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ID Title Author Corrected Date of Publication (TCP Date of Publication) STC Words Pages
A44720 Florus Hungaricus, or, The history of Hungaria and Transylvania deduced from the original of that nation, and their setling in Europe in the year of our Lord 461, to this dangerous and suspectful period of that kingdome by the present Turkish invasion, anno 1664. Howell, James, 1594?-1666. 1664 (1664) Wing H3077A; ESTC R32355 145,417 336

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summoned a Diet in Hungary at Ersekuyvarum where partly betwixt Force and good will he was again Proclaimed King the Majesty of which Title his Valour as having been two and forty times present in Battel Magnificence and Popularity very well suited and now he began to Act as a King Tampirius Generalissimo of Hungary therefore opposed his Army consisting of ten thousand men and by Water and Land laid Siege to Presburgh and took the Suburbs and the Fort before them but while he unwarily viewed the Castle he was slain with a Dart. The Fall of the General made the Souldiers desert the siege and suffer Bethlen to Ravage Austria where he had effected great matters but that the over-throw of his Confederates at Prague spoyled his Designs The Elector Palatine being yet at Uratislavia in the Marquisate of Silesia did very much urge him to proceed and to continue his Successes for that speedily he would bring an Army out of England and Denmark to his Assistance And indeed Ernestus Count Mansfield Brother of Charles that was so Famous for the Siege of Strigonium having gained Pilsa and Taborum was advanced into the Palatinate and had reduced things there to some better Conditlon but in the mean while Bohemia was quite lost the Palatine proscribed the Jesuits restored and the Reformists driven out of the Kingdome The French King endevoured a Peace between the Emperour and Bethlen at Hamburg but with no successe for Gabriel would neither renounce his Regal Title nor give way to the Estates of Hungary to transact with Ferdinand but called in an Army of Turks and Tartars by which means he drew Envy upon himself and the Estates grew eager against his Government and returned to their former Allegiance George Szecsi was first received into favour who drew a great many with him and took Francis Redei away perforce who languished away for greif not long after As to matter of Action Charles ●ongaevall Count of Bucquoy having subdued and tamed the Moravians with an Army of 2200 men and 22 Great Guns marched directly against Bethlen who retreating into Transylvania and the German and Hungarian Garrisons diffe●ing among themselves recovered Presburg with Tyrnaw Ovarum Schutt and all that Tract of Ground as far as Newhausel which he also besieged and brought it to extremity when Stanislaus Thurzo salleyed out upon the Foragers and lighting upon Bucquoy who too rashly engaged in their assistance killed him after sixteen wounds his Horse being shot under him his dead body with the slaughter of many Imperialists was brought off and redeemed from the Hungarians and in the beginning of Iuly enterred at Vienna By his Death the Affairs of Caesar were shaken for the Walloons refusing another General gave opportunity to the Enemy of reducing many places Gabriel having raised a new Army and overthrown the Nobles of Hungary Ersekuyvarum was also abandoned by the Garrison so that finding the Kingdome naked and destitute of Defence he joyned with the Count of Thurn and the Marquisse of I●gerendorf and forced Tyrnaw Presburg he in vain attempted whence by the Invitation of Iagerendorf he made an Irruption into Moravia and seized and pillaged several places but being opposed here by the Emperours new Generals Esterhasius Wallensteyn and Hanibal Donaw who set upon him on every side and Iagerendorf departed from Silesia as his Transylvanians for want of Provision were privily slipt home he bethought himself of a Peace which at the instance of his Ambassadors was first treated of at Oedinburg but Conc●uded at Szentmicklosium whereby Bethlen retaining Tockay and Cassovia with seven other Lordships in Hungary was to yeild up and resign the Crown with all other places and Cities in that Kingdome to forbear the Regal Title and be content with the Name of Roman Prince should enjoy Opulia and Ratibor the State of Religion and the Jesuites to be restored to the places they were in before Thus the Elector Palatine was disappointed here also as Mansfield and Christian Duke of Brunswick had been unsuccessful against Tilly so that driven out of his Haereditary Countreys he fled into Holland The Electoral Dignity was conferred on Maximilian