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A17647 A commentarie of M. Iohn Caluine vppon the Epistle to the Philippians wherein is set out the necessitie and profite of affliction vnto the faithfull, the benefite of God his word, the fruits, of vnitie and humilitie, free iustification by faith in Iesus Christ without our owne merites, the assurance, ioy, and contented mindes of the godlie, and their perseueraunce in godlinesse vnto the end. With many other comfortable and profitable pointes of religion. Translated out of Latine by W.B.; Commentarii in quatuor Pauli epistolas. English. Selections Calvin, Jean, 1509-1564.; Becket, William, fl. 1584. 1584 (1584) STC 4402; ESTC S107378 72,730 102

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followeth that he is cast downe by our fault and extenuated as much as is in vs when we faint thorough feare Are not they therefore ashamed who thinke it a light fault to be afraide in the confession of the truth but howe shoulde they be ashamed when they are so impudent that they dare also excuse the deniall of Christ He addeth As alwayes that by the experiments of the grace of God already past they might confirme their faith So in the Rom. 5.4 Triall bringeth hope 21 For in life Hitherto in my iudgement the Interpreters haue ill translated and expounded this place for thus they distinguish that Christ was vnto Paule life and death was to him aduantage But I make Christ the subiect in both the members of the sentence that as well in life as in death he is sayde to be aduantage for it is common with the Grecians to vnderstand this preposition 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 which signifie to But beside that this sence is not strained it agréeth also better with the next sentence and containeth more plentifull doctrine He affirmeth that he is indifferent whether he liue or dye because that hauing Christ he accompteth gaine in both and truely it is onely Christ that in death and life maketh vs blessed otherwise if the death be miserable the life is no whit the happier So that it is harde to define whether it be better for a man to lyue or to dye without Christ Agayne let Christ be present and he will blesse both our lyfe and our death that both of them shall bée happye and good for vs. 22 But if to liue in the flesh were more profitable for me euen what to choose I knowe not 23 For I am distressed betweene both desiring to be loosed and to be with Christ which is farre better 34 But to abide in the flesh is more needefull for you 25 And this am I sure of that I shall abide and continue with you all for your furtherance and ioy of your faith 26 That your reioycing may be abundant in Christ Iesus for me by my comming vnto you agayne 22 But if to liue Euen as desperate men are in a perplexitie whether they should still prolong their life in miserie or finish their sorrowes by death so contrarywise Paule with an equall mind saith that he is prepared as well for death as for life because the estate of both is blessed vnto the faithfull so that he is doubtfull whether to choose If it be profitable that is to saie if I knowe that the profite of my life is greater than the profite of my death I sée not whether I shoulde rather desire He putteth To liue in the fleshe by a contempt in comparison of a better life 23 For I am distressed Paule did not desire to lyue for anie other rewarde then to serue to the glorie of Christe and to profite hys brethren Therefore hée estéemeth no other profite in thys lyfe than the saluation of hys brethren but for hymselfe priuately hée acknowledgeth that it is better to dye quicklie because hée shoulde bée wyth Christ In hys desire hée sheweth with how great loue hée is enflamed Hée doth not speake héere of earthlie commodities but of the spirituall good which especiallie of the godlie is carefullie to be wished for Notwithstanding Paule as it were forgetting hymselfe doth not onely contayne himselfe in the middest least he should more decline to his owne benefite than the benefite of the Philippians but at length concludeth that he weigheth theyr estate in his heart And this is truely to liue and dye vnto Christ when neglecting our selues we are carried whether Christ calleth vs. Desiring to be losed and to be with Christ These two things are iointly to be read together for death of it selfe will neuer be wished for because the desire thereof fighteth with the sence of nature but it is desired for some cause or for some other ende Desperate men flie vnto it thorough wearines of their life but the faithfull hasten vnto it willingly because it deliuereth them from the bondage of sinne and is a passage vnto the kingdome of heauen This is it that Paule now sayth I desire to dye because by this meanes I shall come to be ioyned with Christ yet the faithfull cease not to be afraide of death but when they turne their eyes vnto that life that followeth after death by this consolation they easily ouercome that feare Truely whosoeuer beléeueth in Christ should be so couragious that at the mention of death he should lift vp his head being ioyfull for the tidings of his