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A04988 A Catholicke apologie against the libels, declarations, aduices, and consultations made, written, and published by those of the League, perturbers of the quiet estate of the realme of France Who are risen since the decease of the late Monsier, the Kings onely brother. By E.D.L.I.C.; Apologie catholique. English Belloy, Pierre de, ca. 1540-1613.; Aggas, Edward, attributed name. 1585 (1585) STC 15137; ESTC S108196 138,975 314

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to the Lady Loise married into the house of Roch-sur-you the Countie of Montpensier and landes of Combrailles which in so doing he rected into a Dutchy meete for the heires of the sayde Lady who at this day do beare the same name of Bourbon and are extract out of the second principall braunch of this house which we left of aboue vntill we had ended the first braunch of the elder And now to returne to the sayde Sir Charles in him dyed the ligne male of the principall stock of the house of Bourbon As for his two Sisters the one called Claude was wife to good Duke Antony of Lorrain whose stocke yet remaineth The other Loise was maried into the other principall braunch of Bourbon who hath left issue of the name of this house 13 Now let vs take the seconde braunch the first chiefe partition of this race which is the stocke of the latter yonger borne and yet remaineth to this day in the roume of the eldest and beareth the Name and full armes thereof as remayning alone after the default and ending of the elder Concerning y ● males this ligne beginneth againe in Iames of Bourbon the yonger Sonne of Lewes first Duke of Bourbon of whom we haue spoken before This Iames was Constable of Frāce after Charles of Spaine who flew Charles King of Nauarre in the time of King Iohn He had to wife Iehane of Saint Paule and was and so named himself Earle of Marche Of him came one onely sonne named Iohn who succeeded hym and married Catherin Countesse of Vendosme and Castres who brought into this house those two Counties togither with the landes of Carcuecy Lupe Conde Espernon Mōdoubleau and others Of these two issued three children Male Iames Lewes and Iohn also three daughters Anne wife to y e Duke of Bauiere Charlot maried to the King of Ciprus and Mary to Robert of the Crosses who tooke his saide wife by force and therfore fled and it was said he was drowned In his tyme hee gouerned King Charles the seuenth Now to retourne to the issue male Iames had to his protion the Counties of March and Castres Lewes the Coūtie of Vendosme As for Iohn he had the Lordship of Carcuecy and maried a gossip of his called Margaret a Vandosmois by whom hee had some Children and got a dispensation to haue her to Wife notwithstanding the said children were not aduowed into this famely neither succeded in his goods but by sentence were declared illegitimate and which is more the said Iohn of Bourbon the Father in his Testament willed great giftes and substitutions to the behoofe of his other two sonnes Iames Lewes in whose persons he planted him selfe and raised the first after bough and vnder twigge of this second principall branch 14 This Iames of Bourbon eldest sonne to Iohn liued in the time of Charles the sixt and had two wiues the first Beatrix of Nauarre the yōger daughter of the house of Nauarre which was the first alliāce of those two houses They two had issue a daughter named Leonor After the decease of the saide Beatrix the said Iames of Bourbon allyed him selfe by marriage as it is pretended with Iane Queene of Naples who had before as the speech went promised marriage to the King of Arragon and deceiued them both So as the sayde Iames of Bourbon beeing gone into the Realme of Naples was in the ende forced to leaue the sayd Iane and to retire into Fraunce where after his returne he still bare the title and name of King of Naples notwithstanding the sayd Iane had afterward giuen it to others and finally deceased leauing for his onely heire the sayd Leonor his Daughter who succeeded him in the sayd Counties of Marche and Castres She maried Bernard of Armanack Earle of Pardiar a yonger sonne of the house of Armanack These two had issue two sonnes Iohn Bishop of Castres and Iames who succ●eded in the sayd Counties of his father mother and besides in the right of his sayd mother Beatrix of Nauarre layd claime to the land of Nemours which he procured to be erected into a Dutchy tooke possession thereof and enioyed it He married the Daughter of Charles of Anieow Earle of Mayn and of Isabell of Luxembourg his wife This Iames of Armanack at the beginning was in fauour but afterward fall into suspition with Lewes the eleuenth and was executed at the Halles in Paris the 24. of August 1147. he left fower Children two Sonnes and two Daughters Iames Duke of Nemours and Lewes Earle of Guyze the two Daughters Margaret Charlot married into the house of Rohan who deceased without issue of their bodies so as in them failed this vnder twigg both male and female 15 Now remaineth to bee spoken of the ligne of Lewes brother to Iames. He for his part had the Countie of Vendosme and was taken at the battell of Agincourt in the tyme of Charles y e sixt He maried first Lady Iane of Roussy secondly Lady Iane of Lauall of whom discended one only sonne called Iohn of Bourbon who maried Lady Isabell of Beaumount of these two were borne two sonnes the one called Francis the other Lewes They had also sixe Daughters Iane wife to the Lord of Ioy●use the scond Iane first maried to Iohn Duke of Bourbon who was of the line of the elder of this house and secōdly to Iohn of the Tower Earle of Bologne of whome is issued Lady Katherine of Medecis Queene mother to the king Kitherin wife to Sir Gilbert of Chabaues in Limosin Charlot maried to Gilbert of Cleue of whō came the last Lord Duke of Neuers Rene Abbesse of Fronteuout Isabell Abesse of Caen as for the two Sonnes Francis