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A69788 The history of Poland. vol. 1 in several letters to persons of quality, giving an account of the antient and present state of that kingdom, historical, geographical, physical, political and ecclesiastical ... : with sculptures, and a new map after the best geographers : with several letters relating to physick / by Bern. Connor ... who, in his travels in that country, collected these memoirs from the best authors and his own observations ; publish'd by the care and assistance of Mr. Savage. Connor, Bernard, 1666?-1698.; Savage, John, 1673-1747. 1698 (1698) Wing C5888; ESTC R8630 202,052 410

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could never learn He enter'd into an Alliance with Jaro●● Duke of Russia Son to Vlodomirus and 〈◊〉 ry'd his Sister Mary afterwards call'd Do●●neva whose Mother was the Princess 〈◊〉 Sister to Basil and Constantine Emperoun Constantinople He conquer'd the Province of Maso●● where now lies Warsaw and defeated ●● Army of Maslaus then Duke of that Co●●try who retiring among the neighbour●● Barbarians not long after return'd 〈◊〉 greater Force and ravag'd Masovia ●● along to the Vistula but was soon met 〈◊〉 overthrown a second time by Casimir wh●● flying to his Friends as he thought that 〈◊〉 assisted him they took flea'd and fastned 〈◊〉 to an exceeding high Cross saying That was but just that he should be exalted whose A●● tion was so boundless Afterwards Casimir bei●● mindful of the Benefits he formerly receiv●● in the Abby of Cluny sent thither great Pr●●sents and Offerings At length this good King having setled h●● Kingdom in its former Tranquillity dy'd and left three Sons Boleslaus Vladislaus and Mi●●cistaus and one Daughter Suentochna He was ●●y'd at Posnan in the Year 1058. BOLESLAUS II. his Son surnam'd the d succeeded him who reign'd 23 Years n the beginning of his Reign he had Wars ●●h the Hungarians Bohemians Russians and ●●ssians all caus'd by the protecting of three ●●les He vigorously maintain'd the Cause Bela Prince of Hungary who was then mar●●d to his Aunt and banish'd by King An●● Whereupon he dethron'd Andrew and ●●wn'd Bela King of Hungary notwithstand●● the considerable Succours sent to Andrew ●● of Germany and Bohemia Afterwards re●●ning into Poland he marry'd Viseslava ughter and Heiress of the Duke of Russia by om he had that Dukedom for a Portion Towards the latter end of his Reign he came very dissolute and lewd oppress'd the ●●ple with extraordinary and insupportable xes took away publickly Gentlemens dies to satisfy his Lust could not endure ●● that took notice of his Irregularities ●●ish'd such as complain'd of his Tyrannical ●●vernment and at length kill'd Stanislaus ●●zepanovius Bishop of Cracow for refusing ●● the Sacrament of the Altar the manner which was thus Boleslaus continuing in enormous Crimes and Extravagancies this od Man earnestly entreated him to amend Life but perceiving his Obstinacy one y he refus'd him the Communion Which s Prince being highly offended at watch'd an opportunity to revenge and a little while after as the Bishop was officiating at Mass he gave him such a blow with his Sabre that he made his Brains fly against the Wall and afterwards his Guards entring cut the good Bishop to pieces Hereupon he was soon pursu'd with Vatican Thunder and consequently render'd odious to his Subjects Wherefore fearing some Conspiracy might be rais'd against him he left his Kingdom and retir'd with his Son Miecislaus which he had by his Queen Viseslava to Ladislaus King of Hungary where 't is reported that out of meer Madness he afterwards kill'd himself This Bishop Stanislaus was Canoniz'd by Pope Gregory VII and has all along from thence been receiv'd for the Patron of Poland The Pope also excommunicated the whole Country and Boleslaus his Successors were for a considerable time depriv'd of the Title of Kings Next came ULADISLAUS HERMANNUS Brother to Boleslaus to be elected who being afraid of the Pope or else fearing his Brother's return would only accept of the Title of Prince He recall'd his Nephew Miecislaus who died in six Years after He built many Churches and Monasteries all which he richly endow'd This Prince also brought over the rebellious Pomeranians and Prussians and defeated likewise the Army of Vratislaus Prince of Bohemia whom the Emperor Henry IV. had dignified with the Character of King giving him moreover a Right over Poland tho he had no Title to dispose of it his Predecessor Otho III. when he crown'd Boleslaus I. King of Poland having renounc'd both for himself and his Successors all Claim to that Kingdom Nay I heard the Poles themselves say that this was rather a piece of Civility in Otho than any Obligation upon them their Country having never been conquer'd by any Foreigner not even by the Romans themselves He married Judith Daughter of Vratislaus King of Bohemia by whom he had Boleslaus III. surnam'd Krivoustus or the Wry-mouth'd and afterwards by a Daughter of the Emperor Henry IV. he had three Daughters He died in the fiftieth Year of his Age was buried at Ploscow and succeeded by his Son BOLESLAUS III. surnam'd Krivoustus or the Wry-mouth'd He was the most warlike and successful Prince that Poland ever had and at length subdu'd his Bastard Brother Sbigneius that rebell'd against him whom at last he was forc'd to cause to be murder'd But of all others his Contest with the Emperor Henry V. is most famous which is as follows This Emperor having declar'd War against Colomannus King of Hungary and engag'd the Bohemians on his side Boleslaus join'd Colomannus and to make a strong Diversion enter'd Bohemia and destroy'd the greatest part of that Country whereupon to be reveng'd on Boleslaus the Emperor surpriz'd the Provinces of Silesia and Marchia which were then in the hands of the Poles and had been absolute Master of them had not Boleslaus speedily marched with an Army to oppose him who finding his Enemies much superiour in number at first thought it better to compose the matter amicably and therefore sent an Ambassador to treat of Peace to which the Emperor thinking he had the Advantage would by no means condescend except upon very dishonourable Terms for the Poles And hereupon leading Scarbicus the Ambassador to see his Treasure he told him that that pointing to his Gold would bring the Poles to what Terms he pleas'd at which Scarbicus being highly affronted took off a Gold Ring from his Finger and throwing it into the Treasury said Whatever be your Imperial Majesty's Opinion I do not question but the Polish Iron meaning their Swords will prove as good Metal as the German Gold Which said he immediately took his leave and returning to his Master acquainted him with his Negotiation which the haughty Pole highly resenting resolv'd to hazard a Battel which he did and by the Bravery of his Army obtain'd a signal Victory in the Dogs-field near Breslaw chief City of Silesia whereupon the Emperor immediately struck up a Peace with him gave him his Sister Adleida in Marriage and his Daughter Christina to his young Son Vladislaus This Prince forc'd the Pomeranians to the Christian Faith which they had often rejected before The Poles all this while were in possession of Silesia but afterwards the Kings of Bohemia conquer'd it and therefore it consequently now is under the Emperor It is reported of this Prince that he had fought forty seven Battels with success except one only with the Red Russians which was meerly lost through the Cowardice of a
