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A20939 Coales from the altar; or Foure religious treatises to kindle deuotion in this colde age. Written in French by Mounsieur du Moulin: and translated into English by N.M. Du Moulin, Pierre, 1568-1658.; Metcalfe, Nicholas. 1622-1623 (1623) STC 7318; ESTC S118640 76,812 278

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the Soule liueth to God and followeth the Lambe filled with the fulnesse of the presence of the Lord. And as one may obserue of those that sleepe very soundly yet if they be but called by their Names they will rise vp in astonishment so Iesus Christ at the last day shall call all the faithfull and they shall suddenly awake and come out of the Graue euen as he raised Lazarus when hee did rise after hee had called him by his name We may also say that after sleepe we finde refreshment our strength renewed so after death our strength shall be renewed with another kinde of vigour then euer we had before Briefly as the profound sleepe of Adam brought him forth a Wife so our death will bring vs neare vnto Iesus Christ our true Espouse who marrieth vs in Righteousnesse and Mercy for there is nothing but peace in Heauen in earth nothing but confusion Neare vnto the earth are Windes and Raine and heat after colde but high vp in the ayre nothing moueth So what peace must that be in Heauen where the King of peace himselfe raigneth and where the blessed spirits ioyne their Songs and affections to praise serue God with a holy Harmony Of the peace of the Blessed the faithfull feele here a kinde of taste which is the peace of Conscience giuing them repose euen vpon the torture which sustaineth Martyrs maketh them easily digest pouertie and misery by the inward contentment they feele in the loue of God to be reconciled vnto him through Iesus Christ For euen as a man that is in health will sleepe vpon a Bench but he that is sicke of the Stone cannot rest vpon a Bed euen so the tranquility of conscience maketh a man content amidst the incommodities of this life but the wicked in prosperitie finde no rest Doe you thinke it strange that Iacob slept quietly albeit he had but a stone for his Pillow seeing that God spoke to him sleeping and shewed him the gate of Heauen opened I thinke Ionas had more rest in the Whales belly then Iezabel in her bed or Nabuchadnezzar vpon his Throne whereof the Apostle in the 4. of the Phil. calleth the peace of Conscience the peace of God and saith that it passeth all vnderstanding Whereupon I gather that if the first Pastes and sparkes of eternall peace surpasse all vnderstanding how much more then the full repose and full peace with eternall contentment The faithfull seruants of God hauing but halfe dipped in the end of the finger into this Hony as Ionathan did had their eyes enlightened and with this sweetnesse ouercome the bitternesse of death and Saint Paul before he dyed tasted of this glory being rauished in spirit into the third heauens when hee came to speake of these things hee said that these are things which is not lawfull to expresse and putting his finger in his mouth glorifyeth himselfe in his infirmities and in his approbriousnesse for the name of Christ And Dauid in the 80. Psalme asketh in this life al the contentment that a man can haue in this world in asking That God would shine vpon him with the clearenesse of his face and yet this clearenes commeth from a-farre It is but like a little Raye of the Sunne shining through a little hole into a darke plaee what will this be then when the day shall shine all out so cleare and that God will shine clearely vpon vs so neare that he will shew his face vnto vs which no man did euer see and liue as God saith to Moses Many giue money for olde Coines and the formes of the buildings of auncient times but how much would a man giue to see the persons of those times and how much more would a man giue to see Abraham Isaack Iacob Dauid the Prophets and the Apostles To see the least of them you would trauaile a thousand leagues and how much more then would you giue to see all to see them all and all free from sinne and infirmitie such as they are in the Kingdome of God And how much more then aboue all the rest to see this Iesus Christ which is declared in the word and figured by the Sacraments who hath suffered all euill for vs who descended vpon earth for to raise vs vp to heauen who took vpon him our flesh to cloathe vs with his holy spirit who made himselfe the sonne of Man to make vs the Children of God who suffered death to giue vs life who daily receiueth our prayers presenteth them to God sendeth his Angels from aboue and maketh his blessings daily fall downe vpon vs your eyes see it which is declared vnto you amongst the troubles and throngs of this world you see it in the peace which Simeon did waite for Truely we doe but lightly esteeme these things a humane spirit moueth but with one wing we haue a greater desire vnto it then capacity to vnderstand it For wee ought to be more occupied in keeping on the high way to come to this peace then in the contemplation of the excellencie thereof We shall know it one day now let vs striue onely to tend that way This thought putteth another into my minde and maketh me admire many persons who know and beleeue these things and yet are not once moued therewith who knowing the truth being in their decrepit age and in the bed of death yet notwithstanding feare to confesse God for the displeasure of men they would willingly say with Simeon Lord now let thy seruant depart in peace but the feare of men hindreth them from making their peace with God what hope they for or what feare they in this world who for an houre of life that they yet haue in this world would lose eternall life who to please men in dying would displease God after death There is certainely besides hardnesse and rebellion a blindnesse and an euident folly Some will say this peace is to be wished for I aspire to it euen with all my heart but the way to come thereto is very hard to finde out the passage to death is dolorous fearefull and Sathan lyeth in Ambush euen in the way and all the feare and feeblenesse and sorrow that is there is purposely placed to intrap a man in such extremitie it is a good thing to be dead but a grieuous thing to dye I confesse that death is very terrible in nature Men care to dye when they can deferre it no longer Many cut off Legges and Armes to saue the rest and are very glad so to liue with the one halfe of their body there are many troubled with the stone that resolue to be cut and although the combat be great yet they hope to escape but if they were assured to die they would resolue to be twenty yeares tormented Neuerthelesse he saith that death is not so terrible as they make it principally to the faithfull which are prepared for it It is not death that is so grieuous but the
lesse for without repentance hee will be confessed to our wofull condemnation that he forgetteth nothing and therefore in all feare let vs apply our members to righteousnesse and with S. Paul Rom. 12.1 1 Pet. 1.18 19. Psal 13.4 Let vs offer our bodies as a liuing sacrifice holy pleasing to God which is our reasonable seruice Let vs sleepe no longer in our vaine conuersation from whence we are redeemed neither with gold nor siluer but with the precious bloud of the Sonne of God And now let vs awake let vs awake I say to sanctification and newnesse of life lest that it should proue the fearefull slumber of eternall death Let not the world nor the things of the world any longer hinder our affections to constraine our continuance in this horrible hypocrisie being content with the condition which it hath pleased the Lord to call vs vnto Rom. 3. seeing that all things turne to good to those that feare God So that pouerty when it findeth vs may not affright vs nor persecution astonish vs when wee must beare it for the name of the Eternall but let vs suffer with Christ cheerefully to the end to reigne with him eternally And let not the workes of the worldly which are seruile euer trouble vs nor any thing no not the very losse of life may make vs decline from the way of the Lord for S. Paul saith Rom. 8.18 The sufferings of the time present are not worthy to be compared to those blessings which are to come which are reserued for vs in Christ which S. Paul Philip. 1.21 saith It is not only gaine for vs to liue but to die and hereafter let vs not run to any vnlawfull meanes but only to God Eccles 11.14 who giueth blessings and curses life and death pouerty and riches and who I say hath so loued vs that he hath giuen his only Sonne to die for vs Rom. 8.3 will he suffer vs to want those things that are infinitely lesse No he will let vs want nothing that is fitting for our good his eye watcheth ouer them alwayes that feare him and trust in him for he is our strength our hope and our sure fortresse and let vs chase away all vanitie and cast away the foolish cursed confidence which wee ordinarily haue in the arme of man and in riches and from henceforth let vs not looke for any other thing in all the rest of our pilgrimage but to glorifie God and to edifie our neighbours putting our whole trust in him as Dauid did Psalme 40.4 Blessed is the man that maketh the Lord his trust and respecteth not the proud nor such as turne aside to lies Let vs renounce our owne wisdome which is but follie for so the Spirit of God calleth it Isaiah 5.2 Woe vnto them that are wise in their owne eies and prudent in their owne sight and let vs no longer thinke our felicitie dependeth in the desires of the flesh which is the all in all of bruit beasts who die together both in soule and body but that there is a soueraigne and eternall good for those that walke in the feare of the Lord let vs esteeme this aboue all other things knowing that the world and the desires of it vanish away and that all the glory of man is like the flower of the grasse which is fallen but the word of God remaineth for euer and therefore let vs say with Dauid Psal 62. That our soule only reposeth in God for from him only is our saluation euery day remembring this prayer Psalme 90. O Lord teach vs to number our daies that we may apply our hearts vnto wisdome waiting for the full enioying of all the benefits which are purchased for vs by the Death and Resurrection of Iesus Christ to the participation of this eternall beatitude and of the vnion which we haue by him in God to whom only wise only powerfull infinite and our only Creator be all honor and glory world without end through Iesus Christ his only Sonne and our only Sauiour who in the vnitie of the Holy Ghost liueth and reigneth with him eternally Amen The Almighty power of God and his will Wherein is declared how the Almightie power of God and of his will ought to rule our faith in the receiuing