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A43199 Ductor historicus, or, A short system of universal history and an introduction to the study of that science containing a chronology of the most celebrated persons and actions from the creation to this time, a compendious history of ... transactions ... of the ancient monarchies and governments of the world, an account of the writings of the most noted historians ... together with definitions and explications of terms used in history and chronology, and general instructions for the reading of history / partly translated from the French of M. de Vallemont, but chiefly composed anew by W.J., M.A. Hearne, Thomas, 1678-1735.; Vallemont, abbé de (Pierre Le Lorrain), 1649-1721. Elémens de l'histoire. 1698 (1698) Wing H1309; ESTC R15760 279,844 444

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First Year of the CXII Olympiad When Alexander died his Bastard-Brother Arideus was proclaimed King but his Reign lasted not long for Alexander's Favourites shared his Conquests and Empires among them of which Ptolemy the Son of Lagus got Egypt for his Dividend 331 3629. 1. Ptolemy the Son of Lagus Sirnamed Soter reigned over Egypt about 35 years and then surrender'd the Government to his Son 321 3664. 2. Ptolemy Philadelphus About this time the Holy Scripture was translated into the Greek Language by LXXII Iews sent into Egypt by Eleazer the High-Priest at the Request of Ptolemy But there is some Dispute among the Learned concerning the exact time when this Version was made some placing it under the former but most under the latter of these two Kings for Demetrius Phalereus a Grecian who was a great Man under Ptolemy Lagi but not so powerful under his Son is generally supposed to have been the chief Promoter of that Work This Version has been generally follow'd ever since especially by the Romish Church and is that we usually call the Septuagint Ptolemy Philadelphus is also famous in the Learned World on account of the vast Library of no less than 200000 Volumes which he collected by the Assistance of Demetrius Phalereus He reigned near 40 years and died by excessive Drinking c. 286 3703. 3. Ptolemy Eu●rgetes that is the Well-doer succeeded his Father Philadelphus and reigned 25 years 247 3729. 4. Ptolemy Philopator put his Father to Death succeeded him and reigned about 17 years This is that Ptolemy who was such an inveterate Enemy to the Iews as was before related in Chapter I. of this Third Part. Aelian tells us that he killed his Wife and Sister to please his Concubine Agathoclea who governed all and that he built a Temple to Homer 221 3746. 5. Ptolemy Epiphanes that is the Illustrious succeeded his Father when but 4 years old and reigned 24 years He likewise was a cruel Oppressor of the Iews Antiochus Sirnamed the Great who was then King of Syria upon the News of Philopator's Death broke the League which he had made with Egypt and associating with Philip King of Macedon they both resolved upon turning young Epiphanes out of his Kingdom and to share it between them 204 3770. 6. Ptolemy Philometor so called from that Dutiful Affection which he bore to his Mother Cleopatra succeeded his Father who died with Poison and reigned 34 years and 9 months This Philometor died in the Physicians Hands of the Wounds he had received in his Head by a fall off his Horse in that Battel wherein he conquered Alexander Balas King of Syria Cleopatra Sister and Wife to Philometor deceased was willing to insure the Kingdom to her Son but Ptolemy the younger Brother of Philometor who had reigned in Cyrene opposed it and made himself King A Party rose up against him in favour of Cleopatra but he to put an end to this Contest married Cleopatra his Brother's Widow and Sister to them both On the very Wedding-Day this new King killed Cleopatra's Son whilst she held him clasped in her Arms. Thus Ptolemy the younger Sirnamed Phiscon mounted his Brother's Bed and Throne 180 3805. 7. Ptolemy Phiscon or Euergetes II. was a very cruel Prince not only to his own Family as has been already observed but to all his Subjects He reigned about 29 years In the first part of his Reign he strangled the Grandees of Alexandria who had invited him to accept of the Crown he had no respect to either Sex or Age put away Cleopatra who was both his Wife and Sister and married her Daughter whom he had formerly deflower'd by force Within a while after he sent for his eldest Son who reigned in Cyrene and put him to Death for fear the Inhabitants of Alexandria should make him King after him The People were so enraged at this that they pulled down the Statues and defaced the Images of the King who charged Cleopatra his divorced Wife with this Fact Physcon in Revenge put the Son he had by her to Death and sent her in a Charger his Head Hands and Feet which he ordered to be served up at her Table on the Anniversary of that Queen's Nativity 145 3834. This year the barbarous King died and left the Kingdom to Cleopatra his Wife to whom he had been reconciled before his Death and gave her liberty of making which of her Sons she pleased King in his stead She would have had Alexander mount the Throne but the People constrained her to make choice of Ptolemy Lathurus to be Phiscon's Successor 116 8. Ptolemy Lathurus who was not very well beloved by his Mother became at last by her Intrigues odious to the Commonalty However he reigned together with Cleopatra 11 years At last he was so much hated by the People of Alexandria that he fled from them to Cyprus of which his Brother Alexander had been King for 8 years 3845. 9. Ptolemy Alexander succeeded but did not reign above one year For falling out with his Mother he grew jealous of her Intrigues and thereupon put her to Death The Inhabitants of Alexandria were so exasperated that they raised an Insurrection and forced the King to fly They sent Ambassadors to Cyprus to invite Lathurus back again He reascended the Throne and reigned after the Death of Cleopatra 7 years and 6 months When he died he left a Daughter behind him named Cleopatra who reigned 6 months 105 3854. 10. Ptolemy Dionysius Sirnamed Auletes because of his being a great Lover of Musick succeeded and reigned about 30 years Some say he was the Son of Lathurus He had a Share in the Civil Wars of Rome sided with Cato permitted him to take the Isle of Cyprus and drained all Egypt for the Money which he remitted to the Romans Upon this his Subjects rebelled against him and he fled to Rome where he gained Pompey's Favour who re-established him again on the Throne 96 3885 11. Ptolemy Dionysius II. succeeded his Father Auletes and reigned about 18 years His Faiher at his Death ordered by his Last Will and Testament that his eldest Son should marry his eldest Daughter and reign jointly together for it was then Customary among the Egyptian Kings for Brothers to marry their own Sisters Pompey after he had been defeated by Cesar in the famous Battel of Pharsalia fled into Egypt hoping he might find a secure Retreat with that young King for the Kindness he had shewed his Father in re-establishing him upon the Egyptian Throne But he was disappointed in his Expectation for Ptolemy misled by treacherous Counsellors meditated nothing less than the turning Cleopatra his Wife and Sister out of her Partnership in his Bed and Throne and to ingratiate himself as he thought with Cesar sent Septimius a Roman Refugee to murder Pompey upon his arrival Iulius Cesar pursued Pompey into Egypt where he heard the News of his being Assassinated He was very much troubled at it but however he endeavoured to
by and begin our Account with him Years of the World Years before Christ. 2525. The State of the Thebans under XIV Kings which lasted 295 Years 1425 1. CAdmus was the first King of the Thebans The Grecians tell us that he was the Son of Agenor who sent him and his other two Brothers in quest of their Sister Europa whom Iupiter had ravished forbidding them to return unless they brought their Sister with them That Cadmus at last after many fruitless Journeys came into Boeotia where despairing of ever meeting with his Sister being admonished by the Oracle he built or as 't is most probable repaired Thebes and added a Fort to it which from him was called the Cadmean Fort That he married Harmonia the Daughter of Mars and Venus of whom he had one Son named Polydorus and four Daughters Semele Ino Autonoe and Aga●e That he at last warred against the Illyrians conquered and reigned over them leaving the Kingdom of Thebes to be governed by his Son Polydorus This is the Account which the Grecians give us of Cadmus But thô they in Honour to him say he was a King's Son yet the Sidonians his Countrymen deny it and affirm that this Cadmus was only the King's Cook and that he ran away with a certain Musick-Girl called Harmonia His coming into Greece was about the same time that Ioshua governed Israel so that it may be very justly supposed that he carried a Colony of the Canaanites whom Ioshua had expelled into Greece Whether this or the other Account be truest we shall not here stand to determine thô upon very weighty Reasons the latter seems to be most probable However most agree that this was the Man who first brought Letters into Greece from Phenicia 2. Polydorus succeedded his Father married the Daughter of Nycteus by whom he had one Son Labdacus whom at his Death he left to the Care of his Father-in-Law 3. Labdacus succeeded In his time Epopeus the King of Sicyonia ravished Antiope the other Daughter of Nycteus upon which a War broke out between them wherein they both died of their Wounds which they received Upon the Death of Nycteus his Brother Lycus was made Labdacus's Governor who administred the Government so faithfully that Labdacus upon his Death committed his Infant Son Laius to his Care 4. Laiùs succeeded his Father In his Reign his Governor Lycus having punished Antiope according as Nycteus had ordered him was at War with her two Sons Amphion and Zethus and was killed by them in an Engagement Thebes was taken by them and the young Child Laius very narrowly escaped 5. Amphion and Zethus reigned over Thebes Amphion built Walls round Thebes married Niobe the Daughter of Tantalus and Sister of Pelops who having a great many Children boasted that she was a better Breeder than Latona her self which occasioned her to lose them all For Apollo was commanded to kill all the Males and Diana all the Females upon which Niobe was so stupified that the Poets feign she was turned into a Stone Thô this Account is rather Romance than true History yet we thought it would not be amiss to insert it that so our young Reader may have some Light even in the Fictions of the Poets which he may meet with A while after Amphion and his whole Family were cut off by the Plague Zethus pin'd away upon the Death of his Son whom his Wife had unfortunately killed and these Brothers being thus removed the Thebans restored Laius again to the Throne Laius married Iocasta the Daughter of Meneceus by whom he had a Son but the Oracle advising him to beware of him he bound his Feet and exposed him in order to make him away The infant was according to his Order exposed but found by a Shepherd and brought to Polybus King of Corinth He took care of the Child brought him up as his own and cured him of the Swelling which he had in his Feet from whence he was called Oedipus A long time after Laius uncertain what was become of his Son and Oedipus ignorant who were his Parents both went to make their Enquiries at the Oracle In Phocis they met by chance where Laius very roughly commanding him to give the way was killed by his Son whose hot Blood it seems could not brook such rude Provocation 6. Upon the Death of Laius Creon the Brother of Iocasta usurped the Throne till such time as Oedipus did explain the Riddle of the Monster Sphinx For all Travellers who passed by where she sate had the Riddle proposed to them upon these Terms That in case they could not explain it they should be put to Death but whoever did should marry Iocasta and be King of Thebes Oedipus unriddled the Riddle and married his own Mother Iocasta after he had killed his Father Both which he did ignorantly At last a full Discovery was made both of the Murder and the Incest of Oedipus upon which Iocasta hanged her self and he was kept Prisoner by his Sons sent to Athens and there died with King Theseus 7. Eteocles and Polynices the two Sons of Oedipus agreed to reign alternately but Eteocles being once upon the Throne would not let his Brother have his Turn in the Government Upon this Polynices made his Aplication to Adrastus King of Sicyon his Father-in-Law Adrastus to revenge the Affront marched at the Head of an Army and sat down before Thebes After many dubious Skirmishes it was agreed That the two Brothers should determine the Quarrel by fighting a single Duel They accordingly fought and killed each other but did not put an end to the Contest for a sharp Engagement followed wherein the Soldiers of Adrastus were cut off and himself rid away full speed for his Life 8. Laodamas the Son of Eteocles succeeded but being in his Minority Creon the Brother of Iocasta was his Governor Within ten years after the Sons of those who were cut off in the last Battel to revenge themselves upon the Thebans raised another War wherein Thebes and Laodamas were taken 9. Thersander the Son of Polynices set up by the Victors who leading the Beotians against Troy was slain by Telephus in Mysia 10. Pencleus made King by the Beotians but engaging with Euryphilus the Son of Telephus was slain in the Battel 11. Tisamenus the Son of Thersander succeeded 12. Damasicthon the Son of Opheta and Nephew to Pencleus 13. Ptolemeus succeeded 14. Xanthus the last King of Thebes was killed in a Duel by Melanthus the Messenian With him ended the Kingdom of Thebes which was turn●d into a Common-wealth in the year of the World 2820 before Christ 1130. But still the Thebans had a great Share both in the Intestine and Foreign Wars with which Greece was engaged as appears in the Accounts we have given of Athens and Lacedemonia CHAP. XV. Of the Macedonians THE Kingdom of Macedonia or Macedon so called from Macedon the Son of Osiris or as some say from Iupiter and Aethra was bounded on the West
