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ID Title Author Corrected Date of Publication (TCP Date of Publication) STC Words Pages
A19191 The historie of Philip de Commines Knight, Lord of Argenton; Mémoires. English Commynes, Philippe de, ca. 1447-1511.; Danett, Thomas, fl. 1566-1601. 1596 (1596) STC 5602; ESTC S107247 513,370 414

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staied deliuered to the king and after put to death page 147 Chap. 13 A discourse of the fault the Duke of Burgundie committed in deliuering the Constable to the king contrary to his safe conduct and what ensued thereof page 150 The fift Booke Chap. 1 How the Duke of Burgundy making war vpon the Swissers was ouerthrowen at the straights of the mountaines neere to Granson page 153 Chap. 2 How after the ouerthrow of Granson the Duke of Milan king Rene of Sicilie the Duchesse of Sauoy and others departed from their league with the Duke of Burgundy page 156 Chap. 3 How the Swissers vanquished the D. of Burgundy in battell neere to the towne of Morat page 159 Chap. 4 How after the battell of Morat the Duke of Burgundy tooke the Duchesse of Sauoy how she was deliuered and sent home into hir countrey by the kings meanes page 161 Chap. 5 How the D. of Burgundy liued as it were solitary the space of certaine weekes during the which time the D. of Lorraine recouered his towne of Nancy page 163 Chap. 6 Of the Earle of Campobaches great treasons and how he kept the D. of Burgundy from hearing a gentleman that would haue reuealed them to him before he was put to death and how the said D. made no account of the aduertisements the king gaue him page 166 Chap. 7 How the Duke of Lorraine being accompanied with good force of Almains came to the towne of Saint Nicholas during the siege of Nancy and how the king of Portugale who was in Fraunce came to see the Duke of Burgundy during the said siege page 169 Chap. 8 How the D. of Burgundy refusing the good counsell of diuers of his men was discomfited slaine in the battell fought betweene him and the D. of Lorraine neere to Nancy page 171 Chap. 9 A discourse vpon certaine vertues of the D. of Burgundie and of the time his house florished in prosperitie page 173 Chap. 10 How the king was aduertised of the Duke of Burgundies last ouerthrow and how he gouerned his affaires after the said Dukes death page 175 Chap. 11 How the king after the Duke of Burgundies death seazed into his hands the towne of Abbeuille and of the answere they of Arras gaue him page 177 Chap. 12 A discourse not appertaining to the principall matters of the great ioy the king was in to see himselfe deliuered of so many enimies and of the error he committed touching the reducing of these countries of Burgundy to his obedience page 178 Chap. 13 How Han Bohain Saint Quintin and Perronne were yeelded to the king and how he sent Master Oliuer his barber to practise with them of Gaunt page 179 Chap. 14 How Master Oliuer the kings barber failing to execute his enterprise at Gaunt found meanes to put the kings forces into Tournay page 182 Chap. 15 Of the ambassadors the Lady of Burgundy daughter to the late Duke Charles sent to the king and how by meanes of Monseur de Cordes the city of Arras the townes of Hedin and Bollein and the towne of Arras it selfe were yeelded to the king page 184 Chap. 16 How the citizens of Gaunt hauing vsurped authority ouer their Princesse after hir fathers death came in ambassage to the king as from the three estates of their countrey page 187 Chap. 17 How they of Gaunt after their ambassadors returne put to death the Chauncellor Hugonet the Lord of Himbercourt against their Princesses will and how they and other Flemmings were discomfited before Tournay and their generall the Duke of Gueldres slaine page 190 Chap. 18 A discourse vpon this point that wars and diuisions are permitted of God for the chastisement ●● Princes and euill people with diuers good reasons and examples for the instruction of Princes w●●●● happened in the Authors time 〈◊〉 The sixt Booke Chap. 1 How the Duchie of Burgundie was yeelded to the King page 205 Chap. 2 How the king entertained the English men after the death of Charles Duke of Burgundy to the end they should not hinder his conquest of the said Dukes dominions page 206 Chap. 3 How the marriage betweene the Lady of Burgundie and Maximilian Duke of Austrich afterward Emperor was concluded and accomplished page 209 Chap. 4 How king Lewis by the conduct of Charles of Amboise his lieutenant recouered diuers townes in Burgundy which the Prince of Orenge had caused to reuolt from him page 214 Chap. 5 How Monseur d'Argenton during these wars of the conquest of Burgundie was sent to Florence and how he receiued homage of the Duke of Milan in the kings name for the Duchy of Genua page 217 Chap. 6 Of Monseur d'Argentons returne out of Italie into Fraunce and of the battell of Guinegate page 219 Chap. 7 How king Lewis being visited with sicknes lost his wits and lay speechlesse sometime recouering and eft soones falling into his disease againe and how he behaued himselfe in the castell of Plessis les Tours page 222 Chap. 8 How the king caused the holy man of Calabria to come to Tours thinking that he could heale him and what strange things the said king did to maintaine his authoritie during his sicknes page 226 Chap. 9 How the marriage betweene the Daulphine and the Lady Margaret of Flaunders was concluded and how she was brought into Fraunce whereupon Edward king of England died for sorrow page 228 Chap. 10 How the king behaued himselfe towards his neighbors and subiects during the time of his sicknes and how diuers things were sent him from diuers places for the recouerie of his health page 231 Chap. 11 How king Lewis the 11. caused Charles the Daulphin his sonne to come to him a little before his death and of the commandements and precepts he gaue both him and certaine others page 232 Chap. 12 A comparison betweene the sorrowes and troubles that king Lewis suffered and those he caused diuers others to suffer with a rehearsal of all that he did al that was done to him til his death page 234 Chap. 13 A discourse vpon the miserie of mans life by the examples of those Princes that liued in the authors time and first of king Lewis page 238 The conclusion of the Author page 243 A supplie of the historie of Philip de Commines from the death of king Lewis the eleuenth till the beginning of the wars of Naples to wit from 1483. till 1493. of all the which time Commines writeth nothing page 247 Chap. 1 Of king Charles his comming to the crowne of the death of Oliuer king Lewis his Barber and others and of the reuoking of king Lewis his superfluous gifts ibid. Chap. 2 Of the assembly of the states held at Tours of the Duke of Orleans pursute for the regencie of the madwar raised by him and of his departure into Britaine page 248 Chap. 3 Of the troubles that hapned in Britaine betweene the Duke and his nobles and of Peter Landois death page 250 Chap.
strange that all these Princes should thus conspire against the King for zeale of the common wealth if other particular greifes had not more mooued them than the misgouernment of the estate 2 To the ende the reader finde it not strange that Rene is here called King of Sicily sith the house of Arragon possessed the same Realme at that time it is to be vnderstood that the race of the Normans who about the yeere 1060. subdued Sicily Calabria and Apulia and about the yeere 1102. tooke vpon them the title of Kings of Sicily being extinct in Roger the last King of Sicily of that race about the yeere 1195. the said Realme fell to the issue of the Emperor Fridericus Barbarossa by the marriage of Constantia daughter to Roger the first King of Sicill and aunt to Roger the last King of Sicill of this race with Henry the said Barbarossas sonne in which race it continuedtily Manfridus bastard sonne to Fridericus the Emperor sonne to the aboue named Henry obteined the crowne of Sicill Naples by dispossessing Conradinus his nephew the true heir therof Against this Manfridus Pope Vrbanus the 4. called into Italie Charles of Amon brother to S. Lewis King of Fraunce who slew Manfridus in battell and afterward executed also Conradinus the true heire of the crowne being taken in battell comming with an armie to conquer the said realmes of Naples and Sicily as his true inheritance and thus obteined this Charles of Aniou the crowne both of Naples and Sicily till not long after by the comming of Peter king of Arragon who had married Constantia daughter and heire to Manfridus the Sicilians arose suddenly against the French slew them all in one euening and yeelded the Realme of Sicily to the saide Peter whose posteritie euer sithens euen till this day haue continued in possession thereof Notwithstanding the posteritie of Charles of Aniou held still the Realme of Naples with the title of the Realme of Sicily till the time that the later Iane Queene of Naples to fortifie hir selfe against Pope Vrbanus Sextus adopted Alfonse of Arragon sonne to Ferrande King of Arragon which Ferrandes mother named Elenor was daughter to King Peter but after the saide Iane for displeasure conceiued against the saide Alfonse adopted secondarilie Lewis D. of Aniou brother to Charles the 5. King of Fraunce descended of the race of the first Charles King of Sicily against whom and his sonne Lewis Alfonse long warred and in the end after Queene Ianes death chased them both out of Italy and left the Realmes of Arragon and Sicily to Iohn his brother but the Realme of Naples to Ferrande his base sonne with whom Rene heere mentioned brother to Lewis the 2. of that name D. of Aniou and king of Sicily and by him with Ianes consent adopted long vvarred but preuailed not so that Rene had onely the title of Sicily and Naples by the adoption aforesaid but no possession thereof for Sicily the kings of Arragon held euer since the conquest of Peter and the realme of Naples Ferrande the bastard held of his fathers gift from vvhose posterity hovv in the end after many alterations it fell to the house of Arragon that novv possesseth it shall be set dovvne at large in the vvars of Naples made by King Charles the 8. vvho had the house of Anious title vvhereof our author treateth in the 7. and 8. booke of this historie 3 This force led by the Marshall of Burgundie vvas of 4000. men Meyer 4 This Oudet is he that acquainted the Duke of Berry vvith this confederacie and conueighed him into Britaine Meyer La Marche 5 Franck archers were these King Charles the 7. in the yeere 1449. being destitute of footemen appointed that euery threescore houses in his realme should arme a man vvho in time of vvar receiued paie of the King and vvere exempt from all subsidies and payments for the which cause they vvere all called franck that is free but King Lewis the 11. anno 1480. abolished these franck archers and waged Switzers in their place A discourse vpon ambitious hunting after offices and estates by the example of the English men Chap. 7. I Speake of these offices and estates bicause in changes they are so greedily desired and are also cause thereof as appeereth by that which hath happened not onely in this our age but also in the time of King Charles the sixt vnder whom the wars began that endured till the treatie of Arras during the which wars the English men entred into the realme and conquered so far that at the time of the saide treatie which continued 1 the space of two moneths the Duke of Bedford brother to Henry the fift King of England being maried to Duke Philip of Burgundies sister was regent in Fraunce for the English men whose monethly allowance in that office amounted to 20000. crownes at the least At the said treatie were present for the King of Fraunce fower or fiue Dukes or Earles fiue or sixe Prelates and ten or twelue Councellers of the Parliament For Duke Philip likewise diuers Noble men 2 in much greater number for the Pope 2. Cardinals as mediators and for the English men diuers noble personages Duke Philip greatly desired to acquite himselfe honorably towards the English men before he would abandon them bicause of the ancient league that had been betweene them wherefore the Duchies of Normandie and Guien were offered to the King of England with condition that he should do homage for them to the crowne of Fraunce as his predecessors had done and restore all the places he held in the Realme out of the said Duchies which condition the English men bicause of the homage refused but to their great losse for being abandoned of this house of Burgundie their good successe altered and all their intelligences within the realme failed whereby their power daily so diminished that in short space they lost Paris and by little and little all that they held in this realme After their returne into England none of them would diminish his estate but the offices within the realme sufficed not for maintenance of them all wherupon long ciuil wars arose among them in the which King Henry the sixt who had been crowned King of England Fraunce at Paris was proclaimed traitor and imprisoned in the tower of London where he remained the greatest part of his life and in the end was there murthered The Duke of Yorke father to King Edward that last died intituled himselfe right heire to the crowne soone after was slaine in the battell and had his head smitten off as had also the Earle of Warwick 3 that last died whose credit was so great in England and all the rest that were slaine in those wars The said Earle of Warwick led the Earle of Marche afterward named Edward the fourth by sea to Calais with a small companie escaped out of battell 4 for the Earle of Warwick tooke part with the house of Yorke
Nicholas But the King of Portugale excused himselfe saying that he was neither armed nor accompanied for such an enterprise and so returned to Paris where he remained a long time till in the ende he entered into ielousie that the King meant to take him prisoner and deliuer him to his enimie the King of Castile Wherupon he and two of his seruants disguised themselues purposing to go to Rome there to enter into religion But as he iourneied in this disguised attire he was taken by a Norman called Robinet le Beuf Of this his departure the King our Master was both sorie and ashamed and thereupon armed diuers ships vpon the coast of Normandie to conuey him into Portugale of the which fleete George Leger was appointed Admirall The occasion of his war vpon the King of Castile was for his sisters daughter For you shall vnderstand that his sister had been wife to Don Henry King of Castile that last died and had issue a goodly daughter which liueth yet in Portugale vnmaried This daughter Queene Isabell sister to the said King Henry 3 held from the crowne of Castile saying that she was illegitimate of the which opinion were also many others alleaging that King Henry was impotent to generation for a certaine impediment that I ouerpasse But whether it were so or no notwithstanding that the said daughter were borne vnder the vaile of mariage yet remained the crowne of Castile to Queene Isabell and hir husband the King of Arragon and Sicilie 4 now raigning This King of Portugale aboue mentioned labored to make a mariage betweene the said daughter his neece and King Charles the eight now raigning which was the cause of this his voiage into Fraunce that turned so greatly to his damage and greefe For soone after his returne into Portugale he died Wherefore as I said in the beginning of this history a Prince ought to beware what ambassadors he sendeth into a strange countrey For if they had been wise that came from the King of Portugale into Fraunce to conclude the league aboue mentioned whereat I my selfe was present as one in commission for the King they would haue informed themselues better of our affaires in these parts before they had counselled their Master to enter into this voiage which turned so much to his losse and damage The Notes 1 He meaneth a simple Prince of wit 2 How the King of Portugale and the Duke of Burgundy were cosin germans the Pedegree in the end of the worke will declare 3 The Pedegree in the end of the worke will make this plaine 4 Before he calleth Rene King of Sicilie but King Rene had but the title not the possession How the Duke of Burgundy refusing the good counsell of diuers of his men was discomfited and slaine in the battell fought betweene him and the Duke of Lorraine neere to Nancy Chap. 8. I Would haue passed ouer this discourse of the King of Portugale had it not been to shew that a Prince ought to beware how he put himselfe into another Princes hands or go in person to demaund aide But now to returne to the principall matter Within a day after the King of Portugales departure from the Duke of Burgundy the Duke of Lorraine and the Almains that serued him dislodged from Saint Nicholas and marched to fight with the said Duke and the selfe same day the Earle of Campobache to accomplish his enterprise departed from the Dukes campe 1 and reuolted to his enimies with eight score men of armes sorowing onely that he could do his Master no more harme They within Nancy had intelligence of this Earles practises which incouraged them to endure the siege Further one that leaped downe the ditches entered the towne and assured them of succors otherwise they were vpon the point to haue yeelded it And to say the truth had it not been for the said Earles treasons they could neuer haue held it so long but God was fully determined to bring the Duke to his end The Duke of Burgundy being aduertised of the Duke of Lorrains arriuall assembled his counsell contrary to his accustomed maner for he was neuer woont to aske any mans aduise but in all matters to follow his own sense Most of them counselled him to retire to Pont-à-musson being but fower leagues thence to man the places well which he held about Nancy alleaging that the Almains would depart so soone as they had victualed the towne and the Duke of Lorrains mony faile him so that he should not be able in long time to assemble the like force They said further that his enimies could not victuall the towne so well but that before winter were halfe expired it should be in as great distresse as at that present and in the meane time he might leuy men for I haue been informed by those that perfectly vnderstood it that he had not in all his army aboue fower thousand soldiers of the which hardly twelue hundred were able to fight Money he lacked not for in the castell of Luxembourg being not far thence were at the least 450000. crownes and men ynough he might haue recouered But God would not giue him grace to follow this wise aduise nor perceiue how many enimies lodged round about him on euery side so that he tooke the woorst course and by the aduise of certaine harebrained fooles determined to hazard the battell with these few terrified and hartlesse men notwithstanding all the reasons alleaged to him both of the great force of Almains the Duke of Lorraine had and also of the Kings army that lay hard by his campe When the Earle of Campobache was come to the Duke of Lorraine the Almains commanded him to depart saying that they would haue no traitor among them Wherefore he retired to Condé a castell and passage neere at hand 2 which he fortified with carts and other prouisions the best he could trusting that when the Duke of Burgundy and his men fled some of them would fall into his hands as indeed a great many did But this practise with the Duke of Lorraine was not his greatest treason for a little before his departure he conspired with diuers in the Dukes army resoluing with them bicause he sawe no hope of killing or taking his Master prisoner to reuolt to the enimies at the very instant that the two battels should ioine but sooner not to depart to the end their sudden reuolt might the more astonish and terrify the Dukes whole army Further he promised assuredly if the Duke fled that he should neuer escape aliue for he would leaue thirteene or fowerteene trusty fellows behinde him some to begin to flie at the very instant that the Almains should march and other some to haue an eie on the Duke to kill him if he fled which enterprise he made full account to execute and two or three I knew afterwards my selfe of those that were left behinde for that purpose After he had conspired these abhominable treasons he returned
in writing to the posteritie of all those yeeres THE SEVENTH BOOKE OF THE HISTORIE OF PHILIP DE COMMINES TREATING OF THE PRINCIPALL ACTES OF KING CHARLES THE EIGHT SONNE TO LEWIS THE ELEVENTH THE PROLOGVE OF THE AVTHOR containing that which he mindeth to treate of in this historie following TO continue the Historie written by me Philip de Commines of the reigne of King Lewis the eleuenth whom God assoile I wil now declare the occasion that mooued King Charles the eight his sonne to make his voiage into Italie wherat my selfe was present The said King departed from Vienna in Daulphine the 23. of August the yeere 1494. and returned into his realme about October the yeere 1495. Before the enterprise was fully resolued on the matter was often debated whether he should go or not for the voiage seemed very dangerous to all men of wisdome and experience neither did any allow therof but the King himselfe and one Stephen de Vers borne in Languedoc a man of meane parentage and vtterly vnacquainted with the wars and all things thereunto appertaining One other also being of the receit was a furtherer thereof till his hart failed him namely the generall Brissonnet who afterward by occasion of this voiage was preferred to many goodly dignities and spirituall promotions and created a Cardinall The former had already gotten goodly possessions for he was Seneschall of Beaucaire and president of the Comptes at Paris he had serued the King in his youth very faithfully being a groome of his chamber and by his meanes the generall was woon to fauor this voiage so that they two were the onely authors thereof for the which fewe commended but many blamed them for all things necessarie for so great an enterprise were wanting The King was yoong a weake body wedded to his owne will slenderly accompanied with wise men or good captaines and so vtterly vnfurnished of money that before his departure he borrowed of the banke of Soly at Genua a hundred thousand franks vpon great enterest from Mart to Marte 1 In diuers other places also he borrowed money as heereafter you shall heare His army was vnprouided of tents and pauillions and winter was begun when he entred into Lombardy One onely good thing he had to wit a couragious company of yoong gentlemen yet not in such obedience as was requisite Wherefore we must of necessitie conclude that this voiage was gouerned by God alone both at our going foorth and our returne home for the wisdome of the authors thereof aboue mentioned serued to no great purpose notwithstanding they might iustly vaunt themselues to be the occasion of the great honor and renowme their Master wan thereby The Notes 1 The interest of this money as he saith in the end of the fourth Chapter amounted in fovver moneths to fovverteene thousand franks Further there are at Genua certaine Marts in the yeere from the one of the vvhich to the other they let out their money it is betvveene euery Marte fovver moneths How René Duke of Lorrain came into Fraunce to demaund the Duchie of Bar and the Earledome of Prouence which King Charles held and how he failed to enter into the realme of Naples whereunto he pretended title as the King did and what right both of them had thereunto Chap. 1. THe yeere of the Kings coronation 1 being the 14. or 15. of his age the Duke of Lorraine came into Fraunce to demaund the Duchy of Bar which King Levvis the eleuenth had withholden from him and likewise the Earledome of Prouence left to the said King Levvis by the last will and Testament of King Charles of Aniou his cosen germaine 2 who died without issue The Duke of Lorraine pretended title to it as sonne and heire to the daughter of Rene King of Sicilie Duke of Aniou and Earle of Prouence alleaging that the said King Rene had done him wrong 3 in preferring King Charles of Aniou being but his brother the Earle of Maines sonne before him being his daughters sonne 4 The other answered that by their ancestors testaments Prouence could not descend to the female In the end Bar was yeelded to him for the which the King demanded onely a summe of money Further bicause the said Duke of Lorrain was highly fauored and friended by diuers of great authoritie in Fraunce especially by Iohn Duke of Bourbon who was old and desirous to marrie his sister it was agreed that during the space of fower yeeres in the which his title to the Earledome of Prouence should be examined his estate should be wholy defraied by the King and that he should haue charge of an hundred launces togither with a yeerely pension of sixe and thirtie thousand franks during the said fower yeeres I my selfe was present at the debating and ending of all these controuersies being one of the commissioners purposely chosen for the determination thereof both by the Kings neerest kinsmen and by the three estates of his realme so was also Stephen de Vers aboue mentioned who bicause he had gotten certaine possessions in Prouence caused the King as yoong as he was in the presence of his sister the Duchesse of Bourbon to say to Monseur de Comminges and to Monseur de Lau who were both also in the commission and to my selfe that we should do our endeuor that he might not lose the Earledome of Prouence which words he vttered before the agreement aboue mentioned was made Before the fower yeeres expired certaine Lawyeres of Prouence brought foorth the testaments of King Charles the first brother to Saint Levvis and of other Kings of Sicilie 5 of the house of Fraunce These Lawyeres among other proofes alleaged that not onely the Earledome of Prouence but also the realme of Sicilie with all the house of Anious other possessions appertained of right to the King and that the Duke of Lorrain had no right thereto notwithstanding others maintained the contrary All these Lawyers depended wholy vpon Stephen de Vers who nourished his Master in this language that King Charles Earle of Prouence last deceased sonne to Charles of Aniou Earle of Maine and nephew 6 to King Rene left Prouence to King Lewis by his last will and Testament and that King Rene before his death made the said Charles his heire preferring him before the Duke of Lorraine his daughters sonne bicause of the testaments of King Charles the first and his wife Countesse of Prouence wherein they had willed that the realme 7 and the countie of Prouence should not be seuered nor descend to the heire female so long as there was issue male remaining The like Testaments they alleaged also to haue beene made by their next successors in the said realme namely by Charles the second During these fower yeeres space those that gouerned the King that is to saie the Duke and Dutchesse of Bourbon and certaine of the Kings chamber namely Monseur de Grauille 8 and others who at that time bare great sway in Fraunce called to the
to his yoongest sonne Philip the hardie for his aduancement in marriage with the Ladie Margaret of Flaunders Philip the hardie second husband to the Ladie Margaret Ottho the 16. Duke of Burgundie m. Iane the eldest daughter Philip died afore his father anno 1346. m. Iane daughter to William Earl of Boloin and Auuergne Philip Duke and Earle of Burgundie succeeded his grandfather died 1361. m. Margaret daughter and heire hir second husband was Philip the hardie Burgundie Countie Othelin Earle of Burgundie died 1303. Arthois m. Maude daughter to Robert Earle of Arthois 1 Touching the title of Arthois this is to be obserued that Robert Earle of Arthois father to Maude had a sonne named Philip who died before his father and left behinde him a sonne named Robert Earle of Beumont who after his grandfathers death demanded the Countrey of Arthois but this Maude by fauor of the French King obtained it bicause she was adiudged neerer heire to the Earle Robert being his daughter than the Earle of Beumont being his sonnes sonne for spite whereof the Earle of Beumont reuolted to the King of England of him are descended the Earles of Eu. Iane succeeded hir mother in hir widowhood and was poisoned immediately after hir mothers death m. Philip the long King of Fraunce Iane the eldest daughter m. Ottho the 16. Duke of Burgundie Philip died afore his father anno 1346. m. Iane daughter to William Earl of Boloin and Auuergne Philip Duke and Earle of Burgundie succeeded his grandfather died 1361. m. Margaret daughter and heire hir second husband was Philip the hardie Margaret 2 This Margaret being in hir widdowhood succeeded in Arthois and the Countie of Burgundie of Philip hir sister Ianes sonnes sonne and husband to Margaret hir sonnes daughter to whom after hir death the said Seigniories descended m. Lewis Earle of Flaunders Lewis of Malain Earle of Flaunders m. Margaret daughter to Iohn D. of Brabant Margaret daughter and heire hir second husband was Philip the hardie m. Philip Duke and Earle of Burgundie succeeded his grandfather died 1361. Blaunch m. Charles le bel K. of Fraunce How the King of Portugale was cosin germane to the Duke of Burgundy as is mentioned Lib. 5. cap. 7. Ferdinand the ninth King of Portugale Iohn a bastard but King of Portugale m. Philippa daughter to Iohn of Gaunt Duke of Lancaster Isabella m. Philip Duke of Burgundie Charles Duke of Burgundy Mary daughter and heire to D. Charles m. Maximilian Emperor Edward King of Portugale m. Iane sister to Alfonse King of Arragon Naples and Sicile Leonora m. Frideric the third Emperor Maximilian Emperor m. Mary daughter and heire to D. Charles Alfonsus King of Portugale the same that came into Fraunce for succours How the Duke of Cleues was the Lady of Burgundies neerest kinsman by his mother as is mentioned Lib. 5. cap. 16. Iohn Duke of Burgundy m. Margaret sister to William Earle of Hainault and Holland Mary m. Adolf the first D. of Cleues Adolfe Lord of Rauastain m. Betrice daughter to Iohn Duke of Cuymbria in Portugale Philip Lord of Rauastain mentioned in many places of this historie m. Mary base daughter to Philip Duke of Burgundy Iohn Duke of Cleues the D. heere mentioned m. Isabella daughter to Iohn E. of Neuers Iohn duke of Cleues the Dukes sonne for whom the marriage with the Lady Mary should haue beene made Philip Duke of Burgundy m. Isabella daughter to Iohn K. of Portugale Charles Duke of Burgundy m. Isabella daughter to Charles Duke of Bourbon Mary Duchesse of Austrich so often mentioeed in this historie m. Maximilian Emperor How King Henry the 7. was right heire of the house of Lancaster contrary to Commines who affirmeth the contrary Lib. 5. cap. 18. togither with the excuse of Commines error Edward the third King of England Iohn of Gaunt Duke of Lancaster m. Blaunch daughter and heire to Henry D. of Lancaster Iohn Duke of Bedford Henry the 4. Rex Angliae Henry the 5. Rex Angliae Henry the 6. Rex Angliae Edward Prince of Wales Thomas D. of Clarēce Humfrey Duke of Glocester m. Katharine the third wife Iohn Earle of Sommerset Iohn Duke of Sommerset the eldest sonne Margaret countesse of Richmond Henry the 7 Edmund made D of Sommerset bicause his brother died without issue male Henry Duke of Sommerset beheaded by K Edward the fourth Edmund Duke of Sommerset beheaded also by K. Edward the fourth A daughter maried Humfrey Duke of Buckingham Iohn slaine at the battell of Teukesbury The excuse of Commines error The line of Henry the fourth being failed in Prince Edward the right of the house of Lancaster came to the house of Sommerset as heere is set foorth but after the d●●th of Iohn Duke of Sommerset who died without heire male Edmund his brother was made Duke of Sommerset Wherefore Commines knowing Henry the 7. to claime the right of the house of Lancaster as heire of the house of Sommerset and seeing others to be Dukes of Sommerset and not him supposed them to be of the elder house to him yet notwithstanding was Henry the 7. neerer heire than they being by his mother descended of the elder brother though they being of the male line obtained the title of Sommerset before him But this in my fansie bred Commines error and thus much in his excuse The title the Duke of Lorraine had to the realme of Sicilie countie of Prouence and Duchy of Bar mentioned by Commines Lib. 7. cap. 1. and the Kings title thereto togither with the whole quarrell betweene the house of Arragon and Aniou and why the house of Aniou had the best title as mentioneth Commines Lib. 8. Cap. 16. Naples Charles Earle of Aniou and Main brother to King S. Lewis King of Naples and Sicilie Prouence m. Betrice heire of Prouence 2 Charles surnamed the Boiteux King of Naples Hungarie m. Mary daughter heire to Stephen King of Hungary Charles Martell King of Hungarie the eldest brother Cornumbert King of Hungarie Lewis King of Hungarie Andrew strangled by Queen Iane his wife 4 m. Iane succeeded Robert hir grandfather 3 Robert King of Naples the yoonger brother Charles sans terre died before his father 4 Iane succeeded Robert hir grandfather m. Andrew strangled by Queen Iane his wife Mary Boccace his Conc. Margaret 5 m. Charles King of Naples and Hungarie 7 Iane succeeded Ladislaus hir brother died anno 1433. 6 Ladislaus King of Naples died 1414. Lewis D. of Durazzo Charles of Durazzo executed by Lewis King of Hungarie 5 Charles King of Naples and Hungarie m. Margaret 7 Iane succeeded Ladislaus hir brother died anno 1433. 6 Ladislaus King of Naples died 1414. Clementia m. Charles Earle of Valois Philip of Valois King of Fraunce Iohn King of Fraunce Lewis of Aniou adopted by Q. Iane the first slaine an 1385. Lewis of Aniou troubled K. Ladislaus died anno 1417. Bar. Yoland heire of Bar by Yoland hir mother Marie m. Charles the 7 K. of France Lewis
the 11 K. of France Charles the 8. K. of Fraunce Reue so often mētioned in this historie adopted by the last Qu. Iane after Lewis his brothers death Lorraine m. Isabella daughter and heire to Charles D. of Lorraine Iohn Duke of Calabria died before his father Nicholas died before his grandfather Yoland wife to Frederic of Vandemonne Rene. This is hee that claimed Prouence and Bar of K. Charles Charles Earle of Maine mentioned Lib. 1. cap. 3. Charles whom king Rene made his heire of Naples Prouence and Bar and he after made King Lewis his heire lib. 7. c. 1. Lewis the third of Aniou Duke adopted by Iane the second died anno 1433. Heereby appeereth that the Duke of Lorraine had the best title to Prouence as heire to Lewis the first of that name Duke of Aniou to whom Queene Iane gaue it to Naples likewise as heire to the house of Aniou by being daughters sonne to Rene to whom Queene Iane the second left it by hir last will and testament of Bar he was heire as heire to Yolande his great grandmother and as touching the testaments of the two first Charles kings of Naples who as it is alleaged so vnited Prouence that it could not be seuered from the realme of Naples nor descend to the heire female as long as a male was liuing First the example of Queene Iane who succeeded Robert hir grandfather diuers males liuing prooueth there was neuer any such testament besides that king Charles was no more heire male to those kings than the Duke of Lorraine for they both descended of them by a woman namely Clementia wife to Charles of Valois So that the King had no colour to Naples or Prouence but at this da●e the whole title of the house of Aniou thereto resteth in the now Duke of Lorraine who is lineally descended of king Rene. Lastly the reason whereupon Commines groundeth the house of Anious title to the realme of Naples to be best is onely bicause Lewis of Aniou was made heire thereof by Queene Ianes last testament which reuoketh all former testaments The storie of this pedegree of Naples and Sicilie 1. Charles brother to Saint Lewis King of Fraunce obtained Prouence by marriage of Betrice daughter to Raymond or Robert or Berengarius Earle of Prouence who made hir his heire though she were his yoonger daughter after Vrbanus the fourth Pope of Rome called him into Italie against Manfredus King of Naples and Sicilie whom Charles slew in battell and after beheaded Conradinus also who quarreled the realmes of Naples Sicilie but soone after Peter King of Arragon who had married King Mansridus daughter reuolted Sicilie from him flew all the French men in an euening and possessed Sicilie as his posteritie namely King Philip doth yet at this day Charles was crowned King of Naples by Vrbane the fourth anno 1255. and after confirmed by Clement the fourth and died anno 1274. 2. Charles his sonne in his fathers time seeking to recouer Sicilie was taken prisoner by King Peters forces and caried into Arragon where he should haue been executed in reuenge of Conradinus death as 200. gentlemen and nobles taken with him were had not Constance king Peters wife saued his life after he was restored to Naples paying for his raunsome 30000. marks and married the daughter and heire of Stephen king of Hungarie by whom he had nine sonnes and fiue daughters whose ofspring looke in Onufrius pag. 309. he died anno 1319. These two kings are they that our author mentioneth lib. 7. cap. 1. that were said to haue made testaments that Prouence could not be seuered from the realme of Naples nor descend to the female as long as there was an heire male liuing which appeereth to be false in the example of Queene Iane. 3. Robert king of N●ples crowned by Clement the fift died without issue male anno 1342. and left his realme to Iane his sonnes daughter vnder condition that she should marrie Andrew yoonger sonne to Cornumbere king of Hungarie hir cosin germain remooued heere is to be obserued that this Robert was yoonger sonne to king Charles but the said king gaue to Charles his eldest sonne his realme of Hungarie and Naples to this Robert In his time liued Petrarcha and Boccace 4. Iane daughter to Charles sans terre succeeded hir grandfather Robert and married Andrew sonne to the king of Hungarie as hir said grandfather had appointed whom within three yeeres she strangled whereupon Lewis king of Hungarie his brother came into Italy chased Q. Iane out of Naples executed Charles of Durazzo as consenting to his brothers death and carried Charles his sonne with him into Hungarie after whose departure Iane by helpe of Pope Clement returned and recouered Naples but after she fell out with Pope Vrbanus the sixt who chased hir into Prouence where she adopted Lewis of Aniou sonne to King Iohn of Fraunce and so returned to Naples against whom the Pope called out of Hungarie Charles sonne to Charles of Durazzo who recouered Naples but Prouence Lewis enioied she was hanged ann 1381. 5. Charles sonne to Charles of Durazzo beheaded was led prisoner into Hungarie by king Lewis as before is mentioned after whose death he succeeded him in Hungarie as his next heire male he was inuested King of Naples by Vrbane the sixt against Queene Iane whom he tooke prisoner anno 1381. and hung at the same window she had hung hir husband and beheaded also Marie Queene Ianes sister whom Boccace was enamored of as consenting to hir sisters husbands death he slew in battell anno 1385. Lewis of Aniou adopted by Queene Iane after he fell at variance with Pope Vrbane He was slaine in Hungarie by the treason of the old Queene king Lewis his wife and hir daughter at a feast anno 1386 his wife was Margaret Queene Ianes sister 6 Ladislaus lost Hungarie by his fathers murther but was at length receiued and crowned king of Naples by Pope Boneface the ninth anno 1 90. and then he chased Lewis the second out of Italie who after his fathers death was come thither and had got some part of the realme After Ladislaus fell out with Alexander the fift and tooke Rome whereupon the Pope gaue the realme of Naples to Lewis of Aniou who returned and vanquished Ladislaus and recouered Rome but not knowing how to vse the victorie Ladislaus recouered himselfe forced Lewis to retire into Fraunce and then againe tooke Rome and died anno 14●4 7. Iane the second succeeded hir brother Ladislaus after she fell out with the Pope who called Lewis of Aniou the third of that name against hir then she adopted Alfonse of Arragon who chased Lewis out of Italie but Alfonse and she falling at variance she adopted Lewis of Aniou hir enimie who recouered Naples anno 1424. and raigned with hir till anno 1432. or 1433. when they both died and then she made Rene brother to Lewis hir heire but he being then prisoner with Philip Duke of
to his heires males till they were redeemed for fower hundred thousand crownes 11 How these matters passed I know not perfectly but true it is that in the D. old age he was so gouerned by the Lords of Croy and Chimay being brethren and others of their house that he agreed to take againe his money restore the said territories to the King greatly to the Earle his sons discontentation for besides that they were the frontier townes of their dominions they lost in them a number of able men for the wars The Earle of Charolois charged the house of Croy with this fact so far foorth that after extreeme age was growne vpon his father whereunto he euen then approched he banished all the said house out of his dominions and confiscated all their lands estates and offices The Notes 1 Commines vvhen he came to the Earle of Charolois seruice vvas 19. yeers of age 2 Charles Earle of Eu Peter of Moruillier and Iohn de Harcour bishop of Narbonne vvere the ambassadors heere mentioned they arriued at Liste the 5. of Nouember Annales Burgundiae 3 VVhether the king ment to haue taken the Earle of Charolois prisoner by this Rubempre reade Annal. Burgund lib. 3. pag. 880. and Meyer lib. 16. fol. 334. vvho flatly charge him vvith it 4 Sir Oliuer de la Marche heere named vvrote a Cronicle of these times 5 The cause vvhy the King sent Rubempre into Holland vvas not as he said to take the Earle of Charolois but the Vicechauncellor of Britaine named in Meyer Iohannes Rociuilla and by our author in the 3. Chapter of this first booke Rouuille vvhom the Duke of Britaine had sent into England to make a league betvveene the realme of England and him and bicause the King supposed this Vicechauncellor vvould visit the Earle of Charolois in his returne he sent this Rubempre into Holland to take him and bring him into Fraunce Annal. Burgund Meyer 6 For the better vnderstanding of the Dukes ansvvere I am forced to passe the bounds of a note VVherefore it is to be vnderstood that in the declination of the Romaine Empire the Burgundians anno 408. being chased out of Almaine vvhere they inhabited the countries novv subiect to the Palsgraue of the Rhyne inuaded Fraunce and conquered the countries novv knovvne by the names of the Countie and Duchie of Burgundy togither vvith Sauoy Daulphine Prouince and the greatest part of Svvitzerland and anno 414. chose them a king named Gondiachus vvith vvhom after diuers battels fought vvith changeable fortune Aetius the Emperour Honorius his lieutenant in Fraunce at the length made peace And Gondiachus remained King of Burgundy and ayded the Romaines against Attila Soone after failed the male line of Gondiachus and by the mariage of Clotilde daughter to Chilperic Gondiachus his sonne vvith Clodoneus King of Fraunce Burgundie fell to Clotarius sonne to the saide Clotilde and Clodoneus and so continued in the house of Fraunce till the yeere 843. vvhen the sonnes of the Emperor Lodouicus Pius vvarring togither Burgundy vvas deuided into Burgundiam Transiuranam and Cisiuranam Transiurana containing Sauoy Daulphine Prouince and Lyonnois remained to Lotharius the Emperor vvith the title of King of Burgundie Cisiurana conteining the Countie and Duchie of Burgundie vvas also dismembred for that part novv knovvne by the name of the Countie of Burgundie fell also to Lotharius share but that part novv knovvne by the name of the Dutchie of Burgundie vvas togither vvith the Realme of Fraunce yeelded to Carolus Caluus But after the death of the Emperor Lotharius his tvvo sonnes Lodouicus and Lotharius made another partition of their part of Burgundie for the realme of Austrasia vvith the Countie of Burgundie fell to Lotharius after vvhose death his vncle Carolus Caluus King of Fraunce ambitiously through violence conquered also that part of Burgundie and ioined it to the crovvne of Fraunce so that the said Carolus Caluus possessed all Burgundie Cisiurana that is both the Countie and Dutchie of Burgundie Loduicus the other sonne of the Emperor Lotharius possessed vvith the Empire all Burgundie Transiurana togither vvith the title of King of Burgundie and left behinde him one onely daughter named Hermingarde maried to Boson brother to Richilde Carolus Caluus his vvife in respect of vvhich mariage the said Caluus gaue to Boson all Burgundie Cisiurana vvhich he the said Caluus then held And thus had Boson all the realme of Burgundie viz. Transiurana in the right of his wife and Cisiurana by his brother in lawes gift Farther the said Caluus being both Emperor and King of France created the aboue named Boson King of Burgundie anno 879. to whom succeeded Lodouicus his sonne from whom Ralph King of Fraunce sonne to Richard that first intituled himselfe Duke of Burgundie wan the greatest part of Burgundy Cisiurana To this Lewis succeeded his sonne Ralph King of Burgundie who not being able to defend his realme gaue it to the Emperor Conradus 2. who notwithstanding obteined the least part thereof for as touching Transiurana Beralde Duke of Saxe had before this gift woon from King Ralph Sauoy and a great peece of Switzerland Daulphine Lyonnois Poruince Guigue le gras the first Daulphine had likewise conquered And as touching Cisiurana by treatie made betweene the Emperour Conradus 2. and Henry King of Fraunce onely the County remained to the Empire and the Dutchie to the crowne of Fraunce This I haue written bicause some hold opinion that the County of Burgundy ought also to be held of the crowne of Fraunce whereas in deede rather the Dutchy with all Transiurana the greatest part whereof the French King at this day possesseth ought to be held of the Empire from whom the said French Kings haue pulled so many prouinces that now as one properly speaketh the Eagle hath lost so many feathers that hardly he can flie 7 Lahaie in our author and in Annal. Burgund where Rubempre should haue taken the Earle of Charolois is named in Meyer Gorkem 8 The pension the Earle of Charalois had of the King with the gouernment of Normandy was 36000. franks Annal. Burgund La Marche Meyer 9 A franke is two shillings and six pence sterling after eight souse to an English shilling so that the carles pension after that rate amounted to fower thousand fiue hundred pound sterling 10 The townes and territories vpon the riuer of Somme engaged to Duke Philip by the treatie of Arras which was in the yeere 1435. are named in the articles of the said treatie rehearsed in Annal. Burgund pag. 760. and 761. and in the first booke of La Marche and in the 16. booke of Meyer and others 11 They were engaged as our author and Annal. Burgund write for 400000. crowns but Meyer saith 450000. but they were redeemed for 400000. anno 1463. La Marche Meyer Annal. Burgund How the Earle of Charolois and diuers noble men of Fraunce leuied an army against king Lewis vnder colour of the weale publique Chap. 2. SOone
