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daughter_n esq_n peace_n recusant_n 473 4 16.2947 5 false
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ID Title Author Corrected Date of Publication (TCP Date of Publication) STC Words Pages
A57919 Historical collections of private passages of state Weighty matters in law. Remarkable proceedings in five Parliaments. Beginning the sixteenth year of King James, anno 1618. And ending the fifth year of King Charls, anno 1629. Digested in order of time, and now published by John Rushworth of Lincolns-Inn, Esq; Rushworth, John, 1612?-1690. 1659 (1659) Wing R2316A; ESTC R219757 913,878 804

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in Parliament The Right Honorable Vicount Dunbar Deputy Justice in Oyer to the Earl of Rutland from Trent Northward and a Commissioner of Sewers and a Deputy Lieutenant within the East-Riding of Yorkshire his Lordship is presented to be a Popish Recusant and his Indictment removed into the Kings-Bench and his Wife Mother and the greatest part of his Family are Popish Recusants and some of them convicted William Lord Eury in Commission for the Sewers in the East-Riding a convict Popish Recusant Henry Lord Abergaveney John Lord Tenham Edward Lord Wotton in Commission for Sewers justly suspected for Popery Henry Lord Morley Commissioner of Sewers in Com. Lanc. himself suspected and his wife a Recusant Iohn Lord Mordant Commissioner of the Peace Sewers and Subsidie in Com. Northampton Iohn Lord St Iohn of Basing Captain of Lidley Castle in Com. Southampton indicted for a Popish Recusant Em. Lord Scroop Lord President of his Majesties Council in the North Lord Lieutenant of the County and City of York Com. Eborac Ville Kingston super Hull presented the last time and continuing still to give suspition of his ill-affection in Religion 1. By never coming to the Cathedral Church upon those dayes wherein former Presidents have been accustomed 2. By never receiving the Sacrament upon Common dayes as other Presidents were accustomed but publickly departing out of the Church with his servants upon those dayes when the rest of the Council Lord Major and Aldermen do receive 3. By never or very seldom repairing to the Fasts but often publickly riding abroad with his Hawkes on those dayes 4. By causing such as are known to be firm on those dayes in the Religion established to be left out of Commission which is instanced in Henry Alured Esquire by his Lordships procurement put out of the Commission of Sewers or else by keeping them from executing their places which is instanced in Dr. Hudson Doctor in Divinity to whom his Lorship hath refused to give the Oath being appointed 5. By putting divers other ill-affected persons in Commission of the Council of Oyer and Terminer and of the Sewers and into other Places of Trust contrary to his Majesties gracious Answer to the late Parliament 6. In October last 1625. being certified of divers Spanish ships of War upon the Coasts of Scarborough his Lordship went thither and took with him the Lord Dunbar Sir Thomas Metham and William Alford and lay at the house of the Lord Eury whom he knew to be a convict Recusant and did notwithstanding refuse to disarm him although he had received Letters from the Lords of the Council to that effect and did likewise refuse to shew the Commissioners who were to be imployed for disarming of Popish Recusants the original Letters of the Privy-Council or to deliver them any Copies as they desired and as his Predecessors in that place were wont to do 7. By giving Order to the Lord Dunbar Sir William Wetham and Sir William Alford to view the Forts and Store of Munition in the Town of Kingston upon Hull who made one Kerton a convict Recusant and suspected to be a Priest their Clerk in that service 8. By denying to accept a Plea tendred according to the Law by Sir William Hilliard Defendant against Isabel Simpson Plaintiff in an Action of Trover that she was a convict Popish Recusant and forcing him to pay costs 9. By the great increase of Recusants since his Lordships coming to that Government in Ianuary 1619. It appearing by the Records of the Sessions that there are in the East-Riding onely One thousand six hundred and seventy more convicted then were before which is conceived to be an effect of his favor and countenance towards them William Langdale Esquire convict of Popish Recusancy Iordan Metham Henry Holm Michael Partington Esquires George Creswell Thomas Danby Commissioners of the Sewers and put in Commission by procurement of the Lord Scroop Lord President of the North and who have all Popish Recusants to their wives Ralph Bridgeman a Non-Communicant Nicholas Girlington whose wife comes seldom to Church Sir Marmaduke Wycel Knight and Baronet presented the last Parliament his wife being a convict Popish Recusant and still continuing