Son and the other nam'd Hedwigis he left to succeed him in the Kingdom of Poland This Prince was very curious to know what Opinion People had of him and was also exact in reforming the Faults they laid to his Charge For this purpose he was wont to disguise himself and enquire among the People how they lik'd their King and what they thought amiss in him and according to their Answers he redress'd the Grievances suggested to him My Lord I have hitherto given you a succinct Account of the Family of Piastus next I shall proceed to present your Lordship likewise with that of Jagello being still a Continuation of Piastus his Family in the Line of a Daughter Of the Family of Jagello When Lewis King of Poland and Hungary dy'd his Daughter Hedwigis being with her Mother the Queen Dowager in Hungary the Poles tho there were several Princes of the Race of Piastus left in Poland and Silesia yet either because they did not think them deserving or else by reason that they believ'd 'em engag'd in their Enemies Interests sent a solemn Embassy for the young Princess HEDWIGIS who soon came into Poland with Cardinal Demetrius the Bishop of Strigonia and several others of the chief Nobility of Hungary At her arrival the Poles receiv'd her with great Joy Splendor and Magnificence and the Arch-bishop of Gnesna Bozenta crown'd her after the usual Ceremonies at Cracow on the Feast of St. Hedwigis always religiously observ'd in Poland in the Year 1382 and she reign'd alone four Years This young Princess being not yet marry'd had several noble Suitors among which Ziemovitus Duke of Masovia was the first whom she refus'd the next was William of Austria who came in Person to court her Him she lik'd but the Senate of Poland would by no means consent to a Marriage with him having always had a Maxim which they never hitherto broke that they would by no means admit any of that Family to their Crown and this fearing so powerful a Neighbour might one time or other find means to make himself Absolute in their Country But at last Jagello great Duke of Lithuania had better Fortune for he soon obtain'd her by the great and advantagious Proffers he made the Poles He first promis'd to embrace the Christian Religion with all his Country who were before Fagans Next to unite Lithuania to Poland during his time under the same form of Government and lastly that in case his Male Race fail'd it should for ever after be annex'd to that Kingdom Hereupon Jagello was baptiz'd and takes upon him the Name of ULADISLAUS V. and after having consummated the Marriage with Hedwigis was consecrated by the Arch-bishop Bozenta in the Year 1386. and reign'd 48 Years Not long after his Coronation he went with Priests into Lithuania and in a twelve Month's time converted all that Nation but this not so much by their Preaching and Vigilance as by his own exemplary Zeal and Perswasion After this he erected the University of Cracow which Casimir the Great had only begun and sent to Prague in Bohemia for learned Men to instruct the Youth in all manner of Sciences which had never before been taught in this Country About this time Queen Hedwigis dy'd after having endow'd the University to encourage Learning This Prince had long Wars with the Teutonic Order which then very much insulted over the Frontiers of his Kingdom whereupon the Poles were not a little enclin'd to be reveng'd on this proud and powerful People Now Poland not being alone sufficient to withstand 'em Jagello made up a considerable Army of Poles Lithuanians Russians and Tartars with all which he march'd directly towards them who were got ready to receive him with a Body of about 140000 Men yet notwithstanding after a long and doubtful Fight the Poles happen'd to have the better and entirely routed the Teutonic Army killing their great Master Conrade of Thuningen with about 30000 Souldiers and near 15000 taken Prisoners This Victory the Poles pursued so far that they took most of the Towns in Prussia and doubtless had entirely destroy'd that Order had not the Emperor Sigismund ' come to their Relief who soon forc'd the Poles to make Peace with 'em and to restore all they had taken from ' em Afterwards Jagello had several other Conflicts with the Teutonic Order in all which he conquer'd He dy'd of a Fever in Russia after having reign'd forty eight Years and some Months and lies buried in the Cathedral at Cracow This King had had four Wives all which he caus'd to be crown'd and two Sons Vladislaus VI. and Casimir IV. Tho his Son ULADISLAUS the Sixth was but nine Years old when his Father dy'd yet after long Debates and great Opposition in the Diet he was elected at Briescia in the Year 1435 and reign'd ten Years He was so young when he was chosen that his Coronation Oath was fain to be dispens'd with his Mother Sophia and some of the Peers having promis'd he should take it when he came of Age. In the mean time the Senate were Regents during his Minority Some while after the Tartars made great Incursions into Podolia which then belong'd to Poland when having kill'd the Polish General Bucarius and the greatest part of his Army they retir'd with great Booty into their own Country After this by the Death of the Emperor Albert Hungary having no King to defend it against the Turks who threaten'd it on all sides sent Embassadors to Vladislaus to entreat him to come and be their King which after some Deliberation he accepted of and going into that Kingdom notwithstanding the Cabals and Party of the Empress Elizabeth who was left four Months gone with Child he was crown'd King of Hungary at Buda The Child the Empress went with was afterwards born and call'd Ladislaus but she dying not long after left King Vladislaus in Peace at least at home till the Turks oblig'd him to take Arms for his Defence abroad for Amurath Emperor of the Turks was not only then on his March to besiege Belgrade in Person but also commanded the Hungarians to pay him Tribute Hereupon Vladislaus was forc'd to declare War against him and under the Command of Huniades sent an Army made up of Poles and Hungarians to oppose him which coming upon him by Night surprized the Turkish Army near the River Morava in Hungary and made such a slaughter of 'em that 't is thought the Turks lost above 30000 Men that day After this happy Victory Vladislaus banish'd all those Infidels out of Hungary and pursu'd 'em to the very Frontiers of Macedon in Greece where he gain'd a second Battel over Carambeius General of the Troops of Asia took him Prisoner and drove his Army into Mountains and inaccessible Places The King was wounded in this Action Upon this occasion John Palcologus Emperor of
by his Wife Repicha a ●●rave and warlike Prince This Duke had considerable Advantages by having the Administration of the Government long before his Father's Death who for some time was super●●nnuated He obtain'd great Conquests over the Hungarians Moravians and Germans and was the first that brought the Polish Army to a Discipline by instituting Generals Colonels Captains and other Subaltern Officers among them He regain'd what the Popiels ●●ost and besides considerably enlarg'd his Dominions by new Conquests He was a Person of a boundless Resolution seem'd destin'd for War being able to undergo the greatest Fatigues and consequently was exceedingly admir'd and belov'd by his Subjects He dy'd at Gnesna was buried there and was succeeded by his Son LESCUS IV. who being elected young was under the Care of Governours for some time He was of a quiet and peaceable Disposition enclin'd rather to Peace than War and contented to preserve what his Father had left him without ever aiming to enlarge his Dominions He dy'd in the Year 913 and was succeeded by his Son ZIEMOVISTUS who reigned 51 Years This Prince was much of the same Temper with his Father there having been no Wars in his time He had but one Son ●●ecislaus I. who being born blind was miracu●●ously restor'd to his sight about the Age of seven Years when he was about to have his Head shaven according to the Pagan Custom which gave occasion to the Magi of that Kingdom to prognosticate that he should be the Light of Poland which not long after his Election came to pass Ziemovistus dy'd and was buried at Gnesna and his Son MIECISLAUS I. came to the Crown next He had seven Wives at a time yet could have no Children by them which opened a way for the Christian Faith to enter Poland for there being then several Christians wandring up and down that Country to convert those Pagans they came to this Duke and told him he could never have any Issue till he had turn'd Christian which Miecislaus hearkning to immediately put away all his Wives and married Dambrawca Daughter to Boleslaus Duke of Bohemia on condition to turn Christian and be baptized Whereupon Pope John XIII sent Cardinal Aegidius with a great number of Priests into Poland to preach the Gospel there which before had been altogether unknown in that Country This Duke erected the Arch-bishopricks of Gnesna and Cracow with several Bishopricks In the mean while Miecislaus had a Son call'd Bolesl●●us which mightily augmented his Zeal to oblige his Subjects to be converted for he caused a Law to be made that while any part of the Gospel was reading at Mass every Man should half draw his Scimiter to testify their forwardness to defend that Faith This Duke had Wars with Vlodimirus Duke of Russia to whom he lost Premislia and other Towns He sent Lambert Arch-bishop of Cracow to Rome to