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A77171 The martial-field of Europe being a geographical and historical description of those parts of Europe, which are most famous in this present war, viz. I. Flanders, II. The Rhine, III. Savoy, IV. Catalonia, V. Hungary, VI. Greece. With an account of the several revolutions of those places, either by conquest or treaties of peace, particularly from the treaty of Munster in 1648. to this present time. By A. Boyer, Gent. Boyer, Abel, 1667-1729. 1694 (1694) Wing B3916; ESTC R203420 162,311 286

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to the French It stands 24 Miles nigh S. of Coblentz and 33 W. of Mentz Long. 26 d. 52 m. Lat. 49 d. 59 m. XI Ingelheim Ingelheim Lat. Ingelhemium and Ingelenhemium is a small Town on the Rhine once Free and Imperial but now belonging to the Elector Palatine and Subject to the French The Emperor Charlemaign was Born there in 742. and afterwards repaired it Lewis the Debonair died there in 840. It stands Eight Miles W. of Mentz and as many E. of Bingen Places adjoining to Palatinate I. Spire SPire or Spires Lat. Spira or Augusta Nemetum or Noviomagus is a great rich populous City near the Rhine with a Bishoprick under the Arbishoprick of Mentz It is an Imperial and Free City but under the protection of the Elector Palatine The Cathedral was Built in 1411. by Conrade the Emperor in which are the Sepulchres of the Emperors Henry IV. Philip V. Rudolph I. Adolphus of Nassau and Albert I. The Imperial Chamber which was first Instituted at Francfort in 1495. by Maximilian I. and in the Year 1530. removed to this City by Charles V. Consists of two Presidents whereof the one is a Protestant the other a Romanist and of 15 Counsellors whereof Seven are Protestants and Eight Romanists The Government of the City was all Lutheran but the Cathedral was in the Hands of the Bishop a Roman Catholick There were several Convents of both Sexes and a College of Jesuits The Calvinists had also a Church here but their number was not considerable Tho' the Town subsisted chiefly by the Imperial Chamber yet there was an endless Dispute between them and the Chamber concerning their Priviledges For the Government of the Town pretended that the Judges of the Chamber as they were private Men and out of the Court of Judicature were subject to them and in the Year 1685. they put one of them in Prison and on the other hand the Judges said their Persons were sacred In the last War in 1672. between the French and the Emperor this City enjoyed a Neutrality on the Account of this Chamber but in the Year 1638. was taken and Garrison'd by the French and in 1689. a War ensuing for the Recovery of the Countries Ravish'd from the Empire by the French they with the utmost Inhumanity burned and destroy'd this Ancient and Venerable City Hereupon the Imperial Chamber was by the Diet with the Consent of the Emperor removed to Weslar a City of Hassia The Ruins of Spire stand 13 Miles S. W. of Heidelberg and 22 S. of Worms Long. 28 d. 12 m. Lat. 49 d. 11 m. II. Worms Worms Lat. Vormacia or Barbetomagus or Barbitomagus Vangionum is a Great Famous Imperial Free City upon the Rhine with a Bishoprick Suffragant of Mentz The Bishop is Lord thereof as well as of the little Country whereof it is Capital Attila destroyed it in the Fifth Century and Clovis repair'd it again It was often taken in the last Wars of Germany The Town was honoured a considerable time with an Archbishops See whereof it was deprived about 750. by Pope Zachary who removed that Dignity to Mentz leaving only the Title of Bishoprick to Worms in Punishment of Gervillon the last Archbishop his Treachery who kill'd an an Officer whom he had invited to come to confer with him out of his Enemies the Saxons Camp Here have been several Councils held as in 764 770. 1078 c. A Famous Diet was also held here in 1521. in which Luther defended his Doctrine before the States of the Empire Worms was burnt by the French in 1689. and stands 23 Miles N. E. of Heidelberg and Spire and 33 S. of Francfort Long. 28 d. Lat. 49 d. 32 m. III. Philipsburg Philipsburg is a very important Fortress near the Rhine called formerly Vdenheim it took its Modern Name from Philip Christopher de Saleren Bishop of Spire and Archbishop of Trier This Prelate caused it to be Built and Fortified with seven Bastions where the Bishops Castle and the Village of Vdenheim stood almost upon the Brink of the Rhine in a Plain surrounded with Marish Ground This Place was Consigned to the Bishop of Spire but still under the Protection of the Emperor the Bishop has ever had his Residence in the Castle which is a Noble Pile It fell into the hands of the Imperialists in _____ through the Cowardliness of the Governour The Swedes drove them thence Jan. 15. 1634. and gave it to Lewis XIII but as the Fortification of it could not be finish'd because of the rigour of the Winter The Imperialists surpriz'd it by Night Jan. 23. 1635. Afterwards the Duke of Anguien having defeated the Bavarians at Friburg retook Spire and Philipsburg Sept. 1644. The French King caused it to be regularly Fortified and made it a very important Place The Germans and their Allies who had blocked it up for a long time Besieged it May 16. 1676. and it was surrendred to them upon Articles Sept. the 17th following In 1688. Sept. the 27th It was invested by the French The 6th of October the Dauphin of France came thither and here made his first Campaign the first of November it was surrendred when it might have holden out much longer However this Siege gave liberty to the Prince of Orange now our King to come over into England Philipsburg stands seven Miles S. of Spire and 18 S. W. of Heidelberg Long. 28 d. 10 m. Lat. 49 d. 4 m. IV. Darmstat Darmstat Lat. Darmstadium with the Title of Landgraviate is about Two Leagues from the Rhine It belongs to a Prince of the Family of Hesse and has a well Fortified Castle The Castles of Mariemburg on the Rhine and Russelheim on the Main belong also to that Prince Darmstat stands on the River of the same Name 14 Miles S. of Francfort 23 S. E. of Mentz 17 N. E. of Worms and 30 N. of Heidelberg Long. 28 d. 16 m. Lat. 49 d. 41 m. V. Deux-Ponts Deux-Ponts Lat. Bipontium Germ Zweibruck is a Town on the River Scwolbe with a strong Castle and the Title of Dukedom It stands 44 Miles almost W. of Worms and about 50 from Strasburg Mentz and Triers Long. 26 d. 54 m. Lat. 49 d. 19 m. This Town gives its Name to a very Ancient and Noble Family which is a Branch of that of Bavaria in this manner Stephen Duke of Sicmeren second Son to the Emperor Robert the Little had two Sons by his Wife Anne of Veldens viz. Frederick and Lewis the Black Lewis dying in 1489. left Alexander Sirnamed The Halt Duke of Deux-Ponts who died in 1514. and was succeeded by Lewis II. who embraced the Protestant Religion and died in 1532. His Son Wolfgand was his Successor he added to his Fathers Dominions the Principality of Newburg and died in France in 1569. where he had led Succours out of Palatinate to the Protestants of that Kingdom he left Five Sons viz. Philip Lewis John Frederick and Charles and two Daughters John was his Successor who died in 1604. left by his Wife Magdalen Daughter to William Duke of Cleves and Juliers who brought along with her the Reversion of her Father's Estates Four Sons viz. Lewis-William who died in 1581. John II. Frederick-Casimir who Married in
