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A03250 Troia Britanica: or, Great Britaines Troy A poem deuided into XVII. seuerall cantons, intermixed with many pleasant poeticall tales. Concluding with an vniuersall chronicle from the Creation, vntill these present times. Written by Tho: Heywood. Heywood, Thomas, d. 1641. 1609 (1609) STC 13366; ESTC S119729 272,735 468

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Inuades in Arthur Duke of Brittons name Whose powers the English Iohn surprisd by chance Imprisoning Arthur whence these Garboyles came The Persians Dauid to the Throne aduance Who with his Indian Troopes marcht with much Fame Of Parthia and Armenia Conqueror And of Tartaria the first Emperor 35 Fiue Moones were all at once in Torkeshire seene After which portent many stormes insude prince Iohn hauing incurd the popes fell spleene Stands with his Land accurst which some allude To Byshop Lanchton who at Rome had beene And sought in Canterbury to intrude In Suffolke was a strange Fish tooke that bore The shape of man and six months liu'd a shore 36 The Maior and Shrieffes in London were first made Wales twice rebelling was by warre appeasd Th'English at Sluce the Nauy of France inuade A thousand twenty sayle at once they ceasd Pope Innocent great Coesars pompe all aide Making such Lawes as searce the Empire pleasd Onely such princes should as Emperors stand As should receiue their Crownes at the popes hand 37 Of whom the Saxon Duke Otho was first Venice subdues Coreyra and the Iles Adiacent Otho by the popeaccurst For taking to himselfe the Empires stiles Against him Menace warre pope Innocent durst and traind into these broyles by prayers and smiles Fredericke the second who the Diadem weares after Duke Otho three and twenty yeares 38 Iohn for a yearely tribute to Rome payde Of twice fiue hundred Markes absolues his Land King Alexander is the Scotch King made After deceased William to command He twenty and foure yeares the kingdome staide Against King Iohn the English Barons stand And to their faction the French Lewes bring Whom in Iohns stead they seeke t'elect as King 39 Amidst these tumults Iohn by fate expires As some suppose by poyson whom succeeds Henry his sonne him more the Land desires Then Lewes hated for some bloody deeds For him the people make triumphant fires A generall ioy his hye instalment breeds at nineteene yeares the kingdome hee attained and fifty fix yeares o're his subiects raigned 40 Our Ladies Church in Westminster he reared Now Hocata the second puissant King Of great Tartaria was renownd and feared He first the Title of great Caan did win The drooping Scotch King was by Henry cheared To whom he gaue his Sister next of Kin Faire Ioane Robert Graciaes Empire swayd Who to his Empresse tooke a beautious Mayd 41 She was before betroth'd to a great peere Of Burgoine he the Emperours pompe despysing Entred his armed pallace without feare The Damsell in the Emperors armes surprising He first cut off her nose reuenge seuere And from that place himselfe disguising To her'fore bribed Mother posting fast Th'in constant Dame into the Seas he cast 42 The Scots in Cathnes their proud Byshop burne Because he curst such as their tythes denide Wards were first graunted Frederick doth returne Towards Asia and the Souldan puft with pride Vanquisht in field and now no longer mourne Those Christians that in Palestine abide England with France makes warre and after peace Tumults in Wales arise but soone surcease 43 Frederick King Henries Sister takes to wife Cald Isabell Henry takes Elanour Daughter to th' Earle of Prouence ending strife Twixt them before begun about that houre His spousals were solemniz'd and ioyes rife In th' Element appear'd a war like power Of men in armes of di●…ers wings compacted The Merton Statute now was first enacted 44 This yeare the famous faction first begun Of Guelfes and Gibelines Tartarian Caan Inuades the Hungars and their kingdome won Where their King Bela was in battaile slaine The Mother eats her Childe and Sire the Sonne So great was hunger mongst the Hungars than Now London Aldermen were first elected and Frederick once more by the pope reiected 45 Pope Innocent the fourth from th'Emperour flying To Lyons to the Cardinals first gaue Red hats A Iew in Spaine Christs faith denying picrst a huge rocke there found a hallow Caue In it a Marble stone which with Steele trying He finds a Booke inclosd with praecepts graue Which spoke of Christ by which the Story saith The stiffe-neckt Iew was turn'd to Christian faith 46 Henry with London Citty late displeasd For sentence gainst one Margaret Viell past Into his power the Cities Charters ceasd Which by submission they regain'd at last Young Alexanders Father long diseads Expir'd in Scotland the young prince in hast at nine yeares Crownd to whom Henry affide His Daughter Mary whom he tooke to Bride 47 In Italy bloud issued out of bread As out of woundes French Lewes was surprisd By the great Souldan Mango Caan 's made head Of the rude Tartars who being well aduisde Receiued the Christian Fayth and after sped against the Turkes in Crosses red disguisde Alphons of Spaine bestowes his Daughter fayre On young Prince Edward Henries hopefull heyre 48 Richard of Cornwall Brother to the King At Aquisgraue was Emperor elected and Alphons of Castile the State affecting Was by the Electors from the State reiected Albertus Magnus flourisht in his spring And Michael