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A05076 An epitome of chronicles Conteyninge the whole discourse of the histories as well of this realme of England, as al other cou[n]treys, with the succession of their kinges, the time of their reigne, and what notable actes they did ... gathered out of most probable auctours. Firste by Thomas Lanquet, from the beginning of the worlde to the incarnacion of Christe, secondely to the reigne of our soueraigne lord king Edward the sixt by Thomas Cooper, and thirdly to the reigne of our soueraigne Ladye Quene Elizabeth, by Robert Crowley. Anno. 1559. Lanquet, Thomas, 1521-1545.; Cooper, Thomas, 1517?-1594. aut; Crowley, Robert, 1518?-1588. aut 1559 (1559) STC 15217.5; ESTC S108255 485,101 678

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that prouince he named Eustace his sōne Duke of Normandye and enered frendshippe and league with Lewys king of Fraunce Richardus de S. Uictore Rabi Salomon a Iew and Almeon well skilled in the Quadriuialles lyued at this tyme. Eustace the sonne of kyng Stephene maried the sister of Lewys kinge of Fraunce whiche mariage continued the amitee betwene England and Fraunce Chunrade Duke of Suane a man of noble and valiāt courage Anni regum Angli 4 by consente of the electours was chosen emperoure The yere of the worlde 5039 The yere of Christ 1138 and reigned .xv. yeres Whom no writer testifieth to be crowned of the bishop of Rome but that he vsed imperyal auctoritee withoute his admissyon At the begynnyng againste hym rebelled a Duke of the Saxones named Henry but he was shortlye broughte in subiection and his Dukedome geuen to the Erle of Austrich Dauid kyng of Scotlande repentynge hym of the former agremēt made with king Stephene The yere of the worlde 5100 The yere of Christ 1139 Anni regum Angli 3 and purposing to recouer the crowne of Englād for Maude his nephew and daughter of kyng Henry in most cruel wise inuaded Northumberland where by Thrustone bishop of Yorke the Scottes were driuen backe and slaine in great num●bre and Dauid constreigned to geue his sonne Henrie in hostage for suretee of peace In the meane season kyng Stephene was occupied in ciuile warre against Robert Erle of Glocester and others whiche fauoured the parte of Maude whome the kynge subdued and part of theim forced to forsake the realme Maude the empresse came into this land out Normandye Anni regum Angli 6 and by the ayde of Roberte Erle of Gloucester The yere of the worlde 5102 The yere of Christ 1141 and Ranul●h of Chester made strong warre vpon king Stephene in the end whereof the kynges partee was chased and hym selfe taken prisoner and sente to Bristow there to be kept in sure holde But than the Ken●sshemen and Londinars fauouryng the kinge warred vpon the rebelles in open field toke Robert Erle of Gloucester But shortly after bothe the kynge and Robert were d●lyuered oute of pryson by exchaunge and Stephene withoute delaie gatheryng to him a stronge armie in such wise pursued his enemyes that he forced Maude with other of his frendes to forsake the realme The warre continued a long season to the great domage of the realme The Romayns desyryng their former and auncient libertee ordeyned two senatours whiche shoulde gouerne the lordships and prouinces belongyng as yet to the citee of Rome But Innocent the bishop withstode theyr purpose and callyng a counsayle ordeined that no laye man should ley violent handes vpon a priest Anni regum Angli 7 ¶ Emanuell was created emperour of Constantinople The yere of the worlde 5103 The yere of Christ 1142 and reigned .xxviii. yeares He vsed muche vilanye towarde the Christyans that passed into Asia against the Turkes as after shal appeare Anteenna the phisicfon Auerrois the interpretoure of Aristotle a wicked philosophier Abraham A●enestrae a Iew and an astronomer and Baliardus a peripatetike flourisshed Anni regum Angli 8 ¶ G●isa sonne of Bela was made king of Hungary and reigned .xx. yeres The yere of the worlde 5104 The yere of Christ 1143 He kept fyerce warre with the Germaines whiche brake into Pannonie and was of theim at the fyrst encounter vanquisshed but at the second time he obteined the vyctorie This man receiued and noblie interteined the emperour and the Frenche king as they yode towarde Hierusalem Roger Erle of Sicilie recouered all the lordshipe whiche he was before possessed of in Italie and than passed with a strōge nauie into Afrike where in many battailes he weried the Sarasens and made them with theyr king Tunete to hym tributarye whiche tribute they payed duely the space of xxx yeres Alaph kynge of the Turkes reconquered the citee of Mesopotamia called Edissa and practised moste extreme vilanie and crueltee towarde the Christians Celestine byshop of Rome .v. monethes After hym Lucius .ix. monethes and than Eugenius .viii. yeres whiche was troubled with the sedicyon of the people desiryng theyr consulles The yere of Christ 1144 ¶ Baldwine the .iii. was ordeyned the .v. kynge of Hierusalem after his father Fulco Anni regum Angli 9 S. Barnard exhorted the Christiā prynces to take armes against the Turkes Chunrade the emperoure of Germanie gatheryng for that purpose a strong armie went to Constantinople by the counsaile of Emanuell whiche promised faiethfully to puruey all thinges necessarye for hys armye passed ouer Bospherus withoute preparaunce of vitayle and for age and besieged Iconium Emanuell sent to hym meale mengled with lyme with the whiche the souldiours of Chunrade were poysoned and destroyed in suche wyse that he was fayne to leaue the siege and retourne againe into Thracia Baldwine kyng of Hierusalem repayred Gaza and conquering the citee Alcalō gaue it to the templares He ouer came the Turkes at Hierico and slew of them .5000 and in lyke maner vanquisshed chased and slewe Noradinus mayster of the chiualrye of Damascus with hys company A synode was assembled in Fraunce in the which B●liardus a phylosophier of excellente learnynge but not consenting in al poinctes with the Romaine church was conuicted and afterwarde made him selfe a monke The yere of the worlde 5106 The yere of Christ 1145 Lewys kyng of Fraunce Anni regum Angli 10 settyng forthe towarde Asia against the Turkes came to Constantinople and by the treason of Emanuel the emperour was led by desertes and wildernesses of S●rie with great'ie opardie of his men and at the last through scarcitee of vitayles and all necessaries ▪ was constreigned to bringe his hoste being sore weried and febled to the citee of Antioch Gracian collectont of the decrees Peter commester auctour of the historie called Scholastica Petrus Longobardus maister of the sentences and Otto ●rigensis a wel learned bishop were famous Roger erle of Sicilie being greued with the vntreuth and villaine of Emanuel the emperour of Constantinople went against him with a great puisaunce and subdued Cor●yra toke the citees Corinth Thebes Eubola and other and then fearinge the ayde of the Uenecians bent his power toward Asia where he caused the Sarasens at the port of Simeon which hadde entrapped and compassed the Frenche kynge In his retourne he beset the citee of Constantinople with a hard siege About this time in England the Iewes crucified a child vpon Easter daye at Norwich ▪ in derision of christe and his religion Anni regum Angli 11 Chunrade the Emperour Lewis the king of France comminge to Ierusalem The yere of the worlde 5107 The yere of Christ 1146 ioygned their puisaunce wyth king Baldwine and besieged Damascus But they being deceiued by an Assirian whom they trusted forsoke the siege and shortly after retourned into Europe Geffrey Plantagenet the husbande of Maude the empresse who continuing the warres against kinge S●●phene of Englande
