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B09176 The faithful analist:, or, The epitome of the English history: giving a true accompt of the affairs of this nation, from the building of the tower in London, in the days of William the Conquerour, to the throwing down the gates of the said city, by the command of the Parliament, which state before the secluded members were admitted, in the yeer 1660. In which all things remarkable both by sea and land from the yeer 1069. To this present yeer of 1660 are truly and exactly represented. G. W. 1660 (1660) Wing G69; ESTC R177297 114,611 376

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and quartered as being actors with the Earl of Essex March the fifteenth a new Scaffold was carried from Leaden Hall in the night to the Tower hill and there set up by torch light The eighteenth of March Sir Charles Danvers and Sir Christopher Blunt Knights were upon the new scaffold beheaded Two men were set on the Pillory in Fleetstreet whipped with gaggs in their mouths and their ears cut off for attempting to have robbed a Gentlewoman in Fetter lane in the day time putting gaggs into the mouths of the servants of the house because they should not cry out one of these thieves was afterward hanged and quartered at Saint Thomas Watrings August the twenty sixth Desmond and an other Knight brought out of Ireland were sent to the Tower of London In November the Lady Mary Ramsey widow to Sir Thomas Ramsey sometime Mayor of London was buried in the Parish Church or Hospital of Christ-church by Newgate-market a charitable dole or armes was given for her on the same day in the afternoon at the Leaden Hall seventeen poor people being weak and aged were there among the sturdy beggars crushed and troden to death Lightning and Thunder often before Christmas and in the holydayes and an Earthquake at London on Christmas Eve at noon In the month of Ianuary news came out of Ireland that on Christmas day that the Spaniards and Irish were overcome and slain in great numbers and the English were victors The eighteenth of Ianuary at night Bonfiers were made with ringing of Bells for joy of the news out of Ireland the victory of our men against Tyrone Windsor Boate was cast away against Black Friers stairs by a tempest April the nineteenth Peter Bullock Stationer and one named Ducket for printing of books offensive against the Queen and State were hanged at Tyburn April the twentieth Stichborne William Kenson and Iames Page Seminary Priests were drawn to Tyburn and there hanged and quartered The last of Iune Atkenson a customer of Hull was set on the Pillory in Cheap and with him three other who had been brought thither on horseback with their faces towards the horse tail and papers on their heads they were there whipped on the Pillory and lost their ears by judgement of the Star-Chamber for slanderous words by them spoken against the Counsel The same day in the afternoon fell great lightning and thunder with hail-stones in many places of nine inches compass which in Sandwich in Kent lay a foot deep on the ground broke the glass windows of their Churches and many tiles off their houses some barnes were fired with lightning February the seventeenth William Anderson alias Richardson a Seminary Priest was drawn to Tyburn and there hanged and quartered for being found in England contrary to the Statute In the month of March the Q lying at Richmond dangeros sick strait watches were set in London with warding of the Gates Lanthornes with lights all the night hanged out of Windowes at which newes the people were sore perplexed Thursday the twenty fourth of March about two of the Clock in the morning deceased Queen Elizabeth at her Mannor of Richmond in Surrey being aged seventy yeers and had Reigned four and forty yeers five moneths and odd dayes whose Corps was privily convaied to White Hall and there remained till the twenty eight of Aprill and then buried at Westminster The same day aforesaid the Nobility and Councell of State with as great peace prudence and providence as the heart of man could imagine assembled themselves together and far beyond the general imagination of all men being a matter of remarkable conscernment took speedy order aswell for the instant manifesting the Queens death as in publishing to the whole Realme for their lasting comfort the true and lawfull Successour and about eleven of the clock the same Thursday in the forenoone which according to the computation of the Church of England is the last day of the yeer 1602. being accompanyed with the Lord Major Aldermen and Sheriffes of London and many other of most Reverend and Honourable quality at the Cross in Cheape Proclaimed Iames the Sixth of that name King Scotland to be the right King of England Scotland France and Ireland Defender of the faith being lineally descended from Margaret the eldest daughter to King Henry the Seventh by Elizabeth his wife which was the eldest daughter of King Edward the fourth the said Margaret was married to King Iames the fourth of that name King of Scotland in the yeer of our Redemption 1503. who had Issue Iames the fifth Who was father to Mary Queen of Scotland and the said Mary was mother to Iames the Sixth Monarch of the Island