as the Duke of Sommerset did with the house of Lancaster To be short these wars indured so long that all they of the houses of Warwick and Sommerset were either slaine or beheaded in them King Edward caused afterward his owne brother the Duke of Clarence to be drowned in a Butt of malmesey charging him that he ment to make himselfe King but after King Edwards death his other brother the Duke of Glocester murthered the said Kings two sonnes proclaimed his daughters bastards and vsurped the crowne Immediately after the which cruell deed the Earle of Richmond now King who had been prisoner many yeeres in Britaine passed into England and discomfited and slew in battell this bloody King Richard late murtherer of his two nephewes Thus haue there died in England in these ciuill wars since my remembrance aboue fowerscore persons of the blood Royall part of the which I my selfe knew part vnderstood of by the English men resident with the Duke of Burgundie at the same time that I serued him Wherfore you see it is not at Paris onely nor in Fraunce alone that men fall at variance for worldly goods and honors But sure all Kings and great Princes ought to take heed that they suffer not factions to arise in their courts for thereof kindleth the fire that consumeth their whole countrey in the end Notwithstanding such alterations happen not in mine opinion but by Gods disposition for when Princes and realmes haue long florished in great wealth and prosperitie and forget from whence all these benefits proceede God raiseth vp an enimie against them whom they neuer feared nor stood in doubt of as appeereth by the Kings mentioned in the Bible and by that also which hath hapned and daily doth happen not onely in England and in these countries of Burgundie but in diuers other places also The Notes 1 The last of Iuly arriued the French Kings ambassadors at the treaty of Arras Annal. Burg. so that the treaty began in the beginning of August and the English men departed discontented the 6. of December Annal. Bur. and the treatie ended the 21. of September but De la Marche saith the 10. of December Meyer 11. Calen. Octob. which agreeth with Annal. Burg. 2 At the treatie vvas present Philip D. of Burgundie himselfe La Marche Meyer 3 Our Chronicles report that the Duke of Yorke vvith diuers others slaine in the battell and the Earle of Salisbury father to the Earle of VVarvvick vvho vvas taken prisoner in the battell vvere behedded and their heds sent to Yorke in derision but I remember not that the Earle of VVarvvick vvas behedded after he vvas slaine and I suppose the vnskilfull corrector hath here omitted a vvord or tvvo and that vve must read in place of Luy le Comte de Warwic Luy le pere du Comte de Warwic 4 The Earles of Marche and VVarvvick vvent to Calice before the Duke of Yorke vvas slaine or ouerthrowen in battell for they fled from Ludlovv lying in campe there against the kings force bicause they found themselues too vveake and their counsels betrayed by Andrew Trowlop vvho fled from them to the King How King Lewis entred into Paris while the Princes of Fraunce practised with the citizens Chap. 8. I Haue been long in this discourse and it is now time to returne to the historie After the Princes were come before Paris they began to practise with the citizens promising offices and great rewards to diuers and omitting nothing that might further their purpose At three daies end the citizens assembled togither in the towne hall where when they had long debated these matters and heard the Princes requests demands made openly to them for the benefit of the whole realme as they pretended they determined to send ambassadors to them to treate of peace according to the which determination a great number of the best citizens came to Saint Mor where the Princes lay and Master VVilliam Chartier then Bishop of Paris a notable prelate declared the citizens embassage and for the Princes the Earle of Dunois was appointed to be mouth The Duke of Berry the Kings brother was president of this Councill sitting in a chaire and all the other Princes standing about him On the one side stood the Dukes of Britaine and Calabria and on the other the Earle of Charolois armed at all peeces saue the head peece and vantbrases and wearing vpon his quirage a short cloke maruellous rich for he came from Conflans and Bois-de-Vincennes being well manned was held for the King wherefore it stood him vpon to come armed and well accompanied The Princes request was to enter into Paris to confer with the citizens about the reformation of the state which they said was euill gouerned charging the King with diuers disorders The citizens gaue them very lowly and humble language desiring respite before they could make any resolute answer yet notwithstanding this delay the King was afterward discontented both with the Bishop and the rest that accompanied him Thus returned these ambassadors into the towne continuing still their former practise for euery one of the Princes talked with them apart and I am of opinion that some of them had agreed secretly to suffer the Princes in their owne persons to enter the towne and their men also if they so thought good by small troupes which practise if it had taken effect had not onely been the winning of the towne but the atchieuing of the whole enterprise For the citizens would easily haue been brought for diuers considerations to reuolt to them and so consequently all the other townes in the realme But God put wise counsell into the Kings head which also he executed accordingly being alreadie aduertised of all these practises Before the ambassadors that were returned from the Princes had made their report the King in person entred the towne of Paris accompanied like a prince that commeth to relieue his people for he brought with him into the towne two thousand men of armes all the nobles of Normandie a great number of franke archers and all his owne seruants pensioners and others that vse to accompanie the King in such affaires Thus this practise was broken off and all the people altered their mindes neither durst any of them that had been with vs make farther mention of the Princes demaunds Some of them also sped but euill for that they had alreadie done notwithstanding the King vsed no extremitie towards them 1 but some lost their offices and others were sent to dwell in other places for the which easie reuenge the King vndoubtedly deserued great commendation considering that if this practise begun had taken effect the best that could haue happened to him had been to forsake his realme which also was his resolution For as himselfe hath often told me if he could not haue entred into Paris but had found the towne reuolted he would haue retired to the Switzers or to Francis Duke of Milan whom he accounted
as you see The Notes 1 The Earles meaning was that the King could not redeeme them during the said Earles life bicause they were engaged to Duke Philip and his heires males 2 The Duke of Burgundie allowed the Dolphin being in his countries monethly 3000. florences for his entertainment Meyer 3 King Lewis was crowned anno 1461. Augusti 14. 4 The Kings sister that married the Earle was named Catherine but he had no issue by hir Annal. Burgund Meyer His second wife was Isabell daughter to Charles Duke of Bourbon by whom he had issue a daughter named Marie which also was his heire His third wife was Margaret sister to Edward the fourth King of England by whom also he had no issue 5 He meaneth the taking of Roan mentioned in the next chapter How the towne of Roan by practise was put into the Duke of Bourbons hands for the D. of Berry and how the treatie of Conflans was fully concluded Chap. 13. YOu shall now vnderstand what mooued me to discourse so long of the dangers depending vpon these treaties and why I aduised Princes to be wise and circumspect whom they employ in them especially him that hath the woorse end of the staffe For while the commissioners sat to treat of peace by means wherof men met communed togither in steede of treating of peace some practised to yeeld the Duchie of Normandie to the Kings onely brother the Duke of Berry to the end he might there take his partage and restore Berry to the King which enterprise was also executed according for the Lady of Brezey the late Seneschall of Normandies widow and certaine of hir kins folkes and seruants by hir perswasion receiued Iohn Duke of Bourbon into the castell of Roan and finally into the towne the which willingly consented to this mutation as did also all the other townes and places in the countrey a few excepted For the Normans haue euer been and yet are of opinion that it is requisite for them their countrie being so large to haue their Prince resident among them neither desire they any thing more and sure it is a goodly thing and a rich for I my selfe haue knowen the reuenues thereof nine hundred and fiftie thousand frankes 1 and some say they are greater After the towne was reuolted all the inhabitants gaue their oth to the Duke of Bourbon as the Duke of Berries lieutenant saue the bailiffe of the towne named Onaste who had been a groome of the Kings chamber in Flaunders and neere about him and another called VVilliam Piquart afterward generall of Normandie and the high Seneschall of Normandie that now is who also departed to the King against his mothers will who as you haue heard was the chiefe author of the citizens reuolt When the King heard this newes he resolued to make peace seeing he could not vndoo that was already done Wherefore incontinent he sent word to the Earle of Charolois being in his campe that he would gladly speake with him and appointed the hower when he would meete him in the fields by Conflans neere to the said campe at which hower he came accompanied with an hundred horse all in manner Scottish men of his garde The Earle of Charolois met him with a small traine without any ceremonie notwithstanding many of his seruants went after him so that in the end his company was greater than the Kings but he caused them to stay a pretie way off and when the King and he had walked togither a while the King told him that the peace was already made and aduertised him of al that was hapned at Roan whereof the Earle as yet vnderstood nothing adding that notwithstanding he would neuer willingly haue granted his brother so large a partage yet now seeing the Normans themselues had made this mutation he would agree thereunto and passe the treatie in maner and forme as before at diuers meetings was deuised for as touching the other articles they had to agree vpon they were but trifles The Earle of Charolois was glad of these newes for his army lay in great distresse of vittailes but more of money and had not this hapned all these Princes had been forced to depart with great dishonor Notwithstanding to the Earle of Charolois the same day or within two or three daies after came a new releefe both of men and money sent him by Duke Philip his father out of Burgundy vnder the leading of the Lord of Sauenses being six score men of armes and fifteene hundred archers and six score thousand crownes vpon ten sumpter horses with great store of bowes and arrowes which furnished reasonably well the Burgundians army who stood in great doubt that the other Princes would make peace without them This communication of peace pleased so well both the King and the Earle of Charolois and so desirous they were as I haue heard the Earle himselfe say to conclude the treatie that they marked not which way they walked but rode straight toward Paris so far foorth that they entred into a great bulwarke of wood and earth that the King had caused to be made a good way without the towne at the end of a trench by the which laie a way into the towne The Earle was accompanied but with foure or fiue persons who were much abased when they saw themselues within the bullwarck notwithstanding he himselfe set a good face on the matter But when this newes came to the campe the whole army began to mutter and the Earle of S. Paul the marshal of Burgundie the Lord of Contay the Lord of Hault-bourdin diuers others assembled togither blaming greatly both the Earle and those that accompanied with him of this follie and alleadging the inconuenience that hapened to his grandfather at Montereau-faut-Yonne in the presence of King Charles the 7. Wherefore incontinent they commanded all the soldiers that were walking abroad in the fields to retire into their campe And the marshall of Burgundie surnamed Neuf-chastel said thus though this foolish harebrained yoong Prince be gone to cast awaie himselfe yet let vs prouide that his house his fathers estate and we our selues fall not into danger wherefore mine aduise is that euerie man repaire to his lodging and be in a readines banishing al feare whatsoeuer hapen For we are strong inough if we seuer not to retire to the marches of Henaut or Picardie or into Burgundie When he had thus said he and the Earle of Saint Paul mounted on horsebacke and walked out of the campe to see if they coulde descrie any body comming from Paris where after they had stoode a while they discouered forty or fiftie horses being certeine of the Kings seruants as well archers as others that waited backe vpon the Earle of Charolois who so soone as he perceiued these two approch caused the French men to return he stood in awe of the marshall bicause he vsed to giue him verie sharpe language neither feared sometimes to tell him that he was
and the Duke of Burgundies onely daughter and heire for sonne he had none which matter they had often mooued to the Duke who in words shewed himselfe not vnwilling thereunto yet notwithstanding would neuer conclude it but entertained others also in hope thereof Now marke how these men sought to atchieue their enterprise by constraining the Duke of Burgundy to this marriage Immediately after these two towns were taken and the Duke gon to Arras to leuy forces with al speed the Duke of Guienne sent a secret messenger to him who brought him three lines written with the said Dukes owne hand foulded vp in a small lumpe of waxe and conteining these words Endeuor your selfe to appease your subiects and you shall not faile of friends Farther the Duke of Burgundy being at the first in exceeding great feare sent to the Cōstable desiring him to shew himself fauorable not to presse forward this war begun without any defiance made At the which message the Constable greatly reioiced supposing that he now held the Duke in such feare as he desired which to increase he sent him a speedy discomfortable answere the effect wherof was that his state stoode in maruellous danger so far foorth that he saw no way for him to winde himselfe out of these troubles but one Namely by giuing his daughter in mariage to the D. of Guienne which if he would do he should than be succoured with great forces for both the Duke of Guienne and diuers others Lords would declare themselues for him against the King and he also would restore him Saint Quintine and take his part otherwise he said he durst do nothing considering how strong the K. was hauing both his army very wel appointed also great intelligence in the Dukes dominions This was the answer he sent with diuers other fearefull messages But I neuer knew man in my life come to good end that sought to put in feare and hold in subiection his master or any other great Prince with whom he had to do as in the end the Constables example shall well declare For notwithstanding that the King were then his master and that the greatest part of his reuenues lay and all his children were resident in the Duke of Burgundies dominions yet continued he these practises against both these Princes with intent to hold them both in feare each by other which cost him deere in the end and no maruel For notwithstanding that euery man desire to liue out of subiection and feare and that all men naturally hate these that hold them in awe yet none so extremely as Princes For I neuer knew Prince that hated not mortally all those that sought to put him feare After the D. of Burgundy had receaued the Constables answer he perceaued wel no friendship to be in him farther that he was the only author of this war Wherupon he conceaued so extreme hatred against him that after this he could neuer brooke him especially bicause by these fearfull messages he fought to constraine him to mary his daughter at his pleasure a vaine attempt For before the returne of the Constables answer the Duke had recouered his spirits and had a great army with him You may easely perceaue both by the message sent by the Duke of Guienne first and the Constables answer afterwarn that this was a compact matter between them and the rather for that the like message or a more dreadfull came soone after from the Duke of Britaine who sent also to the Kings seruice a hundred Britons all men of armes vnder the leading of the Lord of Lescut Wherefore we may boldly say that this war was mooued onely to constraine the Duke of Burgundy to conclude this mariage and that they did but abuse the King in perswading him to begin war for they were all in maner lies that they told him of their intelligences in the Dukes dominions Notwithstanding in this voiage the Constable did the King great seruice and shewed extreme malice against the Duke of Burgundy knowing that the Duke had conceaued mortal hatred against him The Duke of Guienne also serued the King in these wars very well accompanied so that the Duke of Burgundy stood vpon hard tearmes But if at the first he would haue assured his daughter to the Duke of Guienne both the said Duke of Guienne the Constable and diuers other noble men with all their adherents would haue reuolted to him against the King and done their endeuor to haue pulled him vpon his knees But whatsoeuer man purposeth in such cases God disposeth afterward of them at his pleasure How the Duke of Burgundie tooke Piquigny and afterward found meanes to make truce with the King for a yeere to the Constables great griefe Chap. 3. YOu haue heard at large the cause of this war at the beginning whereof both the Princes were blinded inuading each other and neither of them knowing the cause why which was a maruellous cunning of the contriuers of this enterprise For a man might haue pronounced the old Prouerbe of these two Princes that the one part of the world was not acquainted with the others maners nor actions All these affaires aboue rehersed since the beginning of these wars chanced in very short space for within lesse then fifteene daies after the taking of Amiens the Duke put himselfe into the field neere to Arras for farther he retired not and from thence marched toward the riuer of Somme and so straight to Piquigny but vpon the waie thither he met with a messenger of the Duke of Britaine on foote who aduertised him from the Duke his Master that the King had giuen his said Master to vnderstand of diuers secrets and among others of intelligences he had in many great towns of his dominions namely Andwerp Bruges and Bruxelles adding also that the King was determined to come and besiege him into what towne soeuer he should retire were it euen into Gaunt All the which aduertisements I suppose the Duke of Britain sent in fauour of the Duke of Guienne hoping thereby to further much the marriage aboue mentioned But the Duke of Burgundie tooke this message in euill part and foorthwith dispatched the messenger willing him to tell his master that he was misinformed by some euill seruants about him who put these feares and doubts into his head to the end he should not aide him as he was bound by their league And farther that he knew not what townes Gaunt and the other cities were in the which he said the King would come to besiege him for they were too great to be besieged He bad him farther to informe his Master in what sort he found him accompanied and to aduertise him that the world went otherwise with him then he supposed for he was determined to passe the riuer of Somme and to fight with the King if he would come to stop him vpon the way Laste of all he willed him to desire his Master on his behalfe to ioine with
began to attempt more boldly against his neighbors in such sort that in the end these 120000. crownes grew to 500000. and the number of his men of armes augmented so excessiuely that his subiects were greatly charged for their maintenance To say my fansie of these ordinarie men of armes I thinke vnder a wise Prince they be well imploied but if he be otherwise or happily at his death leaue his children in their minoritie the seruice wherein their gouernors imploy them is not alwaies profitable neither for the King nor for his subiects The hatred betweene the King and the Duke diminished not but still endured Further the Duke of Guienne being returned into his countrie sent often to the Duke of Burgundy following still his sute for his daughters marriage who fed him continually with faire words as he did euery other man that required hir And I thinke verily that he neither was desirous of a sonne 5 neither would haue married his daughter during his life but haue kept hir to intertaine men thereby to obtaine their friendship and aide For he had so many great enterprises in his head that all his life time could not suffice to atchieue them and those aduentures almost impossible to be compassed for halfe Europe would not haue contented him He had courage ynough to attempt any thing his bodie was able to endure as much labour and trauell as was needfull he was furnished both of men and mony but he lacked finenes and cunning sufficient for the managing of his affaires And what Prince soeuer desireth to be great notwithstanding that he be accomplished with all other good parts yet if he lacke an excellent wit all is to no purpose which vndoubtedly proceedeth of the meere grace of God To be short if part of the Dukes vertues and part of the King our masters had been tempered togither they would haue made a perfect Prince for vndoubtedly in wit the King far excelled him as it well appeered in the end The Notes 1 Of this armie he spake somwhat in the Duke of Bourbons aduertisement sent to the Duke of Burgundie mentioned in the first chapter of this booke it was led by the Earle Daulphin d'Auuergne sonne to the Earle of Montpensier Of this discomfiture reade Annal. Burgund pag. 945. 2 The reason was bicause he perceiued the intelligences of the Constable and the rest to be vntrue 3 This assembly was held the 16. of Iune Meyer 4 But this subsidie of 120000. crownes was granted but for three yeeres Meyer pag. 348. and 367. 5 The Duke desired no sonne bicause then his daughters marriage could not haue stood him in such stead as now it did Of the wars among the Princes of England during these troubles betweene King Lewis and Charles Duke of Burgundy Chap. 4. I Must now discourse of Edward King of England bicause Note that from this place til the 7. Chapter all these English affaires fall into the yeeres 1469. 1470. these three great Princes namely our King the King of England and the Duke of Burgundy liued all in one age in the which discourse I will not obserue the Historiographers vsuall order in writing who set downe the certaine yeeres and daies when each thing hapned neither will I vouch examples out of ancient histories for you know them better than my selfe and in so dooing I should but seeme to reason of Diuinitie before a Doctor But I will rudely aduertise you of all that I haue seene knowen or heard of these Princes of whom I write You liue in the selfe same age that all these things hapned wherefore me thinke it needlesse so exactly to note the houres and seasons I haue before rehearsed what occasion mooued the Duke of Burgundy to mary King Edvvards sister and said it was principally to fortifie himselfe against the King otherwise he would neuer haue done it for the great affection he bare to the house of Lancaster whereof he was descended by his mother for she was daughter to the King of Portugall and hir mother daughter to the Duke of Lancaster 1 so that as feruently as he loued the house of Lancaster as extremly hated he the house of Yorke But you shall vnderstand that at the time of this mariage the house of Lancaster was vtterly destroied and the house of Yorke no more spoken of For King Edvvard being both King and Duke of Yorke raigned peaceably During the ciuill wars betweene these two houses were fought in England seauen or eight cruell battels and in them slaine three or fower score Princes and Lords of the blood royall as before is rehearsed in this history The rest that escaped being all yoong Lords whose fathers died in these battels aboue mentioned liued as banished men in the Duke of Burgundies court who receiued them as his kinsmen of the house of Lancaster before his mariage with King Edvvards sister I haue seene them in so great misery before they came to the Dukes knowledge that those that beg from dore to dore were not in poorer estate then they for I once saw a Duke of Excester run on foote bare legged after the Duke of Burgundies traine begging his bread for Gods sake but he vttered not his name He was the neerest of the house of Lancaster and had maried King Edvvards sister 2 but when he was knowne the Duke gaue him a small pension to maintaine his estate They of the house of Somerset and diuers others were there in like maner who died all afterwards in the wars Their fathers and kinsmen had spoiled and destroied the realme of Fraunce and possessed the greatest part thereof many yeeres and afterwards slew one another and those that remained aliue in England and their children haue died as you haue seene Yet men say that God punisheth not now as he did in the children of Israels time but suffereth euill men and euill Princes to liue vnpunished True it is that he threatneth not now by expresse messengers as he was wont for he hath left examples inough to instruct vs. Notwithstanding you may perceiue by these discourses ioining thereto the great knowledge you haue besides that of euill Princes and such as haue authority in this world and abuse it to cruelty or tiranny few or none escape vnpunished though it happen not by and by after the fault committed neither so soone happily as those that are afflicted desire But to returne to King Edvvard the chiefe man in England that maintained the house of Yorke was the Earle of Warwicke And on the other side the greatest champion of the house of Lancaster was the Duke of Sommerset The said Earle of Warwicke might iustly be called King Edwards father as well for the training of him vp as also for the great seruices he did him for the which the King had also highly aduanced him for besides his owne inheritance which was great he held goodly lands of the Kings gift aswel crowne lands as lands forfeited by attaindor Farther he
was deputy of Calice and had diuers other great offices so that I haue heard his yeerely reuenewes valued at fower score thousand crownes besides his owne inheritance But in the end he fell at variance with the King his master about a yeere as I gesse before the Duke of Burgundies comming before Amiens which breach the said Duke furthered to the vttermost of his power For the Earles great authority in England much discontented him besides that they two were not friends for the Earle had continuall intelligence with the King our master To be short about this present or not long before the Earle of Warwickes force was so great that he seased the King his master into his hands and put to death diuers personages that he highly fauored namely the Lord of Scales the Queenes father 3 and two of his sonnes the third being also in great danger with them diuers other knights He entertained the King his master for a season very honorably and placed new seruants about him supposing that through simplicity he would soone forget the old The Duke of Burgundy being not a little troubled with this aduenture practised secretly how King Edvvard might escape and they two commune togither which enterprise had so good successe that the King escaped indeede and leuied men and defeated certaine of the Earles bands He was a fortunate Prince in the field for he wan at the least nine great battels fighting himselfe on foote in euery one of them The Earle of Warwicke vnable to make resistance aduertised his friends what they should do and embarked at leisure accompanied with the Duke of Clarence who had married his daughter and tooke part with him notwithstanding that he were King Edwards brother They transported with them both wiues and children and a great band of men and sailed straight towards Calais within the which was the Earles lieutenant named the Lord of Vaucler 4 and diuers of the said Earles houshold seruants who in stead of receiuing their Master presented him the canon Further you shall vnderstand that as they lay at anchor before the towne the Duchesse of Clarence daughter to the Earle of Warwicke was deliuered of a sonne and great intreatie was made before Vaucler and the rest of the towne would suffer two flaggons of wine to be brought foorth to hir which was great extremitie of the seruant towards the master For it is to be supposed that the Earle thought himselfe well assured of this place which is they very key of England and the goodliest captainship in mine opinion in the world at the least in Christendome which I dare boldly auow bicause I was there diuers times during these wars and heard also the Maior of the staple report that he would willingly farme yeerely the deputyship of Calais of the King of England for fifteene thousand crownes For the deputie receiueth the profits of all that they haue on this side the sea and of all safe conducts and placeth also the greatest part of the garrison at his pleasure The King of England fauoured highly the Lord of Vaucler for this refusall made to his Captaine and granted him by his letters patents the office of Deputie which the Earle his master before held for he was a wise and an ancient knight and one of the order of the garter The Duke of Burgundie also who then lay at Saint Omer conceiued a maruellous good opinion of him so far foorth that he sent me to him granting him a yeerely pension of a thousand crownes and desiring him to continue a true and faithfull seruant to the King his Master as he had begun which at my comming thither I found him fully determined to do so that he sware in Staple Inne in Calais laying his hand within mine to be faithfull and true to King Edward and to serue him against all men The like oth all the towne and all the garrison sware also Farther I was by the space of two months almost continually resident at Calais at the least posting daiely betweene Calais and Bullen to entertaine the said Vaucler for you shall vnderstand that during these English troubles the Duke of Burgundie came to Bullen where he prepared a great army by sea against the Earle of Warwick who at his departure from Calais tooke many ships of the Dukes subiects which aduanced forward the war betweene the King of Fraunce and vs. For the Earles men sould the bootie in Normandie whereupon the Duke of Burgundie arrested all the French Marchants that came to the Mart at Andwerp Now bicause it is meete to vnderstand as well the cunning and subtill as the iust and vpright dealings of the world not to practise them but to know how to avoide them I will rehearse vnto you a sleight or subtilitie terme it as you list that was cunningly conueighed Farther I would that men should vnderstand the practises as well of our neighbors as our selues to the end it may appeere that in all places are both good and bad When the Earle of Warwick came before Calais thinking to enter into it as his onely refuge the Lord of Vaucler being a very wise gentleman sent him word that if he entred the towne he should cast away himselfe considering that all England the Duke of Burgundie the people of the towne and a great part of the garrison namely the Lord of Duras Marshall there for the King of England and diuers others that had men in the towne were his enimies wherefore his best way should be to retire into Fraunce and as touching the towne of Calais he willed him not to trouble himselfe for he would yeeld him good account thereof when time and occasion should serue He did his Captaine good seruice by giuing him this aduise but shewed himselfe thereby a very Iudas to his Master For vndoubtedly a more traiterous part was neuer plaied considering both that the King of England had made him Deputie of the towne of Calais and the Duke of Burgundy giuen him so large a pension The Notes 1 Philippa daughter to Iohn Duke of Lancaster was married to Iohn King of Portugale and had issue by him Isabell mother to Duke Charles 2 This was Henry Holland Duke of Exceter whose wife was Anne sister to King Edward the fourth and his grandmother was Elizabeth daughter to Iohn Duke of Lancaster by his first wife but he died without issue 3 Our chronicles name the Queenes father Earle of Riuers and so doth afterward also our Author lib. 5. cap. 15. 4 This Vaucler was a Gascoine borne How by King Lewis his aide the Earle of Warwicke chased King Edward out of England to the Duke of Burgundies great greefe who receiued him into his countries Chap. 5. THe Earle of Warwicke followed Vauclers aduise and landed in Normandie where the King honorably receiued him and furnished him largely of mony for his mens expences and appointed also the bastard of Bourbon Admirall of Fraunce being well accompanied to defend the
Englishmen and their ships against the Duke of Burgundies nauie which was so mighty and strong that no man durst stir in these narrow seas for feare of it making war vpon the Kings subiects both by sea land and threatening them euery where All this happened the sommer before the King surprised Saint Quintine and Amiens which was as before you haue heard in the yeere 1470. The Duke of Burgundies nauie aboue mentioned was stronger than the Kings and the Earles ioined togither For he had taken at Sluse many great ships of Spaine Portugall and Genua and diuers hulks of Almaine King Edward was a man of no great forecast but very valiant and the beautifullest Prince that liued in his time He tooke no care for the Earle of Warwicks landing as the Duke of Burgundie did who perceiuing great tumults already arising in England in the Earles fauor aduertised the King often thereof But he made small account of any danger neither seemed to feare his enimy which sure was great follie considering the great preparation he saw made For the King armed all the ships to the sea that he could get and manned them well and prouided furniture also for the English men Besides this he made a mariage betweene the Prince of Wales and the Earle of Warwickes second daughter The said Prince was onely sonne and heire to King Henry of England who liued yet prisoner in the Tower of London This was a strange mariage when the Earle had deposed and imprisoned the Princes father to cause him to mary his daughter and to entertaine also the Duke of Clarence brother to the King of the other faction who had iust cause to feare his owne estate if the house of Lancaster recouered the crowne Thus we see that such enterprises are not atchieued without dissimulation At the selfe same time that this army aboue mentioned lay in a readines to saile into England I was at Calice to entertaine the Lord of Vaucler whose dooble dealing till that very instant I neuer perceiued notwithstanding that it had now continued the space of three months But at that present I desired him bicause of the newes we heard to put all the Earle of Warwicks houshold seruants being to the number of twenty or thirty out of the towne alledging that I was sure the Kings army and the Earles were ready to depart out of Normandy where they lay and if the Earle should happen sodainly to land in England some such tumult might arise in the towne of Calice by meanes of his seruants that he should not be master thereof Wherefore I pressed him earnestly in all haste to put them out of the towne which he alwaies heertofore promised me to do but now he drew me aside saying that he would be master of the town well inough and required me to do this message to the Duke of Burgundy that if he would be a friend to the realme of England he should endeuor himselfe to make peace and not war which words he spake bicause of the nauy the Duke had on the sea against the Earle of Warwick He told me farther that peace might easily be made bicause that day a gentlewoman passed through Calice to go into Fraunce to the Duches of Clarence with certaine ouertures of peace from King Edward And he said true indeed but as he abused others euen so was he himselfe deceiued by this gentlewoman for she went about a great enterprise which also she atchieued to the preiudice of the Earle of Warwick and his whole faction Of this fine practise all other that haue been managed on this side the sea I write the more at large bicause I am well assured that no man is able to make truer report of them then my selfe at the least of those that haue hapned within these twenty yeeres The secret deliuered to this woman was to counsell the Duke of Clarence not to cause the destruction of his owne house by setting vp againe the house of Lancaster but to remember their ancient harred and diuision adding that he might well assure himselfe that the Earle of Warwick hauing maried his daughter to the Prince of Wales and already done homage to him would by all meanes possible seeke to make him King This gentlewoman so wisely executed the charge committed vnto hir that she wan the Duke of Clarence who promised to reuolt to the King his brother immediately after his returne into England Shee was a woman well aduised and of few words and bicause of hir sexe had leaue granted hir to passe to hir Meistres easilier then a man should and as craftie a foxe as this Vaucler was this woman went beyond him and was the onely contriuer of the enterprise whereby the Earle of Warwick and his whole faction were vtterly destroied wherefore it is no shame to be suspicious and to haue an eie vpon those that passe to and fro but great shame it is to be deceiued and vndone through our owne follie Notwithstanding suspicions ought to be grounded vpon some good presumption for to be too suspicious is naught You haue heard already how the Earle of Warwicks army and the Kings ships appointed to wafte him ouer were in a readines to take sea and how the Duke of Burgundies nauie being at Hancy lay prepared to fight with them But it pleased God so to dispose of this voiage that the selfe same night so great a tempest arose that the Dukes nauie was forced to seuer part wherofran vpon the cost of Scotland and part into Holland and not long after the Earle hauing a good gale of winde passed into England without all danger The Duke of Burgundie had aduertised King Edward in what part rhe Earle would land and had sent men purposely to him to sollicite him to looke to himselfe but he litle regarding the danger passed foorth the time in hunting hauing none so neere him as the Archbishop of Yorke and the Marques of Montagu the Earle of Warwicks bretheren who had promised and solemnly sworne to serue him against their brother and all others wereunto he gaue credite Immediatly after the Earles landing great forces ioyned with him wherewith the King being much abashed began then but all too late to looke about him and sent word to the Duke of Burgundy desiring him that his nauie might still keepe the Sea to stop the Earle from retiring againe into Fraunce for vpon the land he would match him well ynough which message pleased no man that heard it for it had beene much better to haue kept him from landing then to be constrained to hazard his estate in battell when he was landed Fiue or sixe daies after the Earles arriuall his power was so great that he encamped within three leagues of King Edward Notwithstanding the Kings force was greater than his if all his men had beene faithfull and true and lay also in campe to fight with him Further you shall vnderstand that the King lodged as himselfe told me in
the Earle and his brother with a great number of gentlemen and the slaughter of the poore people was also great For King Edward at his departure out of Flaunders resolued to cry no more to saue the people and kill the nobles but he had conceiued extreeme hatred against the communalty of England both for the great fauor they bare the Earle of Warwick and for other respects also wherefore at this battell he spared them not Of the Kings side died about fifteene hundred and the field was valiantly fought At the time of this battell the Duke of Burgundie lay before Amiens where he receiued letters from the Duches his wife that King Edward hir brother was not a little discontented with him alleaging that the aide he gaue him was giuen in euil sort and with euill will so far foorth that he was almost vtterly forsaken of him and to say the truth the King and he after this neuer loued one an other Notwithstanding the Duke supposing that this victory would greatly further his affaires caused the newes to be published in all places I had forgotten to tell you how King Edward finding King Henry at London lead him with him into the battell aboue mentioned This King Henry was a very simple man and almost an innocent and if I haue not heard a lie incontinent after the battell the Duke of Glocester K. Edwards brother who afterward named himselfe K. Richard slue this holy man K. Henry with his own hands or caused him to be slaine in his presence in some secret place 2 The Prince of Wales was landed in England when this battell aboue mentioned was fought hauing in his company the Dukes of Excester and Sommerset with diuers others of his kinsfolkes and ancient folowers of his house His army was to the number of forty thousand as I haue been informed by diuers that were with him and if the Earle of Warwicke would haue staied for him it is very like the victory would haue been theirs But the Earle feared both the Duke of Sommerset whose father and brother he had slaine and also Queene Margaret the Princes mother wherefore he fought alone and would not tarie for them 3 Marke heere by this example how long ancient factions and partialities endure how much they are to be feared and what great damage ensueth thereof So soone as King Edward had obteined this victory he marched incontinent against the Prince of Wales where another cruell battell was fought for the Princes force was greater than the Kings notwithstanding the lot of victory fell to the King and the Prince was slaine vpon the place 4 with diuers other great Lords and a maruellous number of common soldiers The Duke of Sommerset was taken and the next day beheaded In eleuen daies the Earle of Warwicke subdued the whole realme of England at the least brought it to obedience and in one and twenty King Edvvard recouered it hauing fought two great and cruell battels Thus you see what sudden mutations haue been in England K. Edvvard caused many of the people to be put to death in many places especially such as had made assemblies against him And from that day forward raigned peaceably in England till his death though not without great trouble and vexation of minde I will heere end my discourse of these English affaires till time and occasion serue in some other place only adding this that of all the nations in the world the English men are most desirous to try their quarrels by dint of sword The Notes 1 Our Chronicles report that the Duke turned on the Kings side at Couentrie before the Kings comming to London and they vary also in other circumstances from our author 2 Our histories report otherwise of King Henries death for he was slain in the Tower and not so soone after the battell 3 Our Chronicles report that the Duke of Sommer set was at Barnet field with the Earle of VVarvvicke and repaired afterward to the Queene and was taken in the second battell and then be he aded 4 Our histories write that the Prince was not slaine in the battell but soone after hauing had communication with King Edward How the wars reuiued betweene King Lewis and Charles Duke of Burgundy by the sollicitation of the Dukes of Guienne and Britaine Chap. 8. I Wil now return to our affairs on this side the sea wherof I haue made no mention since the Duke of Burgundies departure from before Amiens the Kings returne into the country of Touraine and the Duke of Guienne his brother into Guienne The saide Duke of Guienne continued still his sute aboue mentioned for his mariage with the Duke of Burgundies daughter whereunto the said Duke in word euer shewed himselfe willing but in deede meant nothing lesse both bicause he purposed to vse hir as an instrument whereby to entertaine all the world and a marchandise to put euery man in hope of and also for that he stomacked the euill practises they had contriued to constraine him to this mariage perforce The Earle of Saint Paul Constable of Fraunce busied himselfe in this treaty very earnestly desiring that the mariage might seeme to be effected by his onely meanes and procurement On the other side the Duke of Britaine traueled therein to the end the whole honor thereof might redound to him The King was as busie as the best to breake it off though needlesly as well for the two reasons aboue alleaged as also bicause the Duke of Burgundy was not desirous of so great a sonne in lawe wherefore in vaine the King troubled himselfe but he could not see another mans thoughts And sure he had iust cause of feare for if this mariage had taken effect his brother should haue beene so mighty that he and the Duke of Britaine ioined togither might haue put the Kings estate and his childrens in great danger In the meane time about these affaires many ambassadors passed to and fro as well secretly as openly This often passing to and fro of ambassadors is a thing very dangerous for vnder colour thereof many times euill practises are set abroch yet notwithstanding ambassadors must of force both be sent and receiued They that shall reade this historie will aske peraduenture what remedie I can deuise against this inconuenience bicause it seemeth almost remedilesse For answere whereunto I will shew mine aduise notwithstanding that I know a number far better able to discourse heerof than my selfe Ambassadors that come from perfect friends with whom no occasion of quarrell can arise must be well intertained and permitted to come often to the Princes presence I meane if the Prince be wise and of comely personage otherwise the lesse he be seene the better Notwithstanding when he must of necessitie be seene let him be well apparelled and well instructed what to say and vse short speech according to Princes amitie which vsually is but short But if ambassadors be sent openly or secretly betweene Princes that are in continuall
was their onely man of wisdome and experience in the countrey besides that generally the Britaines desire nothing more than peace with Fraunce bicause continually a great number of them haue good entertainment and be in good estimation in this realme not vnwoorthily for sure in times past they haue done great seruice heere Wherefore me thinke the King did very wisely in concluding this treaty notwithstanding that some not considering so deepely thereof as himselfe did thought otherwise of it He had a very good opinion of the Lord of Lescute knew there was no danger in putting those offices and places of charge that he did into his hands bicause he was a man of honor would neuer during these diuisions haue any intelligence with the English men nor consent that the townes in Normandie 2 should be yeelded to them but had beene the onely stay thereof which was the cause of all his preferment When the King had well debated this matter he commanded Sousplenuille to put in writing all that his Master required as well for the Duke as himselfe which done the King granted him all his demands being these A pension of 80000. franks for the Duke for his master the Lord of Lescute a pension of 6000. franks the gouernment of Guienne the two Seneschalships of Launes and Bordelois the captainship of one of the castels of Bordeaux the captainship of Blaye and of the two castels of Bayonne of Dax and of Saint Seuer 24000. crownes in ready mony the Kings order and the Earldome of Comminges All the which the King granted and agreed vnto saue that the Dukes pension was diminished by the one halfe and continued but two yeeres Further the King gaue the said Sousplenuille 6000. crownes which with the other 24. thousand giuen to his Master were to be paid in fower yeeres a pension of 1200. franks the Mayraltie of Bayonne the Bailywick of Montargis and certaine other small offices in Guienne All the which aboue rehearsed estates his Master and he enioied till the Kings death Philip d'Essars likewise was made Bailife of Meaux and lieutenant of the waters and forrests throughout the realme of Fraunce and had also a pension granted him of 1200. franks and 4000. crownes in ready money all the which offices and estates from that day till the King our Master his death they quietly enioied and the Lord of Comminges continued during his life his trustie and faithfull seruant The King hauing pacified all matters in Britaine marched straight toward Picardie for he and the Duke of Burgundie vsed alwaies when winter approched to make truce for sixe moneths or a yeere and some time more After the which their woonted maner they made truce at this present which the Chancellor of Burgundie with certaine others came to the King to conclude There the Kings Commissioners read the finall peace made with the Duke of Britaine whereby the said Duke renounced the league he was entred into with the English men and the D. of Burgundie wherfore the King required the Duke of Burgundies ambassadors not to comprehend the Duke of Britaine in the truce as their confederate whereunto they would not condiscend but agreed that the Duke of Britaine should be at his choise to declare himselfe within the time accustomed either the Kings confederate or theirs alleaging that heertofore also the said Duke had abandoned them by writing yet had not departed from their friendship Further adding that though he were a Prince wholy led and gouerned by others and doing little of himselfe yet in the end he euer yeelded to that which was best and most necessary for his estate All this was done in the yeere 1473. During this treatie they murmured on both sides against the Earle of Saint Paule Constable of Fraunce for the King and those that were neerest about him had conceiued maruellous hatred against him And the Duke of Burgundy hated him woorse than they as he had iust cause to do for I know the reasons that mooued them both to beare him ill will The Duke had not yet forgotten that he was the onely occasion of the losse of Amiens and Saint Quintin and perceiued well that he nourished this war betweene the King and him For in time of truce he spake him as faire as was possible but so soone as the war opened he shewed himselfe his mortall foe Further the Earle had sought to constraine him by force to marrie his daughter to the Duke of Guienne as before 〈◊〉 ●●ue heard Besides all this there was yet another grudge for while the Duke lay before Amiens the Constable made a road into Henault and among other cruell exploits burned the castell of Seure belonging to a Knight named Master Baudouin of Launay before the which time they vsed on neither side to fire any place But in reuenge thereof the Duke this last sommer burned the countrie all the way his armie passed as before you haue heard Thus they began to practise the Constables destruction for the accomplishment whereof diuers of the Kings men conferred with such of the Dukes seruants as they knew to be his mortall enimies for the French had him in as great iealousie as the Duke of Burgundie had and accused him as the onely occasion of the war wherefore all his treaties and practises with both parties were ripped vp and discouered and they both sought his death Some man may peraduenture aske heerafter if the King alone were not of power sufficient to put him to death whereunto I answer that he was not For his lands lay iust in the middest betweene the King and the Duke further he held Saint Quintin a great and strong towne in Vermandois and of his owne Han Bohain and other very strong places neere to the said Saint Quintin the which he might man at all times with any nation at his owne pleasure He had charge vnder the King of fower hundred men of armes well paied of the which companie himselfe was controller and tooke the muster which was no small profit to him for his companies were not complete Besides all this he had a yeerely pension of 45000. franks and of euerie tunne of wine that passed through his countrie into Flaunders or Henault he receiued a crowne for impost He had also goodly seigniories and possessions of his owne inheritance and great intelligence as well in Fraunce as in the Dukes dominions where he had many kinsfolks and allies The truce betweene the King and the Duke continued a whole yeere all the which space this practise endured and the Kings men addressed themselues wholie to the Lord of Hymbercourt so often before named who of long time had beene the Constables enimy besides that their hatred was lately increased For in an assembly held at Roye where the Constable and others were commissioners for the King and the Chancellor of Burgundy and the Lord of Hymbercourt with diuers others for the Duke as they conferred togither of their affaires the