1614. Amelia Daughter of William Prince of Orange and John-Casimir who in 1615. Married Catherine Daughter to Charles X. King of Sweden by which he had Charles-Gustavus King of Sweden and adolph-Adolph-John and two Daughters John II. Duke of Deux-Ponts took the Title of Duke of Cleves and Juliers c. and died in 1635. leaving behind him by his second Wife Louise-Julienne Daughter to Frederick IV. Elector Palatine several Daughters and one Son called Frederick who enjoyed his Fathers Estates by the Treaty of Westphalia in 1648. and died in 1661. without Issue His Nephew Frederick-Lewis Son to Frederick-Casimir and Amelia Countess of Orange and Nassau succeeded him This Frederick-Lewis was Married to his Cousin Julienne-Magdalen Daughter to John II. by which he had Lewis-William Born in 1648. to whom belongs the Dutchy of Deux-Ponts Yet upon the Pretence of the King of Sweden's Right to it the French made themselves Masters of the Town and Castle of Deux-Ponts in Jan. 1676. which they have kept since tho' for the most part Ruin'd VI. Birkenfeld Birkenfeld Lat. Birchofeldia is a small Town with the Title of Principality and Dukedom in the Palatinate of the Rhine belonging to the Palatinate of Bavaria but now Subject to the French It stands in the small Country of Hunsruk near the Nab 24 Miles almost E. of Triers and 45 almost W. of Mentz Long. 26 d. 36 m. Lat. 49 d. 45 m. VII Mont-Royal Mont-Royal is a very strong new little Town Built by the French and subject to the Same in the Palatinate of the Rhine in the Limits of the Archbishoprick of Triers upon the left side of the River Moselle It stands 23 Miles N. E. of Triers and 31 S. W. of Coblentz Long. 26 d. 30 m. Lat. 50 d. Article III. The Archbishoprick and Electorate of Mayence or Mentz THE Archbishoprick and Electorate of Mentz Borders Veteraw on the North Bounds the Electorate of Triers on the West the Lower Palatinate on the South and Franconia on the East It is so strangely scattered and intermixed with other Provinces Extent that the Dimensions of it cannot well be given It s Archbishop is Arch-Chancellor of the Empire History and the first of the Electoral College in all publick Conventions he sits at the Right Hand of the Emperor This Dignity is Elective and depends upon the Chapter which consists of 24 Canons that have Voice commonly called Capitularies There are other Canons which have neither Voice nor Revenue tho' they have made the usual proofs of Nobility for none but Gentlemen are admitted into this Chapter but they may fill the Vacancies of the 24. This Elector has a Mareschal and a Chancellor under him the first for Military Affairs and the other for the Administration of Justice His Dominions consist of Five and twenty Bailywicks which in good Times yield the Archbishop about 1800000 Livres per Ann. The greatest part of this Revenue is raised in Mentz by the Toll which all the Boats that go through it are obliged to pay The Chief River Rivers which waters this Electorate besides the Rhine is the Main which falls into that near Mentz The Electorate and Archbishoprick of Mentz is scattered in several Provinces The Places of Note are Mentz Archb. Cap. about the Rhine Bingen about the Rhine Weisbaden about the Rhine Elfelt about the Rhine Rudisheim about the Rhine Fredberg Imp. in Hesse Fritzlar in Hesse Aschaffemburg in Franconia Biscoffsheim in Franconia Lor County in Franconia Reineck County in Franconia Erfort in Thuringia Heiligenstat in Thuringia Duderstat in Thuringia I shall give you here a Description of those Places only which are about the Rhine the rest being altogether Foreign to our Design I. Mentz Mentz Gall. Mayence Lat. Moguntia or Maguntia and Moguntiacum is situated upon the left Bank of the Rhine it deriveth its Name from the River Mein which falls into the Rhine over against it and is the Ancientest City in that part of Germany as having been certainly Built before the Birth of our Saviour and Famous in the Times of Drusus General of Augustus In 745. it was made an Archbishops See instead of Worms to which it was Suffragan before It was very severely treated by Frederick Aenobarbus the Emperor in 1158. but rebuilt and restored by Otho IV. In 1462. it was taken by Adolphus of Nassau its Archbishop It s University was opened in 1461. Gustavus Adolphus King of Sweden entered it in Triumph in 1631. It was retaken from the Swedes in 1635. but they took it again the next Year after and kept it till the Peace of Munster This is a very strong Place adorned with Churches Monasteries and other fair Buildings but the narrowness of its Streets and many old Houses take away from its Beauty It is most extended towards the River and that part excels the other towards the Land as being more populous and better Built This City is famous by the Invention of Printing about 1430. or rather by the Skill of one John Guttemberg who first taught the use of it in Europe which he had learnt in China where 't is said they have had it for above 2000 Years Mentz received a French Garrison in 1688. but being Besieged by the Confederate Forces under the Duke of Lorrain it was surrendred September 11. 1689. after six or seven Weeks Resistance It stands 21 Miles almost W. of Francfort 28 Miles almost N. of Worms 48 N. W. of Heidelberg and 66 E. of Triers Long. 27 d. 43 m. Lat. 49 d. 57 m. II. Bingen Bingen is a fine little Town and Castle upon the Mouth of the little River Nabe or Nave on the Rhine Ammianus Marcellinus and the Itinerary of Antoninus make mention of it It was once Imperial but is now Subject to the Archbishoprick of Mayence and stands 16 Miles W. of that City Near it is an Island in the Rhine with a Castle called Mauszthurn wherein it 's said that Hatto second Archbishop of Mayence was eaten alive by Rats It is now almost wholly ruined Article IV. The Archbishoprick and Electorate of Treves or Triers THE Electorate of Triers lies betwixt Weteraw and the Palatinate on the East Bounds Lorrain on the South Luxemburg on the West Lifal the Archbishoprick of Cologne and Westrowalt on the North. It s of great extent Extent from East to West but narrow from North to South It is Watered both by the Rhine and the Moselle Rivers Quality and yields most plentifully all things necessary for the life of Man The Chapter of Treves has the Privilege of chusing their Archbishops and receive no Princes nor scarcely any Counts in their Prebends or Canonicals the Gentlemen reserve them for People of their own rank
N. E. of Bruges and 14 S. W. of Middleburg Long. 22 d. 34 m. Lat. 51 d. 24 m. II. Sas-Van-Ghent Sas-Van-Ghent is a small place but so strong by reason of its situation and fortifications that it is accounted impregnable Yet the Hollanders took it in 1644. It stands 11 miles N. of Ghent Long. 23 d. Lat. 51 d. 20 m. III. Ardenburgh Ardenburgh is also a small place but very strong in Flanders subject to the Hollanders It stands 20 miles N. W. of Ghent Long. 22 d. 36 m. Lat. 51 d. 22 m. Article II. Of the Dukedom of Brabant Lat. Brabantia THIS Dutchy is in a manner an Island encompassed with Rivers having the Meuse on the East and the Nort the Demer on the South which runs through part of this Province and the Schelde on the West with the Ocean on the side of Breda and Bergin-Op-Zoom So that it borders part of the Country of Gelderland Bounds and the Bishoprick of Liege on the East The Country of Hainault and the Country of Namur on the South Flanders and part of Zealand on the West and Holland and another part of Gelderland on the North. Its Extent Extent South and North is about 70 miles and about 60 West and East Quality The Air is generally good and wholesom the Soil is very Fertile except some of the Northern parts which are somewhat sandy and barren The Cities are very fine whereof there are 26 Walled and Strong Towns not mentioning others of less importance and about 100 Villages Villages History The Brabanders are descended from a Colony of Saxons brought from beyond the Elbe by Charlemaign and planted in this Country in 806. Divers Authors say that Anchises or Anchisices Father to Pepin of Haristol was Lord of Brabant Charlemaign and his Children were Masters of this Country until such time as Otho Son to Prince Charles of France Duke of Lower Lorraine being dead in 1004. without being Married Brabant became the Portion of Gerbege second Daughter to the same Charles of France and his first Wife Bonne of Ardenne Married to Lambert II. Earl of Monts and Louvain the Founder of the Branch of the Duke of Brabant and Lothier at first they took only the Title of Earls but 1235 Henry I. took the Title of Duke of Brabant and Lorrain Philip III. called the Good recollected the succession of the Duke of Brabant which he left to Charles the Rash his Son Father to Mary of Burgundy who carried it into the House of Austria by her Marriage to Maximilian afterwards Emperor This Country has been fruitful in illustrious Men and Learned Writers The Rivers Rivers here besides the Meuse and the Scheld are Demer Dommel Senne Aa Dyle Gias Jeckes Nephte both great and small and Mert there is also a great number of small Lakes and Ponds Brabant comprehends the Marquisate of the Holy Empire whose Capital is Antwerp the Lordship of Mechlin the Dutchy of Arschot the Marquisate of Bergues the County of