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ID Title Author Corrected Date of Publication (TCP Date of Publication) STC Words Pages
A19824 The collection of the historie of England. By S.D. Daniel, Samuel, 1562-1619. 1618 (1618) STC 6248; ESTC S107285 367,727 236

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his person to auenge his wrath Duke William likewise as it stood him most vpon shewed effects of an all-daring and magnanimous Prince And yet had not Ralfe de T●sson beene false to his fellowes to recouer faith with him he had not carried as he did the victory After which diuers of the conspirators who had too great hearts to yeeld passed the mountaines into Italie to Robert Guiscard their Countryman who of a priuate Gentleman was now by his prowesse become Lord of Apulia Calabria and Sicile within the space of twelue yeares to whom they were exceeding welcome and especially Guilleson for hauing incountred with a King in the middest of his battaile which made him of wider note But the better to know what starre these Norman spirits had as borne for the reuolutions of those times it shall not lie out of our way to shew how they first came into Italie vpon this occasion There happened a debate betweene one Osmond Drengot and William Repostell Gentlemen both valiant and of great parentage in Normandie who as they hunted in the forrest of Rouuerie neere Rouan with Duke Robert Drengot slue Repostell in his presence and fearing the fury of the Duke and the friends of the slaine fled to Rome and so to Naples where hee with his small company of Normans that followed him was entertained of the Duke de Bencuento to serue him against the Sarasins and Affricans which miserably infested Apulia and Calabria at that time The bruite of which entertainement was no sooner spred in Normandy but diuers valiant Gentlemen and Souldiers allured with the hope of good fortune passed the Alpes got to their nation and so wrought as they grew formidable to these Barbarians and in the end vtterly chaced and extinguished them The Calabrians and Apulians seeing themselues ridde of their enemies would haue beene glad likewise their turne serued to bee rid of their friends and either vsing them more vnkindely then of custome or they presuming more of desert turned their swords vpon their intertayners And first got a little place which they fortified for the Rendeuous and receipt of booty And so augmenting still their winnings obteyned Territories Cities and Fortresses After the death of Drengo succeeded other gallant leaders and at length Tancred Signior de Hauteuille in Constantine with his twelue sonnes came into Apulia of whom his third sonne Robert surnamed Guiscard attained the commaund and was a man of a faire stature cleere iudgement and indefatigable courage Hee conquered all Apulia Callabria and Cicile passed the Sea into Greece releeued Michaell Diocrisius Empetour of Constantinople defeited N cephorus that vsurped the Empire and shortly after Alexius attempting the like and in one yeare vanquished two Emperours the one of Greece the other of Germanie Swayed the whole Estate of Italie and was in a faire way to haue attained the Empire of Constantinople for himselfe had hee not died in the expedition Beomond his eldest sonne by his first wife became after Prince of Antioch and is much renowned in the holy warres Roger of his second marriage with the daughter of the Prince of Salerno succeeded in the States of Italie as more theirs by birth and bloud His daughters were all highly married Thus from a priuate Gentleman came this famous Norman to leaue a succession of Kings and Princes after him and died the same yeare as did this William his concurrent in the loue and fauour of fortune And to this man fled all the discontented and desperate Normans during these ciuill warres the Duke had with so many competitors and euery ouerthrow hee gaue them augmented Guiscards forces in Italie and especially this battaile of Dunes which ended not the Dukes trauailes for Guy de Burgogne escaping the fight fortified the Castles of Briorn and Verneuille but in the end was faine to render them both and himselfe to the Dukes mercie and became his pencioner who was his competitor which act of clemency in the Duke brought in many other to submit themselues whereby they re-obteyned their segniories but had their Castles demolished Hauing ended this worke new occasion to keepe him in action was ministred by Geoffry Martle Earle of Aniou who warring vpon the Poictouins incroached also vpon his neighbours States and vsurped Alenson Dampfront and Passais members of the Dutchy of Normandie which to recouer the Duke leauies an Armie and first got Alenson where for that he was opprobriously skorned by the besieged who when they saw him would cry La Pel La Pel in reproach of the basenesse of his mother and the trade of the place of his birth hee shewed extreame cruelty Then layes he siege to Dampfront which to releeue Conte Martel comes with his greatest forces and the Duke to take notice of his strength sends out Roger de Mongomerie with two other knights to deliuer this message to the Earle That if he came to victuall Dampfronte he should finde him there the Porter to keepe him out whereto the Earle returnes this answere Tell the Duke to morrow by daie breake hee shall haue mee there on a white horse readie to giue him the Combate and I will enter Dampfront if I can And to the end hee shall know me I will weare a shield d' or without any deuise Roger replies Sir you shall not neede to take that paines for to morrow morning you shall haue the Duke in this place mounted on a bay horse And that you may know him hee shall weare on the point of his Launce a streamer of tasfata to