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A29737 A chronicle of the Kings of England, from the time of the Romans goverment [sic] unto the raigne of our soveraigne lord, King Charles containing all passages of state or church, with all other observations proper for a chronicle / faithfully collected out of authours ancient and moderne, & digested into a new method ; by Sr. R. Baker, Knight. Baker, Richard, Sir, 1568-1645. 1643 (1643) Wing B501; ESTC R4846 871,115 630

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still besieged by the Danish ships but King Edmund hearing of his departure followed him and with small adoe removed the siege and in Triumphant manner entred the City After this neere unto Otford in Kent was another great battaile fought in which Canutus lost foure thousand five hundred men and King Edmund onely six hundred the rest of the Danes saving themselves by ●light whom if King Edmund had pur●ued it is thought that day had ended the warres betweene these two Nations for ever But the ever traiterous Edrick kept King Edmund from pursuing them by telling him of Ambushes and other dangers So as Canutu● had leisure to passe over into Essex but thither also King Edmund followed him where at Ashdone three miles from Saffron Walden another battaile was fought in which ●he Danes being at the point to be overthrowne the traiterous Edrick with all his Forces revoulted to their side by which treachery the English lost the day There died of King Edmunds Nobility Duke Alfred Duke Goodwyn Duke Athelward Duke Athelwyn Earle Urchill Codnoth Bishop of Lincolne Woolsey Abbot of Ramsey with many other The remembrance of which battaile is retained to this day by certaine small hils there remaining whence have beene digged the bones of men Armour and horsebridles After this at Dereherst neere to the river Severn● another battaile was ready to be fought when suddenly a certaine Captaine steps forth and for saving of blood u●ed great perswasions that either they should try the matter by single Combat or else divide the Kingdome betwixt them Upon this the Combat is agreed on and the two Princes entering into a small Island called Alney adjoyning to the City of Glocester in compleat Armour assayled each other at first on horsebacke and after on foote when Canutus having received a dangerous wound and finding himselfe overmatched in strength desired a Compromise and with a loud voyce used these words What necessity should move us most Valiant Prince for obtaining of a Title to endanger our lives were it not better to lay malice aside and condescend to a loving agreement let us therefore become sworne brothers and divide the Kingdome between us This motion was by King Edmund accepted and thus was the Kingdome divided betweene these two Princes Edmund enjoying that part which lies upon the coast of France and Canutus the rest But now Duke Edrick hath his last and greatest Act of treachery to play for King Edmund being retired to a place for natures n●cessity he thurst from under the draught a sharpe speare into his body and then cutting off his head presented it to Canutus with these fawning words All hayle thou sole Monarch now of England for here behold the head of thy Copartner which for thy sake I have adventured to cut off Canutus though ambitious enough of soveraignty yet aba●hed at so disloyall a fact replyed and vowed that in reward of that service his own head should bee advanced above all the Peeres of his Kingdom which soone after he performed for by his command the false Edricks head was cut off and placed upon the highest gate in London The death of this King in this manner some say was acted at Oxford other that he died of naturall sicknesse in London but howsoever he came to his death his Raigne was but onely seven months his body was buried at Glasten●ury neere to his Grandfather King Edgar This King Edmund had by his wife Algyt● two sonnes the eldest named Edward surnamed the Outlaw because he lived out of England in Hungary as a banished man for feare of King Canutus but when his Uncle King Edward the Confessor had obtained the Crowne he was recalled and honourably entertained till he died He married Agatha sister to Queene Sophia wife to Salomon King of Hungarie and daughter to the Emperour Henry the second by whom he had Edgar surnamed Atheling the right Heire of the English Crowne though he never enjoyed it King Edmund had also two daughters Margaret and Christian of whom the younger became a Veyled Nunne at Ramsey in Hampshire the elder Margaret after sole Heire to the Saxon Monarchie married Malcolme the third King of Scotland from which Princely bed in a lineall Descent our High and Mighty Monarch King Iames the first doth in his most Royall person unite the Britaines Saxons Normans and Scottish Imperiall Crownes in one Of the first Danish King in England CAnutus being possest of halfe the Kingdome by composition with King Edmund now after his death seised upon the whole and to prevent all further question he called a Councell of the English Nobility wherein it was propounded whether in the agreement betwixt Edm●nd and him any claime of Title to the Crowne had beene reserved for King Edmunds brethren or sonnes to which not daring to say otherwise they absolutely answered no and thereupon tooke all of them the Oath of Allegeance to Canutus Being thus cleered of all Opposites he prepared with great solemnity for his Coronation which was performed at London by the hands of Levingus surnamed Elstane Archbishop of Canterbury in the yeare 1017. being the first Dane that Raigned Monarch of England But Canutus not thinking himselfe sufficiently safe as long as any that might pretend were in the peoples eye caused first Edwyn the sonne of King Ethelred and brother of Edmund to abjure the Realme who was yet afterward recalled and treacherously murthered by his owne men and his body buried at Tavestock in Devonshire Next were the two sonnes of Edmund Ironside Edward and Edmund whom to the end the people might not see him shed the blood of Innocents he sent to his halfe brother King of Sweden to be made away Then remained Edward and Alfred the sonnes of King Ethelred and them their mother Queene Emma had sent away before to her brother the Duke of Normandie there to be in safety so as none of the Royall blood was now left in the land to give Canutus any feare of competition After this he tooke to wife the vertuous Lady Emma the Relict of King Ethelred by which match he procured to himselfe three great benefits one that hee wonne the love of the people by marrying a Lady whom they so entirely loved another that he got the Alliance of the Duke of Normandi● a neighbou●ing Prince of great power the third that by marrying the mother hee secured himselfe against the sons as likewise Queene Emma was not unwillingly perswaded to the match upon agreement to make her issue if he had any by her to inherit the Crowne of England And to winne the love of the people more hee caused great numbers of his Danes who pestered the Country to return home bestowing amongst them for their satisfaction foure score and two thousand pounds And to winne the love of the people yet more he now set himselfe to the making of good lawes● in a Parliament at Oxford whereof for a Patterne of those times some that concerne Religion may not
the twentieth of September the Towne of Beverley with the Church of Saint Iohn there was burnt And in this Kings time the bones of King Arthur and his Wife Guynevour were found in the Vale of Avalon under an hollow Oake fifteene foote under ground the haire of the said Guynevour being then whole and of fresh colour but as soone as it was touched it fell to powder as Fabian relateth Of his Wife and Children HE married Eleanor Daughter and heire of William Duke of Guien late Wife of Lewis the seventh King of France but then divorced but for what cause divorced is diversly related some say King Lewis carryed her with him into the Holy Land where she carryed her selfe not very holily but led a licentious life and which is the worst kind of licentiousnesse in carnall familiarity with a Turke which King Lewis though knowing yet dissembled till comming home he then waived that cause as which he could not bring without disgrace to himselfe and made use of their nearenesse in blood as being Cousins in the fourth degree which was allowed by the Pope as a cause sufficient to divorce them though he had at that time two Daughters by her Being thus divorced Duke Henry marries her with whom it was never knowne but she led a modest and sober life a sufficient proofe that the former Report was but a slander By this Queene Eleanor he had five Sonnes William Henry Richard Geoffry and Iohn and three Daughters Maude marryed to Henry Duke of Saxony Eleanor marryed to Alphonso the Eighth of that name King of Castile and Iane or Ioane marryed to William King of Sicilie Of his Sonnes William dyed young Henry borne the second yeare of his Raigne was Crowned King with his Father in the eighteenth yeare and dyed the nine and twentyeth yeare and was buryed at Roan marryed to Margaret Daughter of Lewis King of France but left no issue Richard borne at Oxford in the fourth yeare of his Fathers Raigne and succeeded him in the kingdome Geoffrey borne the fifth yeare of his Fathers Raigne marryed Constance Daughter and Heire of Conan Earle of Little Britaine in the foureteenth yeare and in the two and thirtieth yeare dyed leaving by his Wife Constance two Daughters and a Posthumus Sonne named Arthur Iohn his youngest called Iohn without Land because he had no Land assigned him in his Fathers time borne the twelfth yeare of his Fathers Raigne and succeeded his Brother Richard in the kingdome And this may be reckoned a peculiar honour to this King that of his five Sonnes three of them lived to be Kings and of his three Daughters two of them to be Queenes Concubines he had many but two more famous then the rest and one of these two more famous then the other and this was Rosamond Daughter of Walter Lord Clifford whom he kept at Woodstocke in lodgings so cunningly contrived that no stranger could find the way in yet Queene Eleanor did being guided by a thread so much is the eye of jealousie quicker in finding out then the eye of care is in hiding What the Queen did to Rosamond when she came in to her is uncertaine but this is certaine that Rosamond lived but a short time after and lyes buryed at the Nunnery of Godst●w neare to Oxford By this Rosamond King Henry had two Sonnes William called Long-Sword who was Earle of Salisbury in right of his Wife Ela Daughter and Heire of William Earle of that Country and had by her much issue whose posterity continued a long time And a second Sonne named Geoffrey who was first Bishop of Lincolne and afterward Arch-bishop of Yorke and after five yeares banishment in his Brother King Iohns time dyed in the yeare 1213. The other famous Concubine of this King Henry was the Wife of Ralph Blewet a knight by whom he had a Sonne named Morgan who was Provost of Beverley and being to be elected Bishop of Durham went to Rome for a dispensation because being a Bastard he was else uncapable But the Pope refu●ing to grant it unlesse he would passe as the Sonne of Blewet he absolutely answered he would for no cause in the world deny his Father and chose rather to lose the Dignity of the Place then of his Blood as being the Sonne though but the base Sonne of a King Of his personage and conditions HE was somewhat red of face and broad breasted short of body and therewithall fat which made him use much Exercise and little Meate He was commonly called Henry Shortmantell because he was the first that brought the use of short Cloakes out of Anjou into England Concerning endowments of mind he was of a Spirit in the highest degree Generous which made him often say that all the World sufficed not to a Couragious heart He had the Reputation of a wise Prince all the Christian World over which made him often say that all the World sufficed not to a Couragious heart He had the Reputation of a wise Prince all the Christian World over which made Alphonsus King of Castile and Garsyas King of Navarre referre a difference that was betweene them to his Arbitrament who so judicious●y determined the Cause that he gave contentment to both Parties a harder matter then to cut Cloath even by a thread His Custome was to be alwayes in Action for which cause if he had no Reall Warres he would have Faigned and would transport Forces either into Normandy or Britaine and goe with them himselfe whereby he was alwayes prepared of an Army and made it a Schooling to his Souldiers and to himselfe an Exercise To his Children he was both indulgent and hard for out of indulgence he caused his Son Henry to be Crowned King in his owne time and out of hardnesse he caused his younger Sonnes to Rebell against him He was rather Superstitious then not Religious which he shewed more by his carriage toward Becket being dead then while he lived His Incontinency was not so much that he used other Women besides his Wife but that he used the affianced Wife of his owne Son And it was commonly thought he had a meaning to be divorced from his Wife Queene Eleanor and to take the said Adela to be his Wife Yet generally to speake of him he was an excellent Prince and if in some particulars he were defective it must be considered he was a Man Of his death and buriall HE was not well at ease before but when the King of France sent him a List of those that had conspired against him and that he found the first man in the Lyst to be his Son Iohn he then fell suddenly into a fit of Fainting which so encreased upon him that within foure dayes after he ended his life So strong a Corrosive is Griefe of mind when it meetes with a Body weakned before with sicknesse He dyed in Normandy in the yeare 1189. when he had lived threescore and one yeares Raigned neare five and thirty and was buryed
Christian Faith Though some there be that ●ay All the●e were but false Criminations charged upon him by Monkes that did not love him But though we believe not these things of him yet to suffer his kingdome to stand Interdicted so many yeares together upon so small occasion as he did was certainely no good signe of Religion in him Yet one Act he did wherein he shewed a respect to Religion by the honour he did to a Religious man For Hugh Bishop of Lincolne lying very sicke he not onely went to visit him but being dead was one of the three Kings the other two were William King of Scotland● and the King of Southwales that carryed his Herse upon their shoulders till they delivered it to the Peeres and the Peeres afterward to the Arch-bishops and Bishops to carry it in●o the Quire Workes of piety done by him or by others in his time YEt did this King leave more Workes of Piety behinde him then all his Subjects that were in his time For he Founded the Abbey of Bowley in the New Forest in Hampshire also an Abbey of blacke Monkes in the City of Winchester and the Monastery of Farend●n and the Monastery of Hales Owen in Shropshire he reedified ●odsto● and Wr●xell and enlarged the Chappell of Knarisborough Now for his Subjects onely Richard Prior of Ber●mon●sey builded an House against the wall of the said house of Ber●on●sey called the Almary or Hospitall of Converts and Children in honour of Saint Thomas In this Kings time Saint Mary Overeyes in Southw●●ke was begun to be builded and the Stone Bridge over the Thames was by the Merchants of London finished Also Hubert Arch-bishop of Canterbury Founded a Monastery at West Derham in Norfolke which upon the dissolution came to the family of the Derhams who hold it to this day Of his Lawes and Ordinances IN this Kings time five and thirty of the most substantiall Citizens of London were chosen out and called the Counsell of the City and the King gave the City liberty to alter their Major and Sheriffes every yeare which before continued during life He caused the Lawes of England to be executed in Ireland and money to be Coyned there according to the weight of English money Of his Wives and Children KING Iohn lived to have three Wives His first was Alice Daughter of Hubert Earle of Morton who left him a Widower without issue His second was Isabell Daughter and Heire of Robert Earle of Gl●c●ster by whom no issue neither divorced from her by reason of Consanguini●y in the third degree His third Wife was Isabel Daughter and Heire of Aymer Earle of Angoules●e Affianced before to Hugh le Brun Earle of March By this Wife he had two Sonnes Henry and Richard and three Daughters Ioane Eleanor and Isabell Henry succeeded him in the kingdome Richard was Earle of Cornwall and Crowned King of the Romans and had issue Henry and Iohn that dyed without issue also Edward Earle of Cornwall and others Ioane his eldest Daughter marryed to Alexander the second King of Scots dyed without issue Eleanor the second Daughter marryed to Simon Earle of Leycester had issue Henry Simon Almaricke Guy Richard and Eleanor Henry slaine without issue Simon Earle of Bigorre and ancestour to a Family of the Mountfords in France Almaricke first a Priest after a knight Guy Earle of Angleria in Italy and Progenitour of the Mountfords in Thuscany and of the Earles of the Campo Bacchi in the kingdome of Richard● remaining privily in England and changing his name from Mountford to Wellesborne was ancestour of the Wellesburnes in England Eleanor borne in England brought up in France marryed into Wales to Prince Lewin a● Griffith Isabel his youngest Daughter marryed to the Emperour Fredericke the second had issue Henry appointed to be King of Sicilie and Margaret Wife of Albret Lantgrave of Thurine She dyed in Childbed after she had beene Empresse sixe yeares He had also two naturall Sonnes Geoffrey Fits Roy and Richard that marryed the Daughter and Heire of Fulbert de Dover who built Childham Castle had issue by her of whom some Families of good account are descended Also one base Daughter named Ioane marryed to Lewin Prince of Wales Of his Personage and Conditions HE was of Stature indifferent tall and something fat of a sowre and angry countenance and concerning his conditions it may be said that his Nature and his Fortune did not well agree For naturally h● loved his e●se yet his Fortune was to be ever in Action He won more of his Enemies by surprises then by Battels which shewes he had more of Lightning in him then of Thunder He was never so true of his word as when he threatned because he meant alwayes as cruelly as he spake not alwayes as gratiously and he that would have knowne what it was he never meant to performe must have looked upon his promises He was neither fit for Prosperity nor Adversity For Prosperity made him insolent and Adversity dejected a meane Fortune would have suited best with him He was all that he was by Fits Sometimes doing nothing without deliberation● and sometimes doing all upon a sudden Sometimes very Religious and sometimes scarce a Christian. His insatiablenesse of money was not so much as that no man knew what he did with it gotten with much noyse but spent in silence He was but intemperate in his best temper but when distempered with sicknesse most of all as appeared at his last when being in a Feaver he would needs be eating of raw Peaches and drinking of sweete Ale If we looke upon his workes we must needes thinke him a worthy Prince but if upon his Actions nothing lesse For his Workes of Piety were very many as hath beene shewed before but as for his Actions he neither came to the Crowne by Justice nor held it with Honour nor left it in Peace Yet having had many good parts in him and especially having his Royall posterity continued to this day we can doe no lesse then honour his memory Casualties that happened in his time ONe Casualty we might count dysastrous if it had not had relation to our selves for Hugh de Bones comming to aide King Iohn with threescore thousand out of Britany and Flanders by misfortune at Sea were all Drowned to whom the King had granted Norfolk and Suffolk for the people he brought with him to Inhabit In this Kings time were great thunders and lightnings and showers with hailstones as big as Goose-Egges Fishes of strange shape were taken in England armed with helmets and shields and were like unto armed knights saving that they were farre greater in proportion About Maidestone in Kent a certaine Monster was found strucken with the Lightning which Monster had a head like an Asse a belly like a man and all other parts farre differing from any other Creature Of his death and buriall VVHen Prince Lewis of France was come into England and was received by the Lords and by
Nunnery of Marran neare to Linne Friers Minors first arrived at Dover nine in number whereof five remained at Canterbury and there builded the first Covent of Friers Minors that ever was in England the other foure came to London who encreasing in number had a place assigned them in Saint Nicholas Shambles which Iohn Iwyn Mercer of London appropriated to the use of the said Friers and became himselfe a Lay brother Also in this Kings time the new worke of Saint Pauls Church in London was begunne If it were piety in the Iew who falling into a Privie upon a Saterday would not be taken out that day because it was the Iewes Sabbath It was as much piety in the Earle of Glocester that would not suffer him to be taken out the next day because it was the Christian Sabbath and when the third day he was taken out dead whose piety was the greater A strange accident upon an act of piety is related in this Kings time which if true is a Miracle if not true is yet a Legend and not unworthy to be read that in a time of dearth one man in a certaine Parish who allowed poore people to relieve themselves with taking Corne upon his ground had at Harvest a plentifull crop where others that denied them had their Corne all blasted and nothing worth In this Kings time also Hugh Balsamus Bishop of Ely founded Saint Peters Colledge in Cambridge Hubert de Burgh Earle of Kent was buried in the Church of the Friers Preachers in London to which Church he gave his Palace at Westminster which afterward the Arch-bishop of Yorke bought and made it his Inne since commonly called Yorke place now White-Hall Casualties happening in his time AT one time there fell no Raine in England from the first of March to the Assumption of our Lady and at another time there fell so much Raine that Holland and Holdernes in Lincolneshire were over-flowed and drowned In the seventeenth yeare of his Raign were seene five Suns at one time together after which followed so great a Dearth that people were constrained to eate horse flesh and barkes of Trees and in London twenty thousand were starved for want of foode Also in his time the Church of Saint Mildred in Canterbury and a great part of the City was burnt Also the Towne of New-Castle upon Tine was burnt Bridge and all And though it may seeme no fit place to tell it yet here or no where it must be told that in this Kings time there was sent by the King of France the first Elephant that ever was seene in England Of his Wife and Children HE marryed Eleanor the second of the five Daughters of Raymond Earle of Provence who lived his Wife thirty seven yeares his Widow nineteene dyed a Nun at Aimesbury and was buryed in her Monastery By her he had sixe Sonnes and three Daughters of his Sonnes the foure youngest dyed young and were buryed three of them at Westminster and the fourth in the New Temple by Fleetstreet His eldest Sonne Edward surnamed Longshanke of his tall and slender body succeeded him in the kingdome His second Sonne Edmund surnamed Crouch-backe of bowing in his backe as some say but more likely of wearing the signe of the Crosse anciently called a Crouch upon his backe which was usually worne of such as had vowed voyages to Hierusalem as he had done He was invested Titular King of Sicilie and Apulia and created Earle of Lancaster on whose person originally the great contention of Lancaster and Yorke was Founded He had two Wives the first was Avelin Daughter and Heire of William Earle of Albemarle by whom he left no issue The second was Queene Blanch Daughter of Robert Earle of Artois Brother of Saint Lewis King of France Widow of Henry of Champaigne King of Navarre by her he had issue three Sonnes and one Daughter His eldest Sonne Thomas who after his Father was Earle of Lancaster and having marryed Alice Daughter and Heire of Henry Lacie Earle of Lincolne was beheaded at Pomfret without issue His second sonne Henry Lord of Monmouth who after his Brothers death was Earle of Lancaster and Father of Henry the first Duke of Lancaster his third Sonne Iohn who dyed unmarryed His Daughter Mary marryed to Henry Lord Percy Mother of Henry the first Earle of Northumberland This Edmund dyed at Bay in Gascoyne in the yeare 1296. when he had lived fifty yeares whose body halfe a yeare after his death was brought over into England and entombed at Westminster Of King Henries three Daughter the eldest Margaret was marryed to Alexander the third King of Scotland by whom she had issue two Sonnes Alexander and David who dyed both before their Father without issue and one Daughter Margar●t Queene of Norway Wife of King Erike and Mother of Margaret the Heire of Scotland and Norway that dyed unmarryed The second Daughter of King Henry was Beatrice borne at Burdeaux marryed to Iohn the first Duke of Britaine and had issue by him Arthur Duke of Britaine Iohn Earle of Richmont Peter and Blanch marryed to Philip Sonne of Robert Earle of Artois Eleanor a Nunne at Aimesbury and Mary marryed to Guy Earle of S. Paul● she deceased in Britaine and was buryed at London in the Quire of the Gray Fryers within Newgate The third Daughter of King Henry named Katherine dyed young and lies buryed at Westminster in the space betweene the Chappels of King Edward and Saint Benet Of his Personage and Conditions HE was of stature but meane yet of a well compacted body and very strong one of his eyelids hanging downe and almost covering the blacke of his Eye For his inward endowments it may be said he was wiser for a man then for a Prince for he knew better how to governe his life then his Subjects He was rather Pious then Devout as taking more pleasure in hearing Masses then Sermons as he said to the King of France He had rather see his Friend once then heare from him often His minde seemed not to stand firme upon its Basis for every sudden accident put him into passion He was neither constant in his love nor in his hate for he never had so great a Favorite whom he cast not into disgrace nor so great an Enemy whom he received not into favour An example of both which qualities was seene in his carriage towards Hubert de Burgh who was for a time his greatest Favourite yet cast out afterward in miserable disgrace and then no man held in greater ha●red yet received afterward into grace againe And it is memorable to heare with what crimes this Hubert was charged at his Arraignment and ●pecially one That to disswade a great Lady from marriage with the King he had said the King was a squint-eyed Foole and a kinde of Leper deceitfull perju●ed more faint-hearted then a Woman and utterly unfit for any Noble Ladies company For which and other crimes laid to his charge in the Kings Bench where
Langley which Richard had issue by the said Anne a sonne called Richard that was after Duke of York and father to king Edward the Fourth also a daughter named Isabel maried to the Lord Bourchier Also this yeere Henry of Bullingbrooke Earle of Darby maried the daughter and heire of Humfry Bohun Earle of Hereford in whose Right he was after made Duke of Hereford This yeere also K. Richard holding his Christmas at Eltham Leo king of Armenia came thither to him who in feare to have his kingdome conquered by the Turkes was come into Christendome to seeke for ayde but his chiefe Errand into England was to have procured a Peace between the two kings of England and Fran●e but their spleenes were so great against one another that it was not in the physick of hi● Power to cure them At this time the Duke of Lancaster taking with him his wife the Lady Const●nce and a daughter he had by her named Katherine and two other daughters which he had by his former wife failed into Spaine he was attended in his journy with the Lord Lucie the Lord Talbot the Lord Basset Willoughby Fitzwater Poy●ings Br●●ston and many other Lords and knights to the number of fifteen hundred men of Armes whereof a thousand at the least were knights and Esquires The king at his taking leave gave him a Crowne of Gold and commanded he should be called king of Spaine and the Queen likewise gave another Crown of Gold to the Dutche●●e He landed first at Brest and freed that Castle from the French from thence he sailed and arrived at the Groyne in Spaine where he remained a moneth and then went to Compostella where he stayed a while In which time his Constable Sir Iohn Holl●●d wonne divers Townes At Monson the king of Portingale and the Duke of L●●caster met where a mariage was concluded between the said king of Portingale and the Lady Philip daughter to the Duke● which mariage shortly after was consummated and the Lady sent into Portingale honorably accompanied The Duke continued at Co●postella all the winter At March the king of Portingale and he en●●ed the Confines of Castile where they tooke many Townes and passing over the River of Dure entred into the Country De Campo But the Spaniards not willing to come to a Battell but meaning to weary them out with delayes the English not used ●o such hot aire fell daily into many diseases which the Duke seeing accorded ●o a Truce There dyed in this action the Lord Fi●zwater Sir Burley●●night ●●night of the Garter the Lord Poynings and Sir Henry Percy Cosin-german to the E●●le of Northumberland also the Lord Talbot and in all twelve great Lords fourscore ●nights two hundred Esquires and of the meaner sort above five hundred When the Army was broken up the Duke of Lancaster and the Dutche●se his wife went into Portingale and after some stay there they sailed to Bayon in the Marches of Gascoigne where he rested a long time after In which meane while there were offers made for a Mariage to be had betweene the Duke of Berry Unkle to the Fr●●ch king and the Lady Ka●herine daughter to the Duke of Lancaster which the king of Spaine understanding he began to doubt least if that mariage went forward it might turne to his disadvantage and thereupon by earnest suit at length conc●uded a peace with the Duke of Lancaster on this wise That his eldest sonne He●ry should marry the the Lady Katherine the Duke of Lancasters daughter and be intituled Prince of Austurg●s and in consideration of this mariage and that all claimes should cease which the Duke in right of his wife might challenge or pretend● It was agreed that the said Duke should receive yeerely the summe of Ten thous●nd marks during the lives of him and his Dutchesse and to have in hand the summe of two hundred thousand Nobles At this time the French had a purpose to invade England with no lesse a hope then to make a Conquest and to that end they prepared a mighty Navy so as in the moneth of September there were numbred about Sluis Dam and Bla●kerk● 1●87 ships besides those which were rigged in Britaine by the Constable who had caused an inclosure of a Field to be made of Timber that when they were landed in E●gland they might therewith inclose their field and so lodge at more surety but it so fortuned that the Lord William Beauchampe Captaine of Callis tooke two of their ships whereof one was laden with a piece of the said Inclosure and after that ●nother ship laden with Guns Gunpowder and other Instruments of warre and after that againe two ships more laden with parcels of the said Inclosure which K. ●ichard caused to be reared and set up about Winchelsey Towne at last the foresaid Army came into Flanders and arrived at Sluis where after some stay they were so distressed for victuals that in the end of November they were glad to be gone and returne into France At this time in a Parliament Robert Veere Earle of Oxford and Marques of Dublin was created Duke of Ireland and Michael de la Poole a Merchants son had lately before been created E. of Suffolk and made Chancellor of England And now begins K. Richard to enter I may say upon the confines of his Destiny His gracing of undeserving men and disgracing of men deserving if they were not the causes they were at least the occasions of his owne disgracing and destruction in the end He was now come to be of full age to doe all himselfe which was indeed to be of full age to undoe himselfe for the faults of his younger yeeres might have the excuse to be but Errors but the faults of the age he was now at were peremp●ory against him and admitted no defence And to hasten the pace of his destiny the faster the ill Counsell which before was but whispered in his eare was now scarce forborne to be given him aloud It is told him that he is under tuition no longer and therefore not to be controll'd as in former times he had been That to be crost of his will by his subjects was to be their subject It is no Soveraignty if it be not absolute At the instigation of which Counsell the king in a Parliament now assembled fell to expostulate with his Lords asking them what yeeres they thought him to be 〈◊〉 who answering that he was somewhat more then one and twenty Well then sa●● he I am out of Wardship and therefore looke to injoy my kingdome as freely 〈◊〉 your selves at the like yeeres enjoy your Patrimonies But his flattering Favori●● should have remembred that though the king may not be controlled where he ca● command yet he may be opposed where he can but demand as now indeed he wa● for when he came to demand a Subsidy towards his warres he was answered That he needed no subsidie from his Subjects if he would but call in the debts which th●
was begun to be built Also in his time Sir Robert Knolls made the Stone bridge of Rochester in Kent and founded in the Town of Pomfret a Colledge and an Hospitall he also re-edified the body of the White-Friers Church in Fleetstreet where he was afterward buried Which Church was first founded by the Ancestours of the Lord Grey of Codnor In the eighth yeare of his Reigne Richard Whittington Major of London erected a house or Church in London to be a house of Prayer and named it after his own name Whittington Colledge with lodgings and weekly allowance for divers poore people He also builded the Gate of London called Newgate in the yeare 1420 which was before a most loathsome prison He builded also more than halfe of St. Bartholmews Hospitall in West-Smithfield and the beautifull Library in the Gray Friars in London● now called Christs Hospitall He also builded a great part of the east end of Guildhall and a Chappell adjoyning to it with a Library of stone for the custodie of the Records of the Citie But he that exceeded all at this time in works of Piety was William Wickham Bishop of Winchester his first worke was the building of a Chappell at Tychfield where his Father Mother and Sister Perr●t was buried Next he founded at Southwick in Hampshire neere the Towne of Wickham the place of his birth as a supplement to the Priorie of Sout●wicke a Chauntry with allowance for five Priests for ever He bestowed twenty thousand marks in repairing the houses belonging to the Bishopricke he discharged out ●f Prison in all places of his Diocesse all such poore prisoners as lay in execution for debt under twenty pounds he amended all the high-wayes from Winchester to London on both sides the River After all this on ●he fifth of March 1379 he began to lay the foundation of that magnificent Structure in Oxford called New-Colledge and in person layd the first stone thereof in which place before there stood Naetius-Colledge built by Alver at N●tius intreaty and for the affinity of the name came to be called New-Colledge In the yeare 1387 on the 26 of March he likewise in person layd the first stone of the like foundation in Winchester and dedica●●● the same as that other in Oxford to the memory of the Virgin Mary The Grocer● in London purchased their Hall in Cu●●yhope Lane for 320 marks and then layd th● foundation thereof on the tenth of May. King Henry founded the Colledge of F●●ringhey in Northampto●shire to which King He●ry the fifth gave land of the Priories of Monkes Aliens by him suppressed Iohn Gower the famous Poet new builded a great part of St. Mary Overyes Church in South●●rke where he lyes buried In the second yeare of this king a new market in the Poultry called the Stocks was builded for the free sale of Forreign Fishmongers and Butchers In his twelveth yeare the Guildhall of London was begun to be new Edified and of a little Cottage made a goodly house as now it is Casualties happening in his time IN his third yeare in the Moneth of March appeared a Blazing-starre first betwixt the East and the North and then sending forth fiery beams towards the North foreshewing perhaps the effusion of bloud that followed after in Wales and Northumberland In the same yeare at Danbury in Essex the Devill appeared in likenesse of a Gray-Frier who entring the Church put the people in great fear and the same houre with a tempest of Whirlewinde and Thunder the top of the steeple was broken down and halfe the Chancell scattered abroad In his seventh ye●re such abundance of water brake suddenly over the Banks in Kent that it drowned Cattell without number Also this yeare the Town of Reystone in Hartfordshire was burnt In his ninth yeare was so sharpe a winter and such abundanc● of snow continuing December Ianuary February and March that almost all small Birds died through hunger Of his Wives and Children HE had two Wives the first was Mary one of the Daughters and heirs of H●mphrey de Bo●un Earle of Hereford Essex and Northampton she died before he c●me to the Crowne in the yeare 1394. His second Wife was Ioane Daughter to Charles the first king of Navarre she being the widdow of Iohn de Montford surnamed Strea●y or the Conquerour Duke of Brittaine who dyed without any issue by king Henry at Havering in Essex the yeare 1437 in the fifteenth yeare of king Henry the sixth and lyeth buried by her husband at Canterbury He had foure Sons and two Daughters Of his Sons Henry his eldest was Prince of Wales and after his Father king of England His second Son was Thomas Duke of Clarence and Steward of England who was slaine at Beaufort in Anjo● and dyed without issue His third Son was Iohn Duke of Bedford he married first with Anne Daughter to Iohn Duke of Burgundie and secondly with Iacoba Daughter of Peter of Luxenbourgh Earle of St. Paul but dyed also without issue His fourth Son was Humphry by his brother king Henry the fifth created Duke of Gloucester and was generally called the good Duke he had two Wives but dyed without issue in the yeare 1446 and was buried at St. Albans though the vulgar opinion be that he lyes buried in St. Pauls Church Of king Henry the fourths Daughters Blanch the elder was married to Lewis Barbatus Palatine of the Rhene and Prince Elector Philippe his younger Daughter was married to Iohn king of Denmarke and Norway Of his Personage and Conditions COncerning his Body he was of a middle stature slender limbes but well proportioned Concerning his Minde of a serious and solid disposition and one that stood more upon his own legges than any of his Predecessors had done in cases of difficulty not refusing but not needing the advice of others which might confirme but not better his own He was neither merry nor sad but both best pleas'd when he was opposed because this was like to doe him good by sharpening his invention most angry when he was flattered because this was sure to doe him hurt by dulling his judgement No man ever more loved nor lesse doted upon a wife than he a good husband but not uxorious that if there be reines to that Passion we may know he had them It may be thought he affected the Crown not so much out of Ambition as out of Compassion because the oppre●sions of his Country he could not so well helpe being a Subject as a King for otherwise we may truly say he was a loser by the Crowne being not so great for a King as he was before for a Subject The Crowne rather was a gainer by him which hath ever since been the richer for his wearing it We may thinke he was either weary of his life or longing for death for why else would he take upon him the Crusado having been told by a skilfu●l Southsayer that he should dye in Ierusalem but it seemes he did not believe
February the foureteenth crowned at Westminster Shee surviving king Henry was re-married to Owen Teu●●● an Esquire of Wales who pretended to be discended from Cadwallade● the antien● king of Wales though some write him to be the sonne of a Brewer whose meannesse of estate was recompensed by the delicacy of his personage so absolute in all the lineaments of his body that the only contemplation of it might well make her forget all other circumstances by him she had three sonnes Edmond I●sper and Owen and a daughter that lived but a while Her sonne Owen tooke the habit of Religion at Westminster the other two were by king Henry the sixt their halfe brother advanced in honor Edmond was created Earle of Richmond and marrying the sole heyre of Iohn Beaufort Duke of Somerset was Father by her unto Henry the s●aventh king of England the only heyre of the house of Lancaster Iasper her second sonne was first created Earle of Pembroke and after Duke of Bedford but dyed without lawfull issue This Queen● either for devotion or her owne safety ●oke into the Monastery of Bermo●dsey in Southwarke who dying the second o● January 1436. she was buried in our Ladies Chappell within St. Peters Church at VVestminster whose corps taken up in the Reigne of king Henry the s●aventh her Grand-childe when he laid the foundation of that admirable structure and her Coffin placed by king Henry her husbands Tombe hath ever since so remained and never since re-buried where it standeth the cover being loose to bee seene and handled of any that will By her king Henry had only one son named Henry who succeeded him in the Kingdom Of his Personage and Conditions HE was tall of stature leane of body and his bones small but strongly made somewhat long necked black haired and very beautifull of face swift in runing so as hee with two of his Lords without bow or other engine would take a wilde Buck or Doe in a large Parke Hee delighted in songs and musicall Instruments insomuch that in his Chappell amongst his private prayers he used certaine Psalmes of D●vid translated into English meeter by Iohn Lydgate Monke of Bury And indeed it may be truly said of him as was said of Aenae●s Quo justior alter Nec pi●tate fuit nec bello major ar●i● for he seldom fought ba●●ell where he got not the victory and never got victory whereof he gave not the glory to God with publique Thanksgiving He was a better man a King then a Subject for till then he was not in his right Orbe and therfore no mervaile if he were somthing exorbitant He was of a mercifull disposition but not to the prejudice of wisedom as thinking wise cruelty to be better then foolish pitty He was no lesse politick then valian● for he never fought battell nor wonne Town wherein hee prevailed not asmuch by stratagem as by force He was so temperate in his dyet and so free from vain-glory that we may truly say he had something in him of Caesar which Alexander the Gre●● had not that he would not bee drunke and som●hing of Alexander the Great which Caesar had not that he would not be flattered He was indeede a great affector of Glory but not of glory the bl●st of mens mouthes but of the Glory that fills the sailes of Time He dyed of full yeeres though not full of yeeres if he had lived longer he might have gone over the same againe but could not have gone further If his love were great to Military men it was not small to Clergy men insomuch as by many he was called the Prince of Priests Of his Death and Buriall SOme say he was poysoned which Polydore Virgill saith was much suspected The Scots write that he died of the disease called St. Fi●cre which is a Palsie and a Crampe E●guerant saith that he died of St. Anthonies fire But Peter Basset Esquire who at the time of his death was his Chamberlaine affirmeth that hee died of a Pleurisie which at that time was a sicknesse strange and but little known Being dead his body was embalmed and closed in lead and laid in a Chariot-Royall richly apparelled in cloath of Gold was conveyed from Boys de Vin●●n●es to Paris and so to Roa● to A●bevyle to C●llys to D●ver and from thence through London to Westminster where it was interred next beneath King Edward the Confessor upon whose Tombe Queene Katherine caused a Royall picture to be layed covered all over with silver plate gilt but the head thereof altogether of massie silver all which at that Abbies suppression were sacrilegiously broken off and transferred to p●ophaner uses Hee dyed the last day of August in the yeere one thousand foure hundred twenty two when he had reigned nine yeeres and five Moneths lived eight and thirty yeeres Of men of Note in his time MEN of valour in his time were so frequent that we may know it to be a true saying Regis ad exemplu● and men of learning likewise in such numbers that we may know the Prince to have been their Patron First Alayn de Lyn a Carmelite Frier in that Towne who wrote many Treatises Then Thomas Otterborne a Franciscan frier who wrote an History of England Then Iohn Seguerd who kept a Schoole in Norwich and wrote sundry Treatises reproving as well the Monkes and Priests as Poets for writing of filthy verses Robert Ros● a Carmelite frier in Norwich who writing many Treatises yet said nothing against the Wickle●ists Richard C●yster borne ●o Nofolke a man of great holinesse of life favoring though secretly the doctrine of VVickliff● William Wallis a Black frier in Li● who made a booke of Moralizations upon Ovids Metamorphosis● William Taylor a Priest and a Master of Art in Oxford a stedfast follower of Wickliffes doctrine and burnt for the same at Smithfield in London the last yeere of this ●ings reigne Bartholomew Florarius called so of a Treatise which he wrote called Florarium who writ also another Treatise of Abstinence wherein he reproveth the corrupt manners of the Clergie and the p●ofession of the Friers Men●icants Als● Titus Livi●● de Fo●● L●vis●is an It●lian born● but seeing he ●as r●siant here and w●ote the life of this King it is not unfit to make mention of him in this place also many others THE REIGNE OF KING HENRY THE SIXTH THere had beene a Race of Princes of which for three generations together it might be rightly sayd Pulcherrima proles Magnanimi Heroes nati melioribus Annis For King Edward the Third had many Sons not inferior in valour to the many Sons of King Pri●●●s not excepting his valiant Son Hector having so equall a match for him as Edward the blacke Prince who wanted but an Homer to have been an Achilles Then Iohn of G●un● likewise had divers Sons men as valorous as any that Age afforded Then Henry the Fourth had foure Sons o● so heroicall disposition all that you might know them all to be
and heire Sir Humfry Bo●rchier sonne and heire to the Lord Berners and divers other knights and gentlemen On the Earls part were slaine the Earle himselfe the Marqu●ss● Montacute and three and twenty knights of whom Sir William Tyrrell was one The Duke of Somerset and the Earle of Oxford fled into VVales to Iasper Earle of Pembro●ke The Duke of Exceter being strucken down and so wounded that he was left for dead amongst other the dead bodies because he was not k●own but comming to himselfe he got up and escaped to VVestminster and there took Sanctuary The dead bodies of the Earle and Marquesse were brought to London in a Coffin and by the space of three dayes lay open-faced in the Cathedrall Church of St. Paul and then buried with their Ancestours in the Priory of Bissam This Earle of VVarwick was Richard Nevill sonne and heire of Richard Nevill Earle of Salisbury who married the daughter of Richard Beauchamp the sixth Earle of Warwick and in her right was Earle of Warwick in his own of Sali●bury he was also Lord Monthermer great Chamberlaine and high Admirall of England Lord Warden of the North Marches towards Scotland and high Steward of the Dutchy of La●caster he had issue two Daughters Isabell married to George Duke of Clarence and Ann● ●●rst married to Prince Edward king Henry the sixths Sonne and after to Richard Duke of Glocester Wee may here observe a Constellation of disastrous influences concurring all to the overthrow of this great Warwicke whereof if any one had been missing the wheele of his fortune had perhaps not turned For if the City of Yorke had not too credulously believed king Edwards Oath not to d●sturbe king Henry or if the Marquesse Mo●tacute had stopped as he might his passage at Pomfret or if the Duke of Clarence had not at the very point of the battell at St. Albans deserted his party and joyned with king Edwards● or if Qu●en Margaret had not by tempest been kept from comming into E●gla●d in time or if the Londoners had not been retrograde and deceived his expectation he had never perhaps been overthrown as he was But Fata viam invenient destiny will finde waies that were never thought of will make way where it findes none and that which is ordained in heaven shall be effected by means of which Earth can take no notice Queen Margaret when it was too late accompanied with Iohn Longstrother Prior of Saint Iohns and the Lord Wenlock with divers Knights and Esquires tooke shipping at Harflew the foure and twentieth of March but by tempest was kept back till the thirteenth of April and then with her sonne Prince Edward shee landed at Weymouth and from thence went to an Abby hard by called Ceern and then to Bewly in Hampshire whither there came unto her Edmund Duke of Somerset and Thomas Courtney Earle of Devonshire with divers others amongst whom it is resolved once more to try their fortune in the field but then the Queen would have had her sonne Prince Edward to be sent into France there to remaine in safety till the next battell were tryed but they being of a contrary minde and specially the Duke of Somerset shee at length consented though afterward she repented it From Bewly she with her sonne and the Earle of Somerset passeth on to Bristow intending with what power they could raise in Glocestershire to march into Wales to joyn with I●sper Earle of Pembrooke who was there making preparation of more forces King E●ward hearing of these things resolves to crosse this Conjunction and followes Queen Margaret with a great Power so close that neere Tewkesbury in Glocestershire he overtakes her forces who resolutely turn and make head against him where Somerset on the Queens part leading the Vaunt-guard performed the part of a valiant Commander but finding his souldiers thro●gh wearines begin to faint and that the Lord Wenlock who had the conduct of the battaile on the Queens part moved no the rode unto him and upbrayding him with cowardise or treachery never staid but with his Pollaxe beat out his brains and now before he could bring in his men to the rescue their Vaward was routed and Iohn Earle of Devonshire with above three thousand of the Queens part were slaine The Queen her selfe Iohn Beaufort the Duke of Somersets brother the Prior of Saint Iohns Sir Gervis Clifton and divers others were taken prisoners all which except the Queen were the next day beheaded At which time Sir Richard Crofts presented to king Edward king Henries Son Edward whom he had taken prisoner to whom king Edward at first shewed no uncourteous countenance but demanding of him how he durst so presumptuously enter into his Realm with Arms and he answering though truly yet unseasonably To recover my Fathers Kingdome and Heritage King Edward with his hand thrust him from him or as some say strooke him with his Gantlet and then presently George Duke of Clarence Richard Duke of Glocester Thomas Grey Marquesse Dorset and William Lord Hastings standing by fell upon him in the plac● and murdred him His body was homely interred with other ordinary Corpses in the Church of the Monastery of the Black-fryers in Tewkesbury After the Victory thus obtained king Edward repaired to the Abbey Church of Tewkesbury to give God thankes for his good successe and finding there a great number of his enemies that were fled thither to save themselves he gave them all free Pardon onely Edmuud Duke of Somerset 〈◊〉 Longstrother Pryor of Saint Iohns Sir Thomas Tressham Sir Gervi● Clifton and divers other Knights and Esquires who were apprehended there and brought before the Duke of Glocester sitting that day as Constable of England and the Duke of Norfolk as Marshall were all arraigned condemned and judged to Dye and accordingly upon the Tuesday being the seventh of May they were all and twelve other knights more on a Scaffold set up in the middle of the Town beheaded but not dismembred● and permitted to be buried The same day Queen Margaret was found in a poore house of Religion not farre from thence into which she was fled for safeguard of her life but she was after brought to London and there kept a Prisoner till her Father ransomed her with great summes of money This was the last pitcht battell that was fought in England in king Edward the fourths dayes which happened on the fourth of May being Saturday in the Eleventh yeere of his reigne and in the yeere of our Lord 1471. King Edward being assured that as long as any partakers of king Henry lived and were at liberty he should never be free from plots against his life sent Roger Vaugha● a Gentleman much reckoned of in his own Country to entrape Iasper Earle of Pembrooke who had escaped from the last encounter but he having notice of the plot before prevented it by striking off Vaughans head After these great Clouds were thus dispersed there arose a little Cloud which gave the
Daughters which he had by Frances Daughter of Charles Brandon and Mary Queene of France were married at Durham-House the eldest Iane to the Lord Dudley● fourth Soone of the Duke of Northumberland the second Katherine to Henry Sonne and heire to the Earle of Pembrooke the yo●gest Mary being somwhat deformed to Martyn Keyes the Kings Gentleman-Porter And then also Katherine the Duke of Northumberlands yongest daughter to the Lord Hastings eldest sonne of the Earle of Huntington And now had the Duke of Northumberland gone a great way in his design it remained to perswade King Edward to exclude his two sisters from succession in the Crowne for that do●e his daughter in law the Lady Ian● would come to have a right for as for pretenders out of Scotland or any other he made no great matter And now to worke the King to this perswasion being in a languishing sicknesse not farre from death he inculcates to him how much it concerned him to have a care of Religion that it might be preserved in purity not onely in his owne life but as well after his death which would not be if his sister the Lady Mary should succeed and she could not be put by unlesse her other sister the Lady Elizabeth were put by also seeing their rights depended one upon another but if he pleased to appoint the Lady Iane the Duke of Suffolkes eldest daughter and his owne next kinswoman to his Sisters to be his successour he might then be sure that the true Religion should be maintained to Gods great glory and be a worthy Act of his owne religious Providence This was to strike upon the right string of the yong Kings affection with whom nothing was so deere as preservation of Religion and thereupon his last Will was appointed to be drawne contrived chiefly by the Lord chiefe Justice Montague and Secretary Cecill by which Will as farre as in him lay he excluded his two sisters from the succession and all other but the Duke of Suffolkes daughters and then causing it to be read before his Councell he required them all to assent unto it and to subscribe their hands which they all both Nobility and Bishops and Judges did onely the Archbishop Cranmer refused at first Sir Iames Hales a Judge of the Common-Pleas to the last and with him also Sir Iohn Baker Chancellour of the Exchequer And now remained nothing for the Duke of Northumberlands purpose but that the King should dye which soone after he did at Greenwich the sixth of Iuly in the yeere 1553. One point of the Dukes policie must not be forgotten that fearing what troubles the Lady Mary might raise after the Kings decease if she should be at liberty he therefore seeing the King drawing on used all meanes possible to get her within his power to which end Letters are directed to her in the Kings name from the Councell willing her forthwith to repaire to the King as well to be a comfort to him in his sicknesse as to see all matters well ordered about his person whereupon the Lady suspecting nothing addressed her selfe with all speed to the journey till being upon the way she was advertised of the Dukes designe and then she returned to her House at Hoveden and so escaped the snare by whose escape the whole designe of the Duke of Northumberland was disappointed as soone after will be seene Of his Taxations IN no Kings reigne was ever more Parliaments for the time nor fewer Subsidies the greatest was in his last yeere when yet there was but one Subsidie with two fifteenes and tenths granted by the Temporalty and a Subside by the Clergie And indeed to shew how loath this King was to lay Impositions upon his people this may be a sufficient argument that though he were much in debt yet he chose rather to deale with the Foulker in the Low-Countries for money upon loane at the interest of fourteene pounds for a hundred for a yeere But his wayes for raising of money was by selling of Chantrie Lands and Houses given him by Parliament and by inquiring after all Church-goods either remaining in Cathedrall and Parish-Churches or embezeled away as Jewels gold and silver Chalices ready money Copes and other Vestments reserving to every Church one Challice and one covering for the Communion-Table the rest to be applied to his benefit He also raised money by enquiring after offences of Officers in great places in which inquirie one Beamont Master of the Rolles being convinced of many crimes surrendred all his Offices Lands and Goods into the Kings hands also one Whalley Receiver of Yorkeshire being found a delinquent surrendred his Office and payed a great fine besides also the Lord Paget Chancellour of the Dutchie convinced that he had sold the Kings Lands and Timber-woods without Commission and had applied the Kings Fines to his owne use for these and other offences surrendred his Office and was fined at foure thousand pounds which he payed in hand One thing more was done in his time for raising of money twenty thousand pounds weight of Bullion was appointed to be made so much baser that the King might gaine thereby a hundred and forty thousand pounds Of his Lawes and Ordinances IN his third yeere a Parliament was holden wherein one Act was made against spreading of Prophesies another against unlawfull Assemblies In his fourth yeere a Parliament was holden wherein Priests children were made legitimate and usury for the loane of money was forbidden In his fifth yeer it was ordained that the Lawes of England should be administred in Ireland and a king at Armes named Vlster was newly instituted for Ireland whose Province was all Ireland and he was the first fourth king of Armes and first Herauld appointed for Ireland Also in his fifth yeere base monies formerly coyned were cried downe so as the shilling went but for nine pence and shortly after but for six pence the g●oat but for three pence and shortly after but for two pence Affaires of the Church in his time IN the first yee●e of this Kings reigne Injunctions were set forth for pulling downe a●d removing all Images out of Churches also certaine Homilies were appointed to be made by learned men to be read in Churches for the peoples instruction and at Easter this yeer it was ordered that the Sacrament of the Lords Supper should be ministred to the Lay-people in both kindes also Marriage was allowed to Clergie men Auricular Confession and prayer for the dead were forbidden and it is observable that the very same day that Images were pulled downe at London the great overthrow was given to the Scots at Mu●kleborough Also at this time by the Archbishop Cranmers means divers learned Protestants came over into England and had here ente●tainment as Peter Martyr Martin Bucer and Paulus Fagius of whom Peter Martyr was sent to read a Divinity Lecture in Oxford Bucer and Fagius in Cambridge In this Kings foutth yeer all Altars in Churches were comma●ded to be
