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A07542 Poems occasioned by a melancholy vision or A melancholy vision vpon diuers theames enlarged which by seuerall arguments ensuinge is showed ByH. Mill. Mill, Humphrey, fl. 1646.; Droeshout, John, d. 1652, engraver. 1639 (1639) STC 17922; ESTC S112789 74,869 272

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late Make use of time now in thy prime lay hold on saving grace Lest at the last God doe thee cast from heaven his dwelling place Into that Lake where lives the snake with hell-hounds yelling fast Where thou shalt crie and burning lye thy dolour still shall last GOOD VSE OF TIME With meanes to bee used to make advantage of it VVEll now I see what miserie that time ill spent doth bring Hearing these words they cut like swords teares from my eyes they wring Time be my friend I le make an end and leave my vaine delights I will thee use and not abuse and give to thee thy rights Thou art of price I will be wise to make of thee such gaine As through Gods grace I le thrive apace Gods love shall me constraine Though short time is I will not misse in time to serve the Lord And then will he still present be and comfort me afford Then time make haste and run as fast or having wings thou flye Then to my fort I will resort under Gods wings I le lye Though suddenly thou com'st to trie how ready I shall be Then thus I say I le watch and pray from feare I shall be free Against that houre Lord by thy power of comforts give mestore Live thou my soule free from controule when time shall be no more Now thou my friend that good intend use well the time while here Thou stay then sure thou shalt endure fresh comforts shall appeare Alas how may I thou wilt say make use of times sad story I may at last when time is past by grace attaine to glory Serve God while young when thou art strong to overcome thy Lust Make haste also and with time goe or be behinde thou must Deny thy strength and now at length make God thy chiefest guide Let in thy brest sin never rest but chiefly downe with pride Beleeve thou art freed from the smart of sin of death and hell By him that came from heavens frame sometime on earth to dwell Be good and kinde to all that minde the God of time to serve Serve all in love from God above let thy heart never swarve Unloose thy joyes from earthly toyes and willing be to part For worldly things no comfort brings let heaven have thy heart So now we see how we may be of time good stewards then Let us be blest Lord to thy rest and enter may Amen FINIS 1 JOHN 2. 17. The World passeth away and the Lust thereof 1 COR. 7. 31. The fashion of this World passeth away THE FADING CONDITION OF EARTHLY THINGS With the Application of it THe Vanity of earthly things appeareth on this wise False joy true discontent it brings who could them not despise What are the Nobles of the earth but honoured clodds of clay Though they are made so great by birth such time consumes away What are the learned'st here below but reverend heapes of dust Also the wisest that I know dissolved be they must What are the richest of the time ere growne they fade away So doe the greatest in their prime euen fade till quite decay What are the fairest of this age but skin thicke beauties found Must not the stoutest though they rage lye even with the ground And must not poore and lowly too at last be lower brought All of all sorts though much adoe ere long must turne to naught If Nobles be though honoured so mortall in their kinde I le be content though meaner bred and comming thus behinde Shall finde as much respect with death the wormes and eke the grave As truly honoured Nobles sith they there no Lordships have If learning will not much availe when time begins to close Though they are like when they prevaile the Lilly and the Rose The learning of the truth shall be the thing I most intend When all things changed thus shall be my comfort shall not end If worldly wisedome doth no good to helpe in time of need I le not adore the serpents brood nor run with them to speed My wisedome for to know my God his Christ through his good grace My selfe my sins and eke Gods rod 't will make me mend apace If rich men and their riches are thus subject all to fade O pitty them that with much care their gods of them hath made My care shall be to be as rich in God I may or can To bring my selfe up to the pitch to feare nor flatter man What cannot greatnesse death withstand nor shun his mortall dart Let no man thinke to take in hand to free him from that smart My care shall be to frame my life and daily die to sinne And living may thus free from strife a heavenly life begin Nor cannot beauty with her smiles once charme deaths frowning face Who then so hard y thinkes his wiles can turne his common trace I love the beautie that 's within and in the heart doth lye It 's fresh in heaven being freed from sin when death it selfe shall die Cannot the man that is so stout himselfe free from the dread What is the man that goes about redemption from the dead I desire to take away the sting from death and him disarme Being done by faith to God I le sing his praise thus fre'd from harme And why must poore and lowly men lye lower in the dust It 's so decreed I say agen that all men living must Poore be content for you shall see the rich for all their store As low interr'd in earth shall be though men doe them adore Let low in heart rejoyce that have a Kingdome for their owne The King of Kings will all them save when proud are overthrowne Let 's all prepare our selves for change We must not long stay here That God to us may not be strange then come thou King of feare Not noble birth nor learning high nor wise nor rich nor great Nor faire nor stout poore nor lowly 〈…〉 must be wormes meat Come downe proud hearts for thus I say that death hath no remorse Obend to God and to him pray lest thou be broke by force Then farewell all contents below all must to judgement come How they have liv'd so shall they know for to receive their doome FINIS GEN. 1. 2 The Earth was without forme and Darknesse was upon the Deepe ROM 13. 12. Cast away the workes of Darknesse EPHES. 5. 11. Have no fellowship with the unfruitfull workes of Darknesse but reprove them rather POEMS DARKNESSE DISCOVERED With the dreadfull effects thereof The Argument in Charge 1. COme come my Muse put on thy sad aray Black darknesse scorning in a hatefull tone And if thou canst him banish quite away Thou shalt have praise almost of every one Be bold and by him be not thou out-fac'd If he 'll not part let him remaine disgrac'd 2. Thou black and hideous monster on the earth Darknesse I meane I never yet could finde That he which made the world brought thee to birth Thou art
againe let Sathans will be crost And then will I thy goodnesse still unfold And cause poore sinners mercy to behold Hee findes successe in his suit with God Alas poore man I pitie on thee take I doe intend thee my redeem'd to make Thou shalt from sinne and Sathan be set free Onely thou shalt be servant unto me I heard thy mone my bowels could not stay To grant thy suit no longer I le delay Thy dreadfull passion came before my sight Then my compassion sent down heavenly light I will thee make an instrument of praise To fight with sin and Sathan all thy dayes Seeing I have brought thy soule and body back From hell whether sin commanded thee to pack And after thou hast serv'd me herein love Then thou shalt dwell with me in heaven above And sin and death that sought to ruine thee Shall be arraign'd and both condemn'd by me The nature of Death with his unsatiable speech and lamentation VVhen death by sin had once possest the earth And found that man was mortall made by birth Still since that time he strikes at all mankinde As well the great as those that come behinde The first man living though a mighty King Death ventred on and struck him with his sting All good bad that liv'd in ancient time Though some liv'd long yet some died in their prime The best that ever on the earth had breith Though free from sin yet was not freed frō death So till this day experience proveth true He darts down some and claimes the rest for due His hungry jawes will ner'e be satisfied While one doth live and on the earth abide And if that once the man that lives he have Brought down to death he bars him in the grave And so triumphs and rules among the slaine For where his kingdome is there he doth raigne When he hath pill'd the world of all her store Though this is done yet still he wishes more O that there were an other world or two I would to worke and make no more adoe O that I mght but use my kingly power Then I would seek mans ruine every hower Graves yeeld no food that give me such content As living flesh to that my mind is bent Nothing there is so pleasant to my taste As lives of men when I doe lay them waste What am I made a King but for a time No power can I use amongst the flime Unlesse it be the silly wormes to slay That can I in the least part of the day I thought I should have been a King for ever Sin set me up I doing my indeavour Perform'd the worke that I was bid to doe I fear'd no man for I was hardy too Assure so quicke for in a little space All nations people were brought in deadly case And must I needs give ore this mighty trading Which cōstant was though all the world was fading This is not all I think I heard some say I must be bound ore to the judgement day If it be so I my defence will make As Kings of all their subjects place doetake Untill that time you 'l heare no more of me How stands the case then all the world shall see Sinnes probable destinie Sinne 's now accus'd with all his sinfull crimes Laid to his charge 't is corrupt are the times The righteous man which doth against sin stand Is very like to have the upper hand Unto the seate of Justice sin is brought An equall judge doth never stand for nought But tries the truth and gives to each his due When once of it he hath had a carefull view Sinne being apprehended is accused before an impartiall Judge Sinne hath me vext ere since I had a being And all men else that carefull are in seeing Shall finde him plotting mischiefe with his will VVith malice murther striving for to kill The seed of good that in mans heart are sowne And every plant that is not of his owne If one be good that hee would from him take If one be bad he tries him worse to make From bad to worse from worse to worst of all More could I say sin counts these things but smal Sinnes vile answer and Request Answer to this what is this true or no T is all but lyes he is my deadly foe He speakes for malice his words have no savor Hee 's but a foole and thinkes to curry favour Because forsooth I am not so precise Though I doe sweare he tells as many lies He hates my waies and I hate his as much I doe him scorne as also loath to touch What though in mirth I take my liquor well What though I brawle rail with them I dwel What though I play and sport both day night Though