of the holy Sacrament TO binde vs to beleeue the Transubstantiation of bread with the bodie of Iesus Christ our aduersaries set before vs the Almightie power of God who they say hath wrought as great miracles whereupon wee say That vse wee ought to make of the Almightie power of God is to beleeue that hee will doe all which hee hath promised in his word but not to beleeue all that wee would imagine By that way one may defend the most false and absurd things in the world in saying that God is powerfull enough to doe it The power of God is not the rule of our religion but his will For to know if the bread of the Eucharist becommeth flesh and transubstantiateth it selfe into the bodie of Iesus Christ one must not begin with the consideration of the Almightie power of God but wee must first informe our selues of his will in his word And if wee finde that God will haue it so we must beleeue it without all difficultie First we learne in the Gospell that Iesus Christ hauing taken the bread gaue it He gaue bread then But it is not giuen vntill after the Consecration Also we finde that Iesus Christ giuing this bread said This is my bodie And to shew that that which he gaue was his bodie hee addeth that it is done in remembrance of him For ordinarily the Scripture calleth the remembrance or representatiue signe of any thing of name with that it signifieth and representeth in the same manner as when we say This is the King when wee see but the portrait If then this Sacrament be the commemoration of Iesus Christ it is not Iesus Christ himselfe for a man cannot bee the remembrance of himselfe This appeareth cleerely by that which is added For Iesus Christ giuing the cup said This cap is the new Testament in my bloud From whence it appeareth that this cup is not the bloud of Iesus Christ for the bloud of Iesus Christ is not in the bloud of Iesus Christ and so cannot hee bloud of his bloud If I say that Baptisme is the new Testament in the bloud of Iesus Christ by consequence I say that Baptisme is not the bloud of Iesus Christ So Iesus Christ saying that the cup is the Testament in his bloud also verie cleerely saith that the cup is not his bloud And euen as a man doth not find it strange that Iesus said that the cup is an alliance although the cup nor that which is within is not transubstantiated into an alliance but only is the Sacrament of the alliance of Iesus Christ so we may not finde it strange if Iesus Christ giuing the bread hath said that it was his bodie although it bee not
seeing that hee hath seene the beginning of the Kingdome of God which was all hee could see vpon earth for to himselfe he saide is Iesus Christ come so farre from the very highest Heauens to visite me wherfore shoul-not I goe before him and how sweet will death be now vnto mee hauing seene him who is come to take away all malediction You may say peraduenture that this good man made too great haste first for it was sufficient for Christian constancy to attend euils without hastening them and to forbeare vntill they fall of themselues Secondly that it is a losse for the Church that such a holy man as Simeon should bee taken from the world whose life was an edification to the Church Thirdly and that he abandoned his wife and his children in hauing no more care of them and his family Fourthly and in conclusion that Death is an euill which Iesus Christ himselfe as man feared hauing prayed that the Cup might passe from him and St. Peter was dragged to Martyrdome after a sort against his will They shal lead thee whither thou wouldest not Ioh. And Iesus Christ wept for the death of Lazarus although he had resolued to raise him vp againe First to this I answere the faithfull ought not to run to death but we ought to follow when God calleth Now God called Simeon and by the promise which was made that he should not dye vntill he had seene the Messias hee knew that his houre was come Secondly many say that the death of a holy man is a losse to the Church I answere that God preserueth those that he will employ for the seruice thereof as Iesus Christ said when the Souldiers held him If you seeke for me let these goe for he would employ them if he meane to take any away he will find other meanes to perfect his worke Moses did bring the people out of Egypt and led Israel forty yeares euen to the very border and conquered some part of the land beyond Iorden yet dyed euen at the very entrance thereof but God raised Iosuah to whom he gaue strength to effect it Dauid had proiected the building of of the Temple and gathered together the materials and made choise of the place but God would not that he should lay the foundation but ordained Salomon for that worke It is the worke of God to the which hee prouideth workemen alwayes according to his prouidence Thirdly may another say but he abandoned his wife his children and family This which seemeth to be a kind of cruelty is farre better then all clemency that smothereth all naturall affection to obey God which was the cause that made Abraham resolute to sacrifice his sonne which made the Leuites draw their swords against their brethren and kindred for to obey the commandements of God Simeon at his death was resolued to obey him and to refuse his family to follow God Besides hee knew his family in this affliction wanted no consolation for it might comfort and arme it selfe with these considerations How vainely would we resist the will of God and kicke against the prickes God is wise and doth all for the best and for causes onely knowne to himselfe Life is not giuen vs in propriety but lent vs the Terme is not according to our desires but according to his ordinance We make vp our account amisse and thinke we enioy our life as if it were our owne or else we doe not looke that God should take it way so soone by which meanes the most of the sorrow proceedeth not from the nature of the euill it selfe but from our selues and our carelesnesse and want of attendance The Holy Scripture saith thereupon very well That hee hath rendred his spirit Dauid saith I render my soule into thy hands for thou hast bought me What would this word of render my soule signifie but onely to shew vnto vs that God demaundeth nothing but that which belongeth vnto him as Saint Luke 12. saith To morrow shall thy soule be asked for and principally those whom Iesus Chirst hath bought with his blood and precious sufferings When hee calleth vs away hee doth like the buyer that would haue that hee paide for And wee ought to say with Dauid I render my soule into thy hands for thou hast bought it and hast bought it not to enrich thy selfe but to better it It will be well done in our dolours and domesticke sorrowes to looke vpon others and to behold the ruine of their Countryes and Cities So many battels where fifty thousand men haue beene slaine where so many Cities haue beene destroyed where Kings haue beene slaine in the middle of the Army or amiddest their triumphs and wee shall finde our owne miseries indifferent tollerable in comparison of theirs hauing cause to accuse our selues of delicacy liuing but too effeminately especially when we come to beholde the wounds of the Church the forepast massacres with the executions burnings of so many faithfull people in the Kingdome of Sathan vnder the which the Church breatheth so hardly then I say if we be disposed as we should be we will be much more grieued with such a generall misery then with our owne particular for it is but of small importance to haue domesticke euils in our owne house in comparison of the miseries that the world doth suffer It is a small matter when God taketh one of his seruants from the world in comparison of the streetes when they runne with the blood of the faithfull massacred by blasphemous and bloody villaines You who are constant in publike afflictions where God is blasphemed wherefore should you be carelesse in particular that dwell where Gods name is called vpon wherefore should you be so sensible for your domesticall grieuances and so insensible of the wounds of the Church If any sorrow more for the losse of their owne then for the affliction of the Church I say his teares is cruell against the Church and it is a signe of his little zeale to the glory of God When Sathan holdeth the Church by the throate we should be glad to comfort it Yet in the affliction of our familie wee grow so passionate that we reiect all consolation although with drie eyes we can be content to see for the publike good millions of people thronging downe to Hell and if God take away from amongst vs a soule hee loueth or if he take away a wife or a sonne or a husband then we loose all constancy and our fashion is to murmure against him It is very necessary that these domesticke sorrowes be mastred by a greater power and that the zeale to the house of God may command vs and possesse vs as Dauid in the 66. Psalme saith The zeale of thy house hath eaten me Aboue all we faile in our Teares for when we haue seene a friend die that was deare vnto vs and seene him die the death of the righteous with a holy ioy and goe out of this world like
one that goeth out of prison that is to say with cheerefulnesse and assurance of saluation yet neuerthelesse wee make too much lamentation for him which is wrong to Iesus Christ as if his children were with him in misery it is also a wrong to the deceased for if wee should but taste a few drops and behold but the sparkles of the glory and contentment which they receiue with God we would say our teares are iniurious and wherfore should we enuy their repose Doubtlesse if our tears could bring him againe we ought not to doe it for they would say Wherefore hast thou troubled our rest and brought our soules againe into this filthinesse and put vs againe into the combat after the victory They had rather that we would prepare our selues to goe to them and that we will thinke they are not lost but gone before vs and let our chiefe worke bee to prepare our selues to dye instead of mourning for them and turne our mourning with a holy feare into a holy care and deepe contemplation And indeed the reason why God so soone taketh from vs those we so much affect is that hee would haue a pledge of vs in taking the one halfe of our selues vnto him to the end we may so dispose of our selues that he may also haue the rest and that all our desires may runne that way in so much that there be nothing in the house nor in the chambers nor moueables nor bookes whereof the dead was owner but that it may aduertise vs to be dissolued and in good time whilest it is day-light to dispose of our Soules euer thinking to goe the same way and to follow that currant These thoughts ought to change our sorrowes and desires and turne our mindes from the memory of euils past towards the blessings to come and to change sadnesse into hope