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A03788 A riche storehouse, or treasurie, for the sicke, full of Christian counsels holesome doctrines, comfortable persuasions, and godly meditations, meete for all Christians, both in sicknesse and in health. Wherevnto is annexed a comfort for poore prisoners, and also an exhortation to repentance. Written in Dutch, by Gaspar Huberine, and Englished by Thomas Godfrie, esquire, late ... fruits and ... at the request of his dangter Marie, wife ... Iohn French, gentleman of the Inner Temple Huberinus, Caspar.; Godfrie, Thomas. 1578 (1578) STC 13905; ESTC S113094 72,574 208

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inioy euerlasting peace and happinesse Sixtely Nowe welbeloued while you be in the way to the kingdome of heauen and that you will euen now go thither it is good for you to knowe the way and diligently to learne it and to inquire after it least you wander or be lead or driuen from it Therfore learne well to lay hande and holdfast vpon the ladder to heauen which ladder the good Patriarch Iaacob did sée Gen. 8. That is the ladder whereby the Angels clime vp and downe vppon whiche from the earth with his top reacheth vp to heauen wherevpon at the vppermost part our Lord God standeth Christ him selfe is this ladder Iohn 1. Therefore holde fast by true faith vpon this ladder for No man can go to heauen but he that came from thence that is the sonne of man which is in heauen This Lord is the very ladder to heauen For by his manhoode he standeth vppon the earth and with his godhead he reacheth to heauen where God him selfe doth appeare If you will goe to heauen you must begin at Christes humanitie to clime vp specially through his passion and death and to séeke after his very godhead aboue vpon the top of the ladder where God him selfe is and say thus My Lorde and my God for as much as I must goe to heauen as I am very willing and euen now haue begunne be thou my ladder leader and guide for thou art the very way to heauen Iohn 14. And no man commeth to the father but through thée and by thée as thou thy selfe doest witnesse Iohn 10. where thou sayest thus I am the doore if any man enter in by me hee shall bee safe Thus shall you vnto the right way to heauen prepare and dresse your selfe for Christ is the onely gate into heauen Heauen it selfe is very wide and large but it hath but only one gate through the which a man may come but as soone as you haue gotten this gate and gotten through it then haue you left behinde you as it were in a heape al misfortune at once and then are you assured and defended by this gate that no aduersitie hereafter for euer can hurt you There do you lay at once at your backe death sinne diuell hell and all that can be against you There be you then sure and safe as in a strong castel that no man can any more stirre vp hurt against you Therefore let no man withdrawe you from this way goe vnto it boldly you shall come safe from thence to the kingdom of heauen thither shal the good angels be your guides that harme can not once touche you Be therefore of good courage our Lord Christe is your king which hath dyed before you hath made the pathe plaine and sufficiently strengthened and made safe this iourney therefore go streight foorth hold right on in this way turne of no side for You shall neyther goe on the right hande nor of the left as our Lord God doth cōmaund Deut. 12. You take the left hande out of the right way when you despaire of Gods mercy where God is before you And on the right hand you go out of the way too wide when you trust in your worke death passion and shame therfore abide in the middle way toward heauen and then shall you not goe out of the way Vpon this way shall you vndoubtedly finde the true life for our Lord Christe is not onely the way but also the life so that you shall receiue in Christ the true life as he saith and witnesseth of him selfe Iohn 11. I am saith Christe the resurrection and the life but not only the life for him selfe but suche a life as giueth the right life and diuideth it among all them that put their trust vpon Christe For Christ saith further also Whosoeuer beleeueth on me he shall liue though he be dead Suche a valiaunt and almightie thing is it about faith and about all the faithfull of Christe that they lay hande vpon life in the middest of death that they sing merrily In the middest of death we be in life Welbeloued you must vnfeignedly beléeue al this that it is no sport nor deceite that Christ saith and promiseth for he is the trueth it selfe his wordes be true and certeine therevpon shall you haue no manner of doubt for the truth it selfe doeth say I am the way and the trueth and the life and also the resurrection Whosoeuer beléeueth truely vpon him he receiueth in the midst of death the resurrection so that nowe you shall lye the twinckling of an eye in death slide thence to life But by this death through Christ you shall inioy euerlasting resurrection where you shal neuermore dy These be vnspeakable words and aboue measure comfortable gratious wordes that a wretched sinner only through beléefe in Christe shall finde life in death in dying resurrection and in the middest of the dongeon of darkenesse shall find the right way to heauen Therefore be of good comforte before death séeing that God is such a mightie Lorde that bringeth vnto you out of death life and bringeth you through the snares of death to euerlasting peace 〈◊〉 quietnes God graunt you this Amen Seuenthly Welbeloued for as muc● as you be nowe through faith a member of Christ the olde serpent will now set vppon you and as he hath bitten Christe our head in the héele so will he a little whip your héele for that you are kept here and must dy that is his stroke and byte yea the poyson wherby the old serpent hath stinged and poysoned you Howbeit it is nothing else but a byting by the héele that can do you no hurt toward the right life She biteth the children of God after many ways but they againe treade vpon the olde serpentes head through our Lord Christe in that that they through beléefe as through the right Triacle and medicin driue away heale and quenche the stripe the biting and the poyson of the serpent Therfore valiantly tread down the serpents head in thy Lord Christ through a true Christian beléefe on the gratious promise of God that Christe is the onely head of Christendome which first of al with his passion death and ioyfull resurrection ouercame sathan and brake the serpents head The dragons head is diuers specially sinne death and hell There hath the old serpent opened his iawes would swalow vs vp in sinne death hel But our louing lord Christ hath broken the serpents scull so that she is not able anymore to gape against the faithfull that she may swalow them vppe as she hath purposed Therefore learne nowe howe you shall trouble charme coniure and ban or curse this serpent so that she shall not hurte you which you shall do if you ouercome her through beléefe in Christ and so shal you treade vpon her head Eighthly Although my welbeloued your wife children brother sister and your friends may tempt you that they shall
mightily helpeth the body out of dust and mire and all maner of destruction for euermore For he doth helpe in déede yea the longer he séemeth to withdraw his help he sheweth it afterward more mightily therefore he is the only comfort and refuge or helpe to miserable sinners Furthermore Christe hath walked among sinners in the middest of them gone to sinners and hath runne after them and deliuered them from their destruction blindnesse and sin Shal not all this make worthily a mans heart merrie and to haue a good conscience yea a perfect assurance to all troubled and sorrowful sinners that they may in all their néedes sinne griefe sorrow and death with al their heartes run and come vnto suche a friendly Lorde that wisheth euery man good prayeth for it and doth it that neuer hath driuē from him any wretched sinner Yea they at the last in his death were partakers with him on the crosse that he by the ●peciall foresight of God shoulde hang betwéene two grieuous offenders in t●ken that he would willingly dye for miserable sinners and for their cause willingly giue him selfe to death yea they had their part with him after his glorious resurrection to signifie thereby that he hath not forgotten miserable sinners albeit that he hath conquered sinne death hell and sathan him selfe and yet might he well haue let alone this his conquest and triumph and haue neglected vs miserable sinners But he hath now sought out miserable sinners that he might helpe them and comfort them as namely vnbeleuing Thomas the penitent Magdalene and many mo as he was going towards heauen and nowe sitteth at the right hande of God in great glory and maiestie yet doth he not at all forget the poore sinners but opened Sauls eyes put away all his sinnes and made of him a chosen witnes yea euen in these dayes from time to time doth our good faithfull Lord without ceassing take vp sinners vnto him For what doth he else at the right hand of God then intreat speake for and defend the miserable sinners as a faithful Attorney Mediatour peacemaker an● highe priest reconciler and continuall king as he hath taken vp al vs you and me and all sorrowfull repentant faithful sinners In mercy he giueth vs now daily his holy Ghost which doth lighten and purifie our heartes strengtheneth them giueth them power and defendeth vs in all our néedes Therefore be of good comfort séeing Christe nowe liueth there can no miserie come vnto you séeing that Christe sitteth on the right hand of God Who can doe vs any harme Who can condemne vs If Christ him selfe doe absolue vs and accounteth vs to be quit frée loose and vnbound and so pronounceth vs To this Lord do I nowe commend you let him not depart from your hart For albeit I must depart hence frō you must suffer you to go to death neither I nor the whole world any more help you yet wil not this Lorde depart from you he is with you and by you in your execution And he is also faithful vnto you and so gratious that he wil go with you to death and will plucke you out againe from him by his almightie power Holde you vpon this Lorde by a stedfast faith for I nowe commend you vnto him with all my heart The fourtéenth Dearely beloued séeing you shal euē now be caried hence to the place of execution shal be séene of many folkes take a merrie hearte vnto you and speake vnto the people like a man and louingly and giue them warning before your death of these thrée pointes following First that they will well thinke vppon and remember the earnest strong righteousnes of God and take you before their eyes for an example of Gods Iustice albeit his iudgement vppon you in comparison of Gods righteous iustice and euerlasting punishment which ought worthily to stirre and moue all men to the feare of God but as it were a flap with a foxe taile Secondarily that they fréely for Gods sake and of his mercie euery of them all will forgiue you forget your fault and forgiue it wherewith you at any time haue offended any man whether it be in this place or in any other for Iesus sake with all their heartes wil forgiue you where and how soeuer you haue offended any of them whether it be by word or déede And that you also doe forgiue from the bottome of your hart willingly both friend foe wherein soeuer you haue béene offended Thirdly that they will praye to our Lord God truely for you whereby our Lord God for his deare sonns sake may giue vnto you a Christian and blessed passage out of this miserie by the ioynt working of the holy ghost Amen If the poore prisoner by reason of weakenes or for faint heart cannot speake himselfe and in the place of execution cannot warne the people and speake vnto them himselfe then may his appointed minister Or as it is in some place the hangman himself speake vnto him without danger in this maner and warne the people thus WElbeloued as you are now here present and minde to behold this miserable sight First remember wherfore this poore prisoner standeth here surely not therefore that in Gods sight he is the greatest sinner amongst vs But to the intent that Almightie God through this condemned man will set before your eyes an example of his godly iustice whereby by him you might be moued to a godly feare to amend your life and come before Gods anger correction and displeasure repent in time abstaine from your wicked life and go in a godly liuing Is it not thus welbeloued say Yea. Againe the tyed prisoner desireth you all here heartily and humbly that al you here together specially and generally that you wil forgiue him whatsoeuer he hath spoken done or committed whether it hath béene priuily or openly he is hartily sorie for them all he desireth you all humbly and Christianly Therefore he requireth that you wil bestow also vppon him this mercie that his Lord and God thorough Christ hath shewed vnto him in that that he of méere grace and loue hath forgiuen and forgotten all his sinnes that you haue a heartie compassion with him not to be offended at him but beare with his weakenes helpe it suffer it and carrie it as the Christian rule willeth where S. Paule the 6. to the Galathians saith thus Euery one beare an others burthen and so shall you fulfill the lawes of Christ Is it not so my welbeloued say Yea. Thirdly and lastly this bounden prisoner also requireth and prayeth you for Gods mercie sake that you now at the houre of his departure out of this miserie for Christian duetie and loue sake that you will inwardly from the bottome of your heart call vppon God and pray that he will increase in this poore man the faith of Christ strengthen him and kéepe him therein for euer and euer wherby he may of grace enioy a
