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ID Title Author Corrected Date of Publication (TCP Date of Publication) STC Words Pages
A12738 The history of Great Britaine under the conquests of ye Romans, Saxons, Danes and Normans Their originals, manners, warres, coines & seales: with ye successions, lives, acts & issues of the English monarchs from Iulius Cæsar, to our most gracious soueraigne King Iames. by Iohn Speed. Speed, John, 1552?-1629.; Schweitzer, Christoph, wood-engraver. 1611 (1611) STC 23045; ESTC S117937 1,552,755 623

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was maried to Hugh surnamed the Great Earle of Paris Grand-master and Constable of France in the yeere of our Lord 926. being the third of her brother King Ethelstanes raigne This Hugh was the sonne of Robert brother to Endes King of France and father of King Hugh Capet progenitor of the Kings of France eue●… sithence vnto this day but shee died before him without any issue by him 22 Edgith the sixth daughter of King Edward and the fifth of Queene Elfleda was the first wife of Otho the first surnamed the Great Emperour of the West sonne to the Emperor Henry surnamed the Falconer By him she had issue Ludolfe Duke of Swabe William Arch-bishop of Mentz Ludgard married to Com●…d Duke of Lorrayn and Mechthild Abbesse of Quedlingburg in Saxonie in which Citie she deceased the seuen and twenty of August in the yeere of Christs Natiuity 947. the eleuenth of her husbands Empire and the first of her brother King Edreds raigne in England She was buried at the East end of the North side of a Chapell which her selfe had founded in the same Citie 23 Elgiua the seuenth daughter of King Edward and the sixth of Queene Elfleda his second Wife was by King Ethelstan her brother with her sister Egith sent to the Court of the Emperor Henry the first King of the Saxons in Germany who honourably entertained her brought her vp with his owne daughters and after he had maried her elder sister to his eldest sonne he placed her also in marriage with a Duke of Italy obout the Alpes who is not named of our Writers but may easily be coniectured by the honourable disposition of the maker of the match to haue been a Prince of note and account worthy of her estate and parentage 24 Edmund the fifth sonne of King Edward and the first of Queene Edgiua his third and last Wife was borne in the twentieth yeere of his fathers raigne being the yeere of the worlds saluation 921. and at his fathers death little more then three yeeres of age was notwithstanding by the carefull prouision of his mother brought vp with all princely education conuenient for his yeeres and estate insomuch as there was generally a great expectation amongst the people conceiued of him in the life of his brother King Ethelstan vnder whom he learned some experience of seruice in warre and after whom hee succeeded in the Kingdome of England 25 Edred the sixth sonne of King Edward and the second of Queene Edgiua his third Wife and the youngest sonne of them both was borne about the two and twentieth yeere of his fathers raigne and yeere of grace 923. which was not long before the death of his father who left him a little infant in the custody of his mother by whom hee was carefully brought vp and prooued a Prince of so great vertue and valour as after the death of King Edmund his brother in regard of the minority of his Nephews hee was with the generall consent and liking of the whole nation chosen to be his brothers successor in the kingdome and gouernment ouer them 26 Edburg the eight daughter of King Edward and the first of Queene Edgiua in her child-hood had her disposition tried and her course of life disposed by her Father in this manner he laid before her gorgeous apparrell and rich Iewels in one end of a chamber and the new Testament and Bookes of princely instruction in the other willing her to make her choise of which she liked best she presently tooke vp the bookes and he her in his armes and kissing her said Goe in Gods name whither God hath called thee and thereupon placed her in a Monastery at Winchester wherein shee did most vertuously spend 〈◊〉 whole life and in that Abbey was bari●…d 27 Edgiua the ninth daughter of King Edward and the second of his last Queene whose name thee bare is reported in the history of the Monastery of Hyde by Winchester and other Writers of our Country to haue beene married to Lewes Prince of Aquitane in France which not long before had beene a Kingdome of it selfe sometime allotted to the portion of Lewes the third sonne of the Emperour Charles the Great of which house it seemeth this Lewes was afterward it became a Dukedome and the possession of an other Family by whom it came to be the inheritance after the Conquest to the Kings of England which were descended of the house of Angeow ETHELSTAN THET VVENTIE FIFT KING OF THE VVEST SAXONS AND THE TWENTIE SIXT MONARCH OF THE ENGLISHMEN HIS RAIGNE ACTS AND SVPPOSED ISSVE CHAPTER XXXVIII EThelstan the eldest sonne of King Edward as hath beene said for the great hopes conceiued of him was crowned with a greater solemnity then any of his ancestors euer before him The place was Kingston vpon Thamesis in the County of Surrey the yeer of Christ Iesus 924. where in the midst of the town a high Scaffold was built and thereon the coronation performed to the open view of all by Athelmus Archbishop of Canterbury with shouts of ioy as that of Salomon 2 His beginnings were with troubles and that rather by reason of friends then force of foes for it is recorded that Elfred a nobleman either in fauour of King Edwards other sonnes holding Ethelstan a Bastard or else vpon an ambitious hope blinded of himselfe intended at Winchester to haue pluckt out the eyes of his Soueraine but his treason being knowne before the seed could shew blade he was apprehended sent to Rome to purge himselfe by oth where before the Alta●… of S. Peter and Pope Iohn the tenth he there abiured the act and thereupon fell sodainly down to the earth so that his seruants tooke and bare him into the English Schoole where within three dayes after he died the Pope denying him christian buriall vntill he knew King Ethelstans pleasure 3 These stormes ouerpast as great a cloud seemed to arise vnto Ethelstans sight whose eye of iealousie euer followed the ascent and his eare euer opened vnto the instillations of Parasites amongst whom his Cup-bearer was a chiefe who brought daily more and more suspition into the Kings head that lastly as wee haue shewed hee consented to young Edwins death though with too late a sorrow hee repented the same for besides his seauen yeares penance voluntarily vndergone to pacifie the ghost of his betraied brother hee built the two Monasteries of Midleton and Michelnesse as for the most part such seed-plots were euer sowne in the furrowes of bloud which hapned vpon this occasion It chanced his Cup-bearer in his seruice vpon a festiuall to stumble with the one foote and recouering himselfe with the other pleasantly to say you see how one brother helpeth another vpon which speech the King with griefe and touch of heart called to mind the death of his innocent brother and forthwith commanded execution to
Wolfe and sister to Sweyne the yonger King of Denmarke by Estrich his wife who was sister to Canute the great King of England and himselfe the second sonne of her borne whose elder brother was Sweyne that died on pilgrimage in his returne from Ierusalem and his yonger were Tosto Wilnod Grith and Leofrick 9 A former wife Earle Goodwin had whose name was Thira the sister of Canute a woman sold vnto wickednesse for making marchandize of Englands beauteous virgins into Denmarke shee solde them there at deare rates to satisfie her owne vnsatiate auarice and the lusts of the lasciuious Danes till a iust reward of Gods wrath fell on her by a thunderbolt falling from heauen wherewith shee was slaine to the great terrour of the beholders One sonne by her Earle Goodwin had who when hee was past childs age riding vpon a horse the gift of his Grandfather the King proudly giuing him the reine and spurre was violently borne into the riuer Thamesis and so sodainely drowned Thus much being premised of Harold before hee was King his raigne life and death wee will now addresse to declare 10 Edwards life ended and nothing determined touching his successor Harold the second day after being the day of his buriall made himselfe King none of the Nobility disliking what hee had done for courteous hee was of specch and behauiour and in martiall prowesse the onely man as Wales well witnessed more then once friended by affinity with many of the Nobles and by his new marriage with Edgitha the daughter of Algar sister of the Earles Morc●…r and Edwin and late wife to Gruffith ap Lhewelyn Prince of Wales hee expected to bee both sided and assisted if his cause came either to triall or voice 11 And the time hee well saw fitted his entrance for Sweyne King of Denmarke most dread by the English was entangled with the Sweden wars and William the Norman that made claime from King Edward at variance with Philip the French King the friends of Edgar in Hungarie and himselfe a stranger ouer young for rule all which concurrents made Harold without deliberation or order from the State to set the Crowne on his owne head regardlesse of all ceremony and solemne celebration for which his act as a violator of holy rites hee too too much offended the Clergy 12 The day of his Coronation was vpon Friday the fifth of Ianuary being the feast of the Epiphany and yeere of Saluation 1066 none either greatly applauding or disapprouing his presumption except onely for the omission of manner and forme to redeeme which and to re-gaine the good will of all no sooner attained hee the seate roiall but he remitted or diminished the grieuous customes and tributes which his predecessors had raised a course euer powerfull to winne the hearts of the Commons to Church-men hee was verie munificent and carefull of their aduancements and to grow more deepely into their venerable esteeme hee repaired their Monasteries but most especially that at Waltham in Essex which hee most sumptuously new built and richly endowed giuing it the name of Holy Crosse vpon occasion that such a Crosse found farre westward was brought thither by miracle vt tradunt and therefore hee chose out this place to powre forth his supplications before hee marched to meete Duke William in the field Moreouer to satisfie such Nobles as affected young Edgars iuster title he created him Earle of Oxford and held him in speciall fauour in briefe vnto the poore his hand was euer open vnto the oppressed he ministred iustice and vnto all men was affable and meeke and all to hold that vpright which on his head he had set with an vn-euen hand and depriued him of vnto whom hee was Protector 13 Three seuerall reports are affirmed of Edwards dispose of the Crowne the first was to the Norman Duke who made that the anker-hold of his claime the second was to young Edgar vnto whom hee was great vncle and the last vnto this Harold himselfe for so saith Edmerus and also Marianus who liued at the very same time and writeth that Harold thereupon was sacred and crowned by Aldredus Archbishop of Yorke so that hereby hee is freed by some from the imputation of intrusion and wrong 14 His State thus standing and his subiects contentment day●…y increasing presently it was somwhat perplexed by an Ambassage sent from the Norman putting him in mind of his couenant and oath aswell for the custody of the Crowne to his behoofe as for the solemnazion of the mariage contracted betwixt his daughter and him 15 Harold who thought himselfe now surely seated in the hearts of his Subiects and therefore also sure in his Kingdome answered the Ambassadors That he held their Masters demaund vniust for that an oath extorted in time of extremity cannot bind the maker in conscience to performe it for that were to ioyne one sinne with another and that this oath was taken for feare of death or imprisonment the Duke himselfe well knew but admit it was voluntarily and without feare could I said he then a subiect without the allowance of the King and the whole State giue away the Crownes succession to the preiudice of both surely a Kingdome is of a better account then to bee so determined in priuate onely betwixt two With which kind of answeres he sent the messengers away 16 The Norman who till then thought England sure to be his and had deuoted his hopes from a Duke to a King stormed to see himselfe thus frustrated on the sudden and in stead of a Crown to haue scornes heaped on his head therefore nothing contented with this sleight answere returned his Ambassadors againe vnto Harold by whom hee laid his claime more at large as that King Edward in the Court of France had faithfully promised the succession vnto him and againe afterwards ratified the same to him at his being in England and that not done without consent of the State but confirmed by Stigandus Archbishoppe of Canterbury the Earles Goodwin and Syward yea and by Harold himselfe and so firmely assured that his Brother and Nephew were deliuered for pledges and to that end sent vnto him into Normandy that hee had no way beene constrained hee appealed to Harolds owne conscience who besides his voluntary offer to sweare contracted himselfe to Adeliza his daughter then but young and now departed life vpon which foundation the oath was willingly taken 17 But Harold who thought his owne head as fit for a crowne as any others meant nothing lesse then to lay it downe vpon parley and therefore told them flatly that howsoeuer Edward and he had tampered for the Kingdome yet Edward himselfe comming in by election and not by any title of inheritance his promise was of no validity for how could hee giue that whereof he was not interessed nor in the Danes time was euer like to be And tell your Duke said he that our
a new as firme a league as they could during that martiall pilgrimage 18 Tancred was at that time king of Sicilia by vsurpation after the death of William who had married Ioan sister of king Richard whom at that time vpon displeasure and quarrell being prisoner Tancred set at liberty sending her in honourable manner to her brother and did yeeld to sundry Articles and also present paiments of ample summes Feare wrought on both parts for Richard being among strangers and not very sure of the French seised vpon a strength of the Griffons people much redoubted in those parts till the arriuall of the English in a tumult tooke the City of Messana it selfe where he displaied his En●…ignes till for the French Kings loue hee was content to disaduance them and to entrust the City to the Knights Templars and Hospitalers vntill Tan●…red had fulfilled all such things as Richard did challenge to bee due being many 19 Vpon great deliberation therefore the Sicilan King made answere that hee had already paide to his sister late Queene of that Iland a very great quantity of coine in recompence of her Dowry or Ioincture and would satisfie all his other demands concerning the Legacies intended by his Predecessor king William to the Father of king Richard as far as hee ought according to the custome of that kingdome and thereupon gaue vnto him for the quit-claime of his sisters Ioincture twenty thousand ounces of gold and farther to bee acquitted of all other claims pretences as also in consideration that Arth●…r Duke of Britain nephew next heire of king Richard if Richard died without issue shold take to wife the daughter of K. Tancred he paid him other twenty thousand ounces of gold and of his owne accord and for King Richards loue and for the loue of the English Nation which saith our Author was then in greatest reputation through the kingdome of Sicilie as also to bee the more assured of performance he gaue him other twenty thousand ounces of gold besides afterward foure great Ships called Vrsers 〈◊〉 fifteene Gallies 20 King Richard on the other side not to bee wanting to any matter which in honor and equitie might bee expected of him besides letters Patents hee put in vpon their Oaths for his sureties two Arch-bishops and two Bishops of his owne there present and twentie great Lords and principall men his subiects whose names because many of their posterities doe yet stand are heere inserted out of the saide letters Patents as they are vpon record in Houeden Iordanus de H●…z his Constable Wiliel●…us de Curci Richardus de Camuilla Girardus de Talebot Robertus Sabluil Guido de Cro●…n Guarinus filius Geroldi Bertramus deVerdun W. Chamberlangus de Tankeruile Robertus de N●…uo-burgo Hugo Bardolf Wigain de Cheresburg Gilbertus de Wascuil Hugo le Bruin Iohannes de Piller Ama●…ri de Muntford Andreas de Ch●…uenni 〈◊〉 de Forz Gaufridus de Rancu●…e Ama●…ri Torell and other not named 21 Moreouer for finall assurance he offereth that Pope Clemēt should vndertake for performance of his part in the said agreement and that the said Clement would accordingly vndertake hee requests him by most officious letters giuing him leaue without any reluctation to put his dominions vpon any his breach vnder seuerest censures 22 This peace and accord being happily thus concluded King Tancred hauing most roially and louingly feasted the King of England for three daies and three nights in a Castle of his discouered vpon the way at Tauernium in his returne a foule and vnprincely conspiracie of Philip whome one of our Writers cals the vain-glorious King against the head and safety of King Richard which comming to bee scanned betweene the two Kings the French charged the English with picking of quarrels and added that vnlesse Richard maried his sister Alice according as hee ought hauing beene contracted long before together he would be his enemy while he breathed whereunto King Richard being pressed did replie That his sister during the time of her abode in England had a child by his Father Henry King of England which he was ready to proue by many witnesses there present so that King Richard had farre more cause then a suspition of dishonesty which some write to refuse the marriage This falling out so shamefully Philip vpon certaine conditions betweene Richard and him left him at liberty to take a wife where he thought good but neuer as it may seeme forgaue him his euill will while they two liued together 23 And because acts of Christian remorse and humility are too rare among the Great ones of this vaine world it were a crime to pretermit the exemplar humiliation of this famous General K. Richard at this time who to vse my Authors words inspired with diuine grace and studying to fitte himselfe for the great attempt he had in hand was stung at the soule with so iust compunction for his sinnes that calling before him his Archbishoppes and Bishoppes into a Chappell at the house where he was lodged without the walles of Messana hee blushed not to make a penitent confession of his manifolde excesses humbly praying God of mercy and them as his subordinate Ministers of Absolution God saith Houeden respected him with eies of Mercy and gaue him a penitent heart so that from thenceforth hee proued a man fearing God eschuing euil and doing good O foelicem illum c. O happie he who so fals that he may rise more strong O happy he who after penitence relapseth not into fault and ruine 24 Wherupon addicting his mind to diuine contemplations meditation of the christian Church whose Champion now he was hee desired conference of one Ioachim a Cisterciā Abbot whose great learning and deepe vnderstanding in the Scriptures with an opinion of a Propheticall inspiration made him so famous ouer the world that King Richard sent for him being thē in Calabria neer Sicilie whom at his comming he heard preaching and expounding the Apocalypse of S. Iohn touching the afflictions of the Church and of Antichrist which saith hee was then borne and in the City of Rome and shall bee aduanced in the See Apostolicke of whom the Apostle said he should extoll himselfe aboue all that is called God and that the seuen Crownes were the Kings and Princes of the earth which obeyed him Surely neere about this very time hapned that in Rome which might seeme to giue great probability to that Abbots opinion especially if Emperours and Kings bee truely called Gods ouer whom Antichrist also should extol himself for in the same moneth that Richard left Messana was the Coronation of Henry the Emperour and his Empresse Constantia in S. Peters Church where Pope Celestine the very next day after his own consecration to the Papacie sate in his Pontificall chaire holding the Emperiall golden Crowne betwixt his feete and the
that name and last of that house who died without Issue male she had also by him two daughters Elenor married to Iames Butler Earle of Ormond and Margaret to Hugh Courtney the first Earle of Deuonshire Shee was this Earles wife foureteene yeers liued thirty three deceased in the ninth yeere of the raigne of king Edward her brother A. D. 1316. and was buried in the Church of S. Iames at the Abbey of Saffron VValden in Essex 69 Beatrice the eight daughter of King Edward and Queene Elenor bare the name of Beatrice Dutchesse of Britannie her fathers sister she is by some Genealogists mentioned to haue liued till she was marriageable but yet no mention being made of her match it seemeth she died vnmarried 70 Blanch the ninth daughter of king Edward and the last of Queene Elenor is so mentioned by Thomas Pickering and some others but not at all by Thomas Ebraham a Monke who made a Pedegree of the Kings of England but shee is by the rest reported to haue died in her childhood 71 Thomas the fifth sonne of king Edward and the first of Queene Margaret his second wife was borne at a little village in Yorkshire called Brotherton Iune 1. in the nine and twenteth yeere of his fathers raigne Ann. 1300. hee was created Earle of Norfolke and Earle Marshal of England which Earledomes the last Earle Roger Bigod leauing no Issue left to the disposition of the King his father He had two wiues of which the first was Alice the daughter of Sir Roger Hayles of Harwich in Suffolk by whom hee had issue Edward who married Beatrice the daughter of Roger Mortimer the first Earle of March but hee died before his father without Issue and two daughters Margaret twice married first to Iohn Lord Segraue by whom shee had Elizabeth Dutchesse of Norfolke wife of Iohn Lord Mowbray from whom the Mowbrayes Howards Dukes of Norffolke and Earles Marshall descended secondly to Sir VValter Manny a Knight of Cambray and by him had Anne wife of Iohn Hastings the elder Earle of Pembroke and mother of Earle Iohn the yonger that died without Issue his yongest daughter Alice was married to Sir Edward Montacute and had by him three daughters Elizabeth and Ioan married to VValter and VVilliam two of the Vffords and Maud that died vnmarried The second wife of this Earle Thomas was Mary the daughter of VVilliam Lord Ros and widow of Sir Ralph Cobham who suruiuing him without Issue by him shee was married the third time to VVilliam Lord Brerose of Brember 72 Edmund his sixt sonne by Queene Margaret was borne at Woodstocke in Oxfordshire August 5 in the thirtieth yeare of the raigne of his Father A. 1301. Hee was created Earle of Kent and married Margaret daughter of Iohn and sister and sole heire of Thomas Lord VVakes of Lydel in the County of Northampton by her he had Issue two sonnes and one daughter Edmund his eldest sonne was Earle of Kent after his father and died vnder age without wife or issue Iohn the yonger was Earle also after his brother he maried Elizabeth the daughter of the Duke of Gulike and died like vise without Issue His daughter was Ioan for her beauty called the faire Maid of Kent first maried to William Mountacute Earle of Salisbury and from him diuorced and remarried to Sir Thomas Holland in her right Earle of Kent and by her father of Thomas and Iohn Holland Duke of Surrey and Earle of Huntington and lastly shee was the wife of Edward of Woodstocke the Blacke Prince of Wales and by him mother of King Richard the second This Earle Edmund was beheaded at Winchester the 1●… of March in the fourth yeere of King Edward his Nephew 73 Eleanor the tenth daughter fifteenth child of King Edward and the last child of Queene Margaret his second wife was borne at Winchester the sixt day of May in the fiue and thirtieth and last yeere of her fathers Raign being the yeere of our Lord 1306. shee deceased in her Child-hood and was buried in S. Peters Church at Westminster by her brother Iohn Henry and Alfons vnder the monument before named with her picture ouer it EDVVARD THE SECOND LORD OF IRELAND AND DVKE OF AQVITAINE c. THE FORTIE-EIGHTH MONARCH OF ENGLAND HIS RAIGNE ACTS AND ISSVE CHAPTER XI THat the Mind is not deriued from Parents certainely the second Edward called of Caeernaruon might if nothing else abundantlie shew being of a most valiant wise and fortunate father an vnlike sonne yet not to beginne our description of his courses with preiudice of his person we will so temper our stile that by his owne actions sincerely related rather then by any verball censures the man may bee iudged This cannot be denied that whereas from the Conquest till his time England though it endured by Gods iust iudgements many bitter sad and heauy stormes through some headinesse ambition or other sicknesses of mind in the Princes thereof yet had she Men to sway and gouerne her and those distempers were as the perturbations incident to vigorous dispositions whereas vnder this Edward who could neither get nor keepe it seemed to endure the leuities of a Child though his yeeres being about twenty and three might haue exempted him from so great infancie of iudgement as his raigne discouered 2 Neuer came Prince to the crowne with more generall applause then he so great hopes of doing well his Victorious father Edward of VVinchester had left vpon him besides the right of succession whose last warning and terrible adiurations you haue heard with the vtter contempt and breach whereof to the destruction of himselfe and his friends hee in a manner auspicated his gouernement 3 After that Edward had in his best maner prouided for the affaires of Scotland where at Domfrees many of the Scottish Lords did their homage to him as they had to his Father the first taske which hee gaue of his future behauiours at home was a rigorous reuenge taken by him vpon Walter de Langton Bishoppe of Chester Treasurer of England and principall Executor of the last Will of the deceased King whose body was not as yet interred but by the care of the Executors conueied with funerall pompe to VValtham and after sixteen weekes to VVestminster where vnder a plaine monument the same at this present rests The Bishoppes crime was a kind of good freedome which hee vsed in the late Kings daies in grauely reprouing the Prince for his misdemeanors and shortning his waste of coine by a frugall moderation and particularly for that he had complained of Peirs Gaueston wherupon ensued Prince Edwards imprisonment and the others banishment and therefore comming now to the Crowne hee arrested the Bishoppe by Sir Iohn Felton Constable of the Tower and imprisoned him in VVallingford Castle seising vpon all his temporall goods and credites there being not a man in the Realme who durst speake a word on his behalfe so
of Nouember at a place beyond Carliel called Solem-mosse where were taken Prisoners the Earles of Cassils and Glencarne the Lords Maxwell Flemming Summerwell Oliphant and Grey Sir Oliuer Sinclere and others to the number of one and twenty men of account who were conueighed to London and committed to the Tower For griefe of which losse and suspition of his Nobility King Iames fell into a melancholy Passion which the birth of his new borne Princesse rather increased then gaue him any cōfort so as hee deceased the foureteenth day of December following foreshewing saith Leslie great troubles to follow in Scotland 119 Newes brought neere at one instant of the death of King Iames birth of the Princesse his daughter King Henry intended to doe that by the match of a marriage which long had beene assayed by the sword of Mars all things so consorting as it did he hauing one onely sonne then aboue fiue yeres of age and Scotland no heire beside this new borne daughter their yeeres suiting a consent for marriage the whole Iland offering both the ioynter and dowry and that which most moued their chiefe Nobility in his owne hands to be moulded for this designe as if heauen it selfe had bid the banes 120 Those Prisoners therefore which had remained in the Tower only two daies vpon the twenty one of December he sent for to Westminster the Earles and Lords all suited in Gownes of blacke damaske furred with Cunny whereafter some words of friendly reproofe they were bestowed among the English Nobility who vsed them according to their estates and the third day in Christmas were inuited to the Court at Greenewich where they went before the King to 〈◊〉 Chappell were royally feasted and the motion then made for the establishing of peace by the Coniunction of the two Princes whereunto the Scotish were as willing as the English proffered all forward assistance to haue it accomplished So that these Nobles were deliuered without other ransome and richly rewarded at their departure from Court 121 These returned into Scotland declared what they had done and so effectually followed the busines that in a Parliament assembled of the three Estates the marriage was confirmed and a peace proclaimed to continue betwixt the two Realmes the space of tenne yeeres which agreements were sent into England by honourable Ambassadors and there interchangeably sealed betwixt these Potent Estates But Cardinall Bet●… Archbishop of Saint Andrewes fearing least Scotland would change the Church Orders 〈◊〉 England had done the Bible already read in their owne language and the Popes vsurped power called in Question as then it began to be by the feruent preaching of Friet Guiliam to the great liking of most of the Lord made some exceptions against the Earle Arraine the new chosen Gouernour and second person in the Land being neerest in blood to the young Queene And the French King not liking this vnion with England sought by all meanes to 〈◊〉 the same match to effect which he sent the Ea●…le of Lennox to perswade with the Gouernour with great proffers and promises of assistance but finding him faithfull vnto King Henry presently made faction for the French wherein hee drew the Queene mother the Earles Huntly Argile M●…trosse Menteith and many more Peeres the Cardinall amongst them euer the chiefe 122 Earle Lennox thus growne into credite with the Queene mother 〈◊〉 made strong by her adherents that fauoured the French presently claimed to be Gouernour of Scotland being the second person of degree in the Realme and withall to haue the custody of the young Queene who with he●… mother were forth with taken from 〈◊〉 vnder the charge of the Gouernour Arrai●…e and brought vnto Striueling strongly guarded with the continuall presence of the Lords 〈◊〉 Ersk●… Fle●…ing and Ruthwen least Queene Mary should be conueyed into England vnto King Henry These violent courses caused great Emulations among the Scotish Nobility each of them siding as their affections were setled but lastly agree to set the Crowne on their young Queenes head prepared for the solemnity whereunto all the Lords came excepting those that stood for England and from them the Gouernour with much adoe was drawne to be present at the Coronation but that accomplished and the state affaires consulted vpon it was agreed that the French Kings suite should be fauoured and that the Earle Arran should be Gouernour still whereat Earle Lennox conceiued such displeasure as he became wholy for King Henrie ioined himselfe with the Earles of Augus Gle●…carne and Cassils the Lords Maxwel Summeruell Gray and others that stood with the English for the match with Prince Edward 123 King Henry then hearing what was done and intended sent presently into Scotland to demand the Custody of the young Queene and that certaine Scotish Noblemen might be appointed to guarde her in England vntill shee came to yeeres of consent according to Couenants formerly concluded which no waies would be granted and thereupon he prepared an Army thetherward vnder the Conduct of Lord Edward Sei●…er Earle of Hertford Lieutenant Generall by Land accompanied with the Earle of 〈◊〉 and a Fleete of two hundred saile by Sea whereof Sir Iohn Dudley Vicount Lisle was Admirall 124 To the aide of the Scots the Peopes holinesse was very forward who sent them the Patriarch of Venice as his Legate Orator to perswade their Resolutions with whom the French King sent Monfieur la Broche and Monfieur Menager to lead them to fight and fifty thousand Crownes of the Sun to su●…taine the Charge with munition worth ten thousand Crownes more It seemeth by Lesly that part of this siluer fell into the Earle Lenn●… his hand and that therewith he made head against the Gouernor but not able to match him sent vnto King Henry for aide with proffer of his seruice against the French side which so well was accepted of Henry as he made him his Nephew by giuing the Lady Margaret his sisters daughter to be his wife 125 Th●… English thus seconded with this vnlooked for Allyance Cardinall Beton thought good to binde all to the Gouernour who with the Authority of the Queene Dowager proclaimed Lennox an Enemy to the State But in the meane while the Admirall of England was entred the Frith and at new Hauen landed his men where ioining his to the land Seruice they altogether marched thence towards L●…th himselfe leading the Vaward Shrewsbury the Rereward and the Lord Lieutenant the maine Battell These comming to Lieth spoiled the Town and thence to Edenbrough burnt the City and wasted the Country for seauen miles about this done they set fire vpon Haddington and 〈◊〉 and then the whole Army returned vnto Barwicke 126 Whilst things thus passed in Scotland and the maine purpose resting in suspence King Henry well knew where the greatest rub did lie in his way which was the French
of the rest in the Saxons Heptarchie for in the middest of the Iland this Kingdome was seated and from the verge of Northumberland touched some part of Middlesex which was the possession of the East-Saxons the North thereof was bounded with Humber and Mersey the East was inclosed with the German Ocean the West extended to Seuerne and Dee and the South part neerely touched the Riuer of Thames containing the Counties now known by these names of Cheshire Darby-shire Nottingham Stafford and Shrop-shire Northampton Leicester Lincolne Huntington and Rutland-shires Warwicke Worcester Oxford and Glocester-shires Buckingham Bedford and part of Hertford-shire The first raiser of that Title and name of a Kingdome was Crida the sonne of Kenwald who was the sonne of Cnebba the sonne of Ichell the sonne of Eomer the sonne of Engengeate the sonne of Offa the sonne of Weremund the sonne of Withleg the sonne of Waga the sonne of Wethelgeate the third of the fiue sonnes of Prince Woden This man without more fame of his further acts is said to haue raigned the space of ten yeeres and to haue died Anno 594. His issue was Wibba that succeeded him in his Kingdome and a daughter named Quenburge matched in mariage with Edwin afterwards King of Northumberland with whom she liued in the Court of King Redwald in the time of his troubles and died before him in that his banishment She bore him two sonnes Osfrid and Edfride as in the succession of Edwins Monarchy shall be shewed notwithstanding Beda reporteth this Quenburge to be daughter of Ceorle the third King of Mercia and grand-child to this first Crida VVIbba the sonne of King Crida not onely held what his Father had gotten but also inlarged his dominions by intrusion vpon the weake Britaines His issue was Penda Kenwalk and Eoppa all three Progenitors of Kings afterwards in that kingdome with a daughter named Sexburg married to Kenwald King of the West-Saxons whom he without iust cause diuorced from him for which cause great troubles afterwards ensued as in the raignes of those Kings wee haue said He in great honour raigned twenty yeeres and giuing place vnto nature left his kingdome to be inioied by another CEorl not the son but the Nephew of King Wibba succeeded in the dominions of the Mercians about the yeere of grace six hundreth and fourteenth He was sonne to Kinemund the brother of Wibba the younger sonne of King Crida who was the first King of that kingdome His raigne is set to be ten yeeres without mention either of Act or Issue PEnda the sonne of Wibba beganne his raigne ouer the Mercians the yeere of Christs Incarnation six hundred twenty six continued the same the space of thirty yeeres He was a man violent in action and mercilesse in condition cruell and vnsatiate of blood he shooke the Cities and disturbed the borders of the Saxon-Kings more then any other in that Heptarchy before him had done Against Kingils and Quincheline Kings together of the West-Saxons he ioined battell neere vnto the Citie Cirenchester where both the parties fought it out to the vtmost with the effusion of much Saxons bloud but those comming to concord he with Cadwallo King of the Britaines slew in battell Edwine and O●…wald Kings of Northumberland Sigebert Egfrid and Anna Kings of the East-Angles and forced Kenwald King of the West-Saxons out of his Country in quarrell of his Sister Of these his prosperities he became so proud that hee thought nothing impossible for his atchieuement and therefore threatning the destruction of the Northumbers prepared his Army for that expedition Oswy then raigning King of that Country proffered great summes of mony and most precious Iewels to purchase his peace which being refused and the battell ioined more by the hand of God then power of man this Tyrant was slaine and his whole Army discomfited His Wife was Kinswith and issue by her Peada who after him was King Vulfere and Ethelred both Monarchs of the English Merkthel a man famous for his great holinesse and Merwald that gouerned some part of Mercia whose Wife was Edburga the foundresse of Minster in Tanet and daughter to Egbert King of Kent by whom he had issue Meresin a man of noted deuotion Milbury and Mildgith both holy Virgins and Mildrith also Abbesse of Tanet all foure canonized for Saints The daughters of King Penda were Kineburg the Wife of Alkfrid King of Northumberland afterward a Votaresse in Kinesburg Abby and Kineswith who maried Offa King of the East-Angles and became also a Nunne with her sister Kineburgh PEada the sonne of King Penda in the daies of his father and with his permission had gouerned the middle part of Mercia and after his death by the gift of Oswy of Northumberland all the South of that kingdome from the Riuer Trent vpon cōposition to marrie his daughter and to imbrace Christianity which thing this Peada performed and was the first Christian King of the Mercians His Baptisme receiued to witnesse the first fruits of his profession hee laid the foundation of a faire Church at Medeshamsled now called Peterborrow but liued not to finish the same for that he was slaine by the treason of Alkfled his wife in the celebration of Easter as Beda saith hauing had no issue by her But Robert de Swapham an Author of good antiquity who saw the stones of that foundation to be so huge as that eight yoke of Oxen could hardly draw one of them saith that Peada was brought to his end by the practise of his Mother and not of his Wife as in these his words is manifest Peada saith he laid the foundation of a Monastery at Medeshamsted in the Giruians or Fen-Country which he could not finish for that by the wicked practise of his Mother hee was made away Whereby this blot is taken from this Christian Lady and brands the face of her that most deserueth it This King raigning as substitute to King Oswy of Northumberland aforesaid by some is not accounted for a Mercian King his regiment resting vnder the command of another VVlfhere the Brother of murthered Peada set vp by the Mercians against King Oswy prooued a Prince most valiant and fortunate For hee expelled the Northumbrians Lieutenants forth of those dominions fought victoriously against Kenwald King of the West-Saxons conquered the I le of Wight and attained to be sole Monarch of the Englishmen whereof more shall be said when wee come to the times and successions of their raignes This Vulfhere is said to raigne in great honour for seuenteene yeeres and his body to bee buried in the Monasterie of Peterborow which he had founded His Queene Ermenheld after his death became a Nunne at Ely vnder her Mother Sexburg and there died His children were Kenred Vulfald and Rufin with a daughter named Wereburg a Nunne in the Monastery of Ely EThelred
Ensigne as that which here is called Tufa Iustus Lipsius in his Commentarie vpon that place in Vegetius lib. 3. cap. 5. where the seuerall Ensignes of the Romans are recited doth declare correcting that place of Vegetius where Rufa was set for Tufa by this place of Bede and in the same shewing that Tufa signified a Ball as the Ball by the example of Augustus was an Ensigne of Monarchie or absolute gouernment 9 But as the Sunne hath his rising his height and descent and euer is moouing in the circle of his celestiall orbe so man hath his birth time being and death and till then is neuer staied in one certaine point Kings therefore as they be Kings are the Suns of their owne world but as they are men goe to the shadow of death neither can the strength of their power wisdome or policie loue or applause stay the hand heere that holds the fatall knife for so in this King Edwin wee see raised aboue hope to attaine the Diademe and ruling in loue and liking of the people was notwithstanding cut off in the midst of his glorie and greatnesse of strength 10 For Penda the stout Mercian enuying his peace and Cadwallo the Britaine seeking to receiue his right ioined in friendship against this Monarch and met him as his enemies in the face of a Field The plaine was large and called Hethfeild where after a long and most bloudie fight king Edwin was slaine with prince Offryd his sonne his whole Host put to the sword or most shamefull flight which chanced the fourth of October the yeere of our Lord six hundred thirty three the sixth of his Christianitie the seuenth of his Monarchie the seuenteenth of his kingdome and the forty seuenth of his age His bodie was lastly buried in S. Peters Church at Strea●…shall after called Whitby His Wiues 11 Quenburg his first wife was the daughter as Beda reporteth of Ceorle but as all other Writers doe witnesse of Crida King of Mercia She was married vnto him in the beginning of his youth and when he was dispossessed of his inheritance by the Tyrant Etheifrid as we haue said with him shee liued a great part of his banishment and in the Court of Redwald King of the East-Angles deceased before her husband could recouer his Kingdome 12 Ethelburg surnamed Tate was the second wife of this King who was the daughter of Ethelbert King of Kent and of Queene Berta his first wife She was married vnto him in the yeere of grace six hundred twentie fiue being the second of his Monarchy and was his wife six yeeres but suruiuing him and desirous to liue a religious life shee returning into Kent withdrew her selfe to a place not far from the Sea side called Lymming wherein shee built a Monasterie of Nunnes and among them spent the rest of her life and therein died and was there buried His Issue 13 Offride the eldest sonne of King Edwine and Quenberg his first wife was borne in the time of his fathers exile among the East-Angles He was baptized in the faith of Christ by Paulinus the first Archbishop of Yorke and was slaine the same day and in the same battell that his father was He had a sonne named Iffy who was baptized also by Bishop Paulins and after the death of his father and grand-father for feare of King Oswald was conueied ouer the Seas into France to bee brought vp in the Court of King Dagobert where he died in his childhood and was there honourably interred 14 Edfrid the second sonne of King Edwine and Lady Quenberg his first wife was borne in the time of his fathers exile and baptized with his brother Offrid by Bishop Paulinus After his fathers death for feare of King Oswald hee fled to Penda King of Mercia who was his fathers enemie and his mothers kinsman by whom hee was most treacherously murthered He left behind him a son named Hererik who by his wife Bertswith had issue the vertuous learned lady Hilda Abbesse of Streansbalch Queen Hereswith her sister the wife of Ethelbere King of the East-Angles brother to King An●…a by whom shee had issue Ald wolfe Elswold and Beorne all three succeeding Kings of the East-Angles 15 Ethelme the third sonne of King Edwine and the first of Queen Ethelburg his second wife was baptized by Paulinus Arch-bishop of Yorke not long after his father and halfe-brethren but in short space after his baptisme he departed out of this world euen in the time that he wore the white attire which in those daies was vsed to bee worne by such as were newly baptized for a certaine space His body was with all due funerall obsequies enterred within the new Church of S. Peter in the Citie of Yorke which his father had newly founded 16 Vskfrea the fourth sonne of King Edwine and the second of Queene Ethelburg his second wife and the last and youngest of them both bare the name of his fathers great grandfather He was baptized by the Arch-bishop Paulinus at one time with his brother Ethelme After the decease of his father his mother carried him with her out of Northumberland into Kent and from thence conueied him ouer into France with his Nephew Iffy the sonne of his halfe-brother Offrid where hee continued in the custodie of King Dagobert being his mothers cosen-german and there died and was honourably buried in a Church with his Nephew Iffy 17 Eanfled the elder daughter of King Edwine and Queene Ethelberg his second wife was borne the night following that her father was wounded and baptized hee being a Pagan Shee was afterwards married to Oswy the fourth King of Northumberland and tenth Monarch of the Englishmen as shall bee said 18 Etheldrid the younger daughter the fifth and last-borne child to King Edwine and of Queene Ethelburge was baptized at the same time with Ethelwe and Vskfrea her brethren She died an infant the white clothing not yet put off which in those daies was vsually worne at certaine set times after their baptisme and was with like funerall obsequies buried by her brother Ethelwe in the Church of S. Peters in Yorke which their father had founded OSVVALD KING OF NORTHVMBERLAND AND THE NINTH MONARCH OF THE ENGLISHMEN HIS RAIGNE WIFE AND ISSVE CHAPTER XXI OSwald the fifth King of Deira the ninth of Bernicia the third of Northumberland and the ninth Monarch of the Englishmen began his raigne the yeere of Christs incarnation six hundred thirty foure He with Eanfrith and his brethren the sonnes of wilde Ethelfrid and Osrik also the sonne of Alfrid King Edwins Vncle had been secured in Scotland all his raigne and among the Red-shanks liued as banished men where they learned the true religion of Christ and had receiued the Lauer of Baptisme But Edwines death wrought and divulged these Princes returne again to their Country and the Northumbrians Kingdome lately gouerned by one was now againe diuided into two seuerall parts as formerly it had been 2
serued his brother Egfrid against Ethelred king of the Mercians to the great griefe of them both the yeere of Christs natiuity six hundred seuentie nine 12 Elfled the eldest daughter of king Oswy and queene Eanfled was borne in the month of September the yeere of grace six hundred fiftie foure being the twelfth of her fathers raigne and when she was a yeer old by him committed to the custodie bringing vp of the renowned Lady Hilda Abbesse of Streanshall wherein she liued vnder her a Nun and after her death did succeed her Abbesse of the place and in great holinesse and vertue spent therein her life vnto the day of her death which was the yeere of Christ Iesus seuen hundred fourteene and of her owne age sixtie being interred in S. Peters Church within the same Monasterie 13 Offrid the younger daughter of king Oswy and queene Eanfled was borne about the fifteenth yeere of her fathers raigne which was the yeere of our Lord six hundred sixtie seuen and when she was fully twenty was married vnto Ethelred king of Mercia the twelfth Monarch of the Englishmen in the third yeere of his raigne and of Christ six hundred seuenty seuen 14 Alkfrid the naturall sonne of king Oswy did first succeed his cosen Ethelwald sonne of king Oswald his Vncle in part of Northumberland and held the same by force against his Father which afterwards he peaceably inioyed both with him and his halfe brother King Egfrid whom lastly hee succeeded in the whole kingdome of Northumberland as more at large in the same story we haue declared 15 Al●…fled the naturall daughter of king Oswy borne before her father was king in the yeere of Christs incarnation six hundred fiftie three and the eleuenth of her fathers raigne was married to Pe●…d the sonne of Penda that by his permission had gouerned some part of Mercia and by Oswy his gift with this Alfled all the South of that Prouince She was his wife three yeers and is of most writers taxed to be the actor of his death being wickedly murthered in the feast of Easter the yeere of grace six hundred fiftie sixe and the fourteenth of her Fathers raigne VVLFHERE THE SIXTH KING OF THE MERCIANS AND THE ELEVENTH MONARCH OF THE ENGLISHMEN HIS RAIGNE ACTS WIFE AND ISSVE CHAPTER XXIII VVulfhere after the murther of his brother Peada aduanced against Oswy by the Nobles of Mercia maintained his title and kingdome for twelue yeeres continuance in the life time of that Northumbrian Monarch and after his death translated the Monarchy from those Kings and Country vnto himself and his successors the Mercians who now wore the Imperiall Diademe without reuersement vntill such time as great Egbert set it vpon the West-Saxons head He was the second sonne of Penda King of Mercia and the sixth in succession of that kingdome beginning his raigne the yeere of Christ his Incarnation six hundred fiftie nine and twelue yeeres after Anno six hundred seuenty one entred his Monarchy ouer the Englishmen and was in number accounted the eleuenth Monarch of the Land 2 His entrance was with trouble against the Northumbrians for vnto Egfrid their King he had lost the possession of the Iland Linsey and was expelled the Country yet three yeeres after he fought against the West-Saxons with better successe whose Country with conquest he passed thorow and wan from Redwald their King the I le of Wight which Iland he gaue to Edilwach the South-Saxons King whom he receiued his God-sonne at the font-stone notwithstanding himselfe had lately been a prophane Idolater and most cruell Heathen as by the Liger booke of the Monastery of Peterborow appeareth whose story is this 3 King Vulfhere of Mercia remaining at his Castell in Vlferchester in Stafford-shire and vnderstanding that Vulfald and Rufin his two sonnes vnder pretence and colour of hunting vsually resorted to reuerend Chad to bee instructed in the fruitfull faith of Christ Iesus and had at his hands receiued the Sacrament of Baptisme at the perswasion of one Werebod suddenly followed and finding them in the Oratory of that holy man in deuout contemplations slew them there with his owne hands Whose martyred bodies Queene Ermenehild their mother caused to be buried in a Sepulchre of stone and thereupon a faire Church to be erected which by reason of the many stones thither brought for that foundation was euer after called Stones and now is a Market Towne in the same County But King Vulfhere repenting this his most vnhumane murther became himselfe a Christian and destroied all those Temples wherein his heathen Gods had been worshipped conuerting them all into Christian Churches and religious Monasteries and to redeeme so hainous an offence vnderwent the finishing of Medis●…am his brothers foundation enriching it largely with lands and possessions notwithstanding hee is taxed by William of Malmesbury with the foule sinne of Symony for selling vnto Wyna the Bishopricke of London 4 He raigned King ouer the Mercians the space of seuenteene yeeres and Monarch of the English fully foure leauing his life in the yeere of our Lord six hundred seuentie foure and his body to be buried in the Monastery of Peterborow which was of his brothers and his owne foundation His Wife 5 Ermenhild the Wife of King Vulfhere was the daughter of Ercombert the seuenth King of Kent and sister to Egbert and Lothair both Kings of that Countie Her mother was Sexburg daughter to Anna the seuenth King of the East-Angles whose sisters were many and most of them Saints She was married vnto him in the third yeere of his raigne and was his wife fourteene yeeres After his decease she went to her mother Queene Sexburg being then Abbesse of Ely where she continued all the rest of her life and therein deceased and was buried His Issue 6 Kenred the son of King Vulfhere and of Queen Ermenhild being the heire apparant of his fathers possessions was vnder age at his fathers decease and by reason of his minority was withheld from the gouernment which Ethelred his Vncle entred into without any contradiction of this Kenred who held himselfe contented to liue a priuate life notwithstanding Ethelred taking the habit of a Monke left the Crowne to him who was the right heire 7 Vulfald a young Gentleman conuerted to the Christian faith by Bishop Chad and martyred for profession of the same by King Vulfhere is reported by Water of Wittlesey a Monke of Peterborow in a Register which he wrote of that Monastery to bee the supposed son of King Vulfhere himselfe and to haue been slaine by him in his extreme fury before he was a Christian or could indure to heare of the Christian faith He was buried in Stone as we haue said where his father built a Colledge of Canons regular which was afterwards called S. Vulfaldes 8 Rufine the fellow martyr of Vulfald
to cut off long trauell these Danes by boates passed Humber where Hungar and Hubba beganne with fire and sword to lay all wast before them sparing neither Person sexe nor age The places respected for publike good and sacred Temples consecrated onely to God which all other Tyrants haue forborne these sauage men as the earths destroiers cast downe and trampled vnder their prophane feete among which for note were the goodly Monasteries of Bradney Crowland Peterborow Ely and Huntington all laid in leuell with the ground and their Votaries aswell the Nunnes as the Monkes murthered with their vnhumane and mercilesse swords to auoid whose barbarous pollutions the chast Nunnes of Coldingham defo●…ed themselues to their lasciuious eyes by cutting off their vpper lips and noses but to euerlasting remembrance they remain most faire and well beseeming faces of pure Virgins 6 These Pagans piercing further into the land came into the territories of the East-Angles wherein holy Edmund raigned King whose Martyrdome in most cruell manner they wrought he constantly calling vpon the name of Christ whereof wee haue already spoken and shall bee occasioned hereafter to speake 7 But in the last yeare of this Kings raign their raging power was most great for with a new supply two Danish Kings Sreeg and Halden entred into West-Saxia and at Reading the Kings towne intrenched themselues these forraging the Country were encountred with at Engl●…field by Ethelwolfe Earle of Barkeshire and his men who in skirmish slew one of their leaders and chased the rest backe to their Trench 8 These Danes fearing lest delaies would proue dangerous and knowing that the first successe is commonly seconded with further courage of hope foure dayes after shewed themselues in field ready to fight their hoast they diuided into two battalians whereof the one was guided by two of their Kings and certaine Earles were leaders of the other which when the English perceiued they also diuided theirs whereof King Ethelred had the leading of the first and Elfred his brother was Generall of the second the place was Assendon where their Tents were pitched and the day approached for battaile King Ethelred in his Tent staid so long in praiers that Elfred vpon a forward courage hasted to encounter the enemy and that with a most fierce and sharpe fight wherein hauing spent the most of their strengthes and ready to decline and giue backe Ethelred manfully entred the battaile and so seconded his brother and ouer-tyred Souldiers that hee made way by dint of his sword through the thickest of their almost-conquering enemies and with such losse of the Danish bloud drawne from the sides of one of their Kings fiue Earles and an infinite number of the common Souldiers that the streames therof seemed as an ouer-swelling tide altogether to couer the face of the field and is accounted for the noblest victory that the English till then had gotten of the Danes 9 Yet were not these Pagans therewith discouraged but gathering more strengthes and supplies from other parts foureteen dayes after made head againe against the English and pitching downe their standards at Basing abode the cōming of Ethelred and triall of battaile wherein successe was altogether altered for herein the Kings part was discomfited and the Danes the winners of the day 10 Thus both sides borne vpon rage hope in their heat of bloud prepare for new fight The Danes power was augmented with a further supply sent from beyond Seas and the English confirmed with hope of successe These meeting at Merton two moneths after the battaile of Basing encountred each others both boldly and bloodily wherein at first the English preuailed and the Danes were chased but their numbers the greater and fresh supply maintaining their 〈◊〉 they r●…uered themselues and wonne the day wherein King Ethelred receiued his deaths wound with such slaughter of his people that little wanted the end of all encounters to haue been afterwards attempted any more by the English 11 Great was the valour and resistance of this King for in his short time of Raigne as Writers record no lesse then nine set battales against the Danes he fought in one yeare to the great effusion of Christian bloud and to no little losse of the Danish power for in his raign fell of them one King nine Earles and of the common sort without number 12 He died at Wittingham of his wound receiued the three and twentieth day of April in the yeare of our Lord God eight hundred seauenty two and was buried in the Collegiat Church of Winburne in Dorcetshire where remaines his Tombe and his Armes vnto this day with this Inscription In hoc loco quiescit corpus Sancti Ethelredi Regis West-Saxonum Martyris qui Anno Domini 872. 23. die Aprilis per manus Dacorum Paganorum occubuit His Issue Elfred the eldest sonne of King Ethelred seemeth to be Grandfather to the noble and learned Ethelward who being Kinsman Counsellor and Treasurer to King Edgar wrote an history of his Country beginning at the first arriuall of the Saxons into England and continuing vnto his own time which history he dedicated to his kinswoman and cosen germane the Lady Mande Abbesse of Quedlingburg in Saxonie being the daughter of the Emperour Otho by Edgith his wife daughter of King Edward the elder and sister of Ethelstane and Edmund Kings of England Oswald a young sonne of King Ethelred is mentioned in a Charter of his Fathers by which he gaue lands to the Monastery of Abingdon neere Oxford and to which this sonne of his hath his name set downe for a witnes which Charter is yet extant recorded in a great Legiet-booke and Register of the Euidences of the lands sometime belonging to the said Monastery Thyre the daughter of King Ethelred is reported by the histories of Ireland to bee married to 〈◊〉 King of the Danes and to haue had issue King Harald which Harald by Queene Go●…hild his wife had issue Sweyn king of Denmarke Iringe king of Northumberland and Gonhild Queene of North-Wales King Sweyn by Queene Sigred his wife had issue C●…te King of England and Denmarke Ostryde wife of Duke Wolfe and mother of King Sweyn the yonger and Thyre the first wife of Earle Goodwin of Kent ELFRED THE TVVENTIE THIRD KING OF THE VVEST SAXONS AND TWENTIE FOVRTH MONARCH OF THE ENGLISHMEN HIS ACTS RAIGNE WIFE AND ISSVE CHAPTER XXXVI ELfred or Alfred the fourth sonne of King Ethelwolfe though he had beene annointed King at Rome by Pope Leo in his young years Fathers life time yet raigned he in no part of his dominions before the deathes of all his Brethren vnder whom hee serued in most of their warres assisting them likewise in all their counsels the land now miserably torne by the cruell incursions of the bloudy Danes was left vnto him both to redeeme and to raigne ouer by the death and Testament of King Ethelred his last
likelyhoods to induce that she was his lawfull Queene 11 Elfleda the second wife of King Edward was the daughter as Mathew of Westminster reporteth of an Earle named Ethelhelme and Asser the Bishop of Sherborne maketh mention of an Earle in Wiltshire among the West-Saxons of the same name who was in great fauour with King Elfred the father of this King by whom hee was sent Ambassador to carry his Almes to Stephen the sixt of that name Bishop of Rome in the yeare of our Lord 887 and by all probable conference of name time and place hee seemeth to bee the man that was father to this Queene 12 Edgina the third wife of King Edward was the daughter and heire of Earle Sigeline Lord of Meapham Culings and Leanham in Kent who was there slaine in battaile against the Danes Anno 927. She was married vnto King Edward about the fourteenth yeare of his raigne being the yeare of Grace 916. She was his wife ten yeares and after his death she liued a widdow all the times of the raignes of King Ethelstan her sonne in law of King Edmund and King Edred her owne sonnes of King Edwy her Grand-child and was liuing in the Raigne of King Edward another of her Grand-children almost fortie yeares after the death of her husband It is writ of her that in the yeare of Grace 959. Shee offered her lands and euidences to Christ vpon his Altar at Canterbury She deceased the twenty fift of August in the fourth yeare of the said King Edgar and of Christ 963. His Children 13 Ethelstan the eldest sonne of King Edward and the Lady Eguina was borne and growne to good yeeres in the time of the raigne of his Grandfather King Elfred who with his owne hands gaue him the order of Knighthood after a very honourable manner of creation as William the Monke of Malmsbury a great obseruer of such things hath left in writing who reporteth that he put vpon him a Purple Robe and girt him with a girdle wrought with pearle and a Saxon sword in a scabard of gold hanging at the same He was the Successor of his Father in the West-Saxons dominions and the English Monarchy 14 Elfred the second sonne of King Edward and the Lady Eguina is warranted by the testimony of the story of Hyde to haue been loued of his Father aboue all his other children that he caused him in his owne lifetime to bee crowned King and to sit with him in his Seat of Estate as his Partner in the Kingdome and that he enioyed that great honour but for a small time deceasing shortly after his creation and long before his fathers death and was buried in the New Monastery at Winchester which afterwards was remoued to Hyde 15 Editha whom the Scotish Writers call Beatrite the daughter of King Edward and the Lady Eguma with great honour was maried to Sythrick the Danish King of Northumberland in the first yeere of the raigne of her brother King Ethelstane being the yeere of grace 915. Within one yeere after her mariage her husband deceased and his sonne Guthfrid succeeded him in his Kingdome Wherefore she forsaking that Country obtained of her brothers gift the Castell of Tamworth in the County of Warwicke where she began a Monastery of Nunnes and therein liued died and was interred and both the Monastery and Body afterwards was remoued from thence vnto Pollesworth 16 Elsward the third son of King Edward the first of Queen Elfleda his second wife was born as it seemeth about the beginning of his Fathers raigne He was carefully brought vp in the study of Liberall Arts and in all other princely qualities so that it was expected he should haue succeeded his Father in the Kingdome but presently vpon his fathers decease he deceased himselfe in Oxford and was buried at one time and in one place with him in the New Monastery at Winchester in the yeere of Christ Iesus 924. 17 Edwine the fourth sonne of King Edward and the second of Queene Elfleda his second Wife was very young when his father was buried and his brother Ethelstane crowned Notwithstanding a deep ielosie possessing the King that his title was too neere the Crowne he caused him to be put into a little Pinnesse without either Tackle or Oares one only page accompanying him that his death might be imputed to the waues whence the young Prince ouercome with griefe and not able to master his owne passions cast himselfe headlong into the sea and his dead body being driuen vpon the coasts of Flanders was taken vp by Adulphe Earle of Boloine his cosen-germane and honourably buried in the Monastery of Saint Bertin in the Towne of S. Omers Which fact was much lamented by King Ethelstan who greeuously punished the suggestions of his owne ielosie and the procurers of his brothers death sending great thanks to the Earle that buried him and rich presents to the Monastery which entombed him and to appease the ghost of his innocent brother built the Abbey of Mialeton in the County of Dorset 18 Elfleda the second daughter of King Edward and the first of Queene Elfleda his second Wife entred into the orders of Religion and tooke vpon her the profession and vow of Virginity in the Monastery of Rumsey situated vpon the Riuer Test in the County of Southampton In which Monastery she was first a Nunne and afterward Abbesse during the whole time of her life which was there spent and ended and her body in the said Abbey buried 19 Eguina the third daughter of King Edward and the second of Queene Elfleda his second Wife was the second Wife to Charles the third surnamed the Simple King of France son to King Lews the brother of Iudith Queene of England before mentioned She had issue by him Lewis the third surnamed Beyond-sea because he was brought vp here in England with his Vnkle King Ethelstan and Gillet Duchesse of Normandy maried to Rollo the Dane who in regard of his marriage was allowed to bee the first Duke of that Country This Queene suruiued King Charles her Husband and afterwards was remaried to Herbert the younger Earle of Vermandoys which marriage was taken for so great an indignity because Earle Herbert the elder father to this Earle had caused the King her Husband to die in prison that King Lewis her sonne presently pursued her apprehended and committed her to the strait custody of Queene Gerberge his wife so as shee had no recourse vnto him nor issue by him 20 Ethelhild the fourth daughter of King Edward and the third of Queene Elfleda his second Wife followed the example of her elder sister Elfleda and became a Nunne in the Monastery of Wilton which was sometime the head Towne giuing name to the whole County of Wiltshire and antiently called Ellandon 21 Edhild the fifth daughter of King Edward and the fourth of Queene Elfleda
and fertility of the land an Eden in respect of their owne barren seat and which did most moue himselfe would assist when the English least thought it with these and the like hee spurred him on who of himselfe was forward in a full curriere Canutus therefore with the aide of his brother Harrold rigged forth a Nauie of two hundred saile all furnished with souldiers and abiliments of warre whose terror landed in England before him and his power by report made greater then it was and to encrease the terrour of this fearefull enemy the sea with a spring-tide brake into this land and destroyed both townes and many inhabitants a signe foreshewing as was thought the successe of that fleete borne hitherward vpon those waues and to encrease the English miseries thirty thousand pound was then collected by way of Tribute to pay the Danish auxiliary Nauy lying before Greenewich The States also conuening in a grand Councell at Oxford to determine vpon the great affaires of the Kingdom were diuided into factions and two Noblemen of the Danes there murthered by practise of Edrick the Traitor These I say were accounted ominous amongst the English that made each mole-hill to seeme a mountaine and euery shadow the shew of an enemy 36 In the meane while Canutus had landed at Sandwich and giuen a great ouerthrow to the English entred Kent and by his sword had made way through the Countries of Dorset Sommerset and Wilton Ethelred lying dangerously sicke at Cossam the managing of these warres was transferred to Prince Edmund his sonne who preparing to meete the enemie with his Army in the field had sodainely notice that Edrik his brother in-law ment to betray him into his enemies hands which newes strucke a great astonishment vnto his heart and caused him to retrait his host into a place of security whereby Edrik perceiuing his trecherous purposes were disclosed gaue more open proofe of his intendments flying to the enemy with forty of the Kings shippes whereupon all the west Countries submitted themselus vnto Canutus 37 By this time King Ethelred had recouered his sicknesse and minding reuenge on his most wicked sonne Edrik with purpose to trie his last fortunes by hazard of fight summond all his forces to meete him at a certaine day and place where being assembled he was instantly warned not to giue battaile for that his owne subiects ment to betray him King Ethelred euer vnfortunate in this to find treasons amongst them that ought him most trust withdrew himselfe to London whose seruice against the Danes he had lately seene and therefore accounted his person most sure in their walles Prince Edmund with his power posted ouer Humber where obtaining Earle Vtred to side in his quarrell entred the Countries of Stafford Leicester and Shropshires not sparing to exercise any cruelty vpon these inhabitants as a condigne recompence for their reuolt Neither did Canut for his part spare the Kings subiects but through Buckingham Bedford Huntington Nottingham Lincolne and Yorkeshires made spoile of all so that the miserable English went to wracke on all sides insomuch that Vtred also forsaking Edmund became subiect to Canut whereupon Edmund hasted to London to ioine his strength with his Fathers and Canute with no lesse speed sailed about the Coasts into Thamesis preparing his Armie for the siege of London 38 At which time King Ethelred either faln into relapse of his last sicknesse or tired with the many troubles and daily renued treasons against him gaue vp his ghost and found rest by death which neuer hee could attaine by li●…e the twenty third of April and yeere of our Saluation 1016 when he had most vnfortunately raigned thirty seuen yeeres and nine daies his body was there buried in the Cathedrall Church of S. Paul and bones as yet remaine in the north-wall of the Chancell in a chest of grey-Marble reared vpon foure small pillers couered with a copped stone of the same adioining to another of the like forme wherein Sebby King of the East-Saxons lieth intombed 39 Of Parsonage he was very seemely and of countenance gratious affable and courteous to his Subiects and a maintainer of iustice among them as by his excellent Lawes which himselfe made and by his sharpe but godly and wise censures against vnlearned bribing delaying partiall Iudges Lawyers and their purloining officers at large set down by M. Fox is very apparant Very louing and tender affectionated he was to his brother King Edward for whose death hee made such lamentation that his mother beat him with a taper of waxe that stood before her yea and so sore that he could neuer after wel endure the sight of a taper Fauourable he was to the married Priests and least esteemed the opulent and idle liues of the Monkes whose pens therefore as in such cases we euer find them partial haue been very lauish in his dispraise accusing him with sloth and vnreadinesse of Armes of voluptuous●…es and lechery couetousnesse pride and cruelty whereas in following the records of his life laying aside the Danish massacre we find no such sinnes neither any mention of Concubine that euer hee kept or name of child vnlawfully begot hauing had many by his wiues which were as followeth His Wiues 40 Elgiua the first wife of King Ethelred was the daughter of an English Duke named Thored who is reported in the history of that time to haue done great seruice against the Danes She was married vnto him when hee was seuenteene yeeres of age in the sixt of his raigne being the yeare of grace 984. and was his wife seauenteene yeares who dedeceased in the twenty foure of his raigne and of Christ Iesus 1003. 41 Emme the second wife of King Ethelred was the daughter of Richard the second Duke of Normandy and sister of Duke Richard and Duke Robert Father to William the Conqueror her mother was sister to Herfast the Dane Grandfather of William Fitz-Osbert afterward Earle of Hereford She was a Lady of passing beauty and therefore commonly called the flower of Normandy married vnto him in the twenty and fift yeare of his raigne yeere of Saluation 1003. with whom shee liued thirteene yeeres and suruiuing him was remarried to King Canute the Dane His Issue 42 Ethelstan the eldest sonne of King Ethelred and of Queene Elgiua his first wife was borne about the eight yeare of his Fathers raigne and yeere of Christ 986 hee liued vnto the age almost of twenty fiue yeeres being then by great likelihood cut off by vntimely death in the warres of the Danes raging then most extreamely which was the thirtie third of his Fathers raigne and of Christs Natiuitie 1011. 43 Egbert the second sonne of King Ethelred and Queene Elgiua his first wife seemeth to haue beene borne two yeeres after his brother Ethelstan in the tenth yeare of his Fathers raigne and yeare of our Lord 988 and to haue
by report of Authors that were eie-witnesses themselues for Ingulphus that had oftentimes conference with her doth thus of her relate There was giuen saith hee vnto King Edward for his Queene and Wife the daughter of Goodwin a most beautifull Damosell Egitha by name excellent well learned in her demeanure and whole course of life a Virgine most chast humble and vnfeinedly holy no way sauouring of her Fathers or Brethrens barbarousnesse but mild modest faithfull and innocent nor euer hurtfull to any insomuch that this verse was applied to her Sicut Spina Rosam genuit Godwinus Egitham From prickled stalke as sweetest Rose So Egith faire from Godwin growes All these notwithstanding the King expulsed her his Court and Bed and that with no little disgrace for taking all her goods from her euen to the vttermost farthing committed her prisoner to the Monasterie of Wilton attended onely with one maid where shee for a whole yeeres space almost in teares and praiers expected the day of her release and comfort All which vnprincelie and vn-Spouslike vsage as the King pretended and said was because shee onely should not liue in comfort when as her Parents and Brethren were banished the Realme an vniust sentence surely and vnbefitting a Saint thus to punish the sinnes of the fathers vpon their children contrary to the prescript rule of God who by his Prophet complaineth against such iniustice and regulateth it with this iust verdict That soule that sinneth shall die and for her pure and vnuiolated chastity himselfe on his death-bed spake saying that openly she was his wife but in secret imbracings as his owne sister 25 Yet behold the blindnesse and partiality of those times wherein for this his only refusall of nuptiall duties the penciles of those that should haue shewed his true face to posterities haue so enbellished the portraiture and lineaments that vnto the beholder he seemeth now no mortall creature his miracles and foresayings answerable to most of the Prophets Which here to insert in so worthy a subiect and holy Kings life were both to fill vp with a needlesse surcharge whole leaues of Times waste abuses and to breed a suspicion of those other things in him which we know for sound truth as was his gift from God through his holy inuocations and touch of the place affected to cure the disease called Struma now the Kings Euill which vnto this day in his successors hath been experienced vpon many such healings by the touch of those gracious hands who haue held the Scepter as Gods Vicegerents of this most blessed and happy Kingdome That he had the spirit of Prophecie many haue thought as also the notice of his owne death some constantly affirme by a Ring sent him from Ierusalem the same that hee long time before had giuen to a pilgrime but these with his other miraculous cures his sight of the Danes destruction and the Seuen Sleepers in the Mount Cellion besides Ephesus with infinite others I leaue to his Legend-writers and Aluredus Riualensis to relate who haue written his many miracles with no sparing pen. Most true it is that of a little Monastery dedicated to S. Peter in the west of London by the riuer of Thames he made a most beautifull and faire Church where he likewise prouided for his owne Sepulcher and another dedicated to S. Margaret standing without the Abbey this of Westminster he endowed with very rich reuenewes and confirmed their Charters vnder his Broad Seale being the first of the Kings of England who vsed that large and stately impression in their Royall Charters and Patents the very true form wherof according to the rude sculpture of those elder times we haue portraited in the front of this Chapter as we intend likewise to doe in the rest succeeding whereof this vse at least if no other may bee made that by benefit of those paterns men may know from what Princes they first receiued the Charters of their ancient possessions and Patents of their honours which the Princes stile many beeing of one name cannot sufficiently make knowne The said Church of Westminster he built for the discharge of his vowed pilgrimage to Ierusalem that in such sumptuous maner that it was in those daies the Patern to all other statelie buildings He founded also the Colledge of S. Mary Oterie in the county of Deuon and gaue vnto it the Village of Otereg and remoued the Bishoppes See from Cridington to Excester as a place of farre more dignity where the King taking the right hand and the Queene the l●… led Leofricke from the high Altar and installed him the first Bishop of that See Finally when he had reigned the sp●…e of twentie yeeres six moneths and twenty seuen daies hee died the fourth of Ianuary the yeere of Christ Iesus one thousand sixtie six and was with great lamentations and solemnitie buried in his Church at Westminster the morrow after the feast of the Epiphanie Hee was of person well proportioned of countenance sober and of complexion faire naturally courteous and gentle to all and thereby too prone and credulous to suggestions louing to his subiects and ouer-louing vnto Strangers A Prince of much vertue and integritie of life notwithstanding which had it not beene vailed vnder the faire-shew of Chastitie he had not so easily been canonized for a Saint wherein yet the seeming wisest taxed his wisdome whilest vnder a goodly pretext of Religion and vowed Virginity hee cast off all care of hauing issue and exposed the kingdom for a prey to the greedy desires of ambitious humours His wife Editha the wife of King Edward was the daughter of Goodwin Duke of the West-Saxons and Earle of Kent her mother was Gith the sister of Sweyne the yonger King of Denmarke she was married vnto him the yeere of Christs humanity 1045. and fourth of his raigne She was his wife eighteene yeeres and suruiuing him liued a widow eight more and in the eight yeere of King William the Conquerours raigne died in December the yeere of Christs birth 1074 and was buried by her husband in S. Peters Church at Westminster HAROLD THE SECOND OF THAT NAME THE SONNE OF EARLE GOODWINE AND THIRTIE EIGHT MONARCH OF THE ENGLISHMEN HIS LIFE RAIGNE ACTS WIVES AND ISSVE CHAPTER VII THe people sorrowing for the death of their King and the States-men perplexed for choice of a new Edgar Athelings title was worthy of more vnpartiall respect then it found for him they held too young for gouernment besides a stranger borne scarce speaking English and withall the prophecies of Edward touching the alienation of the Crowne the Interest of the Danes and the claim that Duke William made both by gift and consanguinity bred great distraction of desires and opinions but nothing concluded for setling the State no man either assuming or profering the Monarchiall diademe because none had the power or right to adorne therewith his owne head In this Calme conference