the Eldest succeeded in the Countie of Vendosme Mondoublean Espernon and other Lands houlden of that famely wherto was added the Lordshippe of Saint Calais Lewes the yonger was made Lord of Rochsur-yan and of the landes of Lupe and Conde in Henault 16 Now because concerning the question now to be delt in wee are to argue of the succession of the elder we will seeke out the farthest and will first speake of the Branche of Lewes the yonger sonne Prince of Roch suryen He maried Loise of bourbon who was of the elder liue and sister to Sir Charles of B●urboun the last Of this mariage proceeded two Sonnes and a Daughter the elder sonne was Lewes who died but lately bearing the title of Duke of Montpēsier by the cōposition made in the time of the late Francis the first after the decease of Sir Charles of Bourbon Hee left one heire Male named Francis of Bourbon nowe Duke of Montpensier and sundrie daughters This Francis hath of his mariage with the daughter of the Marquize of Mezieres one onely sonne called Henry Prince of Dombes The other sonne of Lewes Prince of Roch-sur-you and of Lady Loyse of Bourbon was Prince of Roch sur-you who died within these fewe yeres without issue Wee must now then
namely Godfrey of Buillon so called for y t he was nursed in the Castle of Buillō which now y ● Bishop of Liege holdeth his brother Balduin But these remayning in the holy lande the kingdome whereof fell to them by the election made of the said Godfrey the Emperour Henry the fowerth in the yeere 1101. gaue the Dutchy of Lorrain to Henry Earle of Lembourg whome after hee had rebelled against him he had taken againe into fauour And in troth this Henry of Lembourg was a very bad man for besides infinit other his misdeedes we find that at the prouocation of the Pope thē being he moued warre betweene Henrie the fowerth and the fifth the father and the sonne The father gaue him the Dutchy yet he tooke the sonnes part and then retourned to the fathers side after whose death hee went and fell at the sonnes f●●te who committed him to prison and in the yere 1106. inuested Godfrey by some named William Earle of Louaine in the Dutchy of Lorraine whose seruice while hee was at Liedge hee vsed in taking Mountfaucon a hould the Lorde whereof was very insolent Of this Earle of Louain sprunge that house of Lorraine which yet continueth for vnto him succeeded Thierry to Thierry Thibault after Thibault a certaine Matthewe was Duke and so successiuely vnto the sayde Lady Isabell wife to Rene of Aniew as is aforesayd So as it is an abuse and manifest deceit to search the race of Charlemaigne in the house of Lorraine sith it is 580. yeeres since it vanished and was quite lost euen after that fower sundry Famelies haue succeeded one after another in the sayd Dutchy of Lorrain One of the yongest of which house who was Graundfather to the Dukes of Guise and Maine now being drawing into France with very smal wealth receiued as also after him his Children so many benefites at the hands of the Kings Francis the first Henry the second and his posteritie that they haue through the liberalitie of their Maiesties encreased their Patrimonie to a Million of Frankes of Rent that they houlde in this Realme whereas their grandfather Claude when he maried Lady Antoynet Bourbon daughter to the Duke of Vendosme had not aboue 14. or 1500. besides they haue bene honored with the greatest offices of y e Crowne as the office of great Master which was wōt to be in the house of Montmorencie and other of the most honorable So as it might be hard to thinke that nowe they would imitate the Moyle whose nature is to kicke and spurne at his Mother when hee hath sucked enough of her Milke either that they had so vnthāckfull a minde as to take weapon against the Royall Famely whereunto they are indebted in whatsoeuer they are yea and that vnder a false perswasion that they should be discēded from Charlemagne which is contrarie to all trueth 4 To verefie therefore that the Princes of Lorraine neuer came out of the house of Fraunce it will be sufficient to shewe that in the succession of the Dutchy of Lorraine they obserue not the Salicke lawe as it was iudged by the Fathers assembled at the Counsaile of Basill on the behalfe of Isabell of Lorrain wife to Rene of Anieow and daughter of Charles of Lorraine against her Cousen Antony of Lorraine the sonne of Ferry the yonger sonne of Charles Hereby it manifestly appeareth that thus they declare the Princes of Lorraine to bee no Frenchmen neither euer to haue bene of the bloud royall of Fraunce or capable of the Crowne for the which and in the soueraigne succession wherof the Salicke lawe hath of olde time euen since Pharamond bene religiously obserued and thereby not onely the daughters but the males of them proceeding haue bene excluded from the Realme of Fraunce according as the decree of the sayde lawe importeth in these words Of the Salicke landes the woman shall chalenge no portiō but the succession therof shall appertaine to the males The reason of this constitution is because our fathers did horribly detest the gouernment of straūgers which vndoubtedly must needes haue often happened if the males of daughters that were wiues to forraine Princes might haue bene capable as some would perswade y ● childrē of Lorraine y t they may pretende as wrongfully as did Edward of England whose cause was solembly ended by the whole states of Frāce for Philip of Vallois afterward King against the sayd Edward the sonne of Lady Isabell daughter of Phillip y e faire after that Prince Robert of Arthois had openly made an Oration to the Estates for the sayd Phillip and had among other alleadged the reason aforesayd the originall whereof he drewe from before the Emperour Iustinian and Paule Emilie speaking of the ioye and contentation that the French conceiued after this sentēce writeth thus King Phillip making his entrey into the chiefe Towne of his Realme was receiued with