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B20782 A believers triumph over death exemplified in a relation of the last hours of Dr. Andrew Rivet and an account of divers other remarkable instances : being an history of the comfortable end and dying words of several eminent men, with other occasional passages, all tending to comfort Christians against the fear of death and prepare them for a like happy change. Coxe, Nehemiah. 1682 (1682) Wing C6716 62,568 250

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of approaching death to be entertained which admits of no return to life What is man said he Nothing but flesh obnoxious to putrefaction a flower that springs up to day and to morrow is cut down even a vapor that appeareth for a little time and then vanisheth away like the breath that proceedeth out of my mouth For the cold being great that day did so condense his breath that it might be seen of all to whom he was preaching § 4. When the Sermon was finished he returned home as lively and well as he had been seen for some years past nor did he the next day feel any decay of his former strength But on Thursday which was the 27th of December he began to complain Anno 1650. of a pain below his Navel and refusing to eat any Supper desired that a Clyster might be given him but it was to no purpose the liquor being driven back again with greater force than it was injected That night was pass'd over partly in bearing of his sharp pains and partly in serious discourses On Wednesday morning the complaint of his pain was encreased and he desired that the use of a Clyster might be repeated which was done accordingly but with no better success than the former Then were two Physicians sent for and they suspecting that the former Clysters either had not been skilfully injected or else were not strong enough made tryal of the like means once and again but with the same success as before for a glutinous humour had already fast locked up the passage against all Remedies On the next day which was Tuesday they prescribed Pills of Alloes washed and on Fryday the Infusion of Rhubarb either of which did sufficiently agitate his body but effected nothing neither was any way opened for their passage the expulsive faculty being weakened and dulled so that it could give Nature no assistance The wind shut up in his bowels tormented the sick man his Belly was swollen and he was afraid to touch either meat or drink lest thereby his grievance should be encreased There were no proper means unattempted nor any kind of help by Clysters Fomentations or Baths but were made tryal of untill by the stubborn disease that resisted all Remedy he was brought unto death the twelfth day of his sickness the History of which we shall now prosecute more at large § 5. On the second day after his disease had seised him he well understanding the nature of it declared what the event would be Not saith he that I would neglect Remedies that I may please my Friends I will do whatsoever is thought meet to be done being secure as to the issue which I commit to the Providence of God Then he asked his Neece Mrs Mary Moline what she conceived of his disease which he thought would prove mortal And when she answered That her opinion was the same yet that he had no reason to fear any thing having been long prepared to follow God when he should call that the time of his Life hitherto had been long if it were crowned with an happy and Glorious End Thou speakest right saith he and I pray thee alwaies address thy self to me with like speeches and while my sickness continues depart not from me day nor night Promise me now that thou wilt keep a chearful countenance and that thou wilt speak nothing to me but what may administer joy and support to me although I fear not death yet I fear the tryal of those pains which I have alwaies had a very sharp feeling of Then suddainly turning his speech unto God he said Great God! thou art my Father thou hast given me both Life and a new Life thou hast taught me from my youth and I have declared thy wonderful works forsake me not now in my old age Hitherto through thy peculiar favour thou hast preserved me sound in my body and my faculties and the functions of my mind have not been impaired so that a little before I was opprest by this disease I found my self as apt and ready for the exercise of my Vocation as in my Flourishing Youth O Lord God! if it be thy will that I should longer attend upon thy service thou canst asswage my disease in one moment but if thou hast decreed otherwise lo here is thy Servant thy will be done This one thing I begg with most inward affections that thou wilt make me conformable to thy good will Let not thy good Spirit depart from me that in this conflict thy strength may make me a Conquerour Accomplish this O Lord for thine own sake And seeing thou hast imployed me in thy work grant that I may die an honourable death and such as may be an example unto others That I may stand fast in that sound Doctrine which I have taught and may make a good confession thereof before witnesses that thereby thy Church may be both instructed and edified Let me apply to my self by a lively Faith all the Promises of the Gospel and let them put forth their efficacy in me unto my joy and eternal consolation that nothing in the world neither affliction nor distress may seperate me from thee or cause me to doubt of thy love and favour Thou knowest my weaknesses and infirmities permit not the grievousness of my pain to cast me into impatience or murmuring either make my pains tolerable or furnish me with fortitude and constancy sufficient to bear them That I may not offend with my Tongue keep thou the door of my lips § 6. The remainder of the day was taken up with pains the use of Remedies and the Visits of Friends when the night came on he earnestly intreated Mrs. Rivet his wife that she would retire her self into the next Chamber not only because she was afflicted with a vehement Cough but also that he might remove her from the grievous sight of himself when tormented with his pains and because he found his tender affections more moved at the sight of her than any other person So none remained with him but his Neece Mrs. Mary Moline and two of the household servants But who can particularly relate the speeches which he uttered and in a manner poured forth that night and the day following which was Thursday Decemb. 29. with an Affection and Order inexpressible breathing from his Heart nothing but Repentance Faith Charity and holy Zeal In a word he implored the mercy of God with the Greatest self-denial and abasement of Soul confessing himself to be a miserable sinner and casting away all confidence in any good thing which he had done in his life yea speaking of that with great very contempt he accused his own defects and ascribed unto God the Glory of his good works often repeating such expressions as these It is God that hath wrought the work for me Shall I alledge or plead my own Righteousnesses before him Far be that from me If I should justifie my self my own mouth would condemn me I
