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A08121 The palme of Christian fortitude. Or The glorious combats of Christians in Iaponia. Taken out of letters of the Society of Iesus from thence. Anno 1624; Lettera annua del Giappone dell' anno 1624. English. Selections Rodrigues, João, 1558-1633.; Neville, Edmund, 1605-1647. 1630 (1630) STC 18482; ESTC S113224 81,772 200

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perticulars which I could relate loaden with the merites of 22 yeares spent in Iaponia and 38 in the Society professed of 4. vowes the six and fifteeth of his age he was burned aliue for professing the faith of Iesus Christ. Brother Simon Iempo was borne in Nosu in the Kingdome of Fingo brought vp from a little one in a Monastery of the Bonzi and imbued in that tender age with the doctrine of Camu and Fotoqui God so disposed that the Bonzo his Master was conuerted vnto the faith of Christ and Simon following his exāple was baptised with some others at the age of 16. yeares at 18 he was admitted into the house of the Society as Dogicus or Alumnus and there liued with extraordinary satisfaction for fiue and twēty yeares full of good example and laudable behaviour his ordinary occupation was to helpe others in company of the Fathers by preaching teaching and reading vnto them spirituall bookes When as the Preachers of Gods word were banished into the Philippins Simon was of the number who the yeare after returned backe to Iaponia and finding the Christians sweating vnder the hearty burden of persecution it cannot be expressed with how much application he serued them The last six yeares of his life he imployed in the Prouinces of Quantom Oxu with still increasing labour and paines redoubled He assisted many Christians and conuerted many Infidels euen in the prison it selfe as hath been already set downe continuing a waies a faithfull companion vnto F. de Augelis in his Missions sparing no labours neither day nor night when occasion required He was euer desirous of two fauours from God one that he might be admitted into the Society the other that he might dy for the confession of his faith Both requestes were signed grāted he dying in flames at 43. yeares of age Howe foure and twenty Christians were put to death for the confession of Christian faith in the Citty of Iendo ALl this fire could not melt or molify the hardened hart of Xogun nor hinder from commaunding a new slaughter the 24. of December of 36. more men women some were burned others crucisied others cut in pieces in whose death many circumstances lay open the extraordinary hatred which he bare against our holy Faith Of these 36.24 were Christians the rest Gentils condemned either because they had lodged Christians in their house or answered for them to others Of the Christians 6 were burned aliue 5 women and one man 7 beheaded and crucisied The constancy of Mary Iagea the mother of Leo Faqucia Gonoxichi was aboue the rest remarquable who had lodged in her house Father Hierome de Angelis The gouernour bent all the forces of his wit to make her relent and therfore left nothing vnsaid which the Diuell could suggest him sometimes promising life otherwhiles threatening death then painting forth the dishonor which her children and husband would receiue a man so well knowne and so much made of in Court But Mary sleighted all answering that she could not but yeeld to a death which made her way to an eternall life and for the dishonors mentioned she esteemed them worthy the name of honors and therefore he should not need spend more wordes in this behalfe The assaultes were frequent but without effect and therfore she was condemned with the rest The day being come when this fatall sentence was to be executed this generous Matron bound vpon a horse marched formost with a smiling countenance vndaunted courage which strucke deepe admiration into the beholders Foure Christian woemē were the next that followed whose names are not yet come to our knowledge and then a man called Francis Cabe This was he who whilest the fifty aboue named were in the flames of Martyrdome went and declared himselfe to the Iudge professing himselfe to be a Christian After these followed eighteen little infantes so little that they knew not how to feare death and therfore they went sporting and playing and carrying in their handes such toyes as children passe their time with all A sight which drue teares euen from the Gentiles themselues Of these 18 sixteen were Christians Being come to the place appointed the first dispatched were these little ones against whom such barbarous cruelty was vsed that the onely rehearsall breeds horrour and amazement some they beheaded ther 's were clouen downe from the head to the foote others were cutt off by the midle others they held by one legge and hacked into seuerall peeces After this slaughter performed in the very eyes of the Christian woemen to strike the greater terrour into them eleuen men were crucified two of which were Christians the one Peter Ienzaimon the other Mathias Buneiemon the cause of their death was written in a table containing this That these men were punished with death for either letting their houses vnto Christians or answering for them to others Of which rancke were these two Christians who pearsed through with lances sent forth their last breath together with the sweet names of Iesus and Maria. This Matthias before this persecution had shewed some signes of weaknesse but going out of the prison he professed publickly before all that he was a Christian and in that quality desired to dy which he entreated the standers by to let the Xogun his Gouernours vnderstād The same was his declaration being now moūted vpon the Crosse To these mens handes being dead were fastned the heads of the little children slaine a little before Meane while the six Christians prepared for the flames with diuerse prayers and Litanies nothing daunted with these bloody spectacles Francis obeying the instinct of God became a Preacher animating his fellowes to suffer manfully and exhorting the lookers on to imbrace that faith which onely can stand with saluatiō Fier being put the Christians were seen with their eves fixed on heauen incessantly calling vpon those holy names of Iesus and Maria to giue vp their spotlesse soules not so much as shrinking or giuing the least signe of griefe or paine The cause of their death was set forth in a table saying These dy because they are Christians The two Gentills who were separated from the rest had also the cause of their death expressed for hauing lodged Faramonde against the Lawes All these ended their happy liues the 29. of December the same yeare by order of the same Xogun of Iende Of other seauenteen Christians burnt aliue in the Towne of Iendo for professing Christian Religion AMong the Gentills put to death the 24. of December one was a Page of the Xogun greatly in fauour for hauing let forth his house vnto Christians This exāple wrought so powerfully with the Gētils that streight they deferred to the Gouernour all the Obristians they knew and among the rest the wife of Laurence who was not summōd by the officers when her hushand was taken and with her twenty other Christians many of which were greatly assaulted but remained immooueable After six moneths imprisonment ten
fourth the younger sister called also Mary eleuen yeares old who were all beheadeth in the same manner by the handes of principall men of the Gentils hauing first praied and called vpon the holy names of Iesus Maria. Then came the happy and magnanimous mother Grace who seeing with the eyes of liuely faith her two yoūg daughters so well placed esp oused to the true spouse of their soules Christ our-Sauiour and her sonne Linus so rich with heauenly merites yeelded infinite thankes to the diuine Maiesty for so great benefits and then kneeling down with her daughter in law whose name was also Mary both of them inuoking the sweet name Iesus Maria cheerfully offered their heades to be cut of the mother in law being of the age of fifty yeares and the daughter in law of nineteene After these presently followed two woemen-seruants the one called Cecily the other Mary and a little child by name Michaell onely three yeares old which being not capable of feare left him who had brought him thither in his armes and went to Cecily this mother seated in the place where she was to dy she tenderly embracing her little one and deuoutly calling vpon Iesus and Mary was beheaded by a seruant of the Tono who at two blowes cut off the heades first of the mother then of her innocent child The last was the other seruant Mary who nothing daunted with the bloody spectacle of so many headlesse bodies fell downe vpon her knees and with much tendernesse of deuotion imploring the assistance of Christ Iesus and his Virgin Mother bowed her head to the bloody sword and made vp the number of nine glorious martyrs being of the age of two and twenty yeares The seruants of God hauing thus happily triumphed ouer death the Paynims couered their dead bodies with mattes but coming to couer Mary the wife of Gabriel they perceiued that her head was not quite of yea that she still called vpon Iesus Maria so were those blessed names imprinted in her pious hart that her head being almost deuided from her body and she more dead then liuing ceased not to inuoke them vnlesse we will say that after death for confusion of those Gentiles God the Creatour of all spoke by the mouth of his dead scruant The Paynims were much amazed at this sight yet nothing relenting in their cruelty beheaded a new the twise happy martyr and wrapping all the bodies in their seuerall mattes then tying a great stone to each of them cast them into the sea so to preuent the Religious veneration which the Christians would haue giuen to their holy relickes All these seruantes of God were borne with in the state of Firando sixe of them in the Citty it selfe the two seruantes in the Iland Igisuqui and Mary the Wife of Gabriel at a place called Xixi Mary that old woman had been baptized at womans estate was one of the first which receiued the Sacrament of Baptisme in Iaponia all the rest had been Christians from their craule their Fathers and grandfathers hauing been so before them The good old woman Mary was alwaies much giuen to deuotion and Almes-deedes Neither was Grace any whit behind her hauing moreouer a great zeale of soules which she euer shewed towardes the Christians of that Citty She was of the company of Mercy of which as being the head she had an especiall care and therfore procured diuerse waies to aduance Christianity and vertue She lodged our Fathers in her house for a long time she mortified her body with frequent disciplines and fasting euery friday and saterday thorough out the yeare she visited and comforted the sicke she assisted the poore in what she could at Christmasse and Easter she was wont to feast the Christians and with all to giue them good spirituall counsell It happened once vpon the Iaponians new yeares day that there dyed two sicke men one a Cittizen the other a strāger Grace came to know of it and without making any account of the Iaponians superstition who vpon that day will not so much as name the dead much lesse talke of burying them caused the Cittizen to be buried keeping the dead body of the stranger in her house for some daies to auoid the bruit of the Gentiles which afterwardes she buried in the Churchyard of the Christians When the Paynims came to know of this worke of mercy they commended it very much and ceased not openly to prayse the Christians for it The two daughters both Maries imitated very well their mother vertues and Linus was not inferiour to them Neither did Mary the wife of Gabriel come behind the rest and the two seruantes as well in good life as desire of dying for Christ might be compared with their mistresses Finally they all died for the faith of Christ vpon the third of March in the yeare of our Lord 1624. by commaundment of Massura Figendono Lord of Firando The death of fiue other Christians in Vsucca THe very day that the foresaid nine were put to death an old man of the age of seauenty sixe yeares by name Luke Morifebioye was be headed not farre from his owne house for that he constantly reiected two of the Tonos seruantes who perswaded him to deny his faith and his sonne of the age of forty leauen suffered death in like manner for the same cause and by the handes of the same executioner The same day an other old man of the age of fourscore and sixe called Anthony Girobioye inuoking the most blessed names of Iesus and Mary had his head cut off These three seruantes of God were natiue of the Iland Iquisuqui Luke in his old age leauing off worldly affaires as desirous to attend wholly to his deuotions retired himselfe to Vsucca There he instituted a Confraternity of S. Ignatius and as he was very zealous of the spirituall good of his neighbours made a separation in his house for our Fathers to come visit the Christians where he receiued F. Constantius which was a chief cause of his death Alexius the sonne followed his Fathers example in prouiding for the spirituall necessities of Christians for which cause he was made worthy to follow him also in suffering death for Christ. Antony had betaken himselfe to a retired life in the same place for the reasons which had moued Luke to his retirement He was an humble sincere and very charitable man he did not only visit the sicke but kept them also often times in his owne house therby to prouide the better for them he alwaies lodged our Fathers in his house and was ordinarily employed in the exercise of either spirituall or corporall workes of mercy in recompence wherof he was finally rewarded with the palme of martyrdom The day next ensuing after the death of these three was beheaded Mary the wife of Luke who being from home the day before at the time of their combat and returning at night vnderstood what had passed and presently resolued to go and present
