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A45110 A general history of Scotland together with a particular history of the Houses of Douglas and Angus / written by Master David Hume of Godscroft. Hume, David, 1560?-1630? 1648 (1648) Wing H3656; ESTC R33612 530,146 482

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but also received him with great triumph as if he had been their King or Prince and that hereupon he used them courteously But when his men were in great security scattered and separated as fearing no hurt or danger and some at their Ships some sent with Robert Stuart of Disdier to spoile the Countrey about which stood out against him and to furnish his ships and the towne so that there remained not with the Lord Niddisdale above 200. men when they set upon him as before we have said and being beaten the Towne was sackt and burnt Then they tooke 60. ships which they found in divers Havens and Creeks and laded 15. of them with such spoile as they had gotten and burnt the rest Then returning homeward they spoiled the Isle of Man which lay in their way He landed at Loch-rien which divides a part of Galloway from Carrict and hearing there of the roade into England he hasted him hither with all diligence But truce being made for certaine yeares with England that he might not languish in idlenesse he passed into Spruce from whence he heard that an Army was to be sent against the Infidels There hee gave such proofe of his vertue and valour that hee was chosen Admirall of the whole Fleet which was very faire and great esteemed to consist of 250. saile and was there created Duke of Spruce and Prince of Danskin But there arose dissention hetwixt him and the Lord Clifford an Englishman upon an old emulation and present envie of his new preferment at which Clifford grudged Wherefore being challenged to the field by Clifford he accepted it gladly but the other weighing with himselfe what a hazzard he was like to runne by fighting with such a man of such incomparable valour found meanes before the day of the combat came to make him away by hired Assasines and Brigands who murthered him in the night on the bridge of Danskin The Manuscript seemeth to say that combat was not taken on there and then but long before while they were both at home and that Niddisdale before the day passing to Paris to provide armour fit for him or on whatsoever occasion else Clifford gave it out that he had fled the combat but when he saw that he was returned before the day appointed fearing to match with his well knowne strength and valour would have shifted the fight with many frivolous excuses Now there being assembled and met together at that time brave Knights from all the parts of Christendome Clifford partly for envie of the honour conferred upon his adversary and partly remembring their old debates but chiefly because of this disgrace and infamie of being put to this necessitie of refusing to fight with him hee caused mercenarie cut-throats to lie in wait for him who as he happened to walke through the streets and view the walls of the Towne set upon him and murdered him not without great difficultie by which losse that enterprise against the Infidels was disturbed and dashed We told before how he is stiled Prince of Danskin and Duke of Spruce in the Monuments of the Sinclairs of whom one had married his daughter sure it is by the report of many eye-witnesses that there was a gate in Dansick on which the Coat of the Douglasses was carved and graven in stone which decaying and being of late re-edified this monument of him is perished The common opinion is that Dansick having beene taken by Infidels was regained by Scottishmen and therefore it is that the Scots have such priviledges there and there is a part of the Town which they call little Scotland which is inhabited almost with Scottishmen All which must be referred most apparently to the Lord Niddisdale and to this time and doth testifie in some measure he hath surpassed the quality and condition of a private man or of a stranger in those parts seeing he acquired the title of Prince and Duke whereof we can affirme no more then hath beene said This fell out about the yeare 1389. or 1390. about the death of King Robert the second Of Archbald the second called The Grimme the third Earle and twelfth Lord of Douglas and Bothwell UNto James slaine at Otterburn succeeded his brother Archbald whom Hollinshed wrongfully calleth his Cousin Hee was married to the daughter of Andrew Murray sisters sonne to K. David Bruce and Governour of Scotland by her he got the Lordship of Bothwell and many other lands and she bare to him two sonnes first William who died a yeare before his father without children and Archbald who succeeded to his father also a daughter named Marjorie married to David Prince of Scotland Concerning this Archbald the Grim we finde not many particular acts of his recorded besides those which he did in his fathers time and in his brothers of which we have already spoken although certainly hee cannot but have done divers worthy of memorie seeing he hath the name and reputation of a most worthy Captaine being so sterne and austere in carriage and countenance that hee was termed The Grimme Douglas and by our Writers Archbald the Grimme Now that we may the better understand the reasons of the Douglasses proceedings and actions let us as our manner is take a generall view of the estate of the Countrey at this time His succession to the Earledome by the death of his brother was as we have said not long before the death of King Robert the second who died in the Castle of Dundonald in the yeare 1390. April 19. Before his death there was a Truce taken betweene England and France for the space of seven yeares wherein Scotland was also comprehended By reason of this Truce partly and partly for that his sonne John who was afterward called Robert the third was lame both of body and minde and so no wayes fit for warre there is no mention of any exploit done by this man onely it is said of him that when King Robert the third in the year 1396. and the seventh of his reign created divers Dukes and would have made this Archbald one he refused it as a noveltie and an empty title not worthy of the accepting seeing it was neither bestowed for merit nor service done nor had any reall advantage in it save an airy show of appearing honour to please the humour of ambitious minds of which he was none The next yeare following Richard the second of England was deposed and the Duke of Lancaster was made King in his roome who was Henry the fourth In the beginning of Henries reigne the seeds of warre were sowen upon this occasion George Dumbarre Earle of March had betrothed his daughter Elizabeth to David the Kings eldest sonne and had payed a great part of their portion before hand But the Earle Douglas alledging that the Kings private contracting of his sonne without the consent of the State was not according to the custome of the Kingdome nor right and orderly done caused the
of Scotland towards England c. Hee died the 24. day of March in the yeare 1443. His Wives is thus Here lies the Lady Beatrix Sinclair daughter of Henry Lord of the Isles Lord Sinclair Countesse of Douglas and Evendale Lady Galloway Their Children These are the children betwixt the said Lord and Lady 1 Lord William his eldest sonne and heire to the said Lord James who succeeded to all the foresaids lands 2 James the second sonne Master of Douglas 3 Archbald the third sonne Earle of Murray 4 Hugh the fourth sonne Earle of Ormund 5 John the fifth sonne Lord of Balvenie 6 Henry the sixth sonne Margarer wife to the Lord of Dalkeith Beatrix wife to the Lord Aubignie Jenet wife to the Lord of Biggar and Cumbernald Elizabeth Douglas was the fourth daughter Jacobus Crassus Duglasii crassique mihi cognomina soli Conveniunt O quam nomina juncta male James the grosse To be a Douglas and be grosse withall You shall not finde another 'mongst them all Of William stain in Stirling Castle the seventh William and eighth Earle of Douglas the sixteenth Lord and fifth Duke of Turrain c. UNto James succeeded his sonne William a man of another mettall and resembling more his Grandfather and Cousin who was put to death in Edinburgh Castle then his father who did remember and imitate more his Cousins diligence then his fathers negligence for hee endeavoured by all means to entertaine and augment the grandure of the house by bonds friendship and dependances retaining renewing and increasing them and therefore his marriage of his Cousin Beatrix is attributed to him and is thought to be his owne doing and not his fathers Upon his first coming to be Earle his first care was to establish some certain order for his affaires for which purpose hee conveened his whole friends at Dumfreis made choice of his Counsellours createth his Officers for his rents and casualties and settleth a constant order in his house Great was that house as hath been said and doubtlesse it was nothing diminished by him but rather increased by the accession of his fathers estate which he had ere he was Earle and his wife which being added unto the old Patrimony of the house made it to surpasse all others that were but Subjects for it had beene ever growing from hand to hand since the time of Lord James slain in Spaine continually who had the Lordship of Douglas onely at the first To it was added the Lordship of Galloway by Archbald slain at Halidoun-hill By Archbald the Grimme the Lordship of Bothwell By Archbald the third called Tine-man the Dutchie of Turrain and Lordship of Longe-ville Annandale and the Earledome of Wigton by Archbald the fourth and now the Lordship of Abercorn by Grosse James So that his revenue hath beene huge at this time as appeares also by the ranke hee ever carried as second in the Kingdome His dependance and following may bee judged by these his Lordships and estate and for his other friendship there were divers houses of the Douglasses as Angus Morton Drumlanrigge By his alliance he had Aubigny and the Lord Fleming of Cumbernauld who had married his sister By his mother the Earle of Orknay by his wife at Beatrix the house of Crawford of which her mother was a daughter beside the old friendship that was ever betwixt them And this may be seen by History who list to observe it whereof more may be found by a more accurate disquisition Thus enriched thus waited on thus followed thus served thus underpropped and sustained by wealth friendship dependance alliance and kindred his power and greatnesse was such as was not matched under the Prince by any in this Kingdome But here is the maleheure the Principalls of his owne name Angus and Morton assisted him not but divided themselves from him and either were not his friends or even became enemies as wee shall heare hereafter What the occasion thereof was is not directly mentioned some thinke it was the discontentment they had conceived at his marriage either because they accounted it unlawfull or because some of them would have had her to themselves which is the more likely or in respect of their kindred with the King who was indeed induced though not yet to think hardly of him or out of emulation of his greatnesse as an hinderance to their growth which was Bishop Kennedies opinion to his brother the Earle of Angus and so it falleth out often where a decay is to come upon a house it first divides from and within it selfe yet that was but an insensible point at this time his owne greatnesse being such as would scarce suffer him to finde the losse standing as it were not by any friendship but meerely of himselfe and upon his bottome At the very first when hee entred to the Earledome he entred also as hereditary to the enmitie of the two grand guiders of the time Levingston and Creighton with whom the hatred tooke beginning in his Uncles time and was thereafter traiterously and cruelly prosecuted by them on his two Cousins it continued though coldly in his fathers time and was now quickned and revived by himselfe They would needs lay the blame of whatsoever disorder happened in the Countrey upon him not onely of what fell out in the borders where hee commanded and might command indeed but even in the Highlands also that which John Gorme of Athole did who fought with the Laird of Ruthven and would have rescued a thiefe out of his hands being apprehended by him as Sheriffe if hee had not beene defeated and thirtie of his men slain by Ruthven they would have it to bee thought that the Earle Douglas forsooth had an hand in it But it is well that our Writers say it was but thought so and thought it had beene said so by his enemies there is no necessitie to beleeve it was so for they had done him more wrong and dealt more treacherously with him then to make such a report for me it soundeth not in my eares that it had so long a foote or that John Gorme could not doe such a thing without the Earle of Douglas or that the Earle Douglas would meddle with such a matter This I thinke that in his owne bounds he would suffer none to acknowledge the Governours which was his Uncles course as we heard seeing he was himselfe to bee answerable for them It was his fathers way also though more coldly according to his naturall disposition as may bee gathered of that which is said that he repressed not theeves though he entertained them not which is as much as to say as he was not Authour or occasion of their theft yet he being no Magistrate himselfe and others having taken the government upon them he would let them beare the weight of their owne charge in executing thereof and would not help them therein by restraining any And that so much the rather because having murthered his Nephew he could not with credit