holy ' Apostle To me to live is Christ to dye is Gain Phil. 1. 21. The holy Life of the Righteous is abundantly recommended to our imitation by their blessed Death The advantage of whose End made Balaam say Let me dye the Death of the Righteous and let my last End be like his And certainly it is no small Honour that God hath put upon the Profession of the Protestant Religion by affording to many of the most Zealous Assertors thereof such an abundant entrance into the everlasting 2 Pet. 1. 11. Kingdom of their Lord and Saviour Jesus Christ according to whose pure Word they have reformed themselves and in whose Merits alone they have Trusted Not only the constant and triumphant death of thousands who by the cursed Tyranny and Cruelty of Papists have been brought to Seal their Profession with their Blood but also the placid and most Christian End of others that have dyed in their Beds hath left great Convictions upon the Minds of Beholders tho' before Enemies to their Religion that there hath indeed been 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 an heavenly Excellency in it which they knew not of This caused a Physitian of the Popish Religion that attended upon Dr. Ames in his last sickness at Rotterdam when he observed what an extraordinary spirit of Faith and Holiness breathed in him to the last to express himself after this manner Siccine moriuntur Reformati i. e. Do Protestants dye at this Rate And well indeed may they be surprized with wonder at such Examples because the Principles of that Religion which they profess afford no such Consolations or any firm ground for them to those that live and dye therein When they come to dye they find their Debaucheries to be more than Venial Sins and the Guilt of them such as will not be expiated by any of those Means which they have trusted to while living under the strength of Papal delusions and the most refined and Superstitious Devoto's in that Religion are in no better case when by Death summoned before the dreadful Tribunal of Divine Justice at whose Barre their own Righteousness tho' patcht up with a thousand humane Inventions will stand them in no stead To say nothing of those Idolatries which they are taught to practise as the most effectual means of meriting Heaven and which accordingly they principally place their Confidence in But O how sadly disappointed will they be when Death arrests them who have no better Antidote against its fatal Sting than Popery can furnish them with They must if their Consciences be awakened leave the World with trembling Horror and breathe out their last with a sad complaint of the wretched Cheat of that pretended Religion which fails them in their greatest Extremity Well may they then take up the dying words of * Joannes Semeca who about An Eminent Civilian in Germany the Year 1267. is reported to have left the World with this doleful Reflection In our Life-time we had those who would frequent the Quire for us who would till our Lands Melch. Adam who would say Mass and pray the Canonical Hours for us But where now shall we find any one that will descend into Hell for us and deliver us § 2. But it is time to return from this digression and to prosecute our purpose which is to present the Reader with some more eminent Instances of the Grace and Mercy of God towards and the Efficacy of a lively Faith in others of his Servants in their last Hours who have been zealous Professors and Propagators of the True Religion and Faith of Christ while they lived and have left this World with an holy Triumph in the full Assurance of Eternal Blessings when they dyed My design is only to single out a few Instances from many that might be with equal advantage pitcht upon were it not for swelling this little Tract beyond its due bounds And the first I shall mention Mr. Rollock is that memorable Example of a Christian and happy End which some account of the last Hours of Mr. Rollock may furnish us with who departed this Life at Edinburgh Feb. 8. Anno 1598. being the Forty third year of his Age. § 3. He was while living an eminent and very useful Instrument in the Reformation of the Church of Scotland which he sought to promote by Evangelical Means in the exercise of all Diligence in the Ministry of the Word by his Learned and pious Writings and most of all by a singular Example of Holiness and practical Religion in his Life and Conversation which rendred him a burning and a shining Light in his day Besides his extraordinary Labours on special Occasions he had for some years before his death the principal Charge and Presidency over the then newly erected Academy of Edinburgh committed to him which he administred to the great advantage of those under his care and indeed of the whole Church and in the faithful discharge of his duty in that great Trust his Lord found him when he came to call him from this evil world into his Heavenly Kingdom and Glory and how great his Affection was towards the service of his Lord and what his care for the peace of Jerusalem and the flourshing of true Religion when himself was leaving this World will be abundantly manifest in many passages during his last Sickness which shall be recited in their proper place and order When he found his distemper prevail according to his wonted Prudence he set in order what might concern his Family when he was gone and prepared himself for a ready and chearful submission to the Will of God And when two of his special Friends came to visit him that were Persons of some note and Eminency he besought them that they would go to the King who was then Young and exhort him as from him to abide constant and unmoveable in the Profession of the True Religion to the end and by no means suffer himself either by the hopes of enlarging his Kingdom or the secret arts of Wicked men to be moved therefrom The esteem and reverence he had for the Ministers of Christ he exprest after this manner This Ministry of Christ though mean and abject in the account of men shall at length shine with illustrious Glory § 4. Afterwards the Ministers of Edenburgh came to him and when they were set down he addrest himself to them in a copious and very solemn speech wherein he tells them That being worn out with his sickness he breathed after and hoped for the close and Period of this life And saith he I have not so learned or taught Christ but that in him I should feel comfort under these Sorrows The thred of my life will shortly be broken off and I must pass unto that countrey which I have long and earnestly desired after Then he proceeds to a Pathetical recommendation of the University to their care and makes a most solemn Protestation as in the presence
