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B12208 The copie of a leter, vvryten by a Master of Arte of Cambrige, to his friend in London concerning some talke past of late betvven tvvo vvorshipful and graue men, about the present state, and some procedinges of the Erle of Leycester and his friendes in England. Conceyued, spoken and publyshed, vvyth most earnest protestation of al duetyful good vvyl and affection, tovvardes her most excellent Ma. and the realm, for vvhose good onely it is made common to many. Morgan, Thomas, 1543-1606, attributed name.; Parsons, Robert, 1546-1610, attributed name. 1584 (1584) STC 5742.9; ESTC S108682 125,586 206

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Henrie Earle of Richmōd discending but of the last sonne and third vvyfe of Iohn of Gaunt Duke of Lācaster vvas so respected for that onelie by the vniuersal Realm as they inclyned vvholie to cal him from banishment to make him king vvith the deposition of Richard vvhich then ruled of the house of York vpon condition onlie that the said Henrie should take to vvyfe a daughter of the contrarie familie so great vvas in thos dayes the affection of English hartes tovvards the line of Lancaster for the great vvorthynes of such kinges as had reigned of that race hovv good or bad so euer their title vvere vvhich I stand not heare at this tyme to discus but onlie to insinuate vvhat partie the same found in our Realm in tymes past and consequentlie hovv extreame daungerous the contention for the same may be herafter especialie seing that at this day The line of Portugal the remander of that title is pretended to rest vvholie in a straunger vvhos povver is verie great VVhich vve Lavvyers are vvount to esteme as a point of no smal importaunce for iustifying of anie mans title to a kingedom SCHOL You Lavvyers vvant not reason in that Sir quoth I hovv so euer you vvant right for if you vvil examine the succession of gouernmentes from the begnining of the vvorld vnto this daye either among Gentile Ievve or Christian people you shal find that the svvord hath bene alvvayes better The svvord of greate force to iustifie the title of a kingdom then half the title to get establishe or mainteyne a kingdom vvhich maketh me the more apalled to heare you dicourse in such sorte of nevv cōtentiōs and forraine titles accōpained vvyth such povver and strength of the titlers VVhich cannot be but infinitelie daungerous and fatal to our Realm yf once it come to action both for the diuision that is like to be at home and the varietie of parties from abrode For as the Prince vvhom you signifie vvil nor faile by al likeliehood to pursue his title vvyth al forces that he can make if occasion vvere offered so reason of state and pollicie vvil enforce other Princes adioynīg to let hinder him therin Greate dangers vvhat they can and so by this meanes shal vve become Iuda Israel among our selues one killing and vexing the other vvyth the svvord and to forraine Princes vve shal be as the Iland of Salamina vvas in olde tyme to the Athenians and Megarians and as the Iland of Cicilia vvas aftervvard to the Grecians Carthaginians and Romans and as in our dayes the kingdom of Naples hath bene to the Spaniards Frenchemen Germans and Venetians That is a bayte to feed vpon and a game to fight for VVherfore I beseech the Lord to auerte from vs all occasions of such miseries And I pray you Sir for that vve are fallen into the mētion of thes matters to take so much paines as to open vnto me the grovvnd of thes controuersies so long novv quiet betvven York and Lancaster seing they are novv like to be raised againe For albeit in general I haue heard much therof yet in particular I either conceaue not or remember not the foundation of the same and much lesse the state of theire seueral titles at this daye for that it is a studie not properlie perteyning vnto my profession LAVV. The controuersie betvvene the houses of York and Lancaster quoth the Lavvyer tooke his actual beginning in the issue of K. Edvvard the third The beginning of the cōtrouersie betvvixt York and Lācaster vvho died somevvhat more then tvvo hundreth yeares gone but the occasion pretence or cause of that quarrel began in the children of K. Henrie the third vvho died an hundreth yeares before that and left tvvo sonnes Edvvard vvho vvas king after him by the name of Edvvard the first and vvas Graundfather to Edvvard the third and Edmond for his deformitie called Crookback Earle of Lancaster and beginner of that house vvhos inheritaunce aftervvard in the fovverth discent fel vpon a daughter named Blanche vvho vvas married to the fourth sonne of king Edvvard the third named Iohn of Gaunt for that he vvas Edmond Crooke-back begi●ner of the house of Lācaster borne in the Citye of Gaunt in Flaunders and so by this his first vvyfe he became Duke of Lancaster and heire of that house And for that his sonne Henrie of Bolingbrook aftervvarde called K. Henrie the fourth pretended among other thinges that Edmond Crookback great graundfather to Blanche his mother vvas the elder Blanche