vs in Christ Iesus Therefore let no man driue off too long to better his life but let euery man remember and thincke vppon the wrathe of God and vppon his punishment in time preuent or come before them driue not the time off till your death bed for you are not sure howe it will frame and fall out with you whether you shall haue then your reason your wittes or whether you shall be able to heare or speake your selfe or whether you shall dye soudenly and dye in the twinckling of an eye wherefore albeit we be all subiect to death and that therefore we must all dye yet doth our Lord God many times shorten many a mans life before his time chiefly bicause such a man doth not remember his sinfull and vnpenitent liuing that he may let him smart whereby he may win vnto him a good purpose to amend and better his life I am afraide there be very fewe that God taketh away before their time bicause they be vertuous whereby he may saue and deliuer them from great mischaunces and from the plagues at hand and therefore God can take but small pleasure of such people as then only call vpon God and sue vnto him in the time of their mishappes and punishmentes and by and by as soone as God our Lorde hath taken his correction from them againe they also by and by forget it and afterwarde become worse then euer they were before Experience daily teacheth this therefore when so euer God helpeth vp such a man he helpeth a great offender only vp againe vpon his sound limmes so that afterwarde he is worse then he was before Therfore is this the cause that God many times hath little pleasure lust or will to helpe suche people turne their punishment from them or to take it from them It is better they ly there sick or else buried in their graue then that they shoulde more grieuously offend God or any longer hurt good mē Howbeit if it so come to passe that God lay hand vpon his owne that is to say weaklings and straglers and take them vnder his fatherly correction looke well whether you be one of those or not and that ye doe not suffer such correction in vaine but rather imagine learne what our Lord GOD meaneth thereby and what profite and good our Lord God purposeth to set foorth by you First you shall knowe that by this meanes God will lead you to true repentance after that giue you cause that you earnestly séeke vnto him and with your heart call vpon him and from him onely looke for helpe and comfort which be the very good and precious woorkes of the second commaundement where you are commaunded that you shall not take the name of the Lord your God in vaine which is then done when you inwardly call vppon God in your necessitie haue all your refuge for succour to him looke for all goodnes at his hands Those be most precious good woorkes that doe passingly please god After that as soone as God hath helpen you that you thancke him for his gratious helpe thanke and praise his holy name which is the right offering vp of thanks of the newe testament As holy Dauid witnesseth Psal. 50. That is then the right true Gods seruice to which Gods seruice our Lord God sometime without our minde and will must force or driue vs with great crosses and smarts or else we would neuer walke in any such good woorkes Also we must lastly with holy Dauid in the 119. Psalme acknowledge and say O Lord it is very profitable for me that thou hast humbled and brought me lowe that I might know thy lawes And hereof it commeth to passe that our Lord God suffereth Sathan to trouble to vexe his that he doth tempt them somtime with some special sinne and plagueth them therewith whereby they be moued or driuen first to knowe themselues their weake nature frailtie then to sigh vnto God to call vppon him and flie vnto him they be our spurs and prickes whereby wée be driuen to god And againe that is our comfort that God is so good and that he can shew himselfe so almightie that he can turne the wickednes of his to the best For he is such a God that he wil suffer no euil to be done whereof he doeth not worke some good But our Lord God is so cunning and many times doth shew it vnto his to shame the diuell whereby he doeth very often breake and hinder Sathans purpose and vtterly destroy it To this onely God and Lord he euerlasting thankes and praise in Christ our lord Amen Exhalt mich durch dein wort Keepe me according to thy promise Psalm 119. An instruction to teache children howe they ought to goe to the Lordes Table I haue herein something varied from mine Authour both because hee is not named in the booke and also for that it did in the woordes varied something sound contrary to our English Churche I thought it meete to be added because it was bound with the former Dutch bookes and necessary to be read to them that be in extremitie if time will serue for it FIrst you must beléeue if you will receiue the sacrament of the body and bloud of Christ to your commoditie After that must you trye or proue your selues whether you doe worthily eate it or take commoditie by it ¶ Faith. First of all you must well embrace the wordes of our louing Lord God Iesus Christ wherein he hath appointed vnto you his body and bloud to be a testament whereby you may be assured and certeined of his grace and blessed inheritaunce for euer and with Christ and al good Christians to enioy their felowship in all thinges and that you doe belong to the fellowship of Christ For Christian faith hath in it these 2. partes First that by Gods grace we are made frée from all our sinnes and miseries Againe that we be partakers and felow woorkers of all the goodnes of God in Christ Iesus These two partes be promised vnto vs in the Gospel belong to as many as beléeue the Gospel Howbeit to the intent euery man should be the more sure of his faith and better certified that it belongeth vnto him whatsoeuer is conteyned and promised in the Gospel Christ our Lord hath ordeined two Sacraments or outward signes So that euery man that should receiue them in a fast and perfect faith thereby should be assured that the two before remembred parts do belong vnto him which he hath bound and tyed to no time place or person so that wheresoeuer it be receiued it is sure that the faithfull receiue those partes Therefore beléeue stedfastly that through Baptisme almightie God worketh forgiuing of all sinnes as we pray in our beliefe I beléeue one Baptisme for the forgiuenes of sinnes That is to say I beléeue that through Gods mercy by Iesus Christ in the holy Ghost only my sinnes altogether be forgiuen me whereby I am
will only trust vpon him Sixtly moreouer welbeloued though nowe death at the last will come and stare in your face and should with his greuous countenance make you afraid for he is such a capteine and giant that he will make one beléeue he will eate vp the whole world and therfore he gapeth so wide yet be not afraide of him for he aduaunceth him selfe maruellously and is ougly to behold howbeit he hath no power nor strength anye more to ouerthrowe you For Christe hath matched him throughly wounded him séeing that he hath layd hande vpon Christ the right Lion therefore is all his strength taken from him Therfore he shall be to the faithfull no more death but only a sléepe as Saint Paul in the second Epistle to Timothie the first Chapter doth witnesse and declare very plainly and comfortably where he saith Christe Iesus our sauiour hath taken the strength from death and brought vs the light life and a being by meanes of the Gospell that shall neuer corrupt nor perish Yea the faythfull shall neuer taste of death as Christe witnesseth him selfe being the very trueth Iohn the eight Chapter where he saith thus Verily verily I tell you if any man will keepe my word by faith he shall not taste of death euerlastingly Looke and marke well what a noble vertuous and right beléefe is for that ouercommeth and driueth away all aduersitie all plagues sinne death it selfe And a faithfull person goeth cleane through death to the right life as our Lord Christ againe witnesseth Iohn 5. where he saith thus Verily verily I say vnto you he that heareth my worde and beleeueth on him that hath sent me he hath euerlasting life and shall not enter into iudgement but he passeth through death to life There doe you sée what is necessarie for you yea you shall escape the iudgement of God ouercome death and inioy euerlasting life namely to heare Gods word as Christe saith and beléeue the same It requireth no great cunning wisedome strength might liueland and preparation to ouercome death but this ouercomming victorie or triumphe is in these two pointes to heare and to beléeue Surely my thinketh this is a maruellous victorie that a poore wretched weake and sicke man that by reason of weakenesse can scant moue hande nor foote can ouercome so great a giant as death onely with a Christianlike hearing and a beléeuing heart But thus can Christ auenge him selfe vpon suche a strong enimie death that would gladly haue eaten and swalowed vp Christ that he hath so wonderfully taken away the strength from death that a poore wretched man may ouercome death besides that may mocke and laugh him to scorne that is I thinke death rightly to despise and contemne But howe commeth that to passe that we ouerrun and wearied by death shall neuerthelesse abide still aliue That is as Christ him selfe saith Iohn 11. where he sayth thus I am the resurrection and the life who so euer beleeueth on me shall liue although he seeme to dye And whosoeuer liueth and beleeueth on me shall neuermore dye This is the right and onely cause that the faithfull yea in the middest of death imbrace the right life Christ our Lord that giueth againe vnto them life For as little nowe can death any more wearie or ouercome our Lord or holde him in death so little can he either punish or quarell with any faithfull men For seeing that Christ which is the life doth still liue and can neuermore be ouercome so may the faithfull neuer abide prisoner in death but he breaketh out valiantly with Christe and singeth the merrie song of thankes giuing and of triumph Death is swallowed vp in victorie for where is thy sting Thus shal a Christian souldier looke death betwéen the browes and manfully wage battell with him or else woulde death eate vp and swallow the whole world But if you will with a true faith encounter ●ith him then will he quietly let you ●lone Wherevnto Christe helpe you he valiaunt and puissaunt king ouer ●eath and life Amen Seuenthly also welbeloued if the di●ell the tempter would lay hand vpon ●ou assault or make you despaire as ●hough you did belong to his kingdome ●r were in his claws thus shal you en●ounter him stande against him beate ●im ouercome him first by earnest ●rayers and calling vpō God for grace helpe and comfort as our Lord Christe admonished his Disciples Matth. 26. where he saith thus Pray you least ye fall ●nto temptation As also our louing Lord Christ him selfe hath taught vs to pray Luke 12. Oh Lord and father leade vs not into temptation specially when we ●re tempted by sathan and assaulted that we through thy grace and holy spirite may withstande him and that we may eschue his persuasions and enticementes to doubt Therefore thus withstand him by prayer for sathan is falne downe hither to vs swiftly and inuisibly as Christe our sauiour witnesseth Luke 10. where he saith thus I sawe Sathan fal from heauen like a lightening But wherefore Truely therefore as Christ further teacheth his Apostles Luke 22. where he saith thus Simon Simon beholde Sathan hath desired you that he might fift you as wheat is sifted But I haue prayed for thee that thy faith shall not faile Beholde nowe how sathan prouleth after euery man he spareth no man he durst assault the best and holiest men namely Adam and Eue in Paradise though they were made to the Image of god Also he hath not spared Gods own sonne but assaulted and tempted him in the wildernes so hath he also desired to doe the like with the deare Apostles as you heard euen nowe therefore it is to be feared he will also not spare you Séeing then that is to be feared and that we knowe his meaning as Saint Paule saith in his second Epistle to the Corinthians the second Chapter that we shuld looke about vs that we be not deceiued of sathan For saith he It is not vnknowne vn●o vs what he purposeth and goeth about Therefore haue a good eye vppon this ●armefull and perillous tempter and ●riue him away by godly prayers Againe thus shall you desend stand ●gainst sathan with a stedfast faith on Christ our Lord chiefly that Christe is ●ur high Priest and King which hath o●ercome sathan the same Lord can for our commoditie destroy sathan ouer●ome him therefore shall you stedfastly ●eléeue the Christ your mightie King can ●unt driue away sathan frō you with ●ll fantasies dreames toyes and de●eites For He goeth as saith Saint Peter 1. Pet. 5. about as a roaring Lion and seeketh whom hee may deuour whome saith the Apostle resist you being strong in faith therefore take the shield of faith As Saint Paule further warneth vs where he in the 6. to the Ephesians saith thus Before all things saith he take the shield of faith whereby ye may quenche ●all the fierie dartes of the