Hooghstraet the state of Maestricht formerly that of Liege and 19 Baronies Louvain was in time past Capital of this Province but now Brussels Brabant is divided into four parts 1. Dutch-rBrabant in which the most remarkable Places are Boisleduc Bish Cap. Breda Bergen-Op-Zoom Grave Ravestein Helmont Eyndenhove Maestricht Lillo 2. Spanish-Brabant properly so called which comprebends Brussels Cap. Louvain Leuwe Arschot Duke Nivelle Tillemont or Tienen Judoigne Gemblour Lire Diest Vilvoerde Herentals Hannuye 3. The Marquisate of the Holy Empire Antwerp Bish 4. The Lordship of Malines which has Malines or Mechlin Arch. To keep to my General division I shall give you here the Description of the Dutch and Spanish Brabant and reserve that of the M●rquisate and Lordship of Malines for the two following Articles Chiefs Towns belonging to the Hollanders in Brabant I. Boisleduc BOisleduc Bolduc or Bosleduc Lat. Boscum-Ducis Sylva-Ducis Bolducum and in Dutch Hertogenbosch the Capital of the Dutch-Brabant with a Bishoprick Suffragant of Malines is situated upon the River Domel which there receives the Aade and afterward the Diese and discharges it self about two Leagues from thence into the Meuse at the place where it formeth the Isle of Bommel Boisleduc is built in a plain where there was a Hunting Forrest belonging to the Dukes of Brabant But Duke Henry going to oppose the incursions which those of Guelder-land made into his Country caused this Wood to be cut down in 1172. where the Foundations of this City were laid which Duke Jeffery finished in 1184. Pope Paul IV. erected it into a Bishoprick in 1559. and Francis Sonnius was its first Prelate The Bishops now are but Titular and make their residence at Goldorp since Boisleduc is fallen into the hands of the Hollanders This City is naturally strong as well by its situation as by its fortifications It is environ'd with Rivers and Meadows covered with Water so that the Avenues to the Town are upon artificial Causeys made turning and winding and commanded by one or other of the six Forts built at some distance without the Town Its Ditches are filled with the Waters of the said Rivers which enter into the City by divers Channels very commodious to the Inhabitants They are almost all Soldiers tho' they do not neglect Trade which occasioneth this saying That the Inhabitants of Boisleduc are Warlike Merchants The City is large fair well built and very populous The Cathedral Church of St. John is one of the most sumptuous of the Netherlands with a very fine Clock The Market-place is environed with fine Buildings where 10 of the greatest Streets do end The Hollanders became at last Masters of it in 1629. by the Valour and Conduct of Frederick Henry Prince of Orange This City stands 43 miles N. E. of Antwesp and 50 almost S. of Amsterdam Long. 24 d. 30 m. Lat. 51 d. 42 m. II. Breda Breda is seated on the River Mereck with the Title of Barony which comprehends now about Seventeen Villages but it had more formerly and Berg-Op-Zoom did then depend upon it Breda had anciently particular Lords of its own and was sometimes in Possession of the Dukes of Brabant but John III. Duke of Brabant sold it again in 1350. to John Polon Lord of Lieck who left an only Daughter Johanna Married in 1404. to Engelbert of Nassau Henry of Nassau begun the Castle of Breda where the Tomb of Renatus of Nassau is to be seen in the Collegiate Church of St. Peter founded about 1303. This City suffered very much during the War between the States and the Spaniards The Prince of Parma took it from the Vnited Provinces July 18. 1581. Maurice of Nassau became Master of it against in 1590. by a Boat loaden with Turf under which he hid 60 Souldiers who rendered themselves Masters of the Castle and he afterwards took the City by Capitulation They tell a very remarkable thing of one of these Soldiers that was hidden under the Turf viz.
he had Frederick the Vth. who was Chosen King of Bohemia in 1619. but Dethroned after the Battel of Prague in 1620. and his Territories were given to the Duke of Bavaria with the Dignity of Elector He died at Mentz in 1632. leaving behind him three Sons by Elizabeth Daughter of James the First of Great Brittain viz. Charles Robert and Edward Robert commonly called Prince Robert and well known in England was Created Duke of Cumberland and Died without Legitimate Issue Edward Died a Papist at Paris in 1663. leaving three Daughters by Princess Ann of Mantua one of them viz. Anne Married to the Prince of Conde Charles had part of his Fathers Inheritance restored to him by the Peace of Munster in 1648. and a Eighth Electorate was Created in his behalf viz. that of the Palatine of the Rhine and the Upper Palatinate remained in the Duke of Bavaria's Hands The Elector Charles Married Charlotte Daughter to the Landtgrave of Hesse Cassel by whom he had Charles and Elizabeth Charlotte who was Married to the Duke of Orleans only Brother to King Lewis the XIVth of France Charles Succeeded his Father in the Electorate and in 1671. Married Wiellielmine Ernestine Daughter to Frederick the IIId King of Denmark He died in 1685. without Issue and was Succeeded by Philip William Duke of Newburg a Popish Prince In 1688. and 1689. The French entered his Territories and laid most part of them wa st on pretence of the Allodial Claim'd by the Dutchess of Orleans Sister to the late Elector who died without Issue This Country is divided in two viz. the Palatinate properly so called and the Dominions of several particular Princes adjoining to it The Palatinate properly so called where are Heidelberg Cap. Manheim Frankendal Openheim Caub Creutznach Newstat Keiserslautern Bacharach Simmeren Earld Ingelheim Places adjoining to the Palatinate and Subject to several Princes Spire Imper. Bish Wormes Imper. Bish Philipsburg to the French Darmstat Landgraviat Deux-Ponts Dutchy Birkenfeld Earld Mont-Royal Remarkable Towns in the Palatinate of the Rhine I. Heidelberg HEildelberg Lat. Heilderberga which some think to be the Budoris of the Ancients is Metropolis of the Palatinate of the Rhine seated at the foot of an Hill on the Neckar over which it has a Wooden Bridge it is said to have formerly belonged to the Bishoprick of Worms but was granted to Lewis Count Palatine in 1225. It was enlarged by Robert Count Palatine who was Chosen Emperor in 1392. And Rupertus Count Palatine Founded an University here in 1346. This Town is large fair well Built and well Peopled and the usual Residence of the Elector who had a Noble Magnificent and Strong Castle here till the French blew it up in the present War when they were forced to leave it contrary to the Capitulation with the Dauphin in 1688. The Town-House and the Churches of St. Peter and the Holy Ghost are stately Buildings The Wine of this Place is much esteem'd The Castle is also Famous for a great huge Tun commonly called The Tun of Heilderberg The University has great Priviledges one of which is Power of Life and Death over all that belong to it without Power of Revocation or Infringement in the Prince himself This University has been Famous for many great Men and had one of the best Libraries in Europe which Count Tilly sent to Rome in 1622. after he had taken the Town which suffered extreamly in the late German Wars It was taken by the French in 1688. and a little while after burn'd and abandon'd In 1693. Heidelberg was Betrayed to the French King's Troops under the Command of Mareschal De Lorge the City laid in Ashes the Tombs of the Dead Princes and Princesses inhumanely Destroyed and their Corps exposed the Garrison and Inhabitants Cruelly Butchered and the Women after Protection brutishly Ravish'd Part of the Garrison flying to the Castle Capitulated A little while after Heidersdorf the Governour being Condemned to Death by a Council of War at Hailbron was Reprieved but degraded of the Teutonick Order led about the Imperial Camp in a Cart buffetted in a disgraceful manner by the Common Hangman treated with the heighth of Ignominy then Banished and Cudgelled to Death by the Peasants after he was let go by the Executioner Heidelberg stands 13 Miles N. E. of Spire 22 S. E. of Worms 18 N. E. of Philipsburg and 48 almost S. of Francfort Long. 28 d. 27 m. Lat. 49 d. 17 m. II. Manheim Manheim is seated on the Confluent of the Rhine and the Neckar It was taken and ruined by the Spaniards