we did not think it proper to insert the Account of them in this our System CHAP. XVIII Of the Italians Latins Romans and of the Fourth or Roman Monarchy OUR Reader must not expect in this short System of Vniversal History that we should give an accurate and particular Account of all the Roman Affairs since many of the Ancients such as Diodorus Siculus Dionysius Halicarnasseus Livy and others who have only given us an Account of part of them have filled whole Volumes with that Account And since our Countryman the ingenious industrious and indefatigable Mr. ECHARD has favoured the World with a large Book even of his Abridgment of the Roman History 'T is enough that we give only a Taste of the most eminent Transactions which contributed towards the making Rome so famous to future Ages that by this means the Reader may be the better prepared and the more excited to look into more Voluminous Tracts which treat of these Matters It must be likewise acknowledged that all the Account we have of Italy before Romulus is very Fabulous and Precarious and such as no Historian can rely upon However we shall give you a short Account of what passed in Italy before those Times thô we shall not vouch to the Truth of all that is contained therein nor do we desire to impose any thing upon the Reader but leave him to be a Free Thinker and his own Judge in the Case Having by way of Preface said thus much we shall divide this Chapter into V. Sections In the First we shall consider the Italians under the Government of the Ianigenae or Siculi In the Second we shall consider them under the Government of the Aborigines In the Third we shall consider them under the Seven Kings The Fourth Section shall give you an Account of the Consular State of Rome And the Fifth shall treat of the Fourth or Roman Monarchy Sect. I. The First State of Italy under the Janigenae or Siculi which lasted 557 Years 'T IS said that Gomer the Son of Iaphet first planted Colonies in Italy But we have no certain Account of this only that the first Inhabitants were called Ianigenae or Siculi It must not be expected that we should give an exact Chronology of these dark Times we shall therefore only give you a Catalogue of the Principal Men whether Kings or only Petty Governors is very uncertain who lived within this time Years of the World Years before Christ. 2044. 1. Aurunus It seems he built a Temple to Ianus 1906 2. Malotages 3. Sicanus the Husband of Ceres who taught the People Tillage 4. Several Tyrants 5. Osiris drove them out and was chosen King 6. Neptune 7. Lestrigo 8. Hercules Libycus 9. Tuscus 10. Alteus 11. Kittim or Atlas or Italus out of Spain ruled the Ianigenae 12. Iasius 13. Dardanus He killed Iasius and afterwards fled into Thrace 14. Tyrrhenus He came out of India and his Subjects after him were called Tyrrhenians We have no Account after him of any King or Governor for above 100 years together Sect. II. The Second State of Italy under XV. Kings called Aborigines which lasted 577 Years from Janus down to Romulus Years of the World Years before Christ. 2621. 1. JAnus the Son of Erectheus King of Athens came into Italy was received by the Aborigines and built Ianiculum He reigned 10 years 1329 2631. 2. Saturn expelled Crete by his Son Iupiter fled into Italy civiliz'd the People taught them Tillage coin'd Money c. He reigned 19 years 1319 2650. 3. Picus the Son of Saturn succeeded and reigned 41 years 1300 2691. 4. Faunus succeeded his Father and reigned 42 years 1259 In his time Evander and Carmenta his Mother came out of Arcadia and taught them Letters and Hercules living with Evander killed Cacus 2733. 5. Latinus reigned 36 years He had a Daughter named Lavinia whom Aeneas married 1217 2769. 6. Aeneas after the taking of Troy came into Italy where he built Lavinium killed Turnus King of the Rutuli married Lavinia was drowned and afterwards Deified He reigned 5 years 1181 2774. 7. Ascanius or Iulus the Son of Aeneas by Creusa succeeded his Father and reigned 38 years He resigned Lavinium to Lavinia and Sylvius her Son built Alba and left the Kingdom to Sylvius 1176 2812. 8. Sylvius the Son of Aeneas by Lavinia succeeded and reigned at Alba 29 years 1138 2841. 9. Eneas Sylvius succeeded his Father and reigned 30 years 1109 2871. 10. Latinus II. reigned 51 years From him the People were called Latines 1079 2922. 11. Alba Sylvius succeeded his Father and reigned 39 years 1028 2961. 12. Capetus I. called by Ovid Epitus succeeded and reigned 26 years 989 2987. 13. Capys succeeded and reign'd 28 years He built Capua 963 3015. 14. Capetus II. succeeded and reigned 12 years 935 3027. 15. Tyberinus succeeded and reigned 8 years He was drowned in the River Tyber which has its Name from him 923 3035. 16. Agrippa Sylvius succeeded and reigned 41 years 915 3076. 17. Alladius or Aremulus succeeded and reigned 19 years He imitated Thunder and was swallowed up with his Palace 874 3095. 18. Aventinus succeeded and reigned 37 years The Aventine Hill derived its Name from him 855 3132. 19. Procas succeeded and reigned 23 years When he died he left his Sons to rule by turns yearly 818 3155. 20. Amulius expelled his elder Brother Numitor and reigned 25 years He killed Numitor's Son Lausus made Rhea Numitor's Daughter a Vestal Virgin ravished her afterward in the likeness of Mars by whom he had two Sons Romulus and Remus killed her and exposed them 795 3180. 21. Numitor is restored by his Grandsons Romulus and Remus to the Throne and reigned 18 years 770 Thus have we given the Reader some glimmering sort of Light into the State of the Italian Affairs even in these dark Times We shall now proceed to what History gives us a clearer Insight into and by what follows we may perceive from what small Beginnings and by what Steps and Degrees the Romans rose to that Grandeur as to be at last the Masters of the greatest part of the then known World Sect. III. The Third State under VII Kings called the Regal State lasted 245 Years Years of the World Years before Christ. 3198. 1. ROmulus was 18 years of Age when he laid the Foundations of the City of Rome upon the River Tyber near the Place where he and his Brother Remus were brought up At first he took in only Mount Palatine on which he built about 1000 Houses but within a while the Inhabitants increased to such a Number that they were forced to take in six Hills more so that Rome from hence was called The City with 7 Heads At first there was only a Colony of 300 Horse and 3000 Foot but to increase the Number he set up an Asylum which was a Sanctuary to all Malefactors and Discontented Persons 752 Romulus upon founding the City killed his Brother Remus for some Affront he had
there that God published first with his own Mouth the Ten Commandments which are still a Compendium of all the Holy Laws and are look'd upon by all Christians as the most firm and unshaken Foundation of their Piety which no Body can strike at without committing a Crime Two Months after the going out of Egypt the Manna is sent from Heaven which served for Food to the Israelites during 40 Years The third Month the Law was given Sacrifices offered and an Alliance made betwixt God and the People 2455. Afterwards the Ceremonial Law is given and the Tabernacle the Priesthood the Holy Utensils the Priestly Habits and all that belongs to the Levitical Service is settled and regulated 2470. Dardanus first King of Troy 2500. Letters brought into Greece by Cadmus 2493. Moses dies 120 Years old Here ends the Pentateuch which contains 2493 Years of the History of the World 1457. Ioshua Moses's Successor goes dry-foot over the Iordan and enters the Land of Canaan The Walls of Iericho fall to the Ground He stops the Sun that he may have time to compleat the Defeat of the Gabaonites 2499. Ioshua being old divides the Promised Land among the Children of Israel having defeated 31 Kings and conquered in six Years the greatest part of Palestine 2517. Ioshua dies 110 Years old having govern'd the Israelites during the space of 24 Years 2671. Gideon judges Israel 1279. The Israelites through their Sins fall under the Power of the Madianites This Fourth Servitude lasts 7 Years 2679. Deliver'd by Gideon 2741. The 5th Servitude of the Israelites under the Philistines and Ammonites 1210. 2710. Hercules liv'd 2720. The Voyage of the Argonauts to Colchis for the golden Fleece 2750. Towards this time Paris Son to Priam King of Troy commits a Rape on Helena The Grecians to revenge this Affront besiege Troy 1194. EPOCHA V. 2767. The Taking of Troy 1183. This Epocha reaches as far as the finishing of the Temple and lasts 180 Years HElena Tyndarus's Daughter being an extraordinary Beauty Theseus fell in Love with her and ravish'd her from her Parents but her Brother having rescu'd her gave her in Marriage to Menelaus Brother to the King of Micenae from whom Paris Son to Priam King of Troy ravish'd her a second time The Grecians resented this Affront declared War to the Trojans besieg'd their City and having taken it after Ten Years Siege burnt it to the Ground This War is the Subject of the two greatest Poems that ever were written the Iliad and Aeneid But the Genius of Homer and Virgil is more to be extoll'd than the Valour of their Hero's for this we see and know to be real but there is Reason to believe the other is but Fiction These Times are called Fabulous or Heroick by reason of those that have been celebrated by the Poets under the Names of Hero's and Demi-gods in the History of which they have intermix'd abundance of Fables Historians place about this Time Castor Pollux Achilles Agamemnon Vlysses Hector Sarpedon Iupiter's Son Aeneas Son of Venus whom the Romans acknowledge for the Founder of their Empire Aeneas flying from Troy settles in Italy marries the Daughter of Latinus King of the Aborigines and succeeds him From Aeneas a Race of Kings succeeded out of which sprung Remus and Romulus the Founders of Rome 2781. Abdon Judge of the Israelites famous for his 30 Sons 1169. 2800. Heli High-priest of the Iews is succoured in the Defence of the People of God by Sampson then but 19 Years of Age who kills himself 1000 Philistines with the Jaw-bone of an Ass. 2808. Sampson pulls down the Temple of Dagon and at his Death kills more Philistines than he had done during his Life 1142. 2848. The Ark is taken by the Philistines Ophni and Phineas are killed in the Fight Heli the High-Priest hearing this News falls down from his Seat breaks his Neck and dies 2849. Samuel the last Judge of the People of God succeeds Heli 1101. 2879. The Israelites ask for a King God gives them Saul then 40 Years old 1071. 2881. Saul is rejected by God Samuel goes to Bethleem to anoint David King then but 15 Years of Age. 2890. Saul dies miserably having obliged his Shield-bearer to run him through with his own Sword 2889. David now 30 Years old succeeds Saul and is anointed King at Hebron 1061. 2890. The Athenians spread their Colonies in that part of Asia minor called Ionia which is particularly owing to the Care of Cod●us the last King of the Athenians The Aeolian Colonies were settled much about that time and all Asia minor was by degrees filled with Greek Cities 2929. Solomon is made King by his Father David 2930. Solomon succeeds his Father David 2932. Solomon in the 4th Year of his Reign lays the Foundation of the Temple of Ierusalem 1018. 