and forepast euils into aduertisements to come Yet notwithstanding I find it sometimes very fit to be sorrowfull but with such a kinde of respect as it be alike for those that are without as for those that are at home When God taketh any that was an example of vertue and that was of speciall worth in the Church we ought to say God is angry hee maketh a breach in his house this world was vnworthy of so great vertue it presageth our miserie as the death of Iosias was presently followed with the Captiuity of Babylon or like the death of S. Augustine after which presently succeeded the ruine of the citie where he was Bishop For the life of this good man stayed the iudgement of God and was a kinde of Rampart to the Church Also Elizeus althogh he were old feeble hauing nothing but a staffe to vphold his weaknesse yet neuerthelesse it serued Israel for an entire Army which is called by King Ioram The Chariot of Israel disarmed and his men of War As if he should haue saide that by his death Israel was disarmed and all the force it had quite taken away For euen as we see Swallowes remoue their yong from an olde house that is like to fall euen so the soules of the Saints flie from this earth here below before the ruine thereof This kinde of dolour is healed with feare and the euill that one feareth is cured by amendment of life and the death of the faithfull shall then greatly profit if with the sorrow we learne to forme our selues by the example of the deceased I thinke good Brethren that such thoughts as these possessed the kindred and friends of Simeon by which they were not onely comforted in his death but also instructed and edified But as for Simeon how doe you thinke he prepared himselfe to dye and with what resolution did he goe before His prayer to God sufficiently sheweth when hee saide Lord now let thy seruant depart in peace Note well what hee saith Now without asking any delay He was prepared for it long before hauing nothing else to doe in the world but to die Like a Ship at Anchor which is already rigged and trimmed attending onely the wind at last it came and that winde was the Messias Hee is not the first seruant of God nor the last that desired to die Elias before him 1 Kings 19. said to God he was sorry to see the Idolatrie of Israel It is enough O Eternall now take my soule for I am no better then my Fathers And after him Saint Paul Phil. 1. I desire to be dissolued and to be with Christ And in another place I desire to dye and to be with Christ The end wherefore Simeon desired to dye was to enter into peace He calleth death a peace or a repose as Isaiah saith The iust is dead hee shall enter in peace they repose vpon their beds whosoeuer shall haue walked before him and so the spirit of God saith in the 14. of the Apoc. Blessed are they that dye in the Lord for they Now saith the spirit rest from their labours Also death is called a peaceable sleepe as in the 2. of Iohn Lazarus our friend sleepeth but I goe to awake him And Saint Stephen slept after he had said Lord Iesus receiue my spirit Daniel 12. saith That many of those that sleepe in the earth shall rise to eternall life It is the language of Heauen the stile of the heauenly Court and the saying of the word of God to call sleepe that which we call death from whence it commeth that the Church-yard where the dead are buried is called a Resting place or a sleeping place For first of all euen as we put off our cloathes before we goe to sleepe euen so our soules going to rest put off our bodies Secondly if we sleepe quietly we must put off all care and lay it vnder the Pillow euen so to dye quietly and peaceably wee must put off all care and earthly thoughts and hauing disposed of our House as God said to Ezechias for the best Will you can make leaue your Soule to God who shall not be more rich but you shall be more happy Himselfe dying left his Purse to Iudas his Body to the earth but left his Soule to his Father for of that was his onely care Also euen as those that are sober and liue orderly sleepe with quietnesse but disordered people and Drunkards rest with terrour and griefe euen so shall they dye peaceably and religiously who haue so liued but those that haue liued disorderly and like Swine are in danger to dye wofully and lamentably And euen as the King Assuerus when he could not sleepe called for his Chronicle that after the reading thereof he might take rest so ought the faithfull during their liues exercise themselues in the reading of the holy Scripture which is the History and the lawes of the hand of their Father and to sleepe thereupon in a peaceable and sweet death And as in sleepe the body is vnmoueable but the soule moueth and exerciseth so whilst the Body remaineth in death
things thereto belonging He that feareth God hath wherewithall to sustaine him in these trials for it is then that God assisteth all those that call vpon him call vpon mee in thy necessitie and I will heare thee and what greater Necessitie can there be then death Hee that giueth his Angels charge to defend those that liue in his feare how can he abandon those that dye calling vpon him Hee that openeth his eye ouer the prosperity of the wicked can hee haue his eare shut to the sighes of the good that call vpon him in their extremitie and although Sathan espie him the Angels watch ouer him to whom our defence is committed and besides Sathan is enchayned with a chayne both great and strong which is called the prouidence of God hauing his Head wounded to death and the souldiers that he setteth to assaile vs which are sorrow and the figure of death their Armes and weapons are no better then strawes and pinnes against the faith of the faithfull Some say the Diuell appeared to a dying man and shewed him a Parchment that was very long wherein was written on euery side the sinnes of the poore sicke man which were many in number and that there were also written the Idle words he had spoken which made vp three quarters of the words that hee had spoken in his life together with the false words the vnchaste words and the words of iniurie afterwards came in rancke his vaine and vngodly words and lastly his actions digested according to the Commandements whereupon Sathan said Seest thou Behold thy vertues see here what thine examination shall be Whereunto the poore sinner answered It is true Sathan but thou hast not set downe all for thou shouldest haue added and set downe here below The bloud of Iesus Christ cleanseth vs from all our sinnes and this also should not haue bin forgotten That whosoeuer beleeueth in him shall not perish but haue euerlasting life there are none so feeble as the Diuell nor so cowardly when he is to assaile a true Christian onely name Iesus Christ and hee flyeth a way for he wayteth but for the day when hee shall be bound in chaynes and cast into the bottomlesse pit which made him say to Iesus Christ art thou come to torment me before my time And he praied Iesus Christ that he would not send him into the Abisme If we haue the eyes of Faith open we shal not need to feare death but outface her make our selues familiar with her for shee annoyeth none but those that shee surprizeth and we likewise loue her like one that openeth the Prison doore to those that are in durance Euen as if the Children which come out of the Mothers wombe should haue some reason they would not weepe but reioyce to come out of such a noysome and obscure place to see the Sunne Euen so if our soules were instructed as they ought to be and had true reason they would not be sorry to goe out of the prison of the Body to come into the light of God for this issue is another Byrth whereof we ought not to be amazed if it be done with some sorrow it is a meanes to enter into the light For in the auncient Church the day of the celebration of the death of the Martyrs was called the day of Natiuity Let him feare death who hopeth not for life let him feare death who would not goe to Iesus Christ let him feare death that is a slaue to his Belly and to gormundizing but as for me Christ is gaine to me to liue and die Euen then when Iesus Christ was resolued to dye Peter disswaded him but Christ replyed Get thee behinde mee Sathan euen so wee checke the flesh which filleth vs with feares for it knoweth nothing of the things of God Now you see death which was common to vs is now become fauourable she is nothing fearefull but in shew for life is hidden vnder the Image of death as if one should send vs a faire present by a deformed Blackamore so God by the hand of hideous death presenteth vnto vs the heauenly life It is that pale terrible Horse which is spoken of in the 6. of the Apocalyps which is called Death wherupon we must get vp to goe to God It is the passage of the Red sea which is very fearefull to walke amongst the swelling waues that hang ouer the head but by that God opened the passage to the promised land It is the Lyon of Sampson out of the carrion whereof they got Honie as Sampsons companions said That out of that which was bitter came forth sweetnesse Indeede there is nothing more bitter then death when it is accompanied with the malediction of God when it carrieth with it a terrour of conscience an oppression of heart a trembling of the soule when it feeleth it selfe summoned to appeare before the iudgement seat of God but these things being taken away death is sweet and blessed for Iesus Christ hath borne our malediction and hath suffered all the deeds of the Iudgement of God nothing now remaining but onely so much euill as is needfull to open the gate for the soule to depart and be at liberty and this little sorrow that must be endured is not long lasting wonderfull little in regard of our sinnes light in comparison of the torments of hell which we haue deserued light in comparison of the sufferings of Christ Iesus light in comparison of the infinite glory and eternall waight of heauenly glory which stayeth for vs flesh is feeble but the spirit of God fortifyeth it mightily suffereth vnder sorrow but an Angell dryeth vp the droppes of bloud and Iesus Christ sheweth the Crowne You may say vnto mee This is true but wherefore is it that God will haue the death of the faithfull so full of dolour It is because hee will haue vs feele sinne still to dwell in vs seeing wee perceiue the effects doe shew it also hee will by these sorrowes make vs feele what the grace is that he hath done vs in deliuering vs from eternall death seeing that our death is an easie short and sweet death in comparison of euerlasting torments he would haue vs in dying pray ardently which sorrow serueth to inlighten our prayers quickned with the violency thereof and enforced by Necessity he knoweth that one cannot come out of an euill without euill he will not haue vs enter into this peace without combat and resistance All this good commeth by Iesus Christ who by his death hath taken the malediction from ours who hath changed our sepulchres into Couches our death into a peaceable sleepe and of the entry into Hell hath made it the entry into Paradise Shall we feare to enter into this prison after him Or to enter into death where he leadeth the way and holdeth vs by the hand I am saith he the resurrection and the life whosoeuer beleeueth in mee although he be dead shall liue This is the cause