sonne of K. Henrie the third and iniustelie put by the inheritaunce of the Crovvn for that Iohn of Gaunt he vvas Crookebacked and deformed he toke by force the kingdom from Richard the second Hovv the kingdom vvas first broght to the house of Lancaster nephevv to king Edvvard the third by his first sonne placed the same in the house of Lācaster vvhere it remained for three vvhole discētes vntil aftervvarde Edvvard Duke of York descended of Iohn of Gauntes yonger brother making clayme to the Crovvn by title of his graundmother that vvas heire to Lionel Duke of Clarence Iohn of Gauntes elder brother toke the same by force from Henrie the sixt of the house of Lancaster and brought it backe againe to the house of Yo●● vvher it contineued vvith much trouble in tvvo kinges onlie vntil bothe houses vvere ioyned together in king Henrie the seuenth and his noble issue Hereby vve see hovv the issue of Iohn of Gaunt Duke of Lancaster fourth sonne to K. Edvvard the third pretended right to the Crovvn by Edmond Crookbacke before the issue of al the other thre sonnes of Edvvard the third albeit they vvere the elder brothers vvherof vve vvil speake The issue of Iohn of Gaunt more hereafter Novv Iohn of Gaunt though he had manie children yet had he fovver onlie of vvhom issue remaine tvvo sonnes and tvvo daughters The first sonne vvas Henrie of Bolingbrooke Duke of Lancaster vvho toke the Crovvn from K. Richard the second his vnkles sonne as hath bene said and first of al planted the same in the house of Lancaster vvhere it remayned in tvvo discentes after him that is in his sonne Henrie the first and in his nephevv Henrie the sixt vvho vvas aftervvard destroyed together vvith Henry Prince of VVales his only sonne heire and consequelie al that Line of Henrie Bolingbrok extinguished by Edvvard the fourth of the house of York The other sōne of Iohn of Gaūt vvas Iohn Duke of Somerset by Katherin S Finsford his third vvife The pedegree of K Henrie the 7. vvhich Iohn had issue an other Iohn and he Margaret his daughter heire vvho being married to Edmond Tyder Earle of Richmond had issue Henrie Earle of Richmond vvho after vvas named K. Henrie the seuenth vvhos Line yet endureth The tvvoe daughters of Iohn of Gaunt vvere married to Portugal and Castile that is Philippe The tvvo daughte●s
maried to Portugal Castile borne of Blanche heire to Edmond Crookback as hath bene said vvas married to Iohn king of Portugal of vvhom is descended the king that novv possesseth Portugal and the other Princes vvhich haue or may make title to the same and Katherin borne of Constance heire of Castile vvas married back againe to Hentie king of Castile in Spaine of vvhom king Philip is also descended So that by this vve see vvhere the remainder of the house of Lancaster resteth yf the Line of K. Henrie the seuenth vvere extinguished vvhat pretext forreine Forrayne titles Princes may haue to subdue vs yf my L. of Huntington either novv or after her Ma. dayes vvil open to them the doore by shuting out the rest of K. Hēries Line by dravving back the title to the onlie house of York againe vvhich he pretendeth to do vpon this that I vvil novv declare King Edvvard the third albeit he had manie children yet fiue onlie vvil vve speak of at this tyme. The issue of king Edvvard the third VVherof thre vvere elder then Iohn of Gaunt and one yonger The first of the elder vvas named Edvvard the Black Prince vvho died before his father leauing one onlie sonne named Richard vvho aftervvard being king and named Richard the second vvas deposed vvythout issue and put to death by his Cosin germain named Henrie Bolingbrook Duke of Lancaster sonne to Iohn of Gaunt as hath bene said and so there ended the Line of K. Edvvardes first sonne King Edvvardes second sonne vvas VVilliam of Hatfield that died vvythout issue His thirde sonne vvas Leonell Duke of Clacence vvhos onlie daughter heire called Philippe vvas married to Edmond Mortymer Earle of Marche and after that Anne the daughter and heire of Mortymer vvas married to Richard Plantaginet Tvvoe Edmūdes the tvvoe begīners of the tvvoe houses of Lancaster York Duke of York sonne and heire to Edmund of Langley the first Duke of York vvhich Edmund vvas the fift sonne of K. Edvvard the third and yonger brother to Iohn of Gaunt And this Edmund of Langley may be called the first beginner of the house of York euen as Edmund Croocbacke the beginner of the house Lancaster This Edmund Langley then hauing a sonne named Richard that married An 〈…〉 ●ortymer sole heire to Leonel Duke of Clarēce ioined tvvo Lines and tvvoe titles in one I meane the Line of Leonel and of Edmund Langley vvho vvere as hath bene said the third and the fift sonnes to K. Edvvard the third And for this cause the childe that vvas borne of this marriage named after his father Richard Plantaginet Duke of York seing him self strong and the first line of K. Edvvard the thirds eldest sonne to be extinguished in the death of K. Richard the second and seing VVilliam of Hatfield the secōd sōne dead likevvise vvythout issue made demaund of the Crovvn