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ID Title Author Corrected Date of Publication (TCP Date of Publication) STC Words Pages
A68438 A manual of prayers nevvly gathered out of many and diuers famous authours aswell auncient as of the tyme present. Reduced into. 13. chap. very commodious and profitable for a deuout christian. Flinton, George.; Whitford, Richard, fl. 1495-1555?, attributed author. aut 1583 (1583) STC 17263; ESTC S105168 81,344 322

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the pleasures of the worlde and in true fayth to passe all perrils of soul and body and exercyse our selues daily more and more in thy seruice in such sorte that with them afterwards we may haue the fruition of ioye and solace eternall Amen A prayer to any of the holy Sayntes Ex tabella quadam Coloniae in templo S. Vrsul O Holy and blessed S. N. I humbly beseech thee that thou wilt haue me poore and wretched sinner in remembraunce before the face of my God and sauiour that by thy merites and intercessions I may be preserued from all daungers bodyly and ghostly that I may dayly more and more increase in vertue and good workes and at the houre of my death and departure out of this worlde vouchsafe to succour and defend me against the assaultes and deceites of mine ennemies and bring my soule deliuered and made free from all tribulatiō to the ioyes of the heauenly paradyse Amen Pray for vs O holy S. N. that we maye be made worthye of the promisses of Christ VVe humblye beseech thee O Lorde God father omnipotente to receiue the prayers of thy seruants that we worshipping the memorye of thy blessed S. N. by his merites and intercessions may be delyuered from al bodyly aduersities and that our hartes may be clensed from all euill and idle thoughtes through Iesus Christe our sauiour Amen A prayer to all the blyssed Saintes in heauen Ex herae B. M. ad vsum Sarum O All yee holy electe of God vnto whome almightie God hathe prepared his eternall kingedome from the beginninge I beseech you through the charitie by the which God dyd loue you that you doe sucker mee moste miserable sinner before death doe take mee awaye oute of this wretched world and reconcile mee vnto my creator before that hell deuoure mee O blessed Marie mother of God the mediatrix for sinners vnto Christ heare mee kepe mee saue mee O thou sweete Lady obtaine to mee righte faithe firme hope perfecte charitie true humylitie chastitie and sobrietie after the course of this lyfe the felow shippe of the euerlasting blyssednes Thou also holye Michaell with all the thousandes of Angells praye for mee that thou mayest take keepe mee from the power of my aduersaries helpe mee obtaine for mee the loue of God purenes of hart strength of faith and the pleasure of heauenlie glorie Also yee holy Patriarkes and Prophetes procure for mee of God pardon penaunce continencie and godlye perseuerance and also lyfe euerlastinge O yee blessed Apost'es of God vnlose mee from my sinnes defende mee from the paynes of hell and take mee from the power of darkenes bringe me vnto the euerlastinge kyngdome I beseche you also yee holy Martyrs of God that perfecte charitie syncere loue a pure minde a chaste lyfe and remission of my sinnes be gyuen of almightie God vnto mee O yee glorious Confessours of God praye for mee that through you the desire of heauenly thinges and reuerence of maners washinge away of my misdeedes bee of God graunted vnto mee Likewise I praye you all holy Virgines of God that you doe ayde mee to thintent I may haue a good minde and health of bodie and soule humilitie chastitie after the course of this my miserable lyfe fellowshipe of the perpetuall blessednes O all yee Saints of God I do pray and also do make humble supplication that you will woutchsafe to helpe mee and haue compassion vpon me most pytyfully and pray for mee instātly that through your intercession a pure conscience bee ingrafted within mee with compunction of harte for my sinnes and laudable endinge of my lyfe so that through your merites I maye bee able to come vnto the countrye of eternall blessednes almyghtie God graunte it Amen The end of the eleuenth Chapter THE TVVELFTH CHAPTER CONTEYNING ADVERtisments consolations with prayers and suffrages for the sicke An aduertisment for the sicke diligently to prepare him selfe to dye vvell Lud. Blosius cap. 1. posterioris li. Ench. paruulorum VVhoe soeuer doethe loue God dutifullye being at anye time ouertaken with sicknes whereby deathe is feared to be at hand let good heede be taken that with diligēce thou prepare thy selfe to end well discharge thy harte of the cares troubles of this world receiue deuoutly the Sacramentes of the Church to the ende thou maiest purchasse succour strēgth to passe through thy iourney and wholly recommende thy soule to God Remember the passion of our sweete Sauiour and redeemer embrace in thy hart his holsome crosse kisse his ruddy woundes and thrust thy selfe with all thy power into them that beinge hidden in them thou maiest be safe and happely