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A31568 A sacred poem wherein the birth, miracles, death, resurrection, and ascension of the most holy Jesus are delineated ... : also eighteen of David's psalms, with the Book of Lamentations paraphras'd, together with poems on several occasions / by James Chamberlaine. Chamberlaine, James, Sir, d. 1699. 1680 (1680) Wing C1817; ESTC R34419 74,873 219

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a lovely Face nor Eye Wherein we can contentment find 'T is none of all these things that can Yield solid comforts to a Man 4. It is a faithful-hearted-Friend Whose kindness to me knows no date Though Poverty should be my end Scorns to convert his Love to hate Who when I sin will always be A Faithful Monitor to me 5. Unto whose breast I dare commit A secret safe as in my own Who ne're will in angry fit Betray his Trust to any One Nor from my Interest will be Withdrawn by Frowns or Flattery 6. If such a Friend I chance to find I 'le Center all my Joys in this I have a Jewel to my mind There 's not on Earth a greater Bliss Ambition may eck on desire Mine here shall rest and soar no higer The Sensualist ALL that below this heav'nly Orb doth move For Man was made and so ordain'd above What reason is there that he should deny Himself the Pleasure to content his Eye Woman that lovely Creature here was plac'd For his delight to gaze on and to taste That fragrant Balm which on her Lips doth grow For him to wanton in her Vale below All those rich Treasures both of Sea and Land Were they not made to bow to his Command And whatsoever his vast mind doth crave Was he not freely his desires to have Then where 's the Sin or how doth he amiss If he doth use them as his pleasure is Sure Man by God above the Brutes was grac'd With Reason and for nobler ends here plac'd As Soveraign over all than to allow His Reason should to 's Will and Passions bow This never could be the Creator's thought When out of Clay this curious piece he wrought And none but Folly will pretend to own This he design'd in his Creation 'T is true that Woman by the lib'ral hand Of Heav'n was fram'd to be at Mans command So as to make a loyal loving Wife And prove a Comfort in his tedious Life But not to gaze on with a lustful Eye Much less unmarryed in her Arms to lye And though the Treasures of the wealthy Shoar And Sea are subject to Man's lordly Pow'r Yet can't he without yielding up his sense And proving guilty of an high offence Claim as a Soveraign with a wanton Hand At will to rifle both the Sea and Land And make them bow unto his boundless Lust Then own the action not to be unjust He had not his Dominion to abuse The things created for his needful use But was to have a most regardful Eye Not to enslave them to his Luxury If so there 's no Man but a Fool will say He as his pleasure is may them enjoy A Prayer 1. GReat God! whose providential Care Is over all bow down thine Ear Unto my Pray'r permit not Thou The Devil my invet'rate Foe To work my final overthrow 2. So closely on our Souls he waits With his bewitching-tempting-Baits That straight our Sensual parts we please Embrace a short and transient ease And hazard all than Flesh displease 3. With-hold not then thy saving-Grace From me my God one Minutes space Lest this my brittle House of Clay With my immortal Soul a Prey Becomes to him the damn'd obey 4. O let thy Love procure for me An easier Fate than Misery 'T is just in thee my God I know Since unto Satan's Lure I bow Not to exalt but cast me low 5. Low as that Pit of Horrours where The Damned Howl and tortur'd are Where ' midst those Flames which them torment Which ever Blaze but ne're are spent They day and night their Curses vent 6. Although my Sins these Flames deserve Yet from their lasting Heats preserve My trembling Soul this I implore Except the same thing o're and o're I know not what to ask Thee more God's Goodness and Man's Folly WHen trembling Dust with awful fear Unto thy Throne of Grace draws near And in an humble posture brings To Thee his Catalogue of Sins No sooner he imparts his Grief But thou afford'st thy quick Relief And with forgiveness ready art To ease the Sorrows of his Heart Yet rather than we will forgo Some short-liv'd-Pleasures endless Wo We fondly Court and slight that Love Which will at length