes Man the Consummation of the Creation and them the Consummation of Man if we would cite those high Attributes the 〈◊〉 give unto them or instance those particular Indulgences of Nature which Agrippa reckons unto them or those peculiar advantages of Composition and understanding which 〈◊〉 Lusitanus ascribes to the 〈◊〉 to mention that of Trismegistus who calls them Fountains and Perfections of Goodness And indeed this is a quarrel wherein Nature hath declared her self a most interested party that we need go no farther then the Judgment of our eyes the quickest and surest that Man can make to decide the Controversie For whom can we imagine to be so insensible as not to be presently touched with the delicate Composure and Symmetry of their Bodies The sweetnesses and killing Languors of their Eyes the Meslange and Harmony of their Colours the Happiness and Spirituality of their Countenances the Charms and Allurements of their Maine the Air and Command of their Maine the Air and Command of their Smiles so that it is no wonder if Plato said that Souls were unwilling to depart out of such fair Bodies That this is a Truth needs so little Demonstration that looking but into any Story you shall find even the greatest Conquerors Lusty and Proud in their Triumphs humbled and brought on their Knees by some fair Enchantress This we account admirable in Alexander and Scipio that they could avoid in Caesar and Mark Anthony we pardon it in respect of the greatness of their other Actions 〈◊〉 a Martial-man you will 〈◊〉 is a Savage Bruitish thing thing that knows how to run 〈◊〉 dangers and to despise them 〈◊〉 whose tho●ghts are always 〈◊〉 random and abroad seldom with-drawn and upon their Guard and therefore it is no wonder if such Men be easily surprized with such dazling trifles But when a Man tells you that even the Wisest Men have been strange Doters on this Sex and absolutely given up to them it will change the Case I suppose there is no Man thinks Solomon a Fool and it
some will ground this Aversion to Red Hair from the coming in of the Danes who mixing with our Women left a Race behind them of that Colour which by propagating descended to our Times it so we cannot but wonder why those in that Age when the Danish Government expired and in whose Memories the Cruelties of that Nation were fresh and bleeding never made any Distinction in this manner or objected against Colours but approved the one as well as the other nor do we find the Danes at this day peculiar to this but as other Nations participating in Mixtures and we do find it Recorded that the Ancient Brittains were many of them Yellow-Haired and those that were so took a great Pride in it we must confess that we are undoubtedly a Mixture of divers Nations But these Matters are too remote and not worth arguing but only to be looked upon as Fancies and Conjectures we have been since Conquered by the Normans and one Conquest ought to jostle such Chimera's out of their Heads who make such Imputations it is a little ocd that this Age should pretend to take particular Exceptions against that which was never excepted against in any of the foregoing Ages as ever we read of These things considered we must attribute this Aversion to the Fancies only of those who are much taken with them of their own Complexion or to the spight of some Dowdies who perceiving all those that are Yellow-haired to have fair Soft and Clear Skins which is natural to them as also a perpetual Spring unless by the defect of Sickness or Age of Roses and Lillies blooming in their Cheeks have made in their business industriously to impair their esteem and value that they might engross those to themselves that otherwife would have left them sighing in Languishing Expectations to go off when they could Accidentally happen on a Chapman at the Closure of Loves-Market and made more Agreeable and Advantageous Purchases some again tell us that the Fashion-mongers and Criticks in Beauty have only set it aside a while for the Gratification of their Humour and that as it has been highly in esteem it will though now in the Ebb with as strong a Fluctuation return again But be it how it will Ladies you to whom Nature has given this Colour ought not to have a less value or esteem for your selves we hope it you were to make your own Markets you would choose Wife and Ingenious Men and such are not so soon caught by a Fair outside of what Complexion soever as by a Beautiful Mind they regard not your Hair but your Virtue keep but up to that and you need not despair of a Happiness transcending what any thing else can afford you she that Marries one that admires her out-side only Marries a Picture-Gazer and a Bartholomew Baby may as well serve him in one respect as a Wife we declare Ladies we highly approve of this Colour and if over much Modesty draw not the Curtain of too great an obscurity no Clouds of Despair in speeding ought to over shadow your Fair Faces but Triumphs of Joy and Success be ever attending on your Smiles to Crown you in the Elizium of Love and give no common Felicity to those that will admire you Hotchpotch Fr. Hochepot Belg. Dutspot i. e. flesh cut into pretty pieces and sodden with Herbs or Roots not unlike that which the Romans called Ferraginem a Gallimaufry Littleton says it litterally signifies a Pudding mixed with divers Ingredients Huke A Dutch attire covering the Head Face and all the Body Humfrey or Dumphrey Gr. for Humfred i.e. house-peace a lovely and happy name if it could turn home-wars betwixt Man and Wife into peace The Italians have made Onuphrius of it in Latin Cam. Hamadryades g. Wood-Nymphs Hamkin a kind of Pudding made upon the Bones of a shoulder of Mutton Hanjar a rich Dagger worn by the Bashaws Wives Hannah h. gracious merciful ●arlot q. Horeles a little Whore ●rlotta l. a proud Whore ●rletta Arlotha Duke Ro●●●● Concubine Mother to Duke William the Conqueror Harmonia the Wife of Cad●● Daughter of Mars and Venus Harpalice a great Huntress who by force of Arms rescued her Father Lycurgus from the Cetans H●belock a Danish Fond●● and Scullion in the King's 〈◊〉 preferred by degrees 〈◊〉 the Marriage of the King's daughter Hymen properly a Membrane it is taken also for the 〈◊〉 Membrane in a Virgin such arises from the wrinkle●● of the lower part of the 〈◊〉 and in Women with 〈◊〉 when the Womb grows ●●cker it disappears Dr. Blan●● Hysterica Passio Fits of the 〈◊〉 a Convulsion of the 〈◊〉 of the Par Vagum and ●costal in the Abdomen ●eeding from a pricking Ir●●● ation or Explosion of Spi●●● This Distemper does not always depend upon the Womb 〈◊〉 is commonly thought we we seen it more than once in 〈◊〉 because the Spleen Pan● and other adjacent Bow●● often the cause of it Dr. 〈◊〉 Hysterotomototica or Se● 〈◊〉 a cutting the Child out of the Womb which is done thus You make a Semilunar Section under the Navel along the White-Line the Cavity whereof looks towards the said Line then according to the leading of the Fibres the Foetus being extracted after the Section the Wound in the Womb contracts it self so that the Blood scarce flows more plentifully than in a Natural Birth but if the Mother be dead chuse the most convenient place you can Dr. Blanchard Hadegynes ● a Country-dance Haylayks Tu. the Women-slaves Hebe Goddess of Youth Daughter of Juno without a Father Jupiter's Cupbearer till she fell and was removed Hecale an old Woman and Theseus's Landlady who had devoted her self for his safe return from the Wars Hecate Apollo's Sister Luna Diana Proserpina with three heads also a Thracian Witch Hecuba Priams Wife who is feigned after the taking of Troy to be turned into a Bitch Heir-lome loom House-hold-stuff as Tables Presses c. which having belonged to the House for certain Descents do by Custom not Common Law accrew to the Heir Helena Wife to Menelana stoln by Paris occasioned the Trojan Wars Heliades Daughters of the Sun and Sisters to Phäeton who for his Death wept themselves into Poplar-trees Heliconiades the Muses Helle Daughter to Athamas King of Thebes falling from the back of a golden Ram into the Pontick Sea occasion'd the naming of it Hedyle a Samian or as some say Athenian Poetess of whom there are remember'd two Poems her Scylla and the Loves of Glaucus Helena Flavia the Daughter of Coil King of Britain she is said to have been the first finder out of the real Wood of the Cross upon which our Saviour was Crucified Helpis the Daughter as faith Ranul●hus of a King of Sicily there are extant of her composing as Giraldus affirms several Hymns upon the Apostles famous also and well known is her Epitaph upon her Husband Histiaea an Alexandrian Poetess Hypatia the Daughter of Theon the famous Geometrician of Alexandria Habiliment
chast Virtous Husband she would never have attempted it A Man ought to be a Pattern and Guide to his Wife in Virtue so that if she be otherwise she may be left inexcusable and rendred more blame-worthy But methinks we hear some replying there is a vast difference in this Case between Men and Women If I says one am guilty of this Tickling Sin my Bastards Heir my Estate I can put them off with little but if my Wife be faulty I must be a drudge for other mens Children which is insufferable and why pray Sir Fopiing will you put that upon your Neighbour that you are unwilling to bear your self this is a great way out of the road of doing as you would be done by there is something of Justice in it that a Man that in this manner wrong● his Neighbour should be retaliated in the same kind and when he is in the raving 〈◊〉 ●y of his Jealousie deserves a less degree of Pity than others though many times this Jealousie is without a Cause the Woman not taking Example by his extravagancies is Chast and Virtuous and he will not believe her to be so but measures her by himself Jealousie is a great Sign that the party it possesse● is dishonest whatever fair pretences may be made and indeed their Jealousie and the restraint they lay upon their Wives makes them many times dishonest for no other end than a sweet revenge on their Jealousie not to let them continue in it without a Cause Aeneas Sylvius says the Italians are much to blame in locking up their Wives for Women generally are of a Disposition to covet most that which is denied most and offend least where they have the greatest Liberty and Freedom to Act and do as they please it is in vain to lock her up if she be dishonestly inclined for she has so many Wiles to accomplish her desire that she will as the old saying is make you if possible a Cuckold thro' the Key-hole And Virtue can only be the secure Guardian of a Womans Honour if that be mistaken you need fear nothing but force and violence can overcome her and that very seldom happens to Women though a little push as some will have it throws them down when there is a kind of an Inclination to fall backward When Mark Anthony left his Chast Wife Octavia to wanton in the adulterous embraces of Cleopatra Queen of Egypt she was far from revenging her injury in giving up her self to another though he had utterly forsaken her Turn a virtuous Woman loose to all the Tarquins and Satyrs their Perswasions Flatteries and Promises shall never shake her virtuous resolves Archidamus Consul of Antioch offered a Young Woman a hundred pieces of Gold and to free her Husband who then lay a Prisoner in a dark Dungeon if she would satisfie his Lust but neither her Husbands Sufferings nor Poverty could induce her to be Unchast Cure of Jealousie one would think should be wrought by considering what has been said yet that there may be nothing wanting on so Urgent and Necessary an Occasion a composed Temper is very rarely subject to Jealousie for there Reason stands Centinel and keeps it out and if Men who are subject to passion would but use Reason would but labour by degrees to Compose themselves and be of a sedate and calm Temperature they would in time be Masters over their Passions and find the Humours that feed them abate and then they need not fear to shake off Jealousie if it should at any time suddainly surprize them Iilt o. to deceive or defeat ones expectation especially in the point of Amours Illia Daughter of Numitor King of the Albanes a Vestal Nun but Mother of Romulus and Remus by Mars Imps Witches little Familiars Incontinency want of Moderation in Affections and Desires Incubus l. the Devil in Man's shape lying with Women as Succubus with Men also the Night-mare or raw Humours from the Stomach troubling the Brain and Animal Spirits that the Body cannot move Indecorum unseemliness unhandsome Carriage Ino Daughter of Cadmus Nurse to Bacchus and Wife to Athamas K. of Thebes who in his madness supposing her to to be a Lioness drove her headlong into the Sea Io Daughter of Inacbus turned into a Cow by Jupiter that she might not be known of Juno who drove her into Egypt where she recovered her former shape and was made a Goddess Iocasta Daughter of Creen King of Thebes after the Death of her Husband Laius she unwittingly married her own Son Oedipus Iointure a Settlement upon the Wife in respect of Marriage Iopas a Musical King of Africa one of Dido's Suitors Iphianassa Iphinoe and Lyssppe Daughters of Pretus King of Argos preferring their Beauty to Juno's were by her struck with madness imagining themselves to be Cows Iphigenia Agamemnon's Daughter which should have been sacrificed to Diana because her Father had slain a Hart of hers but the Goddess pittyed her and sent an Hart to be offered in her stead Iphimedia ravished by Neptune brought forth Ephialtes and Otus who grew every month nine Fingers in length 'till helping the Gyants against the gods they were slain by Apollo Irene the Mother of Constantine the seventh reign'd with him Nine Years he expelled her Reigned alone seven Years again she took him by craft put out his Eyes cast him into Prison where he dyed and reigned alone four Years Iris Iuno's Messenger the Rain-bow also an hexagonal precious stone Irus a beggarly Messenger between Penelope and her Suiters whom Ulysses kill'd with his Fist. Ischuotes g. a slender child 〈◊〉 or Faeminine pronunciation Ills an Egyptian Goddess made of Io. Isota de ●ugarolis a Virgin of Verona famous for Philosophy Philology and Poetry Ifsue an Effect Children Profits of Fines or Lands the matter depending in suit Itylus slain by his own Mother Aeton instead of Ama●eus the Son of Amphion Itys slain by his Mother Progue and set before his Father Tereus King of Thrace at a Banquet for deflowring her sister Philomel he perceiving the murder with his naked Sword pursued them but in their flight they were changed Progne into a Swallow Philomel into a Nightingale and Itys to a Pheasant Iulep A preparative of Syrups c. to open the inward parts and prepare for a Purgation from Iulap a kind of Rose-water Iulian-na Cilian a Womans Name Iulian Law among the 〈◊〉 made Adultery death Iumbals certain Sweet●●●●ts Iuno Twin-Sister and Wife to Jupiter Iussel a minced Dish of several meats Iuturna the Daughter of Daunus made by Jupiter for the Loss of her Maidenhead the immortal Nymph of the River Numicius Ixion Son of Phlegias thrown to Hell for boasting that he had lain with Juno in whose stead Jupiter had placed a Cloud on which he begat the Centaurs Infanta of Spain every Daughter of that King not being Heir whether first second or third c. the Heir is called Princesa and the rest Infanta's of the Sons are called