escape from all the snares and entysmentes of the deuill humblye beseech our Sauiour Iesus Christ that he would wouchsafe to washe thee with his precious blood and that he woulde whollye abandonne all thy sinnes And for wante of meritoriouse good workes offer to God the father the merites of Iesus Christ offer him his moste holy and sacred conuersation death and passion offer him the merites of his moste sweete mother the wirgin Mary of all Saintes for so it shall come to passe that thou which art poore naked and miserable of thy selfe shalt appeare maruelously adorned with spirituall ornaments recommende thy selfe also to our blessed Ladye the glorious virgin and mother of God and to the other Cytizens of heauen and principally to that saint which thou haste accustomed most to pray vnto hoping and beleeuing certainly that they heare thy prayers and that if thou call vpon the blesse virgin with all thy hart and turne moste humbly and assuredly thy selfe to her she will without doubt make thy entraunce into the kingdome of heauen where otherwise it may be through the diuine iustice of God that thou canst not enter because of thine iniquitie for she is the mother of mercy and the Porte of of heauen Then folovveth this protestation or such lyke very profitable to be made by the sicke Lud. Blofius cap. 3. lib. sup I wicked sinner moste vnworthy redeemed with the preciouse bloode of our Lorde Iesus Christ doe confesse openlye that with an entyer and pure harte I forgyue all those that haue at any time euer offended me or done me iniurye in what maner soeuer desiring moste humblye all and euerye one that I haue offended iniuried grieued or any way angred whyther they be present or absent that they would vouchsafe also to forgyue me Here let the sicke call to minde his sinnes in particular and aske God forgynenes purposing firmely by God his grace neuer to commit sinne agayne and though his sinnes be neuer so many and the maner of his offences neuer so horrible and grieuouse yet he is to trust in the omnipotency of God whose mercyes are innumerable and to take hope and comfort in the passion of Christe our redeemer Sayeng I beleue in God the father almighty c. A prayer for the sicke person to saye
testament which the Church receauinge of thy holy Apostles offereth through-out the whole world to thee O God the creator of all things offring vnder a hidden misterie the first fruites of thy creatures and giftes to witt bread and wyne mingled withe water streight-wayes to be consecrated into the flesh and bood of thy welbeloued sonne that by the same oblation he may represente him whoe is the lyuely bread descendinge from heauen geuing lyfe to all the worlde who by the bloode and water which flowed from his side did washe vs from our sinnes vouchsafe almighty God mercifully to accept this oblatiō which thy Catholicke Church offreth to thee by the Prieste for all thy people whom thou haste purchased with the pretiouse bloode of thy deare-beloued sonne our lord Iesus Christ Amen VVhan the Priest turninge desireth the people to pray for him OVr Lord send thee helpe from heauen and protect thee Our Lord be mindfull of this thy sacrifice and receiue it at thy handes to the laud and glorie of his name to the healthe and comfort of our soules the soules of all faithfull liuing and dead Amen O Lorde whiche Iustyfiest the wicked and gyuest life to the dead quicken and raise me o Lord gyue me compunction of hart and teares to my eyes that I maye euer bewayle the wickednesse of my hart with humilytie Let my prayer come before thy presece O Lord Yf thou be angrie with me o god what helper shall I seeke or who shall haue mercie vpō mine iniquities remēber O Lorde that thou didst call the woman of Cananea the Publicane to repētance didst receiue Peter after his teares Receiue also my praiers O God my Sauiour who liuest raignest for euer Amen VVhen the Priest saith Sursum corda O God father moste highe lyfte vp our hartes and minds I beseche the from the cogitations of earthly cares to the meditation of heauēly loyes that we may thinke and speake of thee onely and maye in all our lyfe expresse thee and after may enioy thee for euer Amen Then say vvith the Priest IT is meete and iust righte and necessarie that we alwayes and in all places geue thee thankes O holy Lord Father almighty euerlastinge God through Iesus Christ our Lorde by whome the Angells praise thy Maiestie the dominatiōs adore the the powers tremble the vertues of heauen and the heauens and the blessed Seraphin with mutual gladnesse gyue praise vnto the with whome we beseche the that thou wilt commande our prayers to be receiued sayeing with humble confession Holie Holie Holie Lord God of Sabaothe The heauens earth are full of thy glorie Glorie be to God on the highest blessed is he that commeth in the name of our Lorde O sanna in the highest Amen At the holy Canon O Moste high Priest and true Bishoppe Iesus Christ who hast offred thy selfe to God thy father vpon the alter of the Crosse a pure and immaculate