our Ruine prove Whereas would we obey thy Will Not suffering ours to have their fill If we thy Laws would not refuse Nor Favours willingly abuse We should enjoy that happiness The glorious Saints in Heav'n possess An Admonition 1. SOul let thy Contemplation be On Heaven and Eternity To fix thy thoughts on this base Earth Becomes not Thee of heav'nly Birth 2. Since all these worldly-Glories quite Will like thy empty Dreams i' th' Night Vanish e're thy bright Morn doth break Why should'st thou pleasure in them take 3. When the last dreadful Trump shall all With its shril Voice to Judgment call Those who their God this World did make Must not of heav'nly Joys partake 4. The Crown of Glory only shall As a Reward to Virtue fall It never shall the Temples bind Of those who earthly things did mind The Penitent 1. I Who that precious time which thou hast lent Have dearest God! in sinful courses spent I who have chose to feed on Husks with Swine Rather than live under thy Rules Divine I thy ungracious Son unto thee home With bleeding heart weeping Eyes do come Asham'd that I so miserably have Mispent those Favours which thy bounty gave 2. And yet what reason have I to presume That e're thy Lips will pass a gentle Doom On my rebellious Life since it hath been wholly devoted to the ways of Sin No I in Justice cannot think thou'lt own Such an ungrateful Wretch to be thy Son Whose wanton Ear would never yield to hear The wholsome counsels of a Parent dear 3. But O my Father by that pow'rful word Look on thy humbled Creature and afford Some glimps of Comfort to my troubled mind And as thou stil'st thy self to be a kind And gracious Father be thou so to me Forgiving him who truly turns to Thee Look not upon me with a rig'rous Eye Of Justice but of Mercy lest I dye A Prayer before the Sacrament THou God who always tak'st delight to be Conferring good on those who trust in Thee Who from thy Bosome by eternal Doom Did'st send thy Son from whence all Joys do come To take our nature on him and to dy Th' accursed death for our Impiety Let me adore Thee for this mighty Love For this my Soul do thou obedient prove And grant dear Lord that I who humbly now Approach thine Altar to remember how And what Christ suffer'd may of Thee obtain Those dear-bought Mercies which his Death did gain I must confess when I consider Lord How I have sinn'd against thy sacred Word How oft I have refus'd to come and eat When I was summon'd to this heav'nly Treat I have not left within my troubled Breast A glimm'ring hope to be a welcome Guest Yet should I still absent should I forbear T' approach thy Table where such offers are How can I ever hope dear Christ to be Partaker of thy Love and Victory No I must never think thou 'lt own me when Thou sits in Judgment on the Sons of Men. Therefore to thee my God I come and bring My Soul and Body for an Offering Vouchsafe that at thy Hands they may a kind And gracious entertainment this day find And be enabled by thy Grace to move In the delightful Steps of holy Love Let not my Sins of Youth or riper Years Engage thee to forsake me to my Tears Have some regard and let me now partake Of thy Sons Mercies for his merits sake Amen and Amen A Farewell to the World THou glorious Nothing now adieu I 'le be no more a Slave to you Hence-forward all my time will I To a more serious Court apply Heaven and all its Joys above Shall be the Object of my Love And study of my Life each day Till I my borrow'd Earth repay And thou immortal God who art The rightful Sov'raign of my Heart Dispose my Thoughts and Actions now Strictly to keep this sacred Vow Thou know'st what mighty Foes they are I must engage with in this War The World on one hand will be sure To bring its Glories to allure And its Temptations will combine To shake this firm Resolve of mine My Flesh will all its vigour show To make me to its Dictates bow And the industr'ous-wily-Fiend Against me all his Pow'rs will bend Forces too great to be withstood By a Compound of Flesh and Blood Needs must I Faint and be subdu'd Unless with heav'nly force indu'd Yet I am fully bent to try Their Strength and Fight them till I dye And do not doubt but at my Death To have the never-fading-Wreath SOLI DEO GLORIA FINIS