also why Simeon after he desired to dye and called death a peace and a repose commeth to the cause of this assurance that is to say to Iesus Christ whom he calleth the saluation of God let saith he goe thy seruant in peace for mine eyes haue seene thy saluation that is to say the sauing health which thou offerest vnto vs and the onely meanes which thou hast ordained to saue vs. For it is he which is our Iesus because hee saueth the people from their sinnes It is he that God hath ordained for a propitiation by the blood of the Grosse and there is no other name vnder Heauen by which we can possibly be saued He is the Prince of life because we draw from him as from the fountaine of life euen as the foure first dayes of the Creation all was wholly light of it selfe but the fourth day God created the Sunne whereto he confined and placed all that that he had of light in the world that it might afterwards flow from the Sunne euen so all life is inclosed in Iesus Christ to the end that going to him wee may draw out of his fulnesse And euen as the Virgine vestals of the Pagans from whence proceedeth the Nunnes of these times had a continuall fire which if it happened by any mischance to goe out they might not giue it light againe but only from the Sun so our Naturall clearenesse and our life being extinguished by the sinne of Adam we cannot kindle againe but at the Sunne of Iustice which is our Lord Iesus Christ to whom belongeth that which is said in the 36. Psalme The Fountaine of life lyeth in thee and by thy clearenesse we see clearely It is saluation which is propounded in this Table which is Iesus Christ now offered vnto you Simeon embraced him in his armes but you imbrace him by faith Simeon saluted his birth in his infirmity but you adore and contemplate him in his glory Simeon came to dye besides his Cradle but you are made aliue by his kingdome Come neere vnto him with repentance receiue this meate with faith digest it with carefull meditation of the excellency of saluation make this saluation fruitfull and of sweet odour by your good works that dogs and swine come not neere to eate vp childrens bread prophane this holy Table I call them swine that wallow in the mire of their filthy pleasures who serue their belly more then God who liue of Gods gifts and looke not from whence they come like swine that eat Acornes and neuer looke vp to the Trees I call them swine likewise who do no good to any till they be dead who giue nothing whilest they are aliue and liue basely to dye Rich. I call those dogges which are iniurious in words who murmure against all men who byte the renowne of their neighbour who barke against God blasphemously and would wrong them that reproue and instruct them who after a little leauing of their vices returne to their vomitting againe With this company I ranke those that are negligent in participating of the holy Supper as an impertinent thing and loue not to declare the death of the Lord contemning the happy helpes which God hath ordained to strengthen faith Such people make their owne Inditements and in abstaining from the Lords Table acknowledge themselues vnworthy to be of his Houshold they will not receiue the body of the Lord and the Lord will not receiue their soules they contemne his Table and they shall not enter into his Kingdome As much or more are they to be blamed that know themselues stained with these things and yet not touched with repentance come without a holy purpose to doe better hereafter to take the Sacrament which is life and saluation to the faithfull but poyson and death to the vnbeleeuer and impenitent Doe you come to receiue the Sacrament of the Lord with prophane hearts Come you to take with hands full of Vsury and rapine the Body of the Lord Come you with riots and quarrels to receiue the assurance of your peace with God or with pride to declare the death of the Lord which is the miracle of Humiliation or to please men with curious apparell where onely your innocency ought to appeare before God But for you that are broken-hearted and displeased in your selues this Table is prepared Doe not say I am too great a sinner to come neere it for that is the cause wherefore thou oughtest to come neere for the more one is sicke so much more need is there of the Physition Iesus Christ is not come to saue the Iust but to call sinners to repentance onely be displeased with your selues to haue offended God and desire to amend and to doe better and aske helpe at Gods hands to assist you to this Combat He is sufficiently acceptable to God who is displeased with himselfe He is of the most perfect who acknowledging himselfe Imperfect seeketh his perfection in Iesus Christ whose righteousnesse is imputed vnto vs. The faithfull will haue fallings and weaknesses but he will alwayes returne againe Hee will reioyce in trembling Psalme 2. He will gather on in his way in stumbling He will say I beleeue but helpe my vnbeliefe This Sacament is a meanes to sustaine this feeblenesse a restoratiue for spirituall failings a succour to a combatted faith to the end that you representing this saluation and this grace you say I am lost and miserable and haue merited death but behold God calleth me and offereth me his grace and Redemption hee is no mocker and his vocation cannot be frustrated yet neuerthelesse I goe bathed with the teares of a holy sorrow powring at his feet this precious liquour of repentance and I doe assure my selfe hee will haue mercy vpon mee because he hath so promised I trust in his promises amidst my afflictions and for all my sinnes I feare not but to find a full Consolation And so I goe on my way saying with Simeon Lord now let thy seruant depart in peace for mine eyes haue seen thy saluation FINIS A HEAVENLY ALARVM OR THE HOLY SPIrituall Awakening By Mounsieur du MOOLIN Minister of PARIS at CHARRENTON LONDON Printed by Iohn Hauiland for THOMAS PAVIER 1622. THE HOLY SPIRITVALL Awakening IT is too much still to goe on and grow old in vanitie let not the foolish affections of our carnall desires transport vs any further we loue the things here below but too well let vs estrange our selues from them and addresse our selues to heauen without frustrating it of that that belongeth vnto it the example of Creatures without reason euen without sense leadeth vs vnto this reason we see the water come out of the water returning againe to the water the earth drawne from the earth seeketh for the earth and so consequently euery thing tendeth to his place but wee which are borne for heauen flie from it The eternall Beatitude and the knowledge thereof is our beatitude which we possesse alreadie by the assurance
which promiseth afflictions to those that follow them as if it had beene to chase away the Hearer found it strange that Iesus Christ had sent Disciples that were Idiots to confound Philosophers poore Fishers for to establish him throughout a Kingdome also that the Gospell is hidden in tearmes very simple and without eloquence in a world where humane knowledges were in their height and humane eloquence was come vp to the top of perfection these things which seemed to be of so hard digestion to humane sence neuerthelesse being more carefully considered they are agreeable to wisedome and the power of God For to speake of the humilitie of the Incarnation of Iesus Christ the Sonne of God we need not thinke it strange although he were so humbled because he was come to satisfie for our pride seeing that man had so farre precipitated himselfe in desiring to make himselfe like vnto God it was needefull that God should make himselfe like vnto man for to saue him it was needfull that he should become man to dye and God for to vanquish and that hee might be infinite in riches because he was to pay an infinite debt As for the rest be not ye scandalized for the humilitie of his Birth but behold the star that then appeared the Angels that sung and Herode who was afraide If you thinke it strange that he was hungry of the other part behold how he fed fiue thousand people with a few loaues if it be a thing vnworthy for the King of Kings to pay Tribute to Cesar consider how he caused it to be paid with Fish Briefly saith the Apostle in the same Chapter and the fourth Verse Hee is dead but hee hath declared himselfe to be the Sonne of God c. And his diuine vertue appeared more euidently in his infirmitie euen as the splendor of a lightening appeareth better during the Night then at Noone-day We haue no cause to be offended that he would haue vs take vp his Crosse after him and prepare our selues for sufferings For what is there more iust then to be partaker of the afflictions of Christ seeing we desire to be partakers of his glory These are faire spots and an honourable opprobrie for to carry in his Body the wounds of our Lord Iesus Is it so great a matter to loose our goods for him that hath lost his life for our saluation to let fall our teares for him that hath lost his bloud to suffer corporall death for him that hath purchased eternall life for vs What matter is it to the faithfull whether hee loose his life by the mouth or by a wound if he dye of a Sword or a Feauer seeing he dyeth the death of the iust and that his soul enters into the promised repose with the Children of God Concerning the condition of the Apostles who were Fishers and Idiots it serueth to make Gods worke more admirable then did the vertue of the Lord appeare better when humane helpe failed To vanquish ignorance by knowledge is no admirable thing but to conuince the knowledge of wise men with the simplicitie of Idiots is a worke which none but God could doe who in an instant gaue to ignorant men the knowledge of all Tongues who changed the Barke of the Apostles into the Church their Fishes into Men their Nets into Sermons and of Saint Paul who was a Wolfe in an instant made him a Lambe and of a Lambe an excellent Shepheard to the end he should know that his vocation came not from Men but God Concerning scandale taken at the rudenesse and simplicity of the stile of the Gospell this simple stile is the stile of the Lawes which should loose their force if they were written with the flowers of Rhetoricke because that Kings will not shew their eloquence but their authoritie Also it is not reasonable to apparell a chaste Virgine in the fashion of a Strumpet nor to clothe heauenly wisedome in