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A12974 An exposition vpon the CXII. Psalme The high way to euerlasting blessednesse. Written for the benefit of Gods church, by T.S. Stint, Thomas. 1621 (1621) STC 23269; ESTC S107442 67,502 220

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light were not so great the times the nations had not sinne who amongst vs is so ignorant but hee knowes that Idolatry swearing stabbing whoring and excessiue drinking are sinnes and that for these things comes the anger of God Is any so simple that hee knowes not the ten Commandements and the sum of the Gospel yet how desperately doe men rush on the pikes carelesly wittingly willingly seeing the gulfe and yet leaping into it Vpon this therefore doe I wish Christians would set prices and spend their studies euen about the art of doing the Conmandements But here some may aske how shall wee attaine this facility and faculty of doing I answer to wish it Good desires is the best halfe especially when it breeds praier for the dead and heartily to desire it is halfe yea and the best halfe of the worke for a man or woman to effect goodnesse aboue cunning is a good signe and a good helpe and step to bee such an one especially when this desire breeds prayer for power to doe knowing that without Christ wee can doe iust nothing therefore let euery one of vs do that we should do and blessed are we If we know that Baal be God if Rome be the true Church let vs turne to it againe if wee know that swearing dicing swaggering and foolish fashion following be good things let vs all fall to doe those things but if God hath giuen vs the truth and the light let vs walke in it and worke by it while it is to day lest if we play reuell and riot by it the Candlesticke be remoued and the light put out if purity sanctitie and sobrietie be knowne to vs to be good things and pleasing to God to keepe the Commandements and delight therein O happy then thrise blessed are we if we doe them Therefore to conclude though I confesse my selfe vnworthy to write The consideration of the blessednesse of that man that delighteth in the commandemēts shuld moue vs to get our part therein yet I beseech you let my counsell be acceptable to the Reader that is let euery one of vs get some part in the Cōmandements for the which the Lord may remember vs and the remembrance whereof may bee a comfort to vs at the houre of death let vs prouide with Ioseph in the time of plenty against the day of scarcity Iohn 92 the night commeth when no man can worke God loues a liuing sacrifice and a chearfull giuer therfore let vs thinke with Titus Vespasian wee haue lost thay day wherein wee haue not done some good O what a blessed houre shall that be wherein our soules shall expire with Hezekias words Esa 38.3 I beseech thee O Lord remember how I haue walked before thee in truth and with a perfect heart and haue done that which is good in thy sight Iud. 5.21 Then may wee say with Deborah O my soule thou hast marched valiantly Psal 116.7 Yea then may wee say with Dauid Return vnto thy rest O my soule for the Lord hath rewarded thee Death is the worlds strict doore keeper and will see 1. Tim. 6.7 that as wee brought nothing into the world so we shall carry foorth nothing againe yet can he not hinder vs from that blessednesse which the Oracle of heauen hath proclaimed to all those that delight in the Commandements Blessed are the dead which die in the Lord they rest from their labours and their works follow them Reu. 14.13 Let vs consider that onely our good workes will be our companions to heauen they shall bee our honour in life our comfort in death and our crowne at the last resurrection beseeching him to enable vs with grace for the performance of all thy Commandements for thy truth and for thy names sake Amen VERSE 2. His seed shall bee mighty vpon earth the generation of the righteous shall be blessed HAuing spoken of the blessednesse of that man that feareth the Lord and delighteth in his Commandements Now in this Verse the Prophet Dauid sheweth the happy successe of this blessed man His seed shall bee mighty vpon earth c. That is they shall not onely haue spirituall grace but also right vnto and the right vse of all the benefites of this life True obedience bring outward prosperity for true obedience to Gods Commandements though it bee not perfect brings the blessing of God vpon vs for outwards things as well as for inward This is promised in Deuteronomie where Moses speaketh thus vnto the people of Israel Deu. 28.2 c. If thou shalt obey diligently the voyce of the Lord thy God and obserue and doe all his Commandements which I command thee this day then the Lord thy God will set thee on high aboue all the nations of the earth and all those blessings shall come to thee c. Belssed shalt thou be in the citie and blessed also in the field 2. Cor. 9.7 c. Shewing that true and faithfull obedience is that which bringeth all manner of blessings for body and soule for name and estate yea and for seed and