2914. Homer born EPOCHA VI. 2940 Solomon or the Temple finished 1010. This Epocha reaches to the Foundation of Rome and lasts 250 Years KIng David had made the Project of the Temple of Ierusalem but the many Wars wherewith his Reign was embroiled kept him from putting it in Execution The profound Peace which his Son Solomon enjoyed inclined this young Price to bend all his Thoughts upon that Work and he had the Honour of raising upon Earth the first Temple that was ever consecrated to the Name and Glory of the True God He appointed 3600 Persons to oversee the Work-men 80000 more to hew and cut Stones in the Mountains and 70000 others to carry the Materials on their Shoulders He obtained Leave of Hiram King of Tyre to fell Cedar-trees on Mount Libanus and in 7 Years time he built a Temple where the Majesty of God was sensibly conspicuous when upon the Day of its Dedication a Cloud fill'd all the Temple insomuch that the Priests could not stay in it to perform the Duties of their Office Solomon is courted by the King of Tyre The Queen of Sheba makes him a Visit. 2960. Solomon dissolves into an excessive Love of Women who make him idolatrous 2969. Rehoboam succeeds his Father Solomon 918. The bruitish and extravagant Haughtiness of th●s young Prince made him lose Ten Tribes which Ieroboam drew away both from their God and their King constituting a separate Kingdom call'd The Kingdom of Israel in opposition to the other of the Two Tribes call'd The Kingdom of Iuda the former reigning in Samaria and the latter in Ierusalem which Separation continued till the Kingdom of Israel was pulled down and the Ten Tribes carried into Captivity by Shalmaneser King of Assyria in the Year of the World 3227. 3026. Achab 7th King of Israel reigns with his Wife the impious Iezabel Daughter of Ithabalus King of Tyre and Sidon 924. 3029. Iehoshaphat the good King of Iudah 3035. Miracles of the Prophet Elijah He is taken up into Heaven in a fiery Chariot 3040. Miracles of the Prophet Elishah Eli●ah's Disciple 3040. Lycurgus the great Law-giver of Lacedemon liv'd 3062. Athalia Queen of Iuda
Great Mogol descended from him Wenceslaus the Emperor depos'd 1399. Rupert of Bavaria succeeds 1400. By reason of the many Civil Wars Italy throws of the German Yoke and several Governors of Cities make themselves absolute as the Scaligers in Verona th● House of Est at Ferrara the Gonzagues at Mantua c. Sigismond K. of Hungary chosen Emperor 1410 He erected Savoy into a Dutchy in favour 〈◊〉 Armedeus 141● Henry V. King of England 141● He is victorious in France wins the famous Battle at Agincourt 1415. The Government of that Kingdom is resign'd to him by the King Charles VI. 142● Iohn VII Paleologus Emperor at Constantinople 1417. Henry VI. a Child King of England 142● Loses what his Father had gain'd in France Richard Duke of York claims the Crown 144● The Rebellion of Iack Cade suppress'd 1450. The King is worsted by the Yorkists and finally depos'd 1●60 Albert of Austria chosen Emperor 143● Frederick of Austria his Brother succeeds 144● The Art of Printing invented 144● Iohn Huniades Emperor of Constantinople 144● Is victorious against the Turks Scanderbeg Prince of Epirus famous for his Victor●●● over the Turks 144● Constantine XIII Paleologus the last Christian Emperor of Constantinople famous for his Valour 1443. Mahomet II. call'd the Great Sultan of Turks 1451. Takes Constantinople Constantine being slain puts an end to that Empire 1453. EPOCHA XIII Constantinople taken by the Turks and the Christian Empire of the East terminated 1453. This Epocha is continued as far as the Year 1660. wherein King Charles being Restor'd the ancient Lawful Government of England was re-establish'd IT must be confess'd that this Epocha begins not so happily as those that have gone before it for whereas almost every one of them commenc'd from some great Action whereby the Almighty bestow'd some benefit upon his People this alas begins with a deplorable state of the Christian World and shews us the expulsion of the true Religion out of Greece and its Neighbouring Provinces by the entrance of the Mahometan Cruelty into Europe after it had ravag'd almost all Asia and Africa But it must be acknowledg'd that the Divine Providence was just in this Punishment of those unworthy Christians who by intruding Heresies first caused Schisms and continual Feuds in the Church and afterwards by Superstition profain'd their most Holy Religion and yet by bitter Persecution destroy'd the Holy Professors of true Christianity that in those Ages oppos'd themselves to the innovated Idolatry and Superstition We might justly enough call the last Epocha Dark and Illitarate as we must Name this that follows the Enlightned and Learned Age of Christianity for the Northern Barbarians that over-run Europe in the Fourth and Fifth Centuries had so effectually swept away all s●●ts of Learning that tho' themselves afterwards be●ame Christians and somewhat Polite yet it requir'd Ages of Time to revive that Learning which they had destroy'd and in effect what thro' the Wars that happen'd and thro' the absolute Power the Clergy exercis'd which gave them an opportunity of living Lazily in Convents all the Sciences and even Arts too were in a very low Estate till in this Century the discovery of the Art of Printing put Books into the Hands of the Laity the which being follow'd in the next Age with the appearance of those great Literati Picus Mirandula Desider Erasmus Mars Ficinus c. Learning began to Revive and by the continued zealous prosecution of the Work that those great Men begun we may now venture to say We have almost arriv'd to the Perfection of those Ages wherein the Greeks and Romans made themselves immortal by their great Erudition and Ingenuity That wonderfully useful Instrument the Mariner● Compass had been found out in the beginning of the Fourteenth Century by the help whereof the Portugueze had ventur'd to Navigate on the Coasts of Africa and by degrees advancing we find them at length towards the end of this Age got as far as India from whence they brought by Sea vast quantities of the rich Commodities of those Parts which before that time came but sparingly hither because brought over an immense Tract of Land to Alexandria before we could receive 'em This was follow'd by a discovery of a new World which Christopher Colombus with great Hazard as well as Skill and Pains found out and thereby gave the Spanish Monarch an opportunity of encreasing his Dominions to an almost infinite extent and of enriching Europe to an inexpressible degree out of the inexhaustible Mines of Mexico and Peru. The following Epocha shews us moreover the Church reform'd and the Christian Religion restor'd to its ancient Purity a Blessing of inestimable value and which we ought all to praise God for and continually pray that he lets not again Superstition to prevail or which is worse Atheism and Irreligion to Profane our Piety Years of Jes. Chr. The Turks having taken Constantinople proceed in their Conquests and gain the Peloponnesus now call'd Morea 1459. Edward IV. Son to Richard Duke of York who had been slain in his Wars against Henry VI. gains the Crown of England 1460. Marries the Lady Gray which disgusts his great Friend the Earl of Warwick 1465. Warwick raises Wars against him and in the end forces him to fly the Kingdom 1470. Henry plac'd on the Throne again after 9 Years Imprisonment but Edward soon expells him 1471. He dies leaving his Crown to his young Son Edward V. 1483. Maximilian of Austria Son to the Emperor Frederick Marries Mary Heiress of Burgundy 1477. They had Issue Philip who Married Ioan the Daughter of Ferdinand King of Spain by which all the Netherlands became afterwards united to that Kingdom Maximilian chosen Emperor 1493. Richard Duke of Glocester usurps the Throne and Murders his Nephews 1483. Richard III. a Tyrant slain at Bosworth by Henry VII who was of the Lancastrian Family and Marry'd the Daughter of Edward IV. declar'd King 1485. Is oppos'd by two Impostors Lambert Simnel and Perkin Warbeck 1486 1499. In the Year 1454. the Portugueze discover'd the Cape of Good Hope and prosecuting their Voyaging they at length got as far as the East-Indies which was discover'd by Vasq. de Gama who was sent by the King of Portugal to that purpose and arriv'd before Calicurt May the 20th 1498. Ferdinand King of Arragon and Isabella Queen of Castille by Marriage unite those Kingdoms and erect the Monarchy of Spain 1474. Ferdinand expels the Moors out of Spain and erects the Inquisition against them which gains him the Title of Catholick 1496. Christopher Columbus a Native of Genoa having partly by his own Study in Geography and partly by Information of some Seamen who had been driven on some far Western Coast conceiv'd an Opinion That there was a large Country Westward of us yet unknown apply'd himself zealously for the Discovery of it to which purpose he first desir'd Assistance of the State of Genoa afterwards of our King Henry VII and of Emanuel King
of Portugal by all whom being refus'd he at length obtain'd it of Ferdinand and Isabella King and Queen of Spain who in the Year 1492. gave him Three Ships with Men and Provisions with these he set out and happily effected his Intention discovering Cuba and Hispaniola and return'd to Spain 1493. Afterwards Americus Vespusius being set forth by Emanuel King of Portugal discover'd the Southern Continent of America which Name he had the Honour to give to all that vast Country 149● Maximilian Emperor an excellent Prince 1493. Henry VIII King of England 1509. he married Katharin of Spain the Widow of his Brother Arthur 1509. Charles V. Son of Philip who was the Son of Maximilian and Mary of Burgundy which Philip married Ioan the Heiress of Spain by which means Charles succeeded in both these Estates 1516. and was chosen Emperor on the Death of Maximilian 1519. Fr. Picus Count of Mirandola in Italy and D. Erasmus Native of Rotterdam flourished Martin Luther begins to Preach in Germany against Indulgences and other Errors of the Church of Rome 1517. Solyman styl'd The Magnificent began to Reign 1520. The Island and City of Rhodes after a vigorous Defence taken by the Turks 1523. Belgrade was taken and Vienna besieg'd by Solyman King Henry of England Wars successfully with France 1510. writes against Luther and obtains the Title of Defender of the Faith 1521. Is divorc'd from Queen Katharin and marries Anne Bollen 1533. Beheads her and marries Iane Seymour 1536. Marries Anne of Cleeve and Katharin Howard 1540. Marries again the Lady Katharin Parr 1543. he advanc'd Cardinal Wolsey to the highest pitch of Greatness who having displeas'd him is pull'd down and Cromwel advanc'd 1531. Cromwel also disgrac'd and beheaded 1540. This King suppress'd Monasteries and made way for the Reformation which follow'd in the Reigns of his Son and Daughters The Straights of Magellanica in America discover'd and nam'd by Ferdinand Magellan 1520. Mexico and Peru conquer'd by the Spaniards about this time The Name of Protestant first began on occasion of a Protestation the Lutherans made against a Decree of the Chamber of Spire against them 1529. The Smalcaldan League or agreement between the Protestants of Germany for their mutual Defence made at Smalcald 1540. The Council of TRENT began 1540. Edward VI. Son of Henry VIII by his Wife Iane Seymour succeeds his Father at 9 Years of Age 1547. a wonderfully wise and pious Prince he reforms Religion and expels the Superstition and false Doctrin of the Romish Church his Uncle Edward Seymour the Protector beheaded 1551. Mary his Sister succeeds him 1553. she restores Popery marries Philip the Son of the Emperor Charles V. afterwards King of Spain 1554. loses Callice which had been held by the English ever since King Edward IIId's time 1557. Elizabeth her Sister Queen of England 1558. restores the Reformation and reigns with great Wisdom and Reputation 44 Years The Emperor Charles V. Resigns all his Kingdoms 1557. Ferdinand his Brother chosen Emperor 1558. Philip II. his Son succeeds him in Spain 1558. Charles IX King of France 1560. The Civil War for Religion began there 1562. The Massacre of the Protestants at Paris 1572. Maximilian II. Emperor 1564. The Wars in the Low-Countries against the Inquisition c. began 1565. King Philip sends Duke d' Alva to suppress it 1567. William Prince of Orange heads the Protestants in the Low-Countries 1572. Under whose Protection Holland throws off the Spanish Yoke and soon after Six more of the Provinces joyn with them and altogether conclude a solemn Union at V●recht 1579. Queen Elizabeth being at this time at War with Spain gives them assistance The famous Sea Fight at Lepanto