in the beginning of the XIIIth Century but was Rebuilt and handsomly Fortified by Charles Lewis Elector Palatine It was taken and abandoned by the French in 1689. and since that time they have intirely ruined it in a most Barbarous manner It stands 11 Miles almost N. W. of Heidelberg III. Frankendal Frankendal Lat. Franchendalia formerly no more than an Abbey afterwards a Place of Refuge for the Belgian Exiles about 1574. now a new City which was well Fortified scarce a League distant from the Rhine afterwards taken by the Spaniards and restored to the Elector Palatine by the Pacification of Munster but in the present War most cruelly laid in Ashes by the French It stands 18 miles N. W. of Heidelberg VI. Oppenheim Oppenheim Lat. Oppenhemium a small City Imperial and Free until it was granted with its Territory to Rupert Prince Palatine by the Emperor in 1402. It stands upon a Hill near the Rhine 11 miles almost S. of Mentz and 17 N. of Worms The French put a Garrison into it in 1688. and have Ruin'd it since V. Caub Caub is a little Town with the Castle of Gudenfelts on the Rhine against which in the middle of the River is the Castle of Pfaltz whence some but falsly would have the Princes Title of Pfaltzgrave derived VI. Creutznach Creutznach is a little Town on the small River Nake with a strong Castle Subject to the French since 1688. It stands 20 Miles almost S. W. of Mentz VII Newstat Newstat is a small Town seated on the River Spirebach Eight Miles N. of Landau and 15 almost W. of Spire and Philipsburg It is now Subject to the French VIII Keiserslautern Keiserslautern Lat. Caesaropolis is upon the River Lauter near the Dutchy of Deuxponts the French call it Caseloutre they took it in September 1688. under the Marquis of Boufflers after they had been repulsed in two several Storms It stands 28 Miles almost S. W. of Worms 32 W. of Spire and 40 almost S. of Mentz IX Bacharach Bacharach is a small Town on the Rhine once Free and Imperial now belonging to the Elector Palatine It stands 22 Miles W. of Mentz X. Simmeren Simmeren Lat. Simmera is the Capital City of a little Province of the same Name bearing the Title of Earldom This little Place is adorned and strengthned with a very considerable Castle It belongs to the Elector Palatine but is now Subject
of Lorrain This Death was the source of the Civil Wars of Germany in this manner Mary Eleanor the Dukes Eldest Sister Married to Albert Frederick of Brandenburg Duke of Prussia left four Daughters The Elder called Ann was Married to John Sigismond Marquiss of Brandenburg and Elector of the Empire This Elector the Duke of Newbourg the Marquiss of Burgaw and John George of Saxony which three last Married the three younger Sisters pretended all to the Succession John II. of Bavaria Duke of Deux-Ponts Son of John of Bavaria and of Magdalen of Cleves Sister to Mary Eleanor laid his claim and Charles of Gonzague and Cleves Duke of Nevers appeared also because he was cousin by the Mothers side and bore the name too In the mean time the Emperor Rodolphus II. would sequester the Estate pretending also that it was a Fief with an intention perhaps to appropriate it to himself It 's thought that Henry IV. the Great King of France was about taking the Field to decide the Quarrel when he was murthered in 1610. Afterwards the Marquiss of Brandenburg assisted by the Dutch and the Duke of Newburg supported by the Spaniards disputed the Succession by force of Arms which they divided at last The Dutchy of Cleves the Counties of Mark and Ravensberg falling to the first The Dukedoms of Juliers and Berg and the Lordship of Ravestein being left to the Duke of Newbourg The Spaniards under Spinola made themselves Masters of Juliers in 1622. but it was restored to the Duke again in 1659. The Places of Note in the Dutchy of Cleves are Cleves Cap. Emmerick Rees Wesel Meurs County Genep Burich Orsoy Calcar Duysbourg Santen Fort de Skenck I. Cleves Cleves Lat. Clivis or Clivia because it is built in a Place near the Rhine where there are three deep Acclivities or Descents This derivation of Name from the Latin makes some think that the Town was built by the Romans However it is but little yet well peopled and lies upon a little River near the Place where the Rhine divides it self into two Branches and where the Fort Schenck stands There is a square Tower and other remains of old Buildings seen near it which shew that it has formerly been far greater than it is now It stands 12 Miles almost S. E. of Nimeguen and 66 N. W. of Cologne Long. 25 d. 25 m. Lat. 51 d. 48 m.. II. Emmerik Emmerik vulgo Embric Lat. Emmerica is a large beautiful and wealthy City seated upon the Rhine between Cleves and the Fort of Schenck being about seven Miles N. E. from the first it belongs to the Marquiss of Brandenburg but was Garrisoned by the Hollanders a long time who took it from the Spaniards in 1600. The Elector of Brandenburg pawned Emmerick Orsoy and Wesel to the Dutch and by the taking of them the French began their Conquest of the Vnited Provinces in 1672. But the year next following they restored them to the Elector III. Rees Rees Lat. Reesium is a small Town upon the Rhine formerly well fortified and garrisoned by the Hollanders tho' it belong'd to the Duke of Brandenburg It was taken from them by the French in 1672. and restored to that Prince in 1674. but first dismantled It stands 12 Miles E. of Cleves IV. Wesel Wesel is a strong City seated upon the Rhine at the Confluence of the Lippe It was taken from the Spaniards by the Hollanders in 1629. and from the Hollanders by the French in 1672. who left it to the Elector of Brandenburg in 1674. after they had dismantled it It has been very well fortified of late by that Prince This Place stands 23 Miles S. E. of Cleves V. Meurs Meurs is a well fortified Town with the Title of County some place it in the Archbishoprick of Cologne It had particular Earls formerly but now belongs to the House of Orange and Nassau and so to our King It stands 28 Miles S. E. of Cleves VI. Genep Genep or Gennep Lat. Gennaptum is a small City well fortified 10 Miles S. W. of Cleves It is seated upon the River Mers where it falls into the Meuse and kept by a Dutch Garrison tho' in the Territories of Brandenburg It was once taken by the Spaniards but recovered by the Hollanders in 1641. VII Burich Burich or Budrick Lat. Burichum and Budrichium or Burunchium is a little Town pleasantly seated on the Rhine and pretty well fortified The Hollanders were formerly Masters of it and it is one of the Four Cities which the French King caused to be attack'd at one and the same time at the opening of the Campaign in 1672. The Marshal Turenne Besieged and carried it It stands 20 Miles E. of Cleves VIII Orsoy Orsoy Lat. Orsovium or Orsocum is a strong Town upon the Rhine _____ Miles of Cleves It was taken by the Prince of Orange in 1634. for the Hollanders and afterwards taken from those by the French in 1672. but abandon'd by them in 1674. IX Calcar Calcar is situated upon the River of Meine a League from the Rhine and two from Cleves to the S. E. It has a Castle and is well fortified the Streets are narrow so that there is nothing considerable but the great Place where the Town-House is X. Duisbourg Duisbourg Lat. Duisburgum is seated on the River Roer belonging to the Elector of Brandenburg it was an Imperial Town formerly but has lost this Privilege It is different from Duisbourg the most Ancient Viscounty of Brabant And stands 35 Miles S. E. of Cleves XI Santen Santen is a large and ancient Town not far off the Rhine Nine Miles W. of Wesel and 15 S. E. of Cleves It is under the Elector of Brandenburg and noted for the finest Church in all that Dutchy wherein are above 30 Altars with the History of the Gospel Carved exquisitely in Timber they have abundance of Relicks here and among other things pretend to a Manuscript of St. Paul's Writing XII Fort de Skenck Fort de Skenck Lat. Arx Skenckia Germ. Schenkenschans is a strong Fort on the Borders of Gelderland in a place where the Rhine dividing it self into two Channels makes the River Wahal and the other Branch keeps the Name of Rhine This Fort takes its Name from the Builder Martin Skenck The Spaniards took it by Surprize from the Hollanders in 1635. who retook it the next Year after a Siege of Eleven Months In 1672. it was taken by the French in two Days and was by them restored to the Duke of Brandenburg in 1674. and in 1679. Mortgaged by that Prince to the Hollanders who are now Masters of it It stands 3 Miles N. of Cleves Dukedom of Juliers THis Dutchy lyes betwixt the Meuse and the Rhine the Country of Cleves and Limburg Bounds the Bishoprick of Liege and the Archbishoprick of Cologne It is about 12 Leagues in length and 7 in breadth Extent The most considerable Places in it are Juliers Cap. Duren Aix la Chapelle Imp. Zulk or