of great Brittany and King of France and Ireland This forenamed Proclamation was most distinctly and audibly read by Sir Robert Cecill Principall Secretary unto Queen Elizabeth also the Lords and Privie Counsellors of Estate with great diligence send speedily Condinge Messengers to his Majesty into Scotland who manifested their whole proceeding with tender of their zealous love and duty and the peoples universall joy and great desire to see their King which his Majesty most graciously accepted approved all their proceedings and returned them all Princely thanks Authorizing the Lords and others late Privie Counsellours of Estate to the Queene to persist as they had begun until He came personally unto them This Change was very Plausable and well pleasing unto the Nobility and Gentry and generally to all the Commons of the Realm among whom the name of a king was to strange that few could Remember or had seen a King before except they were aged persons considering that the Government of the Realme had continued neer the space of fifty yeeres under the Reigne of two Queens which is the far greater part of an old mans age but tidings hereof being brought to the king in Scotland he called a Co●nsell to him and taking order for setling all things in his Realme of Scotland began his voyage towards England King Iames. An. Reg. 1 PResently upon the death of Queene Elizabeth of Famous memory the Nobility of this land and P●ivie Councellors of estate unto the said Queen accknowledged Iames the sixth then King of Scotland for their lawfull king and within six houres after her death the said Lords and Counsellors gave full satisfaction unto the people by three proclamations the first at the Court Gate the second at the Cross in Cheapside and the third at the Tower by the name of Iames the First King of England Scotland France and Ireland Defender of the Faith the King being then full thirty six yeers of age and Crouned King of Scots in his infancie began his Raign over the Isle of Great Brittany the 24. of March 1602. The Nobility and State aforesaid with ●ll speed sent Charles Piercy and Master Thomas Sommerset with Letters unto the King signifiying the death of the Queene and the tender of their duties love and alegian●e but Sir Robert Carie rid
by the labour of vvell-disposed people the same vvas squenched An. Dom. 1448 Adam Molins Bishop of Chichester Keeper of the Kings Privy Seal vvas by Sea-men slain at Portsmouth Bluebeard a Fuller taken beside Canterbury for raising a Rebellion vvas hanged and quartered An. Dom. 1449 The Duke of Suffolk vvas banished the Land vvho sailing tovvards France vvas met on the Sea by a Man of War and vvas beheaded his corps vvas cast up at Dover The Commons of Kent did rise in great numbers one Iack Cade being their Captain these Rebels did great mischief putting to death vvhom they pleased until at last the King offering them a pardon if they vvould submir they condescended to it Iack Cade their Captain fled and vvas slain in the Wilde of Sussex after this the King went down into Kent and finding who were the chief of this rebellion caused them to be hang'd drawn and quartered the 29. of Iune VVilliam Bishop of Salisbury was murdered by his own Tenants An. Reg. 35 An. Dom. 1456 A great riot was committed in London against the Italians and Lumbards An. Dom. 1457 At Erith were taken four great fishes whereof two were Whales Frenchmen landing at Sandwitch wasted the town and slew the inhabitants An. Reg. 36 Sir Thomas Piercie Lord Egremount and Sir Richard Piercie his brother being prisoners in Newgate brake out by night and went to the King other prisoners took the leads of the gate and defended themselves a long while against the Sheriffs and all other Officers An. Dom. 1458 A fray in Fleetstreet between men of the Court and the inhabitants of the same street in which fray the Queens Atturney was slain for this fact the King committed the Governors of Furnival Clifford and Barnards Inn to prison and William Taylor Alderman of the Ward with many others were sent to Windsor Castle An. Dom. 1459 The science of Printing was found in Germany at Magunce VVilliam Caxton of London Mercer brought it into England in the year 1471. and first practised it at the Abbie of St. Peters at VVestminster An. Reg. 38 The land being miserably divided the King fighting many battels in midst of several dissentions was at last worsted and Edward Earle of March got his kingdome from him An. Reg. 29 Edward Earl of March came to London with a mighty power of March men and accompanied with the Earl of VVarwick the 26 of February where he was joyfully received Edward being elected was proclaimed by the name of Edward the fourth on the fourth of March and King Henry lost his kingdome when he had reigned thritty eight years six months and odd dayes Edward the fourth An. Reg. 1 EDward Earl of March began his reign the fourth of March by the name of Edward the fourth in the year 1460. The twelfth of March VValter VValker Grocer living in Cheapside for speaking some words against King Edward was beheaded The thirteenth of March Edward took his journey towards the North where between Shierburn and Tad-Caster all the North part met him and on Palm Sunday the twenty