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A17848 Remaines of a greater worke, concerning Britaine, the inhabitants thereof, their languages, names, surnames, empreses, wise speeches, poësies, and epitaphes; Remaines concerning Britain Camden, William, 1551-1623. 1605 (1605) STC 4521; ESTC S107408 169,674 306

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Geffrey the sonne of Robert Fitz-Maldred and Isabel his wife heire of the Norman house of the Nevilles tooke the name of Nevill and left it to his posteritie which was spread into very manie honourable families of England In like manner the sonne of Ioscelin of Lovan a yoonger sonne to the Duke of Brabant when he had married Agnes the onely daughter of William Lord Percy so named of Percy forrest in the county of Maen from whome they came and not of piercing the king of S●●ts through the 〈◊〉 as H●ct●r B●●tius fableth his sonne and posteritie vppon a composition with the same Lady tooke her name of Percy but retained theyr olde coate armour to shew from whome they descended So Adam de Montgomery marrying the daughter and heire of Carew of Molesford her sonne relinquishing his owne left to his posteritie his mothers name Carew from whom the Barons Carew the Carews of Haccomb of Berry of Authony Beddington c. have had their names and originall Likewise Ralph Gernon marrying the daughter of Cavendish or Candish left that name to his issue as Th Talbot a learned Genealogist hath prooved So Robert Meg the great favourite of king Iohn took the name of Braybrooke whereof his mother was one of the heires So sir Iohn de Haudlow marrying the daughter and heire of the Lorde Burnell his posteritie tooke the name of Burnell So sir Tibauld Russell tooke the name of De Gorges to him and his issue for that his mother was sister and one of the heirs of Ralfe de Gorges as it appeareth in the controversie betweene Warbleton and the saide Tibauld de Corges for the coate of Armes Lozengy Or and Azure 21. of Edward the third before Henry Earle of Lancaster and others at the siege of Saint Margaret Not many years since when Iames H●rsey had married the daughter of De-Le-vale of Northumberland his issue tooke the name of De-la-vale Heerevnto may they also bee referred who changed their names in remembrance of their Progenitours being more honourable as the sonnes of Geffrey Fitz-Petre tooke the name of Magnavilla or Mandevile when they came to be Earles of Essex because their grandmother Beatrix was of the house of Mandevile as appeareth by the Abby booke of Walden So Thomas de Molton tooke the name of Lucy and many other which I omit Others also have taken the name of them whose lands they had As when King Henry the first gave the lands of the attainted Robert Moubray Earle of Northumberland being 120. Knights fees in Normandy and 140. in England to Nigall or N●●le de 〈…〉 who in the battell at 〈◊〉 tooke Robert Duke of 〈◊〉 prisoner he commanded withall that his posteritie should take the Surname of Mo●bray which they accordingly did and retained the same as long as the issue male continued which determined in Iohn Mo●bray Duke of Norfolke in the time of King Edward the fourth whose heires were married into the families of Howard and Barkeley Remembrance of benefits made others to change their names as William Mortimer descended from those of Richards Castle tooke the name of La-Zouch and named his sonne Alan de la-Zouch for some favour received from the Lord Zouch of Ashby de la-Zouch as appeareth by Inquisition 11. 21. Ed. 3. In respect of adoption also very many in all ages have changed their names I neede not particulate it for all know it Some of their owne dislike of their names have altered them for as I have read in the booke of Fornesse William Fitz-Gilbert Baron of Kendall obtained licence of King Henry the second to change his name and call himselfe and his posteritie Lancaster from whom the Lancasters in Westm●rlaud c. are descended Heerevpon some thinke that without the Kings licence new names cannot be taken or old names given away to others Yet Tiraquell the great Civilian of France in Leg. quin. Conub Tit. 92. seemeth to incline that both name and Armes may be transferred by will and testament and produceth Augustus who by his Testament commanded Tiberius and Livia to beare his name How in former times Herevile Dunvile Clauwowe gave and granted away their Armes which are as silent names distinctions of families and the same was thought vnlawfull afterward when the Lord 〈◊〉 would have done the same shall be declared in more convenient place But the