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ID Title Author Corrected Date of Publication (TCP Date of Publication) STC Words Pages
A53649 A voyage to Suratt in the year 1689 giving a large account of that city and its inhabitants and of the English factory there : likewise a description of Madiera, St. Jago, Annobon, Cabenda, and Malemba (upon the coast of by J. Ovington. Ovington, J. (John), 1653-1731. 1696 (1696) Wing O701; ESTC R26896 238,999 640

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the Vest for to put it on he desir'd the Secretary to present his humble Duty to the King and tell him he very much fear'd he would have more reason to Cherish and Preserve such Subjects as he was than to delight and sport himself in the Contrivance of their Deaths The Secretary was by Order strictly to observe both what he said and how he behav'd himself and therefore did not interrupt him but permitted none but himself and Jabber Beague to help him on with his Vest after which with a low Salam or Reverence he told him they were not sent by the King to Execute any Sentence of his Displeasure but to conduct him to his Favour and the greatest Honour he could bestow upon him therefore desir'd him to go along with them chearfully and immediately So with them he goes not very well assur'd of his Safety 'till they brought him a goodly Horse with rich Furniture and desir'd him to mount which he did and betwixt the Secretary and Jabber Beague rode to Court where he was the same Night Married to the Princess And the whole business was managed with so much privacy that Meera Mamood who had Married the King's second Daughter had not the least knowledge of it 'till it was publickly declared to whom the King had Married the Young Princess Which made Meera Mamood almost mad with Rage railing at the King and his Nobility but perceiving no body took notice of it but those that laugh'd at and despis'd him he left the Court and Kingdom and went to Delly where making his Addresses to Aureng-Zebe the Great Mogul he was kindly entertain'd and allow'd a Royal Pension The King is every Day more and more satisfied with his Son in Law yet being resolv'd not to trust him with any Command or Business nor to give him any opportunity of inriching himself or getting more Money than he spent gives him no Munsub that is no Command of Souldiers nor Government of any place or Province and orders one of his Eunuchs constantly to pay his Expences be they never so great but not to furnish him with any Money thereby to give him opportunity of laying up any The Young Sultan having an Excellent Understanding quickly perceiv'd the Design and wisely resolv'd to comply with it and be wholly govern'd and manag'd by the King's pleasure without taking any notice of his Jealousie So he seems not to care for nor so much as to think of any Command Business or getting of more Money than would pay for his Pleasures which did not only fix the Omrahs or Nobles and Governours to him they verily believing that if he were once King they should be all such in their general Governments but made the King himself even dote on him as a Man sent from Heaven to Marry his Daughter being just such a Person as in his thoughts he had wish'd for He therefore contrives by all the ways he could desire to secure the Succession to him for being sick and worn with Age and Pleasures to which he had been all his time wholly addicted and thinking he should die he summons all his Omrahs before him and publickly declares for his Successor Sultan Abdulla Hoosan his Son in Law conjuring them by the last Request of their Dying King to settle him after his Death in the Throne and to submit to his Government making them one by one not only promise but swear upon their Alcharon to perform what he had commanded after which he immediately dyed having liv'd above Eleven Years since the Marriage of his beloved Daughter who in that space of time had comforted him with a Son and two Daughters The King was no sooner dead but his second Daughter Wife to Meera Mamood having made a small Party seizes upon and secures the Palace on the behalf of a Son her Husband had by a former Wife for by her he had none whom she endeavour'd to make King but Moso Cawne Siud Meer Zapher and Musshuke quickly suppressed the Tumult she had made and immediatel proclaim'd Sultan Abdulla Hoosan Potshaw or Prince Abdulla Hoosan Emperour After all the Ceremonies both of a Funeral and Coronation were perform'd the King begins to think of gratifying those that had made him so for tho' he had long observ'd Moso Cawne and Siud Meer Zapher to be corrupt and ill Governours yet they had done him good Service and he could not without lessening his Name in the World but continue and something increase their Honour and Commands nor perchance was it in his power to lessen them in either since those that had made him King might still be made able to make another so yet it very much troubled him to think he should add to the too great Power they already had therefore taking some little time to consider what was fit for him to do at last he concludes that the way to lessen these two powerful Noble-men was to make them both too great for very well knowing they mortally hated one another and would never endure each others greatness but be always striving which should throw the other out of his Prince's Favour he therefore resolv'd so to divide the Administration of Affairs between them that they should be sure to check one the other and to carry himself so equally that it should not be discern'd which he most favour'd by which he both answer'd the Opinion the World had of his Bounty a thing much regarded in rewarding them with Honour and great Imployments and yet secur'd himself from the danger of two such powerful Subjects by making them too great ever to agree in an Attempt against him and setting them both up at so equal and spreading a height that they must of necessity justle one another down concluding they could not be dangerous to him while they were so to one another and sought only by the advantage of his Favour to ruine each other To Moso Cowne he therefore gives the Title of Cawne Cawna and being a Man of Courage makes him General of his Army To Siud Meer Zapher he gives the Title of Emir Zemla and being a Man of Business makes him Duan in which Office is comprehended both that of a Chancellour and Treasurer so that the General being to receive the Army's Pay of the Duan was sure to find delays and affronts and the Duan being by his Place to inspect into the Disposal of the King's Money and Payment of the After the King had honoured and Rewarded others likewise that deserved well of him he seems wholly to retire from Business to his Pleasures but posted himself at so convenient a Distance that he had perfect Knowledge of every thing that pass'd In this time of leasure he would often sequester himself from all kind of Company to meditate and write and it s since certainly known that when he was thus retir'd he took particular notice of all the Abuses in the State and the best ways of redressing them likewise set down in Writing
