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ID Title Author Corrected Date of Publication (TCP Date of Publication) STC Words Pages
A08283 A pensiue mans practise Very profitable for all personnes, wherein are conteyned verie deuout and necessary prayers for sundry godlie purposes. VVith requisite perswasions before euery prayer. VVritten by Iohn Norden.; Pensive mans practise. Part 1 Norden, John, 1548-1625? 1584 (1584) STC 18616; ESTC S121124 83,439 264

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with Hipocrites but blesse the Lord in fayth and thou shalt be blessed OH God of vnspeakable mercie father of meruailous louing kindnes the onelie giuer of all good and perfect giftes who art more readie to giue then we to aske hearing befor we cal and giuing before we desire thinges necessary for vs I yeelde thee humble thankes for thy continuall fauour and louing kindnes towards vs thy creatures for whose saluation when we were lost thou wast contented euen of thy meere loue to sende thine onely delight into this world thy sonne Iesus Christe taking humaine nature vpon him and abyding the most bitter pangs of death vpon the Crosse to redeeme vs againe into thy fauour which by our disobedience was lost from darcknes wherevnto our blindnes had broughte vs into the lighte of trueth from ignoraunce and errour to wisedome knowledge Oh what greater comfort what greater ioy what a greater benefite coulde thy diuinitie haue bestowed vppon silly man then being of a castaway to bee made a saued soule of a lost sonne made the child of God and of a poore banished wretch to bee made an inheritor of the kingdome of heauen Lorde if it were possible for vs to yeelde vnto thee as manie thankes and prayses as coulde fill euen thine eates at the ful did yeelde our bodies and soules to bitter torments in hell for thy sake frō which thou hast redeemed vs it were nothing in recompence of the least parte of thys thy loue in giuing this sacrifice thy sonne in whom was thine onely and whole delight to pacifie thine owne displeasure and to purchase thy fauour and loue againe a thing most merueilous that the offended shoulde seeke tha'ttonement with the offendour and after so vnspeakable a meane and yet requiring nothing at our hands but thankfulnes obedient harts Lord I yeelde thee all possible thanks I yeelde thee thankes euen frō the bottome of mine heart from the very depth of mine vnderstanding who hast deserued more then we can by any means in desire satisfie or any way requite not onely in gyuing thy sonne for vs but in leauing vnto vs a continual rememberance of the same thy gospel wherin consisteth the rule for our direction vnto thee euen thy word which although heauen and earth passe and perishe yet shall not one iotte thereof as thou hast promised deminishe or decay without the which we shoulde haue continued in our accustomed blindnes These thy benefites are vnspeakable yet sweete Lord the creating of vs after thy likenes making vs after thine owne image deserueth no lesse praise and thanks where it lay in thy power to haue fashioned vs after sundry other formes as of wormes in the earth fishes in the sea beasts of the land most owgly and most straunge hauing neither the knowledge of thy will sence or seeling of thy goodnes which is the sweetest comfort in the world yea without the which is no true comfort at all nor enioy any quality either of body or minde which is any thing at all comparable to the gifts which thou hast endued mankinde withall I thanke thee also sweete Lord for all other thine vnspeakable mercies benefits as for feding vs clothing vs protecting vs hetherto giuing vs al thīgs necessary both for our soules bodies lord as of thy free fauor meere mercy thou hast vouchsafed vnto vs thy creatures all these and many other vnspeakable benefittes So vouchsafe the like loue and tender care towardes vs alwaies that we may prosper in our vocations goe forward in the daily seruice of thee and through the merites of thy sonne Iesus Christ obteyne pardon for our sinnes past and liue in thy faith feare and loue heereafter enioying all thinges requisite for mine owne and for the releefe of those whom thou hast committed vnto me and also for all other thy seruauntes so that we may haue sufficient and not be chargeable but rather helpfull to others for thy sonne Iesus Christes sake graunt it Amen Oh Lorde increase my fayth A deuoute prayer or Meditation that we may alwaies haue consideration that we must dye which as it is good at all times so especially in the time of any common plague or sicknes a godly meditation Remember as thou