of Bavaria when the Estates of the Empire perceived that the Power they had given the Emperour was used by him against themselves Iagerendorf being expelled out of Silesia again implored Bethlen to the assistance and Support of the Churches whereupon the flame of the but newly quenched Conflagration broke out again Bethlen delivered Vaczia to the Turks with whom and the Tartars to the number of eighty thousand excited by the Count of Thurn he Invaded Hungary pretending first Religion then the Money not paid nor the Conditions of the Treaty at Oedinburg performed At Tyrnaw he defeated the Regiment of Tieffenbach and falling into Moravia drove Swarzemburg before him and besieged him in the Metropolis building four great Bulwarks before that part of the City where the onely Egresse was and keeping strong Guards on that side where it was Fenced with the Lake and Woods neverthelesse Swarzemburg by a frugal apportioning of the Allowance of Provision held out the place till the Winter when the Grand Seigniour being rightly informed of the Quarrel by Caesar with the menace of his Scymitar recalled Bethlen and the Turks and Tartars impatient of the delay and the Cold refused to obey him altho●gh some of them were therefore hanged up Besides the aids out of Germany appeared not so that he was compelled to make a Truce and the Garrison almost famished delivered from the Siege His Title of The Roman Prince or Prince of the Romans was abolished his Coadjutors the Turks left to get home as well as they could in which return many were stripped and slain and satisfied for their fellows cruelty and plunder In the beginng of May this year the Peace was confirmed and redintegrated Iagerendorf quite disseised of Silesia Thurn expell'd out of Moravia and Bethlen deprived of that part he held in Hungary but restored to Opulia and Ratibor taken from him in the beginning of these Troubles And lastly the Kingdome of Hungary acknowledged her old Soveraign Ferdinand Ernestus Eldest Son of Ferdinand the second being Crowned at Ovarum where were present his Father his Queen and Children Caraffa the Popes Nuncio and the Spanish and Florentine Ambassadors Bethlen also sent his thither being taken up with the Solemnity of his Nuptials with Catharine the Daughter of Iohn Sigismund Marquiss of Brandenburgh who was Married at Alba Iulia At this Diet at Ovarum great was the Unanimity and Concord of the Estates by whose resolutions the Guards and Forts against Canysa were strongly fortified the License of Polygamy restrained the Road secured and the Tribute and Tax duely settled and other things enacted which concerned the safety of the Kingdome Ezterhesius was substituted to the Dignity of Palatine in the room of Thurzo Next succeeded the Coronation it self
by Ladislaus the Third who applying himself to the Reformation of the Government and the Lawes unhappily dyed in the 6 month after his Inauguration ANDREW the second for his vertue was next advanced to the Regal Dignity He sadly affected with the discomfitures of the Christians went himself Generalissimo into the Holy Land and passing into Asia overthrew the Sultan Abubeker sirnamed Seyseddine and the Successor of Saladine He took also Damiata and forced the Sultan to retreat to Caire where he breathed out his unhappy Soul Nor was it doubted but that his victories would entitle him to the Holy Land the Christians being both in the field and in the Seige far superiour until the Nile overcame them for the Sultan breaking down the banks on both sides the River swelling to its usual heigh overflowed into their Camp whereupon pressed with hunger also overwhelm'd with misery they capitulated for their permission of departure with the surrender of Damiata Andrew bringing thence instead of Victory the heads of St. Stephen and Margaret the right hands of benedict Thomas Bartholomew part of the rod of Aaron and one of the Water-pots wherein Christ wrought his miracle of Wine These things the Hungarian Writers with intrusive Piety mainly defend Others say that he passed no further then Iordan and having washt himself thrice therein as accounting himself disobliged from his vow returned home His Justice was very remarkable in that he justified Bancbanus his Deputy in his absence who had slain his Queen for that she had prostituted his Wife to her vitious Brother who came to visit her He forgave the Venetian injuries made excellent Lawes and vested a negative power in the Nobles to what should be enacted without their Consent By Gertrude he had three Sons Bela Coloman and Andrew and Elizabeth his Daughter not to be passed for her eminent Piety without honourable mention she was married to the Landgrave of Hesse