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A67709 Xenophon's history of the affairs of Greece in seven books : being a continuation of the Peloponnesian War, from the time where Thucydides ends, to the battel at Mantinea : to which is prefixed an abstract of Thucydides and a brief account of the land and naval forces of the ancient Greeks / translated from the Greek by John Newman. Xenophon.; Newman, John. 1685 (1685) Wing X19; ESTC R31868 205,778 512

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says They had a Drachma or Seven Pence Half-penny a Day but we find in the First Book of this History that Lysander moved Cyrus to encrease the Seamens Pay and raise it from Three Oboli to a Drachma which contained six shewing that the Seamen would come into the Lacedemonian Service and desert the Athenian because they always resort thither where most Pay is to be had At last Lysander prevailed with Cyrus to raise the Pay to Four Oboli which was Five Pence English The Athenians had not always one Admiral but sometimes more as when Alcibiades went out they had Three and when he was put out of Commission there were Ten chosen On the contrary the Lacedemonians had one Admiral called Navarchus who had under him a Vice-Admiral called Epistoleus that Commanded in absence of the other When the Admirals design'd to Engage they left their Main-Masts and Sails ashore because they were an hindrance to them in time of Fight especially when they rowed against the Wind. The manner of their Engaging was to brush off the Enemies Oars whereby the Ship was disabled and to give each other the shock whereupon the Prows of the Ships were fortified with strong pieces of Timber and Brass they always striving to strike a Ship on her side that being the weakest part of her and he that was attacked endeavoured to receive the stroak on his Prow or decline it There were three Figures that the Fleets usually drew up in which they did upon several accounts according as they saw it most advantagious There was the 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 or Half-Moon in this they placed the strongest Ships in both the Horns If the Ships were nimble they drew up 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 in a Line or Series that they might surround the Enemy sometimes in a close Body and that was when they were bad Sailers because by this Figure they could sustain the shock of the nimble Ships that they might not break through them Other-whiles they rang'd their Ships in a mixt Form some in a Body and some in a Line or single Order called 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 After a Victory was obtain'd they erected a Trophy in some convenient place on the Continent and the 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 or Stems though Schefferus will have them to be Jacks and Colours were taken by the Victors and born in Triumph ☞ Note that the Stater mentioned in the Fift Book ought rather in proportion to be understood of the Silver Coin which Scaliger values at Four Drachma's or 2 s. 6 d. Sterling than of the Golden Coin which W. Snellius prizes at 25 Drachma's or 15 s. 7 d. ob THE CONTENTS AN Abstract of the Peloponesian War out of Thucydides Page 1. Xenophon 's History of the Affairs of Greece LIB I. A Fight between the Lacedemonians and Athenians in which Mindarus the Lacedemonian Admiral is slain Hermocrates and the Syracusian Admirals are banished by the People Alcibiades returns from Exile and is made Generalissimo He leaves the Fleet under the Command of Antiochus his Captain who in his Absence engages with Lysander and is beaten which ruined Alcibiades The great Sea-Fight near Arginusae wherein the Lacedemonians were vanquished and Callicratidas their Admiral slain The Athenian Admirals are tried for not taking up their men in the Fight unjustly condemned and put to Death p 31. LIB II. Eteonicus prevents the Conspiracy of his Soldiers Lysander surprises the Athenian Fleet at Aegospotamos Athens besieged and taken by Lysander The Thirty Tyrants set up Thrasybulus expels them p. 81. LIB III. The Heroick Mania succeeds her Husband in his Province and is barbarously murdered by Zenis her Son in Law. Agis dies and Agesilaus succeeds him Cinado's Plot. Agesilaus's Expedition into Asia The War breaks out between the Thebans and Lacedemonians Lysander is slain before the Walls of Haliartus p. 133. LIB IV. The Marriage Treaty between Cotys King of Paphlagonia and Spithridates's Daughter The Thebans are vanquisht by the Lacedemonians in a Sea-Fight at Cnidus The Battel at Chaeronea The Massacre at Corinth Corinth surprized by the Argives and recovered by Praxitas The Walls of Athens rebuilt by Conon Antalcidas is sent to Teribazus the Persian to negotiate a Peace The Lacedemonians defeated by Iphicrates and Anaxibius their General slain p. 189. LIB V. Teleutias a Famous General Antalcidas returns from Persia with Articles of Peace and a Peace is made Mantinea taken and the Citizens obliged to live in Villages The Citadel of Thebes betrayed to the Lacedemonians and recovered Teleutias slain at Olynthus Agesipolis dies The Lacedemonians Power declines The Thebans draw the Athenians into the War against the Lacedemonians Sphodrias impeached for beginning the War and acquitted p. 