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A44774 Medulla historiæ Anglicanæ being a comprehensive history of the lives and reigns of the monarchs of England from the time of the invasion thereof by Jvlivs Cæsar to this present year 1679 : with an abstract of the lives of the Roman emperors commanding in Britain, and the habits of the ancient Britains : to which is added a list of the names of the Honourable the House of Commons now sitting, and His Majesties Most Honourable Privy Council, &c. Howell, William, 1638?-1683. 1679 (1679) Wing H3139A; ESTC R41001 296,398 683

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vvas Mayor VVilliam Edward Thomas Reyner Sheriffs In his thirty seventh Year Sir Thomas Scot was Mayor Ralph Joceline Richard Nedham Sheriffs In his thirty eighth Year Sir William Hulin vvas Mayor John Plummer John Stocker Sheriffs In his thirty ninth Year Sir Richard Lee was Mayor Richard Flemming John Lambert Sheriffs EDWARD IV. EDWARD the fourth A. D. 1●61 was the eldest son of Richard Duke of York and began to Reign in the twentieth year of his Age. At which time Henry of Windsor had many friends remaining who by open Hostility sought to re settle him on the English Throne The battel at Towton fought on Palm-Sunday 1461 is very memorable wherein died the Lords Beaumont Nevill Willoughby Wells Scales Grey Dacres Fitz-Hugh Beckingham Knights Esquires and Gentlemen a great number and in all on both parts 35091 but Henry lost the day A. D. 1461 and June 28 was Edward Duke of York and Earl of March Crowned King at Westminster with great solemnity And in November following was Henry of Windsor and his son Edward by Parliament disinherited of their right or claim to the Crown The Dukes of Excester and Sommerset and Earl of Devonshire with an 140 more were Attainted and Disinherited Queen Margre● the mean while was gaining Aids from France but they were discomfited by bastard Ogle Then with the Scots she entred Northumberland took the Castle of Bamburgh and passed forward to the Bishoprick of Durham her forces daily increasing but these also were defeated by King Edward at Hegely Moor where Sir Ralph Piercie dying said I have saved the Bird in my breast meaning his Oath made to King Henry in whose cause he lost his life At Hexam also were Henries forces defeated but himself with much difficulty escaped into Scotland Shortly after which this unfortunate Prince came into England in disguise but being betrayed was apprehended in Waddington-Hall as he sate at dinner from whence he was conveyed to London with his Legs bound to the stirrups and at London was Arrested by the Earl of Warwick and committed to the Tower And now King Edward thinks himself at leisure to marry yet refuseth all Forreign matches whereof he had many offered and takes for his consort an inferior subject the Relict of his mortal enemy Sir John Grey slain at the battel of St. Albans on King Henries side This Lady Elizabeth Gray becoming a suiter unto the King for her Joynture kind King Edward became a suiter unto her for a nights-Lodging but she wisely answered him when he became importunate That as she did account her self too base to be his Wife so she did think her self too good to be his Whore When the King would needs marry this Lady to the great discontent of his Councel but especially of his Mother His Mother alledged many reasons to the contrary and amongst the rest this That only her Widow-hood might be sufficient to restrain him for that it was an high disparagement to a King to be dishonoured with bigamy in his first marriage To which the King pleasantly answered In that she is a Widow and hath already Children By Gods blessed Lady I am a Batchelor and have some too and so each of us hath a proof that neither of us are like to be barren And therefore Madam I pray you be content I trust in God she shall bring you forth a young Prince that shall please you And as for the Bigamy let the Bishop hardly lay it in my way when I come to take Orders for I understand that it is forbidden to a Priest but I never wist yet that it was forbidden to a Prince On May 26. 1465 was this Lady whom Edward had accepted to be his Queen Crowned at Westminster with all due Celebrations Her Father Sir Richard Woodvil was created Lord Rivers and made High Constable of England Her son Thomas Grey was created Marquess Dorcet and her other relations preferred But this marriage of the Kings did so sorely disgust the Earl of Warwick who had courted the Duke of Savoys daughter for King Edward that he turned his affection from him to Henry contriving all he could King Edwards deposition He wrought upon George Duke of Clarence the Kings brother to favour his designments the Duke being the easier wrought upon by reason he had before took offence against his brother about his Marriage and preferring his Wifes kindred Then did Warwick by his Agents stir up a commotion in the North one Robert Huldern first heading a rabble of about fifteen thousand and he put to death Sir John Coniers undertook the leading of them marching with them towards London Proclaiming That King Edward was neither a just Prince to God nor a profitable Prince to the Common-Wealth Against these rebels the King sent an Army that ingaged with them not far from Banbury where the Northern men had gone off with the worst had not John Clapham Esquire a servant of Warwicks displayed his colours with the white Bear and from an eminent place cryed a Warwick a sVVarwick whereat the VVelshmen fearing indeed that VVarwick had been come betook themselves to flight leaving their General the Earl of ●embroke and his brother in the field who valiantly fighting were incompassed and taken The Earl with his brother Sir Richard Herbert were brought to Banbury where with ten other Gentlemen they lost their heads Coniers and Clapham being their Judges 1469. From hence the Northern men under the conduct of Robin of Riddisdale hasted to the Kings Mannor of Graffon where the Queens Father then lay whom