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ID Title Author Corrected Date of Publication (TCP Date of Publication) STC Words Pages
A16918 VVits theater of the little world Albott, Robert, fl. 1600.; Bodenham, John, fl. 1600. 1599 (1599) STC 381; ESTC S113430 200,389 568

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he was slaine by the Frizelanders in the second yere of his raigne VVhen hee was dead there vvas an Interregnū for 17. yeeres by reason of the Pope Some chose Alphonsus King of Spaine Emperour for his vvisedome and vertues which he refused the other part of the Electors elected Richard the King of Englands brother and brought him to Basill but he vvas not accepted of the Empire Rodolphus the Countie of Haspurge vvas elected and ruled 18. yeares hee killed O●hocarus King of Bohemia and burned one ●hat sayd he was Frederick the second he did 〈◊〉 a manner set vp the decaied Empire ere ●e died Adolphus County of Nason succeeded ●im but the Princes annoyed with his bad ●●fe ambition chose in his place Albertus ●he first of vvhom Adolphus in a battaill ●as slaine hauing raigned 8. yeeres Albertus the first son of Rodulphus went ●vith a great power against the King of France but in passing ouer the riuer Rhene ●e vvas killed of Iohn his brothers sonne af●er he had ruled ten yeeres Henry the seauenth Coūty of Lusenbruge ●aigned 32. yeeres and vvas poysoned by a Dominick Frier in the sacrament he made his sonne Iohn King of Bohemia by marry●ng the Kings Daughter vvhose sonne vvas Charles the 4. king of Bohemia Lodouicus Duke of Bauier vvas chosen Emperor by the Bishop of Mentz Trier the King of Bohemia and the Marquesse of Bradenbrough and against him was erected Fredericke Duke of Austria by the Bishop of Coleine the Count Palatine and Duke of Saxonie vvhereupon neyther of them vvould giue place in the Empire but rather for the space of eyght yeres they made warre one against the other in the end Lodouicus ouercame and killed Fredericke vvas sole Emperour raigning thirty and two yeeres hee dyed and vvas a Prince indued with all vertuous qualities Gunther Earle of Swartzenburge was named Emperour yet not vvith consent of all the Electors and shortly after hee vvas suddaily poysoned at Franckford Charles the fourth sonne to Prince Iohn the sonne of Henry the seauenth enioyed the Empire to the honour of this election were inuited Edvvarde the third King of England Frederick Earle prouinciall of Misen but they refused it Hee vvas a learned Prince and erected the Vniuersity of Prage and raigned 32. yeeres Venceslaus succeeded his Father Charles and gouerned 22. yeeres he through slothfulnesse let the Empire fall to ruine he vvas deposed by his brother Sigismund Rupertus or Robertus County Palatine of Rhene hauing possessed the empire after his warres against Galatius vvho was the first Duke of Millaine so created by Venceslaus as Sleidan reporteth gaue himselfe to peace and religion died raigning 9. yeeres Sigismundus the sonne of Charles the 4. vvas a most noble vertuous and learned Prince much condemning the Germaines ●or that they hated the Latine tongue hee ●ooke avvay the ambitious contention of ●hree Bishops of Rome draue them from ●heyr seates he died raigning 27. yeeres Albert the second Duke of Austria married the onely daughter of Sigismund vvho ●hereby vvas King of Bohemia Hungaria ●nd was the successor of Sigismund in hys time the most excellent and necessary Arte of Printing vvas inuented by the which the knowledge of God was renued he subdued ●he Normaines and the people of Svveuia he dyed of the bloody flixe raigning but 2. yeeres Frederick the third Duke of Austria gouerned the state for the space of 53. yeeres vvith so great vvisedome that it florished in ●ll prosperitie and quietnes hee died the 79. yeere of his age Maximilian the sonne of the Emperour Frederick Leonora daughter to the king of Lusitania raigned 32. yeeres he married Mary the daughter of Charles Duke of Burgundie by vvhom hee had the Dukedome and Matthew the King of Pannonia beeing dead he obtained the kingdome thys vvas a Prince noble valorous and a patron of all learning nor thought hee it dishonour hauing taken King Henry the 8. his pay to serue against Fraunce vnder his conquering colours Charles the 5. sonne of Philip vvho vvas Archduke of Austria and the sonne of Maximilian and Mary succeeded of this Philip came Carolus and Ferdinandus vvhose mother was Ioane Queene of Castile he had also foure daughters Leonora married to the King of Lusitania Isabell to the King of Fraunce Mary to the king of Denmark and Katherine to the king of Hungaria Charles the fift vvas crovvned at Aquisgrane with the siluer crovvne for it is an auncient