Heresie and committed to Prison near this prison Wesenbeck with his fellow Students were wont to recreate themselves with the Ball on which occasion they often heard this blind man with a clear voice singing the Psalms of David according to Luthers Metaphrase and this Holy exercise the good man performed with so much Devotion and Affection as wrought in them a more than ordinary attention to him although it was not without some danger to themselves And it pleased God so to work upon Wesenbeck by this example of Christian constancy and Zeal together with the matter which he heard that thenceforward he began diligently to search the Scriptures and also to read the Writings of those of the Reformed Religion by which means he became not only fully convinced of the Truth but also received it in the Love thereof and abode most constant in the Faith and Practice of it to his dying day being an eminent example of Zeal and strict Piety in his whole life He had an extraordinary Affection to the Holy Scriptures but especially the book of Psalms and the New Testament were most dear and delightful to him And notwithstanding the necessary course of his Studyes and for some time also great Practice in the Law he usually spent at fit seasons no less than five hours in a day in Prayers and retired communion with God He was not like many that can ●●d no leisure for Religion ●hat is cannot attend to work ●ut their own Salvation but made Conscience to steer his whole course as a man resol●ed for Heaven And his Righ●eousness and Charity towards men was not inferior to his Piety towards God He ever ●bhorr'd those Artifices which ●re too common with practitioners in the Law his Candor ●aithfulness and Justice in his practice made his Name precious to all that knew him And as it pleased God to bless him with a plentiful Supply of the good things of this world so Religion taught him not to ●rust in uncertain Riches but ●o be rich in good works His way was to give a charge ●o all his Servants that they should never turn away the Poor from his door without relief And when they ha● not presently regarded the poor nor listened so soon as they ought to their cry himself would open his Window and throw down Money to them Thus did this good man spend his Life and his Substance in the Fear of God and working Righteousness and accordingly his latter end was Peace for when he lay upon his death Bed he was filled with the Consolations of God He woul● often repeat that of the Apostle Paul Rom. 7. O wretche● man that I am who shall deliver me from the Body of this death I thank God through Jesus Christ our Lord. And that 2 Cor. 1. He hath sealed us and given the earnest of his Spirit in our Hearts by which we cry Abba Father Another time with great re●oycing he told those that were with him That now God had shewn to him a place of Eternal Joy unto which he should immediately come and the only thing he desired was that his coming thither might be hastened He would often rehearse divers passages out of the Psalms as The Lord is nigh to all that call upon him in Truth He will fulfill the desire of them that fear him he will hear their prayer and save them And immediately before he gave up the Ghost he professed That he was in Covenant with the Lord Jesus Christ which words were his last § 16. In these experiences we see that they which believe in Christ never dye i. e. th●● never feel the S●ng of death nor fall under its power but are enabled by the Faith of the Son of God perfectly to vanquish 〈◊〉 King of Terrors yea though death assail them in his most affrighting shape yet is he not able to remove them from their stedfastness or to abate their Joyes we have innumerable proofs of this in the End of those Holy Martyrs who though they have been called to seal their Witness for God by violent yea by most cruel kinds of death have notwithstanding finished their course with a most Glorious Peace and rejoycing in the hope of their calling Howbeit I shall not here insist on any of those instances But to let you see that death in it's darkest dress is welcome to a man assured of his Interest in Christ and Peace with God take the story of one Sebaldus Munster a Civilian that flourished about the year 1540. Whom it pleased the Lord to visit with the Plague of which he dyed at Wittenberg in a time when a general sickness raged there This person when some of his Friends came to visit and Comfort him a few hours before his death he shewed to them the Swellings and pestiferous Ulcers which were broken out in his Hand and Arm saying And how do these Bracelets and precious Gemms wherewith my Christ hath adorned me please you At which words when they brake forth into Tears he farther said Let not these by any means seem loathsome unto you for with this Wedding-apparel am I going to enjoy that Heavenly Feast which I shall have with my Christ for ever Thus shall I pass to that everlasting Council of most Excellent and holy Souls and thus shall I be acceptable to God my Redeemer Thus triumphing and full of Joy did he leave the World having got a clear sight of a better that is an Heavenly Countrey And though to dye of the Plague may seem to Sence very dismal yet as Austin hath well observed lib. 1. de Civitate Dei cap. 11. Mala mors putanda non est quam bona vita praecesserit c i. e. No kind of Death is to be esteemed evil which hath been preceded by a good Life for nothing makes Death evil but that which follows Death Therefore they that of necessity must dye once need not be Thoughtful by what accident they may come to dye but rather whither they must go when they dye 'T is an excellent saying of the Author of the Book of Wisdom chap. 4. 7. The Righteous man though prevented by Death shall be in rest The most terrible or suddain stroke can make no breach upon his happiness to whom to live is Christ and to dye is gain They are alwaies safe that have made their Calling and Election sure and on the contrary such are alwayes in danger that live without God in the World I Remember upon occasion of that passage before cited from the Book of Wisdom Mr. Forbs in his Instr Histor Theolog. makes mention of a very memorable Story of a pious and learned man that dyed suddainly in his Study and when some were scandalized at it rashly interpreting this Providence as a Testimony of Gods displeasure against him it so fell out by the wise and Gracious ordering of God for their Conviction and a testimony to his servant that he was found sitting with a Book open before him
