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A23591 Here begynnys a schort [and] breue tabull on thes cronicles ...; Saint Albans chronicle. 1485 (1485) STC 9995; ESTC S106502 430,579 577

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maude wos afterward the emprisse of Almayne ¶ And in the secund yere of his regne his brother Robert Curthose that was duke of Normandie come with an huge host in to englond for to chalenge the land but thurgh concell of the wise men of the land they wer accordid in this maner That the kyng shold yeue the duke his brother a thousand pound euery yere and wich of them leued longest shuld be other heir and so bitwen them shuld be n● debate ne strife ¶ And when they wer thus accordid the Duke went home ayen in to Normandie ¶ And when the kyng had regned iiij yere ther aroos a gret debate bitwen him and the erchebisshop of canwrburi Ancelme For because that the Erchebishop wold not grant him for to take talagie of chirches at his will ̄ therfor eftsone the Erchebisshop went ouer the see vn to the court of rome and ther duellid with the pope ¶ And in the same yere the Duke of Normandie come in to englond for to speke with his brother ¶ And among all other thinges the Duke of normandie for yaf vn to the kyng hys brother the forsayed thousand pound by yere that he shuld pay vn to the duke and with good loue the kyng ̄ the duke ꝑted ̄ ther the duke went ayen ī to normādi ¶ And when tho ij yere wer a gone thurgh enticement of the deuell of lithermen a gret debate arose bitwin the kyng and the duke so that the kyng thurgh consell went ouer the see in to normandi ¶ And when the kyng of Englond was cumyn in to Normādie All the gret lordis of normandie turned vn to the kīg of englond and held ayens the Duke ther own lord ̄ him forsoke ̄ to the kyng them yelden and all the good castels and tounes of Normandie And sone after wos the duke taken led with the kīg in to englond ̄ the kyng let put the duke ī to prison ¶ And this was the vengeance of god ¶ For when the Duke was ī the holy land god yaf him such myght ̄ grace that he was chosī for till a bene the kyng of Ierusalem and he forsoke it wold not take it vppon hym And therfor god send him that shame despite for to be put ī to his brothers p̄son ¶ Tho seysed kīg herri all Normandie in to his hand and held hit all his lifes tyme ī the same yere come the bisshop Ancelme from the cour of Rome ī to englōd ayen and the kyng he wos accordid ¶ And in the yere next commyng after ther began a gret debate betwen the kyng Phillip of Fraunce ̄ kyng Henri of Englōd ¶ Wherfor kyng Herri went in to Normandie ther wos strong were betwen them two and tho died the kyng of france and Lowys his son wos made kyng anone after his deth ¶ And tho went kyng Henri ayen ī to englond ̄ maried Maude his doughter to Henri the emprour of almayne ¶ Of the debate that wos betwē kīg Lowis of france ̄ kīg Hēri of ēglōd ̄ how kīg henris ij sonnys wer lost ī the high see WHen kyng henri had ben kyng xvij yere a gret debate aroos betwyn kyng Lowys of fraunse and kyng Hnri of Englond for encheson that the kyng had sent in to Normandye to his men that they shuld be helpyng vn to the Erle of Bloyes as moch as they might in were ayēs the kyng of fraunce ¶ And that thei shuld bene as redy to him as they wer vn to ther own lord for encheson that the Erle had spoused his sustren dame Maude ¶ And for this encheson the kyng of franse did moch sorow to Normandie ¶ Wherfore the kȳg of englōd was wonder wroth and in hast wēt ouer the see with a gret pouer and come in to Normandie for to defend that land And the were betwyn them lastid ij yere till at the last they two faughten to geder ̄ the kyng of fraunse wos discomfited vneth scappid a way with moch payn the most parti of his men wer takē the kīg did with them what him best likid ¶ And sum of them he let go frely sum let he be put vn to the deth But afterward tho ij kīges wer accordid ¶ And whan king herri had holy all the land of Normadie scomfited his emnys of franse he turnid ayen in to englond with moch honour ¶ And his ij sonis Wyllm Richard wold haue commen after ther fadre and wēt to the see with an gret componye of pepull But or that they myght cum to land the ship come ayens a roch brak all ī to peses all wer drenchid that wer ther in sauf on man that wos in the same shipe that ascappid ¶ And this wos on sent Katrines day thes werthe names of them that wer drenchid willm Richard the kīgꝭ sonys the erle of chester Ottonell his broder Geffray ridell walter emurci Godfray erchdekē the kīgꝭ dought the Cūtes of ꝑches the kīgꝭ neci the Coūtes of chestre mōy oder whē kīg henri ̄ oder lordis ariuid in englōd herd thes tydyngꝭ they made sorow ynowgh al ther myrth Ioye wos turned ī to mornyng sorow ¶ How Maude the Emprise come ayen ī to englond ̄ how she wos afterward weddid to Geffroi the erle of angoy ANd when that ij yere wer a gone that the Erle had duelled with the kīg· the Erle went from the kȳg and began to were vpon him and did moch harme in the land of Normandie toke ther a strong castell and ther he duellid all that yere tho comme to him tydynges that Henri the Emꝑour of Almayn that had spoused Maude his doughter wos deid and that she duelled no longer in Almayn and that she wold cum ayen in to Normandie to hir fadre ¶ And when that she wo●s comyn vn to him he toke hir tho to him and come ayen in to Englond and made the englishmen to done othe and feaute vn to the emprise and the frist man that made the otho wos willm the Erchebisshop of Cantorburi ¶ And that other Dauid kyng of Scotlond and after him all the Erles and Barons of englond ¶ Also after that the nobull man the erle of Angoy that was a worthy knyght sent vn to the kyng of englond that he wold graunte him for to haue his doughter to spouse that is to say Maude thee emprisse ¶ And for encheson that hir fadre wist that he wos a nobull man The kyng him grauntid and consentid ther to ¶ And tho toke he his doughter and lad hir in to Normandie and come to the nobull knyght Gaufrid and ther he spoused thee foresaid Maude with moch honour And the Erle begat vpon hir a son that was called Henri the Emprisse sone ¶ And after when all this wos done kyng Henri
to say the cite of Karlill the castell of Bamburgh ̄ the new castell vpō Tyne and the erledom of lancastre ¶ The same yere the kyng with a gret pouer went in to wales and let cast doune wodes and make wayes and made strong the Castell of Rutland basingwarke and emong the castels he made an house of the tempull ¶ And in the same yere was Richard his son borne that afterward wos erle of Oxforde and the iiij yere of his regne he made Gaufrid erle of Bretā And in that yere he changed his monay the vi yere of his regne he lad an huge host vn to Tolouse and conquered it ¶ And the vij yere of his regne died Theabult the Erchebisshop of Cantorburi And tho all the cite of Cantorburi al̄most thurgh meschefe wos brenned ¶ The ix yere of his regne Thomas Bekit that wos his chanceler wos chosen to bene Erchebisshop of caūtorburi And vpon sent Barnardis day he wos sacred and ī that yere wos borne Helienor the kynges doughter ¶ And in the x. yere of his regne sent Edward the kīg was translated with moch honour ¶ And the xi yere of his regne he held hys parlament at Northamtoon And from thens fled sent Thomas erchebisshop of cantorburi for the gret debate that wos betwix the kīg hī for if he had ben founde ī the morne he had ben slaī therfor he fled thens with iij. felowes on fote onli that no man wisten wher he wos went ouer the see to the pope of Rome ¶ And this was the principall encheson for as moch as the kyng wold haue put clarkes to deth that wer atteyntit of felonye with out ony preuylege of holy chirch ¶ And the xij yere of his regne was Ion his son borne And the xiij yere off his regne died Maude the emprice that was his mother ¶ The xiiij yere of his regne the duke Henri of Saxon spoused Maude his doughter he begat vpon hir iij sonis that wor called Henri Othus Willm ¶ And in the xv yere of his regne died the good erle Robert of Glocestre that founded the abbey of Nonnes of Eton. ¶ And in the same yere Marike kyng of Ierusalem cōquered Babilon ¶ And the xvi yere of his regne he let croune his sone Henri kyng at westmynster ̄ him crouned Roger Erchebisshop of yorke in harmyng of Thomas erchebisshop of Cantorberi wherfor this same Roger was acursed of the pope ¶ How kyng henri that was son of kyng henri the emprise son and of the debate that wos bytwen him and his fader while thatt he wos in Normandie AFter the coronacion of kyng henri the son of kyng henri the emprise son ¶ That same henri the emprise son went ouer in to Normandie ̄ ther he let marie Elenour the doughter of the Dolfyn that was kyng of Almayn ¶ And in the vij yere that the erchebisshop 〈◊〉 Thomas had bene outlawed the kyng of frunce made the kyng ̄ 〈◊〉 Thomas accordid tho come thom̄s the erchebisshop to Cātorburi ayen to his own chirche ¶ And this accord was made in the begynyng of aduent And afterwarde he wos kylled 〈…〉 the v. day of cristynmasse that tho next come ¶ For kyng henri thought vpon 〈◊〉 Thomas the erchebisshop vpon cristinmasse day os he sat at his mete ̄ thees wordis said That if he had any good knyghtys with him he had be mony a day passid avengid vpon the erchebisshop Thomas ¶ And anone sir willm Breton sir hugh Moruyle sir william Traci ̄ sir Reignold fitz vrse beres son in Englissh preueli went vn to the see comen in to englond vn to the chirche of cantorburi and ther they him 〈◊〉 at sent Benettes auter ī the moder chirche ¶ And that was ī the yere of the Incarnacion of ihū crist M.C lxxij yere ¶ And anone after Henri the new kyng began for to make were vpon Henri his fadre and vpon his brether willm O thus ¶ And so vpon a day the kyng of fraunce and all the kynges sonnes and the kyng of scotland and the grettyst lordis of englong were arisen ayens thee kyng Henri the fadre and at the last as god wold he conquered all his emnys ¶ And the kyng of fraunce he wer accordit tho sent kyng henri the fadre speciali vn to the kyng of france ̄ prayed him herteli for his loue that he wold send to him the names by letter of them that wer the begyners of the were ayens him ¶ And the kyng of fraunce sent ayene to him bi letter the names of them that begon the were ayens him ¶ The frist was Iohn̄ his son ̄ Richard his brother and henri the new kyng his son Tho was henri the kyng wonder wroth and cursid the tyme that euer he him begat ¶ And while the were dured Henri his sone the new king died sore repentyng his misdedis most sorow made of ony man for because of 〈◊〉 thomas deth of cantorburi ¶ And prayed his fadre with moch sorow of hert merce for his trespasse his fader for yaf him and had of him gret pitte and after he died the xxxvi yere of his regne and lieth at redīg ¶ How the cristyn lost the holy land in the forsaid kynges tyme thurgh a fals cristyn man that bicome a sarisen ANd while that kīg henri the emprise son leued and regned the gret bataill wos in the holy land bitwen the cristyn mē and the sarisens but the cristyn men wer ther kylled thurgh grett treson of the erle Tirpe that wold haue had to wife the quene of Ierusalem that som tyme wos Baldewyns wife but she forsoke him and toke to hir lord a knyght a worthi man that wos called sir Gnyꝑches wherfor the erle Tirpe wos wroth and wēt anone right to Soladyne that was soudeyn of Babilon ̄ bicome his man And forsoke his cristindom ̄ all cristyn law and the cristī men wist not of this dedis but wened for to haue had gret help of him as they wer wont to haue before ¶ And when they comen to the bataill This fals cristyn man turned vn to the sarisens forsoke his own nacions ̄ so wer the cristyn men ther kylled with the sarisens ¶ And thus wer the cristyn men slayn put to horibull deth ̄ the cite of Ierusalē destruied and the holy cros borne away ¶ The kyng of fraunce and all the gret lordis of the land let them cros for to go vn to the loly land ¶ And amōg them went Richard kyng Henri son frist after the kīg of fraūce that toke the cros of the erchebisshop of tours but he toke not the viage at that tyme for encheson that he wos let bi other maner weys nedis to be done ¶ And whā kīg henri his fader had regned xxxvi yere