Gulielmi de Douglas This good Sir James dying without heire male lawfully gotten of his own body his brother Hugh succeeded to him in the yeare 1342. in which year the same Hugh doth give a Charter of the said lands and Lordship to wit Douglasdale together with the lands of Carmichel Selkrick c. To his Nephew William son to Archbald his brother which VVilliam did succeed to Hugh he having no heires male he was afterward Earle of Douglas Now it is against all reason to think that he that was contracted to Marjory Abernethy 1259. should be the same with this Hugh who gives this Charter 1342. seeing he must be now 106. or 107. years of age which is not probable This VVilliam had to wife Martha sister of Alexander Earle of Carrict who bare to him two sonnes Hugh his eldest and VVilliam the Hardie by their alliance with the house of Carrick besides that he was not a little strengthned they being great men and powerfull it fell out that his posteri●…y became of kindred to King Robert Bruce for Fergus Lord of Galloway had two sonnes the elder Gilbert and Ethred the younger At his death he ordained that the Lordship of Galloway should be divided betwixt them which was done accordingly and the division was ratified and confirmed by King William who did then reigne but the King being afterward taken prisoner at Anwick be the English Gilbert nothing contented with the division having got Ethred his brother into his hands caused put out his eyes and possessed himself of the whole Lordship and kept it till he died which was before the Kings return out of England before which Ethred also was dead These two brothers left each of them a sonne behind him Gilbert left Alexander and Ethred Rowland This Rowland finding his faction the stronger thrust out his cousen Alexander and seized upon the whole estate himself alone and at the Kings return took a new gift thereof of the King who gave also to Alexander Gilberts sonne in recompense and lieu thereof the Earledome of Carrick This Alexander had but one sister named Martha who was married to this Lord William Douglas he went into Syria with Edward Prince of Wales who was brother in law to King Alexander the third sent by the King and State at the Popes request to fight against the Sarasins There went with him the Earle of Athole and many brave Knights and Gentlemen in which expedition he died leaving onely one daughter his heire Martha Countesse of Carrick She was married to Robert Bruce sonne to Robert Bruce who is known by the name of Robert the Noble and to Isabel second daughter to David Earle of Huntington To this Robert the Countesse of Carrick bare Robert Bruce who was afterwards King of Scotland So then we see how Martha Countesse of Carrick and William the Hardie were Cousin germans and her sonne King Robert Bruce and good Sir James Cousins once removed so that not onely the thralled liberties of Scotland and his private losses did oblige Sir James to side with King Robert and to stick so constantly to him but this tie of bloud and consanguinity also being so near a kinsman We are also to observe here that Martha Countesse of Carrick was also the nearest just and rightfull heire to the Lordship of Galloway being descended of the elder brother Gilbert and therefore to be preferred before Allane who was descended of the younger brother Ethred by Rowland his father and after her and her heires her fathers sister married to this Lord William was next heire to both the Earledome of Carrict and Lordship of Galloway Whether this title did move the Douglasses to seek the Lordship of Galloway as they did afterward and helped them to obtain it the more easily of the King or of others descended of Allane and of his heires I leave it to be considered How ever that be we may see by the matching with this honourable house of Carrick Galloway and Abernethy the chief Peers in this Realme as then that the house of Douglas was of no small esteem and account long before good Sir James and that they mistake things farre and are but ill versed in Antiquity that thinke he was the first that did raise that name to Nobility or greatnesse this Williams marriage having preceded his time 80. yeares at least Of Sir Hugh the third of that name and sixth Lord of Douglas WIlliam had to his eldest sonne and lawfull successour Sir Hugh Douglas who as we have said was married to Marjorie Abernethie daughter to Alexander and sister to Hugh Lord of Abernethie This house of Abernethie were friends and followers of the Cummins and did assist and party them in all their enterprises as we may see by their joyning with them at Kinrosse when they took King Alexander the third Their credit and favour with their Princes appears by this That Lord William Abernethie got of King William the Abacie of Aberbrothock or as it may be thought rather for the writing was dimme and hard to discern the Collegiate Church lands of Abernethie paying thence yearely twenty pound This Hugh Abernethie obtained also of King Alexander the third a Charter of the lands of Lenrie and a pension of fiftie pound sterling by yeare likewise he got from the same King a confirmation of the lands of Hulkstone and Lilestone In these gifts the Cummins still are witnesses and with them stiled Patrick Earle of Dumbarre We finde also a gift of twenty pound land granted by Isabell Countesse of Stratherne Relict of Walter Cummin and her husband John Russell In the dayes of Balioll this house was so powerfull that thy were able to make their party good against the Earle of Fife whom they slew and were winked at by Balioll with this house did Sir Hugh match as his father had done with Carrict and Galloway which as it was an honourable alliance for him so doth it also argue that the house of Douglas even then was noble and honourable and in the rank amongst the greatest as we have said How long this Sir Hugh Lord Douglas did live after his contract and marriage we cannot finde but it is clear that he had no children that survived and outlived their father because his brother William was his heire and successour Neither can we relate any his particular actions onely fame and tradition have given him a received testimony of activitie watchfulnesse and diligence by terming him good Sir Hugh Douglas whom his foes found never sleeping He with his wife are buried in Saint Brides Church in Douglas Of William the Hardic or Long logge the fourth William and seventh Lord of Douglas TO Hugh did succeed his brother VVilliam who for his valour and courage is distinguished by the addition of VVilliam the hardie he is named also William long legge by reason of his tall and goodly stature having beene a very personable man Hee was twice married first to the Lord Keeths sister by whom
wisedome and perverse policy to keep backe ones friend in whom vertue appeares It is of follies the greatest folly to hinder their growth for fear they should overgrow our greatnesse the which when we doe it comes to passe that wee are outgrowne by strangers and often by our enemies yea undermined oftentimes while our friends thus kept under are unable to underprop us as they both should and would do a just reward of so unjus●… wisedome But for themselves to put hand in them for their worth I can finde no name to it I must wish this Nobleman had beene free from so foul a blot and I would fain vindicate him and some small appearance there is that it was not his fact But the current of witnesses lay it upon him and who can contend against all the world Wherefore let us regrate it and not allow it eschew it and not excuse it or follow it as we are too ready to ●…ollow evill examples To returne thus he lived and thus hee died for whose Elogium short but worthie let it be said as it was then blazed in the mouthes of men and ●…ited by the manuscript He was terrible and fearefull in armes meek milde and gentle in peace the s●…ourge of England and sure buckler and wall of Scotland whom neither hard successe could make slack nor prosperous slo●…full Hee is stiled by the Writers a second to none and by consent of that age and voyce of the people the slowre of Chivalrie he was often wounded thrice a prisoner and ever ready to fight again what manhood what wisedome behoved it to be with fifty men to overcome five hundreth with twenty to take and slay sixtie What invincible minde was it that being defeated five times in one day hee had the courage to sight and overcome the sixth time Let Hanniball wonder at Mar●…llus that neither overcoming nor overcome would suffer him to rest yet was he not thus restlesse that we reade of a worthy branch of such a stock a true member of such a house well retaining that naturall sappe sucked from his Predecessours of valour and of love to his Countrey And thus farre concerning the name of Douglas in this branch thereof in the time of the minority or absence of the chief Now let us return to the Principall stock the Earle of Douglas himself Gulielmus Douglassius Liddalianus 1333. caesus Omnia quando habeas quae Mars dedit omnibus unus Ut Mars Marte ferox fulminet alta tuo Hoc putes ut patiare parem tibi Def●…it unum hoc Quin age posce hostem caetera solus eris Johns Heroes In English thus Whiles thou alone all valour didst enjoy Mars doth bestow on those he would imploy One onely vertue wanting doth appeare To make thee excellent thou couldst not beare An ●…all bate this pride and thou s●…alt have This honour never souldier was more brave Of William the fifth of that Name the tenth Lord and first Earle of Douglas UNto Hugh the ninth Lord of Douglas did succeed his nephew William sonne to Archbald Lord of Galloway and Governour of Scotland who was slain at Hallidon hill Of this William the other great branch of Douglasses doth spring to wit the house of Angus which overtoppeth the rest and at last succeedeth unto the place of the stock Hee it is also that raiseth the house to the dignitie of an Earledome and doth greatly increase the state thereof That he was sonne to Archbald and not to Sir James as some doe mistake it it is cleare by divers confirmations in which Sir James is expresly termed his uncle and Archbald his father And so doth the Charter witnesse upon which the confirmation proceeds The Charter is given by Hugh Lord Douglas brother and heire to the late Sir James Douglas to William sonne and heire to Archbald brother to good Sir James Douglas It is dated at Aberdene the 28. of May. 1342. The Kings Charter likewise cleareth it bearing David dei gratiae Sciatis nos concessisse Gulielmo de Douglas saith the one Confirmasse dilecto fideli nostro Gulielmo de Deuglas militi saith the other Omnes terras reditus possessiones per totum regnum nostrorum de quibus quondam Jacobus dominus de Douglas avunculus suus Archibaldus de Douglas Pater suus milites obierunt vestiti Touching his marriage we finde that hee had three wives The first was Margaret daughter to the Earle of Dumbarre and March by whom he had gotten two sonnes James slain at Otterburn and Archbald called the grimme Lord of Galloway and afterward Earle of Douglas and one daughter married to the Lord of Montgomerie His second wife was Margaret Marre daughter to Donald or Duncan Earle of Marre and afterwards heire and inheritrix of that Earledome for this Duncan had but one sonne named Thomas and this Margaret Thomas twise married by his first marriage he had one onely son named Thomas also This second Thomas was married to Marjoric sister to this William Earle of Douglas but died without issue his father Thomas married a second wife Margaret Stuart who was inheritrix of the Earledome of Angus but he had no children by her so that there being none left now of Duncans race but this Margaret Marre married to the Earle of Douglas we finde him stiled Earle of Marre in his wives right in the yeare 1378. whereof divers Monuments and Evidents yet extant do beare witnesse By this Margaret Marre he had one onely daughter Isabell Douglas who did succeed to the Earledome of Marre She was twice married First to Malcome Lord Drummond by whom shee had no children Secondly to Alexander Stuart sonne to the Earle of Buchan brother to King Robert the third but had no children by him neither yet she did resigne the Earledome in his favour as a Charter given thereupon by King Robert the third to him and his heires which falling unto her and her heires Thirdly the Earle of Douglas after the decease of Margaret Marre tooke to his third wife Margaret Stuart daughter to Thomas Stuart Earle of Angus and his heire and inheretrix of the lands Earldome of Angus This Thomas was son to John Stuart brother to Walter Stuart the great Stuart of Scotland who married Marjorie Bruce daughter to King Robert Bruce Now this Margaret had a brother who died without issue and a sister called Elizabeth married to Alexander Hamilton of Cadyow Margaret Stuart herselfe was first married to Thomas Marre Earle of the same and sonne to Duncan or Donald but had no children by him Then shee was married to this William Earle of Douglas by whom she had a sonne named George This George succeeded to her in the Earledome of Angus and by gift of his sister Isabel Douglas inheritrix of Marre he got the lands that she had gotten from her father which disposition Isabel made to her brother George and not to James or Archbald for good considerations to be
Killiemoore of the date 1437. Febr. 27. some 6. or 7. years after the death of King James the first There are also diverse other writs of this kinde extant which do witnesse that he hath been but of no use in publick or for historie Whither ever he was married or had any children we hear nothing He dieth before the year 1452. There is one thing not to be omitted which is a bond of Robert Fleming of Cummernald to him where he is entitled James Earle of Angus Lord of Liddisdale and Jedward Forrest to enter within the iron gate of the Castle of Tantallon or Hermitage under the pain of 2000. marks upon eight dayes warning The cause is subjoyned because he had burnt the Earles Corne within the Baronie of North-Berwick and taken away his Cattell there on Fasting-even or Shrove-tuesday It is dated in the year 1444. the 24. of September This burning is a token of no good will even then betwixt the house of Angus and the house of Douglas whereof the Lord Fleming was a follower Even then I say before the time of William slain at Stirlin For this seemes to have fallen out about the time of Grosse James or it may be in the beginning of Earle William But it is hard to conceive how this man a depender of the Earles of Douglas should thus farre have bowed himself and it is a token that the Earle of Angus authority hath not been small Howsoever on these grounds we restored him to his own place being left out altogether by all other that I have seen Of George Douglas the second George and fifth Earle of Angus TO James succeeded his uncle George by the consent of our whole writers who all speaking of King James the second call this George the Kings fathers sisters sonne So the King and he are brother and sisters children We need not to impugne the received opinion The time and computation of years will admit it sufficiently for though he were born two years after his fathers marriage 1400. yet shall he not passe 63. at his death Neither doth any other thing that I know of hinder us from beleeving this deduction Wherefore we will follow them though we have no other monument to testifie so much expressely or to hinder him from being sonne to James There is this scruple in it that Buchanan calls James Kennedie Arch-bishop of Saint Andrews of greater age then George Douglas Which if it be true then George could not be his brother for their mother was first married to Angus We have monuments of him as Earle in the year 1452. May 24. and in the 1461. the last of September and of his sonne retoured heir to him in the 1463. So that he hath been Earle about 10. or 11 years But our histories say it was he that assisted Creightoun to spoile the Earle Douglas Lands of Strabroke c. from about 1445. or 46. years and so his time shall be 17. years He married Elizabeth Sibauld daughter to Sibauld of Balgonie Treasurer of Scotland for the time profitably and not dishonourably