The yere of the worlde 5073 The yere of Christ 1112 for that he folowynge hys counsayle Anni regum Angli 12 armed hym against his natural father For at this tyme whan he came to Rome he could not by any meanes obteine to be crowned of the bishop with the imperyall Diademe onlesse he would vtterly grant that as wel the bishops of Rome as all other shoulde be chosen and admitted without the emperours cōsent But he by force toke the bishoppe and hys cardynalles and constreigned theim both to annoynct hym emperour and also to geue to hym the former pryuileges of the election of the byshops of Rome and the inuestiture of other byshops At whiche tyme was suche rufflynge in the citee that yf the emperour had not manfully defended hys owne person he had at that present ben slaine Bishop Pascale assemblyng a counsayle not onely reuoked the priuileges The yere of the worlde 5074 The yere of Christ 1113 Anni regum Angli 13 whiche he had graunted to the emperour saiyng that he was forced therto but also excommunicated hym At Shrewsbury in England was a great earthquake And the riuer of Trent was so dried that thespace of one daye men went ouer drieshode A blasyng sterre appered soone after and there vpon folowed a hard winter death of men scarcitee of vitailes moraine of beastes A great sedicion in Rome against bishoppe Pascale for the death of Peter The yere of the worlde 5075 The yere of Christ 1114 prefect of the citee Anni regum Angli 14 The emperour came againe into Italie And there subdued and spoiled many of the bishops townes and citees And expulsyng Pascale out of Rome was againe crowned emperour of a bishop called Mau ritius About this time in Aemilia and Flammania it rained bloudde Anni regum Angli 15 The Turkes Sarasens Arabes The yere of the worlde 5076 The yere of Christ 1115 nere to the mount called Regalis vanquished chased and putte to flyghte Baldwine kinge of Ierusalem and slewe many of the Christian people Henrie kinge of Englande subdued the Welshemen whiche oftentimes rebelled and made theym sweare to him fealtie and obeisaunce and to deliuer pledges to the more certayn confirmacion and suert●e therof He gaue also his doughter in mariage to the emperour with great dower and ordeyned Willyam his sonne duke of Normandie wherof beganne the custome and vsage that the kinges of England made theyr eldest sonnes Dukes of Normandie Stephene the .ii. kynge of Hungarye reygned .xviii. yeres He had continuall peace with the Comanes He toke to wife the doughter of Robert Guiscard and died without issue About this time king Alexander of Scotland was in great daunger to haue bene murdered in his chambre Anni regum Angli 16 Mathildis or Maude a noble woman of Italye dyed who all her life time fauoured greatlie The yere of the worlde 5077 The yere of Christ 5116 and mainteyned the bishops of Rome and at her death bequethed to the churche of Rome the parte of Hetrucia nowe called S. Peters patromonie Anni regum Angli 17 Calo Iohannes succeded his father Alexius The yere of the worlde 5078 The yere of Christ 1117 in the empyre of Constantinople and reygned ●xv yeres The citisens of Pise in Italy ▪ expulsed the Sarasens and conquered the iles called Baleares by Spayne ▪ Anni regum Angli 18 The warre was reuiued betwene king Henry of Englande and Lewis of France The yere of the worlde 5079 The yere of Christ 1118 Lewis inuaded Normandie with much crueltee and toke the citee Lingues in Cause wherfore Henrie gatheringe a strong army met with Lewis in plaine field and fought with him a deadly and cruel battaile in the ende whereof Lewis was ouercome and constreigned to forsake the field Baldwin erle of Flaunders slain and Hēry recouered the towne of Lyngues Gelasins the .ii. bishop of Rome one yere At whyche time in Fraunce a sowe farowed a pygge which had a face like to a man a cocke was hatched that hadde .iiii. feete the winter was maruellous harde and vnseasonable wherof ensued a great dearth moreyne of cattaile Innumerable byrdes were sene fightinge in the ayre of which many fell dead to the grounde An horrible earthquake .40 dayes together in Italy The yere of the worlde 5080 The yere of Christ 1119 Calistus the .ii. being ordeined bishop of Rome Anni regum Angli 19 made peace and attonement with the emperour Baldwine of Burgoyne was made the .iii. kynge of Ierusalem Willyam duke of Normandie and Richarde the sonnes of kinge Henrye of Englande The yere of the worlde 5081 The yere of Christ 1120 Anni regum Angli 20 and Mary his doughter Richarde erle of Chester with his wife the kynges nice and other to the noumber of 16● ▪ persons passinge from Normandie into England by ouersight of the ship maister were drowned sauing one butcher which escaped the daunger Roger Duke of Sicilie in the absence of Duke willyam inuaded the countrey of Calabre and Puel and named him selfe king of Italye Baldwine king of Ierusalem toke Gazim kinge of the Turkes The yere of the worlde The yere of Christ 1121 whiche inhabited the lesse Asia Anni regum Angli 21 and wyth like successe vanquished and toke prisoner the kinge of Damascus Iohn ▪ a cardinall was sent of Caliest into Englande for reformacion of diuers matters perteining to the clergie Who in open counsaile with moste bitter wordes enuied and thundred againste such priestes as nourished concubines but in the next euening he was taken hym selfe wyth a strumped to his open rebuke and shortly after retourned to Rome with shame enough Bernard the monke Ruduerte Hugo of Paryse and Haliabas a phisicion flourished Dominicus Michael ▪ duke of Uenice with a well furnished nauie The yere of the worlde The yere of Christ 1122 sailed into Asia Anni regum Angli 22 and at the citee Ioppen vanquished the Sarasens toke of them a great numbre and conquered the citee T●rus In his retourne for dyspleasure kendled toward the emperour of Constantinonople which caused him to be sente for home he spoyled Rhodes and Chius and subdued Sanius Lesbus Milene and dyuers other places whyche belonged to the empire of Constantinople Roberte erle of Myllaine inuaded and spoyled the countrey of Normandye and was vanquished taken by the souldiours of king Henrie of Englande Bishop Calixt by force of armes subdued Burdinus The yere of the worlde The yere of Christ 1123 which by certaine noble men was proclaymed bishop of Rome agaynst him Anni regum Angli 23 And brought the sayd Burdine in a triumph to Rome vpon an asse backe in great despite setting his face to the tayle of the beast Anni regum Angli 24 Charles erle of Flaunders The yere of the worlde 5085 The yere of Christ 1124 by meane of the prouost of Bruggis ▪ was slayne in the churche as he was hearing diuine seruice After whose deathe Lewys kynge of Fraunce
aduaunced William the sonne of Robert Curthoyse to the sayd Erldome of Flaunders on whom immediatly Theodorich Erle of Alsacia made mortall warre and was of him vanquished and forced to flee to Alustum where continuinge the siege Willyam was wounded to death with a darte that was caste from the walles And after this decesse Theodorich his enemye possessed the Erledome of Flaunders Anni regum Angli 25 Balach king of the Parthes toke Baldwine king of Ierusalem and slew many of the Christian capitaines The yere of the worlde 5086 The yere of Christ 1125 and souldiours of Asia Honorius the .ii. bishop of Rome .v. yeres ¶ Dauie succeded Alexander in the kingdome of Scotland He buylded so many abbeis and gaue muche landes to the churche that his successours were scantly able to maintein their estate He diminished the reuenues of the crowne .60 thousande pounde He had no warres all the time of Henry Beuclerke Anni regum Angli 27 Lothayre Duke of Saxonie after the death of Henry by consent of the electours was chosen emperour The yere of the worlde 5088 The yere of Christ 1127 This man is not onely commended for his martial knighthod and noble prowes but also for the worthi fauour he bare towarde religion and honest lawes By his procuremēt the ciuile lawes which of longe time were hid in duste in all liberaries and cleane out of vse among men were againe restored to the worlde and commaunded to be vsed in all countreis The graie friers came first into Englande Maude the doughter of kinge Henrie after the death of her husband the emperour came into England to her father The order of S. Iohns hospitalles templares Anni regum Angli and other lyke beganne first at this time The yere of the worlde 5089 The yere of Christ 1128 ¶ Geffrei Plantagenct erle of Angeow maried Maud the empresse doughter of king Henrie of which two descended Henrie the .ii. which reigned after Stephene The yere of the worlde 5091 The yere of Christ 1130 Innocent●us Anni regum Angli 30 the .ii. beinge ordeyned bishop of Rome went immediatlie with a stronge armye againnt Roger Erle of Sicilie at whiche time he toke by violence the towne of ● Germanye and besieged Roger in the castell Gelucium But William Duke of Calabre deliuered his father and toke the bishop prisoner with certaine of his cardinalles whom he shortly after sette at libertee In the meane time the people of Rome named one Peter to be bishop which was the son of a citesin called ▪ Peter Leo Wherfore Innocent durst not returne ▪ to Rome but fled straight into Fraunce This man first ordeined that he which st roke a priest should be excommunicate Balde quinus king of Damascus was vanquished of Baldwine king of Ierusalem The yere