he imprisoned and many of the English depriued as we haue heard 63 Besides his many other stately buildings both for fortification and deuotion three Abbies of chiefe note he is said to haue raised and endowed with large priuiledges and rich possessions The first was at Battle in Sussex where hee wonne the Diadem of England in the valley of Sangue-lac so called in French for the streames of bloud therein spilt but William of Newberie deceiued in the soile it selfe which after raine sheweth to bee red affirmeth that after any small showre of raine the earth sweateth forth very fresh bloud as by the euident sight thereof saith hee doth as yet plainly declare that the voice of so much Christian bloud there shed doth still crie from the earth to the Lord. 64 But most certaine it is that in the very same place where King Harolds Standard was pitched vnder which himselfe was slaine there William the Conquerour laid that Foundation dedicating it to the Holy Trinity and to Saint Martine that there the Monks might pray for the soules of Harold and the rest that were slaine in that place whose Priuiledges were so large that they and others of the like condition were afterwards dissolued by Act of Parliament when it was found by experience that the feare of punishment being once taken away desperate boldnes and a daring will to commit wickednesse grew still to a greater head for it was enfranchised with many freedomes and among others to vse the words of the Charter were these If any Thiefe Murtherer or Felon for feare of death flie and come to this Church let him haue no harme but let him be dismissed and sent away free from all punishment Be it lawfull also for the Abbot of the same Church to deliuer from the Gallowes any thiefe or robber wheresoeuer if he chance to come by where any such execution is in hand The Standard it selfe curiously wrought all of gold and pretious stones made in forme like an armed man Duke William presently vpon his victory with great complements of curtesie sent to Pope Alexander the second as good reason it was the Popes transcendent pleasure and power being the strongest part of the Dukes title to the Crowne and his cursing thunderbolts the best weapons whereby he attained to weare it 65 At Selby also in Yorkeshire where his yongest sonne Henry was borne he founded the Abbey of Saint Germans at Excester the Priorie of Saint Nicholas and to the Church and Colledge of Saint Martins le grand in London hee gaue both large priuiledges and much land extending from the corner of the City wall by Saint Giles Church without Criplegate vnto the common Sewer receiuing the waters running then from the More and now More-fields 66 At Cane in Normandie lie founded the Monastery of Sant Stephen the first Christian Martyr adorning it with most sumptuous buildings and endowing it with rich reuenewes where his Queene Maud had erected a Nunnerie for the societie of vailed Virgines vnto the honour of the blessed virgine Mary Thus much of his Acts and now of his marriage and issue His Wife 67 Maud the wife of King William was the daughter of Baldwine the fifth surnamed the Gentle Earle of Flaunders her mother was Alice daughter of Robert King of France the sonne of Hugh Capet Shee was married vnto him when hee was a Duke at the Castle of Angi in Normandy and in the second yeare of his raigne ouer England she was crowned Queene vpon Whit-sunday the yeere of Grace 1068. And although she maintained Robert in his quarrell for Normandy and out of her owne coffers paid the charges of warre against his Father and her owne Husband yet because it did proceed but from a motherly indulgence for aduancing her sonne it was taken as a cause rather of displeasure then of hatred by King William as himselfe would often auouch holding it an insufficient cause to diminish the loue that was linked with the sacred band of a matrimoniall knot Shee departed this life the second day of Nouember the sixteenth yeere of his raigne and of Christs humanity 1083. for whom he often lamented with teares and most honourably enterred her at Cane in Normandy in the Church of S. Maries within the Monasterie of Nuns which she had there founded His Issue 68 Robert the eldest sonne of King William and of Queene Maude his wife was surnamed Curtuoise signifying in the old Norman-French Short-Bootes he succeeded his father onely in the Duchie of Normandy and that also he lost afterwards to his brother Henry King of England at the battell of Ednarchbray in that Dukedome the yeere of our Lord 1106. where he was taken prisoner and hauing his eies put out an vnbrotherly punishment was committed to the Castle of Cardiffe in South-Wales and after twenty eight yeeres imprisonment there deceased the yeere before the death of his said brother Anno 1134 and was buried at Glocester in the midst of the Quier of Saint Peters Church where remaineth a Tombe with his Carued Image at this day Hee had two wiues the first Margaret daughter of Herbert Earle of Maygne both married in their Child-hood and shee died before they came to yeeres of consent The other was Sibyll daughter of Geffrey and sister to William Earles of Conuersana in Italy and Neece of Robert Guiscard Duke of Apulia By her he had two sonnes William and Heny this Henry was he that was slaine by mischance as he was hunting in the New-Forest in Hampshire William the Elder surnamed in Latine Miser was Earle of Flanders in right of Queene Maude his Grand-mother succeeding Charles of Denmarke in that Earledome he also had two wiues the first Sibyll whose Mother called also Sibyll was the daughter of Fowlke Earle of Anion after diuorced from him and remarried to Terry of Alsac his Successour the second was Ioan the daughter of Humbert Earle of Morien now called Sauoy sister of Queene Alice of France wife of King Lewis the Grosse hee died sixe yeeres before his father of a wound receiued at the Siege of the Castle of Angi in Normandy the 27. of Iuly in the 28. yeere of the Raigne of King Henrie his vncle and of our Lord 1128. hee was buried at Saint Omers in the Monastery of Saint Bertin and left no issue behinde him 69 Richard the second sonne of King William and Queene Maude was born in Normandy and after his Father had attained the Crowne came into England where being then verie yong as hee was hunting in the New-Forest of Hampshire he came to a violent sudden death by the goring of a Stagge others say by a pestilentayre and is noted to bee the first man that died in that place the iustice of God punishing on him his Fathers dispeopling of that Countrey his body was thence conueied to Winchester and there buried on the Southside of the Quire
the right side of King Edward the Confessor 61 Ad●…licia or Alice the second wife of King Henry was the daughter of Godfrey the first Duke of Louaine by the daughter of the Emperour Henrie the fourth and sister to Duke Godfrey and Iocelin of Louain Shee was married vnto him the nine and twentieth of Ianuary in the twentie one of his raigne and yeere of Christ 1121. and was crowned the morrow after being Sunday Shee was his wife fifteene yeeres but euer childlesse and suruiuing him was remarried to William Daubeny Earle of Arundel and was mother of Earle William the second Rayner Godfrey and Ioan married to Iohn Earle of Augi c. His Issue 62 William the sonne of King Henry and Queen Maud his first wife was born the secōd of his Fathers Raigne and of Christ 1102. When he came to age of foureteene yeeres the Nobility of England did him homage and sware their fealties vnto him at Shrewsburie The third yeere after hee married the daughter of Foulk Earle of Aniou and the same yeere hee was made Duke of Normandy doing his homage for the same to Lewes the Grosse King of France and receiued the homage and oathes of the Nobility of that Country but in his returne for England hee was vnfortunately drowned neere vnto Barbfleet vpon the twenty sixt of Nouember the yeere of Grace 1120. and eighteenth of his owne age without any issue to the great griefe of his Father 63 Maud the daughter of King Henry and of Queene Maud his first wife was borne the fourth yeere of her Fathers raigne She was the second wife of the Emperour Henrie the fourth espoused at sixe yeeres of age and at eleuen with great solemnity was married and crowned his Empresse at Mentz in Germany 6. Ianuary Anno 1114. the ninth of her husbands and foureteenth of her Fathers Raignes Shee was his wife twelue yeeres and suruiued him without any issue of him comming into England a widdowe she had fealty sworne vnto her by the Nobility and was remaried to Geffrey Plantaginet Earle of Aniou sonne of Foulke King of Ierusalem vpon the third of Aprill and yeere of Grace 1127. by whom shee had issue Henry the Second King of England Geffery Earle of Nantes in Britanie and William who was called Earle of Poyto she was his wife twenty three yeeres and suruiuing him also continued a widdowe the last seuenteene yeeres of her life which she ended in the City of Roan the tenth of September 1167. the foureteenth of the raigne of King Henry her sonne and was buried in the Abbey of Bee in Normandy 64 Richard a second sonne to King Henry and Queene Maud by the testimony of Geruasius the Monke of Canterbury who maketh Maud their eldest Child William the second and lastly Richard and then saith he she left bearing but Malmsbury saith she had but two Children one of each sexe 65 Eufem also another daughter and fourth Child by Hector Boetius the Scottish Historian is said to be borne vnto the Beauclearke by Queene Maud the credite of the two last I leaue to the reporters who onely thus name them without any further relation His Naturall Issue 66 Robert the naturall sonne of King Henry was Earle of Gloucester and married Ma●…l daughter and heire of Robert Fitzhamon Lord of Glamorgan by whom hee had issue William Earle of Gloucester Richard Bishop of Bayon Roger Bishop of Worcester and Maud the wife of Randolph Gernon the mother of Hugh Keueliot Earle of Chester and Richard his brother Earle William married Auis daughter of Robert Bossu Earle of Leicester and had issue three daughters and heires of that Earledome which by Au●…s the second of them in the end descended to Clare Earle of Hertford This Earle Robert died the last of October in the twelfth yeare of King Stephen and was buried at Bristow in the Church of S. Iames which hee had founded and his body laide in the midst of the Quire vnto him William Malmsbury dedicated his Booke called Historia Nouella 67 Richard another naturall sonne of King Henry was as it seemeth by an ancient Register of the Monastery at Abington borne in the raigne of King William Rufus of the widow of Anskill a Nobleman of the Country adioining to the said Monastery and it seemeth hee is that Richard that was drowned in the Norman Seas neere Barbfleet among the rest of King Henries children 68 Raynold the naturall sonne of King Henry was borne of a daughter vnto Sir Robert Corbet Lord of Alcester in Warwickeshire by the gift of the King in fauour of her who was after married to Henry Fitz-herbert his Chamberlaine This Raynold was created Earle of Cornwall and Baron of Castle comb with consent of King Stephen and had issue foure Daughters of whom haue sprung many faire branches 69 Robert another of that name was borne of Edith the sister of Iue sonne and daughter of Forne the sonne of Sigewolfe both of them great Barons in the North which Edith afterwards King Henry gaue in marriage to Robert D●…lie Baron of Hook-Norton in Oxfordshire and with her gaue him the Mannor of Eleydon in the County of Buckingham by whom he had issue Henry Doylie Baron of Hook-Norton who oftentimes mentioneth this Robert in his Charters euer calling him Robert his brother the Kings sonne 70 Gilbert another naturall sonne of King Henry is named in the additions to the story of William Gemeticensis the Norman Monke in the Chronicle of that country written by Iohn Taylor being a Translator of that worke out of Latine into French and lastly in the Treaties betwixt England and France written in the French tongue by Iohn Tillet Secretarie to their late King Henry the second and yet in them not any other mention is made but only of his name 71 William also a narurall sonne of Henry the King had giuen vnto him the Towne of Tracie in Normandy of which hee tooke his surname and was called William of Tracie But whether he were the Progenitot of the Tracies sometime Barons in Deuonshire or of them that now be of the same surname or whether Sir William Tracie one of the foure Knights that slew Thomas Becket Archbishop of Canterbury were any of his posterity is not certainely reported nor any thing else of him more then that hee died a little after his Father which was in the yeere of Christ 1135. 72 Henry another naturall sonne of King Henry was borne of the Lady Nesta daughter of Rees ap Tewdor Prince of South-Wales who was the Wife of Sir Gerald Windsor and of Stephen Constables of the Castles of Pembrooke and Abertinie in Wales and Progenitors of the Families of the Fitz-geralds and the Fitz-Stephens in Ireland he was borne and breed and liued and married in Wales hauing issue two sonnes namely Meiler and Robert of which Meiler the elder married the daughter of Hugh Lacie Lord of Methe in Ireland
hee was at the conflict in the I le of Anglesey betweene Magnus the sonne of Harold Harfager King of Norway and Hugh of Mountgomery Earle of Arundell and Shrewsbury wherein hee was slain as some say with the said Earle Anno 1197. 73 Maude the Naturall daughter of King Henry was Countesse of Perche and the first wife of Earle Rotroke the first of that name sonne of Arnolfe de Hesding the first Earle of that County Shee had issue by him one onely daughter named Magdalen wife to Garcy the fourth King of Nauarre mother of King Sanches surnamed the wise from whom all the Kings of Nauarre are descended Shee died vpon Friday the twenty sixth of Nouember in the twentith of her Fathers raign and yeere of Grace 1120. being drowned in the Sea with her brother Duke William 74 Maude another of that name and naturall daughter of King Henrie was married to Conan the first of that name surnamed the Grosse Earle of little Britaine in France sonne of Earle Alan by Ermengard his second wife by Alan shee had issue Howell pronounced illegitimate and disherited by his supposed father Constance that died without issue and Bertha the wife of Eudes Earle of P●…rohet mother of Earle Conan the yonger who by Margaret sister of William King of Scots had issue Constance maried to Geffrey sonne of King Henry the second 75 Iulian likewise an other naturall daughter of King Henry was married to Eustace the illegitimate sonne of William Lord of Brete●…il in Normandy who was the sonne and heire of William Fitz-Osborne and elder brother of Roger both Earles of Hereford in England and this Eustace had hee beene lawfully borne in wedlocke had been heire to the Earledomes of Hereford and Iuerie notwithstanding he had as small a part in that inheritance of the Town of Pacie from which he tooke his surname being commonly called Eustace of Pacy and had issue by this Iulian his wife William and Roger of Pacy his sonnes 76 A naturall daughter of King Henry recounted by the continuer of the History of William Gemeticensis and by Iohn Tillet his follower is reported by them to haue beene married to one William Goet a Norman but in neither of these writers is any mention made of her name or of his estate issue or other relation 77 Another naturall daughter of King Henrie is without name recited by the said Authors and by them reported to be married to the Vicount of Beaumont which is a Towne within the County of Maygne Shee had issue by him as Roger of Houeden writeth Richard Vicount Beaumont Father of Queen Ermengard the wife of King William of Scotland and Robert the Abbot of Mount-Saint Michael mentioneth another of her sonnes named Ralphe who as he saith was Bishop of Angiers 78 Another naturall daughter also of King Henry is recited by the Normane and French writers before auouched and reported by them to be married to Mathew of Mountmorancy the sonne of Bouchard of Mountmarancy from whom perhaps descended the House of Mountmorancy who after came to be Earles and Dukes being growne to be one of the greatest houses in France next to the Princes of the bloud for possessions alliances and honour 79 Elizabeth the last naturall daughter of King Henry recounted by the former Authors was vnmarried in the time of the one and her husband vnknowne to the other but both of them agree that she was borne of Elizabeth the sister of Walleran Earle of Meulan who was sister also of Robert Bossue Earle of Leicester wife of Gilbert Earle of Pembrooke and mother of Earle Richard Strangbow the Conquerour of Ireland STEPHEN THE TVVO AND FORTIETH MONARCH OF THE ENGLISH-MEN HIS RAIGNE ACTS AND ISSVE CHAPTER V. THough the Empresse Maud had fealty sworne vnto her in the life time of her Father and againe both her selfe and issue ordained to be his successors in Englands Throne as hath beene said yet so powerfull is Ambition where the obiect is a Diademe and so weake are all assurances which are built on the wauering Multitude that King Henries prouidence was soon defeated and with his death al fealties reuersed and that by him onely who had * contended to bee the formost of the Laitie in taking that oath euen Stephen Earle of Mortaine and Bolloine a man whose descent was very Noble being the third sonne of Stephen Earle of Bloys and Champaigne who was the sonne of Earle Eudes and he of Earle Theobald the sonne of Gerlon the Dane the companion of Rollo Duke of Normandy his mother was Adelicia the third daughter of William the Conqueror by Queen Maude his wife And himselfe was aduanced to bee Earle of Mortaigne by King Henry his vncle whose Crown he now endeauoured to vsurpe being otherwise for his many princely parts worthy to weild a Scepter if his claime thereto had beene iust and warrantable 2 For as soone as Natures course had brought King Henry where Princes and poorest Subiects are all equall forthwith hee was working to dispossesse his Issue which onely now rested in Maud and her Children in which attempt it hapned fortunately for him if any thing may bee counted fortunate which is ioined with impietie that his yonger Brother Henry was then Bishop of Winchester a very potent man in the State who had industriously stirred himselfe in making way to his entrance and vpon assurance of all liberties to the Church and Common-wealth had drawne on also William Archbishop of Canterbury the very first man that had sworne vnto Maude the Empresse by whose example many others were winded into the like periurie * traiterously auowing that it was basenesse for so many and so great P●…eers to be subiect vnto a Woman And to helpe forward those audacious beginnings Roger Bishoppe of Salisbury the late Kings Treasurer protested Malmsburie who reports it himselfe heard it from him that they were free from the oath made to the Empresse for that without con sent of the Barons she had married out of the Realm but that which wrought most was the testimony of Hugh Bigot Senescall vnto King Henry departed who comming ouer with Stephen tooke his corporall oath that the King on his death-bed vpon some offence taken against his daughter Maude disinherited her and appointed this Stephen his nephew to be his successour These colourable instigations so moued the too credulous Archbishop and the Peeres that they all swore fealty vnto him and became his Leigemen 3 His first landing in England being at Whitsand-bay by a tempest of thunder so wonderfull terrible that the people thought verily the ende of all was at hand did prognosticke the storms of troubles which his periurie brought with him for euen then both Douer Canterbury fortified themselues against him though London gaue better leaue to his entrance whose Person and presence drew euer the affections of the beholder being in all
against the other whereof must needs follow an vnnaturall warre betwixt them of dangerous consequence euen to him that conquested With these and the like allegations at last Stephen beganne to bend and a parley f●… peace was signified vnto the Duke Henry already warme for the battaile and his thoughts fixed on nothing lesse then peace could hardly moderate his youthfull affections yet at his friends importunity hee yeelded to conferre with King Stephen 45 The place for conference was so appointed that the riuer Thamesis parted the presence of these two Princes so that from either banke they saluted each others and after a long conference agreeing on a truce and vpon faire tearmes of amity departed commaunding all weapons and attempts of warre to be laid aside 46 But Eustace who hitherro had attended Fortune for the Crowne and now hopelesse to haue as his Fathers Successor was greatly displeased with this new moulded friendship and in a fury departed the field purposing to raise himselfe by his owne meanes and comming to Bury vrged the Monks of Saint Edmunds for money to set forward his heady designes But the wiser amongst them vnwilling to bee wagers of new warres which though ill for all sorts yet proued euer worst to the Clergie mens possessions denied his request wherewith enraged hee commanded his men to carry their corne and other prouision into his owne Castle situated hard by But being set at dinner wee reade of him saith mine Author that euen the verie first bit that hee put in his mouth draue him into a frensie whereof shortly after hee died whose body was interred at Feuersham in Kent 47 The death of Prince Eustace so much aduantaged Duke Henry that thereupon the truce in likelihood expiring many fell off vnto him and many Castles were deliuered as Bertwell Reading Warwicke Stamford and others whereat Stephen was not a little displeased and thinking to entrappe the yong venturous Duke with a strong Army followed him vnto Wallingford But God himselfe looking down from heauen saith Mathew of S. Albans made there an end of those long calamities by stirring the minds of chiefe men in the land to labour for peace such was Theobald Archbishoppe of Canterbury and Henrie Bishop of Winchester who hauing troubled the realm with fire and sword moued now to repentance wrought so effectually with his brother that hee enclined vnto a wished peace contented to adopt the Duke for his Son and Successor and so comming both together to Oxford a blessed sight to so distressed and distracted a Kingdome there did all the Nobles do fealty to him as to the vndoubted Heire of the land and the Duke to acknowledge this as a fauour yeelded him the honour of a Father and the roialtie of all Kingly power during his life 48 Notwithstanding the cleere Sunneshine of these faire daies was somewhat darkened with a cloud of treacherie and lewd attempts of the Flemings who enuying Englands peace vpon Barham Downes intended to surprise Prince Henry in his returne from Douer and presence of King Stephen In this conspiracie was William the Kings son though but yong who himselfe meaning to haue one cast at the Crowne instantly before it should haue been effected was through the wantonnes of his horse cast to the ground and with the fall brake his legge to whose assistance whiles euery one gathered and lamented Henry vpon secret notice of the treason hasted vnto Canterbury and thence to London and soone after ouer the seas into Normandy 49 And Stephen now after he had raigned eighteene yeeres ten moneths and odde daies departed this life at Douer in the Monastery of the Monkes of an Iliacke passion mixed with his olde disease the Emrods the twenty fiue of October and yeere of Christs Natiuity 1154. A most worthy Souldier saith Paris and in a word one who wanted nothing but a iust title to haue made him an excellent King in his ordinary deportment very deuout the fruites wherof we●… shewed in erecting with sufficient endowments ●…he Abbeyes of Cogshall in Essex of Furnesse in Lancashire the houses of Nunnes at Carew and Higham an Hospitall at Yorke and the Monastery of Feuersham in Kent where his Queene his sonne and lastly himselfe were enterred but since his body for the gaine of the lead wherein it was coffined was cast into the riuer So vncertaine is man yea greatest Princes of any rest in this world euen after buriall and restlesse may their bodies be also who for filthy lucre thus enuie to the dead the quiet of their graues His Wife 50 Maud the Wife of King Stephen was the daughter of Eustace Earle of Bulloigne the brother of Godfrey and Baldwin Kings of Ierusalem her Mother was Mary sister to Maud Queene of England wife of King Henrie her husbands Predecessor Shee was crowned at Westminster vpon Sunday being Easter-day and the two and twenty of March in the first yeare of her husbands raigne and of Grace 1136. and being Queene fifteene yeeres she died at Heningham Castle in Essex the third of May and yeere of Christ 1151. and was buried in his Monastery at Feuersham in Kent His Issue 51 Baldwin the eldest sonne of King Stephen and Queene Maud bearing the name of King Baldwin his vncle was born in the time of the raign of K. Henry his fathers vncle and died in his infancy during the raign of the same King He was buried at London in the Church of the Priorie of the Trinity within Algate which was a house of blacke Canons of the Augustinian order founded by Q. Maud the first wife of the foresaid King Henry the first 52 Eustace the second sonne of King Stephen of Queene Maud his wife being the heire apparant to them both when his Father was King was created Earle of Bolloigne which dignity was the inheritance of his mother Hee married Constance sister of Lewis the seuenth King of France daughter of King Lewis the Grosse who afterward was remarried to Raimond the third Earle of Tholouze for Eustace died before her without Issue by her the tenth day of August in the eighteenth yeere of his Fathers raigne and of Grace 1152. Hee was buried by his mother in his Fathers Monastery at Feuersham in Kent 53 William the third and yongest sonne of King Stephen and Queene Maud maried Isabell daughter and heire of William Warren the third Earle of Surrey with whom hee had that Earledome hee was in his Fathers life time Earle of Surrey Lord of Norwich and Peuensey in England Earle of Mortayne and Lord Eagle of Normandy After his fathers death King Henry the second made him Knight resumed those things that hee held of the Crowne restored him to all that his Father held before hee was King And so he was Earle of Bolloigne Surrey and Mortaine and being with him in his iourney to Tholouze died without issue in his returne home-Ward
Christs faith and therefore such should come to subdue them and take their possessions when he said a Stag which hee kild had neuer the lesse fatte though he neuer heard a Masse they charged him hee doubted of the Resurrection of the dead and in saying hee neuer sped well after his yeelding to the Pope that hee said hee was vnfortunate since hee was reconciled vnto God that when hee gaue leaue to a seruant of his owne to enter any religious Order he gaue him leaue to bee of what Religion and Faith hee list That moreouer hee offered his Kingdome to a Sarazen and would embrace the Turkish faith though this tale were told by one Robert of London a wicked Masse-Priest or rather a Monster hauing a face like a Iew with one arme long and another short his fingers deformedly growing together two and two with such senseles improbabilities as that hee found that Moorish King reading of Saint Paules Epistles and that hee refused the Kingdom of England being offered him with the like That lastly it was reuealed to a Monke King Iohn was in Hell though a Poet for so saying is by M. P. who ●…de no doubt of King Iohns saluation censured for a Reprobate These all are demonstrations of so incredible hatred as should rather alleuiate their Authors credite then the Kings whose Raigne had it not fallen in the time of so turbulent a Pope so ambitious Neighbour Princes so disloyall Subiects nor his Story into the handes of exasperated Writers hee had appeared a King of as great renowne as misfortunes His works of deuotion inferiour to none as his Foundations declare at Beauley Farrington Malmsbury and Dublin and that other for Nunnes at Godstow by Oxford for which some haue interpreted that Prophesie of Merlin as meant of him Sith Virgin giftes to Maids he gaue Mongstblessed Saints God will him saue His Acts and Orders for the Weale-publike were beyond most hee being eyther the first or the chiefest who appointed those noble Formes of Ciuill gouernment in London and most Cities and Incorporate Townes of England endowing them also with their greatest Franchises The first who caused Sterling money to bee h●…re coyned The first who ordayned the Honourable Ceremonies in Creation of Earles The first who setled the Rates and Measures for Wine Bread Cloth and such like Necessaries of Commerce The first who planted English Lawes and Officers in Ireland and both annexed that Kingdome and fastned Wales to the Crowne of England therby making amends for his losses in France Whose whole course of life and actions wee cannot shut vp with any truer E●…loge then that which an ancient Author hath conferred on him Princeps quidem Magnus erat sed minus foelix atque vt Marius vtramque fortunam expertus Doubtlesse he was a Prince more Great then happy and one who like Marius had tried both sides of Fortunes wheele His Wiues 64 Alice the first wife of King Iohn was the eldest of the two daughters and heires apparant at that time of Humbert the second Earle of Maurien now called Sauoy her Mother was Clemence daughter of Berthold the fourth Duke of Leringen who had been the diuorced wife of Henry the Lyon Duke of Saxonie This marriage was in their childhoode cōcluded by their Parents at Mountferrant in Auerne in February Anno 1173 he should haue had with her her Fathers Earledome but all altered by her vntimely death and after ensued the death of her Mother the new marriage of her Father and issue male of the same whereof the Dukes of Saxonie are descended 65 Isabel his second wife by some called Hawisia or Auis though the youngest of the three Sisters yet was in regard of this marriage the sole Heire of William Earle of Gloucester sonne of Earle Robert the Naturall sonne of King Henry the first her Mother was Hawis the daughter of Robert Bossu Earle of Leicester Shee was married vnto him when hee was Earle of Mortaine in the first yeere of his brother Richards raigne and after ten yeeres hauing no issue by him was the first yeere of his Raigne diuorced from him vnder pretence of Consanguinity and married to Geffrey Mandeuill Earle of Essex and lastly to Hubert de Burgo Earle of Kent but died without any Issue by them 66 Isabel also his last wife was daughter and heire of Aymer Earle of Angolesme her Mother was Alice daughter of Peter Lord of Courteney fifth son of Lewis the Grosse King of France Shee was married vnto him in the first yeere of his Raigne crowned by Hubert Archbishoppe of Canterbury 8. Id. Octob. Anno 1200. and suruiuing him was married to Hugh Brun Earle of March and Lord of Lusignian and Valence in Poytou to whom first she should haue beene married but yet as seemeth continued her affection to him till now By him shee had diuers Children greatly aduanced by the King Henry 3. their halfe brother and as greatly maligned by his Subiects Hugh Earle of March and Angolesme Guy of Lusignian slain in the battell at Lewise William of Valence Earle of Pembroke Aymer of Valence Bishoppe of Winchester Geffrey of Lusignian L. of Hastings His Issue 67 Henry the eldest Sonne of King Iohn and Isabell his last wife was borne at Winchester 1. October 10. of his Fathers Raigne Anno 1208. K. Iohn dying at Newarke whither hee was broughtina Horselitter from Swynshead the Barons malice was ended their offence amended Lewis of France reiected and the yong Prince seated on his Fathers throne 68 Richard his second son by the same Queene was borne the next yeere after Henry by whom afterward hee was made Knight created Earle of Cornwall and appointed Earle of Poytou After the death of William Earle of Holland Emperour of the West hee was by the Electours chosen to succeed him in the Empire and crowned King of Romanes of Almayn at the City of Acon in Germany by Conrade Archbishoppe of Coleyne Maij 27. being the Ascention day Anno 1257. deceasing at the Castle of Berkhamsted April 20. Ann. 1271. the 13. yeere of his Empire his body was buried in his Monastery of Hayles in Gloucestershire but his Heart at Oxford in Reuly Abbey founded by him vnder a Pyramis of admirable worke Hee had three wiues the first was Isabel daughter of William Marshall Earle of Pembroke widdow of Gilbert Clare Earle of Gloucester by whom hee had issue Henry slaine at Viterbo in Italy and Iohn both dying without Issue His second wife was Senches daughter of Raimond Earle of Prouince sister to Queene Eleanor his brothers wife who was crowned with him at Acon and had issue by him Edmund Earle of Cornwall and others His last wife was Beatrice Niece to the Archbishoppe of Coleyne who seemeth to haue suruiued him and to haue no Issue by him 69 Ioane the
shee was God knowes how farre guilty aduertised of her husbands dethronization shee outwardly expressed so great extremity of passion notwithstanding that at the same time shee was tolde of her sonnes surrogation as if shee had beene distraught in her wittes which the Prince her sonne then about fifteen yeers of age beholding hee made an oath neuer to accept of the Crowne against his fathers good will and thereupon it was saith Walsingham a Writer worthie of beliefe that the said Embassie was sent to Kenelworth Castle where the now no more a King remained to worke his assent whose answere thereunto saith another was by those Messengers related at full and fuller then in truth it was sent by the King but the Peeres then in Parliament made their vse thereof in procuring such a Prince to take the rule of thē whom they hoped by reason of his tender yeeres themselues should be able to rule and ouermaster His Wife 77 Isabel daughter to Philip the Faire King of France sister to Lodowicke Hutin Philip the Long and Charles the Faire all Kings of France was married to Edward the second at twelue yeeres of age in our Lady Church of Bulloigne the 22. of Ianuary 1308. Shee was his wife twenty yeers and his widow thirty and liued threescore and three yeeres Shee died at Risings neer London the two twētieth of August 1357. and was buried in the middest of the Gray-Fryers Quire in London the 27. of September following His Issue 78 Edward surnamed of VVindsor the eldest son of K. Edward and Queene Isabel his wife was born at the Castle of VVindsor the thirteenth of October the yeere of Christ 1312. and the sixt of his fathers raigne hee was created Prince of Wales and Duke of Aquitane in a Parliament holden at Yorke Anno 1322. and in the troubles of the Realme and absence of his Father in an assembly of Lords met at Hereford and in presence of the Queen was made L. VVarden of England by a common decree vnto whom all the Lords made their fealty in receiuing an Oath of Allegiance to be faithfull and loyall vnto him as to the Lord Warden of the Realm and shortly after the Father deposed hee was crowned King of England by the name of Edward the third 79 Iohn surnamed of Eltham the second sonne of King Edward and Queene Isabel his wife was borne at Eltham in Kent the 15. of August and yeere of Christ 1315. and at twelue yeeres of age was created Earle of Cornwall in a Parliament Anno 1327. and third yeere of the raign of King Edward his brother hee died in Scotland vnmarried in the flower of his youth the tenth of his brothers raigne and yeere of Christ 1334. 80 Ioan the eldest daughter and third child of King Edward and Queene Isabel was borne in the Tower of London shee was maried being a child at Barwicke the eighteenth day of Iuly in the fourth yeere of the Raign of King Edward her brother 1329 to Dauid Prince of Scotland sonne and heire apparent of King Robert Bruce whom he succeeded within one yeere after in the kingdome being but seuen yeares of age and was the second King of Scotland of the name of Dauid shee was his wife twenty and eight yeeres and being come into England to visite her brother shee deceased here without Issue in the two and thirtieth yeere of his Raigne 1357. and was buried at the Gray-Fryers in London 81 Elenor the second and yongest daughter fourth child of King Edward and Queene Isabel was the second wife of Reynald the second Earle of Gelder married vnto him with a portion of fifteen thousand pounds 1332. being the sixt yeere of the raign of king Edward her brother who being the Vicar generall of the Empire to the Emperour Lewis of Ban●…r created him first Duke of Golder shee had issue by him Reinald and Edward both Dukes successiuelie after their Father without Issue the later of them leauing his Dutchie and his wife to his Nephew William Duke of Gulik his halfe sisters Sonne EDVVARD THE THIRD KING OF ENGLAND AND FRANCE LORD OF IRELAND c THE FORTIE-NINTH MONARCH OF ENGLAND HIS RAIGNE ACTS AND ISSVE CHAPTER XII THe sicknesse and wounds which the commonwelth sustained by the raigne of the late deposed king vpon the change of her Leach and Physitian recouered not onely health and strength but beautie also and ornament and the elements themselues which in the former times seemed to suffer and sympathize with the publike grieuances of the English grew gratious and propitious to the vse of man the Aire becomming more healthfull the earth more fruitfull as if Nature herself were priuie to the worth of the succeeding Prince But this his worth did not display it selfe vntill hee had plucked the sway of things out of the hands of the Queene his mother and of that aspiring danger and tempest of England Roger Mortimer who wholy possessed her 2 This Edward of Windsor being not fifteene yeeres of age when without any guilty thought in him his throne was thus established vpon his Fathers ruine tooke the beginning of his raign by publike sanction at the twentith day of Ianuarie and by direction of such as sought to colour their treasons against their deposed Soueraigne proclaimed his peace in these words Edward by the grace of God King of England Lord of Ireland and Duke of Aquitaine to N. N. our Sheriffe of S. Greeting Because the Lord Edward our Father late King of England by the common Councell and Assent of the Prelates Earles Barons and other the chiefe men and the whole Comminaltie of the Kingdome did voluntarily remoue himselfe from the gouernment thereof willing and granting that we as his eldest sonne and heire should take vpon vs the rule and regiment of the same and we with the counsel aduise of the Prelates Earls Barons before said yeelding therin to our fathers good pleasure and will haue taken vpon vs the gouernance of the saide Kingdome and as the manner is haue receiued the Fealties and Homages of the said Prelates and Peeres Wee therfore desirous that our peace for the quiet and calme estate of our people should bee inuiolablie obserued do will and commaund you that presently vpon sight of these presents you cause our Peace to bee openly proclaimed through your whole Bailywicke forbidding all and euery one on our behalfe vnder paine and perill of disinherison and losse of life and limmes not to presume to violate or infringe our said peace but that euery one pursue or follow his actions and complaints without any manner of outrage according to the lawes customes of our Kingdome for wee are ready alwaies wil be to administer full right to all singular cōplainants aswel poor as rich in our Courts of Iustice. Witnes our selfe c. in the Calends of February vpon sunday being Candlemas Eue. 3 Vpon the Candlemas day it selfe the young King
Glequin makes his vse of all occasions and workes much harme to the English party in Guien and Britaine But in Britaine Sir Robert Knols did so nobly acquit him selfe on the behalfe of his Souereignes sonne in law the Duke that he only seemed a fit parallel to Glequin like as hee stopt the current of his fortune was borne at Gaunt the chiefe Towne of Flaunders Anno 1340. and 14. of his fathers raigne In his Childhood he was created Earle of Richmond which title was afterward recalled in and bestowed vpon Iohn Duke of Britanny who married his sister to whose Dutchy it had formerly belonged Hee had three wiues the first Blanch daughter and Coheire and in the end the sole heire of Henry Duke of Lancaster sonne of Edmund surnamed Crooch-back in whose right he was at the first Earle and after Duke of the same and with that Dutchy also Earle of Leicester Derby and Lincolne and high Steward of England He had issue by her Henry of Bullingbrooke Earle of Derbie after Duke of Hereford and lastly King of England named Henry the fourth who first placed the Crowne in the house of Lancaster Philip wife of Iohn the first King of Portugall and Elizabeth married first to Iohn Holland Earle of Huntingdon brother of Thomas Duke of Surrey and after him to Sir Iohn Cornwall Baron of Fanhope His second wife was Consiance the eldest daughter of Peter King of Castile and Leon in whose right for the time he entituled himself King of both these realmes by her he had issue one onely daughter named Katherine married to Henry the third sonne of King Iohn in possession before and in her right after King of both the said realmes His third wife was Katherine the widow of Sir Hugh Swinford a Knight of Lincolnshire eldest daughter and Coheire of Payn Roet a Gascoigne called Guien King of Armes for that Countrey his yonger daughter being married to Sir Geoffrey Cha●…cer our Laureat Poet. By her hee had issue borne before matrimony and made legitimate afterward by Parliament holden in the twentieth yeere of King Richard the second Iohn Earle of Sommerset Thomas Duke of Excester Henry Bishop of Winchester and Cardinall and Ioane who was first married to Robert Ferrers Baron of Wemme and Ouesley in the Counties of Salop and VVarwicke and secondly to Raph Neuil the first Earle of Westmerland Shee and all her brethren were surnamed Beaufort of a Castle which the Duke had in France where they were all borne in regard thereof bearing the Porculleys of a Castle for the cognizance of their family This Duke in the thirteenth yeere of his Nephew King Richard at a parliament holden at London was created Duke of Aquitaine but in the sixt yeere after hee was called home and this Title recalled in and in the third yeere after the sixtieth of his age Anno 1399. he dyed at Ely house in Holborne and lyeth honourably entombed in the Quire of Saint Paul Edmond their 5. sonne surnamed of Langley was created Earle of Cambridge Anno 1362. in the same Parliament wherein Lionel was created Duke of Clarence Hee was afterward made Duke of Yorke Anno 1386. and married Isabel daughter and Coheire to Peter King of Castile and Leon. His sonne Richard Plantagenet Duke of Yorke took to wife Anne Morti●…er heire of the foresaid Lionel elder brother to Edmund Langley William another of their sonnes surnamed of Wynsore where he was borne dyed yong and is buried at Westminster Thomas the youngest sonne of King Edward and Queene Philip surnamed of Woodstocke where hee was borne was first Earle of Buckingham created by his Nephew King Richard the second on his Coronation day An. 1377. by whom after also he was made Duke of Glocester 1385. The Earledomes also of Essex and Northampton and the Constableshippe of England fell to him by right of his wife Eleanor the only daughter and heire of Humfrey de Bohun Earle of Hereford and Essex Hee was a man of valour wisdome and vigilancy for the behoofe of the King his Nephew and the State but those noble vertues distempered with too much wilfulnesse froward obstinacy bred him first Enuy and afterruine For the King surmising him to bee a too seuere obseruer of his doings consulted with Thomas Mowbray Duke of Norfolke how to make him away whom Mowbray vnawares surprizing conuaied secretly to Callis where he was strangled 1397. 20. of his Nephewes raigne Himselfe in his life had prouided a goodlie tombe at Playsie in Essex his owne Towne and the vsuall seat of the great Constables of England where hee founded a Colledge whither his body was brought and laid with all funerall pompe but afterward it was translated to Westminster where also lyeth Eleanor his wife who dyed 1399. Their issue was Humfrey Earle of Buckingham who dyed at Chester of the pestilence An. 1400. Anne married first to Edmund Earle of Stafford by whom shee had Humfrey Duke of Buckingham secondly to William Bourchier Earle of Eue by whom she had Henry Earle of Essex Philippa Ioane Isabell who died all issulesse Isabel the eldest daughter and second childe of K. Edward and Queene Philip was married at Windsore with great pompe to Ingelram of Guisnes Lord of Coucy Earle of S●…ysons and after Arch-Duke of Austria whom K. Edward his father in law created also Earle of Bedford 1365. by whom shee was mother of two daughters Mary married to Henry of Barre to whom shee bare Robert de Barre and Ioane the wife of Lewis of Luxemburg Earle of S. Paul and Philip the wife of Robert de Veere Earle of Oxford Duke of Ireland and Marquesse of Dublyn this Robert in the heigth of his fortunes forsooke his noble Ladie and married one Lancerona a Ioyners daughter by report which came with King Richard the seconds wife out of Boheme and being for his pride and abusing the Kings eare to the hurt of the State driuen out of the land by the nobles hee dyed at Louain in great vexation of mind and extreme penury An. 1392. Isabel his wiues mother was buried in the Church of Fryars Minorites neer Algate in London Ioane their second daughter and third child was borne 9. of her fathers raigne An. 1335. B●…ng 14. yeres of age shee was desired in marriage by solemne Embassage from Alphons the eleuenth King of Castile and Leon sonne of King Ferdinando the 4 was espoused by Proxie intituled Queene of Spaine and conueyed into that Countrey where shee presentlie deceased of a great plague that then raigned so as the King comming to meete her to solemnize the espousals with great griefe accompanyed her to Church only at her funerall 22. of her fathers raigne An. 1348. Blanch the 3. daughter died yong and lieth buried at Westminster Mary their 4. daughter was married to Iohn Montford Duke of Britaine Margaret their youngest daughter was the first wife of Iohn de Hastings Earle of Pembroke but shee dyed without
him to draw his comfort out of holy meditations as one whose violent death ensued before long and turne ouer to his politike and martiall Successor 117 Yet in our way wee may not quite ouerpasse a cursory consideration of the affaires of the Church vnder this King which for auoiding often interruptions of other argument we haue put off to this last place For albeit the Kingdome indured great crosses in the affaires of State yet some haue thought that it found as great blessings in matters of religion which in those daies tooke so deepe root in this our land by the preaching of Iohn Wicliffe that the branches thereof did spread themselues euen ouer the Seas Nor were the common people only allured with his doctrine though the Londoners fauouring of him is thought by Walsingham to haue deterred the Prelates from proceeding against him and a scholler of his in Leicestershire is said to haue drawn by his preaching all the Laymen in that Countrey but as the same Authour reporteth sundrie of the Fryars themselues fell to him and imbraced his opinions amongst whom one being also the Popes Chaplaine so discouered by preaching the murders luxuries and treasons of Fryars of his owne Habit that the common people were astonied with the horror thereof and cried out to haue them all vtterly destroied which his accusations he particularlie iustified by publike writing professing he came forth of that Order as out of the Diuels nest But that which Walsingham much more admires is that Wicliffes opinions were not onlie entertained in ordinary Cities but euen in the Vniuersity of Oxford it selfe where was the very top of wisdome and learning and where not only two Chancellors successiuely Doctor Nicholas Hereford and Robert Rugge were most earnest maintainers of Wicliffes doctrine but also when the pope to suppresse the same doctrine sent his Bull to the Vniuersity threatning the priuation of all their priuileges the Proctors and Regents thereof were very doubtfull whether they should receiue the Popes Bull with honour or rather reiect it with open disgrace Yea the whole body of that glorious Vniuersitie as the Pope there cals it in his Bull gaue a glorious Testimony vnder their publike seale of Wicliffes religious life profound learning orthodoxe opinions exquisite writings all farthest from any staine of heresie 118 And therefore no marueile if not onely the Duke of Lancaster with sundry Peeres and great ones but King Edward 3. himselfe were as Capgraue testifieth a fauourer of him and King Richard 2. and the whole Parliament did according to his instructions much labour to abrogate the Popes Transcendent power which was a principall cause of the Popes hatred against him Notwithstanding to discountenance the truth which he taught in defence of Regall Supremacy against Papall Vsurpation as also against the Masse Transubstantiation Merit against Adoration of the Hoast of Saints Images and Reliques against Fryarly Orders Pilgrimages Indulgences many lewd opinions by misconstruction as his bookes yet extant euince are fathered on him yea some so monstrous and diabolicall as that Men ought yea that God himselfe ought to obay the Diuell that that any man which heareth them will presently belieue without further perswasion that they are but malicious figments This famous Doctor dying of a palsie hath this charitable Euloge or Epitaph bestowed on him by a Monke The Diuels Instrument Churches Enemy Peoples Confusion Heretikes Idole Hypocrites mirrour Schismes broacher hatreds sower lyes forger Flatteries sincke who at his death dispaired like Cain and stricken by the horrible iudgement of God breathed forth his wicked soule to the darke mansion of the blacke diuell Whereby Gods best children may learne not to regard whiles they liue the malice of the wicked nor to respect after their death ought else but their slanderous rancor And thus we conclude the raigne though not the life of King Richard His first wife 119 The first wife of King Richard the second was Anne daughter vnto the Emperour Charles the fourth and sister to Wenceslaus Emperour and King of Bohemia who was crowned Quene the 22. of Ianuary 1384. Hauing beene tenne yeeres his wife shee dyed without any issue at Sheen in the County of Surrey 1394. whence her body was conuayed and buried at Westminster the seuenth of the Ides of Iune His second Wife 120 Isabell daughter vnto Charles the sixth King of France was a virgin about seuen yeers of age when shee was affianced vnto King Richard 1396. Neither had her husband it seemeth anie nuptiall fruition of her by reason of her tender age before such time as his traiterous Lords to compasse their owne disloyall purposes and gratifie an vsurpers ambition had dethroned him What became of this young Ladie we shall further see in the ensuing storie HENRIE THE FOVRTH KING OF ENGLAND AND FRANCE LORD OF IRELAND THE FIFTIE ONE MONARCH OF ENGLAND HIS RAIGNE ACTS AND ISSVE CHAPTER XIIII HENRIE of that name the fourth hauing thus obtained the title of king in full accomplishment of all rites peculiar to Maiesty had the Crowne of England set vpon his head with all worldly magnificence and honour at Westminster by Thomas Arundel Archbishoppe of Canterbury vpon the selfe day twelue moneth in which hee had formerly beene banished vnder Richard the second Power and fauour can set vp and maintaine a King though they cannot create aright But such transcendent courses deuiating from all due regulation of Iustice haue been too frequent in this Kingdome What right had William surnamed the Conquerour what right we speake of a right of Equity had his sonnes William the second and Henry the first while their elder brother liued what right had that valiant and princely Stephen what was the interest of Henry the second during the life of his mother Mathildis or that of King Iohn till his Nephew Arthur Duke of Britaine died yea or that of Henry the third till Arthurs sister died in her prison at Bristow How beit in this present case not only Richard the late king but the house of Mortimer claiming from the onely daughter* and heire of Lionel Duke of Clarente an elder brother of Iohn D. of Lancaster doubly might haue withstood the legall challenge of this Prince That obstacle which grew by Richard was in apparance greatest but the other was onely dangerous Richard had no issue but the line of Mortimer engraffed by marriage into the house of Yorke feeling it selfe vnable to preuaile and during Richards life time hauing no right secretly fostered in it selfe those fires which afterward brake forth and taking hold of the roofe-tops of both the royall houses neuer left burning till no one principall timber was vnconsumed in either all the Male-Issues which could claime by a direct line vtterlie lopt downe thousand friends at Pomfret they proceed to Wallingford then to Abingdon and so to Circester The rumors vsed by
said he hath made it meere wrong which with better regard of the Sex alloweth the woman to inherite her fathers possession as we see in the practise of that state whereof Christ himselfe is called king where the fiue daughters of Zelophehad for want of heires males were admitted to succeed in their fathers inheritance allotted them in the Tribe of Manasses and a law made by the Lord himselfe that if a man died and had no sonnes then his inheritance should be transferred vpon his daughters Neither is it to be doubted but that the daughter of Shesham was the sole heire vnto her fathers patrimony he dying without issue male though shee married an Egyptian whose posterity had their possessions among the Tribe of Iudah euen to the Captiuity of Babilon so that if such a law were as in truth there was no such better were the breach by the warrant of diuine direction then the continuance by colour of such prescription seeing God hath ordained aswell for the daughter as for the sonne 20 The Archbishops vnexpected but not vnpremeditated Oration thus ended so stirred the blood of the young Couragious King that his heart was all on a flame and so tickled the eares of his Auditory as they presently conceiued that France was their owne the Title whereof descending from Isabell the mother of the famous third Edward and shee the daughter and suruiuing heire vnto Philip the faire his right was lineally deriued thence as followeth first Philip by Ioane his first wife intituled Queene of Nauarre had three sonnes and one daughter namely Lewis Philip and Charles all three successiuely Kings and this Lady Isabell by whom the English claime his second wife was Constance the daughter of the King of Sicil who bare him a sonne after his owne decease which liued not many daies after his father Lewis his eldest sonne and tenth of that name succeeded Philip in the Kingdome of France and by Margaret his wife the daughter of Burgundy had his daughter Iane intituled Queene of Nauarre who made claime also vnto the French Crowne but neuer attained it so that her Title fell with her death Lewis by his second wife Clemence of Sicil had a sonne named Iohn borne vnto him but presently both father and sonne departing this life left the Scepter to his second brother who by the name of Philip the fift a while wore the Emperiall Crowne of France his wife was Iane the daughter of Burgoine who bare vnto him only foure daughters 21 Vnto King Philip succeeded his brother Charles the faire the fourth of that name whose first wife was Blanch detected of incontinency and brought him no fruite his second wife was Marie daughter to Henry Luxenbourg the Emperour who bare him a sonne that dyed soone after birth and the mother likewise shortly came to her graue Margaret the daughter to the Earle of Eureux was his third and last wife who at his death hee left with Child and thus the three sonnes of Philip were branched raigned and died whom Queene Isabell their sister suruiued and in that right her sonne King Edward the third by his royall consanguinity whilst the Crowne stood thus at suspence till a Prince should be borne claimed to be Regent in the Interregnum and in the nonage of the looked for issue against which Philip de Valois sonne of Charles the hardy who was brother to Philip the faire being a second branch from Hugh Capet and first Prince of the blood of France maintained that the Regency of the male if so he were borne as also of the Realme if a daughter or the sonne dyed belonged onely vnto him as the next in blood The state thus standing and a daughter borne Philip was saluted and proclaimed King no other right alleaged then this foisted and falsely termed fundamentall law Salique for no otherwise doth Ottoman the French famous Lawyer esteeme of that vngodly and vniust Ordinance if any such had beene ordained 22 The Kings right thus apparant and sufficient possessions to be had in France the Bill of complaint against the Clergies excesse was quite dasht and all mindes addicted for the affaires that way thinking it vnreasonable to pull the Prouisions from their natiues and brethren when as the Circuit of their inheritanee extended more large in compasse and therefore with the Danites they determined no longer to sit so pent with increase seeing God had giuen them another Kingdome but would free their own straitnesse by dint of sword and spread their Tents wider in the Continent of France Neither was there any motiue more forceable in conference then was the successe of those intruding Princes who assaied the Crowne by that vniust claime of law Salique 23 For did not the sword of God rather then man in the hand of King Edward the claimer cut downe the flower of France in the Battell of Crecie with the slaughter of Lewis King of Bohemia of Charles the French Kings brother of Iames Dolphin of Viennois the Dukes of Lorrayne and Burbon the Earles of Aumarle Sauoy Montbilliard Flanders Niuers and Harecourt the Grand Priour of France the Archbishop and Zanxinus and Noyone of Lords Barons and Gentlemen to the number of 1500 with 30. thousand of the French Souldiers and Philip not able of himselfe to defend himselfe inciting Dauid of Scotland to inuade and weaken England therein did but only vexe his owne spirit for in that attempt the Scottish King was taken prisoner and brought so to London leauing Philip to struggle with his hard fortunes in France which with bad successe hee did to the day of his death 24 Iohn his sonne by the same title and claime felt the same stroake of iustice from the hand of that thunderbolt in warre Edward surnamed the blacke Prince the sonne of Englands Mars who farre inferiour to the French in number farre exceeded them in marshall power when at the battell of Poitiers the French royall Standard was stroke downe an hundred Ensignes wonne by the English the Constable Marshall and great Chamberlaine of France with fifty two Lords and seuenteen hundred Gentlemen slaine in the field King Iohn himselfe his sonne Philip two Bishops thirteene Earles and one and thirty Lords taken prisoners by the Prince to his great praise and confirmation of his iust cause 25 Nor was the punishment of the father any whit lessened in King Charles the sonne then raigning who besides the intestine warres in his own dominions was by Gods iust iudgement strucke into a Lunacy being vnable to gouerne himselfe much lesse his Kingdome vpon which aduantage as the French would haue it King Henry now plaied though it be most certaine he sought his right farre otherwise for so it standeth vpon record dated the ninth of February and first of Henry the fift his raigne that he sent his Ambassadors vnto the French King who could not bee admitted to his presence and him whom they imployed to procure
same place Gentleman That hee and his complices did imagine the Kings death at his Coronation The combat was granted and in Smithfield the Duke of Yorke exercising the office of high Constable they fought in lists In the end the Kings name was vsed to part and forgiue them It is a vice to suspect too farre The Duke of Yorke a most subtle man seemes neuer in heart to haue beene a true subiect to King Henry yet no man saith hee was any author in this Henrie the common wealth hauing yeelded to liber all grants of money is now ready to enter Paris England remained vnder the gouernment of the Duke of Glocester 20 There is no doubt that the English there at their Kings presence set forth their greatnes to the full shew The yong King attended vpon with two English Cardinals Yorke and Winchester and great Princes of his blood Dukes Earles Barons Prelates and the flower of our nation with many aswel French and Burgonians as Normans and others excellentlie well appointed makes a triumphant entry into the head City of that most noble Monarchy There was no signe in the People but of ioy and welcome the showes were many and magnificent Vpon the seuenth day of December he was solemnely Crowned King of France by the Cardinall of Winchester his great vncle in the Chiefe Church of Paris called of our Lady The Duke of Bedford entertained the minds of the Assembly with a set speech wherein he declared King Henrie his Nephewes vndoubted title to that Crowne and commended the same to their fidelities adding ample promises of honour and emolument Such of the French Nobilitie as were present did their homage The people had good and gratious words giuen vnto them and certaine quantities of money Corne and wine in the nature of a donatiue liberally distributed among them Proclamations were made that all Frenchmen who came in by a day there named should be protected The Kings Patents and grants touching French matters passed vnder the seale and stile of Henry King of the Frenchmen and of England which Seale for variety we haue prefixed as we found it annexed * to a writing directed by the King to his Court of Requests in his Pallace at Paris but for English affaires he vsed another Seale being in euery point like vnto that of King Henry the fourth and as some thinke the very same stamp which therefore we haue here omitted as likewise some Charters of his there are whereunto he affixed the seale of his father Charles of France esteemed not himselfe the lesse a King for all this but pursues his affaire His people tooke the City of Chartres by a stratagem the Bishop whereof because a Burgundian they also put to the sword with others Neither were the English idle Iohn Duke of Norfolke Thomas Earle of Arundel Richard Beauchamp Earle of Warwicke the Earle of Suffolke and others made vp this losse with aduantage Their actions are placed by some as done before the Coronation which is likely The King hauing thus taken possession of France not long after tooke his farewell thereof His returne was by Roan and so ouer land to Callais from whence vpon the eleuenth day of February hee arriued safe at Douer His vncle the Duke of Glocester was able to giue an honest and good account of the Gouernment during the kings absence The suppressiō of an insurrection beginning at Abingdon in Oxfordshire was not the least seruice A weauer the Baliffe of the Towne was the vlcerous head to which that corruption gathered who had changed his own name and called himselfe Iacke Sharpe of Wigmores land in Wales The speciall colour of his attempt was to haue massacred Priests whose heads he said hee would make as cheape as Sheepes-heads that is two or three or ten for a penny But the mention of Wigmores lands the ancient inheritance of Mortimer then the possession of the fatall Duke of Yorke who afterward in the right of that name challenged the Crowne of England from King Henry insinuates somewhat further The varlet forfeited his head and foure quarters for his attempt It is to be wondred that the Councell of Estate vnder King Henry hearing that title so often glanced at prouided not better against the mischiefe But the eies and hearts of the wise are blinded when God hath a purpose to reserue a scourge or to hide the fire which shall afterward be vsed to consume a nation Vnquiet humors were aswell abroad as at home The souldiers of Callais discontented with their wages as to little began to be mutinously troublesome The Regent comes thither in person in Easter weeke where he exerciseth necessary discipline seuerely Foure the most faulty lost their heads one hundred and ten are cashered and banisht from the Towne as sixe score others had formerly beene Why dwell we vpon so petty accidents The losse of the Kingdome of France is imminent Let vs diligently note the degrees which God found out to depriue our Nation of that honor In this iourney of the Regent King Henries interest was not aduanced The Regent a widdower roade from thence to Turwin where without the Burgundians priuity he married the Lady Iaquet aged about seuenteene yeeres daughter to Peter of Lutzembourg Earle of S. Paul no friend to the Burgundian This was nothing prosperous to the English affaires For Anne the Regents former wife sister to the Duke of Burgundy being while shee liued a strong reason and assurance of amitie weakened the same by her death and this second marriage not pleasing the Burgundian did yet more diminish it These were but degrees In the meane space the accidents of warre between the English and French were manifold and perplext now wee now they leesing or gaining as opportunity serued which vncertainties brought forth their ordinary progenies fearefull outrages and s●…rcitie of all things needfull for the vse of man It would be wearisome and not much necessary to recount the particular lesser actions neitheir indeed is it easie for who can readily tell the sieges surprises skirmishes and the like being so confusedly set down by Authors wherein diuers of both Nations wanne to themselues much honour and serued the vses of those times and their owne The vttermost effect of those great labours was that the English Regency fell not forthwith into nothing Permanent leaders in those publike seruices were the Regent himselfe their maine Pillar and Chiefe life Thomas Earle of Arundel Richard Earle of Warwicke Henry his Sonne the Lord Willoughby the thrice noble Iohn Lord Talbot who was now at liberty the Lord Scales besides Knights Esquires and other valiant Captaines a multitude 21 The fortune of Renate Duke of Barre is not to be omitted for that afterward our King vnluckely married into his house He had to wife Isabell the daughter and heire of Charles Duke of Lorraine by whom he had issue two sonnes
and Iohn Gilford Knights Foge Scot Clifford and Bonting with fiue thousand men attempted great matters at Grauesend but hearing of the Duke of Buckinghams surprise dispersed themselues for that time But when King Richard perceiued how hee was euery where beset he sent one Thomas Hutton vnto Francis Duke of Britaine with proffers of gold to circumuent and imprison Earle Henry who as hee feared was too well friended in those forraine parts which thing indeed this Hutton well perceiued and so to the King reported that the Duke was nothing forward to bite at this baite whereupon those that lately fled England were indited of treason and other of Henries factions beheaded whereof Sir George Browne and Sir Roger Clifford Knights with foure others were beheaded at London and at Exceter for the like cause dyed Sir Thomas Sentleger who had married Lady Anne Dutchesse of Excester King Richards own sister with others so icalous was the King of his vsurped Crowne and that nothing should be laide to vnprouident foresight the coasts hee stored with Armies of men furnished the Ports with store of Prouision and made all things ready to withstand Earle Henries arriuall Who now hauing gotten aide of fiue thousand Britaines with forty vessels wel furnished set saile from thence the twelfth of October but was taken with so terrible a tempest that his Fleet was disparkled some into Normandy and some compelled to returne into Britaine only the Earles ship with one other hept the Seas being sore tossed all night and in the morning arriued in the mouth of Poole in the County of Dorset where hee might behold the Shore full of men shining in armour to his great amasement whereupon hee sent out his shippe-boat to know whether they were friends or enemies their answere was that they were thither appointed by the Duke of Buckinghm to attend the comming of the Earle of Richmund to conduct him in safety to the Duke who lay encamped not far off that so ioyning their forces they might prosecute Richard the vsurper who being in a maner destitute of men was sore distracted and desperate in his owne designes These smooth vntruthes notwithstanding Earle Henry auoided and with a forward gale returned to Normandy whence he sent Messengers vnto young Charles King of France whose father King Lewis was lately departed this life to haue his safe conduct to returne into Britaine which easily was granted with fauourable complements returned to the Earle Lord Henry thus crossed by sea had present news of Buckinghams surprise and death with the flight of the Nobles escaped from Richard who meeting with Richmund in Britaine fell forthwith into Counsell where first it was determined that Earle Henry should take his oath to espouse the Lady Elizabeth eldest daughter vnto King Edward and the immediate heire to the Crowne which hee solemnly did in the Church at Rhedon and they for their parts sware vnto him fealty doing him homage with no lesse respect then vnto their sole and crowned King 37 Of these proceedings King Richard soone heard which indeed greatly appaled his though●… and all pensiue and sad he returned out of the West towards London where to cut off the hopes of Richmunds further claime hee caused a Parliament to be assembled at Westminster and therein attainted the said Earle Henry himselfe and all such as had fled the land in his behalfe enacting them enemies to their naturall Country their goods to be confiscated and all their lands and possessions to be seised vpon to the Kings vse which was so forwarded by his lewd Counsellors and so executed by his fawning followers that some better affected set forth the present and oppressed estate in these scoffing rimes to their further disgrace diuulging their names in manner as followeth The cat the rat and Louell the dogge Rule all England vnder a hogge Alluding to the names of Ratcliffe the Kings mischieuous Minion and of Catesby his secret traducer and to the Kings cognizance which was the Boare for which William Collingborne Esquier who had been Shiriffe of Wiltshire and Dorsetshire was condemned and vpon the Tower hill executed with al extremity 38 King Richards state standing in dangers abroad and not altogether free from conspiracies at ho●…e hee thought it best policy to enter amitie with Scotland which hee did for the terme of three yeeres and the more firme to assure himselfe of that King hee intreated a marriage betwixt the Duke of Rothsay the kings eldest sonne and the Lady de la Pole daughter to Iohn Duke of Suffolke and to the Dutchesse Elizabeth king Richards owne sister whom hee so much fauoured as that after the death of his owne sonne he proclaimed Iohn Earle of Lincolne her sonne and his Nephew heire apparant to the Crowne of England disinheriting King Edwards daughters whose brothers hee had before murdered 39 His feares nothing lessened but rather daily increased he attempted once more to stop the Currunt which led to the spring to which end he sent his Ambassadours loaden with gold and many gay promises vnto Francis Duke of Britaine offring to giue him all Richm●…nds lands and yeerely reuenues if he would either send the said Earle into England or commit him there vnto prison These comming to the Dukes Court could haue no communication with him he lying extremely sicke and his wits too weake to entertaine discourse Whereupon Peter Landose his Treasurer a man pregnant in wit and of great authority tooke the motion into hand vnto whom the English Ambassadors promised all the Earles Reuenews if he could bring King Richards request to passe He greedy of gaine and being in place to doe what he would promised to effect it conditionally that King Richard would make good his offer Thus whilest messengers posted betwixt Peter and Richard Iohn Bishop of Elie being then in Flaunders was certified by Christopher Vrswicke of all the circumstances of this purpose whereupon the Bishop with all possible hast sent the same intelligence the same day and by the same man vnto Earle Henry in Britain willing him to shift himself and followers into France who forthwith sent Vrswick vnto King Charles to haue his licence that he might with his good liking come into his dominions which being obtained he caused the other Lords vnder pretence to visite the sicke Duke to escape into Aniou and two daies after changing his Apparrell with his seruant waited vpon him as vpon his Master and posted thence into France whose escape when the Treasurer heard of he sent after to apprehend him and that in such hast as at his entrance into the French dominions they were hard at his heeles 40 This suddaine flight of the Earle and of the other English Lords the Duke of Britaine being somwhat recouered of his dangerous sicknes tooke very greeuously imputing it a great dishonour vnto himselfe to suffer the least suspect of breach betwixt
Edmund de la Pole Earle of Suffolke sonne to Iohn Duke of Suffolke and of Elizabeth sister to King Edward the fourth in the sixteenth yeere of King Henries raigne wilfully slew a common person in his furie Henry not sorry to haue occasion of encreasing his popularity by presenting so great a person to exemplary iustice and in the same act to blemish the honour of a man whose quality was to him suspected caused him for the same to be arraigned The fact hee was perswaded to confesse and therupon had pardon The Earle neuerthelesse as a Prince of the bloud holding himselfe disgraced by hauing been seen a Prisoner at the Kings Bench Barre fled the land discontented and went to his Aunt the Dutchesse Dowager of Burgundie but within a while after being fairely reconciled hee returned After which notwithstanding whether it were by reason of debt the certaine attendant of vaine-spirited and base-braueminded Courtiers wherinto he had deeply thrown himself for his furniture at the celebration of his cosen Prince Arthurs marriage or for that the restlesse spirit of enuie in the Dutchesse had preuailed hee taking his brother with him fledde againe the next yeere after The King who had pardoned his life seemed now to repent his clemency though it is plaine hee spared him of purpose till hee might discouer more of a conspiracy which hee knew was in hammering but his flight troubled him not a little knowing the violent humor of that Lord and remēbring to what a dangerous bloudy issue his brother the Earle of Lincolne had once already brought things at the battell of Stoke in the beginning of his raigne 67 For remedy hee betakes himselfe to his wonted arts and therefore to learne the secrets of the enemy Sir Robert Curson Knight Captaine of the Castell of Hammes by Caleis faines himselfe a friend to the Earle and flies from his charge vnto him An office vnworthy of Knighthood neither can any good spirit in the world stoope it selfe to such double faced emploiment which besides the treacherous dissimulations thereof cannot but bee accompanied with wilfull impieties For who is admitted into trust vpon a contrary side without inuocations of Gods holy name protestations adiurations oathes the vtmost assurances which man can giue to man to beget a conuenient affiance in his sincerity but by this stratagem the king ransackes the bosomes and cabinets of his aduersaries discouering their designes and hopes Whereupon William Courtney Earle of Deuonshire being most nobly descended and hauing to his wife the Lady Katherine one of the daughters of K. Edward the fourth and sister to Queene Elizabeth wife of King Henry William de la Pole brother to the said Edmund Earle of Suffolke Sir Iames Tirrel Sir Iohn Windham Knights with other were attached and committed to custodie and afterward also George Neuil Lord Abergenie and Sir Thomas Greene Knight were likewise apprehended but were soone deliuered The Earle of Deuonshire though innocent for it is the misery of such great men that their owne innocency cannot alwayes procure their owne safety but their birth-right many times and often other mens designations without their least priuity is enough to hazard them yea it is in the power of any conspirator by bare nomination to doe as much so that it concernes them to haue an eye not to their owne onely but to the behauiour also of their whole Alliances and dependancies this Earle I say though innocent remained Prisoner during this Kings life and some yeeres of his sonnes raigne who set him at liberty The other William the Earle of Suffolkes brother had not so strict an hand holden ouer him But Sir Iames Tyrrell Lieutenant of Guines Castell and Sir Iohn Wyndham Welbourn seruant to Sir Iames Tyrrel Curson a Purseuant Mathew Iones yeoman and a Shipman were condemned of treason for aiding the Earle of Suffolke The two Knights were beheaded at Tower hill The Shipman quartered at Tiburne Curson and Iones suffered death at Guines 68 This so round and quicke dealing with the Earles complices and fauourers startled his shallow and raw inuentions and made their whole bulke to swarue and splinter but the King rested not so for vpon the Sunday before the feast of SS Simon and Iude in the same yeere of the said executions there was published at Pauls Crosse by the Kings procurement from Pope Alexander the sixth a Bull of Excommunication and curse against the said Earle of Suffolke Sir Robert Curson and fiue other persons by speciall name and generally all other which aided the Earle against the King to the disturbance of the Kingdome Thus did the most prudent Henrie pursue his enemies not onely with secret countermines and open weapons of Law before they could assemble to make any shew but also with spirituall lightening which doubtlesse had they beene vpon iust cause and by lawfull authoritie fulminated ought infinitely to bee dreaded of good Christians because as Saint Paul saith they deliuer ouer to Satan Sir Robert Curson was named of purpose to make the Earle secure of him which may well be called a perillous if not a prophane deuise though his Holinesse were made the instrument thereof Neither did the King leaue heere for by his letters and messengers he so preuailed with Pope Alexander as hee decreed by his Bull That no person should afterward haue priuiledge of Sanctuary who had once taken the same and come foorth againe and that if any Sanctuarie-man should afterward commit any murther robbery sacriledge treasons c. he should by lay force bee drawne thence to suffer due punishment This was of great vse to the King and preserued many subiects from precipitation for the abuse of Sanctuaries had beene an efficient of many troubles But the same Pope hauing sent Iohn Giglis his Receiuer to gather mony in England shewed himselfe much more fauourable to such as perpetrated those said hainous offences as also Vsury simony rapines adulteries or whatsoeuer offences excepting certaine offences against the Pope and Clergy c. when he sent a * Bull of pardons for money to all such offendors in England dispensing also thereby with such as kept away or by any fraud bad gotten the goods of other men which they should now retaine still without scruple of conscience so as they paid a ratable portion thereof vnto his Holinesse Receiuers Sir Robert Curson though before accursed by the Pope returnes when he saw fit time into England and withall into wonted fauour with his Soueraigne The Earle seeing himselfe thus stript of all hope to doe much harme wandred about Germany and France to finde repose but in the end quite tyred he put himselfe into the grace and protection of Philip then in Flanders who by the death of Isabella was King of Spaine in right of Ioan his wife eldest daughter of Ferdinando and Isabella where hee remained in banishment till King Phillip was
