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ID Title Author Corrected Date of Publication (TCP Date of Publication) STC Words Pages
A10708 The. holie. Bible. conteynyng the olde Testament and the newe.; Bible. English. Bishops'. Parker, Matthew, 1504-1575. 1568 (1568) STC 2099; ESTC S122070 2,551,629 1,586

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latter ende Howe long then shall it be yer thou bid the people returne from folowing their brethren 27 And Ioab sayde As God lyueth if thou haddest not spoken suerly euen in the morning the people had departed euery one from persecuting his brother 28 And so Ioab blewe a trumpet and all the people stoode still and pursued after Israel no more neither fought they any more 29 And Abner and his men walked all that night through the playne went ouer Iordane past through all Beth-horon till they came to Mahanaim 30 And Ioab returned from persecuting Abner and when he had gathered all the people together there lacked of Dauids seruaūtes nineteene men Asahel 31 But the seruauntes of Dauid had smitten of Beniamin and of Abners men so that three hundred and threescore men died 32 And they toke vp Asahel and buried him in the sepulchre of his father which was in Bethlehem And Ioab and his men went all night and the day arose to them at Hebron The .iii. Chapter 1 Long warre betweene the houses of Saul and Dauid 2 The children of Dauid in Hebron 12 Abner turneth to Dauid 27 Ioab killeth him 1 THere was then long warre betweene the house of Saul and the house of Dauid But Dauid waxed strōger and stronger and the house of Saul waxed weaker and weaker 2 And vnto Dauid were children borne in Hebron his eldest sonne also was Amnon of Ahinoam the Iesraelite 3 The seconde Cheleab of Abigail the wyfe of Nabal the Carmelite the third Absalom the sonne of Maacha the daughter of Thalmai the king of Gessur 4 The fourth Adonia the sonne of Haggith the fyft Sephatia the sonne of Abital 5 And the sixt Iethream by Egla Dauids wyfe These were borne to Dauid in Hebron 6 And whyle there was warre betweene the house of Saul and the house of Dauid Abner held vp the house of Saul 7 And Saul had a concubine named Rispha the daughter of Ahia And Isboseth sayd to Abner Wherfore hast thou gone in vnto my fathers concubine 8 Then was Abner very wroth for the wordes of Isboseth and sayde Am I a dogges head whiche against Iuda do shew mercie this day vnto the house of Saul thy father and to his brethren and frendes haue not deliuered thee into the hande of Dauid and thou fyndest a fault in me this day for this woman 9 So do God to Abner and more also except as the Lorde hath sworne to Dauid euen so will I do to him 10 To bring the kingdome frō the house of Saul that the throne of Dauid may be stablisshed ouer Israel and ouer Iuda euen from Dan to Beerseba 11 And he coulde geue Abner neuer a worde to aunswere because he feared him 12 And Abner sent messengers to Dauid secretly saying Whose is the land Who should also say Make a bond with me and beholde my hande is with thee to bring all Israel vnto thee 13 He sayde Well I will make a bonde with the But one thing I require of thee that is that thou see not my face except thou first bring Michol Sauls daughter when thou cōmest to see me 14 And Dauid sent messengers to Isboseth Sauls sonne saying Deliuer me my wife Michol whiche I maried for an hundred foreskinnes of y e Philistines 15 And Isboseth sent and toke her from her husband Phalti the sonne of Lais. 16 And her husband went with her and came weeping behinde her til they came to Bahurim Then sayde Abner vnto him Go and returne And he returned 17 And Abner had communication with the elders of Israel saying Ye sought for Dauid in times past that he might be your king 18 Nowe then do it for the Lorde hath spoken of Dauid saying By the hande of my seruaunt Dauid I will saue my people Israel out of the handes of the Philistines and out of the hande of all their enemies 19 And Abner spake in the eares of Beniamin and afterward Abner went to speake in the eares of Dauid in Hebron all that Israel was content with and the whole house of Beniamin 20 And so Abner came to Dauid to Hebron hauing twentie men with him Dauid made him the men that were with him a feast 21 And Abner sayde vnto Dauid I will vp go gather all Israel vnto my lorde the king that they may make an appoyntment with thee and that thou mayest raigne ouer all that thyne heart desireth And when Dauid had let Abner depart he went in peace 22 And behold the seruauntes of Dauid and Ioab came from the campe and brought a great pray with them But Abner was not with Dauid in Hebron for he had sent him away to depart in peace 23 When Ioab and al the hoast that was with him were come men tolde Ioab saying Abner the sonne of Ner came to the king and he hath sent him away that he is gone in peace 24 Then Ioab came to the king and said What hast thou done Behold Abner came vnto thee and why hast thou sent him away and he is quyte gone 25 Thou knowest Abner the sonne of Ner for he came to deceaue thee and to knowe thy outgoyng and ingoyng and to knowe all that thou doest 26 And when Ioab was come out from Dauid he sent messengers after Abner which brought him againe from the well of Sira vnknowing to Dauid 27 And when Abner was come againe to Hebron Ioab toke him asyde in the gate to speake with him peaceably and smote him vnder the fyft ribbe that he died for the blood of Asahel his brother 28 And when afterwarde it came to Dauids eare he sayde I and my kingdome are giltlesse before the Lord for euer concerning the blood of Abner the sonne of Ner. 29 Let the blood fall on the head of Ioab and on all his fathers house that the house of Ioab be neuer without one or other that hath running issues or leper or that leaneth on a staffe or that doth fall on the sword or that lacketh bread 30 So Ioab Abisai his brother slue Abner because he had slayne their brother Asahel at Gibeon in battell 31 And Dauid sayde to Ioab and to all the people that were with him Rent your clothes and put on sackcloth and mourne before Abner And king Dauid him selfe folowed the beere 32 And when they buried Abner in Hebron the king lift vp his voyce wept besyde the sepulchre of Abner and al the people wept 33 And the king lamented ouer Abner and sayde Died Abner as a foole dieth 34 Thy handes were not bounde nor thy feete brought into fetters of brasse but as a man falleth before wicked children so fellest thou And all they that were of the people wept yet more ouer him 35 And when all the people came to cause Dauid eate meate whyle it was yet day Dauid sware saying So do God to me
had commaunded him and smote the Philistines from Geba vntill thou come to Gazer The .vi. Chapter 3 The arke brought foorth of the house of Abinadab 7 Vzzah is striken and dieth Dauid daunceth before it 16 And is therfore despised of his wyfe Michol 1 AGaine Dauid gathered together all the chosen men of Israel euen thirtie thousand 2 And arose and went with all the folke that were with him from Baala of Iuda to fet away from thence the arke of God whose name is called by the name of the lord of hoastes that dwelleth vpon it betweene the cherubims 3 And they put the arke of God vpon a newe cart brought it out of the house of Abinadab that was in Gibea And Vzza and Ahio the sonnes of Abinadab draue the newe carte 4 And when they brought the arke of God out of the house of Abinadab that was at Gibea Ahio went before the arke 5 And Dauid and all the house of Israel played before the lord on sundry instrumentes made of Cedar wood with harpes psalteries timbrelles hornettes and simbals 6 And when they came to Nachons thresshing floore Vzza put his hand to the arke of God helde it for the oxen did shake it 7 And the Lord was wroth with Vzza and God smote him in the same place for his fault and there he died before the arke of God 8 And Dauid was displeased because the Lorde had smitten Vzza And he called the name of the place Perez Vzza vntill this day 9 And Dauid was then afraide of the Lorde and sayd Howe shall the arke of the Lord come to me 10 And so Dauid woulde not bring the arke of the Lorde vnto him into the citie of Dauid but Dauid caried it into the house of Obed Edom a Gethite 11 And the arke of the Lorde continued in the house of Obed Edom the Gethite three monethes and the Lorde blessed Obed Edom and all his housholde 12 And one tolde king Dauid howe that the Lorde had blessed the house of Obed Edom and all that parteyned vnto him because of the arke of God And Dauid went and brought the arke of God from the house of Obed Edom into the citie of Dauid with gladnes 13 And when they that bare the arke of the Lorde had gone sixe paces he offered an oxe and a fat beast ●4 And Dauid daunced before the Lorde with all his might was girded with a linnen Ephod 15 So Dauid and all the house of Israel brought the arke of the Lorde with showting and trumpet blowing 16 And as y e arke of the Lord came into the citie of Dauid Michol Sauls daughter loked through a windowe and sawe king Dauid spring and daunce before the Lord and she despysed him in her heart 17 And when they brought in the arke of the Lord they set it in his place euen in the middes of the tabernacle that Dauid had pitched for it and Dauid offered burnt offeringes peace offeringes before the Lorde 18 And assoone as Dauid had made an ende of offering burnt offeringes and peace offeringes he blessed the people in the name of the Lorde of hoastes 19 And gaue among all the folke euen among the whole multitude of Israel aswel to the women as men to euery one a cake of bread a peece of flesshe and a flacked of wine And so al the people departed euery one to his house 20 Then Dauid returned to blesse his housholde and Michol the daughter of Saul came out to meete Dauid sayd O howe glorious was the king of Israel this day whiche was vncouered to day in the eyes of the maydens of his seruauntes as a foole vncouereth him selfe 21 And Dauid sayd vnto Michol It was before the Lorde whiche chose me rather then thy father and all his house and commaunded me to be ruler ouer all the people of the Lorde euen ouer Israel and therefore will I play before the Lorde 22 And will yet be more vyle then so and will be meeke in myne owne sight and of the very same mayde seruauntes which thou hast spoken of shall I be had in honour 23 Therfore Michol the daughter of Saul had no childe vnto the day of her death The .vii. Chapter 2 Dauid woulde buylde God an house but is forbidden by the prophet Nathan 8 God putteth Dauid in minde of his benefites 12 He promiseth continuaunce of his kingdome and posteritie 1 AFterward when the king sate in his house the Lord had geuen him rest round about from all his enemies 2 The king sayde vnto Nathan the prophete Beholde I dwell nowe in an house of Cedar trees but the arke of God dwelleth within the curtaynes 3 And Nathan sayde to the king Go and do all that is in thyne heart for the Lord is with thee 4 And the same night the worde of the Lorde came vnto Nathan saying 5 Go and tell my seruaunt Dauid thus sayeth the Lorde shalt thou buylde me an house to dwell in 6 For I haue not dwelt in any house sence the time that I brought the children of Israel out of Egypt vnto this day but haue walked in a tent and tabernacle 7 In al the places wherin I haue walked with all the childrē of Israel spake I one worde with any of y e tribes of Israel when I commaunded the iudges to feede my people Israel saying Why build ye not me an house of Cedar trees 8 Now therfore so say vnto my seruaunt Dauid thus sayeth the lord of hoastes I toke thee from the sheepe coate as thou wast folowing sheepe that thou mightest be ruler ouer my people ouer Israel 9 And I was with thee in all that thou wentest to and haue destroyed all thyne enemies out of thy sight haue made thee a great name lyke vnto the name of the great men that are in the earth 10 Also I will appoynt a place for my people Israel and will plant it that they may dwell in a place of their owne moue no more neither shall wicked people trouble them any more as before time 11 And sence the time that I set iudges ouer my people of Israel And I will geue thee rest from all thyne enemies And the Lorde telleth thee that he will make thee an house 12 And when thy dayes be fulfilled thou shalt sleepe with thy fathers and I will set vp thy seede after thee whiche shall proceede out of thy body and will stablyshe his kingdome 31 He shall buyld house an for my name I wil stablyshe the throne of his kingdome for euer 14 I will be his father and he shal be my sonne If he sinne I will chasten him with the rodde of men and with the plagues of the children of men 15 But my mercy shall not depart away from him as I toke it from Saul whō I put away before thee 16 And thyne house and thy
letter to Ioab and sent it by the hand of Vrias 15 And he wrote thus in the letter Put ye Vrias in the forefront of the sharper battaile and come ye backe from him that he maye be smytten and dye 16 So when Ioab besieged the citie he assigned Vrias vnto a place where he wist that strong men were 17 And the men of the citie came out and fought with Ioab And there were certayne ouerthrowen of the people of the seruauntes of Dauid Vrias the Hethite dyed also 18 Then Ioab sent and tolde Dauid all the thinges concerning the warre 19 And charged the messenger saying When thou hast made an ende of telling the matters of the warre vnto the king 20 If the kinges anger aryse and he say vnto thee wherfore approched ye so nye vnto the citie when ye did fight wyst ye not that they would hurle and shoote from the wall 21 Who smote Abimelech sonne of Ierubesheth * Did not a woman cast a peece of a mylstone vpon him from of the wall and he dyed in Thebes why went ye nye the wall Then say thou Thy seruaunt Vrias the Hethite is dead also 22 So the messenger went came and shewed Dauid all that Ioab had sent him for 23 And the messenger saide vnto Dauid The men preuailed against vs came out vnto vs into the fielde we pursued them euen vnto the entring of the gate 24 And the shooters shotte from the walles vpon thy seruauntes and some of the kinges seruauntes be dead and thy seruaunt Vrias the Hethite is dead also 25 And Dauid saide vnto the messenger thus shalt thou saye vnto Ioab Let not that thing trouble thee for y e sword deuoureth one as well as another Make thy battayle more strong against the citie to ouerthrowe it encourage thou him 26 And when the wyfe of Vrias heard that her husband was dead she mourned for him 27 And when the mourning was past Dauid sent and fet her to his house and she became his wyfe and bare him a sonne But this thing that Dauid dyd displeased the Lorde ¶ The .xii. Chapter 1 Dauid reproued by Nathan confesseth his sinne 18 The childe conceaued in adultry dyeth 24 Solomon is borne 26 Rabba is taken 31 The citezins are greeuouslye punished 1 ANd the Lord sent Nathan vnto Dauid and he came vnto him and tolde him There were two men in one citie the one rich the other poore 2 The rich man had exceeding many sheepe and oxen 3 But the poore had nothing saue one litle sheepe which he had bought and nouryshed vp And it grew vp with him and with his children also and did eate of his owne meate and drancke of his owne cuppe slept in his bosome and was vnto him as his daughter 4 And there came a straunger vnto the rich man and he spared to take of his owne sheepe and of his owne oxen to dresse for y e straunger that was come vnto him But toke the poore mans sheepe and dressed it for the man that was come to him 5 And Dauid was exceeding wroth with the man and saide to Nathan As the Lorde lyueth the man that hath done this thing is the childe of death 6 He shal restore the lambe foure folde because he did this thyng and had no pitie 7 And Nathan saide to Dauid Thou art the man Thus saith the Lord God of Israel I annoynted thee king ouer Israel and ryd thee out of the hand of Saul 8 I gaue thee thy maisters house and thy maisters wyues into thy bosome and gaue thee the house of Israel and of Iuda and might if that had ben to litle haue geuen thee so muche more 9 Wherefore then hast thou despised the commaundement of the Lorde to do euill in his sight Thou hast kild Vrias the Hethite with the sword hast taken his wyfe to thy wyfe and hast slaine him with the sword of the children of Ammon 10 Now therefore the sword shall neuer depart from thyne house because thou hast despised me and taken the wyfe of Vrias the Hethite to be thy wyfe 11 Wherefore thus saith the Lorde Beholde I will stirre vp euil against thee euen out of thyne owne house and wyll take thy wyues before thyne eyes and geue them vnto thy neyghbour and he shall lye with thy wyues in the sight of this sunne 12 For thou diddest it secretly but I wil do this thing before al Israel and in the open sunne lyght 13 And Dauid saide vnto Nathan I haue sinned against the Lord. And Nathan than saide vnto Dauid The Lord also hath put away thy sinne thou shalt not dye 14 Howbeit because in doing this deede thou hast geuen y e enemies of the Lord a cause to blaspheme the childe that is borne vnto thee shall surely dye 15 And Nathan departed vnto his house And the Lorde strake the childe that Vrias wyfe bare vnto Dauid and it sickened sore 16 Dauid therefore besought God for the childe and fasted and went in laye all night vpon the earth 17 And the elders of his house arose and went to him to take him vp from the earth But he would not neither did he eate meate with them 18 And the seuenth day the childe dyed and the seruauntes of Dauid feared to tell him that the childe was dead For they said beholde while the childe was yet alyue we spake vnto hym and he would not hearkē vnto our voyce how will he then vexe him selfe if we tell him that the childe is dead 19 But Dauid seing his seruaūtes whispering perceaued that the childe was dead Dauid said vnto his seruauntes Is the childe dead They saide He is dead 20 And Dauid arose from the earth and washed and annoynted him selfe and chaunged his apparell and came into the house of the Lord and worshipped and afterward came to his owne house bad that they should set bread before him and he dyd eate 21 Then said his seruauntes vnto him What thing is this that thou hast done Thou diddest fast weepe for the childe while it was alyue assoone as it was dead thou diddest ryse vp eate meate 22 He said While the childe was yet ailue I fasted and wept for this I thought Who can tell whether God wyll haue mercy on me that the childe may lyue 23 But now seeing it is dead wherefore should I fast Can I bring him againe any more I shall go to him rather then he shall come againe to me 24 And Dauid comforted Bethsabe his wyfe went in vnto her and lay with her and she bare a sonne and he called his name Solomon and the Lord loued him 25 And had sent by the hand of Nathan the prophet therefore he called his name Iedidia of the Lordes behalfe 26 Then Ioab fought against Rabba of
as did his father Vzzia saue that he came not into the temple of the Lorde and the people did yet wickedly 3 He built the hie gate of the temple of the Lorde and on the wall where the house of ordinaūce was he built much 4 Moreouer he built cities in the mountaines of Iuda and in the wood countrey he built castels and towres 5 He fought with the king of the children of Ammon and preuailed against them And the children of Ammon gaue him the same yere an hundred talentes of siluer ten thousand quarters of wheate and ten thousand of barlye So much did the children of Ammon geue him the second yere and the third also 6 So Iotham became mightie because he directed his way before the Lorde his God 7 The rest of the actes of Iotham and all his warres his conuersation loe they are written in the booke of the kinges of Israel and Iuda 8 He was twentie and fiue yeres olde when he began to raigne and raigned sixteene yeres in Hierusalem 9 And Iotham slept with his fathers and they buryed him in the citie of Dauid and Ahaz his sonne raigned in his steade ¶ The .xxviii. Chapter 1 Ahaz an idolater is geuen into the handes of the Syrians and the king of Israel 9 The prophet reproueth the Israelites crueltie 18 Iuda is molested with enemies 23 Ahaz increaseth his idolatrie 26 His death and successour 1 AHaz was twentie yeres olde when he began to raigne and raigned sixteene yeres in Hierusalem and he did not that which is right in the sight of the Lorde as did his father Dauid 2 For he walked in the wayes of the kinges of Israel made moulten images for Baalim 3 He offered incense in the valley of the sonne of Hinnon and burnt his children in fire after the abhominations of the heathen whom the Lorde cast out before the children of Israel 4 He offered also and burnt incense in the high places and on mountaynes and vnder euery greene tree 5 Wherefore the Lorde his God delyuered him into the hande of the king of the Syrians which beat him and caryed away a great multitude of his captiue and brought them to Damascon And he was deliuered into the hand of the king of Israel which smote him with a great slaughter 6 For Pekah the sonne of Remaliahu slue in Iuda an hundred and twentie thousand in one day which were all fighting men and that because they had forsaken the Lord God of their fathers 7 And Zichri a mightie man of Ephraim slue Maasiahu the kinges sonne and Africa the gouernour of the house and Elcana that was next to the king 8 And the children of Israel toke prisoners of their brethren two hundred thousand women sonnes and daughters and caryed away much spoyle of them and brought the spoyle to Samaria 9 But there was a prophet of the Lordes whose name was Obed and he went out before the hoast that came to Samaria saide vnto them Beholde because the Lorde God of your fathers is wroth with Iuda he hath deliuered them into your hande and ye haue slaine them with cruelnesse that reacheth vp to heauen 10 And nowe ye purpose to keepe vnder the children of Iuda and Hierusalem and to make them bondmen and bond-women And do ye not lade your selues with sinne in the sight of the Lord your God 11 Now heare me therefore and deliuer the captiues againe which ye haue taken of your brethren for els shall the great wrath of God be vpon you 12 Wherfore certayne of the heads of the children of Ephraim as Azariahu the sonne of Iehohanan Berechiahu the sonne of Mesillemoth and Iehezkiahu the sonne of Sallum Amasa the sonne of Hadlai stoode vp against them that came from the warre 13 And saide vnto them Bryng not in the captiues hither for where as we haue offended toward God alredy ye entende to adde more to our sinnes and trespasse For our trespasse is great alredie and there is a fierce wrath against Israel 14 And vpon that the men of armes left the captiues and the spoyle before the lordes and all the congregation 15 And the men that were now rehearsed by name rose vp and toke the prisoners and with the spoyle clothed all that were naked among them arayed them shoed them and gaue them to eate and to drinke and annoynted them and carryed al that were feeble of them vpon asses brought them to Iericho the citie of Paulme trees to their brethren and then they returned to Samaria againe 16 At that same time did king Ahaz send vnto the kinges of the Assyrians to haue helpe of them 17 And the Edomites came againe and slue some of Iuda and caryed away captiues 18 And the Philistines inuaded the cities in the lowe countrey and toward the south of Iuda and toke Bethsames and Aialon and Gederoth and Socho with the townes longing thereto and Thimna with the townes of the same Gimso and the townes thereof and dwelt there 19 For the Lorde brought Iuda lowe because of Ahaz king of Iuda which made Iuda naked transgressed sore against the Lorde 20 And Thilgath Pilneser king of the Assyrians came vpon him and troubled him rather then strengthed him 21 For Ahaz toke away a portion out of the house of the Lorde and out of the kinges house and out of the lordes houses and gaue vnto the king of the Assyrians and yet it helped him not 22 And in the very time of his tribulation did king Ahaz trespasse yet more against the Lorde 23 For he offered vnto the gods of them of Damascon which beat him and he sayd Because the gods of the kinges of Syria helpe them therefore wyll I offer to them that they may helpe me also But they were his destruction and the destruction of all Israel 24 And Ahaz gathered together the vessels of the house of God brake them and shut vp the doores of the house of the Lorde and made him aulters in euery corner of Hierusalem 25 And in all the cities of Iuda he made high places to burne incense vnto other gods and angred the Lorde God of his fathers 26 The rest of his actes and his workes first and last beholde they are written in the booke of the kinges of Iuda and Israel 27 And Ahaz slept with his fathers and they buried him in the citie of Hierusalem but brought him not vnto the sepulchres of the kinges of Israel and Hezekia his sonne raigned in his steade ¶ The .xxix. Chapter 3 Hezekia repaireth the temple and aduertiseth the Leuites of the corruption of religion 12 The Leuites prepare the temple 20 The kinges and his princes sacrifice in the temple 25 The Leuites sing prayses 31 The oblation of the people 1 HEzekia began to raigne when he was fiue and twentie yeres olde and he raigned nine twentie yeres in Hierusalem And his mothers name was
26 And the Lorde sayde If I fynde in Sodome fiftie ryghteous within the citie I wyll spare all the place for their sakes 27 And Abraham aunsweryng sayde beholde I haue taken vppon me to speake vnto the Lorde whiche am but dust and asshes 28 If there shall lacke fiue of fiftie ryghteous wylt thou destroy all the citie for lacke of fiue And he saide If I fynde there fourtie and fiue I wyl not destroy them 29 And he proceaded to speake vnto hym agayne and sayde What yf there shall be fourtie founde there He aunswered I wyll not do it for fourties sake 30 He sayde vnto hym agayne O let not my lord be angry that I speake What yf there shall thirtie be founde there And he sayde I wyll do nothyng yf I fynde thirtie there 31 He sayde agayne O see I haue taken vppon me to speake nowe also vnto my Lord What if there shal be twentie founde there He aunswered I wyll not destroy them for twenties sake 32 And he sayde O let not my Lorde be angry and I wyll speake yet but this once What if ten shal be found there He aunswered I wil not destroy them for tennes sake 33 And the Lorde went his way assoone as he had left communyng with Abraham and Abraham also turned vnto his place ¶ The .xix. Chapter 1 The hospitalitie of Lot receauyng angels 3 He prepareth a banket for them 4 The lust of the Sodomites 14 God delyuereth Lot from the Sodomites the subuersion of whom he foretelleth Lot is laughed to scorne of his sonnes in lawe 16 God compelleth Lot hym selfe to go out 18 The towne Segor is saued by the prayers of Lot 20 Lot confesseth the mercie of God 24 The destruction of Sodome and Gomorrhe 26 The wyfe of Lot is turned into a stone of salt 29 For Abraham Lot is delyuered 30 Lot goeth out of Segor 31 The incest of Lot with his daughters 37 Moab 38 Ammon 1 AND there came two angels to Sodome at euen and Lot sate at the gate of Sodome and Lot seing them rose vp to meete them and he bowed hym selfe with his face towarde the grounde 2 And he sayde Oh my Lordes turne in I praye you into your seruauntes house and tary all nyght and washe your feete and ye shall ryse vp early to go in your wayes Whiche sayde nay but we wyll byde in the streates all nyght 3 And he preassed vpon them exceedinglye and they returnyng in vnto hym entred into his house he made them a feast and did bake vnleuened bread and they did eate 4 And before they went to rest the men of the citie euen the men of Sodome compassed the house rounde about both olde and young all people frō all quarters 5 And they callyng vnto Lot sayde vnto hym Where are the men whiche came in to thee this nyght bryng them out vnto vs that we may knowe them 6 And Lot went out at the doore vnto them and shut the doores after hym 7 And sayde Nay for Gods sake brethren do not so wickedly 8 Behold I haue two daughters whiche haue knowen no man them wyll I bryng out nowe vnto you and do with them as it seemeth good in your eyes only vnto these men do nothyng for therefore came they vnder the shadowe of my roofe 9 And they sayde stande backe And they said agayne he came in as one to soiourne and wyll he be nowe a iudge we wyll surely deale worse with thee then with them And they preassed sore vpon the man euen Lot and came to breake vp the doore 10 But the men put foorth their hande and pulled Lot into the house to them and shut to the doore 11 And the men that were at the doore of the house they smote with blyndenesse both small and great so that they were weryed in sekyng the doore 12 And the men sayde vnto Lot Hast thou here any besides sonne in lawe and thy sonnes and thy daughters and whatsoeuer thou hast in the citie bryng them out of this place 13 For we wyl destroy this place because the crye of them is great before the face of God for the Lorde hath sent vs to destroy it 14 And Lot went out and spake vnto his sonnes in lawe which maried his daughters saying Stande vp get ye out of this place for the Lorde wyll ouerthrowe this citie But he seemed as though he had mocked vnto his sonnes in lawe 15 And when the mornyng arose the angels caused Lot to speede him saying Stande vp take thy wyfe and thy two daughters which be at hande lest thou perishe in the sinne of the citie 16 And as he prolonged the tyme the men caught both him his wife and his two daughters by the handes the Lorde beyng mercyfull vnto hym and they brought hym foorth and set hym without the citie 17 And when he had brought them out he sayde Saue thy selfe and loke not behynde thee neither tary thou in all this playne countrey Saue thy selfe in the mountaine lest thou perishe 18 And Lot sayde vnto them Oh not so my Lordes 19 Beholde thy seruaunt hath founde grace in thy syght and thou hast magnified thy mercy which thou hast shewed vnto me in sauyng my lyfe Beholde I can not be saued in the mountayne lest some harme fall vppon me and I dye 20 Beholde here is a citie by to flee vnto euen yonder litle one Oh let me escape thyther Is it not a litle one and my soule shall lyue 21 And he sayde to hym See I haue receaued thy request as concernyng this thing that I wyll not ouerthrowe this citie for the whiche thou hast spoken 22 Haste thee and be saued there for I can do nothyng tyl thou be come thyther and therfore the name of the citie is Soar 23 And the sonne was nowe rysen vpon the earth and Lot was entred into Soar 24 Then the Lorde rayned vpon Sodome and Gomorrhe brymstone and fire from the Lorde out of heauen 25 And ouerthrewe those cities and all that plaine region and all that dwelled in the cities and that that grewe vpon the earth 26 But Lots wyfe folowyng him loked behynde her was turned into a piller of salt 27 Abraham rysyng vp early gote hym to the place where he stoode before the presence of God and loked towarde Sodome and Gomorrhe and towarde all the lande of that playne countrey 28 And behelde and lo the smoke of the countrey arose as the smoke of a furnesse 29 And it came to passe that when God destroyed the cities of that region he thought vpon Abraham and sent Lot out from the middest of the ouerthrow when he ouerthrewe the cities in one of the whiche Lot dwelled 30 And Lot departed out of Soar and dwelled in the mountayne with his two daughters for
for her 3 And Abraham stoode vp frō the sight of his corse and talked with the sonnes of Heth saying 4 I am a straunger and a foriner amongest you geue me a possession to bury in with you that I may bury my corse out of my sight 5 And the chyldren of Heth aunswered Abraham saying vnto hym 6 Heare vs my Lorde thou art a prince of God amongest vs in the chiefest of our sepulchres bury thy dead none of vs shall forbyd thee his sepulchre but thou mayest bury thy dead therin 7 Abraham stoode vp and bowed hym selfe before the people of the lande that is the chyldren of Heth. 8 And he communed with them saying If it be your mynde that I shal bury my dead out of my sight heare me and speake for me to Ephron the sonne of Sohar 9 That he may geue me the caue of Machpelah whiche he hath in the ende of his fielde but for as much money as it is worth shall he geue it me for a possession to bury in amongest you 10 For Ephron dwelleth amongest the chyldren of Heth and Ephron the Hethite aunswered Abraham in the audience of the chyldren of Heth and of all that went in at the gates of his citie saying 11 Not so my Lord heare me the fielde geue I thee and the caue that therin is geue I thee also in the presence of the sonnes of my people geue I it thee burye thy dead 12 And Abraham bowed him selfe before the people of the lande 13 And spake vnto Ephron in the audience of the people of the countrey saying yf thou wylt geue it then I pray thee heare me I wyll geue syluer for the fielde take it of me and I will bury my dead therin 14 Ephron aunswered Abraham saying vnto hym 15 My Lord hearken vnto me the lande is worth foure hundred sicles of siluer what is that betwixt thee and me bury therfore thy dead 16 And Abraham hearkened vnto Ephron and wayed him the siluer which he had sayde in the aundience of the sonnes of Heth euen foure hundred syluer sicles of currant money amongest marchauntes 17 And the fielde of Ephron in Machpelah which was before Mamre euē the fielde and the caue that was therein and all the trees that were in the fielde and that were in al the borders rounde about was made sure 18 Vnto Abraham for a possession in the sight of the chyldren of Heth before all that went in at the gates of the citie 19 After this dyd Abraham bury Sara his wyfe in the double caue of the fielde that lyeth before Mamre the same is Hebron in the land of Chanaan 20 And so both the fielde the caue that is therein was made vnto Abraham a sure possession to bury in by the sonnes of Heth. ¶ The .xxiiij. Capter 2 Abraham sendeth his man to seeke a wyfe for Isaac the whiche God prouideth for hym The maner of the Hebrewes othe 7 The fayth of Abraham to the promyse of God 12 A faythfull prayer of Abrahams seruaunt to God 15 Rebecca a fayre virgin is offred vnto the seruaunt not wyttyng it 18 Rebecca moderate and colde in wordes 27 The seruaunt doeth thankes vnto God 28 The marueylous diligence of Rebecca and Laban to the straungers warde 33 The seruaunt declareth the causes of his iourney and what thinges happened hym therein 35 What Gods blessing is 47 Rebecca the neece of Nachor by his sonne 50 They commit all thinges vnto God 53 The seruaunt offereth gyftes vnto Rebecca and her parentes 58 The consent of the mayden is asked 59 Rebecca is conducted vnto Isahac 60 The parentes do blesse Rebecca 67 Isahac taketh Rebecca to wife 1 AND Abraham was old stricken in dayes and the Lorde had blessed Abraham in all thinges 2 And Abraham saide vnto his eldest seruaūt of his house whiche had the rule ouer all that he had put thy hande vnder my thigh 3 And I wyll make thee sweare by the Lorde God of heauen and God of the earth that thou shalt not take a wyfe vnto my sonne of the daughters of the Chanaanites amongest which I dwel 4 But thou shalt go vnto my countrey and to my kinred and take a wife vnto my sonne Isahac 5 But the seruaunt sayd vnto hym peraduenture the woman wyll not agree to come with me vnto this lande shall I bryng thy sonne againe vnto the land whiche thou cammest out of 6 To whom Abraham aunswered beware that thou bring not my sonne thyther agayne 7 The Lorde God of heauen whiche toke me from my fathers house from the land of my kinred and which spake vnto me and that sware vnto me saying vnto thy seede wyll I geue this lande he shall sende his angell before thee and thou shalt take a wyfe vnto my sonne from thence 8 Neuerthelesse if the woman wyl not folowe thee then shalt thou be cleare from this my othe onlye bring not my sonne thyther agayne 9 And the seruaunt put his hand vnder the thigh of Abraham his maister and sware to hym as concernyng y e matter 10 And the seruaunt toke ten Camelles of the Camelles of his maister departed had of al maner of goods of his maister with him and so he arose went to Mesopotamia vnto y e citie of Nachor 11 And made his Camelles to lye downe without the citie by a welles side of water at euen about the time that women come out to drawe water 12 And he saide Lord God of my maister Abraham I pray thee sende me good speede this day and shewe mercy vnto my maister Abraham 13 Lo I stande here by the well of water and the daughters of the mē of this citie come out to drawe water 14 Nowe let the damsel to whom I say stoupe downe thy pitcher I pray thee that I may drinke If she say also drinke and I wyll geue thy Camelles drinke also let the same be she that thou hast ordeyned for thy seruaunt Isahac and thereby shall I knowe that thou hast shewed mercy on my maister 15 And it came to passe yer he had lefte speakyng beholde Rebecca came out the daughter of Bethuel sonne to Milcha the wyfe of Nachor Abrahams brother and her pytcher vpon her shoulder 16 The damsel was very fayre to looke vpon and yet a mayde and vnknowen of man and she went downe to the wel and filled her pitcher and came vp 17 And the seruaunt runnyng to meete her sayde let me I pray thee drinke a litle water of thy pitcher 18 And she sayd drinke my Lorde And she hasted and let downe her pytcher vpon her arme and gaue him drinke 19 And when she had geuen him drinke she sayde I wyll drawe water for thy Camelles also vntyl they haue dronke ynough 20 And she poured out her pytcher into the trough hastyly and ranne agayne vnto the well to
draw water and drew for all his Camelles 21 And the man wondred at her but held his peace to witte whether the Lorde had made his iourney prosperous or not 22 And as the Camelles had left drinking the man tooke a golden earring of halfe a sickle wayght and two bracelettes for her handes of ten sickles wayght of golde 23 And sayde whose daughter art thou tell me I pray thee is there rowme in thy fathers house for vs to lodge in 24 She aunswered hym I am the daughter of Bethuel the sonne of Milcha whiche she bare vnto Nachor 25 And said moreouer vnto him we haue litter and prouender ynough and also rowme to lodge in 26 And the man bowed hym selfe and worshipped the Lorde 27 And sayde blessed be the Lorde God of my maister Abraham whiche hath not left destitute my maister of his mercye and trueth for when I was on my iourney the Lorde brought me to my maisters brothers house 28 And the damsell ranne and told them of her mothers house these thinges 29 And Rebecca had a brother called Laban and he ranne out vnto the man euen to the well 30 For assoone as he had seene the earerynges and the bracelettes in his sisters hande and hearde the wordes of Rebecca his sister saying thus sayde the man vnto me he went out vnto the man and lo he stoode with the Camelles by the well syde 31 And he sayde come thou blessed of the Lord wherfore standest thou without I haue dressed the house rowme for thy Camelles 32 And then the mā came into the house and he vnharnessed the Camelles and brought lytter and prouender for the Camelles and water to wash his feete the mens feete that were with him 33 And there was set meate before hym to eate but he sayd I wyll not eate vntyll I haue sayde myne arande And he sayd say on 34 And he sayde I am Abrahams seruaunt 35 And God blessed my maister merueylously that he is become great and hath geuen him sheepe and oxen siluer and golde men seruauntes and mayde-seruauntes camelles and asses 36 And Sara my maisters wyfe bare hym a sonne when she was olde and vnto him hath he geuē all that he hath 37 And my maister made me sweare saying thou shalt not take a wyfe to my sonne amongest the daughters of the Chanaanites in whose lande I dwell 38 But thou shalt go vnto my fathers house and to my kinred and take a wife vnto my sonne 39 And I sayde vnto my maister peraduenture the woman wyll not folowe me 40 And he answered me the Lord before whom I walke wyll sende his angell with thee and prosper thy iourney and thou shalt take a wyfe for my sonne of my kinred and of my fathers house 41 Then shalt thou be free from this othe made to me when thou commest to my kinred and yf they geue not thee one thou shalt be free from this othe made to me 42 And so I came this day vnto the wel and sayde O Lorde the God of my maister Abraham if it be so nowe that thou makest my iourney whiche I go prosperous 43 Beholde I stande by the well of water and when a virgin commeth foorth to drawe water and I say to her Geue me I pray thee a little water of thy pitcher to drinke 44 And she say to me Drinke thou and I wyll also drawe for thy Camelles let the same be the woman whom the Lorde hath prepared for my maisters sonne 45 And before I had made an ende of speakyng in myne heart beholde Rebecca came foorth and her pitcher on her shoulder and she went downe vnto the well and drewe water and I sayde vnto her Geue me drinke I pray thee 46 And she made haste and toke downe her pitcher from her shoulder and said Drinke and I wyll geue thy Camelles drinke also So I dranke and she gaue the Camelles drinke also 47 And I asked her saying whose daughter art thou She answered the daughter of Bethuel Nachors sonne whom Milcha bare vnto hym and I put the earring vpon her face and the bracelettes vpon her handes 48 And I bowed my selfe and worshipped the Lorde and blessed the Lorde God of my maister Abraham whiche had brought me the ryght way to take my maisters brothers daughter vnto his sonne 49 Nowe also if he wyll consent to deale mercyfully and truely with my maister tel me and if not tel me also that I may turne me to the ryght hande or to the left 50 Then aunswered Laban and Bethuel saying This saying is proceeded euen of the Lorde we can not therefore say vnto thee eyther good or bad 51 Beholde Rebecca is before thee take her and go that she may be thy maisters sonnes wife euen as god hath sayde 52 And when Abrahams seruaunt heard theyr wordes he worshipped the Lord bowyng hym selfe towarde the earth 53 And the seruaunt toke foorth iewelles of syluer and iewelles of golde and rayment and gaue them to Rebecca and to her brother and to her mother he gaue costly gyftes 54 And they did eate and drinke both he and the men that were with hym and taried all night and when they rose vp in the mornyng he said let me depart vnto my maister 55 Her brother and her mother aunswered let the damsell abyde with vs and it be but euen ten dayes and then shall she go 56 He sayde vnto them hynder me not beholde the Lorde hath prospered my iourney sende me away therefore that I may go to my maister 57 And they sayde we wyll call the damsell and enquire at her mouth 58 And they called foorth Rebecca and sayde vnto her wylt thou go with this man And she aunswered I wyll go 59 So they let Rebecca theyr sister go and her nurse Abrahams seruaunt and his men 60 And they blessed Rebecca and sayde vnto her thou art our sister growe into thousande thousandes and thy seede possesse the gate of his enemies 61 And Rebecca arose and her damselles and gat them vp vpon the Camelles and folowed the man and the seruaunt toke Rebecca and went his waye 62 And Isahac was commyng from the waye of the well of the lyuyng and seeyng me for he dwelt in the South countrey 63 And Isahac was gone out to pray in the fielde at the euentide and he lift vp his eyes and saw the Camelles commyng 64 And Rebecca lyft vp her eyes when she sawe Isahac she lyghted of the Camell 65 For she said vnto the seruaunt what man is this that commeth walkyng against vs in the fielde And the seruaunt sayd it is my maister therfore she toke her vayle and couered her 66 And the seruaunt tolde Isahac all thinges that he had done 67 And Isahac brought her into his mother Saraes tent and toke Rebecca and she became his wife and he loued her and so Isahac
