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A19602 The estate of the Church with the discourse of times, from the apostles vntill this present: also of the liues of all the emperours, popes of Rome, and Turkes: as also of the Kings of Fraunce, England, Scotland, Spaine, Portugall, Denmarke, &c. With all the memorable accidents of their times. Translated out of French into English by Simon Patrike, Gentleman.; L'estat de l'eglise. English. Hainault, Jean de.; Crespin, Jean, d. 1572.; Patrick, Simon, d. 1613. 1602 (1602) STC 6036; ESTC S109073 532,147 761

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in regarding and contemplating the auncient money precious stones or Images and Portraitures In the Romane consistorie Gregorie King of Boheme was condemned an heretike depriued of his kingdome and after the Pope by his Legate sollicited the Princes of Almaine and the king of Pannonia to inuade the kingdome of Boheme which they did and the said George was cast out of one part thereof Chron. Euseb In the moneth of September a Legate arriued in France to breake the pragmatike Sanction vnto whom Iohn de S. Romain the Kings Proctor generall would not consent for any menaces of the said Legate but said hee would rather loose both his office and goods before hee would yeeld to doo any thing so greatly to the preiudice of the Realme and Common-wealth The Towne of Liege was put to fire and sword by the Duke of Bourgongne because they had put their Bishop in prison who was his Nephewe by his sister as is reported by the Chronicle of Eusebius Others say he was his brother by his wife the Duke of Bourbon his daughter Frederic the third vpon deuotion went to Rome in winter Chron. Euseb Pope Paul hauing made alliance with the Turkes ioyned in league also with the Venetians Chron. Euseb The Pope Paul held Platina the Historiographer in prison wrongfully but his successor deliuered him He destroyed the Abbreuiataires in hatred of his predecessor who had reduced the said estate into order At that time it was a Colledge of learned and studious people in Diuine and Ciuill Lawes Poets Orators Historiographers c. See Naucler He set the Iubile from 25. yeares to 25. yeares not for the saluation of soules but rather to drawe new money vnto him saith Fasci Temp. There is found in the booke of Stanislaus Ruthen a thing worthy to bee noted That is that this Paul hauing read certaine Poesies that were made against him and his daughter began to weepe and amongst his friends began to accuse the rigour of the lawe of his former predecessours which forbadde Priestes to marrie for as much as hee which ought not onely to bee the head of the Church but also of continencie sawe that each one had talke of his daughter to his great dishonour and had theyr eyes continually vpon her And although shee were most excellent in beautie yet did it grieue him that men should thinke that hee had engendred her in whoredome Seeing hee knew well that there was a lawe ordained of God whereby shee might haue bene borne in wedlocke had it not bene for that singlenesse that is the defence for Priests to marrie which hindred it Therefore he had determined to haue set vp againe the marriage of Priests but he could not execute it because death preuented him For as he perswaded himselfe that hee should liue long he was suddenly taken with an Apoplexie and died suddenly hauing well supped the night before After this time the Popedome fell and decayed more and more The Kingdom of Cyprus The Venetians got the kingdome of Cyprus First the yeare 1470. they had established in the kingdome one Iames bastard of Cyprus against Lewis sonne of the Duke of Sauoy and the Queene Charlotte his wife daughter of Iohn king of Cyprus the true heire of that kingdome But for the better vnderstanding of the matter you must know that the said Venetians gaue to the said bastard in marriage Katherine the daughter of Marke Corrario a Gentleman of Venice who vpon their commaundement had ayded the said bastard in all his affaires against the said Lewis of Sauoy and the Queene Charlotte his wife euen to cast them out of Cyprus This Katherine was solemnly adopted a daughter by the Signiorie of Venice but it was not but for to adopt also the kingdome therewith But the said king bastard with his Venetian wife espowsed the cause of their death for as soone as she was espied to bee with childe the Venetians poysoned the said king caused a fame to runne that he died of a Fluxe of the belley and that hee had left his wife and the childe she was with his heire recommending them vnto the Seignorie of Venice When then shee was brought to rest they did with the chide as they had done with the father And they tooke the said Katherine which they called Queene and brought her to Venice and from that time they ceased and tooke possession of the said Kingdome which they haue held since the yeare 1470. vntill this day saith Iohn le Maire Of this Iames bastard and of the oath he made vnto the Souldan see Naucler Sixtus or Sistus fourth of that name a Geneuois by Nation borne in the Towne of Sauonne called before Francis de Ruere generall of the order of Friars and Cardinall of S. Sixtus after the death of Paul succeeded in the execrable Chaire As the solemnitie of his Coronation was done whilest they carried him in his Litter to the Church of Laterane hee was in great daunger of his life in a mutenie which arose suddenly in such sort that he was assailed euen with stones and forsaken almost of all that accompanied his Litter This Pope was very liberall towards his and bore them such an affection that in fauour of them he did and agreed vnto many things against all right and reason He promoted vnto the dignitie of a Cardinall before all others one called Peter de Ruere one of the same order and Nation and had bene nourished from his Infancie with a brother of his called Hierome although it seemed this man was borne foolishly to spend money For in two yeares that he liued after he consumed in all dissolution and violence the summe of 200000. Skutes besides many debts he left Iohn Textor in his Officine makes mention of this Cardinall and saith that in two yeares he spent in dissolutions vanities and incredible luxurie 300000. skutes The yeare 1475. a Citizen of Trent lost in the weeke before Easter commonly called the passion weeke a childe of two yeares olde And hauing sought him through all streetes in the Towne and not finding him he suspected he was carried away by the Iewes which inhabited there Wherefore he got him towards the Magistrate making great sorrow and deliuering his suspitions The Sunday following the Iewes told the Bishop that they had found a childe betwixt the floud called Rusch and the house of Samuel a Iew which the force of the water had cast vp there Certaine men were appointed to visit the childe which was found in the house of the said Samuel with his garments all wette his body was marked with diuers prickes Being asked how this childe came there they answered they knew not but that the fiercenesse of the water had driuen him thither But as soone as they were put to the Racke they confessed and rehearsed the case in order that is to say how they had consulted and chosen amongst them one Tobias to steale a Christian childe and to crucifie him at Easter
at large The Councell of Laterance was begunne by Iulius this yeare 1512. Leo his successor continued the said Councell the ende whereof was the 16. of March 1517. This horrible monster died the yeare following after he had begun the said Councell that is the yeare 1513. hauing committed an infinit number of murders and wickednesses vnheard of before he died the yeare 1513. the 21 of Februarie before the Councell which he had assembled at Rome was ended See Functius in his Commentaries There was an Almaine called Conrade Garbelius who made of him Tetrastike in Latine verses whereof the sence was this Hee that hath for his father a Genoua for his mother a Grecian and that is borne in the Sea it is impossible he should be good The Genouaes are deceiuers the Grecians are lyars and there is no securitie nor faithfulnesse in the Sea Thou Iulius hast in thee all these things We read a certaine Commētarie of the Doctors of Paris against the Lutherans being drawne on by a diuellish rage had by force the carnall company of two young children of a noble house which the Queene Anne of France had sent to Roberte Cardinall of Nantes to teach Melancton amongst others hath written certaine Latine Verses how that Iulius meaning to go to warre cast S. Peters keyes into Tiber and tooke the sword of S. Paul saying Seeing the keyes of S. Peter serue vs to no purpose it may be S. Pauls sword will do something Gaston de Fouex the Kings Nephewe was sent into Italie and tooke Bolongne and Bresse by force The Swisses alreadie practised by the Pope passed into Italie On Easter day the yeare 1512. the French got a battaile at Rauenna and tooke the Towne against the Pope the Spaniards and the Venetians Gaston died there aduauncing himselfe with too small a company vpon his enemies Iulius practised with the Emperour and the King of England to assaile the King of Fraunce in diuers places of his Kingdome Ferdinand king of Spaine tooke and occupied against all right vnder colour of excommunication the Arrathame of Iulius the kingdome of Nauarre The King of England beeing assured of succours from Flaunders discended to Calais but the king of Scotland Iames the fourth and the king of France his Allie entered into his Countrey but lost a great battaile and was himselfe slaine They did litle in Guien or Normandie whether they sent two Armies Afterward the French and they fought vpon the Sea Two faire Ships well furnished that is the Regent of England and the Cordelier of France grapled one with the other And the most part of such as were within were either burnt or drowned A peace was published betwixt the King and the Venetians The English men besieged Terwine At the Iourney of Sporrs the French fared ill The Townes of Terwine and Tornay were taken by the English Anne de Britaine the wife of king Lewis the 12. and before the widowe of Charles the eight dyed at this time leauing two daughters Claudia which afterward espowsed Francis de Valois and Renee at this present widowe of the Duke of Ferrara Leo the tenth of that name borne at Florence of the house of Medices before called Iohn de Medices being Cardinall of the title of S. Mary in Dominica beyond all mens expectation was elected Pope and succeeded Iulius Hee had beene very diligently instructed in good Letters in his first youth and had had learned schoolemaisters Amongst others Angelus Politian a man very learned as well in the Greeke as Latin tongue this was the cause he loued so much men of learning and knowledge Being of the age of thirteene yeares hee was chosen Cardinall by Innocent the 8. and in the 30. of his age he was chosen Pope of Rome This Leo of his owne nature was debonaire gentle and peaceable but he was too much gouerned by such as were enemies of rest and cruell after whose wills many things were done very disloyally The King Lewis died the first day Ianuarie 1514. hauing raigned 17. yeares He was called the Father of the people a title which fewe kings had after him The greatest pleasure that Pope Leo had was delicately to nourish himselfe in all things pleasant to the flesh and such delights as would soonest drawe men into all wicked concupiscences He tooke great pleasures in Singers and Musitians to recreate his spirit at Table as hee dranke and made good cheare Hee bare an irreconciliable hatred vnto the Gospell of the kingdome of God which he persecured in the person of Luther and many others For as one day the Cardinall Bembo vttered before him a certaine thing drawne from the Gospell he answered him mocking It hath euer sufficiently bene knowne what profit that Fable of Iesus hath brought vs and our company This marchant gaue hereby sufficiently to be knowne that he was that Antichrist which S. Paul called the man of sinne and the sonne of perdition He spread abroad through the world certaine pardons and Indulgences full of all impietie yea and ridiculous to the end to heape vp siluer to maintaine his pleasures to nourish his whores and enrich his bastards And heerein he serued himselfe with Mendicant beggers which in infinit number traced and ranne ouer all Christian kingdomes One called Sampson of Millaine a Friar heaped vp by that meane so great a summe of siluer in diuers Countries that the world was astonished thereat as a thing contrarie to nature For he one day offered the summe of an hundreth and twentie thousand Ducats for the Papacie This Pope Leo created in one day one and thirtie Cardinalls and by that meanes pursed vp a great sum of siluer And that same day were seene very horrible signes and wonders the yeare 1521. at which time Soliman Emperor of the Turkes tooke Rhodes On the day of Christs Natiuitie as Leo went out of his chamber to goe sing Masse at the breake of the day after their maner a marble couer well couched and laid fell suddenly downe so that many of his company were there slaine and amongst others the Captaine of the Swisses gard By such a presage God shewed that the Popedome should shortly perish because of the enormeous and detestable wickednesse committed therein He greatly inriched at other expences his bastards and erected and lifted them vp to principalities and dignities as well Secular as Ecclesiastice Hee created Duke of Mutine Iulian whom some said was his Nephewe his sisters sonne and Laurence Duke of Vrbin and married the one that is to say Iulian with the Duke of Sauoyes sister and the other with the the daughter of the Countesse of Bolongne But hee had depriued the true Duke of Vrbin of the possession of the Duchy to the ende hee might establish one of them in his place hee sought also to doo the like to the Duke of Ferrara but it was in vaine As for his Nephewe Iulius hee made him a Cardinall The yeare 1421. and
onely sonne of Selim aforesaid succeeded him in the Empire of the Turkes Anno 1518. Soliman three yeares after tooke Belgarde in Hungarie which was the Fortresse and defence of the Christians and from thence about other three yeares he tooke Rhodes by composition hauing in his Armie 200000. Turkes and 400. Gallies and two yeares after that he destroyed the Country of Hungarie with fire sword vanquished the King of the Country and tooke Bude But the 14. of his kingdome comming to besiege Vienna in Hungarie with a great puissance he was put backe by God his grace and the force of the Almaines By nature he was hautie and glorious hauing so great dominions and victories Hee pretended that the Empire of Rome and of the West appertained vnto him For he said he was the true successour of Constantine who transported the Empire from Rome and vnto Constantinople His ordinary reuenew is of sixe millions of skutes some say seuen for each yeare and whensoeuer it pleaseth him to make warre he gaineth more thereby then he leeseth because of the great store of siluer he taketh of his subiects He hath more treasure and precious stones then all other kings together as Paulus Iouius saith who also attributeth the losse of Rhodes to the carelesnes and negligence of the Pope Maximilian deceased in Austriche the 12. Ianuary after the obteining of the Empire 27. yeares Charles 5. the sonne of Phillip Archduke of Austrich of the age of 19. yeares was chosen Emperor of Rome the 25. Iune and succeeded his graundfather Maximilian The Pope would haue hindered his election because he was king of Naples and that the kings of Naples were bound to the Pope to denounce that Empire whilest they should be kings of Naples but it was in vaine Zuinglius is called from Glarone to Zurich to read teach Theologie The bookes of Luther are burnt the Popes partakers in Almaine Luther also for his part publikely burnt at Wittemberge the Popes Canon lawe as also a new decree whereby hee was condemned and after yeelded a reason of his so doing The Emperour at the instance of Frederic of Saxonie sent the 6. of March to Luther that vnder his faith and safegard he should come to a Iourney held Wormes whither hee came against the aduise of his friends and entering there the 16. of of Aprill he came out againe the 26. of the said moneth Ferdinand the Emperours yonger brother Prince of Austrich tooke to wife Anne the onely daughter of Vladislaus King of Hungarie and of Boheme the sister of Lewis the last King of the line of Hungarie Luther apposed by Eckins the Lawyer at the Iourney at Wormes constantly maintained the truth The Emperour writ Letters to Princes wherby he declared his aduise that Luther should be abandoned to whosoeuer would sley him He is excōmunicated anathematized by Pope Leo. The Sorbonists of Paris assailed him so did Henry the 8. King of England by his owne writing Wherevpon the Pope gaue him the title of Defendor of the Church A Decree at Wormes published by the Emperours Letters Patters against Luther and his fauorites