261. LIB VI. Jason made Captain General of Thessaly Mnasippus the Lacedemonian Admiral ruined by his Avarice Iphicrates a Famous General of the Athenians The States of Greece Assemble about making a Peace A Peace is made and broken The Battel at Leuctra wherein the Lacedemonians are overthrown by the Thebans Jason is murdered in the height of his Glory The Lacedemonians beg Assistance of the Athenians against the Thebans p. 327. LIB VII A Treaty betwixt the Lacedemonians and the Athenians The Rise of the Arcadians under Lycomedes The Thebans projecting to enslave Greece send Pelopidas to treat with the King of Persia The signal Fidelity of the Phliasians to the Lacedemonians Euphron the Tyrant of Sicyon assassinated The Battel at Mantinea wherein Epaminondas was slain p. 389. AN ABSTRACT OF THE Peloponnesian War OUT OF THUCYDIDES LIB I. THE Greeks having vanquisht the formidable Armies of Darius and Xerxes became the most renowned People in the World. And from that time the Lacedemonians and Athenians encreasing their Power and Forces the rest of the lesser States sided with the one or other of them according as their Inclinations or Interests led them But the Lacedemonians employing their Arms at Land engaged those they subdued only to conform their Government to the Spartan Model not exacting any Tribute from them On the contrary the Athenians by the Encouragement of Themistocles having set out a Fleet reduced with it the Islands of the Aegean Sea improv'd their Commerce and obliged their Allys to pay certain Impositions and Taxes whereby they became exceeding Wealthy and Powerful The growth of the Athenians imposed a necessity on the Lacedemonians of making War The pretence of which was Epidamnus a Colony of the Corcyreans Who growing first Rich and then Factious banished several of their Citizens The Exiles joyning with the Barbarians brought the Epidamnians so low that they were necessitated to send for Succour to Corcyra their Mother-City But the Corcyreans rejecting their request they dispatcht Messengers to the Oracle to inquire Whether they might not surrender to the Corinthians as their Founders Because Phalius that setled the Colony was a Corinthian The Oracle answered them They might accordingly they profered their Submission to them and they readily
Lacedemonians should march out of their Countrey who gladly accepted it and taking their dead retired out of Boeotia After this Action the Lacedemonians went away much dejected but the Thebans insulting fell upon those that stragled in the Villages and pursued them to the Roads Thus ended the Expedition of the Lacedemonians and Pausanias when he came home was tried for his Life being accused for coming later to Lysander at Haliartus than he ought to have done having agreed to meet him by a certain day and for that he had made Truce to fetch off the killed and had not attempted it by fighting as also for that he dismissed the Athenians taken in the Piraeus besides all this he did not make his Appearance and therefore was condemned to lose his Life But he made his Escape to Tegea where he sickned and died of a Distemper And this was the State of Affairs in Greece at that time XENOPHON'S History OF THE Affairs of Greece LIB IV. THE CONTENTS The Marriage Treaty between Cotys King of Paphlagonia and Spithridates's Daughter The Thebans are vanquisht by the Lacedemonians The Athenians beat the Lacedemonians in a Sea-fight at Cnidus The Battel at Chaeronea The Massacre at Corinth Corinth surprized by the Argives and recovered by Praxitas The Walls of Athens rebuilt by Conon Antalcidas is sent to Teribazus the Persian to negotiate a Peace The Lacedemonians defeated by Iphicrates and Anaxibius their General slain AFterwards early in the Autumn Agesilaus entring Phrygia the Government of Pharnabazus burned and destroyed the Countrey taking in some Cities by Force and others by Surrender But Spithridates telling him That if he would go with him into Paphlagonia he would bring him to an interview with the King thereof and make him an Ally Agesilaus was very forward to go having a great desire a long time before to bring over this Nation from the Obedience of the King of Persia After Agesilaus arrived in Paphlagonia Cotys came to him and made an Alliance for though he was sent for by the King of Persia he went not too him but by the perswasion of Spithridates left a thousand Horse and two thousand Targetiers with Agesilaus who returning his thanks to Spithridates for them said Tell me Spithridates won't you bestow your Daughter on Cotys That I would replied he more willingly a great deal than Cotys King of so large a Countrey and so mighty a People would marry a poor Exiles Daughter Thus much only was mentioned at that time about a Match but afterwards Cotys being upon his departure came to take his leave of Agesilaus who ordering Spithridates to withdraw said to Cotys in the presence of the XXX Commissioners Pray tell me Cotys of what kind of Family is Spithridates descended Of one replied he that is no ways inferiour to any in Persia Have you seen said Agesilaus what an handsome Son he has What then says Cotys Yes I have for last Night I supped with him They say replies Agesilaus that he has a Daughter more beautiful than he Before God says Cotys she is a Beauty