of Christ 1131 Fulco erle of Angeow Anni regum Angli 31 was ordeined the fourth king of Ierusalem The yere of the worlde 5902 About this time Philip the eldest sonne of Lewys king of France by misfortune was slaine with an horse in Paris Lewis the younger by consent of his father was annoincted king of Fraunce The yere of the worlde 5903 The yere of Christ 1132 Henrie king of Englande Anni regum Angli 32 bicause he had none other issue male ordeyned that his doughter Maude whyche had bene empresse should suceede him in the kingdome Fulco king of Ierusalē slew a great noumbre of the Turkes and builded the castell or sort called Ibelli●um The yere of the worlde 5094 The yere of Christ 1133 Lothayre the emperour restored Innocentius to the bishoprike of Rome and recouered of him the imperiall Diademe Anni regum Angli 33 Bela the sonne of Almus whom Calomannus had bereft of his sight was ordeyned kynge of Hungarye and reygned .x. yeres He punisshed theim extremelye whiche caused that crueltee to be shewed toward his father and vanquisshed in battayle one Borichus the bastarde sonne of Calomannus ▪ whiche by ayde of the Pelonians and Rutenes affected the kyngdome and toke to wyfe Helena the daughter of the king of Seruia Lewys the yong king of France maried Alenour The yere of the worlde 5096 whithe was right heyre to the prouince of Aqullaine The yere of Christ 1135 Kyng Henry of Englande being in Normandye with a fal of his horse toke his death STephene Erle of Boloyne the soonne of the Erle of Bloyes Anni regum Angli 1 and Adela Wylliam cōquerours daughter The yere of the worlde 5097 The yere of Christ 1136 and nephew to Henry the firste toke on hym the gouernance of this realme of Englande This was a noble man and hardye of passyng comely fauoure and personage In all princely vertue he excelled as in marciall pollicie affabilitee gentilnesse and bountefull lyberalytee towarde all men and especially in the beginnyng for although he had continuall warre yet dyd he neuer burdein ▪ his commons with exactions sauing only certaine bishops which flowyng in riches builded dyuers castels that tourned the kyng after to greate trouble Onelye in this he s●●ied blame worthie that contrarye to hys othe made to Maude the daughter of Henrie he was thought vniustly to take on him the crowne For which cause he was vexed with warees all the tyme of his reigne Great trouble and discencion in England for so much as dyuers of the nobles fauoured Maude the empresse againe Stephene which was in possession of the crowne Warre betwene kinge Stephene and Dauid of Scotlande because he refused to doe to hym hys homage for Northumberlande and Hunting ton ▪ wh●che he helde by his wyfe ▪ In this warre the Scottisshe historye sayeth the Duke of Gloucester was taken Steph●ne made peace and agreed with Dauid kynge of Scottes and receiued of hym homage after he hadde wonne from hym certaine townes and castels and gaue to Henry the son of Dauid the Erldome of Huntington ¶ Lewys the eight surnamed the yonger after the death of his father was ordeyned kyng of Fraunce In the beginnynge of hys reigne died Ioannes de temporibus whiche as witnesseth the Frence cronicle was a squyer in the tyme of Charles the great and liued ouer .300 yeres Lothayre the emperour went to Rome the second tyme against Roger The yere of the worlde 5098 The yere of Christ 1137 whiche named hym selfe kynge of Italy Anni regum Angli 2 But Roger hearyng of the emperours comyng towarde hym sled into Sicilie Than the byshop of Rome gaue the Duchie of Puell to Raynon a knyghte of the emperours whom also he ordeined gouernour of Italie A vaine rumour was spredde in England of the death of kynge Stephene whiche was cause of muche trouble and businesse in the realme For dyuers of the lordes got theim to theyr holdes whiche after myght scantlye with great labour be quieted and appeased After whiche time Stephene passed into Normandye against Geffrey Erle of Angeow the husbande of Maude the empresse whiche was right heyre to the crowne and whan he had quieted
had wonne from him the 〈◊〉 Normandie ended his life and his sonne Henrie succeded in that Dukedome Roger erle of Sicilie retourning from Constantinople was spoyled and robbed of the Uen●●l●us whiche mette him in his iourney Anni regum Angli 12 The yere of the worlde 5108 The yere of Christ 1147 Stephene kinge of Englande after longe warre and muche trouble was againe crowned kinge at 〈◊〉 Robert Erle of Gloucester made newe warre vpon the king and had the better hand of him at Wilt●n so that the king was like to haue fallen into Robertes daunger But he escaped with much payne Noradinus a Sarasen after the departure of the emperour other princes out of Asia besieged the citee of Antioch The yere of the worlde 5109 The yere of Christ 1148 Anni regum Angli 13 and toke and slew manye of the capitaines and souldiours of the Christian people Dominicus Maur●cenus Duke of Uenyce Anni regum Angli 14 subdued to his signorie Pola The yere of the worlde 5110 The yere of Christ 1149 Rubinum Parenticum Hemonian and Humagum Eustace bishop of Rome Anni regum Angli 15 which was by the citisins expelled The yere of the worlde 5111 The yere of Christ 1150 came into Italy againe and partly by force partly by agrement recouered Taracine Norba certayne other places which were withholden from him About this tme Lewys king of Fraunce repudiated Alinour his wife whom Henry duke of Normandie afterwarde coupled to him in open maryage by meane wherof he became of great power For by his father he was Erle of Angeow by his mother Duke of Normandie and by his wife Erle of Poytow and Guyan Lewys king of France maryed Constance the doughter of Alphons king of Castile In England the riuer of Thamis was so strongly frosen that horse and carte passed ouer vpon the yse The yere of Christ 1152 Anastasius the .iiii. bishoppe of Rome one yere and an halfe The yere of the worlde 5113 Anni regum Angli 17 Henrie duke of Normandie in the quarell of his mother Maude with a great puisaunce entred into Englād and at the firste wanne the castel of Mulmesburie then the tower of London and afterwarde the towne of Nottingham with other holdes and castelles Betwene him and king Stephen were foughten many battails wherby this realme was sore troubled Friderich surnamed Barbarossa Anni regum Angli 18 was emperor of Almaine The yere of the worlde 5114 The yere of Christ 1153 36. yeres He was stronge in armes of lusty courage expert in martiall feates mighty of body in counsaile prouident manly in his affaires easie to be spoken to gentil to gētil persons haught minded toward the proud of witte sharpe and quicke and of good memory finally in noblenesse iust●ce a renowmed prince whiche though he were of nature gentle meke yet coulde he not saffer the shamefull iniuries done to hym by the Romayne bishops as it shal after somewhat appeare Ioachim Magnus of Calabre an abbotte that had the gift of prophecie Petrus Blesensis and Iohannes Mesue phisicions Alpetragius Marrocrila●us an astronomer Bosianus a lawier flourished Peace was agreed betwene Maude the empresse her sonne Henrie and king Stephene on this condicion that Stephene duringe his life time shoulde holde the kyngdome of Englande and Henrye in the meane tyme to be proclaimed heire apparaunt in the chiefe cityes throughout the realme Adrian an Englisheman bishop of Bome viii yeres The Romaines ceassed not to make ernest suite bothe with praiers manasinges that they might obteyne the free gouernance of consulles which thinge bishop A●ryan gainsayed and at length with cursing and banninge forced them to be at rest Willyam king of Sicilie ouerran and wasted the countrey about Boneuent and therfore was striken with the thunderbolte of excommunicacion by the bishoppe of Rome Friderich the emperour passing into Iialy in his iourney subdued Derdona Anni regum Angli 19 and then yode towarde Rome The yere of the worlde 5115 The yere of Christ 1154 where he was mette by the bishoppe and after crowned with the imperiall Diademe At whyche tyme was re●sed a great cōmocion by the people of Rome against the Germaines ¶ Malcolme the maiden being .xiii. yeres of age succeded his vncle Dauid in the kingdome of Scotlande and reygned ▪ xii yeaes Shortlye after one Somerled affected ehe crowne who was suppressed by Gilchrist Erle of Angus Anni regum Angli 1 HEnrie the second of that name the son of Geffrey Plantagenet Maude the empresse doughter of king Henrie the firste The yere of the worlde 5116 The yere of Christ 1155 began his reigne ouer thys realme of Englande