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A00005 Here begynneth a shorte and abreue table on the Cronycles ...; Saint Albans chronicle. Higden, Ranulf, d. 1364. Polycronicon. English. Selections.; Trevisa, John, d. 1402. 1515 (1515) STC 10000; ESTC S106695 471,876 302

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moder ¶ The .xiiii. yere of his regne the duke of Saxon spowsed Maude his doughter And he begate vpon her thre sones that were called Henry Othus and. Wyllyam ¶ And in the xv yere of hys regne deyed the good Erle Robert of Glocestre that founded the abbaye of Nonne of Eton. And in the same yere Marke kynge of Ierusalem conquered Babylon ¶ And the .xvi. yere of his regne he lete crowne his sone Henry at westmestre· hym crowned Roger Archebysshop of yorke ī harmyng of Thōas archebysshop of Caūterbury wherfore this same Roger was accusyd of the pope ¶ How kynge Henry that was sone of kynge Henry the Empresse sone and of the debate that was bytwene hym and his fader whyle that he was in Normandye AFter the cornacyon of kynge Henry the sone of kyng Henry the Empresse lone That same Henry thempresse sone wente ouer to Normandy there he lete mary Elenore his doughter of the Dolphyn that was kynge of Almayne And in the .vii. yepe that the Archebysshop saynt ▪ Thomas had bē our lawed the kyng of Fraūce made the kyng saynt Thomas accorded And then̄e cam Thomas the Archebysshop to Chaunterbury ayē to his owne chyrche this accorde was made in the begynnyng of Aduente afterwarde he was slayne martred the fyfth daye of Crystmasse thenne folowynge For kynge Henry though● vpon saynt Thomas the Archebysshop vpon Crystmasse daye as he sate at hys mete these wordes sayd That yf he had ony good knyghtes wyth hym he had be many a day passe● auenged vpon the Archebysshop Thomas· ¶ And anone syr Wyllyam Bretō syr Hugh Moruile syr wyllyam Tracy syr Reygn●l●de Fitz vrse beers sone in Englysshe pryuely wente vnto the see came in to Englonde vnto the chyrche of Caūterbury there they hy● martred at saynt Benets awter in the mode● chyrche And that was in the yere of the Incarnacyon of Ihesu Cryst M.C.lxxii yere And anone after Henry the newe kyng began for to make warre vpon Henry his fader vpon his brothern wyllyam Othus ¶ And so vpon a daye the kyng of Fraunce al the kynges sones and the kynge of Scotlonde and all the gretest lordes of Englonde were rysen ayenst kyng Henry the fader And at the last as god wolde he conquered all his enmyes And the kynge of Fraunce he were accorded· ¶ And tho sente kyng Henry specyally vnto the kynge of Fraunce prayed hym hertely for his loue that he wolde sende to hym the names bi letters of them that where the begynners of the warre ayenst hym And the kyng of fraunce sent ayen to hym by letters the names of thē that began that warre ayenst hym The fyrste was Iohn̄ hys sone Rycharde his brother Hēry the newe kyng his sone Tho was Henry the king wōder wroth cursyd the tyme the euer he hym begate whyle the warre dured Hēry his sone the newe kyng deyed sore repētyng his mysdedes moost sorow made of ony mā for bycause of saint Thomas deth of Caūterbury and prayed hys fader wyth moche sorowe of herte mercy for his trespaas And his fader forgaaf hym and had of hym grete pyte And after he deyed the .xxxvi. yere of his regne lyeth at Redynge ¶ How the crysten men loste alle the holy londe in the forsayd kinges tyme by a fals Crysten man that became a sarrasyne ANd whyle thys kynge regned the grete bataylle was in the holy londe bytwene the crysten men and the sarrasyns but Crysten men were there slayne thrugh greate treason of the erle Tyrpe that wolde haue had to wyf the quene of Iherusalem that somtyme was Baldewynes wyfe but she forsoke hym and toke to her lorde a knyght a worthy man that was called syr Gnyperches wherfore the erle Tyrpe was wroth wente anone ryght to the Soudan that was Soudan of Babylon became his man and forsoke hys crystendome and alle crysten lawe And the cerysten men wyst not of his dedes but wende for to haue had grete helpe of hym as they were wonte to haue before ¶ And whan they came to the bataylle thys fals Cresten man torned vnto the Sarrasyns forsoke his owne nacyon And soo were the crysten men there slayne with the Sarrasyns ¶ And thus were the crysten men slayne put to horryble dethe and the cyte of Ierusalem destroyed and the holy crosse borne a waye ¶ The kynge of Fraunce all the grete lordes of the londe lete them be crossyd for to go in to the holy londe· And amonges them wente Rycharde kynge Henryes sone fyrst after the kynge of Fraunce that tooke the crosse of the. Archebysshop of Toures But he toke not the vyage at that tyme for cause that he was lette by other maner wayes nedes to be done ¶ And whan kynge Henry his fader had regned .xxxvi. yere and .v. monethes and four dayes he deyed and lyeth at Fonntenerad ¶ Anno dm̄ M. C·lvi ADrianus the fourth was pope after Anastasius ·v yere This pope was an Englysshe man the voys of the comyn people sayth he was a boūde man to the abbote of saynt Albon in Englonde And whan he desyred to be made a monke there he was expulsyd and he wente ouer see and gaue hym to studye and to vertue And after was made bysshop of Albanacens thenne he was made Legate in to the londe of wormacian and he conuerted it to the fayth Thenne he was made pope and for the woundynge of a Cardynall he enterdyted all the cytee of Rome And he cursyd wyllyam the kyng of Cecyle and caused hym to submytte hym This man the fyrst of all the popes with his Cardynalles dwelled in the olde cyte ¶ Alexander the thyrde was pope after hym .xii. yere This Alexander had stryfe ·xvii yere and the foure stryuers that the Emperour sette ayenst hym he ouercame them cursyd them and all deyed an euyll deth This man also accorded Frederyke the Emperour and ▪ Emanuell of Constantinoble the kynge of seculorū And this man nourysshed saynt Thomas of Caunterbury in his exyle ¶ Nota. ¶ Saynt Bernarde was canonysed by this Alexander and his abbot for bode hym he sholde do no myracles for there was so myghty concours of people And he obeyed to hym whan he was deed and dyde no moo ¶ Lutius the thyrde was pope after Alexander .iiii. yere and two monethes Of hym lytell is wryten In hys dayes decessyd Henry the fyrste sone to Henry the seconde this is his Epytaphy Omnis honoris honor decor et decus vrbis et orbis Milicie splendor gloria lumen aper Iulius ingenio virtutibus hector Achellis viribus Augustus moribus ore paris ¶ Vrbanus the thyrde was pope after Lucius two yere this man decessyd for sorowe whā he herde tell that Ierusalem was taken with the sarrasyns· ¶ Gregorius the viii was pope after hym foure monethes And he practysed
thre doughters The fyrste was called Gonorill The seconde Rigan And the thyrde Cordeill and the yongest doughter was fayrest and beste of condycyons The kynge theyr fader became an olde man and wolde that his doughters were maryed or that he dyed But fyrste he thought to assaye whiche of them loued hym moste and best For she that loued hym best sholde best be maryed And he axed of the fyrste doughter how well she loued him And she answerde and sayde better than her owne lyf Now certes sayde her fader that is grete loue Thenne he axed the seconde doughter how moche she loued hym And she sayde more and passynge all the creatures of the worlde Per ma foy sayd her fader I may noo more axe And tho axed he of the thyrd doughter how moche she loued hym Certes fader sayde she my systers haue tolde you glosynge wordes but I shalle tell you the crouth for I loue you as I ought to loue my fader And for to brynge you more in certayne how I loue you I shall tell you As moche as ye be wroth so shall ye be loued The kyng her fader wēde that she had scorned hym be came wonder wroth swore by heuē erth she sholde neuer haue good of him but hꝭ doughts that loued hym so moche sholde be well auaūced maryed And the fyrst doughter he maryed to Mangles kyng of Scotlonde And the seconde he maryed to hanemos erle of Cornewayle they ordened spake bytwene thē that the sholde departe the reame bytwene them two after the dethe of kynge Leyr theyr fader Soo that Cordeill his yongest doughter sholde nothynge haue of his londe But this Cordeill was wonder fayre of good condicyons maners That the kynge of Fraunce Agampe herde of her fame sente to the kynge Leyr her fader for to haue her vnto his wyf and prayed hym therof And kynge Leyr her fader sente hym worde that he had departed his londe gyuen hit al vnto his two doughters before sayd he sayd he had no more lōde wherwith her to marye And whan Agampe the kynge of fraunce herde this āswere he sent anone agayne to Leyr sayd That he axed nothyng with her but oonly her clothynge and her body And anone kynge Leyr sente her ouer see to the kynge of fraunce And he receyued her with moche worshyp and with solempnyte he spowsed her made her quene of Fraunce ¶ How kynge Leyr was dryuen out of his lōde thrugh his folke And how Cordeill his yongest doughter holpe hym in his nede THus it befell afterwarde that tho two eldest doughters wolde not abyde tyll Leyr theyr fader was deed But warred vpon hym whyles that he was on lyue dyde hym moche sorowe and shame wherfore they toke from hym holy the realme bytwene them had ordeyned that one of thē sholde haue kyng Leyr to soiourne all his lyfe tyme with .lx. knyghtes squyres that he myght worshypfully ryde go whether that he wolde in to what coūtre that hym lyked to play to solace So that Maugles kynge of Scotlonde hadde kynge Leyr with hym in the maner as is aboue sayd And or the other halfe yere were passed Gonoril that was his eldest dought quene of Scotlonde was soo anoyed of hym of his people that anone she her lorde spake togyder wherfore his knyghtes halfe his squyres fro hym were gone no moo lefte with hym but oonly .xxx. And whan this was done Leyr began to make moche sorowe for bycause that his state was empeyred And men had of hym more scorne dyspyte than euer they hadde before wherfore he wyst not what to done And at the laste he thought he wolde go in to Cornewayll to Rigan hys other doughter And whan he was come the erle and his wyfe that was Leyrs doughter hym welcomed and with hym made moche Ioye And there he dwelled with xxx knyghtes squyres And he had not dwelled scarsly .xii. monethes there that his doughter was wery of hym and his company And her lorde she of hym had grete scorne despyte soo that from .xxx. knyghtes they broughte vnto .x. And afterwarde he had but fyue so they lefte hym no moo Thenne made he sorowe ynoughe and sayd sore wepyng Alas that euer I came in to this londe sayd yet had ye be better to haue dwelled with my fyrste doughter And anone he wente thens to his fyrste doughter agayne but anone as she sawe hym come she swore by god by his holy name by as moche as she myght that he sholde haue no moo with hym but one knyght \ yf he wolde there abyde Then beganne Leyr to wepe and made moche sorowe and sayd then Alas now haue I to longe lyued that this sorowe myscheyf is to me nowe fallen For now I am poore that somtyme was ryche But nowe haue I noo frende ne kynne that to me wyll do ony good But whan I was ryche all men me honoured worshyped now euery man ●athe of me scorne dyspyte And now I well wote that Cordeill my yongest doughter sayde me trouth whan she sayd As moche as I had soo moche sholde I be loued And all the whyle that I had good so longe was I loued honoured for my ryches But my two doughters glosed me then now of me they set lytell pryce and soth tolde me Cordeil but I wolde not byleue it ne vnderstonde therfore I lete her goo frome as a thynge that I sette lytell pryce of and now wote I neuer what for to do syth my two doughters haue me thus dysceyued that I so moche loued now must I nedes seke her that is in an other londe that lyghtly I lete her go from me without ony rewarde of gyftes And she sayde that she loued me as moche as she ought to loue her fader by all maner of reason And then I sholde haue a●ed her no more And those that me otherwise behoteth thrugh their fals speche now haue me desceyued In thys maner Leyr lōge tyme begā to make his moone at the last he shypped hym to the see passed ouer in to Fraunce and axed aspyed where the quene myght be foūde And men tolde hym where she was ▪ whan he came to the cyte that she was in pryuely he sent his squyre vnto the quene for to tell her that her fader was come to her for grete nede And whan the squyre came to the quene he tolde her euery deale of her systers frome the begynnynge vnto the ende Cordeil the quene anone toke golde and syluer plenty toke it to the squyre in coūsell that he sholde go bere it to her fader that he sholde go in to a certayne cyte hym aray wasshe then come agayne to her And brynge with hym an honest company of knyghtes .xl. at the leest with theyr
