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ID Title Author Corrected Date of Publication (TCP Date of Publication) STC Words Pages
A10318 A directorie teaching the way to the truth in a briefe and plaine discourse against the heresies of this time Whereunto is added, a short treatise against adiaphorists, neuters, and such as say they may be saued in any sect or religion, and would make of many diuers sects one Church. Radford, John, 1561-1630. 1605 (1605) STC 20602; ESTC S115540 239,684 640

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they cannot answere Catholike arguments nor touch the Pope for or in his life yet will they slaunder all the Popes assistantes Bishoppes and Priests with their old worne out termes of Papists popery c. The Cardinals as is well knowne be Princes men of no small vertues of the greatest grauity learning and ciuility in the world maintaining vertue and learning and iustly punishing vice and heresies in all places refusing many of them no labours nor paines to helpe the poore vphold Gods Church amongst whome our late Cardinall Allen of blessed and worthy memory a most rare man and father to this country as all good english men the Christian world besides knoweth deserueth not the least praise and they be called Cardinals amongst other reasonable causes for this reason because euen as the doore is stayed and hangeth of the bookes so vnder Christ and his Vicar the safegard health wel doing of the flock of Christ is sustayned and dependeth much vppon the vigilant care and wisedome of this most graue senate their prudent mature ounsel Yf any of them as men do offend as is seeldome seene the Pope as iudge ouer all next to God leaueth it not vnpunished As for Bishoppes and Priests heere in our country of old though many of them most reuerend vertuous men yet wee are not bound to defend the liues of all but such as were naught indeede be the shame of your ministers and their new broched heresie for who but loose Priests and religious men of lewde life were ready so greedely to teceiue heresie yea became the first brokars of heresi as in Germany Luther a runnegat naughty Fryer Bawdy Bales heere in England many mo not worthy memorie And who resisted and dyed rather then they would yeeld to sinne and heresie but good vertuous mē indeede Who more learned wise graueand vertuous then John Fisher ate Bishop of Rothester who for that hee would not yeelde to the Kinges vnlawfull desier nor conseut to abrogate the Popes authority who neither would nor could dispence with the King in a thing contrary to Gods law whereof he fell out with the Pope and so you see vpon what groundes here in England begane heresie This holy Bishope I say nothing consenting vnto the Kinges vnlawfull desier in putting away his wife forsaking the lawfull Pastor of his soule the Pope whereby hee forsaw all heresie and mischiefe would follow Most gloriously in the defence of the Catholike and Apostolik faith apposed him selfe as a wall for the house God and sealing that in acte which before hee had preached and thaught by worde most constantly and victoriously shed his bloud So did that wise and honorable learned man Sir Thomas Moore so the Moncks of the Charter-house who at their death praying for the King and realme sealed likewise the truth with their bloud not like heretickes in Queene Maries time that at the stake like hell-houndes barked against the Pope and rayled against the Queene and state dying as furiously and obstinatly as these Martyrs in King Henries time our Priests in this Queene his daughters time die meekely and constantly and no meruaile for heretickes be Martyrs of the Diuell as Catholickes bee Martyrs of Christ For as S. Augustme saith It is not the death but the cause that maketh the Martyr For heretickes in his time were punished justly by Christian Princes yea some desperatly of olde killed themselues as we see now some wicked peruerse persons doe so that voluntary to die you see is indifferent both to good and badde So that our Sauiour called not euery one blessed that suffer persecution but such as suffer for righteousnesse sake Chap. LXXV Of Antechrist forerunnners of his falselymg signes deceits of his intollerable Luciseriā pride subtilty and short raigne though most violent persecution of his life birth death and ministers HEretikes then dying against the truth which is Christ what other be they then Martyrs of Sathan very Prophettes and fore-runners of Antechrist which most wicked man against the latter day shall come in all salse and lying signes and wonders flatly denying 2. Thes 2. Christ and God extolling himselfe above God as saith S. Paul with such subtilty that the very elect if it were possible should be deceaued But our good Lord IESVS for his elect sake will shorten those perilous dates For as we gather out of the holy Prophettes especially the Apocalips of Saint Iohn he shall Dan. 11. leb 12. 