where may we abide in safetie to the Lord Christe alone Thou hast shead thy bloud that hath satisfied for our sinns oh holy Lord God oh holy mightie God oh holy mercifull sauiour oh thou euerlasting God let vs not fall backe from the comfort of our faith Lord haue mercy vpon vs. Behold thus shall we reioyce in our greatest daunger and withall our heart Sing vnto our Lord God a song of thankesgiuing which is the right sacrifice of thankes Psal. 50. These be the right singers to God when the whole armie of heauen singe with vs and giue vnto God prayse and thankes Therefore nowe without all feare and trembling hope vppon the endlesse mercy of God that this your trouble and heauinesse and dangerous gronings and sighings commeth vp to Gods compassion and commeth neare inough to his heart But herein shall you stay your self and hope and so shall you be strengthened Esaie 30. And thus shal you conclude in your heart and earnestly hope and with S. Paule say thus Rom. 8. I knowe certeinly that neither death nor life neither Angel nor principalitie neither power present or to come neither aboue nor beneath nor none other creature may remoue vs from the loue of God which is in Christ Iesus our Lord. To be short Who will accuse the elected of God God is hee that doth iustifie who can condemne vs Christe is hee that died yea rather that is risen againe which sitteth on Gods right hand and forgiueth vs. Nowe if death sinne diuel hel all trouble aduersitie and plague fall vpon me in heapes yet will I before you all abide still in my God and still remaine a childe of euerlasting ioy and felicitie Amen The eleuenth though welbeloued that ye do persuade your selfe as though God himselfe were against you and were angrie with you by reason of forepassed sinnes yet ye shall not be afraid nor dismaye your selfe For God many times doth proue his appeareth vnto them outwardly as though he were verie angrie with them as thoughe he would lay hands on them punish them and vtterly condemne them Therefore séeing God first will make you to liue he wil before hūble you seeing he will bring you to heauen he will first caste you downe into hel For Our Lord sleyeth and reuiueth God doth cast vs into hel and leadeth vs out againe As holy Anna saith the first of Samuel the 2. Therefore in this temptation learne rightly and properly to knowe the nature and propertie of god He meaneth not euil towardes you but by this meanes he tryeth your faith and your hope that ye may be found to be perfect Surely it is a hard fight to wage battel with God him selfe as the good Patriarch Iaacob did a whole night long but at the length he had the victorie and lay aboue And therefore was he called Israel Likewise also must the spirituall Israel doe and in spiritual fight preuaile and haue the ouerhand And to be short at length it must come to passe with you thus that you must nowe onely beléeue vpon hope where no hope is Rom. 8. For True faith is a certeine assuraunce to obteine those things and not doubt on the whiche we can neither beholde nor see Heb. 11. This is your case for in outward appearance and féeling ye sée nothing but death him selfe but the eyes of your faith looke further for they sée life in the middest of death in the middest of sinne true ioy and perfection in the middest of hell heauen in the middest of Gods anger and punishment grace and euerlasting welfare This is surely a strang and wonderfull sight and this is also an excellent passing and fine knowledge a cunning aboue all cunnings whiche declareth vnto vs howe we shall find in death perfect life howe we in the déepest miserie shall be comforted how we in the greatest doubtes shall be instructed to be short when it appeareth vnto vs that we are vtterly vndone euery body hath forsaken vs euery body withdraweth their succour from vs and before our eyes there appeareth nothing but destruction and vtter vndoing we shall make much adoe and wonderfully busie our selues and in our reason and opinion knowe not whether to goe we seeme to liue and yet we dye we sée and féele and yet be in the middest of death But here we must lay aside all féeling seeing vnderstanding wisedome and reason and vtterly forsake them and with these comforts to be merrie in the middest of death and slide through it as through sléep to the blessed hope that God will through his mercy in the promise of Christe euerlastingly kéepe vs and make vs inioy his blessings What so euer Gods wil be let things appeare outwardly as they will let thinges goe and stand with vs as God will yet beleue we stedfastly that Gods grace and goodnesse will defende vs for euer contrarie to all mans reason and imagination for he will not ascribe our saluation nor giue the honour glory prayse thereof vnto vs or our workes eyther to our indeuour but vnto his endlesse mercy that at the last day we should must confesse that our saluation was not in our power in our doings in our will and might but onely in the mercy and onely grace of God which we haue obteined through Christ our onely Sauiour For which grace and good will we are bound to giue to God continual thankes and only laude and prayse his holy name and ascribe vnto him all honour power might and maiestie behold thus shal you fight and striue with God against god and push and enforce your selfe as it were through very thistles thornes to enter into heauen and there againe beginne in your heart to sing the comfortable song of the holy Dauid Psalme 73. where he thus singeth If I haue onely thee my Lord and my God I passe of nothing neither in heauen nor in earth though my body and my soul be in contempt yet art thou my God alway my heartes comfort and my health And then will GOD comfort you and say thus Esaie 41. Be not afraid I am with thee be not faint hearted for I am thy God I will strengthen thee I will helpe thee out I will holde thee vppe through the strength of my righteousnesse Twelfthly if welbeloued many assaultes and temptations fall vpon you as it were by heapes yet let them not ●ismay or discourage you for sathan ●oth willingly bestowe all his cunning when the matter commeth to the push ●r extremitie If he could not ouercome you in your life time whilest ye were ●n perfect health then wil he now more ●trongly withstande and assault you now in your weaknesse Therfore now ●earne and be expert in deede what the ●ubtiltie and craft of the wicked fiende ●s what sleightes and deuises he vseth and practiseth against you for his nature and condition is with great rage and fiercenesse to set vpon men he commeth to
that doeth nothing else then looke to the sicke helpe them vp strengthen them and maketh them whole and as Esaie saith He will not breake a brused reede nor he will not quench the smoaking flaxe I beléeue also the rising of the body that my body whiche the wormes shall eate shall arise againe euen as it was before For Christe at the last day shall raise it vppe according to his promise where he saith Iohn 6. This is the will of him that sent me that whosoeuer seeth the sonne and beleeueth on him shall haue euerlasting life and I will raise him at the last day And Whosoeuer eateth of my flesh and drinketh of my bloud hath euerlasting life and I will raise him vp at the last day I beléeue that after this life there shal be an euerlasting life so that I shal liue with Christ for euer according to his promise Iohn 5. where he saith Verily verily I say vnto you who so euer heareth my worde and beleeueth on him that sent me he hath euerlasting life and commeth not into iudgment but he passeth clean through death to life And Whosoeuer beleueth on the sonne he hath euerlasting life And Verily verily I say vnto you if any mā will keepe my word he shall not see euerlasting death Item I am the breade of life saith Christ Iohn 6. which is come from heauen whosoeuer shall eate of this breade shall liue for euer Nowe welbeloued séeing your time draweth on stand stedfast vpon the only rocke Christe our Lorde Then can no storme no whirlwinde yea hell gates them selues can not remoue nor ouerwhelme you For whosoeuer beléeueth vpon our Lord God shal neuer fall nor be ouerturned but shall abide for euer Therfore call vpon our Lord God with your whole heart for he is rich ouer all that call vpon him and he will be nigh to all them that pray to him to al them that call vpon him with their heartes and graunteth all thinges which they that feare God do require heareth their cry and helpeth them Therfore cal vpon God the most highest in the name of Iesus Christe that he will shewe vnto you his great plentifull mercy and powre out vpon you in the time of grace richly his mercy For séeing that our Lord is the spring it selfe of Gods mercy and Christ his onely begotten sonne is the pipe conduit wherby such plentie of grace and mercy floweth and is conueyed vnto vs take yet againe fast hold in this your extreame néede of the ouerflowing and floud of Gods grace specially Iesus Christe the scrine and casket wherein Gods mercy is locked vp for Christ is ful of grace and truth Ioh. 1. For the euerlasting sonne of God hath brought with him such great plentie of grace that he hath therewith fulfilled the whole worlde for heauen and earth is full thereof And also Christe is full of truth so that he is not alonly the truth it selfe but also meaneth heartily and truly with vs and will take to him selfe your soule with great veritie and earnestly Therfore be of good comfort that your name is written in the booke of life you are fully cleansed with the bloud of Christ and annoynted with the holy Ghost The same holy spirite assureth your heart that you also be one of the very children of god And albeit it doeth not as yet appeare what you be yet knowe you that when it shall appeare then ye shall be like vnto him Iohn Chap. 8. For ye shall be partaker of the godly nature Pet. 2. Chap. 1. specially when Christe our sauiour shall come hither from heauen and glorifie your miserable body and make it like vnto his glorified body after his mighty power and working Phil. 3. Christe Iesus is the onely refuge of all poore penisent sinners he onely is your strength your comfort hope and strong tower in all néede and aduersitie Therefore goe without feare into the danger of death Christ in the twinckling of an eye being your euerlasting king will plucke you out againe bring you to light and make you righteous and liuing Wherfore giue your self ouer valiantly from this life vnto death and be not afraide séeing that death hath lost all his might and strength on the faithfull Christ the victorious conquerer hath taken from death al his strength so that from hence foorth he can no more hurt wearie or deuour any Christian Wherefore will ye then be dismaide or afraide for suche a shadow or visar of death Death may for a litle while roare whet his téeth but he can do no more for Christe hath taken his sting from him and likewise is Gods euerlasting iudgment through the Sauiour of the worlde taken from you And Christ the only sonne of God hath appeased the iustice of God layde the same farr enough out of your way So that from hencefoorth you shall neuer be called to appeare before the iudgment seate of GOD nor you shall not néede to appeare neither aunswere for your sinne bicause Iesus your sauiour hath made you frée from it Therefore chearefully appeale from the iudgment seate vnto the throne of mercy which is Christ your deliuerer call earnestly vpon the stoole of grace whervpon gods mercy resteth and dwelleth in Christe Iesus the sonne of the highest therfore can no complaint come against you nether sinne death hell nor sathan him selfe Christ is the true Lion of the tribe of Iuda which for your sakes hath subdued vtterly all your enimies wiped blotted out all sinne and swallowed vp death so there remaineth now no more but that the body must suffer and abide only one litle shiuering and shrinking after that you shal be perfectly safe and sure Fight therefore manfully as a valiant Rutter or Capteine against the dragon and hell gates then will Christ with the hoast armie of heauen méete you and receiue your soule to carrie it with him into euerlasting ioy and felicitie Amen ¶ If any be disposed they may rehearse againe to the sicke the twelue Articles of our beleefe for they be the very ancor yea the very foundation of our beleefe which wee can neuer sufficiently meditate and thinke vpon It is therefore very meete and necessarie seeing in our youth wee bee baptised in them that wee continually be fed with them then shall wee ioyfully die in them It were very good that we should alwayes in time of our health remember them and learne perfectly to vnderstande them Then when we lye on our death bed we shall not so much neede to be put in remembraunce And if a man ready to die in time of neede specially if death come soudenly vpon him confesse no more but the onely articles of our true and auncient faith and Christian religion it were sufficient specialy if those articles were holden and professed by him that lyeth dying with a faithfull heart For we hope yea we earnestly beleeue that our beloued ancestors in the