posteritie also and therefore the Apostle telleth Timothy 1. Tim. 6.5 that godlinesse is great gaine and that it hath the promises of this life and of the life to come In which regard Dauid saith I haue beene yong and now am old yet haue I not seene the righteous forsaken ●sal 4 ● 25. nor his seed begging bread therfore Dauids speech is well to be obserued for he doth not say the righteous is neuer forsaken How to vnderstand Dauids wordes but I neuer saw it speaking there of his own experience and obseruation hee had seene and so may wee that children of great men haue broken foorth into many horrible sinnes and so haue beene brought to a strange and miserable and violent death many wofull straits extremities before their death but he neuer saw neither shall wee see the godly seed of godly men forsaken of God and men and left as vagabonds to beg their bread but God hath euer had and still will haue a speciall care of them and euer made all necessary prouision for them either hee himselfe by a more particular prouidence of his casteth sufficency of these outward things vpon thē or blesseth their labours so that they are made a meanes of maintenance vnto them or if they fayle that way hee mooueth the hearts of some other of his seruants to pittie them and to supply their wants so that whatsoeuer their necessities bee they are freede from that curse that is denounced against the seed of the wicked to wit that they should wander vp and downe as vagrants begging their bread and making a trade of that vile wretched course of life Nothing that is needfull shall be wanting when Gods fauour is not Teaching vs this much that nothing that is needful shall be wanting to those that are in the fauour of the Lord such as haue
his fauour shall haue all good blessings flowing to them and following of them Dauid doth notably confirme this in many of his Psalmes as in the three and twentieth Psalme where professing God to bee his shepheard maketh this inference therupon Therefore I shall not want Psal 23.1.6 but doubtlesse kindenesse and mercie shall follow mee all the dayes of my life Psa 34 9.10 and againe the Lyons doe lacke and suffer hunger but they which seeke the Lord shall want nothing that is good Psal 84.11 also Dauid sayth the Lord God is a sunne and a shield vnto vs the Lord will giue grace and glory and no good thing will hee withhold from them that walke vprightly And is not this the blessing that is promised to such as feare the Lord that all good things should flow vnto them from heauen and earth that they shall be hlessed in the house in the field in their basket in their store in the fruite of their bodyes in the encrease of their cattle and in the aboundance of all things Let no man doubt of this truth for God is the Gouernor of heauen earth and the di●●oser of all things thus wee see that where Gods fauour is there is want of nothing that is needfull And there is cause why we shuld rest fully resolued of this point that none of Gods household shall euer want necessary releefe because all will yeeld that God is the Gouernour of heauen and earth and the disposer of all things in them both and then they must grant further that those that are best and doe best shall speede best because God loueth them most and how then can we make question whether or no the Lord will bestow vpon them a competent measure and a comfortable vse of these earthly blessings seeing all is in his hand and he wisheth so well vnto his owne people especially seeing hee hath straightly charged vs not to care what wee shall eate or drinke Mat. 6.25 or what wee shall put on but first to seeke the kingdome of God and his righteousnesse promising vs faithfully that if wee doe so all other things shall be cast vpon vs. And as he hath promised this so hath hee from time to time performed it If we will prosper in our outward estate wee must thriue in pietie as wee may obserue throughout the booke of Iudges of Samuel and of the Chronicles for there it is to be seene that when godlinesse prospered in the soules of Gods people they prospered their outward estate whē sinne on the other side had made hauocke in their soules then the Madianites and the Philistims and other enemies made hauocke in their countrey when they and their kings thriued in pietie and did grow in the knowledge of God and zeale of his glory then it went well with them for outward plenty and aboundance but when Idolatry and impietie beganne once to thriue in their hearts and in their land they neuer had long nor settled prosperitie but their enemies hands and swords preuayled against them for taking away of their liues and the ruinating of their estates Sinful courses can neuer prosper First here is matter of terrour for all wicked worldlings that thinke to aduantage and aduance themselues by sinnefull and and naughty courses that is an ill way to rise for the riches of iniquitie shall not prosper Pro. 10.2 Iere. 22.23.24 though they build their houses neuer so high and aduance their nests vnto the starres