gaged on their silence the life of a good hound much lesse mine owne I doubt not may it please your honors to appose them how they came to the knowledge of those matters which they are so ready to depose but you shall find their tongues chained to another mans trencher and as it were Knights of the Post suborned to say sweare and stare the vttermost they can as those that passe not what they say not with what face they say it so they say no truth but on the other side it grieueth mee that your good Grace whom I take to bee wise and sharpe and who of your blessed disposition wisheth mee well should bee so farre gone in crediting these corrupt Informers that abuse the ignorance of your state and Country to my peril Little know you my Lord how necessary it is not onely for the Gouernour but also for euery Nobleman in Ireland to hamper the vnciuill neighbours at discretion wherein if they waited for processe of law had not those liues and lands you speak of within their reach they might hap to loose their own liues lands without law You hear of a case as it were in a dream feele not the smart that vexeth vs. In England there is not a mean Subiect that dare extend his hand to fillip a Peere of arealm In Ireland except the Lord haue cunning to his strength and strength to saue his Crowne and sufficient authority to take theeues and variets when they stir he shall find them swarme so fast that it will bee too late to call for iustice If you will haue our seruice take effect you must not tie vs alwayes to these iudiciall proceedings wherwith your Realme thanked be God is inured Touching my kingdome I know not what your Lordshippe should mean thereby If your Grace imagine that a Kingdome consisteth in seruing God in obeying the Prince in gouerning with loue the common wealth in supporting subiects in suppressing rebels in executing iustice in brideling blind affections I would bee willing to bee inuested with so vertuous and roial a name but if therfore you tearm me a King in that you are perswaded that I repine at the gouernmēt of my soueraign or winke at malefactors or oppresse ciuil liuers I vtterlydisclaim that odious term maruelling greatly that one of your Graces profound wisdom would seeme to appropriate so sacred a name to so wicked a thing but howsoeuer it bee my Lord I would you and I had changed Kingdomes but for one moneth I would trust to gather vppe more crummes in that space then twice the reuenewes of my poore Earledome but you are well and warme and so hold you and vpbraide not mee with such an odious terme I slumber in a hard Cabine when you sleepe in a soft bedde of Downe I serue vnder the Kings Cope of heauen when you are serued vnder a Canopie I drinke water out of my skull when you drinke wine out of golden cups my Courser is trained to the field when your Gennet is taught to amble when you are graced belorded crouched and kneeled vnto then find I small grace with our Irish borderers except I cut them off by the knees At these girds the Lord Chancellor much fretted and finding Kildare to bee no babe deferred the hearing of his cause till more proofes were produced from Ireland then in a great fume hee arose from the Councell board and committed the Earle vnto prison against the minds of most at the Table who knew well that this his accusation was more of hatred borne by the Cardinall then any occasion giuen by the accused late Deputy Whereupon Thomas Duke of Norfolke stept to the King and craued that Kildare might bee his prisoner offering to bee bound in goods and body for his forth comming whom hee obtained though with no great liking of the L. Chancellor who daily entertaind new plaints against him till at last hee pressed him sore with letters sent to Oneale and Oconor to encourage their rebellions against Osorie the Lord Deputy which letters were brought them by his own daughter and their sisters the Lady Elice Fitzgirald wife to the Baron of Slane 59 This presumption being vehement the King suspitious the Cardinall eager and his friends faint Kildare was sent to the Tower where he committed himselfe to God and expected dayly his death but with such couragious resolution as hee being in play with the Lieutenant at slide-groat when the mandate was brought for his execution on the next morning and seeing the Lieutenant strucke into a suddaine sadnesse by Saint Bride Lieutenant quoth the Earle there is some madde game in that scrowll but fall how it will this throw is for a huddle and when the worst was told him now I pray thee quoth he doe no more but learne assuredly from the Kings owne mouth whether his Highnesse be witting thereto or no the Lieutenant louing his prisoner well repaired to the King and shewed him the Cardinals warrant who then controuled the sawcines of the Priest for those were his tearmes and gaue the Lieutenant his Signet for a countermand whereat the Cardinall stormed but Kildare deliuered from his eminent death and not long after from his imprisonment also was sent into Ireland where at his entrance into Dublin he was met with a solemne procession and so brought into the City so welbeloued was this Earle abroad and at home 60 But the French Kings fortunes were nothing so good who was straitly imprisoned at Madrill in Spaine and great suite made for his deliuerance which notwithstanding would not be heard The Queene mother then Regent of France wise of her selfe and forwarded by others saw no better means to free her sonne the King then to enter amity with England which to accomplish she solicited King Henry working vpon the occasions then ministred which was some vnkindnesse growne betwixt the English King and the Emperour the one of them more strange by the greatnesse of his fortunes and the other in iealousie of lessening renowne The sparkes of which Cinders were steared to flame by Wolsey that euer was in the eare of the King alleadging his potency so much esteemed of all Christian Princes a sound very tunable in Henries wide eare would bee lesse regarded by the Emperours late victory who now beganne to carry himselfe with another respect and neuer after that victory gotten subscribed his letters to King Henry according to his accustomed manner your Sunne and Cosen but to the draught of his Secretaries in fixed his hand with the word Charles and no more 61 These dislikes and other intercourses of State drew Henry shortly to a peace with France In the exemplification of which league the Venetians and other Princes were left to their choise whereof himselfe notwithstanding would bee stiled the Protector And to his leaguer Ambassadors sent these instructions to moue the States to consider the Emperours
an high Basement like a Sepulchre and on the sides whereof shal be made the story of Saint George and ouer height of the Basement shall bee made an Image of the King on Horsebacke liuelie in Armor like a King after the Antique maner shewing in countenance and looking on the said two Images lying on the said Tombes Item on the right hand and left hand of the said two Tombes shall bee foure Pillers of the foresaid Orientall stones that is to say on either side two Pillers and vpon euery Pillar shall bee a like Basement of white Marble with partitions for Scriptures as shall be aboue the other Pillers And on the same foure Basements of the said Pillers shall bee made foure Images two of Saint Iohn Baptist and two of Saint George with foure little children by them casting roses as is aforesaid Item ouer the said Image of the King on Horsebacke shall bee made an Arch triumphall of white Marble wrought within and about it and vpon the same Arch in maner of a Casement of white Marble garnished with like Orientall Stones of diuers colours as the pattern sheweth and on the two sides of the said Casement shall be made and set of brasse guilt the story of the life of Saint Iohn Baptist and one hight of the said Casement shall bee made fiue steps euery one more then other downeward of like Orientall stones as the said Pillers shall shew Item on the foure corners of the said Casement shall be made the Images of the foure Cardinal vertues hauing such Candlestickes in their hands as is aboue said Item on the toppe of the highest step of the said fiue steps on the one side shall be an Image of the Father hauing in his left hand the Soule of the King and blessing with his right hand with two Angels holding abroad the Mantle of the Father on either side Item in like wise shall bee made on the other side the said Image of the Father hauing the soule of the Queene in his left hand blessing with his right hand with like Angels The height of the same worke from the Father vnto the Pauement shall be xxviij foot Item the breadth and largenes of the said worke shall be xv foote and the Pillers of the Church in greatnes v. foote and so the largenes of the said worke from the vttermost part of the two great Pillars shal be xx foote Item euery of the Images of the xiiij Prophets shall containe euery Image V. foote in length and the Angels shall containe two foote and a halfe in length Item euery of the xx Pillers shall containe in length X. foot Item euery of the Images of the Apostles Euangelists and Doctors shall containe in length V. foote and the Angels as is abouesaid Item in likewise euery of the xx Angels of the quire shall containe in length two foot and a halfe and in likewise the Images of the Children two foot and a halfe Item the foure Images of St. Iohn Baptist and St. George and all the figures of the father and Angels on the V. steps shall be V. foote Item the foure Images of the King and the Queen shall be of the Stature of a man and woman and the foure Angels by them of the stature of a man euery one Itē the Image of the King on Horseback with his Horse shall be of the whole stature of a goodly man and large Horse Item there shal be a Cxxxiiij figures Xliiij Stories and all of Brasse guilt as in the patterne appeareth 135 This magnificent Monarch was of presence Maiesticall and of Personage more then ordinarily t●…l faire of Complexion and Corpulent of body very wise and very well learned of a sudden and ready speach in youth very prodigall and in his age very liberall pleasant and affable but not to be dallyed with bolde in attempting and euer thirstie of potent glory an expert Souldier and fauouring such as were actiue or seruiceable according to the then vsuall saying King Henrie loues a man and indeed somewhat too wel the delights with women as by his many wiues heere ensuing may well appeare His Wiues 136 Katherine the first wife to King Henry was the daughter of Ferdinando the sixt King of Spaine and widow dowager of Prince Arth●…r his elder brother as hath beene said she was married vnto this King the third of Iune and first of his Raigne the yeere of saluation 1509. being solemnely crowned with him vpon the twenty fourth day of the same and was his wife aboue twenty yeeres and then diuorced from him by the sentence of the Archbishop of Canterbury liued three yeeres after by the name of Katherine Dowager Shee deceased at Ki●…balton in the County of Huntington the eight of Ianuary and yeere of Christ 1535. and lieth interred on the North-side of the quire in the Cathedrall Church of Peterborow vnder a hearse of Blacke Saye hauing a white Crosse in the middest 137 Anne the second wife of King Henry was the second daughter of Sir Thomas Bullen Earle of Wiltshire and Ormond Shee was solemnly at Windsore created Marchionesse of Pembrooke the first of September and twenty foure of his Raigne hauing one thousand pound giuen her by yeere to maintaine her estate Shee was married vnto king Henry in his Closet at White-Hall vpon the twenty fift day of Ianuary and yeere of Christ Iesus 1533. being the foure and twentith of his Raigne and was Crowned with all due obseruances at Westminster vpon Whitsunday the first of Iune where the Crowne of Saint Edward was set vpon her head the scepter of Gould deliuered into her right hand and the Iuory rodde with the Doue into her left Shee was his wife three yeeres three monthes and twenty fiue daies when being cut off by the sword the nineteenth of May her body was buried in the Quire of the Chappell in the Tower leauing her accused fame to bee censured as affections best pleased the vncharitable minded and her bed to bee possest of a vertuous Lady 138 Iane the third wife of King Henry was the daughter of Iohn Seimer Knight and sister to Lord Edward Seimer Earle of Hertford and Duke of Sommerset Shee was married vnto him the twentieth of May euen the next day after the beheading of Queene Anne and the twenty eight of his Raigne Shee was his wife one yeere fiue monthes and twenty foure daies and died in Child-bed the foureteenth of October to the great griefe of the King who not onely remoued from the place but kept himselfe priuate and wore the Garment of mourning euen in the Festiuall time of Christmas her body was solemnely conueied to Windsore the eight of Nouember following where she was interred in the middest of the Quire of the Church within the Castell 139 Anne the fourth wife of King Henry and sister to William Duke of Cleue was married vnto him the sixth of Ianuary in the thirty one yeere of his Raigne the yeere of Grace
for antiquity and continuall inhabitants from the first time that any of them can claime their originals And although our many Records are perished by the inuasions of strangers through their couetous Conquest of so faire a Land or in the ciuill dissensions of homebred aspirers that haue sought the possession of so rich a Crowne yet Truth hath left vs no lesse beholding vnto her then mightier Nations and them that would be far more famous Neither is it to be wondred at that the Records of GREAT BRITAINE are eaten vp with Times teeth as Ouid speakes when as in Times ruines lye buried their Registers that haue bene kept with a stronger guard as Titus Liuy in the entrance of his History affirmeth of the Romanes As for those things saith he as are reported either before or at the foundation of the City more beautified and set out with Poets fables then grounded vpon pure and faithfull reports I meane neither to auerre nor disproue Of whose vncertainties let vs a while heare the reporters themselues speake before we proceed to the certaine successions of our British Monarchs vntill which time the credit of our History may wel be said to waigh with if not downe peize many others Uarro that learned Romane writer who liued an hundred yeeres before the birth of our Sauiour Christ calleth the first world to the Flood vncertaine and thence to the first Olympias fabulous Because in that time saith he there is nothing related for the most part but fables among the Greekes Latines and other learned Nations And therefore Plutarch beginneth the liues of his worthy men no higher then Theseus because saith he what hath bene written before was but of strange things and sayings full of monstrous-fables imagined and deuised by Poets which are altogether vncertaine and most vntrue And Diodorus Siculus that liued in Augustus Caesars time a great searcher after Antiquities and for thirty yeeres continuance a traueller into many Countreys for information and further satisfaction writing his History called Bibliotheca conteyning forty Bookes and yeeres of continuance one thousand one hundred thirty and eight of his first sixe himselfe giueth this censure in his Proeme These Bookes saith he contayning the Acts of ancient men before the destruction of Troy with the ancient Histories aswell of Grecians as Barbarians are called fabulous Which mooued Lucretius the Poet to demaund this question Cur supra bellum Thebanum funera Troia Non alias qu●…dam veteres cecinere Poeta Why haue not Poets in their workes of fained stories brought Things done before the Warres of Thebes or Troyes destruction wrought Yea and of Troyes story it selfe if we may beleeue Thucydides whom Bodine commendeth for an absolute Historian though it be ancient saith he yet a great part thereof is fabulous And Tully out of Plato complayneth of as much For you Grecians saith he as children in learning deliuer onely things vncertaine and haue mingled fables with the Warres of Thebes and of Troy things perhaps which neuer were but gathered out of the scattered Uerses of Homer and others not digested by Aristarchus and are yet vncertaine and obscure And that the Greekes indeed were but babes in Antiquity Iosephus in his Nations defence against Appion sufficiently doth proue where he affirmeth That the inuention of their Letters was not so old as the siege of Troy insomuch that the Poesie of Homer then the which there is none more ancient among them was not committed to writing but sung by roate And the Latine tongue it selfe by M. Cato is said not to haue beene in vse foure hundred and fifty yeeres before the building of Rome And Titus Liuy their famous Historian freely confesseth That the vse of Letters and learning among the Romanes was rare and hard to be found before the taking of Rome by the Gaules Yea and of the vncertainty of Romes foundation how lauish so euer Historians haue written not onely Fenestella hath continued whole Pages but Plutarch likewise in the life of Romulus hath many sayings whereof this is one The Historiographers saith he do not agree in their writings by whom nor for what cause the great name of Rome the glory whereof is blowne abroad through the world wasfirst giuen vnto it some affirming that the Pelagians after they had runne ouer a great part of the world lastly stayed themselues in that place where Rome was new built and for their great strength in Armes gaue name to that City Rome which signifyeth power in the Greeke tongue Other say that certaine Troians after their siege in certaine vessels saued themselues by flight and being put into the Thuscan Sea anchored neere to the Riuer Tyber whose wiues being extremely Sea-sicke through the counsell of Roma a Lady the wisest and worthiest among them set fire on the whole Fleete whereupon their husbands though sore offended were inforced to make vse of their present necessity and neere vnto Palantium planted this City whose fame presently grew great and in honour of Lady Roma named it Rome and from hence they say the custome of kissing in salutations came after the example of these wiues who to appease the husbands wraths with smiles and imbracings kissed their mouths Some will haue the name from Roma the daughter of Italus and of Lucaria or els of Telephus the sonne of Hercules and of the wife of Aeneas Others of Ascanius the sonne of Aeneas Some againe from Romanus the sonne of Ulysses and of Cyrce wil haue it named Rome Others from Romus the sonne of Emathion whom Diomedes sent thither from Troy There are that bring the name thereof from one Romus a tyrant of the Latines who droue the Thuscans out of those parts And they who thinke that Romulus as that is most generall and carieth the most likelihood to be Romes founder do not agree about his auncestours as more at large in Plutarch appeareth And therefore with Thucydides we may well say It is a hard and difficult matter to keepe a meane in speaking of things wherein scarsly can be had a certaine opinion of trueth And the rather for that the writers themselues haue blamed each others of affectation falshood as in Iosephus we may see who affirmeth That Hellanicus dissented from Acusilaus Acusilaus with Diodorus correcting Herodotus Epherus accused Hellanicus of vntrueths so did Timaeus reproue Ephorus of as much Philistus and Callias dissented from Timaeus in his History of Sicily and Thucydides accounted a lyar by some Caesar is taxed by Asinius Pollio saith Suetonius to be partiall in his Commentaries And Tacitus by Tertullian is blamed for vntruths Fabius Maximus is reprehended by Polybius for defectiuely writing the Punicke warres and himselfe againe with Silenus Timaeus Antigonus Hierom as much found fault with by Dionysius Halicarnassaeus for writing the Romane histories so vnperfectly And a man may vse the very same speech against Dionysius saith Bodine These things thus
certaine predictions in Rome happening were so respected and generally expounded That Nature was about to bring forth a King that should raigne ouer the whole world And albeit these and other Heathen Writers ascribe these things either to Augustus himselfe or to some of his fauorites yet wee see them accomplished in none other but Iesus Christ the Messiah our blessed Sauiour in whom only the Kingdome of God began with the vtter subuersion of all their heathenish Oracles which at his birth or at furthest at his death ceased all and gaue place to HIS eternitie Which time of his birth by the Scriptures most certaine account was from the worlds creation 3927. and is set by the Britaine 's in the fourteenth of their Cunobelines raigne and by other authenticke Writers in the two and fortieth of Augustus Caesar euen in the top of that Empires greatnesse when Rome was with an vniuersall subiection acknowledged the absolute Lady of the knowne earth For so in S. Luke wee read that this Augustus then first taxed the world A text most strong for the full dissolution of the foure foregone kingdomes represented in Daniels Image by the fall of this stone Christ the rocke and stay of our eternall happinesse 7 This Emperour raigned in great honour the space of fifty six yeeres and was obeyed both by the Easterne Indians and the Northerne Scythians with the subiection of the Parthians a fierce and vntamed people and generally with the loue of all Hee was a Prince indued with great wisdome magnanimitie and Iustice yet faulty in this that he tooke from Tiberius Nero his wife Liuia both great with child and hauing also formerly borne him a sonne Deuout hee was in the worship of the Romane Gods amongst whom in the Capitoll he built an Altar vnto the Hebrew childe with this inscription The Altar of the first begotten Sonne of God being thereunto mooued by the Oracle of Apollo that had answered his owne destruction by the birth of this childe Of Stature he was but low and of a good complexion gray-eied his haire somewhat yellow and his body freckled with spots which as his flatterers would haue the world beleeue were in forme like starres Predictions foreshewing his gouernment and death are alleged the which I willingly ouerpasse holding most of them rather fantasies then truth At his death hee demanded of the standers by whether he had well acted the enterlude of his life vpon the stage of this world and died fourteene yeeres after Christ his incarnation leauing after him so honourable an estimation of his glory that as the succeeding Emperours in remembrance of Iulius Caesar gloried to be called Caesars so they euer held the name of Augusti to be sacred and only befitting persons destinated to imperiall Maiestie And both their names were inserted into the number of the moneths that the honour of them both might neuer perish while Times euiternitie should endure TIBERIVS CHAPTER IV. AVgustus Caesar thus gloriously raigning and peaceably dying had ordained for his successour Tiberius Nero the sonne of Tiberius the Patritian and of Liuia his wife whom as we said before he had taken for his Empresse and by whose incitements and continuall instigations that matter was procured though Suetonius thinketh it was by Augustus his owne ambitious conceit to make himselfe the sooner missed and the more lamented in leauing his sonne so vnlike him to succeed whose conditions as they stood vpon their owne basis hee knew to bee both reprooueable and also contemptible 2 But before the death of Caesar could be diuulged to write his imperiall stile as it were in blood he began with the murder of young Agrippa the sonne of Iulia daughter to Octanian and once his owne wife and continued his raigne with such tyrannie that many he slaughtred without respect of person or cause and in his loosest lasciuiousnesse thought of nothing but how to subuert the Nobilitie for rare it was in his daies that any such died a naturall death and maintaining a race of men Promoters as Tacitus tearmes them found out for a common ouerthrow and destruction of others allured them by rewards to accuse the rich though guiltlesse only this fauour granted to the condemned that if they slew themselues before the day of execution their bodies should haue buriall their goods not confiscate and their testament stand good in law 3 A great dissembler he was seeming euer to hate those vices which in truth he loued and to loue those vertues which he did most deadly hate and for life and libidinous filthinesse so extreme that a Christians pen may not expresse when the Heathen themselues doe blush to name such things as hee shamed not openly to commit his publike drunkennesse and continuall banquettings whereat hee spent whole daies and nights together without intermission caused exchange of names from Tiberius Nero to Biberius Mero Dissolute and carelesse he was in gouernment though some haue accounted him a wise and politicke Prince for the Prouinces he left to defend themselues and yet daily charged them with larger Tributes to their great impouerishment and almost vtter ruine 4 In this state amongst others neglected Britaine stood wherein Tiberius neither maintained garrison nor attempted alteration and whereby as it may be thought their owne Lawes and Princes bare sway among themselues howsoeuer the cause for Tribute was ballized betwixt them And most certaine it is the Britaines if not in subiection yet were well affected to the Romanes as appeareth by Tacitus in the kinde entertainments and in releeuing their shipwracked souldiers that in crossing the Seas were by tempest driuen vpon their Coasts and courteouslie sent thence by their petty Kings vnto Germanicus their Generall Notwithstanding Ieffrey Monmouth seemeth to affirme the contrary that bringeth the raign of one Guiderius and the valour of Aruiragus the sonnes of Cunobeline of whom more heereafter to withstand the Romish Command and vtterly to refuse the paiment of Tribute banding both against Tiberius as also against Caligula and Claudius the Emperours succeeding 5 Other remembrances of these times concerning vs finde we none besides that which is common to all namely the death of our Saviour Christ which vnder this Tyrant and in his eighteenth yeere was accomplished by the proceeding of his as wicked Deputy Pontius Pilate who both adiudged him to die and to bee guiltlesse of deseruing death whereby was wrought the mysterie of our Redemption with such signes and euidences of his Deitie that the wicked Iudge himselfe wrote thereof to Tiberius and hee to the Senate to haue him consecrated among the Roman Gods Which they refused to doe that the wisdome and diuine power of God in the doctrine of Saluation should not need the allowance and commendation of men as Eusebius hath well obserued 6 Finally when hee had raigned hated of all men
daughters his heire by Will thinking by that flatterie his kingdome and house had beene sufficiently warranted from future iniuries which fell out cleane otherwise for his kingdome of the Centurions and his house by slaues were spoiled as lawfull booties his wife whipped and his da●…hters deflowred and the chiefest in that Prouince dispossessed of their rightfull inheritance and the Kings kindred reputed and vsed as Slaues 11 Whereupon the Icenians began seriously to discourse of their present miseries and bondage made subiect not onely to a Lieutenant that sucked their blood but likewise to a Procurator that sought their substance while with a seruile feare they yeelded to please the meanest Souldier As though the Heauens had framed them onely for seruitude and the Earth appointed to beare their iniuries vnreuenged whereas contrariwise they saw both heauen earth flexible to their deliuerance For whether by policie or chance the Image of victorie at Camulodunum fell downe reuersed without any apparant cause knowne the women distempered with furie ranne in the streetes singing and prophecying destructions strange noises were heard in the Court and howlings in the Theater and strange apparitions and Edifices seene in the Riuer Thamisis the Ocean it selfe betweene Gallia and them seemed all bloodie and the prints of dead bodies left in the sands at the Ebbe Againe waighing the present estate they saw Suetonius absent and busied to enlarge the Confines the midst but slenderly guarded and by those who were readier for priuate gaine then diligent to discharge the offices of warre The examples of other Prouinces also whetted the edge of their encouragements for Germany they saw had well shaken off the yoke of subiection The Parthians had reuolted and Armenia held play with Corbulo as famous as Paulinus Their cause was as iust their land as well defensed their ancestors as valiant in resisting the first Ring-leader Caesar and themselues better experienced of their aduersaries powers and the●…r owne abiliments So now hauing attained the hardest point which was their assembled Consultations a matter of as great danger to be taken with as in acting their intendments in fine this was resolued that libertie was to be preferred though bought with their liues and bondage to bee auoided if not otherwise then by their deaths 12 These their often and noted assemblies brought suspitions of some designements and the prodigies daily happening as they were motiues of encoragements vnto the Britaines So were they ominous signes to the Romanes of either part framed in their owne imaginations and construed according to their hoped or feared euents 13 The Confederates in this businesse were not to seeke their Leader their Queenes dishonours so apparantly knowne and for matter of gouernement they made no difference of Sexe her birth extracted from their Roiall blood her hearts affection approued to her Countrie her indignities receiued of the proud oppressors and her haughtie spirit threatning reuenge assured them of her vttermost endeuours which accordingly she effected to her dying day and to her neuer dying fame 14 The Romanes likewise prouided themselues and in the absence of Suetonius craued aide of Catus Dicianus the Procurator who sent them not aboue two hundred men and those but badly armed These ioining with the rest made no great power al of them relying more to the franchise of the place then securing themselues with Trench or Bulwarke And giuen ouer to pleasure and play as in the time of a publike peace Which aduantages by the Enemy were wisely espied and by boduo comming on as nobly pursued when with sword and fire she wasted all in her way the Temple onely excepted whereinto part of the Souldiers were fled but after two daies ●…iege it was battered and taken 15 In this heate of furie the Britaines proceede and meeting Petilius Cerealis Lieutenant of the ninth Legion on a hasty March to rescue that which was already lost they encounter his forces and slew all his footemen himselfe with his troope of Horse hardly escaping to his Campe where in great feare he entrenched not daring to attempt any further matter At notice of these mishaps Catus like a tall man tooke to his heeles and sailed into Gallia by whose crueltie and couetousnes the Britaines were thus enraged to take Armes and reuolt and their entrance thus fortunately proceeding gaue heart and hope to further successe 16 For in this heat of blood and furie they set vpon and sacked the free-towne Verolanium both strong for garrison and rich in Inhabitants which Citie as also Camulodunum had felt the rage of their mercilesse hands from whence great booties were carried and no lesse then seuentie thousand Citizens and Confederates slaine This commotion in Britaine by Suetonius Tranquillus is accounted one of the most infortunate losses to the Empire happening vnder Nero and the more ignominious to the Romanes as Dion obserueth in that is was performed vnder the command of a woman neither experienced in the feates of warre nor vsing the victory according to the Law of Armes for not any prisoner taken in regard of ransome was saued nor intercourse of exchange admitted but kill hang burne and crucifie as though the measure of their reuenge could neuer be sufficiently heaped or the wrath of their Gods satisfied with the blood of their Enemies 17 By this time Suetonius the Lieutenant was returned and taking muster of his forces in London a Citie euen t●…n famous for concourse of Merchants and of great renowne for prouision of all things nesary stood yet doubtfull whether hee should chuse that place for the Seat of warre or no. But better aduising dislodged his Host and with the fourteenth Legion the Standard-bearers of the twelfth and other aids from places adioining incamped vpon a plaine enclosed with woods hauing a narrow entrance and free from Ambush or enemie at his backe 18 The Britaine 's likewise inferiour neither in number nor courage triumphed abroad by such troupes and multitudes as the like had not beene seene yea and so fierce of courage and with such assurance of hope that they brought their wiues to the place to be witnesses of their valours Boduo in her Chariot doing the parts of a most noble Generall droue from troope to troope to see and commend their forwardnesse and dismounting attended with her two daughters and two hundred and thirty thousand resolute Britaines gat her to a seat made of marishturfes after the manner of the Romans apparelled in a loose gowne of changeable colours wearing a kirtle thereunder very thicke pleited the tresses of her yellow haire hanging downe to the skirts About her necke shee had a chaine of gold and in her hand held a light speare being of personage tall and of a comely cheerefull and modest countenance and so a while shee stood pawsing in viewing her Armie and being regarded with a reuerend silence at length to this effect she spake
Numidia and Mauritania Prouinces in Africke much enuied and gathering forces in Maximinus his name made head against him and shortly gaue him Battle wherein Gordianus the younger was slaine before the walles of the Citie The father seeing his Caesars disastre and himselfe an Emperour onely nominall and his new risen Sunne to haue passed the circle of his height and now to approch to the setting and fall wished againe his priuate estate and in despaire griefe and disdaine of his enemies successe with the Girdle which he wore strangled himselfe to death when hee had beene stiled Emperour only twenty six daies whereat Maximinus was not a little ioifull and the Senate no lesse perplexed seeing themselues depriued of their hopes and now laid open to the Tyrants will who like a Lion came raging on threatning reuenge in all their blouds 6 The State thus standing all the Peeres and Princes thereof assembled themselues together at Rome and in the Temple of Iupiter after long debating of their present dangers concluded that Maximus Pupienus and Clodius Balbinus together should bee Emperours men of great account and fauour with the people These taking Oath and Imperiall Robes leuied forces to maintaine their cause and Balbinus taking charge of the Citie Pupienus marched to meet Maximinus who in great pride had passed the Alpes entred Italie and now laid siege against Aquieliea in which this was very memorable that The Citizens wiues cut off the haire of their heads to make bow-strings for resistance of so hatefull a Tyrant where after long assault preuailing little his discontented Souldiers fell to mutinie and entring his Pauilion at noone day without resistance slew both him and his sonne bearing the same name whom hee had created his Caesar and whose monies as he minted them we haue inserted at the entrance of his Empire Their heads for a Trophy they sent before them to Rome where with such acceptations they were receiued as that the Senate acknowledged themselues to be rid of a Monster 7 Hee was as is said exceedingly tall his body great and ioints proportionable faire of face full eies and of such strength as is vncredible and according to his limmes so was his diet for hee daily deuoured forty pound waight of flesh and thereto dranke six Gallons of wine He died aged sixty yeeres and odde when he had raigned three yeeres in the yeere of our Lord two hundred thirty and eight PVPIENVS MAXIMVS Emperours CLODIVS BALBINVS CHAPTER XXIX PVpienus Maximus and Clodius Balbinus thus elected together for Emperors the one in action and the other resident a great sedition chanced betwixt the Senate and Souldiers which grew to a bloudie issue among the Citizens and Rome it selfe was set on fire in sundrie places the Emperours presence and authoritie little preuailing which strucke such feare into their hearts that they accounted these times most vnfortunate and themselues and present estate to be most desperate But the death of Maximinus and his head happily brought them at the instant gaue present life to their dying hearts And Pupienus comming to Aquieliea as much quieted the Armie sent backe the Lieutenants to their places of charge and with great pompe and praise returned to his Fellow-Emperour 2 The parentage of Balbinus is reported to bee both noble and ancient made Citizens of Rome by great Pompey and himselfe borne at Cales in Spaine Pupienus Auncestors were much latter yet had hee borne many Offices of Magistracie and euer discharged them with wisdome and valour both of them highly accounted of in Rome 3 Peace thus established beyond all expectation with shoutes and applauses the Emperours enter the Senate-house where according to the custome and their deserts they were stiled The Fathers of the Senat with thankes as to the onely preseruers of their liues and estates and some extolling the Senate highly for their prouident foresight in clecting such sapient and worthy Emperors contrarie to the rash and vndiscreet practise of such as chose their Gouernours to fit their owne fancies rather then the charge to which they aduance them and whose bad liues brought commonly their vntimely but deserued deaths The Pretorian Souldiers tooke themselues to bee taxed with those aspersions and the rather because the German Strangers were brought in to be of the Guard as if themselues were not to bee trusted so turning their spleene against the present Emperours sought to set vp a new which shortly after they found opportunitie to effect 4 For these Emperours though aged and wise were not so linked together in affection as they were neere ioined in authoritie and therefore the winde of emulation had the easier passage betwixt the chinkes of their owne conceits the one prizing his wisdome and gouernment to be more iudicious the other his birth and Nobilitie to be more honorable and each of them hauing his owne Guard stood vpon his owne Guard though one Palace contained them both and both their endeuours euer well consorting for the businesses of the Empire 5 At this time the Prouinces of Parthia and Germanie grew vnquiet and by ciuill discords endangered their subiections to represse which the Emperors agreed to goe in person the one into the East the other into Germanie Now whilest these great preparations were in making the Capitoline-Games were celebrated in Rome whereunto all almost resorted but especially the new-come Guards of the Emperours The Pretorians finding the aduantagious time which they had long waited for suddenly in armour assailed the Court which Pupienus perceiuing sent in all haste for Balbinus and both their Guards for defense But his Fellow-Emperour vpon a vaine suspicion detracted time himselfe and hindered the forwardnesse of the Guards so that these Traitours had easie accesse into both the Emperours Chambers where in their rage they dispoiled them of their Imperiall Robes and haled these poore aged and innocent Emperours like two Theeues thorow the middest of the Citie Lastly they slew them and left their bodies to despightfull ignominie 6 These Emperours raigned together one yeere and somewhat more and died the yeere of Christ two hundred thirty nine in which yeere happened so great an Eclipse of the Sun that the noone-day thereby became as darke as the mid-night M. ANTONINVS GORDIANVS CHAPTER XXX GOrdianus for Antoninus he might not be called a law formerly acted inhibiting the same was the sonne of a daughter to old Gordianus that had made away himselfe in Carthage as is declared at the age of eleuen yeeres was created Caesar by the Senate with Pupienus and Balbinus and at their deaths by the Pretorian Souldiers elected Emperour not yet fully fourteene yeeres of age Greatly was he strengthned by the Alliance and Counsell of one Misitheus his Prefect and Instructer whom for his great learning he so honoured and loued that he tooke his daughter for his wife and by whose onely direction he prosperously administred his State affaires 2 Touching the affaires of our Prouinces
of Ecclesiasticall Writers And yet both Iewes and Gentiles termed her by way of ignominie and reproch Stabularia because shee a most godly Princesse sought out the Cribbe or Manger where Christ was borne and in that place where stood that Hostelry founded a Church for which cause she was by the Enemies of Christian Religion called an Hostesse and because such are commonly kind to their Guests a Concubine also For whose defense let the Funerall Oration of Ambrose made vpon the death of Theodosius answer wherein hee doth rather commend her humilitie then affirme any such base Offices in contempt of her person They say that this Lady was at first an Inne-holder or Hostesse c. Well saith he this good Hostesse Helena hasted to Ierusalem and sought out the place of our Lords Passion and made diligent search for the Lords Cribbe This good Hostesse was not ignorant of that Guest which cured the way-faring mans hurts that was wounded by Theeues This good Hostesse chose to be reputed a Stable-sweeper that she might thereby gaine Christ. And verily she was the moouer and only worker of her husbands conuersion who casting off all superstitious worships willingly acknowledged the onely all-ruling God suffering the Christians that had beene hidde in Caues and Dennes now to exercise their Deuotions publikely and both to reedifie the old ruinate Churches and to erect new 9 Of the like Pietie wee reade in a Queene of the like name Helena Queene of Adiabena commended by Iosephus that was a Conuert to the Iewish Religion who comming to Ierusalem to visit the Temple in time of a greeuous Famine which happened in the daies of Claudius sent to Alexandria for great quantity of Corne and for Dried Figges from Cyprus which shee very charitably bestowed vpon the poore And about three stades or furlongs off from Ierusalem built a Sepulcher with three Pyramides wherein her selfe and her two sonnes both Kings were afterwards interred But to proceed 10 Constantius being heere in Britaine and lately returned from his Expedition made against the Caledonians and Picts fell sicke in the City of Yorke where the Imperiall Throne of his residence was set At which very time Constantine his sonne escaping the hands of Gallerius with whom hee had beene left hostage hasted from Rome hauing belaid all the way with Post-horses for the purpose and left them houghed for feare of pursuit came with all speed to Yorke and to his fathers presence who so much ioied at his sight that he sate himselfe vpright vpon his Bed and in the presence of his Counsellors spake as followeth 11 It now sufficeth and death is not fearfull seeing I shall leaue my vnaccomplished actions to be performed in thee my Sonne in whose person I doubt not but that my Memoriall shal be retained as in a Monument of succeeding fame What I had intended but by this my fatall period left vndone see thou performe let those fruits bee ripened in thee the Branch that I thy Stocke from a vertuous intent haue had ingraffed alwaies in me that is gouerne thy Empire with an vpright Iustice protect the Innocent from the Tyrannie of Oppressours and wipe away all teares from the eies of the Christians for therein aboue all other things I haue accounted my selfe the most happy To thee therefore I leaue my Diademe and their Defense taking my Faults with mee to my Graue there to be buried in euerlasting obliuion but leauing my Vertues if euer I had any to reuiue and liue in thee With conclusion of which vertuous counsell hee tooke his last farewell of his sonne his friends and his life after he had sate Caesar sixteene yeeres and Emperour two as Eusebius accounteth and died the fiue and twentieth day of Iuly the yeere of our Sauiour three hundred and six and of his owne age fifty six FLA. VALERIVS CONSTANTINVS MAXIMVS CA. VALERIVS LICINIVS LICINIANVS CHAPTER XLVI THE Father thus departing both gloriously and peaceably in the presence of his Son and sage counsellers the griefe in the losse of the Sire was no greater then was the ioy conceiued that they had gained the sonne for his Successour all men reioicing at the good fortune of that iourney wherein hee came to close the eies of his dying father and to comfort the sorrow of his mournefull Countrey-men For forthwith heere in Britaine by acclamation of the people assistance of the Souldiers and aduice of Erocus King of the Almans who by the way had accompanied him hither in his flight from Rome they proclaimed him at all hands Emperour and Successour to all that part of the world which his father held This election was ioifully ratified by the Senate and of all other Prouinces so gladly accepted that they accounted this Iland most happie of all other whose chance was first to see him their Caesar as in these words of the Panegyrist is seene O fortunate Britaine and more happie then all other Lands that hast the first sight of Constantine Caesar. 3 Maxentius the sonne of Maximianus Herculius who at the death of Constantius was proclaimed Augustus by the tumultuous Praetorian Souldiers at Rome and Romulus his sonne whose face wee haue heere with his fathers from both their monies expressed was created his Caesar the way to that Seat of Maiestie whereunto hee had too hastily and most vnduly climed for now this Vsurper by his Necromancies Adulteries Persecutions and Murders was growne so vntolerable and odious that the Senate sent to Constantine crauing his aid and redresse who sore lamenting the sores of the Empire and the case of the Christians first wrote but that taking no effect prepared his forces against Maxentius Maximianus the father either in true zeale or fained pretence which by the sequell is more probable tooke great offense at his sonne Maxentius vnsufferable outragiousnesse and vnder colour of dislikes and redresse repaired to his sonne in Law Constantine whose daughter Fausta hee had maried and notwithstanding his faire pretences before the face of Constantine yet secretly he tampered with Fausta to make away her husband But the good Lady well knowing that the bond of a childe is great but greater the loue of a wife reuealed his treacherie to Constantine who caused him therupon to be put to death a fit end for so bloudy a Tyrant And ripe was the like destiny for his no-way-degenerating sonne against whom hee prepared his forces and drawing Licinius Gouernour of Sclauonia who was made Caesar to his side by giuing him his sister Constantia to wife a man but of an ordinarie descent though Gallienus Maximinus had made him in Illyrica his Copartner in the East hasted towards Rome with an Host of ninety thousand foot and eight thousand horse leuied out of Britaine France and Germanie 4 But knowing well that successe in warre dependeth more in diuine assistance then humane strength yet doubtfull what God h●… should in this blessed enterprise
Sigbert 7. 5. Sigebert 23. 6. Sigibert 13. 7. Swithelme 14. 8. Sighere 9. Sebba 30. 10. Sigherd 8. 11. Seofrid 12. Offa 4. 13. Selred 30. 14. Suthred 38. Beganne in An. 527. Continued yeers 281. Ended in Anno 827. Sebert The Kingdome of Northumberland contained Counties York-shire Durham Lanca-shire Westmorland Cumberland Northumber Kings raigning 1. Ella Ida 2. Adda 7. Elappea 5. 3. Theodwald 1. 4. Frethulfe 7. 5. Theodrik 7. 6. Ethelrik 5. 7. Ethelfrid 23. 8. Edwine 17. 9. Oswald 9. 10. Oswy 28. 11. Egfrid 15. 12. Alkfryd 20. 13. Osred 11. 14. Kenred 2. 15. Oswike 11. 16. Ceolnuphe 8. 17. Egbert 20. 18. Oswulph 1. 19. Edilwald 11. 20. Alured 21. Ethelred 5 7. 22. Alfwald 11. 23. Osred 1. Beganne in An. 547. Continuedyeers 379. Ended in Anno 926. Edwin The Kingdome of Mercia contained Counties Huntington Rutland Lincolne Northampton Leicester Darby-shire Nottingham Oxford-shire Chesse-shire Shrop-shire Glocester-shire Worcester-shire Stafford-shire Warwick-shire Buckingham-sh Bedford-shire Hartford-shire Kings raigning 1. Creda 6. 2. Wibba 3. 3. Cheorl 34. 4. Penda 30. 5. Peada 4. 6. Wolfere 17. 7. Ethelred 30. 8. Kenred 4. 9. Chelred 7. 10. Ethelbald 42. 11. Offa 40. 12. Egfrid 4 monet 13. Kenwolfe 22. 14. Kenelme 5. mon. 15. Chelwolfe 1. 16. Bernulfe 3. 17. Ludecan 2. 18. Whitlafe 13. 19. Bertwolfe 13. 20. Burdred 22. Beganne in An. 582. Continued yeers 202. Ended in Anno 886. Peada The Kingdome of East-Angles contained Counties Suffolke Norfolke Cambridge-sh Ely-Iland Kings raigning 1. Vffa 7. 2. Titullus 10. 3 Redwald 44. 4. Erpenwald 12. 5. Sigebert 6. Egrik 7. Anna 13. 8. Ethelbert 9. Ethwald 9. 10. Aldwolfe 19. 11. Afwald 7. 12. Beorn 24. 13. Ethelred 52. 14. Ethelbert 5. 15. Edmund 16. Beganne in An. 575. Continued yeers 353. Ended in Anno 914. Redwald THE KINGDOME OF KENT BEGVN BY HENGIST THE SAXON WITH THE SVCCESSION OF THEIR KINGS THEIR ISSVES AND RAIGNES CHAPTER V. KEnt the first Dominion of the Saxons Heptarchie was formerly in the daies of Iulius Caesar the Seat of foure seueral petty Kings yet neuer called a Kingdome before that Hengist the first Saxon Captaine in fauour of his Daughter Rowena got it by the gift of King Vortigern about the yeere of Grace 455. and in the seuenth yeere after his first arriuage heere he first laid the foundation of those fortunes which the Saxons his Nation in this Land afterwards attained vnto for hauing possessed the same with Victorie and Wealth the space of thirty one yeeres some adde three more he left it in peace to his sonne Eske and the rest of the Iland so weakened by his meanes that others of his Nation were shortly planted in other parts thereof It contained the Continent that lieth betwixt our East-Ocean and the Riuer Thames being bounded vpon the West with Sussex and Surrey ESke the second King of Kent is reported to bee the second sonne of King Hengist who accompanying his father into this Iland made proofe of his great valour in all his Battles fought against the Britaines and in one of them as Geffrey of Monmouth rereporteth being taken prisoner was for a time retained in Yorke but thence escaping hee aided his father in the Battle of Crekynford and after his decease succeeded him in the Kingdome of Kent from whom those Inhabitants saith Beda were called Eskings amongst whom he peaceably raigned about twentie yeeres and died in the yeere of our Lord 512. OCta the sonne of Eske began his raigne ouer his Fathers Dominions the yeere of Christs Incarnation 512. and raigned twenty two yeeres without mention of any memorable Act. IMerik the sonne of Eske and the fourth King of Kent raigned twenty fiue yeeres saith Stowe twentie nine saith Sauil in his Table collected from our English Writers He had issue Ethelbert the first Christian King of Kent and a daughter named Rikell maried to Shedda the second King of the East-Saxons the mother of Sebert and Segebald EThelbert the sonne of Imerik in the yeere of grace 561. succeeded him in the Kingdome of Kent who by reason of his young yeeres was sore molested by his neighbour Princes that sought to inlarge their Prouinces vpon his for now the Saxons hauing made full Conquest of the Britaines fell at variance among thēselues taking all occasions to supplane each other as Conquerours commonly can endure no equals and prosperitie euer is looked at with an enuious eie whereupon Cheulin King of the West-saxons proud of his victorious successes ouer the Britaines beganne to disdaine all amitie with his owne neighbour Saxons inuaded the Territories of this young Prince and in a set Battle slew Oslaue and Cnebban two of his Dukes discomfited the King and wonne the day This field was fought at Wiphandun in the yeere of our Redemption 567. and is noted to bee the first Battle betwixt the Saxons themselues since their first entrance into Britaine But young Ethelbert growne vnto yeeres repaired his losses with the inlargement of his Kingdome to the banks of Humber and was the fifth Monarch of the Englishmen as after we shall heare His first Wife was Berta the daughter of Chilperik King of France by whom he had Edbald Ethelburg and Edburg a second Wife he had vnworthy of name for her incestuous and abominable act in matching her selfe in marriage with her Husbands Sonne A sinne saith the Apostle not to be named among the Gentiles Of this King as also of all the rest that attained vnto the glorie to bee enstiled per excellentiam the Soueraigne Kings of the Englishmen I purpose to bee sparing in their particular Kingdomes and to reserue the larger relation of their Acts Matches Issues and continuance to the times of their seuerall Monarchies whereby a more historicall course may be carried through the successions of the English-Saxon Monarches and a needlesse repetition of the same things auoided which otherwise of necessitie would follow Hee raigned in great glory fiftie six yee●…s and was the First Saxon King that receiued and established the Gospell He died the foure and twentieth day of Februarie the yeere of Christ 616. after he had raigned 56. yeeres and was buried at Canterbury with this inscription vpon his Tombe Rex Ethelbertus hîc clanditur in Poliandro Fana pians Christo ad Christum meat absque Meandro EDbald the sonne of King Ethelbert in the yeere of Christ 617. assumed the Gouernment of Kent who no sooner saith Beda had gotten from vnder the awe of his father but he refused to entertaine the Doctrine of Christ and so polluted himselfe with the foule sinne of fornication as that hee married his Mother in Law the late Wife to his owne Father which two hainous faults gaue his subiects both occasion and impunity to returne to their former idolatry who vnder his Father for fauour or for feare had yeelded to the Lawes of the Christian Faith But the scourge of God
vengeance from Heauen wanted not to the punishment of this vnfaithfull King for he was plagued for a season with often phrensie of minde and raging fury of an vncleane Spirit but by Laurence Archbishop of Canturbury he was at length conuerted from his Idolatry and incestuous Matrimony and being baptized indeuoured to maintaine the state of the Gospell He married Emme the daughter of Theodebert King of Austrasie now Lorrayne by whom he had issue a Daughter named Enswith who died a Virgin at Fulkestone a Religious House in Kent of her Fathers foundation and two Sonnes whereof Ermenred the elder died before his Father and left issue Dompnena who was married to a Mercian Prince Ermenberg that died a vailed Virgin Ermengith a mention Ethelred and Ethelbert both murthered by their Cosin-german King Egbert His younger Sonne was Ercombert that succeeded him in the Kingdome This Edbald built a Chapell within the Monasterie of Saint Peter and Paul at Canturbury in honour of Mary the blessed Mother of God endowing that Church with sufficient maintenance wherein after the continuance of twentyfoure yeeres raigne he was buried neere to King Ethelbert his Father Anno 640. ERrcombert the Son of Edbald by Emme his Wife succeeded his Father in the Kingdome of Kent in the yeere of grace 641. He was a vertuous religious and Christian King for the Temples of the Heathen Idols he suppressed and commanded the fast of Lent to bee obserued His Wife was Sexburg the daughter of Anna King of the East-Angles by whom he had issue Egbert and Lothair both Kings of Kent after him Ermenhild Wife to Wolfere King of Mercia and Erkengode a professed Nunne in the Monastery of Saint Brigets in France where she died and was interred in the Church of Saint Stephen In his daies the state of the Church growing to a well setled forme of gouernment the Prouince of Kent was diuided into Parishes by Honorius the Archbishop as testifie the Records of Christ-Church in Canturbury This King hauing raigned twenty foure yeeres and odde moneths died in the yeere of our Lord 664. EEgbert the elder Sonne of King Ercombert in the nonage of his yong Nephewes Ethelred and Ethelbert the sonnes of his Vncle Ermenred obtained the Rule of Kent and had not their murther much blemished his peaceable Gouernment hee might well haue held place with the worthiest of those Kings but thirsting after an absolute soueraigntie and fearing lest his owne power should diminish by their growths and rightfull successions he set his mind on that bloudy traiterous and vnnaturall attempt and with the assistance of one Thurne found fit place and opportunitie to worke that diuellish designe casting their bodies into a Riuer that so their Murthers might not be knowne But God saith Malmesbury that searcheth the heart reueiled the act by casting vp their bodies on the shore and to the open view of the next Inhabitants who with great reuerence there buried them and built a small Chapel ouer their Monument whose bones afterwards were remoued and new interred in the Abby of Ramsey in Hantshire The Lady Dompnena their Sister and next Heire to the Crowne that was married to Merwald a Prince of West-Mercia and borne him foure Children founded the Abbey of Minster in Kent Wherein saith Stowe she became the first Abbesse her selfe and Mildrith her daughter succeeded her therein saith Capgraue This King in great quietnesse raigned nine yeeres and died in the yeere of grace 673. in the moneth of Iuly leauing issue Edrik and Wigtred both Kings of Kent succeeding after Lothaire LOthaire the brother of Egbert by strong handobtained the gouernment of Kent For notwithstanding Egbert left issue Edrik and Wigtred as is said yet Lothaire taking the aduantage of their minorities and the example of his brothers intrusions made himselfe King against his as he had done against the Sonnes of Ermenred but did not inioy the same with the like peace as he had done For not onely Ethelred the Mercian warred strongly against him but also Edrik by the assistance of the South-Saxons cōtinually sought to recouer his right whereby the peace of the Kentish was much molested and lastly in a bloudy battell was Lothaire shot thorow with a dart whereof he died vnder his Chirurgeons hand the sixth day of February in the yeere of Christ 685. after hee had raigned eleuen yeeres and seuen moneths The punishment of the Murther committed by his brother Egbert was on him repaied saith Malmsbury who derided and made iests at the laments for young Ethelred and Ethelbert that were by the people held and accounted Martyrs His body was buried with his Predecessors Kings of Kent in the Monastery of S. Peter and Paul in Canturbury Anno 685. EDrik the Sonne of King Egbert hauing slaine his Vncle Lothaire in battell succeeded him in the Kingdome of Kent wherein he sate onely two yeeres and those in continuall warres with his subiects in which ciuill broiles lastly hee was slaine leauing the Kentish Kingdome so torne with dissensions that it became a pray to many Vsurpers and gaue occasion to Ceadwalla the West-Saxon to seeke the annexion thereof to his owne Kingdome who with his brother Mollo entred Kent and with fire and sword made waste where they came To meet these the Kentish assembled and getting the aduantage burned Mollo to death in whose reuenge Ceadwalla persisted and wasted the most part of that Prouince before he departed so that after for six yeeres continuance no King raigned in Kent but the Country lay exposed to the tyrannies of oppressors WIgtred or Withred seuen yeeres after the death of his Brother tooke vpon him the gouernment of Kent which hee purchased with the good opinion that his subiects conceiued and with a great summe of money paid to King Inas for his peace He entred his Kingdome the yeere of Mans Redemption 693. the eleuenth of Nouember and two hundred and fiue yeeres after the death of Hengist the first Saxon. With him raigned one Swebharde as Beda declareth but without mention from whom or vpon what occasion He founded the Priorie of S. Martin at Douer and behaued himselfe worthily both in Warre and Peace his raigne was thirty yeeres thirty three saith Beda and death in Anno 725. leauing issue Edbert Ethelbert and Alrick all three succeeding successiuely in the Kingdome EGbert the first Sonne of Withred succeeded his Father in his Kingdome vertues valours whereby a peaceable gouernment is allotted him by all Writers of these affaires for the continuance of twentie three yeeres without relation of any notable accident peculiar to himselfe and Kingdome besides the appearances of two fearfull Comets in Anno 729. and fourth of his raigne the one arising immediately before the Sunne in the morning and the other shewing his fierie beames presently vpon the Sunnes set both of
Northumberland and receiued Baptisme himselfe at the hands of Bishop Finnan and at the place called The Wall procured vertuous Cedda to be his assister for the plantation of the Gospell in his Kingdome He was murdered by two of his kinsmen who as Beda saith were Brethren no other cause moouing them but his ouermuch lenitie and clemencie He raigned by the foresaid account sixteene yeeres leauing issue a young sonne named Selred that succeeded Seofrid in that Kingdome SWithelme succeeded his brother in the Prouince of the East-Saxons nothing being mentioned of his life or raigne besides his Baptisme by Bishop Cedda and that his God-father at the Font-stone was Edelwald King of the East-Angles SIghere the sonne of Sigebert the little entred his raigne ouer the Kingdome of the East-Saxons the yeere of our Lord 664. and was the eighth King of that Prouince in part whereof Sebba his nephew raigned with better commendations then Sigehere at his beginning had done for Beda reporteth that vpon a great mortalitie and plague to appease the wrath of his Gods Sighere became an Apostata and forsooke the faith of Christ wheras SEbba continued constant with those in that Prouince vnder his Iurisdiction yet by the diligent care of Wulfere King of the Mercians Sighere and his people were reclaimed throwing downe the Temples and Altars erected to Idolatrie and opening againe the Christian Churches for the Saints assemblies that so saith hee they might rather die in hope of the Resurrection then wallow in sinne and liue in Idolatrie His wife was Oswith the daughter of Edelfrith King of Northumberland whom Capgraue maketh a Saint and Abbesse of Berking neere London euen in the daies of her husband SEbba the Brother of Segebert the Little and Sonne of Seward as we haue said succeeded as sole King in the Prouince of the East-Saxons and with much equitie and administration of Iustice raigned therein thirty yeeres towards the end whereof the better to prepare his mind for contemplation he relinquished his Princely Robes and put on the Habit of Religious Profession in the Monastery of S. 〈◊〉 in London as Radulphus de Diceto with others at tirme Wherein this penitent King liuing a while in fasting and praiers died the yeere of Christ 693. whose body was intombed in a Coffin of Gray Marble the Couer copped and as yet standing in the North wall of the Chancell of the same Church A miracle thereof Beda reporteth needlesse either then to be wrought or now of vs repeated were it not to point at the blindnes wherein euen good men were then led and thus it is They hauing prepared a Tombe-stone to lay his body in found it too short by the quantitie of an hands bredth and hewing it longer yet would not serue therefore they minding to bow vp the knees laid the body therein and suddenly it lengthned of it selfe with more then was sufficient But surely howsoeuer this tombe was then set on this Monkish tenter it is now since shrunke againe in the standing and exceeds not in measure fiue foot in length His wife but vnnamed hee likewise instigated to leaue the momentanie pleasures of princely State for that which is permanent which thing with much adoe he lastly obtained leauing her to follow him in his vertuous deuotions and his two sonnes to succeed him in his kingdome SIgherd the Sonne of King Sebba whom Beda maketh a Monke with his Father followed him also in the succession of the East-Saxons Kingdome the time of whose entrance is set in the yeere of Christs Incarnation 694. and his death in 701. no other mention being made either of Acts Wife or Issue SEofrid the Sonne of King Sebba and Brother to King Sigheard either ioyntly raigned with him or successiuely after him of whom I finde nothing mentioned worthy inserting hauing had neither Wife nor issue that are recorded OFfa the Sonne of Sighere and of Queene Oswith his Wife a man noted for his comely feature and sweet countenance succeeded King Seofrid in the Kingdome of the East-Saxons the yeere of grace 701. He both enlarged with buildings and enriched with lands the goodly and beautiful Church of Westminster but after he had ruled eight yeeres being moued with a supposed religious deuotion hee abandoned Kineswith his wife the daughter of Penda the Mercian King his lands kinne and Country and with Kenred King of Mercia and Edwine Bishop of Worcester went to Rome where he was shorne a Monke and in that habit died leauing his Cosen Selred to succeed in his kingdome His wife Kineswith after his departure with the like penancie vowed her selfe a vailed Nunne in the Abbey of Kineburg whereof his sister was Abbesse who had been wife to Alfrith King of Northumberland SElred the Sonne of Sigebert the Good who was murthered for his ouermuch clemencie attained to the Kingdome of the East-Saxons in the yeere of grace 709. His raigne was long though his acts are little spoken of either that others worther affaires filled the pens of those Story-writers or that his time was so peaceable and vnactiuely spent that it ministred not matter whereof to indite Hee raigned 38. yeeres and died Anno 746. without relation either of Wife or Children SVthred after the slaughter of Selred was made King of the East-Saxons which title hee retained vntill that Egbert King of the West-Saxons taking Armes against him expulsed him out of that Kingdome as also the same yeere he did Baldred King of Kent which was in the yeere of Christs Incarnation 827. and made it a Prouince annexed vnto the West-Saxons after it had stood in state of a Kingdome 281. yeeres THE KINGDOME OF NORTHVMBERLAND CIRCVIT AND CONTINVANCE WITH THE SVCCESSIONS AND ISSVES OF THOSE KINGS VNTO THE LAST SVBVERSION THEREOF BY KING EGBERT CHAPTER IX THis Kingdome of Northumberland consisted at first of two distinct Prouinces whereof the one was called Deira and the other Bernicia and were gouerned sometimes by their Kings seuerally and sometimes vnder one as successe of warre or other casualties incident did afford The royall descents of whose Kings are brought by Florentius both from the Fourth and Fifth Sonnes of Prince Woden after this manner Ella vnder whom the Kingdome of Deira beganne was the sonne of Iffi who was the sonne of Wuskfrea the sonne of Wilgils the sonne of Westorwalchna the sonne of Seomel the sonne of Suearta the sonne of Saepugell the sonne of Seabald the sonne of Siggeot the sonne of Suebdeg the sonne of Siggar the sonne of Weadeg the fourth sonne of Woden And the descent of Ida the raiser of the Bernicians kingdome is brought from Bealdeag the fifth sonne of Woden for Bealdeag was father to Brand whose sonnes were Beorn and Freodegar the latter of which twaine was the progenitour of Cherdik the first West-Saxon King and his brother Beorn begat another Beorn also and hee Wegbrand
so great so blinde I might say a deuotion was in their hearts and so holy a reuerence held they of the place Vnto this King Ceolnulph the said Venerable Beda a Priest in the Monasterie of Peter and Paul at Werimouth neere vnto Durham a great Clerke and Writer of the English Historie dedicated the same his Worke which he continued till the yeere seuen hundred thirty one and from the first entrance of the Saxons containing 285. yeeres according to his owne account EGbert the sonne of Eata who was brother to King Kenred succeeded his vncle Ceolnulph in the Kingdome of Northumberland and ruled the same with the like peace and pietie the time of twenty yeeres and then following his example also forsooke the world and shore himselfe a Monke as diuers other Kings in those daies had done whereof Simon Dunelmensis writeth and noteth their number to bee eight as Inas King of the West-Saxons Ethelred and Kenred Kings of Mercia Sigebert King of the East-Angles Sebbi and Off a Kings of the East-Saxons and Ceolnulph and this Egbert Kings of the Northumbrians These forsaking the world as they tooke it left the Charge that God vpon them had imposed whose authoritie in earth they swaied and wherein they might much more haue aduanced Gods glory and Christs Gospel then for a more easie and priuate life not warranted by his word but rather disliked and perhaps foreshewed by those heauenly creatures the Sunne and Moone which in those daies were fearefully darkned and for a time seemed to haue lost their light for Anno 733. 18. Calend. Septemb. the Sunne suffred so great an Eclipse that the earth seemed to bee ouer-shadowed as with sack-cloth And Anno 756. 8. Calend. Decemb. the Moone being in her full appeared both darke and bloudy for a Starre though there be none lower then the Moone seemed to follow her and to depriue her of light but passing before her shee againe recouered her former brightnesse This King Egbert had a brother that bore the same name and was installed Arch-bishop of Yorke where he erected a beautifull Librarie a worke well befitting a Noble Prelate and plentifully stored it with an infinite number of learned bookes His sonne was Oswulph that succeeded in the Kingdome OSwulph when his father Egbert had put off the Robes of Maiestie and clad himselfe with a Monkes Cowle ascended the Throne of Northumberland and sa●…e therein only one yeere for before hee had made attempt of any memorable act he was traiterously murdered by his own seruants at Mikilwongton the ninth Kalends of August leauing the Crown vndisposed of vntill the Nones of the same moneth in the next yeere EDitwald or Mollo was then made King of Northumberland and with great valiancie defended his Subiects Some say that at the end of six yeeres hee resigned his gouernment yet others affirme his raign to be eleuen yeeres and lastly that hee was slaine by Alured his Successour ALured the murderer of his Lord and Master beganne his raigne ouer the kingdome of Northumberland the yeere of Christs Incarnation seuen hundred sixty fiue and continued the same with such dislikes that hee lastly was expelled out of the Prouince by his own subiects enforced to abandon the same He was the son of Ta●…win the son of Bie●…hom the son of Bofae the son of Ailrick the naturall son of Ida the first King of Bernicia And the sonnes of this Alured were Osred afterwards King of Northumberland and Alhnud slaine by the Danes and canonized a Saint EThelred the sonne of Mollo was aduanced to the Regiment of Northumberland and in the fifth yeere of his raigne was driuen out of the same by Edelbald and Herebert two Dukes that warred against him who hauing discomfited and slaine his Generall and souldiers in a fierce battel so weakened the hopes of King Ethelred that he fled his Country and left the Kingdome in a miserable estate through the dissensions of those ambitious Princes ALfwald the brother of the foresaid King Alered aspiring to the Soueraignty of the Northumbrians ruled the same in great Iustice to his worthy commendations notwithstanding the wickednes of his people was such that without all guilt he was traiterously murthered by the conspiracie of Siga 23. Sept. the yeere of Christs Incarnation seuen hundred eightie eight after he had raigned eleuen yeeres and his body buried at Hexhaem His sonnes were Alfus and Alfwin both slaine by King Ethelred OSred the sonne of King Alured tooke vpon him the Rule of Northumberland the yeere of grace seuen hundred eightie nine and the same yeere finished his gouernment thereof being expelled by his subiects and depriued of all kingly authority EThelred the sonne of Mollo reuoked from exile wherein he had liued the space of twelue yeeres was againe restored to the Crowne but he minding the iniuries that his Lords had formerly done him sought the reuenge by their deaths as also to establish his Throne the surer slew Alfus and Alfwin the sons of Alfwald as wee haue said the right heires to the Crowne and inticing Osred the former deposed King into his danger commanded him to be put to death at Cu●…burge the fourteenth of September and yeere of Christ seuen hundred ninety two And to strengthen himselfe the more against all his opposites the same yeere he married Lady Elfled the second Daughter to great Off a King of Mercia forsaking his former Wife without any iust cause giuen on her part These things sate so neere the hearts of his subiects that after seuen yeeres from his second establishment they rebelliously rose in Armes and at Cobre miserably slew him the eighteenth day of Aprill the yeere of Christ Iesus 794. AFter whose death the Northumbrians were sore molested with many intruders or rather Tyrants that banded for the soueraignty the space of thirty yeeres The first whereof was Oswald that held the title of King only twenty eight daies then was forced to saue his life by flight vnto the King of the Picts Next Ard●…lfe a Duke reuoked from exile then Alfwold E●…red Ethelred Readulph Osbert and Elle slaine by the Danes in Yorke at a place frō Elle his slaughter called to this day Elle-Crofte and the Kingdome yeelded to the protection of Egbert King of the West-Saxons who was now become Englands first absolute Monarch as holding all the rest of the Kings no longer for his Associates but his subiects in the yeere nine hundred twentie six after it had stood in forme of a Kingdome three hundred seuenty nine yeeres and was made a Prouince and ioined with the rest vnto the English Monarchie THE CIRCVIT AND SVCCESSORS OF THE MERCIAN KINGDOME VNTILL IT WAS SVBIECTED TO THE WEST-SAXONS CHAPTER X. THis Kingdome of Mercia contained more Counties and the skirts of that royall Tent were spread with a wider compasse then any