Then replied Agesilaus Since you are become one of our Friends by my consent you shall marry her for first she is extraordinary handsome the most welcome Quality in a Wife and then descended of a most Illustrious Father and one of so considerable Power that being affronted by Pharnabazus he has revenged himself in the manner you see and chased him out of his Province You may be assured therefore said he that as he is able to revenge himself on an Enemy so he can oblige a Friend and consider with your self that if such a thing should be you will not only contract an Affinity with him but with me also and the rest of the Lacedemonians and we as you well know are the leading People of all Greece What Nuptial Solemnity therefore can be more Pompous than yours What Bride was ever attended by so many Horse Targetiers and Heavy-armed men as shall conduct yours to your Court Then Cotys asking him said Agesilaus Does Spithridates approve of what you say By Heaven replied he Cotys I speak not by his Order for though the pleasure of revenging my self on an Enemy be very sweet yet I am much more pleased when I can find out any thing that can be serviceable to a Friend Then said Cotys why don't you ask his Consent Go you therefore Herippidas and the rest says Agesilaus and inform him of these Proposals and use all the best Arguments you can to perswade him so they went and acquainted him And whilst they staid Agesilaus said Shall we Cotys send for Spithridates hither for I believe he will be sooner prevailed upon by you than by all together Soon after Agesilaus sent for Spithridates and the rest and when they drew near Herippidas said Agesilaus Not to trouble you with the whole Relation of the Matter Spithridates says he will submit wholly to your pleasure Then 't is my pleasure says Agesilaus that you Spithridates bestow your Daughter on Cotys and that you Cotys accept her and I wish you much joy Yet we cannot send you her by Land before the Spring Faith saith Cotys but you may presently have her conveyed if you please by Sea. In Conclusion the Marriage-Treaty being ratified Cotys was dismissed Immediately Agesilaus knowing him to be in hast fitted out a Gally giving Orders to Callias the Lacedemonian to convey the Lady and went himself to Dascyllium the Court of Pharnabazus which had a great many and large Villages about it furnished with all necessaries for life as also Wild Beasts some in Parks and others in Forrests exceeding delightful being encompassed by a River stored with all sorts of Fish and abundance of Fowls for those that loved the Game There he took up his Winter Quarters and partly in that Place and partly by Depredations in the Countrey got Provisions for his Army but as the Soldiers never having been foyled before contemned the Enemy and were not upon their Guard when they foraged Pharnabazus with two Scythed Chariots and four hundred Horse met them stragling in the Plains As soon as the Greeks discovered him advancing towards them about seven hundred of them drew up in a Body Pharnabazus without any more ado placed the Chariots in the Front and following himself with the Horse in the Rear commanded them to drive upon the Enemy The Chariots falling in and breaking their Body the Horse forthwith killed and took Prisoners an hundred men and the rest fled to Agesilaus who was not far off with the Heavy-armed men Three or four days after Spithridates discovered Pharnabazus's Camp at Caue a large Village about an hundred and sixty Furlongs from thence and immediately informed Herippidas of it who ever longing to perform some brave Exploit desired of Agesilaus two thousand Heavy-armed men as many Targetiers Spithridates's Horse the Paphlagonians and what Greek Horse he could prevail with besides When he had obtained a Promise of
Therefore if either you regard your Honour or care for living in your own Country you must engage them This was his Friends Advice But his Enemies cried Now he will discover whether he as 't is reported has any real respect for the Thebans or no. When Cleombrotus heard this he was egg'd on to fight On the other hand the Theban Captains considered that if they gave him not Battel the adjacent Towns would revolt that they should be besieged and that if the people of Thebes wanted Provisions the City would go near to rise up against them Moreover several of those who had been banished before concluded it was better to die upon the Spot than to be banished a second time Besides an Oracle went about that the Lacedemonians should be overthrown near the * These were the Daughters of Leuctrus and Scedasus whom the Lacedemonian Ambassadors ravished and they calling to Heaven for Vengeance killed themselves Diod. Sic. l. 15. Graves of those Virgins who it was said made away themselves because they had been forced by some Lacedemonians and this put life into them The Thebans adorned the Monuments of the Virgins before the Fight News also was brought from the City that all the Temples opened of their own accord and that the Priestesses said that the Gods Prognosticated a Victory They reported also that the Arms in Hercules's Temple disappeared as if Hercules himself had been gone out to Battel Yet some say that these were only the Devices of the Generals In the Battel every thing thwarted the