wherein the Venetians kill 20000 Turks and sink 200 Galleys 1572. Henry III. King of France 1574. The Holy League in France began 1576. Rodolphus II. Emperor 1576. Sir Francis Drake Sails through the Magallonnie Streights thence over to the Phillipine Islands and the East-Indies and having encompass'd the whole Globe of the Earth returns to England 1580. Pope Gregory XIII Corrects the Calander 1582. William Prince of Orange Assassinated at Delft 1584. Succeeded by his Brother Maurice who for many Years maintain'd the War against the Spaniards The Spaniards with a mighty Armado attempt to invade England but are totally routed by the English 1588. Mary Queen of Scots beheaded in England 1587. Henry III. King of France is stab'd by Ia. Clement a Friar 1589. Henry IV. King of Navarre succeeds him 1589. Turns Roman Catholick restores the Peace of the Nation Years of Jes. Chr. Makes an Edict at Nants in favour of the Protestants 1598. Is stab'd by Ravillac 1610. Iames King of Scotland succeeds Queen Elizabeth in the Throne of England 1602. The Gun-powder Plot 1605. Philip III. King of Spain 1598. Peace made between Spain and Holland whereby the united Provinces are declar'd a free State 1609. Lewis XIII King of France 1610. Gustavus Adolphus the famous King of Sweden began to Reign 1611. Matthias King of Hungary and Bohemia elected Emperor 1612. Frederick Count Palatine of the Rhine Marries the Lady Elizabeth Daughter to King Iames of England 1612. Frederick II. chosen Emperor 1619. The Elector Palatine being chosen King of Bohemia is oppos'd by the Emperor and defeated in the Battle of Prague 1620. Philip IV. King of Spain 1621. The Elector Palatine outed of all his Dignity given to the Duke of Bavaria 1624. Great Wars in Germany ensued King Charles I. King of England succeeds his Father 1625. Henry Frederick Prince of Orange succeeds Maurice 1625. Cardinal Richelieu chief Minister in France He labours to ruine the Protestant Party and finally takes the City Rochel their chief Strength after a long Siege and vigorous Defence 1628. The renown'd Gustavus Adolphus after many victorious Acts in Germany Italy c. is slain at the Battle of Lutzen in Germany November 6 1632. Christina his Daughter succeeds him 1632. Count Tilly the Emperor's General famous for his Conquests in Bohemia Denmark and Germany died 1632. Portugal throws off the Spanish Yoke and receives Iohn Braganza of the ancient Royal Family for their King 1640. Ferdinand III. chosen Emperor 1637. The Rebellion and Massacre in Ireland 1641. King Charles by reason of the Factious disorders in London retires into the North is denied entrance into Hull 1642. Sets up his Standard at Nottingham Aug. 2. 1642. Lewis XIV the present King of France began to Reign being then but Five years old 1643. William II. Prince of Orange Father of his present Majesty of Great Britain succeeded his Father in all his Honours 1647. Peace among the Germans c. concluded at Munster in Westphalia 1648. The Civil War rages in England King Charles I. Martyr'd 164● The famous Rebellion at Naples on occasion of the grievous Excises headed by Thomas Aniello commonly call'd Massanello 1647. Oliver Cromwel usurps the Government of England under the Name of Protector 1651. The Prince of Orange dyes October 8. 1650.
mild enough to be prevailed upon by reasonable Advice till in the latter end of his Reign when the Persian Luxury had debauched him To these natural Qualifications his Father a wise and couragious Prince added an Education that finished this excellent Piece for in his tender years he was commited to the Care and Tuition of Aristotle that great Philosopher by whose Wisdom this Noble Prince was so far improved that An Philippo Patri aut Aristoteli magistro plus debuit Alexander is become a common Subject of Declamation in the Schools When he was but a Youth visiting his Father's Stables he saw the Horse Bucephalus whom when by reason of his fierceness none of the Grooms durst venture to ride he undertook to tame and leaping upon his Back rode him round the Ring his Father surprized and delighted with the Courage of his Son ran to him and with Kisses and Embraces bad him seek some larger Territories for Macedon was too straight to contain so great a Soul At the Age of 18 years he shewed a wonderful Courage in the Battel of Cheronesus against the Athenians wherein some say he saved his Father's Life and gained the whole Honour of that Expedition His Father Philip after he had gained many signal Victories in Greece was preparing for an Expedition into Persia but was hindred in it by Death being killed by Pausanias at the Wedding of his Daughter Cleopatra about the year 3615 and was succeeded by his Son Alexander who was at that time about 20 years of Age. Alexander to follow his Father's Example went to Peloponnesus and caused all the Confederated Cities of Greece to meet at Corinth where by the Consent of all except the Lacedomonians he was chosen Generalissimo of the Army raised against the Persians Soon after this viz. in the Spring of the year 3617 he marched through Thrace and made Incursions into the Country of the Triballians and Illyrians He had a bloody Engagement upon the Banks of the Danube and therein defeated Sirmus the King of the Triballians Upon occasion of this Battel a Report ran that Alexander was beaten which Demosthenes corrupted with Persian Gold so inculcated at Athens that the People believed it and Revolted But Alexander soon convinced them of their Mistake for having finished his Work by the Reduction of those Barbarians he returned to Greece and the Athenians were wise enough to beg his Pardon and obtained it but the Thebans despising his Threats were be sieged their City taken and ras'd to the Ground except the House of Pindar which Alexander caused to be saved and gave it to the Posterity of that excellent Poet. And now having satisfied his Honour and Revenge Alexander again bethinks himself of his Persian Expedition and passing into Peloponnesus he was again declared Commander of the Forces raised for that Service 'T was in this Journey that he gave a Visit to Diogenes the Cynick at Corinth and soon after the return from it that in a Dream he saw the High-Priest of Ierusalem who Exhorted him forthwith to go to the Conquest of the Persians wherein he assured him of Success And now all things being prepared Alexander gave away the Government of his Dominions to his Friends distributing to some Villages to others Boroughs and to others Sea-Ports and Territories and reserving little or nothing Perdicas asked him What he kept for himself To which he answered Hope And now leaving Antipater chief Administrator he set forward for Asia having 60 Long-Ships to transport his Army which consisted of 40000 Men whereof Parmenio was made Commander of the greatest part When he came into Asia he visited the Tomb of Achilles from whom on the Mother's side he was descended He said Achilles was doubly happy in having such a Friend as Patroclus during his Life and such a Panegyrist as Homer after his Death After this he passed the Granicum a River in Phrygia where he met with Darius at the Head of 100000 Foot and 20000 Horse drawn up in a Line of Battel The two Armies joined and a very sharp Engagement happened between them The Persians lost 20000 Foot and 2000 Horse and about as many more were taken Prisoners Darius and his Army which appeared so formidable were put to flight and Alexander gain'd this Victory with the Loss of only 100 Men. By this means an Avenue was opened into Asia and Alexander marched to Sardis the Capital City of Lydia which the Governor surrender'd to him with all the Treasures that were therein From thence he marched to Ephesus where he put an end to the Oligarchical Government of that Place and established Democracy in its stead After this he took Miletum by Storm which was a very strong Town and famous for the Colonies it sent out to the Neighbouring Islands But Halicarnasseus which stood out against him to the last Extremity was by his Orders demolished In a word within the compass of a year he became Master of all Phrygia Lydia Pamphylia Pisidia Paphlagonia and Cappadocia Years of the World Years before Christ. 3617. This Year Alexander signaliz'd by his second Victory over Darius in the Battel of Issus in which Engagement he received a Wound in his Thigh that hinder'd him from meeting with Darius whom he intended to have killed with his own Hand The Persians according to Iustin's Account were 400000 Foot and 100000 Horse But Quintus Curtius does not reckon above half so many In this Battel the Persians lost 100000 Foot but others say only 50000. Let the Loss be more or less Darius was put to flight and that he might not be discovered threw away his Imperial Mantle That which went deepest to the Heart of this unfortunate Prince was that his Mother Sisigambis his Wife Statira his two Daughters and his Son not above 6 years old were taken by the Conqueror But Alexander used them always like Queens paid them great Respect and for their Comfort assured them that Darius whom they supposed to be dead was still alive 333 Immediately upon this Victory Alexander sent Parmenio to make sure of Damascus the Capital City of Syria where Darius left incredible Riches and all the great Women and Princesses of Persia. The Governor without any Ceremony betrayed the City to him but Alexander was so just as to punish the Traitor and sent his Head to Darius as a Present There were 7000 Horse-Loads of Treasure in the place which amounted to the Value of above ten millions Sterling He marched into Syria where he deprived of their Estates all those who made any Opposition against him Biblus in Phenicia and Sidon were some time before they would surrender to him but were at length reduced and the Kingdom of Sidon bestowed by Hephestion Alexander's Favourite on Abdolominus a Gardiner who lived in the Suburbs of that City He subdued all Syria and Phenicia except Tyre which held out 7 months but at last was taken and 2000 of its Inhabitants hanged on the Sea-Coast He took Gaza
Kings No body knows whether these Dynasties which some look upon as Successive and which they range one after another be not most of them Collateral and of the same time or no. Diodorus Siculus says upon his Honour that for all the Care and Pains he took in consulting the Priests of Egypt about their Antiquities yet he could find nothing in them but what was very dubious and uncertain and that whatever has been published of Egypt before the taking of Troy might very well be reckoned as Fabulous What Credit then can we give to what the Greek Historians have related from the Egyptian Priests with whom it was very common to extol the Grandeur and Antiquity of their Nation by Romantick and surprizing Relations Shall we believe them when they confidently tell us that the Gods and Demi-Gods reigned in Egypt 34201 years before any Kings reigned there With such Stories as these did the Egyptian Priests amuse Diodorus Siculus when he consulted them about the Antiquity of their Kings In one word it seems very likely that the Egyptian Priests invented those Fabulous Reigns that they might not yield the Glory of their Antiquity to the Chaldeans or Babylonians who assigned several Myriads of Years to their Monarchy There was a kind of Emulation upon this Point between these two Nations which inclined their Historians to invent several Successions of Imaginary Kings This Emulation is what is very real the Signs whereof are very visible in the Writings of the Ancients Wherefore all that can be said of the first Government of Egypt with any certainty is that C ham the Son of Noah having planted it govern'd this Land for about 160 years and was succeeded by Mizraim otherwise called Osiris after whom a great number of Kings are named but with such a mixture of Fable that we shall not trouble our selves or the World with a frivolous Account to their Dynasties which Manetho would have us believe were 17 before Thetmosis or Amasis their first known King We shall omit likewise to speak of their State under their unknown Kings or under those who were stiled The Shepherd Kings and will begin our Account of Egypt with Thetmosis or Amasis who began to reign in the year of the World 2207 from whom we shall continue the Succession down to Cleopatra's Death when it became a Roman Province which happened about the year 3920. This takes up the space of 1713 years which being too large to consider all together we shall treat of under three distinct States viz. 1. Under 47 Kings who all were Sirnamed Pharaoh 2. Under 11 Kings of Persia. 3. Under the Greeks namely Alexander the Great and the 12 Ptolemy's his Successors Sect. 1. The State of Egypt under 47 Kings Sirnamed Pharaohs which lasted 1220 Years till the Year of the World 3427 when it was conquered by Cambyses King of the Persians Years of the World Years before Christ. 