custome that all Emperors should be crowned vvith 3. diuers crownes vvhich were of gold siluer and yron At Rome Bononie they were crowned with the crowne of golde for the Empyre o● Rome with the siluer at Aquisgrane for the Empire of Germany and at Menza with the yron crowne for Lombardie Charles Duke of Burbon with the Emperors host besieged Rome and sacked it constrayning Pope Leo to flie to his Castle An●elo but the Duke was vnfortunatly slaine ●n the assault with an harguebuze Hee was elected Emperor at 19. yeeres of ●ge Fraunces the French king was his com●etitor he conquered Millaine ouercame ●he Frenchmen and Switzers in which wars Fraunces there king was taken prisoner hee ●ooke the kingdome of Tunis from Aeno●arbus Lieuetenant of the Turke conquered by assault the towne of Affrick VVhen he had raigned 37. yeeres he resigned to his sonne Philip all the estate and ●ignories his Empire to his brother Ferdinando King of the Romaines this doone hee vvent into a Monastery of the Monkes of the order of Saint Hierome and therein dyed Ferdinand the brother of Charles sonne of Philip Archduke of Austria and Ioane Qu. of Castile blessed by God in many prosperous victories and in a small power in comparison of the forces of Solyman was made a Conquerour ouer the Turke Anno 1529. hee was a Prince of great clemencie a louer of learning studying to preserue peace in Europe among Christian Princes hee dyed when hee had raigned sixe yeeres and foure months Maximilian the sonne of Ferdinand vvas chosen Emperor 1564. Hee made prosperous expeditions against the Turkes died vvhen he had raigned 11. yeeres Rodolphus his sonne succeeded him who gouerneth the Empire at this day The maiestie of the Romaine Monarchie florished especially in the house of Haspurge and hath lineally brought foorth tenne Emperours The Romaine Empire hath surmounted all others that haue been or shal be it is novv much dismembred in Asia it hath nothing beeing as now possessed of the Turkes and Tartarians all Affricke almost is lost Portingall Spayne England France Poland Denmarke Hungaria Slauonia and all Greece are cut from the Empire vvith the Countries there abouts and the Iles of Sicilia Sardinia Corsica and Sauoy Italy vvhich hath alwaies beene the first most auncient patrimony of the Romain Empire scarce acknowledgeth the Emperour Spaine holds Calabria Puel Campania and the Kingdome of Naples c as by succession of their auncestors The old and auncient seate of the Empire the Popes possesse
him said an Anker was a token of safety and not of delay vvhereupon Seleucus euer after vsed an Anker in his signet Alexander returned from India to Babilon sayling in the ●ends a suddaine vvind did blow of his diadem into a place of reeds in which stoode the sepulchre of an ancient King which was held to be a token of his death Of Maiestie The fountaine of all excellent manners 〈◊〉 Maiestie being the whole proportion and figu●● of noble estate and properly a beauty or comlinesse in the countenaunce language gesture● which doth cast vpon the beholders bearers a fearefull reuerence THere was in the Emperour Augustus ● natiue maiestie for from his eyes issued raies or beames which pierced the eyes o● the beholders Sueto The Frenchman that came to kill Marius when he saw his countenance ran from him crying that he had no power to kil him App VVhen Vlisses ship and men had suffere●● shipwrack and he hardly escaped being ca●● all naked vppon the coast of the Pheacaes the Kings daughter sent him a mantle vvho comming to the King presented such a won●derful maiestie in his lookes and speech tha● Alcinous vvished Vlisses woulde take his daughter Nausicaa to wife Homer The people wondering at his maiesty honoured him with sundry presents at they● owne charges conueied him to Ithaca Scipio beeing in his manour place called Linternum diuers notorious theeues Py●ats came onely to see his person of vvhose ●ame they had heard so large reports but he not knowing this theyr intent armed hymselfe to make defence vvhich the Captaine perceiuing dispatched his followers lay●ng downe his vveapons said That they came not as enemies but wondering at his vertue and valour vvhervpon Scipio entertained thē Calphurnius Crassus conspiring vvith others the death of Nerua he knowing thereof placed them next to him at a publique show and not fearing danger being strengthened with a great mind gaue them swords ready drawne and asked them whether they vvere sharpe enough who taking the swords in their hands had no power to hurt him At the beginning whē the multitude of people were oppressed by them that abounded in possessions riches they espying some one which excelled in vertue and fortitude repaired to him who ministing