yet the Lords hand shall pull them thence and cast them downe into the very dust they thinke their houses their names and their substance shall remayne for euer and that they shall make themselues and theirs by ioyning house to house and land to land by oppressing the poore and needy and by defrauding the fatherlesse and widow and such as cannot right themselues but alas they little consider in the meane while that God is the Iudge of the world and that hee will reward euery man according to his workes they imagine their estate shall be according to their wealth and so it might bee indeede if God were not the gouernour of the world but sith he is so it shall goe with euery one according to that he is and not according to that hee hath and therefore as God would haue it proclaimed to the godly Isa 3.10 say yee surely it shall goe well with the iust for they shall eate the fruite of their workes so he would haue this denounced against the vngodly Wo be to the wicked it shall bee euill with him for the reward of his hands shall bee giuen him Esa 3.11 they shall reape that which they haue sowed It were and absurd thing for one that hath sowne nothing but cockle and fitches to exspect a good crop of wheat and as contrary to all reason is it for thē that sowe iniquity to think they shall reape any thing but affliction they may delude themselues with vaine hopes but they shall neuer obtaine any happinesse and prosperity from the Lord nay surely he hates both thē and their practises and therefore they their wicked seed shall be rooted out as wee may see it verified in many of the kings of Israel as in Ieroboam Ahab Baasha c. And most notably in that place of Ieremie concerning Iehoiakim the sonne of Iosiah woe vnto him sayth the Lord that buildeth his house by vnrighteousnesse Ier. 22.13.89 and his Chambers without equity hee vseth his neighbour without wages and giueth him not for his works c. Shalt thou raigne because thou closest thy selfe in Cedar did not thy Father eate and drinke and prosper when he executed Iudgement and Iustice c. Where is declared in the example of Iosiah Ios 11.23 No certaine way to prosper in but in the practise of godlines for that bringeth all true honor and prosperity the godly Father on the one side that the true knowledge of God and the practise of godlines and righteousnesse bringeth all true honour and prosperity and on the other side in the example of Iehoiakim the wicked sonne is shewed that impiety ioyned with oppression and cruelty with fraud and deceit and iniurious dealing man liues a base and dishonourable life and dyes a shamefull and Ignominious death as wee see it many times comes to passe that while he is in the World he shall liue vndesired and when he goeth out of the World he shall die vnlamented The best way to thriue in all the world is to get Religion into our hearts Therefore let this encourage men if they would haue good things either in right or in possession to labour to get Religion into their hearts and to be as much afraid of sinne as of misery and as desirous of grace as they are of prosperity which if we could do we should find Gods eyes open to consider of vs and his hand to relieue vs continually in all
must bee with euery true penitent True it is in the time of our impenitency like wilde and mad horses we gallop in the way of sinne yet in the day of our repentance the spirit of God as with a bit or bridle giueth vs a checke and turnes vs backe and setteth vs as fast a going the other way insomuch that our olde companions stand wondering at the matter admiring that wee so suddenly breake off company 1. Pet. 4.4 and runne not with them to the same excesse of ryot so great is the change that not onely our selues but others also see it admire it Now then thou that talkest of repentance and of thy obedience to the commandements is this change in thee assure thy selfe if thou hast repented it is and all the world may see it Canst thou with a good conscience say of thy selfe as Paul did of the Corinthians 1. Cor. 6.10.11 I was once a thiefe a drunkard an adulterer a reuiler an extortioner a couetous person and the like but now I am washed now I am sanctified yea iustified in the name of the Lord Iesus and by the spirit of my God canst thou thus say of thy selfe and that in truth why then to thy comfort be it spoken this is a notable euidence of the truth of thy repentance but if it be otherwise thou mayest deceiue thy selfe for if no reformation followes these are not signes of true repentance for this is true repentance Augustine saith Augustine so to bewayle sinnes past as that we commit them no more which wee haue bewayled It is to no purpose then for vs to bewayle our former courses vnlesse there follow amendment let not then this deceiue thee For where the Lord giues repētance there he giues the grace of reuocation whereby they becom new creatures for thou doest but mocke and not indeed repent when thou still doest that whereof thou hast repented this is true repentance so to