redemption whereby it appeareth how many are Christians onely in name when the greater part hearing the mention of death as if they neuer had heard any word of Christ they doe not onely waxe fearefull but become almost deade O a good conscience how much dost thou excell and how much doest thou preuaile but faith is the foundation of a good conscience yea 〈…〉 of the conscience To be dissolued This manner of speaking is to 〈…〉 men call death the destruction of man as though the whole man perished Paule here warneth vs that death is dissolution of the soule from the bodie and this straight after he expresseth better shewing what the estate of the faithfull is after death namely that they abide and dwell with Christ We are also with Christ in this life so farre as his kingdome is within vs and Christ dwelleth in vs by faith and he hath promised that he will be with vs euen vnto the ende of the world but that presence we onely perceiue by hope therefore according to our féeling we are sayd to be strangers from him 2. Cor. 5.6 This place is of force to refute the dotage of them who dreame that the soules diuided from the bodies are asléepe for Paule witnesseth openly that we enioy the presence of Christ when we are dissolued 25 And this am I sure of Some because it séemed absurd that the Apostle should confesse him selfe to be frustrate of his expectation thinke that he was afterward deliuered out of bands and that he passed thorough many regions of the world but in vaine doe they feare that For the Saincts are woont to moderate their hope by the worde of God that in their mindes they presume no more than the Lorde hath promised So where they haue a sure testimonie of God his will there they stay them selues with a certaine persuasion which admitteth no doubt Such is the persuasion of the continuall remission of sinnes of the helpe of the Spirite vnto the grace of finall perseuerance as they call it of the resurrection of the fleshe Such also was the certaintie of the Prophets touching their prophesies in other things they hope nothing but with a condition and therefore they submit all the successe vnto the prouidence of God to whom they graunt to haue a sharper sight in things than them selues To abide signifie here for a litle while To
blind yea a furious beast therefore it is no maruell if false brethren doe take occasion cut of the Gospell to disquiet the good and faithfull Pastors And truly Paule hath sayd nothing here which my selfe haue not tried for as yet there liue some at this day who haue preached the Gospell with none other intent than that by persecuting godly Pastors they might yéeld to the furie of the wicked Touching Paule his enimies it is not amisse to marke if they were Iewes how mad their hatred was that euen they forgat for what cause they hated him for whilest they were carried away by hatred to destroy him they laboured in promoting the Gospell for whose cause they were angry with him but they thought verily that the cause of Christ should either stand or fall in the life of one man But if they that were so seduced by ambition were emulous among them selues we must acknowledge the maruellous goodnes of God who notwithstanding gaue such successe to their peruerse endeuors 17 That I am set for the defence They that loued Christ truly thought it a shame for them selues if they did not ioyne with Paule as companions pleading his cause and so we must doe we must succor the seruants of Christ being in distresse as much as we may Marke againe this manner of speach of the defence of the Gospell for since Christ vouchsafeth vs such honor what excuse can we haue if we be faint harted in his cause or what must we looke for if we betray it by our silence but that in like manner he should forsake our cause who alone is our Aduocate and Patrone with God his father 18 What then yet all maner of waies whether vnder pretence or truly Christ is preached and in this I reioyce and will reioyce 19 For I know that this shall turne to my saluation thorough your praier and by the helpe of the spirite of Iesus Christ 20 According to my expectation and hope that in nothing I shall be ashamed but with all confidence as alwaies so now Christ shall be magnified in my body whether it be by life or death 21 For Christ is to me both in life and in death aduantages 18 Yet all maner of waies Because the wicked minde of them of whome he spake might slaunder the grace of the doctrine he saith that this is greatly to be estéemed because that they promoted the Gospell notwithstanding whatsoeuer their intent was for God by euill and wicked instruments sometime bringeth to passe an excellent worke Therefore he saith he reioyceth for such successe because he was contented with this only to sée the kingdome of Christ encrease As when we did heare that the vncleane dogge Charles at Auenion and in other places did sowe the séedes of pure doctrine in manie mens hearts we gaue thankes vnto God who vsed this naughtie and desperate varlet vnto his owne glorie And at this day we reioice that the course of the Gospell is promoted by manie who haue a far other purpose But although Paule