fantasticall and humane knowledge It may be you thinke that all this that is spoken is not spoken but against Persecutors and Tyrants or against Pagans and Infidels who striue to defame the Doctrine of the Gospell Let vs not abuse our selues for euen amongst our selues there are many to bee found that are ashamed of the Gospell of Christ How few are there amongst vs that reioyce in the Crosse of Iesus Christ who lay all their greatnesse at the feete of his Crosse and glorifie themselues in his approbic hold it for certaine that whosoeuer reioyceth more in his riches or in his noblenesse or in his honours then in the alliance of Iesus Christ not esteeming his true greatnesse to be one of the children of God through Iesus Christ such an one is ashamed of the Gospell of Christ Is it not too true that in Company and amongst our pleasures wee are ashamed of the Gospell of Christ for at any of these meetings who is he at any time that preferreth any speach of Religion tending to edification but if so happen hee haue any thought thereof feare presently conuerteth him least he should be thought to bring in an impertinent kinde of wisedome where men loue better to speake vnciuilly or filthily or any euill of his friend or Neighbour which truely declareth them to be ashamed of the Gospell of Christ But if these people should dwell in a Countrey where they should suffer persecution for the cause of the Gospell how quickely would they turne their backs on Christ For he that is ashamed of Iesus Christ amongst his friends how will he acknowledge him amongst his enemies Hee that in a garden or in company at Table dare not speake of Iesus Christ how dare he defend him being tortured or in the fire how can he sustaine aduersitie that is thus corrupt in prosperitie In like sort when a stormy winde bloweth vpon a Tree that is laden with fruits and rotten at the heart it presently falleth So when the winde of persecution getteth vp we see presently those which haue their hearts thus corrupted with hypocrisy or which hold not of Iesus Christ but by custome or for humane consideration how can they stand And thereupon when I read the History of Martyrs the vertue of whom euen at this day sustaineth our vices who in our Ancestors times haue beene so liberall of their bloud and so thirsty for Gods glory I finde that they dyed more willingly then wee now speake of the Gospell and that they powred out their bloud more willingly for the glory of God then we at this day spend our money for his seruice In such sort that if any one of those good seruants of God which haue planted the Church during persecution should now come againe he could not know his flocke but would be astonished how in so short a time they are so much degenerated He should finde riches encreased and zeale diminished more repose but much lesse vertue From whence it commeth that the Gospell is become odious and Popery insensibly
which hee hath put into his hands you shall perceiue it to increase and to multiply it selfe in your hands and the blessing of God to be poured out vpon your trauaile Seeing that the Gospell is the sauing-power of God let let vs take heed aboue all we take not away this efficacie by a wicked life contrary to our preaching For as the staffe of Elizeus had not the same vertue in the hand of Gehazi that it had in Elizeus hand so the instructions that are in the mouth of a man fearing God are full of force but in the mouth of a prophane Minister they haue no vertue at all and therefore the eternall hath said to the wicked Wherefore dost thou take my words in thy mouth And Iesus Christ commanded Sathan to hold his tongue when he cryed thou art the Christ the Sonne of God knowing that the Gospell in the mouth of the Diuell loseth the authority For the people will neuer truely beleeue the Pastor as long as they see him do the contrary and be like the Trumpets who incourage to the Combat and keepe themselues out of the Battaile or like him thar carrieth the Lantern and seeth the least How will you that the people should come to be sober and modest in apparell to be chast and holy in words if the Ministers be disordered sumptuous in apparell and contemners of the name of God How would you that the people should be turned from their idlenesse and from Theaters and vnchaste loues and lechery if the Pastor himselfe be giuen to it Wherefore as in the time of Heli the sacrificer because of the sinnes of his Children the Oblation was not accepted Euen so because of the vices of Preachers the people misprise Preaching For which cause howsoeuer eloquent and learned they be they cannot escape the Iudgement of God they shall be like the Carpenters which builded the Arke and yet were drowned in the floud or like the Tirrians Sidonians who furnished Salomon with Materials for the building of the Temple and yet notwithstanding were strangers of the house of God and his allyance In generall Brethren wee exhort you in the name of God and for the compassion of the Lord by the precious bloud of his allyance by the honour which you haue to be the Children of God for that you are desirous of Gods glory and your owne saluation that you cherish and esteeme the Gospell of Christ and not be carelesse of this grace of God to haue made shine in this Country so clearely the clearenesse of his Gospell for it is arriued in these quarters that which happened in Ierusalem then when the Law was hidden in the Temple and they thought it to be lost it was found againe and came to light As to the wise men who reioyced with great ioy at the sight of the blasing Starre which brought them to Iesus Christ As to Saint Iohn Apoc. 5. who wept that there was none found worthy to open the booke because of the seales but afterwards hee was comforted for that the Lambe of God which was also called the Lyon of the Tribe of Iuda came before and opened the booke to manifest to men the will of God You are of those to whom it was manifested with most clearenesse with least trouble and incommoditie But take heede that you be not of the number of those that Saint Iude speaketh of who turne the grace of God into dissolution and with Gods patience are become idle and negligent Take heed that the ease of the world do not make you forget what the Crosse of Christ is Know that although God exempt you to flie from your Countrey for the Gospel so it is that you ought to liue like Trauellers and Strangers on the earth for as much as God exempteth you from the Crosse that you ought to crucifie your flesh and mortifie euery affection Although you loose not your goods for Christs Gospell yet ought you to be ready to loose and to possesse as not possessing being charitable to the poore making you friends of vniust riches which will receiue you into euerlasting Tabernacles These things are represented vnto you by your Pastors with more Doctrine both of grace and familiarity But it is good that God bee glorified in euery tongue and that you acknowledge the ioy and delight which the Stranger Churches doe receiue of Gods benedictions poured out vpon you and the vnion which is betweene you in the same Doctrine and vnion of Faith The God of Heauen who hath giuen his Sonne for our Sauiour poure downe his graces from aboue vpon your gracious King inspire him more and more with holy resolutions for the good of his Church and conduct by his holy Spirit the Pastors of his flocke abundantly blesse the people which is chosen for his inheritance to the end that after hee shall bee serued of you to glorifie his Name in this world he may glorifie you in Heauen Amen FINIS THE COMFORT OF A Communicant Jn a Sermon made before the receiuing of the COMMVNION By Peter Moulin Minister in the Reformed Church at PARIS LONDON Printed by T.S. for Thomas Pauier and are to be sold at his shop in Iuie lane 1623. A SERMON made before the receiuing of the COMMVNION LVKE 2. VER 28.29.30 28 Simeon tooke the Child in his armes and blessed God and said 29 Lord now lettest thou thy seruant depart in peace according to thy Word 30 For mine eyes haue seene thy saluation YOV know that in all Contracts of Marriage there is speach of death but the alliance of Iesus Christ with vs is a spirituall marriage The contract of this marriage is that which we call the Gospell a Contract whereof the Apostles haue beene the Writers and Iesus Christ himselfe hath sealed it with his bloud Let it not seeme strange vnto you then if we speake of death to day and of the preparation to die because we are to speake vnto you of a contract of marriage and of our coniunction with the onely Sonne of the Eternall God For these Sacraments which wee administer vnto you at this Holy Table are kinds of assurances which serue vs as pledges of the assurance that Iesus Christ is ours Now although the consummation of this marriage shall not fully be made but in the kingdome of Heauen and that no man can enter in but at this gate which is called death which in times past was the gate of Hell but Iesus Christ hath altered and transported it from that place and hath made it the port of Heauen from whence it followeth that no man can thinke of Iesus Christ and our coniunction with him but he must also thinke of death There is nothing more neerely conioyned together then the promises of life and the preparation to death it is impossible for vs to thinke of Iesus Christ but presently we must thinke that by his death he hath taken away the bitternesse and malediction of death like vnto that wood