2207. 1. THetmosis or Amasis he drove the Shepherd Kings out of Lower Egypt who retired into Phenicia He had been before King of Thebais or Vpper Egypt and reigned about 25 years 1743 2232. 2. Chebron reigned about 13 years 1718 2245. 3. Amenophis reigned 20 years and 7 months 1705 2266. 4. Amesses the Sister of Amenophis reigned 21 years and 9 months 1684 2288. 5. Mephres reigned 12 years and 9 months 1662 2300. 6. Maphramuthosis reigned 25 years and 10 months 1650 2326. 7. Themosis reigned about 10 years 1624 2336. 8. Amenophis II. reigned 30 years and 10 months 1614 2367. 9. Orus reigned about 5 years He built the Pyramids of Egypt 1583 2373. 10. Thermutis or Acenchres reigned about 43 years 'T is said that this is that new King who knew not Ioseph and who oppressed the Israelites He gave order to the Midwives to kill the Sons of the Hebrew Women but this not being executed he injoined his Subjects to drown them In his Reign Moses was born laid in the River found and saved by Pharaoh's Daughter who brought him up as her own Child and by a signal Instance of Providence committed him to be nursed by his own Mother In this King's Reign Cecrops the Egyptian transplanted a Colony of the Saites into Attica and there laid the Foundation of the Republick of Athens 1577 2416. 11. Rathotis the Brother of Acenchres succeeded and reigned about 9 years 1534 2424. 12. Acencheres I. succeeded his Father Rathotis and reigned about 12 years 1526 2436. 13. Acencheres II. succeeded and reigned 13 years 1514 2449. 14. Armais succeeded and reigned about 4 years This was that Pharaoh to whom Moses and Aaron were sent by God to prevail upon him to let the Children of Israel go In his time Moses brought the ten Plagues upon the Egyptians and thô Pharaoh was harden'd by the nine first yet he was forced by the last to yield to their Request and the Egyptians pressed the Israelites to be gone However Pharaoh pursued the Israelites with a great Army but he and all his Men perished in the Red Sea whilst the Children of Israel passed over it as upon dry Ground 1501 2453. 15. Armesis or Ramesses succeeded and reigned one year 1497 2454. 16. Amesis or Ramesses Miamun succeeded and reigned about 21 years 1496 2475. 17. Armais succeeded and reigned about 45 years This is Danaus who being expelled the Kingdom by his Brother Egyptus went into Greece and laid the first Foundation of the Kingdom of Argos 1475 2520. 18. Amenophis III. succeeded and reigned in Egypt about 19 years 1430 2539. 19. Egyptus or rather Sethosis succeeded and reigned about 51 years He deposed Danaus but was so molested by him that his Daughters killed 49 of his Sons In his time Phenix and Cadmus came from Thebes to Egypt and thence went to Syria where they reigned over Tyre and Sidon 1411 2590. 20. Rampes or Rhampsaces succeeded and reigned about 61 years 1360 2651. 21. Amenophis IV. succeeded and reigned about 40 years 1299 2691. 22. Ammeneremes or Ammenepthes succeeded and reigned about 26 years 1259 2717. 23. Thuoris reigned about 7 years 1233 2724. Here happened a Dynasty of the Diospolites whose Kings are unknown and which lasted the space of 143 years 1226 2867. 24. Smendes reigned about 26 years 1083 2893. 25. Pseusenses reigned about 50 years 1057 2943. 26. Vaphres succeeded and reigned about 20 years He is by some called Mephercheres This is that Pharaoh who married his Daughter to King Solomon and gave her for her Portion Gezer a City belonging to the Tribe of Ephraim which he had taken from the Canaanites after he had put them all to Death 1007 2963. 27. Amenophis V. reigned 9 years 987 2972. 28. Sesonchis or Shishak succeeded and reigned 6 years It was this King to whom Ieroboam fled and with whom he tarried till the Death of K. Solomon After this Shishak marched from Egypt to Ierusalem rifled the Temple and carried away all the Treasures which were in the Royal Palace of Rehoboam the Son of
among the Canonical Writings of the New Testament This City was at first called Ephyra afterwards Heliopolis i. e. The City of the Sun It was famous for its Painters Architects and Carvers and was built by Sis●phus Corinth in the several Risques of Fortune which it has run has appeared to the World under VI. distinct States Sect. I. The First State of Corinth under the Race of Sisyphus of which there were X. Kings which lasted 269 Years Years of the World Years before Christ. 2543. 1. Sisyphus The same with him who as the Poets tell us was condemned to the endless Labour or rouling a Stone up a Hill which no sooner was at the top but rouled down again to the bottom and so renewed his Labour 2. Glaucus the first Instituter of the Ishmian Games 3. Bellerophon He being guilty of Homicide fled to Argos where he was kindly received by King Pretus But it seems Sthenobea the Queen of Argos falling in Love with Bellerophon tempted him to lie with her but upon his Refusal accused him of tempting to violate her Chastity which by the way is much the same with the Story of Ioseph and his Egyptian Mistress Upon this Pretus was offended sent him into Lycia to his Father-in-Law Iolas with Orders to put him to Death But Iolas after several Trials of his Valour so admired him that he not only spared his Life but married him to his Daughter Philonoe 4. Orynthion 5. Phocus 6. Thoas 7. Demoph●on 8. Propodas 9. Doridas Both Sons of Propodas and 10. Hyanthidas Both Sons of Propodas Under these two last Kings the Heraclides fell into Peloponnesus and became Masters of Corinth 'T is to be observed that History is so obscure about these first Kings that the exact Time and Duration of each Reign cannot be set down Sect. II. The Second State of Corinth under IV. Kings called Heraclides which lasted 144 Years Years of the World Years before Christ. 2812. 1. Aletes the Son of Hippota● the Son of Antiochus who was Nephew to Hercules He reigned 38 years 1138 2850. 2. Ixion reigned 34 years 1100 2884. 3. Agelaus reigned 37 years 1066 2921. 4. Prymnis reigned 35 years 1029 Sect. III. The Third State of Corinth under VIII Kings called Bacchides which lasted 215 Years Years of the World Years before Christ. 2956. 1. Bacchis reigned 35 years 994 2991. 2. Agelaus reigned 30 years 959 3021. 3. Eudemus reigned 25 years 929 3046. 4. Aristodemus reigned 35 years 904 3081. 5. Agemon reigned 16 years 869 3098. 6. Alexander reigned 39 years 852 3137. 7. Telstes reigned 34 years 813 3171. 8. Aristomenes or Automenes reigned only one year 779 Sect. IV. Years of the World Years before Christ. 3172. The Fourth State of Corinth was under Annual Magistrates which lasted 121 Years viz. From the Year of the World 3172 to the Year 3293. At this time the Government was changed into Aristocracy For 200 of the Bacchides ruled in Common and only created a Prytanis every Year from among themselves till at last it fell under the Tyranny of Cypselus and Periander who reigned about 73 Years 778 Sect. V. Years of the World Years before Christ. 3245. The Fifth State of Corinth was that of the Re-establishment of their Liberty By this means it became a Free Republick and had a great Share in the Wars carried on by the Grecians against the Persians and in the Wars between the Athenians and Lacedemonians as has been already observed This State lasted about 439 Years Sect. VI. The Sixth State of Corinth was under the Romans of which we shall have occasion to speak when we come to the Roman Monarchy CHAP. XIII Of the Mycenians MYcene was a City of Peloponesus situated between Argos and Corinth It was founded by Lacedemon the Son of Semelé But the Kingdom of Mycene was founded by Perseus the Son of Danae after he had killed by an Accident his Grandfather Acrisius King of Argos So that this State is to be looked upon only as a Continuation of the Kingdom of Argos the Regal Authority being translated thence by Perseus to Mycene about the year of the World 2641 before Christ 1309. This Kingdom or State lasted 218 Years under VII Kings Years of the World Years before Christ. 2641. 1. Perseus reigned about 57 years Before he was King he did many great Exploits among the rest overcame the Gorgons three Sea-Monsters 1309 2708. 2. Sthenelus succeeded his Father and reigned 8 years 1242 2716. 3. Eurystheus succeeded his Father Sthenelus and reigned 43 years In his time lived Hercules said to be the Son of Iupiter and Alcmena who by Eurystheus was injoined to destroy divers Monsters in hopes that he would have been killed by them But he always returned home Conqueror which gave an occasion to the Story of the twelve Labours of Hercules Eurystheus jealous of the growing Greatness of this Hero made War against the Herac●idae wherein he and all his Sons was killed 1234 2759. 4. Atreus and Thyestes the Sons of Pelops and Grandsons of Tantalus reigned conjunctly the space of 8 years They had another Brother named Plisthenes who died whilst young and committed the Care of his two Sons Agamemnon and Menelaus to his Brother Atreus He married Aerope the Mother of these Children and Daughter to Minos with whom Thyestes was caught in the Act of Adultery Atreus was so enraged that he first banished his Brother then recalled him within a while after and having killed his Sons dress'd them and served them up to him to be eaten Hence arose the Proverb of Thyestes's Supper 1191 Atreus after the Death of Eurystheus became Master of all Peloponnesus and put the Heraclidae to flight 2767. 5. Agamemnon reigned 15 years He declared War against the Trojans in the Behalf of his Brother Menelaus After Troy was taken he returned home but was there immediately killed by Aegysthus and his own Wife Clytemnestra who lived in Adultery with Aegysthus 1183 2782. 6. Aegysthus the Son of Thyestes born in Incest after the Death of Agamemnon succeeded and reigned 7 years 1168 2789. 7. Orestes the Son of Agamemnon revenged his Father's Death upon Aegysthus and his own Mother Clytemnestra whom he slew After which he ran mad but was restored to his Senses at the Altar of Diana in Taurica He reigned 70 years over Lacedemonia and Mycene 1161 2859. Orestes left two Sons behind him viz. Tisamenes and Penthilus who were Dethroned by the Heraclidae as they were returning to Peloponnesus 1091 CHAP. XIV Of the Thebans BOEOTIA one of the States of Greece was bounded on the West by Phocis on the East by the Eubean Sea on the North by Locris and on the South by Attica and Megaris The Metropolis of this Country was Thebes but who built it is uncertain Calydnus is said to have reigned first in that Place after him Ogyges but last Cadmus But since the Account of the Thebans before the Reign of Cadmus is very obscure we shall pass that
World during the space of 240 Years that is from the beginning of Cyrus's Empire to that of Xerxes being the time when our Historian wrote The Bishop of Meaux in his Universal History terms Herodotus the Great Historian Vossius de Historicis Graecis Lib. 1. Cap. 3. says That Herodotus design'd to have written the History of the Assyrians wherein he was to treat of the Kings of Babylon but that he believ'd that Work was never Publish'd because Herodotus was prevented finishing it by his Death Yet we may read Lib. 8. Hist. Animal Cap. 18. that Aristotle accus'd Herodotus of advancing an Untruth against Natural History when he affirm'd that an Eagle drank at the Siege of Nineveh for it is certain that those Birds which have hook'd Claws never drink Now this Passage which Aristotle reproaches Herodotus for is not to be found in his Work of the Nine Muses and therefore must have been in his History of the Assyrians Nineveh having been the Capital City of Assyria which may give a reasonable conjecture that he had written that History yet nevertheless the Ancients have made no manner of mention of it Vossius does not believe that the Life of Homer found at the end of Herodotus's History belong'd to him as some would have it and the Reason he gives seems to carry Authority along with it For says he Herodotus in his Euterpe places the Birth of Homer above 200 Years more backward than the Author of his Life has done Herodotus dy'd at Thuries whither he had voluntarily banish'd himself to be the more intent on his Studies and the Composing of his History II Thucydides was of illustrious Parentage It is reported That his Grand-father Marry'd the Daughter of a King of Thrace but what is more certain is That he himself was a Citizen of Athens He was a young Student in one of the most famous Colleges of Greece at the same time that Herodotus read his History With this Work he was infinitely Charm'd and could not help shewing so much Jealousie of the Author as if he had despair'd of ever performing