who dying in the Holy Land she betook her self to a Monastery and was five years after her death canonized by Pope Gregory the Ninth at which Consecration was present at Marpurg Frederick the Emperour with divers other Princes vvith a Conflux of 12 nundred thousand persons BELA the 4th of that name was saluted King while his Brother Coloman having expelled Daniel seized the Government of Halicia and Lodomiria himself being wholy addicted to Peace and quiet but herein fortune failed him for the Tartars whose original described something largely by my Author but not to our present purpose we must here omit with whom joyned the Cumani expelled by the same Tartars from their seats a●d habitations in 1238. by humble intreaties and profession of Christian Religion after they had been denyed entrance or entertainment in Russia having been admitted into Hungary by the Kings single consent proved the first part of the ruine of that Kingdom for the Hungarians offended with their peremptory carriage and finding little redresse ar Court fell ●pon them of a sudden and killed their King Kuthenes who being thus provok'd kill slay and burn whatever they came near and at last joyned themselves to the Tartars whose Invasion being rumoured before was imputed to some design of the Kings to keep the Hungarians in peace with the Cumani Now whilest Peta one of the Tartarian Generalls ravaged Poland Moravia and Silesia as Cadon another of their Captains did Russia the Emperour Bathuy Chan overthrew the Palatine of Hungary deserted of his people at Russe-Port and utterly crushed the Arch-Bishop of Colozza in a moorish ground and laid wast all the Countrey as far as Vacia and passing f●rther totally defeated and vanquished Bela striving in vain with the discords negligence and hatred of his Subjects Nothing remained to him in all Hungary but Alba Regalis Strigonium and the Monastery of St. Martins nor was the multitude of the slain by weapons smoak and clouds raised by Magick Art to be computed Three years the Tartars continued this ruine searching in the Woods and Caves for the miserable Inhabitants others with feigned letters they allured from their hiding places all which they slew so that the stench of the dead Carcasses caused a Plague and mortality as a Famine was occasioned by the devastation of the Countrey By which means the Tartars were forced to abandon that Kingdome carrying away with them an inumerable Company into intollerable slavery The Pope endeavoured to Christianize this savage Nation and Bathuy Chan did grant a Truce and Protection to the Monks as Mango was converted yet the other Leaders seeing the vices of the Christians chose rather the Mahometan Infidelity The Tartars thus departed Bela by the aid of the Knights of St. Iohn of Ierusalem who from the Faction of Rome had retired themselves into Illyria where he had weathered this storm others of the Crusado who were frequent in those parts of Croatia and Dalmatia and the like assistance of the Frangipans received again his desolate Kingdome with his four Sons whom he had deposited in the Fortresse of Clissa But no sooner was he seated then a just occasion led him against Frederick the Emperour who under pretence of sheltring him had rob'd him of his Treasure but expiated that fraud by a just force which vanquished him at Nova a City of Austria whereby Bela gained all his enemies wealth began to revive the drooping spirits of the Hungarians which while he intended by other alleviaments the Bohemian War recalled him for Primislaus that King the great friend of the Emperour Otho so that he was called Ottho Ca●rus having married the Widow of ●rederick attempted the recovery of Styria and Austria not long possessed A fierce and cruell Battel was thereupon joyned in Moravia where the Hungarians inferiour in number and exhausted with the late War were overthrown and a peace made upon these conditions that the Bohemians should enjoy Austria and the Hungarian stand seized of Styria STEPHEN the fifth swayed the Hungarian Scepter though not long yet very gloriously for he Revenged his Fathers discomfiture upon Ottocarus though at first he vvas worsted afterwards he made an expedition against the Bulgarians people of the Dacia Aureliana so called for that Emperors Transplanting them in Maesia from the new Dacia made them willing to pay that Tribute which was due to his Predecessors He reigned but 2 years leaving Hungary in a thriving condition LADISLAUS the fourth the Son of Stephen succeeded and was scarce 3 moneth● old in the Government when a new War succeeded the former as if Fortune had so ordered it that the Bohemian having ill used the 2. Kings Bela and Stephens should satisfie for his Injuries to the third King Ladislaus Moravia was the Cause of the War wherein Ottocarus outstretched his bounds very immoderately It was long consulted hereupon by the Hungarians how they should coun●erplot or oppose these enc●oachments when the Fates of themselves opened a Way The Princes of the Empire vvhile they