vse often when money faileth them to leuy an armie and make shewe as though they would inuade Scotland or Fraunce But after they haue receiued money for a yeere they lie abroad in campe three moneths and then returne home and dismisse their army which practise King Edward was well acquainted with and vsed often It was at the least a yeere before this English army could be in a readines but when it was furnished of all things necessarie the King of England aduertised the Duke of Burgundie die thereof who in the beginning of the sommer went before Nuz trusting in short space to put his Bishop in possession and to retaine certaine places as Nuz and others in his owne hands to what purpose you haue heard before I thinke verily that this proceeded of God who beheld with a pitifull eie this realme of Fraunce which vndoubtedly the Duke might shrewdly haue shaken considering that his army was mightie and all of olde soldiers accustomed by the space of many yeeres to enter and spoile this realme without any resistance saue onely by defence of the strong townes True it is that this proceeded of the King who would hazard nothing partly for feare of the Dukes force and partly for doubt of rebellion in his realme if he should receiue an ouerthrow for he knew himselfe not to be beloued of all his subiects especially the nobilitie And if I may vtter all he hath eftsoons told me that he knew his subiects well ynough and should finde them rebellious if his assaires happened to haue hard successe wherefore when the Duke of Burgundie entred into the realme he manned the townes well by the which he passed whereby in short space the Dukes army brake it selfe and the King neuer endangered his estate which vndoubtedly proceeded of great wisedome But all this notwithstanding the Dukes force being so great as it was if the King of Englands army had also entred in the beginning of sommer as assuredly it would had not the Duke so obstinately line before Nuz vndoubtedly the realme had stood in great danger for neuer King of England passed at once with so great force nor so well disposed to fight All the great Lords of England were there none excepted Their men of armes were 1500. at the least which was much for the English men all wel appointed and well accompanied and 14000. archers on horseback besides a great number of foote men that serued in the army and in all their campe was not one Page Further the King of England had in a readines three thousand men to land in Britaine to ioine there with the Duke of Britaines forces I saw my selfe two letters written with the Lord of Vrfés owne hands then seruant to the Duke of Britaine but afterward Master of the horse to King Charles the one addressed to the King of England and the other to the Lord Hastings Lord great Chamberlaine of England 12 The contents whereof among diuers other things were that the Duke of Britaine would do more in Fraunce by intelligence in a moneth than the King of England and the Duke of Burgundie notwithstanding their great forces in halfe a yeere which words I thinke would haue prooued true if the matter had come to execution But God who hath alwaies loued this realme disposed of these affaires as heereafter you shall heare These letters aboue mentioned the King bought of one of the King of Englands Secretaries for three score marks of siluer The Notes 1 This Duke Adolph maried Katherine daughter to Charles Duke of Bourbon and Agnes sister to Philip Duke of Burgundy Meyer 2 Duke Arnold lay in prison sixe yeeres Meyer but he misseth the cushion for other approoued authors and namely Guicciardin agree with Commines 3 The French hath Mambourg or Membourg which is as much as captaine or gouernor looke more heerof in the pedegree of the Dukes of Gueldres 4 Least it seeme strange that this yoong Duke whom our author in this very Chapter reporteth to haue beene well fauored of the Duke of Burgundy should be staied and imprisoned in his dominions you shall vnderstand that the Duke of Burgundy vpon hope to be Duke Arnolds heire himselfe altered his minde and of the yoong Dukes friend became his foe 5 The Emperor stirred not against the Duke of Burgundy for taking by force the Duchy of Gueldres which was held of the Empire bicause the Dukes of Gueldres by the space of thirty yeeres had done no homage to the Empire The Duke subdued Gueldres anno 1473. Meyer 6 It was our author himselfe that gaue the King this aduise Meyer 7 This quarrell began anno 1473. Meyer 8 The Palzgraues name was Robert his Chapter and he were at variance in such sort that they had gotten him excommunicated chosen Harman the Lantzgraue of Hesses brother to gouerne the charge Then the Duke of Burgundy tooke vpon him to place him againe in his Sea which appertained not to him but to the Emperor and the Pope in the end this Robert was taken and died in prison 9 The league betweene the Duke and the Bishop was that these places heere mentioned belonging to the Church of Coulon should haue remained to the Duke for his charges Nuz was besieged the 28. of Iuly 1474. 10 Nuz is beneath Coulon so that if the Duke had held that and three or fower places aboue Coulon the said city of Coulon being on al sides inuironed by him must perforce haue been at his commandement 11 This Lantzgraue was Lodouicus grandfather to Philip that last died 12 The Lord Hastings was indeed but Chamberlaine of the King house How the towne of Nuz was succoured by the Emperor and the Almains against the Duke of Burgundy and of other enimies that the King procured the Duke Chap. 2. THe Duke of Burgundy as you haue heard was now busied before Nuz and found the enterprise of more difficulty than he supposed The city of Coulon situate vpon the riuer of Rhene fower leagues aboue Nuz spent monethly 1 in the wars 100000. golde gildons for feare of the Duke And they and certaine other townes aboue them had already put fifteene or sixteene thousand footemen into the fielde who encamped on the other side of the riuer directly ouer against the Duke and planted great force of artillery vpon the banke thinking thereby to cut off his victuals that came vp the streame out of Guelderland and to sinke the botes by canon shot Moreouer the Emperor and the Princes Electors of the Empire assembled togither about this busines and concluded to leuy an army wherunto the King sent diuers messengers to sollicite them to whom also they sent a Chanon of Coulon of the house of Bauiere accompanied with another ambassador who brought him a roll of the army the Emperor was resolued to leuy if he for his part would ioine in the enterprise It is not to be doubted but that they receiued a good answer with promise of all they demanded
him how I had wrought with this good fellow naming diuers others who in mine opinion seemed fitter for this purpose than he but the King would none but him Wherfore he came and talked with him himselfe and confirmed him more with one word than I had with an hundred None entred into the chamber with the King saue onely the Lord of Villiers then Master of the horse and now bailife of Caen. When the King perceiued this good fellow to be well perswaded to go he sent the said Master of the horse to fetch a trumpet banner thereof to make this counterfet herault a cote armor for the King bicause he was not pompous as other Princes are had neither herault nor trumpeter with him Thus the Master of the horse and one of my men made his cote armor as well as they could which being finished the said Master of the horse fetched a scutchin of a little herault of the Lord Admirals called Pleinchemin which was fastened to our counterfet herault his bootes also and his cloke were brought priuily to him and likewise his horse whereupon he mounted no man vnderstanding any thing of his iourney Further a goodly budget was tied to his saddle bowe into the which he put his cote armor Thus being well instructed what to say he rode straight to the English campe where when he arriued with his cote armor on his backe he was staied incontinent and brought to the King of Englands pauilion Where being demanded the cause of his comming he said that he came from the King to speake with the King of England and had commandement to addresse himselfe to the Lord Hovvard and the Lord Stanley whereupon they led him into a tent to diner and made him good cheere After the King of England was risen from the table for he was at diner when the herault arriued the said herault was brought before him and the King gaue him audience His message was chiefely grounded vpon the great desire the King had of long time to be in perfect amitie with the King of England to the ende both the realmes might liue togither in peace and quietnes adding further that since the time he was first crowned King of Fraunce he neuer had attempted any thing against the King of England or his realme 1 secondarily he excused himselfe for receiuing in times past the Earle of Warwicke into his dominions saying that he did it onely against the Duke of Burgundie and not against him Further he declared vnto him that the said Duke of Burgundie had for none other cause called him into Fraunce but that by the occasion of his comming he might conclude a better peace for himselfe with the King And if happily any others were furtherers thereof it was onely to amend the broken state of their owne affaires and for their owne priuate commoditie but as touching the King of Englands good successe they were altogither carelesse thereof he put him also in minde of the time of the yeere alleaging that winter approched and likewise of the great charges he sustained lastly he said that notwithstanding a great number in England as well gentlemen as merchants desired war with France yet if the King of England would incline to peace the King for his part would condiscend to such conditions as he doubted not but he and his realme would allow of lastly to the ende he might the better be informed of all these matters he said that if the King of England would grant a safe conduct for an hundred horse the King his Master would send ambassadors to him well informed of their Masters pleasure or if the said King of England should like better to assigne the place of treatie in some village betweene both the armies and to send Commissioners thither on both sides the King his Master would willingly agree thereunto and send the like safe conduct for his part The King of England and part of his nobles liked these ouuertures very well and granted our herault as large a safe conduct as he demanded gaue him fower nobles of gold 2 in reward Further an English herault was sent backe with him to the King to bring the like safe conduct from him as the King of England had granted And the next morning in a village neere to Amiens the Commissioners of both Princes met being these for the King the bastard of Bourbon Admirall of Fraunce the Lord of Saint Pierre and the Bishop of Eureux called Heberge and for the King of England the Lord Howard one called Chalanger 3 and a Doctor named Morton at this present Chancellor of England and Archbishop of Canterbury Some may thinke peraduenture that the King humbled himselfe too much but those that be wise will easily perceiue by that I haue aboue rehearsed in how great danger the realme stood had not God put to his helping hand as well in causing the King to take this wise course as also by troubling the D. of Burgundies wits who committed so many errors as you haue heard in this action lost now through his owne follie that which so long he had wished for and desired Many secret practises lay hidded at that time among our selues as well in Britaine as elsewhere which would soone haue broken foorth into great inconueniences had not this peace beene speedily concluded Wherefore I assure my selfe by that I haue seene in my time that God had then and yet hath a speciall regard of this realme The Notes 1 King Lewis had forgotten that before this time he had attempted to restore Queene Margaret daughter to King Rene. Annal. Burgund 2 Hall reporteth that the French herault had giuen him a gilt cup and an hundred angels 3 This Chalanger our chronicles name Sentleger How truce for nine yeeres was treated of betweene the Kings of Fraunce and England notwithstanding all the lets and impediments that the Constable and the Duke of Burgundy made Chap. 8. THe Commissioners of both the Princes met as you haue heard the next day after our heraults returne for we lay within fower leagues or lesse togither The said herault was well cheered and had his office in the I le of Ré where he was borne and the sum of mony that was promised him Many conditions of peace were treated of betweene our Commissioners The English men after their woonted maner first demanded the crowne at the least Normandie and Guienne but they were no more earnestly demanded than strongly denied Notwithstanding euen at this first meeting the treatie was brought to a reasonable point for both the parties desired peace whereupon our ambassadors returned to the King and the others to their campe The King heard the English mens demands and last resolutions which were these That he should pay to the King of England presently before his departure out of Fraunce 72000. crownes 1 That the King that now is then Daulphine should marrie King Edwards eldest daughter at this day Queene of England and that she should
earnestly the other the hope he had to reserue to himselfe a great part of the subsidie leuied in England for this voiage for as before I haue said the Kings of England receiue onely the bare reuenues of their lands saue when they leuie money to make war in Fraunce Further K. Edward had deuised this subtiltie to appease his subiects he had brought with him ten or 12. great fat paunches as well of the citie of London as of other townes in England who were the wealthiestmen of the commonaltie and had been the chiefest instruments both in perswading the King to passe into Fraunce and also in leuying this mightie army The King caused them to be lodged in good tents but that was not the life they were accustomed to lead wherefore they soone waxed wearie of it At their first arriuall they looked for the battell within three daies after their landing But the King of England alleaged many doubts vnto them and endeuored to put them in feare of the battell and to perswade them to allow of the peace to the ende they might aide him at their returne into England to pacifie the murmuring and grudging of the people that happily might arise bicause of his returne for neuer King of England since King Arthur passed at one time with so great force and so many noble personages into Fraunce But after the peace was concluded the King of England repaired homeward with speed reseruing to himselfe a great summe of monie leuied in England for the paiment of his soldiers so that he obtained in effect all his purposes His bodie could not away with such labor as a King of England must endure that mindeth to atchieue any great enterprise in Fraunce Further the King our Master had made great preparation for resistance though to say the truth he could not well haue prouided defence sufficient against all his enimies for he had too manie Lastly the King of England had a maruellous great desire to accomplish the marriage of his daughter with King Charles the 8. now raigning which caused him to winke at a number of inconueniences that turned after to the King our Masters great profit After all the English men were returned home sauing the hostages the King tooke his iourney towards Laon and lodged in a little towne vpon the ma●●●es of Henault called Veruins and to Auennes in Henault came the Chauncello● o● Burgundie with the Lord of Contay and other ambassadors from the Duke The King was very desirous at this time to conclude a finall peace for this mightie English armie had put him in feare and no maruell for he had seene in his time of their doings in this realme and would in no wise their returne The said Chauncellor writ to the King desiring that it would please him to send his Commissioners for the peace to a certaine bridge in the midway betweene Auennes and Veruins saying that he and his colleagues would meet them there The King sent him answer that he would come thither himselfe and notwithstanding that diuers whose aduise he asked in this matter perswaded him to the contrarie yet thither he went leading also with him the English hostages who were present when he receiued the Dukes ambassadors the which came very well accompanied with archers and men of war At this first meeting they did but salute the King then went to dinner One of the English men began to repent him that the treatie was concluded and said to me at a window that if they had seene many such men with the Duke of Burgundie peraduenture they would not haue made peace Which words the Vicount of Narbonne 1 now Lord of Fouez hearing said Were you so simple to thinke that the Duke of Burgundie had not great force of such men he had sent them onely to refresh themselues but you were so desirous to returne home that sixe hundred pipes of wine and a pension the King giueth you blew you quickly backe into England The English man in a great furie answered I perceiue now their sayings to prooue true that told vs you would deride vs for making peace Call you the money the King giueth vs a pension it is tribute and by Saint George you may babble so much that you may soone make vs to returne But I brake off their talke and turned it to a iest notwithstanding the Englishman was discontented and cast out a word thereof to the King who was maruellously offended with the Lord of Narbonne for his speech The King communed not long at this first meeting with the Chancellor and the other ambassadors for it was agreed that they should go with him to Veruines where when they arriued he cōmanded M. Tanneguy du Chastell and M. Peter Doriole Chancellor of Fraunce and others to negotiate with them much ado there was betweene them many reasons alleaged and many demands made on each side The Kings Commissioners made report to him that the Burgundians vsed fierce and stout language but that they had paid them with the like and withall tolde him what their answers were Which he much misliked saying that the like answers had been made diuers times before and that they treated not of a finall peace but onely of truce wherefore he would haue no more such language vsed but would himselfe commune with them and thereupon caused the said Chauncellor and the 〈◊〉 ●●bassadors to come into his chamber out of the which all men were commanded to auoid saue the late L. Admirall called the bastard of Burbon Monseur de Bouchage and my selfe There the King concluded truce for nine yeeres wherein it was agreed that euery man shuld be restored to his former estate But the ambassadors besought the King that the truce might not yet be proclaimed to saue the D. their Masters oth who had sworne not to make truce before the King of England had been a certaine space in his realme least he should thinke their Master had accepted his truce But the King of England who thought great scorne that the Duke would not be comprehended in his truce being aduertised that he treated with the King of an other sent ouer into Fraunce a knight neere about him called Sir Thomas Montgomery who came to Veruins at the very same instant that the King treated with the Duke of Burgundies ambassadors of this truce aboue mentioned The said Sir Thomas required the King in the King his Masters name to make no other truce with the Duke of Burgundy than that which was already concluded betweene them two Further desiring him not to deliuer Saint Quintins into the Dukes hands offering that if he would continue war with the Duke his Master would be content the next sommer to passe the seas againe for him and in his aide with these conditions First that the King should recompence the losse the King of England should sustaine by the wooll custome of Calice amounting yeerely to 50000. crownes which if the war opened with
suum seque ipsos planè seruassent Siquidem statim post Caroli interitum ambo apud Gandauum accepêre talionem 6 The Constable died the 19. of December 1475. Annal. Franc. Gaguin Meyer in whom read the causes of his death fol. 368. A discourse of the fault the Duke of Burgundie committed in deliuering the Constable to the King contrarie to his safe conduct and what ensued thereof Chap. 13. THis deliuerie of the Constable was maruellous strange notwithstanding I speake it not to excuse his faults neither to accuse the Duke for sure he had iust cause to seeke his death But me thinke that he being so great a Prince and of so noble and honorable an house should not haue giuen him a safe conduct and then arrest him And vndoubtedly it was great crueltie to deliuer him where he was sure to die especially for couetousnes But soone after he had thus dishonored himselfe by this deede he receiued great losses and began to fall to ruine So that if we well consider the workes that God hath done in these our daies and daily doth we shal easily perceiue that he will leaue no fault vnpunished and that these strange punishments are inflicted onely by him bicause they surmount far the works of nature For his punishments are sudden especially vpon those that vse violence and cruelty who can not be meane persons but mighty men either in seniories or authority This house of Burgundy had long florished for by the space of a hundred yeeres or thereabout during the which time raigned fower of this house it was more esteemed than any other house in Christendome For all those that were mightier then it had suffered great afflictions and aduersities but it liued continually in perpetual felicity honor The first great Prince of this house was Philip surnamed the Hardy brother to Charles the fift King of Fraunce who maried the daughter and heire of the Earle of Flaunders being Countesse not onely of that countrey but also of Artois Burgundy 1 Neuers and Rethell The second was Iohn the third was the good Duke Philip who ioined to his house the Duchies of Brabant Luxembourg Lambourg and the Counties of Holland Zeland Hainault and Namur The fourth was this Duke Charles who after his fathers death was one of the richest and most redoubted Princes of Christendome and had in moueables namely iewels plate tapestry bookes and naprie more than three of the greatest Princes in Christendome Of treasure in coine I haue seene greater abundance in other Princes Courts for Duke Philip by the space of many yeeres leuied neither subsidies nor taskes yet notwithstanding at his death he left his sonne aboue three hundred thousand crowns in ready money and in peace with all his neighbors which long indured not notwithstanding I will not impute the whole occasion of the wars to him for others were as busie as he His subiects immediately after his fathers death vpon a small request graunted him very willingly a subsidie euerie countrey apart for the terme of ten yeeres amounting yeerly to the summe of 350000. crownes Burgundy not being comprehended therein Yea and at the time he deliuered the Constable he leuied yeerely ouer and aboue the former summe more then 300000. crownes and had aboue 300000. crownes in coine and all the Constables goods that came to his hands amounted hardly to the value of 80000. crownes for he had but 76000. in coine So that the Duke committed this foule fault for small gaine yet was the punishment thereof great for God raised vp an enimie against him of small force of yoong yeeres and of little experience in all things and caused his seruant whom he then most trusted to become false and traiterous He made also the Duke himselfe to mistrust his owne subiects faithfull seruants Are not these such manifest tokens and preparatiues as God vsed in the old Testament against those whose good fortune and prosperitie he meant to chang into misery and aduersitie Yet he neuer humbled himselfe before God but euen till the hower of death attributed all his good successe to his owne wisedome and prowesse before his death he was mightier than any of his predecessors and more esteemed through the whole world Before the Constables deliuerie he was fallen into a maruellous mistrust or great disdaine of his owne subiects for he had sent into Italie for a thousand men of armes Italians Before Nuz also he had great forces of Italians in his campe for the Earle of Campobache had vnder his charge fower hundred men of armes and better This Earle had no possessions for his maintenance for bicause of the wars the house of Aniou had made in the realme of Naples which house he serued he was banished his countrey and lost all his landes and serued euer since his departure out of Italie in Prouence or Lorraine vnder King Rene of Sicile or Duke Nicholas sonne to Duke Iohn of Calabria After whose death the Duke of Burgundie gaue entertainment to most of his seruants especially all his Italians namely this Earle of Campobache Iames Galeot a valiant honorable and faithfull gentleman and diuers others The said Earle of Campobache when he went into Italie to leuie his men receiued of the Duke of Burgundie 40000. duckets in prest for his companie But as he passed through Lions he fell in acquaintance with a Phisition named Master Simon of Pauy by whom he aduertised the King that if he would grant him certaine demands he would promise him at his returne to deliuer the Duke of Burgundy into his hands the like offer made he also to Monseur de Saint Pray then ambassador in Premont for the King Againe at his returne hauing his men of armes lying in the County of Marle he offered the King that so soone as he should be in campe with his Master he would not faile either to kill him or take him prisoner shewing withall the maner how he would do it which was this The Duke rode often about his campe to viewe it mounted vpon a little nagge and very slenderly accompanied at some such time this Earle said he would assault him and execute his enterprise He made yet also another offer to the King namely if the King and the Duke met togither in battell to turne with his men of armes on the Kings side vnder condition that the King would grant him certaine demands The King detested much the treason of this man and of a noble courage aduertised the Duke of his practises by the Lord of Contay aboue mentioned Notwithstanding the Duke would not credit the message supposing that the King sent him this aduertisement to some other end but loued the Earle all the better Wherefore you may see how God had troubled his wits in that he would giue no credit to those manifest demonstrations the King shewed him Well this Earle of Campobache was not so false and traiterous but Iames Galeot was as true and trusty who liued many
harme to be good seruice to God The spoiles of his campe enriched maruellously these poore Swissers who at the first knew not what treasures were fallen into their hands especially those of the ruder sort one of the goodliest richest pauilions in the world was torne al to peeces There were that sold a number of siluer plates and dishes for two souse a peece supposing them to be pewter The Dukes great diamond being the goodliest iewell in Christendome at the which hung a great orient pearle was taken vp by a Swisser who put it againe into the boxe where it was kept and threw it vnder a cart but after returned to seeke it and sold it to a Priest for a guldon who sent it to the Lords of their countrey of whom he receiued three franks for it They wan also three goodly ballais rubies called the three brethren bicause they were in all points like and another great ballais rubie called La hotte with a goodly stone called the round ball of Flaunders the greatest and fairest stones in the world Other infinite treasures they gained also which since hath taught them to know what is money woorth Further the victories they obtained the account the King made of them euer after and the summes of money he bestowed vpon them haue maruellously enriched them Euery ambassador of theirs that came to him at the beginning of these wars receiued goodly presents of him either in money or plate wherby he asswaged the displeasure they had conceiued against him for not declaring himselfe the Duke of Burgundies enimy for he sent them home well contented with full purses and clothed in silkes and veluets Then began he also to promise them a yeerely pension of 40000. guldons which afterward he truly paied but the second battell was past first Of this pension twenty thousand guldons were for the townes and the other twenty thousand for the gouernors of the townes And I thinke verily I should not lie if I said that betweene the first battell of Granson and the King our Masters death these townes and gouernors of the Swissers receiued out of Fraunce aboue a million of florens When I name townes I meane but these fower Berne Lucerne Friburge and Zurich togither with their cantons situate in the mountaines Swisse also is one of their cantons though but a village Yet haue I seene an ambassador of that village clothed in very simple apparell giue his aduise in euery matter as well as any of the rest The other two cantons are called Soleurre and Vnderwalde The Notes 1. For Prouence was held of the crowne of Fraunce and therefore the King would not suffer his enimie the Duke of Burgundy to possesse it How the Swissers vanquished the Duke of Burgundy in battell neere to the towne of Morat Chap. 3. NOw to returne to the Duke of Burgundie he leuied men on all sides so that within three weeks he had assembled a mighty armie for a great number of his soldiers that fled the day of the battell repaired againe to his campe He lay at Losanna 1 in Sauoy where you my Lord of Vienna assisted him with your counsell in a dangerous sicknes he was fallen into for sorow and griefe of the dishonor he had receiued which so much altered him that I thinke after this battell of Granson his wits were neuer so fresh nor so good as before 2 Of this new army he now leuied I speake vpon the Prince of Tarentes report who made relation thereof to the King in my presence For you shall vnderstand that the said Prince about a yeere before the battell was come to the Duke of Burgundy with a goodly traine in hope to marrie his daughter and heir And notwithstanding that his behauiour apparell and traine shewed him indeed to be a Kings sonne and his father the King of Naples to haue spared no cost in setting him foorth yet did the Duke but dissemble with him and fed at the selfe same time with faire promises the Duches of Sauoye putting her in hope of this marriage for hir sonne Wherefore the Prince of Tarente called Don Frederick of Arragon and his Counsell misliking these delaies sent to the King our Master a herault of armes a wise fellow who humbly besought him to grant the Prince his safe conduct to passe through his realme to the King his father who had sent for him which he easily obtained of the King bicause it seemed to tende to the Duke of Burgundies dishonor and discredit Notwithstanding before the Princes messenger was returned to his Master a great number of these confederated townes were assembled and encamped hard by the Duke of Burgundie The said Prince obeying the King his fathers commandement tooke his leaue of the Duke the night before the second battell was fought for at the first he was present and behaued himselfe like a valiant gentleman Some say my Lord of Vienna that he vsed your aduise heerein for when he was heere with the King I haue heard both him and the Duke of Ascoly commonly called the Earle Iulio and diuers others affirme that you wrote in Italy of the first and second battell and told what should ensue therof long before they were fought At the Princes departure great forces of these confederate townes were incamped as I haue said hard by the Duke of Burgundy and came to giue him battell meaning to leuie the siege he held before Morat 3 a little towne neere to Berne belonging to the Earle of Romont The said townes had in their army as some that were at the battell haue informed me 35000. men whereof fower thousand were horsemen the rest footemen well chosen and well armed that is to say 11000. pikes 10000. halberds and ten thousand harquebusiers Their whole force was not yet assembled and these onely fought the battell neither needed any more helpe The Duke of Lorraine arriued at their campe a little before the battell with a very small traine which his comming turned afterward to his great profit for the Duke of Burgundy helde then all his countrey and a happy turne it was for him that they waxed weary of him in our Court as al those that maintaine a noble man ouerthrowen vsually do notwithstanding he neuer vnderstood thus much The King gaue him a smal summe of money and sent a good troupe of men of armes to conueigh him safe through Lorraine who brought him to the frontiers of Almaine and then returned home This Duke of Lorraine had not onely lost his Duchy of Lorraine the County of Vaudemont and the greatest part of Barrois the rest being withheld from him by the King so that he had nothing left but his subiects also yea his household seruants had voluntarie done homage to the Duke of Burgundy so that his estate seemed almost irrecouerable Notwithstanding God remaineth alwaies iudge to determine such causes at his pleasure After the Duke of Lorraine was passed through Lorraine into Almaine and had iourneied a
Fraunce into Sauoy and that the Duke hir sonne and his little brother togither with the places which the King held should be restored to hir and further that he would helpe to maintaine hir authoritie in Sauoy and she for hir part would forsake all confederacies and enter into league with him All the which hir requests the King granted and immediately sent a man purposely to the said Lord of Chaumont about this enterprise the which was well deuised and executed accordingly For the said Lord of Chaumont went himselfe peaceably through the country with a good band of men to Rouure from whence he led the Duchesse of Sauoy and all hir traine to the next place of the Kings dominions Before the dispatch of the Duchesses last messenger the King was departed from Lyons where he had lien halfe a yeere to ouerthrow couertly the Duke of Burgundies enterprises without breaking the truce But if a man consider well the Dukes estate the King made sharper war vpon him by letting him run himselfe out of breth and priuily stirring vp enimies against him than if he had openly proclaimed war For immediately vpon the proclamation the Duke would haue relinquished his enterprise and then all these mishaps had neuer fallen vpon him The King being departed from Lions continued still his iourney and from Rouuenne went downe the riuer of Loire to Tours where at his arriuall he receiued newes of his sisters liberty whereat he reioiced not a little and sent for hir with all speed to come to him and gaue order for hir charges vpon the way Moreouer when she drew neere he sent a great company of gentlemen to wait vpon hir and went himselfe to receiue hir as far as the gate of Plessis du Parc where at their first meeting with a mery countenaunce he said vnto hir Lady of Burgundy you are hartely welcome Then she knowing by his countenance that he did but sport made him a wise answer saying Sir I am a true French woman and ready to obey you in all you shall command The King led hir to hir chamber where she was very honorably entertained True it is that he desired to send hir home as speedily as might be whereof she was no lesse desirous than he for she was a very wise woman and they were well acquainted the one with the others conditions The whole charge of this matter was committed to me first to prouide money to defray hir in hir returne secondarily to seeke silkes and veluets for hir and lastly to put in writing the articles of their new league and amity Moreouer the King indeuored to disswade hir from the mariage of hir two daughters aboue mentioned but she made hir excuse by the daughters themselues who were obstinate therein which when the King perceiued he yeelded vnto them and in mine opinion they were well bestowed After the Duches had soiourned at Plessis seauen or eight daies the King and she sware thence foorth to be friends each to other and writings touching their amitie were interchangably deliuered betweene them which done the Duches tooke hir leaue of the King who caused hir safely to be conueighed into hir owne countrey and restored vnto hir hir children all the places that were in his hands all hir iewels and all that belonged to hir They were both glad of their departure and liued euer after as brother and sister euen till their death The Notes 1 I suppose yea I assure my self that the Printer hath heere made a great fault and that these three weekes must be read three moneths For the battell of Granson was fought the 2. of March or Aprill and this battell the 22. of Iune which is much more then three weekes and agreeth well with three moneths and so also Annales Burgundiae report the time 2 The French hath Vn Commandeur de Rhodes what this Commandeur is looke in the notes of the 9. Chapter of the 7. booke How the Duke of Burgundie liued as it were solitarilie the space of certaine weekes during the which time the Duke of Lorraine recouered his towne of Nancy Chap. 5. BVt to proceed in this history I must now returne to the Duke of Burgundy who after the battel of Morat which was in the yeer 1476. fled to the frontiers of Burgundy and kept himselfe close in a towne called La Riuiere where he lay more than six weeks with intent to leuy yet another army wherein notwithstanding he proceeded but slowly for he liued as it were solitarily in such sort that all his dooings seemed as you shall heereafter perceiue rather to proceed of obstinacy than any reason For the greefe he had conceiued of the first ouerthrow at Granson so inwardly vexed him that he fell into a dangerous sicknes which so altered his complexion that whereas before his choler and naturall heate was so great that he dranke no wine but Tysan euery morning ordinarily and ate conserue of roses to refresh him now this sorow and greefe had so much weakned his spirits that he was forced to drinke the strongest wine without water that could be gotten And further to reduce the blood to the hart his Phisitions were faine to put burning flaxe into boxing glasses and so to set them on his brest neere to the hart Of this his sicknes my Lord of Vienna you can better write than my selfe bicause all the time thereof you were continually with him to assist him with your aduise caused him also to shaue his beard which before he ware long But in mine opinion after this sicknes his wits were neuer so fresh as before but much weakned and decaied Such are the passions of those that being fallen into great misfortunes seeke not the true remedies especially of proud and disdainfull Princes For in such a case the best and soueraignest remedy is to haue recourse to God to bethinke our selues if we haue in any point offended him to humble our selues before him and to acknowledge our faults for he it is that determineth these causes and to him no man may impute any error The second remedy in such a case is to conferre with some familiar friend to reueale boldly vnto him all our passions and not to be ashamed to vtter our greefe to our deere friend for that easeth and comforteth the minde and by talking thus in counsell with a faithfull friend the spirits recouer their former vertue and strength The third remedy in such a case is to fall to some exercise bodily labor for seeing we are men such pensiuenes greefe can not be passed ouer without great passions either publike or priuate 1 But the Duke tooke the cleane contrary course for he hid himselfe kept himselfe solitary wheras he should haue put to flight al such melancholike austerity Further bicause he was a terrible Prince to his seruants none durst presume to giue him counsell or comfort but suffered him to follow his owne sense fearing if they had gone about to perswade
some of the which I spake who soone after became his faithfull seruants accordingly These countries were in marruellous feare and astonishment and not without cause for I thinke that in eight daies they could not haue leuied eight men of armes Further in all those quarters were not aboue 1500. soldiers horsemen and footmen which lay towards Namur in Henault were of those that escaped out of the battel where the Duke was slain Their woonted termes and maner of speech were now cleane altered for they spake lowly and humbly which I write not to accuse them as though in times past their words had been more arrogant than became them but the truth is when I was there they thought so well of themselues that they vsed not such reuerent language neither to the King nor of the King as they haue done sithence Wherefore if men were wise they would vse such faire speech in time of prosperitie that in aduersitie they should not neede to change their termes I returned to the Admirall to make report of my negotiation immediately whereupon we were aduertised that the King was at hand for he set foorth soone after vs and commanded letters to be written both in his owne name and diuers of his seruants names to cause certaine to repaire to him by whose meanes he trusted to bring all these seniories vnder his obedience The Notes 1 The pedegree in the end of this worke will shew how all these titles descended to this Lady Margaret A discourse not appertaining to the principall matters of the greatioie the King was in to see himselfe deliuered of so many enimies and of the error he committed touching the reducing of these countries of Burgundy to his obedience Chap. 12. THe King reioiced not a little to see himselfe thus deliuered of all those whom he hated and were his principall enimies of some of the which he had taken the reuenge himselfe namely the Constable of Fraunce the Duke of Nemours and diuers others his brother the Duke of Guyenne was dead whose inheritance was fallen to him In like maner all they of the house of Aniou were dead namely King Rene of Sicilie the Dukes of Calabria Iohn and Nicholas and their cosin the Earle of Maine and afterward of Prouence the Earle of Armignac was slaine at Lestore and all their lands and goods fallen to the King But bicause this house of Burgundie was greater and mightier than the rest and had made sharpe war with the English mens aide vpon his father K. Charles the seuenth thirtie two yeers without truce and had their dominions bordring vpon his and their subiects alwaies desirous to make war vpon him and his realme therefore he reioiced more at their Princes death than at the death of all the rest Further he now fully perswaded himselfe that during his life no man neither within his realme nor in the countries bordering vpon it would once lift vp his finger against him For he was in peace as you haue heard with the English men the which he trauelled to the vttermost of his power to continue But although he were thus void of all feare yet did not God permit him to take the wisest course for the atchieuing of this his enterprise being of so great importance And sure it appeereth both by that God shewed then and hath shewed since that he meant sharply to punish this house of Burgundy as wel in the person of the Prince as of the subiects and of those that liued amongst them For if the King our Master had taken the best course the wars that haue consumed them since had neuer hapned For if he had done as he ought to haue done he should haue sought to ioine to the crowne all those great Seniories whereunto he could pretend no title either by mariage or by courteous dealing with the subiects which thing he might then easily haue accomplished seeing the great feare miserie and distresse these countries were in at that time And if he had thus done he should both haue rid them of many troubles inlarged and enriched his owne realme through long peace which by this meanes had beene easily obtained He might also heereby haue eased his realme diuers waies especially of the charge of men of armes who continually rode vp and down from one corner of the realme to another oftentimes vpon small occasion While the Duke of Burgundy yet liued he eftsoones debated with me what were best to be done if the said Duke hapned to die And then he discoursed maruellous wisely thereof saying that he would trauell to make a mariage betweene the King his sonne now raigning and the Dukes daughter afterward Duches of Austrich which if she refused bicause of the Daulphin his sons yoong age then he would attempt to win hir to mary some yoong Lord of this realme to obtaine thereby hir friendship and hir subiects and recouer without blowes that he claimed to be his in the which minde he continued till eight daies before he vnderstood of the Dukes death But this wise deliberation he began somwhat to alter the selfe same day he receiued newes therof and the very instant that he dispatched the Admirall and me Notwithstanding he discouered not his purpose therein but made promise to diuers of lands and lordships that had been in the Dukes possession How Han Bohain Saint Quintin and Peronne were yeelded to the King and how he sent Master Oliuer his barber to practise with them of Gaunt Chap. 13. THe King being on the way comming after vs receiued good newes from all parts for the castels of Han and Bohain were yeelded vnto him and the citizens of Saint Quintins of their own accord receiued Monseur de Mouy their neighbor into the towne for him Further he assured himselfe of Peronne which VVilliam of Bische held and was put in hope both by vs and others that Monseur de Cordes would reuolt to him Further he had sent his barber called Master Oliuer to Gaunt in a village neere to the which he was borne and had dispatched diuers others into other places being in great hope of them all but the most part of them serued him rather with words then deedes When he drew neer to Peronne I went to meet him and found him in a village whither M. VVilliam of Bische and certain others came presented him the keies of the town wherof he was right glad The King abode there that day and I dined with him after mine accustomed maner for his pleasure was that seuen or eight at the least somtimes more should ordinarily sit at his owne table But after dinner he withdrew himselfe and seemed to be discontented with the small exploit the Admirall and I had done saying that he had sent Master Oliuer his barber to Gaunt to bring that towne to his obedience and Robinet Dodenfort to Saint Omers who was well friended there and those he commended as fit men to receiue the keies of a towne
