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ID Title Author Corrected Date of Publication (TCP Date of Publication) STC Words Pages
A03250 Troia Britanica: or, Great Britaines Troy A poem deuided into XVII. seuerall cantons, intermixed with many pleasant poeticall tales. Concluding with an vniuersall chronicle from the Creation, vntill these present times. Written by Tho: Heywood. Heywood, Thomas, d. 1641. 1609 (1609) STC 13366; ESTC S119729 272,735 468

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Husbands Bed denide 82 And proouing armes by them she honor sought She tam'd the VVelch-men and the Danes disgraced Next Edward Adelstane the battailes fought Of the bold English and the Castles raced as the proud Danes reard and to ruine brought The Sarafins euen from Hetruria chased Th Italian Guards they G●…n ouerthrow VVhere bloud three dayes out of a VVell did flow 83 Now Gui of Warwick Danish Colebrand slew And England of all Tribute quite releast King Edmond did the Soueraignety pursue When Adelstane at Malmsbury deceast Slaine after fiue yeares by succession true Eldred his Brother raignes whose pomp increast Edmonds two Sons being young the Peeres cōplaine and thinke their Vncle of more worth to raigne 84 France Tuskaine Germany the Hungars wast Hugh King of Italy by Fire destroyes The nauy of the Sarazens then past To Traxinetum Edwin next inioyes The Scepter Eldred hauing breath'd his last At Kingstone crown'd whose hart was set on toyes He Dunstan banisht his Landes and Treasure lauisht and his neere N●…c vpon his Crowne-day rauisht 85 And next he slew her Husband for all which after foure yeares he was depriude his state Edgar his Brother a Prince wise and rich In all things ●…ust seuere and Fortunate ascends the Throne no Sorcerer nor Witch His sentence spard Theeues Bribers he did hate To him Ludwallis Prince of Wales obayd Three hundred Wolues for Tribute yearely payd 86 Forty seauen Monasteryes this King erected Red Crosses made and on mens Roabes were seared When Duffus had foure yeares the Scots protected Donewald a Scotch Lord that no bad thing feared Him basely slew and from his Throne derected From which ●…xe monthes no Moone or Sunne appeared The Turkes by Euecus Earle of Bygar Were Spaine expold he first King of Nauar. 87 King Edgar in his sixteenth yeare expyres When his Sonne Edward was at Kingstone crownde Slaine by his trayterous Stepdame who desires The Crowne for her Sonne Etheldred he founde Exter Abbey Swayne of Denmarke fires Citties and Townes in England burning round King Etheldred raign'd in this Kingdome free Thirty eyght yeares His murdred Brother three 88 Now Stephen was made first King of Hungary And thirty nine yeares raign'd Alphons of Spaine Besiedging great Visenum valiantly Was with an arrow kild and strowed the plaine All the Lord-Danes that liu'd here tyranously Were by the English Wiues in one night slaine Ierusalem was by the Turkes possest Whom twice the bold Venetian Duke distrest 89 King Edmond sir-nam'd Iron-side next his Father Inioyes the Kingdome gainst whom Swanus Son The bold Canutus all his Dan●…s doth gather Twixt whom were many battayles lost and won After much bloods effusion they chose rather By single strife to end the broyles begon Theyr valors were in epuall ballance tryde and after Combat they the Land deuide 90 Edrick of Stratton valiant Edmond slew And from Canutus had a Traytors meede The valiant Dane in Stiles and Honors grew He Scotland wan and Norway To his seed Leauing foure Kingdomes Vice he did eschew Nor euer did a juster Prince succeed English and Dan●…s he atton'd vnto his doome and after went on Pilgrimage to Roome 91 Robert the Norman Duke for valor famed Hyes to the holy warres in Palestine He gone his young Sonne William is proclaymed The Norman Duke Now seekes a Throne deuine Canutus when he twenty yeares had raigned and Harrold Harefoote vnto whom incline The Dan●…s in England next the Scepter swayes and three yeares past at Oxford ends his dayes 92 Hardi-canutus the same number fild and drinking dide whom the good Edward Sainted For holy workes succeeds no bloud he spild Nor with knowne sinnes his high profession taynted He married as the great Earle Goodwin wild Th'Earles Daughter Edgitha and nothing wanted That a iust Prince should haue one and twenty years In zeale and clemency the Crowne he weares 93 This Goodwin Alphred Edward younger Brother Traytorously slew and by his power he yoaked The King himselfe betray de his Soueraigne Mother By Byshop Robert to these illes prouoked But Heauen no longer could such mischiefe smother Swearing by Bread he by the bit was choaked The swallowing