Margaret d' Valois Sister to his Predecessor Mary d' Guise Daughter to Claude the first Duke of Lorrain she was Married to Lewis Duke of Longueville and afterward to James the first King of Scotland Mary Queen of England Daughter to Henry the Eighth Marred to Philip of Spain she was a great Persecutor of the Protestants and caused many of them to perish in the Flames by Tortures Imprisonment c. She died Childless of a burning Fever or as it was then called the Sweating Sickness November 17th 1558. and was succeeded by Elizabeth Second Daughter to Henry the 8th who abolished Popery and restored Protestantism Mary Queen of Scots Daughter to James the fifth promised in Marriage to Edward the Sixth of England but the Scotch Nobility after the Death of Henry the Eighth breaking their word and sending her privately to France she was Married to the Dauphin who soon after dying and she returning to Scotland she Married Henry Stuart Lord Darnley and Duke of Rothsay by whom she had King James the Sixth but he being murthered viz. blown up by a Train of Powder laid under his House great troubles arose which forced her to fly for England where she was unhappily put to Death being beheaded at Fotheringay Castle upon suggested Fears and Jealousies Mathide Daughter to Bonijacius Marquess of Tuscany she succeeding her Father incited thereto by the Pope warred upon Henry the Fourth Emperor and so devoted she was to the Roman See that she bestowed all her Hereditary Lands upon it she was a Woman of great Courage and died at the Age of 76. Anno. 1115. Maud she was Daughter to Henry the First of England who Married her to Henry the Fourth Emperor of Germany but he dying and leaving no Issue by her she returned again to England and afterward Married Geoffery Plantagenet Earl of Anjou by whom she had a Son who after long Wars and contending for the Crown of England succeeded King Stephen by the Stile of Henry the Second Mavia Queen of the Saracens she Conquered or spoiled Palestius and Arabia in the time of the Emperor Valens but being converted to the Christian Religion she made a Peace with him and Assisted him with a powerful Army against the Goths that had broken into Italy and other parts of the Empire Maximilia she was Disciple to Montanus the Herenick and kept him Company in an obscene manner she at lenght joyn'd to her Pri●cilla who made it their business to seduce and draw others into the Error using their Beauties as a Snare for the men and by their Riches and soft deluding Tongues they inticed the weaker Sex but at last she and Montanus falling out killed each other Meditriva a Pagan Goddess whom the Ancients concluded to take care of Physick and it's Operation in the Bodies of Men and Women and at her Festivals they mixed Old and new Wine which they drank moderately by way of Cordial or Physick Medusa one of the Gorgons with whom Neptune fell in Love till Minerva turned her hair into Snakes and her Head being cut off by Perseus Minerva placed it in her shield and whatever living Creature looked on it was turned into a Stone Magera one of the Furies Daughter of the Night and Acheron she instilled Madness into the minds of People Melania Wife to Pinienus Son to Severus a noble Man of Rome the Destruction of that City being revealed to her two years before Alaric laid it waste she remov'd with her Family to Carthage and was there Instructed by St. Augustin then lived a Monastick Life after she had perswaded many to turn Christians Melenia a Roman Lady Daughter to Mercelinus she burying her Husband when she was very young in sorrow forsook all worldly Pleasures and went a Pilgrimage to Jerusalem carrying one of her Children with her she confronted the Arrians and undeceived many of their Errors when building a Monastery at Jerusalem she dwelt Twenty five years in it and died in that City Melissa she was Daughter to Melissus King of Creet said to Nurse Jupiter and bring him up with Goats Milk Melpomene one of the Nine Muses Mellona a Goddess who had the care over Bees that they should not fly away in their swarming time Merrades Bacchinalians or Women that attended on Baschuses's Drunken-Feasts or Revels who did much mischief in their Wine Mene a Goddess worshipped by the Roman Women for the better ordering their Bodies in their monthly Purgations Meplictis the Goddess of Pools and muddy Lakes Merope one of the Seven Pleiades Daughter to Atlas and Pleione said to be married to Sysiphus Messalina Wife to the Emperor Claudius who not content to keep Gallants in the Court to satisfie her Lust if such a thing could be done but in her Husbands Absence she publickly married C. Silius a handsome Roman Knight for which the Emperor caused her to be beheaded Metra she was Daughter to Ercysichthon a Lord of Thessaly who to save her Fathers Life who was ready to Famish prostituted her self for Food to sustain his Life Minerva styled the Goddess of Arts and Wisdom said to be conceived of the Brain of Jove delivered thence by Vulcan who cleaving his Skull this Goddess sprung out in bright Armour she is often taken for Pallas who in some Cases is styled Minerva Miroselde a poor Weavers Daughter of whom King Charibert was so Enamoured that upon her refusing to comply to be his Concubine he married her and after her Death he married her Sister for which he was Excommunicated by St. Germain Mirrah Daughter to Cyni●as King of the Cipriots she fell so desperately in Love with her Father that making him drink Wine she lay with him but the matter being discovered by her being with Child she fled into Arabia and brought forth Adodonis but she dying of that Travel Venus turned her into a Mirrh-Tree and put Adonis to Nurse ro Nimph Herclea when being grown up and proving very Comely Venus fell in Love with him and often enjoyed him in the Idalian Groves but at last contrary to her perswasions undertaking to hunt a wild Boar he was slain by the furious Beast and greatly lamented of the Goddess who turned him into an Enemy Molza Tarquinia a Lady of Modena very Learned and Skilful in the Languages she much haunted the tops of Parnassus and bathed often in the River Helicon to them the invention of Songs and Sciences are attributed they are called viz. Clio Vrania Calliope Vterpt Erato Thalia Melpomene Terphiscare and Polylymnia they are held by some to be the Daughters of Coelum and the Earth Mirriam or Mary Sister to Moses she was smitten with Leprosie because she and Aaron murmured against him and shut him out of the Camp but being a Prophetess all the People stayed till her days of cleansing were fulfilled and she again received into the Congregation Aarons Punishment was remitted upon Moses praying for him Malhatun the fair Wife of Othoman the first Founder of the Turkish
a former Wife in prison but he escaping raised a War against her and wrestled the Power out of her hands She was a woman of great Courage and Wit Plantina Wife of Trajan the Emperour She did much good in the Empire by Prevailing with him to take off the heavy Taxes She procured the Adoption of Adrian who coming to be Emperour built a Palace Temple and Amphitheater to her memory the Ruins of part of which magnificent Structures are yet seen at Rome Poictiers Diana Dutches of Valentinois She got her Fathers Pardon when condem'd to die and was very Famous in the French Court during the Reign of Henry the second disposing of all Offices and Places of Trust to her Favourites But after Henry's Death Q. Katharine de Medici stript her of her Jewels and banish'd her the Court for grief of which the soon after dy'd Polla Argentaria was Wife to Lucan the Poet put to Death by the Tyrant Nero for writing better Verses She was a very Learned Lady and much skilled in Poetry her self After his Death she corrected his Pharsalia and writ many Poems Palyhymnia one of the Muses ●●id to take care of History and Historians Others affirm she was extreamly in love with Rhetoricians she was painted in white Robe With a Crown of Pearls and a Scrowl in her hand in a posture as if she required attention to what she was about to say Polyxena Daughter to Priamus King of Troy With her Achilles fell in Love and being trained to the marriage was killed by Parris with an inpoysoned Arrow in revenge of which to appease that Hero's Ghost she after the taking of Troy was sacrificed at his Tomb. Pomona held by the Ancieats to be a Goddess that look'd after Orchards and Gardens With her Vertumnus fell in love and by borrowed shipes got his Will of her Pompea third wife to Julius Caesar Daughter to Q. Pompeus but was divorc'd upon suspicion that she dealt false with him yet he believed her innocent though he was told Claudius often had a 〈◊〉 in meetings with her in Womans Apparel Poniarovia Duughter to Julius Ponictovius a Nobleman of Poland she had often as she said Visions and Revelations foretelling the happy state of the Chruch and the destruction of its Enemies Pontia a Noble Roman Lady With her Octavius Sagista fell in love but after he had obtained her to be divorced from her Husband chang'd his mind Whereupon she marry'd an other which so incensed him that he kill'd her for which he has Try'd and Executed Popea Sabina Second wife to Nero Emperour of Rome a very beautiful and vertuous Lady who being great with child was kill'd by a Kick he gave her on the belly of which among all his wicked acts he was only known to repent Populonia held to be a Goddess that secur'd Countrys from ravagement and spoil Porcia Cato's Daughter she was wife to Brutus one of the Conspirators against Julius Caesar who to regai● the Roman Liberty assassinated him in the Senate-house and being overthrown by Octavius Augustus in the Philipick Fields she no sooner had notice of his Death but she resolv'd not to survive him so that her Friends to prevent it laying all mischievous things out of her way she choak'd her self by swallowing hot Coals Poreta a Woman of Hanault for writing and maintaning the Doctrine that those who are wholly devoted to the Creator may satisfie all the Needs of Nature without offending God was burnt together with her books Possvorta and An●●●ta Two Goddesses held by the Ancients to know what would happen before and after tha last having power to redress Evil past Potaniades held to inspire men and women with Rage and to appease her the ancients sacrificed Pigs upon her Altar Poverty another Goddess she was painted meagar and almost famished yet by others she was called the Goddess of Industry because Poverty induces men to study and labour and is she proper mother of all Arts and Inventions Praxardicia a Goddess sabled to set bounds to mens actions and passions and therefore she was represented by a Head to shew that Reason ought to guide us in our affairs and to her were offered only the heads of the beasts ordained for sacrifice the rest being the Fees of the Priests that attented her Altar Priscilla a Noble Lady of great Vertue before she was corrupted by Montanus and his heresy Priscilla a Roman Lady very charitable she purchased a burying place for the Martyrs the fell by the Heathen Persecution Proba an other Roman Lady and very learned she wrote the life of our blessed Saviour and composed several 〈◊〉 taken from Virgil by 〈◊〉 Prosa the Persian Goddess of Childbirth who gave easy deliverances to woman in labour Proserpina Daughter to Ceres the Goddess of Corn she was stolen away by Pluto God of Hell and Enthrod'd in his sutty Kingdom and fabled to be fetch'd thence by Hercules and delivered to her sorrowful mother Psyche a beautiful Damsel with whom Cupid fell in love but often crossed by his mother Venus till he compelled her to give him a free Enjoyment of his Mistress by often wounding and inflaming her with his Arrows which made her doat on every servile Swain Pudicita a Goddess adored at Rome under the similitude of a woman with a Veil over her Face called the Goddess of modesty or shamedfacedness Pulcheria Daughter of the Emperour Arcadius She was called Augusta and did many notable things for the Good of the Commonweal and by her means the General Council of Chalcedon was held 〈◊〉 441. Pussa held among the Chineses for a Goddess called by some the Chinesian Cyble she was represented in the shape of a woman sitting upon a Cocus Tree with 16 Arms 8 Extended on each side with divers symbolical Instruments in them This Image is exceeding rich being set out with Diamonds and other precious stones Prudentia a Goddess fabl'd among the ancients to give VVisdom and Understanding to her Votaries she was printed with a Glass in one hand and a Serpent in the other and she was pray'd to in doubtful matters that a right understanding might be had in deciding the controversies that arose Patrico's are the S●olers Priests Every Hedg is his Parish and every wandring slogue and VVhore his Parishoner The Service he saith is the marrying of Couples without the Gospel or Book of Common Prayer the solemnity whereof is thus the Parties to marry'd find out a dead horse or any other beast and standing one on the one side and the other on the other the Patrico bids them live together till Death them part and so shaking hands the Wedding is ended Pasts There are man Qualities which although they are not so proper unto Ladies yet they are very commendable in them in which number is this piece of Cookery to have a good hand in the pastry For skill in this affair consult for the present the accomplish Cook Sect. II and Rabisha's Cookery Book 14.