with his son John they suddenly surprised and at Northampton struck off their heads The King this while having prepared a mighty Army marched towards Warwicks company and at Wolney pitched his Tents the enemy lying at a little distance in readiness for battle but by mediation of friends a peace was intreated When the King resting secure was by politick Warwick surprized in the dead of the night and carryed Prisoner to Warwick-Castle from whence he was by night conveyed to Middleham Castle in Yorkshire where under the custody of the Earls Brother George Neville Archbishop of York he was retained but the Bishop granting him liberty to ride a Hunting in the Forests and Parks he fairly made his escape Warwick hereupon rages but seeing no remedy he made use of necessity and gave forth that himself so caused it having power to make Kings and to unmake them Nor did he and Clarence leave off here but procured a Rebellion in Lincolnshire where Sir Robert VVells an expert Soldier with Thirty thousand Commons disturbed the Country and in every place proclaimed King Henry At Stamford-Wells set upon the Kings forces not staying for VVarwicks coming where was performed a most bloody fight till at length Sir Robert being taken the Lincolnshire men casting away their Coats all ran away In regard whereof this Battel was called the Battel of Lost-Coat-Field VVells with many others were put to death 1470. Upon this defeat Clarence and
unpaved A Blazing-Star appeared and other Stars seemed to shoot Darts one against another The Sea broke over its Banks drowning an abundance of people and in Kent overwhelmed the Lands that sometime were Earl Goodwins which now are called Goodwins Sands very dangerous for Navigators A Well of Blood for Fifteen days rose out of the ground at Finchampstead near Abingdon Pestilence and Scarcity Robert of Glocester hath a pretty passage of King William in these Lines As his Chamberlain him brought as he rose on a day A morrow for to wear a pair of Hose of Say He asked what they costned three Shillings be seid Fie a dibles quoth the King who sey so vile a deed King to wear so vile a Cloth but it costned more Buy a pair for a Mark or thou shalt ha cory fore A worse pair enough the other swith him brought And seyd they costned a Mark and unneath he them bought Aye bel-amy quoth the King these were well bought In this manner serve me or ne serve me not A. D. 1096 and in the Reign of William Rufus by reason of the Pestilence then raging and the oppressions under which the English groaned the tillage of the earth was neglected whereby ensued great scarcity the year following throughout all England HENRY BEAVCLERK HENRY for his Learning stiled Beauclerk A.D. 1100 whilst his brother Robert was busied in the Holy War promising many good things was with the general liking of the people crowned at Westminster in A. D. 1100 Whose first business was the reforming of his own Court and Houshold for a pattern to his subjects Next he restored to the English the use of fire and lights at their own liberty freed the Church from reservation of its possessions upon vacancies made the heirs of the Nobility free to possess their Fathers Lands without redemption from him engaging the Nobles to do the like by their Tenants Allowed the Gentry to marry their daughters and kinswomen without his licence so it were not to his enemy Ordained that the Widow should enjoy her Joynture and be at liberty to marry according to her own liking That the Mother and next kindred should be Guardians to fatherless children That Coiners of false money should be punished with the loss of hand and genitals He also appointed a Measure to the length of his arm to be a standard of commerce amongst his people He forgave all debts to the Crown before his time And that which did the most content his subjects was Anselme A.B. Cant. that he revived the Laws of Edward the Confessor After which he recall'd Anselm Archbishop of Canterbury who had been forced out of the Realm by Rufus because he opposed him for keeping Church-Livings in his hands And Henry to settle himself the more deeply in the affections of the English he married Maud daughter to the King of Scots by Margret Sister to Edgar Atheling But Duke Robert being returned with greatest honour from the Holy Land claimed the Kingdom of England as his rightful inheritance landed an Army at Portsmouth many of the English flocking to him At length the difference between these two brethren was reconciled on these terms That Henry should enjoy the Crown during his life paying to Robert in way of fealty three thousand Marks by the year But this sun-shine of Peace was shortly after withdrawn by the Rebellion of Robert Beliasme Earl of Shrewsbury who in short time being vanquished fled into Normandy for shelter Archbishop Anselme is also said to have disturbed the peace by standing too stifly for the pretended Rights of the Church of Rome against the Kings real Rights and Prerogative peremptorily depriving what Prelates he pleased of their promotions and refusing to consecrate certain Bishops that the King had advanced Moreover the King and his Brother Robert continued not long in amity ere Henry invading Normandy takes his brother in fight whom he sent prisoner to Cardiff Castle in Wales where he had the liberty to walk in the Kings Meadows Forests and Parks but endeavouring to make his escape Radulphus A.B. Cant. he was committed to a stricter durance and also deprived the sight of both his eyes and in few years after dyed and was buried at Glocester his Brother Henry not long surviving him Some troubles arose from the Welsh but that people the King restrained chiefly by placing those Flemings among them whose Lands the Seas had devoured some years before and to whom King Rufus had granted that they should seat themselves in Cumberland The poor Married Priests Anselme sadly perplexed And the King imposed heavy Taxes on the people and reserved vacant Church-promotions to his own use under pretence of keeping them