as great pleasure ioye and triumph of people as euer was King of Fraunce where was a world of people crying God saue the King The streates were paued with Flowers according to the seazon and adorned with the most triumphant Furniture that could at that tyme be found To bee briefe saith the Historie the people forgat no kinde of demonstration of their contentation for the comming of this King to the Crowne He saith moreouer y t the Towne feasted his Maiestie y e Princes of his bloud and Officers of his Crowne praysing publickly extolling him as the preseruer and defence of the French Maiestie and the libertie and dignitie of the Salicke law whereby the Frenchmē who were accustomed to prescribe lawes to Straungers were neuer ruled by them Then he endeth his speech saying that the most part of the night was put away with the light of Bonfyers throughout y e Realme and the howers of sleepe consumed in daunsing singing and all sortes of honest and delectable mirth especially at Paris y ● townes men marched in great troupes to congratulate each other for the welcomming of this King whom they termed the Bulwarke and preseruer of the best of their lawes These good fathers were no basterdly French as are those of our cursed world and would haue kept themselues farre from informing much lesse from begging those meanes that might bee imagined for the breach of this goodly Salicke lawe which is the onely Oracle of France and true rampier of the French dignitie which also sith it is euident that the Princes of Lorrain haue not vsed it is an vndoubted demonstration that they are not discended of the race of our Princes who haue so highly commended it in their Empier and soueraigne gouernement 5 In deed our deceiuers since considering that this foundation was too rashly propounded and might breede hatred in the King against the Princes of Lorraine whome they would bring into this bad action because his Maiestie beeing iustly agrieued hath power enough and ready to chastize the Authors of
Greece Also among other the Ecclesiastical aunswers of the Pat●iarkes of Constantinople is to bee seene this of Germanus to the Bishop of Ara who enquired how he was to proceed against a maiden that had bene blessed and corrupted before her ripe age also against the Priest that had ministred these ceremonies Whereto aunswer was made that the maid should be seperate and the Priest put from his charge 5 As in trueth in all well ordered Commonwealthes there haue euermore bene established a certaine age for the conioyning and mariage of the Citizens of the same because as saith Ful●entius the lawe of mariage is by the will of God ordeined f●r hauing of issue it is meete that it be contracted at lawfull age So as by the pollicie of some Citties it was considered that the tyme of generation doth for the most part by nature ende in the man at the 70. and in the woman at the fiftie yeere Aristotle is of opiniō that after that age mariage is not to be permitted Whereto seemeth to agree that which is found in the establishment of the Romaines Among whom those Citizens were not iudged to haue satisfied the lawe Iulia which was made for mariages who to the ende not to be subiect to the penalties limitted in detestation of vowed chastitie did contract matrimonie the man after sixtie yeres or the woman after fiftie For Iustinian also writeth that some accompted it almost a wonder in nature to see a woman with childe after she were fiftie yeres of age And it seemed such marriages were contracted not so much in hope of begetting children into the Commō-wealth as in respect of some wealth or other perticuler commoditie that the one hoped for of the other by which reazon wee reade that Antigonus perswaded his sonne Demetrius to marrie an old woman named Philla vsing the authoritie of Euripides which he altered to his purpose and in liew that the verse said 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 he sayd 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 to the ende the sence might importe that for some benefite hee should not differ the mariage of a wife though of a contrary age As on the other side also ouermuch youth was neuer accoumpted meete for the coniunction of mariage because therein generation cannot bee but lame and vtterly vnperfect the mother in greater daunger at her childbirth the father more vndiscreete in the coniunction and so the more hindered from atteining to that perfection and force which Nature reserueth to their bodies wherevpon the auncients imagined that the Idoll of Apollo gaue the Trezenians warning when he had them beware of casting their seede ouer hastely vpon the fieldes of their countrey 6 Finally concerning this present argument although the sayd Lady Iane of Albret had offended in marying with the late Antonie of Bourbon Duke of Vendosme because she had beene afore married to the Duke of Cleue yet were that no let why the King of Nauarre now raigning should not bee borne of the lawfull mariage of the sayd Antony of Bourbon his father who doing amisse that vpon simplicitie vnder the authoritie and in the face of the Church with publicke credite did solemnize the said mariage in which cace there is no doubt but the Childrē of a putatiue mariage as say the Canonistes are legitimate because in a doubtfull cace sentēce must passe in fauour of the marriage and of the children borne in the same the question depēding vpō the simple meaning conscience of him that meaneth to marrie a wife for by the lawes and decrees of the Church opinion hath the vpperhand of trueth so as by the common resolution it is enough for the legitimation of children that either the one or the other of the cōtracters ment good faith in that coniunction beleeuing it to be a thing lawful for him Thus doe you briefly see how children borne of such mariages are legitimate In our cace wee haue moreouer aduowed that the pretended marriage of Lady Iane of Albret mother to the