repent that thou hast sinned as that thou doest so no more till therfore thou doest cease from sinne and reforme thy wayes vntill thou doest find this change in thy selfe so that thou canst truely say I was thus and thus but now the case is altered thou canst haue no comfort in thy repentance nor in the commandements for asure thy selfe that repentance and continuance in the old wicked courses can neuer stand together Lastly this may serue for the comfort of all such as doe finde this change in themselues who can say with that blinde man who had his sight restored one thing know that whereas I was blinde now I see Ioh. 9.25 whereas I was filthy and vncleane I am now washed and cleansed Oh happy is the condition of such a one thrise blessed is the estate of that man onely manifest this change vnto the world that others may also say How is this man cbanged from what he was that as others haue beene witnesses of thy sinne so they may bee also witnesses of thy repentance This may serue for reproofe Loose professors reprooued as being farre from keeping the commandements against our loose and leud hypocrites masked vnder the name of pure professors promising to thēselues though liuing and lying in their sins far frō keeping the cōmants the reward of glory no as thou sowest thou must reape as thou bruest thou must drinke if thou sowe tares neuer looke to reape wheate if thou Brue with crabs neuer looke to drinke milde Beere Can men gather figges of thorns or grapes of thistles so I comparing our workes to trees their rewards to the fruits say the like thinke you euer of the thorns and thistles of couetousnes pride vncleannes blasphemy swearing profanation of the Sabaoths euer to gather the sweet figges or pleasant grapes of glory and happines will this gall and wormewood euer make pleasant drinke● will these wilde and sower grapes euer yeeld sweete wine Oh that wee could seriously lay this to heart that wee must all appeare before the iudgement seat of Christ 2. Cor. 5.10 11. to receiue according to that which we here haue done whether good or euill that hee that soweth of the flesh shall of the flesh reape corruption Gal. 6.8 and hee that soweth of the spirit shall of the spirit reape life euerlasting then would we presently begin to reason with our selues Alas how poore how how barren am I in good workes how fruitfull in ill it is true indeed that according to the quality of our works we shall be iudged alas what other works can I present the Lord withal besides the works of death and darknes if these had the promise of reward then were my case good let vs examine our hearts herein and thinke euer with our selues thus long haue I liued but what good haue I done eyther to my selfe or others where are my prayers fastings humiliations meditations well spent Sabaoths well gouerned children and seruants where are the workes of mercie to my brethren either to their soules in holy admonition reprehension exhortation or bodies in ministring reliefe to their necessities how can I look for the penny that hath stood idle in the market place all the day long for the crown that refused to runne Rom. 2.7 for a good crop in haruest that would not sowe in seed time let vs no longer deceiue our selues no glory honor and immortality can be found of any but such as seeke it by continuance in well doing and in keeping the commandements and delighting therein Seeing then the greater our zeal paines and trauell hath beene in Gods cause the greater shall bee weight of our glory the twelue Apostles shall haue twelue special thrones at the day of iudgement and whereas otherwise men shall but shine with the brightnesse of the firmament Dan. 12 3. they that turne others from their euill wayes with brightnesse of the starres Phil. 4.17 hee that soweth liberally shall reape liberally and euery good worke added to the number of the former helpeth to further our reckoning in the day of the Lord. Mat. 12. And here for our comfort let vs remember that God rewards euery one according to his worke for he will reward the least good worke euen a cup of cold water an t 5.1 eating not onely of our honey but of our hony-combe yea at the last day notice will bee taken of inferiour sorts of workes as giuing a peece of bread or a peece of cloath God forbid then that any should say with those in Malachy It is in vaine to serue the Lord therefore let vs feare Gods saying Behold I come quickely and my reward is with me When Mordecay had performed a worthy seruice to Ahashuerosh in discouery of a dangerous treason Est 6.10 hee had not his reward presently but yet his seruice was registred and so afterward when the king looked vppon the records it was royally recompenced Malachy teacheth vs that there are books of