Hoste for vs wretched sinners who hast left vnto vs thy flesh and bloode in a Sacrament which is made by thy diuine omnipotencie hast ordeyned this Sacrament whiche thou commaundest to be offred in remembrance of our saluatiō by the same thy almightie power I beseche thee that thou wilt graunte me poore sinner worthely to remember thy blessed Passion and to resigne and consecrate my selfe all that I haue wholly to thee who art my Lorde and redemer to be present at this heauenly sacrifice with feare reuerēce with puretie of hart plenty of teares with spirituall gladnesse and heauenly Ioye lett my minde taste the swetenesse of thy blessed presence and perceiue the troupes of thy saints and Angells which are about the. Amen SPeake with me o blessed Virgin Mary that my prayers may take effect before thy sonne our Lorde and Sauiour Iesus Christ Entreate for me O ye Apostles make intercession for me O ye Martirs praye for me all ye Confessors and all the holye companie of heauen the prayers of such O Lord thou despisest not Inspire thē therefore to praye for me O Lord which liuest and raignest one God for euer and euer Amen Here meditate vvith your selfe till the Eleuation ANd thinke your selfe vnworthie to be present amonge so many thow sande of Angelles and saincts as are there although inuisiblie to vs tending vpō him with all reuerence whom we through our sinnes caused to die a moste bitter deathe whome through our euell lyfe we from time to time as much as in vs lyeth do crucifie Thinke how great his loue is to vs which by this dayly oblation woulde preserue vs in that estate whervnto he once brought vs. These benefittes others as time will suffer considered lett vs examine our selues our behauiour to so gracious a Lord and say with the Publicane O God be mercifull to me a sinner O Moste mercifull Lorde Iesus Christ in the remembrance of thy most blessed incarnatiō death Passion wounds sorrows greeues sighes teares and drops of thy most precious bloode and in remembrance of thy moste infinite loue to mankinde and in the vnion of this oblation and of that sacrifice by the whiche thou did offer thy selfe on the Altar of the Crosse I doe offer my selfe to thy laud and glorie humblie besechinge the to gyue to the lyuinge grace to the deceassed peace and rest and to vs all mercie and life euerlasting And I commende vnto the O Lord my soule and body all that is within me moste humblie beseching thee to haue mercy vpon me and vpon all those whome I am bounde in respect of nature or frendshippe to praye for as N. and N. c. At the Eleuation of the Host I Adore thee worshipp the O Christ with all praise benediction For by thy bitter deathe Passion thou haste redemed my soule from endlesse afflictiō Haue mercie vpon me deare Iesus and graunte that thy deathe be neuer found frustrate in me I most humblie beseche thee Amen At the Eleuation of the Chalice AL hayle moste precious and blessed blood flowinge out of the side of my Lorde and Sauiour Iesus Christ washinge awaye the spottes both of the olde and new offence clense sanctifie and keepe my soule I beseche thee to euerlastinge life VVE thanke the O Lord God mercifull father that thou did vouchesafe to send thine onelye begotten sonne Iesus Christ into this wretched worlde to die for vs all the most shamefull death of the Crosse to the end that he myght offer him selfe to thee through the holy ghoste a moste pure cleane holy and acceptable sacrifice for our sinnes and might so purge oure wicked conscience from all spottes of vncleanenesse By this thy exceding great loue to vs and by these moste cruell tormentes of thy sonne our Sauiour we moste humblie beseche the that thou wilt preserue in vs cōtinuallie those most noble fruites of his redemption and make vs also daylie to die with him to the worlde and to be crucified
thy grace that although it happen or come to passe that by any temptation illusion deceipte or variation comming of griefe of sicknes or by weakenes of body or by any other occasion whatsoeuer I come in daunger of my soule or preiudice to my saluation or in errour of the Catholicke fayty in the which I am regenerated in the fountayne of Baptisme there promised to resiste all temptations of the deuill and all errours of fayth and at this present I do resiste and renounce as I did then and then as now protestinge moste feruently with all my harte to lyue and dye in the fayth of our mother the holy Church thy spouse and in witnesse of this protestation and confession I offer the articles of our holy christian fayth which thy holye Apostles hath lefte vs in recommendinge vnto thee my fayth lyfe and death Amen I beleeue in God the Father c. The ende of the third chapter THE FOVRTHE CHAPTER CONTEYNINGE VERY goodly prayers for cōfort strēgth and deliuery by Gods assistance in all sorowes tribulations afflictions and aduersities VVhen thou feelest thy selfe tempted saye as folovveth Imitatio Christi li. 3. ca. 7. O Thou Satan the deuyll enemie of mankynde I adiure thee by the name of our Lorde God