Chronological Succession of the Forty Counts or Dukes of Savoy and Piedmont Earls 24.   Begun in Reigned Y. 1. Beroldus I. Count of Savoy 1000 22 or 23 2. Humbert I. White-hands 1023 25 3. Ame I.     4. Odo 1048 12 5. Ame or Amedaeus II. 1061 34 6. Humbert II. the Strong 1095 8 7. Amedaeus III. 1103 46 8. Humbert III. the Saint 1149 39 9. Thomas I. made Vicar-general of the Empire in Lombardy and Piedmont 1188 35 10. Amedaeus IV. 1233 5 11. Boniface Roland 1238 25 12. Peter the Little Charlemaign 1263 5 13. Philip I. 1268 17 Interruption The Four following had but Piedmont only 14. Philip II. 1282 23 15. James 1326 38 16. Ame 1366 36 17. Lewis 1402 16 18. Thomas II. 1285 10 19. Thomas III. 1295 15 20. Amedaeus V. the Great made Prince of the Empire 1310 13 21. Edward the Liberal 1323 6 22. Aimon the Pacifick 1329 14 23. Amedaeus VI. the Green 1342 40 24. Amedaeus VII the Red 1383 9 16 Dukes   Begun in Reigned Y. 25. Amedaeus VIII made Duke of Savoy in 1416. and Pope afterwards 1392 43 26. Lewis I. 1434 31 27. Lewis II. King of Cyprus having Married Charlotte Daughter of John King of Cyprus 1465 17 28. Amedaeus IX the Fortunate 1482 7 29. Philibert the Hunter     30. Charles I. the Warriour     31. Charles-John-Amedaeus 1489 7 32. Philip 1496 1 33. Gilbert the Fair 1497 7 34. Charles II. the Good 1504 49 35. Emanuel Philibert Iron-pate 1553 27 36. Charles Emanuel I. 1580 50 37. Victor Amedaeus 1630 7 38. Francis Hyacinth 1637 1 39. Charles Emanuel II. 1638 37 40. Victor Amedaeus-Francis the present Duke of Savoy since 1675   Emanuel Philibert Married Margaret Daughter to Francis I. King of France and died in 1580. leaving only one Son Charles Emanuel I. who waged War with France unsuccessfully he Married Katherine Daughter of Philip II. King of Spain and died in 1630. leaving several Sons and Daughters He was succeeded by Victor Amedaeus who was a great Lover of Peace but a War breaking out between the French and Spaniards he sided with the former and died of a Fever in 1637. leaving by his Wife Christina Daughter to Henry IV. of France Aloisia-Maria-Christina Married to his Unkle Maurice Prince of Oneglia Francis who died in 1632. Charles-Emanuel Margaret Married to Rainutius Duke of Parma Adelais Married to Ferdinand Elector of Bavaria And Katharine who died in 1637. Charles Emanuel II. succeeded his Father In 1663. he Married Magdalen Daughter to the Duke of Orleans and after her Death his Kinswoman Mary Daughter to the Duke of Nemours by whom he had the present Duke of Savoy Victor Amedaeus-Franciscus Born in 1666. who Married in 1684. Anna Maria Daughter to the Duke of Orleans by whom he has two Daughters Mary and From Thomas Son to Charles Emanuel I. and Brother to Victor-Amedaeus are descended by Mary of Bourbon Daughter to the Count of Soissons Aloise Married to the Marquiss of Baden Emanuel Philibert who Married Mary Catherine of Est Eugenius Mauritius who Married Olympia Niece to Cardinal Mazarin by whom he had Lewis Thomas Count of Soissons who Married Vrania Daughter to the Lord of Beauvois Philip Born in 1659. and Franciscus Eugenius so much talk'd of in the present Wars Born in 1665. The present Duke of Savoy declared War against France and fell in with the Confederates Jan. 4. 1690. because of the unreasonableness of the French King's Demands who sought no less than to Garrison Turin his Capital City and had prevail'd with him to Persecute his Innocent Protestant Subjects the Vaudois The French King being before that time possest of great part of Savoy has seized the whole since so that the Duke is now confined to Piedmont But in Summer 1692. he Marched with 3000 Men into Dauphine took Ambrun Gap c. spoil'd the Country at pleasure and would have made further progress had he not been taken with the Small-Pox which obliged him to return to Turin Savoy is generally divided into Six Parts viz. On the South 1. Savoy properly so called Chambery Cap. 2. The Valley and County of Maurienne Maurienne Bish 3. The Valley of Tarentaise Monstiers Archb. On the North 4. The Barony of Fossigni Bonneville 5. The Dukedom of Chablais Thonon 6. The Dukedom or Territory of Geneva Geneva Free Annecy Savoy Proper THE places of Note here Chambery Cap. Montmeillan Beaufort Aix Rumilly Les Eschelles Vigne Constans Aiguebele Miolans Chatelar La Rochete I. Chambery Chambery Lat. Cameriacum or Camberiacum or Camberium is the Capital of Savoy the ancient Residence of the Duke and the Seat of a Chamber of Accounts of an Office of Finances of a Bailywick and of a Parliament which they called a Senate because it consisted of Senators and four Presidents This Town is scituated on the confluence of the small Rivers Laisse and Albane or Orbanne in a plain environ'd with several little Hills It is great and well built with a Castle that commands the Town There is in the Duke's Palace the Holy Chappel which has Canons belonging to it and depending on the Bishop of Grenoble in France The chief Church is that of the Parish of St. Leger but there are several others which together with the Jesuits College are a great Ornament to it It is also imbelish'd with many fine Fountains which have their source in the Hill St. Martin and distribute their Water into the several parts of the Town besides this there are several small Channels of the River Orbanne The Houses in many places toward the Street are built on Pillars which form a Gallery and are good Places to walk in in Rainy Weather Chambery to the East has the Suburb of Monmeillan to the West that of Machee Vernay and on both sides very pleasant Walks amongst which the Mail is the most resorted and pleasant This Town is in the Hands of the French since 1690. It stands 27 Miles N. E. of Grenoble 44 S. of Geneva 55 W. of Lyons 100 N. W. of Turin and 270 S. E. of Paris Long. 25 d. 24 m. Lat. 45 d. 4 m. II. Monmeillan Monmeillan Lat. Monmelianus is a little Town upon the Iser 18 Miles S. E. of Chambery It has a vast strong Castle on the top of a steep Rock which commands the narrow passage betwixt the Mountains There is a Well cut in the Rock which supplies the Garrison and Inhabitants with Water The French besieged it 1691. and took it after it had made a very vigorous resistance III. Aix Aix which is Dignified with the Title of Marquisate at the foot of the Mountains between Chambery and Anneci and Rumilly is an ancient Town but small and ill-built However it is famous for the hot Baths of Allom and Sulphur adjoining to it which are very much frequented The County of Maurienne THE County or Valley of Maurienne reaches from the Alps to the River Isere on the one side and on