that being cast into the water of Mara it maketh it sweete and wholesome It is impossible to loue Iesus Christ as wee ought but presently this life must needs become vnpleasant which hindereth vs from going to him vntill death put an ende to our banishment and bring vs neere vnto his presence Know then my Brethren that these benefits by which God maketh you liue teacheth you happily to dye and with this foode of life also teacheth you the preparations and consolations to die You haue not meanly profited if at your going away from the Sacrament you say with Simeon Lord now let thou thy seruant depart in peace according to thy Word For mine eyes haue seene thy saluation and if you carry from hence a full confidence it will make you victorious against the terrours of death for if you haue this saluation which Simeon speaketh of it will bring you vnto a great peace of conscience which is a beginning of that peace whereinto Simeon desireth to enter Of this my Brethren you easily conceiu what the Text meaneth for although it seemeth not to speake of the Holy Supper yet it is not very farre from the meaning thereof because that this Sacrament renueth vnto vs the Contract of marriage and that the promises which are heere propounded are certaine remedies and preparations against death Whereof the Ancients were accustomed to send to the sicke from the Holy Table and at the same time of the action and administration thereof This Simeon who dyed when Iesus Christ was borne who being full of yeeres waited with impatience the comming of Christ Iesus to the end to raise himselfe from the sentitinell and to set his soule at libertie teacheth vs with what firmenesse we ought to attend death and with what desire to receiue him The life of man is not long lasting some commeth weeping some commeth in labour some with paine and the abiding is so short that man ordinarily dyeth then when hee hath but newly learned what it is to liue Iacob said that his dayes had been short and euill although hee liued vntill he was a hundred thirtie and three yeeres how short are ours then who rarely come to the halfe of that age and neuerthelesse sleepe and sorrow must likewise be taken away for in that time we liue not and most people die in the flower of their age with their Candle extinguished before it be halfe burnt out The Holy Scripture calleth death the way of all the earth it is a naturall debt which if a man should deny it were as much as pleading against his owne deed to striue to be exempt is to desire to be exempt from the generall Law and to desire that God for the loue of thee should change the Lawes of the world and make for thee another humane nature When death commeth it is in vaine to say any thing as Pope Gregory saith in his Dialogues of one whose name was Stephen that tolde Death being sicke he was mistaken and it was not he The Pagans who haue made Altars and seruices to vices and sickenesses to feare an euill happe neuer adressed any to death because they were assured that shee was alwayes inexorable and will entertaine no tearmes of composition This necessity being so strong and examples so frequent in such sort that although we daily bury our neighbours and carry and accompany to the earth the one halfe of our selues yet wee looke another way both in minde and heart still holding on the same course wee haue beene accustomed vnto as if wee should neuer dye For our designes wee make large liued and taske our selues to establish our Name vpon earth spending lauishing out the time as if we had but ouermuch still taking out by handfuls out of the sacke with an assured presumption neuer to be empty We would haue long life to loose it as if wee should accuse God that it is too long because we employ it in things either vnprofitable or wicked If any man in company speake of death it shall be esteemed troublesome vnfashionable and impertinent as if there were neuer any vse of such thoughts Yet being truely considered there is no thought or meditation so necessary It is better saith Salomon Eccles 7. To enter into the house of sorrow then into the house of ioy From hence is deriued the placing of Churchyards round about the Churches to the end that men may passe by the Graues before they present themselues before God that is to thinke and meditate well of death before wee come to looke for life and that first wee must acknowledge our selues mortals and sinners before we can come to implore the grace of God There is a great accord betweene the feare of God and the remembrance of death for the thought of death maketh vs feare God and the feare of God comforteth vs against death This thought disposeth vs to liue well because the day of death is the day when wee must make our account to God As Death shall finde vs so shall the last day iudge vs For it will be too late to speake for our selues vpon the gybbet it will bee too late to iustifie our selues when we are encompassed with Gods anger it behoueth therefore to make our peace whilest we haue time and to fortifie our selues with faith against the terrours of Gods Iudgements let vs mannage the time and liue as the faithfull die that is liue as we would haue wished to haue liued when we must die this preparation maketh a man couragious for what can he feare that feareth not death whosoeuer hopeth for death shall not feare the sorrows of life The threatnings of a Tyrant threatning death are promises vnto him He will shorten the sorrowes of the faithfull hee will open the doore of the prison of his soule to set it at liberty To thinke to loose a Man that feareth God in killing him is like him that in anger throweth a Fish away into a Riuer to drowne it for it is there where it liueth and in that death it findeth life This holy seruant of God Simeon carefully prepared himselfe because he hath not onely attended death but also runne before to meet it by the way For hee knew well hee should die so soone as hee had seene Iesus Christ and no sooner had hee heard tell that Iesus Christ was borne and carryed to the Temple without delay or detracting the time with himselfe in saying although he be borne yet I haue time enough to see him without making any great haste and I shall reioyce to see him great The desire to prolong life neuer came into his minde but without let or staying at all goes before Iesus Christ that is to say before death although that Iesus Christ was the Prince of life he attendeth not vntill he be entred into the Temple but meeteth him at the doore with ioy imbraceth him and humbleth his olde age before the infancy of Iesus Christ and desireth to dye
of our vnion with Iesus Christ in whose death wee haue beene baptised to participate at the Resurrection and to be at Gods appointed time coheirs of the heauenly inheritance should not this make vs lift vp our selues on high and entirely vnloose our affections from the earth But alas we must confesse that this knowledge is almost wholly vnknowne to vs for our conuersation is little otherwise than theirs that neuer knew God walking without all feare of the Lord and often doing those things which ought not euen to be so much as thought of or named amongst vs for wee liue after the common example euen of the most vngodly wickedly professing that man is not borne but for his flesh and to glut himselfe with his irregular desires and passions O maruellous brutalitie Rom. 6.3 Coloss 3.1 Where shall this knowledge bee Where is the vnderstanding and waiting for heauenly ioy for this Vnion doth no kinde of way exercise the functions should wee not walke in feare and trembling all the daies of our life to mortifie the old Man and our corrupt Nature Otherwise where will the fruit of our Baptisme appeare And where the efficacie of the passions and sufferings of Iesus Christ And if wee be depriued of these things remaine wee not in death euen in eternall death Rom. 2.4 Wherefore let vs begin to be astonished let vs now be afraid seeing the anger of God doth threaten vs if wee still desist his patience inuiteth vs to repentance doe not vnderualue the riches of his mercie euen to this present day he hath supported vs shall wee not say the mercy of God is great he will haue pity of the multitude of our sinnes although we haue added sinne to sinne let vs not still deferre our conuersion till to morrow for Mercy and Anger both come from the Lord and his day will come when we thinke not of it no man knoweth the houre let vs remember that that is vnderstood of the euill seruant in the Parable Matth. 24.48 who saying in his heart My Master will be long in comming and therefore I will leade a wicked life but when the vnlooked for day doth come that hee shall be surprised by his Master he shall be cast away where is weeping and gnashing of teeth Let vs feare let vs feare to be so surprized let vs watch to doe good and sleepe no longer in our sinnes O little better than Atheists infamous monsters who say let vs sinne that God may pardon vs for what else serueth his mercy Is he not come to saue sinners Alas how you deceiue your selues And also those who glut their beastly appetites and feede their odious and detestable desires who profaning likewise the mercy of God promise rest to themselues after they haue spent all their life in such wicked wayes with saying a Peccaui at their death wherein they heape vp as much euill in hoping for happinesse after such a sort as the most wicked can possibly doe wherein they make it to be in mans power to haue repentance and to aske and obtaine pardon at euery moment when he pleaseth and no speciall gift and singular Grace of God As Ieremie manifesteth vnto vs Ierem. 31.18 when hee saith Conuert me and I shall be conuerted for thou art my Lord my God truly after I haue beene conuerted I repented To the end that it shall appeare how grace commeth from God alone euen out of his owne free will the holy Ghost saith Act. 11.18 God hath giuen repentance to the Gentiles that they might liue which is also clearely shewed by Saint Paul charging Timothie 2.25 to teach those of contrarie vnderstanding To see if in any time God will giue them repentance for to know the truth and that they may awake and come out of the snare of the Deuill Isaiah 1.15 as in this wee now vnderstand That man sometimes crieth to the Lord for nothing and afterwards getteth no answer Psal 18.41 Consider then to whom when and how is mercy done And in this behalfe let vs all acknowledge that we haue not to morrow to repent in let vs no longer grow old in our iniquitie for feare as the Wise-man saith Wisd 12.10 That wickednesse hauing taken root in vs our heart will neuer change Euen as the tree that hath beene planted of old cannot easily be vnrooted hauing alwaies remembrance of this threatning Apoc. 3.3 If thou dost not watch I will come against thee like a theefe and thou shalt not know what houre But why should we not be wise by so many examples which daily we see that the strongest man euen he that in all his affaires builds farthest from the Tombe and that thinketh nothing lesse than of the tribute which hee oweth vnto death and then at the same instant hee miscaries And therefore no man knoweth the houre nor how hee shall bee taken from this vile earth Euery moment night and day shew vs there are a thousand and a thousand waies in the hand of God to cut when he pleaseth the Threed of life euen of the most Robust Which was well expressed by a graue Author saying In what Act or Place or Time soeuer a man is he is couered with death Pause a little O thou Temporiser that still deferrest thy amendment to another time let not this present time passe without thinking of it and this shall be thy entrance in making profit of the aduertisement which Iesus Christ giueth Mat. 24.42 That we ought to keepe our selues alwaies ready to watch for feare to be surprised not knowing the houre of our departing Let vs not make our selues deafe if we lend our hearing sometimes to an Instrument which recreateth vs shall wee stop it when wee should vnderstand wholesome counsell No no this is spoken for our good Prou. 1. I haue called and you haue refused I haue stretched out my hand and you haue not vnderstood you haue contemned all my counsell and would not be corrected therefore I wil laugh at your perdition and will mock at your feare when it shall come vpon you when torment and anguish shal come vpon you you will call vpon me but I will not answer because you haue hated knowledge and haue not chosen the feare of God you would not hearken to my counsell but despised my correction wherefore you eat the fruit of your owne waies and shal be glutted therewith for the fooles shall be slaine with ease and fooles shall be ruined by their prosperity O peruerse people remember how I dealt with Sodome and Gomorrah Esdras 2.8 euen so I will doe with them that will not heare me saith the Eternall Let vs be better aduised Psal 95.7 8. Prou. 19.20 Let vs heare the voice of God let vs not harden our hearts but heare counsell and receiue instruction that we may be more wise And making profit by these admonitions let vs not put off from one day to another euen euery one to say I haue sinned and let vs