For his place of Treasurer was a place of credit and honour and himself descended of honourable race viz. the Earles of Northumberland who were of that name in the dayes of Malcolme Kenmore and Grandfather to the said Malcolme by his mother and had the leading of the English Army that was sent in for his aide against Mackbeth to the number of 10000. men We finde also the name of Sibards in the dayes of King Alexander the second to have been in good account of whom Buchanan writes that they entertained feed against the Earle of Athol as also that the said Earle of Athol being burnt in his lodging in Hadinton the chief of the Sibards whom he calleth William without any further designation Boetius calleth him John being suspected thereof because of their known enmity was called in question for it and arraigned And although he proved by the testimonie of the Queen that he was in Forfaire at that time some 60. miles from Hadinton yet the Judge thought not this sufficient to absolve him because the other party alledged that his servants and followers had been seen very many of them in the Town And although he offered to purge himself by combat it could not be accepted Whereupon he fearing the power of his adverse party which were the Cumins fled into Ireland with a number of his name By which relation it appears that this name hath been in good account and this marriage no way disparageable It was also profitable in effect but more in hope which was to have succeeded heir to the estate of Balgonie both Lands and Moveables she being his onely daughter and he himself and his Lady of good age the Contract also being made so that he should be heir failing heirs male of his own body whereof there was small appearance Yet as it often falls out in such cases the Divine providence eluding humane wisedome that they may know that there is a directing and over-ruling wisedome and power above theirs that hope was disappointed His mother in law dieth his father in law marrieth a second wife and by her hath heirs male to inherite his Lands I think if he had known what was to come he would not have done it And yet is Balgonie disappointed also for his sonne had but one daughter who was married to Lundie and so transferred it from the name where he thought to have settled it Angus gets with his Lady 3000. Marks of portion no small summe in those dayes when portions were little and the terms of payment long His children were Archbald and another son whose name we have not Some tell us of James Earle of Angus and Lord Warden of the borders But when should he have been Earl of Angus for Archbald succeeded to George and to Archbald his grand-childe Archbald The truth is this James was before son to William as hath been said yet it may be that he hath had a son named James also though Writers do not name him He had foure daughters first Elizabeth married to Robert Grahame of Fintrie second Margaret to Duncan Campbell third Giles and fourth Alison of whose marriage there is no mention He had also a son naturall of whom are descended the house of Bonjedward His daughters were not married in his own time belike they have been young but their brother in the year 1476. contracts with Robert Grahame of Fintrie to marry his sister Elizabeth failing her Margaret and failing Margaret Giles and failing Giles Alison so soon as a dispensation can be obtained for they were within the degrees then forbidden she being the third from Mary Stuart the Kings Daughter and Robert Grahame in the same degree belike son to James Grahame The portion is 400. Marks Margaret was married to Duncan Campbell we know not of what house in the year 1479. Her brother contracts for 600. Marks and findes
there is not such a piece to be found as is his Prologue to the 8. Book beginning of Dreams and of Drivelings c. at least in our language The fourth son was Archbald Douglas of Kilspindie who married a daughter of one Little in Edinburgh He had by her Archbald of Kilspindie who was Provest of Edinburgh in King James the fifth his minoritie and was married to the Earle of Crawford his daughter by whom he had first Patrick secondly Alexander and thirdly James Patrick was married to one Murray a daughter of the house of Balbaird by whom he had William After that he married Agnes daughter to the Lord Gray and had by her two sons and two daughters And thus much of his sons His daughters were first Marjorie married to Cudbert Lord of Kilmaers in the year 1491. Her portion was 1700. Marks Secondly Elizabeth married to Robert Lile Lord Chief Justice Her portion was 1000. Marks whereof 100. pounds was to be payed at the first Terme and then 50. pounds termely till all were payed It is with dispensation which is a signe that they have been in kin before the year 1493. Thirdly Jennet whom we finde contracted to Robert Lord Harris in the year 1495. Novemb. 22. to be married and that he shal divorce from the wife he had so soon as can be That she in the mean time shall not marry elsewhere For which cause she is infeft in his Lands of Tarrigla with the Kings confirmation past thereupon the same year and day Her portion is that the said Earle then Chancellour shall procure his Lands to be new holden of the King This fact for a man to contract to part with the wife he hath and marry another as it is harsh to conceive so being done so solemnely by such persons we must suppose it had sufficient and honest grounds For certainly the Earle of Angus being withall Chancellour for the time needed not to hunt after unlawfull or unseemly marriages for his daughters Some reckon a fourth daughter whom they name not but say she was eldest and married to the Earle of Montrose this Earles great Grandfathers father but because I have not seen any monument of her I reserved her to the last place He had also sundry bastard sonnes after his wifes death First William of the Parkhead of whom the house of the Parkhead is come and the Lord of Torthorrell by his mother Secondly James of Tod-holes And thirdly one that they say was gotten in Glenbarvie born after his decease But this seemes to be false because they affirm commonly that after the field of Flowdon where his sonne George was slain he went into Galloway to Saint Maines and lived the space of a year an austere life Then he was not thus incontinent if that be true neither came he to Glenbarvie seeing he lived in Galloway He had also a base daughter And thus much of his children To come to himself we have heard how his father Earle George raised the house of Angus to such greatnesse of credit and authoritie that it was become not much inferiour to the house of Douglas to which it had succeeded Archbald his son did no way diminish it But when he came to be of years fit for managing affairs he so behaved himself and gained so good opinion of his wisedome and courage that the whole burden of the estate of the Countrey did lye upon him alone And for that cause chiefly he is commonly designed by the epithete of The great Earle of Angus For as touching his Lands and Rents we finde no great augmentation of them save that he provided his children well If we consider the means it hath been his own worth and sufficiencie that hath brought him to it for he began indeed his marriage with Court as a fit mean whereby to rise but that lasted but short while as we have heard The Court changing it was rather a mean to have wrought him discredit Notwithstanding of which and though he was young himself we finde nothing but that his businesse went right He got his own wardship even when his alliance were at the hardest pinch that same very year that Thomas Boyd had his wife taken from him and married to another His successe in the marriage of his sisters doth also show the same Neither hear wee of any hard effect that their dis-courting did produce toward him It was he that was the chief actor in taking order with Robert Cochran and the other Courtiers that did abuse the King and Countrey He propounds the matter to the Nobilitie he opens up the estate of things he puts hand to work and executes what was concluded The rest consent and follow he goeth before in every thing And even then when he did all this he was of no great age not above five and twentie and yet his credit power and authoritie was able to go through with it The History is written at length in our Chronicle we need do no more but transume it Neither is it necessary that we do that to the full it will suffice to set down onely what is requisite for laying open the occasion and circumstances for clearing of the fact that the Reader may the better discerne the right from the wrong which otherwise lye confused Thus it was King James the third of that name a man of a great and high spirit and of a hastie nature and prone to anger and such a one as would not suffer patiently his own judgement to be contradicted could not away with that freedome of speech which he found in his Nobilitie wherefore hee made choice of such to be about him as would not correct but approve all his sayings and who would not offend him by gainsaying but did curie-favour by soothing of him and who with flattering admiration did extoll all that he said or did Wherefore excluding the Nobilitie he was wholly at the devotion of a few of his servants with whom he advised and consulted of all busines and either followed their opinions or made them to consent and execute his will Thus he began to do about the year 1474. having after his marriage in the year 1470. addicted himself most part to his domesticke and private pleasures seldome coming abroad or giving time to the affaires of his Kingdome He had gotten about him base men both in place and worth whom he had advanced to honours and nobilitated Amongst these there was one Robert Coghran a Mason by his trade whom he made Earle of Marre An English singing man called William Rogers whom he honoured with Knight-hood with diverse others of meane rank and qualitie whose chief commendation was that they were impudently wicked and villanous This Rogers is thought also to have been his Pander and an enticer of him to lewdnesse and wronging his Queen Amongst these base men there was one Gentleman of good birth but he seeing the Kings inclination had set himself fully
hate most honour brings Of George Master of Angus and sonne to Archbald the first HIs eldest son as hath been said was George slain at Flowdon designed commonly by the appellation of Master of Angus He was married to Elizabeth Drummond daughter to the Lord Drummond of whom we told how he defeated the Earle of Lennox His children by her were three sonnes First Archbald afterward Earle of Angus Secondly Sir George of Pittendrich Thirdly William Priour of Colding hame His daughters were First the Lady Yester Secondly the Lady Basse. Thirdly Jeane Lady Glames Fourthly Alison married first to Robert Blackader of Blackader and afterward to Sir David Hume of Wedderburne Fifthly the Lady Drumlanerige as I take it Also they mention a sixth married to a Baron in the North whom they name not neither do I know who he should be His age at his death to reckon from the 15. year of his fathers age in the 1469. to the year of his own death at Flowdon 1513. was not above 44. His actions because he never came to be Earle are not recorded Some dealing there was betwixt him as Governour of Liddisdale and the Lord Dacres in England with whose Deputies he agrees to meet at Dumfreis for doing of Justice in the year 1489. the year after the King was killed at Bannock-burne So at Cannabie he met with the Lord Dacres himself where they accorded not well For they intended both to send to the Councels of both Nations to have their determination of their differences He agrees the same year with Sir Robert Lundie of Bagonie Treasurer for a generall remission to Ewsdalde Eskdale and Niddisdale which I think should rather be Liddisdale for a 1000. pounds being at this time not above 20. years of age not out of Curatorie by the Laws though that was in his fathers hands Yet we see also Courts held in his name by his Bailiffs as a retoure of Adam Ker to some Lands in Selkrig in the said year which makes me to think he hath been then married Also he it is as we told above that excambes the Lands of Liddisdale for Bothwell with Patrick Earle Bothwell resigning the Lands of Liddisdale and the King disponing them upon the resignation in the year 1492. upon what reason either the Earle Bothwelshould have affected these or he preferred the other and not thought himself as fit to rule that unruly Countrey as any other I have not heard But it was done in his fathers life time who was no fool when he was in his greatest vogue the first three years of King James the fourth He allies afterward with this same Earl Bothwel marrying his sonne Archbald to his daughter but that must be long after except that he hath been married young as some say he was In the year 1510. he indents for the marriage of his fourth daughter Alison to Robert Blackaders sonne and apparent heir to Andrew Blackader of that Ilk. Her portion 300. marks the terms 1. at the compleating 40. pounds and 20. pounds at the feast of Martimasse next after and so 20. pounds termly till it were payed That same year he is infeft in Abernethie And this is all we have of him which we have set down chiefly for his children and the Historie that followeth of them Of Archbald the seventh Earle of Angus and the second Archbald TO Archbald the first succeeded Archbald the second his Grand-childe by his sonne George Master of Angus He was thrice married first to Margaret Hepburne daughter to Patrick Hepburne the first Lord Bothwell being as yet very young for at his second marriage he was not old but a youth or stripling Adolescens She died in childe-birth within the year as they say immediatly after the Field of Flowdon 2. His second wife was Queen Margaret relict of King James the 4. and daughter to King Henry 7. of England She bare to him a daughter Lady Margaret Douglas who was married to Matthew Stuart Earle of Lennox and bare to him Henry Lord Darnly that married Queen Mary of Scotland and father to King James the sixt of Scotland and first of great Brittain now happily reigning Lady Margaret had also another sonne named Charles who was father to the Lady Arabella 3. His third wife was Margaret Maxwell daughter to the Lord Maxwell She bare to him a sonne and a daughter who died both of them before they were 8. years old He had also a base daughter by a daughter of Traquairs Jeane Douglas married to the Lord Ruthven Some say that he begot this daughter in the Queens time while she lying in of Lady Margaret Douglas in England after her delivery went to London and stayed there with her brother King Henry the 8. and with her sister the late Queen of France and then Duchesse of Suffolk Others say that it was before He had also a base sonne as I take it commonly called George the Postulant to a by-name because I know not upon what claim or title he did postulate and claim the Abbacie of Aberbroth or Abernethock and not onely did postulate it but apprehended it also and used it as his own Having brought the house of Angus still increasing and growing in greatnesse and honour unto this man Archbald the second shall we suffer it now to decay or to take halt in his person No but we shall see it increase so much the more as he approacheth nearer unto that descent which is able to give honour unto basenesse it self far more to adde and multiply honour upon that which is already honourable Men do not onely take honour from their progenitors their posterity makes them honourable when they have much honour and that variable according to the degrees of their honour more or lesse Which seeing it is undeniable in what place of honour shall we rank this Archbald father to the Lady Margaret Douglas and by her great Grandfather to our Soveraigne King James of great Brittain This one thing is enough to lift him up to the highest top of honour All other things are but accessary yet are they additions of great importance Men are honourable by their marriage Who then so honourable as he Having married a Queen a Kings daughter a Kings sister a Kings mother Others also of the Subjects of this Countrey have married Queens I grant But none of them did marry Queen Margaret a Lady so vertuous None did marry a Queen so Royally descended and every way Regall in her father her mother her brother her sister her husband her sonne being all of them Kings or Queens None did marry a Queen without some blemish and diminition of her reputation but he None with the approbation of all men even of the Queens own chief Kinred with the allowance desire and exhortation of her Kinsfolks of King Henry the 8. But you will say perhaps that this hath been chance or fortune or ignorance in her blindnesse of an impotent woman who placed her affection