did reioice for the encrease of the Gospell yet would he neuer haue ordained such ministers if it had béene in hys power We must therfore reioice if by the vngodly God worketh any good yet we must neither place such in the ministerie nor accompt them for the lawfull ministers of Christ 19 For I knowe Because some did publish the Gospell to procure enuie vnto Paule that they might the more incense the crueltie of hys enemies against him he answereth by a Praeocupation that their wicked purposes shall not hurt him because God will turne them to a contrary end as if he should say Although they imagine my destruction yet I trust that all their practises shall doo nothing else but that Christ in me may bée glorified which turneth vnto my saluation For that hée speaketh not of the safetie of his bodie it is euident by that which follow But from whence had Paule this confidence truely from that which he teacheth Rom. 8 28. Vnto the true worshippers of God all things helpe to their good although the whole world with their Prince the Diuell conspire their destruction By your prayer That he might the more earnestly prouoke them to pray he affirmeth that hée trusteth the Lord will graunt it by their praiers Neyther doth he dissemble for he that reposeth succour in the prayers of the Sainctes stayeth vpon the promise of God and yet nothing is derogated from the free goodnes of God wherby our prayers and supplications are made And by the helpe of the Spirite Lest we shoulde thinke that because he ioyneth these two thinges in the text therefore they are equal the sentence must therefore thus be resolued I knowe that all this shall turne to my saluation by the furtherance of the spirite you helping by your prayers so that the furtherance of the spirite is the efficient cause and prayer an inferior helper The propertie also of the Gréeke worde is to be noted for it is called 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 that is when that is supplyed which is wanting according to which signification the spirite of God powreth vpon vs all thinges whereof we are destitute He nameth The spirite of Iesus Christ to signifie that he is common vnto vs all if we be Christians because the spirite was powred vpon him in all fulnes that he might distribute to euery one of his members according to the measure of his grace so much as is expedient 20 According to my expectation If anie shoulde obiect whence haue you this knowledge he aunswereth from hope for since it is certaine that God will not suffer our hope to be frustrate our hope must in no case be doubtfull Therfore let the godly reader marke diligently this aduerb According that he may so certainly be resolued with him selfe that it can not be but the Lorde must aunswere our expectation which is grounded in his worde for he promiseth that he will neuer forsake vs no not in the middest of all torments if at anye tyme we be called to the confession of his name therefore let all the godly hope by the example of Paule and they shall not be ashamed With all confidence We sée that by hoping he doth not yéeld to the desires of the fleshe but submitteth his hope to the promise of God Christ he sayth shall be magnified in my bodye whether it be by life or death Although expressing his bodye namely he signifieth that among the combates of this present life he is not doubtfull of the successe for of this thing God hath assured vs therefore if we be framed to the will of God and haue the same purpose in our life that Paule had we hope for an happie ende howsoeuer we néede no more to feare lest anye euill should happen vnto vs for if we liue and dye to him in life and death we are his Rom. 14.8 He sheweth a manner howe to magnifie Christ namely in a perfect confidence whereof it
are Iesus Christes 22 But ye knowe the proofe of him that as a sonne with the father he hath serued with me in the gospel 23. Him therefore I hope to sende assoone as I knowe howe it will go with me 24 And I truste in the Lorde that I also my selfe shall come shortly 17 If I be offered In gréeke it is 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 Wherefore he séemeth vnto me to allude vnto those sacrifices by the killing whereof among the men of old time couenants bargaines were ratified for the gréekes properly cal 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 a sacrifice offered to confirme a couenant After this sorte he calleth his death a confirmation of their faith as certainely it should be But that the whole place might be more cléere he sayth that he sacrificed vnto god when he consecrated them through the gospel The like saying is to the Romanes 15.16 for there he he bringeth in himselfe as a priest which offreth the gentiles vnto God through the gospell And as the gospell is the Spirituall sword to kill sacrifices so faith is as it were the offering for there is no faith without mortification by the which wée are consecrated vnto God He putteth two words 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 and 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 sacrifice and seruice whereof the former is referred vnto the