will rather open my sin before him in a most humble confession of it and pray that he will increase in me the Grace of true Repentance yea let him wear out this body with sorrow it matters not so he give to me a broken and a contrite Heart which is a sacrifice acceptable to himself As for my part I do most willingly offer up my self Accept O Lord this imperfect Sacrifice and supply the defects thereof by the perfect Righteousness of that great high Priest who through the eternal Spirit offered himself unto God without Spot Let me be accepted as a living Sacrifice holy and well-pleasing unto God which is our reasonable service Crucifie O Lord this old man that the body of sin may be utterly destroyed and I may rise again unto a new life The wages of Sin is death bu● Rom. 6. ult the Gift of God is Eterna● life by Jesus Christ our Lord Then repeating the word Gift he added It is meer Grace not of Works but of him that calleth Who shall la● Rom. 8. 33. any thing to the charge of God elect It is God that justifieth Who is he that condemneth I● is Christ that dyed yea rathe● that is risen again who is eve● at the right hand of God wh● also maketh intercession for us Then after a little interruption of his discourse by a shor● sleep he thus proceeded I am God's and he wil● save me he hath honoure● me with an holy Calling and hath not suffered his gif● to be altogether useless in me as to the Edification of hi● Church As to my self I can most truly affirm that I have not served him for filthy Lucre but with a sincere heart and that I was my self first perswaded of the truth of the Gospel and experienced the efficacy thereof before I preached it to others I tasted the good Word of God which by it's power pierceth even to the dividing asunder of Soul and Spirit and is a discerner of the thoughts and intents of the heart Thou hast known my heart O Eternal God! thou knowest that I am not ashamed of the Gospel of Christ but have esteemed it my only honour to serve thee and that I have delighted my self in the pleasure of obeying thy will Such was thy goodness unto me I truly and humbly acknowledge that whatsoever good was in me flowed from thy Grace bu● my defects ought to be ascribed to my inbred Corruption Alas I acknowledg● this with humble and serious repentance how oft hav● I sinned in so holy a Charge not only by omitting man● things which I ought to hav● done but also by doing many things amiss How of have I offended through negligence and slackness Long since had I been cast off wer● it not that I had to do wit● so good a Lord who hat● born with me and hath bee● so gracious to me as no● to exact a severe account o● my Words and Works Alas O Lord my God! Enter no● into Judgment with thy servant for in thy sight shall no man living be justified Let me be found not having mine own Righteousness but the Righteousness of thy Son for the sake of which I beg thy favour Pardon O my God Pardon the Iniquity of thy Servant who is devoted to thy Fear I refuse not thy discipline I know it is necessary only this I earnestly beg that it may turn to my Salvation Chasten me O Lord but in measure lest thou bring me to nothing Let not my tryal exceed my strength lest I Sin through Impatience and become a Scandal to those I should edifie O let me never break out into a murmuring complaint O how light is this chastisement if compared with my fault What are these temporal pains in comparison with those Eternal torments from which I am redeemed by him that poured out hi● Soul upon the Cross for me For Me This is the languag● of Faith which makes a particular application of General Promises This is a faithful saying and worthy of a● 1 Tim. 1. 15. acceptation That Jesus Chris● came into the World to sav● sinners of whom I am Chief Lord I believe help tho● mine unbelief Turn tho● me and I shall be turned indeed Seal all thy Promise in my Soul Cause in the inmost of my heart a lively perception of those sweet word● My Son be of good comfor● thy sins are forgiven the● With such holy Meditatio● and speeches as these was th● Thursday night passed over § 7. On Friday morning Dec. 30. Mrs. Rivet his Wife put him in mind of sending one to the Hague for his Son By all means said he that ought to have been done sooner and then gave order himself concerning it About Nine of the Clock he was visited by Renessius a Doctor of Divinity and Pastor of a Dutch Church who in the Latine Tongue saluted him after this manner Most excellent man how do you To whom he answered in the same Language I am yet strong neither doth my Speech fail me but that passage in my bowels is not yet opened and unless that be opened I see I must make my passage another way even that which the Eternal God hath set before me from my Infancy I should be the most ungratefull of men if I should not acknowledge the mercy of God towards me who hath so wonderfully preserved me even from my Cradle Then rehearsing his deliverance from a very dangerous * Viz. A fall whereby his life was in graet hazard accident that befell him in his Infancy through the negligence of the Maid he added From that time my Mothe● consecrated me unto God and he abundantly blessed me all my life-time and the whole Family And therefore I place all my hope in the goodness of God being ready either to live or to dye I have alwayes thought tha● either this disease would be my death or else the Stone for I have scarce ever been afflicted with any other distemper I pray you to testifie unto all men that I dye in that Faith and Doctrine which I have alwayes delivered both in Preaching and Writing And if perhaps in some things I have erred I pray God that he will make perfect all my Imperfections The rest of the day was filled up with the Visits of Friends for he would have none hindred from coming to him Let all that will saith he have access to visit me I ought to give an Example of dying to other men With such sayings as these he filled the by standers both with Consolation and with Wonder while he thus proceeded Come see a man who is an Example of the Great Mercy of God What shall I render unto him All his Benefits overwhelm me He hath so disposed my Life that in my whole Course I have had an healthful Body he hath heaped upon me both temporal and spiritual Blessings And now before I am rendred feeble or morose thro' Old age he comes unto me and prevents me he both
