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A13042 The abridgement of the English Chronicle, first collected by M. Iohn Stow, and after him augmented with very many memorable antiquities, and continued with matters forreine and domesticall, vnto the beginning of the yeare, 1618. by E.H. Gentleman. There is a briefe table at the end of the booke; Summarie of Englyshe chronicles. Abridgments Stow, John, 1525?-1605.; Howes, Edmund, fl. 1607-1631. 1618 (1618) STC 23332; ESTC S117863 314,292 619

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th● for the space of more then thirty miles good pro●fitable corne ground was turned into a chase 〈◊〉 wilde beastes Remingus Bishop of Dorcheste● remoued his sea to Lincolne where hee builded new Church There was a great water flood so that hils we●● made soft and consumed and with their fall ouer●whelmed many villages King William builded Battell Abbey in S●sex another at Selby in Yorkeshire the th●● at Caen in Normandy in which hee was buri●ed He gaue great priuiledges to Saint Marth●●le graund in London Pauls Church in London burnt In a prouince of Wales called Rose 〈◊〉 found the Sepulchre of Gawen vpon the Se●●shore who was sisters sonne of Arthur the great King of Britaine being in length fourtéene so King William being at Roan in Normand● went with a great Army into France spoyli● all things as he passed Last of all hée burned 〈◊〉 Citty of Meaur with our Lady Church a● two Anchorits that was inclosed there The Ki●● cheared his men to féede the fire and came hi● selfe so neare that with the heate of his harne● he got a disease Also the Kings horse leaping o●uer a ditch did burst the inner parts of the King with the paine whereof hee was sore afflict●● and returned to Roan where shortly after 〈◊〉 ended his life the ninth day of September 〈◊〉 the yeare of our Lord 1087. When hee had raig●ned twenty yeares eight moneths and sixtéene dayes Hee was buried at Caen in Normandy and had issue by Matild his wife daughter to Baldwin Earle of Flanders Robert Curthose vnto whom hee gaue Normandy Richard that died young William Rufus to whom he gaue England and Henry to whom hee gaue his wiues inheritance and treasure Daughters Cicely Abbesse of Caen Constance wife to Stephen Earle of Bloys Margaret promised to Harold King of England and Elienor betrothed to Alfonso King of Galicia WILLIAM Rufus WIlliam Rufus the third sonne of William Conquerour beganne his raigne the ninth day of September in the yeare of our Lord 1087. He was variable inconstant couetous and cruell he burdened his people with vnreasonable taxes and what he thus got he prodigally spent in great banquetting and sumptuous apparrell Otho Bishop of Bayon and Earle of Kent with his brother Robert Earle of Mortaine and Hereford and almost all the Nobles of England raised warre against King William would haue had Robert his eldest brother to be King but William by faire wordes pacifying some of the principall conspirators besieged the residue in the Ca●stell of Rochester And lastly ouercame them Lanfranke Archbishop of Canterbury decea●sed hee renewed the great Church of Canterbury hee repaired the walles of that Citty bui●●ded two Hospitals the one of Saint Iohn th● other at Harbaldowne He restored the Churc● of Rochester King William Making warre against his bro●ther Robert Duke of Normandy at length agré●●ment was made betwéene them that if one 〈◊〉 them died without issue the other should succe●● in the inheritance Malcolme King of Scots did homage to King William A great tempest fell on Saint Lukes day specially in Winchcombe where a great part of the Stéeple was ouerthrowne And in London the winde ouerturned 606. houses and the roofe● Bow Church in Cheape wherwith some persons were slaine King William builded the new Castle vpon Tine Osmond Bishop of Sarisbury founded the Cathedrall Church of Sarisbury In England fell a wonderfull aboundance 〈◊〉 raine and after insued so great frost that Horses and Carts passed commonly ouer great Riuers which when it thawed the Ice brake downe many great bridges Malcolme the King of Scots cōming into England was sodainely slaine with his sonne and heire by Robert Mowbrey Earle of Northumberland Iohn Bishop of Welles by nointing the Kings hands transposed the Bishops sea to Bath King William builded againe the cittie of Carlile which was destroyed by the Danes 200. yeares before he also builded a castle there and out of the South parts of England sent men to inhabite there This yeare was a great famine and so great a mortality that the quick were scant able to bury the dead The Welshmen spoiled the citty of Glocester with a part of Shrewesbury and won the Isle of Anglesey The Bishopricke of Thetford was translated to Norwich King William with a great power entred Wales not being able to follow the Welchmen amongst the hils hee builded two Castles in the borders and returned Great preparation was made by the Christians to goe against the infidels at Ierusalem Peter the Hermite being their first leader and after Godfrey of Bullen Robert Duke of Normandy tooke his iourney towards Ierusalem and laide Normandy to gage to his brother King William for 6666. pound of siluer All the land that sometime belonged to Earle Goodwin by breaking in of the sea was couered with sandes and there is yet called Goodwin sands King William in Normandy gaue himselfe to warres so that with exactions and tributes he did not onely shaue but flea the people of England The Christians tooke the Cittie of Ierusalem placing there a King and a Patriarch THe fiftéenth of Iuly 1098. after thirty sixe dayes siege the Cittie of Ierusalem was yéelded vnto Godfrey of Bollen Duke of Lorane chiefe leader of the Christian Army against the Sarazens to recouer the Holy land hee was accompanied with thrée Kings and diuers other Christian Princes namely Robert Duke of Normandy eldest sonne vnto William the Conquerour hee had an hundred thousand Souldiers all of them marked with the signe of the Crosse This renowned and victorious Prince before hee entred into Armes morgaged his Dukedome vnto the Bishop of Liege for great summes of money wherewith hee furnished himselfe in this expedition he was chosen King of Ierusalem but would not bee crowned with a Crowne of gold because our Sauiour Christ was crowned with a crowne of thornes This Christian Conquest was performed about fiue hundreth yeares after the Persians had got possession of Ierusalem and the Holy land Peter the Hermite who had seene and felt the Turkish outrages tooke great paines in going to all Christian Princes to contract them vnto this seruice Pope Vrban the second in the Councell of Cleremount was also very forward in this businesse King Godfrey dyed of a feuer hauing raigned one yeare and was buried neare vnto the holy Sepulchre after him succéeded his brother Baldwine and raigned eighteene yeares hee made great wars vpon the enemies of our faith After the death of King Godfrey Ierusalem continued fourescore and eight yeares vnder Christian obedience and then became subiect vnto Turkish tyranny After King William was come out of Normandy he kept his Court at Westminster in the new Hall and hearing men say it was too bigge he answered This Hall is not bigge enough by one halfe King William being a hunting word was brought him that his people were besieged in Maine
he forthwith tooke shipping though hee were vehemently pet●waded to the contrary for that there was at that time a great tempest to whom hee answered hee neuer heard that any King was drowned At this time hee got more honour then euer hee did in all his life for hee chased his enemies and returned with victory In the Summer blood sprang out of the earth at ●inchamsteed in Barkeshire King William on the morrowe after Lammas day-hunting in the new forrest Sir Walter Tirel shooting at a Deare vnawares hit the King in the breast that hee fell downe dead and neuer spake word his men and especially that Knight gat them away but some came backe againe laide his body vpon a Colyars cart which one silly l●●ne beast did draw to the Citty of Winchester where he was buried He raigned twelue yeares 11. monethes lacking eight dayes Hee gaue vnto the Monkes called de Caritate in Southwarke the great new Church of Saint Sauiour of Barmondes eye and also Barmondes eye it selfe He also founded a good Hospitall in the city of Yorke called Saint Leonards for the sustentation of the poore Henry Bewclarke HEnry brother to William Rufus and the first of that name for his learning called Bewclarke borne at Salby beganne his raigne the 5. of August the yeare of our Lord 1100. He restored the state of the Cleargy asswaged the grieuous paiments reduced againe S. Edwards lawes reformed the olde vntrue measures made a measure by the length of his arme which was called Vlna Iordan Brise Baron founded the house of St Iohn of Ierusalem neare vnto London in Smithfield The same Iordan gaue 14. acres of ground lying in the field next adioyning to Clarkenwell to build thereon a house for Nunnes Robert Duke of Normandy the Kings eldest brother which was now returned from Ierusalem made warre for the crowne of England but by meditation peace was made on condition that Henry should pay 3000. markes yearely to Duke Robert and if the one died without issue the longer liuer should inherit Winchester and Glocester was burnt The Cathedrall Church of Norwich was founded by Robert Bishop of Norwich The priory and Hospitall of Saint Bartholomew in Smithfield was founded by a Minstrell named Reior Robert Duke of Normandy comming into England through the subtilty of King Henry his yonger brother released to him the tribute of 3000. markes of siluer Great malice was kindled betwéene the two brethren Robert and Henry whereupon deadly warre in sued There appeared about the Sunne foure circles and a blazing starre Endo sewer to King Henry founded the Monastery of S. Iohn in Colchester Robert Duke of Normandy came to his brother and friendly desired him to beare brotherly loue towards him But King Henry feeling his conscience accusing him for obtaining the kingdome by defrauding of his eldest brother and fearing men more then God first he reconciled the Nobles of the Realme with faire promises and then pursued his brother into Normandy where betweene them were many sore battailes fought but at the last the valiant man Robert was taken The first Canons entred into the Church of our Lady in Southwarke called Saint Mary Ouery founded by William Pountlarge Knight and William Dancis Normans King Henry returning into England brought with him his brother Robert and William of Morion and put them in perpetuall prison from whence shortly after Duke Robert deceiuing his kéepers sought to escape but he was taken and by his brothers commandement hée had his eyes put out and then kept straighter till his dying day The Church of the holy Trinitie without Algate in London was founded by Mathild the Quéene A great part of Flaunders was drowned by breaking in of the sea which caused many Flemings to come into Englād at length by the kings appointment they tooke vpon them the possession of Rosse a prouince in Wales Henry Emperour of Rome required to haue Maude the Kings daughter in marriage which was graunted and the King tooke thrée shillings of euery hide of land through England This King translated the Abbey of Ely into a Bishopricke King Henry made Robert his bastard sonne the first Earle of Glocester who after builded the Castles of Bristow and Cardife with the Priory of S. Iames in Bristow King Henry went into Normandy to make warre against the Earle of Angion and spoyled the whole countrey This yeare was a great mortalitie of men and murren of beasts The citty of Worcester was burnt The tenth of October the riuer of Medway by no smal number of miles did so faile of water that in the middest of the channell the smallest vessels and boats could not passe The selfe same day the Thames did suffer the like lacke of water for betwéene the Tower of London and the bridge not onely with horse but also a great number of men and children did wade ouer on foote Chichester was burnt many stormes and a blazing starre In March was excéeding lightning and in December thunder and haile and the Moone at both times séemed to be turned into blood Maude the Quéene of England dyed and was buried at Westminster shee builded an Hospitall neare vnto London without Holborn which now is the parrish Church of Saint Giles in the field The order of the Templars Knights began Many sore battailes were fought in France and Normandy betwéene Henry King of England and Lodowicke the French King King Henry hauing tamed the Frenchmen and pacified Normandy returned into England in which voyage William Duke of Normandy and Richard his sonne and Mary his daughter Richard Earle of Chester and his wife with many noble men and to the number of 160. persons were drowned Lybussa daughter of Cracus the second King of Bohemia for a certaine space raigned as Queene ouer them and albeit shee ministred iustice indifferently yet there grewe a great disdaine male-contentment amongst all sortes of people that men should bee gouerned and directed by women and thereupon was spread a generall voyce that foorthwith they would haue a King And to appease the peoples discontent or as some thinke for her owne pleasure shee married a Peasant called Primislaus who gouerned the Bohemians and was the first that builded walles and rampiers about the Citty of Prague in the yeare 995. After the death of the said Lybussa there presently start vp one of her handmaids called Valasque a lusty Lady of wondrous Amazonian boldnesse who very cunningly caused an assembly of all the chiefe Ladies and others of note vnto whom shee made an eloquent Oration and amongst other things shee spake as followeth My most noble and worthy Ladies wee haue lost our Quéene and Mistresse whose high spirit could neuer admit that either wée or our Sexe should in any sort be subiect vnto men if therefore for the euer fréeing of our selues
Angiou and Duke of Normandy deceased and left his sonne Hen●● his heire About this time died Gratianus hee compos●● the great Decretals Henry Duke of Normandy married Elion●● whom Lewis King of France had diuorced from him and had by her a sonne named William Quéene Maude deceased and was buried● Feuersham The King commanded the Nobles to méete a● Winchester where the Duke being receiue● with great ioy the King in sight of all men adopted him his sonne and confirmed to him the principalitie of England The Duke receiued him in place of a father granting to him all the dayes of his life to enioy the name and seate of the King Duke Henry came with the King to Oxford where the Earles and Barons by the Kings commandement sware fealty to Duke Henry sauing the Kings honour so long as he liued King Stephen died the 25. of October when he had raigned eighteene yeares ten moneths and odde daies He founded the Abbeies of Cogshall in Essex of Furnes in Lancastershire and Feuersham in Kent where his body was buried Henry the second HEnry the sonne of Ieffery Plantagenet and Maude the Empresse began his raigne ouer this Realme of England the 17. day of December and was crowned the the same day in the yeare of our Lord 1154. he was somewhat red of face short of body and therewith fat well learned noble in chiualry wise in counsell stedfast of promise and a wedlocke breaker William of Ipres and all the Flemings that had flocked into England fearing the indignation of the new king departed the land and the castles that had béene builded to pill the rich and spoile the poore were by the Kings Commandement throwne downe Quéene Elianor did beare a sonne called Henry after his father King Henry went into Normandy where with long siege he tooke diuers Castles King Henry with an Army went against the Welshmen where he felled their woods fortified the Castle of Rutland and reedified the Castle 〈◊〉 Basingwirke Quéene Elianor brought foorth a sonne named Ieffery A new coine was made in England King Henry tooke escuage of the Englishmen the sum whereof grewe to 124. thousand pounds of siluer Henry the Kings sonne not seuen yeares olde married Margar●t the French Kings daughter not two yeares old Thomas the Kings Chancellour was elect● Archbishop of Canterbury There came into England thirty Germanes as well men as women who called themselu●● Publicanes they denied Matrimony Baptism and the Lords Supper Being apprehended th● King caused they should bee marked with an ho●● Iron in the forehead and whipped them an● that no man should succour them Thus being whipped and thrust out in the winter they di● for cold London bridge was new made of timber 〈◊〉 Peter a Priest of Colchurch Malcolme the Scottish King and Kefus Prince of Southwales did homage to King Henry and his sonne Henry A Councell was holden at Claringdon in presence of the King and the Archbishops Bishops Lords Barons c. wherein was by their oathes confirmed many ordinances Thomas Archbishop of Canterbury being sworne to the same shortly after sore repented and fled the Realme A great earthquake in Ely Norfolke and Suffolke so that it ouerthrew them that stood vpon their féete and caused the bels to ring Quéene Elianor brought foorth a sonne named Iohn The warre was receiued betwixt the King of England and the French King for the Citty of Tholouse Conan Earle of little Britaine died and left his heire a daughter named Constance which hee had by the King of Scots sister which Constance King Henry married to his sonne Geffery Robert de Boscue Earle of Leicester founded the Monasteries of Gerendon of Monkes of Leiceister of Canons regular and Eaton of Nunnes was founded by Amicia his wife King Henry caused his sonne Henry to be crowned as hee thought to the quietnesse of himselfe and his realme but it proued otherwise Thomas Becket Archbishop of Canterbury the eightéenth day of December was slaine by William Tracie Reignold Fitzs Vrse Hugh Moruil and Richard Briton Knights Nicholas Bree●espeare an Englishman who was chosen Pope by the name of Adrian the 4. He graunted the Regiment of Ireland to the King of England whereupon King Henry tooke ship at Pembroke and sailed thither King Henry the son with his wife the French Kings daughter were both together crowned at Winchester King Henry the elder was assoiled of the death of Thomas the Archbishop vpon his oath made that he was not priuy to it King Henry married the eldest daughter of He●bert Earle Morton vnto his sonne Iohn King Henry the elder returning into England in short time subdued his rebels The citie of Leicester by his commandement was burnt the wals and castle rased and the inhabitants dispersed into other cities The King of Scots was taken by King Henry led into Normandy where he compounded for his ransome Christs Church in Canterbury was burned King Henry the sonne with his brethren and others were reconciled to King Henry the Father The Kings of England both father and sonne went together to visite the tombe of Thomas late Archbishop of Canterbury The stone bridge ouer the Thames at London was began to be foūded A Cardinall and the Archbishop of Canterbury gaue 1000. Marks towards the same foundation There chanced some discord betwixt the Kings of England and France about the marriage of Richard Earle of Poitow with the French Kings daughter Richard Lucie the Kings Iusticiar layed the foundation of the conuentuall Church in a place which is called Lesnes in the Territorie of Rochester The Citie of Yorke was burned The Church of St. Andrew in Rochester was consumed with fire The Vsurers of England grieuously punished Geffery the Kings bastard sonne resigned the Bishopricke of Lincolne was made the Kings Chancellour Robert Harding a Burges of Bristow to whom king Henry gaue the Barony of Barkeley builded the Monasterie of Saint Augustines in Bristow They of Aquitane hated their Duke Richard for his crueltie and were minded to driue him out of his Earledome of Poitow and Dukedome of Aquitane and transpose those estates to his brother King Henry the younger but all men looking for victory to the young King hee fell miserably sicke and died and was buried at Roan King Henry sent many men of warre into Wales for the Welshmen emboldened by the Kings absence had slaine Many Englishmen The Abbey of Glastenbury burnt Heraclius Patriarch of Ierusalem came to king Henry desiring him of aide against the Turke but the King because of the cruelty of his sonnes was counselled not to leaue his dominion in hazard and to goe farre off This Patriarch dedicated the new Temple then builded in the west part of London This yeare 1186. The citty of Paris was paued whose stréetes vntill this