had regned two yere and lytell more he deyed and lyeth at westmestre ¶ Of kynge Kariknoght that was Haroldes brother AFter this Harold Hare foot Regned his brother Hardiknoght a noble knyghte and a worthy man and moche loued chyualry and all maner of goodnes And whan thys Hardiknoght had regned a lytell whyle he lette vncouere hys brother Harold smote of his heed that was his brother att westmestre lete cast the heed in to a gonge the body in to Tamyse And after came fysshers toke the body with theyr nettes by nyght and bare hym to saynt Clementes chyrche and there hym caryed And in this maner auenged hym Hardiknoght of hys broder for in none other maner he myght be auengeb· This kyng Hardiknoght was so large a yeuer of meete drynke that his tables were sete euery daye thre tymes full ryall meetes drynkes for his owne meyne and for all that came vnto hys courte to be rychely serued of ryall meetes And thys kynge Hardiknoght sent after Emme his moder made her come ayen ī to Englonde for she was dryuen out of Englonde whyle that Harold Hare f●ot regned thrugh counseyll of the erle Godewin that tho was the grettest lorde of Englonde next the kyng moost myght do thrugh oute all Englonde what he wolde hys cōmaūdement for as moche as he had hys spoused doughter of the good kyng Knoght that was a Dane whiche doughter he had by hys fyrste wyfe ¶ And whan this quene was dryuen out of Englonde and come to the Erle of Flaundres that was called Balde wyne her cosyn he founde her there all thynge that her neded vnto the tyme that she went ayen in to Englonde that the kynge Hardiknoght had sente for her that was her sone and made her come ayen with moche honour This kynge Hardyknoght whan he had regned fyue yere he deyed and lyeth at westmestre ¶ Of the vylany that the Dany● dyde to the Englysshmen wherfore fro the tyme after was no Dane made kynge of this londe ANd after the deth of this kynge Hardyknoght for as moche as he hadde noo thynge of hys body begoten The erles barons assembled made a coūsell that neuer more after noo man the was a Dane though he were neuer so grete a man amonges them he sholde neuer be kynge of Englonde for the despyte that the Danes hadde done to Englysshmen For euermoore before yf it were so that the Englysshmen and the Danys hapened for to mete vpon a brydge the Englysshmen sholde not be so hardy to meue ne styre a foot but stande styll tyll the Dane were passed for the. And more ouer yf the Englysshmen had not bowed downe theyr heedes to doo reuerence vnto the Danys they sholde haue ben beten defoylled And suche maner despytes vylany dyde the Danys to our Englysshmen wherfore they were dryuen out of the londe after tyme that kynge Hardyknoght was deed for they had no lord the theym myght mayntene ¶ And in this maner auoyded the Danys Englonde that neuer they came ayen ¶ The erles barons by theyr comyn assent by theyr counselles sent unto Normandy for to seke those two brethern Alured Edwarde that were dwellyng with the duke Richharde that was theyr came in entente for to crowne Alured the elder brother hym make kynge of Englonde And of this kynge to make an ende the erles barons made theyr othe But the Erle Godewin of westsex falsely traytoursly thought to slee the se two brethern anone as they sholde come in to Englonde in entent to make hys sone Harolde kynge the whyche sone he had begote vp on his wyf the whiche was kynge Knoghtes doughter that was a Dane And so this Godewin pryuely hym wente to South hampton for to mete there the two brethern whan that they sholde come vnto london ¶ And thus it befell the messengers that went in to Normandy foūde but oonly Alured that was the elder brother For Edwarde hys brother was gone in to hūgry for to speke with his cosyn Edwarde the outlawe that was Edmonde sone with the Irensyde The messengers tolde sayde Alured how that erles barons of Englonde sente after hym that he boldely sholde come in to Englonde and receyue the reame For kynge Hardiknoght was deed and all the Danes dryuen out of the londe ¶ How Godewin the fals traytour toke Alured vppon Gyldesdowne whan that he came from Normandy to be kynge of Englonde and how he caused hym to be martyred in the yle of Ely AS Alured herde these tydynges he thāked god And in shyppe went with all the hast that he myght passed the see arryued at Southhampton there Godewin the fals traytour was And whan this traytour sawe that he was come he welcomed hym and receyued hym with moche Ioye sayd that he wolde lede hym to London there the all the barons of Englonde hym abode to make hym kynge And so they went on theyr waye to warde London And whan they came on Gyldesdowne tho sayd the traytour Godewin vnto Alured Take kepe aboute you both on the left syde ryght syde of all ye shall be kynge and of suche and hondred more Now forsothe sayd Alured I behyght you yf I be kynge I shall ordeyne make suche lawes wherfore god and man shal● 〈◊〉 ●ell pleased Now had the traytour cōm● 〈…〉 al his men that were with hym That wh 〈…〉 re come vpon Gyldesdowne that the 〈…〉 lee all that were Aluredes cōpany that ●●re with hym fro Normandy and after that take Alured lede hym in to the yle of ely after put out hys eyen of his heed afterwarde brynge hym to the deth so they dyde For they slewe al the cōpany that there were the nōbre of xii gentylmen that were come with hym fro Normādy after toke they Alured in the yle of Ely they put out his eyen rent hys wombe toke the chyef of his bowels put a steke in the groūde an ende of the bowels ther to fastened with nedles eylesse of yren they prycked the good chylde so made hym to go about the stake tyll that al his bowels were drawē out of his body so dyed Alured there thrugh treason of the erle Godewin ¶ Whan the lordes of Englond had herde wyst how Alured that shold haue be theyr kyng was put to deth thrugh the fals traytour Godewin they were wonder wroth And swore bytwene god thē that he sholde deye a more wors deth than dyde Edrith of Strattō that had betrayed his lord Edmonde Irensyde they wolde haue pute hym to deth but the theyf traytour fledde thens in to Denmark there helde hym foure yere and more and lost all his londe in Englonde SIluester the thyrde was pope after Benedictus ¶ Thys Siluester was chose and Benedictus was expulsyd And after warde was he expulsyd and Benedictus
was put vp ayen And after he was put out and Gregorius was made pope ¶ And he was but a symple lettred man and therfore he chose an other man for to be consecrate with hym And whan many men were dyspleased wyth thys godynge of two popes the thyrde was brought in the whyche sholde occupye the place of bothe the tow And so they stroue amonge themself But Henry the Emperour came thenne to Rome deposyd them all and made Clement the seconde pope whom he made anone to crowne hym And he sayde to the Romayns they sholde neuer chese pope wythout his assente And soo fyue beynge popes sixte was put in And many men saye this Gregorius was an holy man ¶ Damasius the secōde was after Clemente .xx. dayes This man was an vsurper of the popeheed and so he deyed sodenly And anone the Romayns asked to haue a pope that the Almayns sholde haue none For they were so harde herted that they myhht not enclyne to the entence of the Emperour the whiche sayd There sholde be no pope chosen but yf he wolde be of counseyl of the eleccyon But for all that the put in this holy man Leo and after he had of that conscyence and refused And anone he was chosyn by the comyn assent this Leo put Cryste in the fourme of a Laser in his owne bedde and in the morowe he founde no thynge there ¶ Of saynt Edwarde the confessour that was Aluredes brother how he was kynge of Englonde ANd whan this was done al the barons of Englonde sente an other tyme in to Normandy for that Edw●rde sholde come in to Englond with moche honour And this Edwarde in hys chyldehode loued almyghty god hym dradde And in honeste and clennesse hadde his lyf and hated synne as dethe And whan he was crowned and anoynted wyth a ryall power forgate not his good maners and condycyons that he fyrste vsed And forgate not alle good customes for no maner of honour ne for ryches ne no manere hyghnes But euermore and more yaue hym to goodnesse and loued god and hooly chyrche passynge all other manere thynge ¶ And poore men also be loued and theym helde as they hadde ben hys owne brethern And to them ofte he yaue greate almesse with full good wyll ¶ Of the fyrste specyall loue that god she 〈…〉 to saynt Edwarde lyuynge IT befell on a daye as he went from the chyrche of westmestre And hadde herde masse of saynt Iohan the Euangelyst for as moche as he loued saynt Iohn̄ euangelyst more specially after god and hour lady than he dyde ony other saynt And so there came to hym a pelgryme prayed hym for the loue of god and our lady and saynt Iohan the euangelyst some good hym for to yeue And the kynge pryuely toke his rynge of his fynder that no man perceyued it and yaue it to the pelgryme and he it receyued and wente thens ¶ This kynge Edwarde made all the good lawas of Englonde that yet ben moost vsed and holden And was so mercyable and so ful of pyte that noo man myght be more ¶ How the erle Godewyn came ayen in to Englonde had ayen all his londe and afterwarde saynt Edwarde weded his doughter AS the Erle Godewin that was dwellynge in Denmarke had moche herde of the godnesse of kyng Edwarde that he was so full of mercy of pyte He thought that he wolde go ayen in to Englonde for to seke to haue grace of the good kynge Edwarde that soo mercy full was that he myght haue ayen hys londe in peas And arayed hym as moche as he myght put hym to warde the see came in to Englonde to London there the kynge was that tyme and all the lordes of Englonde and helde a parlyament Godewin sente to hym that were his frendes and were the moost grettest lordes of the londe prayed them to beseche the kynges graet for hym that he wolde hys peas his londe graunte hym The lordes ledde hym before the kyng to seke his grade And anone as the kynge hym sawe he apeled hym of treason of the deth of Alured his brother and these wordes vnto hym sayde Traytour Godewin sayd the kynge I the appele that thou hast betrayed slayn my brother Alured Certes syr sayde Godewin sauynge your grace your peas and your lordshyp I hym neuer betrayed ne yet hym slewe· therfore I put me in rewarde of the courte Now fayr lordes sayd the kynge ye that ben my lyeges erles barons of the londe that here be assembled fulle welle ye herde my appele And the answere also of Godewin and therfore I woll that ye a warde and dooth ryght The erles Barones tho gadred them all togyder for to do this a warde by themself and so they spake dyuersely amūge them For some sayd there was neuer alyaunce by homage seriment seruyce ne by lordshyp bytwene Godewin and Alured for whyche thynge they myght hym drawe And att the laste they deuysyd and demed That he sholde put hym in the kynges mercy all togyder Tho spake the erle Leuerik of Couentree a good mā to god and to all the worlde and tolde hys reason in this manere sayd The erle Godewin is the best fended man of Englonde after the Kynge well it myght not be agayne sayd the wythout counsell of Godwin Alured was neuer put to dethe wherfore I a warde as towchynge my parte that hymself hys sone euery of vs .xii. erles that ben hys frendes goo before the kynge charged with as moche golde syluer as we maye bere betwyxt our hondes praynge the kyng to forgyue his euyll wyll to the erle Godewin receyue hys homage his londe yelde ayen And they accorded vnto that a warde and came in thys maner as is abouesayd euery of them with holde and syluer as moche as they myght bere bytwene her hondes before the kynge there sayd the fourme the maner of they accorde of theyr a warde The kyng wolde not theym agayne saye But as moche as they ordeyned he graunted confermed And so was the erle Godewin accorded with the kynge so he had ayen all his londe And afterwarde he bare hym so well so wysely that the kynge loued hym wonder moche with hym he was fulle preuy And within a lytell tyme they loued so moche that there the kynge spowsed Godewyns doughter made her quene And neuerthelesse though the kyngge had a wyf yet he lyued euer in chastyce clēnesse of body without ony flesshely dede doynge with his wyf And the quene also in her halfe ladde an holy lyf two yere and deyed And afterwarde the kyng lyued all hys lyf without ony wyf ¶ The kynge yaue the erledome of Oxenforde to Harolde that was Godewyns sone and made hym erle And so well they were beloued bothe the fader and he and so pryue with the kyng both