are deliuered but not from the latter We haue not receiued the spirit of bondage to feare againe Rom. 8.5 but the spirit of adoption whereby we cry Abbah Father So that true loue is so farre off from casting out this holy feare of adoption whereby wee are drawne to hate sinne in loue towards God and not for punishments sake that it doth bring it in and establish it within vs yet this is to bee noted by the way that seruile feare is a good meanes at the first to bring vs vnto God for it prepareth a place for the holy Ghost to bring him into our soules as the bristles bringeth in the thred But when it is once entred into vs and hath taken vp the possession of our soules within vs then this feare is gone as the bristle is when the thred is entred into the hole Besides this we must marke that as the children of God are not by and by perfect so a peece of this feare may still remaine in them but the feare that is here required of vs and which is to last for euer is that feare of reuerence whereby we beholding our owne weakenesse and the excellency of God and his incomprehensible Maieiestie dare not lift vp our selues against him but do stand in awe of him with all reuerence being loath to offend him in any thing and most carefull to please him in all things it is such a feare as is in louing children toward their parents in dutifull wiues towards their husbands and in faithfull subiects towards their Princes the fountaine whereof is loue and a due consideration of his excellency euery away about vs. A plain difference betweene the true filiall and sonne-like feare the seruile slauish feare Here we may see a plaine difference betweene the true filial feare of God and the seruile and slauish feare the filiall feare keepeth vs from finall falling away but the seruile doth not the filiall is onely in the godly the seruile in the wicked the filiall is a peculiar gift of the spirit so is not the seruile and the filial feare is ioyned with loue but there is no seruile feare in loue And as the true feare of God proceeds from loue so it must bee continued in loue end in loue therefore if the Lord loue thee then thou doest loue him againe this Saint Iohn doth confirme We loue him because he loued vs first Ioh. 4.19 examine then what loue thou bearest towards God try whether it be sound for certainely if thou louest him thou art beloued of him It is thought to be a commō thing and easie to loue the Lord This feare of God must be louely for where God is not truly loued hee cannot be truly feared and he is a wretch and vnworthy to liue that doth not loue his maker but let euery one beware lest it be found in himselfe for it is not so common a thing to loue the Lord as the world takes it to bee Bee thou therefore of a good ground try thy loue by the fruits and effects therefore if thou louest God truely Mat. 10.37 Psal 63.3 Phil. 3.4 thou doest esteeme him his fauour aboue all things in the world besides counting his louing kindnesse better vnto thee then life and the signes of his fauour thy greatest ioy all things shall be counted but as drosse and dung in comparison of it Thirdly if thou louest God thou wilt then delight in his presence for the nature of true loue is such that it earnestly desireth the presence of the party which is beloued Psal 26.8 thou wilt loue his house and the place where his honour dwelleth thou wilt haue frequent recourse to those means by which the Lord is pleased to conuerse with his children whether publike as to the hearing of the word or priuate as reading singing c. Take all occasions to speake vnto him by prayer and meditation Phil. 1.25 yea thou wilt haue an ardent desire to be dissolued that thou mayest bee with Christ and to be absent from the body 2 Cor. 5.8 that thou mightest bee present with the Lord. Readinesse to obey signes of true loue Fourthly our loue to God may be tryed by our readines in obeying of his commands Loue can hardly deny any worke which the party beloued doth enioyne Loth we are to deny to doe any thing for those whom we entirely loue Hee that hath my commandements and keepeth them Ioh. 14.21 he it is that loueth me saith our Sauiour this is the loue of God that wee keepe his commandements his commandements are not greeuous So then 1. Ioh. 5.3 where there is loue there is obedience yea willing carefull obedience This may serue for the great comfort of all such as haue Gods loue manifested vnto them for as the terrors are great which that man hath in his conscience who is in doubt of the loue of the Almighty towards him so is the comfort as great which that man hath who is hereof perswaded for come tribulation or distresse or persecution Rom. 8 25 11. Heb. 11. or famine or nakednesse or perill or sword or life or death yet the certainty of Gods loue will support him this assurance doth make bitter things sweet and gall to relish as hony Comfort then thy heart thou beloued of the Lord let nothing dismay thee though the wicked mocke though the world scorne thee though thy acquaintance hate thee yet remember God loues and fauours thee 1. Sam. 1.8 and hath manifested the same vnto thee Is not my loue better vnto thee then ten children said Elkanah to Hannah so is not the loue of God vnto vs better then tenne worlds let then the meditation of this harden thy face