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ID Title Author Corrected Date of Publication (TCP Date of Publication) STC Words Pages
A03126 Here begynneth a lytell cronycle translated [and] imprinted at the cost [and] charges of Rycharde Pynson. by the co[m]maundement of the ryght high and mighty prince, Edwarde duke of Buckingham, yerle of Gloucestre, Staffarde, and of Northamton.; La fleur des histoires de la terre d'Orient. English. Hayton, Frère, ca. 1235-ca. 1314. 1520 (1520) STC 13256; ESTC S109747 76,736 96

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brought prysoners One of Ginbogas neuiewes was in that coūtrey went after the christen men with a smale cōpany a horsebacke and as he began to blame them of that that thei had done and wold take the prey that they brought Some of the christen men ranne vpon hym and so kylde hym whā Ginboga vnderstode that the christen men of Saiect had slayn his neuiewe He rode with his men came to Sarepte and as many christen men as he founde put thē to the swerde but the peple of Sarepte wente away in the yle but fewe slayne Ginboga dyde putte fyre in the cyte and brake the walles and neuer sythe Ginboga had neuer trust nor loue with the christen men of Syrie nor his men After that the Tartas were dryuen oute of the realme of Syrie by the power of the sowdā of Egipt As it shal be declared here after ¶ How the sowdā of Egipt droue the Tartas out of Syri IN that tyme the Barca began warre agaynst Helcone as we haue sayd before the sowdan of Egipt gathered his armye and came into the Palestins countreys In a place that is called Haymelot and ther he fought with the Tartas but they coude nat abyde the sowdans power so they fled backe with theyr captayns It was sayd that Gynboga was slayne in the batayle the Tartas that scaped from the said batayle went into Armenie At the tyme the realme of Syrie torned to the sowdans power but some cytes that were by the see that the christen men kept Whan Helcon vnderstode that the sowdan of Egipt was entred into the realme of Syrie and that he had betyn his mē and kylde them He gathered his hoost and sende to the kynge of Armenie to the kynge of Georgy and to the other christen men of the parties of Syrie that they sholde be redy to go with hym agaynst the sowdan of Egipt And whan Halcon had all his army redy for to go to the realme of Syri a sharpe synenesse toke hym that helde hym .xv. dayes of which he dyed and so his deth lette the goynge into the holy lande After hȳ his sonne Albaca he●dē the lordeshippe of Halcon This Albaga wolde the Ambyla his vncle sholde confirme hym his lordship which thinge he dyde with a good wyll bycause that he knewe well the Albaga was the best and the wysest sonne that Halcon had and so he was called Albaga Can. And began as raygne in the yere of our lorde god a thousand CC.lxiiii ¶ How Albaga wolde nat become christen which fortuned hym yll ALbaga that was moch valyant kept wysely his lordeshyp and was moche fortunat in all maner of thinges saue that he wold nat become christē as his father Halcō was and so he was any do●…er And an other thing was that he made warr vpon his neyghbours whiche caused hym that he coude nat ouercome the sodan of Egipt and bycause of that the ●…dan of Egiptes power encreases moche yet the sowdan of Egipt dyd an other subtyll poynt for he sende his messangers to the ta●tas that were in the realme of Comany and of Roussy made couenable peace and loue with them And ordayned if Albaga wolde come into the lande of Egipt that they shold inuade his landes and that they shold warre vpon hym And for this cōposicyon the sowdan had great ●y to haue the christēmens landes of Syri and for that cause the christēmen loste the cyte of Antyoch and many other As it is wryten in the cronicle boke of the holy lande ¶ Bendonedar which was sowdan of Egipt was moche mighty and puysaunt He sende his hoost into Armeny but the kynge was gone to the tartas Than his two sonnes gathared the hoost of Armeny which was at that tyme of great power and came agaynste their ennemys fought with thē The batayle was great but at the ende the christenmen were ouer come of the two sonnes the one was takē prisoner and the other slayn in batayle And than the sarasyns entred in the lande wasted all the playn of Armeny The christēmens power was moch minyshed bycause of that the puytaunce of the sarasyns power was moche enhaunced Whan the kyng of Armeny vnderstod