Philippians who were offred vnto God the other vnto Paule for he is the act of the sacrifice It is as much as administration and so it comprehendeth the functions and duties of eyther kindes but here it belongeth properly vnto the worship of God as the Latines say operari sacris to sacrifice Now Paule saith that he shall be ioyfull if he shoulde bée offered vpon such a sacrifice that it might be more ratified strong This is to teach the gospell from the harte when wée are ready to confirme with our owne bloud that whyche wée teache Besides here is a profitable doctrine to be gathered touching the nature of faith namely that it is not a vaine thing but such a thing as consecrateth a man vnto God and also the ministers of the gospell haue here an excellent comfort who are saide to be the priestes of God to offer sacrifices vnto him for with what earnestnes woulde he bende him selfe to be carefull in preaching which knoweth that this is a sacrifice acceptable vnto God Touching this kinde of sacrifice whilest the miserable papists know nothing they feigne another kinde which is extreame sacrilege He saith I reioice togither with you that if it shoulde happen that he should dye they might knowe it shoulde be for their profite and they might reape fruite by his death 18. Reioyce yee By this chéerefulnes he animateth the Philippians and enflameth them to suffer death valiantly in which the faithful suffer no euyl For before he taught that death shoulde be to him aduantage yet here he especially bewareth that his death trouble not the Philippians Therefore he denieth that it shall bée any cause of sorrowe yea they muste rather reioyce because they should finde it fruiteful for although of it selfe it were a grieuous losse to be depriued of such a teacher yet the recompēce should not be lighter because the gospell shoulde bee confirmed by his bloud In the meane while he admonisheth thē that death priuately to himselfe shall be ioyful whereas Erasmus translateth it in the present tense You doe reioyce It is altogither farre off 19. And I hope He promiseth vnto them the comming of Timotheus that by looking for him they might stay themselues more manfully and not yéelde to the deceiuers for as in warre the hope of succor kéepeth still the mindes of soldiers that they faint not so this cogitation also might giue muche courage vnto the Philippians He shall come shortly that shall oppose himselfe againste the attempts of our enimies and if the only expectation of him did so much preuaile his presence should be much more forcible The condition is to be noted wherein he submitteth himselfe to the prouidēce of god determining nothing without that going before as truly it is lawful to appoint nothing for the time to come but vnder the hand of God the Lord as I may so say Where he addeth That I also may be quiet he declareth his loue towards them as much to say as he was so careful for their dāgers that except he knew their prosperous estate he could not be well 20 I haue no man like minded Althoughe manye gather a diuerse sense I thus interpret it I haue no man so well minded to be careful for your matters for in my iudgement Paule rather compareth Timotheus with others than with him selfe and truly for that purpose he giueth him a singular praise that for his rarenes he might be in greater estimation 21. For all men seeke their owne He speaketh not of thē who had altogither cast away the care of godlines but of thē whome he accounted for brethren yea whome he suffered in his owne company yet he saith that they are so cunning in caring for their owne matters that they are more cold in the work of the Lord. In shew it séemeth to be no grieuous fault to séeke ones owne but how intollerable it is in the seruātes of Christ it appeareth thereof that it maketh them altogyther vnprofitable whome it possesseth for it cannot be that he should employ him selfe for the Churche that is addicted vnto himselfe Therefore thou wilt saye dyd Paule cheryshe wyth himselfe men of no goodnes and dissemblers I aunswere that it is not so to bée taken as thoughe being altogyther bent to theyr owne profitte they had no care at all of the Churche but because they being entangled with theyr owne priuate commodities they were more negligent to promote the publique benefite of the Churche for it is necessarye that one of these affections muste raygne in vs that eyther neglecting our selues we shoulde bée carryed vnto Christe and vnto those thynges that are Chrystes or else béeyng too muche addicted to our owne profit we shoulde serue Chryst for fashion sake Hereof appeareth how great an hinderance it is vnto the ministers of the Churche to séeke theyr owne Neyther are these excuses of any force I am iniurious to no man I muste haue regarde of my selfe I am not so harde harted but I am carefullye mooued with respecte of mine owne commoditie for thou muste departe from thine owne right that thou mayest performe thy dutie thy reason is neither to be preferred before the glory of Christe nor to be made equal with it whether soeuer Christe calleth thee thou must goe speedily leauing all other thinges So thou muste looke backe vnto thy vocation that thou muste turne awaye thy senses from all thinges that may call thee backeward Thou maiest liue in another place more wealthily but God hath bounde thee to a Churche whiche mainetaine thée but sclenderly In another place there is more honour but God hath giuen thée that place in which