the third sonne of King Penda in the nonage of yong Kenred the sonne of Vulfhere who in his tender yeeres rather desired a priuate life then any publike authority in the Common-weale succeeded his brother both in the Kingdome of Mercia and Monarchy of the Englishmen But when hee had raigned thirty yeeres gaue ouer the Crowne to his Nephew the said Kenred and became a Monke in the Monastery of Bradney in Lincolne-shire where hee died Anno 716. His Wife was Osfryde Daughter to Oswyn King of Northumberland and issue Chelred that succeeded Kenred in the Mercian kingdome KEnred the sonne of Vulfhere his Vncle Ethelred changing his Princely Crown for a Monks Coule beganne his Raigne ouer the Mercians and his Monarchy ouer the English Anno 704. wherein he raigned the space of foure yeeres and then with like deuotion of those times addicted to an easie and quiet Religion abandoned both Crowne and Country and went to Rome where of Pope Constantine hee receiued the tonsure and habit of a Monke at the Apostles Tombes and entring a Monastery therein spent other foure yeeres of his life to the day of his death which was Anno 708. hauing had neither wife nor issue to reuiue his name or to rule his kingdome CHelred receiuing the resignation of Kenred his Cosin-german when he went to Rome and of sufficient yeeres and discretion to haue succeeded Ethelred his Father what time the said Kenred was ordained King raigned with great valour ouer the Mercians and was likewise Monarch ouer the Englishmen His peace was disquieted by Inas his West-Saxons who for seuen yeeres continuance inuaded his kingdome His Wife was Wereburge saith Marianus and Florentius the Monke who ascribe to her a long life and to die without Childten This Chelred raigned the space of eight yeeres and died the yeere of grace seuen hundred and fifteenth whose body was buried in the Cathedrall Church of Lechfeild EThelbald after the death of Chelred was made King of the Mercians and Monarch of the English the yeere of Christs Incarnation seuen hundred sixteene He was a Prince giuen to peace but withall a most lasciuious Adulterer insomuch that Boniface Archbishop of Mentz wrote his Epistle vnto him in reprehension of the same which tooke such effect that in repentance of his foule facts hee founded the Monasterie of Crowland driuing in mighty Piles of Oake into that moorish ground whereon hee laid a great and goodly building of stone He was the son of A●…wr the elder sonne of Eoppa the second sonne of King Wibba the brother of King Penda and raigned fortie two yeeres in the end whereof he was slaine in a battell fought against Cuthred King of the West-Saxons at Secondone three miles from Tamworth the yeere of Christ seuen hundred fiftie fiue and was buried at Repton in Darby-shire hauing had neither Wife nor Children OFfa slaying Bernred the murtherer of King Ethelbald entred vpon the gouernment of the Mercians and the Monarchy of the Saxons An. 758. He inlarged his dominion vpon the Britaines ouercame the Kentish in a battell put to flight the Northumbrians and vanquished the West-Saxons the East-Angles also he seised vpon after he had murthered Ethelbert their King He raigned thirty nine yeeres and died at Ofley the nine and twenty day of Iuly the yeere of our Lord seuen hundred ninetie foure and was buried without the Town of Bedford in a Chapell now swallowed vp by the Riuer Owse He was the son of Thingfryd the sonne of Eanulfe whose Father Osmund was the sonne of Eoppa the brother of King Penda and son of King Wibba whose Father was Crida the first King of the Mercians His Wife was Quendred and children many of whom and of them we will further speake when we come to the time of his Monarchy EGfryde the sonne of great Offa was by him made King at his returne from Rome being the only ioy of his parents and heire apparant to the Saxons Monarchy vpon which he entred the day after his fathers death and liued himselfe but a hundred and fortie daies after deceasing the seuenteenth of December in the yeere of our Lord God seuen hundred ninety six hauing had neither wife nor issue that wee reade of and his body honourably interred in the Church of the Monasterie of Saint Albanes founded by Offa. KEnwolfe the cosen a farre off to King Egfrid deceased and both of them remooued in bloud no lesse then six descents from Wibba the second Mercian King was the sonne of Cuthbert as the Monke of Worcester deriues him the sonne of Bassa the sonne of Kenrowe the sonne of Kentwin the sonne of Kenwalk the sonne of Wibba aforesaid and succeeded King Egfryd in his Dominions But of this Mercian Monarch more shall be written in the succession and time of that his gouernment Hee raigned two and twentie yeeres and deceased the yeere of our Lord eight hundred and nineteene and his bodie interred in the Monasterie of Winchcombe in the Countie of Glocester being of his owne foundation His wife was Queene Elfryde the daughter as some suppose of Offa who had beene betrothed to Ethelbert King of the East-Angles slaine by her father by whom he had issue Kenelm Quendred and Burgemhild of whom more followeth KEnelm the sonne of King Kenwolfe a childe of seuen yeeres old succeeded in the Kingdome of Mercia but not in the Monarchie as his fathers had done Egbert the West-Saxon at that time being grown great in his fortunes This young King Kenelm raigned only fiue moneths and then by the ambitious desire of Quendrid his sister who seeking the gouernment by the shedding of his guiltlesse bloud instigated one Askbert his Instructor by promises of great preferments and rich rewards to make him away who only stood as she thought in her way to the Crowne This wicked practise was foorth with as impiously performed for hauing him foorth vnder pretence of hunting he slew the innocent King whose vertuous inclination promised great hopes and whose harmlesse yeeres had not attained to any worldly guile His bodie hee secretly buried vnder a bush and if we will beleeue the Golden Legend where his life is described was thus found out A white Doue which belike had seene the deed done and had got it ingrossed in a scrole of parchment posted therewith to S. Peter in Rome and vpon the High Altar laid it to bee read where in the Saxon characters thus it was found In Clenc kon ba●… Kenelme Kinba●…ne lie●… 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 that is At Clenc in a Cow pasture Kenelme the Kings childe lieth beheaded vnder a thorne But most true it is that an obscure sepulcher the body had at the first and howsoeuer found out was afterwards with great honour and ceremonie translated to the Monasterie of Winchcombe which his father had founded The murderesse Quendrid
for griefe and shame of so wicked an act ended her life without the attaining of her ambitious desire and hath left her name indeleblie stained with his innocent bloud CEolwulfe the brother of Kenwolfe and vncle to this murdered young King as his neerest in bloud was elected their Gouernour by the Mercians but his glory was not great nor his raigne long being still disquieted by Bernulfe that sought his Crowne and after one yeeres Regiment was expulsed by his people and left the same to his pursuer abandoning the Countrie for the safety of his life One daughter hee had named Elfled who was the wife of Wigmund the sonne of Withlafe the substitute King of Mercia and himselfe the last that held the Mercian Kingdome in a lineall succession BErnulfe obtaining what hee so long desired made himselfe King when Ceolwulfe was gone and was the more approoued for his valour in Armes and the lesse resisted for his ancient descent being sprung from Osher a man reputed to be of the Mercian royall bloud But Bernulfe perceiuing the fortunes of Egbert accounted those his happie successes to bee his owne shame and by defiance challenged the West-Saxons to the field which Egbert accepted and vpon Ellendon ioined Battle with the Mercians which was fought to the much losse of both their blouds Notwithstanding at last the West-Saxons preuailed Bernulfe being forced to flie with shame The East-Angles that then had yeelded to Egbert and but lately before had felt the fury of Bernulfe thought the time fit to repay him againe and therefore in warlike manner assaulted his Territories where hee in defending his Countrey against their attempts was in a skirmish slaine after he had raigned not fully three yeeres LVdecan then was chosen King of the Mercians whose bloud was not downe since their last losse neither reuenge forgotten against the East-Angles and therefore the yeere following made strength sufficient to their seeming to meet these their enemies But the State of Heptarchie now drawne to the period and the supporters thereof weakened by their own diuisions the Iland declined to a present alteration gaue place to a more absolute kind of Monarchy that in Egbert the West-Saxon was now begun who aiding the East-Angles against the Mercians Ludecan their King fought with no better successe then Bernulf before him had done whose raigne lasted not fully 2. yeers nor his memoriall reuiued either in wife or issue VVIthlafe the sonne of Oswald the sonne of Osber of the Mercian bloud-royall intruding himselfe as it seemeth into the gouernment of Mercia was vnexpectedly vanquished by Egbert the Monarch that had assumed from Bernulfe that Kingdome before him hee made his Substitute and Tributarie who so continued to Egbert and his sonne the time of thirteene yeeres leauing no other relation of his acts His issue was Wigmund the husband of Lady Elfled the daughter of Ceolwulfe King of Mercia the parents of Wystan the Martyr and of Lady Edburg maried to one Etheland an Earle in the Prouince of Lincolne BErthulf vpon the like composition of Tribute and in the like termes of subiection to the West-Saxons soueraigntie held the kingdome of Mercia as a Substitute and without any notable reports of his Acts so raigned the space of thirteene yeeres At this time the Sea-rouers out of Denmarkc that had often infested this Iland with their many Inuasions got the head so strong and wing so farre euen to the middle part thereof as this of Mercia was that they filled with terror the hearts of the Inhabitants and stained the soile with the bloud of their sides which in a most barbarous crueltie daily they shed whose rage was so great and mindes so vnsatiable that Berthulf was enforced to forsake the Country and in a more priuate estate to secure his owne life He had a sonne named Berefred who was the causer of Saint Wystans martyrdome BVrdred the last Mercian King was thereunto deputed by Ethelwolfe the West-Saxon Monarch as a shield of defence against the raging Danes that made desolations where they came In continuall imploiments against them he spent his time and that with such noble resolutions and manhood that Ethelwolfe held him worthy of his alliance and made him his sonne in law by giuing him Lady Ethelswith his daughter to Wife the marriage being solemnized at Chipnham in Wiltshire with great estate This Burdred with Ethelwolfe warred against the Britaines with victorie and he with Alured compelled the Danes vnder the conduct of Hungar and Vbba to ●…dislodge from Nottingham and depart the Prouince Yet lastly after twenty two yeeres raigne hee was so ouerlaid with their daily supplies that three of their Kings as our Writers terme them whose names were Godrun Esketell and Ammond wintred at Ripindon and sore wasted his Kingdome King Burdred at that time distressed and himselfe not able to withstand their rage with his wife Queene Ethelswith fled the Realme and the same yeere in Rome ended his life and was buried in the Church of our Lady belonging to the English College there erected His Queene in the habit of a Nunne fifteene yeeres after his death died at Padua in Italie and was there honourably buried the yeere of our Lord eight hundred eightie nine And now the fatall circle of this Kingdome drawne to the full compasse staied the hand of all glorious motion from proceeding any further and with the lot of the rest fell vnder the gouernment of the West-Saxons after one yeeres vsurpation of the Danes when it had stood in state of a kingdome the space of two hundred and two yeeres and ended in title and regall authority the yeere of Christs Incarnation eight hundred eighty six THE KINGDOME OF THE EAST-ANGLE THE CIRCVIT OF THAT PROVINCE WITH THE SVCCESSION AND ACTS OF THEIR KINGS SO LONG AS IT STOOD IN THAT REGALL ESTATE AND VNTILL IT WAS VNITED TO THE WEST-SAXONS CHAPTER XI THe Counties as we now call them that were subiect to this East-Angles Kingdome were Suffolke Norfolke Cambridge-shire and the I le of Ely The bounds whereof were limitted in this manner the East and North sides were confined by the Ocean the West with Saint Edmunds Ditch and the South altogether with Essex and some part of Hertfordshire The first raiser of the title and State of this Kingdome was a Saxon Captaine named Vffa about the yeere of Christs incarnation fiue hundred seuentie fiue whose renowne was such that he gaue name not onely to that his aspired Dominion but also from him the Subiects thereof were a long time after called Vffines though lastly it was reduced into the name and Kingdom of the East-Angles This Vffa as Florentius the Monke of Worcester hath laid downe was the sonne of Withelin and he the sonne of Hrippus the sonne of Rothmund the sonne of Trigils the sonne of Titmon the sonne of Caser the second sonne of Prince
of further to reuiue his memory to posterities ANna succeeded King Egricke in the Kingdome of the East-Angles the yeer●… of grace six hundred fortie two as the next in bloud to Erpinwald beeing the sonne of Guido saith Beda the sonne of Eni saith Malmsbury who was brother to great Redwald and both of them the sons of Titulus the second King of that Prouince This King as the other two former had done felt the fury of raging Penda with his mercilesse Mercians that sore assaulted his Territories with rapine and spoile To withstand whose further proceedings King Anna drew the strength of his East-Angles against them and encountred Penda in a great and mortall battle wherein they were all discomfited and himselfe among them slaine when hee had raigned in continuall trouble the space of thirteene yeeres His issue were many and those of great holinesse or sanctity of life Whereof Ferminus the eldest and heire apparant was slaine by Penda in the same battle with his Father and was with him buried in Blidribrugh now Blibrugh but afterwards remoued to S. Edmondsbury His other sonne was Erkenwald Abbat of Chertside and Bishoppe of London that lieth buried in the South I le aboue the Quire in S. Pauls Church where to this day remaineth a memoriall of him His daughters were these Etheldrid the eldest was first married vnto a Nobleman whom Beda nameth Tonbert Gouernor of the Fenny Countries of Nothfolke Huntington Lincolne and Cambridge-shires and after his death remaining a virgin she was remarried to Egfrid King of Northumberland with whom likewise she liued in perfect virginity the space of twelue yeeres notwithstanding his intreaty and allurements to the contrary From whom lastly she was released and had licence to depart his Court vnto the Abbey of Coldinghā where first she was vailed a Nunne vnder Abbesse Ehba and thence departing she liued at Ely and became her selfe Abbesse thereof wherein lastly she died and was interred remembred vnto posterities by the name of S. Audrte His second daughter was Sexburg who married Ercombert King of Kent vnto whom she bare two sons and two daughters as we in that Kingdomes succession haue shewed after whose death shee tooke the habit of a Nunne and succeeded her sister Etheldrid Abbesse of Ely wherin she died and was interred and their yongest sister Withgith was likewise a Menchion with them in the same Monastery and all of them canonized for Saints Ethilburge his third daughter was made Abbesse of Berking neere London built by her brother Bishop Erkinwald wherein she liued and lastly died A naturall daughter likewise he had whose name was Edelburg that with Sedrido the daughter of his wife were both of them professed Nunnes and succeeded each other Abbesses in the Monastery of S. Brigges in France Such a reputed holinesse was it held in those daies not only to be separated from the accompanying with men wherunto women by God were created but also to abandon the Country of their natiuity and as strangers in forraine Lands to spend the continuance of their liues EThelherd the brother of Anna the yere of Christs Incarnation six hundred fifty foure was made King of the East-Angles the which it seemeth he had attempted in the raigne of his brother for that hee had assisted Penda in his warres against him and was the motiue saith Beda of the warres against Oswin King of Northumberland wherin siding with the heathen Penda he was worthily slaine the fifteenth day of Nouember when he had raigned onely two yeeres leauing his name to the blot of infamy and his Crowne to be possessed by his younger brother His wife was Hereswith sister of Hilda the famous learned Abbesse of Streanshale and great grand-childe to Edwyne King of Northumberland who bare vnto him Aldulfe Elswoolfe and Beorne all three succeeding Edilwald in the Kingdome of the East-Angles EDelwald the brother of Ethelherd entred his gouernment of the East-Angles the yere of our Lord six hundred fifty sixe and continued the same the space of nine yeeres without either mention of any other memorable act from whom as is supposed issued Ethelred that succeeded King after Beorne ALdulfe the eldest sonne of Ethelherd and Queene Hereswith after the death of his vncle King Edelwald obtained the Kingdome of the East-Angles and therein raigned without any honour or honourable action by him performed onely his name and time of his raigne which was nineteene yeres is left of him by Writers and affordeth no further relation of vs here to be inserted besides his Coine here set ELswolf the sonne of King Ethelherd and bother to this last mentioned Aldulfe began his raigne ouer the Kingdome of the East-Angles the yeere of Christ his Incarnation six hundred eighty three and continued in the same the time of seuen yeeres without record of any memorable Act Wife or Issue to reuiue his name BEorne the yongest sonne of King Ethelherd succeeded his brother King Elswolfe in the Kingdom of the East-Angles no further mention being made of him his wife nor Issue which are altogether perished and laid long since in their graues of obliuion EThelred after the death of his cosen Beorne succeeded him in the Kingdome of the East-Angles issuing as is supposed from King Ed●…lwald the brother of Ethelherd and of Anna both of them Kings in that Prouince His raigne by writers is said to bee fiftie two yeeres which notwithstanding was passed ouer without any memorable note for albeit that his gouernment was long and the declining Heptarchie not vnlikely to haue ministred matters of remembrance to posterities yet is the same passed ouer by the silence of our Wrirers and no further mention made of him besides the education of his yonger sonne Ethelbert who proued a most worthy King His wife and the mother of this vertuous sonne was Leofrun saith the Writer of his life without further mention of her parentage or other issue This King deceased the yeere after Christs natiuity seuen hundred forty eight the same yeere that Ethelbert entred his Kingdome of Kent EThelbert the sonne of King Ethelred after his Fathers death was ordained King of the East-Angles whose daies of youth were spent in learning and deeds of charity and the whole time of his gouernement in continuall tranquillity for hee is recorded to be a Prince religious and charitable sober profound and wise in counsell This King being incited by Offa the Mercian that still thirsted after greatnesse to marie Elfryd his daughter a Lady of great beautie came vpon that purpose to Offa his Court then seated at Sutton Wallis in the County of Hereford and was by him there cruelly murdered at the instigation of Quendrid his vnkind intended mother in law no other occasion ministred but the greatnes of his Port that much in her eyes ouer-heighted her husbands His Bride-bed the graue was first at Merden
resisters Neither is it to be doubted but that many others there were of that Nation no lesse carefull for transferring the remembrance of their Ancestors actions to posteritie no Nation liuing being more zealously deuoted in that kinde though their writings haue in Times ruines beene buried and their remembrances preserued onely by perpetuitie of traditions and although wee haue shewed the ancient Coines of the Britaines and obserued a series thorow the Romanes succession yet be not offended that I leaue onely Blanks for these latter Princes as also the first Saxons wanting the Monies of their owne seuerall Mintes Such therfore as I haue found of any Kings stamp raigning whilest the Land was diuided and enioied amongst them I haue in the margent of their remembrances affixed with the Armes attributed to euery seuerall kingdome and hence will obserue the same order without any inuention or fained inscription which howsoeuer wee want to furnish their successions yet this am I sure of no Nation in Europe can shew the like or can come to so true a series of their Soueraignes Coines as England is able at this day to doe VORTIGERN 1. Vortigern among the many molestatiōs of the Scots and Picts was ordained the supreme Gouernor of these affaires and to that end with the Britaines full consent was elected their King For as touching that Monkish Constantine the sonne of Constantius who is said to be the brother of Aldreonus King of Little Britaine in France sent for and made King by these Britaines whose simplicitie this Vortigern is said to abuse and lastly to cause his murther and death I rather thinke the storie to be the same that happened aboue fortie yeeres before in the daies of Honorius the Emperor when Constantius among other Conspirators was raised vpon a hopefull expectation conceiued in his name This Constantius indeed had a sonne that bare his name a man of a soft spirit and no deepe reach and therefore in his youth was made a Monke But his Father risen to his aspiring honour created him first his Caesar and next Augustus till Fortune turned those smiles into frownes and stained their purple robes in both their own blouds For not only the same names induceth this doubt but the place which was Winchester and Abbey Amphibilus where this Imperiall Monke was shorne doth not a little confirme the same the remaines of which Colledge by that strong and thicke wall standing to this day at the West gate of that Cathedrall Church doth not a little confirme But wanting better directions to our proceedings we must follow for these times men of latter yeeres and not without some suspect of vncertaintie The rather for that the Saxons as then the chiefe Actors in this Land haue purposely concealed all Victors and victories against themselues neither but sparingly haue recorded their owne This Vortigern howsoeuer attaining the Crowne was ouer-awed saith Ninius by the Picts Scots stood in feare of the Roman forces and dread much the returne of Aurelius Ambrosius with his brother Vter surnamed Pendragon and therefore wanting strength of his owne to maintaine his standing sent for the Saxons as wee haue said He saith the British Story was Earle of Cornwall of an honourable Familie and noble descent his Lady euery way answerable to both by whom hee had three sonnes Vortimer Catigern and 〈◊〉 His second wife or rather Concubine hauing cast off this first was Rowena the daughter of Hengist which Pagan mariage prooued not only the bane of the Land but so ruinated the Church of Christianity that a Prouinciall Councell of the 〈◊〉 was 〈◊〉 sembled in Ann. 470. to repaire those things that this mariage had decaied By this Heathen Damosell he had a daughter who against the law of God and Nature was his third wife that Kings as he pretended to excuse his ●…est might be descended from the right issue of Kings vpon whom he begot his sad lamenting sonne Fausius a vertuous Impe of those impious parents that spent his life in a solitarie place neere to the Riuer Llynterrenny as wee haue said who abandoning the companie of men among those mountaines serued God in continuall teares and praiers for remission of the fault committed in his incestuous generation for the recalling of his parents to a better life and for the restitution of his Country to her former libertie This Vortigern raigned first sixteene yeeres and then deposed for his fauours to the Saxons was retained in durance all the raigne of Vortimer his sonne after whose death reestablished but oppressed by his Saxons and pursued by Aurelius he withdrew himselfe into Wales and among those vast mountaines built a Castle by Merlins direction wherof we haue spoken and more we would speake were those fantasticke fictions vnderset with any props of likelihood or truth which Rand. of Chester in his daies vtterly reiected In this Castle Vortigern with his incestuous wife after hee had secondly raigned the space of six yeeres was consumed to ashes by the iust reuenging hand of God by fire from heauen as some haue written or else kindled by Aurelius and Vter as his Ministers to execute his wrath VORTIMER 2. VOrtimer the eldest son of King Vortigern through the abuse of his fathers gouernment for which he was deposed by his owne subiects was erected King of the Britaine 's the yeere from Christs birth 454. a man of great valour which altogether hee imploied for the redresse of his Countrey according to the testimonie of William Malmesbury whose words are these Vortimer saith hee thinking not good to dissemble the matter for that hee saw himselfe and Countrie daily surprised by the craft of the English set his full purpose to driue them out and from the seuenth yeere after their first entrance for twenty yeeres continuance fought many Battles with them and foure of them with great puissance in open field in the first whereof they departed with like fortune and losse of the Generals brethren Horsa and Catigern in the other three the Britaine 's went away with victorie and so long vntill Vortimer was taken away by fatall death Huntington Monmouth Randulphus and Fabian name both the places and successe of those Battles The first was in Kent and vpon the Plaine neere vnto Ailsford where the memoriall of Catigern to this day remaineth Horsted doth as yet relish of Horsa there interred The second Battle was fought likewise in Kent at Crocanford now Craford where many perished as well Britaines as Saxons The third was at Weppeds Fleet with great losse to the Britaines and the fourth vpon Calmore where many of the Saxons after long and sore fight were slaine and more drowned in flight and lastly driuen into the I le of Thanet their first assigned habitation if not ouer the Seas so that small hope rested for them so long as this valiant Vortimer liued who had now dispossessed them of
note of her issue or death 17 The issue of King Ethelbert by Queene Berta were Edbald that succeeded him in the Kentish Kingdome Ethelburg and Edburge two daughters 18 Ethelburg the elder was a Lady of passing beautie and pietie and surnamed Tace who greatly desired and intended a Virgins life had not her mind beene auerted by the intreaty of her brother the perswasions of Bishop Paulinus and the earnest suit of Edwine King of Northumberland vnto which Edwine lastly she yeelded to bee his wife in hope of his conuersion and vnto whom for that purpose Pope Boniface directed his Epistle from Rome earnestly exhorting her that shee should bee diligent for the Kings saluation which shee soone after effected to the great ioy of both the Kings and to the comfort and increase of the Christian Faith thorowout England 19 Edburg another daughter of King Ethelbert is warranted only by the testimonie of Iohn Capgraue a great traueller in Antiquities and should bee most skilful in his own Country of Kent notwithstanding he is to be suspected in this that hee reporteth her to haue beene a Nunne in the Monasterie of Minster in the I le of Thanet vnder the Foundresse Domnewe being the daughter of her nephew Ermenred and that shee succeeded in the gouernment of that house Mildred the daughter of the same Domnewe Hee reporteth also that shee died and was buried in the same place and that her body was from thence remooued by the Arch-bishop Lankfrank to his Church of S. Gregorie in Canterburie REDVVALD THE THIRD KING OF THE EAST-ANGLES AND SEVENTH MONARCH OF THE ENGLISHMEN HIS WIFE AND ISSVE CHAPTER XIX REdwald the sonne of Titulus and the third King of the East-Angles had been a substitute vnder Ethelbert King of Kent and serued a long time as his Vice-roy ouer all his dominions whereby he gained such reputation to himselfe that either for his owne valour or Edbalds vices contemned of the people for his Apostasie frensie and incestuous bed became the seuenth Monarch of the Englishmen about the yeere of Christ his Incarnation six hundred and sixteene and the twentieth and fourth of his raigne ouer the East-Angles 2 This Redwald saith Beda had receiued Baptisme in Kent but in vaine and without zeale as it afterwards appeared For returning to his Country through the perswasion of his wife returned againe to his superstitious worships and in one and the same Temple after the manner of the old Samaritans hee erected an Altar for the seruice of Christ and another little Altar for burnt sacrifices to his Idols which stood vnto the daies of Beda himselfe But as she was an instigator to the East-Saxons idolatry so was shee an instrument to the further spreading of Christianitie though not by her so purposely meant in sauing the life of Edwine who afterwards planted the Gospell in all the North parts of the Saxons gouernment 3 For Edwine flying the rage of wilde Ethelfrid was succoured and maintained in the Court of King Redwald vnto whom lastly the Northumbrian sent both threats and rewards to haue him deliuered or else put to death and surely had not the Queene stood for his life he had presently died But she alleaging the law of humanitie the trust of a friend and the royaltie of a Prince preuailed so farre that Redwald did not onely saue his life but assi●…ted him in battell to the destruction of his enemie and the gaining of Northumberlands Crowne For vpon the return of Ethelfrids Ambassadors vnto whom Redwald had yeelded to make Edwine away he with his power of the East-Angles were at their backes and as an enemie made towards Northumberland 4 Ethelfrid whose rage and reuenge was ready enough vpon lesser occasions with such sudden preparation as he was able to make met the East-Angles almost at Nottingham and that not farre from the Riuer Idle where boldly encountring his vnequall enemie at the first brunt slew Reynhere the sonne of King Redwald to the great griefe of him and his whole host whose reuenge was so violently sought that they slew King Ethelfrid in the field and established Edwine to be his successor which was the second yeere of Redwalds Monarchy 5 Wherein he raigned the space of eight yeeres and was King of the East-Angles thirty one and deceased in the yeere of our Lord six hundred twentie foure the eighth of Edbalds King of Kent the thirteenth of Kingils King of the West-Saxons and the eighth of Edwins ouer the Northumbrians 6 The Queene and wife of this King is not named by any of our Writers but that she had been the widow of a Nobleman descended of the bloud-royall of that Nation and was a Lady that had deserued great commendations for the many vertues by her possessed had she been a Christian or a fauorer of the Christians or had not been an vtter enemy to their faith Notwithstanding by her first husband she had a sonne named Sigebert that proued a learned and most religious Prince of whom we haue spoken in Chapter eleuenth 7 His issue were Reynhere and Erpenwald Reynhere the elder and Prince of the East-Angles was slaine as you haue heard in the battell that his father fought against wilde Ethelfrid neere vnto the Riuer Idle in Nottingham-shire 8 Erpenwald the younger succeeded his father Redwald in the Kingdome of the East-Angles and was the fourth King of that Nation whose life and raigne we haue declared in the succession of the East-Angles Kings Chapter II. EDVVINE THE GREAT KING OF NORTHVMBERLAND AND THE EIGHTH SOLE MONARCH OF THE ENGLISHMEN HIS RAIGNE WIVES AND ISSVE CHAPTER XX. THe Monarch reuerted from the East-Angles was next possessed by the Northumbrians wherein it was held with greater glorie and for longer time For Edwine in King Redwalds life growne very potent after his death became his successor in the English Monarch and most worthily did adorne the same by his ciuill iustice and diuine pietie his exile visions and obtaining of the Northumbrians Crowne we haue already spoken of and therefore without repetition will passe on to his end 2 This Edwine the sonne of great Ella the first King of the Deirians was the third King that possessed the same the eighth of Bernicia the second and first Christian King of all Northumberland at the age of twenty three and in the yeere of Christ six hundred twenty foure succeeded Redwald in the Monarchy and was the greatest King of all the Saxons For as Beda saith hee subdued all the coasts of Britannie wheresoeuer any Prouinces were inhabited either of English or of Saxons which thing no King of the English before him had done and added the * Meuian Iles vnto his owne Dominions The first of them and next the South was large and fertile gaue roome for nine hundred and sixty of his English Families and the second ground for aboue three hundred Tenements 3 His first wife dead he became
Ouer the Deirans Osrik was made king and of Bernicia Eanfrid assumed the raigne but Gods iustice ouer taking their Apostasie neither their liues nor this diuision lasted long For Cadwall the Christian and Penda the Pagan were Gods instruments that with worthy vengeance in the first yeere of their gouernment cut the one off in battell and the other by trechery whose names and yeere of raigne as vnhappy and of hatefull remembrance the Historiographers of those times would haue to be omitted 3 But religious Oswald lamenting the effusion of his Countries bloud long slept not their reuenge For assembling his power which was not great hee suddenly and vnlooked for came vpon Cadw●… and at Deniseburne pitched downe his tents The place saith Beda stood neere the wall that Seuerus had made where Oswald for the first day forbare to fight and among his Souldiers for his Standerd set vp a Crosse of wood wherunto it seemeth those dawning daies of Christianity were ouermuch addicted Here Oswald making first intercession to God the onely preseruer of his people in sore long fight obtained great victory with the slaughter of Cadwallo and of all his British Army which so accomplished many haue attributed the vertue of that Crosse to bee no small cause of that great ouerthrow This Crosse so set vp was the first we read of to haue been erected in England and the first Altar vnto Christ among the Bernicians whose pretended miraculous cures not onely in the wood it selfe but in the mosse and in the earth wherein it was set let Beda report them and Stapleton vrge them yet for my part I hold them no Article of our canonicall Creed 4 But certaine it is that Oswald himselfe was a most religious and godly king and tooke such care for the conuersion and saluation of his subiects that he sent into Scotland for Aidan a Christian Bishop to instruct his Northumbrians in the Gospell of truth And whereas the Bishops could not speake their language the king himselfe was interpreter at his Sermons and gaue his words in the English as hee spake and pronounced them in the Scotish which language Oswald perfectly spake hauing beene there the space of eighteene yeeres Thus the godly proceedings of the king and Bishop produced such increase of their heauenly seed that it is reported in seuen daies space fifteene thousand Christians receiued Baptisme and many of the●…forsaking the pleasures of the world to haue betake themselues to a religious and solitarie life 5 At this time the whole Iland flourished both with peace and plentie and acknowledged their subiection vnto king Oswald For as Beda reporteth all the Nations of Britannie which spake foure languages that is to say Britaines Redshanks Scots and Englishmen Became subiect vnto him And yet being aduanced to so royall Maiestie he was notwithstanding which is maruell●… to be reported lowly to all gracious to the poore and beautifull to strangers The fruits whereof the same Author exemplifieth in his bounty and humilitie towards the poore who vpon a solemne feast day seeing many such at his gates sent them both the delicates for himselfe prepared commanded the charger of siluer to be broken and diuided among them The Bishop much reioycing thereat tooke the king by the right hand and praied that it might neuer consume as after his death it did not but was shrined in siluer and in S. Peters Church at Bebba now Bambrough with worthy honor was worshipped for the many miracles in cures that it did as likewise the earth wherein his bloud was spilt with such lauish enlargements haue those writers interlined the deeds of Gods Saints 6 But as the Sunne hath his shadow and the highest tide her ebbe so Oswald how holy soeuer or gouernment how good had emulators that sought his life and his Countries ruine for wicked Penda the Pagan Mercian enuying the greatnesse that king Oswald bare raised warres against him and at a place then called Maserfeild in Shrop-shire in a bloudie and sore fought battle slew him and not therewith satisfied in barbarous and brutish immanitie did teare him in peeces the first day of August and yeere of Christ Iesus six hundred forty two being the ninth of his raigne and the thirty eighth of his age whereupon the said place of his death is called to this day Oswaldstree a faire Market Towne in the same Countie 7 The dismembred limmes of his body were first buried in the Monastery of Bradney in Lincolnshire shrined with his standard of Gold and Purple erected ouer his Tombe at the industry and cost of his neece Offryd Queene of Mercia wife vnto king Ethelred and daughter to Oswyn that succeeded him From hence his bones were afterwards remooued to Glocester and there in the north side of the vpper end of the Quire in the Cathedrall Church continueth a faire Monument of him with a Chapell set betwixt two pillers in the same Church His Wife 8 Kineburg a most vertuous Lady and daughter to Kingils the sixth and first Christian king of the West-Saxons was the wife of king Oswald who became both his father and sonne in the day of her mariage by receiuing him at the Font and her of his gift She was maried vnto him in the second yeere of his raign which was the yeere of Christs Incarnation six hundred thirty six no other relation made of her besides the birth of his sonne His Issue 9 Ethelwald the only childe of king Oswald and Queene Kineburg his wife was borne in the yeere of our Lord six hundred thirty seuen being the third yeere of his fathers raigne and but an infant at his fathers death was disappointed of the Northumbrian Kingdome by the fraud of his vncle Oswyn Notwithstanding at the death of Oswin king of Deira and then not aboue sixteene yeeres of age hee tooke the same kingdome and by strong hand held it against his vncle so long as he liued and at his death left it to his cosen Alkefryd the naturall sonne of king Osuyne as in the ninth Chapter we haue said OSVVY KING OF NORTHVMBERLAND AND THE TENTH MONARCH OF THE ENGLISHMEN HIS ACTS WIFE AND CHILDREN CHAPTER XXII OSwye the illegitimate sonne of King Ethelfrid surnamed the Wilde at thirty yeeres of age succeeded Oswald his halfe brother in his Dominions being the fourth King of Northumberland and the tenth Monarch of the Englishmen entring his gouernment the thirteenth day of October and yeere of Christs Incarnation six hundred forty three His first beginnings were much disquieted by Penda the Heathen Mercian by the rebellions of his base sonne Alkfrid and by the oppositions of Ethelwold the son of King Oswald but none sate more neere his heart then Oswyn king of the Deirians did whose vertuous gouernment did much darken as hee tooke it his owne and the free loue of those subiects daily to lessen his among the Bernicians 2 This Oswyn of Deira was the sonne
is by the same Writer reported to be his brother and the supposed sonne also of Vulfhere the King Their murthers as he saith was committed the ninth Calends of August which is with vs the foure and twenty of Iuly vpon which day there was yeerely celebrated a solemne memoriall of their martyrdomes in the same place where they both suffered and where their Monument was then remaining 9 Wereburg the daughter of King Vulfhere and Queene Ermenhild was in her childhood committed to the bringing vp of Queene Etheldrid her mothers Aunt in the Monastery of Ely by whose perswasion she professed virginity and returning to her Country in the raigne of King Ethelred her Vncle was by him made ouerseer of all the Monasteries within his dominions She deceased at Trickingham now called Trentham in Stafford-shire and was buried at Hanbery Her body was afterwards remooued to Westchester where Leafrik the Earle built in honour of her a goodly Church called S. Wereburgs which to this day is the Cathedrall Church of that Citie ETHELRED THE SEVENTH KING OF MERCIA AND TVVELFTH MONARCH OF THE ENGLISH HIS ACTS WIFE AND ISSVE CHAPTER XXIIII EThelred the third sonne of King Penda and brother to the last declared Vulfhere in the yeere of Christ Iesus six hundred seuenty fiue beganne his raigne in the kingdome of Mercia and at the same time in the Monarchy of the Englishmen being the seuenth King among them that ware their Diademe and the twelfth person that bare the Imperiall title of the whole his claime was not immediately nor next in succession young Kenred his Nephew standing betwixt him and the Crowne But himselfe a child in yeeres and in them also addicted vnto a priuate life he gaue his Vncle way to vndergo so publike a charge which without contradiction was likewise accepted of the subiects 2 His entrance was with warre against the Kentish Lothaire whose Country he destroied sparing neither Churches nor religious Abbeys the King not daring to appeare in field The Citie Rochester felt also his fury whose Citizens were ransacked their buildings ruinated and their Bishop Putta driuen to such distresse that he became a Teacher of good Arts and Musicke in Mercia to maintaine his aged yeeres from the necessity of perishing want These stirres saith Beda happened in the yeere of grace six hundred seuenty seuen and the next following so fearefull a Blazing starre as was wonderfull to behold first discouered in the moneth of August and for three moneths together continued rising in the morning and giuing forth a blazing pile very high and of a glittering flame 3 The remorse of conscience for the bloud he had spilt and the places of Oratories by him destroied besides his intrusions into another mans right strucke so deepe a wound into King Ethelreds breast that euer hee bethought him what recompence to make First therefore building a goodly Monastery at Bradney and that most fruitfully seated in the County of Lincolus thought that not sufficient to wash away the scarres of his foule offence but determined in himselfe to forsake the world for that was the terme attributed to the monasticall life wherein notwithstanding in lesse cares they liued and their persons more safe from all dangers attempted then when they publikely administred their lawes to their people the iust executions whereof many times breed the ouerthrow of their Princes and their Persons neuer secure amidst their owne gards 4 But such was the religion then taught and the godly zeale of the good Princes then raigning whose works haue manifested their vertues to posterities and faith in Christ the saluation of their soules in whose Paradise we leaue them and Ethelred to his deuout intent who to reconcile himselfe first vnto Kenred bequeathed the Crowne solely to him although he had a sonne capable thereof then putting on the habit of religion became himselfe a Monke in his owne Monastery of Bradney where he liued a regular life the terme of twelue yeeres and therein lastly died Abbat of the place when hee had raigned thirty yeeres the yeere of Christs natiuity seuen hundred sixteene His Wife 5 Offryd the wife of King Ethelred was the daughter of Oswy and of Lady Eanfled King and Queene of Northumberland She was married vnto him in the yeere of our Lord six hundred seuenty seuen being the third of his raigne and the twentieth of her age Shee was his wife twenty yeeres and passing thorow the North parts of Mercia she was set vpon and slaine by the people of that Country in reuenge of the death of Peada their King who had long before bin murthered by Alkefled his wife and her half sister as we haue said And thus strangely came shee to her vntimely end the yeer of our Lord six hundred ninety seuen the twenty three yeere of her husbands raigne and the fortieth of her owne age His Issue 6 Chelred the sonne of King Ethelred and of Queene Offryd his wife was the heire apparant of his fathers kingdome and of sufficient yeeres to haue succeeded him when he entred into religion but that it was his fathers will to make amends to his Nephew Kenred sonne to his elder brother King Vulfhere that now he might raigne before his sonne who should haue raigned before himselfe KENRED THE EIGHTH KING OF MERCIA AND THE THIRTEENTH MONARCH OF THE ENGLISHMEN CHAPTER XXV KEnred the sonne of Vulfhere because of his minoritie at his Fathers death was defeated of his dominions by his Vncle Ethelred and vntill it pleased him to resigne his Crown liued a priuate life whereunto by nature hee was most inclined But King Ethelred for the wrongs to him committed and to redeeme the time that in warre and wealth he had prodigally spent yeelded the Scepter vnto his hand and set his seeming ouer-heauy Crowne vpon his Nephew Kenreds head who began his raigne at one and the same time both ouer the Mercians and Monarchy of the English●… which was the yeere of Christs Incarnation seuen hundred and foure 2 He is in account the eighth King of that Prouince and the thirteenth Monarch since Hengist the Saxon. He raigned in peace the space of foure yeeres then weary of gouernment and desirous of contemplation after the example of his Vncle sought a more priuate and religious life and thereupon appointing Chelred his Cosen germane to rule in his place in the fifth yeere of his raigne abandoned his kingdome and Country and departed for Rome accompanied with Offa King of the East-Saxons and with Edwine Bishop of Worcester where both these Kings were made Monks in the time of Pope Constantine the first Iustinian the younger then wearing the Imperiall Crowne and in a Monastery at that citie both these penitent Conuerts in the Coules and Orders of Monks spent the rest of their liues and therein died and were enterred this Mercian King Kenred hauing had
West-Saxon he made his Kingdome subiect to a Tribute then called Peter-pence afterwards Rom-Scot besides other rich gifts that he gaue to Pope Hadrian for canonizing Albane a Saint in honour of whom and in repentance of his sinnes at his returne ouer against Verolanium in the place then called Holmehurst where that Protomartyr of Britaine for the constant profession of Christ lost his head Offa built a magnificke Monastery in Anno 795. indowing it with lands and rich reuenewes for the maintenance of an hundred Monks vpon the first gate of entrance in stone standeth cut a Salteir Argent in a field azure is assigned by the iudicious in Heraldry to bee the Armes that he bare 12 Also in testimony of his repentance for the bloud hee had spilt he gaue the tenth part of all his goods vnto the Churchmen and vnto the poore At Bathe he also built another Monastery and in Warwickshire a Church where the adioyning towne from it and him beareth the name Off-church 13 Finally when hee had raigned thirty nine yeares he died in peace at his towne Off-ley the nine and twentieth of Iuly the yeare of Christ Iesus seuen hundred ninety foure and with great solemnity his body was buried without the towne of Bedford in a Chapell standing vpon the Banke of Owse which long since was swallowed vp by the same riuer whose Tombe of lead as it were some phantasticall thing appeareth often saith Rouse to them that seek it not but to them that seeke it is altogether inunible His wife 14 Quendrid the wife of King Offa hath not her parentage set down by any of our Writers notwithstanding the recorder of this his life saith that her name was Drida and that shee was the kinswoman to Charles the Great King of France and by him for some offence banished his Realme who arriuing vpon the coasts of England in a ship without tackle was taken thence and relieued by Offa being then a young Nobleman where shee changed her name vnto Petronilla with whom hee fell so farre in loue that hee made her his wife contrary to the liking of his Parents She was a woman of condition ambitious couetous and cruell as appeared specially in the death of Ethelbert King of the East Angles that came to her husbands Court to marry their daughter whose port shee so much enuied that shee procured him to bee treacherously murdered the manner the foresaid Author declared to be by his fall into a deepe pit purposely made in his bed-chamber and vnder his chaire of estate That his head was cut off and found by a blind-man that the well which beares his name sprung vp presently in the place where it lay that the bloud thereof gaue the blind man his sight and that Dryda died in the same pit which she had digged for Ethelbert I leaue to the credite of my author and the liking of my Reader but certaine it is that Gods vengeance followed this heynous fact within one yeare after the same was committed by the death of her selfe her husband her Sonne and the translation of that Kingdome from the Mercians to the West-Saxons An ancient Saxon coine inscribed with her name CENEDRED REGIN we haue found and here placed which the iudicious suppose to be hers and that not vnlikely shee being so powerfull proud and ambitious His Issue 15 Egfrid the onely sonne and heire apparant of King Offa and Queene Quendred was the onely ioy and pride of his parents who succeeded his Father in his dominions and title and in the same yeare also in the shades of death 16 Ethelburga the eldest daughter of King Offa and Queene Quendred was maried to Brithrick the sixeteenth King of the West-Saxons shee was a Lady of passing beautie but withall of an insolent disposition hating all whom her husband loued and practising the deathes of them that she hated She departed into France after the poisoning of her husband for that her offence a law was enacted to the great preiudice of the West-Saxons Queenes as in the raigne of Brithrick we haue declared 17 Elfled the second daughter of King Offa Queene Quendred by the report of Randulph Higden the Monke of Chester was the second wife to Ethelred King of Northumberland who in regard of her had put from him his former wife for which his subiects rose in Armes against him and slew him in the last yeare of King Offa his raigne 18 Elfrid the third and yongest daughter of King Offa and Queene Que●…dred being promised in mariage and assured vnto Ethelbert King of the East Angles after the murther of her hoped Bridegroom with great lamentations and prophesying threats of reuenge abandoned the society of men and withdrew herselfe vnto the monastery of Crowland in the Fennes where in contemplation and solitary sadnes she spent the remainder of her life and yet there are that suppose her to bee the wife of King Kenwolfe who was the founder of Winchcombe Monastery the successor of his brother Egfride 19 Fremund by Iohn Capgraue is supposed to be the sonne of King Offa who as he saith was traiterously murdered by one Oswy that enuied his victories which he gat against the Danes his body was buried at Offchurch in Warwickshire and neere vnto the Palace of Offa alleadging for his Author one Burghard who was at his death and wrote his life yet some there are that thinke him mistaken for that hee calleth him a young man when as those warres hapned an hundred yeares after King Offa his life EGFRID THE TVVELFTH KING OF THE MERCIANS AND THE SEVENTEENTH MONARCH OF THE ENGLISH CHAPTER XXIX EGfrid the sonne of King Offa succeeded his father in the Mercians Kingdom wherof he was the twelfth in number and in the Monarchy of the Englishmen ranked in account the seuenteenth He began his raigne the thirteenth day of Iuly in the yeer of Christ his natiuity seuen hundred ninety foure The first businesse that he vndertooke after hee came to the Crowne was the restauration of antient priuiledges to the Church which his father had depriued them of and great hope was conceiued of his further proceedings had not God cut him off by vntimely death For hauing raigned onely foure moneths hee gaue place vnto nature and to another successour the sins of the people deseruing no such Prince for whose cause and his fathers great bloudshed as Alcuine wrote to Osbertus he was taken away so soone 2 He deceased the seuenth day of December and in the first of his raigne hauing had neither Wife nor Issue that we reade of His body with all due obsequies was honourably buried in the Abbey Church of S. Albans of his fathers foundation KENVVOLFE THE THIRTEENTH KING OF THE MERCIANS AND THE EIGHTEENTH MONARCH OF THE ENGLISHMEN CHAPTER XXX KEnwolfe not so neere in bloud to king Egfryd as he
was like him in all vertuous conditions by him was ordained to succeed in his Dominions whereby hee became the thirteenth King of the Mercians and the eighteenth Monarch of the Englishmen in the yeere of our Lord seuen hundred ninety seuen At home he was an example of piety peace and religion set the scale of Iustice without respect to all alike abroad temperate humble and courteous without vain ostentation or ambitious conceits in warres hee was stout and victorious in peace studious to enrich his subiects briefly at all times so carrying himselfe that enuie could not touch him with her tongue 2 Whether vpon a new quarrell begun or the old retained as inheritable to the Mercians against those of Kent I cannot say but true it is that in the entrance of his raigne he entred that Prouince with a great host of men and in a fore fought field discomfited the Kentish and carried away prisoner their King whose sirname was Pren. His kingdome hee gaue to Cuthred and kept him captiue in Mercia to his great griefe and his subiects dishonour 3 But Kenwolfe in peace minding the works of true piety gaue himself to the building of a goodly Church at Winchcombe in Glocestershire where vpō the day of dedication in the presence of Cuthred assigned his Viceroy in Kent thirteene Bishops ten Dukes many Nobles and a great concourse of people he led Pren this Kentish captiue vp to the high Altar and there without either his entreaty or ransome for Redemption released and set him free shewing thereby his deuotion to God and the heroicall parts of a magnanimous Prince 4 His raigne was twenty two yeares and death in Anno eight hundred nineteene beeing solemnely buried in the Church of the Monastery at Winchcombe aforesaid which himselfe had founded His Wife 5 Elfryd the wife of King Kenwolfe hath not her parentage certainely reported by any of our Historians yet some later vpon a likelihood of her name the place and time agreeing haue thought her to be the daughter of Off●… affianced to King Ethelbert as hath beene said but in these obscurities coniecture may wander astray His Children 6 Kenelm the sonne of King Kenwolfe and of Queene Elfryde his wife was very yong at his fathers death and succeeded in the Mercians Kingdom but not in the Monarchy of the English King Egbert the West-Saxon King then growne too great And in the same yeare that he beganne his raigne by the treason of his vnnaturall sister hee was murthered and first obscurely buried but afterwards solemnly remoued and reposed neere to his Father in the Monastery of Winchcombe as in the Mercian Kings successions wee haue said 7 Quendred the eldest daughter of King Ken-Wolfe and Lady Elfryd his Queene after the decease of her father ambitiously aspiring to compasse the sway of the Mercian Kingdome wholy to her selfe wickedly conspired the death of her brother King Kenelme which was traiterously acted by Askebert her instrument who had the charge of him but the same turning to her reproch for very shame of so damnable a deed shee within short time after ended her life but not her ignominie 8 〈◊〉 the yonger daughter of King Kenwolfe and of Queene Elfryd hath not been so famous to posterity as her sister Quendred was for her infamous Act notwithstanding she may reasonably be supposed to haue lead a better life and to haue died a better death especially of vs who find her no●… s●…ained with any aspersion of misdeseruing EGBERT THE EIGHTEENTH KING OF THE WEST-SAXONS THE NINETEENTH BVT FIRST SOLE AND ABSOLVTE MONARCH OF THE ENGLISH-MEN HIS ACTS WIFE AND ISSVE CHAPTER XXXI THe Saxon Heptarchy drawing now to a period the spring of an entire Monarchie began to shew it selfe and the glory of the Englishmen more cleerely to arise for thongh they had weakned each other by their own wars yet stood their power strong in the possession of the whole and the ouerborne Britaines held still at the worst 2 But such is the dispose of the sole disposer of Empires that they haue their risings their fuls and their fals neuer staying in one and the same point neither entailed to one and the same Nation how strong politicke or populous soeuer The proofe whereof is apparant in all the Kingdomes of the earth and this of ours as mutable as any whose change of State vnto and in this seuen-fold Gouernment hath hitherto beene seene the seuerall Kings thereof long contending to branch their own fountaines furthest and fairest lastly let them fall into one streame which so meeting made a more famous confluence in this Monarchy then the seauen heads of Nilus in the Egyptian Sea 3 Formerly the Kentish South-Saxons East-Angles Northumbrians and the Mercians through no lesse then eight descents had worne the Emperiall Diademe whose rayes shone now so bright in the West-Saxons eyes that they againe sought to reestate themselues in so glorious a possession For whereas Brightrik was possessed and contented with the West-Saxon Crowne neither that worne without iealousie and feare yet others of the bloud royall from Cherdik raised the wings of their soaring thoughts much higher among whom Egbert was one neither the last nor the least in the opinion of the people or suspect of his Prince 4 This Egbert hauing commaund of some part of that Prouince so carried himselfe that his fame grew fearefull to Brightrik the King and hatefull to the enuious Ethelburg his most proud Queene by whom he was enforced first to secure himselfe with the Mercian Offa and lastly constrained to flie into France where vnder Charles the Great he turned his aduersity into an occasion of his valour by seruing in his warres and learned by his politicke gouernment how to rule a quiet or disturbed State 5 But King Brightriks death acted and his Queene the contriuer banished Egbert is solicited to the wearing of the West-Saxon crowne where hee became the eighteenth King in number and nineteene yeares after the nineteenth Monarch of the Englishmen entring his raigne the yeare of Christ Iesus eight hundreth being the same yeare that Charles was made Emperour of the West and Conwall then ruling ouer the Scots 6 His first warres were against the Cornish and their associats the Welsh both of them a remnant of the old Britaines who had beene oftentimes vanquished but neuer would seeme to be subdued and for foureteene yeares continuance held side against Egbert which their resistance so prouoked his furie that hee enacted a most seuere law against them commanding that no Britaine should presume to passe ouer great Offaes ditch and present death to them that durst set foot vpon any English ground Their great Caer-legion now West-chester hee tooke from them and at London from their West-gate cast downe the brasen Image of Cadwallo there set vp by the Britaine 's for a terrour to the Saxons as we haue said
the first and second Kings of the West-Saxons and the third and fourth Monarchs of the Englishmen She was the second Kings wife that was debarred of the title and place of Queene Shee deceased three years before the King her husband in the nineteenth yeare of his raigne being the yeare of Christs Natiuity eight hundred fifty fiue 10 Iudith his second wife was the daughter of Charles the Emperour and King of Fra●…e as wee haue said her Mother was Queene 〈◊〉 the daughter of Vodon Earle of Orl●…ance She was a Lady of passing beauty and marryed to this King in France and when she came into England was receiued with the title and place of a Queene in abolishment of the peruerse law of the VVest-Saxons made against the Kings VViues as before was touched She was his wife three yeares and suruiued him without any issue His Issue 11 Ethelbald the eldest sonne of King Ethelwolfe and of Lady Osburg his first wife was brought vp in his youth in the exercise of warre and serued vnder his Father in the great victory obtained against the Danes at Ocley in Surrey in the yeare eight hundred fifty one afterwards hee turned his force against his Father and at his returne from Rome practised to defeat him of his Kingdome and was ready to haue giuen him battaile had not his Father parted with him his Dominion 12 Ethelbert the second son of King Ethelwolfe and Lady Osburg his first wife was in the life time of his Father after the decease of his vncle Ethelstan appointed and placed his Successor in his Kingdome ouer the South-Saxons the Kentish and the East-Saxons without any mention or meaning as it seemeth that hee should intermeddle further with any other part of England Notwithstanding after the death of his brother Ethelbald it was generally holden of all men for law equity and reason that he should succeed him in the Monarchy and so he did with the consent of his Brethren and without resistance or contradiction of any other 13 Ethelred the third sonne of King Ethelwolfe and Lady Osburg his first wife had by the disposition of his Father in his last will the one halfe of his Fathers proper inheritance which was all such land as King Egbert his Grandfather had before hee was King and was no part of the Demaines of the Kingdome and this was diuided betwixt him and his brother Elfred as the kingdome was betweene their elder Brethren Ethelbald and Ethelbert with an intent that this Ethelred should succeed his brother Ethelbald in the kingdome of the West-Saxons notwithstanding his brother Ethelbert after the decease of King Ethelbald entred into the other part adioining it to his former kingdome and was king of the whole and after left it entire to this Ethelred who succeeded him in the Monarchy 14 Elfred the fourth sonne of King Ethelwolfe and of Lady Osburg his first wife was borne at Wantage in Barkeshire in the yeare of our Lord God eight hundred forty nine and the thirteenth of his fathers raign Being a child of fiue yeeres old he was sent very honourably attended to the City of Rome where Leo the fourth then Bishoppe confirmed him was his Godfather at the confirmation and annointed him to the expectation of a kingdome growne in yeares hee grew so in discretion magnanimity and fauour of all men that in the successiue raignes of his three elder Brethren he ruled as a Vice-roy or secondary king vnder euery of them and after them at the last succeeded in the English Monarchy 15 Ethelfwith the daughter of King Ethelwolfe and Lady Osburg was maried to Burthred the twentieth King of Mercia which mariage was solemnized at the towne of Chippinham in Wiltshire in the moneth of Aprill and yeare of Christs Natiuity eight hundred thirty fiue and the fifteenth of her fathers raigne but within twenty two years after they were both forced by the Danes to abandon their kingdom and departed into Italy where the King died the same yeare in the English Colledge at Rome shee liued after him fifteene yeares in the habite of a N●…ne at the City of Pad●…a and there died and was honourably buried in the yeare of our Lord God eight hundred eighty nine which was the eighteenth yeare of her brother King Elfreds raigne 16 Ne●…te supposed by Iohn Capgra●…e the Legend writer to be the sonne of King Ethelwolfe was in his youth brought vp at Glastenbery vnder Dunstan who was afterward Arthbishop of Ca●…terbury He proued a man of great learning and was one of the first Readers of Diuinity in the Vniuersity of Oxford at the foundation or as some will haue it the restauration thereof by King Elfred hee planted a Monastery in Cornwall whereunto hee vsed for deuotion and studious meditations often to withdraw himselfe which of his abode there was afterward called Neotestoke and when he was dead his body was with great honour enterred in the County of Huntingdon at a place then called Anulfesbery and afterward in regard of his enterment Saint Neotes and now Saint Needes ETHELBALD THE TVVENTIETH KING OF THE VVEST-SAXONS AND THE TWENTIE ONE MONARCH OF THE ENGLISHMEN HIS ACTS AND RAIGNE CHAPTER XXXIII EThelbald the eldest sonne of king Ethelwolfe hauing had part of the kingdome in the life time of his Father after his death entred vpon the whole and was the twentieth King of the West Saxons and the twenty one Monarch of the Englishmen beginning his raigne in the yeere of Christs incarnation eight hundred fiftie seuen 2 His youth he had spent in the exercise of war hauing made proofe of valour in his seruice against the Danes in many battels and likewise attempted though not in so good a cause to haue fought against his owne father Which his assaies as they seemed violent and vnnaturall yet being in the quarrell of the West-Saxons law enacted in preiudice of their Queenes he was both sided and approued as hath been said 3 But howsoeuer vnwilling he was this faire Queene should sit in state by his fathers side yet contrary to all lawes either of God or man hee laid her by his owne and by nuptiall rites brought her to his sinfull and incestuous bed Which act though foule enough some haue made worse in reporting his Wife to be his owne Mother whom King Ethelwolfe kept for his Concubine And surely this his sin was not long vnpunished by the shortnesse of his raigne and life leauing no other memory of his acts besides this foule blot to his faire name 4 His raigne was onely two yeeres and an halfe and death chanced vpon the twentieth day of December the yeere of Christs assuming our flesh eight hundred sixtie His body was first buried at Sh●…rburne in the County of Dorset where at that time was the Cathedrall Church and Episcopall See but afterwards was remoued and enterred at Salesbury in the County of Wiltshire His Wife 5 Iudith the
Wife of King Ethelbald was the widow of his owne Father a most vnlawfull matrimonie contracted against all law of God or of nature which being both dissolued and punished by the hastie death of the King and she returning towards her father and Country in Flanders was rauished by Baldwin the Forester of Arden in France and by him forcibly kept vntill shee consented to become his wife who in regard of that marriage when he was reconciled to the Emperor Charles her Father was by him created the first Earle of Flanders by whom she had issue Baldwin the second who espoused Lady Elfrid the youngest daughter of Elfred King of England from whom through fiue descents lineally Ma●…d Queene of England Wife to William the Conquerour descended and from her all our Norman English Kings vnto this day ETHELBERT THE TVVENTIETH ONE KING OF THE VVEST-SAXONS AND THE TWO AND TWENTIETH MONARCH OF THE ENGLISHMEN HIS RAIGNE AND ISSVES CHAPTER XXXIIII EThelbert the second sonne of King Ethelwolfe who had succeeded his Vnckle Ethelstan in the kingdome of the South-Saxons Kentish and East-Saxons and for fiue yeeres continuance ruled those Countries with great equity and valour after the decease of his brother Ethelbald succeeded him also both in the West-Saxons kingdome and the whole Lands Monarchie whereof he was the one and twentieth King and the two and twentieth Monarch 2 His raigne began in the yeere after Christs natiuity eight hundred and sixtie and was disquieted from first to last by the inuasions of the bloudy Danes For presently after his coronation these common enemies entred the Land ruinating all before them vnto the Citie Winchester which they sacked and left it troden vnder their destroying feete euen to the ground But in their returne were encountred by the Barkshire-men vnder the leading of Osrick Earle of Hampton by whom they were vanquished the prey recouered and a great number of those Infidels slaine 3 In his first yeere also a nauie of Danes and Normans entred into the Iland Tanet and began their wonted spoiles among those people whereupon the Kentish compounded their peace for a great sum of money giuen Notwithstanding these miscreants which knew not God gaue little regard to their promised couenants and before the daies of truce were expired like a sudden floud ouer-bare all before them These their irruptions to withstand the Kentish then prepared rather aduenturing themselues vpon the chance of battell then to rest vpon a seeming truce wherein their destruction was too apparant and forthwith assembling all the powers together set vpon those truce-breakers and with much slaughter forced them at length out of their Country 4 But the date of King Ethelberts life being expired hee yeelded his body to the course of nature and his Kingdomes to his next Brother after he had raigned ouer the Kentish South and East-Saxons the terme of ten yeeres and had sate Monarch of the whole onely fiue He died the yeere of grace eight hundred sixty six and was honourably buried in the Cathedrall Church of Shirburne in Dorset-shire by his brother King Ethelbald Hi●… supposed Issue 5 Athelm the brothers sonne of King Elfred mentioned in the last will and testament of the same King seemeth by all likelihood to be the eldest son of this King Ethelbert elder brother to the same King Elfred although hee succeeded not his father in his Kingdome For in those daies if the Kings sonne were vnder age the succession went to the next brother and if that brother left his sonne at full age then it went vnto him otherwise it reuerted to the elder brothers sonne 6 Ethelwald surnamed Clit●… which is a word of addition giuen to all the Saxon Kings sonnes of England is mentioned in King Elfreds wil to be his brothers sonne and is most likely to be the sonne of this King Ethelbert he prooued a most deadly enemy to his cosen King Edward the sonne of King Elfrid his Vncle destroying his townes in Dorset-shire and being driuen out of England ioined himselfe with the Danes who made him their King in Northumberland and vnder his leading greeuously assailed the Countries of the East-Saxons East-Angles and Mercians wherein hee was lastly slaine the yeere of our Lord nine hundred and fiue being the fourth of King Edward his cosen-germanes raigne ETHELRED THE TVVO AND TVVENTIETH KING OF THE WEST-SAXONS AND THE TWENTY THIRD MONARCH OF THE ENGLISH-MEN HIS ACTS AND ISSVE CHAPTER XXXV EThelred the third sonne of King Ethelwolfe after the decease of his Brother succeeded him in his Dominions and was in number the two and twentieth King of the West-Saxons and the twenty third Monarch of the Englishmen he beganne his raigne in the yeare of our saluation eight hundred sixty and six and for the time that hee was King raigned in continuall warres against the Pagan Danes whose numbers now were greater and footing surer in this land then formerly had beene 2 In the first yeare of his raigne there arriued vpon the English coasts a huge Army of these Danes whereof Hungar and Hubba men of incredible strength and cruelty were the Captaines These wintred in East Anglia made truce with the inhabitants vpon certaine conditions and forbare a time from their wonted rauening 3 But in the next yeare the King being busied to put backe a fresh inrode of Danes in the South and West of the Iland then entred these deuourers tooke aduantage vpon the ciuil broiles commenced among the Northumbrians who in these turmoiled times sought to withdraw their subiections from the West Saxons and to set vp Kings againe of their owne The foresaid Captaines Hungar and Hubba hauing in time of their truce strengthned themselues with new supplies of aid marched further into the North where finding the people vnprouided of strength and the two Kings Osbright and Ella of reconciled enemies to be made no sure friends they harried the Country before them and entring Yorke slew the two Kings with infinit number of the English which City they consumed with fire and burnt therein all those that had fled thither for succour 4 The State thus standing and their forces encreasing euery day brought new feares vpon the inhabitants when euery late victory with increase of Captiues and rich spoiles ministred occasion meanes of some other conquest to follow which these Pagans so pursued till lastly they set a substitute King to raigne vnder them ouer all the North Borders beyond the riuer Tyne and so retiring themselues out of Northumberland into Mercia came to Nottingham which City they wanne and therein wintred the third of King Ethelreds raigne who with the aid of Burthred the Mercian King constrained the Danes to sue for peace and a safe departure yeelding the City and againe retyring themselues ouer Tyne remained in Yorke all the next winter 5 The Summers opportunity approching their wonted desire for spoile was with it encreased and
by the King For doubtlesse at that time the Bishops of Rome had not deuested our Kings of that prerogatiue His Wife 28 Elswith the wife of King Elfred was the daughter of Ethelred surnamed M●…hel that is the Great an Earle of the Mercians who inhabited about Gainesborough in Lincolnshire her mother was Edburg a Lady borne of the Bloud-roiall of Mercia She was married vnto this King in the twentieth yeare of his age being the second of the raigne of his brother King Ethelred and was his wife twenty eight yeares and liuing after him foure died in the year of grace nine hundred and foure and was buried in the Monastery of Nunnes which shee had founded at Winchester out of which afterwards King Henry the first took to his wife Ma●…d the daughter of Malcolme King of Scots by whom the roiall bloud of the ancient Kings of England became vnited to the Normans whereby he wanne much loue of the English nation His Issue Edward the eldest sonne and second child of King Elfred and Queene Elsewith was borne about the beginning of his Fathers raigne in the yeare of our Lord eight hundred seuenty one hee was brought vp in his Fathers Court and carefully attended and instructed by men of great vertue and knowledge in learning and in all other qualities and exercises conuenient for Princes He was maried and had diuers children hee was thirty yeeres of age before his Father deceased and then he succeeded him in his Kingdome and Monarchy Ethelward the second son fift and last child of King Elfred and Queene Elswith was borne about the midst of his Fathers raigne and about the yeare of our Lord eight hundred and eighty Hee was in his youth by his Fathers appointment and for the example of other young Nobles brought vp in the study of good Arts at the vniuersity of Oxford where saith Th. Rudburne and the Annales of Winchester he became a man very learned and a great Philosopher he had of his Fathers gift by his last Wil great liuings in the Counties of Deuon Sommerset South-Hampton ●…he proued a man of great iudgement and wisedome and liuing vntill he was aboue forty yeres old hee died the sixteenth day of October in the two and twenty yeare of his brother King Edwards raign Anno nine hundred twenty two and was buried at Winchester Elfleda the eldest daughter and first child of King Elfred and Queene Elswith his wife was married to Ethelred Duke of Mercia who in respect of this mariage was suffered to haue all roiall iurisdiction ouer that Country in as ample maner as the Kings thereof had enioied and after the decease of her husband which happened in the yeare of our Lord nine hundred and twelue shee continued the gouernement in the same sort eight yeares with such resolution and valiant resistance of the common enemy the Danes that she stood her brother Edward in great stead as in the relation of his life shall be further shewed She died the fifteenth of Iune nine hundred and nineteene and was buried in S. Peters Church at Gloucester leauing issue a daughter named Elswin whom King Edward her brother depriued of that Duchy which her owne mother enioied and he his crowne by her assistance Ethelgeda the second daughter and fourth child of King Elfred and Queene Elswith was neuer married but tooke vpon her the profession and vow of Virginity and was by her fathers appointment made a Nunne of Shaftsbury in the County of Dorset in the Monastery there founded by him who is also accounted the first of the Towne it selfe Shee was afterward Abbesse of the house and therein spent and ended her life and was there also buried Elfride the yongest daughter and child of King Elfred and Queene Elswith his wife was married to Baldwin the second surnamed the Bald Earle of Flanders sonne of Earle Baldwin the first and Queene Iudith his wife the widdow of King Ethelwolfe her Grandfather Shee was his wife thirty yeares and more shee suruiued him and was a widdow eleuen yeeres she died the seuenth of Iune in the yeere of our Lord nine hundred twenty nine being the fift of the raigne of King Ethelstan her Nephew She is buried by her husband in the Chappell of our Lady within the Monastery of S. Peter at the City of Gaunt She had issue Arnulfe the third Earle of Flanders progenitor of all the Earles of Flanders since his time Ad●…lfe Earle of Bol●…igne and Terwi●… EDVVARD SVRNAMED THE ELDER THE TWENTIE FOVRTH KING OF THE WEST SAXONS AND TWENTY FIFT MONARCH OF THE ENGLISH-MEN HIS RAIGNE ACTS AND ISSVE CHAPTER XXXVII NO greater were the griefes conceiued for the death of worthy Elfred then were the hopes of the people in his sonne Prince Edward whose valour had beene often approued against the raging Danes whose vertues were both many and princely not so learned as his Father neither so patient to vndergoe his chance but as glorious in martiall prowesse and as fortunate in al his fights vnder whose hand the Danes euery where fell and vnder his Monarchy all the English did stoope excepting the Northumbrians 2 He entred his raigne the yeare of Christs natiuity nine hundred and one and at Kingston vpon Thames was crowned and annointed with holy oyle The Danish warres continuing in a successiue maner fell as it were hereditaryly from the Father vnto the Sonne and ripened dayly towards their wished haruest Besides Ethelwald the sonne of Ethelbert the vncle to this King Edward young at his fathers decease and therefore perhappes held vncapable of gouernment shewed now the blossoms of vnder-sucking plants whose fruits are neither plenteous nor pleasant in tast for his humours euer working vpon discontents drew his thought onely how to make the possessor fall 3 He then entring action of rebellion tooke the towne of Winborne neere vnto Bathe and besides the allegiance due to his Prince in sacrilegious manner brake the hests of holy Church in deflowring and taking a Votarist to wife Edward the elder so called it may be in regard of this his Opposite with a selected Army repaired to Bathe and thence prepared for the field whose sight was so cockatrice-like to his cosen-Germans eye that in the night he bade his Nun and Winborne adew posting to Northumberland and proffering his seruice to the Danes that lay for aduantage of rapine and spoile 4 Him as a fitte instrument they created their King and forward in hope of some prosperous successe passed through the East-Saxons the East-Angles and the Mercians Countries and laden with robberies came to Crikelade in Wilt-shire whence they departed ouer Thamesis to Basingstoke and harrying the land before them with triumph returned vnto East-Anglia Edward thus endangered by these dreadfull enemies gaue them no aduantage by lingering delaies but followed their tract vnto Saint Edmunds Ditch whence in his returne the Danes gaue