entre ther haue your will The kīg toke priueli all the host to gouerne ̄ lede to a knyght that he mich loued toke his way toward the castell with hī toke vlfȳ his chābirlayn ̄ merlin ¶ And when they come theder the porter went that it had bene hys owne lord ̄ when tyme come for to go to bede ¶ The kyng went to bede with Igerne the Erles wife dyd with hir all his will and bigat vpon hir a son that wos called arthur ¶ And vpō the morow the kyng toke his leue of the lady and went ayen to hys host ¶ And the same nyght that the kyng lay by Igerne in bedde that wos the Erles wife the kynges men yaf a gret assaut vn to the castell and the Erle and his men manli them defended But at the last it befell so that in the same assaut the Erle hym self wos slayn and the castell taken ¶ And the kyng a none turned ayen to Tyntagell and spoused Igerne with moch honor and made hir quene and sone after tyme come that she shuld be deliuered and beyr a child a son that wos called Arthur and after he gat a doughter that was called Amya ̄ when she come of age a nobull Baron that was called Aloth that wos lord of leons wed hir ¶ When vter long tyme had regned ther come vpon hī a gret sekenes as it wer a sorow ¶ And ī the meyn tyme tho that had to kepe Otta that wos Engist son and Ossa his brother that tho wer in prison they let them gone for gret yeftes that they hom yaf and went with them ¶ And when tho .ij. bretheren wer ascappid and come ayen in ther own cūtre They ordined an grert pouer and begon to were eftsones vpon the kyng ¶ How kyng vter chese Aloth to kepe the land of breton whiles that he wos seke for as moch as he myght not for his seknes ANd for as moch as kyng vter wos seke and myght nott help hym self he ordined Aloth son of Eleyn that tho was chosen for to be wardeyn and cheftayn of all his folke and so he anone and his bretans assemled a gret host and yaf batell to Otta to his folke but Otta at the last wos discomfitid ¶ Hitt befell thus afterward that thes bretons had dedignacion of Aloth wold not to hī be attendant wherfor the king wos anoid wonder s●re let put hym in a litter in the host emonges folke ¶ And they lad hī to veroloyn that tho was a fair cite ther that sent Albon wos martired after wos that cite destroied with paynīs thurgh were ̄ theder thei had sēt Otta Ossa ther peple entrid ī to the toune let make fast the yates ther thei held them ̄ the kīg come ̄ them beseged made a strōg assaute but tho that wei with in māli them defended ¶ The kīg let ordeyn his gōnes and his engynes for to brek the walles ̄ the walles wer so strōg that nothīg myght them mysdoo ¶ Otta ̄ his pepull had gret despite that a kīg liggyng ī a lytter had them beseged they toke concell a monges them for to stand vp ī the morow ̄ cū out ̄ yef batall to the kīg so they did ̄ ī that batall wer both Otta Ossa slayn all tho other that ascapped a lyue fled ī to scotland made Colegū ther chyftayn ̄ the saxons that wer on lyue ̄ ascaped fro the bataill brought ayan a gret strength emōges them they sayed that if kīg vter wer deid they shuld well cōquere the land amonges them they thought to enposin the kīg ordeyned mē for to do this dede and yaf them of yeftes gret plente this thyng to done and they ordined hem thiderward ther that the kīg was duellīg clothed hem ī pouer wede the better all for to sped therlyd purpose but neuertheles for all ther falsnes quātize they might neuer cū to nyghthe kīg ¶ But so at the last they aspied that the kīg drāknōe o th erlycour but only water of a cler wel that was negh beside ¶ And thes fals tratours vpō a day preuali wēt to the wel put therī poyson so that all the water was enpoysened and anōe after os the kīg had dronkyn of the water he begō to fuell ̄ sone after he died ̄ os mōy as dronk of that water died also ¶ And anōe as this wos aspied folke of the toune let stop the well for euer more ¶ When the king wos dred his folk bere hī to Stonhenge with gret solempnite of bisshoppis of barōs that werther hī to bery besides Aurilambros his brother after turned ayen tho euerychone send after Arthur his son ̄ they made him kīg of the land with moche reuerence after his fadres deth xvij yere of his regne ¶ How Arthur that wos the son of vter was crouned after his fadre deth and how he drofe Colegrin and the Saxons and Cheldrik of almayne out of this lond WHen Arthur wos made kyng of the lond he wos bot yong of age of xv yere but he wos fair and bold and doughty of body and to meke folke he wos good and curtas and large off spendyng and made hym wonderly well beloued among all men ther that it wos need ¶ And when he begone to regne he swore that the saxons neuer shuld haue pees ne rest till that he had driuē them out of the lond and assembled a gret host and faught with Colegrī the wich after the time that Otta wos deid the saxons mayntened this Colegrin wos discomfited fled vn to yorke toke the toune and ther hym held ¶ And the kyng beseged hī ther but he myght nothyng sped for the cite wos so strong and they with in the toune kepped the cite well and orpedly ¶ And in the meyn tyme Colegrin let the toune to Bladulf fled hym self to Cheldrik that wos kyng of Almayne for to haue of him socour ̄ the kyng assemblid agret pouer ̄ come ariued in scotlond with .v. C. shippis and whē arthur wist of this tidīg that he had not pouer ̄ strength y nough to fight ayens Cheldk he let be the sege went to london and sent anone his letters to the king of litill bretan that was called Hoel his nepheu his sustres son that he shuld cū to hī with all the pouer that he myght and he assemblid a gret host ariued at southinton ¶ And when kīg arthur it wist he wos glad i nough ̄ went ayens them them resaued with moch honour so that thos ij hostes met assembled them and toke ther way euen vn to Nichol that Cheldrik had beseged but it wos not taken ¶ And they come vpō cheldrik
that other Harold he wos solyght of fote that men called hym most comenly harold hare fote ¶ And this harold had nothyng the condicions maner of kyng knoght that was his fadre for he set bot litell price of cheualri ne no curtesi nother worship but only bi his own wil ¶ And he become so wykkid that he exiled his moder emma ̄ she went out of the land in to flandres ther duelled with the erle wherfor after ther was neuer good loue betwix hȳ his brother for his brother hated him dedly ̄ whē he had regned .ij. yere a litell more he died lieth at westmynstre ¶ Of kyng Hardeknoght that wos haroldis brother AFter this harold harefote regned his brother hardeknoghtt ā nobull knyght and a worthy and moch loued cheualri and all maner of goodnese ¶ And when this hardiknoght had regned a litell while he let vncouer his brother harold ̄ smot of his hede that wos his brother at westmynster let cast the hede in to a gonge ̄ the body in to thamys● and after come fisshers ̄ toke the body with ther nettis be night ̄ bere him to sent clemētis chirche and ther him beried ¶ And in this maner a venged hym hardiknoght of his brother for in none other maner he myght be a vengid ¶ This kyng hardiknoght was so large a yeuer of mete and drinke that his tabullis wer set euery day iij. tymes full with riall metes drinkis for his own meny for all that com vn to his court to be richeli serueyd of riall metis ¶ And this king hardiknoght sent after Emme his moder made hir to cū ayē in to englond for she was driuen out of englond whiles that harold harefote regned thurgh cunsell of the erle goodwyn that tho wos the grettest lord of englond next the kīg most might do what he wold thurgh out all englond thurgh his cōmandement for as moch as he had spoused the doughter of the good king knoght that wos a danois wich daughter he had by his frist wxfe ¶ And when this quene was driuē out of englond ̄ come to the erle of flaunders that wos called Baldewyne his cosin he fond hir ther al thing that hir nedid vn to the tyme that she went ayen in to englōde that the kyng hardiknoght had send for hir that wos hir sone and made hir cum ayen with moch honour ¶ This kīg hardyknogh when he had regned v. yere he died ̄ lieth at westmīster ¶ Of the velani that the danois did to the english men wherfor from that tyme after wos no danois made kyng of this land AFter the deth of this kyng hardiknoght for as moch as he nad no thyng of his body begoten The erles and barons assembled and made a counsell that neuer more afrte no man that wos a danois though he he wer neuer so gret a man amonges them he shuld neuer be kyng of englond for the dispite that the danis had done to englismē ¶ For euer more be fore and if it wer so that the englishmen and the danois hapened for to mete vpō a 〈◊〉 the englishmen sh̄old not be so hardi to meue ne styr a fote ●●t and still till the danōis war appassid forth ¶ And more ouer if the englishmen had not bowed doune ther hedis to done reuerens vn to the danois they shuld haue bene bet and defouled soch maner despites velanye diden the danois to our englishmen wherfor they wer driuen out of the land after tyme thet kyng hardiknoght was deid for they had no lord that them might maynten ¶ And in this maner avoided the danois englond that neuer they comen ayen ¶ The erles and barons bi ther comyn assent and consellees sent vn to normandye for to seche tho ij brether Alured ̄ Edward that wer duelling with the duke Richard that was ther eme in intent for to croune Alured the elder brother and him make kyng of englond and of this thing to make an end The erles and barons made ther othe But the erle Godwyn of westsex falsly and tratoursly thought for to sle thes two bretheren anone as they shuld cum in to englond ī intent to make his son harold kīg the wich son he had begoten vpon his wife the wich was kyng knoghtys doughter that wos a danois ¶ And so this godwyne priuely him went vn to south hamton for to mete ther the ij bretheren when that they shuld come vn to land ¶ And thus it befell that the messingers that went in to Normandie fond nott but only Alured that wos the elder brother For Edward his brother wos gone to hungrie for to speke with his cosin Edward the owtlaw that was Edmondis son with the Irenside ¶ The messingers told and said to Alured how that the erles barons of englond sent after him and that he boldely shold cum ī to englōd and vnderfonge the reame for kyng hardiknoght was deid and all the danois driuen out of the land ¶ How Godewyn the fals tratour toke Alured vpon Gildesdoune when that he come from Normandie to bene kyng of englond and how he did him be martired in the I le of Eli. WHen Alured herd this tydyng he thankid god and in to shipe went with all the hast that he might and passed the see and ariued at southamton ther Godwyn the fals tratour was And tho this tratour saw that he was cumyn he welcumed him vnder fonge him with moch ioye sayd that he wold lede hī to lōdon ther that all the barens of englong hī abode for to make hī kyng ̄ so they went on ther way toward london ¶ And when they come vpon Gildesdone tho sayd the tratour Godwyne vn to Alured take kepe about you both on the left side ̄ on the right side And of all ye shall be kyng and of such an hūdreth more ¶ Now for soth qd Alured I behight you ̄ if I be kīg I shall ordeyn ̄ make such lauys wherof god ̄ mā shall be well apayed ¶ Now had the tratour cōmanded all his mē that werwith hī that when they wer comē vpō gildesdone that they shuld sle all that were ī Alured is cōpanye that com with hī frō Normandie ̄ after that take alured led hī in to the I le of Eli after put out both his eyn of his hede afterward bring hī vn to deth ¶ And so they did for they kylled all the companye that ther wer the nombre of xij gentillmen that wer comē with alured frō normandie ¶ And after toke they alured and in the I le of Eli they put out his eyn ̄ rent his wombe ̄ toke the chefe of his bouels put a stake in to the grond and an end of the bouels ther to fastined with nedil̄les of Iren they prikked the good