I beseech you to signifie to them and to intreat for me that they will give me a place of Burial large enough for me and my wife who will quickly follow me When he had thus exprest himself he dismissed him with prayers for the welfare of him and his family § 11. About evening he desired to be helped out of his bed and to sit in a Chair where he perceived the swelling of his Belly to reach to the pit of his Stomach which gave him apprehension that hi● end drew neer wherefore sending for Mr. Dauber an emine● Civilian he imparted to hi● his purpose of adding a Codicil to his Will And in orde● thereto he sent for the Town Clerk and the two Consuls an● having fully declared his min● to them the business being don● and sealed he began to discourse of another settlemen● by the resignation of himse● and his into the hands an● unto the care of God expressing his assurance of the blessing of God upon his and the added That he did exceedingly rejoyce that he should leave behi● him a Wife excelling in virt● and motherly affection to the chi●dren of her husband and also ● Son that was a good man a● studious of peace who would be a Father to the * The Children of one of his Sons that was deceased three little ones whose Guardian he was appointed by that Codicil And for this last office he rendred unto them his thanks and to the Council of the City in general and in particular blessed each of them and their Families And when they were departed he went to his bed again and seeing no body stand about him but his little Family he said to his Niece My Daughter do not depart from me but persist with me in the duty of Prayer do not fear to rehearse all those words to me which God shall suggest unto thy heart or mouth this sweet and pleasing communication shall help to pass over this night with the more ease And God will be with us and assist our good intentions He will help our weaknesses and afford us matter of supplications and thanksgivings such discourses are pleasing unto him he attends unto them that fear him when they talk together of those things that belong to the Salvation of their Souls And then as one in a Rapture he said My God! thou hast drawn me and I was drawn thou hast known me from my Mothers womb with a Merciful and Efficacious knowledge thou has● called me by Name thou hast bored mine Ears and I was attentive I have declared thy message in the Congregation and thy word was sweeter than Honey in my mouth Who am I O God but dust and ashes an earthen and a frail Vessel into which notwithstanding thou hast been pleased to pour an holy liquor and seed of immortality Thou livest and thou makest me to live I shall not dye but live for ever with that life which is Col. 3. 3. hid with Christ in God Blessed and holy is he which hath a part in the first Resurrection over him Rev. 20. 6. the second death shall have no power Behold I am dead and also raised from the dead I live not in my self but in the life of the Son of God who loved me and gave himself for me What should I mention more I can make no return of thy faithfulness to me or of the benefits thou hast bestowed on me Thou hadst chosen me before thou gavest me a being and it pleased thee that I should be born of believing Parents and especially of a Mother eminent in Holiness who dedicated me to thy service from my tender years With how many prayers did she stir me up to that holy purpose With what care and affection did she instill the seeds of Piety into me And the Almighty God who worketh all in all gave his blessing to this diligent nurture and heard her ardent prayers and my Ministry hath been accepted of him I am thy servant O my God thou hast taught me from my youth and I have taught thy wonderful works and thy grace unto this day for thy gifts have not been without fruit in me Thou usest weak instruments for the accomplishing of thy work Thou hast pardoned thou hast helped me thou hast accepted the truth and sincerity of my heart And now O my God seeing it is evident thou wilt have me retire from this valley of Miseries do not thou forsake me in this last and important act If it be thy will that I dye that also is my will I am ready my heart is prepared I give thee my heart for that is it which thou requirest Let this gift be approved by thee Receive this gift which is thine own from him to whom thou hast given all things who gives himself to thee O Lord I give thee thanks thou instructest me thou inlightenest me thou talkest with my Soul O Lord thou imbracest me in the arms of thy mercy Grant also that I may embrace thee by a lively Faith and that I may apply unto my self the Promises of the Gospel which I have proposed unto others let them be Effectual in me that by them I may be supported against all pains yea death it self § 12. Then turning his speech to his Niece he said That I may not tire thee with long discourses Admire thou the Grace of God towards me and bless him who fortifies me with patience Observe my words unto my last breath and commit them to writing as fully as thou canst that thereby my dearest Brother with others of my near kindred and affinity as also my friends may be Comforted and Refreshed To which when she returned answer That she was unable to retain and commit to wriing such an abundance of holy speeches as flowed from him he Replyed Fear not only do thine endeavour and God will help thee If God give me strength I will write a short Epistle which shall be for a testimony that Credit is to be given to thy Relation And he was alwaies wont upon the mention of any thing of this nature to adde Not that I would hereby procure praise to my self But I would have it known unto all That the Religion which I have professed and taught in the name of God is the true Religion and that alone which leads men unto Salvation And particularly I would have my brother informed of that inestimable Grace which I have received of God that he may be abundantly comforted and strengthened in his expectation of a better life which I already enjoy O with how great love have I loved him and esteemed him yea I have loved the gifts of God in him and shal● love them to the last I pray God who is the giver of every good gift that he will fullfill strengthen and make perfect his own work in him that he will guide him with his Counsel and at length save and receive him to his Rest The same prayers I make for my Nephew