and after all is cast away he is founde for here that saying is of value I had perished if I had not perished But because the verb 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 in the passiue termination hath an actiue signification then it signifie to recouer that which thou hast willingly parted from as Budeus sheweth by many examples I haue not doubted to alter from the opinion of others for by this meanes the sense shal be more ful and the doctrine more plentiful namely that Paule renounced all things whiche he had that he might recouer them in Christ and the answereth better to the word gaine because it signifie that it is no smal or common gaine seing that Christ containeth all things in him selfe And truly we lose nothing when we come vnto Christ naked and empty because we thē begin to obtaine those things which before we falsly thought that we had Therefore he declareth better how greate the riches of Christe are because in him we obtaine and finde all things Not hauing mine owne righteousnes A notable place if any desire to haue a certaine definition of the righteousnes of faith and to holde the true nature therof for Paule here compareth two righteousnesses togither The one he saith is proper vnto man the which he calleth the righteousnes of the law the other he teacheth to be from GOD and to be obtained through faith and to be reposed in the faith of Christ these he maketh so contrary betwéene them selues that they can not stande togither Two things therefore are here to be noted that thou must giue ouer and resigne the righteousnes of the lawe that thou maiest be righteous by faith then that the righteousnes of faith procéede from God and is not proper vnto man Touching both of these there is great contentiō at this day betwixt vs and the Papists for neyther doe they grant that the righteousnes of faith is altogither from GOD but they attribute part vnto man and they mingle them togither as though the one did not take away the other Therfore we must diligently weigh all the wordes of Paule because there is none of them wherein there is not great moment he denieth that the faithfull haue any righteousnes of their own but it can not be denied but if there were anye righteousnes of workes it might worthily be called ours therfore he leaueth no place at al for the righteousnes of works Why he calleth it the righteousnes of the lawe he sheweth Rom. 10.5 namely because this is the edict of the law he that doth these things shall liue in them therefore the lawe doth pronounce a man to be iust by his workes neyther can the papists cauil that al this must be restrained vnto ceremonies for first it is a friuolous triflyng that Paule was only righteous by ceremonies then by this reason he opposeth these two righteousnesses the one is proper vnto man the other is from God therefore the one doth signifie the rewarde of works the other the frée gift of God So generally he opposeth the merit of man vnto the grace of Christ for when the lawe bringeth workes faith offereth a naked man vnto God that he may be clothed with the righteousnes of Christ Whereas therefore he affirmeth that the righteousnes of faith is from God it is not only because faith is the gift of God but because God of his goodnes doo iustifie vs or else because by faith we receiue the righteousnes whiche he hathe giuen vs. 10. That I may knowe him He describeth the force nature of faith namely that it is the knowledge of Christ and that not naked or cōfused but whilest the vertue of his resurrection is perceiued he put resurrection for the accomplishment of redemptiō so that it containeth death vnder it but because it is little to know Christ crucified and raised from the deade except thou doest apprehende the fruite thereof he speaketh namely of the efficacie Then therefore Christ is knowne aryght when we féele what his death and resurrection doe preuaile in vs and how effectuall he is in vs for there all thyngs are set out vnto vs the taking awaye of sin deliuerie from guiltines satisfaction the victory of death the obtaining of righteousnes and the hope of blessed immortalitie And the fellowship of his passions After he had spoken of frée righteousnes which being gotten by the resurrection of Christ we obtaine through faith he ioyneth the exercises of the godly that least it should séeme that he bring in an idle faith which bringeth forth no effectes in their life he sheweth that these are the studies wherein the Lord woulde haue his children exercised though the false Apostles thrust vpon them the bare elements of ceremonies He therefore that by faith is made partaker of all the goods of Christ let him know that this condition is propounded vnto him that all his lyfe must be made conformable to his death But there is a double fellowship and communicating of