of her self ●… Hath my beauty thought she been courted of a King famoused by report compared with Helens and now must be hid Must I falsifie and bely Natures bounties mine owne value and all mens reports only to saue his credit who hath impaired mine and belied my worth And must I needs defoule my selfe to be his only faire foule that hath kept me from the State and seat of a Queene I know the name of a Countesse is great and the Wife of an Earle is honourable yet no more then birth and endowments haue assigned for me had my beauty been far lesse then it is He warnes me of the end when his owne beginnings were with trechery tels me the examples of others but obserues none himselfe he is not ielous forsooth and yet I must not looke out I am his faire but others pitch fire wine bush and what not Not so holy as Wolfhild nor so white as Ethelfled and yet that must now be made far worse then it is I would men knew the heate of that cheeke wherein beauty is blazed then would they with lesse suspect suffer our faces vnmaskt to take aire of their eies and wee no whit condemnable for shewing that which cannot be hid neither in me shall come of it what will And thus resoluing to bee a right woman desired nothing more then the thing forbidden and made preparation to put it in practise Her body shee endulced with the sweetest balmes displaied her haire and bespangled it with pearles bestrewed her breasts and bosome with rubies and diamonds rich Iewels glittering like starres depended at her necke and her other ornaments euery way sutable And thus rather Angell then Lady-like shee attended the approach and entrance of the King whom with such faire obeisance and seemely grace she receiued that Edgars greedie eye presently collecting the raies of her shining beauty became a burning glasse to his heart and the sparkle of her faire falling into the traine of his loue set all his senses on fire yet dissembling his passions he passed on to his game where hauing the false Ethelwold at aduantage he ranne him through with a Iaueline and tooke faire Elfrida to his wife 15 These were the vertues and vices of this King little in personage but great in spirit and the first vnresisted Monarch of the whole Land whom all the other Saxons acknowledged their supreme without diuision of Prouinces or title He raigned sixteene yeeres and two moneths in great tranquillity and honour and died vpon tuesday the eighth of Iuly the thirty seuenth of his age and yeere of Christ 975. whose body with all funerall solemnitie was buried in the Abbey of Glasenburie His Wiues 16 Ethelfled the first wife of King Edgar was surnamed in the Saxon English En●…a in Latine Candida which with vs is White because of her exceeding great beauty Shee was the daughter of a Duke amongst the East-Angles named Ordmar and was married vnto him the second yeere of his raigne and the eighteenth of his age being the yeere of Christs Natiuitie 961. She was his wife not fully two yeeres and died the fourth of his raigne in Anno 962. 17 Elfrida the second wife of King Edgar was the widow of slaughtered Ethelwold of whom wee haue said She was daughter to Ordgarus and sister to Ordulfe both of them Dukes of Deuonshire and the Founders of Tauestoke Abbey in that Countie a Ladie of passing great beauty and as ambitious as faire for after the Kings death she procured the murther of King Edward her sonne in law that her owne sonne Ethelred might come to the Crowne and afterwards to pacifie his and her first husbands ghost and to stop the peoples speeches of so wicked a fact she founded the Abbeys of Ambresbery Whorwell in the Counties of Wiltshire and South-hampton His Children 18 Edward the eldest sonne of King Edgar and Queene Ethelfled his first wife was born in the fourth yeere of his fathers raigne and a little before his mothers death in the yeere of Christ Iesus 962. He was a child disposed to all vertue notwithstanding great meanes was made by his mother in law for the disinheriting of him and the preferment of her owne son to the succession of the Crowne yet by prouident care taken in the life time of his father he succeeded him after his death as right heire both of his kingdome and conditions 19 Edmund the second sonne of King Edgar and the first of Queene Elfrida his second wife was borne in the seuenth yeere of his fathers raigne being the yeere of grace 965. He liued but foure yeeres and died in his infancie in the twelfth yeere of his fathers raigne and was honourably enterred in the Monasterie of Nunnes at Ramsey in Hampshire which King Edgar had founded 20 Ethelred the third sonne of King Edgar and the second of Queene Elfreda his second wife and the last of them both was borne in the eighth yeere of his fathers raigne and yeere of saluation 966. He was vertuously inclined beautifull in complexion and comly of stature at the death of his father being but seuen yeers old and at his brothers murther ten which deed he sore lamented to the great discontentment of his mother who for his aduancement had complotted the same and wherein at th●…se yeeres he vnwillingly succeeded him 21 Edgith the naturall daughter of King Edgar had to her mother a Lady named Wolfhild the daughter of Wolshelm the sonne of Byrding the sonne of Nesting the two latter bearing in their names the memorie of their fortunes the last of them being found in an Eagles nest by King Elfred as he was on hunting This Edgith was a vailed Nunne in the Monastery of Wilton and according to some Authors made Abbesse thereof by her father at fifteene yeeres of age saith her Legend She died the fifteenth day of September the yeere of her age twenty three the sixt of her brother King Ethelreds raigne and of Christ Iesus 984. By all which accounts it is manifest that she was borne before Edward and by Master Fox proued that for him and not for her King Edgar did his seuen yeeres penance She is greatly commended for her chastitie and beauty which later she somewhat augmented with more curious attire then to her profession was beseeming for which Bishoppe Ethelwold sharply reproued her who answered him roundly that God regarded the heart more then the garment and that sins might bee couered as well vnder rags as robes This Edgith as Iohn Capgraue reporteth after the slaughter of her brother Edward the holy Archbishop Dunstan would haue aduanced to the Crown inuested her against Ethelred the lawfull heire had she not by the late experience of Edwards fall vtterly refused that title which neither belonged to her right nor was safe for her person to vndertake Her body was buried at Wilton in the Monastery and Church of
deceased in the very prime of his youth before the death of his father or of his elder brother and before hee had done any thing in his life worthy of remembrance after his death 44 Edmund the third sonne of King Ethelred Queene Elgiua his first wife was borne in the eleuenth yeare of his fathers raigne and of Grace 989 and of all his fathers Children proued to be the only man that set his helping hand to the redresse of the estate of his Country distressed by the miserable oppressions of the Danes which hee pursued with such exceeding toile and restlesse hazards of his body as he was therefore surnamed Iron-side and when hee had followed those warres with great courage the space of seuenteene yeeres vnder his Father being come to twenty seuen of his owne age hee succeeded him in his Kingdome and troubles as presently shall be shewed 45 Edred the fourth sonne of King Ethelred and of Queene Elgiua his first wife was born about the foureteenth yeare of his fathers raigne being the yeare of Grace 992. His name is continually set downe as a witnesse in the testees of his fathers Charters vntill the thirtie fift yeare of his raigne by which it appeareth that hee liued vnto the two and twentieth yeere of his owne age although I find no mention of him or of any thing done by him in any of our histories and it seemeth he died at that time because his name is left out of the Charters after that yeare 46 Edwy the fift sonne of King Ethelred and Queene Elgiua his first wife suruiued his father and all his brethren and liued in the raigne of Canute the Dane who being iealous of his new-gotten estate and fearefull of the dangers that might accrew vnto him by this Edwy and such others of the English bloud roiall practised to haue him murthered which was accordingly done by them whom hee most fauoured and least suspected the yeare of our saluation 1017. 47 Edgar the sixt sonne of King Ethelred and of Queene Elgiua his first wife was borne about the twentieth yeere of his fathers raigne beeing the yere of our Lord God nine hundred ninetie and eight He seemeth by the Testees of his fathers Charters to haue beene liuing in the one and twentieth of his raigne but beeing no more found in any of them after may be supposed by all coniectures to haue died in or about the same yeere beeing but the eleuenth after his owne birth and the seuenth before his fathers death 48 The eldest daughter of King Ethelred and Queene Elgiua his first wife although her name bee not to bee found in any writer of those times appeareth notwithstanding to be married to one Ethelstan a Noble man of England who was the principall Commander of Cambridge-shire men at the great battle fought betweene them and the Danes wherein the English-men had the ouerthrow and this sonne in law of King Ethelred with the rest of the chiefe Leaders were slaine in the yeere of Christs Natiuity 1010. being the two and thirtieth of his father in lawes raigne 49 Edgith the second daughter of King Ethelred and Queene Elgiua his first wife was married to Edrik Duke of Mercia who for his couetousnesse in getting was surnamed Streattone This Edrik was the sonne of one Egelrik surnamed Leofwin an elder brother to Egelmere the grandfather of Goodwin Duke of the West-Saxons and beeing but meanely borne was thus highly aduanced by this King notwithstanding he was euer a traitor to his Countrie and a fauourer of the Danes betraying both him and King Edmund his sonne to King Canut that he thereby might gette new preferments by him who worthily rewarded him as a traitor and put him to death 50 Elfgine the third daughter of King Ethelred and of Queene Elgiua his first wife was the second wife of Vtred surnamed the Bold sonne of Earle Waldefe the elder Earle of Northumberland by whom shee had one onely child a daughter named Aldgith married to a Noble-man called Maldred the sonne of Crinan shee was mother of Cospatricke who was Earle of Northumberland in the time of William the Conquerour and forced by his displeasure to fly into Scotland where hee abode and was ancestor to the Earles of Dunbar and of March in that Countrie 51 Gode the fourth and youngest daughter of King Ethelred and Queene Elgiua his first wife was first married to one Walter de Maigne a Noble-man of Normandy greatly fauoured by King Edward her brother who liued not long after the marriage and left issue by her a sonne named Rodulfe whom King Edward his vncle created Earle of Hereford This Earle Rodulfe died the one and twentieth of December in the thirteenth yeere of his vncles raigne and was buried at Peterborough leauing issue a young sonne named Harrald created afterwards by King William the Conqueror Baron of Sudeley in the Countie of Gloucester and Ancestor to the Barons of that place succeeding and of the Lord Chandois of Sudeley now being This Lady Gode after the decease of the said Water de Maigne was remarried to Eustace the elder Earle of Bulloigne in Picardy a man of great valour in those parts of France and a most faithfull friend to King Edward her brother which Earle was grand-father to Godfrey of Bulloigne King of Ierusalem albeit it seemeth he had no issue by this Lady 52 Edward the seuenth sonne of King Ethdred and his first by Queene Emme his second wife was borne at Islipe in the County of Oxford and brought vp in France all the time of his youth with his vncle Richard the third of that name Duke of Normandy mistrusting his safety in England vnder King Canute the Dane although he had married his mother but hee found the time more dangerous by the vsage of his brother Elfred at his beeing heere in the raigne of King Harrald sonne of the Dane Notwithstanding hee returned home when Hardiknut the other sonne beeing his halfe brother was King and was honourably receiued and entertained by him and after his death succeeded him in the Kingdom of England 53 Elfred the eight sonne of King Ethelred and his second by Queene Emme his second wife was conueied into Normandie for feare of King Conute with his eldest brother Edward and with him returned into England to see his mother then beeing at Winchester in the second yeere of King Harrald surnamed Harefoote by whose practize hee was trained towards London apprehended by the way at Guilford in Surrey depriued of his eie-sight and committed prisoner to the Monastery of Elie his Normans that came with him most cruelly murthered and hee himselfe soone after deceasing was buried in the Church of the said Monasterie EDMVND SVRNAMED IRONSIDE THE THIRTIE THREE MONARCH OF THE ENGLISH-MEN HIS WARRES ACTS RAIGNE WIFE AND ISSVE CHAPTER XLV EDmund the third sonne of King Ethelred and the eldest liuing at his Fathers death
marriage was called in England Elfgiue after the name of most of the former Queens which had succeeded Saint Elfgiue Shee was married vnto him in the moneth of Iuly and yeere of Christ Iesus one thousand and seuenteene beeing the first yeere of his raigne whose wife shee was eighteene yeeres and suruiuing kept still at Winchester vnto which Church shee gaue nine Manours according to the number of those firy Plow-shares that shee was forced to goe vpon for her purgation in the raigne of Edward her sonne as shall bee said This Church shee adorned with many goodly vestures and verie rich Iewelles and deceasing in this City the sixt of March the yeere of Grace one thousand fiftie and two and ninth of her sonne King Edwards raigne was buried in the Church of S. Swithine neere vnto Canutus her husband His Issue 21 Sweyn the eldest sonne of Canute by Lady Alfgiue was borne before his father was King of England and before his fathers death was constituted King of Norway lately conquered from King Olafe the Martyr where hee beganne his Raigne in the yeere of mans saluation one thousand thirty and fiue beeing the eighteenth of his fathers Raigne in England and after he had with dislikes ruled that Realme the space of fiue yeeres hee was reiected of the Norwegians his subiects and deceasing without heire of his body left the Kingdome to the natiue heire Magnus the sonne of Olaffe who had beene wrongfully dispossessed by Canute 22 Harold the second sonne of King Canute and of Lady Alfgiue was also born before his father obtained the English Crown for his exceeding swiftnes was surnamed Hare-foote He remained with his father in England after he had disposed of Denmark to Hardi-canute and Norway to Sweyne his brethren expecting something in reuersion But perceiuing at his fathers death that England was also appointed to his brother Hardi-canute hee tooke the aduantage of his absence and assumed the Soueraignety of this Kingdome to himselfe 23 Hardi-Canute the third sonne of King Canute and his first by Queene Emma his wife was borne about the beginning of his fathers Raigne and towards the end of the same was constituted King of the Danes and designed to succeede him after his death in the Kingdome of England But beeing absent then in Denmark was disappointed by his brother Harold who succeeded his father after whose death he also succeeded him 24 Gunhilda the daughter of King Canute and of Emma his Queene was the first wife of Henrie the Third Romane Emperour sonne of the Emperour Conrad the second of that name surnamed Salike shee was a Lady of a surpassing beauty which either mooued her husbands mind vnto ielousie or the ouer-lauish report thereof to breede surmize of incontinencie for accused shee was of adulterie and to defend her cause by combat none could be found till lastly her Page brought with her from England seeing no other would aduenture for her innocencie entred the list himselfe but a youth in regard of the other Combatant beeing a Giant-like man yet in fight at one blow cutting the sinewes of his enemies legge with another he feld him to the ground where presently with his sword hee tooke his head from the shoulders and so redeemed his Ladies life After which hard vsage the Empresse Gunhilda forsooke her husbands bed and by no meanes could bee brought againe vnto the same but tooke the holy vaile of a Nunne in the Town of Burges in Flanders where she spent the rest of her life and after her death was buried in the Collegiate Church of S. Donatian being the principall of that town where her Monument remaineth besides the north dore of the same Church vnto this day 25 Another Lady of the like sanctity is reported to be the daughter of King Canut and the second wife of Godescalke Prince of the Vandals by whom he had Henry King of that Nation They both are said to haue suffered Martyrdome for the faith of Christ he first at the City of Lenzim and she after at Michelenburg being most cruelly tortured to death with whips This Lady vpon sundry strong inducements cannot be reputed legitimate which moued Andrew Velley a Danish Writer in our time to be therin of a diuers opinion from Adam of Breme and Helmoldus who liued fiue hundred yeeres before him HAROLD THE SECOND DANISH KING RAIGNING INENGLAND AND THE THIRTIE FIFT MONARCH OF THE LAND HIS RAIGNE AND ACTS CHAPTER IIII. CANVTVS being dead Hardicanute his sonne by Queene Emma then in Denmarke Harold his elder but base brother foreslowed not the opportunity offered for seeing himselfe in his fathers life time neglected and by will at his death England with that of Denmarke heaped vpon Hardicanut as quicke in apprehension as hee was of footmanshippe whereof arose the surname Hare-foot made strong his side by the Londoners and Danes Mercians Northumbrians very many yea and some great Personages amongst them affecting his claime but Goodwin of Kent who had the Queene and her treasure in keeping stood in his way pretending himself Guardian of her Children the will of Canutus who appointed his sonne by her to succeede 2 The opposition grew strong and the factions ripened euen ready to seede onely the lingering of Hardicanute gaue leaue vnto Harold to better his side by daily supplies and the feares of ciuill sedition moued the Nobility to argue with wordes and not weapons the title depending betwixt these two brethren At Oxford they met where the presence of the one downe-peized the absence of the other so that their voices went onely with Harold and presently proclaimed and consecrated him King 3 He beganne his raigne the yeere of Christs humanity 1036. and was very solemnly crowned at Oxford by Elnothus Archbishoppe of Canterbury though for a time hee was very vnwilling to performe that seruice for it is reported that hee hauing the regall scepter and Crowne in his custody with an oath refused to consecrate any other for King so long as the Queenes children were liuing For said he Canutus committed them to my trust and assurance and to them will I giue my faith and allegiance This Scepter and Crowne therefore I here lay downe vpon this Altar neither doe I denie nor deliuer them to you but I require by the Apostolike authority all Bishops that none of them presume to take the same away neither therewith that they consecrate you for King as for your selfe if you dare you may vsurpe that which I haue committed to God on this his Table Notwithstanding that great thunder clappe was allaied with the showres of golden promises of his iust and religious Gouernment intended though present experience manifested the contrary 4 For saith the auncient Writer of the booke called Encomium Emmae Harold no sooner was established King but that he sought means how to rid Queen Emma out of the way and that secretly for openly hee
two yeeres though this line againe failed before it was well begunne EDVVARD THE CONFESSOR SONNE OF KING ETHELRED THE THIRTIE SEVENTH MONARCH OF THE ENGLISHMEN HIS RAIGNE VERTVES AND MARRIAGE CHAPTER VI. EDward the Third of that Name before the Conquest halfe-brother to the deceased Hardi-Canute and sonne to King Ethelred by Queene Emma his wife was by the prouident care of a Mothers affection when the variable successe of Warre doubtfully depended betwixt Edmund the English and Canutus the Dane sent into Normandy to Duke Richard her Brother there to bee secured from all domesticall stirres and now before the dead corps could be enterred wi●… generall consent of the Nobles was elected their King 2 I know well that in the legend of this holy mans life more things are recorded then with safetie of truth may be either beleeued or deliuered as that he was chosen King by consent of Parliament when as yet he was in his mothers wombe Ethelred his Father at the same time hauing many other sonnes aliue as also when the destroying Danes had extinguished by their warres almost the whole Royall issue of the English the holy Monke Brightwold of Glastenbury deploring their losse and the Lands miserable estate had in vision this Edward then an Exile presented vnto him by the Apostle S. Peter himselfe who then annointing him King in his sight telling him that his Raigne should be peaceable and twenty three yeeres for continuance Brightwold yet vnsatisfied who should next succeed demanded the resolution and was answered by Peter that the Kingdome of England was Gods owne Kingdome for whose successors himselfe would prouide With such vaine predictions our otherwise true Stories are ouer-charged which moued Comineus the worthy French Historian to tax the English with ouer much credulitie that way 3 But most true it is that the English Nobilitie disclaiming all Danish subiection presently vpon the death of King Harold enacted That none of their bloud should any more raigne ouer them putting this their decree in execution by cassiering all Danes from the Castles Forts and Garrison Townes throughout all the Land whence some euen of their Bloud Royall were forced to depart Then sending securitie into Normandy with proffer of the Crowne vnto Prince Edward had his consent and assistance of Duke William his cosen germane 4 This Edward as elsewhere hath been said was borne at Islip neere vnto Oxford and tenderly educated by Queene Emma his Mother and after his Fathers death for safety sent into France where by his sweet conuersation hee gained the loue of all and as much himselfe affected those strangers which was some blemish of policie in the face of his gouernment when he had got the Diadem as being of disposition ouer-soft and euer too pliant an imperfection in a Soueraigne to take the impresse of any stampe In which mould the aspiring Goodwin Earle of Kent doth cast the fabrick of his owne designes who had made away Alfred his younger but of a more resolute spirit that so the basis of his owne piller whose top in time he hoped to crowne might be set if not vpon yet with the neerest to the Throne 5 Hee therefore the formost both in will and power vsed both to establish Prince Edward in his right being seconded by Leofrick Earle of Chester and Lyuingus Bishop of Worcester and indeed with the generall assistance of all the English who now were so iealous of all forraine powers that they forbad an ouergreat traine of Normans though comming for his aid to attend their new-chosen King 6 His Coronation was at Winchester with great concourse of people and the celebration performed by Edsine Archbishop of Canterbury vpon the very day of Christ his resurrection being also a new-rising day to the English Nation the yeere of grace 1042. himselfe being aged then towards forty and was in number the thirty seuenth Monarch of England where he raigned with such Iustice Piety that he obtained the venerable name of Saint and vnto posterities is distinguished from the other Edwards by the adiunct Confessor 7 In the entrance of his gouernement to witnes his loue to his people hee sought euery way the furtherance of their wealth and afterwards remitted the most heauy Tribute of forty thousand pounds yearly gathered by the name of Dane-gilt which had bin imposed by his Father and payed for forty years continuance out of the lands of all except only the Clergie because say our ancient lawes the Kings reposed more confidence in the prayers of holy Church then in the power of Armies Then from the diuers Lawes of the Mercians West-Saxons Danes and Northumbrians he selected the best and made of them one body certaine and written in Latin that all men of anie learning might know wheron to rely to be the touch of his Common-wealths Pleas and the squire by which he would haue euery right to be measured being in a sort the fountaine of those which at this day we terme the Common Lawes though the formes of pleading processe therein were afterward brought in by the Conquest 8 The raigne of this King by most writers records was more spent in peace works of true piety thē in warres and bloud though some dissensions happened both domesticall and forreine for about the yeare one thousand forty fiue and third of his Raign a royal Nauy was rigged in Sandwich hauen against Magnus King of Norway who then intended to inuade England and indeed had so done if the wars of Sweyn king of Denmark had not diuerted his purpose 9 This Sweyn was the sonne of Duke Wolfe by Ostryd his Duchesse sister to Hardi-Canut who as I find written in the manuscript of Aimundus Bremensis being in possession of two kingdomes prepared his Nauy for the conquest of England also But saith hee King Edward gouerning that Kingdome with great Iustice and Loue chose rather his peace with proffers of Tribute and promises that after his death the Crowne should be his yea though himselfe should haue children how beit this seemeth not to sound for truth For Sweyn sending his Ambassadors vnto Edward to craue ayde against Magnus his grieuous and mortall Enemy could obtain none and Harold Harfager the successor of Magnus and enemy to Sweyn presently thereupon sent vnto Edward for a league of amity which was ratified firmely betwixt them 10 Neither may wee thinke that euer hee meant his Crowne that way for that besides the decree enacted against all Danish claims his desire to establish it in the English bloud is most manifest by sending for Edward his Nephew the sonne of Edmund Ironside remaining in Hungary and that so long out of England that hee was called the Outlawe who comming ouer brought with him his wife Agatha and children Edgar a sonne and Margaret and Christian his daughters him Edward meant to haue made heire to the Crowne had he not beene preuented by hasty death
offered them plenty to supply whatsoeuer should be needfull for the pompe of his funerall as also for their costs in trauell to and fro giuing strait commandement that none of his Souldiers should presume to molest them in this their businesse or in their returne Then went they in haste to the quarry of the dead but by no meanes could finde the body of the King for that the countenances of all men greatly alter by death but being maimed and imbrued with bloud they are not knowne to be the men they were As for his other regall Ornaments which might haue shewed him for their King his dead corps was despoiled of them either through the greedy desire of prey as the manner of the Field is or to be the first bringer of such happy newes in hope of a Princely reward vpon which purpose many times the body is both mangled and dismembred and so was this King after his death by a base Souldire gasht and hackt into the legge whom Duke William rewarded for so vnsouldier like a deed casshiering him for euer out of his wages and wars So that Harold lying stript wounded bemangled and goared in his bloud could not be found or known till they sent for a woman named Editha for her passing beauty surnamed Swan-shals that is Swans-necke whom he entertained in secret loue before he was King who by some secret marks of his body to her well knowne found him out and then put into a coffine was by diuers of the Norman Nobility honourably brought vnto the place afterward called Battle-bridge where it was met by the Nobles of England and so conueied to Waltham was there solemnly and with great lamentation of his mother roially interred with this rude Epitaph well beseeming the time though not the person Heu cadis hoste fero Rex à Duce Rege futuro Par paris in gladio milite valido Firmini iusti lux est tibi lucc Calixti Pronior hinc super as h●…c superatus eras Ergo tibi requiem deposcat vtrumque perennem Sicque precetur eum quod colit omne Deum A fierce foe thee slew thou'a King he King in view Both peeres both peerelesse both feard and both fearles That sad day was mixt by Firmin and Calixt Th' one help thee to vanquish t'other made thee lāguish Both now for thee pray and thy Requiem say So let good men all to God for thee call 51 This Kings raigne was not so ful of dayes as of great troubles being but the space of nine months and nine dayes in whom was completed the Period of the Saxons Empire in Britaine after they had continued from their first erected kingdome by Hengist in Kent the space of sixe hundred and tenne yeeres without any reuersement or interruption sauing the small Inter-Raignes of these three Danish Kings of whom we haue spoken And although Aimund of Breme in the fauour of his Danes sharply taxeth this Harold as being an impious man and for that by vsurpation he aspired to the Crowne yet doth Ealred the Abbot of Riuanxe the Legender of S. Edwards life much commend him for his courteous affability gentle deportment and Iustice and for his warlike prowesse none matchable vnto him and was reputed saith hee verily a man passing well furnished with all vertues befitting a Soueraigne commander and borne euen to repaire the decaied state of England had he not in the haughtinesse and opinion of his own valour and prudence so much addicted himselfe to his owne resolutions and too much neglected the wise deliberations of his best friends and counsellers His Wiues 52 The first wife of Harold whom he had maried and buried before he was King I find not named by any of our writers but that he had such a one appeareth where it is recorded that hee was a Widower what time he contracted the Conquerors daughter and that also he had children of such age that they made warres against King William in the second of his Raigne which it is probable he had not by Editha his Swannes neck but were legitimat and by this lawfull though namelesse Mother 53 Algith the second wife to King Harold was the widow of Gruffith ap Lhewelyn King of North-Wales the sister of Edwine and Morcar Earles of Yorkeshire and Chester and daughter of Algar sonne of Leofrick son of Leofwine all Earles of Chester Leicester and Lincolne She was married vnto him beeing then but Duke in the last yeare of Edward Confessors raigne and of Grace 1065. neither did shee long enioy him or her Queenly title after his aspiring to the Crowne for being resident in London when hee was slaine from thence shee was conueyed by her brethren to Westchester where she remained in meane estate and in good quiet which vsually most attends the meanest without any princely shew or name during the rest of her life which lasted a great part of the Conquerors raigne His Issue 54 Goodwine the eldest sonne of King Harold being growne to some ripenesse of yeares in the life of his Father after his death and ouerthrow by the Conquerour tooke his brother with him and fled ouer into Ireland from whence he returned and landed in Sommersetshire slew Ednoth a Baron sometime of his Fathers that encountred him and taking great preyes in Deuon-shire and Cornewall departed till the next yeare When comming againe hee fought with Beorn an Earle of Cornwall and after retired into Ireland and thence went into Denmarke to King Swayn his Cosen-German where he spent the rest of his life 55 Edmund the second sonne to King Harold went with his Brother into Ireland returned with him into England and was at the slaughter and ouerthrow of Ednoth and his power in Sommersetshire at the spoiles committed in Cornwall and Deuonshire at the conflict with the Cornish Earle Beorn passed and repassed with him in all his voiages inuasions and warres by sea and by land in England and Ireland and at the last departed with him from Ireland to Denmarke tooke part with him of all pleasure and calamity whatsoeuer and attending and depending wholly vpon him liued and died with him in that Country 56 Magnus the third son of King Harold went with his brothers into Ireland and returned with them the first time into England and is neuer after that mentioned amongst them nor elsewhere vnlesse as some doe coniecture he be that Magnus who seeing the mutability of humane affairs became an Anchoret whose Epitaph pointing to his Danish originall the learned Clarenciaux discouered in a little desolate Church at Lewes in Sussex where in the gaping chinks of an Arch in the wall in a rude and ouerworne Character certaine old imperfect verses were found which hee supposeth should bee thus read Clauditur hic Miles Danorum regia proles Magnus nomen ei magnae nota Progenici Deponens Magnum prudentior induit agnum Pr●…pete pr●…vita fit paruulus Anachorita H●…re lies a Knight of Danish regal●… He
signified to Rollo choosing out the tallest and goodliest persons of his company and such as were of greatest wisedom with them he very ioyfully meeteth the King is entertained presents him with great gifts but receiueth greater Then sitting downe to talke and commune 12 I am saith King Alstenus right gladde most worthy Duke Rollo to see you in this my Court. The renowne of your Nation hath beene related to mee a Martiall kind of Peopleyee are and infight vnconquerable And you your selfe also for your prowesse are not vnnoted among the rest of your famous Worthies your valiant exploits are well knowne vnto vs It is right pleasing vnto vs to enter with such men into amitie Behold our whole kingdome is before you choose out a seate for your selfe and your people wheresoeur you best like for wee will haue an euerlasting league between vs. 13 Rollo glad of so faire promises replied Most worthy and renowmed King I highly esteem of your bountifull and most liberall proffers God grant a happy successe of our affaires I doe thinke myselfe most bounden deuoted to your worthines and if destinie euer answer to our desires we will not be vnthankfull for this your so great benignity To seate ourselues in your kingdome though indeede we are very willing and your Royall proffers do much more incite vs yet Fate doth not permit it I haue determined and will certainly performe to goe into France For your gifts bestowed on me I esteeme them in the highest degree and right well content I am to haue a perpetuall League with you that the like Fortune may betide vs both the one to be a safeguard to the other This I both offer and accept of I his League God grant may to vs both proue happy and fortunate 14 With such like interchanges the time much spent and night drawing on they were brought to banquet And early the next morning comming forth of their lodgings most louingly embraced each other when each gaue receiued presents best suting with their estates and occasions Neither doth Krantzius stay his penne there but proceedeth to particular affaires betwixt these two Princes without the concurrence of any of our owne writers 15 As how the English rose in Armes against Alstenus their King taking oportunity of the time for that Rollo whom they knew to bee ioined in a most strait confederacy with their Soueraigne beeing then imployed in the warres of France could not come or send to his aide Alstenus therefore oppressed with a tumultuous kingdome remembred Rollo his faithful friend and sending Ambassadors declared vnto him what distresse he was in who not vnmindfull of the firme league betwixt them left his French wars and prepared for England with all his Forces where entring the Iland he easily quieted the tumultuous rebels ransacking their Cities curbing their wildenes and so reducing them at last to an orderly subiection For which his great loue care pains the King not vnthankful resolued to requite him with the halfe of his kingdom appointing the Cities and limiting the bounds which each of them should rule and gouerne as their owne possessions 16 Rollo in the meane time as carefull of the peaces continuance as regardlesse of so great remunerations taketh pledges of the Rebels for securing their loialtie to the King and peaceable bearing towards himselfe vpon accomplishment whereof repairing to Alstenus he thus bespake him 17 Seeing King Alstenus you haue so highly rewarded me both with princely entertainment and bountifull presents I can doe no lesse then willingly bestow vpon you these my paines for your safetie it i●… no more then your deserts doe challenge neither will I accept or seeme so vncourteous as to expect for my paines any part of your dominion Your selfe now may well gouerne it for France calles for my presence keepe therefore those your Pledges brought to you by your Subiects and there is no doubt but you shall hence-forward gouerne your Kingdome in a setled and contentfull quietnesse 18 The King could not containe those his eies which now beheld in a stranger so strange and vnexempled kindnes from resoluing into teares giuing him both hearty thanks and rich gifts seeing hee could not fasten on him any portion of his Kingdome of whom all that Rollo desired was this that he would giue licence to such voluntary Souldiers as would goe with him into France whereto Alsten ready in all things to gratifie his desire gladly condescended and furnished him with attendants 19 But leauing Krantius the Dane as likewise Gemeticensis the Norman to fauour their Country these their reports to the best liking of the iudicious most certaine it is that the French King Charles commonly called the Simple gaue the Duchie of Normandy with his daughter Gilla whose mother was Aeguina the daughter of Edward the Elder King of England vnto Rollo the Dane as is recorded in an old manuscript belonging to the Monastery of Angiers And when Rollo was baptized Charles receiuing him for his God-sonne at the Font he was there required to doe homage for his Dukedome receiued and inioined therein to kisse the Kings foot which hee did but with some disgrace to King Charles and bound it with an oath that hee did not receiue it vpon courtesie 20 This Rollo by his second wife Popee for Gilla died childlesse daughter to the Earle of Bessin and Baileulx had a sonne named William surnamed Longespee and a daughter called Girl●…ta who was afterwards married to the Duke of Guyan 21 William Long-espee so called of the Long Sword he vsually wore the second Danish Duke of Normandy took vnto wife Sp●…rta the daughter of Hubert Earle of Se●…tlis by whom hee had onely Richard his sonne this William receiuing baptisme receiued therewith a new name and was thenceforth called Robert who hauing gouerned his Dukedome with great moderation the space of twenty yeeres was guilefully murthered by the working of Lewes King of France to the great griefe of his people who so far followed the reuenge that they intercepted Lewes in the Citie Roth●…mage and deteined him their prisoner till he agreed to these Articles That young Richard should succeed his slaine Father in the foresaid Dukedome and that thenceforth when the King Duke should conferre together the Duke should bee girt with his Sword and the King disabled either of Sword or knife to which Lewes yeelded vpon his corporall oth 22 Richard thus established gouerned his Dukedome the space of fifty two yeeres Hee was a man of an admirable fortitude and therefore was called Richard the Hardy His first wife was Agnes daughter to Hughle Grand Earle of Paris Lord Abbat of Germans and Father to Hugh Capet of France but she dying issuelesse he secondly married G●…or a Gentlewoman of the Danish bloud whom he had kept his Concubine before by whom he had three sonnes and three daughters the first was Richard that succeeded in his dominions the second
was Robert Archbishop of Roan and the third was called Maliger his daughters were Hawisa the wife of Geffrey Earle of Britaine and mother to Alane and Guye his sonnes Mand espoused Euldes Earle of Chartiers and Blois and Emma called the Flower of Normandy was Queene of England both by the English King Ethelred and Canutus the Dane to both which shee was married 23 Richard the second surnamed the Good was the fourth Duke of Normandy and ruled the same for twenty foure yeeres In whose time the Normans began to be great and gracious in England the marriage of his Sister making their way his first wife was Iudith the Sister of Geffrey Earle of Britaigne by whom he had issue Richard the first Duke of Normandy and Robert the sixt William a Monke and Nicholas Abbot of S. Andrewes his daughters by her were Alice that died yong and another of the same name maried to Reinold Earle of Burgoine and Eleanor espoused to Baldwin the fourth Earle of Flanders who bare vnto him Baldwin the fifth father of Maud that was Queene of England and wife to the Conquerour 24 The second wife to Duke Richard the second was Estrike Sister to Canute King of England from whom he purchased a Diuorce without any issue begotten on her body and then taking for his thrid wife a faire Gentlewoman named Pauia had issue by her William Earle of Arques and Mauger Archbishop of Roane 25 Richard the third of that name and fifth Duke of Normandy in the second yeere of his Dukedome died an vntimely death not without suspition of Poyson ministred by Robert his younger brother who presently was inuested in the Dutchie for that he left no issue of his body to succeed 26 This Robert Duke Richards Brother was a man of a magnanimous spirit and of such bounteous liberality as is vncredible Hee comming to the City Phalesya in Normandy chanced to see a most goodly and beautifull damosell dancing among others of her familiar consorts her name was Arlet of meane parentage the daughter of a Skinner saith Higden whose pleasing feature and comely grace so pleased the Duke that taking her to his bed he begot on her William his onely sonne who proued the onely man of the Normans blood and after vpon a remorse of conscience vndertooke a pilgrimage vnto Ierusalem from whence hee neuer againe returned Arlet in Roberts life time was married to Herlaine a Norman Gentleman but of meane substance to whom ●…he bare Odo Bishop of Baion by his halfe-brother William created Earle of Kent and Robert created Earle of Mortaigne a man of a dull and grosse wit a daughter named Emma wife to Richard count of Auranches a Prouince in Normandy the mother of Hugh Lupus Earle Palatine of Chester And thus farre bre●…ly I haue thought good to prosecute the Line of the Normans for the better illustration of our English Stories 27 Duke Robert intending his pious pilgrimage vnto the holy land assembled all his Nobility vnto the City Fiscan where he caused them to sweare fealty vnto 〈◊〉 sonne William being then but seuen yeares old committing him to the Gouernance of one Gilbert an Earle of much integrity and prudence and the defence of that Gouernment vnto Henry the French King and so in the eight yeare of his Dukedome set on his voyage for Ierusalem who entring Iurye and not able to trauaile was born in a litter vpon the Saracens shoulders and neere vnto the Citie meeting a returning Pilgrime desired him to report in his Country what he there saw which is said hee that I am carried to Heauen vpon the Diuels b●…cke but so farre was he borne that he neuer returned being preuented by death which the Norman Peeres hearing made vse thereof for their owne ambitious ends without any regard of young William their Pupill and Soueraigne and grown into factions greatly troubled the Peace of their Country wherein Earle G●…bert the Protector was slaine by Randulphus the young Dukes Cosen-Germane 28 The beginner of these stirres was another of his kinsmen euen 〈◊〉 of 〈◊〉 the sonne of Duke Richards daughter brought vp with Willam in his youth and euer in his most especial esteeme who vpon a vaine hope to aspire to an Earldome got the aide of the Vicounts Nigell and Randulph but tooke such a fall before he could ascend the highest step that in losing his footing he lost therewith his head 29 Strife also arose betwixt yong William and his Vnckle William the base-borne Earle of Archis Whereupon King Henry of France who till then had held this Wolfe by the eare fearing some hazzard to himselfe if he should now let him go thought it best to aid the Earle in his cause and therefore sent him supplie vnder the leading of some men of note but William so begirt his Castle with strait siege that hee caused the Earle by famishment to yeeld vp his Fort and droue the French with disgrace out of the field where with such successe he still prospered that Henry now to secure his own Confines sent Odo his brother for Prefect into those Parts that lay betwixt the Riuers Reyn and the Seyn 30 William as watchfull as the French King was jealous sent against Odo Robert Count Aucensis Hugh Gornacensis Hugh Mountfort and William Crispine all of them stout Souldiers which so brauely bare themselues that Odo was the first man that made away and the restof the French saued themselues by flight 31 William that had sworne a league with King Henry and in his Minority had euer found him his gracious Guardian was loth to endanger the breach of his Oath or the duty that loue and deserts had obliged him vnto and therefore by this Stratagem hee sought to dislodge the French In the silence of Night when in the Kings Campe all were at rest he caused to be cried aloud the flight of Odo and his discomfiture with no lesse terrour then it was which rang so shrill in the eares of the French that Henry thought best to be gone leauing William the absolute Lord of Normandie 32 Which he valiantly defended and vprightly gouerned all the daies of King Henry whose death presently caused an alteration of State for he leauing Baldwine surnamed the Gentle and fifth Earle of Flaunders Tutor to his yong Sonne Philip the quarrell betwixt those two Princes had an end Baldwine on the one side so working his Pupill and on the other the Normane who was his sonne in law that a most firme League was ratified betwixt them and kept vnuiolated so long as William was a Duke where wee will leaue him in prosperitie and peace and proceed in our intendment as he did in his Conquest here in England VVILLIAM SVRNAMED THE CONQVEROVR THE THIRTIE NINTH MONARCH OF THE ENGLISH-MEN AND FIRST OF THE NORMANS HIS LIFE RAIGNE ACTS WIFE AND ISSVE CHAPTER II. BAttle Field wonne with the losse of little lesse then sixty eight
of the Cathedrall Church where there remaineth a monument of him with an inscription entitling him a Duke and some suppose of Bologne 70 William the third Son of King William and Queene Maud was borne in Normandy in the 21. yere of his Fathers Dukedom ten yeeres before he was King 1159. hee was surnamed of the Red colour of his haire in French Rows in Latine Rufus he was brought vp vnder Lanefranke the learned Lumbard who was Archbishoppe of Canterbury of whom he receiued both instructions of knowledge and the order of Knighthood he serued vnder his Father at the battaile of Gerbereth in Normandy 1079 wherein hee was wounded and hee alwaies framed his actions so pleasing to his Fathers humor as that hee thought him much worthier then his elder brother to succeed in his Kingdome 71 Henry the fourth and yongest sonne of King William and Queene Maud his wife was borne in England at Selby in Yorkeshire the third yeere of his Fathers raigne and of our Lord God 1070 his childhood was trained vp in learning at Cambridge saith Caius but the ancient Annales of Saint Austins in Canterbury say he was Philosophiâ peregrè informatus instructed beyond Sea in Philosophy where for his notable knowledge in the Liberall Sciences he was surnamed by the French Beauclerk that is the fine Scholler Vpon his return he was made Knight being 16. yeers old by his Father at Westminster in Whitsontide the nineteenth yeer of his Raign Anno 1086. and thogh at his Fathers death he had nothing bequeathed him but Treasure yet afterward he succeeded his Brothers both in the Kingdome of England and Dutchie of Normandy 72 Cecilie the Eldest daughter of King William and Queene Maude his wife was borne in Normandy brought vp in England and carried againe into Normandy where in the ninth yeere of the Kings Raigne and the yeere of our Lord 1075. shee was by her Father on Ester day with great Solemnity offered vp in the Church of Feschampe vailed to be a Nunne in the Monastery there but was afterward elected by the Nunnes of our Lady at Cane to be Abbesse of their Monasterie founded by her Mother which she gouerned and where she died and was enterred 73 Constance the second daughter of King William and Queene Maud was the first wife of Allayne Earle of little Britaigne surnamed in the British Fergent in English Red. In regard of which marriage and his seruice done at the conquest of England his Father in law gaue him all the lands of Earle Edwine whereon he built the Castle and wherof he made the Earledome of Richmond which long after belonged to the Earles and Dukes of Britaigne his Successors although he had his children by an other wife for she died very yong and without issue and was buried in the Abbey of Saint Edmundsbury in Suffolke 74 Alice the third daughter of King William Queen Maud was married to Stephen Earle of Bloys in France and had issue by him William an Innocent Thibaud surnamed the Great Earle of Blois and Champain Stephen Earle of Mortain and Boleine who was King of England Henry a Monke of Cluny after Abbot of Glastenbury and Bishop of Winchester Mary married to Richard Earle of Chester and Emme wife of one Harbert an Earle of France and mother of Saint William Archbishop of Yorke Shee suruiued Earle Stephen her husband and in her widowhood tooke vpon her the profession of Religion in the Priorie of Nunnes at Marciguy in France where she ended her life 75 Gundred the fourth daughter of King William and of Queene Maud was married to William of Warrein a Nobleman of Normandy who was the first Earle of Surrey in England by whom shee had issue William the second Earle Progenitors of the Earles that followed and Rainold of Warren her second sonne who had also Issue Shee died in Child-bed three yeeres before her husband at Castleaker in Norfolke the 27. of May in the 20. yere of her fathers raigne being the yeere of our Lord 1085. and is buried in the Chapter-house of Saint Pancrase Church within the Priory at the town of Lews in the County of Sussex 76 Ela the fifth daughter of King William and his Queen Maud in her Child-hood was contracted in marriage to Duke Harald when he was in Normandy being then a yong Widower Notwithstanding hee refusing her tooke an other wife and vsurped the Kingdom of England after the death of King Edward whereby hee occasioned his owne ruine and Conquest of his Country which afterward ensued when her Father sought reuenge so much as some write to the discontentment of this Lady that for griefe of these mischances shee euer after refused marriage and led a single and solitarie life though others vpon better warrant collect that shee died yong and before William her Father set forth for England Harald himselfe pleading that hee was free from all couenants and promises to Duke William by reason of the death of this his daughter 77 Margaret the sixth and yongest daughter of King William and Queene Maud was in her childhood giuen in marriage to Alphonso King of Gallicia in Spaine that afterward was so renowned for the Conquest of the City Lysbon for his victories against the Mores and for the slaughter of their fiue Kings and was the founder of the Kingdome of Portugall the first King thereof and the first bearer of the fiue Shields of the said fiue Kinges which are to this day the Armes of the same But this Lady being thus contracted deceased before those things hapned and before shee came to yeeres of lawfull consent to the marriage VVILLIAM THE SECOND SVRNAMED R VFVS THE FORTIETH MONARCH OF THE ENGLISH HIS ACTS RAIGNE AND VNTIMELY DEATH CHAPTER III. WIlliam posting for England Archbishop Lanfrank his earnest soliciter by liberall gifts giuen and promises made to abrogate the ouer hard lawes of his Father had the readier passage into the opinions of them that could doe most and the more to notifie his intended mild gouernment with other his noble inclinations to princely vertues as eye-witnesses of his fauours towards the English hee brought with him from Normandy Morcar the stout Earle of Chester and Wilnoth the sonne of King Harold both of them released out of prison and then held in especiall fauour with him But most of the States standing for Robert Curtoise his elder Brother a man deemed of a more liberall disposition and better temperature towards the Subiects their titles had beene tried by swords had not Lanfrank and Wulstan both wise reuerend Prelates by their Counsels and Mediations staied their hands 2 Consent thus gotten and all voices giuen for William he was crowned their King at Westminster vpon Sunday the twenty sixt day of September and yeere of Saluation 1087. by the hands of Lanfrank Archbishop of Canterbury vnder whom he had beene educated
where calling a Parliament in the presence of himselfe and of Dauid King of Scotland hee caused the Nobles and first before all other Stephen his Sisters Sonne who first did violate it to sweare fealty to her as to his lawfull and now onely heire by whom they should againe come to bee gouerned by the ancient English Roiall bloud from which he shewed her to bee descended which Oath was this that they should as much as in them lay after King Henries decease if hee died without Heire-Male establish her Queene of the Monarchy of Great Britaine now called England But whether they did or no saith Gemeticensis belongs not to mee to tell but this our Story shall hereafter relate and make knowne 48 Giraldus and Higden and some ancient Manuscripts affirme but with very little probability or credite that Henry the Emperour died not at this time as was giuen forth but that rather vpon a remorse of conscience for imprisoning his owne naturall Father Henry the third vnto death and also his Spirituall Father the Pope with his Cardinals repenting these outrages hee laid aside his Imperiall Roabe and secretly fled into England where at Westchester hee became an Hermite changing his name vnto Godscall where he so liued the space of ten yeeres and was buried in the Cathedrall Church of Saint Werburga the Virgine Vpon which his suddaine flight and missing the Empresse Maud some say was suspected to bee guilty of his death and for that cause was kept continually in the Queenes Chamber Indeed that she abode still in Chamber with the Queene Paris records but hee giues a wiser reason thereof for that her Father did loue her exceedingly as being now his sole Heire and where should an Empresse rather liue then with a Queene a Daughter then with her Mother a faire Lady a Widow and an Heire of so great a Kingdom then where her Person might bee safest from danger her mind from inueigling and her carriage from suspition But as for that other idle coniecture it is razed out both by those Writers who record his Buriall and Monumentat Spire as Higden himself signifieth and also by the penne of William Gemeticensis who reporteth her to be a woman generally well thought of and approued among the greatest Princes of the Empire for her prudent and gratious behauiour towards the Emperour her husband insomuch that they became suiters vnto her seeking by all meanes to attaine her to gouerne them and to that end attended her to King Henry in Normandy to solicite the same to whom in no wise hee would giue his consent meaning to make her his Successor in the Kingdome Whereunto Malmsbury who then liued accordeth saying shee was very vnwilling to haue come out of those parts of the Empire where both her dowry and acquaintance lay and that the Princes of those Countries came more then once into England to haue her for their Empresse but that the King would not part with the Heire of his Crowne 49 But King Henrie afterwards desirous to bee free from the variances of these forraine Princes and hearing that Foulke Earle of Anion had giuen his Earledome with the territories of Gaunt and Turyn vnto his Sonne Ieffrey Martell surnamed Plantagenet himselfe minding to abide at Ierusalem whereof he was King in right of his wife Milissent the daughter of Baldwine de Burge lately deceased thought him the fittest to be linked into his alliance therfore concluded a mariage betwixt the said Ieffrey and his onely lawfull daughter Lady Maude the Empresse though partly against her liking as both Gemeticensis and Geruasius of Canterbury doth declare which was solemnized in Normandy the third of Aprill accordingly 50 That William sonne to the Curtoise was formerly fauoured by Earle Foulke wee haue shewed but now he was further followed with increase of Fortune and the French Kings aide onely for a rub in King Henries way for Charles Earle of Flanders being traiterously murdered by his owne People without any his issue to succeed him Lewis of France to make William faster to him set him in possession as the next heire in blood vnto that Larledome William being the sonne of Duke Robert and Robert the Eldest of Queene Maude the wife of the Conquerour and she daughter to Earle Baldwin the fifth whose issue Male now failing the right was from her deriued vnto this her Grand-child William 51 This Ground-worke vnto greatnesse King Henry disliked least by his Nephewes height himselfe might bee ouer topped and his blind fathers wrongs the sooner redressed therefore hauing by his daughters marriage made Aniou his from Normandy he inuaded France euen vnto Hespard where for eight daies he remained as secure as in his owne Kingdome and partly by feare partly by faire paiments wrought Lewis to withdraw his aide from yong William neither so ceased but that hee instigated William de Ypres to disturbe Williams state and did also draw a cerraine Duke named Theodorick out of Germany with a band of Flemmings who entred Flanders in Hostile maner 52 With these last Earle William a Prince for his age of imcomparable prowesse soone met and giuing them battell with an inuincible courage brake through the enemies troopes in such sort that they were discomfited and the Earle had the day whence in this heate of bloud hee marched vnto Angi a Castle of King Henries which after a strong siege being vpon the surrender by a small wound which Earle William receiued in his hand hee shortly died but not without immortall fame for magnanimity and valour 53 Were it not reported by some Writers of note I might here well passe ouer certaine presaging dreames as the Monkes interpreted them which King Henry had being ready now to goe into Normandy for to his seeming he saw a sort of rusticke plough-men with their Instruments of husbandry after them Souldiers with their weapons of Warre and lastly the Bishops with their Crosiers staues all of them angerly threatning and attempting his death wherewith hee was so perplexed that leaping out of his bed he called for helpe but seeing it but a dreame as a dreame he esteemed it and passed ouer into Normandy where long hee staied not but that his Daughter Maud vpon some displeasure departed from her husband and came with her Father into England Some write that she was the pro●…ker of certaine displeasures betwixt her husband and Father which so affected his mind with passions of wrath and griefe that many thought it was a great hastning of his end and indeede Malmsburie witnesseth that the King vpon his death-bed passionately mentioned the wrongs and indignities wherewith her husband had disquieted his mind Howbeit soone after this her departure from him by consent of the States who met at Northampton shee was reconciled to her husband sent vnto him vpon his intreaty and bare
him a sonne whose name was Henry for ioy whereof King Henry assembled his Lords and againe made his said Daughter and the lawfull Heires of her body his Successors in his Dominions 54 And then preparing againe for his last and fatall passage into Normandy tooke shipping vpon the Nones of August the very day wherein he first receiued the Crowne when hapned so wonderfull an Eclipse of the Sunne that Malmsbury the reporter faith himselfe then saw the starres plainly in the Firmament about the Sunne and that two daies after so great and fearefull an Earthquake hapned that the house where in himselfe sate was lifted vp with a double remoue and others say that out of riffes in the earth burning flames arose that could not be quenched which diuers iudged to be fatall prodigies of the deathes of those Princes that soone after ensued 56 For Robert the Curtoise after twenty sixe yeers imprisonment and blindnesse through griefe conceiued at the putting on of a faire new roabe too little for the King and therefore in kindnesse sent to Duke Robert to weare grew weary of his life as disdaining to bee mocked with his brothers cast cloathes and cursing the time of his vnfortunate Natiuity resused thenceforth to take any sustenance and so pined himselfe to death His body was buried at Gloucester in the Church of Saint Peter and middle of the Quire where to this day remaineth his Tombe with a carued Image of his feature as the monument of a most vnfortunate man 57 And not long after K. Henry in Normandy comming scarse very well from Hunting in the Forrest of Lyons and Towne of Saint Denys made his repast of a dish of Lampreyes which meat hee too wel loued but could neuer well digest whereupon he fell more grieuously sicke and the same still increasing after seuen daies sicknesse vpon the first of December the sixty fiue of his age and yeare of Christ Iesus 1135. when hee had raigned King of England thirty fiue yeeres foure moneths lacking foure daies Duke of Normandy twenty nine yeers and foure monethes he died in the said towne of S. Denys and from thence was conueied to Roan where his Bowels Eyes and Braines were taken out and buried the body also sliced and powdred with much salt was wrapped in a Buls hide to auoide the stinch beeing so intollerable a point fitting for such great Princes to thinke on in their great glory and pleasures to remember their fraile and humane condition that the Physitian who tooke out his braines was poisoned therewith and presently died wherupon some obserued that other Kings killed men in their life but he also * after he was dead thence was his Corps carried into England and honourably buried vpon the day of Christs Natiuity at Reading in Barkeshire in the Abbey that himselfe had there founded and endowed with large possessions 58 After his death saith Huntington and Houeden men spake their mind as freely of him as of any other dead man some commending him for these three glorious felicities Wisedome Victory and Wealth others condemning him for three especiall vices Couetousnesse Cruelty and Lechery some instances of which wee haue touched in the relation of his life the first three in obtaining and keeping the Crowne the last in his most grieuous taxations cruell handling and imprisoning his Brother and his incontinency of life shall presently appeare by his many illegitimate issues the fruites of his wantonnes and witnesses of his shame in that Princes who are to punish such sinnes in others ought themselues especially to be free from them for though their liuing fortunes stoppe mens tongues from vpbraiding yet after their death the tongues of the vulgar and pennes of the learned will make the infamy of their vices to bee immortall 59 He was for personage of a reasonable stature broad breasted well iointed and full of flesh amiable of countenance sharpe and faire eyes blacke of haire and that somewhat carelesly hanging on his forehead his mind was enriched with many vertues a follower of Iustice a louer of Religion seuere against theeues and all effeminate nicities So that hee commanded mens long haire which against God and Natures law was matchable at that time with womens to be cut off temperate of diet and neuer drinking but for thirst valiant in battaile yet very circumspect seeking rather to win by wise care then by effusion of bloud and by the report of most Writers excelled all the Princes of the World in his time in Mercy Wealth and Bounty vnto Monasteries the land hee defended by Garrisons of Souldiers planted on the Confines of his neighbour Princes building many Forts Bulwarkes and Castles besides twenty fiue Townes and Cities whatsoeuer was wisely or vertuously performed in his Gouernement is chiefly ascribed to his yonger yeares institution in true Learning and Philosophy which was the great furnishment of him vnto the Science of Regality being often heard to say that hee esteemed an vnlearned King but a crowned Asse In which regard saith Rossus hee tooke chiefe pleasure to reside in his new Palace which himselfe built at Oxford both for the delight he had in learned men himselfe being very learned and for the vicinity of his new Parke at Woodstocke which he had fraught with all kind of strange beasts wherein he much delighted as Lyons Leopards Lynces Camells Porcupins and the like His delight also in works of deuotion shewes it selfe both in the erection and indowment of the Collegiate and Episcopall Sees of Carlile and Ely as also of the Abbayes of Hide Circester Reading and the Priorie of Dunstable His Wife Queene Maud founded the Priorie of Holy Trinity within Algate and the Hospital of Saint Giles in the Fields so that by himselfe his Queene and other deuoted persons twenty foure foundations to religious vses if not more were erected in the raigne of this King His Wiues 60 Maude the first Wife of King Henry was the daughter of Malcolme the third surnamed Canmoir King of Scotland her mother was S. Margaret daughter to Edward sonne of Edmund the Ironside King of England She was married vnto him at London in the first yeare of his raigne Anno 1100. by Anselme Archbishop of Canterbury hauing formerly vowed her selfe a Nunne which some swore she did not for loue of single life but to auoide some vnworthy matches which her Father would haue imposed on her Her Coronation was at Westminster by the same Anselme on Sunday the eleuenth of Nouember in the same yeare She was his wife seuenteene yeeres and more famous for her learning loue to learning charity to the poore and all vertuous dispositions and deceased at Westminster the first of May in the eighteenth yeere of his raign and yeere of our Saluation 1118. where shee was buried in S. Peters Church on
must be once againe forsworn as all the world doth know that Henry at his death bequeathed the Crowne vnto Stephen to the preiudice of his owne daughter a man in a word who accounts Treacherie a Vertue and Periurie a courtly quality Among these Gallants marcheth the Earle Albemarle a man of a singular constancy in euill very ready to attempt very loath to leaue any mischiefe whose wife through irkesomnes of his vnsufferable filthy qualities is gone from him the Earle that keeps her hee commeth against vs too a notorious adulterer and the Non-pareill of impurity a true Souldier of Bacchus a stranger to Mars to whom the sight of all bloud except of the Grape is verie fearefull Then setteth forth Simon Earle of Hampton whose deeds consist altogether in words and whose liberality onely in promises for when he hath said he hath done and yee get no more Lastly you see here gathered a knot of Peeres all like to their Prince accustomed to robberies enriched with rapines fatned with man-slaughters and all tainted with periurie You therefore Noble spirits whom great Henry aduanced and this Stephen hath cast downe whom Henry made wealthy and Stephen hath empouerished be now couragious and vpon assured confidence of your great valours yea of Gods iustice seeke both your iust Reuēge which God euen puts into your hands on these vngodly wretches and immortall Glorie which shall hence-forward attend both your selues and your posterity for euer If you are all of this mind for executing this Iudgement of God now vpon them then vow your selues vnto God and this his seruice and forbear nay rather forswear to shew your backs to your foes At which words all iointly lifting vp their hands and acclamations vnto heauen with a terrible shout abiured all thought of flight and quickning vp their braue spirits aduanced gallantly towards the enemy 26 King Stephen the meane while was farre from being idle who also ordered his Armie into three seuerall Battalions the greatest part and best harnassed whose horses he had sent away perhaps also to depriue his men of all hope of flight he appointed to remaine on foot with himself and certain of his Nobles all vnder one Banner The horsemen hee disposed into two seuerall wings the one commaunded by Alaine Duke of Britaine Hugh Bi god Earle of Norfolke Simon Earle of Hampton witthe two Earles of Mellent and Warren and the other Wing was gouerned by William de Ypres the Fleming Then the King because his voice was not very pleasing or audible commaunded Baldwine Fitz-Gilbert a man of great honour and prowesse to vtter his mind vnto the Army who standing conueniently to be heard spake vnto them as followeth 27 All such as addresse themselues and expose their liues to the hazard of battaile haue three things aduisedly to be thought on The equitie of their cause the Number of the Forces the sufficiency of their men The first lest they endanger the state of their Soules the next lest they be ouerlaied with multitude of their enemies and the last lest while they presume vpon numbers they find them but faint-hearted to their vtter ruine But in all these wee know ourselues to be sufficiently furnished The Iustice of our cause is for obseruing the vow made before God vnto our King to withstand them that haue falsified their faith euen to the hazard of our liues For our Number in Horsemē t is not inferior to theirs in Footmen we farre exceede them and for sufficiency what words can equall the noble valour of so many Earles Lords Captaines and Followers trained vp euer in the warres But aboue all the incomparable prowesse and presence of our King will be in stead of thousands to vs. Sith then this our Lord and the Lords Anointed to whom you vowed your faith is in field here amongst you now performe this your vow vnto God assured that the more constant you proue in this your Princes seruice and faithfull against those faithles periured persons the more shall your reward bee at the hands of God and of him Therefore be both couragious and confident the rather considering against whom you fight euen against Robert the Base-borne Generall whose vtmost worth is well knowne for he can threaten much and performe as little a Lions tongue and a Hares heart his faire speech is his credit his foule actions are his shame Chesters Earle what is hee a man audacious but without all iudgement heady to plot a treason but still wauering in the pursuit of it ready to runne into battaile but vncircumspect in any danger aiming beyond his reach and conceiting things meerely impossible and therefore hath he few with him that know him but leads onely a rout of vagrant rascals so there is nothing in him to bee feared for whatsoeuer he beginnes like a Man he ends it like a Woman vnfortunate in all his vndertakings in his encounters stil either vanquished or if he chance rarely God wot on a victorie it is with farre greater losses then the conquered The Welshmen he bringeth are fitter for our contempt then feare their rashnes you may easily see for it is naked and vnarmed who wanting both military Art and Practise runne headlong like brutes vpon the Hunters Iauelins The rest aswell Nobles if such they may bee tearmed as common Souldiers are but straglers and runnagates of whom I would wish their number greater for the more they be the more successesse will bee their seruice You therefore great Peeres and Worthies it now behoueth and indeed it much behoueth you to bee very mindfull both of your Valours and Noblenesse this day aduance your Prowes to the height and following the foresteps of your famous Ancestors leaue to your posterities both a noble patterne and an euerlasting renowne Your dayly successe of victories should quicken your hearts this day to atchieue brauely and the continuall miscarrying of our enemies will quicken their heeles to flie as speedily and I dare say they already repent of their comming hither and are by this time casting how to be gone if the nature of the place would giue them leaue Then sith it is vnpossible for them either to fight or flie why come they hither but euen by Gods own appointment to offer themselues and all their prouisions into your hands and here you see their horses their Armour yea and their bodies to rest at your pleasure reach forth therefore your warlicke hands to seize on that ioyfully which God hath freely brought you Which exhortation hee had scarsly closed when the noiseof Trumpets and shout of the enemies comming on was Rhetoricke enough to incite them to their tasks 28 A sore battaile was fought and with equall successe a long time maintained for the band of the disherited whose particular wrongs whetted their courage and were therefore politickly placed in the front brake terribly into the Kings Vauntgard and contrariwise William of Ypres into
in the Moneth of October the seuenth of King Henries raigne and of Christ Iesus 1160. 54 Maud the eldest daughter of King Stephen and Queene Maud was borne before her father was King in the raign of King Henrie the first her vncle in whose time also she deceased beeing but yongue though some report shee was wife to the Earle of Millen and was enterred at London with her brother Baldwin in the Priorie of the Trinity aforesaid then commonly called Christs-Church and now latelie named the Dukes Place within Algate 55 Marie the yonger daughter of King Stephen and Queene Maude was a Nun and Abbesse of the Nunnerie at Rumsey in Hampshire notwithstanding when her brother William Earle of Bolloigne was deceased without issue shee was secretly taken from thence and married to Matthew the yonger sonne of Terry of Alsat and brother of Philip Earle of Flanders who in her right was Earle of Bolloigne Shee was his wife ten yeeres and was then diuorced from him by the sentence of the Pope and enforced to returne to her Monastery hauing had issue by him two daughters which were Ide and Maude allowed by the censure of the Church to be legitimate Lady Ide the elder was maried to Raymond of Damp-Martine in her right Earle of Bolloigne and Maude the yonger to Henrie Duke of Lorraine His Naturall Issue 56 William the Naturall sonne of King Stephen is mistaken of some to bee the same William that was Earle of Bolloigne Others who know that William Earle of Bolloigne was lawfully borne do thinke that his father had no other son named William but him wherein let William Earle of Bolloigne the lawfull son of King Stephen be himselfe a lawfull witnesse of the truth who hauing best cause to know it doth best prooue it and in an ancient Charter of his beeing written in those daies and extant in these doth name him for a witnesse and calleth him his Brother 57 Geruais another Naturall sonne of King Stephen begotten on a gentle-woman named Dameta and borne in Normandy was brought into England by his father the fifth yeere of his Raigne Anno Dom. 1140. Hee was the same yeere by his fathers meanes made Abbat of Westminster and so continued for the space of twenty yeeres hee deceased there the twentie sixt of August in the sixt yeere of the raigne of King Henrie the second the yeere of Grace 1160. and lieth buried in the South part of the cloister within the said Monasterie vnder a flat stone of black marble which is remaining there vntil this day HENRIE THE SECOND DVKE OF NORMANDY GVYEN AND AQVITAINE THE FORTIE THIRD MONARCH OF THE ENGLISH-MEN HIS RAIGNE ACTS AND ISSVE CHAPTER VI. HEnry of that name the second by the double interest of descent and adoption as you haue heard succeeded in the Kingdome of England whose Pedegree which Mathew Paris extendeth by the mothers side in a right line vp to Noah and former fortunes hauing already been touched his counsels acts and other affaires of greatest importance after the death of King Stephen come now to be handled 2 Hee came not to the Crown vnexpected nor vndesired for the opinion of the man and hope conceiued of his future gouernement had the force to hold England in good obedience without the presence of a King about sixe weekes whose entrance like that of the Soule into the Body did quicken and enspirite the Realme as then in the person of England this clozing verse or Epiphoneme spake Spirituses caro sum te nunc intrante reuixi Thou Soule I Body am by thee to life I came Neither did his presence diminish the expectations raised but was saluted King with generall acclamations and with no lesse ioy at Westminster by Theobald Archbishop of Canterbury annointed and crowned the summe of whose first courses for setling his State was this 3 Sundry Castles nests of Rebels hee flatteth to the earth some others hee fortifies or resumes at his pleasure chiefly such estates as had beene alienated from the Crowne as the hire and vniust reward of those who withstood his claime Others write that hee promiscuously tooke all such lands into his owne possession as were by Iurors found vpon oath to haue belonged at any time vnto the Crowne Some Earles vnduly created he reduceth to priuate condition and purgeth the Realme from sorrine Souldiers chiefly from the Flemings whose mercenary swarmes most pestred the same and had most insested him And because Gouernment is the Soule of State and Wisedome the Soule of Gouernment he chooseth to himselfe a Body of Counsell out of the most eminent persons of both sorts such was Theobald Archbishop of Canterbury and for that selfe consideration he laid the Chancellorship of England vpon Thomas Becket and held in speciall fauour Iohn of Oxenford with sundry other Prelates of chiefest note of the Laity he had Robert Earle of Leicester chiefe Iusticiar of England Richard de Luci Iocelin de Bailull Alan de Neuile and others but for a Cabanet-Counsellour at all times he had his owne mother Matildis the Empresse one of the most sage and experienced Ladies of the World Thus then furnished and assembling a Counsell at Wallingford hee aswell for his owne securing as for the assurance of his Children sweares the Realme to the succession of his sonnes William and Henry the one being in remainder to the other 4 But quiet consultation did not take vp the most of his time euen in the daies of these Sun-shining beginnings for the raign of Stephen a most gentle Prince who thought out of the necessity of his owne estate that it was not safe for him to bee seuere hauing giuen way for many of the mighty to maintaine sundrie insolencies these now feeling a restraint beganne not a little to repine but Hugh de Mortimer wanton with greatnes and the most arrogant man aliue stuft his Castles of Glocester Wigmore and Bridgenorth with rebellious Garrisons which Henry notwithstanding reduced to subiection though in the siege of the last-named not without imminent perill of his person had not Hubert de S. Clare cast himselfe betweene death and the King taking the arrow into his owne bosome to preserue his Soueraignes life It bound Tiberius to Seianus most of all when a part of the banqueting Caue in which they were suddenly falling Seianus was found to haue borne the ruine from the Emperour with the perill of his life but Seianus suruiued that aduenture which our Senclere did not saue onely in the better renowne thereof which deserues to bee immortall being an Act of piety worthy of a Statue with Codrus Curtius Manlius or whosoeuer else haue willingly sacrificed themselues for their Country or for the Father of their Country the King 5 Henrie thus hauing in some sort setled England hasteth into France to King Lewis in the first yeere of his raigne and there did homage vnto
