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ID Title Author Corrected Date of Publication (TCP Date of Publication) STC Words Pages
A69788 The history of Poland. vol. 1 in several letters to persons of quality, giving an account of the antient and present state of that kingdom, historical, geographical, physical, political and ecclesiastical ... : with sculptures, and a new map after the best geographers : with several letters relating to physick / by Bern. Connor ... who, in his travels in that country, collected these memoirs from the best authors and his own observations ; publish'd by the care and assistance of Mr. Savage. Connor, Bernard, 1666?-1698.; Savage, John, 1673-1747. 1698 (1698) Wing C5888; ESTC R8630 202,052 410

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could never learn He enter'd into an Alliance with Jaro●● Duke of Russia Son to Vlodomirus and 〈◊〉 ry'd his Sister Mary afterwards call'd Do●●neva whose Mother was the Princess 〈◊〉 Sister to Basil and Constantine Emperoun Constantinople He conquer'd the Province of Maso●● where now lies Warsaw and defeated ●● Army of Maslaus then Duke of that Co●●try who retiring among the neighbour●● Barbarians not long after return'd 〈◊〉 greater Force and ravag'd Masovia ●● along to the Vistula but was soon met 〈◊〉 overthrown a second time by Casimir wh●● flying to his Friends as he thought that 〈◊〉 assisted him they took flea'd and fastned 〈◊〉 to an exceeding high Cross saying That was but just that he should be exalted whose A●● tion was so boundless Afterwards Casimir bei●● mindful of the Benefits he formerly receiv●● in the Abby of Cluny sent thither great Pr●●sents and Offerings At length this good King having setled h●● Kingdom in its former Tranquillity dy'd and left three Sons Boleslaus Vladislaus and Mi●●cistaus and one Daughter Suentochna He was ●●y'd at Posnan in the Year 1058. BOLESLAUS II. his Son surnam'd the d succeeded him who reign'd 23 Years n the beginning of his Reign he had Wars ●●h the Hungarians Bohemians Russians and ●●ssians all caus'd by the protecting of three ●●les He vigorously maintain'd the Cause Bela Prince of Hungary who was then mar●●d to his Aunt and banish'd by King An●● Whereupon he dethron'd Andrew and ●●wn'd Bela King of Hungary notwithstand●● the considerable Succours sent to Andrew ●● of Germany and Bohemia Afterwards re●●ning into Poland he marry'd Viseslava ughter and Heiress of the Duke of Russia by om he had that Dukedom for a Portion Towards the latter end of his Reign he came very dissolute and lewd oppress'd the ●●ple with extraordinary and insupportable xes took away publickly Gentlemens dies to satisfy his Lust could not endure ●● that took notice of his Irregularities ●●ish'd such as complain'd of his Tyrannical ●●vernment and at length kill'd Stanislaus ●●zepanovius Bishop of Cracow for refusing ●● the Sacrament of the Altar the manner which was thus Boleslaus continuing in enormous Crimes and Extravagancies this od Man earnestly entreated him to amend Life but perceiving his Obstinacy one y he refus'd him the Communion Which s Prince being highly offended at watch'd an opportunity to revenge and a little while after as the Bishop was officiating at Mass he gave him such a blow with his Sabre that he made his Brains fly against the Wall and afterwards his Guards entring cut the good Bishop to pieces Hereupon he was soon pursu'd with Vatican Thunder and consequently render'd odious to his Subjects Wherefore fearing some Conspiracy might be rais'd against him he left his Kingdom and retir'd with his Son Miecislaus which he had by his Queen Viseslava to Ladislaus King of Hungary where 't is reported that out of meer Madness he afterwards kill'd himself This Bishop Stanislaus was Canoniz'd by Pope Gregory VII and has all along from thence been receiv'd for the Patron of Poland The Pope also excommunicated the whole Country and Boleslaus his Successors were for a considerable time depriv'd of the Title of Kings Next came ULADISLAUS HERMANNUS Brother to Boleslaus to be elected who being afraid of the Pope or else fearing his Brother's return would only accept of the Title of Prince He recall'd his Nephew Miecislaus who died in six Years after He built many Churches and Monasteries all which he richly endow'd This Prince also brought over the rebellious Pomeranians and Prussians and defeated likewise the Army of Vratislaus Prince of Bohemia whom the Emperor Henry IV. had dignified with the Character of King giving him moreover a Right over Poland tho he had no Title to dispose of it his Predecessor Otho III. when he crown'd Boleslaus I. King of Poland having renounc'd both for himself and his Successors all Claim to that Kingdom Nay I heard the Poles themselves say that this was rather a piece of Civility in Otho than any Obligation upon them their Country having never been conquer'd by any Foreigner not even by the Romans themselves He married Judith Daughter of Vratislaus King of Bohemia by whom he had Boleslaus III. surnam'd Krivoustus or the Wry-mouth'd and afterwards by a Daughter of the Emperor Henry IV. he had three Daughters He died in the fiftieth Year of his Age was buried at Ploscow and succeeded by his Son BOLESLAUS III. surnam'd Krivoustus or the Wry-mouth'd He was the most warlike and successful Prince