so Sir Thomas Metham Knight Deputy Lieutenant made by the Lord Scroop in Commission of the Council of the North and of Oyer and Terminer and other Commissions of Trust all by procurement of the same Lord President since the Kings Answer never known to have received the Communion his two onely Daughters brought up to be Popish and one of them lately married to Thomas Doleman Esquire a Popish Recusant Anthony Vicount Montague in Commission of the Sewers in Com. Sussex his Lorship a Recusant Papist Sir William Wray Knight Deputy Lieutenant Colonel to a Regiment his wife a Recusant Sir Edw. Musgrave Sir Tho. Lampleigh Justices of Peace and Quorum Sir Thomas Savage Deputy Lieutenant and Justice of Peace his wife and children Recusants Sir Richard Egerton a Non-Communicant Thomas Savage Esquire a Deputy Lieutenant a Recusant and his wife indicted and presented William Whitmore Commissioner of the Subsidy his wife and children Recusants Sir Hugh Beeston Commissioner of the Subsidy his Daughter and many of his Servants Recusants Sir William Massie Commissioner for the Subsidy his Lady indicted for Recusancy and his children Papists Sir William Courtney Knight Vice-Warden of the Stannery and Deputy Lieutenant a Popish Recusant Sir Thomas Ridley Knight Justice of the Peace his wife a Popish Recusant and eldest son Sir Ralph Conyers Knight Justice of Peace his wife a Popish Recusant Iames Lawson Esquire a Justice of Peace and one of the Captains of the Trained-band his children Popish Recusants and servants Non-Communicants Sir Iohn Shelley Knight and Baronet a Recusant William Scot Esq a Recusant Iohn Finch Esquire not convict but comes not to Church in Commission of the Sewers These are all convicted Recusants or suspected of Popery Sir William Mollineux Deputy Lieutenant and Justice of Peace his wife a Recusant Sir Richard Honghton Knight Deputy Lieutenant his wife and some of his daughters Recusants Sir William Norris Captain of the general Forces and Justice of Peace a Recusant Sir Gilbert Ireland Justice of Peace a Recusant Iames Anderton Esquire Justice of Peace and one of his Majesties Receivers his wife a Non-Communicant his son and heir a great Recusant and himself suspected Edward Rigby Esquire Clerk of the Crown Justice of Peace himself a good Communicant but his wife and daughters Popish Recusants Edward Criswell Esquire Justice of Peace his wife a Popish Recusant Iohn Parker Gentleman Muster-Master for the County suspected for a Popish Recusant George Ireland Esquire Justice of Peace his wife a Popish Recusant Iohn Preston Esquire Bow-bearer for his Majesty in Westmorland Forest a Recusant Thomas Covill Esquire Jaylor Justice of Peace and Quorum his Daughter a Recusant married Sir Cuthbert Halsal Justice of Peace his wife a Recusant Richard Sherborn Esquire Justice of Peace himself
Non-resident his wife and son Recusants Sir George Hennage Knight Sir Francis Metcalf Knight Robert Thorall Esquire Anthony Mounson Esquire William Dallison Esquire in Commissioner of the Sewers and are justly suspected for Popish Recusants Sir Henry Spiller Knight in Commission of Peace for Middlesex and Westminster and Deputy Lieutenant Valentine Saunders Esquire one of the six Clerks both which are justly suspected to be ill-affected in Religion according to the Acts of State Charles Jones Knight Deputy Lieutenant and Justice of Peace George Milburne Esquire Justice of Peace Edward Morgan Esquire their wives are all Popish Recusants William Jones Deputy Lieutenant Justice of Peace his wife suspected to be a Popish Recusant Iohn Vaughan Captain of the Horse suspected for Recusancy Benedict Hall Receiver and Steward of the Dutchy of Lancaster he and his wife are Popish Recusants Sir Thomas Brudenel Knight and Baronet Deputy Lieutenant a Popish Recusant Cuthbert Herone Esquire now Sheriff of Northumberland Justice of the Peace his wife a Recusant Sir William Selby Junior Knight Justice of Peace his wife a Recusant Sir Iohn Canning Knight Justice of the Peace his wife a suspected Recusant Sir Ephraim Widdrington Knight Justice of Peace suspected to be a Recusant Sir Thomas Riddall Knight Justice of Peace his wife and eldest son are Recusants Iohn Widdrington Esquire who came out of the same County before his Majesties Proclamation was published and is now at London attending the Council Table by Commandment and yet not dismist Sir Robert Pierpoint Esquire Justice of Peace his wife a Recusant Sir Anthony Brown Knight Justice of Peace thought to be a Recusant but not convict Sir Henry Beddingfield Knight Deputy Lieutenant and Justice in Oyer and Terminer and in Commission of Sewers Justice of Peace and Captain of a foot Company his wife nor any of his children as is informed come to the Church Thomas Sayer Captain of the Horse his wife comes not to Church Sir William Yelverton Baronet and Justice