sayes he that ye were for I was afraid you would not have been half angry nor have fought half eagerly there being so many Humes on the other side Besides his wisedome and brotherly affection the Earle of Angus is also reported to have had a great dexteritie in conciliating mens favour There was no man whom he would not winne with his courtesie and affabilitie no man but he would take notice of him and pretended to know either himself or his father or his Grandfather or some of his friends whom he would praise unto them and tell what honest men they had been and what good service they had done in such and such a place at such and such times Of which they relate this instance how being in Edinburgh talking in the Tolbooth with the Lord Drummond there came a friend to Drummond and took him aside to speak with him a little When the Gentleman had ended and was going away Angus takes him kindly by the hand and spake familiarly to him as if he had been of his acquaintance After he was gone my Lord Drummond asked Angus whether he knew the Gentleman or not he answered that he knew him not at all and had never so much as seen him before How comes it then sayes Drummond that ye spake so familiarly to him He answered I saw he was a friend of yours and your friends are my friends And besides this doth gain mens hearts If I were now in danger or had to do yonder man would assist one and take my part Archibaldus Secundus Quam praestans animi ju venis formâque decorus Et fuerim tantis tunc quoque dignus avis Testis erit thalamo quae me dignata Superbo Nympha par●…ns Regis silia sponsa soror Consiliis promptumque manu Teviotia laudat Quae stratas acies vidit Ivere tuas Atque tuas Latone loquetur nos quoque sortos Esca lothi dextra hac me meruisse mori Quin jam victor eram ni Prorex Gordoniusque Sive metus trepidasuasit abire fuga Seu dolus aut error liquissent turpiter hostem Dum premo qui fugiens jam mihi terga dabat Summus at hinc mihi surgit quod sanguine Creti Sint nostro reges terra Britanna tui Archbald the second Earle of that name How lovely was my shape how sweet a grace Dwelt in my looks how like the Douglas race How gallant was my minde what hopes were had Of my fresh youth witnesse the Royall bed Of her who had been daughter sister wife To three brave Kings how my ensuing life Made good these hopes how wise my projects were Ivers and Laiton vanquish'd witnesse beare Pinkie beheld my strength there had I gain'd The field but Huntley and the Regent stain'd Their honour fear or errour made them flee Ev'n when I wonne ground of the Enemie Yet do not these such height of honour bring As t' have been Grandsire to Great Brittains King Of David the eighth Earle of Angus And of his father George called Sir George of Pittendrigh TO Archbald the second dying without heires male of his own body his brother Sir George of Pittendrigh should have succeeded if he had out-lived him wherefore we will speak a word of him He got the Lands of Pittendrigh by marriage His children by the heire of Pittendrigh whose name was Douglas also were David who succeeded to the Earledome of Angus and James Earle of Morton and Regent of Scotland This James got the Earledome of Morton by marrying the third daughter to the Earle of Morton who was Douglas also and so was made Earle by provision Her other two sisters were married before one to the Lord Hamilton Governour and the other to the Lord Maxwell He had also a naturall son called George of Park-head because he married the heire of Park-head in Douglas she was also Douglas to name of whom he begat James afterward Lord Torthorall by marriage likewise and Sir George of Mordington He had also a naturall daughter by the Lady Dundas in her husbands time called Elizabeth who was married to Smeton Richeson Of this Sir George we have spoken above in his brothers life and how he died before his brother His son David married Elizabeth Hamilton daughter to John Hamilton of Samilston called John of Cliddisdale brother German to Duke Hamilton who was Governour She bare to him one onely son called Archbald and two daughters Margaret first Lady Balcleugh then Countesse of Bothwell and Elizabeth Lady Maxwell His wife after his death married the Laird of Whitelaw and had before been married to the Laird of Johnston This David lived not long was little above a year Earle of Angus neither hear we of any of his actions being somewhat sickly and infirme of body He died in Cockburnspeth in the year 1558. The ninth Earle of Angus Archbald the third and of his Uncle and Tutour James Douglas Earle of Morton TO David succeeded his son Archbald a childe not above two years old His Tutour and Guardian was James Douglas Earle of Morton his Uncle and mother to David Wherefore it is no wayes out of our way or impertinent for our History but rather necessary and most requisite that we should first speak of him being a branch and a brother of the house of Angus and in effect Earle of Angus as well as Morton though under the name of Tutour or Guardian Of his marriage we have told before how he was married to Douglas his wife and daughter to the Earle of Morton She bare to him divers children ten as is reported but none of them lived long but died all young ere they came to perfect age She her self became distracted of her wits and would not company with her husband alledging he was not her husband but that he was Master Archbald Douglas who was brother to William Douglas of Whittinghame that her husband was dead and that Master Archbald Douglas had killed him She was kept and entertained by him as became her place and had her residence at Tantallon but he being deprived of her Company loosed the rains to others and begat three naturall Children 1. James whose mother was one High in Dalkeeth who was made Captain of Black-Nesse Castle Priour of Plusquardain and afterwards became Laird of Spot by marrying the heir thereof Anna Hume onely daughter to George Hume of Spot 2. His second son was Archbald whom he provided to the estate of Pittindreigh which belonged to his father Sir George 3. The third son was named Master George Douglas who was lame of his feet Thus much his Children Touching himself during his childe-hood and youth he lived obscurely and lurked for fear of the King James the fifth who had banished his Father and Uncle caused burn his Ant the Lady Glames and had professedly set himself against the whole name of Douglas utterly to ruine and extirpate them We do not hear that his elder brother David did thus hide himself or if
losse of many worthy men He is said to have been of a black and swart complexion and to have lisped somewhat in his speech We heare nothing either in History or Monument or otherwise of his marriage he had two base or naturall sonnes William Lord of Liddesdale of whom we shall speake hereafter and one Archbald whom the Lord of Liddesdale made Captain of the Castle of Edinburgh when hee tooke it in To conclude let this bee observed that Sir James is never mentioned by any either English or Scottish Writer whatsoever but with honour and commendation as worthy valiant noble good or some such Epithete and confessed to have beene one of the most valiant that lived in his dayes Such is the force of vertue and so prevalent is it even with enemies We will not omit here to shut up all the judgement of those times concerning him in an old rude verse indeed yet such as beareth witnesse of his true magnanimity and invincible mind in either fortune good or bad Good Sir James Douglas who wise and wight and worthy was Was never overglad for no winning nor yet over sad for no tineing Good fortune and evil chance he weighed both in one ballance Jacobus Duglassius Brucii Regis socius omnium laborum in Hispania coesus a Saracenis 1330. Quicquid sors potuit mortali in pectore ferre Vel facere hoc didici perficere atque pati Prima ubi luctando vici sors affuit ausis Omnibus quid non pro patria ausus eram Hosti terror ego nullus me terruit hostis Consiliis junxi robora dura meis Proelia quot numerat titulos actosque triumphos Brucius hinc totidem pene trophaea mihi Quo jam signa feram major quaerendus orbis Atque hostis famam non capit iste meam Arma Saraceno objeci prope littora calpes Herculeae hic tellus me male fausta tegit Herculeae Graecis memoretur Gloria laudis Fallor an Herculeis stant potiora mea In English thus What ever weight in furious Fortune laid On weak mans breast I suffered undismaid Nor lesse my active force and when I tri'd Her power in warre propitious fate deny'd No help whiles my endeavours well did prove How much I dared for my Countreys love A terrour to my foes I knew no feare Wisedome and valour both united were In me And looke what triumphs great Bruce gain'd As many Trophies were by me obtain'd What more remaineth to increase my name The world appears too little for my fame To Spain my aid I gave and did oppose The Saracen there was the fatall close Of my brave life wher't may be questioned much If Hercules his Monuments were such Of Hugh the fourth and ninth Lord of Douglas UNto this Sir James his brother germane Hugh Douglas did succeed the ninth Lord and fourth of that name Of this man whether it was by reason of the dulnesse of his minde or infirmity of his body or through whatsoever occasion else wee have no mention at all in History of any of his actions onely it is certain that he succeeded and was Lord of Douglas which he demitted in favour of his brother Archbald slain at Halidoun hill to his sonne William who was the first Earle of Douglas as shall be showne in his life The honour of the name and dignity of the house was upheld by his brother Archbald Lord of Galloway of whom therefore we are now to speake This Hugh lived after the death of his brother Archbald which was 1333. some nine or ten years till the 1343. as the Charter of resignation of the Lordship to his nephew doth witnesse He died without children and was never married Of Archbald Douglas Lord of Galloway Governour of Scotland third brother to Sir James BEfore we proceed to speak of the next Lord Douglas the time and order of the History requireth that we speake of Archbald Douglas Lord of Galloway and Governour of Scotland he was third brother to good Sir James as Boetius affirmeth in these words Archibaldus Duglasius Germanus Jacobi de Douglas quem nuperrime in hispania interiisse scripsimus This Archbald did outlive Sir James not above three yeares as we shall show hereafter Neither is the losse of the battell wherein he died imputed to his youth but to his haste and indignation And in the battell of Annand he shewed wisedome and advisednesse sufficiently Touching his education there is no mention thereof in History he married Dornagilla daughter to Red John Cummin whom King Robert slew at Dumfrees This John Cummin was stiled Lord of Galloway having married a daughter of Allane Lord of Galloway called Mary whose elder sister Dornagilla John Balliol had married and therefore he is also stiled Lord of Galloway There was also a third of these daughters married as our Writers say to the Earle of Abermale it seemeth the lands of Galloway Lord Allane dying without heires male have been divided among the three sisters as for his third wee finde nothing else of her This Archbald having married John Cummins daughter the inheritrix of the lands of Galloway was imployed in the warre against Edward Balliol whom he defeated and chased to Roxburgh whereupon for this service and also by another title which hee claimed as nearest to the house of Galloway by his Grandmother the Earle of Carricts sister which right wee have deduced at large in the life of Lord William the third maker of the Indenture Balliol being forfaulted hee obtains the lands of Galloway as Evidents and Histories beare record stiling him Archibald Lord of Galloway which continued in his posterity untill the forfeiture of the Earles of Douglas Some alledge that Red John Cummin did not marry the Lord of Gallowayes daughter Marie but a daughter of John Balliol of Harcourt in Normandy called Adama whom he begot on his wife Dornagilla who was daughter to Allane Lord of Galloway but how came Red John to stile himself Lord of Galloway seeing his wife was Adama Balliol who had brothers at least one to wit John Balliol that was Competitor with Bruce However it was Archbald Douglas having chased Edward Balliol and Balliol being forfeited was made Lord of Galloway This Archibald had by his wife Dornagilla Cummin two sons William who succeeded to his Uncle Hugh in the Lordship of Douglas and was created Earle of Douglas and Archibald after Lord of Galloway hee had also a daughter called Marjory married to Thomas Earle of Marre We have heard in the life of good Sir James how King Robert Bruce before his death had taken all pains for establishing the Kingdome to his posterity and to leave it peaceablie unto them and had done for that effect what the wit of man could devise he had beaten out his enemies by armes he had ratified and confirmed his right by the Lawes and Act of Parliament he had obtained a renunciation of all title and claim he could pretend from John Balliol his