the kynge of Englonde was come in to Normandy all the grete lordes of Normandye torned vnto the kynge of Englonde and helde ayenst the duke theyr owne lorde and hym forsoke and to the kynge them helde and all the good castelles and townes of Normandy And soone after was the duke taken and ladde with the kynge in to Englonde And the kynge lette put the duke in to pryson and this was the vengeaun●e of god ¶ For whanne the duke was in the holy londe god yaue hym suche myghte and grace that he was chosen for to haue be kynge of Iherusalem and he forsoke it and wolde not take it vpon hym And therfore god sente hym that shame and dyspyte for to put in hys brothers pryson Tho seased kyng Hery all Normandye in to hys honde and helde it all hys lyfe tyme ¶ And in the same yere came the bysshop Ancelmus for the courte of Rome in to Englonde ayen And the kynge and he were accorded ¶ And in the nexte yere comynge after there began a grete debare bytwene the kynge Phylyppe of Fraunce and kynge Henry of Englende wherfore kynge Henry wente in to Normandye and there was stronge warre bytwene them two And tho deye● the kynge of Fraūce lowys his sone was mad kyng anone after his deth And tho went kyng Henry ayen into Englond maryed Maude his doughter vnto henry the emꝑour of Almayne ¶ Of the debate that was betwixt kynge Lowys of Fraūce kynge Hery of Eenglonde how kynhe Henryes two snes were loste in the hyghe se● AS kynge Henry had be kynge .xvii. yere a grete debate arose betwixt kynge Lowys of Fraunce and kynge Henry of Englonde for by cause that the kynge had sente in to Normandy to hys men that they sholde be helpynge vnto therle of Bloys as moche as they myght in warre ayenst the kyng of Fraūce And that they sholde be as redy to hy● as they were to theyr owne lord for by cause that therle hadde spowsed hys syster dame maude And for this cause the kynge of Fraunce dyde moche sorowe to Normandy wherfore the kynge of Englonde was wonder wroth in hast wen●e ouer the see with a grete power came in to Normādye for to defende that londe And the warre bytwene them lasted two yere tyll at the laste they two faught to geder And the kynge of Fraunce was dyscomfyted vnnethes escaped awaye wyth moche payne the moost partye of his men were taken And the kynge dyde with theym what hym best lyked And some of them he lette go freely and some he lete be put vnto the deth But afterwarde those two kynges were accorded And whan kynge Henry had oonly all the londe of Normandy dyscōfyted his enmyes of Fraunce he torned agayne in to Englonde with mochē honour And his two sones wyllyam and Richarde wolde haue come after the fader wente to the see with a grete company of people But are that they myghte come to londe the shippe came ayenst a roche and alle were drowned that were there in saue oo man that was in the same shyppe that escaped And this was vpon saynt Katheryns daye and these were the names of them that were drowned Wyllyam and Richarde the kynges sones the Erle of Chestre Ottonell his brotger Geffroy Rydell Walter Emurci Godefray Archedeken the kynges doughter the coūtesse of Perches the kynges nece the countesse of Chestre many other ¶ Whan kynge Henry and other lordes arryued in Englonde and herde these tydynges they made sorowe ynough And alle theyr myrthe and Ioye was torned in to mornynge and sorowe ¶ How Maude the Empresse came ayen in Englonde how she afterwarde wedded to Geffroy therle of Angoy ANd whan that two yere were agone that the Erle had dwelled wyth the kynge the erle went from the kyng and begā to warre vpon hym dyd moche harme in the londe of Normandy toke there a stronge castell there he dwelled all that yere And tho came to hym tydynges that Henry the Emperour of Almayne that had spowsed Maude hys doughter was deed and that she dwelled no lenger in Almayne that she wold come ayen in to Normandy to her fader And whā that she was come vnto hym he toke her tho to hym came ayen in to Englonde made the Englysshemen to do othe and feaute to the Empresse And the fyrste man that made the othe was wyllyam the Archebysshop of Caūterbury And that other Dauid kyng of Scotlōde and after hym all the barons and erles of Englonde ¶ Also after that the noble man therle of Angoy that was a worthy knyghte sent vnto the kynge of Englōde that he wolde graūt hym for to haue his doughter to spowse that is to saye Maude the Empresse And for by cause that her fader wyst that he was a noble man the kynge hym graunted consented ther to And tho tooke he his doughter ladde hir in to Normandy came to the noble knyghte Geffroy there he spowsed the forsayde Maude wyth moche honour the Erle beg●te vpon her a sone that was called Henry the Empresse sone ¶ And after whan al this was done kynge Henry dwelled all that yere in Normandy after the lōge tyme a greuous sykenesse toke him where thorugh he deyed And this kyng Henry regned .xxxv. yere foure monethes And after deyed as is before sayd in Normandy And his herte was enteryd in the grete chirche of our lady in Rouen his body was brought with moche honour in to Englonde enteryd at Redynge in the abboye of the whyche abbaye he was begynner and founder HEnrycus the fourth was Emperour in Almayne after Harry the thyrde .xv. yere This man put his owne fader in pryson there helde hym tyll he deyed And tooke pope Paschall wyth hys Cardynalles presente them as it is sayd afore For the whiche cause as it is supposed he lacked yssue For he wedded the kynges doughter of Englonde Maude But after warde he came to grace and all the lawes of the chirche freely he resyned to Calixtus the pope And besought hym to yeue hym in penaūce that he sholde neuer come ayen to his Empyre that he myghte haue remyssyon of his trespaas And after the oppynyon of many a man he was wylfully exyled and deyed and hys wyfe bothe at Chestre in Englonde ¶ Gelasius was pope after Paschall two yere And fledde frome Henry the Emperour in to Bourgoyne and there decessyd Thys Emperour those Benedyctus a Spanyarde to be pope the whiche stroue with Calixtus ¶ Calixtus was pope after hym two yere and fyue monethes Thys Calixtus was the sone of the duke of Bourgoyne was chosen in the place of Gelasius And whan he sholde come to Rome he toke the for sayd Benedictus and made hym to ryde afore hym shamefully For he on a mule torned hys face to the tayle of the mule helde the tayle in
tho that holpe or yaue ony counseyll to meue warre ayenst the newe kynge Henry he accursyd them And at the begynnynge he put in the sentence the kyngꝭ sone of Fraunce Lowys And neuertheles the same Lowys wolde not spare for all that But wente and toke the caastell of Barchamstede aleso the castell of Hirtfo● And from that daye afterwarde the Barons dyde there so moche harme thrughout all Englonde And pryncypally the frensshemen that were with kynge Lowys wherfore the grete lordes and all the comyn people of Englonde lete them dresse for to dryue Lowys his company out of Englond but some of the barons and Frensshemen were gone to the cyte of Nycholl toke the towne helde it to kynge Lowys profyte But thyther came kyng Henryes men with a grete power that is to saye the erle Radulf of Chestre Wyllyam erle Marshall Wyllyam the Brenererle of Feryers many other lordes with them yaue batayll vnto Lowys men And there was slayne the erle of perchees Lowys men were fowle dyscomfyted And there was taken Serle erle of wynchestre and Humfroyde Boune erle of Hertforde Robert the sone of walter many other that began warre ayenst the kynge there they were taken ladde vnto kyng Henry that was kynge Iohn̄s sone ¶ And whan the tydynges cam to Lowys of the dyscomfyture that was the kynges sone of Fraūce He remeued fro thens wente vnto London and lete shytte the yates faste of the cyte And anone after the kynge sente to the Burgeys of Lōdon that they sholde yelde them vnto hym the cyte also And he wolde theym graunte all theyr fraunchyses that euer they were wonte to haue before And wolde conferme them by his grete newe chartre vnder hys brode scale ¶ And in the same tyme a grete lorde that was called Eustace the monke came oute of Fraunce wyth a grete company of Lordes wolde haue come in to Englonde for to haue holpen Lowys the kynges sone of Fraunce But Hubert of Brugh the fyue por●es wyth .viii. shyppes tho mette with them in the hyghe see ● assaylled them egerly ouer came them with strength smote of Eustace the monkes heed And toke also .x. grete lordes of Fraunce put theym in to pryson And slewe almoost all the men that came with theym and anone drowned the shyppes in the see ¶ How Lowys corned ayen in to Fraunce of the confermacyon of kynge Iohans hartre SO whan Lowys herde these rydynges he dradde sore to be deed lost And lete or●●yne speke bytwene the kynge Lowys by the Legate Swalo And throughe the Archebysshop of Caunterbury thrugh other grete lordes that all the prysoners on that one halfe and that other sholde be delyuerd go quyte A●d Lowys hym self sholde haue for his costes a thousande poūde of syluer and shold go out of Englonde and come neure more ther in agayne And in this maner was the accorde made bytwene kynge Henry Lowys And tho was Lowys assoylled of the popes Legate the was called Swalo of the sentēce that he was in the Barons of Englonde also And after thys kynge Henry Swalo the Legate Lowys went to Merton there was the peas cōfermed bytwene them ordeyned And after Lowys wente from thens vnto London toke his leue was brought with moche honour vnto the see with the Archebysshop of Caunterbury and with other bysshops also wyth erles and barons and so went in to Fraunce ¶ And after warde the kynge the Archebysshop and also erles barons assembled them and came to the cyte of London att Myghelmas that nexte came tho sewynge and helde there a grete parlament at London And there were tho reuewed all the fraūchyse the kyng Iohn̄ had graunted at Romney mede \ kynge Henry tho confermed by hys chartre the whiche yet ben holden thrugh out all Englonde ¶ And in that tyme the kyng toke of euery plough lōde .ii. shleynges Hubert of Brugh was made tho cheyf Iustyce of Englond And this was in the fourth yere of kynge Henryes regne ¶ And in the same yere was saynt Thomas of Caunterbury translated the .l. yere after his martyrdome And after it was ordeyned by all the lordes of Englonde that all Alyens solde go out of Englonde and come nomore therin And kynge Henry toke tho all the castelles in to his honde the kynge Iohan his fader had yeue take to Alyens for to kepe that helde with hym ¶ But the proude Fawkys of Brytayn rychely lete araye his castell of Bedforde whiche he had of kynge Iohn̄s yefte helde that castell ayenst kynge Henryes wyll with myght and strength And the kynge came thyder with a strong power and besyeged the castell And the Archebysshop mayster Stephen of Langton wyth a fayre company of knyghtes came to the kynge hym for to helpe And from the Ascensyon of our lord vnto the Assumpcyon of our lady lasted the syege And tho was the castell wonne take And the kynhe lete hange all tho that went in to the castell with theyr good wyll for to holde the castell That is for to saye .lxxx. men ¶ And tho after warde fawkys hymselfe was founde and had in a chyrche at Couentre there he forswore all Englonde with moche shame and wente agayne in to his owne countree ¶ And whyles that kynge Henry regned Edmonde of Abyndon that was ●relorer of Salysbury was consecrated Archebysshop of Caunterbury And this kynge Henry sente ouer the see vnto the erle of prouynce that he sholde lende hym his doughter in Englond that was called Ellenore and he wolde spowse her And tho she came in to Englond after Crystmas And on the morowe after saynt Hylaryes daye the Archebysshop Edmonde spowsed them togyder at westmestre with grete solempnyte And there was a swete syght bytwene them That is to saye Edwarde that was nexte kynge after hys fader floure of curteysy and of largenesse and Margarete that was after quen of Scotlonde and Beautrice that was after countesse of Brytayne Katheryne that deyed mayde in relygyon ¶ Of the quinzeme of goodes that were graunted for the newe chartre and of the purueaunce of Oxforde ANd thus it befell that the lordes of Englonde wold haue some addycyous moo in the chartre of Fraunchyse that they had of the kynge spake thus bytwene them And the kynge graunted them all theyr axenge And made to them two chartres that one is called the grete chartre of fraunchises that other is callad the chartre of forest And for the graunt of these two chartres prelates Erles and Barons and alle the comyns of Englonde yaue to the kynge a thousande marke of syluer ¶ Whan kyng Henry had be kynge .xliii. yere the same yere he and his lordes Erles and Barons of the reame wente to Oxforde and ordeyned a lawe in amendemente of the reame And fyrst swore
kyng of Cecyle fro his kyngdome And after he had done many bataylles ayenst men of mysbyleue many trybulacōns suffred he decessyd dyd many miracles ¶ Nycholaꝰ delira a noble douctour of dyuyte was thys tyme at Parys this man was a Iewe of nacyon he was cōuerted myghtely profyted in the ordre of frere Mynours he wrote ouer all the Byble Grelles he was in the yere of our lord M·CCC xxx some man say he was a Braban that his fader his moder were crystne but for pouerte he vysyted the scole of the Iewes so he lerned the Iewes langage or elles thys Nycholaꝰ was informed of the Iewes in hys yonge aege ¶ Honorius the fourth was pope after Martynꝰ two yere lytell of hym ys wryten but that he was a temperat man a dyscerte ¶ Nicholaus the fourth was pope after hym foure yere this man was a frere Mynor although he was a good man in himself yet many vnhappy thynges fell in his tyme to the chirche For many a batayll was in the cyte thrugh his occasyon for he drewe to moche to the one parte And after hym thre was no pope two yere and .vi. monethes ¶ How kynge Edwarde that was kynge Henryes sone ANd after this kyng Henry regned Edwarde hys sone the worthyes knyght of the worlde in honour for goddes grace was in hym for he had the vyctorye of hys enmyes as soone as hys fader was deed he came to London with a noble company of prelates erles and barons and all mē dyd hym moche honour For in euery place the syr Edwarde rode in London the stretes were couered ouer hys heed with sylke of tapiscery and other riche couerynges And for Ioye of his comynge the burgeys of the Cyte caste out at theyr wyndowes golde and syluer hondes full in tokenynge of loue and worshyp seruyce and reuerence And out of condyte of Chepe ranne whyte wyne and reed as stremes both of the water and euery man dranke therof the wolde at theyr owne wyll this kyng Edwarde was crowned and enoynted as ryght heyer of Englonde with moche honour And after masse the kynge wente in to his place to holde a ryall feest amōge them that dyde hym honour And whan he was sette to meete The kynge Alexander of Scotlonde came to do hym honour and reuerence with a q●eyntesye an hondred knyghtes with hym well horsyd arayde And whan they were alyght of theyr stedes they lete theym go whether they wolde who that myght take them tooke at theyr owne wyll wythout ony chalenge·r And after came syre Edmonde kynge Edwardes brother a curteys knyght a gentyll of renowne the erle of Corne wayllle and the erle of Glocestre And after thenne came the erle of Penbroke the erle of Garenne And eche of them by themself ladde in theyr honde an hondred