Adrian Pope sixt of that name borne at Vtrict in the country of Holland come from a poore house passed his youth in studie at Louaine norished and brought vp amongst the poore of the Colledge called du Pourcean From a Doctor in Diuinitie and Doyen of S. Peter de Louaine he was called to be a Pedagoge and Schoolemaister of Charles the fift after Emperor Erasmus hauing bene cast off as a suspected person because of the doctrine which after Luther published afterward being sent Embassador towards Ferdinand King of Spaine he obteined the Bishoppricke of Derthuse The Emperour passing into England to goe into Spaine made alliance at Windsore with Henry the 8. to espowse Marie his daughter then of the age of seuen yeares when she should be of full age Iohn Rouchlin restorer of the Hebrew tongue in Almaine this yeare died Rhodes besieged in the moneth of Iune by Soliman Emperour of the Turkes the seuenth moneth following is taken by composition to the great damage and dishonour of the Christians Christierne King of Danemarch Noruege and Snede for feare that for his great tyrannie and ill gouernment he might fall into some daughter of his person this yeare fled into Zeland with his children and his wife Isabel the Emperours sister brought vnto great necessitie We may learne by such examples to feare God his iudgements when hee chastiseth both Countries and Kings for our instruction Charles Duke of Bourbon Constable of France willingly departed partly drawne by the Emperors faire promises turned himselfe against the French King to the great misfortune both of his owne person and of France The bookes of a Phisitian Magician were burnt at Rome some of which were brought vnto Adrian whereof hee made great account and they were after his death founde amongst his secret papers And some thought he came to his Popedome by an euil art Paralip Chron. Abb. Vrsp The Pope Adrian after like others he had persecuted the truth of the Gospell in the person of Luther and Oecolampadius died of a death suspected of poison in September the second yeare of his Popedome Clement Pope seueth of that name a Florentine of the Sect of Knights of S. Iohn of Ierusalem Prior des Cappes succeeded Adrian He before was called Iulius but admonished by his familiar Cardinalls he tooke the name of Clement Functius Some write him the Nephew others the sonne of Leo others his bastard brother of the house of Medices At Zuric there was a disputation three dayes whether the Masse and Idolls should be abolished The 20. of Ianuarie following the Iourney of the Swisses was held at Lucerne where they wholy cōfirmed the Popes doctrine and condemned that of the Gospell The Swisses in common complained of them of Zuric Bourbon besieged Marceill in vaine from whence hee retired into Italie where he was pursued of the French King who tooke Millaine and in winter besieged Pauie vppon Tesin Anthonie Duke of Lorraine sharpely persecuted such as bare any fauour to Luthers doctrine About the ende of this yeare certaine Countrey-men or peasants of Snabe beganne to rise and rebell against the Count de Loupae their Lord and after their example their neighbours did the like vnder the colour of certaine charges wherewith they complained to be burdened This stirre was after verie pernitious and brought great troubles and effusion of blood A battaile giuen at Pauie betwixt Charles de Lauoy a Gentlemen of the Country of Hainaut the Emperours Lieutenant and the French King wherein the said King was taken in the combat and from thence carried by sea into Spaine Zuinglius agreed not with Luther in an Article of the Supper He said that in the words of Iesus Christ there is a figure such as there is found in infinit places of the scripture
the like Luther denieth it and saith that the bodie of Iesus Christ is within the bread wine and that it entreth into the mouth The Saxons follow Luther and Swisses Zuinglius Of long time hath Sathan with his darke cloudes obscured the doctrine of the Supper and now by contentions and debates hee also seeketh to take away from men the true taste thereof The sedition of peasants remained not only in Almaine but spred it selfe also in Lorraine nigh to Sauernes Duke Anthonie accompanied with his brother Claude de Guise and of some of the French troupe which were at the Iourney at Pauie fought with them and slew a great number keeping not his promised faith vnto them The Sorbonist Doctors of Paris whilest their king was in draue out of France Iames Faber d'estaples partly vpon enuie and partly vpon suspition of Religion The King aduertised hereof made the cause to be staied vntill his returne Frederic Duke of Saxonie dyed and Iohn his brother was his successor Carolostadius writ against Luther vnto whom hee answered at large The Pope Clement whilest the King was a prisoner writ Letters vnto the Parliament of Paris greeuously to persecute the Lutherans Touching the seditions of the peasants multiplied in diuers places See the Historie of Sleidan Luther taketh a Nunne to wife whereby he receiueth many reproaches at his aduersaries hands In Ianuary a peace was made at Madril in Spaine betwixt the King and the Emperour vpon condition aboue all to bandie himselfe against the Turke and the heresie of Luther The King after he had seene his two children as hostages returned into France The Emperour espowsed in Spaine Isabel the daughter of Emanuel and sister to Iohn king of Portugall The Turke departed from Belgrade and hauing passed from Danubie and Sauo hee drew strait into Hungarie and bad battaile vnto king Lewis who died in the fight and his wife Mary the Emperours sister saued her selfe with swift running Iohn Sepuse Vaiuoda de Transiluania after being allyed with the Turke against Ferdinand was appointed king of Hungaria as his vassall and Tenant Whilest they debated their rights by dint of the sword there fell out a very damageable warre both for them and their neighbours Francis king of Fraunce returned from Spaine allyed himselfe with the Pope the Venetians to defend Italie by sea and land against the Emperour and to recouer the kingdome of Naples and published a writing whereby he shewed his reasons And the Emperour caused to be published an other to the contrary Swisse infected with Anabaptists At Saint Gaull one of that Sect before his Father and Mother and others his Parents cut off his brothers head saying hee had beene so commaunded of God by reuelation Ioachim Vadian a learned man Consull of the said Towne with other Iustices incontinently caused the head of the said paracide Anabaptist to be cut off They of Berne made knowne to their next Bishops their disputations touching the reformation of Religion and publish Articles Bourbon willing to passe for the Emperour into the kingdome of Naples tooke his way towards Rome which he got by assault Bourbon was there strooken with a Bullet as he scaled the wall and there left his life The Towne was pilled the sixt day of May. Clement was besieged a long time with his Cardinalls in the Castle of Saint Angelo And finally the seuenth moneth after hee was deliuered by his raunsome of 40000. ducats after some The birth of Phillip the Emperours sonne was this yeare 1527. The King of France hauing made a league with the King of England sent into Italie the Lord de Landrece to succor the Pope he tooke Alexandria and after Pauie The seuenth of Ianuary they of Berne held disputation wherein Zuinglius Oecolampartius Bucer Capito Blanrer had by the holy scriptures surmounted and vanquished such as were of the aduerse partie Finally they confirmed by the authoritie of the Magistrate through all theyr lands the said Articles abolished the Masse and threw downe Images and Aultars The Kings of England in France demaunded of the Emperour many things by their Heraulds The King of Fraunce his children offering siluer for them He of England first three hundred thousand skutes for the borrowing of fiue hundred thousand of interest because the accords made betwixt them in the yeare 1522. had by him bene violated and broken Finally three yeares pension which by paction betwixt them the Emperour was bound to pay him that is to say 133000. skutes by yeare If hee refused their Heraulds were to denounce warre At Strasbourge by the Popes aduise euery man assembled in his Tribe The Masse was laide downe vntill the Papists should shew by the holy scripture that it is a seruice agreeable vnto God It may then lie downe long enough For contrary it is wholy opposite vnto the Supper of Iesus Christ Sedition at Basil betwixt the Burgesses and certaine of the Senators for the cause of Religion The Burgesses hauing taken Armes cast downe the Images in Temples which was the cause that the Senate agreed to what they demaunded yea and that twelue Senators which fauoured Papistrie should be deiected out of the Senate And that from thenceforth when any question fell out to ordain any thing concerning the common wealth that a Councell of 200. should be called therevnto to haue their aduise therin The Masse then was abolished through all their Seignorie and Images publikely burned as the Instruments of Idolatry Vpon a Wednesday which the Papist call Ashwednesday the Idolls were burnt at Basil Lantrec being dead and Andrew Danre of Genoua reuolted the French King began to hearken vnto peace Margarite the Emperours Aunt and Loyse the Kings mother assembled at Cambray and dealt for a peace in the moneth of August in this sort The Emperour left to the King Bourgongne if he engendred any male childe of his sister The King gaue for the deliuerance of his children to the Emperour twentie hundred thousand Skutes the debt of England being comprehended therein The Article againe is added to extirpate the Lutherans The Emperor returning from Genes and arriuing at Ausbourge denounced vnto the Protestants that they should let their preaching cease and goe to Masse with him They refused both he one and the other shewing there was no reason to constraine them to do it vnlesse the cause were debated The 24. of February after he had sworne namely that he should all his life defend the honour dignitie of the Romane seate he is with great pompe magnificence crowned Emperour at Boulogne Ellenor the Emperours sister and the Kings spowse came from Spaine into France with the Kings two children Frauncis and Henry after they had bene foure yeares in hostage in their Fathers place The Pope Clement and the Emperor besieged the Florentines because they set out of their Towne such as were of the house of Medices In the ende Ferrand de Gonzague brought them to composition and
witnesseth Sabellicus Enne 7. lib. 8. Arithimus Bishop of Nichomedia after he had made a confession of his Faith hee was beheaded with a great troupe of Martyrs Serena Dioclesians wife endured constantly martyrdome This persecution was so cruell that none were spared Hermanus Gigas In Europe at Rome aboue all places was there greatest number of Martyrs The Prouost Rictiouarus in Gaul made a great massacre especially at Cullaine at Treuers and towards Moselle Beda writeth that this persecution came euen into England and then that Saint Alban a man very renowned receiued the crowne of Martyrdome From this time they beganne to finde out diuers kindes of torments but how much the more horrible they were so much more exquisite appeared the constancy of Martyrs Eusebius saith he beheld the persecution made at Thebaida and saith that the glaues axes and swordes of Tormentors were blunted and turned againe with so great slaughter and were altogether tyred when the Christians with ioy of hart singing Psalmes presented them selues to death Sulpitius in the holy history li. 2. saith that Christians then more ardently desired martyrdome then the ambition of the Cleargie afterward demaunded Bishopprickes Beda de temptat and Orosius lib. 7. cap. 25. Dioclesian crooked with age after he had assaied all cruelties that could be deuised to extirpate the Christians willingly dismissed himselfe of the charge of the Empire and went to Nichomedia and being tossed with rage and fury led a priuate life Maximian his companion who obeyed him as the lesser the greater deposed himself at the same time in the Towne of Milaine Dioclesian at Solone passed his time as a Gardener This change was made after they had raigned together the space of twentie yeares What deaths they had shal be told hereafter Marcel borne at Rome one Benets sonne was chosen Bishop about the 20. yeare of Dioclesian after the Chronicle of Henry the first He was a true Pastor of the Lords Church In the booke of Councells there is attributed vnto him two Epistles The one to them of Antioch wherein he exhorteth to follow the Romane Church and that without authoritie thereof no Sinode can bee called But any bodie may see it is but a counterfeyt and not agreeing with the time which then was The other written to Maxentius is altogether impertinent wherein after he hath commended Christian charitie hee reciteth things which are as pertinent so the time of that Church as conuenient to haue bene written to a Tyrant who afterward was named Emperour Such Epistles doo sufficiently shewe that they wore forged by them which after thrust themselues into the sheep-folde of the Lord not to feed but to rule He confirmed in the faith Maurice as hee came from Syria to goe into Gaul with the Legion which was called of Thebes Constantius Chlorus and Galerius Maximin or Maximian were made Augustes to goe through with the warres which their predecessors Dioclesian and Maximian Herculeus left Eutropius the Father of Constantius a Romane knight of a noble house was discended from Aeneas The Empire as thus parted that Constantius gouerned Gaul Spaine Italie and Affrike and Galerius which Dioclesian had adopted giuing him his daughter Valeria the rest namely Slauonia Greece and the East Yet Constantius who was neither ambitious nor couetous refused Affrike Italie cōtenting himselfe with Spaine Gaul which he gouerned well and peaceably was well beloued of his subiects and no enemy of the Christian faith He had two wiues the first Helena which was of base condition of whom he had Constantine the great which wife he was constrained to leaue and take Theodora the daughter of the wife of Maximian Herculeus He died of a mallady in England two yeares after Dioclesian had deposed himself from the Empire for long time before had he bene made Caesar and adopted by Dioclesian Some attribute vnto him those two yeares of raigning beginning from the natiuitie of our Lord 505. See Pomp. Laet. During his raigne there was stirres of warre He was called Chlorus for the colour of his bright shining face Ignat. Lib. 1. He had of his wife Theodora Constantius who was father of Gallus and Iulian. Maximian Herculian solicited Dioclesian to take again the Empire Some say Dioclesian answered if he once vnderstood the pleasure of Gardens hee would neuer thinke of raigning The Historiographers write that Dioclesian dyed in a rage and fury feeling an infection in all his members See Nicepho lib. 7. cap. 20. Some say hee poysoned himselfe tenne yeares after he deposed himselfe from the Empire fearing Constantine and Licinius who bitterly reprehended him as a fauourer of Maxentius See Eutrop. lib. 9. and Bapt. Igna. lib. 1. Seuerus was adopted and made Cesar by Galerius when Constantinus had left the administration of Italie and of Affrike and to Seuerus was giuen the charge of the saide Countries But at Rome Maxentius was made Emperour by the Pretorian souldiers and without contradiction of the Senate Seuerus not thinking himselfe strong enough to resist Maxentius thought to retire into Slauonia to Maximin but hee was entrapped and ouercome at Rauenna Pompon Laet. Maxentius sonne of Maximian Herculian being chosen Emperour by the Pretorian souldiers in a tumult and hauing gotten the victory vpon Seuerus waxed proud and gaue himselfe vnto pleasures cruelties Then Maximin or Maximian the sisters sonne of Galerius who also by him was made Cesar with Seuerus and had once the charge of the East adopted Licinius which he left in Slauonia after comming to make warre vpon Maxentius was tolde of the treason of his people and so retyred See Pomp. Laet. in the life of Constantine and Galerius Galerius then hauing made Licinius Cesar as is said a litle time after fell into a terrible disease which fretted his entralles whereof he died This was because of his exceeding great lecherie towards all and horrible crueltie towards Christians For an vlcer he had in his bladder did eate his priuy members and as all that part of his bodie rotted wormes came out and no remedie could be found for it So the Phisitians abandoned him For the stench was so intollerable that neither Phisitian nor other durst approach vnto him Wherefore in the ende hee dyed of a death worthy such a man after hee had raigned two yeares alone and with the Cesars and companions of his Empire the space of 16. yeares In the persecution moued by Maxentius Marcel Pastor of the Church of Rome was apprehēded to sacrifice vnto Idols and to renownce his office but hee despised all threatnings and smiled which the Tyrant Maxentius seeing commaunded he should be beaten and chased out of the Towne He retyred into an house of a widowe named Lucine and there secretly maintained a Church Which the Tyrant hearing made a stable of it for horses and other beastes of the house there locked vp Marcel Being thus condemned he left not to do the office of a true Pastor by Epistles which
