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A60307 The History of the Turks describing the rise and ruin of their first empire in Persia, the original of their second : containing the lives and reigns of their several kings and emperors from Ottoman its first first founder to this present year, 1683, being a succinct series of history, of all their wars (forreign and domestick) policies, customs, religion and manners, with what else is worthy of note in that great empire. I. S. 1683 (1683) Wing S39; ESTC R31795 386,077 658

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Infidels thus foiled though the City still held out Corradi●e Sultan of Damasco and Jerusalem sent his Ambassador to the Christian Princes to sue for Peace for himself and his Brother the Sultan of Egypt In lieu whereof he promised to restore the Holy-Cross and all the Towns his Father Saladine had taken from the Christians which large offer was thought reasonable by most of the Princes none opposing it but Pelagius the Popes 〈◊〉 John the late made King of Jerusalem the 〈◊〉 of the Knights Templers and Hospitallers and the Duke of A●siria they alledging that the War was undertaken generally against the Infidels and that they ought not to desist till they had brought them under Whereupon the S●●●●n supposing they would speedily come to Jerusalem caused it to be rased all exce●● 〈◊〉 Tower of David and the holy Sepulcher 〈…〉 instance of the Christians there dwelling 〈…〉 with all his people departed to Da●●● 〈◊〉 but 〈…〉 Christians though too late repented their 〈…〉 advantageous an offer for 〈…〉 of the raw 〈◊〉 and Vapors that ascended from Ni●●s a mortal Contagion raged in the ●●mp and much weakened it so that the Sultan taking the advantage indeavoured to put succors into the Town with such speed that many entered ere the Christians could take the Alarum but they falling in the Rear cut off a great number that were shut out lest the Christians should have entered Pell-mel with them into the City and heightened with this success they marched to the Sultans Camp and dared him to battel but he not willing to hazard his Kingdom upon a cast refusing they assaulted him in his Lodging In which daring Attempt the French General was lost with many more of note so that without success they again returned to the Siege Famine beginning to rage extreamly in the City and soon after its attendant the Plague of which such a number died that there were none left to defend it So that the Christians entering found all the Streets paved with the dead 70000 of the Infidels having perished therein through obstinacy who upon surrender might have had their Lives and Liberties Thus this great City after a years Siege was taken the Third of November 1221. After which the Popes Legate laying Claim to it in the behalf of his Master though at the beginning of the War the Princes had concluded that all the Cities and Tow●● 〈◊〉 should be put into the Possession of the King of Jerusalem a Contest arose between them insomuch that the King retired to 〈◊〉 and was hardly intreated to return upon whose return and the Arrival of the Duke of Bavaria with fresh Forces at the Legates intreaty a great part of the Army was drawn forth in order to the 〈◊〉 the City of C●● which they effected not without hopes of w●●●ing it but being unacquainted with the Country they i● camping in low Ground the 〈…〉 and overflowed their 〈…〉 Waters of a prodigious depth●●● that many perished therein and at last were obliged to re-deliver Damiata for their Ransom and so the Sultan relieving them with such necessaries as they wanted caused them to be Conducted out of Egypt Whereupon most of them returned into their own Country having first concluded a Peace for eight years with Coradine the Sultan of Damasco which Peace was by the Infidel inviolably observed King John upon his return at the instance of H●●or●us gave his Daughter Yoland in Marriage to Er●drick King of Sicilia and with her the Title of Jerusalem from whence the succeedings derived their Titles instiling themselves Kings of Jerusalem And now Henry the second Emperor of Constantinople being dead having Reigned eleven years and some odd days Peter Count of Ausseres was made Emperor in his stead who in revenge to Injuries done to the Ve●etians by Theodorus Angelius Prince of Epirus besieged him in D●●rachium but upon his feigned Submission a Peace was concluded when the Emperor too much crediting the perjured Wretch going into the City slenderly attended to an Entertainment to which the Epir●● had invited him was by his Commandment slain Upon the News of this sad disaster the Constantinop●li●●ns elected his Son Robert to succeed him but he lived nor long for having married a beautiful Lady before Contracted to a noble man of Burgundia he in revenge in the Emperors absence with a resolute Company broke into the Pallace and there seizing upon the 〈◊〉 cut off her Nose and Ears and afterward 〈◊〉 