equity when hee had defended the poore frō iniurie retained together the greater persons with the inferiour in an equall and indifferent order wherfore they called that man a king which is to say a Ruler Belus the sonne of Nemrod vvas the fir●● King in the vvorld The auncient Egiptians called theyr king● Epiphanes and had this custome that they should enter the Temple barefooted and because one of them came to the Church otherwise he vvas deposed and that name o● dignitie ceased They likewise called theyr Kinges Pharaones the Bithinians Ptolomaei the Latines Murani the Parthians Arsacides the Albanes Syluij the Sicilians Tyrants the Argiues Kings Nabuchad-nezzar intiteled himselfe King of Kings Alexander king of the world Demetrius conquerer of Citties Mithridates restorer of the vvorld Attyla the vvhyp of Nations Tamberlaine the scourge of God Dyonisius the hoast of men Cyrus the last of the Gods Henry the eyght king of England defender of the fayth Charles King of Fraunce the most christian king Alphonso King of Spayne the Catholicke king Thys Alphonso dyd first begin to make Bishops houses ioyning to the Cathedral Churches to the end that neyther colde in VVinter nor heate in Sommer might hinder their residencie In the Country of the Sydonians there vvas Dynastia which vvas called a linage of Kings that endured two hundred twentie fiue yeeres because all those Kings were of a good and vertuous conuersation The authority of Kings hath euer been accounted a thing diuine for Homer and Isocrates write that hee who gouerneth alone representeth a diuine maiestie In Egypt of Phylosophers they did chuse theyr Priests and of Priests their Kings with whom it was a law inuiolable that the King which had beene vvicked in his life shoulde not be buried after his death In the Ile Tabrobana kinges are chosen by election and not by blood Solinus Syllas dictatorship vvas called a negatiue ordained kingdom Appian The olde Romaine Kinges did vveare no crownes but held scepters in their hands of the vvhich Tarquinius was the last for that his sonne rauished Lucrecia the vvife of Collatinus Iustinus Plato following the fiction of Homer dyd write that kings children vvere composed of a precious masse to be seperated from the common sort Homer named kings Diogenes that is the generation of Iupiter and Diotrophes nourished by Iupiter and Aristes which Plato interpreteth to be the familiars of Iupiter and his disciples in politicke sciences The Kings of Persia in their priuie Chambers dispatched their greater matters themselues and left those of lesse consequence to their Princes It vvas a custome amongst the auncien● kings to put questions one to another to try the abilitie of theyr wits and certaine praise● rewards were appointed to them that excelled Plutarch Salomon sent riddles problemes to king Hiram vvhom it cost very much because he could not assoile them vntill at length hee founde a young man of Tyrus called Aba●mon vvho deciphered vnto him the mos● part of them Dion The Kings of Persia shewed themselues more subiect to lawes then thir lords Zona● The Kings of Lacedemonia did monthly sweare to guide themselues according to the Lavves and the Ephori tooke an oath in the behalfe of the people to see it executed Antiochus told his sonne Demetrius that their kingdome vvas a noble slauery There vvas foure Kings Princes which ●ad but one eye a peece Philip Alexanders ●ather Antigonus king of Macedonia Ha●iball of Carthage and Sertorius a Romain The first lost his eye at Methon the second ●t Perinthia the third vpon the Alpes the ●ourth in Pontus Plutarch Alphonsus vvas the first king of Lusitania the sonne of Henry Loraine and Tiretia the ●ase daughter of Alphonsus king of Castile ●n one battaile he ouercame 5. princes of the Sarazines and therefore in his shielde bare 5. seuerall coates of honour Cor. Agrippa Pharamond sirnamed VVarmond vvas the first King of Fraunce vvho came out of Germanie hee bare in his shielde three blacke Toades Of Monarchies A Monarchie most significatly representeth the diuine regiment wherin absolute soueraigntie consisteth in one onely Prince who commaundeth all and is not to be commaunded of any THE latter Romaines had a Duarchie vvhich is comprehended vnder the gouernment Oligarchie their Empire was deuided into two partes the one Emperour of the East the other of the VVest Eutrop. Aristocratie is the rule or power of the best and most vertuous men approued for good lyfe and vvisedome directing their thoughts to no other end then a generall profit Oligarchie is whē a fevv noble or rich men gouerne the Common-wealth reiecting the poore and baser sort Timocratie is the power of meane or indifferent vvealth gouerning by some