and continued .35 yeres He was samwhat redde of face short of bodie and therwith fatte of sp●ace reasonable and well lettered and also noble in knighthod and fortunate in battaile of couragious hert wise in counsaile and loued wet peace liberall to straungers but hard to his familiars slow of answere vnstedfast of promyse geuen some deale to pleasure an open spousbreaker in religion negligent but not so muche as he is made of some writers whiche seme to be more meeued with affection towarde Thomas Becket then wyth the true consideracion of his actes and deedes In his tune by his great manhode and pollicie the signorye of Englande was muche augmented with the addicion of Scotlande and Ireland the iles Orcades Britaine Poytow Guyan and other prouinces of Fraunce Lewys king of Fraunce maried Ales his third wife the doughter of Theobalde erle of Blesence William kinge of Sicilie whan by faire entreatie he coulde not obteyne peace of the bishoppe of Rome with a great puysaunce spoyled the countrey of Puell chased the Grecians and then for frate was receyued into the bishops fauour The yere of Christ 1156 Uitalis Michaell duke of Uenice toke in battayle Ulrich the patriarch of Aquileta The yere of the worlde 5117 Anni regum Angli 2 with 70● of the nobles of Hungarie and Forum●●l●i and made the people of Forumtulii tributary to Uenice Henrie of England cast downe diuers castelles whiche were erected in the tyme of Stephene He wente into the Northpartes and receyued of the Scottes Cumberland and Northumberlande which they sayde were g●u●n to them by Maude his mother and sette an ordre in that countrey The variance began first betwene the emperour and the citee of Millaine whiche refused his dominion Anni regum Angli 3 and endeuoured to bringe other citees of Italie vnder her subiection The yere of the worlde The yere of Christ 1157 In Englande were sene in the firmament .ii. sonnes and in the moore appeared a red crosse Aboute the same time in Italie in the moneth of Nouembre appeared .iii. sonnes and the yere folowing .iii. moones Of the which the middelmost had a redde crosse King Henrye went with a stronge armie into Wales and quieted that countrey and after buylded the stronge castell of Rutland The yere of the worlde The yere
Honorius byshop of Rome .x. yeres .vii. monethes He chose Iohannes de Columna a cardynall to bee soueraygne capitaine of the warres into As●a who sped him thitherward with the souldiours that bishop Innocent had prepared for that purpose There went with him And●ew● kinge of Hu●garie Henrye Duke of Niuerna Gulth●●rus chamberlayne to the frenche king which ioygning their puissaunce with the king of Hierusalem besyeged Damas in Egipt somtime called Heliopolis The ordre of our ladies souldiers began first in Arragō AFter the disceasse of Iohn Henry his sonne Anni regum Angli 1 of the age of .ix. yeeres by the counsaile of Wylliam Duke of Gloucester The yere of the worlde 5179 The yere of Christ and the Erles of Penbroke and Chester was proclaimed kinge of England These noble men before mencioned with their retinewe kepte sharpe warre with Lewis the french kinges sonne and his affinitee who by the couenauntes made before with the Englishemen claimed the crowne but after certaine skirmishes and battailes Lewis somewhat more inclyned to peace which sadly was concluded and he departed hense into France Than was Henry confirmed in the kingdome who coming to iust age waxed strong mighty of body and of metely comely personage of nature gentyll of minde more sage and wise than valiant and hardye liberall towarde the poore In his tyme he ordeyned many lawes to the great commoditye of thys realme and reygned .56 yeres Ranulph Duke of Chester toke his iorney towarde the holy lande The citee Damyata in Aegipt was taken of the christians after long siege Anni regum Angli 2 The yere of the worlde The yere of Christ 1219 Robert the son of Peter was ordeyned emperour of Constantinople Anni regum Angli 3 and reigned .vii. yeres The yere of the worlde 5181 The yere of Christ 1220 In Thuscia two erles possessed certaine citees belonging to the empyre whych whan Friderich by force of armes had recouered the two erles fled to Honorius bishop of Rome who commaunded Friderych to restore to thē their cities which thinge whan he denied the byshop denounced him accursed and forbade him the communion with the faythfull saying that those citees belonged to the churche of Rome Hoccota Can the second emperour of the Tartariās he vāquished the Turkes his thre sonnes inuaded Persia India and Cumania Kinge Henry of England began to builde our ladye church in Westminster The Christians in Egipt being brought in great ieopardy Anni regum Angli 4 by the pollicie of the Souldayne The yere of the worlde 5182 The yere of Christ 1221 restored to hym the citee Damyata and making a peace retourned into Europe The Tartariās a people of Scithia after many other countreis of the east subdued to them Georgiana the greater Armenie and then passing the mountaines called Riphei inuaded Polonia and Hungarie They in short space cōquered so manye countreys that their prince for his large pessessions was called the great Cahan Alexander king of Scottes maryed Iohā the sister of kinge Henrye of Englande A proclamacion made thoroughout Englande to auoyde straungers because one Fonkes de Brent helde the castell of Bedforde agaynst the kinges wyll At the same time appeared a blasynge sterre and much hurte was done by thunder lightning and earthquakes and many vncought and strange sightes were sene Robert emperour of Constātinople maried a maiden which before was fiaunced to a noble man of Burgoin wherwith the burgonion being greatly meued The yere of the worlde 5183 The yere of Christ Anni regum Angli 5 entred by violence into the emperours palace and cutte of the maydens nose and cast her mother into the sea Iohn king of Ierusalem came to Rome and gaue his doughter in mariage to Friderich themperour geuing for her dower the title of the kingdome of Ierusalē for whiche cause the kinges of Sicilie to this day be writen kinges of Hierusalem A counsayle holden at Oxenford of the bishops of Englande where a certayne man was condemned which taug ht that he was Iesus Chryste and to confirme the same he shewed the tokens of wounds in his handes bodie and feete About this time Gilesbie Ros rebelled against Alexander king of Scottes and was subdued and slayne with his two sons by the erle of Buchqhame whom the king sent agaynst hym The gray friers of the order of Francis came first into Englande The yere of the worlde 5184 The yere of Christ 1223 Friderich the emperour Anni regum Angli 6 whiche was excommunicated by the bishop of Rome caused his sonne to be made partaker of the empire Iohn kinge of Ierusalem toke in mariage Beringaria the doughter of the kinge of Spayne The men of Caithnes in Scotland ▪ burned their bishop because he cursed them for not payinge their tythes for whiche dede the kinge didde hange .iiii. hundred of the chiefe doers gelded their children disherited the erle A conspiratie was made agaynst king Henry of England by one Constantine in the citye of London for the whiche he was drawen and hanged the morowe after Lewys the eyght or after some the ninth was made kynge of Fraunce after his father Anni regum Angli 7 The yere of the worlde 5185 The yere of Christ 1234 and reygned .iiii. yeres He made league with Friderich themperour wher by the name of brotherhoode was renewed betwene the Frenchmen and Germaynes Anni regum Angli 8 The lordes and gentilmen of Englande first graunted to king Henrie the warde and maryage of theyr heyres The yere of the worlde 5186 The yere of Christ Anni regum Angli 9 Richarde the brother of kinge Henrye The yere of the worlde 5187 The yere of Christ 1226 ouercame the Frenchmen recouered Poyters ▪ and kept the Gascoins in due obedience Robert emperour of Grece ended his life in Achaia Gregory the .ix. was bishop of Rome .xiiii. yeres He was a man inflate with pride and for certayne vain causes as witnesseth the Abbote of Ursberge agayne excommunicated the emperour Friderich Ferdinand king of Arragon expelling the Sarasens out of the citie Ualencia Anni regum Angli 10 The yere of the worlde 5188 The yere of Christ 1227 and the yle called Maiorica reduced theim to the fayth of Christ. Lewes king of Fraunce wan certayne castels in the countrey of Poyters and shortly after toke and spoyled the citee Auignon which for the heresy of the Albigenses was cursed of the bishop of Rome the space of seuen yeres ¶ Baldwine the .ii. beyng yet a childe was made emperour of Grece to whom bicause he was not of sufficient age Iohn Brenne king of Ierusalem was appointed as a tutour and gouernour The bishop of Rome made Iohn king of Ierusalem Duke of Romandiola and lord of Rauenna Anni regum Angli 11 Lewis the .ix. and sonne to Lewys the laste kinge began his dominion ouer France The yere of the worlde The yere of Christ 1228 who for his youth was of dyuers thought vnmeete to take on him so greate