unfitly be here related First for the celebration of divine Service it was ordained that all Ceremonies tending to the encrease of reverence devotion should bee used as need required Secondly that upon the Sabbath day all publike Faires Markets Synods Huntings and all secular actions should be forborne unlesse some urgent necessity should require it Thirdly that every Christian should thrice in the yeare receive the blessed Sacrament of the Lords Supper Fourthly that if a Minister of the Altar killed a man or committed any notorious crime he should bee deprived both of his Order and Dignity Fifthly th●t a married woman convict of adultery should have her nose and eares cut off Sixthly That a widow marrying within a twelvemonth after her husbands decease should lose her Joynture These and many other good lawes were made whereby the kingdome remained during all his time in a most peaceable state and government In the third yeare of his Raign he heard how the Vandales taking advantage of his absence had entred Denmarke and annoyed his subjects whereupon with a great Army of English hee passed over the Seas and gave them battaile but with ill successe the first day when preparing for the next dayes battaile the Earle Goodwyn who was Generall of the English secretly in the dead of the night set upon the Vandals Campe with a great slaughter of their souldiers made their two Princes Ulfus and Anlave to flie the field In the morning it was told Canutus that the English were fled for that their station was left and not a man of them to be found which did not a little trouble his patience but he going in person to see the truth found the great overthrow the English had given for which service ever after hee held the English and especially the Earle Goodwyn in great estimation After this returning home hee made a prosperous Expedition against Malcolme King of Scots and at last in the fifteenth yeare of his Raigne wearied with the honourable troubles of the world and out of devotion he tooke a Journey to Rome to visit the Sepulchre of St. Peter and Paul from whence he writ to the Bishops and Nobility of England that they should carefully administer Justice and never seeke to advance his profit by any undue wayes or with the detriment of any man At his returne frō Rome he built in Essex the Church of Ashdone where he got the victory against King Edmund in Norfolke the Abbey of St. Benets which Saint he greatly reverenced and in Suffolke the Monastery of St. Edmund which Saint he deadly feared To the Church of Winchester hee gave many rich Jewels whereof one was a Crosse valued to be worth as much as the whole Revenue of England amounted to in one yeare To Coventry he gave the arme of the great St. Austin which he bought at Pavia in his returne from Rome for which he payd an hundred Talents of silver and one of gold One strange Act is recorded which he did for convincing his fawning flatterers who used to tell him that his power were more then humane For being one time at Southampton he commanded that his chaire of State should be set on the shoare when the Sea began to flow and then sitting downe there in the presence of his many attendants he spake thus to that Element I charge thee that thou presume not to enter my Land nor wet these Robes of thy Lord that are about me But the Sea giving no heede to his command but keeping on his usuall course of Tyde first wet his skirts and after his thighes whereupon suddenly rising he thus spake in the hearing of them all Let all the worlds Inhabitants know that vaine and weake is the power of their Kings and that none is worthy of the name of King but he that keepes both heaven and earth and sea in obedience After which time he would never ●uffer the Crowne to be set upon his head but presently Crowned therewith the Picture of Christ on the Crosse at Winchester from which example arose perhaps the custome to hang up the Armour of Worthy men in Churches as Offerings consecrated to him who is the Lord of battaile When he had Raigned nineteene yeares he deceased at Shafte●bery in the County of Dorset the twelfth of November in the yeare 1035. and was buried in the Church of the old Monastery at Winchester which being after new built his bones with many other English Saxon Kings were taken up and are preserved in gilt Coff●rs fixed upon the wals of the Quire in that Cathedrall Church He had by his two wives three sonnes Sweyne and Harold by his first wife Alfgive and Hardicnute by his second wife Queene Emma and two daughters of whom the eldest called Guinhilda was married to the Romane Emperour Henry the third who being accused of adultery and none found to defend her cause at last an English Page adventured to maintaine her Innocency against a mighty Gyantlike-Combatant who in fight at one blow cutting the sinewes of his adversaries legge with another he felled him to the ground and then with his sword taking his head from his shoulders redeemed both the Empresses life and honour But the Empresse after this hard usage forsooke her husbands bed and tooke upon her the Veyle of a Nun in the Towne of Burges in Flanders where she devoutly spent the r●st of her life Of the second Danish King in England KIng Canutus dying left his Kingdome of Norway to his eldest Son Sweyn● and his Kingdome of England to his youngest Sonne Hardikn●te whom he had by his wife Emma but he being at the time of his Fathers death in Denmarke Harold his elder Brother by a former wife taking advantage of his absence layes claime to the Crowne For determining of which Right the Lords assembled at Oxford where Queene Emma pleaded for her sonne Hardiknute urging the Covenant of Can●tus at their marriage and his last Will at his death as also Earle Goodwyn of Kent did the like being left Guardian of her Children and keeper of his last Will. But Harolds presence together with the favour of the Londoners Danes and Northumbrians so wrought with the Lords that the absent Hardiknute was neglected and Harold was Proclaimed and Crowned King at Oxford by ●lnothus Arch-bishop of Canterbury in the yeare 1036. Harold having now attained the Crowne was not so jealous of his Brother Hardiknute as of his mother in Law Queene Emma and her Sonnes by King Ethelre● who were beyond Sea and therefore how to secure himselfe against these was his first care For effecting whereof he framed a Letter as written by Queene Emma to her two Sonnes Edward and Alfred instigating them to attempt the Crown usurped by Harold against their Right to which letter comming first to the hands of Alfred he suspecting no fraud returned Answer that he would shortly come over and follow her Counsaile And thereupon with a small Fleet and some few souldiers lent
of this Kings Raigne the first Chanons entred into the Church of our Lady in Southwarke called Saint Mary Overey Founded by William Pountlarge knight and William Dancyes Normans Robert the first Earle of Glocester the Kings base Sonne builded the Castles of Bristow and Cardyffe with the Priory of Saint Iames in Bristow And his Sonne Earle William began the Abbey of Kensham Geoffrey Clinton Treasurer and Chamberlaine to the King Founded the Priory at Kenelworth of Regular Chanons Henry Earle of Warwicke and Margaret his Wife Founded the Colledge of Saint Mar● in the Towne of Warwicke and Roger de Belemond his Sonne and Ellyne his wife translated the same Colledge into the Castle of Warwicke in the yeare 1123. Roger Bishop of Salisbury built the Devises in Wiltshire the Castles also of Mamesbury and Shirborne He repaired the Castle of Salisbury and environed it with a wall he also built the stately Church of Salisbury destined to a longer life then any of his other workes Ralph Bishop of Durham began to build the Castle of Norham upon the banke of the River of Tweed In the 32. yeare of this Kings Raigne the Priory of Norton in Cheshire was founded by one William the sonne of Nychel and the Abbey of Cumbermere in the same Shire The Colledge of Secular Chanons also in the Castle of Leycester and the Abbey without the North gate of the same Towne called Saint Mary de Prato Also in this Kings Raigne was Founded the Monastery of Plimpton in Devonshire with the Cathedrall Church of Exet●r the Priory of Merton the Hospitall of Kepar the Priory of Oseney neare Oxford by Robert de Oylye Knight and the Hospitall of Saint Crosse neare Winchester by Henry Blois Bishop there also Robert Earle of Ferrers Founded the Abbey of Merivall and indeed so many in his time were built that one would thinke the Inhabitants of England to be all Carpenters and Masons that were able to finish so many great buildings in so short a time as this Kings Raigne ● Casualties happening in his time IN this Kings dayes all the foure Elements were guilty of doing much mischiefe but chiefely the water For King Henry returning into England after his conquest of Normandy left his sonne William with his sister Mary Countesse of Perche Richard his sonne by a Concubine the Earle of Chester with his wife Lucie the Kings Neece by his sister Adela and other Lords and Ladies and passengers to the number of 180. to follow after him who taking Shipping and ●he best Ship the King had whether by carelesnesse or drunkennesse of the Saylours were all drowned The Prince indeed was got into the Ship-boate and out of danger but hearing the lamentable cries of his sister compassion wrought so in him that he turned about his boate to take her in which over-charged with the multitude over-turned and they all perished none escaped but onely one Saylour who had been a Butcher who by swimming all night upon the Mast came safe to Land An accident not more grievous then exemplary for amongst other conclusions from hence we may gather that no state is so uncertaine as prosperity no fall so sudden as into adversity and that the rule He that stands let him take heed he fall not cannot alwayes be observed because a man happens sometimes to fall before it is possible for him to take heed Another great mischiefe was in this Kings dayes wrought by the water for by the breaking in of the Sea a great part of Flanders was drowned whereupon a great number of Flemmings being Suiters to King Henry for some place to inhabit he assigned them a part in Wal●● neare the Sea called Pembrokeshire where they have inhabited to this day the King by this one action working two good effects both shewing compassion to distressed strangers and putting a bridle upon unquiet Natives But the water had another way to doe mischiefe as much by defect as this was by excesse for upon the tenth of October the River of Medway many miles together did so faile of water that in the midst of the Channell the smallest vessels could not passe and the same day also in the Thames betweene the Tower of London and the Bridge men waded over on foote for the space of two dayes also at another time the River of Trent at Notingham was dryed up a whole day Now for the Earth though naturally it be without motion yet it moves sometimes when it is to do mischiefe specially being assisted by the Aire as in this Kings dayes it moved with so great a violence that many buildings were shaken downe and Malmesbery saith that the house wherein he sate was lifted up with a double remove and at the third time setled againe in the proper place Also in divers places it yeelded forth a hideous noyse and cast forth flames at certaine rifts many dayes together which neither by water nor by any other meanes could be suppressed But yet the active Element of Fire was busiest of all for first Chichester with the principall Monastery was burnt downe to the ground From West-cheape in London to Aldgate a long tract of buildings was consumed with fire Worcester also and Rochester even in the Kings presence then Winchester Bathe Glocester Lincolne Peterborough and other places did also partake of this calamity that there could be n● charging the fire with any partiality and to speake of one forraine casualty because a strange one In Lombardy this yeare was an Earthquake that continued forty dayes and removed a Towne from the place where it stood a great way off Of his Wives and Children AT his first comming to the Crowne he married Matild or Maude sister to Edgar then King of Scotland and daughter to Malcolme by Margaret the sister of Edgar Etheling This Matild if she were not a veyled Nun she was at least brought up in a Nunnery and thereby growne so averse from marriage that when the motion was first made her to marry with King Henry she utterly refused it as resolved though perhaps not vowed to die a Virgin till at last importuned and even forced by the authority of her brother she rather yeelded then consented for she did it with so ill a will that it is said she prayed if ever she had issue by the marriage that it might not prosper and indeed it prospered but untowardly as will be seene in the sequell But though she made this imprecation before she knew what it was to be a Mother yet when she came to be a Mother she shewed her selfe no lesse loving and tender of her children then loyall and obsequious to her husband And to make amends for this seeming impiety towards her children there is a story related of her reall piety towards the poor for a brother of hers comming one morning to visit her in her chamber found her sitting amongst a company of Lazar people washing and dressing their ulcers and sores and then kissing them afterward when
Geoffrey of Monmouth Bishop of Saint Asaph in Wales Also Hugo Carthusianus a Burgundian but made Bishop of Lincolne here in England THE LIFE and RAIGNE OF KING HENRY THE SECOND KING Stephen being dead Henry Duke of Anjou by his Father Geoffry Plantagenet succeeded him in the Kingdome of England by agreement whom he preceded by right as being Sonne and Heire of Mawde sole daughter and Heire of King Henry the first and was crowned at Westminster by The●bald Arch-Bishop of Canterbury on the seventeenth of December in the yeare 1155. and was now a greater Prince then any of his Ancestours had beene before and indeed the Kingdome of England the Dukedome of Normandy and the Dukedome of Anjou in his owne right and in the right of his wife Queen Eleanor the Duchy of ●uyen and the Earldome of Poictou b●ing all united in his person made him a Dominion of a larger extent then any King Christian had at that time He was borne at Ments in Normandy in the yeare 1132. a great joy to his Father Geoffry Duke of Anjou a greater to his Mother Mawde the Empresse but so great to his Grandfather King Henry the first that it seemed to make amends for his sonne William whom unfortunately he had lost before by Shipwrack The yeares of his childhood were spent at home under the care of his Parents at nine yeares old or there abouts he was brought by his Unkle Robert Earle of Glocester into England and placed at Bristow where under the tuition of one Matthew his Schoolemaster to instruct him in learning he remained foure yeares after which time he was sent into Scotland to his great Unkle David King of Scots with whom he remained about two yeares initiated by him in the Principles of State but chiefely of his owne estate and being now about fifteene yeares of age was by him Knighted and though scarce yet ripe for Armes yet as a fruit gathered before its time was mellowed under the discipline of his Unkle Robert one of the best Souldiers of that time And now the Duke his Father not able any longer to endure his absence sent with great instance to have him sent over to him for satisfying of whose longing Earle Robert provided him of passage and conducted him himselfe to the Sea side where he tooke his last farewell of him Being come into Anjou his Father perhaps over-joyed with his presence not long after died leaving him in present possession of that Dukedome being now about nineteene yeares of age when shortly after he married Eleanor late the wife of Lewis King of France but now divorced A yeare or two after he came againe into England where after some velitations with King Stephen they were at last reconciled and his succession to the Crowne of England ratified by Act of Parliament Not long after he went againe into France and presently fell to besiege a Castle which was detained from him by the French King in the time of which siege newes was brought him of King Stephens death which one would have thought should have made him hasten his journey into England yet he resolved not to stirre till he had wonne the Caste which resolution of his being knowne to the Defendants they surrendred the Castle but yet no sooner but that it was sixe weekes after before he came into England when he was now about the age of three and twenty yeares His first Acts after he came to the Crowne He beganne his Raigne as Solomon would have begunne it if he had beene in his place for first he made choyce of wise and discreet men to be his Consellours then he banished out of the Realme all strangers and especially Flemmings with whom the Kingdome swarmed as of whom King Stephen had made use in his warres amongst whom was William of Ypres lately before made Earle of Kent Castles which by King Stephens allowance had beene built he caused to be demolished of which there were said to be eleven hundred and fifteene as being rather Nurseries of rebellion to the subject then of any safety to the Prince He appointed the most able men of that profession to reforme abuses of the Lawes which disorder of the wars had brought in He banished many Lords who against their Oath had assisted King Stephen against him as thinking that men onc● perjured would never be faithfull and to the end he might be the lesse pressing upon the people with Taxations he resumed all such Lands belonging to the Crown which had any way beene aliened or usurped as thinking it better to displease a few then many and many other things he did which in a disjoynted State were no lesse profitable and expedient then requisite and necessary His Troubles during his Raigne HE had no Competitors nor Pretenders with him for the Crowne and therfore his troubles at first were not in Capite strooke not at the roote as K. Stephens did but were onely some certaine niblings at inferiour parts till at last he brought them himselfe into his own bowels For what was the trouble in his first yeare with the Welsh but as an exercise rather to keep him in motion then that it needed to disquiet his rest for though they were mutinous for a time while they looked upon their owne Bucklers their Woods and Mountainous passages yet as soone as K. Henry did but shew his sword amongst them they were soone reduced to obedience for the present and to a greater awfulnesse for the future It is true Henry Earle of Essex that bore the Kings Standard was so assaulted by the Welsh that he let the Standard fall to the ground which encouraged the Welsh and put the English in some feare as supposing the King had beene slaine but this was soone frustrated to the Welsh and punished afterward in the Ea●le by condemning him to be shorne a Monke and put into the Abbey of Reading and had his lands seised into the Kings hands And what was his trouble with Malcolme King of Scots but a worke of his owne beginning for if he would have suffered him to enjoy that which was justly his owne Cumberland and Huntingtonshire by the grant of King Stephen and Northumberland by the gift of his Mother Maude the Empresse he might have staied quietly at home and needed not at all to have stir●ed his foote but he could not endure there should be such parings off from the body of his Kingdome and therefore went with an Army into the North where he wonne not but tooke Northumberland from him with the City of Carl●ill and the Castles of Newcastle and Bamberg and meerely out of gratefulnesse in remembrance of the many co●rtesies done him before by David King of Scots he left him the County of Hunting●on but yet with condition to owe feal●y and to doe homage to him for it And what was his trouble with his brother Geoffrey but a Bird of his owne hatching For his Father Geoffrey Duke of Anjou had three sonnes Henry
not succoured within three dayes then to surrender it King Henry hearing of this agreement promiseth to succour them by that day But here King Lewis useth a trick gets that by fraud which he could not doe by force for he sends to King Henry that if he were willing to have peace with his sonnes he should meet him at a place appointed at such a time and he doubted not to effect it King Henry glad of such an offer and with that gladnesse perhaps blinded and not suspecting any deceit promiseth to meete and comming to the place at the day which was the day he should have succoured Vernoill he stayed there all day looking for King Lewis comming who instead of comming sent word to Vernoill that King Henry was defeated and therefore their hope of succour was in vaine whereupon the Citizens thinking it to be so indeed because he came not according to his promise surrendred the Towne which King Lewis finding himselfe unable to hold set it on fire and so departed But King Henry when he perceived the fraud followed him with his Army and tooke a bloody revenge of his fraud with the slaughter of many of his men At the same time also King Henries forces encountred Hugh Earle of Chester and Robert Fulger who had taken Dole in Britaine tooke them prisoners and brought them to King Henry and about the same time likewise in England Robert Earle of Leycester thinking to surprise Raynold Earle of Cornwall and Richard Lacy King Henries Generals at unawares was himselfe by them overthrowne and the Towne of Leycester taken which onely the site of the place defended from being battered to the ground Robert Earle of Leycester being thus defeated● passeth over into France and being supplied by King Lewis with greater forces then before is together with Hugh Bigot sent backe into England to draw the Countrey to Henry the sonnes party who at first assault take Norwich and then setting downe before Bury they are in a great battell by Richard Lacy and other of King Henries Captaines overthrowne with the slaughter of tenne thousand men and as many taken prisoners amongst whom Earle Robert himselfe Yet were not Roger Mawbray and Hugh Bigot so daunted with this overthrow but that together with David the King of Sco●s brother they gather new forces and invade Northumberland and Yorkshire when Robert Scoccee Ralph Granula William Vesci and Barnard Bayliol of whom Baynards Castle in London first tooke the name Knights of those parts as●emble together and fighting a great battell with them overthrew them and tooke the King of Sco●s prisoner with many others Yet is not Hugh Bigot daunted with this neither but gathers new forces and takes Norwich and Robert Ferris Nottingham the newes whereof when King Henry the sonne heard he recovered new spirits and obtaining new assistance from King Lewis prepares himselfe afresh for warre which King Henry the Father hearing returnes speedily into England and to appease Saint Thomas Beckets Ghost goes to visit his Tombe and there askes him forgivenesse This done he goes into Suffolke and at Framingham Castle which belonged to Hugh Bigot stayes with his Army when suddenly moved by what instinct no man knowes unlesse the appeasing of Saint Thomas Ghost did worke it both Hugh Bigot delivers up his Castle into King Henries hands and likewise Roger Mawbray Robert Ferris and many others of that party come voluntarily in and submit themselves to the Kings mercy Hereupon King Henry returnes to London about which time he committed his wife Queene Eleanor to prison for her practises against him In the meane time King Lewis understanding that Normandy was but weakly guarded together with his sonne the young King Henry and Philip Earle of Flaunders he besiegeth Roan which the Kings forces valiantly defended till he came himselfe in person and thereupon King Lewis despairing of any good to be do●e sends messengers to King Henry for a truce and appointed a day to meete at Gysors where he doubted not to make a reconcilement betweene his sons and him K. Henry agreed willingly but of the meeting nothing was done It seemes it was but one of King Lewis his old tricks to come fairely off After this truce made with King Lewis King Henry hearing that his son Richard had in the meane time possest himselfe of a great part of the Province of Poicto● goes thither with an Army where Richard at last after some hesitation as doubting his forces submits himselfe to his Father and askes his pardon which his Father as freely grants as if he had never committed any fault and thereupon King Henry imployes him to King Lewis and his brother Henry to perswade them to peace who wearied now with the warres were easily drawne and so reconciliation on all parts is made and to confirme the reconciliation betweene the two Kings Henry and Lewis his daughter Adela is affianced to King Henries sonne Richard as Earle of Aquitaine and because the Lady was but young she was committed to the care of King Henry till she should be fit for marriage Upon this King Henry sets Robert Earle of Leycester and Hugh Earle of Chester giving hostages and oath for their Allegeance at liberty and William also King of Scots paying a certaine mulct for which he delivered in pawne the strong Castles of Berwick Roxborough and Sterling to King Henry and was fined also to lose the County of Huntington and never to receive any Rebels into his protection These things done the King with his sonnes returnes into England where with all joyfulnesse they were received It was now the yeare 1179. when King Lewis beganne againe to grow discontented with King Henry because his daughter was not yet married to his sonne Richard as was agreed but King Henry making him promise to have them married within a few dayes gave him satisfaction though indeed he meant nothing lesse for it was thought he kept her for himselfe as with whom he had before that time had unlawfull familiarity The yeare after was memorable for nothing or for nothing so much as the death of the young King Henry who died then whose Widow Margaret returning into France was afterward married to Bela King of Hungary Now King Henries sonne Richard no longer enduring to have his marriage delayed which his Father often promised but would never suffer to be performed fals into his old fit of discontentment wherein though he cannot perhaps be justified yet he may justly be excused for to be kept from a wife at that time of his age for which a wife was most proper and especially having beene affianced so long before which could not chuse but make his appetite the sharper must needs be if not a just cause at least a strong provocation to make him doe as he did Howsoever from this fit of discontentment he fals into a relaps of Rebellion and infecting with it his brother Iohn and a great part of his Fathers Adherents they all take part
of Acton Burnell In the foureteenth yeare of his Raigne were made the Statutes called Additamenta Glocestriae He ordained such men to be Sheriffes in every County as were of the same County where they were to be Sheriffes He ordained that Iewes should weare a Cognisance upon their upper Garment whereby to be knowne and restrained their excessive taking of Usury In his time was also Enacted the Statute of Mortmaine In his twelfth yeare in the Quindenes of Saint Michael the Justices Itinerants beganne to goe their generall Circuits In his time new pleces of money were coyned and halfe pence of Silver came to be in use which were before of base metall In his time three men for rescuing a prisoner arrested by an Officer had their right hands cut off by the wrists In his time all Iewes were banished out of the Realme This King by Proclamation prohibited the burning of Sea-coale in London and the Suburbs for avoiding the noysome smoake In his eleventh yeare the Bakers of London were first drawne upon Hurdles by Henry Waleys Major and Corne was then first sold by weight In this Kings time the title of Baron which had before beene promiscuous to men of estate was first confined to such onely as by the King were called to have voice in Parliament Affaires of the Church in his time IN his time at a Synod holden at Reading by the Arch-bishop of C●nterbury it was ordained according to the Constitutions of the Generall Councell that no Ecclesiasticall person should have more then one Benefice to which belonged the Cure of soules and that every person promoted to any Ecclesiasticall Living should take the Order of Priesthood within one yeare after In his time lived and died Pope Boniface the 8. of whom his Predecessour had Prophesied Ascendes ut Vulpes Regnabis ut Leo Morieris ut Canis Workes of Piety done by him or by others in his time THis King Founded the Abbey of the Vale Royall in Cheshire of the Cisteaux Order In his time Iohn Baylioll King of Scots builded Baylioll Colledge in Oxford also in his time Walter Marton Lord Chancellour of England and after Bishop of Rochester Founded Marton Colledge in Oxford who was drowned passing over the water at Rochester being at that time no Bridge there as now there is In his time was finished the new worke of the Church of Westminster which had b●ene threescore and sixe yeares in building In his time was laid the Foundation of the Black-Friers besides Ludgate and of Baynards Castle also in his time his second wife Queene Margaret beganne to build the Quire of the Gray-Friers in London In his time was begunne to be made the great Conduit in London standing against the Church called Acres in Cheape In his time Henry Walleys Major of London caused the Tonne upon Cornhill to be a Prison for night-walkers and also builded a house called the Stocks for a Market of fish and flesh in the midst of the City In this Kings time Edmund Earle of Leycester the Kings brother Founded the Minories a Nunnery without Aldgate This King builded the Castle of Flint in Wales and the Castle of Beaumaris in the I le of Anglesey and the Castle of Carnarvan by Snowdon Also in this Kings time Iohn Peckham Arch-bishop of Canterbury Founded a Colledge of Canons at Wingham in Kent Casualties happening in his time IN the second yeare of this Kings Raigne there happened the greatest rot of Sheepe in England that ever was knowne which continued five and twenty years and came as was thought by one infected Sheepe of incredible greatnesse brought out of Spaine by a French Merchant into Northumberland In the fifteenth yeare of this Kings Raigne Wheate was sold for tenne Groats a Quarter where the next yeare after there was so great a Dearth that it was sold for eighteene pence the Bushell In the seventeenth yeare of his Raigne there fell so much raine that Wheate was raised from three pence the Bushell to sixteene pence and so encreased yearely till at last it was sold for twenty shillings the Quarter And this yeare the City of Carlile and the Abbey with all the houses belonging to the Friers Minors was consumed with fire In his one and twentieth yeare a great part of the Towne of Cambridge with the Church of our Lady was also burnt In the seven and twentieth yeare of his Raigne his Palace at Westminster and the Monastery adjoyning were consumed with fire The Monastery of Glocester also was burnt to the ground In this yeare also an Act of Common Counsell by consent of the King was made concerning victuals a fat Cocke to be sold for three halfe pence two Pullets for three halfe pence a fat Capon for two pence halfe penny a Goose foure pence a Mallard three halfe pence a Partridge three halfe pence a Pheasant foure pence a Hearon sixe pence a Plover one penny a Swanne three shillings ● Crane twelve pence two-Woodcocks three halfe pence a fat Lambe from Christmas to Shrovetide sixteene pence and all the yeare after for foure pence Of his Wives and Children HE had two Wives his first was Eleanor daughter to Ferdinand the third King of Spaine and was married to him at B●res in Spaine who having lived with him sixe and thirty years in a journey with him towards Scotland at Herdeby in Lincolneshire she died in whose memory and as Monuments of her vertue and his affection King Edward caused Crosses with her Statue to be erected in all chiefe places where her Corps in carrying to Westminster rested as at Stamford Dunstable Saint Albons Waltham Cheapside and lastly at the place called Charing Crosse she was buried in Westminster at the feete of King Henry the third under a faire Marble Tombe adorned with her Portraiture of Copper guilt By this wife King Edward had foure sonnes and nine daughters his eldest sonne Iohn his second Henry his third Alphonsus died all young in their Fathers time his fourth sonne Edward called of Carnarva● because borne there succeeded him in the kingdome Of his daughters the eldest named Eleanor was first married by Proxie to Alphonsus King of Arragon but he dying before the marriage solemni●ed she was afterward married at Bristow to Henry Earle of Barry in France by whom she had issue sons and daughters Ioane the second daughter of King Edward and Queene Eleanor borne at Acon in the Holy Land was married to Gylbert Clare called the Red Earle of Glocester and Hereford by whom she had issue sonnes and daughters She survived her husband and was re-married to the Lord Ralph Monthermere Father to Margaret the mother of Thomas Montacute Earle of Salisbury from whom the now Vicount Montacu●e is descended Margaret the third daughter of King Edward and Queene Eleanor was married to Iohn Duke of Brabant Berenger and Alice their fourth and fifth daughters dying young and unmarried Mary their sixth daughter at tenne yeares of her age was made a Nunne in the Monastery
of A●mesbury in Wiltshire at the instance of Queene Eleanor her Grandmother who lived there Elizabeth their seventh daughter was first married to Iohn Earle of Holland Zeland and Lord of Freezeland he dying within two yeares she was afterward married to Humphrey Bohun Earle of Hereford and Essex Lord of Breknok and High Constable of England by whom she had issue sonnes and daughters Beatrice and Blanch their eighth and ninth daughters died young and unmarried King Edwards second Wife was Margaret eldest daughter of Philip King of France called the Hardy and sister to Philip called the Faire at eighteene yeares old she was married to King Edward being above threescore yet at the unequall yeares she had issue by him two sonnes and a daughter their eldest sonne was borne at a little Village in Yorkshire called Brotherton and was thereof called Thomas of Brotherton he was created Earle of Norfolke and Earle Marshall of England after Roger Bigod who died without issue Their second sonne Edmund was borne at Woodstocke in Oxfordshire and of the place was so called he was created Earle of Kent and married Margaret daughter of Iohn and sister of sole Heire of Thomas Lord Wakes of Lydell in the County of Northampton by whom he had issue two sonnes and one daughter his sonnes Edmund and Iohn died without issue his daughter Ioane for her beauty called the Faire maid of Kent was married first to William Montacute Earle of Salisbury and from him divorced was re-married to Sir Thomas Holland in her Right Earle of Kent and by her Father of Thomas and Iohn Holland Duke of Surrey and Earle of Huntington and lastly she was the Wife of Edward of Woodstocke the blacke Prince of Wales and by him Mother of King Richard the second This Earle Edmund was beheaded at Winchester in the fourth yeare of King Edward his Nephew Eleanor the daughter of King Edward by his second Wife Margaret died in her childhood Of his personage and conditions HE was tall of stature higher then ordinary men by head and shoulders and thereof called Longshanke of a swarthy complection strong of body but leane of a comely favour his eyes in his anger sparkling like fire the haire of his head black and curled Concerning his conditions as he was in warre peacefull so in Peace he was warlike delighting specially in that kinde of hunting which is to kill Stagges or other wilde beasts with Speares In continencie of life he was equall to his Father in acts of valour farre beyond him He had in him the two wisdomes not often found in any single both together seldome or never An ability of judgement in himselfe and a readinesse to heare the judgement of others He seemed to be a great observer of opportunity a great point of wisdome in any in Princes greatest and that he could beare an injury long without seeking to revenge it as appeared by his carriage towards the Earle Roger Bigod whom when he saw his time he called to account for an affront he had offered him di●ers yeares before He was not easily provoked into passion but once in passion not easily appeased as was seene by his dealing with the Scots towards whom he shewed at first patience and at last severity If he be censured for his many Taxations he may be justified by his well bestowing them for never Prince laid out his money to more honour of himselfe or good of his kingdome His greatest unfortunatenesse was in his greatest blessing for of foure sonnes which he had by his Wife Queen Eleanor three of them died in his owne life time who were worthy to have out-lived him and the fourth out-lived him who was worthy never to have beene borne Of his death and buriall IN his last expedition into Scotland being at Carlile he fell sicke and lying in his death-bed he sent for his sonne Edward to whom besides many admonitions to Piety he commanded three things specially that he should carry his bones about with him through Scotland till he had subdued it that he should send his heart into the Holy Land with sevenscore knights to that warre and the two and thirty thousand pounds he had provided for that purpose and that he should never recall Gaveston from banishment and soon after of a dysentery or Bloudy-Flix he died at Borough upon the Sands the seventh of Iuly in the yeare 1307. when he had Raigned foure and thirty yeares and seven moneths lived threescore and eight yeares Being dead his Corps was brought to Waltham Abbey and there kept the space of sixteene weekes and after on Simon and Iudes day buried at Westminster Men of Note in his time OF Martiall men there were many these specially Iohn Earle of Warren who opposed the Kings Inquisition by Quo Warranto and Roger Bigod who gave the King an affront to his face Of learned men also many specially these Iohn Breton bishop of Hereford who compiled a book of the Lawes of England called l● Breton Thomas Spot a Chronographer Iohn Eversden a writer of Annals and of this Kings Raigne Gregory Cairugent a Monke of Glocester and a writer also of Annals Iohn Peckham a Franciscan Frier made Arch-bishop of Canterbury who writ many excellent workes Iohn Read an Historiographer Thomas Bungey a Frier Minor an excellent Mathematician Roger Bacon a Franciscan Frier an excellent Philosopher and Mathematician Robert Kilwarby Arch-bishop of Canterbury and after made a Cardinall also Ralph Baldock Bishop of London who writ a Chronicle of England in the Latine tongue but above them all though of another Countrey Thomas Aquinas borne of a Noble Family whose workes are too famous to be spoken of who going to the Councell holden at Lyons by Pope Gregory the tenth died by the way THE LIFE and RAIGNE OF KING EDWARD THE SECOND Of his Acts before and at his Coronation EDward of Carnarvan eldest Sonne of King Edward the first succeeded him in the kingdome and never did Prince come to a Crowne with more applause of Nobility and People and there was good cause for it For he had beene trained up in all good courses for Piety and Learning he had seene the Government of his Father from whose Example he could not but have learned many good Lessons he had been initiated in the wayes of State having beene left Governour of the Realme and presiding in Parliament in his Fathers absence and he was now three and twenty yeares old a fit age for bearing the weight of a Scepter and yet for all these advantages there wanted not feares of him in the mindes of many who could not but remember what prankes he had played not long before how he had broken the Bishop of Chesters Parke and in most disorderly manner had killed his Deere for which both himselfe had beene committed to Prison and his Friend Pierce Gaveston banished the Realme and if he did such things being but Prince what might not be feared of him comming to be King For seldome doth
the moneth of Aprill In the fourth yeare of his Raigne a solemne Justing or Turnament was holden at London in Ch●●pside be●wixt the great Crosse and the great Conduit 〈◊〉 S●per-la●●● which lasted three dayes where the Queen Philippa with many Ladies fell from a Stage set up for them to behold the Justing and though they were not hurt at all yet the King threa●●ed to p●nish the Carpenters for their negligence till the Que●ne in●●●ated pardon for them upon her knees as indeed she was alwayes ready to doe all good offices of mercie to all people In the eleventh yeare of his Raigne was so great plenty that a quarter of Wheate was sold at London for two shillings a fat Oxe for a Noble a fat Sheepe for sixe pence and sixe Pigeons for a penny a fa● Goose for two pence and a Pigge for a penny and other things after that rate Of his Wife and Children HE married Philippa the daughter of William Earle of Haynault at Yorke a match made up in haste by Queene Isabell his mother for her owne ends although a better could never have beene made upon deliberation for King Edwards ends for though her Parentage were not great and her portion less● yet she made amends for both in vertue for never King had a better Wife By her King Edward had seven sonnes and five daughters his eldest sonne Edward Prince of Wales and commonly called the Blacke Prince but why so called uncertaine for to say of his dreadfull acts as Spe●de saith hath little probability was borne at Woodstocke in the third yeare of his Fathers Raigne he married Ioane the daughter of Edmund Earle of Kent brother by the Fathers side to King Edward the second She had beene twice married before first to the valiant Earle of Salisbury from whom she was divorced next to the Lord Thomas Holland after whose decease this Prince passionatly loving her married her by her he had issue two sonnes Edward the eldest borne at Angoulesme who died at seven yea●es of age and Richard borne at Burdeaux who after his Father was Prince of Wales and after his Grandfather King of England This Prince had also naturall issue Sir Iohn Sounder and Roger Clarendon Knights the latter being attainted in the Raign● of King Henry the fourth is thought to have ●eene Ancestour to the house of Smiths in Essex He died at Canterbury in the sixe and fortieth yeare of his age and of his Fathe●● Raigne the nine and fortieth and was buried at Christs Church there His second sonne William was borne at Hatfield in Hertfordshire who deceased in his childhood and was buried at Yorke His third sonne Lyonell was borne at Antwerpe in the twelveth yeare of his Fathers Raigne he married first Elizabeth the daughter and Heire of William Burgh Earle of Ulster in Ireland in who●e Right he was first created Earle of Ulster and because he had with her the honour of Clare in the County of To●mond he was in a Parliament created Duke of Clarence as it were of the Countrey about the Towne and Honour of Clare from which Dutchy the name of Clarentieux being the title of the King of Armes for the South parts of England is derived This Duke had issue by her one onely daughter named Philippa afterward wife of Edmund Mortimer Earle of March mother of Earle Roger Father of Anne Countesse of Cambridge the mother of Richard Duke of Yorke Father of King Edward the fourth The second marriage of this Duke was at Millaine in Lombardy with the Lady Vi●lanta daughter of G●leac●● the second Duke thereof but through intemperance he lived not long ●fter King Edwards fourth sonne named Iohn was borne at Ga●●t in the foureteenth yeare of his Fathers Raigne he had three wives the first was ●l●nch daughter and Coheire and in the end the sole Heire of Henry Duke of Lancaster sonne of Edmund sirnamed Crouch back by whom he had issue Henry of Bullingbrooke Earle of Derby after Duke of Hereford and lastly King of England named Henry the fourth who first placed the Crowne in the house of Lancaster By her also Iohn of Gaunt had two daughters Philip wife of Iohn the first King of Portugall and Elizabeth married first to Iohn Holland Earle of Huntington and after him to Sir Iohn Cornwall Baron of Fanhope Iohn of Gaunts second wife was Constance the eldest daughter of Peter King of Castile and Leon in whose Right for the time he intitled himselfe King of both those Realmes by her he had issue one onely daughter named Katherine married to Henry the third sonne of King Iohn in possession before and in her Right after King of both the said Realmes Iohn of Gaunts third wife was Katherine the Widow of Sir Hugh Swinford a knight of Lincolnshire eldest daughter and Coheire of Payn Roet a Gascoyne called G●●en King of Armes for that Countrey his younger daughter being married to Sir Geoffrey Chawcer our Laureat Poet. By her he had issue born before matrimony and made legitimate afterward by Parliament in the twentieth yeare of King Richard the second Iohn Earle of Somerset Thomas Duke of Exeter Henry Bishop of Winchester and Cardinall and Ioane who was first married to Robert Ferrers Baron of Wemme and Ou●sley in the Counties of Salop and Warwicke and secondly to Ralph Nevill the first Earle of Westmerland She and all her brethren were sirnamed Beaufort of a Castle which the Duke had in France where they were all borne and in regard thereof bare the Portcullis of a Castle for the Cognisance of their Family This Duke in the thirteenth yeare of his Nephew King Richard was created Duke of Aquitaine but in his sixteenth yeare he was called home and this title re-called and the third yeare after in the sixtieth of his age he died at Ely house in Holbourne and lieth honourably Entombed in the Quire of Saint Paul King Edwards fifth sonne Edmund sirnamed of Langley was first in the yeare 1362. created Earle of Cambridge and afterward in the yeare 1386. made Duke of Yorke he married Isabell daughter and Coheire to Peter King of Castile and Leon his sonne Richard Plantagenet Duke of Yorke tooke to wife Anne Mortimer Heire of the foresaid Lyonell elder brother to Edmund of Langley King Edwards sixth sonne William sirnamed of Windsor where he was borne died young and is buried at Westminster King Edwards youngest sonne Thomas sirnamed of Woodstocke where he was borne was first Earle of Buckingham and after made Duke of Glocester by his Nephew King Richard the second He was a man of valour and wisdome but the King surmizing him to be a too severe observer of his doings consulted with Thomas Mowbray Duke of Norfolke how to make him away whom Mowbray unawares surprising convaied secretly to Callice where he was strangled the twentieth yeare of King Richards Raigne He had issue one sonne Humphrey Earle of Buckingham who died at Chester of the Pestilence in the yeare 1400. and two daughters
Anne married first to Edmund Earle of Stafford by whom she had Humphrey Duke of Buckingham secondly to William Bourchier Earle of Ewe by whom she had Henry Earle of Essex and Ioane married to Gylbert Lord Talbot and h●d issue by him a daughter who died young Of King Edwards daughters the eldest named Isabell was married at Windsor to Ingelram of Guysnes Lord of Co●cy Earle of Soysons and after Arch-duke of Austria created also by King Edward Earle of Bedford by whom she was mother of two daughters Mary married to Henry Duke of Barre and Philip married to Robert de Vere Earle of Oxford Duke of Ireland and Marquesse of Dublyn This Robert in the height of his fortunes forsooke his Lady Philip and married one Lancerona a Joyners da●ghter as was said which came with King Richard the seconds wife ou● of Bohemia and being for abusing the Kings eare driven out of the Land by the Lords he died at London in extreame poverty in the yeare 1392. Isabell his wives mother was buried in the Church of Friers Minorites neare Aldgate in London King Edwards second daughter Ioane was married by Proxie to Alphonsus King of Castile and Leon● but passing into Spaine died by the way and King Alphonsus met her instead of consummating his Espousall to solemnise her Funerall His third daughter Blanch died young His fourth named Mary was married to Iohn Montford Duke of Britaine His youngest named Margaret borne in Callice was the first wife of Iohn de Hastings Earle of Pembroke but died without issue Of his Personage and Conditions HE was of stature indifferent tall of sparkling eyes of a comely and manly countenance in his later time something bald and concerning his conditions no man was more gentle where there was submission where opposition no man more sterne He was a Prince no lesse of his passions then of his people for he was never so loving as to be fond nor ever so angry as to be inexorable but this must be understood of the time while he was a man for in his old age when he came to be a childe againe he was Prince of neither He was no lesse fortunate then valiant and his fortunatenes was the greater by a kind of Antiperistatis as comming betweene two unfortunate Princes Successour to one and Predecessour to another He was of so warlike a disposition that his very sports were warlike for no delights were so frequent with him as Justs and Tournaments To shew his devotion one example may be sufficient for when neither Cardinals nor Counsellours could move him to make peace with France a tempest from Heaven did it to which may be added that he never wanne great battell of which he wanne many but he presently gave the glory of it to God by publike Thanksgiving He out-lived the best wife and the best sonne that ever King had and to say the truth he out-lived the best of himselfe for his later years were not answerable to his former Of his Death and Buriall KING Edward besides his being old and worne with the labours of warre had other causes that hastened his end his griefe for the losse of so worthy a sonne dead but tenne moneths before his griefe for the losse of all benefit of his conquests in France of all which he had little now left but onely Callice and oppressed thus in body and minde he was drawing his last breath when his Concubine Alice Pierce packing away what she could catch even to the Rings of his fingers left him and by her example other of his attendants sea●sing on what they could come by shift away and all his Counsellours and others forsooke him when he most needed them leaving his Chamber quite empty which a poore Priest in the house seeing he approaches to the Kings Bed-side and finding him yet breathing cals upon him to remember his Saviour and to aske mercie for his offences which none about him before would doe but now moved by the voyce of this Priest he shewes all signes of contrition and at his last breath expresses the name of Jesus Thus died this victorious King at his Manor at Sheene now Richmond the one and twentieth day of Iune in the yeare 1377. in the sixty fourth yeare of his age having Raigned fifty yeares foure moneths and odde dayes His body was conveyed from Sheene by his foure sonnes and other Lords and solemnly interred within Westminster Church where he hath his Monument and whereit is said the sword he used in battell is yet to be seene being eight pound in weight and seven foote in length Of Men of Note in his time MArtiall men were never more plentifull then in this Kings Raigne whet●●r it were that the Starres have an influence to produce such men at one time more then another or whether it were that Regis ad exempl●● the Kings example made his subjects like himselfe or lastly that his continuall exercise of Armes put them as it were into a mould of fortitude The first of this kinde is worthily Edward the Blacke Prince and so worthily the first that Longe erit ● primo quisque secundus erit Next him is Henry Earle of Lancaster the Princes right hand in all his great at●●●evements then William the valiant Earle of Salisbury then Iohn Eure Ancestor to 〈◊〉 Lord Eures that now liveth then follow the Lord Iohn Chandos Sir Iames Aude●● Sir Walter de Manny Sir Robert Knolls then Sir Iohn Hawkewood born in Essex who ●●ough not much honoured at home having been a Taylour yet in forrain parts and ●●ecially in Italy so famous that his Statue was erected in publike for a Monument 〈◊〉 testifie his valour to posterity And here must not be forgotten Venile●night ●night a Norfolke man who when the Scots and English were ready to give battell ● certaine stout Champion of great stature commonly called Tournboll comming 〈◊〉 of the Scots Army and challenging any English man to meete him in a single combate this Robert Venile accepteth the challenge and marching towards the Champion and meeting by the way a certaine blacke Mastiffe Dogge which wai●ed on the Champion he suddenly with his sword cut him off at the loynes and afterwards did more to the Champion himselfe cutting his head from off his shoulders And as there was this great plenty of Martiall men so there was no lesse plenty of learned men Iohn Baconthorpe borne in Norfolke a Carmelite Frier who wrote divers excellent Treatises in Divinity Nicholas Trivet born also in Norfolk a black Frier who wrote two Histories and a book of Annals Richard Stradley born in the Marches of Wales a Monk and a Divine who wrote divers excellent Treatises of the Scriptures William Herbert a Welshman and a Frier Minor who wrote many good Treatises in Divinity Tho. Walleis a Dominican Frier and a writer of many excellent books Iohn Eversden a Monk of Bury in Suffolk an Historiographer Walter Burley a Doctor of Divinity brought up in Martin Colledge in
the very day and houre in which he should have done the businesse as he went up the staires towards the upper House he suddenly fell down and dyed having been merry and well before to all mens judgements About this time the Lord Scroope was deposed from the Chancellourship for refusing to seale some Grants which the King had made and the King receiving the great Seale at his hands kept it a certaine time and sealed with it such Grants and Writings as he pleased till at length it was delivered to Robert Braybrooke Bishop of London who was made Lord Chancellour Henry Spenser Bishop of Norwich had lately with the Kings leave raised an Army and was gone into France in behalfe of Pope Vrban against the Anti-pope Clement and entring first into Fla●ders he tooke and sacked many Townes at last besieged Ypres till by an Army of French greater then was thought could have been raised in France he was forced to raise his siege and then passing divers places he came to Gr●●eling from whence he writ to King Richard that if ever he meant to try battell with the French now was the time The King was at that time at Dayntrie in North●mptonshire and being at supper when the word was brought him he instantly rose from the Table got to horse-back and rode in Post with such speed that he came to St. Albans about midnight where making no stay but while he borrowed the Abbots Gelding he hasted forth till he came to Westminster as though he had meant never to rest till he had given battell to the French-men but after he had taken councell of his pillow his minde was altered and h● thought it better to imploy some other then to goe himselfe so the Duke of Lancaster is thought the fittest man but he protracted the time so long in making preparation th●t before he could be gone the Bishop was come away And this indeed is the condition of many to spend so much time in preparing that they utterly lose all opportunity of acting like to men that are putting on their cloathes so long till it be time to put them off againe Shortly after a Truce was concluded between Fra●ce and England to endure till the Feast of St. Michael which should be in the yeere 1384. Of Acts done after He came of Age. THe Scots in this meane time had made Roades into England and taken and burnt divers Townes upon the Borders whereupon the Duke of Lancaster with his Brother the Earle of Buckingham is sent with a mighty Army to represse them but having entred Scotland and not able to draw the Scots to a Battell they onely burnt certaine Townes and then returned About this time an Irish Frier of the Order of the Carmelites charged the Duke of Lancaster with heynous crimes● as that he intended to destroy the King and us●rpe the Crowne shewing the time the place and other circumstances of the whole plot But the Duke called to his Answer so cleered himselfe a● least gave such colours of cleering that the Accuser was committed to the custody of Iohn Holland the kings halfe-brother till a day appointed for further tryall The ni●ht before which day the said Lord Holland and Sir Henry Greene are said to have come to this Frier and putting a cord about his neck tyed the other end about his privy members and after hanging him up from the ground laid a stone upon his belly with the weight whereof his very back-bone burst asunder thereby putting him to a most tormenting death An act not more inhumane then unadvised for though it took away the Accuser yet it made the Accusation more suspitious At this time though a Truce had been made with the Scots yet they would not be quiet but entred and wonne the Castle of Barwick whereof the Earle of Northumberland was Captaine but had committed the keeping of it to another for which being blamed he went against them with an Army but took an easier course for with the summe of two thousand markes he bought them out and had the Castle surrend●ed into his hands againe The king upon some new displeasure being now incensed against the Duke of Lancaster had a purpose to have him arrested and arraigned of certaine points of Treason before Sir Robert Tresilian Chiefe Justice though he ought to be tryed by his Peeres but the Duke having intimation hereof● got him to his Castle of Pomfret and stood upon his guard till the Kings mother notwithstanding her indisposition of body by reason of her corpulency riding to and fro betwixt them pacified the King and made them friends In the ninth yeere of K. Richards Reigne the French-king sent the Admirall of France into Scotland with a Thousand men of Armes besides Crosse-bowes and others to ayde the Scots against the English with which ayde the Scots encouraged enter the English Borders whereof K. Richard advertised himselfe with a mighty Army enters Scotland and comming to Edingborough and finding all the people fled● he set fire on the houses burnt the Church of S. Giles onely Holy-Rood-house was spared at the Duke of Lancasters suit in remembrance of friendship he had formerly received in that house The Scots by no meanes could be drawn to any Battell bu● to divert the Kings Army they entred Cumberland and besieged Carlile whereby the valour of Sir Lewis Clifford and Sir Thomas Musgrave they were repelled and hearing of the Kings Army comming towards them and fearing to be inclosed they drew back into Scotland and the King returned into England But in this meane while the English of Callis tooke many prizes of French ships at Sea and many Booties also by land at one time foure thousand sheep and three hundred head of great Cattell This yeere the King called a Parliament at Westminster where he created two Dukes one Marquesse and five Earles Edmund of Langly Earle of Cambridge the Kings Unkle was created Duke of Yorke Thomas of Woodstock Earle of Buckingham his other Unkle Duke of Glocester Robert Veere Earle of Oxford was made Marquesse of Dublin Henry of Bullingbrooke sonne of Iohn of Gaunt was created Earle of Darby Edward Plantagenet sonne to the Duke of Yorke was made Earle of Rutland Michael de la Poole Chancellour of England was created Earle of Suffolke and Thomas Mowbray Earle of Nottingham was made Earle Marshall Also by a●thority of this Parliament Roger Mortimer Earle of March sonne and heire of Edmund Mortimer and of the Lady Philip eldest daughter and heire to Lionell Duke of Clarence third sonne to king Edward the Third was established heire apparent to the Crowne of the Realme and shortly after so Proclaimed but going into Ireland to his Lordship of Vlster was there by the wilde Irish slaine This Roger Earle of March had issue Edmund Roger Anne Alice and Eleanor which Eleanor was made a Nun The two sonnes dyed without issue Anne his eldest daughter was maried to Richard Earle of Cambridge sonne to Edmund of