thing worthy of remembrance the great constancie of a woman called Denise and the exhortation she made to her sonne called Maioricus Remember said she my sonne that we were baptised in the name of the Trinitie wherefore let vs not loose the garments of our saluation Also an other called Victoria who neither by the solicitation of her husband nor the teares of her children could be perswaded c. Naucler Epiphanius Bishop of Pauie a very graue man brought into peace and concord the people of Liguria and brought from Burgonie many Captiues as well by his Siluer as his holie life whereby he entreated the redemption of 6000. Captiues Paul Diaconus and Naucler after him Seuerin an Abbot in Noric was now of great renowne Odoacer King of the Gothes as he passed by Noric into Italie went vnto him for his blessing Odoacer occupied Italie and was made King thereof and the Gothes raigned there by the space of 70. yeares The West Empire takes here an end after Augustulus had deposed himselfe the yeare of Christ 472. Sidonius Bishop of Auuerne a famous Poet in this time Clouis the fift King of France and the first Christian King raigned 30 yeares That is fifteene a Painim and fifteene a Christian Hee reuenged himselfe of them which cast out his Father Childerike out of his kingdome Going to Soisons hee tooke it by force and draue away Siagre the sonne of Giles the Romaine who occupied the kingdome against Childeric as hath bene said And at his returne tooke Melum and chased away the Romanes He amplified the kingdome of France hauing subiected to it all the Cities and Townes which the Romanes held betwixt the Riuers Rhene and Seine also all such as were betwixt Seine and Loire The histories of France say that in a certaine battel against the Almaines being at a strait he remembred the admonitions which Clotilde his wife had often giuen him to imbrace the Christian faith and religion In such sort that being pressed he lifted vp his eies to heauen and said Lord God deliuer me from this perill wherein I am thus enuironed with mine enemies and I will beleeue in thy name I all my people It came to passe not only that he was deliuered from perill but also that he had victorie vpon his enemies wherefore he was baptized by Remy Bishop of Rhemes his two sisters and more then 3000. of the noblest of his people besides women and children The inuention and fable of the holy Ampoule as they call it wherwith the kings of France are annointed is reported of this time Clouis for recompence gaue to the Church of Rhemes many great gifts lands signories and rents S. Remy afterward had great authoritie and was principall Councellour of king Clouis Some say he builded the Church of Laon and that hauing erected it a Bishops place gaue vnto it the land of Laon. Patricius the brother of S. Remy Earle of Soissons was after Bishop of Soissons and also gaue to the said Church the Earledome which the Bishop there holds at this day For you must vnderstand that S. Remy and his brother were children of the Duke of Laon and of Soissons of a noble and auncient race The Annales of France make mention that Alaric King of Visigots then occupied a great part of Gaul namely all the country along the Riuer of Loire from Orleans euen to mount Pirenes which do seperate France and Spaine Item the countries of Berry Auuerne Limosin Quercy Perignex Angolmois Agenois Languedoc Prouence and other nigh places against which Clouis willing to make warre as he passed nie Tours he sent to make his offerings to S. Martin to haue his succours against the said Visegoths and that after the victory he himselfe came to Tours and offered great gifts to the Temple of S. Martin If this be so for a first Christian king he was partly instructed in the Christian faith and felt yet his Paganisme because in the place of his old Gods he reclaimed called now vpon Saints The fault may be imputed to the Bishops Pastors which then were more superstitious then religious and more foolishly deuout then well and diuinely instructed in the word of God As S. Brice Patrice Fourcy Medard Gildard Vaast Remy Severin Germanie Loupe Nicaisius Aguien and other Saints of like branne were canonized after their deaths Vnder Zenon there happened such a fire in Constantinople that the greatest part of the Towne was brought into ashes and more then sixe score thousand volumes were lost and consumed Clouis had in marriage Clotilde the daughter of Chilperic King of Burgonie who was slaine by his owne brother called Gondobaldus and his wife mother of the said Clotilde was drowned Felix the third of that name borne at Rome gouerned the Church of Rome 8. or 9. yeares his Father was a Priest called Felix The consecrations of Temples and their dedications yearly are attributed vnto him Germain Bishop of Capua in this time Vaast Bishop of Arras Vedastus in Latin Fulgence Bishop of Rupe in Affrike Auitus Bishop Vienne Solemus Bishop of Chartres preached Christ and Fourcy that came new from Ireland The Councell of Orleans the third at this time after Iohn le Maire In the first Melanius was President In the saide Councell which was vnder Clouis it was agreed that the goods of the Cleargie should be imployed for the mainteining of Priests for the reliefe of the poore for the deliuerance of prisoners and for the repairing of Churches In the Councell of Tarrascon in Spaine Church-men were enioyned not to buye good cheape with intent to sell the same thing dearer for then they should be deposed Meane cares occupied the assemblies of Bishoppes Anastatius the Emperour called Dicorus for the chaunge of colours which appeared in his eye-browes succeeded Zeno and raigned 27. yeares he commaunded straightly to worship a quaternitie that is to say foure persons in the Diuinitie which pernitious heresie was by him maintained Gelatius of Affricke gouerned the Romaine Church fiue yeares his Father was a Bishop named Valericus Naucler The distinction of Autentike and Apocrypha bookes of the scripture are attributed vnto him Hee declared many bookes Apocryphaes as the booke called the Assumption of the Virgine Mary Item the Canons of the Apostles such like In the 1 volume of the Councels The Manicheans againe are condemned and exiled and their bookes burnt He shewed how Anastatius the Emperor might be excommunicated Hee is numbred amongst them which chiefly ordained the Canon Te igitur clementissime c. Some attribute to him the ordinance of Bigamies that is of such as haue bin twise married that they should not be promoted to orders vnles it were by ordinance of the Apostolike sea That orders should be made foure times a yeare and on the Saterday only He made Hymnes Collects Responds Graduels Prefaces of the Masse and brought all into order He
the Pope Clement in fauour of the king noted them of heresie and infamie wrongfully and vpon enuie Paral. Vrsper Some thinke that the kings of France of England and of Spaine conspired against them for the possessions and Castles which they had in their kingdomes The yeare 1309. the Sarabits Monkes which came out of Egipt began in England Their garments were of Oxe and Swines skinnes and they were tyed with cordes Iohn Clyn Hybernus The order of Paulins entred into England and placed thēselues at Glocester the yeare 1310. Chron. Caletense This Pope Clement in a well leaded Bull which is yet at this day kept by Copie at Vienna at Limoge and at Poiters in the Coffers of priuiledges commanded the Angels of Heauen to carrie into the Ioyes of Paradice and draw out of Purgatorie the soule of him whosoeuer should die in the way going in Pilgrimage to Rome Moreouer saith he we will that the paines of hell shal no way be inflicted vpon them Agrip. de vanit sciēt Iean wife of Lewis king of Fraunce after the death of her husband went to Rome and resigned the kingdome of Naples deliuering it into Pope Clements hand who after made a gift of it to Lewis duke of Angiou brother of Charles the fift king of France sauing the profits to the vse of the said Iean for her life But he enioyed it not for he died with fiue thousand men in conquering it against Charles Nephew of the said Lewis King of Hungaria who occupied the kingdome and held it foure yeares and left a sonne called Ladislaus who raigned 29. yeares at Naples by the helpe of Pope Vrbain the 6. This Pope condemned the Beghards or Begnins which would not worship the Bread of the Eucharist He commaunded that the great Maister of the Templers should be burned at Paris with one of his cōpanions in the presence of Cardinals made certain ordinances against the insolencies of the Iewes after hauing confiscated their goods He ordained that oathes deliuered by Princes were not oathes of subiection but of fidelitie and commanded that the goods of the Church should not be alienated Hee ordained that Clarkes which occupied temporall traffiques and wore precious garments should be punished and forbad Monkes all kinde of huntings as well of beastes as birdes He confirmed the Feast instituted in the honour of the bread of the Eucharist which the Papists commonly called La feste dieu God his Feast He gathered in his volume the Constitutions called Clementius and pronounced that the reliques of Saints ought to be greatly honoured He gouerned the affaires of Italie by Neapolion and Pelagura Cardinalls his Legates and added Celestine the fift to the number of Popish Confessors He set in order the constitutions of Monkes and againe declared the rule of Friars Finally this Clement being tormented one while with a flux of the belley and an other with a paine of the stomack sides deceased in a Castle called Rocquemaure vpon Rosue the yeare of the Lord 1314. his body was carried into Gascoin and the Papall seate was emptie euen till the third yeare This yeare it selfe that he died as Henry of Lucembourg Emperor determined to draw to him by force of Armes the kingdome of Sicilie vnto which he was called hee was traiterously brought to death by a wicked Monke called Bernard du Mont Polician of Domcastre who was of the conspiration of the Guelphes and yet made a countenance that he was the Emperours friend He gaue a poysoned host to this good Prince who as soone as he felt the mischiefe aduertised this traitor Monke to flie away saying vnto him Away away for if the Almanes perceiue any thing and such as doo affect mee you shall die So this wicked Iudas withdrawing himselfe to Sienes receiued the siluer that had bene promised him for the reward of his treason but hereby hee deliuered not his bretheren Iacobins For many of them perished by fire and sword with their houses as wel in Tuscane as in Lombardie and many other places The Vniuersitie of Orleance was instituted in this time Chron. of the Kings of France The yeare at Crist 1313. the King of Fraunce Phillip le bel became a Leper and therefore he caused all the Leapers of France and Flaunders as well men as women to bee burnt For he vnderstood that they had infected the waters And the Chroniclers of Almaine say that the said king became a Leper because he made the Templers die Arnold de Villa Noua an excellent Phisitian and Mathematician some say of Chalon others of Narbone was iudged an heretike because he said that Sathan had made all Christian people stray from the truth Item that the faith of Christians of his time was no other then such as diuels haue Item that such as are in Cloisters are out of Charitie and condemne themselues in falsifying the doctrine of Iesus Christ leading Christians into hell Item that the Theologians haue maliciously mingled the Dreames of Philosophers with the holy scripture Item that in the sacrifice of the Aultar the Priest offereth nothing to God and that Masses profiteth neither quick nor dead He prooued by Daniel and by Sibilla Erithra that Antichrist in a full tirannie should persecute the faithfull after the yeare 1300. Besides his Phisicke bookes he writ against the Iacobins that it was lawfull to eate flesh The cutting sword against the Thomistes The admonition of Iesus Christ to Christians Of the subtilties of false Prophets Of the misterie of the Churches Cymballs Of the consummation of the world and other bookes He was iudged an heretike by the Iacobins at Tarraeon Finally being sent to the Pope by Frederic king of Sicilie he died in the way and was buried at Genés a true champion of the Lord. Margarite Queene of Nauarre daughter of the Duke of Burbon Iean daughter of the Count of Bourgongne and wife of the Count of Poiters Blanche second daughter of the said Count of Bourgongne wife of the Count de la Marshe were taken by the kings commaundement and condemned to continuall prison for their fornications and adulteries against them manifestly prooued Yet afterward Iean Countesse of Poiters returned with her husband For it was knowne that she was not culpable of all that which was imposed on her The Adulterers that is Phillip d'Annoy which kept the Queene and his brother Gualter de Annoy which kept the said Blanch knights were scorched there genitories cut off and they drawne and hanged Schisme in the Empire There was a diuision amongst the Electors some did chuse Lois the fourth of that name Duke of Bauiere others Frederic Duke of Austrich and the one had warre against the other eight yeares In the end Lewis obtained alone the Empire and raigned 24 yeares after the Chron. of Euseb which make 32. yeares The Sea of Hist Loys Hutin sonne of Phillip le bel succeeded in the Kingdome and is
from the Sonne as the Father They agreed also to Purgatorie and the Romane Pope to be the primate of the Catholicke Church which they had neuer done before now but euer were of contrarie opinions But as soone as they were come to their Countrey againe at the perswasion of Marcus Bishop of Ephesus they againe denied the two last Articles Plat. Vola and Naucler It is straunge that the Grecians which haue beene so slowe to acknowledge and confesse so true a doctrine of the holy Ghost are now so quick and light to accord so friuolous and false a thing that is to receiue and beleeue against all holy scripture that there is a Purgatorie and Romane Pope to be Primate of the Catholicke and Vniuersall Church wherevnto the first generall Councell had openly resisted in the time of Constantine the great In the said Councell of Florence the Armenians and Indians were also brought into the vnion of the Romane Church and promised to keepe and maintaine the Sacrament of Confirmation Naucler This Pope Eugenius confirmed Annates vpon all Benefices Hee Canonized S. Nicholas Tolentin of the order of the Hermits of S. Augustine Bessarion Cardinall flourished and his house at Rome was open to euery man of knowledge like a Colledge Vadian Sigismond of the age of 70 yeares died and was buried in Hungarie in the citie called Albe His wife Barbara was without all religion and without God insatiable in all paliardize and whoredome Shee mocked her damzels because they fasted and prayed saying they must liue iocondly and merily and take all their pleasures during this life for after death the soule perisheth with the bodie The Councell of Basill continued still and proceeded against Eugenius the fourth who after many times cyting and not appearing was publikely deposed by the authoritie of the Councell the tenth of Iuly Eugenius mooued herewith incited the Dolphin of France who after was called king Lewis the 11. to lead a great Armie in to the Countrey of Ferrara and Alsarce and to come to Basill Wherefore the said Councell brake vp and herevpon came many mischiefes See Naucler Albert the fift of that name Duke of Austrich and second king of the Romanes of that name sonne of Albert the fourth Duke of Austrich was scant 10. yeares olde when his father died of poyson fighting against Iosse Marquesse of Morauia but being yer vnder Tutors which were his vncles there was great strife betwixt them for his tutelage Therefore Vienna and all the Countrey of Austrich endured great calamities till Albert came to age and was dispatched of his tutelage and planted a peace in Austrich which was before full of theeues and of Intestine warres After the yeare 1422. he espowsed Elizabeth the doughter of Sigismond and had with her in marriage the noble Townes of Maruia But after the death of Sigismond he was chosen king of Hungaria by the consent of all the principall of the Countrey and Crowned the yeare of grace 1438. After this he was also made king of Bohemia and that came because there was a great alliance betwixt the Kings of Boheme and the Dukes of Austrich whereby they had ordained betwixt them that whensoeuer one of the houses remained without heire-male of