Sea deuour'd all his Lands Which to this day beare name of Goodwins sands 94 William the Bastard Duke first landing heare Was by the King receaued and Englands Crowne Promist by Edward which no English Peere Was knowne to contradict after lenthome With greatest pompe and Harrold the same yeare Earle Goodwins sonne a man of great renowne Arriude in Normandy and with oathes deepe Sware the King dead for him the Crowne to keepe 95 But Edward dead Harrold vsurpes the seate Whom Fauston and the Norwey King inuade Vpon the North both whom he did defeate And brauely slew in battaile William made A new Incursion gainst whom in t' is heare Harrold his Ensignes in the field displayde The Norman Duke preuaylde and Harrald slaine William the first so cald begins his raigne In Brutes time whilst he gouernd Brittan Anaeus Siluius raigned amongst the Latines Dercitus in Assyria Athletets in Corinth Pipinus in Thus●…an Codrus in Athens in whose dayes the Arke of God was taken by the Philistims In Locrynes raigne Dauid was annoynted King ouer Israel In Guendolins raigne he 〈◊〉 Vriah and marryed Bersheba In Madans dayes Salomon built the Temple c. From Brute to Caelar the Brittans were not Tributary to any the gouernment of the Romans from Caesar to Theodosius lasted 483. years In Theodosius the youngers raign the yeare of Christ 443. the Tribute 〈◊〉 The gouernment of the Saxons continued the space of 600. yeares in continuall warre and hostility either with the Brittans the Danes or the Normans The opinions of those that write of the first inhabiting of this Iland are diuerse and how it came first to receiue the name of Albion some thinke of the Chalky and white Cliffe which seemes to wall it in from the Sea But Hugh Genisis a Roman Chronicler writing of all the Kinges and Kingdomes of the World from the Vniuer sall Deluge to Christ. Writes that Danaus King of Greece had fifty Daughters and Aegiptus as many Sonnes who being married and the women the first night murdring their Husbands were for the offence banished and sayling on the Seas were driuen vpon this Island which Albiana called after her Name Albion vvith these Ladies he reports that Spirits engendred and begotte Gyants who laie with their Mothers and Sisters led onely by their lustes till they had multiplyed themselues to the number of twelue thousand But Idoubt not but that this Land may contend with any other whatsoeuer for her antiquity being inhabited with the first which beeing continually vexed within it selfe with ci●… 〈◊〉 and forraine inuasions her Monuments and remembrances
strange Monsters breed One bore a Child that had the face of man and body of a Lyon th' other bred One with two bodies from the Girdle-sted 54 The Scotch King dying Issulesse contention In Scotland grew who should succeede the State The strife Edward atton'd and after mention Made of their Title which these Lords relate He arbitrates theyr fierce and hot dissention And to Iohn Balioll priz'd at hyest rate He giues the Crowne which pleased Scotland well Madock and Morgan now in Wales rebell 55 Edward thrice war'd gainst Scotland and preuayled The French Kings Sister Margaret tooke to Wife and to his Sonne the Princedome he entayled Of Wales proud Ottoman began great stufe With Christendome and many Townes assayled In him the Empire of the Turkes tooke life Pope Boniface the eyght suruiued than He first in Rome the Iubilee began 56 Creat Tamor Ca●… gouernd Tartaria Albert the Empire France King Phillip guided Prince Ladislaus ruld Hungaria Clement the fift the seat of Rome deuided Transporting it to France which from that day Seauenty foure yeares continew'd vndecided Seraph th' Egiptian Souldan-ship supplide Edward the first in his Scotch garboiles dide 57 The second Edward him succeeds and raignes Full eighteene yeares a Prince of no renowne He ryots Lusts and wantonnesse maintaind Mongst priuate vnthrifts and his peeres put downe Henry the Emperour hauing brauely gaind Many great fields was with an yron Crowne at Milleine Crownd where he aduancst his name The Crutched Fryares first into England came 58 Peirs Gaueston twice banisht by the Peeres Was by the King recald Iohn Tamer rose In rebell armes destroyd by his owne feares Phillip the long their King the French-men chose The hauty Spencers triumpht many yeares Ouer the Nobles who themselues oppose against their pride the Spencers they exile Whom the loose King reuoked in small while 59 Twenty two Barons for the Spencers loue The King cut off the Sun six houres appeared Of sanguine hew his glorious brightnesse stroue with his red Maske which at the last he cleared Edward his force did twice gainst Scotland