the env'ous-Crowd the Judg calls out The blessed Jesus questions him about His Servants and his Doctrin why he taught In Corners that which such dissention wrought Jesus reply'd what from my Lips hath fell Most of this Nation can inform thee well In the Assembly of the Jews have I Publish'd that Faith for which I now must dye Ne're in forbidden Corners did I sneak But in their Temples publickly I spake If these my Words no Credit can command Ask them the Truth of this who here do stand At this a Serjeant who was standing near Up with his impious Fist and on the Ear Gave him a rude Salute asking him why Unto the Judg he talk'd so saucily Jesus reply'd if I have spoken ill Prove then the Crime but if no words have fell VVhich do deserve such a rebuke from thee How comes it then to pass thou smitest me Now Annas who no Pow'r had to declare Judgment except the Sev'nty present were Fast bound unto the House of the High-Priest To be examin'd sent the ever-Blest Him follows Peter and his dearest John The rest were trembling to their Houses gone This last Disciple was to Cajaphas known He with his Fetter'd Master ' mongst the rest Enters the Palace of the Jews High Priest But missing Peter in the num'rous Rout Who at the Door stood Sorrowing without Unto the Maid he goes at his request Simon admittance had among the rest It being cold within the Palace-Hall A Fire was made the Souldiers round it all Stood warming of themselves by the Hearths side The pensive Peter stood while Christ was try'd By a Divine-Impulse a Damsel goes And Simon asks Art thou not one of those Who serv'd this Jesus whom they here have brought The daunted Servant said he knew him not He who but even now had drawn his Sword In the Defence of his beloved Lord That matchless Courage by a Maid alone VVas made to tremble and his Lord disown The Lamb of Life who a long time had been Under the snaring Test o' th' Sanhedrim VVhen they perceiv'd from his own Mouth they could Not force the least unwary word that would Give a pretence to bring his Death about False Witnesses the murd'rous Villains sought Sev'ral there came who sundry things did bring But none of weight nor two that vouch'd one thing At length a Pair of daring-Rogues were found VVhose Souls ne're felt a penitential-Wound That said This Man affirm'd Do you destroy The Temple which is now all Isr'els Joy And from the Ground again I 'le eas'ly raise Its Head as now it stands within three days Then from his Seat arose the Jews High-Priest With Eye-brows knit and Eyes which Rage confest Demanding sternly what his Silence meant VVhether he Guilty was or Innocent But Jesus held his peace which when he saw That from his Mouth his Threats could nothing draw Cloathing his Face with a more peaceful Look To a more cunning Wile himself betook Adjuring him by a most sacred Oath The living God to tell the naked Troth Whether the Christ he were the Great God's Son Who from the Clouds in Glory should come down Jesus whose Tongue was never us'd to Lye Knowing the hour of his Death drew nigh Confest he was the same and likewise told That he whom now they did with Scorn behold They Reassum'd into the Heav'ns should see And Thron'd on the right Hand of Majesty As visibly as at the Gen'ral-Doom By those dire Judgments which on them should come Then Cajaphas his Cloaths with Fury rent And to 's embosom'd Hellish-Flames gave vent What farther need is there of Proof said he Since we have heard this horrid Blasphemy Your Judgments Sirs Doth he deserve to Dy The Vote was Death and that deservedly Then Jesus forth into the Hall was brought Unto the Souldiers to be set at naught Upon whose Face the dev'lish Monsters spit And on his sacred Sides their Cudgels split Hood-Winck'd they Beat him on the Muffled-Face And bid him Proph'cy who the Smiter was All the out-ragious Cruelties that Men Could Muster up were Executed then On the most inn'cent Lamb until the Light Drew back the Curtains of that grizly-Night Peter who boldly once resolv'd to Dye The worst of Deaths rather than Christ deny Who once already by the Fire-side The ever-Blest had cowardly denyed And still there senseless stood and saw the Jews The Worlds great Ransom barbarously abuse Was by a Maid again amid'st the Throng Ask'd if he did not unto Christ belong But he although forewarn'd disown'd once more His lovely Service as he did before One of the High-Priests Servants who was