I am under to a very worthy Gentleman Mr. Daniel Sheldon in the free and kind Communication of these Memoirs I shall not therefore detain the Reader with any further account of this matter but pass on to what I am satisfied will be very agreeable to him viz. The History of this Revolution in Golconda The present King of Golconda was Son to an Arabian of good Family and Esteem but low in Estate and Fortune to raise which resolving to Travel and seek Employment from some Foreign Prince he came to Golconda and by the Favour of some persons of Quality had the opportunity of presenting himself and his Service to King Cotub sha who being pleased with his Person and manner of Address gave him a small Government wherein he behav'd himself so well that he was advanc'd to one of the most considerable Commands in the Kingdom in which and his Prince's favour he continued 'till his Death After which his Estate being very great was seiz'd on by the King who is the general Heir of all his Nobles and Persons employ'd by him none of those Countreys having any Hereditary Estates so that his Son was reduc'd to a very poor Condition but having that left which could not be taken from him viz. his Father's Wit and Courage he resolv'd to follow his Example hoping to find his Fortune Full of which hopes he enters himself into Munsub that is the Kings Pay and had allow'd him twelve or fifteen new Pagotha's which is about four Pounds sixteen Shillings or six Pounds Sterling per Month with which and the hopes of better Preferment he made a shift to maintain himself The King Cotub-sha had at this time no Son but three Daughters the Eldest of which was Married to Sultan Mamood Eldest Son to the Great Mogul Aureng-Zebe The second to an Arabian of great Quality Meera Mamood and the third was unmarried To this unmarried Daughter an Arabian of high Birth and Quality called Siud Sultan was an importunate Suitor and the King grown Old and oppress'd with the Factions of those to whom he had left the management of Affairs having all his time wholly minded Pleasures and left Business and the Concerns of the Kingdom to the Cares of others and mortally hating Sultan Mamood who by a cruel War almost to the utter Ruine of him and his Kingdom had forc'd his Consent to the Marryage of his Eldest Daughter hoping thereby after Cotub-sha's Death to add the Kingdom of Golconda to the Empire of the Great Mogul and having no Kindness for his second Daughter or her Husband but being extreamly fond of his Youngest he design'd to Marry her to one whose Quality Parts and Courage might make him able either to break or manage the Factions of his Court withstand Sultan Mamood who he resolv'd should not succeed him and one who being rais'd by his Favour he thought would wholly depend upon it and thereby only expect the Succession And this Young Servant to his Daughter being an Arabian who in these Countreys are thought the Wisest and fittest for Government and of the Cast of the Siuds that is of the Family or Kindred of Mahumet and therefore much reverenc'd by all likewise of a brisk and lively Wit and Spirit He thought him a fit Person by whom to manage his Designs and consequently to Marry his Daughter therefore countenanc'd his Adresses to her but the young Man was so dazled with the prospect of so glorious a Fortune that he could not see his right way to it for presuming too soon upon the King and Princesses Favour instead of contriving how to increase and strengthen his Interest by gaining the Consent and Support of the great Ministers of State he carried himself so insolently towards them that he utterly disoblig'd and made himself hateful to them and they fearing the Tyranny of one who when their Equal began to exercise it over them resolv'd to disgrace and ruin him by hindring the Match The chiefest Persons about the King were Moso Cawne Siud Meer Zapher and Musshuke these three managed the King and his great Affairs for Meera Mamood the King's Son in Law being not in Favour was not in Business yet not so quite laid aside but that he had free Access to the Court and Presence and was by all respected as one that having Married the King's Second Daughter Circumstances consider'd was likely enough to succeed him Therefore having great hopes and not enduring the Insolent Carriage of this new Favourite nor to think of his Marrying the King's beloved Daughter put himself in the Head of the Faction against him And the Old Courtiers perfectly knowing the King and the usual and surest ways of working him to their Designs soon unsetled the unwary young Man in his Affections and then threw him from the height of his Prince's Favour to the contempt and scorn of the meanest Subject For they possessed his Majesty with an Opinion that he was an high Spirited Ambitious Man and aim'd at great things that he was at the Head of a great Party and Faction at Court that if he were once strengthen'd with so near an Alliance to the King he might do whatsoever he design'd what he design'd they knew not but he gave them great Reason to fear it was not his Majesty's safety nor the Kingdom 's Peace and Affairs being wholy manag'd by their Directions and all Officers at Court about the King being their Creatures they made their Information seem more than probable The King being naturally jealous and frighted with the Shadow of any thing that he thought might disturb his Pleasures was quickly perswaded not to marry the Princess to so dangerous a Person and immediately upon the breaking off the Match one of the three Persons before mention'd 't is not certainly known which of them but thought Musshuke advis'd his Majesty to find out some one for the Princess of small Fortune but noble Birth and Courage a comly Person and of a generous and chearful Disposition and inclin'd rather to Pleasures than Business for if he was qualified with high Birth and the Endowments of Nature it lay in the King's Power to supply the Defects of Honour Riches c. and Men of such Dispositions being given to Pleasure were seldom ambitious or designing therefore such a one being Created meerly by his Favour would wholly submit by it and enjoying what he most desir'd his Pleasures would not disturb himself or them with the thoughts of Business or Cares of Government but be Obedient and perfectly contented with the Condition he was in without aspiring to untimely Greatness The Advice was liked and communicated to the two other Counselors who considering it was a way for continuing them in their Governments and all Affairs and Business in their management confirmed the King by approving of the Counsel given him and having his Order to find out such a Person the Young Arabian Souldier whose Father 's Estate had been seiz'd on by the