for the most deserving But how unworthily he disposed some of them may be guessed by that pretty reproof which Guymund his Chaplain gave him Who on Rogation-Sunday celebrating Service in the Kings Chappel being to read that Lesson out of St. James 5.17 it rained not on the earth by the space of three years and six months he purposely read It rained not one one one years and five one months Which causing laughter or admiration in all that heard him the King rebuked him for it demanding the reason why he read so Marry quoth he I see you bestow your preferments only on such as can read so Wherewith the King touched preferred him and in the future was more cautious whom he raised to preferments in the Church The estates both spiritual and temporal he caused to assemble at Salisbury then reforming many abuses and laying here the first foundation of our High Court of Parliament About this time Lewis King of France invaded Normandy whither King Henry passed and vanquished him But as his Son Prince William was returning after him out of Normandy he was cast away and with him an 160 persons of prime note and esteem none of their bodies being found The Mariners had had too much Wine bestowed on them at their putting forth to Sea Maud or Matilda the Empress after the death of the Emperor her Husband King Henry her Father sent for over into England where calling a Parliament he caused Stephen his Sisters Son with his Nobles to swear Fealty to her as to his lawful and now only Heir But the King sailing again into Normandy he there after his pleasure of Hunting made a great repast of Lampreys upon the eating of which he fell exceeding sick and after Seven days sickness dyed A. D. 1135. at the Town of St. Denis His Bowels and Brains and Eyes were buried at Roan The Physitian that took out the Brains was poysoned with the stench His body sliced powdred with Salt and wrapped in a Bulls Hide was conveyed to Reading and there buried in the Abby which himself had founded Besides his lawful Issue William and Maud he is said to have had Fourteen illegitimate some say more He built a magnificent Palace at Woodstock in Oxfordshire In a great dearth in his Countries
of Anjou and Main he fed every day with sufficient sustenance Ten thousand persons from the beginning of April till such time that new Corn was inned He erected and endowed the Sees of Carlisle and Ely and the Abbies of Hide Reading Cyrencester and the Priory of Dunstable His Queen Maud was so devout that she would go to Church barefoot and constantly exercise her self in works of Charity insomuch that when her Brother Prince David came out of Scotland to visit her he found her in her Privy-Chamber washing wiping and kissing poor peoples feet which he disliking said Verily if the King your Husband knew this you should never kiss his lips To which she replied That the feet of the King of Heaven are to be preferred before the lips of an earthly King 'T is reported that when the King was preparing for his last passage into Normandy there hapned a fearful Earth-quake and that out of chinks in the earth arose burning flames which could not be quenched In the year 1111 at Dunmow in Essex the Lady Inga founded a Priory for Black Nuns which afterwards became an House of Monks Which Monks 't is sayd did allow a Gammon of Bacon to such married couples as repented not of their bargain within a year and a day after their Marriage nor made any Nuptial transgression in word or deed This they were to make a solemn Oath of William Curboill A.B. Cant. STEPHEN A.D. 1135 STEPHEN Earl of Bloys Son to Adelicia Daughter of the Conqueror was admitted King by the workings of his Brother Henry Bishop of Winchester and Roger Bishop of Sarum but chiefly through the means of Hugh Bigot who took his Oath that King Henry had on his death-bed upon some distast taken against his Daughter disinherited her and appointed Stephen to succeed him He was Crowned at Westminster on St. Stephens day in A. D. 1135 by William Corbell A. B. of Canterbury the Prelates swearing to obey him as their King so long as he should preserve the Churches rights and the Lay-Barons in like manner swore allegiance to him so long as he should keep his Covenants to them and preserve their rights His right he owned to be by election The Charter containing his peoples Franchises Liberties and Immunities which he bound himself to maintain he Sealed at Oxford Which was that all Liberties Customs and Possessions granted to the Church should be firm and in force That persons and causes Ecclesiastical should appertain only to Ecclesiastical jurisdiction That the vacancies of Churches and Church-mens goods should be at the sole dispose of the Clergy That all bad usages in the Land touching Forrests exactions c. should be extirpate and that the ancient Laws should be restored Many Castles he either caused or suffered to be erected in the Land which he intended for his own security against Maud but they proved greatly to his own detriment His entrance was very peaceable but by little and little civil discords increased to the miserable spoil of the Realm besides the troubles arising from out-parts Baldwin de Redners first began to break the peace but him the King soon quieted Then the Welshmen who gave a great defeat to the English Then David King of Scots set on by some disaffected to Stephen but in a short time peace was concluded with him Then the Welsh again make inrodes into the Land carrying away great spoils Next David King of Scots enters Northumberland in the quarrel of the Empress where his rude Soldiers dealt most barbarously with many of the Inhabitants ripping up the wombs of Women with Child and tossing their Infants upon the points of their Spears slaying the Priests at the Altar and after an inhumane manner dismembring the slain bodies After this the Peers of the Land conspire against the King taking themselves to strong-holds a great cause whereof was because the King shewed extraordinary favour to William de Ypre and his Flemings