that Poland ever had and at length subdu'd his Bastard Brother Sbigneius that rebell'd against him whom at last he was forc'd to cause to be murder'd But of all others his Contest with the Emperor Henry V. is most famous which is as follows This Emperor having declar'd War against Colomannus King of Hungary and engag'd the Bohemians on his side Boleslaus join'd Colomannus and to make a strong Diversion enter'd Bohemia and destroy'd the greatest part of that Country whereupon to be reveng'd on Boleslaus the Emperor surpriz'd the Provinces of Silesia and Marchia which were then in the hands of the Poles and had been absolute Master of them had not Boleslaus speedily marched with an Army to oppose him who finding his Enemies much superiour in number at first thought it better to compose the matter amicably and therefore sent an Ambassador to treat of Peace to which the Emperor thinking he had the Advantage would by no means condescend except upon very dishonourable Terms for the Poles And hereupon leading Scarbicus the Ambassador to see his Treasure he told him that that pointing to his Gold would bring the Poles to what Terms he pleas'd at which Scarbicus being highly affronted took off a Gold Ring from his Finger and throwing it into the Treasury said Whatever be your Imperial Majesty's Opinion I do not question but the Polish Iron meaning their Swords will prove as good Metal as the German Gold Which said he immediately took his leave and returning to his Master acquainted him with his Negotiation which the haughty Pole highly resenting resolv'd to hazard a Battel which he did and by the Bravery of his Army obtain'd a signal Victory in the Dogs-field near Breslaw chief City of Silesia whereupon the Emperor immediately struck up a Peace with him gave him his Sister Adleida in Marriage and his Daughter Christina to his young Son Vladislaus This Prince forc'd the Pomeranians to the Christian Faith which they had often rejected before The Poles all this while were in possession of Silesia but afterwards the Kings of Bohemia conquer'd it and therefore it consequently now is under the Emperor It is reported of this Prince that he had fought forty seven Battels with success except one only with the Red Russians which was meerly lost through the Cowardice of a
his Death Suentopelus declared himself Duke of Pomerania and Conrade and call'd into Poland the Knights of the Teutonic Order who were then banisht out of Syria by the Sarazens and settled in Germany to help him against the Prussians who were wont to make frequent Incursions into his Country to whom for Recompence he gave the Territory of Culm and some other small Places on condition they should act vigorously against the Prussians but after they had conquer'd those People they were to resign Culm c. and have the half of their Conquests to themselves These Auxiliary Troops prov'd afterwards very pernicious to Poland having been the Cause of many bloody Wars in that Country This Agreement between the Knights of the Cross as they were likewise call'd and Conrade was approv'd and confirm'd by Pope Gregory IX in the Year 1228. In a short time these Knights effected what they undertook This Lescus lies buried in the Cathedral at Cracow and left behind him a young Son BOLESLAUS V. surnam'd the Chast whose Guardians he order'd to be his Brother Conrade and Henry Duke of Breslaw his Cousin This young Prince notwithstanding the many Intrigues and Cabals Conrade form'd against him who design'd to make himself King was elected in the Year 1228 and reign'd to the Year 1278. He marry'd Cunigunda Daughter to Bela King of Hungary but after they were bedded he had not the courage to consummate the Marriage and therefore by mutual Consent both made a Vow of Chastity 'T was in this Prince's Reign the Tartars made their first Irruptions into Poland whereof there were three at several times In the first they ravag'd all the Country about Lublin and Russia and carry'd away an incredible Number of Prisoners with great Riches In the second they return'd with more fury and not being contented with the Plunder of Poland spread likewise all over Silesia where near Lignitz they entirely defeated the Confederate Army of the Christians wherein Henry Duke of Breslaw Boleslaus Son to the Duke of Moravia Pompo Great Master of the Teutonick Order and several other Persons of Note were kill'd The Number of dead Bodies was so incredible that they fill'd nine great Sacks with the Christians Ears cutting off each Head but one after the same manner as Hanibal at the Battle of Cannae fill'd several Bushels with the Rings cut off from the Fingers of the Roman Knights only that were there kill'd Boleslaus had not the courage to march in Person against the Tartars when they came a second time to invade him but retir'd with his Court into Hungary and thereby left his Subjects to the Mercy of their Enemies Which base Action the Poles being extremely offended at intended to have elected a new King whereupon Boleslaus Son to Henry Duke of Breslaw that was kill'd in the Battle afterwards was nam'd but Conrade vigorously opposing him and pretending to have more Right the Gentry to prevent Civil Wars recall'd their former King Bolestaus from Hungary and in the mean time Conrade dy'd Not long after the Tartars together with the Lithuanians