like brasse against all dangers and sad times of temptations and persecution for God shall giue his beloued rest they shall be deliuered for he will helpe them with his right hand Therfore to this feare we must stir vp our soules euery day and so farre as we would either worship God aright or haue his blessings powred downe vpon vs whether for this life or the life to come we must striue and contend with our soules and our hearts to bring them hereunto that so wee may alwayes reuerence and dread the great name of the Lord of hosts doubtlesse we shall neuer serue the Lord aright or become happy and blessed vntill this bee brought to passe well wee may performe some duties in outward appearance wee shall neuer looke to all with a good heart and conscience within And howsoeuer we prosper and flourish for a while yet woe and destruction will ouertake vs at the last but let his feare bee once planted within vs then shall wee inwardly and from the heart haue a respect vnto all his commandements and bee most carefull to please him in all things and then againe shall wee prosper and flourish for euer not onely in this world but
his loue why doe we not vse the meanes to become gratious in his eyes Oh let vs all seeke his fauour before the fauour of Princes let vs seeke his face euermore Fourthly this teacheth vs to haue our conuersation without couetousnes which is as insatiable as the graue in euery estate condition learne to depend vpon the Lords prouidēces Commit thy way vnto the Lord and trust in him Psal 37.5 he shall bring it to passe Vse no vnlawfull meanes take not any indirect course for the obtaining of wealth or supplying our wants for God hath engaged his promise and his truth to see our needs supplied Lastly let it comfort the children of God in the middest of all the miseries of this mortall life Nothing can make vs miserable where Gods fauor is not wanting for what can make vs miserable seeing we enioy the fauour of God and the light of his countenance which is the Fountaine of all good and the ground of all other mercies whatsoeuer what Elkanah said to Hannah complaining for want of children may Gods fauour speake to all that haue their parts in it in euery distresse Am not I vnto thee instead of riches wealth glory and greatnesse in the world surely yes it is instead of these and better then all these vnto vs let therefore the inioyment of this serue for a supply for all our wants of what kind soeuer let vs make Gods fauour to bee that vnto vs which wee want for he that can assure himselfe of this hath a sufficient salue for euery sore There is no certaine way to aduance our selues but true religion and piety The generation of the righteous shall bee blessed Hence we learne that Religion and true piety is the ready way to the highest aduancement that can be therefore let vs set our hearts chiefely thereupon and aboue all the treasures in the World principally to effect that wee count it good husbandry to seeke after those things that will doe vs most good if siluer bee offered we will preferre it before brasse and if gold be offered we will take it rather then siluer Now concerning this heauenly wisedome it is said Pro. 8.10.11 Receiue mine instruction and not siluer and knowledge rather then fine gold for wisedome is better then precious stones and all treasures are not to bee compared vnto her And this should encourage vs rather to vse all industry for the obtaining of this blessed estate because it is a thing haue-able it were in vaine for a base person to sue to bee a King a Duke or a Lord none almost is so foolish as to seeke for such preferments because they know it would be but lost labour but there is not the meanest Seruant Slaue or Bondman but may attaine to this spirituall dignity which is far beyond all the aduancement that the Kingdomes of this world can possibly yeeld hee that can pray heare meditate confer and with all good care and conscionable respect vse all Gods ordinances for the obtaining of faith and other graces which doe euer accompany the same shall be sure of good and happy successe for the Lord will be found of those that seeke him with a true heart therefore let vs not so cast our eyes on earthly commodities as that in the meane time wee neglect this pearle of price and this inestimable Iewell that will so exceedingly enrich vs 2. Cor. 9.21 the Apostle telleth vs that those that runne in a rase for a prize though it bee but a Garland that is set vp yet they will put off all that might clog hinder them in their race but especially if they should runne for a Crowne of gold neither will they be so foolish to stoope downe to take vp euery pinne or poynt that lyeth in the way and yet they run but at an vncertainety when they haue done their best another may carry away both the honour and commodity from them from all which the Apostle would haue vs draw this conclusion that if such kind of persons will so bestirre themselues and seeke to acquit themselues euery way like men then much more ought we to