Paleologus respected For his great warres in Greece who Baldwin slew and thirty fiue yeares in the Empire grewe 49 At Oxford the mad Parlement began King Henry with his Barons doth contend They fought neare Lewes many a valiant man Of Noble bloud came to a timeless end The King against his Peeres the best he can Striues by the Sword his Barons to offend Who Manger all his force the battaile wonne Surprisd the King his Brother and his Sonne 50 Prince Edward entred Asia and there fought against the Turkes where he atchieued much fame at length his life was by a Sarazan sought Who with a Knife to his Pauilion came Empoysoned and his death had almost wrought For in his princely arme he fixt the same Richard King Henries Brother and Romes king First dyes and after Henry the same spring 51 Next whom Prince Edward Long-shankes was inucsted and thirty foure yeares raign'd admir'd and feared Th'vsurping pride of Priests he much detested Bounty and Vertue in this Prince appeared Nicholas the third made Pope from th' Empire wrested Two Kingdomes for two Nephewes much indeered Of lewes at once that in their wealth tooke pride Two hundred eyghty foure for Coyning dyde 52 Lewellen next rebeld slaino by the hand Of Roger Mortimer After not long Dauid his Brother did gainst Edward stand A daungerous Rebell and infaction strong Yet perisht likewise with his warlike Band Of Welch reuolted other things among King Edward ioyes to quell the French-mens scorne and for Prince Edward at Carnaruan borne 53 Alexander Issu-lesse fell from his Steed And brake his necke the Carmelites began Phillip the fayre in France was King decreed Two Women in Heluetia liued than Who in their Wombs did two
part A valiant German that hight Martin-Swart 83 These Henry slew in battaile and arrear'd A Taxe of the Tenth-penny through the Land For which the Commons in the field appeard And kill Northumbers Earle with a strong band Henry inuaded France Columbus cleard The vnknowne Seas and boldly tooke in hand The Indies first discouery Insurrection By Perkin Warbeck in forraine protection 84 In Italy a Stone exceeding great Fell from the ayre Lord Audly now rebeld Henry and the Scotch King of peace intreat The Turke the bold Venetian forces queld Who at Dyrachium sought him to defeate Katherine of Spaine a Lady that exceld Was fianst to Prince Arthur Sforce subdude Milleine and all the French-men did exclude 85 Margaret King Henries Daughter was affyde Vnto Scotch Iames In Germany bloud raind Elizabeth the Queene in Child-bed dyde The French this yeare from Naples were constrainde By Ferdinand of Spaine Now in his pride Liu'd Prestor-Iohn Great Ismael Sophy gaind Vpon the Turke in many a warlike strife Henry the seauenth at Richmond ends his life 86 At eyghteene yeares Henry the eyght succedes And thirty eyght yeares raign'd his Brothers Wife He marries by the Popes dispence which breedes Among the Cardinals murmure and strife Emson and Dudley hated for theyr deeds To please the Commons were depriu'd of life Now Doctor Collet liu'd a man of fame Erasmus too deriu'd from Rhoterdame 97 The Turkish Tyrant Selimus by warre Two Aegiptian Souldans chast and slew The Muscouites the stoute Pollonians barre Some rights for which great battailes t'ween them grew France still retaines the memorable searre Of Henries valor who that time o'rethrew Turwin and Turney in whose streetes appeare Turrets as many as be daies ●…'th yeare 98 A peace with France King Lewes Mary wiues Sister to Henry and within few dayes Expyres Charles Brandon gainst the French-men striues At Tilt and Barriers where he won great prayse and fetcht the Queene thence Francis next suruiues The King of France Charles Brandon now assayes The Queene and marryes her in small while after Mary was borne King Henries eldest Daughter 99 Charles Duke of Austrich is made King of Spaine The Citties tumult chanc't on Ill-May-day Cardinall Woolsy flourisht now complaine The Popes allyes gainst Luther Turkes display Theyr Ensignes against Belgrade once againe Zuinglius began against the Pope t'inuaye Whose Doctrines learnd Erasmus seemde to abet Henry at Arde in France the French King met 100 Charles is Crown'd Emperor th'eyght Henry writ A Booke gainst Luther This yeare lost his head The Duke of Buckingham and now did sit In the Turkes Throne a Prince with fury led Who Belgraue did besidge and threatned it Great Solyman The Emperor Charles him sped For England where at Windsore he was called Vnto the Garter and there Knight installed 101 Christierne of Denmarke banisht with his Wife Enter this Land where they were well intreated The Earle of Surry in his Northerne strife In many sundry fights the Foe defeated Stormes and tempestuous Gusts this yeare were rife And in Granade a Prodince fayrely seared Were Citties swallowed the great Turke makes hed From whom the Hungars king drown'd as he fled 102 The Annabaptists sect was first begun Charles Burbons Duke sackt Rome and there was slaine Vaivad grew great in Fame this yeare the Sunne Appear'd three Sunnes at once Katherine of Spaine Before prince Arthurs wife the king is wun To be diuorst from this diuorse in vaine Cardinall Woolsie seekes by meanes to crosse Which to his ruine turnes and fauours losse 103 Tindall the holy Scripture now translated Th'arrested Cardinall at Leister dide And Ferdinand is King of Rome created Anne Bulloine next became King Henrtes Bride And Thomas Cromwell whom the Cleargy hated Made of the