one sense a man may as well be drunk with love as Wine and it is indeed the worst of the two because more lasting when the other perhaps is but a Nights debauch this many times stupifies the senses all the days of Life locks up his Reason in the Dungeon of headstrong willfulness and self-blindedness placing an unruly passion as Goaler to keep it strictly in Chains so that a man or a woman thus divested may justly be term'd an irrational Creature acting in some degress worse than they Mark Anthony had such a love to Cleopatria that none could wean him from it first by giving himself up to sloath and wantoness lost that great Name he had gain'd in War then the love of his Soldiers and lastly the Empire of the East and for dispair and madness kill'd himself and brought Aegypt and other Countrys into an Extream Calamity The fair Inchantress likewise kill'd her self by clapping Vipers to her breasts and so ended their Love Fevers in a doleful kind of Melancholy How many might we name that have lost themselves and their flourishing Fortunes upon this account throwing themselves as it were from Precipices or into Yawning Gulfs when they might have stood firm or mov'd on smoothly and uninterrupted Platina says from hence came Repentances though of a strange kind Dotages Ship wracking of Wits and Fortunes and violent Deaths And some hold the Prognostick is that when this Passion is at the heighth and Extreamly Raging the Party will either run mad or die at this Reason is given viz. because it makes the Blood black thick and hot and if the Inflammation get into the brain it will with continual waking meditations and musing so dry up and the moisture that the brain is inflam'd for want of it or shrink together and then madness ensues and sometimes they lay violent hands upon themselves some pine away and die upon a sudden And as one says For whilst I do conceal my grief Madness steals on me like a Thief Would I were dead for nought But death can rid me of my woes When Eurialus left Lucretian she never laugh'd jested or gave one pleasant look but fell into Love Melancholy and pin'd her self to death So desperate had Love made a young hot brain'd Lover that the Parents of the Virgin he lov'd utterly refusing to let her marry him in a raging fit of passion resolving if he could not that nobody should enjoy her he first Kill'd her and then himself having desir'd of the Magistrates they might be bury'd in one Grave which being granted when he had mortally wounded himself he took a great consolation to his troubled mind Many have been so inflam'd with love that to obtain their desires they have destroy'd their nearest Relations and best Friends for giving them good Counsel Some have betray'd Citys nay whole Countrys in their proses'd Enemies upon this occasion as the Widow of Nereus did Athens for the love of an handsom Venetian Gentleman Pithidice the Governours Daughter of Methinia betrayed her Father and the whole Island to Achilles has the love she bear him Alexander for the love of Tan who demanded it as a tryal of his Affection set the famous City of Persopolis on fire tho Repentance came too late and made him weep over its Ruins Cataline Kill'd his only Son in a Love raging fit Therefore such violences are timely to be avoided All that in us ●●ere they grow too strong for us and we cannot 〈◊〉 them When gentle winds do blow 〈◊〉 Oars we try But in rough storms are fore●● Lay them by Prognosticks of Jelousie Madness Dispair 〈◊〉 Examples c. Prognosticks of Jelousie are 〈◊〉 and various and we find they Tyranizing distemper 〈◊〉 first with a kind of 〈◊〉 and dulness of the Spirits the it is formed into suspicion ●● from thence grows up to hatred and from that to Madness Fre●●ey Injury dispair and Murther if it to be not removed or prevented in time There is nothing so bloody as the fury of a Jealous man in his enterpriz'd Revenge and if they are hindred in that they many times turn their Fury on themselves and are destroyed by their own hands And Cyprian says it produces a fruitful mischief is the Seminary of offences and Fountain of Murther A thousand Tragecal Examples we might mention antient and modern Hercules was Poison'd by Deianita Amestris the Wife of X●xes finding his Cloak in the House of Masista presently grew Jealous of his Wife got her into her Power and glutted her Eyes with Cruelty by fleeing her alive cut off he● Ears Nose Lips Paps and likewise her Tongue out and left her to dye in that miserable condition Deutera the Wife of Thexiebar King of France having had a Fair Daughter by another Husband grew Jealous that she sought to take the Kings Love from her and Transported with this Rage like a Barbarous Inhuman mother caused the beautious innocent maid to be murthered Ferdinandus Chal●eria cut off Getherinus a Nobleman's Legg because as he supposed he look'd too familiar upon his Wife which occasioned much blood shed by the Quarrels that ensued upon it amongst their Relations and another who suspected a Fryer that often Visited his House being in the Chamber when his Wife was Delivered and seeing the Child in the Caul he immediately swore the Fryer had Cuccol●ed him and that must of necessity be a Child of his begetting and the Learned Reason he gave for it was that it came into the World wraped in a Fryars Caul or Hood Fulgosus a Woman of Narbone though one would hardly think that a Woman would be so unkind to herself took her Husband Napping and in his sleep cut off his Genitors because she supposed he performed Duty somewhere else and neglected it at home resolving since they were in a manner useless to her no body else should be the better for them Pain almost of any kind is doubtless nothing to the Torments of Jealousy it puts the party as it were upon the Rack and Afflicts him in every part At Basil there was a Painters Wife who had bore her Husband nine Children by that she was twenty seven years of Age and then upon a Caprice of which she could give no reasonable account her self she must needs grow Jealous which in a small time increasing utterly destroyed her Quiet and Repose nor would she eat and drink at home for fear as she said her Husband should Poison her Felix Peter tells us of a Physician that went mad through Jealousy Of a Merchant that Kill'd his Wife in the humour and afterward himself O a Doctor in Law that cut 〈…〉 Mans Nose because whilst the fellow was telling a blunt story his Wife smiled at it Prognosticks of this Kind may be taken from the Humours for when they are once stirred and the Imagination disaffected Jealousy soon enters varying it self into divers forms and many absurd Symptoms accompany it and when it gets too large a scope and
perswaded to yield to his proposals and sent some of her faithful Friends to take his Oath which he gave them in the antient Temple touching the Altar and the Images of the Gods the custom of those times Cursing himself if he did not desire the Marriage and to make her Children his Heirs In brief he Married her and set the 〈◊〉 upon her Head to the great rejoycing of the People call'd her Queen and the Royal Partner of his Dominions at which being overjoyed and 〈◊〉 badly blinded by her Love and his Flatteries she went before to Cassand a a well Fortified City where her Treasures and her Children were and sent the young Princes the one of Sixteen and the other Thirteen years to meet their Uncle or New Father is Law whom he met and closely Embraced without the G●tes bringing them along with him but having entered with this Army he immediately caused the Royal Youths to be Slam in their mothers arms where they fled for shelter and made her the more miserable in this because she might nor dye with them having in vain interposed her self between them and the Swords of their Executioners she was likewise her self driven into Exile by her Perjured Brother and Husband yet this Triumph was short and swift footed Vengeance overwhelmed him 〈◊〉 ruin for being overthrown by an Inundation of Gauls than broke into Macedonia he was taken Prisoner and after much Despight used towards him by those Barbarous People they cut off his Head and carried it about at the end of a Speat in decision Perjury brought one Ann Averies a Widow to a sad end for she had no sooner Foreword her self about some mo●ies that was to have been paid for fix pounds of Flax at a Shop in Woodstreet but she fell down Speechless and casting up Excrements at her Mouth dyed so Visage after death being so gashly that few could behold her without great afrightment and trembling Paticure Admirable in either Sex Patience is a necessary exercise for every one that lives in this World for there is none so free from one cross or other but this Virtue will be wanting to render him the more easy in the course of his life The Female Sex especially ought to be endued with it because they have frequently occasion 〈◊〉 it Every one knows how to Row in a Calm and ●● indifferent Pilot in a quiet ●●●son will ●eer a Ship but the Conduct of the Govern●●●● is most praise worthy who shows best to conduct his 〈◊〉 aright when the Winds 〈◊〉 en●aged and the Seas run high and the Winds have put ●● Waves into a vehement 〈◊〉 In live manner 〈◊〉 ●● no extraordinary commen●ation to appear mild when 〈◊〉 is no rubs in the way 〈◊〉 this Virtue is when the 〈◊〉 rise high to bridle 〈◊〉 and keep down our re●ments in the midst of in●ious Provocations so no● a Victory deserves those 〈◊〉 that perhaps the 〈◊〉 Conquerer never me●d Patience or a power to overcome passion was very strong in Dr. Comper Bishop of Lincoln for having been eight years in gathering Notes to compile a Book which now goes by the Name of his Dictionary his Wife more desirous of his Society than that Affair would allow and also fearing the impairment of his Health by such a redious Study in his absence getting open his Desk the 〈◊〉 them all than which nothing could be more provoking to a learned man yet he received it with that Patience and Moderation that he vexed not himself that any could outwardly perceive it nor shewed any resentment in reproaches or giving her an angry word but patiently set down and began it again so that it took him up the other eight years before it could be finished as resolving whatever pains it cost him not to disappoint Posterity of his worthy 〈◊〉 Phaucy What it is Phancy is that which strangely carries our minds about and fixes our thoughts upon various things but rarely continuing long at a stay It twirls us round and makes us dizzy so that we are as it were in a mist and are at a loss till in its eternal Roving one phancy jostles out another our follies or defects of this nature cannot be better described than by Democritus to Hippocrates Pardon us Reader if it be somewhat tedious because it is much to the Purpose and therein you will be made amends for youe Patience The People of Athens thinking Democritus 〈◊〉 sent for the aforementioned Learned Physician to cure him who found him in his Garden at his study At the approach of Hippocrates he 〈◊〉 heartily as Knowing his business before and after some words passing between them he told him that those who had sent him were mad and not himself For says he they give themselves up to the 〈◊〉 and Fopperies of the Times and would is not make one laugh to see them Empty of all 〈◊〉 actions hunting after Gold and having no end of Ambition taking infinite pains for a little Glory and to be Favour'd of Men Frequently 〈…〉 when they only meet with 〈◊〉 never pleased how it change of Recreation The martyr'd Couples fancy each other for a while and own their 〈…〉 and they grow 〈◊〉 in their affections Great care is taken to get and bring up Children but then like an Hen as soon as they are from under their Wings little regard them as to their manners and behaviours nothing of the Excellency of the mind being taken notice of and so they flourish in outwardthing let every thing else more as Fancy drives How many strange humours are in men when they are poor they seek Riches and when they have obtain'd 〈◊〉 they have not the hearts to enjoy it as they ought but either 〈…〉 it up or 〈…〉 and Luxury ● 〈◊〉 their health or destroy themselves How do their Fancies lead them to Jar and contend Relation with 〈◊〉 c for 〈◊〉 and crave after Riches almost in their Graves when they know 〈◊〉 can carry nothing with them and their Children to whom they should leave it are many times dead before them or 〈◊〉 Riches left them serve 〈◊〉 hasten their miseries 〈◊〉 pussed up with pride they 〈◊〉 into divers Evils They miss account of divers senseless 〈◊〉 on which their Fancies 〈◊〉 Value as Pictures Statutes 〈◊〉 the like when they 〈◊〉 regard to their having Neighbours and Relations 〈◊〉 effect difficult things 〈◊〉 are for roving from place to place not bring quiet i● 〈◊〉 They commend courage and strength in War and yield themselves to be overcome with their Vices c 〈◊〉 now continued be if these 〈◊〉 were not Rise in the World should have no cause of 〈◊〉 It is not that I am so ●turally prone to it as they 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 but their Fancies 〈◊〉 Follys Extort from me 〈◊〉 Mirth Hippocrates 〈◊〉 heard him with patience low'd his Reason and 〈◊〉 answer to those that sent him That Democritus was a very wise and Learned Philosopher which made many