I blaspheme and court what I might I force no man if I can any draw With craft or fraud I hold it in good law This I will add I 'le open all my store Seeing he is vext I 'le vexe him ten times more Because indeed I doe not often pray And when I doe my heart shall be away He 'd have me read and heare a blacke reproach Poore foolish things yet farre above my reach Pray Sir consider this and free me quite Out of the hands of this malicious wight The Impartiall Iudge his answer he turnes over Sinne and Death to be tried by the Judge of the world Now well it is I heard you each oue single But thy vile words have made my eares to tingle What he did say thy words have now made worse What cāst expect but Gods eternal curse His words are true thine most unjust appeare Sin 's the Delinquent the Righteous man I cleare I le turne thee over to that righteous Judge To whom the world must yeeld though many grudge There thy confession shal be on record Besides the rest that will come word for word I have no baile must I in prison lye That matters not from God thou canst not flye And Death of whom I heate such ill report I understand to be thy great confort Call him to me it 's no matter let him stay Both are reserv'd unto a greater day The righteous man that did thee apprehend Will ruine thee thou canst it not defend And Death by Life will be und one also Your seeming friends each one will turne a foe The Righteous man hath leave granted to prosecute Sinne and Life to prosecute Death Who 's that below that faine would speak with mee A poore sinner Lord that lies in miserie What is that other which by thee doth stand Lord this is Life that doth preserve a land What would yee have speak both for both have breath Free me from sin Free me likewise from death What hath Sin done or Death seeing you desire Sin promis'd good but death comes for sins hire Here they are both give us both leave to speake If thou deny Lord both our hearts will breake Both speak your minds the Saints I made the
Sexton dyed the Parson stood my friend To helpe me in such good he did intend To me the Parish with a full consent To him agreed so to the place I went Death brought me in great part still of my gaines What else I had I ever did take paines For it what I for ringing of the Bell Had then for rich when 't was their dying knell Or any other I will not now relate it I scorne to brag I ever yet did hate it Or all the Bels being rung what ere I got 'T was so and so I ever had my lot With other things which now I will not name He did me helpe let no one then me blame To take his part alasse who can doe lesse Seeing he to me such friendship did expresse I cannot hold for to maintaine my charge If death be gone the Parish is not large Enough for vailes to keep me in such sort To pay my debts live free from ill report The trading's lost that little that I had Nor can I worke being old my sight is bad O free Death now or if thou him destroy For company take me with him away The Searchers complaine of their losses and beg that Death may be quit We are old women weake and very poore We trade with Death and so increase our store Death he is first we second in the place To search the corps of what and in what case They died we bring of them a true relation And groates a peece allow'd for preservation But some times more as cloathes or else some food That 's mony worth and is to us as good We past our labours are 't is knowne full well Allowance we have i th' Parish where we dwell If death should faile our place would faile us too We must goe beg and make no more adoe Vnloose him now for he hath been our friend Or let us goe with him to know our end Let Life decay and Death take up his place Our life else is but Death our wants deface Vs better we with death should lie in grave Than live on earth we little comfort have Th Coffin-maker makes mone for the absence of death and desires his libertie I ever have been brought up to a trade By death maintain'd for Coffins I have made Apprentiship most hard I did indure I thought to live so well and be so sure In constant trading shall my expectation Thus die in hand my meanes of preservation Faile me what then will now become of me I perish must or live in miserie No other way to live but boxes small I make sometimes to finde me worke withall I sell them cheape not worth the while to make For coffins still good rates I ever take Men will not stand in this case for a friend When they shallbuy the price and so an end We make and this will countervaile my paines And for this worke I have sufficient gaines What shall I doe if death be kept through strife Away 't will make me weary of my life Let all men speake of death as they doe finde I liv'd by him and 't is against my minde To see him troubled life did bring him hither Discharge him then that we may trade together The Bearers speech for death and laments their losse Our places are to beare the dead to grave With watchings that is all the meanes we have To live we tried our friends to helpe us in And ever since we constant in 't have beene We were so poore we could not well tell how For to subsist the case is alter'd now We got so much by death within a yeare The better still we are as doth appeare Now we have goods and money too at need We pay our rent and of the best we feed We still have wine and sometime other things We do rejoice though some their hands stil wrings When we from home doe beare the dead away To their long home they in their grave must stay Our constant gaines to all is knowne so well We need not speake therest we will not tell What ere it be we would not willingly Now lose our gaines nor change it till we die 'T is nothing worth if death should lie in hold Alas we might our sorrowes then unfolde We were undone and perish all we must Release him now thou wilt doe so we trust The Grave-makers lamentation missing Death I am a man I need not here be nam'd Though I can dig to begge I am asham'd I make the graves to bury dead folkes in I am imploy'd for idlenesse is sinne I have no meanes but what I labour for I' th sicknesse time though men doe me abhorre My trading's best when other trades decay I make of graves some five or sixe a day I labour hard and all men finde me willing Some give me sixe pence and some give a shilling If in the Church some two or three somemore Thus I 'm maintain'd and lay up mony store Thoughtimes more healthful were yet work I had I 'm crasie brain'd yet this wil make me mad If death be tooke away my trading then Will faile me quite and never come agen For other worke I am a stranger to it To watch at night alas that will not doe it To maintaine me my wife and children small It 's but a groate so want will starve us all Death holpe me still O free him else my grave I le dig then die I there no want shall have The Grave wants Death and begges him to come to bring meate to the wormes and him Death what 's the matter thou art now indighted The newes I heare hath me full sore affrighted My hungry belly thou wast wont to fill With flesh I sweetly did digest it still My mouth is wide my stomack hot like fire The more I care the more I doe desire My bowels large my sides and limbes are strong Give give me food I shall continue long I thought some evill had oretaken thee Thou brought'st not meat as thou wert wont to me Thou for me wast I for thee in like case Thou me releev dst I found thy dead a place We are all friends and if we now should part The thoughts of this would almost kill my heart But life that doth accuse thee in this sort He envies thee and rais'd an ill report On me likewise and pickes a quarrell too Again all such with whom he hath to doe Be not dismaid I hope thou shalt againe Come dwell with me and rule amongst the slaine The wormes my tenants they doe misse thee now They seek for meat to help them who knows how But thee O come and bring us flesh they cry Or else we 'l come and follow thee and die I give them houses if thou canst not give Meat to them then long here they cannot live They are so silly and so feeble they Now cannot goe nay scarce can creepe away They call to me for food and I have none My flesh is eat and
ripe I le pluck them in their prime Sinne shall not raile nor persecute the best Death shall not fright them though that he be prest Against then they shall willing be to part From worldly pompe before he kill the heart Sinne shall not set up tyrants in high places Lest they should bring their betters to disgraces Death shall not venture on such presently That wicked men judge worthy for to die Sinne shall not take all fat aud sweet away And let men beg or starve or goe astray For want of comfort casting truth behinde Nor slight the cries of them distrest in minde Death shall not shew his face to any one In the new birth untill the worke be done Sinne shall not mocke at men that serve the Lord With upright hearts this I have still abhort'd Death shall not vexe those that are griev'd for sin With purpose for a new life to begin Sinne shall not be in painted shewes set forth To hinder truth that is so great of worth Death shall not seaze for small things on the poore Or free the rich of greater for their store Sinne never more shall turne the streame away Nor with the highest er'e shal beare the sway Death shall not touch a man without my leave Or any thing else of its life bereave Let sinne and death still under sentence dwell Till they with thee together meet in hell FINIS ROM 12. 9. Abhorre that which is evill cleave to that which is good PSALM 51. 2. Wash me from mine iniquitie and cleanse me from my sinne REV. 2. 7. To him that overcommeth I will give to eate of the Tree of Life which is in the middest of the Paradice of God Serious Directions and Instructions for our practice touching Sinne. 