ninth of March fought a great battel in which were slain Henry Piercy Earl of Northumberland Iohn Lord Clifford Iohn Lord Newel Leo Lord VVells and many of rank and quality on both sides to the number of 357 and eleaven persons but King Edward got the field the Duke of Exeter the Duke of Sommerset the Lord of Ross the Lord Hungerford fled to York to King Henry and then with the King and Queen and Prince fled to Barwick and so to Edenborough An. Reg. 3 Queen Margaret landed in the N●rth where having but small succour was fain to take the Sea again and by a tempest of weather was driven to Barwick where she landed but lost her ships and goods Many battels were fought between the two Kings Henry and Edward and much blood was shed on both sides striving for supremacie one while the Commons with some of the Lords would have Henry restored again to his former dignity and another while Edward should rule at length Henry being overpowred was arrested and sent to the Tower where within a while after he was murdered and buried at Chertsey since removed to Windsor An. Reg. 4 A great pestilence and the Thames frozen over An. Reg. 11 Thomas the Bastard of Fauconbridge with a riotous company of shipmen and others of Essex and Kent came to London where being denied passage through the City he fired the gates w●n the Bulworks at Algate and entred the City but the Citizens killed them that entred causing the rest to flie pursued them as far as Black wall slaying many An. Reg. 12 King Edward rode into Kent where he caused inquiry to be made of the foresaid riotous persons hanged the rich by the purse and the other by the necks the Major of the town with others were beheaded there Thomas the Bastard of Falkonbridge was taken at Southampton and beheaded An. Reg. 14 The Duke of Exceter was found dead in the Sea between Dover and Callice Iohn Goose was burnt on the Tower hill An. Reg. 17 An. Dom. 1478 King Edward in his progress hunted in Thomas Burdits Park at a Buck and slew many Deer among the which one was a white Buck Thomas Burdit when he understood thereof wished the Bucks head in his bellie that moved the king to do it Burditt was apprehended of treason condemned drawn from the Tower of London to Tiburne and there beheaded An. Reg. 18 An. Dom. 1479 George Duke of Clarence Edwards broth●● in the Tower of London was drowned in a Butt of Malmsey An. Reg. 19 A great dearth and a great sickness in London and divers other parts o● the Realme An. Reg. 21 Thieves for robbing St. Martins le grand in London three were drawn to the Tower hill and there hanged and burnt the other were pressed to death An. Reg. 23 King Edward making great provi●●on for war into France ended his life at Westminster the ninth of April in the year 1483. when he had reigned twenty two years one moneth and odd daies he was buried at Windsor he left issue Edward the Prince and Richard Duke of York and five daughters Elizabeth that after was Queen Cicely Ann Katherine and Bridget Edward the fifth An. Reg. 1 EDward the fifth about the age of thi●teen years began his reign the ninth of April in the year 1483 which Prince reigned a small space either in pleasure o● liberty for his unnatural unkle Richard Duke of Glocester within three months deprived him of his life and Crown as it was generally reported this Edward reigned two months and ten daies Richard Duke of Glocester An. Reg. 1 RIchard the third brother to Edward the fourth was proclaimed king the 22 of Iune in the year 1483. he put to death Anthony Woodvile Earle Rivers Lord Richard Gray the Q●eens brother Sir Thomas Vaughan and Sir Richard Hawes at Pomfret and William Lord Hastings in the tower of London all in one day He was
Suffolk The second of May Ione Butcher was burned in Smithfield for heresie she held that Christ took no flesh of the Virgin Mary Richar● Lion Godard Gorran and Richard Ireland were executed the fourteenth of May for attempting a new rebellion in Kent In the moneth of May a miller at Battle-bridge was set in the pillory in cheap-side and had both his ears cut off for speaking some words against the Duke of Sommerset On Saint Valentines day at Feversham in Kent one Arden a gentleman was murdered by consent of his wife for the which fact she was on the fourteenth of March burnt at Canterbury Michael Master Ardens man was hanged in chains at Feversham and a maiden burnt Mosby and his Sister were hanged in Smithfield at London Green which had fled came again certain years after and was hanged in chains in the high-way over against Feversham and Black-VVill the Ruffin that was hired to do the act was burnt in Zealand at Flushing The twenty fourth of April a Dutch-man was burnt in Smithfield for an Arrian The twenty fifth of May an earthquake about Croydon and those parts did put the people in great fear An. Dom. 1552 The twenty sixth o● February Sir Richard Vine and Sir Martin Patridge were hanged on tower-hill Sir Martin Stanhope with Sir Thomas Arundel were beheaded there the last of April a house near to the tower of London with three barrels of powder was blown up the Gunpowder-makers being fifteen in number were all slain The third of August at Middleton eleven miles from Oxford a woman brought forth a child which had two perfect