forsaken Behold thy Unkle which shall be to thee instead of a Father Be obedient to him and also to thy Grandmother and Mother whom I pray God abundantly to bless with her other Children that her little Posthumous Son that bears my Name may in time Represent me yea exceed me § 30. These holy speeches were sometimes interrupted by a short sleep and sometimes on occasion of the Prayers or Exhortations of the Ministers that came to him He received them all most Cordially and most willingly heard the Consolations that were suggested by them And he would also return Consolations to them He heard their prayers with attention and when they had done was wont alwayes to say That he found himself much relieved And then dismissed them with thanks giving his blessing to each of them as was proper to their Condition Towards Supper time he remembred the noble Virgin Anna Maria a Schurman and said She is a person to whom I have alwaies devoted my Affection and sincere Love she hath honoured me with her holy friendship and hath called me Father In testimony of my paternal Love I give her my little Bible without Points of Plantines Edition which you shall find in such a Place in my Study directing to the place If I had any strength left I would have written a Letter to her with my own hand whereby I would have testified to her how much I Honour her and esteem those admirable gifts of God wherewith he hath adorned her But you my Son shall supply this defect and inform her of my happy Departure and that I have prayed to God that he will Strengthen her in her supernatural Calling and bestow upon her the blessings of a long and prosperous Life What remains Have I not said all I have no more to do but to give up my Soul into the hands of God Is it not time O my God let it suffice Receive my Soul unto thy self O Lord I yield it into thy hands thou hast Redeemed it O God of Truth Thou art my hope and my Confidence from my youth No care afflicts me God hath removed from me the Opprobry which I feared meaning the Vomiting of his excrements a symptome usual in his Distemper He will perfect and that quickly whatsoever belongs to his Glory and my Eternal Salvation If he make any stay if he deferre my deliverance he doth it for your Edification and Salvation Let not my Sorrows be grievous to you but rather bless God who gives me a desirable plume and makes my heart joyful in the midst of my pains Rejoyce therefore and Pray with me § 31. When he had asked what a Clock it was he said to his Wife and his Son I pray you take some food I am not yet fully come to the end of my Work I want nothing and my Niece shall tarry with me and take something here to refresh her They withdrew therefore into the next Room and one brought an Egg to his Niece which he desired her to take As for me said he my Meat is to do the will of God and happily to run out the course of my life I am refreshed with holy and heavenly food My Father feeds me with that Food which he lately offered to me at his holy Table I did eat and was filled The true feeding is the feeding of the Soul that which sustains the true Life As for Corporal meats they are for the belly but God will destroy both it and them Then reaching out his hand to his Niece I Love thee said he with a Love wholly Spiritual a love of true Charity and Affection We will pass this Night together in holy Meditations and speaking to one another in Psalms and Hymns and Spiritual Songs Singing and making melody in our Hearts unto the Lord I feel my Swelling to ascend I fear that in a little time I shall be able to speak no more do not depart from me but continue speaking to me whatsoever God shall bring to thy Heart and Lips lest in my utmost weakness my Memory should fail me and I assure thee God will suggest those things to thee which which shall be for my help and Comfort in the time of need for out of the abundance of the Heart the mouth speaketh His Wife and Son being returned into the Chamber Pray ye said he for me what a joy is i● to see these holy Souls with me § 32. Oft times through the bitterness of his pains he brake forth into Cryes or rather ardent Prayers unto God and that frequently in the words of the Psalms in the French Metre as Psal 141. 1. Jehovah upon thee I call O hasten unto me Lend to my Voice thy Gracious Ear When I cry unto thee Then adding from Psal 25. 18. Look upon mine Affliction and pardon all my sins And upon the mention of any Text that speaks of the Remission of sins he would immediately subjoyn It is done He hath caused mine iniquity to pass away from me O Lord abate and shorten my Miseries Now is thy time And then repeated from Psal 118. 24. This is a joyful day indeed Which God himself hath wrought We will be glad and joy therein With all our Heart and Thought How great is my anguish but how much greater is my refreshment An high place and a Refuge sure I find the Lord to me In day of my distress he me Relieves with rich bounty They continually suggested to him places of Scripture unto which he would return such answers as did abundantly manifest his Godly Ardor Faith and Patience as for instance when it was said to him God is nigh to all that call upon him in Truth Smiting upon his breast he replyed Here he is here he dwells in me and worketh powerfully according to his good pleasure Then that place was alledged 1 Cor. 15. Death is swallowed up in victory and he added the following words Thanks be to God who hath given us the Victory through our Lord Jesus Christ Again from Rom. 8. 30. Moreover whom he did predistinate them he also called and whom he called them he also justified and whom he justified them he also Glorified Even so it is said he Grace upon Grace O lovely Chain This is a Golden Chain indeed there wants but the last link to compleat the whole in me O Lord make perfect and Crown thy work That I may dye the death of the righteous and see those good things which eye hath not seen neither have they entred into the mind of man Thou givest me a foretast of these sweetnesses and refreshings which no words can express § 33. Then Mr. Hulsius being present asked if it would be acceptable to him that he should go to Prayer Yea said he Pray The time requires it When he had ended his Prayer he gave him thanks saying You have helped me while you called upon God I found some ease of my infirmity Encourage me the Race is short I even touch the bound