obtain leave of Pope Benedict VII for the Princes of Poland to be stil'd Kings but was refus'd this Pontiff not being yet dispos'd to grant that Favour He buried Dambrawca and afterwards married Judith Daughter of Jesse Prince of Hungary and was succeeded by his Son BOLESLAUS CHROBRY a vertuous Prince who was elected in the Year 999. and after some Years reign by Consent of the Pope was dignified with the Title of King by the Emperor Otho III. who also remitted the Pretensions his Predecessors had to Poland as being Emperors of the Romans and this in consideration of a kind Entertainment made him by Boleslaus in his Pilgrimage on account of his Health to the Tomb of St. Adalbert Bishop of Prague who was martyr'd by some Pagans to whom he offer'd to preach the Christian Faith Of these Barbarians Boleslaus bought his Body and caus'd it to be buried at Gnesna whither great numbers from all parts came to pay their Devotion at his Shrine The Emperor Otho also at the same time married his Niece Rixa to Boleslaus his young Son Miecislaus who succeeded his Father in the Kingdom To confirm his being crown'd King by Otho the Emperor it would not be amiss to recite part of an old Epitaph written upon him Ob famam bonam tibi contulit Otto Coronam Propter Luctamen sit tibi salus Amen This King was surnamed Chrobry signifying in Polish Acute from the Quickness and Excellency of his Parts Boleslaus made Bohemia Moravia and Prussia tributary to Poland He also declar'd War against the Saxons who made Incursions into Pomerania which was then govern'd by Lescus III's Family He likewise instituted twelve Senators to assist him in the Government This King's Death was so sincerely regretted that for a Year's time there was no Mirth nor Splendor in Poland This Prince was of an undaunted Spirit tho withal modest courteous and endearing Both Boleslaus and his Father lie buried in the middle of the Cathedral Church of Posnan whose Tombs I have there seen His Son MIECISLAUS II. being about 35 Years old was elected next being crown'd by Hypolitus Arch-bishop of Gnesna He degenerated in all respects from his Father and lost most of those Conquests which he had added to the Crown To him the Bohemians and ●●avians refus'd to pay Tribute yet he ●●ued Pomerania which belong'd of right he Polish Crown He was a Person very ●●y and stupid and chose rather to be ●●ed by his Queen and Companions than Council which made him soon slighted and ●●is'd both by his Friends and Enemies Yet reign'd almost nine Years and liv'd forty 〈◊〉 'T is said he died mad and left but Son CASIMIR I. who being elected young his ●●ther Rixa officiated the Regency during Minority This King was not chosen with●● much difficulty for many of the Electors ●●ing he might follow his Father's steps vi●●ously oppos'd him at first Also the Poles ●●re dissatisfied with his Mother's Admi●●ration for several Reasons among which 〈◊〉 was her robbing the Treasury and after●●rds flying with her Son to her Brother ●●sar in Saxony This young Prince being sent afterwards his Mother to study at Paris became a Bedictin Monk at the Abby of ●●luncy in France the mean time the Poles having no body to ●●eside in their Government had great Dis●●sions among them and therefore earnest●● entreated the Pope to dispense with Casi●●r's Vow that he might return to his Throne ●●hich they at length obtain'd upon Agreeent that for each Head except those of the obility and Clergy they would contribute early a farthing to maintain a Lamp perpetually burning in St. Peter's Church at R●● and moreover for ever after cause their H●● to be shav'd about their Ears like Mo●● which is practis'd to this day as like●● stand in a white Surplice while Mass was ●●ciating on all Holidays upon these Condit●● they had their King again but when he ●● crown'd I
were lawfully theirs but that also they thought the Poles oblig'd to give 'em either more Land or more Money to recompense the several Kindnesses they had done them Hereupon the Pope excommunicates this Order and the Poles under command of their King march'd directly against ' em Here Locticus made an eloquent Speech to his Army representing the many Affronts and Injustices they had receiv'd from a little Sect of People to which his Predecessors the Kings of Poland had out of meer Goodness given their Protection when banish'd from their own Country by the Sarazens Then he enlarg'd upon the Covetousness and Ambition of this Order and concluded by encouraging his Men to fight bravely and not suffer those to become their Masters who were at first their Vassals Hereupon the Poles animated by this Speech of their King tho much inferior in Number to their Enemies yet fought so siercely and bravely that they entirely routed the Teutonic Order and kill'd about twenty thousand of their Men tho they themselves have had the presumption to affirm that they did not lose above five or six hundred Among the wounded there was one Florianus Szari Knight of that Order who having his Belly open'd with a Scymiter and his Guts dropping out which he held up with his hands the King passing by pity'd him Whereupon the Knight said to him Sir A Man in his Village suffers more than I do when he has bad Neighbours The King admiring at this dying man's Thought immediately caus'd his Surgeons to take care of him and when he was well gave him Land that had no bad Neighbours about it This Vladislaus it seems not being throughly satisfy'd with Premislus his Right to transmit the Title of King to his Posterity without leave of the Pope sent an Embassador to his Holiness to request a liberty for himself and his Queen Hedwigis to be crown'd which was forthwith granted and the Ceremony perform'd in the Cathedral of Cracow by the Archbishop of Gnesna and other Bishops in the Year 1320. The King long after dy'd and was bury'd at Cracow in the Year 1333. CASIMIR the Great succeeded his Father Locticus being elected in the Year 1333 and reign'd to the Year 1370. He made a Peace with the Teutonic Order that was not at all advantagious or honourable to the Polish Nation the Knights being thereby still to remain in possession of Prussia Dantzic and Pomerania notwithstanding the Threatnings of the Pope and his Bulls of Excommunication This Casimir had no Children He is the last Male of the Family of Piastus Wherefore that the Crown might not go altogether out of his Family before his Death he prevail'd with the Poles to elect Charles King of Hungary his own Sister's Son but he dying before Casimir his Son Lewis was chosen The Poles had several times conquer'd Russia but it was never enjoy'd peaceably till Casimir's time who having had better success than any of his Predecessors annex'd it as a Province to the Crown of Poland The Province of Masovia was likewise conquer'd by him and annex'd to the Crown The Poles had never hitherto any written Laws and but very few made till Casimir began to make Institutions name Judges create Magistrates build Forts and to establish a better Oeconomy in the Kingdom than any Prince before him The Laws and Constitutions of the Teutonic Knights seem'd very rational and political to him having had a sensible Experience of the good Government of this Order for a considerable time Wherefore he introduc'd their Laws into Poland which have continu'd ever since and are call'd the Magdeburg Laws This Casimir was a very lewd Prince but withal exceeding Liberal and Just He kept a Jewish Concubine at whose request he granted great Privileges to that People He gain'd so well the good Opinion and Affection of his Subjects that he was stil'd the Father of the Poor and a great many Germans who were oppress'd by their own Princes in his time came into Poland and have ever since inhabited the Foot of the Carpathian Mountains The Daughter of Boguslaus Duke of Pomerania was then marry'd to the Emperour Charles IV. Casimir celebrated the Nuptials with great Splendor and Magnisicence at Cracow where assisted Lewis King of Hungary Sigismund King of Denmark and Petrua King of Cyprus with the Emperour and many Princes of Germany Poland and other Countries Valachia at that time was a kind of Republick of it self having before had Governours which they call'd Hospodars the last of which being dead and his Children aspiring to the same Dignity Casimir sent an Army to support 'em but by an Ambush of the Valachians plac'd in a Wood was entirely defeated Casimir dy'd soon after this of a Fall from his Horse and was bury'd at Cracow This King reign'd