wipe your face Herewith returning each side prepares for the morning when the Earle busie in ordering his battailes was aduertised by two horsemen that came crossing the field how Dampfronte for certaine was rendred to the Duke whereupon in great rage hee presently departs with his Army whereof a part was in passing a streight cut off by Viconte Neel who for that seruice redeemed his former offence and was restored to the Dukes fauour whom euer after hee faithfully serued Those of Dampfronte desperate of succour presently yeelde themselues to the Duke who with his ingines and forces remooues from thence to Hambrieres a frontier Towne of Conte Martels and by the way had it not beene by himselfe discouered hee had beene vtterly ouerthrowne by an ambush which gaue him much to doe and lost him verie many braue men Wherewith hee grew so inraged that hee rushed into the troupes of his enemies made at Conte Martel stracke him downe with his sworde claue his helmet and cut off an eare but yet hee escaped out of the preasse though diuers were taken and the Aniouuins vtterly defeited Whilst thus hee was trauailed with an outward enemy two more were found at home to conspire against him William Guelan Earle of Mortagne discended from Richard the second And William Earle of Eu and Montreul issuing from William the brother of the same Richard and of Esselin Countesse of Montreul the first vpon suspition the other vpon proofe
intelligence with the Archbishop of Collen As Iohn of Oxford Richard Iuechester Richard de Lucie Iosslin Balliol Alan de Neuile and with these all such as had entred vpon the goods of the Church of Canterbury which hee called the patrimony of the Crusifex and the foode of the poore and these were Ralph de Brocke Hugh Saint Clare and Thomas Fitz Barnard Thus are both sides busied in this drie warre wherein though there were no sword yet it gaue vexation ynough And yet this was not all the worke that tooke vp the Kings time for during this dissention the Welsh againe reuolt and to supresse them he spent much labour with The King represses the Welch the losse of many great men and was himselfe in that daunger as had not Hubert Saint Clere receiued a wounde for him by an Arrow aymed directly at his person hee had there finished his part In this expedition hee is sayd to haue vsed extreame crueltie After this hee passes into Normandie to bee neere his businesse which now lay all on that side And first to entertaine the opinion of Pictie though hee were falne out with the Pope hee obtaines at an Assembly of his Bishops and Barons of Normandie 1166. Anno. Reg. 13. two pence in the pound of euery mans Lands and goods to beepayde that yeare 1166. and a penny of euery pound to be payde for foure yeares following which was leuied for the reliefe of the Christians in the Holy warre and sent vnto them Then hee raises forces and takes in certaine Castles in the Countrey of Maine and Marches of Brittaine from diuers Lords and Barons that had disobayed him And whilst he was busie abroade Mathew sonne to the Earle of Flanders who had married the Lady Marie Abbesse of Ramsey daughter to King Stephen had by her the Country of Bologne attempted something on the Coast of England either to try the affections of the people or to make spoyle and booty but without any effect at all the King being to mighty for any such weake vndertaker And to distend his powre yet wider falls out this occasion Conan Earle of Britaine dies and leaues one onely daughter which hee had by his wife Constance daughter to the King of Scots to succeed him in his State The King of England being then in armes vpon the Marches of Brittaine deales with the Guardians of the young Ladie to match her to his third sonne Geffry The nobility of that Country being then of a rough and haughty disposition giuen to fewds and perpetuall quarrelling one with another were wrought vpon and a side is wonne of such as could doe most in this businesse which is effected to the great contentation of the King of England This fell out to be in the 13 yeare of his raigne wherein as some write died his Mother Maud the Empresse a Lady of an high and actiue Spirit illustrious by her birth but more by her first match and most by her sonne whom she liued to see established in all these mighty States in the glory of Greatnesse Peace Fertile in issue hauing now The death of Maude the Empresse had 4 sonnes and 3 daughters linkes of loue and strength oftentimes in priuate families though seldome in Princes and shee left him in the best time of his daies before any great tempest ouertooke him Three yeares after this hee imployes most in France about the ordering and cleering the bounds of his Dominions from vsurpation or incrochments of neighbour Lords whom his greatnesse held all in awe and they must haue no more then hee would especially hee settles and reformes the State of Brittaine which was much out of order and in muteny about the late Match which being appeased hee keepes a solemne Christmas at Nants and Royally feasts the Nobilitie of the Countrey 1169. Anno. Reg. 16. Then returnes he into England where least Peace by reason of his long and often absence might afflict and corrupt his subiects he lookes to that Diuine and Almighty worke of Kings the administration of Iustice appoynting certaine commissioners as Syndicqs to examine the abuses and excesses committed by his Officers and grieuously Extortion and Bribety punished punishes the Shriefes of the Land for extortion and bribery His Easter he keepes at Windsor whither repaires vnto him William King of Scots who lately succeeded Malcom his brother and brings with him his younger brother Dauid both to congratulate the King of Englands returne and also continue his