her selfe to the Tonos officers As she was going she met with those who had put to death her husband and the other two she presently stayed to heare what they would say and their proposition was the same which they had made to the rest to which she replyed I was baptized being but two yeares old and haue perseuered in the Christian Religion seauenty more can you imagin that I meane to forsake it now They left her for the present because it was night but the next day they came againe and receiuing the same answer led the good old woman to the place where they had beheaded her sonne Alexius told her that she must either change her Religion or dy the same death She imbraced the latter and kneeling downe with a cheerfull countenance first recommended her selfe to our Lord then offering her head to the sword died with the sweet names of Iesus and Mary in her mouth The wife of Lucas being thus dead the persecutours exercised their cruelty vpon the children of Alexius one of the which Thomas was ten yeares old an other fiue and the third an Infant borne three or foure daies before the Fathers death as yet vnchristened This bloody office was committed to a seruant of the house who by order of Figendonos Ministers cut of their heades All these Christians had been baptised by our Fathers except the little girle which was baptized in her owne blood A rare case in Iaponia which caused great admiratiō both for the infantes littlenesse and the cause of such a murder The death of Isabell Mother of Damianns and Beatrice his wise with their foure Children IN the yeare of our Lord 1622 Damianus being put to death and all his goods confiscated his wife with all her family was kept prisoner in her owne house hauing continually a double guard vpon her and a cord about her necke which was so tyed that she might neuerthelesse stirre about and dispatch her ordinary businesse The keepers weary of that tedious office did extreamly molest her by vrging her to forsake the Christian faith but she alwaies the same not the least daunted with the miseries of pouerty and long imprisonment answered onely this that she would be her husbandes companion as well in death as life ready to suffer all trouble and vexation for the loue of Iesus christ At two yeares end order came for the beheading of Beatrice and her children which they vnderstanding did euen leap for ioy only poore Isabell whose sentence was not come hung downe the head and shewed such manifest signes of true sorrow that the messenger acquainted the Tonos Lieutenant with it and he presently commanded she should dy with the rest At these happy tydinges the good old woman was reuiued and putting one her best apparell as the rest had done prepared for death Paul a child of eleuen yeares whilest the rest were making themselues ready with great ioy was very sad and pensiue by reason that some as he vnderstood were gone to beg his pardon but at length word was brought that no pardon would be granted Then might you haue seene in the face of this manly child a picture of his ioyfull hart so did he on the sudden pull vp his spirits and with marueilous alacrity make ready for death They departed al together from their owne house cheerfully bidding adieu to their friendes who met them vpon the way signified by their teares how loath they were to leaue them being no more to meete in this life Thus they imbarked being come within sight of the Iland Nacaie where Damian and his companiōs had suffered two yeares before Beatrice began to offer vp praiers of thankes giuing to the diuine Maiesty for the benefit bestowed vpon her husband and willed the rest for that end to recite with loud voices such praiers as they knew by hart By the way they met with the wife and Children of Iohn who were going also to shed their blood for the loue of Christ O happy encounter Who can expresse the reciprocall ioy the cordiall greetinges the zealous exhortations of these noble Christians There was no lamenting of each others hand fortune but mutuall encouragements to constancy and perseuerance which with vnited hartes and tongues they begged of the diuine goodnesse ioyning their two deuout quires in a consort of melodious praiers Thus cutting the waies with their oares and pearcing heauen with their voices they arriued at Gigoco a place of the Iland Nacaie Here the sixe first went a Land and Beatrice to giue her children good example was the first to kneele downe which she did with a marueilous courage manly spirit then lifting vp her handes to heauen and praying a while offered her head which with one stroke was deuided from her body Paul would be the next after his mother and was already vpon his knees but the cruell hangman seeing him girt in such sort with a towell as might hinder his blow bad him vnty it which he without the least signe of feare rising vp did very dexterously and then speedily falling downe vpon his knees againe as greedy of death with handes stretched forth to heauen whither he was taking his flight most deuoutly called vpon the holy names Iesus Maria and at the second stroke of the hangman lost his head and got a laurell Iohn the second sonne onely nine yeares old stood all this while on the right hand of his mother learning as well by her example as that of his elder brother how to play his part Wherefore knowing that his grandmother had chosen the last place and thinking it no pride to precede his sisters in such an occasion full of sweet deuotion well befitting his tender yeares bowed his knees to the ground and receiuing a mortall blow flow with his blessed soule to heauen No sooner were these three dead but the bloody butchers by exercise of cruelty growing more cruell tooke the younger sister by name Isabel onely leauen yeares old in most barbarous manner throwing her downe vpon the dead body of her mother cut her in peeces with their Cimitaries So did the mother become an Altar for the pretious sacrifice of her innocent daughter and the blessed child restore her blood and life to the fountaine from whence it sprung Magdalen the elder sister and eldest of the foure yet not aboue the age of thirteene yeares was so strengthened with the vigour of Gods holy grace that no cruelty could abate her courage wherefore drawing neare to her mothers body she knelt downe close by it with some holy enuy it may be to her sisters happy lot and imploring the assistance of Christ Iesus and the Virgin Mary was beheaded and crowned with glory at the same time Now had the good old Isabel obtained the first part of her desire which was as she said to see those dearest pledges out of daunger and safely placed in heauen the second was to beare them company of which she was
THE PALME OF CHRISTIAN FORTITVDE Or the glorious combats of Christians in Iaponia Taken out of letters of the Society of IESVS from thence Anno 1624. Hier. ep 150. Triumphus Dei est passio Martyrum cruoris effusio inter tormenta latitia God triumphes when Martyrs suffer and shead their blood and reioyce in their torments With permission of Superiours Anno 1630. THE PREFACE HEre wrapt vp in a few sheetes of ordinary paper the Trāslatour offers thee ò Englād with a present of inestimable price with a carkanet of the richest gēmes the Orient euer sent into Europe Iewells of Iaponian pearle within the sea of persecution bred of the dew of Diuine grace infused into soules that by exact puritie of life and by magnanimous contempt of all earthly obiects were euer open towards God and ready to intromit his celestiall influences This fortunate and thrice happy Church was primitiuely planted by the great Indian Apostle S. Xauerius brought thither by the course of his charity which had no other bounds but the world watered by the succeeding labours of the Fathers of the Society of Iesus the sole workemen in that holy haruest for many yeares finally manured also by other Professours of Euangelicall Pouerty whom their vnquencheable zeale of soules vrged to passe thither from Europe ouer many vast worlds of water As Religious profession was the parent of these Christians so by this narration the theater of their vertues you may see they doe not degenerate but shew thēselues a worthy extract of so noble a stock a genuine offpring of so sacred a plantatiō a pourtraicture of diuine perfection corresponding to the high sanctimony of the Patterne In the course of their liues so enamoured of Pouerty so inflamed with Charity so deuoted to voluntary afflictiō of the body to disclplines wearing of haire clothes extraordinary fastings retired praying dedicating themselues to the teaching of the ignorant and helping of soules shine liuely lineaments of more then secular sanctity and assured markes of a Religious spirit superiour to the world In their deathes they blaze forth rare diuine miraculous examples of heroicall fortitude wherby the peerlesse lustre of primitiue Martyrdome is renewed in these dayes to shew the neuer decaying merit of the pretious Immaculate Blood in whose shining candour all Martyrs auncient and recent made white their Triumphall Robes The light of the Christian Roman Religion which from thee ó Catholicke Europe Iaponia receaued is here returned back againe with interest encrease adorned with glorious victories which by vertue thereof to the amazement of Infidels ouer Paganisme she hath obtained by thy Religion I say professing and practising veneration of Relickes Adoration of the Crosse prayer vnto Saints deuotion vnto Pardons hearing of holy Masse diuine worship of the Venerable Eucharist Sacramental Confession of sinnes the saying of Angelicall salutations to the B. Virgin in a set number on beades finally to pretermit other points ioint inuocation of IESVS MARIA euen till the last moment of their sacred breath This light of Religion to the splēdour of her shining victories improued she sends thee back to driue away the darknesse of heresy that ouershads some parte of thy dominions to discouer the blasphemy of their conceit who thinke thy Religiō Idolatrous and to open their eyes that by the light of new triūphes they may discerne who be the heires of Ancient Truth and not to doubt but in that Church is found the light of Apostolicall Faith where the vigour of Apostolicall Fortitude by the victory of torments and death to the ouerthrowe of Idolatrie flameth Such barbarous varietie of cruell torments they endured such glorious varietie of excellent vertues in their sufferings shined such a multitude of both sexes of all states and of all ages from aboue Ninetie till vnder Seauen were by Martyrdome crowned that this on Ilād within the space of one yeare may seeme to haue renewed all the famous examples of former Christian ages Here is more then one Laurence rosted in fires without groaning or stirring or somuch as shrinking with no other chaine then of charitie tied to the torment Here is more then one troupe put into freezing waters starued to death in winter nights not so much as one relenting the feruour of Faith keeping the frost of infidelitie frō their hart Here is more then one Andrew adoring the crosse prepared to be his deathbed and singing for ioy he was to die in the embracements therof Here is more then one Bartholomew fleade aliue or minced into morcells enduring as manie martyrdomes as he had members to satisfie the cruell gluttonie of death that would taste him by peece-meales Here is more then one Ignatius fearing nothing more then that the persecutour would be mercifull the torturer gentle the instruments of his death dull and not eager enough of his blood More then one Eleazarus willing to die rather a thousand deathes then to dissemble once or to permit the voice of another though without his priuitie or consent to belie the constancie of his faith More then one Adauctus who meeting with the companies of designed Martyrs going to the place of their death by spontaneous ioining encreased their nūber made the ioy of the heauēlie banquet the greater whilest all hartilie wellcome the deare vnexpected guest And to speake also of the other sexe by nature inferiour by faith equall by the renowne of Martyrdome in a sorte superiour vnto mē the strength of diuine grace shewing it self more admirablie in feeble bodies behold more then one Felicitas with drie eies looking on the martyrdomes of her children sending them before her to heauen as harbingers to prepare a place of blisse for their mother that was presentlie to followe More then one couragious mother that with her daughters entred into deepe gulfes holding each other by the hand as in a dance singing the praises of Christ on the waters as it were Carolles on the Christmas day of their happie natiuitie into eternall life More thē one Catherine by the qualitie of their birth Princesses ouercoming the infidelitie of the Paynime priests being after the victorie of manie torments and fearce combats cōsummated by the sword More then one Apollonia charged with yeares but more stored with merits of vertuous life readier to burne for Christ then the persecutour to put her into the fire More then one Agnes that ouercame tendernesse of age by maturity of faith lawfull witnesses of Christian truth before they could be witnesses in any cause of the world that receaued on their tēder neckes the murthering sword as ioifullie as if they had put on chaines of gold holding the daies of their martyrdomes as their marriadges feastes In a word here as I said within one Iland and in one yeare you shall finde in a manner all the memorable martyrdomes and glorious triumphes of the primitiue times reuiued and by new glorious imitation expressed to the quicke We the Catholickes of England who liue