meanes of Elionar the old Quéene Earle Iohn was reconciled to his brother William fitz Isable Shriue William fitz Arnold Shriue Henry fitz Alwine Maior K. Richard sent messengers to the Pope complaining vpon the Duke of Austrich for misusing of him his as they came by distresse of weather through his country whereupon the Pope excommunicated the Duke inioined him to release the couenants that be constrained the King to make Robert Beasaunt Shriue Iokt Ieiouse Shriue Henry Fitz Alwin Fitz Leostane Maior William with the beard mooued the common people to séeke their libertie not to be subiect to the rich and mightie by which meanes he drew to him many great companies The King being warned of this tumult commanded him to cease from those attempts but the people still followed him He was taken in Bow Church in Cheape but not without shedding of blood for he was forced by fire and smoake to forsake the Church Hée with nine of his adherents had sentence of death and were hanged This counterfeit friend to the poore slew one man with his own hands polluted Bow Church with his Concubine and amongst other his detestable facts one was hee falsely accused his elder brother of treason which elder brother had in his youth brought him vp in learning and done many things for his preferment Gerard de Antiloch Shriue Robert Durant Shriue Henry Fitz Alwin Maior King Richard and the Earle of Flaunders confederated together Roger Blunt Shriue Nicholas Duket Shriue Henry Fitz Alwin Maior King Richard ●ooke of euery hide of land through England 5. s. The French King was intercepted by the army of King Richard so that with much a doe he escaped into Cipres Constantine Fitz Arnold Shriue Robert de Beaw Shriue Henry Fitz Alwin Maior King Richard turned his armes against the Barons of Poictow that rebelled against him he set their Cities Townes on fire spoiled their country slew many of his aduersaries cruelly at the last came to the Dukedome of Aquitane and besieged the Castle of Chalne where one Bertraine de Gordon smote him with a venowmed dart which stripe the king litle regarded but inuading the Castle wan it and put the souldiers in prison of this wound aforesaide hee died the 6. day of Aprill in the yeare of our Lord 1199. when he had raigned 9. yeares 7. moneths and was buried at Founteuerard his heart was buried at Roan and his bowels at the aforesaid Chalne King Iohn IOhn brother to Richard began his raigne the 26. day of May in the yeare of our Lord 1199. Of person he was indifferent but of melancholy complexion Phillip king of France in a quarrell of Arthur the sonne of Ieffery Iohns eldest brother Duke of Britaine made warre vpon King Iohn in Normandy and tooke from him diuers Castles and Townes K. Iohn granted the Shrifewick of London and Middlesex to the Citizens thereof for 300. pound yearely to be paide as of ancient time Arnold Fitz Arnold Shriue Richard Fitz Barthelmew Shriue Henry Fitz Alwin Maior King Iohn required of euery Plow land 3. s. The king being diuorced from his wife Isabel the Earle of Glocesters daughter he passed ouer the sea paied forty thousand markes to the French King and returned into England with Isabel his wife daughter to the Earle of Angolesme Roger Dormer Shriue Iames Bartilmew Shriue Henry Fitz Alwin Maior K. Iohn wēt to Lincolne where he met with William king of Scots Rotlond Lord of Gallowy and many other noble men which did to him homage Walter Fitz Alis Shriue Simon de Aldermanbury Shriue Henry Fitz Alwin Maior Arthur Earle of Britaine being made Knight by the French King whose yonger daughter he had fianced besieged the Castle of Mirable in which Quéene Elianor was inclosed but King Iohn came with a power and deliuered his mother from danger he tooke there his Nephew Arthur William de Brawsa Hugh Brune and many others Haile as bigge as hens egges c. Normand Brundel Shriue Iohn de Ely Shriue Henry Fitz Alwin Maior Arthur Earle of Britaine from Falaise was brought to Roan and put in the Tower vnder the custody of Robert de Veypont where shortly after he was dispatched of his life The King of France tooke Lisie Dandely with the castle and vale de Ruell in which were Robert Fitz Water Sayer de Quincie and many others hée tooke the strong Castle vpon Seyne builded by King Richard Water Browne Shriue William Chamberlaine Shriue Henry Fitz Alwin Maior Normandy Angiou Britaine Maine Poitow and Touraine were within a short time deliuered to King Phillip King Iohn married Iane his bastard daughter to Lewelin Prince of Wales and gaue with her the castle and Lordship of Elinsmore in the Marches of South Wales Thomas Hauarell Shriue Hamond Brond Shriue Henry Fitz Alwin Maior The 14. of Ianuary began a frost which continued till the 22. day of March so that the ground could not be tilled whereof it came to passe that in Summer following a quarter of wheat was sold for a Marke which in the dayes of Henry the second was sold for twelue pence Iohn Walgraue Shriue Richard Winchester Shriue Henry Fitz Alwin Maior Great thunders and lightnings were séene so that many men and women were destroied be●sides cattell and houses ouerthrowne and burne● corne in the fieldes was beaten downe with hai●● stones as bigge as goose egges Iohn Holland Shriue Edmond Fitz Garrard Shriue Henry Fitz Alwin Maior King Iohn tooke the 13. part of all mouable goods both of Lay Religious throughout England The Monkes of Canterbury elected Stephen Langton to be their Archbishop The Pope sent letters to King Iohn humbly exhorting him to receiue the saide Stephen being thereunto canonically elected the rather because he was an Englishman borne and a Doctor of Diuinitie c. but king Iohn being greatly offended with the prom●ting of the said Stephen sent men in armour to expell the Monkes of Canterbury and condemned them of treason At this time began the kingdome of Tartars in Tartaria Quéene Isabel was deliuered of her first sonne named Henry Roger Winchester Shriue Edmond Hardwell Shriue Henry Fitz Alwin Maior W. B. of London and E B. of Ely and M. B. of Winchester by the Popes commaundement executed the interdiction vpon the whole realme and they ceased through all England to ministring of Ecclesiasticall Sacraments sauing of them that were in perill of death and Baptisme to children The King set all the Bishoprickes and Abbies in the Realme into the custodie of Lay-men and commanded all Ecclesiastical reuenewes to be confiscated This yeare was granted to the citizens of London by the kings letters patents that they should yearely choose to them a Maior Peter Duke Shriue Thomas Neale Shriue Hen Fitz Alwin Maior The Exchequer was remoued to Northampton by the Kings commandement hee also gathered a
haue crucified him at Easter for which fact they were conuicted Walter Brune a Citizen of London and Rosia his wife founded the Hospitall of our Lady without Bishops-gate of London Gerard Bate Shriue Robert Hardell Shriue Andrew Bakerell Pepperer Maior K. Henry tooke to wife Elianor daughter to Raymond Earle of Prouince The Thames ouerflowed the banks so that in the great Palace of Westminster men did rowe with wherries in the midst of the Hall A Parliament at Marton wherein was made the statutes of Marton Henry Cocham Shriue Iordan of Couentry Shriue Andrew Bokerell Pepperer Maior Octobon a Cardinall came into England as a Legate from the Pope This yeare passed stormy and troublesome weather and very vnhealthfull Iohn Toloson Shriues Geruas the Cordwaiuer Shriue Andrew Bokerell Pepperer Maior Octobon being lodged in the Abbey of Osney the scollers of Oxford slew his master Cooke the Legate for feare got him into the stéeple of the church where he held him till the kings Officers cōming from Abingdon conueied him to Wallingford where hee accursed the misdoers Otho de Kilkeuney a standard bearer to the schollers was taken with 12. other cast into prison long after went from S. Pauls Church in London to the Legates house bare footed bare headed where they asked him forgiuenes A Scholer of Oxford enterprised to haue slaine the King in his chamber at Woodstocke was taken and pulled in péeces with horses Iohn Coders Shriue Iohn de Wilchale Shriue Richard Renger Maior The K. gaue the Earledome of Lecester to Simon Mountford The Tower of London was fortified which the citizens feared lest it were done to their detriment Roger Bongry shriue Ralph Ashy shriue William Ioyner Maior The stone gate bulwarke which the king caused to be builded by the tower of London was shaken with an earthquake fel down but the king commaunded the same to bee builded againe Many strange fishes came a shore wherof 40. were Seabuls and one of a huge bignes passed through the bridge of London vnhurt til he came as farre as kings house at Mortlacke where he was killed Aldermen of London which had the rule of the wards of the Citty were euery yeare changed Iohn Gisers Shriue Michael Tony. Shriue Gerard Bat Maior The Iewes were constrained to pay 2000. markes at two tearmes in the yeare or else to be kept in perpetuall prison The walles and bulwarkes that were newly builded about the tower of London were againe throwne downe as it were with an earthquake Iohn Viel Shriue Thomas Duresme Shriue Reginald Bongey Maior K. Henry with a great army sailed into Normandy purposing to recouer Poiters Guien and other countries but after many bickerings to the losse of Englishmen he treated peace Iohn Fitz Iohn Shriue Ralph Asswaie Shriue Reginald Bongey Maior The Thames ouerflowed the bankes about Lambeth drowned houses and fields the spa● of 6. miles and in the great hall at Westminster men tooke their horses backes Hugh Blunt Shriue Adam Basing Shriue Ralph Ashwie Pepperer Maior Griffin the eldest son of Leoline prince of Northwales which was kept prisoner in the Tower of London made of y e hangings shéets towels c. a long line put himselfe downe from the top of the tower but being a very big man the rope brake and he fell on his necke Robert Grosted Bishop of Lincolne with other Prelates complained to the king of the waste made of the Church goods by alian Bishops and Clearkes Ralph Foster Shriue Nicholas Bat Shriue Michiael Tony. Maior The King enlarged the Church of S. Peters in Westminster pulling downe the old walles and stéeple and caused them to be made more comely Robert of Cornehill Shriue Adam of Bentley Shriue Iohn Gisers Pepperer Maior The Church of S. Mildred in Canterbury and a great part of the Citie was burnt Simon Fitz Marie shriue Laurence Froike shriue Iohn Gisers Pepperer Maior King Henry let to f●rme the Quéene-hiue in London to Iohn Gisors then Maior and his successors and cōminalty of London for euer for the summe of 50. pounds the yeare A great plague was in England Iohn Viell shriues Nicholas Bat shriue Peter Fitz Alwin Maior By reason of the embasing of the coine a great penury followed The towne of Newcastle vpon Tine was burned bridge and all By a strange earthquake the toppes of houses were throwne downe wals did cleaue the heade of chimneyes and towers were shaken Nicholas Fitz Iosey shriue Geffery Winchester shriue Michael Toney Maior The King made a Mart at Westminster to la●● 15. daies which the citizens were faine to redéeme with 1000. pounds Richard Hardell Shriue Iohn Tolason Shriue Roger Fitz Roger Maior In October the sea flowing twise without ebbe made so horrible a noise that it was heard a great way into England beside this in a darke night the sea séemed to be on a light fire and the wa●s to fight one with another so that the Marriners were not able to saue their ships And at Winche●●sea besides cottages for salt fishermens houses bridges mils aboue 300. houses in that towne with certaine Churches through the violent rising of the sea were drowned Humfrey Beas shriue William Fitz Richard shriue Iohn Norman Maior K. Henry granted that where before the citizens of London did presēt their Maior before the king wheresoeuer he were and so to be admitted now should come only before y e Barons of y e Exchequer Lawrence Froicke shriue Nicholas Bat shriue Adam Basing Maior A great drought from Easter to Michaelmas The shepheards of France England took their iourney towards the holy land to the number of 30000. but their number vanished in short time William Durham shriue Thomas Wimborn shriue Iohn Toloson Draper Maior The liberties of London were seized by y e means of Richard Earle of Cornwall who charged the Maior that hee looked not to the Bakers for their ●ses of bread so that the citty was forced to please the Earle with 600. Markes and were restored Iohn Northampton shriue Richard Pickard shriue Richard Hardell Draper Maior Edward the kings son wedded Elianor the kings daughter of Spaine his father gaue him y e Earledome of Chester the gouernance of Gwien and Ireland Ralph Ashy shriue Robert of Limon shriue Richard Hardell Druper Maior 142. Iewes were brought to Westminster which were accused of crucifying a child at Lincolne 18. of them were hanged the rest remained long prisoners Stephen Do shriue Henry Walmond shriue Richard Hardell Draper Maior The Maior and diuers Aldermen of London and the Sherifes were depriued of their offices the gouernance of the Cittie committed to other Michael Bokerell Shriue Iohn the Minor Shriue Richard Hardel Draper Maior Hugh Bigot chiefe Iustice of England Rog● Turkleby kept their Courts in the Guild hall
Blacksmith and Flamocke were hanged headed and quartered at Tiborne The King sent an Army into Scotland vnder the Earle of Surrey and the Lord Neuell which made sharpe warre vpon the Scots In Bedfordshire at the Towne of S. Néedes fell hailstones 18. inches about Perkin Warbecke landed in Cornwall went to Bodman where being accompanied with thrée or foure thousand men hee proclaimed himselfe King Richard the fourth second sonne to Edward the fourth From thence he went to Exceter and besieged it which Cittie was valiantly defended by the inhabitants but many of the rebels being slaine they withdrew them to Taunton from thence Perkin fled to Bewdley where he tooke sanctuary and was after taken and pardoned his life Bartholmew Rede shriue Thomas Windought shriue William Purchas Mercer Maior Perkin Warbecke was conueied vpon horsebacke through Cheap and Cornehill vnto the Tower of London and from thence backe againe through Candlewick stréete to Westminster with much wondring All the Gardens in Moore field which had continued time out of minde were destroyed and of them was made a plaine field for archers to shoote in Thomas Bradbury Shriue Stephen Ienings Shriue Sir Iohn Perciuaile Tailor Maior A Shoomakers sonne was hanged at S. Thomas Watrings for naming himselfe to be Edward Earle of Warwick sonne to George Duke of Clarence which Edward Earle of Warwicke was then kept secret prisoner in the Tower of London Gascoine Wine was sold at London for 40. s. the tune A Quarter of wheate 4. s. and bay salt 4. d. the bushell Iames wilford Shriue Richard Brond Shriue Nicholas Alwine Mercer Maior Perkin Warbeck and Iohn a Water were executed at Tiborne Edward Plantagenet Earle of Warwicke sonne to George Duke of Clarence was beheaded at Tower hill Shortly after Blewet Astwood were hanged at Tiborne Iohn Hawes shriue William Stede shriue William Remington Fishmonger Maior The King builded new his Manour at Shéene and named it Richmond Hee also new builded Bainards Castle in London and repaired Gréenwich Laurence Ailmer Shriue Henry Hede Shriue Iohn Shaw Goldsmith Maior The Maior caused his brethren the Aldermen to ride from the Guild-hall vnto the water side when hee went to Westminster to bee presented in the Exchequer He kept his feast in Guild-hall whereas before the Maiors feast had béene kept in the Maiors house or in the Grocers or Tailors hall He afterwards caused the Archhouse and other houses of Office to be builded at the Guild-hall where since the feasts haue ben vsually kept This Maior euery afternoone held a Court and called before him matters redressed them without expence of money hee was a man of sharpe wit bold spirit by reason of the fauour he stood in with the King Quéene and other estates insomuch that hee was sworne one of the Kings Counsell The 14. of Nouember Prince Arthur was married in S. Pauls Church at London to Katherine daughter to Ferdinando King of Spaine which Arthur the 2. of Aprill deceased at Ludlow and was buried at Worcester The 25. of Ianuary at Pauls crosse was published the assurance of Iames King of Scots and of the Lady Margaret eldest daughter to King Henry of England in reioycing whereof Te Deum was sung bonefires made through the Citty and at 12. of the bonefires were set 12. hogshead● of Gascoine to be drunke of all men freely The dike called Turnmill brooke and all the course of Fléete dike and other were so scou●● down to the Thaines that boats and fish fewe● were rowed vp to Holborne bridge as they had of olde time béene accustomed Henry Kebel Shriue Nicholas Ninns Shriue Bartholmew Rede Goldsmith Maior The Chappell of our Lady at Westminsterd a Tauerne neare adioyning were put downe in which place a most beautifull Chappell is builded by King Henry the seuenth Elizabeth Quéene of England died in childbed and was buried at Westminster King Henry the seuenth being himselfe a bro●ther of the Tailors and linnen Armorers in London as diuers of his predecessors Kings before him had béene to wit Richard the third Ed●●●● the fourth Henry the sixth Henry the fifth H● the fourth and Richard the second Also Du● 11. Earles 28. and Lords ●5 Hee now ga● them by this great Charter the Title of M●●●chant Tailors as a name of worship to end● for euer The 8. of August Iames the 4. King of Sco● married Margaret the eldest daughter to He● the 7. at Edenbrough Christopher Hawes Shriue Robert Wats T. Granger Shriue Sir Willlam Capell Draper Maior The 21. of Nouember at night a perillous fire began vpon London bridge neare Saint Magnus Church where 6. tenements were burnt The 7. of Februry certaine houses more consumed with ●●e against S. Buttelphes Church in Thames stréet The 29. of Ianuary began a Parliament at Westminster Edmond Dudley was speaker for the Commons wherein was granted to the King of lands 6. d. in the pound and of goods valued ten marks 6. d. and so vpwards which in all rose to the quantitie of a Fiftéene A new coine is ordained that is to say great ●nd halfe great which bare but halfe faces some greater of the value 12. d. were coined Robert Acheley shriue William Browne shriue Iohn Winger Grocer Maior The prisoners of the Marshalsey in Southwark ●●ake out and many of them being shortly after taken were put to execution especially those that ●●d laine for felony Richard Shore Shriue Roger Groue Shriue Thomas Knesworth Fishmonger Maior This Thomas Knesworth builded the Conduit at Bishopsgate he gaue to the Fishmongers certaine tenements for the which they bee bound to finde foure schollers at Oxford at Cambridge euery of them 4. pound the yeare Also to giue to twentie aged poore people of their Company to euery of them a winter garment for euer Also to giue the prisoners of Ludgate and Newgate euery yeare 40. s. Philip King of Castile and his wife were w●●ther driuen into England as they were passing toward Spaine who were honourably receiued 〈◊〉 the Earle of Arundell William Copinger shriue Thomas Iohnson shriue These Shriues being presented before the ●●rons of the Exchequer one William Copinger was admitted and sworne but Thomas Iohn● was put backe till they knew further of the Ki●● pleasure On the 10. of October a commaun●●ment was brought from the King to the 〈◊〉 Maior that he should cause an election to be 〈◊〉 for a new Shriue at which day came into 〈◊〉 Guild hall M. Edmond Dudley the Kings P●●dent and there shewed the Kings letters that 〈◊〉 Commons should name for the Kings pleas● William Fitz William Marchant Taylor and ●●derman for the yeare ensuing which with 〈◊〉 difficultie was granted This William fitz Wil● for the Kings gracious fauour to bee Shriue 〈◊〉 yeare gaue to the King 100. pound in ready ●●ney and hee was afterward of counsell to H● the eight Sir Richard