following their counsels and chiefly relying upon them When David King of Scots taking opportunities from these inbred troubles again entred Northumberland with a great Army against whom the Northern Lords marched at the command of Thurstan Archbishop of York the Kings Lieutenant who himself being then sick appointed Ralph Bishop of Durham for his General Which Bishop of Durham in the close of his invective Oration to his Army against the Scots before the Battel absolved from punishment of sin all such of his side that should dye in the fight whereby the English were made to fight the more desperately so that in a short time they vanquished the Scots driving the King of Scots and his Son out of the Field King Stephen went on also very prosperously against his Barons winning many Castles from them Which done he proceeded against the Scots with whom in short time a Peace was concluded But that Stephen might be kept imployed the Empress Maud landed near to Arundel with but an 140 men Whom Stephen hasted to meet but she colouring her designs with the pretences of amity and peace he over-credulous caused her to be honourably conveyed to Bristol where she remained two Months and then went to Wallingford her base Brother Earl Robert in the mean time gathering aids for her Wallingford King Stephen besieged and his Brother the Bishop of Winchester invited certain of the Nobles to his palace where he kept them as Prisoners till he had gain'd them to resign their Castles to the King Worcester Earl Robert subdued and spoiled Nottingham Ralph Painell burned in favour of the Empress And she for her better security took into Lincoln whither Stephen following her gain'd the City the Empress making an escape Shortly after which Robert Earl of Glocester with Ranulph Earl of Chester encountred the King near to Lincoln where with equal success the fight was maintained a long time till at length the Kings Horsemen not without suspition of Treason gave back and fled and shortly after his Foot began also to faint and fly leaving this valiant King almost alone who with his Battel-Axe drove back whole Troops assailing him maintaining the quarrel against his Foes with an undaunted courage till his Battel-Axe broke and after that till his Sword flew in pieces When now weapenless he was struck down taken and carried to the Empress at Glocester from whence he was sent to Bristol The Empress for a while ruling all London after much perswasion received her with a royal procession but in short time grew discontent because she refused to remit some over-hard Laws made by her Father and to restore those of King Edward Many Nobles also repined as conceiving themselves too much slighted by her The Bishop of Winchester who a while before had accursed all that withstood her now absolves them under pretence that the Barons had kept Faith with her she not with them The discontented Londoners he solicited in his Brother Stephens behalf Divers Castles he stored with munition and men In the mean time
murdred body was on the Ascension-Eve laid in an open Coffin and conveyed to St. Pauls in London where it rested uncovered one day and began to bleed afresh thence it was carried to the black Friars Church where it did bleed as before then was buried at Chertsey in Surrey but King Henry the seventh translated it to his Chappel of Windsor A. D. 1474 Was an Interview at Piquigny in France of the two Kings of England and France where falling into complemental conference Lewis told King Edward that he would one day invite him to Paris there to court his fair French Ladies with whom if he committed any sin Lewis merrily told him that Cardinal Bourbon should be his Confessor and to be sure his penance should be the easier for that Bourbon used to kiss fair Ladies himself This was no sooner spoken howsoever meant but Edward was as forward of thanks and acceptance which King Lewis observing rounded Philip Co●●nes his bosome-servant in the ear telling him flatly That he liked not Edwards forwardness to Paris there had been too many English Princes at that City already After King Edwards return into England as he was hunting in Arrow-Park belonging to Thomas Burdet Esquire with the death of much game he slew a white Buck which the Esquire much fancied whereupon he wished the Horns in that persons belly that moved the King to kill that Buck. For which words he was accused and condemned of Treason his words being wrested that he wish'd the Horns in the Kings belly and was beheaded at Tyburne A. D. 1478. George Duke of Clarence by the procurement of his brother Richard Duke of Glocester was accused of Treason and committed to the Tower His accusation was That he had caused divers of his servants to inform the people that Mr. Burdet was wrongfully put to death That upon purpose to exalt himself and Heirs to the regal dignity he had most falsely published that the King his brother was a bastard and therefore not capable to wear the Crown for which and the like crimes charged upon him he was in Parliament Attainted of Treason and found guilty and on the eleventh of March 1478 after he had offered his Mass-peny in the Tower was drowned in a But of Malmsey whose body was buried at Tukesbury But the King was afterwards much grieved that he had consented to his death and would say when any made suit for the life of a condemned person O unfortunate brother for whose life no man would make suit A. D. 1483 King Edward fell into a dangerous and deadly sickness when calling for his Lords into his sick presence and raising his faint body on the pillowes he exhorted and required them all For the love that they had ever born unto him for the love that he had ever born unto them for the love that our Lord beareth unto us all that from that time forward all griefs forgotten each of them would love other Which saith he I verily trust you will If you any thing regard either God or your King affinity or kindred your own Country or your own safety Shortly after which words he departed this