child so made hī to go about the stake till that all his bouels werdrawen out of his body ̄ so died Alured ther thurgh treson of the erle godwyn ¶ When tho lordis of englond had hard wist how alured that shuld haue bene ther kyng was put to deth thurgh the fals tratour godwin they wer wōder wroth suore bitwin them god ̄ bi his holy names that he shuld die a more werse deth than did Edrith of strattō that had betraied his lord Edmōd Irenside ̄ they wald haue put hī to deth bot the thefe tratour fled thens in to denmarke and ther held him iiij· yere ̄ more lost all his land in englond SIluester the thrid wos pope after Bn̄dic This Siluester was chosī and Benedict was expulsid And afterward was he expulsid and benedict was put vp ayene And after he was put out and Gregori wos made pope and he wos but a sympull letterd man and ther for he chose an other pope to be cōsecrate with hī and when mony men wer displesid with this gydyng of ij popis the thrid was brought in the wich shuld ocupye the place of both the two And so they strofe emonges them self bot then Henri the emprour come to rome and deposit them all ond made Clement the secumd pope whom he made anone to croune him and he sayd to the romans they shuld neuer chese pope with out his assent so v. beyng pope the sex wos put in But mony men sayth this Gregori was an holy man Damasus the secund wos after Clement xxiij days This man was an vsurper of the pope seet he died sodenly And anone the Romans asked to haue a pope and that the almayns sh̄uld haue none for they wer so herd hertid that they myght not incline to the ītent of the emprour the wich said ther sh̄uld be no pope chosin bot if he wold be of counsell of the eleccion bot for all that they put in this holy man Leo. and after he had of that consciens and refuseyd and anone he was chosin bi the comyn assent This Leo put crist in the forme of a lasur in his own bede and in the morow he fond no thyng ther. ¶ Of sent Edward the confessour that was Alured is broder how he wos kyng of englond ANd when this was done all the barons of englond sensē an other tyme in to Normandie for that Edward shuld cum in to englond with moch honour ¶ And this edward in his childhode loued almyghty god and him drad and in ●●●●ste and clennes lad his life and hatid sin os deth ¶ And wh●n he wos crouned and annoynted with a riall pouer he for yat not his good maners ̄ condiciōs that he frist vsed And for yat not all good customs for no maner honour ne for no riches ne for no ●●ner highnesse but euer more more yaf him to goodnes 〈◊〉 loued god all mekenes and loued god holy chirch passing al maner thyng And poer men also he loued and them held as they had bene his own bretheren and to them oft yaf gret almys with full good wyll ¶ Of the frist speciall loue that god shewed to sent edward leuīg IT befell on a day as he went from the chirche of westmynstre and had herd masse of sent Iohn̄ the Euangelist for as moche as he loued sent iohn̄ euangelist more specially after god and our lady than he did any other sent ¶ And so ther come to him a pylgrame and prayed him for the loue of god our lady and Iohn̄ euangelist some good him for to yefe ¶ And the kyng priuely toke his ring of his fynger that no man ꝑsaued it and yaf it to the pilgrame and he it vndirfenge and wēt thēs ¶ This kyng Edward made all the good lawes of englond that yit bene most vsed and holden And was so merciabull and so full of pitte that no man myght be more ¶ How the erle godwyn come ayene in to englond and had ayē all his land aftward sent edward weddid his doughter WHen the erle godwyn that was duellyng in Denmarke had moch herd of the goodnesse of kyng Edwarde and that he wos so full of merci and of pitte He thought that he wold gone ayene in to englond for to sech and to haue grace of the good king edward that 〈◊〉 ●●●cifull was that he myght haue his land ayen in pees a●●●ayed hī as moch as he myght and put him toward these 〈◊〉 in to englond to london ther that the kyng was that tyme all the lordis of englond ̄ held a parlament ¶ Godewyn sent to them that wer his frendis ̄ wer the most grettest lordis of the land ̄ prayed thē to besech the kynges grace for him ̄ that he wold his pees and his land grant him This lordys ladd●n him before the kyng to see●e his grace ¶ And anone os the kyng him saw he appeled hī of tresō and of the deth of alured his ●●●ther and thes wordis vn to him seyed Traytour Godewin quod the kyng I the appele that thow hast betrayed and slayn my brother Alured ¶ Certis sir quod Godwyn saue your grace and your pees and your lordship I him neuer betrayed ne yit him slew And therfor I put me in reward of the court ¶ Now fair lordis quod the kyng ye that bene my lieges erles barens of the land that here bene assembled Full well ye hard myne appele and the ansuer also of godwyn And therfor I will that ye awarde and doth right ¶ The Erlis and Barons tho gadered them all to geder for to done this award by them self ̄ so they spoken diuersely emonges them For sum sayed ther wos neuer aliaunce by homage serment seruice ne by lordship bitwen Godwyn and alured for wich thing they myght him draw ¶ And at the last they deuised demyd that he shold put him in the kynges marci al to gedres ¶ Tho spake the erle Leuerich of Couentre a good man to god to all the world told his reson in this maner and sayd The erle godwyne is the best frendid man of englond after the kyng and well myght it not bene gayn sayd that with out consell of godwyn Alured was neuer put to deth Wherfor i award as touchīg my parte that hīself and his son euery of vs xij erles that bene his frendis wend before the kyng chargid with as mich gold and siluer as we may bere be twix our handis ̄ prayng the kīg for yefe his euell will to the erle godwyn and resaue his homage ̄ his land yeld ayene ¶ And they accordid vn to that awarde ̄ come in this maner as is aboue sayed euery of them with gold siluer as moch as they myght bere betwen ther handis before the kīg thei said the forme the maner of ther acord
Iustice of englōd ¶ And this wos in the iiij yere of kyng henris regne· in th●●ame yere wos s●nt Th●m●s of Cant●rburi 〈…〉 after his ma●dō ¶ And after it wos ordend by all the lordis of englōd that all aliēs shuld go out of englōd ̄ cū no more therī and kyng henri toke tho all the castellis in to his hond that kyng Iohn̄ his fadre had yeue and taken vn to aliens for to kepe that held with him ¶ But the proud Faukes of Brent richeli let aray his Castell of Bedeford wich he had of king Iohans yeft and he held that castell ayens kyng henris will with myght and strength ¶ And the kyng come thider with a strong poer and beseged the castell And the Erchebisshop mastir stephen of langton with a fair cōpany of knyghtys come to the kyng him for to help ̄ fro the ascēcion vn to the assumpcion of our lady lasted the sege And tho was the castell wone and take ̄ the kyng let hong all tho that wer went in to the castell with ther good well for to hold the castell that is for to say lxxx men ¶ And tho afterward Faukes him self wos found in a chirche of Couentre and ther he forswore all englond with moch shame went tho ayen vn to his own cūtre ¶ And whiles that kīg Henri regned Edmōd of Abyndon that was tresurer of Salusburi wos consacred Erchebisshop of Cantorburi ¶ And this kyng Henri send ouer se vn to the erle of Prouynce that he shuld send him his doughter in to englond that wos called Elinore ̄ he wold spouse hir and so she come in to englond after Cristemasse and in the morow after sent Hillarie day The erchebisshop Edmond spousid them to geder at westmynstre with moch solempnite And ther wos a swete fight bitwen theym that is to sai Edward that was next kyng after his fader flour of curtasi ̄ of largesse Margaret that was afterquene of scotland ̄ Beatrice that was afterward Count●sse of Britan. Katrin that died maid in relegion ¶ Of the quinzeme of goodis that wer grantid for the new chartre of the purueance of Oxford ▪ ANd thus it befell that the lordis of englond wold hauen somme addicions mo in the chartre of fraunches that thei had off the kyng and spekyn thus bitwen them and the kyng grauntid them all ther axyng and made to them ij chartres that on is called the gret chartre of fraunchises that other is called the chartre of forest and for the graunt of thes ij charters p̄latis Erles ̄ barens all the cōmyns of englond yaf to the kīg a. M marke of siluer when kīg Henri had bene kȳg xliij yere the same yere he and his lordis Erles ̄ barons of the reame went to Oxūford ordeyned a lawe in amendement off the Reamme And first swore the kyng him selfe and afterward all the lordis off the land that they wold hold that statute for euer more And who that them brake shuld be deid But the secund yere after that ordinance the kyng thurgh councell of sir Edward his sone and of Richard his brother that was erle of Cornewale and also of oder repentid him of that oth that he had made for to hold that law and ordenaūce sent to the court of Rome to be assoyled of that oth ¶ And in that yere next comyng after wos the gret derth of corne in englond For a quarter of whete wos worth xx iiij shillīg and the poer pepull ete nettylles other wedis for gret honger died mony a thousand for defaute of mete ¶ And in the xlviij yere of kyng Henries regne began were and debate bitwene hī ̄ his lordis for enchesen that he had broke the couenauntes that were made bitwen them at Oxford ¶ And in the same yere was the toune of Northamton taken folke slayn that wer within for encheson that thei had ordeyned wild fiere for to brenne the cite of london ¶ And in the moneth of may that come next after vpō sent Pancras day was the bataill of Lewes that is to say the wedynisday before sent Dunstones day and ther was takyn kyng Henri him self and sir Edward his son and Richord his broder erle of Cornewaill and mony other lordis ¶ And in the sam yere next sewyng Sir Edward the kynges sone brake out of the ward of sir Symond of Mountforth erle of Leycestre at herford and went vn to the Barons of the marche and they vndirfenge him with moch honour ¶ And the same tyme Gilbert of Clarence erle of Gloucestre that was in the warde also of the forsaid Symond thurgh the commaundemēt of kyng Henri that wente from him with gret hert For encheson that he said that the forsaied Gilbert was a foole in his counsell wherfor he ordeyned him afterward so and held him with kyng Henri ¶ And on the satirday next after the myddes of August Sir Edward the kynges sone discomfited sir Symond de Mountfort at Kemlworth ¶ But the gret lordis that were ther with hī were taken that is to sayen Baldewyn wake and willyam de Mounchensie and mony other gret lordis And the twisday next after wos the bataill done at Eusham and ther was kylled Sir Symond de mounford Hugh the spenser and Mounforth that was Raufe Bassettz fadre of Draiton and other mony gret lordis ¶ And when this bataill wos done all the gentillmen that had bene with the Erle Symōd wer disherited ̄ ordeyned to gedre ̄ did moch harme to all the land For they distroied ther enmys in all that they myght ¶ Of the sege of Kemlworth ̄ how the gentilmē wer disherited thurgh councell of the lordis of the reame of englond and how they come ayen and had ther landis ANd the next yere cōyng in may the fourth day before the fest of sent Dunstan was the bataill and scomfiture at Chesterfeld of them that wer disherited ̄ ther was mony off them kylled ¶ And Robert erle of Feriers ther he was taken and also Baldewyn wake and Iohn̄ delahay with moch sorow a scappid thens And on the sent iohēs eue the Baptist tho next sewyng began the sege of the castell of Kemlworth ̄ the sege last till sent Thamas eue the appostell in wich day sir Hugh hastīg had the castell for to kepee that yeldid vp the castell vn to the kīg in this maner that him self and that other that wer with in the castell shold haue ther lyues ̄ limme as moch thyng os they had therin both horse and harnes ̄ ▪ iiij dais of respip for to deliuer clenly the castell of them self and of all other maner thīg as they had with ī the castell so they wēt frō the castell And sir Simōde the mounteforth the yonger ̄ the Coūtesse his moder wer flede ouer the see in
wos the erles broder of moūford wer takē ī the see THe frist yere afterward that kyng Edward was crouned Lewelin prince of wales sent in to fraunce to the erle moūfort that thurgh counsell of his frendis the Erle shuld wedde his doughter and the erle tho a vised him vpon this thyng and sent vn to Lewelyne and said that he wold send after his doughter ¶ And so he sent Aymer his brother after the damisell and Lewelyn arayed shippis for his doughter and for sir aymer and for hir fair companye that shuld gone with hir ¶ And this lewelyn did gret wrong for it was couenand that he shuld yef his doughter to no maner man with out councell and consent of kīg edward ¶ And so it befell that a burgies of Bristow come in the see with wyne laden and met them and toke them with might and pouer ̄ anōe the burgeis sent them to the kyng ¶ And when Lewelyn herd this tydyng he was wonder wroth ̄ also sorowfull gan for to were vpō kyng edward ̄ did moch harme vn to the englisshmen and bet doūe the kynges castelles and began fast for to distroy kīg Edwardis landys ¶ And whē tiding come vn to kyng edward of this thing he went in to wales so moch he did thurgh goddis grace and his gret pouer that he drofe Lewelyn vn to moch mischeif that he fled all maner strength ̄ come and yeld him vn to the kīg edward and yaf him .l. M marke of siluer to haue pees ̄ toke the Damisell ̄ all his heritage ̄ made an obligacion to kyng edward to cum to his parlament ij tymes of the yere ¶ And in the secund yere after that kyng edward wos crouned he held a generall parlamēt at westmynstre ̄ ther he made the statutis for defaute of law by the ꝯmune assent of all his baronage And at estre next sewyng the kyng sent by hys letter vn to Lewelyn Prince of wales that he shuld cum to hys parlament for his land and for his holding in wales as the strength of the letter obligatorye witnessid ¶ Tho Lewelin had scorne ̄ dispite of the kynges commaundement and for poer wrath ayen began were vpō kyng Edward and distroyed his landis ¶ And tho when that kyng Edward herd of this tidynges he waxed wonder wroth vn to Lewelin in hast assembled his pepull and went him toward wales and werid so vpon Lewelin the prince till that he brought him in mych sorow and disese ¶ And Lewelyn saw that his defence might him not a vaill and come ayen yelde him to the kynges grace· and cried him merci and long tyme knelid before the kynges fote ¶ The king had of him pitte cōmandid him for