in God D. Whitgift Archbishop of Canterbury he was a holy mercifull man The 5 of March was Proclamation made for the authorizing the Booke of Common prayer The thirtéenth of March the Lord Henry Howard was created Baron of Marnehill and Earle of North-hampton and Thomas Lord Buckhurst was created Earle of Dorset This yeare sir William Rumney sir Thomas Middleton shriues of Londō through their great paine and diligence cleansed the City of Rogues and lewd people which at that time swarmed excéedingly The 15 of March the King Quéene and Prince with the Lords spirituall and temporall the Gentry and all Officers aswell of honor and armes as otherwise passed most triumphantly from the Tower through the high stréetes of his Highnesse Royall Chamber of London to Westminster and all the way hee went euen from his first entrance into the City vntill he came to Temple barre his Maiesty was receiued and attended by the Lord Maior in a Robe of crimson Veluet bearing a golden Scepter in his hand and the graue Citizens of euery Company in their Liueries standing in their stalles with great state hauing their banners and bannerets displayed on the one side of the streetes and the other side very strongly rayled to giue frée passage and kéepe backe the violent pressing of the multitudes of people which at that time excéeded as well in houses as otherwise and at this time the former gates of Pageants being seuen in number were all most sumptuously beautified and adorned with solemne orations melodious harmony and diuers ingenious deuices the first Pageant stood in Fan-church street the second in Gracious street the third in Corn-hill the fourth at the East end of Cheape side and at the East side of the high Crosse in Cheape was erected a low Gallery wherein stood the Aldermen the Chamberlaine the Towne Clerke with the Counsell of the City where Sir Henry Mountegue Recorder of London after his Oration in the behalfe of the Lord Maior and the whole body of the City presented thrée Cups of gold one for the King the second for the Quéene and the third for the Prince The fift Pageant stood at the West end of Cheape the sixt in Fléet-stréete and the seuenth at Temple Barre at this time all the chiefe Conduites ran Claret wine there was an other Pageant erected in the Strand at the charges of the inhabitants there-abouts The 19 of March beganne the Parliament at Westminster and continued vntill the 7 of Iuly and was there proroged vntill the 7 of February next after Sir Edward Denny was made Baron of Waltham by writ and sate in his Robes in the Parliament house the day wherein the Parliament was adiourned Sir Thomas Smith late Alderman of London is sent Ambassador vnto Borris Pheodorwich Emperor of Russia This yéere his Maiesty by his Letters Pattents incorporated the Felt-makers of London by the name of Master Wardens and Communalty of the Art or Mysterie of Felt-makers of London graunting vnto them thereby diuers priuiledges and liberties for the good gouernment of the same corporation this was the first Company that the King incorporated and was obtained by the humble and earnest suite of Richard Banister Iohn Sands Hugh Philips Robert Browne others Felt-makers of London The 5 of August arriued Don Iohn de Velasco Constable of Castile being sent from Philip the third King of Spaine to take the oath of the King of England for ratification of the Articles of Peace then agreed vpon by certaine English Lords authorized by the King and by former Commissioners sent the last yeere from Spaine and the Arch-duke which said Don Iohn with all the Commissioners vpon Sunday the 19 of August were most royally entertained and feasted at Whitehall and the same forenoone the King in his owne Chappell was sworne vnto the foresaid Articles and in the afternoon the Peace was proclaimed with Spain and the Arch-duke at the Court and in London And this moneth the Arch-duke wonne the strong Town of Ostend in Flanders after it had béene besieged with all extremity 3 yéeres and 3 moneths The 20 of August the Lord Robert Cecill Baron of Essenden was created Viscount Cranborne In October the Customes of Merchandise were raised both inward and outward and were then let to farme The 24 of October with great state by a King at Armes and Heralds and two Sergeants at Armes assisted by the L. Maior and Aldermen K. Iames was proclaimed in London King of Great Brittaine France and Ireland Defendor of the faith c. Sir Thomas Hayes Knight Sir Roger Iones Knight Sir Thomas Low Knight Haberdasher The 10 of December the most reuerend Father in GOD Richard Bancroft Doctor of Diuinity late Lord Bishop of London was translated to the Archbishoprick of Canterbury The 24 of December Richard Vaughan Doctor of Diuinity late L. Bishop of Westchester was by his Deputy installed Bishop of London in Pauls Church The 4 of Ianuary at Whitehall sir Philip Harbert brother to the Earle of Pembrooke maried the Lady Susan Vere yongest daughter to the Earle of Oxford the King himselfe gaue her in mariage The 6 of Ianuary in the afternoone Charles D. of Albany second son to K. Iames Robert L. Willoughby the L. Chandois William L. Compton the Lord Norris William Cecill son and heire to the L. Viscount Cranborne Allaine Percy brother to the Earle of Northumberland Thomas Somerset second sonne to the Earle of Worcester Francis Manners brother to Roger Earle of Rutland Ftancis Clifford brother to the Earle of Cumberland Thomas Howard second sonne to the Earle of Suffolke and Iohn Harington Sonne and Heyre to the Lord Harington All these were made Knights of the Bath and two dayes after that they performed all appropriate Rites and Ceremonies And the same time the fore-named Duke Charles was also created Duke of Yorke being not full foure yéeres of age the Earles of Oxford and Essex were his esquires The twenty sixt of February was a Lyon whelped in the Tower which whelpe was taken from the Damme and brought vp by hand as the King had commaunded by reason that the same Lyonesse in August last had whelped a Lyon and spoyled it by carrying it in her mouth vp and downe the denne to hide it this yong Lyon liued but sixtéene dayes after this the King caused a conuenient place to bee made néere to the Lyons Denne for the Lyonesse to bréede in and the same Lyonesse afterward brought foorth two Lyons at one litter and they liued and became as lusty as any other in the Tower these foure were the first that ouer were whelped in the Tower The 22 of February 1604 Proclamation was made against all Iesuites and Seminaries and that they should forthwith depart out of the kingdome The 5 of March Proclamation was made for confirmation of the Ecclesiasticall gouernment
and the Lady Arbella were the other gossips About the beginning of September there fled out of Ireland into the parts beyond the Seas Hugh Earle of Tirone Terconnel Hugh Baron of Don Gannon Caffer Oge Odonnel brother to the Earle of Terconnel Orto Oge Oneale Nephew to the Earle of Tyrone the Countesse of Tyrone and two of the younger sonnes of Tyrone and the sonne and heire of the Earle of Terconnel being an infant of one yeare of age or thereabout with diuers other their seruants and followers they imbarked at Lughswillie The seuenth of September was borne Duke Charles second sonne to the King of Spaine Wednesday the 16 of September died the Lady Mary daughter to our Soueraigne Lord the King and was solemnly interred at Westminster the twenty thrée of the same in a vaut of the same Chappell and in the same manner as was her sister the Lady Sophia Sir Ieruais Clyfton of Layton Bromeswold Knight was made Baron by writ by the title of Baron of Layton Bromeswold and sate in his roabes with the Lords in the Parliament house the 16 of Nouember being the day of the adiornment of the Parliament And the twentith day of Iuly following the Lord Esme Stewart Lord of Awbigny in France gentleman of his Maiesties Bedchamber in England and sole brother vnto Lodouicus Duke of Lenox maried Katherin in the onely daughter and heire of the said Lord Clyfton The first day of March in the second yeare of his Maiesties raigne proclamation was made straitly prohibiting all increase of buildings within the city of London and one mile thereof and expresly commanding all persons to build all the fore front and windowes of al their new buildings either of bricke or stone but it tooke small effect whereupon the 12 of October this present yere 1607 Proclamation was made again to the same effect commanding them to build all their vtter wals windowes either 〈◊〉 brick or stone And y e 16 of October there were 2 censured in the the star Chamber for building contrarie to the tenour of his Maiesties firs● Proclamation This yeare the King new builded the statelie Banquetting-house with increase of many faire lodgings at Whitehall Doctor Ailmer late L. Bishop of London and the right honourable Elizabeth Countesse Donger of Shrewsbury haue giuen certaine sums of money for the better maintenance of sermon hereafter at Pauls Crosse and Thomas Russell Draper hath likewise giuen ten pound a yeare for euer to be giuen vnto such vnbeneficed Preachers as shall preach at Pauls Crosse whereupon the Lord Maior and Court of Aldermen for the due imployment of the foresaid summes and encrease of the same haue further prouided for the said Preachers so as euery o● them being vnbeneficed shall not onely receiue a grauitie in money but also euery one that shall preach there shall at his pleasure be fréely entertained for fiue daies space with swéet conuenient lodgings fire candle and all other necessarie viz. from thursday before their appointed day of preaching vntill tuesday morning following Geffrey Elwes Nicholas Style Sir Henry Row Mercer Maior The 16 of Nouember proclamation was made concerning the Earle of Tyrone Terconnell and others of Ireland signifying their purpose and practise to extirpe the English nation out of Ireland and to conferre and yéeld the kingdome of Ireland vnto the Pope and Tyrones soliciting forraigne Princes to attempt the conquest thereof The 20 of December proclamation was made to apprehend the Lord Maxwell who wounded the Porter and so brake prison out of Edenbrough Castle This Lord Maxwell aided Iames Macdonell to escape likewise The 24 of December sir Thomas Parry Knight Chancellor of the Dutchie was sworne a Priuie Counsellor of Estate The 8 of December began a hard frost continued vntill the 15 of the same and then thawed and the 22 of December it began againe to fréeze violently so as diuers persons went halfe way ouer the Thames vpon the Ice and the 30 of December at euery ebbe many people went quite ouer the Thames in diuers places and so continued from that day vntill the third of Ianuary the people past daily betwéene London and y e Banke-side at euery halfe ebbe for the floud remooued the Ice and forced the people daily to tread new paths except onely betwéene Lambeth and the ferry at Westminster the which by incessant treading became very firme and frée passage vntill the great thaw and from Sunday the tenth of Ianuary vntill the fiftéenth of the same the frost grew extream so as the Ice became firme and remoued not then all sorts of men women and children went boldly vpon the Ice in most parts some shot at prickes others bowled and danced with other variable pastimes by reason of which concourse of people there were many that set vp boothes and standings vpon the Ice as Fruit sellers Victuallers that sold béere and wine Shoomakers a Barbers tent c. Euery of them had fire néere their beings The 15 of Ianuary it began somewhat to thaw and so continued 4 daies together yet neuerthelesse the great Ice vpon the Thames held firme and passable and became somewhat smooth like as in the last great frost in the yeare 1564. which till then were very craggy and vncertaine The 19 of Ianuary the frost began againe but not violently vntill Sunday the 24 of Ianuary and then held on vntill the 30 of the same The 1 of February the Ice began to breake by little and little and the next day in the afternoone all the Ice was quite dissolued and cleane gone so as no signe remained thereof many bridges were spoiled by this frost and much fowle perished especially smal birds which in many places were found frozen to death this frost was more grieuous in Ireland and France then in England The 9 of February sir Iohn Ramsey knight Baron of Barnes Viscount Hadington maried Elizabeth the eldest daughter of Robert Earle of Sussex the King gaue her in mariage and at dinner the King dranke to the bride and bridegrome in a faire cup of gold which he gaue him And with it a patent of 600 pound yearely pension out of the Exchequer to the longest liuer of them both this the King did to reward his faithfull seruice against the dangerous treason of Earle Gowry in Scotland The 10 of March was laid the first stone for the new building of Algate but it was not fully finished vntill the end of the next yeare after this old gate was taken downe and new builded at the charges of the Citizens The eleuenth of Aprill George Ieruas a Seminarie was drawne to Tiburne and there executed The eleuenth of Aprill being Monday th● quarter Sessions was held at Saint Edmondsbury and by negligence an out malt-house was set on fire from whence in most strange and sudden manner through fierce windes the fire
Lady Elizabeth daughter to our Soueraign the Lady Arabella the Countesse of Arondel the Countes of Darby the Countes of Essex the Countes of Dorset the Countes of Mountgomery the Viscounts of Haddington the Lady Elizabeth Gray the Lady Elizabeth Guilford the Lady Katherine Peter the Lady Winter and the Lady Winsor and vpon Wednesday in the afternoon in the Tilt-yard there were diuers Earles Barons and others being in rich and glorious armour and hauing most costly caparisons wondrous curiously imbrodered with pearle gold and siluer the like rich abiliments for horses were neuer séene before presented their seuerall ingenious Trophies before the King Quéene and Prince and then ran at Tilt where there was a world of people assembled to behold their trophies and that night there were other triumphes vpon the water with ships of warre and Gallies fighting one against an other and against a great Castle builded vpon the water and after these battailes then for an houres space there were many strange and variable fire workes in the castle and in all the ships and gallies The Knights of the Bath The Earle of Oxford The Lord Gourdon The Lord Clifford The Lord Fitzwalter The Lord Fitzwarren The Lord Hay The Lord Erskine The Lord Winsor The Lord Wentworth Sir Charles Somerset Sir Edward Somerset Sir Francis Stewart Sir Ferdinando Dudley Sir Henry Cary. Sir Oliuer Saint Iohn Sir Gilbert Gerrard Sir Charles Stanhope Sir Edward Bruce Sir William Stewart Sir Robert Sydney Sir Ferdinando Tuchet Sir Peregrine Bartye Sir Henry Rich. Sir Edward Sheffield Sir William Cauendish The 4 of Iune Proclamation was made commanding all Roman Priests Iesuits and Seminaries to depart this Kingdome by the 4 day of Iuly next and not to returne vpon paine of the seuerity of the law also by this proclamation the King straightly commaunds all Recusants to returne home to their dwellings and not to remaine in London nor to come within ten miles of the Court without especiall licence but to depart from London and the Court by the last day of this moneth and to remaine confined according to the tenor of the statute in that behalfe prouided Presently after that the oth of allegiance was ministred vnto all officers atturneyes Clerks belonging to any of the Courts of Westminster hall and the Exchequer and vnto all Aduocats and Proctors of the spirituall Courts This oth was also ministred vnto all Lawyers and Students in the Innes of Court and Chancerie and vnto all Studients and Schollers in both the Vniuersities The 25 of Iuly 1610. the Lord Henry Clifford sonne to Frances Earle of Cumberland maried the Lady Francis Cecill daughter to Robert Earle of Salisbury Lord high Treasurer of England This yeare the King builded a most stately ship for war the Kéele whereof was an hundred and 14 foot long and the crosse beame was forty and foure foot long she will beare 64 péeces of great Ordnance and is of the burthen of 1400 tunne This royall ship is double built and is most sumptuously adorned both within and without with all manner of curious caruing painting and rich gilding being in all respects the greatest and goodliest shippe that euer was builded in England and this glorious ship the King gaue vnto his sonne Henry Prince of Wales and the 24 of September the King the Quéene the Prince of Wales the Duke of Yorke and the Lady Elizabeth with many great Lords went to Wollwich to sée it lanched but because of the narrownesse of the Docke it could not then be launched whereupon the Prince came the next morning by thrée a clocke and then at the launching thereof the Prince named it after his owne dignity and called it the Prince Master Phynyes Pet. was Warden and chiefe worke master in building this ship The King sent the Lord Wotton Ambassador into France to take the oath of the young King and of the Quéene Regent his mother for performance of a league newly made betwéene the two Kingdomes he arriued at Callis the 28 of August and came to Paris the 7 of September and the King was sworne the 12 of the same moneth And the Ambassador returned into England the 7 of October And the French King viz. Lewis the 13. was crowned the sixth of October at Reynes in Champaigne Sunday the 21 of October by Commission from the King to the Lord Bishop of London the Lord Bishop of Elye the Lord Bishop of Worcester and to the Lord Bishop of Rochester they did consecrate in the Chappell of the Lord Bishop of London Master Iohn Spottyswod Archbishop of Glasco Master Gawen Hamelton Bishop of Galloway and M. Andrew Lambe Bishop of Breachyn which consecration was performed mutatis mutandis according to the forme of the Church of England Richard Pyot Francis Ihones Shreeues Sir William Crauen Merchantaylor Maior The Triumphes Trophies and pleasant deuices at this time in honour of the Lord Maior and Citie of London were extraordinarie great being in a manner twice so much as hath béene vsuall within the Citie and so likewise were the stately shewes and ingenious deuices vpon the water at the charges of the Company of Marchantaylors Notwithstanding the Citie of Londons former plentifull prouision of sundry Granaries and other Storehouses for the generall seruice thereof and for preuention of sudden famine yet such is the late vnspeakeable increase of people within and about the City as well of strangers as Natiues so as the Magistrates in their prouidence for preuention of famine and for prouision for the poore very carefully about two yeares past beganne to build a Bridewell twelue new faire Granaries being sufficient to kéepe sixe thousand quarters of Corne and two store houses for sea-coale for the poore which will keepe foure thousand loade of coales These necessary houses were not finished vntill this time Master Alderman Leman vsed great paines and diligence in the contriuing and accomplishing of this memorable worke This last Summer there were warres in Cleueland and the vnited protestant Princes with their seuerall forces aided the Marquesse of Brandenberg in his claime to that Dukedome and the Dukedome of Gulich in which wars and at the taking the Citie of Gulich Christianus Prince of Anhalt was chiefe Generall of all the vnited forces and sir Edward Cecyll otherwise called Colonell Cecyll was then Lord Generall of the English and Scottish Army This Prince Christanus arriued of late at Douer and came to sée the King who entertained and feasted him and all his traine very roially He tooke great pleasure to view the Citie of London he beheld the pleasant triumphs vpon the water and within the City which were then extraordinary in honor of the Lord Maior and Citizens and that day this Prince with all his German traine were feasted in the Guild hall where he manifested his princely former admiration touching the greatnesse scituation state and wealth of the City and then he also admired