claime to those peeces in the North which hee pretended to bee vniustly detained from that Crowne The King entertaines him as hee had done his brother with faire words and tells him How it was not in his powre to doe any thing therein without the consent of the State in Parliament which if hee would attend there should bee that course taken as hee hoped might giue him satisfaction In expectation whereof this King came often into England and once attended the King in an expedition into France as his Predecesor had done But now all this while the wrath of the Church continues and the clowde hangs still ouer him dayly threatning the great thunder-bolt Although it seemes the Pope of himselfe was not verie forward to proceede to that extremity but would gladly haue quieted the Archbishoppe otherwise Who hee sayd had taken an ill time for this businesse the King being mighty and the Church in trouble and therefore writes The Pope writes to the Bishops of England he his letters to the Bishop of London and Hereford willing them to deale effectually with the King and to admonish him to desist from intruding vpon the liberties of the Church and to restore the Archbishop to his Sea and Dignity The Bishops wisely answere the Popes Letter in substance thus Wee haue sayd they done your Holinesse message and as much as was decent for the Maiestie The Bishops answere to the Popes Letter if a King instantly vrged him to satisfie your desire made by vs and if hee had erred from the way of truth and Iustice that hee would not delay to returne thereunto that hee would not inhibit such as were desirous to visit the Church of Rome hinder Appeales oppresso Churches and Churchmen or suffer others so to doe that hee would call home our Father the Archbishoppe c. and persist in the workes of Pietie that hee by whom Kings raigne might preserue vnto him his temporall Kingdome and giue him an eternall in Heauen and that vnlesse hee would yeelde to your Holy admonitions you who had hitherto indured could in patience forbeare no longer Besides we added this of our selues how it was to bee feared if hee amended not his errours his Kingdome would not long stand nor his prosper The King receiued your admonitions with manie thankes much Temperance and Modestie and answeres to euerie point First hee protested that in no sort hee auerted his minde from your Holinesse nor euer purposed so to
married the Lady Berenguela and caused her to bee Crowned Queene These mischiefes suffred these two famous Isles of Christendome in the passage of these mighty Princes against Pagans who peraduenture would haue as well vsed them for their goods and treasure as these did but Armies and powre know no inferior friends it was their Fate so to lie in the way of great attempters who though in the cause of Piety would not sticke to doe any iniustice From hence passes this famous king to the Holy Land with the spoyles and treasure of three noble rich Islands England Sicile and Cyprus besides what Normandy and Guien could furnish him with all and there consumes that huge collected masse euen as violently as it was gotten though to the exceeding great renowne of him the nation Heere for the better vnderstanding this businesse it is not amisse to deliuer in what sort stood the Estate of those affaires in Asia which so much troubled these mighty Princes and drew them from the vtmost bounds of Europe thus to aduenture themselues and consume their Estates It was now foure score and eight yeares since Godsrey of Bologne Prince of Lorraine with his company recouered the Citie of Ierusalem with the Countrey of Palestina and a great part of Siria out of the hands of the Sarazins obtayned the Kingdome thereof and was Crowned with a Crowne of Thornes in example of our Sauiour raigned The State of Palestina one yeare died and left to succeed him his brother Baldwin who gouerned eighteene yeares and left the Crowne to another of that name Balwin de Burgo who raigned thirteene yeares and left a daughter and his Kingdome in dissention Fulke Earle of Aniou marries this daughter and enioyes the Kingdome eleuen yeares and left two young sonnes Baldwin and Almerique Balwin raignes foure and twenty yeares and after him his brother Almerique twelue and leaues Baldwin his sonne to succeed him who being sickly and dispayring of yssue made Baldwin his Nephew sonne to the Marquesse of Monferrato and Sibilla his Sister his successor and commits the charge of him with the administration of the Kingdome to Raymond Earle of Tripoly whom Guy de Lusignan who had married Sibilla the Widdow of Monferrato put from that charge and vsurped the Gouerment and at length the Kingdome not without suspition of poysoning the young King Raymond making warre vpon him Lusignan drawes in Sultan Saladin of Egipt to his ayde who glad of that occasion to augment his owne State destroyed them both with their Kingdome and wonne the Citie of Ptolomeide Asoto Berytho Ascalon and after one months siege the Citie of Ierusalem foure score and eight yeares after it had beene conquered by Godfrey Now to recouer this confounded State come these two Great Kings from a farre and a different clyme with an Army composed of seuerall Nations and seuerall humours English French Italians and Germaines against a mightie Prince of an vnited powre within his owne ayre neera at home bred and made by the sword inured to victories acquainted with the fights and forces of the Christians and possessed almost of all the best peeces of that Countrey And heere they sit downe before the City of Acon defended by the powre of Saladin The Kings of England and France besiege Acon which had beene before besieged by the Christians the space of three yeares and had cost the liues of many