true that those who boast of their Ancestors who were the Founders and Raisers of a Noble Family do confess that they have in themselves a less Virtue and a less Honour and consequently are degenerated And what differences soever there are between them and their Neighbours there ought to be no Upbraidings or Contempt and if any thing is to be done it must be with an humble Courteousness For the least betraying of Pride and Haughtiness of Spirit makes them reject even good advice Let all remember what they are before they were begotten and then they will conclude they were nothing what they were in the first Region of their dwellings before they breathed and then they will find they were but Uncleanness what they were so many Years after and then they will find they were only Weakness and Imbecillity what they are in the whole course of their lives and then they will know they are but sinners what in all their Excellencies and then they will find it but lent and that they stand indebted to God for all the Benefits they have Received and Enjoy in the first place and in the next to their Parents and the Creatures that cloath and feed them But they may if the please use the method of the Platonisis who reduce all the Causes and Arguments for Humility which they can take from themselves to these seven heads First The Spirit of a man is light and troublesome Secondly His Body is bruitish and sickly Thirdly He is constant in his Folly and Errour and inconstant in his Manners and good Purposes Fourthly his Labours are Vain Intricate and Endless Fifthly His Fortune is changeable but seldom pleading never perfect Sixthly His Wisdom comes not in any Full Proportion till he has but a few paces to the Grave and it be in a manner past using Seventhly His Death is certain always ready at the door but never far off It is past all doubt that a Fair Young Gentleman who stands recorded in History was very far from Pride who being often in his Life time requested to have his Picture drawn and courted to it by the greatest Masters of the Age who covered it as a perfect Pattern of Masculine Beauty yet utterly refus'd their Solicitations telling them he intended it not to be done till a few days after his Burial and so strictly enjoyn'd it by his last Will dying in the strength and flower of his Age to shew those that are proud of beauty what a change Death makes when opening his Sepalchar in order to it they found half his face consumed by Vermin and his Midrist and Back-bone full of little Serpents supposed to be bred of the Purrelaction so short a time had reduced him to and so he stands Pictured amonst his Armed Ancestors So soon does Death change the fairest beauty into Loathing Riches have the same fare for they cannot secure the Possession to the Grave nor follow him thither to do him any kindness and how soon may we be hurried thither we know not Seneca tells us of one Senecius Cornelius a proud rich man craftly in getting and tenacious in holding a great Estate and one who was as diligent in the care of his Body as in puffing up his mind in the conceit of his accumulated Riches having been one day to visit a sick Friend from whom he expected a large Legacy returning home joyful that the party was so near his end by which his Treasury would be augmented but in the night was taken with a Sq●●nzey and breathed out his last before the Sun gilded the Earth with its beams being snatch'd away from the torrent of his Fortune and the swelling tide of his Wealth This accident was then much noted in Rome because it happened in so great a fortune and in the midst of wealthy designs and presently it made Wise men consider how imprudent a person he is who hears himself up and is 〈◊〉 with Riches and Honour promising himself many years of happiness to come when he is not Lord of to morrow The Tuscan Hierogliphycks which we have from Gabriel Simeon show us this viz. That our life is very short Beauty ●●uzenage Money false and fugitive Empire odious and hated 〈…〉 that have is not 〈…〉 to them that enjoy it Victory is always uncertain and Peace but a ●●●dulent bargain Old Age is miserable Death is the period and is a happy one if 〈◊〉 be not sowred by the 〈◊〉 of our Life and nothing is permanent but the effects of this Wisdom which imployes the present time in the Acts of holy Religion and a peaceable Conscience For these make us live even beyond our Funerals embalm'd in the Spices and Odours of a a good Name blessing us for a blessed Resurrection to the state of Angels and Beautified Spirits where Eternity is the measure the Lamb the Light and God the 〈◊〉 and Inheritance Alexander we find was so puffed up with his Conquest over Persia that entring India he wept when the Sea interpreted that there was no more Worlds to Conquer but he that had threst his Sword through so many Nations with vast slaughter and had so many flattering Titles bestowed upon him that he 〈◊〉 himself a God and exalted Divine Adoration had his Ambition quenched at Bobylon with a little draught of Poyson to let the World see he was but a moral man and Subject to 〈◊〉 and Misfortunes as well as the 〈◊〉 of those People he had triumphed over Seneca tells us of a rich proud Man that gave himself up so much to sensuality that he would often ask his attendants when he was placed in his Chair whether he sate or no that by his Slaves answering him the by standers might know who were his attendants So have we seen a sparkish Gallant dancing along as light as if he thought the Ground unworthy to bear him yet often looking over his Shoulder at his man in a fine new Livery who lugg'd his Laced Cloak after him that the Night-Railsin the Balconies might take more notice of his Equipage The Pope to 〈◊〉 the Pride he may conceive for being Exalred to St. Peters Chair and to let him see he is but a moral man among other Ceremonies at his Corronation his one that carries a 〈◊〉 of Flax before him on a staff and it the appointed place says Behold Holy Father so passes away yhe Glory of this World or worldly things We find Xerx●● wept ehen he saw his Army of Ten Hundred Thousand men upon the shoars of 〈◊〉 ready to invade the Greeks in Purpe in consideration that in less than an Hundred years that multitude of People would be turned to dust and 〈◊〉 bridged over the 〈◊〉 Sea with his mighty 〈◊〉 he proudly scourg'd the Wives with Chains as he 〈◊〉 because their Violence 〈◊〉 broke a part of it but it is observed that in less than two years his own rashness brought most of them to their Graves that mighty 〈◊〉 being consumed by
raised them as lasting Monuments as men can pretend to In honour to whose worthy memories we shall adorn this Work with the Names of some modern Ladies that have been famous this way mostly of our own Nation Pembro●k may boast to have had Mar the Incomparable Sister of the famous sir Philip Sidher to it's Coan●●● whose Name and Memory shall ever have in his 〈◊〉 which was 〈…〉 Virtuous Inclinations to Poetry and other Ingenuities There is extant of her Writings the Tr. of Antonius and Albions Triumph some others are named but supposed to be lost or in private hands The Lady Mary Wroth the Virtuous wife of Sir Robert Wroth was an Emulatress of Sir Philip Sidney's Arcadia by her Vrania a Poetical History much of the same Nature being a very curious piece tho not meeting with the like general reception Ann Askew the Daughter of Sir William Askew of Lincolnshire is remembered among the Ingenious Ladies for divers things she wrote in Verse and Prose she is described to have been of a singular Beauty Virtue and Ingenuity but above all to be Admired for her Constancy and Courage in 〈◊〉 asserting the Protestant Religion against almost a whole Nation of Popery and D●i●g for that Faith suffering as a glorious Martyr in the flames under the bloody Maryan Reign The Lady Bacon one of the four Daughters of Sir Anthony Cook The other Burleige the Ladies three were the Lady Russel and Killegrew of whose Genius in Poetry whatever hath been extant there is the Testimony of the famo●s Sir John H●rrington on their Part who in his Alegacy upon the thirty seventh Book of his 〈◊〉 Orlando F●ri●● 〈◊〉 gives them all a very large Character for Learning and particularly for Poetry The Lady Elizabeth Carrew wrought the Tragedy of Mariam a very curious Piece Elizabeth● Jioanna Westonia is by the Learned Farnby esteemed as a very Wife Ingenious Lady insomuch that for her Poetry and other Accomplishments he blushes not to rank her with Sir Thomas Moor Drury Alabaster and other English Writers of Latin Poetry The Lady Jane Gray Daughter to the Duke of Suffolk whom we have already mentioned took much delight in Divine Poetry almost as soon as she understood Letters Margaret Dutchess of New-castle a very Charitable and obliging Lady to the World very copiously imparted to publick view her Elaborate Works in three large Volumes one of Orations another of Philosophical Dramatick and other kind of Notions and Discourses and the third of Poetry not forgeting to make her own and her Lord's Fame live when Monuments shall crumble into Dust. And amongst those of lower rank tho no less excellent in this Art we find Mrs. Katharine Philips to whose worth in Poetry the Nation has deservedly given a large applause her Works are of a fresh date and worthy the pe●●sal of young Ladies to which for their more ample satisfaction we refer them Anae Br●●dstreet a New-England Poetress who writ so curiously that she was called the tenth Mu●e sprung up in America she amongst other things excellently described the four Elements the four Humours the four Ages the four Seasons and the four Monarchies Astera Behen a Dramatick Poetress whose well known Plays have been every taking she was a retained Poetress to one of the Theatresses and writ besides many curious Poems but what exceeded the rest was that famous one upon the Death of King Charles II. which notwithstanding divers were written by the best Poets of the age carried the Bays from them all in the Opinions of the Judicious so that we may see would Ladies bend their Talents this way they might be capable of equaling if not exceeding the men and one main advantage they would gain by it by being armed for the Encountering their Satyr● Pasquils Lampoons c. and by matching them not only in Vindicating their Sex but in exposing the ●olly and malice of their adversaries they would keep them in such awe that the number of false aspersions and c●lumnies would be lessened and dwindling away by degrees they would at length be disencumbered of all unjust reproaches so that they would see a wonderful change and reformation in their manners by reducing the stubborn Sex to their former Placableness and setling them in a temper that may make them highly esteem what they once durst seem to dispise and trample on for what can it be imputed less when out of a fantastick or malitious Humour they libel Virtue and to make themselves a little pastime among Fools and Bussoons or to satisfy a spleen for being refused in their aspiring to what their Merits could no ways reasonably pretend they dip their P●●s in Gall and Wormwood and sprinkle it in a bitter manner to blot ●nd fully Modesty Chastity Sobriety Piety and all that can render a Woman lovely and admirable the which aspersion tho never so false is greedily suckle in with the common air by the ignorant and unthinking Vulgar and passes current because they hear not what the party can say in vindication of her self to undeceive them by detecting the bussoonery or malice of the Inditer which if ingeniously done would not only nonplu● but shame the scandaliser so that the arrows he shot to wound the Reputation of another would be forceably driven back upon himself and make him ●●n able what it is to feel his own Weapons Points which would have only tickled his Fancy with a sit of laughter had they not miss●● their aim some there are that have been met wi●hal and overmatch'd by such replies to their reflections that they have not only desisted to make any further attempts of that kind upon the Fair Sex but been so far shamed of their b●jaded Muse ever after that they dust not trust so much as a di●ick to p●ep abroad in the World unless in such an Owl-light of obscurity that only a Privado or Confident who handed it about could charge the Author with it Poetry at leasure hours is a very curious Recreation if it be on worthy Subjects nay it Elevates and Illuminates the Mind to an high degree of Befining it and spreads a comfortable heat through every part it is an enemy to sadness and melancholly and reaches at more than it can express it represents the Idea of things done many ages past so lively that the Readers immagine they see them present it has a power over tears and laughter and can compel them as occasion requires it exhilerates and brightens the Soul with number and harmony and is the very Soul of Eloquence it has an insinuating faculty to please the most sower and m●rose temper tho for Colour and show they may seem to be outwardly displeased at it therefore Ladies if it be used as you ought you cannot have a better Companion except Divinity in your Retirements As Pictures represent the Images of things to the Mind by the Eye Poetry must do it much livelier by the Ear and if such things as are
Councils and Valorous Exploits have made their Wars prosperous and obliged their proudest Enemies to humble themselves and accept the Conditions of peace Learning though men have laboured to ●eep them in Ignorance h●s never been a stranger to their Sex Great has been their Sagacities and Numberless their Worhty Labours H●re Virtue has appear'd in i●● Richest Array and raised Wonder and Admiration in those that have contemplat●d it insomuch that it has sham'd the E●vious and made them blush ●or the Scandals and Reproaches they have utter'd and their pious Examples have so regulated the world that a Lycurgus or a Solon could have done no more then let us not so far forget our selves as to dishonour those by our calumnies or detraction who are the honour of mankind but rather value and esteem them as near as we can ●ccording to 〈◊〉 worth and ●●ri● and ●e ●●●teful in prizing such a Trea●●●● as a Modern Poe● has 〈◊〉 ●he pains to do viz. Woman the loveliest creature Nature made Shou'd we●t not sin have adoration paid Have Shrines and Altars rais'd and Temples too But Praises are the least that are her due So soft so loving charming and so kind That all the creatures to mans use assign'd Compriz'd in one all that in them is rare Cannot by in●inite degree with her compare Search for the Vnicorn of Indian breed For the Camelion that on Air does feed For the gay Phoenix in Ara●ia's field Or f●r the Gold and Gems o●t● India's yield Nay look where all the Snow white Lillys 〈◊〉 In native pure●●ss or where Rivers slow View all the gaudy plumes which on the wind Expand and through the yeilding Air free passage find And all those animals Earth do's contain The numerous Fry that brood the swelling main And still add more let Flora's Glory come Nay 〈◊〉 golden Crop with swe●●●●● ht home Let t●●●● what of this kind th●●● 〈◊〉 ●rame In one 〈◊〉 in one their worth Pro●● Compar'd with Woman scarce they 'l find a Name Reason it is we should conclude th●t God the Infinite and all wise Creator best knowing what would render mans happiness most perfect in an Innocent st●te would not have given him any thing that should have been unnecessary or distastful to him for