life April the ninth and was buried at VVindsor in the New Chappel whose foundation himself had laid 'T is said of him that he was just and merciful in peace sharp and fierce in War and that never any King was more familiar with his Subjects than he In the beginning of his raign he used to sit in person certain days together in his Court of Kings-Bench to see justice and equity done His Issue were Edward Richard George who died an infant Elizabeth Cicely Anne Briget Mary Margret and Catharine His Concubines were Elizabeth Lucy and three others which were of three several humours as himself would say One the merryest which was Shores Wife another the wiliest and the third the holiest for she had wholly devoted her self to his Bed and her Beads His base Issue were Arthur sirnamed Plantaginet and Elizabeth He ordained penal Statutes against excessive pride in apparel especially against long-piked shoes then worn which had grown to such an extream that the Pikes in the toes were turned upwards and with Silver-chains or Silk-laces tied to the knee He gave some Cotswold-sheep to Henry of Castile and John of Arragon 1465 which hath been accounted one of the greatest prejudices that ever hapned to England One VValker a substantial Citizen of London was beheaded in Smithfield for only saying to his Child That he would make him Heir of the Crown meaning his house which had that sign In the fallen estate of King Henry many of the Nobles that had took part with Henry were put to fly for their lives into Forraign Countries and amongst the rest Henry Holland Duke of Excester and Earl of Huntingdon son to the Lady Elizabeth second daughter of John of Gaunt and Husband to the sister of King Edward the fourth was constrained to live in exile in miserable want and penury For saith Philip Comines I once saw the Duke of Excester run on foot bare-leg'd after the Duke of Burgundies Coach and Train begging an Alms for Gods-sake But being known what he was Burgundy gave him a small pension for his maintenance The Mayors and Sheriffs of London in this Kings time In his first Year Sit Hugh Witch was Mayor George Ireland John Lock Sheriffs In his second Year Sir Thomas Cook was Mayor VVilliam Hampton Bartholomew James Sheriffs In his third Year Sir Matthew Philip was Mayor Robert Basset Thomas Muschampt Sheriffs In his fourth Year Sir Ralph Joceline was Mayor John Tate John Stones Sheriffs In his fifth Year Sir Ralph Varney was Mayor Henry Weaver VVilliam Constantine Sheriffs In his sixth Year Sir John Young was Mayor John Brown Henry Brice John Darby Sheriffs In his seventh Year Sir Thomas Oldgrave was Mayor Thomas Stalbrook Humphrey Heyford Sheriffs In his eighth Year Sir VVilliam Taylor was Mayor Simon Smith William Herriot Sheriffs In his ninth Year Sir Richard a Lee was Mayor Richard Gardner Robert Drope Sheriffs In his tenth Year Sir John Stackton was Mayor John Crosby John VVard Sheriffs In his eleventh Year Sir William Edwards was Mayor John Allen John Shelley Sheriffs In his twelfth Year Sir William Hampton was Mayor John Brown Thomas Bledlow Sheriffs In his thirteenth Year Sir John Tate was Mayor Sir VVilliam Stocker Robert Belisdon Sheriffs In his fourteenth Year Sir Robert Drope was Mayor Edmond Shaa Thomas Hill Sheriffs In his fifteenth Year Sir Robert Basset vvas Mayor Hugh Brice Robert Colwich Sheriffs In his sixteenth Year Sir Ralph Joceline was Mayor Richard Rawson William Horn Sheriffs In his seventeenth Year Sir Humfrey Heyford vvas Mayor Henry Collet John Stocker Sheriffs In his eighteenth Year Sir Richard Gardner vvas Mayor Robert Harding Robert Bifield Sheriffs In his nineteenth Year Sir Bartholomew James was Mayor Thomas Ilam John Ward Sheriffs In his twentieth Year Sir John Brown was Mayor Thomas Daniel William Bacon Sheriffs In his
Princes to attempt the recovery of the holy-Land sending Cardinal Campeius on this errand into England Which Cardinal and his company being come to London as they passed through Cheap-side the sumpture Mules cast their Carriages and Coffers on the ground out of which the lids flying open fell old breeches boots and broken shoes torn stockings tattered rags old iron and horse shoes broken meat marrow bones roasted eggs and crusts of bread with such-like treasure About A. D. 1521 the Emperour Charles passing toward Spain landed at Dover where the King met him and conducted him in great state to London lodging him in his new Palace in the Black-Friars then feasted him at Windsor and in such bands of amity the Emperor and King Henry seemed to be link'd that in London this sentence was set up in the Guild-hall over the dore of the Councel-Chamber Carolus Henricus vivant Defensor uterque Henricus fidei Carolus Ecclesiae The reason of which Titles Defender of the Faith and Church was For that Charles the Emperour had directed forth a solemn Writ of Out-lawry against Dr. Martin Luther who had then given a great blow to the Triple Crown and King Henry had wrote a Book against the said Luther for the which the Pope gave the Title of Defender of the Church to the Emperour and Defender of the Faith to the King and for the same cause he sent King Henry a consecrated Rose A new variance hapning again betwixt the Kingdoms of France and England the King assembled a Parliament at the Black-Friers in London which granted him half of the yearly revenues of all Spiritual livings to be paid for five years continuance and the tenth part of all temporal substance to carry on the Wars against France and Scotland When the King being furnished with mony sent a great Army into France under the conduct of Charles Brandon Duke of Suffolk who had married Mary the Kings Sister Queen Dowager of France This valiant Commander first besieged and won Bell-Castle then took the Castle of Bonguard Braie Roie Lihome Mondedier and Boghan which done he returned King Henry was so inraged against the Scots that he took from all those inhabiting England all their goods sending them into their Country on foot with white Crosses sowed