1. SEeing Sinne hath got reprieve againe About the world he 'l use his might To flatter men their soules to staine With filthy sinne then with great spight He 'l lay upon men heavie weights And briug their mindes to dreadfull streights 2. The best advise that I can give I readie am to shew to thee How through Gods mercie thou maist live From sinnes Dominion ever free And from the guilt that followes sinne Though Sinne and Sathan bring it in 3. Over thy heart be watchfull still Subdue the rising of the minde And bring thy soule to hate all ill That now or after thou shalt finde The bent of all thy heart let bee To serve the Lord he 'l honour thee 4. The evill motions first of all Resist before thou doe it like Thou easie maist keepe out of thrall If thou defend when sinne doth strike When he doth finde that he 's descrid'd He 'l soone desist his face to hide 5. The temper of thy nature finde And chiefly there keepe strongest guard Against what sinne thou' rt most inclin'd For 't will thy labours well reward Sin will be weake grace will be strong Sin leave thee will ere it belong 6. Occasions shun which else will draw Thee unto sinne and by degrees Thou wilt neglect or hate Gods law And plunge thy selfe in miseries For if sinne get the upper hand Then tyrant-like he 'll thee command 7. Count no sin small that thou dost know The least's enough to make thee dwell To thinke thus makes sin greater grow In the eternall pit of hell There 's no sinne small in Gods account But sinne his mercies doe surmount 8. Bethinke thy selfe what good there hath At any time come in by sin And thou shalt finde nothing but wrath It brings as now so hath it been No good but bad in sinne remaines Though seeming good 't is cursed gaines 9. Consider why God doth thee feed And cloth to sinne it is not so To thee his workes he shewes indeed Thou might'st him serve not like a foe Which of Gods blessings is a grave That giveth naught yet more doth crave 10. Acquaint thy selfe more with Gods word With all things in t there thou shalt see That sinne and sinners on record Are curst to all eternitie And that the godly have reward Though them the world did not regard 11. Love truth divine and precepts still Lay up as treasure in thy heart Thy minde with comforts ever fill They 'l ease and qualifie thy smart The best parts of Philosophy Must stoope unto divinitie 12. When sinne comes thinke it's poyson sweet He brings to take away thy life He is thy foe be so discreet To keepe at distance and at strife Against him all thy power bend If to thy felse thou good intend 13. If Sinne intreat or if 't command Or suit with humours of thy minde Tempt yet be not at any hand To fancies vaine be still unkinde If sinne doe not thee first disarme Thou need'st not feare of taking harme 14. When sinne doth so deforme the shape Of men then looke how comely they When like an Anticke or an Ape They are nay worse than beasts of prey What 's bad in others to behold Thinke worse in thee this case unfold 15. Men would with sinne share in the best Th' account at last all would avoid The sowre must goe with the rest Such men by sinne will be annoyd For when their monsters come to birth None would them father on the earth 16. There 's none in sinne desires to die Though live in sinne they doe desire 'T is best to leave sinne willingly Else sinne at last will bring its hire What 's bad at death bad now appeare What 's good at last is good now here 17. Avoid the Company that 's ill Lest they thee poyson with their breath Resort to such as love truth still Such shew thee life the bad bring death God will preserve the godly heart When wicked men shall feele sinnes smart 18. The worst with God acquaintance claime When all their friends doe them forsake In this they shew their cursed aime Not for himselfe they would him take Though he be lovely but to free Them from sinnes wages miserie 19. When they that love sinne goe to hell They leave such witnesse them behinde A dreadfull stinking noysome smell And ill examples men doe finde Their names from honour leave they free They 'r curst to all posteritie 20. See what an honour God bestowes Vpon his servants here below They daunt the world and sinne orethrowes They doe Gods will for him they know And when that they goe to their rest They leave behinde a name that 's blest 21. Let hatred rise 'gainst sinne and why Not for the shame but for Gods cause And 't was for sinne that Christ did die And so by sinne we breake Gods lawes Because 't is cursed from the Lord Let sinne by thee be still abhorr'd 22. When sinne doth seeme so Angell like Then take good heed lest he on thee His poyson spit his sting thee strike With it no plague compar'd can be The sweet meats surfeit kils the strong With meaner diet weake live long 23. Distrust thou most what most doth please Be
giv'st them freely such content By sense they know no time but that Till with thy friendship they grow fat Then death their pleasures doe prevent 22. At last they struggle so for life And with the butchers are at strife To keepe thee still and thou dost greeve But yet by force thou must depart Though it doth vexe thee to the heart They cry thou canst not them releeve 23. Thou mak'st them nimble active strong And comely too but then ere long When thou dost part deformed they Remaine and never have thee more Thou hast no life for them in store When once thou tak'st thy flight away OF THE LIFE OF Reason in men Or Naturall Life 24. Tdis doth not trouble thee so much To part with plants or beasts as such As live a life of Reason then Thou hadst thy being here below That thou thy selfe might'st now bestow Most freely on the Sonnes of men 25. The grasse that lives for Beasts does die And beasts for men good reason why That they might live to serve the Lord In this let Life with us agree To differ plants and beasts from we Then we with Life shall still agree 26. To man thou art the sweetest thing For thou all comfort still dost bring Thy presence gives content to all They spend their meanes thee to maintaine What ere they lose if thee they gaine Thou dost delight both great and small 27. Thou giv'st a beautie to the face And thou art still the comeli'st grace To all there 's nothing like to thee Though thou art seated in the heart Thou do'st appeare in every part And thou alone thy selfe canst see 28. And thou of all art much desir'd And with the world they 'l not be hit'd To leave thee but to thee as right Doe yeeld themselves and doe obey Thee and by walking on their way They shew thy glory and thy might 29. Thou causest clods of earth to walke And giv'st us breath by thee we talke And knowledge too for to discerne What 's good what 's bad and so we chuse The good and doe the bad refuse And by thee we may ever learne 30. Thou stil desirest for our good Such naturall convenient food That thou thy freedome might'st enlarge To us thy love thou dost expresse To have us shun all vaine excesse And thou at all times bear'st the charge 31. When once thou dost a danger spie Thou giv'st us warning presently And shew'st that thou dost us esteeme But if we cannot it avoid But must with trouble be annoyd Thou dost us labour to redeeme 32. But if thou canst not with thy skill Relieve us in our sorrow still With us thou stay'st to beare apart For thou dost greeve to see us weepe And wait'st our leisures while we sleepe Which brings some ease unto the heart 33. Much miserie thou dost endure With us and yet thou nere art sure To be rewarded for thy paines Thou stay'st with us a little while Thou dost but come and give a smile We cannot call thee here our gaine 34. Alas I cannot but lament For thou hast still a true intent To doe us good thou dost indeavour But we thy proffers doe abuse Or else so sleightly doe them use There 's cause of feare to lose thee ever 35. Thou' rt gone sometimes before we know How to enjoy thee herebelow Thou dost on sudden take thy time We judge thee comming on a pace But thou dost leave us in disgrace When we are comming to our prime 36. If thou dost tarry with old age Then like a Bird within the cage Thou long'st still for thy libertie For there thou canst not use thy strength Yet thou art quiet then at length You both are freed from miserie 37. God breath'd thee first in the beginning In man but he lost thee by sinning And ever since thou art so strange Thou art a tennant here at will There is no lease though we try still We cannot know our time of change 38. We cannot say 't is long of thee That we endure such miserie But 't is from change we doe receive Such bitter potions in this world But when we in our graves are hurl'd Then thou of us dost take thy leave 39. Thou dost not bring us to distresse But we bring thee into no lesse Our sins thy vigor so doe quell That if there were no other course To drive thee out we should grow worse Till we did thee from us expell 40. Thy foes are many great and strong They dwell in Garrisons among Thy souldiers and they pitch their tents Surpriz'd thou art within the field And death doth come which makes thee yeeld With engines and with instruments 41. Men have not here enough of thee That live in pride and jollitie Thou act'st thy part then thou art gone Alas thy Scene here is so short They cannot shew their sinfull sport As they would then they make their mone 42. They doe not draw their Cesternes dry Nor suck the sweet nor sore so high Nor do that mischiefe they desire They have not time to bring to passe Their cursed ends their emptie glasse Doth shew death comes and brings their hire 43. Men make thee shorter than thou art By playing here so vile a part They drinke or curse thee out of doore They love thee not so well as those Things that take thee away and foes They to themselves appeare therefore 44. How few are there that set thee forth In practice or to spread thy worth Doe praise thee in a living frame They hide thee so in heapes of dust That thou art eaten up with rust Men cannot know thee but by name 45. Thou wilt away ere it be long Who would not use thee being strong Set out thy beautie in its kinde Let 's all indeavour while we may With life t' enjoy a happie day Shew that we live in heart and minde 46. Let principles within us move Still to the fruits of living love Towards God and man that we may shew That we have not our lives in vaine But of them make such blessed gaine That others may its power know 47. Thy props decay ere thou dost fall With want disease afflictions all Conspire against thy living breath Thy comforts die and leave thee here Thy joyfull presence turnes to feare And who so welcome then as death 48. Thou hid'st thy selfe within the breast But death will never let thee rest But hunts thee till he drives thee thence Life takes his leave upon the lips Away in silence then he skips Unseene but mist with present sense 49. But thee I cannot chuse but blame Me thinkes thou hast an emptie name How can I truly call thee Life When evils come thou giv'st us sense And so we have for recompence The fruits of sin which turnes to strife 50. Most men doe thee desire long When they are active rich and strong And live in pleasure health and case If they old age and sorrow see Thou dost increase their miserie