of Peace not suspected himself but his eldest son and one of his daughters are known Recusants Sir Henry Minne Knight Justice of Peace and Quorum neither he his wife or daughters can be known to have received the Communion and have been presented at the Sessions for Non-conformity Robert Warren Clerk a Justice of Peace justly suspected and that for these Reasons 1. He being in trust for one Ratcliff of Bury deceased for the educating of his son he took him from the School at Twelve years old and sent him beyond the Seas to be brought up there in a Popish Seminary where he hath remained six or seven years as was generally reported 2. One of his Parishioners doubted in some points of Religion being sick and desired to be satisfied by him who confirmed him in the Religion of the Church of Rome which he told to his brothers before his death who are ready to affirm the same but this was divers years since 3. There being Letters directed to four Knights of that County to call the Ministers and other officers before them and to cause them to present all such as absented themselves from the Church and were Popishly affected he was desired to present those within his Parish Church of Welford which he accordingly did but left out at the least one half and being asked why he did so he answered that he was no Informer And being asked of some particulars whether they came to the Church or not his Answer was they did not and why then did he not present them he said they might be Anabaptists or Brownists and would not present them and this certified by three Members of the House 4. He having a brother dwelling in Sudbury that was presented for not coming to the Church he came to one of the Ministers and told him that he took it ill they presented his brother who answered he did it not but if he had known of it he would whereupon he replied He was glad he had a brother of any Religion 5 One of his Parish named Fage having intelligence that there was one in the said Parish that could inform of a Private place where Arms were in a Recusants House in the Parish came to some of the Deputy Lieutenants in Commission for a Warrant to bring the same in form before them to be examined concerning the same and the said Fage delivered the Warrant to the Constable he carried him before the said Mr Warren who rated the said Fage for that he did not come to him first telling him that he was a factious fellow and laid him by the heels for two hours which the said Fage is ready to affirm Sir Benjamin Titchburne Knight and Baronet Justice of Oyer and Terminer Justice of Peace and Deputy Lieutenant and in Commission for the Subsidue his wife children and servants indicted for popish Recusancy Sir Richard Tichburne Knight Justice of Peace his wife presented the last Sessions for having absented her self from the Church for the space of two moneths Sir Henry Compton Knight Deputy Lieutenant Justice of Peace and Commissioner for the Sewers Sir Iohn Shelly Knight and Baronet himself and his Lady Recusants Sir Iohn Gage Knight and Baronet a Papist Recusant Sir Iohn Guilfor Knight Their Ladies come not to Church Sir Edward Francis Knight Their Ladies come not to Church Sir Genet Kempe Knight some of his children come not to Church Edward Gage Esq a Recusant Papist Commissioners of the Sewers Tho Middlemore comes not to Church Commissioners of the Sewers Iames Rolls William Scot Commissioners of Sewers both Recusants Papists Robert Spiller comes not to Church Sir Henry Guilford in Commission for Piracies and for the Sewers and Iohn Thatcher Esquire Commissioner for the Sewers they are either persons convicted or justly suspected Sir Richard Sandford Knight Richard Brewthwait Esquire Gawen Brewthwait Esquire their wives are Recusants Sir William Ambrey Knight Justice of Peace a Recusant Rees Williams a Justice of Peace his wife a convict Recusant and his children Popishly bred as is informed Sir Iohn Coney Knight a Justice of Peace and Deputy Lieutenant his wife a Popish Recusant Morgan Voyle Esquire Justice of Peace his wife presented for not coming to Church but whether she is a Popish Recusant is not known Iohn Warren Captain of the Trained-band one of his sons suspected to be Popishly affected Wherefore they humbly beseech your Majesty not to suffer your loving Subjects to continue any longer discouraged by the apparent sence of that increase both in number and power which by the favor and countenance of such like ill-affected Governors accreweth to the Popish Party but that according to your own wisdom goodness and piety whereof they rest assured you will be graciously pleased to command that Answer of your Majesties to be effectally observed and the Parties above named and all such others to be put out of such Commissions and Places of Authority wherein they now are in your Majesties Realm of England contrary