this tidynges of his sonnes and of the lande he was moch sorowfull thought in his mynde how that he myght do harme to his ennemys Thanne went he to Albaga and to the other tartas desiryng and prayeng thē that they wolde come to helpe the christēmen The kyng trauayled moch but Albaga wold nat go for bycause that he had warre with his neyghbours The kyng seyng that he coude nat haue helpe so shortly of the tartas send his messāgers to the sowdan of Egipt and cōfirmed peace with hym to thyntent that he myght haue his sonne out of prison And the Sowdā made poyntment with the kyng that he shuld rendre vnto hym one of his felowes which was called Sangolagar that the tartas kept and that he shold yelde to hym agayn the castell of the lande of Halap that he helde he shulde gyue to hym his sonne agayn The kyng dyde so moch that the tartas gaue hym Sāgolagar the sowdans felowe aboue sayd and the kynge yelded to the sayd felowe the castell of Trepessache two other castels that he brake downe at the sowdās request And in this maner the king of Armenis sonne Baron Lynon was delyuerd out of the prison of the sarasyns ¶ After that the kyng Hayton of good remēbraūce which had don̄ grete good to the christēdom ī his lyfe gaue his realme lordship to his son̄ Lynon aboue named and left the pryde of this world toke the order of relygion chaūged his name after the gife of the Armins and was called Macayres than the kyng Haytō dyed monke In the yere of oure lorde god a thousande two honderd .lxx. ¶ How Albaga toke the traitour Pernana and put hym to deth THe son̄ of kyng Hayton Baron Lynon● was wise and valy 〈◊〉 and gouerned his realme and his lordship wisely He was well beloued of his people the tartas dyde to hym great honour This fayd kyng Lynō toke moche labour for to graue the sarasyns by the tartas And diuers tymes send his messangers to Albaga that he shold come for to helpe to recouer the holy lande and to confound the power of Egipt At that tyme the sowdan of Egipt entred with his power into the realme of Turky he kyld and drope out all the tartas that were ther toke many landes and countreys By a traitour that Albaga had made chefe captain of Turky that was called Parnana whiche torned was obeydient to the sowdan of Egipt and toke moch labour for to dryue the tartas out of Turky Whan Albaga vnderstod this tydinges He gathered his hoost rodde hastely for of .xl. dayes iornay he made but .xv. and came to Turky Whā the sowdan knewe of the tartas
he requyred that perpetuall peace and loue sholde be betwene the tartas and the christen men The thyrde he required that in all the landes that the tartas had cōquered and sholde conquere the churches of the christen men as preestes clerkes and all the relygious ꝑsons shold be fre and delyuerd of all seruagl The .iiii. that the kynge required of Mango was to gyue helpe coūsell to delyuer the holy lande oute of the Sarasyns handes and to put it agayn into the christenmēs handes The fift he required that he wolde gyue cōmaundement to the tartas that were in Turkey that they sholde helpe to distroy the cytie of Baldach and the Calyf that is chefe and techer of the fals lawe of Mahomet The sixt he requyred a priuilege and cōmaundmēt that he myght haue helpe of the tartas that were nygh to the realm of Armeny whan he sholde requyre them The .vii. request was that all the landes that the sarasyns had taken that were of the realme of Armeny that after was come into the tartas handes sholde he restored frely vnto hym And also all the landes that he myght conquer agaynst the sarasyns that he myght holde them without any cōtradiction of the tartas in rest and peace ¶ How themꝑour Mango Can and his barownes agreed to the vii peticiōs of the king of Armeni WHan Māgo Can vnderstode the requestꝭ of the king of Armeny before his barownes and all his court answered sayd Bycause that the kyng of Armeny is come frō ferre countreis into our empyre of his owne frewyll It is metely that we shall fulfyll all his requestes To you kyng of Armeny we shall say as we be emꝑour we shal be baptysed first and shal beleue in the faith of christ shall do christen all thē of our house And shall kepe all the fayth that the christēmen holde to this day and to the other we shall gyue them counsell that they shall do lykewise for the fayth wyll haue no body by force The seconde request we answer and wyll that ꝑpetuall peas loue shal be amōge the christēmen and the tartas