put our selues to it sith wee runne not at an vncertainety Only the godly are sure to obtaine the Crowne but are sure to obtaine the Crowne one shall not preuent nor depriue another but all shall vndoubtedly get that which they doe expect and shall attaine vnto not a fading and vanishing but an abiding and euerlasting dignity they shall be blessed but here some may say if wee bestow our paines and endeauour so much about spirituall things in the meane time wee shall neglect those earthly things that are needfull and so bring our selues to pouerty I answere not so for prouision of our euerlasting estate doth neuer impaire our present estate 1. Tim. 4 8. For Godlinesse hath the promises of this life and of that which is to come and thereby shal all matters be blessed vnto vs. Of all men they are the husbands that labour most for grace Seeing therfore they that spend their paines in seeking of grace shall neuer lose their labour nor misse of their marke but alwayes obtaine that which they do desire and when once they haue possession of it it will abide with them they cannot lose it though they would it is so durable and permanent that it will neuer decay and so vnited and ingrafted into the nature of the parties that it can by no possible meanes bee wholly taken away and therefore as in other things so in this the continuance of it addes greatly vnto the worth of it 1. Pet 4. for grace is a perpetuall inheritance that farre surpasseth al that the world can affoord a man must leaue all his earthly inheritance and aboundance hee knoweth not how soone neither can his great pompe descend into the graue with him neither can he so make it ouer vnto his seed Psal 49.17 but that they may bee defrauded of it but the heauenly treasure is ours whiles we liue and when we die and after death yea at and after the resurrection for euermore and as the perpetuitie so also the excellency of this in it owne nature should bee a forcible motiue vnto vs and set an edge vpon our affections to pursue after it continually for whereas other things are dangerous and hurtfull Godlinesse is profitable in this life and in the life to come this is alwayes profitable and helpfull it maketh vs blessed in this present life and in the life to come it bringeth with it the comfort of the spirit the feeling of Gods loue and fauour and the comfortable vse of all outward good things wee are not likely at least not certaine to continue here many dayes and what an vnspeakeable comfort then is it to be assured that when wee go frō men wee shall goe to God and when we leaue the earth Though man should forsake vs yet God will
of any thing in this life that he feareth Sweete is the fountaine to the weary traueller and rest to the tyred seruant comfortable is the coole euening after a hot Sunny day yet much more sweet will it be to the Saints of this heauēly citie to haue peace after warre pleasure after paine ioy after trouble and constant securitie after their so long endured sorrowes then shall we blessed indeed as here the Prophet sayth If one Sunne can lighten and fill the whole world with his brightnesse Dan. 3.12 Mat. 13 43 what shall so many glorified bodies of the blessed appeare that shall bee as so many Sunnes so many Lampes and so many shining Lights in heauen then shall we blessed indeed when we shall be like vnto God 1. Ioh. 3.2 1. Cor. 13. which by nature is blessed and we shall bee like vnto God when we shall see him as he is for this only sight of God is our whole happinesse O what a ioy shall it bee when at one view wee shall behold the most high and hidden mystery of the inseparable Trinity and of the loue of God therein then shall mans minde haue perpetuall rest and peace neither shall it desire any further vnderstanding when he hath all before his eyes that may be vnderstood then shall mans will bee quiet when hee enioyeth that felicitie wherein all other good things as in the fountaine of all happinesse are contained then shall faith haue her perfect worke and hope shall enioy that which shee long desired but charity shall endure for euer then shall bee sung continuall prayses vnto the Lambe Reu. 14.3 and the song although it be alwayes song yet it shall be euer new the ioy mirrh melody pleasure power wealth riches honour beauty fellowship dainties odors glory wisedome knowledge treasure securities peace quietnesse and eternall felicitie is beyond al vnderstanding and comprehension of man which the faithfull shall haue and enioy world without end with God the Father the Sonne and the holy Ghost with Angels and Arch-Angels Patriarkes and Prophets with the Apostles Euangelists with the Martyrs and Confessors and with the Saints of God in the pallace of the Lord in heauen there shall bee an euerlasting Sabaoth which no euening shal end then shall the geneartion of the righteous bee fully blessed There we shall rest and we shal see No content but in the kingdome of heauen we shall see and we shall loue we shall loue and we shall praise Behold saith Augustine That