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ID Title Author Corrected Date of Publication (TCP Date of Publication) STC Words Pages
A19211 The historie of the vniting of the kingdom of Portugall to the crowne of Castill containing the last warres of the Portugals against the Moores of Africke, the end of the house of Portugall, and change of that gouernment. The description of Portugall, their principall townes, castles, places ... Of the East Indies, the isles of Terceres, and other dependences ...; Dell'unione del regno di Portogallo alla corona di Castiglia. English Conestaggio, Gerolamo Franchi di.; Silva, Juan de, conde de Portalegre, 1528-1601, attributed name. 1600 (1600) STC 5624; ESTC S108618 292,010 348

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he may forbeare to specifie much more then I haue done of the humours of the head and principall members of that prouince whereof he writes But if all this sufficeth not to iustimine me I make God iudge of the sinceritie of mine hart and the indifferencie I haue strictly obserued THE GENEALOGIE OF THE Kings of Portugall from the beginning of that Kingdome vnto the ende of the house of Portugall with the pretendants to that Crowne HENRIE issued from Besançon first Earle of Portugall married with Therasie daughter to Alphonse the sixt King of Castile about the yeere of our Lord 1090. by whom he had Alphonse Henrie which was the first king Therasie Henrie and one other daughter married to Ferdinand Mendes 1. Alphonse Henrie first Duke and King of Portugall sonne to the saide Henrie he succeeded his father about the yeere 1112. he tooke vpon him the title of King about the yeere 1139. he raigned in all about 72. yeeres he married with Malfade Manrique de Lara by whom he had issue Sanches who was after King Vrraca Queene of Leon. Therasie Countesse of Flanders Malfade 2. Sanches the first sonne to the said Alphonse about the yeere 1184. he raigned 28. yeeres he married Aldoncia daughter to Count Raimond Berenger of Barcelone by whom he had Alphonse King Ferdinand Earle of Flaunders Peter Earle of Vrgel in Arragon Henrie Therasie wife to Alphonse of Leon. Malfade Queene of Castile Sanches a Nunne Blanche and Berenguela 3. Alphonse the second sonne to Sanches the yeere 1212. he raigned 11. yeeres and married Vrraca of Castile daughter to Alphonse the noble by whom he had Sanche King Alphonse King Ferdinand Leonor Queene of Denmarke 4. Sanche the second called Capello sonne to Alphonse the second the yeere 1223. he raigned in troubles vnto the yeere 1257. he married Mencia Lopez by whom he had no children he died in Castile incapable to rule 5. Alphonse the third called the Braue brother to Sanche the second of a regent he made himselfe King about the yeere 1257. raigned 22. yeeres he married with Matilde Countesse of Boloigne in Picardie by whom he had Ferdinand or Peter Robert in her life time he married with Beatrice bastard daughter to Alphonse the 10. called the wise King of Castile by whom he had Denis King Alphonse Blanche a Nunne Constance 6. Denis sonne to Alphonse the third the yeere 1279. he raigned 48. yeeres and was married to Isabella daughter to Peter King of Arragon by whom he had Constance Queene of Castile Alphonse who was after King Peter Earle of Portalegre 7. Alphonse the fourth sonne to Denis in the yeere 1325. he raigned 32. yeeres and married Beatrice of Castile by whom he had Peter that was King Marie Alphonse Denis Iean Eluira Queene of Aarragon 8. Peter called the cruell sonne to Alphonse the fourth the yeere 1357. hee raigned 10. yeeres and married Blanche daughter to Peter King of Castile whom he put away and after married with Constance daughter to Iean Emanuell by whom he had Lewis who died yoong Ferdinand King Marie wife to Ferdinand of Arragon Beatrice died yoong And of Agnes de Castro a supposed wife he had Alphonse Iean Denis Beatrice Countesse of Albuquerque And by Therasie Gallega his concubine he had Iean who was King 9. Ferdinand sonne to Peter the yeere 1367. he raigned about 17. yeeres and married Leonor Telles de Meneses by whom he had Beatrice Queene of Castile 10. Iean called of good memorie sonne to the said Peter the yeere 1383. he raigned about 49. yeeres and married with Philip daughter to Iean of Gaunt Duke of Lancaster by whom he had Blanche Alphonse Edward King Peter Duke of Coimbra who had by Isabell of Arragon his wife Peter that was Constable Iean King of Cypres Isabell Queene of Portugall Philip a Nunne Ieams a Cardinall Beatrice wife to the Lord of Rauestein Henrie Duke of Viseo Isabell Dutchesse of Burgundie Iean master of Saint Iaques Ferdinand master of the order called d' Auis or Saint Benet 11. Edouard sonne to Iean the yeere 1433. he raigned 5. yeeres he married Leonor of Arragon daughter to Ferdinand the 1. by whom he had Alphonse King Ferdinand Duke of Viseo who had by his wife Philip. Leonor wife to Frederike the 3. Emperour Catherine Iean Queene of Castile Beatrice wife to Iean Master of Saint Iaques Leonor Queene Dominique Emanuell King Isabell Dutchesse of Bragance 12. Alphonse the fift called the Affrican soone to Edward the yeere 1438. he raigned 43. yeeres hee married Isabell daughter to Peter Duke of Coimbra his vncle by whom he had Iean who liued but a while Ieanne Iean King 13. Iean the 2. son to Alphonse