thirty seven Years and liv'd sixty He was surnam'd the Great being the only Person that had had that Title among the Polish Princes not because he had gain'd a great many Victories but by reason of the many beautiful Structures and Fortresses he had built as likewise of the many beneficial Laws and Constituions which he had made Casimir being the last King of the Family of Piastus had caus'd his own Nephew by his Sister LEWIS King of Hungary to be elected for his Successor during his Life-time who was crown'd accordingly in Poland in the Year 1370 and reign'd 12 Years The Poles were not extraordinarily well satisfied with him being a Foreign Prince and therefore oblig'd him before they would crown him to take an Oath not only to maintain their former Privileges but also to enlarge 'em for hitherto the Successors of Piastus had almost had an absolute Power in Poland a great deal more than their present Kings have After some time Lewis was forc'd to return into Hungary to settle some Affairs there when he left the Administration of the Government during his Absence to his Mother Elizabeth His going away occasion'd great Troubles for the Russians rebell'd and the Lithuanians made Incursions into the very Heart of Poland The Poles also were divided among themselves they could not endure to see their Towns in the hands of Hungarian Garisons and besides they were so much displeas'd with their King 's leaving 'em to the Government of his Mother whom they neither lov'd nor esteem'd that they sent to acquaint him that they thought it Honour enough for himself to govern Poland All these Troubles and Distrusts soon oblig'd the King to return into Poland with a strong Army of Hungarians where he first march'd against the Rebel Russians and subdu'd them next against the Lithuanians and oblig'd them to a Peace soon after which he dy'd and was buried at Belgrade in Hungary in the 56th Year of his Age having reigned 12 Years He left two Daughters but no Sons one of which married to Sigismund the Emperor's
married to Ferdinand of Austria whereby that House came into possession of the Kingdoms of Hungary and Bohemia as likewise of Silesia all which it enjoys to this day Sigismund dy'd not long after the Council of Trent begun being 82 Years old and having reign'd about 40 with great Success Paulus Jovius says that in this King's time there were three Heroes viz. the Emperor Charles V. Francis I. King of France and Sigismund I. King of Poland each of which deserv'd alone to govern the Universe had they not happen'd to live at the same time This King was as famous in Peace as War being adorn'd with more Vertues than any Prince of Poland before him Besides which Perfections of his Mind he had also great Strength of Body for he is reported to have been accustom'd to snap Horseshoes asunder and to have broke the strongest Ropes with his Hands only as I am credibly inform'd the Elector of Saxony at present King of Poland has often done He had two Wives Barbara Daughter of Stephen Woievod of Transilvania by whom he had one Daughter nam'd Hedwigis married to Joachim Marquess of Brandenburg and another Wife Buona Sforza mention'd before who brought him four Daughters which were Isabel married to John King of Hungary Sophia to the Duke of Brunswick and Ann and Catherine both successively to the King of Sweden and one Son Sigismund Augustus who succeeded his Father in the Kingdom of Poland Martin Bielski a Polander who writ the Annals of his Country in his Native Language mentions that in the beginning of this King's Reign a certain Gentleman nam'd James Melstinski Starosta of Brezina being not a little beside himself pretended to be Christ descended again upon the Earth and consequently together with one Peter Zatorski a Citizen of Cracow and eleven others of the same stamp set forward through divers Cities and Villages canting and imposing upon the common People all along as they went sometimes he pretended to raise the Dea●● which he seemingly effected by help of 〈◊〉 Compact with some of his fellow Impostors Next he work'd several pretended Miracles by Legerdemain as by finding things in places where it was almost impossible for them to be which nevertheless he had prudently taken care to lay there before as Fish in Bogs and the like Afterwards he went to the Monastery of Cestochow where it seems he was not known Here he caus'd one of his Followers to pretend to be possess'd with the Devil who thereupon being immediately seiz'd on was led by the Monks to the Altar at a time when a great Concourse of People were gathered together to hear Mass but the Impostor having provided himself a large Coat with several deep and winding Plights as likewise of divers small Pebbles which he had wrap'd up in his Sa●● broke furiously from those that held him and immediately leap'd upon the Altar where seizing upon all the Offerings he soon convey'd them into these obscure Folds of his Coat when the Monks going to search him with great Violence found only the Stones in his Sash which they believing to be the Money transmuted by the Power of the Devil immediately fell to exorcising the Stones but finding the same Species still remain they threw down their Books in great Indignation and cry'd Talem Daemonem nunquam experti sumus abite cum eo ad omnes Daemones By help of the Money they had thus got by this Cheat they travell'd all over Silesia and at last came to a Gentleman's House where they told his Wife that Christ and his Apostles were come to visit her and that she must make some Offering and her Soul should be sav'd to which the Woman reply'd that her Husband was from home and therefore she could not possibly comply with their Requests whereupon they demanded of her if she had any Linen to sacrifice she answered she had and presently fetch'd them down a small parcel which they receiving from her hands told her they would keep that for themselves and Christ should bless her and encrease her Store whereupon enquiring farther if she had any more she shew'd them another Parcel but they being about to do the like by that as they did by the other she told them her Husband not being within she durst by no means part with it which Answer displeasing these Impostors they privily slid a piece of lighted Coal among the Linen which the Woman not knowing any thing of took the parcel and lock'd it up in her Chest as before but which not long after bursting out into a Flame first burnt the Chest and then the House The Husband coming home and finding his House on fire enquir'd into the cause of it whereupon his Wife answer'd that because she had treated Christ disrespectfully who came to visit her this Judgment had befallen them At this the Man flying out into a Passion cry'd This was an Impostor and no Christ wherefore calling his Neighbours together they pursued them close till they heard of them in a Village hard by which the false Saviour being inform'd of said to that Apostle of his nam'd Peter Peter now is my Hour come and the time wherein I am to drink that bitter Draught approaches which I have no other way to avoid but by leaping out at this Window To which Peter reply'd I also will follow my Master's Example that I may live Whereupon they both leap'd out at the Window and the rest of the Apostles fled also their several ways but the deluded Countrymen closely pursuing them at length overtook them and surrounding them with Clubs Scourges and the like laid them on most unmercifully crying all the while Prophesy to us O Christ with thy Disciples in what Wood did these Clubs and Scourges grow By this severe Discipline these Impostors having been totally reform'd confess'd that it was no small Task to imitate Christ and his Apostles Before his Death Sigismund got the Diet to elect his Son SIGISMUND II. surnam'd afterwards Augustus who was crown'd in the Year 1548 and reign'd to 1576. The Diet was very angry with him that after his Coronation he married the Lady Radzivil Widow to a Woievod without their Consent which is against the Constitution of that Kingdom but this Queen dying soon after without Children they agreed to his Marriage with the Princess Catharine another Widow of the House of Austria which was before married to Francis Duke of Mantua In his time Livonia which is a great Province that lies between Prussia Swedeland Muscovy and Lithuania whereof part belonged to the Teutonic Order and part to the Arch-bishop of Riga being the whole under Protection of the Empire was like to have been over-run by the Great Duke of Muscovy who brought thither a powerful Army for that purpose and took most of its Towns Whereupon the Inhabitants finding they were not able alone to resist so great a Force sent to the Emperor Ferdinand for Relief who being