the death of Christ the one is within which the scripture is wont to call the mortification of the flesh or the crucifiyng of the old man wherof Paule entreateth Rom. 6. The other is without which is called the mortifiyng of the outward man that is the bearing of the crosse whereof he entreateth in the 8. chapter of the same epistle and here also except I be deceiued for after we haue comprehended the vertue of his resurrection Christe is propounded vnto vs crucified that by tribulations and sorrows we shoulde follow him and therefore the resurrection of the dead is fitly expressed that we may knowe that we must dye before we liue This is the continual meditation of the faithfull so long as they are strangers in the earth but this is an excellent consolation that in all our miseries we are partakers of the crosse of Christ if we be his members that by afflictions the way is made open for vs vnto eternall blessednes as it is saide 2. Tim. 2.11 If we dy with him we shal also liue with him if we suffer with him we shall also raygne with him It is méete therefore that we al should be brought vnto this that our whole life should represent vnto vs nothiyng but an image of death vntill it bring forth death it selfe As the life of Christ was nothing else but a forerunner of death but in the meane while we haue this comfort that the end is euerlasting blessednes for the death of Christ is ioyned with his resurrection Therefore Paule saith that he is made conformable vnto his death that he may come to the glory of hys resurrection This part If by any meanes procéede not of doubting but it noteth the hardnes of it to stir vp our desire for it is not a lyght combate when we striue with so many and so great hinderances 12 Not as though I had already obtained it or were alreadye perfect but I follow that I also may comprehende euen as I
them complaine afterward as they list of our seueritie so that they obiect nothing agaynst vs which wée may not defend by the example of Paule Enemies of the crosse Some expounde the crosse for the whole mysterie of our redemption and this they interprete to be said that by preaching the lawe they did make the benefite of Christ his death to be of none effect But others expounde it that they fled from the crosse and woulde not put themselues in danger for Christ I take it more generally that faigning themselues to be friends they were the worst enemies of the Gospell Neither is it a rare thing with Paule to set out the whole preaching of the Gospell vnder the name of the crosse for as hée sayeth in another place if any bée in Christ hée is a new creature 19 Whos 's ende is destruction Hée addeth this that the Philippians béeing terrified by the danger might more diligentlie take héede and not entangle themselues in theyr destruction and because such knaues by bragging and diuerse artes doo oftentimes for a while blinde the eyes of the simple that they are preferred euen before the good seruants of Christ the Apostle with great boldnes pronounceth that their glorie wherewith they are now puffed shall bée turned into shame Whose God is their bellie Whereas they vrged Circumcision and the Ceremonies hée denieth that they doo it for a zeale of the lawe but for the fauour of men that they might liue quiet and without trouble for they did sée the Iewes to be maruellous fierce against Paule and suche like neither could they preache Christ truely with any other condition but they must stirre vp the same rage against themselues therefore prouiding for their ease and commoditie they mingled those corruptions which myghte extinguishe the heate of others But our conuersation is in heauen This sentence beateth downe all vayne pompes wherewith the counterfaite ministers of the Gospell were wont to boast themselues and hatefully he inueigheth against all their attempts because that flying aboue the earth they can not aspire vnto heauen for he teacheth that all things are nothing to be estéemed besides the spirituall kingdome of God Moreouer that the faithfull must liue an heauenlie life in this worlde as if hée shoulde say they mind earthly things therefore it is méete that wée shoulde bée estraunged from them whose conuersation is in heauen We are héere mingled with infidels and hypocrites yea the chaffe appeare in the Lorde hys floore aboue the wheate Besides we are subiect vnto the common miseries of this earthlie life we want meate and drinke and other necessaries notwithstanding in minde and affection wée must bée conuersant in heauen for wée must passe swiftly thorough this lyfe and we must be dead to the worlde that Christ may liue in vs and we in like manner liue vnto him This place is a most plentifull fountaine of manie exhortations which any man may easily gather out From whence also By the coniunction that wée haue in Christ he proueth that our gouernement is in heauen For it is not méete that the members should bée diuided from their head therefore séeing that Christ is in heauen that wée may cleaue vnto hym it is necessarie that in oure mindes wée dwell out of the worlde Besides where our treasure is there our heart is also Christ our