which were hitherto Pagans made Incursions a third time into Poland when they pillag'd the Country up as far as Cracow which City meeting with no body in it to resist'em they both plunder'd and burnt Afterwards they went to Vratislaw which they found ready fir'd to their hands for the Townsmen having had timely notice of the coming of the Barbarians had got all their Treasure together and fled whilst the Souldiers distrusting the Strength of the Place and searing it might become a Prey to the Enemy set fire to it and retir'd into the Castle which having greatly incens'd the Tartars they laid Siege to the Castle with all imaginable Vigour and would soon have taken it had they not been frighted from before it by a Prodigy During this Boleslaus march'd in Person against the Lithuanians whom he overthrew and kill'd their Duke Mindacus The Prussians likewise being yet Pagans sided with the Lithuanians when the Teutonick Order which was then settled in Prussia call'd to their Assistance Ottocarus King of Bohemia who quickly reduc'd the Prussians and the better to keep them in Awe built a Fort call'd Koningsberg or Royal Hill Boleslaus was a pious and good Prince and lies bury'd at Cracow in a Monastery founded by himself He built other Religious Houses and reign'd near 50 Years and having made a Vow of Chastity left no Children Wherefore his Uncle's Son by the Father LESCUS VI. surnam'd the Black succeeded him being elected in the Year 1279 and reign'd only to the Year 1289. In the beginning of his Reign the Russians summon'd by the Lithuanians and Tartars made Incursions into Poland under Command of Leo their Duke but were defeated first by Varsias the King's General and afterwards were beat by the King himself out of a Village where they had entrench'd themselves which from that General 's Name has been since call'd Leopol and is now a sine City Upon this Defeat the Enemy were forc'd to retire with great Loss Not long after they return'd again but more to their prejudice than in the former Irruption for then tho their Army consisted of a Prodigious Number of Men and an innumerable Company of Mastiff Dogs train'd up to War yet were they a second time routed by Lescus insomuch that a certain People call'd Jazyges who then inhabited a part of Lithuania and came only to plunder in Poland were so totally destroy'd that there remains nothing left of 'em except the Name But at Length the Tartars making another Irruption had better success for they not only vanquish'd Lescus but also carry'd away besides Men marry'd Women and Children above twenty thousand Maids into Captivity After this Defeat an Insurrection was rais'd against Lescus by Paul Bishop of Cracow for that under the Reign of Boleslaus the Chast Lescus had kept him about a Month in Prison Hereupon Conrade Duke of Masovia was invited to accept the Crown who coming into Poland for that purpose was met at Sendomir by General Varsias Paul the Bishop and a great Number of the Nobility Upon this Lescus perceiving himself forsaken fled into Hungary to King Vladislaus but the City of Cracow still bearing a respect to him continu'd Loyal and prepar'd to sustain a Siege Whereupon having been summon'd to surrender their Answer was That they could not be trea●●berous to their lawful Soveraign Lescus but would defend his Right to the last drop of their Blood Hereat the Nobles being grievously nettled resolv'd to sit down with their Army before that City but upon their Approaches finding it empty the Inhabitants being retir'd into the Castle they set sire to it thinking by those means to bring the Enemy sooner to a Compliance This done Lescus having obtain'd a considerable Army of King Vladislaus was marching directly towards Cracow to relieve his
and King of Sweden contended for Prior Admittance when the latter being prevented by the Gout or at least so feigning it was forc'd to yield The Emperour's Minister therefore was introduc'd who in the Name of his Master recommended likewise Prince Vladislaus Afterwards the Swedish Embassador's Indisposition gave him leave to be admitted he propos'd a strict Alliance between Sweden and Poland in case the Diet would elect none of Sigismund's Issue but on condition that he should first renounce all Right to the Kingdom of Sweden This Proposal was not at all approv'd of and there was something else said also by this Minister which mightily displeas'd the Diet yet at that time they thought it better to dissemble their Dislike than provoke so powerful a Prince as Gustavus by a Resentment At this Diet the City of Dantzic had a great Favour granted them which was for the future to have a Vote at the Election of the Kings of Poland which Privilege had never been granted before but to the Cities of Cracow and Vilna one being Capital of Poland and the other of Lithuania Prince ULADISLAUS was chosen the 13th of November 1632. when he took the usual Oaths was proclaim'd by the Primate and afterwards crown'd on the 18th of February 1633. He was first marry'd to Coecilia Renata Daughter to the Emperour Ferdinand II. and afterwards to the Princess Mary Ludovica di Gonzaga Daughter to the Duke of Nevers of the House of Mantua The Kings of France always match'd the Princesses of Nevers and Nemours as Princesses of the Blood to Crown'd Heads The Year after his Election