inconvenience of change of names hath beene discovered to be such in France that it hath beene pr●pounded in 〈◊〉 at 〈◊〉 that it should not be permitted but in these two respects eyther when one should bee made heire to any with especiall words to assume the name of the testatour or when any one should have a donation surmounting a thousand crownes vpon the same condition But to retyre to our purpose Not a few have assumed the names of their fathers Baronies as in former times the issue of Richard Fitz-Gilbert tooke the name of Clare which was their Barony and in late time since the Suttons came to the Barony of Dudley all their issue tooke the name of Dudleyes that I may omit others The dislike of others hath caused also a change of names for King Edward the first disliking the iteration of Fitz commanded the Lord Iohn Fitz-Robert a most ancient Baron whose Ancestours had continued their Surnames by their fathers Christian names to leave that manner and to be called Iohn Clavering which was the capitall seate of his Barony And in this time many that had followed that course of naming by Fitz tooke them one setled name and retained it as Fitz Walter and others Also at that time the names of Thomson Richardson Willson and other of that forme began to be setled which before had varied according to the name of the father Edward the fourth likewise as I have heard loving some whose name was Picard would often tell them that hee loved them well but not their names wherevpon some of them changed their names and I have heard that one of them which tooke the name of Ruddle being the place of his birth in that respect And in late yeares in the time of King Henry the eight an ancient worshipfull gentleman of Wales being called at the panniell of Iury by the name of Thomas Ap William Ap Thomas Ap Richard Ap Hoel Ap Evan Vaghan c. was advised by the Iudge to leave that old manner Wherevpon he after called himselfe Moston according to the name of his principall house and left that Surname to his posterity Offices have brought new names to divers families as when Edward Fitz-Th●●bald of Ireland the Earles of Ormond and others descended from them tooke the name of Butler So the distinct families of the Constables in the County of Yorke are saide to have taken that name from some of their Ancestours which bare the office of Constables of some Castles In Like manner the Stewards Marshalls Spencers That I may say nothing of such as for well acting on the stage have carried
Regi Regilianus whereat the souldiers which in all actions are forward beganne with acclamation Ergo potest Rex esse Ergo potest regere Deus tibi regis nomen imposuit and so invested him with imperiall roabes In this Isle also at Silcaster in Hamshire Constantinus a militarie man of some reputation in hope of his luckie name and that he would proue another Constantinus Magnus to the good of the people was by the Britan Armie proclaimed emperour against Henorius who exployted great matters in his owne person in Gallia and by his son in Spaine So in former times the name of Antoninus in remembrance of Antoninus Pius was so amiable among the Romans as he was supposed vnfit for the empire who bare not that name vntill Antoninus Elagabalus with his filthie vices distained the same We reade also that two Ambassadours were sent out of France into Spaine to King Alphonse the 9 to d●mand one of the daughters that he begat of the daughter of King Henry the second of England to be married to their Soveraigne King Lewes the eight one of these Ladies was very beautifull called Vrraca the other not so beautifull but named Blanche When they were presented to the Ambassadours all men held it as a matter resolved that the choyce would light vpon Vrraca as the elder and fairer But the Ambassadours enquiring each of their names tooke offence at Vrraca and made choyce of the Lady Blanche saying That her name would be better received in France than the other as signifying faire and beautifull according to the verse made to her honour Candida candescens candore cordis oris So that the greatest Philosopher Plato might seeme not without cause to advise men to be carefull in giving faire and happie names as the Pythagoreans affirmed the mindes actions and successes of men to be according to their Fate Genius and Name One also well observeth that these seven things Virtue good Parentage Wealth Dignity or Office good Presence a good Christian name with a gratious Surname and seemely attire doe especially grace and adorne a man And accordingly saieth Panormitan Ex bono nomine oritur bona