did cry out with a confused noise and clamour detesting it and protesting that so long as they were able to bear armes they would never give their consent thereunto that they had one of age to be heir already whensoever God should call him Especially the Earle of Douglas took it so to heart that he entred into League with Robert Stuart Earle of Stratherne who was next heir and was chiefly prejudiced hereby with Patrick Earle of March George Earle of Murray his brother John Stuart of Kile afterward Robert the third and Robert Stuart of Monteith after Duke of Albanie to withstand and oppose this businesse to the uttermost of their powers in case the King should prosecute it and to desend themselves if he would use violence against them And they were so forward herein and went so farre on in it that it had almost come to an open rebellion Neither were they reconciled untill the King changed his purpose And then by the mediation of the Prelats of the Realm they desisted and gave their oath of fidelitie to him again in the year 1366. having been at variance and jealousie the space of two or three years The English Writers would make it seem to have been but collusion and that the King did but propound it for exoneration of his promise to King Edward and was glad of the refusall for that he was not to labour further in it But our Histories signifie no such thing and say directly that he did it sincerely and was highly offended with the deniall for the time and that those who had refused looked for the worst and set themselves for defence yea that they went so farre that some of them made incursions upon the towns and villages in the Countrey to terrifie the King saith Major and that he might learne to know that the whole Kingdome did not altogether depend upon him but upon the good counsell and mature advice of the Nobility And Boetius writes that the convention being dissolved there followed rebellion of some of the Nobility whilest they feared that they had offended the King with their free speeches determining to enterprise and do somewhat before they should be caused to suffer Such is the force of jealousie when it entereth into mens breasts And therefore it is to be eschewed with great care and the occasions thereof cut off betimes For it cometh often to passe that upon such suspitions when neither partie have had an ill meaning but have been afraid of ill and sought to prevent it such inconveniences have followed as would not have fallen out otherwise And therefore above all things assurance should be given to Counsellours and free voters that in their free delivering of their opinions they shall not offend there or if they do suspect they have offended him the suspition should be removed betimes and they put in securitie And this King David did in this matter as the most judicious of our Writers say They that had carried out against it most freely saith he hearing that the King was angry were about to have made defection whose fear when the King understood he remitting all wrath received them immediately into favour By this wise government and modestie on all sides suspition was taken away and howbeit he was offended for the time because they did not yeeld to his desire yet afterward he rejoyced greatly as certainly he had great cause to see the true and heartie affections of his subjects to their Countrey to his own bloud and the house of Bruce the uprightnesse sincerity and magnanimitie vertues requisite and necessary for Counsellours in resisting even himself for himself for his own honour and good which were both greatly interessed by this his desire if he had obtained it being so prejudiciall to his sister and her off spring who have happily succeeded yet since besides the breach of oath to his father the servitude of his Countrey subjecting it to strangers and the stain of his honour for ever to have been the authour of so unworthie a fact And without all doubt it was greatly against the security of his own Person in regard of the ambition of his designed Successour and Heir King Edward and his impatiencie to abide Gods leasure who in a colder hope had used indirect means to make away Thomas Randulph What would not that man have attempted for a certain possession And what miserable case had the Person of this good King been in if he had gotten his own will if his will had been accounted as a Law by these his subjects A notable example to Counsellours of freedome where their Princes good and the good of their Countrey doth require it to Princes of modestie in opposition made to that which may be their will for a time and whereunto for the present appearance they may be verie bent A happy King that can so dispose himself not to be wedded to his own affections onely Or if not so yet happy is hee that hath such Counsellers who will resolutely remonstrate the right and stand to it by which means he may be brought to examine his own affections to see the errours of them and rejoyce thereafter that he did not what he most desired Certainly this King hath rejoyced at it all the rest of his dayes living in great quietnesse some foure or five yeares There was not any grudge heart-burning or suspition after this between him and any of them such was the integritie of heart on both sides and so it should be in reconcilements otherwise enmities must be perpetuall or would be so if it were not hoped that the reconciliation would bee sincere and entire Nay where it is not so that peace is worse then any warre and nothing else but a snare to entrap men King David died in the Castle of Edinburgh in the Towre which he himself had caused build and is called from his name Davids Towre in the yeare 1370. the nine and thirtieth yeare of his reigne and was buried at Holyrood-house After his decease there was a Convention of the States at Linlithgow to have Crowned Robert Stuart son to Marjorie Bruce King Roberts daughter Thither went the Earle of Douglas and did claime the Crowne where he was so strongly accompanied that they feared hee would have taken it by force if it were not given him voluntarily He alledged that he was to be preferred before Robert Stuart because his right was derived both from Balliol and Cummin Now for the better understanding of the ground of his claime wee must remember that King Alexander the third dying without heires the title of the Crowne was devolved to David Earle of Huntington brother to the said Alexanders Grandfather King VVilliam This David of Huntington as Histories relate had three daughters Margaret Isabel and Alda or Ada. The eldest Margaret was married to Allane Lord of Galloway Isabel the second to Robert Bruce called commonly Robert the Noble the third Alda or Ada to Henry Hastings whose
Posteritie doth still yet happily with good report possesse the Earledome of Huntington This Alane Lord of Galloway had by his wife Margaret eldest daughter to David two daughters as is most commonly reported Dornagilla and Mary Dornagilla his eldest daughter was married to John Balliol father to that John Balliol who was afterward Crowned King of Scotland Mary his second daughter was married to John Cummin Earle of Marre and by her Lord of Galloway called Read John Cummin slain by King Robert Bruce at Dumfrees Some write that this Alane had three daughters and that the eldest was married to one Roger Earle of Winton of whom seeing we have no mention in pretension to the Kingdome it is apparent that either there hath been no such woman or that she hath died without children Buchanan sayes he had three daughters at his death in the life of Alexander the second Also Boetius in his thirteenth book fol. 294. saith the same and calleth this man Roger Quincie Earle of Winton who saith he was made Constable for his father in law Alane and continued in that Office untill the dayes of King Robert Bruce and then being forfeited for treason the Office of Constable was given to Hay Earle of Arrall hee sayes also that John Cummin did not marry one of Alanes daughters but one of this Quincies Earle of Winton who had married the said Alanes eldest daughter which is carefully to bee marked Hollinshed sayes the same in his Chronicle of Scotland and calleth him Roger Quincie John Cummin had by Mary his wife one onely daughter called Dornagilla who was married to Archbald Douglas slain at Halidon hill father to this Earle William of whom wee now speake whereby hee was Grandchild to Mary and great Grandchilde to Margaret David of Huntingtons eldest daughter and by consequent reckoning from David of Huntington his daughter 1 Margaret 2 her daughter Mary 3 Martes daughter 4 this Earle William is the fourth person On the other side for Robert Stuart reckoning likewise from the said David of Huntington his daughter 1 Isabel her sonne 2 Robert Bruce Earle of Carrict 3 his sonne King Robert 4 his daughter Marjory 5 her sonne Robert Stuart is the fifth person which is a degree further then the Earle of Douglas who was in equall degree with Marjory his mother This reckoning is not unlike that whereby Robert Earle of Carrict did claim it before when he contended with Balliol for Bruce was a Male and a degree neerer equall with Balliols mother and this Earle was also the Male and a degree neerer then Stuart equall with his Mother and besides all this he was come of the eldest of Davids daughters which Bruce was not This was the ground of his claim but finding his pretension evill taken and disliked by all the Nobility and disputing that which had been decided long before in favour of King Robert Bruce who had been confirmed King and to whom Balliol had renounced whatsoever right he could claim to whom also and to his posterity they all and Earle Williams owne predecessours had sworn obedience and continued it the whole time of his life and of his sonne David the space of 64. yeares To which Robert Bruce and not to David of Huntington Robert Stuart was to succeed wherefore the Earles chiefest friends George and John Dumbars Earles of March and Murray his brothers in law by his first wife and Robert Ereskene his assured friend keeper of the three principall Castles in Scotland Dumbartan Stirlin and Edinburgh disswaded him from it And so he was contented to desist and joyning very willingly with the rest of the Nobilitie accompanied him to Scone and assisted at his Coronation being no lesse acceptable and commended for his modest acquiescing then he had been before displeasing for his unseasonable motion For the which in token of his good will and that hee might so much the more tie the Earle to him the new King bestowes two very honourable gifts upon him His eldest daughter Euphane on the Earles son James that failing heires Male the Crowne might so fall to his house The other benefit was bestowed upon the Earle himselfe the marriage of Margaret Stuart Countesse of Marre and Angus daughter and heire to Earle Thomas This Countesse of Marre and Angus did beare to this Earle George Earle of Angus that was married to one of King Robert the thirds daughters as we shall see in the house of Angus It is knowne that these two lived after from thenceforth in good friendship as Prince and Subject without suspition grudge or eye list on either partie for neither did the King remember it as an aspiring whereby to hold a continuall suspicious eye over him neither did he feare the King as jealous of it or as esteeming that he had suffered vvrong in the repulse nor seekking any means to prosecute it further laying aside all quarrells vvith the cause in sinceritie on both sides This should be the practice of all honest hearts and is the onely mean to end all debates entertain peace and keepe humane society farre contrary to this novv called vvisedome of dissidence distrust jealousie curbing and keeping under those vvith vvhom vvee have had any difference vvhich is the onely vvay to foster variance and to make enmitie eternall For trust deserveth truth and moves a man to deserve that trust and to be vvorthy of it Time vvins and allures even the wildest minds of men and also of beasts even of fierce lions if it bee not a monster in nature or worse then a monster one amongst a thousand which is the onely true and solid policie that makes the hearts of men ours for men must be led by their hearts and by no other way and so imployed or else let no man thinke ever to make any great use of them King Robert after his Coronation made divers Earles and Barons or Lords and Knights amongst whom James Lindsay of Glenaske was made Earle of Crawford This same yeare the peace with England was broken which had been made with King David at his releasing from captivitie for foureteene yeares and had now continued not above foure or five yeares onely The occasion of it was this there is a yearely Faire in Roxbrough and some of the Earle of Marches servants going thither were slain by the English that kept the Castle thereof When the Earle of March craved justice and could not obtain it the next yeare when the Faire day came again hee having gathered a sufficient power of men invaded the Towne slew all the Males of any yeares and having rifled it and taken a great spoil and booty he burnt it to the ground We reade that a good while after this the Earle of Northumberland and Nottingham set forward toward Scotland with an army of three thousand men at armes and seaven thousand archers and sent forth Sir Thomas Musgrave with three hundreth speares and three hundreth archers to Melrosse to trie what hee could learne of