and our heires you now please to lend me your strong hand I héere promise and assure you that we will haue the supremacy and gouerntment This speach preuailed so farre that instantly the women tooke oath and ioyned their hearts and hands to effect their willes against men and in that fury flew all the men they met then they entred into Armes and for seauen yeares space maintained warres very stoutly and like valiant Amazones all which notwithstanding in the end they were suppressed by Prym●slaus partly by force partly by policy gifts and faire wordes Reade Naucler King Henry married Adelisia the Duke of Louans daughter The Citty of Glocester was burnt Henry Earle of Warwicke and Margaret his wife founded the Colledge of Saint Mary in the towne of warwicke Waleran Earle of Mellent was taken in Normandy by King Henry and hee with many others were imprisoned at Roan The King caused all the Coiners of England to haue their priuy members cut off and also their right hand because they had corrupted the Coine Henry the Emperour being dead Maude the Empresse returned into England Richard Bishop of London founded the Monastery of S. Oseth in Essex At this time men had such a pride in their haire that they contended with women in length of haire King Henry held a Councell at London wherein it was granted him correction of the Cleargie so the King tooke infinite sums of money of Priests and suffered them to doe what they would King Henry gaue his daughter the Empresit vnto Geffrey Plantagenet Earle of Angiou The Citty of Rochester was sore defaced with fire The King made a Bishopricke at Carlile Maude the Empresse did beare vnto Ieffery Plantagenet Earle of Angiou a sonne and named him Henry A great fire beginning at Gilbert Beckets house in west Cheape consumed a great part of London from thence to Algate Henry Bloys Bishop of Winchester builded the Hospitall of S. Crosse neare vnto Winchester Worcester was sore defaced with fire Maude the Empresse brought forth a sonne named Ieffery Robert Cortoise or Short-thigh King Henries brother died in the Castle of Cardife and was buried at Glocester King Henry remaining in Normandy deceased the first day of December Anno 1135. when he had raigned 35. yeares 4. moneths his bowels braines and dies were buried at Roan the rest of his body being powdred with salt and wrapped in Buls hides was buried at Reading an Abbey of his owne foundation Hee founded a Priory at Dunstable and builded the Castle of Windsort with a Colledge there KING STEPHEN STephen Earle of Beloine sonne of the Earle of Blois and Adala William Conquerours daughter Nephew to King Henry the first claimed the kingdome the second day of December Anno 1135. and was consecrated at Westminster on the 26. of December This was a noble man and hardy of passing comely of fauour personage he excelled in martiall policy gentlenes liberality towards all men although he had continuall warre yet he did neuer burden his commons with exactions Fire which began at London Stone consumed eastward to Algate and westward to S. Paules Church King Stephen besieged the castle of Exceter a long time which Balwine de Riuers held against him but at length when they within the Castle wanted necessary things to liue by they compounded King Stephen passed the sea to subdue Normandy where hee tooke many citties and strong Castles Rochester was burnt with all the citty The Archbishops sea in Yorke S. Martins without the walles the Hospitall with 39. Churches were burnt Saint Peters Church at Bath and all the citty was burnt The Nobles sent for Maude the Empresse promising her the possession of the Realme according to their oath made to her Dauid King of Scots purposing to recouer the Crowne of England for the Empresse inuaded Northumberland when by Thurstane Archbishop of Yorke the Scots had an ouerthrowe and were slaine aboue ten tho●●sand Robert Earle of Glocester returned into England with his sister the Empresse and a great A●my which arriued at Portsmouth Robert Earle of Glocester with a great power inuaded the towne of Nottingham and spoiled it the Townsmen were taken slaine or burnt in th● Churches whereunto they fled This yeare 1140. died Iohannes de temporibus he was Page to Charlemaigne King Stephen besieged Lincolne against Rainulph Earle of Chester but Rainulph Eare of G●●●cester came with a great power and rescued the same chased the Kings Army and tooke him prisoner hée was had to Glocester and after to Bristow The Empresse reioycing at this he● good hap departed from Glocester and came to Cicester from thence to Winchester where the Crowne of the Realme was deliuered into her hands Earle Robert being pursued was taken a Sobbrige with Earle Warren and many other at length through meditation peace was concluded that the King should be deliuered to his kingdome and the Earle to his liberty Gaufride de Mandeuil Earle of Essex founded the Abbey of Walden and Sir William de Mountfitchet founded the Abbey of Stratford Langthorne King Stephen hearing the Empresse to lye at Oxford with a great power came and besieged her a two moneths space Earle Robert with Henry Sonne to the Empresse landed at Warham where hee besieged the Castle which was defended by Hubert de Lucie who at length yeelded the same In the meane time the Empresse séeing that shee was voyde of helpe cloathing her selfe and her companie all in white vpon a night went ouer the Thames a foote which was then hard frozen she went to Wallingford and the Castle of Oxford was yéelded to the King William of Ypre founded Boxley Abbey in Kent King Stephen tooke Ieffery Maundeuile Earle of Essex at Saint Albones which Ieffery could not be at libertie till he had deliuered the Tower of London with the Earles of Waldon and Plecy When the Earle was thus spoiled of his holds hee tooke the Church of Ramsey and fortified it King Stephen besieged Wallingford but could not preuaile The Earle of Chester was reconciled to the King and was at the siege with him but shortly after when he came to the Court the King being at Northampton hee was taken and kept prisoner till he had rendred the Castle of Lincolne and other fortresses Earle Robert deceased and was buried at Bristow The Empresse being wearied with the discord of the English nation went ouer into Normandy Quéene Matild builded the hospitall of S. Katherine by the Tower of London for poore brethre● and sisters Henry the Empresse sonne went to Dauid King of Scots of whom he was ioyfully receiued and made Knight England was full of trouble and warre set foorth to fire and rapine through the discord betwixt Stephen and certaine Earles that tooke part with Henry Ieffery Plantagenet Earle of
time lay as rudely as London stréetes which were not all paued in foure hundred yeares after and the north Church-yard of Paules otherwise called the Close and diuers other stréetes in London were not paued vntill the raigne of Quéene Elizabeth In the yeare 1246. the Citty of Luberke was quite consumed with fire whose misfortune made Paris London and other Citties to couer their houses with tile or slate especially if they stood close together and not to vse any thatch which vntill then was vsuall Maude the Empresse mother to King Henry the second deceased shee founded the Abbey of Bordesley Geffery Earle of Britaine the Kings son died and was buried at Paris he left issue two daughters which he had by Constance daughter of Conan Earle of Britaine who also at this time of his death was great with child and after brought a sonne named Arthur A great earthquake threwe downe many buildings among the which the Cathedrall Church at Lincolne was rent in pieces Chichester Cittie was burnt Neare vnto Orford in Suffolke certaine Fishers tooke in their nets a fish hauing the shape of a man which fish was kept by Barthelmew de Glanuile Custos of the Castell of Orford in the same Castell by the space of sixe moneths and more for a wonder he spake not a word all maner of meats he gladly did eate but most greedily raw fish At length he stole away to the sea The towne of Beuerly with the Church of St. Iohn there was burnt Phillip the French King required that his sister which had ben kept in England 22. yeares might be restored vnto Earle Richard as his wife and Earle Richard desired the same but King Henry denied this request and so they got them to armour The French King and Earle Richard pursued the King of England so hard that he was forced to yéeld all the requests as well of the French King as of his sonne Richard This was done at Gisors and so departing came to Zafe where he fell sicke and departed this life the sixth day of Iuly in the yeare of our Lord 1189. when hee had raigned 24. yeares 7. moneths lacking 11. dayes and was buried at Fonteuerald in the Monastery of Nunnes by him founded Richard Coeurdelyon RIchard the first for his valiantnesse surnamed Coeurdelion second sonne to Henry the second began his raigne and was crowned the third of September 1186. He was bigge of stature with a merry countenance he commanded that no Iewes nor women should be at his Coronation for feare of inchantments For breaking of which commandement many were slaine Elianor the old who at the commandement of her husband had béene long kept close prisoner was now set at libertie King Richard gaue ouer the castles of Berwick and Rokesburgh to the Scottish King for the sum of ten thousand pound he also sold to the Bishop of Durham his owne Prouince for a great péece of money and created him Earle of the same He also faigned to haue lost his signet then caused to be proclaimed that whosoeuer would safely enioy those things which before time they had inrolled should come to the new seale He gaue his brother Iohn the Prouinces of Nottingham Deuonshire and Cornewall In this time were many Robbers and Outlawes among whom Robert Hood and little Iohn remained in the woods despoiling and robbing the goods of the rich The saide Robert entertained an hundred tall men and good Archers with such spoiles as he got vpon whō foure hundred men were they neuer so strong durst not giue the onset Poore mens goods hée spared aboundantly relieuing them with that which hee got from Abbies and houses of rich Earles This yeare the Cittizens of London obtained to be gouerned by two Bayliffes or Shriues and a Maior Henry Cornhill Shriue Richard Reynery Shriue Henry Fitz Alwin Fitz Leostane Maior King Richard betooke the guiding of this land to William Longshanke Bishop of Ely Chancellour of England and transported ouer into Normandy The two Kings of England and of France met at Towers and from thence set forward on their iourney towards Ierusalem The Iewes of Norwich Saint Edmonsbury Lincolne Stamford and Linne were robbed And at Yorke to the number of fiue hundred beside women and children entred a tower of the castle which the people assailing the Iewes cut the throats of their wiues and children and cast them ouer the walles on the Christians heads the residue they locked vp and burnt both the house and themselues William Bishop of Ely builded the outer wall about the Tower of London and caused a déepe ditch to be made Iohn Herlion Shriue Roger Duke Shriue Henry Fitz Alwin Fitz Leostane Maior King Richard subdued the Isle of Cipres and then ioyned his power with Phillip y e French king in Asia conquered Acon where there grewe betwéene the two Kings a grieuous displeasure for which cause Phillip shortly departed thence and comming into France inuaded Normandy Iohn brother to king Richard tooke on him the kingdome of England King Richard restored to the Christians the citty of Ioppa The bones of king Arthur were found at Glastenbury William Hauerall Shirues Iohn Bucknot Shirues Henry Fitz Alwine fitz Leostane Maior William Bishop of Ely withstood the kings brother who said he wist not if his brother were aliue or not To whom the Bishop answered If King Richard be yet liuing it were vniust to take from him the crowne If he be dead Arthur the elder brothers sonne must enioy the same Nicholas Duke Shriue Peter Newlay Shriue Henry Fitz Alwine fitz Leostane Maior King Richard hauing knowledge that Phillip of France inuaded Normandy and that Iohn his brother had made himselfe King ouer England made peace with the Saladine for thrée yeares with a small company returning homeward he was taken by Leopold Duke of Austria who kept him in straight prison a yeare and fiue moneths Roger Duke Shriue Richard Fitz Alwine Shriue Henry Fitz Alwine fitz Leostane Maior The Kings friends intreating for his deliuerance his ransome was set at 100000. l. wherevpon cōmandement was directed from the Kings Iustices that all Bishops Prelates Earles Barons Abbots and Priors should bring in the 4. part of their reuenewes towards the Kings ransome and besides this the Cleargy brought in their golden and siluer Chalices and fléeced their Shriues all which was coined in mony Iohn the kings brother when he heard of the imprisonment of his brother made great war within the realme and tooke by strength the castles of Windsor Nottingham and others The king was deliuered landed at Sandwich on the 12. of March he was againe solemnly crowned After this hee called into his hands all such things as he had either giuen or sold by patents or otherwise by which meanes he got a great sum of mony and sailed into Normandy where shortly after peace was taken betwéene the two kings Also by
W. Foxley and hée was in all points found as hee had slept but one night and was liuing till the yéere of our Lord 1587. The 13. of Iune being Whitsunday a peace was proclaimed betwéene the Kings of England and of France The 16. of Iuly were burned in Smithfield for the Sacrament Anne Askewe Iohn Lassels Nicholas Ouerden Priest Iohn Adlam Tailor and Doctor Shaxton sometime Bishop of Salisburie preached at the same fire and there recanted perswading them to doe the like but they would not The 21. of August came into England Flaud high Admirall of France who brought with him the Sacre of Déepe and 12. Gallies he landed at the Tower wharse where he was honourably receiued brought to the Bishop of Londons Pallace where he lodged two nights and then rode to Hampton Court where the king lay By the way Prince Edward receiued him with a company of 500. coates of veluet with one sléeue of cloath of gold halfe the coate imbrodered with gold there was in all to the number of eight hundred horses In September the water of Finsburie was brought to the Conduits at London wall Saint Stephens in Colemanstréete and Saint Margarets in Lothburie Richard Geruace Thomas Cortese Henry Huberthorne Marchant Tailor The 12. of December Thomas Duke of Norfolke and Henry Earle of Surrey his sonne was sent to the Tower The third of Ianuary the Church of the late Gray Friars in London was opened And that day preached at Pauls Crosse the Bishop of Rochester who declared the Kings gift to the Ci●●ie of London for the relieuing of the poore people to wit S. Bartholmew Spittle the Church of the Gray Friars and two Parish Churches the one of Saint Nicholas in the shambles the other St. Edwine in Newgate market all to bee made one Parish Church of the Gray Friars Church and in lands he gaue for the maintenance of the same fiue hundred markes by the yeare for ouer to maintaine a Quire of Singing-men viz. eight in number Henry Howard Earle of Surrey was beheaded on the Tower kill the 19. of Ianuary The 28. of Ianuary King Henry deceased appointed his first heirs to his son Prince Edward the second Lady Mary his daughter by Quéene Katharine and the third Lady Elizabeth by the Quéene Anne Bolein Hee deceased when hee had raigned 37. yeares nine moneths and odde daies and was buried at Windsor Edward the sixt Edward the sixt beganne his Raigne the 24. of Ianuary 1546. when hee was but nine yeares old King Henry his father by his will had appointed for his Priuy Counsell the Archbishop of Canterbury the Chancellor the Bishop of Durham with other to the number of sixtéene The first of February the Earle of Hertford was elected to be Protector of the Kings person The 6. of February the L. Protector in the tower of London endued K. Edward with the order of Knighthood and then Henry Hoblethorne L. Maior of London knéeling downe the King made him Knight The 17. of February sir Edward Seimer Earle of Hertford and L. Protector was created Duke of Somerset the L. Parre Earle of Essex Marques of Northampton Sir Iohn Dudley Lord Lisle Lord Admirall Earle of Warwicke Sir Thomas Wriothesley Lord Chancellor Earle of Southampton sir Thomas Seimer was made Lord of Sudley and high Admirall Sir Richard Rich was made Lord Rich Sir William Willowby Lord Willowby Sir Edmond Sheiffield Lord Sheiffield King Edward was Crowned at Westminster on the 20. of Februarie The 15. of May Doctor Smith recanted at Pauls Crosse The Lord Protector and the rest of the Counsell sent Commissioners into all parts of the Realme willing them to take all Images out of their Churches for the auoiding of Idolatry with them were sent diuers Preachers to perswade the people from their beades and at that time Procession was forbidden Edward Duke of Somerset and Iohn Earle of Warwicke with a Noble Armie were sent into Scotland and at a place called Muskleborough the English men and Scots met where betwéene them the 10. of September was fought a cruell battaile the victorie whereof fell to the Englishmen and of the Scots were slaine 1400 and taken prisoners 1500. Richard Lord Rich was made Lord Chancellour Thomas VVhite Robert Chersey Sir Iohn Gresham Mercer This Sir Iohn Gresham gaue to euery ward in London ten pound to the poore and to sixe score poore men and women euery of them thrée yards of cloth for a gowne of eight or nine shillings the yard he gaue also to maidens marriages and to the Hospitals in London about 200. pounds in money He founded a frée schoole at Holt a market towne in Norfolke All Colledges Chauntries frée Chappels Hospitals Fraternities Brotherhoods and Guildes were granted to the King and an Act made for the receiuing of the Sacrament in both kinds The Church seruice was sung in English The watch in London at Midsomer was now againe vsed both on the Euen of Saint Iohn and Saint Peter in as comely order as it had béene accustomed which watch was greatly beautified by the number of more then thrée hundred dimilances and light horsemen that were prepared by the Citizens to bee sent to the rescue of the towne of Haddington in Scotland On Saint Peters day Stephen Gardiner Bishop of Winchester preached before the King for the which he was sent to the Towre The seuenth of Iuly a Priest was hanged and quartered in Smithfield for that he had slaine M. Body one of the Kings cōmissioners others of his societie were put to death in other places A great pestilence was in London wherefore commandement was giuen to all Curates and other that no corps should be buried before sixe of the clocke in the morning nor after sixe at night and that there should at the buriall of euery corps be rung one Bell at the least by the space of thrée quarters of an houre William Lock Iohn Ailife Knights Shriues Sir Henry Amcots Fishmonger Maior The 16. of September S. Annes Church within in Aldersgate was burnt The 16. of Ianuary Thomas Seimer Lord Admirall brother to the Lord Protector was sent to the tower of London and the 20. of March beheaded on the Tower hill The 23. of Aprill sixe houses at Broken wharfe were burnt In May by meanes of a Proclamation for enclosures the commons of Somersetshire and Lincolneshire made a commotion and brake vp certaine Parkes of sir W. Harbardes and Lord Sturtons but sir William Harbarde flewe and executed many of those rebels In Iuly the Commons of Essex and Kent Suffolke and Norfolke rose against inclosures and pulled downe diuers parks and hooses Also the Commons of Cornewall and Deuonshire required not onely that the inclosures might be disparked but also to haue their old Religion these besieged the Cittie of Excester which was valiantly defended Iohn
haue meat drinke lodging and cloth of the almes of the Citie On Christmas day in the afternoone when the Lord Maior and Aldermen rode to Pauls the children of Christs Hospitall stood from St. Laurence lane in Cheape towards Pauls all in russet cotton the masters of the hospitall formost next the Physitians and Surgeons which children were in number 340. King Edward kept his Christmas with open houshold at Gréenewich George Ferrers Gentleman being Lord of merry disports al the xii daies who so pleasantly and wisely behaued himselfe that the King had great delight in his pastimes On the fourth of Ianuary the saide Lord of merry disports came by water to the Tower where hee entred and after rode through Tower stréete where he was met and receiued by Sergeant Vaus Lord of misrule to master Iohn Mainard one of the Shriues of London so conducted thorow the Cittie with a great company of young Lords and Gentlemen to the house of sir George Barne Lord Maior where he with the chiefe of his company dined and at his departure the Lord Maior gaue him a standing Cuppe with a couer siluer and gilt of the value of x. pound the residue of his Gentlemen and seruants dined at other Aldermens houses and with the Shrieues In the Moneth of Ianuary the King fell sicke of a cough which grieuously increased and at the last ended in a consumption of the lights The first of March began a Parliament at Westminster and brake vp on the 31. of March then being Good-friday a subsidie was granted of 4. shillings the pound lands and two shillings eight pence goods The third of Aprill being Munday after Easter day the children of Christs Hospitall in London came from thence through the City to the sermon at saint Mary spittle all cloathed in pl●nket coats with red caps and the mayden children in the same liuery with karchiefes all which were there placed on the scaffold of eight stages and there sate the Sermon time The tenth of Aprill the Lord Maior was sent for to the Court and at that time the King gaue to him for a workhouse for the poore and idle persons of the Citie of London his place of Bridewell and seuen hundred marks lands of the Sauoy rents with all the beds and bedding of the Hospitall of the Sauoy toward the maintenance of the said workehouse The 20. of May by the encouragement of one Sebastian Cabot thrée great ships well furnished were sent forth for the aduenture of the vnknown voiage to Muscouia and other east parts of the North seas King Edward being about the age of sixtéene yeares ended his life at Gréenewich on the sixt of Iuly when he had raigned 6. yeares 5. moneths and odde daies and was buried at Westminster The tenth of Iuly was proclamation made of the death of King Edward and how he had ordained that the Lady Iane daughter to Francis Dutchesse of Suffolke which Lady Iane was married to the Lord Gilford Dudley fourth sonne to the Duke of Northumberland should be heire to the Crowne of England The 11. of Iuly Gilbert Pot Drawer to Ninion Sanders Vintner dwelling at Saint Iohns head within Ludgate was set on the pillory in Cheape with both his eares nailed and cleane cut off for words speaking at the time of the Proclamation of the Lady Iane. Lady Mary eldest daughter to