for the house of York by The claime title of York the title of Leonel the third sonne of K. Edvvard And albeit he could not obteine the same in his daies for that he vvas slaine in a bataille against K. Henrie the 6. at VVakefield yet his sonne Edvvard got the same vvas called by the name of king Edvvard the fovverth This king at his death lefte diuers children as namlie tvvoe sonnes Edvvard the fift and his brother The issue of king Edvvard the 4. vvho after vvere both murdered in the Tovver as shal be shevved also fiue daughters to vvit Elyzabeth Cicilie Anne Katherine and Briget VVherof the first vvas maried to Hēry the 7. The last became a Nūne the other thre vvere bestovved vpon diuers other husbandes He had also tvvo brothers the first vvas called George Duke of Clarence vvho aftervvard vpon his desertes as is to be supposed vvas put to death in Callys by commandement of the king his attaynder The Duk of Clarence attaynted by parlament allovved by parlament And this man left behind him a sonne named Edvvard Erle of VVarvvik put to death aftervvard vvythout issue by king Henrie the seuenth and a daughter named Margaret Countesse of Salisburie vvho vvas married to a meane Gentlemā named Richard Poole by vvhom she had issue Cardinal Poole that died vvythout Mariage Hērie Poole that vvas attainted execuded in K. Henrie the 8. his tyme as also her self vvas this Hēry Poole left a daughter married Huntīgtons title by the Duke of Clarēce aftervvard to the Earle of Huntingtō by vvho this Earle that novv is maketh title to the Crovvn And this is the effect of my L. of Huntingtōs title The second brother of king Edvvard the fourth vvas Richard Duke of Glocester vvho after the K. K. Rich. the third death caused his tvvo sonnes to be murdered in the Tovver and toke the kingedom to him self And aftervvard he being slaine by king Henry the 7. at Bosvvorth fielde left no issue behind him VVherfore king Henry the 7. descending as hath bene shevved of the house of Lancaster by Ihon of The happie cōiūctiō of the tvvoe houses Gaunts last sonne third vvife taking to vvyfe ladie Elizabeth eldest daughter of K. Edvvard the fourth of the house of York ioyned most happely the tvvo famylies together and made an end of al controuersies about the title Novv K. Henrie the 7. had issue three children The issue of king Hēry the seuenth of vvhom remayneth posterity First Henry the 8. of vvhom is descended our soueraine her Ma. that novv happilie raigneth and is the last that remaineth a liue of that first Line Secōdlie he had tvvo daughters vvherof the first named Margaret vvas married tvvice first to Iames king of Scotland frō The Line and title of Scotland by Margar. eldeste daughter to king Hēry the seuenth vvhome are directlie discended the Q. of Scotland that novv liueth and her sonne K. Iames being dead Margaret vvas married againe to Archybalde Douglas Earle of Anguishe by vvhom she had a daughter named Margaret vvhich vvas married aftervvard to Mathevv Stevvard Earle of Lenox vvhos sonne Charles Stevvard vvas married to Elizabeth Cādishe daughter to the presēt Coūtesse of of Shrevvsburie by her hath left his onlie heire Arbella a litle daughter named Arbella of vvhom you haue heard some speech before And this is tovvching the Line of Scotland descending from the first eldest daughter of K. Henrie the seuenth The second daughter of K. Henrie the seuenth The Lyne title of Suffolke by Marie seconde daughter to king Henry 7. called Marie vvas tvvice maried also first to the kig of Frannce b● vvhom she had no issue and after his death to Charles Brandon Duke of Suffolk by vvhom she had tvvo daughters that is Fraūcis of vvhich the childrē of my L. of Hartford doe make their clayme Elenore by vvhom the issue of the Earle of Darbie pretēdeth right as shal be declared For that Fraūcis the first daughter of
Charles Brandon by the Quene of Fraunce vvas married to the Marques of Dorset vvho after Charles Brandons death vvas made Duke of Suffolk in right of his vvife and vvas beheaded in Q Maries time for his conspiracie vvvth my L of Leycesters father And she had by this man three daughters that is Iane The issue of Fraūcis eldest daughter to Charls Brandō Duke of Suffolk that vvas married to my L. of Leycesters brother proclaimed Queene after king Edvvards death for vvhych both shee and her husbande vvere executed Katherine the second daughter vvho had tvvoe sonnes yet lyuyng by the Earle of Hartford Marie the third daughter vvhich left no children The other daughter of Charles Brandon by the Q. of Fraūce caled Elenor vvas married to George Clifford Earle of Cumberlād vvho left a daughter The issue of ●lenor seconde daughter to Charls Brandō by her named Margaret married to the Earle of Darbye vvhich yet liueth hath issue And this is the title of al the house of Suffolk descended frō the second daughter of K. Henrie the seuēth married as hath bene shevved to Charles Brandon Duke of Suffolk And by this you see also hovv manie their be vvhoe do thinck ther titles to be far before that of my Lord of Huntingtons if either