nature he was made much worse by the couns●ile and familiarit●e of certaine euell disposed personnes as Pi●rse of Gaueston Hugh the Spensers and other whose wanton counsaile he folowing gaue him selfe to the appetite and pleasure of the body nothing ordering his common weale by sadnesse dyscrescion and iustice whiche thinge caused first great variance betwene him and his nobles so that shortly he became to them ●dible and in the ende was depriued of his kingdome This Edwarde toke to wyfe Isabell the doughter of Philip the fayre king of France The Scottes did homage to kinge Edwarde at Dumfreis Otho king of Hungarie was taken and cast into prison by a noble man called Ladislaus ¶ Alphons the .xi. kinge of Castile reigned .xl yeres Robert was king of Naples Iohn nephew to Albert the emperour slewe his owne vncle betwene the two riuers of Heluecia called Risa and A●ula nere to Rhine the place to this daye is called kinges fielde where the quene of Hungarye buylded an abbey After the death of Albert was great vnquietnesse in Italie for euerie citee desired a peculiar gouernoure And Philip of France was put in hope by the bishop of Rome to obteine the empire and therfore came into Italye wyth a great power and toke manye townes but failed of his purpose The yere of the worlde The yere of Christ 1309 Henrie the .vii. was ordeined emperour of Germanie and reigned .v yeres .viii. monethes Anni regum Angli 2 He was a noble and victorious prince therewith gentill liberall and of great iustice and honestye He assembled .iii. mig●tye ar●●●es of the whiche one he sent agaynst the Duke of Wirtenburge from whens he toke 72. cast●●s An other he sent with his sonne Iohn into Beheme to obtein that kingdome the third him selfe led into Italie against the citees Bri●ium Florence Cremons and other rebelles which fauoured the Guelphes to whom he brought suche terrour and feare of his name as ●ew●mpe ours b● do●e before ti●●e At Millaine he was crowned wyth a crowne of yron The crouch friers came first into Englande Anni regum Angli 3 The yere of the worlde 5271 The yere of Christ 1310 So great a dearth 〈◊〉 Scotlande that the common people did eate horse fleshe and other vnaccustomed meates to sust●ine their liues Charles was chosen king of Hungarie and reigned xxxiii yeares He hadde successiuely .iii. wifes Marye the doughter of the king of Polonie Beatrix the doughter of Henrye the emperour and ●elisabeth the daughter of the Duke of Boheme of the laste he receyued iii. sonnes Ladislaus Lewes and Andrew Robert Le Bruze began to be of power againe in Scotlande discomfited sir Iohn Cummin Erle of Bucham and certaine other whiche helde on the Englishe part A counsaile holden at Uienna The yere of Christ 1311 where the name of the templares was abolished Anni regum Angli 4 The yere of the worlde 5272 Roberte Le Bruze expelled the Englyshmen out of a great part of Scotland and inuaded the borders of Englande Anni regum Angli 5 At Rome Henry the emperoure receyued the imperyall Diademe of the cardinals The yere of the worlde 5273 The yere of Christ 2312 He assigned certaine lieuetenantes to the cities of Lumbardye The Flemminges rebelled against kinge Philyp of France The pride and tirannye of Piers of Gaueston caused grudge and malice betwene king Edwarde of England and his nobles so that for this cause the saied Piers by suite of the nobles was twise or thrise banished the realme and styll called againe by the kinge Wherfore in thys yere the lordes beyng confederate slew him beside war wike to the great discontentyng of the kinges mynde ¶ Iohn the emperous sonne was king of Boheme Of Andronicus and his successours emperours of Cōstantinople I finde no certaintie howe longe time they reigned I wyll therfore name as many of theym as I know gessing as nie the time as I can Egnacius saieth that Michaell Paleologus reygned about .xl. yeares next to hym he setteth Audronicus which had longe contencion with the younger Andronicus Blondus setteth betwene theim Carolo●oannes Anni regum Angli 6 Henrye the emperour besieged the cytie Florence The yere of the worlde 5274 The yere of Christ he made peace with Friderich king of Sicilie and ledde an armye against his mortal enemy Roberte Duke of Naples Not long after he was poisoned by a monke whyche in ministring the sacrament gaue him poyson The Englishemen encountred Robert Le Beuze his Scottes at Estriualin Anni regum Angli 7 The yere of the worlde 5275 The yere of Christ wher was foughten a strong but taile in the ende wherof the Englyshmen were discomfited and so egrely pursued by the Scottes that many of the noble men were slaine as the Erle of Gloucester sir Robert Clifforde sir Edmunde of Maule with other lordes to the nomber of .xlii. and knyghtes and baron●●tes 67. beside .xxii. men of name whiche were taken prysoners and .10000 other common souldiours slaine or after the Scottishe historye .50 thousand after this time the forenamed Robert Bruze reigned as kinge of Scotlande The ci●●syns of Pise in Italy chose for theyr Duke a noble man called N●●uicio ¶ Lewis the leueuth sone of Phillip Le Beaue was ordeined kyng of France and reigned .ii. yeres He led an armye against the Fleminges but he atchiued nothing worthy memory A vilayne called Iohan Tanner in dyuers places of England named him selfe the sonne of Edward the first and saied The yere of the worlde 5276 The yere of Christ 1315 Anni regum Angli 8 that by a false nourse he was stollē out of his cradell and Edwarde that was nowe kinge put in hys place But shortly after he was conuict of his vntrouth and confessed that he dyd it by the mocion of a familyar spirite The Scottes inuaded Irelande and kept warre with the Irish men the space of .iiii. yeres Lewys was emperour of Almaine .33 yeres betwene him and Friderich Duke of Austrich was longe warre For part of the electours chose Friderike part Lewis of Bauarie These two Cesars with their armyes mette first at Frankforde but thei i●igned not in bataile than Leopalde a Duke of Austriche comynge to healpe hys brother profered battayle to Lewes but he gaue backe and fled to Eslengham wher was betwene theim a sore conflict so greatly to the losse of bothe partes that neyther of them claimed victorye The byshoprike of Rome after the death of Clemente was voyde .ii. yeres .iii. monethes The castell of Berwyke was yelden vp to the Scottes by the treason of Peter Spaldyng The yere of the worlde 5277 The yere of Christ 1316 Anni regum Angli A great moreine of beastes in Englande and therwith pestilence and other sickenesse Philippe the .v. for his heyghte surnamed the Longe was made king of Fraunce and reygned .vi. yeres The Scottes entred the borders of Northumberland and most cruelly robbing and hariyng the countrey Anni regum Angli 10 The yere
The yere of the worlde 5344 The yere of Christ 1383 or thē selfes take armes warre agaynst the Clemētines in like maner had Clemente done before to his adherentes agaynste the Urbanistes so that eyther of the partes reputed other as heretykes and miscreantes Henry Spenser bishop of Norwiche at the commandement of Urbane passed with great power of spirituall men and other into Fraunce and so into Flanders and cōquered the countrey before hym but by the great puissance of the frenche king they were constreigned to retourne without great worshyp and loste as muche as they had wonne Marie the king of Hungaries doughter guyded that kingdom after her father wel nere the space of .ii. yeres Lewys Duke of Angeow dyed in Italy and the Frenchemen retourned into theyr countrey Charles de La Payx conquered to his seignory the kingdome of naples About this time the Turkes wasted and burnt Bossina Croatia Anni regum Angli 8 and the farther partes of Illyria The yere of the worlde 5345 The yere of Christ 1384 The erle of Northumberlād with certayne other borderers made a viage into Scotlande and spoyled the countrey euen to Edenbourgh Kynge Richarde maryed a doughter of Uinceslaus emperour of Almayne After the death of Lewys erle of Flaunders the herytage thereof fel to the Duke of Burgoyne Anni regum Angli 9 The yere of the worlde 