approaching neer the Que●ns A●my he was certified by his sc●uts that the Enemie farre exceeded his power both in number and in all warlike preparation he not having in his Army above five thousand men and thereupon the Earle of Salisbury advised him to rety●e and to attend the comming of the Earle of March who was gone into Wales to raise the March men but the pride of his former victory made him deale to all Counsell of declining the battell and so hastened on by his destiny from S●nd●ll Castle he marched on to Wakefield greene where the Lord Clifford on the one side and the Earle of Wiltshire on the other were placed in ambuscado The Duke of Yorke supposing that the Duke of Somerset who led the battell had no more forces then what were with him undauntedly marcheth towards him but being entred within their danger the ambushes on both sides brake out upon him and slew him with three thousand of his men the rest fled the Earle of Salisbury is taken prisoner and harmlesse Rutland not above twelve yeers old who came thither but to see fashions is made a sacrifice for his Fathers transgression who kneeling upon his knees with tears begging life is unmercifully stabbed to the heart by the Lord Clifford in part of revenge as he swore of his Fathers death and the Queen most unwomanly in cold blood caused the Earle of Salisbury and as many as were taken prisoners to be beheaded at P●mfret Castle and to have their heads placed on poles about the walls of Yorke Thus dyed Richard Plantagenet Duke of Yorke who had taken to wife Cicely daughter of Ralph Nevyll the first Earle of Westmerland by whom he had issue eight sonnes and foure daughters his eldest sonne Henry dyed young his second son Edward was afterward king of England his third Edmund Earle of Rutland was slaine with his father● Iohn Thomas and William died young his seventh sonne George was after Duke of Clarence his youngest sonne Richard sirnamed Crouchb●ck w●s after king of England Anne his eldest daughter was married to Henry Holland Duke of Exeter his second daughter Elizabeth was married to Iohn de la P●ole Earle of Suffolk his third Margaret to Charles Duke of Burgoigne his fourth Vrsula dyed young This Duke being dead had his head crowned with a paper Crown together with many circumstances of disgracing him but this act of spight was fully afterwards recompensed upon their heads that did it The Earle of March hearing of his fathers death laboured now so much the more earnestly in that he laboured for himselfe and parting from Shrewsbury whose Inhabitants were most firme unto him he increased his army to the number of three and twenty thousand and presently took the field and having advertisment that Iasper Earle of Pembrooke with the Earle of Ormond and Wiltshire followed after him with a great power of Welsh and Irish he suddenly marcheth back againe and in a plaine neer Mortimers Crosse on Candlemas day in the morning gave them battell wherewith the slaughter of three thousand and eight hundred he put the Earles to flight Owen Tewther who had married Queen Catherine Mother to king Henry the sixth and divers Welsh Gentlemen were taken and at Hereford beheaded Before the battell it is said the Sunne appeared to the Earle of March like three sunnes and suddenly it joyned all together in one for which cause some imagine that he gave the sunne in its full brightnes for his badge or Cognisance The Queen in the mean time encouraged by the death of the Duke of Yorke with a power of Northern men marcheth towards London but when her souldiers were once South of Trent as if that river were the utmost limit of their good behaviour they fell to forrage the Country in most babarous manner Approaching S. Albans they were advertised that the Duke of Norfolke and the Earle of Warwick were ready to give them battell whereupon the Queens Vaward hasteth to passe through St. Alb●●s but being not suffered to passe they encountred with their Enemies in the field called Barnard heath who perceiving the maine battaile to stand still and not to move which was done by the treachery of Lovelace who with the kentish men had the leading of it they soone made the Southerne men to turne their backs and f●y upon whose flight the rest in doubt of each others well meaning shifted away and the Lords about the King perceiving the danger withdrew themselves Only the Lord B●nvile com●ing in a complementall manner to the King and saying it grieved him to leave his Majesty but that necessity for safeguard of his life enforced it● was importuned and Sir Tho●as Kyriell a knight of Kent likewise by the king to stay he passing his Royall word that their stay should bee no danger to them upon which promise they stayed but to their cost for the Queen hearing that the Commo●s had beheaded Baron Tho●pe at High-gate ●he in revenge thereof caused both their heads to be stricken off at S. Alb●●s so as there were slaughtered at this battaile the full number of three and twenty hundred but no man of name but onely Sir Iohn Grey who the same day was made knight with twelve other at the village of Colney And now the King was advised to send one Thom●s Hoe tha● had been a Barrister to the Victors to tell them that he would gladly come to them if with conveyance it might be done whereupon the Earle of Northumberland appointed divers Lords to attend him to the L. Cl●ffords Tent where the Queen and the young Prince met to their great joy but it was now observed as it were in the destiny of King He●ry that although he were a most Piousman yet no enterprise of warre did ever prosper where he was present that we may know the prosperity of the world to be no inseparable companion to men of Piety At the Queens request the king honored with knighthood thirty gentlemen who the day before had fought against the part where he was the Prince likewise was by him dubbed knight and then they went to the Abby where they were received with Anthems and withall an humble petition to be protected from the outrage of the loose souldiers● which was promised and Proclamation made to that purpose but to small purpose for the Northern men said It was their bargaine to have all the spoyle in every place after they had passed Trent and so they robbed and spoiled whatsoever they could come at The Lond●ners hearing of this disorder were resolved seeing there was no more assurance in the Kings promise to keep the Northern men out of their gates insomuch that when they were sent to to send over to the Campe certaine Cart-loads of Lenton provision which the Major accordingly provided the Commons rose about Cripplegate and by strong hand kept the Carts from going out of the City Hereupon the Major sends the Recorder to the Kings Counsell● and withall intreats
the Scottish Bishops had no Metropolitane but the Bishop of Yorke was Metropolitane and Primate of Scotland now in this Kings time Pope Six●●● appointed the Bishop of Saint Andrews to be Metropolitane of Scotland who had twelve Bishops under his obedience Of Workes of Piety done in his time THIS King laid the foundation of the new Chappell at Windso● and his Queen Elizabeth founded the Queens Colledge in Cambridge and endowed it with large Possessions About his fifteenth yeere Doctor Woodlarke Provost of Kings Colledge in Cambridge Founded Katherine-hall there In his seventeenth yeer the Wall of the City of London from Cripplegate to Bishopsgate was builded at the charges of the Citizens also Bishopsgate it selfe was new built by the Merchants 〈◊〉 of the Styliard Also in this yeere dyed Sir Iohn Crosby Knight late Major of London who gave to the repairing of the Parish-Church of St. Helens in Bishopsgatestreet where he was buried 500 Marks to the repairing of the parish Church of He●w●rth in Middlesex forty pounds to the repairing of London-wall an hundred pounds to the repairing of Rochester-bridge ten pounds to the Wardens and Commonalty of the Grocers in London two large Pots of silver chased halfe gilt and other Legacies About this time also Richard Rawson one of the Sheriffs of London caused an house to be builded in the Church-yard of St. Mary Hospitalll without Bishopsgate where the Major and Aldermen use to sit and heare the Sermons in Easterholy-daies In his nineteenth yeere William Tailour Major of London gave to the City certaine Tenements for the which the City is bound to pay for ever at every Fifteene granted to the King for all such as shall dwell in Cordwainers-street-ward sessed at twelve-pence apiece or under And about the same time one Thomas 〈◊〉 Sheriffe of London builded at his own costs the great Conduit in Che●pside In his three and twentieth yeere Edmund Shaw Goldsmith who had been Major of London at his own costs re-edified Cripplegate in London which gate in old time had been a Prison Of Casualties happening in his time IN his third yeare the Minster of Yorke and the Steeple of Christs Church in Norwich were burnt In his seventeenth yeere so great a Pestilence reigned in England that it swept away more people in foure moneths than the Warres had done in fifteen yeeres past Also in his nineteenth yeere was another Pes●●lence which beginning in the later end of September continued till the beginning of November twelve-moneth following in which space of time innumerable people dyed Of his wife and issue KIng Edward had been contracted to Eleanor daughter of Iohn Talbot Earle of Shrewsbury maried after to Sir Thomas Butler Baron of S●dely but he maried Elizabeth the widdow of Sir Iohn Grey daughter of Richard Woodvile by his wife Iaqueline Dutchesse of Bedford she lived his wife eighteene yeeres and eleven moneths by whom he had three sonnes and seven daughters Edward his eldest sonne borne in the Sanctuary at Westminster Richard his second sonne borne at Shrewsbury George his third sonne borne also at Shrewsbury but dyed a childe Elizabeth his eldest daughter promised in mariage to Charles Dolphin of France but maried afterward to King Henry th● Seventh Cicely his second daughter promised in mariage to Iames Duke of ●othsay Prince of Scotland but was maried afterward to Iohn Viscount Wells whom she outlived and was againe re-maried but by neither husband had any issue she lyeth buried at Quarena in the Isle of Wight Anne his third daughter was maried to Thomas Howard Duke of Norfolke Earle Marshall and High Treasurer of England by whom she had two sonnes both dying without issue she lyeth buried at Framingham in Norfolk Bridget his fourth daughter borne at Eltham in Kent became a Nunne in the Nunnery of Dartford in Kent which king Edward had founded Mary his fifth daughter was promised in mariage to the King of Denmarke but dyed in the Tower of Greenwich before it could be solemnized she lyeth buried at Windsor Margaret his sixth daughter dyed an Infant Katherine his seventh daughter was maried to William Courtney Earle of Devo●shire to whom she bare Lord Henry who by King Henry the eighth was created Marquesse of Exeter Concubines he had many but three specially and would use to say that he had three Concubines who in their severall properties excelled One the merriest another the wyliest the third the holyest harlot in his Realme as one whom no man could lightly get out of the Church to any place unlesse it were to his bed The other two were greater personages than are sit to be named but the merriest was Shores wife in whom therefore he tooke speciall pleasure This woman was borne in London worshipfully descended and well maried but when the King had abused her anon her husband as he was an honest man and did know his good not presuming to touch a Kings Concubine left her up to him altogether By these he had naturall issue Arthur sirnamed Plantagenet whose mother as is supposed was the Lady Elizabeth Lucy created Viscount Lisle by King Henry the Eight at Bridewell in London And Elizabeth who was maried to Sir Thomas Lumley knight to whom she bare Richard afterward Lord Lumley from whom the late Lord Lumley did descend Of his Personage and Conditions HE was saith Comines the goodliest Personage that ever mine eyes beheld exceeding tall of statu●e faire of complexion and of most Princely presence and we may truly say he was of full age before he came to one and twenty for being but eighteen yeeres old when his Father dyed he sued out his livery presently so as he began the race of his for●●ne just like Augustus Caesar each of them at the same age succeeding an Ancestour after a violent death and each of them left to set on a roofe where but onely a fo●●●●tion was laid before For his conditions he was of an erected composure both of body ●nd minde but something sagging on the Fleshes side and never any man that did marry for Love did so little love Mariage for he tooke as much pleasure in other mens wives as in his owne He was never more confident than when he was in danger nor ever more doubtfull than when he was s●●ure Of the foure Cardinall virtues For●●nde and Prudence were in him naturally Temperance ●●d Justice but to serve his turne He was politick even to irreligion for to compasse his ends he would not stick to sweare what he never meant Yet he was Religious beyond Policy for before Battailes he used to make his Prayers to God after Victories to give him Thanks He was farre from being proud yet very ambitious and could use familiarity and yet retaine Majestie He was a great Briber and wha● he could not get by force he would by Rewards as much as what he could not get by Battery he would by Mines H● was too credulous of Reports which made him be in errour sometimes to the h●rt
to come on land was to have disswaded the King from any Enterview with the French King but when he saw him ●o forward in that jour●ey he then onely endeavoured to perswad● him that he should put no trust in the French Kings words and with great gui●ts and promises prevailed with the Cardinall to joyne with him in this perswasion The last of May the Emperour tooke his leave and the same day the King made saile from Dover and landed at Callice together with the Queen and many Lords and Ladies The fourth of Iune the King and Queen removed from Callice to his Princely lodging beside the Towne of Guysnes the most Royall Building that was e●er seene likewise Francis the French King had his lodging prepared close to the Towne of Ard in a strange but most magnificent fashion Both Kings had given authority and power to the Cardinall to affirme and confirme ●o bind or unbind whatsoever should be in difference betweene them no lesse an honour to the Cardinall then a confidence in the Kings On Thursday the seaven●h of Iune the Kings met in the vale of Andren so magnificently attired both themselves and all their followers that from thence it was called ●he campe of cloath of Gold Heere they spent that day in loving complements and at night departed the one to Guysnes the other to Ard. On Satureday the ninth of Iune were set up in a place within the English pale two Trees of honour with stately roomes and stages for the Queens and thither the two Kings came most Royally accompan●ed wherein most magnificent manner they performed Acts of valour both on foo●e and horseback and after them all the great Lords both of France and England did the like this solemnity of Justs and Maskes was continued to the foure and twentieth day of Iune at which time the Kings and Queenes tooke leave of each other the French King and Q●eene removed to Ard the King and Queene of England to Callice where he remained till the tenth of Iuly and then ridings ●oward Graveling was by the way met by the Emperour and by him conducted thithet and there in most royall manner ente●tained whereof when the French King heard he began from that day forward to have King Henry in a kinde of jelousie as though to love him and the Emperour both were inconsistent and could not stand together On Wednesday the eleventh of Iuly the Emperor and his Aunt the Lady Margaret Dutchesse of Savoy came with the King of England to the town of Callice and there continued with Feasting Dancing and Masking till the fourteenth of Iuly In which time all the Articles of the league tripartito betweene the Emperour and the Kings of England and France were reviewed to which the King of France had so fully condiscended that he had sent Monsieur de Roche to the Emperor with Let●ers of credence that in the word of a Prince he would inviolably observe and keepe them all all which notwithstanding he dispenced with his conscience afterward in breaking them all On Saturday Iuly 14. the Emperor tooke his leave and went to Graveling the King with his Queene returned into England It was now the twelfth yeer of King Henries reigne when being returned from Callice he kept his Christmas at Greenwich with great magnificence on twelfth day he and the Earl of Devonshire maintained a solemn Justs against al commers The Cardinal had long born a grudg against the Duke of Buckingham for speaking certain words in his disgrace and now hath made his way for reveng for the Earl of Surrey Lord Admirall who had maried the Dukes daughter the Cardinall had caused to be sent Deputy into Ireland and the Earle of Northumberland the Dukes speciall friend he had caused upon certain suggested crimes to be Imprisoned so as the Duke having his friends sequestred from him he lay now open to accusations and accusations shall not long be wanting for the Duke having some time before put from him in displeasure one Charles Knevet that had been his Surveyar and inward with him him the Cardinall gets to him to see what he could get out of him against the Duke And whether it was out of desire of revenge or out of hope of reward or that the matter was so indeed this Knevet confessed to the Cardinall that the Duke had once fully determined to make away the King being brought into a hope to be King himselfe by a vaine Prophesie which one Nicholas Hopkins a Monke of an house of the Chartnar Order besides Bristow called Henton somtimes his Confessor had opened to him and as for the Cardinall that he had often heard the Duke sweare he would punish him soundly for his manifold misdoings And now had the Cardinall matter enough for Accusation which he so aggravated to the King that the King bid him do with him according to Law Hereupon the Duke is apprehended and brought to the Tower by Sir Henry Marney Captain of the Guard the fifteenth of April and shortly after in Guild-hal before Sir Iohn Brugge then Lord Major was indited of divers points of High-treason the substance whereof was that in the second yeer of the Kings reign and at divers times before and after he had imagined and compassed the Kings death at London and at Thornbery in Glocestershi●e and that in the sixth yeer of the Kings reign he went in person to the Priory of Henton and there had conference with the foresaid Nicholas Hopkins who told him he should be King and that he had often said to the Lord Aburgayne who had maried his daughter that if King Henry died without issue he would look to have the Crown himself Vpon these points hee was arraigned in Westminster-hall before the Duke of Norfolk sitting then as high Steward of Engla●d the Duke of Suffolk the Marquesse Dorset the Earls of VVorcester Devonshire Essex Shrewsbury Kent Oxford and Darby the Lords of Saint Iohns de la ware Fitz-water Willoughby Brook Cobha● Herbert Morley The Duke pleaded for himself til he swet again but al booted ●ot for by these Peeres he was found guilty and condemned and so on Friday the seventeenth of May was led by Iohn Keyme and Iohn Skevington Sheriffes of London to the scaffold on Tower-hill and there beheaded The Augustine Friers took his body and head and buried them This Edward Bohun Duke of Buckingham was the last high Constable of England the greatest place next the high Steward in the kingdome whose Power extended to restrain some actions of the King He was also Earl of Hereford Stafford and Northampton he maried Elianor the daughter of Henry Earle of Northumberland and had issue Henry Lord Stafford Father to Henry Lord Stafford la●e living and three daughters Elizabeth maried to Thomas H●ward Earl of Surrey Katherine maried to Ralph Nevil Earl of Wes●merland and Mary maried to George Nevill Lord of Abu●ga●enie In this meane while a new Warre was begun between the Emperour and
States sent for out of England to succour it the Town was furiously a●saulted with seventeen thousand great shot and a mighty breach was made into it which neverthelesse Roger Williams Franis Vere Nicholas Baskervile with the Garrison of the English and Wallons were valiantly defended for a while but at last were enforced to yeild it up● Leicester that came to relieve it finding himself too weak for the Besiegers being gone away And indeed the States would not commit any great Army to his Command who they knew had a determination to se●ze L●yden and some other Towns into his own hands and had a purpose to surprize the absolute Government Whereupon the States used means that Leicester was called home gave up the Government to the States and in his roome succeeded Maurice of Nassaw Son to the Prince of Orange b●ing now but twenty years of age Peregrine Lord Willonghby was by the Queen made Gene●all of the English Forces in the Low-Countries to whom she gave command to reduce the English Factions into the States obedience the which with the help of Prince Maurice he easily effected Leicester being now come home and perceiving that an accusation was preparing against him by Buckhurst and others for his unfaithfull managing of affairs in Holland privately with tears he cast himself down at the Queens feet entreating her that she would not receive him with disgrace at his return whom she had sent forth with honor and so far prevailed with her that the next day being called to examination before the Lords he took his place amongst them not kneeling down at the end of the Table as the manner of Delinquents is and when the Secretary began to read the heads of his Accusation he interrupted him saying That the publick instructions which he had received were limited with private restriction and making his appeal to the Queen eluded the whole crimination with the secret indignation of his Adversaries This year was famous for the death of many great Personages In the moneth of February dyed Henry Nevill Lord of Aburgaveny great Grand-childe to Edward Nevill who in the Reign of King Henry the Sixth got this Title in the right of his Wife only Daughter and Heir to Richard Beauchamp Earl of Worcester and Lord of Aburgaveny In which right when as the only Daughter of this Henry Wife to Sir Thomas Fane challenged the Title of Baronesse of Aburgaveny a memorable contention arose concerning the Title between her and the next Heir Male to whom by Will and the same confirmed by Authority of Parliament the Castle of Aburgaveny was bequeathed This question being a long time debated at last in a Parliament holden in the second year of King Iames the matter was tryed by voyces and the Heir Male carried the Lordship of Aburgaveny and the Barony Le Dispencer was ratified to the Female This year also in the moneth of Aprill dyed Anne Stanhope Dutchesse of Somerset ninety years old who being the Wife of Edward Seymer Duke of Somerset and Protector of England contended for precedency with Katherine Parre Queen Dowager to King Henry the Eight There dyed also Sir Ralph Sadler Chancellor of the Dutchy of Lancaster the last Baneret of England with which dignity he was adorned at the Battell of Musselborough in Scotland After him dyed Thomas Bromley Lord Chancellor of England and six dayes after He whom the Queen meant should have succeeded him Edward Earl of Rutland but he now fayling Sir Christopher Hatton was made Lord Chancellor who though he were a Courtier yet the Queen knowing him to be an honest man thought him not unfit for that place where conscience hath or should have more place than Law although some were of opinion That it was not so much the Queens own choice as that she was perswaded to it by some that wisht him not well both thereby to be a cause of absenting him from the Court and thinking that such a sedentary place to a corpulent man that had been used to exercise would be a means to shorten his life and indeed he lived not full out three years after This yeer Sir Iohn Perot was called home out of Ireland and left all in 〈◊〉 quiet to Fits Williams his Successor For hitherto the English 〈◊〉 it no hard matter to vanquish the Irish by reason of their unskil●ulnesse in Arms eight hundred Foot and three hundred Horse was ●●ld an invincible Army but after that by Perots command they were ●●●●cised in Feats of Arms and taught to discharge Muskets at a Mark 〈◊〉 had in the Low-Countries learned the Art of Fortification they held the English better to it and were not so easily overcome And now we are come to the one and twentieth yeer of Queen Eliza●●●●s Raign being the yeer 1588 long before spoken of by Astrologers 〈◊〉 be a wonderfull yeer and even the Climactericall yeer of the World And yet the greatest Wonder that happened this yeer was but the wonderfull Fleet that Spain provided for invading of ENGLAND if the defeat of that wonderfull Fleet were not a greater Wonder It is true there was at this time a Treaty of Peace between England and Spai● and the Earl of Derby the Lord Cobham Sir Iames Crofts Dale and Rogers Doctors of Law Commissioners for the Queen for the Prince of Parma the Count Aurenberg Champignie Richardot Ma●s and Garvyer Doctors had many meetings about it neer to Ostend but it seemed on the p●rt of Spain rather to make the English secure that they should not make provision for War than that they had any purpose of reall proceeding seeing they accepted not of any reasonable Conditions that were offered but trifled out the time till the Spanish Navy was come upon the Coast and the Ordnance heard from Sea and then dismissed the English Delegates The Spanish Navy consisted of one hundred and thirty Ships whereof Galeasses and Galleons seventy two goodly Ships like to floating Towers in which were Souldiers 19290 Marriners 8350 Gally-slaves 2080 Great Ordnance 2630 For the greater holinesse of their Action twelve of their Ships were ca●led The twelve Apostles Chief Commander of the Fleet was Don Alphonso Duke of Medina and next to him Iohn Martin Recalde a great Sea-man The twentieth of May they weighed Anchor from the River Tagus but were by Tempest so miserably disperst that it was long ere they m●t again but then they sent before to the Prince of Parma That he with his Forces consisting of fifty thousand old Souldiers should be ready to joyn with them and with his Shipping conduct them into England and to land his Army at the Thames Mouth The Queens Preparation in the mean time was this The Lord Charles Howard Lord Admirall with all her Navy and Sir Francis Drake Vice-Admirall to be ready at Plimouth and the Lord Henry Seymor second son to the Duke of Somerset with forty English and Dutch Ships to keep the Coasts of the Netherlands to hinder the Prince of Parma's
to the Crowne unlesse they were Roman Catholikes Contending further for the right of Isabella Infanta of Spaine as being descended from Constance Daughter of WILLIAM the Conquerour from Eleanor eldest Daughter to HENRY the Second Married to Alphonso the ninth King of Castile from Beatrix Daughter to King HENRY the Third Titles obsolete and which exceed the bounds of Heraldry to discusse This year the nineteenth of February was Henry Prince of Scotland born to whom the Queen was Godmother and sent Robert Earl of Sussex for her Deputy But now greater matters were in hand Plots were layd against the Queenes life some Spaniards thinking to make her away by Poison and not daring to trust any Englishman in such a businesse they treat to that purpose with Rodericke Lopes a JEV● and Phisitian to the Queen wi●h Stephen Ferreir● Emmanuel Loyfie and other Portugalls for divers of that Nation came into England at this time in relation to Anthonio● who being discovered by letters of theirs that were intercepted were Arraigned at Guildhall and by their own confessions convinced to have conspi●ed against the life of the Queen they were all condemned and Exe●●●ed at Tiburne LOPES professing that he loved the Queen as well as Jesus Christ which was cause of laughter to them● that knew him to be a JEVV The next day after them was condemned C●llen● an Irish Fencer sent hither by the English Fugitives to kill the Queen who was straightway executed though he were at that very time sick and ready to dye About this time Sir Iohn Norris having been in a hot conflict at sea against the Spaniard where Sir Martin Forbysher received his deaths wound was now called home with a purpose to send him into Ireland In which mean while Richard Hawkins Sonne of Sir Iohn Hawkins the famous sea Captain had been set forth a year since with three of the Queens ships and two hundred men in them whereof one of them at the Isle o● St. Anne was by chance fired another of them seperated by tempest returned into England himself in the third passed the Straights of Magellan being the sixth man in the Spanish accompt that had ever done it and being now come into the wide Southern sea he took five ships laden with Merchandize one whereof he took away the rest he suffered to redeeme themselves for two thousand Duckats But at last being set upon by Bertrandus a Castro who was sent out by the Vice-Roy of those parts with eight ships against him after three dayes battery he yeilded and though upon composition yet was neverthelesse sent into Spain and there for divers years kept prisoner But Iames Lancaster in another part of America had better successe for being set forth by some London Merchants whose goods the Spaniards had seized with three Ships and a long Boat Hee tooke nine and thirty Spanish Ships and at Fernanbucke in Brasile where the wealth of an East-Indian Caraque was lately unloden hee desperately venturing upon the Shoare Loaded Fifteene Ships with the wealth of the Indian Caraque Sugar Reed Redwood called Brasill and other Merchandize and then safely and victoriously returned home At ROME about this time dyed Cardinall ALLEN borne in Lancashire of an honest Family brought up in Oxford in Oriall Colledge In Queene Maries dayes he was Proctor of the University and after Canon of the Cathedrall Church at YORKE Upon the change of Religion in ENGLAND he left the Kingdome and was Divinity Professor at Doway in Flanders and made Canon of the Church at Cambray He procured a Seminary to be set up in Doway for the English another at Rheims and a third at Rome and through zeal of the Romish Religion forgot whose subject he was born At home at this time dyed Iohn Peers Archbishop of Yorke in whose place succeeded Matthew Hutton translated from the See of Durham There dyed also Ferdinand Stanley Earl of Derby being in the floure of his age miserably tormented and vomiting ●tuffe of a darke rusty colour being thought to have been poysoned or bewitched There was found in his chamber a little image of wax with hairs of the colour of his hairs thrust into the belly which some thought was done of purpose that men should not suspect him to be poisoned his vomit so stained the silver Andirons that it could never be gotten out and his body though put in searcloathes and wrapped in lead did so ●tinck and putrifie that for a long time none could endure to come neer where he was buried The Master of his Horse was much suspected who the same day the Earl tooke his bed took one of his best Horses and fled away About this time also dyed Gregory Fines Lord Dacres a man somewhat crazed the Son of Thomas Lord Dacres hanged in the Raign of King Henry the Eight And now Sir William Fitz Williams Lord Deputy of Ireland was called home and William Russell youngest Son of Francis Earl of Bedford was sent in his room to whom presently came the Earl of Tir-Oen and in humble manner craved pardon of his fault that he had not presented himself at the call of the late Lord Deputy Bagnall Marshall of the Irish Forces exhibited many Articles against him but he so pleaded for himself with promise of loyalty hereafter that he was dismissed But see the subdolousnesse of this man for he would never after be gotten to come again though the Deputy sent for him with many kinde messages It was now the year 1595 and the eight and thirtieth year of Queen Elizabeths Raign when Ed●ond Yorke and Richard Williams who were formerly apprehended came to their tryall and were executed at Tiburn for being bribed to kill the Queen At this time a constant rumor was blown abroad from all parts of Europe that the Spaniards were coming again against England with a farre greater Fleet than that in Eighty Eight and that it was already under sayl whereupon Souldiers were levyed and placed on the Sea-coast Two Navies were made ready one to expect them at home in the Channell the other to go for America under Hawkins and Drake but when all came to all it was but certain Spaniards who loosed from the sea-coast of France with four Gallies which betimes in the morning landing in Cornwall fired a Church standing alone in the fields and three Villages of Fishermen Neulyne Moushole and Pensaus and then presently retyred not taking or killing any one person And these were the first and last Spaniards that in hostile manner ●ver set foot upon English ground And now mischiefs growing daily in France a great number perswaded the King to conclude a Peace with Spain and the Queen her self began to mistrust him especially having lately received intelligence out of the Popes Conclave that he was received into the bosome of the Church of Rome with the Popes Benediction and that upon conditions prejudiciall to the Protestants And therefore at this time were divers undertakings of the English against
St. Edmonds berry being by chance set on fire continued burning till it had consumed 160. houses but by the Kings bountifulnesse giving 500. loads of timber and the City of Londons reliefe the Towne was forthwith new builded in a fairer manner than it was before In the yeare 1613● on the seventeenth of April in the parish of St●ndish in Lancashire a mayden child was borne having foure legges foure armes two bellies joyned to one back one head with two faces the one before the other behind like the picture of Ianus This year also on the 26. of Iune in the parish of Christs-Church in Hampshire on Iohn Hitchel a Carpenter lying in bed with his wife a yong child by them was himself the child both burned to death with a suddain lightning no fire appearing outwardly upon him and yet lay burning for the space of almost three dayes till he was quite consumed to ashes This yeare also on the seventh of August the Towne of Dorchister was quite consumed with fire begun on the house of a Tallow Chandler destroying all the houses except a few neare the Church and all their wares and goods to the value of two hundred thousand pounds yet not any man or woman perished About the same time also the Play-house called the Globe upon the Banks side neare London was quite consumed with fire by discharging a Piece of Ordnance and yet no man hurt and about foure years after a new built Play-house neare Golding-lane called the Fortune was by negligence of a Candle cleane burnt to the ground In the year 1614. the Town of St●atford upon Avon was burned and left the water should be behind in doing of mischiefe so great Iundations were at this time in Norfolke and Lincoln-shire that the sea entred twelve miles into the land In the yeare 1612 on the 18. of Novemb. a Blazing star bgan to be seene in the South-east about five a clock in the morning the flame or streame whereof enclined towards the west This comet in the opinion of D. B●mbridge the great Mathematician of Oxford was as far above the Moon as the Moon is above the earth what i● portended is onely known to God but the sequell of it was that infinite slaughters and devastations followed upon it both in Germany and other Countries In the year 1622 on Friday the 24. of October a Roman Catholike Priest preached in the after-noon at Hunsdon house in the Black Friers in London in an upper chamber where there were assembled above 300 men and women when about the middle of the Sermon a great part of the Floore brake and fell down with such violence that it brake down the next floor● under it in the fall whereof were slain the Preacher and almost 100● of his Auditors besides as many more hurt In this Kings time course paper commonly called white brown paper was first made in Engl. specially in Surry about Winsor Of his Wife and Children HE married Anne the daughter of Frederick the second King of Denmarke whose marriage was there solemnized in the yeare 1589. By whom he had borne in Scotland two Sons Henrie who dyed before him and Charles who succeeded him in the Crown and one daughter named Elizabeth married to Frederick the fi●th of that name Count Palatine of the Rheine by whom she had many children both Sons and Daughters King Iames had also by his wife Queen Anne two other daughters borne in England the Lady Marie and the Lady Sophia who both dyed young● the Lady Marie at about three yeares old the Lady Sophia the next day after she was borne and were both of them buried with great solemnity in the Chappell Royall at Westminster Of his Personage and Conditions HE was of stature somewhat higher than ordinary of a wel compacted body of an Ambourne haire of a full and pleasing vi●age● in his latter dayes enclining to be fat and bu●ley● of bodily exercises he tooke most delight in hunting● which yet some thought hee used rather as a retiring himselfe from the importunity of Sta●e affaires than for any great pleasure hee took in it It is said he had such a fashion in riding that it could not so properly bee said he rid as that his horse carried him for hee made but little use of his Bridle and would say a horse never stumbled but when hee was reined Hee was of an admirable pregnancie of wit and that pregnancy much improved by continuall study from his child-hood by which he had gotten such a promptnesse in expressing his mind that his extemporall speeches were little inferiour to his premeditated writings Many no doubt had read as much and perhaps more than he but scarce ever any concocted his reading into judgement as he did by which hee became so judicious that though hee could not Prophesie yet he could presage and his Conjectures were little lesse than Oracles In all the Liberall Sciences hee was we may say a Master of Arts but in Divinity a Doctor as he made appeare in the Conference at Hampton Court and is seene still by the learned Writings he hath le●t behind him And as for that part of the Politicks which concernes Monarchie Regere Imperio populos which himselfe used to call King Craft in this he excelled Hee knew how to take the inclinations of the people at their first bound and never suffer them to rise higher than hee could well reach them nor to grow stronger than he could either alter or divert them He would be sure to keep his Subjects in a temper of contentment which if he could not doe by preventives he would by lenitives He was so wise that hee could dissemble without seeming a Dissembler be free in opening his mind and yet keep counsaile He was as a provident Pilot that in a calme would provide for a storme and you should never finde him committing the fault of Non p●taram He was both Marti Mercurio but not tam morti quam Mercurio as being of his temper who said Cedant Arma Toga and indeed seeing peace is the end of both It were not wisedome to seeke it by Armes if it may be had by the Gowne as it is in the Aphorisme Consili● omnia experiri prius quam Armis sapientem Decet That which was bountie in him being a King would have beene frugality if he had beene a private person there being of both one radicall reason Of all the Morrall vertues he was eminent for chastity in which the Poet seemes to include all vertu● where he saith Nulli fas casto sceleratum in sistere limen By nulli casto meaning no vertuous person it was a manifest argument of his being an excellent Prince that comming next to the admirable Queen Elizabeth which was in a manner to compare them together yet there appeared no inequallity that it might not untruely be said King Iames was but the continuation of Queen Elizabeth the same vertue though different sexes and now to
75 Philip Commines a knight of Flanders writ the lives of Lewis Charles the Eighth Kings of France wherein he handles many passages betweene them and the Kings of England their contemporaries Of the Moderne These 76 Richard Grafton a Citizen of London writ a Chronicle from the beginning of the world to the beginning of the Reign of Queene Elizabeth in whose time he lived 77 Raphaell Holinshed a Minister writ a large Chronicle from the Conquest to the yeare 1577. and was continued by others to the yeare 1586. 78 Doctor Goodwin Bishop of Hereford writ the Lives of King Henry the eight King Edward the sixth and Queen Mary lived in the time of Qu. Elizabeth 79 Doctor Heyward writ the History of the first Kings William the Conquerour William Rufus and Henry the first also the Reigne of King Henry the fourth and Edward the sixth and lived to the time of King James 80 Samuel Daniel writ a Chronicle of the Kings of England to the end of King Edward the third and is continued by John Trussell to the beginning of King Henry the seventh 81 Sir Francis Bacon Viscount Viscount S. Albans hath written a History of the Reigne of King Henry the seventh in a most elegant stile and lived in the time of King James 82 John Fox writ three large Volumes of the Acts and Monuments of the Church particularly treating of the English Martyrs in the Reignes of King Henry the eighth and Queene Mary and lived in the time of Queene Elizabeth 83 Thomas Cowper Bishop of Winchester writ Chronicle Notes of all Nations specially of England from the beginning of the world to his owne time and lived in the time of Queene Elizabeth 84 William Camden King at Armes writ the life of Queene Elizabeth and a Description of Britaine and lived in the time of King James 85 William Martin Esquire writ the Reignes of the Kings of England from William the Conquerour to the end of King Henry the eighth to which was afterward added the Reignes of King Edward the sixth Queen Mary and Queen Elizabeth 86 Francis Biondi an Italian Gentleman and of the Privy Chamber to King Charles hath written in the Italian tongue the Civill Warres between the two Houses of Lancaster and Yorke from King Richard the second to King Henry the seventh Translated elegantly into English by Henry Earle of Monmouth now living 87 Henry Isaacson a Londoner hath written a Chronology of all kingdoms from the beginning of the world to the yeare 1630. being the fifth yeare of King Charles his Reigne 88 Nicholas Harpsefield Arch-deacon of Canterbury hath written a Chronicle of all the Bishops of England to which Edmund Campian the Iesuite made an Addition 89 John Stow Citizen of London writ a Chronicle from Brute to the end of Qu. Elizabeth and is continued to this present time being the 18. yeare of King Charles by Edmund Howe 's a Londoner 90 John Speed a Londoner writ the Story of Britaine from the first beginning to the yeare 1605. being the second yeare of King James 91 William Abington Esquire hath written the Reign of King Edward the fourth in a very fine stile and is yet living 92 Thomas Fuller Batchelour of Divinity and Prebendary of Sarum hath written the Holy Warre in very fine language wherein he relates the Acts of our Kings of England in the Holy Land and is now living 93 Andre du Chesne a Frenchman Geographer to the King of France hath written the History of England Scotland Ireland from their first beginnings to the seventeenth yeare of our present Soveraigne Lord King Charles The end of the Catalogue of Authors A CHRONICLE OF THE KINGS OF ENGLAND from the time of the Romans Government unto the Raigne of King CHARLES Of the first knowne times of this Island ALthough we begin the Aera of our Computation from William called the Conquerour as though he were the first King of our English Nation Yet before him were many other excellent Kings and their Acts perhaps as worthy to bee knowne if they could be knowne But seeing after ages can know nothing of former times but what is Recorded by writing It hath followed that as the first Writers were Poets So the first writings have been Fictions and nothing is delivered to Posterity of the most ancient times but very Fables Such as is the story of Albina of whom they say this Island was called Albion though others say ab albis rupibus of the white cliffes that shee should be● the eldest of the two and thirty daughters of Dioclesian King of Syria such as never was who being marryed to two and thirty Kings in one night killed all their husbands for which fact they were put in a shippe themselves alone without any Pylo● so to try their adventure and by chance arrived in this Island of whom Gyants were begotten And if you like not of this then have you the story of Albion the sonne of Neptune of whom the Island tooke its name But when these are exploded there followes another with great Attestation and yet as very a Fable as these namely the story of the Trojan Brute of whom the Island they say was called Britaine though many other causes are given of the name as likewise the story of Brutes cosin Corinaeus of whom they say the Country of Cornwall had its name to whom it was given for overcomming the Giant Gogmagog and that Brute having three sonnes Lectrine Albanact and Camber he gave at his death to his eldest sonne Locrine all the land on this side Humber and called it Lo●gria to his second sonne Albanact all the land beyond Humber of whom it was called Albania now Scotland and to his youngest sonne Camber all the land beyond the river of Severne of whom it was called Cambria now Wales with other such stuffe which may please children but not riper Judgements and were first broached by Geoffry Archdeacon of Monmouth for which all the Writers of his time cryed shame upon him and yet can scarce keepe many at this day from giving credit to his Fictions And when we are once gotten out of Fables and come to some truth yet that truth is delivered in such slender draughts and such broken pieces that very small benefit can be gotten by the knowing it and was not till the time of Iulius Caesar a thousand yeares after the Fable of Brute at which time the Island was yet but in manner of a Village being without Walls as having no shipping which are indeed the true Wals of an Island but onely certaine small vessels made of boards and wicker And as they had no ships for defence without So neither had they any Forts for defence within scarce any houses but such as were made of stakes and boughes of trees fastned together Neither was it yet come to be a Kingdome but was Governed by a number of petty Rulers So as Kent onely had in it as Caesar calleth them foure Kings
recordeth that the Foundation thereof was laid by this King Lucius and that this Church was the Cathedral to that Archbishops See In the yeare 359. a Councel was holden at Ariminum in Italie where foure hundred Westerne Bishops were Assembled whereof three went out of Britaine and gave their voyces against the Arian Heresie After this about the yeare 420. rose up in this Island one Pelagius a Monke brought up in the Monastery of Bangor in Wales who spread the poyson of his Heresie first in this his Native Countrey and afterward all the world over And these had beene the chiefe passages in matters Ecclesiasticall within this Island when the Saxons were called in about the yeare 450. And now under the Conduct of two brothers Hengist and Horsa came over nine thousand Saxons with their wives and children to a●●ist the Britaines ag●inst the Scots and were appointed the Isle of Thanet to Inhabit With which assistance the Britaines give their enemies battaile and overcome them So as they accounted the Saxons as Angels sent from heaven and then allowed them Kent also fo● their Inhabiting Not long after Hengist obtained of King Vortigern the property of so much ground as he could enclose with a Buls Hide which cutting into thongs hee there built the Castle Facti de nomine called Thong Castle And now having built it he invites V●rtigern to a Feast where falling in love with Rowena the beautifull daughter of Hengist and marrying her it put Hengist into such a height of boldnesse that he began to aspire sending for greater Forces to come over to him as meaning to transplant himselfe hither and to make this Island his Inheritance which the British Lords perceiving and not able to weane their King from his new wife and her father Hengist they Depose him and in his place set up his sonne Vortimer a true lover of his Country who presently in a pitcht battaile neere unto Aylesford in Kent set upon the Saxons where Catigern the brother of Vor●imer and H●rs● of Hengist in single ●ight hand to hand slew each other In which place Catigern was buried and a Monument in memory of him Erected the stones whereof at this day are standing in a great Plaine in the Parish of Aylesford which instead of Catigern is corruptly called Kits-Cotyhouse Another the like Monument was erected for Hors● though now defaced remembred onely by the Towne where it stood called Horstead Three other battailes after this were fought betweene the Britaines and the Saxons one at Craford another at Weppeds-fleete the third upon Colmore in which last the Britaines got so great a victory that the Saxons were cleane driven out of Kent and in Thanet also not suffered also to rest so as shortly after Hengist with his Saxons departed the Kingdome as being now out of hope to make his Fortune in this Island But while Vortimer was th●s intentive for his Countries liberty Rowena the former Kings wife being daughter to Hengist was as intentive to bring it into servitude which knowing she could not do as long as Vortimer lived she used meanes by poyson to take away his life after he had beene King the space of foure yeeres and then by the witchcraft of faire words so enchanted the British Nobility that her husband Vortigern was againe established in the Kingdome which was no sooner don● but Hengist relying upon his sonne Vortigerns love with a mighty Army attempts to returne againe into the Island when being resisted he makes a shew as if hee desired nothing but to fetch away his daughter Rowena and to have a friendly conference for continuance of amity which motion seeming reasonable a place and time of conference was appointed the time upon the first of May the place upon the Plaine of Ambrii now called Salisbury whither the plaine meaning Britaines came unarmed according to agreement but the fraudulent Saxons under their long Cassocks had short skeynes hidden with which upon a watch-word given they set upon the Britaines and of their unarmed Nobility slew three some say five hundred took the King himselfe prisoner whom they would not release till they were put in possession of these foure Counties Kent Sussex Suffolke and Norfolke Whereupon Vortigern whether fearing a second Deposing or whether so advised by his Cabinet Counsailour the Propheticall Merlin betooke him into Wales and there built him a strong Castle for his safeguard while the Saxons comming daily in great swarmes into the Land had at this time overrunne all if Aurelius Ambrosius a Romane borne but affected to the British Nation had not landed at To●nes in Devonshire to whom resorted great troopes of Britaines His first expedition was against Vortigern as the first cause of the Britaines misery whose Castle he besieged and whether by wilde fire or by fire from Heaven both he and his Castle and all that were in it were burnt to ashes To this Ambrosius is ascribed the admirable Monument in Wiltshire now called Stoneh●●ge in the place where the Bri●aines had beene treacherously ●laughtered and interred and of whom the Towne of Ambersbury beares its name After this he set upon the Saxons and in many batrailes discom●ited them till at last falling sicke in the City of Winchester a Saxon in shew a Britain and in habit a Physitian was sent unto him who instead of Physick ministred poyson whereof he died in the yeare 497. after he had raigned two and thirty yeares After Ambrosius succeeded Uter some say his brother others a Britaine called Pendragon of his Royall Banner borne ever before him wherein was portrayed a Dragon with a golden Head as in our English Camps it is at this day borne for the Imperiall standard And he also in many battailes discomfited the Saxons till after eighteene yeares Raigne he came to his end by treachery dying by poyson put into a Well whereof he usually dranke in the yeare 515. After him succeeded his sonne Arthur begotten of the faire Lady Igren wife of the Duke of Cornwall to whose bed the Art of Merlin brought him in the likenesse of her husband and hee in t●elve set battailes discomfited the Saxons but in one most memorable in which gi●ding himselfe with his sword called Callibourne he flew upon his Enemies and with his owne hand slew eight hundred of them which is but one of his wonderfull deedes whereof there are so many reported that hee might well be reckoned amongst the Fabulous if there were not ●now true to give them credit Amongst other his Acts he Instituted the Order of Knights of the Round Table to the end there might be no question about Precedence and to teach Heroicall minds nor to stand upon place but Merit But this great Prince for all his great valour was at last in a battaile wounded whereof he died in the yeare 542. after he had raigned six and twenty yeares After King Arthur succeeded his cosin Constantine after his three yeares raigne Aurelius Conanus the Nephew of King
Rome where he tooke upon him the habit of a Monke and after other foure yeares dyed The tenth King was Ethelbald who at first was given to much lasciviousnesse of life but being reprehended for it by Boniface Archbishop of Ments was so farre converted that he Founded the Monastery of Crowland driving in mighty piles of Oake into that Marish ground where he laid a great and goodly building of stone and after two and forty years Raigne was slaine in a battaile by Cuthred King of the West Saxons The eleventh King was Offa who greatly enlarged his Dominions raigned nine and thirty yeares and Founded the Monastery of St. Albans The thirteenth King was Kenwolph who raigned two and twenty yeares and Founded the Monastery of Winchcombe in the County of Glocester where his body was interred The eighteenth King was Withlafe who overcome by Egbert King of the West Saxons held his Country afterward as his substitute and Tributary acknowledging Egbert as now the sole Monarch of this Island And by erection of this Mercian Kingdome were seventeene shires mo●e lopped off from the Britaines Dominion and was a sixth and a great impairing so as now they were driven into a narrow roome The seventh Kingdome being of the East Angles THe seventh Kingdome was of the East Angles and began by Uffa in the yeare 575. containing Suffolke Norfolke Cambridgeshire and the Isle of Ely and continued 353. yeares during the raigne of fifteene Kings of whom the fifth was Sigebert who first brought the light of the Gospell into his Dominions and built a Schoole for education of youth but whether at Oxford or Cambridge is left a Quaere and after three yeares Raigne shore himselfe a Monke in the Abbey of Cumbreburg which himselfe had built but being afterward violently drawne from thence by his Subjects the East Angles to resist the Mercian King Penda and refusing to use any other weapon but onely a white wand was in a battaile by him slaine The seventh King was Anna who after thirteene yeares raigne was also slaine by Penda the Mercian King This King Anna was memorable chie●ly for the holinesse of his children of whom his sonne Erkenwald was Bishop of London and built the Abbey of Barking neere London His eldest daughter Etheldrid was twice married and yet continued a Virgin still and at last became a Nunne and is remembred to posterity by the name of St. Audrie His second daughter named Sexburg his third named Ethelburg his fourth a Naturall daughter named Withburg all entred into Monasteries and are Canonized all for Saints The foureteenth King was Ethelbert a learned and religious Prince who being invited by Offa the Mercian King to marry Elfrid his daughter came for that purpose to Offa's Court then seated at Sutton Walleys in the County of Hereford and there by him was cruelly murthered In whose memoriall notwithstanding hee afterward built a faire Church at Hereford the Cathedrall of that See as though he could expiate a murther of the living by a Monument to the dead and were not rather a Monument of his owne impiety The fifteenth King was Edmund who assaulted by the Danes for his possessions was more assaulted for his profession for continuing constant in his Christian Faith those Pagans first beat him with bats then scourged him with whippes ●nd lastly bound him to a stake and with their arrowes shot him to death whose body was buried at the Towne where Sigebert the East Anglian King one of his Predecessors had built a Church and where afterward in honour of him was built another most spatious of a wonderfull frame of Timber and the name of the Towne upon the occasion of his buriall there called to this day St. Edmunds bury This Church and place Suenus the Danish King burnt to ashes but when his sonne Canutus had gotten possession of the English Crowne terrified with a Vision of the seeming St. Edmund in a religious devotion to expiate his Fathers sacriledge hee built it anew most sumptuously and offered his owne Crowne upon the Martyrs Tombe After the death of this Edmund the East Angles Country was possest by the Danes and so continued the space of fifty yeares untill that Edmund surnamed the Elder expelled those Danes and made that Kingdome a Province to the West Saxons By that which hath beene said it plainely appeares by what degrees the Britaines lost and the Saxons got the whole possession of this Island For after that Vortigern in the yeare 455. had called in the Saxons every Britaine King that succeeded him lost some part or other of it to the Saxon● till at last in the yeare 689. C●dw●llader the last Britaine King lost all and then the Saxon Kings striving amongst themselves for soveraignty they still gained one upon another till at last in the yeare 818 Egbert King of the West Saxons reduced them all under his subjection and then caused all the South of the Island to bee called England according to the Angles of whom himselfe came after whom they were no longer properly called Saxon Kings but Kings of England and so continued till the Danes in the yeare 1017. made an interruption of whose succession now comes the time to speake Of the Saxons that Raigned sole Kings of this Island and may properly be called English Kings EGbert the eighteenth King of the West Saxons is now become the first of the Kings of England in whose time the Danes began first to infest the Land as thinking they might do as much against the Saxons as the Saxons had done against the Britaines but though they made divers Invasions and did great spoyle yet they were still repelled This King raigned six and thirty yeares and dying in the yeare 836. was buried at Winchester Of his issue his daughter Edith was made Governesse of a Monastery of Ladies by her planted in a place which the King her brother had given her called Pollesworth situate in Arden in the North part of the County of Warwicke where shee died and was buri●d and the place in memory of her called St Edyths of Pollesworth To Egbert succeeded his sonne Ethelwolph who in his youth was so addicted to a Religious life that he was first made Deacon and after Bishop of Winchester but his father dying he was intreated by his people to take upon him the Crowne and by Pope Gregory the fourth was to that end absolved of his Vow His raigne was infested with many and great Invasions of the Danes to whom notwithstanding hee gave incredible overthrowes In the time of his Raigne remembring his former Religious profession he ordained that riches and lands due to holy Church should be free from all Tribute or Regall services and in great devotion went himselfe to Rome where he lived a yeare confirmed the grant of Peter pence and agreed beside to pay yearely to Rome three hundred Markes Returning home through France and being a Widower he there marryed Iudith the beautifull daughter of Charles the Bald