and by the signe of the holy crosse ✚ that thou departe and neuer hereafter enter into me O thou wicked spirit auoide from mee be thou ashamed for thou arte foule and ouglie that wouldest bringe suche thinges into my minde Goe from mee thou false deceyuer of mankinde thou shalte have noo parte in mee for my Sauiour Iesus standeth by mee as a mightie warriour and a strong champion and thou shalte flye awaye to thy confusion I had leuer suffer the moste cruell death then to consente to thy malicious stirringes be still therefore thou cursed fyende and cease thy malice for I shall neuer assente to thee though thou vexe mee never so much our Lorde is my lighte my healthe whome shall I dreade and he is the defender of my life what shall I feare Truelie though an hoste of men aryse against mee my harte shall not dread them for whie God is my helper and my redeemer Amen A prayer of any captiue accordinge to the forme of Dauid vvhen he vvas hid in the caue Psal 142. VVIth my voice I cry to thee afore thee I open my lamentations in thy bosome I disclose the secrete word of my hart my dolours and griefes I shew vnto thee my harte is almoste lyke to bruste so great is my discomfiture Thou knowest all my dealinges O Lorde and thou seest well ynough how the vngodly haue layed their snares for me Lo I caste mine eye on this side and that side aswell on my frends as kinsfolkes but all is in vaine none of them al helpeth me And againe I can not runne away I am so loadē ouer charged with irons O Lorde my maker and father now vnto thee I cry thou art mine onely Shot-anker defence helpe Thou art my porciō heritage which I possesse in al coūtries yea I haue none other possession but thee onely To thee therefore I sticke altogether knowinge certainly that nothing can goe amisse with me Consider then my lamentable complaynte beholde how I am brought low From the cruell pursuers which be much more of power than I am defend me Deliuer me from this prison and horrible feare of sinne and death that I may sette out thy name all thy sainctes as well Angells as men make sute for me desiring thee for my comfort They shall not cease vntill they obtaine their requeste I meane vntill thou forgyue me my sinnes and sende me comfort in this distres with pacience and lōg suffering This once obtayned the godly folke shal flocke aboute me shall not stynt to gyue thee thankes when they see that thou riddest me forth of these dangers to the highe prayse of thy name Lorde be mercyfull vnto vs take part with vs then we shall for euer lyfte vp and magnifie thy glorious name Amen A prayer of Iob in his moste grieuous aduersitie and losse of goodes Iob. 1. NAked I came oute of my mothers womb and naked shall I returne agayne our Lorde gaue our Lorde hath taken awaye as it hath pleased our Lord so is it done nowe blessed be the name of our Lorde Amen A prayer in trouble of conscience Psal 134. LOrde heare my prayer receyue my fupplicacion harken to my cōplaint for thy righteousnes Try not the lawe with thy seruaunt for trulye then shall no lyuynge man be founde vngyltie yea not one of thy saintes should escape quitte at thy barre vnlesse thou graunte him thy gracious pardon in somuch euen the very starres be not pure and fautles afore thee in the Angels thou foundest sin Nowe mine enemies hunte for my soule they beate dryue it downe they thruste it into darcke dungeons where felons conuicte and condempned to death were wonte to be kept my spirit is sorowfull my hart is heauie and sadd with in my breast to thee I holde vp my hādes requiring the of mercy For lyke as the dry ground lōgeth for a shower of raigne so my soule thinketh long till it hath thy helpe and succour heare me spedely if thou do not I am in dispaire my spirites is al werie of this bondage I haue bid my life fare-well VVherfore O God hide not thy face that I be not lyke to those that be hurled into the pyt of damnatiō after this night of misery ouerpassed let the pleasaunt morninge of comfort luckyly shyne vpō me that by time I may heare and fele thy goodnes for in thee is all my trust pointe me the waye that I shall walke in for yf thou be not my guide I must nedes wander and straye out of the waye To thee Lorde I lift vp my soule and that with all mine harte I besech the take me forth of mine enemies handes Thou onely art my succour and sauegarde teache me to worke what soeuer shall be thy pleasure for thou art my God Let thy good spirite conducte me into the land of the lyuing encourage my spirite for thy names sake furth of all these troubles for thy righteousnes delyuer me cōfound mine enemies as thou art gracious fauourable towardes me Those that will worke me sorowe and griefe plucke forth of the waye for I am thy seruaunt and for thy sake suffer I all this hurlye-burlye As thou art God so helpe thou me Amen A prayer for patience De Imit Christ li. 3. cap 20. O Lorde for as muche as thou was founde paciente in thy life fulfillinge in it moste speciallie the will of thy father it is requisite that I most wretched sinner should behaue my selfe pacientelye after thy will in all thinges and as longe as thou wilt that I for myne owne health beare the burthen of this corruptible life for thoughe this lyfe be tediouse and as heauie a burthen to the soule