13. 14. 17. 19. 20. raigne but three yeares and a halfe whome our Lord IESVS shall destroy with his power yet in that short time he shall so persecute the Church that all the persecutions we now seele or that euer were since Christ be but as it were a shadow in respect of that of Antichrist For as the power of God was in Christ to conuert and win soules So by Gods sufferance all the power of the Diuell shall be in Antechrist to peruert and deceaue men Though the Diuel shal not be incarnate in Antechrist as God was in Christ wherein not by confusion of substance but by vnity of person two distinct natures in Christ bee but one person This persecution shall bee both openly and secretly openly in might power slaying the innocent and secretly in his fore-runners that prepare his way before his comming and after his cōming in his ministers that by sleights wiles vnder the colour of vertue shal bring in all horrible sin vice deceauing the innocent simple sheepe He shal be borne as many affirme of a Iew of the tribe of Dan. See how far all these qualities be frō the Pope of Rome which the heretikes call Antechrist For Antechrist is as much to say as contrary or against Christ The Pope he most honoureth preacheth and causeth Christ to be preached Antechrist shal cal himself God the Pope calleth himself seruāt of the seruants of God Antechrist as some gather out of Genesis Fiat Dan. Coluber in via c. Shal be borne of a Iew. The Pope is cōmōly an Italian Frenchmā or Spaniard borne chosen for his vertue and learning out of these or some other christiā country The Iewes chiefly shall receaue Antechrist at his cōming whom they looke for as their Messias Sauiour to come conquer the whol world with great pomp and glory as our Sauifore told them that another should come in Ioh. 5. his owne name him they woulde receaue which al Fathers vnderstād to be Antechrist that the Iewes shal receiue in steed of Christ whom they crucified cōming in his fathers name To be briefe there hath from Christs time to this day bin many Popes but Antechrist borne of the tribe of Dan or of some other tribe shall be but one man as S. Iohn in the Apocalips affirmeth he shall slay Enoch Apocal. cap. 11. and Helie whome Christ shall sende to preach against his false miracles and to comfort his
faith they despise whose good manners they so little followe and regard and whose very bodies and ashes they so racke teare and ransacke here ōn earth If we can of chalke make cheese make the Aethiopian white or firmely conjoyne brasse and earth togither then perhaps wee may joyne Catholikes and Protestants in one Church and make them beautifull and acceptable in Gods sight and not before no no these two as farre differ in Gods sight in his grace and fauour as the other things doe in nature and much more Heretikes that deuide their loue from the whole Church of God deuide their liues deuide their faith and religion can be no more acceptable of God the naturall head and spouse of his one only Church then it could be pleasing to the natural mother by Salomōs motiō to haue the child deuided who chose rather to leaue it in the euill womans keeping euen so God our true father will haue vs one as he is one in vnity of true faith and religion in his Church or else we cannot be true children with him in his house which is one and not deuided Hereupon my first ground 1. is this that neither Lutherans Protestants Puritanes nor any other secte whatsoeuer in the worlde dissenting from the common knowne Catholicke and Apostolike Romane Church can bee members of the true Church of GOD nor canpossibly bee saued because as God is one so his true Catholicke spouse the Church as one wife of one husband is one one in faith and religion and that in euery point and article tuam vnus Dominus vna fides vnum Baptisma and without true faith it is impossible to please God which is only the one Catholicke faith and Church vvithout vvhich vvhosoedyeth shall most certainly perish euerlastingly as all did bodely out of Noes Arke testemonies hereof bee abundant the Prophettes Saint Paul and all the whole course of Scriptures and Fathers so expounding them namely holy Athanasius vvhose Creede is receiued of the vniuersall Church of God which Church is rightly called vna Columba mea amica mea of Christ her spouse viz my only doue my darling one chosen out from amongst a thousand all heretickes then dissenting thus