but these last more by humility shewed to their Prince Leolyn then by force of A●mes But yet he must not have all the glory of his time some must be imparted to his sister Elflede who being marryed to Ethelred Earle of Mercia had by him a daughter but with so grievous pa●nes in her travaile that ever after she refused the nuptiall bed of her Husband saying it was a foolish pleasure that brought with it so excessive paines And thereupon after her husbands death made choyce to follow the warres assisting her brother both against the Welsh and against the Danes whom she brought to be at her disposing Dying she was buryed at Glocester in the Monastery of Saint Peter which her Husband and her selfe had built King Edw●rd himselfe after foure and twenty yeares Raigne deceased at Faringdon in Barkshire in the yeare 924. and was buryed in the new Monastery of Winchester which his Father began and himselfe wholly finished having had by his three Wives six Sonnes and nine Daughters of whom his eldest sonne Athelstan succeeded him in the kingdome whom his Grandfather King Alfred had with his owne hands Knighted● in an extraordinary manner putting upon him a purple Robe and girding him with a girdle wrought with Pearle His second sonne Elfred he so loved that he caused him to be Crowned King with himselfe which yet he enjoyed but a short time being taken away by death His third sonne Elsward presently upon his Fathers death dyed himselfe also His fourth son Edwyn was by his brother Athelstan out of jealousie of state put into a little Pinnace without either Tackle or Oares accompanyed onely with one Page with griefe whereof the young Prince leaped into the Sea and drowned himselfe His fifth and sixth sonnes Edmund and Edred came in succession to be Kings of England Of his Daughters the eldest Edytha was marryed to Sithricke the Danish King of Northumberland and he deceasing she entred into a Monastery which she began at Tamworth in Warwickshire and there dyed His second daughter Elflede tooke upon her the vow of Virginity in the Monastery of Ramsey in the County of South-hampton where she dyed and was interred His third daughter Eguina was first marryed to Charles the Simple King of France and after his decease to Herbert Ea●le of Vermandois His fourth daughter Ethelhild became a Nunne in the Monastery of Wilton which was sometime the head Towne giving name to the whole County of Wil●shire and anciently called Ellandon That we may see in those first times of Religion when there was lea●t knowledge there was most devotion His fifth daughter Edhold was marryed to Hugh surnamed the Great Earle of Paris and Constable of France And Edgith his sixth daughter to Otho the Emperour of the West ●urnamed the Great His seventh daughter Elgina was marryed to a Duke of Italy His ninth Edgina to Lewis Prince of Aquitaine in France After the death of King Edward his eldest sonne Athelstan succeeded and was Crowned at Kingstone upon Thames in the County of Surrey by Athelmu● Archbishop of Canterbury in the yeare 924. The beginning of whose Raigne was molested with the Treason of one Elfrid a Nobleman who being apprehended and sent to Rome to purge himselfe and there denying the Act upon his Oath fell suddenly downe and within three dayes dyed to the eternall ●errour of all perjured persons Presently upon this another dysaster befell King Athelstan for having caused his brother Edwyns death as before is shewed chiefly procured by his Cupbearers suggestions It hapned not long after that his Cup-bearer in his service at a Festivall stumbling with one foote and recovering himselfe with the other and saying merrily See how one brother helpes another His words put the King in remembrance of his Brother whose death he had caused and with remorse thereof not onely caused his Cup-bearer to be put to death but did also seven yeare● penance and built the two Monasteries of Middleton and Michelnesse in the County of Dorset in expiation of his offence This King ordained many good Lawes and those to binde as well the Clergy as the Laity amongst which one was the Attachment of Felons that stole a●ove twelve pence and were above twelve yeares old Of this King there is one Act related that may seeme ridiculous another that may seeme miraculous For what more ridiculous then that going to visit the Tombe of Saint Iohn of Beverley and having nothing else of worth to offer he offered his knife in devotion to the Saint Yet the mirac●lous is more apparent For going to encounter the Danes and praying to God for good successe he prayed withall that God would shew some signe of his rightfull cause and thereupon striking with his sword he strucke it an ell deepe into a hard stone which stood so cloven a long time after But whether this be true or no this certainly is true that he obtained many great victories against the Danes against the Scots against the Ir●sh and against the Welsh whose Princes he brought to be his Tributaries entring Covenant at Heref●rd to pay him yearely twenty pound weight of gold three hundred of silver and five and twenty hundred head of Cattell besides a certaine number of Hawkes and Hounds Lastly he joyned Northumberland to the rest of his Monarchy and enlarged his Dominions beyond any of his Predecessours which made all Neighbouring Princes to seeke his friendship and to gratify him with rare presents as Hugh King of France sent him the sword of Constantine the Great in the hilt whereof was one of the nayles that fastned Christ to his Crosse He sent him also the speare of Charles the Grea● reputed to be the same that pierced Christs side as also part of the Crosse whereon Christ suffered and a piece of the Thorny Crowne put upon his head Likewise Otho the Emperour who had marryed his sister sent him a vessell of pretious stones artificially made wherein were seene Landskips with Vines Corne and Men all of them seeming so artificially to move as if they were growing and alive Likewise the King of Norway sent him a goodly Ship with a gilt Ste●ne purple ●ayles and the decke garnished all with gold Of these accounted Holy Reliques King Athelstan gave part to the Abbey of Saint Swithin in Winchester and the rest to the Monastery of Mamesbury whereof Adelm was the Founder and his Tutelar Saint He new built the Monasteries of Wilton Michelnesse and Middleton Founded Saint Germans in Cornwall Saint Petrocus at Bodmyn and the Priory of Pilton new walled and beautifyed the City of Exceter and enriched either with Jewels or Lands every speciall Abbey of the Land But the chiefest of his workes for the service of God and good of his Subjects was the Translation of the Bible into the Saxon Tongue which was then the Mother tongue of the Land He Raigned fifteen● yeares Dyed at Glocest●r and was buryed at Mamesbery in the yeare 940. having never beene marryed
landed at Gainsborough to whom the Northumbrians and the people of Lindsey yeelded themselves So that now over all the North from Watlingstreete he Raigned sole King and exacted pledges of them for their further obedience From the North he passed into the South subduing all before him till he came to London where he was so valiantly encountred by the Londoners that he was glad to retire in which retyring notwithstanding he entred Bathe where Ethelmore Earle of Devonshire with his Westerne people submitted himselfe to him Yet after this betweene him and the English was strucke a fierce battaile which had beene with good successe if the treachery of some in turning to the Danes had not hindered it After this the Danes proceeded on victoriously and had gotten most part of the Land and even London also by submission whereupon the unfortunate King Ethelred sending his Wife Emma with her two sonnes Edward and Alfred to her Brother Duke of Normandy himselfe also the Winter following passed thither leaving the Danes Lording it in his Realme Sweyne now as an absolute King extorted from the English both Victuals and Pay for his Souldiers and demanding such a Composition for preserving of Saint Edmunds Monastery in Suffolke as the Inhabitants were not able and therefore refused to pay he thereupon threatned spoyle both to the Place and to the Martyrs bones there interred when suddenly in the middest of his jollity saith Hoveden he cryed out that he was strucke by Saint Edmund with a sword being then in the midst of his Lords and no man seeing from whose hand it came and so with great horrour and torment three dayes af●er upon the third of February he ended his life at Thetford or as others say at Gaynsborough And now who would not thinke but this was a faire opportunity offered to the English to free themselves wholly from the Danish yoke but when all was don● either crossed by treachery or frustrated by misfortune nothing prospered I● is true upon this occasion of Sweynes death King Ethelred returned out of Normandy but at his comming Canutus the sonne o Sweyne had gotten the peopl● of Lindsey to be at his devotion and to find him both Horse and Men against their owne King so as Ethelred was now to encounter as well his owne Subjects● as the Danes which he did so valiantly that he made Canutus glad to returne into Denmarke as utterly hopelesse of any good to be done in England And now one would certainely thinke the Danes had beene removed Roote and Branch out of England and never like to trouble the Land any more and indeed there was all the appearance of probability for it that could be But it is a true saying That which will be shall be let all be done that can be For now Turkill the Dane who had before revolted to King Ethelred growing sensible of his fault which was this or no way to be redeemed and tender of his Countrymens case which was now or never to be helpt with nine of his Ships sailed into Denmarke and first excusing himselfe to Canutus for his former defection as though he had done it of purpose to learne all advantages against the English which now he could discover to him he so prevailed with Canutus once againe to try his fortune that with a Navy of two hundred Ships he set saile for England and landed at Sandwich where he gave the English a great overthrow and passed victoriously through the Counties of Dorset Somerset and Wilts When Ethelred lying dangerously sicke at Cossam the managing of the Warre was committed to Prince Edmund his sonne who preparing to give the Danes battaile had suddenly notice given him that his Brother in Law Edricke meant to betray him into his Enemies hands which made him suspend his proceeding and Edricke perceiving his designe to be discovered cast off the masque and with forty of the Kings ships fled openly to the Enemy and thereupon all the West Countries submitted themselves unto Canutus By this time King Ethelred having recovered his sicknesse prepared to goe on with the Battaile which his sonne Edmund had intended but his Forces being assembled he likewise had suddenly notice given him that his Subjects meant to betray him to the Danes Hereupon he withdrew himselfe to London as the place in which he most confided where falling into a relapse of his former sicknes he ended his unfortunate dayes in the yeare 1016. when he had Raigned 37. yeares and was buried in the Cathedrall Church of Saint Paul whose bones as yet remaine in the North wall of the Chancell in a chest of gray Marble adjoyning to that of Sebba King of the East Saxons He had by his two Wives eight Sonnes and foure Daughters of whom his youngest named Goda was marryed to one Walter de Maigne a Nobleman of Normandy by whom she had a sonne named Rodolph which Rodolph had a sonne named Harold created afterward by King William the Conquerour Baron of Sudeley in the County of Glocester and Ancestor to the Barons of that place succeeding and of the Lord Chandowes of Sudeley now being Ethelred being dead his third sonne Edmund called Ironside of his ability in enduring labour but the eldest living at his fathers death succeeded and was Crowned at Kingston upon Thames by Levingus Archbishop of Canterbury in the yeare 1016. A great part of the English both feared and favoured and indeed out of feare favoured Canutus especially the Clergy who at Southampton ordained him their King and sware Feaalty to him but the Londoners stood firme to Prince Edmund and were the principall authors of his Election Canutus before the death of King Ethelred had besieged the City and now with a large Trench encompassed it but the new King Edmund comming on raised the siege and made Canutus flie to the Isle of Sheppey where having stayed the winter the Spring following he assayled the West of England and at Penham in Dorse●shire a battaile was fought and the Danes discomfitted After this in Worc●stershire at a place called Sherostan another battaile was fought where the Danes were like againe to be discomfited but the traiterous Edrick perceiving it he cut off the head of a souldier like unto King Edm●nd both in haire and countenance and shaking his bloody sword with the gasping head cried to the Army of the English Fly ye wretches flie get away for your King is slain behold here is his head but King Edmund having notice of this treacherous stratagem hasted to shew himself where he might best be seen whose sight so encouraged his men that they had gotten that day a finall Victory if night had not prevented them Duke Edrick excused his fact as being mistaken in the countenance of the man and desirous to save the blood of the English upon which false colour hee was received into favour againe After this Canutus secretly in the night brake up his Campe and marched towards London which in a sort was
one concerning his Mother the other touching his Wife That concerning his Mother Queen Emma was this that because after King Ethelreds death she marryed the Danish King Canutus and seemed to favour her issue by him more then her issue by King Ethelred therefore he dispossest her of all her Goods and committed her to custody in the Abbey of Worwell and more then this so farre hearkned to an aspersion cast upon her of unchaste familiarity with Alwyne Bishop of Winchester that for her Purgation she was faine to passe the tryall of Fire Ordeall which was in this manner nine Plow-shares red hot we●e laid in unequall distance which she must passe bare-foote and blindfold and if she passed them unhurt then she was judged Innocent if otherwise Guilty And this tryall she passed and came off fairely to the great astonishment of all beholders The other touching his Wife was this He had marryed Editha the beautifull and indeed vertuous daughter of the Earle Godwyn and because he had taken displeasure against the Father he would shew no kindnesse to the daughter he had made her his wife but conversed not with her as his wife onely at board bu● not at Bed or if at bed no otherwise then David with Abishagh and yet was content to heare her accused of Incontinency whereof if she were guilty he could not be innocent So as what the vertues were for which after his death he should be reputed a Saint doth not easily appeare It seemes he was chaste but not without injury to his wife Pious but not without ungratefulnesse to his Mother Just in his present Government but not without neglect of Posterity for through his want of providence in that point he left the Crowne to so doubtfull succession that soone after his decease it was translated out of English into French and the Kingdome made servile to a fourth forraine Nation One Ability he had which raised him above the pitch of ordinary Kings and yet at this day is ordinary with Kings that by his onely touching and laying his hand upon it he cured a Disease which from his Curing is called The Kings Evill His Mother Queene Emma in memory of the nine Plow-shares she had passed in her Tryall gave nine Manors to the Minster of Winchester and himselfe remembring the wrong he had done her bestowed on the same place the Island of Portland in Dorsetshire being about seven miles in compasse He made also of a little Monastery in the West of London● by the River of Thames a most beautifull Church called of the place Westminster where he provided for his owne Sepulchre and another Dedicated to Saint Margaret standing without the Abbey This of Westminster he endowed with many rich revenues and confirmed his Charters under his broad Seale being the first of the Kings of England who used that large and stately Impression in their Charters and Patents He Founded also the Colledge of Saint Mary Otterey in Devonshire and gave unto it the Village of Otereg and removed the Bishops See from Cridington to Exceter as to a place of farre more Dignity and when he had Raigned the space of three and twenty yeares and six moneths he ended his life the fourth of Ianuary in that roome of his Palace at Westminster which is now called the Paynted Chamber in the yeare 1066. and was buryed in the Church at Westminster which he had builded Of Harold the second English King after the Danes KIng Edward the Confessour being himselfe without issue had in his life time sent into Hungary for his Nephew Edward called the Outlaw the sonne of Edmund Ironside with a purpose to designe him his Successour in the Crowne but he dying soone after his comming into England King Edward then gave his Sonne Edgar the name of Atheling as to say Prince Edgar meaning to designe him for his Successour but being prevented by death before the successour was fully established and Edgar Atheling though he had right yet being young and not of power to make good his Right Harold the sonne of Earle Goodwyn steps into the Throne and never standing upon ceremonies set himselfe the Crowne upon his owne head wherein though as a violater of holy Rites he offended the Clergy yet not any either of Clergy or Layity durst oppose him as being at that time the most martiall man in the Kingdome and such a one as the state of the Realme stood at that time in need of and besides his owne worthinesse had the assistance of Edwyn and Marchar the two great Earles of Yorkeshire and Chester whose sister Algyth he had marryed It is true withall that King Edward had appointed the Crowne after his owne decease sometimes to William Duke of Normandy sometimes to Edgar Atheling and sometimes to this Harold so as he was Crowned by Aldred Arch-bishop of Yorke as not comming in by intrusion or wrong but by the appointment of King Edward though that appointment of King Edwa●d was rather to make him Regent during the minority of Edgar then to make him absolute King but howsoever being once in the Throne he was then able to make his owne Title and to make Prince Edgar some amends he created him Earle of Oxford which was indeed to use him like a Childe take away a Jewell and please him with an Apple Yet Harold having once gotten into the Throne he c●rryed himselfe with great Valour and Justice for the time he sate in it which was but very short as being indeed but tottering from the very beginning and that chiefly by meanes of his owne Brother To●stayne who by diverting his Forces to suppresse a Rebellion made him of lesse force to resist an invasion But now that we have shewed how Harold entred the Throne we must forbeare to shew how he was cast out till we come to him that cast him out who because he was not onely of another Family but of another Nation we must necessarily take the beginning from a deeper roote and indeed seeing in him we shall joyne our Island to the Continent which is a larger world Our Kings hereafter will afford a larger Extent for matter of Discourse then heretofore they have done THE LIFE OF KING WILLIAM THE FIRST CALLED THE CONQVEROUR His Parentage and Descent THere were six Dukes of Normandie in France in a direct line succeeding from father to sonne The first was Rollo who of a private man in Denmarke comming forth with the exuberancy of his Nation wrested by force of Armes from Charles the Simple King of France to bee made Duke of Normandy The second was William his sonne called Long Espee or Long Sword The third was Richard his sonne called the Hardie who had Richard and a daughter called Emma married to Ethelred King of England father of Edward the Confessor The fourth was Richard the second his sonne called the Good The fifth was Richard the third his sonne who by a first wife had three sonnes Richard Robert and
but who can thinke himselfe too old for a Kingdome when Galba for attaining the Romane Empire was contented to buckle on Armour being fourescore yeares old The D●ke in his time of peace came over into England to visite his cousin King Edward who besides his Princely entertainment made him at that time as some thinke a promise to leave him his Successour in the Kingdome Harold after this going over to the Duk● in Normandy for procuring some friends of his to be released the better to effect it tooke his solemne Oath to assist him for obtaining the Kingdome So as having the word of Edward and the oath of Harold he had now sufficient obligations to expect it But hearing of the death of King Edward and that Harold was Crowned King he thought himselfe not more forgotten by Edward then wronged by Harold and therefore sent messengers to him to put him in mind of K. Edwards P●omise and his owne Oath but Harold puffed up with the conceit of being a King as though that very name were enough to expiate all breach of Oathes and that nothing could binde him who had now the fetters in his owne hand returned onely sleight answers that his Oath was forced and voyd in it selfe as being made without consent of the Kingdome Whereupon the Duke thus sleighted by Harold endevours to make him an honest man by force assuring himselfe he should find him the weaker Enemy for finding him a perjured Friend The Reasons that facilitated his Conquest of England DUke William incensed with Harolds answers acquaints his Nobility with his purpose who with some adoe consented to ayd him as likewise many other great Lords of France but specially Baldwyn Earle of Flanders whose daughter he had marryed and who being at that time Guardian of the young King of France procured ayde from him also and to make the Enterprise the more successefull Pope Alexander the second sent him a Banner with an Agnus of Gold and one o● the haires of Saint Peter So as the preparation of the Duke both by Sea and Land was very great having three hundred saile of ships and as some write 890● and as one Norman above a thousand and as Cemeticensis three thousand and though Harold had likewise provided a warlike Fleet to encounter him yet it was at tha● time unfortunately diverted another way for Taustay●e his Brother being then in rebellion in the North and Harold Harfager King of Norway at the same time invading those parts and perhaps upon a bruite that the Dukes● Fleet was not yet ready to come forth removed both his Fleet and Army thither where though he got the Victory at Stamford with the death both of his Brother Toustayne and of the King of No●way yet it made way for the Duke to land quietly and he entred the Kingdome as one may enter a house when the doores are all left open By this meanes King Har●lds shipping the best wall of defence to an Island was utterly frustrate and as for his Land Forces they were by his Battaile at Stamford exceedingly both weakned and impaired yet hearing that Duke William was landed at Pemsey not farre from Hastings in Sussex he repaired thither with all speed and gathering together his broken Forces and encreasing them by all the meanes he could made himselfe ready to give the Duke Battaile Duke William in the meane time as soone as he had landed his men sent his ships presently away that there might be no thinking of any thing but either Death or Victory And then going himselfe on land it is said his foot slipped and he fell downe which some that stood by taking for an ill signe No saith he I have by this taken possession of this Land And indeed Presages are but as Animus ejus qui praesagit as in this Dukes fall it afterwards fell out Many wayes of composition betweene Duke William and King Harold were propounded yet Harold would hearken to none as nothing doubting of successe and perhaps thinking it a disgrace to capitulate for that which was now his owne and when one of his Brothers called Gyrth being lesse interessed and therefore clearer sighted intreated him to consider what a fearefull thing it was to breake an Oath which he so solemnely had sworne Harold seemed to conceive that nothing which he did being a private man could be of force to binde him now being a Prince and so on the fourteenth day of October being Saturday in the yeare 1066. which day he liked the better because it was his Birth-day hoping that the day of his Birth would not so much degenerate to prove the day of his death though even this also bred no good blood to the Action for the Souldiers of Harold thinking thereby to honour their Kings Birth-day spent the night before in revelling and drinking where the Souldiers of the Duke out of consideration of their next dayes worke spent the night in quietnesse and devotion they joyned battaile the Kentish-men being placed in the Fore-front as by an ancient custome is their due and King Harold with his Londoners leading the maine Battaile where though their Armies were not much unequall in number for they were each of them neare about threescore thou●and men yet there was great oddes in the expertnesse of their Souldiers and more in the advantage of their weapons for the Duke had with him all the flowre of France and Flanders where King Harold had lost his best men in his late Battaile and for advantage of weapons the Normans had long Bowes and Arrowes which of the English at that time were not at all in use what mervaile then that the Normans got the Victory though King Harold losing his life yet lost no Reputation and though the English Souldiers shewed no lesse valour in being Conquered then the Normans did in Conquering One circumstance may not be omitted that King ●arold as an expert Generall had ordered his men in so firme a Body that no force of the Normans could disorder their Rankes till Duke William● used a Stratagem commanding his men to retire and to counterfeit flight by which he drew the English on upon a hollow ground covered with earth whereinto many of them fell and perished and besides into an ambush of his Horsemen which unexpectedly fell upon them and cut them in pieces Withall there seemes one great errour to have beene committed at least if it were an errour and not rather a nece●sity that there was not a supplementall Army provided as his Brother Gyrth would have had it which might have come on if the first had failed and would have beene of great advantage against a wearyed Army But when Sic visum est superis all humane force is weake and cannot withstand all humane Providence is unprovided and cannot prevent The body of Harold at his Mother Thyrace suite was recovered and lyes buryed in Waltham Abbey which he had begunne to build at least to repaire But here Gyraldus
Church was founded before the Conquest by Ingelricus and Emardus his Brother Cousins to King Edward the Confessour These were this Kings workes of Piety in England but in Normandy he Founded also an Abbey at Caen where his Wife Maude built likewise a Monastery of Nunnes He gave also to the Church of Saint Stephens in Caen two Manors in Dorsetshire one Mannor in Devonshire another in Essex much Land in Barkeshire some in Norfolke a Mansion house in Woodstreete London with many Advowsons of Churches and even he gave his Crowne and Regall Ornaments to the said Church being of his owne Foundation for the redemption whereof his Sonne Henry gave the Manour of Brydeton in Dorsetshire In this Kings time Robert sonne to Hyldebert La●ie Founded the Priory of Pon●fraite Henry Earle Ferrers Founded a Priory within his Castle at Tutbury Alwyn Chylde a Citizen of London Founded the Monastery of Saint Saviours at Bermondsey in Southwarke and gave to the Monkes there divers Rents in London Also in this Kings time Mauric● Bishop of London after the firing of the former Church of Saint Paul in London began the Foundation of the new Church a worke so admirable that many thought it would never have beene finished Towards the building of the East end whereof the King gave the choyce stones of his Castle at the West end of the City upon the banke of the River Thames which Castle having beene at that time fired in place thereof Edward Kilwarby Arch-bishop of Canterbury did afterwards Found a Monastery of Blacke-fryers The King also gave the Manor of Storford to the same Maurice and to his Successours in that See after whose decease Richard his next Successour bestowed all the Rents of his Bishopricke to advance the building of this Church maintaining himselfe by his private Patrimony and yet all he could doe made no great shew but the finishing of the worke was left to many other succeeding Bishops In the fifteenth yeare of this Kings Raigne William Bishop of Durham Founded University Colledge in Oxford Also one Gylbert a Norman Lord Founded the Abbey of Merton in Surrey seven miles from London and Thomas Arch-bishop of Yorke first builded the Minster of Yorke In this Kings sixteenth yeare his Brother Duke Robert being sent against the Scots builded a Fort where at this day standeth New Castle upon Tyne but the Towne and Walls w●re builded afterward by King Iohn Also in this Kings time Ledes Castle in Kent was builded by Creveken and the Castle of Oxford by Robert d' Oylie two Noble men that came into England with him Osmond Bishop of Salisbury built the new Church there Also Waring Earle of Shrewesbury built two Abbeyes one in the Suburbs of Shrewesbury and another at Wenlocke Casualties happening in his time IN the twentyeth yeare of his Raigne so great a fire happened in London that from the West-gate to the East-gate it consumed Houses and Churches all the way and amongst the rest the Church of Saint Paul the most grievous fire that ever happened in that City Also this yeare by reason of distemperature of weather there insued a Famine and afterwards a miserable mortality of Men and Cattell Also this yeare in the Province of Wales upon the Sea shoare was found the body of Gawen sisters sonne to Arthur the great King of the Britaines reported to be foureteene foot in length Also in this Kings time a great Lord ●itting at a Feast was set upon by Mice and though he were removed from Land to Sea and from Sea againe to Land yet the Mice still followed him and at last devoured him Of his Wife and Children HE had to Wi●e and her onely Mathilde or Maude Daughter to Baldwyn Earle of Flanders She was Crowned Queene of England the second yeare of his Raigne the seventeenth yeare of his Raigne she dyed a Woman onely memorable for this that nothing memorable is Recorded of her but that she built a Nunnery at Caen in Normandy where she lies Buryed By her he had foure sonnes and fiv● daughters His Sonnes were Robert Richard William and Henry of whom Robert the eldest called Court-cayse of his short thighes or Court-hose of his short Breeches or Courtois of his courteous behaviour for so many are the Comments upon his name succeeded his Father in the Dutchy of Normandy Richard his second Sonne was kild by mis-fortune hunting in the New-Forest William his third Sonne called Rufus succeeded his Father in the Kingdome of England Henry his youngest Sonne called Beauclerke for his Learning had by his Fathers Will five thousand pounds in money and the inheritance also of his Mother His Daughters were Cicelie C●nstance Adela Margaret and Elenor of whom Cicelie was Abbesse of Caen in Normandy Constance was marryed to Alan Earle of Britaine Adela to Stephen Earle of Blois Margaret affianced to Harold King of England but never marryed and dyed young Elenor betroathed to Alphonsus King of Gallitia but desiring to dye a Virgin she had her wish spending her time so much in Prayer that with continuall kneeling her knees were brawned Of his Personage and Conditions HE was but meane of stature yet bigge of body and therewithall so strong that few were able to draw his Bow growing in yeares he was bald before his beard alwayes shaven after the manner of the Normans and where in his younger time he was much given to that infirmity of Youth which grows out of strength of Youth Incontinency after he was once marryed whether out of satiety or out of Grace he was never knowne to offend in that kind Of so perfit health that he was never sicke till that sicknesse whereof he dyed Of a sterne countenance yet of an affable nature In warre as expert as valiant In Peace as provident as prudent and in all his Enterprises as Fortunate as Bold and Hardy Much given to Hunting and Feasting wherein he was no lesse pleasant then magnificent He made no great proficience in Learning as having had his education in the licentiousnesse of the French Court yet he favoured learned men and drew out of Italy Lanfranke Anselme Durand Traherne and divers others famous at that time for Learning and Piety Very devout he was and alwayes held the Clergy in exceeding great Reverence And this is one speciall honour attributed unto him that from him we beginne the Computation of our Kings of England His Places of Residence HIs Christmas he commonly kept at Glocester his Easter at Wi●chester and his Whi●sontide at Westminster and once in the yeare at one of these places would be new Crowned as though by often putting on his Crowne he thought to make it sit the easier upon his head And for the houses which the Kings of England had in those dayes in London I finde that at Westminster was a Palace the ancient habitation of the Kings of England from the time of Edward the Confessour which in the Raigne of King Henry the Eight was by casuall fire burnt downe
she had done who wondring at it saying to her How could she think the King should like to kisse that mouth which had kissed such filthy ulcerous people she answered she had a greater King to kisse who she knew would like her never the worse for it By this Queen Matild King Henry according to some Writers had foure children but as the received opin●on is onely two a sonne named William and a daughter called Mawde of whom the sonne at foureteene yeares old had fealty sworne to him by the Nobility of Shrewsbury at seventeene married the daughter of F●lke Earle of Anjou and at eighteene was unfortunately drowned as hath beene shewed The daughter lived to be an Empresse and afterwards a Dutchesse but could never come to be a Queene though borne to a Kingdome as shall be shewed hereafter She survived her second husband seventeene yeares living a Widow and at R●an in Normandy died and was buried there in the Abbey of Bec though there be ● Tradition that she was buried at Reading in the Abbey there beside her Father but ●t appeares to have beene a custome in those dayes for great personages to have their Monuments erected in divers places After the death of this Queene Matild who died at Westminster in the eighteenth yeare of his Raigne King Henry married Ade●za the daughter of Godfry Duke of Lorraine who though she were a beautiful and accomplisht Lady yet had he never any iss●e by her When she was to be Crowned Ralph Arch-bishop of Canterbury who was to doe the office came to King Henry sitting Crowned in his chaire of State asking him who had set the Crowne upon his head the King answering he had now forgotten it was so long since Well said the Arch-bishop whosoever did it did me wrong to whom it belonged and as long as you hold it thus I will doe no office at this Coronation Then saith the King doe what you thinke good whereupon the Arch-bishop tooke the Crowne off from the Kings head and after at the peoples intreaty set it on againe and then proceeded to Crowne the Queene By Concubines King Henry had many children it is said seven sonnes and as many daughters of whom some perished in the great Ship-wrack of the rest two of the sonnes Reynold and Robert were made Earles Reynold of Cornwall Robert of Glocester and was a great assister of his sister Mawde in her troubles with King Stephen who after many acts of valour performed by him in the twelfth yeare of King Stephen died and was buried at Bristow The daughters were all married to Princes and Noble men of England and France from whom are descended many worthy Families particularly one of those daughters by An●e C●●bet was married to Fits-herbert Lord Chamberlaine to the King● from which Fits-●erbert our Family absit i●vidia verbo is by Females descended passing by the na●es of Cummin Chenduit Brimpton Stokes Foxcote Dyneley and so to B●ker Of his Incontinency OF this enough hath beene said in saying he had so many children basely● begotten but if comparison be mad● betweene his brother ●ufus and him it may be said that howsoever they might be equall in loosenesse of life yet in that loosenesse William Rufus was the baser and King Henry the more Noble for King Henry had certaine selected Concubines to whom he kept h●mselfe constant where King William tooke onely such as he found constant to the pleasure but not to the persons His course for establishing the succession in Mawde and her issue HE married his onely daughter Mawde being but sixe yeares old to the Emperour Hen●y the fourth but he leaving her a Widow without issue● he married her againe to G●●ffrey Plantagenet sonne to Fulke Duke of Anjo● not the greatest Prince that was a Suitour for her but the fittest Prince for King Henries turne for Anjou was neighbouring upon Normandy a great security to it if a friend and as great a danger if an enemy And having thus placed her in marri●●● h● now considers how to establish her succession in the Crowne of England● whereu●on he cals his Nobility together and amongst them D●vid King o● Scots and causeth them to give their Oaths of Allegeance to her and her issue and a● thinking ●e could never ma●e her succession ●ure enough he causeth his Lords the yeare ●●ter againe to tak● the like Oath and after that a third time also as conceiving that being doubled and trebled it would make the tye of Allegeance the stronger wherein nothing pleased him so much as that Stephen Earle of ●loi● was the first man that tooke the Oath because he was knowne to be at least known● he might be a Pretender But the King should have considered that Reg●i● and therefore no Oath though never so often iterated sufficient to warrant loyalty in persons so deeply interessed as Stephen was yet providence could doe no more and the King was well satisfied with it especially when hee saw his daughter a mother of two sonnes for this though it gave him not assu●ance yet it ga●e him assured hope to have the Crowne perpetuated in his Poste●ity Of Ireland in his time THe King of England as yet had nothing to doe with Ireland the 〈◊〉 was governed by its owne Kings and the people of both Nations● 〈◊〉 they were ne●ghbours yet divided by a rough Sea but little ●●quai●ted but now beganne entercourse to be more frequented and Murc●●●d●●h ch●●fe King of the Irish bore such awfull respect to King Henry that he would doe nothing but by his counsell and with his good liking Whom King Henry used as his Vicegerent in his absence HE was absent sometimes in Normandy three or foure yeares together during which times he committed commonly the care of the Realme to Roger Bishop of ●alisbury a politick Prelate and one as fit to be the second in government as King Henry to be the first His pers●●●ge a●d conditions HE was a person tall and strong ●●●ad breasted his limbes well kni● and fully furnished with ●lesh his face well f●shioned his colour cleare his eyes large and faire his eye-browes large and thick his hair● black and ●omewhat thin●● towards his forehead his countenance pleasan● specially when h● was disposed to mirth A private man vilified and thought to have but little in him but come to the Crowne never any man shewed more excellent abilities so true is the saying Magistratus indicat virum His naturall affection in a direct line was strong in an oblique but weake for no man ever loved children more no● a brother l●●●e Though a King in act yet he alwayes ac●ed not a King but in ba●●●ls some●●m●s the part of a common Souldier though with more then common valou●●s at a ba●tell in France where he so farre hazarded himselfe that though he lost not his life yet he lost his bloud Of his death and buriall A Discontent of minde upon some differences between him and his sonne in law the Earle
kingdome all sorts of people were drawne so dry by the two great occasions of his Journey and his Ransome and afterward by other Taxations that the richest men had enough to doe to maintaine themselves without being at the charge to make provision for others All workes of Piety were now for the service of the Holy Land and therefore it may well passe if not for a worke of Devotion at least worthy to be remembred that William Bishop of Ely builded the outer wall of the Tower of London and caused a deepe ditch to be made about it with an intention the River of Thames should have surrounded it though it could not be effected Onely Hubert Walter who at one time was Arch-bishop of Canterbury the Popes Legat Lord Chancellour Lord Chiefe Justice and the immediate Governour under the King both in Wales and England Founded a Monastery at West Derham in Norfolke where he was borne begunne another at Wolverhampton and finished a Collegiate Church at Lambeth Of his Wif● and Children IN his Infancy he was contracted to a daughter of Raymond Earle of Barcelone after that affianced to Adela or Alice daughter of Lewis King of France yet married to neither of them but he married Berengaria daughter of Garsias King of Navarre whom his Mother Queene Eleanor brought unto him into Sicilie from whence passing into Cyprus their marriage was there solemnised afterward going forward to the Holy Land he carried her and his sister Iane Queene of Sicilie along with him where they remained till his returne home and then sent them to passe to Sicilie and from thence into England but that ever she came into England no mention is made neither what became of her after she parted from King Richard at the Holy Land But children certainely he had none either by his wife or by any Concubine unlesse we reckon as a Priest in Normandy did who told King Richard he had three daughters and the King marvelling who they should be seeing he knew of none he had yes saith the Priest you have three daughters Pride Covetousnesse and Lechery which the King taking merrily called to the company about him and said I am told by a Priest here that I have three daughters and I desire you to be witnesses how I would have them bestowed my daughter Pride upon the Templars and Hospitallers my daughter Covetousnesse upon the Monks of the Cistercian Order and my daughter Lechery upon the Clergy Casualties happening in his time IN his time the Towne of Mawling in Kent with the Nunnery was consumed with fire and in his time the bones of Arthur the famous King of Britaine were found at Glastenbury in an old Sepulchre about which stood two Pillars in which letters were written but could not be read Upon the Sepulchre was a crosse of Lead whereon was written Here ly●th the Noble King of Britaine Arthur Also in this Kings dayes for three or foure yeares together there raigned so great a dearth that a Quarter of Wheate was sold for 18. shillings 8. pence and then followed so great a mortality of men that scarce the living sufficed to bury the dead Of his Personage and Conditions HE was tall of stature and well proportioned faire and comely of face of haire bright abourne of long armes and nimble in all his joynts his thighes and legs of due proportion and answerable to the other parts of his body To speake of his morall parts his Vices for the most part were but onely upon suspition Incontinency in him much spoken of nothing proved but his Vertues were apparent for in all his actions he shewed himselfe Valiant from whence he had the appellation or surname of Cae●r de Lyon wise liberall mercifull just and which is most of all Religious a Prince borne for the good of Christendome if a Barre in his Nativity had not hindred it The remorse for his undutifulneesse towards his Father was living in him till he dyed for at his death he remembred it with bewailing and desired to be Buryed as neare him as might be perhaps as thinking they should meete the sooner that he might aske him forgivenesse in another world Of his Death and Buriall HE dyed of a wound with an Arrow in his Arme which neglected at first and suffered to wrankle or as others say ill handled by an unskilfull Chirurgeon in foure dayes brought him to his End But his Charity deserves to have it remembred that finding himselfe past hope of Recovery he caused the Party that had wounded him to be brought before him who being asked what moved him to doe this Fact answered that King Richard had killed his Father and two of his Brothers with his owne hand and therefor● would doe it if it were to doe againe Upon this Insolent answer every one looked the King should have censured him to some terrible punishment when contrary to all their expectations in a high degree of Charity he not onely freely forgave him but gave a speciall charge he should be set at liberty and that no man should dare to doe him the least hurt commanding besides to give him a hundred shillings for his paines An Act that well shewed he had beene at the Holy Land or rather indeed that he was going to it He dyed the sixth day of Aprill in the yeare 1199. when he had lived 44. yeares Raigned nine and about nine moneths and had his Body Buryed at Founteverard by his Father his heart at Roan in remembrance of the hearty love that City had alwayes borne him and his bowels at Chalons for a disgrace of their unfaithfulnesse others say at Carlile in England Of Men of Note in his time IN his time were famous Baldwyn Archbishop of C●nterbury who followed King Richard into the Holy Land and dyed there Hubert that succeeded him Hugh Bishop of Lincolne William Bishop of Ely a man equally famous and infamous also Baldwyn Archbishop of Canterbury a learned Writer in Divinity Daniel Morley a great Mathematician Iohn de Herham and Richard de Herham two notable Historians Guilielmus Stephonides a Monke of Canterbury who wrote much in the praise of Arch-bishop Becket also one Richard Divisiensis Nicholas Walkington and Robert de Bello Foco an excellent Philosopher Of Martiall men Robert Earle of Leycester Ranulph de Fulgers two of the B●●dolphs Hugh and Henry three Williams Marshall Brun●ll and Mandevill with two Roberts Rosse and S●vevile THE RAIGNE OF KING IOHN KING Richard being dead the right of Succession remained in Arthur Sonne of Geoffrey Plantagen●t elder Brother to Earle Iohn but Iohn as thinking the title of Arthur but a Criticisme in State and not for every ones capacity at least in common sense not so plaine as his owne who was the sonne of a King and the Brother to a King ascends into the Throne as confidently as if he had no competitor Onely Hubert Arch-bishop of Canterbury went before and made an Oration in his behalfe wherein seeking to doe him
a courtesie he did him indeed a wrong for waiving his Right of Succession he insisted wholly upon their Right of Election whereof would follow that as they brought him in so they might cast him out of which errour when he was told he said he did it of purpose to make King Iohn the more carefull of his Government by making him sensible upon what an unsure ground his Regality stood King Iohn resented it but seeing it to serve his turne for the present he tooke it not ill as knowing that his turne once served he could afterward be his owne carver of what title he pleased and so upon Ascension day in the yeare 1199. he was Crowned King at Westminster with more solemnity then joy many presaging by their countenances and more in their mindes that all would not long be well It cannot be denyed but that in morall circumstances Earle Iohn had the advantage of his Nephew Arthur for he was a Man of yeares fit to Governe Arthur but a Childe not above thirteene yeares old he a Native at least alwayes bred up in the Kingdome Arthur a Forrainer and had never beene here He well knowne both to the Nobility and the People Arthur a stranger to both as one they had never ●eene and besides to these morall advantages he had now added one from the Politickes that he had gotten Possession of more force in the practicall part then all the former and withall a greater then all these if it be true which some write that his Brother King Richard had assigned him his Successour after his decease But yet knowing the Title at last would come to be tryed in a Court where the Sword must be Judge he imployeth all his endevours to get this Judge to be his friend and by all meanes possible to strengthen himselfe with Armes and thereupon going to Chinon and Roan he seiseth upon the Treasure which his Brother had left in those parts and with it gets Friends and Souldiers the Armour of Armes And indeed all he could have done himselfe would have done him no good if he had not had the helpe of able Assistants who yet assisted him no lesse for their owne ends then for his and these were chiefly his Mother Queene Eleanor who knew if her Grand-sonne Arthur should be King that then his Mother Constantia would rule all at least during his Minority and thereby her selfe put from the Stage of all Authority and the Arch-bishop Hubert who also knew that if Arthur should come to Raigne that then the Anjouyn and French should have all the best Offices and the English wholly be neglected as it was in the time of King William the Conquerour And yet a greater Friend then both these for comming to Roan he used meanes that Walter the Arch-bishop in the Cathedrall Church with great pompe girt him with the Ducall sword of Normandy and Crowned him with a Coronet of Golden Roses he taking his Oath for Faithfull Administration in that Dukedome and they their Oath for being his Loyall Subjects Of his troubles in contestation with his Nephew Arthur THough King Iohn had entred upon Normandy and made that Province sure unto him yet the Province of Anjou stood firme for Arthur in observance of their love to his Father their former Prince which also King Iohn soone after invading reduceth by Force of Armes to his Obedience And now Constantia the Mother of Prince Arthur finding King Iohn too powerfull an adversary and no likelihood for her party to be able long to stand out against him without further assistance conceives it her best way to have recourse to the King of France and thereupon commits her Sonne Arthur to his Tuition who seemed to receive him with the tendernesse of a Father and promiseth to assist him with his uttermost Forces in the recovery of his Right both in France and England Here we may observe upon what hinge the affection of the Kings of France was used to turne For in King Henry the seconds time King Lewis of France was so great a Friend to his Sonne Richard that by all meanes he would helpe him to get the kingdome from his Father Afterward when Richard was King then Philip King of France was so great a Friend to Iohn that by all meanes he would helpe him to get the kingdome from his Brother and now that Iohn is come to be King he is presently growne so great a Friend of Arthur that by all meanes he will helpe him to get the kingdome from his Unkle and no doubt if Arthur should ever have come to be King he would have beene as ready to helpe any other to get the kingdome from him by which it appeares that it was not the Persons of the Men they either hated or loved but that they were alwaies jealous of their growing too great and indeed this ballancing of States keepes Princes affections alwayes in suspense and never suffers the Glasse of their Love or Hate to make a true Reflection About this time William King of Scots came to London to visit King Iohn and there did homage to him for his kingdome of Scotland though some say but onely for the Counties of Northumberland and Cumberland but being required ayde against the French he excused himselfe saying he could not doe it without consent of his kingdome and so returned home And now Philip King of France having undertaken the protection of the young Prince Arthur with a mighty Army enters Normandy takes many of the best Townes and pursuing his Victories enters the Province of Anjou also and recovers it from King Iohn which he the yeare before had gotten from Prince Arthur Upon this King Iohn makes a Journey into Normandy accusing King Philip for breaking the Truce which formerly he had made with King Richard for five yeares but when he should come to make his Accusation good by Armes he falleth to Treaties and obtaineth a new Truce for fifty dayes with which new Truce Baldwyn Earle of Flanders who had professed himselfe of that side was not well pleased and thereupon commeth to King Iohn to Roan and entring a new League with him they there consult how to proceed when the fifty dayes should be expired This consultation the King of France understood and thereupon both sides prepare for warre but at the end of the Truce both sides seemed to relent and divers meetings were had for Treaties of Peace and in conclusion King Iohn more desirous of Peace then was for his Honour agreed to these Conditions that his Ni●ce Blanch Daughter of Alphonsus King of Castile by his Sister Eleanor should marry with Lewis King Philips Sonne who should have with her in Dower besides thirty thousand Markes in money all those Cities except onely Angiers which the French before that time had taken which were many and very great and his Peace thus made he returnes into England with great joy but was not with like joy received of the English Lords who
counted themselves dishonoured in the dishonourable Conditions he had made and Baldwyn Earle of Flanders also when he saw the poore spi●its of King Iohn to descend to such base Conditions left his Party and entring League with the King of France disposed himselfe for the Holy Warre But King Iohn having now gotten a Vacation and a time of ease which agreed much better with his nature then Warre sets his minde wholly upon pleasures and for maintaining his pleasures upon seeking after profit which he pursues by all manner of injustice under the name of Prerogative and with such violence that when his Brother Geoffrey Arch-bishop of Yorke in the dutifulnesse of a Counsellour advised him not to take such unlawfull courses he most unworthily tooke from him all he had and it was a yeares worke for all the Arch-bishops friends to pacify his anger In the necke of this injustice he commits another he procures a divorce from his Wife Avis the Daughter of Robert Earle of Glocester onely for being of kinne to him in the third degree and by advice of the King of France marries Isabell Daughter and Heire of the Earle of Angoulesme Affianced before to Hugh le Brun Earle of March and shortly after brings her with him into England where he and she together are both Crowned at Canterbury And here the Earles and Barons of the Realme being all summoned to attend the King into France at Whitsontide following they all by a generall consent send him word that unlesse he would restore them their Rights and Liberties they would doe him no service out of the kingdome But what it was that made the Lords more violent in pressing their Demands at this time then before no Writers of these times doe sufficiently deliver Onely some of them speake scatteringly of certaine oppressions besides the generall Grievance for Exactions lately offered to some of the Lords one to the Earle of Chester whom he would have banished onely for advising him to leave his cruelty and incontinency Another a pursuite in Love to a Daughter of Robert Fits-Water called Maude the Faire who not consenting to the Kings lust a messenger was sent to give her poyson in a potched Egge whereof she dyed And a third offered to William de Brawse and his Lady for a rash word spoken for when the King sent to have de Brawses Sonne delivered him for a pledge the Lady answered We shall doe well indeed to commit our Sonne to his keeping who kept so well his owne Nephew Prince Arthur This rash word cost de Brawse his Country and his Lady and their Son their lives both of them being famished to death in Prison For though these directly were but particular Grievances yet reflectingly they were generall what one suffered all might but whether any of these or all of these together were Ingredients to make a Compound of violence in the Lords at this time or whatsoever was the true cause this was plainely the effect that unlesse the King would restore their liberties they would not follow him out of the kingdome But notwithstanding this refusall of his Lords he passeth over with his Queene into Normandy and from thence to Paris where the King of France receives them with all complements of Love and amity But now Hugh Earle of March resenting the injury done him by King Iohn in taking away his affianced Wife joynes with Prince Arthur and the King of France also for all his faire shew of amity lately made joynes with them as having sometime before marryed his youngest Daughter to Prince Arthur and these with their Forces joyned invade first the Turones and then the Anjovins of which Province Queene Eleanor the Kings Mother was left Regent who thereupon betakes her selfe to Mirabell the strongest Towne of those parts and sends to her Sonne King Iohn acquainting him with the danger she was in aud requiring his speedy succour When in the meane time Prince Arthur takes the City and in it his Grand-mother Queene Elea●or whom he used with greater reverence and respect then she expected But King Iohn at the hearing hereof was so moved calling the French King ungratefull and perfidious for succouring Prince Arthur contrary to his League that study●ng presently the Art of Revenge he fell upon a stratagem of all other the most prudent against an Enemy For a Surprise in Warre is like to an Apoplexy in the Body which strikes without giving warning for defence And this Stratagemme at this time King Iohn put in practise for travelling night day with indefatigable labor he came upon his enemies before they were aware and setting upon them unprovided it was rather an execution then a battell and they who remained unslaine were taken prisoners amongst whom Prince Arthur him●elfe who committed presently to the custody of Robert de Veypont in Roan lived not long after whether it were that attempting to make escape he fell down from the wals of his Prison and was drowned in the River Seyne as some say or whether it were that through anguish of minde he fell sicke and dyed as others say or whether indeed he w●re made away by King Iohn as the common fame went Certaine it is that he survived his imprisonment but a very few dayes But though he were gone yet his sister Eleanor a preceding Competitor to King Iohn was still remaining Her therefore at this time also King Iohn seiseth upon and commits her in safe custody to Bristow Castle where after she had lived long she dyed Of his Troubles after the death of his Nephew Arthur KIng Iohn being now freed from his Competitor one would thinke he should have ended all his troubles but like a Hydraes head they rather multiplyed upon him For they who had beene so ready to assist Prince Arthur in his life were now as ready to revenge his death And first Constance his Mother comes to King Philip with open exclamations against King Iohn accusing him with the murther of her Sonne and with all the instance of Teares and Intreaties solicites him to revenge it Hereupon King Philip summons King Iohn to appeare at a day and because he appeared not according to the tenure of his Homage it was decreed against him that he had forfeited all the property of his Estate in France and thereupon King Philip with mighty Forces invades his Territories takes many Townes of principall consequence while King Iohn lived idle at R●an no more regarding it then if it had not at all concerned him and when some of his Lords seemed to marvell what he meant to suffer the French to rob him of such goodly Cities You say true indeed saith he for it is but Robbery and within a few dayes you shall see I will make him to restore them backe with usu●y In this slighting humour he returnes into England where he lookes not after the levying of Souldiers or the raising of an Army as this case required but continues his old course for raising of money