himselfe the said de Lude at the first meeting asked him what the townes would giue him to commend their cause to the King I thinke verily that this refusall the King made to these knights proceeded also of God for since that time he would haue made good account of them if he could haue drawne them to his seruice But peraduenture God would not accomplish his desire in all points either bicause of the reasons aboue alleaged or for that he would not suffer him to vsurpe this countrey of Hainault which is held of the Empire both bicause he had no title thereunto and also bicause of the ancient league betweene the Emperors and the Kings of Fraunce whereof the King himselfe also seemed afterward to take notice For he held Cambray le Quesnoy and Boissi 1 in Hainault whereof Boissi he yeelded againe and restored Cambray being an Imperiall towne to neutralitie as it was before Athough I my selfe were not present at these actions yet was I informed how they passed for I had good meanes to vnderstand of them bicause I was acquainted and had been brought vp in both these Princes dominions and haue since also communed with diuers that were the principall managers of these affaires on both sides The Notes 1 This Boissi libr. 6. cap. 3. he calleth Bouchain and so out of doubt it should be read heere How Master Oliuer the Kings barber failing to execute his enterprise at Gaunt found meanes to put the Kings forces into Tournay Chap. 14. MAster Oliuer as you haue heard was gone to Gaunt and carried letters of credit to the Ladie of Burgundie Duke Charles his daughter hauing also commission to perswade with hir apart to put hir selfe into the Kings gouernment 1 But this was not his principall charge for he doubted that he should not obtaine leaue to commune with hir apart and though he did yet supposed he that he should not frame hir to his request But his hope was to raise some great tumult in this towne of Gaunt which hath euer been inclined to rebellion and was the easier to be mooued thereunto at this present bicause vnder Duke Philip and Duke Charles they had liued in great awe and lost diuers priuileges by the treatie made with the said Duke Philip after their wars with him ended Duke Charles also had taken one priuilege from them concerning the election of their Senate for an offence made the first day he entred into the towne as Duke whereof bicause I haue made mention before I will heere write no further All these reasons encouraged Master Oliuer the Kings barber to proceede in his enterprise so far foorth that he discouered his purpose to some such of the citizens as he thought would giue eare vnto him offering besides diuers other promises to cause the King to restore them their priuileges that they had lost But notwithstanding that he were not in their Towne-house to speake publikely to their Senate bicause he meant first to assay if he could do any good with this yoong Princesse yet was his enterprise smelt out wherefore after he had soiourned a few daies in Gaunt he was sent for to declare his message whereupon he repaired to the Princes presence being apparrelled much more sumptuously than became one of his calling and deliuered his letters The said Lady sate in hir chaire of estate hauing about hir the Duke of Cleues and the bishop of Liege with diuers other noble men and a great number of hir subiects When she had read hir letter she commanded him to declare his message But he answered that he had nothing to say but to hir selfe alone Whereupon it was told him that this was not the maner of their countrie especially to commune in secret with this yoong Lady being vnmarried But he still continued his former answer that he had nothing to say but to hir selfe apart Whereupon they threatened to make him say somwhat else which words put him in feare And I thinke verily that when he came to deliuer his letter he had not bethought him what to say for this was not his principal charge as you haue heard Thus Master Oliuer departed for this time without further speech Some of the Councell began to scorne him as well bicause of his base estate as of his foolish speech and behauiour but especially they of Gaunt in a little village neere whereunto he was borne scoffed and derided him so far foorth that suddenly he fled thence being aduertised if he staide there any longer that he should be throwen into the riuer which I thinke would haue prooued true The said Master Oliuer named himselfe Earle of Melun a little towne neere to Paris whereof he was captaine From Gaunt he fled to Tournay a towne in that countrie subiect to neither Prince but maruellously affectioned to the King for it is his after a sort and paieth him yeerely sixe thousand franks but in all other respects liueth in libertie and receiueth all sorts of men it is a goodly towne and a strong as all the inhabitants thereabout can testifie The churchmen and citizens haue al their possessions and reuenues in Henault and Flaunders in both the which countries it is situate Wherefore they vsed alwaies during the long wars betweene King Charles the seuenth and Philip Duke of Burgundie to pay yeerely vnto the said Duke ten thousand franks the which summe I haue seene them pay also to Duke Charles but at the time that Master Oliuer came thither they were quit of all paiments and liued in great wealth and quietnes Although Master Oliuers charge aboue mentioned were too waightie for him to deale in yet was not he so much to be blamed as they that committed it to him for notwithstanding that his enterprise had such successe as it was euer like to haue yet shewed he himselfe wise in that he afterward did For perceiuing the said towne of Tournay to be situate vpon the frontiers of both the countries aboue named and very commodious to endammage them both if he could put the Kings forces that lay in those parts into it and knowing further that the townes men would neuer consent thereunto bicause they neuer tooke part with either Prince but shewed themselues friends indifferently to both he sent word secretly to Monseur de Mouy whose sonne was bailife of the town but not resident there that he should bring his companie which he had within S. Quintins and certaine other bands that lay in those quarters to the towne of Tournay who at the hower appointed came to the gate where he found Master Oliuer accompanied with thirtie or fortie persons who partly by fauor and partly by force caused the gate to be opened and receiued the Kings men wherewith the people of the towne were well ynough contented but not the gouernors of whom Master Oliuer sent seuen or eight to Paris whence they departed not during the Kings life After these men of armes entred also diuers other soldiers who did
great harme afterward in the two countries aboue named for they spoiled and burned many goodly villages and faire farms more to the dammage of the inhabitants of Tournay than of any other for the reasons aboue alleaged To be short so long they spoiled that the Flemmings arose and tooke out of prison the Duke of Guelderland whom Duke Charles had held prisoner and made him their captaine and in this estate came before the towne of Tournay where they lay not long but fled in great disorder and lost many of their men and among the rest the Duke of Gueldres who had put himselfe behinde to maintaine the skirmish being euill followed was there slaine as afterward you shall heare more at large Wherefore this honor and good successe that happened to the King and the great losse his enimies receiued proceeded of the said Master Oliuers wisedome and iudgement so that peraduenture a wiser man and a greater personage than he might haue failed to atchieue the like enterprise I haue spoken ynough of the great charge this sage Prince committed to this meane person vnfit to manage so waightie a cause onely adding that it seemed that God had troubled the Kings wits in this behalfe For as I said before if he had not thought this enterprise far easier than indeede it was but had appeased his wrath and laid downe his greedy desire of reuenge vpon this house of Burgundy vndoubtedly he had held at this day all those Seniories vnder his subiection The Notes 1 The King claimed this Lady as his vvarde bicause diuers of hir dominions namely Flaunders Artois c. were held of the crowne of Fraunce besides that he was hir godfather which vvas the cause vvhy he commanded this Oliuer to mooue this request Of the ambassadors the Lady of Burgundy daughter to the late Duke Charles sent to the King and how by meanes of Monseur de Cordes the citie of Arras the townes of Hedin and Bollein and the towne of Arras itselfe were yeelded to the King Chap. 15. YOu haue heard how Master VVilliam Bische yeelded Peronne to the King The said Bische was a man of base parentage borne at Molins-Engibers in Niuernois but inriched and greatly aduanced by Duke Charles of Burgundy who made him captaine of Peronne bicause his house called Clery being a strong and goodly castell that the said Bische had purchased was neere vnto it But to proceede after the King had made his entry into the towne certaine ambassadors came to him from the Lady of Burgundy being all the greatest and noblest personages that were able to do hir any seruice which was vnaduisedly done to send so many togither but such was their desolation and feare that they wist not well what to say or do The aboue named ambassadors were these the Chauncellor of Burgundy called Master VVilliam Hugonet a notable wise man who had been in great credit with Duke Charles and was highly adaunced by him The Lord of Himbercourt so often before mentioned in this history was there also who was as wise a gentleman and as able to manage a waighty cause as euer I knew any togither with the Lord of la Vere a great Lord in Zeland and the Lord of Grutuse and diuers others as well noble men as church men and burgesses of good townes The King before he gaue them audience trauelled both generally with them all and apart with euery one of them to draw them to his seruice They all gaue him humble and lowly words as men in great feare Notwithstanding those that had their possessions far from his dominions in such countries as they thought to be out of his reach would not binde themselues to him in any respect vnlesse the mariage betweene his sonne the Daulphin and the said Lady their Mistres tooke effect But the Chauncellor and the Lord of Himbercourt who had liued long in great authority wherein they still desired to continue and had their lands lying neere to the Kings dominions the one in the Duchy of Burgundy the other in Picardy neere to Amiens gaue eare to his offers and promised both to serue him in furthering this mariage and also wholy to become his the mariage being accomplished which course he liked not though it were simply the best but was displeased with them for that they would not then absolutely enter into his seruice Notwithstanding he shewed them no countenance of displeasure bicause he would vse their helpe as he might Moreouer the King hauing now good intelligence with Monseur de Cordes captaine and gouernor of Arras by his counsel and aduise required these ambassadors to cause the said de Cordes to receiue his men into the city of Arras 1 for at that time there were wals and trenches betweene the towne and the city but the towne was then fortified against the city 2 and now contrariwise the citie is fortified against the towne After diuers perswasions vsed to the said ambassadors that this should be the best and readiest way to obtaine peace in shewing such obedience to the King they agreed to his demaund especially the Chauncellor and Himbercourt and sent a letter of discharge to the said de Cordes wherein they aduertised him of their consent to the deliuerie of the citie of Arras Into the which so soone as the King was entred he raised bulworks of earth against the gates of the towne and in diuers other places neere to the towne Further bicause of this discharge Monseur de Cordes and the men of war that were with him departed out of the towne 3 and went whither them listed and serued where them best liked And as touching the said de Cordes he now accounting himselfe discharged of his Mistres seruice by the ambassadors letters aboue mentioned determined to do homage to the King and to enter into his seruice both bicause his house name and armes were on this side the riuer of Somme for he was called Master Philip of Creuecoeur second brother to the Lord of Creuecoeur and also bicause the territories so often aboue mentioned which the house of Burgundie had possessed vpon the said riuer of Somme during the liues of Duke Philip and Duke Charles returned now without all controuersie to the crowne For by the conditions of the treatie of Arras they were giuen to Duke Philip and his heires males onely Wherefore seeing Duke Charles left no issue but his daughter the said Master Philip of Creuecoeur became without all doubt the Kings subiect so that he could commit no fault by entering into the Kings seruice and restoring to him that which he held of him vnlesse he had done homage anew to the Lady of Burgundie Notwithstanding men haue reported and will report diuersly of him for this fact wherefore I leaue the matter to other mens iudgements True it is that he had beene brought vp enriched and aduaunced to great honor by Duke Charles and that his mother for a certaine space was gouernesse of the Lady
the Prince of Wales at the battell of Poictiers paied for his raunsome three millions of franks and yeelded to the English men all Aquitaine at the least all that he held in his hands with a number of other cities townes and places yea in a maner the thirde foote of his realme whereby he brought his realme into such pouertie that manie yeeres after they vsed leather monie with a little stud or naile of siluer in the middest thereof And all this gaue he and his sonne King Charles surnamed the VVise for his raunsome And if they would haue giuen nothing yet would not the English men haue put him to death but his greatest paine had beene imprisonment But admit they had put him to death yet had not that pain been so great by the hundred thousandth part as the least paine in hell Why gaue he then all this great raunsome aboue rehearsed destroying his children and subiects but onely bicause he beleeued that which he saw and perceiued well that he could not otherwise be deliuered But peraduenture when he committed the fault for the which this punishment fell vpon him his children and subiects he beleeued not firmely that the offence he made against God and his commandements should be punished Now to conclude there is no Prince or very few that will restore one towne they withhold from their neighbor for the loue of God or to eschew the paines of hell and yet King Iohn gaue all this to deliuer his bodie out of prison I asked a question before who will search out great mens faults who will informe the Iustice of them and who will be the Iustice to punish them Whereunto I now answer that the information shall be the lamentable crie and plaint of their subiects whom they tyrannize and oppresse so many waies without any compassion the sorrowfull lamentation of widowes and orphans whose husbands and fathers they haue wrongfully put to death by meanes whereof their wiues and children haue euer after liued in affliction and miserie and generally the complaints of all those whom they haue persecuted either in their persons or goods These I say shall giue information against them by their great mourning wailing and pitious teares and shall accuse them before the Lord God who will be the iust iudge thereof and peraduenture will not delay the punishment till the world to come but will also punish them in this world which punishment proceedeth of lacke of faith bicause they had not a firme and stedfast beleefe in Gods commandements We must therefore of necessitie confesse that God is forced to shew such tokens and examples to the end both Princes themselues and all the world may beleeue that these punishments fall vpon them for their misbeleefe and sinnes and that God sheweth his mightie power and iustice vpon them bicause none other in this world but he hath power ouer them At the first happily they amend not their liues for Gods scourges be they neuer so great and long But no misfortune falleth vpon a Prince vpon those that gouerne his affaires or vpon those that rule great commonalties but the issue is hurtfull and dangerous to the subiects When I say misfortunes I meane none but such as cause the subiects to smart for to fall from a horse to breake a leg to be punished with a sharpe ague are no misfortunes to a Prince bicause he may be cured of them and peraduenture they may do him good and teach him wit but I call these misfortunes when God is so displeased with a Prince that he will no longer suffer him to raigne but shew his power and iustice vpon him For then first he weakeneth his wits which is a shrewd blowe for all those that haue to do with him he troubleth his house and suffereth it to fall into diuision and disquietnes and the Prince himselfe is so far in Gods disgrace that he flieth the counsell and companie of the wise and aduaunceth none but yoong fooles voide of wit oppressors flatterers and such as soothe him in all his sayings If he take one penie they bid him take two if he threaten a man they bid hang him and after that sort in all other actions Further they giue him counsell in any wise to cause himselfe to be feared and they also behaue themselues cruelly and proudly trusting by this meanes to hold men in awe of them as though authoritie were their inheritance Those whom such Princes by the aduise of these new Counsellors haue banished and displaced hauing serued many yeeres and being well acquainted and friended in their countrie will storme at this vsage and for their sakes their friends and well willers also and peraduenture such iniurie shall be offered them that they shall be forced either to defend themselues or to flie to some Prince their neighbor who perchance is enimy to him that banisheth and chaseth them and so by inward diuision stangers shall enter into the land Is any plague or miserie so great as wars betwixt friends and acquaintance Is any malice so ranke and deadly As touching forren enimies when the subiects are linked togither they may easily make resistance bicause their enimies haue no intelligence nor acquaintance in the realme Thinke you that an vnwise Prince being accompanied with fooles can smell a far off how great a mischiefe diuision among his subiects is or beleeue that it can hurt him or proceedeth of God he eateth and sleepeth no whit the woorse for it he hath neither fewer horses in his stable nor fewerrobes in his wardrobe but many mo companions For he allureth men vnto him by promises and by parting among them the spoiles and offices of those whom he hath banished he giueth also of his owne to win thereby fame and renowme but when he shall least thinke of it God will raise vp an enimie against him whom peraduenture he neuer mistrusted Then will he waxe pensiue and suspect those whom he hath iniuried yea he will feare such as indeede owe him no euill will yet notwithstanding he will not haue his refuge to God in this extremitie but seeke to redresse this inconuenience by force Haue we not seene in our daies examples heerof euen among our next neighbors Haue we not seene the late King of England Edward the fourth of that name heire of the house of Yorke vtterly destroy the house of Lancaster vnder the which both his father and he had liued many yeeres Further the said King Edward hauing done homage to King Henry the 6. being of the house of Lancaster did he not afterward hold him prisoner many yeeres in the tower of London the chiefe citie of the realme where in the end he was put to death Haue we not also seene the Earle of Warwicke principall gouernor of all the said King Edwards affaires after he had put to death all his enimies especially the Duke of Sommerset in the end become deadly enimy to his Master giue his daughter in mariage to the
Prince of Wales sonne to King Henry attempt to set vp againe the house of Lancaster passe with the said Prince into England discomfited in the field and slaine both he his brethren and kinsfolks and diuers other noble men of England who in times past had done the like to their enimies After all this the children of these when the world turned reuenged themselues and caused in like maner the others to die which plagues we may be assured hapned not but by the wrath of God But as before I said the realme of England hath this speciall grace aboue all other realmes and dominions that in ciuill wars the people is not destroied the towns be not burned nor razed but the lot of fortune falleth vpon the soldiers especially the gentlemen whom the people enuy to too beyond reason for nothing is perfect in this world After King Edvvard was quiet in his realme and receiued yeerely out of Fraunce fifty thousand crownes paid him in the tower of London and was growen so rich that richer he could not be he died suddenly as it were of melancholy bicause of our Kings mariage that now raigneth with the Lady Margaret the Duke of Austriches daughter For so soone as he was aduertised thereof he fell sicke and began then to perceiue how he had been abused touching the mariage of his daughter whom he made to be named the Lady Daulphinesse Then also was the pension which he receiued out of Fraunce taken from him which he called tribute although indeed it were neither the one nor the other as before I haue declared 10 K. Edward left by his wife two goodly sonnes one Prince of Wales the other D. of Yorke and two daughters The D. of Glocester his brother tooke vpon him the gouernment of his nephew the Prince of Wales being about ten yeeres of age and did homage to him as to his soueraigne Lord and lead him to London pretending that he would there crowne him King hoping by that meanes to get the other brother out of the Sanctuary at London where he was with his mother who began already to be iealous of his proceedings To be short by meanes of the Bishop of Bathe who hauing been somtime of K. Edwards Councell fell afterward into his disgrace and was put in prison and made to fine for his deliuerance the D. of Glocester executed this exploit which you shall now heare This Bishop aduertised the Duke that K. Edvvard being in loue with a certaine Lady promised hir mariage vpon condition that he might lie with hir wherunto she consented so far foorth that the said Bishop maried them togither none being present but they two and he himselfe Which matter this Bishop being a iolly courtier neuer disclosed during K. Edvvards life but caused also the said Lady to conceale it so that it was kept secret After this the said King falling againe in loue maried the daughter of an English knight called the Lord Riuers being a widow and mother of two sonnes But after K. Edvvards death this Bishop of Bathe reuealed this matter to the D. of Glocester whereby he egged him forward not a little to the executing of his mischieuous pretended enterprise For the said D. murthered his two nephewes crowned himselfe King by the name of Richard the third proclaimed his brothers two daughters bastards in open parlament tooke from them their armes and put to death all the faithull seruants of the late King his brother at the least as many as he could lay hands on But this cruelty remained not long vnpunished for when the said King Richard thought himselfe safest and liued in greater pride than any King of England did these hundred yeeres hauing put to death the Duke of Buckingham and hauing a great army in a readines God raised vp an enimy against him of no force I meane the Earle of Richmond then prisoner in Britaine but now King of England of the house of Lancaster though not This error of Commines touching K. Henry the 7. you shall finde controuled by the pe●egree in the end of this booke the neerest to the crowne 11 whatsoeuer men say at the least so far as I can learne The said Earle told me a little before his departure out of this realme that from the fift yeere of his age he had liued continually like a prisoner a banished man And indeed he had been fifteene yeeres or therabout prisoner in Britaine to Duke Frances that last died into whose hands he fell by tempest of the sea as he fled into Fraunce accompanied with the Earle of Pembroke his vncle I my selfe saw them when they arriued for I was come of a message to the D. at the same time The Duke entreated them gently for prisoners after King Edwards death lent the said Earle great force of men a great nauie with the which he sent him hauing intelligence with the Duke of Buckingham who for this cause was afterward put to death to lande in England but the winde was against him and the seas so rough that he was forced to returne to Diepe and from thence by land into Britaine From whence soone after he departed with his band into Fraunce without taking leaue of the Duke partly bicause he feared to ouercharge the Duke for he had with him fiue hundred English men and partly bicause he doubted lest the Duke would agree with King Richard to his preiudice for he knew that King Richard practised with him to that ende Soone after the King that now is appointed three or fower thousand men to waft him ouer onely and deliuered those that accompanied him a good summe of money and certaine peeces of artillerie and thus passed he ouer in a ship of Normandie to land in Wales where he was borne King Richard foorthwith marched against him but a kinght of England called the Lord Stanley who was married to the Earles mother ioined himselfe with the Earle and brought vnto him at the least 26000. men 12 The battell was giuen King Richard slaine and the Earle crowned King in the field with the said Richards crowne Will you saie that this was fortune No no it was the iudgement of God and for further proofe thereof marke this also Immediately after the King had murthered his two nephews he lost his wife whom some say he murthered also Further he had but one onely sonne who died in like maner incontinent after this murther This example would haue serued better heereafter when I shall speake of King Edwards death for he was yet liuing at the time my former Chapter treateth of but I haue rehearsed it heere to continue my discourse which I am fallen into In like maner we haue seene of late the crowne of Spaine altered after the death of Dom Henry that last died For the said Dom Henry had to wife the King of Portugales sister last deceased by whom he had issue a goodly daughter which notwithstanding succeeded not hir father but was
the English men Notwithstanding the King of England was oftentimes earnestly pressed by this yoong Princes for aide and therefore sent ambassadors often to negotiate with the King our Master about these affaires desiring him to grant hir either peace or truce Now you shall vnderstand that those that were at the debating of these matters in England especially in their parlament which is an assembly of the three estates where diuers wise men were present that smelt our dissimulation a far off and receiued no pension of the King as the others did were verie desirous and yet the commons of the realme more desirous that the King of England should send aide without further delay to the saide Ladie saying that we heere did but abuse them and that the marriage should neuer be accomplished alleaging that at the treatie made at Picquigny betweene the two Kings we had faithfully sworne and promised that the King of Englands daughter whom they had already called the Ladie Daulphinesse should be sent for into Fraunce within a yeere which terme was now long expired But what reasons soeuer the subiects made the King would giue no eare thereunto but alleaged diuers excuses to the contrarie And to say the truth he was a verie corpulent man and much giuen to pleasures neither could his body endure the toile of the wars Further he had wound himselfe out of great troubles and was loth to enter into them againe The couetousnes also of the 50000. crownes yeerly paid him in the tower of London qualified his minde Besides all this his ambassadors that came hither were so courteously entertained and so well rewarded that they departed euer well contented but they neuer receiued any resolute answere for the King sought onely to protract the time euer saying that ere it were long he would send to the King their Master certain noble men with such assurance of those matters he stood in doubt of as he knew well would content him According to the which promise within three weekes or a moneth after these ambassadors departure sometime more sometime lesse which was no small delaie in such a case he vsed to send ambassadors to the K. of England but at euery voiage sundrie men to the end that if the former had made any ouerture not performed the latter might plaid ignorance therin They also that were sent perswaded so well the King of England that we meant nothing but good faith that he lay still and neuer stirred for both he and the Queen his wife so much desired this marriage that partly for this cause and partly for the other reasons aboue alleaged he was content to winke at this war which some of his Counsell tould him plainely to be verie preiudiciall to his realme But he feared the breach of this marriage bicause men began alreadie to scoffe at it in England especially such as desired rebellion and ciuill war Now to discourse a little vpon this point You shall vnderstand that the King our Master neuer meant to accomplish this mariage bicause there was no equalitie betweene the age of the two parties for King Edwards daughter at this present Queene of England was much elder than the Daulphin now raigning But by these dissimulations a moneth or two was gayned in running to and fro by which meanes the King foded foorth his enimie one whole sommer wherein he might haue done him harme For vndoubtedly if the King of England had not hoped vpon this marriage he would neuer haue suffered the King to take the places bordering so neere vpon the English dominions but haue sought to defend them and if at the beginning he had declared himselfe for the Ladie of Burgundie the King who was by nature timorous and would put nothing in aduenture had neuer weakened this house of Burgundie as he hath Thus much I write chiefly to shew how these affaires passed and secondarily to the end that if heerafter those that haue to manage great affaires happen to reade this historie they may thereby learne how to helpe themselues in the like case for be their wisedome neuer so great yet a small aduertisement doth good many times True it is that if this Lady of Burgundy would haue consented to marrie the Lord Riuers the Queene of Englands brother she should haue beene aided with great force but this had been an vnequall match for he was but a poore Earle and she one of the greatest inheritors in hir time Many practises were entertained betweene the Kings of Fraunce and England and amongst others the King offered him that if he would ioine with him and passe ouer in person into the Lady of Burgundies countries he would be contented that the King of England should hold the countrie of Flaunders without homage and also the Duchie of Brabant offering further to conquer for him at his proper costs and charges fower of the greatest townes in Brabant and to put them into the King of Englands hands to wage him 10000. English men for fower moneths to the end he might the better sustaine the charge of the wars and to lend him great store of artillerie and men and carriage to conuey it and attend vpon it with this condition that the King of England should conquer the countrie of Flaunders during the time the King our Master inuaded on the other side Whereunto the King of England made answer that the townes of Flaunders were strong and great and both that countrey and also the countrey of Brabant hard to be kept if they were conquered adding further that this war liked not the English men bicause of their entercourse with those countries But seeing it pleased the King to make him partaker of his conquest if he would giue him certaine townes he had alreadie conquered in Picardie as Bolloin and diuers other which he named he would then be contented to declare himselfe for him and send men to serue him if he would pay them which was a verie wise answer The Notes 1 The King could not take Saint Omer for the Lord of Chanteraine valiantly defended it Reade De la Marche lib. 2. cap. 9. pag. 410. 2 Others write but 295. others 296. and others 299. How the marriage betweene the Ladie of Burgundie and Maximilian Duke of Austrich afterwards Emperor was concluded and accomplished Chap. 3. DIuers practises were entertained as before you haue heard betweene these two Kings to delay time but in the meane while the Ladie of Burgundies force still diminished for of those few men that remained aliue after hir fathers death diuers reuolted from hir to the King especially after Monseur de Cordes was entred into his seruice for he led away a great troupe with him Others necessitie forced to shrinke from hir bicause they dwelt either within the townes the King had already conquered or neere vnto them Some also put themselues into his seruice to be enriched for no Prince dealt so liberally with his men as the King our Master did Moreouer
before and appointed me also to be his bedfellow notwithstanding that I were vnwoorthy of that honor and that diuers others were fitter for that place than my selfe but he was so wise that no man could faile to please him if he executed his commandements without adding ought thereto of his owne braine The Notes 1 This Archbishops name was Francis Saluiat and this vprore was the 27. of Aprill anno 1478. Of Monseur d'Argentons returne out of Italie into Fraunce and of the battell of Guinegate Chap. 6. AT my returne the King our Master looked somwhat aged and his body was disposed to sicknes but his disease brake not foorth as yet His affaires he gouerned with great wisedome and the war endured still in Picardie wherewith he was not a little discontented as were his enimies also in the said countrie but they could not remedie it The Duke of Austriche now King of Romans hauing the Flemmings this yeere at his deuotion laid the siege before Therouenne but Monseur de Cordes the Kings lieutenant in Picardie leuied all the forces the King had in that countrie and the frontiers thereabout to the number of eight thousand franke archers and went to succour the place Whom when the Duke of Austriche perceiued to approch he leuied his siege and marched against him the two armies met at a place called Guinegate The Duke had of Flemmings to the number of twenty thousand or better and certaine Almaines togither with three hundred English men led by an English Knight that had serued Charles Duke of Burgundie called sir Thomas Abrigan The Kings horsemen being much stronger than their enimies brake the Dukes horsemen and pursued them and Master Philip of Rauastain their captaine as far as Ayre whereupon the Duke ioined himselfe with his footemen The King had in this armie at the least 1100. men of armes of his ordinarie retinue 1 all the which followed not the chase but Monseur de Cordes who was generall did and Monseur de Torcy with him which was a valiant deede but against the law of armes for the captaines of the vaward and rereward ought not to follow the chase Some of the Dukes horsemen retired vnder colour of defending the strong places but others fled in good earnest The Dukes footmen fled not yet were they vpon the point so to do but they had with them on foote two hundred valiant gentlemen their leaders among whom were the Lord of Romont of the house of Sauoye the Earle of Nassaw and diuers others yet liuing The courage of these gentlemen staied the footemen which was a woonder considering they saw their horsemen broken The Kings franke archers fell to spoile the Dukes carriage and the straglers that followed it as victuallers and such like but certaine of the Dukes footmen set vpon them discomfited them and slue some of them The Dukes losse was greater than ours for more of his men were taken and more slaine 2 but the honor of the field was his And I thinke verily if he had returned to Therouenne he had not found a man neither in it nor in Arras and it was greatly to his losse that he durst not attempt so to do But in such cases men are not alwaies informed of the best and to say the truth great cause he had to feare that enterprise I speake of this battell but by hearsay for I was not present at it notwithstanding to continue the order of my historie somwhat I was forced to write thereof I was with the King when these newes were brought him which vndoubtedly nipped him at the verie hart for he was not accustomed to lose but had such successe in all his attempts that fortune seemed to be at his commandement which vndoubtedly his wisedome greatly furthered For he would hazard nothing neither feared any thing more than a battel and as touching this now mentioned it was fought without his knowledge His armies he made so strong that few Princes were able to encounter them he was better furnished of artillerie than any King that euer raigned in Fraunce he attempted alwaies to take places vpon a sudden especially such as he perceiued to be euill fortified which after he had once gotten he furnished so well both of men and artillerie that it was impossible for his enimies to recouer them Further if the captain of any strong place or any other within it would practise to yeeld it for monie he was sure of a copes mate neither would he shrinke were the summe neuer so great that was demanded but liberally giue it He was afeard at the first when newes was brought him of this battell supposing the truth had not been told him but that his whole force had beene ouerthrowen knowing if it were so all to be lost that he had conquered ouer this house of Burgundie in those parts and the rest in great danger but when he vnderstood the truth he tooke the matter patiently and was well ynough contented with Monseur de Cordes Notwithstanding he purposed to giue order that no more such enterprises should be attempted without his knowledge From this day forward he resolued to treate of peace with the Duke of Austriche so that it might be wholy to his owne aduantage and that he might thereby so bridle the said Duke by meanes of his owne proper subiects whom he knew to be inclined to practise against their Prince that he should neuer be able to do him harme Moreouer he was very desirous to redresse all disorders in his realme especially the long delaies of processes and sutes in law which thing the better to compas he minded to bridle the Court of parlament not by diminishing their number or authoritie but many things were done there against his minde for the which he hated it He was also desirous to reduce his whole realme to one custome and one kinde of waight and measure and further that all the lawes and customs should be written in the French toong in a faire booke to auoid the pillings and pollings of the Counsellors in law which are more excessiue in this realme than in any other as the nobilitie hath good cause to knowe And vndoubtedly if God had spared him life and health fiue or sixe yeeres longer he would haue done much good in the realme as great cause he had to do for he had more oppressed it than euer had any of his predecessors but neither authoritie nor perswasions could haue woon him to vnburden his people till it had come of himselfe as in his latter daies sure it would if God had preserued him from sicknes Wherefore it is requisite to do good while a man hath leisure health and vnderstanding The treatie the King desired to make with the Duke and Duchesse of Austrich and their dominions was this he meant by meanes of the citizens of Gaunt to treate of a marriage betweene the Daulphin his sonne now our King and the daughter of the said Duke and Duchesse vnder
he had dealt thus roughly with these aboue named he inquired what his Councell had done during the time of his sicknes and what dispatches they had made whereof the Bishop of Alby his brother the gouernor of Burgundy the Marshall of Gié and the Lord of Lude had the whole charge for these were present when his sicknes tooke him and lodged all in two little chambers vnderneath him Further he would needs see the letters and packets that had been brought and came howerly The principall whereof were shewed him and I read them before him he made a countenance as though he vnderstood them and tooke them into his hands faining that he read them notwithstanding that indeed he vnderstood neuer a word Somtime also he spake a word or two or made signes what should be the answer to these letters but little or no thing was dispatched for we expected an end of his disease bicause he was a Master with whom it stood vs vpon to deale circumspectly This sicknes held him about fifteene daies and then his wits and speech he recouered perfectly but his body was maruellous weake for the which cause we feared greatly a relapse the rather bicause naturally he was inclined to giue but smal credit to Phisitions Immediately after he was well recouered he restored Cardinall Ballue whom he had held in prison fowerteene yeeres to liberty Whereunto notwithstanding that he had been required oftentimes before both by the Sea Apostolike and others and all in vaine yet now he purchased the absolution of that fault himselfe by a bull sent from our holy father the Pope by his owne procurement When his disease first tooke him they that at that present were about him held him for dead and sent foorth diuers commandements for the reuoking of an excessiue and cruell subsidie lately laid vpon his subiects by the aduise of the Lord of Cordes his lieutenant in Picardy wherewith were waged ten thousand footemen to be alwaies in a readines 2500. pioners the which were called the Soldiers of the campe Moreouer he appointed fifteene hundred of his ordinary men of armes to accompany them and to fight on foote when need so required He caused also a great number of cartes to be made to inclose them and tents and pauilions imitating therein the D. of Burgundies campe The charge of this army amounted yeerly to 1500000. franks 3 When these soldiers were in a readines and furnished of all things necessarie he went to see them muster in a valley neere to Pont de l'Arche in Normandy where the band of the sixe thousand Swissers aboue mentioned mustered also the which neuer sawe the King but at this time onely After all was ended the King remooued to Tours where he fell againe into his former disease and lost his speech as before and was by the space of two houres in such case that all men held him for dead He lay in a gallery vpon a mattresse of straw diuers standing about him Monseur de Bouchage and I vowed him to Saint Claude and all the rest that were present vowed him also Immediately whereupon he recouered his speech and soone after arose and walked vp and downe the house but his body was maruellous feeble The second fit of sicknes tooke him in the yeere 1481. notwithstanding he rode vp and downe the countrie as before and went to Argenton to my house where he lay a moneth maruellous sicke From thence he went to Tours where notwithstanding that he still remained sicke he tooke vpon him his voiage to Saint Claude to whom as you haue heard he was vowed and at his departure thence commanded me to go into Sauoye against the Lords of Chambre Miolant and Bresse bicause they had taken prisoner the Lord of Lins in Daulphine whom he had appointed gouernor of Duke Philibert his nephew Yet notwithstanding couertly he aided these Lords against whom I went He sent also a great band of soldiers after me whom I led to Mascon against the Lord of Bresse but he and I agreed well ynough secretly Further the Lord of Chambre made a composition with the Duke of Sauoye at Thurin in Piedmont where he lay whereof he aduertised me and immediately thereupon I caused my forces to retire He led the said Duke to Grenoble whither the Marshall of Burgundie the Marquesse of Rothelin and my selfe went to receiue him The King commanded me to returne home and to meete him at Beauieu in Beauiolois where when I arriued I woondered to see him so leane and bare much more to ride vp and downe the countrie but his noble hart carried him At Beauieu he receiued letters that the Duchesse of Austriche was dead of a fall from hir horse for she rid a fierce hobby that threw hir vpon a blocke notwithstanding some say she died not of the fall but of an ague but howsoeuer it were she died soone after the fall to the great dammage of hir subiects friends who since hir death neuer had quietnes nor good successe For this people of Gaunt and the other towns bare much more reuerence to hir than to hir husband bicause she was Lady of the country She died in the yeer 1482. The K. told me these newes in great ioy adding that the two childrē remained in the citizens of Gaunts custodie whom he knew to be inclined to sedition rebellion against this house of Burgundie Further he thought the time now come when he might do some great exploit seeing the D. of Austriche was but yoong his father yet liuing his countries troubled on euerie side with wars and himselfe a stranger and weakly accompanied For the Emperor his father was too extremely couetous for the which cause his sonne found the lesse fauour The King immediately after the Duchesse death began to practise with the gouernors of Gaunt by meanes of Monseur de Cordes and to treate of a marriage betweene the Daulphin his sonne and the said Dukes daughter called Margaret at this present our Queene The said de Cordes addressed himselfe wholy to two men the one a pensioner of the towne called VVilliam Riue a subtill craftie fellow the other the clarke of their Senate named Coupe Nole who was a hosier but in great credit with the people for such men of occupation when they are most vnruly are there best esteemed The King returned to Tours and kept himselfe very close so that few saw him for he waxed iealous of all men searing that they would take the gouernment from him or diminish his authoritie for the which cause he remooued all those from him that he had most fauoured and had been neerest about him not diminishing their estates in any respect but he sent them away some to their offices and charges and some to their houses but this endured not long for soone after he died He did diuers strange things which caused as many as saw them to thinke him out of his wits but they were not throughly acquainted with