Religion Married to their King Stephen about the Year 1000. In the XVIth Century the generality embraced the Protestant Religion some the Lutheran and only a few Noble Families kept to the Romish but since the late Conquests of the Emperor of Germany the Romish has got the upper Hand and the Protestants there have been cruelly persecuted There is also a mixture of Jews Mahometans Anabaptists Arrians and Vnitarians or Socinians Julius Caesar was the first Roman that attack'd Hungary and Tiberius subdued it History The Goths afterwards took it and this Kingdom became a prey to the Huns and Lombards who were turned out of it by the Hongres a People of Scythia who lived mostly on Blood those that speak of Hungary reckon Balamer or Balamber amongst its Kings They reckon also Aptar and the two Brothers Bleda killed in 444 and Attila named the Plague of God who died in 453. having left many Vestiges of his Expeditions in the other parts of the World with his Huns who were Scythians mixt with Turks Tartars Avares and Alans as Huningen Hunaldstein and many other places of Germany beginning with the word Hun. Attila's Children by their Divisions lost their Father's Conquests About 744. the Huns made another Incursion into Pannonia now Hungary under one Alme who had Arphad for Successor These gave the Name to Hungary Zultan descended from Arphad is said to have been Toxis's Father who begot Geiza Father to St. Stephen Crowned in 1000. or 1020. by whom begins the Chronological Succession of the Kings of Hungary Since that they were peaceably govern'd by their own Kings until Lewis the Great 's Death whose Daughter and Heiress Married Sigismund of Luxemburg Emperor of Germany but his Government being not liked they called in Charles Duras King of Naples and Stephen Vayvode of Transylvania combined with Bajazet I. Emperor of the Turks Thus Hungary's Misfortunes began and since 1394. it has almost all along been the Seat of War and became a prey to the Turks chiefly under Amurath and Soliman But in this present War the Emperor of Germany has retaken most of those places the Turks did possess in Hungary This Elective Kingdom is almost made Hereditary since the Death of Lewis the Young killed at the Battel of Mohach's in 1526. at which time the Turks rifled Buda and burn'd the Library of Matthias John de Zapol Earl of Scepus was saluted King by part of the Hungarians and Ferdinand of Austria by the other part but the last carried it Since that time the Emperor of Germany takes the Title of King of Hungary In the Year 1687. Joseph the Emperor's Son was Crowned King of Hungary and in case the House of Austria should fail the Branch of Spain is to succeed to the Crown Ceremonies of Coronation in Hungary The most remarkable things at the Coronation were that Ten Hungarian Lords went before him each carrying a Standard representing the Ten Provinces which depend on that Crown The Arch-Duke made an open Profession of the Christian Faith then was covered with St. Stephen's Royal Cloak and had the Crown put on his Head he taking an Oath to preserve the Priviledges of the Kingdom Mounting his Horse afterwards he rode full Career to another Theatre where taking his Cimiter in his Hand he made four Crosses therewith toward the four Corners of the World to signifie that he would defend the Kingdom of Hungary against all its Enemies Chronological Succession of the Forty Nine Kings of Hungary   Begun in Reigned Y. 1. St. Stephen 1000 or 1020 died in 1031. 2. Peter the German Deposed 1038 4 3. Ovon or Aban 1042 2 4. Peter the German Restored 1044 2 5. Andrew I. 1046 15 6. Bela I. 1061 2 7. Solomon 1063 11 8. Geiza or Geycza I. 1074 3 9. Ladislaus I. 1077 7 10. Coloman or Colan 1095 19 11. Stephen II. 1114 18 12. Bela II. 1132 9 13. Geiza II. 1141 20 14. Stephen III. 1161 11 15. Ladislaus an Usurper 1172 00 6 M. 16. Stephen IV. 1172 00 5 M. 17. Bela III. 1173 23 18. Emeryck 1195 8 19. Ladislaus II. 1204 00 6 M. 20. Andrew II. the Hiero-Solimitan 1205 30 21. Bela IV. 1235 25 22. Stephen V. 1260 12 23. Ladislaus III. 1272 18 24. Andrew III. the Venetian 1290 11 Charles I. Martel     25. Veneslaus 1301 00 26. Otho 1305 00 27. Charles II. Robert or Charobert 1310 32 28. Lewis I. 1342 40 29. Mary 1382 00 30. Charles III. the Small 1383 3 31. Sigismund 1387 51 32. Albertus of Austria 1438 2 33. Ladislaus IV. 1440 4 34. John Corvinus Huniades 1445 8 35. Ladislaus V. 1452 6 36. Matthias Corvinus 1458 2 37. Ladislaus VI. 1460 25 38. Lewis II. the Young 1486 11 Interruption     39. John of Zapol 1526 00 40. John Stephen or Sigismund 1540 00 41. Ferdinand I. 1527 37 42. Maximilian I. 1564 12 43. Rodolphus 1576 36 44. Matthias 1612 7 45. Ferdinand II. 1619 18 46. Ferdinand III. 1637 20 47. Ferdinand Francis Elected in 1657 00 48. Leopold-Ignatius 1657 now Reigns 49. Joseph his Son elected in 1687   Hungary is generally divided into two viz. Vpper and Lower Hungary Division The first is beyond the Danube towards Poland and Transylvania and the other this side the Danube I. Upper Hungary The most Remarkable Places here are Presburg Cap. Newhausel Nitracht Bish Tyrnaw Cassovia or Caschaw Agria Colocza Archb. Zolnock Waradin Bish Segedin Temeswar Giula Montgatz Zatmar Vngwar Novigrad Pest Esperie Scaros or Saros Tokay Bodrogh Chonad Jeno Kallo Zemlin II. Lower Hungary The Places of Note here are Buda Cap. Strigonia or Gran Archb. Alba Regalis Komorrea Javarin or Raab Bish Vesprin Bish Kanisa Zygeth Ginq-Eglises Mohach Astenburg or Owar Baboisca Bataseck or Bachia Bish Darda Palota Description of the Remarkable Places in Upper Hungary I. Presburg PResburg called by those of that Country Poson Lat. Posonium or Pisonium and Flexum is seated upon the left side of the Danube It is the Capital of Vpper Hungary and gives its Name to a Province which lyes between Moravia and Austria and the Danube This was the Place of Convention for the Estates since the loss of Strigonium the Metropolitan This City is pleasant the Castle stately beautiful and well situate on the top of a Hill and all built of white Stone Herein is kept the so highly esteem'd Crown of Hungary commonly said to have been brought by an Angel from Heaven to St. Stephen their King and of a different Figure from other Crowns The Garden of the Archbishop is very fine the Walks the Grotto's the Figure of Jeronymo the Labyrinth Fish-Ponds and Fountains are Noble and worth taking notice of In the Dome or Cathedral Church lyeth the Body of St. Joannes Eleemosynarius Bishop of Alexandria The Jesuits have a part of the same Church and a Noble Apothecaries Shop full of Rarities The Lutherans have also a Noble Church here Presburg stands by the Borders of Austria
to be brought to Bed that their Children may enjoy their Priviledges In the compass of the Province lyes but one City City or Walled Town and Nine Villages Villages The chief Rivers are Rivers 1. The Dele which runs through the middle and washes Mechlin and then into Brabant and falls into the Scheld 2. Senne which here falls into the Dele Malines Malines or Mechlin Lat. Mechlinia and by those of the Country Mackelen or Meckelen upon the Dele is the Capital of the Lordship of that Name It s Bigness and Magnificence cause it to be called Malines the Beautiful as Antwerp the Rich Brussels the Noble Louvain the Wise Ghent the Great and Bruges the Ancient The situation is very pleasant and because of the Tide the Trade is very good There is an Archbishoprick's See founded by Paul IV. in 1559. with the Title of Primate of the Low-Countries Cardinal Granville was the first Archbishop The Cathedral Church is Consecrated to St. Rombaut Malines is the place of the great Royal Council instituted by Charles Duke of Burgundy in 1473. There is also the Parliament of the Knights of the Fleece and the Prince's Arsenal Speaking of this Arsenal I cannot but mention that the Thunder having set on Fire several Barrels of Powder in 1546. it broke out with such fury that it overturned a Tower and above 300 Houses dryed up the Ditch about the Town and caused extraordinary Damage In the Suburb is St. Alexis's Nunnery where there are 15 or 1600 Nuns who are allowed to walk abroad to pay and receive Visits and to Marry when they please The Lordship of Malines had its own Lords until 1336. that it became a free Town After that time it belonged to the House of Burgundy till it entred into that of Austria in 1477. Its Inhabitants are free from all Taxes for the good Service perform'd to Charles the Bold Earl of Flanders at the Siege of Nuis upon the Rhine Here have been Two Provincial Councils the first in 1570. and the second in 1607. The chief Trade of this place consists in Tanning making of Linnen Cloth Point and Lace which bear the Name of the City and casting great Artillery and Guns It stands 11 Miles N. W. of Louvain 13 almost N. of Brussels 14 S. E. of Antwerp and 30 E. of Ghent Long. 23 p. 44 m. Lat. 51 d. 6 m. Article V. Part of the Dukedom of Gelderland belonging to the Spaniards THat part of Gelderland which is Subject to the Spaniards Bounds has on the East and North Cleves in Germany on the West Brabant and on the South Juliers in Germany Extent It s extent is about 36 Miles North and South and about 28 East and West The Soil is fertile and yields all sorts of Grains abounding moreover with rich Pasture-grounds Quality which fatten great Droves of Cattel which are sent from many far Places The chief Rivers here are Rivers 1. The Meuse which runs through the midst of this part washing Ruremonde and Venlo and so passes on dividing Brabant from the rest of Guelderland 2. Niers which washes Gelders and runs