we are not because some urge it was only for the sake of Generation to shorten his hand but must allow he might have Created men and made them like all other Creatures by this powerful word spring up from the dust we confess indeed Generation is a main end of the difference of Sexes as they now are distinguished but there is more in it a sweet harmony in the society a soft and gentle cont●xtu●e of Minds uniting in Love and all the cordial Endearments that can make Life the mor● d●sirable a closet o● Truth 〈◊〉 ●●pose the most secret though and an Amulet for Cares a●d fears that may arise Adam ●●d he been alone proba●ly might have yeilded to 〈◊〉 Devils Temptation and 〈◊〉 into what a solitary Misery had he fallen to be alone in Deserts or Wildernesses without hope of Comfort from any and indeed we find now tho the world is populous that man is in some degree termed but half himself without an happy c●junction with one of the Fair Sex he is a kind of Vagrant and Wanderer a thing without a Center to six him he is as it were a Traveller in the Ear●h having no certain home that can be pleasant to him his m'nd is roving and he aims at something it covets but he knows not well what innocent Convers●tion with Male Friends is pleasant to him but that does not satisfy he wants a Cabinet to deposit secrets in that he cares not to reveal to Father or Mother or the nearest Relation and surely let his s●●rch never so curious he can never find any so trusty as Virtuous Wise there is i● such a Marriage so close an Union that what he intrust ●● her he intrusts himself 〈◊〉 for she knows his misfortunes are her own and she will run any danger and hazard rather than be●ray her trust no 〈◊〉 by Inadvertancy her caution being always great in such affairs so that without this material part of himself we conclude a man is wanting in that which should make him happy in the world Lady Russel one of the four Daughters of Sir Anthony Cook Rumia a Goddess that rul'd over sucking Children and Womans Paps Rape raptus is a Felony committed by a man in the violent deflowering a Woman be she old or young Brit. c. 1. This offence is with us Felony in the principal and his aiders Anno 11. H. 4. c. 23. Anno 1. Edw. 4. cap. 1. West 2. cap. 23. Rhetorick g. the Art of speaking eloquently or well and wisely Ravishment Fr. ravishment i. direptio raptus c. signifies in our Law an unlawful taking awa● either a woman or an 〈◊〉 Ward sometime it is used also in one signification wi●h rape viz. the violent deflowring a Woman Rebecca Hebr fat and full a womans N●me Regamancy mation l. a loving them that love us Relut l. a Widow or any thing that is left Rum Mort a curious Wench Runcina the Goddess of Runcation l. weeding Rosimunda Sa Rose of peace she was forced by Herminges to drink the Poyson which she offered him by whom she had procured the Death of her Husband Alboinus King of the Lombards because he drank a Health to her in a cup made of her Fathers skull Rose The Flower of Venus consecrated by Cupid to Harpocrates the God of Silence Under the Rose among private lovers not to be divulged Repudiate repudio to forsake as one doth his wife to refuse or put away The antient Romans had three kinds of Separation in Marriage The first they called Repudiation which was don● by the man against the will of the woman and the first man that thus repudiated his Wife was Spurius Carvilius because she was barren 〈◊〉 The second manner was called Divorce and this was done with the consent of both and to 〈◊〉 of them it was permitted to require it the party suing for it used these words Res tuas tibe babeto vel Res 〈◊〉 tibi agito The third was termed Direption and this was done according to the Princes will 1 part Tr. of times Rationibali parte honorum a writ for the Widow or children claiming the thirds Reasonable aid was a duty claimed by the Lord to marry his Daughter or Knight his eldest Son Remembrance a Preception whereby the Ideas of things before perceived and impressed upon the Mind by Sensation or other Preception are again offered and represented to the Soul by the Mediation of Animal Spirits in the common Sensory either by their former Footsteps and Images Impressed upon the Brain or by some Words or other Signs which awakened and stirred them up Or Reminiscence is an Arbitrary drawing out of things which were before impre●de upon the Brain for its own use
Dr. Blancart Romance Span. a feigned Hulory or Narration either in Verse or Prose in the Vulgar Language Retromingents from retro and mingo is used by Dr. Brown for such Animals as Urine or piss backward such are all female Quadrupedes Revels form the Fr. R●veiller i. to awake from sleep are sports of Dancing Making Comedies and such like still used in the Inns of Cour● and Houses of some great Pesonages and are so called because they are performed by night there is also an officer called Toe Master of the Revels who has the ordering and command of these pastimes Roundelay a Shepheards dance sometimes used for a Son Rhomb rhombus a Spinning wheel Reel or whirl Rivals rivales they that haunt or dwell by have inter●st or fetch water from the same River or Brook but it is most commonly use ●●taphorically for those that love and wooe the same woman Corivals Runci●a the Goddess of Weeding S. Sabina I. Religious or C●ast from that 〈◊〉 ●ings Sarchia I. Holy Pure Sara● my Lady or Dame S●●●● I. ● Lady or Princess because of the Promise Scho●●●ica from 〈◊〉 I. o●ium Lei●ur● Sebaste I. Majestical or Honourable Shel●mith 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 L●v. 24.11 i. peacea●●● Sybil or Sibule suase 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 i. the Counsel of God Sisley see Cicely Sophia 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 i. Wisdom Sophronia 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 i. modesty Susan 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 Sho●●● Heb. a Rose or Lilly Sabinia Tranquili●● she was Married to the Emperor Gordanus the third a Lady of great Magnanimity and Virtue Salmacis a Nymph who falling in Love with Hermophroditus Son of Mercury begot him on Venus grew so Impatient that leaping into a Fountain where he was bathing she endeavoured to oblige him to deslower her but not being able to gain him in that piece of Service she prayed the Gods whil● she twined 〈◊〉 him that they might become one body which was granted her and so 〈◊〉 became the first that bore 〈…〉 of either Sex 〈…〉 〈◊〉 Sister of 〈◊〉 the 〈◊〉 King of the 〈◊〉 she 〈◊〉 up Herod to put the 〈…〉 Ma●●●nne to 〈◊〉 by open be 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 or pretence she 〈…〉 him and 〈…〉 the Death of Alexander and Ari 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 the Queens two Sons by 〈◊〉 as also of two of her own Husbands Joseph and Costborus and afterward dyed miserably her self Salome Mother of S● I●●●● and S● John the Apostle 〈◊〉 Virtous and Pious woman who mainly propagated the Gospel by her exemplary Life Salus a Roman Goddess she had her Temple on the Mount Quirinal which was much beaurified and adorned by Augustus Sappho stil'd for her curious Verse the tenth Muse but her wanton way of Writing hindered much of the Merit of them Or her see more Sarah the Wife of Abraham the Patriach and Daughter of Haram and obedient Virtuous and beautiful Woman she was the Mother of Isaac She dyed Anno Mundi 2175 aged 137 years and was buried in a Cave near Hebron Sachaca a Babylonish Goddess held by the manner of her Worship to be the same with Ops or Terra of the Romans her Ceremonies were continued five Days in a year successively in which time the servants ruled and the Masters obeyed Scylla Daughter of Nisus the Magerensine King she betrayed him and the City to Minos King of Crect with whom she fell in Love at the Siege by cutting off and delivering him her Fathers Lock of Purple Hair Segetia by some called Segestia a Roman Prayed to by them to take care of their Corn. Seia another Goddess worshipped by them to whom they instrusted the care of the seed new sowen she had a statue to her and was Invoked Fertelize the Earth in time of scarcity Semele Daughter to Cadmus the Thebian King with whom Jupiter had secret Meetings yet Jum● distrusting the matter came to her in the shape of an old Beldam and incited her to perswade him to lye with her in the same Glory which he accosted the Goddesses in the ski●s Jupiter tho loath granted her at the next meeting but proved too hot for her she being burnt to Ashes by his Lightning yet being with Child with Bacchus he took the Embrio out of her womb and opening his Thigh sewed it up there till the full time of his Birth was come Semizamis Queen of Assyria Of her see more Serana Empress to Di●clesian and Daughter of Theodosius the gr●a● she moderated much of the Persecution against the Christians and ●●d the Church many singular favours in those bloody times Sforce Katharine Married to Jeronimo 〈◊〉 Prince of Flori when Franci●cus Vrsus headed the Rebels Kill'd her Husband and 〈◊〉 her and her Children in Prison she perswaded them to let her speak to the Governour of the Castle that still held out for her to Surrender leaving her Children as a Pledg but being got into the strong place she sent to command the Rebels to lay down their Arms and return to ● their Obedience which so d●●red them that they for●●ok their Leader and by Anxiliaty Aids recovered the whole Countrey over which she ruled many years prudently and justly Sibylla Wife to Guy of Luzignan and sister to Sald●●● the Fourth King of Jern●●●● She after the Death of her Brother and her Son whom his Uncle appointed to succeed him caus'd her Husband Guy to be Crown'd set●●g the Crown upon his head with her own hands saying 〈◊〉 he being her true Husband he could not make choice of any ●●●r to be King But this soon 〈◊〉 caus'd great disturbances ●nd much weakened the Kingdom Sibylls They were ●oelve and accounted Pro●●●sles fore●ellin● many ●●derful things Of these ● more in this Work Sigbritta a mean ●oman a Native of II land ●s so passionately beloved by ●●itierne King of De●mu● ●igh he was at the same time ●●●y'd tha● he gave her an ●●mited power and all 〈◊〉 and Great Offices were ●posed of by her so that ●ding her Ascendan over that ●y Prince who had raised ● from a Beggar so near a ●●●e she grew so proud and ●ogant that the Q●een and ●bles could no longer endure but deposing the King and ●cing his Uncle in his stead she fled to Holland and there in a little time became as poor and miserable as ever Sigea Lovise Daughter to Diego Sigea a very learned Lady ●he understood Arabick Greek Latin Hebrew and the Syrick she was skill'd in Philosophy and the liberal Sciences tho she dy'd very young and was lamented of divers learned men Sirens or Sirenes Sea Monster that by their melodious No ●● draw men to leave their ship● and by leaping into the Sea b●ing drown'd they devour them Sisigambis Wife to D●●●● King of Persia who being taken pr●●oner by Alexander the Great at the Battle of Arbella was courteously entertain'd by him and altho she was exceeding beautiful he preserv'd her Chastity and she dying for the Grief of ●o great a loss he gave her honourable burial S●●gambis Mother
betwixt themselves vowing lasting Virginity Sisters Love to a Brother Ituphens being to suffer Death by Order 〈◊〉 Darius his Wife cast her 〈◊〉 groveling before the 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 with such pitiful 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 ions and Clamours that they came even to the Ears of Darius and much penetrated him being uttered with such 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 and moving Accen●● 〈◊〉 ble to mollifie the Flint 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 marble Imprest there sore with her pitious lamentations the Kings sent unto 〈◊〉 That her Tears and 〈◊〉 had so far prevailed with 〈◊〉 that from the condemned Society they had ransomed 〈◊〉 and one only to continue 〈◊〉 memory of their Name Family chuse among 〈◊〉 all whose life she most 〈◊〉 ed and whole safety 〈◊〉 greatest affection desired furhter than this to grant 〈◊〉 his sentence was 〈◊〉 None that heard this small yet unexpected Favour from the King but presently imagined she would either redeem her husband or at least one of her sons two of them being all she had then groaning under the burthen of that heavy sentence But after some small meditation beyond the Expectation of all men she demanded the life of her brother The King somewhat amazed at her choice sent for her and demanded the Reason Why she had preferred ●he life of a brother before the safety of such a Noble husband or such hopeful children To whom hr answer'd Behold O King I am yet but ●words and in my 〈◊〉 of years and I may live to 〈◊〉 another husband and so 〈◊〉 frequently by him more children but my father and mother are hath aged and 〈◊〉 in 〈◊〉 and should I lose a brother 〈◊〉 for evermore be deprived of that sacred Name Sentiments of the 〈◊〉 concerning women I 〈◊〉 the 〈◊〉 of the 〈◊〉 Wives who in con●●● of Death scorn to sur●● their Husband's Funeral 〈◊〉 but with chaste Zeal and 〈◊〉 Courage throw ●●●selves into the Flames as they were then going to the 〈◊〉 Bed Certainly they 〈◊〉 aright who reckon Day of our Death the Day 〈◊〉 Nativity since we are Born to Possession of mortal Life For this 〈◊〉 I honour the Memory of Lud●vicus Cartesius the Pad●● Lawyer who in his Last Will and Testament ordered that no sad Fun●eal Rites should be observ'd for him but that His Corbs should be attended with Musick and Joy to the Grave and as if it were the Day o●●poufals he commanded that Twelve Suits of Gay Apparel should be provided instead of ●●●ning for an equal number of Virgins who should usher his Body to the Church It will not I hope be an unpardonable Transiation if I statrt back from the melancholy Horrours of Death to the innocent Comforts of Humane Life and from the Immortal Nuptials of th●s Italian pass to the Mortal Emblem the Rites of Matrimony the Happiness of Female Society and our Obligations to Women 'T is an uncourtly Vertue which admits of no Proselytes but Men devoted to Coelibacy and he is a Reproach to his Parents who thuns the Entertainments of Hymen the blissful Amours of the Fair Sex without which he himself had not gain'd so much as the Post of a Cypher in the Numeration of Mankind though