and so he blessed hym 24 And he asked him art thou my sonne Esau And he sayde that I am 25 Then sayde he Bryng me let me eate of my sonnes venison that my soule may blesse thee And he brought hym and he ate and he brought hym wine also and he dranke 26 And his father Isahac said vnto him Come neare and kysse me my sonne 27 And he went vnto him kyssed him and he smelled the sauour of his rayment and blessed hym saide See the smell of my sonne is as the smell of a fielde which the Lorde hath blessed 28 God geue thee of the deawe of heauen and of the fatnesse of the earth and plentie of corne and wine 29 People be thy seruauntes and nations bowe to thee be lorde ouer thy brethren and thy mothers children stowpe with reuerence vnto thee cursed be he that curseth thee and blessed be he that blesseth thee 30 Assoone as Isahac had made an ende of blessyng Iacob Iacob was scarse gone out from the presence of Isahac his father then came Esau his brother from his huntyng 31 And he also had made a pleasaunt meate and brought it vnto his father and saide vnto his father let my father aryse and eate of his sonnes venison that thy soule may blesse me 32 Then his father Isahac sayde vnto hym who art thou He aunswered I am thy sonne thy first borne Esau 33 And Isahac was greatly astonied out of measure and sayde which is he and where is he then that hath hunted venison and brought it me and I haue eaten of al before thou camest and haue blessed hym yea he shal be blessed 34 When Esau hearde the wordes of his father he cryed aloude bitterly aboue measure and sayde vnto his father blesse me I also am thy sonne O my father 35 Who aunswered Thy brother came with subtiltie and hath taken awaye thy blessyng 36 And he said agayne Is not he rightly named Iacob for he hath vndermyned me nowe two tymes First he toke away my birthright and see nowe hath he taken away my blessyng also And he sayde hast thou kept neuer a blessyng for me 37 Isahac aunswered and sayde vnto Esau Beholde I haue made hym thy Lorde all his brethren haue I made his seruauntes Moreouer with corne and wine haue I stablisshed him what shall I do vnto thee nowe my sonne 38 And Esau sayde vnto his father hast thou but that one blessyng my father blesse me I am also thy sonne O my father So lyfted vp Esau his voyce and wept 39 Then Isahac his father aunswered and sayde vnto hym beholde thy dwellyng place shal be the fatnesse of the earth and of the deawe of heauen from aboue 40 And through thy sworde shalt thou liue and shalt be thy brothers seruaunt and it shal come to passe that thou shalt get the maisterie thou shalt loose his yoke from of thy necke 41 And Esau hated Iacob because of the blessyng that his father blessed hym withall And Esau sayde in his heart The dayes of sorowyng for my father are at hande then wyll I slaye my brother Iacob 42 And these wordes of Esau her elder sonne were tolde to Rebecca And she sent called Iacob her younger sonne saide vnto him Beholde thy brother Esau as touchyng thee doth comforte hym selfe full purposyng to kyll thee 43 Nowe therefore my sonne heare my voyce make thee redy and flee to Laban my brother at Haran 44 And tary with him awhyle vntyl thy brothers fiercenesse be swaged 45 And vntyll thy brothers wrath turne away from thee he forget the thinges which thou hast done to hym then wyll I sende and fet thee away from thence why should I be desolate of you both in one day 46 And Rebecca spake to Isahac I am weery of my lyfe for the daughters of Heth. Yf Iacob take a wyfe of the daughters of Heth such as these which are of the daughters of the lande what good shall my lyfe do me ❧ The .xxviij. Chapter 1 Isahac forbyddeth Iacob to take a wyfe of the maydens of Chanaan wherevnto Iacob obeyeth 9 Esau against his fathers wyl taketh a wife of the daughters of Ismael 11 Iacob goyng into Haran seeth a ladder in a dreame 13 Chanaan is promised to Iacob 16 God comforteth Iacob 17 The house of God 19 Bethel Luza 20 The vowe of Iacob He asketh foode and clothyng 1 AND so Isahac called Iacob and blessed him and charged him and sayde vnto hym See thou take not a wyfe of the daughters of Chanaan 2 Arise and get thee to Mesopotamia to the house of Bethuel thy mothers father and there take thee a wyfe of the daughters of Laban thy mothers brother 3 And God almyghtie blesse thee and make thee to encrease multiplie thee that thou mayest be a number of people 4 And geue the blessing of Abraham vnto thee and to thy seede with thee that thou mayest receaue to inherite y e lande wherein thou art a straunger whiche God gaue vnto Abraham 5 Thus Isahac sent foorth Iacob and he went towarde Mesopotamia vnto Laban sonne of Bethuel the Syrian and brother to Rebecca Iacob and Esaus mother 6 When Esau sawe that Isahac had blessed Iacob and sent hym to Mesopotamia to fet hym a wyfe from thence and that as he blessed him he gaue him a charge saying thou shalt not take a wyfe of the daughters of Chanaan 7 And that Iacob had obeyed his father and mother and was gone to Mesopotamia 8 And Esau seyng also that the daughters of Chanaan pleased not Isahac his father 9 Then went Esau vnto Ismael and toke vnto the wyues which he had Mahalah the daughter of Ismael Abrahams sonne the sister of Nebaioth to be his wyfe 10 Iacob departed from Beer-seba and went towarde Haran 11 And he came vnto a certayne place taryed there all night because the sunne was downe and toke of the stones of the place and put vnder his head and layde hym downe in the same place to sleepe 12 And he dreamed and beholde there stoode a lather vpō the earth and the toppe of it reached vp to heauen and see the angels of God went vp downe vpon it 13 Yea and God from aboue leaned vppon it and sayde I am the Lord God of Abraham thy father and the God of Isahac the land which thou sleepest vpon wyll I geue thee and thy seede 14 And thy seede shal be as the dust of the earth and thou shalt spreade abrode to the west to the east to the north and to the south and in thee and in thy seede shall all the kynredes of the earth be blessed 15 And see I am with thee and wyll be thy keper in all places whyther thou goest and wyll bryng thee agayne into this lande For I wyl not leaue thee
vntyll I haue made good that whiche I haue promised thee 16 When Iacob was awaked out of his sleepe he sayde Surely the Lorde is in this place and I knewe it not 17 And he was afrayde and saide howe dreadefull is this place it is none other but euen the house of God it is the gate of heauen 18 And Iacob rose vp early in the mornyng and toke the stone that he hadde layed vnder his head and pitched it vpon an ende and powred oyle in the toppe of it 19 And he called the name of the place Bethel but the name of the citie was called Luz before tyme. 20 And Iacob vowed a vowe saying Yf God wyll be with me and wyll kepe me in this iourney in which I go and wyll geue me bread to eate and clothes to put on 21 So that I come agayne vnto my fathers house in saftie then shal the Lord be my God 22 And this stone whiche I haue set vp on an ende shal be Gods house and of all that thou shalt geue me I wyl surely geue the tenth vnto thee ¶ The .xxix. Chapter 1 Iacob commeth to Laban 4 The vnknowen he calleth brethren 9 Rachel feedeth sheepe 11 Iacob kysseth Rachel in the Lorde 13 Laban clyppeth Iacob and kysseth hym 17 Lea is bleare eyed 18 Iacob becommeth bonde for Rachel seuen yeres 22 Laban kepeth the mariage 23 Lea is geuen for Rachel 32 Lea conceaueth Ruben 33 Simeon 34 Leui. 35 Iuda 1 THen Iacob went on his iourney came into the lande of the people of the east 2 And as he loked about beholde there was a wel in the field and loe three flockes of sheepe lay there by for at that well were the flockes watered and there was a great stone vpon the well mouth 3 And thyther were all the flockes brought and they roulled the stone frō the welles mouth watred the sheepe put the stone agayne vpon the welles mouth vnto his place 4 And Iacob saide vnto them My brethren whence be ye And they sayde of Haran are we 5 And he sayde vnto them Knowe ye Laban the sonne of Nachor They sayde we knowe hym 6 And he sayde vnto them is he in good health And they sayde he is in good health and beholde his daughter Rachel commeth with the sheepe 7 And he sayde loe it is yet a great whyle to nyght neither is it tyme that the cattell should be gathered together water ye the sheepe and go and feede them 8 And they sayde we may not vntyll all the flockes be brought together and tyl they roule the stone from the welles mouth and so we water our sheepe 9 Whyle he yet talked with them Rachel came with her fathers sheepe for she kept them 10 Assoone as Iacob sawe Rachel the daughter of Laban his mothers brother the sheepe of Laban his mothers brother Iacob went rouled the stone from the welles mouth watered the flocke of Laban his mothers brother 11 And Iacob kyssed Rachel and lift vp his voyce and wept 12 And Iacob tolde Rachel that he was her fathers brother and that he was Rebeccaes sonne Therefore ranne she and tolde her father 13 And when Laban hearde certaynely tell of Iacob his sisters sonne he ranne to meete hym and imbraced hym and kyssed hym and brought hym to his house And he tolde Laban all these thynges 14 To whom Laban sayde Well thou art my bone my fleshe And he abode with hym the space of a moneth 15 And Laban said vnto Iacob Though thou be my brother shouldest thou therfore serue me for naught Tell me what shall thy wages be 16 Laban had two daughters the elder called Lea and the younger Rachel 17 Lea was tender eyed but Rachel was beautifull and well fauoured 18 And Iacob loued Rachel and sayde I wyll serue thee seuen yere for Rachel thy younger daughter 19 Laban aunswered It is better that I geue her vnto thee then that I shoulde geue her to another man abide with me 20 And Iacob serued seuen yere for Rachel and they seemed vnto hym but a fewe dayes for the loue he hadde to her 21 And Iacob said vnto Laban geue me my wife that I may lye with her for my dayes are fulfylled 22 Then Laban gathered together all the men of that place and made a feast 23 And when euen was come he toke Lea his daughter and brought her to hym and he went in to her 24 And Laban gaue vnto his daughter Lea Zilpha his mayde to be her seruaunt 25 And when the mornyng was come beholde it was Lea. Then sayde he to Laban Wherefore hast thou played thus with me dyd not I serue thee for Rachel wherfore then hast thou begyled me 26 Laban aunswered It is not the maner of this place to marry y e younger before the first borne 27 Passe out this weeke then we wyll geue thee this also for the seruice whiche thou shalt serue me yet seuen yeres more 28 And Iacob dyd euen so and passed out the weeke and then he gaue hym Rachel his daughter to wyfe also 29 And Laban gaue to Rachel his daughter Bilha his handmayde to be her seruaunt 30 So lay he by Rachel also and loued Rachel more then Lea and serued hym yet seuen yeres more 31 When the Lorde sawe that Lea was despised he made her fruitfull and Rachel remayned baren 32 And Lea conceaued and bare a sonne and she called his name Ruben for she sayde the Lord hath loked vpon my tribulation nowe therfore my husband wyll loue me 33 And she conceaued agayne and bare a sonne sayde The Lorde hath hearde that I am despised and hath therefore geuen me this sonne also and she called his name Simeon 34 And she conceaued yet bare a sonne and sayde Nowe this once wyll my husbande kepe me company because I haue borne him three sonnes and therfore was his name called Leui. 35 And she conceaued yet agayne and bare hym a sonne saying Nowe wyll I prayse the Lorde Therefore she called his name Iuda left bearyng ¶ The .xxx. Chapter 1 Rachel complayneth to her husbande of barennesse 4 Rachel geueth Bilha for a wyfe vnto Iacob 6 Dan. 13 Aser 15 Lea byeth with mandragues of Rachel that her husbande myght lye with her and conceaueth 18 Isachar 20. Zabulon 21 Dina. 22 God geueth conceauyng vnto Rachel 24 Ioseph 25 Iacob asketh licence to depart and his wages 29 God enriched Laban for Iacobs sake 32 Iacob asketh wages for sheepe of diuers colours which be yeaned of sheepe of one colour 43 Iacob very ryche 1 RAchel when she sawe that she bare Iacob no children she enuied her sister and sayde vnto Iacob Geue me children or els I am but dead 2 And Iacobs anger was kyndled agaynst Rachel and sayde
And ye knowe howe I haue serued your father to the best of my power 7 But your father hath deceaued me and chaunged my wages ten tymes but God suffred hym not to hurt me 8 When he sayde the spotted shal be thy wages then al the sheepe bare spotted And when he sayd the ringstraked shal be thy rewarde then bare all the sheepe ringstraked 9 Thus hath God taken away the increase of your fathers flocke and geuen it to me 10 But in rammyng tyme I lifted vp myne eyes and sawe in a dreame and beholde the Rammes leaped vpon the sheepe that were ringstraked spotted and partie 11 And the angell of God spake vnto me in a dreame saying Iacob And I aunswered here am I. 12 And he sayd lift vp nowe thyne eyes and see all the Rammes leapyng vpon the sheepe that are ringstraked spotted and partie for I haue seene all that Laban doth vnto thee 13 I am the God of Bethel where thou annoyntedst the stone set vp on an ende and where thou vowedst a vowe vnto me nowe therefore aryse and get thee out of this countrey and returne vnto the lande where thou wast borne 14 Then aunswered Rachel and Lea and said vnto him haue we had as yet any portion or inheritaunce in our fathers house 15 Doth not he count vs euen as straungers for he hath solde vs hath quite deuoured also our money 16 Therfore all the ryches whiche God hath taken from our father that is ours and our chyldrens nowe then whatsoeuer God hath sayde vnto thee that do 17 Then Iacob rose vp set his sonnes and wyues vp vpon camelles 18 And caryed away all his flockes and all his substaunce whiche he had procured the increase of his cattell which he had gotten in Mesopotamia for to go to Isahac his father vnto the lande of Chanaan 19 But Laban was gone to sheare his sheepe and Rachel had stolen her fathers images 20 And Iacob stale away the heart of Laban the Syrian in that he tolde him not that he fled 21 So fled he and all that he had and made hym selfe redy and passed ouer the ryuer and set his face strayght towarde the mounte Gilead 22 Vpon the thirde day after was it told Laban that Iacob fled 23 Then he toke his brethren with him and folowed after him seuen daies iourney ouertoke him at the mounte Gilead 24 And God came to Laban the Syrian in a dreame by nyght and sayd vnto him take heede that thou speake not to Iacob ought saue good 25 And Laban ouertoke Iacob and Iacob had pitched his tent in the mounte And Laban with his brethren pitched also vpon the mounte Gilead 26 And Laban said to Iacob what hast thou done for thou hast stollen away my heart and caryed away my daughters as though they had ben taken captiue with the sworde 27 Wherfore wentest thou away secretly vnknowen to me and dyddest not tell me that I myght haue let thee go thy way with mirth and songues with tymbrell and harpe 28 And hast not suffred me to kysse my chyldren and my daughters thou wast a foole nowe in so doyng 29 For it is in my hand through God to do you hurt But the God of your father spake vnto me yesternight saying Take heede that thou speake not to Iacob ought saue good 30 And nowe though thou wouldest nedes be gone away because thou sore longest after thy fathers house yet wherfore hast thou stollen my gods 31 Iacob aunswered and sayde to Laban because I was afrayde thought that peraduenture thou wouldest take away thy daughters from me 32 But with whomsoeuer thou findest thy gods let hym dye Here before our brethren seeke that thyne is by me and take it to thee But Iacob wyst not that Rachel had stolen them 33 Then went Laban into Iacobs tent and into Leas tent and into the two maydseruaunts tentes but found them not Then went he out of Leas tent and entred into Rachels tent 34 And Rachel had taken the images and put them in the camelles strawe sate downe vpon them And Laban tossed vp all y e tent but found them not 35 Then sayde she to her father my Lord be not angry that I can not ryse vp before thee for the custome of women is come vpon me So searched he but founde not those images 36 And Iacob was wroth and chode with Laban Iacob also aunswered and sayd to him what haue I trespassed or what haue I offended thee that thou doest sore pursue after me 37 Thou hast tossed vp all my stuffe and what hast thou founde of all thy householde stuffe put it here before thy brethren and my brethren that they may iudge betwixt vs both 38 Behold this twentie yere haue I ben with thee thy sheepe and thy goates haue not ben barren and the rammes of thy flocke haue I not eaten 39 Whatsoeuer was torne of beastes I brought it not vnto thee but made it good my selfe of my hande diddest thou require it that was stolen by day or nyght 40 I was in suche case that by day the heate consumed me and the frost by nyght and my slepe departed from mine eyes 41 Thus haue I ben twentie yere in thy house and serued thee fourteene yeres for thy two daughters and sixe yere for thy sheepe and thou hast chaunged my rewarde ten tymes 42 And except the God of my father the God of Abraham and the feare of Isahac had ben with me surely thou haddest sent me away nowe all emptie but God behelde my tribulation and the labour of my handes and rebuked thee yesternyght 43 And Laban aunswered and sayd vnto Iacob these daughters are my daughters and these chyldren are my chyldren these sheepe are my sheepe and all that thou seest is myne and what can I do this day vnto these my daughters or vnto their children which they haue borne 44 Nowe therfore come on and let vs make a league I and thou which may be a wytnesse betwene me and thee 45 Then toke Iacob a stone and set it vp on ende 46 And Iacob sayde vnto his brethren gather stones And they toke stones and made an heape and they dyd eate there vpon the heape 47 And Laban called it Iegar Sahadutha but Iacob called it Galeed 48 Then saide Laban this heape is witnesse betwene thee and me this day therfore it is called Galeed 49 And Mispah for he said the Lord loke betwene thee and me when we are departed one from another 50 If thou shalt vexe my daughters or shalt take other wyues beside my daughters here is no man with vs beholde God is wytnesse betwixt me and thee 51 And Laban sayde moreouer to Iacob beholde this heape and this stone set vp on ende whiche I haue layde betwixt me and thee 52 This heape be witnesse
auayleth it yf we slay our brother and kepe his blood secrete 27 Come on and let vs sell hym to the Ismaelites and let not our hande be vpon him for he is our brother and our fleshe And his brethren were content 28 Then as the Madianites marchaunt men passed by they drewe and lyft Ioseph out of the pit and solde him vnto the Ismaelites for twentie peeces of syluer And they brought Ioseph into Egypt 29 Then Ruben came agayne vnto the pit and beholde Ioseph was not in the pit then he rent his clothes 30 And went agayne vnto his brethren saying the lad is not yonder wo is me whyther shall I go 31 And they toke Iosephes coate and kylled a kyd and dipped the coate in the blood 32 And they sent that partie coloured coate and caused it to be brought vnto their father and sayde This haue we founde see whether it be thy sonnes coate or no. 33 And he knewe it saying It is my sonnes coate a naughtie beast hath deuoured hym Ioseph is without doubt rent in peeces 34 And Iacob rent his clothes put sackcloth about his loynes and mourned for his sonne a long season 35 But all his sonnes all his daughters rose vp to comfort hym neuerthelesse he woulde not be comforted but sayde I wyll go downe into the graue vnto my sonne mournyng And thus his father wept for hym 36 And the Madianites solde hym in Egypt vnto Putiphar chiefe officer of Pharaos and his chiefe stewarde ¶ The .xxxviij. Chapter 1 The mariage of Iudas 3 Er. 4 Onan 5 Selah Er taketh Thamar to wyfe 7 Er dieth 10 Onan the enuious is smitten of God 11 Thamar the wydowe abydeth with her father 12 Iudas his wyfe being dead goeth out to sheare sheepe 15 The incest of Iudas with Thamar his daughter in lawe 24 Iudas cōmaunded his daughter in lawe beyng accused of whordome to be brent and afterward acknowledgeth the fault 27 Thamar bryngeth foorth two twynnes 29 Phares 36 Zarah 1 ABout that tyme Iudas went downe from his brethren and gate him to a man called Hirah of Adulam 2 And there he saw y e daughter of a man called Sua a Chanaanite and he toke her and went in to her ' And she conceaued and bare a sonne ' and called his name Er. ' 4 And she conceaued agayne and bare a ' sonne and called hym Onan 5 And she conceaued agayne and bare yet a sonne whom she called Selah he was at Chezib whē she bare him 6 And Iudas gaue Er his first borne sonne a wyfe whose name was Thamar 7 And Er Iudas first borne sonne was wicked in the syght of the Lorde and the Lorde slewe hym 8 And Iudas sayde vnto Onan Go in to thy brothers wyfe and marrie her that thou mayest stirre vp seede vnto thy brother 9 And when Onan perceaued that the seede shoulde not be his therfore when he wēt in to his brothers wyfe he spylled it on the grounde gaue not seede vnto his brother 10 And the thyng which he dyd displeased the Lorde wherfore he slewe hym also 11 Then sayde Iudas to Thamar his daughter in lawe Remayne a wydowe at thy fathers house tyll Selah my sonne be growen For he sayde lest peraduenture he dye also as his brethren dyd And Thamar went dwelt in her fathers house 12 And in processe of tyme the daughter of Sua Iudas wyfe dyed Then Iudas when he had left mournyng went vnto his sheepe shearers to Thimnath he and his friende Hirah of Adulam 13 And one tolde Thamar saying beholde thy father in lawe goeth vp to Thimnath to sheare his sheepe 14 And she put her widowes garmentes of from her and couered her with a vayle and disguysed her selfe and sate her downe in an open place whiche is by the way syde to Thimnath for because that she sawe Selah was growen and she was not geuen vnto hym to wyfe 15 When Iuda sawe her he thought it had ben an harlot because she had couered her face 16 And he turned to her vnto the way sayde Come I praye thee let me lye with thee For he knewe not that it was his daughter in law And she answered What wylt thou geue me for to lye with thee 17 Then sayde he I wyll sende thee a kyd from the flocke She sayde Then geue me a pledge tyll thou sende it 18 He sayde What pledge shall I geue thee She sayde Thy signet thy bracelet and thy staffe that is in thyne hande And he gaue it her and laye by her and she was with chylde by hym 19 And she gate her vp and went and put her vayle from her and put on her wydowes rayment 20 And Iudas sent the kyd by his friende Adulam for to receaue his pledge againe from the womans hand but he founde her not 21 Then asked he the men of the same place saying where is the harlot that sate openly by y e wayes syde They aunswered There is no harlot here 22 He came therfore to Iuda againe and sayde vnto hym I can not fynde her and also the men of the place sayde that there was no harlot there 23 And Iuda sayde Let her take it to her lest we be shamed beholde I sent the kyd thou hast not found her 24 And it came to passe after three monethes one tolde Iuda saying Thamar thy daughter in lawe hath played the harlot and with playing the harlot is become great with chylde And Iuda sayde Bryng her foorth that she may be brent 25 And when they brought her foorth she sent to her father in lawe saying By the man vnto whom these thynges pertaine am I with chylde And saide also Loke I pray thee whose are these this seale and this bracelet and this staffe 26 And Iuda acknowledged them and saide She hath ben more righteous then I because I gaue her not Selah my sonne And he lay with her no more 27 But when the tyme was come that she shoulde be deliuered beholde there was two twynnes in her wombe 28 And when she trauayled the one put out his hande the mydwyfe toke bounde a red threede about it saying this is come out first 29 And he plucked his hand backe againe and beholde his brother came out And she sayde Wherefore hast thou rent a rent vppon thee and called his name Phares 30 Afterward came out his brother that had the red threede about his hande and his name was called Zarah ¶ The .xxxix. Chapter 1 Ioseph is sold to Putiphar 2 God is with Ioseph 5 God blesseth Putiphar for Iosephs sake 8 Ioseph denyeth whordome vnto his Lady his mistresse 14 Ioseph accused of whordome of his Lady is imprisoned 21 God taketh compassion vpon Ioseph 1 IOseph was brought vnto Egypt and Putiphar a Lorde of Pharaos and his chiefe
knewe not Ioseph 9 And he sayde vnto his folke Beholde the people of the chyldren of Israel are greater and myghtier then we 10 Come on let vs deale wyttyly with thē lest they multiplie lest it come to passe that if there be any warre they ioyne them selues vnto our enemies fight agaynst vs so get them vp out of y e land 11 Therfore dyd they set taske maisters ouer them to kepe thē vnder with burthens And they buylt vnto Pharao treasure cities Pithom Raamses 12 But the more they vexed them the more they multiplied and grewe so that they abhorred at the syght of the chyldren of Israel 13 And the Egyptians helde the children of Israel in bondage without mercie 14 And they made their lyues bytter vnto them in that cruell bondage in claye and bricke and all maner of worke in the fielde for all their bondage wherein they serued them was ful of tirannie 15 And the kyng of Egypt spake vnto the mydwyfes of the Hebrues women of which the one was named Siphrah and the other Puah and sayde 16 When ye do the office of a mydwyfe to the women of the Hebrues and see in the birth tyme that it is a boy ye shall kyl it but if it be a daughter it shal liue 17 Notwithstanding the mydwifes feared God and dyd not as the kyng of Egypt commaunded them but saued the men chyldren 18 And the kyng of Egypt called for the mydwyfes and sayde vnto them why haue ye dealt on this maner and haue saued the men chyldren 19 And the mydwyfes aunswered Pharao that y e Hebrues women are not as the women of Egypt for they are more liuely women and are deliuered yer the mydwyfes come at them 20 And God dealt well therefore with the mydwyfes and the people multiplied and waxed very myghtie 21 And it came to passe that because the midwifes feared God he made them houses 22 And Pharao charged all his people saying All the men chyldren that are borne cast into the ryuer and saue the mayde chyldren alyue ¶ The .ij. Chapter 2 Moyses is borne 3 He is hydden in a basket cast into a place where sedge groweth 10 Moyses is adopted of the daughter of Pharao 11 Moyses murthereth an Egyptian which smote an Hebrue 13 Betweene them that are at stryfe he woulde set an attonement 15 Moyses fleeth from Pharao 16 He defendeth maydens from the iniurie of shepheardes 21 He maryeth Sephora to wyfe 23 The chyldren of Israel do crye vnto God in trouble and he regardeth them 1 ANd there went a man out of the house of Leui and toke to wyfe a daughter of Leui. 2 And the wyfe conceaued and bare a sonne and when she sawe that it was a proper childe she hyd him three monethes 3 And when she coulde no longer hyde hym she toke a basket made of bull russhes and dawbed it with slyme and pitche and layed the chylde therein and put it in the flagges by the riuers brinke 4 And his sister stoode a farre of to wit what woulde come of it 5 And the daughter of Pharao came downe to wasshe her selfe in the ryuer and her maydens walked along by the ryuers syde And when she sawe the basket among the flagges she sent her mayde to fetch it 6 And when she had opened it she sawe it was a chylde and beholde the babe wept And she had compassion on it and sayde it is one of the Hebrues chyldren 7 Then sayde his sister to Pharaos daughter shall I go and call to thee a nurse of the Hebrues women to nurse thee the chylde 8 Pharaos daughter aunswered her go And the mayde ranne and called the chyldes mother 9 To whom Pharaos daughter sayde Take this chylde away and nurse it for me and I wyll rewarde thee And the woman toke the chylde nursed it vp 10 The chylde grewe and she brought it vnto Pharaos daughter and it was made her sonne And she called y e name of it Moyses because sayde she I toke hym out of the water 11 And in those dayes when Moyses was waxed great he went out vnto his brethren loked on their burdens and spyed an Egyptian smytyng an Hebrue which was one of his brethren 12 And he loked rounde about and when he sawe no man by he slewe the Egyptian and hyd hym in the sande 13 And when he was gone out another day beholde two men of the Hebrues stroue together And he saide vnto him that dyd the wrong Wherefore smytest thou thy felowe 14 He aunswered Who made thee a man of aucthoritie and a iudge ouer vs intendest thou to kyll me as thou kylledst the Egyptian And Moyses feared and sayde Of a suretie this thyng is knowen 15 And Pharao heard of it and went about to slaye Moyses And Moyses fleyng from the face of Pharao dwelt in the lande of Madian and he sate downe by the welles syde 16 The priest of Madian had vij daughters which came and drewe water and filled the troughes for to water their fathers sheepe 17 And the shepheardes came and droue them away but Moyses stoode vp and helped them and watred their sheepe 18 And when they came to Raguel their father he sayde Howe came it to passe that ye are come so soone to day 19 And they aunswered A man of Egypt deliuered vs from the handes of the shepheardes and so drewe vs water and watered the sheepe 20 He saide vnto his daughters where is he why haue ye so left the man Call hym that he may eate bread 21 And Moyses was content to dwell with the man he gaue Moyses Sephora his daughter 22 Which bare him a sonne and he called his name Gershom For he saide I haue ben a straunger in a straunge land 23 And in processe of tyme the kyng of Egypt dyed and the chyldren of Israel syghed by the reason of bondage and cryed 24 And their complaynt came vp vnto God from the bondage and God heard their mone and God remembred his couenaunt with Abraham Isahac and Iacob 25 And God loked vpon the chyldren of Israel and God had respecte vnto them ¶ The .iij. Chapter 1 Moyses feedeth the sheepe of his father in lawe 2 God in the middest of a busshe speaketh to Moyses of deliueryng Israel 5 The earth holy 12 God with Moyses 13 The name of God 14 God teacheth Moyses how and in what sort he woulde that he should deliuer his people 1 MOyses kept the sheepe of Iethro his father in lawe priest of Madian and he droue the flocke to the backesyde of the desert and came to the mountayne of God Horeb. 2 And the angell of the Lorde appeared vnto hym in a flambe of fire out of the middes of a busshe And he loked and beholde the busshe burned with fire and the busshe
was not consumed 3 Therfore Moyses sayde I wyll go nowe and see this great syght howe it commeth that the busshe burneth not 4 And when y e Lorde sawe that he came for to see God called vnto him out of the middes of the busshe sayde Moyses Moyses And he answered here am I. 5 And he said Draw not nigh hither put thy shoes of thy feete for the place whereon thou standest is holy ground 6 And he sayde I am the God of thy father the God of Abraham the God of Isahac and the God of Iacob And Moyses hid his face for he was afrayde to loke vpon God 7 And the Lorde saide I haue surely seene the trouble of my people which are in Egypt and haue heard their crie from the face of their taske maisters for I knowe their sorowes 8 And am come downe to deliuer thē out of the hande of the Egyptians and to bryng them out of that lande vnto a good lande a large vnto a lande that floweth with mylke and hony euen vnto the place of the Chanaanites and Hethites and Amorites and Pherizites and Heuites and of the Iebusites 9 Nowe therfore beholde the complaint of the chyldren of Israel is come vnto me and I haue also seene the oppressiō wherwith y e Egyptians oppressed them 10 Come thou therfore and I wyll sende thee vnto Pharao that thou mayest bryng my people the chyldren of Israel out of Egypt 11 And Moyses saide vnto God what am I to go vnto Pharao and to bryng the chyldren of Israel out of Egypt 12 And he aunswered For I wyll be with thee and this shal be a token vnto thee that I haue sent thee After that thou hast brought the people out of Egypt ye shall serue God vpon this moūtayne 13 And Moyses sayde vnto God behold when I come vnto the chyldren of Israel and shall say vnto them the God of your fathers hath sent me vnto you And if they saye vnto me what is thy name what answere shall I geue thē 14 And God aunswered Moyses I am that I am And he said This shalt thou say vnto the chyldren of Israel I am hath sent me vnto you 15 And God spake further vnto Moyses Thus shalt thou say vnto the chyldren of Israel The Lorde God of your fathers the God of Abraham the God of Isahac and the God of Iacob hath sent me vnto you This is my name for euer and this is my memoriall into generation and generation 16 Go and gather the elders of Israel together and thou shalt saye vnto them The Lorde God of your fathers the God of Abraham the God of Isahac and the God of Iacob appeared vnto me and sayde In visityng haue I visited you and know that which is done to you in Egypt 17 And I haue sayde I wyll bryng you out of the tribulation of Egypt vnto the land of the Chanaanites and Hethites and Amorites and Pherizites and Heuites and Iebusites euen into a land which floweth with milke hony 18 And they shall heare thy voyce Then both thou and the elders of Israel shall go vnto the kyng of Egypt and say vnto him The Lord God of the Hebrues hath met with vs and nowe let vs go we beseche thee three dayes iourney into the wyldernesse and do sacrifice vnto the Lorde our God 19 And I am sure that the king of Egypt wyl not let you go no not in a mightie hande 20 And I wyll stretche out my hande smyte Egypt with al my wonders whiche I wyll do in the middes therof and after that he wyll let you go 21 And I wyll get this people fauour in the syght of the Egyptians so that when ye go ye shall not go emptie 22 But a wyfe shall borowe of her neighbour and of her that soiourneth in her house iewels of syluer and iewels of golde and rayment and ye shall put them on your sonnes and daughters shall robbe the Egyptians ¶ The .iiij. Chapter 1 God geueth three signes vnto Moyses wherewith he may testifie vnto Pharao that he is sent a deliuerer from God 3 A rodde turned into a serpent and the serpent into the rodde agayne 6 The hande of Moyses leprous 10 Moyses layeth for hym selfe slownesse of toung 14 God angred with Moyses geueth hym Aaron for an oratour 19 Moyses goeth forward into Egypt 24 God wyll destroy Moyses 25 Sephora circumciseth her sonne 27 By the commaundement of God Aaron goeth agaynst Moyses to meete hym 1 MOyses aunswered and said See they wyll not beleue me nor harken vnto my voyce but wyll saye The Lorde hath not appeared vnto thee 2 And the Lorde sayde vnto him What is that which is in thine hande He aunswered a rodde 3 And he sayde Cast it on the grounde And he cast it on the grounde and it became a serpent and Moyses fled frō the syght of it 4 And the Lorde sayde vnto Moyses Put foorth thy hande and take it by the tayle And therefore he put foorth his hande and caught it and it became a rodde in his hande 5 By this thing shall they beleue that the Lord God of their fathers the God of Abraham the God of Isahac the God of Iacob hath appeared vnto thee 6 And the Lorde sayde furthermore vnto hym Thrust thyne hande into thy bosome And he thruste his hande into his bosome and when he toke it out agayne beholde his hande was leprous euen as snowe 7 And he sayde Put thine hande into thy bosome againe And he put his hand into his bosome agayne and plucked it out of his bosome and behold it was turned agayne as his other fleshe 8 Therfore yf they wyll not beleue thee neither heare y e voyce of the first signes yet wyll they beleue for the voyce of the seconde signes 9 But if they wyl not beleue these two signes neither hearken vnto thy voyce thou shalt take of the water of the riuer and powre it vpon the drye lande and the water which thou takest out of the riuer shal be turned into blood vpon the drye lande 10 Moyses sayd vnto the Lorde Oh my Lord I am neither yesterday nor yer yesterday a man eloquēt neither sence thou hast spoken vnto thy seruaunt but I am slowe mouthed slowe tounged 11 And the Lorde sayd vnto hym who hath made mans mouth or who maketh the dumbe or deafe the seyng or the blynde Haue not I the Lorde 12 And nowe go and I wyll be with thy mouth and teache thee what thou shalt say 13 He said oh my Lorde sende I pray thee by the hande of hym whom thou wylt sende 14 And the Lorde was angry with Moyses and sayde Do not I knowe Aaron thy brother the Leuite that he can speake For lo he commeth foorth to meete thee and when he seeth thee he