into Cleves The Chief Towns are Gelders Cap. Venlo Ruremond Bish I. Gelders The City of Guelders Lat. Gueldria which they of the Country call Gelre is seated on a Marshy Ground upon the little River of Niers which environs it instead of a Moat The Castle is extreamly strong and said to be impregnable by reason of its situation In 1627. the Spaniards laboured to have brought the Rhine to the City of Guelders and into the Meuse on purpose to have cut off the Commerce between Germany and Holland but fail'd in their Enterprize It stands 26 Miles nigh S. E. of Nimeguen the Chief of the Province and 11 Miles almost N. of Venlo Long. 25 d. 37 m. Lat. 51 d. 31 m. II. Venlo Venlo is a very strong Town on the River Meuse by the Borders of Juliers It is a Hance-Town but Subject to the Spaniards and stands 11 Miles S. W. of Gelders and 11 N. of Ruremond Long. 25 d. 24 m. Lat. 51 d. 27 m. III. Ruremond Ruremond Lat. Ruremonde is the second City of Gelderland with a Bishoprick Suffragant of Malines on the River Meuse at the Mouth of the Roer or Rura from which it takes its Name It s Collegiate Church was Erected in 1559. into a Cathedral by Pope Paul IV. William Lindall was the first Prelate of it The City is large fair and rich having many stately Monasteries in it whereof that of the Carthusians is the most considerable It stands 11 Miles S. of Venlo and 21 S. of Gelders Long. 25 d. 22 m. Lat. 51 d. 16 m. Article VI. Of the Dukedom of Limburg Limburgensis Ducatus LImburg has the Dutchy of Juliers to the East and North Bounds the Bishoprick of Liege to the West and part of Luxemburg to the South It s Extent South and North is about 35 Miles and West and East about 26. Extent It had heretofore Dukes of its own History but upon the Death of Walraine III. whom others call Henry in 1285. Adolph sold it to John Duke of Brabant who pretended a Right to it as descended from Margaret Daughter of Henry Duke of Limburg Married in 1172. to Godfrey Duke of Brabant In 1293. Rainold I. Duke of Guelderland laid claim to it in the Kight of Ermengarde his Wife Daughter of Herman late Duke of Limburg but he losing the Battel of Woring near Collen June 5. 1298. and being taken Prisoner was forced to resign his Right to John Duke of Brabant to regain his Liberty and from that time the Dukes of Brabant have enjoyed it It has excellent Mines of Iron and one of Copper Quality The Earth is very fruitful in Wheat Fruits and Fewel but above all in Grass and Water The Famous Spaw-Waters are not above Three Leagues S. W. from Limburg The Chief Rivers here are Rivers 1. The Meuse which runs but thorough a little part of this Country 2. Geul which washes Valkenburg and falls into the Meuse 3. Weser which watereth Limburg and runs into Liege 4. Bervine which washes Dalem and falls into the Meuse This Province hath but Five Walled Towns and about 120 Villages The Towns are Limburg Cap. to the Spaniards Dalem to the Hollanders Valkenburg to the Hollanders Rolduck to the Hollanders Remborg to the Hollanders I. Limburg Limburg Lat. Limburgum is pleasantly seated upon a steep Rock which overlooks all the Country round about at the bottom thereof runs the River Weser almost round it among several shady Woods It is but a small City for it chiefly consists of one broad short Street neither is it considerable for its beauty the Buildings for the most part being of Wood. But it is of no small consideration for its strength for it is encompassed with a strong Wall and a Trench and the access to it which is on the North side is extreamly
acknowledged Philip II. of Spain but the Archbishop made such Complaints and shewed such Reasons that the King was satisfied with being Master of the Cittadel and Protector of the Country and left all other Jurisdiction to that Prelate The Spaniards Fortified this Town very well and kept such a strong Garison in it that it was look'd upon to be impregnable Yet the King of France took it in 1677. The great Cittadel is upon a heighth which commands all the Town the Ditch is wrought in a Rock The Ramparts of the Town are also Environed with deep Ditches chiefly to the East defended with many good Bastions It reaches to the River and has another good Fort to defend it of that side which lying low may be soon drowned by drawing the Sluces The Chapter of this City is one of the most considerable of the Low Countries consisting of 48 Canons and 95 Ecclesiasticks which Officiate in our Lady's Church It 's affirmed that Diogenes a Grecian by Nation was the first Prelate of Cambray sent into France by Pope Siricius about 408. Pope Paul IV. made it an Archbishoprick in 1559. upon the Request of King Philip of Spain and the Bishopricks of Arras Tournay St. Omer and Namur were given for Suffragants The Archbishops take the Title of Dukes of Cambray Counts of Cambresis and Princes of the Empire The Streets of this Town are wide and very neat and the chiefest and richest end in a great Place where the Town-house is Built and has a very curious Clock There are also very good Manufactures as Cambray and especially of many sorts of Linnen that bear the Name of the City It stands 34 Miles S. W. of Mons 40 N. E. of Amiens and 94 almost N. of Paris Long. 22 d. 24 m. Lat. 50 d. 51 m. II. Crevecoeur Crevocoeur is a place of no great Moment on the River Scheld nigh Four Miles S. of Cambray III. Chateau-Cambresis Chateau-Cambresis is another inconsiderable Town of Cambresis on the River Selle 15 Miles S. E. of Cambray Article II. Of the County of Artois Lat. Artesia ARtois borders Picardy on the South The Boulonnois on the West Bounds The County of Flanders on the North and the Cambresis on the East It s Extent Extent South and North West is about 55 miles and about 40 West and East It is exceeding fertile in all sorts of Corn but more particularly of Wheat Quality which it produces in such a measure that this Province serves as a Granary to a great part of Flanders and Brabant It has in it twelve Cities or Walled Towns Cities 850 Villages Villages c. nine Chattelenies or Castlewards and several Abbeys and Monasteries The Chief Rivers in this Province are Rivers 1. Scharpe which here washes Arras and runs into Flanders nigh Douay 2. Lys which here washes Aire and St. Venant and runs into Flanders 3. Aa which here washes Reutly and St. Omers and runs into Flanders 4. Canche which washes Hesdin and runs into France Artois was subject to the Romans and afterwards to the Kings of Austrasia History and Government since whose times it has often changed Masters Lewis the XIth King of France made himself Master of Arras in 1477. after Charles the Bold or Rash Duke of Burgundy but Mary of Burgundy this Charles's Daughter brought it into the House of Austria marrying Maximilian the 1st of Austria Father of Philip I. and Grandfather of Charles V. and Ferdinand I. Francis the I. of France was forced by the Peace of Madrid in 1529. to quit Artois to the Spaniards which was afterwards possessed by Philip II and III. But the French re-conquered it under Philip IV. Son of the last who yielded it 'em by the 35 Article of the Pyrenaean Treaty in 1659. reserving to himself the Towns of Aire and St. Omer since taken by the French so that they are now Masters of all this Province The most remarkable places in Artois are Arras Bish Ch. Cit. St. Omer Bish Bapaume Hesdin Bethune St. Venant Aire Priory Therouane Lens Avesne le Comte Liques Pernes I. Arras Arras Lat. Rigiacum or Origiacum is seated on the Scharpe with a Bishoprick Suffragant of Cambray This is a very ancient City St. Vast who died in 540. was its first Bishop Lewis XI of France made himself Master of it in 1493. but restored it afterward to the Emperor Maximilian The Spaniards fortified it so as to think they had rendred it impregnable whereupon they caused the Emblem of some Rats running after Cats to be carved on the Frontispiece of one of the Gates of this City with these two boasting verses Quand ces Rats prendront ces Chats Les Francois prendront Arras That is When these Rats shall catch these Cats Then the French shall take Arras This Prophecy proved false for the Mareschals of Chaune Chatillon and La Meilleraye laid Siege to and carried it in 1640 after they had defeated the Cardinal Infanta that came to relieve the Place And the French leaving the said Emblem upon the Gate did but take away the P in the word