assistants And you that for sinne acted such a part And 'gainst my truth have tried all your art Receive your doome for this will be your hire Ye cursed goe into eternall fire Where divels dwell and monsters doe inherit The fruits of sinne there each one hath his merit There you shall stay for ever and from me No light of comfort you shall ever see In sorrow you eternitie shall spend Depart from me for now you know your end FINIS POEMS CONCERNING DEATH AN INDIGHTMENT AGAINST DEATH by LIFE being Plaintiffe With the Event and Issue thereof LONDON Printed by John Dawson 1639. OF DEATH 1 Cor. 15. 56. Death where is thy sting Hosea 13. 14. O Death I will be thy death 1 Cor. 15. 26. The last enemy that shall be destroyed is Death The Argument in charge to the Muse. ADdresse thy selfe my Muse to that sad tale Of Death though grim ghastly wan pale His looke feare not for I will see thee righted Speake bold for life thou need'st not be affrighted Accuse him answer with a sharp reply His vaine defence and sentenc'd let him dye A Plea against Death Lord now I have brought Death to be arraign'd A Traitor he already is proclaim'd To be against thy sonne the life of all The world that hath been are or ever shall Remaine on earth unlesse some course in hand Be taken now to cut him from the Land O let me never beare thy name in vaine To yeeld to Death my losse he counts his gaine Now let this tyrant be by thee destroy'd That hath so long so much my peace annoy'd An examination of the case a commana to speake their mindes What wouldst thou have done to him speak thy mind What he hath done that 's il that he shal find To him I shall returne againe like measure As he did mete I le open now my treasure Of wrath and vengeance and upon him poure And he shall know what 't is life to devoure I le heare you both now life speake what of Death Thou know'st death why he stroys living breath And testimony that about the cause You can produce according to my lawes For so I le Judge and give to each his right My truth appeare shall in all peoples sight The Indightment against Death in generall When thou at first didst breath me in the soule Of man alive he was who did controule His living state but death when he for ever Might then have liv'd with doing his indeavour But fearfull Death did stare him in the face And did his glory utterly disgrace His name was fearfull and men at it bend The thoughts of Death brought forth untimely end To some the rest that liv'd the course of nature The feare of him did weaken so their stature That when he came he had not much to doe Halfe dead before for they were sinfull too And captives like he chain'd them in the grave Close prisoners none out of his hands could save A man so cruell as it doth appeare Men durst not aske he kept them so in feare He scorn'd to take a courtesie from any Nor did regard their teares though nere so many The old mans plaint he never did regard The strong mans valour with death did reward The young mans person never did respect The infants smiling ever did neglect The virgins beauty he did still defie The fathers griefe he slighteth presently The mothers weeping he did still disable Although she mist her children at the table The childe though kneeling begs life for his father Then death in fury saith he 'l have him rather The loving daughter seekes life for her mother But death lookes in and cries give me another The masters cares considers not a whit The servants paines with death so payes he it The Bridegroomes joy he turneth into sorrow The Brides delight today he spoyles tomorrow Or any one that sueth for his friend If he grieves much death brings the sooner end On him but helpes him not a jot but brings On all men death and kils all other things Thy servants Lord that were by me maintain'd In all the world yet death hath all them gain'd And while they had a being here on earth They trouble had but seldome knew what mirth Did meane yea some of them that I am sure Through feare of death a bondage did endure At home abroad or ever where they went They still did thinke his bow was ever bent No comfort in the world then did they take Of any thing that God did for them make I was to them aburthen yet they call For joy but then the King of feare spoyl'd all And fresh discō for t brought into their harts Frighting their mindes death breeds such inward smarts The thoughts of death bring out the guilt of sin Annoye without distemper all within And to this day it is his practice still With darts of death the bloud of all to spill Where as he findes me he doth hate me so His venome spits and is a cruell foe The birds the beasts the fish all that have sense A suit of death against him doth commence And he by might doth ever get the day And as his right he takes them all away The plants that live a bare life and no more Scarce men can see life in them 't is so poore Death findes it out as plainly doth appeare And kils their fruit some once some twice a yeare At last the stock to death must give a place For fruit and stocke death doth at last disgrace Nay if there were of persons or of things A world of millions more he 'd use his stings Till all were gone if thou didst not restraine His power then still like a King he 'd raigne The more he slayes the more he doth desire The lower men are he is rais'd the higher He hath confest the ruine of mans life Is that he seekes he gaines they lose so strife Hath been betwixt us ever since the first I doe perceive he for mans bloud doth thirst Till he himselfe doe die he 'l never cease To kill his name 's enough to stroy mans peace Against Death in particular What have I done that death should envie me Was I not made to quicken men by thee Why then should death a greater power have I being free to make me like a slave If I doe ill correct me with thy hand But why should Death have me at his command Death had his being at the first by sinne And as a vassall to him still hath been Sinne goes before then Death he takes his place They both conspire against mans living race For they agree in all that suits with evill And with consent doe gratifie the Devill For his device and subtill slights that he Did still invent brought all to miserie Should Death that by thee never being had And workes for sinne O this is too too bad Rule over all that goodly worke of thine To spoile it too his malice doth
praise to get a name If thou art faire come now let 's see thy face Thy beauties markes may helpe thee in this case Especially if beauty be within But thou art foule and so hast ever beene If thou art wise why dost thou ever use To set thy selfe the wisest to abuse In this thy folly doth so much appeare To all the world 't is evident and cleare If thou art just why dost not rescve those That serve the Lord in striking downe their foes If thou hast mercy why dost slight the teares Of poore distrest thou dost increase their feares If thou art rich why dost not give a fee Both large and good for those that plead for thee But thou art poor thy halfe world 's nothing worth So well as I can I have set thee forth Deaths friends are reproved their al surdities are not to be answered but they are fitter for correction Comparisons and advice Thy friends that have stood up for thy defence Will from thee finde a deadly recompence They trade with thee but he that gets the gaines Comes off with losse his labour for his paines There 's none that doth the common good desire Of them like fooles they dote upon their hire On present things they dote but quickly they Will lose the sweet when death takes them away The Magistrate I le satisfie but for The rest like Atheists speake I doe abhorre To answer them absurdities their words Are them they use as mad men doc use swords Who ever speaks they will not take direction I le not dispute they 'r fitter for correction To side with death against the life of men That pretious is for gaines they wish death then Should men like beasts by sense live alwayes here Hath God no wayes but what to sence appeare To feed and cloath his creatures which he made He helpe him can though other helpes doe fade Must death of others life unto men give Or no meanes else is in the world to live Is there no gaines but must be others losses Or comfort have unlesse death bring his crosses Is this to do by others as to have The same repay'd to thee or would'st thou crave Death for thy selfe or shamefully to die Others to free that doe in bondage lie Anothers case in this make still thine owne Thou fain would'st live should others be o'rthrown Be not so brutish in thy curst desire Me thinks it smels of brimstone and hell fire Plead not for death he will not plead for you His friendship 's false his enmity is true The Magistrates speech is answered The Magistrate that pleads for death so witty That he should fall he thinkes it is great pitty There 's other wayes for Justice to take place Sharpe punishment and publikely disgrace Justice in rigor should not be exprest Injustice 't is to all but to the best Shew clemency and mercy to all such That are most rude let pitty ever touch The heart and then in love we shall agree When Death goes downe O then I shall be free Death none can quit when he once takes away The lives of men although they went astray Though death be gone stil thou maist use thy strēgth To chastise men and make them good at length A servant now he is but ere 't be long He 'l master be and prove for thee too strong Vnlesse he be condemn'd and silenc'd quite And by decree we take away his might Sinne s condemn'd if it get not repreeve Death may be spar'd men may in quiet live Although before some have deserv d to die I would not lose nor leave them willingly Though worst speed best best the worst receive Worst may be best if I doe not them leave Though theevs by death have here receiv'd reward Yet by thy stripes men will as much regard The law of life now if death be a friend Let others judge for I have made an end The charge of the Jurie You heare of death the case is open'd large Your verdict bring for this I give in charge You speake the truth and boldly as you finde Respect not parties freely shew your minde Death is a foe to all the case is cleare The best that live of him doe live in feare He is so grim that with his ghastly frowne He doth distract men then he sinkes them downe Life seekes but justice justice he shall have My subject he 's he shall not be deaths slave Life he is wrong'd the truth of this is tri'd Doe you consult the case I le soone decide The Preface to the verdict of the Jurie Lord this we finde to us is very cleare That Death to Life a foe is with his feare Doth men like slaves keepe under with his force Doth crush all things and never hath remorse He prides himselfe ore all he is so vile Next Sin the worst though you a King him stile The truth of this all ages that are past Have found for they by death were spoil'd at last O monstrous death when men use cursed art To torture men thou tak'st the tyrants part The information sets thy inside out But the reply brings it more cleare about Thy words thy friends doe no whit mend thy case But by contraries Justice now takes place The Verdict of the Jurie against Death For Death we finde him guilty of those crimes Of frighting men and killing them all times And all things else that little we can see Take other things that prov'd so strongly be 'Gainst him why he should not deserve to die Cut from the earth and times eternally Now doome him Lord and free us from his snare And let him lie in ever dying care The Introduction to the Sentence Death now thou seest thou art convicted truly Thy deadly plots I have observed duly Against my creatures for so 's the story That chiefly made were to set forth my glory When that my sonne tooke flesh and man became Thoudidstnot spare him thou join'st w th him shame And brought'st him downe but then he from the earth Was rais'd againe and had a second birth The sentence against Death I sentence thee to perish evermore With all thy malice set upon thy score A stronger death shall swallow all thy power And shall thy Kingdome utterly devoure Now helpe nor refuge none shall give to thee Eternall darknesse then thy part shall be Thou never shalt from thence returne againe To domineere or triumph ore the slaine Take wrath with thee be fill'd with curses store And so begon and see my face no more The Devill knowing that Sinne and Death are condemned his power and malice appeares but 't is restrained Sathan which once did dwell within the Court Of heaven thence was cast yet doth resort Thither againe to pry into Gods actions And what he doth against his cursed factions And what respect he shewes unto his owne That serve him still and make his power knowne The one he doth against the Lord uphold The other he to