King Henry the eight fled into Framingham Castle in Suffolke where the people in the country almost wholly resorted to her In Oxford Sir Iohn Williams in Buckinghamshire Sir Edmond Pecham and in diuers other places many men of worship offering themselues as guides to the common people gathered great powers and with all spéede made toward Suffolke where Lady Mary was Also the 13. of Iuly by appointment of the Counsell the duke of Northumberland the Earle of Huntington the Lord Gray of Wilton and diuers other with a great number of men of armes set forward to fetch the Lady Marie by force and were on their way as farre as Bury The 19. of Iuly the Counsell assembled themselues at Baynards Castle where they commoned with the Earle of Pembrooke and immediately with the Maior of London certaine Aldermen and the Shriues Garter King of armes and a Trumpet came into Cheape where they proclaimed the Lady Mary daughter to King Henry the eight and Quéene Katherine Quéene of England France and Ireland The 20. of Iuly Iohn Duke of Northumberland being at Saint Edmonsbury and hauing sure knowledge that the Lady Mary was at London proclaimed Quéene returned backe againe to Cambridge and about fiue of the Clocke in the euening he came to the market crosse and caused the Lady Mary to be likewise proclaimed Quéene of England but shortly after he was arrested in the Kings Colledge And the 25. of Iuly hee with other was brought vp to the Tower of London vnder the conduct of Henry Earle of Arundell Thus was the matter ended without bloodshed which men feared would haue brought the death of many thousands Queene Mary MAry the eldest daughter to K. Henry the eight beganne her raigne the sixt of Iuly in the yeare 1553. she came to London and was receiued with great ioy entred the tower the third of August where Thomas Duke of Norffolke Doctor Gardiner late Bishop of Winchester and Edward Courtney sonne and heire to Henry Marquesse of Excester prisoners in the Tower discharged The fifth of August Edmond Bonner late Bishop of London prisoner in the Marshalsey and Cuthbert Tunstall Bishop of Durham prisoner in the Kings Bench were restored to their Seas shortly after all the Bishops which had béene depriued in the time of King Edward the sixt were restored to their Bishoprickes also all beneficed men that were married or would not forsake their opinion were put out of their liuings others set in the same The 11. of August certaine Gentlemen minding to passe vnder London bridge in a whirrie were there ouerturned and 6. of them drowned The 13. of August maister Bourne a Canon of Paules preaching at Pauls Crosse so offended sonne of the audience that they breaking silence cried pull him out and one threw a dagger at him whereupon master Bradford and Iohn Rogers two Preachers of King Edwards time with much labour conuaied the saide master Bourne out of the audience into Paules Schoole The 22. of August Iohn Duke of Northumberland Sir Iohn Gates sir Thomas Palmer knights were beheaded on the Tower hill The 4. of September was proclaimed certaine new coines a soueraine of gold of 30. s. the halfe soueraine 15. s. an Angell x. s. the halfe angell 5. s. Of siluer the great halfe groat and peny Also bas● coines to be currant as before At the same day by proclamation was pardoned the Subsidie of foure shillings the pound lands and 2. s. 8. d. the pound of moueable goods granted in the last Parliament of King
Gallies and Brigantines 230 there were slaine of the Turkes more then thirty thousand beside a great number of prisoners taken and about 12000 Christians that had béene slaues with the Turkes were set at liberty The 13 of Ianuary deceased sir William Peter knight who had béene Secretary and of the priuy Councell to foure Kings and Quéens in this Realm and seuen times L. Ambassadour abroad in forraine lands he augmented Excester Colledge in Oxford with lands to the value of one hundred pounds by yeare The 16 of Ianuary Thomas Duke of Norffolke was arraigned in Westminster Hall and there by his Péeres found guilty of high Treason The 11 of February Kenelme Barne and Edmond Mather were drawne from the Tower of London and Henry Rolfe from the Marshalsée in Southwarke all thrée to Tiburne and there hanged bowelled and quartered Barncy and Mather for conspiracy and Rolfe for counterfeiting the Quéenes hand The 12 of February was proclamation made for the sharpe punishment of such as conuaied bels lead and other Church goods out of the Parish Churches or Chappels The tenth of March deceased sir William Pawlet knight Lord Saint Iohn Earle of Wilshire Marques of Winchester knight of the Garter one of the Quéenes Maiesties priuie Counsell and Lord high Treasurer of England He was borne in the yeare of our Lord 1483 he serued Henry the 7 Henry the 8 Edward the 6 Quéene Mary and Quéene Elizabeth Himselfe did sée the children of his childrens children growing to the number of 103. The 25 of March by the commandement of the Counsel the Citizens of London assembling at their seuerall halles the master collected the most actiue persons of euery their companies to the number of 3 thousand whom they appointed to be pikemen and shotte the pikemen were forthwith armed in faire corslets the gunners had euery of them his Callieuer with the furniture To these were appointed diuers captaines who to traine them vp in warlike feats mustered them thrice euery wéeke sometime in the artillery yard teaching the gunners to handle their péeces sometime at the miles end in Saint Georges field teaching them to skirmish On May day they mustred at Gréenewich before the Quéenes maiestie where they showed many warlike feats but were much hindred by the weather all day showring It was enacted that all persons aboue the age of fouretéene yeares being taken vagrant and wandring misorderly should be apprehended whipped and burnt through the right eare with a hot iron for the first time so taken the second time to be hanged This yeare 1572 was the Massacar in Paris The 2 of Iune Thomas Duke of Norffolk was beheaded on tower hill Francis Duke of Memorency and Betraude de Saligners Knights of the order of Saint Michaell Ambassadours for Charles king of France arriued at Douer The 15 of Iune they repaired to the White hall and there in her Graces chappell about one of the clocke in the after noone the Articles of treaty league or confederacy and sure friendship concluded at Bloys the ninetéenth of Aprill betwéen the Quéenes maiesty and the French King being read the same was by her maiesty and his Ambassadours confirmes to be obserued and kept The 22 of August Thomas Percie Earle of Northumberland now brought out of Scotland whither he had fled was beheaded at York In the moneth of August sir Thomas Smith one of the Quéens Maiesties priuie Counsell sent his sonne Thomas Smith Esquire into Ireland with a Colony or habitation of English men to inhabite the Ardes in Vlster Richard Pype Nicholas Woodroffe Sir Lionell Ducket mercer The 18 of Nouember was séene a star Northward very bright and cleare in the contestation of Cassiopeia which with thrée chiefe fixed stars of the said constellation made a Geometicall figure lozengewise of the learned men called Rombus this starre in bignesse at the flrst appearing séemed bigger then Iupiter and much lesse then Venus when she séemed greatest also the said star neuer changing his place was carried about with the daily motion of heauen as all fixed stars commonly are and so continued almost sixe moneths The same starre was found to be in place celestiall farre aboue the Moone otherwise than euer any comet hath béene séene or naturally can appeare therefore it is supposed that the signification thereof is directed purposely and specially to some matter not naturall but celestiall or rather supercelestiall so strange as from the beginning of the world neuer was the like The 14 of Nouember Edward Earle of Darby Lord Stanley and Strange L. and Gouernor of the Isle of Man knight of the noble Order of the Garter and one of the Quéenes Maiesties Priuie Counsell deceased His life and death deseruing commendation and crauing memory to be imitated was such as followeth His fidelity to two Kings and two Quéenes in dangerous times and great rebellions in which time alwaies as cause serued he was Lieutenant of Lancashire and Cheshire His godly disposition to his tenants neuer forcing any seruice at their hands but due payment of their rent His liberality to strangers his famous houskéeping his féeding of aged persons twice a day forty and odde besides all commers thrice a wéeke appointed for his dealing daies and euery good Friday 35 yeares relieued one with another 2700 with meate drinke and mony worth His cunning in setting bones disioynted or brake his chirurgery desire to helpe the poore his deliuery of his George and seale of the Lord Strange with exhortation that he might kéepe it so vnspotted in fidelity to his Prince as he had and his hope that he died in the Quéenes fauour his ioyfull parting this world his taking leaue of all his seruants by shaking of hands and his remembrance to the last day The 18 of Ianuary William Lord Herbert Earle of Worcester began his iourney toward France to the christning of the Kings daughter there in stead of the Quéenes maiesty of England The said Earle with many of his company were robbed vpon the sea of much of their baggage and thrée or foure of their men slaine In the moneth of February through sundry hainous complaints brought to the Quéenes Maiesty and her Counsell of Pirats that kept the narrow Seas doing many robberies as also the robbing of the Earle of Worcester it pleased her Maiesty to send one of her Ships named the Swallow vnder the charge of William Holstocke Esquire controller of her highnesse shippes who had with him the Gillian the Barke Garet and the Barke of Yarmouth and 306 able Marriners Gunners and Souldiers in the said three shippes and one Barke which scoured the narrow Sea from the North forland as farre Westward as Falmouth in Cornwall and tooke twenty ships and Barkes of sundry nations viz. English French and Flemmings but all Pirats and in fashion of warre He apprehended in those ships and Barkes to the number of 900 men of
May the said Prince returned into France About the middle of May certaine common persons assembled themselues in Northamptonshire Warwickshire and Leicestershire they cut and brake downe hedges filled vp ditches and laide open all such enclosures of commons and other grounds as they found enclosed which of ancient time had béen open and imploied to tillage And the last of May they were straitly commanded by Proclamation to surcease their disorder but yet they ceased not whereupon the Sheriffes and Iustices had authority giuen them to suppresse them by force And after that the King sent certaine Noblemen and Iudges to punish the wilfull offenders according to law And the 28 of Iune the King made another proclamatiō signifying his great vnwillingnesse to haue procéeded against them either by marshall law or ciuill iustice if lenity or gentle admonition might any way haue preuailed with them to desist from their turbulent rebellions and traiterous practise Tuesday the second of Iune in Pauls Church the right reuerend Father in God Thomas Rauis Doctor of Diuinity late Bishop of Glocester was by his deputy Doctor King Deane of Christ-church enstalled Lord Bishop of London He died the 14 of December 1609. Friday the 12 of Iune the King dined with the Lord Maior and after dinner went into Cloath-workers Hall and was there made frée of that company At that time also were made frée sir Patricke Murry knight gentleman of the Kings Bedchamber sir Arthur Arston knight sir Hugh Carmychel knight Iames Medow Doctor of Diuinitie one of the Kings Chaplaines and others The 16 of Iuly being the great feast day at Merchantailors hall the Lord Maior feasted all the Aldermen that were not frée of the Merchantailors and with them these honourable Personages following viz. Patricke Steward Earle of Orqueney sir Iohn Ramsey knight Lord Viscount Hadington sir Iohn Selby knight Edward Ramsey gentlemen Sewer to the King These were also made frée of the Cloathworkers sir William Stone being then Master of the company Henry Walton Thom●s Bostocke Richard Boothe and William Kymber Wardens The third of Iuly the Kings Maiestie repaied thréescore thousnd pound vnto the Citizens of London which summe the Londoners had lent vnto Quéene Elizabeth the 3 of Februarie 1598. On Saturday being the fourth of Iuly arriued Iohn Berke chiefe Councellor of Dort and Iames de Maldere Knight Lord of Heyes and had audience the sixth of Iuly they were honourably entertained and feasted in many places The fourth of Iuly the right honourable sir Thomas Kneuit knight was called by writ to the Parliament by the name and title of Baron of Escricke and sate that day in his roabes among the Barons being the last day of that Parliament holden vpon prorogation and so againe proroged vntill the 16 of Nouember following Sunday the 5 of Iuly sir Iulius Caesar knight Chancellor of the Exchequer was sworne a Priuie Councellor of Estate Thursday the 16 of Iuly 1607 the Kings most excellent Maiestie with Prince Henry and diuers honourable Personages dined at Merchantailors hall and were most ioyfullie entertained with great varietie of melodious harmony of voices and instruments and pleasant spéeches being the day they held their feast for the election of Master and Wardens and after dinner Master Iohn Swinnarton the Master and Richard Wright Andrew Osborne Edward Atkinson and William Albany the foure Wardens of the Company being accompanied with master Baron Southerton and sir Leonard Halliday sir William Crauen sir Iohn Swynerton knights and Aldermen and Ieffrey Elwes Alderman being all members of that Company resorted to the Kings most excellent Maiestie who dined in their chamber called the Kings Chamber and sir Henry Mountague knight Recorder of London being there present did in the name of the whole Company most humbly thanke his Maiesty for that it had pleased him to grace it with his royall presence that day And the Master of the Company did present his Maiestie with a purse full of gold Richard Langley the Clarke of the Company did deliuer vnto his Maiesty a roll wherein was entred the names of seuen Kings one Quéene seuentéene Princes and Dukes two Dutchesses one Archbishop thirty one Earles fiue Countesses one Viscount twenty foure Bishops sixty sixe Barons or Lords two Ladies seuen Abbats seuen Priors and one Sub-prior omitting a number of Knights Esquires c. who had béen frée of the Company which his Maiestie most gratiously accepted and said that he himselfe was frée of another Company yet he would so much grace the Company of Merchantailors that the Prince his eldest sonne should be frée thereof and that he would sée and be a witnesse when the garland should be put on his head And then they in like manner resorted to the Prince who dined in the great hall And the said Master presented his Highnesse with another purse full of gold and the Clarke deliuered his Highnesse a like roll which were also gratiously accepted and his Highnesse said that not onely himselfe would be frée of the Company of Merchantailors but commanded one of his Gentlemen and the Clarke of the Company to goe to all the Lords present and require all of them that loued him and were not frée of other companies to be free of his Company whereupon those Lords whose names ensue with humble thankes to his highnesse accepted of the freedome viz. Iohn Berke Lord in Godschalckcoort c. Counceller of Dort in Holland Sir Iames du Maldere knight Lord of Heyes c. Counceller of Zeland Sir Noel de Caron knight L. of Schoonwal c. Ambassador Lieger from the States c. The Duke of Lenox Earle of Nottingham Lord Admirall Earle of Suffolke Lord Chamberlaine Earle of Arundell Earle of Oxenford Earle of Worcester Earle of Pembrooke Earle of Essex absent yet entred by order from the Prince vnder his Highnesse owne hand Earle of Northampton Earle of Salisbury principall Secretary to the King Earle of Montgomery Earle of Pearth Lord Viscount Cranborne Lord Euars Lord Hunsdon Lord Knolles Lord Haye Lord Sanker Lord Borley M. Howard Sir Iohn Harington M. Sheffield Sir Thomas Challoner Gouernor to y e Prince Sir Roger Ashton Master of the Wardrobe Gentleman of the Kings Bed-chamber Sir Thomas Vauasor Knight Marshall Sir Dauid Fowlis Sir Dauid Murry M. Doctor Mountague Deane of the Chappell M. Adam Newton Deane of Durham and Tutor to the Prince Sir Thomas Sauage Sir Lewes Lewknor M. of the Ceremonies and many other Knights Esquires and Gentlemen seruants to the King Queene and Prince and to Noblemen The new Master and Wardens chosen in the presence of the King and Prince was Iohn Iohnson Master of the Company and Thomas Owen Richard Scales Iohn Woller and Randolph Wolley Wardens The next day the King christened Iames the eldest sonne of Thomas Earle of Arundel borne of Alethea youngest daughter to Gilbert Earle of Shrewsbury the Earle of Suffolke
came to the farther side of the Towne and as it went left some stréets and houses safe and vntouched the flame flew cleane ouer many houses néere vnto it and did great spoile to many faire buildings farthest off and ceased not vntill it had consumed 160 dwelling houses besides other and in dammage of wares and houshold stuffe to the full value of thréescore thousand pound The King shewed great kindnesse to the distressed inhabitants as well in giuing them fiue hundred load of timber to repaire their buildings as in preferring their best meanes to raise their generall and particular estates and in giuing them a new Charter The Knights and chiefe Gentlemen of that County performed likewise great kindnesse vnto the Townsmen the Citie of London gaue kindly towards their reliefe The 17 of Aprill Doctor Montague Deane of the Kings Chappell was consecrated Bishop of Bath and Wels by the Lord Archbishop of Canturbury At this consecration were present Prince Henry the Duke of Yorke and most of the great Lords of the Priuie Counsell and diuers Bishops The 19 of Aprill at Whitehall died Thomas Earle of Dorset Lord high Treasurer of England He died suddenly at the Counsell Table The 29 of Aprill proclamation was made commanding the oth of allegiance to be ministred vnto all persons that should come from beyond the seas onely to distinguish honest subiects from traiterous practisers and not for any point or matter in religion all knowne Merchants and others of honest state and quallitie were exempt from taking this oth This proclamation was made by reason that many suspitious persons of base sort came daily from beyond seas and refused to take the oth At this time Henry Earle of Northampton was made Lord Priuie Seale Friday the 6 of May Robert Earle of Salisbury was sworne Lord high Treasurer of England at Westminster being accompanied with the most part of all the Earles and Barons and with an extraordinary company of Knights and others of honorable ranke and qualitie that day he feasted the King Quéene and Prince the Lady Elizabeth the Duke of Yorke and all the Counsell The 20 of May at Windsor were made knights of the Garter George Earle of Dunbar Baron Hume of Berwick Lord of Norham Lord high Treasurer of Scotland one of the two Lords Lieutenants in equall authority ouer the middle shires of Great Britaine sometime the borders of both the kingdomes Lord Gouernour and Captaine for his Maiestie of the said towne of Berwick and the Garrison thereof and one of his Maiesties most Honourable Priuie Counsell and Philip Earle of Montgomery Baron of Shurland In the moneth of Iune the King knighted Sir Alexander Hay Secretary for the Scottish affaires The 23 of Iune Thomas Garnet a Iesuite was executed at Tyburne hauing fauour offered him if he would haue taken the oth of allegiance aforesaid which he refused to doe This Summer at Astley in Warwickshire by reason of the fall of the Church there was taken vp the corps of Thomas Gray Marquesse Dorset he was buried the tenth of October 1530 in the twenty two yeare of Henry the eight and albeit he had laine 78 yeares in the earth yet his eyes haire and flesh remained in a manner as if it had béene newly buried Concerning which you may read the new Epitaph set ouer his sepulchre The ninth of October Doctor Neyle Deane of Westminster was consecrated Bishop of Rochester at Lambeth George Bolles Richard Farrington Shrieues Sir Humphrey Weld Grocer Maior The first of December William Viscount Cramburne sonne and heire to Robert Earle of Salisbury Lord Treasurer of England married Catheren Howard the third Daughter of Thomas Earle of Suffolke For these fiue yeares last past great and manifold roberies spoyles pyracies murthers and depredations within the streights elsewhere haue béene committed by seuerall companies of English pirates as well vpon our owne nation as others but especially vpon the Florentines and Venetians wherewith his highnesse being much grieued published from time to time sundry proclamations denouncing the said offenders to be rebels and therewithall gaue order for their suppression and apprehension as traitors and peace-breakers But all this preuailed not for they still increased and persisted in their former villanies with which offenders there were some English Merchants who very cunningly vnderhand vsed cōmerce trucke and traffique for stolen goods to the great cherishing and abetting of those malefactors and dishonor to this nation for redresse whereof the King by proclamation the eighth of Ianuary prohibited all English Merchants from any manner of medling or dealing with them vpon great penaltie commanding the Iudge of the Admiraltie to proceed seuerely in Iustice against all such offenders and that from him there should be no appeale granted to any person touching the premises all which notwithstanding the number of Pirats still increased and did great damage vnto the English Merchants and to all other nations There were Hollanders and Esterlings that at this time and before became fierce Pirats and held consort with the English robbers viz. Ward Bishop Sir Francis Verney and others Whereupon the King of Spaine sent certaine ships of warre vnder command of Don Lewis Faxardo who very politikely about the middle of Iuly came vpon them at Tunis and suddenly burned about 20 of their ships lying in harbor at which time though captaine Ward escaped in person by being then a shoare yet his great strength riches perished in the fire with other his confederates And the 22 of December there were executed at Waping 19 Pirats some whereof had béene in consort with the forenamed English pirats Sunday the ninetéenth of February it should haue béene dead low water at London bridge but quite contrary to course it was then hie water and presently it ebbed almost halfe an houre the quantitie of a foote and then suddenly it flowed againe almost two foote higher then it did before and then ebbed againe vntill it came néere the right course so as the next floud began in a manner as it should and kept his due course in all respects as if there had béene no shifting nor alteration of tides All this happened before twelue of the clocke that forenoone the weather being indifferent calme The 25 of February Richard Lord Buckhurst maried the Lady Anne Clyfford the onely child of George Earle of Cumberland And the last of February died Robert Earle of Dorset father to the forenamed Richard L. Buckhurst And the first of Iune next following Edward Seymour the sonne and heire of the Lord Beauchampe maried the Lady Anne Sackuyle second daughter to the said Robert Earle of Dorset In this month of March 1609. vpon full 3 yeares deliberate aduice was concluded and proclaimed a generall and particular truce ceassation from all maner of hostilitie by sea and land for twelue yeares betwéene Philip the third of