time of their prosperitie and good health maye learne how to vse and behaue them selues and learne in time to dye For nothing is more certeine then death and nothing more vncerteine then to come vnto the right knowledge to dye Therfore ought euery man before to prepare himselfe and to make ready to take this iourney in hand and go forward wherby he may be carefull for that that will necessarily followe But specially ought we to remember these thinges before-hand and cōtinually exercise our selues in the crosse of warre specially nowe in the sore daungerous warre against the cruell enimie of Christendome the Turke which if he haue the victorie spareth no man but without all mercy heweth downe the miserable Christians striketh them and shooteth them through where many times the wounded bodies a long time lye in the gréene medowes before they be brought into the slaughter house in great daunger of desperation if he were not before well prepared and exercised in Gods worde So that this souldier must fight with his body against the Turke and with his soule against the Diuell him selfe Howbeit this shall be their comforte out of the Prophet Daniel the 7. Chapter That these murtherers of christians bloudhoundes doe onely by this meanes prepare Christian soules and doe further them to euerlasting life For he setteth him selfe with all his might in greate force against the Saintes of God and chiefly warreth against them Wherefore without all question when so euer a Christian man is slaine and ouercom by the Turke yet dyeth he with a safe cōscience in that that he is a Christian for he séeth that this warre is against the Saintes of GOD without cause For the Turke hath no lawfull occasion to fight against the Christians and so miserably to spill Christian bloud Thus therfore dye they so much the ioyfuller séeing they go foorth in the obedience of their superiours and do not only defend their owne countrie and people but also with their owne bloud help to preserue Christian religion Therefore good Christian learne in time to dye for thou knowest neither time nor houre neither place nor manner when howe either what maner of death thou shalt haue specially in this last and dangerous time Therefore deferre not till the last pushe least that you tarrie too long Learne learn this cunning while thou hast time memorie and oportunitie therevnto Then shall you go the surest way séeing the daye must néedes come yeald thy selfe in time with desire and will therevnto for it can not be avoyded Wherevnto our Lorde GOD giue vs grace that we may well and happily depart Amen Howbeit no man is to be tied and bound to vse euery matter as it is herein conteined but if any other can or haue better much good do it them for I haue here remembred certeine temptations wherein I my selfe like a poore simple plaine man haue bene tempted and assaulted with and haue experienced if I may boast my self of my weaknesse for I haue thrise béene at that point that euery man gaue me ouer and despaired of my life in this worlde yet at the last our Lorde GOD by his great power reuiued me wherefore I giue vnto him euerlasting prayse and thankes in Christ our Lorde I will not say that in my days I haue gone to many Christian people I haue comforted them and haue bene at their end whose names be written in the booke of life where I haue experienced diuers and many temptations GOD graunt both thée me his godly grace that we may also blessedly sléepe at the last in Christe our Lorde and through Gods power at the last day may be raised vp to euerlasting life Amen How to aduise and comfort them that lye in prison and be by the Magistrate iudgged to dye FIrste welbeloued Almightie God giue you his grace and true patience whereby you may beare and patiently suffer this your deserued crosse layde vpon you séeing the matter is come thus far with you that Gods iudgment and the punishment of the magistrate is falne vpon you yeald your self willingly therevnto and thinke that this correction commeth from God him selfe Therefore refuse not the correction of the Almightie as it is written in Iob the 5. Séeing then that euery mans iudgement commeth from God our Lord as it is in Solomon the 29. of his Prouerbes receiue such iudgement and punishment vp from our Lord God as a fatherly correction as the Epistle to the Hebrues witnesseth Chapter 12. where the text saith thus My sonn make not light of the correction of the Lorde and despaire not when thou art punished by him For the Lord doth correct him whom he loueth and he beateth euery sonne which he taketh to him selfe And so it commeth to passe as Solomon saith in his highe song the 8. Chapter that the loue which the Lorde beareth vs is as strong as death It appeareth vnto the world as though the loue of God were very misfortune death and destruction Howbeit there is vnder such loue great mercy goodnesse life and blessednesse hidden For If we be iudged we be corrected by the Lorde to the intent that we should not be damned with the world as saith S. Paule in the first epist. to the Corinthians the 10. Chap. Therefore learne here with spirituall eyes to beholde that you vnder punishment may sée grace vnder correction peace and vnder death life Thus shal not this crosse layd vpon you be very sore and fearfull but you may beare it and you also shal patiently suffer it For God can soone end this crosse that you shall be able to carrie it For as much then as God our Lorde hath appointed to euery man a certeine end of his life which he shall not passe Iob. 14. thinke you nowe that your appointed time by God is nowe come and this day is by God appointed vnto you for a certeine end of your life Trouble not your selfe much therefore after what maner you haue taken your life from God and that you shall so soone deliuer it him againe But set your will to Gods will and say Father thy will be done and not mine if it be thy pleasure that I shall drinke this cuppe which thou hast filled for me giue me thy grace thervnto that I may continue in a true Christian belefe vnto mine end and that I may vnder this my crosse and suffering in perfect patience passe through it to euerlasting life Amen Secondarily For as muche as you haue now heard that this crosse and punishment commeth from God him selfe and is laide vpon you by God through an ordinarie magistrate you shall vnderstand nowe further well learne to knowe the great and earnest anger of God ouer sinne for it is no smal matter before God when a man behaueth him selfe contrarie to Gods lawe and continually without ceasing offendeth and prouoketh God with his vnpenitent liuing GOD is very angrie with suche déedes and is
it by patience the 13. to the Romans Therfore doth belong hereunto that is there to the time of sufferinges these two vertues patience and hope for with these two winges specially faith and hope you must enforce your selfe to flée vp into heauen But patience muste fight the battell with the dragon which wil strengthen and hinder your way to heauen Ninthely nowe welbeloued séeing that your sicknesse somwhat lingereth and that God for a time doeth prolong his helpe and deliuerance and will not soudenly as we desire pray and think deliuer you but wil awhile try proue your faith for your faith must be tried by aduersitie and temptation as gold is tried and proued in the fire Therefore you must be patient For albeit our Lorde GOD for a time withdraweth his merciful helpe yet will he not long be absent It should not stande with his godly nature mercie that he shoulde for euer forsake you being his childe through faith in Christe Wherfore though you a little while for the time of your suffering must sing with Christe the lamentable song and say My GOD my GOD wherefore hast thou forsaken me yet will not God long tarrie nor be absent he suffereth you to swimme a while but not vtterly so be drowned he suffereth you peraduenture one day but he will by and by afterwards raise you vp againe and giue you euerlasting peace and happinesse Therefore albeit you doe not for a little time sée Christe in his throne of grace yet shall you shortly sée him againe Iohn the .16 For his anger that is to say his fatherly correction endureth but the twinkling of an eye and he hath pleasure and delight to saue And therefore doeth our Lorde God him selfe comfort you in the Prophet Esai the .54 Cap saying thus Beholde I haue hidden my face a little from thee in the short time of anger neuertheles I will haue mercie vpon thee with my continuall fauour saith the Lorde God our deliuerer Therefore saith Saint Paule the seconde Epistle the .4 Chap. to the Cor. Although our trouble whiche is but transitorie and easie though we thinke it very heauie much and long yet doth it breede and bring foorth an euerlasting and a meruilous weightie and vnmeasurable dignitie and estimation vnto vs whiche we cannot beholde with these eyes but with inuisible eyes For no eye hath sene nor no eare heard nor no mans heart can expresse that GOD hath prepared for them that loue him Esai 64. And .1 Cor. 2. But in these things must Gods children a while be pacient suffering polished and pressed and fully bethinke and consider these comfortable sayings which be spoken vnto vs as to children the .12 to the Hebr. out of ●he Prouerbes of Solomon in the third Chapter as it is there written Take ●ot slightly but earnestly regard the Lordes ●hastening or correction and dispaire not ●hen he punisheth thee For whom the Lord ●oueth him doeth hee punish correcteth ●uery childe that he taketh to him selfe If ●ou abide his correction patiently then ●oeth God shewe him selfe as to his ●hildren for where is a sonne whome ●he father doeth not correct Howbeit ●uery chastening while it is a doing it ●oeth not reioyce vs but maketh vs sad ●nd pensiue but afterward it bringeth 〈◊〉 ioyful fruite of righteousnes to them ●hat be exercised in it And therefore ●aith Saint Iames in his first Chapter Esteme it for a perfect ioy when you chance ●o fall into many temptations and know that ●our faith if it be perfect worketh pacience ●ut patience shall perfectly abide vnto the ●●nde To the end it may be perfect and haue ●t all no manner of imperfection .. For He that abideth to the ende he shal be bles●●d Matth. the .10 Therfore a Christian may well boast him selfe of trouble séeing that we knowe that Trouble bringeth patience patience bringeth experience experience bringeth hope hope will neuer be confoūded Let vs not be ashamed for the loue of GOD is powred out into our heartes through the holy ghost which is giuen vnto vs the .6 to the Rom. Thus shall you in patience looke for the mercifull helpe and visitation of God and in your heart sing the pleasaunt song of thankesgiuing of the holy man Simeon Luke the second and say thus Lord nowe lettest thou thy seruaunt departe in peace as thou hast saide For mine eyes haue seene thy saluation whiche thou hast prepared for al people To be a light to lighten the heathen and to be the praise of all thy people of Israel For I haue nowe God be praised obteined the knowledge of thy saluation which is in the forgiueing of sinnes Through the tender mercie of our God whereby he hath visited vs that came from aboue That he might appeare to them that satte in darkenesse and in the shadowe of death and leade our feete into the way of peace as Zacharias did sing Luke the second The tenth welbeloued your sickenesse continueth and doth not leaue off and you thinke long for helpe yet must you giue ouer these things ye must not shrinke from God nor be faint harted but in patience haue a perfect and stedfast hope that God will not be long away though he séeme to tarrie but or it be long will come and help you yea the longer God withdraweth from you his gratious helpe the mightier and better hereafter will your helpe and comfort be for God standeth yet a while behind the wal as a louing and friendly bridegrome and looketh through the window priuily in vpon his spouse and marketh whether she doth so loue her bridgrome that she will wayt and tarrie for him and that she may perceiue that he at the length will reache out his hande to her plucke her foorth bring her home His loue is as strong as death but vnder it is hidden very life and felicitie Therfore despaire not euen in the very daunger of death and sing once againe with this congregation and with all the holy elected Saintes of GOD in your heart in this manner In the middest of our life we be compassed about with death whom shal we séeke to for help that we may get grace thou only oh Lord art high we be sorry for our misdéedes which haue offended thée oh holy Lord God oh mightie Lord God oh holy merciful Sauiour euerlasting God let vs not be drowned in the bitter danger of death Lord haue mercy vpon vs. In the middest of death the gaping of hell assaulteth vs who can deliuer vs from this great peril that canst thou Lorde alone doe thy great mercy hath compassion on our complaint and great miserie Holy Lorde GOD oh mightie Lord God oh holy mercifull Sauiour oh euerlasting God let vs not dispaire for the déepe pit of hell Lord haue mercy vpon vs. In the middest of the sorrowes of hell our sinnes lye hard vpon vs then whether shal we flée from hence