her Mother who had been the cause of the 〈◊〉 of the 〈◊〉 Contract threw her into 〈…〉 into the 〈…〉 Mountains living 〈…〉 of his Companions which 〈…〉 the Emperor that going to Rome in his return the died After him succeeded his Son by the name of Baldwin the Second being the fifth and last Emperor of the Lattins in Constantinople For Las●ares of whom I have before spoken after the overthrow he gave the Sultan mightily increasing his Power rigged a great many Ships and Siezed upon all the Islands in the Iconium and Egean Seas Lesbos Chios Sa●os Rhodes c. And by that means rendered himself so formidable that most Cities before in the possession of the Lattins revolted to him insomuch that without any great resistance he brought his Army to the Gates of Constantinople and then dying lefe his Son John Ducas Batazes to succeed him who prosecuting the War against the Latrius became more terrible then his Father strengthening himself by a Marriage between H●lena daughter to Assan King of Bulgaria and his Son Theodore And after that renewed the League with the Sultain of Iconium who was then 〈◊〉 in Warring against the Tartars During these p●ss●●es 〈◊〉 the German Emperor with great forces passed 〈◊〉 Syria but by Reason he did not humble himself to Greogry the ninth the proud Pre●●●● 〈◊〉 thereto by his Strumpet Fulminated against 〈◊〉 with Excommunications sending his Le●ters to the Christians not to aid nor receive him upon his 〈◊〉 but they did not regard the 〈◊〉 Pope 〈…〉 his Landing with his forces 〈…〉 joyfully and honourably received 〈…〉 to Sultan 〈◊〉 〈…〉 to 〈…〉 but 〈…〉 to 〈…〉 to his 〈…〉 desire 〈…〉 himself 〈…〉 that after 〈…〉 that the 〈…〉 the 〈…〉 was at hardly gladly 〈◊〉 to 〈◊〉 up the City of Jerusalem with all the Land of Palestine together with the Respective Cities taken by the Sultan Saladine and all the Christian Prisoners in lieu of a ten years Peace which was accorded and the Emperor with his Army coming to the desolate City of Jerusalem and there with great Solemnity on Easter Day Anno 1229 was Crowned King and so having fortifyed the City by repairing the Wall and Garrisoned Nazereth Joppa and other strong Cities and appointed Reynold Duke of Bavaria his Lieutenant in Syria he returned home where the Pope had put his Subjects in an uproar and Seized upon his Kingdom of Naples working him greater troubles then are convenient to be here related as not pertinent to this History only note that this was
that the Venetian Territories should be certainly known and seperated from the Turks by certain Bounds or Limits These conditions were Solemnly concluded on and confirmed both by Bajazet and the Senate of Venice and so affirmed Peace concluded in Anno 1503 after the Wars had continued between them for the space of 5 years Peace concluded with the Venetians Bajazet raised a great Army intending to invade Hungary but having been often foiled by that warlike Nation he changed his mind and Marched to suppress the insurrection in Albania a part of his Territory which done as he was returning a Derviller which is a Phantastical kind of a beggarly Turkish Monk using no other apparel but two Sheep Skins the one hanging before and the other behind who coming up to him as if he would have asked an Almes with a short Cimiter strock at him and beat him from his Horse and being about to redouble his blow had certainly dispatched him had not Ishender Bassa come in and with his Horsemans Mace struck the Varlet dead who afterwards by the Soldiers was hewn in pieces this treacherous and desperate act so moved Bajazet that he proscribed all them of that Superstitious order and banished them out of his Empire Bajazet after the incessant toiles of War resolving to repose himself committed the Management of his great Affairs to his 3 Bassa's viz. Alis Achmetes Kinsman to him that was slain and Jachia who having got the Reins of Empire in their hands for the space of 5 years suffered things to run into such disorder by regarding their private profit more then the publick good that a great part of the Lesser Asia was in an uproar by the means of Chasan Chelife and Schach Culi or Techellis two Persian Imposters who set the Multitude a madding by spreading a new fangled Doctrine more wicked then that of Mahomet their pretended Prophet To quench this Flame that began dreadfully to blaze into a Rebellion Bajazet was forced to rouse from his Lair yet the Doctrine could not nor is it to this day extirprated for being persecuted by Bajazet they fled into Persia and there pretending themselves to be the true Successor of Mahomet the Imposter and that none but they knew his Will and that those that believed not in their Doctrine should never Injoy any happiness after this Life with a deal of such ridiculous Cant they so besotted Asymbeiu●Vsun Cassanes the Persian King that he had to the first Author of this Doctrine viz. one Haider who was Master of these Disciples given his Daughter Martha in Marriage