Iewes did so rage against thee with villanous spitefull words when they did mocke thee and all bespytte thy vysage when they did hoode-winke thine eyes and with their most filthy and impure hands did smyte thee vpon the most blessed face when they did moste cruelly whippe and scourge thee faste bounde to a piller when they did thruste vpon thy most sacred head a pricking crowne of thorne when with yron nayles they did pearce thy blessed armes stretched alonge vpon the crosse when thy blessed syde was thruste throughe with a speare when in thy great thirst and extreame agony they offered thee a sponge full of vinager and gall whē with thy head inclined downe thou sayed It is consummate when thou diddest commend thy spirite into the handes of God the Father and all this ended for the redemption and saluation of mankinde in thy graue thou was buried For all these paynes and passions O most meeke Lorde Iesus Christ I poore and wretched sinner doe humbly beseech thy infinite maiestie not to forsake nor suffer me to be accused and condemned in thy terrible iudgement but let thy dolorous passion so helpe and ayde me that I may be brought to euerlastinge felicitye let thy holy Angells alway be in my company and specially at the houre of death that they may protect defend keepe me so that the cruell infernall enimy may haue no powre or parte in me The ende of the sixt Chapter THE SEVENTH CHAPTER CONTAYNINGE DEuoute and holesome prayers to be sayed before and after the receyuinge of the B. Sacrament Aduertismentes for more vvorthelye receyuinge the holye Euchariste 1. Cor. cap. 11. Verse 26. FOr as often as you shall eate this breade and drincke the chalice you shall shevve the death of our Lorde vntyll he come Verse 27. Therefore vvhoe soeuer shall eate this breade and drincke the chalice of our Lorde vnvvorthily he shall be giltye of the body and bloode of our Lorde Verse 28. But lett a man proue him selfe and so let him eate of that breade and drincke of the chalice Verse 29. For he that eatethe and drinckethe vnvvorthyly eateth and drincketh iudgemente to him selfe not descerninge the body of our Lorde This probation according to the wordes of the Apostle Lett a man proue him selfe consisteth principally in fower poyntes 1. Fayth before all thinges is necessarye to him that shall receyue the blessed Sacrament of the Aultar that is to say he must firste beleeue the presence of the true body and blood of our sauiour Iesus Christe in the Sacramente of the Aultar for they that denye it doe asmuch as thy can to denye the omnipotencye of God and doe accuse God with lyinge for he hath sayed This is my body and this is my blood Also you must of necessitie beleeue that the body of Iesus christ is deliuered to death and his blood truely shedd for the remission of your sinnes 2. Penaunce or repentaunce to the ende you may acknowledge your sinnes with all your harte and haue true repentaunce for the same and truely to confesse thē to the priest your ghostly father And after you haue obtayned absolution you must firmely purpose not to commit any deadly sinne hereafter and hauinge forsaken all rancour and malice you muste be reconciled to them whom you haue offended or that haue offended you 3 Honest and decente behauiour and countenaunce apparteyning to a christian man whereby is required that none goe to this moste blessed Sacramente and greate misterie but fasting and with modestie humilitie and feruente zeale not with any dishonest or vncomely behauiour 4. Deuotion and a harte not occupied in other busines or affaires that so you may imploy your selfe wholly by meditations and deuout prayers to receyue such an excellente sacramente in considering and wonderinge at the incomprehensible humilitie of almightie God I meane hereby that he being a Lord of so greate and infinite maiestye hath bene obediente vnto his heauenly father euen vnto death to gyue vs lyfe And with all that by such deuout meditations and prayers you maye be stirred and prouoked to loue almighty god aboue al things and to gyue him most harty thanks for his so great benifites desiringe him moste humbly that the merits of his most bitter passion and death maye be applied to the comforte and profit of your soule A prayer to be sayde before the receyuinge of the Blessed Sacrament I Adore and worshippe thee and gyue thākes vnto thee my most louing Lorde Iesu Christe for thy innumerable benefites and giftes gyuen vnto me moste vnwhorthy All those I yeeld and offer vnto thee into an euerlastinge laude and prayse I gyue vnto thee thankes for all the goodnes that euer thou diddest shew or euer wilt shew vnto any reasonable creature I gyue thee thāks for al the mercies of thy moste swete goodnes I gyue thee thankes for thy holy Incarnation Natiuitie Infancie Childhod Manstate