near Rely'd to Malchus that had lost his Ear To the forgetful Peter came said he Art thou not one of those which I did see With this Man in the Garden tell me now Simon for-swore it then the Cock did Crow When at that instant Jesus cast an Eye Upon his Servant who immediately Struck both with Shame and Sorrow forth did go And by his Tears his true Repentance show Thirsty for Blood just at the dawn of Day The Sanhedrim triumphingly away Their Pris'ner Led unto the Pretor's Hall Come to the Door they did for Pilate call Within the Hall they would not set a Foot Fondly conceiting that they should pollute Themselves in mingling with the Heathen there Being they were to eat the Passover Pilate inform'd that at his Palace-gate A great Convention of the Jews did wait To speak with him that they had Jesus brought Straight he arose and to the Jews came out Jesus presented Pilate ask'd the Jews What was the Crime for which they did accuse Him whom they brought what evil he had done Mov'd by a furious Zeal the Scribes begun To tax him of Sedition and that he Stirr'd up the People to a Mutiny How that his Doctrin was against their Laws And that no Tribute due to Caesar was That he declar'd himself the Christ to be And saying so spoke horrid Blasphemy He proudly vaunted that he was their King And Death did merit for that only thing Therefore they all made it their earnest Suit That this Seducer he would Execute Pilate perceiving more of Rage to be In their request than ought of Piety Take him said he and by your own Law try Whether he doth deserve to Live or Dye Thou know'st said they the Romans of this Right Which once we had have now depriv'd us quite Leaving no pow'r in us to punish those With Death who have transgrest against our Laws To thee we come and e're we 'll stir from hence We do expect thou 'lt Judg this Man's offence Back to the Judgment-Hall the Pretor went Seated within the dreadful Chair he sent One for the Pris'ner who was straight brought in With whom th' imperious Judg did thus begin Tell me said he art thou the King o' th' Jews Jesus reply'd do they without accuse Me of this Crime or doth this Question spring From thy own Brain to say I am
The joyful Mary came and did declare How she had seen the Lord and likewise what He did command but they believ'd her not When in the Ev'ning of that day they were Assembled with the Doors close shut for fear Of the malicious Jews in Jesus came They knew not how an●●●hers sa●uted them Peace be unto you when he had so said They trembling stood most terribly affraid Concluding that it could not Jesus be But a delusion which they t●ere did see Yet when he show'd his Hands and wounded Side Those Marks which he receiv'd when Crucify'd The Souls rejoyc'd and all with one accord Acknowledg'd him to be their Sov'raign Lord. He therefore to confirm their Faith begun T' expound the Scriptures which had long foreshown His cruel Death and Resurrection And by his Spirit made them plainly see The full import of ev'ry Prophecy And now farewell said he yet 'fore I go The same Commission I do give to you Which I receiv'd to plant a Church I came Do ye succeed me and compleat the same Be of good comfort to assist you here I 'le send you down the blessed Comforter But here attend ye till he doth come down Then did he go and breath on ev'ry one And by so doing did his Followers fit For that unerring guide the Holy Sp'rit Which at the Feast of Pentecost came down And sate like flaming-Fire on ev'ry one He gave the Keys of Heav'ns glorious Gate Into their Hands to Excommunicate The stubborn Sinner to absolve or bind They Power had as they just cause did find But Thomas called Dydimus the Twin Who was not with them when the Lord came in Now being come they up and told him how Jesus had with them been but even now But he declar'd unless his Eyes did see And Hands did touch his Wounds he 'd faithless be When his Disciples that day sev'nights were Met at their usual Place to joyn in Pray'r The Lord of Life the second time did come They knew not how into the close-shut Room Thomas said he since you will not believe Your Fellow-Servants that I am alive Except your Hands do touch and Eyes do see Those cruel Marks bestow'd on me Behold my Wounds thy Fingers thrust into This Side of mine and be not faithless now My Lord and God! said