presumptio As the common Proverb Bonum nomen bonum omen The divell neverthelesse who alwayes maligneth God and goodnesse wrought by the cruelty of Valens the emperour the destruction of many men of worth who hadde happy names beginning with Theo signifying God as Theodorus Theodubis Theodoretus Theodosius c. For that diverse curious companions had found by the falling of a ring magically prepared vpon those letters onely of all the Alphab●t graven in a Charger of sundry mettals and set vpon a Laurell trivet that one who had his name beginning with Theod should succeede in the empire which was verified in Theodosius not long after In times of Christianity the names of most holy and vertuous persons and of their most worthy progenitors were given to stir vp men to the imitation of them whose names they bare But succeeding ages little regarding saint Chrysostoms admonition to the contrary have recalled prophane names so as now 〈…〉 names of vnhappy disastre are as 〈◊〉 some 〈…〉 they were in Paga●●sm●s Albeit in our late 〈…〉 of good consideration have brought in 〈…〉 Iosias c. as better agreeing with our saith but without contempt of our countrey names as I hope which have both good and gratious significations as shal appeare hereafter Whereas in late yeeres Surnames have beene given for Christian names among vs and no where else in Christendome although many dislike it for that great inconvenience will ensue neverthelesse it seemeth to proceede from hearty good-will and affection of the Godfathers to show their love or from a desire to continue and propagate their owne names to succeeding ages And is in no wise to be disliked but rather approoved in those which matching with heires generall of worshipful antient families have given those names to their heires with a mindefull and thankefull regard of them as we have now Pickering Wott●n Grevill Varney Bassingburne Ga●●dy Culthorp Parker Pees●ll Brac●● Fuz-Raulfe Chamberlaine who are the hei●●s of Pickering 〈◊〉 Bassingburn Grevill Calthorp c. For beside the continuation of the name we see that the selfe name yea somtime the similitude of names doth kindle sparkles of love and liking among meere strangers Neither can I beleeve a waiward olde man which would say that the giving of Surnames for Christian names first began in the time of king Edward the sixt by such as would be Godfathers when they were more then halfe fathers and thereupon would have perswaded some to change such names at the Confirmation Which that I may note by the way is vsuall in other countries as wee remember two sonnes of king Henry the second of France christ●●ed by the names of Alexander and Hercules ch●●●ged them at their Confirmation into 〈◊〉 and Francis But two Christian names are rare in England and I only remember now his Maiesty who was named Charles Iames as the Prince 〈…〉 and among private men Thomas Maria Wingfield and sir Thomas P●sth●●●us Hobby Although it is common in Ita●●e to adioyne the name of some Saint in a kinde of devotion to the Christian name as 〈◊〉 Baptista Spinalu Iohannes Franciscns Bor●omeus Marcus Antonius 〈◊〉 and in Spaine to adde the name of the Saint on whose day the childe was borne If that any among vs have named their children Remedian 〈◊〉 Imago s●eu● or with such like names I knowe some will thinke it more then a vanitie as they do but little better of the new names Free-gift Reformation Earth Dust Ashes Delivery More fruite Tribulation The Lord is neare More triall Discipline Ioy againe From above which have lately beene given by some to their children with no evill meaning but vpon some singular and precise conceit That I may omit another more vaine absurditie in giving names and surnames of ruen yea and of the best families to dogges beares and horses Whenas wee reade it was thought a capitall crime in Pomposiamas for calling his base bondslaves by the name of grand captaines Here I might remember how some mislike the giving of parents names successively to their heires for that if they should be forced to proove descent it will be hard to proove the Doner and the Done in Formedon and to distinguish the one from the other It were impertinent to note heere that destinies were superstitiously by Onomantin desciphered out of names as though the names and natures of men were sutable and fatall necessitie concurred heerein with voluntary motion in giving the name according to that of Ausonius to Probus Qualem cravit moribus Iussit vocari nomine Mundi supremus arbitar And after where he playeth with bibbing mother Mere● as thogh she were so named bicause she would to drink meere wine without water or as he pleasantly 〈◊〉 it ●●rum Merum for as he saieth Qui primus Mere● 〈◊〉