to arise for his mekenesse for yaf hym his wroth to him said that if he trespassid ayen him an other tyme that he wold distroy him for euer more ¶ Dauid that wos lewelins brother that same tyme duellid with the kyng edward and was a fell man a sotill ̄ enuyous and also farre castyng and moch treson thought ̄ euer more held him still for to wit and aspi the kīges will ̄ euer more made good sembland semid so trew that no man might ꝑsaue his falsenesse ¶ How Lewelin thurgh eggyng of Dauid his brother werid ayen vpō kyng edward IT wos not long after that time that kyng Edward did yef to Dauid Lewelins brother the lordship of Frodeshā and made him a knyght And so moch honour did he neuer after to no man of wales for encheson of hī ¶ Kyng edward held his ꝑlament at londō when he had done in wales all that he wold and chāgid his monay that tho wos fouyll cut and roundid wherfore the romyn pepull plenyd them wonder sore So that the kyng let enquere of them that such trespoces did ¶ And .ccc. wer atteynt●d of such moner falsenes wherfore som wer honged ̄ som drawe and afterward honged ¶ And afterward the kyng ordeyned that the sterling half penne and ferthyng shuld gone thurgh out his lād and commanded that no man fro that day afteerward yaf ne seffed hous of religion with land tenement with out speciall leue of the kīg he that did shuld be ponysshed at the kynges will ̄ the yift shuld be for nought ¶ And it wos not long after that Lewelin Prince of wales thurgh the ticement of Dauid his broder and by both ther consent they thought to disherite kyng Edward ī as moch as they myght so that thurgh them both the kingꝭ pees wos broken ¶ And whē kyng edward herd this anone he sent his barons in to Northūberland and the furreis also that they shuld go take ther viage vpōn the tratours Lewelī Dauid ̄ wonder herd it was for to were tho for it is wynter in wales whē in other cūtres is somer ¶ And Lewelin let ordeyn and well araye vitolle his good castell of Swandon wos therin an huge nombre of pepull plente of vitales so that kīg edward wyste not wherfor to entre ¶ And wen the kīges mē it ꝑsaued also the strength of wales they let come in the se barges and botes and gret plankis as mony os they myght ordeyn and haue for to gon to the forsaid castell of Swandō with men on fote eke on horse ¶ But the walshmen had so moch peple wer so strong that they driuen the englisshmen ayen so that ther was so moch prese of peple at the turnyng ayen that the charge ̄ the burthen of them made the barges and botis to sinke ¶ And ther wos drenched full mony a good knyght that is to say Sir Roger Clifford sir willm of lȳdesey that wos sir Iohn̄ son fitz Robert ̄ sir Richard Tanny ̄ an huge nombre of other all wos thurgh ther own folie for yf they had had good espies they had not be harmed ¶ When kyng Edward herd tell that his pepull wer so drenched he made sorow ynough ¶ But tho come sir Iohan of vessye from the kyng of Aragon and brought with him moch pepull of bachilars and of Gascoyns wer sowdiours and duellyng with the forsaid Iohan of vessie vnderfong of him wages wyth him wer withold and nobull men they wer for to fight and brent mony tounes kylled moch pepull of walshmen all that they myght take ¶ And all tho with strength and myght made assaute vn to the Castell of Swandon and get the castell ¶ And when Dauid the prīce brother herd this tydyng he ordeyned him to flight ¶ And Lewelin the prince saw that his brother was fled Then he was sore abassed for he had no pouer to his were for to maynten ¶ And so Lewelin gan for to fle and wened well for to haue scappid But in a morow sir Roger Mortemer met with him
to the kynges pauilon ̄ killed ther mony men in ther beddis cried some Naward naward an oder time a Douglos a douglas Wherfor the kyng that wos in his pauilon mech oder folk were wonder sore afraied but blyssid be almyghty god the kyng wos not taken in gret parell was tho the ream of englond ¶ And that nyght the mone shone full clere bright for all the kīgꝭ mē the scottis ascappid harmeles ¶ And ī the morow whā the kyng wist that the scottis wer a scappid ī to ther own cuntre he wos wonder sori ̄ full hertely wepid with his yong eyn ̄ yit wist he nott who had hī done that treson bot that fal̄s tresoun was full well knaw a good while after as the stori telleth ¶ Tho kīg edward come ayen to yorke full sorowfull his host deꝑted and euery man went in to his own cuntre with full heuy chere and mornyng semblant the henaudes toke ther leue ̄ went ī to ther own cuntre the kynge for ther trauell hugeli them rewardid ¶ And for encheson of that viage the kyng had dispendid moch of his tresour wasted ¶ And in that tyme wer seyn ij mones in the firmament that on was clere that other was derke as men might se thurgh out the world and a gret debate wos that same tyme ayens pope Iohan the xxij after sent petre ̄ the Emprour of Almayn tho made him Emprour ayens the popis wyll that tho held his see at Auinion ¶ Wherfor the ēpror made his crie at Rome ordeyned an oder pope that hight Nycholas that wos a frere mynor and that was ayens the right of holy chirch ¶ Wherfor he wos cursed the pouer of that oder pope sone wos leid And for enchesō that suche meruellis wer seyn mē said that the world was nygh at an end ¶ Of the deth of kyng Edward Carnariuan ANd now go we ayen to sir Edward of Carnariuan that was kyng Edward fadre sum tyme kyng of englond put doune of his dyngnite Alas for his tribulacion and sorow that him befell thurgh fals councell that he loued and triftid vpō to moch that afterward wer destroyed thugh ther falsenesse as god wold ¶ And this Edward of Carnariuan wos in the castell of Berkelay vnder the kepyng of Sir Moris of Berkeley sir Iohan of Mautreus and to them he made his complaynt of his sorow and of his disese and oft tyme he axed of his wardens what he had trespased ayens Dame Isabell his wife and Sir edward his son that was made new king that they wold not viset him ¶ And tho ansuerid on of his wardeynes and said my worthy lord displese yow not that I shall tell you the encheson is for it is done them to vnderstond that if my lady your wife come any thing ny you that ye wold hir strangle and kyll and also that ye wold do to my lord your son the same ¶ Tho ansuered he with simple chere Alas alas am I not ī prison and all at your own will now god hit wote I thought it neuer and now I wold that I wer dede so wold god if that I wer for than wer all my sorow passed ¶ Hit was not long tyme after that the kyng thurgh ꝯcell of Roger Mortimer graūtid the ward kepīg of sir edward his fadre vn to sir Thomas Toiourney ̄ to the forsaid sir Iohn̄ Mautreuers thurgh the kynges lettre put out holy the forsaid sir Morice of the ward of the kyng they toke ̄ led the kyng vn to the castell of Corfe the wich castell the kyng hated as any deth they keped hī ther till it come vn to sent Mathewes day ī septēbre in the yere of grace M.ccc.xxvij that the forsaid sir Roger Mortimer sent the maner of the deth how ̄ in what wise he sh̄old be done to deth ¶ And anone as the forsaid Thomas Iohan had seyn the letter ̄ commaundemēt they made kīg Edward Carnariuan good chere good so las as they myght at that soper nothīg the kīg wist of the tratorie ¶ And whē time wos for to go to bedde the kīg went vn to his bed ̄ lay slept fast as the king lay slept the tratourys fals for sworne ayens ther homage ther feaute come priueli in to the kynges chambre ̄ ther company with them and laid an huge tabull vpō his wombe with men pressed held fast doūe the .iiij corners of the tabull vpon his body wherwith the good man awoke ̄ wos wonder sore a drad to be dede ther and slayn and turned his body tho vpsedoune ¶ Tho toke the fals traitours and wode tirantis an horne and put it in to hys fundement as depe as they myght toke a spit of coper brennyng put it thurgh the horne in to his body and oft tymes roulled ther with his bowels and so they kylled ther lord that nothyng wos ꝑsaued ̄ after he was entered at glocestre ¶ How kyng Edward spoused Philip the Erles doughter of Henaud at Yorke ANd after Cristemasse tho next swyng sir Iohn̄ of henaud brought with hī Phelip his brothers doughter that was erle of Henaud his nece in to englond· ̄ kīg edward spoused hir at york with moch honour ¶ And sir Iohn̄ of Bothum bisshop of Ely and sir wyllm of melton Erchebisshop of yorke songen thee masse the sonday in the eue of ꝯuersion of sent Paule In the yere of grace a M.ccc.xxvij but for encheson that the kyng wos bot yong tendre of age when he wos crouned full mony wronges wer done while that his fadre leued for encheson that he trowed the councelers that wer fals a bout him that counceled him to done other wise than reson wold wherfor gret harme was done to the reame to the kyng all mē directid it the kīes dede ̄ it was not so almighty god it wote Wher fore it wos ordeyned at the kynges crouning that the kyng for his tendre age shuld be gouerned by xij of the gretest lordis of englond with out wich no thīg sh̄uld be done that is to sai The erchebisshop of Cantorburi the erchebishop of yorke the bisshop of wynchestre ̄ the bisshop of herthforth the erle of Lancastre the erle marshall the erle of Kent that wer the kīges vnches the erle of Garenne sir Thomas wake sir hēri of Perci sir oliuer of yngham Iohn̄ of Roos barons ¶ All thes wer sworne trewly for to councell the kyng And they shuld ansuer euery yere in the ꝑlament of that that shuld be don in the tyme of that gouernall bot that ordeynance wos sone vndone ̄ that wos moch harme to all englond· ¶ For the kīg all the lordis that shuld gouerne hī wer gouerned ̄ ruled after the kyngꝭ
vpō the heed that the brayn brest out and fel on the ground and so was he dede an euell deth ¶ Tho toke they the Mortimer as he armed him at the toures dore when he hard the noyse of them for dred And when the quene Isabell saw that the Mortimer was taken she made moch sorow in hert and thes wordes vn to them said ¶ Now fair sires I pray you that ye don no ne harme to his body a worthy knyght our welbeloued frend our dere cosyn ¶ Tho went they thens and come and brought the mortimer and presentid him vn to the kyng Edward and he commaunded to bring him in sauf ward But anone as they that wer consent vn to the Mortimers doyng herd tell that he was taken they went and hid them and priuely by nyght went out of the toune eche in his side with heuy hert and mornyng and leued vpon ther landis as well as they myght ¶ And so that same yere that the Mortimer was take he had at his retene ix score knyghtis with out squyers and sergiauntys of armes and fote men ¶ And tho was the mortimer lad to london And sir Symōd of Beford was lad with him and was take to the conestabull of the toure to kepe ¶ But afterward wos the mortimers liif examined at westmynstre before the kīg and before al the gret lordis of englōd for ꝑill that might fall to the reame to enquere also wich were assentyng to sir edwardis deth the kīges fader also thurgh whom the scottis ascappid from stanhope in to scotland with out the will of kyng edward ¶ And also how the chartre of ragman was deliuered vn to the scottis wherin the homag feautes of scotland were conteyned that the scottis shuld done euer more to the english̄ kīg for the reame of scotland wherfore in his absēs he was dampned to be draw and honged for his treson this myschief come vn to him on sent Andrewes euen in the yere of incarnaciō of our lord Ihū crist M.ccc xxx ¶ How kyng edward get ayen vn to him grociously the homages and feautes of Scotlād wher of he was put out thurgh fals coūcell of Isabell his modre and sir Roger Mortimer that was new made erle of marche NOw ye haue hard lordis how sir Iohan Bailloll in the time of pees was chosen to be kyng of Scotland for encheson that he come of the eldest doughter of the erle Dauid of Hontīgton thas wos kyng Alexandre brether of Scotland that died with out heir of his body begoten And how this Iohan made feaute homage to kyng Edward Henris son the iij. for his land●s of scotland And how he afterward withsaid his homage thurgh councell of the scottis in the yere of our lord a lxxiiij ̄ sent vn to the pope thurgh a fals suggestion that he made his oth vn to the forsaid kyng edward ouer his astate ̄ his will of wich othe the pope him assoilled thurgh his bulsis to hī y sent ¶ And a none as kīg edward wist ther of he ordeyned anōe his barons come vn to Berewike ̄ ꝯquerid the toūe at wich cōquest ther were sloyn xxvM. ̄ vijC. and the bailloll that was kīg of scotland cō yeld hī to good kīg edward ̄ the kīg afterward deliuered hī out of the tour of londō And all the gret lordis of Scotlād with him that tho were taken at Berewik and yaf them sauf condithis to gone in to scotland ¶ And the scottis sith thurgh ther falsenesse wered vpon good kyng edward ¶ And when sir Iohan bailloll kīg of scotland saw all this he went ouer the see vn to Dunpier and leued ther vpō his own landis as well as he myght till that