blessednesse and glorie is in the heauens therefore let our soules dwell alofte with hym therefore by name hée calleth hym a Sauioure From whence haue wée saluation namely Christ our Sauiour shall come vnto vs from heauen therefore it is absurd that wée shoulde bée busied in the earth Thys epithete of a Sauioure serueth the circumstance of the place for therefore wée are sayde in oure myndes to bée in heauen because from thence onely the hope of saluation shineth vnto vs. The comming of Christe as it shall bée terrible vnto the vngodlie so it rather turneth away theyr myndes from heauen than stirreth them vp thither For they knowe that there shall come a Iudge for them and as much as is in them they flée from hym Out of these wordes of Paule the godlie soules gather a swéete consolation when they heare that they must desire the comming of Christ because it shall bée healthfull for them Contrarywise it is a certayne signe of incredulitie at euerie mention thereof to tremble looke the eyght Chapter to the Romanes but whilest others are carried about with vayne desires Paule wyll haue the faythfull contented with Christ onely Moreouer wée learne out of thys place that wée must imagine no base or earthly thyng of Christ because Paule byddeth vs looke vp into heauen that wée may séeke hym But they that subtelly dispute that Christ is not enclosed or thrust into one corner of heauen that thence they mighte prooue hys bodie to bée euerie where and that hée filleth heauen and earth they neyther saye anye thing nor all for as it were rash and foolish to ascend beyond the heauens and in this or that countrey to assigne vnto Christ a standing sitting or walking so in like manner to drawe him out of heauen by any carnall cogitation that we might séeke him in earth it is a foolish and pernicious doting therefore let our hearts be aloft that they may be with the Lord. 21 Who shall transforme By this argument he pricketh yet more the Philippians forward that their minds being lift vp into heauen they may cleaue altogether vnto Christ Because this bodie which we beare about is no continuall dwelling but a ruinous tabernacle which shall soone be brought to nothing besides it is subiect to so many miseries and so many shamefull infirmities that it may rightly be called abiect and full of shame but from whence must we hope for the restoring thereof from heauen at the comming of Christ therefore there is no part of vs which with our whole desire should not aspire into heauen We sée the present basenesse of our bodies in life but especially in death The glorie which they shall haue conformable to the bodie of Christ is incomprehensible for if the disciples could not abide the small taste he gaue them in the Transfiguration which of vs can attaine vnto the fulnesse thereof let vs now be contente with the testimonie of our adoption we shall knowe the riches of our inheritance when we shall enioie them According to the working Because there is nothing more incredible nor more disagréeing from the sense of the flesh that the resurrection for this cause Paule setteth the infinite power of God before our eies the which shoulde swallow vp all doubting for thereof ariseth distrust because we measure the thing by the narrownes of our owne wit Neither did he saie only Power but Effectuall working which is the effect or such a power that bringeth it selfe into acte as I may so speake when it commeth into our minds that God who hath created all things of nothing can commaund the sea and the land
Let your pacient minde be knowne to all men The Lorde is at hand 6 Bee carefull for nothing but in all thinges let your requestes bee knowne vnto God in praier supplication with giuing of thankes 7 And the peace of God which passeth al vnderstanding shall keepe your harts minds in Christ Iesus 8 Furthermore Brethren whatsoeuer things are true whatsoeuer things are graue whatsoeuer things are iust whatsoeuer things are pure whatsoeuer things are amiable whatsoeuer things are honest if there be any vertue if there bee any praise thinke on these things 9 Which yee haue both learned and receyued and hearde seene in me doe those things and the God of peace shall bee with you 4 Reioyce in the Lord. This is an exhortation applied to the time For because the state of the godly was much troubled euery where dangers imminent it might so fall out that they being ouercome with sorrowe impatience might faint Therfore he biddeth them howsoeuer their estate were hated and troubled neuerthelesse to reioyce in the Lorde for then especially the spirituall consolations wherwith the Lord doo recreate and chéere vs muste shewe forth their strength when the whole world doo prouoke vs to desperation but we must consider by the circumstance of the time howe forcible this voice would haue béene from Paules mouth who might be the especial cause of their heauines For if they be afraide of persecutions of bonds of banishment or of death here the Apostle commeth forth who amidest his bonds in the midst of hoate persecutions and in feare of death is not only ioyful but also chéereth vp others The sum therefore is this