5346 The yere of Christ 1385 Warre in Portugall and Castile in Flaūders in Prouince in Fraunce in England in Scotlande and in Italy Iohn surnamed Galetius erle of Uerone toke Bernabos lorde of Millayne his vncle and kept him in prison all the dayes of his life se●singe to his owne vse the whole lordship and seignory of Lumbardy The nobles of Hungarye finding them greued that they were gouerned by a woman sent for Charles king of Naples and Sicilie and ordeyned him theyr king at the citee of Alba who by the treason of Mary the quene and her mother Elizabeth shortlyafter was murdered In reuenging wherof a noble man called Iohannes Banus of Horuach slewe the erle Palatine and one Blasyus that were the doers of that myschyefe and drowned Elizabeth the quenes mother in the riuer Dunaw kepīg Marie her daughter in prison vntill he harde of the coming of her husband Sigismunde brother to the kyng of Boheme and emperour of Rome An army of Frenchemen sayled into Scotland where thei acōpanied with the Scottes perced the borders of Englande and spoyled the countrey cruellye Agaynste whom kinge Richarde sped him with so great puisance that they were glad to geue backe into Scotlande and shortly after retourned into France wyth great disworshippe At this voyage the kyng of Englande burnte the towne of Edenbourgh and al the countre therabout King Iohn of Portugall disconfited the kinge of Castile in a great battail nere to Iuberoth In this conflict were slayne many noble men of Frauce and other coūtreys that came to ayde the Castilians The Sarasens about this time vexed the emperour of Constantinople other countreys of Grece The Turkes warred in Hungarye Where manye of them were slaine at the streycte entring into the countrey The k●ng of A●men●e was chased out of his countrey by the Sarasens The yere of the worlde 5347 The duke of Lancastre Anni regum Angli vncle to kinge Richarde of England The yere of Christ 1384 sailed with a cōpany of souldiers into Spaine to make claime to the realme of Castile for so much as he had taken to wife the eldest doughter of kinge Peter that was expelled his kingdome by Henry his basterde brother He conquered the countrei of Galice and made aliance with the kinge of Portugall But by great mortalitie whiche fell amonge hys people he was fayne to dimisse his armye and shortely after loste all that he had wonne The king and the lordes of France made wonderfull preparacion for the expedicion of a viage into Englande Ther was redye apparailed with great costes and charges in the hauen of Sluse and els where .1500 shyppes with so great plentie of prouision and all thinges necessary that the lyke therof was neuer sene in Fraūce But this vyage was stopped and broken by the meanes and counsaile of the Duke of Berrei Great fowages and tares were reised in France and lykewyse in Englande whiche was after cause of great myschiefe Marueilous discencion The yere of the worlde 5348 The yere of Christ 1387 and trouble in Englande betwene the kyng and his counsaile and other nobles and prelates of the realme Anni regum Angli 11 The commons by the ayde and comfort of the kinges vncles other lordes of the realm that is the Duke of Gloucester the Duke of Yorke the Erle of Darbie of Arundell and of Nottingham put to deth dyuers of of the kinges counsaile and chefe officers and chased the Duke of Irelande and other oute of the realme for that thei caused the king to burdeine his people with exactions and coulde make no iuste accompt of the same whan they were required Whyle Scalager of Neron and Frauncisce Carrary us of Padua kepte mortall warre in Lumbardy eche against other Galeatius of Myllaine wanne from them bothe their cities and adiuigned theim to his seignorye The Scottes inuaded the borders of Englande Sigismunde kynge of Hungarye .xii. yeares He subdued Bosna and Croatia A great breach betwene the French king and the Duke of Bretayne bycause that he for enuy toke prysoner and raunsomed the Constable of Fraunce by mene wherof an other viage was geuen vp that the French lordes had prepared in Englande The Scottes spoyled the towne of Calingfurd in Irelande The Duke of Britaine alie● with the Englyshmen The Scottes this yeere brake into the borders of Englande robbed Cumber and Northumberlande besieged New Castell The yere of the worlde 5346 The yere of Christ 1388 Anni regum Angli 12 and discomfited and toke prisoners the .ii. sonnes of the lorde Persie of Northumberlande A mariage entreated and finished betwene katharyne the Duke of Lancasters doughter and Henry the kinge of Castiles sonne his other daughter Philip was maried to the king of portugal wherby the warre in Spayne was finished The Duke of Britaine reconciled him selfe to the Frēche kinge and sware to be true vnto him A great iustes and feast was holden this yere in Englande The yere of the worlde 5350 The yere of Christ 1389 Anni regum Angli 13 Pazaites kynge of Turkes besieged Constantinople .8 yeeres After the death of Urbane Boniface the .ix. was ordeyned bishop of Rome in Italy the Antipape Clement continued still in Auinion in Fraunce Robert Erle of Fiffe and the second sonne of king Robert was made gouernour of Scotlande because his father was waxen olde and not able to gouern the realme This Robert inuaded Northumberland and spoiled the countrey The vniuersities of Coloyne and Erphurd about this tyme were firste founde A truce betwene England Fraunce and Scotland for iii. yeres The lordes of
Rome The Swizers vanquished the Thuricenses in battaile and vsed towarde them so extreme rage and crueltie that in the same place wher they obteyned the vyctory great bankettes and seastes were by theim made in the which they vsed the dead corses of the aduersarys in stede of stoles and tables yea and more ouer opening their bodies dranke their bloud tore their hartes with their teeth The counsaile of Laterane was indicted Lewys Patriarke of Aqu●leia The yere of the worlde 5405 The yere of Christ 1444 began first to kepe dogges and horses Anni regum Angli 22 Charles of Fraunce by the counsaile of Eugenius the byishop of Rome sēt his sonne the Dolphine with a gret company against the Switzees and them of the coūsaile of Basile where the blouddy victour with rauine sword and fyre destroyed all the countrey of Alsatia after whiche time the counsaile of Basile by lyttle little was dyssouled the Frenchmen in their return were vanquished chased slaine lightned of great pray by the Slesstattines Kyng Henrye the .vi. by the aduise and procuremente of the Erle of Suffolke ▪ The yere of the worlde 5406 The yere of Christ 1445 Anni regum Angli 23 toke to wyfe Margaret the kynges daughter of Sicile and refused the doughter of the Erle of Armynake wyth whom he made his firste contracte whyche thynge was cause of muche myserye and trouble in England as first the losynge of Normandye the diuision of the lordes within the realme the rebellion of the commynaltye against the prince and fynallye the king deposed and the quene with the prince faine to flee the realme Henry Chechley byshop of Canturbury dyed who in his lyfe time builded two houses for studentes in the vniuersitie of Oxenford called Alsolne college and Bernard college The Hungaryans by menes of the byshoppe of Rome contrary to the othe and leagu made before with Ammurates arrered new war against the Turkes in the whiche Uladislaus and Iulian the byshoppes legate nere to Uarna were vanquyshed chased and fayne with great losse of Christian bloude At Basila in lyke maner Iohn Huniades of Hungarye was ouerthrowen and Peloponesus brought in subiection to the Turkes After the death of Uladislaus the Hungaryans wyth one consent agreed to haue to their king Ladislaus the young sonne of Albert and ordeined Iohn Huniades to be protectour of the realme Eugenius byshop of Rome made war vpon Sfortia a famous capitaine of Italy and toke from him P●●●num whiche before he had geuen to his possession and gouernaunce The warre was renewed againe bytwene the Uenecians and Myllanours The yere of the worlde 5407 The yere of Christ 1446 The Uenecians and Florētines Anni regum Angli 24 bytwene Cremona Tantu● vanquisshed the souldyours of Duke Phylyp and ouer●ode the countrey euen the suburbes of Myllaine George Poggeobratius gouernour of Boheme Anni regum Angli 5 Humfrey Duke of Gloucester The yere of the worlde 5408 The yere of Christ 1447 and protectour of England by the meanes of certaine malicious persons was steared cast in holde and strangled to death in the Abbey of Bury to the great displeasure and grudge of the commons which suspected