means was rated much lower than the House of Austria could have expected For altho it was urg'd to Sigismund that as Charles the Vth dealt formerly by the King of France on the like occasion so he ought to have a Sum of Money paid down sutable to the great Quality of his Prisoner yet Sigismund answer'd That it was to no purpose to propose Charles the Vth as an Example in this Case since that Prince had been guilty of an Action unbecoming his Grandeur When for his part he did not look upon it sufficient Advantage to have got the better of his Enemy unless he likewise had the Glory to give him his Liberty and not to make him buy it By this Mediation Maximilian was to quit for ever his Title to the Kingdom of Poland to restore some Places which had been surrender'd to him and to remain in a perpetual Amity with Poland to all which the Emperour his Brother was made Guarantee But altho these Conditions were so very reasonable yet Maximilian would not ratify them till 1589. Wherefore his Wilfulness detain'd him in Prison till that time when he escape 〈◊〉 to his Parole of Honour Nevertheless he was afterwards brought to sign them by the Power his Brother had over him Sigismund III. was first marry'd to Ann Daughter of Charles Arch-Duke of Austria and after her Death to Constantia her Sister by both which he had three Sons Vladislaus by the former and Casimir and Ferdinand by the latter the two first succeeding him in the Kingdom When the King his Father was dead he went into Swedeland and was there likewise crown'd King of that Country in the Year 1592 on condition that every fifth Year he should come and reign over Sweden in Person but being engag'd in a long War against the Muscovites Turks and Tartars he could not be spar'd in fifteen Years and therefore sent a Senate of Jesuits to govern them and suppress the Lutherah Doctrine which was then mightily spread in that Country Here it must be observ'd that this King's Mother Catherine strictly adher'd to the Roman Church by the permission of her Husband John III. King of Sweden who also lean'd a little that way Whereupon when Sigismund's Tutor Arnold Grothusius would have seduced him from that Perswasion his Father John being in a great Passion and drawing his Sword upon the Tutor cry'd I will have my Son educated in hopes of both Kingdoms meaning his own and that of Poland These Jesuits the King order'd to be receiv'd with the same Honour as if he himself had come in Person at which the Swedes being grievously nettled sunk them in the Harbour of Stockholm in the Ship that brought 'em from Dantzic and immediately thereupon proclaim'd Charles Duke of Sudermannia Sigismund's Uncle their King who had embrac'd Lutheranism some time before and which the Swedes have profess'd ever since This occasion'd bloody Wars between these two Nations but Sigismund being likewise engag'd with other Countries was forc'd to accept of a dishonourable Truce In the beginning of this War King Charles IX took a great many places from the Poles in Livonia most of which were afterwards retaken by the Polish General and Chancellor Zamoski Besides this the King of Sweden was vanquish'd in a great Battel fought near Kirckholm and Riga where he narrowly escap'd himself but some intestine Divisions arising between the King and Nobility of Poland he got time to recover Breath The occasion of the Wars between the Poles and Muscovites was this A certain Person coming into Poland pretended to be Demetrius Son to John Basilowitz Great Duke of Muscovy and that he was to have been murder'd by order of Boris Gudenow afterwards Grand Duke who hop'd thereby to secure the Succession after the Death of Theodore eldest Son of the said Duke but that another had been kill'd in his stead Hereupon he found so great Encouragement from George Mniszeck Palatin of Sendomir that he married his Daughter to him and by the Assistance of some other Polish Lords gather'd together a great Army and march'd with Demetrius into Muscovy when Boris Gudenow then Grand Duke happening to die suddenly he was receiv'd by the Muscovites and proclaim'd Czar in Moscow Hereupon he sent into Poland for his Bride but while the Nuptials were celebrating in Moscow the People suspecting him to be an Impostor gather'd together rais'd a Tumult and attack'd the Castle where they cut to pieces Demetrius with most of the Poles that came along with him and his Bride and took her Prisoner Then Basilius Suski descended from the Grand Dukes by the Mother's side having got together about ●●0000 Men was proclaim'd Czar immediately after which a Rumor being spread abroad that Demetrius had escaped tho Suski had taken care to expose his Body to view which was so mangled that none could know him and a Person pretending to be him the Poles acknowledg'd him as such whereupon they together with the Cosacks assisted this Person to recover his pretended Right and several times beat Suski and oblig'd him to set at liberty the Captive Bride She also acknowledg'd this Demetrius for her Husband but whether he was really so or not could never yet be determin'd Sigismund laid hold of this opportunity to try at least whether he could recover Smolensko and Severia whereupon he besieged the former in the Year 1609 but could not make himself Master of it till the Year 1611 when he took it by storm In the mean time the Poles who had hitherto sided with Demetrius were recall'd by Sigismund who thought it not convenient that so considerable a part of his Forces should be under the Command of another By the removal of this Army Suski had leisure to recover himself whereupon with the Assistance sent him out of Sweden he march'd directly against the Poles who then were besieging Smolensko but was shamefully defeated by them near Clusin By this Overthrow the Affairs of the Muscovites were again in a very dangerous Condition wherefore to avoid the danger they resolv'd to depose Suski who by his Misfortunes became odious to them and to offer their Crown to Vladislaus Sigismund's Son This Suski was afterwards surrender'd to the Poles and dy'd at Warsaw in Prison Whereupon Vladislaus marching towards that Country with a powerful Army in the Year 1610 and they hearing of it thinking he came rather to conquer than accept their Crown unanimously revolted against him especially when they heard that Demetrius had been murder'd by the Tartars who were his Guards Hereupon Prince Vladislaus his Expedition was made to no purpose he being forc'd to make a Truce with the Muscovites for fourteen Years whereby it was agreed that in the mean time the Poles should keep in their possession the several Dukedoms of Severia Zernikow and Novogrod which they had taken during the late Troubles in Muscovy In the mean time George Farenbach surrender'd several Places in
did likewise the Elector of Hanover the Bishop of Heidelsheim and the Bishop of Munster for we past through some Skirts of their Territories I must take notice to your Lordship that passing through a part of the Elector of Hanover's Country we receiv'd News that Count Koningsmark a Swede thought to have been familiar with the Princess of Hanover the Elector's Daughter-in-law was made away with at that Court and never heard of since At last we arriv'd about the latter end of December at Wesel a fortified Town belonging to the E. of Brandenburg upon the Borders of the Rhine near six days Journey from Brussels the Elector of Bavaria with his Court came hither to receive his Princess but the River being full of great Flakes of Ice he could not pass it in two days but at last being impatient to see his Bride he ventur'd over in a little Boat with Prince Chimay Baron Simeoni and two or three more of his Courtiers I hapned to be in the Room when he came in alone by way of the back Stairs and saluted his Princess with all the tender Expressions of Joy and Affection and after having spent about half an hour with her in Compliments he turn'd to the Embassador and to the rest of the Company and thank'd us all for the Trouble and Fatigue of so long a Journey then he and the Princess with the Embassador and Embassadress withdrew into another Room where they past about an hour and an half In the mean time a great many other of the Elector's