Counsell the Kings Sister tyde In marriage to Charles Brandon dyes forlorne Elizabeth was now at Greenewich borne 104 For Treason dyde the holy Mayde of Kent Lady Anne Bulloine like wise lost her head Erasmus after seauenty Winters spent Expi'd whose fame through Christendome is spread Lady Iane Seamors beauty did content The King so well he tooke her to his bed And on Saint Edwards Eeue this yeare tooke life noble Prince Edward by the kings late Wife 105 Fryer Forrest dyde for Treason One of Spaine For eating Flesh vpon a day of Fast Was hang'd in Paris and tooke downe againe His Lady burnt A full conclusion past Of Marriage tweene the King and Lady Anne Of Cleeue which solemne contract did distast The Kinges soone after who for her rare feature Wiu'd Lady Katherine Howard a fayer Creature 106 Cromwell next lost his head the disputation Begun at Rat'isbone Henry th'eyght is stiled The King of Ireland by his proclamation and Lady Katherine Howard who defiled Her vnchast body with much lamentation Led to her death now Luther was re●…led In the Popes Trident Counsell the King wed The Lady Katherine Lat'mer to his Bed 107 The Turkish Barbaressa famous grew In Germany at Mounster bloud did raigne Troubles with Scotland next these did insue The Counsell held at Spyre now once againe Henry inuaded France and did pursue The Bullenois since many did complaine Against the Stewes they were abandond quite The pope the Wormace Counsell did accite 108 Luther expyres soone after dyes the king Henry the eyght whom the sixt Edward then Succeedes at nine yeares old now first gan spring That reform'd Church which at first many men Impugn'd Masses no more the Church-men sing Next Musele-borrow field did happen when Much bloud was spilt a both-sides Bonner now Great in his Fathers dayes the king makes bow 109 Stephen Gardiner is cast into the tower The Brother Seamers falling at dissention By meanes of their proud Wiues begin to lower Each vpon other which without preuention Causd timelesse Fate both their sweet liues deuower First Arundell then Kit had firme intention To change the State but both were hang'd in chaines Bulloine was giuen vp by the French-mens traynes 111 At Feuersham was murdred by his Wife Arden by helpe of Mosby and Blacke-Will The Trade with Musco did now first grow rife Mong th' English Marchants by the Nauiall skill Of one Gabato he that first gaue life To these aduentures Many rumors fill The Land with newes that Edward lately dide Meane time the Lady Iane's made Guilfords Bride 112 Edward at sixteene yeares ofage deceast The Duke Northumberland proclaimes Queene Iane But soone her young and Infant title ceast The Commons by their power Mary maintaine Sister to Edward her high State increast And next her Brother she begins her raigne Guilford and Iane with whom the Queene 's offended Sent to the Tower where their sweete liues they en●…ded 113 Bourne preaching at Panles-Crosse the Masse maintaining A suddaine
haue by these warres bin de●…oured which haue left the certainty of our first Antiquity doubtfull to the world and not truely re●…embred by any that haue undertooke her first discouery Here moreouer wee could haue tooke fit occasion to haue recorded all the Genealogies before the flood with a briefe report who after the floud peopled euery other Kingdome and from whom euery Region tooke her Name but it had bin a course too strange and different from our purpose which is onely to finde out such thinges as haue alliance to this Land of Brittan and the memorable things best knowne to us We infist not much in Aeneas trauels of his landing at Carthage his loue to Queene Dldo her killing her selfe at his departure from her land the funer all of his Father Anchises with his warres against king Turnus for the beautious Laninia These because they are amply set downe in Virgils 12. Bookes of his Aeneids wee thought better rather superficially to passe them ouer with a bare remembrance then to bee too palpably tract in a History so common to all men Which we the rather to omit because we hasten to the antiquittes and the successiue Souer aigneties of our natiue Island whose age our purpose is to deriue from the first Inhabitantes and so to continue it euen to this present government The Antiquity of London was helde to bee longe before Rome For Brute landed here in the yeare of the Lord 2855. in the yeare before Christ 1108. Rome was built long after in the time that Riuallo ruld in Brittain the yeare after the floud 155●… after Comerus the first king of Italy 1414 after the destruction of Troy 432 after Brute arriuedin in this Land of B●…tain 355. The end of the sixteenth CANTO Argumentum OF all great Brittans Kinges truely descended From the first Conqueror next we shall intreat How they haue sayld or how their hands extended Through any forraine Realmes by Conquest great How they begun and how their raignes they ended Till royall Iames claymes his Monarchall Seate In whom three kingdomes first by Brute deuided Vnited are and by one Scepter guided ARG. 2. From Norman William a true note collected Of all the kinges and Queenes that here protected CANTO 17. 