they be seperated from the holy thinges of the children of Israel and that they pollute not my holy name in those thinges whiche they halowe vnto me I am the Lorde 3 Say vnto them Whosoeuer he be of all your seede among your generations after you that goeth vnto the holy thinges whiche the chyldren of Israel halowe vnto the Lorde hauing his vncleannes vpon hym that soule shall be cut of from out of my sight I am the Lorde 4 What man soeuer of the seede of Aaron is a leper or hath a running issue he shall not eate of the holy thinges vntyll he be cleane And who so toucheth any man that is vncleane by reason of a dead body or a man whose seede runneth from hym in his sleepe 5 Or whosoeuer toucheth any creeping thyng whereby he may be made vncleane or a man of whom he may take vncleannes whatsoeuer vncleannes he hath 6 The same soule that hath touched any suche shal be vncleane vntyll euen and shall not eate of the holy thynges vntyll he haue washed his fleshe with water 7 And when the sunne is downe he shal be cleane and shall afterwarde eate of the holy thynges forasmuche as it is his foode 8 Of a beast that dyeth alone or is rent with wylde beastes wherby he may be defiled he shall not eate I am the Lorde 9 Let them kepe therefore myne ordinaunce lest they for the same lade sinne vpon them and dye for it if they defile it I the Lorde sanctifie them 10 There shall no straunger eate of the holy thing neither a ghest of y e priestes neither shall an hyred seruaunt eate of the holy thyng 11 But if the priest bye any soule with money he shall eate of it like as he that is borne in his house they shall eate of his meate 12 If the priestes daughter also be maried vnto a staunger she may not eate of the halowed heaue offeringes 13 Notwithstanding if y e priestes daughter be a wydowe or deuorsed and haue no chylde but is returned vnto her fathers house agayne she shall eate of her fathers meate aswell as she dyd it in her youth But there shall no straunger eate therof 14 If a man eate of the holy thyng vnwittingly he shal put the fifth part thervnto and geue it vnto the priest with the halowed thyng 15 And the priestes shall not defile the holy thynges of the chyldren of Israel whiche they offer vnto the Lorde 16 To lade them selues with misdoyng and trespasse while they eate their holy thinges for I the Lorde do halowe them 17 And the Lorde spake vnto Moyses ' saying ' 18 Speake vnto Aaron and his sonnes and vnto all the children of Israel and say vnto them Whatsoeuer he be of the house of Israel or straunger in Israel that wyll offer his sacrifice for all his vowes and for all his freewyll offeringes whiche they wyll offer vnto the Lorde for a burnt offering 19 Ye shall offer at your pleasure a male without blemishe of the beefes of the sheepe or of the goates 20 But whatsoeuer hath a blemishe that shall ye not offer for it shal not be acceptable for you 21 And whosoeuer bryngeth a peace offering vnto the Lorde to accomplyshe his vowe or a freewyll offering in beefes or sheepe it shal be perfite to be accepted there shal be also no blemishe therein 22 Blynde or broken or lame or hauyng a wen or skuruie or scabbed ye shall not offer suche vnto the Lorde nor put a burnt offering of any suche vpon the aulter vnto the Lorde 23 A bullocke or a sheepe that hath any member superfluous or lackyng mayest thou offer for a freewyll offering but for a vowe it shall not be accepted 24 Ye shall not offer vnto the Lord that which is brused or crusshed or broken or cut away neither shal you make any offeryng therof in your lande 25 Neither of a straungers hande shall ye offer the bread of your God of any such because their corruption is in thē and they haue deformitie in thēselues and therfore shall they not be accepted for you ' 26 And the Lorde spake vnto Moyses ' saying 27 When a bullocke or a sheepe or a goate is brought foorth it shal be seuen dayes vnder the damme And from the eyght day and thencefoorth it shal be accepted for a burnt sacrifice vnto the Lorde 28 And whether it be cowe or ewe ye shall not kyll it and her young both in one day 29 When ye wyll offer a thanke offeryng ' vnto the Lorde offer it wyllyngly ' 30 And the same day it must be eaten vp so that ye leaue none of it vntyll the morowe I am the Lorde 31 Therfore shall ye kepe my cōmaundementes ' and do them I am the Lorde ' 32 Neither shal ye pollute my holy name but I wyll be halowed among the children of Israel I am the Lorde which halowe you 33 And that brought you out of the lande of Egypt to be your God I am the Lorde ' The xxiii Chapter ' 2 Of the holy dayes 3 Of the Sabboth 5 The Passouer 6 The feast of vnleauened bread 10 The feast of the first fruites 16 Whitsontide 24 The feast of blowyng trumpettes 34 The feast of tabernacles ' 1 AND the Lorde spake ' vnto Moyses saying 2 Speake vnto the children of Israel and say vnto thē The feastes of the Lorde which ye shall call holy conuocations euen these are my feastes 3 Sixe dayes ye shall worke but the seuenth day is the Sabboth of rest an holy cōuocation so that ye do no worke therin it is the Sabboth of the Lorde in all your dwellynges 4 These are the feastes of the Lorde euen holy conuocations which ye shall proclayme in their seasons ' 5 In the fourteenth day of the first moneth ' at euen is the Lordes Passouer 6 And on the fifteenth day of the same moneth is the feast of vnleauened bread vnto the Lorde seuen dayes ye must eate vnleauened bread 7 In the first day ye shall haue an holy conuocation ye shal do no seruile worke therin 8 But ye shall offer sacrifices made by fire vnto the Lorde throughout these seuen dayes and in the seuenth day is an holy conuocation ye shall do no seruile worke therin ' 9 And the Lorde spake vnto Moyses ' saying 10 Speake vnto the children of Israel and say vnto them When ye be come into the lande which I geue vnto you and reape downe the haruest therof ye shall bryng a sheafe of the first fruites of your haruest vnto the priest 11 Which shall waue the sheafe before the Lorde to be accepted for you and euen the morowe after the Sabboth the priest shall waue it 12 And ye shall offer that day when ye waue the sheafe an hee lambe without blemishe of a yere olde for a burnt offeryng vnto the Lorde 13 And the meate offeryng therof shal be made of two tenth
that it pleased the Lorde that he should blesse Israel he went not as he dyd twise before to meete a soothsaying but set his face towarde the wyldernesse 2 And Balaam lift vp his eyes and loked vpon Israel as he lay accordyng to his tribes and the spirite of God came vpon hym 3 And he toke vp his parable and sayd Balaam the sonne of Beor hath sayde and the man whose eyes is open hath sayde 4 He hath sayde whiche heareth the wordes of God and seeth the visions of the almightie and falleth downe with open eyes 5 Howe goodly are thy tentes O Iacob and thyne habitations O Israel 6 Euen as the valleys are they layde abrode as gardens by the riuers side as the tentes whiche the Lorde hath pitched and as cypres trees beside the waters 7 The water droppeth out of his bucket his seede shal be in many waters * and his king shal be hier then Agag and his kingdome shal be exalted 8 * God brought hym out of Egypt his strength is as the Vnicorne He shall eate the nations his enemies gnawe their bones and pearce them through with his arrowes 9 He couched hym selfe and lay downe as a Lion and as an elder Lion who shall stirre hym vp Blessed is he that blesseth thee and cursed is he that curseth thee 10 And Balac was wroth with Balaam and smote his handes together and Balac said vnto Balaam I sent for thee to curse mine enemies and behold thou hast blessed them this three tymes 11 Therfore nowe get thee quickly vnto thy place I thought that I would promote thee vnto honour but lo the Lord hath kept thee backe from worship 12 Balaam aunswered vnto Balac Tolde I not thy messengers whiche thou sendedst vnto me saying 13 If Balac woulde geue me his house full of siluer and golde I can not passe the word of the Lord to do either good or bad of mine owne minde But what the Lorde sayeth that wyll I speake 14 And nowe behold I go vnto my people Come therfore and I wyll aduertise thee what this people shall do to thy folke in the latter dayes 15 And he toke vp his parable and sayd Balaam the sonne of Beor hath sayde the man whose eye is open hath sayde 16 He hath said that heareth the wordes of God and hath the knowledge of the most hygh and beholdeth the vision of the almightie and that falleth and his eyes are opened 17 I shal see him but not nowe I shall beholde him but not nigh There shall come a starre of Iacob and ryse a scepter of Israel shall smyte the coastes of Moab and vndermine all the chyldren of Seth. 18 And Edom shal be possessed Seir shall fall to the possession of their enemies and Israel shall do manfully 19 Out of Iacob shall come he that shall haue dominion and shall destroy the remnaunt of the citie 20 And when he loked on Amaleck he toke vp his parable and said Amaleck is the first of the nations but his latter ende shall perishe vtterly 21 And he loked on the Kenites and toke vp his parable and sayde Strong is thy dwelling place and thou puttest thy nest in a rocke 22 Neuerthelesse the Kenite shal be rooted out vntyll Assur take thee prisoner 23 And he toke vp his parable and sayd Alas who shall lyue when God doth this 24 The shippes also shall come out of the coast of Chittim and subdue Assur and subdue Eber and he hym selfe shall perishe at the last 25 And Balaam rose vp and went and returned to his place and Balac also went his way ¶ The .xxv. Chapter 1 The people committeth fornication with the daughters of Moab 8 Phinehes kylleth Zamri and Cozbi 17 God commaundeth to kyll the Madianites 1 AND Israel abode in Sittim and the people began to commit whoredome with the daughters of Moab 2 Whiche called the people vnto the sacrifice of their gods And the people dyd eate and bowed downe to their gods 3 And Israel coupled hym selfe vnto Baal Peor and the indignation of the Lorde was kindeled against Israel 4 And the Lorde sayde vnto Moyses Take all the heades of the people and hang them vp before the Lorde against the sunne that the wrath of the Lordes countenaunce may be turned away from Israel 5 And Moyses sayde vnto the Iudges of Israel * Euery one slay his men that were ioyned vnto Baal Peor 6 And behold one of the chyldren of Israel came brought vnto his brethren a Madianitishe woman euen in the sight of Moyses and in the sight of all the multitude of the children of Israel that wept before the doore of the tabernacle of the congregation 7 And when Phinehes the sonne of Eleazar the sonne of Aaron the priest saw it he rose vp out of the myddes of the companie toke a iauelin in his hande 8 And went after the man of Israel into the tent thrust them through both the man of Israel also the woman euen thorowe the belly of her And the plague ceassed frō the chyldrē of Israel 9 And there dyed in the plague twentie and foure thousande 10 And the Lorde spake vnto Moyses saying 11 Phinehes the sonne of Eleazar the sonne of Aaron the priest hath turned myne anger away from the chyldren of Israel whyle he was zelous for my sake among thē that I had not consumed the childrē of Israel in my ielousie 12 Wherfore say beholde I geue vnto hym my couenaunt of peace 13 And he shall haue it and his seede after hym euen the couenaunt of the priestes office for euer because he was zelous for his Gods sake and made an attonement for the chyldren of Israel 14 The name of the Israelite thus kylled which was slayne with the Madianitishe woman was Zamri the sonne of Salu a Lorde of an house and kinred of Simeon 15 And the name of the Madianitishe womā that was slayne was Cozbi the daughter of Zur a head ouer the people of his fathers house in Madian 16 And the Lorde spake vnto Moyses saying 17 Vexe the Madianites smyte them 18 For they trouble you with their wyles whiche haue begyled you by deceyte in the cause of Peor in the cause of their sister Cozbi the daughter of a Lorde of the Madianites whiche was slayne in the day of the plague for Peors sake ' ¶ The .xxvj. Chapter ' ' 2 The chyldren of Israel are numbred ' 1 AND after the plague the Lorde spake vnto Moyses and vnto Eleazar the sonne of Aaron the priest saying 2 Take the number of al the multitude of the chyldren of Israel from twentie yeres old and aboue throughout their fathers houses all that are able to go to warre in Israel 3 And Moyses and Eleazar the priest spake vnto them in the fieldes of Moab by Iordan ouer against Iericho saying 4
these folke were seuen hundred chosen men beyng left handed whiche euery one coulde slyng stones at an heere breadth and not misse 17 And the children of Israel beside Beniamin were numbred foure hundred thousand men that drewe swordes and were all men of warre 18 And the children of Israel arose and wēt vp to the house of God and asked of God saying Whiche of vs shall go vp first to the battel against the children of Beniamin And the Lorde sayd Iuda shall begin 19 And the children of Israel stoode vp early and camped against Gibea 20 And the men of Israel went out to battell against Beniamin and the men of Israel put thē selues in aray to fight against them beside Gibea 21 And the children of Beniamin came out of Gibea and destroyed downe to the ground of the Israelites that day twentie and two thousand men 22 And the people the men of Israel plucked vp their heartes and set their battel againe in aray in the same place where they dyd the first day 23 And the children of Israel went vp and wept before the Lorde vnto euen and asked of the Lord saying Shal we go agayne to battell against the children of Beniamin our brethrē And the Lord sayde Go vp against them 24 And the children of Israel came neare against the children of Beniamin the seconde day 25 And the children of Beniamin went against them out of Gibea the seconde day and destroyed to the earth of the childrē of Israel once againe eyghteene thousand men that drewe swordes euerie man of them 26 Then al the children of Israel and all the people went vp and came vnto the house of God and wept and sate there before the Lord and fasted the same day vnto euen and offered burnt offerynges and peace offerynges before the Lorde 27 And the children of Israel asked the Lord for there was the arke of the appoyntment of God in those dayes 28 And Phinehes the sonne of Eleazar the sonne of Aaron stoode before it at that time saying Shal I get me vp to go out any more to battell against the children of Beniamin my brethren or shal I ceasse The Lorde sayde Go vp for to morow I wil deliuer them into your handes 29 And Israel set lyers awayte round about Gibea ❧ The booke of Ruth ¶ The fyrst Chapter 1 Elimelech goeth with his wyfe and children into the lande of Moab 3 And his sonnes dye 19 Naomi and Ruth come to Bethlehem 1 IT came to passe that whē the iudges ruled there fel a dearth in the land a certein man of Bethlehē Iuda went for to soiourne in the countrey of Moab he and his wyfe and his two sonnes 2 The name of the man was Elimelech and the name of his wyfe Naomi and the names of his two sonnes were Mahlon and Chilion Ephraites out of Bethlehem Iuda And whē they came into the lande of Moab they continued there 3 And Elimelech Naomies husbande died and she remayned with her two sonnes 4 Whiche toke them wyues Moabitesses of the Moabites the ones name was Orpha and the others Ruth And they dwelled there about a ten yeres 5 And Mahlon Chilion died also euen both of them and the woman was left destitute of her two sonnes and of her husband 6 Then she arose with her daughters in lawe and returned from the countrey of Moab for she had hearde say in the countrey of Moab howe that the Lorde had visited his people and geuen them bread 7 Wherfore she departed out of the place where she was and her two daughters in lawe with her And they went on their way to returne vnto the lande of Iuda 8 And Naomi said vnto her two daughters in lawe Go returne eche of you vnto your mothers house the Lorde deale as kindly with you as ye haue dealt with the dead and with me 9 And the Lord geue you that you may fynde rest either of you in the house of her husbande And when she kyssed them they lift vp their voyce and wept 10 And sayde vnto her Surely we will returne with thee vnto thy folke 11 And Naomi sayde Turne againe my daughters for what cause will you go with me Are there any moe children in my wombe to be your husbandes 12 Turne againe my daughters go your way for I am to olde to haue an husbande And if I sayd I haue hope if I toke a man also this night yea though I had alredy borne sonnes 13 Would ye tary after them till they were of age or woulde ye for them so long refrayne from taking of husbandes Not so my daughters for it greeueth me muche for your sakes that the hand of the Lorde is gone out against me 14 And they lift vp their voyces wept againe and Orpha kissed her mother in lawe but Ruth abode still by her 15 And Naomi said See thy sister in law is gone backe againe vnto her people vnto her gods returne thou after her 16 And Ruth aunswered Entreat me not to leaue thee and to returne from after thee for whyther thou goest I will go also where thou dwellest there I wil dwell Thy people shal be my people and thy god my god 17 Where thou diest there will I die and there wyl I be buried The Lord do so to me and more also if ought but death depart thee and me 18 When she sawe that she was stedfastly minded to go with her she left speaking vnto her 19 And so they wēt both vntil they came to Bethlehē And whē they were come to Bethlehem it was noysed of them thorow all the citie and they sayde Is not this Naomi 20 And she aunswered them Cal me not Naomi but call me Mara for the almightie hath made me verie bitter 21 I went out full and the Lorde hath brought me home agayne emptie Why then call ye me Naomi seying the Lord hath humbled me the almightie hath brought me vnto aduersite 23 And so Naomi with Ruth the Moabitesse her daughter in lawe returned out of the countrey of Moab and came to Bethlehē in the beginning of barlie haruest The .ii. Chapter 1 Ruth gathered corne in the fieldes of Booz 15 The gentilnes of Booz toward her 1 ANd Naomies husbād had a kinsman a mā of power and wealth which was of the kinred of Elimelech named Booz 2 And Ruth the Moabitesse sayd vnto Naomi Let me nowe go to the fielde gather eares of corne after any man in whose sight I finde grace And she sayde vnto her Go my daughter 3 And she went and came to the fielde and gathered after the reapers and so it was that the same fielde parteyned vnto Booz whiche was of the kinred of Elimelech 4 And beholde Booz came from Bethlehem and sayde vnto the reapers The Lorde be with you And they aunswered him The Lorde
blesse thee 5 Then sayde Booz vnto his young man that stode by the reapers Whose damosel is this 6 And the young man that stode by the reapers aunswered and sayd It is the Moabitishe damosel that came with Naomi out of the countrey of Moab 7 And she sayde vnto vs I pray you let me gleane and gather after the reapers amongst the sheaues and so she came and hath continued euen from the morning vnto nowe saue that she taried a litle in the house 8 Then sayd Booz vnto Ruth Hearest thou my daughter Go to no other fielde to gather neither go from hence but abyde here by my maydens 9 Let thyne eyes be on the fielde that they do reape go thou after the maydens Haue I not charged the young men that they shall do thee no hurte Moreouer when thou art a thyrst go vnto the vessels drinke of that which the laddes haue drawen 10 Then she fell on her face and bowed her selfe to the ground and sayde vnto him Howe is it that I haue founde grace in thyne eyes that thou shouldest knowe me seing I am an aliaunt 11 And Booz aunswered and sayde vnto her Al is tolde shewed me that thou hast done vnto thy mother in law sence the death of thyne husband howe thou hast left thy father and thy mother and the land where thou wast borne and art come vnto a people which thou knewest not in time passed 12 The Lord quyte thy worke and a full reward be geuen thee of the Lord God of Israel vnder whose winges thou art come to trust 13 Then she sayde Let me finde fauour in thy sight my lord thou that hast comforted me and spoken comfortably vnto thy mayde whiche yet am not lyke vnto one of thy maydens 14 Booz sayde vnto her agayne At the meale tyme come thou hyther and eate of the bread and dyp thy morsel in the vineger And she sat besyde the reapers and he reached her parched corne she dyd eate and was suffised left part 15 And when she was rysen vp to gather Booz cōmaunded his young men saying Let her gather euen among the sheaues and rebuke her not 16 And leaue her some of the sheaues for the nonce and let it lye that she may gather it vp and rebuke her not 17 And so she gathered in the fielde vntil euen and threshed that she had gathered and it was in measure vpon an Epha of barlye 18 And she toke it vp and went into the citie and when her mother in lawe had seene what she had gathered she plucked out also gaue to her that she had reserued when she had eaten enough 19 And her mother in lawe sayde vnto her Where hast thou gathered to day and where wroughtest thou blessed be he that knewe thee And she shewed her mother in lawe howe she had wrought with him and sayde The mans name with whom I wrought to day is Booz 20 And Naomi said vnto her daughter in lawe Blessed be he of the Lord for he ceasseth not to do good to the lyuing to the dead And Naomi sayd agayne vnto her The man is nye vnto vs and of our affinitie 21 And Ruth the Moabitesse sayd he sayd vnto me also Thou shalt be with my young men vntil they haue ended al my haruest 22 And Naomi aunswered vnto Ruth her daughter in lawe It is best my daughter that thou go out with his maydens that they come not against thee in any other fielde 23 And so she kept her by the maydens of Booz to gather vnto the ende of barlye haruest and of wheate haruest also dwelt with her mother in lawe The .iii. Chapter 1 Naomi geueth Ruth councel 8 She sleepeth at Booz feete 12 He acknowledgeth him selfe to be her kinseman 1 THen Naomi her mother in lawe sayde vnto her My daughter shal I not seke rest for thee y t thou mayest prosper 2 And is not Booz our kinsman with whose maydens thou wast Beholde he winnoweth barlie to night in the thresshing floore 3 Wasshe thy selfe therfore and annoynt thee and put thy rayment vpon thee get thee downe to the floore but let not the man knowe of thee vntill he haue left eating and drincking 4 And when he goeth to sleepe marke the place where he layeth him downe and then go and lyft vp the clothes that are on his feete lay thee downe there and he shall tel thee what thou shalt do 5 And she aunswered her All that thou biddest me I will do 6 And she went downe vnto the floore and dyd according to al that her mother in lawe bad her 7 And when Booz had eaten and drunken cheared his heart he went to lye downe at the ende of the heape of corne and she came softly and lift vp the clothes of his feete and layed her downe 8 And at midnight the man was afraide and caught holde and beholde a woman lay at his feete 9 And he sayde What art thou She aunswered I am Ruth thyne handmayde Spreade the wing of thy garment ouer thyne handmayde for thou art the kinsman 10 He sayde Blessed be thou in the Lord my daughter for thou hast shewed more goodnesse in the latter ende then at the beginning inasmuche as thou folowedst not young men whether they were poore or riche 11 And nowe my daughter feare not I will do to the all that thou requirest for all the citie of my people doth know that thou art a woman of vertue 12 And it is true that I am of thy next kinne howbeit there is one nier then I. 13 Tary this night and when morning is come if he wil perfourme the part of a kinsman vnto thee it is good let him do the kinsmans part but if he wyl not do the kinsmans part then wyl I do the duetie of a kinsman as the Lorde liueth sleepe vntil the morning 14 And she lay at his feete vntill the morning and she arose vp before one coulde knowe another And he sayde Let no man knowe that there came any woman into the floore 15 And he sayde againe Bring the mantel that thou hast vpon thee holde it And when she held it he mette in sixe measures of barlye and layde it on her And she gat her into the citie 16 And when she came in to her mother in lawe she sayde Who art thou my daughter And she tolde her all that the man had done to her 17 And sayde These sixe measures of barlye gaue he me and sayde Thou shalt not come emptie vnto thy mother in lawe 18 Then sayde she My daughter sit still vntil thou knowe howe the matter will fall for the man will not be in rest vntill he haue finished the thing this same day The .iiii. Chapter 1 Booz speaketh to Ruths next kinseman touching her mariage 7 The auncient custome in Israel 10 Booz marieth Ruth of
and more also if I taste bread or ought els tyll the sunne be downe 36 And all the people wist it and it pleased them as whatsoeuer the king did pleased all the people 37 For all the people and all Israel vnderstoode that day how that it was not the kinges deede that Abner the sonne of Ner was slayne 38 And the king said vnto his seruauntes Knowe ye not howe that there is a prince and a great man fallen this day in Israel 39 And I am this day tender and newly annoynted king and these men the sonnes of Zaruia be to hard for me The Lorde rewarde the doer of euyll according to his wickednesse The .iiii. Chapter 5 Baanah and Rechab slay Isboseth the sonne of Saul 12 Dauid commaunded them to the slayne 1 AND when Sauls sonne hearde that Abner was dead in Hebron his handes were feeble al the Israelites were afrayde 2 And Sauls sōne had two mē that were captaines of bandes the one called Baanah the other Rechab the sonnes of Rimmon a Berothite of the children of Beniamin for Beroth was reckened to Beniamin 3 And these Berothites fled to Githaim and soiourned there vntill this day 4 And Ionathan Sauls sonne had a sonne that was lame on his feete and was fiue yeres olde when the tydinges came of Saul Ionathan out of Iesrael And his nurse toke hym vp and fled away and as she made haste to flee the chylde fell and began to halt and his name was Miphiboseth 5 And the sonnes of Rimmon the Berothite Rechab and Baanah went and came in the heate of the day to the house of Isboseth whiche slept on a bed at noone 6 And behold they came into the middes of the house as though they woulde haue fetched wheate and Rechab and Baanah his brother smote him vnder the fyft ribbe and fled 7 For when they came into the house he slept on his bed in his bed chamber and they smote him and slue him beheaded him and toke his head gat them away through the plaine all the night 8 And they brought the head of Isboseth vnto Dauid to Hebron and sayde to the king Behold there is the head of Isboseth Sauls sonne thyne enemie whiche sought after thy lyfe and the Lorde hath auenged my lorde the kyng this day of Saul and of his seede 9 And Dauid aunswered Rechab and Baanah his brother y e sonnes of Rimmon the Berothite and said vnto them As the Lorde lyueth whiche hath deliuered my soule out of all aduersites 10 When one tolde me sayde that Saul was dead thynking to haue brought good tydinges I caught him and slue him in Ziklag whiche thought that I woulde haue geuen him a rewarde for his tydinges bringing 11 Howe much more when wicked men haue slayne a righteous person in his owne house and vpon his bed Shal I not nowe therfore require his blood of your hande take you from the earth 12 And Dauid commaunded his young men and they slue them and cut of their handes and feete and hanged them vp ouer the poole in Hebron But they toke the head of Isboseth buried it in the sepulchre of Abner in Hebron The .v. Chapter 3 Dauid is made king ouer all Israel 7 He taketh the forte of Zion 19 He asketh counsel of the Lorde 20 And ouercommeth the Philistines twise 1 THen came all the tribes of Israel to Dauid vnto Hebron and sayde thus Beholde we are thy bone and thy fleshe 2 And in time past whē Saul was our king thou leddest Israel in and out and the Lord hath sayd to thee thou shalt feede my people Israel thou shalt be a captayne ouer Israel 3 And so all the elders of Israel came to the king to Hebron and king Dauid made a couenaunt with them in Hebron before the Lorde and they annointed Dauid king ouer Israel 4 Dauid was thirtie yeres olde when he began to raigne and he raigned fourtie yeres 5 In Hebron he raigned ouer Iuda seuen yeres and sixe monethes and in Hierusalem he raigned thirtie and three yeres ouer all Israel and Iuda 6 The king also and his men went to Hierusalem vnto the Iebusites the inhabitauntes of the lande whiche spake vnto Dauid saying Except thou take away the blinde and the lame thou shalt not come in hyther For they said Thou art not able to come in hyther 7 Neuerthelesse Dauid toke the strong hold of Sion the same is the citie of Dauid 8 And Dauid sayde the same day Whosoeuer smyteth the Jebusites and getteth vp to the gutters of the houses and smyteth the lame and the blinde hated of Dauid soule I will preferre him Wherfore they said The blinde and the lame shal not come into that house 9 And so Dauid dwelt in the towre and called it the citie of Dauid and buylt round about it from Millo inward 10 And Dauid prospered and grewe and y e Lord God of hoastes was with him 11 And Hiram king of Tyre sent messengers to Dauid and Cedar trees carpenters and masons for walles and they buylt Dauid an house 12 And Dauid perceaued that the Lord had stablished him king ouer Israel that he had exalted his kingdome for his people Israels sake 13 And Dauid toke him mo concubines and wyues out of Hierusalem after he was come from Hebron and mo sonnes daughters were yet borne to Dauid 14 And these be the names of the sonnes that were borne vnto him in Hierusalem Samua Sobab Nathan Solomon 15 Ibhar also and Elisua Nepheg and Iaphia 16 Elisama Eliada and Eliphelet 17 But when the Philistines hearde that they had annoynted Dauid king ouer Israel they came all vp to seke Dauid And assoone as Dauid hearde of it he gat him to an holde 18 And when the Philistines came they spread them selues in the valley of Raphaim 19 And Dauid asked counsel of the Lord saying Shall I go vp to the Philistines wilt thou deliuer them into my handes And the Lorde aunswered vnto Dauid Go vp for I will doubtlesse deliuer the Philistines into thy handes 20 And Dauid came to Baal Perazim and smote them there and sayde The Lorde hath deuided myne enemies asunder before me as waters be deuided asunder And therefore he called the name of that place Baal Perazim 21 And there they left their images and Dauid and his men burnt them 22 And the Philistines came yet againe and layde them selues in the valley of Rephaim 23 And when Dauid asked counsel of the Lorde he aunswered Thou shalt not go vp but compasse them on the backsyde and come vpon them ouer against the Mulbery trees 24 And when thou hearest the noyse of a thing goyng in the toppe of the Mulbery trees then remoue for then shall the Lorde go out before thee to smyte the hoast of the Philistines 25 And Dauid did as the Lorde
wilt thou runne my sonne seyng that thou hast no tydinges to bring 23 Yet what if I runne He said vnto him Runne Then Ahimaaz ranne by the way of the playne came before Chusi 24 And Dauid sate betweene the two gates And the watchman went vp to the roofe ouer the gate vnto the wal and lift vp his eyes and sawe beholde there came a man runnyng alone 25 And the watchman cryed tolde the king And the king sayd If he be alone there is tydinges in his mouth And he came a pace and drewe neare 26 And the watchman sawe another man running and the watchman called vnto the porter and sayd Behold there commeth another man running alone And the king sayd He is also a tydinges bringer 27 And the watchman sayde Me thinketh the running of the formost is lyke the running of Ahimaaz the sonne of Sadoc The king sayde He is a good man and commeth with good tidinges 28 And Ahimaaz called said vnto y e king peace be with thee And he fell downe to the earth vpō his face before the king and sayd Blessed be the Lord thy God which hath shut vp the mē that lift vp their handes against my lorde the king 29 And the king sayd Is the young man Absalom safe Ahimaaz aunswered When Ioab sent the kinges seruaunt and me thy seruaunt I sawe a great tumult but I wote not what it was 30 And the king sayde vnto him Turne aside and stand here And he turned aside and stoode styll 31 And behold Chusi came also and sayd Tydinges my lorde the king for the Lord hath deliuered thee this day out of the hande of al them that rose against thee 32 And the king sayde vnto Chusi Is the young man Absalom safe Chusi aunswered The enemies of my lorde the king and all that ryse against thee to do thee hurt be as that young man is 33 And the king was moued and went vp to the chamber ouer the gate and wept and as he went thus he sayde O my sonne Absalom my sonne my sonne Absalom woulde God I had died for thee O Absalom my sonne my sonne The .xix. Chapter 7 Ioab encourageth the king 8 Dauid is restored 23 Simei is pardoned 24 Miphiboseth meeteth the king 39 Barzelai departeth 41 Israel striueth with Iuda 1 ANd it was told Ioab beholde the king weepeth mourneth for Absalom 2 And the victorie of that day was turned into mourning vnto al the people for the people heard say that day howe y e king sorowed for his sonne 3 And the people went that day into the citie by stealth as people confounded to conuey them selues when they flee in battell 4 But the king hyd his face and cryed with a loude voyce O my sonne Absalom O Absalom my sonne my sonne 5 And Ioab came into the house to the king and sayd Thou hast shamed this day the faces of all thy seruaūtes which this day haue saued thy life the liues of thy sonnes and of thy daughters the liues of thy wyues and of thy concubines 6 In that thou louest thyne enemies and hatest thy frendes For thou hast declared this day that thou regardest neither thy princes nor seruauntes And this day I do perceaue that if Absalom had lyued and all we had died this day that had pleased thee well 7 Nowe therfore vp and come out and speake cōfortably vnto thy seruauntes For I sweare by the Lorde except thou come out there will not tary one man with thee this night and that wil be worse vnto thee then all the euyll that fell on thee from thy youth vnto this houre 8 Then the king arose and sate in the gate And they tolde vnto all the people saying beholde the king doth sit in the gate and all the people came before the king For Israel had fled euery man to his tent 9 And al y e people were at strife throughout all the tribes of Israel saying The king saued vs out of the hand of our enemies he deliuered vs out of the hande of the Philistines and nowe he is fled out of the lande for Absalom 10 But Absalom whom we annoynted ouer vs is dead in battell Therefore why are ye so still that ye bring not the king agayne 11 And king Dauid sent to Sadoc Abiathar the priestes saying Speake vnto the elders of Iuda and say why are ye behinde to bring the king againe to his house seyng that such tydinges is come from all Israel vnto the king euen to his house 12 Ye are my brethren my bones and my fleshe wherfore then are ye the last that bryng the king againe 13 And say ye to Amasa Art thou not of my bone and of my fleshe God do so to me and more also if thou be not captayne of the hoast to me for euer in the roome of Ioab 14 And he bowed the heartes of all the men of Iuda euen as the heart of one man so that they sent this word to the king Returne thou with all thy seruauntes 15 So the king returned and came to Iordane And Iuda came to Gilgal for to go to meete the king and to conuey him ouer Iordane 16 And Simei the sonne of Gera the sonne of Iemini whiche was of Bahurim hasted and came downe with the men of Iuda to meete king Dauid 17 And there were a thousand men of Beniamin with him and Ziba the seruaunt of the house of Saul and his fyfteene sonnes and twentie seruauntes with him and they went ouer Iordane before the king 18 And there went ouer a boate to carie ouer the kinges housholde and to do him pleasure And Simei the sonne of Gera fel before the king as he was come ouer Iordane 19 And sayde vnto the king Let not my lorde impute wickednes vnto me nor remembre the thinges that thy seruaunt dyd wickedly when my lord the king departed out of Hierusalē that the king should take it to his heart 20 For thy seruaunt doth knowe howe that I haue done amisse And therfore behold I am the first this day of all the house of Ioseph that am come downe to meete my lorde the king 21 But Abisai the sonne of Zaruia aunswered and sayd Shall not Simei dye for this because he cursed the Lordes annoynted 22 And Dauid sayde What haue I to do with you ye sonnes of Zaruia For this day ye be aduersaries vnto me Shall there any man dye this day in Israel Do not I knowe that I am this day kyng ouer Israel 23 And therfore the kyng sayde vnto Simei Thou shalt not dye and the kyng sware vnto hym 24 And Miphiboseth the sonne of Saul came downe to meete the kyng and had neither washed his feete nor dressed his bearde nor washed his clothes from the tyme the kyng departed vntyll he came againe in peace
out of the lande of Egypt 10 And it fortuned that when the priestes were come out of the holy place the cloude filled the house of the Lorde 11 That the priestes could not stand and minister because of the cloude for the glory of the Lorde had filled the house of the Lorde 12 Then spake Solomon The Lorde saide that he would dwell in the darke cloude 13 I haue built thee an house to dwell in an habitation for thee to abyde in for euer 14 And the king turned his face and blessed all the congregation of Israel and all the congregation of Israel stoode still 15 And he saide Blessed be the Lorde God of Israel which spake with his mouth vnto Dauid my father hath with his hand fulfilled it saying 16 Sence the day that I brought my people Israel out of Egypt I chose no citie of all the tribes of Israel to build an house that my name might be therein But I haue chosen Dauid to be ruler ouer my people of Israel 17 And it was in the heart of Dauid my father to build an house for the name of the Lorde God of Israel 18 And the Lorde saide vnto Dauid my father Whereas it was in thyne heart to build an house vnto my name thou diddest well that thou wast so minded 19 Neuerthelesse thou shalt not build the house but thy sonne that shall come out of thy loynes he shall build the house vnto my name 20 And the Lorde hath made good his word that he spake and I am rysen vp in the roome of Dauid my father and sit on the seate of Israel as the Lorde promysed and haue built an house for the name of the Lorde God of Israel 21 And I haue prepared therein a place for the arke wherein is the couenaunt of the Lorde which he made with our fathers when he brought them out of the lande of Egypt 22 Solomon stoode before the aulter of the Lorde in the sight of all the congregation of Israel and stretched out his handes toward heauen and sayde 23 Lord God of Israel there is no God like thee in heauen aboue or in the earth beneath thou that kepest couenaunt mercy for thy seruauntes that walke before thee with all their heart 24 Thou that hast kept with thy seruaūt Dauid my father that thou promisedst him Thou spakest also with thy mouth and hast fulfilled it with thyne hand as it is come to passe this day 25 Therfore now Lorde God of Israel keepe with thy seruaunt Dauid my father that thou promisedst him saying Thou shalt not be without a man in my sight to syt on the seate of Israel so that thy childrē take heede to their way that they walke before me as thou hast walked in my sight 26 And now O God of Israel let thy word be verified which thou spakest vnto thy seruaunt Dauid my father 27 Wyll God in deede dwell on the earth Beholde the heauens and heauens of all heauens are not able to contayne thee and how should then this house do it that I haue builded 28 Haue thou therefore respect vnto the prayer of thy seruaunt and to his supplication O Lorde my God to heare the crye and prayer which thy seruaunt 4 And if thou wilt walke before me as Dauid thy father walked in purenes of heart and in righteousnes to do all that I haue commaunded thee and wilt kepe my statutes and my lawes 5 Then will I stablishe the seate of thy kingdome vpon Israel for euer as I promised to Dauid thy father saying Thou shalt not be without a mā vpon the seate of Israel 6 But and if ye and your children turne away from me and will not kepe my commaundementes and my statutes whiche I haue set before you but go and serue other gods worship them 7 Then will I weede Israel out of the lande which I haue geuen them and this house which I haue halowed for my name will I cast out of my sight and Israel shal be a prouerbe and a fable among all nations 8 And this house shal be taken away so that euery one that passeth by it shal be astonied and shall hysse and they shall say Why hath the Lord done thus vnto this lande and to this house 9 And they shal aunswere Because they forsoke the Lorde their God whiche brought their fathers out of the land of Egypt and haue taken hold vpon other gods and haue worshipped them and serued them therfore hath the Lorde brought vpon them all this euyll 10 And it fortuned that at the ende of twentie yeres when Solomon had finished the buylding of the two houses that is to wyte the house of the Lorde and the kinges palace 11 And Hiram the king of Tyre brought Solomon timbre of Cedar firre trees golde and whatsoeuer he desired Then Solomon gaue Hiram twentie cities in the lande of Galilee 12 And Hiram came out from Tyre to see the cities whiche Solomon had geuen hym and they pleased him not 13 And he sayde What cities are these which thou hast geuen me my brother And he called them the lande of barren vnto this day 14 And Hiram sent the king sixe score talentes of gold 15 And this is the summe whiche king Solomon raysed for a tribute when he buylded the house of the Lorde and his owne house and Millo and the wall of Hierusalem and Hazor and Megeddo and Gazer 16 For Pharao king of Egypt went vp and toke Gazer and burnt it with fire and slue the Chanaanites that dwelt in the citie and gaue it for a present vnto his daughter Solomons wyfe 17 And Solomon buylt Gazer Beth-horon the neather 18 And Baalath and Thamar in the wildernesse in the lande 19 And all the treasure cities that Solomon had and cities for his charettes and cities for his horsemen and all that Solomon desired and woulde buyld in Hierusalem in Libanon and in all the lande of his dominion 20 And al the people that were left of the Amorites Hethites Pherezites Heuites and Iebusites whiche were not of the children of Israel 21 Their children that were left after them in the lande whom the children of Israel also were not able to destroy those dyd Solomon compell to bring tribute vnto this day 22 But of the children of Israel dyd Solomon make no bondmen But they were men of warre his ministers his lordes his captaynes and rulers of his charettes and his horsemen 23 And these were the lordes that were set ouer Solomons worke euen fiue hundred were they and fiftie and they ruled the people that wrought y e worke 24 And Pharaos daughter came vp out of the citie of Dauid vnto her house which Solomon had buylt for her and then dyd he also buylde Millo 25 And thryse a yere did Solomon offer burnt offringes peace offringes vpon the aulter whiche he buylt vnto the Lorde and he burnt