was great wisedome in so simple a man He builded in the place where he liued two Churches and neuer ate since the time he entred into this strait kinde of life either fish flesh egs any kinde of whitmeate or of fat I neuer saw in my time a man of so holy life nor by whose mouth the holy Ghost seemed rather to speake for he neuer had been scholler but was vtterly vnlearned true it is that his Italian toong caused somwhat the greater admiration of him This heremite passed through Naples being honored and receiued as if he had been a great Legate sent from the Sea Apostolike both by the King and by his children with whom he communed of the affaires of the Court as if he had beene a Courtier all the daies of his life From thence he went to Rome where he was visited by al the Cardinals and had audience giuen him thrise of the Pope communing with him alone and sitting each time hard by him in a goodly chaire three or fower howers togither which was great honor to so simple a person His answers were so wise that all men woondered at them so far foorth that our holy Father gaue him leaue to erect a new order called the heremites of Saint Francis From thence he came to the King who honored him as if he had been the Pope himselfe falling downe before him and desiring him to prolong his life whereunto he answered as a wise man should I haue often heard him talke with the King that now is in presence of all the nobilitie of the realme and that within these two moneths and sure he seemed by his words to be inspired with the holy Ghost otherwise he could neuer haue communed of such matters as he did He is yet liuing and may change either to better or woorse wherefore I will speake no further of him Some mocked at this heremites comming whom they called the holy man but they knew not the deepe cogitations of this wise King neither had seene the occasions that mooued him to send for him The King lay in his castle of Plessis accompanied with few besides the archers of his gard and troubled with these suspitions aboue rehearsed Notwithstanding he had giuen good order for this inconuenience for he left none of those whom he suspected either in towne or countrey but made his archers to cause them to depart and to conueigh them away No man debated any matter with him vnlesse it were of some great importance that concerned himselfe he seemed rather a dead corps then a liuing creature for he was leaner then a man would beleeue he appare lled himselfe sumptuously yea more sumptuously then in all his life before for he ware no gowne but of crimsin sattin furred with good marterns he gaue gifts to whom it pleased him without any sute for no man durst mooue any sute to him nor debate any matter with him he punished faults sharpely to the end he might be feared and not lose his authoritie as himselfe tould me he changed officers cassed companies of men of armes diminished pensions or tooke them cleane away and told me but a few daies before his death that he passed away the time in making vndoing of men To be short he caused himselfe to be more spoken of within his realme then euer was any King and all for feare lest men should thinke him dead For as I said few saw him but when they hard of his doings all men stood in feare of him so far foorth that they hardly beleeued him to be sicke Out of the realme he had men in all places as for example in England he had some to feede K. Edward still with hope of his daughters marriage he paied truely both him and his seruants all that was due vnto them Out of Spaine he receiued goodly words and faire promises of perfect freindship and amitie and great presents from all places he made a good horse or a good mule to be bought for him whatsoeuer it cost but this he did not in this realme but in some strange countrey to perswade men that he was in health Dogs he sent for round about into Spaine for a kinde of Spanish greyhound called in French Allans into Britaine for little beagles greyhounds and spaniels which he paied deere for into Valence for little rugged dogs which he made to be bought aboue the owners own price into Sicily he sēt for good mules especially to some officer of the countrey for the which he paied double the value to Naples for horses for diuers strange beasts into diuers countries as into Barbarie for a kind of little lions no greater then litle foxes which he called Adites into Denmarke and Sweden for two kinde of strange beasts one of the which were called Helles 1 being of shape like a Hart and of the greatnes of a buffe with horns short and thicke the other Rengiers 2 being of the bignes and colour of a bucke saue that their hornes be much greater for each of the which two beasts he gaue to the merchants that solde them 4500. guildons But when all these strange things were brought him he made no account of them no very seldome spake with those that brought them To be short he did so many such like strange things that he was more feared now both of his neighbors and subiects than euer before which was his onely desire for to that end did he all this The Notes 1 Gesnerus de Quadrupedibus lib. 1. fol. 1. and Munster in the third booke of his Cosmographie in his treatise of Prussia where this beast is found name this beast in Greeke 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 in Latine Alces in Dutch Elch Ellend Hellend and Ellent which is not far from the name heere giuen The Moscouites name it Lozzos 2 This beast saith Munster Cosmog lib. 4. is found in Lapponia or Lappenland a countrie in Sweden The Lapponians call it Reen as he writeth in the same place and Gesner also de Quadrup lib. 1. fol. 950. The Romans saith Gesner name it Rangiferus the Germans Rein and Reinen saith Munster Reiner Rainger Renschieron the French men Rangier as he is heere named or Ranglier How the marriage betweene the Daulphin and the Lady Margaret of Flaunders was concluded and how she was brought into Fraunce whereupon Edward King of England died for sorrow Chap. 9. BVt to returne to the principall matter namely the perfect conclusion of this our historie of King Lewis and of the affaires of all those great Princes that liued in his time we must shew how the treatie of marriage was concluded betweene the King that now is then Daulphin and the daughter of the Duke and Duchesse of Austriche by meanes of the citizens of Gaunt to the King of Englands great greefe who then well perceiued the hope to be frustrate which he had conceiued of the marriage betweene his daughter and the said Daulphin now King of Fraunce which he
Glocester who had vsurped the crowne of England signing his letters by the name of Richard cruelly murthered the King his brothers two children This King Richard sought the Kings friendship was desirous as I suppose to haue this pension paid also vnto him But the K. would make no answer to his letters neither giue his messenger audience but esteemed him a wicked cruell tyrant For after K. Edvvards death the said Duke of Glocester had done homage to his nephew as to his soueraigne Lord and King and yet immediately thereupon committed this murther and caused in open parlament the said King Edvvards two daughters to be degraded proclaimed bastards vnder colour of a certaine matter which he prooued by the testimonie of a bishop of Bathe who somtime had been in great credit with King Edvvard but afterward fell into his disgrace and was laid in prison and made to fine for his deliuerance This Bishop affirmed that King Edvvard being in loue with a certaine gentlewoman in England whom he named promised hir marriage to haue his pleasure of hir which promise he said was made in his presence and thereupon the King lay with hir minding onely to abuse hir Such pastimes are very dangerous especially when such poofe may be brought foorth But I haue knowne many a courtier that would not haue lost a good aduenture that liked him in such a case for want of promise This wicked Bishop buried reuenge in his hart the space of twenty yeeres But God plagued him for his wickednes for he had a sonne whom he loued entirely and whom King Richard so much fauored that he meant to giue him to wife one of these two daughters degraded from their dignitie at this present Queene of England and mother of two goodly children The said sonne being in a ship of war by King Richard his Masters commandement was taken vpon the coast of Normandie and bicause of the contention that fell betweene those that tooke him led to the court parlament of Paris and there put in prison in the petit Chastellet where in the end he starued for hunger and pouertie As touching King Richard he liued not long vnpunished for God raised vp an enimy against him euen at This error you are admonished of before that very instant being poore hauing no right to the crowne of England as I suppose and of no estimation saue that as touching his owne person he was well conditioned and had endured many troubles For the greatest part of his life he had been prisoner in Britaine to Duke Francis who entertained him well for a prisoner from the eighteenth yeere of his age This Earle of Richmond being furnished by the King with a small summe of money and three thousand men leuied in Normandie of the vnthriftiest persons in the countrey passed ouer into Wales where his father in lawe the Lord Stanley met him with sixe and twenty thousand men at the least And within three or fower daies after he encountred this cruell King Richard who was slaine in the field and the Earle crowned King and raigneth yet at this day in England Of this matter I haue made mention before but it was not amisse to rehearse it heere againe to shew thereby how God hath plagued in our time such crueltie almost immediately after the fault committed Diuers other such like punishments hath he shewed also in this our age if a man would stand to rehearse them all How the King behaued himselfe towards his neighbors and subiects during the time of his sicknes and how diuers things were sent him from diuers places for the recouerie of his health Chap. 10. THis mariage of Flaunders so much desired by the King was thus accomplished as you haue heard by meanes wherof he had the Flemmings at his commandement Britaine which he so much hated was in peace with him but liued in continuall ielousie bicause of the great number of soldiers he had in garrison vpon their frontiers Spaine was quiet and the King and Queene thereof desired nothing more then his amity and friendship for he kept them in feare and continuall charge bicause of the countrey of Roussillon which he held from the house of Arragon being engaged to him by Iohn King of Arragon father to the King of Castile now raigning vnder certaine conditions yet vnperformed As touching the Princes Seniories of Italy they desired to haue him their friend and were in league with him and sent often their ambassadors to him In Almaine he had the Swissers as obedient to him as his owne subiects The King of Scotland and Portugale were his confederates part of the realme of Nauarre was wholie at his deuotion his subiects trembled before him and his commandements were executed incontinent without delay or excuse As touching those things that were thought necessarie for his health they were sent him out of all parts of the world Pope Sixtus that last died being informed that the King of deuotion desired to haue the corporall vpon the which Saint Peter song masse sent it him incontinent with diuers other relickes which were conueied backe againe to Rome The holie viole which is at Reims and neuer had been remooued thence was brought into his chamber to Plessis and stood vpon his cupboord at the hower of his death he was determined to be annointed therwith as at his coronation But many supposed that he wold haue anointed all his body with it which is vnlikely for the said holy viole is very small and containeth not much oile I saw it both at the time I now speake of and also when the King was buried at Nostre-dame-de-Clery The Turke that now raigneth sent an ambassador to him who came as far as Rhiue in Prouence 1 but the King would not heare his message neither permit him to passe any further The said ambassador brought him a great role of relickes remaining yet at Constantinople in the Turks hands all the which he offered him togither with a great summe of money if he would keepe in safe custodie the said Turks brother who was then in this realme in the hands of the knights of the Rhodes and is now at Rome in the Popes keeping By all this aboue rehearsed a man may perceiue how great the King our Masters wisdome and authority was how he was esteemed through the whole world and how all things 2 as well spirituall of deuotion and religion as also temporall were imploied for the prolonging of his life But all would not helpe there was no remedy needes he must go the way his predecessors went before him one great grace God shewed him that as he created him wiser liberaller and more vertuous in all things than the Princes that raigned in his time being his enimies and neighbors and as he surmounted them in all good things so did he also passe them in long life though not much For Duke Charles of Burgundy the Duchesse his daughter King Edvvard Duke Galeas of
on no day but saturday and that our Lady in whom he had euer put his confidence and alwaies deuoutly serued had purchased him this grace and sure so it happened for he ended his life vpon saturday the 30. of August in the yeere 1483. at eight of the clocke at night in the said castell of Plessis where he fell sicke the monday before His soule I trust is with God and resteth in his blessed realme of paradise A discourse vpon the miserie of mans life by the examples of those Princes that liued in the authors time and first of King Lewis Chap. 13. SMall hope may meane and poore men haue in worldly honors seeing this mightie King after so long trouble and trauell about them forsooke them al could not prolong his life one hower for all that he could do I knew him serued him in the flower of his age in his great prosperitie yet neuer saw I himfree from toile of body and trouble of minde Aboue al pastimes he loued hunting hauking in their seasons hunting especially As touching women he was free from that vice all the time that I serued him for a little before my comming to him he lost one of his sonnes whose death he much lamented and soone after made a solemne vow to God in my presence neuer to accompanie with any woman but the Queene his wife Whereunto notwithstanding that he were bound by the lawes of marriage yet was it much that he had such stay of himselfe especially the Queene being none of those in whose beautie a man could take great delight but otherwise a very vertuous Lady In this pastime of hunting he tooke almost as much paine as pleasure for the toile was great bicause he ran the Hart to death by force Besides that he arose very early in the morning and oftentimes went far neither could any weather make him leaue his sport Somtime also he returned very wearie and in maner euer displeased with one or other for this game is not alwaies made as they wish that haue the ordering thereof notwithstanding in all mens opinions he for his part vnderstood it better than any man in his time In this pastime he exercised himselfe continually lodging about in the villages till wars began For almost euery sommer there was somewhat to do betweene Duke Charles of Burgundie and him but when winter approched they vsed to make truce He had great wars also for the countie of Roussillion with King Iohn of Arragon the King of Spaines father that now liueth For notwithstanding that they were very poore and in war with their subiects namely them of Barselonne and others and that the sonne were of no force for he expected the inheritance of King Friderike 1 of Castile his wiues brother which afterward fell to him yet bicause they had the harts of the subiects of the saide countrie of Roussillion they made great resistance against him which cost the King and his realme full deere for many a good man died and was slaine there and infinite treasure was consumed in those wars for they endured long Thus you see that the pleasure the King had was but one small time in the yeere and that ioined with great toile and trauell of his person when his body was at rest his minde was occupied for he had to do in many places and busied himselfe as much with his neighbors affaires as with his own seeking to place men in their houses 2 and to bestow the offices therin at his pleasure When he was in war he desired peace or truce which notwithstanding when he had obtained he could not long away with He medled with many trifling matters in his realme which he might well haue passed ouer but such was his disposition and life And to say the truth his memory was so excellent that he forgat nothing but knew all the world all countries and all men of estimation round about him so that he seemed a Prince woorthier to gouern the whole world than one realm alone Of his youth I am able to say nothing for I was not with him at that time notwithstanding what I haue heard that I will report Being but eleuen yeeres of age he was busied by certaine Princes and others of the realme in a war against K. Charles his father called la Praguerie which endured not long And when he was growen to mans estate he married the King of Scotlands daughter 3 and during hir life neuer ioied with hir 4 after hir death bicause of the factions and troubles that were in the King his fathers court he retired into his owne countrey of Daulphine whither a great number of gentlemen accompanied him yea many mo than he was able to maintaine While he was in Daulphine he married the Duke of Sauoies daughter and soone after fel at variance with his father in law so that sharpe war arose betweene them King Charles seeing his sonne so well accompanied with gentlemen and men of armes determined to go against him in person with great force and to chase him out of the countrey by strong hand wherefore he put himselfe vpon the way and endeuored to withdraw his sonnes men from him commanding them as his subiects vnder paine of his displeasure to repaire vnto him Whereunto diuers obeied to the King our Masters great griefe who seeing his fathers indignation against him determined notwithstanding that his force were great to depart thence and leaue the countrey to his fathers disposing And in this estate trauelled he through Burgundy with a small traine to Duke Philip who receiued him very honorably furnished him with money to maintaine his estate and gaue yeerely pensions to his principall seruants namely to the Earle of Cominges the Lord of Montauban others and bestowed also during his being there diuers large gifts vpon his other seruants Notwithstanding bicause he entertained such a number his mony failed often to his great griefe so that he was forced to borow som where or other otherwise his men would haue forsaken him which vndoubtedly is a great trouble to a Prince vnaccustomed thereunto Thus you see that he was not without vexation and anguish of minde during his abode in this house of Burgundy for he was forced to faune both vpon the Duke and his principall seruants least they should waxe weary of him for he was there a long time to wit the space of sixe yeeres Besides that his father sent ambassadors continually to the Duke requiring him either to put him foorth of his dominions or send him backe to him Wherefore it is to be thought that he was not idle nor without great vexation of minde All these things considered when may a man say that he liued in ioy and pleasure Sure in mine opinion from his childhood till his death he was in continuall toile and trouble so that if all his pleasant and ioyfull daies were numbred I thinke they should be found but fewe yea I am fully
perswaded that for one pleasant there should be found twenty displeasant He liued about threescore and one yeeres notwithstanding that he had conceiued an imagination that he should neuer passe threescore saying that no King of Fraunce of long time passed that age some saie none since Charles the great Notwithstanding the King our Master when he died was well forward in the threescore and one yeere Duke Charles of Burgundie what rest or quietnes had he more than the King our Master True it is that in his youth he was not much troubled for he attempted nothing til the two twenty yeere of his age but liued till that time in helth and at his ease But then he began to busie himselfe with his fathers officers whom his father maintained against him for the which cause he absented himselfe and went into Holland where he was well receiued and had intelligence with them of Gaunt and sometime also went thither himselfe He had not one peny of his father but this countrey of Holland was maruellous rich and gaue him goodly presents as did also diuers great townes of his other Seniories hoping thereby to winne his fauour in time to come For it is a common thing especially among the vulgare sort to loue better and seeke rather to him whose power is growing than to him who is already so great that he can be no greater 5 For the which cause Duke Philip when men told him that they of Gaunt loued his sonne maruellous wel that he could skill of their humor was woont to answer that their Prince in expectation they euer loued deerly but their Prince in possession they hated euer extremely which saying prooued true For after D. Charles began to reigne ouer them they neuer loued him and that they well declared as before I haue rehearsed he also for his part bare them as little good will notwithstanding they did his posteritie more harme than they could do him But proceed after the time that Duke Charles mooued war for the townes in Picardie which the King our Master had redeemed of Duke Philip his father and ioined himselfe with the Princes of this realme in the war called THE WEALE PVBLIKE he neuer was quiet but in continuall trauell both of bodie and minde For his hart was so inflamed with desire of glorie that he attempted to conquer all that lay about him All sommer he kept the field with great danger of his person and tooke vpon himselfe the charge and care of the whole armie all which trouble seemed yet not sufficient to him He was the first vp and the last downe as if he had beene the poorest soldier in his campe If he rested from wars at any time in winter yet was he busied all day long from sixe of the clocke in the morning either in leuying of money or receiuing ambassadors or giuing them audience In this trauell and miserie ended he his daies and was slaine of the Swissers before Nancy as you haue heard so that a man may iustly say that he neuer had good day from the time that ambition first entred into his minde till the hower of his death And what got he by all this trauell what needed he thus to haue toiled himselfe being so rich a Prince and hauing so many goodly townes and seniories vnder his subiection where he might haue liued in great ioy and prosperitie if it had so pleased him I must now speake of Edward K. of England who was so great mighty a Prince In his youth he sawe the Duke of Yorke his father discomfited and slaine in battell with him the Earle of Warwicks father 6 the which Earle of Warwicke gouerned King Edward in his youth and all his affaires yea to say the truth made him King and was the onely man that defeated his enimie King Henry who had raigned many yeeres in England and was lawfull King both in mine opinion and in the iudgement of the whole world But as touching great realmes and seniories God holdeth them in his hand and disposeth of them at his pleasure for all proceedeth of him The cause that mooued the Earle of Warwick to serue the house of Yorke against King Henry who was of the house of Lancaster was this The Earle of Warwicke and the Duke of Sommerset fell at variance in King Henries court who was a very simple man the Queene his wife being of the house of Aniou daughter to Rene King of Sicilie tooke part with the Duke of Sommerset against the Earle But considering that they had all acknowledged both King Henry and his father and grandfather for their lawfull Princes the said Lady should haue done much better to haue taken vpon hir the office of Iudge or mediator betweene them than to take part with either of them as the sequele well declared For heereupon arose war which continued nine and twenty yeeres during the which space many bloodie battels were fought and in the end all in maner both of the one partie and the other slaine Now to speake a word or two of factions surely they are maruellous dangerous especially among great men who are naturally inclined to nourish and maintaine them But you will say peraduenture that by this meanes the Prince shall haue intelligence of all things that passe and thereby hold both the parties in the greater feare In truth I can well agree that a yoong Prince vse this order among Ladies for by this meanes he shall haue pleasure and sport ynough and vnderstand of all their newes but to nourish factions among men yea among Princes and men of vertue and courage nothing can be more dangerous bicause by that meanes he shall kindle an vnquenchable fire in his house for foorthwith one of the parties will suppose the King to be against them and then to fortifie themselues take intelligence with his enimies The factions of Orleans and Burgundie prooue this point sufficiently for the wars that sprang therof continued threescore and twelue yeeres the English men being parties in them who thought to haue conquered the whole realme But to returne to King Edward he was very yoong when his father was slaine and the beautifullest Prince in the world but after he had vanquished all his enimies he gaue himselfe wholy to pleasures as to dames feasting banketting and hunting in the which delicacies he continued about sixteene yeeres 7 to wit till the Earle of Warwicke and he fell at variance in the which wars notwithstanding that the King were chased out of his realme yet continued he not long in that estate for he soone returned and hauing obtained the victorie more abandoned himselfe to all pleasures than before He feared no man but fed himselfe maruellous fat by meanes whereof in the flower of his age diseases grew vpon him so that he died in a maner suddenly of an Apoplexie and his heires males lost the crowne as before you haue heard In this our age raigned also two valiant and wise
Princes namely Mathias King of Hungarie and Mahomet Ottoman Emperor of Turkie This King Mathias was sonne to a valiant knight called the white knight of Vallachie 8 a gentleman of great wisdome and vertue who gouerned long the realme of Hungarie and obtained many goodly victories against the Turks 9 who border vpon the said realme by reason of the Seniories they haue vsurped in Greece and Slauonie 10 Soone after his death King Lancelot came to mans estate 11 who was right heire not onely of the realme of Hungary but also of Bohemia and Polonia He by the counsell of certaine caused the white knights two sonnes to be apprehended alleaging that their father had vsurped too great rule and authoritie in the realme and that the sonnes being gentlemen of great courage might peraduenture attempt the like Wherefore the said King Launcelot resolued to lay them both in prison and incontinent put the elder to death 12 and sent the said Mathias prisoner to Bude the chiefe towne of Hungary where he remained not long And I suppose that God tooke in good part the great seruices his father had done For soone after King Launcelot was poisoned at Prage in Bohemia 13 by a gentlewoman of a good house whose brother my selfe haue seene of whom he was enamored she likewise of him so far foorth that she being displeased with his mariage with the daughter of Charles the seuenth King of Fraunce now called Princesse of Vienna against his promise made to hir poisoned him in a bathe as she gaue him a peece of apple to eate hauing conueighed the poison into the haft of hir knife Incontinently after King Lancelots death the Barons and Nobles of the realme assembled to choose a new King for the custome of the countrey is when the King dieth without issue that the Nobles may proceed to an election And while they were there in great diuision about their chose the white Knights widow mother to Mathias came into the towne with a goodly traine for bicause she had great treasure left hir by hir husband she was soone able to leuie great forces and further I thinke she had good intelligence both in the towne and also among the Nobilitie bicause of the great sway hir husband had borne in the realme She rode straight to the prison and tooke hir sonne out of it 14 Whereupon part of the Barons and Prelats there assembled for the election fled for feare the rest chose the said Mathias King who raigned in the realme with as great prosperitie as any King these many yeeres and hath been as highly praised and commended yea more in some points than any of his predecessors He was one of the valiantest men that liued in his time and obtained great victories against the Turks without all damage to his owne realme the which he inlarged on all sides aswell towards Bohemia the greatest part whereof he held as also towards Valachie where he was borne and towards Sclauonie In like maner vpon the frontiers of Almaine he wan the greatest part of Austrich from the Emperor Frederic now raigning and possessed it till his death which hapned in the yeere 1491. in Vienna the chiefe towne of Austrich This King gouerned his affaires with great wisdome aswell in peace as war but a little before his death perceiuing himselfe to be feared of his enimies he grew maruellous pompous and sumptuous in his Court and amassed an infinite quantitie of goodly stuffe iewels and plate for the furniture of his house All his affaires were dispatched by himselfe or by his direction Before his death his subiects stood in great feare of him for he waxed cruell and soone after fell into a greeuous and vncurable disease being but yoong to wit eight and twenty yeeres of age 15 or thereabout He died hauing spent his life in much more labor and trauell than pleasure The Turke aboue mentioned 16 was a wise and noble Prince but vsing wiles and subtiltie more than courage and valor True it is that his father left him great for he had been a hardy Prince and wan Adrianople 17 which is as much to say as the citie of Adrian This Turke that I now write of tooke in the three and twentith yeere of his age the citie of Constantinople 18 I haue seene his pourtraiture when he was of those yeeres the lineaments whereof made shew of an excellent wit It was a shame for all Christendome to suffer the towne so to be lost for he tooke it by assault and the Emperor of the East whom we call Emperor of Constantinople was slaine himselfe at the breach 19 with a number of valiant men diuers women of great estate and noble houses rauished to be short no crueltie was omitted This was his first exploit but not his last for he continued till his death in atchieuing great enterprises so that I heard once an ambassador of Venice tell Duke Charles of Burgundy that he had conquered two Empires fower realmes and two hundred cities He meant the Empires of Constantinople Trapezonde 20 the realmes of Bosne 21 Syria Armenia and I thinke Morea 22 was the fowerth in the which the Venetians held two places He conquered also diuers goodly Iles in the sea called Archipell 23 neere to the said Morea with the Iles of Nigrepont 24 and Mitilene he subdued in like maner the greatest part of Albanie and Sclauonie And as his conquests were great against the Christians so were they also against them of his owne law of whom he destroied many a great Prince as the Caraman 25 and diuers others The greatest part of his affaires he gouerned by his owne wisdome as did our King and the King of Hungarie also who were three of the greatest Princes that raigned these hundred yeers But the curtesie and course of life of the King our Master and his good vsage both of his owne seruants and strangers far passed both the others and no maruell for he was the most Christian King As touching worldly pleasures this Turke had his fill for he spent the greatest part of his life in them and had he not been so much addicted to them vndoubtedly he would haue done much more mischiefe There was no fleshly vice that he was free from but in gluttony he passed and according to his diet diseases fell vpon him for euery spring as I haue heard those report that haue seene him his legs swelled as big as a mans body notwithstanding they brake not but the swelling asswaged of it self No surgeon could tell the cause of this disease saue onely that it proceeded of gluttonie and it may be that it was some speciall punishment of God His said disease was the cause he came so seldome abroad and kept himselfe so close in his chariot fearing that the miserable estate he was in would cause his subiects to despise him He died being two and fifty yeeres of age 26 or there about in maner suddenly notwithstanding he made his
Testament which I my selfe haue seene wherin he made conscience of a subsidie lately leuied vpon his subiects if the said Testament be true Let Christian Princes then weigh well what they ought to do considering that they haue no authoritie in right and reason to leuy any thing vpon their subiects without their permission and consent The conclusion of the Author YOw see heere a great number of great personages dead in short space who trauelled so mightily and indured so many anguishes and sorrowes to purchase honor and renoume whereby they abridged their liues yea and peraduenture charged their soules I speake not this of the Turke for I make account he is lodged with his predecessors but our King and the rest I trust God hath taken to his mercy Now to speake of this point as a man vnlearned but hauing some experience had it not been better both for these great Princes themselues and all their subiects that liued vnder them and shall liue vnder their successors to haue held a meane in all things that is to say to haue attempted fewer enterprises to haue feared more to offend God and persecute their subiects and neighbors so many sundry waies aboue rehearsed and to haue vsed honest pleasures and recreation Yes sure For by that meanes their liues should haue been prolonged diseases should not so soone haue assailed them their death should haue been more lamented and lesse desired yea and they should haue had lesse cause to feare death What goodlier examples can we finde to teach vs that man is but a shadowe that our life is miserable and short and that we are nothing neither great nor small For immediately after our death all men abhorre and loath our bodies and so soone as the soule is seuered from the body it goeth to receiue iudgement yea vndoubtedly at the very instant that the soule and body part the iudgement of God is giuen according to our merits and deserts which is the particular iudgement of God The Notes 1 For ought I can reade in any historie this Frederike should be Henry and so appeereth by our author himselfe lib. 5. cap. 7. cap. 18. 2 Asin Britaine Sauoye and Prouence vnder King Rene. 3 Others write that he was but 14. yeeres olde when he married hir which was in the yeere 1437. and she died ann 1445. 4 This Ladies name was Margaret she was sister to Iames the second King of Scotland she was of a lothsome complexion and had an vnsauorie breth wherefore the King loued hir not 5 This is agreeable with Pompeies saying to Sylla that the Romanes did Orientem potius quàm occidentem solem venerari 6 The Earle of VVarwicks father was Richard Neuill Earle of Salisburie who was not slaine at the battell of VVakefield with Richard Duke of Yorke but taken and within a day or two after beheaded and his head sent to Yorke as the said Dukes had beene 7 Commines saith heere that King Edward had liued sixteene yeeres in delicacies when the Earle of VVarwicke chased him out of his realme yet before lib. 3. he saith twelue or thirteene yeeres somwhat neerer to the truth for indeede he was chased the 10. yeere of his raigne 8 This white knight is named Iohannes Huniades Coruinus his fathers name was Buth of the countrie of Valachie corruptly printed in the French Vallagine 9 To wit 20. and fought in one day against Amurathes and his Bashaes sixe great battels and obtained victorie in them all 10 Sclauonie is the countrie of Illyria 11 Some write that this Launcelot called in Latin stories Ladislaus came to full yeeres before Huniades death and gaue him in recompence of his seruice the Earledome of Bristrich and yet afterward sought to kill him by the perswasion of Vlrich Earle of Cilie the said Ladislaus vncle but Huniades valiantly defended himselfe and soone after died But indeede the truth is that Ladislaus was borne the 21. of February 1440. and Huniades died the 10. of September 1456. so that at Huniades death Ladislaus was almost 17. yeeres of age and by the perswasion of this Earle Vlrich had taken the gouernment vpon himselfe 12 The elder brothers name was Ladislaus The cause of his death was for that in defence of himselfe he had slaine the Earle Vlrich who assaulted him as before he had done his father and continually sought both his blood and his brothers VVherefore the King caused both the brethren deceitfully to be taken and beheaded the elder being fiue or sixe and twenty yeeres of age It is written that the hangman gaue him three strokes with the sword before he could pearse his skin 13 King Ladislaus died of poison the 21. of Nouember 1457. 14 Other histories varie much in this point from Commines for they make no mention of Mathias deliuerie by his mothers meanes but say that King Ladislaus being hated in Hungarie for Huniades elder sonnes death departedinto Bohemia leading Mathias with him as prisoner where soone after this Ladislaus died of poison as heere befo●●●ention is made After his death George Boiebrac vsurped the realme of Bohemia this Mathias being still prisoner at Prague but the nobles of Hungarie bicause of his fathers great seruices chose him their King and sent to the said Boiebrac requiring his deliuerie who not onely accomplished their request on that behalfe but also gaue the said Mathias his daughter in mariage and sent him into Hungarie nobly accompanied 15 This place is maruellously corrupted for King Mathias was borne the 24. of Februarie 1443. and died the fift of Aprill at Vienna of an Apoplexie the yeere 1490. or as our author saith 1491. so that by this computation he liued about 48. yeeres and so vndoubtedly this 28. must be read 48. 16 This Turke is Mahomet the second 17 Others write that Amurathes the third Emperor of Turkie wan Adrianople and it may be that the name deceiued our author for this Turks fathers name was also Amurathes but this was Amurathes the second and he that wan Adrianople Amurathes the first 18 Constantinople vvas taken ann 1453. the 29. of May. 19 This Emperor vvas named Constantinus Paleologus but as others vvrite he vvas not slaine at the breach but thronged to death in the gate as he would haue fled 20 Hovv he conquered Trapezonde Syria Armenia appeereth after in the figure 25 21 It is corruptly in the French Bressanne This realme of Bosne he conquered ouer Stephen King of that countrie ann 1463. but Mathias King of Hungarie soone after recouered it againe 22 Morea vvas in times past Peloponnesus 23 This Archipell is Mare Aegeum in the vvhich the yles called Cyclades lie 24 Nigrepont in times past vvas Euboea 25 The French bookes haue some of them the Carnian some the Carmanian and some bicause they vvill be sure not to erre nothing But vndoubtedly it is to be read as I haue heere translated it For further declaration vvhereof vve must vnderstand that about the yeere 1250. fovver
that happened in Britaine betweene the Duke and his Nobles and of Peter Landois death Chap. 3. ABout the same time or somewhat before that the mad tumult aboue mentioned happened in Fraunce a like stur chanced also in Britaine though not with the like euent the seedes of the which were priuily sowen in the life of Levvis the 11. but sprang not vp for feare of forren war with the which the saide King Lewis continually threatened the Britaines till after his death But then all forren feare which had hitherto preserued their peace being remooued the fire flamed out which vpon this occasion was first kindled Chauuin Chauncellor of Britaine a very woorthy man died miserably in p●ison in the castell of L'hermite where the Duke had imprisoned him at the request of his Treasurer Peter Landois a hosiers sonne of Touars who after the said Chauuins death wholy possessed the Duke But the nobilitie namely the Prince of Orenge and the Marshall of Rieux who were then at Nantes and hated this Landois as author of the others death conspired togither to his destruction for the executing of which their purpose they watched a time when they thought to surprise him either in the castell of Nantes with the Duke or in a house of his owne called Pabotiere a mile from the towne Wherefore they diuided their companie and part they sent to besiege the said house and with the rest entred into the castell and to the end he should by no meanes escape they shut vp the castell gates they searched euery corner of the castell yea they rushed into the Dukes chamber supposing that the saide Landois might happily haue retired himselfe thither in hope to make the D. presence the buckler of his defence But he being a mile from Nantes in his own house aboue mentioned escaped at a backe gate before the house was thoroughly beset and so saued himselfe But presently a great vprore began in the towne for one of the Dukes seruants at the noble mens first entrie into the castell being let downe the castell wall by a rope made a great outcrie in the towne aggrauating the hainousnes of the fact and affirming that the castell was forced the Duke assaulted and his life in great danger vnles he were speedily succoured The citizens ignorant that this attempt was made onely for the surprising of Peter Landois armed themselues and ran to the castell threatning all the nobilitie with death of whom not one durst shew himselfe vpon the wall to speake to the furious multitude bicause the people had planted shot against the castell meaning to spare no man so soone as he should appeere but the Duke alone The Duke being in the hands of his nobles shewed himselfe vnto his people who presently kneeled downe before him congratulating with him for his safetie and so the tumult ceased But the nobilitie for this bold attempt were banished though their liues were pardoned who presently retired themselues into Fraunce to King Charles as before you haue heard Then Peter recouered his former credit with the Duke and caused him to write to the Duke of Orleans his cosin germaine that it would please him to come to him into Britaine which the Duke of Orleans did by the perswasion of the Earle of Dunois who sought to diuorce him from the Kings sister and to marrie him with Anne the Duke of Britaines eldest daughter and heire which also happened after the said Duke of Orleans was King though it were not now accomplished The Duke of Orleans accompanied with the Duke of Alençon arriued at Nantes in the moneth of Aprill after this tumult being the yeere 1484. where they were honorably receiued of the Duke of Britaine who complained to them of the outrage done vnto him by the Prince of Orenge and the Marshall of Rieux for the reuenge whereof he desired their aide which they promised him in generall termes and then departed to go to Reimes to the coronation of King Charles After the which the Duke of Orleans fell at variance with the King and yet in the end peace was concluded betweene them in the yeere 1485. as before you haue heard Then Peter Landois seeing the Duke his Master in league with the Duke of Orleans This hapned 1485. and the said Duke of Orleans and his faction in peace with the King determined to be reuenged of his enimies wherefore the Duke of Britaine by his perswasion made an edict that all the noble mens houses that had beene of the conspiracie aboue mentioned should be rased For the execution whereof an armie was leuied in the Dukes name to rase Ancenix where the Prince of Orenge and the Earle of Comminges then remained who being aduertised therof by the aide of their friends and of the banished Barons that were returned out of exile to defend their patrimonies leuied likewise an armie to withstand Landois attempts but when those two armies were come the one in face of the other the remembrance and loue to their common countrie altered their mindes in such sort that they disarmed themselues and each imbraced other as friends Then went the Prince of Orenge and the Earle of Comminges to the Duke and recouered his fauour and the gouernment by meanes whereof all the storme fell vpon Peter Landois alone whom when the nobles knew to be within the castell with one consent they went thither being fully resolued to seize vpon him though he were in the Dukes armes Then one whom both the nobilitie and commons had by common consent chosen their new Chauncellor by their constraint spake to the Duke and aduertised him that without the deliuerie of Peter the tumult could not be appeased against whom they would proceede onely by order of lawe without executing any thing vpon him before his cause were heard and throughly examined Thus was he yeelded into their hands and presently imprisoned and for fashions sake examined many hainous crimes were obiected against him To conclude he was condemned and hanged before the Duke knew his cause to be tried who was purposed to haue granted him his pardon howsoeuer law proceeded against him for the preuenting whereof the execution was hastened But this fact of the nobilitie which the Duke accounted as a most hainous iniurie done to himselfe made them ten times more odious to the Duke than they were before The Duke created a new Chauncellor and to make head against his nobles receiued very curteously the Duke of Orleans who about this present fled to him out of Fraunce with a great company of his partakers which when the said nobles of Britaine sawe they were greatly astonied and fled for feare the second time into Fraunce where the King meaning to make war vpon the Duke of Britaine for receiuing the Duke of Orleans being fled from him welcommed them and entred into league with them as in the end of the last chapter you haue heard The report went that the Duke of Orleans had a plot in his head