1 William the Norman Duke is next inuested Sixt of that Dutchy entring by sterne warre A troublous raigne he liu'd and sildome rested From rough rebellious armes yet euery barre His Sword remou'd Hertford his pride detested But for his Treason was confined farre Earle Walter too into that faction led Disclosde the plot and for it lost his head 2 Duke Robert Williams Sonne by th'instigation Of the French King doth Normandy inuade Against whom William raysde the English nation And when no Prince betwixt them could perswade They met and fought with much loude acclamation Robert vnhorst his Father and then stayde His warlike hand whom by his voyce he knew And raisd him for which peace betweene them grew 3 William inuading France in Caan expyerd And there lies buried by his warlike Peeres after he many Towers and Townes had fierd Raigning o're England one and twenty yeares Foure Sonnes he left one Danghter much admierd Robert and Richard who ascends the Spheares Before ripe age William who next doth sway Henry cald Bewclack and fayre Adela 4 Whilst our great Conqueror liu'd the King of Danes Canutus by the English Out-Lawes ayded Inuades the North but William him restraynes Henry the Emperor Bauaria inuaded Malcolm that ore the troublous Scots then raignes Peirces Northumberland at this time vaded The Saxons glory Otho them defaced after the Thuringas he by armes had chaced 5 Eudochia who had seuen yeares worne the Crown Of Graciaes Empyre was by maryage tyde Vnto Rhomanus one of high renowne Sir-nam'd Diogenes Gregory denyde Marriage to Priests the Russ. Duke was put downe By Prince Demetrius neare to him allyde William foure Castles built his Foes to tame At Yorke at Lincolne aud at Nottighame 6 Henry then Casar for some sinne detected Did by the Pope stand excommunicate and being of his Feudor King reiected To Gregory submits him and his State Now liu'd the famous Oswald much respected Byshop of Sarum Casar absolu'd late The second time condemnd gainst Gregory sped Stating Rauennaes Robert in his sted 7 Vradislaus was the first King made Of Boheme and of all the Countries neare Ansell who then Galisiaes Scepter swayed Did gainst the Sarazens in armes appeare And wan from them Tolledo by the ayde Of Christian Princes Rufus gouernd heer Next after conquering William thirteene springs He sat inuested in our Throne of Kings 8 Twice Robert made incursion but supprest By Williams power the Scots inuade againe But are appeasd the Welshmen Rees inuest Who in a conflict was by William slaine lerusalem by Pagan Armes opprest Th' assembled christiā kings by force maintain Where dide in battaile as the rumor ran The Babilonian Souldan Soliman 9 The Norman Robert chusd King by election Of Palestine refusd the Sacred stile Which Bulloin Godfrey tooke to his protection Scotch Malcolm with his sonne entring by guile Northumbers Marches came to the deiection By valiant Robert who was Earle that while Both slaine in field K. William the same yeare Erected the great Hall in Westminster 10 Duncan vsurpes in Scotland not two yeares He gouernd there but in his bed was slaine Donnald restor'd not long the Scepter beares But Edgar that ambitious was to raigne By armes supprest him and the Dia'dem weares Rufus being hunting Tyrrell of his traine By glauncing of an Arrow the King slew Henrie next gouernes by succession true 11 Thirty fiue yeares did Henry Beauclarke guide Th'Helme-Royall he for Thest strict lawes decreed Robert returnd from Palestine defide Henry who after parley were agreed Long their truce lasted not Beu-clarke denide His Brothers pension great dissentions breed After much warre Duke Robert they surprise Who for a prisons breach forfeits his eyes 12 Norwich Cathedrall Church is founded new S. Bartholmewes built by Reior a Musitian In Belgia great Inundations grew Being almost drown'd Now vpon good condition Peace twixt the Emperor and King Henry grew Whose daughter was with much hye superstition Made Empresse Maud the English Queen being dead Henry takes Adelisia in her stead 13 The King of England with French Lodwicke tryes Great discords where the English gaine the best In their returne by Sea great Tempests ryse Where all the yssue-Royall most and least Perisht with many Nobles grane and wise Where eight-score soules at once are sent to rest Of all the ship one Butcher and no more Escapt the seas and swam vnto the shore 14 Geffrey plantagenet the Emperour dead Wiues Maud the Empresse vnto whom she bare Two sonnes Henry and Geoffrey now life fled From Beu-clarke who to Stephen resignes his Chaire
strange Monsters breed One bore a Child that had the face of man and body of a Lyon th' other bred One with two bodies from the Girdle-sted 54 The Scotch King dying Issulesse contention In Scotland grew who should succeede the State The strife Edward atton'd and after mention Made of their Title which these Lords relate He arbitrates theyr fierce and hot dissention And to Iohn Balioll priz'd at hyest rate He giues the Crowne which pleased Scotland well Madock and Morgan now in Wales rebell 55 Edward thrice war'd gainst Scotland and preuayled The French Kings Sister Margaret tooke to Wife and to his Sonne the Princedome he entayled Of Wales proud Ottoman began great stufe With Christendome and many Townes assayled In him the Empire of the Turkes tooke life Pope Boniface the eyght suruiued than He first in Rome the Iubilee began 56 Creat Tamor Ca●… gouernd Tartaria Albert the Empire France King Phillip guided Prince Ladislaus ruld Hungaria Clement the fift the seat of Rome deuided Transporting it to France which from that day Seauenty foure yeares continew'd vndecided Seraph th' Egiptian Souldan-ship supplide Edward the first in his Scotch garboiles dide 57 The second Edward him succeeds