faith loue prayer nor no good thought can any more appeare in their heartes If this great sore temptation shall happen also to trouble you yet despaire not therefore but be of good cheare thinke thus with your selfe I perceiue that I must altogether be naked and vnclothed and put off all that I haue spoile my selfe of euery thing that I haue or may doe all that euer I haue falleth cleane from me and forsaketh me My louing bridegrome our lord Christ wil cloath me anew adorne and dresse me and trimme me with all his iewels Therefore call now againe vpon him as vppon your highe priest that he will haue mercie vpon you intreat and pray for you and wil haue heartie compassion of your weakenesse For We haue not an high priest that can not take cōpassion of our feeblenesse but such an high priest that hath beene thoroughly tempted and is like vnto vs in all things except in sinne Therfore let vs goe vnto him with ioy to his mercie seate that wee may obteine mercie and finde grace at that time when helpe shal be necessarie for vs Heb. 5. Here haue you a very great comfort that Christ is your high priest Call vppon him earnestly that he wil send into your colde heart his holy spirite which shall call within you father father louing father Euen then shall the holy Ghost helpe vp your weakenes and intreateth for you also mightily with sighings not able to be expressed Rom. viij Then also doeth Christ himselfe pray for you like the high priest before the father suffereth not your weakenesse to be laid to your charge despiseth you not because of your vntowardnes your ignorance or faint heart for this high priest hath great compassion with our weakenes he doth not only intreat for vs but also he sheweth foorth before the father his innocent bodie which he hath offered vppon the Crosse for you a perfect sacrifice for euer Heb. 9. As also S. Paule witnesseth Ephes 5. where he saith thus Christ hath loued vs and giuen himselfe for vs for a gift and offering vnto God for a sweete sauour This is the noble gift and this is the auaileable offering for you which is richly accepted before God. Thus haue you now your high priest Christe oure Lord himselfe the altar wherevppon he was offered his crosse the offering his cleane vnspotted and pure bodie Nowe marke how and in what manner or fashion Christe your high priest did hang vpon the crosse for such maner of hanging is very comfortable if one would behold it with beléeuing eyes For first Christ hangeth vppon the Crosse with his armes and hands stretched out to signifie that he is readie to giue grace accept and imbrace with his armes all poore and wretched sinners for he hangeth there for the comforte of poore sinners reacheth out his armes to troubled consciences Secondarily his féete also be heaued vp and fast nailed in token that he tarrieth there for all wretched sinners for he wil not start aside nor flie from you but will continually be found and tarrieth for you Thirdly he turneth his face and not his backe to you he boweth downe his face like vnto a gentle and milde Lord to the prayers of all poore and troubled persons will gladly with all his heart heare them he is willing and readie he openeth his eares wide wherby he will certeinly heare you Fourthly his heart is wide open towardes you for it is pearced with a speare whereby he may haue heartie compassion with your aduersitie and will set your trouble very neare vnto his owne heart Fiftly he weareth a crowne of thorne vpon his head to signifie that he will be your king and defend and kéepe you from all misfortune from sinne from death from the diuell and from hell This is a maruellous gratious and louing beholding to all troubled sinners for he hangeth in the middle of sinners as a sinner bycause he will receiue all miserable forsaken sinners giue them grace and preserue and kéepe them for euer ¶ Hereafter followe certeine prayers whiche may be said before the sicke body if the sicknesse haue any continuance whereby sometime the sicke bodies heart may be touched moued and kindled that the sicknesse may not preuaile and haue the ouerhand vpon the sicke First welbeloued let vs lift vp our heartes to almightie God and put him in remembraunce of his gratious promise which he hath made vs at our holy baptisme therfore say after me though not with your mouth yet with your heart chiefly thus MY Lorde and God remember the holy couenant whiche thou hast made with me in my holy baptisme wherin thou hast receiued me to grace and to be thy childe and promised me that I beléeuing and béeing baptised should be saued Marke 16. Séeing then thou Lorde hast so assuredly bound thy selfe vnto me to be my gratious mercifull true and louing father my comforte and hope is alonely in thée therefore I stedfastly beléeue that as surely as I am baptised in the name of the Father and of the Sonne and of the holy Ghost that thou wilt be my defender deliuerer and comforter and helpe me out of all daunger leade me and defend me from all perill that neither sinne death nor hell can hurt me Therefore I will not despaire in all aduersitie and euen in the extremitie of death turn my heart vnto thée and stedfastly beléeue that thou wilt neuer forsake me but giue vnto me euerlasting blessednesse through the deseruing of Christe my Lord and Sauiour Secondarily welbeloued let vs now againe turne our selues vnto almightie God from whome commeth al help and call vpon him from the bottome of our hearts inwardly as our onely God and father and say thus OH almightie euerlasting God and father I being full of all vnrighteousnesse and sinne come vnto thée and yet am I thy welbeloued childe Therefore séeing thou art the euerlasting true God I comfort my selfe with thy promise that thou wilt faithfully performe all that thou hast promised me Nowe thou hast saide Matth. 11. When I am troubled in my conscience with sinne care néede heauinesse and am heauie laden many wayes and I repaire vnto thée that then thou wilt help me and receiue me in my heauinesse For as much as thou art my welbeloued father and I am thy childe therefore doe I looke for from thée wholy all good things help comfort in al trouble for thou art not an earthly father whiche somtime can neither help him selfe nor his children but thou Lorde art the almightie heauenly father that wilt willingly with all thy heart helpe me likewise art able so to doe by reason of thy almightie power For thou art the maker of heauen and of earth thou hast all thinges in thy hande and power all cretures of heauen and of earth be subiect vnto thée and must serue and obey thée euen as thou listest Therfore Lord despise me
not though I be a very wretched sinner altogether for these causes séeing that thou by thy worde hast commaunded and promised that I shal be heard in what daunger and trouble so euer I be when I call vpon thée and that then I shall honour thée and euer acknowledge thée to be the true and very God séeing I perceiue that what so euer thou promisest that thou dost perfourme effectually Therefore beléeue I certeinly thy worde that thou wilt not denie it but vndoubtedly perfourme whatsoeuer thou hast once spoken therfore I beséech thée from the bottome of my heart that thou wilt help me out of my trouble and sicknesse and neuer forsake me but gratiously send me thy fatherly helpe and deliuer me from my distresse For there is no body vpon whō I can perceiue any helpe or goodnesse but only vpon thée therefore helpe thou me my lord and God but not according to my deserts worthinesse or goodnes but through the deserts of thy sonne Iesus Christe which hath purchased vnto me from thée all grace and fatherly fauour him dost thou loue and hast great pleasure in him and therfore thou wilt not forsake me for his sake but rather shewest vnto me all goodnesse therfore I commit my self wholy vnto thy mercy and fatherly goodnesse and put my whole cause vnto thée as to my louing father that thou wilt deliuer me out of all this trouble griefe weaknes paines when it shal please thy godly will therfore I will not appoint vnto thée neyther time nor space but earnestly hope vpon thée that thou wilt heare me and defend me though my case appeare very straunge and as impossible as it may be for thou art almightie hast might and power ouer all things and besides this thou art my father and art willing to doe it if it were nowe necessarie Therfore at thy hand I looke for al goodnesse be it vnto me according vnto thy true promise Amen Thirdly moreouer welbeloued let vs once againe lift vp our heartes and mindes vnto him from whome all help and goodnesse commeth chiefly vnto the father of all light which giueth euery good gift gratiously heareth vs Therfore séeing that your paines necessitie miserie and griefes stil continue therefore pray vnto our Lord God with holy Dauid and say thus Oh Lord punish me not in thine anger correct me not in thine me Lord be gratious vnto me for I am feeble heale me Lorde for my bones be afraide Turne thee Lord and deliuer my soule help me according to thy pleasure be not far from me for trouble is at hand for here is none that can helpe Remember Lorde thy mercy and thy goodnesse which hath ben since the world beganne Remember not the sinnes of my youth nor mine offences but thinke vpon me after thy mercy and according to thy goodnesse Lorde haue mercy vppon my misdeedes which be very great turne thee to me be gratious vnto me for I am forsaken and in miserie the heauinesse of my heart is great lead me out of my necessitie and need Behold my miserie and distresse and forgiue me all mine offences Lorde be gratious vnto me according to thy goodnesse and blot out all my sinnes after thy great mercy wash me cleane from mine offences make me pure from my sinnes for I acknowledge myne offences and my misdeedes be euer before me On thee alone haue I sinned and haue done euill in thy sight Hide thy face from my sinnes and blot out all mine offences Make a cleane heart within me and giue me a newe right spirit Cast me not out of thy sight and take not thine holy Ghost from me Comfort me againe with thy helpe and giue in me the spirite of peace Be vnto me a strong tower whether I may for euer flee for succour for thou hast promised to helpe me for thou art my rocke and my hill Oh Lorde I cry vnto thee bicause thou art gratious Lord for thy great goodnesse heare me with thy true help heare me Lorde for thy goodnesse is comfortable turne thee vnto me according to thy great mercy Lord be not farre from me My God make hast to helpe me Vpon thee Lord do I trust God helpe me out of all my needs and set me at libertie Looke vppon me and heare me Lord my god Lighten myne eyes that I may sleepe soundly in the middest of death I loue thee with all my heart Lorde God my strength Lorde my rocke my hill my deliuerer my God my castell vpon whome I trust my buckler and horne of my saluation my defence Lord in thee doe I trust let me neuer be confounded Deliuer me for thy iustice sake Bowe downe thine eares to me make speede to help me Be vnto me a strong rocke and an hill where thou maiest helpe me For thou art my rocke and my hill and for thy name sake leade me and bring mee foorth come to my soule and deliuer it keepe my soule and deliuer me Let me not be confounded for I trust in thee Lorde quicken me for thy name sake leade my soule out of this daunger for thy righteousnesse sake for my soule fainteth in my bodie and the feare of death is falen vpon me Feare and trembling compasseth me and loathsomenesse is falen vpon me I lie with my soule among the Lions therefore oh Lorde heare my prayers and let my crie come vnto thee Hide not thy face from me in my neede Bowe downe thine eare vnto me when I call vpon thee then heare me betime Nowe Lord wherein shall I comfort me I hope vpon thee leaue off from troubling me that I may refreshe my selfe before I goe hence and come no more againe If it please any man to say all the whole Psalms to be said to the sicke I will not complaine vppon him Therfore they that list may when he list sometime take these Psalmes hereafter following and read the same to the sicke and sometime make some shorte rehearsall of them and with them comfort the sicke body specially the 25. 51. 70. 71. 77. 87. 88. 103. 130. c. And if neede require a man may often repeate them or take some comfortable part of them and also like comfortable sayinges out of my litle booke called The spiritual conflict all which for shortnesse I leaue heere vntouched Fourthly if the sick bodie draw on and is neare his ende then say our beléefe that is the xij Articles of our holy faith thus J Beleeue in God the father Almightie maker of heauen and earth And in Iesus Christ his onely sonne our Lord whiche was conceiued by the holy Ghost borne of the virgin Marie suffered vnder Pontius Pilate was crucified dead and buried hee descended into hell he rose againe the third day from the dead he ascended into heauen he sitteth on the right hand of God the father Almightie from thence he shal come to iudge the quicke and the dead I beleeue in the holy ghost The holy catholique Church