knyghtes gayly dysgysed in theyr armes And whan they were alyghted of theyr horses they lete them go whether that they welde who that myght them catche them to haue styll without ony chalenge And whan all this was done kyng Edwarde dyde his dylygence his myghte for to amende and dresse the wronges in the beste manere that he myght to the honour of god holy chyrche to mayntene his honoure and to amende the noyannce of the comyn people ¶ How ydeyne that was Lewelyns doughter of walys prynce Aymer that was the erles brother of Moūforde were taken in the see THe fyrste afterwarde the kynge Edwarde was crowned Lewelyn prynce of wales sent in to Faraunce to the erle Moūforde that thorough coūseyl of his frendes the erle sholde wedde his doughter And the erle tho auysed hym vpō this thynge and sent vnto Lewelyn and sayd that he wolde sende after hys doughter so he sent Aymer his broder after the damoysell Lewelyn arayed shyphes for his doughter and for Syre Aymer and for her faare company that sholde goo with her And this Lewelyn dyd grete wronge for it was couenaūted that he sholde yeue hys doughter to no manere man without counsell consente of kyng Edwarde And so it befell that a Burgeys of Brystow came in the see with wyne laden and mette them toke them with myght and power And anone the Burgeys sent theym to the kyng And whan Lewely herde this tydynges he was very wroth and also sorowfull· and gan to warre vpon kynge Edwarde and dyde moche harme vnto Englysshmen and bete downe the kynges castels and began for to destroye kynge Edwardes londe And whā tydynges cam vnto the kyng of this thyng he wente in to walys and so moche he dyde thorough goddes grace and his grete power that he drofe Lewelyn vnto grete myschyef that he fledde all maner of strength came yelded hym vnto kyng Edwarde yaue hym .l. marke of syluer to haue peas And toke the damoysell all his herytage made an oblygacōn to kynge Edwarde to come to his parlyamente two tymes of the yere And in the seconde yere after that kynge Edwarde was crowned he helde a generall parleamente att westmestre there he made the statutes for defaute of lawe by the comune assent of all his baronage and at Ester nexte sewenge the kynge sente by his letter vnto Lewelyn prynce of wales that he sholde come to his parlemēt for his londe and for hys holdynge in wales as the strenthe of his letter oblygatory wytnessyd Tho Lewelyn had scorne and dyspyte of the kynges commaundement And for pure wrache ayen began warre vpon kyng Edwarde and destroyed his londe And tho whan kynge Edwarde herd of these tydynges he wexed wonder wrothe vnto Lewelyn in hast assembled his people went hym to warde wales And warred so vpon Lewelyn the prynce tyll that he broughte hym in moche sorowe dysease And Lewelyn sawe that is defence myghte hym not auaylle and came ayen and yelded hym to the kynges grace cryed hym mercye and longe tyme kneled before the kynges fote The kynge had of hym pyte cōmaunded hym for to aryse And for his mekenes foryaue hym hys wrathe and to hym sayd that yf he trespassed to hym a nother tyme that he wolde dystroye hym for euermore ¶ Dauid that was Lewelyns brother that same tyme dwelled with kynge Edwarde and was a felle man and a subtyll and enuyous and also ferre castynge and moche treason thoughte· and euermore made good semblame and semyd soo true that noo man myght perceyue his falsnes ¶ How Lewelyn thrugh eggynge of his brother Dauyd werryd agayn vpō kȳg Edward IT was not longe after that tyme the kynge Edwarde yaaf to Dauyd Lewelyns broder the lordshyppe of Frodesham made hym a knyght and so moche honour dyde he neuer after to mā of walys by cause of hym kynge Edwarde helde his parlemente at London whan he hadde do in walys that he wolde and chaunged his moneye that was
man saynt Thomas was don vnto his deth so that no pylgryme myght come by that way Full well wente he to haue take crystis myght hys power the grete boos of miracles that he shewed for hys martyr saynt thomas thrugh all crystendom And that same tyme the kynge made Roberte of Baldok the fals pylled clerke thrugh prayer of syr Hugh Spēser sone was made Chaūseler of Englonde And in the same tyme was the castell of walyngforde holden ayenst the kynge thrughe prysoners that weren wythin the castell for saynt Thomas loue of Lancastre wherfore the people of the coūtre came toke the castell of the prysoners wherfore syr Iohn̄ of Goldyngton knyght and syr Edmonde of Becche prysoners were taken sent vnto the kyng to Pountfrete there they were done in pryson and the forsayd Roger was sent vnto yorke and there he was drawē hangyd And anone after syr Roger Mortymer of wygmore brake out of the tour of London in thys manere The forsayd Roger herde that he sholde be drawe hangyd at London in the morow after say● Laurence day and on the day before he helde a fayre feest in the toure of Lōdon and there was syre Stephen Segraue constable of the tour and many grete men with them and whan they sholde soupe the forsayd Stephen sente for all the offycers of the tour they came sowped with hym and whā they sholde take there leue of hym squyre that was callyd Stephen ▪ that was full preuy with the forsayd Roger thrugh hys counsell yaue them all suche a drynke that the leest of them all slept two dayes two nyghtes in the meane tyme he escaped a waye by water by the thamys and went ouer the see and helde hym in Fraunce wherfore the kynge was sore anoyed and put the same Stephen out of his Constabellary ¶ How the quene Isabell went in to Fraunce for to treate of peas bytwene her lorde the kynge of Englonde and the kynge of Fraūce her broder THe kyng went tho vnto London and there thrugh coūsell of syr Hugh Spenser the fader of his sone of mayster Robert Baldok a fals pylled clerke his Chaūcheler let sease to all the quenes londes into hys hondes and also all the londes that were syre Edwardes his sone and were so put to theyr wagys ayēst all maner of reason that was thrugh the falsnesse of the Spensers ¶ And whan the kyng of fraunce that was quene Isabelles brother herde of this falsnesse he was sore anoyed ayenst the kynge of Englonde his fals counsellers wherfore he sent a letter to kyng Edward vnder his seale· that he shold come at a certayne day to do hys homage therto he somoned hym els he sholde lese all Gascoyne And so it was ordeyned in Englonde thrugh the kyng hys coūsel that quene Isabel sholde go into Fraunce for to treate of peas bytwene her lorde and her broder that Olyuer of yngham shold go into Gascoyne haue with hym .vii. M. men armys moo to be Seneschall wardeyne of Gascoyne so it was ordeyned that quene Isabell came into Fraunce and with her wente syr aymer of Valaunce erle of Penbroke that was there murdred sodenly in apreuysege but that was thrugh goddes vengaūce for he was one of the Iustycys that cōsented to saynt thomas deth of Lancastre and wolde neuer after repent hym of that wyckyd dede And all that tyme syr Olyuer of yngham wente ouer into Gascoyne dyde moche harme to the kynge of Fraunce tho he gate ayen that kynge Edwarde had loste and moche more therto ¶ How kynge Edwarde sente syr Edwarde hys sone the eldest in to Fraunce THe quene Isabell had but a quater of a yere dwelled in Fraunce whan syr Edwarde her eldest sone axed leue tho for to go in to Fraūce for to speke with his moder Isabel the quene his fader the kynge grauntyd him with a good wyll sayd to hym go my fayr sone in goddys blyssynge and myn and thynke for to come ayen as hastely as thou may And he wēte ouer the see in to Fraunce the kynge of Fraunce hys vncle receyued hym with moche honour sayd vnto hym Fayr son ye be welcome and for by cause that your father come not to his homage for the duchye of Guyon as his auncetours were wont for to do I yeue you that lordshyp holde it of me in herytage as all manerauncetours dyd before you wherfore he was callyd duke of Guyon ¶ How the kynge exyled his quene ysabell Edwarde her eldest sone AS kynge Edwarde of Englonde herde tell how the kyng of Fraunce had yeue the ducye of Guyon vnto syr Edward his sone without consent and wyll of hym that is sone had receyued the duchye he became wonder wrothe sente to hys sone by letter that they sholde come ayen in to Englond in all the haste that they myght And the quene Isabel and syr Edwarde her sone were wonder sore a dradde of the kynges menaced of hys wrath pryncypally for the falsnesse of the Spensers both of the fader also the sone at his cōmaundement they wolde not come wherfore kyng Edward was full sore anoyed lete make a crye at London that yf quene Isabell Edwarde his eldest sone came not in Englōde that they sholde be holde as our enmyes both to the reame also to the crowne of Englonde for that they nolde come into englonde but both were exyled the moder her sone ¶ Whan the quen herd thyse tydynges She was sore adradde to be dystroyed thrughe the fals conyectynge of the Spensers wente wyth the knyghtes that were exyled out of Englonde for saynt Thomas cause of Lācastre that is to say syr Roger of wigmore syr wyllyam Trusell syr Iohan Cromwell many other good knyghtes wherfore they toke theyr counsell ordeyned among them for to make a maryage bytwene the duke of Guyhenne the kynges sone of Englond the erles doughter of Henaude that was a noble knyght of name and doughty in hys tyme. yf that thynge myght be brought a bowte then̄e stode they trowynge wyth the helpe of god and with his helpe to recouer theyr herytage in Englond wherfore they were put out thrugh the fals cocnectynge of the Spensers ¶ How kyng Edwarde thrugh coūsel of the Spensers sent to the Douzephers of Fraūce that they shold helpe that the quene Isabell her sone syr Edwarde were exyled out of Fraunce AS kynge Edwarde and the Spensers herde how that quene Isabell syr Edwarde her sone ▪ had alyed them to the Erle of Henaude to them that were exyled out of englonde for cause of thomas of Lancastre they were so sory that they wyst not what for to do wherfore syr Hugh Spenser the sone sayde to syr Hugh the fader in this maner wyse Fader cursyd by the
that yf my lady youre wyfe came ony thynge nyghe you· that ye wolde her strangle and slee and also that ye walde doo to my lorde your sone in the same wyse ¶ Tho answerde he wyth symple there Alas alas am not I in pryson and all at youre owne wyll now god yt wote I thought yt neuer and now I wolde that I were dede soo wolde god that I were For thenne were alle my sorowe passyd ¶ It was not longe after that the kynge thrugh counsell of Roger Mortymer graūtyd the warde kepynge of syr Edward his fader vnto syr thomas Toioursy to the forsayd syr Iohan Matreuers thrugh the kynges letter put out holy the forsayd syr Moryce of the warde of the kynge And they toke and ladde the kynge vnto the castell of Corf the whiche castell the kynge hatyd as ony dethe And they kept hym there tylle it came vnto saynt Mathewes daye in Septembre in the yere of grace M.CCC.xxvii that the forsayde syr Roger Mortymer sent the maner of the deth how in what wyse sholde be done to deth And anone as the forsayd Thomas Iohan had see the letter cōmaundement they made kynge edwarde Carnariuan good there and good solace as they myght at that soupere nothynge the kynge wyst of the traytory And whan tyme was for to go to bed the kynge went to his bedde laye and slepte faste And as the kynge laye and slepte the trautours fals forsworne ayenst theyr homage and feaute came pryuely into the kynges chambre and theyr company wyth them and layd an huge take vppon his wombe and wyth men pressyd and helde faste downe the foure corners of the table on hys body wherwyth the good mane a woke and was wonder sore adradde to be deed and there slayne and torned hys body vp tho so downe Tho tooke the fals traytours and tynauntes an horne And put it in to hys foundemente as depe as they myghte and a spyt of copre brennynge and putte it thrughe the horne in to hys bodye and soo they slewe theyr lorde that noo thynge was perceyued And after he was enteryd atte Gloucetree ¶ How kynge Edward spowsyd Phylyp the erles doughter of Henaude at yorke ANd after Crystmasse tho next sewynge syr Iohan of henaude brought with hym Phylyp his brothers doughter that was erle of Henaude hys nece in to Englonde and the kynge spowsyd her atte yorke with moche honour And syr Iohan of Bothum bysshop of Ely syr wyllyam of Melton Archebysshop of yorke sange the masse the Sondaye on the euen of the Conuersyon of saynt Poule In the yere of grace M.CCC.xxvii But bycause that the kyng was but yonge tender of aege whan he was crowned full many wornges were doon whyle that his fader lyued bycause that he trowed the counserllers that were fals aboute hȳ that coūsyelled hym to doo other wise thā reason wold wherfore grete harme was do to the reame to the kynge all mē dyrected it the kynges dede it was not so almyghty god it wote wherfore it was ordeyned att the kynges crownynge that the kynge for his tender aege sholde be gouerned by .xii. of the grettest lordes of Englonde wythout whome no thynge sholde be doon That is to say tharchebysshop of Caunterbury tarchebysshop of yorke the bysshop of wynchestre and the bysshop of Herforde the erle of Lancastre therle Marchall the erle of kent that were the kynges vncles the erle of Garenne syr Thomas wake Syr Henry Percy syr Olyuer yngham and Iohan Rous barons all thyse were sworne truly for to counseyll the kynge And they shold answer euery yere in parlement of that that shold be done in the tyme of theyr gouernall but that ordynaunce was sone vndoon that was moche harme to all Englonde For the kyng all the lordes that sholde gouerne hym were