Christ 1305. He received the Crown gratis from Wenceslaus for which great sums had been offered by the Hungarians and was inaugured at Alba Re●alis and the better to win and insinuate himself into the favour of the Nobles and People he wore the Crown which is had as before in the greatest veneration constantly in his Progresses and publique appearances Once as he entered Transylvania he lost the Crown being put up in a Case and tied to his Horses Saddle which was not found till next day and this was taken for an unlucky Omen of his Expulsion first into Russia by which people he was for a while again restored and his last final deprivation by Ladislaus Vaivod of the Kingdome who sided with Charles and the Papal pretences though he had been one of the advancers of Otho before By this means much Blood was spilt by those intestine Divisions the Cardinal Gentilis being sent again with new Curses and Bans against the Adversaries of Charles which brought innumerable mischief● both upon Clergy Nobility and People most unnaturally divided one against another These Factions having so long opprest this Nation it was unanimously agreed to confer the Supreme Power upon a single person they chose thereupon in the Feilds of 〈◊〉 Charles the Nephew of 〈◊〉 ●laudus King of Sicily by Mary the Daughter of Stephen the fourth and Son of Charles Martell in whom the Discords and Feuds of the Nobility were by his Vertues reconciled He was encircled in the presence of his Father with that Crown which Ladist●us had surrendred His first Exploit and Enterprise was against Matthew Trinesiniensis who had refused Allegiance whom he overcame in a bloody Battel at Cassovia but with great hazzard and dubious Event his numerous Troops of Horse among whom was a veterane tryed Band of the Knights of the Order of St. Iohn turning their backs to a Brigade of 1700 Curassiers Nor did the Conspiration cease here for a bloody and ●nefarious Design was laid at Visigrade where Felicianus Sakanus a special Servant of the Kings with a drawn Sword struck at him who inclining his body the blow cut off the Fingers of the Queen nor had the King escaped had not the Souldiers of the Guard freed him being mounted from imminent Death The Assassinate for terrour was quartered and his four quarters sent as a spectacle through the Kingdome and his Family and Posterity utterly extinguished Intending now an Expedition against the Sarazens a revolt of the Valachians withheld him he advanced therefore against Bo●aradine the Vayvod thereof and Compelled him with the Expence of the War to pay the yearly Tribute but returning he was set upon by that perfidious Nation in the abrupt and least passable places and Defeated he himself changing his Habit for his easier Escape Others say he undertook this War upon no ground and therefore they ascribe the Event to his wickednesse Burying the Noble memorable Acts of this man in this Overthrow who was so Potent and Prudent a Prince that most of the Kings of his Time were by his Force or Prudence obliged to him He had to his Wives Mary the Daughter of Casimir Duke of Poland Beatrice Daughter of the Emperour and Elizabeth the Daughter of Uladislaus of Poland by the last he had Issue Charles who died at the years as Ladislaus at four months end His surviving Son Andrew had Apulia Lewis Hungaria for his Patrimony Under this Charles the Realm recovered its former Puissance for he Ruled over Rama Servia Gallicia Saler●a L●d●miria Cumania and Naples far Famed had he not begotten his Son Lewis although that also be attributed to his Glory The Third BOOK LEWIS not inferiour to so great a Father and skilled in martial Affairs exercised his first Arms against the insolence of the Valachians and Servians who contemning his youth recoyled from the obedience they owed and performed to his Father but were reduced to the same Conditions Those being subjugated he solemnly dismiss'd his mother whose Sanctity had procured her a veneration even unto Superstition to Apulia and thence to Rome requesting of his brother Andrew the Loane of 44 thousand Marks of gold as the Covetousnesse of the Times then required for the price of his Confirmation in the Kingdom of Naples which Affair concluded he aided his adoptive Father Casimir who before had designed Charls his Natural Son but he survived not long after against Iohn of Bohemia and the Lithuanians