worthy Princes and great personages whose names are deliuered by our Writers amongst whom I will remember these few of especiall note Conradus Duke of Suenia sonne of Frederic the Emperour which Frederic was also drowned comming thither with the Earles of Perch Puntif and olde Theobald Earle of Bloys that famous Stickler betweene the Kings of England and France Stephen Earle of Sancerre the Earle of Vandosme Bertoldus a Duke of Germany Reoger and Ioselin Earles of Apulia c. And lastly Phillip Earle of Flaunders and of our Nation Baldwin Archbishoppe of Canterbury Robert Earle of Leicester Ralph de Glanuile Chiefe Iustice of England Richard de Clare Walter de Kime c. And notwithstanding all the forces of these two kings they held out foure monthes after and then rendred themselues vpon composition At their entring into the Citie the Ensignes of Leopold Duke of Austrich beeing planted on the walles were with great scorne taken downe by the commandement of King Richard and those of the two Kings erected which bred great rancour and was afterward the occasion of much mischiefe to the king of England Besides during this siege diuers stings were ministred or taken of displeasure and malice betweene the two kings apt to bee set on fire by the least touches of conceipt The king of France full of disdaine for the reiection of his Sister and the marriage of the king of England with Berenguela besides competition of honour which their equality was subiect vnto made any iot of the least disproportion thereof a wounde without cure And daylie occasions in so great hearts fell out to worke the same The Article of equall deuiding their gaines in this voyage concluded between them is questioned The king of France claimes halfe the Isle of Cyprus the king of England halfe the Treasure and goods of the Earle of Flaunders whereon the King of France had seised and therein neither is satisfied Then are there two pretenders to the Crowne of Ierusalem Guy of Lusignan and Conrade Marquis of Monferrato Guy pleads the possession thereof which he had by his wife Sibilla the King of England takes part with Guy the King of France with Conrade And with these differences are they kept in imbroylements and continually distempered in so much as by their owne heats and the contagion The Kings of England and France dangerously sicke of the Country they fell into a most daungerous sicknesse that cost them both their haire being more then they got by the voyage But being recouered the King of France had no longer will to stay there where hee saw no more likelihood of honour or profit and at home hee knew was better good to be done with lesse danger and the rather by the death of the Earle of Flaunders whose state lay so neere as it tooke vp part of his whereof he had a purpose to abridge his successor and therefore craues leaue of the King of England for without leaue of each other it was couenanted neither of them should depart to returne home which King Richard was hardly wonne to grant in respect he knew the daunger it might worke him in his absence to let such an offended Lyon loose But in the end through the earnest sollicitation of the King of France and his assurance The King of France departs from the Holy warre confirmed by Oath not to doe anything offensiue to his Dominions in France during his absence he yeelds thereunto And so departs this great Prince leauing the Earle of Borgogne Lieutenant of his forces And King Richard betakes him
appertayning thereunto The King of France answeres that the Kingdome of England neuer was nor is or euer shal be the patrimonie of Saint Peter and that King Iohn was neuer lawfull King thereof and if hee were he had forfeited the same by the murther of Arthur forwhich he was condemned in his Court neither could he giue away the Kingdome without the consent of the Barons who are bound to defend the same And if the Pope would maintaine this error it would bee a pernicious example to all Kingdomes Herewith the Popes Agent departs vnsatisfied Louys hauing first dispatched Commission Quater Vigint Coggis to Rome to declare his right iustifie his vndertaking sets forth from Calice with 600 ships and 80 other vessell and Lands with his Army at Sandwich King Iohn attends him at Douer with purpose to incounter him at his landing but vpon notice Louys lands in Kent 21 of May. of his great powre and distrusting the faith of his mercinaries hauing committed the keeping of the Castle of Douer to Hubert de Burg forsakes the field and with it himselfe retyres first to Winchester after to Glocester and leaues all to the will of his enemy Louys who after he had obtayned the submission of all Kent except the Castle of Douer which he neuer could get he comes to London where he is ioyfully receiued of the Barons and vpon his Oath taken to restore their Lawes and recouer their rights hath homage and fealty done him as their Soueraigne Lord thither came likewise the Earles Warrein Arundle Salisbury William Mareschall the yonger with many other forsaking King Iohn and rendred themselues vnto him Guallo the Popes Agent notwithstanding the sword was out in all the way of his passage got to Glocester shewes King Iohn the Popes care of him and in solemne manner The little effect the Popes Exmunication wrought pronounces the sentence of Excommunication against Louys and all that tooke part with him which though it brought him some comfort for the time yet it tooke little or nothing from the enemy neither could it so confirme his mercinaries but that most of them left him and either returned home into their Countries with such spoyles as they had or betooke themselues to this new commer King Iohn was not yet so forsaken but that he had powre enough remayning to infest though