the scottis wold amend them of thermisdedis and trespace ̄ lad with him sir edward his son wherfore the Scot●s in dispite of him called him sir Iohan Turnlabard for beca● that he wold not offende ne trespace ayens the good kyng edward of englond ¶ And so he for soke his Reame of Scotland set thar of but litell price ¶ And this sir Iohn̄ long tyme duelled in fraunce till that he died ther And sir Edward his son vnderfeng his heritage and did homage vn to the kyng of fraunce for his landis of Dunpier and so it fell afterward that Edward that wos Iohn̄ Bailloll son had with hī a squyer of englōd that wos borne in yorkshire that was called Iohn̄ of Barnabi this Edward bailloll loued him moch wos ny him full priue ¶ And so this Iohn̄ of barnaby was in debate with a frensh man in the toune of Dunpier ̄ so he killed him wēt in his wai in all the hast that he myght in to the Castell for to haue socour help of his lord ¶ And anōe come the officers of the toūe to take iohan of Barnaby as a felon sir edward his lord holp hym ̄ rescued him ̄ by nyght made hī wēd out of the castell so he went his way come ī to englōd with out any harme ¶ And when the kyng of fraūce saw that sir Edward had rescued his felon he become wonder wroth ayens sir Edward and anōe let him be arestid toke in to his hand all his landis ¶ Tho duelled sir Edwar in prison vn to the tyme that sir Henri of Beaumont come in to fraunce the wich Henri sum tyme was erle of angos in scotland thurgh his wife wos put out of the forsaid erldom whē the accordemēt was bitwen Englond and Scotland thurhh the quene isabell and sir Roger Mortimer and ther copani for the mariage that she made bitwen Dauid that wos Robert the Brus son Dame Iohana atte Toure kyng Edwardis sustre of englōd well vnderstode this that at the end he sh̄uld cum to his right but if it wer thurgh sir edward Bailloll that was right heir of the reame of Scotland ¶ And the kyng of fraūce Lowys loued moch this sir Henri and he was with him full priue and thought for to make a deliueraunce of sir Edward Baillolls body if he migh in any maner of wyse ¶ Tho praied he the kyng that he wold graunte him of his grace sir Edward Baillolls body vn to the next ꝑlament that he myght lyue with his own rentis in the meyn tym and that he myght stand to be Iuged bi his peris at the parlamēt ¶ And the kyng graūtid him his praier and made the forsaid Edward to be deliuered out of prison in the maner aboue said And anone as he wos out of prisō sir Henri toke him forth with him and lad him to englond and made him duell priuely at the maner of sandhall vp onse in yorkeshire with the lady vescy so he ordeined him ther an houge retenaunce of pepul of englisshmen ̄ also of aliens for to conquere ayen
men that theder wold cum ¶ And in this same yere Dame Blaunche the eldest doughter of kyng Henri the iiij wos sent ouer the se with the erle of somerset hir vncle and with mastir Richard Clifford thā bisshop of wurcestre and with mony othir worthy lordis knyghtis and ladies ̄ worthy squiers as longed to such a worthy kyngꝭ doughter and come vn to Colayn ¶ And thidder come the dukis sone of barre with a fair menye and ressaued this worthy lady and the bisshope of wurcestre weddid and sacred them to geder as holi chirche it wold ¶ And ther was made ariall fest and a gret Iustīg in the reuerence and wo●●h̄ip of them and all pepull that thedder com ¶ And whan this mariage and fest wos done the Erle and the bisshop and all ther menye token ther leue of lord and lady ̄ come home ayen in to englond in saufte thanked be god almyghty ¶ And in the v yere of kyng Henris regne the lord Thomas his son wēt ouer the see and the erle of Kent and mony othir lordis and knyghtis with men of armes and archiers a gret nō bur to chastise the rebellis that a fore had done moch harme to our englishmen marchantis to mony tounes and port●s in Englond on the see costis ¶ And the lord Thomas the kynges sō come in to Flaundres be fore a toune that is called the Skluse among all the shippis of diuerse nacions that wer ther. and after ther they ridden with ther shippis among them ̄ went on land sported them ther ij dais and come ayen to ther shippis and toke the brode see ̄ ther they met with iij. Carikkis of I●ne that wer ●aden with diuerse marchandize and well mannyd they foughten to gedres long time but the englishmen had the victori and brought the Carrikkis in to the Cambre befor wynchelse and ther they cāted thees goodis and one of thees Carrikkes was sodēli brent ther ¶ And the lordis and ther pepull turned them home ayē and went no ferthir at that tyme. ¶ And ī the same tyme serle yoman of kyng Richerd robes come in to englōd out of scotland and told to diuerse pepull that kyng Richard wos on liue in Scotland and so moch pepull beleued in his wordis wherfor gret ꝑtie of thee pepull of the reame wer in gret errour and grutchyng ayenest the kyng thurgh informacion of lies and fals lesinges that this Serle had made ¶ For moch pepull trustid ̄ beleued in his seyng But at the last he wos taken in the northcuntre and by law Iugged to be drawe thurgh euery cite and good burgh tounes in englond and so he wos serued and at the last he wos brought to londō vn to the gild hall before the Iustice ther he was Iugged for to be brought to the toure of london and ther to be laid on a hurdell and than to be drawen thurgh the cite of londō to Tyborne ̄ ther to be honged than quartired ̄ his hede smytē of and set on Londō brigge and his quarters to be sent to iiij good tounes of englond and ther set vp thus endid he for his false treson ̄ desseyd ¶ And in the sext yere of kyng Henris regne the iiij The erle of Marre of scotland by saifcondit come ī to Englōd to chalenge sir Edmand the erle of Kent to certayn courses of were on horsbake ¶ And so this chalange wos acceppid and graūted the place taken in smythfeld at londō this Erle of Marre the scot com proudly ī to the feld as his chalenge asket ¶ And anone come in the erll of Kent and rode vn to the scot and manfulli rode to geder with sharpe speris diuerse courses but the erle of Kent had the feld and gat him moch worship and thanke of all maner of men for his manfull dedis ¶ And ī the vij yere of kyng Henris regne the iiij Sir Richard Scrop erchebisshop of Yorke and the Erle Marchall of Englond gadred vn to them a strong power ayens kyng Henri ¶ And the kyng hering ther of in all the hast that he myght come with his pouer northward and met with them at yorke ̄ ther wer thes ij lordis take and brought to the kyng ¶ And anone the Iugges wer set thes ij lordis brought forth and ther they wer dampned vn to the deth and both ther hedis smyten of and ther they maden ther end on whos soules god for his pite haue mercy Amen ¶ And whan this was done the kyng come to londō ayen and ther restid him Anone god of his gret goodnesse wrought and shewed mony gret miracles for this worthy clerke Erchebishop of yorke that thus wos done to deth ¶ And ī the vij yere of kīg Henris regne Dame Luce the dukis suster of Milane come ī to englond so to londō ̄ ther wos wedid to sir Edmond Holand erle of Kent in the priori of sent marie oueis in suthwarke wyth moch solempnite and gret worship ¶ The kyng was ther him self and yaf hir at the chirch dore ̄ whan that they wer weddid and masse was done the kyng his own parson brought and lad this worthy lady in to the bisshoppis place of wynchestre and ther wos a wonder gret fest holdyn to all maner of pepull that wold cum ¶ And the same yere sir Robert Knolles bnyght a worthi weriour died at his maner in Northfolk and from thens he was brought to london vpō a hors bere with moch torch light ̄ so he wos brought vn to the white freris in fleetstret and ther wos do and made for him a solempne fest and ariall enterement for tho that thidder wold cume both rich and poer and ther he lieth beried by Dame Constance his wife in the midde of the body of the chirche on whos soule god for his pitte haue merci amen ¶ And thus ī this same yere sir Thomas Rampston knyght Constabull of the tour of london wos drenchid at londō brugge as he com fro westmynstre inwardis to the tour ī a barge and al thurgh lewdenesse ¶ And in the sama yere Dame Philip the yonger doughter of kīg henri wos lad ouer see with sir Richard thee dukis brother of yorke and sir Edmond Courteney bisshop of Norwych and mony other lordis knyghtis and squiers ladies gentilwomen that apparteyned to such a worthy kynges doughter and come in to Denmarke and the kyng resceyued this worthi lady for his wyfe and welcomed thes worthy lordis and did vn to them moch worsh̄ipp and they wer brought vn to a toune that wos called London in Denmarke and ther wos this lady weddid and sacrid to the kyng of Denmarke Norway and Swythē and ther was crouned quene of Denmarke with moch solempnite and ther wos made ariall fest ¶ And whan this fest
gret fray in london in flete strete by nyghtis tyme bytwen men of court and men of london and diuerse men slayn and sum hurt And on herbotell was chief causer of the misgouernaunce ̄ affray ¶ Also this yere at chesing of the maire of londō the comūes named Robert Clopton Raulin holand taliour And the aldermen toke robert clopton and brough him at the right hand of the meirs as the custom is And than certayn tailours and othir hond craftis men cried nay nay not this man bot Raulyn Holand wherfore the maire that wos padysly sent them that so cried to newgate where they abode agret while and wer ponisshed ¶ In this same yere wer diuerse enbassatours sent in to Guyan for a mariage for the kyng for the Erles doughter of Armynake wich wos ꝯcludid but by the meyn of the erle of suffolke it was let and put a parte ¶ And after this the said erle of Suffolke went him ouer the see in to fraunce and ther he tretid the mariage bitwen the kyng of Englond and the kynges doughter of Cecile and of Ierusalem And the next yere it wos concludid fully that mariage by wich mariage the kyng shold deliuer to hir fadre the duchie of Angeo and the Erledom of Mayn wich wos the keye of Normandie ¶ Then departid the Erle of suffolke with his wife diuerse lordis and knyghtis in the most raal astate that myght be out of Englond with new chares and palfreys wich went thurgh Chepe and so went ouer the se and resaued hir and sithen brought hir in the lent after vn to hampton wher she landid and was rially resaued ¶ And on Candilmasse euen before by a gret tempest of thounder and lightenyng at afternone Poules steple wos set on fire on the middis of the shaft in the timbur wich was quenched by force of labour and specially by the labour of the morow masse prest of the bow in chepe with was thought impossible sayf onli the grace of god ¶ This yere wos the erle of stafford made create duke of Bokyngham the erle of werwik duke of warwyke the erle of Dorset marquis of Dorset ̄ the erle of suffolke wos made marquies of suffolke ¶ How kyng Henri weddid quene Margarete and of hir coronacion IN this yere kyng Henri maried at southwik quene Margaret And she com· to london the xviij day of May by the way all the lordis of englond ressayued hir worshipfully in diuerse places And ī especiall the duke of gloucestre and on thee blake heth the maire with the aldermen and all the craftis in blewe gounys browderd with the deuise of his craft that thei myght be bi knowen mette with hir with reed hodis and brought hir to london wher wer diuerse pagentis and countinaunce of diuerse histories shewed in diuerse places of the cite rially and costely ¶ And the xxx day of May the forsayd quene wos crouned at westmynster And ther wos Iustis iij. days during within the sentorie be fore the abbey ¶ This yere the priour of kylmian appellid the erle of vrmond of treson wich had a day assigned to them for to fight in smythfeld And the listis wer made and feld drassid but whan it come to point the kyng commaundid that they shuld not fight but toke the quarell in to his hand And this wos done at the instance ̄ labour of certayn prechours and doctours of london as mastir Gilbert worthyngton parson of sent Andrewes ī holborne and othir ¶ Also this same yere come a gret enbassade in to Englond out of fraūce for to haue concludid a ꝑpetuall pees but in conclusion it turned vn to a trews of a yere ¶ About this tyme dred sent Barnardyn a gray frere wich began the new reformacion of that ordir in mony places in so moche that they that wer reformed bene called obseruauntes wich obseruaūtes bene encresid gretli ī Ytali ī Almayn ¶ This Bernardyn was Canonysed by pope Nicholas the .v. In the yere of our lord M. cccc.l ¶ Iohannes de Capistrano wos his desciple wich ꝓfited moch to the reformacion of that order for whom god hath shewed mony a fair miracle also here is to be notid that frō this tyme forward kyng Henri neuer ꝓfited ne went forward bot fortune began te turne from him on all sides as well in fraunce Normandie Guyan as in englōd Sum men holden opinion that kyng Henri yaf comyssion plenery to