art a man So must thou dye none helpe it can No thing more sure the time vnsure Wherefore take heede liue not secure SYlenas the Philosopher hauing it but by the instinct of nature before the publishing of the gospell could see furder into the estate of man in those dayes then wee endeuour to vnderstande liuing too securelye nowe in the cleere light of the same For his opinion was that if wee consider with our selues what we are whereof we are and what we shall be wee coulde not but lament our miserable estate This saying of his was meruailous then when men liued in darknes but muche more meruailous that it is no better considered nowe in the time of the light of truth For wher we shoulde haue great care to liue well wee liue in wicked securitie and where we shoulde haue greater care to dye well wee foolishlye thinke to liue for euer But let vs perswade our selues and not only perswade but fully resolue our selues that we shall dye and let vs endeuour to make a good ende for a good ende excuseth a badde life paste And euen so likewise is an euill ende a greate argument of an euyll life For sake sinne and imbrace deathe wyllynglye so shalt thou seeme happye in this life and not vnhappye at the howre of death In the morning thinke not to liue tyll night and at night thinke not to liue tyll morninge So shalt thou lyue so muche the more cyrcumspectlye and bee alwayes readye to dye Account thy selfe in thys worlde but as a gueste that lodgeth for a nyght and departeth in the morning and as a wandryng Pylgrime of no certayne abode lyst vppe thy mynde to God Ecclesi 4 hauing heere no certayne Citty for if thou liue tenne or an hundred or a thousande yeeres there is no helpe but the graue muste bee thine end Blessed are they Reu 14. that dye in the Lorde VVherefore prepare thy selfe to dye not in your owne wisedome for that will deceiue you But in the wisedome of GOD that your hope may be sure his ioyes yours and his goodnes your inhearitaunce OH God the onely giuer of life the mainteyner and preseruer thereof and the life after death graunt me continuall due consideration that as this bodie of myne is builded vpon an earthly foundation and framed of the substaunce of dust and clay which is not durable the glory thereof vanishing like the flowre of the fielde which is soone cutte downe and withered So the same beeing the mansion or rather the Prison of my poore soule so frayle weake and feeble subiect to so many infirmities diseases greefes and maladies yea to so many causes that procure the dissolution of bodye and soule
that it often happeneth whē we think least thereon it commeth sodamly as the lightninge and taketh vs vnwares VVherefore grant Oh GOD of my life that I may haue such continuall care foresighte and dylligent respect vnto the direction of my dealinges cogitations and wordes that I loade not my poore soule so muche with the burden of scenlesse securitye sinne and iniquitye that the bodye beeing sodainly intangled with the snare of deathe it bee carryed where there is no reste no ioye no comforte or consolation but continual mourning weeping and anguishe of minde as the Glutton spoken of in thine holy Gospell who going on blindly loosly and carelesly without regarde eyther of thee or remem braunce of his ende in moste detestable couetousnes and all kinde of wickednes was sodainly taken from hys mucke wealth which he had wrongfully gotten and myserably whorded vppe and yet denying poore Lazarus the croomes that fell and were taken from his table but was carried by the deuyll and his Angells into euerlasting and moste bitter tormentes where was weeping and gnashing of teeth Oh my sweete Lord let not mine heart be so blinded with the vale of vanitie nor nouseled in the delightes of this world so intangeled in the nette of concupiscence nor clad in the weedes of wilfull forgetfulnes of mine estate that I bee taken as the ritch man who deuising within him selfe to enlarge hys Barnes wherin he might conuey his graine so much encreasing who standing in his euill conceite of couetousnes thinking himselfe most secure was taken vnawares from his aboundaunce and left hys riches he knew not to whom Oh most gratious and most louing God a most vnhappy end wherin steed of heauenly contemplations and godly cogitations which thou requirest at al times of such as are thine but especially at the houre of death there appeared a most horrible intent of couetousnes which thou vtterly abhorrest a manifest token good Lorde of forgetfulnes of his ende and an argument that hee was the childe of Sathan But thou shewest mercye to as many as conuert and turne