man of God whiche he sayde when the king came downe to him 18 And so came the thing to passe that the man of God had spoken to the king saying Two bushels of barlye for a sicle and a bushell of fyne flowre for another shal be to morowe this tyme in the gate of Samaria 19 Whervnto that lorde aunswered the man of God and sayde Yea and if the Lorde made windowes in heauen might it come to passe And he sayd Beholde thou shalt see it with thyne eyes and shalt not eate thereof 26 And euen so chaunced it vnto him For the people trode vpon him in the gate and he dyed The .viii. Chapter 1 Elisa prophecied vnto the Sunamite the dearth of seuen yeres 11 He prophecieth to Hazael that he shal be king of Syria 15 He raigneth after Benhadad 16 Ioram raigneth ouer Iuda 20 Edom falleth from Iuda Ohoziah succedeeth Ioram 1 THen spake Elisa vnto the woman whose sonne he had restored to lyfe againe saying Vp and go thou and thyne house and soiourne where so euer thou canst For the Lord hath called for a dearth and the same shall come vpon the lande seuen yeres 2 And the woman arose and dyd after the saying of the man of God and went both she and her houshold soiourned in the land of the Philistines seuē yeres 3 And at the seuen yeres ende it fortuned that the woman came againe out of the land of the Philistines and went out to call vpon the king for her house and for her lande 4 And the king talked with Gehezi the seruaunt of the man of God saying Tel me I pray thee al the great deedes that Elisa hath done 5 He told the king howe he had restored a dead body to lyfe againe but in the meane time the woman whose sonne he had raysed vp againe cryed to the king for her house and for her land And Gehezi sayde My lorde O king this is the woman and this is her sonne whom Elisa raysed vp againe 6 And when the king asked the woman she tolde him And so the king deliuered her a chamberlayne saying Restore thou vnto her all that are hers and all the fruites of the fielde sence the day that she left the land vnto this tyme. 7 And Elisa came to Damascon Benhadad the king of Syria was sycke And one tolde him saying The man of God is come hyther 8 And the king sayd vnto Hazael Take a present in thyne hande and go meete the man of God that thou mayest inquire of the Lord by him saying Shal I recouer of this disease 9 And so Hazael went to meete him and toke the present with him and of euery good thing of Damascon euen as much as fourtie camels coulde beare came and presented him selfe before him and said Thy sonne Benhadad king of Syria hath sent me to thee saying Shal I recouer of this disease 10 And Elisa sayde vnto him Go and say vnto him Thou shalt recouer howebeit the Lorde hath shewed me that he shall surely dye 11 He loked vpon him stedfastlie vntill he was ashamed the man of God wept 12 And Hazael sayde Why weepeth my lorde He aunswered For I knowe the euyl thinges that thou shalt do vnto the children of Israel for their strong cities shalt thou set on fire and their young men shalt thou slay with the sword and shalt dashe out the braynes of their sucking children and al to teare their women with childe 13 But Hazael sayd What is thy seruaunt a dogge that I shoulde do this great thing And Elisa aunswered The Lord hath shewed me that thou shalt be king of Syria 14 And so he departed from Elisa came to his maister which sayd to him What sayde Elisa to thee He aunswered He tolde me that thou shouldest recouer 15 And on the morowe it fortuned that he toke a thycke cloth and dipt it in water and spread it on his face he died and Hazael raigned in his steade 16 The fyft yere of Ioram the sonne of Ahab king of Israel Iehosaphat being also king of Iuda Ioram the sonne of Iehosaphat king of Iuda began to raigne 17 Thirtie and two yeres olde was he when he began to raigne and he raigned eyght yeres in Hierusalem 18 And he walked in the wayes of the kinges of Israel as they that were of the house of Ahab for the daughter of Ahab was his wyfe and he dyd euyll in the sight of the Lorde 19 And the Lord woulde not destroy Iuda and that because of Dauid his seruaunt as he promised him to geue him alway a light among his children 20 In those dayes Edom rebelled from vnder the hand of Iuda for they made them a king of their owne 21 So Ioram wēt to Zair he al his charettes with him And he rose by night and smote the Edomites which compassed him in with the captaynes of his charettes and the people fled into their tentes 22 But Edom rebelled so that he woulde not be vnder the hande of Iuda vnto this day Then Libnah rebelled that same time 23 The rest of the wordes that concerne Ioram and al that he dyd are they not written in the booke of the cronicles of the kinges of Iuda 24 And Ioram rested with his fathers and was buried besyde his fathers in the citie of Dauid And Ahaziahu his sonne raigned in his steade 25 In the twelfth yere of Ioram the sonne of Ahab king of Israel dyd Ahaziahu the sonne of Ioram king of Iuda begin to raigne 26 Two and twentie yeres old was Ahaziahu when he began to raigne and he raigned one yere in Hierusalem and his mothers name was Athaliahu the daughter of Omri king of Israel 27 But he walked in the way of the house of Ahab and dyd euyll in the sight of the Lorde euen as dyd the house of Ahab for he was the sonne in law of the house of Ahab 28 And he went with Ioram the sonne of Ahab to warre against Hazael king of Syria in Ramoth Gilead and the Syrians wounded Ioram 29 And king Ioram went back againe to be healed in Iezrahel of the woundes whiche the Syrians had geuen him at Ramoth when he fought against Hazael king of Syria And Ahaziahu the sonne of Ioram king of Iuda went downe to see Ioram the sonne of Ahab in Iezrahel because he was sicke there The ix Chapter 6 Iehu is made king of Israel 24 And killeth Ioram the king therof 27 and Ahaziah otherwyse called Ochozias the king of Iuda 33 And causeth Iezabel to be cast downe out of a windowe and the dogges dyd eate her 1 ANd Elisa the prophete called one of the childrē of the prophetes and sayd vnto him Gyrde vp thy loynes and take this boxe of oyle in thyne hand get thee to Ramoth in Gilead 2 And when thou commest thyther loke wher is Iehu the sonne of Iehosaphat the sonne of Nimsi
offering and the kinges burnt sacrifice and his meate offring with the burnt offering of all the people of the lande and their meate offring and their drinke offringes and powre thereby al the blood of the burnt offring and all the blood of the sacrifice and the brasen aulter wyll I come and see 16 And Vria the priest did according to al thinges as king Ahaz commaunded him 17 And king Ahaz brake the sydes of the botomes and toke the lauer from of them toke downe the lauatorie from of the brasen oxen that were vnder it and put it vpon a pauement of stones 18 And the vayle for the Sabbath that they had made in the house and the kinges entrie without turned he to the house of the Lorde for feare of the king of Assyria 19 The rest of the wordes that concerne Ahaz what he did are they not written in the booke of the cronicles of the kinges of Iuda 20 And Ahaz slept with his fathers and was buried with his fathers in the citie of Dauid Hezekia his sonne raigned in his steade ¶ The .xvii. Chapter 5 Hosea king of Israel is taken 4 And he and al his realme brought to the Assyrians 18 for their idolatrie 24 Lions destroy the Assyrians that dwelt in Samaria 29 Euery one worshipped the god of his nation 35 contrary to the commaundement of God 1 IN the twelfth yere of Ahaz king of Iuda began Hosea the sonne of Elah to raigne in Samaria vpon Israel nine yeres 2 And did that which was euill in the sight of the Lorde but not as the kinges of Israel that were before him 3 And Salmanasar king of Assyria came vp against him and Hosea became his seruaunt and gaue him presentes 4 And the king of Assyria founde treason in Hosea for he had sent messengers to So king of Egypt and brought no present vnto the king of Assyria from yere to yere and therefore the king of Assyria shut him vp and bounde him in the pryson house 5 And then the king of Assyria came vp throughout all the lande and gat vp against Samaria and besieged it three yeres 6 In the ninth yere of Hosea the king of Assyria toke Samaria and carryed Israel away vnto Assyria put them in Hala in Habor by the ryuer of Goza and in the cities of the Medes 7 For it came to passe that the children of Israel sinned against the Lord their God which had brought them out of the land of Egypt from vnder the hand of Pharao king of Egypt and feared other gods 8 And they walked in the ceremonies of the heathen whom the Lorde cast out before the children of Israel and in the ceremonies which the kinges of Israel had made 9 And the children of Israel went about to hide those thinges that were not wel from the Lorde their God And they buylt them hygh places in all their cities both in the towres where they kept watch and also in the strong townes 10 And they made thē images groues in euery hye hill vnder euery thicke tree 11 And there they burnt incense in all the hygh places as did the heathen whom the Lord caryed away before them and wrought wicked thinges to anger the Lorde withall 12 For they serued most vile idols wherof the Lorde had sayd vnto them Ye shall do no such thing 13 And the Lorde testified in Israel and in Iuda by all the prophetes and by all the sears saying Turne from your wicked wayes and kepe my commaundementes and my statutes according to all the law which I commaunded your fathers and which I sent to you by my seruauntes the prophetes 14 Nothwithstanding they woulde not heare but rather hardened their neckes lyke to the stubburnesse of their fathers that dyd not beleue in the Lorde their God 15 For they refused his statutes and his appoyntment that he made with their fathers and the witnesses wherwith he witnessed vnto them and they folowed vanitie and became vayne and went after the heathen that were round about them concerning whom the Lorde had charged them that they shoulde not do lyke them 16 But they left al the commaundemētes of the Lord their God and made them images of metal euen two calues and made idol groues worshipped all the hoast of heauen and serued Baal 17 And they sacrificed their sonnes and their daughters in fire and vsed witchcraftes enchauntmentes euen selling them selues to worke wickednesse in the sight of the Lorde and to anger him 18 And the Lorde was exceeding wroth with Israel put them out of his sight that there was left but the tribe of Iuda onely 19 Neuerthelesse Iuda also kept not the commaundementes of the Lorde their God but walked in the ceremonies of Israel whiche they made 20 And the Lord cast of all the seede of Israel and vered them deliuered them into the handes of spoylers vntil he had cast them out of his sight 21 For he cut of Israel from the house of Dauid and made them a king euen Ieroboam the sonne of Nabat And Ieroboam drewe Israel away that they shoulde not folowe the Lorde and made them sinne a great sinne 22 For the children of Israel walked in all the sinnes of Ieroboam whiche he dyd and departed not therfrom 23 Vntill the Lord put Israel away out of his sight as he had sayd by all his seruauntes the prophetes And so was Israel caried away out of their owne land to Assyria euen vnto this day 24 And the king of Assyria brought men from Babylon from Cutha frō Aua from Hamath and from Sepharuaim and put them in the cities of Samaria in steede of the children of Israel and they possessed Samaria and dwelt in the cities therof 25 And it fortuned that at the beginning of their dwelling there they feared not the Lorde and the Lorde sent lions among them which slue them 26 Wherfore they spake to the king of Assyria saying The nations which thou hast translated put in the cities of Samaria knowe not the lawe of the God of the lande therefore he hath sent lions vpon them and behold they slay them because they knowe not the maner of worshipping the God of the lande 27 Then the king of Assyria commaunded saying Cary thyther one of the priestes whom ye brought thence and let hym go and dwell there and teache them the fashion how to serue the God of the countrey 28 And then one of the priestes whom they had caried from Samaria came and dwelt in Bethel and taught them howe they shoulde feare the Lorde 29 Howebeit euery nation made them gods of their owne and put them in the houses of the hygh places whiche the Samaritans had made euery nation in their cities wherin they dwelt 30 The men of Babylon made Socoth Benoth the men of Cuth made Nergal the men of Hamath made Asima
workers with spirites and tellers of fortunes and wrought much wickednesse in the sight of the Lorde to anger him 7 And he put an image of a groue that he had made euen in the temple of which the Lord had sayd to Dauid and Solomon his sonne in this house and in Hierusalem which I haue chosen out of all tribes of Israel will I put my name for euer 8 Neither will I make the feete of Israel moue any more out of the lande which I gaue their fathers so that they will obserue and do all that I haue commaunded them and according to all the law that my seruaunt Moyses commaunded them 9 But they hearkened not and Manasse led them out of the way to do more wickedly then dyd the heathen people whom the Lorde destroyed before the children of Israel 10 And the Lord spake by his seruauntes the prophetes saying 11 Because Manasse king of Iuda hath done such abhominations and hath wrought more wickedly then all the Amorites whiche were before him dyd and hath made Iuda sinne also with his idols 12 Therfore thus sayth the Lord God of Israel Behold I will bring such euyll vpon Hierusalem and Iuda that whoso heareth of it both his eares shal tingle 13 And I will stretche ouer Hierusalem the squaryng line of Samaria the plummet of the house of Ahab And I will wype out Hierusalem as a man wypeth a dishe and when he hath wyped it turneth it vp syde downe 14 And I will leaue the remnaunt of myne inheritaunce and deliuer them into the hand of their enemies and they shal be robbed and spoyled of all their aduersaries 15 Euen because they haue done euyll in my sight and haue angred me sence the time their fathers came out of Egypt vnto this day 16 And Manasse shed innocent blood exceeding much till he replenished Hierusalem from corner to corner besyde his sinne wherwith he made Iuda to sinne and to do euyll in the sight of the Lorde 17 The rest of the wordes that concerne Manasse and all that he dyd and his sinne that he sinned are they not written in the booke of the cronicles of the kinges of Iuda 18 And Manasse slept with his fathers and was buried in the garden of his owne house euen in the gardē of Vzza Amon his sonne raigned in his steade 19 Amon was twentie and two yeres olde when he began to raigne and he raigned two yeres in Hierusalem His mothers name also was Mesullemeth the daughter of Harus of Iotba 20 And he dyd euyll in the sight of the Lord as his father Manasse dyd 21 And walked in al the way that his father walked in and serued the idols that his father serued and worshipped them 22 And he forsoke the Lord God of his fathers and walked not in the way of the Lorde 23 And the seruauntes of Amon conspired against hym slue the king in his owne house 24 And the people of the land slue al them that had conspired against king Amon and the people made Iosia his sonne king in his steade 25 The rest of the wordes that concerne Amon what thinges he dyd are they not written in the booke of the cronicles of the kinges of Iuda 26 And they buryed him in his sepulchre in the garden of Vzza Iosia his sonne raigned in his steade The .xxii. Chapter 4 Iosia repaireth the temple 8 Helkia findeth the booke of the law and causeth it to be presented to Iosia 14 who sendeth to Hulda the prophetisse to inquire the Lordes will 1 IOsia was eight yeres olde when he began to raigne he raigned thirtie one yeres in Hierusalem His mothers name also was Iedida the daughter of Adaia of Bozcath 2 He dyd that which is right in the sight of the Lorde walked in all the wayes of Dauid his father and bowed neither to the right hande or to the left 3 And it came to passe that in the eyghtteenth yere of the raigne of king Iosia the king sent Saphan the sonne of Azalia the sonne of Mesulam the scribe to the house of the Lord saying 4 Go vp to Helkia the hye priest that he may summe the siluer whiche is brought into the house of the Lorde which the kepers of the porche haue gathered of the people 5 And let them deliuer it into the hande of them that do the worke and that haue the ouersight of the house of the Lord and let them geue it to them that worke in the house of the Lorde to repaire the decayed places of the temple 6 Euen vnto carpenters and masons and workers vpon the walles and for to bye tymber and free stone to repaire the temple 7 Howbeit let no reckenyng be made with them of the money that is deliuered into their hande for their vse is to deale faithfully 8 And Helkia the hie priest said vnto Saphan the scribe I haue founde the booke of the lawe in the house of the Lorde And Helkia gaue the booke to Saphan and he read in it 9 And Saphan the scribe came to the king and brought him worde againe and sayde Thy seruauntes haue gathered the money that was founde in the temple and haue deliuered it vnto them that do the worke and that haue the ouersight of the house of the Lorde 10 And Saphan the scribe shewed the king saying Helkia the priest hath deliuered me a booke And Saphan read in it before the king 11 And it fortuned that when the king had hearde the wordes of the booke of the lawe he rent his clothes 12 And the king commaunded Helkia the priest and Ahikan the sonne of Saphan and Achbor the sonne of Michaia and Saphan the scribe and Asahia a seruaunt of the kinges saying 13 Go ye and enquire of the Lord for me and for the people and for al Iuda concerning the wordes of this booke that is founde For great is the wrath of the Lord that is kyndled against vs because our fathers haue not hearkened vnto the wordes of this booke to do according vnto al that which is written therin for vs. 14 So Helkia the hye priest and Ahikam Achbor and Saphan and Asahia went vnto Hulda the prophetisse the wyfe of Sallum the sonne of Thikua the sonne of Harhas keper of the wardrope which prophetisse dwelt in Hierusalem in the house of the doctrine they communed with her 15 And she aunswered them thus sayth the Lorde God of Israel Tell the man that sent you to me 16 Thus sayth the Lorde Behold I wil bring euyll vpon this place and on the inhabiters therof euen all the wordes of the booke whiche the king of Iuda hath read 17 Because they haue forsaken me and haue burnt incense vnto other gods to anger me with all the workes of their handes My wrath also shal be kindled against this place and shall not be quenched 18 But to the king of Iuda whiche sent you
vs 3 And we will bring againe the arke of our God to vs for we regarded it not in the dayes of Saul 4 And all the congregation was content that he should do so for the thing seemed good in the eyes of all the people 5 So Dauid gathered all Israel together from Sihor in Egypt vnto the entering of Hemath to bring the arke of the Lorde from Kiriathiarim 6 And Dauid went vp and all Israel to an high place towarde Kiriathiarim that was in Iuda to fet thence the arke of the Lorde God that dwelleth betweene the Cherubs where his name is called on 7 And they carryed the arke of God in a newe carte out of the house of Abinadab and Vzza and his brother guided the carte 8 And Dauid and all Israel played before the arke of God with all their might with singing and harpes psalteries and tymbrels and cymbales and trumpettes 9 And when they came vnto the thresshing floore of Chidon Vzza put foorth his hande to holde the arke for the oren stumbled 10 And the Lorde was wroth with Vzza and smote him because he put his hand to the arke and there he dyed before God 11 And Dauid was out of quiet because the Lorde had rent a rent in Vzza and he called the name of that place the renting of Vzza vnto this day 12 And Dauid was afrayde of God that day saying how shall I bring the arke of God home to me 13 And so Dauid brought not the arke home to him to the citie of Dauid but carryed it into the house of Obed Edom a Gethite 14 And the arke of God remayned with Obed Edom euen in his house three monethes And the Lorde blessed the house of Obed Edom all that he had The .xiiii. Chapter 2 Hiram sendeth wood and workemen to Dauid 4 The names of his children 8 14 By the counsell of God he goeth against the Philistines and ouercommeth them 15 God fighteth for him 1 SO Hiram the king of Tyre sent messengers to Dauid and timber of Cedar trees with masons and carpēters to builde him an house 2 And Dauid perceaued that the Lorde had confirmed him king vpon Israel that his kingdome was lift vp on hie because of his people Israel 3 And Dauid toke yet mo wyues at Hierusalem and begat mo sonnes and daughters 4 These are the names of his children which were borne vnto him at Hierusalem Samua Sobab Nathan Solomon 5 Iibhar Elisua and Eliphalet 6 Noga Nepheg and Iaphia 7 Elisama Beeliada and Eliphalet 8 And when the Philistines heard that Dauid was annoynted king vpon all Israel all the Philistines went vp to seeke Dauid And Dauid heard of it went out against them 9 And the Philistines came in and spread them selues through the valley of Rephaim 10 And Dauid asked counsaile at God saying Shall I go against the Philistines and wilt thou deliuer them into myne hand 11 And the Lorde saide vnto him go vp for I wil deliuer them into thyne hand And so they came vp to Baal Perazim and Dauid smote them there and Dauid saide God hath deuided myne enemies with myne hand as a man would deuide water and therefore they called the name of that place Baal Perazim 12 And when they had left their gods there Dauid gaue a commaundement and they were burnt with fire 13 And the Philistines came together againe and russhed into the valley 14 And Dauid asked againe at God And God said to him Go not vp after them but turne away from them that thou mayest come vpon them ouer against the peretrees 15 And when thou hearest a sounde go in the toppes of the peretrees then go out to battaile for God is gone forth before thee to smyte the hoast of the Philistines 16 Dauid therfore did as God commaunded him and they smote the hoast of the Philistines from Gibeon to Gazer 17 And the fame of Dauid went out into all landes and the Lorde made all nations feare him The .xv. Chapter 1 Dauid prepareth an hoast for the arke 4 The number and order of the Leuites 16 The singers are chosen out among them 25 They bring againe the arke with ioy 29 Dauid dauncing before it is despised of his wyfe Michol 1 AND Dauid made him houses in the citie of Dauid and prepared a place for the arke of God and pitched for it a tent 2 Then Dauid saide The arke of God ought not to be carryed but of the Leuites For them hath the Lord chosen to beare the arke of the Lorde and to minister vnto him for euer 3 And Dauid gathered all Israel together to Hierusalem to fetch the arke of the Lorde vnto his place which he had ordayned for it 4 And Dauid brought together the children of Aaron and the Leuites 5 Of the sonnes of Caath was Vriel the chiefe of his brethren there were an hundred and twentie 6 Of the children of Merari Asaia the chiefe and of his brethren two hundred and twentie 7 Of the sonnes of Gersom Ioel the chiefe and of his brethren an hundred and thirtie 8 Of the children of Elizaphan Semaia the chiefe of his brethren two hundred 9 Of the sonnes of Hebron Eliel the chiefe and of his brethren fourescore 10 Of the sonnes of Vzziel Aminadab the chiefe and of his brethren an hundred and twelue 11 And Dauid called Zadoc and Abiathar the priestes and the Leuites Vzziel Asaia Ioel Semaia Eliel and Aminadab 12 And saide vnto them Ye that are the principall fathers of the Leuites see that ye be holy with your brethren that ye may bring in the arke of the Lorde God of Israel vnto the place that I haue prepared for it 13 For because ye were not there at the first the Lorde our God made a rent among vs for that we sought him not as the fassion ought to be 14 So the priestes and the Leuites sanctified them selues to fet the arke of the Lorde God of Israel 15 And the children of the Leuites bare the arke of God vpon their shoulders with staues thereon as Moyses commaunded according to the worde of the Lorde 16 And Dauid spake to the chiefe heades of the Leuites that they should appoynt certaine of their brethren to sing with instrumentes of musicke psalteries harpes and cymbales that they might make a sounde and to sing on hie with ioyfulnesse 17 And the Leuites appoynted Heman the sonne of Ioel and of his brethren Asaph the sonne of Berechia and of the sonnes of Merari and of their brethren Ethan the sonne of Cusaiahu 18 And with them their brethren of the second degree Zacharia Ben Iaziel Semiramoth Iehiel Vnni Eliab Benaiahu Maasiah Mathathiahu Eliphalehu Mikniahu Obed Edom and Ieiel porters 19 So Heman Asaph and Ethan the singers made a sounde with cymbales of brasse 20 And Zacharia Aziel Semiramoth Iehiel Vnni Eliab Maasiahu and Banaiahu played with psalteries on an Alamoth 21 Mathathiahu Eliphalehu Mikniahu
king 12 Wysedome and knowledge is graunted vnto thee and I will geue thee treasure riches and glory so that among the kinges that haue ben before thee or after thee none was or shal be lyke thee 13 And so Solomon came from the high place that was at Gibeon to Hierusalem from the tabernacle of the congregation and raigned ouer Israel 14 And Solomon gathered charets and horsemen and he had a thousand and foure hundred charets twelue thousand horsemen whom he bestowed in the charet cities and with the king at Hierusalem 15 And the king made siluer and golde at Hierusalem as plenteous as stones and Cedar trees made he as plentie as the Mulbery trees that growe in the valleyes 16 Also Solomon had horses brought out of Egypt fine linnen The kinges marchaūtes receaued the fine linnen for a price 17 They came also and brought out of Egypt a charet for sixe hundred peeces of siluer euen an horse for an hundred and fiftie And so brought they horses for all the kinges of the Hethites and for the kinges of Syria by their owne hande The .ii. Chapter 2 The number of Solomons workemen to buylde the temple 3 Solomon sendeth to Hiram the king of Cyrus for wood and workemen 1 AND Solomon determined to buylde an house for the name of the Lord and an house for his kingdome 2 And Solomon tolde out threescore and ten thousande men to beare burthens and fourescore thousand men to hewe stones in the mountayne and three thousand and sixe hundred to ouersee them 3 And Solomon sent to Hiram the king of Tyre saying As thou diddest deale with Dauid my father and diddest send him Cedar wood to buyld him an house to dwell in euen so deale with me 4 Behold I buylde an house for the name of the Lorde my God to offer vnto him holy thinges to burne sweete incense and to set shewe bread before him continually to offer burnt sacrifices of the morning and euening on the Sabbath dayes in the firste day of euery newe moone and in the solempne feastes of the Lorde our God for it is an ordinaunce to be continually kept of Israel 5 And the house which I buylde shal be great for great is our God aboue all gods 6 But who is able to buylde him an house when that heauen and heauen aboue all heauens is not able to receaue him what am I then that should buyld him an house nay but euen to burne sacrifice before him shall this buylding be 7 Sende me nowe therefore a cunning man that can worke in golde and siluer in brasse and iron in purple crymosin yelowe silke that can skyll to graue with the cunning men that are with me in Iuda and Hierusalem whom Dauid my father dyd prepare 8 Sende me also Cedar trees pine trees and algume trees out of Libanon For I wot that thy seruauntes can skill to hewe timber in Libanon and behold my men shal be with thyne 9 That they may prepare me timber enough For the house whiche I am determined to buylde shal be wonderfull great 10 And behold for the vse of thy seruauntes the cutters and hewers of timber I haue geuen twentie thousande quarters of beaten wheat and twentie thousand quarters of barlye and twentie thousande battes of wine and twentie thousande battes of oyle 11 And Hiram y e king of Tyre aunswered in writing whiche he sent to Solomon ▪ Because the Lorde hath loued his people therefore hath he made thee king ouer them 12 And Hiram sayde moreouer Blessed be the Lorde God of Israel whiche made heauen earth that hath geuen Dauid the king a wise sonne and one that hath descretion prudence and vnderstanding to buyld an house for the Lord and a palace for his kingdome 13 And now I haue sent a wise man and a man of vnderstanding whom my father Hiram dyd vse 14 The sonne of a woman of the daughters of Dan and his father was a man of Tyre and he can skil to worke in gold and siluer in brasse and iron in stone and timber in purple and yelowe silke in fine whyte and crymosin and can graue sundry maner of grauinges and to finde out diuers maner of subtill worke that shal be set before hym with thy cunning men and with the cunning men of my lorde Dauid thy father 15 Nowe therefore the wheate and barlye oyle and wine which my lorde hath spoken of let him sende vnto his seruauntes 16 And we will cut wood in Libanon as much as thou shalt neede and wil bring it to thee in flotes by sea to Iapho from whence thou mayest cary them to Hierusalem 17 And Solomon numbred all the straungers that were in the lande of Israel after the number of them whom his father Dauid had numbred And they were founde an hundred fiftie and three thousand and sixe hundred 18 And he set threescore and ten thousande to beare burthens and fourescore thousande to hewe stones in the mountayne and three thousande sixe hundred officers to set the people a worke The .iii. Chapter The temple of the Lorde and the porche are buylded with other things thereto belonging 1 ANd Solomon began to buylde the house of the Lorde at Hierusalem in mount Moria where the Lorde appeared vnto Dauid his father euen in the place that Dauid prepared in the thresshing floore of Ornan the Iebusite 2 And he began to buylde in the seconde day of the seconde moneth the fourth yere of his raigne 3 And these are the patternes whereby Solomon was instruct to buylde the house of God The length was threescore cubites after the olde measure and the breadth twentie cubites 4 And the porche that was before the length in the front according to the breadth of the house was twentie cubites and the heyght was an hundred and twentie cubites and he ouerlayed it on the inner syde with pure golde 5 And the greater house he seeled with firre tree whiche he ouerlayed with the best golde and graued thereto paulme trees and chaynes 6 And he ouerlayed the house with precious stone beautyfully And the golde was golde of Paruaim 7 The house I say the beames postes walles and doores therof ouerlayed he with golde and graued Cherubs on the walles 8 And he made the house most holy whose length was twentie cubites like to the breadth of the house and the breadth therof was also twentie cubites and he ouerlayed it with good golde euen with sixe hundred talentes 9 And the wayght of the nayles of golde was fiftie sicles and he ouerlayed the vpper chambers with golde 10 And in the house most holy he made two Cherubims of image worke like children and ouerlayed them with gold 11 And the wynges of the Cherubs were twentie cubites long The one wyng was fiue cubites reaching to the wall of the house and the other wyng was likewise fiue cubites reaching to
whatsoeuer might be gotten yere by yere 25 And Solomon had foure thousand stalles for horses and charrettes and twelue thousand horsemen whom he bestowed in the charet cities and some were with the king at Hierusalem 26 And he raigned ouer all the kinges that were from Euphrates vnto the lande of the Philistines and to the border of Egypt 27 And the king made siluer in Hierusalem as plenteous as stones and Cedar trees as plenteous as y e Mulberie trees that growe in the valleys 28 And they brought vnto Solomon horses out of Egypt and out of all landes 29 The rest of the actes of king Solomon first and last are they not written in the sayings of Nathan the prophete and in the prophecie of Ahiah the Silonite and in the visions of Iddo the sear of visions against Ieroboam the sonne of Nabat 30 And Solomon raigned in Hierusalem vpon all Israel fouretie yeres 31 And Solomon slept with his fathers and they buried him in the citie of Dauid his father Rehoboam his sonne raigned in his steade ¶ The .x. Chapter 4 The rigour of Rehoboam 13 He foloweth lewde counsell 16 The people rebell 1 ANd Rehoboam went to Sichem for to Sichem were all Israel come together to make him king 2 And when Ieroboam the sonne of Nabat which was fled into Egypt from the presence of Solomon the king heard it he returned out of Egypt 3 And they sent and called him And so Ieroboam and all they of Israel came and communed with Rehoboam saying 4 Thy father layde a greeuous yoke vpon vs nowe therefore remit thou somewhat of the greeuous seruice of thy fafather of his heauy yoke that he put vpon vs and we wyll serue thee 5 And he saide to them Come againe vnto me after three dayes And the people departed 6 And king Rehoboam counsailed with the elders that had stande before Solomon his father while he yet lyued and he saide what counsaile geue ye me to aunswere this people againe 7 And they tolde him saying If thou be kinde to this people and shewe thy selfe lowlie to them and speake louyng wordes to them they wyll be thy seruauntes for euer 8 But he left the counsaile which the elders gaue him and toke counsaile with the young men that were growen vp with him and that stoode in his presence 9 And he saide vnto them What aduise geue ye that we may aunswere this people which haue communed with me saying Abate somewhat of the yoke which thy father did put vpon vs 10 And the young men that were growen vp with him spake vnto him saying Thus shalt thou aunswere the people that speake to thee saying Thy father made our yoke heauy but make thou it somewhat lighter for vs Thus shalt thou say vnto thē My litle finger shal be heauier then my fathers loynes 11 For where my father put a heauy yoke vpon you I will put more to your yoke My father chastised you with whyppes but I wyll chastise you with scourges 12 And so Ieroboam and all the people came to Rehoboam the third day as the king bade saying Come againe to me the third day 13 And the king aunswered them cruelly and king Rehoboam left the counsaile of the aged men 14 And aunswered them after the aduise of the young men saying My father made your yoke greeuous and I wyll adde thereto my father chastised you with whyppes but I wyll chastise you with scourges 15 And so the king hearkened not vnto the people but the occasion came of God that the Lorde might make good his saying which he spake by the hand of Ahia the Silonite to Ieroboam the sonne of Nabat 16 And when all they of Israel saw that the king woulde not agree vnto them the people aunswered the king saying What portion haue we in Dauid For we haue no inheritaunce in the sonne of Isai Euery man to his tent oh Israel and nowe Dauid see to thyne owne house And so all Israel gat them to their tentes 17 So that Rehoboam raigned ouer no mo of the children of Israel then dwelt in the cities of Iuda 18 Then king Rehoboam also sent Haduram that was ruler ouer the tribute and the children of Israel stoned him with stones that he dyed But king Rehoboam made speede to get him vp to his charet to flee to Hierusalem 19 And they of Israel rebelled against the house of Dauid vnto this day The .xj. Chapter 4 Rehoboam is forbidden to fight against Ieroboam 5 Cities which he built 21 He hath eyghteene wyues and threescore concubines and by them eyght and twentie sonnes and threescore daughters 1 ANd when Rehoboam was come to Hierusalem he gathered of the house of Iuda and Beniamin nine score thousand chosen men of warre to fight against Israel to bring the kingdome againe to Rehoboam 2 And the worde of the Lorde came to Semiahu the man of God saying 3 Speake vnto Rehoboam the sonne of Solomon king of Iuda to all them of Israel that are in Iuda and Beniamin and say 4 Thus saith the Lord Ye shall not go vp nor fight against your brethren returne euery man to his house for this thing is done of me And they obeyed the wordes of the Lorde and returned from going against Ieroboam 5 And Rehoboam dwelt in Hierusalem and built strong cities in Iuda 6 He built vp Bethlehem Etam and Chekoa 7 Bethzur Socho and Adullam 8 Gath and Maresa and Ziph 9 Adurahim Lachis and Azecah 10 Zoraa Aialon and Hebron which is in Iuda and Beniamin strong cities 11 And he repaired the strong holdes and put captaynes in them and store of vittaile and wine and oyle 12 And in all cities he put shieldes and speares made them exceeding strong hauing Iuda and Beniamin on his syde 13 And the priestes and the Leuites that were in all Israel resorted to him out of all their coastes 14 For the Leuites left their suburbes and their possession and came to Iuda and Hierusalem For Ieroboam and his sonnes had cast them out from ministring vnto the Lorde 15 And he ordayned him priestes for the high places for the deuils and for the calues which he had made 16 And after the Leuites there went out all the tribes of Israel such as submitted their heartes to seeke the Lord God of Israel and came to Hierusalem to offer vnto the Lorde God of their fathers 17 And so they strengthed the kingdome of Iuda made Rehoboam the sonne of Solomon mightie three yeres long for three yeres they walked in the way of Dauid and Solomon 18 And Rehoboam toke him Mahalath the daughter of Ierimoth the sonne of Dauid to wyfe and Abihail the daughter of Eliab the sonne of Isai 19 Which bare him children Ieus Samaria and Zaham 20 And after her he toke Maacha the daughter of Absolon which bare him Abia Atthai Ziza and Selomith
37 And Eliezer the sonne of Dodauah of Maresa prophesied against Iehosaphat saying Because thou hast ioyned thy selfe with Ahaziahu y e lord hath broken thy workes And the shippes were brokē that they were not able to go to Tharsis The .xxi. Chapter 3 Iehosaphat dieth 1 Iehoram succedeth him 4 Which killeth his brethren 6 He was brought to idolatrie 11 and seduceth the people 16 He is oppressed of the Philistines 18 His miserable ende 1 IEhosaphat also slept with his fathers and was buried with his fathers in the citie of Dauid and Iehoram his sonne raigned in his steade 2 And he had brethren whiche were the sonnes of Iehosaphat Azaria Iehiel Zacharia Azariahu Michael and Sephatiahu All these are the sonnes of Iehosaphat king of Iuda 3 And their father gaue thē many great giftes of gold and siluer and other speciall substaunce with strong cities in Iuda but the kingdome gaue he to Iehoram for he was the eldest 4 And Iehoram rose vp against the kingdome of his father and preuayled and siue all his brethren with the sworde and diuers of the lordes of Israel 5 Iehoram was thirtie and two yeres olde when he began to raigne and he raigned eyght yeres in Hierusalem 6 And he walked in the way of the kinges of Israel like as dyd the house of Ahab for he had the daughter of Ahab to wise and he wrought euyll in the eyes of the Lorde 7 Howbeit the Lord woulde not destroy the house of Dauid because of the couenaunt that he had made with Dauid as he promised to geue a light to hym and to his sonnes for euer 8 In his dayes the Edomites rebelled when they were vnder the dominion of Iuda and made them selues a king 9 And Iehoram went foorth with his lordes and all his charets were with him and he rose vp by night and smote the Edomites which compassed him in and the captaynes of the charets 10 But Edom rebelled still so that they woulde not be vnder the hande of Iuda vnto this day That same time also dyd Libna depart from being vnder his hande because he had forsaken the Lord God of his fathers 11 Moreouer he made high places in the mountaynes of Iuda caused the inhabiters of Hierusalem to commit fornication and prouoked Iuda to idolatrie 12 And there came a writing to him from Elia the prophete saying Thus sayth the Lord God of Dauid thy father Because thou hast not walked in the wayes of Iehosaphat thy father and in the wayes of Asa king of Iuda 13 But walkedst in the wayes of the kinges of Israel and hast made Iuda and the dwellers of Hierusalem to go a whoring like to the whordome of the house of Ahab and hast slayne thy brethren euen thy fathers house whiche were better then thou 14 Beholde with a great plague will the Lorde smite thy folke thy children thy wyues and all thy goods 15 And thou shalt suffer great payne euen a disease of thy bowels vntill thy guttes fall out by reason of thy sicknes day by day 16 And so the Lorde stirred vp against Iehoram the spirite of the Philistines and the Arabians that were besyde the blacke Moores 17 And they came vp into Iuda and wasted it caried away all the substaunce that was found in the kinges house and his sonnes and his wyues so that there was neuer a sonne left hym saue Iehohahaz which was the youngest among his sonnes 18 And after all these thinges the Lorde smote him in his bowels with an incurable disease 19 And it came to passe that in processe of time euen after the ende of two yeres his guttes fell out in his sicknes and so he died of very euyll diseases And they made no burning for him lyke the burning of his fathers 20 When he began to raigne he was thirtie and two yeres olde and raigned in Hierusalem eyght yeres and liued wretchedly howebeit they buried him in the citie of Dauid but not among the sepulchres of the kinges The .xxii. Chapter 1 Ahaziahu raigneth after Iehoram 8 Iehu king of Israel killeth Ahaziahu 10 Athaliahu putteth to death all the kinges linage 11 Ioas escapeth 1 ANd the inhabiters of Hierusalem made Ahaziahu his young sonne king in his stead For the men of warre that came with the hoast of the Arabians had slayne all his eldest sonnes And so Ahaziahu the sonne of Iehoram king of Iuda was made king 2 Two fourtie yeres old was he when he began to raigne and he raigned one yere in Hierusalem His mothers name was Athaliahu the daughter of Amri 3 And he walked also in the wayes of the house of Ahab for his mother by her counsel enticed him to do wickedly 4 Wherfore he dyd that which was euyll in the sight of the Lord as dyd they that were of the house of Ahab for they were his counselers after the death of his father to his destruction 5 And he walked after their counsel and went with Iehoram sonne of Ahab king of Israel to fight against Hazael king of Syria at Ramoth in Gilead and the Syrians smote Iehoram 6 And he returned to be healed in Iezrahel of the woundes whiche were geuen him at Rama whē he fought with Hazael king of Syria and Ahaziahu the sonne of Iehoram king of Iuda went downe to see Iehoram the sonne of Ahab at Iezrahel because he was diseased 7 At it came of God that Ahaziahu shoulde be dispised for his comming to Iehoram for when he was come he went out with Iehoram against Iehu the sonne of Nimsi whom y e Lord had annointed to destroy the house of Ahab 8 And so it came to passe that when Iehu was executing iustice vpon the house of Ahab and had founde the lordes of Iuda and the sonnes of the brethren of Ahaziahu that wayted on Ahaziahu he slue them 9 And he sought Ahaziahu they caught him where he was hid in Samaria and brought him to Iehu and when they had slayne him they buried him because said they he is the sonne of Iehosaphat whiche sought the Lorde with all his heart And the house of Ahaziahu had no powre to kepe still the kingdome 10 But when Athaliahu the mother of Ahaziahu sawe that her sonne was dead she arose and destroyed all the kinges seede in the kinred of the house of Iuda 11 And Iehosabeth the daughter of the king toke Ioas the sonne of Ahaziahu and stale him from among the kinges sonnes that were slayne put him and his nurse in a priuie chamber and so Iehosabeth the daughter of king Iehoram the wyfe of Iehoiada the priest and the sister of Ahaziahu hid him from Athaliahu that he was not slayne 12 And so he was with them hyd in the house of God sixe yeres and Athaliahu raigned ouer the lande The .xxiii. Chapter 1 Ioas the sonne of Ahazia is made king 3 Athaliahu is put to