sir Edward hull sir Robert Roos Dene of sent sauerins and othir to conclude a mariage for him with the erle of armynakis sustre wich wos ꝓmised as it wos seid ̄ ꝯcludid but afterward it wos brokyn he wedded quene margaret as afore is said wich wos a dere mariage for the reame of englond For it wos knowen verili that for to haue hir wos deliuered the duchie of Angeo and the erledō of mayne wich wos the keye of Normandie for the frenshmen to entre ¶ And about this the said marquies of suffolke axed in plaī ꝑlamēt a xv ̄ an halfe for to fetch hir out of fraūce Lo what a mariage wos this as to the comparison of that othir mariage of armynake For ther shuld haue bene deliuered so mony castels ̄ tounes ī Guyan and so moch good sh̄uld haue be yeuen with hir that all englond sh̄uld haue bene ther by enriched but ꝯtrari wyse fell wherfore euery gret prince ought to kepe his ꝓmisse for be causa of brekyng of this ꝓmisse and for mariage of quene margaret what losse hath the reame of englond had by losing of normandie and guyan ▪ by diuision in the reame the rebellyng of comunes ayenst ther prince ̄ lordis what diuision among the lordis what murder sleyng of them what feldis foughten and made in conclusion so mony that mony a man hath lost his life and in conclusion the kyng deposed the quene with hir son fayn to flee in to scotland and from thens ī to fraūce and so to loriyn the place that she come frist fro ¶ Mony men demeth that the brekīg of the kīges promise to the sustre of the erle of armynake was cause of this gret losse and aduersite ¶ How the duke of gloucestre the kīgꝭ vncle wos arestid at the ꝑlamēt of bury his deth how angeo ī mayn wos deliuered IN the xxv yere of kyng Henri wos a ꝑlament at Bur● called sent Edmondis buri about wich was commaūdid all the comunes of the cuntre to be ther in ther most best defensabull aray for to await vpon the kyng To wich ꝑlament come the duke of Gloucestre vmfrey the kyngꝭ vncle wich had bene ꝓtectour of englond all the none age of the kyng and anone after hee wos ī his loggīg he wos arestid by the viscoūte bemōd the cōst a bull of englōd whom accompanied the duke of Bokyngham and mony othir lordis And forthwith all his seruaūtes wer cōmaūdid for
paralo Ioathas son of iehen regnit in israel .xvij. yere in whos days helise the ꝓphet d●●d and he began to regne the .xx. yere of ioas vide plura 4º regū Ioam son of Ioathas regnit ī israel xvij yere he trobuld ●zia plura vide 4. regū 13. ¶ Off kyng Leir son to bladud ̄ of the ansuer of his yongest doughter that graciousli was maried to the Kyng of fraunce AFter Kyng Bladud regned Leir his soon and this Leir made the toune of leycestre let call the toune after his name he gouernit the 〈◊〉 wele ̄ nobulli This king Leir had iij. doughteris the first ●d Gonorill the secunde Rigan ̄ the therde C●●d●●ll and 〈◊〉 yongest doughter was fairest and best of ꝯdicions The kyng hir fader became an old man ̄ wold that his doughteres were maried er that he died but first he thoght to assay wich of hem loued hym most ̄ best for she that loued him best shold best be maried he axed of the fyrst doughter how well she hym loued and she aunsuerd ̄ saied better then hir own lyffe Now certes quod hir fadre that is a gret loue Then axed he of the secūd doughter how moch she hym loued and she saied more and passing all the creaturs in the world ꝑ ma foy quod hir fader I ma no more axe and tho axed he of the thrid doughter how mych she hym loued certes fader quod she my sustres haue told you glosyng wordes but for so the I shall tell you trouth For I loue you os I aught to loue my fader and for to bring you more in certayn how I loue you I shall you tell as moche as ye bene worth so moch shall ye be loued ¶ The kyng hir fader went that she had skorned hym and become wonder wroth and suore by heuen ̄ erth she shold neuer haue good of hym bot his doughtres that loued hym so moch shold be well auaunced and maried And the fyrst doughter he maried to Maugles kyng of scotland and the second he marid to hanemos Erle of Cornewaell and so they ordined and spak bitwene them that they shold depart the Reame bitwene them two after the deth of kyng Leir ther fader so that Cordeill his yongeste doughter shold nothyng haue of his lond but this Cordeill wos wonder fair and of good condicions and maners that thee kyng off fraunce Agampe herd of hir speke and sent to the kyng Leir hir father for to haue hir vn to his wyfe and prayed hym therof and kyng Leir hir fader sent hym word that he had departed his land and yeffen it all vn to his two doughtres be for saied and he saied he had no more land wher wyth hir to mary ¶ And whā Agampe the kyng of fraunce herd this aunsuar he sent anone a yene to Leir and sayed that he axed no thyng withhir bot only hir clothyng and hir body And anone kyng leir sent hir ouer the see to the kīg of fraūce And he ressaued hir with moche worship and with solempnite he hir spoused made hir quene of fraunce ¶ How kyng Leir wos driuen out of his land thurgh his folke ̄ how Cordeill his yongest doughter helped him ī his nede THus it befell afterward that tho .ij. eldest daughtres wold not a bide tyll leir ther fader wos deid but wered vpon hym whilles that he wos on liue and did hym moch sorow ̄ sham wherfor they benōme hym holi the ream and bi twene them had or deyned that one of them shold haue kyng Leir to seiourne al his liue tyme with xl knyghtes and squyers that he myght wurship fulli go and ride whedder that he wold ī to what contre that hym liked to play and to solace ¶ So that Manacles kyng of scotland had kyng Leir with hym in the maner os is a boune saied and or other half yere wer passed Corneil that wos his eldest doughter and quene of Scotland was so a noyed of hym and of his pepull that anone she and hir lord speke to gedre wherfor his knyghtis half and his squers from hym wer gone and nomo left with him bot only xxx ¶ And when this wos done Leir bi gon for to make moch sorow for encheson that his estate wos empeired ̄ men had of hym more scorne and despiet then euer they had before wherfor he not wist for to done and at the last thoght that he wold weind in to Cornwaill to Rigan his other doughter And when he was come the Erle and his wife that wos Leirs doughter hym welcomed and with hym made moch Ioye and the er he dwelled with xxx knyghtis squyers And he had not duelled ther scarsly xij month that his doughter of hym was weri and his companye and hir lord and she of hym had gret scorne and despitte so thatt from xxx knyghtes they brought vn to .x. and afterward had he but .v. and so they left hym nomo ¶ Than made he sorow ynouh and saied sore wepyng Allas that euer he come in to that land and saied yit had me better to haue duelled with my fyrst doughter And anone he went thens to his fyrst doughter a g●ne bot anōe as she saw him come she suore by god and bi his holi name and by as moch as she myght that he shold haue nomo with hym but one knyght yf he wold ther a bied Then begon Leir ayene to wepe and made moch sorow ̄ said tho alas now to long haue I leued that this sorow and myschefe is to me now fallen for now am I pooer that sū tyme wos rich bot now haue I no frend ne kyn that me wyll do ony good ¶ But whē I was riche all mē me honoured and worshipped now euery mā hath of me scorne ̄ d●spite and now I wot well that Cordeill my yongest doughter saied me trought when she said as moch as i had so mych shuld i beloueid and all the while that i had good so long wos i loued and honoured for my riches but my two doughtres glosed me tho now of me thei set litell pris and soth told me Cordeill bot i wold nat beleue it ne vndiyrstond and therfor i let hir go fro me as a thyng that i set litell pris of and now wote i neuer what for to done sith my ij doughtre haue me thus dissaiued that i so moch loued and now most i nedes seche hir that is in an other land that lyghly i let hir gone fro me with out any reward or yeftes and she said that she loued me as mich os she aght to loue hir fader by all maner of reson and tho i shold haue axed hir nomore and tho that me other wise behightyn thurgh tber fals speche now haue me desauid in this maner Leir long tyme began to make his mone and at
the englisshmē wer discomforted ̄ sorowed in northhūberland ¶ For enchesō that kīg Edwardis son set by the scottis no force for the riot of Perys of Ganaston wherfore Alas wos the song thurgh out all englond for defaute of they re good werdeyn frō the I le of shepey vn to the I le of marcill the pepull made moch sorow for good kīg Edwardis deth ¶ For they wened that good kīg edward shuld haue gone ī to the holy land for that was holy his purpose vpon whos soule god for his high grace haue inci Anno domini M.CC.lxxxiiij CElestinus wos pope after Nicholas v. monethis and nothynh nobull of him is written bot that he wos a vertuus man Bonefacius the .viij. wos after him viij yere This Bonefaci wos a man ī thos thinges the wich ꝑteneth to court for he wos vere exparte in such maters And because he had no peer he put no mesurnesse to his prudens And toke so gret pride vpon him that he said he wos lord of all the world and mony thyngꝭ he did with his myght the wich failed wriechedly in the end he yaf a sampull to all prelatis that they shuld not be proude but vnder the forme of a veray schepard of god they shuld more study for to be loued of ther subiectis then to be drad This man is he of whome it is said that he entred as a fox he leued as a Lyon and died as a dog ¶ This tyme the yere of grace was ordeyned from an hondreth yere to an hondreth yere And the frist Iubile was in the yere of our lord Ihū crist a M.ccc.. Benedictus the xi was after Boneface xi monethis This mā wos an holi man of order of the frere prechours litill wile liued but decessid anone Adulphus wos emprour vi yere this mā was the erle of anoxone And wos not crouned by the pope for he wos slayn in bataill Albertus was emprour after him x. yere This man wos the duke of Anstrie and frist was repreued of the pope and after wos confirmed by the same pope for the male●● of the kyng of fraunce the wich wos an enmy vn to the chirche And to that Albert the same pope yaf the kyngdom of fraunce as he did other kyngdoms bot it profettid not for at the last he wos slayn of his nevu Clemens was pope after Benedictus almost ix yere And he was a gret bylder of castelles and other thinges and he dampned the order of templaries and he ordeyned the vij boke of the decretalis the wich be called the questions off Clementyns And anone after ī a counsell the wich he held at vienna he reuokid that same boke· the wich his successari Iohn̄ called ayen īcorporit it pupplicit it This Clemēt first of all popis translatid the popis seet fro rome to the Auīnon· wheder it was done bi the mocion of god or the boldenes of man diuerse mē merueleth Iohan the xxij was pope after him xviij yere This man was all glorious as for thos thynges that wer to be vsid thurgh the actyue liffe And he pupplishit the constitucōis of the Clementines and send them to all the vniuersites and mōy santis he canonised thes fat bisshopbriches he deuidid he ordined mony thinges ayens the pluralite of benefices and mōy heritikes he dampned bot wheder he wos saued or not oure lord wold not shew to thos he louyd veray well Henri the .vij. was emprour after Albert v. yere This Henri was a nobull man in were and he coueted to haue pees by land and water he wos a glorius mā in bataill And neuer ouercummyn with enmys And at the last he wos poysened of a frere when that he houselid him bi resauīg of the sacrament ¶ Of kyng Edward that wos kyng Edwardis son ANd after this kyng Edward regned Edward his son that was borne in Carnariuan and this Edward went him in to fraunce and ther he spoused Isabell the kynges doughter of Fraunce the xxv day of Ianiuer at the chirche of our ladi at Boloyn in the yere of our lord ihesu crist a M.ccc.vij And the xx day of Feuyer the next yere that come after he wos crouned solempli at westmynstre of the Erchebisshop Robert of wynchelse and of the erchebisshop off Cantorburi And ther wos so gret prece of pepull that sir iohan bakwell wos deid and mordred ¶ And anone as the good kyng Edward was deid sir Edeward his son kyng of englond sent after Pers of Ganastane in to Gascoyn and so moch loued him that he called him his broder And anone after he yaf vn to him the lordship of walyngforde and it wos not long after that he ne yaf him the erldom of Cornewaill ayens all the lordis wyll of the reame of englond ¶ And tho brought he sir Walter of Langton bisshop of Chestre in to prison in to the tour of london with two knaues allone him to serue For the kyng was wroth with him for because that sir walter made complaynte vpon him to his fader wherfor he was put in to prison in the tyme of Troilebaston ¶ And the forsaid Pers of Ganaston made so gret mastries that he went in to the kynges tresorie in the abbey of westmynster and toke the table of gold with the tristyls of the same mony other riche Iewels that sum tyme wer the nobull and good kīg Arthurs ̄ toke thē to a marchand that was called Aymeri of Friscombaand For he shulde bere them ouer see ī to Gascoyne and so he went thens and they come neuer ayen after wherfore it wos a gret loose vn to this land ¶ And when this Pers wos so richeli auaunced he be come so proud and so stout wherfor all the gret lordis of the reame had him ī dispite for his gret bering wherfore sir Hēri the laci erle of Nicholl and syr Guy erle of warrewik the wich good lordis the goode kyng Edward sir Edwardis fader kyng of Englond charged that Peris of Ganaston shuld not cum in to englond for to bring his son Edward in to riot ¶ And all the lordis of Englond assemled them a certayn day at the freris prechours at London and ther they spekyn of the dishonour that kyng Edward did vn to his reame and to his croune ¶ And so they assentid all bothe erles and barons and all the commyns that the foresaid Pers of Ganastone shuld be exiled out of Englond for euer more and so it wos done for he forswore Englond and went in to Irlond and ther the kyng made hym chiuetayn and gouernour of the land by his commission and theer this pers was cheuetayne of all the land and did ther all that hī liked and had pouer what he wold and that tyme wer the templars exiled thurgh all cristinte for encheson that men put vpon them that they shuld done thynges ayens the faith and good beleue·