gouerned and rulyd after the quene his moder dame Isabell and by syr Roger Mortymer and as they wolde all thynge was done bothe amonge hygh and lowe And they toke vnto theym castels townes londes and rentꝭ in grete harme And losse to the crowne and of the estate out of all mesure ¶ Howe the peas was made bytwene the Englysshemē and the Scottes and also of Iustyfyenge of Troylesbaston Kynge Edwarde at wytsontyde in the seconde yere of this regne thrughe the coūseyll of his moder syr Roger Mortymer ordeyned a parlemēt at Northampton at that parlement the kyng thrughe hys coūsell none other of the londe within aege grauntyd to be accordyd with the scottes in this manere that all the f●autees homages that the scottes sholde do to the crowne of Englonde foryaue theym for euermore by hys chartre ensealed And ferder more an endenture was made of the Scottes vnto kynge Edwarde that was kynge Hēries sone whiche endenture they calle it regman In the whyche were conteyned all the homages feautees Fyrst of the kyng of Scotlond of the prelates erles barons of the reame of Scotlonde wyth theyr seales set theron other chartres remēbraūcis that kynge Edwarde his barons had of theyr ryght in the forsayd reame of Scotlonde it was foryeue ayen holy chyrche also with the blake crosse of Scotlond the whiche the good kynge Edwarde cōquered in Scotlōde brought it out of the abbay of scone that is a full precyous relyque also ferthermore he relacyd and fully forgaue the londe that the noble barons had before that tȳe in the ream of Scotlond by olde conquest And ferthermore that thys peas for to be holden cōtynuelly last the Scottes were bounde vnto the kynge in xxx thousande poūde of syluer to be payed wythin thre yere that is euery yere .x. M. poūde by euē procyons ¶ And ferthermore aboue all this they spake bytwene the partyes aboue sayd the Dauyd Drytonautyer that was kynge Roberte Brus sone the fals tyraunt ▪ fals forsworne ayenst his othe that arose ayenst hys leyge lord the noble good kynge Edward and falsly made hym kynge of Scotlonde that was of aege .v. yere And so thys cursyd coūseyll Dauid spoused at Berewyk dame Iohn̄ of the Toure that was kynge Edwardes syster as the gestes tellyth vpon Mary Mawdeleyns day in the yere of grace M.CCC.xxviii to greate harme empayrynge of all the kynges blode wherof that gentyll lady came alas the tyme For wonder moche the fayer dāoysell dysperagyd syth that she was maryed ayenst al the comyns wyl and assent of Englonde And frome the tyme that Brute had conquered Albyon· named the londe after his owne name Brytayne that now is callyd Englonde after the name of Engyst And so the reame of Scotlonde was holde of the reame of Englond of the crowne by feaute homgae For Brute conquered that londe yaue it to Albanak that was his seconde sone And he callyd the londe Albayn after hys owne name soo that hys heyres
commaūde hym in my name that he be your frende and youre helpe for to take the mortymer al thynge yleft vpon peryll of lyf lym̄e ¶ Tho sayd Mountagu Syr my lorde graunt mercy ¶ Tho wente forthe the forsayd Mountagu and came to the Conestable of the castell and tolde hym the kynges wyll ¶ And he answerde and sayde· The kynges wyll sholde be doone in as moche as he myghte and that he wolde not spare for no manere of dethe And that he swore and made his othe ¶ Tho sayde syr wyllyam of Moūtagu to the constable in herynge of them alle that were helpynge to the same quarell Now certes dere frende vs behouyth to werke do by your aduys for to take the Mortymer syth that ye be keper of the castell and hath the keyes in your warde ¶ Syr sayd the Constable wyll ye vnderstonde that the castell yates ben lockyd with the keyes that dame Isabell sent hyther and by nyght she hath the keyes ther of and layeth them vnder the lursell of the bedde vnto the morowe and so ye maye not come in to the castell by the yates by no manere of wyse But I knowe an aleye that stretchythoute of the warde vnder the erthe in to the for sayde castell that gothe in to the weste whiche aleye dame Isabel the quene ne none of her men ne the Mortymer ne none of his company knowith it not And so I shall lede you thrugh the aley so ye shall come in to the castell withoute aspyenge of ony man that are your enmyes And the same nyghe syr wyllyam Mountagu all the lordes of his quarell the same Constable also went theym to hors made semblaūt as it were for to go out of Mortymers syght But anone as Mortymer harde thys tydynges he wende that they wolde haue gone ouer see for fere of hym ¶ And anone ryght he his cōpanye toke a coūseyll amonge theym for to lete theyr passage snetelletters anone to the porters so that none of the grete lordes sholde go home to theyr owned coūtrees but yf they were arested take And amonge other thynges wyllyam Elande Conestable of the for sayd castell pryuely ladde syre wyllyam of Mountagu hys company by the for sayd waye vnder the erth tyll they came in to the castell went vp in to the toure that Mortymer was in But syr Hughe of Trompynton theym ascryed hydously and sayd a traytours it is all for nought that ye ben comyn in to this castell ye shall deye yet an euell dethe euerychone And anone one of theim that was in Mountages company vp wyth a mace and smote the same Hugh vpon the heed that the brayne braste out and fell on the grounde and soo was he deed of an euyll deth ¶ Tho toke they mortymer as he armyd hym at the toures dore whan he herde the noyse of theym for drede ¶ And whan the quene Isablell sawe that the Mortymer was taken she made moche sorowe in herte thyse wordes vnto theym she sayd Now fayre syres I praye you that ye doo noo harme to his body a thy knyght our welbeloued frende and our dere cosyn ¶ Tho wente they thens and came and brought Mortymer and presentyd hym vnto kynge Edwarde he commaunded to brynge hym in saue warde ¶ But anone as they that were consentynge vnto mortymers doynge herde tell that he was taken they wente hydde them and pryuely by nyght wente out of the towne eche one his waye with heuy herte and mornynge chere lyued vpon theyr londes as well as they myghte ¶ And that same yere that Mortymer was take He hadde .ix. score knyghtes without quyres and sergaūtes of armys fote men And then̄e was mortymer ladde to London and syr Edmonde of Bedforde was ladde wyth hym and was taken to the constable of the toure to kepe ¶ But after warde was the Mortymers lyfe examyned at westmestre before the kynge and before all the geate lordes of Englonde for peryll that myght falle to the reame And to enquer● also whiche were consentynge to syr Edwardes dethe the kynges fader also thrugh whome the Scottes escaped fro Stanhope in scotlonde without leue of kynge Edwarde And also how the chartre of ragman was delyuered vnto the Scottes them the homages and feautees of the lordes of Scotlōde were conteyned that the Scottes sholde doo euer more to the Englysshe kynge for the reame of Scotlond wherfore he was Iugyd to be drawen and hangyd for his treason And this myscheyf came vnto hym on saynt Andrewes euen In the yere of the Incarnacyon of our lorde Ihesu cryste ¶ Howe kynge Edwarde gate ayen vnto hym gracyously the homages and feautees of Scotlonde wherof he was put oute thrughe the false counseyll of the quene Isabell his moder syre Roger Mortymer that was newely made Erle of Matche NOw haue ye herde how Iohan Bayllol in the tyme of peas was chosen to be kynge of Scotlonde for cause that he came of the eldest doughter of the Erle Dauyd of Huntyngton that was kynge Alysanders broder of Scotlond that deyed without heyre of hys body begoten And how this Iohan made his feaute and homage to kynge Edwarde Henryes sone the thyrde for his londes of Scotlonde And how he afterwarde with sayd hys homage thrugh counseyll of the Scottes in the yere of our lorde ·M CC.lxxiiii and sente vnto the pope thrugh a fals suggestyō that he made hys othe vnto the forsayd kynge Edwarde ouer hys estate and his wil of the whyche othe the pope hym assoyled thrughe hys bullys to hym ysent ¶ And anone as kynge Edwarde wyst therof he ordeyne anone hys barons and came vnto Berwyk and cōquered the towne at the whyche conquest there were slayne .xxv. thousande .vii. hundred Bayllol that was kyng of Scotlond came yeldyd hym to gode kynge Edwarde the kyng delyuered hym out of the toure of London and all the grete lordes with hym that tho were taken at Berwyk yaue theym saufconduyte to goo into Scotlonde And the Scottes sythe thrugh theyr falsnesse warred vpon the good kynge Edwarde And whan syr Iohan Bayloll kynge of Scotlonde sawe all this he wente ouer see vnto Dunpier and lyued there vpon hys londes as well as he myght tyll that the Scottes wolde amende theym of theyr mysdedys and trespaas and ladde with hym syr Edwarde his sone wherfore the Scottes in dyspyte of hym callyd hym syr Iohan Turnlabard for bycause that he wolde not ne offend ne trespaas ayenst the good kynge Edwarde of Englonde And soo he for soke hys reame of Scotlonde and sette therof but lytyll pryce And this syr Iohan dwellyd longe tyme in Fraunce tyll that he deyed there syr Edward his sone receyued hys herytage and dyde homage to the kynge of Fraunce for his londes of Dunpier And so it befell afterwarde that Edward that was Iohan Bayllols sone had with hym a squyre
hym without ony maner defence or dyffyculte Thā the kynge of Scotlond that is for to saye syr Iohn̄ Bayloll consyderynge howe that god dyde many meruaylles and gracyous thynges for kynge Edwarde att his owne wyll fro daye to daye he toke gaaf vp the reame of Scotlonde and the crowne of Scotlond at Rokesburgh in the kynges hondes of Englonde vnder hys patent letter there made And anone after kynge Edwarde in presence of all the prelates and other worthy men lordes that were there lette hym crowne kyng of Scotlond And whan all thinges were done and erdeyned in that countres at his wyll he torned ayen into englonde with a greate worshyppe ¶ And whyle this vyage was in doynge in Scotlonde syre Edwarde prynce of wales as a man enspyred ī god was in Guyhen in the cytee of Burdeux treatynge and spekyge of the chalenge and of the kynges ryght of Englonde that he hadde to the reame of Fraūce that he wold be auēged wyth stronge honde and to the prelateg peres and myght men of that countree consented welle to hym Than syr Edwarde the prynce wyth a greate hooste gadred to hym the .vi. daye of Iuyll wente frome Burdeux goynge and traueylynge by many dyuerse countrees and he tooke many prysoners moo than ·vi thousande mem of armes by the countree as he wente and tooke the towne of Remorantyne in Saloygne and besyeged the castell .vi. dayes· And att the .vi. dayes ende they yolde the castell vnto hym and there was taken the lorde of crowne and syr Bursygaude and many other knyghtes and men of armes moo than .lxxx. And fro thens by Toren and Peten fast by Chyneney hys noble men that were with hym hadde a stonge batayll with Frensshmen and an hundred of theyr men of armes were slayne And the erle of Daunce and the stewarde of fraunce were taken wyth an hondred men of armes In the whyche yere the .xix. daye of Septembre faste by Pyeters the same prynce wyth a thousande and .ix. hondred men of armes and archers ordeyned a batayll to kynge Iohan of fraunce comynge tho the prynce warde wyth .vii. thousande chosen men of armes and moche other people a greate nombre of the whyche were slayne the duke of Burbon and the duke of Athenes and many other noble men ef the prynces men of armes a thousande and of other the trewe accompte and rekenynge .viii. C. And there the kynge of France was taken and syr Phylyp his yonger sone and many dukes and noble men and worthy knyghtes and men of armes aboute two M. and so the vyctory fell there the prynce and to the peple of Englonde by the grace of god And many that were taken prysoners were sette at theyr raunson and vpon theyr trouthe and knyghthode were charged and hadde leue to goo But the prynce tooke wyth hym the kynge of Fraunce and Philyp his sone with alle the reuerence that he myghte wente ayen to Burdeux wyth a gloryous vyctory the somme of the men that there were taken prysoners and of theym that were slayne the daye of batayll .iiii. M.iiii C.xl. and in the .xxxii. yere of kynge Edwarde the .v. daye of Maye prynce Edwarde with kynge Iohn̄ of Fraunce and Philyp hys sone many other worthy prysoners arryued gracyously in the hauen of plūmouth And the .xxiiii. daye of the same moneth aboute thre after none they came to London by Lōdon brydge and so wente forthe to the kynges palays atte westmynstre and there came soo grete a multytude presse of peple abowte theym to beholde and se that wonder and ryall syghte that vnnethes fro maddaye tylle nyghte myghte they not come to westmyster And the kynges raunson of Fraunce was taxed and sette to thre myllyons of scutes of whom two sholde be worthe a nobell And ye shall vnderstande that a myllyon is a thousande thousande and after some mennys raunson was sette att thre thousande thousaynde floreyns and all is one effecte· And this same yere were made Iustꝭ solempne in Smytfende beynge present the kynge of Englonde the kyng of Fraunce and the kynge of Scotlonde and many other worthy and noble lordes ¶ The .xxxiii. yere of his regne the same kynge Edwarde at wynsore as well for loue of knyght hode as for his ownne worshyppe and att reuerence of the kynge of fraunce and other lordes that were there att that tyme he held a wonder ryal and costly feest of saynt George passynge ony that euer was holden afore wherfore the kynge of fraunce in scornynge sayd that he saw neuer ne herde suche a