jealous of thy knowledge when Its flesh in thee that pleads for ease Grace sinne resists though now and then It takes delight in friendly mirth His name 's not graven in the earth 24. Be ever low in thy conceit Of all be willing still to learne Though sinne for thee doe lay his baire Thou shalt through wisedome it discerne The lower men themselves doe deeme The higher God doth them esteeme 25. Though sinne doe vexe thee thou maist make Such use t' accomplish thy desires Though here it make thy heart to ake Thou shalt rejoyce when life expires The sower of sinne makes heaven sweet Long'd for the more God thinks it meet 26. Above the world free from sinnes reach Live still no hurt then comes to thee So from experience thou shalt teach Thy soule to keepe from miserie The sense of Gods love shall possesse The heart with heavens happinesse 27. Be fruitfull in the worke of grace On heaven ever set thy minde Deny thy worke in any case To all that 's good be thou inclin'd Of what thou hast or dost give praise To God that strengthens thee alwayes 28. Thinke 't is not long that thou shalt here Be so perplexed with sins ill Thy glorious conquest shall appeare If thou against sinne bend thy will If thou Gods glory dost intend Thy joyes shall be world without end 29. The more thou dost make warre with sinne The more thou sett'st Gods glory forth So thou shalt have true peace within And joy more than the world is worth Mad men and fooles alone forsake Gods counsell they part with sinne take 30. Commit thy selfe with thy successe To God and pray still for his aide He 'll give a sweet and full redresse To all thy griefes be not afraid Let feare and shame seaze on all those That hold with sinne to God they 'r foes 31. Remember still that by Gods power Sinne is restrain'd and bounded so He cannot hurt much lesse devoure Vnlesse the Lord doe bid him goe Keepe in with God and love him still Sinne workes thee good though he be ill 32. It is not sinne but sinne belov'd That cuts thee off from saving grace For what thou dost God is not mov'd To give to thee a dwelling place In heaven no 't is mercies store Laid up in Christ for millions more 33. Christ was on purpose sent to earth To free us from sins cursed sting And to destroy that monstrous birth That he might freedome to us bring Sinnes workes as for so in all those That with consent unto him close 34. If guilt of sinne doe once but looke Or stare thee in the face O then Beleeve that Christ when flesh he tooke 'T was to redeeme poore sinfull men From feare and wrath and power of hell They might in heaven with him dwell 35. If thou canst finde no blessed store Nor grace appeares unto thy sight Then thinke what thou hast felt before In darknesse thou must have some light Experience past will helpe at need Though fruit be spent thou maist have seed 36. If nothing of that store remaines Nor seed yet Christs owne work doth stay And with returne the soule constraines That from him he 'll not part away Though comfort here we can see none 'T is best to trust in him alone 37. Sinne at the last shall be destroy'd And cast into the darksome pit Although he hath thee so annoid His time is short then thinke of it Though for a time he vexe thee sore Thou shalt be freed for evermore 38. And after long and many teares Thou shedst for sinne O then at last Thou ever shall be quit from feares Thy sorrowes all shall then be past No more of troubles thou shalt see Then if for sinne thou greeved be 39. And if thou hast sinne overthrowne And kept the faith with all thy might To all the world thou shalt be knowne And shalt receive in open sight Thy portion with the Saints above The fruits of Gods eternall love 40. That glory cannot be exprest By mortall men that are below But they that dwell above are blest They doe the heavenly beauty know Lord bring us thither for to see The glory of thy Majestie FINIS LUK. 21. 28. Lift up your heads for the day of your Redemption draweth nigh PHILIP 1. 21. For me to live is Christ and to die is gaine 1 THES 4. 16. The Dead in Christ shall rise first DIVINE POEMS Serious Directions and Instructions concerning Death Withall shewing who are unwilling to die and why As also who are willing and upon what conditions Concluding with heavenly Ejaculations 1. THough death be sentenc'd yet he still Remaines and will his freedome have While times doe last he 'l ever kill Mankinde and throw all in the grave That foe that shall be last destroy'd Is Death he makes all men afraid 2. When men looke on and see his face So pale and ghastly downe they sinke Then dreadfull darknesse takes its place And waites mans comming at pitts brinke Keepe company with wormes he must Till God doe raise him from the dust 3. This thing to Nature terror brings When man must leave his house though clay The comfort of all earthly things For sake he must his score then pay Then he that did not live to die Then dying dies eternally 4. The man that 's wicked dies before Death comes with horrour for his sinne That worme doth gnaw him very sore That lives in hell the soule within Death never comes but brings ill newes To all that love ill good refuse 5. Those that in honour wealth or ease Doe live they loth are to depart The thoughts of death doe not them please But death it selfe quite killes the heart A kinde of heaven they have here They would not change for worse they feare 6. He that is ignorant of good And lives by sense so like a bruit He 's never taken in that mood So fit for death to bring forth fruit This world he knowes no other he Knowes thinking death brings miserie 7. The man that 's weake in grace would stay A while to see the cloud of wrath Blow ore to see a glorious day That he of truth may see the path Though such are slighted in the land They are still on the mending hand 8. One that 's strong yet falles by sinne He would not die in that same case Vntill true peace he finde within By grace to live he begges a space Such cannot sinne so cheape nor sweet As fooles doe for they thinke it meet 9. For civill ends some would revive To gather and to give estates To children and to see them thrive And see him turne that counsell hates When they are dead alive may be Men live in their posteritie 10. Some higher ends have in their eyes They 'd see in Sion peace and rest Out live they would those fearfvll cries That thence are heard such ends are best To see the fall of Babels pride Then they would die
the cause is tri'd 11. My generall advice is this Remember death must seaze on all Thinke and prepare O doe not misse Thy selfe against when death doth call In expectation daily die And willing be in dust to Iye 12. In doubtfull things men use to feare On certaine things men doe resolve What doth more plaine than this appeare That death must all ere long dissolve Why should a man whose time is short Jest at mens death with sinfull sport 13. Repent of sinne the sting of death There 's no such thing as many deeme In't though that he do stop thy breath Thou maist be great in Gods esteeme Hold in with Christ then sweetly sing O cruell death where is thy sting 14. Death to the best a gaine indeed Is they doe change this place of strife Though in the grave wormes on them feed Yet they shall have eternall life They doe but mellow in the dust Till God new mould and make them just 15. Have still thy heart on heaven set And keepe Gods love fresh in thy heart Though Death doe catch thee in his net 'T will not be fired out by art Love stronger doth than death appeare Such love will free thee from deaths feare 16. Let wicked men so tremble still At thoughts of death that they may leave Their sinnes let sorrow their hearts fill Ere death doth them of life bereave That they may learne to hate their sin And may a new life once begin 17. It 's best for those that live at full To set the worst before their eyes And rouse themselves for such are dull And have regard to poore mens cries You 'd best give bread while here you dwell Lest you your water beg in hell 18. Learne to know want in midst of wealth And die to riches while you live And thinke of sicknesse in your health Doe not content to humours give Life will not be so strange to these If thou from earth dyest by degrees 19. The foolish must know though 't is bad That death will take them all away Then are not such men worse than mad That drive off all untill that day Till they doe see needs they must die And they despairing quaking lie 20. Beat downe conceit and thinke thou art A foole indeed then thou maist learne To know the turnings of thy heart And maist true wisedome then discerne That thou maist then receive at last Eternall life when this is past 21. Let tender hearted men beleeve Their grace is true though 't is not strong Let not the thoughts of death them greeve They shall be freed ere it be long Gods strength is thine which will prevaile Against all feares that thee assaile 22. Those that be strong yet be falne downe And feares of death oppresse them so That they have lost their great renowne And God himselfe seemes like a foe Strengthen your hearts and feeble hands Rescue your selves from feare and bands 23. If you be cowards you will shame The cause your selves and others will Be fearfull when they heare the name Of death such frailties shew the ill Vse well the gifts that God doth give That though death comes your joy may live 24. And ever after have a care Of falling from your stedfastnesse You need not then to feare the snare Of death but heavens happinesse Will tend on you and you shall see The glorie of eternitie 25. Those that would leave a happie seed Behinde them when death throwes his dart Must pray and labour still indeed That God with grace may fill the heart That they may live to God below When they above Gods praises shew 26. And they that long to see the peace Of Sion ere they 'd leave their life Let them not grutch their lives to cease For death will free them from all strife In heaven they at last shall see Their freedome with felicity 27. Some willing are to die when they Are vext or want their wils in things They thinke they have no score to pay Though death them endlesse