men and seauen woemen were burnt aliue out of the Citty gates of Iendo towards the East They indured their torment with incredible constancy for onely being Christians as appeared written in a table ouer each mans head Of these we haue not as yet the relation in particular onely we know that one died through the incommodity of the Prison so that there were eighteen in all who suffered for their Religion A Relation of the Persecution raised in the beginning of the yeare 1624. in the Coūtreies of Massamune in which aboue 24. Christians were put to death together with F. Diego Caruaglio of the Society of IESVS THe barbarous cruelty exercised by the Xogun vpon Christians in Iendo mooned al the chiefe of Iaponia to do the like in their seuerall kingdoms F. Diego Caruaglio of the Society was Residēt for the most part in the Citty of Xindai the Court of Massamune superior ouer those who were in the Country of Date or Idate Massamune He made often excursions into senerall parts to heare Confessions and administer the Sacraments vnto Christians there abouts One of his stations was Miuaque a territory belonging to a noble Christian called Iohn Goto knowne of all euen of Massamune himselfe for a Christian and permitted to be so together with his Vassals Hither was F. Diego come to celebrate with all solemnity the fests of Christinas and the three Kinges with their wonted peace and freedome when vpon the sudden an vnexpected tempest was raised Massamune had been present in Iende when the cruell sentence was executed vpon Christians and vnderstanding by a certaine seruant of his there were many in his kingdome of the same profession he gaue order diligence should be vsed to know their number Iohn Goto onely excepted The seruant departed with this order who had already kindled the coales by bidding his master looke about him otherwise he might incure some disgrace No sooner was he arriued to Xindai but he streight talked with the Gouernours about the businesse and the conclusion was that all those that had any rents from the Tono should be cōmaunded to giue vp the names of the Christians dwelling in their extent A chiefe man amonge the Gouernours was one called Moniau Iuami a capitall enemy of our profession and nothing affected to Iohn Goto and therefore with many bitter wordes he laboured to shew that it could not be the intention of Massamune to except Iohn Goto yea rather he was to be the first assaulted if they meant to root out Christianity Which an other Gouernour perceiuing called Ximonda Daisem straight gaue notice thereof to Iohn coniuring him with many reasons rather to change his opinion then vnder goe the danger of death and endanger the person of Massamune to whom be was so much beholding Iohn made answer that he acknowledged great benefits from Massamune but far greater from the handes of God to whom he was more bound then to all the world and therfore withed him to forbeare all contrary pers wasions which could neuer take place Daisem surcealed for the present but some dayes after inuiting Iohn vnto his house he led him into the most secret roomes thereof shewing him with great familiarity all the rare and pretious things he had without so much as mentioning Religion till vpon the sudden there came in the wife of Daisem who turning to Iohn with words full of tendernesse the contured him to for goe his beleef euen by that loue which had euer been betwixt her sonne and him which if she might obtaine she should testisie the greatnes of her obligation by cutting her haire and shauing her head which was the greatest offer she could make But Iohn kept his ground and gaue her a resolute answer that his faith was more deare vnto him then his life and there vpon tooke occasion to lay it downe in such liuely colours that Daisem in a iesting manner saied it seemes he hàth little mind to deny that faith which he endeauorcth so much to perswade vs so Iohn tooke his leaue victorious At his retourne home he acquainted F. Diego Caruaglio with what had passed and from that time they both beganne to prepare themselues for death Iohn writ a letter to the Gouernours to be shewed to Massamune wherein he prosessed his obligations to the Tono to be of that nature that in counter change he would willingly bestow his life when occasion should serue But as concerning the deposing his Faith he craued pardon if he disobeyed being other wise ready to accept either banishment or death from the hands of the Tono for the maintenance thereof without so much as conceiuing hardly or complaining of vnkindnesse The Father likewise prepared himselfe and heard the Confession of all the Christians and to the end his person or presence might be preiudiciall to none he retired himselfe after many teares of compassion protesting he would dy with them for them to a place not far of called Oroxie where being entertained by a good Christian called Mathias Ifiore he made vnto himselfe a little cottage adioyning vnto Mathias howse and there dwelt He tooke him neither Dogicke nor seruant but was accompanied by two Christians who neuer left him till death sent them all to eternity There passed not many daies when order came from Massamune to one of the principall Gouernours cōmaunding him to proceed with all rigour against Christians and namly that he should banish Iohn Goto vnles he denyed his faith The Gouernour vndertooke the charge with no small passion by reason some monethes before a kinsman of his had been put to death whom he could in no wise diuert from professing Christian Religion He dispatcht presently seuerall messengers into seuerall parts of the Prouince commaunding them to send al such Christans as would not conforme themselues to the prison of Xindai there to receaue their deserued punishment At the same time Massamune writ a letter in his owne hand to the Gouernour Daisem bidding him vse all possible perswasion to withdraw Iohn Goto from the law of Christ which not succeeding he should banish him the Countrey Daisem tooke the letter and went straight to assault him with all kinde of praiers promises and perswasions coniuring him to deny his faith at least in secret and none should know therof but only he and the Tono The generous champion of Christ was highly displeased at this proposition and therefore desired him to vse no more wordes in the businesse the law of Christ not remaining in the hart of him who denies it with his mouth The Daisem hauing heard this resolute answer called together all the nobles of Miuaque and the countrey about who layed their heades together and with common perswasions battered for a whole night the constant harte of Iohn de Goto but all in vaine Whilest this was in doing the officers of the Gouernour Suò made cruell warre vpon the Christians as well in the rerritory of Iohn de Goto as in the place where F.
possible are wee but onely foure Christians here where be the rest call them call them and let vs with hartes vnited resolue to stand to our faith when the edict shall be published against the Christians and so he dyed leauing those of that were present greatly enified to see a man both in his senses and bereaft of them esteeme so much his faith and saluation In the kingdome of Iomi hath been the like trouble the Christians of Saoyame a principall place of that kingdom armed themselues with the holy Sacraments to resist their enemies A certaine Gentill inhabitant of the said place and brother to one of the Gouernours had for some time before a desire to be baptized and vnderstanding of the persecution which began hee discoursed with himselfe in this manner If all the Christians be sent into banishment or put to death who shall baptize mee I will therefore take commoditie whilst I may and there vpon went and receaued Baptisme In the kingdome of Fococo the Christians escaped persecution for though they were terrified yet Faxuia Chichuyendono stirred nothing both because he iudged it time lost to goe about to perswade a gentleman a souldier to chang their opinions saying that he that was not constant in the seruice of God much lesse would be true to men and therefore neither he nor other cheife men went about to diuert the Christians from their beliefe A Priest of our Society hath taken his iourney into the kingdomes of Canga Noto and Iucchi there to visit helpe the Christians with the accustomed exercises of the Society The Christians of the kingdome of Quinocuni haue been visited where the Merchants only are persecuted and not the Noblemen F. Iohn Baptista Porro of our Society hath charge of Christians of the kingdomes of Farinia Byten Chiungoco and Schigoco being continually in Mission visiting helping now one part now another with great labour and no lesse fruite The newes of the persecution comming thither the good Pastour redoubled his diligence found them also resolute to giue their liues for Christ and to that end he gaue them the holy Sacraments the effects whereof were such that in their conflicts they all behaued themselues most constantly a few excepted the number whereof almighty God made vp with forty two new souldiers which he called to his side The Lord of the kingdom of Bisaen though he be not contrary in opinion to the law of Christ yet to cōforme himself to the will of the Xogun he ordained that all the Christians should be banished out of his state To which effect the proclamation came out of Ocayama the head Citty of that kingdome and least any mightly close it was ordained that euery one should giue vp his name in a paper setting downe the sect which he professed what Temple of the Idols he frequented what Bonzo he acknowledged for directour And straight all those were put out of the Citty who refused to doe it and by a particular grace from God all as well rich as poore gentlemen Merchants Magistrates or of what profession soeuer chose rather to bee depriued of all things then of God the officers vsed extreame rigour in executing their Commissions turning away euen the meanest pesants vsing al diligēce not only in great townes but euen in boroughes and villages and calling before them the heades of families to iustify that they had turned away all those that were Christians who in great numbers and with admirable constancy went reioycing into banishment preferring heauen before the land of Gayama and Bisem Of which number was a woman of account maried to a Gentill of her qualitie who was commaunded by the Gouernour either to turne her away or make her a Gentill Many perswasions were vsed to this end by all her kindred which she manfully resisted and rather chose in company of her seruants a volūtatie banishment towards Nangasachs though in a most vnseasonable time it being the depth of winter then to liue in continuall danger and occasions leading to perdition A certaine Page was threatned by his Master that he would cut of his head vnlesse he denied his religion the Page in stead of answearing stretched forth his bare neck ready to receiue the blow which yet the Gentill had not the hart to giue but turned him out of his seruice In the kingdome of Farima the tempest was not so fierce yet many were sent into banishment some turned away their seruants and others their very children for being Christians In the kingdome of Bithu one of those few who followed the law of Christ hearing the cruelty of the persecution left a certaine house he and his whole family which the Tono had giuen him saying it was not now time to dissemble He was therefore sent the second time into banishment and hartned all the rest to endure the incommodities which they were liable vnto by proclamation by gathering them together in his house and arming them with spirituall conference and reading pious bookes againsts all future encounters The kingdom of Bingo escaped better thē that of Aqui. One of our Fathers departed a moneth before from the Citty of Firoxima leauing all the Christians full of courage comfort when on the suddene comes forth a proclamation that all those who were Christians together with their wines and children should straight depart the Citty it was executed accordingly with no smal cruelty they being thrust not only out of their houses but of the highwaies and forced in the cold nights it being the middest of winter to ly in the open fields in so much that many fell sicke and some died thereof whose names are not yet come to our knowledge In all other places there abouts the like cruelty was vsed but all shewed inuincible courage many choosing rather to stay thē goe to the end they might be carried to prison and suffer death for Christ. Among many good some also were wanting in their duty of which one coming to himselfe againe writ a letter to the Gouernours giuing them to vnderstand that they should no longer misstake his meaning for that he was now resolued rather to part with his life then his Religion The Gouernours dissembled the matter with him but it passed otherwise with one Francis Ioyama Sintaro The death of Francis Ioyama Sintaro in the Gitty of Firoxima WHilst the Officers wēt from house to house to take euery mans name and beliefe in matter of Religion he Steward of Francis in the name of his Master who then was absent gaue vp in writing that no Christian dwelled in that Pallace which Francis at his returne hauing vnderstood first reprehended his Steward and then sent a note ro the officers ro let thē know his Steward had abused them for that he was indeed a Christian and so minded to cōtinue till death The Gonernours much amazed to see so great constancy in a youth determined to abate it vpon any tearmes First they employed his kinred