children of Ater of Hezekia ninetie ' and eyght ' 17 The children of Bezai three hundred ' twentie and three ' 18 The children of Iora an hundred and ' twelue ' 19 The children of Hasum two hundred ' twentie and three ' 20 The children of Gebbar ninetie fiue ' 21 The children of Bethlehem an hundred ' twentie and three ' 22 The men of Netopha fiftie and sixe ' 23 The men of Anathoth an hundred ' twentie and eyght ' 24 The children of Asmaueth fouretie ' and two 25 The children of Kiriathiarim euen the children of Cephira and Beeroth seuen hundred fouretie and three ' 26 The children of Harama and Geba ' sixe hundred twentie and one ' 27 The men of Michmas an hundred ' twentie and two ' 38 The men of Bethel and Hay two ' hundred twentie and three ' 29 The children of Nebo fiftie and two ' 30 The children of Magbis an hundred ' fiftie and sixe ' 31 The childrē of the other Elam a thousand ' two hundred fiftie and foure ' 32 The children of Harim three hundred ' and twentie ' 33 The children of Lodhadid and Ono ' seuen hundred twentie and fiue ' 34 The childrē of Iericho three hundred ' fouretie and fiue ' 35 The children of Senaa three thousand ' sixe hundred and thirtie 36 The priestes of the children of Iedaia of the house of Iesua nine hundred seuentie and three ' 37 The children of Immer a thousand fiftie and two ' 38 The children of Phashur a thousand ' two hundred fouretie and seuen ' 39 The children of Arim a thousand ' and seuenteene ' 40 The Leuites the children of Iesua Cadmiel of the children of Hodauia seuentie and foure 41 The singers the children of Asaph an' hundred twentie and eyght ' 42 The children of the doore kepers the children of Sallum the children of Ater the children of Talmon the children of Accub the children of Hatita the children of Sobai altogether an hundred thirtie and nine 43 The Nethinims the children of Ziha the children of Asupha the children of Tabaoth 44 The children of Ceros the children of ' Siaa the children of Padon ' 45 The children of Lebana the children ' of Hagaba the children of Accub ' 46 The children of Hagab the children of ' Semlai the children of Hanan ' 47 The children of Giddel the children of ' Gahar the children of Reaia ' 48 The children of Razin the children of ' Necoda the children of Gasam ' 49 The children of Vzza the children of ' Paseah the children of Besai ' 50 The children of Asna the children of ' Mehunim the children of Nephusim ' 51 The children of Bacbuc the children ' of Hacupa the children of Harhur ' 52 The children of Bazluth the children ' of Mehida the children of Harsa ' 53 The children of Barcos the children ' of Sisara the children of Thamah ' 54 The children of Neziah the children ' of Hatipha ' 55 The children of Solomons seruaūtes the children of Sotai the children of Sophereth the children of Peruda 56 The children of Iaala the children of ' Darcon the children of Giddel ' 57 The children of Sephatiah the children of Hattil the children of Pochereth Hazbaim the children of Ami. 58 All the Nethinims and the children of Solomons seruauntes were altogether three hundred ninetie and two 59 And these went vp from Thelmelah and from Thelharsa Cherub Addon and Immer but they coulde not discerne their fathers house their seede whether they were of Israel 60 The children of Delaia the children of Tobia the children of Necoda sixe hundre fiftie and two 61 And of the children of the priestes the children of Habaia the children of Accoz the childrē of Berzillai which toke one of the daughters of Berzillai the Gileadite to wyfe and was called after their name 62 These sought their euidence among them that had the regester of birth and were not founde therein therefore were they put from the priesthood ' 63 And Hathirsatha said vnto them that they should not eate of the most holy till there rose vp a priest to weare Vrim and Thummim 64 The whole congregation together was fouretie two thousand three hundred and threescore 65 Beside their seruauntes and maydens of whom there were seuen thousand three hundred thirtie and seuen And there were among them two hundred singing men and women 66 Their Horses were seuen hundred thirtie and sixe their Mules two hundred fouretie and fiue 67 And their Camels foure hundred thirtie and fiue their Asses sixe thousand seuen hundred and twentie 68 And certaine of the chiefe fathers when they came to the house of the Lorde at Hierusalem they offred them selues wylling for the house of God to set it vp in his place 69 And gaue golde after their habilitie vnto the treasure of the worke euen threescore and one thousand peeces and fiue thousand pounde of siluer and an hundred priestes garmentes 70 So the priestes and the Leuites and certaine of the people and the singers and the porters and the Nethinims dwelt in their cities and all Israel in their cities ¶ The .iii. Chapter 1 They builde the aulter of God 6 They offer to the Lorde 7 They prepare for the temple 11 and sing vnto the Lorde 1 ANd when the seuenth moneth came and the childrē of Israel were now in their cities the people came together euen as one man to Hierusalem 2 And there stoode vp Iesua the sonne of Iosedec and his brethren the priestes and Zorobabel the sonne of Salathiel and his brethren and builded the aulter of the God of Israel to offer burnt offeringes thereon as it is written in the law of Moyses the man of God 3 And the aulter set they vpon his sockets for there was a fearefulnesse among them because of the people of those countries therefore they offered burnt offeringes theron vnto the lorde euen burnt offeringes * in the morning and at euening 4 And they helde the feast of tabernacles * as it is written and offered burnt sacrifices dayly according to the number and custome day by day 5 Afterwarde they offered dayly burnt offringes also and in the new moones and in al the feast dayes that were consecrated vnto the Lord and for all them which did of their owne free wyll offer vnto the Lorde 6 From the first day of the seuenth moneth began they to offer burnt sacrifices vnto the Lord euen when the foundation of the temple of the Lorde was not yet layde 7 They gaue money also vnto the masons and carpenters and meate and drincke and oyle vnto them of Sidon and of Tyre to bring the Cedar timber from Libanus by sea vnto Ioppa according to the graunt that they had of Cyrus the king of Persia 8 In the second yere of their comming vnto the house of God at Hierusalem in the second moneth began Zorobabel the sonne of Salathiel and Iesua the sonne of Iosedec and the remnaunt
59 The children of Sephatiath the childrē of Hattil the children of Phochereth of Sabaim the children of Amon. 60 All these Nethinims and the children of Solomons seruauntes were three hundred ninetie and two 61 And these went vp also from Thelmela Thelharsa Cherub Addon and Immer but they could not shew their fathers house nor their seede and that they were of Israel 62 The children of Dalaiah the children of Tobia and the children of Necoda sixe hundred fourtie and two 63 And of the priestes the children of Habaiah the children of Haccos the childrē of Barzillai which toke one of y e daughters of Barzillai the Gileadite to wyfe and was named after their name 64 These sought their writing in the register of their generation but they were not founde therfore they were put from the priesthood 65 And Athirsatha saide vnto them that they shoulde not eate of the most holy tyll there came vp a priest which should were Vrim and Thummim 66 And so the whole congregation together was fourtie and two thousande three hundred and threescore 67 Beside their seruauntes and maydens of whom there were seuen thousand three hundred thirtie and seuen And they had two hundred fourtie and fiue singing men and women 68 Their horses seuen hundred thirtie and sixe and their Mules two hundred fourtie and fiue 69 The Camels foure hundred thirtie and fiue sixe thousand seuen hundred and twentie Asses 70 And certaine of the auncient fathers gaue vnto the worke Athirsatha gaue to the treasure a thousand peeces of golde fiftie basons fiue hundred and thirtie priestes garmentes 71 And some of the chiefe fathers gaue vnto the treasure of the worke twentie thousand peeces of gold two thousand and two hundred pounde of siluer 72 And the other people gaue twentie thousand peeces of golde and two thousand pound of siluer and threescore and seuen priestes garmentes 73 And the priestes and Leuites the porters and the singers and the other of the people and the Nethinims and all Israel dwelt in their cities And whē the seuenth moneth came the children of Israel were in their cities The .viij. Chapter 2 Esdras gathereth together the people and readeth to them the law 12 They reioyce in Israel for the knowledge of the word of God 15 They keep the feaste of tabernacles or boothes 1 ANd all the people gathered them selues together as one man in the streete that was before the water gate and they saide vnto Esdras the scribe that he should fetch the booke of the law of Moyses which the Lorde commaunded to Israel 2 And Esdras the priest brought the law before the congregation both of men women and all that could vnderstand did hearken vnto it vpon the first day of the seuenth moneth 3 And he read therein in the streete that was before the water gate from the morning vntill the noone day before men and women that did hearken to it and the eares of all the people were inclined vnto the booke of the law 4 And Esdras the scribe stoode vpon a pulpet of wood which they had made for the preaching and beside him stoode Mathathia Sema Anaiah Vriah Helkia Maaseiah on his right hande and on his left hand stoode Pedaia Misael Melchia Hasum Hasabadana Zachari and Mesullam 5 And Esdras opened the booke before all the people for he stoode aboue al the people and when he opened it all the people stoode vp 6 And Esdras praysed the Lorde the great God And all the people aunswered Amen Amē lifting vp their handes and bowed them selues and worshipped the Lord falling downe vpon their faces to the grounde 7 And Iesua Bani Serebiah Iamin Accub Sebbethai Hodaia Maasia Celita Azariah Iozabad Hanan Pelaiah the Leuites caused the people to geue heede vnto the law and the people stoode in their place 8 And they read in the booke of the lawe of God distinctly and gaue the sense and caused them to vnderstand the reading 9 And Nehemia which is Athirsatha and Esdras the priest and scribe and the Leuites that caused the people to take heede said vnto al the people This day is holy vnto the Lorde your God be not ye sory and weepe not For all the people wept when they heard the wordes of the lawe 10 And he saide vnto them Go your way and eate the fat and drinke the sweete and send part vnto them also that haue not prepared for them selues for this day is holy vnto our Lorde be not ye sory therefore for the ioy of the Lorde is your strength 11 And the Leuites stilled all the people and saide Holde your peace for the day is holy be not sad therefore 12 And all the people went their way to eate and to drinke to sende part vnto other and to make great mirth because they had vnderstand the wordes that were declared vnto them 13 And on the next day were gathered together the chiefe fathers among all the people and the priestes and leuites vnto Esdras the scribe that they might vnderstand the wordes of the law 14 And they founde written in the lawe which the Lorde had commaunded by Moyses that the children of Israel should dwell in boothes in the feast of the seuenth moneth 15 And that they should cause it to be declared and proclaymed in all their cities and throughout Hierusalem saying Go foorth vnto the mount and fetch Olyue braūches Pine braunches Myrtel braunches Palme braunches braunches of the thicke tree to make boothes as it is written 16 And so the people went foorth and fet them and made them boothes euery one vpon the roofe of his house and in their courtes and in the courtes of the house of God and in the streete by the water gate and in the streete of the port of Ephraim 17 And all the congregation of them that were come againe out of the captiuitie made boothes sat vnder the boothes for since the time of Iosua the sonne of Nun vnto this day had not the children of Israel done so And there was very great gladnesse 18 And euery day from the first day vnto the last read Esdras in the booke of the lawe of God And seuen dayes held they the feaste and on the eyght day they gathered together according vnto the maner ¶ The .ix. Chapter 1 The people repent and forsake their straunge wyues 5 The Leuites exhort them to prayse God 6 declaring his wonders 26 and their ingratitude 30 and Gods great mercies toward them 1 IN the twentie and fourth day of this moneth came the children of Israel together againe with fasting and sackeclothes and earth vpon them 2 And they that were of the seede of Israel were separated from all the straunge children and stoode knowledged their sinnes the wickednes of their fathers 3 And stoode vp in their place read in the booke of the law of the Lorde their God foure times on the day and they
their purification accomplissed sixe monethes with oyle of mirre and sixe monethes with sweete odoures and in the purifiyng of the women 13 And thus went the maydens vnto the king whatsoeuer she required that must be geuen her to go with her out of the womens buylding vnto the kinges palace 14 In the euening she went and on the morowe she returned into the seconde house of the women abyding vnder the hande of Saasgaz the kinges chamberlayne which kept the concubines And she came in vnto the king no more except it pleased the king to haue her and that she were called by name 15 Nowe when the course came of Esther the daughter of Abihail the vncle of Mardocheus which had receaued her as his owne daughter that she shoulde come in vnto the king she desired nothing but what Hegai the kinges chamberlayne the keper of the women saide And Esther found fauour in the sight of all them that loked vpon her 16 And Esther was taken vnto king Ahasuerus into his house royall in the tenth moneth which is the moneth Tebeth in the seuenth yere of his raigne 17 And the king loued Esther aboue all the women and she found grace and fauour in his sight more then all the virgins so that he set the crowne of the kingdome vpon her head and made her queene in steede of Vasthi 18 And the king made a great feast vnto all his princes and seruauntes whiche feast was because of Esther and caused the prouinces to be in quietnesse gaue giftes as became the royaltie of a king 19 And when the virgins were gathered together the seconde time Mardocheus sate in the kinges gate 20 And as yet had not Esther shewed her kinred her people according as Mardocheus had bidden her for Esther dyd after the worde of Mardocheus like as if she had ben yet vnder his gouernaunce 21 At the same time whyle Mardocheus sate in the kinges gate two of y e kinges chamberlaynes Bigthan and There 's which kept the doore were wroth and sought to lay their handes on the king Ahasuerus 22 Whereof also Mardocheus gat knowledge * and tolde it vnto queene Esther and Esther certified the king therof in Mardocheus name 23 And when inquisition was made it was founde so and they were both hanged on tree and it was written in the Chronicles before the king The .iii. Chapter 1 Haman after he was exalted obteined of the king that all the Iewes shoulde be put to death because Mardocheus had not done him worship as other had 1 AFter these actes dyd king Ahasuerus promote Haman the sonne of Amadatha the Agagite and set hym on hie and set his seate aboue all the princes that he had with hym 2 And al the kinges seruauntes that were in the kinges gate bowed their knees and reuerenced Haman for the king had so commaunded concerning hym But Mardocheus bowed not the knee neither dyd hym reuerence 3 Then the kinges seruauntes whiche were in the kinges gate said vnto Mardocheus Why transgressest thou the kinges commaundement 4 And though they spake this dayly vnto hym yet woulde he not heare them therfore they tolde Haman that they might see howe Mardocheus matters woulde stande for he had tolde them that he was a Iewe. 5 And when Haman sawe that Mardocheus bowed not the knee vnto him nor dyd reuerence vnto hym he was full of indignation 6 And thought it to litle to lay handes onely on Mardocheus for th●y had shewed him the nation of Mardocheus wherefore he sought to destroy all the Iewes that were throughout the whole empire of Ahasuerus and that were of the nation of Mardocheus 7 In the first moneth that is the moneth Nisan in the twelfth yere of king Ahasuerus they cast Phur that is a lot before Haman from day to day and from moneth to moneth to the twelfth moneth that is the moneth Adar 8 And Haman sayde vnto king Ahasuerus There is here a people scattred abrode and dispearsed among all people in all the prouinces of thyne empire and their lawes are diuers from all people and do not after the kinges lawes therefore it is not the kinges profite to suffer them after this maner 9 If it please the king let it be written that they may be destroyed and so wyll I waye downe ten thousand talents of siluer by the handes of them that haue the charge of this busines to bring it into the kinges treasurie 10 And the king toke his ring from his hand gaue it vnto Haman the sonne of Amadatha the Agagite the Iewes enemie 11 And the king saide vnto Haman Let the siluer be thyne do with that people as it pleaseth thee 12 Then were the kinges scribes called on the thirteenth day of the first moneth there was written according as Haman commaunded vnto all the kinges officers and to the captaynes that were ouer euery prouince and to the rulers of euery people in the countryes on euery side according to the writing therof and to euery nation after their language in the name of king Ahasuerus was it wr●ten and sealed with the kinges ring 31 And the letters were sent by postes into all the kinges prouinces to roote out to kill and to destroy all Iewes both young and olde children and women in one day namely vpon the thirteenth day of the twelfth moneth which is the moneth Adar to spoyle thē as a pray 14 This was the summe of the writing that there should be a commaundement geuen in al prouinces and published vnto all people that they should be redy against the same day 15 And the postes went in all the haste according to the kinges commaundement and in Susan the chiefe citie was the commaundement deuised And the king and Haman sate and dranke when in the meane time the citie of Susan was disquieted ¶ The .iiij. Chapter 5 Mardocheus geueth the queene knowledge of the cruell decree of the king against the Iewes 16 She wylleth that they pray for her 1 WHen Mardocheus perceaued all that was done he rent his clothes and put on sackecloth with asshes and went out into the middest of the citie and cryed loude and lamentably 2 And came before the kinges gate but he might not enter within the kinges gate because he had sackcloth on 3 And in all prouinces countries and places as farre as the kinges worde commaundement extented there was great lamentatiō among the Iewes fasting weeping and mourning and many lay in sackeclothes and in asshes 4 So Esthers maydens and her chamberlaynes came and told it her Then was the queene exceedingly astonied and she sent rayment that Mardocheus shoulde put on and lay the sackcloth from him But Mardocheus would not take them 5 Then called Esther Hathach one of the kinges chamberlaines which stoode before her and gaue him a commaundement vnto Mardocheus to know what it was wherefore he did so 6 So Hathach went foorth to Mardocheus vnto the streete of the citie
the beautie eloquence strength power successe administration of iustice aboundaunce of riches and maiestie of kyng Solomon with his wife and children setteth foorth Iesus Christe and his espouse the Churche whose eternal kingdome agaynst sinne death and hell is notably figured here in this psalme ¶ To the chiefe musition on the instrument Sosannim to be song of the children of Corach A song of loue geuyng wise instructions 1 MY heart is endityng of a good matter I wyll dedicate my workes vnto the king my tongue is as the penne of a redy writer 2 Thou art fayrer then the children of men full of grace are thy lippes because the Lorde hath blessed thee for euer 3 Girde thee with thy sworde vpon thy thygh O thou most mightie that is with thy glorie and thy maiestie 4 Prosper thou with thy maiestie ryde on the worde of trueth and of affliction for ryghteousnesse sake and thy ryght hande shall teache thee terrible thynges 5 Thyne arrowes are sharpe a people the kynges enemies shall submit in heart them selues vnto thee 6 Thy throne O Lorde endureth for euer and euer the scepter of ryghteousnesse is the scepter of thy kyngdome 7 Thou hast loued iustice and hated vngodlynesse wherfore the Lorde euen thy Lorde hath annoynted thee with the oyle of gladnesse more then thy felowes 8 All thy garmentes smell of Myrre Aloes and Cassia out of the iuorie palaces wherby they haue made thee glad 9 Kynges daughters are amongst thy honourable women vpon thy ryght hande standeth the queene in a vesture of golde of Ophir 10 Hearken O daughter and consider encline thine eare forget also thine owne people and thy fathers house 11 So shall the kyng haue pleasure in thy beautie for he is thy Lorde and worship thou hym 12 And the daughter of Tyre shall come with a present the riche among the people shall make their earnest prayer before thee 13 The kynges daughter is all glorious within her clothyng is of wrought golde 14 She shal be brought vnto the kyng in rayment of needle worke the virgins that folowe her and her company shal be brought vnto thee 15 With ioy and gladnesse shall they be brought and shal enter into the kinges palace 16 In steade of thy fathers thou shalt haue children whom thou mayst make princes in all landes 17 I wyll remember thy name from one generation vnto another therfore shall the people prayse thee worlde without ende ¶ The argument of the .xlvj. Psalme ¶ The prophete acknowledgeth God to haue deliuered Hierusalem so notably out of perilles that they all haue a cause to conceaue a full hope not for to feare any aduersitie in tyme to come He exhorteth other to beholde the great workes of God and turneth his speache to his aduersaries ¶ To the chiefe musition a song to be song of the children of Corach vpon Alamoth 1 THe Lorde is our refuge strength a helpe very easyly founde in troubles 2 Therfore we wyll not feare though the earth be transposed and though the hilles rushe into the middest of the sea 3 Though the waters thereof rage and swell and though the mountaynes shake at the surges of the same Selah 4 Yet the fludde by his ryuers shall make glad the citie of God the holy place of the tabernacles of the most hyghest 5 God is in the myddest of her therfore she can not be remoued the Lorde wyll helpe her and that ryght early 6 The heathen make much a do and the kyngdomes are moued but God shewed his voyce and the earth melted away 7 The God of hoastes is with vs the Lorde of Iacob is our refuge Selah 8 O come hither and beholde the workes of God what distructions he hath brought vpon the earth 9 He maketh warres to ceasse in all the worlde he breaketh the bowe knappeth the speare in sunder and burneth the charettes in the fire 10 Be styll then and knowe that I am the Lorde I wyll be exalted among the heathen I wyll be exalted in the earth 11 The God of hoastes is with vs the Lorde of Iacob is our refuge Selah The argument of the .xlvij. psalme ¶ The prophete inciteth the faythfull to prayse God with all kynde of melody for that he subdueth their enemies vnder them He also declareth that the heathen with their princes shall receaue the fayth ¶ To the chiefe musition a psalme to be song of the children of Corach 1 CLap your handes all ye people make a noise vnto the Lorde with a ioyfull voyce 2 For God is hygh and terrible he is the great king vpō all the earth 3 He wyll subdue the people vnder vs and the nations vnder our feete 4 He hath chosen for vs our inheritaunce the glorie of Iacob whō he loued Selah 5 The Lorde ascendeth in a triumph and God with the sounde of a trumpet 6 Syng psalmes to the Lorde syng psalmes syng psalmes to our kyng sing psalmes 7 For the Lorde is kyng of all the earth * syng psalmes all you that haue skyll 8 God raigneth ouer the heathen God sitteth vpon his holy throne 9 The princes of the people are assembled together for to be the people of the God of Abraham for the shieldes of the earth be Gods who is hyghly exalted ¶ The argument of the .xlviii. Psalme ¶ The prophete magnifieth the maiestie of God for his goodnesse benefites fayth and wonderfull defence towardes his Churche which he commendeth vnder the name of the citie of God of mount Sion of the holy hyll and palaces of the north syde ¶ A song the psalme of the children of Corach 1 GReat is God and hyghly to be praysed in the citie of our Lorde his holy hyll 2 The hyll of Sion is fayre in situation and the ioy of the whole earth vpon the north syde lyeth y e citie of the great king 3 God is well knowen in her palaces as a most sure refuge 4 For lo kinges did assemble and passe by together they them selues sawe it * lykewyse they marueyled they were astonyed with feare and sodenly in haste they were gone away 5 A feare came there vpon them and sorowe as vpon a woman in her childe trauayle 6 Thou didst breake the shippes of the sea through the east wynde 7 Lyke as we haue hearde so haue we seene in the citie of God of hoastes in the citie of our Lorde God vpholdeth the same for euer Selah 8 O Lorde we haue wayted for thy louyng kindnesse in the myddest of thy temple 9 O Lorde accordyng to thy name so is thy prayse vnto the worldes ende thy ryght hande is full of iustice 10 Mount Sion shall reioyce and the daughters of Iuda shal be glad because of thy iudgementes 11 Compasse about Sion and go rounde about her and tell the towres therof 12 Marke well her bulwarkes beholde her hygh palaces that ye may tell it to your posteritie
the vines for our vines beare blossomes 16 * My loue is mine I am his whiche feedeth among the lillies vntill the day breake and till the shadowes be gone 17 Come agayne O my beloued and be lyke as a roe or a young hart vpon the wyde mountaines ¶ The .iij. Chapter 1 The Churche desireth to be ioyned inseparably to Christe her husbande 6 Her deliueraunce out of the wyldernesse 1 BY night in my bed I sought hym whom my soule loueth yea diligently sought I him but I found him not 2 I will get vp thought I go about the citie in the wayes in all the streates wyll I seeke hym whom my soule loueth but when I sought him I founde him not 3 The watchmen also that go about the citie founde me to whom I sayde Sawe ye not hym whom my soule loueth 4 So when I was a litle past them I founde him whom my soule loueth I haue gotten holde vpon hym and wyll not let him go vntyll I bryng him into my mothers house and into her chaumber that bare me 5 I charge you O ye daughters of Hierusalem by the roes and hyndes of the fielde that ye wake not vp my loue nor touch her till she be content her self 6 Who is this that commeth vp out of the wyldernesse like vapours of smoke as it were a smell of myrre frankensence and all maner spices of the Apothecarie 7 Beholde about Solomons bedsteede there stande threescore valiaunt of the most mightie in Israel They holde swordes euery one and are expert in warre 8 Euery man also hath his sworde vppon his thigh because of feare in the night 9 Kyng Solomon had made him selfe a pallace of the wood of Libanus the pillers are of siluer the couering of golde the seate of purple the grounde is pleasauntly paued with loue for the daughters of Hierusalem 10 Go foorth O ye daughters of Sion and beholde king Solomon in the crowne wherewith his mother crowned him in the day of his mariage and in the day of the gladnesse of his heart ¶ The .iiij. Chapter 1 The prayses of the Churche ● She is without blemishe in his sight 9 The loue of Christe towardes her 1 O Howe fayre art thou my loue howe fayre art thou thou hast doues eyes beside that which lyeth hid within Thy heerie lockes are lyke the wooll of a flocke of goates that be shorne vpon mount Gilead 2 Thy teeth are like a flocke of sheepe of the same bignesse whiche went vp from the washing place where euery one beareth two twinnes and not one vnfruitfull among them 3 Thy lippes are lyke a rose coloured ribande thy wordes are louely thy cheekes are like a peece of a pomegranate within thyne heere 's 4 Thy necke is like the towre of Dauid buylded with costly stones lying out on the sides wherevpon there hange a thousande shieldes yea all the weapons of the giauntes 5 Thy two breastes are lyke two twinnes of young Roes whiche feede among roses 6 O that I might go to the mountaine of myrre and to the hil of frankencense til the day breake and til the shadowes be past away 7 Thou art all fayre O my loue and no spot is there in thee 8 Come to me from Libanus O my spouse come to me from Libanus looke from the top of Amana from the top of Sanir and Hermon from the lions dennes and from the mountaines of the leopardes 9 Thou hast with loue bewitched my heart O my sister my spouse thou hast bewitched my heart with one of thyne eyes and with one chayne of thy necke 10 O howe fayre are thy breastes my sister my spouse Thy breastes are more pleasaunt then wine and the smell of thyne oyntmentes passeth all spices 11 Thy lippes O my spouse drop as the hony combe yea mylke and hony is vnder thy tongue and the smell of thy garmentes is like the smell of Libanus 12 A garden well locked is my sister my spouse a garden well locked and a sealed well 13 The fruites that are planted in thee are lyke a very paradise of pomegranates with sweete fruites as Camphire Nardus Saffron Calamus Sinamom with all sweete smellyng trees Myrre Aloes and all the best spyces a well of gardens a well of liuing waters which runne downe from Libanus 14 Vp thou north winde come thou south winde and blowe vpon my garden that the smell therof may be caryed on euery side yea that my beloued may come into his garden and eate of the sweete fruites that growe therein The .v. Chapter 1 Christe calleth his Churche to the participation of all his treasures 2 She heareth his voyce 6 She confesseth her nakednes 10 She prayseth Christe her husbande 1 I Am come into my garden O my sister my spouse I haue gathered my Myrre with my spice I haue eatē hony with my hony combe I haue drunke my wine with my milke Eate O ye frendes drinke and be merie O ye beloued 2 I am a sleepe but my heart is waking I heare the voyce of my beloued when he knocketh saying Open to me O my sister my loue my doue my dearling for my head is full of deawe and the lockes of my heere are full of the nyght doppes 3 I haue put of my coate howe can I do it on agayne I haue washed my feete howe shall I fyle them agayne 4 My loue put in his hande at the hole and my heart was moued within me 5 I stoode vp to open vnto my beloued and my handes dropped with Myrre the Myrre ranne downe my fingers vpon the locke 6 I opened vnto my beloued but he was departed and gone his way Now whē he spake my heart was gone I sought him but I coulde not finde him I cryed vpon hym neuerthelesse he gaue me no aunswere 7 So the watchmen that went about the citie founde me smote me and wounded me yea they that kept the walles toke away my kerchaffe from me 8 I charge you therfore O ye daughters of Hierusalem yf ye fynde my beloued that ye tell hym howe that I am sicke for loue 9 What maner of man is thy loue aboue other louers O thou fairest among women Or what can thy loue do more then other louers that thou chargest vs so straytly 10 As for my loue he is whyte and red coloured a goodly person among tenne thousande 11 His head is as the most fine golde the lockes of his heere are busshed blacke as a crowe 12 His eyes are as the eyes of doues by the water brookes as though they were wasshed with mylke and are set lyke pearles in golde 13 His cheekes are lyke a garden bed wherin the Apothecaries plant all maner of sweete thynges 14 His lippes are lyke lilies that droppe sweete smellyng Myrre His handes are lyke golde rynges hauyng inclosed the precious stone of
Tharsis 15 His body is as the pure iuorie dect ouer with Saphires His legges are as the pillers of Marble set vpon sockettes of golde 16 His face is as Libanus and as the beautie of the Cedar trees 17 The wordes of his mouth are sweete yea he is altogether louely Such a one is my loue O ye daughters of Hierusalem such a one is my loue The .vi. Chapter 2 The Church assureth her selfe of the loue of Christe 3 The prayses of the Church 8 She is but one and vndefiled 1 WHyther is thy loue gone then O thou fairest among women whyther is thy loue departed and we wyll seke hym with thee 2 My loue is gone downe into his garden vnto the sweete smellyng beddes that he may refreshe hym selfe in the garden gather lilies 3 My loue is myne and I am his which feedeth among the lilies 4 Thou are beautifull O my loue as is the place Thirza thou art faire as Hierusalem fearefull as an armie of men with their banners 5 Turne away thine eyes from me for they haue set me on fire Thy heery lockes are lyke a flocke of goates shorne vpon the mount of Gilead 6 Thy teeth are lyke a flocke of shorne sheepe which go out of the wasshyng place where euery one beareth twinnes and not one vnfruitfull among them 7 Thy cheekes are like a peece of a pomegranate within thy lockes of heere 8 There are threescore queenes fourescore wiues and damselles without number 9 One is my doue one is my dearlyng She is the only beloued of her mother and deare vnto her that bare her When the daughters sawe her they sayde she was blessed yea the queenes wiues praysed her 10 What is she this that loketh foorth as the mornyng faire as the moone cleare as the sunne and fearfull as an armie of men with their banners 11 I went downe into the nut garden to see what grewe by the brookes and to loke yf the vineyarde florished or yf the pomegranates were not foorth 12 I knewe not that my soule had made me the charyot of the people that be vnder tribute 13 Turne agayne turne agayne O thou perfect one turne agayne turne agayne and we wyll loke vpon thee What will ye see in the Sulamite She is lyke men of warre singing in a companie The .vij. Chapter 1 The beautie of the Churche in all her members 1● She is assured of Christes loue towardes her 1 O Howe pleasaunt are thy treadynges with thy shoes thou princes daughter the ioyntes of thy thighes are like a faire iewell which is wrought by a cunnyng workemaister 2 Thy nauell is lyke a rounde goblet which is neuer without drynke 3 Thy wombe is like a heape of wheate that is set about with lilies 4 Thy two breastes are lyke two twinnes of young roes 5 Thy necke is as it were a towre of iuorie thine eyes also are lyke the water pooles that are in Hesebon beside the port of Bathrabbim thy nose is lyke the towre of Libanus which loketh towarde Damascus 6 That head that standeth vpon thee is lyke Carmel and the heere of thy head is like purple and like a kyng dwellyng among many water conduites 7 O Howe faire and louely art thou my dearlyng in pleasures 8 Thy stature is lyke a paulme tree and thy breastes lyke the grapes 9 I sayde I wyll climbe vp into the paulme tree and take holde of his hye braunches 10 Thy breastes also shal be as the wine clusters the smell of thy nosethrilles like as the smell of apples 11 And thy rooffe of thy mouth lyke the best wine which is meete for my best beloued pleasaunt for his lippes and for his teeth to chawe 12 I am my beloueds and he shall turne hym vnto me 13 O come on my loue we wyll go foorth into the fielde and take our lodgyng in the villages 14 In the mornyng wyll we go see the vineyarde we wyll see yf the vine be sprong foorth yf the grapes be growen and yf the pomegranates be shot out 15 There will I geue thee my brestes the Mandragoras geue their sweete smell and besyde our doores are all maner of pleasaunt fruites both newe and olde which I haue kept for thee O my beloued The .viij. Chapter 2 The Church wyll be taught by Christe 3 She is vpholden by hym 6 The vehement loue wherwith Christe loueth her 1● She is the vine that bryngeth foorth fruite to the spirituall Solomon which is Iesus Christe 1 O That I might finde thee without and kisse thee whom I loue as my brother whiche suckt my mothers brestes and that thou shalt not be dispised 2 I wyll leade thee and bryng thee into my mothers house that thou myghtest teache me and that I myght geue thee drynke of the spiced wine and of the sweete sappe of my pomegranates 3 His left hande shal be vnder my head and his ryght hande shall imbrace me 4 I charge you O ye daughters of Hierusalem that ye wake not vp my loue nor touche her tyll she be content her selfe 5 What is she this that cometh vp from the wildernesse and leaneth vpon her loue I wake thee vp among the apple trees where thy mother conceaued thee where thy mother I say brought thee into the worlde 6 O set me as a seale vpon thine heart and as a seale vpon thine arme for loue is myghtie as the death and gelousie as the hell 7 Her coales are coales of fire and a very vehement flambe of the Lorde so that many waters are not able to quenche loue neither may the streames drowne it Yea yf a man woulde geue all the good of his house for loue he shoulde count it nothyng 8 Our sister is but young and hath no brestes what shall we do for our sister when she shal be spoken for 9 If she be a wall we shall builde a siluer bulwarke thervpon yf she be a doore we shall fasten her with boordes of Cedar tree 10 I am a wall and my brestes lyke towres then was I as one that hath founde fauour in his syght 11 Solomon hath a vineyarde at Baal-Hamon and this vineyarde deliuered he vnto the kepers that euery one for the fruite therof shoulde geue hym a thousande peeces of siluer 12 My vineyarde which is myne is in my syght thou O Solomon must haue a thousande and the kepers two hundred which kepe the fruite 13 Thou that dwellest in the gardens O let me heare thy voyce that my companions may hearken to the same 14 O get thee away my loue and be as a roe or a young hart vpon the sweete smellyng mountaynes A. P. E. The ende of the ballet of ballettes of Solomon called in latine Canticum Canticorum ❧ The booke of the prophete Esai The first Chapter 2 The prophete accuseth the sinnes of the