upon their uppermost garments But Margaret Queen of Scots solliciting her brother Henry for a peace the difference betwixt the two Nations was for a while reconciled About A. D. 1525 arose great troubles in Ireland the wild Irish casting off all obedience and killing many of the Kings English Subjects Girald Fitz-Girald Earl of Kildare was sent prisoner into England for that the Earl of Ossery had accused him of many misdemeanors as That he connived at the Earl of Desmonds escape whom he should have attached by order from the King That he grew over-familiar with the Irish and that he put to death the Kings best subjects When the Earl was brought to London he was committed to the Tower by the Cardinals means who did not love him In the Tower he expected death daily but with such couragious resolution that being at slide-groat with the Lieutenant when the Mandate was brought for his Execution on the morrow morning and seeing the Lieutenant struck into a sudden sadness he said unto him By St Bride Lieutenant there is some mad game in that Scroll but fall how it will this throw is for a huddle And when the worst was told him he said I pray thee Lieutenant do no more but assuredly learn from the Kings own mouth whether his Highness be witting of this or not Whereupon the Lieutenant loving the Earl well went to the King and shewed him the Warrant which the King seeing controlled the sawciness of the Priest for so he then called the Cardinal and gave the Lieutenant his Signet for a nullity of the Warrant so the Earl was delivered from the death threatned and not long after from his imprisonment About or in A. D. 1528 King Henry began to call into Question the lawfulness of his marriage with his Queen Katharine who was daughter to Ferdinand King of Spain and had been married to Prince Arthur eldest son of Henry the seventh when he was about fifteen years of age but he dying ere he had been married twelve months King Henry his brother by the advice of his Councel took this Princess Katharine to Wife in few days after his Fathers death and enjoyed her nuptial society near twenty years in which time she had born him two sons both dying in their infancy and one daughter named Mary afterward Queen But now he said his Conscience was much dissatisfied doubting it might not be lawful for him to have his brothers Wife notwithstanding he had had a dispensation from the Pope for it therefore first he refused his Queens bed and having moved the doubt to his own Divines he next sent for the opinion of most of the Universities of Europe which concluded against it and signified so much under most of their common Seals He also sent Agents unto Rome with an humble request to the Pope that an indifferent Judge might be sent to determine this weighty affair Whereupon Cardinal Campeius was sent over into England with whom Cardinal Wolsey was joyned in Commission These Cardinals had a place ordained them in the Black-Friers in London for the keeping of their Court of Judicature To which Court the King and Queen were summoned to appear personally which accordingly they did having several seats prepared for them When the Court was sate the Cryer called King Henry to appear who forthwith answered Here Then was the Queen called who made no answer at all but presently rose up and going to the King fell on her knees at his feet and in the audience of the people said unto him Sir I desire you to take some pity upon me and do me Justice and right I am a poor woman a stranger born out of your Dominions having here no indifferent Councel and less assurance of friendship Alas Wherein have I offended or what cause of displeasure have I given you that you thus intend to put me away I take God to my Judge I have been to you a true and humble Wife ever conformable to your will and pleasure never gain-saying any thing wherein you took delight Without all grudge or discontented countenance I have loved all them that loved you howsoever their affections have been towards me I have born you Children and been your Wife now this twenty years Of my Virginity and Marriage-bed I make God and your own Conscience the Judge and if it otherwise be proved I am content to be put from you with shame The King your Father in his time for wisdom was known to be a second Solomon and Ferdinand of Spain my Father accounted the wisest amongst their Kings could they in this Match be so far over-seen or are there now wiser and more learned men than at that time were Surely it seems
Kings-bench Court and there pronounced pardon of all offences committed against him On July 4 he came to the Tower where he Created Estates ordained the Knights of the Bath set at liberty the A.B. of York and Lord Stanley and July 6 was anointed and Crowned at Westminster But this Usurper well knowing that whilst his young Nephews were living the Crown would not stand firm on his head he therefore imploys Sir James Tirrel a man of an aspiring spirit to procure these Childrens destruction which accordingly he did For about midnight Miles Forest and John Dighton Tirrell's bloody instruments came into the Chamber where the young King and his Brother lay and suddenly wrapt them up in the Bed-clothes keeping by force the Feather-bed and Pillows hard upon their mouths that they were therein smothered to death This villany done Sir James caused the Murderers to bury their Bodies at the stairs-foot somewhat deep in the ground under a great heap of stones though afterward K. Richard caused them to be taken up inclosed in Lead and to be cast into a place called the Black-deeps at the Thames mouth But the justice of God pursued the Murderers for Forest rotted away piece-meal Tirrell died for Treason under Henry 7 and Dighton lived and died a vagabond beyond the Seas And the Usurper after this detestable fact never had quiet in his mind never thought himself secure but when he went abroad his eyes still whirled about his body privily fenced his hand ever on his Dagger his sleep interrupted with fearful dreams