to diuorce himselfe from the Ladie Iane the Kings sister as forced vpon him against his will by King Levvis the 11. and to marrie with Anne the Duke of Britains eldest daughter and heire the hope wherof was the cause of this his voiage into Britaine but the selfesame hope entertained also Monseur d' Alebret and drew him to the Duke of Britains part the rather bicause he had receiued assurance of the marriage in writing vnder the hands of all the noble men that were about the said D. of Britaine saue of the D. of Orleans alone Of the war the King made in Britaine and of the Earle of Dunois ambassage to the King for peace Chap. 4. THe onely care of the banished nobles of Britaine was to returne and remaine in safetie in their countrie and the Kings onely desire was to be reuenged of the Duke of Britaine for receiuing the Duke of Orleans Wherefore the King as before is said entred into league with these nobles and in their fauour leuied an armie and began war vpon the Duke of Britaine in the yeere 1486. This armie inuaded Britaine three seuerall waies for the 1486 Lord of Saint André with fower hundred launces and fiue or sixe thousand footemen entred on one side the Earle of Montpensier with a great band vpon another side and Lewis of Trimouille Vicount of Touars who had married Gabriell of Bourbon the said Earle of Montpensiers sister vpon the third in such sort that the countrie of Britaine was couered with French soldiers with whom also the barons of Britaine aboue mentioned were ioined who caused diuers castels in Britaine to be yeelded to the Kings armie by those that were of their faction whereat the Duke of Britaine was greatly astonied But the Duke of Orleans the Earle of Dunois and the Earle of Comminges being with him comforted him and vnder colour of a marriage to be made betweene the Lady Anne the Duke of Britaines eldest daughter and the Lord of Alebret who had a hundred launces vnder his charge and was able to leuie great forces of footemen in Gascoine and Guienne where he was mightie and of goodly reuenues the Earle of Dunois wan the said Lord of Alebret to ioine with them who presently forsooke the Kings seruice and tooke part with them accordingly yet that notwithstanding the Duke of Britaine leauing Nantes in the hands of his cosin the Prince of Orenge retired himselfe to the castell of Malestroit being a strong place where he leuied an armie of sixe hundred launces and 16000. footemen to succour Ploermel distant three or fower leagues from Malestroit which the Kings armie then besieged But as this Britaine armie marched thitherward one of the company brake foorth into these speeches and asked what this war meant and what was the end thereof alleaging that their Duke was wholy gouerned by the French and that the French made the Britaines at their pleasure to reuenge French quarrels vpon the French wherefore he perswaded them to returne home to their wiues and children and not to spend their liues for other mens quarrels Whereupon all the armie disparkled and returned home by meanes whereof Ploermel seeing no hope of succours yeelded by composition and yet notwithstanding was spoiled and the rich men taken prisoners and put to raunsome The Dukes of Britaine and Orleans and the other Lords that were with them at Malestroit being aduertised of the departure of their armie and of the taking of Ploermel went to Vennes vpon Whitson euen being the yeere 1487. whither the Kings armie so speedily followed them that hardly they escaped by sea and went to Croisick and from thence by the riuer of Loire to Nantes being constrained to leaue part of their carriage 1487 in the said towne of Vennes which presently after their departure yeelded without any resistance Further not long after the taking of this towne the French in a skirmish at a place called Ioue betweene Chasteaubrian and Nantes defeated a great band of Britaines led by Amaulry of la Mossay towards Nantes at the which time the King in person lay at Ancenix After the taking of Vennes the Kings armie marched to Nantes and laid the siege before the towne the 19. day of Iune in the said yeere 1487. Within the towne were the Duke of Britaine and his two daughters Anne and Isabell the Duke of Orleans the Prince of Orenge the Lady of Lauall and of Chasteaubrian the Bishop of Nantes called du Chaffault a man of holy life the Earle of Comminges and diuers other Lords all the which dislodged out of the castell and lodged in the towne And bicause the companie had some ielousie of the said bishop of Nantes and the Lady of Lauall that they were not thoroughly to be trusted they were put in garde into certaine of the townes mens hands At this siege were ten thousand French men and great store of artillerie wherewith the wals towers and vaumures of the castell and towne were throughly battered but they without were as well plied by them within both with shot and with salies of valiant men where many a goodly feate of armes was done both on the one side and the other Further you shall vnderstand that the Earle of Dunois being in base Britaine there to embarke towards England to haue aide from thence and perceiuing that the winde would not suffer him so to do brought with him to succour the towne of Nantes aboue fiftie thousand of the commons of Britaine which the French suffered to passe supposing them not to be men of seruice But the King seeing the extreme heate of the weather and perceiuing that he could do no good before the towne leuied his siege the sixt day of August and departed Then marched the Kings armie before the towne of Dolle which they tooke without resistance and spoiled and all the Britaines and soldiers that were within it were taken prisoners Further the Kings armie spoiled all the countrie slue the people and draue away their cattell But the Marshall of Rieux and the greatest part of the banished nobles of Britaine that were in the Kings seruice lamenting the miserable estate of their country waxed wearie of the wars and alleaged that their league with the King was onely to this end that they might recouer their countrie and the French that liued in Britaine be constrained to returne home into theirs Wherfore seeing the French nobles being in Britaine protested that they would willingly returne home if the King would pardon their departure to the Duke and that the Duke on the other side with the consent of all his subiects had offered these banished nobles of Britaine pardon and restitution to all their goods and lands they sawe no cause why the wars should endure but that each partie should returne home in peace but the French and diuers also of the Britaines themselues were little mooued with these allegations Wherefore the said Marshal being Lord of Ancenix a towne very
grounding himselfe vpon the Kings title to the said Duchie of Britaine which was said to grow by means of a certaine conueiance that Master Iohn of Brosse Lord of Boussac husband to dame Nicole of Britaine daughter and heire to Charles of Blois Earle of Ponthieure had made to the Kings ancestors togither with diuers other titles which were not yet prooued good adding that if the King had no right thereunto it should be a damnable and a tyrannous act to vsurpe another mans countrie that appertained not to him Wherefore his aduice was that according to the request of the ambassadors of Britaine being at Angiers certaine graue and learned men should be appointed to examine the right of both sides This opinion tooke place and according thereunto the King agreed with the ambassadors of Britaine that both he and the Duke would appoint some graue men of their Councell who should meete in some indifferent towne with the charters and writings of both sides to determine in conscience to whom the said Duchie did appertaine and that in the meane time the King should hold all the places in the said Duchie that alreadie he possessed The Duke of Britaine liked this agreement well and bicause the plague was vehement at Nantes he departed thence with his two daughters the Ladie of Laval the Lord of Alebret the Earle of Dunoys the Marshall of Rieux the Earle of Comminges and diuers other Lords to Coiron vpon the riuer of Loyer three leagues beneath Nantes where soone after namely vpon wednesday the seauenth of September in the same yeere 1488. he ended his life thorow a sicknes which he got by a fall leauing the gouernment both of his Duchie of Britaine and of his two daughters to the Marshall of Rieux to whom he appointed the Earle of Comminges for assistant His body was carried to Nantes and buried in the Church of the Carmelites Of the Kings mariage with the Ladie Anne of Britaine whereby Britaine was vnited to the crowne of Fraunce Chap. 6. Soone after the Duke of Britaines death died also Isabell his 1489. yoonger daughter by reason whereof the Ladie Anne remained his sole heire about whose mariage the nobles of Britaine fell at great variance for part of them inclined to the Lord of Alebret a great Lord in Guienne who also as it was reported but falsely was contracted to this yoong Princes with the Duke hir fathers consent but the daie before the Duke died but this faction was soone daunted bicause the yoong Ladie hir selfe vtterly refused this match part openly fauored furthered Maximilian the Emperor Fridericks sonne alleaging that he would not onely be a protector of the libertie of their countrey but also a strong rampier against all French attempts Neither was the King of Fraunce ignorant of this treatie but knew right well that ambassadors had passed to and fro betweene Maximilian and them so far foorth that the said Maximilian supposing al matters to be throughly concluded and agreed on began to imbrace al Britaine in his minde and thought no enterprise too high for him if to his low countries obtained by his first marriage he could now ioine the Duchy of Britaine by his second Great consultation was had in Fraunce how to repulse this terrible storme but Maximilians owne slacknes most furthered their deuises The K. councell in the end resolued that the King should refuse his wife being Maximilians daughter and seeke with all expedition the marriage of the Lady Anne of Britaine alleaging that the neighborhood of so mightie a Prince as Maximilian was could not be but dangerous to his estate of whom he could hope for nothing but dissembled friendship presently and assured war in time to come considering that the said Maximilian forgetting already his league and affinitie with the King stirred vp continually one war after another against him and by that meanes professed himselfe an open enimy to him and his realme Wherefore ambassadors were presently sent to treate of this marriage with the Lady Anne She at the first woondered at the matter and alleaged that she had giuen hir faith to Maximilian which she might not breake and further that she had beene solemnly married to him according to the accustomed maner of Princes by VVolfgangus Poleme of Austrich his proctor purposely sent by him into Britaine to that end But the Lady of Lauat and other noble women of Britaine whose company and familiarity this yoong Princes vsed and greatly delighted in being corrupted with French rewards and promises perswaded hir that this French match should be most for hir safety and auancement alleaging that if she married with Maximilian he should hardly be able to defend Britaine whereof already they had good proofe considering that he had euer disappointed them of the succors he had promised to send them And as touching hir scruple of conscience they said that the Pope who had power ouer all lawes Ecclesiasticall would easily be brought to dispence therwith the rather bicause this match should be best for hir safety and for the preseruation of hir estate The yoong Princesse though she were of a singular wit and rare vertues yet being vanquished by these perswasions yeelded to their request and deliuered both hirselfe and hir countrey into the Kings hands and soone after was the marriage solemnly accomplished to the great reioicing of the French And thus receiued Britaine the French yoake to the great griefe of all the subiects who desired to be gouerned by a particular Duke of their owne as they had euer been in times past Not long after this marriage the Earle of Dunois who had been the principall instrument of the peace a great furtherer of the mariage therby throughly reconciled to the K. suddenly died as he was on horsebacke for want of meat as it was said When the K. had set all things in good order in Britaine he returned into Fraunce and appointed that the Ladie Margaret of Flanders should remaine accompanied with the Princes of Tarent in the castell of Melun vpon the riuer of Seine Maximilian was forewarned of al these French practises and seemed to make no account of them but when he perceiued this marriage to be accomplished it doubled his hatred against the King so far foorth that he openly railed vpon him and vowed himselfe to destroy France with fire and sword and presently inuaded Picardie But the Lord of Cordes gouernor thereof made head against him and valiantly defended the countrey to his owne honor and the profit of Fraunce Further Maximilian meaning a thorow reuenge vpon this realme stirred vp the English men the ancient enimies of the crowne to passe into Fraunce promising them great aide both of men and money out of his dominions Wherefore I wil heere speake a word or two of the affaires of England bicause the Englishmen are our next neighbors and both in peace and war haue euer to do with vs and we with them Of the troubles in
England and how the King of England passed the sea and besieged Bolloin and of the peace betweene the King and him and of the surprising of Arras and Saint Omers by the King of Romains men Chap. 7. KIng Edvvard the fourth the same that met with King Levvis the eleuenth at Picquigny dying in the yeere 1483 left behinde him two sonnes being very yoong and diuers daughters the gouernment of the which sonnes togither with the realme was committed to the Duke of Glocester King Edvvaras brother but he most ●nnaturally murthered his two nephewes slewe those of the nobilitie that he thought would impugne his proceeding and vsurped the crowne In the end the Duke of Buckingham who had takerpart with the Duke of Glocester who intituled himselfe King Richard in all his actions fell at variance with him and sollicited Henry Earle of Richmond that had liued many yeeres in Britaine as a banished man to passe ouer into England promising him a great armie to ioine with him so soone as he should be landed The Earle communicated this matter with Peter Landois who wholie at that time gouerned the Duke of Britaine The said Landois hoping that the Earle if by his meanes he obtained the realme of England would giue him aide to reuenge him of his enimies perswaded the Duke of Britaine to succour him in his enterprise who furnished him of three great ships well manned with soldiers which tooke sea and sailed towards England but when they were readie to land the Earle was aduertised that the Duke of Buckingham was beheaded his army defeated and all his faction ouerthrowen and that King Richard lay with a great army vpon the sea coast attending his landing Vpon which news the Earle of Richmond returned thinking to recouer the coast of Britaine from whence he was departed but tempest draue him vpon the coast of Normandy where he was forced to take land The Ladie of Beauieu being aduertised thereof sent vnto him desiring him to come to speake with the King and so he did The King curteously receiued him and entertained him well Afterward he returned to Vannes in Britaine there to remaine as before attending some better opportunitie But Peter Laudois seeing himselfe disappointed of his purpose altered his minde and practised with King Richard to deliuer the Earle of Richmond into his hands who being aduertised thereof vnder colour of going a hauking one morning with ten or twelue horses fled into France to King Charles who not long after furnished the Earle of ships and a good number of soldiers to accompany him into England where by the helpe of the French and of diuers of his owne kinsmen who had called him into England and tooke part with him he slew King Richard in the field was himselfe crowned King in his place This good turne of King Charles togither with the desire the King of England had to liue quietly at home in his countrey and to gather wealth was the cause that King Henry during al the wars and troubles in Britain aboue mentioned had not passed his forces into Fraunce notwithstanding that he had been often earnestly sollicited thereunto both by the Duke of Britaine and the Earle of Dunois and others of that faction For ordinarily when any troubles arise in Fraunce our neighbors especially the Englishmen within a yeere are bidden to the banquet and so was King Henry inuited and had come long ago if the reasons aboue rehearsed togither with some other respects namely feare of domesticall troubles had not staied him at home But notwithstanding the K. of Englāds backwardnes heertofore to inuade France yet in the yeere 1490. partly by the earnest sollicitation of Maximilian who promised 1490. him great aide in his wars and yet performed nothing partly to content his owne people who began to account him as too much affectionate to the French in that he had suffered them to the great preiudice of the realme of England to vnite to the crowne of Fraunce the Duchie of Britaine he passed ouer his armie to Calice and from thence marched and laide his siege before Boloyne whither the Lord of Cordes and the bastard of Cardonne Captaine of Arras with a small army went to make resistance Further the King leuied his forces to succour the place but bicause his armie proceeded but slowlie forward the saide de Cordes and Cardonne tooke vpon them the defence of the tovne The siege was nothing whot for the which cause a heraultsent into the English came to treat of peace from the which King Henry seemed nothing strange as well for the affection that he bare to the King who had aided him to obtaine the realme of England as also for that he feared sedition at home durst not long be absent out of his r●alme bicause Maximilian had broken promise with him and lastly bicause he hoped by this peace to receiue of the King a great summe of money which he loued as well as any Prince in his time De Cordes finding the King of Englands inclination to peace went and communed with him in his campe his demands were first a great summe of money that he said he had lent the late Duke of Britaine and secondarily that the King should desraie al the charges that he had been at in these wars All the which the King yeelded vnto and order was giuen that the King of England should yeerely receiue a certaine summe of money till all the summes by him demanded were cleerely paid and discharged and thus returned the King of England home In the meane time while de Cordes and Cardonne were at Bolloin treating with the K. of England the citizens of Arras knowing the garrison within the town to be but weake practised to yeeld it into Maximilians hands who sent certaine bands thither the which in great diligence approched neere to the towne When all things were in a readines and the gates being so negligently guarded that the traitors with their counterfaited keies had opened them they began a song whereby they willed the enimies to make haste who presently repaired to the gates and were receiued into the towne Paul Carqueleuant a Briton gouernor of the townein the absence of the bastard of Cardonne at the enimies first entrie retired himselfe with his soldiers into the castel but fearing least it should be taken by assault he soone abandoned it greatly to his reproch for if he had held it but till the next day diuers French bands had come thither to his reliefe The towne was spoiled and many slaine neither were the churches spared nor the traitors houses The author of this treason was a poore smith that dwelled vpon the towne wall and had beene the onely man that was suffered to remaine in the towne by Levvis the eleuenth when he transported the townes men as a colonie into Fraunce Carqueleuant the gouernor when the towne was surprised lay fast a sleepe drowned in drinke and good cheere as it is
said The towne was spoiled by the soldiers bicause Maximilian was behinde with them for certaine moneths paie Saint Omers was also taken at the same time though some refer it to an other time but whensoeuer it was taken this is most certaine that the negligence of the watch was the losse thereof For the enimies being led by George Deberfin made shew at their first comming before the towne as though they would haue scaled it at which time the French soldiers were ready to withstand them vpon the wals being strong and very defensible both by nature and by Arte whereupon the enimies vnder pretence of feare retired into their campe yea and further when the French issued foorth to skirmish with them they euer retired faining the like feare which dissimulation they vsed by the space of eight daies and by this their pollicie caused the French to remit much of their accustomed industry and diligence which when the Burgundians and Almaines perceiued they with great expedition reared ladders against the wals and bulwarks of the town which they easily entered the watch being fast a sleepe and in some place no watch at all Then brake they open the gates slew the French soldiers and the citizens and so became Masters of the towne At the same time was Amiens also attempted by the Burgundians in the night and like to haue been surprised by the like negligence of the watch but Katherine de Liques a woman of a manlike courage awaked the watch out of their dead sleepe by meanes whereof the alarme was sounded and all the towne arose in armes and part went to defend the wals and the rest issued foorth and skirmished and put to flight Maximilians bands who plainly confessed that the diligence and industrie of one woman had wrong the victory out of their hands Of the restitution of the Counties of Roussillon Parpignan to the King of Spaine of the Emperor Fridericks death of the peace between the King of Romaines and the King and of the Duke of Orleans deliuery out of prison Chap. 8. FErdinand King of Arragon desired nothing more than to recouer 1492 out of the Kings hands the counties of Roussillon and Parpignan engaged by him as he said to King Lewis the eleuenth for fiftie thousand crownes But the nobles of Fraunce would not condescend to this restitution bicause the two Counties were a rampier for the realme on that side towards Spaine adding that they were not engaged to King Lewis but absoulutely solde And notwithstanding that the King of Spaine alleaged that King Lewis by his last will and Testament had commanded the said Counties to be restored knowing that they were wrongfully withheld yet his perswasions and allegations little auailed Wherefore he perceiuing that this way no good would be done fell to practise with men of religion hoping by their preaching of conscience to King Charles to win that of him that otherwise he saw no meanes to obtaine Wherefore he corrupted with a great summe of mony Oliuer Maillard or as others write Iohn de Mauleon a frier Franciscane confessor to the Lady of Beauieu the Kings sister who vnder his coule of religion cloking his hypocrisie and couetousnes perswaded hir that except restitution were made of these territories to the King of Spaine the King hir brothers gouerment could not prosper nor please God She being mooued in conscience by this friers perswasions brake this matter to Lewis of Amboise bishop of Alby the Kings schoolmaster who togither with hir so terrified the Kings conscience that he did not onely make restitution of the said territories by the hands of the said bishop whom he sent thither to deliuer them but also freely released to the King of Arragon all the money that King Levvis his father had paid for them with these conditions that the said King of Arragon and his successors should euer after loue and honor the realme of Fraunce that he should make no war against it nor aide with money victuals or councell any of the enimies thereof nor permit them to haue passage through his dominions And thus were these countries restored greatly to the French mens griefe and dammage but in truth the King the rather inclined to restore them bicause hee began already by the perswasion of those that were about him to phansie a voiage into Italie for the recouerie of the realme of Naples which afterward tooke effect though the King both now long after this kept his purpose secret to himselfe and one or two more which voiage I thinke was the principall cause that induced him to restore the foresaid countries thereby to tie the King of Spaine to him that he should not trouble him in his enterprise but he misreckoned himselfe for he was no sooner past the mountaines but the King of Spaine forgot all his kindnes and fell to practise a league with his enimies While these matters passed thus in Fraunce Friderick the Emperor died to The Emperor Frederick died 19. of August 1493. whom his sonne Maximilian succeeded who notwithstanding was neuer crowned neither greatly desired so to be although with a small request he might haue obtaied it The Emperor Maximilian purposing to quiet the state of the Empire troubled by his fathers death seemed more enclined to peace with the King than heertofore he had beene which happened verie fortunately for the Kings affaires for without Maximilian were pacified his voiage into Italie must of force haue staide but both the parties by this meanes inclining to concord the peace was soone concluded the Emperors daughter was restored vnto him and the countie of Artois togither with all the townes he quarrelled And thus the King being in peace with all his neighbours namely with the Emperor and the Kings of England and Spaine and possessing the Duchie of Britaine quietly by his mariage and by that meanes hauing no body to feare began wholie to dispose himselfe to his voiage into Italie whereupon his minde was altogither fixed Further about this verie time the King at the earnest sute and continuall teares of his sister Iane a Ladie of singular pietie and chastitie restored not onely to liberty but also to his fauor and familiaritie Lewis Duke of Orleans husband to the saide Ladie taken prisoner at the battell of Saint Albin in Britaine as before you haue heard whereby as the King deserued great commendations for his clemencie in preseruing his enimie taken in battell and restoring him to his former dignitie and honor so did he also thereby prouide that no discontented subiect at home should trouble his estate in his absence in his voiage to Naples whereunto the historie of Commines now calleth vs which from the death of King Lewis the eleuenth till this present I haue supplied out of other good authors bicause the said Commines being imprisoned or in disgrace almost euer sithence King Lewis his death till the saide voiage of Naples whereat he was present was silent and left nothing
Court to high authoritie and estimation the said Duke of Lorraine to haue him for their support and aide for he was a hardie gentleman more than a courtier not doubting but easily to rid their hands of him at their pleasure as also they did when they found themselues strong ynough and the force of the Duke of Orleans 9 and others whom I neede not name so weakned that it was no more to be feared But after the fower yeeres expired they could no longer hold the Duke of Lorraine vnlesse they would put him in possession of the countie of Prouence or assure him of it by writing at a daie and continue still his pension of sixe and thirtie thousand franks wherunto bicause they would not condescend he departed the Court greatly discontented Fower or fiue moneths before his departure a good ouerture was made vnto him if he would haue embraced it for the whole realme of Naples rebelled against King Ferrande bicause of his great tyrannie and his childrens so far foorth that all the nobles and the third part of the realme yeelded themselues to the Church Notwithstanding King Ferrande being aided by the Florentines pressed them sore for the which cause the Pope and the saide Nobles of the realme that had rebelled sent for the Duke of Lorraine purposing to crowne him King and so forward the enterprise was that the Gallies and the Cardinall Saint Peter ad Vincula who should haue conueighed him thither staied for him a long time at Genua during the which space he was busied with these broiles in Court and delaied his departure notwithstanding that he had messengers with him from all the Nobles of the said realme earnestly pressing him to come with speede To be short the King and his Councell shewed themselues willing by all meanes they could to aide and succour him and gaue him sixtie thousand franks whereof he receiued twentie thousand but lost the rest and agreed also that he should leade with him the hundred launces that were vnder his charge promising further to send ambassadors round about in his fauoure Notwithstanding the King was now nineteen yeeres of age or more and gouerned by those aboue named who daily beat into his head that the realme of Naples of right appertained to himselfe which I write bicause diuers of meane estate raised great contention about this matter as I vnderstood both by certaine of the ambassadors sent to Rome Florence Genua and other places in the Duke of Lorraines fauor and also by the Duke himselfe when he passed through Moulins where I then lay with Iohn Duke of Bourbon bicause of the troubles in court But his enterprise was now halfe lost through his long delaie I went foorthwith to recieue him notwithstanding that he had deserued no such curtesie at my hands for he was one of those that chased me from the Court 10 with rough and discourteous words yet now he made the most of me that might be lamenting much the gouernment of the estate He abode at Moulins two daies with Iohn Duke of Bourbon and then tooke his iourney towards Lyons To conclude his friends were so wearied and weakned bicause of his long delay that the Pope made peace and the nobles of the realme also who vnder suretie thereof went to Naples where they were all taken prisoners notwithstanding that both the Pope the Venetians the King of Spaine and the Florentines had vndertaken to see the treatie kept and obserued and had sworne and promised the Nobles safetie The Prince of Salerne escaped and came into Fraunce refusing to be comprehended in the treatie as one well acquainted with King Ferrands humor but the Duke of Lorraine returned into his countrey with dishonor and lost his credit with the King lost his men of armes and lost also the pension of sixe and thirtie thousand franks which he receiued for Prouence and euen at this present being the yeere 1497. he liueth yet in this estate The Notes 1 King Charles was crowned ann 1484. in Iune 2 This cosin german must be referred to King Lewis 3 For King Rene made Charles his brothers sonne his heire omitting this Duke of Lorraine his daughters sonne 4 The pedegree in the end of the worke will make this title plaine 5 The author vnder the name of Sicilie comprehendeth the realme of Naples also bicause both the realmes bare the name of Sicilie the one beyond the other on this side the far 6 By nephew he meaneth brothers sonne 7 Vnderstand this of the realme of Sicilie and Naples 8 This de Grauille was after Admirall of Fraunce 9 Madam de Beauieu Duchesse of Bourbon was appointed by King Lewis and the three estates gouernor of King Charles hir brother but the Duke of Orleans called after Lewis the 12. withstood the decree and was in armes with diuers noble men demanding the gouenrment as the first Prince of blood as in my Supply is mentioned at large against these they heere named called the Duke of Lorraine 10 For Philip de Commines was a follower of the Duke of Orleans as himselfe writeth in the last chapter of the last booke How the Prince of Salerne in the realme of Naples came into Fraunce and how Lodouic Sforce surnamed the Moore and he sought to perswade the King to make war vpon the King of Naples and for what cause Chap. 2. THe Prince of Salerne fled to Venice where he was well friended accompanied with three of his nephewes sonnes to the Prince of Bisignan 1 There they asked counsell of the Seniorie as the Prince himselfe told me whether it would please them that they should retire to the Duke of Lorraine the King of Fraunce or the King of Spaine They answered that the Duke of Lorraine was a dead man vnable to do them good and that the King of Spaine should be too strong if to the yle of Sicilie and the other places which he held in the Venetian gulfe he should ioine the realme of Naples adding that he was alreadie mightie vpon the sea wherefore they aduised him to go into Fraunce saying that with the Kings of Fraunce 2 that had held the said realme they had euer liued in perfect amitie and friendship and found them alwaies good neighbors But I supose they thought not the enterprise would haue fallen out as afterward it did Thus these noble men aboue named came into Fraunce where they were curteously receiued but their entertainment was small They followed their sute earnestly the space of two yeeres addressing themselues wholy to Stephan de Vers then Seneschall of Beaucaire and of the Kings priuie chamber One day they liued in hope another in despaire but their friends vsed great diligence in Italie specially at Milan whereof Iohn Galeas was Duke not the great Iohn Galeas that lieth buried in the Charterhouse of Pauia but he that was sonne to Duke Galeas and the Duchesse Bonne daughter to the Duke of Sauoy a man of no great sense The said Duchesse
hired a brother of the captains to kill the said Lodouic as he entred into the castel whom the captaine withheld frō executing the fact for the which cause he now saued his life Notwithstanding if he had been giltie of so heinous a crime as a purpose to yeeld the place to the Emperor who might haue laid claim to it both as Emperor Duke of Austrich for that house pretendeth some title thereunto I thinke he would not haue pardoned him for it would haue made a great alteration in Italie and the whole estate of Milain would haue reuolted in one day For when they liued vnder the Emperors euerie household paid but halfe a ducat for tribute but now they are cruelly and tyrannouslie gouerned both the Spiritualtie Nobilitie and Commons The Lord Lodouic seeing himselfe seized of the castell and all the force of the countrie at his commandement determined to attempt further for he that possesseth Milan possesseth the whole estate both bicause the chiefe of the countrie be resident there and also bicause those that haue the charge and gouernment of the other places be all Milanois borne Sure for the quantitie of this Duchie I neuer saw a pleasanter nor plentifuller peece of ground For if the Prince would content himselfe with the yeerely reuenues of fiue hundred thousand ducats his subiects should be but too rich and the Prince liue in suretie but he leuieth yeerely sixe hundred and fiftie thousand or seuen hundred thousand which is great tyrannie and therefore the people desire nothing more than change of their Prince Which the L. Lodouic considering togither with the other reasons aboue rehearsed and being already married to the Duke of Ferraraes daughter by whom he had many children determined to accomplish his intent and endeuored to win friends not onely in the said Duchie but also abrode in Italie Wherefore first he entred into league with the Venetians for the preseruation of their estate whereunto he was great friend to his father in lawes preiudice from whom the said Venetians not long before had taken a little territorie called the Polesan enuironed with water and maruellously abounding with all kinde of wealth This country being distant but halfe a league from Ferrara the Venetians possesse yet at this day There are in it two prety townes which I haue been in my selfe the one named Rouigue the other Labadie The Duke of Ferrara lost it in the war that himselfe first mooued against the Venetians for notwithstanding that before the end of those wars Alphonse Duke of Calabria his father King Ferrande yet liuing the Lord Lodouic with the force of Milan the Florentines the Pope and the towne of Bolonia came to his aide by meanes whereof the Venetians were brought altogither vnder foote or at the least to great extremitie being vtterly vnfurnished of monie and hauing lost diuers places yet the said Lodouic concluded a treatie to their honor and profit for euery man was restored to his owne saue the poore Duke of Ferrara who was forced to leaue vnto them the Polesan which they yet hold notwithstanding that he had mooued this war at the request of the Lord Lodouic and of King Ferrande whose daughter he had married The report went that Lodouic receiued threescore thousand ducats of the Venetians for making this treatie Whether it were so or no I know not but sure I am that the Duke of Ferrara was once perswaded that it was so for at that time the said Lodouic was not married to his daughter From that day forward amitie euer continued betweene the Venetians and the said Lodouic No seruant nor kinsman of Iohn Galeas Duke of Milan sought to impeach and stop the Lord Lodouic from seizing the Duchie into his own hands saue onely the Duchesse his wife who was yoong but a very wise Lady She was daughter to Alfonse Duke of Calabria before mentioned sonne and heire to Ferrande King of Naples In the yeere 1493. the said Lodouic sent to King Charles the 8. now raigning to perswade him to come into Italie to conquer the realme of Naples and to vanquish and subdue those that possessed it for so long as they florished and were of force he durst neuer attempt that which afterward he accomplished At that time the said Ferrande King of Naples and Alphonse his sonne were puissant rich of great experience in the wars and accounted Princes of hautie courages though afterward their actions declared the contrarie The said Lodouic was also a very wise man but maruellous timorous and humble when he stood in feare and void of all faith if the breach thereof might turne to his profit I speake as one that knew him throughly well bicause I haue dealt with him in many matters But to proceede in the yeere 1493. as before I said the Lord Lodouic began to tickle this yoong King Charles being but two and twenty yeeres of age with the ambition and vaineglorie of Italie shewing him what right he had to this goodly realme of Naples which I warrant you he skilfully blazed and painted foorth In all these negotiations he addressed himselfe to Stephan de Vers then newly made Seneschall of Beaucaire and maruellously enriched though not satisfied and to the Generall Brissonet a rich man skilfull in matters of the receit and great friend at that time to the said Seneschall by whose meanes the Lord Lodouic perswaded the said Brissonet to become a priest promising to make him a Cardinall but the Seneschall himselfe he promised to make a Duke And to set all these practises on foote the said Lodouic sent in the same yeere to Paris a goodly ambassage to the King the chiefe whereof was the Earle of Caiazze sonne and heire to the aboue named Robert of Saint Seuerin who found there the Prince of Salerne his cosin for the said Prince was chiefe of the house of Saint Seuerin as I haue alreadie made mention and liued in Fraunce being banished by King Ferrande of Naples as before you haue heard and therfore trauelled earnestly that this voiage to Naples might go forward With the said Earle of Caiazze came also Charles Earle of Belleioyeuse and Master Galeas Viscount of Milan who were both in very good order and well accompanied but openly they vsed salutations onely and generall speeches This was the first great ambassage that came from the Lord Lodouic to the King True it is that he had sent before this one of his Secretaries to negotiate with the King to send his deputie into Italie to receiue homage of his cosin the Duke of Milan for Genua which was granted him against all reason 8 notwithstanding I will not denie but that the King of especiall fauor might assigne one to receiue it of him for when this Duke Galeas was warde to his mother I being then ambassador for King Lewis the 11. receiued his homage in the castell of Milan hauing an expresse commission from the King so to do But Genua was then out of
the Duke of Milans hands and held by Master Baptist de Campefourgouse but at this present the Lord Lodouic had recouered it and gaue to certaine of the Kings chamber eight thousand ducats for the inuesture thereof who by receiuing the monie greatly preiudiced the King For before the graunt of the said inuesture they might haue seized Genua to the Kings owne vse if they had would 9 but seeing they meant to take monie for it they ought to haue demanded more for Duke Galeas paide at one time for it to King Lewis my Master fiftie thousand ducats whereof the King whose soule God pardon gaue me thirtie thousand crownes in reward Notwithstanding they said they receiued these eight thousand ducats with the Kings consent and Stephan de Vers Seneschall of Beaucaire was one of those that tooke the monie happily to entertaine the better the Lord Lodouic for this enterprise which he so much both fauored and furthered After audience giuen openly at Paris to the ambassadors aboue mentioned the Earle of Caiazze had secret communication with the King The said Earle was in great credit at Milan but his brother Master Galeas of Saint Seuerin in greater especially in martiall affaires His Master could now dispose of the estate of Milan as of his owne for the which cause he offered the King great seruices and aide as well of men as mony affirming the enterprise to be of no difficultie This done he and Master Galeas Viscount tooke their leaue and departed leauing behinde them the Earle Charles of Belleioyeuse to entertaine the sute who incontinent put himselfe into French apparell and trauelled so earnestly in this busines that many began to like of the enterprise The King sent into Italie to Pope Innocentius to the Venetians and to the Florentines one named Peron of Basche who had been brought vp in the house of Aniou vnder Duke Iohn of Calabria and was maruellously affectioned to this voiage These practises and runnings to and fro continued the space of seuen or eight moneths and those that vnderstood of this enterprise communed among themselues diuersly of it but none thought that the King would go in person into Italie The Notes 1 Antonel of Saint Seuerin Prince of Salerne and Bernardin Prince of Besignan were brethren Guicciar 2 He meaneth by Kings of Fraunce those Kings of the house of Fraunce that had held the realme of Naples to wit the Dukes of Aniou 3 Viscomte in both these places and diuers others is a proper name not a name of honor and signifieth as much as Biscomte that is tvvise Earle bicause the Viscomti were Lords of Angiera and Milan 4 This captaine meant no treason to the children as the others did but consented to this deede bicause he thought the children in more safetie vvith him than vvith their foolish mother 5 The sense in mine opinion were better to read it qu'il luy feroit then qu'il leur feroit that is that he vvould smite off the captaines head if the place vvere not yeelded for they vvithin vvere out of Lodouics povver 6 The French had it in this sense And another vvho said that he had been a messenger betvveene them but vndoubtedly the place is corrupted and to be read as I haue amended it 7 The Duke of Ferrara had married King Ferrandes daughter named Elenor. 8 Duke Galeas ought to haue come into Fraunce to haue done homage to the King in person but bicause Lodouic vvould not let him depart out of his custodie he found means that it should be done to one sent thither by the King as his deputie for that purpose 9 Genua vvas forfeited and vnder colour thereof the Lord Lodouic had recouered it but bicause it vvas held of the King for the Genuois had giuen themselues to Charles the sixt anno 1394. vvho sent thither for gouernor Iohn de Maingre and aftervvard to Charles the seuenth anno 1446. it could be forfeited to none but to the King but by giuing avvay this inuesture he gaue avvay his right How King Charles the eight made peace with the King of Romanes and the Archduke of Austrich restoring to them the Lady Margaret of Flaunders before he made his voiage to Naples Chap. 3. DVring this delaie aboue mentioned peace was treated of at Senlis betweene the King and the Archduke of Austriche heire of the house of Burgundie for notwithstanding that they were in truce yet a breach happened betweene them bicause the King refused the King of Romaines daughter sister to the said Archduke being verie yoong and married the daughter of Frauncis Duke of Britaine to enioie peaceablie thereby the Duchie of Britaine all the which at the time of this treatie he held saue the towne of Renes and the said daughter being within in it the which was gouerned by the Prince of Orenge hir vncle who had made a marriage betweene hir and the King of Romaines 1 and openly solemnised it in the church by a Practor All the which happened in the yeere 1492. To this treatie aboue mentioned came a great ambassage in fauoure of the Duke of Austriche from the Emperor Frederick who offered to be a mediator for the peace the King of Romains sent thither also 2 and so did the Palzgraue and the Swissers to pacifie this controuersie being all of opinion that it would kindle a great fire for the King of Romains seemed aboue all measure to be iniuried hauing at one time hir taken from him whom he accounted his wife and his daughter sent backe to him which many yeeres had beene Queene of Fraunce but in the end the matter was quietly shut vp and peace concluded For all parties were wearie of war especially Duke Philips subiects who had sustained so many troubles partly bicause of wars with this realme and partly through their owne priuate diuisions that they could no more The peace was concluded but for fower yeeres whereunto the King of Romaines agreed to the end he might repose his subiects and receiue againe his daughter whom some that were about the King and the said daughter made difficultie to restore At this treatie I was present my selfe with the rest of the Kings Commissioners being these Peter Duke of Bourbon the Prince of Orenge the Lord of Cordes and diuers other noble personages and promise was there made to restore to the said Duke Philip all that the King held in Artois for so was it agreed when this mariage was treated of in the yeere 1482. that if it were not accomplished all the landes that were giuen with this Ladie in maraige should returne againe with hir or be restored to Duke Philip. But the said Archdukes men had alreadie surprised Arras and Saint Omer so that onely Hedin Aire and Betune remained to be restored the possession and seniorie whereof were presently deliuered them and they put officers into them but the King held still the castels and might place garrisons in them till the fower yeeres were expired which ended at
the feast of Saint Iohn Baptist in the yeere 1498. at which time he was bound to restore them also to the said Archduke and so he promised and sware to do Whether the alteration of these mariages agreed with the lawes of holy Church or no let others iudge for many Doctors of diuinitie said yea and many nay but were these lawfull or vnlawfull sure all these Ladies were vnfortunate in their issue Our Queene had three sonnes successiuely one after another in fower yeeres one of them 3 liued almost three yeeres and then died and the other two be dead also The Lady Margaret of Austriche was afterward married to the Prince of Castile onely sonne to the King and Queene of Castile and heire both of Castile and diuers other realmes The said Prince died the first yeere of his marriage in the yeere of our Lord 1497. leauing his wife great bellied 4 who immediately after hir husbands death fell in trauel before hir time and was deliuered of a dead borne childe which misfortune the King and Queene of Castile and their whole realme lamented a long time The King of Romanes immediately after this change aboue mentioned married the daughter of Galeas Duke of Milan sister to Duke Iohn Galeas before named the which marriage was made by the Lord Lodouics onely procurement but it displeased greatly both the Princes of the Empire and many also of the King of Romanes friends bicause she was not of a house noble ynough in their opinion to match with their Emperor For as touching the Viscounts of whom the Dukes of Milan are descended small nobilitie is in them and lesse yet in the Sforces for the first of that house was Francis Sforce Duke of Milan whose father was a shoomaker 5 dwelling in a little towne called Cotignoles but a very valiant man though not so valiant as his sonne who by meanes of the great fauour the people of Milan bare his wife being bastard daughter to Duke Philip Marie made himselfe Duke and conquered and gouerned the whole countrie not as a tyrant but as a good and iust Prince so that in woorthines and vertue he was comparable to the noblest Princes that liued in his daies Thus much I haue written to shew what followed the change of these marriages neither know I what may yet heerafter ensue further thereof The Notes 1 Annal. Burgund vvrite vvith Philip the King of Romaines sonne but the best vvriters agree vvith our author 2 Maximilian vvas chosen King of Romaines anno 1486. Funccius 3 Of this childes death he vvriteth lib. 8. cap. 13. 4 Of this Princes death he vvriteth at large lib. 8. cap. 17. 5 Francis Sforces father as some write vvas first a cooke in the campe after he became a soldier and lastly for his valor vvas made a captaine and a knight How the King sent to the Venetians to practise with them before he enterprised his voiage to Naples and of the preparation that was made for the said voiage Chap. 4. NOw to returne to the principall matter you haue heard of the Earle of Caiazzes the other ambassadors departure from the King at Paris and of diuers practises entertained in Italy and how the King as yoong as he was greatly affected this voiage notwithstanding that as yet he discouered his meaning but to the Seneschall and generall onely Further he required the Venetians to giue him aide and counsell in this enterprise who answered him that he should be welcome into Italy but that aide him they could not bicause they stood in doubt of the Turke yet were they in peace with him and as touching counsell it should be too great presumption in them to giue counsell to so wise a Prince hauing so graue a counsell about him but they promised rather to helpe him than hinder him This they tooke to be a wise answer and so was it I confesse But notwithstanding that they gouerne their affaires more circumspectly than any Prince or commonaltie in the world yet God will alwaies haue vs to know that wisedome and forecast of man auaile nought when he is purposed to strike the stroke For he disposed of this enterprise far otherwise than they imagined for they thought not that the King would haue come in person into Italy neither stoode they in any feare of the Turke notwithstanding their forged excuse for the Turke then raigning was a man of no valor 1 but they hoped by this meanes to be reuenged of the house of Arragon which they hated extremely both the father and the sonne bicause by their perswasion as they said the Turke came to Scutary 2 I meane the father of this Turke called Mahumet Ottoman who tooke Constantinople and greatly endammaged the said Venetians But apart to Alphonse D. of Calabria they had many other quarrels for they charged him first as the onely author of the war the D. of Ferrara mooued against them wherin they consumed such infinit treasure that it had well neere cleane vndone them of the which war a word or two hath been spoken before Secondarily that he had sent a man purposely to Venice to poison their cesterns at the least as many as might be come vnto for diuers of them be enclosed and locked They vse there none other water for they are inuironed with the sea and sure that water is very good 3 as my selfe can witnes for twice I haue been at Venice and in my last voiage dranke of it eight moneths togither But the chiefe cause of their hatred against this house of Arragon was none of these aboue rehersed but for that the said house kept them frō growing great as well in Italy as Greece on both the which countries they had their eies fixed notwithstanding they had lately conquered the I le of Cyprus vpon no title in the world 4 For all these considerations the Venetians thought it their profit that war should arise betweene the King and the house of Arragon but they supposed that it could not haue ended so soon as it did that it shuld but weaken their enimies not vtterly destroy them and further that if the woorst fell either the one partie or the other to haue their helpe would giue them certaine townes in Pouille lying vpon their sea coast as also in the end it hapned but they had well neere misreckoned themselues Lastly as touching the calling of the King into Italy they thought it could not be laid to their charge seeing they had giuen him neither counsell nor aide as appeered by their answer to Peron of Basche In the yeere 1494. the King went to Lyons to attend to his affaires but no man 1494. thought he would passe the mountaines Thither came to him the aboue named Master Galeas of Saint Seuerin brother to the Earle of Caiazze with a goodly traine sent from the Lord Lodouic whose lieutenant and principall seruant he was He brought with him a great number of braue horses and armours to run in