points of humane and divine Philosophie Of which sort how few be there and how meanly are they accounted of Let us either think better of them or finde the lesse fault with him Certainly if he cannot be fully excused yet can he not be over hardly censured neither condemned yea no more condemned for the moving then praised for his speedy leaving off and yeelding truly acquiescing and sincerely obeying in all times thereafter Of James the second of that name the eleventh Lord and second Earle of Douglas slaine at Otterburne UNto William the first Earle his son James did succeed a man in all kinde of vertue worthy of so great a father and honourable place who was no whit inferiour to him either in courage or fortunatenesse unlesse we account him lesse fortunate for that he lived but few yeares wherefore wee shall heare his owne judgement at his death He had two wives Euphane eldest daughter to the King as we have said by his wife the Earle of Rosses daughter yet the genealogie of the Kings in the Acts of Parliament sayes that she was daughter to Elizabeth Moore and not the Earle of Rosses daughter He had a son by her who lived not halfe a yeare he had also two base sons William of whom is descended the house of Drumlanrig as evidents do witnes given by Jacobus Douglas Comes de Douglas silto nostro and Archbald of whom is come the house Cavers and Sheriffes of Tivedale who if they had beene lawfull had been sonnes to the Kings daughter and had succeeded to the Earledome before his brother Archbald the Grimme who did succeed to him But though they did not succeed yet have they shewed themselves very worthy and amongst the chief great men of the land Of this William also are descended the houses of Coshogle Pinyerie Daveine and others in Niddisdale for Archbald Douglas the first of Coshogle was second sonne to this William of Drumlanrigge and was married to one Pringle of the house of Galasheiles who bore to him twelve sonnes and after his death shee was married to one Carnel Wallace and bore twelve more to him also Touching Earle James his actions which were done in his fathers daies one thing we have spoken of them in his fathers life as most proper there is one thing more besides what hath been said recorded of him by some that during his fathers life he was sent into France for renewing the ancient League with that Kingdome in which Ambassage were joyned with him Walter Wardlaw Cardinall and Bishop of Glasgow and his Uncle Archbald Lord of Galloway This is said to have been in the yeare 1381. which is the eleventh yeare of the reigne of Robert Stuart The occasion of it was a message that came out of France from Charles the sixth who desired to have it so After his returne in September hee recovered the towne of Berwick from the English and entring England with a competent power burnt and spoyled all the Countrey about as farre as Newcastle About the time of his fathers decease in the yeare 1384. there was a Truce concluded between France and England to last a yeare in which Scotland was also comprehended This treatie was at Boloigne or at Lillegham as others write and for intimation hereof some French men were directed to come into Scotland but while they prepare themselves too negligently the Earles of Northumberland and Nottingham with such as lay nearest to the Scottish Marches laying hold of this opportunitie to annoy Scotland so that the Scots should have no time to revenge it before the truce were proclaimed entered Scotland with an Army of 20000. or as others say 10000. horse and 6000. Archers and Bowmen and spoyled the Countrey farre and wide especially the lands pertaining to the Douglasses and Lindsayes The Scots who trusting to the brute of the truce dreamed of no such thing finding themselves thus used were greatly grieved with their owne sloth and no lesse incensed at the fraud and falsehood of England and resolved to avenge the same In the mean time the report of the English incursion coming to the eares of the French who had the charge to intimate the assurance admonished them of their slownesse wherefore to make amends though somewhat too late they hasten over to London in the very time that the English Army was in Scotland There they were very chearefully received and magnificently entertained with feasting and banquetting and under this colour cunningly detained untill it was knowne that the English Army was come home and dismissed then being suffered to depart they came into Scotland and shew their Commission The greatest part of the Nobility but chiefly the Earle of Douglas and such as with him had received great losse by that expedition cried out against the craft of the English that this their fraud and manifest ludification was no way to be suffered The King went about to pacifie them and shewed plainly that hee meant to receive and keep the truce which they perceiving drew out the matter at length by reasoning and arguing to and fro untill such time as they had gathered together quietly 15000. horsemen then Douglas Dumbarre and Lindsay withdrew themselves from Court without noise at a day appointed and joyning their companies at the place of rendevous enter England with displayed banners waste and spoile Northumberland to Newcastle Then they doe the like to the Earle of Nottinghams lands and the Mowbrayes and so returne home with a huge prey of men and cattell Straight after their returne the truce was proclaimed meeting fraud not with fraud but with open force by a just and honest re●…ompence and retalliation Neither were the English discontented for all this to accept the truce acknowledging that the Scots had reason to doe what they did or confessing their owne weaknesse and want of ability to avenge it at this time or both by their sitting still and acceptation for neither could right though weake have had patience in so great an injury neither would force if it had thought it selfe sufficient have been bridled with reason onely in so manifest an affront and so great dammage How ever it be they stirred not and so the truce was kept till it expired of it selfe When it was runne out John de vienne a Burgundian a very valiant man Admirall of France and Earle of Valentinois arrived in Scotland and brought with him 2000. men amongst whom were 100. men at Armes He brought also 400. Curiasses and 400. halfe long swords to be distributed amongst the Scots and as some write 50000. Crownes Before their coming James Earle of Douglas entred into England with a new Armie and upon their arrival was called back to Court where they attended his coming Then having consulted of their businesse and the Army being ready they accompanied him into England where they tooke in the Castles of Wark Foord and Cornewall and spoyled and burnt the Country between Berwick and New
other Court of Justice and that neither he nor his Tenants should be fined for his non-compearance 7. That this Indenture should be showne to the Pope and ratified by him And so it was sealed and subscribed with a Henry as long as the whole sheet of Parchment the worst shapen letters and the worst put together that I ever saw And as I beleeve it hath a particular Letter of confirmation of the Pope in the hands of the Earle of Angus It is thought that when William Earle of Douglas went secretly into England that his errand was to this or some such purpose to have made a proffer of his service to King Henry on these or the like conditions For even then the seeds of civill discord were sowne and began to bud sorth But either because things were not as yet come to any ripenesse or for that the Earle of Douglas was fallen into disgrace with his Prince nothing was done Now about the year 1460. in the minoritie of King James the third King Henry came into Scotland and did thus transact with the Earle of Angus A rare thing and whereof the like example is hard to be found in any subject except it be the Earle of Douglas concerning the Dutchie of Turaine with the King of France which is not unlike in many things Howsoever this shews how little inferiour the house of Angus hath been to the house of Douglas in credit and authority at home and abroad This Indenture took no effect it being now too late and King Henries estate brought to so low an ebbe that both his friends and his fortune having forsaken and turned their backs upon him his aide could not suffice against the whole power of England to make head against King Edward and to stoppe the current of his victories Notwithstanding Angus gave him a taste of what he could have done for him and shewed him in a notable exploite how available his service would have been if his case had not been desparate and past recovery Which though it were not rewarded with a Dutchie yet doth it not want nor ever shall want the due reward of high praise and honour as one of the hardiest and greatest interprises that hath been atcheived by any subject The Queen King Henries wife had obtained of her friends in France a few souldiers 300. of which were in the Castle of Anwick with Monsieur Brissac their commander King Edward following his victories and that he might prevent or suppresse any commotion that might arise in the North parts or out of Scotland was come to Durhame with a great Army He himself remaining in the Town sent abroad his Commanders to take in all such Castles as stood good for King Henry Amongst others he sent the Earle of Warwick to besiege Anwick with 20000. men He had another Army lying about Bambrough not far off from this and a third besieging another Town King Henry and more especially his Queen being very solicitous for the French men dealt with the Earle of Angus very instantly to have them relieved He promised to do his best and performed no lesse than he promised He assembled to the number of 10000. horse amongst whom there were 500. empty horses or moe for commonly the best appointed have ever two horses for service upon which he might mount the French-men and bring them away So he marches toward Anwick and when he came within a little space of the Castle he ranged his men in order of battell in the sight of the English Army making show as if he would have invaded them or at least that he meant to bide them battell if they should offer to set upon him or hinder him in his purposed businesse In the meane time he sent those 500. spare horse conducted by some choice troups to a posterne of the Castle to receive the French and so brought them away Some of the the English esteeming it a great affront to suffer them to be carried away in such sort from under their noses advised the Earle of Warwick to stay them But he was resolute in the contrary and told them that he had no commission to fight And sayes he who knowes what more aide these may have near hand in the parke or some other place And suppose they have not these are certainly all choice men able enough to sustaine our charge They cannot take the Castle with them into Scotland let them take the men I shall get the Castle which is all that my commission bears And so he lets them go who returned into Scotland with the French men an acceptable present chiefly to the Queen of England This was a fair assay and preamble of his ensuing services which being prevented by King Henries destinie and his death were smothered in the cradle and his Dutchie engrossed in parchment to have lien betwixt Trent and Humber is confined to a narrower precinct within the compasse of a Coffer Notwithstanding of this greatnesse and power to make him yet stronger and more puissant on the borders he did excambe his Lands in the Maines and Clarberon with Robert Grahame of old Monrosse and got for them the Lands of Eskedale upon the border He contracted his sonne Archbald and his heir apparant to Catherine daughter to Alexander Earle of Huntly or to any other of his daughters which the said George should choose The portion 2000. markes the termes of payment 10. years 100. markes every terme That if Archbald should die his brother whom the Indenture doth not name should marrie one of the said Earle of Huntlies daughters That the Earle of Angus should give his sonne 100. mark Land in Angus That Archbald after he be seven years old shall be given to the Earle of Huntly and the Earle of Huntlies daughter to the Earle of Angus The Indenture is dated at Saint Andrews 1461. the last of September This marriage took no effect what ever were the cause thereof Either before or after this there fell out a dissention amongst the Estates about the choosing of a governour and protectour for the young King James the third In which he and his brother Bishop Kennedie with the greatest part of the Nobilitie opposed themselves to the Queen who pretended to be Tutrix and had now usurped that place a year while as the Nobilitie being busied in the Warres had no leasure to look into these things The Queene and such as followed her remained in the Castle and the other party in the Abbey of Halyroodhouse A Convention being appointed the Queene and her faction came to the Parliament house and declared her Tutrix So soon as this was known the Earle of Angus and James Kennedie came up to the market place where the said Bishop declares that their intention was nothing else but to maintain their old law and the ancient practice of the Countrey which was that in such cases the Nobilitie should choose one whom they thought most fit to undergo that charge of governing
which was for the good both of the King and Countrey whereas they of the other party intended nothing but their own particular advantage as he should show more evidently in time and place convenient After this speech as they retired to their lodging they were advertised that those who were in the Castle with the Queen were coming down in armes to assault them or to have hindered them from making this declaration The Earle of Angus thinking it a great indignitie that they being more in number and better in qualitie should give place to the weaker and the meaner and inferiour partie and that in such sort as might seeme to be a direct flight could scarce be retained but that he would needs turne upon them and fight though he were not armed as they were But the matter was composed by the mediation of the Bishops of Glasgow Galloway and Dumblane and assurance given for a moneth After the expiring whereof having entred into a new consultation with more peaceable and calme mindes both parties agreed that the King and Countrey should be governed by foure Noblemen two of which should be chosen out of the Queenes partie and two out of the other For the Queen she chose William Lord Grahame and Robert Lord Boyd then Chancellour for the oother side they chose Robert Earle of Orkney and John Lord Kennedie all chief of their Name and Families Here is no mention of the Earle of Angus which makes me think he hath died in this mean time during the Truce otherwise being principall of this other side they would not have neglected him Sure he died much about this time which seemes to have been in the year 1462. Neither did his brother Bishop Kennedies businesse go so well after this He was buried in Abernethie amongst his Predecessours His wife after his death is said to have married a younger brother of the Captain of Crawford and that she got from her sonne Archbald the Lands of Balmoodie in Fife and that the house of Balmoodie is descended of her Which notwithstanding we finde her binde her self for relief of her sonne for the payment of her daughters portion 1479. as a free person making no mention of a husband It is true he might also have been dead then the space being 17. or 18. years But if her sonne were so liberall as to give her such Lands he would never have troubled her to binde her self for his relief in the payment of his sisters portion in likelihood Of the first Archbald sixth Earle of Angus called commonly Bell the Cat. TO George succeeded Archbald his sonne and heir a boy about 5. or 6. years of age at the most For in the year 1461. the last of September he is not 7. as appears by the Indenture made betwixt his father and the Earle of Huntly concerning his marriage It took no effect but in place thereof he marries Elizabeth Boyde daughter to Robert Lord Boyde then one of the Governours of Scotland viz. in the year 1468. the fourth of May. Which makes it seem that the match hath not failed on the Earle of Huntlies part but