who together with all the Nobility plyed him for thirty daies together neither did those onely who were present try their skill but the absent also by letters and large promises of great preferments about the Princes person so he would relent The braue young Champion had no sooner read the first letter tending to this purpose but straight he toare in pieces all the rest of the packet and threw them into the fier At which the messenger amazed bad him looke what he did for that the letters were of great importance and that he might doe much better to change his Religion to whom Francis imposing silence badd him keepe his Counsell for some body els His Father in law did also his best to withdraw him and among other perswasions threatned to take his wife from him vnlesse he yeelded at which Francis smiling replyed that neither wife nor all the world could yeeld should seperate betwixt him and his Religion Meane while the valorous Champion had recourse to his ghostly Father arming himselfe with the holy Sacramēta for greater enterprises At his returne from the good worke newes was brought him that Matthias Xobora Scizaimō was taken and laide in irons for the Confession of Christ at which felicity enuying he begun to exclame with ioy ô happy thrice happy Matthias and taking pen and paper writt him a letter full of spirituall comfort with extraordinary feeling Scarce was the letter made vp and sent when behould foure souldiers gentlemen sent from the Tono to know the present state of his mind which they soone perceiued to be the same and made their report accordingly Herevpon the Tono gaue order that when it grew darke three others should goevnto him and dispatch him out of the way vnlesse he changed his mind The three went at the time appointed and hauing beset the house they came in vpon him and demaunded if he would yet change his mind that therby he might greatly gratify the Tono wheras his obstinacy might peradnēture cause him a deare repentance and no lesse then death At the sound of death Francis turning to them told thē he could neuer looke for more welcome tydings and if they should happē to be the Messēgers thēselues he would receiue them not as men but as Angels from heauen and so saying for reuerence kneeled downe before them The Gentils were out of themselues at so vnaccustomed a manner of proceeding and to comply with their commaund from the Tono tould him plainly they were come to take his life from him and that therefore according to the fashion of Iaponia be might cut vp his owne belly This replied the valient Champion of Christ is forbidden me by the law of Christ but if you haue order to take my heade here it is I will not refuse it Only if you please I le goe first to take leaue of my Mother which was graunted him Then going by certaine secret doores he found her in her chamber and with incredible tokens of ioy he brake forth into these speeches Behould Mother the neure is come which I haue so often and earnestly begged from heauen I am euen now to giue my blood for Christ helpe me to thanke Almighty God for so great a fauour and in token you sorgiue all the faults and offences which I haue committed namely against your selfe giue me your last benediction and with this cast himselfe vpon his knees The poore Mother with eyes drowned in teares tooke him in her armes and embraced him and with a countenance cheered vp answered God blesse thee deare sonne and giue thee grace and strength necessary for so great an enterprise I confesse there is no losse in this world so sensible for in thee I loose all my support and comfort yet I am ouerioyed to see thee dy for Christ. Blessed be his holyname for his benefits bestowed on vs both and this in particulars with that came in his wife and all the standers by burst forth into lobs and teares to see them take their leaues Francis alone stood vndaunted and left her for a pledge the loue of Iesus whom he desired for a last fauour she would alwaies keep in her hart and rather dy then falsisy her faith This done he returned to the roome where he was expected and stretching forth his necke was beheaded for his Religion the 16. of February 1624 in the 24 yeere of his age Francis Sintaro was borne in the kingdom of Cai of noble parentage he was baptized at 16 yeares of age and as he grew in yeares so grew his loue and feare of God he receiued and lodged our Fathers in the kingdomes of Quinocuni and Aqui where he allotted a part of his house his chiefe delight was in seruing Masse and discoursing of heauenly matters his conferences of spirituall and dinine thinges was commonly with teares hauing a tender and most pious hart his zeale of soules was in credible and therfore he spared neither cost nor labour to assist all as well Christians as Gentiles and being gratious and fluent in discourse and conuersant in the Iaponian sect he was heard with exceeding content and no small fruite of many When he had of our Fathers in his house he would call the Christians round about and incite them to Confession and where by night any of ours went to heare Cōfessions he was the man that would accompany them he often fasted and disciplined himself but especially in time of Lent at which time and many others he depriued himselfe of the company of his wife therby to giue himself more freely to his praiers and deuotion So great was his desire of dying for Christ that he was often minded had not our Fathers for iust reasons opposed themselues to put himselfe Prisoner with certaine Religious persons to the end he might be put to death in their company The death of Matthias Xobora Schizaimon MAtthias serued a nobleman who put him in trust with most of his important affaires and therfore in time of these troubles laboured by all meanes both by threates and faire meanes to make him leaue his faith and not preuailing he gaue order he should be bound which Matthias ēdured most willingly for Christs sake A whole day and night was he tyed last vnto a stake by the necke handes and elbowes with sharp small cordes a torment of that nature that many dy vpon it the cordes entring into the flesh to the very bone But all this preuailed litle with Matthias which his Master perceiuing he caused in stead of cordes a great piece of wood to be put about his necke like a yoke for oxen vsually applied to the most famous delinquents and thus was he held the space of 4 daies with his friends and kindred about him to perswade to change his profession All this not taking effect his Master sent a note to the Tono to let him vnderstand what pasted who straight gaue sērēce he should be crucified The Ministers of Iustice going for this
effect brought him to the place of execution It is incredible with what ioy and gladnes he past on his way saying his beades and passing ouer a bridge where there was store of people he began to preach with great feruour assuring them there was no saluation but in that faith for which he was now to render vp his life Being come to the place of execution he cast himselfe vpon his knees and with a loude voice said the Confiteor then having made a litle mental prayer he brake forth into this affectuous exclamation Praised euer blessed be the holy name of Iesus who would haue thought his goodnes to haue been so great as to vouchsafe to call vnto himself by way of the crosse so vnworthy a sinner as my self The Gentils themselues like men distracted looked vpon one another saying If there be saluation to be found how can this man faile of it Then Matthias tooking vp to the crosse began in this manner I worship and reuerence thee ô crosse with all the veines of my hart sanctified in the person of my Sauiour Iesus Then praying a little he commended himself to God so was put vpon the crosse after which he so much thi●●ted and there pearced with lances finished his life at 37 yeares of age the 17 of Febr. 1624. The night following some Christians with danger of their liues tooke his body from the crosse shutting it vp in a chest gaue it vp into the hands of one of our Fathers who placed it neere vnto an Altar where he faieth Masse This Matthias was borne in Aqui baptized some 7 yeares before his death by a Iaponese Father of ours he was singular in the practice of deuotion and penance inciting the Christians to Confession and was an instrument to bring many Gentils to receiue Baptisme by the hands of one of ours then in prison He serued with speciall care the imprisoned especially Religious persons He had passed his word to Francis Sintaro that he would rather dy then deny his faith thus gloriously kept his promise dying on a Crosse The death of Ioachim Curoyemon in Firoxima AS soone as the persecution began in Firoxima the Gentils neighbours to Ioachim began to assalt him seuerally and not preuailing of their owne authority they put guard at his dores and acquainted the Tono with what had passed He straight gaue order he should be put in prison in the Castle where after he had been some dayes inflexible in his resolutions he gaue sentence to haue him crucified ordaining with all the crosse should be very high to the end the Christians might not stealt away the body Ioachim hauing receiued these tydings fell downe vpon his knees to giue thankes to God for making him worthy to suffer and that vpon a crosse and that for so good a cause then putting about his necke his beades his Agnus Dei and a litle booke of praiers with a ioyfull looke he went to meete the Ministers of lustice who came to conduct him to the place of execution Being arriued he recommended himselfe with great deno ion vnto Almighty God and exhorted with extraordinary zeale the Gentiles to receiue the faith of Christ. Finally he was crucified and pearced frō side to side with a lance at 60 yeares of age the 8 of March 1624. by commaundment of the Tono This Ioachim was borne in Aqui of a singular meeknes humility much giuen to prayer and infatigable in assisting and seruing the Christians He was baptized in Firoxima 16 yeares before his death by one of ours The death of Iohn Tananguia Cufroi IN the yeare 1612 vnder Daifù Iohn was banished the citty for the first time but not lōg after called for backe againe Then againe was he tried by seuerall waies the yeare 1615 and finally the yeare 1622 he was troubled anew and after many both threates and promisses was kept prisoner for a yeare The good seruant of God liued there very contentedly in continuall prayer fasting and penance He connerted with his good exhortation and baptized siue Gentiles his fellow low prisoners At last a yeare and halfe being spent in prison came the sentence of death sent from Catà Samonosuque who liued in Iendo Now long before Iohn had made his confession to one of our Fathers and was by his counsell much ēcouraged to suffer death for Christ When he first receiued newes of his death litting vp his eyes to heauen he gaue God thankes for so great a benefit then turning to him who brought the message he also thanked him desiring he would tell the Tono and the rest of the Gouernours that he deemed himselfe highly obliged vnto them Going out of prison he me with a great number of people to whom he solemnly protested that he was condemned to death not for theft or any other crime but meerely for the saith of Iesus Christ which he exhorted them all to embrace as the only way to saluation and the same did he repeate in seuerall places according as occasion was offered And when he was silent he went with his eyes fixed vpon heauen continually praying and commending himselfe to God Being come to the place of execution after he had exhorted all with a loud voice to receiue the faith of Christ which he was to seale with his blood and without which nothing could be auailable for saluation He was stripped naked and stretched vpon the earth and cut of by the middle whilest he was breathing sweetly forth the blessed names of Iesus and Maria he died the 14 of February 1624. Iohn was borne in the kingdom of zio he was baptised instructed by our Fathers thirty yeares before his death whilst he was in the seruice of Augustinus Conises Sunocamidono He remained alwaies most constant and very exemplar incredibly desirous and carefull of the spirituall good of his neighbours When our Fathers went in Mission he went with them and hauing an extraordinary gift in preaching he was the conuersion of many in these exercises did he continue till a generous death crowned his labours vnder Catà Simonosaque Lord of the greater part of zio Of Christianity in Nangasachi and the country about HEre are occupied six of our Fathers one Brother and eight Dogici The fruits of their labours being altogether like those of the yeares past I omit to set downe Thirty persons of age haue receiued Baptisme Many who trembled for feare and some who fell vnder the burden haue been set vpon their feete againe and encouraged Diuers Missions haue been vndertaken into Sassuma the Iland of Goto the Countries of Omura and diuers other places of the kingdom of Figen In Sassuma they found a true pillar of Christian Religion a Lady called Catherin in other in law to the Lord of the Country who in word and action advanceth Christian Religion This Lady hath been twice set vpon once by the Bongs who with superstitions papers of adoration and prayer sought to raw her to their
least the good will where with I offer my selfe to death to preserue inuiolable Gods holy truth will be acceptable to his diuine Matesty And so her husband setting her on horsebacke and tying her with cordes for fear of falling brought her by the helpe of God safe and sound to the place he determined Soone after the persecution in Iagami ceased without further preiudice to Catholicke Religion But those good Christians began to haue remorse for hauing put their hands to that writing imagining that thereby they had been decaued Whereupon diuerse of them resolued to go backe to the Iudge and tell him resolutely they were Christians and that he should not for beare to molest them in regard they had subscribed which the Iudge perceiuing answered they might remaine as constant in their Religion as they would and for their greater comfort gane order that those Christians who were departed the Countrey should returne againe and all of them enioy their Religion in peace as formerly they had done There was also neere vnto these partes a Christian named Gaspar much molested by the Lord of Ioysusi who finally seized vpon his goods cast him out of doores and banished him the Countrey keeping his wife and Children in prisons although she within few daies was permitted to go after her husband They assaulted Gaspars Mother in law who dwelt in a village not farr of But his good example had now made her too strong against this battery For being sollicited to comply wtih the Tono his will and go to a Temple of their Idolis she made answer that all they could do should neuer bring her vnto it Hereupō hey threatned to burne her in the forhead with an iron by diuerse other meanes to dilgrace her But she with great courage laughing at their threates and expecting a whole day and a night the effects of their meaning when she law nothing likely to be done finally other owne accord went into banishment there quietly to enioy the liberty of her conscience In like manner did a young man named Mansius a neighbour of Gaspars who being much molested by a seruant of the Lord of that Countrey with his Mother and sister departed thence to free himself from daunger of loosing his Religion So haue many more done who with great alacrity chose rather to be ablent frō their Natiue Countrey then put themselues in daunger or offending God The subiects of the Countrey called Omuradono liuing together with those of Nabexima all of them were commaunded to appeare before the Tono of Fucofori and answer for themselues Thirty of them tooke ship being accompanied to the water sine with their wiues and kindred all full of greef for that they imagined they should meet no more in this world Yet all that accompanied them with one accord exhorted them to spend their blood in defence of their faith Being arriued to Fucofori they were taken and examined each of them a part but they like old beaten so ildiers with great constancy suted words to their profession answering in such fort as the Iudges were little pleased and therfore