little pause and breathing he renewed his prayer in these words Christ Jesus save me which were the last he uttered and then sweetly breathed forth his pious Soul into the bosom of his Redeemer He changed this Life for an Heavenly on the first day of December in the year 1531. And as Mr. Rollock professed upon his death-bed that he had laid up nothing of this World in his Life so it is observed of this good man That he made no Will because he had nothing to dispose of So far were these first Reformers from seeking great things for themselves Riches profit not in the day of wrath but Righteousness delivereth from death Pro. 11. 4. To be rich towards God to have Luk. 12. 21 an Heart filled with Grace and Spiritual Comfort and the testimony 2 Cor. 1. 12 of a good Conscience that with simplicity and godly sincerity we have had our conversation in the World will prove the best portion when we come to dye and afford such ease to us upon a sick bed as all the Treasure under Heaven cannot procure the like § 11. The Jewish Writers from that Passage of the Psalmist Psa 41. 3. The Lord will strengthen him upon the bed of languishing thou wilt make all his bed in his sickness have a Proverbial saying in Tract Nedar to this sence Majestas divina sedet ad caput lecti aegrotantis i. e. The divine Majesty sitteth or abideth at the sick mans beds-head His sick bed is turned into a Sanctuary by the Gracious presence of God with him This we have seen verified in the former Examples and shall yet meet with a further Confirmation of in the experience of Joachimus Curaeus Curaeus a Learned and Pious Doctor of Physick in Germany and a Zealous Protestant who finished his course in the year 1573. being the Forty first currant of his age He was a person that esteemed Religion to be his greatest concern while he lived and continually exercised himself in a diligent and serious practice thereof And as he would by no means be diverted from working out his own Salvation with fear and trembling by fervent Prayer and all manner of Holy Conversation in the World so it pleased God when he called him out of the World to afford him such an abundant Enjoyment and sence of his love in Christ as carryed him through the Agonies of death with a more than ordinary Triumph and rejoycing In his last hours it was most convincingly manifest that Christ had given unto him a large draught of that water of Life which was in him a well of water springing up unto Eternal Life from which blessed Fountain he poured forth abundant Consolations to all that were with him in that Conflict if so happy a departure and so sweet a sleep as death was made to him may yet be called a Conflict When he found his sickness had prevailed over Nature so far as that his dissolution must needs be hastning on he wholly applyed himself to ardent Prayers and Supplications unto God making use of that exercise for the ease and support of his Soul in sickness which had been his delight and Comfort in his health And several times in one day causing his his Wife and Children to come to him he did with an inexpressible Zeal and Affection exhort them to Piety and Virtue and then in a solemn manner recommended both them and his last charge to them to the blessing of God who in this also heard the Prayers of his Servant and raised up two of his Sons after him to be eminent examples both of Piety Virtue and Learning in their Generation thereby making good his word That the Generation of the upright shall be blessed § 12. Being taken away in the midst of his years at that age which was the ripest for Service he would often repeat the mournful complaint of Hezekiah I have cut off like a Weaver my life c But then his perfect acquiescence in the will of God and rejoycing in his Salvation was as frequently exprest in the following words which are some of those holy sayings which plentifully issued from his pure Heart in this last sickness viz. I am broken O Lord but it satisfies me that thy hand hath done this not the Devil The Body indeed suffers because of Sin but thou Comfortest my Soul with a most sure Hope and expectation of eternal Life I believe O Lord I believe but do thou help mine unbelief I have received a Message of death but I will wrestle with thee O Lord Jesus after the Example of thy holy Pilgrim Jacob untill the Morning beams of thy light break up arise and shine upon me neither will I let thee go unless thou bless me and my Soul be saved Therefore O Jesus Christ thou wilt bless me and save my Soul giving unto me a Believer Remission of Sins Righteousness and Life Come Lord Jesus and let all that love thee say Come And he that loves thee not let him be Anathema Maranatha Thou knowest O Lord who art the searcher of Hearts That I love thee And thou lovest me yea thou lovest me in Truth and art my Redeemer by thy Merit and Efficacy Into thy hands O Lord I commend my Spirit for thou hast Redeemed me O Lord God of Truth And then reflecting upon the time of his sickness for he dyed January 21. he proceeded in further expressions of his assured Confidence in God and inward Joy through the lively hope and foretast of the blessings of that Kingdom he was going to after this manner I shall be with thee in the beginning of this new Year I shall be satiated with the sight of thee O Lord I shall drink with thee at thy Table the New Juice of Eternal Joy even in thy Fathers house where there are many Mansions there is a place for me also and there shall I sit at thy Table Refresh me O Son of God with thy Spirit and with thy quickening presence I come unto thee Jesus Christ Receive thou me according to thy Promise which is the only repast and Recreation of my Soul Iam meum pectus ardet conspectu vitae eternae cujus verè sentio in me initia i. e. Now doth my Heart burn through the sight of Eternal Life the Beginnings of which I truly feel in my self And this is Life Eternal to know thee the true God and Jesus Christ whom thou hast sent Through thy goodness I have learned and I have taught others rightly to acknowledge thee Do thou again acknowledge me O Son of God and embrace me with thy Saving Grace even with thy Holy Spirit do thou present this Soul to thy Eternal Father who will readily receive it from thy hand My desire and rejoycing is to come unto him and because I am not yet come all delay seems long unto me O thou Sun of Righteousness light me into Eternal light and Righteousness I desire with thine Apostle to be