on his or at least theirs to whose tuition he hath been committed They or hee preferring credit at Court before their keeping and fulfilling of the Contract made by his father But it was little to their advantage for the next year after that the Court was changed the Boydes were discarded his brother in law Thomas Boyde sonne to Robert banished and his wife the Kings sister taken from him and his brother Alexander Boyde execute As for their father Lord Robert himself he fled into England And this is all the fruits he reaps by his marrying for Court He was by this our calculation 14. years of age at the most and yet his Lady gets seasing of Abernethie upon his resignation the same year the 1. of May. It is not unlikely that one William Douglas of Clunie hath had some hand in the guiding of his minoritie for we finde that the wardship of the Lands of Tantallon and Earledome of Douglas was given to him and he having again resigned it into the Kings hands the King makes a new disposition thereof to Archbald non obstante non aetate ejusdem notwithstanding his nonage which was then 16. years 1470. the 26. of June Six years after he hath care of his sisters Contracts by himself with Fintrie for one of them and three years after that he takes upon him the burden for his mother and hath her bound for his relief 1479. as hath been said in his fathers life being then about 25. years of age This dutifulnesse towards his sisters deserves that he should be blessed with children of his own and that he should have good successe in his affairs who begins so well And so it was with him for he had by his wife foure sonnes and three daughters all honourably provided His sonnes were first George called commonly Master of Angus because he came never to be Earle being slain at Flowdon before his father died The second Sir William of Glenbarvie who married Elizabeth Authenleck heir of Glenbarvie Third Gawin who was Bishop of Duncale a man of singular wisedome and prudencie and well lettered according to the times This Gawin had a base daughter of whom the house of Foulewood Semple is descended We shall have occasion to speak something of him in the life of Archbald his brothers son in whose time he lived The Duke of Albanie being Governour having conceived some jealousie against the Earle of Angus and the Douglasses whereupon Angus was sent to France and his uncle this Bishop was sent for to Rome by letters from the Pope at the Governours procuring to answer to such accusations as were given in against him As he was going thither he was seased of the plague at London in the year 1522. and died there leaving behinde him great approbation of his vertues and love of his person in the hearts of all good men For besides the nobilitie of his birth the dignitie and comelinesse of his personage he was learned temperate and of singular moderation of minde and in these so turbulent times had alwayes carried himself amongst all the Factions of the Nobilitie equally and with a minde to make peace and not to stir up parties which qualities were very rare in a Clergie-man of those dayes He wrote in his native tongue diverse things But his chiefest work is the translation of Virgil yet extant in verse in which he ties himself so strictly as is possible and yet it is so well expressed that whosoever shall assay to do the like will finde it a hard piece of work to go through with In his Prologues before every Book where he hath his libertie he sheweth a naturall and ample vein of poesie so pure pleasant and judicious that I beleeve there is none that hath written before or since but cometh short of him And in my opinion
bring him home that would take order with them also But it was too late for his death ensuing shortly after hindered the execution of that purpose He died the thirteenth of December 1542. leaving one onely daughter Mary his heir behinde him a childe of five dayes old But although he lived not to effect his determination yet he gave them an honourable testimony of their worth and withall made a confession of the wrong he had done to them and gave them a clear absolviture from all former imputation And so for their part they rest satisfied with it and seek no other The King was dead who had purposed to have brought them home his will is enough to them they stand not on ceremonies they come home now unsent for There were taken prisoners at the Solom-Mosse seven Earles and Lords foure and twenty others of inferiour but good place and quality When King Henry of England had triumphed a while over them causing to lead them from the Towre of London to Court through Cheapside Street the 20. of December upon Saint Thomas day he rebuked them as breakers of Covenant by a long harangue of his Chancellour who magnified the Kings mercy who did said he remit much of the rigour he might justly have used against them After this they had some more freedome and when the news of the Kings death was come he dealt kindly with them and told them his intention which was to have their Kings daughter married to his sonne Prince Edward that so the Nations of England and Scotland might be joyned together by that alliance for affecting of which match he takes their promise to favour his designe and to set it forward at home as farre as they might without dammage to their Countrey or reproach and infamy to themselves So having first taken pledges and hostages of them at New-Castle by the Duke of North-folke for their return in case the peace were not agreed on he sent them home to Scotland the first of January 1543. with these returned our Douglasses the Earle and Sir George after fifteen years exile and were received of all with great joy and gratulation Onely they were not welcome to the Cardinall They had been ever at variance they ranne divers courses in policie he suspected their Religion specially Sir Georges He knew they would not approve nor ratifie the Kings testament which he had forged wherein he was made Protectour and Governour with three Noblemen to be his Assessours He doubted not but that they would oppose him in the Parliament and therefore here he found means to be chosen Governor before their return Yet his fraud was detected before they came home and he debouted and put from that authority In his place James Hamilton Earle of Arran was chosen as being the man to whom it properly belonged as next heire and best beloved partly because they had a good opinion of his towardly disposition and that he was not averse from the reformed Religion whereof he willingly read the controversies partly because they hated the Archbishop Beton and his priests crueltie which put every man in fear of their government That businesse was settled ere they came home The next point was the marriage of the young Queen which they were to set forward with England The Queen mother and the Cardinall and the whole faction of the Priests oppose this way with all their might and power But they prevailed not and the Cardinall because he troubled all and would suffer nothing to be done orderly he was shut up in a Chamber till the matters were concluded and pledges promised to bee given to the English Ambassadour Sir Ralphe Sadler for performance Ambassadours also were sent into England to treat on the conditions They were the Earle of Glencarne Sir George Douglas Sir William Hamilton of Machane and the Secretarie of estate These remained foure moneths in England agreed at last and concluded all articles and conditions But in their absence the Cardinall was set at liberty who troubled all gathered a contribution of the Clergie and what by bribing what by other practices used by him and the Queen turns the Nobilitie quite an other way When those that had been sent into England were returned and found things in this estate they were much grieved at it and laboured to recall things and to perswade them to keep their promise made to King Henry To move them hereto Sir George Douglas spake to them very earnestly and told them the apologue of the asse which a King did love so dearly that he had a great minde and desire to have her to speak and having dealt with divers Physicians to make her to speak they told him it was a thing impossible and gainst nature but he being impatient and not enduring to have his desire crossed slew them because they told him the truth At last he trying about what others could doe one who was made wise by their example being required to do it he undertook it but withall he shew him that it was a great work and would be very chargeable The King being set upon it to have it done told him he should have what allowance he pleased and bade him spare for no charges and that besides he would reward him liberally The Physician told him that it would prove also a long cure and could not be done in a day ten years were the fewest that could be allotted to it The King considered of it and was contented to allow him that time for performing it and so they agreed and the Physician began to fall to work about his asse His friends hearing of it came to him and asked him what he meant to take in hand that which could not be performed in nature He smiled and said unto them I thought you had been wiser than to ask me such a question if I had sayes he refused to take it in hand he had put me to death presently now I have gained ten years time before which be expired who can tell what may happen The King may die the asse may die I my self may die and if any of these happen I am freed In the mean time I shall be in good estate wealth honour and the Kings favour Even so sayes Sir George stands the case with us at this time if wee refuse and leap back from the conditions that are propounded and agreed on wee enter into present Warre for which we are very unfit and ill provided If we embrace them we gain time we shall enjoy peace and quietnesse during the Queens childe-hood and before that be expired Prince Edward may die our Queen may die King Henry may die or the parties when they come to age may refuse one another or then perhaps as things may fall out it may be thought the best way by us all But he could not perswade them to it the Queen mother and the Cardinall the Popish and Politick Faction standing for France and drawing
Morton amongst others which the wise will lay to heart and make their use of it Jacobus Duglassius Mortonius Comes Prorex pr●… JACOBO Sexto Edinburgi securi percussus Anno 1581. Hunc specta Heroem celso cui spirat ab ore Majestas toto pectore rarus honos Augustos inter terrarum lumina reges Pro Rege Domino regia sceptra tulit Consilium imperium virtus facundia census Quaeque homines capiunt quaeque dedêre dii Unus cuncta fuit Nihil ad fastigia summa Defuit aeternum si sua fata darent Sed viden ' ut subito fatorum turbine versa Omnia in praeceps pondere pressasuo Discite mortales mortalia temnere illa Quaerere quae miseris non rapit aura levis Joh. Johnstonus in Heroibus James Douglas Earle of Morton Regent beheaded at Edinburgh 1581. Behold this Heros how his looks be grac't With Majestie what honour 's in his breast How high his port may to the world appear He rules a King and doth his Scepter bear Counsell commanding and perswasive Art What ever men injoy or gods impart Is found in him If Fortune did remain Constant no greater height he need obtain But ah what sudden change is here this state Falne with its own weight lyes opprest by Fate Observe it well and learn those goods to prise Which never can decay the rest despise Of Archbald the third of that name and ninth Earle of Angus NOw we come to Archbald himself the third bearing the name of Archbald son to David as hath been said He was thrice married first to Margaret Ereskin daughter to John Earle of Marre who was Regent of Scotland immediatly before Morton Shee was a beautifull chaste and vertuous Lady Shee lived with him but few years and died without children After her he was married to Margaret Leslie daughter to the Earle of Rothus She lived with him the space of years after which he was divorced from her for her adultery She likewise had no children His third wife was Jeane Lyon daughter to the Lord Glames Chancellour and Relict of Robert Douglas of Logh-leven She bare to him a daughter after his decease named Margaret who died about the age of fifteen years a maid unmarried He was bred and brought up with his Uncle Morton as wee have said who was his Tutor and Guardian He studied in S. Andrews in the New Colledge with Master John Douglas Provest of that Colledge and Rector of the Universitie till he was fifteen years of age Aster that he lived at Court with his Uncle having with him his Pedagogue Master John Provaine who endeavoured to instruct him in the Latine tongue and taught him his Logicks Rhetoricks but with such successe as is customable to youth and Nobilitie nature counsell and example drawing them rather to the exercises of the body which are more agreeable to their inclination and are esteemed more fit and proper for their place Whereas Letters are thought onely necessary and usefull for mean men who intend to live by them and make profession of some Art or Science for their maintenance but no wayes either suitable or requisite in Noblemen and such as are of any eminent rank or degree For these they are judged to be too base and he that affects them pedantick and of a mean spirit Nay most men do accompt the studie and knowledge of them prejudiciall hurtfull and no small let and impediment to politick activenesse and that it doth abate the courage of the minde and vigour of action which is requisite for their charge and calling of being States-men and Warriours A perverse and pernitious Tenent and farre contrary to the practice of the most famous Captains and Princes in all ages such as were Julius Caesar Scipio Africanus Alexander the Great and Pompey called the Great also of Trajane Antonius Charlemaigne and almost of all the Grecian Worthies And yet we heare that the Nobility in France especially accompt it a reproach to be called or esteemed learned and deeme it honourable to be illiterate and ignorant Much good may this honourable ignorance do them ere any wise-man envie it As for the Earle of Angus sore did he repent him of this neglect and greatly did he blame himself for it Especially in the time of his last banishment during which he laboured to have repaired that losse and over-sight of his youth by reading and hearing read to him Latine authours of all sorts both Historians and others chiefly Junius and Tremellius translation of the Scripture which he took great pleasure and delight in And though the defect of practice in his youth could not be altogether and fully supplyed yet such was his naturall judgement that in expressing of his minde either by word or writ none could do it more judiciously-and sensibly and in dictating of Letters or any other thing he even equalled if not over-matched those who would challenge to be the greatest and most skilfull Artistes therein This was well known and ingenuously acknowledged and witnessed by Chancellour Metellane of honourable memorie who having lighted upon some letters of his written with his own hand so well conceived and penned that some who heard them read supposed they had not been of his own penning but that he had onely transcribed them that they might seem to be his own he on the contrary affirmed and it was true that they were of his penning and that he did seldome use any mans help that way being himself very sufficient and able to discharge it Concerning his actions in the time of his uncles Regencie wee have spoken of them above in his life as the fittest place for them to be remembred in and we need not repeat them here After his death finding no sure footing for him in Scotland amongst these who were authours of it and would seek to secure themselves from all revenge thereof by making him away in like manner being commanded by the King and summoned in his name to come to Court he retired into England There hee was kindly received and honourably entertained by the bountifull liberality of that worthie Queen Elizabeth partly in memorie of his uncle but no lesse for his own sake being of such great hope and expectation conceived by the appearance of his present vertues his wisedome discretion towardlinesse which made him acceptable to all and begot love and favour both from her Majesties self and her Councellours and Courtiers that then guided the State Such as Sir Robert Dudley Earle of Licester Sir Francis Walsinghame Secretary and more especially he procured the liking of him who is ever to bee remembred with honour Sir Philip Sidney I mean like disposition in curtesie of nature equality of age and years did so knit their hearts together that Sir Philip failed not as often as his affaires would permit him to visit him in so much that he did scarce suffer any one day to slip whereof hee did not spend