Prendront of the second verse which quite alters the signification of the Motto as Quand ces Rats prendront ces Chats Les Francois rendront Arras That is When these Rats shall catch these Cats Then the French shall yield Arras The Spaniards sate before it in 1654. but were beat off with great loss so that it still belongs to the French who have made its Fortifications very strong and regular It is a place of large circumference well Peopled Rich and Trading The Streets are broad and fair adorned with a spacious Market-place Here is also a beautiful Cathedral a very wealthy Abbey and a strong Castle This City stands 20 miles almost of Cambray 30 N. E. of Amiens and 92 N. of Paris Long. 21 d. 55 m. Lat. 50 d. 20 m. II. St. Omer St. Omer in Latin Fanum Sancti Audomari and Vrbs Audomarensis lies on the River Aa in the Country of the Ancient Morins with a Bishops See under the Archbishop of Cambray St. Omer or Audomarus Bishop of Therouan built this City in 660. And Foulques Abbot of St. Bertin began to encompass it with Walls in 880. which was afterward finished by Baldwin II. Sirnamed the Bald Earl of Flanders in 902. who also joined the Abbey of Sithieu to the City Afterwards Therouan being demolished in the XVI Century there were instead of it founded two Bishopricks in 1559. viz. that of Bologne and of St. Omer Near to this City is a Lake containing several small floating Islands Inhabited by certain Families that never marry but among themselves without going out of these Islands which they make to go too and fro at pleasure either with Cords or Poles St. Omer is a great and fair City well fortified having on the one side the River and Marshes and on the other side is defended by a strong Castle with good Bastions and deep
made himself Master of Bonn Keiserswert c. which were retaken in 1689. by the Brandenburghers and restored to the right owner This contest about the Election of the Archbishop of Cologne is the more remarkable that it was the first sparkle that kindled the War which has raged these 5 years through most part of Christendom Cologne stands 25 Miles E. of Juliers 68 almost N. of Triers 70 S. of Munster and 74 N. W. of Mentz Long. 26 d. 32 m. Lat. 50 d. 55 m. II. Bonn. Bonn is situate upon the Rhine 14 Miles almost South of Cologne in a very fine Country environed with Hills and covered with Vines and Wood. Several Authors think that it was built by the Trojans after the destruction of Troy However it is certainly the Ara Vbiorum of the Ancients and the 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 of Ptolomy It s name was also found in some Medals of Augustus related by Goltzius under the name of Colony Col. Julia Bona. It is a regular Fortification the Walls are faced with Brick and the Ditch which is dry is pretty broad but the Counterscarp is none of the best As for the Town it self it is small and poor yet remarkable as being the ordinary Residence of the Elector of Cologne who has there a very fine Castle and curious Gardens in the Neighbourhood The Town-House is also very well built with divers Paintings and a Clock with a melodious Chime after the fashion of the Country There are still fine Churches to be seen the principal of which is dedicated to the Holy Martyrs Cassius Florentius and Malusius This Town suffered much in the first Wars of the Low-Countries and was fiercely attackt partly by the Bavarians and partly by the Troops of the Duke of Parma who carried it at last by Famine in 1588. In this City Frederick of Austria chosen in opposition to Lewis of Bavaria was Crowned Emperor in 1314. It was in times past an Imperial City but now it is under the Archbishop of Cologne In 1673. the Prince of Orange now King of Great Brittain having taken Naerden and secured Holland by a part of the Army he marched with the rest into Germany and joined part of the Confederate Troops to Besiege Bonn which had been put into the French Kings hands by the Elector of Cologne and the taking this Place forced the French to withdraw his Forces out of the united Netherlands The French made themselves Masters of it again in the beginning of this late War Lewis XIV having given Troops to Cardinal Furstemburg to maintain his pretended Right to the Electorate It was besieged in Summer 1689. by the Elector of Brandenburg who after having almost ruined it with Bombs took it by Capitulation At the last Siege of this Town they found a Vault in which there was an Iron Chest that was full of Medals of Gold to the value of 100000 Crowns the Metal was Ducat-Gold and the Impressions made for Roman but very ignorantly as being not above four or 500 years old some few of them that seem'd true were of the latter Greek Emperors III. Rhineberg Rhineberg or Rheinberg Lat. Rhenoberga is a little but very strong Town situated upon the Rhine in the Borders of the Dukedom of Cleves It was taken from the Spaniards by the Hollanders in 1633. and continued under them till 1672. when it was taken by the French and restored to the Elector of Cologne the Right Owner It stands 42 Miles N. W. of Cologne IV. Keiserswert Keiserswert Lat. Colonia Traja Cayserswerda and Insula Rheni is a very mean but well fortified Town upon the Rhine It has a broad Ditch very regular Fortifications and high Walls faced with Brick as is also the Counterscarp which is in very good condition This Town was first Mortgaged to Adolph Duke of Cleves by Charles IV. Emperor of Germany Gerard Duke of Cleves Brother of Adolph sold it to the Archbishop of Cologne for 100000. Florins about An. 1399. and in 1464. it was finally with Bielstem and Frederberg confirmed to him in exchange for Soest and Santen by John Duke of Cleves The French had possest themselves of it for Cardinal Furstemberg but the Elector of Brandenburg retook it in 1689. It stands six German Miles beneath Cologne to the N. W. V. Nuis Nuis or Nuys Lat. Novesium is seated on the Rhine where it receives the River Erpt. It is an ancient strong City and famous for the resistance it made against Charles the Rash Duke of Burgundy who besieged it a whole year It has been often taken and retaken during the late Wars of Germany It stands 22 Miles N. W. of Cologne VI. Andernach Andernach stands on the Rhine by the Borders of Triers 15 Miles almost S. E. of Bonn it was once Imperial but now subject to the Elector of Cologne Article VII The Dukedoms or the Succession of Cleves and Juliers Lat. Ducatus Clivensis Juliacensis THE Country of Cleves Juliers Berg Mark Bounds Ravensberg and Ravestein are about the Rhine but so strangely dispersed that it is hard to determine their Bounds One may say however that they border the Vnited Provinces on the North the Catholick Provinces on the West the Archbishoprick of Triers on the South and Hesse and Westphalia on the East Their extent North and South is about 100 Miles Extent and about 70 East and West including the Electorate of Cologne which is incircled in them Quality The Air is here pretty cold The Soil fertile in Corn Wine in some Places and Pastures The Principal Rivers Rivers here besides the Rhine are Roer and Lipe which fall both into that the first at Duysburg the other at Wesel There are also several springs of Hot Waters and some Marishes The succession of Cleves and Juliers is divided into six Territories Division viz. 1. The Dukedom of Cleves Cleves 2. The Dukedom of Juliers Juliers 3. The Dukedom of Berg Dusseldorp 4. The County of Mark Dortmond 5. The County of Ravensberg Ravensberg 6. The Lordship of Ravestein Ravestein Dukedom of Cleves THE Dutchy of Cleves lies part on this and part on the other side the Rhine having the Dutchy of Berg County of Mark and part of Westphalia to the East Brabant and part of the Dutchy of Gelderland to the West The Archbishoprick of Cologne and Territory of Aix la Chapelle to the South Overissel and the Provinces of Zutphen to the North. This Country is about 15 Leagues in length and four or five broad The soil tho' hilly Extent Quality and much covered with Wood is very fruitful in all kind of Grain and abounds with good Pasture and great Quantity of Game Cleves is a sovereign Family of Germany extinct by the Death of John William Duke of Cleves History Juliers Mons c. in 1609. without issue by either of his Wives Jacqueline of Bade Daughter of Philibert Marquiss of Bade or Antoinette of Lorrain Daughter to Charles II. Duke