he shal be brought lowe 13 And vpon all high and stout Cedar trees of Libanus and vpon all the okes of Basan 14 And vpon all the high mountaynes and vpon all the high hilles 15 And vpon euery high towre and vpon euery fenced wall 16 And vpon all the shippes of Tharsis and vpon all pictures of pleasure 17 And the pride of man shal be brought downe and the loftinesse of men shal be made lowe and the Lorde alone shal be exalted in that day 18 As for the idols he shall vtterly abolishe 19 And they shall creepe into holes of stone and into caues of the earth for feare of the Lorde and for the glorie of his maiestie when he ariseth to destroy the wicked ones of the earth 20 In the selfe same day shall man cast away his gods of siluer and his gods of golde into the holes of Mowles and Backes which he neuerthelesse had made to hym selfe to honour them 21 And they shall creepe into the cliftes of the rockes and into the toppes of the harde stones for feare of the Lorde and for the glorie of his maiestie when he ariseth to destroy the wicked ones of the earth 22 Ceasse therfore from man in whose nosethrilles there is breath for wherin is he to be accompted of The .iij. Chapter 1 The mischiefes that God sendeth on common weales for the contempt of his worde 14 The couetousnesse of rulers reproued 16 The proude nicenesse of women punished to their shame 1 FOr lo the Lorde God of hoastes doth take away from Hierusalem and Iuda all maner of stay all stay of meate and drynke 2 The captayne and the souldiour the iudge and the prophete the prudent and the aged man 3 The captayne of fiftie the honorable the senatour the cunnyng artificer and the eloquent oratour 4 And I shall geue children to be their princes and babes shall rule ouer them 5 And the people shall eche one of them violently oppresse another and euery one agaynst his neyghbour The boy shall presume agaynst the elder and the person of lowe degree agaynst the honorable 6 Yea one shall take a friende of his owne kinrede by the bosome and say thou hast clothyng thou shalt be our head and stay this ruine with thy hande 7 Then shall he sweare and say I can not helpe you there is neither meate nor clothyng in my house make me no ruler of the people 8 For Hierusalem and Iuda must decay because that both their wordes and counsayles are agaynst the Lorde to prouoke the presence of his maiestie to anger 9 Their very countenaunce bewrayeth thē yea they declare their owne sinnes themselues as Sodome they hide it not Wo be to their owne soules for they haue rewarded euyll vnto them selues 10 Say to the ryghteous that it shall go well with them for they shall eate the fruite of their owne studies 11 But wo be vnto the wicked for it shal be euyll with hym for he shal be rewarded after his owne workes 12 Children are extortioners of my people and women rule ouer them O my people thy leaders deceaue thee and corrupt the way of thy footsteppes 13 The Lorde is here to commune of the matter standeth to iudge the people 14 The Lorde shall enter into iudgement with the elders and princes of his people and shall say to them It is ye that haue burnt vp my vineyarde the spoyle of the poore is in your houses 15 What meane ye that ye bray as in a morter my people and grinde the faces of the poore saith the Lorde God of hoastes 16 Moreouer the Lord hath said seing the daughters of Sion are waxen proude walke with stretched foorth neckes and wanton lokes goyng and trippyng nicely and tinckelyng with their feete 17 Therfore shall the Lorde shaue the heades of the daughters of Sion and shall discouer their filthinesse 18 In that day shall the Lord take away the gorgiousnesse of the attire about their feete the caules and the rounde tires after the fashion of the moone 19 The sweete perfumes and the bracelettes and the mufflers 20 The bonnettes and the sloppes and the head bandes and the tablettes and the earynges 21 And rynges and nose iewels 22 The costly apparell and the vayles and the wimples the crispyng pinnes 23 And the glasses and the fine linnen and the hoodes and the lawnes 24 And in steade of good smell there shal be stincke and in steade of their girdle a rent and for well set heere there shal be baldnesse in steade of a stomacher a sacke cloth sunne burnyng for beautie 25 Thy men shal perishe with the sword and thy valiaunt souldiours in the battayle O Hierusalem 26 And her gates shall mourne and bewayle and she beyng desolate shall syt vpon the grounde The .iiij. Chapter 1 The miserie of the stubburne 3 A promise of Gods fauour to the residue 1 IN that day seuen women shall take holde of one man saying we wyll finde our selues meate and apparell only let vs be called by thy name to take our shamefull reproofe from vs. 2 In that day shall the budde of the Lorde be beautifull and glorious and the fruite of the earth shal be excellent and pleasaunt for them that are escaped of Israel 3 Then shall the remnaunt in Sion and the remnaunt at Hierusalem be called holy namely all such as are written among the lyuyng in Hierusalem 4 After that the Lorde hath washt away the filthinesse of the daughters of Sion and hath purged the blood out from Hierusalem in the spirite of iudgement and in the spirite of fire 5 And vpon all the dwellynges of the hylles of Sion and vpon her congregations the Lord shall create a cloude and smoke by day and the shynyng of a flamyng fire by night for all the glorie shal be preserued 6 And there shal be a tabernacle for a shadowe in the day time from the heat a safe place and refuge from weather and rayne The .v. Chapter 1 Of Christe and his vineyarde 8 with an execration of couetousnesse 11 drunkennesse 19 and contempt of Gods worde 1 NOwe wyll I syng my beloued friende a song of my friende touching his vineyard My beloued friende hath a vineyarde in a very fruiteful plenteous grounde 2 This he hedged and gathered out the stones from it and planted it with the choysest vine In the middest of it builded he a towre also made a wine presse therin and he loked that it shoulde bring him grapes and it brought foorth wylde grapes 3 Nowe O citezen of Hierusalem and man of Iuda iudge I pray thee betwixt me and my vineyarde 4 What more coulde haue ben done for it that I haue not done Wherfore then hath it geuen wylde grapes where I loked to haue had grapes of it 5 Well nowe I shall tell you howe I will do with my vineyarde I will take the hedge from it that it may perishe and
.xlvi. Chapter 1 Idolatrie is reproued 3 The health that commeth by Christe is prophesied 1 BEl is fallen Nabo is broken downe whose images were a burthen for the beastes and cattell to ouerlade them and to make them weerie 2 They are sunke downe and fallen together for they may not ease them of their burthen therfore must they go into captiuitie 3 Hearken vnto me O house Iacob and all ye that remaine yet of the house of Israel whom I haue borne from your mothers wombe and brought you vp from your byrth 4 It is euen I whiche shall beare you vnto your last age I haue made you I wyll also norishe you beare you and saue you 5 whom wyll ye make me lyke or to whom wyll ye make me equall or compare me that I shoulde be like him 6 Take out siluer and gold out of your purses and way it and hyre a goldesmith to make a god of it that men may kneele downe and worship it 7 Yet must he be taken on mens shoulders and borne and set in his place that he may stande and not moue out of his place And if one crye vnto hym he geueth no aunswere and deliuereth not the man that calleth vpon hym from his trouble 8 Consider this well and be ashamed go into your owne selues 9 Remember the thinges that are past since the beginning of the worlde that I am God and that there is els no God yea and that there is nothing like vnto me 10 In the beginning of a thing I shewe the ende therof I tell before thinges that are not yet come to passe My deuise standeth stedfastly stablished and I fulfill all my pleasure 11 I call a byrde out of the east and the man by whom my counsayle shal be fulfilled out of straunge countreys as I haue spoken so wyll I bryng to passe assoone as I thinke to deuise a thing I do it 12 Heare me O ye that are of an hye stomacke but farre from righteousnesse 13 I shall bryng foorth my righteousnesse it is not farre and my health shall not tary long away I wyll lay health in Sion and in Israel my glory ¶ The .xlvij. Chapter 1 The worde of the Lorde against Babylon 1 BVT as for thee O daughter thou virgin Babylon sit thou downe in the dust sit vpō the ground there is no throne O thou daughter of Caldea for thou shalt no more be called tender and pleasaunt 2 Bryng foorth the querne and grinde meale vntrusse thy broydred heere put of thy shoes make bare thy knees and wade thorowe the water riuers 3 Thy filthynesse shal be discouered and thy priuities shal be seene for I wil auenge me of thee and wyll shewe no mercy to thee as I do to other men 4 Our redeemer is called the Lorde of hoastes the holy one of Israel 5 Sit still holde thy tongue get thee into some darke corner O daughter Caldea for thou shalt no more be called lady of kyngdomes 6 I was so wroth with my people that I punished myne inheritaunce and gaue them into thy power neuerthelesse thou shewedst them no mercy but euen the very aged of them diddest thou oppresse right sore with the yoke 7 And thou thoughtest thus I shal be lady for euer and beside all that thou hast not regarded these thinges neither remembred what was the ende of that citie Hierusalem 8 Heare nowe therefore thou delicate one that sittest so carelesse and speakest thus in thyne heart I am alone and without me is there none I shal neuer be widowe nor desolate agayne 9 And yet both these thinges shal come to thee vpon one day in the twinckeling of an eye namely widowhood and desolation they mightyly fall vpon thee for the multitude of thy witches and for the great heape of thy coniurers 10 For thou hast trusted in thy wickednesse and hast said No man seeth me thine owne wisdome and cunning hath deceaued thee in that thou hast sayd in thyne heart I am alone and without me there is none 11 Therefore shall trouble come vpon thee and thou shalt not knowe from whence it shall arise Mischiefe shall fal vpon thee which thou shalt not be able to put of a sodayne vtter destruction shall come vpon thee or euer thou be ware 12 Nowe go to thy coniurers and to the multitude of thy witches with whom thou hast weeryed thy selfe from thy youth if thei may helpe thee or strength thee 13 Thou hast hitherto had many counsayles of them So let the heauen gasers and the beholders of starres and moone prophetes come on now and deliuer thee yea and let them shew when these new thinges shal come vpon thee 14 Beholde they shal be lyke strawe whiche if it be kindeled with fire no man may rid it for the vehemencie of the flambe and yet it geueth no sinders to warme a man by nor cleare fire to sit by 15 Thus are they with whom thou hast weeried thy self and thus are thy marchauntes that haue ben with thee from thy youth euery one hath taken his owne way and none of them shall defende thee The .xlviij. Chapter 1 The hypocrisie of the Iewes is reproued 11 The Lorde alone wyll be worshipped which hath chosen vs 20 and which succoureth vs for his owne sake 1 HEare this O thou house of Iacob ye that are called by the name of Israel are come out of one stocke with Iuda whiche sweare by the name of the Lorde and beare witnesse by the God of Israel but not with trueth and ryght 2 For they are named of the holy citie and are grounded vpon the God of Israel whose name is the Lorde of hoastes 3 The thynges that I haue shewed you euer since the begynnyng haue I not brought them to passe immediatly as they came out of my mouth and declared them and they are come 4 Howbeit I knowe that thou art obstinate and that thy necke hath an iron sinowe and that thy browe is of brasse 5 Neuerthelesse I haue euer since the begynnyng shewed thee of thynges for to come and declared them vnto thee or euer they came to passe that thou shouldest not say myne idoll hath done it my carued or molten image hath shewed it 6 Thou heardest it before and beholde it is come to passe And shall not ye your selues shewe foorth or confesse the same But as for me I tolde thee before at the begynnyng newe and secrete thynges which thou knewest not of 7 And some done of olde tyme wherof thou neuer heardest before they were brought to passe that thou canst not say beholde I knewe of them 8 Moreouer there be some wherof thou hast neither heard nor knowen neither haue ben opened vnto thyne eares afore tyme For I knewe that thou wouldest malitiously offende therfore haue I called thee a transgressour euen from thy mothers wombe 9 Neuerthelesse for my names sake I wyll withdrawe my wrath and
trueth is cleane rooted out of their mouth 29 Wherefore cut of thine heere O Hierusalem and cast it away take vp a complaint on hye for the Lorde hath cast away and forsaken the people that he is displeased withall 30 For the chyldren of Iuda haue done euyll in my sight saith the Lorde they haue set vp their abhominations in the house that hath my name and haue defiled it 31 They haue also buylded an aulter at Topheth whiche is in the valley of the chyldren of Hennom that they might burne their sonnes and daughters in fire whiche I neuer commaunded them neither came it euer in my thought 32 And therfore beholde the dayes shall come saith the Lorde that it shall no more be called Topheth or the valley of the chyldren of Hennom but the valley of slaughter for in Topheth they shall be buried because they shall els haue no roome 33 Yea the dead bodyes of this people shal be eaten vp of the foules of the ayre and wylde beastes of the earth and no man shall fray them away 34 And as for the voyce of mirth and gladnesse of the cities of Iuda and Hierusalem the voyce of the bridegrome and of the bride I wyll make them ceasse for the lande shal be desolate The .viij. Chapter 1 The destruction of the Iewes 4 The Lorde moueth the people to amendement reckening vp their sinnes 10 He reprehendeth the lying doctrine of the prophetes and priestes 1 AT the same tyme saith the Lorde the bones of the kinges of Iuda the bones of his princes the bones of the preachers and prophetes yea and the bones of the citizens of Hierusalem shal be brought out of their graues 2 And layde against the sunne the moone all the heauenly hoast whom they loued whom they serued whom they ranne after whom they sought and worshipped they shall neither be gathered together nor buried but shall lye as dunge vpon the earth 3 And all they that remaine of this wicked generation shal desire rather to die then to line whersoeuer they remaine and where as I scatter them saith the Lorde of hoastes 4 Thus shalt thou say vnto them also Thus saith the Lorde Do men fall so that they arise not vp againe or if Israel repent wyll not God turne againe to them 5 Wherefore then is this people of Hierusalem gone so farre backe that they turne not againe They are euer the longer the more obstinate and wyll not be conuerted 6 For I haue loked and considered but there is no man that speaketh a good worde there is no man that taketh repentaunce for his sinne that wyll so muche say what haue I done but euerie man turneth to his owne course like a fierce horse headlong to the battaile 7 The Storke in the ayre knoweth his appointed tyme the Turtle doue the Swallowe and the Crane consider the tyme of their trauayle but my people wyll not knowe the tyme of the punishment of the Lorde 8 Howe dare ye say then we are wyse we haue the lawe of the Lorde among vs Truely in vayne hath he prepared his penne and vainely haue the writers written it 9 Therefore shall the wyse be confounded they shal be afraide and taken for lo they haue cast out the worde of the Lorde what wisdome can then be among them 10 Wherfore I wyl geue their wiues vnto aliauntes and their fields to destroyers For from the lowest vnto the hyest they folowe filthy lucre and from the prophete vnto the priest they deale all with lies 11 Neuerthelesse they heale the hurt of my people very slenderly saying peace peace where there is no peace at all 12 Fye for shame howe abhominable thinges do they and yet they be not ashamed yea they knowe of no shame Wherefore in the tyme of their visitation they shal fal among the dead bodies and be ouerthrowne saith the Lorde 13 Moreouer I wyll consume them in deede saith the Lorde so that there shall not be one grape vpon the vine neither one figge vpon the figge tree and the leaues shal be pluckt of and the thing that I haue geuen them shal be taken from them 14 Why prolong we the time Let vs gather our selues together and go into the strong citie there shall we be in rest for the Lorde our God hath put vs to scilence and geuen vs water mixt with gall to drinke because we haue sinned against hym 15 We loked for peace and we fare not the better we wayted for the tyme of health and lo ●re is nothing but trouble 16 The noyse of his horses is heard from Dan the whole lande is afraide at the neighing of his strong horses for they are come in and haue deuoured the lande withall that is in it the cities and those that dwell therin 17 Moreouer I wyll sende cockatrices and serpentes among you whiche wyl not be charmed and they shall bite you saith the Lorde 18 I woulde haue had comfort against sorowe but sorowe is come vpon me and heauinesse vexeth my heart 19 For lo the voyce of the crying of my people is hearde for feare of them that come from a farre countrey Is not the Lord in Sion Is not her king in her Wherefore then haue they greeued me shall the Lorde say with their images and foolishe straunge fashions of a forraine god 20 The haruest is gone the sommer hath an ende and we are not helped 21 I am sore vexed because of the hurt of my people I am heauie and abashed 22 Is there not triacle at Gilead Is there no phisitiō there why then is not the health of my people recouered The .ix. Chapter 1 The complaint and bewayling of the prophete 3 the malice of the people 24 In the knowledge of God ought we onlye to reioyce 26 The vncircumcision of the heart 1 O Who wyll geue my head water inough and a wel of teares for mine eyes that I may weepe night and day for the slaughter of my people 2 Woulde God that I had a cottage somewhere farre from folke that I might leaue my people and go from them for they be all adulterers and a shrinking sort 3 They bend their tongues like bowes to shoote out lyes they waxe strong vppon earth As for the trueth they may nothing away withall in the worlde for they go from one wickednes to another and wyll not knowe me saith the Lorde 4 Yea one must kepe hym selfe from another no man may safely trust his owne brother for one brother vndermindeth another one neighbour beguileth another 5 Yea one dissembleth with another and they deale with no trueth They haue practised their tongues to lye and taken great paynes to do mischiefe 6 Thou sittest in the middes of a deceiptfull people which for very dissembling falshood wyll not knowe me saith the Lorde 7 Therefore thus saith the Lorde of hoastes Beholde I wyll melt them and trye them
Lord of hoastes that the remnaunt of the ornamentes which are in the house of the Lorde in the house of the kyng of Iuda and at Hierusalem be not caryed to Babylon also 19 For thus hath the Lorde of hoastes spoken concerning the pillers the lauer the seate and the residue of the ornamentes that yet remayne in this citie 20 Which Nabuchodonozor the kyng of Babylon toke not when he caryed away Iechonias the sonne of Iehoakim kyng of Iuda with all the power of Iuda Hierusalem vnto Babylon captiue 21 Yea thus hath the Lorde of hoastes the God of Israel spoken as touchyng the residue of the ornamentes of the Lordes house of the kyng of Iuda his house and of Hierusalem 22 They shal be caryed vnto Babylon and there shall they remayne vntyll I visite them saith the Lorde then wyll I bryng them hyther agayne ¶ The .xxviij. Chapter 1 The false prophecie of Hananias the prophete 12 Ieremie sheweth that the prophecie of Hananias is false by the example of the other prophetes 15 He being inspired of the Lorde reproueth Hananias propheciyng his death 1 AND it came to passe the same yere euen in the begynnyng of the raigne of Zedekiah kyng of Iuda in the fourth yere the fift moneth that Hananias the sonne of Assur the prophete of Gibeon spake to me in the house of the Lorde in the presence of the priestes and of all the people and sayde 2 Thus saith the Lorde of hoastes the God of Israel I haue broken the yoke of the kyng of Babylon 3 And after two yeres wyll I bryng agayne into this place all the ornamentes of the Lordes house that Nabuchodonozor kyng of Babylon caryed away from this place vnto Babylon 4 Yea I wyll bryng agayne Iechonias the sonne of Iehoakim the kyng of Iuda hym selfe with all the prisoners of Iuda that are caried vnto Babylon euen into this place saith the Lorde for I wyll breake the yoke of the kyng of Babylon 5 Then the prophete Ieremie gaue aunswere vnto the prophete Hananias before all the priestes and before all the people that were present in the house of the Lorde 6 And the prophete Ieremie sayde Amen the Lorde do that and graunt the thyng which thou hast prophecied that he may bryng agayne all the ornamentes of the Lordes house and restore all the prisoners from Babylon into this place 7 Neuerthelesse hearken thou also what I wyll say that thou and all the people may heare 8 The prophetes that were before vs in tyme past which prophecied of warre or trouble or pestilence 9 Either of peace vpon many nations and great kyngdomes were proued by this yf God hath sent them in very deede when the thyng came to passe which the prophete tolde before 10 And Hananias the prophete toke the chayne from the prophete Ieremies necke and brake it 11 And with that sayde Hananias that all the people might heare thus hath the Lorde spoken Euen so wyll I breake the yoke of Nabuchodonozor kyng of Babylon from the necke of all nations yea and that within this two yere And so the prophete Ieremie went his way 12 Nowe after that Hananias the prophete had taken the chayne from the prophete Ieremies necke and broken it the worde of the Lorde came vnto the prophete Ieremie saying 13 Go and tell Hananias these wordes Thus saith the Lord thou hast broken the chayne of wood but in steade of wood thou shalt make chaynes of iron 14 For thus saith the Lorde of hoastes the God of Israel I wyll put a yoke of iron vpon the necke of all this people that they may serue Nabuchodonozor the kyng of Babylon yea and so shall they do and I wyll geue hym the beastes of the fielde 15 Then sayde the prophete Ieremie vnto the prophete Hananias Heare me Hananias The Lorde hath not sent thee but thou bryngest this people into a false beliefe 16 And therfore thus saith the Lorde Beholde I wyll sende thee out of the lande and within a yere thou shalt dye because thou hast falsely spoken agaynst the Lorde 17 So Hananias dyed the same yere in the seuenth moneth The .xxix. Chapter 1 The pistle of Ieremie sent vnto them that were in captiuitie in Babylon 10 He prophecieth their returne from the captiuitie after seuentie yeres 16 He prophecieth the destruction of the king and of the people that remayned in Hierusalem 21 He threatneth two prophetes that seduced the people 25 The death of Semeiah the Nehelamite is prophecied 1 THese are the wordes of the booke that Ieremie the prophete sent from Hierusalem vnto the prisoners the senatours priestes prophetes and all the people whom Nabuchodonozor had led from Hierusalem vnto Babylon ▪ 2 After that tyme that kyng Iechonias and his queene his chamberlaynes the princes of Iuda and Hierusalem the workmaisters of Hierusalem were departed thyther 3 Which booke Elasah the sonne of Saphan Gamariah the sonne of Helkia did beare whom Zedekias the kyng of Iuda sent vnto Babylon to Nabuchodonozor the kyng of Babylon These were the wordes of Hieremies booke 4 Thus hath the Lorde of hoastes the God of Israel spoken vnto all the prisoners that were fled from Hierusalem to Babylon 5 Builde you houses to dwell therin plant you gardens that you may enioy the fruites therof 6 Take you wiues to beare you sonnes and daughters prouide wiues for your sonnes and husbandes for your daughters that they may get sonnes daughters and that ye may multiplie there and decrease not 7 Seke after the peace and prosperitie of the citie wherin ye be prisoners and pray vnto the Lorde for it for in the peace therof shall your peace be 8 For thus saith the Lorde of hoastes the God of Israel Let not these prophetes and soothsayers that be among you deceaue you and beleue not your owne dreames 9 For why they preache you lyes in my name and I haue not sent them saith the Lorde 10 But thus saith the Lorde When ye haue fulfylled seuentie yeres at Babylon I will bring you home and of mine owne goodnesse I wyll cary you hither agayne into this place 11 For I knowe what I haue deuised for you saith the Lorde My thoughtes are to geue you peace and not trouble and to geue you an ende as you wishe and hope to haue 12 Ye shall crye vnto me ye shall go and call vpon me and I wyll heare you 13 Ye shall seke me and fynde me yea yf so be that you seke me with your whole heart 14 I wyll be founde of you saith the Lord and will deliuer you out of prison and gather you together agayne out of all places wherin I haue scattered you saith the Lorde and wyll bryng you agayne to the same place from whence I caused you to be caried away captiue 15 But where as ye say that God hath raysed you vp prophetes at Babylon 16 Thus hath
them for lo all thinges are present vnto thee 25 Yet sayest thou vnto me O Lorde God and commaundest me that I shall bye a peece of land vnto my selfe for money and take witnesses thereto and yet in the meane season the citie is deliuered into the power of the Chaldees 26 Then came the worde of the Lorde vnto Ieremie saying 27 Beholde I am the Lorde God of all fleshe is there any thing then to harde for me 28 Therefore thus saith the Lorde beholde I shall deliuer this citie into the power of the Chaldees and into the power of Nabuchodonozor the king of Babylon they shall take it 29 For the Chaldees shall come and winne this citie and set fire vpon it and burne it with the gorgious houses in whose parlours they haue made sacrifice vnto Baal and powred drinke offeringes vnto straunge gods to prouoke me vnto wrath 30 For the chyldren of Israel and the chyldren of Iuda haue only ben doyng wickednesse before me from their youth vp they haue ben only prouoking me to wrath with the workes of their owne handes saith the Lorde 31 For what hath this citie ben els but a prouoking of my wrath euer since the day that thei builded it vnto this houre wherein I cast it out of my sight 32 Because of the great blasphemies of the children of Israel and Iuda which they haue done to prouoke me yea they their kynges their princes their priestes their prophetes the men of Iuda and the citizens of Hierusalem 33 When I stoode vp early and taught them and instructed them they turned their backes to me and not their faces 34 They woulde not heare to be refourmed and correct but set their idols in the house that is halowed to my name to defile it 35 They haue buylded hye places for Baal in the valley of the chyldren of Hennom to cause their sonnes daughters to passe thorow fire in the honour of Moloch whiche I neuer commaunded them neither came it euer in my thought to make Iuda sinne with such abhomination 36 And nowe therefore thus hath the Lorde God of Israel spoken concerning this citie whiche as ye your selues confesse shal be deliuered into the hande of the kyng of Babylon when it is wonne with the sworde with hunger and with pestilence 37 Beholde I wyll gather them together from all landes wherein I haue scattred them in my wrath in fearefull and great displeasure and wyll bryng them agayne vnto this place where they shall dwell safely 38 And they shal be my people and I wyll be their God 39 And I wyll geue them one heart and one way that they may feare me al the dayes of their lyfe that they and their chyldren after them may prosper 40 And I wyll set vp an euerlasting couenaunt with them namely that I wyll neuer ceasse to do them good and that I wyll put my feare in their heartes so that they shall not runne away from me 41 Yea I wyll haue a lust and pleasure to do them good and faithfully to plant them in this land with my whole heart and with my whole soule 42 For thus saith the Lorde Like as I haue brought all this great plague vppon this people euen so wyll I also bryng vpon them all the good that I haue promised them 43 And men shall haue their possessions in this lande wherof ye say nowe that it shall neither be inhabited of the people nor of cattell but be deliuered into the handes of the Chaldees 44 Yea lande shal be bought for money and euidences made thervpon and sealed before witnesses in the countrey of Beniamin and rounde about Hierusalem in the cities of Iuda in the cities that are vpon the mountaynes and them that lye beneath yea and in the cities that are in the south for I wyll bryng their prysoners hyther agayne saith the Lorde ¶ The .xxxiii. Chapter 1 The prophete is monished of the Lord to pray for the deliueraunce of the people whiche the Lorde promiseth 8 God forgeueth sinnes and doth graciously to the people for his owne renowme 15 Of the byrth of Christe 20 The kyngdome of Christe in the Churche shall neuer be ended 1 MOreouer the worde of the Lorde came vnto Ieremie againe whē he was yet bounde in the court of the prison 2 Thus saith the Lord who made Hierusalē who fashioned the same to establishe it whose name is the Lorde 3 Crye vnto me and I wyll aunswere and shewe thee great and hye thinges whiche were vnknowen vnto thee 4 Thus I say speaketh the Lorde god of Israel concerning the houses of this citie and the houses of the kynges of Iuda that are broken thorowe the ordinaunce and the sworde 5 The inhabitours of this citie haue come to fight against the Chaldees and they are filled with the dead carkasses of men whom I haue slayne in my wrath and displeasure when I turned my face from this citie because of al her wickednesse 6 Beholde saith the Lorde I wyll repaire and heale their woundes and make them whole I wyll open them the large treasure of peace and trueth 7 And wyll returne the captiuitie of Iuda and Israel and wyll set them vp agayne as they were before 8 From all misdeedes wherein they offended against me I wyll clense them and all their blasphemies which they haue done against me when they regarded me not I wyll forgeue them 9 And this shall get me a name a prayse and honour among all the people of the earth whiche shall heare all the good that I wyll shewe vnto them yea they shal be afraide and astonied at all the good deedes and benefites that I wyll do for them 10 Moreouer thus saith the Lorde In this place wherof ye say that it shal be a wildernesse wherein neither people nor cattle shall dwell in lyke maner in the cities of Iuda and in the streetes of Hierusalem which also shal be so voyde that neither people nor cattle shall dwel there 11 Shall the voyce of gladnesse be heard agayne the voyce of the bridegrome and of the bride the voyce of them that shall sing Prayse the Lord of hoastes for he is louing and his mercy endureth for euer and the voyce of them that offer vp gyftes in the house of the Lorde for I wyll restore the captiuitie of this lande as it was afore saith the Lorde 12 Thus saith the Lorde of hoastes It shall come yet therto that in this lande whiche is voyde from men and cattle and in all the cities of the lande there shal be set vp shepheardes cottages to rest their flockes 13 In the cities vpon the mountaynes and in the cities that lye vpon the plaine and in the cities of the south in the lande of Beniamin and rounde about Hierusalem and in the cities of Iuda shall the sheepe passe agayne vnder the hande of him that telleth them saith the Lorde 14 Beholde the tyme commeth
in his wrath As for the honour of Israel he hath cast it downe frō heauen vnto the earth and he remembred not his owne footestole when he was angry 2 The Lorde hath cast out all the habitations of Iacob without any fauour all the strong places of the daughter of Iuda hath he broken in his wrath and throwen them downe to the grounde her kingdome and her princes hath he prophaned 3 In the wrath of his indignation he hath broken all the horne of Israel he hath withdrawen his right hande from the enemie yea a flambe of fire is kindled in Iacob and hath consumed vp all rounde about 4 He hath bent his bowe like an enemie he hath fastened his ryght hande as an aduersarie and euery thyng that was pleasaunt to see he hath slayne he hath powred out his wrath like a fire into the tabernacle of the daughter of Sion 5 The Lorde is become like as it were an enemie he hath deuoured Israel and all his palaces yea all his strong holdes hath he destroyed and fylled the daughter of Iuda with much sorowe and heauinesse 6 His tabernacle as a garden hath he destroyed his solempne meetinges hath he put downe the Lord hath brought it so to passe that the hye solempne feastes and Sabbathes in Sion are cleane forgotten in his heauy displeasure hath he dispised the kyng and priestes 7 The Lorde hath forsaken his owne aulter and hath abhorred his owne sanctuarie and hath geuen the walles of their towres into the handes of the enemie their enemies made a noyse in the house of the Lorde as it had ben in a solempne feast day 8 The Lorde thought to breake downe the walles of the daughter of Sion he spread out his line and drewe not in his hande tyll he had destroyed them therfore mourne the turrettes the broken walles fall downe together 9 Her gates are suncke downe to the grounde her barres are broken and smitten in sunder the kyng and princes are caryed away to the gentiles they haue neither lawe nor prophetes nor yet any vision from the Lorde 10 The senatours of the daughter Sion sit vpon the grounde in scilence they haue strawed asshes vpon their heads and gyrded them selues with sackcloth the maydens of Hierusalem hang downe their heades to the grounde 11 Mine eyes begin to fayle me through weeping my body is disquieted my liuer is powred vpon the earth for the great hurt of the daughter of my people seeing the chyldren and babes dyd swowne in the streetes of the citie 12 Euen when they spake to their mothers Where is meate and drinke for whyle they so sayde they fell downe in the streetes of the citie like as they had ben wounded and some dyed in their mothers bosome 13 What shall I say vnto thee O thou daughter Hierusalem to whom shal I liken thee To whom shall I compare thee O thou daughter Sion to comfort thee withall thy heart is lyke a mayne sea who may heale thee 14 Thy prophetes haue looke dout vayne and foolish thinges for thee they haue not shewed thee of thy wickednesse to kepe thee from captiuitie but they haue seene out for thee burthens of vanitie and banishment 15 All they that go by thee clappe their handes at thee hissing and wagging their heades vpon the daughter Hierusalem and say Is this the citie that men call so faire wherein the whole lande reioyceth 16 All thyne enemies gape vpon thee whispering and grinding their teeth saying let vs deuour for the tyme that we looked for is come we haue founde and seene it 17 The Lorde hath fulfilled the thing that he was purposed to do and perfourmed that he had deuised long ago he hath destroyed and not spared he hath caused thyne aduersarie to triumph ouer thee and set vp the horne of thyne enemie 18 Their heart cryed vnto the Lorde O thou citie of the daughter Sion let thy teares runne downe like a riuer day and night rest not and let not the apple of thyne eye leaue of 19 Stand vp and make thy prayer in the first watche of the night powre out thine heart like water before the Lord lift vp thyne handes for the liues of thy young chyldren that dye of hunger in the streetes 20 Beholde O Lorde and consider to whom thou hast done thus Shall the women then eate their owne fruite euen chyldren of a spanne long shall the priestes and prophetes be slayne in the sanctuarie of the Lorde 21 Young and olde lye thorowe the streetes vpon the grounde my maydens and young men are slayne with the sworde whom thou in the day of thy wrathfull indignation hast put to death yea euen thou hast put them to death and not spared them 22 My neighbours that are rounde about me hast thou called as it were to a feast day so that in the day of the lordes wrath none escaped neither was any left behinde those that I haue brought vp and nourished hath myne enemie destroyed The .iij. Chapter 1 I Am the man that thorowe the rodde of his wrath haue experience of miserie 2 He droue me foorth and led me yea into darknesse but not into light 3 Against me is he turned he turneth his hande dayly against me 4 My flesh and my skinne hath he made olde and my bones hath he bruised 5 He hath buylded rounde about me and closed me in with gall and trauaile 6 He hath set me in darknesse as they that be dead for euer 7 He hath so hedged me in that I can not get out and hath layde heauie linkes vpon me 8 Though I crye and call pitiously yet heareth he not my prayer 9 He hath stopped vp my wayes with foure squared stones and made my pathes crooked 10 He layeth wayte for me lyke a beare and as a lion in a hole 11 He hath marred my wayes and broken me in peeces he hath layde me waste altogether 12 He hath bent his bowe and made me as it were a marke to shoote at 13 The arrowes of his quiuer hath he shot euen into my reynes 14 I am laughed to scorne of all my people they make songues vpon me all the day long 15 He hath filled me with bitternesse and geuen me wormewood to drinke 16 He hath smitten my teeth in peeces with stones and roulled me in the dust 17 He hath put my soule out of rest I forget all good thinges 18 I thought in my selfe I am vndone there is no hope for me in the Lorde 19 O remember yet my miserie and my trouble the wormewood and the gall 20 Yea thou shalt remember them for my soule melteth away in me 21 Whyle I consider these thinges in my heart I get a hope agayne 22 Namely it is of the Lordes mercies that we are not vtterly consumed for truely his pitifull compassion hath not ceassed 23 Newe mercyes shall the Lord shewe vpon thee early in the day springing O Lorde great is
parable and speake vnto them thus saith the Lorde God Prepare a pot set it on and powre water into it 4 Gather the peeces therof into it euery good peece the thygh and the shoulder fyll it with the chiefe bones 5 Take one of the best sheepe a heape of bones vnder it let it boyle well and let the bones therof seeth well therin 6 With that sayde the Lorde God on this maner Wo vnto the blooddy citie to the pot whose scumme is therin whose scumme is not gone out of it bryng it out peece by peece let no lot fall vpon it 7 For her blood is yet in it vpon a hygh drye stone hath she powred it and not vpon the grounde that it myght be couered with dust 8 That it might cause wrath to arise and take vengeaunce I haue set her blood vpon a high drye rocke that it shoulde not be couered 9 Wherefore thus sayth the Lorde God O wo be vnto the bloodthirstie citie for whom euen I my selfe wil make a great fire 10 And set much wood and kindle the fire and seeth the fleshe spice the pot so that the very bones shal be brent 11 Moreouer I will set the pot emptie vpō the coales so that the brasse thereof may be hot and burnt and the filthynesse of it may be molten in it and the scum of it shal be consumed 12 She hath weeried her selfe with labour yet her great scum is not gone of her in the fire her scum must be consumed 13 In thy filthynesse is wickednesse because I would haue purged thee and thou wast not purged from thy filthynesse thou shalt not be purged any more till I haue caused myne indignation to rest in thee 14 Euen I the Lorde haue spoken it yea it is come therto all redy that I will do it I will not go backe I will not spare I will not repent but according to thy wayes and imaginations shall they iudge thee sayth the Lorde God 15 And the worde of the Lord came vnto me saying 14 Thou sonne of man behold I wil take away from thee the pleasure of thyne eyes with a plague yet shalt thou neither mourne nor weepe neither shal thy teares run downe 17 Mourne in scilens make no mourning of the dead bynde the tyre of thy head vpon thee and put on thy shoes vpon thy feete couer not thy lippes and eate no mans bread 18 So I spake vnto the people betymes in the morning at euen my wife dyed then vpon the next morowe I dyd as I was commaunded 19 And the people sayd vnto me Wilt thou not tell vs what this signifieth towarde vs that thou doest so 20 I aunswered them The word of the Lorde came vnto me saying 21 Tell the house of Israel thus sayth the Lorde God Beholde I will pollute my sanctuarie euen the glorie of your power the pleasure of your eyes and your heartes delite your sonnes and daughters whom ye haue left shall fall through the sworde 22 Like as I haue done so shall ye do also ye shall not couer your lippes ye shall eate no mans bread 23 And your tire shal be vpon your heades and your shoes vpon your feete ye shall neither mourne nor weepe but ye shall pyne away in your iniquities mourne one towardes another 24 Thus Ezechiel is your shewtoken according to all that he hath done ye shall do when it commeth then ye shal know that I am the Lorde God 25 Also thou sonne of man shall it not be in the day when I take from thē their power the ioy of their honour the pleasure of their eyes and the lifting vp of their soules their sonnes their daughters 26 In that day shall come one that is escaped vnto thee and bring it to the hearing of thyne eares 27 In that day shall thy mouth be opened to him which is escaped that thou mayst speake be no more dumbe yea thou shalt be their shewtoken that they may knowe how that I am the Lorde The .xxv. Chapter 1 The worde of the Lorde vpon the sonnes of Ammon which reioyced at the fall of Hierusalem 8 Against Moab and Seir against Idumea against the Philistines 1 THe worde of the Lorde came vnto me saying 2 Thou sonne of man set thy face toward the Ammonites and prophecie vpon them 3 And say vnto the Ammonites heare the worde of the Lorde God thus sayth the Lorde God Forsomuch as thou saydest Haha ouer my sanctuarie because it was polluted and ouer the land of Israel because it was desolate and ouer the house of Iuda because they went into captiuitie 4 Beholde therfore I wil deliuer thee to the people of the east that they may haue thee in possession these shall settle their palaces in thee and make their dwellinges in thee they shall eate thy fruite and drinke vp thy milke 5 As for Rabbath I will make of it a stable for camels and of the Ammonites a sheepfolde and ye shall knowe that I am the Lorde 6 For thus sayth the Lorde God Insomuch much as thou hast clapped with thyne handes and stamped with thy feete yea and reioyced ouer the lande of Israel with all thy despite in heart 7 Behold therfore I wil stretche out my hande ouer thee and deliuer thee to be spoyled of the heathen roote thee out from among the people and cause thee to perishe out of the landes yea I will make thee to be destroyed that thou mayest know that I am the Lorde 8 Thus sayth the Lord God Forsomuch as Moab and Seir do say Beholde the house of Iuda is like as all gentiles be 9 Therfore behold I will open the side of Moab from the cities from his cities I say of his frontiers the pleasures of the countrey as namely Bethiesimoth Baalmeon and Kiriathaim 10 Vnto the children of the east against the Ammonites and will geue it into possession so that the Ammonites shall no more be had in remembraunce among the heathen 11 And I will execute iudgementes vpon Moab and they shall knowe that I am the Lorde 12 Thus sayth the Lorde God For that Edom hath done in auenging reuengement vpon the house of Iuda hath done great offence and auenged hym selfe vpon them 13 Therfore thus sayth the Lord God I wil reache out myne hand vpon Edom and destroy man and beast out of it I will make it desolate from Theman Dedanah shall fall by the sworde 14 And I will execute my reuengement vpon Edom by the hande of my people Israel they shall do in Edom according to my wrath and indignation so that they shall knowe my vengeaunce sayth the Lord God 15 Thus sayth the Lorde God For that the Philistines dyd in vengeaunce namely in auenging reuengement with a dispyteful heart to destroy it for the old enmitie 16