Iohn Old-castle 1414 An reg 2 Men forsweare the land Mooregate first bu●ced An reg 3 1415 Conspiracy K Henry sailed into Normandy B●ttell of Agincourt The first impost vpon salt in France K. Henry returned An. reg 4. 1416 An reg 5. 1417 A fray in S. Dunstons Church An reg 6. 1418 W. Seuenoke Almes houses and free schole at Seuenoke An reg 7. 1419 Whittington colledg An reg 8. 1420 K. Henry made regent of France An reg 9. 1421 Religious houses ●uppressed A charitable Bishop Robert Chichely his charity The King of Englande se●le vsed ●n the Court of Chancery in Paris All this much more is very authentically recorded in the French Chronicles An reg 10 1422 Shine and Sion An reg 1. The French King died 1423 Subsidy of woole Newgate at London An. reg 2. K. of Scots released 1424 Battell as Vernell An reg 3. Strangers to be lodged with English hosts An reg 4. Debate betweene the Duke of Glocester and the Bishop of Winchester An reg 5 W●rd disch●rged for fifteenes 1427 An reg 7. Duke of Norfolke escaped Murder quit with murder 1430 La Pucelle de Dieu An reg 9. Francis Sforce made Duke of Milaine 1431A commotion at Abington An reg 10. The King of England crowned in Paris 1432 An reg 11. 1433 An reg 12. 1432 An reg 13. Great frost An reg 14. An reg 15. Part of London bridge fell 1437 An Alderman of London Warden of Norwich An reg 16. 1438 An reg 17 Great wind Three men slaine Eighteene men slaine 1439 An reg 18 Strumpets work ray hoods Parliament at Reading Orders for strangers 1440 The postern of London sanke An reg 19 1441 A combate betweene 2 theeues Roger Bolingbrooke for necromancy Elianor Cobham apprehended An reg 29. A Witch burnt Elianor Cobham did penance Roger Bolinbrooke executed An reg 21. 1443 Citizens of Norwich against the Prior. An reg 22. 1444 An reg 25 Pauls steeple fired 1445 Queene Margaret An reg 24 Leaden hall in London builded 1436 An reg 25. The Duke of Glocester arested 1447 An reg 26. George Scanderbag alias Castriot 2448 An reg 27. Bishop of Chichester murdered Blewheard hanged 1450 Duke of Suffolke murthered Iack Cade rebelled Iacke Cade slaine Bishop of Salisbury murdered 1451 An reg 30. 1452 An reg 31. States created 1453 An reg 32 The Maior of London first rowed to Westminster 1454 An reg 33 1455 first battell in S. Albons An reg 34 1456 An reg 35 1457 Monstroufishes Prisoners of Newgate brake out An reg 36. 1458 the Queens Atturney slaine An reg 37. 1459 Printing first inuented Bloreheath field An reg 38 1460 Battell at Northampton Duke of Yorke claimed the Crowne An reg 39 The Duke of Yorke slaine The second battell in S. Albons Battell at Mortimers crosse The Earle of warwick fled from the King The King Queene fled to Yorke Edward Earle of March proclaimed King An reg 1. Walter Walker beheaded Battell on Palme Sunday K. Henry fled into Scotland 1462 Conquer wonne An reg 3 1463 An. reg 4. 1464 Battell at Exham K. Edward married Coine enhaunced Pestilence Seriants feast New coine An reg 5 1465 K. Henry the 6. taken An reg 7. An reg 8. 1468 Cordwainer streete discharged of fifteenes An reg 9. 1469 An reg 10 1470 K. Edward fled K Henry restored Sir Iohn Crosby Parliament at Pauls An reg 11. 1471 Barnetfield Battell at Tewksbury Thomas the bastard Knight Suburbs of Algate and Bishops fired King Henry the sixth Murthered An reg 12. 1472 The Earle of Oxford his Lady An reg 13. 1473 Strumpets punished An reg 14 1474 An reg 15. 1475 An reg 16 Agnes Daintie set on the pillory London wall repaired An reg 17 1477 T. Burdet beheaded An reg 18. 1478 An reg 19. 1479 Great Conduit Theeues hanged and burnt An reg 21. 1481 An reg 22. 1482 An reg 23. Creplegate builded 1483 K. Edward deceased An reg ● An reg 1 L Riuers others executed Duke of Buckingham conspired Fire at leaden Hall 1484 An reg 2. Three Shriues 3. Maiors in one yeare Collingborne apprehended 1415 An reg 3 M. Earle of Richmond ariued Battell at Bosworth An reg 1 Parson of S. Mildreds burnt Sweating sicknesse whereof died in London 2. Maiors and 4. Aldermen Coronatiō First Yeomen of the Guard Ioue to the King An reg 2. Wheate bay salt at a great price K. Henry married 1487 Stoke field by Francis Louel An reg 3 Prince Arthur 148● Earle o● North●mberland slane An reg 5. 1490 An reg 6. 1491 Henry the Kings son borne An reg 9. Conduit grace street Dearth of corne Stone bridge at Stratford vpon Anon. 1●92 An reg 8. 1493 fray against the stilliard men K. Henry feasteth the Maior of London 1494 An reg 10 Salt and wheat at low price Wine cheape 1495 Perkin Warbecke An reg 11. 1496 Entercourse An reg 12. S. Anthonies in London A loane to the King 1497 Blackheath field Hailstones 18. inches An reg 13. Perkin besieged Excester Perkin brought to London 1498 An reg 14. Faigned Earle of Warwicke 1499 An reg 15 Wine salt and wheate cheape The Earle of warwick beheaded 1500 An reg 16. An reg 17. Maiors feasts in the Guilde hall Prince Arthur married 1502 Iames King of Scots Margaret the Kings daughter of England assured Dikes of London cleansed An reg 18. Kings chappell at westminster Queene Elizabeth died Kings of England brethren to the Marchant Tailors An reg 19 An aide to the King 1504 An reg 20. A new coin Prisoners brake out 1505 An reg 11. Conduit at Bishopsgate King of Castile landed 1506 An reg 22. Shriues M●ior of London chosen by the Kings commandement Fire in Warwicke lane 1507 An reg 23. 1508 An reg 24 Aldermen of London put in sute Norwich burned 1509 Hospitall of Sauoy Sermons founded Henry the seuenth deceased An reg 1. The King married crowned 1510 Emson Dudley executed An. reg 2. 1511 An reg 3. 1512 An reg 4. Paules Schoole Bow steple builded 1513 An reg 5 Turwin Turney won Scots field at bramston called Floden field 1514 An reg 6. All fields laid open about London Richard Hunne hanged 1515 An reg 7. Duke of Suff●lke m●●●ed Lady Mary the Kings daughter 1516 An reg 8. Queene of Scots fled Great frost 1517 An reg 9. This was called the ill May day many years after Queene of Scots returned 1518 Sweating sicknesse An reg 10 1519 An reg 11. Cardinall Campaius 1520 An reg 12. King Henry went to Calice 1521 An reg 13 The King made defender of the Faith Alms houses by the Crotchet Friars Frenchmen attached 1522 An reg 14 The Emperour came to London The Turks tooke the Rhodes 1523 Parliament at the black Friars An reg 15 The King of Denmark arriued Conspiracy at Couentry 1524 An reg 16. 1525 Priories suppressed Greenwich to wer
〈◊〉 London and punished the bakers vpon the Tu●●berell and did many other things contrary to th● lawes of the Cittie The King caused the walles of the Cittie 〈◊〉 London to be repaired Richard Owell shriue William Skwie shriue Richard Hardel Draper Maior The Lords held a Parliament at Oxford whe● were chosen 12. Péeres which had authoritie● correct the breakers of these ordinances the King his brethren the Noble men and Barons taking their oath to sée the same obserued A Iewe 〈◊〉 Tukesbury fell into a priuy vpon the Saturd●● and would not for reuerence of his Sabboath 〈◊〉 plucked out wherefore Richard of Clare Earle 〈◊〉 Glocester kept him there till Munday at whi●● time he was dead Robert Cornehill Shriue Iohn Adrian Shriue Richard Hardel Draper Maior The king cōmanded the Maior that he shuld ca● to be sworne euery stripling of 12. yeares of a●● or vpward to be true to y e king his heires th●● the gates of y e city should be kept w t harnessed 〈◊〉 Iohn Adrian Shriue Robert Cornhill Shriue Iohn Gisors Pepperer Maior The Barons nobles of the realme held a Parliament at London in the new Temple and the King held himselfe in the Tower of London Adam Browning Shriue Henry Couentry Shriue William Fitz Richard Maior K. Henry published at Pauls crosse the Popes absolution for him all his that were sworne to maintain y e articles made in the parliament at Oxford Iohn Northampton Shriue Richard Pickard Shriue William Fitz Richard Maior The Barons armed men against the King and all this yeare houered about London without any notable of act rebellion This yeare 1263. all Christian nations on the other side the sea sustained great dangers outrages by the miscreant Sarazens so as the Christians was constrained to vse their best meanes to suppresse them And in Paris there was a great Councell held of Prelates and Barons to deuise means for their countries safety In the 10. yeare of the raigne of Richard the Emperour there was a blazing star séene 3. moneths At this time there was a Schisme amongst the Princes Electors in Germany and they elected Richard Earle of Cornwall brother to K. Henry of England he was chosen in the yeare 1257. or as some say in the yeare 1255. with him was likewise chosen A●phonso King of Castile he raigned 18. yeares in his time flourished the great Clarke S. Thomas Aquinas I●hn Taylor shriue Richard Walbroke shriue Thomas Fitz Thomas Maior There was slaine of Iewes in London to the number of 700. the rest were spoiled their Synagogues defaced because one Iewe would haue forced a Christian man to haue paid more then 2. d. for the vsury of 20. s. the wéeke Robert Monpilet Shriue Osbert Suffolke Shriue Thomas Fitz Thomas Maior A battell at Lewis betwéene K. Henry the Barons in which battell the King with his son Edward Richard Earle of Cornwall with many other Lords were taken by Simon of Mountford Earle of Leicester and the Barons Gregory Rokesley shriue Thomas of Lafford shriue Thomas Fits Thomas Maior Edward being now at libertie allied him with the Earle of Glocester gathering to him a great power warred so freshly vpon Simon of Leicester that at the end he with many other of the nobles were slaine in the battell at Euisham A parliament was holden at Winchester when all the statutes made at Oxford were disanulled London was in great danger to haue bin destroyed by the K. for displeasure he had conceiued but the Citizens wholly submitted both liues goods in●● the kings hands The King gaue vnto his son Edward the Maior and 4. Aldermen many other were committed to seuerall prisons Edward Blund Shriue Peter Anger Shriue Thomas Fitz Thomas Fitz Richard Maior The king gaue to diuers of his houshold seruants about the number of 60. houses housholds within the Cittie so that the owners were compelled to redéeme their houses and goods or else to auoid them The 11. of May was the battell of Chesterfield against them that were disherited where many were slaine Iohn hinde shriue Iohn Walrauen shriue William Richard Maior Gilbert de Clare Earle of Glocester allying himselfe with the exiled Gentlemen rose against the K. the 8. of April with an army entred the city of London therein builded bulwarkes cast trenches in diuers places the King gathered an army came towards London pitched his tents at Stafford and taried there the space of one moneth The sixt of Iune the Earle of Glocester in peaceable manner rendred the Citie vnto the King Iohn Adrian shriue Lucas Ba●ecourt shriue Alin Souch Maior Variance fell betweene the fellowship of Goldsmiths and Taylers of London causing great rufflings in the City and many men to be slaine For which riot twelue of the chiefe Captaines were hanges Walter Haruie Shriue William Duresme Shriue Sir Stephen de Edward Maior The riuer of Thames was so hard frozen from S. Adrewes tide to Candlemas that men beasts passed on foote from Lambeth to Westminster the marchandise was carried from Sandwich and other hauens to London by land Thomas Basing Shriue Robert Cornehill Shriue Hugh Fitz Otonis Maior The Nobles of England assembled at London to entreate of diuers matters whereof there arose discord betwixt Iohn Warren Earle of Surrey and Alin de la Souch Lord Iustice of Ireland before the Iustice of the Bench where the saide Alin Souch was wounded to death Walter Potter Shriue Taylor Shriue Iohn Adrian Vintner Maior The stéeple of Bow in Cheape fell downe and slew many people men and women Richard King of Almaine and Earle of Cornwall brother to K. Henry deceased and was buried at Hailes Gregory Rokesly Shriue Henry Walis Shriue Iohn Adrian Vintner Maior In Iune began a great riot in the City of Norwich through the which the monastery of the Trinity was burned wherupon the King rod downe and making inquirie for the chiefe doers thereof caused 30. of them to be condemned drawne hanged and burnt Richard Paris shriue Iohn Bedell shriue Sir Walter Haruie Maior K. Henry died in the 16. of Nouember in the yeare 1272. whē he had raigned 56. yeares 28. daies he was buried at Westminster he builded a great part of the same Church he left for his heire his eldest son Edward Edmond Crowchbacke Earle of Leicester and Lancaster and two daughters Beatrice and Margaret King Edward surnamed Longshankes EDward the first after the Conquest sonne to Henry the third surnamed Longshanke began his raigne the 16. of Nouember in the yeare 1272. being then beyond the sea Iohn Horne shriue Walter Potter shriue Sir Walter Haruie Knight Maior This yeare fell a great variance at Oxford betwéene the Northerne and Irishmen wherein many Irishmen were slaine Nicholas Winchester Shriue Henry Couentry Shriue Henry Walles Maior On St. Nicholas euen were great
the moneth of August last before passed Robert Lee Thomas Benet Sir Iohn Spencer Clothworker The 30 of December a woman was burnt in Smithfield for coyning of money The same day D. Fletcher B. of Worcester was elected B. of London The 26 of Ianuary William Earle of Darby married the Earle of Oxfords daughter at the Court at Gréenewich The tenth of February two souldiers or Captaines named Yorke and Williams were executed at Tiburne for fellony The 10 of February Southwell a Iesuite that long time had laine in the Tower of London was arraigned at the Kings Bench barre he was condemned and on the next morrow drawne from Newgate to Tiburne and there hanged bowelled and quartered This yeare by meanes of the late transportation of graine into forraine Countries the same was here growne to an excessiue price as in some parts of this Realme from fourtéene shillings to 4 markes the quarter On the 27 of Iune certaine yong men apprentises and other were punished by whipping setting on the Pillory c. for taking of butter from the maket women in Southwarke after the rate of three pence the pound whereas the sellers price was 5 pence the pound they would be their owne caruers Certaine men for coyning were hanged and also a Scriuener in Holborne was hanged and quartered for taking the great seale of England from the olde patent and putting the same to a new On the 29 of Iune being Sonday in the afternoone a number of vnruly youths on the Tower hill being blamed by the Warders of Towerstreete-ward to seuer themselues and depart from thence threw at them stones and draue them backe into Tower stréete and were heartned thereunto by a late Souldier sounding of a trumpet but the trumpeter and many other of them being taken by the shrieues of London and committed to prison About 7 of the clocke the same night sir Iohn Spencer Lord Maior rode to the Tower hill attended by his officers and others to sée the hill cleared of all tumultuous persons where about the middle of the hill some warders of the Tower or Lieutenants men told sir Iohn that the sword ought not to be borne vp there and two or thée catching hold thereof some bickering was there and she sword bearer hurt but the Lord Maior séeing the hill cleared of all trouble rode backe the sword bearer bearing vp the sword The two twenty of Iuly in presence of the Earle of Essex and other sent from the Queene were arraigned in the Guild-hall of London fine of those vnruly youths that were on the Tower hill apprehended they were condemned and had iudgement to be drawne hanged and quartered and were on the twenty foure of the same month drawne from Newgate to the Tower hill and there executed accordingly Sir Thomas Wilford knight Prouost Marshall for the time in the City of London rode about and through the city of London daily with a number of men well mounted on horsebacke armed with cases of pistols c. This Marshall apprehended many vagrant and idle people brought them to the Iustices who committed them c. Thomas Low Leonard Haliday Sir Stephen Slany Skinner This yeare in February 1595. the Lord Maior and Aldermen as well for expelling vagrant people out of the City reforming of common abuses to be aiding to Clarks of the Market for redresse of forrainers false waights and measures as to be assistant vnto all Constables and other ciuill officers for the more spéedy suppression of any distemperature that may arise by youth or otherwaies they ordained two Marshals viz. Master Reade and Master Simson and after them Master Roger Walrond was admitted alone The 20 of February fiue men for couzonage and counterfeiting of Commissions c. were set on the Pillory in West Cheape some of them had their eares nailed and cut off others that had before lost their eares were burnt in their cheekes and forehead This yeare a certaine Pinnace was made by a House-carpenter in the Gréene-yeard of Leaden hall in London it was about some 5 tun to be taken a sunder and set together with vices the same was finished and launched out of Leaden hall on the 12. of March in the night and drawne by strength of men and horses on a sléed with wheels made for that purpose towards Algate where about the parish Church of S. Catherine Christs Church the wheeles taking fire on the Axeltrées were broken about one of the clocke in the morning where it staied till the next night and then was drawne to the Tower hill where the same was calked and pitched and on the xx of March drawne and lanched into the riuer of Thames at the water gate by the Tower and from thence by water drawne to Ratcliffe and there tackled The ninth of Aprill being good Friday in the afternoone the Lord Maior and Aldermen were sent from the Sermon in Paules Church-yeard and forthwith vpon precept from the Councell pressed 1000. men which was done by eight of the clocke the same night and before the next morning they were purueied of all manner of furniture for the warres ready to haue gone towards Douer and so to the aid of Callis against the Spaniards but in the afternoone of the same day they were all discharged And on the 11. of Aprill being Easter day about tenne of the clocke came a new charge so that all men being in the parish Churches ready to haue receiued the Cōmunion the Aldermen their deputies and Constables were faine to close vp the Churchdoores till they had pressed so many to be souldiers that by 12. of the Clocke they had in the whole City 1000. men and they were forthwith furnished of armour and weapons c. And they were for the most part that night and the rest on the next morning sent away to Douer as the like out of other parts of the Realme but returned againe about a wéeke after for the French had lost Callis c. And in Iune 1598. the towne of Callis was quietly restored backe to the French The last of Aprill at night deceased Sir Iohn Puckering L. kéeper of the great Seale he died of a great palsie wherewith he had béene taken on the 26 of Aprill at night On May day proclamation was made that all souldiers appointed to sea should in all hast passe to Portesmouth c. to the Earle of Essex and other the Nobility there The 6 of May sir Thomas Egerton Master of the Rolles was made Lord Kéeper and had deliuered vnto him the great Seale The 11. he rode accompanied of the Nobility and others in great number to Westminster and there tooke his place In this moneth of May as afore fell continually raines euery day or night whereby the waters grew déepe brake ouer the high waies namely betwixt Ilford and Stradford