can value with any price Let our pietie shine cleerely for the instruction of our families and not shew our selues carelesse but carefull to make them know the riches of saluation with the means how it must be attained otherwise we are no better than the executioners of their soules worse than bruit beasts who but for a while care for their young ones or like those that sacrificed their children to Baal I say if we consent that they be nourished with the milke and venome of spirituall whoredome we doe as much as we can to make them one day participate of the malediction of the eternall euen as if we had vowed to be instruments to deliuer them vp into the hands of Satan which we do testifie if against our knowledge and conscience we nourish them not vp in the waies of the Lord. Let vs apply our whole studie to that after a sort doing as God hath committed to our charge for their holy conuersation to publish to euery one the truth of our profession as a thing that we make most esteeme of I pray you where is he that is borne of a noble familie who is not iealous to be acknowledged for one of that race What Lord will not set out his Titles and will not weare his Armes euen in the best places for to be most beheld although it be but of small continuance and little better than pure vanitie yet can it hold no comparison with this Title so high aboue all so full of glory the top of all Honour this Title I say of the childe and seruant of God coheire with Christ dignities O the most Noble and magnificent which make Monarks happie not for a while but eternally in regard whereof all other things be they neuer so pretious which are vnder Heauen are much lesse than nothing euen most vnhappy if this other be not adioyned vnto it and moreouer if the noble man of the family in his Armes will not suffer to take away or adde any thing lest the world should detract from his dignitie how much more should we be carefull to commit any thing that is not conuenient who are truly the children and seruants of God and in contempt of the world enforce our selues to walke in integritie and striue to be so esteemed which if we doe not how can we be esteemed to be in the grace and fauour of Heauen let vs not then be ashamed of the truth of Christs Gospell which is the vertue of God to saluation vnto all beleeuers for alas if it be so that we are become so bruit and bestiall that to possesse the world or for feare of it we will dissemble the knowledge that is in vs the Sonne of God himselfe saith vnto vs Luke 9.26 euen as we haue denied him before men he will also denie vs before his Father and there will be ashamed of vs and very iustly Let vs then hold the confession of our hope without varying for any thing according as S. Paul teacheth vs That that which is present and to come height depth pouertie nakednesse persecution affliction nor death nor life shall not separate vs from the loue of Christ alwaies prepared in euery place and before all to render a reason to euery one of the hope that is in vs and as truly faithfull let vs take our neighbours by the hand and say let vs goe vp to the Mountaine of Sion into the house of the God of Iacob and there will he teach vs his waies and let vs one stirre vp another to Charitie and good Workes without swaruing from the companie of the faithfull for S. Paul saith If we willingly sin after we haue receiued the knowledge of the truth there is no more sacrifice for sinne but a terrible looking for iudgement and a furie of fire which shall deuoure the aduersaries Representing vnto vs that if any haue misprised the Law of Moses he was without all mercie put to death from thence then conclude how much greater torment doe they deserue who haue the bloud of IESVS CHRIST in no reuerence or holinesse by which they haue beene sanctified doing this iniurie euen to the spirit of grace afterwards that this commeth to be knowne the custom is to depriue such odious people of great mens fauours which maketh all faire designes proue abortiue this is no true nor faire proceeding but rather an incouragement still to continue in their wicked waies Here must the place be of the wrastling behold the Combat but before we enter the lists let vs know our enemies they are the World and the Flesh shall we aske of our enemies conuenient things to destroy them No that would be worse than to cast flaxe into the fire to quench it For to defend our selues from the first assault let vs ranke our selues like Daniel Sidrack Misack and Abednego let vs march their pace and we shall serue our selues with the like Armes of Martyrs which they did hauing our reines girt with the girdle of Truth cloathed with the brest-plate of Righteousnesse and our feete with the preparation of the Gospell of peace in euery thing taking the buckler of Faith the helmet of Saluation and the sword of the Spirit which is the Word of God renouncing our selues to follow IESVS CHRIST as euery true Christian ought so shall we passe a greater conflict than this we haue at this present if we meete it and shall remaine conquerers as they haue done which haue not only knowne but also followed the will of the Eternall and not the sensualitie of the Flesh of the World a gift of God which he giueth to all that aske it of him with confidence knowing that the Almightie curseth the man that putteth his trust in Man and in the flesh of the arme for the greatest is but vanitie and lies and whosoeuer should weigh al the great ones of the earth against nothing yet should they all be found more light than nothing But they haue not waited for saluation from any other soueraigne but reposed wholly in him Doe we not see that there neuer was any Monarch in the world that displeased God but presently was reduced to nothing doe we want any proofes that God euer failed in his promises neither hath it beene euer knowne but the wrath of God followed him that trusted in his owne arme and power were it neuer so powerfull let vs at last renounce it for he that hath nothing but earthly force hath none at all Let vs therefore follow the counsell of Dauid and put our trust alwaies in God for he is good and will giue vs all that is conuenient mightie in power and truth and vnmoueable in all his promises for to bring euery thing to passe therfore let vs all say with him God is my force and my hope neither is there any other helpe but from him Psalme 28. Thou that fearest thy Honours and fearest that the goods of the earth will leaue thee which when they haue done so
liueth and raigneth with thee God eternally Amen If the sicke person continue long and still in danger of death it will be conuenient to repeat at times necessary the abouesaid Comforts but especially those which are to assure and fortifie against the temptations and combats of Conscience And if it happen the sicke party be troubled with idle talke or cannot vnderstand a long discourse vse short sentences such as hereafter followeth speaking but at sometimes Sir it behooueth you to take good courage it is the fatherly hand of God that visiteth you for your good and saluation For to those whom God loueth all things worke together for good Lift vp your heart to God and confesse your sinnes and offences and imbrace by faith his mercy in Iesus Christ which hee hath promised to all those that repent and beleeue in him Haue you not alwaies a good assurance in the mercy of God a firme faith in Iesus Christ your Sauiour Patient Yes Doe you not beleeue that Iesus Christ is dead for your sinnes and risen againe for your iustification Patient Yes Doe you not beleeue that hee hath before the Father beene your wisedome righteousnesse sanctification and redemption Patient Yes Doe you not thinke that hee hath freely iustified you by the grace of God through the redemption which is in Christ Iesus Patient Yes Following this your faith doubt not but God will warrant you from all perdition and giue you euerlasting life For God hath giuen his Sonne to the end that whosoeuer shall beleeue in him shall not perish but haue eternall life Ioh. 16. Feare not death seeing by faith you imbrace Iesus Christ who is your life I am saith he the resurrection and the life who shall beleeue in me although he be dead shall liue and whosoeuer liueth and beleeueth in me shall neuer dye Ioh. 11.25.26 If your sinnes doe afflict you addresse your selfe alwaies by faith and runne to Christ Iesus and you shall finde rest to your soule Come to mee saith Saint Matthew 11.28 all you that labour and are ouer-laden and I will ease you Doubt not the rigour of Gods iustice for there is no condemnation to those that are in Christ Iesus as the Apostle Saint Paul saith Rom. 8.1 And who is he Rom. 8.32.33 that will bring in accusation against the elect of God God is hee that iustifieth who will be hee that shall condemne Christ is he which is dead and which is more is risen againe who is also at the right hand of God and maketh intercession for vs. Be not sorry to leaue this miserable life which as Saint Iames saith 4.14 is but a vapour which appeareth a little while and afterwards vanisheth besides in exchange thereof euerlasting life shall be giuen vnto you and in that the very height of felicity so great and incomprehensible That eye hath not seene nor eare vnderstood and is not come vp into the heart of man that which God hath prepared for those that loue him When the sicke person is apparantly at the point of death or ready to yeeld vp the Ghost it is necessary to repeat this short consolation following with prayer Comfort your selfe Sir you now approach neare vnto the end of the Combat which cannot be otherwise but happy vnto you assure your selfe the victory is of your side by meanes of your faith which is the victory that ouercommeth the world and the Prince of the world Iesus Christ your head and Sauiour extendeth forth his hand and