from Catholickes and amongst themselues can neuer be members of Gods Church as long as they remayne in this state deuided from that one and only Catholicke Church Secondly if wee looke inwardly into the most essentiall parts of our Catholike faith and religion you shall finde them chiefly to differ from vs therein for if they were but incertaine indifferent matters left for learned men to vse their opinions and judgment in and not articles of faith defined out of holy Scripture by the Church of God the true keeper and expositor of Scripture wherein they differ from vs they vvere tollerable but they differ from vs not only in lesse articles but in many and the chiefest substantiall intrinsicall parts and articles of faith the least vvhereof euery one vnder paine of damnation is bounde to keepe pure and vndefiled Nowe Buny in his Pacification pag. an hundred and eight following some of his fellowes Bullinger Musculus and the like vvho finding themselues miserably intangled vvith this question of the Church deuised certaine principles and foundations of faith wherein vvhosoeuer agreed they should be accounted all members of one church these Buny imitating of his bounty is so liberall towards vs poore Papists insomuch that more then once hee affirmeth that in substance of religion wee and they agree and therefore that wee bee all one members of one Catholicke and Apostolicke Church and blameth his fellowe Ministers that very rashly and inconsideratly they reject Papists from the communion of the true church For saith he vnlesse we confes the papistical Church to be the true Catholike and Apostolicke Church whereof wee are members no lesse then the Papists wee cast our selues into a great difficulty to finde any other Carholicke and Apostolicke Church which being planted first of the Apostles hath alwaies continued to our time wherein wee as members may be ingraffed which if wee cannot finde or performe then are vvee constrayned to confesse our Church to be more new and later then the Romane Church thus farre Buny whereby you may see what shifts heretikes are driuen to that woulde make the vvorlde to beleeue wee differ in small or no substantiall partes of teligion that so by seeming to creepe into one Church vvith vs though vvanting altogither the vertue and for the most part the true faith of members of the Church yet at leastwise they may couer themselues vnder the bare title of the true Church the more to couer their badde dealinges and to deceaue the simple But what frontlesse brazen faces of Protestants bee these to affirme that their sects agree with the CATHOLICKE CHVRCH not only of all former times and of all Nations in the vvorlde but also that they bee not contrary to the vniuersall Church at this day Let vs then briefly consider all the essentiall or substantiall parts of the Church of ancient time and of this age vvhich is all one and let vs see in vvhat one principall point of faith or gouernment Heretickes agree vvith vs. First they haue instituted another regiment or politique gouernment of the Church quite contrary to that of the true CATHOLICKE CHVRCH for in steede of the Bishoppe of Rome generall and only chiefe Pastor of the vvhole Church they haue made temporall Princes heads of the Church whereby as for example here in England making first a Man then a Boy and nowe a Woman heade of the Church they chaunge religion as oft as Princes vvhether the Prince bee Lutheran Adiaphorist halfe Catholicke as King Henry was Zwinglian as his daughter is said to be trinitary Arrian as another may be or Turke as perhaps the other may be if to bee supreame head of the Church bee so annexed to the Crowne as a matter of inheritaunce as our English Diuines nowe of late haue made it yea and that by Gods lawe wee bee bounde to obey them in spirituall matters then by this diuinity euery new King may coyne a newe religion quite contrary to his predecessor and all good and holy Whereas to Pster and his successors Christs Vicar by Christs ordinance made head of his Church to keepe vniformity of faith to the worldes end in the same is certainly promised to the confusion of all heretickes in the vvorlde that his faith euer one shall not faile which promise Christ hath hitherto kept with his Church and generall Pastor and shall doe to the worlds end let me see now vvhether any hereticke in the vvorlde can or dare auouch so much for his sect whereas vvee dare boldlye affirme that CHIST his prayer to his father for our true Church is heard Ego rogaui pro te Petre vt non deficiat fides tua Well this ordinance of CHRIST of such importaunce for the gouernment of the Church heretickes haue altered and