not incounter his enemies and faith he found abroad amongst many of his Ministers that well defended their charge Douer Castle with a small company holds out against all the force that Louys could bring against it Windsor Castle garded but with 60 men could not be won with all the powre of the Barons some other peeces as Nottingham and Lincoln Castles made very resolute resistance But nothing is effected saue the ruine of the Country The most-yeelding and fertill parts of the Kingdome as about Glocester the marches of Wales Lincolnshire Cambridgshire Norfolke Suffolke Essex Kent and all about London are the Stages of this warre and here they act their mischiefes which continued all that Sommer And about the later end of October a burning feuer makes an end of this fiery King which tooke him vpon an extreme griefe conceiued for the losse of his carriages sunke in the Sands passing the Washes betweene Lin and Boston and was augmented by a surfeit of Peaches new Ale taken at the Abbay of Swineshead from whence in The death of King Iohn great weakenesse he is conuayed to Newarke where after he had receiued the Eucharist and taken order for the succession of his sonne Henry hee departs this life hauing raigned 18 yeares fiue monthes and foure daies The Abbot of Crockeston a man skilfull in physique and at that time the Kings Physition disbowelled his body who no doubt would haue giuen notice to the world had his Maister as it was in after ages vainely bruted beene poysoned by a Monke of Mat. Par. Swinshead Abbay but the Writers of those times report no such matter Howsoeuer his death takes not away the reproch of his life nor the infamy that followes him whereunto ill Princes are as subiect as their euill Subiects and cannot escape the brute ofa clamarous Pen. witnesse this Disticque Anglia sicut adhuc sordet foetore Iohannis Sordida foedatur foedante Iohanne Gehenna He had issue by his wife Isabel daughter to Aymer Earle of Angolesme two sonnes Henry and Richard also three daughters Ioane Eleanor and Isabel. Henry succeeded him in the Kingdome Richard was Earle of Cornewall and Crowned His issue King of the Romans and had issue Henry and Iohn that died without issue also Edmond Iohn speed Earle of Cornewall and others Ioane the eldest daughter married to Alexander the second King of Scots died without issue Elianor the second daughter married to Simon Earle of Leicester had issue Henry Symon Almaricke Guy Richard and Elianor Henry slaine without issue Simon Earle of Bigorre and Ancestor to a Famely of the Mountfords in France Almarick first a Priest after a Knight Guy Earle of Angleria in Italy and Progenitor of the Mountfords in Tuscaine and of the Earles of the Campo Bacchi in the Kingdome of Naples Richard remayning priuily in England and changing his name from Mountford to Wellesborne was Ancester of the Wellesbornes in England Elianor borne in England brought vp in France married into Wales to Prince Lewin ap Griffith Isabel their youngest daughter married to the Emperour Frederic the 2 had issue Henry appointed to be King of Sicile and Margaret wife of Albert Landgraue Thurine She died in child-bed after she had beene Empresse sixe yeares He had also two naturall sonnes Geffrey Fitz Roy that transported souldiers into France when Hubert forbad his father to goe thither Richard that married the daughter and Heire of Fulbert de Douer who built Childham Castle had issue by her of which some famelies of good esteeme are descended Likewise one naturall Daughter Ioane married to Lewin Prince of Wales The end of the Life and Raigne of King Iohn The Life and Raigne of Henry the third THE death of King Iohn though it much altered yet it ended not the miserable businesses of the Kingdome for Louys notwithstanding held 1216. Anno. Reg. 1. his hopes and his party though much shaken by the sodaine Coronation of Henry eldest sonne to King Iohn solemnized in a great Assemblie of State at Glocester the 28 of October and committed to the tutelage of the great Marshall William Earle of Pembrooke the maine Pillar of the father and now the preseruer of the Crowne to his sonne a man eminent both in courage Henry the 3 Crowned at Glocester and Councell who with Guallo the Popes Legat the Bishops of Winchester Bathe and Worcester worke all meanes to draw the Barons and as many of powre as they could to their new and naturall King from this excommunicate stranger and his adherents And bred great fluctuation in the mindes of most of
Edmond Earle of Kent brother to the late deposed King is accused and condemned vpon his confession for intending the restoring of his brother and conferring with divers great men concerning the same but without any matter of fact This miserable Earle stood on the Scaffold from one till fiue and no Executioner could bee found to dispatch him at length a silly wretch of the Marshalsey cut off his head These violences and vnpleasing courses in a new alteration could not long hold without effecting another which the next yeare produced A Parlement is held at Nottingham wherein all the power and glory of the Queen and Mortimer being scarce A Parlement at Nottingham of three yeares growth were overthrowne the Queene hath all her great Ioynture taken from her and put to her pension of 1000 pounds per annum Mortimer is accused to haue procured the late Kings death to be the authour of the Scots safe escaping from Articles against Mortimer Stanhope Parke corrupted with the gift of twenty thousand pounds to haue procured the late marriage peace with Scotl. so dishonourable to the King and Kingdom to haue consumed the Kings treasure besides all what was taken from the Spencers to haue beene too familiar with the Queen c. And for these haynous offences