laid the ground seeing it is his holy will that thou at this time shouldst bee without a wife Know thou then that I haue that one daughter Eua the heire of my Crowne and comfort of my age let thine owne eye tell thee how faire and worthy this I dare auouch that thou wilt thinke far broader seas wel crost for view of so honest beauty she in the first blossome of her youth a vertuous virgine and by both Parents borne of Princes shall at thine arriual with this right hand bee made thine and with her after my death my whole realme and other my rights whatsoeuer which were they infinitely more despise not such loue nor thealliance of one distre●…ed but neuerthelesse a King I would repute them farre too little for such a sonne in law who though thy selfe as yet no King art come of Kings and it is my whole and last ambition that I may liue to make thee one The Earle accepted the conditions resolute to set vp Dermot againe and for that purpose bound himselfe by solemne contract to the full performance of his part within a certaine time 53 Dermot hauing thus negotiated his affaires and set it in so good forwardnes while his friends in England prepared themselues and their Forces lest hee should seeme to relie vpon forraine aides and so to diminish with them the reputation of his owne valour and alliances at home hee sailes backe into his Country carrying with him the promises of confederates and there both by his presence and perswasions did the best hee could to facilitate the entrance of the English whose honourable entertainements deuotions ciuility riches valours wisedome and victorious greatnesses he spared not to celebrate as instruments aduancing his own designes which raised no little expectation mixt with contrary affections of desire and feare 54 The next yeare when the season grew fit for an Army to take the field Robert Fitz-Stephen accompanied with Maurice Fitz-Gerald his halfe brother by the surer side a competent number of Souldiers reposing vnder God their chief hope in their swords and courages set saile for Ireland in the beginning of May came on shore at a place called by the Irish B●…nn by the English at this day commonly Bagg and Bunn which in our language signifies Sacred a word which so much as names may be presages of things did as it were hallow the attempt of the English with a lucky and gratious omination whereof the Inhabitants at this present retaine this rime At the head of Bagg and Bunn Ireland was lost and wun 55 The next day after Maurice de Prendergast also with other men of Armes and many Archers in two shippes arriued there being parcell of Fitz-Stephans Forces and Companions of his Fortunes who ioining themselues together immediatly marcht to the City of Weisford vnder their Banners and that in the greatest brauery they could the Knights and Men at Armes in their Coates of Arms Colours to draw thereby now at the first the greater reputation to themselues and with opinion so gotten to fill vp the smalnes of their numbere in which manner assailing the City the Irish therein rendred themselues and in reward of the seruice being also according to capitulation and encouragement of others who were to proceed in this warre Dermot to whose vse the English Generall had taken it bestowed the City it selfe and the Country about vpon Robert Fitz-Stephen at his pleasure to be disposed off and there the first Colony of our Nation was planted which hath euer since immoueably maintained their abode among innumerable changes in the world retaining at this day the ancient attire of the English and the language also it selfe though brackish with the mixture of vulgar Irish which therefore by a distinct name is called Weisford speech current onely in that City the County about 56 But Robert Fitz-Stephan thus aduanced for his more assurance beganne to raise a Town at Carricke making the place which nature had already fortified much more by Art defensible This entrie into Ireland being by him now made vnder the name of Henry King of England and the successe exceeding hope Richard Strong-bow receiuing aduertisement from Dermot and the new Lord of Weisford of all occurrences thought fitte first to dispatch some supplies to Fitz-Stephen which about the beginning of May vnder the conduct of Raimundle grosse a Gentleman of the Earles family were accordingly sent and after Raimund the Earle himselfe in the same yeere set forth His Forces were about two hundreth men of Armes and a thousand other Souldiers with whom he came safe to Anchor in the Bay of Waterford vpon the Vigil of Saint Bartholmew August 23. Ann. 1171. Earle Richard the Generall knowing that expedition did carry with it terrour and aduantage presently marcheth to Porthlarge the Irish name of Waterford and vpon the very next day tooke the City by force and sacrificed the armed Inhabitants to the reuenge of Dermot so the rather to make roome and security for themselues to the exceeding terrour and iust dismay of all about as they who found that howsoeuer the pretence was to resettle Dermot the purpose was to seat the English for euer 57 But Dermot Author of this calamity to his Nation resolute in his purpose in full complement of his Contract doth openly in solemne maner bestow his promised daughter Eua vpon the Conquerour in mariage with his owne right hand giuing her in the Church at which time the famous Strong-bow did not celebrate his particular Wedding-day but the indissoluble knot of the Irish allegiance to the English Soueraignetie with the same Ring which circuled his Wiues finger affiancing that Iland to this our Country 58 The Marriage performed it was far from the mind of the Earle to spend much time in reuels and feasts but consults with his men of warre what was next to bee done for the setling his Father in law King Dermot and for finishing the Conquest which was now so happily begunne in two seuerall parts of Ireland at once Leauing therfore a sufficient Garrison to make good the places already gaind to secure the lāding of fresh supplies he sets forward with his selected Companies to whose victorious weapons the whole Realme lay open so farre forth that Rotherick himself was very wel contented notwithstanding his lately vsurped swelling title of Monarch of Ireland to hold himselfe within the bogs and fastenesses of his peculiar Realme the wild and mountainous Connaught meane while Strongbow keepes on his way ouer the bosome of Ireland to the principall City therof Dublin taking in as he marcheth all the places about and securing himselfe by pledges of their loialty or otherwise as he saw most fitte In which iourney pleased with the delight and fertile situation of Kildare he resolued there to settle his abode and to erect a seate to his
sonne Iohn first in the Catalogue of the Conspirators against him in that action hee bitterly cursed the howre of his birth laying Gods curse and his vpon his sonnes which hee would neuer recall for any perswasion of the Bishoppes and others but comming to Chinon fell there grieuously sicke and feeling death approch hee caused himselfe to be borne into the Church before the Altar where after humble confession and sorrow for his sinnes hee departed this life 100 It shal not in contempt of humane glory be forgotten that this puissant Monarch being dead his people presently left him and fell to spoile all he had leauing him naked of whom one saith trulie and grauely Verè melmuscae c. Surely these flies sought honey these wolues a Carcase these Ants grain for they did not follow the Man but the spoile and bootie Neither must it be vnremembred that the fierce and violent Richard now heire of all comming to meete his Fathers body roially adorned for the buriall according to the Maiestie of his estate the very Corse as it were abhorring and accusing him for his vnnaturall behauiours gushed forth bloud whereat Richard pierced with remorse melted into flouds of teares in most humble and repentant maner attending vpon the remaines of his vnfortunate Father to the Graue His Wife 101 Eleanor the Wife of King Henry was the eldest of the two Daughters and the sole Heire of William Duke of Aquitaine the fift of that name the ninth in succession sonne of Duke William the fourth her Mother was Daughter to Raimund Earle of Tholo●…se and her great Dowrie was motiue first to King Lewis who had two daughters by her Mary and Alice and after to King Henry to marry her There are of the French Historians who report that king Henry had a former wife and that shee bare vnto him Prince Henry but Writers of our owne affaires and some also of the French acknowledge but onely Eleanor for his Wife Certain it is that king Henries times were much famoused by two Women of much differing qualities the one was his renowmed Mother Matildis whose Epitaph thus comprised part of her glory Ortu magna viro maior sed maxima prole Hic i●…cet Henrici Fili●… Sponsa Parens Here Henries Mother Daughter Wife dothrest By Birth much more by Spouse by Child most blest The other was this Eleanor his Wife the first cause of these bloudie Warres which long after continued as hereditary betwixt England and France yea and the bellows of that vnnaturall discord betwixt her husband and his sonnes Shee much out-liued her husband as a bad thing stickes longest beeing so happie as to see three of her sonnes aduanced to the Crowne and so vnhappie as to see two of them in their graues for she liued till King Iohns time His Issue 102 William the eldest sonne and first child of King Henry and Queene Eleanor his wife was borne before his father was King and while hee was but Duke of Normandy in the eighteenth yeere of the raigne of King Stephen 1152. and the fourth yeere after his father beeing then King and in the second yeere of his raigne the Nobilitie of England sware vnto him their fealtie as to the heire apparant of the Kingdome at the Castle of Wallingford in Barkeshire but he deceased the yeere following being the third of his fathers raigne and the fift of his owne age 1156. He was buried in the Monastery of Reading at the feete of his great Grandfather King Henrie the first 103 Henrie the second sonne of King Henry and Queene Eleanor beeing borne the last of Februarie 1156. was their heire apparant after the death of his brother William was Duke of Normandie Earle of Aniou and Maigne and was crowned King of England at Westminster by Roger Arch-bishop of Yorke the fifteenth of Iulie 1170. His wife was Margaret daughter of Lewis the Yonger King of France married to him at Nuburgh in Normandy the second of Nouember 1160. crowned Quene at Winchester by Rotrocke of Warwicke Arch-bishop of Roan the 21. of Nouember 1163. and suruiuing him was remarried to Bela King of Hungarie He died without issue before his father at Marcell in Tour●…ine the eleuenth of Iulie the twentie sixe yeere of his fathers raigne 1182. and was buried in the Church of our Lady at Roan 104 Richard the third sonne of King Henrie and Queen Eleanor was born at Oxford in the Kings Pallace there called Beau-Mount in September the fourth yeere of his fathers raigne 1157. He proued a Prince of great valor and was therefore surnamed in French Cuer-de-Lion in English Lions-Heart hee was created Earle of Poyton and had the whole Dutchie of Aquitaine for which he did his homage to King Lewis the Yonger of France in the eighteenth yeere of his fathers raigne 1170. yet afterward he conceiued some discontentment against his father and maintained warres vpon him but was reconciled againe into his loue and succeeded him in his Kingdome 105 Geffrey the fourth sonne of King Henrie and of Queene Eleanor was borne the twentie third of September in the fifth yeere of his fathers raigne 1159. Hee married Constance daughter and heire of Conan Duke of Britane and in her right was Duke of Britane and did his homage to his brother Henry for the same Dutchie and receiued the homages of the Barrons of the same hee died at Paris in the thirtie two yeere of his fathers raigne 1186. the nineteenth of August and is buried in the quire of our Ladies Church there hee had issue Arthur Duke of Britane borne after his fathers decease the heire apparant of King Richard and by some supposed to bee made away by King Iohn and also Eleanor called the Da●…sell of Britane who died in prison in the raigne of King Henrie the third 106 Philip the fifth sonne of King Henrie and Queene Eleanor may bee mistrusted to be mistaken by Antiquaries of our time as misunder-standing the ancient writers who mentioning the birth of Philip the Kings sonne might by good likelihood be thought to meane Philip sonne of Lew●… the Yonger King of France who was borne about this time and was after King of the same Countrey But Mr Tho●…as Talbot an exact trauailer in genealogies hath not onely set him downe in this place amongst the children of this King but also warranteth the same to bee done with good authoritie howsoeuer it is apparant his life was verie short 107 Iohn the sixth and yongest sonne of King Henrie and Queene Eleanor was borne in the thirteenth yeere of his fathers raigne in Anno 1166. hee was iestinglie surnamed by his father Sans-terre in English without Land because hee was borne last as if there had beene nothing left for him Notwithstanding soone after hee was created Earle of Mortaigne and had more-ouer by degrees the Earledomes of Cornwall and Glocester the Counties of Derby and Lancaster the Honors of Wallinford and Nottingham the Castles of
Tikhill Marlborow and Ludgarfall with many other great Seigniories and aboue them all was also Lord of Ireland and at the last succeeded his brother Richard in all his-Dominions and was King of England 108 Maud the eldest daughter of King Henry and Queene Eleanor borne in the third yeere of her fathers raigne married to Henrie surnamed the Lion Duke of Saxonie Lothar that died yong Otho the fourth German Emperour and William borne at Winchester progenitor of the Dukes of Brunswicke who bare for their Armes the Coat of England with the two Lions as King Henrie his Grandfather bare before the match with Queene Eleanor and Maud married to Geffrey Earle of Perch Shee suruiued him and died in the first yeere of the raigne of her brother King Richard and was buried by her husband in the Church of S. Blase at Brunswicke 109 Eleanor the second daughter of King Henrie and Queene Eleanor was borne at Roan in Normandy in the eight yeere of her fathers raigne 1162. She was married to Alf●…se the ninth of that name surnamed the Good King of Castile in Spaine and had issue by him Sa●…ches that died in his infancie Ferdinando that died in his youth Henry King of Castile after his Father Blaunch Queene of France wife to King Lewis the 8. and mother of Saint Lewis Berengar married to Alfonso king of Lion Vrraca Queene of Portugall and Eleanor wife of Iames king of Arragon 110 Ioane the third and yongest daughter of king Henry and Queene Eleanor his wife was born at the City of Angiers in France in the moneth of October the 13. yeare of her Fathers raigne which was the yeere of our Lord 1166. when shee was eleuen yeeres of age shee was with great honour conueied to the City of Palermo and there married to William the second of that name king of Sicil Duke of Apulia and Prince of Capua vpon Sunday the 13. day of Februarie 1177. and was crowned Queene the same day at the same place Shee had a sonne by him named Boamund whom his Father when hee was returned from his Christning created Duke of Apulia but the child died first and the Father after leauing no issue And she suruiuing married againe and was the third wife of Raimund the fourth of that name Earle of Tholouz by him shee had Issue Raimund the last Earle of that house Bertrand Lord of Branquell Montelore and Saluiac and a daughter married to Berald of Elbeine Prince of Orenge His Naturall Issue 111 William the Naturall sonne of king Henry born of Rosamund the daughter of Walter Lord Clifford which Lady for her incomparable beauty was reputed with allusion to her name Rosa-mundi the Rose of the world the deare affection the king bare her caused both burning iealousie in the Queene and fatall ruine to her selfe albeit the amorous king for her secresie and security but what walles will not a iealous eye pierce through had built for her a most artificiall Labyrinth at Woodstocke in Oxfordshire with such cunning windings and intricate passages as had not Fate and Heauens reuenge on Adultery shewed the way the enraged Queen had not so soone beene rid of her Riuall nor that wanton Dame of her life Shee was buried in the Nunnery of Godstow by Oxford with this Epitaph Hac iacet in Tumba Rosa 〈◊〉 non Rosa munda Non redolet sed olet quaredolere solet Rose This Tombe doth here enclose the Worlds most be●…teous Rose passing sweet ere while Now ●…ght but edour vile But Hugh called the Saint Bishop of Lincolne thought the Hearse of a Harlot no fit spectacle for a Quire of Virgins to contemplate therefore himselfe in person caused her bones to be cast foorth of the Church which yet those chast sisters afterward recollected and placed there againe with much honour ●…cting a goodly Crosse thus inscribed to the honour of her memory Qui meat hac oret Signumque salutis adoret Vtque tibi detur requies Rosamunda precetur All you which passe this way This Crosse adore and pray That Rosamunas Soule may True rest possesse for ●…ye The first Sonne which by her King Henry had was the said William surnamed in French Longespee in English Long-Sword He was Earle of Salisburie in right of Ela his Wife Daughter and h●…ire of William Earle of that County son of Earle Patrick by whom hee had Issue William Earle of Salisbury Stephen Earle of Vlster Ela Countesse of Warwicke Ida Lady Beucham of Bedford and Isabell Lady Vescie his sonne Earle William the second had Earle William the third Father of Margaret Wife of Henry Lacie Earle of Lincolne hee died in the Castle of old Salisbury and was buried in the Cathedrall Church of the New City in the ninth yeare of the raigne of king Henry the third 112 Geffrey an other Naturall sonne of king Henry was borne of the Lady Rosamund aforesaid This man in his tender youth was by his Fathers procurement made Archdeacon of Lincolne and after Bishop of that See which hee held aboue seauen yeeres without consecration and then resigning it in the yeare 1181. into the hands of Richard Archbishop of Canterbury and his Father hee was made Chancellour of England and afterward by his brother king Richard hee was aduanced to the Archbishopricke of Yorke being consecrated at Tours in France An. 1191. which See he gouerned with good approbation But in the time of his Brother King Iohn hee vnderwent many difficulties by opposing the Kings purposes who therefore made seisure of his whole state and An. 1207. he left the Land and after fiue yeeres banishment died viz. Ann. 1213. 113 Morgan an other Naturall sonne of King Henry is thought by some because so small mention is made of him to haue beene of no long life after his birth and to haue beene borne of some woman in Wales where this Christian name is most commonly vsed and whither this King vpon many occasions sometimes resorted But some others whose studious paines deserue much thankes of posteritie report that hee was gotten on the wife of one Rodulph Bloeth or Blewet a knight and liued both to bee Prouost of Beuerley and to be elected to the Bishopricke of Durham when comming to Rome for a dispensation because his Bastardie made him otherwise vncapable the Pope willed him to professe himselfe Blewets lawfull son and not the Kings Naturall promising to consecrate him on that condition but he vsing the aduise of one William Lane his Clerke told the Pope that for no worldly promotion he would renounce his father or deny himselfe to bee of roiall bloud so blind were some Prelats of those times who esteemed spirituall functions to be but worldly promotions RICHARD THE FIRST DVKE OF NORMANDY GVYEN AND AQVITAINE c. THE FORTIE FOVRTH MONARCH OF THE ENGLISH-MEN HIS RAIGNE ACTS AND ISSVE CHAPTER VI. RICHARD succeeding to his deceased Father Henrie brought forth that wonder which a Writer ofthat age
Emperour as likewise the Empresse stooping low receiued on his head the Diadem from the Popes feet and presently againe the Pope strake the Emperors crowne with his foot and dasht* it to the ground signifying that hee had power to throw him vpon his demerites out of his Empire but the Cardinals catching vp the crowne put it againe on the Emperours head 25 The same day in which Philip his French Forces set saile out of the Hauen of Messana arriued Alienor King Richards mother accompanied with Berengaria his new intended Spouse daughter to* Sanctius King of Nauaire whome afterward he tooke to wife in Cyprus but his Mother after a short stay returned by Rome into England leauing the young Lady with Ioan Queene Dowager of Sicilie both which accompanied the King toward the holy Land his whole Nauie being one hundred and fifty great ships and fifty three Gallies well appointed for the warre and many other Sailes and Vessels and not to omit the same because it is recorded as a singularity he had among all these * thirteen Buces or Buscies which had each of them three course of Sailes to saile with but no Writer so farre as we yet find declares what numbers of Souldiers were in the English Armie 26 This Nauie roiall betweene the Isles of Rhodes and Cyprus for the honor and good of King Richard was scatterd by God with a terrible tempest some one or two of which suffered wreack vpon the Isle of Cyprus whom Cursac or as other call him Isakius Emperour of the Griffons being a tyrant did spoile and contrary to Christian Religion which was his profession though some mistake and all honour and humanity he would not among other his vnprincely or rather barbarous behauiours suffer the Kings sister and Lady Berengaria with other of that tender societie to come into harbour to their great discontentment and perill a Shippe or two sinking there but neither would God nor King Richard forgiue it him 27 For the said vnworthy Prince hauing thrice refused to make restitution of his vnlawfull seisures and prisoners was entred vpon by the English driuen from the shoares with great dishonour and slaughter the City Limeszun left for a prey to the victors and himselfe beaten againe out of his Campe and taken and after an escape made by him his onelie daughter and heire yeelding her selfe and her Father lastly comming againe of his owne accord as despairing to lie hid vnder custodie and thrust into fetters of gold and siluer the whole Iland with all the people strength and riches thereof became subiect to the King of England and both Father and Daughter led away into captiuity 28 There arriued at Limeszun to salute and honour King Richard within three dayes after his first victory Guido King of Ierusalem Geofrey de Lenizant his brother Raimund Prince of Antioch Earle Boemond his sonne c. offering their seruices and swearing to bee his against all men with whose priuity King Richard seised the flourishing and spatious Iland of Cyprus by antiquity celebrated as the very seate of Venus which that it might so proue to himselfe in the ioyous moneth he solemnly took to wife his beloued Lady Berengaria 29 The person of the Emperour for by that lofty title Writers call him was sent to Tripolis in Syria vnder the custody of Ralph Fitz Godfrey Lord Chamberlaine to King Richard his daughter was committed to the two Queenes Berengaria and Ioan the Iland it selfe was entrusted to Richard de Camuile and Robert de Turnham his Viceroyes with competent force and prouisions and the Ilanders suffered to enioy all such lawes and liberties as they held in the time of Manuel the Emperour of Constantinople or as now they call it of S●…mboli 30 This fame of Richard was much enlarged by his conquering a mighty Argosey called a Dromond wherein were aboord one thousand and fiue hundreth Sarazens though disguised vnder French Flagges furnished besides all other prouisions with fire-workes barrelles or cages of venemous serpents and the like for the vse of the Sarazens at Acon anciently called Ptolomais to the siege whereof he was then sailing thirteene hundreth of which Miscreants he sacrificed to Mars Neptune keeping the rest for ransome 31 Philip King of France in hope perhaps to conquere Acon before the English could arriue and to winne thereby that glory intire came safe before that City in Easter weeke but as yet had not forced the same at which time that the Reader may obserue the generall disposition of the western Christians in those dayes there engirded Accon omitting the many great Prelates Princes Earles and Honourable Cheifes these Nations following the Genowayes and Florentines the English vnder Hubert Bishop of Salisbury afterward Archbishop of Canterbury Flemings Almaines Danes Dutch Friselanders Pisans Lombardes besides the Knights Templars collected out of all Nations and beside the aides of the Asians all which lay quartered at the Seige in order as here they are placed at that time in which the King of France arriued But Richard King of England with his victorious and triumphant Nauie which when it went out of Cyprus being much belike augmented* did containe 254. tall shippes and aboue 60. Galliots brought terrour dismay to the besieged and comfort to the Christians * vpon the Sunday after Pentecost being about the middest of Iune 32 The siege was so vehemently plied that notwithstanding sundry dissentions between Philip and Richard the two competitors of glorie in this voiage after seuerall breaches and assaults the last whereof was made by the Pisans and English vpon the twelfth of Iuly following many offers of composition made by the Saladine being vtterly refused the City of Accon was rendred to the Christians vpon these conditions 1 That Saladine Prince of Miscreants should by a certaine day restore the holy Crosse. 2 That he should set at liberty fifteen hundreth Christian Captiues 3. That the City with all the things contained therein should remain and be to the Christians 4. That the Turks or Sarazens should haue their liues onely saued if these conditions were performed 5. That they should pay twenty thousand Bizants peeces of gold toward the charges of the Kings * To take possession for the French there was sent in Drogou de Merlou and one hundreth men of Armes and for the English Hugo de Gurnay with the like number who equally parted the City goods and people betweene them 33 And euen now Philip King of France aswell because the Earle of Flanders died at the siege without issue whose countries hee long had coueted as for euill will to Richard whose noble Acts so farre outwent his and because as some * write hee had taken bribes of Saladine meditates nothing but return asking licence of King Richard to depart being then but the tenth day after the Cities surrender so badly his enuious eyes could as
King Henry to whom he had beene sometime disobedient and God affording him gracious leasure till hee had thus disposed of all the venemous vapour ascended to his heart and draue the spirite forth with whom say * Authors the glory and honor of Militarie skill exspired 70 There hath been an opinion or fancy that this King was called Cordelyon because hee encountred a Lyon in prison at the Emperours Court but saith one very truly these are fables imagined by English tale-tellers to aduance their King Richard as the Britaines by the like aduanced their King Arthur The like deuice though more lofty and Mathematicall may theirs seeme who coniecture hee was called so of the famous Starre called Cor Leonis But how the conceite of killing of a Lion should come vp as i●… is not worth the while to enquire so certainely Hugo de Neuile one of King Richards speciall familiars is recorded to haue slain a Lion in the holy-Land driuing first an arrow into his breast and then running him through with his sword whence perhaps that atchieuement is transferred from the man to the master and the story applide to the by-name of King Richard whereof the true reason is that which * Thomas Walsingham mentioneth saying That for the magnanimity of his heart grossitudinem praestans saith an other meaning as it seemes that his materiall heart it self was bigge and massiue which another also saith was inexpugnable this King was both by the English Normans stiled Caeur de Lion His Wiues Alice the daughter of Lewis the seuenth King of France by Queene Alice daughter of Earle Thibald of Champaigne is by some reputed the first wife of King Richard though indeede she were onely contracted to him being both children and committed to his Father but when he demanded her his father refused to deliuer her or she to com to him or both Wherefore being King conceiuing displeasure against King Philip her brother and more then suspecting her continency with his owne father by whom he alledged she had a child he refused to take her yet gaue a hundreth thousand pounds to Philip pro quieta clamantia to be quite freed from her She became the wife of William Earl of Ponthieu and had issue Queene Ioan of Castile the mother of Queene Eleanor wife to King Edward the first Berengaria the second wife of King Richard was the daughter of Sanches the fourth of that name King of Nauarre sonne of King Garcie the fourth her mother was Beatrice daughter of Alphonso the seuenth King of Castile called the Emperour of Spaine She was conueied by Eleanor the kings mother vnto the king in Sicily and married to him in Cyprus whence she accompanied him to the Holy land The king vpon what cause we find not neglected her company for a while but vpon more setled thoughts he resumed her againe to his loue and society but had no issue by her His naturall Issue Philip the naturall son of king Richard seemeth to haue been begotten while he was Earle of Poytou of a Gentlewoman Poytouin and to haue had of his fathers gift a towne in Poytou named Sumac to haue taken also his surname and title of the same towne and to haue beene the Progenitour of a familie of Gentlemen of the same surname title in the same Country Isabel by * some who mention not Philip at all is reputed the Naturall Daughter of king Richard whose mother the Author nameth not and that she was married to Leoline Prince of Wales Three other Daughters Bastards no doubt he is said to haue of whose names and matches wee will report as we finde recorded Whiles hee was in France imployed in his warres against king Philip Fulco a French Priest came vnto him telling him he had three very bad Daughters which he wished him to bestow away from him in marriage or else Gods wrath would attend him when the king denied he had any daughter yes quoth the Priest thou cherisest three daughters Pride Couetousnesse and Lecherie The king apprehensiue of his meaning called his Lords there attending and saide My Lords this Hypocrit hath found that I haue three Daughters which I maintaine viz. Pride Couetousnes and Lecherie which he would haue me bestow forth in mariage and therfore if any such I haue I haue found out most fit husbands for them all My Pride I bequeath to the haughty Templars Hospitallers who are as proud as Lucifer himselfe My Couetousnesse I giue to the white Monks of the Cisteaux Order for they couet the Diuell and all But for my Lechery I can bestow it no where better then on the Priests and Prelates of our times for therein haue they their most felicity Doubtlesse these mariages proued so fruitfull that their issue hath now ouerflowed all kingdomes of the earth IOHN DVKE OF NORMANDIE GVYEN AND AQVITAINE c. THE FIRST STILED LORD OF IRELAND THE FORTIE-FIFTH MONARCH OF ENGLAND HIS RAIGNE ACTS AND ISSVE CHAPTER VIII THe lustre of Diadems and Soueraignety so dazeleth the eyes and bewitcheth the hearts of ambitious beholders that whiles they fondlie deeme the greatest content to bee in highest Titles running after a seeming Happines they often cast themselues headlong and whole Kingdoms into irrepairable ruine as the calamities which after the death of the noble Ceur-de-Lyon lighted on the Pretenders to his Crowne and on this miserably distracted State will yeeld vs too ruful a President To the full acting of which Tragedy for such it was and so we must now present it in this our Theatre concurred as principall Actors the two though these Patients rather as the issue proued vnfortunate Corriuals for the Crowne Iohn Earle of Moreton Brother to the late King and his Nephew Arthur the Posthumous sonne of Geoffry Duke of Britaine the Earles eldest Brother their two Female and therefore more emulous and restlesse Solicitors Queen Eleanor and Lady Constance each ambitious of their owne in their Sonnes aduancements their two reuengefull Abettors Otho the Emperour for Iohn and Philip King of France for Arthur thereupon the two vniust Intruders on the Crowne Lewis the French Kings Sonne and Innocentius the Pope the one by vnprincely forces the other by vnpriestlie fraud and lastly their two sorts of treacherous Instruments of the Laitie for the one and Clergie for the other all which like so many Tragicke fire-breathing Furies set this State in so horrible combustion as that the smoake is not as yet so many ages after quite allayed 2 Earle Iohn the very Centre in which those calamities met had from his infancy beene fedde with high and royall hopes as being his Fathers onely darling from whome hee had the possession of the Irish and intendment also of the English Kingdom and in his brothers time whose return from the holy warres all men despaired had by gracious deportment
towards the Subiect obtained an oath of Fealty to himselfe in remainder in case his brother should die childlesse hauing now therefore the way to those his designs made smoother by the last Wil of King Richard and allegiance of his Nobles then attending for these courses may facilitate but not make a iust claime wee may not thinke that either hee was cold now for the accomplishment of that which so hotely hee had before pursued or so nice as to neglect a Kingdome vpon scrupulous points of Titles and Right Propinquity of Bloud pleaded for Iohn as Lineall descent for Arthur the Kings Brother being neerer then his Brothers sonne but Iohn who knew that the weaker vse to argue their Titles whiles the stronger hold the possession resolued to trie the strength of his claime by no other Law then of Armes and therefore being at time of King Richards death in those forraine parts hee makes it his first care to fasten to himselfe by present largesse and large promises of future fauours the vsuall Rhetoricke of Competitours all the Stipendiary Souldiers and other Seruitours of his deceased Brother To winne himselfe the like assurance of loue at home and to settle it it might be an vniuersall quiet he forthwith despeeded into England there to concurre with Queene Eleanor his experienced mother three of the choisest men of the State Hubert Lord Archbishop of Canterbury William Marshall a potent Peere and Geoffry Fitz-Peter the great Iusticiar by whose seuerall interests the three States of Clergy Chiualry and Commonalty might best bee eyther allured to him by fauours or awed by feare himselfe the whiles posting to Chinon where King Richards great Treasure was kept as knowing that hee should hardly get or keepe a Crowne by Forces or Friends if hee wanted Coine Crowns to winne and hold such needfull Ayders 3 The Treasurer though himselfe with his Store Castles and Fidelity thus assured to the Earle had yet a powerfull Nephew the Castellan of Angiers wholy deuoted to Duke Arthur to whose vse hee yeelded vp that City and Castle with whom also sided the Nobility of Aniou Maine and Turaine surrendring those large Territories as to their liege Lord iointly auowing it to be the Law and Custom of those Signiories that the heritage which was to accrew to the elder Brother if hee had suruiued should descend vnto his Sonne But Constance Arthurs mother no lesse desirous to be Regent to a King for her son was but twelue yeeres young then Queene Eleanor disdainefull to goe below a Dutchesse did not dare to build her high hopes on so low grounds for that such subordinate Princes as fauoured her cause might easily be corrupted by faire meanes or crushed by foule and therefore vpon newes of King Iohns successes in England for with general applause and homages hee was now proclaimed King distracted with violent and Woman-like Passions Ambition of her sonnes Right Rage for his Wrong Feare of his Safety and not the least Emulation that Queene Eleanor whose Prudence and Grace with the English had swayed exceedinglie should effect more in a wrong then her selfe in a iust cause shee flies to Turon to the French King Philip to seeke a Wolfe to whom shee might commit her Lambe to whose Protection shee wholy surrenders his Person his Cause his Countries Philip pretending as Princes vse atender care of his neighbour Princes state but meaning indeede out of so wished a prize to raise aduantage to his owne forthwith without regard of Truth or Truce sworne to King Richard reenforceth all Arthurs Cities and Castles with his French Garrisons some of which had scarse put their foot into Maunz but King Iohn was at their heeles to prouide them their last lodging sacking that Citie and demolishing it to the ground for a terror to all others which after fealty once sworne vnto him as they had done should dare to reuolt 4 Queene Eleanor who hauing setled England in Peace was now come ouer to forward her sonne in the Warres and was present at the surprising of Maunz is censured to haue too much sharpened his edge against her Nephew Arthur and his friends out of her implacable disdaine and Enuie towards Constance her Daughter in-Law and appears no lesse for the King passing thence into Aniou left there his Captaines and Forces with his mother who made Angiers participate the Fortunes of Maunz the City ruined the Citizens captiuated whiles himselfe comming to Roan was there by the hands of Walter the Archbishop in the Cathedrall Church with great pompe on Saint Marks Festiual girt with the Ducall Sword of Normandy and crowned with a Coronet of Golden Roses taking his Oath for faithfull administration in that Dukedome which was the pledge or earnest of his vnquestionable admittance to the English Diademe which euery day now expected him Neither yet may wee thinke albeit King Iohns mature experienced age his home-bred and well knowne education his reannexing of Irelands Kingdom to Englands made his person more gracious then Arthurs that yet his Agents all this while in England found no rubbs in their way before all the Earles Barons Burgesses Free-holders could bee induced to disclaime Arthurs apparant Right and to sweare fealty to King Iohn against al men liuing yea many of the English Peeres who through their last Kings absence and others conniuences had habituated in them a conceit of vncontrouled Greatnes which they miscalled Liberties and Rights vnder vayle whereof they after drew not onely vndue restraints vpon the Regaltie but also infinite calamities and massacres on the people whose good they pretended in the great Assembly at Northamton yeelded onely to sweare a Conditionall Fealty to keepe Faith and Peace to King Iohn if hee would restore to euery of them their Rights which was the first seed of disloyalties which after grew to so great a height Thus howsoeuer all domesticke difficulties ouerblowne and Queene Eleanor left in Aquitane to prouide against Forraigne King Iohn arriued at Shoreham and the next day comes to London preparing for his Coronation to bee at Westminster the morrow following being Assention day 5 Strange it was to consider if ought bee strange in State-plots how men otherwise very prudent transported once with Wordly and seemingpoliticke respects can so wilfullie cloud their Reason as to attempt those things which leaue both a present staine on their Soules and a lasting disreputation both of their Integrity and Wisedome wherein so much they glory For what else did Hubert Archbishoppe of Canterbury the man so famoused as the Pillar of the Common-wealthes stabilitie incomparable for deepe-reaching Wisedome when in that sacred and celebrious Assembly of all the States addressing for the roiall Inauguration hee added
eldest Daughter and Child of K. Iohn and Queene Isabel his last wife was the first wife of Alexander the second King of Scots married vnto him in Yorke Iunij 25. Anno 1221. who returning into England to visite her Brother deceased at London and was buried in the Nunnery at Tarent in Dorsetshire 4. Martij in the 21. yeare of her Brother king Henries raigne in England and the 23. of king Alexander her husbands in Scotland Anno 1236. 70 Eleanor their second daughter was first married to William Marshall the yonger Earle of Pembroke and after his decease without issue and seuen yeeres Widow-hood remarried to Simon Montfort Earle of Leicester sonne of Simon Earle Montfort in France by Amice Daughter of Robert Blanchman Earle of Leicester who maintaining the Barons warres against King Henry her brother was slaine at the battaile of Euesham in the 19. yeere of her brothers raigne 1265 after whose death shee and ●…er Children were forced to forsake England she died in the Nunnery at Montarges in France Henry her eldest sonne was slaine with his father at Eueshan Simon the second was Earle of Bigorre and ancestor to a Family of Mountfords in those parts of France Almaricke her third sonne was first a Priest and Treasurer of the Cathedrall Church in Yorke and after a Knight and a valiant seruitour in sundrie warres beyond the Seas Guy the fourth Sonne was Earle of Angleria in Italy and Progenitour of the Mountfords in Tuscaine and of the Earles of Campo bachi in the Kingdome of Naples Richard the fift sonne remained priuily in England and changing his name from Mountford to Wellesborne was ancestor of the family of Wellesbornes in England She had also a daughter named Eleanor borne in England brought vp in France and married into Wales to Prince Lewellen ap Griffith 71 Isabel their yongest daughter was born An. 1214 when shee was 21. yeeres of age shee was married being the 6. and last wife to the Emperour Frederick the second at the City of Wormes in Germany 20. of Iuly 1235. Shee had issue by him Henry appointed to bee King of Sicily and Margaret wife of Albert Landgraue Thurin shee was Empresse 6. yeeres and died in Childbed Decemb. 1. of her husbands Empire 31. of her brothers raign 38. Anno 1241. 72 Iane or Ione the daughter naturall of King Iohn by Agatha Daughter of Robert Ferrers Earle of Darby marryed to Lewin Prince of Wales Anno 1204. her Father gaue with her the Castle Lordshippe of Elinsmore in the Marches of Southwales she like a most louing Child gaue her Father secret intelligence of the Treasons intended against him by the Welsh and English 73 Geoffrey Fitz-Roy a base son who transported some Souldiers into France when Archbishoppe Hubert forbad the King his father to goe thither 74 Richard who married the daughter heire of Fulbert de Douer who built Chilham Castle in Kent which Castle hee had with her and had Issue by her of which som families of good esteem are descended stant Lords at Newarke where the Generall assembly for that seruice was appointed The whole Army after the Musters rested there some dayes which they spent not in vanities but in deuotions receit of the Sacrament humbling themselues before the offended Maiestie of God and so all of them saith Paris being prepared resolue eyther to return victorious or to die in defence of their country their Soueraignes right and their owne Liberties and possessions all which seemed now to lie at stake To giue them the greater edge and spirite Wallo with great solemnity accurseth Lewis and his Coadiutors and thus the Army marcheth towards Lincolne and the Lewisians there in siege of the Castle the King himselfe being left with a strong guard at Stow about eight miles short of Lincolne accompanied with Wallo and others there without perill of his person to attend Gods pleasure in the euent of the enterprise Vpon their approch if the Counsell of some English Lords had beene followed the Lewisian Army had issued forth of the City giuen them battle in the opē field but the Earle of Perch the French Generall thinking the Kings party to bee greater then it was for that the Noblemen and Bannerets thereof had each of them two Ensignes the one born with themselues the other aduanced among the Carriages which doubled the shew of their numbers they did thereupon change that course closed the Gates of the City and plyed their endeauours against the Castle more fiercely then before The Earle of Pembroke therefore lets Falcasius slip in at the Castle-posterne with his Arbalasters whiles others breake vp the South-gate of the City at which the Kings Army most couragiously entring and they of the Castle sallying out in Flancke of the Enemy scattered and vtterly defeated the Lewisians The Earle of Perch their Generall being enuironed with the Royalists and willed to render himselfe sware that hee would neuer become Prisoner to any English vpon which refusall he was run through the sight of his helmet into the braines and so dyed without speaking any word In this conflict being on Saturday in Whitson-weeke the force of naturall propension was apparent for notwithstanding the fierie resolutions of the Kings People yet when they saw the faces of their kinsmen friends countrimen on the other side that fury relented so strōgly that the most part of the reuenge fell vpon the Horses and not vpon the Horsemen whom onelie they laboured to make their Captiues The whole riches of the Lewisian Campe of the City of Lincolne became the booty and spoile of the Kings Armie whereupon this discomfiture was called Lewis Fair Neither did the Clergy of the place escape for the Popes Legate had commaunded that they also should be rifled to a penny as persons excommunicated in partaking with Lewis The Chase was but coldly fainedly followed vpon the flying Barons otherwise not a man could haue escaped wherein yet the chiefest Barons were taken with about 400. Knights besides Esquiers and of other sorts without note or number though some say that this number of Knights were slaine matrons and women of the towne flying by boate which they had no skill to gouerne were drowned Such as escaped the fight were not therefore past the danger for the Country people fell vpon them as they fledde killing great numbers so that almost all the footmen tooke vp their last lodgings before they could reach to London where Lewis was The Marshal of France the Chastellan of Arras and about two hundreth Knights came safely thither but were not otherwise then sowerly welcome of the Prince who laid vpon their cowardise the losse of all the rest His feare of being taken Prisoner iustly encreasing hee fortifies London by the best meanes hee can and dispatcheth Posts into France for more reliefe This great victory was much the stranger if as some write the fame
chiefe seat to consult for remedies dismissed thence all the Students by reason of their multitude being aboue 15000 saith William Rishanger who then liued of those only whose names were entred into the Matriculation booke amongst whom being so many young Nobles the King doubted how they might bee affected to the Barons Whereupon many of them went to Northampton where then the Barons were strong and thither the King comming with his hoast and breaking in at the Towne-walles vpon Passion Sunday encountred his enemies amongst whom the Students of Oxford had a Banner by themselues aduanced right against the King and they did more annoy him in the fight then the rest of the Barons which the King who at length preuayled had vowed sharpely to reuenge but that his Councellors told him those Students were the sonnes and kindred of the Great-men of the Land whom if hee punished euen the Nobles who now stood for him would take Armes against him The King there tooke Simon Montfort the younger and foureteene other principall Barons and Knightes Banerets forty other Knights besides Esquiers c. Encouraged with this successe hee aduanceth the Standard royall toward Nottingham burning and wasting the Barons lands wheresoeuer hee came To diuert this tempest Simon Montfort hastneth to London and attemptes the taking of Rochester Castle which Iohn Earle of Warren defended for the King who comming to raise the siege takes Kingston Castle which belonged to the Earle of Gloucester then vnexpectedly falling vpon such as maintained the siege of Rochester while Simon was absent kils verie many and scatters the rest Then seiseth hee the Castle of Tunbridge and therein the Countesse of Gloucester whom notwithstanding he nobly set at large as professing not to warre against Ladies from thence the Cloud of power borne vpon the winges of indignation speedes to Winchelsea and receiues the Cinque-Portmen to grace setling at last in Lewis where himselfe rested in the Priorie and his sonne in the Castle whither the Barons sent letters to him protesting their loyall obseruance to his person but all hostisity to their enemies which were about him 100 But the King flaming with desire of reuenge sets slight by these vowed but fained fidelities and returnes a full defiance as to Traitors professing that hee takes the wrong of his friends as his owne and their enemies as his The King of Almaine Prince Edward with other of the Kings chiefe friends sent their like letters of defiance The Barons loath to let it come to the hazardous and vnkind triall of steele though they then encamped about sixe miles from Lewis not acquitting themselues in this repulse iterate their message with an offer to pay to the King thirty thousand pounds in satisfaction of such hurts as their people had done through the Realme so as the Statutes of Oxford might stand The king of Almaine whose honour they had toucht and spoild part of his inheritances hindred all harkening to any their offers 101 It came to a battel wherein Simon de Montford commands his traiterous Army to weare white Crosses on breast and backe to shew they fought for Iustice great was the effusion of bloud on both parts chieflie of the Scots vpon the Kings side of the Londoners vpon the Earles side whose Battalion lead by the Lord Segraue Prince Edward most furiously charged and had the execution of them for about foure miles which he pursued the more bloudily in reuenge of the extreame disgrace which they had offered vpon London Bridge to the Queene his Mother and after that the Garrison of Tunbridge followes and slew many at Croyden But while the Prince spent himself in that reuenge his Father who hauing his Horse slain vnder him had yeelded himself prisoner to Simon de Montfort his vncle the king of Romans and others great Peeres were taken and the whole hope of that day lost There fell in all on both sides about fiue thousand Prince Edward returning from the slaughter of the Londoners ed at Westminster on the Northside of the high Altar vnder a faire monument of stone with his Portraiture and the armes of him and others of his house and manie noble houses of that time 108 Richard the third sonne of King Henry and Queene Elenor bearing the name of his vncle Richard King of Romans Almaign deceased in his youth and lieth at Westminster enterred on the south-side of the Quire 109 Iohn the fourth sonne of King Henrie and Queene Fleanor bearing the name of King Iohn his grandfather deceased yong and at Westminster his bones lie enterred with his brother Richard 110 William the fift sonne of King Henry and Queene Eleanor is mentioned by Thomas Pickering a Priest of the monastery of Whitby in Yorkeshire who liued in the time of King Henrie the sixt and wrote a large Genealogie of the Kings of England and their issues ' and that he dying in his childhood was buried within the new Temple by Fleete-streete in London 111 Henry the sixt sonne of King Henry and Queene Eleanour is also reported by the same Pickering to haue died yong and to be buried at Westminster 112 Margaret the eldest daughter of King Henry and Queene Eleanor borne the twentie sixt yeere of her Fathers raigne 1241. was the first wife of Alexander the third King of Scotland married to him at Yorke An. 1251. by whome shee had issue Alexander and Dauid who died both before their Father without issue and Margaret Queene of Norway wife of King Erike and mother of Margaret the heire of Scotland and Norway that died vnmarried shee was Queene twenty two yeeres liued thirtie three deceased before her husband in the twenty third yeere of his Raigne the first of her brother Edwards in England and was buried at the Abbey of Dunferinling in Scotland 113 Beatrice the second daughter of King Henrie and Queene Eleanor was borne at Burdeaux in Gascoigne Iune 25. An. 1242. of her Fathers raigne 27. At the age of eighteene yeeres shee was married to Iohn the first Duke of Britaine sonne of Iohn the last Earle of the same and had issue by him Arthur Duke of Britanny Iohn Earle of Richmont Peter and Blanch married to Philip sonne of Robert Earle of Artoys Eleanour a Nunne at Amsbery and Marie married to Guy Earle of Saint Paul when shee had beene his wife twelue yeeres and liued thirty yeeres shee deceased in Britany in the first yeere of the Raigne of her brother King Edward and was buried at London in the Quire of the Grey Fryers within Newgate 114 Catherine the third daughter of King Henry and Queene Eleanor was borne at London An. 1253. of her fathers raigne 37. Nouemb. 25. being Saint Katherines day whose name was therefore giuen vnto her at the font by Boniface Arch-Bishop of Canterburie her mothers vncle who christened her and was her Godfather Shee died yong and at Westminster her bones lie enterred with her brother Richard and Iohn
in the space betweene the Chappels of King Edward and Saint Bennet EDVVARD THE FIRST LORD OF IRELAND AND DVKE OF AQVITAINE c. THE FORTIE-SEVENTH MONARCH OF ENGLAND HIS RAIGNE ACTS AND ISSVE CHAPTER X. EDward who followed K. Henry in wearing the English Crowne but far out-went him in all regall vertues was abroad at the time of his fathers death still pursuing his high desires for the Holy Warres wherein what he performed being yet but a Prince against the publike enemies of Christians it shall not bee impertinent to touch before wee come to his actions as a King hauing already remembred with what valour and felicity hee had subdued his Fathers domesticke enemies setled the peace of his Kingdome and reestablished the raines of Soueraignty in his Fathers hands which those potent Rebels had formerly extorted 2 King Lewis of France whose perswasions had enflamed this noble-spirited Prince to associate him in this glorious quarrell hauing first set forth for the enterprise lay now in siege of Tunis in Africa where Prince Edward with all his forces arriuing the French King greatly reioycing in his wished presence together with the King of Nauarre and other Princes of his Army went forth to meet him and receiued him in the kisse of Peace This place which they beleaguered was as then not great yet by reason of the situation it greatly impeached the Christians in their passages through those Seas being built out of the scattered ribs and wasted ruines of that mighty and famous City Carthage riual once in Maiesty and Ambition with ancient Rome as contending with her about the Empire of the World Therefore to secure the Mediterranean Seas it was thought necessary to beginne that enterprise for Asia with this in Africa but not long after Lewis yeelding vppe his holy Soule to God at the siege and sicknesse by reason of the heates in those Regions for it was August raig of homage to seize vpon the whole Fee of the said Prince marcht with an Armie into Wales his good fortune there was accidentally augmēted by a prize which foure shippes of Bristol tooke about the Isles of Sillie wherein the daughter of Simon Montfort late Earle of Leicester who according to a secret contract betweene their friends went to be giuen in marriage to Lewelin and Aimericke her brother were surprised but shee found honourable vsage of the King her neere kinsman 11 Meanewhile Lewelines affaires by the manhood and diligence of Pain de Canusijs and others who had takē West-Wales in broght it to the Kings peace thriuing but poorely and the saide Prince feeling the foundations of his safetie beginning manifestly to faile and shrinke from vnder him sued for peace and had it vpon such termes which in likely-hood were not as Polydor Virgil would haue it seeme granted by King Edward lest he should leese his cost and care by warring against bogs and mountaines In the conditions of Peace which was procured with great difficulty the most remarkeable as carrying the shew of a farre greater riches in the possession of the Welsh euen at that time then some preiudicated can easily beleeue were these 1. That the Prince should pay to the King for his peace and goodwill fifty thousand pounds sterling the payment whereof should bee in the Kinges will and grace that is as wee conceiue it how much thereof the Prince should pay or not pay and when 2. That the said Prince should haue the Isle of Anglesey in Fee-farme of the King to him and to the lawfull issue of his body in generall taile for fiue thousand Marks readie money for gressom or a fine in hand paid the yeerly rent of a thousand Marks The rest of the articles being about eight amounted to so much as a plain Conquest or dissolution of the Principality of Wales after Lewelins death who was to enioy the same during his time vpon conditions 12 Now whereas the said Lewelin had three Brethren Dauid whom King Edward fauoured Owen and Rodericke it was enioyned to him at this conclusion made by the Lord Robert Tiptoft and certaine other Commissioners vpon eyther side appointed that hee should appease and satisfie his said Brethren but because Dauid was afterward a principall Actor in the calamities which fell vpon himselfe his house and his Country we must not neglect to speake somwhat particularly of him This Gentleman for some causes flying into England from his Brother Lewelin for his faithfull seruice to the State of England was there honoured contrary to the manner of his Nation with the order of Knighthood and receiued also by the bounty of King Edward for his maintenance the Castle of Denbigh with lands to the yeerly value of one thousand pounds and the Daughter of the Earle of Derby being then a Widow to wife with all which bounty the King did but entertaine a reuealer of his secrets as some not improbably doe affirme The State of Wales thus composed and the Castle of Aberistwith which seemes to bee the same that by another is said to haue beene built in West-Wales at Lāpader Vaur being built by King Edward for assuring those parts the King as he was munificent and roiall the more to tie Lewelins faith gaue vnto him the Lady of whose surprise at Sea we haue mentioned to be his consort honouring the Nuptials with his owne presence and his Queens And whereas Alexander King of Scots came about the same season into England to treat with Edward concerning important affaires and had formerly sent to the Welsh warres certaine aides of the Scots the said Alexander being iealous on his Countries behalfe that those aides might bee interpreted to haue beene sent vpon duty obtained letters testimoniall from King Edward declaring that they were not sent of duty or in respect of seruice due 13 Though King Edward were thus desirous to gaine the Welsh-Nation rather by his largesse then puissance hauing so honourably vsed Lewelin hee could not yet retain their hearts for whether it were which some to amoue the note of ingratitude turbulency from them affirme for that there was partiality vsed by the English officers in distribution of iustice vpon the Marches or which seems to some as likely for that they aspired in vaine to their ancient liberty being miserably seduced with certaine blind prophesies the Welsh betooke themselues afresh to Armes for Dauid himselfe whom the King had laden with so many benefites and graces became to them a principall leader and to giue them full assurance of his fastnesse to their cause reconciling himselfe to his brother the Prince he sodainely and treacherously vpon Palme-Sunday seised the Castle of Hawardin surprising Roger de Clifford a noble famous Knight whom the King had dispatched into those parts as Iusticiar of all Wales and slaying such vnarmed men as offered to resist that violence whence
blush and tremble as often as they shall dare to insin●…ate any thing against Gods wisdome in the Fabrick of the world as if the Craggy and desert places thereof had no vse in nature when omitting all other reasons of their being the conseruation of kingdomes and nations was thus by them effected We had an Herward in the Conquerours time as well as the Scots had a Walleys in this and we might perhaps at this houre haue beene without French mixtures if God had prouided our Country of such Wastes and deserts as either they or the Welshmen did enioy who for manie hundreths of yeeres after the ruine in Saint Peters Church at Westminster the twentieth day of Nouember in the first year of his Fathers raign Ann. Dom. 1272. in the same place and vnder the same Tombe where his brother Iohn lies with his picture also in the Arch aboue it 60 Alphons the third sonne of Edward and Queene Elenor was borne at the Towne of Maine in Gascoigne as his father and mother were in their returne towards England from Ierusalem Nouember 23. in the second yeare of his fathers raigne 1273. hee deceased at Windsor August 4. in the twelfth yeere of his age 1285. and was buried at Westminster in Saint Peters Church by Saint Bennets Chappell where his body lieth vnder the Tombe of his Brothers Iohn and Henry his Image also there portraied with theirs 61 Edward the fourth sonne of King Edward and Queene Elenor was borne April 25. in the thirteenth yeere of his fathers raigne 1284. at Caernaruan in Northwales and after the death of Lewelin ap Griffith in regard of the place of his Natiuity was by his fathers Creation with the consent of the Welsh made Prince of Wales the first of the sonnes and heires apparant of the Kings of England that bare that Title which afterward became ordinary to most of the rest hee was also Earle of Ponthieu and Chester and being made Knight by his father at London on Whitsunday in the thirty fourth yeere of his Raigne 1306. succeeded him the same yeer in the Kingdome of VVales 62 Elenor the eldest daughter of King Edward and Queene Elenor was borne at Windsor in the fiftieth yeare of King Henry her Grandfather shee was married with all Ceremonies of Proxie to a Deputy for Alphons King of Arragon sonne of King Peter who deceased A. Do. 1292. before the solemnization of marriage leauing his Kingdom to his brother Iames and his new wife to another husband who was married at Bristow in the two and twentieth yeere of her fathers raigne 1293. to Henry the 3. Earle of Barrie whose Earledome lay in the East-borders of Champaigne in France Shee had Issue by him Edward Earle of Barrie from whom descended the Earles and Dukes of that Country whose inheritance by Heires generall deuolued to the Kings of Arragon and from them again to the Dukes of Aniou that were Kings of Sicill Henrie another sonne of hers was Bishoppe of Troys in Champagny Helen her Daughter was marrird to Henry Earle of Bloys and Ioan to Iohn Warren Earle of Surrey she was his wife fiue yeeres and deceased 27. of her fathers raigne A. D. 1298. 63 Ioan the second daughter of King Edward and Queene Eleanor was borne in the first yeere of her fathers raigne 1272. at a City in the holy land sometime named Ptolomais commonly called Acon and Aker where her mother remained during the warres that her father had with the Saracens Shee was at eighteene yeeres of age married to Gilbert Clare called the Red Earle of Glocester and Hereford by whom shee had issue Earle Gilbert slaine in Scotland without issue Eleanor married first to Hugh Spencer in her right Earle of Glocester and after to William Zouch of Ricards castle Margaret first maried to Peter Gaueston Earle of Cornwal after to Hugh Audeley Earle also of Glocester and Elizabeth Lady of Clare married first to Iohn son and heire to Richard Burgh Earle of Vlster in Ireland mother of William Burgh Earle of Vlster and Grandmother of Elizabeth Dutchesse of Clarence secondly to Theobald Lord Verdon and lastly to Sir Roger Damary This Ioan suruiued her husband and was remarried to Sir Ralph Monthermere a Baron father to Margaret the mother of Thomas Mountacute Earle of Salisbury of whom the now Vicount Mountacute is descended shee liued thirty eight yeeres and deceased in the first yeere of her brother King Edwards raigne and is buried at the Fryer Austines in Clare 64 Margaret the third daughter of King Edward and Queene Elenor was borne at the Castle of Windsor in the third yeare of her fathers raigne and of our Lord 1275. When shee was fifteene yeeres of age shee was married at Westminster Iuly 9. in the eighteenth yeere of herfathers raign A D. 1290. to Iohn the second Duke of Brabant by whom shee had issue Duke Iohn the third father of Margaret wife of Lewis of Mechlin Earle of Flanders and mother of the Lady Margaret the heire of Brabant and Flanders who was married to Philip Duke of Burgundie 65 Berenger the fourth Daughter of King Edward Queen Elenor was born the 4. of her fathers raigne An. 1276. as Iohn Eueresden the Monke of S. Edmundsburie in Suffolke hath recorded in his booke of English Annales but other mention there is none but onely from him whereby it is likely that shee did not liue to be married but that shee died in her childhood 66 Alice the fifth Daughter of king Edward and Queene Elenor is by Thomas Pickering of the Monastery of Whitby who wrote the large Genealogie of the Kings of England and their issue reported to haue deceased without Issue 67 Marie the sixt daughter of king Edward and Queene Elenor was borne at Windsor April 22. in the eight yeare of her fathers raigne 1279. and at ten yeeres of age A. D. 1289. September 8. shee was made a Nunne in the Monastery of Ambresberie in Wiltshire at the instance of Queen Elenor her Grandmother who at that time liued there in the habite of the same profession although her Parents were hardly enduced to yeeld their consents to that course 68 Elizabeth the seuenth Daughter of king Edward and Queene Elenor was borne at the Castle of Ruthland in Flintshire in the thirteenth yeere of her fathers raigne An. 1284. When she was foureteen yeeres of age shee was married at London to Iohn the first of that name Earle of Holland Zeland and Lord of Freezeland who died within two yeeres after without Issue and shee was remarried to Humfrey Bohun Earle of Hereford and Essex Lord of Breknoke and high Constable of England by whom shee had Issue Iohn and Humfrey both Earles successiuely after their Father Edward that died in Scotland without issue and William who being created Earle of Northampton while his Brothers liued after their deceases was also Earle of Hereford and Essex Lord of Breknok and high Constable of England and father of Earle Humfrey the tenth of
great displeasure hee had conceiued seeking vtterly to ruine him till afterward by means of the Papall authority hee was restored and in a faint sort reconciled 4 The thing which suited best with his youthfull affections to wit the marriage of young Isabel daughter of Philip the Faire King of France he performed with wonderfull magnificence at Bolein at which solemnity were present besides all others The King of France Father to the Bride The King of Nauarre his sonne The King of Almaine The King of Sicill Marie Queene of France Margaret Queene Dowager of England her daughter The Queene of Nauarre There was also present as no Sunne-shine but hath shadow Peirs of Gaueston the beloued Minion of this Edward whose reentertainement the dying King had so seriously forbidden whom notwithstanding together with his own new wife he brought into England 5 This fatall fauourite of this young King was a stranger borne but a Gentleman and in regard of good seruice done by the Father of Peirs in Gascoigne brought vp at old king Edwards owne appointment with this Prince from whom not to derogate in any point as if hee had without some appearances of worth and value embraced Peirs it is certaine by that which a Knight and seruitor of this very King hath left written that he had a sharpe witte in a comely shape and briefly was such an one as wee vse to call very fine Neither yet was he vnhardie in Arms but of commendable performance whereof saith de la Moore hee gaue proofe against the Scots to whom hee was alike hatefull as to the English till hee was recalled to satisfie such as saith their Courtier did enuie his graces and good successe but of his Christian or morall vertues which onely make men truly commendable there is great silence in Authors though not of his vices wherof wee shall haue occasion enough to speake hereafter 6 At the Coronation of the King and Queen which the Lords would haue empeached had hee not promised reasonably to satisfie them about Gaueston none was neere to Peirs in brauery of apparrell or delicacie of fashion which and for that the King gaue him S. Edwards Crowne to carrie in that pompe greatly encreased the offence of the Lords against him But hee that hauing a King to backe him knew no other means to extinguish hatred but by daring it to the vttermost spared not afterwardes to scoffe and reproach the principall Peeres calling Thomas Earle of Lancaster Stage-plaier Aimerie de Valence Earle of Pembroke Ioseph the Iew because hee was pale and tall and Guy Earle of Warwicke the blacke dogge of Ardern all whom and others he at a Turneament by him proclaimed and holden handled vilely 7 But King Edward was dayly more and more possessed with the familiarity of Peirs who to establish his interest in the vnprudent Prince by sensualities and riotous practises filled the Court with buffons parasites and the like pernicious instruments drawing Edward from the thought of al great enterprises in accomplishment of his fathers will or discharge of his particular dutie to all sorts of vnworthy vanities and sinnefull delights while himselfe in the meane space reuelled in all outward felicity wasting the riches of the Kingdome or conuerting them to his priuate vses For fearing belike that the time might come againe to vndergoe banishment hee transported much treasure into forraine parts and much hee had to transport for not onely by the sale of his fauour with the King to which there was no speeding approach but by Gaueston who vsed to peize the gifts more then the causes but also by the kings prodigality hee had whatsoeuer could bee powred vpon him for though it might seeme incredible he both gaue him his iewels and ancestors treasure and euen the Crowne it selfe of his victorious father not sticking to professe that if it lay in him hee should succeed him in the kingdome 8 The Lords who for reuerence of the King sate downe by their priuate iniuries in hope there would be a season in which their Soueraign might by timelie and sweet admonitions recouer the vse of himselfe not thinking it tollerable to bee now any longer silent and the rather lest that Peirs farther abusing his greatnesse should bring in Forreiners not onely to the preiudice of the English lawes and customes but of their authority also and places preuailed so much with the King in a Parliament holden at London where sundry prouisions concerning the liberties of the people and execution of Iustice were enacted and by corporall oath confirmed by the King himselfe that among them the decree of Gauestons perpetuall banishment was by the king ouercome with a meere necessity for satisfaction of the Kingdome to whom the said Earle of Cornwall was odious vnwillinglie suffered to passe and the king was thereupon regratified with a Subsidie of the twentieth part of the subiects goods The king also tooke his Oath not to reuoke the said Earle of Cornwall frō banishment if it may be called a banishment wherin he had the kingdom of Ireland entrusted to his charge and for the securing thereof against rebels was furnished with men money by the king 9 Yet forgetting that those affections which oftentimes deserue praise in a priuate person are subiect to much construction in a publike and neglecting both his deceased fathers so solemne adiurations and also his owne oath as carelesse of the sequele hee cals Earle Peirs home with whose loue hee was most fondly and most passionatelie transported and as if hee had receiued some diuine benefite gaue him most ioyous welcome at the Castle of Flint in Northwales and bestowed vpon him for wife Ioan of Acres Countesse of Glocester his sisters daughter resoluing with himselfe to retaine his Gaueston maugre all his Earles and Barons or for the loue of him to put his Crowne and life in perill when time should serue In which whether the king or his fauourite shewed lesse discretion it is not at the first sight easily determinable it being as vnsafe for the one with so offensine behauiour to affect immoderate shew and vse of grace as for the other to the iniury of his name and realme to bestow the same 10 The contemptibilitie and vanitie of this effeminate argument detaines vs longer then for the qualitie thereof were fitting did not so much mischiefe issue out of it For Peirs of his owne nature insolent being thus aboue reason or his own dareings aduanced to alliance with the bloud royall was so far from all amendment as hee rather seemed to striue to outgoe himselfe in his former courses consuming so much of the kings treasure and meanes that he had not wherewith to defray ordinarie charges or to pay for the necessaries of his Court The young Queene also tooke herselfe not to be a little wronged by this vngracious mans predominancie thereof
Iohn Mensterworth the yong Lords Grandsonne and Fitzwalter and other vainelie scorning to be vnder Knols for that they held themselues his betters and thereupon diuiding themselues after they had done sundry exploits marching vp euen to Paris were beaten and foild by the French vnder Glequins conduct but Knols wintred safe in Britaine Mensterworth comes into England and knowing accusers haue the vantage complaines to King Edward of Knols but not altogether beleeued he ads treason to vntruth and turning French becomes a wicked enemy to his King and Countrey promising the French to procure the Castilian Nauie to inuade England for which being in the last yeere of King Edwards raigne taken hee by due course was condemned and cut in pieces dying the death he had deserued He was laid hould vpon in the City of Pampeline in Nauarre and from thence conueighed to London vpon whose bridge his wicked head stood Sentinell 141 Pope Vrban the fifth comming from Rome to Auinion with purpose to vnite these two mighty Kings their wils and mights against the common enemy of Christendome put off mortality at Marsils and so that holy intention ceased for the present but the same being continued by his next successor Gregory 11. yet tooke no effect no more then that which the Emperour to like cause would haue vndergone which the French impute to King Edward who confident by reason of his former atchieuements would trie it out by the sword Wherein he seemed to forget the mutable condition of warre the searnesse of his bodie and the greennesse of his Grand-Child yong Richard who was to succeed if the Prince of Wales died as shortly after he did Neither did God seeme to approue his opinion herein for that crosses came fast vpon him both at home and abroad There is no greater wisdome nor happinesse then to know when we are well and then to preserue without hazard or empairment that honour wealth or quiet which we already haue 142 Among the States and Townes assigned to the English by vertue of the treatie at Bretigny which had reuolted to the French was the Citie of Limoges in Limosin whither the Prince marcheth sits down with his armie before it Thither came vnto him out of England his brethren the D. of Lancaster the Earle of Cambridge with a fresh supplie of valiant Chiefs and Souldiers The City stood it out to the vttermost and was forceably entred where mercy had nothing to saue nor spare the sword and fire for terror to other killing and defacing in a manner all Hee who writes that the Prince flew vp neere to Paris and scarsely by reason of Glequins valour got backe to Burdeaux seemes to haue mistaken therein as in many other things concerning vs of great importance After this seruice the Prince health failing him more more leaues his Brethren in Aquitaine and sailes into England 143 The French in the meane time wonne towns and places in Aquitaine gathering new hopes after so long and perpetuall infelicities The losse of that expert Captaine Sir Iohn Chandoys vnfortunately slaine was a great aduantage to their desires whose whole care for warre rested vpon Glequin not long before aduanced for his military vertue from low estate to so great eminencie as to bee Constable of France the chiefest officer for warre which that Kingdome hath and he a man of much proofe in good and euill fortune so tempered his courage with discretion that he onely first bad his Country rise againe and endeauor in despite of euill fortune to reflourish 144 The Prince of Wales wanting health vpon comming to his fathers sight rendred vp the Dutchie of Aquitaine to bee disposed of as to his roiall pleasure seemed good While King Edward was at Clarendon there repaired to him the factious king of Nauarre whose errand was to make an ouerture of association against the French but as his offers were acceptable so his cautions not seeming sufficient hee returned after great entertainement without concluding 145 Iohn Duke of Lancaster and his brother the Earle of Cambridge doe now returne out of Aquitaine with the Ladies Constance and Isabel daughters of Don Pedro late King of Spaine whom they married The Duke thereupon instiling himselfe King and his wife Queene of Castile and Leon. Nor was the English name onely encreased in titularie honors for about this time the Flemings who had prouoked vs were vanquisht by the Earle of Hereford at sea in a sharpe fight about twentie and fiue of their shippes being taken and all the men slain The sweete of this victory was sowred not long after with a grieuous losse for the French hauing besieged the strong Citie of Rochel in Santoin with the aide by sea of Henry King of Castile to relieue the English Iohn Earle of Pembroke was sent with about forty shippes men victuals munition and mony to the value of twenty thousand marks forthe vses of the warre but being sodainely assailed with the Spanish Armado which consisted of many great shippes vnder the command of Ambrose Buccanigra and others the English after a long and cruell conflict were vtterly distressed the Earle taken prisoner and almost all the rest either taken or put to the sword Rochel held out notwithstanding to whose reliefe while King Edward himselfe in person with an extraordinary force set saile the wind alwayes till that time fauourable to his voyages for France came Easterly and draue him backe into England with great griefe and the waste they write of nine hundred thousand pounds sterling Neither did hee so giue ouer the care of that strong Peece which the English most manfully made good against the enemie 146 Rochel thus persisting in loyall resolution Iohn Duke of Britaine who had married the Lady Marie daughter of King Edward a Gentleman of much gratitude toward the English the authors of his fortunes resolues to aduenture his state in their quarrell ships away for England hath aide ministred vnto him hee returnes and warres with various euent But Iohn Duke of Lancaster with a very great Armie comes to Callis and from thence marcheth ouer the whole face of France and though with losse of many thousand horse in the desert countries of A●…ergn throgh famin came safe but with an almost-hunger-starued Army to Burdeaux Not long after hee drew into the field and a day was appointed betweene him and the Duke of Anion the French Kings brother to haue tried the quarrell of their Nations by set battell before the City of Tholouz in Languedoc but by an vntimely a pernitious short truce to which K. Edward yeelded because his son the Prince lay dangerously sick the hoped victory not onlie slipt out of the English mens hands but almost all aduantage also of doing any thing else seasonably The French boasted themselues as of a Conquest who notwithstanding did helpe out their valiancy with policie