right Lavv reason or consideration of home affaires may take place in our Realm or yf not yet you cannot but imagine hovv manie great Princes and potentates abrode are like to ioyne and buckle vvyth Huntingtons Line for the preeminence if once the matter fal againe to cōtention by excluding the Line of K. Henry the 7. vvhich God forbid SCHOL Trulie Sir quoth I I vvel perceyue that my Lords turne is not so nighe as I had thought vvhether he exclude the Line of king Henrie or Hūtīg●ō behinde manie other titles no. For if he exclude that then must he enter the Cumbat vvith forraine titlers of the house of Lancaster and if he exclude it not then in al apparence of reason in Lavve to as you haue said the succession of the tvvoe daughters of king Henrie the seuenth vvhich you distingvvishe by the tvvoe names of Scotland and Suffolke muste needes be as clearlie before him and his Line that descendeth onlie from Edvvard the fourth his brother as the Q. title that novv raigneth is before him For that both Scotland Suffolk and her Ma. do hold al by one foundation vvhich is the vnion of both houses and titles together in K. Henry the seuenth her Ma. Graundfather GENTL That is true quoth the Gentleman and euident enough in euery mans eye and therfore no doubt but that as much is meant against her Maiestie yf occasion serue as against the rest that holde by the same title Albeit her Maiesties state the Lorde be praysed be such at this tyme as it is not safitie to pretend so much against her as against the reste vvhat soeuer be meant And that in trueth more should be meante gainst her highnes then against all the rest ther is this reason for that her Maiestie by her present possession letteth more their desires then al the rest together vvyth ther future pretences But as I haue said it is not The pollicie of the Conspirators for the deceyuing of her Maiesty safitie for them nor yet good policie to declare openlie vvhat they meane against her maiestie It is the best vvay for the present to hevve dovvn the rest and to leaue her Maiestie for the laste blovve and vpshoote to their game For vvhich cause they vvill seeme to make great difference at this daye betvvene her Maiesties title and the rest that descende in likevvise from king Henrie the seuenth auovving the one and disalovving the other Albeit my Lord of Leycesters father preferred that of Suffolk vvhen tyme vvas before this of her Ma. and compelled the vvhole Realm to svveare therunto Such is the variable pollicy of men that serue the tyme or rather that serue them selues of al tymes for their purposes SCHOL I remember quoth I that tyme of the Duke vvas present my self at some of his proclamatiōs for that purpose VVherin my L. his sonne that novv liueth being thē a doer as I can tel he vvas I meruaile hovv he can deale so contrarie novv Leycester variabilitie preferring not onlie her Ma. title before that of Suffolk vvherof I vvonder lesse because it is more gainful to him but also an other much furder of But you haue signified the cause in that the tymes are chaūged other bargaines are in hād of more importaunce for him VVherfore leauing this to be considered by others vvhō it cōcerneth I beseech you Sir for that I knovv your vvorship hath bene much conuersant amonge their friendes and fauourers to tel me vvhat are the barres and lettes vvhich they do aleadge vvhy the house of Scotlād and Suffolk descending of K. Henrie the seuēth his daughters should not succed in the Crovvn of England after her Ma. vvho endeth the Line of the same K. by his sonne for in my sight the matter appeareth verie plaine GENTL They vvant not pretences of barres and lettes against them al quoth the Gentleman vvhich I vvil lay dovvn in order as I haue heard thē aleaged Barres pretēded gainst the claime of Scotland Suffolk First in the Line of Scotland theire are thre persōs as you knovv that may pretende right that is the Quene and her sonne by the first mariage of Margaret and Arbella by the second And against the first mariage I heare nothing affirmed but against the tvvoe personnes proceeding therof I heare them aleage three stops one for that they are straūgers Against the Queene of Scotland her sonne borne out of the land and consequentlie incapable of inheritaunce vvythin the same an other for that by a special testament of K. Hērie the eight authorized by tvvoe seueral Parliamentes they are excluded the third for that they are enimies to the religion novv receiued amonge vs therfore to be debarred Against the seconde mariage of Margaret Against Arbella vvyth Archibalde Douglas vvherof Arbella is descended they aleage that the said Archibalde had a former vvyfe at the tyme of that mariage vvhich liued lōg after and so neither that marage lavvful nor the issue therof legitimate The same barre they haue against al the house and Line of Suffolk for first they say that Charles Brandon Duke of Suffolk had a knovven vvyfe a liue vvhen he married Marie Queene of Fraunce cōsequentlie that neither the Ladie Fraunces nor Elenore borne of that mariage can be lavvfulie borne And thes is al I can heare them say against the succession Against Darbye of the Coūtesse of Darby descended of Elenore But against my Lord of Hartfords children that come from Fraūces the eldest daughter I heare them aleage tvvo or three bastardies more besides Against the children of Har●ford this of the first mariage