Lacedemonians but Fortune disposed all things well for the Thebans After Dinner Cleombrotus held the last Council of War before the Battel and because they had drank pretty well at Dinner 't was said the Wine did give them a Whet. When both Sides were armed The Battel at Leuctra and it was certain that there would be a Battel the Sutlers Drudges and such as had no mind to fight left the Baeotian Army at first but Hiero's Mercenaries and the Phocean Targetiers as also the Phliasian and Heraclean Horse fetching a compass fell upon them as they retired and drove them back pursuing them to the Camp and thereby made the Boeotian Army far more numerous and stronger than it was before There was a Plain between both Armies and in it the Lacedemonians placed their Horse before the Battel On the contrary the Thebans confronted them with theirs which by reason of the War with the Orchomenians Thespieans were well experienced but the Lacedemonian Cavalry never were in a worse condition for the richest men set out Horses so that when an Army was to be levied the man took the Horse and such Arms as were given him and went immediately into the Service thus appointed they too that served on Horse-back were men of weak bodies and without any sense of honour at all These were the Cavalry on both sides 'T is reported that the * 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 contains 2 men and 4 Officers which being drawn up 3 in rank made 12 in File Scol Thucid lib. 5. Divisions of the Lacedemonian Phalanx were Marshalled three in Front whereby they were Twelve deep On the contrary the Thebans were drawn up Fifty deep concluding if they beat those about the King they should easily defeat the rest When Cleombrotus began to move towards the Enemy before the rest of the Army perceived that he advanced the Horse were engaged and soon routed who falling foul in their flight upon the Heavy-armed men were attacked by the Theban Troops Nevertheless one may conclude from this plain Argument that Cleombrotus had the better at first for if they that fought before him had not had the advantage at that time they could not have taken him up and carried him off alive But after General Dino and Sphodrias one of the Council of War and his Son Cleonymus were slain the Horse * 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 Crag Lieutenant Colonels and others that were pressed by the multitudes gave back Thereupon when their left wing saw their right disordered they retreated Nevertheless tho' many were slain yet the Vanquished repassed the Trench which was before the Camp and stood to their Arms in the place from whence they first moved for their Camp was not on a Level but rather on a rising Ground Some of the Lacedemonians thinking this Defeat was not to be endured declared they ought not to suffer the Enemy to erect a Trophy and that they were obliged not to fetch off their Slain upon Truce but by force of Arms Yet when the great Officers saw that near a thousand Lacedemonians were slain and four hundred out of seven hundred Spartans killed and that the Confederates had no mind to fight some of them being not much concerned for their loss they called the fittest men together and consulted what measures to take It was the general opinion at last to fetch off the killed upon Truce and accordingly they sent an Herald about it so the Thebans restored their Dead and erected a Trophy When the news of this Defeat was brought to Lacedemon the Ephori were troubled at it as they had reason to be yet it being the last day of the * Men and women exercised naked and exposed their bodies to the weather to make them hardy Plut. in Lye●●g Feast wherein the Children exercised naked and the mens Chorus being in the Pit they did not bid them withdraw but make an end of their Exercise and then gave an account of the Names of those that were slain to their Relations chargeing the Women not to make any howling but to conceal their loss patiently The next Day one might see those whose Relations were slain walking abroad gay and merry but a few of those appeared whose Friends were said to have escaped and those too dejected and sneaking up and down Soon after the Ephori decreed to raise an Army out of the remaining Regiments and take in men to seventy years of age for they had sent some of the same age out of the Regiments which were abroad they that were sixty five years old being gone into the Phocean War before this Fight and those that were left at home to bear the Publick Offices were ordered to go into the Service Agesilaus was not yet recovered of his Indisposition whereupon his Son Archidamus was made General whom the Tegeans willingly followed to the Wars for Stasippus Faction which sided with the Lacedemonians were still in being and carried all before them The Mantineans out of the Villages also being under an Aristocratical Government joyned them Besides these the Corinthians Sicyonians Phliasians and Acheans went readily into the Service and other Cities sent their Forces Moreover the Lacedemonians and Corinthians fitted out some Gallies and desired the Sicyonians to do the like intending to transport their Army on board them Hereupon Archidamus sacrificed for an Expedition The Thebans immediately after the Fight Dysnicetus Archon sent