co nmaunded the principall men amongst them to be stripped and naked as they were to be exoosed to wind and weather the season at that time as in winter being very cold There was a young man who had carried himselfe very couragiously whom the Iudges to make further triall of him cōmaunded since he would not conforme himselfe and obey their wills to put one of his fingers into the fier The noble Christian zealous of Gods honour and deeming that by this act he should giue a pregnant testimony of his faith vndauntedly put his finger into the fire and suffered it there to be burned with great admiration of all the Gentills who being satisfied much herewith and contented that the Christians in thinges extrinsecall to Religion would obey them sent the young man and all the rest full of merites backe to their houses The Christians being returned ioy ull at their good successe were now out of farther feare when the Gouernours Lieutenant being highly offended with a more zealous then prudent act of a Christian sent some Gen ills his seruants with commission to enter in vpon the Christians houses and constraine them to subscribe not alleadging any cause vnto them but adding many threates of future punishments the Christians for the most part conformed themselues some with remorse some without any difficulty subscribing so that their neighbours who had not subscribed reprehended them much and told them that they would not from thence forward haue any communication with them in regard they held them as excommunicated persons Wherupon these poore soules fell into such scruples and afflictions of mind that they would neither sow their corne nor till the ground as the season required but like men distracted let all run at random which one of our Fathers vnderstāding made ha● vnto them and bidding them be of good courage taught them what they were to doe in like occasions for the time to come Some were of so tender consciences that for feare of future scruples they would by no meanes subscribe vnlesse the cause of their subscription were hrst made knowne vnto them and therfore abandoning their houses village and all other affaires went to seeke a dwelling place else where One there was of that holy company by name Iohn whose sufferance was most remarkable He together with his wife and children hauing notice of the Tonos officers whē they came first to make the Christians deny their faith retired himselfe into a great wood which was vnder the dominion of an other Lord where he made his abode for fifteene daies together in the cold time of winter and howbeit he endured very much yet he was so faue from being dismaied that he shewed himselfe most ready to dy in that distresse rather then hazard the losse of his faith Neither did he want followers of his rare example some remaining two whole daies some three in the woods and deserts without any food at all to speake of When the first storme was ouerblowne this Iohn was called home by his frendes But the forsaid officers returning the second time with their former intentrō he vtterly refured to subscribe and so returning againe into the forrest settled himselfe there in a poore cottage made vp for him by other charitable Christians and as a Father reported who contessed him and his whole family it that wood liued very contentedly deeming it farre better to suffer all temporall miseries then to be in danger of denying his faith The persecution of the Christians of the Citty of Firando and the territory belonging to it in which eight and thirty suffered death MAssura Figendono Lord of the state of Firando knowing how malitiously the Xogun was bēt against Christians thought good to feed his cruell humour the onely meanes as he conceiued to establish himselfe in that place of gouernment Wherefore he resolued vpon a persecution and
began with the wines and children of those whom two yeares before he had put to death by order of the Ienca their cause being not yet ended and he spared neither the maid-seinants nor little intants as it will appeare by the following relation The death of nine Christians of the house and family of Gabriel who had lodged F. Camillus Conitanstius of the Society of IESVS Two yeares agoe a Christian called Gabriel suffereth death in the Citty of Firan●o for hauing lodged F. Camillus Constanstius of the Society and euer since both his mother and the rest of his family had liued in daily expectation of their turne their cause yet hanging and they committed to the custody of their neighbours No sooner did the persecution begin but the family of Gabriel was giuen for lost whereupon the Gentiles began to looke to them more narrowly and to abridge them of their former liberty One of the neighbours the second man of the street went to visit Grace the mother of Gabriel and told her after an vpbraiding manner that the persecution raised at that present was a punishment sent by tenxo Daygun the chiefe Cami of Iaponia The holy woman resented exceedingly this blasphemous speech and boldly replyed that she wondred very much he would offend her eares with blaspheming God his holy law and that he might haue done much better in exhorting her to suffer with patience the neere approaching death for the honour and seruice of the only true God then by recounting the fables of the false Idolls to increase her affliction wherfore she desired him if he wished her well to speake of something else And the Paynim thus checked spoke not a word more During this time the Christians of that Citty gathered together in a particular house offered vs many feruent prayers to Almighty God begging of his goodnesse force of spirit and constancy or all but especially for the prisoners Linus the brother of Gabriell was much tempted but he allwaies answered that he would follow the steppes of his Father who had perseuered in the law of Christ vntill the end Some daies before the seruants of God receiued the sentēce of death they inuited to dinner the principall Paynims of the street and humbly craued pardon of them for some sharp answers which they had giuen earnestly beseeching them to speake no more vnto them of leauing their faith The Physitian of the Tono was the first man of their friendes who had newes of their death wherfore he went to them in a friendly manner acquainting them with what had passed told them that if they would change their mindes he would make meanes that the Tono should recall his sentence Linus made answer in name of the rest thanking him for his good will and told him that all the torments in the world should neuer make them abandon their Religion This newes came soone after to be knowne of the Physitians man who out of meer compassion went bewailing their case and spreading the newes about the Citty There was presently such flocking of friendes and acquaintance to visit them that the chiefe officer of the streete thought fit to turne them all backe for feare of an vprore About midnight came two of the Tonos seruants who confilcating all their goodes carryed them away scarce leauing so much as the cloathes vpō their backes Then did the condemned Christians with a loud voice begin ioifully to recite diueise praiers and when the standers by would haue hindered them they answered that their temporall goods being taken away they had no reason to deprius them also of the spirituall riches of the soule their onely substance and possession then remaining The confiscatours admiring their speeches let them go on for the present but hauing sent away all the goods they bound Linus and all the rest sauing Marie the Grandmother of Gabriell and the sonne of a seruing woman who was so little that one of the officers carryed him away vpon his backe Vpon the 3 of March being sunday they were lead forth many Christians meeting them vpon the way who in taking their last leaue with many teares recommended themselues to their prayers earnestly desiring them when they came to heauen where they should be out of all danger that they would be mindfull of those who remained behind subiect to so many dangers and miseries Amongst the rest came one of Graces daughters with her husband of whom she tooke her leaue with a cheerfull countenance and great peace of mind charging them to remaine constant in the Religion in which they had been brought vp from children and promising to pray for them in heauen In like manner did Linus speake to the other Christians with such a pleasant smiling countenance that he made shew of nothing lesse then going to suffer death Finally they arriued at a place distant from Firando a quarter of a league where they found foure boates expecting them in two of which were carried the nine Christians who were to suffer death and in the other two the executioners of that iniustice When they were imbarked Grace tooke a paire of beades from about her necke and cast them a land to her sonne in law Then lifting vp a little Crucifixe in her hand this alone quoth she will serue my turne and with saying to she adored in the sight of all him who comforteth and giueth strength to those that suffer for him and with humble renerence kissed his holy image After this the watermē began to launch forth and the deuout seruants of God accompanying the noise of the oares sometimes with singing pious hymnes sometimes reciting seuerall prayers aloud arriued at Coccidomari the place appointed for execution There they all tooke their places and Linus the only man of the company shewed himselfe a man indeed thanking the executioners for his death with a marueilous courage and vndaunted mind Then began they to recomēd themselues to God Almighty in which action they remained a great while In this time the youngest daughter of Grace of the age of eleuen yeares onely was so farre from being afraid either of death or those whom she saw ready to inflict it that turning to her mother with a great courage ô mother said she how much are we beholding to these seruants of the Tono who haue brought vs hither and will now send vs to heauen I pray you let vs thanke them and be exceeding ioyfull The first tharknelt downe was the good old woman Mary who lifting vp her handes and praying a while then calling vpon the holy names of Iesus and Mary was beheaded by one of her owne kinsmē who according to the custome of Iaponia least she should dy by the hāds of some basefellow or other did himselfe with great respect and reuerence cut off her head at a blow she being about ninty yeares of age The second was the noble Linus of the age of 21. yeares The third his sister Mary of the age of 18. The
quickly made partaker yeelding her head to the sword and her soule to heauen ful fraught with the merites of many deathes Such was the glorious end of this thrice happy company very sutable to their vertuous liues Beatrice was borne of Christian parents in Tachinegama a place in the Iland Quisuchi She was alwaies religiously deuout and exceeding charitable she often visited and serued the ficke imitating in those workes of mercy her husbad Damian and she allwaies taught her children to open their hartes to no other loue but of Christ Iesus and his holy law Isabell her mother in the law who died of the age of 74 yeares was natiue of the same Iland and as well she as the rest had been baptized by our Fathers She was allwaies a deuout and constant Christian neuer regarding the Paynims of her alliance by whom she was therfore allwaies ill treated Her onely sonne Damianus being dead she was inflamed with a great desire of dying for Christ and so earnestly did she beg this grace of God Almighty that at length she obtained it for her selfe and all her family vpon the fifth day of March 1624. The death of Marie wife vnto Iohn Sucamoto and her foure sonnes AFter the death of Iohn the officers held their proceedings with Marie answerable to those wee haue already said they held with Beatrice for they kept her prisoner and put a gard ouer her in her owne house made her drag a rope about her neck and vexed her which other torments wherof we haue already spoken Vpon the same day on which Beatrice had notice giuen her from the Tono of her verdicte was Marie also and her children aduertised that they were to die So they made mutuall ioy and with leaue of the officers came together and after many congratulations they animated with interchange each the other to a cōstant suffering in so gloriouse a cause Andrew the eldest sonne of Marie a youth of singular piety recounted sundry examples and miracles which he had red where by they all found themselues much incouraged and for period of this festiuall gladnesse turning himselfe vnto the Christians who were there present he had them be of good comfort and continue that constancie where in they had so laudably hither to persisted and rest full of hope that the goodnesse of almighty God would in short time alay the present commotion and giue mighty increase to Christianity through out laponia The next morning at breake of day clad in most solemne attire they imbarked for the aforenamed Iland where being arriued Marie and Peter were put to death after those of the familie of Damianus ending their liues by the sword And Peter although he was but ten yeares of age yet did he with example of rare fortitude offer his head to the executioner There remained in the shippe three other sonnes of Iohn who being caried in to the maine sea were by those cruell officers without any sence of pittie or compassion thrust into seueral sacks which whē they had filled vp with straw they couered also ouer with others and hauing then bundled them vp bad them dispose themselues for death these holy Brothers did so and performed forthwith many actes of ardent and inflamed deuotion and the time being now arriued they were bound fast and then tossed and tumbled to and fro as if they had been wool-packes It may seeme Almighty God was pleased to shew an argument of his power in these 3 yonge-men for being wrapped vp each a part as we said they requested as a curtesy at the hāds of the executioners that they might be tyed all 3 together to the end they might be hoised ouer-bord all at once and as they were allready vnited together by the naturall tye of brotherhood and yet more straitly by supernaturall bonde of charitie in Christ our Lord they might in conformity hereof be now bound fast together and receaue their death iointly in the same place who by the feale