the like which Heredotus perceiving immediately Prophesied that he would be a great Man and moreover told his Father That he was happy to have a Son at this Age who had so great a Sense of Fame and Glory His History was design'd to have contain'd all the Peloponesian War being that between the States of Athens and Sparta which lasted full 27 Years but he dy'd while he was about the 21st Year of it Theopompus supply'd the 6 other Years This History of Thucydides is divided into VIII Books Cicero professes a great esteem for Thucydides his manner of Writing when he Styles him Authorem subtilem Acutum Brevem Sententiis magis quam verbis abundantem Lib. 2. de Oratoria Father Rapin likewise in his Instructions for History affords this Author great Commendation for he says the same thing of his Style as Cicero had done before him The Style of Thucydides says he is more Noble and Lofty than that of Herodotus yet at the same time it fails of being so Natural and Easie. In some places it has those harshnesses which render it Obscure and it is every where more Luxuriant than the Style of Herodotus Thucydides says the same Author in another Place has Fire Force and Grandeur every thing in his Writings keeps up its self and nothing Languishes and Grovels It is in this that he excells Herodotus who frequently loses himself and grows too diffusive where he gives too great a loose to his Genius Longinus observes that Thucydides sometimes confounds the most regular Methods the better to surprize by a disorder and to change his Narration the oftner He also sometimes relates Things past as if they had been present and this to have the advantage of describing an Action which moves a Reader more as likewise renders him more Attentive Lucian finds fault with this Author's description of the Plague of Athens in the second Book of his History and this perhaps with reason enough for however Prudent he may be allow'd in other places yet there he has run out a little too much Lucian says also that Thucydides has succeeded better than other Historians in his Harangues for what he puts in the Mouths of the principal Actors in his History viz. Pericles Nicias Alcibiades Archidamus sometimes a whole Nation together are adm●rable Instructions for Orators and to which Demosthenes was not a little beholden who became so great a Master in that Art Vossius says after Lucian that Demosthenes copy'd Thucydides's History eight times with his own Hand and likewise that the Emperor Charles V. always carry'd a French Translation of him about him where-ever he went Monsieur Rapin says farther That Thucydid●s and Livy are both sufficient to acquaint a Man what Genius History requires for that Antiquity has nothing to boast of more perfect than their Works There is nothing almost to be desir'd more in either of them unless it be that the former were more Natural and the latter more Sincere Thucydides has establish'd his Reputation with so pure Ideas that he deserves to be Credited in all Ages It is hard to meet with one of this Author 's excellent Temper who tho' he had been extreamly wrong'd by the Tyrant Pericles yet he always prais'd him as often as he found occasion and did frequent Justice to the Athenians tho' they had Banish'd him their Common-wealth He was a Man not at all guided by Passion and who propos'd only in what he writ to content the Judgment of Posterity by always speaking the Truth In a word Thucydides was exact in all that he writ and faithful and disinteressed in all he said and tho' he sometimes seems Austere and Su●ly yet is it ever what consists with Grandeur Photius says that as Herodotus is to be imitated by those that have a mind ●o be perfect in the Ionick Dialect so is Thucydides by such as would excel in the Attick Monsieur Le Vayer says that Thucydides had the Honour to be the first that gave a Soul to History by the several Harangues he made use of in all the three kinds 〈…〉 Wh●● before him it was but either a 〈…〉 or dead Body He flourish'd about the 〈…〉 before Christ A. M. 3490. 〈◊〉 Xenophon the Son of Gallus a Native of Athens was all at once a great Philosopher a great General and a great Historian Diogenes Laertius reports one thing of him which sufficiently demonstrates his Honesty He says that the Works of Thucydides having been lost and one Copy remaining only in Xenophon's Hands whereby that Author might have publish'd them for his own he nevertheless gave them to the Publick under the Name of their great Compiler Notwithstanding this the Athenians having afterwards suspected him of adhering to the Lacedemonians their Enemies banish'd him their Country He flourish'd about the Year of the World 3560. He is the first Philosoper that apply'd himself
speak when he does it to the purpose Livy perswades more by his sound Morals than great Capacity For through the various Intrigues Interests Passions and other Disorders which he describes he gives a glimpse of an honest Mind which proclaims a better Man than Historian We see in them the inmost recesses of the Heart of those he describes the very bottom of his own and among the false Lights he discovers in their Conduct he is never out himself He judges well of all for his Soul is as Upright as his Wit is True Livy is the most accomplish'd of all Historians for he has all the great Parts requisite to write History a fine clear Imagination a noble Expression a true Judgment an admirable Eloquence He has none but great Ideas in his Mind he fills his Readers Imagination by what he says by that means he affects the Heart and moves the Soul He has the greatest Genius for History and is one of the greatest Masters of Eloquence that ever liv'd I don't understand what Asinius Pollio means by reproaching him with a Country way savouring of Padua which he calls Patavinity His great Talent is to make People feel what he says by ingaging those that read him in his own Sentiments by inspiring them with his Hopes and Fears and giving them all his Passions by his admirable Art of setting the most secret Springs of the Heart a going I hope the Reader will easily excuse me for dwelling so long upon Livy's History He is the great Master of this Art and deserves to be well known and since no Man can give us a better account of him than Monsieur Rapin I thought it proper to give you this long Abstract V. Velleius Paterculus was nobly born as he proves from those of his Name that had born the greatest Employments in the Army And he had himself been in the Wars with great Honour and Reputation He had been Tribune of the Soldiers and had Travell'd through the Provinces of Thracia Macedon Achaia Asia Minor and on both the Banks of the Euxin Sea so that both by his Employments and Travels he had great advantages to write History The two Books that remain of History for the greatest of his Works are lost begin about the Sixth Year of the Reign of Tiberius and are dedicated to Marcus Vinicius Consul who had Marry'd Tiberius's Grand-daughter His Style is pure clear elegant and such as is thought worthy of the best Age of the Roman Empire There are in his History some particulars not to be found any where else Never did any Man know better than he how to blame and how to commend yet in some Peoples Opinion he goes a little too far in the Praises he gives to the House of Caesar Augustus But how can a Man avoid that Fault when he writes his History before the Eyes of the reigning Family Therefore I easily forgive him the excessive Praises he gives to Tiberius but really he is guilty of too gross Flattery when he bestow'd so much Incense upon Sejanus his Favourite whom he endeavours to make pass for the honestest Man that Rome ever saw Velleius Paterculus is very exact in setting down the Times of the Events he speaks of he describes the Original of several Cities he makes the Eulogy of those that have been famous in the Wars in the Government of the State or in the Sciences in short there 's a great deal to be learnt from that Author Father Rapin speaks thus Paterculus and Florus are florid genteel delicate and agreeable in their mean way of Writing Let Paterculus be pretty trim and genteel in the Character he has pitch'd upon but let Livy be great and serious because small Beauties have need of Ornament to shew themselves whereas the great ones need no Addition to their natural Graces We must always speak within bounds let an Historian never diminish or exaggerate Things either as Tacitus who casts his Venom upon every Thing or Paterculus who makes every Thing look gay and pleasant VI. Quintus Curtius was a Roman Knight the Age he liv'd in is not well known but the most common Opinion is That he flourish'd under the Emperor Vespasian Quintilian who mentions all the Historians of Note in the Tenth Book of his Institutions written in Domitian's Time yet says not one Word of Quintus Curtius's History which induces us to believe That his Work might not have been Publish'd at that Time which Opinion is also confirm'd by the silence of the other Ancients Quintus Curtius has written the History of Alexander the Great in X Books but the two First with the end of the Fifth and some little places of the Tenth have been lost There is not a more excellent Author among the Latin Writers than Quintus Curtius He may be said to be among Historians what Alexander is among Conquerors and that the Panegyrist is to the full as great as his Hero So that Alexander would have now no Reason to complain that he had not like Achilles Homer to celebrate his Actions Some are for Livy's Style others for that of Tacitus but all agree upon the Excellence of that of Quintus Curtius which is beyond all dispute worthy of the Age of Augustus as Vossius speaks Imo vel Augustaeo aevo digna est dictio Iustus Lipsius says that he is the Author that Princes should make themselves most familiar with and that they ought to have him continually in their Hands Let us now consult Rapin's Judgment upon this Author Quintus Curtius says that Critick is shining and florid Nothing can be more Polite than Quintus Curtius he has a florid and gay Expression which extreamly pleases the Men of Wit Every thing ought to be grounded upon Reason and therefore Quintus Curtius is not always in the right When he endeavours to make his Hero so admirable he does not make him take the wisest Resolution but on the contrary the most Heroick and Perillous he always finds a Charm in Danger and cares not so much for Conquests as the Honour of Conquering It is in his Power to surprize Darius in the Night and by that means keep him from knowing how weak he was Darius having double the Men But this great Man who is less sollicitous of getting a Victory than making his Valour to be admired attacks the King of Persia in the broad Day being resolv'd rather to die with Honor than Conquer by a Surprise Darius after his defeat offers to divide Asia with him and proposes a Match between him and his Daughter but Alexander rather chuses to arrive at Glory thro' Dangers than become a Master so peaceably he will hear none of these Proposals and aims at nothing but what 's extraordinary His Historian I must confess does him a great deal of Honor but does not all this great Honor want a little probability Does he not make his Hero more Rash than Wise and more Venturesome than Ambitious He thought those Sentiments