and raignes Full eighteene yeares a Prince of no renowne He ryots Lusts and wantonnesse maintaind Mongst priuate vnthrifts and his peeres put downe Henry the Emperour hauing brauely gaind Many great fields was with an yron Crowne at Milleine Crownd where he aduancst his name The Crutched Fryares first into England came 58 Peirs Gaueston twice banisht by the Peeres Was by the King recald Iohn Tamer rose In rebell armes destroyd by his owne feares Phillip the long their King the French-men chose The hauty Spencers triumpht many yeares Ouer the Nobles who themselues oppose against their pride the Spencers they exile Whom the loose King reuoked in small while 59 Twenty two Barons for the Spencers loue The King cut off the Sun six houres appeared Of sanguine hew his glorious brightnesse stroue with his red Maske which at the last he cleared Edward his force did twice gainst Scotland proue Both times the soyle with English blood besmeared The Queene and Prince the Spencers could not brook And like two exiles their owne Land forsooke 60 Sir Iohn of Henault Lands in the Queenes ayde And hy the Barons helpe the King pursued who after in strong Barkley Castle layde Sir Roger Mortimer a man indude With Pride and Tyrrany the King betrayde and with the Kings bloud 〈◊〉 Tower Imbrude Baldock the Spencers Minions to the King The Conquering Peeres vnto destruction bring 61 Edward King Edwards Sonne fifty yeares bore Englands rich Scepter Charles the French King dide Leauing no issue of the Royall store Therefore King Edward being next alyde Claymes France to which the Doncipeeres restore Phillip Valois and Edwards clayme deride Sir Roger Mortimer long graft boue reason By the Kings Mother was condemn'd of Treason 62 Edward the Blacke-Prince was at Woodstocke borne King Edward fought the fi●…ld cald Haldonne Hill In Scotland After some few dayes out-worne The King his clayme to France doth menace still Petrach the Laureat liu'd the French in scorne Foure hundred Sayle with armed Souldiers fill These Edward meetes at Siuce whom fame hath sounded Thirty three thousand of French t' haue slain drowned 63 The order of the Garter was first made Soone after was the famous Cressie field Don Petro by his Spanish Peeres betrayde Was to their violent fury forst to yeild Edward wan Callis Iohn next Phillip swayde In France and mena'st with his warlike Shield The braue Black-Prince at Poytieres battayle wonne The field the French King Prisoner and his Sonne 64 Melchella was now Souldan Amurath Emperor of Turky and with Conquest fought A persecutor of the Christian Fayth The French King-Iohn hauing his peace now bought at Sauoy dide and Charles the sixt next hath The Crowne of France Don-Peter ayde besought Who late exiled from the Crowne of Spaine Was by the Black-Prince repostest againe 65 The Duke of La●…caster France ouer-run Vnfought withall Sir Robert Knowles likewise Marcht by the Citty Paris now begun Great Baiazeth among the Turkes to rise The braue blacke Prince from France where he had won So many Noble fields returning dyes The King himselfe as our best writers say Expird of Iune the two and twentith day 66 Richard the second sonne to the bold Prince Edward sit-namd the Blacke at yeares eleuen Began his rule whom many men conuince Of wanton ryot and a course vneuen Well tutor'd in 's minority but since He manag'd state too much neglecting heauen Gunnes were deuisd first by a Germaine Fryer France doth the Kingdome of Nauar desire 67 Queene ●…ane of Naples flourisht Bohemes King Vinceslaus was Almaine Emperor made Twixt Portugall and Castile discords spring Two Popes contend the Genowayes inuade The bold Venetians and to battaile bring Their Nauall powers both Ensignes flye displaid Iacke Straw dyes stabd in Smithfield by the care Of William Walworth at that time Lord Maior 68 A wondrous Earth-quake did whole England shake King Richard th●… Almaine Emperors daughter wiude The Turkes in Christendome great vprores make Iohn Galeazo in those dayes suruiu'd Duke Iohn of Gaunt doth a braue voyage take To conquer Spaine and in his purpose thriu'd The Barons of the Realme themselues with-drew And many of the King seducers slew 69 The Duke of Lancaster his daughter Kate Married to Henry Castiles eldess sonne His second daughter had the Queene-like state Of Portugall by which all warres were done The Turke in Hungary suppreft but late Seekes by his power all G●…eece to ouer-ron Against Constanti●…opolis he layde at eyght-yeare siedge now Colleines Schoole was made 70 Robert of Scotland dying Iohn his heyre Succeedes next Richard Queene Anne beiug dead Espousd French Isabel then did prepare For Ireland where 's voyage slowly sped He put to death his Vncles for the care Of him and his Realmes safty sore misled Hereford and Norfolke Dukes the Combat clayme and both are banist in King Richards name 71 The S●…ithian Tamberlaine the Turkes subdude and kept theyr Emperor in an Iron Cage Hereford against his sentence durst intrude Himselfe int'England and gainst Richard wage A threatned warre the Peeres Richard exclude From gouernment who in his strength of age Resignes his Crowne his Dignity and Fame To Henry Bullingbrooke fourth of that name 72 Gainst whom the Duke of Exeter Richards Brother The Dukes of Surry and Aumarle conspyre With Glocester who his hatred cannot smother And Salsbury all these his life conspyre and for it lost their lyues with many other Of the same faction seeking to aspyre Richard is slayne in Prison after showne Through London streets to haue his death wel known 73 Owen