aggravate his breach of promise and to acquaint him with all the disorders of the kingdome with whose remonstrance the King is so moved that after he had tried the Londoners and found them also to partake with the Lords he cals a Parliament a● London whither the Lords come armed for their own safety where after long debating the King taking his Oath to referre the matter to certaine grave men of the kingdome Article● are drawne sealed and publikely set up to the view of all with the seales of the Legat and divers great men but before it came to be effected the Earle of Cornwall by the working of Simon Montford hath his edge rebated and is brought to be unwilling to meddle in the matter any more which the other Lords seeing they also grow cold and so for that time it rested and no more was done in it And now is the Kings turne to play his part in using his authority which he failes not to doe to the uttermost for upon a small-occasion he causeth the gates of Gilbert now Earle of Pembroke the third sonne of VVilliam the great Marshall to be shut against him at VVinchester whereupon the Earle retires into the North. Also Simon Norman Master of the Kings Seale and his greatest Favorite is thrown out with disgrace and his brother Geoffrey a knight Templar is put out of the Counsell both of them for not yeelding to passe a Grant from the King made unto Thomas Earle of Flanders the Queenes Unkle of foure pence upon every sack of Wooll And now that load enough is laid upon those of the Laity comes a new load to be laid upon the Clergy for the Pope nothing dainty to make use of the power he had in the King sends over three hundred Romans requi●ing to have the first Benefices that should be vacant bestowed upon them which seemed so unreasonable a request and to the Clergy of England so dammageable that it made Edmund Arch-bishop of Canterbury to give over all and betake himselfe to a voluntary Exile in the Abbey of Pontiniac in France yet to shew his respect to the Pope gave him e●ght hundred Markes before his departure And to lay more weight upon the Clergy great summes are also required of them for maintenance of the Popes warre against the Emperour which though the Clergy opposed and shewed many good reasons of their opposition both to the King and the Legat yet by promises or threatnings they were won or forced to yeeld unto it And now comes the Earle of March and once againe solicits the King to make another journey into France which being yeelded to by the King and assented to in Parliament an aide presently was demanded towards it but this demand was not onely opposed but all the Kings Taxations and aides before granted were now repeated and thereupon an absolute deniall to grant any more Upon this the King comes to the Parliament himselfe in person earnestly and indeed humbly craving their aide for this once but all prevailed not they had made a vow to the contrary and the King is driven to get what he could of particular men of whom partly by gift and partly by ●oane he gets so much that he carries over with him thirty Barrels of Sterling money This expedition had no better successe then the former for after a whole yeares stay the King was driven to make a dishonourable Truce with the King of France and returne home At his returne he puts the Iewes to another redemption and the Londoners to another exaction and to helpe on his charge his wives mother the Countesse of Provence comes now to visit him who bringing her daughter Zanchia with her a marriage is solemnised betweene her and Richard Earle of Cornwall whose wife was lately dead and he returned from the Holy warres The old Countesse at her returne is presented with many rich gifts having besides received an Annuall Pension of foure thousand Markes out of England for five yeares past in consideration of a pact made that King Henry after her decease should have the Earledome of Provence but shortly after her returne she disappoints him of that and bestowes it upon her youngest daugh●er Beatrix married to Charles the French Kings brother who was after King of Naples and Sicilie● so as this Countesse lived to see all her foure daughters Queenes Richard Earle of Cornwall comming after to be elected King of the Romans Upon th●se profusions a consultation is had for new supplies and no way thought so fit as by Parliament hereupon a Parliament is againe assembled at Westminster whith●r the King comes againe himselfe in person urging his necessities yet nothing wou●d be granted without the assurance of reformation and due execution of the Lawes And here they desire to have it ordained that foure of the most grave and discreet Peeres should be chosen as conservatours of the kingdome and sworne of the Kings Councell both to see Justice administred and the treasure issued and these or two of them at least should ever attend about the King Also that the Lord Chiefe Justiciar and the Lord Chancellour should be chosen by the generall voyces of the States assembled or else be one of the number of those foure Besides they propound that there might be two Justices of the Benches two Barons of the Exchequer and o●e Justice for the Iewes and those likewise to be chosen by Parliament But while these things were in debating comes one Martin a new Legat from the Pope with a larger Commission then ever any before to exact upon the State but at the same time Letters comming from the Emperour Fredericke to intreat that the Pope might have no more supplies out of England the Popes Mandate is rejected and his Agent Martin disgracefully sent home This businesse took up so much time that nothing else was done in this Parliament but onely an aide granted to the King for the marriage of his daughter to Alexander King of Scots twenty shillings of every knights Fee and that with much adoe and repetition of his former aides The Winter following he assembles another Parliament wherein he moves for an ayde upon a designe he had upon Wales and to pay his debts which were urged to be so great that he could not app●are out of his Chamber for the infinite clamour of such to whom he owed for his Wine Waxe and other necessaries of house but they all to his face refused to grant him any thing whereupon other violent courses are taken an ancient quarrell is found out against the City of London for which they are commanded to pay fifteene thousand Markes and Passeleve the Clerk is imployed with others in a most peremptory commission to inquire of all such Lands as had beene inforested and either to fine the occupyers thereof at their pleasure or else to take it from them and sell the same to others wherein such rigour was used that multitudes of people were undone But now to shew
brought to King Edward and for the love of her Prince Leolyn was content to submit himselfe to any conditions which besides subjection of his State was to pay fifty thousand pounds Sterling and a thousand pounds per annum during his life and upon these conditions the marriage with his beloved Lady was granted him and was solemnized here in England whereat the King and Queene were themselves present Three yeares Leolyn continued loyall and within bounds of obedience in which time David one of his Brothers staying here in England and found by the King to be of a stirring Spirit was much honoured by him Knighted and matched to a rich Widow Daughter of the Earle of Darby and had given him by the King besides the Castle of Denbigh with a thousand pounds per annum though as it was afterwards found he lived here but in the nature of a spy For when Prince Leolyns Lady was afterward dead and that he contrary to his Conditions formerly made brake out into rebellion then goes his Brother David to him notwithstanding all these Favours of the King and they together enter the English Borders Surprise the Castles of Flynt and Rutland with the person of the Lord Clifford sent Justiciar into those parts and in a great Battaile overthrew the Earles of Northumberland and Surrey with the slaughter of Sir William Lyndsey Sir Richard Tanny and many others King Edward advertised of this Revolt and overthrow being then at the Vyzes in Wiltshire prepares an Army to represse it but before his setting forth goes privately to his Mother Queene Eleanor lying at the Nunnery of Aimesbury with whom whilest he conferred there was one brought into the Chamber who faigned himselfe being blinde to have received his sight at the Tombe of King Henry the third A●soone as the King saw the man he remembred he had seene him before and knew him to be a most notorious lying Villaine and wished his Mother in no case to beleeve him but his mother who much rejoyced to heare of this Miracle for the glory of her husband finding her sonne unwilling that his Father should be a Saint grew suddenly into such a rage against him that she commanded him to avoid her Chamber which the King obeyes and going forth meetes with a Clergy man to whom he tels the story of this Impostour and merrily said He knew the justice of his Father to be such that he would rather pull out the eyes being whole of such a wicked wretch then restore them to their sight In this meane time the Arch-bishop of Canterbury had gone of himselfe to Prince Leolin and had laboured to bring him and his brother David to a re-submission but could effect nothing for besides other reasons that swayed Prince Leolin the conceit of a Prophesie of Merlin that he should shortly be Crowned with the Diadem of Brute so overweighed him that he had no care for peace and shortly after no head for after the Earle of Pembroke had taken Bere Castle which was the seat of Prince Leolin he was himself slain in battell and his head cut off by a common Souldier was sent to King Edw. who caused the same to be Crowned with Ivie and to be set upon the Tower of London And this was the end of Leolin the last of the Welsh Princes betraied as some write by the men of Buelth Not long after his brother David also is taken in Wales and judged in England to an ignominious death First drawn at a horse taile about the City of Shrewsbury then beheaded the trunke of his body divided his heart and bowels burnt his head sent to accompany his brothers on the Tower of London his foure quarters to foure Cities Bristow North●●pton York and Winchester A manifold execution and the first shewed in that kind to this kingdome in the person of the son of a Prince or any other Noble man that we reade of in our History It is perhaps something which some here observe that at the sealing of this conquest King Edward lost his eldest son Alphonsus of the age of twelve years a Prince of great hope and had onely left to succeed him his sonne Edward lately borne at Carnarvan and the first of the English intituled Prince of Wales but no Prince worthy of either Wales or England And thus came Wales to be united to the Crowne of England in the eleventh yeare of this King Edwards Raigne who thereupon established the government thereof according to the Lawes of England as may be seene by the Statute of Rutland in the twelfth yeare of his Raigne The worke of Wales being setled King Edward passeth over into France upon notice of the death of Philip the Hardy to renew and confirme such conditions as his state in those parts required with the new King Philip the fourth intituled the Faire to whom he doth homage for Aquitaine having before quitted his claime to Normandy for ever After three yeares and a halfe being away in France he returns into England and now in the next place comes the businesse with Scotland and will hold him wo●ke at times as long as he lives and his sonne after him Alexander the third King of Scots as he was running his horse fell horse and man to the ground and brake his necke and died immediately● by reason whereof he leaving no issue but onely a daughter of his daughter Margaret who died also soone after there fell out presently great contention about succession Ten Competitors pretend title namely Erick King of Norway Florence Earle of Holland Robert Bruce Earle of Anandale Iohn de Baylioll Lord of Galloway Iohn de Hastings Lord of Abergeveny Iohn Cummin Lord of Badenaw Patrick de Dunbarre Earle of March Iohn de Vescie Nicholas de Sul●s William de Rosse all or most of them de●cending from David Earle of Huntington younger brother to William King of Scots and great Unkle to the late King Alexander This title King Edward takes upon him to decide pretending a Right of Superiority from his Ancestours over that kingdome and proving it by authority of old Chronicles as Marianus Scotus William of Malmsbury Roger de Hoveden Henry of Huntington Ralph de Luceto and others which though the Scottish Lords who swaied the Interregnum opposed yet are they constrained for avoyding of further inconveniences to make him Arbiter thereof and the tenne Competitours bound to stand to his award Two are especially found betweene whom the ●ight lay Iohn de Baylioll Lord of Galloway and Robert Br●ce the one descending from an elder daughter the other from a sonne of a younger daughter of Alan who had married the eldest daughter of this David brother to King William The controversie held long twelve of either kingdome learned in the Lawes are elected to debate the same at Berwick all the best Civilians in the Universities of France are solicited to give their opinions all which brought forth rather doubts then resolutions whereupon King Edward the better to
Adversary endevours first to strengthen himselfe with Friends abroad seekes to match his Sonne Edward with a Daughter of Guy Earle of Flanders Marries one of his Daughters to the D●ke of Barr● who pretended Title to Champaigne another to Iohn Duke of Bra●ant sends fifteene thousand pounds Sterling to Adolph de Nassaw the Emperour for recovery of certaine Lands which he claimed in France and with all these and many other con●ining Princes he sets upon the King of France and then sends over his Brother Edmund Earle of Lancaster the Earles of Lincolne and Richmond with eight and twenty Banners seven hundred men at Armes and a Navy of three hundred and sixty Saile In the meane time the King of France having had intelligence of the intended alliance betweene King Edward and Guy Earle of Flanders sends for the said Earle as if knowing nothing thereof to come with his Wi●e and Daughter to make merry with him at Paris where instead of Feasting him he makes him Prisoner and takes from him his Daughter in regard he sought being his Vassall to match her with his capitall Enemy The Earle excuseth it the best he could and by much mediation is released himselfe but not his Daughter whereupon the Earle presuming upon aide from King Edward takes Armes and defies the King of France who thereupon comes with an Army of sixty thousand against him which caused King Edward with all speed possible to relieve this distressed Earle and so leaving the Government of the kingdome in his absence to the Bishop of London the Earle of Warwicke and the Lords Reynold Grey and Clifford with five hundred Saile and eighteene thousand men at Armes he passeth over into France but finding the Country distracted into many popular Factions and the King of France daily getting upon them having already won Lisle Doway Courtray Burges and Dam and the Emperour Adolph failing to send him aide as he had promised he fell into great perplexity and having stayed the whole Winter at Gaunt where by reason of many outrages committed by his Souldiers he was so affronted by the Gauntois that his owne person was not without some danger He thereupon in the Spring of the yeare concludes a Truce with the King of France for two yeares takes his sister Margaret to Wife and affianceth the Daughter of the same King to his Sonne Prince Edward and so returnes into England And these were all the troubles King Edward had with France But now must something be spoken of troubles with his Lords at home whereof this was the beginning In a Parliament at Salisbury the five and twentieth yeare of his Raigne the King requires certaine of his Lords to goe to the Warres in Gascoyne which needed a present supply by reason of the death of his Brother Edmund but the Lords make all their excuses every man for himselfe Whereupon the King in great rage threatned they should either goe or he would give their Lands to others that should Upon this Humfrey Bohun Earle of Hereford High Constable and Roger Bigod Earle of Norfolke Marshall of England make their Declaration that if the King went in Per●on they would attend him otherwise not Which answer offended the King more and being urged againe the Earle Marshall protested he would willingly goe thither with the King and march before him in the Vauntguard as by right of inheritance he ought to doe But the King told him plainely he should goe with any other though he we●● not himselfe in Person● I am not so bound saith the Earle neither will I take t●●t journey without you The King swore by God Sir Earle you shall either goe or h●●●● And I sweare by the same Oath said the Earle I will neither goe no● hang● and so without leave departs Shortly after the two Earles assemble many Noble men and other their Friends to the number of thirty Bannere●s so as they were fifteen hundred men at Armes well appointed and stood upon their Gu●●d● The King like a prudent Prince who knew his times prosecu●es them not as then b●● lets the matter passe in regard that his businesse called him presently into Flanders when being ready to take ship the Arch-bishops Bishops Earles Barons and the Commons send him a Roll of the Grievances of his Subjects concerning his Taxes Subsidies and other Impositions with his seeking to force their services by unlawfull courses to which the King sends answer that he could not a●t●r any thing without the advice of his Councell who were not now about him and therefore required them seeing they would not attend him in his Journey which they absolutely refused to doe though he went in Person unlesse he had gone into France or Scotland that they would yet doe nothing in his absence prejudi●iall to the peace of the kingdome and that at his returne he would set all things in good order to their contentment But having taken his Journey and being held there with long delayes to his exceeding great expenses he was forced to send over for more supply of Treasure and thereupon gave order for a Parliament to be held at Yorke by the Prince and because of his Minority for he was then but sixteene yeares of age by such as had the manage of the kingdome in his absence and to the end he would not be disappointed of aide he condescends to all such Articles as were demanded concerning the great Charter Promising from thenceforth never to charge his Subjects otherwise then by their consents in Parliament and to pardon all such as had denyed to attend him in this Journey After this in the 27. yeare of his Raigne a Parliament is called at Westminster wherein the promised Confirmation of the two Charters and the allowance of what disafforestation had heretofore beene made was earnestly urged and in the end with much adoe Granted and that with omission of the Clause Salva Iure Coronae nostr● which the King laboured to have inserted but the people by no meanes would agree and the perambulation of the Forests of England was then committed to three Bishops three Earles and three Barons But some yeares after in the two and thirtieth yeare of his Raigne King Edward begunne to shew his resentment of the stubborne behaviour of his Nobles towards him in times past and so terrifies Roger Bigod Earle Marshall that to recover his favor the Earle made him his Heire● in Possession though he had a Brother of his owne living reserving onely to himselfe a thousand pounds per annum during his life Of others likewise he go● great summes for the same offence The Earle of Hereford escaped his fine by death But the Arch-bishop of Canterbury whom he accused to have disturbed his Peace in his absence he sends over to Pope Clement the fifth who succeeded Bonifac● that he might be crusht with a double power This Pope was Native of Burdeaux and ●o the more regardfull of the Kings desire and the King● the more confident of
was the marke now aimed at having taken away his kingdome openly how they might take away his life secretly be the Authours of it and not be seene in it but this must be the Contents of a Chapter hereafter Of his Taxations BY this King it appeares there is something else besides the grievance of Taxations that alienates the mindes of English Subjects from their King for never were fewer Taxations then in this Kings time yet never were the Subjects minds more alienated from their King then they were from him Before his Coronation in a Parliament holde● at Westminster ●●ere was granted him a fifteenth of the Clergy and a twentieth of the Temporalty In his fifth yeare in a Parliament at L●●don was granted him a fifteenth of the Temporalty In his fifteenth yeare was granted the sixth pen●y of temporall mens Goods through England Ireland and Wales towards his Warre● with Scotland And more then these we reade not of but then at the defeate of the Earle of Lancaster there were Confiscations that supplyed the place of Taxations by which as one saith he became the richest King that had beene since the Conquest Of his Lawes and Ordinances HE Ordained that the moneyes of his Father though counted base by the People should be currant In the eight yeare of his Raigne by reason of a dear●h which raised the price of all Victuals it was Ordained by Parliament that an Oxe fatted with grasse should be sold for fifteene shillings fatted with Corne for twenty the best Cow for twelve shillings a fat Hogge of two yeares old three sh●llings foure pence a fat Sheepe shorne foureteene pence with the Fleece twenty pence a fat Goose for two pence halfe-penny a fat Capon two pence a fat Hen a penny foure Pigeons a penny whosoever sold for more should forfait their Ware to the King But after these Rates imposed all kinde of Victuals grew so scarce that provision could hardly be made for the Kings house whereupon shortly after the Order was revoked and Market Folkes permitted to make the best of their Wares In this Kings time an Ordinance was made against knights Templars accused of Heresie and other crimes and they were all apprehended and committed to divers Prisons The like was done by all the Kings of Christendome at one instant being condemned in a Generall Counsell at Vienna In the 14. yeare of his Raigne on the 15. of October the Clerkes of the Exchequer went towards Yorke with the Booke called Domus Dei and other Records and Provision that laded one and twenty Carts but within halfe a yeare they were brought backe againe Affaires of the Church in his time IN the 17. yeare of his Raign the Bishop of Hereford was arrested● accused of High Treason for aiding the Kings enemies in their late rebellion but he refu●ed to answer being a consecrated Bishop without leave of the Arch-bishop of Canterbury whose Suffragan he was and who he said was his direct Judge next the Pope or without the consent of his fellow Bishops who then all arose and humbly craved the Kings Clemency in his behalfe but finding the King implacable they tooke him away from the Barre and delivered him to the custody o● the Arch-bishop of Canterbury shortly after he was againe taken and convented as before which the Clergy understanding the Arch-bishops Canterbury Yorke and Dublin with tenne other Bishops all with their Crosses erected went to the place of Judgement and againe tooke him away with them charging all men upon paine of Excommunication to forbeare to lay violent hands upon him with which audacious Act the King was so much displeased that he presently commanded inquiry to be made ex Officio Iudicis concerning those Objections against the Bishop wherein he was found guilty though absent and had all his Goods and Possessions seised into the Kings hands In this Kings time the Crowchet Fryers came first into England In his time Pope Iohn the two and twentieth first Instituted the Feast of Corpus Christi begunne before by Urban the fourth Workes of piety done by him or by others in his time THis King founded Oriall Colledge and Saint Mary Hall in Oxford He builded ● Church of Fryers at his Manour of Langley where the soule of Gaveston should b● prayed for In this Kings twentieth yeare Richard Rothing Sheriffe of London b●●lded the Parish Church of Garlickhithe in London Ralph Baldocke Bishop of London gave two thousand Markes to the building of the new Worke of the Chappell on the South side of Pauls Church And left much more by his Testament Casualties IN the eighth yeare of this Kings Raigne was so great a dear●h that Horses and Dogges were eaten and Theeves in prison pluckt in peeces those that were newly brought in amongst them and eate them halfe alive which continuing three yeares brought in the end such a pestilence that the living scarce sufficed to bury the dead In the fourth yeare of his Raigne the Church of Middleton in Dorsetshire with all the Monuments was consumed with Lightning the Monkes being at Mattins In this Kings time digging the Foundation of a worke about Pauls were found more then a hundred heads of Oxen and kine which confirmed the opinion that of old time it had beene the Temple of Iupiter and that there was the Sacrifice of Beasts Of his Wife and Children HE marryed Isabel Daughter of Philip the Faire King of France she being but twelve yeares of age who lived his Wife twenty yeares his Widdow thirty and dying at threescore and three yeares old at Rysings neare London was buried in the midst of the Gray Fryers Quire in London By her he had issue two Sons and two Daughters his eldest Sonne named Edward of Windsor because borne there succeeded him in the kingdome His second Sonne named Iohn of Eltham because borne there was at twelve yeares old created Earle of Cornwall he dyed in Scotland in the flowre of his Youth unmarryed His eldest Daughter Ioane being a childe was marryed in the fourth yeare of King Edward her Brother to D●vid Prince of Scotland Sonne to King Robert Bruce at seven yeares old who comming afterward into England to visit her Brother dyed here and was buryed at the Gray Fryers in London His second Daughter Eleanor was marryed to Reginold the second Earle of Gelder with a portion of fifteene thousand pounds and had issue by him two Sonnes who were Earles successively Of his Personage and Conditions HE was faire of body and of great strength but given much to drinke which made him oftentimes bewray his owne Secrets For his other conditions his greatest fault was that he loved but one for if his love had beene divided it could not have beene so violent He was extreame in nothing but in loving and though love moderated be the best of affections yet the extremity of it is the worst of passions He was rather unfortunate then unhappy seeing unfortunatenesse is in the Event unhappinesse in the Cause and
Leader then the 〈◊〉 besides there fell at the instant such a showre of raine as dissolved their 〈◊〉 and made their Bowes of little use and at the breaking up of the showre the 〈…〉 full in the face of the French dazling their sight and on the backe of the 〈◊〉 as if all made for them K. Edward who had gotten to a Windmill beholding 〈◊〉 a Sentinell the countenance of the Enemy and discovering the disturbance 〈◊〉 by the change of place instantly sends to charge that part without giving 〈…〉 to re-accommodate themselves whereupon the discontented Gen●●ese 〈◊〉 which the Co●nt de Alanson perceiving he comes on with the horse and 〈…〉 ●age cries out On on Let us make way upon the bellies of these Genoueses 〈…〉 but hinder us and instantly pricks on with a full careere through the midst 〈…〉 followed by the Earles of Lorraine and Savoy and never staies till he came 〈◊〉 the English battell where the Prince was the fight grew hot and doubtfull 〈…〉 as the Commanders about the Prince send to King Edward to come up with his power to aide him The King askes the messengers whether his son were 〈…〉 hurt who answering no but that he was like to be over-laid Well then 〈◊〉 ●he King returne and tell them who sent you that so long as my sonne is a 〈…〉 they send no more to me what ever happen for I will that the honour of this 〈…〉 his And so being left to try for themselves they wrought it out with the 〈◊〉 ● the rather by reason the French King having his horse slaine under him and 〈◊〉 danger to be trodden to death had he not been recovered by the Lord Beau 〈…〉 ●●●s to the great discouragement of his people withdrawne out of the field 〈◊〉 no●●ce being once taken by the English the day was soone after theirs and 〈…〉 victory they ever had yet against the French and so bloudy as there is 〈…〉 made of any one prisoner taken in the battell but all ●laine out-right ●nely ●ome few troopes that held together saved themselves by retiring to places neare adjoyning The French King himselfe with ● small company got to Bray in the night and approaching the walls and the Gu●rd asking him who goes there he answered the Fortune of Fr●●c● By ●i● voyce ●e was knowne and thereupon received into the Towne with the teares and lamenta●ions of his people The number of the slaine are certified to be thirty thousand the chiefe whereof were Charles de Al●ns●n Iohn Duke of 〈◊〉 ●alph Earle of Lorraine L●wis Earle of Fl●●●ers I●ques Da●lphin de 〈◊〉 So●●e to I●b●rt who after gave Daulphin to the Crowne of France the Earl●● of S●●c●rre H●r●court and many other Earles Barons and Gentlemen to the number of fiftee●● hundred This memorable Victory happened upon the S●turday after Bart●●l●●●● day in the yeare 1346. The next day earely in the morning being Sunday he s●n● out 300. Lances and 2000. Archers● to discover what was becom● of t●● 〈◊〉 who found great Troopes comming from Abbe●●l● Saint 〈…〉 a●d B●●uvoyes ignorant of what had happened 〈◊〉 by the Arch-Bishop of R●●● and the Priour of France whom they likewise defeated and slew s●ven thousand But this was not all th● Victories that fell to King Edward that yeare there was another of no lesse importance gotten in Engl●●d by the Queene and hi● peopl● at home against the Scots who being set on by the French to divert the wa●●● there● entred upon this kingdome wit●●hreesco●e thousand men as our Writers report assuring himselfe of successe in regard as he supposed ● the ma●●e stre●gth thereof was now gone into France but ●e found it otherwise● For the Lords of the North as Gylbert de Umfrevile the Earl● of Ang●●● Henry Perc● Ralph Nevile William D●y●co●●t with the Arch-bishop of Yorke the Bishop of Dur●am and others of the Clergy gathered so great Forces and so well ordered them by the animation of the Queene who was there in person as fighting a great Battaile at Nevils Crosse in the Bishopricke of Durha● they utterly defea●ed this great Army tooke David their King Prisoner with the Earles of Fif● Menteth Murry Sutherland the Lord Dowglas the Arch-bishop of Saint Andrewes and others and put to the sword fifteene thousand Sc●ts This Victory also fell upon a Saturday sixe weekes after that of Cressy He that tooke King David Prisoner wa● one Iohn C●pl●nd an Esquire of Northumberland whom King Edward rewarded with five hundred pounds land a yeare and made him a Banner●t And as if all concurred to make this yeare Triumphant the Aides sent to the Countesse of Montford in Britaine led by Thomas Dagworth a Valiant knight overthrew and tooke Prisoner Charles de Blois Pretender to that Dutchy and with him Mounsi●ur la Vall the Lords Rochford Bea●●anoyre Loi●c●ue with many other Barons Knights and Esquires Where were slaine the Lord De la Vall Father to him that was taken Viscount Rohan Mounsieur de Chastea● Bryan de ●alestroit de Quintin de Dyrev●ll besides many other knights and Esquires to the number of seven hundred And now King Edward without medling with the great Cities of Amiens and Abbevile marcheth on directly and sits downe before Callice a Town of more importance for England and the Gate to all the rest Wherein Iohn d● Vienne Marshall of France and the Lord de Andregh●n a great man in his time commanded All that Winter King Edward lay without any molestation by the French King who was busied at home in his owne State about raising of money wherewith supplyed at last he raiseth an Army and approacheth Callice but findes no way open to come to relieve it The King of England was both Master of the Haven and possest all other wayes that were passable and the Flemings his friends had besieged Aire to oppose whom Iohn Duke of Normandy is sent for out of Guyenne who departing leaves Henry of Lancaster Earle of Derby Master of the Field and ●e having an Army consisting of twelve hundred men at Armes two thousand Archers and three thousand other Foot takes in most of the Townes of Xaintoigne and Poict●● and in the end besieged and sacked P●ityer● and then returnes to B●rdea●x with more ●illage then his people could well beare Thus the 〈◊〉 prosper every ●●here and the French suffer During this siege of Calli●e ●n 〈◊〉 some t●in●● King Edw●●● first used Gunnes the Fleming● send to King 〈◊〉 to make a marriage betweene his Daughter Isabell and their Lord the 〈…〉 to which the King consented but the Duke of Br●●●nt gets 〈…〉 of 〈◊〉 ●o make the match for a Daughter of his● The Flemings presse 〈◊〉 Lord with t●e match of England but he absolutely refuse●h it saying● h● 〈◊〉 never marry a Daughter of him that had killed his Father though he would 〈…〉 ●●lf● his kingdome This answer so incensed the Flemi●gs that they 〈…〉 Lord in Prison till with long durance he at last consented and
there 〈…〉 E●ward and his Queene with their Daughter Is●●●ll come over to 〈…〉 there the young Earle is aff●an●ed to her but returning after●●rds 〈…〉 as ●e found opportunity he went to King Philip and ●eft 〈…〉 and marryed afterwards a Daughter of the 〈…〉 this whi●●●he siege of Callice was continued and King Philip 〈…〉 come to relieve it sollicits King Edward to appoint some● place 〈…〉 would mee●e him But King Edward returnes answer that if he 〈…〉 owne way to come thither to him there he should finde him but 〈…〉 be would not pa●●● having laine there so long to his great l●●our and 〈…〉 b●ing now so neare the point of gaining the place● Two●●a●●●nals 〈…〉 the Pope to mediate a Peace but could effect nothing so as the 〈…〉 w●s forced to breake up his Army and retire to Paris leaving C●llice 〈…〉 the Besieger which when the Towne understood they sent to de 〈…〉 granted and therein received this finall answer that ●ixe of the chiefe Burgesses should be sent to the King bare-headed bare-footed in their shirts 〈…〉 their neckes● the keyes of the Towne and Castle in their hands 〈…〉 th●●●elves to the Kings will the rest he was content to take to mercy 〈…〉 condition and much difficulty who should be those sixe but 〈◊〉 up and out of love to his Country offering himselfe to be one the sixe 〈…〉 made ●p for now by his example every one strove to be of the 〈◊〉 who presenting themselves before the King he commanded them instantly 〈…〉 to death Great supplication was made by his Lords for their lives but 〈…〉 would not be drawne to alter his sentence till the Queene great with 〈…〉 on her knees and with teares obtained pardon for them which done 〈…〉 them to be cloathed and besides a good repast gives to every one of them 〈◊〉 Nobles a p●ece But though the King in this sentence shewed severity 〈…〉 Act before he had shewed mercy For when Victuals began to faile in 〈…〉 and all unusefull persons as old men women and children were put 〈…〉 Gates he forced them not backe againe as he might have done there●● 〈◊〉 sooner to consume their store but suffered them to passe through his Ar●y● 〈◊〉 them to eate and two pence a piece to all of them And thus was that strong 〈◊〉 of Callice gotten the third day of August in the yeare 1347. after eleven 〈…〉 siege and continued afterward in possession of the English two hundred 〈…〉 All the Inhabitants are turned out but onely one Priest and two 〈…〉 to informe of the Orders of the Towne and a Colony of English amo●gst which seven and thirty good Families out of London is sent to inhabit it● 〈…〉 and Queene enter the Towne triumphantly and make their abode there 〈◊〉 Queene was brought a bed of her Daughter Margaret The King made 〈◊〉 of the Town Ayme●y of Pavia a Lombard whom he had brought up from 〈…〉 and then with his Queene returnes into England at which time the 〈◊〉 Electours send to signifie● that they had chosen him King of the Romans but 〈…〉 refuseth to accept it as being an honour out of his way and scarce com 〈…〉 his State at home ●fter this Tr●●●s were made by mediation from one time to another for the 〈…〉 ●wo yeares in which time Geoffrey de Charmy Captaine of Saint Omer 〈…〉 Aymery of P●via whom King Edward had left Governour of Callice to 〈…〉 for twenty thousand Crownes which King Edward hearing of sent to A●mery and charged him with this perfidiousnesse whe●●●pon Ay●●●y comes to the King and humbly desiring pardon promiseth to h●ndl● the 〈◊〉 so as shall be ●o the Kings advantage and thereupon i● sen● backe to Callice The King the ●ight before the time of agreement● arrives with three ●und●ed men at 〈◊〉 and 〈◊〉 hundred Archers 〈◊〉 de Charmy 〈…〉 likewise the 〈◊〉 ●●ght from Saint Omers with his Forces and sent a hundred m●n before with the Crownes to 〈◊〉 the men are let in at a Posterne Gate● the crownes received ●nd assured to be all weight which done the Gates of the Towne are opened and out marches the King before day to encounter 〈◊〉 de Charmy who perceiving himselfe betrayed defended ●imselfe● the best he could and put King Edward to a hard bickering who for that ●e would not b● 〈…〉 person put hi●self● and the Prince under the Colours of the Lord 〈…〉 bea●en ●●wne on ●is knees by 〈…〉 ●hom he fought hand to hand and ye● recove●●d and 〈…〉 prisoner Charmy was likewise taken and all his Fo●●●● defeated Ki●g ●dward the night after which was the first of the New-yeare feasted with the Prisoners and gave ●ibo●●●nt in honour of his valou● 〈…〉 Chaplet of Pearle which himselfe wore on his head for a New-yeares gift forgave him his ransome and set him at liberty But the English not long after in the like practise had better successe and got the Castle of Guysnes a piece of great importance ne●r● Callice for a summe of money given to one Beaconr●y a French ●●n Of which C●s●le when the French King demanded restitution in regard of the Truc● King Edwar● returnes answer that for things bought and sold betweene their people there was no exception and so held it About this time Philip King of France dyed leaving his Sonne Iohn to succeed him in the beginning of whose Raigne Humber● P●ince of D●●lphin dying without issue made him his Heire and ther●upon Charles King Ioh●● Sonne was created the first Daulphin of France from whence it grew to be a Custome that the King of France his Heire should alwayes be called Daulphin of France About this time also the Duke of Lancaster was to perfo●me a combat upon a challenge with a Prince of B●h●mia but when they were entred the Lists and had taken their Oathes King Iohn interposed and made them Friends And now when after many meanes of mediation no Peace could be concluded betweene the two Kings the Prince of Wales being now growne a man is appointed by Parliament to goe into Gascoyne with a thousand men at Armes two thousand Archers and a great number of Welshmen and in Iune following he sets forth with three hundred Saile attended with the Earles of Warwick● Suffolke Salisbury and Oxford the Lord Chand●s the Lord Iames A●deley Sir ●obert Knolles Sir Francis Hall with many others About Michaelma● following● the King himselfe passeth over to Callice with another Army taking with him two of his Sonnes Li●n●ll of Antwerpe now Earle of Ulster i● Right of his Wife and Iohn of Gant Earle of Richmond There met him at Callice of mercenaries out of Germany Flanders and Brabant a thousand men at Armes so that his Army consisted of three thousand men at Armes and two thousand Archers on horse-backe besides Archers on foot The City of London sent three hundred men at Armes and five hundred Archers all in one livery at their owne charge but all this great Army effected nothing at that
as the Poict●●ins Xaingtonois and Lymo●sins in a sort consented to it yet the Count of Armigni●ck the Count of Comminges the Viscount of Carmayn and many others so much distasted it that they complained thereof to the King of France as to their Supreme Lord who upon examination finding their complaint to be just he thereupon by advise of his Councell Summons Prince Edward to appeare in person to answer the complaint whereunto Prince Edw. made answere that if he must needs appeare he would bring threescore thousand men in Armes to appeare with him and had certainely brought his Army that Summer against Paris if he had not fallen into Symptomes of a Dropsie which Walsingham saith was wrought by Enchantments But upon this answer of the Prince King Charles sends defiance to King Edward who thereupon prepares Armes both by Sea and Land to oppose him The French enter upon the Territori●s of the Prince and defeate divers of his Troopes in revenge whereof Iohn Chandos the Princes Lieutenant assaults Terrieres in the Province of Tholouse and takes it The Count of Perigourd a●saults Royanville in Quer●y and puts all the English to the sword in revenge whereof Iames Audeley Sene●chall of Poicton assaults the City of Brosse and takes it In the meane time Robert Knols by some called Robin and by others Arnould or Reynold Knoll had drawne Perducas de Albert to the party of the English and thereupon wen● and encamped before the Fort of Darc●ell in Quercy which Iohn Chandos understanding went also and joyned with him in the Siege but finding they could doe no good there they removed and Besieged the City of Damme and when they could doe no good there neither they marched forward tooke the Fort of Froyus Rochevaudour and Villefranche and that done returned to the Prince at Angoulesme At the same time the Earles of Cambridge and Pembroke having spent nine weekes at the Siege of Bordeille at last tooke it but other Captaines of the English did yet more for they scaled Belleperche in the Province of Bourbon where the Mother of the Duke of Bourbon and of the Queene of France was and take her prisoner About this time Philippa Queene of England King Edwards Wife died and was buried at Westminster but this hindred not the proceeding of the English in France the Earle of Pembroke enters Anjou where he takes many Townes the Duke of Lancaster doth the like about Callice and marching forward plants his Campe before Harfleur with a purpose to burne the King of France his Navy but being watched by the Count Saint Poll was forced to forbeare that designe and so passing other wayes and spoyling all the places where he passed he returned to Callice Winter now was drawing on and Iohn Chandos desiring to recover the Abby of Saint Silvin in Poictou which not long before had beene betraied to the French was in the enterprise discovered and being assaulted by greater forces was slaine in the place to the great griefe of the Prince of Wales and of the English Lords but dying without issue his estate which amounted to foure hundred thousand Franks came to the Prince At this time the Dukes of Anjou and Berry with two great Armies enter upon the Territories of the Prince of Wales whereof the Prince advertised assembles Forces to oppose them but when the newes was brought him of the taking of Limouges he was so much troubled at it by reason of the Bishop of that place was his Gossip and one in whom he specially had affiance that he resolved to recover it at any price and not to spare a man that had any hand in the rendring it up and thereupon taking it by force he commanded to sacke and pillage it and would not be staied by the cries of the people casting themselves downe at his feete till passing through the Towne he perceived three French Captaines who themselves alone had withstood the assault of his victorious Army and moved with the consideration of their valour he then abated his anger and for their sakes granted mercy to all the Inhabitants So much is vertue even in an enemy respected by generous minds In the meane time David King of Scots died without issue and Robert Stuart his Nephew succeeded him in the kingdome and was Crowned at Scone At this time Robert Knolls with a great Army is sent into France where making many attempts with valour enough but with little successe he was comming home though with no gaine yet with no losse till Bertrand de Gueschlyn assaulting him slew the most part of his men and so this great Army on a sudden came to nothing It seemes Knolls his action was the lesse succesfully by reason some young Lords that wen● with him sco●ning to ●e 〈◊〉 his command as being but a new man and risen fro● a low estate were refractory to hi● directions And indeed what can a Generall do if he have not as well reputation of person as of place And now the Prince of Wales his eldest sonne Edward dying 〈◊〉 Bu●de●●● the 〈◊〉 with his wife and his other sonne Richard come over into England at whi●● time the vallant knight Walter de M●●ny died at Lond●n and was buried in the Monastery of the Chartreux which he had builded leaving one onely daughter married to Iohn Earle of Pembroke This Earle of Pembroke was soone after sent Go●ernour into Aquita●ne but set upon by the way by Spaniards in favour of the Fr●●ch was by them taken prisoner and carried with other into Spain●● who being chained together as the manner is one Evans a Welsh Fugitive● who gave ●●●selfe out for the right Heire of Wales cam● unto him foolishly playing upon him with scornfull language as though to insult over another mans misery could s●●le for a co●diall to mitigate his owne And now upon the taking of this Earle the Princes Dominions in France are either taken away or ●all away faster then they ●ere gotten Gueschly● enters Poictou and takes Montm●rillon Chauvigny Luss●● and Mo●t●onti●r straight after followes the Countrey of Aulnys of Xaintoigne and the rest of Poic●ou then Saint Maxen● Neele Auln●y then Benaon Marant Surg●rs 〈◊〉 and at last they came to Thouars where the most part of the Lords of Poic●o● that held with the Prince were assembled at which time King Edward with the Pr●●ce the Duke of Lancaster and all the great Lords of England set forward to their succour but being driven back● by tempest never came to give them assistance so as Thouars yeelded upon composition Yet did this preparation of the King stand him in nine thousand Markes that it may be truly said it cost him more now to lose Townes then it had cost him before to win them so great oddes there is betweene the Spring and Fall of Fortune After this the Duke of Lancaster is sent over with another great Army who passed up into many parts of the Country but King Charles resolved to hazard no
battell saying They were but clouds and would soone passe away yet so watched him that what with light skirmishes and what with skarcity of victuals his forces were so diminished that of thirty thousand which went out of Callice there scarce retunred six thousand home which made King Edward say of this King Charles that he did him more mischiefe sitting still then his Predecessours had done with all their stirring And now by this time all Poictou is lost and all Aquitaine also but onely Burdeaux and Bayon when the Arch-bishop of Roan and others are sent from Pope Gregory the eleventh to mediate a Peace betweene the two Kings but each of them standing upon high termes of conditions nothing could be effected but Truce upon Truce for two or three yeares together In which time Edward Prince of Wales died and with him we may say the Fortune of England being a Prince so full of vertues that he left no place for any vice and if he had lived in the Heroicke times might well have beene numb●ed amongst the nine Worthies His body was buried at Canterbury where his Monument standeth King Edward in his seven and fortieth yeare calleth a Parliament at W●stminster which lasted but eight dayes and to which were Summoned by Writ of Clergy men onely foure Bishops and five Abbots Of King Edwards Acts after the death of the Prince IN the time of the Princes sicknesse King Edw●rd cals a Parliament at Westminster in which when demands were made for supply of the King demands were presently made for redresse of grievances for the subjects It was required that the Duke of Lancaster the Lord Latymer then Lord Chamberlaine Dame Alice Pierce the Kings Concubine and one Sir Richard Sturry might be removed from Court And this was so vehemently urged by their Speaker Sir Peter la Moore that the King rather then not to be supplied gave way unto it and thereupon all these persons are presently put from Court but the Prince soone after dying they are all recalled to Court againe and restored to their former places About this time ex●mplary justice was done upon Sir Iohn Minsterworth knight who was drawne hanged and quartered at Tiburne for Treason by him committed in defrauding Souldiers of their wages Thi● was now the f●ftieth yeare of King Edw●●ds Raigne and he for another Iubilee gra●●s another generall pardon to his subjects● onely William Wic●ham Bishop of Winchester is excepted being lately by procurement of the Duke of Lancaster fallen into the Kings displeasure● and forbidd●● to come to the Parliament This Parliament was called the good Parliament●●●ough it wrought ill effects for Sir Peter de la Mare at the suite of Alice Pierce is committed to perpetuall imprisonment at Not●ingham though within two years after by importunate suite of friends he regained his liberty This Alice Pierce presuming upon the Kings favour grew so insolent that she entermedled with Courts of Justice and other Offices where ●he herselfe would fit to countenance her Causes And now the Duke of Lancast●● is come to have the Regencie and to manage all the affaires of the kingdome but King Edward to prevent the mischiefes when by disordering the succession might grow in the kingdome providently settled the same in Parliament upon Richard of Burdeaux ●reating him first Earle of Chester and Cornwall and then Prince of Wales and caused all the Lords of the Realme to tal●e an Oath to accept him for their King as his lawfull Heire when himselfe should be dead In this meane time a Treaty was had about a marriage betweene this Prince Richard and M●ry a daughter of Charles King of France and an offer was made to King Edward to leave him foureteene hundred Townes and three thousand fortresses in Aq●itaine upon condition he would render Callice and all that he held in Picardy but before any thing could be concluded King Edward died Of his Taxations IN the eighth yeare of his Raigne in a Parliament holden at London there was granted him a fifteenth of the Temporalty a twentieth of the Cities and Boroughs and a tenth of the Clergy In his tenth yeare in a Parliament at Northampton is granted a tenth penny of Cities and Boroughs a fifteenth of others and a tenth of the Clergy Also all such treasure as was committed to Churches through England for the Holy Warre is taken out for the Kings use towards his warres with France The next yeare after all the goods of three orders of Monks Lom●ards Cluniakes and Cistercians are likewise seised into the Kings hands and the like Subsidy as before granted at Nottingham In his twelfth yeare and as some write in absence of the King in a Parliament at Northampton is granted by the Laity one halfe of their Wooll but of the Clergy the whole The next yeare after a fifteenth was likewise paid in Wooll by the Commonalty In his foureteenth yeare in a Parliament at London is granted him for Custom● of every sacke of Wooll forty shillings for every three hundred Wooll Fells forty shil● for every Last of Leather forty shillings and of other Merchandises according to the rate the same to endure from that Easter to the Whitsontide twelve moneth after Besides there was granted of Citizens and Burgesses a ninth part of goods of forraine Merchants and others a fifteenth of Husbandmen the ninth Sheafe the ninth Fleece the ninth Lamb for two years also another tenth of the Clergy and for his present supply he had Loanes of divers persons and the City of London lent tw●nty thousand Markes For the grant of which mighty Subsidy the King besides his Pardon to divers kinds of offendours remits all Amerciaments for transgressions in his Forests Reliefs and Scurage to the first time of his going into Flanders besides all aides for the marriage of his sonnes and daughters during his Raigne pardoning and remitting all ancient debts and ●rr●rages both of his Fermors and others till the tenth yeare of his Raigne and likewise confirmes the great Charter of Magna Chartae In his eighteenth yeare in a Parliament at London a tenth was granted by the Clergy and a fifteenth by the Laity● Besides a Commission is sent into every Shire to inquire of mens abilities and all of five pounds to tenne of Lay Fee were appointed to finde an Archer on horsebacke of twenty five a Demilaunce and so ratably above There had formerly been made a certaine coyne of Gold called the Floren of base alloy for the Kings benefit towards his warres in France but this was now called in● and Nobles of finer metall coyned to the great contentment of the people In his nine and twentieth yeare he hath by Parliament granted unto him fifty shillings upon every sack of Wooll for six years next ensuing by which Imposition it was thought the King might dispend a thous●●d Markes Sterling a day the vent of Wooll was so great in that time But that which exceeded all his Taxations was the Ransome he had in
horse-loafe out a Bakers basket as he passed in the streets and ran with it into his Lords house the Citizens thereupon assaulted the house and would not be quieted till the Major and Aldermen were faine to come and with much adoe appeased them Upon complaint hereof urged against the Citizens by the Bishop of Salisbury L. Treasurer and Thomas Arundell Archbishop of York L. Chancellour the Major and Aldermen and divers other substantiall Citizens are arrested the Major is committed to the Castle of Windsor and the other to other Castles the liberties of the City are seized into the Kings hands and the authority of the Major utterly ceased the king appointing a Warden to governe the City first Sir Edmund Derligrug and afterward Sir Baldwin Radington till at length by speciall suit of the Duke of Glocester the king was contented to come to London to so great joy of the Citizens that they received him with foure hundred on horse-back clad all in one livery and presented the king and Queene with many rich gifts yet all gave not satisfaction to have their liberties restored till they afterwards paid Ten thousand pounds This it is to provoke a Lyon It may be fortune enough to us if by any meanes we can but keepe him quiet for if once we provoke him to lay his paw upon us it will be hard getting from him and not be torne in pieces In his Sixteenth yeere the Dukes of Lanc●ster and Glocester are once againe sent into France to treat of a Peace but when they could not agree with the French-Commissioners upon Articles propo●nded there was onely a Truce concluded for foure yeeres though perhaps a further Agreement had then been made but that the king of France fell newly againe into his old fit of Frensie which called away the French Commissioners from further Treaty In his Eighteenth yeere a Proclamation was set forth That all Irish men should avoyd this Realme and returne home The occasion was because so many Irish were come over that Irela●d in a manner was left unpeopled in so much that where K. Edward the Third had received from thence yeerely the summe of Thirty thousand pounds the king now laid forth as much to repell Rebels Whereupon at Michaelmas K. Richard went himself into Ireland attended with the Duke of Glocester the Earles of March Nottingham and Rutland the Lord Thomas Percy L. Steward and divers others of the English Nobility to whom came in the Great O●eale king of Meth Bryan of Thomond king of Thomond Arthur Macmur king of Leymster and C●nhur king of Cheveney and Darpe and there K. Richard stayed all that winter and after Christmas called a Parliament at which time also the Duke of Yorke Lord Warden of England in the Kings name called a Parliament at Westminster to the which was sent forth of Ireland the Duke of Glocester that he might declare to the Commons the Kings great occasions for supply of money whose words so farre prevailed that a whole Tenth was granted by the Clergie and a Fifteenth by the Laytie In his Twentieth yeere was the famous Enterview between the two Kings of England and France There was set up for K. Richard a rich Pavilion a little beyond Guysnes within the English pale and another the like for the French King on this side Arde The distance betwixt the two Tents was beset on either side with Knights armed with thei● swords in their hands foure hundred French on one side and foure hundred English on the other The two Kings before their meeting took a solemne Oath for assurance of their faithfull and true meaning to observe the sacred Lawes of Amity one toward another in this Enterview After the two Kings were come together it was accorded that in the same place where they met there should be builded at both their costs a Chappell for a perpetuall memory which should be called The Chappell of our Lady of Peace On Simon and Iudes day the kings talked together of Articles concerning the Peace and having concluded them they received either of them an Oath upon the holy Evangelists to observe and keepe them This done the French king brought his daughter Isabel and delivered her to K. Richard who shortly after at Callis maried her and upon the 17. of January following she was Crowned Queen at Westminster A Match of great honour but of little conveniency and lesse profit for the Lady being but eight yeeres of age there could be no hope of issue a long time which was K. Richards greatest want and as little supply of his wants otherwise her Portion perhaps scarce paying the charges of his journey to fetch her which cost him three hundred thousand markes The Duke of Lancaster in the thirteenth yeere of K. Richards Reigne had been created Duke of Aquitaine but when the Gascoigners would not receive him shewing reasons why that Dukedome ought not to be separated from the Crown of England his Grant was revoked and so it remained still in Demesne of the Crown At this time in a Parliament the Duke of Lancaster caused to be legitimated the issue he had by Katherine Swinford before he maried her of whom Thomas Beaufort was created Earle of Sommerset This yeere also the king receiviug the money back which had been lent to the Duke of Britaine upon Brest delivered up the Towne unto him and thereupon the English souldiers that were there in Garrison were all discharged and sent home who at a Feast which the king kept at Westminster comming in companies together into the Hall as soone as the king had dined and was entring into his Chamber the Duke of Glocester asked him if he did marke those men that stood in such troops in the Hall Yes marry said the king who were they They were said the Duke those souldiers who by your rendring up of Brest have been sent home and now must either starve or steale and therewithall very unadvisedly in words taxed the king with unadvisednes of his deed To whom the king in great anger reply'd Why Unkle doe you thinke me either a Merchant or a Foole to sell my land By S. Iohn Baptist no But could I refuse to render the Town when tender was made of the money lent upon it Indeed nothing could more discover the Duke of Glocesters either weaknesse if he knew not that Brest was but onely a Morgage or injustice if knowing it he would have had the king though the money were tendred to have kept it still but such is the course of many to take part with the Politicks against the Ethicks work their ends by doing unjustly when doing justly ought to be their chiefest end How-ever it was the multiplying of words about this matter kindled in the King such a displeasure against the Duke that it could never afterward be quenched but by his blood And first he complained to his other two Unkles the Dukes of L●ncaster and Yorke of his undutifull behaviour towards him who
Pallace to be thrown down and defaced as though to revenge himselfe upon the place could ease his minde and mitigate his sorrow His second Wife was Isabel Daughter to Charles the Sixth King of France She was married to him at eight years of age and therefore never co-habited After King Richards death she was sent home and married afterwards to Charles Son and heire to the Duke of Orleance Of his Personage and conditions HE was the goodliest personage of all the Kings that had been since the conquest tall of stature of streight and strong limbes faire and amiable of countenance and such a one as might well be the Son of a most beautifull mother Concerning his Conditions there was more to be blamed in his Education than in his Nature for there appeared in him many good inclinations which would have grown to be abilities if they had not been perverted by corrupt flatterers in his youth He was of a credulous disposition apt to believe and therfore easie to be abused His greatest transgression was that he went with his friends ultra aras where he should have gone but usque ad aras His greatest imbecilitie that he could not distinguish between a flatterer and a friend He seemed to have in him both a French nature and an English violent at the first apprehension calm upon deliberation He never shewed himself more worthy of the Government than when he was deposed as unworthy to Governe for it appeared that his Regality was not so deare unto him as a private quiet lif●● which if he might have enjoyed he would never have complained that Fortune had done him wrong Of his Death and Buriall KIng Richard shortly after his Resignation was conveyed to the Castle of Leeds in Kent and from thence to Pomfret where the common fame is that he was served with costly meat like a King but not suffered once to touch it and so dyed of forced famine But Thomas Walsingham referreth it altogether to a voluntary pining of himselfe through grief of his misfortunes But one Writer well acquainted with king Richards doings saith that king Henry sitting one day at his Table said sighing Have I no faithfull friend that will deliver me of him who will be my death● This speech was specially noted by one Sir Piers of Ex●on who presently with eight persons in his company went to Pomfret commanding the Esquire that tooke the Assay before king Richard to doe so no more saying Let him eat now for he shall not eat long King Richard sitting down to dinner was served without Assay whereat marvelling he demanded of his Esquire why he did not his duty Sir said he I am otherwise commanded by Sir Piers of Ex●on who is newly come from king Henry When king Richard heard that word he tooke the Carving knife in his hand and stroke the Squire on the head saying The Devill take Henry of Lancaster and thee together And with that word Sir Piers entred the Chamber with eight armed men every of them having a Bill in his hand King Richard perceiving this put the Table from him and stepping to the foremost man wrung the bill out of his hands and slew foure of those that thus came to assaile him but in conclusion was felled with a stroke of a Poll-axe which Sir Piers gave him upon the head with which blow he fell down dead● though it be scarce credible that ● man upon his bare word and without shewing any warrant should be admitted to doe such a fact Sir Piers having thus slaine him wept bitterly a poore amends for so heynous a trespasse King Richard thus dead his body was embalmed and covered with Lead all save the face and then brought to London where it lay at Pauls three dayes together that all men might behold it to see he was dead The corps was after had to Langley in Buckinghamshire and there buried in the Church of the Friers Preachers but afterward by k. Henry the Fift it was removed to Westminster and there honorably entombed with Queen Anne his wife and that beautifull picture of a King sitting crowned in a Chaire of State at the upper end of the Quire in S. Peters at Westminster is said to be of him although the Scots untruly write that he escaped out of Prison and led a solitary and vertuous life in Scotland and there dyed and is buried as they hold in the Black-Friers at Sterling He lived three and thirty yeares Reigned two and twenty and three moneths Men of Note in this Kings time MEn of Valour in his time were so many that to reckon them all would be a hard taske and to leave out any would be an injury yet to give an instance in one we may take Iohn of Gaunt Duke of Lanca●ter whose valour was no lesse seen abroad then at home In France in Germany in Spaine in all which places he left Trophies of his Victories But of learned men we may name these William Thorne an Augustine Frier of Canterbury an Historiographer Adam Merimouth a Canon of Pauls Church in London who wrote two Historicall Treatises one intitled Chronicon 40. annoru● another Chr●nicon 60. ●nnorum William Packington sometime Secretary to the Black Prince an excellent Historiographer William Badbye a Carmelite Frier Bishop of Worcester and Confessour to the Duke of Lancaster Iohn ●ourg Chancellour of the University of Cambridge William Sc●ade a Monke of Buck●ast Abby in Devonshire Iohn Th●risbye Archbishop of Yorke Lord Chancellour of England and a Cardinall Willi●m Berton Chancellour of Oxford an Adversary to Wickliffe Philip Repington Abbot of Leicester a Defender of Wickliffe Walter Brit a Scholar of Wickliffs a writer both in Divinity and other Arguments Iohn Sharpe a great adversary to Wickliffe who wrote many Treatises Peter Pateshall a great favourer of Wickliffe Marcell Ingelno an excellent Divine one of the first Teachers in the University of Heydelberg Richard Withee a learned Priest and an earnest follower of Wickliffe Iohn Swasham Bishop of Bangor a great adversary to the Wickliffs Adam Eston a great Linguist and a Cardinall Iohn Trevise a Cornish man and a secular Priest who translated the Bible Bartholmew De Proprietatibus Rerum Polichronicon of Ranulph Higden and divers other Treatises Iohn Moone an English man but a Student in Paris who compiled in the French tongue The Romant of the Rose translated into English by Geoffry Ch●wcer and divers others THE REIGNE OF KING HENRY THE FOURTH Of his comming to the Crowne AFter the Resignation of King Richard and the sentence of his Deposing openly read in Parliament Henry Duke of Lancaster riseth up from his seat and first making the Signe of the Crosse upon his forehead and breast he said In the name of the Father the Sonne and the Holy Ghost I Henry of Lancaster claime the Crown of England as descended by right line from King Henry the Third And having thus spoken he sate downe againe Upon this the Archbishop conferred with the