whirlewind with charets horsemen and with many shippes he shall enter into the countreys and shall ouerflowe and passe through 41 He shall enter also into the pleasaunt land and many countreys shal be ouerthrowen but these shall escape out of his hande euen Edom and Moab and the chiefe of the chyldren of Ammon 42 He shall stretche foorth his hande also vpon the countreys and the lande of Egypt shall not escape 43 But he shall haue power ouer the treasures of golde and of siluer ouer all the pretious thinges of Egypt and of the Libyans and Ethiopians in his passing by them 44 Neuerthelesse the tidinges out of the east and the north shall trouble him therfore he shal go foorth with great wrath to destroy and roote out many 45 And he shall plant the tabernacles of his palace betweene the seas in the glorious and holy mountaine yet he shall come to his ende none shal helpe him The .xii. Chapter 2 He prophecieth the resurrection of the dead 9 The darknesse of the prophecie of Daniel 1 AND at that tyme shal Michael stande vp the great prince which standeth for the chyldren of thy people for there shal be a tyme of trouble suche as neuer was since there began to be a nation vnto that same tyme and at that tyme thy people shal be deliuered euery one that shal be found written in the booke 2 And many of them that sleepe in the dust of the earth shal awake some to euerlasting life some to shame perpetuall contempt 3 They that be wyse shall shine as the brightnesse of the firmament and they that turne many to righteousnesse as the starres for euer and euer 4 But thou O Daniel shut vp the wordes and seale the booke till the time of the ende many shall go about here and there and knowledge shal be encreased 5 Then I Daniel looked and beholde there stoode other two the one on this side of the banke of the riuer and the other on that side of the banke of the riuer 6 And one sayde vnto the man clothed in linnen whiche was ouer the waters of the riuer When shal the ende of these wonders be 7 And I hearde the man clothed in linnen which was ouer the waters of the riuer when he held vp his right hand and his left hande vnto heauen and sware by hym that liueth for euer that it shall tary for a tyme tymes and a halfe and when he shall haue accomplished to scatter the power of the holy people all these thinges shal be finished 8 Then I hearde it but I vnderstoode it not then sayde I O my Lord what shall be the ende of these thinges 9 And he saide Go thy way Daniel for the wordes are closed vp and sealed tyll the tyme of the ende 10 Many shal be purified made white and tryed but the wicked shall do wickedly and none of the wicked shal haue vnderstanding but the wyse shall vnderstande 11 And from the tyme that the dayly sacrifice shal be taken away and the abhominable desolation set vp there shal be a thousande two hundred and ninetie dayes 12 Blessed is he that wayteth and commeth to the thousande three hundred and fiue and thirtie dayes 13 But go thou thy way tyll the ende be for thou shalt rest and stande vp in thy lot at the ende of the dayes The ende of the prophecie of Daniel T. C. L. ❧ The booke of the prophete Osea The first Chapter 1 The tyme wherein Osea prophecied 2 The idolatrie of the people 10 The calling of the gentiles 11 Christe is the head of all people 1 THE worde of the Lorde came vnto Osea the sonne of Beeri in the dayes of Ozea Ioathan Ahas and Hezekias kynges of Iuda and in the tyme of Ieroboam the sonne of Ioas kyng of Israel 2 When the Lord spake first vnto Osea he sayd vnto hym Go take vnto thee a wife of fornications and chyldren of fornications for the lande hath committed great fornication departing from the Lorde 3 So he went and toke Gomer the daughter of Deblaim whiche conceaued and bare him a sonne 4 And the Lorde sayde vnto hym Call his name Iezrahel for I wyll shortlye auenge the blood of Iezrahel vpon the house of Iehu and wyll bryng the kyngdome of the house of Israel to an ende 5 And in that day wyll I also breake the bowe of Israel in the valley of Iezrahel 6 And she conceaued agayne and bare a daughter and the Lorde sayde vnto hym Call her name Loruhamah that is not obtayning mercy for I wyll no more haue pitie vpon the house of Israel but I wyll vtterly take them away 7 Yet I wyll haue mercy vpon the house of Iuda and wil saue them euen thorowe the Lorde their God and wil not saue them by bowe sworde battell horses or horsemen 8 Nowe when she had wayned Loruhamah she conceaued againe and bare a sonne 9 Then sayd he Call his name Loammi that is not my people for ye are not my people therefore I wyll not be your God 10 Yet the number of the chyldren of Israel shal be as the sand of the sea which can neither be measured nor tolde and in the place where it was sayde vnto them Ye are not my people it shall be saide vnto them Ye are the chyldren of the liuing God 11 Then shall the children of Iuda and the chyldren of Israel be gathered together and appoynt them selues one head and they shall come vp out of the lande for great shal be the day of Iezrahel The .ii. Chapter 1 The people is called to repentaunce 5 He sheweth their idolaterie and threatneth them except they repent 1 TEll your brethren that they are my people and your sisterne that they haue obtayned mercy 2 As for your mother ye shall chyde with her and reproue her for she is not my wyfe neither am I her husbande let her therefore put away her whordome from her face and her adulterie from her brestes 3 Lest I strip her naked and set her euen as she came into the worlde and make her as a wyldernesse and as a drye lande and slay her for thyrste 4 And I wyll haue no pitie vpon her chyldren for they be the children of fornication 5 Their mother hath played the harlot and she that bare them is come to confusion for she sayde I wyll go after my louers that geue me my bread and my water my wooll and flaxe my oyle and my drinke 6 Therefore beholde I wyll stop thy way with thornes and make a hedge that she shall not finde her pathes 7 And though she runne after her louers yet shall she not ouertake them she shall seeke them but not finde them Then shall she say I wyll go and returne to my first husbande for at that tyme it was
Chiun your images and the starre of your gods which ye made to your selues 27 Therfore will I cause you to go into captiuitie beyonde Damascus sayth the Lorde whose name is the God of hoastes The .vi. Chapter 1 He prophecieth against the princes of Israel liuing in pleasures 8 The Lord sweareth that he will bring to passe the thinges that are purposed against Israel 1 WO to them that are at ease in Sion and trust in the mountayne of Samaria which were famous at the beginning of the nations the house of Israel came to them 2 Go you vnto Calneh and see and from thence go you to Hemath the great then go downe to Gath of the Philistines be they better then these kingdomes or the border of their lande greater then your border 3 Ye that put farre away the euyll day and approche to the seate of iniquitie 4 They lye vpon beddes of yuorie and stretche them selues vpon their couches and eate the lambes out of the flocke and the calues out of the stall 5 They sing to the sounde of the viole they inuent to them selues instrumentes of musicke like Dauid 6 They drinke wine in bowles and annoynt them selues with chiefe ointmentes but no man is sorie for the affliction of Ioseph 7 Therfore nowe shall they go captiue with the first that go captiue and the sorowe of them that stretched them selues is at hande 8 The Lorde God hath sworne by hym selfe sayth the Lorde God of hoastes I abhorre the excellencie of Iacob and hate his palaces therfore will I deliuer vp the citie with all that is therin 9 And if there remayne ten men in one house they shall dye 10 And his vncle shall take him vp and burne him to cary out the bones out of the house shall say vnto him that is by the sides of the house Is there yet any with thee And he shal say None Then shal he say Hold thy tongue for we may not remember the name of the Lorde 11 For behold the Lord commaundeth and he will smyte the great house with breaches the litle houses with cleftes 12 Shal horses run vpō the rocke or wil one plowe there with oxen for ye haue turned iudgement into gall the fruite of righteousnesse into wormewood 13 Ye reioyce in a thing of naught ye say Haue not we gotten vs hornes by our owne strength 14 But behold I wil rayse vp against you a nation O house of Israel sayth the Lorde God of hoastes and they shall afflict you from the entring of Hemath vnto the riuer of the wildernesse The .vii. Chapter 1 God sheweth certayne visions wherby he signifieth the destruction of the people of Israel 10 The false accusation of Amazia the priest 12 His craftie counsell 14 The testimonie of Amos of him selfe 17 His prophecie against Amazia and of the captiuitie of the people 1 THus hath the Lorde God shewed vnto me beholde he fourmed grashoppers in the beginning of the shooting vp of y e latter growth and lo it was in the latter growth after the kinges mowing 2 And when they hath made an end of eating the grasse of the lande then I sayde O Lorde God spare I beseche thee who shall rayse vp Iacob for he is smal 3 So the Lorde repented for this it shall not be sayth the Lorde 4 Thus also hath the Lord God shewed vnto me and behold the Lord God called to iudgement by fire it deuoured the great deepe and did eate vp a part 5 Then sayde I O Lorde God ceasse I beseche thee who shall rayse vp Iacob for he is smal 6 So the Lord repented for this this also shall not be sayth the Lorde God 7 Thus againe he shewed me beholde the Lorde stoode vpon a wall made by line with a line in his hande 8 And the Lorde sayde vnto me Amos what seest thou And I sayde A line Then sayd the Lorde Beholde I will set a line in the mids of my people Israel and wyll passe by them no more 9 And the hie places of Isaac shal be desolate and the temples of Israel shal be destroyed and I will rise against the house of Ieroboam with the sworde 10 Then Amazia the priest of Bethel sent to Ieroboam king of Israel saying Amos hath conspired against thee in the mids of the house of Israel the lande is not able to beare all his wordes 11 For thus Amos sayth Ieroboam shal die by the sworde and Israel shal be led away captiue out of their owne lande 12 Also Amazia sayde to Amos O thou the sear Go flee thou away into the lande of Iuda and there eate thy bread and prophecie there 13 But prophecie no more at Bethel for it is the kinges chappell it is the kinges court 14 Then aunswered Amos and sayde to Amazia I was no prophete neither was I a prophetes sonne but I was an heardeman and a gatherer of wilde figges 15 And the Lorde toke me as I folowed the flocke and the Lord sayde vnto me Go prophecie vnto my people Israel 15 Now therfore heare thou the word of the Lorde Thou sayest Prophecie not against Israel and speake nothing against the house of Isaac 17 Therfore thus sayth the Lorde Thy wyfe shal be an harlot in the citie and thy sonnes and thy daughters shall fall by the sworde and thy land shal be deuided by line and thou shalt die in a polluted land and Israel shall surely go into captiuitie foorth of his lande The .viii. Chapter 1 By a vision of a basket of sommer fruite th ende of the kingdome of Israel is shewed 4 He speaketh against the oppressours of the poore 9 And describeth the bitternesse of the plague of Israel 11 And prophecieth of the famine of the worde of God 1 THus hath the Lorde God shewed vnto me and beholde a basket of sommer fruite 2 And he sayde Amos what seest thou And I sayde A basket of sommer fruite Then sayd the Lord vnto me The end is come vpon my people of Israel I wil passe by them no more 3 And the songues of the temple shal be howlinges in that day sayth the Lorde God many dead bodies shal be in euery place they shal cast them foorth with scilence 4 Heare this O ye that swallow vp the poore that ye may make the needy of the lande to fayle 5 Saying When will the new moneth be gone that we may sell corne the Sabbath that we may set foorth wheate and make the Epha small the sicle great falsifie the wayghtes by deceite 6 That we may bie the poore for siluer and the needy for shoes yea and sell the refuse of the wheate 7 The Lorde hath sworne by the excellencie of Iacob surely I will neuer forget any of their workes 8 Shall not the lande tremble for this and euerie one mourne that dwelleth therin And it
south and in the playne countreys 8 And the worde of the Lorde came vnto Zachari saying 9 Thus saith the Lord of hoastes Execute true iudgement shew mercie louing kindnes euery man to his brother 10 Do the wydow the fatherlesse the straungers and poore no wrong and le● no man imagine euil against his brother in his heart 11 Neuerthelesse they would not take heede but turned their backes stopped their eares that they should not heare 12 Yea they made their heartes as an Adamant stone lest they should heare the law and wordes which the Lorde of hoastes sent in his holy spirite by the prophetes aforetime Wherfore the lord of hoastes was very wroth at them 13 And thus is it come to passe that like as he cryed and they would not heare euen so they cryed I would not heare saith the Lord God of hoastes 14 But scattred them among al the nations whom they knew not Thus the land was made so desolate after them that there trauayled no man in it neither to nor fro for that plesaunt lande was vtterly layd waste The .viij. Chapter 2 Of the returne of the people vnto Hierusalem and of the mercie of God toward them 16 Of good workes 20 The calling of the Gentiles 1 SO the word of the lord of hoastes came vnto me saying 2 Thus saith the lorde of hoastes I was in great ielousie for Sion yea I haue ben very ielous for her with great wrath 3 Thus saith the Lord I wyl returne vnto Sion wyll dwell in the middest of Hierusalem so that Hierusalem shal be called A faithful and true citie the hil of the Lorde of hoastes an holy hill 4 Thus saith the lord of hoastes There shal yet olde men olde women dwel againe in the streetes of Hierusalem yea such as go with staues in their handes for very age 5 The streetes of the citie also shal be ful of young boyes and damsels playing in the streetes thereof 6 Thus saith the Lorde of hoastes If the residue of this people thinke it to be vnpossible in ●their● eyes in these dayes shoulde it therfore be vnpossible in my sight saith the Lorde of hoastes 7 Thus saith the Lorde of hoastes Beholde I wyll deliuer my people from the countryes of the east and west 8 And wyl bring them againe that they may dwel in the middest of Hierusalem they shal be my people and I wyl be their God in trueth and righteousnesse 9 Thus saith the Lorde of hoastes Let your hands be strong ye that now heare these wordes by the mouth of the prophetes which are in these dayes that the foundation of the house of the Lord of hoastes is layde that the temple may be builded 10 For before these dayes neither men nor cattaile could winne any thing neither might any man come in and out in reste for trouble but I let euery man go against his neighbour 11 Neuerthelesse I wyl now intreate the residue of this people no more as afore time saith the Lorde of Hoastes 12 For the seede shal prosper the vine shal geue her fruite the grounde shall geue her encrease and the heauens shal geue their deawe and I shall cause the remnaunt of this people to haue all these in possession 13 And it shal come to passe that like as ye were a curse among the heathen O ye house of Iuda and ye house of Israel euen so wyll I deliuer you that ye shal be a blessing feare not but let your handes be strong 14 For thus saith the Lorde of hoastes Like as I thought to punishe you what time as your fathers prouoked me vnto wrath saith the Lorde of hoastes and spared not 15 Euen so am I determined now in these dayes for to do well vnto the house of Iuda Hierusalē therfore feare ye not 16 Now the thinges that ye shall do are these Speake euery man the trueth vnto his neighbour execute iudgement truely peaceably within your portes 17 And let none of you imagine euil in his heart against his neighbour and loue no false othes for all these are y e thinges that I hate saith the Lorde 18 And the word of the Lorde of hoastes came vnto me saying 19 Thus saith the Lorde of hoastes The fast of the fourth moneth the fast of the fifth the fast of the seuenth and the fast of the tenth shal be ioy gladnesse and prosperous hie feastes vnto the house of Iuda onely loue the trueth peace 20 Thus saith the lord of hoastes There shal yet come people and the inhabiters of many cities 21 And they that dwell in one citie shall go to another saying Vp let vs go and pray before the Lorde let vs seeke the Lorde of hoastes I wyll go with you 22 Yea much people and mightie nations shal come to seeke the lorde of hoastes at Hierusalem to pray before the Lorde 23 Thus saith the Lorde of hoastes In that time shall ten men out of al maner of language of the Gentiles take one Iewe by the hemme of his garment and say We wyll go with you for we haue heard that God is among you The .ix. Chapter 1 The conuertion of the Gentiles 9 The comming of Christe sitting on an Asse 1 THe burden of the word of the lord in the lande of Hadrach Damascus shal be his rest when the eyes of man euen of all the tribes of Israel shal be towards the Lorde 2 The borders of Hemath shal be harde therby Tyrus also and Sidon for they are very wyse 3 Tyrus shall make her selfe strong heape vp siluer as the sand and golde as the clay of the streetes 4 Beholde the Lorde shall spoyle her he shall smite downe her power in the sea and she shal be consumed with fire 5 This shall Ascalon see and be afraide Gaza shal be very sory so shal Accaron also because her hope is come to confusion For the king of Gaza shall perishe and at Ascalon shall no man dwell 6 Straungers shall dwel at Asdod and as for the pride of the Philistines I shal roote it out 7 Their blood wyl I take away from their mouth their abhominatiōs from betweene their teeth Thus they that shal be left shal be for our God he shal be as a prince in Iuda and Accaron like as a Iebusite 8 And I wyll pitche a campe about myne house against the armie against him that passeth by against him that returneth and no oppressour shall come vpon them any more For now I haue seene with myne eyes 9 Reioyce thou greatly O daughter Sion be glad O daughter Hierusalem For lo the king commeth vnto thee euen the righteous and sauiour lowly simple is he he rydeth vpon an Asse and vpon the foale of an Asse 10 I wyl roote out the charrets from Ephraim and the horse from Hierusalem the battaile bowes shal be destroyed he shal
to murther to sayle vpon the sea and vpon riuers 24 And seeth a lion goeth in the darkenes when he hath stollen deceaued and robbed he bringeth it vnto his loue 25 Wherefore a man loueth his wife better then father and mother 26 Yea many there be that runne out of their wittes and became bondmen for their wyues sakes 27 Many one also haue perished haue erred and sinned also for women 28 And nowe do ye not beleue me is not the king great in his power do not all regions feare to touche hym 29 Yet dyd I see hym and Apame the daughter of the great king Bartacus the kinges concubine sate besyde the king vpon the right hande 30 And toke of his crowne from his head and set it vpon her owne head and stroke the king with her left hand 31 And there whyle stedyly the king loked vpon her with open mouth if she laughed vpon him he laughed also but if she toke any displeasure with hym the king was fayne to flatter her and to geue her good wordes tyll he had gotten her fauour agayne 32 O ye men are not women then stronger that do these thinges 33 Then the king and the princes loked one vpon another So he began to speake of the trueth 34 O ye men are not women stronger Great is the earth hye is the heauen swift is the course of the sunne he compasseth the heauen rounde about and fetcheth his course agayne to his owne place in one day 35 Is he not excellent that maketh these thinges Therfore great is the trueth and stronger then all thinges 36 All the earth calleth vpon trueth the heauen prayseth it all workes shake and tremble at it and with it is no vnrighteous thing 37 Wine is wicked the kyng is wicked women are wicked all the children of men are wicked yea such are all their wicked workes and there is no trueth in them in their vnrighteousnesse also shall they be destroyed and perishe 38 As for the trueth it endureth and is alway strong it lyueth and conquereth for euermore worlde without ende 39 With her there is no exception or difference of persons but she doth that iust is and refrayneth from all vniust and wicked thynges and all men do well lyke of her workes 40 In the iudgement of it there is no vnryghteous thyng she is the strength kyngdome power and maiestie of all ages Blessed be the God of trueth 41 And with that he helde his peace and all the people cryed and then sayde Great is trueth and aboue all 42 Then sayde the kyng vnto hym Aske what thou wilt more then is appoynted in the writyng and we shall geue it thee for thou art founde wyser then thy companions thou shalt sit next me and shalt be called my kinsman 43 Then sayde he vnto the kyng Remember thy promise and vowe which thou hast vowed and promised in the day when thou camest to the kingdome to builde vp Hierusalem 44 And to sende agayne all the vessels and iewels that were taken away out of Hierusalem which Cyrus set apart when he vowed to destroy Babylon and to sende them agayne thyther 45 And thy mynde was also to builde vp the temple which the Edomites burnt when Iudea was destroyed by the Chaldees 46 And nowe this onely O kyng is the thing that I require and desire of thee this is the princely liberalitie that I aske of thee I desire therfore that thou perfourme the vowe which thou with thine owne mouth hast made vnto the kyng of heauen 47 Then Darius the kyng stoode vp and kyssed hym wrote hym lettters vnto all the deputies and lieftenauntes to all the lordes and nobles that they shoulde conuey hym foorth and all them that went vp with hym to build Hierusalem 48 He wrote letters also vnto all the liefetenauntes that were in Coelosyria and Phenices and vnto them in Libanus that they shoulde bryng Cedar trees from Libanus vnto Hierusalem and builde the citie with hym 49 Moreouer he wrote for all the Iewes that were gone out of his realme into Iurie concernyng their freedome that no officer no ruler nor lieftenaunt nor stewarde should enter into their doores 50 And that all their lande whiche they kept shoulde be free and not tributarie and that the Edomites shoulde geue ouer the cites and villages of the Iewes which they had taken in 51 Yea and that there shoulde be yerely geuen twentie talentes to the buildyng of the temple vntyll the tyme that it were finished 52 And to maynteyne the burnt offerynges vpon the aulter euery day as they had a commaundement to offer seuenteene other ten talentes euery yere 53 And that all they which come from Babylon to builde the citie should haue free libertie they and their children and all the priestes that went away 54 He wrote also concerning the charges and the priestes garment wherin they minister 55 And likewise for the charges of the Leuites to be geuen them vntyll the day that the house were finished and Hierusalem builded vp 56 And he commaunded that all they that watched the citie shoulde haue their pensions and wages 57 He sent away also all the vessels that Cyrus had separated from Babylon and all that Cyrus had geuen in commaundement the same charged he also that it shoulde be done and sent vnto Hierusalem 58 Nowe when this young man was gone foorth he lyfted vp his face to heauen towarde Hierusalem and praysed the kyng of heauen 59 And sayde Of thee commeth victorie of thee commeth wisdome and thine is the glorie and I am thy seruaunt 60 Blessed art thou which hast geuen me wisdome for to thee I acknowledge it O Lorde thou God of our fathers 61 And so he toke the letters and went out and came vnto Babylon and tolde it all his brethren 62 And they praysed the God of their fathers that he had geuen them freedome and libertie 63 To go vp and to builde Hierusalem and the temple wherin the name of the Lorde is called vpon and they reioyced with instrumentes of musicke and gladnesse seuen dayes long The .v. Chapter 1 The number of them that returne from the captiuitie 42 their vowes and sacrifices 54 The temple is begun to be built 66 Their enemies would craftily ioyne with them 1 AFter this were the ☞ principall men of the houses of their fathers chosen in the tribes and kinredes that they shoulde go with their wiues and sonnes and daughters with their seruauntes and maydens with all their cattell and substaunce 2 And Darius the kyng sent with them a thousande horsemen to conuey them safely vnto Hierusalem and with musical instrumentes with tabers flutes ' 3 And all their brethren played and he ' made them go vp together with them 4 And these are the names of the men which went vp out of the villages according to the tribes and after the order of their dignitie 5 The priestes
17 Frendlinesse and liberalitie in the increase blessing of God is like a paradise and garden of pleasure such mercie also and kindnesse endureth for euer 18 To labour and to be content with that a man hath is a sweete pleasaunt life and that is to finde a treasure of al treasures 19 To beget children and to repayre the citie maketh a perpetuall name but an honest woman is more worth then they both 20 Wine and minstrelsie reioyceth the heart but the loue of wysdome is aboue them both 21 Pyping and harping make a sweete noyse but a friendly tongue goeth beyonde them both 22 Thyne eye desireth fauour and beautie but a greene seede time rather then they both 23 A friende and companion come together at oportunitie but aboue them both is a wyfe that agreeth with her husbande 24 Brethren and helpes are profitable in time of trouble but almes shal deliuer more then they both 25 Golde and siluer fasten the feete but a good counsell is more pleasaunt then they both 26 Temporal substaunce and strength lift vp the minde but the feare of the Lord more then they both The feare of the Lorde wanteth nothing and needeth no helpe 27 The feare of the Lorde is a pleasaunt garden of blessing and nothing so beautifull as it is 28 My sonne leade not a beggers lyfe for better it were to die then to begge 29 The life of hym that loketh vpon an other mans table is not to be counted for a life for he vexeth his soule in other mens meate but a wyse and well nurtured man will beware therof 30 Begging is sweete in the mouth of the vnshamefast but in his belly there burneth a fire The .xli. Chapter 1 Of the remembraunce of death 3 Death is not to be feared 8 A curse vpon them that forsake the lawe of God 12 Good name and fame 14 An exhortation to geue heede vnto wysdome 17 Of what thinges a man ought to be ashamed 1 O Death how bitter is the remembraunce of thee to a man that seketh rest and comfort in his substaunce riches vnto the man that hath nothing to vexe him that hath prosperitie in all thinges yea vnto him that yet is able to receaue meate 2 O death howe acceptable and good is thy iudgement vnto the needefull and vnto him whose strength fayleth and that is nowe in his last age and that in all thinges is full of care and fearfulnesse vnto him also that is in dispayre and hath no hope nor patience 3 Be not thou afraide of death remember them that haue ben before thee and that come after thee this is the iudgement of the Lord ouer all fleshe 4 And why wouldest thou be against this pleasure of the hyghest Whether it be ten an hundreth or a thousand yeres death asketh not howe long one hath lyued 5 The children of the vngodly are abhominable children and so are they that kepe company with the vngodly 6 The inheritaunce of vngodly children shall come to naught their posteritie shal haue perpetuall shame confusion 7 The children complayne of an vngodly father and why for his sake they are rebuked and dispised 8 Wo be vnto you O ye vngodly whiche haue forsaken the lawe of the hyghest God for though ye do encrease yet shal you perishe 9 If ye do liue ye shal be accursed if ye die the curse shall be your portion 10 All that is of the earth shall turne to earth againe so go the vngodly also out of the curse into destruction 11 Though men mourne for their body yet the name of the vngodly shall be put out for it is nothing worth 12 Labour to get thee a good name for that shall continue surer by thee then a thousande great treasures of golde 13 A good life hath a number of dayes but a good name endureth euer 14 My children kepe wisdome in peace for wisdome that is hid and a treasure that is not seene what profite is in them both 15 A man that hydeth his foolishenes is better then a man that hydeth his wysdome 16 Therefore be ye turned at my wordes for it is not good in all thinges and alway to be ashamed True fayth must proue and measure it 17 Be ashamed of whordome before father and mother be ashamed to leasing before the prince and men of auctoritie 18 Of sinne before the iudge and ruler of offence before the congregation people of vnrighteousnes before a companoin and friende 19 Of theft before thy neyghbours As for the trueth of God and his couenaunt be not ashamed thereof be ashamed to lye with thyne elbowes vpon the bread or to be reproued for geuing or taking 20 And of silence vnto them that salute thee be ashamed to loke vpon harlottes 21 Be ashamed to turne away thy face from thy kinsman be ashamed to take and not to geue 22 Be ashamed also to loke vpon an other mans wyfe and to make many trifling wordes with her mayden or to stand by her bed side 23 Be ashamed to vnbrayde thy friende when thou geuest any thing cast hym not in the teeth withall 24 Or to report the matter that thou hast heard or to disclose the secrete wordes so shalt thou well be shamefast and shalt find fauour with all men The .xlii. Chapter 1 The lawe of God must be taught 9 A daughter 14 A woman 18 God knoweth all thinges yea euen the secretes of the heart 1 OF these thinges be not ashamed and accept no person to offend Namely of these thinges be not ashamed 2 Of the lawe of God of the couenaunt of iudgement to bring the vngodly from his vngodlinesse vnto righteousnesse to make him a good man 3 To deale faithfully with thy neyghbour and companion to distribute the heritage vnto the friendes 4 To be diligent to kepe true measure wayght to be content whether thou gettest much or litle 5 To deale truely with temporall goodes in bying and selling to bring vp children with diligence to correct an euyll seruaunt 6 To kepe that thyne is from an euyll wyfe to set a locke where many handes are 7 What thou deliuerest and geuest out to be kept to tell it and to wey it to write vp all thy outgeuing and receauing 8 To enforme the vnlearned and vnwise of the aged that are iudged of the young If thou be diligent in these thinges truely thou shalt be learned and wyse and accepted of all men 9 The daughter maketh the father to watch secretly and the carefulnesse that he hath for her taketh away his sleepe yea in her youth lest she shoulde ouergrowe him and when she hath an husbande lest she shoulde be hated 10 Lest she shoulde be defiled or rauished in her virginitie or gotten with childe in her fathers house or when she commeth to the man lest she behaue her selfe not right or continue vnfruitefull 11 If thy daughter be
seede whiche when it is sowen in the earth is lesse then all seedes that be in the earth 32 When it is sowen it groweth vp and is greater then all hearbes and beareth great braunches so that the fowles of the ayre may make their nestes vnder the shadowe of it 33 And with many such parables preached he the worde vnto them as they were able to heare it 34 But without parable spake he nothing vnto them But when they were alone he expounded all thynges to his disciples 35 And the same day when euen was come he saide vnto them Let vs passe ouer vnto the other syde 36 And they left the people and toke him euen as he was in the shippe And there were also with him other litle shippes 37 And there arose a great storme of wynde and the waues dasshed into the shippe so that it was nowe full 38 And he was in the sterne a slepe on a pelowe And they awaked hym and sayde vnto hym Maister carest thou not that we peryshe 39 And he arose and rebuked the wynde and saide vnto the sea peace and be styll And the wynde ceassed there folowed a great calme 40 And he sayde vnto them why are ye so fearefull Howe is it that ye haue no fayth 41 And they feared exceadyngly and sayde one to another Who is this For both wynde and sea obey hym ❧ The .v. Chapter ¶ 8 Christe delyuereth the possessed from the vncleane spirite 25 the woman from the blooddy issue 41 and rayseth the captaynes daughter 1 AND they came ouer to the other syde of the sea into the countrey of the Gadarenites 2 And when he was come out of the shippe immediatly there met hym from among the tombes a man possessed of an vncleane spirite 3 Which had his abidyng among the tombes And no man coulde bynde him no not with cheynes 4 Because that when he was often bounde with fetters and cheynes he plucked the cheynes a sunder and brake the fetters in peeces Neither coulde any man tame hym 5 And alwayes nyght and day he was in the mountaynes and in the tombes crying and beatyng hym selfe with stones 6 But when he had spied Iesus a farre of he ranne and worshypped hym 7 And cried with a loude voyce sayde what haue I to do with thee Iesus thou sonne of the most hyest God I require thee in the name of God that thou torment me not 8 For he sayde vnto hym come out of the man thou foule spirite 9 And he asked hym what is thy name And he aunswered and sayd vnto hym my name is legion for we are many 10 And he prayed hym instantly that he woulde not sende them away out of the countrey 11 But there was there nye vnto the mountaynes a great hearde of swyne feedyng 12 And all the deuyls besought hym saying sende vs into the swyne that we may enter into them 13 And anone Iesus gaue them leaue And the vncleane spirites went out and entred into the swyne And the hearde ran headlong into the sea they were about two thousande were drowned in the sea 14 And the swyneheardes fled and tolde it in the citie and in the countrey And they went out for to see what was done 15 And came to Iesus and sawe hym that was vexed with the fiende and had the legion syt both clothed and in his right mynde they were afraide 16 And they that sawe it tolde them howe it came to passe to hym that was possessed with the deuyll and also of the swyne 17 And they beganne to pray hym that he woulde depart out of their coastes ☜ 18 And when he was come into the shippe he that had ben possessed with the deuyll prayed hym that he myght be with hym 19 Howebeit Iesus woulde not suffer hym but sayde vnto hym go home to thy frendes and shewe them howe great thynges the Lorde hath done for thee and howe he had compassion on thee 20 And he departed and beganne to publyshe in the ten cities howe great thynges Iesus had done for hym and all men dyd maruayle 21 And when Iesus was come ouer agayne by shippe vnto the other syde much people gathered vnto hym and he was nye vnto the sea 22 And beholde there came one of the rulers of the synagogue whose name was Iairus and when he sawe hym he fell downe at his feete 23 And besought hym greatly saying my young daughter lieth at poynt of death I pray thee come and lay thy hande on her that she may be safe and lyue 24 And he went with hym and much people folowed him and thronged him 25 And there was a certayne woman which had ben diseased of an issue of blood twelue yeres 26 And had suffred many thynges of many phisitions and had spent all that she had and felt none amendemet at all but rather the worse 27 When she had hearde of Iesus she came in the prease behynde hym and touched his garment 28 For she sayde yf I may but touche his clothes I shal be whole 29 And strayghtway the fountayne of her blood was dryed vp she felt in her body that she was healed of y e plague 30 And Iesus immediatly knowyng in hym selfe that vertue proceaded from hym turned hym about in the prease and sayde who touched my clothes 31 And his disciples sayde vnto hym thou seest the people thrust thee askest thou who dyd touche me 32 And he loked rounde about for to see her that had done this thyng 33 But the woman fearyng tremblyng knowyng what was done within her came and fell downe before hym and tolde hym all the trueth 34 And he sayde vnto her Daughter thy fayth hath saued thee go in peace and be whole of thy plague 35 Whyle he yet spake there came from the ruler of the synagogues house certayne which sayde thy daughter is dead why diseasest thou the maister any further 36 Assoone as Iesus hearde the worde that was spoken he sayde vnto the ruler of the synagogue be not afrayde only beleue 37 And he suffred no man to folowe him saue Peter and Iames and Iohn the brother of Iames. 38 And he came to the house of the ruler of the synagogue and sawe the tumult and them that wept wayled greatly 39 And went in and sayde vnto them why make ye this a doe and wepe the damsell is not dead but slepeth 40 And they laught hym to scorne But he put them all out and taketh the father and the mother of the damsell and them that were with hym and entreth in where the damsell laye 41 And taketh the damsell by the hande and sayth vnto her Talitha cumi which is yf one do interprete it damsell I say vnto thee aryse 42 And strayghtway the damsell arose and walked For she was of the age of twelue yeres And they were astonyed out of measure 43 And he charged them straytly