would haue a yeerely pension of a thousand Marks out of the Temporalities belonging to that Abbey But the King hauing heard both parts commanded the Petitioners to silence and the Petition to bee razed out saying He would maintain the English Church in the quality of the same state or better in which himselfe had knowne it to bee when hee came to the Crowne The Archbishop hereupon hauing consulted with the Clergy came to the King and declared that hee and the Clergy had with one consent willingly prouided to supplie his Maiesties occasions with a Tenth This grant the King tooke so contentedly as he openly affirmed hee was better pleased with this free contribution of one Tenth for the present then if hee had gotten foure by compulsion 56 Robert de Vere Earle of Oxford a young Gentleman in speciall grace with the King was at this Parliament created Marquesse of Dublin in Ireland which moued great despight against him those rough times being impatient to beare the vnequall aduancement of fauourites Neuerthelesse though the gentle King was thought herein to please his owne fansie rather then to reward merite yet did hee so sweetly temper it as there was no iustice nor reason to enuie to him that solace which hee tooke in his friends encreased honour for at the same time hee aduanced two of his vncles Thomas of Woodstocke Earle of Buckingham to the title of Duke of Glocester and Edmund of Langley Earle of Cambridge he created Duke of Yorke allotting seuerall proportions of pension to be paide out of his Exchequer In Vere there was ancient Nobilitie to iustifie his new degree the better but in making the Lord Chancellor Michael de la Poole Earle of Suffolke with the yeerelie pension of 1000 Markes was matter of more enuie because he was not descended of such honourable Parents a defect if it bee a defect which none more willingly vpbraid to men of worth then who themselues are not alwayes the most worthy The first raiser of this familie of De la Pole was Edward the third who made William de la Pole of a braue Merchant a Knight Baneret and gaue him great possessions in requitall of an extraordinary and voluntary loane of treasure aduanced by him to supply the King in a time of speciall necessity when money could stand him in more steed then a thousand men of Armes no little merite in a subiect nor a slender reward of a most munificent Prince 57 Henry Spenser the martiall Bishop of Norwich found grace with the King at this Parliament to bee restored to his temporalities at the speciall suite of Thomas Arundell Bishoppe of Ely whiles the Bishoppe of Ely thus besought his Maiesty of Grace the said Michael de la Poole Lord Chancellor and Earle of Suffolke stood by and brake out with much offence into these words What is that my Lord which you aske of the King Seemes it to you a small matter for him to part with that Bishops temporalities when they yeeld to his Coffers aboue one thousand pounds by yeere Little neede hath the King of such Counsellors or of such friends as aduise him to acts so greatly to his hinderance Whereunto the Bishop of Ely not lesse truly then freelie replide What saith your Lordship my Lord Michael Know that I require not of the king that which is hi●… but that which hee drawne thereunto either by you or by the Counsell of such as you are withholds from other men vpon none of the iustest titles and which as I thinke will ●…euer doe him any good as for you if the Kings hinderance bee the thing you weigh why did you so greedily accept of a thousand markes by yeere at such time as he created you Earle of Suffolke The Chancellour was hit so home with this round retort that hee neuer offered any further to crosse the restitution of the Bishops temporalties 58 After this the King being with his Queen at their manour of Eltham in Kent there came thither Leo King of Armenia a Christian Prince whom the Tartars had expelled out of his Kingdome The pretence of his negotiation was to accord the realms of England and France that the Princes thereof might with ioint forces remoue the common enemy from Christendome Therein hee could effect nothing but his iourney was not otherwise vnfruitful to himselfe for King Richard a Prince to speake truly full of honour and bountie gaue him besides a thousand pounds in a ship of gold letters Pattents also for a thousand pounds yeerely pension during life 59 The time now was come wherein K. Richard should see himselfe deliuered of all that feare and iealousie which the greatnesse of his vncle the Duke of Lancaster stirred in him His Forces were now ready and his Nauie encreased with seuen Gallies and eighteene shippes sent out of Portugall attended at Bristoll to transport him toward Spaine for Castile is high Spaine the crowne whereof hee claimed in right of Constance his second wife daughter of Dom Peter the cruell Before hee set forth the newes came that such English as were already in Portugall with their friendes had ouerthrowne the Spaniards French and Britons at a battell in Spaine This was a spurre to quicken the Dukes enterprise which Pope Vrban the sixth by granting plenarie remission of sinnes to all such as gaue the Duke aid did specially fauour as against them who did partake with his enemy the Antipape but the frequent grant of such pardon and releasement was now growne so vile and contemptible amongst the people that few were found open handed towards this Cruceato Admiral of this Fleete was Sir Thomas Percie Sir Iohn Holland who had married one of the Dukes daughters afterward created Earle of Huntington was Constable of the host and Sir Iohn Mereaux who had to wife one of the Dukes illegitimate children was one of his Marshals There were in this noble and excellently-well appointed Army the Lords Talbot Basset Will●…ghby Fitz-walter Poinings Bradston Fitzwarren Beaumont Beauchampe the Lord Pomiers a Gascoin c. with very many worthy knights valiant Esquiers and a choise number of men of Arms Archers and other Souldiers to the number of twenty thousand The Duke tooke also with him his wife the Lady Constance and two daughters which hee had by her as * one relateth 60 It was now the moneth of May when the great Duke of Lancaster comming to take leaue had of the kings gift a Diademe of gold and his Dutchesse of the Queene another he also commanded the English to call and hold his vncle for a King and to doe him answerable honour But after all this hee lay for a wind so long till his whole prouisions were almost spent at length yet hee set forward The first land they touched was neere to Brest in Britaine where Sir Iohn Roch the Gouernour against the French complained of two Forts built about him to empeach his quiet
odious to the English died at Paris in exile bequeathing such goods as hee had there to Robert Duke of Ireland who also breathed out his griefes in banishment and died at last in Brabant 83 The Duke of Lancaster the meane while returnes into Gascoigne out of Spaine and not long after into England The successe of that voyage being made to claime the Crowne of Castile and Leon was briefly this Iohn King of Castile alledged that Constance the Dukes wife was not right heire but he For albeit the Lady Constance was eldest daughter and heire to Peter sonne of Alfonse whose father Fernand the fourth was sonne of Sanchez the fourth and he sonne of Alfonse the tenth all Kings of Spaine successiuely yet that neither Constance Peter Alfonse Ferdinand nor Sanchez had the right His reason was for that Alfonse the tenth chosen Emperour of Almaine had before he begat the said Sanchez an elder sonne called Ferdinand de la Cerda who married Blanch the daughter of Saint Lewis King of France from whom descended Alfonse de la Cerda who entituled himselfe King but died without issue and Fernand who had a daughter married to Iohn sonne of the Infant of Portugall Emmanuel mother to the Lady Ioane wife of King Henry the second father of Iohn King of Castile defendant 84 This Apologie made by the Castilian would not serue for kingdomes are not vsed to be pleaded for by Bil and Answere The English and Portugals ioine their forces To the Duke by reason of his wiues presence manie did voluntarily submit themselues all did not for Don Aluarez de Perez on the behalfe of his Lord the King of Spaine offred to stop the Duke in his march to Burgos and was ouerthrowne Other aduentures that warre afforded but sicknesse hapning in the English Armie consumed many of the principall and among them the Lord Fitzwalter with other Lords Knights Esquires and men of armes almost three hundreth Moreouer the penurie was such that sundrie reuolted to the enemy to get reliefe which being seene of the King of Portugal he told the Duke he would set vpon them as Enemies but hee said no for that he knew they did it onely for lacke of foode Thus hauing said he held downe his head as he sate on horsebacke and wept most bitterly secretly powring forth his praiers to almighty God and most humbly beseeching mercy From which time forward his affaires in Spaine succeeded happily 85 The warres had beene ●…harpe and tedious but the end acceptable For Don Iuan king of Castile a Prince of no euill conscience seeing the right which the Duke of Lancaster vrged and foreseeing what calamities might happen hereafter if as was feared the French should match with him sought and obtained a firme peace The Principall conditions were That the Lord Henry his sonne and heire should marry the Lady Katherine daughter and heire to the Duke and Constance his wife That the Lord Henry during his fathers life should be called Prince of Asturia and Katherine his wife Princesse That for default of issue betweene the young Princely couple the Crowne should come to the Lord Edward Duke of Yorke who had married the other daughter of King Peter That the king of Spaine should lade eight Cars with wedges of gold for the Duke or as some write pay two hundreth thousand nobles toward the defrayment of the Dukes huge charges That finallie he should giue sufficient Caution for an Annuitie of ten thousand pounds during the liues of the said Duke and Dutchesse to be duly paid to their vses at the City of Bayon in Gascoigne 86 The King at such time as the Duke of Lancaster returned was at Reading whither he had commanded the Peeres to repaire To that meeting the Duke makes hast aswell to present his dutie to his Soueraigue as to be an authour of loue and peace betweene the king and Lords against some of whom the King was not thought to be verie fauourably disposed Which he gratiously effected as seeming to addict his mind to offices of piety and publike benefit Certainely the wisdome and moderation of the Duke of Yorke his brother were such in all the late and other tumults that he is not so much as once named among the factious which Christian spirit if it had raigned in all the rest England had neuer beene polluted with such infinite bloodshed of her noblest Children neither had the goodlie fabricke of state laden with innumerable trophees falne vnder that most hideous Chaos which succeeding ages saw and sighed for 87 The King vpon the Duke of Lancasters returne whether hee felt the keeping of Aquitaine an vnprofitable burthen or the absence of his vncle the Duke a thing worthie to be purchased at anie rate certaine it is that in a Parliament held at London he vested in him that famous Dutchy by deliuering the Cap of State and Ducal Rod whither hee shortly went to take possession His sonne Henrie of Bullingbroke Earle of Derbie loath to spend his houres in sloath but desirous to pursue renowne by martiall Acts in forreine parts sailed ouer to the warres in Prussia where in sundry enterprizes against the Lithuanians he wan great honor which by comparison of King Richards Calmnes prepared a way for him in the Englishes affections to points more eminent 88 The Pope now vnderstood that the English State began againe to be sensible of Romish encroachments and as in a former Parliament they had enacted against all Collations of Bishoprickes and dignities by the Pope with banishment to all which did accept such Collations and death to al that brought in any excommunications from the Pope to hinder the execution of that Act so in this last Parliament another seuere Act was made against such as went to the Pope to procure any such prouisions A Proclamation also was made at London * that all beneficed men then being in the Court of Rome should returne by a day prefixed or loose all their liuings The Pope himselfe saith Walsingham troubled with so great a thunder-clap sent with all speed into England to perswade the King that such Statutes as had beene thus made in their preiudice who followed the Court of Rome and such other clauses as tended to the dammage of that See should be made void whereto the Kings answere was that the Popes Nuntio must expect till the next Parliament At which Parliament the King as also the Duke of Lancaster seemed to haue some respect to the Pope whose messenger was their Present but the Knights of the house would not in any wise giue their consents that such Rome-gadders should without due punishment pursue their wonted course longer then till the next Parliament To furnish the Duke of Lancaster into France to treat of a peace and vpon condition that the King should that yere inuade Scotland large contributions were there made
offer to him the Dutchy of Aquitaine entire and in as full a manner as euer his Predecessors enioyned the same without excepting any thing so as they themselues will hold and acknowledge to hold their lands in those parts directly of the said King and deliuer as much of them as they can into his possession and will doe their vtmost to conquer the rest for him Vpon condition on the other side 1. That the King of England and his Successors should assist the said Lords against the Duke of Burgundy for the murther committed vpon the person of the late Duke of Orleance 2. That he should assist against the said Duke of Burgundy and his fauourers till they had repaired all the losses which they their friends and tenants had susteined through that ●…ccasion 3. That he should help to settle the quiet of the realme c. 50 These Offers being put into the balance with the Articles vpon which the Duke of Burgundy had obteined succours ouerweighed them so farre that about the midst of August before all those which had beene sent with the Earle of Arundel to the contrarie part were returned into England aydes were decreed to the Duke of Orleance to the wonder of all men who vnderstood not the secret so that Thomas Duke of Clarence Edward Duke of Yorke the Earle of Dorcet and very many other principall men with a competent puissance were sent ouer to ayde the Duke of Orleance the Earle of Angolesme remaining hostage in England for the sure payment of one hundred and nine thousand Crownes for performance of the other Articles They came on shore in Normandy but whither the confederates moued with the perill into which their Country Nation should by these meanes be precipitated or for some other causes though none indeed so iust as the sorrow and shame for their so disloyall a combination with the Capitall enemies of France the Duke of Orleance contrary to agreement came not at the appointed time and place whereupon the English burnt spoiled and tooke much riches in the Castles Countrey and good Townes therewith to satisfie themselues till the Duke of Orleance should see them payd At last yet the Dukes of Clarence and Orleance came to a treaty after which the English campe rose peaceably and marcht into Aquitaine there to winter it selfe the Duke of Orleance returning to his owne While these matters were in hand the Lord of Heyle Marshall of France with many other Lords and about foure thousand men of armes layd siege to a certaine strong place in Gascoigne which Sir Iohn Blunt Knight with three hundred souldiers not onely defended but draue them also from the siege taking prisoners twelue of the principall and about sixe score other Gentlemen * The King liued not to see the carriage and fortune of these warres for falling sicke at Eltham in the Christmas time at which our ancient authors begin to draw the circles of their yeeres but recouering himselfe a little he repaired to London about Candlemas there to hold a Parliament the end whereof he liued not to see but vpon the twentieth day of March finished his short but politicke and victorious reigne in peace and honour had not the iniustice of his first entrance left a dishonorable stayne vpon his worthiest actions 51 The vulgar Chronicles tell vs a strange Story the truth whereof must rest vpon the reporters The King say they lying dangerously sicke caused his Crowne to bee set on a Pillow at his beds head when suddainely the pangs of his Apoplexie seizing on him so vehemently that all supposed him dead the Prince comming in took away the Crown which his father reuiuing soone missed and calling for his sonne demanded what the meant to bereaue him of that whereto hee had yet no right The Prince boldlie replied Long may you liue Soueraigne Father to weare it your selfe but all men deeming you were departed to inherite another Crowne this being my right I tooke as mine owne but now doe acknowledge for none of mine and thereupon he set the Crowne againe where he found it Oh sonne quoth hee with what right I got it God onely knoweth who forgiue me the sinne howsoeuer it was got sayd the Prince I meane to keepe and defend it when it shall bee myne with my sword as you by sword haue obtained it Which the King hearing hee entered discourse of aduise shewing him that hee feared some discord would arise betwixt him and his brother Thomas Duke of Clarence who with better respect had borne forth his youth then Prince Henry had done and whose distemper was like to breed great troubles if it were not in time stayed If my brethren quoth Henry will be true subiects I will honour them as my brethren but if otherwise I shall assoone execute iustice vpon them as on the meanest of birth in my Kingdome The King reioycing at this vnexpected answere both prudently and Christianly charged him before God to minister the law indifferently to ease the oppressed to beware of flatterers not to deferre iustice nor yet to be sparing of mercy Punish quoth hee the oppressors of thy people so shalt thou obtaine fauour of God and loue and feare of thy Subiects who whiles they haue wealth so long shalt thou haue their obedience but made poore by oppressions will be ready to make insurrections Reioyce not so much in the glory of thy Crowne as meditate on the burthenous care which accompanieth it mingle loue with feare so thou as the heart shalt be defended in the midst of the body but know that neither the heart without the members nor a King without his Subiects helpe is of any force Lastly my sonne loue and feare God ascribe all thy victories strength friends obedience riches honour and all vnto him and with the Psalmist say with all thankes Not vnto vs Lord not vnto vs but to thy holy name be giuen the laud and praise 52 Vpon what soile these most Christian true and excellent Councels fell the following life will shew being nothing else but a full representation in act of such things as are here in precept only shewing to the world how diuine a beautie Christian goodnes hath His Wiues 53 The first wife of King Henry the fourth was Mary one of the daughters and heires of Humfrey de Bohum Earle of Hereford Essex and Northampton Constable of England c. Shee dyed An. D. 1394. before he came to the Crowne 54 His second wife was Ioane Queene daughter to Charles the first King of Nauarre shee being the widow of Iohn de Montford Sirnamed Streani Duke of Britaine and died without any Children by King Henry at Hauering in the Bower in the County of Essex 1437. the tenth day of Iulie in the fifteenth yeere of Henry the sixt and was buried by her husband at Canterbury His Children 55 Henry the Prince of Wales Duke of Cornewall Earle of Chester and afterward King
and two daughters the youngest of which was Lady Margaret whom King Henry afterward tooke to wife Charles Duke of Lorraine dying Renate thinkes to succeed in that estate Antony Earle of Vallemont brother to Charles presumes he hath a neerer right The matter comes to be determined by blowes Charles King of France was a stedfast supporter of Renates claime in lieu of like offices performed by Renate to him in the times of most difficulty The Regent and Philip Duke of Burgundy stood for the Earle Their aides preuailed so much that Renates forces were beaten with losse of about three thousand from the siege of Vallemont and himselfe with not fewer then two hundred others remained prisoner to the Duke of Burgundy one of whose subiects commanded in chiefe at that enterprise This Renate was afterward entituled to the Crowne of Naples and Sicilia by the testament of Ioane Queene of them The King of France might seeme to haue susteined a grieuous losse by the enthralment of this Duke but the English gained nothing thereby for his perswasions and priuate offices on the behalfe of King Charles did not a little prepare the Burgundians heart which now was knit to the English but with feeble Arteries to accept in time the holy impression of reconcilement The French who liued vnder the Regency or in danger of the English made choise of the Burgundian to protect them which could not be embarred to them for that he was as yet King Henries pretended friend Indeed this Scene and vnstable state of affaires was full of horrour which Polyd●…re Vergill describeth well enough While the English and French quoth he contend for Dominion Soueraignty and life it selfe mens goods in France were violently taken by the licence of warre Churches spoiled men euery where murthered or wounded other put to death or tortured Matrons rauished Maids forcibly drawne from out their parents armes to be deflowred Townes daily taken daily spoiled daily defaced the riches of the Inhabitants carried whither the Conquerors thinke good h●…sen and villages round about set on fire no kind of cruelty is left vnpractised vpon the miserable French omitting many hundreth kinds of other calamities which all at once oppressed them Adde hereunto that the Commonwealth being destitute of the helpe of lawes which for the most part are mute in times of warre and muti●…ie floateth vp and downe without any anchorage at right or iustice Neither was England herselfe voide of these mischiefes who euery day heard the newes of her valiant childrens funerals slaine in perpetuall skirmishes and bickerings her generall wealth continually ●…d and wained so that the euils seemed almost equall and the whole Westerne world ecchoed the groanes and sighes of either Nations quarrels being the common argument of speech and compassion throughout Christendome 22 The course certainly which the English held did only faintly keepe aliue the Generall State of the Regency without giuing period to the warre either by finishing the Conquest or setling that which was conquered Some would haue had large supplies of men and treasure leuied that King Charles might no where haue any rest Of this opinion were Bedford himselfe the Dukes of Yorke and Sommerset This Counsell was not followed but another in shew more frugall which fed the euils but redressed none Present sparings doe oftentimes draw after them infinite wasts and no husbandrie proues so ill as vnseasonable Parsimony In the mean time the Earle of Arundel and the Lord Talbot carry about victorious Armes and terrifie Angiou Main and other places with their successes In Normandie neuerthelesse the common people drew together in huge multitudes There were threescore thousand of them rebelliously knotted together in Vexin Norman and twenty thousand in C●…ux Their purpose was through dislike of the English Gouernment or practise of the French to haue reacht one hand to King Charles and to haue thrust King Henries officers out What is a multitude without aduise To stoppe their insolency and course which they held toward Caen the Earle of Arundel and Robert Lord Willoughby with about thirteen hundred light horse and sixe thousand Archers march against them by direction of the Dukes of Yorke and ommerset who had the chiefe Leiutenancies in Normandy They diuide their forces to vse them with the more aduantage The Earle stayes in Ambush with two parts the Lord Willoughby drawes them into it with the third A thousand of the Rebels were cut down before the souldiers hands could be stayed to spare the rest who basely as it became them threw away their weapons and fell to the earth crying mercy The multitudes were suffered to returne their ringleaders lost their liues All that the world could collect by this popular insurrection was that the Normans would be gladly rid of the English Nothing else was done This Earle of Arundell hauing done sundry noble deeds during the wars in France receiued his deathes wound shortly after in a skirmish at Gerberoy in Beauuo●…sine where La Hire a famous Captaine among the enemies had the day 23 The Regency yet held and the miseries of France being burnt vp by the fiery reflections of two Counter-Sunnes were nothing diminished Who should giue to them a Period while the Duke of Burgundy continued English it could not be To prepare therefore a separation betweene them such of the Nobility as went ouer to the Burgundian Duke told him That King Charles vpon all occasions when speech was ministred spake of him honourably and inwardly wished him well and that he neuer heard any mention of the murther committed vpon the Duke his father cause of the sonnes hatred to France but he heartily sighed protesting hee was neither party nor priuy thereunto These and the like mollifying salues applyed to the tumors of his reuengefull affections did worke strongly the rather for that his minde heretofore possessed with the English amity was now vacant in that part the same by the means of sundry iealousies and auersions lying open to contrary impressions There wanted but an outward honourable meanes to fashion him entirely to the French partie Let vs heare Serves in this point The Deputies of the Generall Councell presse both French English and Burgundians to end all quarrels by some good composition The City of Arras is allowed of them all to treat in From the Pope and Councell of Pisa there came the Cardinals of S. Crosse and Cypres with twelue Bishoppes For the King of France there was the Duke of Bourbon the Earle of Richmond Constable of France the Archbishoppe of Reims Chancellour of France and many others great noble wise and learned men For the King of England the two Cardinals of Yorke and Winchester the Earles of Suffolke * Iohn Holland Earle of Huntington the Bishoppe of Saint Dauids Iohn Ratcliffe Keeper of the great Seale the Lord Hungerford Ralfe the wise Officiall of Canterbury and some Doctors of Diuinity For
though the rather stirred therunto by the desire of priuate reuenge The English vpon his forsaking their alliance had attempted to kindle the Gauntois and other of the Flemish townes Subiects to the Duke to rise in rebellion but the opinion that K. Henries fortunes in France were desperately stooping made their wils too dank to take fire The notice notwithstanding of this attempt came to the Duke which sharpened him to reuenge whereof as the former passages abundantly declare hee was not ordinarily thirsty He brings his Armie before Calais Chiefe commanders there for King Henry were the L. Dudley who had charge of the Castell and Sir Iohn Ratcliffe of the Towne The Dukes purpose was to haue cloyed the harbour by sinking shippes laden with stones and such like choaking materials but vpon the ●…bbe-water the Calisians deliuered the hauen from that perill The King of England aduertised that his precious Fort and Towne of Calais were thus emperilled Humfrey Duke of Glocester the Protector comes in person with a very great Fleete some write fiue hundreth saile to the rescue and in it a great puissance with full purpose to giue battell glad perhaps that hee might now reuenge old grudges It is able to moue choler to consider how Writers torture vs with the diuersities of reports but the generall agreement is that the Duke of Burgundy did raise his siege before he was fought with Some say the very rumor of the Protectors approch draue him away and that the Protector came the next day after the Burgundians flight Others excuse him probably enough in saying that the Flemings grew vnweildie to his commandements and would needes home 31 The Protector was master of the Dukes Camp and spent eleuen dayes in his Dominions burning Poppering and Bell and greatly damnified him about ●…Grauelin and Bolognois then setleth hee the state of Calis and returnes with great honour to his charge into England But the English were thought to haue created store of worke for this busie Duke at home where many great tumults rose in one of which his owne person was endangered at Bruges Lisle-Adam the Captaine of his guard being there presently slaine Hence it came perhaps that a meane was found by contracts made with Isabel the Dutchesse his third wife a most witty woman a Portugesse to hold a league with England and yet no breach with France 32 These haue hith erto beene the actions of Men let vs not neglect two great Ladies because much concerning our historie depend on their courses Queene Katherine the widdow of King Henrie the fifth and mother by him of this sixth Henrie about this time departed out of the world This most noble Lady when her husband the King was dead being not of iudgement by reason of her tender yeeres to vnderstand what became her greatnes or hauing found perhaps that greatnes was no part of happinesse secretly marrieth one Owen ap Theodore or Teder the most noble and most goodlie gentleman of all the Welsh nation and endued with admirable vertues who drew his descent from holie Cadwallader last King of the Britaines This husband had by her sundry children two of which Edmund and Gasper doe beare a part in the royall history and King Henry the sixth their halfe brother created the first of them Earle of Richmond the other of Pembroke This Edmund is he who by Margaret the daughter of Iohn Duke of Somerset grandechilde to Iohn of Gaunt Duke of Lancaster had Henry the 7. the most famous and prudent King of England 33 In that yeare in which this excellent Queen died the young Dutchesse Dowager of Bedford widdow to the late Regent of France married also below her degree a vigorous English Knight one Sir Richard Wooduile of which match yet Serres needed not to haue spoken so contemptibly calling him an English aduenturer of small account shee thereby saith he giuing cause to laugh at her which censure tasteth perhaps of the French leuen and preiudice because the Lady was sister to the Earle of S. Paul who would not make one in the peace of Arras but held with the English 34 But let vs see the sequell Out of this Matrimony also sprung Queenes for her husband afterward made Earle of Riuers had sundry children by her whereof Elizabeth being one had the honour to marry Edward the fourth King of England and hereby was both herselfe a Queene and a Progenitresse of those glorious Kinges and Queenes which followed for from her and this match sprang another Elizabeth the renowned wife of King Henry the seauenth as King Henry himselfe did of the former both those marriages proued most fortunate to England but another marriage which then threatned present danger to King Henry was that which Iames the first King of Scots made with France who gaue his daughter the Lady Margaret to Lewis the Daulphin for wife and sent new supplies of men against the English hee meant also to haue attempted some personall hostility but that hee was most wickedly murthered by certaine bloudy Traitors in Perth suborned thereunto by Walter Earle of Athol his owne neere kinsman in hope to attaine the Crowne crowned indeed he was but not as his Withces Sorcerers had ambiguously insinuated with the Crowne of that Realm but with a Crown of red-hote yron which was clapt vpon his head being one of the tortures wherewith he ended at once his wicked dayes and desires 35 Let vs now cast our eye to the doings of our new Regent the Duke of Yorke that we may be witnesses how farre by his endeauors the affaires of King Henry were aduanced in France The silence at this time is euery where very great yet had he opportunitie to haue atchieued somwhat Two thousand French horsemen were mutined and roued vp and downe in great disorder Paris was fearefully punished with famine and the attendants of famine pestilentiall maladies The Countries about lay open the Courtiers were discontented and diuided Nothing is yet done by our Regent which some impute to Edmund Duke of Somersets opposition who out of enuy and disdaine hindred his dispatch Wee must in the meane time find out them that did somewhat The Duke of Sommerset himselfe accompanied with the Lords Talbot and Fanconbridge with other Gallants and a competent force of the English besiege Harflew which the Normans in the late rebellion tooke from them and still maintained against them vnder French Captaines King Charles sends some of his principall Commanders with foure thousand men to rescue the Towne who did their best but not able to effect any thing Harflew was rendred to the Duke 36 In Nouember Richard Earle of Warwicke came as Regent into France being surrogated in that office to the Duke of Yorke who returned into England Hee carried with him a thousand fresh Souldiers and arriued at Harflew from whence he repaired to Roan the chiefe
so sharpe teeth nor so full engorgement as before Townes and people are taken on both sides The Countie of Amiens was spoiled by the English Lords Willoughby and Talbot The Regent and the Duke of Sommerset march into Angiou where they charged their carriages with much spoile and returned Then the Duke of Sommerset seuers himselfe and doth sundry exploits in and about Britaine Diep in Normandy being besieged was rescued by the Dolphin of France to our losse The contemplation of these mutuall violences touched all Christendome for the Turke common enemie thereof encreased Ambassadors are sent from all parts to determine these bloody differences William de la Pole Earle of Suffolke was chiefe for the English A truce was hereupon taken for eighteene months between King Henry and King Charles and an hope of perpetuall amity weakely grounded vpon a match which the Earle of Suffolke contracted for King Henry with Margaret the daughter of Renate titulary King of Sicile Naples and Ierusalem Duke of Angiou and Lorrain Prince of the blood To effect this the Earle couenanted that the English should abandon the possession of Angiou and Main to her father A strange purchase of a wife who though shee brought youth beauty and hope of a perpetuall peace with France the more profitable opportunity whereof the English had more brauely then happily neglected yet was shee otherwise without portion The Earle notwithstanding whose drift herein could not be without manifest ambition to make himselfe one of the greatest of England by this gratification of the French with his Masters charge and dishonour is not abashed to expect publike thanks for this high seruice and an whole fifteene for the charge of her transportation Sundry Lords of Councell and the King himselfe thought him worthy and according to his deuise and ouerture the whole affaire was carried Suffolke made Marquesse is sent ouer with many honorable persons both men and women to conduct the faire and goodly but most vnfortunate and fatall Bride into England Polydore giues vs no vnfitting Character of this Lady Shee was prouident enough very desirous of glory abounding in discourse counsell gracious behauiour and manly courage but not free from womens humour which saith he is vsually vehement and apt to change In England ye may easily suppose that shee was most roially entertained Humfrey Duke of Gloucester among others meeting her with a traine of fiue hundred horsemen in a liuery that worthy Poet Iohn Lydgate Monke of Burie deuising the speeches for such gratulatory triumphs as were made at her entrance into London The King being married lawfully enioyes her embracements from which he was often afterward violently separated by the miseries of a most crueil warre wherein shee had her piteous portion Suffolke in the meane time hauing the most assured fauour of the Queen pursues his ambitious purposes Shee in the meane time was solemnly Crowned Queene of England at Westminster vpon the thirtieth of May. 39 Would to God it stood now with the quality of this argument to turne our eies from the view of those actions which ensued for here the mournefull tragedies of our poore Countrey began But we cannot but open those olde and most execrable sores that in their example all true English blood may the rather be tender ouer their bowels beholding such effects as the diuell and all the furies of hell were by Gods seuere permission Actors in Fabian giues vs the causes and contents of those effects in these graue and few words 40 It appeareth that God was not pleased with that marriage For after this day the fortune of the world began to fall from the King so that he lost his friends in England and his reuenues in France For shortly after all was ruled by the Queene and her Counsell to the great disprofit of the King and his Realme and to the great mauger it is Fabians word and obloquie of the Queene who as since hath beene well proued had many a wrong and false report made of her All which miserie fell for BREAKING OF THE PROMISE made by the King vnto the Earle of Armenacks* daughter as most writers agree Which misery in this Story shall some-deale appear by the loosing of Normandy as all things else except Callais which the English held in France the diuision of the Lords within this Realme the rebellion of the comminalty against their Prince and Soueraigne and finally the King deposed and the Queene with the Prince faine to flee the land and lost the rule thereof for euer Thus he but all this farre short of the euils that were the brood and ofspring of the following times The Parliament in the meane time grants aides of money that vpon expiration of the truce there might bee present abilities to maintaine warre The Duke of Yorke is reuoked and the Duke of Sommerset in an euill houre is sent in his place with such prouisions as were reputed competent 41 Humfrey the renowned Duke of Gloucester Lord Protector felt the first stroke of the euill Angell which was sent to punish England and to roote out her Nobles This Duke was much hated of the Queene and her faction as the onely man who by his prudence as also by the honor and authoritie of his birth and place seemed to empeach that soueraigne command which they pretended to settle in the Kings owne person but meant indeed as the manner is vnder soft Princes to reigne themselus in anothers name Many great Lords were drawne on at the time of a Parliament then holden at Saint Edmunds Bury to concurre for his ruine not perceiuing that thereby they pluckt vp the floodgate at which the Duke of Yorke entered ouerwhelming all of them in a deluge of blood Whether they had any true or iust feare of Gloucester himselfe least perhaps he should take reuenge vpon some particular persons among them is doubtfull though it be probable enough that they had Heare some things that forewent this Parliament About fiue or sixe yeers before the Dutchesse of Gloucester Eleanor was conuented for witchcraft and sorcerie and afterward endited of treason in the Guild-Hall in London before the Earles of Huntington Stafford Suffolke and Northumberland and certaine Lords as Fa●…hope and Hungerford with others and Iudges of both benches of which crimes shee was appealed by one B●…lingbrook an Astronomer and Thomas Southwell a Chanon which Southwell was charged to haue said Masses ouer certaine instruments by which the Astronomer should practise Necromancy against the life of the King These being taken accused her as accessarie shee hauing desired the helpe of their Art to know what would befall her Some part hereof shee confessed for which shee was put to publike and solemne penance in London vpon three seueral daies with wonderfull shame to her person and after shee was committed to perpetuall prison vnder the ward of Sir Thomas Stanley in the Castle of Chester but from thence remoued
this so publike and solemne Oath and doth not tremble in euerie part Let vs hasten to their view least God perhaps may quietly seeme to haue beene mockt to his face by a vaine ambitious man 60 To diuert these home-breeding rancors and practises by employing the wits and bodies of men in other more honest things the Earle of Candal sonne to Captal de Budie who had vpon necessitie submitted his Seignouries to Charles the French King but reserued his person out of that obedience and the Lord L'Esparre come secretly from Burdeaux and pray an Armie for that Burdeaux and the Gascoigns would returne to the English if they might be supported An Armie is decreed for their reduction Iohn Lord Talbot the first Earle of Shrewsburie of his name as Generall in that enterprize lands in Gascoigne where he doth sundry exploits and the fame of his former cheualrie flying before with terrour makes many places the rather to yeeld Burdeaux her selfe secretly opens a gate vnto him which the French Garrison perceiuing fled out at a Postern but many being ouertaken were slaine by the Lord L'Esparre and the English New supplies and victuals arriue whereof the Earle of Shrewsburies yonger sonne Vicount Lile by his wife was a principall conducter Burdeaux thus throughly mand and fortified the Earle is aduertised that the French lay at siege before Castillion a place of importance vpon the riuer of Dardonne Thither the Earle marcheth and with too great a confidence charging the enemie vpon vnequall termes was there slaine together with his sonne the Vicount Lile and others Burdeaux receiued such as fled The English fortunes and hopes which began to quicken made this vnhappie Catastrophe in * Iulie to the infinite losse of our nation and griefe of the Gascoigns who generally misliked the French and inclined to the English hauing so honorablie and for so long a time gouerned those dominions This was the end of that great Earle after he had for the space of twentie and foure yeeres serued his Prince and Countrey in the French warres with highest commendation a most noble and most valiant man by whose vertue the English name did chiefly become terrible in France Burdeaux it felfe and all other places after this were by siege brought againe vnder the French King who prosecuted those affaires in person From that time forward the English neuer obtained there any hold or further footing the felicity of this attempt breaking all combinations of the Gascoignes This Dutchie of Aquitaine contained foure Archbishopriks foure and twenty Bishopriks fifteen Earledomes two hundred and two Barons and aboue a thousand Captainships and Bailywickes The losse of so goodly an inheritance which had continued English for almost three hundred yeeres the world may easily coniecture how iustly it was greeued and lamented for In this falne estate of the English the Queene vpon the thirteenth day of October was deliuered of her first sonne who was named Edward prouing the child of sorrow and infelicity 61 It were to be wished we might now rather number the following euils of England then describe them for what can we learne out of such vnnaturall and sauage destructions but matter of horrour and detestation but sith they must be handled the law and necessitie of our taske exacting it the sooner to be quit of so vnpleasing obiects it will bee best abruptly to thrust into the narration The Duke of Yorke wickedlie carelesse of an Oath so religiouslie and publikely taken to make his way to the Crowne more easie hath now procured his chiofe and most fearefull enemie the Duke of Sommerset to be sodeinely arrested of high treason doubtfull whether by any authority but his owne in the Queenes great Chamber and sent to the Tower of London vpon pretence that he had capitall matter to charge him with Yorkes principall friends vpon confidence of whom he dared so high things were Richard Neuil Earle of Salisburie second sonne of Ralfe Neuil Earle of Westmorland whose daughter the Duke of Yorke had married This Richard was Earle of Salisbury in right of Alice his wife sole heire to Thomas Montacute the famous Earle slaine at the siege of Orleance The Dukes other maine hope was Richard Neuil sonne of the former Richard Neuill who in right of his wife the Lady Anne sole sister and heire of the whole blood to Henry Beauchamp Duke of Warwick was by this King Henry the sixth created Earle of Warwick in a most vnhappie houre both for the King kingdome being inuicto animo c a man of an vndaunted mind but flitting faith 63 The King in the meane space while the Duke of Sommerset was thus endangered lay sicke and Yorke as Regent swayed and ouerswayed in Court but when the king perceiuing malice and practise to be the chiefe bases of Yorkes accusations had recouered his health and resumed the gouernment Sommerset is set at liberty and made Captaine of Calleis Yorke and his adherents repaire to open force They leuy their armie about the Marches of Wales with which they repaire toward London the maine obiect of Pretendents The King hearing of his enemies approach is accompanied with Humfrey Duke of Buckingham Edmund Duke of Sommerset Humfrey Earle of Stafford Henry Percie Earle of Northumberland Iames Butler Earle of Wiltshire and Ormond Beaufort Earle of Dorcet Iasper Theder Earle of Pembroke the Kings halfe-brother Thomas Courtney Earle of Deuonshire the Lords Clifford Sudley Berners Rosse and others and with them enters into Saint Albans in warlike manner hauing certaine thousands of common souldiers Thither also the Duke of Yorke and his adherents came This was toward the end of May The Dukes request to the King was that he would deliuer such persons to be deseruedly punished as he would name The King to let them know who he was returnes this confident answere That hee and the rest were Traitors and that rather then they should haue any Lord from him who was with him at that time hee himselfe would for their sake in the quarrell vpon that day liue and die 64 The Yorkists hereupon assaile the Kings people within the Towne and Warwicke breaking in through a Garden a sharpe battell is begun The losse fell lamentably vpon King Henries side for besides the Duke of Sommerset there were slaine the Earles of Northumberland and Stafford the L. Clifford with sundry worthy Knights and Esquiers of which forty and eight were buried in Saint Albans there being slaine aboue fiue thousand of K. Henries party and of the Yorkists about sixe hundreth The King himselfe was shot into the neck with an arrow other of his chief friends were likewise sore wounded and taken The Earle of Wiltshire and Thomas Thorpe Lord chiefe Baron of the Exchequer with others saued themselues by flight The Duke of Yorke the Earles of Salisbury and Warwicke with the King whome they in shew did vse most reuerently and as if they had
discontented shew The King as wary as Warwicke was cast no eye of dislike or of any suspition gaue him countenance in Court and in familiar conference heard him before others yet lest the stem of his greatnesse should ouertop his crown and his brethren the spreading branches shadow his designes hee tooke the Chancellorshippe from George Neuill the one of them then Bishoppe of Excester afterward Archbishoppe of Yorke and from the other Iohn Neuill Baron Montacute the Earledome of Northumberland bestowing the same at the suite of the Northumbrians set on by himselfe vpon Henry Percy whose father was slaine at Touton and himselfe at that present fled into Scotland for safety Whereupon Montacute was remoued and to auoid suspition was created Marquesse a greater name but farre lesse in power And to haue a stake in store howsoeuer the dice chanced to turne hee sought to ioine friendshippe with forraine Princes hauing offended France for the refusing of his Queenes sister so as hee sought and obtained the amity of Henry King of Castell of Iohn King of Arragon and tooke a truce with his neighbour the Scotish King for fifteen yeers following 27 But these confederates for the more part too farre to be called for by whistle fortune beyond expectatiō set him another euen at his elbow which was Philip Duke of Burgundy Prince of Flanders Brabant and Zealand whose onely sonne legitimate Charles Earle of Charoloys a widdower and without any sonne hee sought to conioine to King Edwards faire sister not so much for any loue hee bare to the house of Yorke himselfe being a Lancastrian by his mothers side as to bandy against Lewis King of France whom he had lately ouercome in a battell at Montleherry and as then stoode vpon his defence as hee was sure King Edward did This motion king Edward and his Councell well liked only Warwicke withstoode it in fauour of the French but the Lady Margaret sent ouer according to her estate and Warwicke left fuming with a discontented mind after some complements of mirth with his brethren the Archbishoppe and Montacute at his Towne of Warwicke brast forth into warlike consultations for the deposing of Edward and restauration of Henry whose wrongs as he alleadged did crie for right at their hands The Bishoppe lightly consented to side for King Henry but the Marquesse would hardly bee drawne from King Edward which Warwicke perceiuing laid his lime twigges yet another way 28 For being à man of a deepe reach and witte hee well saw that George Duke of Clarence the Kings second brother bare not the best liking to the sway of the times him therefore hee sought to allure to his fist which once mand Edward should loose the best Faulcon for his game him therefore by Problemes hee meant first to proue and according to their digest purposed to proceed So falling in familiar conference with Clarence beganne to complaine of some vnkindnes in the King both in breach of some promises and staine of his honour in the French Court The Duke as discontented as Warwicke interrupted his tale before it was told why my Lord quoth Clarence doe you looke that a Leopard should haue no spots in his skinne or a Camelion no colours but one in faith you are deceiued and loose but your labour to wash the naturall Blackamore for will you haue him kind that is by nature vnkind and to be respected of him that respects not his owne bloud or thinke you a Cosen and Allie to be raised by him that seeth if not seeketh his owne brethrens fals For the heire of the Lord Scales you see hee hath married to his wiues brother the heire of the Lord Bonuill and Harington to his wiues sonne and affianced the heire of the Lord Hungerford to the Lord Hastings marriages indeede more meete for his two brethren and kinne then for such new fondlings as hee hath bestowed them vpon But by my George I sweare if my brother of Glocester would ioyne with mee wee would make him know that wee are all three one mans sons and of one and the same mother 29 Earle Warwicke hauing that which hee greedily sought after seconded the resolution with his owne assistance imparting now boldly what confederates he had made and to ioine more faithfully in this his designe hee proffered Clarence his eldest daughter Lady Isabel in marriage faire and well qualified with the one halfe of his wiues inheritance she being sole heire vnto Henry Beauchampe Earle of Warwicke her brother and nothing inferiour to any of those whom Edward had bestowed vpon others which no sooner was spoken but was as presently embraced and the plotte conferred how to proceed which was concluded forthwith to saile vnto Calleis whereof the Earle was Captaine and where the virgine Lady lay aswell to confirme the contract betwixt them as to be absent whē the commotion should beginne as the safer from suspition and the surer to strike when the Ball came to hand to stir which the Archbishoppe and Montacute were appointed for the North. 30 The occasion pickt to make Malecontents was the abuse of Charity vnto an hospitall dedicated to Saint Leonard in the City of Yorke whose reuenew stood most vpon corne yeerly receiued from Farmers in the Country as an oblation of their first graine This the factious made their onely ground vnder a holy pretext forsooth that the poore were defrauded and the Master and Priests onely fed waxen fat To redresse which one Robert Hulderne entred in action and with fifteene thousand strong enterprised for Yorke in which City the Lord Marquesse Montacute was President for King Edward who with a small number but well chosen issued out against the enemy put them backe and stroke off the head of their Captaine before the gates of Yorke but whether hee did it in policie to grow more in trust with the King or else of duety of oblige not moulded throughly to the commotion is vncertain But certaine it is the Rebels were nothing daunted at Huldernes death but rather made resolute to continue what they had begunne 31 To which end they choose them two Chieftaines of greater account and eminent calling which were Henrie sonne and heire to the Lord Fitz-hugh and Sir Henrie Neuill sonne and heire to the Lord Latimer the one of them being Nephew the other Cosen-germane vnto the Earle of Warwicke these but young and not altogether experienced in Armes choose for their Tutor Sir Iohn Conyers a Knight of such courage skill and valiantnes as in the North-parts few were his like who meaning to strike at the head determined to march forthwith to London proclaiming in his way that Edward was neither a iust Prince vnto God nor a profitable King vnto the Common-weale 32 King Edward hearing of these Northern proceedings and that his brother and Warwicke were preparing against him sent for the Lord Herbert whom
for the loue that our Lord beareth to vs all from this time forward all griefes forgotten each of you loue others which I verily trust you will if you any thing regard either God or your King affinitie or kindred this Realme your owne countrey or your owne surety 115 And therewithall the King no longer induring to sit vp layd him downe on his right side his face towards them who with weeping eyes words as fitted the time recomfited the sicke dying King ioyning their hands and outwardly forgiuing that which inwardly they meant not to forget The King ouer-ioyed to see their willing reconcilements spake not many wordes after but commending his soule vnto God in their presence departed this life at his Pallace of Westminster vpō the 9. day of April and yeere of Christs appearance 1483. at the age of forty one when he had worne the royal Diademe two and twenty yeeres one moneth and fiue dayes and was buried at Windsor in the newe Chappell whose foundation himselfe had layd 116 Of personage hee was the goodliest Gentleman saith Commines that euer ●…ine eyes beheld faire of complexion and of most princely presence couragious of heart pol●…ke in counsell in aduersitie nothing abashed in prosperitie rather ioyous then proud in peace iust and mercifull in warre sharpe and fierce and in field bold and venturous yet no further then wisedome would and is no lesse commended where he auoided then is his manhood when he vanquished eight or nine battels he won wherein to his greater renowne he fought on foote and was euer victor ouer his enemies much giuen hee was to the lusts of youth and in his latter time growne somewhat corpulent which rather adorned his grauer yeeres then any waies disliked the eies of his beholders His Wife 117 Elizabeth the daughter of Richard Wooduill Earle Riuers by his wife ●…aquelana Dutchesse of Bedford who was the daughter of Peter Earle of S. Paul and he the sonne of Peter de Luxembourg was first married vnto Sir Iohn Grey slaine at S. Albans where he was knighted the day before his death by King Henry the sixt vnto whom shee bare two sonnes and a daughter after whose death shee was priuately remarried vnto K. Edward the fourth the first day of May at his mannor of Grafton in Northamptonshire Anno 1464. and in the next yeere following vpon the sixe and twentith of May was crowned Queen at Westminster with al due solemnities Shee was his wife eighteene yeeres eleuen moneths and nine daies no more fortunate in attaining to the height of all worldly dignity then vnfortunate in the murther of her sonnes and losse of her owne liberty For in the beginning of K. Edwards raigne shee was forced to take Sanctuary at Westminster wherein her first sonne Prince Edward was borne and at his death did the like in feare of the Protector and lastly hauing all her lands and possessions seized vpon by K. Henrie the seauenth liued in meane estate in the Monastery of Bermondsey in Southwarke where not long after shee left the troubles of her life and inioied a quiet portion or burying place by her last husband King Edward at Windsore 118 Elianor Butler as we find it recorded vpon the Parliament Role was contracted vnto King Edward but how true considering the occasion and time of the Act we leaue for others to iudge onely this is most certaine that this Lady Elianor was the daughter of Iohn Talbot Earle of Shrewsbury and the wife of Sir Thomas Butler Knight sonne and heire to Ralph Butler Baron of Sudley which Elianor died the thirtieth of Iune the yeere of Christ Iesus 1466. and the eight of King Edward the fourth his raigne His Issue 119 Edward the eldest sonne of K. Edward the fourth by Queene Elizabeth his wife was borne in the Sanctuary at Westminster the fourth of Nouember and yeere of grace 1471. being the tenth of his fathers raigne at that time expulsed the Realme by the powerfull Earle Warwicke but fortune changed and the father restored the sonne the first of Iuly and yeere of Christ was ●…eated Prince of Wales Duke of Cornwall and Earle of Chester and had not the ambitious hand of his vncle beene defiled in his innocent blood he might haue worne the Diademe manie yeeres whereas he bare the Title of King not many daies 120 Richard the second sonne of K. Edward the fourth by Elizabeth his Queen was borne at Shrewsbury and in his infancy was created Duke of Yorke he was affianced vnto Anne daughter and heire to Iohn Mowbray Duke of Norfolke by which he was intituled Duke of Norfolke Earle-Marshall Warren and Nottingham but inioying neither Title wife or his owne life long was with his brother murthered in the Tower of London and in the prison of that Tower which vpon that most sinfull deed is euer since called the bloody Tower their bodies as yet vnknowne where to haue buriall 121 George the third sonne of K. Edward the fourth by Queene Elizabeth his wife was also borne in Shrewsburie and being a yong Child was created Duke of Bedford but liued not long after and lieth buried at Windsore 122 Elizabeth the first daughter of K. Edward the fourth by Elizabeth his Queene was borne at Westminster the eleuenth of Februarie and fifth of her fathers raigne being the yere of Saluation 14●…6 Shee was promised in marriage to Charles Daulphin of France woed and Courted by her vncle Crouchbacke when he had murdered her brothers and vsurped the Crowne but better destiny attending her shee was reserued to ioine the vnion and marriage with the onely heire of Lancaster which was Henrie of Richmond afterward King of England from whom is branched the roiall stemme that spreadeth his beauty in this North-West world euen Iames our dread Soueraigne and great Brittaines Monarch 123 Cicely the second daughter of K. Edward the fourth by Queene Elizabeth his wife was sought vnto by Iames the third of that name to be ioined in marriage with Iames his sonne Prince of Scotland and Duke of Rothsay which match was promised vpon conditions and choise of K. Edward who lastly brake off from further proceeding and the Lady married vnto Iohn Vicount Wels whom shee out-liued and was againe remarried but by neither husband had any issue and therefore lesse noted her body lieth buried at Quarrena in the Isle of Wight 124 Anne the third daughter of K. Edward the fourth by Queene Elizabeth his wife was married vnto Lord Thomas Howard Duke of Norfolke Earle Marshall and high Treasurer of England vnto whom shee bare two sonnes both dying without issue and her selfe without more fruit of wombe left her life and lieth buried at Fra●…ingham in Norfolke 125 Bridget the fourth daughter of K. Edward the fourth by his wife Queene Elizabeth was borne at Eltham in Kent the tenth of Nouember and yeere of Grace 1480. being the twentieth of her fathers Raigne Shee tooke the habite of Religion and became a
Nun in the Nunnery of Dartford in the same County founded by K. Edward the third where shee spent her life in contemplations vnto the day of her death 126 Marie the fift daughter of K. Edward the fourth by Queene Elizabeth his wife was promised in marriage vnto the King of Denmarke but died before it could be solemnized in the Tower of Greenewich the Sunday before Pentecost the twentieth two of her fathers raigne and yeere of Grace 1482. and was buried at Windsore 127 Margaret the sixth daughter of K. Edward the fourth by his wife Queene Elizabeth died an Infant without other mention in our Authors 128 Katherine the seuenth daughter of King Edward the fourth by Queene Elizabeth his wife and the last of them both was married vnto William Courtney Earle of Deuonshire and Lord of Ocha●…pton vnto whom shee bare Lord Henrie after the death of his father Earle of Deuonshire who by King Henrie the eight was created Marquesse of Excester in Anno 1525. His Concubines 129 Elizabeth Lucie is certainly known to haue been King Edwards Concubine though nothing so certainly mentioned whose Ladie or of what Parentage shee was that shee was conceiued by him with child is before declared but who that child was is as obscurely laid downe therefore in these things we must be silent and leaue the doubts to be resolued by others Three other concubines this king had whereof Shores wife was not the least beloued whose life falleth further to be spoken of in the Raigne of the vsurper Richard where her storie shall be shewed more at large His naturall Issue 150 Arthur surnamed Plantagenet the naturall sonne of K. Edward the fourth whose mother as is supposed was the Lady Elizabeth Lucie was created Viscount Lisle by King Henrie the eight at Bridewell in London the twentie sixth of Aprill and yeere of Saluation 1533. which title was conf●…red vpon him in right of his wife Lady Elizabeth sister and heire vnto Iohn Gray Viscount Lisle and the late wife and then widdow of Edmund Dudley who bare vnto this Viscount three daughters which were Bridget Frances and Elizabeth all of them afterward married This Arthur Lord Lisle was made Lieutenant of Callis by the said K. Henry which Towne some of his seruants intended to haue betraied to the French for which their fact himselfe was sent to the Tower of London but his truth appearing after much search the King sent him a rich ring from his owne finger with such comfortable wordes as at the hearing thereof a sudden ioy ouercharged his heart was so immoderately receiued that the same night it made an end of his life whose body was honorably buried in the same Tower 151 Elizabeth the naturall daughter of K. Edward the fourth was married to Sir Thomas Lumley Knight the sonne of George Lord Lumley who died before his father shee bare vnto the said Sir Thomas Richard afterward Lord Lumley from whom the late Lord Lumley did descend EDVVARD THE FIFTH KING OF ENGLAND AND FRANCE AND LORD OF IRELAND THE FIFTIE FIFTH MONARCH OF THIS LAND HIS RAIGNE AND DEATH For the most part written by Sir Thomas Moore CHAPTER XVIII THe father thus dying in the strength of his yeeres and the sonne left to rule before he was ripe the Synders of dissensions which the sicke King had lately raked vp presently brake forth into a more raging flame for the king and Queenes blood that should haue supported young Edwards estate the one side being suspicious and ●…e other prouoked by the execrable desire of soueraignty left the tender king a Prince of such towardnes as his age could conteine destitute and vnarmed which if either kind or kindred had holden place must needes haue beene the surest pillars of his defence The raigne of this King if we may so cal the shorttime of his Soueraignty began the same day that his father died though he was neuer Crowned nor yet commanded the affaires of the Kingdome as an absolute Monarch his young brothers fortunes being ballanced with his 2 For Richard Duke of Gloucester by nature their vncle by office their Protector to their Father beholden to themselues by Oath and Alleagiance bounden all bands broken that holdeth man and man together without any respect of God or the World vnnaturally contriued to bereaue them not onlie of their dignity but also theirlines But forsomuch as the Dukes demeanour ●…reth in effect all the whole matter whereof the raigne of this yong and fift Edward must intreat it●… therefore conuenient somewhat to shew you ere we goe further what man this was and from whom he descended that could find in his heart so much mischief to conceiue 3 Know first then that Richard Duke of Yorke a noble man and a mighty beganne not by warre but by law to challenge the Crowne putting his claime into the Parliament where his cause was either for right or fauour so farre foorth aduanced that King Henries blood albeit he had a goodly Prince was vtterly reiected the Crowne by the authoritie of that high Court intailed to the Duke of Yorke and his issue male in remainder immediately after the death of King Henrie But the Duke not induring so long to tarrie intending vnder pretext of dissention and debate arising in the Realme to preuent his time and to take vpon him the rule in King Henries life was with many other Nobles slaine at Wakefield leauing three sonnes Edward George and Richard all of them as they were great states of birth so were they great and stately of stomacke greedy and ambitious of authority and impatient of partners 4 For Edward reuenging his fathers death depriued king Henry and attained the Crowne The second George Duke of Clarence was a goodly Noble Prince and in all things fortunate if either his owne ambition had not set him against his brother or the enuie of his enemies his brother against him For were it by the Queen and Lords of her blood which highly maligned the Kings kindred as women commonly not of malice but of nature hate them whom their husbands loue or were it a proud appetite of the Duke himselfe intending to be King at least-wise hainous treason was laid to his charge and finally were he faulty were he faultlesse attainted he was by Parliament and iudged to death as we haue saide 5 Richard the third sonne of whom we now entreat was in wit and courage equall with either of them in body and prowesse farre vnder them both little of stature ill-limmed and crook-backed his left shoulder much higher then his right very hard fauoured of visage and such as in States is called warly in other men otherwise he was malicious wrathfull and enuious yea and from afore his birth euer froward For it is for truth reported that the Dutchesse his mother had so much adoe in her trauaile that shee could not be deliuered of him vncut and that he came into the
to be the happy wife of any Prince then breathing Hyalus so handled the point of his emploiment that an honourable truce followed This Ambassador was a practicke man of much experience and knew the better how to deale on the behalfe of King Henry against Perkin Warbecke an imaginary and Stage-play Prince for that his Soueraigne Queene had also beene exceedingly molested by a Counterfeit For Henry the fourth King of Castile and brother to Elizabeth being vnable to begette children Ioan daughter of Edward king of Portugall his wife found meanes notwithstanding to beare one by occasion whereof after King Henries death for that it was borne in marriage a dangerous warre was vndertaken by Alfonso King of Portugall on behalfe of Isabel the supposed inheretrix but Truth partly by force and partly by mediation was in the end victorious and Elizabeth or Isabella sister of Henry succeeded to her brother and brought the inheritance of the Kingdomes of Castile and Leon with her to Ferdinando King of Arragon The chiefe point of this truce with Scotland was That Perkin Warbecke should leaue that Kingdome seeing king Iames standing vpon his honour would not deliuer him vp to King Henry Perkin hauing now no remedie did accordingly taking with him his wife the Lady Katherine Gordon and with such few as remained to him past into Ireland where hee had not continued long but the Cornish-men offer to rise at his arriuall and to aduenture their fortunes and liues in his quarrell Which motion Perkin gladly entertained as perceiuing yet some little hope left to maintaine himselfe by the troubles and hazards of others but the policie and fortune of King Henry were growne so venerable with the Princes his Neighbours that Ambassadors came from France and from the Arch-Duke of Burgundy the one to ratifie amity the other to request the restitution thereof both which K. Henrle who reposed his whole trust next vnder God vpon the amity of his neighbours granted and the English Merchants who had been somewhat long forbidden by their Soueraigne to trade in the Arch-Dukes dominions returning to Antwerpe were receiued into the same with Procession so that Perkin could scarce cast his eye vpon any place not onely where to raise aides but not where to rest his head vnlesse perhappes in the Court of the Dutchesse of Burgundie neither in all his fortunes did any thing seeme miserable or vnworthy but the great infelicity of his wife whose beauty birth and honourable qualities ought not to haue beene so betrayed by her friends temerity Perkin hereupon landing at Whitsand Bay in Cornwall in September found meanes afterward at Bodmin to raise some thousands of people whom with most lauish promises inuectiue proclamations and strong impudency he held together vnder the Title of Richard the fourth King of England whose fate was none of the happiest while the maiesty of her name might so bee played with by impostors Perkin thus accompanied marcheth toward the City of Exceter purposing if hee could winne it by force to enrich his Souldiers with the spoiles thereof and to inuite all other loose or lost people to his seruice by the hope of like booties and by taking into his possession such places of strength as lay in his way to secure his retreat if according to the ordinary fortune of warre any thing should happen to him vnluckily 50 But the King hearing that the varlet was landed and againe made head against him in Armes vpon trust of the Cornishmens assistance is said to haue smiled vsing these words Loe wee are again prouoked by this Prince of Rakehelles but lest my people should through ignorance bee drawne into destruction let vs seeke to take this Perkin by the easiest wayes we can Reason hee had to smile for now he seemed to see the bottome of his perill and as it were to hold his enemy empounded within the English Ocean it being a perpetuall and noble with of his that he might looke his dangers in the face and deale with them hand to hand as the neerest cut ouer to a full conclusion Hee therefore prouides accordingly assembling his forces and his wits no lesse to bee dreaded then his forces sending forth his espials into all parts to obserue the tracke and hopes of this empty cloud which is now seene before Excester a principall strength and ornament of the Western parts of the Kingdome Parlea and the allurements of wordes vnder the guilt title of King Edwards sonne prouing vnauaileable with those resolute and faithfull Citizens Perkin forth with betakes himselfe to violence sets fire on the gates mounts his scaling ladders against the wals and with his vtmost fury labours to force a suddaine entrance for that as hee suspected succours could not long bee wanting The Citizens on the other side and such of the Country as came●… prepare and make a very valiant defence against the Rebell and in stead of quenching the fires kindled by the enemy at the gates to open a passage for they had not Canon or any other Ordinance the Citizens threw on great store of fagots and fuell and so with flame did shut vp the way when the gates themselues were now consumed and in the mean while they cast vp trenches and man their walles from whence with the slaughter of about two hundred Rebels at this assault they valiantly draue them Such messengers as by cords slipt downe the walles to signifie their perill sped toward the King but the loyall diligence of Edward Courtney Earle of Deuonshire the Lord William his sonne with many principall Gentlemen of those parts as Trencherd Carew Fulford Halewell Croker Edgecomb Semar followed with great store of Souldiers saued him the labour of a personall rescue by timely approch 51 Perkin hearing thereof riseth from before Excester and marcheth to Taunton a goodly town not far off there to take the musters of his Armie and to prouide for encounter where he found very many blanks in the list of his numbers for that they had secretly shrunke away as misdoubting the sequell the Earle of Deuonshire being so neere at hand with the power of the Country and the King vpon his way against them with the maiesty and terrour of a roiall name and Armie none of the Nobilitie which was chiefly hoped comming to their aide Perkin neuerthelesse makes shew of standing with such as were left vnto him The Earle of Deuonshire marching towards Taunton in the way there came vnto him Edward Duke of Buckingham a young Lord full of great honour and courage followed by a goodly troupe of Knights and others excellentlie well appointed both for their owne persons and their peoples These wee finde named as principall Bridges Bainham Barkley Tame Wise Poyntz Vernon Mortimer Tremail Sutton Paulet Bricknell Sapcott Lutterell Wadham Speck Beauchamp Cheney Tokett Long Latimer Turberuile Stourton Newbrough Martin Lynde Rogers Hungerford Semar Darrell Barow Norres
English and the Duke of Burgundies subiects Shine also was burnt and being new builded called Richmund for which and the like it will be fittest to haue recourse to vulgar Annals 62 The Coast of State now seeming clearefrom al thickning weather Ferdinando and Isabella King Queen of Spain according to the points of agreemēt betweene them and King Henry concerning their fourth daughter the Lady Katherine borne at Alcala de Finari or Complutum sent her royally appointed in a goodly Flete to England there to fulfill in person what hitherto had beene onely treated of who after many difficulties tooke land at Plimouth in October Ferdinando her father was the sonne of Iohn King of Arragon and Sicilia and although he was vnlearned as being brought vp among armes and souldiers yet by vsing the familiarity of wisemen he also became very wise and proued that great Prince which first in these latter times recalled the old glorie of Spaine and reared it to such an enuious magnitude as that the iealousie thereof hath bred no small quarrels in Christendome For by his marriage with Isabella sole sister and heire to Henry the fourth King of Castile and Leon he raigned in right of his wife and iointly with her oner those two Kingdomes and their appurtenances who together saith Marineus of Sicilia did admirable things and workes most holy They recouered the huge City and Kingdome of Granada and part of Andaluzia from the Moores after they had beene in violent possession thereof seuen hundreth and fourescore yeeres and hauing purged those places from the filth of Mahomets superstitions built Churches to the honour of Iesus Christ by occasion whereof Ferdinando was surnamed the Catholike King The walles of the Citie of Granada at the time of the surrender which after about tenne yeeres warres was by V●…bdelis King thereof made to Ferdinando and Isabella had twelue miles in compasse and in the same twelue Gates and a thousand towres enclosing seuen Hilles couered with building innumerable people and inestimable riches the Spanish forces at this conquest were about 12000. Horse one hundred thousand foot The said King and Queene besides many other their mighty actions did also first discouer America by Christopher Columbus thereby brought a whole new world to the notice of Christendom Isabella her self descended of the blood roial of England being daughter of Iohn the second King of Castile Leon son of Henrie the third King of Castile and Leon and of Katherine his wife daughter of Iohn Duke of Lancaster third sonne of our Edward the third of triumphall and neuer-dying memorie was a Ladie whose like the Christian world had seldom any of that wisdome grauity chastity and of so laborious a deuotion that she did not onely day by day performe the Canonicall and howerly taske of prayers vsed by Priests but many other and brought vp her children accordingly 63 The Lady Katherine being about eighteene yeeres old and borne of so great so noble so victorious and vertuous parents is with iust maiesty and solemnity openly married in Paules Church to Arthur Prince of Wales aged about fifteene yeeres and eldest sonne to Henry the seuenth King of England and of Elizabeth his wife The Archbishop of Canterbury assisted with nineteene Bishops and Abbots mitred ioyned their hands and performed all the other Church rites vpon that great day The vulgar Annals can tell you the splendor and glorie thereof in apparrell iewels Pageants banquets guests and other princely complements the onely weighty businesse of many weaker braines A graue Lady as som haue written was laid in bed between the Bride and Bridegrome to hinder actuall consummation in regard of the Princes greene estate of body but others alleadge many arguments to proue that matrimoniall performance was between thē howsoeuer her self when that afterward came in question appealed to the conscience of K. Henry the eight her second husband if hee found her not a maide But Prince Arthur enioyed his marriage a very short while for in Aprill following hee died at Ludlow being vnder sixteene yeeres of age being a Prince in whose youth the lights of all noble vertues did cleerely beginne to shine His aptnesse to learn was almost incredible for by the report of his Master hee had either learned without booke or otherwise studiously turned and reuolued with his own hands eies these authors following In Grammar Garin Perot Sulpicius Gellius and Valla In Poetrie Homer Virgil Luc●…n Ouid Silius Plautus and Terence In Oratorie Tullies Offices Epistles Paradoxes and Quintilian In Historie Thucydides Liuie Caesars Commentaries Suetonius Tacitus Plinius Valerius Maximus Salust Eusebius Wherein wee haue beene particular to signifie what Authors were then thought fitte to bee elementary and rudimentall vnto Princes and by their example to all of Noble or gentle birth whose superficiall boldnesse in books in these frothy dayes is become most scandalous and iniurious to the honour and vse of learning 64 But before the vntimely expiration of this great hope of England King Henry weary of warres and tumults and desirous to lay the beginnings of a long peace by most inward friendship with all his great neighbours had concluded a match betweene Margaret his eldest daughter and Iames the fourth King of Scotland the assurance whereof was published in the February next before Prince Arthurs death at Paules Crosse in reioycement whereof Te Deum was sung and other signes of publike ioy declared The Bishoppe of Rosse saith that the Earle of Bothwell did openly handfast or espouse the said faire Lady in the name of King Iames at Pauls Crosse being Saint Paules day This contract was brought about in manner following After that the storme of warre had by mediation as before said beene throughly laid betweene the two sister Nations it chanced certaine of the Scots by their suspitious behauiour and rough Phrases to prouoke the Garrison of Norham Castle to issue who in the bickering slew and hurt some of them and droue the rest away King Iames expostulates this violence very sharply by letters with King Henry who returned most satisfactory answeres Richard Fox Bishop of Durham whose the men and Castell were wrote also many deprecatory letters humbly praying the Scotish King to accept amends wherunto hee in the end inclined and hauing some matters of farre greater moment to impart desired the Bishops presence in Scotland knowing his deepe wisdome and great grace with his Soueraigne which King Henry gladly assented vnto The meeting was at Melrose an Abbey of Cistertian Monkes where the King abode who hauing roundly vttered to the Bishoppe his offence conceiued for the breach of good termes at Norham Castell and yet being finally pleased to receiue satisfaction hee then secretly discouered his whole mind the summe whereof was That the king of England would be pleased to giue to him in mariage the