Thomas now I know And am convin'd the very God art thou Had'st thou before believ'd what thou hast seen Thy Faith said Jesus had then nobler been Than now it is my blessing I do give To them who see me not and yet believe His Ascension Full forty days th' Eternal Son of God After he rose again on Earth abode Teaching his Followers what they ought to do To make the World his Fathers Will to know And now just ready to ascend his Throne To take possession of his purchas'd Crown He went unto Mount Olivet with them Sev'n Furlongs distant from Jerusalem Upon whose lofty Brow with Hands lift high Unto the sacred Throne of Majesty He blessed them which having done a bright And shining Cloud convey'd him from their sight Up to the glorious Seat of Bliss where He Triumphant sits to all Eternity To the Eternal Three above Father Son and Spirit of Love By all the glorious Host in Heav'n And Men on Earth be Glory giv'n On Christ's Sufferings LOrd what is Man that thou from Bliss Where Love in full perfection is Should'st send thy Son thine only One To be contemn'd and spit upon To be the abject and the scorn Of ev'ry Villain to be torn With cruel Rods to be revil'd And live as 't were a live exil'd And after all this ignomy To hang on the accursed Tree That the eternal God above Should chuse this way to show his love To such as we who do return Instead of gratitude our scorn That he his only Son should send To suffer an inglorious end And make the Innocent to be An Offering for Impiety It raises wonder but 't was so Jesus did all this undergo Not by compulsion 't was his choice He suffer'd that we might rejoyce All this he did for to regain Lost Souls from an eternal pain And Jesus shall not we express Our thanks to thee for happiness Had'st thou not dy'd we had remain'd As Satans Victims ever chain'd No act of ours could e're have wrought That Reconcilement thou hast bought With thy dear Blood thou Heav'ns Rage Did'st fully with thy Death asswage Such obligations Lord should move Our stony-hearts to melt with Love And in the strictest duty bind To thee the Souls of all Man-kind CANTATE DOMINO CANTICVM NOVUM Praise the Lord up on the harp sing to the harp with a psalm of thanksgiving EIGHTEEN OF David's PSALMS PARAPHRAS'D By the same Hand LONDON Printed by R. E. for R. Bentley and M. Magnes in Russel-Street in Covent-Garden 1680. Eighteen of Davids Psalms Paraphras'd PSALM 22. MY God my God! Why am I left Helpless in my distress bereft Of that protection I have had Why are my Foes with Conquest clad I call and weep both day and night To thee my God to thee for right But O my Crys and Tears are vain There 's no redress no ease of pain All this shall not discourage me Since I do know thou just wilt be And true to ev'ry promise Thou Hast bound thy Self to me by Vow And though Thou let'st mine Enemys Insult and deaf art to my Crys Yet Lord thou holy art and still Deserv'st the praise of Israel Our Fathers they rely'd on thee Thou Lord wast their security When dangers did their Souls surround To thee they call'd and freedom found But I my Foes most deadly scorn With patience hitherto have born The vulgar and ignobler sort Do make my misery their sport In an insulting way they cry Let his Salvation now draw nigh He trusted in the Lord that he Would help him in adversity Let him stretch out his arm and save If either strength or pow'r he have But Lord their scorn and cruelty Shall not dismay or trouble me Since I have always found thine arm Able to rescue me from harm Since from the Womb I came alone Thou hast been my Salvation And from my Mothers tender Breast My God my hope wert and my rest Now be not far from me but save Permit not the triumphing Grave Insa●●te as my cruel-Foes My Life untimely to enclose Redeem my Soul there 's none I know Except my God can help me now For I am close besieg'd and brought To that distress I can't get out Like as a rav'ning Lyon doth Roaring pursue with open mouth The helpless Creature that he may Affrighted fall and be his Prey So do my Foes threaten and rave To bring my Soul unto the Grave So week and feeble I am grown Wasted to nothing ev'ry bone Disjoynted from its place doth start Like Wax dissolv'd so is my Heart And as a Potsheard so my strength Is dryed up my Tongue at length Cleaves to my Jaws my earthly-Frame