stayeth for you at the end of the lists to present vnto you the incorruptible Crowne of glory which he hath purchased with the price of his bloud commend your selfe vnto him now with all your heart goe vnto him with ioy throw your selfe into his Armes and say Into thy hands I commend my soule for thou hast bought me O God of truth Psal 31. Let vs againe pray to God that he will giue you his grace A Prayer O Lord Father of Mercy God of all Consolation let fall thy mercies and comforts vpon this occasion vpon this person thy poore childe and seruant Make him now gather and apply vnto himselfe excellent and abundant profit of the holy Instructions which in thy schoole thou hast taught him during the course of his life giue him an inuincible faith in this Combat Arme him with all thy spirituall Armour that hee may resist all the Temptations of Sathan and hauing ouercome all make him remain firme If thy Iustice astonish let thy mercie assure and comfort if his sinnes accuse him let the obedience of thy welbeloued excuse and iustifie him if the apprehension of death trouble him make him contemplate the open gate of euerlasting life to which thou goest to make him enter Thou hast giuen him it in thy Sonne make it perfectly happy to him Hee is of the flocke of this great Shepheard let it not be taken from him Thou hast begun his saluation let not the worke remaine vnperfect And now that thou hast brought him to the end of his sorrowfull course now receiue his soule into thy hands and bring it into thy heauenly paradice into the fulnesse of repose and beatitude into the company of thy blessed Angels and holy soules of thine Elect which thou hast gathered for euer to enioy together the perfection of all ioy which consisteth in the contemplation of his face Heare vs O Father of mercy for the loue of thy welbeloued Son Iesus Christ our Lord who in vnity of the holy Spirit liueth and raigneth with thee God eternally Amen A short comfort for those that are friends of the deceased to be giuen after the body is interred Friends it is needfull in this businesse for you to remember of the holy Christian instruction which you haue receiued in the schoole of Iesus Christ for to make your profit in bearing your affliction with patience and in humility resting in a quiet Spirit at the will of God to which we ought alwayes to be subiect and conformable Our Nature in such accidents leadeth vs to teares but the Spirit of God author of all Regeneration teacheth vs to keepe measure and not to afflict our selues like those that haue no hope 1 Thess 4.13 If we be men in weeping yet wee must shew our selues Christians adorned with faith and hope to assure vs that this corporall death is no other to the faithfull children of God but a happy port to enter into eternall life Ioh. 5.28.29 and as for the body it must remaine in earth vntill that day when they shall heare the voyce of the Lord which shall make them rise out of the graue into the resurrection of life That the deceased is of the number of Gods children the marks and testimonies which God hath giuen him by the good profession of piety and wisedome which hee hath made in the Church vnto the last breath of his life neede not leaue vs in doubt He hath liued to the Lord and is dead to the Lord by consequence is happy and resteth from his labour Apoc. 14.13 by the heauenly testimony of the Spirit of God himselfe You haue no cause to weep ouer him for the condition he is in being in euery kinde thrice happy He hath also a great aduantage of vs that remaine in this world behinde him For he is arriued at the port of saluation where as we are still beaten with the storme and torment of the confused and dangerous sea of this miserable world And therefore it is much better to aspire to go with him then to wish him to remaine here below with vs for the discommodity that you may receiue by his absence it behoueth you to consider that God that gaue him to you remaineth still with you who is enough for vs without all other things whereas all other things without him are nothing It is hee that will continue alwayes ouer you the care of his fatherly prouidence if you continue alwayes to walke in his feare I beseech God to giue you grace and fortifie you with a holy and constant resolution Amen FINIS
pardon of all those that might haue beene offended by you Patient Yes Now Sir it behooueth vs to addresse our prayer to God to the end that he will be pleased to fortifie you in faith which hee hath giuen you and to make his graces more and more abound in you and it is your part to humble your selfe with vs before him and to lift vp your heart to him to implore his Mercy from the bottome of your Heart A Prayer for the sicke when there is any signe of death O Lord our God Mercifull Father we are very vnworthy to lift vp our eyes vnto thee our sins and wicked deedes are so many wherewith wee are so polluted before thy face neither is this out of the confidence of our owne worth to be thus bolde to present our selues at the feete of thy diuine Maiesty but in the assurance of the great Compassions and perfect obedience which thy welbeloued Sonne Iesus Christ our Lord hath made for vs with the righteousnesse whereof wee beseech thee couer vs with thy grace to the end wee may be by his fauour made agreeable and reconciled vnto thee But wee beseech thee O good God particularly vouchsafe thy great mercy to this thy poore seruant so feeble mightily deiected vnder thy powerfull hand poore sinner remaining vnder the weight and rigour of thy high Iustice if thou doest not extend thy great clemency towards him Giue him grace good Lord to enter more and more into a serious examination and acknowledgement of his faults to conceiue that true detestation which alwayes bringeth forth true repentance and set him forward intirely to renounce himselfe and his owne way to haue all his refuge in thee and in thy bounty In the meane while receiue him gratiously O Lord shew him the face of a father and assure and comfort him Say to his soule Soule I am he that can warrant thee Dispose of his heart patiently to receiue with Action of graces this Fatherly correction which thou hast sent him and to put himselfe wholly into thy hands to submit himselfe peaceably vnder all that thou shalt please to lay vpon him by thy holy prouidence Lord thou knowest better then he himselfe or any of vs what is most conuenient whether he shall liue or die If thy good pleasure be that hee shall liue let it be that he may onely liue to thee in such sort that hauing profited well by thy chastisements he may learne to loue thee honour and serue thee all the dayes of his life in thy Church perpetually studying to bring sorth fruits of piety and holinesse worthy of thy Gospel and conuenient for a childe of such a Father so that in him thou maist be glorified and his neighbours edified But contrarily of the other part it be thy pleasure to take him out of this miserable world assure him that it shall be to put him into the possession of thy Heauenly kingdome which thou hast prepared before the foundations of the world and which thy Sonne hath purchased by the merit of his death To this end O Father of light from whom proceedeth euery good gift that thou wilt be pleased to giue him a true and a liuely faith with the which he may search find and apprehend the propitiation for his sinnes and the true righteousnes in the obedience of thy welbeloued Sonne Iesus Christ our Lord who hath suffered for our sinnes and risen againe for our iustification and ascended into Heauen to take possession in our Name and by this meanes giueth vs accesse and entrance which sinne had banished vs from Imprint in his heart a full assurance of all these thy graces to the end that by this meanes he may peaceably repose himselfe in thy mercy and happily ouercome all the snares and temptations which Sathan and his owne flesh would put before him to trouble the clearnesse of his faith and tranquility of his conscience That his sinnes then may not make him despaire because thy Iustice hath been so well payed not with gold or siluer but with the pretious blood of thy Christ as of the Lambe without spot or blemish Let not death affright him seeing sinne is abolished and destroyed in him which is the sting of death who now is disarmed and without all power that his spirit being separated from the body by this corporall death it shall be to come triumphantly to thee and deliuered from the captiuity of sinne to the end to taste of the enioying the most happy life which he neuer tasted in this world but by hope leauing his body in the earth but not for euer but to be refined transformed in time conuenient made conformable to the glorious body of his Redeemer by the benefit of his resurrection So Sathan shall no more astonish him but by sinne and death which he hath vtterly lost all power in ouer our visited Brother Assuring him in the end that this accuser can intend nothing against him before the Throne of thy iustice seeing hee is absolued iustified by thy grace there is no iudge that can condemne him That thou wilt also be pleased O good God to be likewise mercifull to all other sicke soules comfort and fortifie them according as thou knowest them needfull and aboue all giue them grace alwayes to embrace with a true and liuely faith thy mercy in Iesus Christ wherein they may euer be comforted Good Lord vouchsafe vnto vs all this grace that this example may profite and teach vs to renounce the world and our selues to imploy that time we haue here below to meditate thy wisedome walke carefully in thy feare retyre our hearts from the vanities of this life to raise them vp to attend and meditate vpon the Heauenly life and to this end to be alwayes prepared to appeare before thee with assurance to be gathered and receiued into thy mercy for the loue of thy welbeloued Sonne Iesus Christ our Lord In whose name we beseech thee O Father of mercy heere vs in these things and in all other things which thou knowest better to be necessary for thy poore seruant and for vs then we doe our selues as we doe now request thee in that prayer which thou hast commanded vs to present our selues before thee Our Father which art in Heauen c. Lord giue vs a good increase of Faith which thou hast planted in the heart of this thy childe and seruant defend him as with a Buckler by the which he may extinguish all the fiery darts of the Diuell and make him perseuere constantly therin vntill the very last breath of his life and that hee may alwaies at the least in his heart render vnto thee a pure and Christian confession as we now present with heart and mouth I beleeue in God the Father Almighty c. This is his Faith O Lord and ours giue vs grace to liue and dye in it through Iesus Christ thy Sonne our Lord who in the vnitie of the Holy Spirit