now raigning King of Nauarre was voyd and of no effect and for such by all reason iustly broken and disanulled by the iudgement of the Church with whose authoritie the sayd Lady Iane was permitted to marie where she pleased which was not done without president For wee reade in the auncient Chronickles that for the like cause the Emperour Ottho the fourth was diuorsed from Margaret Daughter to the Duke of Brabant Lewes Daulphin of Viennois sonne to King Charles y e sixt a litle before he dyed vsed as some say the like pretence to returne Catherin daughter to y e Duke of Bourgondy home again In later tyme King Charles the eight of Fraunce in the yeere 1480. was by his father Lewes the eleuenth before hee was foreteene yeeres old affianced by words present and so by indissoluble marriage vnto Margaret of Austrich daughter to the Emperour Maximilian who being then but two yeeres olde was conueyed into Fraunce and there brought vp for the space of ten whole yeeres after the which they were neuerthelesse diuorced by a dispensation from Pope Innocent the eight who also for the like reason dispensed with Lady Anne of Brittaine and gaue her leaue to marrie where she pleased notwithstāding during her minoritie her father Francis Duke of Brittaine had matched her with the Emperour Maximilian by proxye had celebrated the sayd mariage Nicholas Duke of Lorrain while his father Duke Iohn liued did in the yeere 1460. by present words affiance Lady Iane of France daughter to King Lewes the eleuenth and yet comming to the age of foreteene yeeres he did through the Popes dispensatiō betroth Lady Mary of Bourgondy Daughter to Charles the last Duke of Bourgondy whom he was going to marrie when death euen during the preparatiues of the solemnitie of the mariage preuented him So the manifolde decrees and iudgements passed in like matters doe manifest vnto vs the exceeding malice of the enemies of the sayd Lord King of Nauarre 7 Their seconde obiection importeth that the sayd Lorde King of Nauarre is an Hereticke and therefore vnworthy to succeede in the Realme of Fraunce whose Kings are intituled most Christian in respect of the oath that they take at their sacring in the hands of the Archbishop of Rheimes which is that to their powers they shall defende the Catholicke Religion and faith which the sayd Lord King of Nauarre cannot doe as professing an opinion already condemned by the Church and so consequently can not pretend aught in the sayd Crowne neither may the subiects thereof obeye him according to the decree of the generall Counsaile holden at Roome vnder Innocent the third about the yeere 1215. repeated out of the auncient constitutions of Theodosius the yonger Valentinian the 3. and Martian all most Catholicke Princes vpon the confirmation of the general Counsailes of Ephesus and Chalcedon and afterward recited by Iustinian the first in the fifth Counsaile of
to bee borne ouer vs Will wee graunt that to force that belongeth to reason In my opinion we deceiue our selues if we weene by weapons to wrest any thing from Mars especially in whatsoeuer concerneth Religion which among honest and the best men goeth nearer and is of greater efficacie then all other humaine actions So as to the contrary I doe stedfastly beleeue that wee haue the more cause to hope well of the gouernment of the said Lord King of Nauarre if it should happen For sith his enemies are forced to cōfesse that of himself he is a Prince wise well taught discreete and reasonable also that our selues see him assured and by weapons in expugnable in that which from his infancie hee hath bene perswaded to bee good for him in respect of y t feare that he hath of God how great a peece of the work soeuer offereth it self to his view or whatsoeuer humaine hazard there be any apparance that he should feare in the conseruation of a mightie earthly Kingdome whereof as yet he is presumptiue heire it is an inuincible argument for vs to knowe that hee loueth and feareth God aboue all things Let vs therefore giue him a taste of our reasons sith he is so very capable to the ende we may at his hand winne that we desire and which wee ought and may spedely hope for without perticulerly hating his person without offending him without prouoking him and without encurring the wrath of God by procuring the shedding of the innocent bloud of so many thousands of our brethren and together with them the destroying of our poore Countrey As yet in troth it is too great an abuse to terme the said Lord King of Nauarre a Rebell or Traytor to the Kings Maiestie for keeping himselfe from being slayne and for opposing to his enemies the walles of those who being shadowed in their owne houses did onely withall instance and most humble petition require the King to permit them to liue in peace of conscience vnder his obedience against the which they did n●uer striue neither would euer had recourse vnto or craued the said Lord King of Nauarres protection whome they know neuer to haue so much loued any thing as to liue his Maiesties most humble most obedient subiect whereof wee all in our consciences are eye witnesses neither neede we any greater proofe for the iustification of him who neither doth neither euer did desire of the King his Lorde any other thing then to liue in his good fauour and to bee of him accoumpted a most humble and most obedient subiect and kinsman 3 For this cause in this action let al good Frenchmen cōsider that the sayd Lord King of Nauarre is as they the Kinges good subiect a Christian one that feareth God and a louer of his Countrey so as for his sake wee neede not take armes or beate our braynes as doe some that be perswaded by the wicked counsaile of these firebrandes he is the sonne of the famely he is not a Spaniard that commeth to your walles and to y e doores of your houses he is a true Frenchman one that desireth peace and one that would obey the King his Lord in whatsoeuer lyeth in him he is a