the 5. the yeere 1481. he raigned 14. yeeres and married Leonor daughter to Ferdinand Duke of Viseo by whom he had Alphonse who died before his father 14. Emanuell soone to Ferdinand Duke of Viseo borne in the yeere 1468. began to raigne in the yeere 1495. and raigned fiue yeeres he died at Lisbone the third of September 1521. he married Isabell the eldest daughter of Ferdinand and Isabell King and Queene of Castile by whom he had Michaell who died yoong and to his second wife he tooke Marie sister of the said Isabell by whom he had Iean who was after King Isabell wife to Charles the 5. Emperor of whom is issued Philip King of Spaine Beatrice wife to Charles the third Duke of Sauoy from whom issued Emanuell Phillibert father to Charles Emanuell now Duke of Sauoy Lewis father to Anthonie the Bastard Henrie Cardinall King Alphonse Cardinall Katherine Ferdinand Edward husband to Isabell daughter to Iean Duke of Bragance by whom he had Marie wife to Alexander Farnese Prince of Parma father to Rainuce now Duke of Parma and Katherine wife to Iean the second Duke of Bragance sonne to Theodose Anthonie who died soone after his birth And of Elenor daughter to Philip Archduke of Austria sister to Charles the fift he had Charles who died yoong Marie who died a maide of the age of 56. yeeres 15. Iean the third sonne to Emanuell and of Marie his wife borne the 7. of Iune 1502. he began to raigne the 15. of December 1521. and raigned 36. yeeres he died the 27. of Iune 1557. and married with Katherine sister to Charles the 5. Emperour the 5. of September 1525. by whom he had Alphonse Marie the first wife to Philip the second King of Spaine of whom issued Charles that is dead Katherine Beatrice Emanuell Philip. Iean Prince of Portugall who had by Ieanne daughter to Charles the fift Emperour Sebastien who was King Anthonie 16. Sebastien sonne to Prince Iean borne the 20. of Ianuarie 1554. he began to raigne the yeere 1557. and raigned 21. yeeres he died in the battell against the Moores the 7. of August 1578. being vnmarried 17. Henrie Cardinall and Primat of Portugall sonne to King Emanuell by Marie his wife borne the 16. of Ianuarie 1512. in the yeere 1578. he raigned
with much people on foote The Cardinall inuironed with a great multitude ascends the staires of the hospitall being entered the Church hauing heard Seruice and ended his praiers he seates himselfe in the chaire prepared on the scaffolde where presently Frauncis de Sada one of those that had bin gouernours put the Scepter in his hand and Michell de Mora Secretarie standing a little off said reading it with a loude voice that King Henrie by the death of King Sebastian did succeede in the Realme and therefore they had deliuered him the Scepter and that he was come to take the accustomed oath to maintaine and obserue vnto his people and to any other all liberties priuiledges and conuentions graunted by his predecessours which done the Secretarie kneeling before him with an open booke the King laide his hande thereon swearing so to do then did the Attabales sounde euery man crying Reale Reale for Henry King of Portugall this done he riseth with the same companie holding alwaies the Scepter in hande he returned to the pallace the Attabales sounding and the Herolds crying from time to time as before THE THIRDE BOOKE The Contents of the third Booke The descent of the Kings of Portugall The pretendants to the succession The resolutions of King Henrie And the peoples demaunds The voyage of the Duke of Ossuna into Portugall and other Embassadors from the Catholique King The imprisonment of the Duke of Alua The Catholique Kings letters to them of Lisbone The States of Portugall The grounds of the pretendants to the succession The sentence of Henry against Anthony Prior of Crato vpon his legitimation by vertue of the Popes Briefe The reasons of the Catholique King to the Realme against euerie one of the pretendants The preparatiues to warre of the Catholique King against the Realme of Portugall The suspension of the briefe The second sentence of Henry against Anthonie The alteration of King Henry his will concerning the succession And the Popes offers to the Catholique king MOst men from all the noted parts of the worlde had their mindes and iudgements turned vpon Portugall both for that hitherto the affaires of Sebastian were worthie attention as to see nowe Henry come to the Crowne who was olde and without successour which made all Princes doubte that the succession of this Realme might trouble the publike quiet for the Pretendants were diuers their actions differing all allied and all with groundes And although their forces were vnequall yet were they made equal by certaine respects But to the ende we may the better vnderstand the groundes of euery one of the pretendants I will make a little digression to report briefly the descent of these Kings And although from the first vnto Henry there raigned seauenteene yet doe I not thinke it necessarie to take their beginning but frō Emanuel forward who was the fourteenth who began his raigne in the yeere of our Lord 1495. for that of his onely progenie is issued the number of Princes that pretended to the Crowne This man had three wiues of the first which was Isabell daughter to Ferdinand King of Castill widow to Alphonse sonne to Iohn the second of