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ID Title Author Corrected Date of Publication (TCP Date of Publication) STC Words Pages
A05184 The historie of George Castriot, surnamed Scanderbeg, King of Albanie Containing his famous actes, his noble deedes of armes, and memorable victories against the Turkes, for the faith of Christ. Comprised in twelue bookes: by Iaques de Lauardin, Lord of Plessis Bourrot, a nobleman of France. Newly translated out of French into English by Z.I. Gentleman.; Historia de vita et gestis Scanderbegi. English Barleti, Marin, ca. 1460-1512 or 13.; Jones, Zachary. 1596 (1596) STC 15318; ESTC S113043 769,033 528

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Vsuncassan 386 Mamiza daughter to Iohn Castriot and Voisaue 3. by her brother Scanderbeg giuen in mariage to Musache Thopie 25. she celebrateth the obsequtes of her husband 305. her perfections and prayses 309 Mara daughter to Iohn Castriot and Voisaue 3. sister to Scanderbeg maried to Stephen Cernouitche 25 Margaret the vvife of Charles king of Naples sister to Queene Ione flieth vvith her children to Gaietta 394 Margaret the sister of Sforce Cotignolle her hardinesse and generositie 397 Marin Span Amesa gouernors of Baleza 107 Marquise of Crotona ouerthrowen taken prisoner by Ferdinand 404 Marquise d'Est 405 Mary daughter to Stephē king of Hungary maried to Charles the second king of Naples her issue 388 Mary sister to Ione Queene of Naples vvife to Robert Earle of Arthois her familiaritie vvith Iohn Boccace 393. she is put to death by Charles of Duraz. ibidem Maurice Cataneo a Genoway 318 Messeit a Saniack taken prisoner 371. he is raunsomed 377 Messenger of Amurath reiected by the Croyans 211. Messenger of Perlat to Moses 276. from Hamur to Scanderbeg 379. from the Turkish armie to Scanderbeg 482 Metopick a Promontory neare Constantinople 315 Miliander a place in Constantinople 318 Misia Vide Seruia Modon or Methone in Greece spoiled by Mahomet 426 Monticlea 221 Morea Vide Peloponesus Mocrea vvonne by Scanderbeg 42 Morsena his prophecie of Constantinople 338 Moses Bassa the murtherer of Tursines murthered by the mother of the infant 253 Moses Goleme of Dibria aideth Scanderbeg in his reuolt 24. he is left to continue the siege of Sfetigrade 33. he goeth disguised as aspie into the Turkes Campe. 164. he is vvounded 198. his immoderate furie in the heate of fight 271. his originall and discent ibidē his hardie act in the battell of Pologue 271. 272. his valour vertue rewarded by Scanderbeg 273. he reuolteth from Scanderbeg 278. 302. his goods liuings are confiscate 305. he cometh to Andrinople and is honorably entertained 310. he is sent with an armie against Scanderbeg 312. 337. he chalengeth Scanderbeg to the combat yet refuseth him 344. being ouerthrowen he is in disgrace vvith Mahomet and in danger of his life 345. 346. he returneth into Epire submiteth himselfe to Scanderbeg is pardoned restored to his goodes liuings and dignities 347. 348. he is taken prisoner by the Turkes and put to death by Mahomet 455 Mount Gargan in Apulia or mount Saint Angell 410 Mountaine of Mocrea 264 Mountaine of Modrissa 258. 264 Musache de Angeline nephew of Scanderbeg son of Vladienne Goleme and nephew to Scanderbeg by his sister Angeline 271. he is vvounded 299. he is taken prisoner by the Turkes and put to death by Mahomet 455 Musache de Thopy the sonne of Mamiza Scanderbegs sister 25. he is surprised by the Turkes before Belgrade vvhere he maketh a most glorious end 295. 