Glendoure raysd armes Hotspur rebeld Woorster Northumberland with others moe Whom Edward met at Shrewsbury and queld Giuing those Lords a Mortall ouerthrow The Milleine Duke that many yeares exceld In Tyranny at length was layde full low Leauing to Iohn his Sonne the Dukedomes Seat This yeare was stated Mahome●… the great 74 Charles of Cremona by the Treason dide Of base Cabrinus Fundulus his slaue Th'Arch-Byshop Scroope that Edward late defide Surprizd in field came to a timelesse graue In Poland at Cracouia full of pride Was founded th'Accademy some depraue The Burgoin Duke that did his hands imbrew In Orleance blood whom he by Treason slew 75 Saint Andrewes Vniuersity begon In Scotland Ioh●… the Milleine Duke is slaine Of his owne Subjects Ladislaus won The Citty Rome which he gaue vp againe King Edward dying left vnto his son Henry the fift a faire and prosperous raigne Ten yeares he did his Royall fame aduance and to his Crowne annext the Realme of France 76 Great Amurath sway'd Turky Iohn Castile The sixt Charles France Pope Martin Peters Chaire at Henries claime to France the French-men smile With many taunts they Englands puissance dare King Henrie crost the seas and in small while at Agin-court manag'd a fight so rare That in one battaile he the Land ore-tun Leauiug the Crowne successiue to his son 77 Ieremy Prague and Iohn Husse dye by fire about religious causes Ziscaled The Thaborytes and further gan aspire against the Emperour to list his head French Katherine was Crownd Queene by great desire Of all our English peeres Duke Clarens sped against the Dolphin but alas in vaine By multitudes he was ore-set and slaine 78 Henry t' auenge his Brothers death prepares againe to inuade France where he breaths his last Pale death that in his rigour no man spates Beteaues him life his infant sonne not past Eyght months of age assumes the Lands affayres Vnder protection Bedfards Duke was great With Regency of France a Sorceting Maide Fought on the Dolphins part and brought him ayde 79 Who in small time was King of France proclaymde at Orleance braue Mountacute is slaine Prince Sigismond is Roman Emperor nam'd Eugenius doth the papall Sea maintaine Phillip guides Milleine now was Talboot fam'd Who many lost Townes did in France regaine Now flourisht Francis Forza in his pride The Lyons in the Tower this yeare all dyde 80 Zeuza liues Persiaes King for Sorcery Dame Elen Cobham the Protectors Wise With diuers others were found treacherously To haue cnnspyred against King Henries life Dame Margaret to the King of Scicily sole-Sole-Daughter which began much future strife To Henries Bed with Suffolke crost the Scas now liu'd the braue Prince Huniades 81 Humphrey the Duke of Gloster was depriu'd His harmelesse life at Bury Suffolke now Was banisht England where he long had striu'd By the Kings grace to make the Barons bow Iacke Cade a mutit ous Rebell now suruiu'd Dating the Kings Edicts to disalow This was the yeare of Iubilee In Menz Faustius first printed at his owne expence 82 The Turkish Mahomet sackt and despoylde Constantinople at this time was fought Saint Albons battaile where the King was foyld and by the Duke of yorke a prisoner blought To London the sixt Henry being much toyld With Kingdomes cares his peace and quiet sought Making proud yorke protector now was fam'd George Castriotus Scanderbag sir-nam'd 83 Great Warwicke at Northampton the King met In battaile of the Barons many slew Surpri'd the King in person without let The Duke of Torke reuiues his claime anew Whom many of the chiefest Lords abet And in the Parlement his right pursue Being Titled heyre apparant to the Crowne at Wakefield him King Henries Queene put downe 84 Great Warwi●…ke at Saint Albons she made flie Rescuing the King her husband in small space Torkes sonne the Earle of March gan to defie and sought by armes King Henry to displace Neere Torke both powers each other soone discry Where the fourth Edward hath the King in chace and now the victors Lord it where they please Whilst Margaret with her young son crost the Seas 85 Twelue Kingdomes and two hundred Citties more Great Mahomet subdues next Exham field Was fought by them that Henry would restore But to King Edwards powers perforce they yeild Who wiues the Lady Gray she that before Was wife to Sir Iohn Gray Warwick his shield aduancst against the King whom he had Crownd and for French Bona seekes him to confound 78 Edward flyes England Henry is restord and Edward with an army Lands againe Where Warwickes pride vpon his shield is scord Edward ore-comes his powers on Barnet plaine Earle Warwicke by the Commons is deplord Edward the fourth once more vsurpes his raigne Gloster kils Henries sonne then madly fares Gainst Henrie whom he murdred at his Prayers 87 Cassanus gouernd Persia Mistris Shore Was famous for her beauty Hungary Mathias ruld The Pope not knowne before at twenty fiue yeares made the lubily The Duke of Clarens is lamented sore Being in a Wine-but murdred treacherously Edward expyres two sons he leaues behind Three Daughters and a Brother most vnkind 88 The eleauenth of Aprill and the eleauenth sad yeare Of his young age fift Edward gins his raigne But eare he yet was Crown'd Richard too neare His Vncle did his hands with murther stayne Both Edwards Children by his doome seuere Were Butcherd in the Tower and fouly slaine now famous