Retinue came in so that the Court was very numerous at Nine of the Clock at Night and thus the Elector past till Ten of the Clock then went to sup abroad and immediately after Supper came to wait on the Princess again and about One of the Clock in the Morning he left her and went to Bed to his Inn. He came to her the next Morning to make his Court and to desire her Consent that the Marriage might be consummated that Night which being accordingly done he sent a Courier after Midnight to the King his Father-in-law to acquaint him therewith The next Morning there was a rich Hungarian Sute of Clothes given him to wear that day from the King of Poland valued at 30000 Rix Dollars it was a long Coat of Crimson Velvet the Button-holes set with Clasps of Massy Gold and a Wastcoat of Cloth of Gold set with Diamond Buttons and a Girdle of fine Turky Leather wrought with Gold with massy Gold Clasps likewise set with Jewels a Scimiter with the Handle richly adorn'd with Diamonds and Rubies and an Emerald Ring of great Value with a rich Zibelin Muff. In the Afternoon we all past the River and next day the Baggage followed all the Coaches the King's Guards and most of the Retinue return'd back into Poland for by the Articles of Marriage no body was to stay with her except two Pages two Women and a she Dwarf The Elector's Guards and Coaches were on the other side of the River to receive the Princess She went through Antwerp to Mecklin and from thence to Brussels where we arriv'd after two Months Journey on the 12 th of January I need not acquaint your Lordship with all the Preparations made here by his Highness for the Reception of his Electoress nor of the Presents he gave to her Retinue nor the Opera's and Comedies purposely made for the Solemnity of her Marriage I will only say that I never saw a genteeler Court better Order more Formalities more variety of Dresses nor the Punctilio's of Honour and Courtesy more strictly observ'd There were great Rejoicings all the first Week until the Court receiv'd the unwelcome News of the Death of our late Queen Mary Sometime afterwards having left the Care of the Princess's Health to Monsieur Pistorini the Elector's Physician I took my Leave of her Highness and went for Holland from whence I arriv'd at London in the Month of February in the Year 1694 5. The King of Poland had no near Relations except one Sister who was married to that Duke Radzivil who writ in Latin his Travels into the Holy Land and describes the Pyramids of Egypt he has been dead several Years and his Dutchess died at Warsaw in my time What small Reputation I got in that Country in the Practice of Physick was by her Death for when I arriv'd at Warsaw the King made me consult with all the Physicians of the Town which were about ten concerning her Disease His Majesty's first Physician was Dr. Jonas an Italian and professed Jew for your Lordship must understand that in Poland particularly at Court Religion is no Objection against any Person especially a Physician since the King at his Coronation promises to protect four Religions the Roman which he must seem to be of himself the Protestant the Greek and that of the Jews I examined the Princess's Disease and found it was an Ague fomented by an Abscess in the Liver which made her vomit up all that she took I thought her Case very desperate tho her ordinary Physicians made no account of it thinking it was only an Ague which the constant use of Jesuits Pouder would infallibly cure I discover'd they were not acquainted with the inward Cause of her Disease being not vers'd in Anatomy wherefore I desir'd that most of the Learned Gentlemen at Court would be present to hear their Reasons and mine Dr. Jonas who spoke first gave his Opinion that there was no fear and that she should persist only in the use of the Bark with which they had cram'd her for three Months before all the rest follow'd his Opinion I spoke last and summ'd up all their Arguments to compare them with her Distemper and declar'd against their Method and intimated that I believ'd she could not live long let them change their Method ever so much for the better This alarm'd the whole Court in a quarter of an hour The Physicians assur'd the contrary and urged that I was a Stranger to the Climate and to the Princess's Constitution and Disease and they promised in a little time tho some of them began to be dissident to set her upon her Legs again notwithstanding she grew worse and worse every day and died in a Month's time in the 62 d Year of her Age. The Queen order'd her to be open'd and three Bishops were present but none of the Physicians would come but my self we found not only an Abscess in her Liver but likewise a great many square Stones like Dice in her Gall Bladder and other Stones in one of her Kidnies besides a great deal of Gravel in her Liver which grated and crumbled its whole Substance into putrid Matter This Princess left only a Son and a Daughter Duke Radzivil her Son married a Relation of Prince Sapieha and her Daughter was married to Prince Lubomirski Duke Radzivil told me that he travell'd here in England when King James II. was
had elected him with such Universal Affection yet nothing could prevail upon him but he however promis'd that as soon as he had settled his Affairs in France he would return among them and moreover acknowledg'd that he was extreamly oblig'd to the Polish Nation for their Kindness and Good-will towards him Hereupon the Senate afterwards sent two Embassadors into France to intreat him to return which the King had several times a mind to comply with for he lov'd that Nation extreamly well but his French Subjects still prevail'd upon him to change his Mind representing to him the many Dangers he would expose France to by such a Journey Thus the Poles having lost all Hopes of having their King again the Primate Vchanski calls a Diet at Warsaw the 4th of November following to proceed to a new Election where two Princes were principally propos'd which were the Emperour Maximilian and Stephen Batori Prince of Transylvania but they could never unanimously agree which of the two to choose and therefore the Diet was dissolv'd Maximilian's Party sent Embassadors to acquaint him that he was chosen and that they expected he should speedily come and be crown'd while Batori's Faction did the like for him and invited him to come forthwith into Poland Hereupon BATORI made more haste than the Emperour to comply with their Request for he immediately left Transylvania and passing through Valachia and Russia quickly arriv'd at Cracow where on the 18th of April 1577 he was receiv'd and crown'd by Karnkovius Bishop of Vladislaw the Archbishop of Gnesna being for Maximilian who yet afterwards rather than he would undergo a Siege in his Castle of Lowitz quietly submitted to Batori In the mean time the Emperour was more slow resolving to come with an Army to dispute his Right but his Party growing less and less every day at length the Senate sent Embassadors to acquaint him that his Slowness and Indifference had superseded his Right to the Crown it being resolv'd to be given to him that arriv'd first Hereupon the Emperour who was then at the Diet at Ratisbon order'd the Embassadors to be put in Prison and forthwith determin'd to go for Poland himself but was prevented by a dangerous Sickness of which he soon after dy'd Octob. 