the Marques of Suffolke of that cruell deede This Duke Humfrey for hys honorable and l●berall demeanour and good rule that he kept this realme in was called the good Duke of Gloucester William Wanflet a man of great deuocion wisedome and ●ustice was made byshop of Winchester and chācelour of Englande This man to the furtherance of letters and he●lpe of studious younge men erected the famous colege of Mar● Magdalene in Oxenford to whō I knowl●de my selfe to be greatly bounden for so much as that small learning that god hath sent me I haue obteined by his benefite and the ayde and sustināce of that worshipfull house Philyp Duke of Myllayne pased his debte to nature whose deth notwithstandyng the warre against the Uenecians styll continued for Sfortia which had forsaken the Uenecians warred vpon them in the quarell of M●llaine Nicolas the .v. byshop of Rome .viii. yeres Alphons kinge of Arragone and Naples made warre against the Florentines Francisce Sfortia discomfited the Uenecians in a gret ●at● le nere to Caranaz●um Anni regum Angli 26 The yere of the worlde 5409 The yere of Christ 1448 and shortly after beyng reconsiled to their amitie made so sharpe warre vppon the Myllanours that he subdued their citie to his obeisance Constantinus emperour of Constantinople Amadeus which was made byshop of Rome by the ordinance of the counsa●le of Basile through menes made by bishop Nicolas was compelled of the emperour Friderich to resigne his papacy Anni regum Angli 27 The yere of the worlde 5410 The yere of Christ 1449 and gaue place to the saied Nicolas and so the schisme was fynyshed that had continued .viii. or .ix. yeres Mahomete and sonne of Ammurates was emperoure of the Turkes he wrought much hurte to the Christ●ās The Marques of Suffolke was banyshed the lande for the space of .v. yeres to apeace the murmure and grudge of the commons of Englande The yere of the worlde 5411 The yere of Christ 1450 Anni regum Angli 28 for the death of the Duke of Gloucester In ●a●lyng towarde Fraunce he was met on the sea by a shippe of warre and ther presently beheaded by the capitaine called Nicolas Tower and the dead cor●es cast vp at Douer The commons of ●ent for grudge that thei bare to certaine noble men nere about the king as well for the geuing vp of the Duchy of Angeo● and Maine to the king of Sicilie as for diuers iniuris and oppressions that the pore people had suffered raised a great commocion and on black heath 〈◊〉 the leadyng of Iacke Kade ouerthrew the Erle of Stafforde hauing with him a good company of souldyers Than after they came to London where after thei had put to death the lorde Say with other and committed diuers robberies and cruel deedes their company was disperkled euerie man to his home and theyr capitaine taken and put to death and after that iust exe●ucion dooen vpon many of the rebelles by the king and his officers The byshop of Salesburye was murdered by the commons of the wea st country The Uenecians made peace with Alphons king of Naples and greed to make warre against Sfortia Duke of M●llaine with whom they were againe fallen at varya●nce because he wolde not stande to the peace made betwene theim and Millaine Charles of Frāce recouered againe Rhoan and diuers other townes of Normandy and Fraunce This was the yere of Iubiley of Rome The whole Duchie of Normandy was yelded vp to the Frenchmen by menes of the Quene The yere of the worlde 5412 The yere of Christ 1451 Anni regum Angli 29 the Duke of Sommerset and other of her counsaile whiche thinge caused so muche trouble and debate in Englande that mortall warre therof ensued Friderich the emperour with his wife Elenour
by meanes of a paymente that was graunted to the kyng by act of parliament a new commocion was ar●ered by the commons of Cornewal whiche vnder the leadinge of the lorde Audley came to blacke heath where the kinge mette with them and discomfited the rebelles and toke their capitaynes whiche were shortly after hanged drawen and quartered King Henry sent an armye into Scotland vnder the guiding of the erle of Surre● and the lorde Neuell whyche made sharpe warre vpon the Scottes A mariage concluded betwene prince Arthur and lady Katherine the kinges doughter of Spayne Perkin Warbecke landed agayne in Cornwal and assayled the towne of Exciter and other places but finally he toke the sanctuarye of Beaudley and was after pardoned of his life Lewys the twelueth of that name duke of Orleaunce and U●l●yse was ordeyned king of Fraunce who after he had possession of his kingdome forsoke Iohā his first wife and maried the widowe of Charles his predicessour Maxim●●ian inuaded Burgoyne where after battayle to the losse of both partes a peace was concluded A peace proclaymed betwene the kinges of England and Scotlande Anni regum Angli for the terme of both theyr lyues The yere of the worlde 5459 The yere of Christ Perkin Warbecke endeuoured to steale away secr●tli out of the lande but he was taken ag●yne by his kepers and by the kinges commaundement cast in the tower of London The Turkes toke from the Uenecians Me●hon Naupactum and shortly after Dyrrhach●um with swo●de and fire spoyled the prouince of Foriulii The Switzers warred vppon their borderers of Austrich wherfore Maximilian the emperour came out of Eelderlande where he was occupied in warre to defend his subiectes but after diuers skirmyshes and smal battailes to the losse of both partes the warre was finished At S. Thomas Watring a strepeling was put to e●ecucion The yere of the worlde 5460 The yere of Christ 1499 Anni regum Angli 25 which by the entisement of a monke named Patricius called him selfe Edward Erle of Warwike and sonne of George Duke of Clarence whiche sens the beginning of king Hen●is reigne was kept secretly in the Tower Perkin Warb●cke was put to death sone after the Erle of Warwike because he demed to be consentinge to the treason of the sayd Warbecke Lewis kinge of Fraunce toke Millayne The newe bridge at Pa●ys with the housing thervpon fel downe This yere was a great pestilence in the citee of Londō by reason wherof the kinge and the quene sayled to Calis The yere of the worlde 5461 The yere of Christ 1450 Anni regum Angli 26 and at S. Peters they mette with the Duke of Burgoyne Sir Edmunde de la Poole duke of Suffolke departed secretly out of this land by meane of whō was lykely to haue bene a new insurrection King Henry of Englande fianced his doughter Margaret to Iames the kinge of Scottes and Ferdinand● king of Spayne maried his doughter Katherine to the noble prince Arthur who ended ●is life in easter weke folowing Sfortia recouered the citee of Millayne and expelled the Frenchemen whom while he pursued more fiercely than aduisedlye he fell into their handes vnwares and was taken of them and led into Fraunce The Frenchemen Anni regum Angli 17 by the counsayle of the bishoppe of Rome The yere of the worlde 5462 The yere of Christ 1501 ledde an army against the turkes and ioygnyng in battaile at Mitelene were ouerthrowen and taken The figure of crosses appered in the garments of dyuers persons of Germanye and droppes of bloudde fell from heauen The yere of the worlde The yere of Christ 1502 Elysabeth queene of Engl●nde dyed in the tower of Anni regum Angli 18 London as she lay in childe bedde and shortly after was dame Margaret the kinges doughter maried to the king of Scottes A great pestilence in the countre of Germanye The Frenchmen brought Naples vnder their dominiō Anni regum Angli 19 This yere was much hurt done by mischance of fyre in diuers places of London The yere of the worlde 5464 The yere of Christ Pr●sto Iohannes emperour and high byshop of Indie and Aethiope Ferdinand of Spayne sent a nauy of shippes into Italy where they vanquished chased and slew the Frenchmē and recouered the kingdome of Naples wyth all the dominion belonging to it Pius bishop of Rome onely .xxx. dayes after whome succeded Iulius a cruell and fierce tyranne geuen only to murder and warre Anni regum Angli 20 The warre of Bauarie beganne in whiche Cesar The yere of the worlde 5465 The yere of Christ 1504 Maximilian defended the princes of Bauarie agaynste Philyp erle Palatine of Rhine and his sonne Duke Robert who because he had maryed the doughter of Georg Duke of Bauarie latelye deceased made claime to that Duchye But continuing the time of this warre he ended his life and thē was a peace concluded betwene his father and the emperour Anni regum Angli 21 Philippe the Archduke of Burgoyne The yere of the worlde The yere of Christ 1505 the emperoure Maximilians son as he sailed into S●ayn to take