louer of the lawes of the Realme a sworne enemy to the sedicious an oppressor of the wicked and a defender of the Commonwealth Besides he hath aboue all other the French nation the honor to bee the first Prince of the bloud royal heire apparant to the Crowne in case God should cal our King without leauing any issue male of his body Let euery one therefore consider that al his enemies obiections are but meere cauillations Let the French nation iudge whether they haue not more cause or are not greatlier bound to loue and acknowledge the King of Nauarre then and other next to the Maiestrie of our soueraigne Lord the King seeing we haue chosen for our tutors gouernours and lawfull administrators the most noble and couragious famelie of the Capets to bee our Kinges of Fraunce from whence is discended in right masculine ligne on the fathers side the sayde Lord King of Nauarre as is aforesayde also that euery other way he hath thence taken his originall for his Grandmother on the fathers side was Lady Frances of Alencon daughter to Rene Duke of Alencon and sister to Charles last deceased all discended in right ligne of y e males of Charles of Valois who first tooke the name and title of Alen●ō and was brother to Philip of Valois King of France both sonnes to Charles of Valois brother to King Philip the Faire which two were sonnes to Philip y e Bould eldest sonne to S. Lewes and his successor in the Realm Againe the sayd King of Nauarres Grandmother by the mother was Lady Margaret of Fraunce sister to King Frances the first As for the Kings of Nauarre whom by his mother Iane of Albret daughter and heire to Henry of Albret King of Nauarre whom he hath succeeded they also are discended from father to the sonne of the house of France by the interposition of daughters capable of succession in the Realme of Nauarre for Henry Earle of Champagne and Brye by his mother Blanch King of N●uarr● maried a daughter of Robert Earle of Arthois sonne to King Lewes the 8. of Franc● and brother to S. Lewes of which marriage was borne Iane heire of 〈◊〉 and wife of Phillip the Faire King of France of them two came Lewes Hutin successor in the Realmes of France and Nauarre when he dyed he left a daughter Iane who after her Vnkles Phil. the Long Charles y t Faire was Queene of Nauarre she maried Phil. of Eureux sonne to Lewes of Eureux Sonne to Phillip the bould King of France and brother to Phillip the fayre Of their mariage issued among other children Charles King of Nauarre who maried the daughter of King Iohn of Frāce and of them was borne a Sonne of the same name for whose sake King Charles the sixt erected the lande of Nemours into a Dutchy At his decease hee left two Daughters of which Blanch the elder succeeded in the sayd Realme and of her and Iohn of Castile her houseband issued Eleoner wife to Gaston of Foix who seazed vpon the Succession of the realme of Nauarre and other great goods Of that mariage came Gaston of Foix that maried Magdalein of France sister to King Lewes the eleuenth who had Frances Phebus king of Nauarre after his grandmother Eleoner and Catherin who succeeded her brother Phebus shee maried with Iohn of Albret father to Henry of Albret and grandfather to Queene Iane late deceased at Paris mother to the said King of Nauarre now raigning So as it adpeareth that he is on euery side true french and issued of the bloud royall of Fraunce Let vs not therefore any longer giue eare to these sclauuders but only haue recourse to God by hartie praier that if the sayd Lorde King of Nauarre or
Vnckle after the decease of Earle Robert because he was sonne to the elder who dyed afore his father True it is that for entering vpon the sayd Countie and taking vpon him the title of Earle before he had taken his oath done homadge to his Maiestie he was arrested at Paris and imprisoned in the Castle of Louure from whence he was soone after deliuered againe An other solemne arrest passed in the tyme of Phil. of Valois about the yeere 1328. for the Dutchie of Brittain by reason of the decease of Duke Iohn who dyed without issue leauing behind him his third brother Ih. Earle of Montfort and the daughter of his second brother Guy Vicountie of Limoges then wife to Charles Earle of Blois vnto whom by sentence of the Court the sayd Dutchie in the yerre 1341. was adiudged because Charles of Blois shewed y ● by the custumes of Brittaine the succession belonged to the eldest thē to the second and lastly to the third thereupon inferring that his wife daughter to the second did represent the same person But where the house of Montfort did afterward enioye the same Dutchie that came by vertue of a certaine agreement afterwarde made at the entrie of Charles the fifth in the yeere 1364. An other sentence passed in the tyme of Frances the 1. in the yeere 1517. for the Countie of Foix and other the landes belonging to the same famely betweene Odet of Foix Lord of Lautrect and Villemur and Henry of Albret King of Nauarre Grandfather to the King of Nauarre now raigning for Gaston of Foix and Eleanor of Nauarre had two sonnes Gaston the eldest and Iohn Vicountie of Narbonne the yonger Gaston dyed before both father and mother leauing suruiuours by his wife Lady Magdalem of Fraunce daughter to Charles the seauenth two children Philip Phebus and Ratherine whereupon their Vnckle Iohn Vicountie of Narbonne hauing maried the sister of King Lewes the 12. made suite against the sayde Phebus his neuewe pretending eldership by the decease of his brother Gaston The cause pleaded in the Court of Parliament was by the Counsaile compounded in the yere 1488 but soone after began againe by Gaston of Foix Duke of Nemours sonne to the sayde Iohn being in great fauour with his Vnkle King Lewes the 12. but because hee dyed at the battaile of Rauenna without issue it seemed this processe might haue ended but it fell out otherwise for Odet of Foix his Cossen and pretended heire tooke the same cause