estate then feared to haue happened but not expressed the Citizens of London were charged with the furniture and setting forth to sea of twelue ships since increased to 16. c. Also with 6000. men and furniture for the warres which men with all spéede were made in a readinesse Thrée thousand of them were daily trained in the field vnder Captaines Citizens of the same City from the sixth of August c. The other thrée thousand appointed to attend vpon her Roiall person were also likewise trained vnder Captaines in braue furniture for they were housholders of account all which their charges was partly borne by themselues the residue performed by subsidies leuied of the Citizens In this meane time to wit on the fifth of August at night by commandement from her Maiestie the chaines were drawne thwart the stréetes and lanes of the Citie and Lanthornes with light of candles hanged one at euery mans dore there to burne all the night and so from night to night and great watches kept in the stréets which so continued a long time The City and Citizens kept vnusuall watch and ward and all sorts of people were much amazed and frighted as well by reason of preparation for wars not knowing any cause as also by the soddaine strange and terrible rumors and reports of the Spaniards fierce approach Also many thousands of horsemen and footemen chosen persons well appointed for the warres trained vp in armor with braue liueries vnder valiant Captaines in diuers shires were brought vp to London where they were lodged in the suburbes townes and villages neare adioyning from the eight of August till the 20. or 23. in which time the horsemen were shewed in Saint Iames field the footemen traimed in other grounds about the City and then all discharged homewards with charge to be alwaies ready at an houres warning And so it followed that on the 25. of August at night Posts were sent after them to recall the horsemen presently to returne to London with all spéede possible which charge they prepared to performe But on the 27. of August the said Posts were likewise sent to stay them at home or to returne them backe whose forwardnesse in seruice of the Quéene was such as the like hath not béene séene or heard of towards any Prince of this Realme such was the dutifulnesse of her louing and obedient subiects The 26. of August being Sunday in the morning before sixe of the clocke by the commandement from the Quéene the 3000. souldiers trained vp by the Citizens were all in Armour in the open stréetes attending on their Captaines till past seuen of the clocke at what time being thorowly wet by a great showre of raine were sent home againe for that day On the next morrow being the 27 the other 3000 Citizens housholders and subsidy men shewed on the Miles end where they trained all that day and other vntill the 4 of September and so ceased they training and whatsoeuer had béene foreséene and wisely preuented by the Quéene and her Nobility whereof the Comminalty were vtterly ignorant for that time a good Peace within this Realme hath since followed which God long continue among vs. Humfrey Wilde Roger Clarke the 28 of September Sir Nicholas Mosley Clothworker the 28 of October This Roger Clarke Shrieue bidding the Companies of London to dine with him as had béene accustomed by other Shrieues his predecessors tooke no beneuolence of them towards his charges On Michaelmas euen Robert Earle of Essex Lieutenant Generall for Ireland hauing secretly returned into England came to the Court at Nonsuch spake with the Quéene and on the second of October was for contempt c. committed to the Lord Kéeper On the 29 of Nouember the Lord Kéeper and other Lords of the Counsell in the Starre Chamber perswaded against rumorous talke of the Earle of Essex In December the late Cardinall Albertus and Isabella his wife Daughter to the late King of Spaine with great pompe in Antwerpe were sworne Arch-dukes A Tilt-boat from London towards Grauesend lost against Woolwich with 40 persons men and women whereof 11 were saued The 19 of Ianuary 16 Priests and foure lay men were remoued out of diuers prisons in and about London and sent to the Castle of Wisbich in Cambridge-shire whereof one was a Bishop of Ireland and another a Franciscan Frier of the rule of the Caputians which wore his Friars wéede all the way as he went a thing not séene in England many yéeres before The eight of February Charles Blunt Lord Mountioy departed towards Ireland as Lieuetenant there souldiers out of diuers shires were sent before him and also after him in the month of February namely the Citizens of London at their owne charges furnished and sent 300 at that time into Ireland The 21 of Iune Iohn Rigby was drawne from the Kings Bench in Southwarke to S. Thomas Waterings and there hanged and quartered for being reconciled contrary to the Statute In the month of Iuly were drawn hanged and quartered at Lincolne two Priests named T. Hunt and Sprat for comming into this Realme contrary to the Statute two other Priests Edward Thing and Robert Nutter were likewise executed for the like offence at Lancaster Also T. Palafer a Priest executed at Durham and a Gentleman with him for relieuing and lodging him in his house In the moneth of Iuly the Citizens of London sent out 300 souldiers into Ireland with their furniture also out of diuers shires souldiers were likewise furnished and sent thither This yéere in the moneth of April Richard Bishop of London with other Commissioners to wit Doctor Perkins and Doctor Swale were sent Ambassadors to Emden there to treat with the Commissioners from the King of Denmark who had long remained there for that purpose but their commission expired they were returned ere Ambassadors were come there whereupon our Ambassadors also returned into England the 8 of Iuly next following In which seruice the said Reuerend Father so wisely bountifully honorably caried himselfe that the Quéene very graciously accepted his procéedings The fifth of Iune the Earle of Essex was called before the Lords of the Councell at the Lord Kéepers where for matters laide to his charge hee was suspended from vse of diuers offices till her Maiesties pleasure to the contrary to kéepe his house as before whereat the people still murmured The 5 of August Charles Iames King of Scots in Scotland escaped a strange and strong conspiracie practised by the Earle of Gowry and his Brother as at large appeareth in a booke thereof extant first published and printed in Scotland and since in England A peace being concluded at Veraine in France in the yeare 1598 betwéene Henry the fourth King of France and Nauarre and Philip the second King of Spaine The Quéene of England was likewise inuited by the French King her confederate allye to dispose her selfe vnto
Adulteries The 26 of October ariued Olexsey Euanowich Iszazen from the yong Emperour of Russia Michaell Euanowich Vryoue hée returned the next spring and then the King sent Sir Iohn Merricke Knight Lord Ambassador to the sayd Emperour who according to his Commission with great paines and long trauaile made a firme Peace and League betwéene the King of Sweaden and the Emperour of Russia Thomas Benet Henry Iay Shrieues Sir Thomas Middleton Knight Grocer Maior The 4 of Nouember 1613. the Viscont Rochester was created Earle of Somerset and Baron of Branspeth and the same day in the afternoone Sir Edward Cooke Knight Lord chiefe Iustice of England was sworne a Priuie Counsellor Sonday the 26 of Decembert Robert Earle of Somerset maried the Lady Francis Howard daughter to Thomas Earle of Suffolke Sonday the 2 of Ianuary 1613. betweene the houres of twelue and one in the morning was Prince Henry Fredericke borne at Heydelberge in Germanie the first borne sonne of the most high borne Princesse the Lady Elizabeth the eldest daughter of the most High and Mighty Prince Iames King of Great Brittaine and wife to the most Noble Prince Fredericke the first Count Palatine chiefe of the Princes Electors he was christened the sixth of March. Thursday the 29 of March 1614. Sir Ralphe Winwood Knight Master of the Requests was sworne principall Secretary of Estate and Sir Thomas Lake Knight Clerke of the Priuie Signet was sworne a Priuie Counsellor The 15 of Iune died Henry Earle of Northamton and was buried in the chappell of Douer castle he founded thrée Hospitalls one whereof was at Gréenewich which he ordained should be for euer gouerned by the company of Mercers of London In the moneth of Iuly this yeare 1614. the King of Denmarke with thrée shippes arriued at Yarmouth accompanied and attended by his Lord Chancellor and Lord Admirall and diuers other of quallity and a competent Number of his Guard and others Friday the 22 of Iuly hee came to the Quéenes Court at Somerset house in the Strand the King of great Brittaine being then in Bedfordshire ryding progresse where hauing spéedie knowledge of his brothers a ryuall set forward instantly for London and vpon the next Sunday both the Kings the Quéene and and Prince Charles met at Somerset house where the Bishop of London preached before them And the first of August the King of Denmarke being accompanied with King Iames and Prince Charles went by Barge to Woolwich and to Graues-end where they dined and after dinner went aboord the King of Denmarkes shippe and there the King of Great Brittaine tooke leaue of his brother and returned that night to Theobalds Prince Charles accompanied his Vncle the next day to Rochester and and hauing viewed the Nauy Royall they returned to the King of Denmarkes Ship and the next daie Prince Charles returned to London and the King with a faire winde set saile for Denmarke hauing euery way exprest his Royall bounty as formerly The thirtéenth of Iuly Thomas Earle of Suffolke was made Lord high Treasurer of England and at this time Robert Earle of Somerset was made Lord Chamberlaine This Michellmas Tearme there was a call of Seargeants at Law viz. the eleuenth of Nouember At this time was finished and builded the new faire Counsell Chamber for the Lord Maior and Aldermen of London by reason the former Chamber was too little Sir Thomas Middleton Knight being then Lord Maior In September there was a generall muster of horse and foote throughout the Land and therewithall trayning of souldiers but chiefly in the City of London by the citizens them●selues many whereof by their former voluntary exercise of Armes and Millitary discipline was now so ready and expert that they taught o●thers And whereas at this time there was by the Lord Maior and citizens twenty select●● captaines chosen to traine and gouerne th● trained bands of London viz. sixe thousand● there were found in the said former company viz. of the Artillerie garden sufficient men ● be their Lieutenants and all other officers 〈◊〉 the apt and ready trayning of others fr●● whom vpon good obseruation all the shires 〈◊〉 England tooke example the captaines and gen●tlemen of the Artillerie garden demeand themselues so wel exercising all points of warre that it pleased Prince Charles to goe in person to the Artillery garden to sée their wéekely exercise of armes and to goe into Hoxton field to sée their great muster and trayning of the sixe thousand citizens which wéekely practise now vsed in the Artillery garden they were determined to remooue from thence and to hold their vsual Marshall méetings and practise of armes in the great third field from Mooregate viz. next the sixe Windmills which field Master Leat with great paines hath béene diuers yeares a preparing to that purpose At this time the riuer of Thames was cléered of stops pyles and weyres by the Water Bayly of London as he was appointed by the Lord Maior and Court of Aldermen Master Hugh Middleton Citizen and Goldsmith of London borne in Denbigh-shire hauing spent fiue yeares time with the aduise and direction of the best and most skillfull Artizens imployed bestowed great summes of money forced to vse seuen hundred workemen at one time and endured infinit Callumny and detraction he brought a delicate Riuer of swéet water from two plentious springs viz. the one whereof is called Chawldwell néere Ware and the other Amwell in Herefordshire which two springs being vnited runne ioyntly togither to the North-side of London which Riuer with the Trenches to conuay it and the great Cesterne to receiue it with great difficultie was brought vnto desired effect in Sommer 1613. but the Currant was restrained from running into the Ceasterne vntill Michaelmas day in the yeare 1613. And that day there came to behold it the Lord Maior if London and Sir Thomas Middleton Knight Lord Maior Elect for the yeare ensuing brother to this Maior Hugh Middleton Master of this memorable worke with many Aldermen and a great number of graue Citizens and others who were entertained with excellent Musique and the royall sound of drums and trumpets with spéeches and other pleasant entertainements and at the lifting vp of the Scluce to let the Riuer runne into the Ceasterne there was a peale of Chambers since which time with all possible expedition this water is conuaied from this Ceasterne by pipes of Elme into all high stré● and chiefe lanes of the city and the suburbe● thereof the generall and particular benefit their of is vnualuable Peter Proby Martin Lumley Shrieues Sir Thomas Hayes Knight Draper Maior At this time was founded the Great Hospi●tall at the Charter-house néere London for fourescore men and forty children and the new built Hospitall at Dulwich in Surrey read my large booke The 17 of Ianuary 1614. it began to fréeze in ordinary manner and the 23
Ambassador Leger in France was sworne a Priuie Counsellor and made Comptroller of the Kings houshold and the Lord Wotton was made Treasurer of the Kings houshold Sonday the fifth of Ianuary the Lord Viscont Villers was created Earle of Buckingham at White-hall Twesday the fourth of February 1616. the Earle of Buckingham was sworne a Priuie Counsellor Twesday the 13 of February the King in person sate in the Star-chamber and made an excellent Oration to the Lords and to the Iudges vnto whom hee gaue a charge and direction how they should proceed in the Circuits Shroue Twesday the 4 of March many disordred persons of sondry kindes amongst whom were very many young boyes and laddes that assembled themselues in Lincolnes Inne field Finsbury field in Ratliffe and Stepney field where in ryotous manner they did beate downe the walls and windowes of many victualling houses and of all other houses which they suspected to bee bawdie houses And that after-noone they spoyl'd a new Play-house and did likewise more hurt in diuers other places in pulling downe walles and windowes and spoyling of house-hold-stuffe and were so head●strong that they dispightfully vsed and resisted the Shrieffes of London and the Constables and Iustices of Middlesex Whereupon the Lords of the Counsell by the Kings appointment ordained diuers of the Chiefe Iustices of Middlesex to be Prouost Marshals and to execute Marshall Law if the like occation should happen Shroue-twesday the fourth of March this yeare 1616. the Queene feasted the King at her Palace in the Strand formerly called Somerset-house and then the King commanded it should no more be so called but that it should from henceforth be called Denmarke-house which said Denmarke-house the Queene had many waies repaired beautified new builded and enlarged and brought to it a pipe of conduit water from Hyde-parke The seuenth of March the Great Seale of England was deliuered to Sir Francis Bacon Knight the Kings Atturney and was then made Lord Kéeper and the next day toward Euening died the Lord Elismer late Lord Chancellor and the fourth of Ianuary following Sir Francis Bacon Lord Keeper was made Lord Chauncelor When Sir Francis Bacon was made Lord Kéeper then was sir Henry Yeluerton Knight the Kings Soliciter made the Kings Atturney and Master Thomas Couentry Esquire Recorder of London was made the Kings Soliciter and was Knighted the 16 of March Friday the fouretéenth of March 1616. the King being accompanied with the Queene and Prince Charles and many of the Chiefe Nobility and others went from White-hall to Theobalds and from thence the King with his appointed traine set forward toward Edenborough the next Monday being Saint Patricks day And vpon his Maiesties returne to London viz. the 15 of September next following the King came from Windsor to London and was met at Hyde-parke by the Lord Maior and Aldermen and aboue foure hundreth of the chiefe Citizens with chaines of gold and well mounted the Lord Maior presented the King with a purse and in it fiue hundreth péeces of gold called the Vnity and there the King Knighted sir Anthony Ben Recorder of London The 20 of March 1616. the Lord Hay was sworne a Priuie Counsellor at Hynching-brooke Sonday the 23 of March 1616. at Burley on the hill in Rutland-shire sir Edward Noell Knight and Baronet was created Lord Noell of Rydlington At this time neere Wapping in the Parish of White-chappell was new builded a very faire large Chappell and a Church-yard to it which were consecrated the 7 of Iuly 1617. by the Lord Bishop of London Vpon Michaelmas day Doctor Montague Lord Bishop of Winchester was sworne a Priuie Counsellor at Hampton Court and that day at that place Sir Iohn Villers maried Frances the daughter of Sir Edward Cooke Knight William Hallyday Robert Iohnson Shrieues Sir George Bolles Knight Grocer Maior Twesday the fourth of Nouember here ariued Stephen Euanowich Lieutenant of Rasco and Marke Euanozin Posdieof of one of the thrée Chancellors of Russia from the late mentioned Michaell Pheodorowich Emperour of Russia they had audience the next Sonday and vpon Now yeares day the King feasted them and their chiefe followers and attendants at Whitehall being fifty in number their whole Traine was 75. Thursday the 6 of Nouember the Lord Hay married the Lady Luce daughter to the Earle of Northumberland Sonday the last of Nouember 1617. the Lord Archbishop of Spalato preached at the Marcers Chappell in the Italian tongue there were present the L. Archbishop of Canterbury the L. Chancellor the Earles of Arondell Pembroke Lord Zowch the Lord Compton and many others of great note he preached there againe vpon Sonday the ninetéenth of Aprill 1618. Sonday the foureteenth of December at ●●●beth were two Bishops consecrated viz. 〈◊〉 Felton Master of Pembroke-hall was consecrated Lord Bishop or Bristow and Doctor Montaigne Deane of Westminster was consecrated Lord Bishop of Lincolne at this Consecration were present and assistant at the imposition of hands with the Lord Archbishop of Canterbury the Lord Archbishop of Spalato the Bishops of London Ely Rochester and Lichfield Monday the foure and twenty of December 1617. was borne Charles Lodowick at Heydelberg about foure a clocke in the morning and was christened in March following Prince Charles was out of his Godfathers At this time the Appothecaries of London obtained a corporation for themselues and their successors for euer and by Letters pattented were made a Body Pollitique and Corporate and that all such as vse and professe the Apt and Mistery of Appothecaries within London and the Suburbs thereof and within seuen miles compasse thereof shall be ordred and gouerned by the Master Wardens and socitie of the Art and Misterie of the Appothecaries Edmond Philips was the Master Stephen Hyggines and Thomas Fanes were the first Wardens New yeares day being Thursday 1617. George Earle of Buckingham was created Marquesse of Buckingham at White-hall Thursday the eight of Ianuary 1617. Sir Robert Manton Knight was sworne the Kings Secretary At the end of February this yeare 1617. the Company of the East India Merchants sent nine braue goodly ships well appointed to the East Iudies And Sir Thomas Dale Knight went Generall this was the first fléet of the second ioynt stock At the beginning of this month of Aprill 1618. the Lord De la Ware with about eight score persons viz. men women went y e second time to Virginea to make good the plantation the Lord De la Ware at his first being in Virginia through extreamity of sicknesse was constrained to returne for England about sixe yeares past and could not recouer his perfect health vntill the last yeare in which he builded a very faire shippe and went now in it himselfe and after him went Captaine Henry Spilman with thirty persons this Captaine Spilman had béene formerly