is condemned of high treason sent vp to London drawn and hanged at the common Gallowes at the Elms now called Tyburne He is hanged at Tyburne where his body remained two daies as an opprobrious spectacle for all beholders Such were the tragicall and bloudy returnes those ambitious supplanters of others got by exchange of the times which now may seeme made the world weary of such violences and more wary to runne into them And the King growing to yeares of more Ability to governe of himselfe wrought a greater respect of his service in those who were of power about him seeing him to be of a spirit likely to go through with his work and therefore they vse their best advice to put him into courses that might be most honourable for him and the Kingdome The staines which his youth had received by such as governed the same are now discovered and meanes devised how to take them of And withall occasions fall out to put him into Action And first a new King of France lately crowned vpon the death of Charles le Bel King Edward is summoned to do his homage to Phillip de Valois K. of France without issue Male requires his homage according to the custome for the Duchy of Guien and his other lands in France held of that Crowne whereunto though King Edward was supposed to haue the better right yet seeing Phillip de Valois was now in possession of the same and himselfe then yong his owne Kingdome factious turbulent and vnsettled he was not as yet otherwise then by Law which seldome gets a Crown able to debate his title and therefore is content to temporise and goe ouer in person to performe this ceremony which did much preiudice his after claime layde an imputation vppon the iustnesse of his cause hauing thereby acknowledged and made good the right of his Competitor The difference betweene them stood thus Philip le Bell father to Isabell Mother The Title of K. Ed. to the Crowne of France to King Edward had three sonnes Louys Philip and Charles which all were successiuely Kings of France and died without any issue male to inherite the kingdome and notwithstanding Louys the eldest sonne had a daughter whom Eudes Earle of Bologne her vncle by the mother laboured to haue crowned Queene yet for that it was adiudged contrary to the Salicque Lawe which debarred women from the succession Phillip the younger brother of Louys is ad admitted to the Crowne This Phillip likewise left foure daughters and yet doth Charles his brother succede him by the force of the same lawe which passed now as a case adiudged without any controuersie Charles dying leaues his wife young with childe difference arises about the Regencie of that kingdome betweene King Edward of England the Nephew and Phillip de Valois Cosen-german to the last King Charles This Phillip was the first Prince of the blood sonne to Charles de Valois brother to Phillip le Bell. And though King Edward was in degree nearer then hee yet was the Regencie adiudged to Phillip if the Queene brought forth a sonne as descending from a brother more capable of the Crowne then King Edward descending from a daughter that was vncapable as they alleadged The Queene at length deliuered of a daughter the processe is ended and Phillip receiued and crowned King of France by their Salicque Lawe maintained to be vnviolable Robert de Artois a Peere of great power was a speciall meanes of his pre ferment and the exclusion of King Edward who shortly after vppon Sommons giuen 1331. An. Reg. 5. as is aforesaid goes ouer and meetes King Phillip at Amiens where by the Councels of both Kings two especiall points are debated the one concerning the quallity of the Homage pretended liege by the Councell of King Phillip but denied by that of King Edward The second point for the lands in Guiene which the last King Charles had detayned as his whereof the Councell of King Edward demanded restitution as appertaining to that Duchy The Composition for this last point was easie in regard of the treatie of Peace made betweene the saide King Charles and Edward the second the last of May 1325. wherein their rights were saued by protestations reciprocall aduised and receiued in offer and acceptance of Homage made to the saide King Charles by this Edward before hee was King which protestations were agreed to be followed and repeated in this with Couenant that if King Edward would pursue his right in Parlement he should haue iustice done him accordingly for those things in controuersie Now for the first point concerning the quallity of his Homage it was accorded without specifying the same that it should be done and receiued according to the vsuall manner of former kings with sufficient time granted to King Edward to inquire of the said quallity and to make his declaration thereof And thereuppon Iean Tilet the sixt of Iune 1329. King Edward in a Crimson veluet gowne imbroydered with K. Ed. doth Homage to the French K. Leopards with his Crowne on his head his sword by his side and golden spurres on his heeles presents himselfe in the body of the Cathedrall Church at Amiens before King Phillip sitting in his chaire of estate in a veluet gowne of violet colour imbroydered with floures de lis of gold his Crowne on his head and his Scepter in his hand with all his Princes and Peeres about him The Viscount Melun Chamberlaine of France first commands King Edward to put off his Crowne his sword and his spurres and to kneele downe which hee did on a crimosine veluet cushion before King Phillip and then the Viscount putting both his