Vladislaus not only forc'd the Muscovites to raise the Siege of Smolensko and obtain'd a signal Victory over them but likewise brought their Army to such Extremities that they surrender'd themselves and the Turks who had made a Diversion were also at the same time bravely repuls'd Not long after Vladislaus made an advantageous Peace with the Muscovites by virtue of which they renounc'd their Protensions to the two large Dukedoms of Smolensko and Zernikow which begat such a Terror in the Turks that they also freely made Restitution for the Damages sustain'd in their last Incursion and strangled their Bassa who commanded those Forces He forc'd likewise the Swedes to restore him those Places they possess'd in Prussia and to prolong the Truce for 26 Years which they the easier consented to by reason that their Affairs in Germany were but in an ill Condition after the Battle of Norlinguen In the Year 1637 the Foundation of the War with the Cosacks was laid which brought unspeakable Damages upon the Poles and which was occasion'd thus The Privileges the Cosacks had obtain'd from King Stephen made them to encrease in Number and grow much stronger than they were before for the Peasants of all the neighbouring Countries having been exceedingly oppress'd by their Lords to deliver themselves from Slavery ran in great Numbers into the Vkraine whereby the Cosacks soon grew very formidable both to the Poles and Turks which embolden'd them to make frequent Incursions into Turky and which was afterwards the occasion of many bloody Wars between these two Nations The Great Men of Poland having purchas'd divers Estates in Vkraina thought their Revenues might be considerably augmented if the Privileges of the Cosacks were but reduc'd to a narrower Compass and if instead of plundering their Neighbours the Turks they were restrain'd to manure the Ground and live upon the Products of their own Labour Whereupon the Poles prevail'd upon their King Vladislaus to send General Konicepoliski to reduce them Hereupon at first the Cosacks made a vigorous Resistance and oppos'd the Building of the Fortress Hudack just at a Point where the River Zwamer falls into the Boristhenes But being at last entirely defeated by the Poles they were oblig'd to surrender their General Paulack with some others of the chiefest among them who notwithstanding a Pardon promis'd them before-hand were all beheaded Besides this it was decreed in the Diet that all their former Privileges together with the Fortress of Tectimoravia granted them by King Stephen should be taken from them and a new Body of Militia setled there in their stead To put this Decree in execution the Polish Army march'd forthwith into the Vkraine but were oppos'd by the Cosacks with great Bravery who yet nevertheless promis'd to be faithful to the Crown of Poland Provided their antient Privileges might be continu'd to them which the Poles readily agreed to but however never perform'd Nay treated several of them very ill for among other oppressive Methods they took from them some of their Greek Churches Afterwards the Cosacks recover'd in some measure under their General Bogdan Chmielinski who having been justly enrag'd by Jarinski's ravishing his Wife and afterwards murdering both her and her Son resolv'd on some Expedient to revenge this Affront and rid his Country of the Tyranny of the Polish Government In this King's Reign Posts were first us'd in Poland setled after the German manner in the Year 1647. King Vladislaus after an indifferently happy Reign dy'd of a malignant Fever at Merick in Lithuania the 20th of May in the Year 1648. The Muscovites vanquish'd under his Reign The Turks forc'd to sue for Peace The Inclination he ever had to oblige every body and the concern he was always under when it was out of his Power to give sufficient Proofs of his Liberality were powerful Motives to induce the Poles to regret his Loss whose Consternation was the more augmented after his Death by their Defeat and the taking of divers Places by the Cosacks for want of him Vladislaus leaving no Issue his Brother JOHN CASIMIR who had led a religious Life for some time and was afterwards created Cardinal by Innocent the Xth. succeeded him being elected King in the same Year that his Brother dy'd with the following Circumstances The Primate Mathias Lubienski having signifi'd the Death of the late King by Circular Letters and conven'd a Diet to meet on the 25th of June the Diet of Election having been fix'd for the 6th of October all the Senators and Deputies met at the time appointed but there were no such Heats and Intrigues among them as formerly by reason that the Cosacks and Tartars had rais'd too great Disorders in Poland for them to think of any thing at that time but Union for the News of such prodigious Preparations made against them were enough to stagger any Resolution but that of the Polanders whose Valour has generally procur'd them the greatest Success Hereupon Orders were immediately issu'd out to raise Troops to oppose these cruel Invaders and afterwards the Gentry proceeded to the Election of a Successor to the Throne at which time no body thought that Prince Casimir who was then complimented with the Title of King of Sueden would have had any Competitor for the Great Duke of Muscovy and the Prince of Transylvania