it is a general and common The rule of thirds rule of lavv that the vvyfe after the decease of her husband shal enioy the thyrd of his landes but yet the Queene shal not enioye the third parte of the Crovvn after the kings death as vvel appeareth by experience and is to be seene by lavv Anno. 5. 21. of Edvvard the third and Tennant by courtisie Anno. 9. 28. of Henrie the sixte Also it is a common rule that the husband shal hold his vvyues lands after her death as tennaunt by courtisie duringe his life but yet it holdeth not in a kingdom In like maner it is a general and common rule Diuision among daughters that if a man die seased of lād in fee simple hauing daughters and no sonne his landes shal be deuided by equal portions among his daughters vvhich holdeth not in the Crovvn but rather the eldest daughter inheriteth the vvhole as if she vvere the issue male So also it is a common rule of our lavv Executours that the executour shal haue al the goodes and chattels of the testatour but yet not in the Crovvn And so in manie other cases vvhich might be recited it is euident that the Crovvn hath priuiledge aboue others and can be subiect to no rule be it neuer so general except expresse mention be made therof in the same lavv as it is not in the former place and a statute alleaged but rather to the contrarie as after shal be shevved ther is expresse exception for the prerogatiue of such as descend of Royal blood Their second reason is for that the demaund or The secōd reason title of a Crovvn cannot in true sense be comprehended vnder the vvordes of the former statute forbidding Aliens to demaund heritage vvithin The Crovvn no such inheritaunce as is meant in the statute the alegiaunce of England and that for tvvoe respectes The one for that the Crovvn it self cannot be called an heritage of alegiaunce or vvithin alegiaunce for that it is holden of no superior vpon earth but immediatelie from God him self the seconde for that this statute treateth onlie and meaneth of inheritaunce by discēt as heire to the same for I haue shevved before that Aliens may holde lādes by pourchase vvithin our dominion then say they the Crovvn is a thing incorporat descēdeth not according to the cōmon course of other priuate inheritaunces but goeth by succession as other incorporations do In signe vvherof it is euident The Crovvn a corporation that albeit the king be more fauoured in al his doinges then anie common person shal be yet cannot he auoide by lavv his grauntes and letters patentes by reason of his nonage as other infantes common heires vnder age may do but alvvayes be said to be of ful age in respecte of his Crovvn euen as a Prior Person Vicare Deane or other person incorporat shal be vvhiche cannot by anie meanes in lavv be said to be vvithin age in respect of their incorporations VVhich thing maketh an euident difference in our case frō the meaning of the former statute for that a Prior Deane or Person being aliens and no denizens might alvvayes in tyme of peace demaund landes in England in respect of their corporations notvvythstanding the sayd statute or common lavv against aliens as apeateth by manie boke cases yet extant as also by the statute made in the tyme of K. Richard the secōd vvhich vvas after the foresaid statute of king Edvvard the third The third reason is for that in the former statute The third reason it selfe of K. Edvvard ther are excepted expreslie frō this general rule INFANTES DV ROY that is the The Kīgs issue excepted by name kings ofspring or issue as the vvord INFANT doth signifie bothe in Fraunce Portugale Spaine and other countries as the latin vvord liberi vvhich ansvvereth the same is taken commonlie in the L. liberorum F. de verb sign Ciuil lavv Neither may vve restreine the french vvordes of that statute INFANTES DV ROY to the kings childrē onlie of the first degre as some do for that the barraynnes of our lāguage doth yeld vs no other vvorde for the same but rather that therby are vnderstood as vvel the nephevves and other discendantes of the king or blood Royal as his immediate children For it vvere both vnreasonable and ridiculous to imagine that K. Edvvar● by this statute vvould goe about to disinherit hi● ovvn nephevves yf he shoulde haue any borne ou● of his ovvn aleagiaunce as easilie he myght a● that tyme his sonnes being much abrode from England and the blacke Prince his eldest sonne hauing tvvoe children borne beyonde the seas and consequentlie it is apparent that this rule o● Maxima set dovvn against Aliens is no vvay to be stretched against the descendantes of the king or of the blood Royal. Their fourth reason is that the meaning of king The fovvrth reason The kīgs meaning Edvvard and his children liuing at such tyme as this statute vvas made