sometimes suddenly starting up leaping out of his bed and running about the Chamber Immediately also after this Murder began the Conspiracy betwixt the Duke of Buckingham and divers other Gentlemen against the Murderer The occasion of Buckinghams falling off from Richard is diversly reported some say it was because the King would not grant him the Duke of Hereford's lands to the which he pretended himself the rightful heir others impute it to the Dukes high-mindedness that he could not bear the glory of another Himself said the occasion was the murder of the two Children But be the occasion what it would yet this is most sure that this enmity of the Dukes to the King proved of good consequence to the rightful heirs to the Crown For hereupon the Duke left the Court retiring to his own house of Brecknock where he had in his custody that true friend to K. Edward's Posterity John Morton Bishop of Ely who by his wisdom abused the Dukes pride to his own deliverance the Dukes destruction and benefit of such to whom the Crown of right appertained When the Duke was at first become alienated from the King and come to his own house he solicited the Bishop his Prisoner to speak his mind freely to him in matters of state but the Bishop refused thus answering him In good faith my Lord I love not much to talk with Princes as a thing not all out of peril although the words be without fault forasmuch as it shall not be taken as the party meant it but as it pleaseth the Prince to construe it And ever I think on Aesops tale that when the Lion had proclaimed that on pain of death there should no horned beast abide in the Wood one that had in his forehead a bunch of flesh fled away a great pace The Fox that saw him run so fast asked him Whither he made all that haste he answered In faith I neither wot nor care so I were once hence because of this Proclamation of horned beasts What fool quoth the Fox thou mayest well enough abide the Lion meant not thee for it is no horn on thy head No marry quoth he that wote I well enough but what and if he call it an horn where am I then But though the Bishop at the first declined talking of State-matters with the Duke yet afterward when by often discoursing with the Duke and other circumstances he found him to be of a proud stomach and emulated the Kings greatness he would speak his mind frankly enough to him rendring the Usurper as odious as was possible by alledging his unnaturalness to his own Mother in charging her with defiling the Marriage-bed his unnaturalness to his own Brothers and Nephews in saying they were bastards his murdering his Nephews and other enormities Then to tickle the Dukes own ambition the Bishop would commend him to be a person of such rare vertues that he merited to wear the Crown himself inviting him for Gods sake and his Countries sake to take the Government upon himself or otherwise to devise some means how the Realm might be rid of the Tyrant and brought under some good Governour When the Duke had pondered a while upon this and the like discourse of the Bishops he acquainted the Bishop That his resolutions were to advance Henry Earl of Richmond to the Crown and that the said Earl of Richmond heir of the House of Lancaster should marry the Lady Elizabeth eldest Daughter of Edward the fourth by which Marriage the Hous●s of York and Lancaster should be united into one All which to effect the Duke and Bishop first made the Mothers of Elizabeth and Henry privy hereunto and imployed divers trusty instruments to interest the Nobles and Gentry in the design Then the Bishop left Brecknock in disguise and sailed into Flanders where he did Earl Henry eminent services Many great persons combined to dethrone the Usurper which he having knowledg of sent his loving Letters to the Duke of Buckingham whom he understood to be head of the Complotters requesting him most earnestly to come to the Court for he was in great want of his wise counsel But the Duke mistrusting his smooth words excused himself that he was sickly and not well able to travel The King therefore sent his commands to him and threats withal if he refused to give attendance unto which the Duke sent his resolute answer That he would not come to his mortal enemy and immediately prepared War against him Then Thomas Marquess Dorset came out of Sanctuary and also gathered a band of men in the North Sir Edward Courtney and his Brother the Bishop of Excester raised another Army in Devonshire and Cornwall and in Kent Sir Richard Guilford and other Gentlemen raised a party all which was done in a moment But the Usurper marching with his Host against the Dukes forces which were most Welsh they for want of pay and other provision brake up their Camp and left the Duke to shift for himself which when the Confederates understood they also dispersed themselves The Duke of Buckingham in disguise repaired for security unto a servants of his near Shrewsbury named Humphry Banister but the King by Proclamation promising great rewards to him that should detect the Duke that wretch Banister for the hope of gain betrayed his Master the Duke Who with a guard of men was conveyed to Salisbury where without arraignment or judgment the Duke lost his