withall made the Bishop sweare that if the said Iohn and Gaunt should at any time either directly or indirectly attempt the Crown or that rightfully through want of issue it should devolve unto him that then he should discover this matter and make it known unto the King and Councell Afterward the Queen being dead and the Bishop finding Iohn of Gaunt as he thought too much aspiring he secretly told him this relation and this adjuration of his supposed mother advising him not to seeke higher than a private state for else he was bound by oath to make it known to all the World Thus far the Bishop did well but when he saw the Son of Iohn of Gaunt not only aspiring but possessed of the Crown why did he not then discover it and joyn at least with the Bishop of Ca●lile in opposing it Certainly we may know that either the whole relation was but a Fable or that Wickham was a Temporizer or that Iohn of Gaunt was a most patient man to suffer the affront of such an indignity with l●sse than the death of him that did it But howsoever it was it is certain the Duke bore a mortall grudge to the Bishop who had no way to withstand such an enemy but by making Alice Pierce his friend by whose means after two years he was restored to all his livings and afterward K. Edward being dead and Alice Pierce banished by the means of a greater friend than Alice Pierce his full ourse he obteined in the second year of k. Richard a generall pardon under the Great Seale of England and from that time forward enjoyed a quiet life and dyed in the fourth yeare of this King Henry the fourth being then of the age of above 80 years and lieth buried in the Church of St. Swithen● in VVinchester in a monument of his own making in his life time leaving for his heire Thomas Perrot the son of his sister Agnes married to VVilliam Perrot Another great example of the volubility of Fortune in Professors of learning was Roger VValden who dyed in the ninth yeare of this King he was at first a poor Scholler in Oxford and the first step of his rising was to be a Chaplain in the Colledge there of St. Maries from thence by degrees he got to be Dean of Yorke and after this a high step to be Treasurer of England and yet a higher after that up●n the banishment of Thomas Arundell to be Archbishop of Canterbury But bein● now at the top he came down again for in this kings time Thomas Arundell bei●g restored to the Archbishopricke VValden was not only put out of ●hat place 〈◊〉 was called to accompt for the Treasure●ship and though he shewed hi● quietus est yet all his Temporalties were seized and his person imprisoned till by the mediation of the now Archbishop Arundell he was made Treasurer of Calice and after promoted to be B●shop of London The next place after these is justly due to Geoffry Ch●ucer and Iohn Gower two famous Poets in this time and the Fathers of English Poets in all the times after Cha●cer dyed in the fourth yeare of this king and lyeth buried at VVestminster Gower in this kings ninth yeare and was buried in St. Mary Overys Church in Southwarke And now come others to be remembred who lived and died in this kings time Hugh Legate born in Hartfordshire a Monke of St. Albons who wrote Scholies upon Boetius de Consolatione Nicholas Gorham born also in Hartfordshire a Dominick Frier and the French kings Confessor though an Englishman VValte● Disse so called of a Town in Norfolke where he was borne Confessor to the Duke of Lancaster Lawrence Holbeck a Monke of Ramsey who wrote an Hebrew Dictionary Iohn Cotton Archbishop of Armagh Rich●rd Scroope brother to William Scroope Lord Treasurer of England made Archbishop of Yorke and writing an invective against King Henry lost his head William Thorpe an earnest follower of Iohn Wickliffe for which he was committed to Saltwood Castle where he dyed Stephen Patrington born in York●shire and Robert Mascall a Carmelite Frier of Ludlow both of them Confessors to king Henry the fifth Boston a Monke of the Abbey of Burie in Suffolke who wrote a Catalogue of all the Writers of the Church and other Treatises Iohn Purvey who was convented for teaching Doctrine con●rary to the Church of Rome and compelled to recant Thomas Rudburne Bishop of S. Davids who wrote a Chronicle Nicolas Riston who considering the strife between the then Anti-popes wrote a booke De tollendo schismate Robert Wansham a Monke in Dar●etshire who wrote a booke in verse Of the Originall and signification of Words Robert Wimbledon an excellent Preacher as app●ar●th by the Sermon he made upo● this Text Redde rationem Villicatio●is tuae THE REIGNE OF KING HENRY THE FIFTH HENRY of Monmouth so called from the place in Wales where he was born eldest Son of King Henry the fourth succeeded his Father in the kingdom of England to whom the Lords of the Realm swore Homage and Allegiance before he was yet Crowned an honor never done before to any of his Predecessors and afterwards on the ninth of Aprill in the yeare 1412 he was Crowned at Westminster by Thomas Arundell Archbishop of Canterbury with all Ri●es and Solemnities in such case accustomed And as the Scripture speaks of Saul that assoone as Samuel had annointed him King he had a new heart given him and he became another man than he was before So was it with this king Henry for presently after his Coronation he called before him all his old Companions who had been fr●tres in malo with him strictly charging them not to pre●ume to come within ten miles of his Court untill such time as they had given good proofe of their amendment in manners and least any of them should pretend want of maintenance to be any cause of their taking ill courses he gave to every one of them a competent meanes whereby to subsist And knowing as he did the fashion of the Scots and Welch that in times of change they would commonly take adva●tage to make Inroades upon the Borders he therefore ca●sed Forts and Bulwarks in fit places to be erected and placed Garrisons in them for preventing or repelling any such incu●sions Immediately after this he called a Parliament where a Subsidie was granted without asking and in this Parl●ament the Commons began to harp upon their old string of taking away the Temporalties of the Clergie and the Bishops fearing how it might take in the kings ears thought it best to divert him by striking upon another string which they knew would be more pleasing to him which was to shew him the great right he had to the Crown of France And hereupon Chicheley Archbishop of C●nterbury in a long narration deduced the kings Right from Is●bel Daughter to Philip the fourth married to king Edward the second from whom it discended by direct line to his Majesty and no
●●●●ved by famine he so dyed In the meane time Sir Iohn Oldcastle wrote his Beliefe and presented it himselfe to the King which the King would in no wise receive but suffered him in his presence and Privy chamber to be summoned who appearing before the Archbishop after divers examinations he was condemned of Heresie and committed to the Tower of London from whence shortly after he escaped and got into Wales The king by his Proclamation promised a thousand Marks to any that should bring him in but so much was his doctrine generally favoured that the kings offer was not much regarded but he continued foure yeares after undiscovered At last he was taken in the borders of Wales within a Lordship belonging to the Lord Powes who brought him to London before the Duke of Bedford Regent of the Realme where in the end he was condemned and finally was drawn from the Tower to S. Giles field and there hanged in a chaine by the middle and after consumed with fire the gallowes and all At the time of his first conviction foure yeares before it was rumour'd that twenty thousand men in armes were assembled in S. Giles field whereupon the king at midnight himselfe in person went thither where he found many indeed who upon examination confessed that they came to meet their Captaine Sir Iohn Oldcastle but without any intent against the king yet was Sir Roger Acto● and eight and twenty others of them apprehended and executed in Smithfield and all the Prisons in and about London were filled with them In his third yeare the order of Church service throughout England was changed from the use of Pauls to the use of S●lisbury to the great disliking of many in those dayes In his fourth yeare a Councell was holden at Constance whither he sent Ambassadors the Earle of Warwick the Bishops of Salisbury Bath and Hereford the Abbot of Westminster and the Prior of Worcester In which Councell it was decreed that England should have the title of the English Nation and should be accounted one of the five principall Nations in ranke before Spaine which often before had been moved but never granted till then And herein were all Wickliffs positions condemned also Iohn Husse and Hierome of Prague notwithstanding the Emperours safe-conduct were both of them burned In this Councell the Schisme of Anti-popes which had continued the space of nine and twenty yeares was reformed ●e●edict the 13. had been elected by the Spaniard Gregory the 1● by the French Iohn the 24. by the Italians And now in this Councell begun in February 1414 and continued above three yea●es wherein were assembled besides the Emperour the Pope and the Palsgrave of R●●ime foure Patriarks twenty seven Cardinals seven and forty Archbishops one hundred and threescore Bishop● Princes and Barons with their attendants above thirty thousand The foresaid elected Popes were all put down or else resigned and in the place as legitimate Pope was elected Otho Lolo●na by the name of Marti● the fifth In this yeare also fell out an Accident which shews the strict observance of Ecclesiasticall censures in those dayes The wives of the Lord Strange and Sir Iohn Trussell of War●ington in Cheshire striving for place at a Sermon in S. Dunst●●s Church in the East their husbands being present fell themselves to striving in their wives behalf● and great part-taking there was on both sides some slaine and many wounded The delinquents were committed to the Counter the Church suspended and upon examination the Lord Strange being found guilty was by the Archbishop of Canterbury adjudged to this Penance which was accordingly performed The Parson of S. Dunst●●s went before after whom followed all the Lords servants in their shirts after them went the Lord himselfe bare-headed with a waxe taper in his hand then followed the Lady bare-footed and then last came the Archdeacon Reynold R●●●ood in which order they went from Pauls where the sentence was given to S. Dunst●●s Church where at the rehallowing thereof the Lady filled all the Vessels with water and according to the sentence offered to the Altaran ornament of the value of ten pounds and the Lord a Pixe of silver of five pounds A Penance no doubt which the Lord and the Lady would have redemed with a great deale of money if the discipline of the Church had in those dayes allowed it but it seemes the commutation of Penance was not as yet come in use In his ninth yeare in a Parliament at Leicester a hundred and ten Priories alient were suppressed because they spoke ill of his Conquests in France and their possessions were given to the King but by him and King Henry the sixth were afterward given to other Monasteries and Colledges o● learned men Works of Piety by him or others in his time THis King re-edified his Royall Manour which was then called Sheene now Richmond and founded two Monasteries not farre from it the one of Carthusians which he named Bethelem the other of Religious men and women of the Order of S. Bridget which he named Syon He also founded the Brotherhood of Saint Giles without Cripplegate in London In the second yeare of his Reigne Mooregate neere to Colemanstreet was first made by Thomas Fawkener Major of London who caused also the ditches of the City to be cleansed and a common Privy that was on the Moore without the wall to be taken downe and another to be made within the City upon Wallbrooke into the which brooke he caused the water of the City to be turned by grates of iron in divers places In his sixth yeare William of Sevenoak Major of London founded in the Town of Sevenoak a Free schoole and thirteen Almshouses This man was found at Sevenoak in Kent anew-borne infant of unknown Parents but by charitable people was Christned and brought up bound prentise in London and came at last to be Major of the City Also Robert Chic●ely Major of London gave liberally to the Almshouses founded by his brother Henry Chiche●●y Archbishop of Canterbury at Higham-Ferrers in Northamptonshire where they were born But Henry Chicheley the Archbishop founded two Colledges in Oxford one called Bernard Colledge renewed by Sir Thomas White and named S. Iohns Colledge the other called All-Soules which continueth at this day as he left it Also Iohn Kempe Archbishop of Canterbur● converted the Parish-Church of Wye in Kent where he was borne into a Colledge of Secular Priests Casualties happening in his time IN the fift yeere of his Reigne a great part of the City of Norwich was burnt with all the house of the Friers Preachers and two fryers of that Order In his third yeere on the feast of the Purification seaven Dolphins came up the River of Th●mes whereof foure were taken Of his Wife and issue HE married Catherine the daughter of king Charles the sixth of France who was his Queene two yeeres and about three moneths married at Troyes in Champaigne the third day of June 1420. and afterward
deceased Duke of Somerset and Cosen Germane to the King with a large Dowry and married them at St. Mary-Overys in Southwarke yet all this curtesie could not keep him afterward from being unfaithfull and unthankfull And now the Protector sent over to the Regent ten thousand wel furnished Souldiers with which fresh succour he wonne many Townes and places of strength which the French seeing and finding themselves too weak by plaine force to withstand the English they sought by subtilty to compasse their ends and first they worke upon the inconstancie of the Duke of Brittaine and his brother Arthur by King Henry the fifth created Earle of Yewry whom by gifts and promises they suborned perfidiously to deliver over into their possession the Castles of Crotoye and Yerney but the English before the French Garrisons were setled fell upon Crotoye and recovered it and that done the Regent besieged Yerney and by secret mining and violent Batteries so shooke the Walls that they agreed to yeild it up if not relieved by a certaine time whereupon the Duke of Ala●son with sixteene thousand French came to the rescue but perceiving the English to be prepared to receive them he wheeled about to Ver●oyle and swore to the Townsmen that hee had put the Regent to flight and rescued Yerney which they believing rendr●d up Vernoyle to him but the Regent followed him thither when by the encouragement of some fresh Companies of Scots come to his succour he came to a battell in the field where the English with the losse of two thousand one hundred common Souldiers and two of the Nobility the Lord Dudley and the Lord Charleton got the honor of the day and slew of their enemies five Earles two Viscounts twenty Barons and above seven thousand other of the French besides two thousand seven hundred Scots lately arrived and tooke Prisoners the Duke of Alanson himselfe the Lord of Her●ys and divers other French and Sir Iohn Tour●●ull and two hundred Gentlemen besides common Souldiers This battell was fought the eight and twentieth day of August in the yeare 14●4 and thereupon Vernoyle was presently redelivered After this the Earle of Salisbury with ten thousand men taketh in the strong Towne of M●●●ts the Towne of St. Susan the Fort S● Bernard and others from thence he went to A●jou where he performed such heroicke Acts that his very name grew terrible in all France as for instance the new High-Constable perfidious Richmond with forty thousand men layd Siege to the good Town of St. Iames in Benyo● the Garrison whereof consisted but of six hundred English who being driven to some extremity sallied forth crying Sa●nt George a Salisbury which word of Salisbury so frighted the French thinking hee had been come to rescue them that casting away their weapons they ran all away saving some few that yielded themselves prisoners leaving all their Tents fourteen Peeces of Ordnance forty Barrels of Powder three hundred Pipes of Wine much Armour and some treasure behinde them After which other Castles as that of Beam●●t of Vicount Tenney Gilly Osce Rusey Vasicke and many more were taken in by Sir Iohn Mon●gomery and Sir Iohn Falstaffe so as once againe the French are glad to betake themselves to their old course of fraud they compounded with a Gascoigne Captaine for delivery of Al●●son to them whereof the Regent having notice he sent the Lord Willoughby and Sir Iohn Falstaffe to prevent it who encountering with Charles de Villiers that with two hundred horse and three hundred foot was come to the place appointed for entry tooke and slew them all except some few horse which saved themselves by flying After which the Earle of Salisbury tooke in and demolished above forty Castles and strong Piles for which there was publique thanksgiving to God in London Whil'st these things were done in France an unkinde variance fell out betweene the Protector and his brother the Bishop of Winchester Lord Chancellor for appeasing whereof the Regent having substituted the Earle of Warwick Lievtenant Generall in his absence came into England where in a Parliament he compounded all differences between them in honour whereof king Henry kept a solemne feast at which time the Regent dubbed the King knight not yet above foure yeares old and then the King presently invested with that dignity many of his servants and Edmund Mortimer the last Earle of March at this time dying his Inheritance descended to Richard Plantagenet sonne and heire to Richard Earle of Cambridge beheaded at Southampton who was now created Duke of York was afterward father to king Edward the fou●h and at this time also Iohn Mowbray sonne and heire to Thomas Mowbray Duke of Norfolk banished before by king Richard the second was restored to the Title of Duke of Norfolk And now all things peaceably setled in England the Regent with the Bishop of Winchester returned into France where at the intercession of the Duke of Burgoigne the Duke of Alanson was ransomed for two hundred thousand Crownes and the Bishop of Winchester returned to Callice where he was invested with the dignity and Hat of a Cardinall which his brother the Regent put upon his head About this time the Duke of Glocester Protector tooke some blemish in his honour by marying another mans wife I●queline Countesse of Haynoult Holland and Zealand who was maried before to Iohn Duke of Brabant yet living and had lived with him ten moneths as his lawfull wife but at that time upon some discontent gone from him intending to be divorced at which injury offered to the Duke of Braba●t the Duke of Burgoigne being his Cosin tooke so great offence that first by friendly letters he admonished the Duke of Glocester of it and that not prevailing they grew to termes of challenge and a Combat between them was appointed but in the meane time the Lady betrayed was caried to the Duke of Burgoigne who conveyed her to Gaunt from whence by friendship of a Burgonian knight in mans apparell she escaped into Holland and there made a defensive warre against her husband the Duke of Brabant and the Duke of Burgoigne To her ayd the Duke of Glocester sent the Lord Fitzwater with a Power of a thousand men but she being discomfited by the Duke of Brabant and the Pope also pronouncing the first mariage legall the Duke of Glocester deserted her and then tooke for a second wife Eleanor daughter of the Lord Cobham of Sterborough his old mistresse and the Lady Iaqueline after the death of Iohn Duke of Brabant maried a meane Gentleman whom the Duke of Burgoigne imprisoned and brought herselfe to live in much trouble And now in France the Constable with forty thousand men besieged the Town of S. Iames de Benuron and having made a breach fit for assault whilst his Captaines stood streining of courtesie which of them should first enter Sir Nicolas Burdet with all his forces sallied forth crying aloud A Salisbury a Suffolk whose names struck such
by him are all the counsells of the Duke of Yorke discovered which so much discouraged him that he with his young Son the Earle of Rutland fled first into Wales and then into Ireland The Earles of March Salisbury and Warwicke got into Devonshire where by the means of Iohn Dynh●m Esquire the same man that afterward by king Henry the Seventh was made Lord Treasurer of England they were shipt from Exmouth to Gernsey and so to Callis All the common souldiers the king Pardons onely makes exemplary punishment of some few Captains sends the Dutchesse of Yorke and her two younger children to the Dutchesse of Buckingham her Sister to be ●afely kept and then having spoiled the Town and Castle of Ludlow he dismist his Armie And now a Parliament is called at Coventry wherein the Duke of Yorke Edward Earle of March his Son Richard Earle of Richard●arle ●arle of Warwicke● Iohn Lord Clifford and many other the confederates of the Duke of York are convict of Treason and all their lands and goods seized on to the kings use Henry D. of Somerset by the Queens means is made Captain of Callis whither comming to take possession he was by reason of Ordnance shot at him from Rice-banke forced to Retire which the Queen hearing was so incensed that in great passion she gave order to make ready all the kings Ships lying at Sandwich to give assistance to the Duke of Somerset but the forementioned Iohn Dynham out of love to the Earle of March boorded those ships in the harbour and tooke the Lord Rivers designed Admirall for that service and carried both him and the Ships to Callice from whence the Earle sayled to Ireland to the Duke of Yorke who having conferred and concluded what course to take he returned to Callice the new Admirall the Duke of Exeter not daring to stop his course Sir Simon Montford was appointed ●o guard the Cinque Ports having divers ships under his command to barre the Earle of Warwick●s entrance but the Earle by his espyalls having perfect intelligence of all passages fell sodainly upon Sir Simon before his ships were ready tooke him prisoner ransackt the Town of Sandwich carried his prisoner and the ships to Callice By the way he understood how much the kentishmen desired his return and longed for his comming whereupon he came the second time to Sandwich to whom presently resorted the Lord Cobham and very many Gentlemen of the Country so as now his army was five and twenty thousand strong with which he marched towards London against whom the Lord Scales was appointed to goe and with some convenient troopes to assure London but the Major directly refused to admit him whereupon he resorted to the Tower from whence afterwards he did the Londoners no small displeasure The Earle of Warwick having notice that his father the Earle of Salisbury was upon march to meet him passeth over his men and without impeachment joyned with him and his friends neer Exeter The King with the Dukes of Somerset and Buckingham with a great Army marcheth towards them and neer to the Town of Northampton both Armies meet The Earle of March with the advice of the Earle of Warwick prepares for the fight The Queen the King more intentive to devotion then fighting did the like the fight continued about two houres wherein were slaine of both sides above ●en thousand men but upon the fall of Humfry Duke of Buckingham the Kings side was discomfited and Iohn Talbot Earle of Shrewsbury Thomas L. Egremont Iohn L. Beaumont and some other of account were slaine The Queen with the Duke of Somers●t taking with them the young Prince fled to the Bishoprick of Durham The King himselfe was taken and as a prisoner conveyed to London where the Tower is yeelded to the Earle of Warwick The Lord Scales in disguised apparell endeavouring to escape is taken by the water-men and by them beheaded and his Corpes carelesly left upon the sands Thomas Thorpe one of the Barons of the Exchequer in the habit of a Monke his Crown shorne purposing to flie to the Queen is taken and committed prisoner to the Tower and after by the Commons beheaded at Highgate The Duke of Yorke being advertised of this good successe leaveth Ireland and posts to London where in the kings name he summoneth a Parliament which being assembled he in the presence of the Lords in the upper House placeth himselfe in the Imperiall Seate and with great boldnesse layes open his rightfull claime to the Crowne of England as being the Sonne and heire of Anne daughter and heire of Roger Mortimer Earle of March Sonne and heire of Philip the sole daughter and heire of Lyonel Duke of Clarence the third sonne of Edward the third and elder brother of Iohn of Gaunt Duke of Lancaster Father of the usurper Henry the Fourth Grandfather to Henry the Fifth who was Father to him that at this time untruly stileth himselfe king Henry the sixth And after relating the many miseries that had befallen the Realme since the time of this Usurpation he concluded that he would not expect nor desire possession of the Crown except his discent were undisputable and his title without exception This being a businesse of importance required deliberation but in conclusion the Duke having before hand prepared the Lords Spirituall and few of the Nobility being present that were not of his part the Burgesses were easily perswaded and it was generally resolved and enacted accordingly that king Henry during his life should reteine the name and honour of a king that the Duke of Yorke should be Proclaimed heire apparent to the Crown and Protectour of the kings Person his lands and dominions and that if at any time any of king Henries friends allies or favourites in his behalfe should attempt the disa●●lling of this Act that then the Duke should have present possession of the Crown It is not unworthy the noting that while the Earle of March was declaring his title in the upper house it happened in the nether house that a Crowne which hung in the middle of the house to garnish a branch to set lights upon without touch or winde fell suddenly down as likewise at the same time fell down the Crown which stood on the top of Dover Castle a signe as some thought that the Crowne of the Realme should be changed Assoone as the Parliament was dissolved the Duke dispatcheth letters into Scotland requiring in the kings name the Queen the Dukes of Somerset and Exeter and all other of the Nobility that remained in that kingdome with all speed to repaire to his presence in London but they had other worke in hand for having goten together of English and Scots to the number of eighteen thousand they came ma●ching into England● against whom went the Duke of Yorke with his younger sonne the Earle of Rutland and the Earle of Salisbury leaving the king in the custody of the Duke of Norfolke and the Earle of Warwick and
be had between king Edward and the Lady Bon● daughter to Lewis Duke of Savoy and Sister to the Lady Carlote then Queen of Fra●ce a Lady no lesse for beauty and virtuous qualities then for Nobility of blood worthy to be a Queen The Proposition is in Fra●ce readily embraced and willingly assented unto on all parts But in the mean time king Edward being hunting in Witchwood Forrest besides Stonystratford he chanced to come to the Manour of Grafton where the Dutchesse of Bedford then lay and where her daughter by Sir Richard Woodvile the Lady Elizabeth Gr●y widdow of Sir Iohn Gr●y of Gr●vy slaine at the last battell of St. Albans became a suitour to him for some lands which her ●usband had given her in Joynture with whose beauty and gr●cefull behaviour king Edward was so taken that hee presently became a Suitor to her and when he could not obtaine his suit by termes of wanton love he was forced to s●eke it by terms of Marriage And here we may well thinke there was no small c●fl●ct in King Edwards minde between the two great commanders Love and Honor which of them should bee most potent Honor put him in minde that it was against his Law to take to wife a meaner person than himselfe but Love would take no notice of any difference of degrees but tooke it for his Prerogative to make all persons equall Honour pe●swaded him that it stood him much upon to make good the Ambassage in which he had sent the Earle of Warwicke to a great Prince but Love perswad●d him that it stood him more upon to make good the Ambassage sent to himself from a greater Prince In conclusion it appeared to be true which one observes Improbe ●mor quid non mortalia pectora cogis what is it that love will not make a man to do Whether it be that love brings upon the minde a forgetfulnesse of all circumstances but such as tend to its own satisfaction or whether it be that love is amongst passions as oyle amongst liquors which will alwayes be supreme and at the top Honour may be honoured but love will be obeyed And therefore king Edward though he knew no Superior upon Earth yet he obeys the summons of Love and upon the first day of May marries the sayd Lady Gray at Grafton the first of our kings since the Conquest that married his Subject At which marriage none was present but the Dutchesse of Bedford the Priest two Gentlewoman a yong man to helpe the Priest at Masse the yeare after with great solemnity she was Crowned Queen at Westminster It is not unworthy the relating the Speech which king Edward had with his Mother who sought to crosse this ma●ch Where you say saith he that she is a widdow and hath already children by Gods blessed Lady I am a Batchelour and have some too and so each of us hath a proofe that nether of us is like to be barren And as for your objection of Bigamy for his mother had charged him with being contracted to the Lady Elizabeth Lucie Let the Bishop saith he lay it to my charge when I come to take Orders for I understand it is forbidden a Priest but I never wist it was forbidden a Prince Upon this marriage the Queens Father was created Earle Rivers and made High-Constable of England her brother the Lord Anthony was married to the sole Heire of the Lord Scales and by her had that Barony her Son sir Thomas Gray was created Marquesse Dorset and married Cicelie heire to the Lord Bonvile It may be thought a h●ppy fortune for this Lady to be thus marched but let all things be considered and the miseries accruing to her by it will be found equivalent if not over-weighing all the benefits For first by this match she drew upon her selfe the envy of many and was cause that her Husband fled the Realm and her selfe in his absence glad to take Sanctuary and in that place to be delivered of a Prince in a most unprincely m●nner After which surviving her husband she lived to see her two Sonnes most cruelly murthered and for a conclusion of all she lived to see her selfe confined to the Monastery of Berdmondsey in Southwarke and all her goods confiscate by her own Son in Law And n●w the Earle of Warwicke at his return found that knot tyed in England which he had laboured to tye in France His Ambassage frustrated the Lady Bona deluded the king of France abused and himselfe made a stale and the disgracefull instrument of all this which although he resented in a high degree yet he had not been a Courtier so long but in that time he had sufficiently learned the Art of dissembling he passed it over lightly for the present but yet carried it in his minde till a fit opportunity and thereupon procures leave to retire himselfe to his Castle of Warwicke King Edward in the meane time having just cause to suspect hee had made the French his enemies seeks to make other Princes his friends He enters into a League with Iohn king of Aragon to whom he sent for a Present a score of Cotsall Ews and ●ive Rams a small Present in shew but great in the event for it proved of more benefit to Spain and of more detriment to England than could at first sight have been imagined And to secure himselfe at home he tooke truce with the king of Scots for fifteen years And where he had married before his two Sisters Anne the eldest to Henry Holland Earle of Exeter and Elizabeth to Iohn de la Poole Duke of Suffolke he now matched Margaret his third Sister to Charles Duke of Burgoigne which proved a greater assistance to him than that which he had lost in France By this time the Earle of Warwickes spleen began so to swell within him that hee could no longer containe it and having with much adoe drawne to his party his two brothers the Archbishop of Yorke and the Marquesse Montacute he seek● also to draw in the kings two brothers the Duke of Clarence and the Duke of Glocester but he found Glocester so reserved that he durst not close with him the Duke of Clarence he found more open and to him he addresseth himselfe complaining of the disgrace he had sustained by the king in his employment into France and other wrongs to whom the Duke presently made answer in as great complaint of his brothers unkindnesse to himself saying he had married his Wives brother Anthony to the heire of the Lord Scales and her Son Thomas to the heire of the Lord Bo●vile but could finde no match of preferment for him being his own brother And upon this agreement in complaints they agree to joyne against king Edward and to make the knot the firmer the Duke of Clarence takes to wife Isabel the Earle o● Warwicks Daughter and with her hath assured unto him halfe of the Lands the E●●l held in right of his Wife the Lady Anne
sonne the Earle of Richmond h●ve both of them Titles before mine and then I cleerly saw how I was deceived w●●●eupon I determined utterly to relinquish all such fantasticall imaginations concerning the obtayning the Crown my selfe● and found there could be no better way to settle it in a true establishment then that the Earle of Richmond very heire of the house of Lancaster should take to wife the Lady Elizabeth eldest Daughter to king Edward the very heir of the house of York that so the two Roses may be united in one now saith the Duke I have told you my very minde When the Duke had said this the Bishop was not a little glad for this was the marke he had himselfe aymed at and thereupon after some complements of extolling his device he said Since by your Graces incomparable wisdome this noble conjunction is now moved It is in the next place necessary to consider what friends we shall first make privy of this intention By my truth quoth the Duke we will begin with the Countesse of Richmond the Earles Mother who knoweth where he is either in captivity or at large in Brittaine And thus was the foundation laid of a league by these two great men by which the death of the two young Princes was fully revenged and it was not talk● of onely but presently put in execution for now is Reynold Bray imployed by the Bishop to his Mistresse the Dutchesse of Richmond Doctor Lewis the Dutchesses Phisitian was imployed by her to the Queen Elizabeth Hugh Conway and Thom●● R●me were imployed to the Earle of Richmond to acquaint them but in most secret manner with the intended plot and to procure their promises to the propounded marriage which was no hard matter to make them all willing to their own wishes This done Instruments are imployed to draw in parties to the confederacy Bray by his credit drew in Sir Gyles Danbe●y Sir Iohn Cheyney Richard Guildford Thomas R●me and others Vrswick likewise drew in Hugh Conway Thomas Colepepper Thomas Roper with some others Doctor Lewis drew in Edward Courtney and his brother Peter Bishop of Exceter It is memorable that Thomas Conway being sen● most part by Sea and Thoma● R●me most part by Land yet came to the Ea●le of Richmond in Brittaine within the space of little more then an houre upon whose information of the plot the Earle acquaints the Duke of Brittaine with it who though by Hutton King Richards Ambassadour he had by many great offers been sollicited to detaine him in prison yet he both readily promised and really performed both his advice and ayde to the Earles proceedings In this meane time Bishop Morto● not without asking the Dukes leave though without obtaining it secretly in disguise gets him into his Isle of Ely and there having done the Earle good Offices by procuring of friends he thence passeth into Brittaine to him from whence he returned no more till afterward the Earle being king sent for him home and made him Archbishop of Canterbury But though all these things were carried closely and Oath taken by all for secresie yet came it to King Richards knowledge who notwithstanding dissembling it sends for the Duke of Buckingham to come unto him and he putting off his comming with pretended excuses is at last peremptorily sent for to come upon his Allegiance when he returned this resolute answer that he owed no Allegiance to such a perjur'd inhumane Butcher of his owne Flesh and Blood and so from that time preparation for Arms is made on both sides The Duke had gotten a good power of Welshmen and the Marquesse Dorset having gotten out of Sanctuary was labouring in Yorkeshire to raise forces the like did the two ●ourtneys in Devonshire and Cornwall and Guilford and R●me in Kent King Rich●rd setting forward with 〈◊〉 forces the Duke of Buckingham doth the like intending at Glocester to have 〈◊〉 Severn and so to have joyned with the two Courtneys but such abundance o●●aine at that time fell that the Severn was broken out and impossible to be passed 〈◊〉 which the Welshme● seeing and taking it for an ill signe they secretly sl●pt away so as the Duke le●t well neer alone without either Page or so much as a Footm●● repaired to the house of one Humfry Bannister neere to Shre●sbury who having been raised by him and his father before him he thought himselfe safe under his roofe But Bannister upon Proclamation made by king Richard that whosoever could apprehend the Duke should have a thousand pound for his labour like an ungratefull and perfidious wretch discovered him to Iohn Milton High Sheriffe of 〈◊〉 who took him in a pilled black Cloak as h● was walking in an Orchard behinde the house and carried him to Shrewsbury where king Richard then lay ●nd there without Arraignment or Legall proceeding was in the Market place beheaded Whether Bannister received the Proclaimed reward from the hand of the King is uncertaine but certaine it is that he received the reward of a Villaine from the hand of Divine Justice for himselfe was afterward hanged for man-slaughter his eldest daughter was deflowred by one of his Carters or as some say strucken with a foule Leprosie his eldest Sonne in a desperate Lunacy murthered himselfe and was ●ound to have done so by the Coroners inquest and his younger Sonne in a small puddle was strangled and drowned Upon this disaster of the Duke of Buckingham his complices shifted for themselves s●me taking Sanctuary some keeping themselves in unknown places but many convayed themselves into Brittaine to the Earle of Richmond● of whom the Marquesse Dorset Iohn Lord Wells the Bishop of Exceter and his brother Sir Ioh● 〈◊〉 Sir Edward Woodvile brother to Queen Elizabeth Sir Willoughby● Sir Giles Da●beney Sir Thomas Arundell Sir Iohn Cheyney and his two brethren Sir Willia● B●rckly Sir William Brandon and his brother Thomas Sir Richard Edgecombe Hollowell and Poynings Captaines were the chiefe Whil'st these things are in doing king Richard receives intelligence from Hutton his Ambassadour leiger in Britaine that the Duke not onely refuseth to restaine the Earle of Richmond but intendeth also to give him assistance whereupon the king ●●oke present order for preparing his Navy to stop the Earles landing in any Port of England Upon the twelveth day o● October in the yeer 1484. The Earle of Richmond with forty Ships and five thousand waged Brittain tooks to sea but that Evening by tempest of weather his whole Fleet was dispersed so as only the Ship wherein the Earle himselfe was with one little Barke was driven upon the Coast of Cornw●ll where discovering upon the shore great store of Armed Souldiers to resist his landing he hoysed sayle and returning toward France arrived in Normandy from whence sending Messengers to Charles the Eighth King of France he was by him not onely kindely invited to come to his Court but was ayded also with good s●mmes of money to beare his charges After this the
between the Lady Margaret the 〈◊〉 eldest daughter and him where the Earle by Proxie in the name of king Iames 〈◊〉 Mas●er affied and contracted the said Ladie which Contract was published at 〈◊〉 Crosse● the day of the Conversion of Saint Paul for joy whereof Te Deum 〈…〉 and great fires were made through the City of London and if such joy we●e made when the match was made what joy should be made now at the issue of the match when by the Union of those persons is made an Union of these kingdomes and England and Scotland are but one great Britaine The Ladies portion was ten thousand pounds her joynture two thousand pounds a yeer after king Iames his death and in present one thousand When this match was first propounded at the Connsell Table some Lords opposed it objecting that by this means the Crown of England might happen to come to the Scottish Nation To which King He●ry answered what if it should It would not be an accession of England to Sco●la●d but of Scotland to England and this answer of the kings passed for an Oracle ●nd so the match proceeded and in August following was Consummate at Edi●b●rgh conducted thither in great State by the Earle of Northumberland Prince Arthur after his marriage was sent againe into Wales to keep that Count●y in good order to whom were appointed for Counsellours Sir Richard Poole hi●●insman and chiefe Chamberlaine Sir Henry Vernon Sir Richard Crof●s Sir David 〈◊〉 Sir William Vdall Sir Thomas Englefield Sir Peter Newton Iohn Walleston 〈◊〉 Marton and Doctor William Smith President of his Counsell but within five moneths after his marriage at his Castle of Ludlow he deceased and with great sole●●ity was buried in the Cathedrall Church at Worcester His Brother Henry Du●e of Yorke was stayed from the title of Prince of Wales the space of halfe a yeer till to women it might appeare whether the Lady Katherine the Relict of Prince Ar●●●● were with childe or no. The towardlines in learning of this Prince Arthur is ve●y memorable who dying before the age of sixteen yeers was said to have read over al● or most of the Latine Authours besides many other And now Prince Arthur being dead and the Lady Katherine of Spaine left a young widdow King Henry loath to part with her dowry but chiefely being desirous 〈◊〉 continue the Alliance with Spaine prevailed with his other Sonne Prince Henry though with some reluctation such as could be in those years for he was scarce ●welv● years of age to be contracted with the Princesse Katherine his bro●h●rs widdow for which marriage a dispensation by advice of the most learned men at that 〈◊〉 in Christendome was by Pope Iulius the second granted and on the five and twentieth day of Iune in the Bishop of Salisbury●s house in Fleet-street th● marriage was solemnized A little before this time 〈…〉 Earle of S●ffolke Son to Iohn Duke of Suffolke and Lady Eliz●b●t● Sister ●o king Edward the ●ourth had in his fury kill'd a mean person● and was thereupon I●dighted of Murther for which although he had the kings Pardon yet because he was brought to th● Kings-bench-b●rr● and there arraigned he took it for so great 〈…〉 his honour that in great rage he fled into Flanders to his Aun● the Lad● M●●garet where having stayed a while when his p●ssion was over he return●d againe ●ut after the marriage between Prince Arthur and the Lady 〈◊〉 w●●ther it were that in that solemnity he had run himselfe in debt or 〈◊〉 he were ●rawn to doe so by the Lady Margare● he passed over the second time with his b●other Richard into Fl●nder● This put the king into some doubt of his intention● whereupon he hath recourse to his usuall course in such cases and Sir 〈…〉 Captaine of Hamme● Castle to feigne himselfe one of that Conspiracy the●●by to learn the depth of their intentions And to take away all susp●●ion of his imployment ●he first Sunday of November he caused the said Earle and Sir Robert C●rson with five others to be accursed openly at Pauls Crosse as Enemies to him and his Realme In conclusion Sir Robert Curson acquainted the king with divers of that faction amongst whom Willia● Lord Court●ey and Willia● de la Poole brother to the foresaid Earle of Suffolke who were taken but upon suspition yet held long in prison but Sir Iames Tyrrell the same that had murthered the two young Princes in the Tower and Sir Io●● Windham who were proved to be Traytor● were accordingly attainted and on the sixth day of May at the Tower-hill beheaded Whereof when the Earle heard despairing now of any good successe he wandred about all Germany and Fr●●c● where finding no succour he submitted himselfe at last to Philip Duke of Austria by whom afterward he was delivered to king Henry by this occasion Ferdi●a●d king of Aragon by his Wife Isabella Queen of C●stile had onely two Daughters the eldest whereof named Ioa●e was married to this Philip Duke of Austria the younger named Katherine to Arthur Prince of England and now Queen Isabella being lately dead by whose death the kingdome of Castile descended in Right of his Wife to this Duke Philip they were sayling out of Germany into Sp●ine to take possession of the kingdome but by tempest and contrary windes were driven upon the coast of England and landed at VVeymouth in Dorsetshire where desiring to refresh themselves a little on shore they were invited by Sir Thomas Tre●cha●d a principall knight of that Country to his house who presently sent word to the king of their arrivall King Henry glad to have his Court honoured by so great a Prince and perhaps upon hope of a courtesie from him which afterward he obtained ●ent presently the Earle of Arundell to waite upon him till himselfe might follow and the Earle went to him in great magnificence with a gallant troope of three hundred Horse and for more State came to him by Torch-light Upon whose Me●●●ge though king Philip had many re●sons of haste on his journey yet not to give king He●ry distaste and withall to give his Queen the comfort of seeing the Lady Katherine her Sister he went upon speed to the king at VVindsor while his Queen followed by easie journeys After great magnificence of entertainment king Hen●y taking a fit opportunity and drawing the king of Castile into a roome where they two onely were private and laying his hand civilly upon his arme said unto him Sir you have been saved upon my Coast I hope you will not suffer me to wrack upon yours The king of Castile asking him what he meant by that speech I mean it saith the king by that haire-brain'd fellow the Earle of Suffolke who being my subject is protected in your Country and begins to play the foole when all others are weary of it The king of Cas●ile answered I had thought Sir your felicity had been above those thoughts but if it trouble you I will
refusing to pay it was committed to prison where hee stayed till Empson himselfe was committed in his place By these courses hee accumulated so great store of Treasure that he left at his death most of it in secret places under his own key and keeping at Richmond as is reported the summe of neer eighteen hundred thousand pounds sterling But though by this course he got great store of Treasure yet by it he lost the best treasure the peoples hearts but that he something qualified it by his last Testament commanding that Restitution should be made of all such moneys as had unjustly been levied by his Officers It seemes king Henry after the death of his Queene the Lady Elizabeth had an inclination to marry againe and hearing of the great beauty virtue of the young Queene of Naples the widow of Ferdinando the younger he sent three confident persons Francis Marsyn Iames Braybrooke and Iohn Stile to make two inquiries one of her person and conditions the other of her Estate Who returning him answer that they found her Beauty and Virtues to be great but her Estate to be onely a certaine Pension or Exhibition and not the kingdome of Naples as he expected he then gave over any further medling in that matter After this another Treaty of Mariage was propounded to the king betweene him and the Lady Margaret Dutchesse Dowager of Savoy onely daughter to Maximilian and Sister to the king of Castile a Lady wise and of great good fame In which businesse was imployed for his first piece the kings then Chaplain and after the great Prelate Thomas Woolsey It was in the end concluded with ample conditions for the king but with promise de Futuro onely Which mariage was protracted from time to time in respect of the Infirmity of the king which held him by ●its till he dyed He left Executours Richard Fox Bishop of Winchester Richard Fitz Iames Bishop of London Thomas Bishop of Durham Iohn Bishop of Rochester Thomas Duke of Norfolk Treasurer of England Edward Earl of Worcester and Lord Chamberlaine Iohn F. knight chiefe Justice of the Kings Bench and Robert R. knight chiefe Justice of the Common Pleas. A little before his death he had concluded a marriage in which negociation Foxe Bishop of Winchester was imployed between his younger Daughter the Lady Mary of the age of ten years and Charles king of Castile not much elder but though concluded yet not solemnized and she was afterward married to Lewis the French king Of his Taxations IN his third yeer there was by Parliament granted toward the maintaining an Army in Britaine that every man should pay the tenth penny of his Goods which Tax though at first withstood in Yorkeshire and Durham yet was afterwad levied to the uttermost In his seventh yeer towards his warres in France a Benevolence was by Parliament granted by which great summes of money were collected of the richer sort only In his eleventh yeer a Subsidie of sixscore thousand pounds was granted him by Parliament towards his wa●s with Scotland which caused afterward the insurrection in Cornwall In his nineteenth yeer a Subsidie was granted him by Parliament In his one and twentieth yeer ●e raised great summes of money from offenders against Penall Statutes the greatest but the unjustest way for raising of money that every any king of England used and not content with this he required and had at the same time a Benevolence both from the Clergie and Laity To the Clergie was imployed Richard Fox then Bishop of Winchester who assembling the Clergie before him exhorted them to be liberall in their contribution but the Clergie being of two sorts rich and poore made each of them their severall excuses The rich and such as had great livings said they were at great charges in keeping hospitality and maintaining their families and therefore desired to be spa●ed The poorer sort alledged that their means were small and scarce able to finde them necessaries and therefore desired to be forborne But the Bishop answered them both with a pretty Dilemma saying to the rich It is true you live at great charges in hospitality in apparell and other demonstrations of your wealth and seeing you have store to spend in such order there is no reason but for your Princes service you should do it much more and therefore you must pay To the poorer sort he said though your livings be small yet your frugality is great and you spend not in house-keeping and apparell as other doe therefore be content for you shall pay Of his Lawes and Ordinances THIS King was the first that ordained a company of tall strong men naming them Yeomen of the Guard to be attending about the person of the king to whom he appointed a Livery by which to be known and a C●ptaine by whom to be chosen In his time the authority of the Star-chamber which subsisted before by the Common Lawes of the Realme was confirmed in certaine cases by Act of Parliament In his time were made these excellent generall Laws One that from thenceforth sines should be finall and conclude all strangers rights Another for admission of poore suitours In forma pa●peris without paying Fee to Counsellour Atturney or Clerke Another that no person that did assist by Armes or otherwise the King for the time being should after be Impeached therefore or Attainted either by course of the Law or by Act of Parliament and that if any such Act of Attainder did happen to be made it should be void and of none effect Another for the Benevolence to make the summes which any had agreed to pay and were not brought in to be leviable by course of Law Another that Murtherers should be burnt on the Brawn of the left hand with the letter M. and Theeves with the letter T. so that if they offended the second time they should have no mercy but ●e put to death and this to ●each also to Clearkes Convict In his fifth yeer It was ordained by Parliament that the Major of London should have Conservation of the river of Thames from the bridge of Stanes to the waters of Yendal● and M●d-way In his seventeenth Iohn Shaw Major of London caused his brethren the Aldermen to ride from the Guild-hall to the waters-side when he went to Westminster to be presented in the Exchequer ●e also caused the kitchins and other houses of office ●o be builded at the Guild-hall where since that time the Majors feast ha●h been kept which before had been in the Grocers or Taylours-hall In his eighteenth yeer king Henry being himselfe a brother of the Taylours Company as divers kings before had been namely Richard the third Edward the fourth Henry the sixth Henry the fifth Henry the fourth and Richard the second also of Dukes 11. Earles 28. Lords 48. he now gave to them the Name and Title of Merchant Taylours as a name of worship to endure for ever Affaires of the Church in his time IN
〈◊〉 and founded the Chappell at Maclesfield in Cheshire where he was borne Also in his time Stephen Granings Major of London founded a free Gramm●r Schoole 〈◊〉 VVolverhampton in Staffordshire where he was borne and gave lands sufficient for a Master and an Usher leaving the oversight to the Merchant-Taylours in London Thi● Town of VVolverhampton commonly so called is originally and rightly called 〈◊〉 hampton upon this occasion The Town was antiently called Hampton to which a noble woman named VVilfrune a widdow sometime wise of Athel●s Duke of Northampton obtained of King Ethelred to give lands to the Church there wh●ch she had founded and thereupon the Town tooke the addition of the said VVilfrune In this Kings time also Iohn Coll●t Deane of Pauls founded Pauls Schoole in the Church-yard there Casualties happening in his time IN his first yeere happened the Sicknesse called the Sweating-sicknesse which though it continued not long yet tooke away many thousands and in his two and twentieth yeer the like Sweating-sicknesse happened againe but by reason of Remedies found in the former took away fewer In his second yeer Wheat was sold for three shillings the Quarter Bay-salt at the like price In his seventh yeer Wheate was sold at London for twenty pence the Bushell which was counted a great dearth In his tenth yeer Wheate was sold at London for six pence the Bushell Bay-salt for three pence halfe penny Nantwich●salt ●salt for sixpence white Herrings nine shillings the Barrell red Herrings three shillings the Cade red Sprats six pence the Cade and Gascoigne wines for six pounds the T●● In his fifteenth yeer Gascoigne wine was sold at London for forty shillings the Tunne a Quarter of Wheate foure shillings and Bay-salt foure pence the Bushell The two and twentieth of August 1485. the very day that King Henry got the victory of King Richard a great fire was in Bread-street in London in which was burnt the Parson of Saint Mildreds and one other man in the Parsonage there In his tenth yeer in digging to lay a new foundation in the Church of Saint Mary Hill in London the body of Alice Hackney which had been buried in the Church a hundred seventy five yeeres before was found whole of Skin and the joynts of her Armes pliable which Corpes was kept above ground foure dayes without annoyance and then againe buried In his twelveth yeere on Bartholomew day at the Towne of Saint Ne●des in Bedfordshire there fell Hayle-stones that were measured eighteene Inches about In his thirteenth yeer on the one and twentieth of December suddenly in the night brake out a fire in the Kings lodgings being then at his Manour of Shee● by violence whereof a great part of the old building was burnt with hangings beds Apparell Plate and m●ny Jewells In his fifteenth yeer the Town of Babra● in Norfolke was burnt Also this yeer a great Plague happened whereof many people died in many places but specially in London where there died in that yeer thirty thousand In his twentieth yeer Alum which for many yeers had been sold for six shillings a hundred rose to five nobles a hundred and after to foure marks In his two and twentieth yeer the Citty of Norwich was well neere consumed with fire Also in the same yeer in Iuly a gallery new builded at Richmond wherein the King and the Prince his Sonne had walked not an houre before fell suddenly downe yet no man hurt The great Tempest which drave king Philip into England blew down the Golden Eagle from the Spire of Pauls and in the fall it fell upon a signe of the Black-Eagle which was in Pauls Church-yard in the place where the School-house now standeth and battered it and brake it downe This the people interpreted to be an ominous Prognostick upon the Imperiall House as indeed it proved for this king Philip being the Emperours sonne arriving in Spaine sickned soon after and being but thirty yeeres of age deceased upon whose decease his wife Queen Iohn out of her tender love to him fell distracted of her wits Of his wife and children HE maried Elizabeth eldest daughter of King Edward the Fourth being of the age of nineteene yeeres whom two yeeres after his Mariage he caused to be Crowned She lived his wife eighteen yeeres and dyed in Child-bed in the Tower of London the eleventh of February the very day on which she was borne and is buried at Westminster in the magnificent Chappell and rich Monument of Copper and Guilt which her Husband had erected He had issue by her three Sonnes and foure Daughters his eldest sonne Arthur was born at Winchester the twentieth day of September in the second yeere of his Reigne and dyed at Ludlow at fifteen yeeres old and a halfe and of this short life some cause may be attributed to his Nativity being borne in the eighth moneth after conception He was buried in the Cathedrall Church of St. Maries in Worcester where in the South side of the Quire he lies en●ombed in Touch or Jet without any remembrance of him by Picture His second sonne Henry was borne at Greenwich in ●ent on the two and twentieth day of Iune in the seventh yeere of his Fathers Reigne and succe●ded him in the kingdome His third sonne Edmund was borne in the tenth yeere of his Fathers Reigne and dyed at five yeares of age at Bishops Hatfield and lyes buried at St. Peters in Westminster His eldest daughter Margaret was born the nine and twentieth day of November the fifth yeer of her Fathers Reigne and at fourteen yeers of age was married to Iames the fourth King of Scotland unto whom she bare three Sons Iames the fifth Arthur and Alexander and one Daughter which three last dyed all of them young and after the death of her husband king Iames slaine at Flodden field in 〈◊〉 against the English she was remarried to Archib●ld Dowgl●sse Earle of Augus in the yeer 1514. to whom she bare Margaret espoused to Mathew Earle of Lenox Father of the Lord Henry who died at the age of nine moneths and lyeth interred in the upper end of the Chancell in the Parish Church of Stepney neer London Her second Sonne was Henry Lord D●●nley reputed for personage the goodliest Gentleman of Europe who married Mary Queen of Scotland the Royall Parents of the most Royall Monarch Iames the first King of great Britaine Her third Sonne was Charles Earl of Lenox Father to the Lady Arbella King Henries second Daughter the Lady Eliz●beth was borne in the yeere 1492. at three yeers of age died and was buried at Westminster His third Daughter the Lady Mary had been promised to Charles King of Castile but was married to Lewis the twelveth King of France who dying three moneths after she was then married to Charles Brandon Duke of Suffolke His fourth Daughter the Lady Katherine was borne in the yeer 1503. in the eighteenth yeer of her Fathers Reigne and dyed ●n Infant Of his Personage and Conditions HE