the end of these Mens days 16 Sure on High thou do'st them set That their fall may be more great In a moment they come down Headlong in destruction 17. O those Horrours that possess Their sad Souls who can express Sins like Furies on each hand In most dreadful Forms do stand 18. Thou shalt make their Shaddow fly In the twinkling of an Eye Riches Pleasures and their All Vanish and to nothing fall 19. Then what Folly was 't in me To conceive a slight from thee Like a Beast to show dislike VVhen thy Rod did friendly strike 20. For thou had'st a careful Eye Over me partic'larly Free from danger did I stand By thine All-protecting hand 21. Thou shalt me most safely lead Through those troubles which I dread Bringing me to great Renown And a never-fading Crown 22. Than thy Self I do not know Any God that can do so Thou the God art whom I love Other Gods I don't approve 23. For I find thou ever art VVhen Afflictions seize my Heart Always to me a strong Fort Whereunto I may resort 24. As for those who put their trust In another 't is but just That they should for ever dye For their base Apostacy 25. But for me I will adhere Lord to thee while I am here And excite Men to a Sense Of thy gracious Providence PSALM 49. HEar all ye People my Discourse will be A Meditation fit for each degree I 'll treat of Wisdom that both Rich and Poor May gather Knowledg from her immense Store When Death and the Distempers of old Age Knock at my Door to leave this earthly Stage Wherefore should I repine and show more Love To this low Mansion than that blest above Where I shall far more lasting Treasures find In value greater than those left behind They who in Riches trust and do adore Within their Iron-Shrines their Idol Oar Cannot with it themselves or others save From the close Hug of the respectless Grave Riches were never known to have that strength To rescue Men from Death they must at length Turn to their Mother Earth from whence they all Had their first Birth and back again must fall The VVise this Fate as well as Brutish have Death takes not one and doth the other leave Yet do these Wretches live as if they were Exempt in this same Doom to bear a share They heap up Riches but their Treasures will Fly from their own and others Coffers fill For dye they must and when they dye who knows But all their Stores go to enrich their Foes Yet their Possessions by their Names they call And fondly think their Dwellings firmly shall Last while the World remains their Heirs we see Have the same thoughts of their Posterity But Death will come where in the Grave that hold They all must lye as Flocks together fold Until the Resurrection of the Just Who with the Lord that day in Judgment must Help to condemn them Lord I hope that Morn Thou wilt my Temples with a Crown adorn As for the Honours and the large encrease Of the Ungodly and his short-liv'd peace None should be troubled for that dismal night In which he sets his Glories take their flight Though while he liv'd he thought himself most blest And said unto his Soul ' Soul take thy rest ' For I have laid me up a lasting Store ' Of Wealth Honour which the World adore ' These high will raise me on the Wings of Fame ' And give me here a never-dying Name ' But when Death comes in that same needful day ' These like deceitful Friends will slip away ' Nor can they as thou think'st an Arch of praise ' Upon their Airy-Bottoms for thee raise ' Nothing but heav'nly Wisdom can ensure ' Praises unto thy Name which shall endure ' Wisdom which for the future doth take care ' And seeks for Treasures which immortal are ' Man that in Honour in Wealth doth grow ' And understands not whence these Blessings flow ' Than the dumb Beasts doth no more Wisdom show Such Fools as he shall never have a sight Of those eternal Joys of the upright PSALM 78. ATtend ye Sons of Jacob I 'le unfold To you those Parables our Fathers told To us that we should to our Children show What mighty deeds God did for Isr'el do That all succeeding Ages may sing forth His noble Acts the greatness of his Worth This duty God did lay on Israel And strictly charge they should their Children tell That Generations which were yet unborn Might know the wondrous-Work of their return And not his Mercies and his Judgments scorn And like their Fathers slight his easie Yoke Contemn this God