labours sorowfull cares Passion Death Resurrection thine Ascension I moste humbly thanke thee that thou haste vouchsafed to admitte me most vile sinner to the noble and liuelie feaste of this thy holy table O gracious Iesu I beseche thee for that loue that in maner constreigned thee to be incarnated to suffre and to die for me that thou wilt make me fully cleane from all sinne and make me to please thee in all thing Adorne and garnish my beggarlye and poore soule with thy mercies vertues Graunte mercifull Iesu that I may with moste humble reuerēce with burninge desire and chaste affection receiue the moste venerable Sacrament of thy blessed Bodie in memorie of all those things that thou haste vouchsafed to doe to speake and to suffre for my saluation Graunt good Lorde that I maye performe this thinge moste purely to the euerlasting glorie of thy name to the honour of thy moste sweet Mother and Virgin Marie and to the honour of thy blessed Saint N. Here name the Sainte of that daye to the honour of all thy blessed Saintes and Angells of heauen to the soule health of me and N. and to the soules health of all Christen people quicke and dead Haue mercy good Lord haue mercy vppon thy Churche haue mercy good Lord vpon this place and this compagnie Graunte that here be alwaye humilitye peace charitye chastitye and cleanesse Graunt that we all maye worthily amende and correct our selues and that we feare thee and serue thee faithfullye and that we maye loue thee and please thee I commend vnto thy mercy all our busines and all our necessities be mercifull vnto all those for whome thou haste shed thy precious blood Graunte vnto the quicke forgyuenesse and grace graunt vnto the faithfull departed rest and light euerlastinge Another Prayer before the receyuinge of the holy Sacrament By Sir Thomas Moore O Benigne Iesu that wouldest suffer so many greuous paines yea death it selfe for the loue of mankind greate and meruailous is thy charitie O good God for that thy charitie and that
after his beleefe O Holy Trinitie I beseech thee keepe and preserue this pure religion of my fayth and graunte that it may euer be sounding in my conscience vntill my spirit departe O almightie and mercyfull Iesu I protest before thee and before all the courte of heauen that I haue a will and desire to finishe my lyfe in this fayth wherein of necessitie euery childe obediente to our Mother the holye Church ought to dye Further my sweete Sauiour I protest to beleeue wholly and vniuersally all that which is conteined in the Catholicke fayth and that which a true faithful christiā ought to beleeue that if it happen by the assaults of the deuil or by violence of sicknes I come to thinke say or doe any thing contrary to this purpose I doe reuoke it at this present protest that I gyue no consent to any such thought word or worke I reioyce and render thankes to my louinge creator and redeemer through the maruelouse goodnes of his bounty by the which I hope vndoubtedlye to dye in the holye Catholicke fayth and so I recommende my soule and body into his moste holy handes nowe and at the houre of my death Amen Prayers in sicknesse Dionys Cart. in dial de part iudicio animarum O Swet Iesu I desire nether lyfe nor deathe but thy most holy will Thee O Lorde I loke for be it vnto mee according to thy pleasure Yf thou wil sweete Iesu that I dye receyue my soule And albeit I come to thee euen at the verye eueninge as one of the laste yet graunt that with thee and in thee I may receyue euerlasting rest Yf thou wilt sweete Iesu that I lyue longer on earthe I purpose to amende the rest of my lyfe and offer all into a burnt sacrifice vnto thee for thy honour and glorie accordinge to thy blessed will and for the perfoorminge of this I desire the assistance of thy holy grace Another prayer Nieron in Agone mortis auctore Eusebio O Mercyfull Iesu my vertue and power my comforte and ease my receyuer and my redemer in whome I haue hoped in whome I haue belyeued and whome I haue loued my swete delight my tower of strength my hope from my youthe the guide of my lyfe call mee and I will answer thee O creator of heauen and earthe stretche foorth the power of thy mercye vnto the worke of thy hāds which thou createdst of the slyme of the earth and tiedst together with bones and synowes Commaund O Lorde staye not for it is time that dust may returne into dust and my soule maye returne to thee his Sauiour who diddest sende it downe into this worlde Open vnto me the gates of lyfe for thou diddest hange vpon the Crosse for my sake and madest mee promise to receyue mee Come my sweete Lorde lett mee embrace thee lett mee not leese thee Bring mee into thy heauenlie palace Thou arte my receyuer my glorie mine aduauncer my habitation and my benedictiō Receyue me moste mercyfull Lorde accordinge to thee multitude of thy mercies For thou dyinge on the Crosse receyuedst the theefe returninge vnto thee Another prayer Ibid. I Am sycke my lyfe is weake in this poore state and therfore to thee O Lorde I runne as to my onely phisitiō