could not be that anie of their linage or issue might be excluded in lavv from inheritaunce of their right to the Crovvn by their forreine byrth vvhersoeuer For othervvise it is not credible that they vvould so much haue dispersed their ovvn bloode in other countries as they did by giuing their daughters to straungers and other meanes As Leonel the The matches of England vvyth forreyners kinges third sonne vvas married in Millan and Iohn of Gaunte the fourth sonne gaue his tvvoe daughters Phylippe and Katherine to Portugal Castile and his neipce Ioan to the king of Scottes as Thomas of VVoodstock also the yongest brother married his tvvoe davvghters the one to the king of Spain and the other to the Duke of Brytane VVhich no doubt they being vvyse Princes and so neere of the bloode Royal vvould neuer haue done yf they had imagined that herebie their issue should haue lost al clayme and title to the Crovvn of England and therfore it is moste euident that no such barre vvas then extante or imagined Their fift reasō is that diuers persons borne out The fifte reason Exāples of forreiners admitted of al English dominion and aleagiaunce both before the conquest and sithence haue bene admitted to the succession of oure Crovvne as lavvful inheritours vvythoute anie exception againste them for theyr forreyne byrthe As before the conquest is euident in yong Edgar Etheling borne in Hungarie and thence called home to inherit the Crovvn by his great vncle king Edvvard the Confessor vvith ful consent of the vvhole Realm the Bishop of VVorcester being sent as Ambassador to Flores hist An. 1066. fetch him home vvith his father named Edvvard the ovvtlavve And since the conquest it appeareth plainlie in kinge Stephen and kinge Henrie the seconde bothe of them borne out of English dominions and of Parentes that at their birth vvere not of the English alleagiaunce and yet vvere they both
For first they affirme that Hērie Marques Dorset vvhen he married the Ladie Fraunces had to vvife the olde Earle of Arundels sister vvho liued both then and manie years after and had a prouision out of his liuing to her dying day vvherby that mariage could no vvay be good Secondlie that the Ladie Katherin daughter to the said Lady Fraunces by the Marques by vvhom the Earle of Hartford had his children vvas lavvfulie maried to the Earle of Penbrook that novv liueth and consequentlie could haue no lavvful issue by anie other during his life Thirdlie that the said Katherin vvas neuer lavvfulie maried to the said Earle of Hartford but bare him thos childrē as his Concubine VVhich as they say is defined and regestred in the Archbisshop or Cāturburies Court vpon due examination taken by order of her Ma. that novv reigneth and this is in effect so much as I haue heard them aleage about thes affaires SCHOL It is much quoth I that you haue said if it may be al proued Marie yet by the vvay I cannot but smile to heare my Lord of Leycester alovve of so manie bastardies novv vppon the issue of Ladie Fraunces vvhom in tyme paste vvhen lane her Leicester dealing vvith the house of Suffolk eldest daughter vvas married to his brother he aduaunced in legitimation before both the daughters of K. Henrie the eight But to the purpose I vvould gladie knovv vvhat groundes of veritie thes alegations haue and hovv far in trueth they may stoppe from inheritance for indeed I neuer heard them so distinctlie aleaged before GENTL VVherto ansvvered the Gentleman that our friend the Lavvier could best resolue that if it pleased him to speak vvythout his fee though in some points aleaged euerie other man quoth he that knovveth the state and common gouernment of England may easily giue his iudgement also As in the case of Bastardie if the matter may be proued Bastardy ther is no difficultie but that no right to inheritaunce can iustlie be pretended as also perhaps Forreyne byrth in the case of forreine birth though in this I am not so cunning but yet I see by experience that forreiners borne in other landes can hardlie come and claime inheritaunce in England albeit to the contrarie I haue heard great and long disputes but such as indeed passed my capacitie And if it might please our friēd here present to expound the thing vnto vs more clearly I for my parte vvould gladlie bestovv the hearing and that vvith attention LAVV. To this ansvvered the Lavvyer I vvil gladie Sir tel you my mind in anie thīg that it shal please you demaund much more in this matter vvherin by occasiō of oftē cōference I am somevvhat perfect The impedimētes vvhich thes men aleage against the succession of K. Henrie the 8. his sisters are of tvvo kindes as you see The one knovven and alovved in our lavv as you haue vvel said if it may be proued and that is bastardie vvherby they seck Bastardies lauful stops to disable al the vvhole Line and race of Suffolk as also Arbella of the second and later house of Scotlād VVherof it is to smal purpose to speak any thing here seing the vvhole controuersie stādeth vpon a matter of fact onlie to be proued or improued by recordes and vvitnesses Onlie this