the other they should create a king He was also chosen king of the Romanes by the common accord of all the Princes Electors The yeare 1459. the 17. day of Nouember in the Councell of Basill after the deposition of Eupenius the Cardinalls elected Amedeus of Ayme Duke of Sauoy and called him Felix the fift so came into the Church the 23. schisme and diuision which endured the space of sixteene yeares Some followed Eugenius others Felix some said they were newters and so obeyed neither one nor the other The Kings of France England Spaine Scotland obeyed the Pope Eugenius For although he was deposed yet held he good during his life This Councell of Basill assembled with great authoritie was notwithstanding dissipated and broken by one onely Pope That of Constance deposed three and ordained the fourth This could not bring about to depose one Fasci Temp. In the Councell of Basill it was forbidden that secular Princes Councellors and Communalties vpon paine of excommunication should not bee so hardie to greete and submit the Churchmen with tallies and common collection Fasci temp Augustine of Rome was condemned an heretike in the said Councell and there was confirmed the Conception of the Virgin Marie to bee kept as a solemne Feast But to the contrarie see Epiphanius in his 3 Booke and 12. Tome 68. and 69. heresie See also S. Bernard in the Epist 154. to the Canons of Lions The said Councell then confirmed that the Virgin Marie was conceiued without originall sinne it also confirmed her visitation In this time was a Councell held of the French Church at Bourges in Berry and there was published the pragmatike sanction which is all the marrow and substance of the Canons of the Councell of Basill to bee expresly obserued for euer Iohn le Maire The Duke Aime of Sauoy after the death of his wife Margarite of Bourgongne had left his Ducall estate and withdrew himselfe into an hermitage pleasant and delightfull called Ripaille vpon the Lake of Lansanne which he had caused to bee sumptuously builded and so left the gouernment of his signiories to his eldest sonne Lewis father of Duke Phillebert of Sauoy Beeing then in his said place of Ripaille the said Duke Anne with tenne knights all hermits wearing great beardes and simple cloathing and writhen staues full of knottes in great renowne of sanctetie of life was by the said Councell elected to be Pope as is said the 17. of Nouember the yeare 1439. and the 17. day of December the election was denounced vnto him and he went vnto Basill and was there solemnly crowned in the presence of two of his eldest sonnes Before this ceremonie his Beard was taken from him and in a small time he learned the Romane office He created some Cardinalls of great estimation and vertue Iohn le Maire The Emperour being called to goe into Hungarie sound himselfe greatly tormented in the moneth of August with an intollerable heate which hee thought to haue taken away by colde viands which brought to him a fluxe of the belley euen to bloud whereof he died the yeare 1439. nigh Strigoma after hee had beene Emperour almost two yeares Hee left two daughters and his wife with childe who soone after brought forth Ladislaus Frederic Duke of Austrich after Albert was Emperour of Rome He loued peace and rest restrained and brideled easily them of Austrich which stirred strifes and commotions So extinguished he the warre alreadie commenced by Matthias king of Hungarie by agreement with him Likewise this Frederic making warre against the Flemmings to haue his sonne Maximilian whom they detained prisoner appeased and contented them by the punishment of some and so taking and receiuing his
constituted there a familiar friend of his Charles Duke of Bourgongne returned the second time against the Swisses Before he had taken from the Duke Rene of Lorraine Nancy wherefore the Duke of Lorraine ioyned with the Swisses And when the Duke of Bourgongne was before Morat they of the Towne came out and altogether inuaded the the Armie of the Bourguignons and put them vnto flight In so much that 17. thousand Bourguignons or 20000. after Fasci Temp. or 22000. after the Sea of Hist were there slaine The spoile was there left to the Duke of Lorraine for recompence who also after recouered Nancy See Nauclerus The third time the Duke of Bourgongne being greeued to haue beene vanquished by so weake a Prince as the Duke of Lorraine was returned and againe besieged Nancy Hee had 14000 combattants and still looked for other Bands of souldiers Vpon this the Duke of Lorraine and the Swisses came vpon them parted in two Bandes The Bourguignons were discomfited and put to flight some slaine in the woods and others drowned There was also slaine the Duke of Bourgongne hauing receiued three mortall woundes one on the head an other in the thigh and the last in the fundament See Naucler The Bourguignons would not beleeue he was slaine but that being escaped hee retired into Almaine and hee had vowed to make his penance there seuen yeares There were amongst the Bourguignons which solde precious stones horses and other such like things to be paid at his returne Yea euen in Bruchel in the Diocesse of Spine there was an olde man which men thought to bee the Duke of Bourgongne making there his penance whom euery one desired to see and therby got he good almes Nauclerus saith hee sawe the said poore man in the said place The king of France vnderstanding of the death of the Duke of Bourgongne tooke Monididier Roy Peronne Abbenille Monstraeul Arras an Hesdin See the Hist. of France Maximilian sonne of the Emperour Frederic the third affianced Mary the onely daughter of Charles Duke of Bourgongne with whom he had Bourgongne Brabant Flaunders Luxembourge Hainaut Zeland Artois Guelders with other Sergnories and lands The said Maximilian had of his said wife one sonne called Phillip and a daughter called Margarite They had two other children Francis and George which died in their youth Phillip espowsed Iane Queene of Chastile of whom hee had Charles the fift Emperour and Ferdinand and foure daughters Leonor Isabeal Mary and Katherine The Iacobins Inquisitors deputed against heretikes as they call them in diuers sorts molested certaine Theologians of the order of Carmes in certaine causes of the faith Amongst which they said one was called Iulian de Bresse an excellent Preacher of the word of God and an other Peter de Neuolaite for whom Mantuan writ an Apologie conteining three bookes But all this was pacified by the Pope Sixtus at the pursuite of Christopher Martignon which Sextus as tutor and defender of Monkes as Stella witnesseth in the Popes liues that he might take away all occasion of enuie and riots amongst them ordained that all Mendicant and begging Friars should bee equall in such priuiledges as all Popes had graunted vnto them The Vniuersitie of Tubinge in the Diocesse of Constance by Apostolicke authoritie was instituted at the instance of the Count of Wittemberge Naucler The Swisses beganne now to receiue wages of the king of Fraunce Lewis the 11. casheering the French Archers because they pilled and spoyled and did many other mischiefes Naucler Platina composed the Popes liues in Latin and dedicated them vnto Sixtus the 4. Wessalus of Frise in this time writ against the Pope his doctrine and traditions Mahomet the second died of poison as was suspected Naucler or else of a Collicke passion of the age of 50. yeares after Naucler of 53. Baiazetes his son succeeded him Paul Iou. Margarite the daughter of Maximilian was brought into France and espowsed vnto the Dolphin Charles the 8. in the moneth of Iuly at Ambroise who afterward was sent backe againe Naucler Mary Duchesse of Bourgongne Maximilians wife Madam Margarites mother being on hunting fell from her horse and died Chron. Euseb and Naucler The Pope Sixtus Canonized S. Bonauenture The last of August died Lewis King of France a very superstitious man He pilled the people to inrich Churches Hee worshipped and kissed bones and relickes of Saints to obtaine health For hee maruellously feared death In so much that in the end of his dayes hee gaue excessiue gifts to his Phisitian each moneth if at the least they might but prolong his life Sixtus made many warres wrongfully against Ferdinand King of Pouille because hee gaue ayde vnwillingly to his sonne in lawe Hercules d'st Duke of Ferrara which was besieged of the Venetians against the Venetians which he excommunicated Also against the Florentines as is said although that the matter better vnderstood hee absolued them and restored them to their honour and Lawrence de Medices likewise Sixtus being deteined sicke in his bed of a Feauer vnderstanding that a peace was made betwixt the Venetians and other Potentates suddenly yeelded the spirit Naucler Innocent 8. of that name borne at Genes the sonne of one called Aaron called before Iohn Baptist Cibo of a Cardinall Priest of the title of S. Cicilie was created Pope of Priests and Monkes after of Sixtus Volaterane saith he was once a poore childe yet faire and was nourished amongst the seruants of Ferdinand king of Sicilie where he learned all the fashions of the Court life Comming from thence to Rome he remained long time in the house of Phillip Cardinall of Boulongne After this he was made Bishop of Sauonne and thirdly of Melphe by the Pope Xistus and also Dataire finally Cardinall after Pope as hath bin said He was of a great stature a white man and of faire representation but of an heauie and dull spirit and far from all studie of good Letters In so much that sometimes when he was Idle from publike affaires hee seemed as though he slept Almost frō the beginning of his Popedome he conspired against Ferdinand king of Sicilie with the Princes of the kingdome See how Popes vse to recompence the amitie of such as nourish and educate them Hee called one named Robert d' S. Seuerin to be chiefe and Captaine of the Armie which he sent against Ferdinand This holy man said that for the Churches dignitie and the defence of Saints it was lawful to take Armes that peace might follow of it Yet seeing himself deceiued he was forced to make peace vpon this condition that his yearely tribute should be paid him and that such as rebelled should not be in daunger But the king Ferdinand kept neither the one nor the other condition although hee sent one named Peter de Vincence an hardie and bold man who was Auditor of the Chamber with his Secretarie to sollicite his causes After these things Innocent wearie of
this my terme is not yet accomplished Thou knowest that thy promise was nineteene yeares whereof I haue liued but eleuen and eight moneths Vnto which words the Lackey hardily answered you vnderstood not well the speech but are greatly abused For I said not nineteene yeares as you imagined but I said you should remaine Pope eleuen yeares and eight moneths the which are come and passed and therefore you must needes die But although the Pope was very actiue to require and to pray instantly that he would haue regard to his life and to the terme that hee had graunted him in his Popedome yet it was as to speake to a deafe man and to pleade in vaine For all his alligations remonstrations exceptions and requests profited nothing so that they which were in the chamber and heard this maruellous debate and difference might iudge that Sathan was more expert in the Art of Arithmetike then the Pope was and they might easily conclude that Alexander erred in his account Finally to close vp the matter euen as Sathan went and departed from the place in like manner also with great cries sighes and fearfull sobbes the Popes soule as it were following his steppes dislodged and miserably departed from his body Thus miserably and vngodly died this Pope Alexander leauing to his sonne his Seignory altogether wasted and ruinous and to the Italians their Comonwealth all confused peruerted wasted to the end he might be a publike example to all ages how things euill gotten melt away and are wickedly and vnluckily spent This Pope had with his said sonne a daughter called Lucrece with whom both he and his sonne lay as Pontanus and Samazarius haue left written Phillip Archduke of Austrich the son of Maximilian and of Mary the onely daughter of Charles Duke of Bourgoine tooke to wife Iane the onely daughter of the king of Arragon and by reason of her right going into Spaine passed through France in the yeare 1501. After returning into Flaunders to appeease certaine stirres of warre betwixt them of Gilders and Brabant he tooke many Townes of Gelders with the Duke of Suffolke a young Gentleman which he nourished in his Court with his children The said Phillip yeelded homage vnto king Lewis the 12. for the Counties of Flaunders and Artois before Guy de Rochefort grand-Chauncellor of France and Lewis de Luxembourge Count de Ligni Embassadors sent for the purpose vnto Arras Pius third of that name a Tuscan by Nation borne at Sienna Nephew of Pope Pius the second on his sisters side Laodamie before called Francis Picolhomineus that is a litle man succeeded the said Alexander being elected by the Cardinalls after great strifes and debates Valentin Borgia hauing seized vpon all the treasures of his father Alexander after his death with twelue thousand souldiers occupied Vatican where the Pope should be elected tending to this end to constraine the Cardinalls to choose such an one for Pope as should like him The Cardinalls to shun this danger withdrew themselues first incontinently into the Temple of Minerua where straight they were besieged by him But as a bruite went through the Towne that the Cardinalls were taken and that he committed many murders and sackagements through the towne they were all taken with a great feare After this the shops were shut and each one ranne to Armes The issues and endes of streets were stopped with bankes peeces of wood and chaines of Iron no more nor no lesse then if the enemie had againe bene nigh the walles Borgia then seeing that he had enterprised a thing so hard to execute and also being required by the Cardinalls to cease frō such doings promised that which a litle after he obeyed After Pius was chosen Borgia hauing passed his choller thanked the Cardinalls that they had chosen such an one as he had greatly wished Hee then incontinently as he was made Pope made a cōspiracie against the French which had occupied a part of Italie For he tooke in very euill part that their king had brought Pouille a great part of Italie vnder his subiectiō This Pope hoped that a day would come when he should doo some great damage vnto the French after he had drawne them into Ambushes that he had laid for them and with the helpe of such as had conspired with him he hoped to driue thē cleane out of these Lands But whilest he went about this he died the 27. day after his election they yeare 1503. of an vlcer which he had in his thigh wherwith he had long time bene troubled without doing any thing at al of that which he had enterprised For beside the war he purposed against the Frēch he determined to haue reformed the Church to haue celebrated a Councel and haue gotten an Armie against the Turkes after the example of his Vncle. Aduertisement Note Reader for a conclusion of the precedent Popes that such as were since Siluester the second vntill Innnocent the fourth had the key of the bottomelesse pit giuen them to the end that by the horrible smoake thereof they might send out the Locusts or Grashoppers to deuoure all through all Christian Regions and that they might worke the secret of their Iniquitie As for the last which were after Innocent the fourth vntill Iulius the second of that name they haue bene permitted to nourish and maintaine it to obscure all truth that by their false doctrines and lying myracles they might seduce and deceiue euen the elect of God if it were possible For that great Dragon which is Sathan that is the Angell of the bottomelesse pit and the king of these Locusts that is to say of Mendicant Friars and of the Massing Priesthood called Abaddon which signified as much as destroyer saccager and exterminator or rooter out For these by their infernall doctrine of Popes decrees of Lombardike sentences of ordinarie questions determinations quodlibets summes monasticall predications and other such bables haue drawne into hell an infinite number of people since the said Innocent the fourth by the space of 260. yeares So that those Popes and Doctors are signified by the pale horse vpon which sat death as well of the body as soule after whom followed hell Moreouer these Popes and all other wicked persons vsing the insatiable tirannie leese and destroy euery day the bodies of the true Martyrs of the truth of God by fire sword water halters and all maner of punishments because they would not renounce Iesus Christ to obey theyr Prince Abaddon But from hence forward that is since the yeare of our Lord 1503. vnder Iulius the second and his successors vntill the last iudgement the Papacie dooth and is like to decay For the power that the diuell hath to deceiue by his Antichrist is diminished and from day to day shall decay but not the power that hee hath to exercise his crueltie against the elect of God There haue bene many signes of the ruine and fall of the