was of Body leane and spare yet of great strength of statu●e somewhat higher than the common sort his Eyes gray his Teeth single his Haire thinne of a faire complexion and pleasing countenance Concerning his Conditions ●e had in him the virtue of a Prince and of a private man affable yet reserved We might say he was Politick if not rather that he was Wise for though he used 〈◊〉 of Cunning sometimes yet solid Circumspection more He loved not Warre but in case of necessity alwayes Peace but with conditions of Honour Never ●●y Prince was lesse addicted to bodily pleasures of any kinde than he Three pleasures he had but in three Cares One for Safety another for Honour and the third for Wealth in all which hee attained his end His great respect of the Church was seen by his great imployment of Church-men for through the hands of Bishop Morton Bishop Foxe and his Chaplaine Vrswick the greatest part of all his great negotiation passed He was Frugall from his youth not Covetous till ancient and sickly and therefore what defect he had in that kinde must be attributed to age and weaknesse This City of London was his Paradise for what good fortune 〈◊〉 befell him he thought he enjoyed it not till he acquainted them with it His Parliament was his Oracle for in all matters of importance he would aske their advice and he put his very Prerogative sometimes into their hands He was no great lover of women yet all his great fortune both Precedent and Subsequent came by women His own title to the Crown was by a woman His Confirmation in the Crown was by a woman His Transmission of the Crowne to his Posterity was by a woman The first by the Lady Margaret descended from Ioh● of Gaunt the second by the Lady Elizabeth eldest Daughter of King Edward the fourth the third by the Lady Margaret eldest Daughter of himselfe King of England and maried to Iames the Fourth King of Scotland by meanes whereof as he was the Prince that joyned the two Roses in one so he was the Founder of joyning the two Kingdomes in one And lastly it may be said of him as was said by one of August●● Caesar Hic ●ir hic est ti●i quem promitti saepius audis for Cadwalloder last king of the Britaines seven hundred yeeres before had Prophesied of him and of later time King He●ry the Sixth plainly fore-shewed him Of his Death and Buriall IN the two and twentieth yeer of his Reigne he began to be troubled with the Goute but a Defluction also taking into his Breast wasted his Lungs so that thrice in a yeer and specially in the Spring he had great fits and labours of the Tissick which brought him to his end at his Palace of Richmond on the two and twentieth day of April in the yeer of 1508. when he had lived two and fifty yeers Reigned three and twenty and eight moneths Being dead and all things necessary for his Funerall prepared his Corps was brought out of his Privy Chamber into the great Chamber where it rested three dayes and every day had there a Dirge and Masse sung by a Plelate Mitred and from thence it was conveyed into the Hall wherein it remained also three dayes and had a like service there and so three daies in the Chappell Upon Wednesday the nineth of May the Corps was put into a Chariot and over the Corpes was a Picture of the late King laid on Cushions of Gold and the Picture was apparelled in the Kings rich Robes with a Crown on the head and a Ball and Scepter in the hands when the Chariot was thus ordered the Kings Chappell and a great number of Prelates set forward praying then followed all the kings Servants in Black then followed the Chariot and after the Chariot nine Mourners and on every side were carried Torches to the number of six hundred and in this order they came from Richmond to St. Georges field where there met with it all the Priests and Religious men within the City and without the Major and Aldermen with many Commoners all cloathed in Blacke met with the Corpes at London-bridge and so the Chariot was brought throught the City to the Cathedrall of St. Paul where the Body was taken out and carried into the Quire and set under a goodly Hearse of Wax where after a solemne Masse was made a Sermon by the Bishop of Rochester The next day the Corps in like manner was removed to Westminster Sir Edward Haword bearing the kings Banner In Westminster was a curious Hearse full of lights which were lighted at the comming of the Corps and then was the Corpes taken out of the Chariot by six Lords and set under the Hearse which was double railed when the Mourners were set Gart●r king at Armes cryed For the Soule of the Noble Prince king Henry the seventh late king of this Realme The next day were three Masses solemnly sung by Bishops and after the Masses was offered the kings Banner and Courser his Coat of Arms his Sword his Target and his Helm and at the end of the Masse the Mourners offered up rich Palls of Choath of Gold and Bodkin and when the Quire sang Liber● me the Body was put into the Earth then the Lord Treasurer Lord Steward Lord Chamberlaine the Treasurer and Comptroller of the kings houshold brake their Staves and cast them into the Grave Then Gartar cryed with a loud voice Vive le ●oy Henry le ●●itiesme Roy d'Angleterre de France syre d' Irlande and thus ended the Funerall Of men of Note in his time OF Men of Valour and Armes they are to be seene in the History of this Kings Reigne For men of letters in his time of forreigners were Sancts Pagui●●s a great Hebrician Leonicenus Gattinaria Cabellus and Optatus Phisitians Augustinus Niphus Iacobus Faber Stapulensis and Pighius Philosophers Bembus● and the famous Clerke Rheudin who restored againe the knowledge of the Hebrew Tongue Of our own Country there lived in his time George Rippley a Carmelite Frier of Boston who wrote divers Treatises in the Mathematicks and after his death was accounted a Necromancer Iohn Erghom borne in Yorke a Black-Frier studious in Prophesies as by the Title of the workes he wrote may appeare Thomas Mallorie a Welshman who wrote of King Arthur and of the round Table Iohn Rouse borne in Warwickshire a diligent searcher of Antiquities and wrote divers Treatises of Historicall Argument Thomas Scroope sirnamed Bradley of the Noble family of the Scroopes entred into divers orders of Religion and after withdrew himselfe to his house where for twenty yeeres he lived the life of an Anchorite and after comming abroad againe was made a Bishop in Ireland and went to the Rhodes in Ambassage from whence being returned he went bare-footed up and downe in N●rfolk teaching the ten Commandements and lived till neere a hundred yeeres old Iohn Ton●eys an Augustine Frier in Norwich who
into the Court which her Gentleman-usher Master Griffith hearing told her Madam you are called wel said she it makes no matter I will not tarry go your way and thus she departed and never after would appear in any Court but appealed from the Cardinals to the Pope himselfe The Queen being gone the King said I confesse she hath bin to me the most dutifull and loving wife that ever Prince had and if it were ●ot for this scruple of my conscience I would not leave her for any woman living and having now referred the judgement of the cause to these Commissioners I should be most glad they could finde the marriage between us to be in such sort lawfull that with obedience to the Law of God we might continue together for I take God to witnesse there is nothing I more desire This said the King rose and the Court was adjourned to another day for notwithstanding the Queens Appeal from which she would by no meanes be drawn the Cardinals continued their Session weekly heard all of both sides the Point that was chiefly stood on was whether Prince Arthur had ever had carnall knowledg of her or no the Kings Councell alleadged he had and proved it first by Prince Arthurs speech the nex● morning after his mariage that ●e had bin that night in the midst of Spain and then by the words of the last Dispensation Vel forsan Cognitam the Queens Advocates alleadged the contrary appealing to the Kings owne conscience whom the Queene charged that he knew her to be a Virgin when he married her though to say the truth i● were strange Prince Arthur and she having lyen five moneth together and hee no lesse then almost sixteene yeeres old But whilest Arguments were thus urged on both sides and no certainty could appeare the King sent the two Cardinals to the Queene lying then in Bridewell to perswade her she should submit her selfe to the Kings pleasure and not stand so peremptorily to her Appeale The Cardinals coming to her found her at work amongst her Maids with a skaine of white thred about her necke who having heard their message answered That in all other things she would willingly submit her selfe to the Kings will but in this which concerned her honesty and the legitimatenesse of her children she durst not but would relye upon the wisdom and pietie of both their Fathers who she knew would never have assented to the marriage if there had bin the least scruple of unlawfulnesse in it and othe● answer she would not give Upon their returne to the King when he perceived she could not be removed from her opinion he commanded the Court to goe on so that at last it came to judgement which every man expected should be the next day At which day the King came thither but in so secret manner that he might heare and not be seene where the Kings Councell at the Barre calling for Judgement Cardinall Campeius as being chiefe Commissioner stood up and said I finde the case very doubtfull and the party Defendant standing to her Appeale I will therefore give no Judgement till I have conferred with the Pope and therefore I adjour●e the Court for this time according to the order of the Court of Rome which heares no Causes judicially from the last of Iuly till the fourth of October at which protraction of time King Henry was not a little angry and the Duke of Suffolk being present in a great rage said it was never merry in England since we had Cardinals amongst us Soon after this the Cardinall tooke his leave of the King and returned to Rome he was indeed commanded so to doe by the Pope who would else most willingly have gratified King Hen●y that had bestowed upon him the Bishoprick of Salisbury Whilst these things were in acting Cardinall Woolsey had an inkling of the Kings affection to Anne Bullen daughter of the Viscount Rochford and that the Divorce once passed he ment to marry her which Match because for many reasons he misliked one perhaps because she was a Lutheran he sent privily to the Pope that by no means he should give sentence for the Divorce till he had framed the Kings minde another way for his desire was that the King should marry the Dutchesse of Alanson the French Kings sister This packing of Woolsey was not so closely carried but that it soone came to the Kings knowledge and the King finding him a rubbe in his way whom he expected to have expedited his proceeding began to thinke it necessary to remove him and to take him off from that greatnesse which had made him so presuming and indeed he made short worke with him for soone after he sent the Dukes of Norfolke and Suffolke to him for the Seale which yet he would not deliver to them till they brought him a Warrant under the Kings owne hand When the Seale was brought to the King he delivered it to Sir Thomas Moore Speaker then of the Parliament the first Lay-man that bore that Office in any memory and in his roome was chosen Speaker Thomas Audley Attourney of the Dutchie Woolsey now removed from his Chauncellourship was in the Parliament then holden charged with points of treason but that charge was so cleerely taken off by his servant Thomas Cromwell who was then of the House that the Cardinall was acquitted to the great commendation of Cromwell both for abilities in himselfe and faithfulnesse to his Master After this the King being informed that all those things which the Cardinall had done by his power Legantine were within the case of Praemenire he caused his Attourney Christopher Hales to sue out a Praemunire against him and thereupon the two Dukes of Norfolke and Suffolke were sent unto him to let him know the Kings pleasure was he should goe to Asher a House neere to Hampton-Court belonging to his Bishopricke of Winchester and there to reside whereupon the Cardinall having first delivered up all his Moveables to the Kings use the greatest store and richest that was ever knowne of any Subject went presently to Putney by water and from thence rode to Asher where he and his Family continued three or ●oure weekes without either Bed Sheetes Table-loathes or Dishes to eat their meat in or money wherewith to buy any but what he was forced to borrow of the Bishop of Carlile After this his matter for the Praemunire being called upon in the Kings Bench his two Atturnies confessed the Action and thereupon had Judgement to forfeit all his Lands and Goods and to be out of the Kings protection but the King of his clemency sent him a sufficient Protection and left him the Bishopricks of Yorke and Winchester with Plate and stuffe convenient for his dignity His Bishopricke of Duresme was given to Doctor Tunstall Bishop of London his Abbey of Saint Albans to the Prior of Norwich and the Bishopricke of London to Doctor Stokestey Embassadour then beyond the Seas In this meane while
eight of Iune the Parliament began during the which the Lord Thomas Howard without the Kings assent had affianced the Lady Margaret Douglas daughter to the Queen of Scots and Niece to the King for which he was attainted of treason and an Act was made for like offenders hereafter and so he died in the Tower and shee long time remained there a prisoner yet afterward was set at liberty and maried Mathew Earle of Lenox who by him had Henry Father of Iames the first King of Great Brittaine In the time of this Parliament the Bishops and all the Clergy had a solemne Convocation at Pauls Church in London where after much disputation and debating of matters they published a book of Religion intituled Articles devised by the Kings Highnesse in which booke are specially mentioned but three Sacraments namely Baptisme Eucharist and Pennance also certaine Injunctions were set forth whereby many of the old Holi-dayes were abrogated specially those that fell in Harvest time The two and twentieth of Iuly Henry Duke of Richmond and Somerset base sonne of King Henry by Elizibeth Blunt died at Saint Iames and was buried at Thets●one in Norfolke The nine and twentieth of Iune the King held a great Justs and Triumph at VVestminster but a disastrous Sea-fight on the water where one Gates a Gentl●man was drowned in his harnesse and by the breaking of a Gunne two Mariners were sore mained in Iuly following Thomas Cromwell Secretary to the King and Master of the Rolles was made Lord Keeper of the Privy-seale and the ninteenth of Iuly the Lord Fitz-Warren was created Earl of Bath and the day after the said Cromwell was made Lord Cromwell and on the eighteenth of Iuly Vic●r Generall under the King over the Spiritualty who sate diverse times in the Convocation House amongst the Bishops as head over them and now was the state of Religion in England come to a strange passe because alwayes in passing and had no consistance for at first the authority of the Pope was excluded in some cases onely a while alter in all but yet his Doctrine was wholly retained Afterward his Doctrine came to be Impugned but in some few points onely a while after in many more that the fable of Proteu● might no longer be a fable when the Religion in England might be his true Morral● and indeed it could be no otherwise the distance between the two Religious being not possible to be passed Per saltum but must be done by degrees which degrees may be observed in the progresse of the story for where at first it was permitted onely to read the Bible in English now it came to be permitted to pray in English for now in September the Lord Cromwell set forth Injunctions to have the Lords prayer the Ave the Creed the ten Commandements and all Articles of the Christian-faith translated into English and to be taught by all Parsons and Curates to their Parishoners which Innovation so stirred up the people that in Lincol●shire they assembled to the number of twenty thousand against whom the King himselfe went in person who win●●ng by perswasions their chief leaders brought the rest upon pardon to submit themselves but when he had himselfe done the work of mercy he afterward sent the Duke of Suffolke with Sir Francis Brian and Sir Iohn Russell to doe the worke of Justice who caused Nicholas Melton and a Monke naming himselfe Captaine Cobler and thirteen others Ringleaders of the sedition to be apprehended and most of them to be executed But this Commotion was scarce appeased when presently there rose another in the North-parts where forty thousand were assembled giving themselves out for an holy Pilgrimage where on one side of their Ensignes they had Christ hanging on the crosse on the other side the Cuppe and Bread of the Sacrament as taking Armes onely for maintenance of the Faith of Christ and deliverance of the holy Church now oppressed but these were opposed by George Earle of Shrewsbury who having raised an Army without Commission though to resist the Rebels yet began to be much troubled whither in so doing he had not committed Treason and was never quiet till he had se●t to the King for pardon and commission to proceed at which time a rumour being raised amongst his souldiers that the Earle so well liked the Rebels cause that what shew soever he made yet when it should come to the triall he would not stick to joyne with them and take their parts to remove which Opinion out of their mind● he caused all his souldiers to come before him and made his Chaplaine give him an oath by which he swore in their hearing to be true to the Crowne and never to be assisting to any Rebels to his aide were sent the Duke of Norfolke with the Marquis of Excetur● the Earles of Huntington and Rutland who with a mighty Army approachi●g the Rebels beyond Doncaster in the way towards York attempted first to have pacified them without blood-shed but when no perswasions would serve it was resolved of both sides to come to a battell but see here the great goodnesse of God for the night before the day appointed for battel it happened that a litle Brook called Dun running betweene the two Armies upon a small raine grew to such a height that it was not passable by either foot or horse so as the Armies having time to consider and considering perhaps this miracle as sent of God they came to agreement and upon pardon disbanded and returned to their houses but in the mean time they had besieged the Castle of Scarborough where the resolute carriage of Sir Ralph Evens is memorable who held the Castle by onely his owne servants and Tennants and that when for twenty dayes together he had no other sustenance but bread and water but all Comotions were not yet appeased for at this very time there was another great Army assembled out of Cumberland Westmerland and the North-parts of Lancashire marching South-wards but by the diligence of the Earl of Darby to whom also the Earle of Sussex was sent they were suppressed and their chief Leader● as the Abbo●s of Wally Sauly and others apprehended and hanged but neither is there yet an end of comotions for now in February Nicholas Musgrave Thomas Til●y with o●hers to the number of twelve thousand began a Rebellion and be sieged Carlile but by the power of the City were first beaten back and then were encountred by the Duke of Norfolke who caused seventy foure of them by Martiall-law ●o be hanged on the walls of Carlile but neither was there yet an end of Comotions for now in Setrington Pickering L●igh and Scarborough began a new Rebellion by procurement of Francis Bigot who had r●ised a great power and meant to have taken Hull but by the industry of Sir Ralph Ellarker and the Major of the Towne threescore a● the Rebels were taken and hanged and the rest put to flight and glad to be quiet
Holecraft Sir Edward Dorrell Sir Francis Hothome and other● to the number of at least threescore in Lieth Haven they seized upon all the Scottish Ships whereof two were of notable fairnesse the one called the Salamander given by the French King at the mariage of his daughter into Scotland the other called the Unicorne made by the late Scottish King the ballast of which two ships was Cannon-shot whereof they found in the Towne to the number of fourscore thousand On the fiftee●th of May their Army and their Flee● departed from Lieth both in one houre having first set the Towne on fire and burned it to the ground from Lieth the English Army marched to Seaton from thence to Haddington from thence to Dunbar from thence to Ranton all which Towns and Castles with diverse others they burnt and utterly defaced and on the eighteenth of May came to Barwick not having lost in all the journey above fourteen men● In the meane time in King Henries five and thirtieth yeer on Trinity sunday a new league was entred into and sworne between the King and the Emperour at Hampton-court to be both offensive and defensive In this yeer Proclamation was made whereby the people were licensed to eate white meats in Le●t but streightly forbidden the eating of flesh whereupon shortly after the Earle of Surrey with diverse other Lords and Knights were imprisoned for eating of flesh contrary to the proclamation The third of Iune this yeer there came ou● of Ireland three Lord● of whom Obrine was here created Earle of Thonmo●d which ho●our his posterity injoyeth to this day Mack William a Bary was created Ea●le of Clanrinckford and Mack Gilparick was made Barron of Ebranky King Henry had already had five wives all of them Maides and no good luck with any of them he will now therefore try his fortune with a Widdow a●d therupon the twelveth of Iune in the five and thirtieth yeere of his Reigne hee took to wife the Lady Katherine Par widdow of the Lord Latimer late deceased who was then proclaimed Queen but how lucky would this ma●ch have proved if the King had longer lived God knowes seeing in the short time of three yeers they lived together it was no smal danger she escaped which though it hapenned not till a yeer or ●wo after this time yet will not unfitly be spoken of in this place that so her story may come together this Queen as being an ●arnest Protestant had many great adversaries by whom she was accused to the King to have Hereticall books found in her closet and this was so agravated against her that they prevailed with the King to signe a warrant to commit her to the Tower with a purpose to have her burnt for Heresie this warrant was delivered to Wriothsley Lord Chancelour and he by chance or rather indeed by Gods providence letting it fal from him it was taken up and caried to the Queen who having read it went soone after to visit the King at that time keeping his chamber by reason of a sore leg being come to the King he presently fel into talk with her ●bout some points of Religion demanding her resolution therin but she knowing that his nature was not to be crost specially considering the case she was in made him answer that she was a woman accompanied with many imperfections but his Majesty was wise and judicious of whom she must learne as of her Lord and Head not so by Saint Mary said the King for you are a Doctor Kate to instruct us and not to be instructed by us as often we have seen heretofore indeed Sir said she if your Majesty have so conceived I have been mistaken for if heretofore I have held talke with you touching Religion it hath bin to learn of your Majesty some point whereof I stood in doubt and sometimes that with my talke I might make you forget your present infirmity a●d is it even so Sweet heart quoth the King why then we are friends and so kissing her gave her leave to depart But soon after the day was appointed by the Kings warrant for apprehending her on which day the King being disposed to walk i● the Garden had the Queen with him when suddenly the Lord Chancelour with forty of the Guard● c●me into the Garden with a purpose to apprehend her when as soon as the King saw he stept to him and calling him knave and foole bid him avaunt out of his presence the Queen seeing the King so angry with him began to intreat for him to whom the King said ah poore soule thou little knowest what it is he came about of my word sweet heart he hath bin to thee a very knave and thus by God● providen●● was this Queen preserved who else had tasted of as bitter a c●p as any of his former wives had done About this time King Henry and the Emperour sent Garter and Toyson d●or kings at Armes to demand performance of certain Articles of the French King which if he denied they were then comanded to defie him but the French King would not suffer them to come within his land and so they returned wherupon King Henry caused the s●id demand● to be declared to the French Embassadour at Westminster aud in Iuly sent over six thousand men under the leading of Sir Iohn Walloppe accompanied with divers Knights Gentlemen Sir Thomas Seymour was Marshal of the Army Sir Robert Bowes Treasuror Sir Richard Cronwal Captain of the horse and Sir George Carew his Lieutenant There were likewise Sir Thomas Palmer Sir Iohn Rainsford Sir Iohn St. Iohn and Sir Iohn Gascoigne Knights that were Captains of the foot Their Comission was to joyn with the Emperor and together to m●ke war upon France The third of August open wa● was proclaimed in London between the Emperor the King of England on the one part and the F●e●ch King on the other as mortal enemy to them both and to all other christian Princes besides as he that had confederated himselfe with the Turk Sir Iohn Wallop marching forth of Callice with his Army joyned with ●●e Emperors Forces who together went and besieged Landersey a Town lately fortified by the French lying within the borders of the Emperors dominions to raise this siege the French King had raised a mighty army with which he came on as if he ment to give the Emperor battaile and thereupon the Emperor raising his siedge with a purpose to encounter him the French King tooke the opportunity to put men and victuals into the town which was the thing he intended and having done this the night following departed with his army and then the Emperour seeing him gone and finding the winter coming on and no hope of sudden ge●ting the Town being now newly supplied he also broke up his Army and returned home This yeer the sunday before Christmas the Lord William Parre brother to the Queen who had maried the daughter and heire of Henry Bourchier Earle of Essex was
at Hampton Court created Earl of Essex Sir William Parre knight unckle to them both was made Lord Parre of Horton and Lord Chamberlin to the Queen and on New-yeers-day Sir Thomas Wriothsley the Kings Secretary was made Lord Wriothsley of Tichfield In Iune this yeer Matthew Earl of Lenox fled out of Scotland and came into England whom King Henry received kindly and gave him in marriage the Lady Margaret his Sisters daughter by whom he had Henry Father of our late King Iames of blessed memory Thomas Audley Lord Chancellour being lately dead Thomas Lord Wriothsley succeeded him in the place and now was an Army levied to goe for France the Duke of Norfolke and the Lord Privie Seal accompanied with the Earl of Surrey the Dukes Son the Lord Gray of Wilton the Lord Ferrers of C●artley and his Son Sir Robert Devereux Sir Thomas Chainey Lord Warden of the Cinque Ports the Lord Montjoy Sir Francis Byran Sir Thomas Poynings Captaine of Guysnes with many other Knights and Gentlemen about Whitsontide passed over to Callice and marching toward Muttrel joyned with the Emperours forces under the leading of the Count de Buren which two Armies laid siedge to Muttrel wherof Monsseur de Bies one of the Martials of France was Captaine but being then at Bulloign and hearing of the siedg of Muttrel he left Bulloigne and with his forces came thither which was the thing that was desired to draw him from Bnlloign and thereupon was the Duke of Suffolke appointed to passe over with the Kings army accompanied with the Earl of Arundell Marshall of the Field the Lord St. Iohn the Bishop of Winchester Sir Iohn Gage Controlor of the Kings house Sir Anthony Browne Master of the Kings horse with divers others who the ninteenth of Iuly came and incamped before Bulloigne the four and twentieth of Iuly the King in person accompanied with divers of the Nobility came to Callice and the six and twentieth incamped before Bulloign on the north side many batteries and assaults were made so long till at last the Town upon composition yeelded and the Duke of Suffolke entred and tooke possession suffring six thousand French as was agreed with bag and baggage to depart The eight of September King Henry entred the town himselfe and then leaving the Lord Lisle Lord Admirall his Deputy there he returned into England landing at Dover the first of O●tober Many enterprises after this were made by the Dolphin of France and by Monsieur de Bies for recovery of Bulloigne but they were still repulsed and the English kept the towne in spight of all they could doe although at one time there came an Army of eighteene thousand foot at another time an Army wherein were reckoned twelve thousand Lance-knights twelve thousand French foot-men sixe thousand Italians foure thousand of Legionarie souldiers of France a thousand men of Armes besides eight thousand light Horse great Forces certainly to come and doe nothing Whilst these things were doing about Bulloign the ships of the west Country and other places wa●ted abroad on the Seas and took above three hundred French ships so that the Gray-friers Church in London was laid full of wine the Austin-friers and Black-friers full of herrings and other fish which should have bin convayed in France About this time the King demanded a Benevolence of his Subjects towards his wars in France and Scotland to which purpose the Lord Chancelour the Duke of Suffolke and other of the Kings Counsaile sate at Baynards Castle where they first caled before them the Major and Aldermen and because Richard Read Alderman would not agree to pay as they set him he was commanded to serve the King in his wars in Scotland which the obstinate man rather choose to doe then he would pay the rate he was required but being there he was taken prisoner by the Scots to his far greater damage then if he had agreed to the Benevolence required For at this time Sir Ralph Evers Lord Warden of the Marches after many fortunate Roades into Scotland assembled four thousand men and entring Scotland now againe was encountred by the Earl of Arraigne by whom he and the Lord Oagle and many other Gentlemen were slaine and diverse were taken prisoners of whom Alderman Read was one It was now the seaven and thirtieth yeer of King Henries Reigne when on Saint Georges day Sir Th●mas Wriothsley Lord-Chancelour was made Knight of the Garter also Trinity Tearme was adjourned by reason of the warres but the Exchequer and the Court of the Te●thes were open At this time the English fleet went before New-haven but being there encountred by a farre greater fleet of French they ret●rned with whose retreate the French Admirall emboldned came upon the Coast of Sussex where hee landed Souldiers but upon firing of the Beacons was driven back after which he landed two thousand men in the Isle of Wight but was there repelled though reported to have in his ships threescore thousand men In Angust this yeer died the valiant Captaine the Lord Poynings the Kings Lievtenant of his Towne of Bulloigne and the same month also died at Guildford the noble Duke of Suffolke Charles Brandon Lord great Master of the Kings House whose Body was honourably buried at Windsore at the Kings cost About this time the Scots having received aide out of France approached the English Borders but durst attempt nothing whereupon the Earle of Hertford Lievtenant of the North parts raising an army of twelve thovsand men English and strangers entred Scotland and burnt a great part of Mers and Tividale as Kelsay Abbey and the Towne the Abbeys of Medrosse Driborne and Yedworth with a hundred Townes and Villages more when on the sixteenth of September an Army of Scots and French attempted to enter into England on the East borders but in a streight were set upon by the English who slew and tooke of them to the number of seven score amongst whom was the Lord Humes sonne and a principall French Captaine in another roade which they made into the West Borders the Lord Maxwels sonne and diverse other were taken but then at another time such is the chance of war five hundred English entring the West Borders of Scotland were discomfited and the greatest part of them either taken or slaine And now to revenge the presumptious attempts of the French upon the Isle of Wight the Lord Admiral with his fleet approached the Coasts of Normandy landed six thousand men at Treport burnt the Suburbs of that Towne with the Abbey destoryed thirty ships there in the Haven and then returned not having lost above fourteen persons in the whole voyage At this time the Earle of Hartford lying at Bulloigne had in his Army above fourscore thousand men and many skirmishes passed between him and the French till at last by mediation of the Emperour and diverse other Princes a meeting was appointed to treat of a peace between the two Kings of England and France hereupon there
betweene them was appointed it happened that the night before a small Brooke called Dun running between the two Armies upon the fall of a small rai●e swelled to such a height that it was not passable by either foot or horse a thing which had never happened before upon a great raine and was then accounted as indeed it was no lesse then a Miracle In his three and thirtieth yeere was a great mortality in the Realme by reason of hot Agues and Fluxes and withall so great a drouth that small Rivers were clean dryed much cattell dyed for lacke of water and the Thames were grown so shallow that the Salt-water flowed above London-bridge till the raine had encreased the fresh waters In his five and thirtieth yeere the first cast-Peeces of Iro● that ever were made in England were made at Buckstead in Sussex by Ralph H●ge and Peter Bawde In his six and thirtieth yeere was a great Plague in London so as Michaelm●s Tearme was adjourned to Saint Albones and there kept In his seven and thirtieth yeere on Tuesday in Easter-weeke William Foxley Pot-maker for the Mint of the Tower of London fell asleepe and could not b● waked with pinching or burning till the first day of the next Tearme which was full fourteene dayes and when he awaked was found in all points as if he had slept but one night and lived forty yeeres after About ●●is fifteenth yeere it happened that divers things were newly brought int● England whereupon this Rime was made Tur●●s Carps Hoppes Piccarell and Beere Ca●●e into ENGLAND all in one yeere Of his Wives and Children KIng Henry had six Wives his first was Katherine daughter of Ferdinand King of Spain the Relict of his brother Arthur she lived his Wife above twenty yee●s and then was divorced from him after which she lived three yeers by the name of Katherine Dowager she deceased at Kimbolton in the County of Huntington the eighth of Ianuary in the yeere 1535. and lieth interred in the Cathedral Church of Peterborough under a Hearce of black say having a white Crosse in the midst His second Wife was Anne second da●ghter of Sir Thomas Bullen Earle of VViltshire and Ormond shee was maried to him the five and twentieth day of Ianuary in the yeere 1533. lived his wife three yeers three months and five and twenty dayes and then was beheaded and her body buried in the Quire of the Chappell in the Tower his third Wife was Iane daughter of Sir Iohn Seymour and sister to the Lord Edward Seymour Earle of Hartford and Duke of Somerset she was maried to him the next day after the beheading of Queen Anne lived his Wife one yeer five months and foure and twenty dayes and then died in Child-bed and was buried in the midst of the Quire of the Church within the Castle of Windsor His fourth Wife was Anne sister to the Duke of Cleve she lived his wife six moneths and then was Divorced she remained in England long after the Kings death and accompanied the Lady Elizabeth through London at the solemnizing of Queene Maries Coronation His fifth wife was Katherine daughter of Edmund and Neece of Thomas Howard his brother Duke of Norfolke she was married to him in the two and thirtieth yeere of his reigne lived his wife one yeere sixe moneths and foure dayes and then was beheaded in the Tower of London and buried in the Chancell of the Chappell by Queene Anne Bullen His sixt wife was Katherine daughter of Sir Thomas Parre of Kendall and sister to the Lord William Parre Marquesse of Northampton she was first married to Iohn Nevill Lord Latimer and after his decease to the King at Hampton-Court in the five and thirtieth yeere of his reigne she was his wife three yeeres six moneths and five dayes and then surviving him was againe married to Thomas Seymour Lord Admirall of England unto whom she bore a daughter but died in her Childe-bed in the yeere 1548. He had children by his first wife Queene Katherine Henry borne at Richmond who lived not full two moneths and was buried at Westminster also another Sonne whose name is not mentioned lived but a short time neither then a daughter named Mary borne at Greenwich in the eighth yeere of his reigne and came af●erward to be Queene of England By his second wife Queene Anne Bullen he had a daughter named Elizabeth borne at Greenwich in the five and twentieth yeere of his reigne who succeeded her sister Mary in the Crowne he had also by her a sonne but borne dead By his third wife Queene Iane he had a Sonne named Edward borne at Hampton-Court in the nine and twentieth yeere of his reigne who succeeded him in the Kingdome Besides these he had a base Sonne named Henry Fitz-roy begotten of the Lady Talboyse called Elizabeth Blunt borne at Blackamore in Essex in the tenth yeere of his reigne who was made Duke of Richmond and Somerset married Mary daughter of Thomas Howard Duke of Norfolke with whom he lived not long but dyed at Saint Iames by Westminster and was buried at Framingham in Suffolke Of his Personage and Conditions HEE was exceeding tall of statu●e and very strong faire of complexion in his latter dayes corpulent and burley concerning his condition● Hee was a Prince of so many good parts that one would wonder he could have any ill and indeed he had no● many ill till flattery and ill councell in his latter time got the upper hand of him His cruelty to his wives may not onely be excused but defended for if they were incontinent he did but justice if they were not so yet it was sufficient to satisfie his conscience that he thought he had c●use to thinke them so and if the marriage bed be honourable in all in Princes it is sacred In suppressing of Abbies he shewed not little Piety but great providence for though they were excellent things being rightly used ye● most pestilent being abused and then may the use be justly suppressed when the abuse scarce possibly can be restrained To thinke he suppressed Abbies out of covetousnesse and desire of gaine is to make him extreamly deceived in his reckoning for if we compare the profit with the charge that followed we shall finde him certainly a great looser by the bargaine He was so farre from Pride that he was rather too humble at lest he conversed with his Subjects in a more familiar manner then was usuall with Princes So valiant that his whole li●e almost was nothing but exercises of valour and though performed amongst his friends in jest yet they prepared him against his enemies in earnest and they that durst be his enemies found it It may be said the complexion of his government for the first twenty yeers was sanguine and joviall for the rest collerick and bloody and it may be doubted whether in the former he were more prodigall of his owne treasure or in the latter of his Subjects blood for as he spent more in Fictions
please them both The Recorder set forth the complaint of the Lords against the Protectour in such sort that he made many inclinable to favour that side but one named George Stadlow better advised stept up and in a long Speech shewed what mischiefes had come to the City by opposing the King and therefore gave his opinion to suspend giving aide to the Lords at lest for a time His advice was harkened to and thereupon the Court resolved onely to arme a hundred Horsemen and foure hundred foot in defence of the City and to the letters returned submissive but dilatory answers After some other passages betweene the Protectour and the Lords Sir Edward Winkfield Captaine of the Guard was sent from the Lords to Windsor who so well perswaded the King of the Lords loyall affection towards him and of their moderate intention towards the Protectour that the King was contented to have him presently remvoed from him and suffered him within two dayes after to be carried to the Tower In whose absence seven Lords of the Councell and foure Knights were appointed by turnes to attend the Kings person and for affaires of State the government of them was referred to the whole body of the Councell soone after were sent to the Protectour in the Tower certain Lords of the Councell with Articles against him requiring his present Answer whether he would acknowledge them to be true or else stand upon his justifica●ion The chiefe Article was this That he tooke upon him the Office of Protectour with expresse condition that he should doe nothing in the Kings affaires but by assent of the late Kings Executours or the grea●est part of them and that contrary to this condition he had hindered Justice and subverted laws of his owne authority as well by letters as by other command and many other Articles but all much to this purpose The Protectour whether thinking to speed better by submission then by contesting or perhaps finding himselfe not altogether innocent for indeed in so great a place who can beare himselfe with such sincerity but he will commit errours with which he may be taxed subscribed an acknowledgement with his owne hand humbly submitting himselfe to the Kings mercy and desiring their Lordships favour ●owards him Upon this submission three moneths after he had bin imprisoned he was released entertained and feasted by the King and swor●e again to be a Privie Councellour but no more Protectour at which time betweene him and the Lords a shew at lest of perfect amity was made and to make it the more firme the Dukes daughter was afterward married to the Lord Lisle Sonne and heire to the Earle of Warwicke at which marriage the King himselfe was present and perhaps to honour their reconcilement and this marri●ge the Earle of Warwicke was made Lord Admirall of England Sir Iohn Russell Lord Privie Seale was created Earle of Bedford the Lord Saint-Iohn was created Earle of Wiltshire and soone after made Lord Treasurour Sir William Paget Controlour of the Kings House was made Lord Paget Sir Anthony VVinkfield Captaine of the Guard was made Controlour and Sir Thomas Darcye was made Captaine of the Guard But of the other side the Earle of Arundell the Earle of Southampton were put off from the Councell of whom the Earle of Southampton dyed shortly after at Lincolne-Place in Holborne and was buried in Saint Andrewes Church there About this time a Parliament was held at Westminster wherein one Act was made against spreading of Prophesies another against unlawfull Assemblies but for feare of new tumults the Parliament was untimely Dissolved and Gentlemen were commanded to retyre to their Count●ey-habitations and ●or the same cause also Trinity Terme did not hold About this time also Pope Paul the third dyed after whose death the Cardinals being divided about the election of a new Pope the Imperial part which was the greatest gave their voyces for Cardinall Poole which being told him ●e disabled himselfe and wished them to choose one that might be most for the glory of God and good of the Church upon ●his stop some that were no friends to Poole and perhaps looked for the place themselves if he were put off laid m●ny things to his charge amongst other that he was no● withou● suspition of Lutharisme as having bin very conversant with Immanuell Tremellius and Anthonius Flaminius great Lutherans and not altogether without blemish of incontinency there being a young Nunne that was thought to be his daughter But of these criminations Poole so cleered himselfe that he was afterward more importuned to take the place then he was before and thereupon one night the Cardinals came unto him being in bed and sent him word they came to adore him which is one special kind of electing the Pope but he being awaked out of his sleepe and acquainted with it made answer that this was not a worke of darkenesse and therefore required them to forbeare till the next day and then to doe as God should put in their mindes But the Italian Cardinals attributing this putting off to a kinde of stupidity and sloth in Poole looked no more after him but the next day chose Cardinall Montanus Pope who was afterward named Iulius the third And now the King of France upon many just considerations was growne desirous to have a Peace with England and thereupon sent one Guidol●i a Florentine in●o England to make some overture of his desire to the Lords of the Councell who addressing himselfe to the Earle of Warwicke whom he knew to be most prevalent so prevailed that it was concluded foure Embassadours should be sent from the King of England into Franee● and foure from the French King to treat with them The Commissioners for the English were Iohn Earl of Bedford William Lord Paget Sir William Peter and Sir Iohn Mason Secretaries of State For the French were Monsieur Rochpot Monsieur Chatillon Guyllart de Martyer and Rochetelle de Dassie much time was spent to agree about a place of meeting till at last the English to satisfie the French were contented it should be before Bulloigne where were many meetings and m●ny diff●rences about conditions but in conclusion a Peace was concluded upon certaine Articles the chiefe whereof was that Bulloigne and the places adjacent should be delivered up to the French within six weekes after the Peace Proclaimed and that the French should pay for the same two hundred thousand crownes within three dayes after delivery of the Towne and other two hu●dred thousand crowes upon the fifth day of August following hostages were on both sides given for performance and to those Articles the French King was sworne at Amyens and the King of England in London the Lord Clinton who had been Deputy of Bulloigne was made Lord Admirall of England Presently after this Agreement the Duke of Brunswicke sent to the King of England to offer his service in the Kings wars with ten thousand men and to intreat a marriage with the Lady
whose father King Henry the eighth made Earl of Tyrone to prevent the punishment of a private Out-rage upon a Brother broke into open Rebellion against the Prince and though his attempts were maturely made frustrate by timely opposition yet this was he that in the beginning of the Queens Raign sowed the seeds of that trouble in Ireland which afterward took so deep root that till the ending of her Raign it could never thorowly be rooted out though this man a yeer or two after came into England and casting himself at the Queens feet acknowledged his fault and obtained pardon The Treaty of Edinburgh should by promise have been confirmed by Francis the French King while he lived he not having done it Queen Elizabeth requires his Dowager the Queen of Scots to confirm it but she solicited often to it by Throgmorton the Queens Ligier in France made alwayes answer She could not do it without the counsell of her Nobility in Scotland whereupon Queen Elizabeth suspecting that this answer was but to hold her in amuzement while some mischief was practising against her sent Sir Thomas Randoll into Scotland to perswade the Lords there to enter into a League of mutuall amity with her and other Protestant Princes● and further by no means to permit their Queen now a widow to marry again to any forraign Prince for which she alleadged many great reasons In the mean while the Queen of Scots purposing to return into Scotland sent before-hand D'Oysette a French Lord to intreat Queen Elizabeth that with her leave she her self might passe by Sea into Sco●land and D'Oysette might passe by Land But Queen Elizabeth openly denyed both the one and the other unlesse she would confirm the Treaty of Edinburgh saying It was no reason she should do the Queen of Scots courtesie if the Queen of Scots would not do her right The Queen of Scots much troubled with this answer expostulates the matter with her Ligier Throgmorton and much complains of the unkindenesse but in the mean time providing Shipping she loosed from Calice and under covert of a mist notwithstanding that Ships were laid to intercept her she arrived safe in Scotland where she intreated her subjects in so loving a manner that she gave great contentment to the whole Kingdom as well to the Protestant Party as the other and then sent Letters to Queen Elizabeth proferring all observance and readinesse to enter League with her so she might by Authority of Parliament be declared her Successor which was but her Right To this Queen Elizabeth answered That though she would no way derogate from her Right yet she should be loth to endanger her own security and as it were to cover her own eyes with a Grave-cloth while she was alive but fell again to her old Admonition requiring her to confirm the Treaty of Edinburgh And now to shew the respect she bore her when her Unkles the Dukes D'A●male D' Albeufe and other Lords of France that had brought her home returned thorow England she gave them most bountifull and loving entertainment These two Queens indeed were both of great Spirits and both very wise but these grew such Jealousies of State between them the Queen of Scots doubting lest Queen Elizabeth meant to frustrate her Succession Queen Elizabeth doubting lest the Queen of Scots meant to prevent her succession that it kept them more asunder in love then they were neer in blood and was cause of many unkinde passages between them in all which though the Queen of Scots were a very neer Match to the Queen of England in the abilities of her minde yet in the favours of Fortune she was much her inferiour But now for all the courtesie which Q. Elizabeth shewed to the Queen of Scots Unkles at their returning thorow England yet new practises were again set on foot against her at Rome the Duke of Guise especially labouring to have her be Excommunicate but Pope Pius still averse from such roughnesse meant now to try the Queen another way and thereupon sent the Abbot Martinengi● and when he might not be admitted to enter England then caused the Bishop of Viterbo his Nuntio in France to deal earnestly with the Queens Ligier Throgmorton that she as other Princes had done would send her Orators to the Councell of Trent which he before had called But the Queen nothing tender in this point made peremptory answer That a Popish Assembly she did not acknowledge to be a Generall Councell nor did think the Pope to have any more Right or Power to call it then any other Bishop This Answer not only exasperated the Pope but so alienated also the King of Spain's minde from her that he was never after so kinde a friend to her as he had been and none of her Embassadours ever after had any great liking to be employed to him And now at this time as the Abbot Martinengi was the last Nuntio that ever was sent from the Pope into England so Sir Edward Carne now dying at Rome was the last Ligie● that was ever sent to the Pope from the Kings of England And now Queen Elizabeth knowing well that she had drawn many ill willers against her State she endeavoured to strengthen it by all the means she could devise She caused many great Ordnance of Brasse and Iron to be cast She repaired Fortifications in the Borders of Scotland She encreased the number of her Ships so as England never had such a Navy before She provided great store of Armour and Weapons out of Germany she caused Musters to be held and youth to be trayned in exercises of Artillery and to please the people whose love is the greatest strength of all she gave leave to have Corn and Grayn transported and called in all base Coyns and Brasse Money It was now the Fifth yeer of Queen Elizabeths Raine when diverse great persons were called in question Margaret Countesse of Lenox Neece to to King Henry the eight by his eldest sister and her husband the Earle of Lenox for having had secret conference by letters with the Queen of Scots were delivered prisoners to Sir Richard Sackvile Master of the Rolles and with him kept a while in custody Also Arthur Poole and his brother whose great grand-father was George Duke of Clarnce brother to King Edward the fourth Antony Fortescue who had married their sister and other were arraigned for conspiring to withdraw themselves to the Duke of Guise in France and from thence to return with an Army into Wales to Declare the Queen of Scots Queen of England and Arthur Poole Duke of Clearnce which particulars they confessed at the Barre and were thereupon condemned to die but had their lives spared in regard they were of the Blood Royall Also the Ladie Katherine Grey daughter to Henry Grey Duke of Suffolke by the eldest daughter of Brandon● having formerly been married to the Earle Pembrookes eldest sonne and from him soone after lawfull divorced was some yeers after found to
was Iohn of Austria come into the Low-countries with a large Commission for he was the Naturall sonne of the Emperour Charles the fifth to whom the Queen sent Edward Horsey Governour of the Isle of Wight to Congratulate his coming thither and to offer help if the States called the French into the Netherlands yet at the same time Swevingham being exceeding importunate on the States behalfe she sent them twenty thousand pounds of English mony so well she could play her game of both hands upon condition they should neither change their Prince nor there Religion nor take the French into the Low-countries nor refuse a Peace if Iohn of Austria should condiscend to indifferent Conditions but if he embraced a Peace then the money should be paid back to the Spanish souldiers who were ready to mutiny for lack of pay So carefull she was to retaine these declining Provinces in obedience to the King of Spaine At this time a Voyage was undertaken to trie if there could be found any sea upon the North part of America leading to the wealthy coast of Cathaia whereby in one Comerce might be joyned the riches of both the East and West parts of the worlde in which voyage was imployed Martyn Frobysher who set saile from Harwich the eighteenth of Iune and the ninth of August entred into that Bay or sea but could passe no further for Snow and Ice The like expedition was taken in hand two yeers after with no better successe About this time died the Emperour Maximilian a Prince that Deserved well of Queen Elizabeth and the English who thereupon sent Sir Philip Sidney to his sonne Ridolphus King of the Romanes to condole his Fathers death and congratulate his succession as likewise to doe the like for the decease of the Count Electour Palatine named Frederick the third with her surviving sonne And now Walter Deveruex Earl of Essex who out of Leicesters envie had bin recalled out of Ireland was out of Leicesters feare as being threatned by him sent back again into Ireland but with the empty title of Earl Marshall of Ireland with the grief whereof he fell into a bloody Flux and in most grievous torments ended his life When he had first desired the standers by to admonish his sonne scarce tenne yeers old at that time to have alwayes before his eyes the six and thirtieth yeer of his age as the utmost terme of his life which neither himself nor his father before him could out-go and the sonne indeed attained not to it as shall hereafter he declared He was suspected to be poisoned but Sir Henry Sidney Deputie of Ireland after diligent search made wrote to the Lords of the Counsell That the Earl often said It was familiar to him upon any great discontentment to fall into a Flux and for his part he had no suspition of his being poisoned yet was this suspition encreased for that presently after his death the Earl of Leicester with a great sum of money and large promises putting away Dowglasse Sheffield by whom he had a son openly marryed Essex his widdow For although it was given out That he was privately marryed to her ye● Sir Francis Knolles his father who was well acquainted with Leicester's roving loves would not believe it unlesse he himself were present at the Marriage and had it testified by a publike Notary At this time also died Sir Anthony Cook of Gyddy-Hall in Essex who had been School-master to King Edward the sixth and was no lesse School-master to his own daughters whom he made skilfull in the Greek and Latine Tongues marryed all to men of great Honour one to Sir William Cecill Lord Treasurer of England a second to Sir Nicholas Bacon Lord Keeper of the Great Seal a third to Sir Thomas Hobby who died Ambassador in France a fourth to Sir Ralph Lowlet and the fifth to Sir Henry Killigrew At this time the sons of the Earl of Cla●ricard who scarce two months before had obtained pardon for their Rebellion fell into Rebellion again but were by the Deputy soon supprest and William Drury newly made President of Munster reduced the whole Provice to good Order except only the County of Kerry whither a number of Vagabonds were gotten trusting to the Immunities of the place For King Edward the third made Kerry a County Palatine and granted to the Earls of Desmond all the Royall Liberties which the King of England had in that County excepting Wreckby Fyre Forestall and Treasure Trou●e The Governour notwithstanding who wisely judged that these Liberties were granted for the better preservation of Justice and not for maintenance of outragious malefactors entred into it and violently put to flight and vanquished the mischievous crew which the Earl of Desmond had placed there in ambush The Earl in the mean while made great complaints of Drury to the Deputy and particularly of the Tax which they call Ceasse which is an exaction of provision of Victualls at a certain rate for the Deputies Family and the Souldiers in Garrison This Tax not he onely but in Leinster also many Lords refused to pay alleadging that it was not to be exacted but by Parliament but the matter being examined in England it appeared by the Records of the Kingdome That this Tax was anciently imposed and that as a certain Right of Majestie a Prerogative Royall which is not subjected to Laws yet not contrary to them neither as the wise Civilians have observed Yet the Queen commanded to use a moderation in exactions of this nature saying She would have her subjects shorn but not devoured It was now the yeer 1577 and the twentieth of Queen Elizabeths Raign when Iohn of Austria pretending to Queen Elizabeth nothing but Peace yet is found to deal secretly with the Pope to peprive her of her Kingdome and himself to marry the Queen of Scots and invade England of which his practices the Prince of Orange gives Queen Elizabeth the first intelligence Whereupon finding his deep dissembling she enters into a League with the States for mutuall defence both at Sea and Land upon certain Conditions but having concluded it because she would not have it wrongfully interpreted as though she meant to foster a Rebellion in the Netherlands she sent Thomas Wilkes to the King of Spain with these Informations That she had alwayes endeavoured ●o keep the Low-Countryes in obedience to the King of Spain had perswaded even with threatnings the Prince of Orange to accept of Peace but withall if the King of Spain would have his Subjects obedient to him she then requests him to restore their Priviledges and to remove I●hn of Austria from the Government who not onely was her deadly enemy but laboured by all means to bring the Netherlands into utter servitude If this be granted by the King of SPAIN she then faithfully promiseth That if the States perform not their Allegiance to him as by their Promise to her they are engaged to doe she will utterly forsake them and bend