wearc Gaza Sabellicus Pycus Myrandula Aldus Minutius 89 George Valla Hermolaus Barbarus Pelitian Platine with a many moe Marcilius Ficinus Pomponius Latus With Iohannes de monte regio Now Venice and Ferara peace discusse Great Baiazeth sustaines an ouerthrow By the bold Souldan next instated came Vsurping Richard cald third of that name 90 Two yeares two months and two dayes he inioyes Regality whilst Charles the eyght swayes France And Innocent the eyght his power imployes In Rome his Bastards to inhance Richard the Duke of Buckingham destroyes Who thought the Earle of Richmond to aduance Henry Earle Richmond M●…lford Hauen sought Where landing he the field of Bosworth fought 91 Richard there slaine Henry the seauenth sits Crown'd Twenty three yeares Vgnerus Persia guides Fredericke the Empire Henry to make found The breach that Torke and Lancaster deuides a happy nuptiall contract doth propound With fayre Elizabeth whom soone he brides She heyre to yorke This yeare a disease new The Sweating sicknesse first in England grew 82 Spaines Ferdinand the kingdome of Granade Wan from the Sarazens Lambert a Child Taught by a Priest cald Simon came to inuade England with a new stile by him compil'd As Sonne to Clarens in this claime were made Chiese Leaders Francis Louel once exil'd Broughton and Lincolnes Earle with whom took
de Thessalia Dailochus Pherecides Zezes histo 45. Pyragmon Berountes and S●…pes the three Ciclops that attend on Vulcan Achilles armor Achilles shield A Battaile Apollodorus lib. 3. Hesiodus in Theogonia Simonides Poeta K. Memnon slain by Achilles King Hupon slaine King Philos slaine Three Kinges slaine by Hector The Sagittary slaine by Diomed King Polixenes slaine Andromaches dreame Astianax Hectors Sonne Aiax Telemon Prince Margareton flaine D. Coriphus Duke Bastidius slaine Leocides slain Policeus slaine Achilles woūded The death of H●… Ouid. Metamerpho 6. Apollonius lib. 1 Arg●… Appolo lib. 2. Suidas Homer Isacius Horatius lib. 2 Carminum Artimesia Camna Edward the 3. Q. Margaret wife to Henry the 6. Laide Mary Countesse of Penbrooke Sister to Sir Phillip Sidney Prince Arthur elder brother to Prince Henry after Henry the 8. M. F. Cicero The battaile The valour of King Pria●… Troylus The death of Troylus Archilochus the sonne of Nestor The death of Achilles and Archilochus penthis●… Neopto●…mus A tale of a chast Queene amongst the Amazons The death of Paris The death of Deiphebus and Amphiemachus The death of P●…nthisilea Dares The Palladi●… bought by Vlisses of the Priest of Pallas for a great sum of mony Plutarchus libde virtutibus Mulierum Antimachus Lycophron in Alexandra Ibicus Herodotus in Euterpe Diognetes in rebus Smernais Harmonida●… 〈◊〉 Duris 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 Alexandar in 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 in 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 lib. 3. Q Elizabeth Doctor Parry Babington his 〈◊〉 Percy and Catesby with their Con●…ederates Guido Vaux Virgils Eneids The horse of Troy Synons Tale Hectors ghost Panthus Otriades Androgeos The death of Chorobus The death of Polytes The death of Priam. Creusaes death Helenus Italy The death of Astianax The death of Polyxeua Polymnestor K. of Thrace The death of Polidore The death of Hecuba The number of Greckes Troians slaine at the siedge Ironia Ouid metam●… The death of Aiax Telegonus son to Vlisses and Circe otherwise cald Calipso Vlisses slain by his Bastard son Telegonus The death of Ag●…memnon The death of Cletemenestra The death of Pytrhus The death of Hellen. Pausa in Atticis Heredotus in Melpom. Apollonius lib. 4. Arg. nanc slefichorus Lucia●…s Strabo lib. 14. Apollodor●…s Athenodor●…●…izantius zozes Cic. de nature deorum Callimachus in Himn Homer Simonides Coeus 2. geneal Isacius Hor●… I. carnium Stesicherus Calli●… Dares Dictes 2. De Arte Amand Vlisses Circo De●… remedio Amoris lib. 1. Mm 2 Zczeshistor 16. Chil. 5. Hesiodusin Theog Homerus libr. odiss Dionisius Milctus Hesiodus in Theog onea Lycophron Strabo lib. 9. Tymaus siculus De arte Amandi 2. De remedio Amoris I. Dardanus Son to Jupiter and Electra Turnus King of Tuskaine Innogen Daughter to Pandras Hugh Genesis and Harding Albion of Albania the eldest Sister The yeare of the world aboue the line The yeare before ●…hri vnder the line Brute 2855. 1108. 2878. 1085. Locrine 2889. 1074. 2889. 1704. Guendoline Madan 2916. 1047. Me●…prisius 2954. 1009. Ebranke 2972. 991. Brute Green 3033. 930. 3034. 929. Leill 3046 917. Lud Hurdibras 3071 892. 3097 896 Bladud 3109. 854. Leir 3123 840. Cordeilla 1358. 805. Morgan Cunedadgius 3162. 801. Riuallo 3196. 767. Gurgustius 3242. 721. 3252 711. Sisillus 3279. 084. 3299 668. 3311. 652. Iago 3327. 636 3351. 612. Kinimachus 3369. 594. Gorbodug 3404 559. 3417. 546. 3430. 533. Forrex Porrex 3467. 496. 3475. 488 3513. 450 3522. 441 Mulmutius 3550. 413. Beline Bren. 3563. 400. 3568. 395. 3586. 377. Gurguintus 3588 375. 3595. 368. 3604 359. Guintheline 3607 356. 3628. 311. Cecilius Kimar 3633. 330. Elanius Morindus 3,652 311. Gorbomanus 3660. 3660. 303. Archigall 3671. 292. Elidure 3676. 287 Archigallo 3681. 282. Elidure 3691. 272. Vigenius Peridure 3693. 270. Elidure 3702. 261. 3684. 279. 3705. 258. Gorboman Morgan Emerianus 3736. 227. 3756. 207. Rimo Geruntius 3771 192 Catellus 3790. 173. 3795. 168. Coill 3800. 263. 3820 140. Porrex Cherimus Fulgen. Eldred Androgeus Dedantius Detonnus 3843. 120. 3835. 128. 3848. 