view in the descent of it If we shall consider it in our best discourse with all circumstances due to it and compare it with the former to which it succeeded ballancing all things aright we shall finde it as not fully so great in that huge puissance and large extent of lands and rents that the house of Douglas had which did surpasse all others that were before or have been since amongst subjects so shall it be seen otherwise nothing inferiour In antiquitie Angus is thus far beyond it that there have been diverse I hanes of Angus which was a degree of honour in those dayes equall to that of Earles now as also that the Earles of Angus were created amongst the first that carried the title of Earles in the year 1057. or 1061. at the Parliament of Forfaire in the dayes of King Malcolme Kenmore whereas the house of Douglas was honoured onely with the title of Barons or Lords This is much preferment yet it is more that in our Chronicles the name of the house of Douglas is then first found whereas Angus is found 200. years before that time in the 839. year howbeit we have already showne that there were Douglasses in the year 767. though not mentioned by our Writers In bloud they are equall on the fathers side as being descended of the same progenitours so that what ever belongs to the house of Douglas before James slain at Otterburn belongs also to the house of Angus the first Earle of Angus of that surname being brother to him and both of them sonnes to William the first Earle of Douglas or rather the first Earle of Douglas being also Earle of Angus in effect seeing his wife was Countesse of Angus howbeit he used not the stile By the mothers side the house of Angus hath the preeminence being descended of the greatest in the Kingdome and even of the Royall stock having been divers wayes mingled therewith In vertue valour and love of their Countrey it resembleth the spring from whence it flowes and comes nothing short of it In credit authority place and action account favour and affection of men we shall finde it no lesse beloved and popular and no lesse respected and honoured So that with all this both likenesse and no great inequalitie bearing the name of Douglas together with the armes and title of Lords of Douglas the fall of this former house was the lesse felt it seeming not so much cut off as transplanted nor destroyed as transferred some comfort it is when it comes so to passe as may be seen in many others To deduce then the house of Angus from the first originall thereof it is declared by our Writers that Kenneth the second son to Alpine the 69. King having expelled the Picts out of his Kingdome did dispose of their Lands to his Noblemen and such as had done him good service in the warres In which distribution he gave the Province of old called Orestia to two brothers the elder of which was named Angus or as Buchanan Aeneas and the younger Merns These two brothers dividing that Province betwixt them gave each of them his name to that half he possessed and so of one they made two calling the one Angus and the other the Merns as these Countreyes are so called at this present This is the first Thane of Angus from whom that Countrey took the name 2. After him we read of other Thanes as of Rohardus Radardus or Cadhardus who slew Culenus the 79. King for ravishing his daughter 3. Also there was one Cruthnetus in the reigne of Kenneth brother to Duffe in the year 961. who was slain by Crathelint who was his own grand-childe by his daughter Fenella or Finabella married to the Thane of the Merns 4. Then we have one Sinel in the reigne of Malcolme the second son to this Kenneth who began his reigne 1104. and reigned 30. years who married Doaca or Doada younger daughter to King Malcolme whose elder sister Beatrix was married to Crinen Thane of the Isles and principall of the Thanes whom that age called Abthane 5. Of this marriage was procreat Mackbeth or Mackbed or Mackabee Thane of Angus and afterward King of Scotland of whom the History is sufficiently knowne 6. The last Thane was Luthlack son to Mackbeth who was installed King at Scone after his fathers death but within three moneths he was encountered by King Malcolme and slain at Strabogie This was about the year 1056 or 57. And so much of the first period of the house of Angus under the title of Thanes The second period of the house of Angus is under the title of Earles before it come to the name of Stuart The first is one made Earle by King Malcolme at the Parliament of Forfaire where Boetius telleth expresly that the Thane of Angus was made Earle of Angus The next is in the dayes of King David called Saint David in the warres with Stephen King of England in the battell at Alerton where the Generall the Earle of Glocester was taken prisoner the Scottish Army is said to have been conducted by the Earles of March Stratherne and Angus in the year 1136. or 37. but he is not named The third is Gilchrist in the year 1153. in the reigne of Malcolme the maiden who did good service against Sumerledus Thane of Argyle and being married to the Kings sister having found her false put her to death and fearing the King fled into England and afterward was pardoned Then we have John Cumin in the dayes of Alexander the second in the year 1239. of whom wee read nothing but that he was sent Ambassadour into France to Lewis then King and that he died by the way before he had delivered his Ambassage Boetius Hollinshed This was about 1330. The third period is in the surname of Stuarts of whom the first is one John Stuart entitled Earle of Angus Lord of Boncle and Abernethie in a Charter given by him to Gilbert Lumsden of Blainerne yet extant in the hands of the house of Blainerne It is not dated but the witnesses show the time for Randolphus custos regni Scotiae is one What this John was is uncertain but in likelihood he hath been brother to Walter the seventh from the first Walter and sonne to John and so also uncle to Robert the first King of that Name for so the time doth bear and his father John or himself married the heir of Boncle and was slain at the battell of Falkirk in the year 1299. This John was slain at Halidoun hill together with his brother James and Alane Buch. lib. 9. 2. The second is Thomas apparantly sonne to John who assisted the Earle of Douglas and the Earle of March in their taking of Berwick in the year 1357. or 58. he died in the Castle of Dumbartan having bin imprisoned there but for what is not known 3. Then Thomas again father to Margaret Stuart Countesse of Marre and Angus 4. Last of all Margaret
Stuart daughter to this Thomas married first to Thomas Marre Earle of Marre in her fathers lifetime apparantly And after her fathers death who died without heirs male she was heir to her father by the renunciation of her sister Elizabeth who was married afterward to Alexander Hamilton of Cadyowe and so she was Countesse of Marre and Angus Dowager or Lady tercer of Marre and inheritrix of the Earldome of Angus Her first husband dying without issue she was married after his death to William the first Earle of Douglas she being his third wife as hath bin shewed in the year 1381. She was a kinde Lady to her friends loving to her sister Elizabeth and a carefull mother to her sonne George Earle of Angus She is never designed Countesse of Douglas either for distinction being better known by her titles of Marre and Angus or because these were more ancient and no lesse honourable She is the twelfth from Bancho and tenth from Walter the first Stuart and she is the last of that Name in the house of Angus And thus much of the house of Angus in generall before it came to the Douglasses of whom now it is time to speak Of the first Earle of Angus of the Name of Douglas of William the first Earle of Douglas and Angus WE shall do no wrong to reckon William the first Earle of Douglas as the first Earle of Angus also of the Name of Douglas seeing he married the inheritrix of Angus Nay we should do him wrong to omit him being the root from which all the rest are sprung He was the first Earl of Douglas and first Earl of Angus of the Name of Douglas though it be true that he was 23. or 24. years Earl of Douglas before he came to be Earl of Angus and that is all the difference betwixt the antiquitie of these two houses in the possession of that Name Now that it was Earle William himself and none else it is evident by a bond made by the said Earle William to his sister Marjorie Countesse of Marre for the due payment of the said Marjories third let to him and Margaret Stuart Countesse of Marre and Angus where he calls her his wife Also that the same Earle William was father to George it is clear by a Charter of Tutorie and entaile made by Sir James Sandilands of West-Calder to George in which Sir James speaking sayes thus The Land of Calder were given to my father and mother of good memorie by my Lord Sir William Earle of Douglas and Marre his father that is father to George Of the life of this William we have spoken in the house of Douglas whither we referre the Reader Of George Douglas second Earle of that Name and sonne to Margaret Stuart Countesse of Marre and Angus GEorge his sonne entreth to the Earledome in the year 1389. the 9. of Aprile a boy of seven or eight years old at most for he was born but in 1381. which is the first year that we finde his father and his mother married His mother resigned the Earledome of Angus in his favour at a Parliament in the aforesaid year 1389 the 9. of April so that he hath the title of Earle of Angus from that time forth notwithstanding his mother was alive He had to wife Mary Stuart daughter to King Robert the third being then about 16. or 17. years of age All that we hear of him in our Histories is that he was taken prisoner with the Earle of Douglas at the battel of Homeldoun in the year 1402. When he died is uncertain onely thus much we know that his sonne William kept Courts as Earle in the year 1430. So he hath lived 42. or 43. years And certainly he hath not lived long for after his death Mary Stuart his wife was twice married first to the Lord Kennedie and bare to him John Lord Kennedie and James Arch-bishop of Saint Andrews who are called brothers to his sonne George Earle of Angus Then she was married to the Lord John Grahame of Dindaffe-moore and bare to him Patrick Grahame Bishop also of Saint Andrews and James Grahame first Laird of Fintrie His children were William and George both Earles of Angus after him Of William the third Earle of Angus and second of that Name of William TO George succeeded William his sonne by Mary Stuart as all our writers do testifie and all men acknowledge He was amongst those that were committed to prison by King James the first in the year 1424. After this he was employed to receive the Castle of Dumbarre when the Earle of March was imprisoned in the year 1435. the 29. of King James the first his Raigne he was made warden of the middle March In the year 1436. he was sent against Percie who either by private authority or publick allowance had entred Scotland with 4000. he was about the same number and had with him in company men of note Adam Hepburne of Hales Alexander Ramsay of Dalhousie Sir Gilbert Johnstoun of Elphinston They fought at Piperdain or Piperdean as say Boetius and Holinshed perhaps Harpardean by Hadington for we see that most of them are Lowthian-men that are remarked to be in his company yet it is hard to think that Percie could come so farre in with so few The Earle of Angus was there victor beginning his first Warres upon Percie fatall to the Name belike There were slain of the English 400. together with Sir Hénry Cliddisdalo Sir John Ogle Sir Richard Percie Knights taken prisoners 1500. Of the Scots one onely of note was slaine Sir Gilbert Johnstoun of Elphinston Buchanan cals him Alexander but amisse a gentleman of singular approved vertue sayes Buchanan and Boetius tells the manner while he pursues the enemy too eagerly Before this Archbald Earle of Douglas and Wigton was gone into France male-contented with the government having been twice committed prisoner to receive his Dukedome of Turaine Every mi●…-hap is good for some body that gave occasion and way to this employment for while the house of Douglas was present who but they for service against England who but they were able to do it Now they being absent who but a Douglas A branch of that tree and not long since come of it especially being the Kings Cousin so near So they begin and so they shall continue with the like vertue We hear not whom he married nor any thing of his children save of his sonne James who did succeed to him Neither is it known when he died precisely onely we finde that he was dead before the 1437. the 27. of Februarie So that reckoning from the first year of his fathers marriage in the 1398. he hath lived some 41. years in all and 13. years Earle from the 1424. Of James the fourth Earle of Angus of the surname of Douglas AFter William his sonne James was Earle Our warrand is a writ where he is served heir to William his father in