whom proceeded the Paphlagonians 3. Togarmath of whom came the Phrygians Iavan had four Sons 1. Elishah of whom came the Italians or the Inhabitants of the Fortunate Islands which were called Elisiae 2. Tarshish of whom proceeded the Cilicians the Capital City whereof is Tarsus 3. Kittim from whom descended the Cyprians of which the Capital City is called Cytinium The Hebrews give the Name of Chittim to all the Cities and Provinces which are upon the Sea-Coast for which Reason 't is said of Alexander the Great that he comes from the Land of Chittim and the same Name in Scripture is applied to Italy 4. Dodonim from whom came the Rhodians or rather the Dodoneans in Epirus These are the Families of the Sons of Noah after their Generations in their Nations and by these were the Nations divided in tho Earth after the Flood Gen. X. 32. And now after all this Account does it not appear that the World is but of a short Date We here find Laws first Enacted the Manners polished Empires founded and Arts invented The Earth we find peopled by little and little Experience improved and Mankind by degrees awaking out of the Slumber of Ignorance Husbandry then began to be in Use wild Beasts were caught and tamed for the Service of Mankind Abundance of Inventions and Sciences began then to appear and Nimrod the first Warrior and other of the first Heroes began to Signalize themselves Should we look beyond this Account which Moses has given us of the Origine of the World we shall meet with nothing but Darkness Obscurity and Chaos and no Wonder if Fables and Fictions be the Product of such Beginnings Whereas if we fix here we find Truth and Light and Certainty whereon to build some Assurance and to which we may give our free Assent and Consent A REMARK Concerning the Heads of the Families of the People of God JACOB had twelve Sons who were the twelve Heads from whence the twelve Tribes of the People of God proceeded By his Wife Leah he had six Sons 1. Reuben 2. Simeon 3. Levi. 4. Iudah 5. Issachar 6. Zabulon By his Wife Zilpah he had two Sons 1. Gad. 2. Aser By his Wife Rachel he had two Sons 1. Ioseph 2. Benjamin By his Wife Bilhah he had two Sons 1. Dan. 2. Nephthali Iacob who had a great deal of Esteem and Affection for Rachel continued the same Respect for her after her Death Therefore having only two Sons by her Ioseph and Benjamin he adopts the two Sons of Ioseph Ephraim and Manasses that so by placing these among the rest of his Sons he might give himself some Comfort for the small number of Children which he had by her 'T is upon this account that Iacob blessed Ephraim and Manasses as well as his own Children which he did after a strange and surprising manner Manasses was the eldest and therefore Iacob's Right Hand should have been laid upon him and his Left on Ephraim But the quite contrary happen'd which made Ioseph inform his Father of the Mistake supposing it had been through the Dimness of his Sight But Iacob tells him I know it my Son I know it Manasses shall become the Head of many People and he shall be great but his Brother Ephraim shall be greater than he and his Seed shall become a Multitude of Nations Gen. 48.19 These are the Heads of the Twelve Tribes of Israel and this is it that their Father spake to them and blessed them every one according to his Blessing he blessed them Gen. 49.28 Sect. 2. The State of the People of God under the 22 Iudges or Leaders This State lasts 426 Years that is from Moses the first Leader of the People of God to Saul the first of their Kings Among these there are six of the Leaders who were not Hebrews but Tyrants to whom God delivered his People to punish them for their Sins Years of the World Years before Christ. 2453. 1. MOSES begins to govern the People of God and leads them for the space of Forty Years 1497 2493. 2. IOSHVA governs the Iews and within six years about the year of the World 2499 setled them in the Promised Land 1457 2510. Ioshua dies having governed the People of God about 17 years after the Death of Moses 1440 The Elders govern the Iews who are obedient to God for the space of 15 years 2525. There is an Interregnum among the Iews for the space of six years during which time the People lived according as they thought fit They became corrupted in their Manners fell into downright Idolatry and provoked God to give them up to the Cruelty of their Enemies 1425 2531. I. The First Servitude which lasted Eight years 1419 3. Chushan-rishathaim King of Mesopotamia oppresses the People of God 2539. 4. Othniel frees the People of God from their Servitude 1411 2551. II. The Second Servitude which lasted Eighteen years 1399 5. Eglon the King of Moab oppresses the People of God 2570. 6. Ehud delivers the People of God He was a valiant Man and as the Scripture tells us was Left-handed 1380 2631. III. The Third Servitude which lasted Twenty years 1319 7. Iabin the King of Canaan oppresses the People of God 2651 8. Deborah who judged the Iews together with Barak defeats Sisera Iabin's General and delivers the People of God Iael Heber's Wife fastens Sisera's Head while he was asleep with a Nail to the Ground 1299 2671. IV. The Fourth Servitude which lasted Seven years 9. The Midianites oppress the Iews 2679. 10. Gideon defeats the Midianites and delivers the Iews from their Servitude 1271 After the Death of Gideon the Iews fall into Idolatry 2711. 11. Abimilech the Son of Gideon desiring to be made King kills his seventy Brethren and governs the Iews three years 1239 2714. 12. Tolah judges the Iews the space of three and twenty years 1236 2737. Iair governs the Iews the space of two and twenty years 1213 2741. V. The Fifth Servitude which lasted Eighteen years 1209 14. The Philistines and Ammonites afflict the People of God in the time of Iair's Government 2759. 15. Iephtha succeeds Iair delivers the Israelites from the Servitude of the Philistines and the Ammonites and governs the Iews six years The Scriptures take notice that this Man made a rash Vow to sacrifice the first who should give him the Meeting upon his Return from the Conquest who happen'd to be his own Daughter 1191 2765. 16. Ibzan succeeds Iephtha and judges Israel seven years 1185 2772. 17. Elon judges the Iews the space of ten years 1178 2782. 18. Abdon governs Israel the space of eight years 1168 2767. VI. The Sixth Servitude which lasted almost Forty years 1183 19. The Philistines afflict the People of God 2789. 20. Sampson when he was about Nineteen years old being inspired by God undertakes to defend the Israelites whom he judges for the space of twenty years and as far as he was able delivered from the Tyranny of the Philistines of
whom he killed great Numbers At last by the Allurements of a Woman he was made Prisoner by the Philistines had his Eyes put out and in Revenge pulled down an House upon himself and three thousand People of the Philistines 1161 2810. 21. Eli governs the Iews the space of forty years who was so remiss in the Government of his loose and disorderly Sons that he provoked God to Anger against him and upon hearing the News of his Sons Deaths and of the taking of the Ark he fell backwards from his Seat and brake his Neck by the fall 1140 2849. 22. Samuel succeeds Eli and governs the Iews the space of one and twenty years 1101 2879. The Israelites require Samuel to give them a King He gives them Saul who was about forty years old when he began to Reign 1071 Sect. 3. The State of the People of God under the 22 Kings This State lasted 481 Years from the beginning of the Reign of Saul the first King of the Jews to the end of the Reign of Zedekiah who was their last King Years of the World Years before Christ. 2879. 1. SAVL is anointed King by Samuel and reigns over Israel ten years Saul contrary to the Order of God spares Agag the King of the Amalakites at which God is offended and sends Samuel to acquaint him of his Displeasure who makes Amends for the Fault of Saul by causing Agag to be put to Death 1071 2889. The Army of Saul is defeated by the Phililistines his three Sons slain in Battel and he being very much wounded laid violent hands on himself 1061 2. DAVID having consulted the Oracle of God returned into Iudea where the Tribe of Iudah anointed him for their King being then about thirty years old Abner Saul's General takes his Son Ishbosheth to be King over the other ten Tribes But at last Abner being killed by Ioab and Ishbosheth after he had reigned five years being murdered by two barbarous Assassins Rechab and Baanah David became King of all Israel 2901. About this time it was that David fetched the Ark home and Vzzias who laid hold on the Ark to keep it from falling was struck dead 1049 2926. At this time David out of a Motive of Vain-glory caused Ioab to number the People for which Offence God sent the Plague among them which in three days time destroyed seventy thousand Men. 1024 2929. David at the Instance of Bathsheba and the Prophet Nathan makes his Son Solomon King the one being about seventy and the other about eighteen years old 1021 2930. David dies after he had reigned above forty years viz. seven and an half at Hebron and three and thirty years at Ierusalem 1020 2931. 3. SOLOMON when he first began his Reign married the Daughter of Pharoah and prays God to give him Wisdom 1019 2934. Solomon builds the Temple which David had designed to do but was prevented from it by reason of the Wars wherein he was engaged This temple began to be built the fourth year of his Reign 480 years after the coming out of Egypt and it was finished the beginning of the year of the World 2940 just 1010 years before the coming of Christ. 1016 2969. Solomon dies after he had reigned about forty years 981 4. Rehoboam succeeds his Father Solomon But this young King following the Counsel of the young Men and not that of the old Men who advised him to use his People mildly and with moderation in the beginning of his Reign returned a rough Answer to the Deputies of his People and by this imprudent Act lost the Kingdom of Israel For all Israel that is the Ten Tribes revolted from Rehoboam and took Ieroboam the Son of Nabat to make him their King Here began that fatal Division between the Kings of Judah and Israel which lasted for so many years after We will at present continue the Succession of the Kings of Iudah without intermixing any thing of the Kings of Israel that so we may avoid Confusion But after we have done with the Account of their Succession we think it proper to subjoin the Series of the Kings of Israel adding what happened most Remarkable in each of their Reigns 2986. Rehoboam dies after he had reigned seventeen years 964 5. Abijam a wicked King succeeds his Father and reigned three years 2989. 6. Asa a good King succeeds his Father and reigns one and forty years 961 3030. 7. Iehoshaphat a good King succeeds his Father and reigns five and twenty years 920 Elias the Man of God in a time of Dearth is fed by two Ravens by the Brook Cherith In this King's Reign Elias was taken up into Heaven and Elisha inherited a double Portion of the Spirit which rested on that Prophet and the Children who mocked Elisha were torn in pieces by two Bears 3055. 8. Iehoram a wicked King succeeded his Father and reigned eight years 895 3063. 9. Ahazias a wicked King succeeded his Father and reigned one year 887 3064. Athalia usurped the Throne of Iudah which she held the space of six years 886 In her time a dead Man who by chance was thrown into the Sepulcher of Elisha was raised to Life again by touching the Prophet's Bones 3070. 10. Ioash at seven years old was shewn to the People by the High Priest Iehoiada He was anointed King and reigned over Iudah the space of forty years During the Life-time of Iehoiada Ioash behaved himself regularly and governed well but after that Priest's Death he soon degenerated 880 Zacharias the High Priest was stoned to Death between the Temple and the Altar by the express Order of King Ioash whom he had reproved for his Misdemeanours 3110. 11. Amaziah a good King succeeded his Father and reigned nine and twenty years 840 3139. 12. Vzziah or Azarias after his Father was killed began to reign and his Reign lasted two and fifty years 811 In his Reign Isaiah began to Prophesy He prophecied for above the space of one hundred years Hosea prophecied in the time of Vzziah Iotham Ahaz and Hezekiah during the space of a whole Century Ioel prophecied about the same time Amos. 3191. 13. Iotham a good King succeeded his Father Vziah and reigned sixteen years 759 About this time Obadiah prophecied in Israel when Isaiah prophecied in Iudah Micah prophecied for the space of fifty years and upwards Ionah seems to have been sent much about this time to Nineveh 3207. 14. Ahaz a wicked King succeeded his Father Iotham and reigned sixteen years 743 This impious Prince renewed all the Abominations of Idolatry in Ierusalem which provoked the Lord to deliver him up into the hands of his Enemies 3223. 15. Hezekiah a good King succeeded his Father Ahaz and reigned nine and twenty years 727 In his Reign Sennacherib King of Assyria invaded Iudah sent Rabshokah to Ierusalem to threaten Hezekiah and the Iews But blaspheming the God o● Israel he sent a destroying Angel among the Assyrian Army who cut off in one night an