he now makes a Figure too much in Natures Arithmetick since he wou'd put a stop to the Rule of Multiplication He is worse than N●●ma Pompilius who appointed but a set number of Virgins and those were free to Marry after they had guarded the Sacred Fires the Torm of four years Whereas if his morose Example were follow'd all Women should turn Vestals against their wills and be consecrated to a peevish Virginity during their Lives I wonder at the unnatural Phancy of such as could wish we might procreate like Trees as if they were Ashm'd of the Act without which they had never been capable of such an extravagant Thought Certainly he that Created us and has riveted the Love of Women in the very Center of our Natures never gave us those passionate Desires to be our incureable Torment but only as Spurs to our Wit and Vertue that by the Dex●erity of the one and he Intergrity of the other we might merit and Gain the Darling Object which should consummate our Earthly Happiness I do not patronize the smoke of those Dunghil-Passions who only court the Possession of an Heiress and fall in Love with her money This is to make a Market 〈◊〉 and prostitute the Noblest Affection of our Souls to the fordid Ends of Avarice Neither do I commend the softer Aims of those who are wedded only to the Charming Lineaments of a Beautiful Face a clear Skin or a well shap'd Body 〈◊〉 only the Vertue Discretion and good Humour of a Woman could ever captivate me I hate the Cynical Flout of those who can afford Women no better Title than Necessary Evils and the lewd Poetical License of Him who made this Anagram Vxor Orcus idem That Ontour whisper'd the Doctrine of Devils who said Were it not for the Company of Women Angels would come down and dwell among us I rather think were it not for such ill natur'd Fellows as he Women themselves would pro●●●● Angels 'T is an ugratefull Return thus to abuse 〈◊〉 Gentle Sex who are the 〈◊〉 in which all the Race of 〈◊〉 are cast As if they deserv'd no better Treatment at 〈◊〉 Hands than we usually 〈◊〉 to saffron Bags and 〈◊〉 Bottles which are thro● into a Corner when te 〈◊〉 and Spice are taken 〈◊〉 them The Pagan Poet 〈◊〉 little better than a Murdere● who allow'd but two 〈◊〉 Hours to a Woman 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 Vnam in Thalams alteram Tumulo For my Part I should steem the World but a 〈◊〉 were it not for the Society the Fair Sex and the 〈◊〉 Polished Part of 〈◊〉 wou'd appear but Hermi●● masquerade or a kind of 〈◊〉 lized Satyrs so imperfect unaccomplish'd is our 〈◊〉 without the Reunion of 〈◊〉 lost Rib that Substantial Integral Part of our selves Those who are thus disjoynted from Women seem to inherit Adam's Dreams out of which nothing can awake them but the embraces of their own living Image the Fair Traduct of the first Mepamorphosis in the World the Bone converted into Flesh. They are always in Slumbers and Trances ever separated from themselves in a wild pursuit of an intolerable Loss nor can any thing fix their Valuable D●●●res but the powerful magnetism of some Charming Daughter of Eve These are the Centers of all our Desires and Wishes the true Pandoras that alone can satisfie our longing Appetites and fill us with Gifts and Blessings in them we live before we breath and when we have 〈◊〉 the Vital Air 't is but to dy an amorous Death that we may live more pleasantly in them again They are the Guardians of our Infancy the Life and Soul of our Youth the companions of our Riper Years and the Cherishers of our Old Age. From the Cradle to the ●omb we are wrapt in a Circle of obligations to them for
not fit to disturb th●m at their bus●n●●s l●st ●●e● t●le Pet and grow angr● wi●h u●●●r pr●ing into their concern● Besi●e● we have largely discourst on the s●v●r●l R●●k●●f serv●nts else where in this Work so that 't will be ne●●l●ss to add any thing f●r●h●r here Scoundrel a sorry base ●●l●o● 〈◊〉 secunde 〈…〉 the thr●e ●●i●s w●●r●in an Infant lies while it is in the womb or when it co●●● into the worl● the s●cond or ●f●●rbirth in Women in ●●asts the H●●m 〈◊〉 Fr. ●vening mu●ic● at the do●● or und●r the wi●●●●●f a lov●ly or b●l●v●●●●●●●ure 〈◊〉 we call a cur●● 〈◊〉 a Sh●●w 〈◊〉 Sirenes from the ●r 〈…〉 Mermaides Alluring and ●emp●ing women ar● called Syrens Sodomy sodomi● burg●ry so calle● from th● C●ty S●d●m in Ju●●● which f●r th●t de●esta●le Sin was destroyed with fire from heaven Gen. 19. S●●dures soldurii w●re as 〈◊〉 ●●ith in G●uil●h language such kind of M●n as destined and vowed themselves ●o the amity of any to take part in all their good and ha●●●r●une● ●ooter●in a mons●●r l●ke an unshaped Rat w●ich some women in Dutchland are said to have brough● for●h a the product of some preter●●●ural conception Cl. Poems S●●or●●●r Virgin Virgo So●ori●ns a young maid whose Br●sts be●in to be round or 〈◊〉 out for shew ●p●●●●er a term or addition in our Law-Di●l●ct given in evidences and Writ●●●●● to a some ●●le as it were c●●●ing h●r 〈◊〉 end this is the o●●ly ●●●●●ion f●r all ●nmarried ●omen from the Vi●counts Daughter downward Spin●●●an from s●●t●●●● pert●ining to t●ose that ●eek out or invent new and monstruous actions of lust Spo●●e sponsa a woman spo●sed or 〈◊〉 a ●ride or new married woman al●o from sp●nsus a new married m●n Spou●age sponsalia the contract or betroning bef●●●●u●l m●●ri●ge Spurio●s spurius b●rn of a c●●m●● woman that knows not his Father ab●●●●or● coun●●rfeit Step-mother so called because she steps in stead of a Mother by marrying the sons or daughters Fathers a Mother in Law Stews are those places where women of pro●●●●●d incontinency pro●●er their bodies to all comers from the Fr. Estuve i.e. a Bath or Hot-house because wa●●ons are wont to p●epa●e or rather to purge themselves for those venerous acts by o●●●n b●thing and Hot-houses And that this is no● new Homer shews in the eight Book of his Od●sses where he reckons hot B●thes among the esteminat● 〈◊〉 of pleasures Of these 〈◊〉 the Statue An 11. 〈…〉 1. As for the walking ●tensils attending these i● 〈◊〉 ●●ey are nea●ly kept on 〈◊〉 to decoy poor ●●wary youth and because they are not used upon all occasions they appear the more delectable to the E●e gene●ally as soon as you enter the door of these Vicions ●wellings you 'l hear ruffling of Silks in sundry places for this i● their Policy by seeming mod●●●● to set a sharp edg on mens corrupt inclinations they 'll commonly ●ring you ●everal sor●s of Wine and salt Me●ts to relish the ●allate tho you give no order for the same for this is the Custome of these Houses tho a Chargable one● that without a Peice spending you shall know li●●le of their Practices They 'l 〈◊〉 their desires with a million of proti●ute Coun●enances and Inticements b●t young ●●n I beseech you look upon them rather as Companions ●or ●n Hospital and that they really stand more in need of ● Chirurgious a●quaintance than yours Fly from their Em●●aces as you would from the Devil for they have many ●●ys to delude sometimes to heighten your thoughts they 'l declare to you their ●●●th and Education and say that as the one was well Extracted so the other had occasioned much cost and expence that for their part they associate with none but Persons of Quality whose long Patience and Entreatments first procured a Familiarity and in fine freedom in the exercise of Love A●●airs and so will seemingly put you off upon that score the poor youth thinking that ●●is not usual for them to admit of any to their Embraces but such whose long acquaintance has gain'd their Affections and are soon ruined These are the baits they lay for unthinking men who remember not what Solomon says that the Dead are there and that ber guest are tho depths of Hell Stole stola any Garment wherewith the Body is covered a Robe of honour Among the antient Romans it wa● had in great reverence and h●ld as a V●●t or Badg of chastity hence that of M●ntial li● 1. Q●●s ●●●alia 〈…〉 Stolatum 〈…〉 p●dorem Stork Belg. a Bird famous f●r natural love to●ards his Parents whom he 〈◊〉 being old and i●poten● a● th●y ●●d him being young The Egyptians so esteemed this Bird that there was a great penalty laid upon him that should kill him Sueda the go●d●s● of Eloquence or de●e●table speech among the Romans Succubus Lat. a Devil that sometimes in the shape of a Women lies with Men. See Incubus Sumptuary Laws are Laws made to refrain excess in apparel or cloathing Sunamite Heb dormines one sleeptug A worthy good woman of ●una that often entertained Eliseus the Prophet by whose Prayers she had a Son when by course of Nature she was pist hopes of any and afterwards had the same son raised from death to life by the same Eliseus 4 Kings Superfetation superf●tatio the conceiving an other after the first young is conceived a se● n● conceiving or the breeding of young upon young Susan Heb. Lilly or Rose Suzan in the Pers●n Tongue signifies a Needle Swain Sax Swanz a Country Clown a Bumpkin a Freeholder or as the Saxons call'● him a Bocland man Syllogism Syllogismus a most perfect kind of argument which gathers a necessary conclusion out of two pr●mi●●es as thus 1. Every vice is odious 2. Uncleanness is a vice 3. Ergo Uncleanness is odius The first part of a Syllogism is called the Proposition or Major the second the Assumption or Minor and the third the Conclusion Sympathy sympathia natural consent or combination mutual passion affection or disposition Salacia The goddess of Water Salique Law Lex Salica is a Law whereby the Crown of France cannot be inherited by a woman cannot fall from the Lance to the Dista● as their saying is which Law one undertaking to prove out of Holy Writ urged that place of Matthew where 't is said Mark the Lillies which are the Arms of France and see how they neither Labour nor s●●● This Law they pretend was made by Pharano●d their first King and that the words Si● aliqua so often mentioned gave it the name of Salique Law Others say it was named by Charles the Gre● after his Conquests in German where the incontinency of the Women living about the Rive● Sala in the Country now called Misnia gave both occas● and name to this Law the words are these De terra ● Salica nulla portio haeredit● malieri veniat sed advir● sexum reta terr● h●red it as● venia Selden Mr. Blunt Stall whimper A Bastard Saraband
add one Advice more and that is Call for a chasing-Dish of Burning Coals A Chast Person solicited unto Folly requested the Young Man to do one thing for her first That was To hold his Hand a quarter of an Hour in a Chasing Dish of Burning Coals for her sake He refused this as a very unreasonable Thing but she then Replyed And how then can you ask me for your sake to throw my self Body and Soul in the Fire of Hell to Lay and Burn and Broil in that Fire throughout Eternal Ages Is not that more unreasonable Argue at such a rate as that perhaps one Fire will fetch out another Even an Heathen of Old Chaffering about an Vnclean Bargain could say No I wont Buy Sorrow at so dear a Rate O Think what a Phrensy 't is to cast a Soul into Eternal Fire or to Dream of The Pleasures of Sin which also are But for a Season And Last of all Be at last prevailed withal to take the Warnings of such as have Dyed in Youth because their Life has been among the Unclean He that b●ing often Reproved hardeneth his Neck shall suddenly be destroyed and that without Remedy The Primitive Christians I find sometimes using these words we count it a sort of Murther to disturb Conception and what shall we count it then to Kill Infants already Born into the World The young Persons that have sometimes Died in and for their Uncleanness among us have you not heard their solemn Admonitions when their Trouble their Darkness and the Dimness of their Anguish has been upon them When those forlorn Outcasts have just stood upon the Edges of an awful Eternity how vehemently have they called upon all Survivers to Beware of coming to the place of Torment after them Oh! how they have Roared unto our young ones Whatever you do Sir● do not Lead such Vnclean Pro●an● Prayerless Lives as we have done Well take these Affectionate Warnings And among the rest Give Ear unto the Dying Speeches of the young Woman lately Executed in New England for Uncleanness as they were delivered to Mr. Cotton Mather signed by Her own Hand Her Speech is as follows which I shall insert Verbatim having never been Printed before in London Her Speech I Am a Miserable Sinner and I have Justly provoked the Holy God to leave me unto that Folly of my own Heart for which I am now condemned to Dye I cannot but see much of the Anger of God against me in the circumstances of my Woful Death he hath fulfilled upon me that Word of His Evil pursueth Sinners I therefore desire Humbly to Confess my many Sins before God and the World But most particularly my Blood-Guiltiness Before the Birth of my Twin-Infants I too much Parlyed with the Temptations of the Devil to Smother my Wickedness by Murthering of them At length when they were Born I was not unsensible that at least one of them was alive but such a Wretch was I as to use a Murderous Carriage towards them in the place where I lay on purpose to Dispatch them out of the World I acknowledge that I have been more Hard Hearted than the Sea-Monsters And yet for the Pardon of these my Sins I would Fly to the Blood of the Lord Jesus Christ which is the only Fountain set open for Sin and uncleanness I know not now better to Glorify God for giving me such an opportunity as I have 〈◊〉 to make sure of his Mercy then by advising and entr●●ting the Rising ●eneration here to take Warn●ng by my Example and I will therefore tell the Sins that have brought me to my shameful End I do warn all People and especially Young People against the Sin of Uncleanness in particular 't is that Sin that hath been my R●●ne well it had been for me if I had answered all temptations to that Sin as Joseph did How shall I do this Wickedness and Sin against God But I see Bad Company is that which leads to that and all ●● ther Sins and I therefore 〈◊〉 all that Love their Souls to be familiar with none but such as fear God I believe the chief thing that hath brought me into my present Condition is my Disobedience to my Parents I despised all their Godly Counsels and Reproofs and I was always of an Haughty and Stubborn Spirit So that now I am become a dreadful Instan●● of the Curse of God belonging to Disobedient Children I must B●●ayl this also and