exiled out of englond for sent Thomas cause of Lancastre that is to say sir Roger of wigmore sir willm Trussell sir Iohn̄ of Cromewell ̄ mōy oder good knyghtys ¶ Wherfor thei toke ther coūcell ̄ ordeyned amōges them for to make a mariege bitwen the duke of gnyhē the kīgys son of englōd ̄ the erles doughter of henaud that was a nobul knyght of name a doughty ī his time ¶ And if that thīg myght be brought about than stode they trowyng with the help of god with his help to recouer ther heritage in englōd wer of they wer put out thurgh the fals congettynges of spensers ¶ How kyng edwar thurgh coūcell of the spensers sent to the douzeꝑs of fraūce that they sh̄uld help that the quene Isabell hir son sir edward wer exiled out of fraūce WHen kyng edward ̄ the spensers herd how that quene Isabell and sir Edward hir son had alied them to the erle of Henaud and to them that wer exiled owt of englond for encheson of Thomas of Lancastre they wer so sori that thei not wist what for to done ¶ Wherfor sir hugh spenser the son said vn to sir hugh his fadre in this maner wyse ¶ Fadre cursed be the tim and the coūcell that euer ye consentid that quene Isabell shuld go vn to fraunce for to trete of accord bitwen the kyng of englond and hir brother the kyng of fraūce for that was your councell for at that tyme forsoth your wit failed ¶ For I drede me sore lest thurgh hir and hir son we shall be sh̄ent bot yf we take the better councell ¶ Now fair sirres vnderstond how meruelus felonie falshed th̄e spensers ymagened and cast for priuely they let fill v. barellis ferrors with syluer tho soume amounted v. thousand pound and they sent tho barrels ouer se priuely by an alien that wos called Arnold of Spayn that was a brocour of London that he shuld gone to the d●usepers of Fraunce that they shuld procuren speke to the kyng of fraunce that quene Isabell and hir son Edward wer driuen and exiled out of Fraunce ¶ And among all other thynges that they wer brought to the deth as priuely as they myght ¶ But almighty god wold not so for when this Arnold wos in the high see he wos take with se land res that met him in the high see toke him lad him to ther lord the erle of henaud ̄ moch ioye was made for that taking ̄ at the last this Arnold priueli stole away fro thens come to london ¶ And of this takīg of oder thīges the erle of henaud said to the quene Isabell Dame maketh you meri be of good chere for ye be richer than ye wened to haue bene take thes v. barell is full of siluer that wer sent to the douzeꝑs of fraūce for to kyll yow and your son Edward thinketh hasteli for to wend in to englond taketh ye with you sir Iohan of henaud my brother v. C mē of armes for mony of thē of fraūce ī whome ye haue had grett trust done you for to scorne ¶ And almyghti god graunte you grace your enmys to ouer cum ¶ The quene Isabell sent tho thurgh henaud and Flaūdres for hir saudiowrs and ordeyned hir euery day for to wend in to Englond ayen and so she had in hir cōpanye sir edmond of wodstoke that was erle of kent that was sir Edwardis brother of englond ¶ How kyng edward let kepe the costes by the see ̄ let trie all the prise men of armes fote men thurgh englond WHen kyng Edward herd tell that quene Isibell and Edward hir son wold cum in to Englond with a gret pouer of aliens and with them that wer outlawed owt of Englond for hir rebelnesse he was sore adrad to be put doūe and for to lese his kyngdom ¶ Wherfor he ordeyned to kepe his castels ī wales as well as in englond with vitales and ther apparile and let kepe his riueres and also the see costes Wherof the v. portes toke to kepe them and also the see ¶ And at the fest of Decolaciō of sent Iohn̄ Baptest the Citizenis of london sent to the kyng to porchestre an hondreth men of armes ¶ And also he commaūded bi his letters ordeyned that euery hondreth and wapentake of englond to triours as well of men of armmes os men of fote ̄ that they shold bene put in xx some ̄ in an hondreth some cōmāded that all tho men wer redy when any outese or crie wer made for to pursue and take the aliens that come to englond for to benomme him the land for to put him owt of his kyngdom· ¶ And more ouer he let crie thurgh his patent in euery faire and in euery marketh of Englond that the quene Isabell and sir Edward his eldest son the erle of kent that they wer take and saufely keped with out any maner harme vn to them doyng and all other maner pepull that come with them anone smyten of ther hedis with out any maner of ransome takyng of them ¶ And what man that might bringe sir Roger hede Mortimer of wygmore shuld haue an hondreth poūde of monay for his trauell ¶ And forthermore he ordend by his patent and cōmaūded to make a fire vpon euery hyll beside the riueres and in law cuntres for to make hie beekenes of tymbbre that if it so wer that the aliens come vn to the land by nyght that men shuld tend the bekenes that the contre might be warned and cum and mete ther enmys and in the tyme died sir Roger Mortimer his vncle in the tour of london ¶ How the quene Isabell and sir Edward duke of Gnyhene his son com in to lond at herewich and how they did WHen quene Isabell and sir Edward hir sone Duke of gnyhenne sir Edward of wodstoke erle of Kent and sir Iohan the erles brother of Henaud and ther company drad not thee manace of the kyng ne of his traitours for they trustid all in goddis grace ̄ com vn to herewich in sauthfolke the xxiiij day of Septembre in the yere of grace M.ccc.xxvi And the quene ̄ sir edward hir son sent lettres to the maire ̄ cōmmalte of londō requiring them that they shuld be helpyng in the quarell ̄ causa that they had begonne that is to say to distroy the tratours of the ream bot none ansuer was sent ayen wherfore the quene syr Edward hir son sentē an other patent letter vnder ther seales the tenour of wich letter here foloweth in this maner ¶ Isabell by thee grace of god quene of englond lady of Irland Countes of pountyf we Edward the eldest son of the kyng of englond Duke of gnyhen erle of chestre of Pauntif of Moustroill to the maire to all the cominalte of the cite of
landis shuld be vpō him the more bolder ¶ And he said soth for by encheson of his barons that wer done to deth for sent thomas quarell of lancastre pepull of mony landis become the bold for to meue were vpō the kyng for ther blod wos turned to mōy nacions ¶ And afterward Merlin told ̄ said that the forsaid Owles shuld do moch harme vn to the floor of life deth they shuld bring hir to moch disese so that she sh̄uld wēd ouer se ī to fraūce for to make pees to the flour delise ̄ ther shuld a bide till on a tyme hir sede shuld cum and sech hir And tho they sh̄uld a biden bothe till the tyme that they shuld cloth them with grace ̄ tho two Owles she shold seke ̄ put them vn to pytuus deth that ꝓphecie wos well know and was full soth ¶ For sir Hugh spenser the fadre and sir hugh the sone did moch sorow and persecucion vn to the quene Isabell thurgh her procurment to hir lord the kyng ¶ So they ordeyned amonges that she was put vn to hir wages that is to say .xx. sh̄ylling in the day ¶ Wherfor the kyng of fraūce hir brother was sore annoyed and sent in to englond by his letters vn to kyng Edward that he shold come vn to hys ꝑlament to Paris in fraunce but kyng Edward was sore adrade to cum ther. for he wened to haue bene arested till that he had made amendis for the trespase that sir hugh spenser the fadre the sone had done And for the harme that they had done vn to thee quene Isabell his sustre ¶ Wherfor thurgh hir ordeynaunce ̄ consent of the spensers the quene Isabell went ouer se ī to fraūce for to make accorde bitwen kyng Edward the kīg of fraūce hir brother ¶ And ther duel̄led she in fraūce till edward hir eldest son come hir to sech ̄ so they duelled ther both till that aliance was made bitwen them the gentill erle of Henaud that if they with ther help might destroi ̄ ouer cū the venym ̄ the falsenes of the spensers that sir edward shuld spouse Dame Philip the worsshipfull lady ̄ the erles doughter of henaud ¶ Wherfor the quene Isabell ̄ sir edward hir son sir edward of wodstoke the kynges brother of Englond sir Iohn̄ of henaud ̄ sir Roger Mortimer of wigmore and sir Thomas Rocelin sir Iohn̄ of Crōwell sir willm Trussell and mony other of the a liaunce of the gētill erle Thomas of Lancastre that wer exiled out of englond for his quaril wer disherited of ther landis ordeyned them a gret pouer and ariued at herewich in southfolke ¶ And sone after they pursued the spensers till that they wer takyn put vn to spitouse deth as before is said and ther company a● also for the gret falsenes that thei did to kīg edward to his pepull ¶ And Merlin said also more that the goot sh̄uld be put īto gret disese in gret anguysh ̄ in gret sorow he sh̄uld lede his lyfe ¶ And he said soth for aftir the tyme that kyng edward wos take he was put in to ward till that the spensers wer put vn to the deth ¶ And also for encheson that he wold not cum vn to his own ꝑlament at london as he had ordened and assigned himself and to his baronage and also wold not gouerne and rule his pepull ne his ream as a king shold done ¶ Wherfore sum of the barons of englond come ̄ yeld vp ther hamages vn to him for them and all the other of the ream in the day of ꝯuersion of sent paule in the yere of his regne xx ̄ they put him out of his rialte for euer more euer he leued his lyfe afterward in moch sorow anguyssh LOdewicus the fourth wos emprour after Henri iiij yere This Lodewic wos duke of Banare he dispised the coronacion of the pope wherfore the pope deposit him and moch labour and mony ꝑell he had after And he trubled gretly the vnite of holy chirch ̄ then wos chosin ayens him Frederik the duke of Austrich he ouer come the duke and boid a rebelion to his end ̄ in gret parell to his soule and at the last Karolus wos chosin ayens him the wich p̄uayled and sodenly Lodewik fell doūe of his horse ̄ decessed Iohan Maundevill a doctor of fesike a knyght borne wos in englond a bout this tyme. ̄ he made a meruelus pilgrimage for he went almost a bowt all the world and he wrot his dedis in .iij. langages decesid wos buried at sent Albons Benedictus the xxij wos pope after Iohn̄ vij yere and more This man wos a monke in all his youth he wos of good conuersacion a doctor of diuinite And wē he wos made pope he reformed the ordir of sent Benet in that thyng that was necessari And he wos an hard man to graūt benefice lest he had graūted it to an vnconyng man he made a decretall the wich began Benedictus deus in donis suis he wos veray cruell in his faithe And for that of som men litell loued he wos so stout a man that almost he wold not know his own cosyns Anno domini M.iij C xxvij ¶ Of kyng Edward the thrid after the conquest ANd after this king Edward Carnariuan regned sir edward of windesore his son the wich wos crouned kyng annoynted at westmynstre thurgh councell and consent and will of all the gret lordis of the Reame the sonday in Candelmasse eue in the yere of grace M CCC.xxvi that w●s of age at that tyme but xv yere and for encheson that his fadre was in warde in the castell of kenilworth and eke wos put doune of his rialte the reame of englond was with out king fromme the fest of sent Katerin in the yere abouesaid vn to the fest of Candelmasse ̄ tho wer all maner plees of the kynges bynch astent ¶ And tho wos cōmanded to all the shereues of englond thurgh writ to warn the ꝑties to defendaūtis thurgh somnyng ayen ¶ And also forthermore that all prisoners that wer in the kynge gail̄les that wer attached thurgh shereues sh̄uld be let gone quyte ¶ The kīg Edward after his coronacion at the praier besechīg of his liege of the reame graūtid them a chartre of stedfast pees to all them that wold it axe ¶ And sir iohn̄ of Henaud ̄ his cōpanye toke ther leue of the kīg ̄ of the lordis of the reame turned home to ther own cōtre ayen eche of them had full rich yeftes euer ych mā as he wos of value estate ¶ And tho wos englond ī pees ̄ ī rest ̄ gret loue bitwene the kīg his lordis comynly english men said amōges them that the deuell