observed the very primary beginnings as it were of many surnames which are thought very antient when as it may be proved that their very lineall Progenitors bare other names within these sixe hundred yeers Mortimer and Warren are accounted names of great antiquitie yet the father of them for they were brethren who first bare those names was Walterus de sancto Martino He that first tooke the name of Clifford from his habitation was the sonne of Richard sonne of Puntz a noble Norman who had no other name The first Lumley was sonne of an antient English man called Liwulph The first Gifford from whome they of Buckingham the Lords of Brimesfeld and others descended was the sonne of a Norman called Osbert de Belebe● The first Windsor descended from Walter the sonne of Other Castellan of Windsor The first who tooke the name of Shirley was the sonne of Sewall descended from Fulcher without any other name The first Nevill of them which are now from Robert the sonne of Maldred a braunch of an olde English familie who married Isabel the daughter and heire of the Nevills which came out of Normandy The first Level came from 〈◊〉 de Perce●●●ll The first Montacute was the sonne of Drogo ●●venis as it is in Record The first Stanley of them now Earles of Derby was likewise sonne to Ad●vn de Aldeleigh or Audley as it is in the olde Pedegree in the Eagle tower of Latham And to omit others the first that tooke the name of de Burgo or Burks in Ireland was the sonne of an English man called William Fitz Aldelni● as the first of the Girald●●es also in that Countrey was the sonne of an Englishman called Girald of Windsor In many more could I exemplifie which shortly after the conquest tooke these surnames when either their fathers had none at all or else most different whatsoever some of their posteritie doe overweene of the antiquitie of their names as though in the continuall mutabilitie of the worlde conversions of States and fatall periods of families five hundred yeeres were not sufficient antiquitie for a family or name whenas but very few have reached thereunto In the autentical Record of the Exchequer called Domesday Surnames are first found brought in then by the Normans who not long before first tooke them but most noted with de such a place as Godefridus de Mannevilla A. de Grey Walterus de Vernon Robert de Oily now Doyley Albericus de Vere Radulphus de Pomerey Goscelinus de Dive Robertus de Busl●● Guilielmus de Moiun R. de Brai●se Rogerus de Lacy Gislebertus de Venables or with Filius as Ranulphus Asculphi Guilielmis filius Osbernie Richardus filius Gisleberti or else with the name of their office as Eudo Depifer Guil Camerarius Hervaeus Legatus Gislebertus Cocus Radulphus Venator but very many with their Christian names onlie as Olaff Nigellus Eustachius Baldricus with single names are noted last in every shire as men of least account and as all or most vnderholders specified in that Booke But shortly after as the Romans of better sorte had three names according to that of Iuvenal Tanquam habeas trianomina that of Ausonius Tria nomina nobiliorum So it seemed a disgrace for a Gentleman to have but one single name a● the meaner sorte and bastards had For the daughter and 〈◊〉 of Fitz 〈◊〉 a great Lord as Robert of Gloucester in the Librarie of the industrious Antiquary maister Iohn Stowe writeth when king Henry the first would have married hir to his base sonne Robert she first refusing answered It were to me a great shame To have a Lord without'n his twa name whereupon the king his father gave him the name of Fitz-Roy who after was earle of Gloucester and the onely Worthy of his age To reduce surnames to a Methode is matter for a Ramist who should happly finde it to be a Typocosmie I will plainely set downe from whence the most have beene deduced as farre as I can conceive hoping to incurre no offence heerein with any person when I protest in all sinceritie that I purpose nothing lesse than to wrong any man in any respect or to make the least aspersion vpon any whosoever The end of this scribling labour tending onely to maintaine the honor of our names against some Italianated who admiring strange names doe disdainefully contemne their owne countrey names which I doubt not but I shall effect with the learned and iudicious to whom I submit all that I shall write The most surnames in number the most antient and of best accompt have been locall deduced from places in Normandy and the countries confining being either