it To revenge the Injury his Brother Egyptus had offered him he married his 50 Daughters to his Brother's 50 Sons and perswaded his Daughters each to kill her Husband They all obeyed his Orders except she who married Lynceus Hence arose the Fable of the Greek Poets who feigned That 49 of the Daughters of Danaus were condemned in Hell to an Endless Labour of filling Pails or Sieves that were full of Holes with Water which ran out as fast as they poured it in This Danaus reigned about 50 years 1472 2528. 2. Lynceus succeeded his Uncle Danaus and reigned 40 years 1422 2568. 3. Abas succeeded his Father Lynceus and reigned 23 years 1382 2591. 4. Pretus succeeded his Father Abas and reign'd 19 years 1359 2610. 5. Acrisius succeeded his Father and reigned 31 years 1340 2641. Perseus put his Grandfather Acrisius to Death and removed the Regal Power from Argos to Mycene From this time it became a Republick but had a Share in all the Wars of Greece 1309 CHAP. IX Athens AThens the Capital City of Attica was seated on the River Cephissus in the very Heart of that Province which was looked upon as the most eminent Province of all Greece This City was consecrated to Minerva whom the Greeks called 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 and has been esteemed one of the most magnificent and flourishing Cities of the World Cicero says that the Athenians were perfect Masters of Politicks Religion and Husbandry that they were the first Founders of Law and Equity and that they transmitted these Things to the rest of Mankind Nor was Athens only the Publick School of Arts and Sciences but it was likewise the Seat of Magnanimity and Valour and as famous for great Commanders as it was for Men of Polite Parts and Learning It 's Areopagus Liceum Academy Portico and the vast Number of its stately Temples have been very much celebrated and talked of in the World The Areopagus was properly the Senate-House of Athens the Place where a certain Number of Magistrates determined the Causes of Private Persons It was to this Place that St. Paul was brought to give an Account of his Doctrine and where he made that excellent Discourse the Subject of which he occasionally took from an Altar which he had seen in that City dedicated ΘΕΩ ΑΓΝΩΣΤΩ TO THE VNKNOWN GOD. Dionysius one of the Areopagites and a Woman of Quality named Damaris embraced the Christian Religion and were converted by Paul's Preaching The Liceum was a College where Aristotle taught his Philosophy for which Reason it was called the Lycéan Philosophy The Academy was a fine House with Gardens and Fountains where Plato taught his Philosophy This Name of Academy came from one Academus an Athenian who gave that House to Plato and hence those who were his Disciples were called Academicks Arcesilaus who came after Plato being willing to reform some Points of his Doctrine founded that which was called the Second Academy of which Pericles the Disciple of Arcesilaus was the Head Arcesilaus taught That we cannot come to the perfect knowledge of any thing and that therefore we ought to suspend our Judgment in all things without being positive in the determining any thing about them There was a Third Academy founded by Carneades of Cyrene who taught That there was some Things probable and others true and false but that the Mind of Man could not tell how to distinguish them The Portico which was called Pecilé because of the Variety of admirable Pictures with which Polignotus had enrich'd it was the Place where Zeno the Cynick held his Lectures of Philosophy whose Followers were called Stoicks In the History of Athens we meet with Four different States under which it appeared to the World from the year of the World 2394 in which it was founded down to the present Times For there are 10 this day some Remains of old Athens which soem call Se●ines and the Turks Athina Sect. 1. The First State of Athens under XVII Kings lasted 488 Years Years of the World Years before Christ. 2394. 1. CEcrops I. 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 came out of Egypt brought in their Gods and was the first that called God by the Name of Zeus or Iupiter He founded the Kingdom of Athens and reigned about 50 years Pausanias tells us that in his time the Areopagus was founded and that Mars pleaded there first But others place it in Demophoon's Reign about 380 years later In Cecrops's Reign Deucalion King of Thessaly lived of whose Flood the Poets make such large Descriptions 1556 2444. 2. Cranaus reigned 9 years and was expelled by Amphictyon 1506 2453. 3. Amphictyon the Son of Deucalion succeeded Cranaus set up the Council of Greece and reigned 10 years 1497 2463. 4. Ericthonius the Son of Vulcan expelled Amphictyon succeeded and reigned 50 years He invented Chariots to ride in to hide his Feet 1487 2513. 5. Pandion I. the Son of Ericthonius succeeded his Father and reigned 40 years He was the Father of Philomela and Progne the one as Ovid relates was transformed into a Nightingale and the other into a Swallow 1437 2554. 6. Erecth●us the Son of Pandion succeeded his Father and reigned 50 years In his time the Isthmian Games were instituted by Glaucus the Father of Bellerophon Eumolphus King of Thrace aided the El●usians in in their War against the Athenians 1396 2603. 7. Cecrops II. succeeded his Brother Erectheus and reigned 40 years 1347 2643. 8. Pandion II. the Son of Erectheus succeeded his Uncle Cecrops and reigned 25 years In his time the Olympick Games were instituted by Pelops who reigned in Peloponesus which Country derived its Name from him 1307 2668. 9. Egeus the Son of Pandion succeeded his Father and reigned 48 years In his Reign the Athenians had a cruel War with Minos King of Crete and being conquered by him were obliged to send 7 Children yearly to be devoured by the Minotaur In his time likewise Iason with his Argonauts went in quest of the Golden Flcece And Hercules renewed the Olympick Games 1282 2716. 10. Theseus succeeded his Father Egeus and reigned 30 years He emulated Hercules destroyed the Robbers killed the Minotaur assembled all the People of Attica in Athens setled the Government routed the Amazons assisted the Lapithae against the Centaurs and took Helena Castor and Pollux by way of Revenge took Athens but used it kindly 1234 2746. 11. Mnestheus who was descended from Erectheus expelled Theseus and reigned in his stead 29 years In his time Troy after a Siege of 10 years was taken by the Greeks 1204 2775. 12. Demophoon the Son of Theseus succeeded his Father and reigned 27 years 1175 2802. 13. Oxynthes succeeded his Father Demophoon are reigned 12 years 1148 2814. 14. Aphidas succeeded and reigned only one year 1136 2815. 15. Thymetes succeeded and reigned only 8 years He killed his Father and was afterwards killed himself by his Successor 1135 2823. 16. Melanthius the Son of Andropompus who reigned 37 years 1127 2860.
leaving his Princess the Daughter of King Charles II. with Child of our present King who was Born Nov. 14. 1650. The Island Iamaica in America taken by the English 1655. Christina Queen of Sweden resigns her Crown and goes to Rome 1654. Carolus Gustavus Duke of Deux-ponts her Cousin succeds her 1654. Alphonsus King of Portugal succeeds his Father 1656. Being Lunatick is confin'd and his Brother made Regent Leopoldus-Ignatius-Iosephus the present Emperor of Germany began to Reign Iuly 22. 1658. Oliver Cromwel dy'd Sept. 3. 1658. A War between France and Spain having lasted 25 Years is at length ended by a Peace concluded in the Isle of Pheasants near the Pyrenean Mountains 1659. After half a dozen Changes of Government in England in one Years time the Rump being by General Monk's Management dissolv'd and a Free Parliament chosen it was resolv'd by the Parliament April 20. That Charles II. was lawful and undoubted King and Messengers immediately sent to Breda to invite him Home 1660. EPOCHA XIV King Charles II. Restor'd the ancient Government and Laws of England Re-establish'd and Europe in a Profound Peace 1660. ANd here we must make a Stand for who can pass so pleasant a Sight as this happy Year gives us of the peaceful State of all Europe without taking a View of the agreeable Prospect In England our celebrated Augustus shuts up the Temple of Ianus and by his happy Influence gives the Muses Liberty and the Merchant Protection Learning and Wit flourish Trade enriches the Nation and a general Joy drives away the Sorrows which the late Tyrannical Usurpation had cast over all the good and honest part of the People The hungry Beggars that had usurp'd the Senate-house were now expell'd and forc'd to refund the sweet Morsels which they had robb'd the King the Clergy and their Fellow-Subjects of under the specious Name of Sequestration In short the King the Laws the ancient Liberty Government and Peace was restor'd and England was made happy In Germany the War which the Emperor King of Poland and Elector of Brandenburg had maintain'd against the King of Sweden was ended that between Sweden and Denmark as also between France and Sweden terminated and finally France and Spain reconcil'd by the Pyrenean Peace and afterwards by the Marriage of the the Infanta to the King So that we may truly call this Annus Pacificus of Europe and compare this with the Augustan Age. May 29 1660. King Charles II. makes his Triumphant Entrance into London it being the Day of his Birth in the Twelfth Year of his Reign and on the 23d of April following was Crowned Leopold Ignatius being at that time Emperor of Germany Philip IV. King of Spain Lewis XIV King of France Alphonso King of Portugal Charles X. King of Sweden Christiern V. King of Denmark Alexius Michaeliwitz Czar of Moscovy Iohn Casimer King of Poland Alexander VII Pope of Rome Franciscus Molino Doge of Venice Ferdinand II. Duke of Florence Charles Emanuel Duke of Savoy and finally Mahomet IV. Sultan of the Turks 1661. In France Cardinal Mazarine being dead Mar. 9 1661. that King takes the Government wholly into his own Hands The Dauphin Born Nov. 1. 1661. King Charles of England marries Donna Catherina Infanta of Portugal May 22. 1662. Venner and the Fifth Monarchists make a Riot and bloody Rebellion for a few Days in London 166● The first Dutch War 1665. A raging Pestilence at London 1665. War proclaim'd against France who side with the Dutch 1665 6. A violent Fire which burnt down the greatest part of London 1666. The Dutch at Chatham 1667. A Peace concluded at Breda by England with France and Holland 1667. War betwixt France and Spain 1667. The Theatre at Oxford built by A. Bp. Sheldon 1668. Treaty of Peace between Spain and France at Aix la Chapelle 1668. The City and Island of Candia taken by the Turks 1669. Clement IX Pope 1670. The Duke of Lorrain dispossest of his Dominions by the French 1670. The second Dutch War 1672. The French King invades Holland over-runs the Country and commits very barbarous Ravage 1672. Spain declares against France 1673. A Faction in Holland headed by de Witt taking Advantage of the Prince of Orange's Minority had some Years before this resolv'd no more to admit of a Stadtholder but at this time the miserable State of their Country through the French Tyranny which was carried on because the Dutch wanted some skilful Captain made the People mutiny and oblige the States to restore the Prince to the Dignity and Honours of his Ancestors 1674. Peace between England and Holland 1674. Victor Amadaeus present Duke of Savoy succeeds his Father 1675. Pope Clement X. dies and is succeeded by Benedict Odeschalci who took the Name of Innocent XI 1676. The Prince of Orange comes over to England and marries the Lady Mary our late gracious Queen 1677. Peace concluded at Nimeguen between France and Holland 1678. Also between Spain and France 1678. Also between the Emperor and France The Popish Plot in England discover'd 1678. The Dauphin marries the Princess of Bavaria 1679. The Duke of Burgundy eldest Son to the Dauphin born 1681. Algiers Bombarded by the French 1682. The Czar of Moscovy dying causes Disputes which of the Sons should succeed at length 't was agreed they both should Reign together 1682. War between the Emperor and the Turks Tangier quitted and destroy'd by the English 1683. Vienna Besieg'd by the Turks 60 Days at length Reliev'd and the Siege rais'd with great Slaughter of the Turks by the King of Poland Sept. 12. 1683. Genoa Bombarded by the French 1684. Luxemburg taken by the French 1684. King Charles II. died Feb. 6. 1684 5. and is immediately succeeded by his Brother Iames Duke of York Earl of Argyle Invades Scotland 1685. Duke of Monmouth Invades England 1685. Both defeated and Executed by K. Iames 1685. The Grand Seignior Mahomet IV. being depos'd Solyman III. succeeds him 1687. The French King breaks the Peace with Germany and his Son takes Philipsburg Octob. 1688. The People of England oppress'd by King Iames's Government the Prince of Orange in prosecution of an Invitation to that purpose comes over to England with an Army for their Relief Nov. 5. 1688. King Iames quits the Government and retires privately from Whitehall Dec. 12. 1688. being put ashore at Feversham returns to London Decemb. 1688. The Prince of Orange comes to London and King Iames retires to Rochester 1687. whence he privately departs for France 1688. A Convention or Parliament being assembled they declare William Prince of Orange together with his Princess Mary King and Queen of England Feb. 13. 1688 8. France declares War against Holland Nov. 1688. K. William and Q. Mary Crowned Apr. 21. 1689. England declares War against France May 7th 1689. The Convention of Scotland Resolve to offer the Crown to King William and Queen Mary Apr. 16. 1689. which the Deputies present to him May 16. 1689. King Iames passes from