although I was Baptised yet when I grew up I forgot the Bonds that were laid upon me to be the Lords Had I given my self to God as soon as I was capable to consider that I had been in Baptism set apart for him How happy had I been It was my Delay to Repent of my former Sins that Provoked God to leave me unto the crimes for which I am now to Dye Had I Seriously Repented of my Uncleanness the First Time I 〈◊〉 into it I do Suppose I had not been left unto what followed Let all take it from me they little think what they do when they put off turning from f●● to God and Resist the Strivings of the Holy Spirit I fear 't is for this that I have been given up to such hardness of Heart not only 〈…〉 long Imprisonment but also since my Just Condemnation I now know not what will become of my distressed Perishing Soul but I would 〈◊〉 commit it unto the Mercy of God in Jesus Christ Amen Every Clause of this Writing says the Reverend Author from whence I Collected these hin●s about Vncleanness has more than once or twice been Distincly Owned by this Dying Soul before various Witnesses Indeed I Fear I Fear says he this is not all she should have acknowledged However as far as they go may the Lord now sanctify these Warnings to all the young ones for whom they are intended Unmarried Passionate Wishes for it by an unhappy Pair Take this Ring the Married Yoke Take your plig●ted Faith again I take mine and bagg the stroak That divides me from my Pain Hail that uncontrolling Hour That dear Minute when I found No Confines to my Native Power But what a Virgins Honourbound Chorus both together Let 's both be pleas'd I readily agree To recommence the Joys of Liberty Walburg or Worburg 1. gratious Winifred 1. Win or get Peace Wisard or Wizard perhaps from the Sax. Wi●ega i.e. a Prophet or Foreteller of things to come a Cunning Man the Hebrews describe him thus He put in his Mouth the Bone of a Beast named by them Jadua and burned Incense and did other things till he fell down with shame and spake with his Mouth things that are to come We commonly take him for a kind of Wizzard or one that can tell where things are that were lost c. Witch is derived from the Dutch Witchelen or Wiithelen which properly signifies whin●●ing and neighing like a Horse Also to foretell or Prophecy and Wiicheler signifies a Sooth-●ayer
with a fairer Mind Witty without Abuses Modest without Weakness Jealous of nothing but the decrease of her Kindness to you Generous yet not profuse One whose Prudence can secure you from an Inspection into her Family Accounts and divert the Curse of trifting into Poverty A good Housewife that can appear as great in the World with one hundred Pounds a Year as her Neighbours with two One who believes her Person should be a figure and her Portion a Cypher which added to her advances the Sum but alone signifies nothing rather the Heir of her own Deserts than barely the Off-spring of Virtuous Parents One that without the Tryal of her Virtue can out of a Principle of Generosity be just to your Bed Whose Virtue Wit and Modesty can rather be imitated than equalled by her Neighbours In short One whose Carriage exceeds this Character and attains to that of the Apostle 1 Pet. chap. 3. to that of the Wisest of Men Prov. 31. from Ver. 10. to the end Athens Wantons Of Wantons there be two sorts Meretrices and Scorta that is Whores and common Women such as either for Lust or Gain prostitute themselves to many or all The second are Concubina or Pellices Concubines to Kings and Princes or such as we call the private Mistresses to great Men. The last are as our Accidence teacheth like Edwardus and Guli●lmus proper Names to this Man or that The first like Homo common to all Men both degrees sinners but not in the like kind I have read a third sort but know not what Consonant or agreeing Name to confer upon them Waiting Gentlewomen If you desire to be a Waiting-Gentlewoman to a person of Honour or Quality you must 1. Learn to dress well 2. Preserve well 3. Write well a legible hand good Language and good English 4. Have some skill in Arithmetick 5. Carve well Having learned these you must remember to be courteous and modest in your behaviour to all persons according to their Degree humble and submissive to your Lord and Lady and Master or Mistress neat in your Habit loving to Servants sober in your countenance and discourse not using any wanton gestures which may give Gentlemen any occasion to suspect you of levity and so court you to debauchery and by that means lose a Reputation irrecoverable In the first place I would not have you look upon your condition as to what it hath been but what it is learn whatever you can and slight no opportunity which may advance your knowledge to the height of your birth Wherefore I advise all Parents be their Estates never so good and their Revenues large to endeavour the gentiel Education of their Daughters encouraging them to learn whatever opportunity offers worthy a good estimation For Riches hath Wings and will quickly fly away or Death comes and removes the Parents Wassaile Sax. Vas-hale i.e. Salve sis salvus ave the Wassaile-bowl on New-years Eve had according to Ver●●gan its origin thus Lady Rowena or Ronix Daughter to Hengistus having invited King Vortager to a Supper at his new built Castle called Thong-Castle caused her after Supper to come forth of her Chamber into the Kings presence with a Cup of Gold filled with Wine in her hand and making in very seemly manner a low reverence to the King said with a pleasing grace in our ancient Saxon Languaged Waes heal blaLord Cyning which is according to our present Speech Be of health Lord King for as was is our Verb of the pre●●●rimperfect tense signifying have been so Waes being the same Verb in Imperative Mood and now pronounced was is as much to say as grow be or become and Washeal by coruption of pronounciation afterwards became Wassaile The King not understanding what she said demanded it of his Chamberlain who was his Interpreter and when he knew what it was he asked him how he might answer her in her own Language where being informed he said unto her Drine heal i.e. Drink health c. Versi p. 101. Some say 't is Wassaile qua● Wash your throat with ●le Others more probably wax bail i.e. creseat salus Wed Sax a gage or pawn a word still retained in the Country sport called Pray my Lord a course in you Park Wedding nuptiae comes from the Germ. Wed i.e. pignus a pledge and wedde in in Scotland and in some parts of England signifies so much at this day whittle we a doubled Blanket worn over Womens shoulders Widdows-benob Ss. a share of their Husbands Estate which they enjoy beside their joynture Wildfred Sa. much peace St. Wilfrads-Needle a hole in a Vault under Rippan Church through which chaste Women might pass others not Wimple a plaited Lin●en about the Necks of Nuns also a flag or streamer Winifr●d nes a British Virgin Saint revived by Bruno the Priest after 〈◊〉 had cut off her Head in a place where sprang up Winifrids well in Flint-shire Wittal-ol Sa. one that knows himself a Cuckold Willb●rga another English Saint who had power of Birds and could command them as she pleased she is said to restore a dead Goose to Life that had been stollen and killed an● I do many other Wonders in her Life time and after her death Wibes their Marriage state Instructions Wives may immagine it strange that we should presume to give them Instructions who think themselves wise enough to instruct whole Families but having already brought the Virgin to the doors of Matrimony 't is fit we should not only conduct her into that state but see how she behaves her self and put her in a little if she should be out in acting her part in so curious a Scene for here as we may say she is launched into a wide Sea where she floats like a Marchants Ship fraught with all manner of rare advantages to render her happy if she affect prudence and Modesty for the Virgin Modesty must not in some sort be laid aside in the Marriage state but rather strengthened and improved by a more solid Conduct and Management to render it more Awfull and gracefull A Wife has a duty incumbent on her that has several Aspects First as it relates to the Person of the Husband Secondly to his Reputation And Thirdly to his Fortune Love is a Debt due to his person which we find to be the prime Article in a Marriage Vow and is indeed the most essentially requisite without which all happiness is banished from a Matrimonial State 'T is Love only that cements Hearts and where that Union is wanting it is but a shadow a meer appearance but no real or substantial Joy a Carcass of Marriage without a Soul therefore as it is very necessary to bring some degrees of this to this state so 't is no less available to maintain and improve it in it this is it which facilitates all other Duties of Marriage Makes it an easie and pleasing Yoak to be born The Wives therefore should study to preserve this Flame that like
Queen to whom she had been just and faithful and that she must now at her going out of the World give him her Hearty thanks that since he had no more Wordly Honour to Agrandize her he had taken Care to promote her to what was more glorious in Heaven by making her a Martyr to become a Saint in Blessed Realms of Eternal Life After Her Death these Verses were Written of her Phoenix Anna Ja●et nato Phaenice dolendum S●●●la Phoenices null TullisseDuo Here Ann a Phaenix Lies who bore her like 't is said Never one age two Phaenixes has had After this another Fair Court Star set in Blood though deserving a better Fate The Lady Jans Grey who had Married Gulford Dudly Son to the Duke of Northumberland and was after King Edward the Sixth's Death Pursuant to his will Proclaimed Queen to avoid the return of Popery by the coming of Mary afterward Queen Mary to the Crown but Fate consented not for upon Mary's Proclaimation Northumberlands Army with which he went to oppose her disserting him he was taken Prisoner and soon after beheaded the Young Queen thus disserted trusting to her Innocence and Virtue as her guard and defence found them too weak where a Crown was in competition for she with her Husband was sent to the Tower where She continued a Mirror of Piety constancy and Patience being of the Royal Blood as Grandaughter to Mary second Sister to Henry the eight Tho she was very Young when this affliction fell upon her she was an extraordinary Schollar well skilled in most Languages during her Imprisonment she writ upon the Walls these Verse● Non Aliena Putes Homini ●●● nbtingere possun● Sors Hodierna mihi 〈◊〉 erit ika tibi Think nothing strange chance happens unto all My Lot's to day to Morrow thine may fall And again Dio Javante nill no●●● Livor malus Et non Juvants nil Juvat Labor grats Post Tinibras spero Lucem If God protect no Malice can offend me Without his help there 's nothing can defend me After Night I hope for Light She was so unconcerned at her Death though not above 16 Years of Age that she not only bore it with singular patience and constancy but se●t to comfort the Duke of Suffo●k her Father who was in Prison and soon after suffered in those Bloody Mazean times when Popery had got again the upper hand to comfort him by her Letter to Persevere in the Protestant Religion and if be had the hard Fortune to be cut off to Dye worthy of his Honour and like himself but not at call to g●●●ve for her for she was going to a happy Kingdom to the chaste Embraces of her Lord where she should be out of the reach of Trouble and Malice and sit down with Joy and Peace so that when this Incomparable Lady Dyed no Body could refrain from Tears no not her very Enemies whose Spleen had brought her to so early and untimely an end At the time when the Protestant Religion under the Pious Care of King Edward the Sixth flowerished the Duke her Father had one Mr. Harding for his Chaplain who seemed very Zealous for the reformed Churches but when Queen Mary came in and had set up Popery he Wind-mill'd about for promotion as some did in the last Reign and became a very bitter Enemy with his Pen and Tongue against the protestants which so Grieved this Pious Young Lady that she writ to him when she was in Prison to remember from whence he was fallen and to do his first Works which Letter for the satisfaction of all Pious Young Ladies and others pen'd by one of such tender Years we have thought fit to insert that her great Wisdom and Learning may be evident to the World Oft says she as I call to mind the Fearfull and Dreadful sayi●gs of our Saviour Christ that he who putteth his hand to the Plough and looketh back is not meet for the Kingdom of Heaven and on the contrary those comfortable words that he spake to those who forsake all and follow him I cannot but marvel at thee and lament thy case who seemest sometime to be a Lively Member of Christ but now the deformed I●pe of Satan Sometime the Beautiful Temple of God but now the Synagogue of the Prince of the Air sometime the unspotted Spouse of Christ but now the shameless Paramour of Antichrist sometime my faithful Brother but now a stranger and an apostate sometime a slout Christian Souldier but now a cowardly Run-away yea whon I consider these things I cannot but cry out unto thee thou Seed of Satan whom he hath deceived and the World hath beguiled and the desire of Life and promotion subverted wherefore hast thou taken the Law of the Lord in thy Mouth wherefore hast thou preached the Will of God unto others wherefore hast thou Instructed and exhorted others to be strong in Christ when thou thy self doest now shamefully shrink away and thereby so much dishonour God thou preached'st that Men should not steal and yet thou ste●lest abominably not from Men but from God committing h●inous Sacriledge robbing Christ of his Honour chusing rather to live with shame than to Dye Honourably and to Reign Gloriously with Christ who is Life in Death unto his Why dost thou shew thy self most weak when thou standest by most strong The strength of the Fort is unknown before the assaults but thou yeildest up thine before any battery was made against it c. And after many other Excellent Passages she thus concludes Let I pray you the lively r●membrance of the last day be always before your Eyes remember that Runagates and Fugitives from Christ shall be cast out in that day who setting more by the World than by Heaven more by Life than him that gave it Did shrink and fall from him who forsook not them and also the inestimable Joys prepared for them who fearing no perril nor dreading Death have manfully fought and Victoriously Triumphed over the Powers of darkness through their Invincible Captain Christ Jesus who now stretcheth out his Arms to receive you is ready to fall upon you and Kiss You and last of all to wash you in his most pretious Blood and feed you with the Dainties it has purchased for you which undoubtedly could it stand with his own determinate purpose he would be ready to shed again for you rather than you should be lost Be constant then and fear no Earthy pain Christ has redeem'd thee Heaven is thy gain Women Destroyers of the Danes and the Priviledges they Enjoy by it When they were destroyed is already recited and riding the Land from such Mortal Enemies by the consent of the King and his Nobles which all the Men ascented to the Women were allowed the right hand of their Husbands which custom continues to this day though some will have it that it is only a fulfilling the old Proverb that the weak est goes to the Walls That they should