I vvil say that some of thes bastardies before named are rife in manie mens mouthes auovved by diuers that yet liue but let other men loke to this vvho haue moste interest therin and may be moste damnified by them if they fal out true The impedimentes agaīst Scotland three in number The other impedimentes vvhich are aleaged onlie against the Q of Scottes and her sonne are in number three as you recite them that is forreine birth K Henries Testamēt and religion vvherof I am contente to say somevvhat seing you desire it albeit ther be so much published alredy in bokes of diuers languages beyond the sea as I am enformed concerning this matter as more cannot be said But yet so much as I haue heard passe among Lavvyers my betters in conference of thes affaires I vvil not let to recite vnto you vvith this Prouiso A protestation and protestation alvvayes that vvhat I speake I speak by vvay of recital of other mens opinions not meaning my self to incurre the statute of affirming or auovving any persons title to the Crovvn vvhatsoeuer First then touching forreine birth ther be some Touchīg the first impediment of f 〈…〉 yue by 〈…〉 men in the vvorld that vvil say that it is a common and general rule of our lavv that no straunger at al may inherit anie thing by anie meanes vvithin the lād vvhich in trueth I take to be spoken vvithout ground in that general sense For I could neuer yet come to the sight of anie such common or vniuersal rule and I knovv that diuers examples may be alleaged in sundrie cases to the contrarie and by that vvhich is expreslie set dovvne in the seuenth and ninthe yeares of K. Edvvard the fouerth and in the eleuenth and fouertienth of Henrie the fourth it appeareth plainlie that a An Alien may purchasse straunger may purchase landes in England as also inherite by his vvife if he marrie an inheritrix VVherfore this common rule is to be restreined from that generalitie vnto proper inheritaunce onlie in vvhiche sense I doe easilie graunte The true Maxima against Aliens that our common lavv hathe bene of auncient and is at this day that no person borne out of the aleagiaunce of the kinge of England vvhos father and mother vvere not of the same aleagiaunce at the tyme of his birthe shal be able to haue or demaunde anie heretage vvithin the The statute of K. Edvvard vvhence the Maxima is gathered same aleagiaunce as heire to anie person And this rule of our common lavve is gathered in thes selfe same vvordes of a statute made in the 25. yeare of K. Edvvarde the thirde vvhiche in deede is the only place of effecte that can be aleaged out of our lavve against the inheritaunce of straungers in suche sense and cases as vve novv treate of Reasons vvhy the Scottish title is not leted by the Maxima Against Aliens And albeit novv the cōmon lavv of our countrie do runne thus in general yet vvil the friends of the Scottishe clayme affirme that hereby that title is nothing let or hindered at al tovvards the Crovvn and that for diuers manifest and vveighty reasons vvherof the principal are thes vvhich ensue First it is common and a general rule of our The first reason English lavves that no rule Axiome or Maxima of lavv be it neuer so general can touche or binde the Crovvn except expresse mētion be made therof in the same for that the king and Crovvn haue great preuiledge and prerogatiue aboue the state and affayres of subiectes and great differences alovved in pointes of lavv As for example
this Testament but rather some friend of the house of Suffolk in vvhos fauour I take it that it vvas first of al forged GENTL It may be quoth the Gentleman nor vvil I stand obstinatlie in the cōtrarie for that it is hard sometyme to iudge of vvhat faction eche one is vvho discourseth of thes affaires But yet I maruail yf it vvere as you say vvhie Leycesters father after king Edvvardes death made no mention therof in the fauour of Suffolk in the other Testament vvhych then he proclaymed as made by K. Edvvard deceased for prefermēt of Suffolk before his ovvne sisters LAVV. The cause of this is euident quoth the Lavvyer The Duk of Northumbe●landes drift for that it made not sufficientlie for his purpose vvhich vvas to disinherit the tvvo daughters of K. Henrie him selfe aduaunce the house of Suffolk before them both GENTL A notable chaunge quoth the Gentleman that a title so much exalted of late by the father aboue al order right rank and degre should novv be so much debased by the sonne as though it vvere not vvorthie to hold anie degre but rather to be trodē vnder foote for plaine bastardie And you see by this hovv true it is vvhich I tolde you before The mutable dealig of the house of Dudley that the race of Dudleys are moste cunning Marchantes to make their gaine of al thinges men tymes And as vve haue seene novv tvvo testamētes aleaged the one of the king father the other of the king sonne both of them in preiudice of the testators true successours so manie good subiectes begin greatlie to feare that vve may chaunce to see shortlie a third testament of her Ma. for the intituling of Huntington and extirpation