but he dying and his Son Jacup succeeding him in the Kingdom began to have his Brother-in-Law in suspition by reason of the multitude that followed him upon the account of his pretended Sanctity Insomuch that he caused him secretly to be murthered and raised a great Persecution against those that imbraced his Doctrine yet this Haider left a Son which he had by Martha his Wife named Hysmael who afterward became a Sophy of Persia as will appear in his Wars with Selymus Bajazet's Son and Successor but upon the Persecution raised by Jacup Son to Vsun Cassanes the two aforesaid Disciples of Haider fled to Armenia and there dwelling in Rocks began to tell Fortunes and other strange things which made the Rusticks suppose them men more then ordinarily inspired Insomuch that they gathered about them in great numbers insomuch that they came out of their Iurking Holes into walled Towns and taught boldly During the spreading of this Doctrine Hysmael the Son of Haider being grown to mans Estate and his Uncle Jacup dead he by the Aid of such as favoured his Fathers Doctrine won the Kingdom of Armenia and after that overthrowing Eluan the Persian King Son to his Uncle Jacup in a pitched Battle wherein the said King was slain he took Possession of all his Grand-fathers Dominions and from that time was called the great Sophy of Persia being afterward exceedingly beloved of his Subjects This Hysmale was no sooner Established in his Kingdom but he Established to his Power his Fathers Doctrine which Chusan Chelife and Techellis perceiving and understanding the unlooked for success of their Masters Son they resolved not to be Idle but to try their Fortune likewise Whereupon gathering a great number of their Proselytes in Arms they wasted again the Countries in the lesser Asia and being incouraged thereto by Hysmale with Promise of great Succours they set down before the City of Iconium sending out their Proclamations strictly to injoyn all the People thereabout to imbrace their Doctrine threatning them otherwise with Death and Confiscation of Goods which wrought such Terror in the Peasants that they had many of them joyned with them so that within a while their number was increased from 10 to 50000. Whereupon Orchanes and Mahomites two of Bajazets Nephews gathering what Forces they could Sallyed out of the City against them but were put to flight with the loss of most of their Men Corcutus also one of Bajazets Sons and then Governour of Thyatria Sypilus Magnesia and Phocia having leavyed a great Army durst not nevertheless to give them Battle but waited the coming of Caragoses Bassa who was raising great Forces in Cappadocia and Pontus having sent his Command to Achmetes one of Bajazets Sons to do the like but e'r he had gathered a sufficient Power the pretended Prophets came upon him put such Forces as he had to the Rout and forced Caragoses then Vice-Roy of Asia for his safety to fly into the City of Cutaie near unto the Mountain Horminius situate in the middle of the lesser Asia which City they besieged took by force and in it the Vice-Roy his Wife and Children putting most of the Citizens to the Sword and from thence marched to besiege the great City of Prusa but in their way hearing that Alis Bassa was come out of Europe with great Power and followed hard upon them they retreated and passed another way to avoid joyning with the Turks in the plain Ground of which the Bassa having Notice and dispairing to overtake them with his Footmen chose out 8000 of his swiftest Horse leaving Achmetes with the rest of the Army after a tedious March he fell in with their Rear Whereupon Techellis who was chosen General of the Rebels put his men in Battle Array when taking the most advantagious Ground he stayed the coming of the Turkish Horse who charged him in the Front with great Fury but wanting Foot to second them in so Hilly a Country were driven back which the Bassa perceiving drew forth 1000 Harquebusiers who served as Foot to oppose the Front whilst the Horse Charged on the right and left Wings of the Enemies Army which was performed with such Bravery that Techellis's Men gave Ground and in the Rear broke and disordered their own Ranks when Chelife one of the Impostors fighting desperately was slain But Techellis coming with fresh supplies restored the Battle to break which Alis