Portugall he had no other children for she died in childbed but Michael who died in the cradle who had beene as they say the pillar and corner stone to vnite it and Spaine togither But by his death the Portugals lost the kingdomes of Castill and Arragon whereof Emanuel and Isabell his wife were sworne Princes the issue male of the bloud roiall being extinct in Castill His second wife which was Marie sister to Isabell third daughter of the saide Ferdinand brought him many children vz. sixe sonnes and two daughters Isabel was married to Charles the fifth Emperour Beatrice to Charles the thirde Duke of Sauoy Iohn did inherite the kingdome Lewes died without marrying leauing behinde him Anthony his bastard sonne he who as you shall heare anon was the cause of great miserie to his countrey by reason of his pretention to the Crowne Ferdinand deceased without heires so did Alphons who was Cardinall called by the title of Saint Blaise and Henry of the title of Saint Quatre Coronez this outliued all the rest and it is hee of whom we speake Edward tooke to wife Isabell daughter to Iaime Duke of Bragance by whome he had Marie which afterwardes was married to Alexander Farnese Prince of Parma and Katherine at this present wife to Iohn of Bragance he had likewise a sonne the which being borne after the death of his father who liued but fower yeeres in matrimonie was likewise called Edward This is he who disfauoured by Sebastian died at Euora in the yeere 1576. of his thirde wife which was Leonora daughter to king Philip the first of Castill archduke of Austria who was after married to Frauncis the first king of Fraunce he had none but Charles who died yoong and Marie who being about sixe and fiftie yeeres olde died a maide at Lisbone in the yeere 1578. But returning to Iohn the thirde sonne of the second wife who succeeded Emanuel in the kingdome he contracted marriage with Katherine sister to the Emperour Charles the fifth and had issue Marie who after was the first wife of Philip the second king of Castill now raigning from whom issued Charles who died yoong the which if he had liued without doubt had preceaded the Cardinall Henry in the succession of the crowne The saide Iohn and Katherine had many male children which died yoong one onely outliued the rest named Iohn who as some say died yoong with excessiue loue of his wife sister to the saide Philip leauing her great with childe and after deliuered of Sebastian during his grandfathers life who soone after passed to an other worlde and this is that Sebastian which died in Affrick Let vs now come to the pretentions The Catholique King as it is saide put himselfe foremost being borne of Isabell the eldest daughter of Emanuel And although as a Castillian he was naturally hated of that nation yet he supposed that being mightie compassing in the Realme with his dominions and the Portugals vnexpert he shoulde soone either by loue or force become master thereof Iohn Duke of Bragance challenged the Realme as the right of Katherine his wife alleaging he was neerer to the succession then the Catholique King being although a woman daughter to the said Edward brother to the saide Isabell And forasmuch as the Duke is the greatest personage of the Realme and his subiects most warlike trusting on the fauour of Henry who did then grace him and hauing small experience in the affaires of the worlde he held himselfe halfe in possession Alexander Prince of Parma sonne to Octauius Farnesse did pretend it for his eldest son Rhainucius as male issued from Marie the eldest daughter of the saide Edward sister to the saide Katherine And although his territories were farre off yet besides that some supposed the Church shoulde
particular or for want of iudgement did counsell him to warre it was concluded And although his owne weakenes was vnknowne vnto himselfe yet was he aduised by others to take a companion and to drawe the Catholique King into this action belieuing it were easily performed the State of Affrick being of greater importance for his kingdome which was adioining to it then for Portugall He desired greatly to marrie to haue issue although his Phisicions feared much he was vnable for generation and woulde willingly haue taken one of the daughters of the Catholique King whereof they had giuen him an assured hope for these two causes he desired to enter parle with him sending Peter D' Alcasoua as Embassadour vnto him with commandement to treat of three points that is for aide in the action of Affrick for the marriage of his daughter and for an enteruiew The Embassador departed and effected with great diligence the charge his maister had giuen him and hauing attended some time in this court he obtained all three the promise of marriage with one of his daughters when she shoulde come to yeeres for as yet they were too yoong That the Catholique King should goe to Guadalupa to meete with King Sebastian And as for succours he shoulde furnish men galleies to vndertake the enterprize of Alarache the which was spoken very coldly For the Catholique King knowing the Portugals to presume beyond their strength and holding it nothing safe to vndertake this action of Affrick without great forces he laboured what he could by letters to temper this heate disswading him with many reasons if not from the enterprize at the least not