Wynkfeld sir Iohan bottell̄er Sir Raynold Cobham sir Ioha● passheley sir Thomas Tunstall Sir Iohn̄ Chidiok sir Raufe langford sir wyllm drury sir willm ap Thomas sir Richard Carbonell Sir Richard Wydeuile Sir Iohan shridelew sir Wyllyām Cheyn sir Wyllyam Babyngton sir Iohn̄ Iune sir Gil̄bert Beauchamp ¶ Item in the v. yere the duke of Bedford with the duchese hys wyfe went ouer see to Calays a lytell before went ouer Henri bishop of wīchestre And on our lady day anūciacion ī our lady chyrche at Calais the bishop of wīchestre whan that he had songen masse wos made Cardinall he knelyng before the hygh auter the duke of Bedford set the hat vpon hys hede and ther wer hys bulles red as well of hys charge as the reioyssing of his benefices spirituel and temperill ¶ And thys same yere was gret habundaunce of rayn that the substanse of heye and also of corne was destruyed for it rayned almost eueri other day ¶ And thys same yere the good erle of salusberi sir Thomas Montague layd sege vn to Orlyaunce at wych sege he wos slayn with a gonne that come out of the toune on whos sowle god haue merci for syth that he wos slayn Englishmen neuer gat ni preuayled ī fraūce bot euer after began to lese lytell and lytell till all wos lost ¶ Also this same yere a bretō murdred a good wedow in hir bedde without algate wich wedow fond him for almesse And he bare away all that she bad ¶ And after this he toke the gyrth of holy chirch at sent Georgis in southwark and ther token the crosse and forsuore this lande And os he went it happened that he com by the plase wher he did this cursed dede in the subbarbes of london And the women of the same parissh com out with stonys and canel dung and slew and made an end of him ther. Notwithstandyng the constabules and mony othir men beyng present for to kepe him for ther wer mony women and had no pitte ¶ Also this same yere the Duke of Northfolke with mony gentill men and yemen toke his barge the viij day of Nouembre at sent mari oueyes for to haue go thurgh londō brugge and thurgh misgydyng of the barge it ouerthrew on the pyles and mony men drownyd but the duke him self with ij or iij. leped vpon the piles and so wer sauid with help of men that wer aboue the brugge wich casten doun ropis by the wich roppis they sauyd them self ¶ This same yere on sent Leonardis dai kyng Henri beyng vij yere of age wos crouned at westmynster at whos coronacion wer made xxxvi knightis This yere on sent Georgis day he passid ouer the see to Calays toward fraūce Aboute this tyme and a fore the reame beyng in gret miserie and tribulacion the Dolphyn with his parte began to make were and gate certayn places and made distresses vpon english men by the meyn of his capitayns that is to say la heer poton de seyntraylles and ispeciall a mayd wich they namyd la pucelle de dien This maid rood lyke a man ̄ wos a valiant capitayn among thē and toke vpon hir mony gret enterprises in so moch that they had a beleue for to haue recouerid all ther lossies by hir ¶ Not wtstondyng at the last after mony gret feates by thee helpe and prouiesse of sir Iohan Luxemburgh the wich was a nobull Capitayn of the Dukes of Burgoyn and mony englishmen picardes and Burgoygnous wich weren of our partie before the toune of Compyne the xxiij day of May the forsaid pucelle was taken in the feld armed like a man and mony othir capitayns with hir wer all brought to Roan and ther she wos put in to prison And ther she was Iugged bi the law to be brent and then she said that she wos with child wherby she wos respited a while But in conclusion it was founde that sh̄e wos not with child And then she was brenned in Roan And the oder Capitayns wer put to raunsome and entreated as men of wer bene acustmed c. ¶ And this same yere about Candilmasse Richard hunder a woll̄epacker wos dampned for an heritike and brent at tour hyll And about midlentin sir Thomas Baggeli prest and vicarie of Mauen in Estsex beside Walden wos disgratid and dampned for an heritike and brent in smyth felde ¶ And also in this same yere whiles the kyng wos in fraunce ther wer moni heritikis loulars that had purposid to make a rising cast billis in mony places bot blissid be god almyghty the Capitayn of them wos taken whos name was willm Maundeuill a weuer of Abendon and balif of the same toune wich named him self Iak Sharp of Wigmoresland in wal̄es And afterward he wos be hedid at the forsaid Abendon in the witson weke on the tewisday ¶ This same yere the sext day of December kīg Hēri the sext was crouned kīg of fraunce at Paris ī the chirch of our lady with gret solempnite ther beyng present the Cardinall of Englond the duke of bedford and mony othir lordis of fraunce ̄ of Englond ¶ And after this coronacion ̄ gret fest holdē at Paris the kīg retourned frō thēs to roan ̄ so toward Calais the ix day of Feuerer londed at Douer whom all the comunes of kente met at beramdoū bitwen Cātorberi douer all ī reed hodis so come forth till he come to the blake heth wher he wos met with the Maire Iohan wellis with all the craftis of london clothed all ī white And so they brought hym vn to London the xxi day of the same moneth ¶ And this same yere was a restraīt of the wollis of Calays made by the soudiou●s by cause they wer not payed of ther wages wherfor the Duke of bedford regent of Fraunce beyng then capitayn come to Calais the tewisday in the ester weke And on the morne after mōy soudiours of the toūe wer arestid ̄ put ī ward And in the same weke he rode to Terewyn bi the meyn of the bisshop of Terewyn he weddid the erles doughter of sēt Poule come ayen to Calais ¶ And the xi day of Iune on sent Barnabeis day ther wer iiij soudiours of Calais that wer chief causers of the restreynt hedid that is to wit Iohn̄ Maddeley Iohan Lunday Thomas Palmer ̄ Thomas Talbot an hondreth ̄ x. banysshed the toune that same tyme. before wer banysshed an hondreth xx soudiours And on midsomer euen after com the lord regent ̄ his wife to london ABowt this tyme pope martin died And after him Eugeyne thee fourth wos Pope This man was pesabuly chosin in Rome by the Cardinales and was uery indubytate pope· But shortly after he was put and expulsid out of Rome in such maner that he wos fayn to flee nakid In this same tyme wos the councill of Basilie to wich councell he wos
for ther went of statis old men and yonge riche and poer no man compellid them and this passage was made bi the vision of our ladi and the princes of this pepull wer diuerse On wos Godfray the bollion a nobull man of all the world ̄ a vertuus man And an other was Beemūd the duke of Napuls The thrid wos Hugh the kynges brother of fraunce and mony other the wich did full nobully for the faith of god and it wer to long in this bake to reherse the glorius actis that they did ¶ Of kyng willm Roos that wos willm bastard son that destruyed tounes houses of religion for to make the new forest ANd after this willm bastard regned his son william the Rous and this willm was a wonder contrarious man to god and holy chirche let amende and make the toune off Cardeis that the paynyms had destroyed ¶ This kyng willm destruyed holy chirche and ther possessions in what ꝑte he myght them find ▪ ¶ And therfor ther was so moch debate bitwen him and the erchebisshop of cantorburi Ancelme for encheson that he vndernamme him of his wickidnesse that he destroied hol̄y chirch And for encheson therof the kyng bore to him gret wrath and for that cause he exiled him out of this land and the erchebishop tho went to the court of Rome and ther duellid wyth the pope ¶ And this king made the new forest cast doune distruid xxvi tounes and lxxx houses of religion all for to make his forest lenger and broder and bicome wonder glad and proud of his wod of his forest and C the wild bestys that werther within that it was meruell for to wit so that men called him keper of wodis and of pastors and the lenger that he leued the more wekked he become bothe to god and to all holy chirche and to all his men ¶ And this kyng let make the gret hall of westmynster so vpon a day in the witsontyde he held ther in his frist fest and he lokid him a bout and said that the hall wos to litell bi the haluē dele ¶ And at the last he become so contrarius that all thing that plesed god displesid him and all thing that god loued he hatid deidly ¶ And so it befell that he dremyd vpon a nyght a litel or that he died that he wos let blod and bled a gret quātite of blode and a streme of blode lepit on eigh toward heuē more than an hundreth vethem and the clerenes of the day was turned vn to nyght and dirkenesse and the firmament also ¶ And when that he a woke he had gret drede so that he not wist what for to done ̄ told his dreme to men of his councell and said that he had gret dred and supposed that to hī was sum mischance to cum ¶ And the secund night before a mōke dremed of the housold that the kīg went in to an chirche with moch pepull ̄ he wos proud that he dispised all the pepull that wos with him and that he tok the ymage of the crucifix and shamfully bote it with hys tethe ¶ And the crucifix mekeli suffred all that he did but the kyng as a wode man rent of the armys of the crucifix and cast it vnder his fete and defouled it and threw it all a brode ̄ a gret flame of fire come out of the crucifix mouth of wich dreme mony men had gret meruell and wonder ¶ The good man that had dremmed this straunge dreme told it to a knyght that wos most priuey with the kyng of all men and the knyght wos called Hamūdes soon the monke and he told the dreme to the kyng and saied that it shuld betokyn other thing than good and neuerthelas thee kyng laughed ther at twyes or thries and litell set ther by and thought that he wold go and hunte play in the forest And mē counsellid him that he shuld not that day for no maner thīg come in the wod so that he a bood at home before mete But anone as he had heten no man might hī let bot he wold gon vn to the wod for to haue his disporte ¶ And so it befell that on of his knyghtis that heght walter Tirell wold haue shot to an hart his arew glensid vpon a branche and thurgh missauētur smote the kīg to the hert so he fell doune deid to the grund with out ony word spekyng and so endid his life days ¶ And it wos no ferli for the day that he died he had let to ferme the erchebisshopprich of Cantorburi and xij abbeis also euer more did gret distruccion to holy chirche thurgh wrongfull takyng ̄ axinges for no man durste withstond that he wold haue done and of his lethernesse he wold neuer withdraw nother to amend his life therfor god wold suffre hī no lenger to regne ī his wikkidnes ̄ he had bene kīg xiij yere ̄ vi wekis ̄ lieth at westmynster Anno domini M.lxxxviij PAscal̄ was pope after vrbā xviij yer v. monethis the wich the xiij yere of his bisshopprich with his cardinales wos put ī prisō bi Henri the fourth the emꝑour ̄ they might not be deliuerid till the pope had suorne that he shuld kepe pees with hī that he shuld neuer curs hī on that ꝓmis the pope yaf the emꝑour a p̄uylege ̄ on the yere after the pope dampned that p̄uelege ̄ said on this wise lett vs cōp̄hend all holy scriptur the old testamēt ̄ the new the lawis ̄ the ꝓphettis the gospell ̄ the canons of apostils ̄ all the decrees of the popis of rome that at they held I hold and that at thei dampnid I dampne and most specialy that preuylege graūtid to Henri the emꝑour the wich rether is grantid to venge his males then to multiple the paciēs in vertu for euer more I dampne that same preuilege ¶ Of kyng Henri beauclerke that wos willm Rous brother ̄ of the debate betwen him Robert Curthos his brother ANd when this willm Rous wos deid Henri beauclerke his brother wos made kyng for encheson that willm Rous had no child begoten of his bodi and this henri beauclerke was crouned kyng at london the iiij day after that his brother was decessid that is to say the v. day of august ¶ And anone as Ancel̄me that was Archebisshop of Cantorburi that was at the court of rome herd tell that willm Rous wos deid he come ayen in to englond the kyng beauclarke welcomed him with moch honour ¶ And the frist yere that kyng henri regned ̄ wos crouned he spoused Maude that wos Margaretis doughter the quene of Scotland and the erchebisshop Ancelme of cantorburi weddid them ¶ And this kyng begate vpon his wife ij sonnys and a doughter that is to say willm Richard ̄ Maude And this