his Kingdom of England but at his return found it possessed by his younger Brother Henry who not only deprived him of his Kingdom but soon after of his Dutchy of Normandy And finally of his life by putting out his eyes which many held as a Judgment for his refusing the Scepter of Jerusalem Upon the Duke's declining the Princes unanimously chose Godfry of Bolloin Duke of Lorain who accepted the honourable and glorious Trust but at the time of his Inauguration refused to be crowned with a Crown of Gold saying that it became not a Christian to wear a Crown of Gold where Christ the Son of God had for the Salvation of mankind sometime worn a Crown of Thorns but long he had not injoyed his new acquired Dignity e'r News was brought that 100000 Turks Sarazens and Jews were upon their march to recover the City against whom the Christian Army advanced and gave them battle with so fearful an overthrow that all the Field and Plains for the space of ten miles were covered with the bodies of the slain and then passing on won many famous Cities every where putting the Infidels to the rout but not long after a great Mortality happening the Heroick Godfry King of Jerusalem died and was interred in the Church of the Sepulcher of our Saviour on Mount Calvery And Baldwin Count of Edassa his Brother succeeded him who with many Victories and Cities taken much inlarged the Territories of Jerusalem but besieging the City of Ptolemais he was in a Skirmish with those Turks wounded yet took the City and lived many years after but the wound being as was supposed given with an impoysoned weapon and not pertectly cured he died thereof in the eighteenth year of his Reign and was most favourably buried by his Brother his Sepulcher remaining yet visible After him succeeded his Couzen Baldwin Brugenses against whom the Caliph of Egypt aided by the King of Damasco and the Turks came with a great Army but they returned without effecting any thing yet not long after Gazi the greatest Prince of the Turks in the lesser Asia aided by the King of Damasco and Debeis King of Arabia came against Antioch with a great power and incamped at Aleppo against whom Roger Prince of Antioch advanced without staying for King Baldwin who was on his march with a great Army and unadvisedly joyning battel his Army was overthrown and himself slain but King Baldwin coming upon the Turks grown secure by reason of their new acquired Victory put them to the rout far and near filling all the Plains with the bodies of the slain but within a while after encountring with Balac General of the Persian Sultan's Army he was taken prisoner and his Army overthrown but after eighteen Months imprisonment for the Ransom of 100000 Ducats set at liberty and afterwards obtained many signal Victories over the Infidels and in his Reign was setled the order of the Knights Templers Hugh Paganus being the first great Master of that Order but King Baldwin the Second being tired and disordered with the many battels and having received many wounds after he had married Margaret his Eldest Daughter to Foulk Duke of Turin Anjoy and Mayn fell sick in the thirteenth year of his Reign Anno 1131. and constituting his Son in Law to succeed him gave up the Ghost and was buried in the Temple upon Mount Calvery near his Predecessors After the death of Baldwin Foulk was crowned King of Jerusalem viz. on the Sixth of September Anno 1131. by William the Patriark but the Devil envying the spreading of the Christian Religion endeavoured to stir up Division amongst the Christians in the beginning of this King's Reign for Pontius Count of Tripolis by force of Arms endeavoured to rend the City and Territories of Antioch from the Kingdom of Jerusalem and Hugh Count of Joppa being highly concerned in the Treason for fear of punishment joyned with the Sarazens that held the strong City of Ascalon but God prevented the mischief that thereby might have ensued by taking the former away by the Sword of the Turks and the latter being driven out of Ascalon died in Exile the very Heathens abhorring a Traytor These stirs were no sooner over but the Turks invaded Antioch with a powerful Army but the King coming suddainly upon them put them to flight with much slaughter and got in the plundring of their Camp great Riches After which John the Creek Emperor raised a great power to seize upon Antioch pretending it a part of his Empire but the Kings of Europe interposing he was content it should be holden by the present Prince the Earl of Poictou he paying him Homage for his Principality but being a man of a restless Spirit he soon after came again with a powerful Army thinking to have admittance into the City and so to surprize it but found his expectations frustrate for the Citizens would not admit him to enter unless with some few of his Followers in reveage of which he caused the Suburbs to be sacked and so returned into Cilicia where hunting a Boar whilst the furious Beast pressed on the Spear the Emperor held against him the Emperor's hand pressed upon the point of a poysono●s A●●o●● he had in his Quiver which entring the flesh the force of the poyson was such that in great pain he shortly died upon which Emanuel Elexus his Son was chosen in his stead Jerusalem by this means being ●t pea●e the King Queen and many great Commanders went without the Walls to take the Air when there ●●●nced a Hare to be started after which the King and those that accompanied him rid and he forcing his Horse he fell so that the King's head fell under him of which mortal bruise he in three days dyed in great torment