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ID Title Author Corrected Date of Publication (TCP Date of Publication) STC Words Pages
B00982 A most worthy and famous vvorke, bothe pleasant and profitable, conteyning the longe and cruell warres between the Gothes and the valyant Romayne emperours, for the possession of Italy. VVith the vvounderful chances that hapned to both nations: / written in the Italian tongue, and nevvly translated into English by A.G.; De bello Italico adversus Gothos gesto. English Bruni, Leonardo, 1369-1444.; Procopius. 1565 (1565) STC 3933.5; ESTC S91235 126,989 396

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warnyng geuen dyd resrowe the towne by himself or by his deputie Diogenes should surrender it at a certayne daye And Totilas shoulde not in the meane season by any meanes moleste or dysquiet hym For the assurance of these Articles Hostages were deliuered and vppon thys agreement Totilas brake vp his siege The .v. Chapter ¶ Totilas makyng warre in Sicill besiegeth Siracuse a new Lieuetennaunt is sent from the Emperour into Italy WHen all thynges were nowe in a readinesse that were to be prepared Totilas maketh warre in Sicill Totilas turned hymselfe to the warres in Sicill commaundyng that his shyppes shuld be ready at hand in the narrowe seas of Sicill He hymself went by land vnto Rhegium purposyng to haue wonne the towne by force Captaynes of the towne were Teremund and Imere placed there by Belisarius not longe before Who diuerse sundry tymes repulsed the Gothes to their great losse attemptyng to wynne that towne by assault By meanes wherof Lotilas despayring to get it by violence determined with long continuance of hys siege to subdue them by famyshment And therefore leauyng a number of the Gothes about it he conueyed all the reast of hys armye by water to wynne Tarent the whiche he easily obteyned From thence wafting ouer into Sicil after that he had eyther by force of Armes or ells by composition gotten into his hand certayne of that lesser townes The syege of Siracuse at length he besieged Siracuse both by sea by land By that tyme the Gothes which as ye heard before wer sent among the Picentes against Iohn Valerian hauyng associated greate ayde vnto them and gotten the vpper hand in diuerse conslyctes toke the Citye Arimine And in another encounter not farre from Rau●nna they slews Vere Captayne of the Elurians wyth all hys hoste Moreouer Teremund Imere whiche were besieged in the towne of Rhegium for want of victualls were fayne to yelde themselues the towne to the Gothes All these thynges being declared to the Emperour at one instant namely the sakyng of Rhegium Tarent and Arimine and the passyng of Totilas into Sicill made hym vtterly astonyed to heare of so many misfortunes at once And ther vpō he denounced one Germā his cousin Germine by that fathers side captaine of that warres in Italy agaynst the Gothes commaunding great preparation to be made for that same A new Lieuetennant sente into Italy frō them perour Whē that fame hereof was blowen into Italy it greatly abasshed that enemye recōforted hys frends For thys Germā was a man of a hualt courage and of no lesse wysedome and pollicye wonderfull lyberall and verye welbeloued both wyth the people and wyth the souldyers Besydes thys he had after the death of Vitigis taken to wyfe Mathasuta the nece of Kyng Theoderych the whiche thyng wonne hym the hartes of the Gothes and therefore as the fame of hym was great so was he greatly loked longed for in Italy The .vi. Chapter ¶ Diogenes dalayeth with Totilas in deliueryng vp of Centmucelles accordyng to cōposition The newe Lieuetennant of Italy dyeth in kys waye whose sonnes are commaunded to prosecute theyr fathers charge WHon German was nowe in Illiricke The Selauines the nation of the Sclauines hauing passed that riuer of Danow inuaded the prouinces of the Empyre of Rome A kynde of people cruell and outragius beyonde all measure whoe turnyng themselues toward Macedonie and Thrace put Iustinian in suche a feare that he commaunded German to stay his iourney into Italy Through this taryans the Gothes had leysure to do what they lyste in Italy and Sicill The answere of Diogenes to Toulas for Centmucelles In the meane season came the daye appointed that Diogenes should haue deliuered Centmucelles wherupon Totilas sendyng vnto hym required hym to performe hys promyse Diogenes alledged that Germane was newly created Captayne of the warres in Italye By reason whereof he sayd the state of thynges was wholly altered so that it laye not in his power to yelde that towne seing that Lorde proper owner of it was on hys iourney would with in two or three daies be in Italy Totilas was be sieging Siracuse in Sicill and the Gothishe men of warre skowring through the whole countrie made hauocke of althynges In Italy Rauenna Auchon Hydrunt and Centmucelles wyth certayue other townes remained styll imperiall The Gothes helde all the reast One only hope stayed them namely the commyng of German the whyche also fayled them For wheras he was sore longed for in Italye he was taken with a disease and to the great sorrowe of all the were belonging to hym dyed in Illiricke The death of Germane German had two sonnes whom he led with hym into Italy Them dyd the Emperour cōmaunde to procede with their fathers enterprise ioyuly together with theyr kynsemen Iohn Vitalian the Captain so well knowen in Italy For Iohn had maryed the daughter of German Iohn therfore the sonnes of Germā taking the charge of the army vpō them came vnto Salons And forasmuche as wynter was at hand they determyned to abyde that season there in the begynning of the nexte spring to passe ouer to Rauenna About the same tyme well nye Liberius being sente from themperour wyth a nauye entered into Siracuse mawgre the Gothes that kepte their station in the hauen to prohibyte their arriuall Howbeit for doubt of scarcety of victualls whyche so greate a number was soone lyke to cause in a Citye besieged he purposed to goe his way agayne and therfore wyth in a fewe dayes after hys commyng he tooke shippyng agayne and departyng from Syracuse arryed at Panorme The vi Chapter ¶ Narses is sente agayne Lieuerennant into Italye vvyth a greate povver and greate treasure Totilas sendeth a nauye into Grece to infeste those countryes and besyegeth Aucon in Italye The Captaynes of Totilas are ouercome on the sea by the Imperialls and Aucon is rescovve The Gothes receaue another ouerthrovv vpō the land after the vvhich certain Gothishe Captaynes become imperiall Narses marcheth vvith an inestimable povver to Rauenna and from thence tovvarde Rome in the vvhiche iurney he vanquysheth a Captayne of the Gothes and killeth hym at Arimine He encountereth vvith Totilas vvho in the same conflicte is slayne and Teias created kyng of Gothes in hys steade IN the meane whyle the Emperour alteryng hys purpose Narses is made themperours Lieuetennant in Italy made hys Eunuch Narses Lieuetennant general of the warres in Italy makyng hym large promyses of men and mony Also he wrote to Iohn that he shoulde not passe into Italy but tary stil at Salons there abyde the commyng of Narses Narses therfore taking the charge couragiously vpon him endeuored to leuie a great power from all places To the performance whereof greatly aualyed hys fauour authoritye For he was one of the Emperours preuis Counsel and ruled hym in manner as he lyste he had greate frendship and Aliance with the