torment brings They ignorant of death remaine Till second death bring such their gaine 28. Some desperate persons that doe kill Themselves they seeke for 't which they finde The curse of God their soules shall fill The effect will not please well the minde The first fruits of hell may suffice To reape the crop such fooles devise 29. Some of a better making doe Sometimes in passion wish to die Such in distresse are foolish too And fret disdaining miserie But when God chides them quickly they Were sorry that they went astray 30. Those that are Gods the truth so grace Confesse they will unto the death They willing are to give the place To tyrants and to lose their breath Before they will deny Gods name They 'l give themselves to burning flame 31. Such that have peace with God above Do draw from earth their hearts content And with their sins are out of love And to all good their hearts are bent Their blessed'st life doth then begin When death doth set them free from sinne 32. But yet if God would have them stay A while on earth they willing are To doe his will their soules each day Confirme how ere the bodie fare When the body growes towards earth The soule brings forth immortall birth 33. The wicked still are in extreames They would not die if God should call They of this world have then such dreames Of joy which they 'l not part withall They 'r so be witcht to pleasure here There 's nothing else but death they feare 34. And others that God bids to save The lives of others and their owne They 'r brought untimely to their grave And by themselves are overthrowne Such feare not death but downe to hell They headlong rush and there doe dwell 35. I cannot chuse but I must chide Those that in sullen fits would die The worlds disgrace cannot abide For trouble that upon them lie They must of this with teares repent Or else of God they shall be shent 36. Can any suffering be too much For God his cause or glory when They shall have a reward with such In heaven these are blessed men That never share in troubles more They now rejoyce though sad before 37. Such as are willing for to yeeld Their lives to death for Christ his sake By Death they conquer in the field In losing life a better take They leave a dread upon all those That unto God and them are foes 38. Who would not willing be to part With earth for heaven when they have Got peace with God by gratious art And knowing God their soules will save For heaven let all those be prest That fitted are thus for their rest 39. Yet let not any grudge to stay Till they have done the worke that he Hath set them to spending their day In good while they here present be Returning still their pay therefore Worke now then thou need'st work no more 40. The more men do or suffer
my courage much advance 'Gainst darknesse yet the combate was so sore That I grew sadder than I was before But yet thinke I I le in defiance stand For I will never be at his command Like one destract I was o'rewhelm'd a while With griefe and care lest I should lose the day Then in comes Light and with a cheerfull smile Revives my spirits Darknesse slinkes away So on the sudden ended was the fray Light shin'd a while but what will 〈…〉 ever What 's made for time a little time 〈…〉 Then light began much like a pleasant spring My heart grew warme I had the sense of it The winters past thought I now birds dosing Why should I thus now melancholly sit Come come rejoyce I hold it very fit I was on suddain ravisht in my soule But that which follow'd did my joyes controule For life brought Care she lookt on me so strange Best things below doe prove but pleasing toyes I found his friendship subject still to change Worm-eaten pleasures breeds uncertain joyes And are like Rattles onely fit for boyes Alas said I how am I thus deceiv'd I catch at comfort and am still bereav'd Then Sin he promis'd full content to me But on such tearmes I should take his direction Feare not said he for we shall well agree But then thought I t wil breed a worse infectiō To staine my soule with horrour and dejection I gave deniall to his cursed sute And did resolve his vilenesse to confute I turn'd about and law sin was in hold Nay now thought I I le have of sin my will Seeing that he was so impudent and bold To tempt me by his promises to ill The soules of many he doth daily spill I gave my voyce against him by and by I turn'd my face and saw him sentenc'd lyc Well now thought I I hope the worst is past I will rejoyce and while my Muse doth sing I le over-looke my sorrow and fore-cast To tune my soule and strike the pleasant string But Death peept in which more ill newes did bring What must I die is all my labour lost Sin set him on seeing he by me was crost But yet resolving while I had my life To try an action so my cause was tried And Death was cast which ended all my strife But then the Divell he could not abide That sin and death should die for then his pride Would be abated so he got them quit Now farewell world I must into the pie But then at last I found another shift I slighted death and thought on heaven above I thought it best to make it still my drift To get the sense of Gods eternall love Me thought'twas brought me by the heav'nly Dove And musing of him when he was ascended And what he brought so was my Vision ended 1 COR. 7. 29. This I say Brethren the Time is short ECCLES 3. 2. There is a Time to be borne and a Time to die ECCLES 9 10. Neither doth man know his Time but as the Fishes that are taken in a not and the snare so are the Children of men snared in an evill Time when it falleth upon them suddainly EPHES. 5. 16. Redeeme the Time because the dayes are evill A DESCRIPTION OF THE NATVRE AND QUALITIE of TIME As also the abuse of it with the good use of TIME POEMS Time thou art that precious part that God doth give to man That living here may in Gods feare proceed the best he can Time's more of worth when 't is set forth in Nature sweet and kinde Than Gold being lost the man is crost that seekes to gaine or finde Time being gone sure there is none can call it backe againe It s in God hand Time cannot stand the Lord of times doth raigne When Time is past though thou make haste to o're-take it s seldome seene But if thou creepe time doth not sleepe but swift hath ever beene If thou but goe time doth not so it runnes thou runn'st 't will flye Get time before and keepe in store lest God thee time deny Thy great estate time will but hate to stay for thee therefore Time knowes not how nor God allow to differ rich from poore Time 's like wise short though fooles in 〈…〉 to make it shorter strive Poore fooles indeed that whipps with 〈…〉 time gone yet thinkes to thrive Alas aday I who is 't that may more then his day stay here What mortall can exceed his span though living now in cheere Death hath time prest that all the rest that on the earth abide Ere it belong though nere so strong the dust may under hide Uncertaine too not much adoe can make us know our time Our suddaine change should not be strange though it come in our prime When men minde not then 't is their lot to die they naught desire it Time will away it must not stay though all the world would hire it Though men do deeme and some esteeme time long yet short's the flower When men are strong it lasts not long times cream's but like an houre Long doe we grow ere we know how to use our time and then We eate and drinke and little thinke to die like other man Much time we sleepe some time we weepe some time we sport and play Some time we win most time we sin thus spend we many a day Some time we joy and vainely toy saying come lets merry be For when death comes we in our tombes this mirth shall never see Some time we dresse we take no lesse time to put off againe Sometime we walke sometime we talke these things who can refraine When strength doth faile old age is fraile and natures ruines are Though old men be we seldome see them for their soules prepare Unlesse before they had in store a stock of comfort got They cannot pray not truely say O Lord thou art my lot Not first nor last of time that 's past our time we vainely spend The creame and flower us'd by Gods power brings comfort at the end This being true I heard one rue how vile a beast am I Lost time I have what may I crave but like a beast to die O time thy price if good advice had wrought upon me then I had thee bought and for thee sought wil 't never come agen Thy front was faire adorn'd with haire but balde behinde thou art To follow thee boots not for me for griefe hath kild my heart Thou art too swift for me unthrift whether I doe goe or runne My friend also is turn'd my foe alas my thread is spunne Short is the pleasure of sinfull leasure but still the sting remaines Long lives the smart which kils my heart with never dying paines I did beleeve that on my sleeve time and Repentance fast Was pin'd and when I car'd not then they both were quickly past Then thou my friend that seest my end take heed at any rate For now in hell I goe to dwell all comforts come too
screetch-owles with their dolefull noise Accompany thy presence and withall To usher in thy traine with hollow voice Let night-birds meet together great and small No other musicke but the passing bell Thy woes so sad as death himselfe can tell 51. Let no man name thee but in great disdaine And blush when thou art open set before Let none wish for thee thou increasest paine Of death to such that doe but help thee ore When thou art seen let desperate sinners quake That must in hell of thee possession take 52. Let fooles by thee be ever so affrighted That they may tremble when they doe thee see Let changelings cry still whē they are benighted And bawling curres then howle for fear of thee Let mad men quiver when they hear thy name Or see thy shape though wilde they may grow tame 53. might Then now I 'd leave thee leave thee would I I speake as I would have it unawares The thoughts of leaving makes my heart so light That for the present I am free from cares Then say I is this ravishment in thought It s but a dream which waking turns to naught 54. For when I turne my face it glides away And dores are shut and darknesse in doth slinke Then all amort I bid my pengoe play I write no more he creeps in through a chinke I think to strive 't is but in vaine for me For with this spright I haunted still shall be 55. If I could kill thee I would soone dispatcht it Run through th'hadst bin I know it many times Yet still thou liv'st thy evill who can match it Men die with lesse and for lesse sinfull crimes There 's none can hang thee still thou slip'st the knot I le have thee banisht this should be thy lot 56. Thou stop'st mine eyes thou canst not stop my tongue I le tell thy projects to the world that they May shun or hate thy company and long And love and prize the lightsome cheerfull day I will not make with thee a composition Nor none should else by my will or permissiō 57. My cares are open them thou canst not close With all thy magick comfort still