solempne festes ne ryaltes holden ne done wyth taylles wythoute payenge of golde or syluer ¶ And in the .xxxiii. yere of hys regne the .xiiii. kalendas of Iulii Syre Iohan erle of Rychmonde kynge Edwardes sone wedded dame blaunche duke Henryes doughter of Lancastre cosyn to the same Iohan by dyspencyon of the pope And in the meane tyme were ordeyned Iustes atte London thre dayes of roga●yons that is for too saye The Mayer of London wyth his .xxiiii. aldermen ayenst alle that wolde come in whoo 's name and stede the kynge pryuely wyth his foure sones Edwarde Lyonell Iohan and Edmonde and other .xix. greate lordes helden the felde with worshyppe ¶ And this same yere as it was tolde and sayd of theym that sawe it there come blood out of the combe of Thomas somtyme erle of Lancastre as fresshe as that daye that he was done to dethe ¶ And in the same yere kynge Edwade chose this sepulture and hys lyggynge att westmestre faste by the shryne of saȳt Edwarde and anone after the xxvi daye of Octobere he wente ouer see to Calays makynge protestacōn that he wolde neuer ●●me ayen into Englonde tyll he had in endes the warre bytwene fraūce and hym ¶ And soo in the .xxvi. yere of hys regne in the wynter come kyng Edward was trauaylled in the Ryne costes And aboute saynt Hyllarye tyde he departes his host and went to Burgon warde wyth whom than met peasybly the duke of Bourgon behyghtynge him .lxx. thousande floreyns that he sholde spare hys men and h●s peple the kynge grauntyd att his requeste And dwelled vnto the .xvii. daye of Marche that whiche tyme come to kynge Edwardes eere that strōge theues were on the see vnder the erle of saynt Poule the .xv. daye of Marche ●yggynge a wayte vpon the townes of Rastynge Rye and other places vyllages on the see cost hadden entred as enmyes in to the towne of wynchelle and slewe all that euer withstode them and with sayd theyr comynge wherfore y kynge was gretly meued and wratthed and he torned ayen so warde Parys and cōmaūded his hoste to dystroye and sle all with strench of swerde that he had before honde spared And the .iii. daye of Apryl the kyng come to Parys there departed his host in dyuers batayls with .iiii. C. knyghtes newe dubbyd on that one syde of hym And syr Henry duke of
reame saynge that it sholde despended in defendyn he of holy chyrche of his reame netheles it profyted no thynge wherfore aboute mydsomer after he made a grete host of the worthyest men of hys reame Amōges whom were some lordes that is to say the lorde Fytzwater the lord graunson and other worthy knyghtꝭ of whyche knyghtꝭ the kynge ordeyned syr Robert Knolles a proude kny●t and a welle assayd in dedes of armes for too be gouerneur that thrugh his counseyl gouernaunce all thynge shold be gouerned dressed And whan they come into fraunce as longe as they dwelled helde them hole togyder that frenshemen durste not fall vpon them And att the laste about the begynnynge of wynter for enuye couetyse that was amōge them and also dyscorde they sondred parted them into dyuerse cōpanyes vnwysely folesly But syr Robert Knolles hys men wente keped thym saufe within a castell in Brytayne And whan the frensshmen sawe that our men and felaushyp were diuyded into dyuerse companyes and places not holdynge ne strengthynge thym togyders as they out for to do they felle fyersly on oure men for the moost partye toke them or slewe thē tho that they might take ledde with them prysoners ¶ And in the same yere pope Vrban● came fro rome to Auynyon for this cause that he sholde accorde made peas bytwene the kynge of Fraūce the kynge of Englond for euer more But alas or he began his treates he deyed wyth the sekenesse the .xxi day of Decembre and was buryed as for the tyme in the cathedrall chyrche of Auynyon fast by the hygh awter and the nexte yere after whan he had lyen so his bones were taken out of the erth buryed new in the abbay of saynt vyctorye fast by Marcylle of the whiche abbaye he was somtyme abbot hymself And in both places that he was baryed in there he many grete myrcales done wrough thrugh the grace of almighty god to many mānes helpe to the worshyp of god almghty ¶ And after whom folowed nexte and was made pope Gregorye Cardynalle Deken that before was called Pyers Roger. ¶ In the same yere Lymoge rebelled faught ayenst the prynce as other cytes dyde in Guyhem for grete taxes cossages raunsons that they were put and sete to by prynce Edwarde whyche charges were importable wherfore they turned fro hym and fellen to the kynge of Fraunce And whan prynce Edwarde this he was sore chafed agreued and in hys tornynge home warde ayen in to Englonde with sore scar musshes and fytynge and grete sautes fought with theym and toke the forsayd cytee and destroyed it almoost to the grounde and slewe all that he founde in the cyte And than for to say the sothe for dyuerse sekenes maladyes that he had and also for defaute of money that he myghte not with stande ne tary on hys enmyes he hyed hym ayen in to Englonde with his wyfe and menye leuynge behynde in Gascoyne the duke of Lancastre syr Edmond erle of Cambrydge wyth other worthy and noble men of armes ¶ In the .xlvi. yere of kynge Edward at the ordynaunce and sengynge of kynge Edwarde the kynge of Nauerne come to hym to Claryngdon to treate wyth hym of certayne thynges touchynge his warre in Normandye where kynge Edwarde had left certayne syeges in his stede tyll he come ayen But kynge Edwarde myghte not spede of that that he seked hym And so the kynge of Nauerne wyth grete worshyp grete gyftes to his leue wente home ayen ¶ And abowte begynnynge of Marche whan the parlemente at westmyster was begon the kyng asked of the clergye a subsydye of .l. M. poūde the whiche by a good auysement and by a generall cōuocaōn of the clergye it was graunted ordeyned that it sholde be payed and reysed of the lay fee. And in thys parlement at the request askynge of the lordes in hatred of men of holy chirche the Chaunceler the tresourer that were bysshops and the clerke of the pryue sale were remeued and put out of offyce in theyr stede were seculer men put in And whyle thys parlement lasted there come somlepne embassatours fro the pope to treate with the kyng of peas and sayd that the pope desyred to fulfyll his predecessours wyll but for all theyr comynge they sped not ¶ Of the besygynge of Rochell how the erle of Penbroke his cōpany was takē in the hauen wyth spanyerdes all hys shyppes brent THe .ix. daye of Iune kynge Edward in the .xlvii. yere of his regne helde his parlemente at whynchestre it lasted but .viii. dayes to the whiche parlement were sompned by wryte of men of holy chyrche .iiii. bysshops .v. abbottes without ony moo This parlement was holden for marchauntes of London of Norwhiche of other dyuerse placꝭ in dyuerse thynges and poyntes of trason that they were defamed of that is to saye that they were rebell wolde arise ayenst the kynge this same yere the duke of Lancastre the erle of Cambrydge his brother come out of Gascoyne into Enlonde tooke wedded to theyr wyues peters doughter somtyme kynge of Spayne Of whyche two doughters the duke had the elder the erle the yonger that same tyme there were sent two Cardynals fro the pope that is to saye an Englysshe Cardynall a Cardynal of Parys to treate of peas bytwene these two reames that whyche whan they had ben both longe eche in his prouynce countreees fast by treatynge of the forsayd peas att the last they toke with theym the lettes of procuracye went ayen to Rome without ony effect of theyr purpose ¶ In this yere was there a stronge Batayll in the see bytwene Englysshmen and flemynges and the Englysshmen had the victory toke .xxv. shyppes with salt and sleynge and drenchynge all the mē that were therin vnwetynge they they were of that countree And moche harme shold haue fallen therof had not peas accorde sone be made bytwene them ¶ And in this same yere the frensshmen besyeged the towne of Rochell wherfore the erle Penbroke was sent into gascoyne wyth a grete company of men of armes for to dystroye the syege whyche passed the see and came sauf to the hauen of Rochell whan they were there at the hauē mouth or that they myght entre sodaynly come vpon them a strōge nauye of Spanyardes the whiche ouercame the Englysshmen in moche blemysshynge hurtinge and sleynge of many people for as moche as the Englysshmen were than not redy for to fyght ne were ware of them And as the Spanyerdes came vpon them all the Englysshmen other they were takē or slayne and .x. of theym were sore woūded to the deth and all theyr shyppes brente and there they toke the erle wyth a grete tresour of the reame of Englōde and many other noble mē also on mydsomer euen the whiche is saȳt Edeldredꝭ
malyce of this fals walsshe man And than the kynge came in to wales with his power for to dystrye this Owen other rebelles fals walsshemen And anone they fled in to the Montayns and there myght the kynge do them no harme in no maner wyse for the montayns so the kynge came ayen in to Englond for lesynge of moche of his peple thus he spedde not there ¶ In this same yere was grete scarsyte of whete in Englonde for a quarter of whete was at .xvi. shellynge And there was marchaundyse of Englonde sent in to Prure for whete anone they hadde lade fraughtshypoes Inough and came home in saufte thanked be god of all his gyftes ¶ And in the .iii. yere of kynge Henryes regne there was a sterre seen in the fyrmament that shewed hym self thrugh all the worlde for dyuerse tookens that sholde befall soone after the whiche sterre was named by clergy● Stella cometa and on saynt Mary Mawdelenes daye next folowynge in the same yere was the bataylle of Shrowesbury And thyder came syr Henry Percy the erles sone of Northūberlonde wyth a grete multytude of men of armes and archers and gaaf a batayll to Kynge Henry the fourth thrugh the fals and wycked counseyll of syr Thomas Percy his vncle erle of worchestre and there was syr Henry Percy slayne the moost parte of hys people in the flede and syr Thomas Percy taken and kept faste in holde twoo dayes tyll the kynge had sette in reste hys people on bothe sydes And than syr Thomas Percy was Iuged to the deth to be drawen and hanged and hys heed smyten of for his fals treason atte Shrowesbury and his heed brought to london and sete on london bridge ¶ And the other people that there was slaine oon bothe parties the kynge lette burye ¶ And there were slayne on the kynges syde in that batayll the Erle of Stafforde and syr walter Blunte in the kynges cote armur vnder the kynges baner and many moo worthy men vpon whoo 's sowle god haue mercy Amen ¶ And in the fourthe yere of kynge Henryes regne came the Emperouer of Constantynople with many gretee solaes and knyghtes and moche other people of his countree in to Englonde to kynge Henry wyth hym to speke and to dysporte and to se the good gouernaunce condycions of our peple to knowe the cōmydytees of Englonde And our kyngē with al his lordes goodly and worshypfully receyued and welcomed hym and alle his menye that came with hym and dyde hym all the worshyppe that they coude and myghte And anone the kynge commaunded all maner offycers that he sholde be serued as worthely and ryally as it lōged to suche a worthy lorde And Emperoure on his owne coste as longe as the Emperoure was in Englonde and all hys men that came with hym ¶ And in this same yere camen dame Iane the duches of Brytayne into Englonde and londed atte fallemouthe in Cornewayle And frome thens she was broughte to the Cytee of wynchestre and there she was wedded vnto kynge Henry the fourth in the abbaye of saynt Swythynes of wynchestre wyth all the solempnyte that myght be done made And sone afterwarde she was brought from thens to London And the mayer and the aldermē with the comunes of the cyte of London rode ayenst hyr welcomed hyr and brought hyr thrugh the cyte of London to westminster there she was crowned quene of Englōde there the kynge made a ryall and solempne feest for hyr and for al maner of men the thyder wold come And in this same yere dame Blaūche the eldest doughter of kyng Henry the fourth was sent ouer see with the erle of Somerset hyr vncle with mayster Rychard Clyfforde than bysshop of worcestre and with many other lordes knyghtes ladyes worthy squyres as longed to suche a kȳges doughter and came into Colayn And thyder came the dukes sone of Barre with a fayre menye and receiued this worthy laby and the bysshop of worcestre wedded sacred theym togyder as holy chyrche it wold And there was made a ryall feest a grete Iustynge in the reuerence of worshyp of thē all people the thyder came whan this maryage and feest was done the erle the bysshop and al theyr menye toke theyr leue of the lorde the lady came home ayen into Englond in saufte thanked god ¶ And in the .v. yere of kyng Hēryes regne the lorde Thomas hys sone wente ouer see the erle of Kent many other lordes and knyghtes wyth mē of armes and archers a greate nōbre to chastyse the rebelles that afore had done moche harme to oure Englysshmen marchauntes to many townes portes in Englonde on the see costes And the lord Thomas the kynges sone came into Flaundres before a towne that is called Scluse amonge all the shyppes of dyuers nacyons that were there after there they rodē with theyr shyppes amōge them and wēt on londe sported them there two dayes came ayen to theyr shyppes toke the brode see there they mette wyth thre Carackes of Iene that were laden wyth dyuerse marchaūdyse wel māned they fought togyder longe tyme but the Englysshmen had the vyctory brought the Carackes into the Cambre before wynchelse there they cun●ed these goodes one of these Carackes was sodaynly brente there And the lordes and theyr people torned theym home ayen and went no further at that tyme. ¶ And the same tyme Serle yoman of kynge Rychardes robbes came in to Englonde out of Scotlonde tolde to dyuerse people that kynge Rycharde was on lyue in Scotlōde so moche people byleued in his wordes wherfore a grete parte of the people of the reame were in grete errour grutchynge ayēste the kynge thrugh informacyō of lyes and fals lesynges that this· Serle had made For moch people trusted byleued in his sauynge But at the laste he was taken in the Northe countree ther by law Iuged to be drawen thrugh euery cyte good brugh townes in Englond so he was serued at the last he was brought to london vnto the gylde halle before the Iustyce and there he was Iuged for to be brought to the toure of london and there to be layd on an hurdell and than to be drawen thrugh the cyte of London to Tyburne there to be hanged thanne quartred and his heed smytē of and set on London brydge hys quartres to be sent to four gode townes of Englonde there sette vp thus ended he for hys treason and decessed ¶ And in the .vi. yere of kyng Henryes regne the fourth the erle of Marre of Scotlonde by cause conduyt come into Englonde to chalenge syr Edmonde erle of Kent to certayne courses of warre on horsbacke And so this chalenge was accepted graūted and the place taken in smythfelde at london and this erle of Marre the Scot