proue Both times the soyle with English blood besmeared The Queene and Prince the Spencers could not brook And like two exiles their owne Land forsooke 60 Sir Iohn of Henault Lands in the Queenes ayde And hy the Barons helpe the King pursued who after in strong Barkley Castle layde Sir Roger Mortimer a man indude With Pride and Tyrrany the King betrayde and with the Kings bloud 〈◊〉 Tower Imbrude Baldock the Spencers Minions to the King The Conquering Peeres vnto destruction bring 61 Edward King Edwards Sonne fifty yeares bore Englands rich Scepter Charles the French King dide Leauing no issue of the Royall store Therefore King Edward being next alyde Claymes France to which the Doncipeeres restore Phillip Valois and Edwards clayme deride Sir Roger Mortimer long graft boue reason By the Kings Mother was condemn'd of Treason 62 Edward the Blacke-Prince was at Woodstocke borne King Edward fought the fi●…ld cald Haldonne Hill In Scotland After some few dayes out-worne The King his clayme to France doth menace still Petrach the Laureat liu'd the French in scorne Foure hundred Sayle with armed Souldiers fill These Edward meetes at Siuce whom fame hath sounded Thirty three thousand of French t' haue slain drowned 63 The order of the Garter was first made Soone after was the famous Cressie field Don Petro by his Spanish Peeres betrayde Was to their violent fury forst to yeild Edward wan Callis Iohn next Phillip swayde In France and mena'st with his warlike Shield The braue Black-Prince at Poytieres battayle wonne The field the French King Prisoner and his Sonne 64 Melchella was now Souldan Amurath Emperor of Turky and with Conquest fought A persecutor of the Christian Fayth The French King-Iohn hauing his peace now bought at Sauoy dide and Charles the sixt next hath The Crowne of France Don-Peter ayde besought Who late exiled from the Crowne of Spaine Was by the Black-Prince repostest againe 65 The Duke of La●…caster France ouer-run Vnfought withall Sir Robert Knowles likewise Marcht by the Citty Paris now begun Great Baiazeth among the Turkes to rise The braue blacke Prince from France where he had won So many Noble fields returning dyes The King himselfe as our best writers say Expird of Iune the two and twentith day 66 Richard the second sonne to the bold Prince Edward sit-namd the Blacke at yeares eleuen Began his rule whom many men conuince Of wanton ryot and a course vneuen Well tutor'd in 's minority but since He manag'd state too much neglecting heauen Gunnes were deuisd first by a Germaine Fryer France doth the Kingdome of Nauar desire 67 Queene ●…ane of Naples flourisht Bohemes King Vinceslaus was Almaine Emperor made Twixt Portugall and Castile discords spring Two Popes contend the Genowayes inuade The bold Venetians and to battaile bring Their Nauall powers both Ensignes flye displaid Iacke Straw dyes stabd in Smithfield by the care Of William Walworth at that time Lord Maior 68 A wondrous Earth-quake did whole England shake King Richard th●… Almaine Emperors daughter wiude The Turkes in Christendome great vprores make Iohn Galeazo in those dayes suruiu'd Duke Iohn of Gaunt doth a braue voyage take To conquer Spaine and in his purpose thriu'd The Barons of the Realme themselues with-drew And many of the King seducers slew 69 The Duke of Lancaster his daughter Kate Married to Henry Castiles eldess sonne His second daughter had the Queene-like state Of Portugall by which all warres were done The Turke in Hungary suppreft but late Seekes by his power all G●…eece to ouer-ron Against Constanti●…opolis he layde at eyght-yeare siedge now Colleines Schoole was made 70 Robert of Scotland dying Iohn his heyre Succeedes next Richard Queene Anne beiug dead Espousd French Isabel then did prepare For Ireland where 's voyage slowly sped He put to death his Vncles for the care Of him and his Realmes safty sore misled Hereford and Norfolke Dukes the Combat clayme and both are banist in King Richards name 71 The S●…ithian Tamberlaine the Turkes subdude and kept theyr Emperor in an Iron Cage Hereford against his sentence durst intrude Himselfe int'England and gainst Richard wage A threatned warre the Peeres Richard exclude From gouernment who in his strength of age Resignes his Crowne his Dignity and Fame To Henry Bullingbrooke fourth of that name 72 Gainst whom the Duke of Exeter Richards Brother The Dukes of Surry and Aumarle conspyre With Glocester who his hatred cannot smother And Salsbury all these his life conspyre and for it lost their lyues with many other Of the same faction seeking to aspyre Richard is slayne in Prison after showne Through London streets to haue his death wel known 73 Owen