acceptable vnto mee whose noble conditions I assure you besides her great Parentage is most gentle louing and obedient whereof I haue had a true experience almost these twenty yeeres and were I to choose a wife if the marriage might stand with Gods Law my Choise should be of her before any other woman in the world and if it shall otherwise be prooued I shall not onely be most sorrowfull for parting with so louing a companion but much more haue occasion to lament my chaunce and life in so foule a sin these then are the sores that torments my minde for the sauing of my soule and for which cause I haue heere assembled you that you may declare to our louing Subiects this our true meaning and to stay if it may be the rumors of vnstaied reports and this being said he let them to depart each man bewraying in countenance the affection of his mind some pittying the King to see him so perplexed some fauouring the Queene sorrowed her case and some sighed deepely at this strange speech and sudden alteration 68 But the Cardinall of Yorke fearefull to wade too farre alone in these troubled waters desired the assistance of the learned in the Realme and thereto got the Kings licence which with his Legatine authority commanded many learned men both Diuines Lawyers from Oxford and Cambridge with the presence of many Bishoppes besides These assembled at London were shewed the Instruments and Seales of many forraine vniuersities all of them disabling the marriage and holding the dispensation allowing it vnlawfull but because that string could not bee touched without sound of reproch to the Pope as also to cleare the King from calumnious reports it was thought fittest to send the saide instruments to Rome whereunto these so appointed set their owne seales with an humble request to his Holinesse that an indifferent Iudge might be sent them to determine this great and strange cause of the King which was so followed by his Ambassadors in the Popes Court that Lawrence Campeius a Cardinall of great credite and wisdome from their Consistory was sent into England vnto whom wise Wolsey Cardinall of Yorke was ioined in commission with power to erect a Court to heare the cause pleaded to giue sentence definitiue as they found the equity of law 69 To that end therefore a place was ordained at the Blacke-fryers in London and the King with the Queene remoued themselues vnto his palace of Bridewell neere adioining whence ere long they were summoned by Processe personally to appeare in Court which accordingly they did hauing seueral seates ordained vnder clothes of estate mounted somewhat higher then the two Cardinals the Presidents vnder whose feet sate the Scribes and other Officers the Court being framed Consistory-wise was furnished with Bishoppes Doctors Lawyers and learned Counsellors in most solemne wise the Doctors for the King were Simpson and Bell and his Proctors Peter and Tregonell for the Queene were Fisher Standish and Ridley a very little man but a great Diuine the Court thus set and Commission read the Cryer called the King by the name of King Henry to come into the Court who forthwith answered and said Here. Then was the Queene called by the name of Queene Katherine to come into the Court who made no answere at all but presently rose vp and going about the Court to the King fell down on her knees before his feet and in the hearing of the people spake thus in effect Sir I desire you to take some pitty vpon mee and doe mee Iustice and Right I am a poore woman a stranger borne out of your Dominions hauing here no indifferent Councell and lesse assurance of friendshippe Alasse wherein haue I offended or what cause of displeasure haue I giuen that you intend thus to put mee away I take God to my Iudge I haue beene to you a true and humble wife euer conformable to your will and pleasure neuer gaine-saying any thing wherein you tooke delight without all grudge or discontented countenance I haue loued all them that loued you howsoeuer their affections haue beene to mee ward I haue borne you children and bin your wife now this twenty yeers of my virginity and marriage bed I make God and your own conscience the Iudge and if it otherwise bee proued I am content to bee put from you with shame The King your Father in his time for wisdome was knowne to bee a second Salomon and Ferdinando of Spaine my Father accounted the wisest among their Kings could they in this match bee so farre ouerseene or are there now wiser and more learned men then at that time were surely it seemeth wonderfull to mee that my marriage after twenty yeeres should bee thus called in question with new inuention against me who neuer intended but honesty Alasse Sir I see I am wronged hauing no Counsell to speake for me but such as are your Subiects and cannot bee indifferent vpon my part Therefore I most humbly beseech you euen in Charity to stay this course vntill I may haue aduise and counsel from Spaine if not your Graces pleasure be done And therewithall rising and making lowly obeysance to the King departed thence leaning vpon the Arme of her receiuer each man expecting shee had returned to her seat when as shee tooke directlie out of the place which being perceiued the Cryer againe called her by the name of Queene Katherine to come into the Court Madam quoth her guid you are againe called on on said shee it maketh no matter this is no indifferent Court for me therfore goe forward 70 The King perceiuing that she was departed presently spake thus vnto the assembly I will quoth hee in her absence declare before you all that shee hath beene to mee a most true obedient and comfortable wife endued with all vertuous qualities and conditions according to her birth and in lowlinesse equals any of baser estate With that Cardinall Wolsey made vnto the King an humble request that his Maiesty would bee pleased to declare before that honourable audience whether hee had beene the causer of this his intended diuorce wherewith hee was charged in the opinions of the people My Lord Cardinall quoth the King I can well excuse you in this and rather affirme that you haue beene against mee in attempting it thus far but the chiefest motiue for this matter was the scruple of conscience conceiued vpon certaine words spoken by the Bishop of Bayon the French Ambassador sent from the King to conclude a marriage betwixt Prince Henry his second sonne Duke of Orleance and our onely daughter Lady Mary which Bishoppe made doubt and desired respite to bee satisfied for the legitimation of our said daughter in respect of our marriage with this woman being my owne brothers wife which presently engendred such scruples and doubts in me that my conscience hath beene continually vexed lest by continuing in that sinne after knowledge I
draw Gods indignation against me which I feare wee haue already done in that hee hath sent vs no Issue male and them that were begot in this nuptiall bed no sooner came into the world but were taken againe thence and hopelesse now of more issue by her it behoueth me to consider the state of this Realme and the danger that may follow for lacke of a lawfull Prince to succeed This burden too weighty for my weake conscience not in any dislike of the Queenes age or person with whom I desire onely to continue if our marriage may stand with the law of God I haue in this place assembled you our graue Prelates and learned Diuines to determine of and will God willing submit my selfe to your iudgements My doubts in this case I moued in confession to you my Lord of Lincolne and ghostly father whereof your selfe being somwhat trobled said you would aske counsell of you all my Lords Then of you my Lord of Canterbury being Metropolitane I got licence to put the matter in question to which gra●… you all put your seales as here in this Court the same is to bee seene True it is said the Lord of Canterbury and I doubt not but that all my brethren here present will acknowledge the same Not so my Lord said the Bishoppe of Rochester you neuer had my hand to that Instrument nor neuer shal Indeed said Canterbury you did it not your selfe but admitted m●…e to subscribe your name and allowed mee your Seale vnder your correction said Rochester that is not so Well well quoth the King you are but one man against whom at this time we will not dispute and so rose vp and the Court adiourned ned to England but he tooke his way towards the Emperour to whom the cause somewhat appertained being then at Vienna in his expedition against the Turke vnto whose learned men he offered disputation and in priuate conference so satisfied Cornelius Agrippa the most respected for learning in the Emperours Court as he held the Proposition most true Whereupon others learned were discouraged to dispute and suffered Cranmer to depart without any further proceedings 80 The matter thus manifested in most parts of Christendome this Gordians knot was lastly vnloosed by King Henrie himselfe who now besides this his marriage beganne to call in question what authority the Pope had in his dominions which being afterwards debated in Parliament an Act passed against his vsurped Hierarchy and all persons forbidden to appeale or to make any paiments vnto Rome The Kings marriage with Lady Katherine was by the same Parliament dissolued and his separation from her made by the Archbishop of Canterburie to stand good and effectuall by Law and that Queene Katherine from thenceforth should be called Princesse Dowager which doings shee tooke so to hart as shee procured the Popes curse against King Henrie and his Realme which curse was set vp at Dunkirke in Flaunders for that the bringer thereof durst come no neerer And the Pope in reuenge of himselfe being set in his Consistory accompanied with his Cardinals proceeded to the Censure of these great Princes marriage which he then adiudged to stand most firme and Canonicall and enioyned King Henry to hold matrimoniall society with the said Katherine his lawfull wife and Queene and in that estate to account and maintaine her as it became a King and louing husband to doe and if he refused to accomplish these premisses then to be compelled thereunto and neuer after to be heard in any Court as touching the inualiditie of the said marriage and to pay the expences of the said trauerse as he the holy father should limit and thinke meete This was done a yeere after that the King had married Queen Anne and bare date from Rome the 23. of March and yeere of Christ 1534. For in the meane while King Henry had set his affection vpon the Lady Anne Bullen a Phenix indeed in his Princely eye and another Hester for Englands saluation both in her selfe and roiall Bud succeeding as the heauens and world doe witnes to this day Shee was the daughter of Sir Thomas Bullen Viscount Rochford Earle of Wiltshire and of Ladie Elizabeth daughter of Thomas Howard Duke of Norfolke This Earle Thomas her father was the sonne of Sir William Bullen whose wife was Lady Margaret the second daughter and Coheire of Thomas Butler Earle of Ormond and the said Sir William was the sonne of Sir Godfrey Bullen Lord Maior of London who lieth buried in Saint Laurence Church in the Iewrie pictured in his winding sheete vpon a Plate of Brasse and about his Graue-stone vpon a border of brasse in many places these words are written Now thus Now thus Now thus whose Charity was extended vpon the poore housholders of that Citie in distributing among them a thousand pounds His Lady was Anne eldest daughter and Coheire vnto Thomas Lord H●… and Hasting and his discent out of the house of the Bullens an ancient Family in the Countie of Norfolke accursed therefore be the pen that slanderously bringeth this rose from a defiled Bed whose Serpents mouth to vphold his God the Pope hath spewed out his poison of vntruthes and made his tongue a sharpe sword against the Lords annointed let him therefore receiue his portion with the Serpent of deceit and his reward with Satan the father of Lies 81 This Ladies religion was different from all Papall indulgences imbracing the Gospell that then began in our vulgar language to bee read for which cause saith Sleidan she was accounted a Lutheran cause enough to bee enuied at by the Bishops of that time 82 Her the King inuested Marchionesse of Pembroke with Mantle and Coronet both in regarde of her Nobilitie and many vertues for so runne the wordes of her Patent which done he tooke the seas for France accompanied with such a traine of his Nobles as the like had not been seen and among many Ladies Anne Bullen was one where hee complained to the French King of the great wrongs offered him by the dull Pope as hee called him who would haue Kings in person to attend his leasure at Rome and contrary to their Kingly dignities to expose themselues and affaires at his will there to bondage and great danger and therefore he earnestly requested that the Pope might bee summoned to a Councell to answere the many abuses that hee had offered vnto most of the Princes in Christendome and vnto himselfe not the least who for his part had allowed him threescore thousand Angels monethly to maintaine an Army for his deliuerance out of the Castle of Angell where the Emperials vnder the Prince of Orenge kept him Which his businesse being ended in France and the King againe returned into England he presently though priuily married the said Lady Marchionesse in his Closet at White-hall in the presence of many the Lady Anne
1540. shee was his wife sixe moneths after which time certaine Lords of the vpper House of Parliament came into the nether and alleaged cause for which that marriage was vnlawfull whereunpon shee was diuorced and by Statute enacted that shee should no more be taken for Queene but should be called the Lady Anne of Cle●…e See remained in England long after the Kings death though small mention is made of her by any of our Writers only we finde that she accompanied the Lady Elizabeth through London at the solemnizing of Queene Maries Coronation 140 Katherine the fifth wife of King Henry the eight was the daughter of 〈◊〉 and Neece vnto Thomas Howard his brother Duke of Norfolke Shee was married vnto him the eight of August and yeere of ●…race 1540. being the thirtie two of his Raigne at Hampton Court and continued his Queene the space of one yeere sixe moneths and foure daies and for her vnchaste life was attainted by Parliament and for the same beheaded within the Tower of London the twelfth of February and her body buried in the Chauncell of the Chappell by Queene Anne Bullen 141 Katherine the sixth and last wife of King Henry was the daughter of Sir Thomas Parre of Kendall and sister to Lord William Parre Marquesse of Northampton shee was first married to Iohn Neuill Lord Latimer and after his decease vpon the twelfth of Iuly maried vnto the King at Hampton Court the yeere of Saluation 1543. and thirtie fiue of his Raigne Shee was his wife three yeeres sixe months and fiue daies and suruiuing him was againe married vnto Thomas Seimer Lord Admirall of England vnto whom she bare a daughter but died in the same Child-bed the yeere of Grace 1548. His Issue 142 Henrie the first sonne of King Henry by Queene Katherine his first wife was borne at Rich●…d in Surrey vpon the first of Ianuary and the first of his fathers Raigne whose Godfathers at Font were the Lord Cranmer Archbishop of Canterburie and the Earle of Surrey his Godmother Lady Katherine Countesse of Deuonshire daughter to King Edward the fourth This Prince liued not fully two months but died in the same place wherein he was borne vpon the two and twentieth of February and his body with all due obsequies buried in Westminster 143 A sonne not named was borne vnto King Henrie by Lady Katherine his first Queene in the month of Nouember and the sixth yeere of his Raigne who liued not long and therefore no further mention of him can bee made the deathes of these Princes King Henrie tooke as a punishment from God for so he alleaged it in the publike Court held in Blacke-friers London they being begot on his owne brothers wife 144 Marie the third childe and first daughter of King Henrie by Queene Katherine his first wife was born at Greenewich in Kent the eighteenth of Februar●… in the yeere of Christs humanity 1518 and the eighth of his Raigne Shee was by the direction of her mother brought vp in her Childe-hood by the Countesse of Salisbury her neere kinswoman for that as some thought the Queene wished a marriage betwixt some of her sons and the Princesse to strengthen her Title by that Aliance into Yorke if the King should die without issue Male. In her yong yeeres shee was sued to be married with the Emperour the King of Scots and the Duke of Orleance in France but all these failing and shee succeeding her brother K Edward in the Crowne at the age of thirtie sixe yeeres matched with Phillip King of Spaine to the great dislike of many and small content to her selfe hee being imploied for the most part beyond the Seas for griefe whereof and the losse of Calice shee lastly fell into a burning feauer that cost her her life 145 Elizabeth the second daughter of King Henrie and first childe by Queene Anne his second wife was borne at Greenwich vpon Sunday the seuenth of September the yeere of Christ Iesus 1534 and twenty fiue of her Fathers Raigne who with due solemnities was baptized the Wednesday following Archbishop Cranmer the old Dutches of Norfolke and the old Marchionesse of Dorset being the witnesses at the Font and the Marchionesse of Excester at the confirmation Shee succeeded her sister Queene Marie in the Monarchy of England and was for wisdome vertue piety and Iustice not onelie the Mirrour of her Sexe but a patterne for Gouernment to al the princes in Christendome whose name I may not mention without al dutiful remembrance and whose memory vnto me is most deare amongst the many thousands that receiued extraordinary fauours at her gracious and most liberall hand 146 Another man childe Queene Anne bare vnto King Henry though without life vpon the nine and twentieth of Ianuary and twenty seuen of his Raigne to the no little griefe of the mother some dislike of the King as the sequel of her accusation and death did shortly confirme 147 Edward the last childe of King Henry and first of Queene Iane his third wife was borne at Hampton Court the twelfth of October the yeere of Grace 1537. and twenty nine of the Kings Raigne being cut out of his mothers wombe as is constantly affirmed like as Iulius Caesar is said to haue been his Godfathers at the Font was Thomas Cranmer Archbishop of Canterbury and the Duke of Norfolk his sister Lady Mary being Godmother saith Grafton Sixe daies after his birth he was created Prince of Wales and at the death of his Father succeeded him in all his Dominions of whom more followeth heereafter His Naturall Issue 148 Henrie Fitz-R●…ie the naturall sonne of King Henrie the eight was begotten of the Lady 〈◊〉 called Elizabeth Blunt and borne in the Mannor of Black●…moore in Essex about the tenth yeere of his Raigne at the age of sixe yeeres he was created Earle of Nottingham and in the fiue and twentieth of his Fathers Raigne vpon the eighteenth of Iune in the Kings Pallace of Bridewell was made Duke of Richmond and Sommerset Lord Warden of the East West and Middle-Marches against Scotland and Lieutenant Generall of all the parts of England Northward he was a Prince very forward in Marshal Actiuities of Good literature and knowledge in the tongues vnto whom the learned Antiquary Leland dedicated a Booke He married Marie daughter of Thomas Howard Duke of Norfolke Earle Marshall and Lord high Treasurer of England with whom he liued not long but died at Saint Iames by Westminster the two and twentieth of Iuly in the yeere of Christ Iesus 1536. and was buried at Framingham in Suffolke THe tempestuous 〈◊〉 in the Raigne of this King Henrie the eight and the violent deluge raised against the Church-state of his times bare downe so many religious strong foundations and were the destruction of so many beautifull Monasteries as the onely relation of their numbers and names would haue much interrupted the narration of his history Wherfore to retein●… their memorials though their walles are laid
Woodlarke A. D. 1459.       Iesus-Colledge Iohn Alcocke Bishop of Ely A. D. 1497.       Christs-Colledge St. Iohns-Colledge Lady Margaret Countesse of Richmond mother to K. Henry the seuenth A. 1506.       Magdalen-Colledge Thomas Awdley Chancellor of England A. D. 1542. Christopher Wray Lord Chiefe Iustice of England       Trinity Colledge King Henrie the eight Anno Dom. 1546. Tho. Neuil Deane of Canterbury the Mr. therof hath most magnificently enlarged       Emanuel-Colledge Sir Walter Mildmay Knight a Councellor to Queene Elizabeth       Sydney-Sussex Colledge Lady Frances Countesse of Sussex gaue fiue thousand pound to build it       Ely St. Peter and S. Ethelred Eccles. Cath. M Andry wife to King Egfrid placed Priests in it Ethelwold Bishop of Winchester stored it with Monkes King Henry 1. made it a Bishops See King Henry 8. in steed of the Monkes placed a Dean Prebends and a Grammar Schoole with maintenance and teaching for 24. Schollers Blacke Monks 1301 08 02 o   Ely S. Iohn S. Mary Magd. H Thomas Bishop of Ely 0025 05 03 ob q Anglesey P Richard de Clare 0149 18 06 ob   Barnewell S. Andrew S. Egidius P Sir Paine Penerell Standard-Bearer to Robert Duke of Normandy in the Holy Warres against Infidels in the time of Henry the first Blacke Canons 0351 15 04 oo o Chatters Saint Mary annexed by H. 1. to Ely N Alfwena a deuout woman and her brother Ednothus Abbot of Ramsey Blacke Nunnes 0112 03 06 oo q Denny Saint Clare N Maria de Sancto Paulo wife of Adomar Earle of Pembroke Anno Domini 1341. Nunnes 0218 00 01 ob o Saint Edmunds P King Canute White Canons 0016 16 00 oo o Fordham P Henry Deu or Dew De ordine Simplingham 0046 03 08 oo o Ikelington P 0080 01 10 ob o Marmound P Canons           Soffam Bulbecke N Blacke Nunnes 0046 10 08 oo o Shengaye A Comēdon Praeceptoria to S. Iohn of Ierusalem Sybil daughter of Roger Mountgomery Earle of Shrewsbury and wife of l. de Paines A. D. 1130. Knights Templers 0175 04 06 oo o Swauesey Alan la Zouch brother to the Vicount Rohan in the lesser Britaine Blacke Canons           Thorney Saint Mary and Saint Botulph M Sexwulph a deuout man for Eremites Aethelwold B. of Winchester for Monks and King Edgar 0508 02 05 oo o CARLIOL Places Dedication Founder and Time Order Value         l. s. d. ob q Apelby in Westmorland F Lord Vescy Lord Percy and Lord Clifford A. D. 1281. White Friers           Armethwait in Cumberland N King William the Conquerour Anno Regni 2. Nunnes 0018 18 08 oo o Carliolin Cumberland Saint Mary P Domini Regis Progenitor 0482 08 01 oo o Holme Coltreyn in Cumberland Saint Mary M Dauid King of Scots and Henry Earle of Huntington his sonne 0535 03 07 ob q. Lanercost in Cumberland Saint Mary Magd. P Robert de Uanlx Lord of Gillesland 0079 19 00 oo o Sharpe in Westmorland M Thomas the sonne of Gospatricke sonne of Orms. 0166 10 06 ob o CHESHIRE Places Dedication Founder and Time Order Value         l s. d. ob q. Chester Saint Iohn Eccl Cath. King Henry the eight Secular Canons           Chester F Thomas Stadham Gentleman A. D. 1279. White Friers           Chester F King Iohn Gray Friers           Chester F Blacke Friers           Chester Saint Wereburg M Hugh the first of the Norman bloud that was Earle of Chester Blacke Monkes 1073 17 07 ob o Chester The virgin Mary M Fundator Domini Regis Progenitor Blacke Canons 0099 16 02 oo o Chester Beatae Mariae N Nunnes           Chester Saint Iohn C Baptist alii H Fundator Domini Regis Progenitor 0013 07 10 oo o Birkehead S. Iames. M Fundator Comitis Derbia Antecessor Blacke Canons 0102 16 10 oo o Bunbury alias Boniface-bury C Hugh Cal●…ley and the Egertons Priests           Combermere M William de Maibedeng A. D. 1134. White Monkes 0258 06 06 oo o Maclesfeild C Thomas Sanage first Bishoppe of London and afterwards Archbishoppe of Yorke           Norton Saint Mary N William Fitz-Nigell a Norman 0258 11 08 oo o Stanlaw Iohn Lacy Constable of Chester A. D. 1173. Monkes           Valle Regalis M King Edward the first 0540 06 02 oo o CORNVVALL Places Dedication Founder and Time Order Ualew         l. s. d. ob q Saint Anthony M Blacke Monks of the Angels           Bodmin Saint Peter M First by K. Adelstan after William Warnast Bishop of Excester confirmed by king Iohn Blacke Canons after Grey Friers 0289 11 11 oo o Bonury Saint Petrorsi M King Athelstan Blacke Canons           Crantocke C 0089 15 08 oo o Saint German M 0243 08 00 oo o Glassoney Saint Thomas C Walter Br●…nescome B. of Oxford A. D. 1288. 0205 10 06 oo o Helston S. Iohn Baptist. P 0014 07 02 ob o Launceston Saint Stephen M Reginald Earle of Cornwall A. D. 1150. Blacke Canons Aug. 0392 11 2 oo q Saint Mary de val M Blacke Monks of the Angels           Saint Michael de Monte. M William Earle of Cornwall and Morton Blacke Monks of the Angels           Saint Michael de magno monte M Black Monkes           Sulli Isle Saint Nicholas M Blacke Monks           Saint Syriace M Blacke Monkes           Talearn Saint Andrew M Blacke Monks of the Angels           Trury F Blacke Friers s           Tywardreth Saint Andrew ●…P 0151 16 01 oo o DARBY-SHIRE Places Dedication Founder and Time Order Ualue         l. s. 〈◊〉 ob q. Darby Omnium Sanctorum Eccl. Collegiat 0038 14 00 o o Iuxta Darby Beata Mariae de Pratis M 0018 06 02 o o Darby Saint Iames Cella Fundator Domini Reg●… Progenitor Blacke Canons           Darby Saint Marie P   Blacke Monkes           Darby Beatae Mariae N Fundator Domini Regis Progenitor Nunnes           Darby H The Countesse of Shrewsbury Eight pooremen foure women           Bello-Capite Saint Thomas M Robert the son of Ranulph L. of Alfreton a Canon there 0157 10 02 oo o Bredsall or Brisol Park M Fundator Antecessor Iohannis Diricke alias Duthik Armigeri 0010 17 09 oo o Brend in the Peake M Sir Robert Duin Knight           Chesterfeild Saint Crosse Saint Mary C 0019 00 00 oo o Dala Beatae Mariae or S. Mary M William Fitz-Ralph Antecessor Geruasy Kingston 0144 12
00 o   Derelege or Darleigh Beatae Mariae M Blacke Canons 0258 14 05 oo o Fauerwell Saint Marie N Blacke Nunnes           Gresly Saint George M William de Lyons called Fitz-Nigel of Gresley 0039 13 08 o   Pollewerke Saint Edith N Blacke Nunnes ●…           Repingdon alias Repton Saint Marie M Fundator Domini Regis Progenitor Alij Aimer de Valence Randulph E of Chester Blacke Canons 0167 18 02 o   Yeuelay or Iuelay and Barrow P 0107 03 08 oo   Yeuelay or Iuelay and Barrow Praceptoria 0093 03 04 ob o DEVON-SHIRE Places Dedication Founder and Time Order Ualew         l. s. d. ob q Excester S. Peter Episcop King Athelstan Secular Canons           Excester Saint Iames. M Blacke Monks           Excester Saint Nicholas P Black Monks Benedict 0154 12 00 oo o Excester Saint Iohn P Grey Friers 0102 12 09 o   Excester S. Nicholas H 0147 21 00 o   Barnstaple Saint Mary Magd. P Iohel sonne of Ailred Black Monks Benedictines Cluniacens 0129 15 03 oo q Berdleston P Blacke Canons           Buckland Saint Mary S. Benedict M Amice Countesse of Deuonshire Isabelde Fortibus Lady of the Isle a benefactor Cistertians 0241 16 09 ob q Buckfaster Saint Marie P White Monkes Cistertians           Canonleigh Beata Mariae M Nunnes 02 2 15 03 o   Cliue S. Mary Magd. M Almar Earle of Cornwall Blacke Canons           Cornworthy N Nunnes 0063 03 10     Cowyke Saint Andrew P Thomas Earle of Deuonshire           Crediton S. Crueis C 0140 14 5     Cuich Saint Andrew M Blacke Monkes           Dunkiswel M Cistertians 0298 11 10 oo   Ford. Saint Mary M Adelize daughter to Baldwine of Okehampton A. D. 1140. White Monkes 0381 10 6 ob   Frethelstoke Saint Gregory P 0127 03 04 oo q Hartland S. Nectan the Martyr M Githa Earle Goodwins wife Richard Pictauensis Archdiac and Geffrey de Dynan Senior Oliuer his brother benefactors Blacke Canons 0306 13 02 oo q Saint Michael de Monte. P Blacke Monkes Malms           Molery Saint Gregory M Black Monkes           Newham alias Newenham M Reginald Mohun Earle of Dunster Anno Domini 1246 0231 14 04 oo o Othery Saint Marie C Iohn Grandison B. of Excester tempore Ed. 3. Blacke Monks 0303 02 09 o o Pilton Saint Mary the Virgin P King Adelston Blacke Monks Benedictines 0056 12 08 oo o Plimouth F Grey Frie●…           Plimpton Saint Peter Saint Paul P Baldwyn de Reduers Earle of Deuonshire Dominus de Insula in Henry 3. time Blacke Canons Augustines 0912 12 08 ob q Polsloo Saint Katharine N Blacke Nunnes 0170 02 03 oo q Syon M           Tauystocke Saint Mary Saint Burion M Ordolph the son of Ordgare Earle of Deuonshire Anno Dom. 961. Blacke Monkes Augustines 0902 05 07 ob q Torre Saint Sauiour M William de Briewer White Canons Augustines 0396 00 11 oo o Tottenes Saint Mary Aliens P Roger Newman Blacke Monkes Benedictines 0124 10 02 ob o Twynham or Christ-Church Twynham M Isabel de Fortibus sometime Countesse of Albemarle and Deuonshire and Lady of the Isle founded it for William de Fortibus Earle of Albemarle and Richard de Reduers Earle of Deuonshire A. D. 1161 This is placed also in Hampshire           DORSET-SHIRE Places Dedication Founder and Time Order Ualue         l. s. d. ob q. Dorset M The Ancestors of Sir Iohn Chediok Knight Franciscane Friers           Shirb●…rne Saint Peter M A Bishops See vnder Adelmus the first Bishoppe thereof A. D. 704. Sunning another See translated to it by Hermannus Bishoppe tempore Ethelredi Regis After that by the said Hermannus translated to Salisbury left for a retiring place to them tempore Gulielm●… Conquestoris the Church where the Bishops seat was became a Monastery Robert Neuill Bishop of Salisbury a chiefe founder Black Monks Benedictines 0682 14 07 ob o Abbotesbury Saint Peter M Orking King of Denmarke Blacke Monkes 0485 03 05 ob q Bindon Saint Mary M White Monkes Cistertians 0229 02 01 ob o Brydport alias Birtport P 0006 00 00 oo o Brydport alias Birtport Saint Iohn Bap. H 0008 06 01 oo o Camestrum S Mary Magd. N White Nunnes           Cerne Saint Peter S. Adelwold M M. Camden saith Augustin the English Apo stle Others Agelwaldus a rich m●… Som say Almarus E of Dorset or rather of Cornwal Blacke Monkes 0623 13 02 ob q Cranborne M Aelward a noble Gentleman A. D. 930.           S. Iohn Baptist. H 0051 10 04 oo q Kalendarum D 0●…10 18 08 o   Beata Marie Magdalen D 0021 11 03 oo o Saint Marke alias LeGaunts H 0112 09 09 oo o Melcombe Blacke Friers           Middleton alias Milton Saint Mary S. Sauiour M Athelstanus Rex Blacke Monkes 0720 04 01 o   Shafton 1329 01 03 o o Shaftesbury Saint Edward Martyr N Elfgine wife to Edmund King Aelfrids nephewes sonne Blacke Nunnes Benedictines           Tarent A Cel. Richard Poer Bishoppe of Sarisbury Virgins Votarics 0239 11 10 o   Warham S. Peter S Adelwold Blacke Monkes           Winburn Minster N Cuthburga sister to Ina King of the West Saxons and husband to the King of Northumberland A. D. 713. Nunnes           DVRHAM DIOCES Places Dedication Founder and Time Order Ualew         l. s. b. ob q Durham S. Cuthbert P Bishop Aldwin the first builder William de Car●…leph B. gathered ag●…ne the dispersed Monkes Ralph his Successor finished what he had begun N. Fernham Bishop Thomas Melscombe Prior enlarged it A. D 742. William Skirlaw Bishop builded that part called Galilee Blacke Monks 1615 14 10 ob o Dutham in Oxonia C Fundator Domini Regis Progenitor 0115 04 04 o o Chester in the St●…eet C Anthony Bec Bishop and Patriarke of Ierusalem A Deane and 7. Prebends           Egleston M Conan Earle of Brittaine and Richmond after by Ralph de Molton           Finchcale Cella R. brother vnto that rich Bishop Hugh Pudsey 0146 19 02 oo   Gateshead Saint Edmund H 0109 00 04 oo o Gretham H Robert Bishoppe of Durham 0097 06 03 ob o Hartlepoole M Hien a religious woman           Iarrow Cella Abbot Ceolfrid in the 16. yeer of K. Ecfrid Antecessor Episcop Dunelm 0040 07 08 o o Keprey Saint Egidius H 0167 02 11 oo o Lanchester C Anthony Bec Bishop of Durham Dean Prebends           Letham Cella 0053 15 10 oo o
Monkes Weremouth Saint Peters M Benedictus Biscop           Monkes Weremouth Saint Paul M Benedictus Biscop           Nesseham N Fundator Domini Dakers Antecessor Nunnes 0026 09 09 o o Sherborne H Hugh Pudsey B. and E. of Northumberland 0135 07 0 o o Stanedrop C Fundator Domini Neuill Antecessor 0126 05 10 o o Stampford or Sampford Cella 0036 17 0 o o Warmouth Cella 0026 0 0 o   ESSEX Places Dedication Founder and Time Order Value         l. s. d. ob q Colchester S. Iohn Baptist M Eudo Dapifer Henriciprimi Blacke Monkes 0008 01 08 o o Colchester Saint Botulph P 0113 12 08 o o Colchester Sanctae Crucis F Fratres Sanctae Crucis 0007 07 08 o o Colchester S. Mary Magd. H Eudo Dapifer Leprosi           Barking Saint Mary S. Eadburg M Blacke Nunnes 1084 06 02 ob q Barking H The Ances●…ors of Sibel de Felton Abbesse of Barking           Bierdon P 0031 05 01 ob o Bileigh M First by Robert Moruile after by Heruey de Monte-Merenciano 0196 06 05 o o Blakamore Saint Laurence M Iordan de Samford 0085 04 07 o o Brendwood S. Thomas the martir chap pell Isabel Countesse of Bedford           Chelmsord Domus Friers Preachers 0009 06 05 o o Chich. Saint Peter Saint Peter Saint Osith M Richard B. of London Anno Dom. 1120. Blacke Canons 0758 05 08 o o Coggeshall Saint Marie M K. Stephen Nephew to William the Conqueror White Monkes 0298 08 0 o o Dunmowe Saint Marie P Iuga a Noble Lady A. D. 1111. Blacke Canons 0173 02 04 o o Earles-colne Saint Marie P Albericus de Uere Blacke Monkes of Abingdon 0175 14 08 ob o Ginge-attestone P Blacke Canons           Halstide siue Hasted C Robert Bourchier 0023 16 05 ob   Hatfeild Regis P Robert de Uere Earle of Oxford tempore Henrici tertij Blacke Monkes 0157 03 02 ob o Heneninghā castel P Iohn Haukewood Knight Iohn Oliuer Esquier and Thomas Newenton Esquier 0029 12 10 o o Horkislegh M The Ancestors of Sir Roger Wentworth in the right of his Wife 0027 07 11 o o Ilford H 0016 13 04 o o Lyghes P 0141 14 08 o o Maldon F Richard Grauesend Bishop of London and Richard Iselham Priest Anno Dom. 1292. Carmelites or White Friers 0026 00 08 o o Mercy This is also placed in Hertfordshire because it is doubtfull in which of these 2 it is Saint Helen P Alien Roger Fitz-Ranulph           Newport H 0023 10 08 o o Saint Osithe M Richard B. of London A. D. 1520. Regular Canons 0758 05 08 o o Pipewell or Pritwell Saint Mary P Blacke Monkes 0194 14 03 ob o Plecy C 0139 03 10 o o Stanesgate P The Predecessors of the Prior of Lewis Blacke Monkes 0043 08 06 o o Stratford Langthorne Saint Mary M Gulielmus Mountfitchet primus Fundator postea Richardus secundus Rex Angliae regni 20. 0573 15 06 ob q Thoby P Michael de Capra Knight the ancestors of Iohn Mounteny Fitzherbert and Iermin 0075 06 10 ob o Tiptree M The Ancestors of Anthony Darcy 0022 16 04 o o Tiltie Saint Marie M Maurice the sonne of Gilbert White Monks Cistertians 0177 09 04 o o Tremhale alias Trenchale P 0070 19 03 ob o Walden parua Saint Iacob M Galfridus de Magna-villa Blacke Monkes 0406 15 11 o o Waltham Sanctae Crucis M King Harold the last after by King Henry the second Blacke Canons 1079 12 01 o o GLOVCESTER-SHIRE Places Dedication Founder and Time Order Value         l s. d. ob q. Gloucester Saint Peter M King Osrick of Northumberland first made it a Nunnerie afterward Aldred Archb. of Yorke and B. of Worcester A. D. 68●… Blacke Monkes Benedictines 1550 04 05 ob o Iuxta Gloucester Saint Oswald P Egelfleda Daughter of King Elfred first Foundresse Anno Domini 910. Blacke Canons alij Friers Preachers 0090 10 02 ob o Gloucester Saint Barth H 0044 07 02 ob o Gloucester Saint Barth H 0025 11 02 oo o Gloucester F Queene Aeleanor wife to King Edward the first Sir Iohn Giffard and Sir Thomas Barkley Knights Carmelites or white Friers           Gloucester King Athelstan Canons Augustines           Barkley N Nunnes           Bro●…feild P Canons 0078 19 04 oo o Cirencester S. Iohn S. Laurence H The Abbot of Cirencester           Cirencester Saint Marie M First the Saxons afterward King Henry the first Blacke Canons 1051 07 01 ob o Dierherst siue Dereherst First by King Etheldred after by Edward Confessor after made a Cell to S. Dennys in France by Edward king of England Blacke Monkes           Flaxeley in the forrest of Dean M Roger Earle of Hereford in King Henry the seconds time Cistertians 0112 03 01 o o Hailes M Richard Earle of Cornwall and King of Romans A. D. 1246. 0357 07 07 ob o Kingeswood Saint Marie M Barkleis of Duresley White Monkes 0254 05 10 o o Lanthonie neere Glouc. Saint Marie P Milo Earle of Hereford Blacke Canons Augustines 0748 19 11 ob o Lanthonie parua in the Marches of Wales P 0112 00 05 o o Minching-hamptō N Nunnes           Niwetton Blacke Monks           Quinington H 0137 07 01 ob o Stanley Saint Leonard M Mande●…il Earle of Essex King Henry the second 0126 0 08 o o Stow. H Almare Earle of Cornwall 0025 14 08 o o Teuxbury Saint Mary M Odo Dodo men of great power in Mercia founded it at Cranborne afterward remoued by Robert Fitzhamon to Te●…xbury A. D. 717. made first a Priory after an Abbey A. D. 1102. Blacke Monkes Benedictines 1598 01 03 o o Westbury C For Richard Duke of Yorke and Edmund Earle of Rutland K. Edward gaue them the Hospitall of S. Laurence by Bristow Deane and Canons ●…232 14 0 o o Winche●…combe Saint Mary M Kenulph the Merci●… King Blacke Monkes 0756 11 09 oo o HAMP-SHIRE Places Dedication Founder and Time Order Value         l. s. d. ob q. Winchester S. Swithin M S. Peter Lucius the first Christian King after by Ke●…alch King of the West Saxons Aelfred and Edgar circa annu●… 670. Blacke Monkes 1507 17 02 oo q Winchester Saint Mary N S. Edburg Aelfwida the wife of King Aelfred after by King Edward the first Blacke Nunnes 017●… 07 02 o o Winchester F Peter of Winchester Parson of Saint Hellons in Winchester A. D. 1278. Carmelites or White Friers           Winchester F Austine Friers           Winchester F K. Henry the third Grey-Friers           Winchester F Peter of Rochi●… Blacke Friers           Iuxta Winchester Beatae Mariae
C William Wickham Bishoppe of Winchester 0639 08 07 oo   Iuxta Winchester H Henry Beauford Cardinall of Winchester founded it and gaue it lands to the value of 158. l. 13. s. 4. d. And S. Iohn de Fodering bridge an Ho●…pital was giuē to it Two Chaplens 35 Poore Men. 3. Women           Iuxta Southampton Le teley alias Le●…o loco S. Edward and M S. Marie Henry the third and Peter de Rupibus Augustine Eriers 0160 02 09 ob o Iuxta Southampton Sancti Dionis P K. Richard the first called Cord●…-Lion Anno Dom. 1179. Blacke Canons 0091 09 00 o   Southampton Beatae Mariae Magd. H Confirmed by Pope Alexander Anno Dom. 1179. 0016 16 02 ob o Apple-durwell in the Isle of Wight P Nicholas Spenser and Margerie his wife           〈◊〉 Praeceptoria 0118 16 7 oo   Bello-loco M. King Iohn 0428 06 08 oo o Bromere S. Trinity P S. Mary S. Michael Baldwin Earle of Riuers and Deuonshire Blacke Canons 0200 05 01 ob o Chritwynh●…ms si ●…e Christ-church of Twynham P Isabel de Fortibus sometime Countesse of Albemarle and Deuonshire and Lady of the Isle founded it for William de Fortibus Earle of Albemarle and Richard de Red●…ers Earle of Deuonshire A. D. 1161. This is placed also in Deuonshire 0544 06 00 oo o Caresbroc in the Isle of Wight S. Mary Magd. P Blacke Monks           Deretford in the Isle of Wight Sāctae Elizabetha P King Edward the third           Ham●…le Saint Andrew P Grey Monks           Hide Saint Peter M Saint Paul S. Grimball First King Alfride after performed by K. Edward Senior and lastly the Monks themselues remoued from the old tempore Henrici primi Blacke Monkes 0865 01 06 ob q Mottisfount Sanctae Trinitatis P Ranulph Flammard Bishoppe of Durham Richard de Riparijs Earle of Deuonshire and William de Bruere tempore Gulielms Rufi Blacke Canons or Augustines of Berton 0167 15 08 ob o Portsmouth A Church and Hospitall Peter de Rupibus 0033 19 05 ob o Quarrer in the Isle of Wight S. Mary Magd. M Baldwine Earle of Deuonshire and Richard his sonne About the time of King Stephen White Monkes 0184 01 10 o o Redford or Redbridge M           Romsey N King Edgar and Earle Alwyn Nunnes 0528 08 10 ob o Southwyke Saint Mary P William Pontlarge siue Pont-le-arch and William Danys Normans Also William de Ponteys a Benefactor Regular Canons 0314 17 10 ob o Tychefeild Saint Marie M Peter de Rupibus Bishop of Winchester 0280 19 10 ob o Whorwell Sanctae Crucis N Saint Peter Queene Aelfrith Blacke Nunnes 0403 12 10 o o Wyntney P 0059 01 00 oo o Sāctae Elizabethae C 0112 17 04 ob o Sanctae Crucis H Henry Blois brother to King Stephen 0084 04 02 o o HEREFORD-SHIRE Places Dedication Founder and Time Order Value         l s d ob q Hereford S. Mary Epā tus S. Ethelbert Milfrid a petty King of the Country Reinelm Bishop tempore Henrici primi Secular Canons           Hereford S. Guthlac F Henry Penbrigge Grey Friers 0121 03 03 ob o Hereford S. Peter S Paul P Iohn Pe●…brigge Blacke Monkes           Acornebury S. Katherine N VVhite Nunnes 0075 07 05 ob o Barrone Blacke Monks           Clyfford Saint Marie P Blacke Monkes 0065 11 11 oo o Dore. Saint Mary M Robert Lord of Ewias●… White Monkes 0118 00 02 o o Flansford M Richard Talbot Regular Canons 0015 08 09 oo o Kilpeke P           Ledbury S Katherine H Iohn Bishop of Hereford 0022 05 00 oo o Leomenstre Saint Iacob P M●…rewald a King of the Mercians and K. Henry the first Blacke Monks of R●…ding           Lymbroke N VVhite Nunnes ●…023 17 08 o   Wiggemore Sancto Iacobo P Blacke Canons           Wormesty P 0083 10 02     Hertford a Cel to S. Albans P Blacke Monkes 0086 14 8     Saint Albans Saint Alban Martyr M Offa King of the Mercians Anno D●… 795. Blacke Monkes 2510 06 01 ob q HERTFORD-SHIRE Places Dedication Founder and Time Order Value         l s. d. ob q. Beluero a Cel to S. Albans Saint Mary S. Ioh. Baptist. P Blacke Monkes 0135 05 10 oo o Bosco neere Flamsteed S. Egidius N Nunnes 0046 16 01 ob o Button Saint Marie P Monkes           Binham in Com. Norff. A Cel to S. Albant P 0160 01 00 oo o Chesthunte N Henr. Rex Angliae Domin us Hibernia Dux Norm Aquitan Comes Anged confirmed Shestrehunt Moniales totam terram Dom. ten cumpertin suis quae Canonicis de Cathale quos amoueri fecimus At Westm. 11. Aug. 24. Regni nostri Nunnes 0027 06 8     Chille N Blacke Nunnes           Chiltree N Blacke Nunnes           Hatfeild Peuerel in Com. Essex A Cell to Saint Albans Saint Mary P Daughter of Ingelrick and wife to Peuerel in K. William the Conquerors time Blacke Monkes of Saint Albans 0083 19 07 o o Hychin F K. Edward the second Iohn Blomnil and Adam Rouse and Iohn Cobham Carmelites or White Friers 0004 09 04     Langley Regis F Robert sonne of Roger Helle Baron Preaching Friers 0150 14 08 o o Langley vid●… Leicestershire N Fundator Antecessor vxoris Francisci Bigo●… Militis einsdem vxoris Sororum Nunnes           Mersey S. Helen P Alien Roger Fitz-Ran●…lph           Mirdiall Saint Mary P Blacke Canons           Monketon in Dioc. S. Dauids A Cel to S. Albās P 0113 02 06 ob q New-bigging infra villam de Huchyn P 0015 01 11 oo o Royston alias Cr●…x Rohaysiae S. Iohn Baptist S. Th●…m Martyr P Eustach de Marc Knight Lord of N●…cels and Radulphus de Rancester and others renued it Canons 0106 03 01 oo o Royston S. Iohn S. I●…mes Apostles H 0005 06 10 oo o Roweney A Free Chappel or Hospitall 0013 10 09 o o Sopewell Saint Mary N The Abbots of Saint Albans Blacke Nunnes 0068 08 00 oo o Thele C William Bishop of London A Master 4 Chaplens           Tynmouth in com Northb. a Cel to S. Albans P Fundator Antecessor Dueis Norfolcia 0511 04 01 ob o Ware P The Progenitors of King Richards mother           Wymondley P Richard Argenten Canons 0037 10 06 ob o HVNTINGDON-SHIRE Places Dedication Founder and Time Order Ualue         l. s. 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 q. Huntingdon Saint Mary P Eustachius Lo●…tot Blacke Canons Augustines 0232 0 00 ob   Huntingdon S. Iohn Baptist H Founded by Dauid Earle of Huntingdon Lord of Connington tempore H. 2. 0006 07
08 oo o Hinchingbroke N William Conqueror in place of Eltesly by him suppressed Nunnes 0019 09 02 oo o S. Neot A Cell to Becco in Normandy P E. Aelfric first Roisia de Claraster A. D. 1113. Blacke Monkes 0256 01 03 ob o Ramsey Saint Mary S. Benedict M Earle Aylwin Anno Dom. 969. Blacke Monkes Benedictines 1983 15 03 oo q Saltry Saint Mary M Simon 2. Earle of Huntingdon Kinges of Scots and Lords of Connington in the raigne of King Stephen White Monkes Cistertians 0199 11 08 oo o Stoneley P Mande●…le Earle of Essex Blacke Canons Augustines 0046 00 0b oo o S. Yuo A Cell to Ramsey P Earle Ad●…us in the raigne of Ed●…d Ir●…side Blacke Monkes Benedictines           KENT Places Dedication Founder and Time Order Value         l. s. 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 Canterbury Christ-Church Saint Trinity P 〈◊〉 ●…ll beleeuing Romans after Et●…lred King of Kent 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 2489 04 09 oo o Iuxta Canterbury Saint Augustine M King Ethelbert and after King Edward the second Blacke Monkes 1412 04 07 ob q Iuxta Canterbury S. Gregory or S. George P Lowffran Archbishop there Blacke Canons 0166 04 05 ob o Iuxta Canterbury Saint Sepul●…hers N Black Nunnes 0038 19 07 ob o Canterbury F King Henry the third Grey-Friers           Canterbury H Poore Priests 0010 13 08 ob o Iuxta Canterbury Saint Laurence H 0031 07 10 o o Canterbury extra Mur●…s Saint Iacob H 0032 11 01 ob q Ailefford F Richard Lord Grey of Cod●…r in the time of King Henry the third Anno Dom. 1240. Carmelites or white Friers           Ashford C Sir R. Fogge Knight Priests           Beigham Saint Marie P The Ancestors of Thomas Sak●…ile Alij Sir Robert Thornham White C●…nons 0152 19 04 ob   Bels●…ton or Bilsington Saint Mary P Iohn Maunsell Praepositus Be●…lacensis for King Henry the third and Eleanor his wife Blacke Canons 0081 01 06 o o Bradgare C Robert de Bradgare T. Ioseli●… Clerie and Iohn at Uise           Bradesoke S. Radegundis M Hugh the first Abbct. White Canons 0142 08 09 o o Boxley Saint Marie M William de Ipres a Fleming Earle of Kent tempore Regis Stephani White Monkes 0218 19 10 o o Cobham C Iohn Baron Cobham 0128 01 09 ob o Combewell S. Mary Magd. M Blacke Canons 0080 17 5 o q Dar●…ford N King Edward the third Ann●… Reg●…i Anglia 30. Francia ver●… 17. Nunnes 0400 08 00 oo o Daunton N Blacke Nunnes           Douer Saint Marie Saint Martin P King Henry the first Blacke Monkes 0232 01 05 ob o Douer 〈◊〉 Dei. H Henricus tertius Rex Anglia Knights Templers 0159 18 06 ob q Eastbridge H King Henry the first gaue for William his Father quicquid Robertus Bru●… dederat Ec●…lesia de Esteburch fratribus ibidem Regularibus 0023 18 09 ob q El●…et N Dom●… Nunnes           Feuersham S. Sauiours M King Stephen and Maud his wife Blacke Monkes Cluniacenses 0286 12 06 ob o Folkestone S. Eanswide N Eanswide daughter to Eadbald King of Kent After Roger Segrane and Iulian his wife and Iohn Clinton Baron Blacke Nunnes 0063 00 07 o o Greenwich F King Henry the seuenth Obseruant Friers           Greenwich C William Lambard Queen Elizabeths poore people           Greenwich F Alien K. Edward the third Anno Regni 55. Iohn Norbury Frier Minors           Harballdowne H Iohn Stratford or Stafford Archbishop of Canterbury 0109 07 02 oo o Heyham N Blacke Nunnes           Horton Saint Iohn Euangelist P Blacke Monkes Cluniacenses 0111 16 07 ob o Langdon S. Th●… Martyr M White Canons 0056 06 09 o o Leedes Saint Nicholas P Robert Cre●…equeur Blacke Canons Augustines 0362 07 07 o o Lesnes vpon Thames S. Augustin or S. Th. Martyr P Richard de Luci●… Chiefe Iustice of England Anno D●… 1179. Blacke Canons 0186 09 00 o o Lewesham P Alien Iohn Norburie Blacke Monkes           Maidstone Omniū Sanctorū C Boniface of Sa●…y 0159 07 10 oo o Malling Saint Marie N Gundulph Bishoppe of Rochester Blacke Nunnes 0245 10 02 ob o Mottynden M 0060 13 00 ob o Newenden F Built at the charges of Sir Thomas Albuger Knight A. D. 1241. Carmelites or White Friers           Northgate Saint Iohns H 0091 16 08 ob o West Peccam Praeceptoria Iohannes Culpepper Iustic de communi Banco Anno 10. H. 4 0063 06 08 o o Reculuer M Bassa an English Saxon.           Rochester Saint Andrew M Bishop Gundulph a Norman A. D. 1080. Blacke Canons 0486 11 05 o o Rochester S Bartholmew H King Henry the third confirmed it and Edward the third discharged them of all Taxes Tallages c. Leprosi           Rumney P Ali●…           Sandwich F Henry Cowfeild an Almane Anno D●… 1272. Carmelites or White Friers           Sandwich Saint Thomas H Thomas Ralyng Clerke William Swanne Clerke Iohn Goddard and Richard Long.           Strode or Strowde H Robert Glanuile 0052 19 10 ob o Swingfeild Pracept●…ria 0087 03 03 ob o Sh●…pey S. Sexb●…rg N Sexburga wife of Erc●…bert King of Kent or East-Angles Anno D●… 710. Nunnes 0129 07 10 ob o Shepey Saint Marie William de-la-Poole Marquesse of Suffolke by the name of William de-la Poole Earle of Suffolke             Tunbridge S. Mary Magd. P Richard Clare Earle of Glocester Blacke Canons 0169 10 03 o o Wingham C Founded by Archbishop Pecham Canons           Wye C Iohn Kempe Archbishoppe of Canterburie Priests 0093 02 0 ob o   Saint Mary S. Swythin Sir Iohn Segraue           LANCA SHIRE Places Dedication Founder and Time Order Value         l. s. d. ob q. Lancaster Saint Marie P Iohn Earle of Morton and confirmed by him afterward when hee was King of England Monkes           Lancaster A Cell Roger of P●…ictiers Monkes Aliens           Burstough P Canons 0129 01 00 o o Calder Fundator Antecessor Domini de Copeland           Cartmele P William Marshall the elder Earle of Pembroke for King Henry the second Anno D●… 1188. 0113 19 07 oo o Cokersand M Ranulph de Meschines Monks Cluniacks 0228 05 04 ob o Conyshed P Fundator Antecessor G●…lielmi Pennington 0124 02 01 o o Furnes M Stephen Earle of Bullen afterward King of England Monks Cistert●…ans           Holland P Robert Holland and Maud his wife Alij Antecessores Comitis Derbia 0061 03 04 o o Horneby Cella Fundator Antecessor Domini Mounteagle           Ieruaux
of Durham After in our time Sir Thomas Pope knight             Lincolne Colledge Richard Fleming Bishop of Lincolne             S. Albans Hall             Broadgate Hall             All-Soules Colledge Henry Chichley Archbishop of Canterbury tempore H. 5.             New Inne             Bernard now S. Iohn Baptist Colledge Henry Chicheley Archbishop of Canterbury tempore H. 5. After in our time Sir Thomas White L. Maior of London             Sancti Iohannis Hospitale now Mary Magdalen Colledge Fundator Henricus Rex Afterward William Wainflet B. of Winchester             Magdalen Hal. William Patten alias Wainflet             Brasen Nose Col ledge William Smith Bishop of Lincolne tempore H. 7. Doctor Nowell Dean of Pa●…les Benefactor             Corpus Christi Colledge Richard Fox B. of VVinchester Hugh Olda●… B. of Excester Benefactor             Iesus Colledge Hugh Price Doctor of the Lawes             Wadham Colledge Wadham an Esquier and his wife             Banbury H Saint Iohn 0015 01 10 ob o Banbury C Beate Mariae 0048 06 00 oo o Brackele P Saint Mary Blacke Canons           Bruern M Saint Mary Nicholas Basset White Monkes 0124 10 10 oo o Burcester vulgo Bisset●…r Saint Eadburgh Gilbert Basset and Egelina Courtney his wife tempore Henrici Secundi 0167 02 10 oo o Burford P 0013 06 06 oo o Chiping Norton in Ecclesia 0007 14 00 oo o Clattercote M Sancti Leonardi 0034 19 11 oo o Coges P Blacke Monkes           Dorchester M Saint Peter and Saint Paul Birinus the Apostle of the West-Saxons and after by Nicholas Huntercombe heire of William Huntercombe Blacke Canons 0219 12 00 oo o Ewelme or New Elme H William de la Pole Duke of Suffolke 0020 0 0 o o Eynsham M Saint Marie Athelmar a Nobleman King Aethelred confirmed it A. D. 1005. Blacke Monkes Benedictines 0421 16 01 oo o Godstowby Oxf. N Saint Mary Dame Ida a rich Widow Repaired by K. Iohn Blacke Nunnes 0319 18 08 oo o Goring N Saint Marie Blacke Nunnes 0060 05 05 oo o Lidmore alias Littlemore N Fundator Domini Regis Progenitor Blacke Nunnes 0033 06 08 oo o Norton P Domini Regis Progenitor Reginald Earle of Boloigne gaue 108½ Acres to it Richard Sergeaux Blacke Canons           Saucombe P Saint Marie Blacke Canons           Stodeley N Saint Mary Peter Corbyzen and William de Cantelop 0102 06 07 oo o Tame M Saint Mary Alexander Bishoppe of Lincolne the great builder of Castles White Monkes 0256 13 07 ob o Wroxton P Saint Mary Master Michael Bylet for Heruey Bylet his Father and confirmed by K. Iohn Canons 0078 14 03 o o RICHMOND-SHIRE Places Dedication Founder and Time Order Value         l. s. d. ob q Richmond M Saint Agath Roaldus Constable of Richmond and Gracian his wife Fundator Antecessor Dom. Scroope A. D. 1152. 0188 16 02 oo o Richmond H Saint Nicholas 0010 00 00 oo o Couerham alias Somerham M First founded at Swaynsie by Halwisia daughter of Ralph Glam●…ill wife to Ralph Lord of Midleham but remoued after to Couerham A. D. 1182. Chanons Praemonstratenses 0207 14 08 oo o Cander M 0064 03 09 oo o Ellerton N Saint Mary William Fitz-Pier Nunnes 0015 14 08 oo o Furnesse M Saint Mary First Stephen Earle of Bolleyn Anno Dom. 1127. After William de Mowbray gaue lands to it which lands hee had of Richard Moruill and Amie his wife King Henry the 1. confirmed it VVhite Monkes 0966 07 10 oo o Fountaines M Saint Mary Thurstin Archbishoppe of Yorke A. D. 1132. White Monkes 1173 00 07 ob o Gilling N Nunnes           Ieruall M Saint Mary Stephen Earle of Britaine and Richmond White Monkes Cistertians 0455 10 05 oo o Iuxta Kendall H 0006 04 03 oo o Neere Knaresbrough F Saint Robert Richard King of Romains Earle of Cornwall A. D. 1218. Friers 0035 10 11 oo o Maryke N Askes Nunnes 0064 16 09 oo o Middleham or Barnards Castle Richard Duke of Yorke           Nun-Munketon N Fundator Antecessor G●…ll Gascoign Militis Nunnes 0085 14 08 oo o Rybleston Commendary 0207 09 07 oo o Rypon Eccles. Collegiat 0035 03 08 oo o Rypon H S. Mary Magd. 0024 00 07 o o Rypon H S. Iohn Baptist. 0016 14 04 oo o Seton N Fundator Antecessor Henrici Kirkeby Nunnes 0013 17 04 oo o Welles H S. Michael Ralph Lord N●…ill A. D. 1367. 0020 17 11 oo o RVTLAND-SHIRE Places Dedication Founder and Time Order Ualew         l. s. d. ob q Occham vnder the custodie of a Prior of Saint Anne Carthusians by Couentree Saint Iohn H Euangelist H William Dalby of Ext●… 2 Chaplens 12 poore each 30. s. yeerely           Brooke S. Mary the Virg. P   0043 13 04 oo o SHROPSHIRE Places Dedication Founder and Time Order Value         l s. d. ob q. Shrewsbury M Saint Peter Saint Paul Saint Melb. Roger Earle of Mountgomery Anno Dom. 1081. Blacke Monkes 0615 04 03 ob o Shrewsbury Eccles Collegiat Saint Chadds 0014 14 04 oo o Shrewsbury Ecc. Colleg. Saint Mary 0013 01 08 oo oo Shrewsbury F Carmelites or white Friers           Shrewsbury F Blacke Friers           Shrewsbury F Geffrey Lord of Powis Grey Friers           Abberbury giuen to Al-Soules in Oxford by the King P Alien Fundator Domini Regis Progenitor           Battlefield C King Henry the fourth 0054 01 01 oo o Bildewas M Saint Marie Roger Bishop of Chester Black Monkes Cistertians 0129 06 10 oo o Brewood M 0031 01 04 oo o ●…ridgenorth H F Iohn Earle of Shrewsbury Cosen and Heire to Ralph Strange Originall Founder Grey Friers 0004 00 00 oo o B●…umfeild Blacke Monkes           Chirbury P 087 07 04 oo o Halisowen M King Iohn Peter de Rupibus Bishoppe of Winchester 0337 15 06 ob o Haughmond M Saint Mary S. Iohn Euang. William Fitz-Alane White Canons 0294 12 90 oo o Ludlow F Sir Laurence Ludlow Knight An. Dom. 1349. Carmelites or White Friers           Ludlow F Edmundus de Pontibus siue Briggman Benefactor Augustine Friers           Ludlow H Saint Iohn 0017 03 03 o o Lyleshull M Bea●…meis Family Blacke Canons 0327 10 00 oo o Stone P Saint Michael Blacke Monkes           Tonge C Saint Bartholmew Isabel wife of Fulke de Penbridge Chenalier 0022 08 01 oo o Wenlocke P Saint Milburg
Mollo Wil. Malmes His raigne His death 20. An. Do. 765. Alured Simon Duncl●… Flor. ●…igor His issue 21. An. Do. 774. Erhelred Mat●…b West 22. An. Do. 778. Alfwald His death His raigne His issue 23. An. Do. 789. Osred His raigne An. Do. 794. Ethelred Will. Malmesb. Ma●…b West●… He●…y Hunt Simon Dun. Randul Higden in Polyc●…re His raigne His death 24. Oswald King 〈◊〉 daies The continuance of this kingdome Mercia The limits of it An. Do. 582. Crida Flor. Wigor His raigne His issue 2. An. Do. 593. Wibba Mat●…b West His issue Cap. 9. Sect. 7. His raigne His death 3. An. Do. 614. Ceorl His raigne 4. An. Do. 626. Penda His raigne He●…r Hunt Matth. West●… Beda bist Angl. lib. 3. cap. 18. His death Wife Issue Ingulphus 5. An. Do. 656. Peada Beda hist. Angl. l. 3 c. 21. Hugo de Peterbor His wife His death Beda hist. Angl. l. 3. c. 24. 6. An. Do. 659. Vulfhere His raigne His vvife His issue 7. An. Do. 675. Ethelred Simon Dunelm His raigne His wife His issue 8. An. Do. 704. Kenred His raigne Beda hist. Angl. lib. 5. ca. 20. His death 9. An. Do. 709. Chelred Monarch of the English-men His vvife His raigne Death 1●… An. Do. ●…10 〈◊〉 His raigne 11. An. Do. 758. Offa. His raigne Flor. Wigor His wife His issue 12. An. Do. 796. Egfryde Flacc●… 〈◊〉 13. An. Do. 797. Kenwolfe His raigne His wife His issue 14. An. Do. 819. Kenelm His raigne Roger Higden His death Legend ... 〈◊〉 sol 175. 15. An. Do. 820. Ceolwulfe Matth. Westminst His raigne His issue 16. An. Do. 821. Bernulfe Simon Dunelm Wil. Malmes His death His raigne Henr. Hunt 17. An. Do. 824. Ludecan His raigne 1●… An. Do. ●…26 Withlafe His issue Iob. Capgraue 19. An. Do. 839. Berthulf Will. Malmesb. Berefred the causer of S. Wystans martyrdome 20. An. Do. 852. Matth. West The Danes depart the Prouince They returne with 3. Kings * Repton Burdred and his wife flie the land Hee buried at Rome His wife at Padua The kingdome of Mercia brought in subiection to the West-Saxons The circuit af this Prouince 1 An. Do. 575. The first King of the East-Angles Beda hist. Angl. lib. 2. Cap. 15. East Angles called Vffines Vffa his genealogie 2 An. Do. 383 The second King of the East-Angles His raigne Florent Worcest 3. An. Do. 593. Beda hist. l. 2. ca. 5. The third King of this Kingdom Cap. 9. Sect. 7. See more of him in Chap 18. His raigne 4 An. Do. 624 The fourth King of this Kingdom The first of this Prouince that publikely 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 Matth West Beda hist l. 2. c●… 15 The people reiect Christ. The King slaine by a Traitor His raigne Iohn S●… The Subiects reclaimed by Sigebert 5 An. Do. 636 The fifth King Sigebert supected of treason against Redwald He goeth into exile Beda hist. Ang. l. 3. c. ●● Sigebert with the assistance of a Bishop doth promote religion and learning Will. ●…mbert in Peramb of Kent Mr. Caius and Mr. Key Beda hist. Angl. lib. 4. cap. 19. Grantcester Beda maketh mention of Grantcester but not of 〈◊〉 Schoole there The Vniuersities of England aboue all other in Europe Sigebert resigneth to Egricke and liueth in a Monasterie He is constrained to resume it againe and is slaine in battle His raigne 6. An. Do. 638. The sixth King Penda a cruell King of Mercia Egrick and Sigebert both slaine by Penda His raigne 7. An. D. 642. The seuenth King Beda hist. Angl. li. 3. cap. 18. Malmesb. de gest is Regum Angl. Anna slaine in battle by Penda Anna his issue His raigne Firminus he●…e apparant Erkenwald Abbat of Chertside and Bishop of London Etheldrid Abbesse of Ely Sexburge Abbesse of Ely after her sister Withgith a Mēchion in Ely Abbey Ethilburge Abbesse of Barking Beda lib. 4. cap. 6. Edelburge Abbesse of S. Brigges in France Beda lib. 3. Cap. 〈◊〉 8 An. Do. 654 Ethelherd the eighth King Beda hist. Angl. lib. 3. cap. 24. His raigne Hereswith the wife of Ethelhert Their children 9 An. Do. 656. 10 An Do. 664 11 An. Do. 683 His raigne 12. An. Do. 714 Beorn the twelfth King 13 An. D. 714. Ethelred the thirteenth King He raigned two and fifty yeeres His sonne Ethelbert His wife Leofrun Flores Wigor Ioba Capgraue 14. An. D. 749. Ethelbert the foureteenth King Giral Cambrensis Ethelbert murdered by Offa King of Mercia Buried at Merden After at Hereford ouer whom was built a faire Church Iohn Capgraue Elfrid his espousall vowed chastity Os●…rt de Cl●…e He raigned forty fiue yeeres Offa heire to the Crowne adopteth Edmund the sonne of Alkmond 15 An. Do. 870. Edmund the fif teenth King The Danes inuasion Polydor. Virg. Fabian Edmund taken of the Danes and put to death for the faith of Christ. Malmes His raigne 〈◊〉 Church 〈◊〉 S. Edmondsbury builded in honor of Edmund This Church razed to the ground by Suenus a Danish King Reedified and richly endowed by 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 sonne The Danes expulsed hence by 〈◊〉 Hither●… the Saxons Heptarchy The British Opposers Resisters of the Saxons Vortigern the first and Cadwallader the last resister of the Saxons A successiue Series of Great Britaines Coines Saxons haue concealed all victories against themselues The causes of Vortigerns feare and his sending for the Saxons Beda lib. 1. cap. 14. 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 His second wife 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 His third vvife 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 daughter Fausius the sonne o●… 〈◊〉 by his third wife Vortigern how long he raigned Fabian Chro. Vortigern deposed and imprisoned He flieth into Wales Polychr li. 5. ca. 1. Vortigern and his wife destroied by fire from heauen Henr. Hunt Rand. Higd. 5. c. 1. 2. An. Do. 454. Vortimer the second resister of the Saxons Vortimer how long he maintained warre against the Saxons Foure chiefe battles and the successe of the first The place of the first battle Beda lib. 1. ca. 15. The place of the second battle The place of the third battle The place of the fourth battle The Saxons quite dispossessed Vortimer made away by Rowena Vortimer the continuance of his raigne Fabian Chro. par 5. cap. 89. Vortigern reestablished King Ninius Vortimer his monument the Stonar Uortimer supposed to be buried in London Sigebertus 3. An. Do. 466. The third resister of the Saxons Galfrid M●… Beda hist. lib. 1. cap. 16. Geffrey Caxton Polych Hector Boetius Aurelius Ambrosius erected Stonhenge The description of the Monument of Stonhenge Ancient fashioned Armor found at Stonhenge 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 Do●… 〈◊〉 of Bri●…e Luke 24 39. 〈◊〉 in his 〈◊〉 Aurelius Ambrosius the continuence of his 〈◊〉 An. Do. 498. Mat. Westminster 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 A●…ex 〈◊〉 Uter 〈◊〉 in loue with La●… Igren 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 An ancient Manuscript Geffrey c. Iohn Harding Pendragon the continuance of his raigne Gen. 49. 17. In gold and iewels as Hardig saith 5. An. Do. 516. Matth. West●… Scotia Chron. Matth. West●… Beda hist. Angl. lib.
a sudden gale arose which blew all the sailes spred for that winde into one Port. And that was Harold sonne to Earle Goodwine a man duly prizing his many worthy parts not vnmeet for a kingdom who first succeeding his father in his Dukedome and next Edward his brother in Law in his Kingdom in patience clemency affability bare himselfe most approuedly towards the vertuous but with a Lions courage and fierce countenance chastised the disordered and indeede became another Maccabeus vnto the distressed Land Whose kingly state before wee touch it shall not bee amisse to lengthen his short raigne with his Acts and Life as hee was a Subiect both with and against his Lord and Predecessor 2 That hee tooke part with his Father against Eustace of Bulloigne and King Edwards hasty commission wee haue shewed himselfe then enioying the Earledom of Oxford and so affected by those of Essex Suffolke and Norfolke Cambridge Huntington-shires that they sided in his cause against the King But these designes failing as commonly it is seene all attempts of Subiects against their Soueraignes doe hee learned by banishment what was the losse of true honour and by forbearance of battle when halfe the Kingdome stood for him his dutie obliged vnto the Common-wealth And growne againe into fauour with the King carried himselfe answerably vnto both 3 Some iealousy conceiued Edward without any cause banished Algar the son of Leofrike Earle of Chester who with the helpe of the Irish and Welchmen vnder the conduct of Gruffith ap Llewelyn Prince of North-Wales who had married his daughter did much hurt to the English putting Rodulph Earle of Hereford to flight with the slaughter of fiue hundred men spoiled the City burnt the Minster and became Masters of mis-rule in those parts Against these was Harold sent and with such manhood pursued his flying enemies that passing through North-Wales vpon the Snow-downes he pitched his Field The Earle and Prince Gruffith not daring to abide his presence fled thence vnto South-Wales and again tooke into Hereford whereof Harold hauing intelligence hasted thitherward leauing sufficient in the Snow-downes to mate the Welsh and recouering the City with a deepe trench and high rampire fortified it about where for the sauing of more bloud and not vngratefull to Algar who without grudge had resigned to him his Earldome and whole Reuenewes at his returne from exile a peace was concluded and at Harolds request Earle Algar and Prince Gruffith were pardoned 4 But Algar being again accused again aided by his old associate Gruffith recouered his Earledome by force whereat King Edward was highly displeased but most against Gruffith who euer was ready to assist any against him whereupon Harold the second time appointed Generall with a great host entred North-Wales without sight of enemy where he only burnt downe the stately Palace of Prince Gruffith so returned to the King But long the Welsh were not quiet nor the Prince pleased of the harms to him done Wherefore making his forces verie strong he again molested the English 5 To restraine whom once more was Harold set foorth who with such terrour burst into Wales that Prince Gruffith in secret stole from his Campe leauing his Souldiers if they would to fight for themselues whereupon his whole army yeelded themselues to Harolds mercy and hauing Prince Gruffith in their hands cut off his head and sent it to Harold giuing him pledges for assurance of p●…ce and the paiment of the ancient tribute which for a time had beene reteined yet euer after hee carried so heauy a hand on the Welsh that as Iohn of Salisburie in his Policraticon writeth he ordained a law that what Welsh-man soeuer should with weapon passe ouer Offaes ditch should haue hi●… right hand cutte off by the Kings officer 6 All now in quiet and Harold withdrawne to his Mannor of Boseham vpon the riuage of the sea in the confines of Sussex there for his recreation one day hee tooke into a Fishers boate with small attendants neither those very skilfull Mariners when no sooner were they lanched into the deepe but a contrary wind came about and droue the boat vpon the coast of Ponthieu in France where hee was taken by the Country people and presented to Guido their Earle who a while retained him his prisoner in hope of gaine by his ransom but Duke William requiring it he was conueied into Normandy where he cunningly perswaded the Duke that his secret comming out of England was purposely to enter a league of amity with him The Duke then hauing present wars with the Britaine 's in France tooke this his new friend and guest with him for his companion at Armes whose ready policies followed with forward practise wan him great estimation with the Duke whereupon betwixt them a couenant was made for the reseruation of the English Crowne to the Norman if it chanced King Edward to die without children and the same ratified by Harolds corporall oath with the affiancing of Lady Adeliza the Dukes fift daughter then a child and Harold a widower which afterwards fell to his owne destruction and the lands subuersion as shall bee said 7 His last imploiment by holy King Edward was against the tumultuous Northumbrians which had expulsed Tosto their Earle and Harolds owne brother where a peace was concluded without shedding blood but with condition that Tosto should lose his Earledom whereupō in great displeasure he with his wife children fled into Flanders and euer after hated the person and emulated the glory of Harold The originall of these two brethrens quarrels beganne at Windsor where in the presence of the King they fell from words vnto blowes and that in such manner as if rescue had not come Tosto had died for which disgrace hee secretly hied him into the Marches of Wales and neere the City Hereford at Portaflyth where Harold had a house then in preparing to entertaine the King he slew all his brothers seruants and them cutting peecemeale into gobbets salted some of their limmes and cast the rest into vessels of the meath and wines sending his brother word that hee had furnished him with poudred meats against the Kings comming thither which barbarous act caused deseruedly his name to be odious vnto his Northumbrians and was lastly repayed with his owne death 8 Now albeit some Heralds make Harold by birth but a Gentleman of one and the first descent which were it so should no whit blemish him who was more truely enobled with princely vertues yet therein also it may seeme hee is mis-esteemed seeing his Father was Goodwin a Duke by degree the son of Wolnoth and he the sonne of Egelmar who was the sonne of Egelricke surnamed Leofwine and brother of Edrick Duke of Mercia that married the daughter of King Ethelred of England of whom wee haue spoken The mother of Harold was Githa the daughter of Duke
haue the aide succour and helpe of their subiects and true liegemen 46 The tide of people being thus vp Flammock and the blacke Smyth hauing firme promise of the Lord Audleys personall helpe lead them forth toward Kent where they doubted not greatly to encrease their numbers and had in likelihood so done but that the singular diligence and wisdome of the King frustrated their hopes by sundry Princely Arts. Yet they flow on and to shew what they durst doe they slew in their way at Tauntford the Prouost of Perin one of the Commissioners for the Subsidie and marching forward without offering other violence Iames Tuichet Lord Audley ioines himselfe at the City of Wels vnto them according to secret agreement and becomes their Generall From Wels they proceed to Salisburie thence to Winchester and so toward Kent where the Countrey was setled and prouided But the King farther doubting that the Scots would take fresh occasion by these seditious vproares to inuade the borders of his Realme dispatched Thomas Howard Earle of Surrey a Peere of excellent vertue to defend those parts with the helpe of the Bishopricke of Durham and the Marches till these homecommotions were appeased that then the Lord Dawbeney might with a iust and full Army prosecute the warre against the Scots But Iames their King perceiuing the end of the English intestine warres would be the beginning of his troubles thought it best by way of anticipation to weaken his enemy before hand as much as hee could and thereupon fiercely inuaded Northumberland againe and besieged Norham Castell belonging to Richard Fox whom the King for his noble seruices and deserts had now aduanced from Exceter and Bath and Wels vnto the Bishopricke of Durham But the Scotish King hopelesse to winne the Castell though hauing done much hurt both to it and to the country withdrew his people before the Earle of Surrey could approach with his Army wherein was the Earle of Westmorland the Lords Dacres Strange Neuill Latimer Lumley Scrope Clifford Conyers Darcy the Baron of Hilton and many Knights as Percie Bulmer Gascoigne Penington Bigot Bowes Elarker Parr Wharton Strangwith Constable Ratcliffe Sauile Gower Musgraue Mallerie Loder Eueringham Stapleton Wortley Pickering Heron Gray Ridley Griffith Fenwicke Ward Strycland Bellingham Curwen Warcop Tempest Metcalfe and others who missing the enemy marched after into Scotland and tooke such reuenge as the shortnesse of their so daine prouisions would enable 47 The Rebels on the other side whom king Henry thought not good to encounter in their first heates but suffered them to tire their fury and surbate themselues with a long march the countries as they past being forelaide from ioyning with them comming neere to Kent found few or no partakers there but the Country strongly defended against them by the Earle thereof the Lords Aburgenie and Cobham with other principall men and their followers which made diuers of the Rebels secretly shrinke and abandon the enterprise But the Lord Audley Flammocke Michael Ioseph and the rest kept on their way and encamped vpon Blackeheath between Greenewich and Eltham from the top whereof they might behold the Citie of London the whole brauery of that Horizon Here they resolue to abide the King or to assaile London The King on the other side by the diligence of the Lord Maior and other the Magistrates secured the City which was full of feare and businesse himselfe enuironed with his Nobles the choice of the South hearing where the Rebell was encamped resolued by dint of sword to deliuer his people from tiring expectations and for that purpose marcheth out of London and encamps in S. Georges field where he lay that night The next day when he vnderstood that the Enemie had drawne forth his People and set them in Battell-ray he sends out Henry Bourchier Earle of Essex Edmond de la Pole Earle of Suffolk Sir Rice ap Thomas and others with certaine Cornets of horse and Companies of Archers to beset the hill and the descents thereof while Giles Lord Dawbeney with the strength of his Armie chargeth the Enemy in Front whom with some slaughter they draue from the Bridge at Deepford strand and then mounting the hill he and the Earles charge the maine squadrons on all sides and without much labour breake and defeate them The number of the Rebels slaine is vncertainely reported the ods being betweene two thousand and three hundreth The Kings armie returned fewer by three hundreth Fifteen hundred rebels were taken Prisoners the takers had their Prisoners goods granted them Iames Lord Audley Flammocke and the Smith were taken and executed To all the rest mercy was seasonably extended The Lord Audley led from Newgate to Towerhill in a coate of his owne Armories painted on a paper reuerst and torne there paid his head for being a Head to that heady Route Flammocke and the Smith were quartered Memorably strange was the comfort with which this Blacksmith is said to haue cheered vp himselfe at his being drawne to execution saying That yet he hoped thereby that his name and memorie should bee euerlasting Who could beleeue that the desire of a long-lasting name howsoeuer should take the affections of so meane a person Such therefore was the end of this insurrection but the times being queasy the King wiselie forbare to take any seuere reuenge vpon more then onely vpon the chiefe Leaders for he was trulie informed that this calamitie had not broken the willes of the Cornishmen who remained ready for any desperate sudden occasion and therefore he abstained from needlesse exasperations insomuch as that the quarters of Flammocke and the Smith being once appointed to haue beene set vp in Cornwall for terror were onely fixed about London the King thinking good to temper his iustice euen in such a circumstance 48 His next care was so to order the warre against Scotland that the Peace whose foundations he had laid a far off might bee made to his more honor because the iniuries sustained by the youthful errour of King Iames were too publike to bee altogether forgotten hee sent the Earle of Surrey the Lord Neuill and others to inuade the Scotish borders with an Army who pursued the reuenge with great vehemency Meane-while there arriueth in Scotland Peter Hyalus an Ambassador from Ferdinando and Elizabeth King and Queene of Spaine as from friends equally well affected to both parties to mediate a peace between the two Kings of England and Scotland which perhaps in their owne persons would not easily haue beene brought about the point of honour might thereunto haue giuen such empeachment But this was the way to a peace which King Henry foresaw there being not onely a strict bond of loue betweene him and Ferdinando but an ouerture if not a secret conclusion to match his eldest sonne Prince Arthur with the young Lady Katherine daughter of Spaine who for her excellent vertues was well worthy