the patrimonaill possessions or native places of such as served the Conquerour or came in after out of Normandy as Aulbeny or Mortimer Warren Albigny Percy Gournay Devreux Tankervil Saint-Lo Argenton Marmion Saint Maure Bracy Maigny Nevill Ferrers Harecourt Baskervile Mortaigne Tracy Beufoe Valoyns Cayly Lucy Montfort Bonvile Bovil Auranch c. Neither is there any village in Normandy that gave not denomination to some family in England in which number are all names having the French De Du Des De-la prefixt beginning or ending with Font Fant Beau Sainct Mont Bois Aux Eux Vall Vaux Cort Court Fort Champ Vil which is corruptly turned in some into ●eld as in Ba●kerfeld Somerfeld Dangerfeld Trubl●feld Gr●●feld 〈◊〉 for B●●kervil Somervil Dangervil Turbervil Gree●●vil 〈◊〉 vil and in others into Well as Boswell for B●ssevil 〈◊〉 for Freschevil As that I may note in passage the 〈◊〉 Nobilitie take their names from places adding Ski or Ki thereunto Out of places in Britaine came the families of Saint Aubin Mor●ey D●nant lately called Denham D●le Bal●● Conquest Valtort Lascells Bluet c. Out of other partes of Fraunce from places of the same names came Courtney Corby B●ll●in Crevecuer Sai●t-Leger Bohun Saint George Saint Andrew Chaworth Sainct Qu●●ti● Gorges Villiers Cromar Paris Reims Cressy Fines 〈◊〉 Coignac Lyons Chalons Chaloner Estampes or Stampes and many more Out of the Netherlands came the names of Levayne Gaunt Ipres Bruges Malines Odingsells Tournay Doway Buers Beke and in latter ages Dabridgecourt Robsert M●●y Grand●son c. From places in England and Scotland infinite likewise For every towne village or hamlet hath made names to families as Darbyshire Lancaster do not looke that I should as the Nomenclators in olde time marshall every name according to his place Essex Murray Clifford Stafford Barkley Leigh Lea Hasting Hamleton Gordon Lumley Douglas Booths Clinton Heydon Cleydon Hicham Henningham Popham Ratcliffe Markham Seaton Framingham Pagrave Cotton Cari● Hume Poinings Goring Prideaux Windsor Hardes Stanhope Sydenham Needehaus Dimoc Wi●nington Allington D●cre Thaxton Whitney Willoughby Apseley Crew Kniveton Wentworth Fa●shaw Woderington Manwood Fetherston Penrudock Tremaine Trevoire Killigrew Roscarroc Carminow and most families in Cornewall of whome I have heard this Rythme By Tre Ros Pol Lan Caer and Pen You may
away the names of the personages which they acted and have lost their owne names among the people Schollers pride hath wrought alteration in some names which have beene sweetned in sound by drawing ●hem to the Latine Analog●● As that notable Non-resident in our fathers time Doctor Magnus who being a foundling at Newark vppon Trent where hee erected a Grammer schoole was called by the people T. Among vs for that he was found among them But he profiting in learning turned Among vs into Magnus and was famous by that name not onely heere but also in forraine places where he was often Ambassadour It were needelesse to note heere againe how many have taken in former times the Christian name of their father with prefixing of Fitz or Filz as Fitz-bugh Fitz-alan Fitz-william or adding of Son as Richardson Tomson Iohnson c. and so altered their Surnames if they had any Whereas divers ancient Gentlemen of England do beare Coates of Armes which by old roules and good proofes are knowne to belong to other names and families and cannot make proofe that they matched with those families it is worth observation considering how religious they were in elder times in keeping their owne Armes whether they were not of those ancient houses whose Armes they beare and have changed their names in respect of their habitation or partitions and lands gotten by their wives As Pickering of the North beareth Ermin a Lion rampant Azure crowned Or which as it is in the old Abby booke of Furnesse was the coat of Roger de Miyth●rp In the same booke the coate of Dacr● Gules 3. Escal●pes Arg. is the coate of R. Ger●●th of Cumberland and so the three pillowes Ermin of Redman of Northumberland is the coate of Ran. de Greystock So Vfford E. of Suffolk and Peit●n Fetiplace and Hide and many other Gentlemen of the same Armes may seeme to haue beene of the same stocke and to haue varied their names in diuers respects Finally among the common people which sway all in names many Surnames haue bene changed in respect of occupations and not a few have beene changed in respect of masters for in every place we see the youth very commonly called by the names of their ocupations as Iohn Baker Thomas Taylor Will Butcher Dic Barber and many by their