whom he attempted to force to the belief of the Christian Religion but found the difference betwixt Words and Swords The Bohemian advanced as far as Cracovia he again expelled out of that Dominion from whence he was not yet retired but the Tartars made another invasion into Hungary but neverthelesse were so well received by Andrew the Vaivod Son of Ladislaus aforesaid who avoiding their Arrowes came to handy blows with them and the dint of Sword that they were utterly overthrown and their General Atlamus taken prisoner and the name of the Tartar after this defeat not heard of in Hungary for many years With the same fortune he prevailed against the Croats in which expedition he was personally present accompanyed with Stephen Neman Prince of Bosnia whose Daughter he had married for while as yet he stayed in the Confines of Croatia they submitted themselves and took the Oath of Fidelity and Allegiance but the Venetian War was bloody who in spight of Lewis reduced Schodra to their subjection after he had lost many men in the attempt of relieving it While these things were doing Ioan the Wife of Andrew new-invested in Apulia for the love and lust of her Adulterer the Prince of Tarentum designed to transfer that Kingdom with her self to his Embraces by the death of her husband whom she hung with a silken halter This Fact obliged Lewis to a just revenge which to prosecute having in vain received Letters from Ioan in Excuse thereof and by his answer declared her guilty of that and other precedent and subsequent Crimes he marched into Italy where he was assisted by Phillip of M●ntua Malatesta of Ariminum and other Princes whose Governments by the sloth of Charles the Emperour were beco●e absolute Tyrannies By these Arms he drove Lewis Prince of Tarente the Adulterer and Ioane his Wife out of Italy to Marseilles and Avignion and possessed himself of all the Dominion of Apulia on that side the Sea taking the Duke of Dyrrachium beheaded him by the common Executioner as he sent the brothers of the said Lewis with the Son of Andrew as his Ward bound in Chains into Hungary whether the Pest raging in Italy and depopulating many places and whole Provinces he soon after followed and placed Stephen Laskus his Vaivod in Transylvania But the Neapolitans rebelling as not enduring a forraign Government the Hungarians left in that Kingdome twice defeated them once by a Salley made by Stephen the Governour of Naples whom they had blocked
Uladislaus Prince of Oppelon late Governour of white Russia fomented the reason of the Kings erecting this nevv Authority vvas partly his propensity to his own blood kindred and partly because he believed that that Country under the name of Hallicia and Lodomiria did belong to Hungary This indisposition of Affairs and the vvearinesse of those frequent journevs the King made into Poland vvho loved his ease and was delighted with Home caused him to appoint a Triumvirate of Polonian Noble men to the Administration of that Kingdom He himself intending the Chastisement of the Vayvod of Valachia who had Revolted from him received an overthrow by his Lieutenant Ladislaus of Transylvania being shamefully beaten between the Rocks and abruptnesses of Novigrade which loss he repaid to effect meeting the same Enemy secure by reason of their late Victory in the Plains of Bulgaria making them thereby to submit to their former Tribute About this Time the Cumani received the Christian Faith and Lewis upon the same Religious account marched against the Lithuanians who depredated Russia and restrained and upon their Submission pardoned them and restored to them their Duke Lewis had Daughters Catharina Mary and Hedwiga Catharine died young Mary with the Succession to the Crown was Married to Sigismund whose Father was Charls the 4th Emperour Hedwiga by the Consent of the Nobles of Poland was chosen Queen thereof whom Iagello Great Duke of Lithuania afterwards Married and converted his Kingdom to Christianity and by the Name of Uladislaus was worthily Registred among the Kings of Polonia LEWIS died at Tyrnaw to the great loss and detriment of Hungaria a man of a Couragious and courteous mind bountiful to Learned men and very skilful in Astrology for which he was stiled Ordongos Lajos by his People He used in Disguises to visit the Towns and places neer his Residence inquiring into the lives and manners of his Magistrates and himself by which he might better correct what was amisse and if report pleased him enjoy the Happinesse and Felicity thereof Mary the second Daughter of Lewis her Sister Hedwiga being Married to the King of Poland and settled there by which means a strict League and union was begun between both Nations