thereof should be assured to enioy each other for eternity Their request was graunted them and with all a huge stone was annexed vnto the bundle And so soone as these louing brethren perceiued themselues now wrapped vp together in such sort that they were no more to be seuered according to their harts desire they interchangeably did animate themselues to die and so reioycing at the arriuall of that fortunate houre as they with most inflamed harts called vpon the names of Iesus and Maria they were throwne in to the sea where they ended their liues by a kinde of cruelty not yet heard of in Iaponia saue only in the state of Firando The eldest of these three called Andrew was of the age of 25 the second named Mancio of 23 and Iohn who was the youngest of twenty one yeares The seruāt of God Marie was natiue of Nexima an Iland in the state of Firando she was borne of Christian parentes and baptized in her infancy by our Fathers she was second wife vnto Iohn Quinzayemone who died in a glorious confession of his faith and she followed the forme of his foot steppes both in her life and death Andrew and the rest of his brethren were borne in Tacchinosami and were also baptized by ours Andrew was accustomed to reade a spirituall lecture vnto the people of his Country to giue them notice also of such feastes as were of precept and to assist them both by his aduite and instructions which is of most consideration he was vnto them all an example of good life a mirrour of all vertue This yoūgman after the death of his Father did so solicite the cause of Christianity as that he deserued to haue a laurell for his guerdon how be it our Lord God reserued the bestowing of it vnto this present time The death of Mithaell Iamando Fiemon and Visula his wife with thee of their children MIchael liued in a sea-port of the state of Firando called Cochi At such time as searche was made after the Christians the first whom the Gentiles fell vpon was Michaell whom they indeauoured by many allurements to withdraw from the faith whereof he made profession But he did not only as indeed he ought shew himselfe constant and resolute but addressed himselfe also vnto other Christians exhorting them one by one that they would not in any wise abandon tho law of heauen in consideration of any thing which might befall them on earth He had bred vp his children in such sorte and instilled into them such singular constancy that one of them being taken by some of the neighbours and for the space of two whole daies all which time they withheld him from his parents continually solicited as well by promises as threates although he was but a child of 13 yeares of age yet did he euer remaine most firme in profession of his faith replying euer vnto their pestiferons persuasions that they must vnderstand he was a Christian and resolued to die such Michael had
a most generous and noble-minded woman to his wife This woman when as sentence of death was now giuē against the whole family was much pressed by some Gentiles that she would giue vnto them at least her little daughter whom they much desired to reserue from death and willingly would haue taken vpon themselues the care of bringing her vp But this discreet Matrone made answer vnto thing demaund that although they be able to conuert this whole vniuerse into gold and had the power to make her Empresse of it all the promise hereof should not moue her to commit her children vnto the care of Gentiles The day appointed for their death being now arriued Michael tooke the bigger of his daughters called Clara in his armes and a candle which was lighted in his hand Vrsula putting her sonne Iohn before her with his candle also lighted threw her little infant Magdalena in to her bosome and bearing in her hand an other light shut vp this pious procession And they went with such euident demonstration of their solid ioy and namely the child Iohn that the very Gentiles themselues affirmed such comfort and alacrity could not proceed from any force of nature were it not succoured by some Superiour power Being now come to the place where they were to die Vrsula a woman worthy admiration for her courage made request that she might be put to death in the last place to the end she might for these were her owne words see before she died the things which were most deare vnto her placed in a hauen of security Hereupon the heads man to doe her the fauour strucke off at one blow with a Simitar the head of Michael who was now already prepared gaue with all a gash into the neck of the innocent child Clara who was in her Fathers armes redoubling therefore his blow he perfected that cruell acte And thus did the Father being 37 the daughter 7 yeares old happily end their liues This being done Iohn rose up and went vnto his mother requesting her to binde-vp his haire which lay down in his neck least it might be some hindrance to the blow when his head was to be struke of and the good mother did it in the best māner she could And then the sweet child turning vnto him who was to be his executioner and perceiuing him to be very young said vnto him if I mistake not you haue yet neuer cut off the head of any one be therefore aduised to doe your office with dexterity this said he lifted vp his eyes and handes to heauen inuoking the soueraigne names of Iesus and Maria then bowing downe receiued a blow which seuered at once his head quit from his body he being now as was said but thirteen yeares of age Vrsula hauing obserued this whole tragedy and vnderstanding right well that the catastrophe thereof was the placing of her sonne her daughter and her husband in the desired porte of security eleuated her eyes which were euen filled with teares to heauen and said Blessed he thou Lord of mercies who hast made me worthy to be present at this spectacle so wonderfull to men and gratefull to the Angells graunt now vnto me that hauing seene their end whom I loued so dearely I may be toyned with them in my death refuse not to aide me in this last conflict who offer intirely vnto shee my selfe and this pledge of my bowels this all which now is left me And here forbearing to speake any more whilst she was tenderly embracing her little infant Magdalena she receaued a blow from the chiefe executioner who at once beheaded with his persian sword both the mother and her little daughter Vrsula being but thirty foure yeares of age The behoulders were all so amazed with this rare example that for many daies after their whole discourse was of the constancy generosity of the Christians Michael was borne in the kingdom of Yamato and Vrsula his wife in Chicumgojambes they were both of them baptized by our Fathers so were their children also Michael was a man of singular deuotion and much giuen to praier he fasted also and punished his body by disciplines very frequently and his charity towards the poore was very remarkable Vrsula did not only imitate her husband but did both by example and words incite and stirre him vp to all vertue Like vnto these parents was their Sonne Iohn who albeit in so tender age was deuoutly accustomed to fast not only most saturdaies through out the yeare in honour of the euer immaculate Virgin but also in time of lent 3 daies euery weeke performed the like They perseuered all in the exercises of a good Christian life till such time as they were all crowned with Martyrdō which happened vpon the sixte day of March in the yeare 1624 by commaundmet of Missura Figendono Prince of Firando They were buried in the sea but we are confident their names shall not lie buried whom constancy in ouercomming torments hath made worthy of eternall fame The death of Catherine wife to Iohn Yuquinoura IOhn Yuquinoura was put to death as we said in the yeare 1622 but Catherine his wife was suffered to liue whom in regard of her eminent nobility the Patron of the Iland of Pisuuo laboured by all possible meanes to diuerte from the faith of Christ and not only he who was Lord of the Iland but all the Gentiles in like manner did diuersly solicit her without giuing any respit either to her body or mind so that it was worthy particuler admiration that the constant seruant of God should not deliuer her selfe ouer vnto them The people all strucken with admiration of her vnconquered spirit sought her out one day and hauing found her though indeed all this was done deceitfully to make further triall of her courage they bad her prepare her selfe to dy since she would admit no perswasions and abandon her faith the place of iustice the said should bee the cell of a certaine Hermit a famous Priest of their foolish Idols This noble-minded womā imagining all was true which they had told her put herselfe ioyfully into the way towards the place accompanying her steps with actes of contrition for her sinnes and a continuall reciting of her beads but being come to that desert hermitage the Gentiles solicited her to offer sacrifice to their Idols affirming that they had therfore brought her to that place Which when she hard flinging her selfe vpon the threshold of the dore she besought the B. Virgin and her deerest Sauiour with many teares sighs and ardent clamours for aide and supply of new forces where by she might euer remaine victorious ouer their wily stratagems So that the prouost himselfe admiring at the inflamed affection where with she made her prayer and moued with compassion towards her commauded that since there was no meanes to alter her designe they should surcease to molest her any farther The seruant of God remained that night in the house
Martyrs doth inforce me to vse breuity in relation of their deaths Iohn Taousima Fiyrie and his sonne Luke were borne in Ianoura of Christian Parents and auncestours and baptized by our Fathers The deputies of the Tono had quickly there eyes vpō these two as the principall and noted Christians and perceiuing their mindes so well fortified that there was no hope to worke vpon them they signified vnto our champions that they were to dy The newes was most gratefull both to Iohn and his sonne who when they had put on such coats as are vsed by the Confraternity and armed themselues each with a rough discipline in his hand came stoutly vnto the place of iustice where they receiued a crowne of their cōstancy by losse of their heades vpon the 18 day of August 1624. At such time as the persecution was raised against Christians in the Iland of Cochs there was amongst others in that place a certaine Christian woman called Martha Her sonne in lawe houlding himselfe nothing safe so long as she was in his house tould her that she must either change her religion or seeke a new lodging It was now the most vnseasonable time of all the yeare the cold was excessiue the whole Countrie was couered with snow and the chillie winds powred themselues out on euery side at which time this auncient and graue woman not finding any one who durst intertaine her so great was the terrour of the impendent periecution was constrained to wander ouer the craggy mountaines and wide fields where sleeping in the open aire and growinge euen stifle with cold she ended her daies solitary all alone saue that constant faith did euer accompany her and a deuout minde which was euer erecting her hopes vnto the gates of heauen and we are confident the diuine goodnesse hath layed them open vnto her In the beginning of that persecution a citizen of Firando named Hierom gaue some signes in his exteriour cariage that he had abandoned his religion whereat his Father in lawe being scandalized who was an auncient and good Christian tooke vnto him his daughter who was also much offended with her husbands fact and went to Nangasachi the young man at first was all amazed with this his losse but comminge at length to himselfe he made hast after them and casting himselfe at their feete demaunded pardon of his fault auowing that he would rather dy then be indaced to the like againe The Gouernour had notice of the matter and thereupon commaunded that he should returne with all speed to the state of Firando that otherwise he would put to death so many of his kindred as should be foūd with in his district Herupon the yoūgman retorned to his owne country And he was no sooner arriued then assailed euen by whole troops of the Gentiles who pressed him to renounce his faith But Hierom mindfull of the promise he had made to his Father in lawe much more vnto almighty God made alwaies answere that he would esteeme it a speciall grace fauour if he might shed his blood for Iesus Christ and finally was beheaded vpō the 18 of August 1624 in companie of Iohn and Luke of whom we formerly spake being but 25 yeares of age when he shut vp the period of his life To conclude in a word the state of Christianity in Firando the persecution which indured for the space of 2 moneths was so bloody and cruell that Iaponie hath not hitherto seene the like yea such was the strange fiercenesse against the Christians of those bloodthirsty Paynims that they did not spare euen them who through feare had renounced their religion one word was enough to make them runne desperate vpō the liues of Christians without distinction of them who couragiously resisted their impiety or through weaknes gaue ouer themselues notwithstanding there was an expresse lawe commaunding that such should be spared as would renounce their faith In the heate of this persecution many worthy Christians were put secretly to death whose names as yet are not knowne many also were exiled and some yet few there were of these gaue I know not what signification in their exteriour that they had forsaken Christ our Lord and yet the Gentiles hanged certaine signes or marks thereof at their doores obliging them with all to giue in security that they should returne no more vnto our holy faith A thing not heard of before in Iaponia in cases of that nature They permit not euen vnto children to haue any thing about them which may be either in publicke or priuate a token of their Christianity and one for so much as he was accustomed to cary beades about vnto the Christians was kept prisoner in strait indurance for a whole yeare They haue strictly prohibited in all the Cities of the Country commerce with other Christians nor can they indure to heare any thing spoken in fauour of them Our Fathers who were some times so well receiued by them of Firando may not now be named and as they write vnto vs it is almost incredible what panges those poore Christians ate in whom feare made seeme in the exteriour renegados finding them selues now destitute of all helpe yet they recōmend them selues to God and expect in the longanimity of their hopes assistance from his diuine hand their expectatiō hath been somwhat strēgthned by the death of two chiefe persecutors wherof the one was neere allied the other brother of the Tono The kinsman who indeed was not only a chief Actour both in the mooning and continuing this persecution but sole cause of F. Camille Costanzo his imprisonment and the indurance of many others who haue lost their liues in defence of our holy beleese was vnexpectedly oppressed with a sudden death and not long after the brother fearing the wrath of the Tono in regard of some complaints which were made against him preuented his indignation by ripping vp his owne bowels The misfortunate chaunce of these two was generally thought euen by the Gentiles them selues to be a iust punishment sent from God I beseech his diuine Maiesty to giue tranquillity againe vnto the Christians of those parts and open the eyes of those poore Gentiles that they may see and lay hold of our holy faith The death of Calisto Cambo a Christian of the Ilands of Goto GOtodeno to the end he might make known vnto the world what esteeme he made of such lawes as Xogun had set downe resolued to put some famouse and more remarkable Christians to the sword And for as much as Caliste Cambo was as instructour and master of the rest in those Ilands he addressed two of his owne seruants vnto him who hauing tound him out let him vnderstand that they were commmaunded to put him to death for teaching in those Ilands and deliuering vnto others the doctrine and lawe of Christ The seruant of God being nothing troubled at their speeches made answer cheerfully and said they had brought him the best news his hart could wish