Heale mee O Lord and I shal be healed And for that I haue mine affiance reposed in thee lett mee not be confounded But what am I O most mercifull God that speake so boldly to thee I am a sinner begottē borne brought vp in sinne I am a rotten carkas a stinckinge vessell and meate for woormes VVhat victorie O Lord shall it be yf in conflict thou ouerthrow mee who am lesse than a litle strawe before the face of the wynde Forgyue O Lord forgyue all my sinnes and lyft vpp a poore man from this durty dounghill of earthe Certes good Lord this will I saye yf it please thee thou mayest not refuse him that hathe his recourse to thee For thou arte my Lord God flesh of my flesh bones of my bones For to this intent thou not leauing the right hand of thy father diddest assumpte my humaine nature and becamst God man remayning in one person the selfe same whiche thou wast from thee beginninge And why diddest thou woorke this so hard wounderfull misterie but that I should boldlye haue recourse to thee as vnto my brother thou wouldest mercifully so couer thy diuinitie that I should not be affraid of thy heauenlie power VVherfore arise O Lorde and helpe me arise and put mee not backe for euer Another prayer Ibid. LEtt my request entre into thy sight O Lord and let thy hande bee made to make me whole Beholde I am the man that cominge downe from Hiericho was taken and wounded of theeues and left half dead Doo thou receyue mee O mercyfull Samaritan I haue sinned excessiuelie in my lyfe and wrought muche iniquitie in thy syght From the sole of my foote euen to the toppe of my head there is no sounde health in mee Verely onlesse thou dying on the Crosse hadst assisted mee my soule had bene worthy to dwell in hell I am sweete Iesu a parte of that deare price for me thou diddest shed thy precious bloud cast me not away I am the sheepe that wēt a stray seeke that sheepe O good shepheard put hym in thy folde that thou mayst be iustified in thy woorde For thou diddest make mee promise that at what soeuer houre a sinner did repēt him of his sinnes returne to thee he shoulde be saued I lament O Lord and moorne for my sinnes I acknowledg myne iniquities my wickednesse is in my sight I am not woorthy to be called thy sonne For I haue sinned against heauen before thee thou shalt make mee heare that whiche halbe great ioy gladnes vnto my ●eart Turne away thy face O Lord from my sinnes blotte out myne iniquities accordinge to thy great mercie Cast me not away out from thy sight Deale not with mee accordinge to my sinnes nor reward mee after the desert of myne iniquities But helpe me O Lorde my God and my Sauiour and for the glorye of thy holy name delyuer mee Deale mercifully as it femeth best to thy holy will that I maye dwell in thy howse all the dayes of my lyfe that I may prayse thee for euer more as they doe that dwell there worlde without ende Amen Prayers and suffrages to be sayd for one lyinge in death bedde LOrde haue mercie vpon vs. Christ haue mercy vpon vs. Lorde haue mercy vpon vs. Holy Marie praye for him All holy Angelles and Archangels praye for him Holy Abell praye for him All the companye of the iuste pray for him Holy Abraham praye for him Holy Iohn Baptiste praye for him All yee holye Patriarkes and prophetes praye for him Saint Peter praye for him Saint Paule praye for him Saint Andrewe praye for him Saint Iohn praye for him All yee holy Apostelles and Euangelistes praye for him All
ye holy Disciples of our Lord praye for him All yee holie Innocentes praye for him Saint Stephen praye for him Saint Laurence praye for him All yee holy Martyrs pray for him Saint Siluester praye for him Saint Augustine praye for him All yee holy Bishoppes and Confessors praye for him Saint Benet praye for him Saint Francis praye for him All ye holy Monkes and Eremites praye for him Saint Mary Magdalen pray for him Saint Lucie praye for him All ye holye virgins and wydowes pray for him All ye holy Saintes of God make intercession for him Haue mercy spare him O Lord. Haue mercy heare him O Lord. Haue mercy and deliuer hym O Lorde From thy anger delyuer hym O Lorde From an euill deathe delyuer him O Lorde From the daunger of deathe deliuer him O Lorde From the paines of hell delyuer him O Lorde From all euil deliuer him O Lord. From the power of the deuill deliuer him O Lorde By thy Natiuitie deliuer him O Lorde By thy Crosse and Passion deliuer him O Lorde By thy death and buriall delyuer him O Lorde By thy glorious resurrection deliuer him O Lorde By thy wounderfull ascension deliuer him O Lorde By the grace of the holy ghost the comforter deliuer him O Lorde In the day of iudgemente deliuer him O Lorde VVe sinners doe beseech thee to heare vs. That thou wouldest spare him we beseeche thee to here vs. Lorde haue mercie vpon vs. Christ haue mercie vpon vs. Lorde haue mercie vpon vs. O thou Christian soule departe thou out of this world in the name of God the father almightie who hath created thee In the name of Christ Iesus the sonne of the liuing God who hath suffered for thee In