in hand against Katherin sister to the sayd Phebus deceased and proceeded so farre that by arrest of the Court in the yeere 1517. he was put by the sayd Coūtie together with other the Lordships of the same famelic adiudged vnto Henry of Albret sonne to the sayde Katherine and his posteritie of whom as is aforesayd is discended the now Lorde King of Nauarre In England after the decease of Edward the third in the yeere 1378. Richard sonne to Edw. Prince of Wales was without contradiction crowned and preferred before his Vnckles the Dukes of Lancaster of Clarence of Glocester and Yorke but aboue twentie yeeres after for his euill behauiour and misgouernment he was deposed and his Cossen Henry sonne to Iohn Duke of Lancaster set vp in his place In Portugall King Alphons the fifth had two children Fernand and Henry who beeing the elder deceased before his father leauing a sonne named Iohn after the decease of the said Alphons the said Iohn commonly called Iohn the second whō the common Histories doe falsly terme sonne to the sayd Alphons did peaceable enioye the Crowne from the yeere 1482. vnto the yeere 1495. when he dyed without issue and then his Cossen Emanuell sonne to Ferdinand succeeded him The sayd Emanuell hauing raigned 22. yeres among other children left his sonne Iohn the third who was crowned after him and Henry the Cardinal Iohn the 3. during his raigne had a sonne of the same name who dyed before his father leauing his wife with childe of Sebastien who after his Grandfather Iohn the 3. was preferred before his great Vnckle Henry brother to the sayd Iohn the 3. notwithstanding the sayde Sebastiens father was neuer King and that the said Henry might haue obiected the same but he raigned not vntill the sayd Sebastien dyed and left no issue which question sayth Tiraquell doth so resemble ours as one Bee may an other In Castile King Alphons the 10. had two sonnes the elder Ferdinand who maried Blanch daughter to S. Lewes and of her begat Ferdinand and Alphons The younger called Sanxi who seeing his elder brother dead and waying his neuewes right to the Realme could not tary the decease of his father the sayde Alphons but during his life time raised warres to the ende to procure himselfe to bee declared heire whereat this good olde man was so wrath that he accursed him Besides that the French King Phillip the third Vnckle by the mother to the sayde yong Princes after he had therevpon asked aduise of the wise men of his Realme led an armie vnto the frontiers of Spayne and had gone forward had not the Popes Legat lingered him with wordes together with the assurance which the sayde Alphons made him viz. that he would vpholde the right and cause of his sayd neuewes which neuerthelesse he soone after he forgat and sent out his Letter sealed with gold and his owne Image therein grauen to his subiects repugnant to the former and by meanes of the same by forc●establish●d Sanxi his seconde sonne so as the orphelins were not ouercome but with the swor● without any shewe of reason as the historie doe import In Sicill the like quarell being moued betweene the sonne and the neuewe of Agathocles in the extremitie of his sicknesse the neuewe by the will and iudgement of God ouerthrew his sayd Vnkle and remayning victor was King ouer the whole Land In Germany vpon the like controuersie vnder Henry the 3. after vnder Ottho the Great the histories doe report that the States of the Empire met and agreed that this debate should as the custome of that time required be ended by a cōbat wherein the defendants of the cause of y ● neuew sonne to his brother y t would haue had his fathers roume were conquerors and thereupon the sayd Estates did so conclude and adiudge it More solemne also is the sentence which Licurgus the true Oracle of humaine wisedome gaue in his owne cause about the 17. Olimpiade in the time of Numa King of the Romaines for wee reade that his father Enomus King of the Lacedemonians had two sonnes Polidectes and Licurgus the first dyed before his father leauing his wife with childe Enomus dead Licurgus tooke the royall Diadem and kept it a fewe moneths vntill at a banquet among his friendes his neuewe the after borne was offered vnto him whome hee named Charilaus withall set the Crowne vpon his head To
eldest sonne before whom was preferred to the Empire Lewes the Mecke second sonne to the sayd Charles But this example may most easily be aunswered because it was the same Charles their common father that had deuided his Dominions among his children and had giuen Italy to Pepin his eldest sonne which also was reserued to the sayde Bernard his sonne and therefore after the pertition made by the sayd Charles he could pretend no further in y e succession that might come in question besides that at that time the Empire was not properly successiue for notwithstanding the neerest in bloud to the deceased Emperour did succeede yet durst hee not so intitle himselfe vntill by the consent of the Romaines he had bene publickly annoynted and crowned Much lesse also was the Imperiall dignitie successiue after the creation of the Princes electors of the same in the tyme of Ottho the 3. of the house of Saxony or by the opinion of the skilfullest of our worlde in the tyme of Fredericke the 2. so as there is no likelihoode to drawe an electiue Empire into consequence with hereditarie and patrimoniall Kingdomes The 5. indgement is of the Coūtie of Arthois which was in strife in the time of Philip the Faire King of France betweene Maude wife to Ottho Earle of Bourgondie daughter to Robert Earle of Arthois slaine at the battaile of Courtray and Robert the sonne of Phillip who likewise was sonne to the sayd deceased Earle Robert in which case the aforesayde Countie of Arthois was by the sayd French King adiudged to Maud who was preferred before her neuewe Robert being yet in infancie And in troth the historie setteth downe no other perticuler occasion of this