they receiued for their Prince Alexander de Medices vnto whom the Emperour promised his bastard daughter Margarite In this time Tiber at Rome ouerflowed his bankes and the winde so beat back the surges and waues therof that the whole Towne was greatly terrified therewith The like and more greeuous tempest came also in Holland the Countries adioyning the sea hauing burst her banks and leuies and tooke away all it met withall the length of the flat Country Ferdinand the Emperours yonger brother the fift of Ianuary at Cullen is proclaimed king of the Romanes And the eleuenth of Aprill following crowned at Aix notwithstanding the Duke of Saxonie protested by his sonne that he would not agree there vnto The Turke returned the second time against the Towne of Vienna in Austrich but the Emperour and Ferdinand went against him in battaile and forced him to retire The eleuenth of October Zuinglius of the age of fortie foure yeares younger then Luther by foure yeares was slaine at a battaile of the petit Cantons against them of Zuric and about the ende of Nouember Oecolampadius of the age of 49. yeares passed also from this life into an other in the Towne of Basil Mary the widowe of Lewis King of Hungarie is appointed by the Emperour her brother in the gouernment of the lowe Country in the place Margarite his Aunte lately deceased A Comete appeared almost through the whole moneth of August Loyse mother of the king of Fraunce and sister to Charles Duke of Sauoy dyed this yeare A warre recommenced betwixt the Swisses namely they of Zuric and fiue Cantons but in the end a peace was concluded The Towne of Munster receiue the Gospell Christierne King of Denmarke now banished from his Countrey by the space of tenne yeares hoping to recouer his kingdome was taken by sea and laid in prison His sonne which the Emperour his vncle entertained dyed of the age able to be imployed in warlike affaires Soliman Emperour of the Turkes came with a great Armie to Belgrade and from thence drawing on the left hand he besieged the Towne and Castle of Giunte but Nicholas Iurixe being then within made him leaue his siege Iohn de Leiden a Cutler an Hollander secretly and Harman Staprede Minister Rotmans companion publikely beganne to dispearse about the Towne of Munster the seede of Anabaptisme Rotman after he had resisted him in the beginning and caused them by the Senate to be driuen out of the Towne declared himselfe to be an Anabaptist in a disputation appointed in the Towne house See the Historie of Anabap. of Munster Who would not tremble at such a iudgement of God to see such as lately professed the Gospell of the Lord to fall into so great wickednes George Prince of Saxonie for the Gospell banished three score and ten Bourgesses of the Towne of Lipsic because they would not communicate in the Sacrament of the Supper vnlesse it were vnder both kindes of bread and wine The Pope Clement signified the Councell vnto the Duke of Saxonie that it should be at Plaisance or else at Boulongne or at Mantua Imperiall Townes The Duke sent his Embassadors towards the Protestants about the last of Iune who answered by writing that they woulde haue a Councell free and wel ordeined in Almaine where the difference in Religiō might be decided by newter and equall Iudges yea and that by the bookes of holy scriptures In fauour also of the French King hee made foure French Cardinalls Odes de Chastillion Phillip de Bologne Claude de Gnyuri and Iohn the hunter In the moneth of March the Emperour of Italie sailed into Spaine There was a marriage at Marceille delt in betwixt Henry the King of France his sonne a Prince of the age of fifteene yeares and Katherine de Mecides Pope Clements Neece by the King of Fraunce his meanes and the saide Clements During the Emperours absence the Lantgraue passed into Fraunce and in the name of Vlrich Prince of Wirtemberge engaged and pawned vnto the King borrowing of him readie Siluer the Earledome of Montbeliard to the ende to restore the saide Prince his cousin into his Seignories and Countries vpon this condition that if within three yeares it were not redeemed it should remaine hereditarie vnto the Kingdome of France Henry King of England hauing put away the daughter of Ferdinand king of Spaine the said Henry his brothers wife tooke Anne Bullen wherevpon the Pope commaunded him to take againe the said Katherine See Sleidan The Pope Clement by the counsell of Curtius his Phisitian hauing chaunged the Regiment and maner of his liuing in his age dyed in the ende of September of a disease of the stomacke Iohn Baptist Folengius in his Commentarie vpon the 105. Psalme speaking of Pope Clement his death saith thus Some say that in our time Clement the seuenth Pope of Rome dyed of so dishonest a death as he was eaten with Lice Others thinke he was but poysoned In the moneth of Nouember at Paris were many Placarts fixed vnto postes in diuers places against the Masse and other Articles of the Popish Religion Wherevpon was exercised great crueltie and horrible butchery against such as they called Lutherans Paul Pope third of that name an auncient man was chosen the 11. of October and created Pope of Rome and crowned the third of Nouember He raigned 15. yeares whereof we will handle hereafter In the moneth of Ianuary the King of France came to Paris ordeined there a generall procession where the Idoll Saint Geneuiefue was carried about in great pompe there also made hee an Oration to the people against the Lutherans as they called them And for a solemne Sacrifice to appease Gods anger hee caused sixe poore Christians to be burned which confessed the name of God in sundrie places of the Towne For this cause was hee ill beloued in Almaine In the moneth of Aprill the Emperour embarking at Barcelonne went into Affricke where he tooke the Towne of Thunis and the Fort of Golete hee after made tributarie the king Muleasse Barbarosse the Turkes Lieutenant who occupied that kingdoms escaped and assembled a certaine number of vessels in Argell And the Emperour retired into Sicilie In the moneth of Iuly the King of England beheaded Iohn Fisher Bishop of Rochester and Thomas Moore his Chauncellor because they would not agree to the Edict and statute made for the abolishment of the Popes authoritie who challenged to be head of the English Church Fisher whilest he was prisoner was chosen Cardinall which nothing amended his cause with the King About the ende of the moneth of October Francis Sforce Prince of Millaine deceased without any heires The sixt of December the Protestants assembled at Smalcalde Guillaume de Bellay Lord de Langeny Embassador for the king of Fraunce came thither who the 19. of December excused the king for the executions hee had made of the Lutherans saying they were seditious people and held a farre other
Religion then that of the Protestants Moreouer if they thought good of it hee had a great desire to send Theologians and learned men into Amaigne or else if they woulde they might sende theyr learned Diuines into Fraunce to communicate together of certaine points of Religion The Senate of Auspurge receiued the doctrine of the Gospell The 24. of Iuly the Town of Munster is besieged and by might taken by the Count d'Obersten Captaine of the Armie and by their Bishop About the end of the moneth of Ianuary Iohn de Leiden Head of the Anabaptists Coipperdolin and Chrechring his companions being tyed to postes were slaine at Munster the Head alone confessing his fault and something repenting Henry King of England had by his wife Anne Bullen a faire daughter called Elizabeth The Emperour entred into Prouence with his Armie but wanting victualls for his Campe he was constrained to retyre to Gene. A great number of his souldiers dyed and amongst others his Lieutenant Anthonie de Leue. Francis the King of France his eldest sonne dyed at Tournon vpon Rosne of the age of 18. yeares Sebastian de Moncucul an Italian was drawne with 4. horses For giuing him poyson as it is said Perone besieged by Henry Count de Nassau and by Adrian d'erouy Count de Reux There arose a great sedition in England against the King For that bee had plucked downe and banished the Popes authoritie The Emperour by Sea returned from Genes ouer into Spaine Alexander de Medices Duke of Florence is slaine by Lawrence his kinsman promising him the enioying of a Ladie his neighbour of excellent beautie Iames the fift King of Scotland espowsed Magdaline king Francis his eldest daughter The Emperours Armie in Artois vnder the conduction of Florent de Bure tooke by force S. Paul besieged Terouanne but could not winne it The eleuenth of October was borne Edwarde King Henry his sonne of England of Iane Semer which he tooke to wife after Anne Bullen Anne de Mont-mourancy is created Constabled France which is a soueraigne degree of honour which office had bene vacant 15. yeares since the reuolt of Charles de Bourbon The Emperour and the king Francis assembled Nice where the Pope was to make a peace betwixt them and although they accorded not in the principall yet they concluded a truce betwixt them for tenne yearers Margarite the Emperors bastard-daughter after the death of the aforesaid Alexander is married vnto Octauian the Popes sonne in lawe Henry of England caused the Relickes of S. Thomas of Canterburie to be taken out of his Schrine and made them publikely to be burnt The Emperour and king Francis met at Aignes mortes in Languedoc and entertained one an other Charles d' Egmond Duke de Gueldres deceased very olde and William Duke of Cleues possessed his Countrey as well by the dead mans will as by the Nobilitie of the Countrey Castelubro a Towne of Illyrica in the gulfe of Ambracia is taken from the Turke by the Emperour and the Venetians allied together Touching this Pope Paul amongst a great number of his acts I will recite but this litle following that the world may know how great their sanctitie is which the Papists maintaine with an his voyce to be Peters succors and the Vicars of Iesus Christ This Paul was an Astrologian a Magician and Diuine and amongst his most familiars had one called Denis Seuila a Magician whom therefore afterward hee made a Cardinall with one named Gaurice of Portugall Cecius and Marcell Negromancians and wicked villaines Of these did hee enquire the fortune of himselfe and his bastards He got his red hatte in this maner Hee had a sister called Iulia Farnese which hee deliuered to Pope Alexander that hee might be a Cardinall and Bishop of Hostia and to finde meanes to pay his debts For those good Popes commonly are so inflamed with whoredome that they make no difficultie to promise redde hats and Bishopprickes to such as will bring them their sisters or else that which is more horrible their young bretheren to violate Many by such practises obtaine great riches fatte Benifices And as Agrippa saith there is no shorter way then that to come therevnto This murderer poysoned his mother and a Nephewe to this end that all the succession of the Farneses might fall vpon him Moreouer seeing the other of his sisters whose carnall company he had sometime had followed too openly the maners and conditions of them of the house of Farnese and that shee loued more the company of others then his hee poysoned her also Beeing a Legate in Marke d'Ancone in the time of Iulius the second hee most wickedly abused a maide issued of a noble house of that Towne For hee counterfeited and disguised himselfe feigning to bee one of the Gentlemen of the Legates house so vnder the colour of a promise to marrie her deflowred her Who after shee knew the truth what hee was and that shee was not his legitimate wife but his whore at the least by the Canon lawe shee became almost out of her wittes And of this marriage came that great Porteenseigne and Captaine of all Buggerers and Sodomites Peter Lewis As one Nicholas de Chesme found him one day adulterously abusing his wife Laurea Farnese who was the saide Pauls Neece hee wounded him so well with his dagger that hee carried the marke thereof all his life Hee slewe with poyson Bosuis Sforza the husband of his daughter Constance whom before hee had often vsed as his whore to the ende hee might more at his ease and with greater libertie enioy her This Dotard very tyrannously oppressed them of Peruse and droue from the Seignorie Ascanius Columne a very iust Prince This detestable Robber and Rouer tooke and vsurped for himselfe the Towne of Camer after hee had driuen away the Lady thereof which was a woman endowed with a rare and singular religion and prudence and did so much with his practises with Cardinalls that hee exchaunged the said Citie of Camer which was not his owne with the townes of Parme and Plaisance to the end to make his sonne Lewis Lord maister of them Which act afterward by a iust iudgement of God was cause of the death of the said Peter Lewis He often consulted with his Cardinalls how hee might hinder a Nationall Councell in Almaine and commaunded his Embassadors that they should enflame the hearts all Princes against the King of England Anne de Cleues sister of William Duke of Cleues is accorded in marriage to the king of England In the moneth of Maya Comete appeared in the ayre and almost the same day deceased Elizabeth the Emperours wife In August Castelnouo in Illirica is taken againe vpon the Emperor by Barbarosse the great Turkes Lieftenant almost all the garrison of the Spaniards slaine The Citizens of Gaunt rose vp against Mary Regent in the lowe Contries for the Emperour for which cause it was need-full for him to haste
all should haue bene consumed by fire The next morning which was Sunday there was found so many dead bodies stinking that in all hast of necessitie a great ditch was made to burie them by Cartfulls Of wounded there were found more then an hundreth and fiftie A woman great with child was found stiffled who being opened the childe receiued baptisme A damzel casting her selfe out of a bed to open a windowe in the streete called Blochstranssem the tempest so cut off her necke that the head hung at the remaining skinne a very sad and horrible spectacle In a corner of a street where is the Pallace Bernard a Tauerner called Croes beeing discended into a Seller to drawe Beere for his ghuests of which one company were playing at Cardes the house in a moment was throwne on the earth and the gamesters ouerwhelmed wth their Cardes in their hands none of that house remained safe but the Host by meanes of the vaulted Caue or Seller into which he was discended Three or foure dayes after this accident there were many found in Caues and Sellers which were dead of hunger others stiffled others lay in traunses and swounds with feare and incredible stench of the thunder There was a man and a woman found that were carried away and hanged betwixt the braunches of a Tree The Towne which before was adorned with exquisite buildings was now altogether disfigured and as it were rent in peeces The Suburbes of Neckerfpful was almost all ruinated The Pallace of Bergues and that of Madame Margarite and the Emperours were cleane ouerthrowne The house of Lombards they are they which lend siluer to vsurie from top to bottome was ruinated The Hosterie of the Postmaister was destroyed and the stable with the horses were all carried away One part of the Monasterie of the Augustines and of the Temples and Churches of the Towne were broosed and broken downe And if the storme had not broken his forces in the ouerthrowe of the house of the Count d'Hostrat there had beene no likelihood that any house in the Towne or thereabouts had remained whole There were found many hewen stones throwne by the Tempest sixe hundreth paces off to the great damage of the places where they fell The glasse windowes through all the streetes were broken The fall of Tyles and the cry of persons was horrible and fearefull Thus the Lord sometimes makes men feele his terrible and fearfull power In Iune the Emperour sent the Cardinall of Trent to Rome to conclude that cōfederacie with the Pope who had now deliuered siluer to the Captaines of warre for the warre in Almaine On the other side the Duke of Saxe and the Lantgraue leuied people in all haste The Emperor being demanded the causes of the warre he answered it was onely meant against rebells culpable of treason He sent Embassadors to the Swisses praying them to remaine stil in their auncient amity And that hee onely determined to chastice certaine mutinous people The Protestants purposed in August to besiege Seiusbourge so meaning to fight against the Emperor but as they passed leisurely ten thousand footmē of Italie came to the Emperors succours the last of August and 500. horsmen whose Captaine was Octauius Farnese the Popes sonne in lawe The Count de Bure who had leuied people in the lowe Countries passed Phine in the moneth of August nigh Mets and in September ioyned himselfe to the