Iustices ¶ And after Alberte the thyrd Frederyk was chosen Emperoure ▪ This frederyk duke of Osteryk was lōge Emperour dyfferred to be crowned at Rome by cause of the scysme but after that vnyte was had he was crowned wyth the Imperyall dyademe wyth grete glorye and tryumphe of pope Nycholas the iiii This was a peasyble man quyete and of synguler pacience not hatyngethe chryche he wedded the kynges doughter of portyngale ¶ How the duchesse of Gloucestre was arested for trason cōmytted to perpetuall pryson in the yle of Man of the dethe of mayster Roger Bolyngbrok IN this same yere Elynoure Cobham duchesse of Gloucestre was arested for certayne poyntes of treason layde ayen hir whervpon she was examynde in Saynt Stephens Chapell att westm̄ afore the Arche bysshop of Caunterbury And there she was enioyned to do open penaunce to go thrughe the Chepe beryng a taper in hir hande after to perpetuall pryson in the yle of Man vnder the kepyng of syr thomas stanley Also that same tyme was arested mayster Thomas southwell a chanō of westm̄ mayster Iohn̄ haue a chapelayne off the sayd lady mayster Robert bolyngbroke a clerke vsyng Nygromancye and one Margery iouroemayn called the which of Eye belyde westm̄ there were arested as for beynge of con̄seyl with the sayde duchesse of Gloucestre and for mayster Thomas suthwel deyed in the tour the nyght before he sholde haue be reyned on the morowe for he hymself sayd that he sholde deye in his bedde not by Iustyces ¶ And in the .xx. yere mayster Iohn̄ hume mayster Roger bolyngbrok were brought to the gylde halle in Londō there before the Mayre the lordes chyef of Englonde were reyned dāpned bothe to be drawē hanged quartred but mayster Iohn̄ hume had his charter by the kyng but mayster Roger was drawen to tyburn where he cōfessed that he deyed gyltles of this mater neuer hadde trespaced in that he deyed fore Notwithstondyng he was hāged heded quartred whos soule god haue mercy Amē ¶ And margere iurdemayn was brent in smythfylde also this yere was a greate fraye in london ī flete strete by nyghte tyme bytwene mē of courte and men of london And dyuerse mē slayne and some hurte And one Herbotel was the chyef canser of the mysgouernaūce affraye ¶ Also this yere at the chesynge of the mayre of londō the comēs named Robert Clopton and Raulyn Holande talyor and the aldermē toke Robert clopton and brought hym att the ryght hande of the Mayre as custome is And than certayn talyour● and other h●de craftes men cryed nay nay not thys man but Raulyn holande wherfore the Mayre that was Padyslye sente theym that so cryed to Newgate where they abode a grete whyle were punysshed· ¶ In this yere were dyuerse enbassatours sente in to Guyon fro a maryage for the kynge for the Erles doughter of Armynake that whiche was concluded but by the meane of the erle of Suffolke it was lette put a parte· ¶ And after this the sayd erle of Suffolke wente hem self ouersee in Fraunce and there he trated the marynge bytwene the kinge of Englonde and the kynges doughter of Cycyle and of Iherusalem And the nexte yere yt was concluded fully that maryage by whiche maryage the kynge sholde delyuer to hir fader the duke of Angeo and the erldome of Maynē whiche was the keye of Normandye Thēne departed the erle of Suffolke wyth his wyfē dyuerse lordes and knyghtes in the moste ryal astate that myght be oute of Englonde wyth newe chares palfreys whiche wente thrugh the chepe and so wente ouer the see and receyued hir and than after in the lenten broughte hyr vnto Hamton where she lāded there was ryally receyued ¶ And vpō Candelmas euen before by a grete tēpeste of thondre lyghenynge at after none Poules styple was set on fyre on the mydddes of the shaft in the tymbre whyche was quenched by force of laboure And specially by the morowe masse preeste of the Bowe in chepe whyche was thought impossyble sauf only the grace of god ¶ This yere was the erle of Stafforde made create Duke of Bukynghm therle of werwykd of warwyk the erle of Dorset markys of Dorset the erle was made Markꝭ of Soffolk ¶ How kynge Hēry wedded quene Margarete of her coronacyon THis yere kinge henry maryed at Suthwyk quene Margarete she came to lōdon the .xxviii. day of may And by the waye al the lordes of Englōde receyued hyr worshypfully in dyuerse places And ī especiall duke of Gloucestre on the Blacke heth the Mayre with all the aldermē all the craftes in blewe gownes broudred wyth the deuyse of hys crafte that they myght be knowen met with hyr with redde hodes brought her to londō where were dyuerse pagēris countenaūce of dyuerse hystoryes shewed in dyuers places of the Cytie costely ¶ And the xxx daye of May. the forsayd quene was crowned at westm̄ ther was Iustes thre dayes durynge wythin the Sayntwary before the abbaye ¶ This yere the pryour of Kylmain apeled therle of Vrmonde of treason whyche had a daye to theym assygued for to fyght in Smythfelde And the lystes were made the felde dressed But whā it came to poynt the king cōmaunded that they sholde not fyghte but toke the quarell in to his honde And this was done at the Instāce labours of certayne prechers doctours of lōdon as mayster Gylbert worthyngton persone of saynt Andrewes in Holbron other ¶ Also this yere came a grete embassate in to Englonde out of fraūce for to haue cōcluded a perpetual peas but in cōclusyon it torned in to trewes for a yere ¶ Aboute this time dyed saynt Bernardyne a gray frere whiche began the newe reformacyō of the ordre in many places in so moche that they that were reformed bē called Obseruaūtes ▪ whyche obseruauntes been gretly encreaced in Italy in almayn this Bernardyn was canonysed by pope Nycholas the .v. in the yere of our lorde MCCCC l ¶ Iohānes de Capristrano was his dysciple whiche profyted moche to the reformacion of that ordre for god hathe shewed many a fayre myracle ¶ Also here is to be noted that frome this tyme forwarde kynge Hēry neuer profyted ne wente forwarde but fortune begā to torne frome hym on all sydes as well in fraunce Normandye Guyon as in Englonde sō men holden oppynyon that kynge Henry gaue commyssyon preuarly to Syr Edwarde Hull syr Robert Roos Deane of Saynt Senerynes and other to cōclude a maryage for hym with the Erle of Armynakes syster whiche was promysed as it was sayde and cōcluded and after broken and he wedded quene Margarete as afore is sayde and a full dere maryage for the reame of Englonde for it was knowe verely that for to haue hyr delyuerde was the duchy of Angeo the erldom of Mayn whiche was the keye of Normandye
all for to make his forest lenger and broder· And became wonder gladde proude of his wood of his forest And nourysshed the wylde beestes that were within that it was meruayle for to wyte so that men called hym keper of wodes of pastures And the more lenger that he lyued the more wycked he became both to god to all holy chyrche to all his mē ¶ And this kynge lete make the grete halle of westmestre So vpon a daye in the wytsontyde he helde therin his fyrste feest and he loked hym aboute sayd that the halle was to lytell by the half deale And at the laste he became so contraryous that al thynge that pleased god dyspleased hym all thynge that god loued he hated deedly ¶ And so it befell that he dremyd vpon a nyght a lytell or that he deyed that he was lete blood and bledde a grete quantyte of blood a streme of blood lepte on hygh to warde heuen more than a hondred fadom and the clerenesse of the daye was torned vnto nyghte and derkenesse of the fyrmamente also ¶ And whan that he a woke he hadde grete drede soo that he not wyst what for to do And tolde his dreme to men of his counseyll and sayde that he had grete drede and supposyd that to hym was some myscaunce to come ¶ And the seconde nyght before a monke dremyd of the housholde that the kynge wente in to a chyrche wyth moche people he was so prowde that he dyspysed all the people that were with hym that he toke the ymage of the Crucefire shamefully bote it with his teeth And the Crucefixe mekely suffred all that he dyde But yer y● kyng and as a wood man rente of the armes of the Crucefixe caste it vnder his feet and defoylled it and threwe it alle a brode And ● grete fyre came out of the Crucefixe mouthe Of whiche dreme many a man had grete meruaylle and wonder ¶ The good mā that had dremyd this straunge dreme tolde it to a knyghte that was moost pryue wyth the kynge of all men the knyght was called Hamondes ¶ Soone the mōke and he tolde the dremes to the kyng sayd That it sholde betoken other thynge than good And neuertheles the kyng laughed ther at twyes or thryes and lytell se●te therby thought that he wolde go hunte and playe in the forest And men counseylled hym the he shold not go the day for no maner thinge ne come in the wood so that he abode at home before meete But oonly as he had eten no man hym myght lette but he wolde go vnto the wood for to haue his dysporce ¶ And so it befell that one of his knyghtes that hyght walter Tyrell wold haue shot to a harre and hys arowe glensyd vpon a braunche thorughe mysauenture smote the kynge to the herte And so he felle downe deed to the groūde with out ony worde spekynge and so ended hys lyf dayes And it was no meruaylle for the day that he deyde he had lete to ferme the Archebisshop ryche of Caūterbury xabbayes also euer more dyde grete destruccyon to holy chyrche thrugh wrongfull takynge axenges for no man durste withstande that he wolde haue done And of his lewdenes he wolde neuer withdrawe nother to amende hys lyf And ther fore god wolde suffer hym no lenger to regne in his wyckednes And he had be kyng .xiii. yere and .vi. wekes and lyeth at westmestre ¶ Anno dm̄ M.lxxxviii PAschall was pope after Vrbanꝰ .xviii. yere and .v. monethes the wiche the .xiii. ye●e of his bysshopryche with his cardynalles was put in pryson by Henry the fourth Emperour they myght not be delyuered vntyll the pope had swore that he sholde kepe peas with hym and that he sholde neuer curse hym and on that promyse the pope yaue the Emperour a preuylege and the yere after the pope damned that preuylege sayd on this wyse Lete vs comprehende all holy scrypture the olde testament the newe the lawes of the prophecyes the gospell the canons of appostles all the decres of the popes of Rome that all they helde I holde and that that they dampned ● dampne and moost specya●le that preuylege graunted to Henry the Emperour the whiche rather is graūted to venge his malyce than to multeplye hes paceyence in vertue For euermore I dampne the same preuylege ¶ Of kynge Henry Beauclerk that was william Rous brother of the debate bytwene hym Robert Curthos his brother ANd whan wyllyam Rous was deed Henry Beauclerk his broder was made kyng bycause wyllyam Rous had no chylde begoten on his body And this Henry Beauclerk was crowned kynge att London the fourth daye after that his brother was decessyd that is to saye the fyfthe daye of August ¶ And anone as ancelmus that was Archebysshop of Caūterbury that was at the court of Rome herde telle that wyllyam Rous was deed he came ayen in to Englonde the kynge Beauclerk welcomed hym with moche onour And the fyrst yere that kyng Henry regned was crowned He spowsed maude the was Margaretes doughter the quene of Scotlonde And the Archebysshop Ancelmus of Caunterbury wedded theme And this kynge begate vpon his wyf two sones a doughter that is to saye wyllyam and Richarde Maude And this Maude was after warde the Empresse of Almayne ¶ And in the seconde yere of hys regne his broder Robert Curthos that was duke of Normandy came with an huge hoste in to Englond for to chalenge the londe But thrughe counseyle of wyse men of the londe they were accorded in this manere That the kynge sholde yeue his brother the duke a thousande pounde euery yere And whiche of them that lyued lengest sholde be that others heyre and so bytwene them sholde be noo debate ne stryfe ¶ And thenne whan they were thus accorded the duke wente home agayne in to Normandye· ¶ And whanne the kynge had regned foure yere There a rose a grete debate bytwene hym and the Archebysshop of Caunterbury Ancelmus For by cause that the Archebysshoh wolde not graunte to hym for calēges of chyrches at hys wyll And the reforde personse the Archebysshoppe Ancelmus wente ouer the see vnto the courte of Rome and there he dwelled with the pope And in the same yere the duke of Normandy came in to Englonde to speke with hys brether ¶ And amonge all other thynges the duke of Normandye for yaue vnto the kynge hys brother the forsayde thousande pounde by yere that sholde paye vnto the duke ¶ And with good loue the kynge and the duke departed there the duke went ayen in to Normundy And whan tho two yere were agone Thrugh the entycement of the deuyl and of symple mē a greate debate arose bytwene the kynge and the duke so that thrugh counseyll the kynge wente ouer the see in to Normandy and whan