iudgement but y t it was giuen by the mere motion of the sayd King Phillip Lord of the fief Neither is it sayd that his Maiestie tooke any other aduice but of his owne will the neede that then he had of Ottho the sayd Maudes husband together with the small seruice that of long time he might attend of the said Robert a yong childe and at that tyme there needed a good warrier to be opposed against the Flemings to the ende to suppresse their boldnesse and customary rebellions So as in respect of the sayd Roberts very youth the sayd King Phillip thought it meete to infringe the law and custome vsually obserued in like causes But God be praised in whatsoeuer may happen betweene the said Lords the King of Nauarre and his Vnkle the Cardinall of Bourbon we cannot incurre that daunger but rather were to be feared the great yeeres of the sayd Lord Cardinall already olde worne and by reason of his order estraunged from al vse of armes in respect of the flouring tyme of the King of Nauarre a Prince brought vp in the same and in gonernment of Estates The sixt is for the Countie of Champagne betweene Henry the seconde sonne of Earle Thibault the daughter of the sayd Earles eldest sonne wife to Erard of Breno in which case by arrest of the Court of Parliament of the Peeres of France in the yeere 1216. the sayde Countie was adiudged to Henry the Vnckle against his neuewe daughter to his elder brother But it may easely be answered the eldest sonne of the sayde Thibault going into the holy Land had expressely ordeyned that in case he dyed in the sayd expedition or otherwise without issue male then that his brother should succeede in the sayd Countie with endowing his daughter wife to the said Breno with a competēt summe The seuenth happened betweene the children of Charles the second King of Sicil sonne to the brother of King S. Lewes who married the heire of Hūgary and of that mariage begat Charles Martel and Robert The father gaue and appointed to the sayde Martell the Realme of Hungary and in his life tyme caused him to be thereof crowned whereby he did a while enioye it and then dyed leauing his sonne Charles to whom Charles the Grandfather confirmed the donation of the sayd Realme made to his father Martell and to his second sonne Robert he gaue the Realm of Naples So that by the truth of this historie it appeareth that this was a pertition by the saide Charles the second made betweene his children which they could not resist and whereof neither y e sayd Martel nor his sonne Charles had cause to complaine for the Realme of Hungary was farre greater more rich and wealthy then that of Naples which was already rent and dismembred by the Arragōs as it is euident by al histories of those times Our Interpretors doe yet more briefly aunswere this preferment of Robert the second before the sonne of Martel his elder brother aleadging that Pope Clement the 5. pretending authoritie ouer the Realme of Naples which hee aduowed to bee of the fiefe of the Church pronounced this sentence lightly enough therein doing the office of a partie rather then of a Iudge besides that of the sayd Realme in respect it was subiect to Sainct Peters chaire was not properly successiue The last example that they alleadge is of Lewes Sforce who was preferred to the Dutchie of Milan before the sonne of Iohn Galeas but thei might rather say that he preferred himselfe by force and through execrable tyrannie which the sayd Lewes exercised against this poore orphan vnder pretence of gouerning and defending him Besides it is so farre from being our case that it is certain that the young childe enioyed his fathers Estate when this Tyrant his Vnckle seazed thereon and put him to death as vniustly as in the ende God did iustly punish him in causing him to ende his daies in miserie and captiuitie Hauing thus aunswered such examples as they may alleadge let vs now consider whether the reasons that they propounde be sufficient to cause vs to alter our aduice 8 First in all Successions it is a generall rule to call thereto the neerest to hym whose state is in question so that it is by priuiledge and extraordinarie licence that we admit the the Children of the deceased brother to share with their vnkle in such goods onely as will baare deuision Which is the cause that our Doctor alleadgeth Butr. in his Tree of the succession of the Realme of Fraunce in these words Succssit ergo illi Carolo in regno Franc. Philippus filius alterius Caroli qui erat ei in 4. gradu nec successit Robertus pronepos Roberti Comitis Atrebatensis quendam quia ille erat in 8. gradu nec successit Robertus nepos Caroli Regis Siciliae Ierusalem quia ille erat in 7. gradu nec successit Ludouicus nepos Beati Ludouici quia ille erat dicto Carolo decedenti in quarto gradu Therefore sith otherwise the Vncle retaineth still the chiefe degree the especiall regard that Iustinian had to the posteritie of the deceased brother to make them equall with their Vncles can not serue them in vndeuided
retourne to the line of Francis the Elder who maried Lady Mary of Luxembourg daughter to Sir Lewes Constable of France who brought great goods to that Famely in Picardy Artoys Flanders and other places Of these two issued diuers children namely Charles Frances Lewes Antoinet Loyse of Bourbon Charles the Eldest succeded in the Countie of Vendosme and procured it to be erected into a Dutchy and Pairry Francis had the Countie of Saint Paule and maried Lady Adriane of Touteuille daughter and heire of a great famely They had issue a daughter Lewes was a Cardinall Anthoinet was maried to the Lord of Guyze of whō is discended the house of Guise now liuing Loise was abbesse of Fronteuault Now the said Charl●s the eldest maried Lady Francis of Alencon sister to the deceased sir Charles Duke of Alencon last deceased without children in the yere 1524. of this mariage issued Antonie Francis Charles Lewes Iohn Antony the Eldest and Heire of this family maried