to thee Oh my most louing father lighten mine eyes that I sleepe not in sinne nor wander in darknes according to the will of the fleshe that I fall not vnawares into the dungion of distruction death and hell but make me alwaies ready and willing to come vnto thee euen with desire when it pleaseth thee to call me by laying thy hande by any plague or sicknes vpon me let me not drawe me as it were backwarde when thou inuitest me to the sweete banquet of thine heauenly kingdome as by the worde and gospell preached and reueiled vnto vs which is an especiall calling vs or when I feele my selfe distempered greeued or vexed with any kinde of sicknes plague or disease which is another of thy callinges and an especiall warning that we must dye or when by course of time in extreame age wee may imagine our ende to be neere but Lord when I am at my dayly busines and laboure when I eate or drinke when I am in my best temperature health in childehoode and young yeeres at all times and in all places giue me grace to thinke that death standeth at mine elbowe alwayes ready to strike mee that I sleepe not in sinne and securitie till the time sodainly come of my departure and so be taken vnprouided and perish withour repentaunce who can perswade him selfe to liue long and see many daies especially in daungerous and contagious times of sicknes and seeing so many examples dayly to the contrary euen in the most temperate time of health some we see at their Mothers pappes by humaine indgement likely to liue sodainely to giue vppe the ghoste some in theyr youth some in middle yeeres yea when grauest experience aboundeth to be sodainly called away to be no more seene Al which notwithstanding Oh Lord such is the blindnes of our nature that we think this world a cōtinual being for vs and couer euen with greedines to see many dayes where we heape sinne vpon sinne to the ouerburdening of our poore soules seldome or not at all thinking to dye Graunt sweete Lorde that as I desire to liue so I may haue a greater desire to liue well that I may make an happy ende abandoning all feare of death that the cogitation thereof may dwell in peace with in the mansion of mine heart and when it shall approche neere vnto me I flie not from it but may goe foorth with ioy to meete the same considering that it is a meane to ende my cares and to begin my ioy it is the finishing of sorrow and enteraunce into blisse which made thy seruaunt Paule to say That he desired to be deliuered of the burden of this life and to be with thee where is nothing but ioyes vnspeakable and contrarie heere on earth nothing but care and woe which mooued thy seruaunt Iob to call this life a warfare and this world a wildernes and vale of misery where is nothing but conflictes betweene the flesh and the spirite dayly increase of sinne and continuall care of vanities Oh good God giue vs carefull hearts to loue thee while we liue heere giue vs continual feare vnfeyned zeale perfit faith godly care to doo good to all men and earnest desire to come vnto thee who art the ende of all trouble and laboure and the beginning of ease the ende of strife and the beginning of peace the ende of all misery and the beginning of all blisse wherevnto sweete Lord graunt that with vnseyned desi●e we may faithfully endeuour our selues to come and to take possession of that thy most glorious kingdome where thy sonne is gonne before to direct vs the way and where thou sittest to iudge according to euerye mans desertes making all those that thou findest with the Lampe of true faith burning in their harts partakers of the euerlasting ioyes thereof In number of whome Oh sweete Lord accept me heere that I may appeare among them in the world to come through Iesus Christ our Lorde in whose name I commend my selfe into thy handes to liue for euer in thee sweete God Amen Oh Lord increase my fayth A short prayer to the like purpose OH God in whose handes consisteth the life of all mankind for thy Sonne Jesus Christes sake vouchsafe to giue me grace to sett before mine eyes as a most certaine mark where vnto this frayle body of mine must tende it selfe the Image of that which is to the faythfull the ende of payne and beginning of pleasure the ende of misery and beginning of blisse but to the secure and careles the ende of their pleasures and beginning of eternall paynes Ueuchsafe me therefore earnest desire of seruing thée and leading my life according vnto thy will that whē so euer it pleaseth thee to call me I be not through feare striken with doubt of condemnation but euen at my laste gaspe through vnfayned faith in Jesus Christ may take