viz. on the thirteenth of November Anno 1142. and was bu●ied by his Predecessors greatly lamented of all good Christians and after him succeeded Baldwin his Son the third of that name he being about thirteen years of Age and in his Reign came Conrade the Third Emperor of Germany with a powerful Army to the Assistance of the Christians in Syria who by the way being opposed by the Turks at the River Meander gave them battel and overthrew them with the slaughter of 30000 of the Enemy so that the River for many miles ran 〈◊〉 and then marching forward without the least Impeachment came to Iconium the Chief Seat of the T●●k●sh Kings in the lesser Asia which he besieged but it being strongly fortified and Want increasing in the Camp a Mortality hap●ned which destroyed so many of the Souldiers that the Emperor was forced to raise his Siege and to return home The occasion of this 〈◊〉 was said to be occasioned by eating of Meal which the 〈◊〉 Emperor upon their passing through his Dominions had caused to be mingled with Lime 〈◊〉 no less envying the success of the Christians in Syria 〈◊〉 the Turks and by such like Treacheries he frustrated 〈◊〉 Expedition
Emperors ever since Amurath having settled his Conquests in Europe leaving a sufficient Power with his great Captains The Winter coming on the passed over into Asia but early in the Spring upon view tha the Christians were in Arms he returned and by the way took the Town of Boge putting the chief Inhabitants to the Sword and carrying away the rest Captives but held it not long e'r it was recovered and rased by the Christians who served the Turks in like manner In the mean time the Christian Army in Servia and Bulgaria consisting of 50000 Horse and Foot advanced in Order to their besieging Adrianople which obliged him for his better security to haste over the Hellespont giving Order for a great number of Asians to follow him but by reason of the Christians discord amongst themselves and refusing to joyn their Forces they were set upon at advantage and overthrown with the loss of half the Army e'r the Forces arrived from Asia The News of which fatal overthrow spreading wide Anairath's Fame spread wider Insomuch that German-Ogly Reigning in the lesser Asia and being chief of the Zelzuccian Family sent his Ambassadors to intreat a Marriage between his Daughter Hatun and young Bajazet in lieu of which he promised a great part of his Territory and that his Son-in-Law at his Death should succeed him in his Kingdom by that means joyning both Families into one the which in short time was accorded at the Celebration of which Nuptials the Ambassadors of almost all the Princes of the East were present who in the Names of their Lords presented the Bridegroom and Bride with exceeding rich Gifts but Amurath to outdo them all caused Euronoses to bring out of Europe 100 beautiful Boys with as many Virgins all Christian Captives clad in rich Garments imbroidered with Gold and Pearl each of them holding a Cup of Gold in the one hand and a Cup of Silver in the other filled with Jewels Pearls Amber and the like which he caused in requital of their Kindness given to the Ambassador to be At this Marriage Chusun-Beg Prince of Amisum in Galatia sold by his Ambassador his Territories of Amisum to Amurath as doubting to keep them the Turks Power being now so near him The Nuptials Celebrated Amurath making his Son Bajazer Governour of his Countries in Anatolia gathered what Forces he could for the Invasion of Servia taking by the way the strong City of Pherae and entering Servia the Despot no ways able to oppose him he took Nissa the Metropolis of that Province and soon after Apolonia with many other places of strength so in fourteen days over-run nigh all the Provinces but receiving News out of Asia that Aladine King of Caramania who a little before had Married his Daughter wasted his Countries in Asia with Fire and Sword which so inraged Amurath that making Peace with the Despot of Servia he passed over with an Army of 70000 Horse and Foot to whom in number Aladine was not inferior as having Confederated hmself with all the Petty Princes of Asia when after several overtures of Peace proposed and none accepted both Armies joyned on the great Plains of Carramania where after a dreadful Battle Aladin's Army was overthrown he was forced to fly into Iconium his chief City and was there straightly besieged but at the humble Supplication of his Queen who would have no denyal at her Fathers hands he upon his Submission was restored again to his Dignity and Kingdom as likewise were all the Princes his Confederates upon Condition of acknowledging him their supream Lord. Whilst these things passed the Despot of Servia grieving that he had made such a dishonourable League with the Turks and being told by his General sent with Forces to assist Amurath against the Caramanian King how despightfully he had used him and his Soldiers therewithal stirring him up to