The communion of Saintes The forgiuenes of sinnes The resurrection of the bodie and the life euerlasting Amen Oh highest comfort in all trouble helpe that we neither feare shame nor death that our senses be not dismayed when the enimie accuseth vs Lord haue pittie vppon vs. Fiftly if the partie lye long in a traunce For I haue many times seene that some haue lyen a long time as it were in a traunce and afterward haue begunne againe to speake and haue said that they very well heard and did vnderstand what hath then beene said vnto them Therefore they that will may rehearse to the sicke this short exposition of our beleefe I put all my trust hope and comfort onely in the méere grace and mercie of God that he onely himselfe can helpe me and none other creature howe holy soeuer he be in all my néede and trouble And séeing he is my father I beléeue stedfastly that he with all his hart will gladly helpe me neuer forsake me neither in this world nor in the world to come And because he is almightie God I beléeue that he can defend me and kéepe me from all that is against me For he onely is strong ynough for mine enimie by reason of his almightie power And séeing he is the creatour of heauen and earth I beléeue he can commaund all other creatures that none of them shall haue any power ouer me to my harme without his fatherly good will. Therefore do I looke for onely from this almightie God father creatour all good things and euerlasting life For all thinges come onely from him and are giuen vnto him for he will giue himselfe wholy and fully vnto me with all that he is and hath with heauen and earth with al creatures that they must serue me and profite me and further me toward euerlasting life I beléeue with all my heart that Iesus Christ the onely begotten sonne of the father from the beginning hath for my sake taken vpon him mans nature and that he was conceiued of the holy Ghost and borne of the holy virgin Marie as a right naturall mother and that that man is very truly God as an euerlasting and vndiuided person of God and man And that this sonne of God Marie our Lord Iesus Christ hath for me wretched sinner suffered was for me crucified and dead Wherby he hath deliuered me from sinne from death and from the euerlasting wrath of God by his innocent bloud whiche in his owne person suffered the pangues of death and hath tasted euerlasting hell and ouercome it to the intent that I should be reconciled with God and be made Lord ouer al mine enimies I beléeue that except the death of this sonne our Lord Iesus Christe I could neuer haue atteined vnto Gods fauour and my saluation neither by works nor by any manner of desert I beléeue that Iesus Christ my brother is risen from death for my righteousnesse and hath for my sake taken death and hell prisoner that they can neuer hurt me For I confesse that I shuld haue dyed for euer if Iesus Christ had not come to help me and taken vpon him as an innocent lamb my sinne faults curse and euerlasting death and hath satisfied for me by his passion and hath taken away the curse for me I beléeue that he doth daily like a faithfull mercifull Mediatour Sauiour and only Priest and Byshop of my soule appeare and intreate for me I beléeue that Christe with God equally ruleth and fulfilleth all thinges and that he is of equal power and might in heauen and in earth Lorde ouer all Lordes King ouer al Kings and aboue all cretures in heauen and in earth and vnder the earth aboue death and life aboue sinne and righteousnesse This King and Lorde shall goe before me in my passion and death shall hold battell and fight for me so that I with him shal be a Lorde ouer all mine enimies for euer and euer I beléeue that Christe crucified shall come againe at the last day and shall iudge and condemne those that will not beléeue on him but will defend me and all faithfull from the terrible iudgemēt of damnation perpetuall and say vnto vs Come ye hyther ye blessed of my Father inherite the kingdome whiche is prepared for you from the beeginning of the worlde coet I beléeue in the holy Ghost whiche with the father and the sonne is one very God and is procéeded from the father and the sonne euerlastingly and yet in one and the same godly being and nature an vndiuided person I beléeue that I by him shall be adorned with faith as with a liuing euerlasting godly gift and reward raised vp from death made frée from sinne and in my heart made merrie comforted and frée and safe in conscience For this is my reioycing that if I can finde in my hart such witnesse of Gods holy spirite that then God will be my father forgiue me my sinne and reward me with euerlasting life I beléeue that the holy Ghoste will help to beare mine infirmities and intreate for me with vnspeakable sighings strengthen me and light my hart that I may knowe the excéeding riches fatherly mercy that he hath giuen me rewarded me with of méere grace without all my deseruinges onely through Christ his beloued sonne by whome the father hath rewarded me with those his giftes But the holy Ghost teacheth me to knowe all these thinges he kindleth my heart and lighteneth me that these giftes come from aboue as Christe hath promised vs where he saith Iohn 7. He that beleueth in me as the scripture saith from his bodie shall flowe streames of liuing waters I beléeue that there is vpon earth one Christian church that is the congregation or number or assemblie méeting of all Christians in which there is one God one Lord one holy Ghost one faith one baptisme of which Churche Christ onely is the spouse and husband I beléeue that this Churche is the spirituall body and that Christ onely is her head I beléeue that Christ is the sauiour of this his body and Church and hath giuen him selfe for her that he might make her holy and hath cleansed her through the waterbath of his word that he may haue for him selfe a speciall congregation that neither hath spot nor wrinckle or any other infirmitie but that she may be holy and without fault a piller and foundation of trueth I beléeue that in this Christian congregation and where so euer it be that there also is forgiuing of sinnes There is the kingdome of grace and right pardon and that there is no saluation nor forgiuing of sins without Christendome I beléeue that no man can be saued except he be in this congregation and Church as a liuely member planted in his owne body I beléeue that in this kingdome there is not only once forgiuing of sinnes but as oft as we require and aske it For Christ is such a maister of the hospitall
great darknes though they knew nothing of the brightnesse of Gods holy light and knowledge and yet confessed and dyed in this Christian beleefe and haue inioyed euerlasting life Therfore shall we bestowe our possible diligence to bring young children to be baptised those that be elder to be taught and those that bee at the point of death to be comforted euery man according to his measure and gift wherby as much as lyeth in vs no body shall bee taken tarde be vnprouided or dye in his errour and vnbeleefe But so to vse our selues that euery body may come vnto the knowledge of the truth be blessed and saued and so at the last commend in our prayer euery man one with an other vnto God which can mightily bring to passe al that we desire or require according to his power that worketh in vs To him be prayse in the congregation which is in Christe Iesus for euer and euer Amen Last of all now when the last pang commeth when the sick body beginneth to scrocle and shrincke vp his bodie as when one biteth vppon a sowre apple as the biting of Adams apple teacheth vs séeing the same bit and sinne is runne ouer vs all and therefore we all must raunsome it with our skinne and with death then may a man to conclude say to the sicke as followeth Lord into thy hand I commend my spirite Almightie God lead thy soule into euerlasting peace and blessednesse And our Lorde Iesus Christe raise vp againe at the last day this dead body to euerlasting honour and glorie Amen A short exhortation to them that be present and shall attend vppon the dead body WElbeloued in our Lord you haue nowe seene for a time the course of this departed bodie and howe like a good Christian and warriour it is departed out of this life Yea rather howe fatherly and gratiously our Lord God hath visited it how at the last he hath deliuered it from al aduersitie and trouble wherevnto the old Serpent of all mans progenie had brought vs Therefore séeing this dead person is so Christianly departed out of this life full of miserie let vs to the euerlasting praise thankes of God say ioyfully We praise thee ô God c. And to conclude inwardly with all our heartes call vppon him pray vnto him that he wil vouchsafe wh●n we shal be in extremitie and perill of death gratiously defende vs and blesse vs and giue vnto vs a blessed houre thorough Christ his onely begotten sonne Therefore wéepe not as the heathen and infidels that beléeue not the resurrection and haue no hope thervppon For If we beleeue as witnesseth S. Paule 1. thess. 4. that Iesus died and is raised vp againe likewise also shall God with him lead all those that bee departed through Iesus Heare may we sée what it is to die well namely the death of Christ that of necessitie died for vs wretched sinners whereby through his death he hath purchased that we shal neuer die but sleepe only Out of which sléepe Christ a mightie Lorde and king shall at the last day raise vs vp if we beléeue vppon him and lead vs with himselfe into euerlasting blisse and peace Therefore suffer this sléeping bodie lie and rest and his soule in the meane season refresh it selfe and reioyce vntill that day when body and soule shall come againe together and enioy euerlasting felicitie Whervnto our Lord Iesus nowe helpe vs all together Amen Secondarily it is not possible that man may so much bridle nature that we should not be heauie and complaine after the death of our friendes And also Syrach saith the 38. chapiter My sonne powre foorth ●eares ouer the dead and beginne to mourne as if thou haddest suffered great harme thy selfe and then couer his body according as he hath appointed and neglect not his buriall Make a greeuous lamentation and be earnest in mourning and vse lamentation as he is worthie and that a day or two least thou be euil spoken on and then comfort thy selfe for thine heauinesse For of heauines commeth death the heauines of the heart breaketh the strength Of the afflictions of the heart commeth sorrow and the life of him that is afflicted is according to his heart Take no heauines in heart driue it away and remember the last end Forget it not for there is no turning againe thou shalt do him no good but hurt thy selfe Remember his iudgement thine also shal be likewise Vnto me yesterday and vnto thee to day Seeing the dead is at rest let his remembrance rest and comfort thy selfe againe for him seeing his spirite is departed from him Thus we sée that also the good Patriarches and holy people haue after this maner mourned as Abraham Ioseph Dauid c. But at the length they haue layd mourning aside and comforted themselues with the ioyefull resurrection Yea Christ himselfe mourned for dead Lazarus Iohn 11. Thirdly and last of all you shal worshipfully bring this dead body to the earth and shewe vppon it such manner of worke of loue as Syrach willeth vs in the vij Chapter saying Shewe thy good will vpon the dead specially worshipfully accompanie him conuey him and help him to his graue for the resurrection sake As Syrache also saith in the 38. Chapter When any dyeth burie him decently and bring his body worshipfully to the graue As did good Tobie Dauid and many moe to giue vs example how we ought to behaue our selues towardes the dead Our Lord God graunt vs his grace that euery of vs each one for other may be diligent in this behalfe whereby we all to the prayse of God and to the profit of our neighbours without let or offence may begin goe forward and happily end through Christe our Lorde in the holy Ghost Amen Thus you sée welbeloued in Christe our Lord vpon this dead body the earnest and high iudgement of GOD and what an extreme horror our Lorde God hath vpon sinne For who hath thus iudged this dead body taken from him his comely countenaunce giuen vnto him such an ougly looke face Onely death But wherfore Only bicause Death is the wages for sinne But if this dead man since his birth had not sinned then had sinne neuer had suche power ouer him But from whence hath death this power Only from Gods wrath and iudgment Therefore tremble looke vp to GOD auoyde sinne for this dead body maye be a warning vnto you that ye kéepe your selues from sinne Christ Iesus kéepe and defend vs altogether Amen ¶ To the Reader FRiendly and Christian Reader hitherto haue ye perceiued in plaine simple manner howe sicke persons are to be comforted I haue also shortly shewed you first of Repentaunce then of Faith and afterward of Good workes which I haue not done only for the sick and for such as be ready to dye but also for them that be in health to the intent that they that be whole in the