And the officers declaring that all his goods were forfetted led him vnto the place of execution a league from Vacamassu where he dwelled His wife and children with diuerse other Christians accompanied him on his waye who streaming forth fludds of teares Calistus intreated them they would forbeare weeping or if they neither would nor could refraine they should powre out teares of ioy and thankes giuing vnto the maiesty of almighty God for that so speciall fauour he had conserred vpon him Being arriued at Tabut the place where he was to dy it was permitted vnto him to write vnto diuerse of his friends and he did it in such sort as it is hard to say whether his words did shew more powerfully his great piety or solid ioy This done he clad him selfe a new that his outward attire might beare better proportion with the inward iubily of his mind and then for he was not yet bound he demaunded of the Sargeants that they would bind him and the rough fellows did it with such cruelty that the sole binding of him laied open a large field of paines vnto his patience Finally he gaue thankes vnto the chief officer so calling vpon the soueraigne names of Iesus and Maria his head was struck of vpon the 19 of Aprill 1624 in the fifty seuenth yeare of his age Calistus was natiue of Fiunga But he was baptized by our Fathers in the kingdom of Bungo when he was 15 yeares of age After he was regenerated by those waters of life he serued in our Church as Dogicke for ten yeares together he exercised the same function for some yeare in the Country of Arima and lastly perseuered in it for 27 yeares in the Ilands of Goto giuing alwaies great testimony of his singular zeale and exactnesse He did reside at Vacamaccu for as much as he might from thence most opportunely giue succour vnto the present necessities of Christians in those Ilands baptizing little infants teaching the Christian doctrine disposing the sicke to dy well burying the dead inducing the liuing vnto workes of piety in the midst of all these imployments extending his care vnto the Gentiles he would be euer with all diligēce instructing them at such time as they were disposing themselues for baptisme At such time as some of our Fathers made yearly visit in that circuit he would euer accompany them procuring that all the Christians should confesse and those who were fit for it receaue the most blessed Sacrament of the Altar In a word for these and the like offices of Christian charity he was esteemed by all the faithfull as their master and a most louing Father When the precedent persecution began he was sent in to banishment but when the fury thereof did relent as indeed he was generally well beloued there was earnest suite made for him and leaue was graunted for his returne Finally the diuine goodnesse disposing to reward his many labours made him worthy to dy in defence of his holy faith by cōmaundment of Vquauagidono Lord of the Ilands of Goto The death of Michael Sori and Quinzaiemon in the Ilandes of Goto MIchael and Quinzaiemon were with great feruour employing their best indeauours to promote the spirituall good and saluation of their neighbours in the Citty of Ochicha when two of the Tono his seruāts came to Michael and sollicited him to abandon the faith of Christ adding that such was the Xogun his pleasure And receiuing such answer as was meet and might be expected from such a seruant of God they full of disdaine intimated vnto him that he must dy At which words abundance of ioy did so powre it selfe downe vpon and redounded euen to the exteriour in such sort as it was a pregnant proof of his vndaunted courage Wherfore giuing thankes vnto thē who had brought him tydings so agreable vnto his harts desire apparelling himselfe in the attire he vsed on festiuall daies with great cheerfullnesse he made haste vnto the place appointed for his death And hauing disposed himselfe by prayer he was beheaded on the 19 of Aprill 1624 being seuenty two yeares of age when he suffered He was baptized by our Fathers being but a child in Ochicha the Citty he where was borne He did exercise himself much in vocall prayer he fasted all fridaies and did often punish himselfe by disciplines He made frequent excursions into the neere bordering places not only of the citty but country all about to assist his neighbours in their spirituall affaires he baptized the children succoured the sick disposing them to a happy passage from this life and with great diligence did bestow himselfe in burying their dead corps At such times as the solemne supplications of 40 houres prayer were celebrated he would be euer first in giuing good example vnto others so that the renowne of his singular piety caused great esteeme and veneration towards him in all men But that which in this seruant of God was most eminent was an ardent desire of suffering for Christ and the diuine Maiestie permitted at length that he should be put to death for defence of our holy faith in the manner we haue said Quinzaiemon a mā of great feruour in spirit liued in the same City wherof he also was natine he was accused vnto the Tono for his pious godly life had easily made him knowne and by his commaundment put to death A seruant of the Gouernour executing that most vniust sentence cut of his head Wee know not the certaine day but sure we are that it hapned the same yeare and by order of the same Tono The death of Thomas Nacangaua Mangosuque and Ioseph Gonzalo who suffred in Omura THomas and Gonzalus were accused vnto the Gouernour as noted Christians and leaders of the rest and peculiarly as fauourers of them of our Society inuiting and lodging them in their houses where they might administer the holy Sacraments vnto the faithfull in Nangaia a place siue leagues distant by sea from Omura Whereupon Thomas was presently cited to appeare And dispatching all busines with his kindred and frinds he departed imagining he was to see them no more Being arriued at Omura the officers came to bind him and he laying a side his poiniard offered him selfe with great humility vnto their bands Being presented to the iudges it was told him his life should be graunted him if he would renounce his faith but he contemning all such preiudiciall offers was sent back vnto his owne house where he remained with a straight guard vpon him till such time as he was condemned to die together with Ioseph Gonzalus who about that time was taken prisoner with diuerse other Christians vpon an accusatiō giuen in against them by the Paynims It is not possible to relate what sense of ioy these two shewed at their meeting to see that the prouidence of allmighty God had aslociated them in their death through whose goodnesse during their life they had been conioyned in the exercise of good workes They gaue
still increase vnto his sufferinges but far greater to his charity which in the brest of this seruant of God did kindle a most inflamed desire of suffering for Christ our Lord. Presaging his passage to a better life he tooke leaue of diuerse friends by letters from the prison and I haue thought good to set downe one of them in this place written vnto Father Benet Fernandez out of which it will easily appeard how he did euen long and languish with desire to dy for Iesus Christ. I knew well saith he that I was an vnprofitable seruant that I helped as much to the cōuersiō of the world in prison as out of prison Hence it hath pleased God to shut me vp in this restraint to the end that doing pēnāce for my sinnes imitating the example of these seruāts of God who are in durance with me I may redresse the time mispent and goe preparing my selfe to death which I much desire to the glory of his diuine maiesty in satisfaction of my offences True it is that setting my selfe to a due consideration heere of I am affrighted euen beyond measure but when I afterward reflect vpon that boundlesse goodnesse with maketh the Sunne to shine vpon the good and bad the wicked and the iust I can not but take courage and put great confidence in allmighty God whom me thinks I haue euer at hand hoping he will impart vnto me his holy grace in such abundance and so inable my weakenesse that I may dy resolutely for that law which at this presēt so many valorous champions amidst most cruell torments do defend and of old the holy Apostles haue protected with such aboundance of their blood O my most louing Father how happy should I be to see my selfe consuming in some hidious fire for the loue of so good a God! How fortunate would I thinke my selfe if disioyning limme from limme they would cut shread this body of mine into small pieces in honour of that Sauiour who hath preuented me with so many gifts followed them with ensuing fauours euer induring and bearing with mee who yet knew well my great ingratitude O most louing Iesus what shall this miserable sinner euer be able to doe that may be pleasing to thee By what labours may he satisfy What torments may he suffer to appease thee What gibbets hast thou disposed what raging fires hast thou prepared Oh my deare Lord what willest thou that I do Graunt what thou commandest and command what thou pleasest Now is the time my dearest Father to assist this your vnworthy seruant with your feruent prayers and holy sacrifices that our Lord will giue mee strength in what soeuer he pleaseth that I suffer for my sinnes and graunt me that for his glory and in testimony of his holy law I may endure many molestations yea sire or sword or what soeuer els the enemies of God can inuent to my punishment The world its pleasures riches honours let them by me be all and for euer loathed and let my whole contentment be to suffer for Iesus Christ. So that if his diuine Maiesty be pleased that I pine away in this prison Fiat voluntas eius Or if he rather wil that I liue vntill the day of iudgment in this narrow and forlorne place oppressed with continuall anguish and infirmity I freely offer my selfe vnto it But for as much as they write from Nangasachi that our end is nigh at hand I take therfore with this my last leave of a friend whom I loue so dearly in our Lord as your Reuerence Pray for me my dearest Father and I will euer doe the like for you From the prison of Omura 10 of Feb. 1624. Your seruāt vnworthy friēd in indurāce for his sint Michael Caruaglio Hitherto are his owne wordes out of which may easily be gathered his great feruour and spirit whereof he also giueth no lesse remonstrance in an other letter to Father Prouinciall where he writeth in this manners I vnderstand that in Iendo many haue suffered death for Christ O happy a thousand times ô blissefull marryrs of Iesus who haue not doubted in presence of the Court of Xogun to lay open in apparant view how vniust his lawes are how righteous those of our Omnipotent God for whose honour they haue vndauntedly spent their blood and liues O blisse ô happinesse without comparison ô holy hatred a death so much more fortunate by how much life seemes more miserable to me in this vale of teares So that I am compelled to say with Saint Paule cupie dissolui esse cum Christo O me poore wretch who for that I am a greene them only stored with sinnes am not admitted to those glorious cōbats which God reserueth to his elect Your Reuerence who are my Father and are so powerfull with our Lord God pray for me that he be pleased to looke downe fauourably and cast his eyes of mercy vpon me that as I am imprisoned for his loue so I may spēd my life to the increase of his glory and in satisfaction of my sinnes Thus wrote he in his letter to Father Prouinciall Finally order came from Nangasachi that all the Religious should be put to death who so soone as they had vnderstood the certainty thereof shewed extraordinary signes of ioy Vpon the 25 of Aug. they were led forth of prison all fiue fast bound with ropes about their necks and accompanied with a band of soldiers The Priests went each bearing a crosse in his hand continually fixed in prayers till such time as they came to shippe whither they entered with some few of the officers the rest cōtinuing their iourney by land They were arriued at the place appointed for their death a field called Facò when giuing thankes vnto those who had conducted them for the paines they had taken they went to land and the Priests lifting on high the crosses which they bare in their hands they began to recite psalmes with a loud voice when Father Caruaglio perceauing now a great multitude to be assembled turning vnto them You must vnderstand said he that wee are Christians and that wee dy of our free and voluntary accord for the faith of Christ our Lord. The admirable serenity of their countenances put their ioy so clearly in view of the beholders that amazed thereat they said these men seemed to goe rather to some feast or banquet then vnto death Finally their desired end approching the first who was tyed vnto a stake was Father Michael Caruaglio of our Society the second Father Peter Vasquez of the Order of Saint Dominicke The third Father Lewis Sotello The fourth Father Lewis Sassaudra both of the same Order of Saint Francis The fifth Brother Lewis Obseruant of the third Order a Iaponess Being tanked in this order they were boūd in such sort that after the cords should be burned they might yet be able to stirre themselues to the end their troubled action and disordered motion might incite the