and ran himselfe and that very well for he was a yoong and a gallant knight The King entertained him very honorably feasted him sumptuously and gaue him his order This done he returned into Italy But the Earle of Belleioyeuse remained still with the King to hasten the voiage At Genua they began to arme a great nauie whither the King sent the Lord of Vrfé Master of his horse with diuers others In the end he remooued to Vienna in Daulphine about the beginning of August in the same yeere whither the nobles of Genua resorted daily to him wherefore to Genua he sent Lewis Duke of Orleans now King of this realme a yoong gentleman of goodly personage but much giuen to his pleasures of whom in this history ample mention shal be made It was then thought that the said Duke of Orleans should haue led this armie by sea to land in the realme of Naples by the conduct and direction of the aboue named banished Princes of Salerne Bisignan The whole nauie was fowerteene ships of Genua besides a great number of gallies and galleons and the King was as well obeied there in this case as he should haue been at Paris for Genua was vnder the state of Milan where the Lord Lodouic gouerned all hauing none to gainsay him saue onely the Duchesse his nephewes wife daughter to King Alphonse for about this present his father King Ferrande died But the said Lady preuailed little or nothing both bicause men sawe the King in a readines either to passe into Italy himselfe or to send his forces and also bicause hir husband was a very simple man and disclosed all hir dooings to the Lord Lodouic his vncle who had already caused a messenger to be drowned sent by hir to hir father This nauie did no seruice notwithstanding that the charges thereof amounted to three hūdred thousand franks for all the treasure that the K. could leuy was imploied that way by means whereof he was vnfurnished as before I said both of good counsell of money and of al things necessary for such an enterprise yet God of his meere grace as manifestly he declared gaue it good successe I meane not that the King was not wise of his age but he was but two and twenty yeeres old newly crept out of the shell The two aboue named that gouerned him in all this voiage to wit Stephen de Vers Seneschall of Beaucaire and the generall Brissonnet now Cardinall of Saint Malo were men of meane estate and of no experience whereby so much the more appeered the woonderfull worke of God our enimies on the other side were accounted wise of great experience in the wars rich accompanied with wise men and good captaines and in possession of the realme I meane King Alphonse lately crowned by Pope Alexander a Spaniard borne in the realme of Arragon who had the Florentines ioined with him and great intelligence with the Turke He had also a son bearing armes called Dom Ferrande a courteous yoong gentleman of the age of two or three and twenty yeeres who was welbeloued in the realme and a brother also named Dom Frederic who succeeded the said Ferrande in this our age and was a very wise man and led their army vpon the sea He had been long trained vp on this side the mountaines and of him you had often assured me my Lord of Vienna by your knowledge in Astrologie that he should be King so that he once promised me fower thousand franks of yeerely reuenewes in the said realme when that came to passe which promise was made twenty yeeres before the prophesie tooke effect Now to proceede the King altered his minde 5 through the Duke of Milans earnest sollicitation made both by letters by the Earle Charles of Belleioyeuse his ambassador and by the two aboue named Notwithstanding the Generall in the end began to draw backe seeing all men of wisedome and vnderstanding to mislike this voiage for many respects and especially bicause the Kings forces lay abrode in camp in August vnfurnished of monie and all other things necessarie but the Seneschall alone carried the credit from them all so far foorth that the King shewed a countenance of displeasure to the Generall three or fower daies but he soone recouered his fauour againe At this present died one of the Seneschals seruants of the plague as men said for the which cause he durst not repaire to the Kings presence to his great griefe for no man sollicited the voiage but on the contrarie side the D. Duchesse of Bourbon were there laboring all that in them lay to ouerthrow it whereunto also the said Generall encouraged them by means whereof one day the voiage was dashed and another reuiued In the end the King resolued to go and I my selfe mounted on horsebacke with the foremost hoping to passe the mountains the more commodiously with small companie but I receiued a countermand whereby I was aduertised that all was altered againe The selfesame day were borrowed fiftie thousand ducats of a merchant of Milan but the Lord Lodouic deliuered the money vpon assurance made to the said merchant for the repaiment my selfe stood bound for six thousand and others for the rest but this monie was lent without interest The King had borrowed before of the banke of Soly at Genua a hundred thousand franks the interest wherof amounted in fower moneths to 14. thousand franks 6 But some said that the two aboue named had part both in the principall and also in the interest The Notes 1 This Turke was Baiazet the second 2 Scodra in Latin a towne in that part of Dalmatia now called Albania 3 This is rainewater he meaneth 4 VVhy they had no title appeereth by the Pedegree in the end of the worke 5 For he was not minded at the first to haue gone in person 6 That is after the rate of starling money 14. pound in the hundred for fower moneths How King Charles departed from Vienna in Daulphin to conquer the realme of Naples in person and what his nauie vpon the sea did vnder the leading of the Duke of Orleans Chap. 5. TO be short the King departed from Vienna the 23. of August in the yeere 1494. and marched straight towards Ast 1 At Suze Master Galeas of S. Seuerin came to him in poste from whence the King remooued to Thurin where he borrowed all the Duchesse of Sauoyes iewels who was daughter to the late Lorde VVilliam Marques of Montferrat and Duke Charles of Sauoyes widowe the which he engaged for twelue thousand ducats A few daies after he went to Casall to the Marques of Montferrats widow being a wise yoong Lady daughter to the King of Seruia The Turke had conquered hir countrie and the Emperor whose kinswoman she was hauing as I suppose taken hir into his protection had bestowed hir in this house of Montferrat She lent also hir iewels the which were in like maner engaged for twelue thousand ducats Heereby you may perceiue what
To be short their behauiour was such on both sides that their amitie could not long endure but we babbled much more than they not the King himselfe but certaine of his neerest kinsmen 3 In this castell of Pauie was Iohn Galeas Duke of Milan and his wife daughter to King Alphonse in very pitious estate for hir husband being sicke was held in this castell as vnder garde and hir sonne who is yet liuing with a daughter or two The childe was then about fiue yeeres old and him euery man might see but no man might see the Duke for my selfe passed that way three daies before the King and could by no meanes be suffered to come to him Euery body said he was extreme sicke notwithstanding the King spake with him for he was his cosin germane 4 and he hath told me that their communication was onely generall talke bicause he would in no wise offend the Lord Lodouic notwithstanding that he were very desirous to haue aduertised his said cosin of diuers matters At the same time the Duchesse fell vpon hir knees before the said Lodouic desiring him to haue pitie vpon hir father and brother He answered that it could not be But to say the truth she might better haue intreated for hir husband and hir selfe being at that time a goodly yoong Lady From thence the King remooued to Plaisance where the said Lodouic receiued letters that his nephewe the Duke Milan lay at the point of death wherefore he tooke his leaue of the King to go to him The King desired him to returne and so he promised to do Before he came to Pauie the Duke died whereupon he rid incontinent as it were in poste to Milan Al these newes I vnderstood by a letter that the Venetian ambassador resident with the said Lodouic sent to Venice wherein also he aduertised the Seniorie that he meant to make himselfe Duke whichboth the Duke of Venice and the Seniorie vtterly misliked so far foorth that they asked me whether the King would not defend the childe which though reason required that he should yet I made the matter doubtfull considering how necessary an instrument the said Lord Lodouic was at that time for the Kings affaires To be short he made himselfe to be receiued at Milan as Duke which was the onely end as some said why he had caused vs to passe the mountaines Manie also charged him with his nephewes death whose kinsfolkes and friends in Italy were in armes to haue taken the gouernment from him which they would easily haue done had not the Kings comming stopped them For they were already in Romaine as you haue heard But the Earle of Caiazze and the Lord of Aubigny made them to retire For the said Lord of Aubigny had with him a company of a hundred fifty or two hundred men of armes French and a good band of Swissers Dom Ferrande and his forces retired towards their friends dislodging euer halfe a daies iourney before our men and marched towards Furly 5 which belonged to a Lady being a bastard of Milan and widow of the Earle Hieronime nephew to Pope Sixtus 6 This Lady fauored them as the report went notwithstanding after our men had taken by assault a little towne of hirs being first beaten halfe a day with the canon she reuolted to vs being indeed well affected to vs before Further the people of Italy began in all places to take hart and to desire change and alteration for they sawe that which before they had neuer seene I meane the feate of artillerie which they were vnacquainted with which in Fraunce was neuer more practised than at that time The said Dom Ferrande approched still neerer and neerer to his realme and went to Sesenne a faire citie of the Popes in the Marque of Anconne but the people spoiled his carriage stuffe whensoeuer they tooke his men at aduantage And through all Italy they would haue rebelled if the wars had been ordered on our side without spoile but all was done cleane contrary to my great griefe bicause of the honor and renowme the French nation might haue obtained by this voiage For at our first arriuall the people honored vs as saints supposing all faith and vertue to be in vs but their opinion endured not long partly bicause of the disorder and spoile our men vsed and partly bicause of the slanderous reports our enimies made of vs in all places charging vs that we forced women and robbed and carried away money and whatsoeuer we could lay hands on of heinouser crimes they could not haue accused vs in Italy for no nation is so ielous and couetous as the Italian As touching women they belied vs but the rest was not altogither vntrue The Notes 1 He meaneth bicause he vvas a man of no vertue as before is said 2 VVhat right the Duke of Orleans had to it the petegree in the end of the booke will declare 3 He meaneth the Earle of Ligny the King and vvho vvere sisters children 4 King Charles his mother vvas Charlotte and this Dukes mother Bonne both daughters to the Duke of Sauoy 5 It vvas corruptly in the French Sorly for Furly vvhich the old Romaines called Forum liuii 6 Octauian sonne to Hieronime of Riare vvas Lord of Furly and Imola vvith title of Vicar of the Church but he vvas vnder the gouernment of Katherin Sforce his mother heere mentioned Guicciar How Peter of Medices yeelded fower of the Florentines strongest places to the King and how the King restored Pisa being one of them to their ancient liberty Chap. 7. THe King as before you haue heard was at Plaisance where he caused a solemne funerall to be made for his cosin germaine the Duke of Milan for other thing wist he not what to do the new Duke of Milan being departed from him They that best vnderstood the course of these affaires haue told me that the whole cōpany desired to returne home aswel for that they were vnprouided of all things necessarie as also bicause of diuers doubts that were arisen for certaine that at the first seemed to haue great good liking of this voiage began now vtterly to disallow thereof namely the Lord of Vrfé Master of the horse who was not with the King but lay sicke at Genua whence he wrote him a letter giuing him therein to vnderstand of diuers doubts and iealousies whereof he was aduertised But as before I haue said in diuers places God manifestly declared that he himselfe gouerned this enterprise For suddenly in the necke of this letter newes came to the King that the Duke of Milan would shortly return and that the Florentines began to fauor vs in hatred of Peter de Medicis who gouerned them as if he had been their Prince to the great discontentation both of many of his owne neere kinsmen and of diuers also the best citizens namely the Capons the Sonderini 1 the Nerly and in maner the whole citie Wherefore the King departed from
enimies many came to the hauen of Bougen 4 neere to Plambin whence it departed not the space of two moneths so that our men might without all danger haue succoured the said castels for the nature of this hauen of Bougen is such that a ship cannot come foorth of it but with one winde which bloweth seldome in winter The said Arban was a valiant soldier and a very good sea man 5 While the King lay at Thurin diuers treaties were entertained between him and the Duke of Milan in one of the which the Duches of Sauoy was a dealer she was daughter to the Marques of Montferratte and a widow and mother to the yoong Duke of Sauoy then liuing Others negotiated also as well as she and among the rest my selfe laboured for conclusion of the peace as before I haue made mention and the confederats that is to say the captaines that were in the enimies campe before Nouarre desired to deale with me and sent me a safe conduct But enuie euer raigneth in Princes courts for the Cardinall so often aboue named ouerthrew all that I did and would that the Duches of Sauois negotiation should go forward which was committed to the said Cardinals hoste who was Treasurer of Sauoy a wise man and a faithfull seruant to his Mistres This treatie endured so long without effect that in the end all hope of peace ceasing the Bailife of Digeon was sent ambassador into Swisserland to leuy there fiue thousand men I haue made mention already how the Kings Nauie that departed from Nice in prouence to succour the castels of Naples could not succour them for the reasons there rehearsed Wherefore the Lord of Montpensier and the other gentlemen that were with him in the castels vnderstanding of this misfortune espied a conuenient time when the army that the King left behinde him in diuers parts of the realme lay neere to the said castles and by helpe therof salied foorth leauing within force sufficient for their defence according to the proportion of their victuals which was very smal and departed themselues with two thousand and fiue hundred soldiers appointing Ognas and two other gentlemen captaines of the castles The said L. of Montpensier the Prince of Salerne the Seneschall of Beaucaire and the rest that were with them departed to Salerne for the which cause King Ferrand said that he might lawfully put to death the hostages deliuered to him a few daies before whose names were these the Lord of Alegre one called de la Marche-d ' Ardaine the Lord de la Chapelle d'Aniou one named Roquebertin Catelin and one Genly for you shall vnderstand that not past three moneths before the said King Ferrand was entred into Naples by intelligence or rather through the negligence of our men who vnderstood of all their practises in the towne and yet neuer sought to countermine them But heereof I will write no farther bicause I speake but vpon report for notwithstanding that I had mine intelligence from the principall of those that were there yet do I not willingly discourse long of any matter that I haue not been present at my selfe The said K. Ferrand being in Naples was aduertised that the King was slaine at the battell of Fornoue as were our men also within the castle by the Duke of Milans letters to the which credit was giuen notwithstanding that they reported no thing but lies And thereupon the Coulonnois whose maner is alwaies to turne with the strongest reuolted incontinent from vs though sundry waies bound to the King as before you haue heard Wherefore our men partlie through these vntrue reports but especially bicause a great number of them were retired into the castell being vtterly vnfurnished of victuals and partly also bicause they had lost their horses and all their goods within the towne made a composition the sixt day of October in the yeere 1495. after they had been besieged three moneths fowerteen daies promising if they were not succoured within a certaine space to depart into Prouence and yeeld the castels without making further war either by sea or land vpon the realme of Naples for the performance of which conditions they deliuered these hostages aboue named and yet within twentie daies after the composition departed as you haue heard for the which cause King Ferrand said that they had broken the composition in that they departed without leaue and notwithstanding that our men maintained the contrary yet were the hostages in great danger and not without cause For although I will not denie but that our men did wisely to depart notwithstanding the composition yet had they done much better if the day of their departure they had yeelded the castles for their hostages safetie and receiued again the said hostages For the castels held but twenty daies after they were departed partly for lacke of victuals and partly bicause they despaired of succours To conclude the losse of the castell of Naples was the losse of the whole realme The Notes 1 This Peron vvas sent to Nice being a hauen tovvne in Prouence to prepare this nauie 2 I suppose this to be some hauen tovvne not far from Naples or rather thinke it should be read the I le of Prusse vvhereof mention is made cap. 14. vvhich Guicciar calleth the I le of Poreze 3 To the I le of Elbe Guicciar 4 The place is corrupted for this hauen is aftervvard called Bengon vvherefore the French Corrector readeth it as Blondus and the description of Italy lead him Porto Barato pres Piombino 5 Guicciar saith Arban vvas vnskilfull on the sea and I doubt this place be corrupted heere Of the great famine and miserie the Duke of Orleans and his men were in at Nouarre of the Marchiones of Montferrats death and likewise of Monseur de Vendosmes and how after long deliberation the King enclined to peace to saue those that were besieged Chap. 9. THe King being at Thurin as you haue heard and at Quiers whither he went sometime to solace himselfe attended daily for newes of the Almains whom he had sent for and trauelled to recouer the Duke of Milan whose freindship he much desired neither cared he greatly for the Duke of Orleans successe who began now to be sore distressed for victuals and wrote daily for succours bicause the enimies were approched neerer the towne Besides that their force was increased with a thousand Almain horsemen and eleuen thousand footemen called launce Knights leuied in the King of Romaines dominions the horsemen being led by Master Frederic Capelare of the countie of Ferrette a valiant knight who long had been trained vp both in Fraunce and Italy and the footemen by a couragious knight of Austriche called Master George d'Abecfin 1 the selfe same that tooke Saint Omer for the King of Romaines The King therefore seeing his enimies forces daily to increase and that no honorable end could be made was aduised to remooue to Verceil there to deuise some way to saue the Duke of
there were also of the countrie of Vaulx in Senonie 7 and some of Gelderland These were to the number of eight hundred newly sent thither with two moneths pay the which being spent before they came thither and at their arriuall there no new pay being found they seeing themselues in this distresse declared that they bare vs no such good will as the Swissers do for they practised with our enimies and turned to King Ferrande for the which cause partly and partly for the diuision that was among our captaines our men made a shamefull appointment with their enimies the which King Ferrande sware to keepe and obserue being forced so to do by the Marquesse of Mantua who thought thereby to assure the person of his brother in lawe Monseur de Montpensier yet notwithstanding the said Ferrande brake the treatie as afterward mention shall be made more at large By the said composition they yeelded both themselues and all the Kings artillerie to their enimies promising further to cause to be rendred all the places that the King held in the realme as well in Calabria where Monseur d'Aubigny was as in L'Abruzzo where Master Gracian des Guerres was togither with the townes of Caietta and Tarente vnder this condition that King Ferrande should send them by sea into Prouence with bag and baggage which was not much woorth but notwithstanding the composition King Ferrande commanded them all to be led to Naples being to the number of fiue or sixe thousand persons or more So shamefull a composition hath not beene made in our time neither do I remember that euer I read of the like saue that which the two consuls of Rome made as rehearseth Titus Liuius 8 with the Samnites whom I suppose to be those of Beneuent at a place called then Furculae Caudinae which is a certaine straight in the mountaines notwithstanding the Romanes would not agree to the composition but sent the two Consuls prisoners to their enimies If our force had fought and beene discomfited yet should not their losse haue been so great as by this composition for two parts of them died either of famine or of the plague in their ships in the yle of Prusse 9 whither they were sent from Naples by King Ferrande and namely there died Monseur de Montpensier himselfe some say of poyson others of an ague which I rather beleeue And I thinke verily that of all this companie neuer returned fifteene hundred for of the Swissers which were thirteene hundred returned but three hundred and fifty all extreme sicke Their faith and loyaltie was greatly to be commended for they all chose rather to die than to serue King Ferrande and so a number of them died in the said yle of Prusse some of heate some of sicknes and some of famine for they were held there a long time in their ships in such penurie and lacke of victuals as is almost incredible I saw them all that returned especially the Swissers who brought backe with the● all their ensignes and sure it well appeered that they had endured great miserie for they were all so extreme sicke that when they came foorth of their ships to take the aire they were faine to be staied vp from falling It was also agreed by the said composition that the Lord Virgill Vrsin should returne home to his countrie in safetie and his son all the Italians that serued the King yet notwithstanding the enimies detained him still and his said legitimate sonne also for he had but one and as touching his base sonne called the Lord Charles who was a very valiant gentleman certaine Italians of their companie spoiled him as he repaired homeward If this miserie had fallen but vpon them onely that made this composition they had notbeen greatly to be moned Immediately after King Ferrande had receiued this honor aboue mentioned and married King Ferrande his grandfathers daughter being a yoong maide of thirteene or fowerteene yeeres of age begotten of the King of Castiles sister that now raigneth so that his wife was sister to his owne father King Alfonse he fell into a continuall ague whereof soone after he died and the crowne of the realme descended to King Frederick the said King Ferrandes vncle now presently raigning It abhorreth me to write of such a marriage as this notwithstanding diuers such haue beene contracted in this house of Arragon within these thirtie yeeres King Ferrande died immediately after the composition aboue mentioned made in the towne of Ate●●e the yeere of our Lord 1496. The said Ferrande during his life and Dom Frederick also after he came to the crowne excused the breach of this composition bicause Monseur de Montpensier had not performed the conditions thereof nor rendred the places promised which he could not to say the truth Caietta and diuers others being out of his power For notwithstanding that he were the Kings lieutenant yet were not they that held these places for the King bound to yeeld them at his commandement Although all things well considered the King should haue sustained no great losse if they had then beene yeelded for he spent afterward great treasure in defending and victualling them and yet lost them in the end I my selfe was present three or fower times at the dispatch of those that were sent to victuall and succour first the castels of Naples and thrise after the towne of Caietta And I thinke I should not lie if I said that these fower voiages cost the King aboue three hundred thousand franks and yet all to no purpose The Notes 1 Before cap. 8. he named him de la Chappelle d'Aniou but if Loudonnois be in Aniou the places be reconciled 2 The Venetians paid the monie for the Pisans were not able to redeeme it but after the Citadelle deliuered the Pisans put themselues into the Venetians protection who razed the Citadelle Guicciar 3 This bastards name was de Bienne Guicciar 4 Mutron was also sold to the Luquois Guicciar 5 Librefacto was sold to the Pisans but the Venetians paid the monie Guicciar 6 This Virgill Vrsin is he aboue mentioned who after the Coulonnois reuolt from King Charles turned to him and of his foe became his friend and seruant 7 The French corrector readeth it Sionnie meaning the countrie called in Latin Valesia Sedusiorum whereof Sedunum called in French Sion is the chiefe towne or else he supposeth it should be Vaulx in Sauoy whereof our author maketh mention lib. 5. cap. 1. 8 Decad. 1. lib. 9. 9 Procida it is named by Colleuntius other Italians name it Ponze I suppose it to be that which Plinie lib. 3. cap. 6. calleth Proclita or Prochita saying that it lieth in Sinu Puteolano not far from Naples nor from the yle of Ischia Boccace also Decame 2 nouell 6. reporteth both Procida and Ponze to be neere to Naples Guicciar hath Pozzuole How certaine practises entertained by diuers noble men of Italy on the Kings behalfe as well for the conquest
sped euill and the Duke of Milan who had been greatly distressed if Master Iohn Iames had beene suffered to inuade him with the whole force was now strong for the Venetians had sent diuers bands to his aide Whereupon our armie retired our footemen were dismissed and these little townes that were taken abandoned and thus ended these wars finally to the Kings profit who consumed infinite treasure in them The Notes 1 Vnderstand against the Venetians by the which meanes he might haue recouered the Polesan and the rest that they withheld from him 2 For you must vnderstand that these practises began before their places were sold 3 This Cardinall was borne at Sauonne Of certaine controuersies betweene King Charles and Ferrande King of Castile and of the ambassadors that were sent to and fro to pacifie them Chap. 16. WHat happened from the Kings returne out of Italie which was about 3. or 4. moneths before the end of the yeer 1495. till the beginning of the yeere 1498. I haue already rehearsed for all that space I was resident in the Court and present at the dispatch of most part of those affaires The King rode about from Lyons to Moulins and from Moulins to Tours holding tourneies and iusts in all places and minding nothing else Those that were of the greatest authoritie about him were so diuided that more they could not be for some of them would that the conquest of Naples should still continue bicause their profit and credit depended thereupon namely the Cardinall 1 and the Seneschall 2 who gouerned all the Kings affaires on the otherside the Admirall who before this voiage had borne all the sway with the yoong King would in any wise that these Italian enterprises should cease and trauelled to ouerthrowe them knowing that the quailing of them would turne greatly to his profite and be a meanes whereby he might recouer his former credit and authoritie and the others fall into disgrace Thus passed the Kings affaires about a yeere and a halfe during the which space he sent ambassadors to the King and Queene of Castile who were in war with him and whose friendship he greatly desired bicause they were mightie both by sea and land And notwithstanding that they did no great exploit vpon the land yet had they sent great aide by sea to King Ferrande and King Frederick of Naples for the yle of Sicilie is distant from Reges in Calabria but a league and a halfe so that some hold opinion it was once firme land with Italie 3 and that the sea breaking in made this straight 4 now named the Far 5 of Messine The said yle of Sicilie was then and yet is in subiection to the King and Queene of Castile who sent from thence great aide to Naples as well of great ships called Carauels that came out of Spaine as also of men Moreouer in the yle of Sicilie itselfe a companie of men of armes was leuied the which passed into Calabria with a certaine number of genetarios 6 and made war vpon the Kings forces there Besides this their ships were continually with the confederates nauie by means whereof when all their forces were togither the King was much too weake for his enimies vpon the sea but otherwise the King of Castile endammaged him not much True it is that once a great companie of horsemen entred into Languedock and spoiled the countrie and lodged in it three or fower daies but other exploit did they none Then the Lord of Saint André in Bourbonnois who defended those frontiers for the Duke of Bourbon the Kings lieutenant in Languedock attempted to take Sausses a little towne in the countrie of Roussillon bicause on that side they had inuaded the Kings dominions about two yeeres before For you shall vnderstand that the King had restored vnto them the said countrie of Roussillon 7 whereof the territorie of Parpignan is parcell in the which this little towne of Sausses is situate His enterprise was great and dangerous for the towne was well manned though it were but small and a great number of gentlemen of the King of Castiles house were within it besides that their armie being stronger than ours lay abrode in the fields encamped within a league of the place yet notwithstanding the said Lord of Saint André so wisely and closely guided his enterprise that within ten howers he tooke the towne by assault as my selfe can witnes and at the breach were slaine thirtie or fortie Spanish gentlemen of marke among whom was the Archbishop of Saint Iames his sonne besides three or fower hundred common soldiers They thought not that the towne could haue been taken so suddenly for they vnderstood not the feate of our artillerie which vndoubtedly is the best in the world This is all the exploit that was done between these two Princes whereof though the effects were but small yet great was the shame and dishonor the King of Castile receiued thereby his armie being so strong as it was but where God is disposed to punish commonly such small scoruges run before For the said King and Queen of Castile were shortly after otherwise punished and so were we also But sure as touching them they much stained their honor in violating their othe giuen to the King who had dealt so bountifully with them by restoring them the countrey of Rousillon the fortification and defence whereof had beene so chargeable to his father who had it in pawne for three hundred thousand crownes which summe also the King forgaue them all to the end they should not impeach nor hinder his voiage to Naples Moreouer they renued the ancient league betweene Fraunce and Castile which is between King and King realme and realme and man and man of their subiects and promised not to hinder his said conquest nor marie any of their daughters into Naples England or Flanders which straight offer of mariage proceeded of themselues for a Frier Franciscan called Frier Iohn de Mauleon made this ounerture on the Queene of Castiles behalfe Yet all this notwithstanding so soone as they saw the war begun and heard that the King was at Rome they sent ambassadors round about to enter into league against him and namely to Venice I being there present where the league aboue mentioned was concluded betweene the Pope the King of Romans them the Seniore of Venice and the Duke of Milan immediately whereupon they inuaded the Kings dominions alleaging that such a promise was not to be performed meaning the marriage of their children being fower daughters and one sonne into the houses aboue mentioned which ouuerture notwithstanding proceeded of themselues as before you haue heard But to returne to the matter After these wars in Italy were ended and all lost in the realm of Naples saue Caietta which the K. yet held when these treaties of peace began betweene him and the King and Queene of Castile but soone after lost also and the wars in the countrey of Roussillon being in like maner
Kings of Romanes and England 10 for the Prince of Wales was at that time very yoong were comprehended therein they had fower daughters the eldest of the which was a widow and had been married to the King of Portugales sonne that last died who brake his necke before hir as he passed a carrier vpon a ginnet within three moneths after their marriage The second and the third were married the one in Flaunders and the other in England and the fourth is yet to marrie After the Lord of Bouchage was returned and had made his report the King perceiued that de Clerieux had beene too credulous and that he had done wisely in sending du Bouchage thither bicause he was now assured of that which before he stood in doubt of The said de Bouchage aduertised him further that he could effect nothing but the conclusion of the truce the which he had libertie either to accept or refuse at his pleasure The King accepted it and sure it serued him to good purpose for it was the breach of their league which so much had troubled his affaires and which hitherto he could by no means dissolue notwithstanding that he had attempted all waies possible Thirdly the said de Bouchage informed the King that the King and Queene of Castile had promised him at his departure to send ambassadors immediately after him cause of their attainture was for that they had attempted to make him King of Portugale that now raigneth These Lords therefore and gentlemen were by meanes of this marriage recompensed in Castile by the King and Queene and their lands which they had forfaited in Portugale by attainture assigned to the Queene of Portugale now mentioned daughter to the said K. and Queene of Castile But notwithstanding all these considerations the said K. Queene repented them of this marriage for you shall vnderstand that there is no nation in the world that the Spaniards hate more than the Portugales so far foorth that they disdaine scorne them wherfore the said King Queene lamented much that they had bestowed their daughter vpon a man that should not be beloued in the realm of Castile their other dominions if the marriage had been then vnmade they would neuer haue made it which vndoubtedly was a great corrosiue to them yet nothing so great as this that she should depart from them Notwithstanding after all their sorrowes ended they led their said daughter and sonne in law through all the chiefe cities of their realme and made the said King of Portugale to be receiued for Prince and their daughter for Princesse and proclaimed them their successors after their death Some comfort they receiued after all these sorrowes for they were aduertised that the said Lady Princesse of Castile and Queene of Portugale was great with childe but this ioy prooued in the end double greefe so that I thinke they wished themselues out of the world for this Lady whom they so tenderly loued and so much esteemed died in trauell of the said childe not past a moneth agone and we are now in October in the yeere 1498. but the childe liueth 4 and is called Emanuell after his fathers name All these greatmisfortunes hapned to them in the space of three moneths Now to returne to the estate of Fraunce You shall vnderstand that about fower or fiue moneths before the said Ladies death a great misfortune happened also in this realme I meane the death of King Charles the eight whereof heereafter you shall heare at large It seemed therefore that God beheld both these houses with an angrie countenance and would not that the one realme should scorne the other For although the death of a Prince seeme but a trifle to many yet is it sure far otherwise for change of the Prince neuer happeneth in any realme but it traineth with it great sorrowes and troubles and notwithstanding that some gaine by it yet an hundred fold more lose bicause at an alteration men are forced to change their maner and forme of liuing for that that pleaseth one Prince displeaseth another Wherefore as before I haue said if a man well consider the sharpe and sudden punishments that God hath laide vpon great Princes within these thirty yeeres in Fraunce Castile Portugale England Naples Flaunders and Britaine he shall finde that they haue beene heauier and greeuouser than happened in two hundred yeeres before and whosoeuer would take in hand to discourse vpon all the particular misfortunes that I my selfe haue seene and in a maner knowen all the persons as well men as women to whom they happened should make thereof a huge volume and that of great admiration yea though it contained onely such as haue chanced within these ten yeeres By these punishments the power of God ought to be the better knowen for the plagues he powreth downe vpon great personages are sharper grieuouser and endure longer than those he sendeth to the poorer sort To conclude therefore me thinke all things well waied that Princes are in no better estate in this world than other men if they consider by the miseries they see happen to their neighbours what may happen to themselues For as touching them they chastice their subiects at their pleasures and God disposeth of them at his pleasure bicause other than him they haue none ouer them but happie is the realme that is gouerned by a Prince that is wise and feareth God and his commandements I haue briefly rehearsed the misfortunes that happened in three moneths space to these two great and mightie realmes which not long before were so inflamed the one against the other so busied in enlarging their dominions and so little contented with that they already possessed And notwithstanding that alwaies some as before I said reioice at changes and gaine by them yet at the first euen to them the death especially the sudden death of their Prince is very dreadfull and dangerous The Notes 1 This he seemeth to adde bicause the empire was greater but it was not the Emperors inheritance 2 Vnderstand the two first murthers of his wiues father and brother for his sonne was dead before he slue his owne brother 3 Vnderstand hir dowrie for hir first marriage 4 But the childe died also afterward and the crowne of Spaine descended to Iane the second daughter wife to Philip Duke of Austrich and mother to the Emperor Charles the fift Further you shall vnderstand that our authors memorie failed him heere for this Princes name was not Emanuel as Commines heere writeth but Michael according to all good authors and pedegrees both of Spaine and Portugale Of the sumptuous building King Charles began a little before his death of the great desire he had to reforme the Church and himselfe to diminish his reuenues and to redresse the processes of the law and how he died suddenly in this good minde in his castel of Amboise Chap. 18. I Will heere cease further to discourse of the affaires of Italie and Castile
purged him fower daies before he died bicause they sawe in his bodie the occasions of his death Euery man ran to the Duke of Orleans who was to succeede him as next heire to the crowne But King Charles his chamberlains caused him to be richlie buried and immediately after his death began solemne seruice for him which continued both day and night for when the canons ended the friers Franciscans began and when they ended the Bons-hommes 1 which was an order founded by himselfe his body remained at Amboise eight daies partly in his chamber which was richly hanged and partly in the church All solemnities belonging to his funerals were more sumptuous than euer were any K. of Fraunce for his chamberlains officers those that were neere about him neuer departed from his body till it was laid in the ground which was about a moneth after his death al the which space this solemne seruice continued so that the charges of his funerals amounted to fiue and fortie thousand franks as diuers of the receit haue informed me I arriued at Amboise two daies after his death and went to say my praiers ouer his body where I abode fiue or sixe howers And to saie the truth I neuer saw so great mourning and lamentation nor that continued so long for any Prince as for him and no maruel for he had bestowed vpon those that were neere about him namely his chamberlaines and ten or twelue gentlemen of his priuie chamber greater offices and gifts than euer did King of Fraunce yea too great to saie the truth Besides that he was the mildest and courteousest Prince that euer liued for I thinke he neuer gaue foule word to any man wherefore in better hower could he not die both to leaue his fame behinde him in histories and to be bewailed of those that serued him And I thinke verily that my selfe am the man whom of all other he vsed roughliest but bicause I knew it to be the fault of his youth and not to proceede of himselfe I could neuer loue him the woorse for it After I had staied one night at Amboise I went to the newe King with whom I had been more familiar than any man and further for his sake had susteined all my troubles and losses which now he seemed little to remember notwithstanding with great wisdome he tooke possession of the crowne for he changed no pensions that yeere though halfe the yeere were yet to come neither displaced many officers but said that he would maintaine euery man in his estate whereby he wan great honor Moreouer with all speede possible he went to his coronation whereat my selfe was present And these that follow represented the peeres of Fraunce The first was the Duke of Alençon who represented the Duke of Burgundie the second the Duke of Bourbon who represented the Duke of Normandie the third the Duke of Lorraine who represented the D of Guienne The first Earle was Philip L. of Rauastaine who represented the Earle of Flaunders the second Engilbert of Cleues who represented the Earle of Champaigne the third the Earle of Foix who represented the Earle of Tholouze And the said King Levvis the twelfth now raigning was crowned at Reims the 27. of Maie the yeere 1498. and is the fourth that hath come to the crowne by collaterall line The two first were Charles Martell or Pepin his sonne and Hugh Capet who were both of them Masters of the pallace or gouernors of those Kings whom they deposed from the crowne which afterwarde themselues vsurped the thirde was King Philip of Valois and the fourth the King that now raigneth but these two latter came to the crowne by iust and lawfull title The first genealogie of the Kings of Fraunce beginneth at Meronee two Kings had raigned in Fraunce before the said Meronee namely Pharamond who was first chosen King of Fraunce for his predecessors were called Dukes or Kings of Gaule and his sonne Claudio The said Pharamond was chosen King the yeere of grace 420. and raigned ten yeeres and his sonne Claudio eighteene so that these two Kings raigned eight and twentie yeeres and Meronee who succeeded next after was not sonne but cosen to the said Claudio Wherefore it seemeth that the right line of the Kings of Fraunce hath failed fiue times notwithstanding as before I said men begin the first line at Meronee who was crowned King in the yeere of our Lord 448. from the which time to the coronation of King Levvis the twelfth are numbred 1050. yeeres But if you reckon from Pharamond you must adde eight and twentie more which make 1078. yeeres since there was first King of Fraunce From Meronee to the raigne of Pepin when the line of the said Meronee failed are numbred 333. yeeres From Pepin to Hugh Capet raigned the true line of the said Pepin and Charlemaine his son the space of 237. yeeres The right line of Hugh Capet raigned 339. yeeres and ended in King Philip of Valois and the right line of the said King Philip of Valois continued till the death of King Charles the eight which hapned in the yeere of our Lord 1498. The said King Charles was the last of this line the which had continued 169. yeeres during the which space these seuen Kings raigned in Fraunce Philip of Valois King Iohn Charles the fift Charles the sixt Charles the seuenth Levvis the 11. and Charles the eight in whom the right line of Philip of Valois ended The Notes 1 This vvas an order of religion deuised by the King How Charles Duke of Burgundie was of the house of Lancaster as Commines mentioneth lib. 1. cap. 5. and in other places Iohn of Gaunt Duke of Lancaster m. Blaunch daughter and heire of Henry Duke of Lancaster and Darby Philippa m. Iohn the tenth King of Portugale bastard to King Ferrande of Portugale Isabella m. Philip Duke of Burgundie Charles Duke of Burgundie of whose wars and death this history treateth How Elizabeth wife to King Edward the fourth was neece to the Constable of Fraunce as mentioneth Commines lib. 4. cap. 5. Peter of Luxembourg m. Margaret Countesse of Saint Paul Conuersane Briane Lignac c. Petrus Earle of Saint Paul c. m. Margaret daughter to William D. of Andre in Prouence Iaquelna or Iaquette m. Iohn Duke of Bedford m. Richard Wooduile Earle of Riuers Elizabeth m. Sir Iohn Gray Thomas Marques Dorset m. Edward the fourth King of England Edwardus quintus R. Ang. Lewis of Luxembourg Earle of Saint Paul Constable of Fraūce m. Iane daughter heire to Robert Earle of Marle c. Anthonie Earle of Roussv mentioned by Commines lib. 2. cap. 11. lib. 4. ca. 4. Iohn Earle of Marle slaine at the battell of Morat Peter Earle of Saint Paul and Brienne m. Margaret daughter to Lewis D. of Sauoye Marie Francis m. Marie daughter to Lewis Duke of Sauoye Lewis Ea●● of Ligny How Brabant Lambourg Luxembourg and Namurs came to Philip Duke of Burgundie as mentioneth Commines lib.