and other Gods invoke The Ephramites well Arm'd with Swords and Bows Able to Conquer fled before their Foes And why they did forsake their chiefest stay Forgot the Wonders done the other day How God had brought them out of Pharoah's Land From their hard Tasks by his All-conqu'ring hand The Sea divided and the Waters round As Bulwarks stood they past through on dry ground A Cloud did Vail them as they walk'd by day I' th' night a Firy-Pillar show'd the way He water'd them as Shepheards do their Flocks Not in hew'n-Cisterns but from unhew'n Rocks Streams from those craggy-Pyramids did flow And step by step did with his Isr'el go Yet still they murmur'd as they did before And with fresh Sins provok'd him more more They quarrell'd God and did his care distrust They ask'd for Meat not for their wants but Lust Can God say they here furnish us a Table Of Flesh and Bread he can't he is not able 'T is true he quench'd our thirst from yonder Rock But where 's the Flesh to feed his hungry Flock When God heard this his wrath like Fire did burn His long-try'd Mercy did to anger turn Because they disbeliev'd what he had done And gave no credence to 's Salvation Though he had shown such tokens of his Love By op'ning all the Clouds of Heav'n above And raining Manna that they all might eat That heav'nly-Bread he gave them for their Meat He fill'd and fed them with the Angels Food And as the Waters when they make a Flood Come tumbling down so Flesh showr'd on the ground Vast heaps of Quails did all their Camps surround Yet though at their requests he sent this Meat They disbelieve him still and murm'ring eat Then was his Anger kindled and the Chief Of all their Tribes he slew for disbelief Though Plagues throughout their Camps like Lightning run Their hearts were stubborn and they would not turn But still they Sinn'd and sinning did declare They'd not believe in vain his Wonders were Therefore their Rebel-lives he made them waste In that same place but two escap'd at last But when exemplar punishments did fall They then return'd and on their God did call Then they acknowledg'd that they were his Flock He was their Saviour and their mighty Rock Their Tongues did
Sion in Prayer to God 1. BE mindful thou of all our Woes whose Throne In Heaven is on our reproach look down 2. The Land thou gav'st us to Possess is Till'd By Heathens and our Houses with them fill'd 3. No King we have our Cities all are left As mournful Widows of their Loves bereft 4. We can't fetch Water from the Chrystal Spring Nor Fuel get unless its price we bring 5. Our Necks are with a grievous Bondage prest Wearied we are and can obtain no rest 6. We have for Bread implored Egypts Aid And a firm League with wicked Ashur made 7. Our Fathers have transgrest and are no more We their Transgressions and our own have bore 8. Servants have rul'd and had o're us command None would us free from their imperious Hand 9. We ran the hazard of our lives for Meat Because the Sword around did for us wait 10. Our Skin did black as is the Oven look Because lank-Famine rag'd in ev'ry nook 11. They forc'd the Wives in Sion and in wild And burning Lust their lovely Maids defil'd 12. They hang'd our Princes up and had no care To honour them who Priests or Aged were 13. They made the Young-Men labour at the Mill With weighty Burdens did the Children kill 14. No Law-dispensing-Elder now doth sit In Sions Gate nor 's Musick heard in it 15. The Joy and Pleasure of our Heart is fled Our Daunce we now in mournful Measures Tread 16. The State and glory of our Realm is gone Wo to us for our Sins have it undone 17. For this our Hearts are Faint our Griefs increase And for these things our Eyes ne're Weeping cease 18. But chiefly for that Sion fam'd of Old To be thy Joy is now the Foxes hold 19. But why O Lord thou sole Eternal One Who hast an everlasting settled Throne 20. Do'st thou so long forget and leave us here And to our Out-cries wilt not lend an Ear 21. Turn thou Lord and we shall turned be And let us have the Days we once did see 22. But thou hast cast us off thine angry look Shows that thou hast thy Sion quite forsook CONCLVSION THus hath my Pen through various Troubles past Traverst the Woes of Sion and at last Unto the end of her Complaint is come Grant that our Sion may not find her Doom In Thee we hope in