Emperour Great troupes of the Popes friends of all estates ranne vnto the Councell of Trent In the number of which amongst others were two notable Archbishops the one of Vspale in the Countrey of the Gothes called Olaus the great and the other of Armacane in Ireland They were poore Archbishops which had litle but winde and smoake of Archbishops and were entertained of the Pope at fifteene crownes a moneth and therefore thought hee good they should be at this Councell vnder those titles and to take place amongst others that the world might beleeue that there were yet found in farre Countries as Gothia and Ireland people which reuerence his name and submit themselues to his obedience Herman Archbishop of Colongne by the counsell and aduice of his Estates and of his meer will surrendred and gaue ouer his estate of a Prince and his Electorship and withall remitted vnto the people the oath of fidelitie wherby they were bound vnto him Adolp Schauembourge is chosen in his place who straight chaunged Religion through all the Countrey of Colongne At Genes a sedition rose vp The Count Fliscan was Captaine of them who fell into the sea and was drowned whereby the furie of the seditious was much lessened Yet the Lord Ioanuin d' Aure was there cut in peeces The Emperour laid the cause vpon the Farneses and amongst others vpon Peter Lewis Duke of Plaisance Henry king of England dyed about the end of Ianuarie hauing instituted Edward his sonne of the age of nine yeares and after him he substituted Mary his daughter by his first wife and after her Elizabeth by his second wife Vnder this young King Edward the doctrine of the Pope was driuen out of England and the Gospell put in the place by the authoritie of the Duke of Sommerset his Tutor and Vncle by the mothers side and of Thomas Cranmer Archbishop of Canterburie The Councell of Trent diuided some of the venerable Fathers retired to Bolongne because a Phisitian who was in the Popes wages told them that the aire of Trent was not wholesome The other Bishops which were vnder the Emperors obedience remained at Trent A sedition at Naples of the Bourgesses against the Spaniards because that Peter de Tolledo Viceroy sought to bring in the Spanish Inquisition concerning Religion The last of March Francis king of France after hee had raigned 32. yeares died at Ramboillet Henry 2. of that name his son succeeded him in this yeare and the same day he was borne that is to say the last of March. Anne de Montmourancie now hauing bene absent from the Court sixe yearers was againe called Such as before were in honour and credit some were laid in prison others were deposed or lost their credit and honour Peter Martir a Florentine professor of Theologie is called from Strasbourge into England and Bernardin Ochinus a man renowmed in Ilalie for his eloquence Anne the onely daughter of Vladislaus the last king of Hungarie and Boheme the wife of Ferdinand king of the Romanes a fertile mother for children died about this time The 24. of Aprill the Emperor vsing extreame diligence and subtiltie passed the Riuer of Abis and suddenly tooke the Duke of Saxonie who hauing but a weake Armie was discomfited and be himselfe after he had fought all the day wounded in the left cheeke was taken and carried away prisoner The seuenth of May the Emperor condemned him to be beheaded yet at the earnest intercession of the Elector of Brandebourge he yeelded him his life and in the place thereof
at that seruice but he refused to kisse the dish or pax offered by the Cardinall of Ausbourge who sung the Masse whereat the Cardinall was so despited that he said vnto him If thou wilt haue no blessing receiue a curse euerlasting Other deputies of the Townes and Princes of the confession of Ausbourge entered not into the Church Certaine time after Othon Henry Elector Palatin left his dignitie and estates to Frederick who reformed his Countrey after the pure doctrine whereof he shewed himselfe a constant and faithfull protector with an admirable wisedome and moderation The Diethmarsois yeelded themselues vnto Frederick the 2. of that name king of Denmarke about the end of the moneth of Iune after they had couragiously maintained the war and receiued diuers battailes before they gouerned themselues without yeelding any subiection vnto any person But now they yeelded to gouernment about 35. yeares after the death of Henry de Supphon minister of the word of God whom they had cruelly put to death in the Towne of Meldorf where the truth of the Gospell encreased greatly by the preachings of that man The first day of Ianuary that Christian king of Denmarke of the age of 56. yeares died and about three weekes after died also Christierne his Cosin and predecessor who for his vniust wicked dealings was driuen away of his subiects straying out of his own kingdome the space of 10. yeares thinking to come thither again was taken vpon these and after locked in prison where he reamined 17. years vntil his death being vs the age of 78. Laurence Priarli Duke of Venice Heroides Duke of Ferrare died the same year y e one in●●● the other in Octo. Paul 4. hauing bin Pope 4. yeares 2. moneths 27. daies died the 18 day of August 1559. of the age of 85. yeares Scant had he yeelded vp his spirit but the Romane people which wished death vnto him because of his warres exactions and 〈◊〉 brake the prisons of the Inquisition deliuered the prisoners fired the whole building threw downe the Popes Image cutting off the head and right hand 〈…〉 which were drawne three dayes 〈◊〉 〈…〉 cast 〈…〉 And it was 〈◊〉 that the Armes of the family of ●●r●ffes should be plucked downe from all places of the towne and burst in peeces which was 〈◊〉 the same day His body was in daunger to haue bene handled as his Images and so had bene but that they kept certaine dayes 〈◊〉 a●●●d and strong hand from the people He was also very violent in his Popedome not only toward his enemies many of which were yet in prison but also towards his seruants and friends The 26. day of the said moneth of August Phillip d' Austrich king of Spaine hauing set in order his affaires in Flaunders and the lowe Countries made saile from the Hauen of Flushing into Spaine pretending to set vpō the Turke seeing he was agreed with the king of France Elizabeth the eldest daughter of the dead king Henry being accorded vnto him for wife and committed vnto the king of Nauarre other to conuoy her euen vnto the frontiers of Spaine But being embarked with a great number of ships and all the riches which his father had heaped vp out of Almain Italy with a great quantitie of the rich Tapistry of Flaunders as he approached the port of S. Iames in Galicie so great a tempest arose that of all that magnificall furniture and riches gotten together with so long time and so great trauell nothing arriued in safetie but the sea was made heire of those riches euen in the sight of the Spaniards As for him that tempest spared him so litle that scant could he set foote in any 〈◊〉 but the vessel wherein he was was ready to sinke into the bottome of the sea This losse chafed him so much the more against them of the Religon especially of the lowe countries which were there persecuted with fire and sword before after his depart●●● In England the Churche got vp vnder the pe●c●●ble gouernment of Elizabeth As for Scotland many came vnto the Gospell and they so multiplied that soone after they remained maisters The Papall seate being vacant the space of foure moneths by the aduise of the Cardinalls Iohn Angelus de Medicis Cardinall was chosen Pope about the end of December and was crowned the sixt day of Ianuary 1560. naming himselfe Pius the fourth he liued in the throne of error fiue yeares eleuen moneths and fifteene dayes He confirmed the election of the Emperour Ferdinand which his predecessour would not approue hee also iustified and set at libertie out of prison certiane Cardinalls and Bishops At the beginning of this said moneth Elizabeth of France was brought to the limits of Spaine deliuered into the hands of the Cardinall de Burges of the Duke d'el Infantasque King Phillip his deputies vnto whom they brought her and there was great triumphs in the celebration of the marriage which they called the firme bond to holde vnited the kingdomes of France and Spaine Charles Prince of Spaine receiued the homages of many Townes insomuch that for a time there was nothing but reioycings Iusts Feasts and Bankets through all King Phillips Countries but this mirth endured no long time as shall be seene hereafter For the estate of France the Churches had many troubles this yeare For the violent and illegitimate domination of the house of Guise which ruled the king and the kingdome at their pleasure the recoyling of Princes and great Lords the despising of the states and other cōfusions brought in by these new gouernours stirred a great part of the Nobilitie to ioyne themselues together to get the King out of the hands of such people and to procure by good order that things might return into their auncient estate And because this could not be executed but by armes they assembled certaine troupes vnder the conduct of Godfroy de Barry seur de la Renaudie and other valiant Captains to come vnto Amboise to seaze the Duke of Guise and the Cardinall of Lorraine to make an account of their administration But hauing bene discouered and betrayed long time before they came into the field this enterprise did but ●●uenome make more cruell the Lords of Guise Insomuch that they put to death a great number of Lordes Captaines Gentlemen and souldiers at Amboise And because the most part of them professed the true religion then in France called Lutherisme the Cardinall charged the Churches that they had made this enterprise yea they dealt with y e princes of the blood royall namely with Anthonie de Burbon king of Nauarre and his brother Lewis de Burbon prince of Conde after with the houses of Montmorencie of Chastillon determining to roote vp churches houses all at once to effect which the Lordes of Guise made infinit preparatiues all this yeare both within without the realme they also found meanes to draw the king of Nauarre
all Ecclesiasticall censures which are read in the holy Canons in the generall and particular constitutions and in the Bull of the Supper of the Lord. This also was determined against all those which were of his counsell or aide or any way had assisted him in the premisses Besides he cited the King himselfe that within the space of 60. dayes which should begin from the day of the notice to the king that hee in his owne proper person or some one especially in his place should come to Rome there to yeeld reason wherefore he caused the Duke of Guise to bee slaine and held in prison the Cardinall and Archbishop and that the rest that were sommoned should come themselues without deputies to this also hee added that none of them nor the king himselfe no not in case of conscience the houre and dayes of death excepted and not then to bee absolued vnlesse hee obeyed and satisfied the Church in all things which hee was enioyned to doo Without this promise hee might not be absolued not in the full Iubily or the holy marke of the Crosse any indulgence power or priviledge whatsoeuer to him or his predecessors before granted notwithstanding Anth. Cicarella The Huguenots in their writings published at that time acknowledged not that action of the thirteenth of December as a clap of thunder that maketh more noise then it doth hurt nor as a disgrace of fortune wherevnto the greatest personages are most subiect but as a worke of God and as one of the most notable workes that he had wrought for them thereby beginning to worke their reuenge for the massacre of S. Bartholomewes day and to relieue them out of the miserable state wherin they stood In the moneth of Ianuary the Embassadors of the Emperour Rodolphe treated with the Polanders about the deliuerie of Max. Arch-duke of Austria in the territories of Silesia Polonia at Beutena Where vpon certaine conditions to bee by him performed he was enlarged without ransome D. Chytreus Vpon Twelfe eue Katherine de Medices the daughter of Laurentius de Medices D. of Vrbin and Magdelen the daughter of the E. of Bononie and Auerina the wife of H. the 2. King of France and mother of the French K. H. 3. in the 70. yeare of her age and fift day of her sicknesse died at Blois Genebrardus This yeare 1589. the holy Nun before spoken of was found to be a counterfeit Wherfore the Lords pronounced sentence against her in the Monastery of the mother of God of the order of S. Francis in the Citie of Lisbone And for that she had not dealt with nor inuocated the diuell they adiudged her to perpetuall imprisonment M. Cyp. Val. The Pope Sixtus 5. excommunicateth the K. of France The K. came vpon Paris and besieged it straightly The Parisians seeing themselues in that estate resolued of no other remedie for deliuerance of their present miserie but to kill the king To him that would kill him they did promise great rewards Amongst all these was a Iacobine Friar called Iaques Clement borne in a Village called Sorbone neare Seins hauing passed through the hands of certain Confessors and conferred with some Iesuites and others was for a kind of dexteritie in him obserued found meete to strike so great a stroake He was vrged and put forward therein and in the end the D. Demaine the sister of Montpensier other had conference with him in diuers places they requested him to perseuer in this good determination which they knew to rise in him by extraordinarie inspirations to performe so renowned a seruice to the holy vnion the Catholick Church and his Countrie They caused the zealous Sorbonists and Iesuits to preach that the people should yet haue patience for 7. or 8. daies and they should see some wonderfull matter come to passe that shuld make wel with the vnion The Preachers of Roan Orleance and Amiens preached the like at the same time and in semblable tearmes The Friar hauing taken order for his complot departed frō Paris went toward S. Clouis He being presented to speake to the K. the 1. of August said that he had Letters from the President of Harlay and credence on hs part the K. caused him to be called into his chamber where there was no other but the L. of Belle-good and the procurer Generall whom he procured to retire a part The Friar perceiuing himselfe alone and opportunitie put into his hand confirming his countenance more more drew out of one sleeue a paper which he presented to the K. and out of the other poisoned knife with which violētly he sheathed a thrust within the kings small ribbes who feeling himselfe wounded plucked the knife out of the wound wherewith hee strooke the Friar aboue the eye thervpon some gentlemen rushing in could not containe but murdered the murderer although the king commanded the contrary This Friar after for his bloudie deed was canonized a Saint In the annagransme of his name Friar Iaques Clement were found these words in so many letters C'est l'enfer quim'a creè which signifieth It is hell that created or brought me forth The K. died y e next morning following but before his departure he named the K. of Nauarre his brother lawfull successor to the Crowne exhorted his subiects to obey him to remaine vnited and to refer the difference of religion to the conuocation of the estates generall of the Realme who would thinke vpon conuenient remedies for the same to haue a care of religion and pietie and pray to God for him vpon these words he gaue vp the ghost Hist of France D. Chytraeus He liued 37 yeares 10 moneths and 11. daies he raigned 15. yeares and two moneths in this Prince failed the Kings of the race of Valois which had raigned in France from the yeare 1515. to the yeare 1589. vnder their dominions almost all the wonders of former ages had bene renewed Whom H. the 4. of the race of Bourbon succeeded Genebrardus This is worthy of speciall note In the moneth of May 4. moneths before he was slaine a certaine learned man beeing asked by his friends what he hoped of this H. the third K. Per sortes Virgilianas inquirens The booke of Virgill being opened and the 7. verse which number he chose in his mind he found Olli dura quies oculis ferreus vrget Soninus in aeternam clauduntur lumina noctem After his death warres began a fresh betwixt the confederate Catholickes and the king of Nauarre many hotte skirmiges were at the length on the tenth of March a battaile was fought at Harens where the king had the victory but not without the losse of many of his Nobles The D. Demaine presently repaired his Hoste but the K. conuerted all his Forces against Paris and besieged it where was so great a famine that a bushel of wheate was sold for one hundred fiftie crownes a mutton for 26. pounds This siege was