I finde In darknesse I can smell a fragrant rose Though thou bring'st sadnessc this doth ease my minde I will not feare thee much for why should I God gives me light thy blacknesse todescrie 58. I le raise my thoughts though dark above thy flight And meditate on blessed things to come And take possession of eternall light By faith though thou wilt not avoid the roome Come do thy worst why should I favor crave Of thee that art a theese a sharke a slave 59. Then thus I thinke againe If he 'l not part by faire meanes nor by force But stay with us and vexe us in despight I le send a Satire that shall scourge him worse He feeling ' smart perhaps he 'll take his flight It bootes not he being senselesse feels no pain A whipp's as nothing this thought is but vaine 60. Being vext I to him say Remaine imprison'd in a fatall Cell And let the stars the Moon still watch thee there But with enchantments thou get'st out to dwell The starres are hid the Moon doth not appeare Then thus my Muse reply What remedy but patience that is best Lay me aside goe sweetly take thy rest 61. Then I looke back On what my Muse did speake I set my mind I nought regard his power nor his charmes Nor feare his lookes my soule shall be inclin'd To light then I will never dread his harmes 'T is but a time halfe my time here is light My minde shall see heaven in the darkest night 62. Then to my Muse I say Alas alas is all thy labour lost Doth darknesse still remaine what still abide Is there no way to have his horrour crost Doth he not care though thou dost sharply chide Be not dismaid thy labour is not vaine Except his owne all men shall him disdaine 63. Winde up thy clew for thou hast staid too long Acting thy part so tragicall and grim Though darknesse stay still with us yet among Yet charge him that he goes not into him That 's dispossest of him nor in the heart Once claime a share where light hath got a part 64. Warne all in light to stand upon their guard Let those in darknesse for their freedome strive Let all at all times ever be prepar'd T' oppose it till they doe by light arrive In heaven where no darknesse they shall see But free from feare eternally shall be 65. If Darknesse grumble Speake not at all though he do vexe and grutch And mutter out his froth or yet his crue Reply seeing thou dost them so boldly touch It s known full well what thou hast spoke is true They 'l shew thou did'st but rub him on the sore The more they stir still they will stink the more 66. Mnse thou art honest I must take thy part Though thou art plain let none thy truth despise Thou art not trimm'd with any curious art Thou wear'st thy owne that best doth fit thy size Goe goe thy way plaine dressing likes me best For heathenish painting's grown out of request FINIS GEN. 1. 3. And God said Let there bee Light and there was Light PSAL. 36. 9. For with thee is the well of life and in thy light shall we see Light POEMS LIGHT SET FORTH IN HIS BEAVTIE With the Effects thereof The Argument in Charge 1. NOw come my Muse and sweetly sing the prasse of light no other thing Shall hinder thee I have intent To helpe thy tune my heart is bent 2. His pedigree his beautie worth His use esteeme his truth set forth His company and proper place And chide all those that him disgrace 3. Oblessed Light need I a taske To sing thy worth let none me aske Thy selfe as motives may suffice To cause my pen thy songs devise 4. If I should hold my tongue some Vale Or Hils of Plants would tell the tale Or Beasts nay stones would finde a tongue To speake thy praises ere 't were long 5. If I could finde an Eagles quill Dropt from her wing I de try my skill With it to raise my note so high And set thy worth above the skie 6. I am too shallow in this art In Comedie to act a part For thee that art so sweet and faire I feare my words will bee but ayre 7. But if I speake perhaps some other Will fall to write whose worth they smother Thy glory shew that better can And will thy beautie freely scan 8. Light thou art so divine a thing Let all the world thy honour sing To bring thy favour in request And call thee still their welcome guest 9. The God of lights thy father he Doth so proclaime himselfe to be Thy birth is honoured so dost thou Dwell with thy fathers Children now 10. Thou first wast made of all the rest His workes to grace thee he thought best He let thee
Thy friendship turnes unto disease 51. A stab disease or gust of winde Will turne thee out thou art inclin'd For small occasions to distafte Thou leav'st us still to pay the rent We for thy sake are often shent Thou leav'st the house ruin'd and wastes 52. When thou art parting then the eye Growes dimme the visage presently Doth looke so dreadfull and so pale The feet and hands doe grow so cold The bodie fashions to the moulde The tongue that faltets in the tale 53. If we could see thee there we 'd stay But thou dost slily glide away And leave the creature deafe and dumbe Me thinkes thou shouldst thy house repaire And make it wholsome sweet and faire What wilt thou to it no more come 54. But when thou art thus forc't to part And tak'st thy vale of the heart Then sad and dismall is thy voice That heavie parting wrings out teares With greese and anguish mixt with feares Our friends will grieve our foes re joyce 55. What horrour doe poore men conceive When thou dost take thy solemne leave Which leaves no hope to meet againe The shadow then of death in deed Makes way for hell he sowes such seed The fruit of which is endlesse paine 56. VVe are arrested for thy debt And in a prison we are set A yard at least within the ground Aud thou the principall art gone And we must beare the brunt alone Non est inventus gives a sound 57. Now life doe thou my counsell take 'Gainst sin and death a partie make And in defiance ever stand Take courage to thee shew thy power And let them not the world devoure Then live thou blessed in the land OF THE NEW LIFE OR THE LIFE OF Grace in the Soule 58. New Life and true when thou art made Within the soule thou dost not fade But dost thy freshnesse still retaine Thou art not subject then to die Above all ill thou dost espie Such things as brings in perfect gaine 59. Thou li'st so close unto the soule There is no power can controule Thy blessed state or yet remove Thy siege for thou hast made it strong And thou hast patience us among There thou art constant in thy love 60. Confusion deadnesse did beset Our hearts till vict'ry thou did'st get Ore us and brought us into frame And thou at all times dost thy best To settle living peace and rest Ore us to bring a blessed name 61. We cannot see nor apprehend Thee but thou dost thy power bend Which doth thy presence then discover That men unskild in art may read Thy booke of life being open spread Thou art an upright constant lover 62. Though thou art weakned there sometimes By treachery and hainous crimes That men doe thinke thy force is rais'd Yet cause thou canst with fresh supply Of new fetcht power from on high Quicken repentant soules thou' rt prais'd 63. And if thou dost receive a wound Or else through faintnesse in a swound Fall then thou hast a present cure The bloud of him that once was slaine By death he did thy freedome gaine This thou apply'st and dost endure 64. Thou art a shelter to all those To whom thou dost thy selfe disclose A faithfull friend thou art indeed What they doe lend thee thou dost pay And with increase much every day Thou dost returne their fruitfull seed 65. In troubles thou dost us defend If thou canst not our sorrowes end Thou dost support us in the same Thou dost our parts then ever take We are belov'd 't is for thy sake Who would not joy to heare thy name 66. Thou little wast at first bur thou Dost much increase we know not how Thou dost not alwayes grow by sence But afterwards we may perceive That thou dost with us vigor leave So fruitfull is thy recompence 67. Comely and sweet needs thou must be Thou cam'st from heaven so that we Doe entertaine the heavens guest And this is all thy drist I know For to instruct us here below And then to lead us to our rest 68. In heaven still remaines thy spring While we on earth thy praises sing So we can never draw thee dry The more we have the more we may Draw from thy fulnesse more I say We have it free we need not buy 69. Thy root 's above yet thou art here I nere knew any graffe to beare So distant as you seeme to be But when I finde thy root doe grow By faith in men as thou dost now My differing thoughts doe then agree 70. Thou art so comely to behold If I had art thee to unfold I 'd shew the beautie of thy face That men should thee so much admire And love should kindle such desire As for thy love to sue apace 71. But thou art shadow'd so with sin Men cannot know thee so within As otherwise thou would'st appeare And misconceits doe vale thee too We cannot finde with much adoe Thy glory out though ne're so cleare 72. And men that are but poore and base In outward things yet in this case Excell they seeme thy face to hide The world thinkes not that poorearay Can harbour thee that art so gay The truth of this is dayly tri'd 73. Men thinke there is no difference 'Twixt thee and thy sweet influence And naturall life that is so poore They prize that more for that they know Which lives by sense like beasts below Till they have spent their fading store 74. Thou dost preserve the chiefest part The soule and guardest so the heart And living comforts dost bring in All other sweetnesse dies apace And leaves their masters in disgrace They are like blanks which nothing winne 75. Men cannot have of thee too much Nor yet dost thou to any grutch Thy strength at need if they thee chuse And thou dost use thy mighty power Against all those that would devoure Them or their life seeke to abuse 76. All things that furthers thy increase The fruit of joy the word of peace Thou dost them use as excellent With all good meanes thou dost agree To helpe our growth's as we may see To make us lively is thy bent 77. Thy fruit is pleasant for to taste And faire plentifull and vaste They onely know it that doe finde Thee in their soules and they can tell How thou in goodnesse dost excell Thy praises please well such a minde 78. But they that to this life are strange And never know what 't is to change They see no favour in thy face Nay some will ever be at strife For such as stand for thee their life And would thy Image quite deface 79. Thou art not stain'd with hatesull pride Nor any other sin beside Thou keep'st thy selfe still free from all Though we sin here 't is so we must Till we are levell with the dust But thou dost bring our soules from thrall 80. Thou art so like a Turtle true When death doth claime us for his due Thou would'st not leave us till the last The soule then