12. Batori 't is true was chiefly indebted to his Merit for the Crown of Poland yet at the same time the Family of Zborowski was not a little assisting to him occasion'd by his civil Reception of one Samuel of that Family who had been banish'd his Country for striking John Teczynski Castellan of Wounitz in the King's Court. Whereupon Samuel employ'd all his Interest for Batori for at the time of the Election he writ to several of his Relations and Friends to Vote for that Prince but it being the Temper of the Polanders never to think themselves sufficiently recompens'd after they have done a Service Batori tho he sought all he could to oblige that Family yet could not keep them from proving his most inveterate Enemies by reason that he would not submit to govern according to their Humours which not long after cost Samuel his Life by a formal Proceeding in a Court of Justice Batori was first as I find him a private Gentleman in Transylvania but at length by his Merit and Valour came to have great Authority among the People of that Country for he was once sent Embassadour to the Emperour's Court where he manag'd Affairs to the satisfaction and advantage of both Parties so that after Prince John Sigismund Son to the Sister of Sigismund II. of Poland dy'd they elected him Prince of Transylvania After he was crown'd King of Poland by Karnkouski whom he made Archbishop of Gnesna he endeavour'd to appease the Disorders among the great People and to win the Affections of the Male-contents which at last he effected by marrying the Princess Ann Daughter to Sigismund I. and Sister to Sigismund II. by whom he had no Children About this time the Emperour fomented a Sedition among the Inhabitants of Dantzic which induc'd them to refuse to take an Oath of Fidelity to Batori and moreover to raise an Army and stand upon their Defence But the Senate of Poland having declar'd 'em Rebels their Army was soon defeated and Town besieg'd and at last they were oblig'd to comply by Mediation of the Electors of Saxony and Brandenburg and Lantgrave of Hesse The chief Cause of this War was that the Citizens of Dantzic pretended not to be subject to the Republic of Poland but only to the King yet notwithstanding this Treaty they were forc'd to submit themselves to both Hitherto there were no Courts of Judicature in Poland all Differences being decided by the King and Council But the Gentry finding this way of Procedure too tedious to the Nation and too burdensom to the King obtain'd leave of Batori to erect two Courts of Judicature which they commonly call Tribunals one at Petricovia and the other at Lublin where all Civil Causes were to be determin'd absolutely without any Appeal to Court unless upon any Matter relating to the State in which Case the last Decision was to be reserv'd to the King and Diet together This King was more severe in his Punishments than the Polish Laws allow'd yet he molested none on account of Religion always affirming that three Things God had wholly reserv'd to himself which were to make something out of nothing to foretel Things to come and to govern and direct Consciences This Prince like Sigismund I. very much encourag'd speaking Latin in his Dominions being reported to have said often to the Gentlemens Sons Discite Isatinè nam unum ex vobis aliquando faciam Mosci Pan a great Lord. Whereby the Youth being all in Hopes practis'd that Language with great Diligence which very much contributed towards the Encrease of Arts and Sciences in this Kingdom When Sigismund I. sent the Bishop of Varmia his Embassador to Vienna the Emperour was surpriz'd to hear even the Polish Coachmen speak Latin fluently Also after Sigismund the Second's Death when Embassadors were sent to bring Henry of Valois into Poland the French wonder'd that not one of all their Train but spoke this Language with great Address This King in the beginning of his Reign was like to have been over-run by the Muscovites for they had so great Advantages over the Poles that they took several Towns from them in a Dutchies of Severia Smolensko and Lithuania In these Wars the Muscovites were not a little politick for they took occasion to invade the Poles either when they had Wars abroad or Disturbances at home but at last King Batori having appeas'd his own intestine Jars and made Peace with his Neighbours by the concurrence of a general Diet declar'd War against the Muscovites and pour'd in upon 'em with such Vigour and Success that in three Years time he re-took all his own Towns and besides carry'd the
the Opposition of the Lithuanians who did but dishonour their Country by excluding a Piasto yet they ought to choose one to shew the World that if their Ancestors had not done the like oftner it was because they had a mind to avoid the Jealousies which would have arisen between so many Subjects that deserv'd the Crown and that since now there was one present whose Merit was not to be question'd they ought forthwith to elect him Then he proceeded to name John Sobieski with this Character That his Life had been entirely devoted to the Service of the State which even while he was speaking peaceably enjoy'd the Fruits of his late Victory at Chocim and further that this present Happiness was hut a Specimen of what he was able to do for his Country and lastly that the Crown was due to Sobieski out of meer Gratitude and Acknowledgment since it was through his means that they sat there and had a Power to dispose of it The Gentry of Russia being influenc'd by what their Palatin had said immediately declar'd for Sobieski who was a Native of their Province and all the rest of Poland soon follow'd their Example together with some Palatinates of Lithuania brought over by the Management of Prince Radzivil Vice-Chancellor of that Dutchy every one being forward to deserve Favours from one whom they had acknowledg'd for their Prince The Great General of Lithuania being highly displeas'd at all these Proceedings left the Diet in a Heat and together with his Friends march'd out of the Field about Nine at Night no body being able to bring him back Hereupon he immediately enters Protest against this Election alledging that it was against the Constitution of the Kingdom for any King to be chosen without the common Consent The next day being the 20 th of May the Lithuanians return'd into the Field but retir'd after having made their Protestations against this Election whereupon several Senators and Nuncio's were sent to re-cal them but their Answer was that they were going to deliberate upon the Matter and would inform them of their Resolutions by their Deputies The Poles and Lithuanians who had espous'd Sobieski's Interest forthwith commanded the Bishop of Cracow to proclaim him which notwithstanding this Prelate declin'd wisely foreseeing the Disorders so rash an Election might occasion and which might probably end in a Civil War The Deputies of Lithuania arriv'd a little while after whereof the Chief being the Bishop of Vilna Brother to the Grand General deliver'd the Message giving Sobieski the Title only of Grand Marshal yet in the conclusion of his Discourse he told them that he was ready to give his Vote for him but desir'd the proclaiming him might be defer'd till next day to the end the Lithuanians might assist at it and thereby the Election become unanimous which Request of his was readily granted Whereupon the 21 st of May Andrew Trzebicki Bishop of Cracow who presided at the Diet in the room of the Primate Czartoriski just then deceas'd which happen'd very well for Sobieski the Primate having been no Friend of his went with the Senators before the New Prince to the Place of Election where they were met by the Lithuanians with their General Patz at their head who was too politick not to assist there with his whole Family JOHN SOBIESKI was soon after proclaim'd and the Gentry proceeded to sing Te Deum in the Cathedral of Warsaw ending the Day with usual Acclamations and Rejoicings This Prince was descended of a Noble and Antient Family tho none of the most considerable nor richest in the Kingdom His Father James Sobieski was Castellan of Cracovia a Person no less eminent for his Abilities in Affairs of State than renown'd for his Courage and Conduct in the Field He was employ'd in the Year 1621 as Embassador and Plenipotentiary upon a Treaty of Peace which by his Prudence and Address was honourably concluded with Sultan Osman He distinguish'd himself likewise on many other important Occasions and after several other great Services faithfully perform'd for his Country he dy'd in the Year 1646. His Mother was one of the Daughters of Stanislaus Zolkiewski Grand Chancellor and Grand General of the Crown who bravely fought that memorable Battle at Cicora on the 10th of September 1620 and tho he was again five times attack'd by the Turks on the 2d of October in the same Year yet he gallantly repuls'd them till at last being overpower'd with Numbers and forsaken by his Followers he was slain couragiously fighting among the thickest Troops of his Enemies This Prince was carefully educated by his Parents in his Youth and sent to travel into France where his Father bought him a Captain of Horse's Commission which gain'd him great Experience He also travell'd into England Germany and Italy where having observ'd all the different Manners Interests Laws Military Discipline Strength and Policies of those People and in a word all else that was necessary for a Person of Quality to learn in his Travels he at last return'd home when Casimir after several Trials both of his Valour and Discretion and admiring at his great Merit