he came vnto them walking vppon the sea and woulde haue passed by them 49 But when they sawe hym walkyng vpon the sea they supposed it had ben a spirite and cryed out 50 For they all sawe him were afraide And anone he talked with them saide vnto them Be of good cheare it is I be not afrayde 51 And he went vp vnto them into the shippe and the wynde ceassed and they were sore amased in themselues beyond measure and marueyled 52 For they vnderstoode not the miracle of the loaues because their heart was hardened 53 And when they had passed ouer they came into the lande of Genezareth and drewe vp into the hauen 54 And assoone as they were come out of the shippe straightway they knew him 55 And ranne foorth throughout all the region rounde about began to carry about in beddes those that were sicke thither where they heard that he was 56 And whethersoeuer he entred into townes cities or villages they layde the sicke folkes in the streates prayed him that they myght touche and it were but the hemme of his garment And as many as touched it were made whole ☜ ❧ The .vij. Chapter ¶ 2 The pharisees fynde fault at the disciples eatyng of meate with vnwasshen handes 8 The commaundement of God is transgressed by mans traditions 22 Meate defileth not a man but that which commeth from hym 24 Of the woman of Syrophenissa 32 The healyng of the deafe and dumbe 1 AND the pharisees came together vnto hym certayne of the scribes which came from Hierusalem 2 And whē they sawe some of his disciples eate bread with common that is to say with vnwasshen hands they founde fault 3 For the pharisees and all the Iewes except they wasshe their handes oft eate not obseruing the traditions of y e elders 4 And when they come from the market except they wasshe they eate not And many other things there be which they haue taken vpon them to obserue as the wasshyng of cuppes and pottes and brasen vessels and of tables 5 Then asked hym the pharisees and scribes Why walke not thy disciples accordyng to the traditiō of the elders but eate bread with vnwasshen handes 6 He aunswered and sayde vnto them that Esaias hath prophesied well of you hypocrites as it is written This people honoreth me with their lippes but their heart is farre from me 7 Howebeit in vayne do they worship me teachyng doctrines the commaundementes of men 8 For ye laye the commaundement of God apart and obserue the tradition of mē as the wasshing of pottes cuppes And many other such like thinges ye do 9 And he sayde vnto them Well ye cast asyde the commaundement of God to mayntayne your owne tradition 10 For Moyses sayde Honor thy father and thy mother and who so curseth father or mother let him dye the death 11 But ye say yf a man shall say to father or mother Corban that is by the gyft that is offred of me thou shalt be helped 12 And so ye suffer hym no more to do ought for his father or his mother 13 And make the worde of God of none effect through your tradition which ye haue ordeyned And many such thinges do ye 14 And when he had called all the people vnto hym he saide vnto them Hearken vnto me euery one of you and vnderstande 15 There is nothyng without a man that can defyle hym when it entreth into hym But the thynges whiche proceade out of a man those are they that defyle the man 16 If any man haue eares to heare let hym heare 17 And when he came into the house away from the people his disciples asked hym of the similitude 18 And he sayde vnto them Are ye also so without vnderstandyng Do ye not yet perceaue that whatsoeuer thing frō without entreth into a man it can not defyle hym 19 Because it entreth not into his heart but into the belly and goeth out into the draught purgyng all meates 20 And he sayde That which commeth out of a man defyleth the man 21 For from within euen out of the heart of men proceade euyll thoughtes adulterie fornication murther 22 Theft couetousnes wickednes deceit wantonnes a wicked eye blasphemies pride foolyshnes 23 All these euyll thynges come frō within and defyle a man 24 And from thence he rose and went into the borders of Tyre and Sidon entred into an house and woulde that no man shoulde haue knowen but he coulde not be hyd 25 For a certayne woman whose young daughter hadde an vncleane spirite assoone as she hearde of hym came fell at his feete 26 The woman was a Greke out of the nation of Syrophenissa she besought hym that he woulde cast out the deuyll from her daughter 27 But Iesus saide vnto her let the children first be fedde For it is not meete to take the chyldrens bread and to caste it vnto litle dogges 28 She aunswered and saide vnto hym euen so Lorde neuerthelesse the litle dogges also eate vnder the table of the chyldrens crumbes 29 And he sayde vnto her For this saying go thy way the deuyll is gone out of thy daughter 30 And when she was come home to her house she founde that the deuyll was departed and her daughter lying on the bedde 31 ☞ And he departed agayne from the coastes of Tyre and Sidon came vnto the sea of Galilee through the middes of the coastes of the ten cities 32 And they brought vnto hym one that was deafe and had an impediment in his speache and they prayed him to put his hande vpon hym 33 And when he had taken hym asyde from the people he put his fyngers into his eares and dyd spyt and touched his tongue 34 And loked vp to heauen and syghed and sayde vnto him Ephphatha that is to say be opened 35 And straightway his eares were opened and the stryng of his tongue was loosed and he spake playne 36 And he commaunded them that they shoulde tell no man But the more he forbad them so much the more a great deale they published it 37 And were beyonde measure astonyed saying He hath done all thynges well he hath made both the deafe to heare and the dumbe to speake ☜ ❧ The .viij. Chapter ¶ 2 The miracle of the seuen loaues 11 The pharisees aske a signe 15 The leuen of the pharisees 22 The blinde receaueth his sight 29 Peter confesseth Christe 33 and is rebuked of Christe 34 Howe we should folowe Christe 35 lose our lyfe 38 and not be ashamed of the Gospell 1 IN those dayes when there was a very great company and had nothyng to eate Iesus called his disciples to him saide vnto them 2 I haue compassiō on the people because they haue nowe ben with me three dayes and haue nothyng to eate 3 And yf I sende them away fastyng to their owne houses they shall faynt by the way for
done vnto hym 40 And it came to passe y t when Iesus was come agayne the people receaued hym For they all wayted for hym 41 And behold ther came a man named Iairus he was a ruler of y e synagoge he fell downe at Iesus feete praying him that he would come into his house 42 For he had but one daughter only vpon a twelue yeres of age and she lay a dying But as he went the people thronged hym 43 And a woman hauyng an issue of blood twelue yeres which had spent all her substaunce vpon phisitions neither coulde be holpen of any 44 Came behynde hym and touched the hemme of his rayment and immediatly her issue of blood staunched 45 And Iesus sayde Who is it that touched me Whē euery man denyed Peter and they that were with hym sayde Maister the people thrust thee and vexe thee and sayest thou who touched me 46 And Iesus sayde Some body hath touched me For I perceaue that vertue is gone out of me 47 When the woman sawe that she was not hyd she came trembling and fell at his feete and tolde him before al the people for what cause she had touched him and howe she was healed immediatly 48 And he sayde vnto her Daughter be of good comfort thy fayth hath saued thee go in peace 49 Whyle he yet spake there came one from the ruler of the synagogues house which sayde to hym Thy daughter is dead disease not the Maister 50 But when Iesus hearde that worde he aunswered him saying Feare not beleue only she shal be made whole 51 And when he came to the house he suffered no man to go in with hym saue Peter and Iames and Iohn and the father and the mother of the mayden 52 Euery body wept sorowed for her And he sayde Weepe not the damsell is not dead but slepeth 53 And they laughed hym to scorne knowyng that she was dead 54 And he thrust them all out and toke her by the hande and cryed saying Mayde aryse 55 And her spirite came agayne and she rose straightway And he commaunded to geue her meate 56 And the father and the mother of her were astonyed But he warned thē that they should tel no man what was done ❧ The .vj. Chapter ¶ 2 The Apostles are sent to preache 7 Herode hearde of Christe 12 Fiue thousande fedde with fiue loaues two fisshes 19 Diuers opinions of Christ 20 The confession of the Apostles 28 The transfiguration of Christe 35 Christe is to be heard 42 The lunatike is healed 43 The infidelitie of the Apostles 46 they stryue who shoulde be greatest 49 Of one castyng out deuyls in Christes name 53 The Samaritanes woulde not receaue Christe 54 The disciples desire vengeaunce and are of hym reproued 57 Of three that woulde folowe Christe but after diuers sortes of lokyng backe 1 IEsus called the twelue together and gaue thē power and aucthoritie ouer al deuils and that they might heale diseases 2 And he sent them to preache the kyngdome of God * and to heale the sicke 3 And he saide vnto thē Take nothing to your iourney neither staues nor scrippe neither bread neither money neither haue two coates 4 And whatsoeuer house ye enter into there abyde and thence depart 5 And whosoeuer wyll not receaue you when ye go out of that citie shake of the very dust from your feete for a testimonie agaynst them 6 And they departed and went through the townes preachyng the Gospell and healyng euerywhere ☜ 7 And Herode the tetrarche heard of all that was done by hym and doubted because that it was sayde of some that Iohn was rysen agayne from death 8 And of some that Elias had appeared and of some that one of the olde prophetes was rysen agayne 9 And Herode sayde Iohn haue I beheaded but who is this of whō I heare such thinges And he desired to see him 10 And the apostles returned tolde him all that they had done And he toke thē and went aside into a solitarie place nye vnto the citie that is called Bethsaida 11 Which whē the people knew they folowed him And he receaued them and spake vnto thē of the kingdome of God healed thē that had nede to be healed 12 And when the day began to weare away then came the twelue and sayde vnto hym Sende the people awaye that they may go into the townes and vyllages rounde about and lodge and get meate for we are here in a place of wyldernesse 13 But he said vnto them Geue ye thē to eate And they said We haue no mo but fyue loaues and two fisshes excepte we should go bye meate for al this people 14 And they were about fyue thousande men And he said to his disciples Cause thē to sit downe by fifties in a companie 15 And they dyd so and made them all to sit downe 16 And he toke the fyue loaues and the two fisshes and loked vp to heauen and blessed them and brake and gaue to the disciples to set before the people 17 And they dyd all eate and were satisfied And there was taken vp of that remayned to them twelue baskettes full of broken meate 18 And it came to passe as he was alone praying his disciples were with hym and he asked them saying Who say the people that I am 19 They aunswered and sayde Iohn Baptist some say Elias and some say that one of the olde prophetes is rysen 20 He sayde vnto them But whom say ye that I am Simon Peter aunswered saide Thou art Christe of God 21 And he warned commaunded them that they should tell no man that thing 22 Saying The sonne of man must suffer many thynges and be reproued of the elders and of the hye priestes and scribes and be slayne and ryse agayne the thirde day 23 And he said to thē all If any man wyl come after me let him denie him selfe take vp his crosse dayly folowe me 24 For whosoeuer wyl saue his lyfe shal lose it But whosoeuer shall lose his lyfe for my sake the same shall saue it 25 For what auauntageth it a man yf he wynne the whole worlde and lose hym selfe or runne in daunger of hym selfe 26 For Whosoeuer shal be ashamed of me and of my wordes of hym shall the sonne of man be ashamed whē he commeth in his maiestie and in the maiestie of his father and of the holy angels 27 I tell you of a trueth there be some standyng here whiche shall not taste of death tyl they see the kingdome of God 28 And it came to passe about an eyght dayes after these sayinges he toke Peter and Iohn and Iames and went vp into a mountayne to pray 29 And as he prayed the fashion of his countenaunce was chaunged his garment was whyte and shone 30 And beholde there talked with hym two men which were
he deuide the inheritaūce with me 14 And he sayde vnto hym Man who made me a iudge or a deuider ouer you 15 And he sayde vnto them Take heede beware of couetousnes For no mans lyfe standeth in the aboundaunce of the thynges which he possesseth 16 And he put foorth a similitude vnto thē saying The grounde of a certaine ryche man brought foorth plentifull fruites 17 And he thought within him selfe saying What shall I do because I haue no rowme where to bestow my fruites 18 And he sayde this wyll I do I wyll destroy my barnes and buylde greater and therin wyll I gather all my fruites and my goodes 19 And I wyll saye to my soule Soule thou hast much goods layed vp in store for many yeres take thyne ease eate drynke and be mery 20 But God sayde vnto hym Thou foole this nyght wyll they fetch awaye thy soule againe frō thee Then whose shall those thynges be which thou hast prouided 21 So is he that gathereth riches to him selfe and is not ryche towardes God 22 And he spake vnto his disciples Therfore I say vnto you take no thought for your lyfe what ye shall eate neither for the body what ye shall put on 23 The lyfe is more then meate and the body is more then rayment 24 Consider the Rauens for they neither sowe nor reape whiche neither haue storehouse nor barne and God feedeth them ☜ Howe much more are ye better then fethered fowles 25 Which of you with takyng thought can adde to his stature one cubite 26 If ye then be not able to do that thing which is least why take ye thought for the remnaunt 27 Consider the Lylies how they growe they labour not they spinne not and yet I say vnto you that Solomon in al his royaltie was not clothed lyke one of these 28 If God so clothe the grasse whiche is to daye in the fielde and to morowe is cast into the furnasse howe much more wyll he clothe you O ye of litle fayth 29 And aske not ye what ye shall eate or what ye shall drynke neither be ye of doubtfull mynde 30 For all suche thynges do the Heathen people of the worlde seke for and your father knoweth that ye haue neede of these thynges 31 But rather seke ye after y e kyngdome of God and all these thinges shal be ministred vnto you 32 Feare not litle flocke for it is your fathers pleasure to geue you a kyngdome 33 Sell that ye haue and geue almes and prepare you bagges whiche waxe not olde euen a treasure that fayleth not in heauen where no thiefe cōmeth neither moth corrupteth 34 For where your treasure is there wyl your hearte be also 35 Let your loynes be girde about and your lyghtes brennyng 36 And ye your selues like vnto men that wayte for their Lorde when he wyll returne from the weddyng that when he commeth and knocketh they maye open vnto hym immediatly 37 Happy are those seruauntes whō the Lorde when he commeth shall fynde wakyng Veryly I say vnto you that he shall girde him selfe and make them to syt downe to meate and wyll come foorth and minister vnto them 38 And yf he come in the seconde watche yea if he come in the thirde watche and fynde them so happye are those seruauntes 39 This vnderstande that yf the good man of the house knew what houre the thiefe woulde come he woulde surely watche and not suffer his house to be dygged through 40 Be ye therfore redy also for y e sonne of man wyll come at an houre when ye thynke not ☜ 41 Then Peter saide vnto him Maister tellest thou this similitude vnto vs or to all men 42 And the Lorde saide Who is a faythfull and wyse stewarde whom his lorde shall make ruler ouer his housholde to geue them their portion of meate in due season 43 Happye is that seruaunt whom his lorde when he commeth shall fynde so doyng 44 Of a trueth I saye vnto you that he wyll make hym ruler ouer all that he hath 45 But yf that seruaūt say in his heart my lorde wyll deferre his commyng and shall begyn to smyte the seruauntes and maydens and to eate and drynke and to be dronken 46 The Lord of that seruaunt wyll come in a day when he thynketh not and at an houre when he is not ware and wyll hewe hym in peeces and geue hym his portion with the vnbeleuers 47 And the seruaunt that knewe his maisters wyll and prepared not hym selfe neither dyd accordyng to his wyll shal be beaten with many strypes 48 But he that knewe not and did cōmit thynges worthy of strypes shal be beaten with fewe strypes For vnto whōsoeuer much is geuen of him shal be much required and to whom men haue committed much of hym wyl they aske the more 49 I am come to sende fire on y e earth and what is my desire but that it be alredye kindled 50 Notwithstandyng I must be baptized with a baptisme and howe am I payned tyll it be ended 51 Suppose ye that I am come to sende peace on earth I tell you naye but rather deuision 52 For frō hencefoorth there shal be fyue in one house deuided three against two and two against three 53 The father shal be deuided against the sonne and the sonne against the father The mother agaynst the daughter and the daughter agaynst the mother The mother in lawe against her daughter in lawe and the daughter in lawe against her mother in lawe 54 He sayde also to the people When ye see a cloude rise out of the west straightway ye say there cōmeth a showre and so it is 55 And whē ye see the south wynd blow ye say it wyll be hotte and it commeth to passe 56 Ye hypocrites ye can discerne the outwarde appearaunce of the skye and of the earth but howe is it that ye cannot discerne this tyme 57 Yea and why iudge ye not of your selues what is ryght 58 When thou goest with thine aduersarie to the ruler as thou art in the waye geue diligence that thou mayest be deliuered from hym lest he bryng thee to the iudge and the iudge deliuer thee to the iayler and the iayler caste thee into prison 59 I tel thee thou shalt not depart thence tyll thou haue made good the vtmost mite ¶ The .xiij. Chapter 1 Of the Galileans 4 and those that were oppressed at Siloe 6 Of the figge tree that bare no fruite 11 The woman hauyng a spirite of infirmitie healed 15 The vse of the Sabboth 18 He declareth by diuers similitudes what the kyngdome of God is 24 Fewe enter into the kyngdome of Christe 32 He reproueth Herode and Hierusalem 1 THere were present at the same seasō certaine men that shewed him of y e Galileans whose blood Pilate hadde myngled with their owne sacri●e 2 And Iesus
whē they had prayed they layde their handes on them 7 And the worde of God encreased the number of y e disciples multiplied in Hierusalem greatly and a great companie of the priestes were obedient to y e fayth 8 ☞ And Steuen full of fayth power dyd great wonders miracles among the people 9 Then there arose certaine of the synagogue which is called the synagogue of the Libertines and Cyrenians and of Alexandria and of Cilicia of Asia disputyng with Steuen 10 * And they coulde not resiste the wisedome and the spirite by the * whiche he spake 11 Then they priuilie prepared men whiche sayde we haue heard him speake blasphemous wordes agaynst Moyses and agaynst God 12 And they moued the people and the elders and the scribes and came vppon hym and caught him and brought him to the counsell 13 And brought foorth false witnesses which sayde This man ceasseth not to speake blasphemous wordes agaynste this holy place and the lawe 14 For we hearde hym say that this Iesus of Nazareth shal destroy this place shall chaunge the ordinaunces which Moyses gaue vs 15 And all that sate in the counsell loking stedfastly on him saw his face as it had ben the face of an angell ¶ The .vij. Chapter 2 Steuen maketh aunswere to his accusation 51 rebuketh the harde necked Iewes 58 and is stoned to death 1 THen said y e chiefe priest Are these thynges so 2 And he said Ye men brethren and fathers hearken The God of glorie appeared vnto our father Abraham when he was in Mesopotamia before he dwelt in Charran 3 And sayde vnto him Get thee out of thy countrey frō thy kinrede come into the lande which I shall shew thee 4 Then came he out of the lande of the Chaldeans and dwelt in Charran and from thence whē his father was dead he brought hym into this lande wherin ye nowe dwell 5 And he gaue hym none wheritaunce in it no not the breadth of a foote and promised that he woulde geue it to hym to possesse and to his seede after hym when as yet he had no chylde 6 God veryly spake on this wyse that his seede shoulde soiourne in a straunge lande and that they shoulde kepe it in bondage and entreate them euyl foure hundreth yeres 7 And the nation to whom they shal be in bondage wyll I iudge sayde God And after that shall they come foorth serue me in this place 8 * And he gaue hym the couenaunt of circumcision And he begate Isaac and circumcised hym the eyght day and Isaac begate Iacob and Iacob begate the twelue patriarkes 9 And the patriarkes moued with enuie solde Ioseph into Egypt and God was with hym 10 And deliuered hym out of all his aduersities and gaue hym fauour wisedome in the syght of Pharao kyng of Egypt and he made hym gouernour ouer Egypt ouer all his housholde 11 But there came a dearth ouer all the land of Egypt and Chanaan and great affliction that our fathers founde no sustenaunce 12 But when Iacob hearde that there was corne in Egypt he sent our fathers first 13 And at the second time Ioseph was knowen of his brethren and Iosephes kinrede was made knowen vnto Pharao 14 Then sent Ioseph and caused his father to be brought and all his kynne three score and fyfteene soules 15 And Iacob descended into Egypt and dyed both he and our fathers 16 And were caryed ouer into Sichem and layde in the sepulchre that Abrahā bought for money of the sonnes of Emor the sonne of Sichem 17 But when the tyme of the promyse drewe nye whiche God had sworne to Abraham * the people grewe and multiplied in Egypt 18 Tyll another king arose which knew not of Ioseph 19 The same dealt subtilly with our kinrede and euyll intreated our fathers made them caste out their young chyldren that they shoulde not remayne alyue 20 The same tyme was Moyses borne and was acceptable vnto God and norished vp in his fathers house three monethes 21 And when he was cast out Pharaos daughter toke hym vp norished hym for her owne sonne 22 And Moyses was learned in all maner of wisedome of the Egyptians and was myghtie in deedes and in wordes 23 And when he was full fourtie yeres olde it came into his heart to visite his brethren the chyldren of Israel 24 And when he sawe one of them suffer wrong he defended hym and auenged his quarrell that had the harme done to hym and smote the Egyptian 25 For he supposed his brethren woulde haue vnderstande howe that God by his hande shoulde delyuer them But they vnderstoode not 26 And the next day he shewed hym selfe vnto them as they stroue and woulde haue set them at one agayne saying Sirs ye are brethren why do ye wrong one to another 27 But he that did his neighbour wrong thrust hym awaye saying Who made thee a ruler and a iudge ouer vs 28 Wylt thou kyll me as thou diddest the Egyptian yesterday 29 Then fledde Moyses at that saying and was a straunger in the lande of Madian where he begate two sonnes 30 And whē fourtie yeres were expired there appeared to hym in the wyldernesse of mount Sina an Angel of the Lorde in a flambe of fire in a busshe 31 When Moyses sawe it he wondred at y e sight And as he drue neare to behold the voyce of the Lord came vnto hym 32 I am the God of thy fathers y e God of Abraham and the God of Isaac and y e God of Iacob Then Moyses trembled durst not beholde 33 Then sayde the Lorde to hym Put of thy shoes from thy feete for the place where thou standest is holy grounde 34 I haue seene I haue seene the afflictiō of my people which is in Egypt and I haue hearde their gronyng and am come downe to deliuer them And now come I wyll sende thee into Egypt 35 This Moyses whom they forsoke saying who made thee a ruler and a iudge the same dyd God sende to be a ruler and a deliuerer by the handes of the angell whiche appeared to hym in the busshe 36 He brought them out shewyng wonders and signes in Egypt in the read sea in the wyldernesse fourtie yeres 37 This is that Moyses which saide vnto the chyldren of Israel A prophete shall the Lorde your God raise vp vnto you of your brethren lyke vnto me him shall ye heare 38 This is he that was in the Churche in y e wyldernesse with the angel which spake to hym in the mount Sinai and with our fathers This man receaued the worde of lyfe to geue vnto vs. 39 To whom our fathers woulde not obey but thrust it from them and in their hearts turned backe againe into Egypt 40 Saying vnto Aaron Make vs gods to go before vs.
vnto thē to Troas in fiue dayes where we abode seuen dayes 7 And vpon one of the Sabboth dayes when the disciples came together for to breake bread Paul reasoned with thē redy to depart on the morowe and continued the worde vnto mydnyght 8 And there were many lyghtes in an vpper chamber where they were gathered together 9 And there sate in a window a certaine young man named Eutychus being fallen into a deepe sleepe And as Paul was long reasonyng he was the more ouercome with sleepe and fell downe from the thirde loft and was taken vp dead 10 But whē Paul went downe he fell on hym and imbraced hym saide make nothyng a do for his lyfe is in hym 11 And so when he was come vp againe and had broken bread and eaten talked a long while euen tyll the morning and so he departed 12 And they brought the young man alyue and were not a litle comforted 13 And we went afore to shippe loosed vnto Asson there to receaue Paul For so had he appoynted and woulde hym selfe go a foote 14 And when he was come to vs to Assō we toke hym in and came to Mytilene 15 And we sayled thence and came the next day ouer agaynst Chios and the next daye we arryued at Samos and taryed at Trogylliū The next day we came to Miletum 16 For Paul had determined to sayle ouer by Ephesus because he would not spend the tyme in Asia For he hasted yf it were possible for hym to kepe at Hierusalem the day of Pentecost 17 And from Miletum he sent to Ephesus and called the elders of the Church 18 Which when they were come to hym he saide vnto them Ye knowe from the first daye that I came into Asia after what maner I haue ben with you at all seasons 19 Seruyng the Lorde with all humblenesse of mynde and with many teares and temptations whiche came vnto me by the layinges awayte of the Iewes 20 And howe I kept backe nothing that was profitable vnto you but haue shewed you and haue taught you openly and throughout euery house 21 Witnessyng both to the Iewes also to the Grekes the repentaunce that is towarde God and the fayth whiche is towarde our Lorde Iesus 22 And nowe beholde I go bounde in the spirite vnto Hierusalē not knowyng the thynges that shall come vnto me 23 But that the holy ghost witnesseth in euery citie saying that bondes trouble abyde me 24 But none of these thynges moue me neither is my lyfe deare vnto my selfe so that I myght fulfyll my course with ioy and the ministerie whiche I haue receaued of the Lorde Iesu to testifie the Gospell of the grace of God 25 And nowe beholde I am sure that hencefoorth ye al through whō I haue gone preachyng the kyngdome of God shall see my face no more 26 Wherefore I take you to recorde this day that I am pure from the blood of all men 27 For I haue kept nothyng backe but haue shewed you all y e counsell of God 28 Take heede therfore vnto your selues and to all the flocke ouer the which the holy ghost hath made you ouerseers to rule the Church of God which he hath purchased with his owne blood 29 For I knowe this that after my departyng shall greeuous wolfes enter in among you not sparyng the flocke 30 Also of your owne selues shall men aryse speakyng peruerse thynges to drawe disciples after them 31 Therfore watch and remember that by the space of three yeres I ceassed not to warne euery one night and day with teares 32 And nowe brethren I commende you to God and to the worde of his grace which is able to buylde further and to geue you an inheritaunce among all thē which are sanctified 33 I haue desired no mans syluer golde or vesture 34 Yea ye your selues knowe that these handes haue ministred vnto my necessities and to them that were with me 35 I haue shewed you all thinges howe that so labouryng ye ought to receaue the weake and to remember y e wordes of the Lorde Iesu howe that he said it is more blessed to geue then to receaue 36 And when he hadde thus spoken he kneled downe prayed with them all 37 And they all wepte sore and fell on Paules necke and kyssed hym 38 Sorowyng most of all for the wordes whiche he spake that they shoulde see his face no more And they accompanied hym vnto the shippe ¶ The .xxj. Chapter 1 Paules iourney by shippe 8 Of Philip the Euangelist 10 and Agabus the prophete which warneth Paule not to go to Hierusalem 13 He remayned stedfast in his purpose and is taken 1 ANd when it came to passe that we had laūched forth and were departed from them we came with a straight course vnto Choos and the day folowyng vnto the Rhodes and from thence vnto Patara 2 And when we had gotten a shippe that woulde sayle vnto Phenice we went aboorde and set foorth 3 Nowe when Cyprus began to appeare vnto vs we left it on the left hande and sayled into Syria and came vnto Tyre For there the shippe vnladed the burthen 4 And when we had founde disciples we taryed there seuen dayes who said to Paule through the spirite that he shoulde not go vp to Hierusalem 5 And when the dayes were ended we departed and went our way and they all brought vs on our way with wyues and chyldren tyll we were come out of the citie And we kneeled downe in the shore and prayed 6 And whē we had taken our leaue one of another we toke shippe and they returned home agayne 7 When we had full ended the course from Tyre we went downe to Ptolomaida and saluted the brethren and abode with them one day 8 And the next daye they that were of Paules companie departed and came vnto Cesarea And we entred into the house of Philip the Euangelist which was one of the seuen and abode with hym 9 And the same man had foure daughters virgins which dyd prophesie 10 And as we taryed there a good many of dayes there came a certaine prophete from Iurie named Agabus 11 And when he was come vnto vs he toke Paules girdle bounde his owne handes and feete sayde Thus sayth the holy ghost so shall the Iewes at Hierusalem bynde the man that oweth this girdle and shall delyuer hym into the handes of the gentiles 12 And when we hearde these thynges both we and other whiche were of the same place besought him that he would not go vp to Hierusalem 13 Then Paule aunswered What do ye weepyng and vexyng myne heart For I am redy not to be bounde only but also to dye at Hierusalem for the name of the Lorde Iesu 14 And when we coulde not turne his mynde we ceassed saying the wyll of the Lorde be fulfylled 15 And after those dayes we toke vp our burthens and went
would not destroy thee 11 And the Lorde sayde vnto me Arise and go foorth in the iourneys before the people that they may go in and possesse the lande whiche I sware vnto their fathers to geue vnto them 12 And now Israel what doth the Lord thy God require of thee but to feare the Lorde thy God and to walke in all his wayes to loue hym and to serue the Lord thy God with all thyne heart and with all thy soule 13 Namely that thou kepe the cōmaundementes of the Lorde and his ordinaunces whiche I commaunde thee this day for thy wealth 14 Beholde heauen and the heauen of heauens is the Lordes thy God and the earth with all that therin is 15 Notwithstandyng the Lorde had a delight in thy fathers to loue them and chose their seede after them euen you aboue all nations as thou seest this day 16 Circumcise therefore the foreskinne of your heart and be no more stifnecked 17 For the Lorde your God is God of Gods and Lorde of Lordes a great God a mightie and a terrible whiche regardeth no mans person nor taketh rewarde 18 He doth right vnto the fatherlesse and wydowe and loueth the straunger to geue hym foode and rayment 19 Loue ye therfore the straunger also for ye were straungers your selues in the lande of Egypt 20 Thou shalt feare the Lord thy God and hym only shalt thou serue to hym shalt thou cleaue and sweare by his name 21 He is thy prayse thy God that hath done for thee these great and terrible thinges whiche thyne eyes haue seene 22 Thy fathers went downe into Egypt with threscore and ten persons and nowe the Lorde thy God hath made thee multiplied thee as the starres of heauen your God ye and your sonnes and your daughters your seruauntes and your maydens and the Leuite that is within your gates forasmuche as he hath no part nor inheritaūce with you 13 Take heede that thou offer not thy burnt offeringes in euery place that thou seest 14 But in the place which the Lord shall choose in one of thy tribes there thou shalt offer thy burnt offeringes and there thou shalt do al that I cōmaunde thee 15 Notwithstanding thou mayest kyll and eate fleshe in all thy cities whatsoeuer thy soule lusteth after accordyng to the blessing of the Lorde thy God whiche he hath geuen thee * both the vncleane and the cleane may eate therof euen of the Roe bucke and of the Hart. 16 Only ye shall not eate the blood but powre it vpon the earth as water 17 Thou mayest not eate within thy gates the tithe of thy corne of thy wine and of thy oyle and the first borne of thy kine and of thy sheepe neither any of thy vowes which thou vowest nor thy freewill offeringes or heaue offering of thyne hande 18 But thou must eate them before the Lorde thy God in the place whiche the Lorde thy God hath chosen thou and thy sonne thy daughter thy seruaunt and thy mayde and the Lenite that is within thy gates and thou shalt reioyce before the Lorde thy God in all that thou puttest thyne hande to 19 Beware that thou forsake not the Leuite as long as thou liuest vpon the earth 20 If when the Lorde thy God shall enlarge thy border as he hath promised thee thou say I will eate flesh because thy soule longeth to eate fleshe thou mayest eate fleshe whatsoeuer thy soule lusteth 21 If the place whiche the Lorde thy God hath chosen to put his name there be to farre from thee then thou shalt kil of thy oxen and of thy sheepe which the Lord gath geuen thee as I haue commaunded thee and thou shalt eate in thyne owne and whatsoeuer thy soule lusteth 22 And as the Roe bucke and the Hart is eaten euen so thou shalt eate them both the cleane and the vncleane shall eate of them 23 But be strong that thou eate not the blood for the blood is the life and thou mayest not eate the life with the fleshe 24 Thou shalt not eate it but powre it vpon the earth as water 25 Thou shalt not eate it that it may go well with thee and with thy chyldren after thee But thou shalt do that whiche is ryght in the sight of the Lorde 26 But thy holy thynges whiche thou hast and thy vowes thou shalt take and come vnto the place whiche the Lorde hath chosen 27 And thou shalt offer thy burnt offeringes both fleshe and blood vpon the aulter of the Lorde thy God and the blood of thyne offeringes shal be powred out vpon the aulter of the Lord thy God and thou shalt eate the fleshe 28 Take heede heare all these wordes which I commaunde thee that it may go well with thee and with thy chyldren after thee for euer if thou doest that whiche is good and ryght in the sight of the Lorde thy God 29 When the Lord thy God shall destroy the nations before thee whyther thou goest to possesse them and thou succeedest in their inheritaunce and dwellest in their lande 30 Beware that thou be not taken in a snare after them after that they be destroyed before thee and that thou aske not after their gods saying Howe do these nations serue their gods I wyll do so likewise 31 Nay thou shalt not do so vnto the Lorde thy God for all abhominations and that whiche the Lorde hateth the same haue they done vnto their gods 32 For they haue burned both their sonnes and their daughters with fire before their gods Therefore whatsoeuer I commaunde you take heede ye do it and put thou naught therto nor take ought there from ❧ The .xiij. Chapter 5 The inticers to idolatrie must be slayne seeme they neuer so holy 6 so neare of kinred or frendship 12 Or great in multitude or power 1 IF there aryse among you a prophete or a dreamer of dreames and geue thee a signe or a wonder 2 And that signe or wonder whiche he hath sayde come to passe and then say Let vs go after straunge gods which thou hast not knowen and let vs serue them 3 Hearken not thou vnto the wordes of that prophete or dreamer of dreames For the Lorde thy God proueth you to knowe whether ye loue the Lorde your God with all your heart and with all your soule 4 Ye shall walke after the Lorde your God and feare him kepe his commaundementes and hearken vnto his voyce you shall serue hym cleaue vnto hym 5 And that prophete or dreamer of dreames shal die because he hath spoken to turne you away from the Lorde your God whiche brought you out of the lande of Egypt and deliuered you out of the house of bondage to thrust thee out the way which the Lorde thy God commaunded thee to walke in and therefore thou shalt put the euyll away from
thee 6 If thy brother the sonne of thy mother or thine owne sonne or thy daughter or the wyfe that lieth in thy bosome or thy frende whiche is as thyne owne soule vnto thee entire thee secretely saying Let vs go and serue straunge gods which thou hast not knowen nor yet thy fathers 7 And they be any of the gods of the people whiche are rounde about you whether they be nye vnto thee or farre of frō thee from the one ende of the earth vnto the other 8 Thou shalt not consent vnto hym nor hearken vnto hym thyne eye shall not pitie hym neither shalt thou haue compassion on hym nor kepe hym secrete 9 But cause him to be slayne Thine hande shal be first vpon him to kill him and then the handes of all the people 10 And thou shalt stone hym with stones that he dye because he hath gone about to thrust thee away from the Lord thy God whiche brought thee out of the lande of Egypt and from the house of bondage 11 And all Israel shall heare and feare and shall do no more any suche wickednesse as this is among you 12 If thou shalt heare say in one of thy cities whiche the Lorde thy God hath geuen thee to dwell in 13 That certaine men beyng the children of Belial are gone out frō among you and haue moued the inhabiters of their citie saying let vs go and serue straunge gods whiche ye haue not knowen 14 Then thou must seeke make searche and enquire diligently And behold if it be true the thing of a suretie that such ahbomination is wrought among you 15 Then thou shalt smyte the dwellers of that citie with the edge of the sworde and destroy it vtterly all that is therin and euen the very cattell therof with the edge of the sworde 16 And gather all the spoyle of it into the middes of the streate therof and burne with fire both the citie and all the spoyle therof euery whyt for the Lorde thy God and it shal be an heape for euer and shall not be buylt agayne 17 And there shal cleaue naught of the damned thyng in thyne hande that the Lorde may turne from the fiercenesse of his wrath and shew thee mercy and haue compassion on thee and multiplie thee as he hath sworne vnto thy fathers 18 Therefore shalt thou hearken vnto the voyce of the Lorde thy God to kepe all his commaundementes whiche I commaunde thee this day that thou do that whiche is ryght in the eyes of the Lorde thy God ¶ The .xiiij. Chapter 1 The maners of the gentiles in marking them selues for the dead may not be folowed 4 What meates are cleane to be eaten and what not 29 The tithes for the Leuites straunger fatherlesse and wydowe 1 YE are the childrē of the Lord your God Ye shall not cut your selues nor make you any baldnes betwene your eyes for y e dead man 2 For thou art an holye people vnto the Lorde thy God and the Lorde hath chosen thee to be a seuerall people vnto hym selfe aboue all the nations that are vpon the earth 3 Thou shalt eate no maner of abhomination 4 These are the beastes which ye shall eate of Oxen Sheepe and Goates 5 Roe Bucke and Bugle Wilde Goate Vnicorne Wylde Oxen and Camoise 6 And all beastes that cleaue the hoofe and cleaueth the clift into two clawes and chewe the cud them ye shall eate 7 Neuerthelesse these ye shall not eate of them that chewe cud of them that deuide and cleaue the hoofe only the Camel the Hare and the Conie for they chewe the cud but deuide not the hoofe therfore they are vncleane vnto you 8 And also the Swine though he deuide the hoofe yet he cheweth not cud therefore is he vncleane vnto you ye shall not eate of the fleshe of suche nor touche the dead carkasse of them 9 These ye shall eate of all that are in the waters All that haue finnes and scales shall ye eate 10 And whatsoeuer hath not finnes and scales of that ye may not eate but it is vncleane vnto you 11 Of all cleane byrdes ye shall eate 12 But these are they of whiche ye shall not eate the Egle the Goshauke and the Ospray 13 The Glede the Kite and the Vulture after their kinde 14 And all kinde of Rauens 15 The Estritch the Nightcrowe the Cockowe and the Sparowehauke after their kinde 16 The litle Owle the great Owle nor the Redshanke 17 The Pellicane the Swanne nor the Cormorant 18 The Storke the Heron in his kinde the Lapwing the Backe 19 And let euery creeping thing that fleeth be vncleane vnto you and not be eaten of 20 But of all cleane foules ye may eate 21 Ye shall eate of nothyng that dyeth alone But thou shalt geue it vnto the straunger that is in thy citie that he eate it or thou mayest sell it vnto a straunger For thou art an holy people vnto the Lorde thy God Thou shalt not seethe a kid in his mothers milke 22 Thou shalt tythe all the increase of thy seede that the fielde bringeth foorth yere by yere 23 And thou shalt eate before the Lorde thy God in the place whiche he hath chosen where he hath put his name the tithe of thy corne and of thy wine and of thyne oyle and the first borne of thy kine and of thy sheepe that thou mayest learne to feare the Lorde thy God alwayes 24 If the way be to long for thee so that thou art not able to carie it and if the place be farre from thee whiche the Lorde thy God hath chosen to set his name there and the Lorde thy God hath blessed thee 25 Then shalt thou make it in money and take the money in thine hande and go vnto the place which the Lorde thy God shall chose 26 And thou shalt bestowe that money for whatsoeuer thy soule lusteth after for oxen and sheepe wine and strong drinke and for whatsoeuer thy soule desireth and thou shalt eate there before the Lorde thy God and be merie both thou and thyne housholde 27 And the Leuite that is within thy gates shalt thou not forsake for he hath neither part nor inheritaunce with thee 28 At the ende of three yeres thou shalt bryng foorth all the tythes of thyne encrease the same yere and lay it vp within thyne owne gates 29 And the Leuite whiche hath no part nor inheritaunce with thee shal come and the straunger the fatherlesse the widowe whiche are within thy gates shall eate and be filled that the Lorde thy God may blesse thee in al y e workes of thyne hande whiche thou doest ¶ The .xv. Chapter 1 The yere of releassyng of debtes 5 God blesseth them that kepe his commaundementes 7 To helpe the poore 12 The freedome of seruauntes 19 The first borne of the cattel must be offered vnto the Lorde