her self with all her Forces to compell them While Wilkes in Spain unfoldeth the●e matters Iohn of Austria sendeth to Queen Elizabeth in most grievous manner accusing the States for disobedience and making a large declaration of the causes for which he had taken up Armes again Thus Queen Elizabeth like a fortunate Princesse sate as an Honourable Arbitresse between the Spanish the French and the States insomuch that it was not untrue which one wrote That France and Spaine were Ballances in the Scale of Europe and England the Beame to turne them either way for they still got the better to whome she adhered About this time when the Judges sate at the Assizes in Oxford and one ●owland I●nkes a Book-seller was questioned for speaking approbrious words against the Queen suddenly they were surprised with a pestilent favour whether rising from the noysome smell of the prisoners or from the dampe of the ground is uncertaine but all that were there present almost every one within forty hours died except Women and children and the Contagion went no further There died Robert Bell Lord chief Baron Robert D'Oylie Sir William Babington D'Olye Sheriffe of Oxford-shire Harcourt Weynman Phetiplace the most noted men in this Tract Barham the famous Lawyer almost all the Jurours and three hundred other more or lesse This yeer the title of the Lord Latimer which had flourished in the Familie of the Nevills ever since the dayes of King Henry the sixth was extinct in Iohn Nevill who died without issue male and left a faire estate to four daughters whereof the eldest marryed Henry Earl of Northumberland the second Thomas Cecill who was afterward Earl of Exceter the third Sir William Cornwallis and the fourth Sir Iohn Daverse In Ireland the O-Moores and O-Conors and others whose Ancestours the Earl of Sussex in Queen Maries dayes had for their rebellion deprived of their Patrimonie in Loyse and Oph●li● did now break forth into a new Rebellion under the conduct of Rori● Oge that is Roderick the younger set on fire the village of Naasse assault L●chlin from whence being driven back by the valour of George Care● the Governour he was afterward slain Out of England at this time there went into the Low-countries Iohn North the Lord Norths eldest sonne● Iohn Norris second son to the Lord Norris Henry Cavendish and Thomas Morgan Colonells with many voluntaries to learn Militarie experience Thither also came Caesamire the Elector Palatines sonne with an Army of German Horse and foot at the Queenes charges upon the●e Don Iohn assisted by the Prince of Parma Mondragon and other the best Commanders of Spain confident of victorie flyeth furiously before they expected him yet after a long fight was forced to retreat but then turning again and thinking to breake through the Hedges and Brakes where the English and Scottish voluntaryes had placed themselves was again repulsed for the English and Scottish were so hot upon the matter that casting away their garments by reason of the hot weather they fought in their shirts which they made fast about them In this battell N●●●●● fought most valiantly and had three horses s●ain under him as also 〈◊〉 the Scot Bingham and William M●r●ham Now for comfort ●o the afflicted Provinces there came at that ●●me into the Netherlands the Count Sw●●zenberg from the Emperour M●nsie●● Be●●●●●re from the French King and from the Queen of England the Lord Cobham and Wal●ingham with Commission to procure conditions of Peace but returned without doing any thing for that Don Iohn refused to admit the Pro●estan● Religion and the Prince of Orange refused to return into Holland About this time Egr●m●●d R●●cliffe son to Henry Earl of Susse● by his second wife who had been a prime man in the rebellion of the North and served now under Don Iohn was accused by the English fugitives that he was sent under hand to kill Don Iohn which whether true or false he was thereupon taken and put to death The Spaniards have affirmed That Ratcliffe at his last end confessed voluntarily That he was freed out of the Tower of London and moved by Walsinghams large promises to do this Fact but the English that were present at his death deny that he confessed any such thing though the English Rebells did all they could to wrest this confession from him At this very time Don Iohn in the flower of his age died of the Pestilence or as some say of grief as being neglected by the King of Spain his brother a man of an insatiable Ambition who aymed first at the Kingdom of Tunis and after of England and who without the privity of the French King or King of Spain had made a league with the Guises for the defence of both Crowns Alanson although very busie about the Belgick War yet now began again to pursue the Marriage with Queen Elizabeth for renewing of which suit first was Bachervyle sent to the Queen and soon after Ramboulet from the French King and within a month after that Simier a neat Courtier and exquisitely learned in the Art of Love accompanied with a great number of the French Nobility whom the Queen at Richmond entertained in such loving manner that Leicester began to rage as if his hopes were now quite blasted Certainly a little before when Ashley a Lady of the Queens Bed-chamber mentioned the Earl of Leicester to her for husband she with an a●gry countenance replyed Dost thou think me so unlike my self and so forgetfull of Majestie as to prefer my servant whom I my self have advanced before the greatest Princes of the Christian world But it is now time to return to the Scottish Affairs The Earl of Morton Regent of Scotland though a man of great wisedome and valour yet was now so overcome of covetousnesse that he grew universally hated and thereupon with the joynt consent of the Nobility the Administration of the Common-wealth was translated to the King though he was yet but twelve yeers old and twelve of the chief Lords were appointed to attend him in Councell three of them by course for three months amongst whom the Earl of Morton for one that they might not seem to cast him quite off The King having taken upon him the Administration sent presently the Earl of Dumformelin to Queen Elizabeth acknowledging her great deserts towards him and requesting to have the Treaty of Edinburgh agreed on in the yeer 1559 to be confirmed for the more happy restraining the robbers about the borders and withall That his ancient Patrimony in England namely the Lands granted to his Grand-father Ma●●hew Earl of Lenox and the Countesse his Grand-mother might be delivered into his hands● who was the next Heir The Queen readily promised the former demands but stuck a little at the last concerning the Patrimony For she would not grant That Arbella the daughter of Charles the King of Scots Unkle Born in England was the next Heir to the Lands in England neither would she grant the
Some report That Drake had charge given him from the Earl of Leicester to make away Doughty upon some pre●ence or other for that he had said that the Earl of Essex was craftily made away by Leicester● The twentyeth of August two of his Ships he turneth off and with the other three came to the Sea which they call● The Straight of Magell●n The sixth of September entring into the wide Southern Ocean which they call● The Pacifique Sea he found it out of measure troublous so that his Ships were here by Tempests dispersed in one of which Iohn Winter was Master who returned back into England Drake himself with onely one Ship coasted along the Sho●e till he came to the Isle Mo●cha from whence loosing he lighted upon a fellow fishing in a little Boat who shewed him where a Spanish Ship laden with Treasure ●ay Drake making towards it the Spaniards thought him to be their owne Country man and thereupon invited him to come on but he getting aboord presently shut the Spaniards being not above eight persons under ●atches and took the Ship in which was four hundred pound weight of gold At Taurapasa going again on shoar he found a Spaniard ●leeping by the Seaside● who had lying by him twenty bars of mass●e Silver to the value of four thousand Duckats which he bid his follower● take amongst them the Spaniard still sleeping After this going into the Port of Africa he found there three Vessels without any Marriners in them wherein besides other wares were seven and fifty silver bricks each of which weighed twenty pound From hence Tyding it to Lime he found twelve Ships in one Road and in them great store of Silks and a Chest full of money coined but not so much as a Ship-boy aboord such security there was in that Coast Then putting to Sea with those Ships he followed the rich Ship called Cacofoga● and by the way met with a small Ship without Ordnance or other Arms out of which he took fourscore pound weight of gold a golden Crucifix and some Em●aulds of a fingers length The first day of March he overtook the Cacofoga set upon her and took her● and in her besides jewels fourescore pound weigh● of gold thirteen Chests of silver ready coyned and as much silver as would ballast a Ship And now thinking he had gained wealth enough he resolved to return home● and so on the third of November 1580. he landed at Plimmouth having sayled round about the World in the space of three years to the great admiration of all that know what compasse the World is of The Queen welcomed him home but made a sequestration of the goods that they might be ready if the King of Spain required them and commanded the ship to be drawn on shoar neer Detford for a monument where the carkasse of it is ye● to be seen and her selfe feasted in it at which time She Knighted Captaine Dr●ke But Bernardine M●ndoz● the KING of Spaines Embassadour in ENGLAND began to rage and earnestly demanded Restitution of the Goods and complained that the ENGLISH sayled upon the INDIAN Sea To whom it was answered That the goods were sequestred and ready to make the King of Spain satisfaction although the Queen had expended against the Rebells whom the Spaniard had excited in England and Ireland more money then that which Dr●ke brought home And as for sayling on the Indian Sea● that it was as lawfull for the Queens subjects as his seeing the Sea and the Ayr are common for all to use Notwithstanding to Pedro S●●●●a the K●ng of Spain's Agent in this businesse a great sum of money was re-paid● which was not ●estored to them ●o whom it belonged but employed to the Spaniards Wars in the Low-Co●●●ries as was known after● when it was too late But at this time when Iackman and Pett two skilfull Pilots were sent forth with two Ships by the Londoners to finde out ● shorter cut to the East Indies by the North-West Passage they had not the like successe for a few Leagues beyond the Isles of ●aygat● they met with such uncertain Tydes so many Shallows and such Mountains of Ice that ●hey could go no further and had much ●do to return home About this time Henry Fitz Allen Earl of Arundel died in whom the Sirname of a most Noble Family ended which had flourished in this Honour for above three hundred yeers from Richard Fitz Alan who being descended from the Al●anets ancient Earls of Arundel and Sussex in the Raign of King Edward the first obtained the Title of Earl by re●so● of the possession of Arundel Castle without Creation He had ●hree daughters by his wife Katherine daughter to Thomas Grey Marquesse of Dorset all whom he out-lived H●nry a young man of great hope who died at Brussells Ioan wife to the Lord Lumley and Mary who being marryed to Thomas Howard Duke of N●●folke brought forth Philip in her Right Earl of Arundel In Ireland Arthur Lord Grey the Deputy going against the O Conors who ●aised stirs in Ophalie putteth to death Hugh O Moley quieteth all that Quarter even the Families of the Mog●hig●ns and O Charles and in the very beginning suppresseth a conspiracy which was breaking forth by putting to death the Lord N●g●n●● who being confident in his own innocency when the Deputy promised to save his ilfe if he would but confesse himself guilty chose rather to die and be held guiltlesse then to live in infamy by betraying his own Innocency With whose death the Queen was extremely displeased as by which she was made a Patronesse of cruelty to her great dishonour But the Deputy knew with what kinde of people he dealt and by this example of severity brought Turl●gh Leymigh to accept conditions of Peace and the O B●i●s and Cavenaghs rebellious Families in Leinster humbly to crave Peac● also and to offer Hostages In Scotland at this time great jealousie was ●ad of Lenox Lord of Obig●y lest being in so great favour with the King he should allure him to marry into France and bring into Scotland the Popish Religion Whereupon although he purged himself by Letters to Queen Elizabeth and proferred himself to be a Protestant yet many courses were taken to sequester him from the King● but so far from taking effect That on the contrary the Earl of Morton who among all other was most addicted to the English was soon after accused of Treason by the Earl of Arran and cast into prison● and not long after notwithstanding all the means the Queen could use to save him was beheaded as convicted to be accessary to the murder of the Kings Father Whereupon the Earl of Angus and other who laboured for M●rt●● fled straightwayes into England In the Low-Countries about this time the Count Rheinberg proceeded victoriously for the King of Spain and beleaguer'd St●nwick in Freezland against whom the States sent Norris Generall of the Field who put the ●●einburghs Company to the worst● and raised
Spain Sir Walter Rawleigh Captain of the Guard having defloured a Mayd of Honor whom afterward he married had lost the Queens favour and was held in Prison for certain moneths but afterward being set at liberty though banished the Court He undertook a Voyage to Guyana setting sayl from Plimmouth in February he arrived at Trinidada where he took St. Iosephs Town but found not a jot of money there From hence with Boats and a hundred souldiers he entred the vast River Orenoque ranging up in Guyana four hundred myles but getting little but his labour for his travell In like manner Amyas Preston and Sommers Pillaged sundry Towns of the King of Spains in the Western parts and three ships of the Earl of Cumberland set upon a huge Caraque which by casualty was fired when they were in fight and these were the enterprises of private persons but the Queen being informed that great store of wealth for the King of Spains use was conveyed to Port Rico in St. Iohns Island sent thither Hawkins Dr●k● and Baskervile with land Forces furnishing them with six ships out of her own Navy and twenty other men of War They set sayl from Plimmo●th the last of August and seven and twenty dayes after came upon the Coast of the great Canarie which being strongly Fortified they forbore to assault A moneth after they came to the Isle of St. Dominicke where five Spanish ships being sent forth to watch the English lighted upon one of the small English ships which was strayed from the Company and ●●●ting the Master and Marriners upon the Rack understood by them That the English Navy was bent to Port Rico whereupon they make all possible speed to give notice thereof that being fore-warned they might accordingly be armed And thereupon as soon as the English had cast Anchors 〈◊〉 the Road at Port Rico the Spaniards thundered against them from the shore si● Nicholas Clifford and Brute Browne were wounded as they sate at ●upper and two dayes after died Hawkins also and Drake partly of dis●●se and partly of grief for their ill successe died soon after At the end of eight months the Fleet came home having done the enemy little hurt fired onely some few Towns and ships but received infinite damage thems●lves lost two such Sea-men as the Kingdom I may say all Europe had ●ot their like left For the Spaniards having of late yeers received great ●●rms by the French and English had now provided for themselves with Fortifications which were not easie to be won At this time the Queen made known to the States in the Low-Countries the great charges she had been at in relieving them ten yeers together for which she requiteth some considerable recompence The States again alleadge the great charges they were at in Eighty Eight in repelling the Spaniards in her cause yet not to fall out about the matter they were content to allow some reasonable retribution but yet for the present nothing was concluded Likewise at this time the Hanse Towns in Germany make complaint to the Emperour and the Princes of the Empire That the Immunities from customes antiently granted them by the Kings of England began to be Antiquated and that a Monopoly of English Merchants was set up in Germany to which the Queen by Sir Christopher Perkins first shewing the cause of the first Grant and then the Reason of Queen Maries prohibiting it afterward makes them so satisfactory an answer that those very Hanse-Towns which complained brought into England at this time such store of Corne that it prevented a mutiny which thorough dearth of Corn was like to have hapned in London This yeer was famous for the death of many great Personages Philip Earl of Arundel condemned in the yeer 1589. The Queen had all this while spared but now death would spare him no longer having since that time been wholly given to contemplation and macerated himself in a strict course of Religion leaving one onely son Thomas by his wife Anne Dacres of Gillis●and He had two brothers Thomas Lord Howard whom Queen Elizabeth made Baron of Walden and King Iames afterward Earl of Suffolk and William Lord Howard of the North who yet liveth and one sister the Lady Margaret marryed to Robert Sackvile afterward Earl of D●rset and father of Edward Earl of Dorset now living a Lady so milde so vertuous and so devout in her Religion that if her brother macerated himself being in prison she certainly did no lesse being at liberty whom I the rather mention because I had the happinesse to know her living and the unhappinesse to be a Mourner at her Funerall There died this yeer also William Lord Vaulx a zealous Papist and Sir Thomas Hineage Vice-Chamberlain and Chancellor of the Dutchy of Lancaster whose onely daughter marryed to Sir Moyle Finch of Kent was no small advancer of that House There died also William Whitaker Master of S. Iohns Colledge in Cambridge and Divinity Professor As likewise Sir Roger Williams and Sir Thomas Morgan so as this yeer was honoured with the deaths of two great Lords one exquisite Courtier one great Schollar and two famous Souldiers In Ireland at this time Russell the Deputy doubting a storm of War from Tir-Oen sent into England requiring to have some experienced souldier sent to him with Forces who though he desired Baskervyle to be the man yet Sir Iohn Norris was sent with thirteen hundred old souldiers besides a further supply whom Tir-Oen hearing to be coming set presently upon the Fort of Blackwater and in the absence of Edward Cornwall the Governour took it But now being doubtfull of his case in a subdolous manner as he was a double dealing man he both offereth his help to the Earl of Kildare against the Deputies servants and at the same time maketh promise to the Earl of Ormond and Sir Henry Wallope of loyalty and obedience but notwithstanding he was forthwith proclaimed Traytor under the name of H●gh O Neal bastard son to Con O Neal. There was at this time with the Rebells in Ulster a thousand Horse and 6280 Foot and in Connaght two thousand three hundred all at Tir Oens command and the Forces of the English under Norris not much fewer with whom the Deputy himself joyned and marched together to Armagh which so terrified the Rebels that Tir Oen forsaking the Fort of Blackwater began to hide himself Whereupon the Deputy returned leaving Norris to follow the War with the Title of Generall of the Army But this satisfied not Norris and therefore out of emulation betwixt himself the Deputy he performed nothing worth the speaking of and seemed to favour Tir Oen as much as the Deputy hated him insomuch as he had private conference with him a thing not lawfull with proclaymed Traytors and upon his submission and Hostages given a Truce was granted both to him and Odonell till the first of Ian●ary When the Truce was expired Tir Oen exhibited certain Petitions protesting if they
by Coach to the King at Hampton Court where foureteen dayes together they were feasted and royally entertained and then returned But these Festivalls were follwed with a little disturbance for in May the yeare after great Assemblies were gathered together in Northampton-shire Warwickshire and Leicester-shire throwing downe Inclosures at first without any particular head but at last rose up a base fellow called Iohn Reynolds whom they named Captaine Pouch because he had a great leather Pouch hanging by his side who affirmed to the Company that in that Pouch he had sufficient to defend them against all cummers but when hee was afterward apprehended and his Pouch searched there was nothing found in it but a piece of green Cheese Proclamation was made commanding them to surcease their disorder But this prevailed nothing till the King sent Henrie Earle of Huntington Thomas Earle of Exceter Edward Lord Zouch and Sir Edward Co●ke Lord Chiefe Iustice of England to suppresse them by force of Armes and to punish the Levellers according to the nature of their offences some by Death as for Treason some by Fines as for Routs but Captaine Pouch was made exampler On Friday the twelfth of Iune his Majesty attended with divers Lords dyned with the Lord Major Sir Iohn Wats who after dinner presented him with a purse full of Gold and humbly besought his Majestie that he would be pleased to bee free of his Company the Cloath-workers To which the KING graciously condiscended and thereupon called to Sir William Stone Master of the Company and said Stone give me thy hand and now I am a Cloath-worker And in token of my speciall favour to this fraternity I doe here give to this Company a brace of Bucks yearely for ever against the time of the Election of the Master and Wardens at which time also many Lords and Gentlemen were made Free of the Cloath-workers On Thursday the 16. of Iuly the King and Prince with many Lords dined at Merchant T●l●rs-Hall where the Master and Warden of that Society presented the King with a Purse of Gold giving him humble thankes for gracing their Fraternity with his ●oyall presence● and therewithall shewed him a Roll wherein were Registred the names of seven Kings one Queene 17 Princes and Dukes two Dutchesses one Archbishop one and thirty Eearles threescore and six Barons seven Abbots seven Pryors with a great number of Knights and Esquires who had been free of that Company which His Majesty graciously accepted but told them that he himselfe was already free of another Company but the Prince his son should be free of theirs and that he would see the Garland put on his head whereupon the Master presented the Prince also with a purse of Gold which he graciously accepted and said that not only Himselfe would bee free of the Merchant Tailors● but the Lords also that were with him should do the like all which was performed with great solemnity The fourth of Iuly this yeare Sir Thomas ●nevet was called by Writ to the Parliament by the name of Baron of Estrick the next day Sir Iulius Caesar Chancelor of the Exchecker was sworne a Privy Counsellor and the sixteenth of November fallowing Sir ●ervis Clyfton Knight was called to the Parliament by Writ by the name and title of Baron of Layton Brameswold whose only daughter and heire was soon after married to Eysme Steward Baron of Aubigny in France sole brother of the Duke of L●nox whom he afterward succeeded in that Dignity About this time Hugh Earle of Tervon most ungratefully and utterly forgetfull of the Kings great clemency to him together with Te●rconell Hugh Baron of Dungaunon and divers other Irish Lords fled into the parts beyond Sea with a purpose to solicite forreign Princes against the King and to offer the Kingdom of Ireland to the Pope which was presently signified to the Realm by Proclamation On the Eleventh of Aprill this year George Iervis a Seminary Priest and the three and twentieth of Iune● following Thomas G●rnet a Iesuit were both executed at Tybourn Thom●● Garnet having the favour offered him to be pardoned if he would but take the Oath of Allegeance which he refused The nineteenth of Aprill at Whitehall died Thomas Earle of Dorset Lord Treasurer whose death because he dyed suddenly as he sate at the Counsell-Table was by some untowardly interpreted but being dead and his head opened there were found in it certain little bags of water which whither by the strayning of his study the night before in which he sate up till eleven a clock or otherwise by their own maturity suddenly breaking and falling upon his braine caused his suddain death So certain it is that death comes not always by determinate steps but sometimes per saltum and we all cary about us the causes of suddain death though unsensible of them till we be unsensible This Lord was of excellent parts and in his place exceeding Industrious and I have heard many Checker men say there never was a better Treasurer both for the Kings profit and the good of the subject The twentith of May at Windsor were made two Knights of the Ga●ter George Earle of Dun●arre and Philip Earle of Mo●●g●mery but the Earle of Dunbarra within a yeare or two after left both his honor and his life but not his life without honour having been a faithfull servant and a wise Counsellor to the King and was honorably Interred in the Church at Westminster About this time were many famous English Pirates that stuck not some of them to turne Turks and lived in great state at Tunis of whom the chiefe were W●rd Bishop Sir Francis Verney and Gl●●●●le whom after many depredations and outragious acts at Sea partly the King of Spaine suppressed and partly the King of Eng. and 19 of their associ●tes being taken were hanged a● Wapping Also at this time in the Strand on the North side of Durham house where ●●ood an old long stable Robert Earle of Salisbury now Lord Treasurer of Eng●●●d caused to be erected a stately Building which upon Tuesday the tenth of Aprill in the yeare 1609 was begun to be richly furnished with wares and the next day after the King the Queene and Prince with many great Lords and Ladies came to see it and then the King gave it the name of Britteines ●urse On the eight of May this year the King by Proclamation prohibited all forreine Nations that after August they should not fish upon any of the Coasts of England Scotland or Ireland nor the Isles adjacent without the speciall Licence from the Commissioners in that behalfe Ordained At this time the making of Allum which heretofore with great charges had been fetched from forreigne parts was by diverse that laboured in it and now lastly by Sir Iohn Burchier brought to perfection in England and therupon the King prohibited upon paine of confiscation any Allum to be brought from beyond the Seas and took the whole traffick therof to himself And now the
King according to an ancient custome had ayde of His Subjects thorough England for making his eldest sonne Prince Henry Knight which yet was Levied with great moderation and the Prince to shew himselfe worthy of it performed His first Feates of Armes at Barriers with wonderfull skill and courage being not yet full sixteene yeares of Age. It was now the eight yeere of King Iames His Reigne being the yeare 1610 when Prince Henry being come to the age of seventeen yeares It was thought fit He should be Initiated into Royalty and thereupon the thirtieth of May this yeare He was Created Prince of Wales in most solemne manner which was this Garter King at Armes bore the Letters Patents the Earle of Sussex the Robes of Purple Velvet the Earle of Huntington the Traine the Earle of Cumberland the Sword the Earle of Rutland the Ring the Earle of Darby the Rod the Earle of Shrewsbury the Cape and Coronet the Earle of Nottingham and North-Hampton supported the Prince being in His Surcoate only and bare-headed and in this manner being conducted to the King attended on by the Knights of the Bathe five and twenty in number all great men and great mens sons The Earle of Salisbury principall Secretary read the Letters Pattents the Prince kneeling all the while before the King and at the words accustomed the King put on him the Robe the Sword the Cape and the Coronet the Rod and the Ring and then kissed him on the cheeke and so the solemnity ended After this it was thought fit he should keep his Court by himselfe and thereupon Sir Thomas Chaloner a learned Gentleman who had before been his Governour was now made his Lord Chamberlaine Sir Edw. Philips his Chancellor and all other officers assigned him belonging to a Princes Court wherein he shewed himselfe so early ripe for Majesty that he seemed to be a King while he was yet but Prince And all mens eyes began to fix upon him King Iames had long since shut up the Gates of Ianus and was in Peace with all Princes abroad his only care now was how to keep Peace at home and to this end the three first dayes of Iune in his own person he heard the differences between the Ecclesiasticall and the Temporall Iudges argued touching Protections out of the Kings●Bench and Common-Pleas to this end the eight ninth tenth of Iune he heard the manifold complaints of the abuses of the Victualers other Officers of his Navy Royall to this end the 4 of Iune 1610 he once again by Proclamation commanded all Roman Priests Seminaries and Iesuits as being the chiefe Incendiaries of troubles to depart this Kingdome by the 5 of Iuly next and not to returne upon pain of severity of the Law also all Recusants to returne home to their Dwellings and ●ot to ramaine in London ●o● to come within ten miles of the Court without speciall Licence a●●●r which Proclamation the O●th of Allegeance was presently ministred to all sorts of people and their names certified to the Lords of the Counsell that ref●●ed to take it and this Hee the rather did out of consideration of the bloudy fact committed lately by one Revill●ck upon the person of the renowned K. of France Henry the fourth whereas Queen Elizabeth in her 43 years had granted her Letters Pattents to continue for 15 years to the East India Merchants now upon their humble petition the King was pleased to enlarge their Pate●●s giving them a charter to continue for ever enabling them thereby to be a body Corporate and Politick which so encouraged the Merchants that they built a ship of twelve hundred ●un the greatest that was ever made in this Kingdome by Merchants which the King and Prince honored with going to Deptford to see it and then named it The Trades encrease and at this time gave to Sir Thomas Smith Governour of that Company a faire chaine of Gold with a Iewell wherein was his Picture But this great Ship having been in the Read Sea and returning to Banthem was there lost and most of her men cast away But then the King himselfe builded the goodliest Ship of War that was ever built in England being of the burthen of 1400 tun and carrying threescore and foure pieces of great Ordnance which he gave to his son Prince Henry who named it after his own dignity The Prince And now whereas a Parliament had been holden this year and was Prorogued to a certain day the King perhaps not finding it to comply with his designes or for some other cause known to himself on the last day of December under the gr●●t S●ale of England dissolved it Before this time one Sir Robert C●rre a Gentleman of Scotland or of the bord●●● being a hunting with the King chanced with a fall off his horse to breake his leg upon which mischance he was forced for some days to keep his bed in which time the King was sometimes pleased to come and visit him and then it was first perceived that the King had begun to cast an eye of favour upon him and indeed ●ro● that time forward as he was a very fine Gentleman and very wise many great favours were heaped upon him So as on Easter Munday in the yeare 1611 he was Created Viscount Rochester On the two and twentieth of Aprill 1612 was swo●ne a privy Counsellor On the fourth of November 1613 was Created Earle of So●erset and the tenth of Iuly following made Lord Chamberlaine B●● this Sun-shine of Fortune lasted not long yet not by any inconstancy in the King but by the Earles own undeserving which thus fell out The Right Honourable Robert Earle of Essex had before this time married the beautifull Lady Francis Howard daughter of Thomas Earle of Suffolk who upon ca●ses ●udicially heard were afterward Divorced and left free to marry any other Afte● which Divo●ce this great favorite the Earle of Somerset takes her for wife th● King g●acing their marriage with all demonstrations of love and favour and the Lords gracing it with a stately Masque that night and a few dayes after the Bride and Bridegroom accompanied with most of the Nobility of the Kingdome were ●easted at Merchant Taylors Hall by the Lord Major and Aldermen But see how soon this faire we●●her was overcast For it hapned that one Sir Th●mas ●●erb●ry a very ingenious Gentleman and the Earles speciall f●●●●d who had written a witty Tre●tise of a Wife and it seemes not thinking th● Lady in all points answerable to his description had been an earnest disswa●●● of the M●●●● and to ●●rengthen his di●●wasion layd perhaps some unjust 〈◊〉 up●● the Ladyes 〈◊〉 which so incensed them both against him that 〈…〉 could not give them sati●●●ction than to take away his life So 〈…〉 saying Improbe 〈…〉 r quid non mortalia pectora cogis 〈◊〉 this they finde pretences to have the said Sir Thomas committed to the ●●wer and there by their Instruments effect their revenge some
when the Illustrious Prince Frederick Count Palatine of the Rhyne with whom a Treaty of marriage had been before with the Lady Elizabeth on the sixteenth of October arrived at Gravesend to whom the Duke of Lenox and diverse other Lords were sent by the King who conducted him to White-Hall and from thence into the great B●●quetting-House where the King the Queene Prince Henry and the Lady Elizabeth entertained him in all kind manner and after by Barge conducted him to Essex House appointed for his lodging It was many ye●res since any Kings Daughter had beene marryed in England which now happening and to so Illustrious a Prince was just cause of Triumph and rejoyceing● but see the misery of Humane Affaires joy can no sooner be setting forth but sorrow will be sure to follow her at the heeles as now indeed it happened for on the nine and twentieth of October the Prince Palatine with all the great Lords of the Kingdome in most joviall manner dining at Guild-Hall Prince H●●●● who wa● also invited and expected could not come being newly fallen exce●ding sick of a popular malignant feavour which raigned that yeare in most parts of this Land whereof on the sixth of November between seven ●nd eight a Clock at night at his Court of St. Iames he dyed But hee being infinitly beloved of the people and one that had given great hope of pro●ing an Heroick Prince It caused suspition in many mens heads that his death was not without violence offered to Nature some said by bunches of Grapes given him to eate some by gloves of a poysoned perfume given him ●or a present but these were but idle rumours and conceits It seemes the Divine Providence had ordained it should be said of him Hanc tantum terris ●●●endent Fata nec ultra● esse sine●t whose death would have given a great blow to the happinesse of this Kingdome if there had not beene another Prince left of a milder spirit perha●s but so accomplished with all excellent endowments that there could be no great want of Prince Henrie as long as there was left Prince Charles The Corps of Prince Henrie who dyed at the age of eighteene yeares eight moneths and seventeene dayes was drawne in a Chariot to the Abbey Church at Westmin●ter and there interred in the Chappell Royall● on the seventh of December following This Accident something appealed the generall joy but yet triumphs went on Vpon Saint Thomas day the Palsgrave and Grave Maurice were Elected Knight of the Garter and the seven and twentieth of December the Palsgrave was betroathed to the Lady Elizabeth On Sunday the seventh of Februarie the Palsgrave in person was enstalled Knight of the Garter at Wind●or and at the same time was Grave Maurice enstalled by his Deputy Count Lod●wick of Nassaw On the fourteenth of Februarie being Shrove-Sunday and Saint Valentines day this happy marriage of the Palsgrave with the Lady Elizabeth was solemnized in the Chappell at White-hall The Bride was led to Church by two Batchellors her brother Prince Charles and the Earle of Northampton Lord Privie Seale she was attired all in white having a rich Crowne of Gold upon her head her haire hanging downe at length curiously be●e● with Pearles and precious stones her Train supported by twelve yong Ladies in white Garments The King gave her in marriage the Arch-Bishop of Canterburie married them the Bishop of Bath and Wells preached the Bridall Sermon which ended the Bride was led home by two married men the Duke of Lenox and the Earle of N●ttingham Lord Admirall This marriage was solemnized the first night with a stately Masque of Lords and Ladies the second night with a magnificent Masque of the Gentlemen of the middle Temple and Lincolnes Inne The third night with a sumptuous Masque of the Gentlemen of the Inner Temple and Graees Inne provided indeed then but was not performed till the satturday night following by reason the concourse of people was so great it would have hindred the Show After this the Lord Major and Aldermen gave the Bride a Chain of Orientall Pearle valued at two thousand pounds and now when all things had beene done for honouring their marriage which either love and observance could device or Art and Magnificence could performe On the tenth of April the Bride-groome with his Bride tooke leave of the King and Queene at Rochester who had by Barge conducted them thither and there taking Ship On the nine and twentieth of April they arrived at Fl●shing from whence the Duke of Lenox the Earle of Arundell the Viscount Lisle and the Lord Harington waited upon them to their chiefe City of Heydelburgh in all places as they passed being received with all State and magnificence but then on the foureteenth of Iune the English Lords returning home the Lord Harington dyed by the way at Wormes whose Corps was brought over and bu●ied in England And here it will not be amisse to shew of what extent and largenesse the Palsgrave's Countrie is● because of the iniquity of some that seeke to disgrace it It is in length about two hundred English miles taking the lower and upper Countrie In the lower hee hath six and twenty walled Townes besides an infinite number of faire Villages and two and twenty houses of residence In the uper not so many walled Townes and houses but those that are generally fairer than in the lower especially Amberg and New-market But it is now time to looke home in the yeare 1609. the King having care for the quietnesse of Ireland had granted to the City of London the present possession and Plantation in the Province of Ulster whereupon afterward in the yeare 1612. they sent thither about three hundred persons of all sorts of handy-crafts men chiefely to inhabite the two Cities of London-Derrie and Coleraigne where they ordained Alderman Cockaine for their first Governour And for the advancing of this or the like Plantation in Ireland King Iames about this time began a new Order of Knights which are called Barone●s because they take place next to Barons younger sonnes● and hee appoynted certaine Lawes to make them capable that should be admitted First that they should maintaine the number of thirty foot souldiers in Ireland for three yeares after the rate of eight pence a day and to pay the wages of one whole yeare upon the passing of their Patent Then that they should bee Gentlemen of Bloud of three Descents and lastly should have land of Inheritance in possession or immediate Reversion to the value of a thousand pounds per annum And to keep the Order from swarming he stinted it within the number of onely 200. and as the issue should faile the Order to cease But he that will look how wel the end of the Institution and the Laws of it have bin observed shall perhaps find it to be here as it was in the Order of St. Michael in France into which at first● there were none admitted but Princes and Emminent
his Sons only King He●ry the Fifth to be his eldest And now that in him the heroicall nature was come to the height it degenerated againe in King Henry the Sixth which must needs be attributed to the mothers side who though in her selfe she were a Princesse of a noble spirit yet being the issue of a crazie father what marvell if she proved the mother of a crazie issue and yet even this issue of hers a Prince no doubt of excellent parts in their kinde though not of parts kindly for a Princ● in a private man praise-worthy enough but the sword of a King required a harder mettall than the soft temper of King Henry the sixth was made of and in him we may see the fulfilling of the Text Vae genti cujus Rex est puer Woe to that Nation whose King is a Childe for he was not above eight moneths old when he succeeded his father in the Kingdome although that Text perhaps is not meant so much of a child in years for which there may be helps by good Protectors as of a childe in abilities of ruling whereof though possibly there may yet probably there can be no sufficient supply of which in this King we have a pregnant example for as long as he continued a childe in yeares so long his Kingdomes were kept flourishing by the Providence of his carefull Uncles but assoone as he left being a Childe in years and yet continued a childe in ability of Ruling then presently began all things I● pejus ruere retro sublapsa referri all things went to wracke both in France and England And thus much was necessary to be sayd by way of a Preface to that great fall as it were of Nilus in King Henry the Sixth Henry called of Windsor because borne there the only childe of King Henry the Fifth as yet scarce nine moneths old succeeded his Father and was Proclaimed King of England on the last of August in the yeare 1422 by reason of whose infancie King Henry his Father had before by his Will appointed and now the Lords by their consent confirmed the Regency of France to Iohn Duke of Bedford the Government of England to Humphry Duke of Glocester the Guard of his Person to Thomas Duke of Exeter and H●nry Beauford Bishop of Winchester and Lord Chancellor wherein it was wisely provided that one man should not rule all lest it should prove a spurre to aspiring and withall stay them from envying one another when many were alike placed in the highest forme of authori●y and indeed they all carried themselves so uprightly and carefully in their places that it well appeared the trust reposed in them by the dying King had made a strong impression of love and loyalty towards his Son The Duke of Bedford Regent of France was to keepe that by the sword which King Henry the Fifth by his sword had gotten wherein he had many and great assistants specially the two terrours of France Thomas Montacute Earle of Salisbury and Iohn Lord Talbot and amongst the French themselves the Duke of Burgoigne a friend no lesse powerfull than firme unto him The Dolphin also now crowned king at Poytiers and called Charles the seventh of France his father being newly dead within little more than a moneth after king Henry had likewise great assistants the Duke of Alanson and many other Peers of France and of the Sco●s many and some perhaps of the English that tooke part with him by meanes whereof the game of Fortune was a long time played betweene them with great variety The first act of the Duke of Bedfords Regency was an Oration which he made to the French in Paris which wrought this good effect that king Henry is Proclaimed king of England and of France and such French Lords as were present did their Homages and tooke their oathes to be true unto him The first act of hostility was performed by the new king of France who sends the Lord Granvile to Pont Meulan who surprized it putting all the English Souldiers to the sword but the Regent sending thither Thomas Montacute Earle of Salisbury so strongly beleaguered it that the Lord Granvile not only surrendred it but swore allegiance though he kept it not to the king of England From thence the Earle marched to Seyne which hee tooke by assault and put all the Souldiers except the Captain Sir William Maryn to the sword At this time the Regent the Duke of Burgoigne Iohn Duke of Brittaine and his brother in law the Earle of R●chmond who revolted afterward to the new king of France and was by him made Constable of France met at Amyens and there not only renewed the old League but further enlarged it to be offensive and defensive respectively and to make the friendship the more firme the Regent married Anne the Sister of the Duke of Burgoigne at Troys In this meane time the Parisians taking advantage of the Regents absence conspired to have let in the new king into Paris but the day before the night appointed for his admission the Regent with his power entred apprehended the Conspirators and put them to publicke execution That done he furnished all the Forts and places of strength with Englishmen and sent Sir Iohn Falstaffe who tooke in Pacye and Coursay two strong Castles whil'st himselfe with his forces tooke in Tray●els and Br●y upon Seyne The Constable of France the meane while with the new kings forces layd siege to Cravant in Burgoigne but the Regent sent thither the Earle of Salisbury who set upon the French and after a long fight putting them to flight slew about 1800 knights and gentlemen of note● and three thousand common Souldiers Scots and French tooke prisoners the Constable himselfe the Earle of Ventadour Sir Alex●●der Alerdyn Sir Lewis Ferignye and two and twenty hundred Gentlemen Of the English part were slaine Sir Iohn Gray Sir William Hall Sir Gilbert Halsall Richard ●p Maddocke and one and twenty hundred Souldiers From thence the E●rle led his forces to Montaguillon and sate downe before it which after five moneths Siege he took whil'st the Duke of Suffolke took in the two strong Castles of Cowcye and le Roche Whil'st these things are done in France in England the Protectour Ransomed and inlarged the young king of Scots Iames the first who by the space of eighteene yeares had been kept a Prisoner which he did out of opinion th●t he might withdraw the Scots out of France taking Hom●ge and fealty of him for the Crown of Scotland in these words I●ames ●ames S●eward King of Scot● shall be true and faithfull to you Lord Henry King of England and France the Superiour Lord of Scotland● and to you I make my fidelitie for the sayd Kingdome which I hold and claime of you and shall do you service for the same so God me helpe and these holy Evangelists and therewithall with consent of all the Nobility the Protector gave him to Wife Iane Daughter to the
Earle returning into Britt●i●e received there the news of the Duke of Buckinghams death and the disp●r●ing of the Confederates forces with which though he was at first much troubled yet was he as much comforted afterward when he saw the Marquesse Dorset and those other Lords and Captaines come unto him soon after whose comming upon Christ●●sse day before the high Altar in the great Church of Rheims the Earle of Richmo●d gave Oath to marry the Lady El●zabeth as soone as he should be quietly ●e●led in the Government of England and thereupon all the Lords and Knights there present did him homage and in the same place each to other Religiously Vowed taking the Sacrament upon it never to cease prosecuting warre against king Richard till either his Deposition or Destruction King Richard being informed of these things makes diligent enquiry after all such as might be suspected to be favourers of Richmonds association of whom Sir George Brown and Sir Roger Clifford with foure other Gentlemen are apprehended and ex●cuted at London Sir Thomas Sentl●ge● whom m●rried Anne the Duke of Excet●rs widdow this kings own sister and Thomas Rame Esquire were executed at Exceter Thomas Marquesse Dorset and all such as were with the Earle of Rich●●●d were at a Parliament then holden att●inted of Treason and all their Good● a●d Lands seized on to the kings use Besides these a poore Gentleman called C●lli●gbor●● for making a small ryme of th●ee of his wicked Co●nsellours the Lord L●●●ll Sir Robert Ratcliffe and Sir William Catesby which ryme was thus framed 〈◊〉 Cat the Rat and ●●vell the Dog rule all Engla●● under a ●●og was put to deat● ●nd his body divided into foure quarter● At this time a Truce is concl●ded betwixt England and Sc●●land for three years● and for a se●ling a firmer Amity between the two kingdomes a marriage it treated● of between the Duke of Rothsay eldest Sonne to the king of Scots and the Lady Anne de la Poole daughter to Iohn Duke of Suffolk by Anne sister to king Ri●hard which sister he so much favoured that after the death of his own sonne who dyed some time before ●e caused Iohn Earle of Lincolne her sonne and his Nephew to be proclaimed Heire apparent to the Crown of England And now King Richard to take away the Root of his feare once againe sent Amb●●●adors to the Duke of Britaine with orde● besides the great gifts they caried with them to make offer that king Richard should yeerly pay and answer the Duke of all the Revenues and Profits of all lands and possessions● as well belonging to the Earle of Richmond as of any other Nobleman or Gentleman that were in his company if he after that time would keep them in continuall prison and restraine the● from liberty But the Duke of Brit●ine being at that time fallen into such infirmity that the Ambassadors could have no audience they addressed themselves to ●eter Landois the Dukes chief Treasurer and he taken with this golden hook faithfully promised to satisfie their Request and had done so indeed but that B. Morto● sojourning then in Fl●●ders had by his friends Intelligence of his purpose and presently informed the E. thereof The E. was then at Va●●e●● who upon the Bps. information taking with him only five servants as though he went but to visit some friend when he was five miles forward on his way suddenly turned into a Wood adjoyning and there changing apparell with one of his servants followed after as their attendant and never rested till by wayes unknown he came to his company abiding at Angi●r● yet was not his departure so secret nor so sudden but that Peter Landois had notice of it who sending Posts after him was so neer overtaking him that he was scarce entred one houre into Franc● when the Posts arrived at the Con●ines and then durst goe no further In the mean time Sir Edward Woodvile and Captaine P●ynings who with their companies were left behinde in Vannes had been in danger of Peter L●ndis his malice but that the Duke being informed by the Chancellour of their case not only protected them but furnished them with all necessaries for their journey to the Earle and was so incensed against L●●dois for this action of his that for this and some other over-bold pre●umptions he was afterward hanged The Earle having passed this danger in Britaine and being arrived in France addresseth himselfe to the French king imploring his ayde and hath it promised and performed and in this time Iohn Vere Earle of Oxford who had long time been kept prisoner in the Castle of Hammes so farre prevailed with Iames Blunt Captaine of the Fortresse and Sir Iohn Fortescue Porter of the Town of Callice that not onely they suffered him to be at liberty but accompanied him also to the Earle of Richm●●● to whom Captain Blunt gave assurance that the Fortresse remained wholly at his devotion At this time also there resorted to the Earle divers young Gentlemen that were Students in the University of Paris profering him their service amongst whom was Richard Fox at that time famous for his learning with whom afterward the Earle advised in all his affaires made him one of his most Privy Counsell and at last Bishop of Winchester But now king Richard having been disappointed of his designe in Britaine hath another way in his head to disapoint the Earle of Richmond of his marriage with the Daughter of Queen Elizabeth and to this end he sent to the Queen● being still in Sanctuary divers messengers who should first excuse and purge him of all things formerly attempted and done against her and then should largely promise promotions innumerable not onely to her selfe but also to her sonne Lord Thomas Marquesse D●r●et● by ●or●e of which promises the messengers so prevailed with her ●hat no● onely she began ●o relent but 〈…〉 was content to submit her selfe wholly to th● king● pleasure And thereupon putting in oblivion the murther of her inno●●●● Children the butchering of her own Brother and Sonne the infamy of her ●oy●ll Hu●●and the aspersion of Adulte●y cast upon her selfe the imputation of Bastardy laid to her Da●●hter●● forgetting also her Oa●h made to the Earle of Richmonds Moth●r seduced by fla●tering words she first delivered into king Richards hands her ●ive Daughters and after sent letters to the Marquesse her Sonne being then at Pari● wit● the Earle of Richmond willing him by any means to leave the Earle and with all speed to repaire into England● where for him were provided great Honours and Promotions Assuring him further that all offences on both parts were forgot●en ●nd forgiven and both he and she incorporated in the kings favour If we wonder at this credulity in the Queen we may conceive she was moved with the 〈…〉 motives of Feare and hope she feared no doubt that if she denyed the king● request he would presently take some sharpe course both against her and her D●●●ht●rs and she hoped that
if she yeelded to his request he would undoub●e●ly performe his promise seeing it was as easie for him to keep it as to breake it But now king Richards purpose being to marry one of his brother king Edwards daughters there was one impediment which directly hindred it that he had a wife living and how to be rid of her that he might not bring new aspersions upon hi●selfe he could not well tell yet this he resolved that be rid of her he would by some way or other but before he would use extremity he would first try milder wayes and first he absteyned both from her bed and company and complained to divers of her barrennesse which comming to her ●are he hoped might cause her ●o dye with griefe And when this device failed he then caused a rumour to be s●●●●d among the people that she was suddenly dead hoping the very conceite thereof would kill her when this device also failed for the Queen hearing of it and mistrustring the worst with a most sorrowfull countenance came unto him demanding what she had done that he should judge her worthy to dye who answered with faire words bidding her be of good cheere for to his knowledge she should have no other cause he then made sure worke for within few dayes after whether by poyson or by what other ●eans it is not certainly known she departed this life and with all solemnity not without some formall tears of king Richard was interred in St. Peters Church at Westminster King Richard now by his wives death having made himself way to marry another 〈◊〉 all the alluring means he can devise to win the love of the Lady Elizabeth his 〈◊〉 but meaning at last to purchase his desire by Rape if he could not otherwise● and had perhaps done it but that the storms threatned from beyond the seas growing every day more strong then other forced him to prorouge the execution of his desires and look to the prevention of his present danger The Lord Stanley is commanded presently to levy forces for the kingsayde as he will justifie his integrity to him but yet is not permitted to goe down into the Country untill he had left George Lord Strange his eldest Son as a Pledge of his Loyalty behinde him And now king Richard being informed though the information was craftily suborned by his Enemies that the Earle of Richmond was out of hope of any great assistance from France dischargeth the ships which he had appointed to guard the seas ●●d likewise all the souldiers onely order is given for diligent watching of the Beacons At this time one Morga● Kidwelly a Student at the Innes of Court with great ha●●d of his life passed over to the Earle Informing him that King Richard by all means laboured to match himself with the Lady Elizabeth which so wrought with the Earle that he saw there was no lingring and the more being by him further informed that Ric● ap Thomas and Iohn Savage two powerfull men in their Coun●r●es were ready with great forces to assist him Whereupon not having above two thousand Mercenaries and but indifferent shipping to convay him over about the middle of August he put to sea and by the advice of the said Kidwelly steered his course for Wales and on the seventee●●● day after his departure from Harflew arrived at Milford Haven and there landing his for●es without trouble or impeachment from thence m●●●hed peacably 〈◊〉 Hereford where by the Inhabitants he was joyfully received Here he receiveth news by Captaine Arnold Butler that the Earle of Pembrooke with all hi● reti●●● was upon the way to joyne with him also thither came to him R●chard Griffith and Iohn Morgan with a band of brave Welsh men and the same day Sir Gi●ber● T●lbo● with all the Earle of Shewsbury●s Tenants being about two thousand well appointed men came unto him with these he marched towards Shrewsbury at which time word is brought him that Sir Robert Herbert and Rice ap Thomas were ready with a great power to stoppe his passage which somewhat troubled him that his friends so suddenly should revolt but it was but a trick of R●ce ap Tho●●● to make his bargaine the surer for soon after Rice ap Thomas meets him and offers him his service so as the Earle will pledge his faith to performe his promise formerly made which was that having once obtained the Crown he would make Rice sole Governour of Wales which was now assented to and afterward performed● At this time the Lord St●●ley with five thousand men had taken up his lodging at the Town of Leicester but hearing of the Earles march that way he le●t Leicester and went to Adde●t●● not daring to shew himselfe openly for the Earle for feare the King should put his Sonne the Lord Strange to death whom he had left an Hostage with him All this time King Richard lay at Nottigham and was as it were fatally taken with a spirit of security hearing that the Earle had but small assistance either from France or in England and therefore slighting him as little able to doe any great matter but when he heard that part of his own forces was revolted to him then he began to looke about him and sends present direction to the Duke of Norfolke the Earles of Northumberland and Surry with Sir Thomas Brackenbury Lievetenant of the Tower with all speed to bring their forces to him at Lutterworth from whence upon their arrivall hearing that the Earle was encamped at Lichfield he marcheth thitherward At which time Sir Walter Hungerford and some others withdrew themselves from King Richards part and Sir Iohn Savage Sir Bryan Sta●ford and Sir Simon Digby with their severall Forces joyned with the Earle King Richard tooke the advantage of a large Plaine neere Bosworth adjoyning to a Hill called Anne Beame where he encamped And observing by his Adversaries manner of approach that they meant to give him battell He the next morning put his Forces in order The Vauntguard was led by the Duke of Norfolk which consisted of one thousand two hundred Bow-men flanked with two hundred Cuyrassiers under the conduct of the Earle of Surrey The Battaile King Richard led himselfe which consisted of a thousand Bill-men empaled with two thousand Pikes The Reereward was led by Sir Thomas Bracke●bury consisting of two thousand mingled weapons with two wings of Horsemen containing fifteen hundred all of them cast into square maniples expecting the Lord Sta●ley's comming with two thousand most of them Horsemen But the Lord Stanley caried himselfe so warily that he might neither give cause of suspition to the King nor yet cause of disadvan●tage to the Earle that when early in the morning the Earle sent unto him desiring his prese●t repaire he answered that he must looke for no ayde from him till the Battailes should be joyned and therefore advised him with all possible speed to give the Onset This Answer somewhat staggered the Earle because his number did