masters names as Iohn Pickering Thomas Watkins Nicholas French whenas they served maisters of those names which often were conveyed to their posteritie and their owne Surnames altogether forgotten Some other causes of alteration of names may be found as for crimes committed when men have beene enforced to leave their countries But heereby it may be vnderstood that an Alias or double name cannot preiudice the honest and it is knowne that when Iudge Catiline tooke exception at one in this respect saying that no honest man had a double name came in with an Alias The party asked him what exception his Lordship could take to Iesus Christ Alias Iesus of Nazareth I doubt not but some men among vs in changing their names do imitate olde Goffer Simon the Cobbler in Lucian who when he grew fat in the purse would needes be called for Goodman Si●●on Master Simonides as some women do follow the good Greeke wench Melissarton that is Pretty honny-Bee who when of a Commediant shee became a wealthy mans wife would be saluted Madam Pithias or Prudence And some likewise can change themselves from shee to hee and consequeetly their name as Cenis the wench into Ceneus the yong man as you may see in Ovid. Among the alteration of 〈…〉 how Kings of Armes 〈◊〉 and 〈◊〉 are new named with a bole of wine powred vpon their heads by the Prince or Earle Marshall when they are invested and the Kings crowned as Garter Clerenceux N●rrey L●●caster Yorke Richmond Somerset c. which is as ancient as the time of King Edward the third For we reade that when newes was brought him at Windsor by a Pursuvant of the victory at the battell of Auroy hee bountifully rewarded him and immediately created him Herold by the name of Windsor Heere might I note that women with vs at their marriage do change their surnames and passe into their husbands names and iustly for that then Non sunt du● sed car● vna And yet in Fraunce and the Netherlands the better sort of women will still retaine their owne name with their husbands as if Mary daughter of Villevill be married to A. Vavin she will write herselfe Mary Vavin Ville vill But I feare husbands will not like this note for that some of their dames may be ambitiously over-pert and too-too forward to imitate it Beside these former alterations the tyran Time which hath swallowed many names hath also in vse of speach changed more by contr●cting syncopating cu●telling and mollifying them as beside them before mentioned Adr●●y is now turned into Darcy Aldethelight into Awdley Sabrigworth into Sapsford Sitsil into Cecil Mount●●y into Mungey Dunevet into Knevet if you bel●eve Leland Gr●vile into Greenefeild Haverington into Harrington Bourgchier into Bowcer Le Dai●erell into Dairell Ravensford into Rainsford Mohune into Moone Danvers into Davers Gernegan into Ierningham Cah●rs into Chaworth Din●●t into Dinham Wooderington into Witherington Estlegh into Ast●y Turbervile into Troublefeild De Oilei● into D●iley P●gli into Polye De Alanson into Dalison Purefoy into Purfrey Cavend●sh into Cand●sh Veinour into Fenner Harecourt into Harcot Sanctpaul into Sampol Fortesen into F●sk● Ferrers 〈…〉 Culwen into Curwen P●●tevin into Petsin Berenger into Be●ger Montacute into Montague Ger●●us into Garnish Pul●●ston into P●ston Cholmondley into Cholmley Grosvenour into Gravener Meisuilwarin into Manwaring after into Man●ering Fitz-Gerard into Garret Ok●ver into Oker Vvedale into Vdall Damprecourt first into Dabrig●court now into Dabscot Leventhrop into Lenthrop Wilburnhame into Willbram A●kow from Ascouth and that from the old Christian name Ascuith which in Latine was Hasculphus and Hastulphus that is Speedy helpe c. It may not seem from this purpose if I here set down compare a few names of ancient good families as they are written in old Latine Records and histories with them now in vse whereof many are as it were so transformed in common pronunciation from the originall as they will scantly seeme to have beene the same ASHE De Fraxi●is BELLEVV De Bella aqua BEAVFOE De Bella fago BOYS De Bosc● BEAVPRE ` De Bello prato BOVRCHIER De Burgo chare onely once BEAVMONT De Bello-monte BEAVCHAMP De Bello-campo BLOVNT Flavus sometimes BOVVES De Arcubus BOVIL De Bovis Villa CHAVVORTH De Cadurcis CHENEY De Casineto and De Querceto CHAMPAIGNE De Campania CANTLOVV De Cantelupo CHAVVMOND De Calvo Mont● CHAMPFLOVR De Campo-florid● CAPELL De Capella CREVECVRE De Crepito corde CHAMP●RNOVN De 〈…〉 D'EVREVX De Ebr●i●is D'AVTR●Y De Altaripa D'AVNEY De Al●eto D'AVBENEY De Albeneie FRESHMERSH De Frisco-Marisco FERRERS De Ferrarijs HVSSEY De Hosato Hosatu● LORTY De