was saluted with the Title of King of Hungaria she was betrothed to Sigismund of Brandenburg but their minority hindred the present consummation of the Match She Governed happily by the prudence of her ministers and the beloved memory of her Father but as soon as she entrusted the whole menage of the State into the hands of Nicholas Gara the then Palatine who by his insolence was unsufferable to the Nobles a Civil dissention inflamed by the envy and hatred against him arose in the Kingdome the secret Design whereof was the deposition of her from the Throne Some of the Grandees thereupon consulted to call in Charles Surnamed the Little Son or as others Nephew of Lewis who had relieved and afterwards distressed Pope Vrban and was now gloriously invested in the Kingdom of Naples out of Italy delegating to him upon this Errand the Bishop of Zagrabia who effected the businesse notwithstanding the disswasion of Charles his Wife His passage into Hungary was by the way of Sipontus and Zagrabia where unexpectedly Arrived he pretended for his rapinous seizure of the Scepter the Composure of those Tumults and Factions in the State This caused Sigismund whom his Father in his Life time had sent into Hungary to be educated and fashioned according to the Hungarian manners to fly into Bohemia while Charles being honourably received evey where surprized the Castle of Buda and in presence of the Queen and her Grandmother who wisely tempered and dissembled their resentments caused himself to be Crowned at Alba Regalis and not long after was so inveagled and blinded by his Parasites with whom he most delighted that he could not foresee the danger of his unjust Usurpation For the Generality and the Nobles being estranged in their affections Elizabeth the Queen-mother and the above-named Palatine under Colour of a private Conference at the House of Blasius Forgatz there by a private hand Assassinated him upon the rumour whereof the Italians that came with him Covenanting for their safety obtained a dismission into their own Countrey The Queens were now in hopes of a plenary Restitution when the Banus or Prince of Croatia took upon him the Revenge of Charles his Death assisted therein by some of his Favourers by whom Elizabeth was Drowned in the River of Bruszula and Mary with somewhat better fortune preserved in Custody The Palatine and Forgatz were both cruelly slain Sigismund having notice of Charles his Fate and sensible likewise of the danger the Queens were in levyed a great Army for the Expence whereof he pawned the Marquisate of Brandenburg to Iodocus and Procopius his Cousin Germans His Fortune in this Expedition was answerable to his strength for intent against the Croatian who frighted with the danger had Articled for his Indempnity with Mary whom he had set at liberty he possessed himself of that Countrey with Bosnia and at Quinque Ecclesiae put him to Death with thirty of his partakers and Conspirators against the Queens The Bishop of Zagrabia in respect to his quality had his goods onely Confiscated Thus Charles expiated his prodigious Lust by the Queens as the Queens for the ungovernance and breach of Faith by the Banus and he for his Cruelty by Sigismund whom Hungary now acknowledged as their new and rightful Soveraign as the Kingdome of Naples did Lewis the Son of Charles Sigismund maintaining his Kingdome by the same Prudence with which he recovered it made an Expedition against the Valachians and Moldavians and slew their Vaivod Stephen and annex●d them by Oath of Subjection to the Crown of Hungary But War ceased not here for Alexander indevoured to restore the Valachians to their Liberty and being too weak and inferiour in force called in the Turks to his assistance whom also Sigismund put to a most shameful flight and pursuing them as far as Thrace took in Nicopolis But the Death of Mary sowered the sweetnesse of this Victory for Uladislaus of Poland now pretended a Right to the Kingdome by vertue of the Agreement made betwixt Mary and his Wife Hedwiga But Iohn Canysa the Arch-Bishop of Strigonium possessing the abrupt passages and difficulries of the Mountains kept out Uladislaus though the Turks far more dangerous could not be repressed Their Design was the recovery of Nicopolis in order whereunto they laid waste the adjoyning Dominions of Hungary whither their Arms in the minority of their Empire had not yet reached but Bajazet the fourth King having vanquished Mark the Prince of Bulgaria and Lazarus the Despot of Servia as on the Asian side he had Conquered the Kindome of Armenia thereafter infested Phocis and Thessaly and now threatned with the Siege of Nicopolis a further progresse of his Victories To avert this