as much honour to Women as to their Maker X. Xerin Princess of Morocco her rare Example of Love and constancy Xerin Daughter of Muley Moluck King of Moroco in Barbary fell upon the first sight desperately in Love with Don Sebastian King of Portugal though at that time he was her Fathers Enemy come with a great Army to Invade Africa and take his Kingdom from him but before she could have time to make her Love know to him a great Battle was fought between the Moors and Portugals on ●atal plains of Tamis●● where the latter were destroyed in a fearful overthrow the King of Portugal was held to be●lain among the heaps of his Subjects and great spoil was taken by the Barbarian people Xerin hearing of the sad disaster of her Lover was greatly afflicted yet was however resolved to find out his Body and give him a decent burial as became a King and a Person she had set her Affections on The Field being clear of the Assailants she left the Royal Tent and went with two slaves among the Slain to find out his Body by the Light of the Moon if possible having notice before in what part of the Battle he fought and fell though she was not assured but he might in the Plunder of the Field be stript and his Body carryed away hower with a Lovers boldness on she went and having lookd on divers dead and dying Men She at last fixed her Eyes wishfully upon one Gallantly attired and fancyed she had found him and with a shower of Tears flowing from her Fair Eyes fell upon his Neck and bewailed the Fate of a Monarch and one that was so much belov●d by her blaming the Destinies for their Cruelty in cutting so pre●ious a Thread of Life which ought to have been spun out longer to have made her happy and was about to offer violence to her self when by striving and moveing the Body she perceived there was yet Life remaining in it she thereupon with a great Cry tore off her Linnen and with the help of her Slaves bound up his wounds and drawing him from among the slain they got him to side of the River Mueazan where she washed off the Blood and Dust whilst one of her Slaves went down the River to seek a Boat which he Luckily found and in it they transported him to a little Island in the River where the Princess had a private House for her retirement in the heat of the Summer here they got what necessary things they could and dressed his wounds giving likewise such cordials and refreshments as brought him again to himself using him with all the tender care and regard of a vallued Lover so that in a while Recovering his Colour which the loss of Blood had faded and knowing whose hands he was under sighing said Madam I se● Heaven will not deprive Portugale of it's King since it has sent him so fair a deliverer and she answered him with all the tender expressions that a passionate Love could utter and for his better acoomo●ation thinking no service too much or any thing too dear for him She made interest to have him maintained by Malei Eo●bd●●in a Moorish Prince her Couzen in his Pallace at Hoscor● till she found an opportunity to dismiss him to his own Country with an Equipage becoming the grandure of so great a Monarch as she took him to be however to make sure of him least he should forget his vows when he repossessed a Throne which without her assistance he must have inevitably lost his Life she made him so far understand her Love to him that at the perswation of the Old Moorish Prince he married her she promising to be Baptized and become a Christian when She should arive in Portugale and so in process of time she by the secret assistance of her Friends got him such an Equipage as might make him appear like himself when he came home her self promising as soon as he was setled there to follow him with all her Treasure By the way we must tell you that it was given out in Portugale that Don Sebastian was slain in the Battle we have mentioned with almost all his Nobility so that few Noble Families there were that were not in tears and mourning for their Friends and Relations in the midst of which confusion the King having no Issue lawful to quiet the people Cardinal Henry his Uncle ascended the Throne but he being very old soon after dyed When as Phillip the second King of Spain lay'd claim to it as did Anthony Prior of Crato Duke of Burgance and others at what time he arrived in Italy and was joyfully received by his Cousin the Dutchess of Parma who verily believing him to be the true King and over joy'd that after she had so grievously lamented his Death She should yet se him alive again as having also a secret Love for him above that of Friendship or Kindred She writ to the Estates of Portugal concerning him who deputed some to wait on him who gave them an Assurance That it was their true King Don Sebastian The Spaniard upon this unexpected News mightily opposed it labouring to prove him a Counterfeit Impostor and having gotten strong footing in the Kingdom resolved to keep it by force Whereupon the other raised an Army in Italy and on the Frontiers of Portugal but the success of the Battel turned against him for the Spaniards oppressing his small Number with a powerful Army he was overthrown and taken Prisoner being closely confined to the Rock of St. Julian a strong Fort in the River Tagus Xerin whilst these things passed not knowing what had befallen him came into Portugal with great Treasure and splendid Train but all her joy was dashed when she heard he was in Prison However she went like a vertuous Wife to comfort him which She did in the kindest manner labouring for his release but it would not be granted so that through Grief and Confinement he fell sick and finding Death's Approach the Histories of those times tell us That he freely declared to her That he was not the King of Portugal for he was really slain in the Battel but that he was one of his Subjects whom Nature had given Lineaments Proportion and Features so like the true King that even the intimate Friends of Sebastian had mistaken the one for the other However the love of this vertuous Princess being unalterably fixed on a Husband She comforted him in the most tender and submissive manner and with a sigh said My dear Lord Afflict not your self with too late and fruitless a repentance I loved continued she the person of Don Sebastian more than the splendour of his condition I thought I had met that Prince in you however those Charms and Graces that first touched my heart have lost none of their priviledge because they were not placed in a Monarch though I must freely own I should never have observed them in an ordinary person neither my Birth
most part the child of Vanity whilst he is steep'd in his Affections it becometh like a Dew that falls in the Morning of Youth when he is scarce got out of the Night of his Ignorance and is expelled by the rising Sun of his knowledge and it is found That Young are Amorous the Middle Aged Affectionate and those of Elder Years run into the Follies of Dotage when Natures Fires are quenched in them and only Ice and Snow of chillness and impotency being about them Such as those are like Gamesters That have lost all at play yet keep a sumbling with the Box and hinder others that have Lustly Betts to lay Love indeed carrys a kind of an impotency in it's effects sealing up our Lips that we cannot speak our mind though fain we wou'd our words heave upward for vent but cannot get a passage We might have the Object of our desires perhaps for speaking for yet are ashamed or fearful to ask for what we so much covet which caused one to admonish his Friend in such a condition to take more courage and boldly let the Fair One know for what he languished in these lines Ask Lover e're thou dyest let one poor Breath Steal from thy Lips to tell her of thy Death Doating Idolater can silence bring Thy Saint Propitious or will Cupid fling One Arrow For thy paleness leave to try This silent courtship of a Languid Eye Witty to Tyranny she too well knows This but the incense of thy private Vows That breaks forth at thine eyes and doth betray The Sacrifice thy wounded heart wou'd pay Ask her Fool ask her if words cannot move The Language of thy Tears may make her Love Let them flow nimbly then and when they fall Vpon her Breast warm Snow O may they all By some strange Fate fix● there distinctly lye Love Characters before her reading Eye When if you win her not it may appear You try'd your Lot and lost her not through fear But now we come to give some cautions as to trust and distrust in these Affairs both of them being very necessary as the occasion may require It cannot be denyed but the latest Rule to trust to not to be deceived is to prefer distaste before too much credulity As for instance a Religious Suspition is a good Antidote against the Poyson of Vice which still the Devil instills into the hearts of Men with a deceitful pleasure putting an Imposture upon their Understanding So a dissembling Lover dresses up his words in the most beautiful Forms covering his Hippocracy and Dissimulation with guilded Promises to gain Credit and Belief that he may the better deceive And therefore such Ladies as would avoid being taken in a Snare must have a generous distrust till they are very well assured how they may trust They must joyn to the Innocency of the Dove and the Wisdom of the Serpent and not think every shining thing to be real and no counterfeit It 's the stile of Pollicy to distrust whereby probability of Appearance it may give security But to let everything receive our own Additions which are formed in the weak moddel of a doubtful Fancy distracts Judgment and though these that are most sensible of their own Imperfections will soonest expect deficiencies from others yet it is safe to think there is somewhat lyes hid which he doth not apprehend for it collects the Understanding and admits not of any thing without due Examination for many through want of venting the Extasies of their minds have become pale disturb'd and envious even with themselves which have put the whole Frame of their composition out of joynt And for this reason we may well decline from too much trust in others when it is not always safe to trust your own heart The heart of man is deceitful which like a Magick Glass represents the Form of things which are not Therefore first proceed from a knowledge and caution to your self to that of others so it may prove a wholsome Exors●ne least you might swell too great in Self Esteem The Flatterer composeth the Moddel of your own Desires your self being the Archirype thereof first Therefore let them be viewed in Reasons Light and the other as things imperfectly mixed and obscured Machiavell has done well to acquaint the World with the common practice of men for it induces Vigilance to fair seeming Actions and Gestures pretending to Love and Amity when they are perhaps but painted Dissimulations for some Men will give you the smoothness of their countenance to be taken hold of whilst they are studying Evasion by the slipperiness of their Fancy A fairer look than ordinary toward a Spaniard puts him in a present suspition of his own safe in●i●uations of Love and Amity are many times very dangerous Symptoms of a persidious disposition and in other matters we see it an ordinary thing for one man to build his fortune out of the ●uin●s of another We see the manner of Natures production of things how commonly the corruption of one thing is the generation of another and how many have generated their own Fortunes Note That where there is too great a facility of believing there is also a willingness of deceiving and although Belief carrys with it a colour of innocency yet distrus● s●●●l carrys strength of safety You can never be too sure for if there be no danger it 's good to be armed against it least it may so fall at another being rendered thereby ●upine and secure or careless you may be surprized What commendation can that General expect who having notice from his own Scouts that the Enemy is at hand will not believe it or put his Army in a posture to receive them though at present he sees them not and if it should be a false Alarum yet he shews good Conduct that is always ready provided if the worst should fall out Love indeed makes many Alarums and false Attacks to Amuze Lovers but it is with a design to carry the Fort by storm if it cannot be gain'd by Parley But a Description of Counterfeit and true Love take in these following Lines Mark when the Evenings c●●●er Wings Fann the Afflicted Air How the faint Sun Leaving undone What be begun The Spu●ious Flames suc●●t up from Sli●e and Earth To their first low birth Resigns and brings They shoot their Tinsil Beams and Vanities Threading with those false Fires th●● may But ●●● you stay And see them stray You loose the Flaming Track and subtil they Languish away And cheat your Eyes Just so ba●e a subl●niar Lovers Heart Feeds on loose prophane Desire May for an Eye Or Face comply But those removed they will as soon depart And shew their Art And painted fires Whilst those by powerful Love refin'd The same continuance have of ●●iss Careless to Miss A Glance or Kiss Can with these Elements of Lust and Sense Freely dispense And court the mind Thus to the North the Load●iones move And thus to them