Iane of Albret Queene of Nauarre of whom came Henry of Bourbon now king of Nauarre who hath married Margaret of France Sister to the most Christian King Francis was named Lord of Anguien who gat the victory at the iorney of Serizoles died without issue Charles the third is Cardinal of Baurbon and Archbishop of Rouen Lewes was Lord Prince Conde who when he died left fower sonnes Henry Prince of Conde Francis Prince of Contie Charles Cardinall of Vendosme and Charles Countie of Soissons Iohn who after the decease of Francis was entituled Lord of Anguyen died also without Issue There were also some daughters of whom here we haue nothing to say as hauing in this argument to treate onely of the Succession of the house of Frāce which can not discend but to y ● Males of this famely The onely controuersie therefore and different that might through the Counsaile of the mischiuous be mooued resteth betweene Henry of Bourbon King of Nauarre sonne of Anthony the eldest of that famely and Charles Cardinall of Bourbon and Archbishop of Rouen his vncle by the father The end of the first part ❧ THE CONTENTS OF THE SEcond part of this Booke 1. Obiections moued against the King of Nauarre 2. The mariage betweene Lady Iane of Albret Princesse of Nauarre with the Duke of Cleue dissolued by the Ecclesiastical sentence the Popes dispensation auctorized in Parliament Also the marriage of the sayd Lady with Anthony Duke of Vendosme the eldest of the house of Bourbon from whom is discended the King of Nauarre 3. Marriage is by the Ciuill lawe voyde being contracted before age 4. The holy decrees haue inhibited the blessing of mariage of maidens before twelue yeeres of age of men before foretene the East Church haue proroged the Matrimonie of the man to fifteene and of the woman to thirteene 5. The honestie of Ciuill pollice forbiddeth mariage before age 6. Examples of mariages disanulled by reason of the noneage of the contracted 7 The explication of humaine pollicie wherefore hereticks are vncapable of successions 8. The right of Realmes is houlden immediatly of God by the continuation of the successiue lawes of the same Neither can the Estates depose a King vncapable or otherwise disabled Or the people transferre the right of their Lord vnto the person of any other to whom it ought not to be giuen 9. The office and duetie of the Clergie towarde Kings and Princes King Henry the second protested against the Counsell of Trent 10. Why those of the League would not take the Catholicke Princes of the blood therinto Those of the league haue sought to suborne those of the pretended reformed Religion 11. Kings are Stewardes of the Church goods The Church is in the Commonwealth not repugnant thereto Pollicie Iurisdiction and collation of Ecclesiasticall functions apperteineth to soueraigne Princes The Kings of Fraunce haue euermore preserued the state of the persons and goodes of the Clergie in their Crowne The Clergie were in olde tyme not capable to distribute Church goodes 12. The King neuer dyeth in France because of the successiue law thereof To what ende the Coronation of Kings was instituted The auncient maner of the Coronations of heathen Kings How long it is since anoynting was instituted and wherfore It is not necessary to annoynt or crowne Kings in one only place 13. Antiquitie is no necessary argument to auctorize common custome 14. The Church neuer disturbed the succession of Kings no not for heresie 15. Whether it be likely the K. of Na. wil force the conscience of his subiect 16. The estate of Bearne and Nauarre 17. The cause of the protestatiō that the King of Nauarre made the last yere at Montauban 18. The King cannot infringe the successiue law of the Realme The successor commeth not to the Crowne in the qualitie of heire to the deceased 19. The Popes reasons whereby he pretendeth aucthoritie to transferre Kingdomes The Popes haue euer exempted France out of their wonderfull power Gods lawe without polliticke confirmation is no sanction vpon earth Priestes haue no imperiall Iurisdiction Bishops and Popes haue acknowledged Kings and Emperors for their Lords The punishment of heretickes is executed by the seculer Magistrate 20. The opening of sundry places of Scripture concerning Ecclesiastical iurisdictiō Wicked Emperors were neuer deposed The Pope cannot excommunicate any body politick or Towne subiect to the King of France Appeales in cause of abuse from the Pope and other Clergie men obserued in France 21. The Church cannot excommunicate a Prince that is an euill liuer Subiects after the excommunication of their Lorde are not discharged of their dueties toward him 22. The sentence of the excommunication of a Prince cannot conteine any clause of depriuation from his Lordly rights 23. A Prince may lawfully arme himselfe against the Popes wrongful excommunication and appeale therefore as in abuse 24. The K. of Nauarres reason to proue him no Hereticke 25. The vsurpations of the Counsell of Trent ouer the Crowne of France 26. Most daūgerous drifts of y ● Leagued in the reformation of the Realme 27. The wicked entent of the Leagued Also what enuy they beare to the Duke of Espernon and others 28. The remembrances of Aduocate Dauid now put in execution by the Leagued The Kings duetie in matter of Religion 29. Forraine rule and gouernement is wretched FINIS THE SECOND PART OF the Cath. Apologie 1 SVch as mislike the king of Nauarres cause doe obiect against hym in this libell fonre principall points wherof three doe perticularly touche the qualitie of his owne person● the fourth concerneth the auncient controuersie betweene the Vncle and the sonne of the elder brother But we will ende●our to shewe that in all and throughout all they haue but a weake foundation Concerning the first they aleadge that the said Lorde King of Nauarre is not borne in lawfull matrimony of Anthony of Bourbon eldest sonne of the house of Bourbon because Ladie Iane of Albret mother to