dissolved and to be with thee Loose me that I may be with thee I am greatly wearyed and I wait for the entertainment which thou hast shewn me As the Traveller in his Journey at Night time desires the Sun-rising so do I desire after the clear light even the sight of the Father Son and Holy Ghost When my voice and speech shall fail me Grant O Merciful Saviour that thy Holy Spirit may speak unto thee in my Heart and make intercession for me with groanings that cannot be uttered Let his motions spring up in my breast and move thy Heart unto Mercy towards me Lord Jesus Christ who sittest at the right hand of thy Eternal Father receive my Spirit § 13. These were the Meditations and this the exercise of this Holy man upon his dying bed He felt this Tabernacle to be falling but knew he had an house not made with hands Eternal in the Heavens and his pious Soul was filled with Heavenly triumph in the certain expectation of a Glorious Resurrection of that same body of his which was now ready to be sown in corruption which with an admirable sweetness and comfort he thus express'd I shall see thee my Saviour in my flesh which thou hast exalted to the right hand of the Eternal Father and I will give thee thanks in the presence of thy Father for all the Good things which thou hast communicated unto me Yea thou wilt place thy Holy Angels to be the Guardians of my Body that they may keep my dust which hath been and to all Eternity shall be the dwelling place of thy Holy Spirit It is impossible that this flesh of mine which is the Temple of the Holy Ghost this Mass of my body which is quickened by the effusion and communication of the Spirit of Christ and so inserted into the flesh of Christ should be reduced unto nothing or abide in death and ever remain dust and ashes But thou who art the Author of Life will remand from the Earth this thine own Image even out of the smallest Crums of dust and ashes that are there By sending forth thy breath thou wilt again build up my body alive and Glorious which shall be the habitation of the whole Divinity dwelling therein to all Eternity There shall we follow the Lamb whithersoever he shall go O Guide truly fair and Divine There shall we sing a New Song Let us rejoyce Hallelujah O Come let us go forth to meet our Saviour Our 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 Right as Citizens is in Heaven but in this Life we must begin Eternal Life and follow the order which Christ hath appointed We shall be cloathed upon if so be that we be not found Naked That most lovely Lamb of God which takes away the sins of the world will lead us unto the Fountains of living Waters and wipe away all Tears from our Eyes Eye hath not seen nor Ear heard neither have entred into the Heart of man the things which God hath prepared for them that love him This Earthly Life is Death but that Life which Christ begins in me is Life indeed Now it is no more I that live but Christ that liveth in me therefore let him be praised O happy Soul in which thou Jesus Christ sittest as the Guide and Rector of all its actions and Motions I see Heaven open unto me Now lettest thou thy Servant depart in Peace O Lord for mine Eyes indeed have seen thy Salvation Thou O Christ art the Resurrection and Life How amiable are thy Tabernacles O Lord O Christ my Redeemer carefully watch my Soul that it suffer no detriment by the horrible and infernal Dragon the Devil Let my Soul be bound up in the bundle of Life and let this my passage hence be happy let it be to me the way to those that live an immortal and Heavenly Life § 14. After this he again most affectionately prayed for his Wife and Children but in terms arguing such a nearness to God and Holy Familiarity with him as if a man had been speaking to his Friend and devolving a care upon him that he knew most assuredly he would willingly take upon himself and see to He mightily Comforted himself with the thoughts of Christs sympathy and compassion who saith he will certainly hear me in all these things And when one exhorted him to be of good hope for God would help him he answered 'T is right The Lord will certainly help me by a final deliverance according to that Blessed are the dead which dye in the Lord In the Lord then do I dye who is my Life I dye in the acknowledgment Faith and Confidence of Christ the Mediator who is my Shade of defence and my Brother who cloatheth me with the garment of his Righteousness I shall therefore be happy I shall be Righteous O sweet Blessedness sweet Righteousness O sweet change and Translation from Sin to Innocency from Darkness into Light from Death to Life Many Prayers also he put up for the Church of God especially that the pure Doctrine of the Gospel might be transmitted without corruption to Posterity and with Tears bewailed the wickedness of those who by their corrupt Notions were an hindrance to its course And once more a little before his Soul departed his Friends being about him he solemnly recommends himself to Christ and repeats the Confession of his Faith expressing great thankfulness to God for the Reformation and for those that he had used as Instruments therein I am now dying said he and dismist as that Servant of God holy Simeon I also being the Servant of God and Holy I dye in the Confession of the writings of the Prophets and Holy Apostles and of the Ancient Creeds and also adhering to the Augustane Confession I give thanks to God That of his Infinite goodness he hath dispell'd the darkness and restored to us the Light and Purity of his Gospel At length in the midst of his Prayers and earnest breathings after God he yielded up his Soul into the hands and bosom of his Redeemer where he rests from his Labours and his works follow him § 15. Another Instance worthy of our Remembrance and imitation I shall give you in Mr. Matthew Wesenbeck an eminent Civilian who after he had run the course of an Holy Life from his first Conversion to the fifty fifth year of his Age departed this Life at Wittenburg in the year 1586. The means by which God first awakened him to seek after and embrace the knowledge of the Truth was this While he was studying the Law at Lovane it fell out that there was a poor man in the City who being blind made it his business to visit the Sick and to instruct and comfort them as he could with Texts of Scripture in which he was well versed in recompence of which pious office those that were well disposed would relieve his Necessity with a piece of Bread and Cheese After some time this poor man was accused of