of K. Henries blood that before her Ma. can think of sicknes vvherin I beseech the Lord I be no Prophet But novv Sir to the forsaid vvil testamēt of K. Hēry I haue often heard in trueth that the thing vvas counterfeit or at the leaste not able to be proued and that it vvas discouered reiected and defaced in Q. Maries tyme but I vvould gladlie vnderstand vvhat you Lavvyers esteme or iudge therof LAVV. Touching this matter quoth the Lavvyer it cannot be denied but that in the tvventy and eight and thirtie and sixt yeares of king Henries reigne vpon consideration of some doubt irresolution The authoritie and occasion of K. Henries testamē● vvhych the king him selfe had shevved to haue about the order of succession in his ovvn children as also for taking avvay al occasions of controuersies in thos of the next blood the vvhole parliament gaue authoritie vnto the said king to debate determine thos matters him self together vvyth his learned councell vvho best knevv the lavves of the Realm and titles that anie man might haue therby and that vvhat soeuer succession his Ma. should declare as moste right and lavvful vnder his letters patentes sealed or by his last vvil and testament rightfullie made and signed vvyth his ovvn hand that the same should be receyued for good and lavvful Vppon pretence vvherof soone after K. Henries death ther vvas shevved a vvil vvyth the kings stamp at the same the names of diuers vvytnesses vvherin as hath bene bene said the succession of the Crovvn after the kings ovvn children is assigned to the heires of Fraunces and of Elenore neipces to the king by his yonger sister VVhich assignatiō of the Crovvn being as it vvere a mere guifte in preiudice of the elder sisters right as also of the right of Fraunces and Elenore them selues vvho vvere omitted in the same assignation their heires intituled onlie vvas esteemed to be against al reason lavv and nature consequentlie not thought to proceed from so vvise and sage a The kīgs Testamēt forged Prince as K. Henrie vvas knovvē to be but rather ether the vvhole forged or at Leastvvyse that clause inserted by other and the kinges stampe set vnto it after his death or vvhen his Ma. lay novv past vnderstanding And hereof there vvanteth not diuers moste euident reasons and proofes For first it is not probable or credible that K. The first reason Henrie vvould euer go about against lavv and reason to disinherit the line of his eldest sister vvythout Iniustice improbabilitie anie profit or interest to him self and therby giue moste euident occasion of Ciuil vvarre and discorde vvyrhin the Realm seing that in such a case of manifest and apparent vvrong in so great a matter the authoritie of parliament taketh litle effect against the true lavvful inheritour as vvel apeared in the former tymes contētions of Henrie the sixt Edvvard the fourth and Richard the third in vvhose reignes the diuers and contrarie parliamentes made and holden against the next inheritour held no longer vvyth anie man then vntil the other vvas able to make his ovvn partie good So Likevvise in the case of king Edvvard the The example of Fraunce third his succession to Fraunce in the right of his mother though he vvere excluded by the general assemblie and consent of their parliamentes yet he esteemed not his right extinguished therby as neither did other kinges of our countrie that ensued after him And for our present case yf nothing els shoulde haue restreyned king Henrie from such open iniustice tovvardes his eldest sister yet this cogitation atleast vvould haue stayed him that by geuing example of supplanting his elder Sisters Line by vertue of a testament or pretence of parliament some other might take occasion to displace his children by like pretence as vve see that Duke Dudley did soone after by a forged testament of K. Edvvard the sixt So redie Scholars ther are to be found vvhich easilie vvil learne such The secōd reason Incōgruities indignities Lessons of iniquitie Secondlye ther be to manye incongruyties and indignities in the sayd pretended VVyll to proceed from suche a Prince and learned Councell as king Hēries vvas For first vvhat can be more ridiculous then to giue the Crovvn vnto the heires of Fraunces and Elenore and not to anie of them selues or vvhat had they offended that their heires should enioye the Crovvn in their right and not they them selues VVhat yf king Henries children should haue died vvhiles Ladie Fraunces had bene yet a liue vvho should haue possessed the kingdō before her seing her Line vvas next and yet by this testament she could not pretēd her self to obteine Adrian Stokes it But rather hauing married Adrain Stokes her horskeper she must haue suffred her sonne by him yf she had anie to enioy the Crovvn and so Adriā of a seruing-man and master of horses should haue become the Great Master Protector of Englād Of like absurditie is that other clause also vvherin the king bindeth his ovvn daughters to marrie by cōsent directiō of his counsell or othervvise to leese the benefit of their succession but yet bindeth not his neipces