and quick Parts which he had improv'd so well both in Languages Sciences and Military Accomplishments made him first a Colonel of Foot and afterwards Captain of his Guards and from thence advanc'd him gradually through all the Posts of his Army till he arriv'd at being Grand Marshal of the Crown in the room of Lubomirski and Grand General of Poland in the room of Potoski He behav'd himself in all these Employments with that Courage and Prudence as became a Souldier and was reputed the Hero of his Age and the Terrour of the Ottoman Empire He marry'd Mary de la Grange Daughter to the Marquess of Arquien not long since made Cardinal of the Family of La Grange in Nivernois in France She by the contrivance of King Casimir's Queen to whom she was Maid of Honour was first marry'd to Prince Zamoiski one of the greatest Palatins in the Kingdom and after his Death to the Grand General Sobieski by whom she had several Children and amongst the ●●est three hopeful Princes the eldest of which has the Honour to be Brother-in-Law to the Emperour King of Spain King of Portugal and to the Duke of Modena by marrying one of the Princesses of Neuburgh This Prince was not Crown'd till above fifteen Months after his Election during which time he gain'd great Advantages over the Turks and forc'd them to a Peace at Zorowna whereby they were oblig'd to remit the yearly Tribute stipulated for by King Michael but were still to be left in possession of the Fortress of Caminiec At the time of his Election he was pleas'd to promise of his own free Will and Motion that the Queen-Dowager should be provided for sutably to her high Quality and extraordinary Merit as also that the Arrears of the Army should be
effected many glorious Enterprizes died peaceably leaving three Nephews Borcus Cunossus and Spera all which separately succeeded him in his Dominions Borcus took for his Share part of Samogitia where he built a Castle on the River Juria a Branch of the Niemen and call'd it after his own Name and that of the River whereon it stood Jurburg which continues even at this day Cunossus extending his Dominion a different way built Kunossow another Castle calling it after his own Name and which remains to this day Spera likewise built a Castle near the River Swenta where he began his Reign At length Borcus and Spera dying Cunossus seiz'd on both their Dominions but soon after di'd also and left two Sons Kyernus and Gybutus whereof Kyernus settled in Lithuania and built the Castle Kyernow which he made the Place of his Residence and Gybutus resided in Samogitia which he likewise govern'd Both these Brother 's joining together made huge Devastations in Russia and carried away great Booty but upon their return home found Samogitia serv'd the like Sauce by the Livonians To revenge which they forthwith enter'd Livonia and burnt and plunder'd all that Country wherever they came Kyernus dying was succeeded in Lithuania by his Son Zivibundus and Gybutus in Samogitia by his Son Muntwil which last having reign'd but little dy'd and left his Son Vikint to succeed him in Samogitia but Zivibundus liv'd a great while after and prov'd no small Victor over the Russians and Tartars for being willing to shake off the Russian Yoke he sent his Brother Wikinti Erdzivil to invade that Country who so far succeeded as to take the City and Castle of Novogrodec and to fix the Seat of a Dutchy there And after proceeding further he built the strong Castle of Grodno on the River Niemen Then he descended into Podlachia where he took several Towns and soon reduced all that Province Afterwards he conquer'd Kurdassus Prince of the Tartars at a Town call'd Mozera near the River Okuniowka This Erdzivil after many Heroick Actions and succeeding his Brother Zivibundus di'd and left two Sons Mingailus and Algimuntus and divided his Dominions between them Algimuntus chose for his part Samogitia and Mingailus rul'd over Lithuania and Polocz which last Country he took from the Russians and likewise extended his Dominion over all the Dutchy of Novogrodec This Duke died and left two Sons Skirmunt and Ginvil Skirmunt having perform'd his Father's Obsequies enter'd upon the Government of Lithuania with the Dutchy of Novogrodec And Ginvil by natural Right seiz'd upon Polocz which having govern'd for some time he died and left to his Son Boris who rul'd a great while in Polocz and built a famous Church there with Brick calling it Sancta Sophia He likewise founded several other famous Edis●●ces with the Town and Castle of Borissow upon the River Beresina To him succeeded his Son Basilius Rechwold who liv'd to a great Age and left behind him a Son called Hlebus and a Daughter nam'd Poroskavia Hlebus surviv'd his Father but a little while and Poroskavia wholly devoted her self to the Greek Religion but afterwards went to Rome where she died and was Canonized for a Saint Now to return to the Dukes of Lithuania Skirmunt obtain'd great Conquests over the Tartars and Russians and dying left his Uncle Kukovoitus to succeed him in Lithuania and Samogitia who having govern'd a good while died and left his Dominions to his Son-in-Law Giedrussus who had marri'd his Daughter Poiata This Duke dying left for his Successor his Son Ringolt who having perform'd his Father's Funeral-Rites after the Pagan manner enter'd upon the Government of Lithuania and Samogitia Against this Duke the Russians join'd ●●y the Tartars march'd with great fury to reduce him to pay Tribute but he timely opposing them with equal Force gave them a signal Overthrow near Mohilna on the River Niemen At length this Ringolt famous likewise for several other Victories died and left his Dominions to his Son Mindog or Mendog in the Year 1240 who had various Conflicts with the Dukes of Smolensko and Volhynia both which at last he totally subdu'd He likewise fought several Battels with Boleslaus the Chast King of Poland and Daniel Emperor of Moscovy in most of which the Christians were worsted with great slaughter He frequently made Incursions into Masovia Dobrina Cujavia c. and return'd with great Booty He also had bloody Wars with the Teutonic Knights of Prussia and Livonia But at length in the Year 1252 being over-perswaded by the then Great Master Henricus de Zalcza he gave up all his Dominions to that Order in acknowledgment of several Honours and Services done him and moreover consented to turn Christian and afterwards sent to Rome to pay his Devoir to that See Whereupon Innocent IV. deputed his Brother Heinderic to consecrate him King But whether it were that Mindog repented the loss of his Dominions or for any other Cause it is certain that he refus'd to receive this Nuncio and the very same Year together with all his Country returned to their former Idolatry Nevertheless the Teutonic Knights suffer'd him to continue King and under him in conjunction with the Lithuanians Samogitians c. invaded Masovia and made great Havock of that Country But afterwards Mendog being unmindful any farther of the Civility of those Knights turn'd his Arms against their Country destroying most of their Cities and returning with great Spoils Next Mendog having gathered together a great Army and being likewise assisted by Swarno Duke of Russia marched against Semovitus Duke of Masovia whom together with his Son Conrade he surpriz'd in his Palace of Jasdow where Swarno struck off Semovitus his Head with his own hand but Conrade was preserv'd by Mendog and afterwards ransom'd by his Countrymen Soon after this the Lithuanians and Russians having made great Devastations in Masovia retir'd with the Spoils and Captives into their several Countries The next Year the same People not being content with their former Irruptions march'd again into Masovia but scarce finding any thing left to prey upon by reason of their last Year's Work they only burnt and plunder'd a House belonging to the Arch-bishop of Gnesna and so return'd home At length Heaven thought fit to favour the Polish Christians by taking away King Mindog who was murder'd by his Nephew Stroinat and his Son-in-Law Dowmant in the Year 1263. Stroinat begun his Reign in the Year 1263 by the murder of his Brother Towcivil Duke of Polocz but not long afterwards Woisalk Son of Mendog tho then a Russian Monk being mindful of his Father's Death depriv'd him also of Life and immediately seiz'd on his Dominions Woisalk took upon him only the Title of Duke and began his Government with frequent Irruptions into Poland Mascovia and Prussia But in the Year