muche offended against sinne not only with temporall punishment but also with euerlasting Therefore you shall vnderstande well knowe and learne that you by meanes of your doings and sinne haue wrought and deserued not only a temporall but also an euerlasting death For if God would deale with you acording to his earnest and vttermost iudgment then should your punishment be euerlasting and neuer haue end But séeing that God hath forséene you from the beginning and hath taken and receiued you through his fatherly correction in the time of grace but specially nowe at this time he will turne your euerlasting punishment into temporal punishment cut short his euerlasting anger and displeasure to a timely and tēporal anger And yet the same before him is no anger but a fatherly visitation whereby he will make you leape ouer the way to euerlasting damnation and lead you out of it and by this crosse he will bring you to the right way to heauen Therefore our Lord GOD of grace and fauour by meanes of the innocent death of his welbeloued sonne our Lord Christ will take from you the euerlasting punishment and take the same from your soule and lay it vppon your body so that both your body and your soule may at the length be made frée and deliuered wholy both from worldly and euerlasting punishment Therfore this worldly correction is laid vpon the body but as it were the space of the twinckling of an eye whereby you being warned of your vnpenitent life might leaue off to sin which otherwise will not be and you would still haue continued in sinne and thereby at the last haue fallen into the feareful anger of God and euerlasting torment plague Howbeit God of his great mercy hath taken mercy of your fall and will deliuer you from his great mightie strong and euerlasting iudgement The righteousnesse and iustice of God hath earnestly sought and required to haue her right vpon you that is to say euerlasting punishment and paine but the mercy of God hath on your behalfe stept in the middle and hath foughten against iudgement and mercy hath obteined the victorie and driuen iudgement backe so that she shal neuer hereafter lay any thing to your charge how be it so that righteousnesse is partly agréed with all and satisfied but onely temporally as farre as concerneth the body but not the soule This is a wonderfull battel and on your side maruellously brought aboute through grace For what is this temporal transitorie suffering enduring as it were but the twinckling of an eye in comparison of the euerlasting tormentes where you should haue abidden the euerlasting death and paine Therefore is this a tollerable yea rather an acceptable and pleasaunt exchaunge séeing we by our sinne haue deserued the euerlasting wrath of God punishment that this punishment now shall endure but for a time yea rather but the twinkling of an eye which else should haue béene euerlasting and fearefull if God in his anger would haue delt with vs Therefore nowe welbeloued you shall doe like one that hath his house a fire and burneth all in a flame so that it is vnpossible to be quenched Then wil he throwe out and fetche from thence all his treasure iewels And if he can saue them from burning he may with them build vp an other house Thus must you likewise do Your house I meane your body is of a light flame it so burneth with sinne that there is no hope to quench it you must now let your old house burne and now looke about and bethinke you howe to saue and deliuer your treasure and iewels that is your soule through a true faith in Christ your deliuerer then shall you wel at Doomes day thorough that iewel come to a new house where you shal haue a new bodie in the blessed resurrection of the elected and chosen people of God which neuer dieth nor thorough fire can be consumed But you shal then haue such a bodie as shal neuer die nor at any time suffer any griefe punishment paine harts sorrow trouble or néed neuermore forsakē but enioye euerlasting peace and blessednes Therefore praye now that he wil rule and turne the harts of the magistrates that they will lay vpon you of fauour such correction as shal be most séemely in this case that you may quietly suffer and beare For God ruleth the heartes of the magistrates and sitteth amongst them in their counsel iudgements And séeing the great magistrate is of your side you haue altogether and can lacke nothing Thirdly marke also further welbeloued that Gods iudgement euer beginneth at his owne children For whensoeuer he purposeth to correcte the world with his displeasure and earnest punishment first of all he séeketh out his owne and visiteth them and correcteth them first of all with his fatherly rodde whereby he may saue and deliuer them from the endlesse and euerlasting damnation as S. Peter sheweth in his first Epistle and 4 Chap. out of the holy prophet Ieremie in the 25. Chapter The iudgement of God saith he beginneth at Gods house And as Dauid saith Psa. 75. The Lord hath a cuppe in his hand which is full of mightie wine he skinketh and filleth out of it But godlesse people must drincke all out and make a carrouse and suppe vppe the very dregges of Gods wrath It is hereby ment GOD giueth euery bodie their measure that they shal suffer but the grounds and dregges remaine for the vngodly especially for the stubborne froward and vnpenitent world which will néedes perishe in their stubbornes But the iudgement anger correction and visitation which God of his grace layeth vppon his children is after many sortes God correcteth some of his children with sicknes some with pouerty some with imprisonment some with contempt that they be not regarded nor any accompt made of them some other with temporal death by the magistrate as he hath now purposed to correct you therefore it appeareth outwardly that God sheweth himselfe as thoughe he were angrie with you But With him there is no anger for his anger lasteth but the twinkling of an eye after that he taketh vppe his againe with euerlasting grace and mercie As the prophet Esaias in his 54. Chapter saith And as Dauid remembreth in his 89. Psalme If the children of grace breake and forsake Gods commandementes and keepe not Gods lawes then will God with his rodde seuerely visite them But hee will not turne his grace from them The cause is the mercifull couenaunt which God hath by meanes of his onely begotten sonne made and established with his children Fourthly thus you shall earnestly beléeue that this your suffering care shame martyrdome and death is not sufficient thereby to purchase euerlasting life For if you by your death and paines might before God do penance and satisfie then dyed our Lord Christe in vaine but séeing he dyed he hath by that his suffering passion and death done
sufficient penance for your sinnes appeased Gods wrath reconciled you to GOD his father and purchased for you euerlasting righteousnes blessednesse Therefore by this your suffering death you can not escape Gods iudgement nor make amendes to Gods iustice nor make satisfaction for euerlasting punishment but only thereby you do make satisfaction before the worlde For séeing that you haue done amisse offended the outwarde temporall and worldly iustice and transgressed and found guiltie thereof you must necessarily satisfie the same externall and outward iustice with such outward punishment as the worlde and the magistrate can doe for aboue that the world nor the magistrate can not reach nor giue correction But for as much as the offence whiche you haue committed against the Magistrate is also against God and his holy commaundementes specially this sinne whiche you at the first on the racke or pyning banke and after by your owne confession haue acknowledged besides other grieuous faultes wherewith in your life time from your youth hitherto you haue offended God your Lord in such manner that he might punish you for such offences euerlastingly and not for a time yet will he not do so as I haue told you before but he will mercifully forgiue you such offences altogether both small and great howe so euer you haue committed them through the deseruing miserie shame bitter death of his deare sonne our Lord Christ Iesus your Sauiour So that Gods iustice is satisfied for you by Christ our lord For GOD hath made his sonn for our sakes to be righteousnesse holinesse and our deliuerer 1. Cor. 1. Therfore you must beleue this not doubt confesse it with your mouth Do you beléeue this deare beloued Say yea Fiftly lest peraduenture you should imagine and say How commeth it then to passe that God hath only laide vpon me this shame reproch death Howe commeth it to passe that he hath spyed me out only Am I then alone the most wicked the most vnhappie man vppon the earth There be yet many worse then I. Why could he not visite and punish me after some other fashion Marke wel here and learne that it becommeth you not to murmur and be vnpatient by your leue against God nor his purposed worke for if God will thus visite you you ought not to weiue it nor refuse it for God can best skill according to his fatherly goodnesse how to intreate and handle his children and he will not deale alike with one childe as with an other He hath many crosses and rodds whereby he will chastice his He forbeareth some long and another he patiently abideth he leadeth him therby to repentance the thirde he taketh foorth to him selfe with this rod but he taketh vp an other with an other rod after them our Lorde God layeth vpon euery one his crosse Therfore by your leaue you shall not despaire nor doubt neither wishe nor desire that you were dead or that this or that carrie you away as some haue done of impatience feare and shame of the world What hurt is it to you that you must in déede be shamed before the worlde and that euery man beholdeth you as vppon a great offender séeing neuerthelesse that you be the child of God through your beléefe vpon Christ Which our Lord God and the whole armie and hoast of heauen doth nowe heholde looke vpon though it doth not apeare before the world All that you haue to doe shal passe away in the twinckling of an eye after that the worlde shall beholde you after an other fashion I mean at doomes day in great ioy and glory as one of Gods chosen children What shal it then hinder you though you for an hour or two must be kept to be shamed and openly executed or put to death Reioyce be frolike that at the general day thou shalt escape condemnation before the whole earth and all the hoast and armie of heauen It is much better that you should suffer reproch and shame a little while before a smal number then that at that day you shoulde be shamed and confounded before the Angels and the whole worlde for euer and euer Therfore yeald your self thervnto willingly and behold this shame death not with your bodily eye but with your spirituall eye Doe away your eyes remembraunce and reason let euery man laughe mocke looke say and doe what they will. Looke not vpon man but vpon God he is at hand with all Angels they behold you gratiously they haue pitifull hearts with you and our Lord Christ and our deliuerer will take you with him into euerlasting peace and blessednesse There be also among this companie heape and cluster of people many good men that feare God that be very sorrie and take griefe with you and doe truly pray to God for you Therefore do you not suffer alone but Christ our Lord and head suffereth with you Likewise al Christian members suffer with you likewise all creatures beholde with you and heartily long for your deliuerie as witnesseth Saint Paule Rom. 8. Therefore turne you to him that striketh you that is to God your true louing father and praye vnto him that he will mitigate shorten and ease your paines and smartes and lend vnto you a strong and merrie heart manfully and patiently to beare this crosse laide vpon you and to stande vpright And then you shall proue in the midst of your trouble that he is mercifully on your side doth helpe you suffer and beareth your crosse for he will be with you in your aduersitie therfore lay al your trouble only vpon our Lord God he wil first make your troubles in your heart and conscience easier and take them cleane away And after that your heart is once at peace with God and that you haue obteined a quiet conscience then will all bodily paines be very little and nothing in comparison of the conscience Then séeing that to euery man particularly or by him selfe death as a iust rewarde of sinne is appointed and that we all which shall remain after you must also get vs hence and no man remaine but that death must swallowe vppe the whole worlde what hurt is it to you that you go a litle before vs to the way of blessednesse and haue possessed and inioyed euerlasting life before vs Though you nowe by the way to blessednesse shall tread a hard bitter sharpe and rough way yet haue you this aduantage that you in a whole body and good memorie and perfect reson slide hence and in death you doe thrust into euerlasting life and all we must come after And who can tell how we poore néedie and forsaken men shal doe and what shall come of vs We be sure to be assaulted with many misfortunes and plagues and at the last some long time lye stretching and suffer many smarts and troubles vpon our sicke bed all which you haue escaped and in the meane season rest quietly and comfort your selfe and