theyr Princes 5 To withstand these sentences and that they do not bind the conscience 6 That they must looke into the actions of the Prince or his conscience 7 That by the Christian religion no order may bee appointed to the Salique lawe that the king be constrained to be a Catholicke 8 That an herelike by diuine grace is a Christian 9 That it is not lawfull to resist a Prince that is an heretike 10 That a Catholicke king may permit and suffer two religions in his kingdome 11 Not to punish heretikes nor to compell any to be Catholickes 12 To pray for those that are excommunicated as well the liuing as the dead and that publikely in Churches and to performe this the Cleargie to be bound vpon paine of departing the Realme 13. That Confessions may be reuealed for iustice sake This yeare Arnald Whitfeeld Chauncelor of the Realme in Denmarke came Embassator into England and Christian Barnice his assistant they had audience at the Court then at Tiballs Turnbaut is deliuered vp to Graue Maurice And this yeare Belgia was in reasonable guietnesse The States of the vnited Prouinces entered a mutuall league with the Queene of England and the King of France defensiue and offensiue against Phillip the King of Spaine their common enemie The king of France with often excursions and assailes had troubled and vexed the confines of Artesia and Hamonia The Cardinall Albertus being at Bruxells and thinking of repairing his Army found great difficulties for want of money for king Phillip refused to pay the Italian Merchants and those of other Nations their money who tooke monstrous vsurie of him so that he complained that by this meanes his kingly patrimonie his annuall reuenewes and extraordinary subsidies were consumed Yet that he might keepe his word and shewe himselfe to be of a good conscience he turned the controuersie into religion and appointed two of his and his sonnes Confessors to disswade these Merchants from taking this vnreasonable vsurie and to tell them what daunger their soules were in if they did not remit it in the meane season certaine of the creditors became bankerupt the rest by their example were afterward afraid to lend the King any money D. Chytraeus The Emperour Rodolphus promised Sigismond Duke of Transiluania new supplies of souldiers and money and with great solemnitie receiued him into the fellowship of the golden Fleece Maximilian againe was made Generall by the Emperour The Pope by his Embassador Iohannes Franciscus Aldobrandinus promised to send ten thousand Italians into Hungary at his owne costs and charges and made the D. of Mantua their Generall The higher Saxonie sent a thousand horsemen and the lower Saxonie as many Francouia Bauania Suenia and the other Countries Bohemia and Austria sent in their aide likewise These all marched towards Pappa the which after eight day siege they tooke from thence to Raba which yeeded without any assault but hearing that Mahomet Bassa was comming towards them and finding themselues too weake to bold out that place against them they went backe ouer Danubie into Scythia towards Gomorrha The Turkes eight dayes after besieged the Castle of Totes whilest the Christians Armie lay Idle which went downe to Watsia and there hearing that the Turkes came towards them they went to Strigonia Alphonsus Duke of Ferrara whom the yeare before gone the Emperour Rodolphus determined to make Generall of the Turkish expedition departed this life whose Dukedome Caesar Est bastard being in his life time appointed his heire and cessor presently possessed The Pope was much discontented with this and forthwith strooke Caesar with the thunderbold of excommunication and made warre vpon him Christian the 4. king of Denmarke was married to Anne the daughter of Ioachimus Fredericus Marquesse of Brandebourghe by the Archbishop of Magdebourghe This yeare dyed in the higher Germanie Iohannes Postius an excellent Poet and the chiefe Phisitian to the Count Palatine Graue Maurice made a bridge vpon Rhene Berke was besieged of him and yeelded within twelue dayes which hee fortified Syr Robert Cecill principall Secretary Maister Harbert Maister of the Requests Sir George Carewe Lieftenant for the Ordinance and others prepared for their Embassage into France and set sayle from Douer the ninteenth of February Syr Robert Cecill returned the fift of May out of France In the beginning of this yeare many Princes died Iohannes Georgius Marquesse of Bradenbourghe of 37. yeares died leauing behind him sixe sonnes and foure daughters The same moneth of Ianuary died Richard Count Palatine of Rhene at Sinouerne where he kept his Court. Him followed Theodorus the great Duke of Muschouia In the lower Saxonie died Henry Duke of Brunswicke and Luzemburge the sonne of Ernestus and Clare the wife of Bogislaus Duke of Pomerian The last of Ianuary Anne Queene of Poland the daughter of Charles Arch-duke of Austria departed this life This moneth the Pope Clement the 8. made warre vpon Caesar Est Duke of Ferrara for the Dukedome but the matter was taken vp and the Duke yeelded vp Ferrara vnto him but all the other Cities and Townes he enioyed and by the Emperour Rodolphus was created Duke of Mulina The Pope annexed this to the Popedome Sigismond Prince of Transiluania who hitherto had held out with an inuincible courage against the Turkes in the beginning of this yeare chaunged the course of his life and surrendred the Prouince of Transiluania to the Emperour Rodolphe and his heires least it should fall into the hands of the Turkes A peace was concluded betweene the Kings of France and Spaine in the lowe Countries at Veruini in the beginning of May Pledges sent into France from the Spaniard were Philippus de Croy Franciscus de Mendoza the Admiral of the kingdome of Arragon Charles Prince and Countie Aremberge Ludouicus de Velasco the Popes Embassadors that made the peace were Alexāder Cardinal de Medicis and Generall of the order of the Franciscanes Bonauentura a Sicilian The King of Spaines deputies were Iohannes Richardotus President of the Councell Iohannes Baptista and Ludouicus Verreiken the K. his Secretary in the lowe Countries Amongst the conditions of peace this was the chiefe That former iniuries and vnkindnesses forgotten these Articles of peace that were set downe in the yeare 1559 at Camerac betweene Henry the second king of France and Phillip the 2. king of Spaine might be kept The whole pacification was comprehended in 35. Articles and printed at Paris and Poloine Calice Capella Ardea and other Cities of Picardie were restored to Henry the 4. K. of France by the Spaniard The Queene of England perswaded the Hollanders to peace who notwithstanding preferred warre before a trecherous peace with the Spaniards Therefore Albertus Arch-duke going into Spaine to be married Franciscus Mendoza Admirall of Arragon chiefe Generall of the Spanish Forces hauing brought his Army to Rhene prepareth it against the Hollanders and the vnited Prouinces They of Aquisgrane two yeares before condemned by the sentence of Caesar
King of the Vandales persecuteth the Christians and dieth of vermine 472 Hospitalls 164 Hospitall of the holy Ghost builded at Rome 474 Hospitaliers called the knights of S. Iohn of Porsale 321 H. K. of Nauarre 643 Heluetians 658 Huguenots 667 H. the 3. K. of France 669 H. 4. King of France crowned 686 He is absolued of the Pope 691 Hussites do reiect all humane traditions 221. Are assaulted by Sigismond Emperour and the Pope 691 Hypona besieged by the Vandales 346 I IAcobius founded vpon Pope Honorius his dreame 351 Iacobius of Berne 494 Idolatrie finds the Pope a defender thereof 209 Idolatry of them of Gaunt 228 Idolatrie of Chaplets 362 Iohn Baptist preacheth 4 Iohn Apostle and Euangelist dyeth 27 Iohn of Antioche heretike and a Iew compiled the Alicoran 190 Iohn king of England subiected his Crowne to the Pope 227 Ignatius cast to beasts 31 Innocent the first 146 Iohn the 1. Pope 167.2.169 Iohn surnamed Teutonicus opposeth himself against the Popes demaunding of tenthes in Almaine 421 Iohn Duke of Britaine slain with a wall 262 Iohn 22. an heretike 392 Iohn de Roquetaillade martyred 421 Iohn Colunban and Frances Vincent the first Iesuites 417 Iohn Wickliffe 443 Iohn Gerson 443 Iohn Hus commendeth the doctrine of Wickliffe to the people 426 Iohn Hus and Hierome of Prage go to the Councel and are burned 442. Their death Ibid. Iohn 24. saluted of an Owle is much troubled 440. Hee flyeth from the Councell of Constance Iohn Paleoleauge Emp. of Constantinople 400 Iohn Guttenberge inuentor of Printing 455 Iohn Pusters Called Gurman and Peter Sheffert sell their printing Ibid. Iohn Huniades escapes from the battaile 372. Dyeth Ibid. Iohn Iustinian of Geneua beheaded 391 Iohn an English man burnt 479 Iohn Fissers author of the repentants order 364 Iohn Picus Prince of Miradula 297 Iohan of Orleance a maide burnt 448 Ierome died 149 Ierome Sauanaroll burned 229 Iulius Max. Emperor slaine 54 Iust. of faith 147 Iulius Philipp Emperour 57 Ierusalem diuided into 2. Sects 4 Is in sedition 6. Left of the Christians is besieged 22. Horrible famine 23 Ierusalem taken 23 Ierusalem changeth the name 34 Ierusalem taken by Cosroes king of the Persians 121 Ierusalem taken by the Mahometists 282 Ierusalem taken by the Christians 299 Ierusalem raced euē to the foundations 92 Images broken 57. Taken out of Churches 29. Restored Ibid. Taken away and burnt forbidden to honor them vpon paine of death 54. Throwne downe by Sabin K. of Bulgaria Ibid. Images and paintings abolished in Churches 223 Images set vp by Hyren 223. Impugned by Charlemaine Ibid. Imbert Dauphin of Viēna makes himselfe a Iacobin 426 Indians brought to the Romane Church promise to keepe the Sacrament of confirmatiō 439 Indulgences do penetrate euen to such as are in purgatory 498 Inuention to pray for the dead 122 Inuestatures agreed to Henry reuoked 239 Inuestatures resigned to Pope Calixtus 25 Ionathes high Priest slaine by Ioseph 49 Ioseph the Historiographer 26 Iouinian a Christian Emper. 122 Iesuites originall 417 Ireneus is slaine 50 Isaach Exarch ratifieth the election of Stephen 123 Italy and Burgoine subiected to Arnulphe 100 Italy the sea of seditions 224 Italy in great factions 427 Italy gouerned by three Cardinalls hauing the power of Senators 361 Italy afflicted by the Turkes 373 Iubile first 299 Iubile remitted to fiftie yeares 412 Celebrated at Rome Ibid. Iubile of 25. yeares to 25 yeares Iubile celebrated by Alexander the 6. 371 Iohn de Austria 623 Iohannes Basilides 649 Iames king of Scots besieged and taken 660 Innocent 9. 678 His death Ibid. Irish rebellion 630 Iewes and Leonards punished for poysoning waters 406 Iewes crucifie a Christian chude 466 Iulian Medices slaine in hearing Masse 396 Iustin Emperour 166 Iustin the Pelagian dieth out of his wits 225 Iustinian seduced by Antsenius to depart from his error Ibid. Iustinian compileth the Romane lawes 171 Dieth of phrenzie Iustinian Emperor breaketh his faith giuen to the Sarasins 222 Sent inta exile Ibid. Kisseth the Popes feet 230. His head is cut off Iul. an Emp. 100. His death 122 K KIngdome of Cyprus 473. Of Aragon made a pray by the Pope King of Bulgaria dooth receiue the faith 251 King of the Romans Emp. diuers names but of one substance 460 King Phillip 2. 635 King of Nauarre excommunicated 657 King Phillip displeased with the Pope 670 He dieth 708 King of Er● excōmunicated 668 King of France conuerted 683 L LAntgraues 366 Lambert Bishop of Liege rebuketh Pepin for adultery 274 Lewis 184 Laudo Pope 264 Lansrancus the first author of Transubstantiation 285 Laurence Deacon of Rome suffereth Martyrdome 68 Laurentius Valla 245 Laurence de Medices excommunicated 333 Legends of Saints forged 182 Leger Bishop martyred 320 Leo Emperour burneth Images 257 Leo Emp. of Constantinople slain in his Pallace 343 Leontius and Tiberius Emperors beheaded 376 Letanies the great instituted 154 Leuites 5 Libertie to preach the Gospell in France 215 Liberius the Arrian canonized 256 Lombards raigned in Italy 262 Lombards haue the Empire conuerted to the faith 279 They occupie the Exarchate Linus 20. His death 25 Libraries 95 Licinius Emperour 81 Longin Gracian the first Exarch in Italy 176 Lotharius dieth a Monke 277 Lewis Debonaire giueth power to the Romane Cleargie to elect the Pope 345 Lewis sonne of king Phillip first came to Artois 301 Lewis S. marketh blasphemers with an hotte Iron 299 Lewis Emperour declared heretike by the Pope 297 Crowned by 2. Senators of Rome Ibid. Giueth a reason of his faith 390 Lewis Archbishop brake his neck in a daunce 154 Lewis Duke of Orleance murdered at Paris 453 Leo the 10. Pope 153 Lucian the Apostate 30 Lucius king of England receiued the faith 44 Lucius B. of Rome martired 564 Lucrece daughter wife daughter in law to the Pope 484 Luitprandus king of Lombards besiegeth Rome 297 Leopold D. of Austriche takes the King of England prisoner 322 Lupus Bishop of Troy approueth Letanies 167 Luquois entreateth the libertie of their common-wealth 312 Liuonia or Lisland conuerted to the faith 362 Lēt attributed to Telesephorus 35 First Lent in England 194 Lotharius Emperour 233 Liberius Emperour 113 Luther 106. Excommunicated 504 Lewis Beltram Friar 671 M MAhomet an Arabian a false Prophet 189. Adored after his death 221 Mahomets Alcaron 190 His Paradise lawes and ceremonies Ibid. Mahomet and the Pope conferred together 192 Mahometists take Ierusalem 282 Maister of the Synagogue 52 Mancinellus 486 Manes heretike broiled aliue 99 Manichees books burnt at Ro. 27 Manicheus againe condemned are cast out of Rome 151 Mantell episcopall 253 Marke preacheth in Egypt 15 Marke the Euangelist dyeth 19 Marcelline offereth a graine of incense to Idolls 203 Marcian heretike 40 Marcion heretike 38 Margarite Queene of Nauarre condemned to perpetual prison for fornication 375 Marriage publike 30 Mariage forbidden to Priests 91 Mary the mother of our Lord dyeth 15 Martian Emperor slaine 149 Martine Empresse hath her tongue cut out 216 Marcell Bishop
pits The Prouost of Paris Lewis A diuellish illusion An heresie held by the Pope Colledges of Scribes An answere of the Greeks to the Pope Vicegerents of the Empire The Emperor demandeth the Imperiall ornaments The Romains beseech the Pope for the Emperour Theologians and Lawiers of this time Lewis fortified The Emperours appellation against the Pope Donation of Constantine Nicholas 5. Tenthes leuied in Fraunce Ambition of the Venetians Benet 12. King of Romanes and Emperor Names diuers but of the same substance Vnctions are ceremonies inuented by the Pope The administration of the Empire being vacant belongeth to the Count Palatin The Emperor yeeldeth a confession of his faith Benet ouercome with the integritie of the Emperor The Emperor Lewis absolued The Pope doth all for his profit The Penetentiers Collations of benefices Canonicall houres sung by note The sister of Francis Petrarke bought by Benet Ockam Dante 's Clement 6. The Iourney of Cressy See the Chro. of the Emperours in the 2. Tome Edward chosen Emperour Frederic Charles 4. The publike reuenewe of the Empire engaged The Iubile remitted to 50. yeares Lewis Whippers or beaters A new Sect. Robes Error incontinently findeth her adherents Charles 4. Innocent 6. Reseruation of Benefices Betwixt saying and doing is a long way The Vniuersitie of Prage Outrage done to the Empresse The battaile of Poitiers Iohn de Roquetaillaide martired The Feast of the speare and nailes Wonders The death of Innocent Vrbain 5. Yues Armacan Baldus Iesuites A golden Bull. A Taxe vpon Wine Gregory 11. A new Sect of dauncers Wencelaus The English fall vpon the the Swisses The Country of Morauia Wencelaus The Emperour imprisoned Marke Lorde of Bulgaria Vrbain 6. Clement 7. This is not numbred in the Catalogue of the Popes A schisme of fortie yeares Inuentions to drawe siluer Vrbane Acts worthy of the Papall seate Note the trobles y t come of the Pope The three Flower deluces of France Aubriot The Swissers prosper The disputation of the conception of the Virgin Marie The name of Huet Antichrist makes warre vpon himselfe Boniface 9. Benet 13. De Aliace Gerson Two factions at Millaine Battaile against the Turke A Nationall Councell in France White Mantles Turelupins An admonition to giue thankes vnto God The Councell of Constance condemned this Pope Clement 8. Chrysoloras Gunnes Iosse Robert Robert Robert crowned at Colongne The death of Robert The Romanes request to the Pope Rising of the Romane people The Marquisate of Pise Teutonians or Almaines Iohn Hus. Articles of the doctrine of the Bohemiās Gregorie 12. Monkes of Mount Oliuet Benet in the Castle of Panisole or Peninsole A Councell at Pise Alexāder 5. Two Popes deposed Ladislaus depriued of his kingdome Robert A Bull of the Stigmates of S. Francis 16000. after the Chron. of France and 36000. after the Chron. of Almaine Sigismond Sigismond Iohn 24. A Sinode at Rome Historie of the Owle Champaine besieged The Iourney of Blangy Iohn Hus and Ierome of Prage The death of Iohn Hus Ierome of Prage Wickliffe burnt after his death Iohn 24. The Frisoniers or de la Chemise Cleues Sauoy Martin 5. The Hussites Iane the Pucelle Ambition of the Venetians The Pucelle of Orleans Eugenius 4. Eugenius flieth away Articles proposed by the Bohemians A Councell at Ferrara Annates Albert. 