115. Vrianus Eliud M●…rianus Bladunus Capenas Ouinius Sisilus Bladgabred 3857 109 3869. 94 Archemac Eldotus Rodianus Redargius Samillus Penesillus Pirrhus Caporus Diuellus He●… 3893. 70. Lud 3894. 69 ●…belan 3911 52 Caesar. 3916 47 3919 44 3921 42 Tenancius 3934 29 3944. 19 Cimbeline The yeare of the worldboue the line The yeare after Christ vnder the line 3962. 1. 3978. 17 Guiderius 3985 24. 3994. 33. 4006 45 Aruiragus 4017 56. 4019. 58. 4029 68 4024. 73. Marius 4024 73 4070 108 4087 126 Coyll 4141. 180. Lucius 4169. 208. Seuerus 4174. 213. Caracalla 4179. 218. Carassus 4187. 226. Alectus Asclipiodale 4193. 232. 4223 262. Coill 4250 289. Constantius 4271. 310. Constantine 4284. 325 4290. 329. Octauius 4344. 383. Maximus 4388. 387. 4352. 391. Gratian 4380 419 4381 422. 4394. 443. Constantine 4404. 443. Constans 4409. 448. Vortiger Vortimer 4426. 465. 4432. 471. Vortiger 4402. 441 4411. 450. 4417 456 4418. 457. 4432. 471. Hengist 4442 482. Aurelius Ambros. 4461 500. Vter Pendragon 4478. 517. Arthur 4504. 533. Mordred 4504 543 Constantine 4482 521. 4488 527 4505 545 4507. 546. Aurelius Conanus 4509. 548. Vortigorus 4513. 542. Malgo. 4539. 578. 4577. 586. Careticus Ethelfrid 4574. 613. Cadwan 4549. 588. 4586 625. 4596 335. Cadwallin 4644. 683. Cadwallader 4684 723. Iue raigned 37 yeares Ethelard 4685 724 4690 729. Cuthred 4706. 745. Sigebert 4709 748. Kinulphus 4702 749 4739 778 Brithricus 4756 795 Egbert 4793 832 Ethelwolf 4804. 843. Os Porci 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 4816. 845. Ethelwald 4817. 856. Ethelbert 4824. 863. Etheldred 4833 872 Alured 4862 901 Edward 4872 911. 4886 925 Adelstane 4896 915 4901 940 Edmond 4907 949 Eldred 4915 954 4916 955. Edwin 4920. 959 Edgar 4927 966 4939. 975. Edward 4936 978 Etheldred 4961 1000 Edmond Iron-side 4977 1016 4978 1017. Canutus 4993. 1032. 4896 1038. Harrold Harefoote 5002 1041 Hardicanutus 5004 1043 Edward 5008 1047 5016 1055 5014 1053 5027. 1066. Harrold 5028 1067. William Lanquet Stow. Harding Hugh Genesis Marian. By Mirandula Virgil. Eusebius William the Conqueror 5028 1067 Roger Earle of Hert●…ord 5037 1076 5042 1081 5050 1089 5030 1069. 5031. 1670. Otho Duke of Bauaria Pope Gregory the seauenth 5030 1069 5037 1079 Robert Byshop of Rauenna made pope by the name of Clement 5047 1089 Will. Rufus 5050 1089 5051 1090. 5055. 1044 5061 1100. 5060 1099 5060. 1099 5062. 1101 Henry Beuclarke 5062 1101 5067 1106 Adelisia daughter to the Duke of Louaine 5071 1110 5081 1120 5096 1135. Gazim and Damascus 5083 1122. Rhodes Chiu●… Samos Lesbos Mitelene 5085 1125 5086 1125 K. Stephen 5102 1141 5107 1136 Eustace son to King Stephen 5114 1153 5115 1154 Henry the 2 5116 1155 5118 1157 5120. 1159 5132. 1171. 5133 1172 5137 1176. 5143. 1183 5144 1183 5149. 1186 5150 1189. Richard Cordelion 5151 1189. 5152. 1191 5151 1190 5154. 1193 5154 1193. 5159 1198 5161 1200 King Iohn 5162 1201. 5164 1203 5167 1206. 5170 1209 5173 1212 5174 1213 5177. 1216. Henry the 3. 5179. 1220 5181 1220. 5182 1221 5183 1222 5184. 1223 5186. 1225 5190 1229 5196 1235. 5198 1237 5201 1240 5202 1241 5203. 1242 5204 1243. 5206 1245 5209 1248 5213. 1252. 5214 1253 5219 1254 5218 1257 5219 1258. 5221. 1260. 5225 1264. Richard of Cornwayle Brother to the King and Emperor 5233. 1272 5233 1272 Edward the first 5235 1274 5238 1277 5240 1279 5246 1285. 5247 1286. 5248 1287 5253. 1292 5254 1293 5255 1294 5260 1299 Edward the 2. the 1. Prince of Wales 5261 1300 5267. 1306. 5268 1307. Edward 2. 5269 1308 Henry 7. Em. 5270 1309. 5076. 1315 5283 1322. 5●…84 1323 5287 1326 Edward the 3. 5288 1327 5291 1330 5293 1332 5301 1340. 5309 1348 5317. 1356 5324 1363. 5327 1366 Iohn a Gaunt Duke of Lancaster 5334 1373. 5337. 1376. Richard 2. 5341 1380 5342 1381 5343 1382 5346 1385 5347 1386 5349 1389 5350 1389. The Academy of 〈◊〉 leine fou●…d 5356 1395 The Duke of Gloster and Earle of Arundell 5359 1398 Edward the fourth 5360 1399 5362 1401 Galiazo Duke of Milleine 5363 1402 5367 1460. 5368 1407 5372 1411 Henry the S. 5374 1413. 5377. 1416 5378 1417 5382 1421 5383 1422 Henry the sixt 5389 1428 Ioane de pusill 5394 1433. Eug. 4. 5398 1437 5399 1438 5420 1441 5406 1445 5408 1447 5411 1450 5413 1452. 5414 1453 5415 1454 5416 1455 5420 1459 5421 1460 Edward 4. 5224 1463 5225 1464 5431 1470 5432 1471 5435 1474 5436 1475 5444. 1483 Edward the 5 5445 1484 Richard the 3. 5446 1485 Henry the 7. 5448 1487 5450 1439 5451 1490. 5453 1492 5456 1495 5457 1496. 5459. 1498 5461 1500 1462 1501 5460 1502 5469 1508 5470 1509 Henry the eyght 5471 1510. 5473 1512 5474 1513 5475 1514 5476 1515 5478 1517 5479 1518 5481 1520 5481 1520 5483 1522. 5484 1523 5487 1526. 5488 1527 5490 1528 5491 1530 5493 1523 5494 1533 5494 1536 5498 1537. 5499 1538 5500 1539 5501 1540. 5504. 1533 5505 1544. 5507 1546 1508 1547 Edward the 6. 5509 1548 5500 1549 5512 1551 5514 1553. Cu●…ford Dudley to the D. Northumberland Q. Iane. Q. Mary Bourne Cannon of Paules Ridley Bishop of London Cra●…mer Archbishop of C●…terbury Car●…al Poole 5515 1554 Coortney earle of Deuonshire 5516. 1555 5517 1556. 5510. 1558 K. Phillip 5520 1959. Q Elizab. Henry the 2 5521. 1560. 5525. 1564 5246. 1565. 5227 1566. 5528 1567 5530 5569 5531. 1570 5532 1571. 5533. 1572 5524 1373. 5435. 1576. 5542 1582 5543. 1582 5544. 1583. 5546 1585. 5547 1586 His twn ships the Desire and Content 5549 1588. Henry 4. kild 5552 1591 5553 1592 5555 1594 5557 1596. 5558 1597 5559 1598. 5560 1599 5561 1600 5563. 1602. The death of Q. Elizabeth 5594 1603. King Iames.