haūtyd ¶ And also Merlyn tolde and sayd that this gote shold seke the floure of lyf and of deth and he sayd sothe For he spowsyd Isabell the kyngꝭ syster of Fraūce And in his tyme Merlyn sayd that there sholde be made brydges of folke vpon dyches of the see and that was well seen at Bannockysborne in Scotlonde whan he was dyscōfyted there of the Scottes And Merlyn tolde also that stones sholde fall from castels and many townes sholde be made playne And he sayd sothe For whan that kynge Edwarde was dyscōfyted in Scotlonde came tho south warde the Scottes besegyd the castels dyde them moche harme brent townes in to the herde erth ¶ And after ward Merlyn tolde that an Egle sholde come of Corne wayle that sholde haue feders of golde that of pryde shold haue no pere he shelde dyspyse lordes of blod after he sholde dey throgh a beer at Gauersych that prophecye was full well knowe funde sothe For by the egle vnderstonde syr Pers of ganaston that tho was erle of Corne wayle that was a wonder proude man that dyspysed the baronage of Englonde but after warde he was heeded act Gauersich thrughe the erle of Lancastre and thrugh therle of warwyk ¶ And merlyn tolde that in his tyme it sholde seme that the beer sholde brenne that batayll sholde be vpon an arme of the see in an felde arayed lyke a shelde where sholde deye many whyte hedes And he sayd sothe For by the brynnynge of the beer yt betokenyd grete drede thrugh kyttyng of swerdes at that bataylle of Myton for there came the Scottes in manere of a s●elde in maner of a wynge and slewe men of relegyon prestes seculers wherfore the Scottes callyd that batayll in dyspyce of the Englyssmen the whych batayll And after Merlyn sayde the forsayde beer sholde do the gote moche harme and that sholde be vpon the south west also vpon hys blode And sayde also that the gote sholde lese moche deale of his londe tyll the tyme the shame sholde hym ouer come them he sholde clothe hm in a lyons skyn̄e sholde wynne ayen that he had lost and more thrugh people that sholde come out of the Northwest that sholde make hym to be a ferde And hym auenge vppon his enmyes thrugh counsell of two owles the fyrst sholde be in pa●yll to be vndone And that tho two owles shold go ouer see in to straūge lond And there they sholde dwelle vnto a certayne tyme. and thenne they sholde come in to Englonde ayen And tho owles sholde doo moche harme vnto many one And that they sholde counsell the gote to meue warre ayenst the forsayd beer And the gote and the owles sholde to an arme of the see at Burton trente sholde go ouer that for drede the beer sholde flee with a swanne in companye to Bury towarde the. North. thrugh an vnkynde outpulter and that the swanne then̄e shall be slayne wyth sorowe and the beer sholde be slayne ful nyghe his owne nest that sholde stonde vppon pounfret vpon whom the sonne shall shede his beemes And many folke hym shalle seke for vertue And he sayd sothe For the good erle Thomas of Lancastre was borne in the Northwest And cosyn to the kynge his vncles sone and by lawe he made the kynge lese moche londe the whiche he had purchacyd wylfully tyll at the last the kyng toke therof shame hym self slewe with cruelte And after he gate ayen that he had lost and moche more thrugh folke that he ●ette assēble out of the Northwest tha● made hym to be adradde And auengyd hym on his barons thrugh counsell of syr Hugh Spenser the fader and of syr Hugh the sone that before were outlawed for theyr wyckydnesse· But afterwarde they came ayen in to Englonde syr ●e wer●● vpon Thomas of Lancast●● Soo that the kynge and the Spensers the erle of Arundell and theyr power mette wyth Thomas of Lancastre 〈◊〉 Burton vpon trente and hym there dyscomfyted and syr Vmfroy erle of her forde was in his company And after fledde the forsayd Thomas and Humfroy with theyr cōpany to burbrugge metinge with syr Andrew of Herkela that is callyd the vnkynde outpulter and also syr ▪ Symonde warde erle of yorke came and mette with Thomas of Lancastre with an huge power and thē dyscomfyted in that scomfyture the erle of Herforde was slayne vpō the brydge cowardly wyth spere in the foundement and the erle Thomas was take ladde vnto Poūfret and tho was heedyd besyde his owne castell But afterwarde many hym sought for myracles that god dyde for hym ¶ And in that tyme Merlyn sayd for sorowe and harme shold deye a people of his londe wherfore many londes shold be vpon hym the more bolder and he sayd sothe for bycause of his barons that were doone to dethe for saȳt Thomas quarell of Lancastre peple of many londes became the bolder for to meue werre vpō the kyng for theyr blood was torned to many nacyons And afterwarde Merlyn tolde sayd that the forsayd owles sholde doo moche harme vnto the flour of lyf and deth and they shold brynge her to moche dysese So that she sholde go ouer see into Fraunce for to make peas to the floure delyte there sholde abyde tyll a time her sede sholde come and fetche her and tho they sholde abyde bothe tyll the tyme that they sholde clothe them wyth grace tho two owles she sholde seke And put thē to pyteuous deth And that prophecy was full well knowe and was full sothe for syr Hugh Spenser the fader and syr Hugh the sone dyde moche sorowe persecucyon vnto the quene Isabel thrugh theyr procurement to her lorde the kynge So they ordeyned amonge them that she was wagys That is to saye .xx. shelynges in the daye wherfore the kynge of Fraūce her brother was sore anoyed and sente into Englonde by his letters vnto kynge Edwarde to come vnto hys parlement to Parys in Fraunce But kynge Edwarde was sore adradde to come there for he wende to haue be arestyd tyll that he had made amendes for the trespase the syr Hugh Spenser the fader and the sone had done and for the harme that they had done vnto quene Isabell h●● syster wherfore thrughe hys ordynaunce and consente of the. Spensers the quene Isabell went ouer see in to Fraunce for to make accorde betwene kynge Edwarde and the kynge of Fraunce her brother And ther dwellyd she in Fraunce tyll Edwarde her Eldest sone came her for to seke and so they dwellyd there both tyll that alyaunce was made bytwene thē and the gentyll erle of Henaude that yf they wyth ther vertue myght dystroye and ouercome the venym and the falsnesse of the Spenser that syr Edwarde sholde spowse dome Phylyp the worshypfull lady the erles doughter of Henaude wherfore the quene Isabel and Edwarde her sone and syr Edwarde of wodstok
the tewesdaye ¶ This same yere the .vi. day of Decembre kynge Henry the syxth was crowned kynge of Fraunce at Parys in the chirche of oure lady with grete solempnyte there beynge presente the Cardynall of Englonde the duke of Bed fordt and many other lordes of Fraunce and Englonde And after thys coronacyon grete feest holden at Parys the kyng retorned from thens to Rone and so to warde Calays and the .ix. daye of Feuerer londed att Douer whom all the comunes of Kent mette at Beramdon bytwene Caunterbury and Douer al in reed hodes and so come forthe tyll he came to the blacke hethe where he was mette wyth the mayer Iohn̄ wellys with all the craftes of London clothed all in whyche so they broughte hym vnto London the .xxi. daye of the same moneth And this same yere was a restraynt of the wulles of Caleys made by the soudyours bycause they were not pay●d of theyr wages wherfore the duke of Bedford regned of Fraūce beynge than Capitayns came to Calays the tewsday in the ester weke And than on the morne after many soudyours of the towne were arested put in warde And in the same weke he rode to Terewyn by the meane of the bysshop of Terewyn he wedded the Erles doughter of Saynt Poule came ayē to Calays And than the .xi. daye of Iune on saynt Bernabeys daye there were foure soudyours of cal●is that were the chyef causers of the restraynt of the wulles byheded that is to wyte Iohn̄ Madeley Iohn̄ Launday Thomas Palmer and Talbot an hondred and .x bannysssed out of the towne that same tyme and before were banysshed an hondred and .xx soudyours And on mydsomer euē after came the lorde regēce and his wyfe to London ANd than about thys tyme deyed pope Martyn And after hym Eugen●e●he fourth was pope This man was peasably chosen in the courte of Rome by the Cardynals was very and indubytate pope But within a shorte tyme after he was put expulced oute of Rome in suche amanere that he was fayne for to flee naked ¶ In this same tyme was the counseyll of Basyle to the whiche coūseyll Eugenye the pope was cyted to come And bycause that he came not they deposed hym but he rought not ne set not therby but gate the cytee of Rome abode stylle pope .xii. yere ¶ Thys tyme about wytsontyde the heretykes of Praghe were dystroyed for at two Iourneys were dystroyed of theym moo than .xxii. thousande with theyr Capytaynes that is to wete Procapius Saplico Lupus prespyter ¶ Also there was taken on lyue mayster Pers clerke an Englysshysshe man an heretyke ¶ And also this same yere was stronge frost a longe duringe the whiche lasted .xi. wekes for it began vpon saynt Katherynes euen lasted vnto saynt Scolastycus day in Feuer yere in the whyche tyme the vyntage that came frome Burdeux come ouer shoters hyll ¶ This yere was the counseyll of ara● a grete treate bytwene the kynge of Englonde and the kynge of Fraūce where were assembled many grete lordes of bothe partyes at whyche coūseyll was ossred to the kynge of Englonde grete thinges by the meane of a Legate that came fro Rome the whyche was Cardynall of saynt Crosse whiche of ●res were refused by the Cardynal of Englonde and other lordes there were for the kynge wherfore the duke of Burgoyn that whiche had ben ●onge Englysshe sworne forsoke our partye retorned Frensshe by the meane of the forsayd Legate made a peas with the Frensshe kynge reteyuynge of kynge for recompensynge of his faders deth the counte of Pon●ui the lordshyp of Macon with moche other as is specyfyed in the sayd treaty And so our embassatours came home ayen in horse caas then they went out For they loste there the duke of Burgoyne whiche had ben with hys burgoynons and Pycardes a synguler helpe in all the conqueste of Normandy of Fraūce This same yere was a grete batayl on the see bytwene the Ienewes the kynge of Aragon of whiche batayll the Ienewes had the vyctory for they toke the kynge of Aragon the kyng of Nauerne the grete mayster of saynt Iames in Galyce wyth thre hondred knyghtes squyres moche other peple this was on saynt Domynycus daye And this same yere were seen thre sones atones anone folowed the thre folde gouernaūce in the chirche that is to wete of Eugenye of the coūseyll and of neutralyte ¶ Also this same yere a M. CCCC.xxxiiii was a passynge grete wynde by whiche steples houses trees were ouerthrowen About this tyme was an hooly mayde in Hollonde called Lyd wyth whiche lyned only by myracle not etynge ony mete Thys yere the duke of Burgoyn began his ordre at Lyle of the gollden Fleys and ordeyned certayne knyghtes of the same ordre made statutes ordynaunces moche accordynge vnto the ordre of the garter ¶ Also this same yere the Frensshmen had enter prysed to haue stolen Calays in the fyssynge tyme for many botes of Fraūce had safecondy●es to come to Calays for to take hetynge And the soudyours of the towne had a custome to come to the chyrche dore whiche staues the Frensshmen that were arayed lyke fysshers had purposed for to haue stolen theyr staues and wepen for to haue wonne so the towne but one of them laye wyth a comune woman the nyght before he tolde to hyr theyr coūseyll and she on the morne tolde it to the Lyuerenaunce whiche for the with alle commaunded that euery man sholde kepe hys wepen in his honde the sakerynge tyme other And whan the Frensshemen perceyued this that they were myspoynted they saylled steeyghte to Dere stale toke the towne on New yeres daye af● they toke Harslet· And thus the Englysshmē begā to lese a lytyll lytyl in Normandye ¶ How Calays Guynes were beseged by the duke of Burgoyne how they were rescowed by the duke of Gloucestre THys yere was a greate noyse all Englonde thrugh how the duke of Burgoyne wolde come besyege Calays wherfore the erle of Mortayne with his armye that he had to haue go with hym into fraūce was cōmaūded charged that he shold go to Calays whiche was at that tyme well vytayled manned for syr Iohn̄ Ratclyfe was Leuenetaunte of the towne for the kyng And the baron of Dudlay Lyuetenaunt of the castell ¶ And the .ix. daye of Iulii the duke of Burgoyne with all the power of Flaundres and moche other people came before Calays sete his syege about the towne and euery towne of Flaundres had theyr tentes by themselfe And this syege endured ther were In the meane whyle the duke of Gloucestre beynge protectour of Englonde toke the moost parte of all the lordes of Englonde and went ouer the see to Calays for to rescowe the towne or for to fyght with the duke his hoost yf they wolde haue byden The tyme