most that nation as being part of their bloud and bred amongst them Of whom it seemed notwithstanding the former order taken to the contrary he had many about his person whose neerenesse being strangers whatsoeuer they did could not auoide to be thought to doe ill offices against the Earle and the English in generall whereby what went not right in the line of mens desires was thought to be their cause And in stomackes full charged this occasion gaue more fire Eustace Eustace Earle of Bullogne maried Goda the Kings sister Earle of Bullogne who had married Goda the Kings sister hauing beene at the Court and returning into France his Harbenger in taking vp lodgings at Douer vpon his peremptory behauiour was by a Citizen slaine The Earle arriuing with all his traine pursues and slue the homicide with 18 other The City seeing this tooke armes and in the bickering the Earle lost 22. of his men whereupon backe he hasts to the King aggrauates the insolency of the Citizens so farre that the Earle Godwin is sent for and commanded with a power of men to make against the City of Douer to chastice the people The Earle considering it was vpon the information of one side aduised the King rather to send for the cheife of the City to vnderstand what they could say for themselues and accordingly to proceede which being taken for a coldnesse in the businesse and of fauour to his Countrymen gaue the King and his enemies occasion to suspect his affection Shortly after the Earle is summoned to an Assembly at Glocester where neither he nor any of his sonnes would appeare and suspecting some practise against him by his Earle Godains insurruction enemies raises forces pretending to suppresse the Welsh who were not found to offend whereupon the Assembly remoues to London summons him againe to make his apparance to dismisse his forces and to come onely attended with twelue persons He sends them word to dismisse his forces he was content or any thing else the King would command him so it were with the safety of his life and honour but to come disaccompanied was for neither Then was he commanded within fiue dayes to depart the Realme which he did and with Toustaine and Swayne his sonnes gets him into Flaunders where Toustone married the daughter of the Earle Baldouin the 5. Harald his eldest sonne departs into Ireland the King puts from him the Queene to be partaker of the disgrace and misery of her house who is described by the writers of those times to haue beene a Lady of rare parts excellently learned beautifull and as faire of minde as body The Earle Godwin in this desperate fortune whilst the French and his enemies possest the King fell to Piracy distuibed the coasts approached London by the Riuer and being so popular as no forces would oppose against him made The French forsake the Court and Kingdome of England at length his owne peace with power in such sort as the French fearing reuenge forsooke both the Court and Kingdome This as fore-pointing to a storme that was gathering on that coast began the first difference with the French nation which thus acquainted with the distraction of the Kingdome and factions of great men wrought on those aduantages and were instruments to draw on the fatall enterprize that followed The weaknesse of the King and the disproportionate greatnesse of the Earle Godwin being risen vp from so great a fall learning thereby to looke better to his seete and make his sides strong increased these discontentments and partialities in the State wherein many acts of iniustice by the sway of power and passion were committed which did much blacken that time of peace and made a good man not by doing but induring ill held to be a bad King And it is sayd that Emme the Queene mother had her part of much affliction in his raigne suffering both in her goods and same and now to purge her selfe of a scandall raised on her with Alwyn Bishop of Winchester she vnder-went the triall of Fire-Ordeall Queen Emmes affliction and tryall which was to passe blind-fold with bare feete ouer certaine plough-shares made red hote and layd an vneuen distance one before the other which she safely performed And the reason why both her sonne and the State so little respected this great Lady whose many yeares had made her and actor in diuerse fortunes was for that she neuer affected King Ethelred nor the children she had by him and for her marriage with Knute the great enemy and subduer of the Kingdome whom she euer much more loued liuing and commended dead It seemed these priuate grudges with mens particular ends held these times so busied that the publicke was neglected and an issue-lesse King gaue matter for ambition and power to build hopes and practises vpon though for his owne part he shewed to haue had a care for the succession in sending for his Nephew Edward intitled the Outlaw with his children out of Hungary But Edward shortly after his artiuall died and Edgar his sonne surnamed Atheling to say Prince Edgar whom he had by his wife Agatha daughter to the Emperour Henry the 2. who either by reason of his youth which yet was no barre to his right or being borne and bred a stranger little knowing or knowne to the Kingdom had his claime neglected vpon the death of this Pious King Edward founder of Westminster Church King Which was Anno 1065. when he had raigned 24. yeares His corps was interred in the Church of Westminster which he had newly founded Harald the second AND Harald sonne to the Earle Godwin the next day after was preferred Harald the second to the Crowne whether by any title he might pretend from the Danique Kings as discended from that nation and as some report sonne An. 1065. to Githa sister to Swaine or by meere election of the greater part of the Nobility we cannot say but it seemes the pressing necessity of the time that required a more man to vndergo the burthen of warre and that trouble the world was like to fall into by reason of the claimes now made both by the Dane and Norman cast it suddenly vpon him as the most eminent man of the Kingdome both by the experience of his owne deseruings and the strength also of his owne and the alliance of his wife Algith sister of Edwin and Morckar Earles of Yorkeshire and Chester Neither did he faile but in fortune to make good this election taking all the best courses both for the well-ordering of the State and all prouisions for defence that a politicke and actiue Prince could do But being to deale in a broken world where the affections of men were all disioynted or dasht with the terror of an approching mischiefe failing as vsually is seene in these publicke feares both in their diligence and courage to withstand it soone found more then enough to do And the first man which