nowe be in néede and must suffer for your misdéedes let goe and let passe altogether all such thoughts and earthly temptations and thinke thus Well now albeit that I hitherto haue béene by God appointed and set to be a purueyor to take care to mainteine my wife children c. and I haue not honestly behaued my selfe in that calling I hartily therfore desire my Lord God in Christe Iesus my deliuerer that he will not lay to my charge that sinne but through grace pardon me for I am very sorie Therefore almightie God séeing thou wilt take that my care and office from me and put me besides it I commend them vnto thée as to the chiefest magistrate their Lorde defender father that thou wilt vouchsafe that I maye commende vnto thée my wife children and friendes and not to suffer that they shal be charged with mine offences but to take care for them defend them féede them and mainteine them as the true onely father in heauen and earth And that thou wilt vouchsafe in my stéed to send them some other that may leade them and bring them vp in godly feare and Christianlike conuersation And althoughe that they before the world must be charged with my faultes that thou wilt richly requite those things vnto them and lay against that thy gentle gratious and fatherly blessing so that they may enioye their innocencie All these thinges I cōmend vnto thée together Oh most mightie Lord and God into thy gratious hand Wherevnto also I commit my life and soule Therefore doe I yéeld vnto thy mercie altogether and in perfect trust blessed hope that thou wilt gratiously accept this my poore prayer heare me in Iesu Christ thine only louing sonne Amen Now welbeloued in this ouergiuing and prayer wherein you haue giuen ouer al things vnto God in your prayer and offered them vp you shall wholy throughly persuade your selfe of Gods mercie For God is rich toward them that call vppon him Beléeue this thing onely and so it will in déede come to passe according vnto the comfortable promise of Christ our Lord in the 11. of Marke where he comforteth such as doe pray and promiseth to giue them all Oure Lord Christ saith Whatsoeuer you pray for in your prayer onely beleeue that ye shall receiue it and you shall haue it And in Marke the 9. Christ saith thus If you can beleeue all thinges are possible to them that beleeue Therefore giue vnto our Lord God the glorie and estéeme him to be a true god Then will he for his trueth sake heare your prayer and kéepe you For He is gratious and mercifull of great goodnes trueth God surely is the highest but he looketh vppon the lowest very gladly and of them that be of gentle and courteous minde and heart Onely for his loue sake that he beareth towardes them that be of troubled and heauie hearts For they be so commended vnto him that he hath special regard vpon them As our Lord God himselfe acknowledgeth Esaie 66. where God saith thus I behold such as be in miserie and haue a contrite heart and on such as feare my word This is the right offering that pleaseth God specially a troubled spirit For A sorrowful troubled heart will not God despise Psalm 51. If you then can commend all your causes to God your very creatour giue ouer all to him then will he doe like a louing and gentle father can well tell how to prouide for all yours For he is the Iudge of the widowes and the father of orphanes and the fatherlesse As vpon him it is written in the Psalme 68. Then séeing that God by this means and crosse layd vppon you wil take you away from yours you shall not therefore sorrowe nor be dismayde specially séeing that within a short time you shal finde againe all your friends in euerlasting life euen as you beléeue the ioyful resurrection of all Christians to enioy euerlasting liuing There shall you find for your earthly friendes heauenly friendes To die you must necessarily and prepare your selfe therevnto as all mankinde must and no man be left behinde God doth this thing vnto you for the best bycause this way he doth shorten your griefes and pains helpeth you this way through all paine shame slander and death very easily and fatherly Therfore be lustie and of good courage he that layeth this crosse vpon you he will also helpe you to beare it giue you patience make a blessed end of it Ninethly Séeing then that God hath laid this crosse vpon you that you shuld heare it a very litle while therefore you shall not excuse your selfe nor make your fault light to the world nor smooth it as though you were guiltlesse or as though you had not deserued this your punishment laide vpon you Take not the figge leafe before thée thereby to couer thine offence as the nature of olde Adam is to doe and as Adam after his sinne would thereby haue couered him selfe But giue God the glorie as Iosua warned the offender Achan when he tooke him with the things that were cursed Iosua 7. Then said Iosua there vnto him My sonne giue to the Lord God of Israel the glory and giue him the prayse and tell me and confesse what hast thou done lye not Then also said Achan therevpon Surely I haue sinned against the Lorde the God of Israel thus thus haue I done c. There did Achan before all folke acknowledge his offence and albeit he were by the Magistrate condemned to dye by Gods appointment yet is he no doubt thereof taken vp through Gods mercy and much commended for his confession he gaue God the glory and so departed in Gods mercy Likewise welbeloued shall you also doe searche your heart giue God the glorie which alonly is good wise righteous and holy but all men be euill and false Take nothing hence with you carrie nothing awaye with you but searche your heart and conscience and what you haue don denie it not do not make it lesse but séeing it is manifest and knowne and séeing GOD hath brought your offence to light and by the magistrate ordeined will punish you therefore giue God prayse and thanks that he will of grace not punishe you for euer Thinke it is much better here before fewe folke to be a little while shamed then hereafter before al the world and the whole companie of heauen for all must come to light and be openly knowne therefore it is much better here then there Then séeing that God by the Magistrate hath made it knowne therefore suffer it patiently willingly and blame no man as though any man had opened it of malice or condemned you as your enimie The Magistrates iudgement is Gods iudgement and the sentence hath also pleased him He is the highest Iudge therefore blame no man and charge no man that is vnguiltie in this case If you haue
shall set against death For death hath layde hand vpon this innocent Lord and wearied him without al right and equitie whereby death euen lost al his strength and might so that he can do no more when this Lord laieth hand vpon him and taketh to him selfe those that be his Therefore be not afraide for Death is swallowed vp in victorie 1. Cor. 15. You haue a great vordeale or aduauntage for as much as you haue of your side the most valiant and most mightie which shall neuer be able to be ouercome yea him that is Lord both of death of life If death come vnto you would deuour you wil eate you vp and swallowe you downe yet can our Lord God whiche is the right life it selfe by his almightie cōming and might make you aliue againe yea in the middest of death holde you by life and make you liue for euer For you shall not denie or refuse to make this exchaunge where you shall haue an euerlasting and blessed life in stead of a transitorie perishing and labourious life which is ful of miserie misfortunes and plagues Let death take from you such a life as will last but the twinckling of an eye which fléeth and passeth away like a shadowe and our Lorde giue you an euerlasting life Amen Thirtéene Well nowe dearly beloued if your sinne done and committed do tempt you again and your sore misdéedes which you haue done therefore would dismay you make you faint harted heauie pensiue as though Christe would disdaine you bicause of your sinnes and so not take you to him and to his fauour then shall you set before your eyes Christ your God and Lorde as the holy scripture setteth him foorth not follow your owne imagination your reason For in the holy Scripture you shal finde here and there how maruellous comfortable our Lorde Christe hath ben at all times to miserable sinners howe loath he is to contemne or despise the miserable troubled assaulted and sorrowful sinner howe he doth not withdraw him selfe from them or with drawe his helpe from them whiche vndoubtedly is a great comfort to al troubled sinfull hearts For behold and remember the whole life of our Lorde Christ then shall you not only perceiue that he hath not onely taken to his fauour one or two sinners hath taken pitie only vppon them but he hath flocked into the middest of sinners wherby he might helpe them foorth of their sinnes First sée his generation his great grandfather had he not many sinners in his petigrée as Iuda by name Dauid Manasses Thamar Rachab Barsaba and such like and very many moe Wherefore doth our faithfull and good Lorde not be ashamed flée from sorrowful and penitent sinners why doth he not Surely euen therfore that therby all sorrowfull sinners shuld the more boldly haue a hartie resort and recourse vnto him specially séeing that he vppon such sinners could take and shewe his truth loue and friendship wherby they might thereby winne and haue a liuelier passage and fréedome to beholde all goodnesse all trueth and helpe to be in this only bearer and carrier of our sinnes Beholde further and looke vpon the birth of our lord Christ in his birth So soone as he was borne into the world he suffered him selfe to be séene made open and to be knowne through the Angels from heauen to the poore people specially to the shepheards in the fielde there must to them be shewed this comfortable ioy Behold to you this day is borne a Sauiour This ioy shal all people haue There by his Angels is the innocent childe Iesus giuen and declared first to the poore shepheards and after that to the whole world But who be the shepheards who be al people surely al poore and miserable sinners for whose sake Christe came and was borne to helpe them out of their sinnes As also then such a name was giuē vnto him namely Iesus that is to say a Sauiour that shall loose his people from their sinnes Behold also and sée vprightly wherfore was Christe at the eight day circumcised so shed his innocent bloud Surely for the cause of poore and wretched sinners For Saint Paule saith Gala. 4 that Christ hath yealded him selfe therfore vnder the lawe and circumcision to the intent he might deliuer them that were vnder the lawe But who were more hardly snarled vnder the lawe then the wretched sinner Sée yet to whom did Christ preach and whome did he turne and conuert Any other then the poore sinner To whome hath he friendlier spokē helped or counselled made whole both in body and soule then euen the poore cumbred and sorrowfull sinner Mark also with whom did Christ wander goe about here through the Iewishe lande and commaunded that they should preach abroad his wholsome Gospell Surely with his welbeloued Apostles But what were they Wretched sinners as Matthewe and likewise Peter yea did they not shewe them selues many times before Christe to be weake worthy reproch and fraile How oft hath our good Lord friendly rebuked them taught them taken in good part their weaknesse helped them suffered and borne with their faults and wants and yet neither condemned them nor cast them away but continually handled them after the best manner whereby at the last he might deliuer them frō their sinnes There hath Christ not only receiued poore sinners in so much as he touched the hurt of their soul but also the harmes of their body Howe many thousand men hath he many times fedd when their hunger and néede went into his heart and he tooke pitie of their miserie Oh how many amongest them were miserable sinners yea infidels and not worthy to haue and receiue such goodnesse at Gods hand How many hath he healed in their bodies from agues dropsie and leprosie Item such as were lame crooked blind and haunted and possessed with euill spirits Yea some he did raise from death it selfe and alwayes shewed him selfe in all things as the very true Sauiour of the whole world by that meanes to bring the Infidels to faith and to be short done the best to euery man and shut out no man that had néede of his helpe and had called vpon him as the holy Euangelistes here and there do euidently and plainly declare With which louing comfortable and gratious examples of Christe they shew vnto vs his great vnspeakble loue and mercy and declare shew the same vnto vs with all diligence Whereby we may learne to knowe aright our Lorde Christe specially that he is therefore come to helpe miserable sinners both in body and soule both from temporall and euerlasting hurte whervnto sathan hath brought al mankinde For Christe is therefore come that he should destroy the worke of sathan 1. Ioh. 3. Whome so euer he helpeth in soule him helpeth he also in body And though he doe not alwayes hourely declare the same in this world yet at Doomes day it will appeare where he