which is the end is without end For what other end is there ordained for the godly but to attaine to that Kingdome wich hath no end Wee call Paradise our Country and the Patriarkes our Fathers and the Saints our brethren and friends Why runne we not then with all speede to enioy our country and salute our Parents a great number of our friends and kinsfolkes brethren and children doe there attend wishing and expecting our comming what ioy will it bee both to them and vs there to meete one another what pleasures are there amongst the inhabitants of heauen which now feare death no more and are sure to liue for euer Those whose vnderstandings are darkened cannot see their happinesse Wo to the blindnesse of our eyes that see not this woe to the deafnesse of our eares that heare not this in such wise as a we should doe where through we might be so farre from fearing death that rather we should wish it with old Simeon Luke 2.29 Now let thy seruant depart in peace Psal 42.2 and with Dauid when shall I come and appeare before thee that we may be blessed for euermore Thirdly If true faith were placed in our hearts feare would vanish away if true knowledge and faith possest our hearts as they should feare and doubtfulnesse would vanquish quite away for assurance of heauenly things maketh vs willing to part with earthly he cannot contemne this life that knoweth not the other if wee would despise this world we must thinke of the glorious life that followeth it and if wee can endure paine for health much more should wee abide a few pangs for glory how foolish are we to feare a vanquished enemy Christ hath triumphed ouer death it bleedeth as it were and gaspeth vnder vs Death being conquered wee should desire to bee dissolued to be with Christ yet do we tremble it is enough that Christ dyed neither would he haue dyed but that we might dye with safety and pleasure how truely may we say of this our Dauid thou art worth ten thousand of vs yea worth a world of Angels yet he dyed for vs who would therefore liue that knowes his Sauiour dyed Who can be a Christian and would not bee like him that would not dye after him let vs thinke of this and iudge whether all the world can hire vs to die But alas great is our vnbeliefe full faint and weake is our faith or else night and day teares and cries should bee our meate and drinke whilst the wicked say vnto vs Where is now your God Psal 42.3 We should wish rather to be doore-keepers in the house of God Psal 84.10 then to dwell in these vngodly tents For one day in his Courts is better then a thousand it is a token of little loue to God to be so loath to goe vnto him when hee calleth herein wee ought to lament the weakenesse of our faith and seeing our wants to prepare for remedy against the time of neede and to beg of God his aide strength and comfort against the pinch which things vndoubtly if we aske in faith we shall obtaine and find his promise true God reacheth out his hand to conduct vs but wee draw backe our owne and runne away when hee calleth vs if hee bring vs into the way of saluation wee mourne for the World and we looke behinde vs with Lots Wife and hinder our desire of well doing wee must therefore rouze vp ourselues and not remaine still in the mire we must be fortified in this vertue who supporteth and comforteth vs in all distresse Lastly to conclude let vs attempt to despise corruptible things and to desire heauenly and eternall when God calleth at euery occasion let vs hearken vnto him if he be our Guide we must follow him for to arriue in his house let vs receiue his benefit and himselfe too for hee giues himselfe vnto vs in the person of his sonne hee causeth vs to see the meanes how to come vnto him wee must therefore request him to bestow vpon vs will and desire to come thither by Faith Repentance Hope c. And that hee would mainetaine his gifts and graces in vs to the end that heere wee may mourne in this mortall life and attend in the assurance of his mercy for the end of this world and our last day which shal bee the beginning of our true life when wee are to receiue an inheritance not mortall but immortall not earthly but heauenly not like the Goord of Ionas Ionas 4.7 but the Caeders of Libans Deut. 8.4 not like the garments in Egypt Gen. 3.7 but in the Wildernes not like the morning dew but the waters of Paradise Ephes 6.16 not Aprons of Fig-leaues but the Helmet of saluation Gen. 5.14 not like Iacobs Pottage which hee sold but the birth-right which hee bought 2. King 2.11 not a Tabernacle but a Temple not time but eternity not like an abortiue child but like Henoch and Elias which neuer tasted of death beseeching God our heauenly Father for his sonne Christ his sake to keepe vs soules and bodies to his kingdome and glory and to leade vs order vs and dispose of vs as he will in all things in all places and for euer that at the length we may come whether wee would that is into his owne blessed presence and fruition of immortality with Christ and his Saints world without end Amen FINIS