5. The end of ●he Councell of Basill Hungarie Boheme came both to one 23 Schisme Ayme Duke of Sauoy The conception of the Virgin Marie The Pragmatike sanction Albert. The death of Albert. Frederic Emp. Frederic 3. Printing Inuented in what time by whom Note how many euils faith-breaking bringeth Amurathes maketh himselfe a Monke Nicholas 5. A Iubile Calixtus 3. Rom. 12.18 Apoc. 9.3 Wherefore a Bell was knolled at noone Iohn Capistran Robert de la Lice Ingratitude of the Venetians Pius 2. The pragmatike sanction abbrogated Abbreuiators created Katherine de Sienes Canonized A sentence of Pope PIus against singlenes of Priests Paul 2. Ambition A sumptuous Mitre Red hats Ariminum wasted by the Pope The Pope an enemie of Letters The Popedome fell Sixtus 4. Cosme Peter Lawrence Iulian. The Dukes first ouerthrowe at Granson The second ouerthrow of the Duke of Bourgongne nigh Morat The third ouerthrow of the Duke Charles Iacobins against the Carmes Mendicants made equall The Swisses receiue the Kings wages The death of king Lewis the 11. Innocent 8. Townes giuē to the Popes bastards Naples revolted Iohn the English man burnt at Paris Corpus Christi An Epitaphe of Innocent Conuention betwixt Sathā Borgia Alexand. 6. Cesar Borgia the Popes bastard Maximilian Repenties Maximilian Alexander setteth vp his bastards The Duke of Valentinois Lucrece the daughter wife daughter in lawe of the Pope The crueltie and ingratitude of the Venetians This act brought great damage to Italie Lewis Sforza Mancinellus Marrhans Basil Schaffusen The Venetians vanquished An horrible illusion of Sathan The diuell saith he is Pope A strife betwixt the Pope and diuell Alexander prayeth that his terme may be longer Pius 3. Sackagemēt of Borgia Deuouring Grashoppers or Locusts Apoc. 9. li. 8. The waining of the Popedome Tokens of the Popes fall Apoc. 19. d. 20 The Swisses honoured by the Pope Rauenna occupied by the Pope The Iacobins and Friars of Berne If it be lawfull for Popes to make warre The pragmatike sanction The Councel of Laterane Leo. 10. O execrable blasphemie Indulgences Sampson of Millaine a Friar Rhodes takē Apoc. 11. a. 2. 2. Thess 2. a. 4. The death of Selms the yeare 1518. Charles 5. Charles 5. Luther excommunicated and assailed on al sides Adrian 6. The taking of Rhodes Maximilian Clement 7. Zuric is hated of all the Swisses Charles 5. The Iourney of Pauie Diuision betwixt Luther and Zuinglius Wartes betweene Vaivoda Ferdinand The taking of Rome A peace at Cambray The Emperours Coronation A deluge of waters The King of Denmarke imprisoned Crueltie of George Duke of Saxonie The death of Pope Clemēt Paul 3. A bloodie procession Thunis and Golete A Comete Castelnouo Vaiuoda Chabot The Iouney of Remsbourg The seed of warre Bude falles to the Turke The Iourney Argiere Persecution against the faithfull Rochell Landrecy Nice Vauldois 〈…〉 of Ca●●g●●n S. Dedier Lorraine Bologne A number of whores Alliance against the Gospell Crownes The warre in Almaine The death of Henry the 8. Constable P. Martir The taking of the Duke of Saxonie His condemnation The Iourney of Vlme Adiaphores Fesse in Affricke Iulius 3. The Popes litle Cardinall The Iourney at Ausbourge Affrike taken Bucer Wonders The warre of Parma The Monke of Transiluania Complaints of Almaine The king himselfe Protector of Almaine Solyman strangleth Mustapha his eldest son The complaint of Grangier with the wen ouer Mustapha Rostan spoiled of all his honours Edward 6. Marie Seruetus burnt The Gospell driuen out of England Alasco Dispersion of the faithfull Emden Conspiracie against the Queene of England Ladie Iane beheaded Sienna Charles of Sauoy Renty K. Phillip his marriage Cardinall Paule
Fribourg in Brisgoye Naucler Paschall assembled a Councell at Laterane wherein hee reuoked the right of Inuestures accorded vnto Henry the fift whereby arose a new schisme And the Popes Legates declared the said Henry to be excommunicated whereof rose great euils For the Emperour returned to Rome the second time and the Pope Paschall was constrained to flie S. Barnard of the age of 22. yeares accompanied with 30. persons entred into the Religion of the Cisteaux in the time Stephen liued the third Abbot of that place It rayned bloud in the field Emilian and Flaminian in the moneth of Iune nigh Rauenna and Parma without and within Chron. Sigeb and Palin The Monasterie of Cleruaux was founded whereof S. Barnard was the first Abbot being of the age of 27. yeares and was there by the space of 36. yeares Naucler The fruites of the warre of Ierusalem Foure orders came from Ierusalem Naucler 1. The order of Chanons of the Sepulchre of the Lord and they had double redde crosses 2 The order of the knights of S. Ihon otherwise called the knights of Rhodes and they weare blacke apparell with a white Crosse on their brests 3 The order of Templers which haue the white habit and the redde Crosse 4 The order of Teutoniques or Almaignes or otherwise the knights of the Virgin Mary which had a white habit and a blacke Crosse The Pope Paschal sent to the Bishop of Palerme in Sicilie the Archiepiscopall Pall yet with a condition that by oath he should binde himselfe to the Pope of Rome The said Bishop humbly sent him word that hee maruelled and with him the Princes and Councellours of Sicilie how the Pope demaunded an oath of a Bishop seeing Iesus Christ in S. Mathew cha 5. had forbidden to sweare and that it was not found by any Councell that it was lawfull to exact such an oath The Pope sharpely answered in these tearmes Thinkest thou saieth hee that any Councell can prescribe a Lawe to the Romane Church Knowest thou not that all Councels haue their perfection and vertue by the Romane Church Martin Luther In this time liued Hiltpert or Hildebert Bishop of Mons a fauourer of Transubstantiation as well as Ancelme Matilde or Mehaut Countesse of the age of 66. yeares died and gaue her goods by Testament vnto the Romane Church R. Barnes The Emperour Henry was defrauded by the said Testament for he was cousin of the said Countesse which after gaue occasion of great stirres and murthers R. Barnes Naucl. Baudwin second King of Ierusalem dyed and Baudwin his Nephewe surnamed Burgo was created the third King of Ierusalem Gelasius Pope 2. of that name was a Monke of Mountcassin Chauncellour of the Romane Church named Iohn borne at Gayotte a Citie of Campaigne in Italie Soone after his election he was apprehended by Cincius a mightie man imprisoned but incōtinently he was deliuered by the people The Emperour sent his Armie to Rome Gelasius fearing his comming fledde to Gayette The Emperour created an other Pope a Spaniard called Maurice otherwise Burdin Archbishop of Bracare which was called Gregorie the eight This done the Emperour returned into Almaigne and then beganne the eighteenth Schisme Gelasius condemned the Emperour and the Antepope and sent into Almaigne the Bishop Prenestin to publish the excommunication against the said Henry the fift R. Barnes Gelasius secretly came to Rome but he was knowne of his enemies and with much adoo escaping went for refuge into Fraunce Suppl Chron. He ordeined a Councell at Rheimes whither came bare-footed Robert of Lorraine founder of the order and place of Premonstre and entreated of the Pope Gelasius licence to preach the word of God and also authoritie and confirmation of his order Naucl. Chron. Sigeb This Pope had alreadie dedicated the great Church of Saint Laurence at Florence and had there placed the Ashes of S. Iohn Baptists bones newly brought from Mirrhe confirming them and approuing them for the true Ashes of S. Iohn Supp Chron. This Pope Gelasius died of a pleurisie at Clugny where hee was also buried hauing ruled at Rome a yeare sixe moneths Calixt 2. of that name succeeded him was 5. yeares Pope before called Guy or Guido of Burgongne after Fasc temp and the Sea of Histories or brother after Supp Chron. He was Doctor in the Ciuil Lawe and in Theologie Without contradiction he was chosen of the Cardinalls and honourably receiued at Rome When the Antepope Burdin heard those newes he met him thinking to haue hindered him but he profited nothing for he was in full battell ouercome with the French helpe And being taken by the Pope Calixt and by the Cardinal of S. Grisogon chiefe of his armie he was set vpon a Camell his face towards the taile and in such sort hee made him goe at his entrie then imprisoned him Iohn le Maire Fasc temp Eghardus saith that the said Antepope was powled made a Monke because whē he resided at Sutry he was a partie of many robberies committed vpon such as went and came to Rome Chron. Sigeb Calixtus made continue the Councell at Rheimes in Champaigne which Gelasius had commenced wherein he excommunicated the Emperor Henry the fift as an enemy of the church This excommunication was about the cause of the quarrell of the Inuestures of Bishops Iohn le Maire Henry the fift fearing to be deposed from his Empire as his Father was accorded the right of Inuestures in a full Councell it Rome vnto Calixtus Supp Chron. Calixtus ordeined that the Bishop of Compostella should be made an Arch-bishop for the reuerence of the bodie of Saint Iames who rested there And hee made a booke full of Fables of the miracles of the said S. Abb. Trit He appointed the foure times for taking orders as they call them for before they did take them only three times in the yeare He excommunicated such as tooke siluer for Baptisme and for burying Chron. R. Franc. By this Decree Popish Priests should be excommunicated He founded a Monasterie of the order of Cisteaux called Boneuan Fasc temp He ordeined it should not be lawful for any Bishop to turne from the Romane Church neither to contrary it For said he euen as the Sonne is come to do the will of his Father So it behoueth all Christians to do the will of their Mother that is to say the Romane Church Dist 12. ca. Non decet See how this brazen faced harlot of Rome alleadgeth scripture and is not ashamed to call her selfe a Mother He excommunicated all such as molested Pilgrimes which went to Rome 24 q. 3. chap. Si quis William Duke of Pouille preparing himselfe for the voiage of Constantinople to take vnto wife the Emperor Alexis his daughter recommēded his country to the Pope Calixt doubting the ambitiō of Roger his cosin who failed not incōtinently after the departure of the said William to seize vpon Calabria Pouille Insomuch as William was
depriued both of his wife and of his Principalitie and dyed without children Naucler and Corno Abb. Calixtus prepared an Armie against Roger but the Popes death came betwixt and Innocent the second pursued the enterprise One called Iohn a Patriarke of the Indians came vnto Rome and rehearsed to the Pope and Cardinalls in a Councell that by a myracle S. Thomas the Apostle came euery yeare to giue the Eucharist vnto the good and refused the wicked Naucler Miracles and apparitions are on all sides forged The Emperour Henry the fift bearing a long time an hatred vnto the King of France assembled a great Armie to runne vpon him taking occasion that hee was at the Councell which the Pope Calixt held at Rheimes wherein he was excommunicated and vaunted that he would destroy the Citie of Rheims where the said Councell was held but when he perceiued the Kings power which met him with the precious standard called the Auriflame he desisted from his enterprise and returned into his Country Iohn le Maire Pomerania receiued the Christian Faith Nancler Honorius Pope second of that name borne at Imola in Italie a man of base condition yet learned gouerned the Romane Church 5. yeares 2. moneths Before he was called Lambert Bishop of Ostia and was promoted rather by the ambition of some then by the consent of the good Supp Chron. He inuested Roger of the Duchy of Pouille after the said Roger had done vnto him homage who also was King of Sicilie The same Robert author of the order of Premonstre went to Rome vnto the Pope obteined what he desired cōcerning y e order Nauc Arnulphe Arch-bishop of Lion had at this time a singular grace in preaching who after he had preached in Fraunce and Italie came vnto Rome But because in his Sermons he rebuked too sharply the vices the delights and pompes of Church-men he was slaine Honorius feined to be grieued therat yet he made no search for the murderers Plat. and Sabel Bonifa Simo. say that hee did this in fauour both of the Nobilitie and of the common people The yeare of Christ 1125. Henry the 5. died in the Citie of Vtreict without heire male Lothaire in the Almaine tongue Luder the sonne of Count Gebhard who was slaine in the warre by Henry the fourth as hath bene said being created Duke of Saxonie was chosen Emperour a man of great industry and prudence and persecuted the race of the Emperour Henry whereof arose many troubles For Frederic and Conrade Dukes of Souanbie were a long time Rebels vnto him Finally S. Barnard Abbot of Cleruax reconciled these two brethren with Lothaire Hugo a Saxon by Nation and surnamed of Victor a Theologian of Paris was at this time in Paris Amongst his writings are found many complaints against the disordinate life of Clarkes in this time It is he whom some say that at Masse as he lifted vp the body of our Lord there appeared a litle childe which said vnto him Eate me And he abhorring it said hee could not eate him vnlesse he hid himselfe againe vnder the bread and straight it came so to passe and he eate him Who sees not that this is a fable inuented to proue the new doctrine of Pascasius and Lanfrancus And yet this is against their doctrine and especially against that of Thomas Aquine in the third part question 76. Charles Count of Flaunders Nephew of Lewis King of France was traiterously murthered as hee was on his knees in the Church of S. Donatus in Brugis in Flaunders The murtherers were certaine villaines of the Countrey which were grieuously punished in sundry maners Sigeb Baudwin the second who was the third King of Ierusalem died in a Monkes habit whom Fulco succeeded Naucl. Chron. Sigeb Innocent Pope 2. of that name a Roman gouerned 14. yeares After his coronation he attempted mortall warre against Roger the Norman Who first named himselfe King of Naples but in the end Innocent was ouerthrowne in battaile and ledde away prisoner Whilest he was in prison the Romanes elected Peter Leon the sonne of a puissant Romane Citizen But Innocent after he had agreed with the said Roger was constrained to goe into France for succour towards King Lewis le Gros of whom hee was honourably receiued Being come into France he held two Councells one at Auerne and an other at Rhemes in Campaigne From France he retired towards the Countrey of Liege where he found the Emperour Lothaire who also promised all the assistance he could by meanes of which hee returned into Italie Anacletus the Antepope stole away all the treasures and Reliques of the Church to wage them which were of his band he died with griefe and his Cardinals craued pardon In the Councell held at Rheimes Subdeacons were commaunded to liue without marriage vnder paine to loose theyr Benefices There became a contention betwixt the Pope the king of France because that after the death of Alberic Archbishop of Bourges the Pope sent one called Peter by him consecrated Archbishop of the said place to reside and rule there but the King reiected him neither was be receiued into the Towne because he was created without his knowledge Sigeb Innocent agreed set a peace betwixt the towne of Pise and the towne of Genues and raised them vp vnto Archbishops A Sinode at Rome at this time ordained that no Lay-man should presume to lay hand vpon a Clarke vnder paine of excommunication from which none could absolue him but the Pope vnlesse he were at the poynt of death for then his Bishop might absolue him 17. Quest 4. Chap. Si quis suadente diabolo In this time was Richardus de sancto victore and Hugo a Monke of Corbie in Saxonie who wrote the booke de clanstro animae Peter de Balard an hereticke of this time said that the passion of our Lord Iesus Christ was onely giuen vs for an example of patience of vertue and of loue he shewed vnto vs. Wherefore he was condemned with all his writings by the Pope Innocent S. Barnard writ against him Writers say that one called Iohn of Time if it be a thing worthy the credite liued 361. yeares that is to say from the time of Charlemaigne whose Councellor he was and died in this time Naucler and Suppl Chron. The Emperour Lothaire went to Rome to restore Innocnt according to his promise The faction of the Guelphes for the Pope and of the Gibellins for the Emperour began in this time Naucler Lothaire returning from Italie the second time after hee had deiected Roger of Pouille and Calabria died of the pestilence nigh Trent amongst the Mountaines in a poore lodging saith Naucler But Palin saith that he died at Verona the 13. yeare of his Kingdome and the 7. of his Empire leauing one daughter called Gertrude Conrade 3. of that name Duke of Souabe sonne of Frederike of Haulte Staufen and of Agnes daughter of Henry the fourth obtained the Empire