the name of the holy ghost who was powred into thee In the name of the holy Angelles and Archangelles In the name of the Thrones and dominations In the name of the Powers and Potestates In the name of Cherubin and Seraphin In the name of the Patriarches and Prophetes In the name of the holy Apostelles and Euangelistes In the name of the holie Martyrs Confessours In the name of the holye Monkes and Eremites In the name of the holie Virgins and of all the Saintes of God Lett thy place be this daye in peace and thy habitation in holye Sion through Christ our Lorde Amen A prayer O Mercyfull God O benigne God O God who accordinge to the multitude of thy mercyes doest blott out the sinnes of suche as are penitent and with thy remission and pardon doest cleane purge the blame of offences paste mercifully looke vpon this thy seruant N. and for our prayers graunt him his request who with all his harte confessynge thy name doeth most earnestlye craue for pardon of all his sinnes Renew in him O moste mercyfull father what soeuer is corrupte through the frayeltie of the flesh or that whiche hath bene defyled by the crafte of the deuill and ioyne agayne vnto the vnitie of thy bodie the church the member whiche thou haste redeemed Haue mercye O Lorde vppon his sighes haue mercy vpon his teares and admitte agayne vnto the Sacrament of thy reconciliation hym who hath no hope but in thy mercie through Christ our Lorde Amen Another prayer DEarely beloued brother I cōmende thee vnto almyghtie God and to his protection I commit thee whose creature thou art to the ende thou hauing payed by the meanes of thy death the debte of all man-kinde mayest returne againe vnto thy maker who hath framed thee of a piece of claye Lett therfore the noble compainie of Angels meete thy soule departinge out of thy bodie Lett the whole Senate of the Apostles iudges of the worlde come vnto thee Lett the triumphant armye of the gloriousse Martyrs come against thee Lett the florishing companie of the shining Confessours cōpasse thee aboute Lett the whole quire of the singinge Virgines receyue thee with embracing settle thee faste in the bosome of the Patriarches which is the place of blessed reste and quietnes Let Christ Iesus appeare vnto thee with a milde and chereful countenāce and adiudge thee to bee emonge those who alwayes attend vpon hym Be thou ignorant of all that quaketh in darkenes that crashed in fire and houleth in tormentes Lett the moste cruell fiend Satan with all his souldiars gyue place vnto thee lett him tremble at thy comming thou being accompaigned with the holie Angells and lett him flye into the huge pitte of euerlastinge darkenes Lett God arise and lett his enemyes be dispersed and lett all that hate him flye awaye from his face Lett them vanish awaye as the smoke vadeth as the waxe melteth before the face of the fire so lett all sinners perish from the face of God and lett the iuste make merie and reioyse in the sight of God Therefore lett all the legions of hell be confounded and ashamed and lett not the ministres of Satan be so bolde as to stop thy iourney Christe deliuer thee from all torments who was crucified for thee Christ deliuer thee frō death who hath vouchsafed to dye for thee Christ the sonne of the liuing God place thee in the garden of his paradise whiche alwayes is pleasaunt flourishinge he that is the true shepeherd agnise thee emong his sheepe Lett him absolue thee from all thy sinnes and place thee at his right hande in the inheritaunce of his electe God graunt thou maiest see thy redeemer face to face and that thou maist be alwayes present at hande and with thy blessed eyes beholde the moste manifest trueth God graunt therfore that thou being placed emonge the compagnie of the blessed soules maiest enioye the swetenes of the countenaunce of the diuine maiestie for euer and euer Amen Receyue O Lorde thy seruant into the place of Saluation whiche he muste hope to haue of thy mercie R. Amen Deliuer O Lorde the soule of thy seruant from all daungers of hell and from all snares that maye entrappe him to paine and from all tribulation R. Amen Deliuer O Lorde the soule of thy seruaunt as thou haste deliured Enoch and Elias from the cōmon death of the world R. Amen Deliuer O Lorde the soule of thy seruaunt as thou deliueredst Noe from drowninge in the generall fludde R. Amen Deliuer O Lorde the soule of thy seruaunt as thou deliueredst Abraham out from Vr of the Chaldees R. Amen Deliuer O Lorde the soule of thy seruaunt as thou deliueredst Iob from his passions and paines R. Amen Deliuer O Lorde the soule of thy seruaunt as thou deliueredst Isaac from beinge offerd in Sacrifice and out from the handes of his father R. Amen Deliuer O Lorde the soule of thy seruaunt as thou deliueredst Loth from Sodom and from the flame of fier R. Amen Deliuer O Lorde the soule of thy seruaunt as thou deliueredst Moyses out from the handes of Pharao Kynge of the Egyptians R. Amen Deliuer O Lorde the soule of thy seruaunt as thou deliueredst Daniel out from the denne of the