4. cap. 13. Brabant Lambourg Iohn the first of that name Duke of Brabant and Lambourg 1 Lambourg was erected into a Duchie 1172. and Henrie the last Duke thereof who died without issue 1293. solde it to Iohn the first of that name Duke of Brabant But Henrie Earle of Luxembourg father to Henrie the Emperor the Bishop of Colyn and one called the Earle Ghelric inuaded the Duchie of Lambourg with them Duke Iohn fought neere to the castell of Voronc and tooke the Earle Ghelric who pretended title to Lambourg and the Bishop of Colin prisoners the Earle of Luxembourg with two of his brethren was slaine the castell of Voronc razed since the which time Lambourg hath remained quiet vnder the Dukes of Brabant m. Margaret daughter to Guy Earle of Flaunders Iohn Duke of Brabant and Lambourg m. Margaret daughter to Edward the first King of England Iohn Duke of Brabant and Lambourg m. Marie daughter to Philip of Valois King of Fraunce Iane the eldest daughter died 1397. m. Wenceslaus son to Iohn King of Boheme 2 Wenceslaus succeeded Iohn Duke of Brabant but he died 1383. without issue and after his wife dying anno 1393. left Brabant and Lambourg to Anthonie second sonne to Philip the Hardie the said Ianes grand nephew by Margaret hir yoonger sister after whose death and his two sonnes Iohn and Philip Brabant and Lambourg descended to Philip Duke of Burgundie as mentioneth Commines in the place aboue rehearsed died 1383. Margaret m. Lewis Malea●●● Earle of Flaundres Margaret m. Philip the hardy Margaret wife to William Earl of Haynault Anthony slaine in the battel of Agincourt m. Iane daughter to Walleran Earle of Saint Paul Ligny the first wife Iohn succeeded his father in Brabant and Lambourg Philip succeeded his brother m. 3 Elizabeth second wife to Anthonie Duke of Brabant was daughter to Iohn Duke of Gorlic brother to the Emperours Wenceslaus and Sigismundus who partly in respect of this marriage partly for money gaue to Duke Anthonie the Duchie of Luxembourg but after his death they and VVilliam Duke of Saxonie who had married Sigismundus daughters daughter sought to dispossesse hir of it but Duke Philip of Burgundie euer defended hir and after hir death succeeded hir as well by hir gift as also as heire to Duke Anthonie his two sonnes being dead who had paid money to VVenceslaus and Sigismundus for it afterward also Charles Duke of Burgundie bought the title of Isabella wife to Cassimirus King of Polonia and neece to the Emperor Sigismund to the Duchie of Luxembourg to hold it without quarrell Elizabeth the second wife Luxembourg Iohn Duke of Burgundie m. Margaret siste● to William Earl of Haynault Holland Namurs Philip Duke of Burgundie 4 As touching Namurs Duke Philip bought it for his money of diuers that pretended title to it especially of Iohn Earle of Namur who sold it to Duke Philip vnder condition to hold it during his life which happened anno 1428. How Holland Hainault and Zeland came to Duke Philip as mentioneth Commines lib. 4. cap. 13. where also the Queenes Maiesties title to the said countries is somwhat touched Holland Hainault Zeland William Earle of Holland Hainault and Zeland m. Iane sister to Philip of Valois after K. of Fraunce Philippa the eldest daughter wife to Edward the third King of England William declared by the Emperor ann 1337. Earle of Holland Zeland Hainault and Lord of Friseland slaine by the Frizons 1345. Margaret daughter as some write to William 1 This Margaret Guicchiardin writeth to haue been daughter to VVilliam the yoonger Earle of Hainault Holland and Zeland but Annales Genealogiques Franciae say that she was sister not daughter to VVilliam as do also other most approoued Authors And if she were but sister then the Queenes Maiestie being descended of Philippa the said VVilliams eldest sister is right heire of all these countries Meyerus lib 12. fol. 140. pag. 2. and fol. 147. pag. 1. saith that Margaret was sister not daughter to Duke VVilliam which also is the more manifestly prooued bicause the wife of this VVilliam was Iane the eldest daughter to Iohn Duke of Brabant who ouerliued hir husband and after married VVenceslaus brother to the Emperor Charles the fourth which woman neuer had issue yet finde we no mention of any other wife that VVilliam the yoonger Earle of Hainault had as others sister m. Lewis of Bauier● Emperor William the eldest brother died without issue Albert succeeded his brother m. Margaret daughter to the Duke of Brida William succeeded his father m. Margaret daughter to Philip the Hardy Iaqueline daughter and heire had fower husbands but died without issue and to hir succeeded Philip D. of Burgundie Margaret m. Iohn Duke of Burgundy sonne to Philip the Hardy Philip Duke of Burgundy succeeded Iaqueline in all these Seniories as heere mentioneth Commines A daughter married to the Duke of Iuliers How Margaret of Flaunders was heire of Flaunders Neuers and Rethel as mentioneth Commines lib. 4. cap. 13. lib. 5. cap. 11. the which Margaret married with Philip the Hardy yoongest sonne to Iohn King of Fraunce Ottho yoonger sonne to Hugh the fourth of that name Duke of Burgundy m. Isabella daughter heire of Arnulfe Earle of Neuers which Arnulfe died anno 1243. Neuers Yolande Flaunders m. Robert of Bethune the 22. Earle of Flaunders died 1323. Lewis Earle of Neuers Baron of Douzy died before his father ann 1322. Rethel m. Mary daughter and heire of Iames ● of Rethel Lewis Earle of Flaunders Neuers Rethel slain at the battell of Crecy 1346. m. Margaret yoongest daughter to Philip le Longue King of Fraunce Lewis Earle of Flaūders surnamed of Malain slain by Iohn Duke of Berry brother to Charles the fift anno 1383. m. Margaret daughter to Iohn the 3. Duke of Brabant Margaret daughter and heire heere mentioned married two Dukes of Burgundie as in the next leafe more at large shall appeere m. Philip Duke and Earle of Burgundy the first husband m. Philip the Hardy yoongest sonne to Iohn K. of Fraunce How Arthois and the County of Burgundy descended to the said Lady Margaret aboue mentioned and how she married two Dukes of Burgundy and how Philip the Hardy hir second husband obtained the Duchy of Burgundie after the death of Philip Duke of Burgundie hir first husband Burgundie Duchie Robert Duke of Burgundy died 1308. m. Agnes daughter to King Saint Lewis Margaret the eldest daughter m. Lewis Huttin King of Fraunce Iane wife to Phillip Earle of Eureux Iane. m. Philip of Valois King of Fraunce Iohn King of Fraunce 3 Touching the Duchie of Burgundie note that after the death of Philip Duke of Burgundie nephew to Ottho the 16. Duke of Burgundie King Iohn of Fraunce being sonne to Iane the said Otthos yoonger sister seazed the Duchie of Burgundie into his hands excluding Iane daughter to Margaret the elder sister as suspected of bastardie and after gaue the said Duchie
Burgundie could not come to Naples and then Alfonse being dismissed out of prison by Philip Maria Duke of Milan where he was also prisoner at the same time preuailed and conquered Naples and was inuested by Pope Eugenius Since the which time the Aniouins haue but quarelled Naples and as for the succession of this Alfonse you shall see it in the last pedegree in the end of this worke Why the Venetians had no right to the realme of Cyprus as Commines writeth Lib. 7. cap. 4. 1 Peter taken prisoner by the Genuois but deliuered vnder condition to pay them a yeerely tribute 2 Ianus so named bicause he was born at Genua which was founded by Ianus Anne married Lewis Duke of Sauoy Iohn Amadis Duke of Sauoy right heire of Cyprus by his mother after Charlotte was dead Philip Duke of Sauoy Charles Duke of Sauoy Phibbert Duke of Sauoy 4 Lewis married Charlotte he was crowned King but was chased away by Iames the bastard He died sans issue m. Charlotte maried first Iohn King of Portugale who was poisoned then this Lewis She died sans issue 3 Iohn liued like Sardanapalus Charlotte maried first Iohn King of Portugale who was poisoned then this Lewis She died sans issue 4 m. Lewis married Charlotte he was crowned King but was chased away by Iames the bastard He died sans issue 5 Iames a bastard by the Soldan of Aegypts helpe chased Lewis his sisters husband out of Cyprus and made himselfe King m. Katharine daughter to Marke Comaire Senator of Venice the Venetians adopted hir and vnder that colour conquered Cyprus hir husband and sonne being dead 6 A sonne borne after his fathers death of whom the Venetians were tutors but was poisoned as some write by them as his father had beene After his death the Venetians conquered Cyprus vnder colour of adoption ann 1473. or as Meyer saith fol. 349. anno 1470. Heereby appeereth that the Duke of Sauoy hath the right to Cyprus not the Venetians for Iames husband to their adopted daughter was a bastarde and an vsurper and their adopted daughter a stranger to the crowne and could pretend no title to it Sed malè parta malè dilabuntur The house of Medices whereof so ample mention is made Lib. 7. Cap. 5. Iohn of Medices Cosmus mentioned Lib. 7. cap. 5. died anno 1464. the ●8 yeere of his age Countessin● of Bardy Peter Commines seemeth to ouerpasse this man m. Lucretia Tornaboni Julian slaine in Florence Commines Lib. 6. c. 5. Iulius called Pope Clement the seuenth Laurence so often mentioned in Commines m. Clarice Vrsine Iohn called Pope Leo the tenth Peter fled out of Florence when K. Charles came thither m. Alfonsine Vrsine Clarice married Philip S●rozzi Laurence made Duke of Vrbin by Pope Leo the tenth m. Maudeleine daughter and heire to the Earle of Boloine Alexander D. of Florence slaine by his cosin Laurence of Medices m. Margaret base daughter to Charles the Emperor m. Octauio Farnese Pope Paulus nephew secōd husbande to Margaret These were both bastards Iulia married Restagno Canteline a gentleman in L'Abruzzo Iulius married a Lady of the county of Piombi Alexander Iulian. Katharine Q. mother of Fraunce Iulian Duke of Nemours married Philibert sister to Louyse King Francis mother Duches of Nemours Hippolitus a Cardinal but a bastard Laurence Peter Francis Iohn m. Katharine Sforce Iohn the valiant soldier m. Maria Salu●●ti Cosmus chosen Duke of Florence after Alexanders death and confirmed by Charles the Emperor m. Leonor of Toledo daughter to Peter Duke of Alua. Isabella Duches of Ferrara and two other daughters Francis D. of Florēce died 1584. Ferdinand Iohn a Cardinal Gracian Peter How Lewis Duke of Orleans called after King Lewis the 12. pretended title to the Duchie of Milan as Commines mentioneth Lib. 7. cap. 6. and in diuers other places 1 Iohn Galeas made first Duke of Milan by the Emperor Wenceslaus This is he that lieth buried at Pauia Commines Lib. 7. cap. 7 died anno 1402. m. Elizabeth daughter to the King of Boheme the first wife Valentine m. Lewis Duke of Orleans brother to Charles the sixth Ian●● Iohn Duke of Angoulesme Charles Duke of Angoulesme Francis King of Fraunce m. Claude the eldest daughter Francis died before his father Henry the second King of Fraunce c. Charles died before his father Orleans Charles Duke of Orleans Lewis the 12. K. of Fraunce Claude the eldest daughter m. Francis King of Fraunce Francis died before his father Henry the second King of Fraunce c. Charles died before his father Reneé married Hercules Duke of Ferrara Philip Earle of Vertu Margaret wife to Richarde Earle of Estampes m. Katharine Visconti the second wife 2 Iohn Maria succeeded his father died sans issue he was slaine by his people 3 Philip Maria succeeded his brother died without lawfull issue Appointed by Testament King Alfonse of Naples his heire Blaunche a bastard Sforce 4 m. Francis Sforce notwithstanding Philips Testament vsurped the Duchie by fauor of the people Hyppolita married Alfonse King of Naples 5 Galeas slaine in the Church of Milan m. Bo●●● daught●● to the Duke of Sauoy Blaunche married Maximilian the Emperor 6 Iohn Galeas died when K. Charles came into Italie m. Isabella daughter to Alfonso King of Naples Francis led into Fraunce by Lewis the 12. Bonne maried Sigismund K. of Poland Katharine married Iohn de Medices Iohn the valiant soldier in Charles the fifts time Cosmus Duke of Florence Ascanio a Cardinall 7 Lodouic called King Charles into Italie Died prisoner in France vnder Lewis the twelfth m. Betrice daughter to Hercules Duke of Ferrara 8 Maximilian recouered the Duchie from Lewis the 12. after carried away prisoner by King Francis 9 Francis restored by Charles the Emperor died sans issue Philip. Octauian The French King claimeth from Valentine who ought to haue succeeded hir brother Philip Maria before Blaunche being his base daughter After this Duke Francis death the Emperor Charles seased the Duchie partly by composition with Duke Francis at his restitution which was to make the Emperor his heire if he died without issue and partly by gift from Philip Maria who by his ●estament gaue it to Alfonse king of Naples whose heire the Emperor was and partly in right of the house of Austrich which pretended title to it as writeth Commines Lib. 7. cap. 2. The pedegree of Hercules Duke of Ferrara of whom so often mention is made in this historie The familie of Este ancestors of this Nicholas gouerned Ferrara from the yeere 1202. or not long after it is held of the Pope Nicholas Lord or Marques as some call him of Ferrara Obizone was made generall of the church and had therefore a pension of ten thousand ducats Nicholas vanquished Bernabo Visconti Succeeded his father Albertus succeeded his brother Nicholas a bastard vnder him was a councell at Ferrara whereat the Emperour of Greece was present Lionello a bastard succeeded his father m. Daughter to Iohn
Francesco Gonzaga 2 Nicholas succeeded Borso but his vncle Hercules right heire expelled him and seeking to recouer the state he was taken and beheaded by Sigismundus his other vncle 1 Borso a bastard succeeded his brother bicause his brothers son was yoong he was created the first Duke of Ferrara by the Emperor Frederic 3 Hercules expelled Nicholas his nephew he was generall to the Florentines Venetians and Milanois This is he so often mentioned in this historie m. Leonora daughter to Ferdinand King of Naples Betrice married Lodouic Sforce Duke of Milan Alfonse m. Lucretia daughter to Alexander the 6. Bi●●op of Rome Franciscus Hippolitus a Cardinall 5 Hercules m. Renee daughter to Lewis the 12. King of Fraunce 6 Alfonsus D. of Ferrara Luigi Cardinall of Este m. Laura Alfonsus Alfonsinus ● Elizabeth married Francis Gonzaga the Marquesse of Mantua mentioned in this storie Sigismundus The pedegree of Francis Marques of Mantua so often mentioned in this historie The familie of Gonzagua had gouerned Mantua before this Francis from the yeer 1328. vnder this Francis Iohn Galliazzo besieged Mantua a yeere but preuailed not this Francis serued the Duke of Milan and the Venetians Francis died anno 1407. Iohn Francis first Marques of Mātua made by the Emperor Sigismundus was thrice generall to the Venetians died anno 1443. m. Paola daughter to Malatesta Lord of Rimini Luigi liued in the time of Frederick the third m. Barbara daughter to the Marques of Brandenburg Luigi Francis a cardinall Frederick was generall to the Duke of Milan and the Venetians m. Margarita Tedesca Francis in the age of 38. yeeres fought with Charles the 8. at Laro died 1520. m. Elizabeth daughter to Hercules Duke of Ferrara Hercules a Cardinall Frederick made general of the Church by Pope Leo and so confirmed by his successors made D. by Charles the fift he died 1539. Montferrat m. Margaret daughter and heire of William Paleologus marques of Montferrat William Francis Lewis Frederick Ferdinandus generall of Milan to the Emperor Charles the fift Iohn Francis Rodolfe m. Margaret daughter to the Duke of Bauiera Charles troubled his brother but was chased away by him died in very poore estate Lucedus was mishapen Alexander croked backed was a monke How Ferdinand King of Arragon had more right to the realme of Naples than the Kings of the house of Arragon that possessed it as writeth Commines Lib. 8. cap. 17. 1 Iohn the first of that name King of Castile m. Daughter to Ferdinand the first King of Portugale Castile 2 Henry the third King of Castile and Leon. Mary wife to Alfonse King of Arragon and Naples 3 Iohn the second 4 Henry the fourth married a daughter of the King of Portugale Elizabeth put frō the crowne by hir aunt Commin Lib. 5. cap. 7. 5 Elizabeth succeeded hir brother putting hir neece from the crowne as a bastard Castile and Arragon vnited 4 m. Ferrand King of Arragon and Castile by his wife so often mentioned in these Italian wars Katharine wife to Henry the eight King of England Iane married Philip Archduke of Austrich 6 Charles the fift Emperor Iohn married Margaret daughter to Maximilian the Emperor died before his father m. Elenor daughter to Peter King of Arragon Arragon 1. Ferrand Earle of Medina del Campo K. of Arragon This Ferrande obtained the realme of Arragon anno 1407. bicause his mother was daughter to king Peter whose heire male failed in Martin his nephew and notwithstanding that Martin had a daughter yet Ferrande obtained the crowne to hir preiudice 3 Iohn succeeded his brother in Arragon but in Naples Ferrand his brothers bastard succeeded Ferrand King of Arragon and Castile by his wife so often mentioned in these Italian wars Castile and Arragon vnited 4 m. 5 Elizabeth succeeded hir brother putting hir neece from the crowne as a bastard Katharine wife to Henry the eight King of England Iane married Philip Archduke of Austrich 6 Charles the fift Emperor Iohn married Margaret daughter to Maximilian the Emperor died before his father Charles King of Nauarre sans issue Iane Queene of Portugale Mary married Iohn the secōd K. of Castile 2 1 Naples Alfonse adopted by Iane Queene of Naples who after adopted Lewis Duke of Aniou 2 Ferrande the bastard succeeded his father in the realme of Naples died a little before King Charles came into Italy 5 Frederick succeeded his nephew Ferdinand led after into Fraunce by Lewis the 12. Ferdinand married Germain widow to King Ferdinand of Arragon 3 Alfonse fled when K. Charles came into Italy 4 Ferdinand chased from Naples by King Charles but after recouered the realme died sans issue Isabella wife to Iohn Galeas Duke of Milan Elizabeth wife to Hercules Duke of Ferrara The King of Spaine had better right to Naples than Alfonse that possessed it when King Charles came into Italie bicause Alfonses father was a bastard King Ferrands father being the first Alfonses brother ought to haue succeeded him before his base sonne Further you shall vnderstand that after Frederick was led into Fraunce by Lewis the 12. the said K Lewis enioied Naples but within fower yeeres Ferrande King of Arragon by the great captaine Consaluo chased King Lewis out of the realme and left it to his nephew Charles the Emperor from whom the French K. could neuer recouer it but at this day it is in the possession of the King of Spaine sonne to the said Emperor Charles FINIS Faults escaped Page 3. line 1. reade to wit a pag. 7. lin 13. r. armie Of ead lin dele lin 28. r. Seniories pag. 8. l. 9. dele and ead p. l. vlt. r. of Coulches p. 11. l. 28. r. with them p. 13. l. 22. r. the best ead p. l. vlt. r. Seniories p. 14. l. 41. r. and La Marche p. 17. l. 8. r. flying p. 18. l. 12. r. them not ead p. l. 13. r. before My ead p. l. 32. r. aduise p. 19. l. 21. r. and in a p. 24. l. 46. r. of Aniou p. 27. l. 4. r. 6. of September ead p. l. 38. r. quirace p. 28. l. 32. r. this companie p. 29. l. 5. r. scouts p. 31. l. 43. r. ditch notwithstanding the truce No p. 38. l. 5. r. florens ead p. l. 26. r. cordingly p. 39. l. 31. dele with p. 40. l. 2. r. his campe p. 46. l. 9. r. the canon ead p. l. 44. r. Noone drew p. 47. l. 8. r. stayning ead p. l. 31. r. 6 ead p. l. 32. r. 5 p. 49. l. 7. r. vpon our ead p. l. 38. r. After these p. 50. l. 4. r. of the which p. 54. l. 32. r. goodly p. 59. l. 2. r. rased their wals but ead p. l. 35. r. Romont p. 61. l. 36. r. Angien p. 63. l. 42. r. or Herbart p. 64. l. 38. r. Estelle p. 66. l. 5. r. Ferrette p. 68. l. 34. r. haue had but ead lin r. sixtie thousand p. 69. l. 25. r. hardinesse ead p. l. 43. r. bounds of p. 74. l. 47. r. foorthwith p. 77. l. 1. r. touching the p. 78. l. 23. r. and Desmeries p. 79. l. 9. r. Polence p. 80. l. 13. r. bounds p. 82. l. 4. r. to Gaunt p. 83. l. 9. r. his principall ead p. l. 24. r. to repaire p. 84. l. 41. r. and receiued p. 85. l. 48. r. in feare p. 87. l. 44. r. foorth on foote p. 91. l. 24. r. the very p. 94. l. 13. r. what port the ead p. l. 38. r. three thousand p. 98. l. 35. r. the others p. 106. l. 20. r. cause p. 107. l. 2. r. foade p. 109. l. vlt. r. six score soldiers p. 111. l. 12. r. the onely p. 117. l. 17. r. these Dutch p. 118. l. 5. r. than in any p. 120. l. 2. r. church Then ead p. l. 7. r. 1474. Meyer p. 127. l. 2 r. is it p. 134. l. 2. r. stoutly denied p. 138. l. 43. r. a marrish p. 139. l. 32. r. whereof p. 150. l. 23. r. debebant p. 154. l. 21. r. preparation p. 155. l. 38. r. most of the which p. 16● 〈…〉 p. 164. 〈…〉 p. 165. l. 32. r. great p. 176. l. vlt. r. Burgund pa. 988. p. 179. l. 13. r. ride p. 186. l. 36. r. had good p. 196. l. 33. r. begin p. 201. l. 39. r. to the king his p. 205. l. 40. r. Burgundish p. 208. l. 21. dele had p. 224 l. 6. r. This second p. 227. l. 23. r. in the towne p. 240. l. 16. r. to proceed p. 243. l. 18. r. a number ead p. l. 37. r. which is called p. 253. l. 33. r. vantmures p. 254. l. 25. r. Fougieres p. 260. l. 45. r. was sent p. 261. l. 30. r. Dabecsin p. 263. l. 16. r. commendation p. 267. l. vlt. r. foorth to p. 274. l. 17. r. Proctor ead p. l. vlt. r. they lawfull p. 276. l. 21. r. first voiage p. 278. l. 41. r. Treu●ul p. 280. l. vlt. dele Duke p. 281. l. 3. dele Duke p. 284. l. 21. r. also of the p. 291. l. 16. r. Caballiau p. 292 l. 40. r. Caballiau p. 293. l. 19. r. vantmure ead p. l. 43. r. Rosanes p. 294. l. 9. r. Picinino p. 295. l. 12. r. ride about p. 296. l. 14. r. for cruell p. 297. l. 4. r. Aenaria p 306. l 38. r. their other ead p. l. 48. r. places than they p. 307. l. 8. r. accompanie ead p. l 31. r. Otrante p. 313. l. 4. r. or Musiua p. 316. l. 17. r. and two p. 318. l. 16 r. and voluntarily p. 319. l. 39. r. Luques p. 325. l. 18 r. Albanie p. 335. l. 7. r. the Florentines p. 342. l. 4. r. enimies nauie p. 350. l. 3. r. they might p. 380. r. Iane daughter heire to Robart of Bar E. of Marle p. 391. r. Cosmus died the 80. yeere of his age We must intreate the Readers patience for these faults escaped and that he will amend the booke according to this table before he enter into the reading thereof
and made the Earle of Eu openly to complaine of him saying that the Duke detained from him contrarie to all lawe and equity Saint Valery and certaine otherlands that he the said Earle held of the Duke as parcels of the Seignorie of Abbeuille and the county of Ponthieu the onely cause whereof was for that a little ship of war of Eu had taken a Flemmish hoy laden with marchandise the losse whereof the Earle offered to repay further adding that the Duke would constraine him to do him homage and giue him his faith against all men none excepted which he would neuer do bicause it should be preiudiciall to the Kings estate At this assemblie were diuers lawyers as well of the Parlament of Paris as other places who concluded according to the Kings pleasure that the Duke should be summoned to appeere in the Parlament at Paris The King knew well that he would answere disdainfully or do somwhat preiudiciall to the authoritie of the court wherby he should haue the iuster pretence of war against him Thus the Duke being in Gaunt was sommoned as he went to masse by a purseuant of the Parlament to appeere at Paris wherewith he was much abashed and discontented and caused the purseuant foorthwith to be apprehended and committed to warde where he remained certaine daies but in the end was dismissed and sent home Thus you see what preparation was made to inuade the Duke of Burgundie who being aduertised thereof leuied a great band of men paid with home wages as they termed them which was a trifle they receiued to be in a readines in their owne houses Notwithstanding they mustered monethly in the townes where they dwelt and receiued their pay But at three or fower moneths end the Duke waxed wearie of the charge and dismissed these men banishing all feare bicause the King sent often to him and so departed into Holland He entertained no soldiers in ordinarie pay for the safetie of his countrie neither held any garrisons in the frontire townes whereof ensued great inconuenience for there was daily practising in Amiens Abbeuile and Saint Quintine to yeeld them againe to the King The Duke being in Holland was aduertised by Iohn late Duke of Bourbon that shortly war should be made vpon him as well in Burgundie as in Picardie and that the King had great intelligence not onely in his dominions but also in his house with the which message he was maruelously abashed for he was vtterly vnfurnished of men of war bicause he had discharged the band aboue mentioned Wherefore in great haste he passed the sea 2 and went into Artois and thence straight to Hedin where he entred into ielousie both of some of his seruants and also of those practises that were entertained in the townes aboue mentioned but his preparation for the wars went but slowly forward For he beleeued not all that was told him Notwithstanding he commanded two of the chiefest citizens of Amiens whom he suspected for these treaties to repaire vnto him who so cunningly excused themselues that he dismissed them without further inquire Immediately after certaine of his seruants fled out of his house namely the bastard Baldwine 3 and others which caused him to feare a greater traine to be behinde Wherefore incontinent he made proclamation that all men should be in a readines but bicause winter was begun and he but newly returned out of Holland few stirred The Notes 1 The Kings colour was this he would not seeme to make war vpon the Duke but onely to haue sent men to these towns at their request who bicause of the Dukes cruell exactions had praied in aide of him as of their soueraigne 2 This sea was one of the streames of the riuer of Rhene that enuiron Holland 3 This Baldwine was the Dukes base brother the cause of his departure was for that he had attempted with others corrupted by the King to poison the Duke notwithstanding afterward he recouered his fauor and was taken prisoner at the battell of Nancy Meyer How the townes of Saint Quintin and Amiens were yeelded to the King and for what causes the Constable nourished the war between the King and the Duke of Burgundy Chap. 2. TWo daies after his seruants departure which was in the moneth of December the yeere 1470. the Constable entred into Saint Quintine and sware them to the King Then the Duke perceiued his affaires to be in bad estate for he had no force with him but had sent all his seruants abroad to muster men in his dominions Notwithstanding with those fewe he could leuie being foure or fiue hundred horse he went to Dourlans minding to keepe Amiens from reuolting There he abode fiue or sixe daies all the which space they in Amiens continually practised The Kings army lying not farre off shewed it selfe before the towne and was once refused for part of the citizens held for the Duke wherefore the Duke sent thither to make his lodging and if he had beene so strong that the might haue aduentured to enter in person the towne had neuer beene lost but he was afraid to go thither weakely accompanied notwithstanding that diuers of the towne required him so to do But when they of the contrary faction sawe his feare that he durst not enter the towne they executed their enterprise and reioiced the Kings forces They of Abbeuille thought to do the like but the Lord of Cordes entred in thither for the Duke and preuented their purpose Dourlans is distant from Amiens but fiue small leagues wherefore the Duke was forced to depart thence so soone as he vnderstood of Amiens reuolt from thence therfore he went to Arras in great haste and feare doubting the execution of diuers other such enterprises for that he saw himselfe enuironed with the Constables kinsfolkes freinds farther bicause the bastard Baudouin was fled he entred into suspicion of his other brother the great bastard of Burgundie notwithstanding his forces repaired to him by litle and litle The King thought now that all had been his owne supposing the aduertisements to be true that the Constable and the rest had giuen him of their intelligences whereupon if he had not hoped he would haue wished this enterprise vnbegun It is meete I should heare declare what mooued the Constable and the Duke of Guienne considering the great fauor courtesies and benefits the Duke of Guienne had receaued at the Duke of Burgundies hands to kindle the fire betweene these two Princes that lay at rest in their dominions and which way this war could turne to their profit Somwhat I spake heerof before saying that they did it to be in the more assurance of their estates and offices For they feared if the King liued in peace he would keepe some stir among them Notwithstanding this was not the onely cause that mooued them But you shall vnderstand that the Duke of Guienne and they had been earnest suters to conclude a mariage betweene the said Duke of Guienne