possession of the kingdome of Castile that fell to hys wife and hym by the deathe of Elisabeth the wyfe of Ferdinande was driuen by force of ●empest to land in Englād wher he was honourablie receyued of king Henrye and then deparied on his iordey toward Spayne Elisabeth the quene of Polonie ended her life which was a woman of great noblenesse doughter to a kynge wife to a kinge and mother to diuers kynges Santes Pagninu a great Hebric●y Leonicenus Gattinaria ▪ Caballus and Optatus phisicions Niphus Iacobus Faber Stapulensis Pigius philosophers Petrus Bembus and diuers other lerned men were famous Al the inhabitantes of Granade were eyther forced to receyue thefayth of Christ or to forsake the land The Sophie of Persia vanquished chased and slewe the Turkes The yere of the worlde 5467 The yere of Christ 1506 The Genoways forsoke the dominion of Lewis king of Fraunce Anni regum Angli 22 Iulius bishop of Rome toke the citee Bononie A mariage concluded betwene Charles Archduke of Austriche prince of Castile and Marye the doughter of king Henry of England The famous clerke Reuchline restored again the knowla ge of the hebrew tongue The yere of the worlde 1468 The yere of Christ 1507 Philip king of Castile payed his debt to Nature Anni regum Angli Lewis king of Fraunce by agrement receyued again the citee of Geane Maximilian the emperour beganne the cru●l and long warre agaynste the Uenecians In time whereof were soughten many blouddy battailes and diuers great mutacions and chances hapned At the first Lewis kynge of France ayded the Uenecians but after he forsoke thē and went to Maximilian contrarye wise Iulian byshop of Rome first fauoured Maximilian and after tourned to the Uenecians By this warre the Ueneciās lost manye of their chiefe citees The yere of the worlde 1469 The yere of Christ 1508 The citee
kinge Edwarde now in his later dayes frowardly frowned chāged her copye The yere of the worlde 5329 The yere of Christ 1368 Charles the emperoure yode toward Italy with hys wife and children Anni regum Angli 42 In his iorney he subdued to the empire of the citees of Luke and Miniate whych a certaine time had rebelled were in subiection the one to Pise the other to Florence The duke of Lancastre arriued at Calys and entred Fraunce with a company of souldiours where not far from Arde the duke of Burgoyne lodged within a myle of his army with a great power the space of xviii daies and neuer profered battaile but lastly stole away priuylye in the nighte and then entred the Duke further into Fraunce The yere of the worlde 5330 Urbane bishop of Rome retourning into France left Iohn Haucuth an englisheman The yere of Christ 1369 Anni regum Angli 43 as hys chefe capitaine to defende the right of the churche against the rebels and other enemies and not longe after dyed Phyllyp Duke of Burgoyne toke to wyfe Margaret doughter of Lewys Erle of Flaunders Queene Phillyp of England dyed whiche was a woman of great sanctimony and bulded the college in Oxford called Quenes college Sir Robert knoles entred the realme of Fraunce with a stronge army and passed euen by Parys ranged in batayle and throughtout the countreys of France robing and spoilyng as he went without any notable bataile at whiche viage by reason of discention that ha●ned in the Englyshe hoste dyuers men were slaine and taken prisoners of their enemnes Sir Bertam of Clesqui a noble and valyant knyghte was ordeined Constable of Fraunce He wanne againe many cities townes castels and holdes in Po●cters Limosin ▪ and other countreys from the kyng of England and restored theim to the signorye of Fraunce Gregorye the .xi. byshop of Rome The yere of the worlde The yere of Christ Anni regum Angli Kyng Dauid of Scotlande makyng prouisiō to go on pylgremage to Ierusalem ended his lyfe ¶ Robert Stewarde succeded Dauid of Scotlande and reigned .xix. yeres Charles the emperour by meanes of giftes whiche he promysed the electours obteined his soonne Uinceslaus king of Boheme Anni regum Angli 45 to be made Cesar The yere of the worlde 5332 The yere of Christ 1371 and caused them of the empyre to sweare to hym feaultie and homage The Erle of Penbroke comyng on the se to rescue the towne of Rochell was encountred with a flote of Spaniardes whiche king Henrie of Castile had sent to ayde the Frenche king Of these Spaniardes after cruel fight the Erle was taken with sir Guiscarde de Angle and other to the noumbre of an .160 personnes and the more parte of his men slayne and drowned Kynge Edwarde beyng sore displeased with the takyng of the Erle of Penbroke sent hys soonne the prince into Fraunce who by contrary wyndes was kepte on the sea the space of .xi. weekes and than retourned agayne into Englande Amurates kinge of Turkes inuaded Seruia and Bulgaria Lazarus king of Seruia was slayne in battaile and Amurates not long after murdered of his owne seruaunte The yere of the worlde 5333 The yere of Christ 1342 Anni regum Angli 46 Bertram of Clesqu● Constable of Fraunce warred so fiercely vpon Iohn Erle of Mountforte Duke of Brytayne bycause he semed to fauour the kyng of England that he was forced to forsake his landes and fly to kinge Edward ▪ and that Duchy was well nere all seised to the vse of the Frenche kynge Iohn of Gaunte Duke of Lancaster entred by Cales into France and passed throughout the reamle by Uermendois and Campaine iust to Burdeaur in Aquitaine without batayle Not withstandyng the great hurt and domage they dyd to the townes and countreys as they passed The yere of the worlde The yere of Christ 1373 Pazaites the .iiii. kynge of Turkes Anni regum Angli 47 The Genowayes for certaine disworship doen to them inuaded and spoyled the contrey of Cypres and conquered the citie of Famaugusta Thei constreigned also their king Petrine to pay vnto theim a great tribute the space of certaine yeres Diuers entreties of peace were made betwene the king of Englande and Fraunce ▪ by meane of the byshoppe of Rome but none was concluded Anni regum Angli 48 The yere of the worlde A great dearth ve●ed the countrey of Italye .ii. yeres The yere of Christ 1374 The yere of the worlde The people of Florence desirous of lybertie Anni regum Angli 49 gaue occasion to many cyties of Italye to for sake the byshoppe of Romes domynion The yere of Christ 1375 wherby ensued great tumultye and warre in all the countrei The people that fyrst rebelled were the Tybernates the P●rusines Tudertines Spole●āes E●gubines the citisyns of U●●erbium Foroliuium and Asculum Many wonderfull sickenesses fell amonge the people as well in Italye as in Englande wherof they died merua●lously Warre and rufflyng betwene borderers of Englande and Scotlande The Duke of Britaine by the healpe of Englishemen recouered againe many castels and townes Gregory the .xi. contrarye to the minde of the Frenche kyng departed out of Fraunce and retourned to Rome 70. yeres after the byshops see was first transferred out of Iataly into Fraunce Anni regum Angli 50 The yere of the worlde 5337 The yere of Christ 1376 Byshop Gregory excommunicated the Florētines but they lytell regarded his course and cōs●eignedtheir prestes to minister diuine seruice Prince Edwarde of Englande departed out of this life who was in his tyme the floure of chiualrye Andronicus expelled his father from the imperiall dy●gnitie of Constantinople whom the Uenec●ans restored againe to the empyre Whereby ensued great warre betwene Uenice and Genoway for the one toke part with the father the other with the sonne Kinge Edwarde the .iii. ended his life in Richemonte the .xxii. daye of Iune The yere of the worlde 5338 The yere of Christ 1377 The duke of Angeow the constable of Frāce Owen of Wales with many other of the frenche parte made sore warre in Gascoyne Guyan Poyters and Britaine and conquered agayne diuers castels townes citees subiecte before to the king of England Owen of Wales besieged Mortaine a yere an halfe ther was slayne by the treasō of one of his seruauntes RYcharde the .ii. the sonne of Prynce Edwarde of Wales was ordeined king of England being as yet but a seuen yeres of age Anni regum Angli 1 in bounty and lyberalitie he farre passed all his progenitours but he was ouer muche geuen to rest and quietnesse and loued lyttel deedes of armes and marcyall prowes and for that he was younge he was most ruled by young consaile and regarded nothynge the aduertisementes of the sage and wyse men of his realme For the chiefe about hym were of no wysedome nor estimacion which thing turned his land to great trouble and of him selfe in fine to extreme myserye The Frenche king sent a