in great admiration commaunded one day that he should depart from him and retire to his owne house remaining with in doores without taking any sustinance so that he should starue with famine This good Christian remained foure daies without taking any foode and his wife did the like imagining they did an acte of high merit but finding themselues much weakened through hunger they sent vnto our Father to know what they were to doe in that case and hauing answer that they should take their foode they did so and straight recouered there corporall forces hauing already giuen vnto the Tono who afterwarward molested them no more an assay of the interiour forces of their mind to defend by diuine assisistance our holy faith An other auncient Christian called Iohn Mangesuqus a seruant somtimes of Iustus Tacayamancundone hath beene proued by diuerse assayes but he euer answereth that Iustus his Lord with diuerse others of his company died for their faith and that he also would take great comfort if other by sword or fire he might in his death follow the footsteppes of those whom during their life he so much esteemed So that for the present he is by appointment of the Gouernours kept prisoner in such sort as no man may be admitted to speake with him and expecteth day by day to loose his life for his Religion The death of Leo Miz aqui Xinyemen and of his three sonnes IN one of the persecutions past Leo gaue some signes in the exteriour as if he had forsaken being a Christian but he cancelled soone after by penance that errour At such time therfore as this present storme arose calling vnto him his eldest sonne he told him that this time he would shew an other manner of resolution and that hee was determined that neither feare of any what so euer torment nor mordinate affection and loue euen to life it selfe should be able to induce him to commit the like faulte wherefore if hee as being but young would rather depart for some other place then remaining expose him selfe to further daunger that he would procure him fit meanes and opportunity The sonne hauing vnderstood his Fathers opinion and designe finding it for his purpose answered he would goe his waies The called he his three other sonnes demaunding of them whether they would escape away with their brother or surely abide with him Whereunto Andrew Thomas and Iohn made answer they would tarry in their owne Countrey and if it should chance to cost them their liues it should only accomplish their desires The officers of the Tono hauing notice that the eldest sonne was fled fearing least Leo himselfe should also escape away they tooke Iohn and kept him prisoner for a pledge Wherupon Leo made hast vnto the chiefe officers house and hauing found him it is true said he some yeares past in the exteriour I failed if my duty but now I am prepared to die feare not that I will fly from you When he said thus the Iudge not only contenting him selfe with him whō he had prisoner dispatched some who should take his other sonne Thomas vnder the same pretence Meane space arriued there a principall officer of the Tono who examined Leo very particularly concerning the cause of his sonnes flight and he would heare Andrew about the same matter who yet was not prisoner The Father being questioned concerning his faith behaued himselfe like a good and valorouse Christian but the poore sonne I know not how shewed himselfe fainte whervpon he was sent vnto a temple of the Idols to giue some signe that he had abandoned his faith The youth went and when he returned he said the Bonzo would not admit the signe wherof he made offer and so the Iudge commaunded him to giue in baile thereof and that he would send a seruant who should obtaine from the Bonzo what he should desire The timorous youth did so imagining hereby he should be quiet for many yeares but soone after coming to him selfe he repented of his facte and with many teares demaunded humbly pardon of God putting himselfe in prison with his Father and other brothers confessing a new with great courage the faith of Christ The three brothers were called one day before the officers to be examined and many torments were inflicted vpon them in the place The first was by water which they inforce men to drinke in excessiue quantity but for as much as this torment though very painfull seemed to the Iudges not powerfull enough to worke their intent they commaunded that about the calfe or brawny parts of their legges should be strait bound certaine canes bigger then those which we haue which cutting the skinne in sundry places draw forth the blood in great abundance of such as vndergo the tormer It is not yet certainly knowne wherefore they were tortured in this manner but the Common voice is for not declaring the reason why their eldest brother fled and for that being sollicited to forsake their faith they did neuer giue way by any the least word thereunto The Gentils remained wholly amazed made knowne vnto the Tonos Father how the matter had passed and he after diuerse conferences and consultations had with his sonne concluded that they would send vnto those seruants of the Xegun of whom I spake before to vnderstand what was their opinion They hauing vnderstood how all had succeeded as Paynims and enimies of our holy lawe made answer that it was meete they should all be executed All things were presently dispatched according to the opinions of these men and so there was forthwith a messenger addressed vnto Leo to intimate vnto him the sentence from the Tono who promised him that after his death his eldest sonne should be called backe and much honored Our valorous Leo reioyced much here at and gaue thankes vnto him who had brought him the newes he declared what till that time he had kept secret to wit that he had caused his sonne to withdraw himselfe to the end that being a Christian he might not expose himself to the daunger of forsaking his faith whence he coniectured that although he were recalled he would not returne to that place whilst the daungee should continus He added that he was sory for that the officer had beene put to those paines about him the time before when the Christians were examined and that he was sory from his hart for his hauing then obaied the Tono for that albeit he seemed in his exteriour to haue reuolted yet did he euer in his interiour adhere vnto Christ our Lord And I hope said he this day wherein I am to dy I shall purchase and recouer againe what soeuer then I lost through feare And hauing spoken in this manner he went forth with his sonnes and tooke his way towards the place appointed for their death Leo accompanied his steps with those diuine wordes of the Angelicall Salutation and so soone as he came with in sight of the place in which by losse of
parting was so dolefull and full of teares on both sides aswel of those who went as those who staied behind that all the lookers on were extreamely moued the mothers wept amaine to part from their children the husbands from their wiues the Masters of houses from their families The very Iaponeses themselues were woūded at the hart to leaue some their friends others their Masters others those from whom they gained their huings and carried in their brests the law proceedings of Xogun Teares and lamentations remained in the harts eyes of those who staied behind the more whē they reflected vpon the good deedes done full often by those who were sent away as the setting of their slaues at liberty whom they might haue made money of giuing to diuers house roome and liberally bestowing both gold and filuer on persons in necessity The last persecution in the Citty of Nangasachi was against the dead For the hatred of the Xogun against our holy faith which he endeauours by all meanes to extirpate could not sufficiently expresse it selfe against the liuing The Christians of Nangasachi had a churchyard where they buried their dead and on certaine daies went thither in numbers to recommend them vnto God on the sepulchers which were some of stone others of bricke others of wood were put diuers crosses of seuerall fashions Against this place the Gentils spent their fury butning the wooden crosses destroying the monuments commaunding the dead to be buried vnder ground The Christians feared so much lest the dead bones of their frends should be taken vp and cast into the sea that some made deeps holes into the ground and there buried them others carried thē home to their houses others tocitties neere about there buried them thus they went all day vp and downe the citty not knowing what way to take admiring the cruelty of the Xogun other Gouernours who would not so much as endure that they dead should have with them any token of their profession A certaine officer at this time passing through the streetes found a Christian selling beads presently he layed hands on him for selling forbidden ware and streightly bound brought him before a Iudge who condemned him made him stand in the publicke view fast bound a whole day and night Of the persecution of Christians in certaine places of the kingdom of Figen THe chiefest mā of Figen is called Nobexima Xinanono Cann who was presers at Court when so many Christians were burned aliue terrified which this exāple for feare of loosing the Xoguns fauour he gaue order to all his subordinate Gouernours that they should quit his dominions from Christians The officers carefull to comply with their Masters will and pleasure put forth a proclamation that all should abandon Christiā Religion other wise to be stripped starke naked and with their eares and noses cut to be sent to the Citty of Sifai together with their wifes and children there to be slaues to the Tono who was allied with the said Xinanono Cami. It cannot be expressed what ioy the Christians of Quizicurra conceiued at this Meslage and by reason diuers torments were threatned in this letter and namely that they should be burned aline they prepared themselues first with the most pretious and holy Sacraments and afterwards with new cloathes to appeare at the day of their death which they both hoped and looked for eare long One and thirty were called at once before a Iustice who with faire speeches exhorted all and euery one to change their mindes and not incurre the displeasure of the Tono But their answer being vndaunted and resolute he fell from faire to bitter threat ning tearmes commaunding them to be carried away in a most ignominious manner The day following he called before him their wines who for ioy put on their best apparell and taking their Children in their armes such as had any to offer them as immaculate sacrifices vnto Christ they went couragiously to the iudgment sear ready to lay open their best veines and let forth their blood for Almighty God The Iudge haning only seene them commaūded they should be sent to a certaine house and there kept as prisoners till they heard more of him The day following a certaine chief person and Christian went to the Gouernour intreating the woemen might goe backe to their howles and offering for to enter bond for their due appearance when it should be required which was accordingly graunted but the good woemen were nothing contented herewith and refused the offer saying that unprisonment for Christ was more deare vnto them then what soeuer liberty and that they would not depart from the prison vnles it were to a stake or gibbet to end their liues Yet finally giuing way to the perswasions of many Christians they retired backe to their houses When these woemen were called to appeare there were wanting by reason of the faire distance those of a certaine towne called Occusa They were counselled not to stifle since the others had been deliuered but they would in no waies obey saying the Gentills should see they were no lesse couragious then their neight urs and as desirous of death and so they wēt forward but were turned backe for the Iudge perceiuing such incredible cōstancy in both texes thought it best to dissemble all with prudencv and so the persecution ended in Oquizu where torments were wanting to the Christians not they to torments The same day that the persecution began in Oquizu it began likewise in Iagami The first assaulted by the Governour were labouring mē yet in a more milde manner for calling before him on of the chief among them he was earnest with him to chaunge his Religion which not succeding to subsoribe at least a certaine list which he had in his hand The honest Coūtreyman answered if the subscribing were taken as a signe of reuolting from his faith he would not put his hand vnto it albeit the deniall should cost him his life But the Gouernour by reiterated oathes gaue him assurance there was no such thing meant whereupon the Coutrey-man after a thousand protestations that he was a Christian and would die so subscribed vnto his paper And after this manner the Gouernour soone induced the rest in great part to subscribe yet some there were who made a scruple of it making choice rather to leaue both goods and houses then to subscribe vpon any tearmes so that three score and three men and woemen betooke themselues to a voluntary banishment of which there was a poore feeble woman through age and sicknes almost brought to her graue who being asked of her husband what course they should take Let vs goe saieth she with the rest into banishment for I had rather dy in the tourney for Gods sake then protract my life a few daies longer with liuing at home and losse of my soule And albeit I am in diuers respects neere vnto my end yet if I should chaunce to dy in the way at