to go himselfe in person but this yoong Prince resting immooueable in his counsels and most obstinate in his opinion did still importune him by letters Phillip confirmed the succours of men and galleis so as the Turke should sende no men into Italy and that they shoulde vndertake Alarache in the yeere 1577. the whole being referred vnto their enteruiew at Guadalupa The Embassadour returnes home more fauoured then euer seeming to haue effected more then was thought or looked for In both Courts they make no great delaies but take their way for Guadalupa where both kings arriue with no great traines but with the chiefe Noblemen and Gentlemen of their Realmes There the Portugals who arriued last were receiued with great shewes of loue finding in all places of Castill where they passed the kings expresse commandement to receiue him of Portugall as his owne proper person so as at Badagios and in other places where he past the chiefe men went to meete him the prisons were opened and he conducted to his lodging vnder a cloth of estate The Catholique King tooke great pleasure to see yoong Sebastian whom he entertained as his host laying aside all tearms fitte for a greater King entreating each other equally in maiestie talking particularly of the warre being both profitable and honorable for the Realmes of Spaine The Catholique King did not disswade him yet he aduised him not to goe in person excusing himselfe that he could giue no great succour by reason of the continuall charge he was put to in Italy to resist the Turke but Sebastian being fully resolued to goe and admitting no excuse Phillip desirous to please him accorded with him in this sort That the generall opinion being and especially of the Duke of Alua that this action woulde require 15000. foote not Portugals but of other nations trained vp in warre deuided into Italians Germaines Spaniards that the king of Portugall should entertaine ten thousand and the Catholique King fiue thousand furnishing the enterprize with fiftie galleis alwaies prouided if the Turke sent not an armie into Italy and thatthey should goe vnto Allarache without entring into the maine land and this to be attempted in the yeere 1577 otherwise he should not be bound to any thing This treatie being ended euery one returned from whence he came In Portugall they made slowe preparatiues to warre and in the first beginning their money failed them for that the reuenewes of the Crowne are small and ill imploied The whole Realme vpon the maine land yeelding but a million and one hundreth thousand duckets a yeere The greatest part in customes the which be vnreasonable paying for all things twentie in the hundreth except fish which paieth the one halfe The new found lands as Saint Thomas Myna Brazil and the Indies yeeld but a million at the most which makes in all two millions and one hundreth thousand duckats which comes to the Crowne And although the Indies yeelde one other million of rent yet make they neither receipt nor paiment thereof being whollie reteined there for the entertaining of armies and garrisons Of these two millions and a hundreth thousand duckats there remaines nothing at the yeeres end in Court and if the King vse any liberalitie his charge exceeds the reuenewes for that they receiue without order and spende without measure For these Kings were neuer so happie as to be serued with men of iudgement and discretion who could order the reuenewes and expences but giuing the charge alwaies vnto Noblemen who were aduanced thereunto by fauour and not by merite an ordinarie custome in that countrey they studied to maintaine themselues in that throne by other meanes letting the reuenewes of the Crowne goe as it woulde So as what in wages of officers rents created recompence for life priuiledges which they call Giuros sold by him entertaining of Fortresses in Affrick preparation of nauies and expences of the Court all is spent They went therefore seeking heere and there for money forcing the people to contribute and the chiefe Citizens extraordinarily for although they gathered much by this meanes yet they did drawe vpon them the curses and exclamations of the people being most affectionate and obedient to their King but nothing preuailed against the burning desire of officers They exacted from the Clergie the thirde part of their reuenewes whereunto they would not yeeld yet seeing the Pope yeelded vnto the Kings affections they granted a hundreth and fiftie thousand duckats They granted vnto the new Christians paying two hundreth fiue twentie thousand duckats that which before had been for a time granted often since denied that for sinning against the Inquisition they shoulde not loose their goods as they did They imposed a newe custome vpon the salt and exacted money from the Nobilitie and Gentlemen of the Realme against their auncient customes many being by this meanes vniustly vexed Amongst other Noblemen the King sent to Frauncis de Melo Earle of Tentuguel who excusing himselfe did write vnto the King with greater libertie then possiblie reason woulde allowe For noting greatly the demand of money which they had made vnto him as vniust he said it agreed not with the vertues with which his highnes was indued neither did it seeme reasonable that they whose fathers had beene helpers to conquer the Realme shoulde be