the better to strengthen himself at home and to raise his Family into esteem he gave his eldest Son a Command in the Army his younger Son he made Lord Deputy of Ireland his two younger Daughters that were not yet disposed of in marriage he matched the elder of them with Mr. Robert Rich the Earl of Warwicks Grandson and the youngest with a person of great Honour And that he might be as King-like as possible and withal check the Commons in Parliment he constituted an Upper House of Parliament instead of the House of Lords 62 in number most of them his own creatures amongst whom were Colonel Hewson one by trade next kin to a Cobler and Colonel Pride formerly a Brewers servant who before this had been made two of his knights errants And to honour his Mushrooms he elected to set in his Upper House some few Noble men as the Earl of Warwick c. February the 20th the Parliment that had been adjourned now reassembled but because they admitted those Members to sit with them who at first refused to subscribe to Olivers Instruments and because they questioned the Protectors power in erecting his Upper House which in contempt they called the other House Oliver hereupon sent for them to his Upper House Bar where he made a large speech to them and in conclusion told them That it did concern as well the peace and tranquility of the Nation as his own interest to terminate that Parliament and therefore he did at this time put an end to their sitting February the fourth A. D. 1658. This Year began with a discovery of a most horrible Plot as Oliver called it and indeed he had an excellent Art for the discovery of Plots having his mercenary trepans and instruments of falshood who counterfeiting themselves forward Royallists thereby insinuated themselves into the Counsel of the Kings friends and then betrayed them And the King himself was troubled with one of these false Creatures about his own person for Captain Manning one of his Secretaries Clerks was taken in the very act of receiving Letters from Thurloe Olivers Secretary for the which he was instantly Shot to death But the Loyal Confederates in the late discovered Plot were divers of them apprehended as Dr. Hewit Colonel Edward Ashton Mr. Mordant the Earl of Peterboroughs Brother and others who were indicted of High Treason for endeavouring to levy War against his Highness and the Government and to promote Charles Stuart to the Government of these Nations and for holding correspondency with the said Charles Stuart Mr. Mordant was acquitted but Dr. Hewit and Sir Henry Slingsby were beheaded on Tower-hill June the eighth though many endeavours were used by divers persons of quality and Ministers for the saving of their lives especially the Doctors Colonel Ashton and others were hang'd and quartered in London Near about this time there came up the Thames as far as Greenwich a Whale of a very great length and bigness June the 25th the Town of Dunkirk was surrendred by the Spaniards to the French who immediately resigned it to the English forces which had been the main instrument in gaining it this resignation was made according to former Articles agreed upon between the King of France and Lord Protector of England But whilst the English were rejoicing abroad Oliver had occasion of sorrow at home for his most dearly beloved Daughter Mrs. Elizabeth Claypole on August the eighth departed this Life whose body was interred in the Royal Chappel at Westminster T is said of this Gentlewoman that she was much troubled at the harsh usage of the Royal party and that upon her knees she beg'd of her Father to save Dr. Hewits life but his hard heart would not yield thereto though he loved this Daughter so passionately that he never injoyed himself after her death but growing pensive and melancholy in short time was seized with a Tertian ague which ended his life at VVhite-hall on September the third He was born in the Town of Huntingdon and descended from a worshipful family of the Cromwels alias VVilliams his Mother was the Daughter of Sir Richard Steward and his wife Elizabeth the Daughter of Sir James Bourchier He was of a very martial Spirit and of excellent conduct and attended with very good success in his attempts Nor was he a Souldier only but also a very good Orator and deep Politician and so great a Dissembler that he could shed Crocodillian tears at pleasure when those would at any time advantage him among the Religious an high pretender he was to Religion though as his actions manifested it was only thereby to obtain his ambitious ends so impiously resolute for the effecting his designments that he valued not the violation of the most solemn promises or sacred Oaths nor the shedding of any though the blood of the Lords anointed Yet was this Man courted or feared by most of the Princes in Europe and the Kings of France and Sweden were entred into so strict a League with him as had he lived might have troubled good part of the world In Olivers stead Richard Cromwell his eldest Son whom he had appointed his Successor was proclaimed Protector Shortly after which several Addresses protesting both love and obedience to Richards Highness were presented from the Armies of the three Nations from the London-Ministers from divers Counties Cities and chief Towns of England And the Foreign Ambassadors then in England pretended to lament with Mr. Richard for the death of his Father desired the continuance of that League and Amity which was granted and maintained by his late Highness Oliver Lord Protector November the 23 were the Funerals of Oliver Solemnized after his Herse had lain in the greatest State some weeks in Somerset-House at a vast charge and in greater Pomp than had formerly been used for the greatest English Kings his Corps had been privately interr'd many days before in the Chappel-Royal of Henry the Seventh at Westminster But the vast expences of those Funerals were never discharged but those Tradesmen who had hopes of gaining the most by it sat down the greatest losers at last As soon at the Funeral-rites of this old Fox Oliver were accomplished his Son Richard proceeded to the carrying on of matters of publick concernment The first of which was the sending a Naval-supply to the King of Sweden for the aiding him against the King of Denmark The next of any moment was the calling of a Parliament to convene January the 27th at Westminster where when they were met they chose for their Speaker Mr Challoner Chute and the Members severally took the Oath not to alter the form of Government Which done they went to purge out those Members who had born Arms for the King then after many debates it was at length resolved that the House of Commons would transact with the persons of the other House as a House of Parliament during the present Parliament but with this proviso That it was not intended