whatsoeuer shall happen yet the faithfull who haue God on theyr side haue sufficient matter to reioyce The repetition serueth to the amplification as if he should say let this be a strong stedfast ground vnto you to reioice in the Lord and that not for a momēt but that your ioy may be continued in him For truly in this it differeth from the ioy of the world because we haue experience that that is deceitful momentanie and soone vanisheth away and Christ also doth pronounce it accursed Luke 6.25 Therfore that is ioy fixed in God which is neuer taken from vs. 5. Let your patient mind This may 2 waies bée expounded either that he biddeth thē rather to lose their right than that any shoulde complaine of their cruelty rigor As if he had saide let all men with whome you deale perceceiue your equity and curtesie that their knowledge may signifie their experience Or else that he exhorteth them to beare all things paciently which latter sense doth rather please me for the Grecians also call 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 the moderation of the minde when as we are not easily moued with iniuries whē we are not easily troubled with aduersitie but we kéepe stil an equal condition to which purpose Cicero hath said my mind is quiet which taketh all things wel and equally Such an equity which is as it were the mother of of patience Paule here requireth of the Philippians and which might appeare vnto al men by shewing forth hir effects as occasion requireth It séemeth not to agrée with the name of modesty because Paule in this place doth not forbid them to waxe insolent but quietly to behaue themselues in all their affaires and to temperate themselues in susteinyng either iniuries or discommodities The Lord is at hand Here is a Prolepsis whereby he preuenteth an obiection for the sense of the flesh reclaimeth agaynst the former sentence for since that by our gentlenes the desire of the wicked waxe more insolent and the more readye they sée vs to beare the more bold they are to offer iniuries wée are hardly brought in this patience to possesse our soules thervpon came these prouerbs We must howle among wolues that we shall soone be deuoured of wolues which haue behaued themselues like shéepe Therefore we conclude that the fiercenes of the wicked is with like violence to be beaten backe least that safely they triumph ouer vs. Againste these cogitations Paule here opposeth the truste in God his prouidence He answereth I say that the Lord is at hand whose vertue shal ouercome their boldnes and whose goodnes shal vanquish their malice him he promiseth to be present with vs if we obey his commandement And who had not rather be protected only by the hand of God than to haue all the aid of the worlde in a readines An excellent sentence wherby first we learne that the cause of all impatience is the ignorance of the prouidence of God hereof it come that we rage so quickly for so light a cause often also we dispaire because we know not that the Lorde hath care of vs. Contrariwise this is an only remedie to pacifie our mindes if knowing that we are neither subiect to the rashnes of fortune nor to the lust of the wicked but that we are gouerned by the fatherly care of god we rest altogither vpon his prouidence To conclude whosoeuer holdeth this that god is present with him he hath wherin to reioyce without feare Moreouer the Lord is saide to bée at hand two maner of waies either because his iudgement is at hand or else because he is ready to succour his seruants in the which signification it is taken in this place as also in the Psal 145.18 The Lord is néere vnto al them that cal vpō him the sense therefore is the condition of the godly should be most miserable if the Lorde were farre off but because the Lord hath receiued them into his tuition and by his power which is present euery where doth defend them let them stay themselues vpon this cogitation that they be not dismaied at the rage of the wicked It is knowne and common that carefulnes is here taken for impiety which springeth from the distrust of gods power or of his help 6. But in all things Paule vseth the singuler number but the neuter gender therefore in 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 is as much as in al your busines because 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 and 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 are of the feminine gender In these wordes he exhorteth the Philippians as Dauid doth al the godly Psal 55.23 Peter 1. epistle 5.7 that they should cast al their care vpō the Lord for we are not made of iron but we may be shakē with temptations but this is the comfort Here is our ease to lay downe or to speake more properly to empty out into gods bosome whatsoeuer gréeueth vs. Confidence bringeth quietnes vnto our minds but so that we be exercised by praiers Therefore so oft as we are assalted with any tēptatiō let vs fly straight vnto praier as vnto an holy sāctuary He taketh praiers here for desires or vowes He woulde haue them opened vnto god through praier as if the faithful should poure out their harts before the Lord when they cōmend themselues al