break the League and cast off the servile Yoak he sent secretly to the King of Bozan to request him to joyn with him against the Turkish Tyrant who willingly accorded and at an interview between the said King and the Despot all things were agreed upon Notice of which Amurath was not a little perplexed but yet resolving to take revenge he gathered great Forces to invade both Princes the which whilst he was doing the Captain of Alexandria took a Castle in the Confines of Bosan came privately to his Tent and offered to deliver to him most part of the Country if he would follow his directions strengthening his Promise with many specious Arguments insomuch that the Greedy Turk giving Credit to what he had said sent twenty thousand Men under the leading of his great Captain and Tutor Lala-Schalin who plundering part of the Country and at last by the said Captains device who had by Amurath been highly honoured especially with a rich Cloak which signifies the Person so invested to be highly in the Favour of the Turkish King but having drawn them within the Danger of the Ambush he sent to the King of Bosan who coming upon them with 30000 Greeks as they were stragling cut of 50000 of them the other 5000 with Schakin hardly escaping to tell the News With this overthrow of his Men Amurath was greatly inraged and gathering all his Power marched into Servia which before he had Relinquished upon the Despots becoming his Tributary where he found the Christians with a formidable Army ready to receive him when after some Towns and Castles taken on either side both Armies met upon the great Plains of Cossovia where when the Captains on either side had put their Men in Order exhorting them to do their best for obtaining the Victory they joyned with such Fury that the Earth trembled under their Feet and such was the horrid noise of Clashing Arms shouts of the Conquerors Cries of the Vanquished and Weeing of Horses that wild Beasts in the Mountains trembled and those that beheld the Fight supposed that showers of Arrows descended from the Clouds At first the Turks gave back being assailed by the Christians in great number and the Right Wing routed but Bajazet coming in with a fresh Power renewed the Battle which having continued eight hours with great slaughter Insomuch that all the Plains were covered with the Bodies of the slain most of the Christian Captains killed Valiantly fighting and amongst the rest Lazerus the Despot the Victory fell to the Turks those that fell in the Battle not being accounted less then 50000. After the Battle was over Amurath greatly Rejoycing in his huge Conquest in a Vain-glorious Humour would needs take a view of the heaps of the dead Carcasses which made the Plain Mountainous when as a half dead Soldier named Cobelits faint with loss of Blood and Wounds rising as it were from the Grave came towards him staggering and falling three or four times in twenty paces when those that were about him would have hindered his approach but Amurath Destiny so ordering Commanded he should have access supposing he
without being Assaulted So that all the Fruitful Island of Euboea fell into the Hands of the Turks who infinitely inriched themselves in taking the Spoil The Turks thus Triumphing over the Ocean Islands the Christians thought it no ways convenient to be lookers on but in time to oppose them whereupon the Venetians aided by Ferdinand King of Naples Sextus the fourth Bishop of Rome and the Great Master of Rhodes set out a powerful Navy under the command of Petrus Mocenicus a Valiant Venetian Gentleman and the better to Amate him both by Sea and Land drew Alymbeus Vsan Cassanes the great King of Persia into a League with them and so at once by Sea and Land invading the Ottoman Empire took many strong places and Loaded the Fleet with the Spoil which Fleet consisting of 85 so terrified Mahomet that he durst not ingage them nor once oppose their proceedings but in revenge thereof turned his whole force upon Epirus and Dalmatia which Countries having lost their Champion the renowned Scanderbeg growing Weak he mightily wasted with Fire and Sword till he had made an absolute conquest over them and the easier by Reason of the discords that arose amongst the great Commanders during the Minority of the King but ere Mahomet had well setled himself in those so much desired Countries he had news that the Persians with a great Army invaded his Countries in Asia which made him begin to consider how to defend his own rather then further to proceed in Conquering what appertained to others so that increasing his Army with no less then 320000 men he passed over the Helespont and after several Days marching came within a League of the Persian Army lead by Vsan Cassanes their King who after some debate gave the Turks Battle near the Mountains of Armenia in which one of the great Bassas together with 40000 Turks were Slain and the rest put to Flight which so discouraged Mahomet that