bodies from the navel upwards and were so joyned together at the navel that when they were laid out at length the one head and body was West and the other East the legs of both the bodies were joyned together in the midst they lived eighteen daies and they were women children The eighth of August were taken at Queenborough three great fishes called Dolphins and the week following at Black-wall was six more taken and brought to London The seventh of October were three great fishes called Whirl-pools taken at Gravesend The eighth of October was three more great fishes called Whirlpools taken at Gravesend and drawn up to the Kings Bridge at VVestminster King Edward being at the age of sixteen years ended his life at Greenwich on the sixth of Iuly when he had reigned six years five moneths and odd daies and was buried at VVestminster The tenth of Iuly was pro●lamation made of the death of King Edward and how he had ordained that the Lady Iane Daughter to Frances Dutchess of Suffolk which Lady Iane was married to the Lord Gilford Dudley fourth son to the Duke of Northumberland should be Heir to the Crown of England The eleventh of Iuly Gilbert Pott drawe● to Ninion Sanders Vintner dw●lling ●● the sign of S●int Iohn-Bapt●st-head within Ludgate was set on the pillory in Cheap wi●h bo●h his ears nailed to the Pillory and cut off for words speaking at the time of Proclamation of the Lady Iane. Lady Mary eldest daughter to King Henry the eight fled to Frammington Castle in Suffolk where the people of the countrey almost wholly resorted unto her In Oxford Sir Iohn Williams in Buckinghamshire Sir Edmond Peckham and in divers other places many men of worship offering themselves as guides to the common people gathered great powers and with all speed made towards Suffolk where the Lady Mary was Also the thirteenth of Iuly by the appointment of the Councel the Duke of Northumberland the Earl of Huntington the Lord Grey of Wilton and divers others with a great number of men of Armes set forward to fetch the Lady Mary by force and were on their way as far as Burie The ninteenth of Iuly the Counsel assembled themselves at Baynards Castle where they communed with the Earl of Pembrook and immediately with the Lord Mayor of London certain Aldermen of London and the Sheriffs Garter King of Arms and a Trumpet went into Cheap where they proclaimed Lady Mary daughter to King Henry the eight Queen of England France and Ireland The twentieth of Iuly Iohn Earl of Northumberland being at Saint Edmonsbury and having sure knowledge that the Lady Mary was at London proclaimed Queen of England returned back again to Cambridge and about five of the clock in the Evening he came to the market-place and caused the Lady Mary to be likewise proclaimed Queen of England but shortly after he was arrested and brought to the Tower of London the twenty fifth of Iuly under the conduct of Henry Earl of Arundel thus was the matter ended without any bloodshed which men feared would have brought the death of thousands Queen Mary An. Reg. 1 MAry the eldest daughter to King Henry the eight began her reign the sixth of Iuly in the year 1553. She came to London and was received with great joy and entred the Tower the third of August where Thomas Duke of Norfolk Doctor Gardner late Bishop of Winchester and Edward Courtney son and heir to Henry Marquess of Exeter prisoners in the Tower discharged the fifth of August Edmond Bonner late Bishop of London prisoner in the Marshal Seas and Cutbert Tunstal Bishop of Durham prisoners in the Kings Bench were restored to their Seas shortly after all the Bishops which had been deprived in the time of King Edward the sixth were restored to their Bishopricks again also all beneficed men that were married or would not forsake their opinions were put out of their livings and others set in the same The eleventh of August certain gentlemen minding to pass through London Bridge in a Wherrie were there overturned and six of them drowned The thirteenth of August master Bourn a Canon of Pauls preached at Pauls Cross so offended some of his audience that they breaking silence cryed out pull him down and one threw a dagger at him whereupon master Bradford and Master Rogers two preachers in King Edwards dayes with much labour conveyed the said master Bourn out of the audience into Pauls School The twenty second of August Iohn Duke of Northumberland Sir Iohu Gaites and Sir Thomas Palmer Knights were beheaded on tower hill The Queen was crowned at VVestminster the first of October by Doctor Gardiner Bishop of Winchester The twenty f●f●h of October the Ba●ge of Gravesend was overturned and forty persons drowned In the beginning of the moneth of Ianuary the Emperour sent a nobleman called Egmont and certain other Embassadours into England to conclude a marriage between King Phillip his son and Queen Mary The twenty fifth of Ianuary Sir George Gage Chamberlain certified the Lord Major of London that Sir Thomas VViat with cettain other Rebels were up in Kent whereupon great watch was kept and that night the Lord Major himself rode about the City to look to the same and every night after two Aldermen did the like in the day time the gates of the City were guarded by substantial Citizens The