but we wyll that ye shal be pledge that the christenmen shall holde good peace and trewe loue towarde vs as we shall do towarde thē ▪ And we wyll that all the churches of the thristenmen prestes cleckes and all other persons of what degre or condicyon so euer they be seculer or relygiouse ꝑsons shall be free and delyuerd of all seruages And also they shal be defēded from all maner of hurt both of body and goodes ¶ And vpon the dede of the holy lande we say that we shall go personally with a right gode wyll for the honour of our lord Ihu christ But for bycause that we haue moch to do in those parties we shall cōmaunde to our broder Halcon that he shall go with you for to fulfyll this warke And shall delyuer the holy land fro the sarasyns power and shall restore it to the christenmen And we shall sende our commaundement to Bacho and to the other Tartas that be in Turky to the other that be in that coūtreys that they shall obey to our brother Halcon And he shall go to take the cyte of Baldach shall distroy the Calyfe as our mortall ennemy ¶ Of the priuilege that the kyng of Armenye requyringe to haue helpe of the Tartas we wyll that the priuilege shall be diuysed all after his owne mynde and pleasure all we cōmaunde confirme ¶ And all the landes that the king of Armeny requyred that sholde be restored vnto hym we graunt it with a right good wyll And cōmaunde to oure brother Halcon that he yeld to hym all the landes that were of his lordshyppe and more ouer we gyue vnto all the lādes that he may cōquere agaynst the sarasyns And of outspecyall grace we gyue hym all the castels that be nere to his lande ¶ How Māgo Can was christened at the request and desyre of the kynge of Armeny and dyuers other of his people And how the kynge of Armeny and Halcon wente to the Assasyns countreis WHan Mango Can had fynisshed all the peticions and requestes of the kynge of Armeny Soone after he caused a bysshoppe to christen hym which bysshoppe was chaunceler to the sayd kyng of Armeny And after he caused all his housholde seruauntes to be chrystened and many other both men and womē Than after he ordayned men of warre that sholde go with his brother And than Halcon and the king of Armeni with a great compani of men of armes rodde tyll they came to the flodde of Physon and dyde so well that or syx monethes were at an ende Halcone occupyed the realme of Persy and toke all the lādes and countreys there as the Assasyns dwelled That be men wtout any fayth or belefe saue that thei haue a lorde the which is called the olde mountayn dyde teche them to beleue and they be so moch obedient to their lorde that they put themselfe to deth at his cōmaundement ¶ In the sayd lande of Assasyns was a stronge castell well fornysshed with all maner of thingꝭ that was called Tigado Halcon commaūded to one of his captayns of the tartas that he shold lay sege to the sayd castell and that he sholde nat depart away tyll he had taken the sayd castell And than the tartas taryed to besege the sayd castell without any deꝑting .xxvii. yeres And at th end the Assasins yelded the castell for defaut of clothyng for no other thyng Whan Halcon vnderstod the taking of the sayd castell the king toke leue of Halcō retorned vnto Armeny taryed ther .iii. yeres and a halfe after in good helthe thanked be god ¶ After that Halcon had ordayned the gard of the realme of Persy he went into a delycate coūtrey that was named Soloch there he taryed all the sōmer in gret rest whan the wether was cold again Halcon went beseged the cyte of Baldach and the Calyf that was maister and techer of Mahometz lawe And whan he had gathared his hoost he caused the cite of Baldach to be assayled vpon all ꝑties And dyde so moche that they toke it by force and as many men and women as they found thei put thē to the swerd The Calyf was brought alyue before Halcō so moch richesse they found in the cytie of Baldache that it was wonder to beholde it And than Halcon commaunded that the Calyf with all his treasoure sholde be brought afore hym And than he sayd to the Calyfe knowest thou nat that all this tresour was thyn and he answered ye Than sayd Halcon vnto hym wherfore dyde you make no good ordinance prouysiō for to defende your landes from oure power And than the Calyf answered hym he thought that the olde women had ben sufficyent to defende the land Than sayd Halcō to the Calyf of Baldach bycause that thou art maister and techer of Mahometz lawe we shall