296. his vertues and prayses 309 Mustapha sent against Scanderbeg by Amurath 89. he is sent the second time 94. he is taken prisoner by the Albanois 125. he is raunsomed 127 Mynes discouered by a deuise 230 Mynes of the Turkes against Constantinople disappointed by countermynes 321 N Naples kingdome an example of fortunes inconstancy 387. conquered by Lewes king of Hungarie restored to Queene Ione 389. besieged by Philip Duke of Millan and others and vvon for Queene Ione 401. recouered by Rene Duke of Barre besieged vvon by Alphonsus 403. taken by Bellisarius from the Gothes ibidem Neapolitanes their humour and disposition 387. their rebellion against Ferdinand and confederacie vvith Iohn Duke of Aniow 404. 405. they are reconciled to Ferdinand and pardoned by meanes of Scanderbeg 421 Natolia or Asia Minor named Turkie 6 Negligence and securitie of the Turkish armie 163. 366. 367 Neophite a monke at Constantinople 324 Nicholas Berize 304. takē prisoner by the Turks or put to death by Mahomet 455 Nicholas Ducagin the sonne of Paule 46. his valour and prowesse 89 Nicholas de Gullelle 319 Nicholas Moneta gouernour of Scutarie 481 Nicholas of Naples at enmitie vvith Pope Vrban the sixt and the cause thereof 391 Number of Turkes slaine in the battell against Haly Bassa 60. in the battell against Fery-Bassa 175. at the siege of Sfetigrade vnder Amurath 189. at the siege of Belgrade in Macedonie 304. at Belgrade in Hungarie 353. in the battell of Pharsalia 301 Number of Christians slaine at the siege of Sfetigrade vnder Scanderbeg 204. at the battell of Belgrade 301 Number of Christians prisoners at the taking of Constantinople 332 Number of souldiers in garrison at Constantinople 314 Number of Scanderbegs armie against Amurath at the siege of Sfetigrade 133. at the siege of Croy. 208 Number of Amuraths army brought to the siege of Sfetigrade 140. to the siege of Croy. 207 O Oration of Amese to Mahomet 351 Oration of Amurath to his counsellers for vvarre to be made against Scanderbeg 130. to his Chieftains before Croy reproching their faintnesse and cowardise 223 Oration of Andrew Angell to the Driuastines 111 Oration of Carazabeg to Mahomet 429 Oration of a common souldier in Sfetigrade 31 Oration of Daniell Iurich Generall of the Venetian armie against Scanderbeg 98 Oration of Debreas encouraging his souldiers against Scanderbeg 270 Oration of the Emperour of Constantinople 327 Oration of the gouernour of Belgrade to his people 284 Oration of Isup to Scanderbeg persuading him to peace vvith Amurath 236 Oration of Mahomet to his Chrieftaines against the Christiās 445. purposing a iourney against Scanderbeg in proper person 472 Oration of Paule Angell Archbishop of Duraz to Scanderbeg incensing the Epirots against Mahomet 437 Oration of Paule Ducagin touching the sending of succours to Vladislaus king of Hungary 67 Oration of Perlat to the Dybrians vvithin Sfetigrade dissuading them from yeelding to Amurath 183 Oration of Scanderbeg to the Citizens of Sfetigrade 137. to Pope Paule the second and his Cardinals at Rome 478. to the Princes of Epyre assembled in Parliament at Lissa 47. to his subiects to comfort them after that the voyage of the Christians against the Turkes was broken 450. to the Venetian Ambassadours vpon the conclusion of peace betweene them 128 Oration of Zagan counselling Mahomet to continue the siege of Constantinople 326 Orations of Scanderbeg to his souldiours 1 At his going to recouer the fortresses of Epyre against the Turkes 25 2 After the recouery of the fortresses of Epyre. 34 3 Marching against Haly Bassa 54 4 After the battell vvith Haly Bassa inuiting them to the sacke and spoile of the Turkishe territories 60 5 Consulting to assay Mustapha 91 6 Before the battell betweene him and the Venetians 99 7 Before the battell of Oronichea against Mustapha 122 8 Being to giue a canuazado to the Turkishe Campe. 165 9 Persuading thē to proceede in their Conquests against the Turkes 260 10 Before the battell against Debreas 270 11 Marching to the siege of Belgrade 281 12 Before the battell of Oronichea against Moses 341 13 Being to marche against Isaac Bassa