had not his great Captains used many Arguments to perswade him to the contrary would have returned without attempting any thing further but being roused by their reproofs lest he should be suspected of Cowardise he resolved to try the Fortune of another Field in order to which he drew up his forces in Battalia near to the Straights of the Mountains and so fortified his Camp with Waggons and other cumbersome Carriages that it seemed a Walled City when in the midst of his Army he placed his great Artillery the which upon the first joyning of Battle his men opening to the Right and the Left played so furiously upon the Persian Horse-men that they soon began to Disrank by Reason their Horses upon hearing the unwonted Thundering of the Cannon would know no Ruler but with Head-strong fury Floundered first one way then another and by that means put all things into confusion of which Mahomet taking the advantage commanded his men furiously to charge upon the Enemy as flyers To resist whose fury and to stay the Flight of his men Zeinal Vsan Cassanes Eldest Son Labouring was Slain with a small Shot which more and more discouraged the Persians so that from retreating they betook themselves to plain Flight yet so great was the loss of Mahomet that he contented himself only with the Spoil of the Enemies Camp not thinking it convenient to persue them for it was generally Rumoured that in that Battle he lost 40000 men and the Persians 1000 only after which Mahomet returning home and Vsan Cassanes leaving his second Son with his Army for the defence of Armenia Ambassadors were sent by the former to Treat of a Peace the which to the great dislike of the Christians his Confederates the Persian concluded with the Turks After the Expedition into the Persian Territories Dyed the Couragious Prince Mustapha as some say of a Surfeit but others say that he was strangled by the Commandment of his Father for Ravishing Bassa Achmets Wife a Lady of Incomparable Beauty and Daughter to Isaac Bassa one of Mahomets chief Favorites Mahomet desirous to revenge the wrong done by the Venetians sent Solyman Bassa with 80000 Soldiers to besiege Scodra a strong City then in the possession of the Venetians and an Inlet into Epirus Dalmatia and Albania who Anno 1475 set down before it and having raised his Batteries gave it a furious assault but was repulsed by Antonius Lauretamus the Valiant Governour with great loss when a while after the Venetian Gallies coming up the River Boliana on whose Banks the City standeth and as the Turks were busie in laying a Chain across slew many of them and forced the rest to retire to their Camp out of which soon after Matthias King of Hungary drove them with the Terror of his approach the Bassa being glad after the loss of 14000 of his men to raise his Siege Anno 1476. Mahomet growing impatient to be thus hindred in his progreess of Victory by the Christians confederates set out a great Fleet under the conduct of Geduces Achmetes who did great harm to the Islands in the Mediterranean and hoped by Treason to have surprized the Island of Creet but was prevented by the Venetians who discovering the Plot Executed the Traitors before his arrival yet sailing into the Euxine he Landed his men in Taurica Chersonesus a Friutful Country belonging to the Genoways in hopes to have surprized the rich City of Caffa Scituate near to the Shoar but was repulsed with a great Slaughter of his men but being reinforced by fresh Troops he lay'd Siege to it which by Reason of the Turkish Garrisons all along the shoars of Bosphorus and the Hellespont could have no relief by Sea after a stout resistance surrendered and soon after all the Country to it appertaining most of the Merchants contrary to the promise of the Faithless Bassa being plundered of their Riches Mahomet thus conquering on grew dreadful to the Tartar princes Namely the Precopenses and Destenses who for fear of being invaded Voluntarily submitted themselves and became Tributaries having ever since been greatly serviceable to the Turks in their Wars who now impatient that the Venetians held several strong Towns in the Heart of the Ottoman Solyman Bassa with a great Fleet entering the Gulph of Corinth lay'd Siege to Naupactum now called Lepanto a strong City near Locris over against Pelopennesus but upon the arrival of Antonius Lauretanus with the Venetian Gallies after he had layn 4 Months before it and gave many unsuccesful assaults in a great fury raised his Siege in order to his returning to Constantinople and by the way Landing his men on the Isle of Lemnos in hopes to have surprized the City of Coccinum but were Valiantly repulsed by such Citizens and Merchants Strangers as were then near the Gate and amongst the rest one Merulla a Maiden of the City seeing her Father Slain took up his Weapon and with it made great Slaughter of the Turks that were entering the Gate upon which bad Success the Bassa departed for Constantinople