tenne yeares in Virginia knew most of the Kings of that Country and spake their Languages very vnderstandingly The seuenth of March this yeare 1617. about one a clocke at midnight there was séene in the ayre ouer the Pallas of Paris in France a flame of fire as it were a Starre of a Cubit long and a foot broad which fired the Palas and with extreame terror and violence burnt it downe and therewithall burned the ancient Records of France and the Pictures and Statuaes of the Kings of France this fire notwithstanding the redinesse of water and twenty thousands of willing persons endeauoring to quench it yet it continued about twenty houres in which space it also burned a prison with great dammage to other houses and Tradesmen great Pillers and Arches of stone burned with great flames as if they had béene made of Timber and commixt with Brimston and the first wéeke of this moneth of March happened in the Towne of Chagford in Deuonshire at a Court of Stanery a wall fell downe and after that part of the house and fiue Master Nicholas Eueligh then Steward of that Court and two of his seruants And Master Richard Cottell of the Middle Temple Esquire and seuen other there were also about thirty persons sore hurt within few daies of these two accidents aboue said the Towne-house of Delph in Holland by negligence was set a fire and quite burned downe Martine Fotherby Doctor of Diuinity and Chaplaine to the Kings Maiesty one of the Canons of Christ-church in Canterbury borne at Grimsby in Lincolneshire he was Kinsman Pupile and Chaplaine to the good Archbishop White-gift and was Consecrated Bishop of Salisburie vpon Sonday the ninetéenth of Aprill 1618. by the most Reuerend Father in God Doctor Abbot Lord Archbishop of Canterbury This moneth of May 1618. the forenamed Russia Ambassadour with his Traine returned and Sir Dudley Digges Knight was sent Ambassador to the Emperour of Russia from his Maiesty William Parker Citizen and Merchantaillor of London died about two yeares past and amongst other things which hee gaue to Pius and Publique vses he gaue a thousand pound towards the new building of Aldersgate which was imployed therein according to the Tenor of his Will he gaue also fiue hundreth pounds towards the new glasing of the decayed windowes in the vpper part of Paules Church in London and the same to be done in rich colloured glasse with Effygies and holy stories as it had béene formerly glased and adorned the first window whereof being new made was prepared and appointed to be set vp on the North-side of the Quire in the moneth of Iune this yeare 1618. and much of the old glasse repayred the decaies of diuers broken windowes Dura enim est Historiographorum conditio si vera dicant homines prouocant si falsa scripturis commendant Dominus qui vera dicta ab adulteris sequestrat non acceptat saith Matthew of Paris Of the Vniuersities in England and Colledges of the same with the Founders and principal Benefactors I Haue before time reioyced saith Erasmus Roterdam that England was so well furnished with so many men of excellent learning but now I begin to enuie her felicity for that he so flourisheth with all kind of literature that by taking the commendation thereof from the other regions she doth as it were maruailously obscure them And yet notwithstanding this commendation is not as now first due to England in the which it is well knowne haue béene of long time men of great learning The Vniuersities proue this to be true which both for their antiquitie and worthinesse contend with the most antient and worthy Vniuersities in the world Peter Colledge was erected of t●o antient Hostels sometime belonging vnto the Brethren of the sect called De poenitentia Iesu Christi by Hugh Balsam sometime Subprior of Ely 1256. This Hugh was afterward the tenth Bishop of Ely and finished this Colledge in Anno 1248. Clare Hall was first builded by Richard Badow then Chancellor of the Students there and the same was called Vniuersity Hall 1326. It was since that inlarged by Gwalther Thansteed Master of the same hall who with consent of the said Richard Badow resigned the foundation thereof to Elizabeth Lady of Clare third daughter of Gilbert and sister and one of the heires of the last Gilbert de Clare Earle of Glocester who was first married to Iohn Bourgh Earle of Vlster in Ireland after to Theobald of Verdon and thirdly to Sir Roger Damary and had issue by them all she I say named it Clare Hall Pembroke Hall w●s founded by Mary of Valentia daughter to Guydo Earle of Saint Paul in France wife to Adomate de Valentia Earle of Pembroke She obtained of King Edward the third whose cosen she was to found this Colledge in her owne ground with purchasing two or thrée t●nements thereby and named it Aula de Vale●ce Marie An. 1343. Corpus Christi Colledge was first begun to be builded by the Aldermen and brethren of Corpus Clristi Guild This Colledge was brought so far forth she rather by the helpe of Saint Maries Guild and fraternitie newly adioyned to the other Guild In the yeare 1353. they did elect Henry Earle of Darby and Lancaster who should obtaine them fauour for the purchasing of Mortmaine for such lands and tenements as after many did sell thim This Earle of Darby in the 28 yeare of Edward the third was created the first Duke of Lancaster and then they elected him their Alderman who recognised their statutes not by the Dukes seale but by the seale of the Alderman of that Guild Trinity hall was first an Hostell purchased by Iohn Cranden sometime Prior of Ely who procured it for his brethren the Monkes of that house to be students there in the time of Edward the third which hostell was afterward purchased by William Bateman Bishop of Norwich who builded this Colledge of Trinity hall vpon the said ground being the first founder thereof he deceased in the yeare of Christ 1354. Gunuile and Caius Colledge was first founded by Edmund Gunuile sometime Parson of Terington in Norffolke he gaue it to name Gunuile Hall as appeareth by his statute 1354. At his decease leauing a good masse of mony commended the further finishing of the same Hall to William Bateman Bishop of Norwich who with the assent of the Aldermen and Brethren of the Guiles of Corpus Christi and our Lady changed with them the said house with their house called the Stonehall where now Gunuile and Caius colledge standeth Iohn Caius Doctor in Physick sometime fellow and late Master of the same colledge hath inlarged the house and now made a second foundation with giuing certain manors and lands to the same 1557. Kings Colledge was first founded by King Henry the sixth in Anno 1441. The same King altered the forme of his first foundation Anno 1443. Edward the fourth in displeasure
that name King of Spaine and Albertus and Isabella Archdukes of Austria on the one part and the generall Estates of Holland Zealand and Frizeland on the other part In this truce were included all the newter Townes Forts and Cities This was done after either side had tried their vtmost fortunes and felt the bitter sting and cruell miserie of almost fiftie yeares bloudy wars to the great damage of all Christendome and aduantage of the vnreconcileable common enemy the Turke The last yeare and this spring according to his Maiesties expresse order vpon apparant reason and great likelihood of future good vtilitie to the common subiects of this land there were many thousands of young Mulbery trées brought hither out of France by Monsieur Francis Vertron alias Forest of Verton in Pycardie Esquire who had a Patent for the same for two yeares which were likewise by order sent into diuers shires and there planted for the féeding of Silkewormes to make silke like as it is made in France The last yeare at Gréenwich he kept great store of English Silkewormes the which the King with great pleasure came often to sée them worke and of their silke the King caused a peece of Taffata to be made It is but twenty yeares since the first generall making of silke in France And the like generall planting of Mulbery trées there who vntill then could not make Silke All which notwithstanding for many yeares past héere in England haue béene diuers ingenious and industrious English gentlemen who haue planted Mulberies made many trials taken great paines and béene at expences to bréede and féed their wormes and to make silke whereof they brought some to good perfection Amongst whom of most note is William Stallendge Esquier who at this time and before by his proper practise had bred great store of wormes to good perfection and thereof made good silke in London viz. 13 yeardes of Taffata and diuers payres of Stockings of sūdry colours which he presented vnto his Maiesty and vnto the Quéene and Prince and vnto many others the other yeare This Stallendge about thrée yeares past had a Pattent for seuen yeares to bring in Mulbery séeds and this yere according to the kings direction he and the forenamed Forrest planted Mulbery trées in most shires of England viz. M. Stallendge furnished the Westerne parts and M. Forest the Northen part the King planted Mulbery trées neere Saint Iames Parke The beautifull building in the Strand neare Durham house was begunne the tenth of Iune last past and was fully finished in Nouember following at the proper charges of Robert Earl of Salisburie Lord high Treasurer of England and vpon Tuesday the tenth of Aprill this yeare 1609 many of the vpper shops were richly furnished with wares and the next day after that the King Quéene and Prince the Lady Elizabeth and the Duke of Yorke with many great Lords and chiefe Ladies came thither and then the King gaue it a name and called it Britaine Burse The 8 of May the King by his Proclamation prohibited all forraine Nations that after August next they should not fish vpon any the coasts of England Scotland or Ireland nor the Isles adiacent without speciall licence from the Commissioners in that behalfe ordained viz. to haue licence from the Commissioners in London for Fishing neare England and Ireland and from the Commissioners in Edenbrough to fish in the Scottish seas and the Isles adiacent The first second and third of Iune the king in person royall heard the differences betwéene the ecclesiasticall and the temporall Iudges argued touching prohibitions out of the Kings Bench and Common Pleas. The 8.9 and 10. of Iune his Maiesty also in proper person accompanied with the L. Treasurer the Lord Priuy Seal the Lord Admirall the Lord Chamberlaine and others heard the manifold complaints of the abuses of the officers of his Nauy royall The 23 of Iune y e King Quéen and Prince with diuers great Lords and many others came to the Tower to make triall of the Lions single valour and to haue the Lions kill a great fierce Bare which had kild a child but the Lions being tried by one and one at a time and lastly by two together which were bred in that open yard where the Bare was put loose for combat yet would none of them assaile him but sled from him and sought to returne into their dens After the first Lyon was put forth then was there a stone horse put into the Bare and Lyon who when he had gased vpon them a little he fell to grasing standing in the midst betwéene them both and whereas at first there was but two mastifes let in who boldly sought with the Lyon there was now 6 dogges let in who flue all vpon the horse being most in their fight at their first entrance and would soone haue woried the horse to death but that sodainely euen as the King wisht there entered in 3 stout Bearwards who wondrous valiantly rescued the horse and brought away the dogges whilest the Lyon and Bare stood staring vpon them And the fift of Iuly this Bare according to the Kings expresse commaundement was bayted to death with dogs vpon a Stage and the mother of the murthered child had twenty pound giuen her out of the mony giuen by the people to see the death of the Bare About two yeares past viz. at Christmas 1607. the King borrowed of Francis Iones and Nicholas Salter and their partners being Farmers of the Custome house one hundred and twenty thousand pound for one whole yeare which said summe his Maiesty very gratiously and carefull repayed at Christmas 1608. with full royall consideration for the same In the moneth of March the last yeare 1608. the King borrowed of certaine other Citizens the sum of thréescore and thrée thousand pound for fiftéene months and this Midsomer day 1609 the King not onely repayed them all the said sum but allowed them likewise their full interest for the same viz. seauen thousand and fiue hundred pround as a royall recompence the King sent them word that hee had money ready for them and that if they would they should receiue their money before their day but they refused it Of late yeares certaine ingenious and industrious persons deuised and found out the making of Allome within the Kings Dominions viz. in Deuonshire and Ireland and lastly at Gysborrow and other places in Yorkeshire where the sayd Allom by this time was brought to full perfection by the Lord Sheffield and Sir Thomas Challoner Sir Dauid Fowllis Sir Iohn Bowrchier Knights and William Turner Nicholas Cryspe Elias Cryspe Abraham Chamberlaine Citizens of London to the great vse profit of the common wealth whereupon the first of Iuly the King by his Proclamation prohibited the bringing in of any Allome from beyond the seas into any part of his Maiesties dominions vpon pain of confiscation The King likewise
by the frée election of the Treasurer and Counsell of Virginea and with the full consent of the generality of that company was constituted and authorized during his naturall life to be Lord Gouernour and captaine generall of all the English Colonies planted or to be planted in Virginea according to the tenor of his Maiesties Letters Pattents granted this present yeare vnto the said company The Lord La Warre had his Pattent sealed by that Company the twenty eight day of February this yeare 1609. he went accompanied with Knights and Gentlemen of qualitie And in Iune next there was one ship with 20 men and a yeares competent prouision for the whole Colony sent after him The ninth of February the Parliament began at Westminster and continued vntill the twenty third of Iuly and was then prorogued vntill the 16 of October following and then the Lords and Commons sate againe vntill the sixt of December and then it was adiourned vnto the ninth of February The Kings Maiesty in his princely prouidence for the present and future good of his Kingdomes and chiefely for preuention of all rebellion in the Kingdome of Ireland and in his especiall fauour and kingly respect vnto the City of London did in Iuly last make a liberall offer vnto the Lord Maior and citizens of London for the present possession and plantation of Englishmen in the Prouince of Vlster And when the Lord Maior and Citizens had well aduised themselues therein then in August they sent foure discréet expert persons being accompanied and directed by Sir Thomas Philips as the Lords of the Councell had appointed to suruay that Prouince and to obserue the profits with the estate and condition thereof and to report what ruines were to be repayred and what cities castles and townes were presently to be builded and when these 4 suruayors were returned they ascertained the Lord Maior Citizens aswell of the true estate and validity thereof as of the seuerall commodities honor dignity y t would therby ensue then they humbly accorded vnto the Kings most gratious and bounteous offer then the Lord Maior Citizens vpon mature deliberation leuied 20000. li. to be employed in these Irish affaires by vertue of their act of common Councell they constituted 24 Committies consisting of 6 Aldermen and 18 Commoners the two chiefe wherof were called the gouernor deputy all which are to be new chosen euery yeare hauing power authority giuen them to order dispose of all matters for plantation traffique rule gouernment in that North part of Ireland whereupon the 14 of February they made publication therof signifying vnto all handy crafts men their present entertainment employment in this expedition that they should haue their full wages with their dwelling houses and other good meanes for the honest maintenance of themselues their families vpon knowledge wherof there came about 300 seuerall persons who were presently fitted and furnished with all things necessary with all conueniency were sent to Vlster and so this expedition procéeded prosperously William Cokaine Alderman was the first gouernor Thursday the 3 of May the French Quéene with all solemnity was crowned in Paris hauing béene ten yeares before maried to the king and the next day after the King was murthered in his coach as he rode through Paris by a base villain that stabd him into the body with a long knife twice that he died instantly and his body was carried to the Loouer presently vpon the Kings death the Quéene was made Regent during her sons minority viz. Lewis the 13. The 20 of May being Sonday our King Quéene the Prince the Duke of Yorke the Lady Elizabeth and all the Lords and Ladies in the Court mourned in blacke for the death of this French King Henry the 4. and about the end of Iune was he buried in Paris with as great royalty as euer was any king of France Vpon the murther of this French king the Lords Commons of the Parliament of England humbly besought the King our soueraigne Lord to haue a more especiall care then formerly had béene for the preseruation of his royall person also to take spéedy order for the auoiding imminet danger and kéeping his Subiects in their due obedience and forthwith the Commons of the Parliament for manifestation of their allegiance loue and duety they voluntarily of their owne accord tooke the oath of allegiance and after them the Lords of the vpper house did so likewise who also ministred the same oath vnto all their seruants and followers and such as refused to take the oath were put from their Lords seruices and the Bishops in their Conuocation house ordained that euery Bishop in their seuerall visitations should minister the same oath vnto all their Clergy which they performed accordingly this oath was also ministred vnto others as followeth according to the tenor of a speciall statute made this Session of Parliament in that behalfe The appointed time now drew neere for Prince Henry to be created Prince of Wales and vpon thursday the last of May the Lord Maior and Aldermen being accompanied with 54 seuerall companies of citizens of London in their seuerall Barges bearing Armes distinguished by their proper Ensignes banners and streamers in braue and warlike manner and therewithall plenteously furnished with sundry sorts of excellent musicke and had also to entertaine the Prince diuers ingenious and pleasant trophies vpon the water all which in very comely order went to Chelsea the Lord Maior as Admirall going formost where from nine a clocke in the morning vntill past three in the afternoone they attended the comming of the Prince who could not come sooner by reason of the low ebbe at which tsme the Prince came from Richmond being very honourably accompanied and attended And from Chelsea the Lord Maior and citizens conducted his Highnesse vnto the court at White-hall as they returned from Chelsea the citizens ledde the way and the Lord Maior followed them going alwaies next before the Princes Barge To sée this ioyfull fight the people for 7 miles space swarmed on both sides the riuer the Thames was couered with boates barges and lighters full fraught with men women and children And vpon Sonday the 3 of Iune the King made 25 knights of the Bath whose names follow And the next day the King created and crowned the Prince his eldest Sonne Henry Prince of Wales in the Great White Chamber at Westminster being performed with all magnificence and solemnity and with the full consent of the Lords spirituall and temporall and commons of the Parliament being all there present the Lord Maior and Aldermen of London were also present at this Creation the Princes titles were proclaimed viz. Henry Prince of Wales Duke of Cornewall and Rothesey and Earle of Chester In honour of this Creation there was the next night at the Court a most rich and royall maske of Ladies viz. the Quéene the