Thee we Trust alone To thee we fly save us Thou Mighty One This Favour from our Princes can't be had Thou only can'st preserve and make us glad A Prayer for the Church ETernal God to whom all Knees shall bow Unto whose goodness we our Beings owe How have we all from thy Commandments Following our vain Imagination Hast thou not seen thy Mercies slighted all gone Thy Laws and Judgments in contempt to fall And heard how we with impious Mouths have said There is no God no God who hath us made I cannot Lord but tremble when I muse On these our fearful Sin nor can I chuse But burst into a sad and doleful Cry What merit we for our Impiety We here deserve to feel thy heaviest Doom And those eternal Flames i' th' World to come But thou who art an ever gracious God To anger slow unwilling with thy Rod To grieve the Sons of Men who ready art Fully to pardon the returning heart But a consuming Fire that will burn The Soul that will not be induc'd to turn Make us sincerely sorrowful for all Make us sincerely sorrowful for all Our crying Sins that for thy Vengeance call Forgive us all our secret and our known Transgressions which we against thee done And grant that we may willingly no more Provoke thy furious Wrath as heretofore And since our Hearts are in thy Hands O Lord Make them obed'ent to thy Will and Word Send into ev'ry Breast that peaceful Dove Thy holy and eternal Sp'rit of Love To rule and lead us in the way of Peace Whose end is everlasting Happiness That for the future there may not arise Amongst us baneful Animosities Be gracious to thy Church and scatter all That dayly seek and Plot to make her Fall Make them to perish in their strange device And never rise to work her Miseries But let thy Goodness and thy Mercies flow Upon her Head with her always go And since a dismal Cloud with frowning Brow Hovers o're thy despised Sion now O let thy Goodness a quick-piercing-Ray Send down and chase this direful Cloud away That it upon her may not fall and we For our Offences thereby Ruin'd be But chiefly Lord we here do thee invoke To save her from Romes hateful hellish Yoke Let not that Man of Sin wh ' exalts his Throne Above the Powers that on Earth are known Subject her to his most imperious Sway And make her to his Avarice a Prey Infat'ate his Designs and on him lay The Mischiefs purpos'd to Her day by day Cover with thy out-stretched Wings the Great And Gracious Sov'raign of our Church State In spight of those who rage and cursing stand To see the Scepter flourish in his Hand Preserve his sacred Life and make them all Who seek his Ruine by his Hand to fall Here Crown him with a long and blessed Peace And when he Dyes with endless Happiness Bless likewise those who at thy Altar serve Grant that their Lips may right'ous Truths preserve Let both their Lives and Doctrins be sincere And let them like the Stars shine bright and clear Bless all inferiour Ministers of State Fill them with wholsome Justice in the Gate Let well weigh'd Judgment from their Mouths proceed And not the name of Friend or Foe to heed Be good to all thy People ev'ry where And keep them in thy Faith and in thy Fear Convert the unconverted make us all To own one Shepheard and to know his Call Then we thy People who to thee belong From day to day will with a thankful Song Set forth thy Praise and to the World declare How great thy Goodness and thy Mercies are POEMS ON SEVERAL Occasions By the same Hand LONDON Printed by R. E. for R. Bentley and M. Magnes in Russel-Street in Covent-Garden 1680. Poems on several Occasions The Sinners Wish AH could I Lord at thy blest Hands Receive a Freedom from my Bands From killing Sins and worldly-Cares From future Torments dismal Fears Were I as certain of thy Love As Angels that enjoy 't above Beauty with her bewitching-Smiles VVhich Fetters Millions with her Wiles Should ne're embrace me in her Arms I 'de stand unconquer'd at her Charms Those wealthy Treasures of the Shoar The costly Gems the glitt'ring Oar These I 'de contemn upon this score That I might Heavens Treasures know And when I dye may thither go Say Lord the Word and 't shall be so On Lazarus rais'd Lord THe Grave obey'd Deaths Bands did fall Asunder at thy pow'rful Call And all those faithless Lookers on Beheld his Resurrection Such charming Rhet'rick's in thy Voice The Dead Revive the