incline Shall Sathans worke stand up thine overthrowne Stretch forth thy hād Lord make thy power known And from thy Justice let Death have his due The world is witnesse what I speake is true A sharpe reproofe of Death he hath leave to answer for himselfe What canst thou say seeing this is proved so To all my workes thou shew'st thy selfe a foe What canst expect but hell for thy reward Seeing thou to none hadst never yet regard If I did not thy malice now restraine The life of all that in the world remaine Thou quickly would'st lay levell with the dust Though they resist yet fall through thee they must And in the grave thou wouldest beare such sway And wish there were a thousand worlds to slay More thou would'st all them of their lives bereave Speake Death thy minde I freely give thee leave Deaths defence for himselfe When God at first did give to all things being And life a will he gave to man agreeing Who was appointed to keepe all in awe Nor lawlesse was he God gave him a law If he it brake I was his sentence for it If not he lived but he did abhorre it To be so ty'd he broke thy Law that day Then for reward I was from thee his pay I execute what Justice doth decree I doe thy worke for I am rul'd by thee For by thy word all life must vanish quite From all the world then should not I by right Take place what is there on the earth beside But life and death which doth the world divide Should I deny when thou dost bid me goe Should I resist when thou dost presse me so To doe thy worke I ever did my best Till it be done I never take my rest Should I be bashfull for to goe among The faire or fearfull to salute the strong Or passe the rich or take of great a fee Or favour honour where I doe it see O no nor any else that thou dost send Me For I bring them all unto their end I in thy hand am still as at this day By thy consent I doe still life destroy A King I 'm made by thee as doth appeare And by thy power all creatures do me feare I doe subdue thy foes and make them bow And dart them down to scape they know not how When I to men come armed with thy wrath They sinke downe quite not one the power hath Me to withstand then life bids them farewell But dying life meets them againe in hell But of thy Saints I have been much desir'd They 'd have me come though they with much were hir'd To stay below and not to see thy face Where thou dost dwell their soules being full of grace Thou also hast appointed them a rest What way is that which thou didst think the best To bring them home to live in heaven still But that I should their mortall life first kill And that by me a passage they must have They die but once then life they still doe save I can doe nothing but upon the earth Nor sway my scepter but with mortall birth Yet here I am but for a time to stay Though once I thought I should have raign'd for ay Why should then life torment me in this sort In raising on me such an ill report In calling me to answer at thy barre Life seeks my ruine he proceeds so farre Himselfe is worse being guilty of such crimes Corrupting man and poysoning still the times I doe revenge the evill 't is thy cause He still doth breake I ever keepe thy lawes I doe him good me ill he doth requite Men live by me yet he owes me a spite Now let these speake what they can say for me I make no doubt but then I shall be free Deaths assistants have leave to pleade for him Thou shalt have Justice here before my face Each one shall speake and then I le judge the case It is not shewes nor glosses that will stand Instead at all to free thee from my hand But 't is the truth by truth thou must be tri'd For that is best all cases to decide The Magistrates Plea for death Thou hast me in a place of Justice set I judge a case that life must pay a Debt How may this be if Death were not my friend To take my part and bring life to an end Death doth his office I will beare him out Lives ruine thus when ere he bring'st about Take him away alas what can I doe My servant take then take the Master too No peace nor quiet once would dwell with men Not best but worst would take all sweetnes then The Felons here by death receive their due Men live in feare and say that law is true The Heire craves deaths freedome What doth't availe that I am borne to lands And if that all should freed be from death's hand 's All hopes were vaine and for my expectation It were cut off no meanes of preservation Were left for me worse than my yonger brother I cannot worke and so can he and other Old men must die and young men take their places They must to dust death puts life to such cases Old men are children if they live but long They to themselves are burthens for the young Their spittings coffings froward dispositions So irksome are and so hard my conditions We would be freed for them the world is bad A better place we all doe wish they had Deathus'd to doe as great a thing as this O pre thee come and doe it doe not misse I am in trouble troubles greeve my heart Thou wilt be quit for many take thy part Thou at our neighbours wast the other day I lookt for thee thou went'st another way Pray free him now to doe one worke for me The old man take no more desir'd shall be The Parish Clarke sueth to have Death freed Death I am sorry here to see thee stand 'T was for thy sake I tooke this place in hand 'T is little worth if thou dost from us goe I tri'd my friends to get it and my foe Remaine still now because I got the place He did sue for 't and came off with disgrace Of burials we have hundreds in the yeare And for the rich great vailes come in so cleare It joyes my heart the rest some more some lesse In their degree their bounty doe expresse Besides my fee they did still some what more So many littles do increase my store If Death go downe Clarke I will be no longer Now I am old and weake yet like the stronger I must to worke and try my feeble hands Or perish must seeing I possesse no lands Death did me good that little that I have I got by him when life was brought to grave O quit him quit him that I may injoy My profit still my hopes doe not destroy The Sextons lamentation for Death When trading fail'd I brought unto a strait For want of meanes did for a place lay waite The
here For truth their crown they doe augment Their glory shall the more appeare Though death do close them in his tent God shewes his face here most to such That liv'd long wrought and did not grudge 41. It 's best for bad to die betime For living long their sins increase And sinfull acts grow to their prime Their sinnes live still though life do cease Though they are rotten in the dust Their sins are fresh they meet them must 42. They 'd best to tremble in such sort At thoughts of death that they may know And heare the dreadfull ill report Of sinne while here they live below Death puts an end to vaine delights Then doth begin hell horror frights 43. But to the just their sorrow ends They joy though 't was begun before With full increase which makes amends For trouble much their joyes are more Of this the blessed Saints can tell As damned can relate of hell 44. What though the soule and body parts Which loving friends have been so long The thoughts of this may glad their hearts That they shall meet both sweet and strong Refin'd and with each other joy In heaven still without annoy 45. Death is no death it doth but ope A doore the soule away may flie And so possesse that blessed hope It hath of true felicitie To leave fraile life who 'd thinke it strange To have eternall in exchange 46. Death 's but a blast that soone blowes ore And never more shall looke on thee The hurt is nothing feare is more Though dreadfull it do seeme to be God will it sweeten from above And thou shalt finde his constant love 47. I le feare it not for why should I For life and death together goes By every crosse I le learne to die They 'r both my friends but they are foes Life doth consent with Death each day To take part of my life away 48. Lord I will serve thee while I here Remaine what need I much to care For death when thou freest me from feare I will thy goodnesse still declare My life shall ever speake thy praise When death comes I shall live alwayes FINIS The Resolutions of the Muse in her Pilgrimage NOw I of Time and Vanity have sung Of Darknesse Light and Life sad sweet strong Of Sin of Death Instructions too among I le seeke my fortune now and goe about I shall be entertain'd I make no doubt Though I am naked love will finde me out I shall be cloth'd then in a sute of Leather And love and I both still shall dwell together And she 'l be glad that ever I came hither And if a Noble person do me grace To take me in in this distressed case I le do my service faithfull in my place If one that 's learned take me home to dwell I le pray him then that he will use me well Or to a better I my selfe will sell. If I should dwell with him that 's truly wise He 'l hide my faults what 's of worth he 'l prize And then my song to praise him shal devise If he that 's honest bids me welcome in I le doe my best to helpe to kill his sin I shall not lose yet he by me shall win If noble learned wise and honest too Doe shew respect to me who then durst doe Me wrong they cannot 't is no matter who If one ignoble seeing me doe grutch To shew me favour thinke it 's all too much That I receive I looke for none of such If one unskill'd in any learned art Against me proudly act a Tyrants part He 'l vexe in vaine he shall not greeve my heart For want of wit if any doe me blame Let them as fools keep in their spight with shame My song's the same and so are they by name If one that 's vile looke with disdainfull eye On me because I doe his faults espie I le leave him gall'd when I from him doe flie If any Senior looking big and grave Conceits he knowes yet he no knowledge have If me he slight I will his absence crave Or if I finde one with an emptie pate That nothing speakes though he doe ever prate I le shew his shame but not his person hate If one I finde that hath a barren soule And will not see 't yet doe my words controule Let him be put with stultus in his rowle If one that 's simple doe desire me To gaine experience constant I will be To doe my best to him that all shall see If any censure me is this the cause Their parboyl'd spirits cannot gaine applause They break both Gods Natures humane laws If one detract from good or turne to ill My honest meaning this may follow still That such like things his measure here may fill Such Imps to plead for sinne were very fit But seldome they have so much art or wit As pride or lust have for to manage it If one that reades and rudely breakes my feet Or spoyles my joynts my musicke is not sweet To him the Horne-book is for him most meet If one through envie proudly do disdaine To grant me favour others will obtaine The fruit but he hath labour for his paine If any mend my faults I will him praise And with my voice his honour I will raise His name in me preserv'd shall be alwsyes All that I crave is but a spotlesse name And not to mount upon the wings of fame Plain welcome likes me quit me all from blame You know my minde for what I speake is true Being modest I will not for favour sue Receive me else I le bid you now adieu FINIS