notice of wrong and checke the malice of an vnnaturall offender at which sight Richard surprised with horror is sayd to haue burst out into extreame lamentations He had issue by his wife Elianor foure sonnes Henry Richard Geffrey and Iohn besides two other William the eldest and Phillip the youngest but His Issue one died young Also three daughters Maude married to Henry Duke of Saxony Elianor the wife of Alfonso the eighth of that name king of Castile Ioan giuen Vide 10. Speed in marriage vnto William king of Sicile He had also two naturall sonnes by Rosamund daughter of Walter Lord Clifford William surnamed Longespee in English Long Sword and Geffrey Arch-bishop of Yorke who after fiue yeares banishment in his brother King Iohns time died Anno 1213. The first sonne William surnamed Longespee Earle of Salisbury in right of Ela his wife daughter and heire of William Earle of that County sonne of Earle Patricke had issue William Earle of Salisbury Stephen Earle of Vlster Ela Countisse of Warwick Idae Lady Beuchampe of Bedford and Isabell Lady Vescy His Sonne Earle William the second had Earle William the third Father of Margaret wife of Henry Lacie Earle of Lincolne It is said King Henry had also a third naturall Sonne called Morgan by the wife of one Rodulph Bloeth or Blewet a Knight hee liued to be Prouost of Beuerley and to be elected to the Bishopricke of Duresme and comming to Rome for a dispensation because his basiardy made him otherwise vncapeable the Pope willed him to professe him selfe Blewets lawfull sonne and not the Kings Naturall promising to consecrate him on that condition but he vsing the aduise of one William Lane his Clerke told the Pope that for no worldly promotion he would renounce his Father or deny himselfe to be of blood Royall The ende of the Life and Raigne of Henry the second The Life and raigne of Richard the first RICHARD surnamed Coeure de Lion borne at Oxford succeeding his Father He began his raigne the 6● of Iuly aged 35. first seizes vpon his Treasure in France being in the hands of Stephan Thurnham Seneschall of Normandy whom he imprisons with fetters and manacles to extort the vttermost thereof And then repayres to Roan where by Walter the Archbishop hee is guirt with the sword 1189. Anno. Reg. 1. of the Dutchy of Normandie takes fealty both of the Clergie and Lay and then goes to Parle and compose his bufinesse with the King of France which hee did by money and obtayned restitution of all such peeces as had beene gotten from his Father in the time of the late warres Besides for his better strength hee giues in marriage Maude his Neece daughter of the Duke of Saxonie to Geffrey sonne to the Earle of Perch During this stay and setling of his affaires in France Queene Elianor his Mother freed from her imprisonment which shee had endured twelue yeares hath power to dispose of the businesse of England which especially shee imployed in preparing the The slaughter of the lewes at the Coronation affections of the people by pardons and releeuement of oppressions and then meetes her sonne at Winchester Where besides his Fathers treasure which was 900000 pounds in gold and siluer besides plate Iewels and pretious stones there fell vnto him by the death of Geffrey Ridle Bishop of Ely dying intestate 3060 Markes of Siluer and 205 of Gold which came well to defray the charge of his Coronation celebrated the third day of September 1189 at Westminster and imbrued with the miserable slaughter of the Iewes inhabiting in and about the Citie of London who comming to offer their presents as an afflicted people in a strange Country to a new King in hope to get his fauour were set vpon by the multitude and many lost both their liues and substance The example of London wrought the like mischiefe vpon the Iewes in the Townes of Norwich Saint Edmondsbury Lincoln Stamford and Linne All this great Treasure left to this King was not thought sufficient for this intended action of the Holy warre which was still on foote but that all other waies were deuised to raise more money and the King sells much Land of the Crowne both to the Clergie and others Godfrey de Lucy Bishoppe of Winchester bought two Mannors Weregraue and Menes The Abbot of Saint Edmondsbury the Mannor of Mildhall for one thousand Markes of siluer The Bishop of Duresme the Mannor of Sadborough with the dignity pallitinate of his whole Prouince which occasioned the King iestingly to say what a cunning workeman he was that could make of an olde Bishoppe a new Earle Besides hee grants to William King of Scots the Castles of Berwike and Roxborough for 10000 Markes and releaseth him of those couenants made and confirmed by his Charter vnto King Henry the second as extorted from him being then his prisoner reseruing vnto himselfe onely such rights as had beene and were to bee performed by his brother Malcolin to his Ancestors the kings of England Moreouer pretending to haue lost his Signet made a new and proclamation that whosoeuer would safely enioy what vnder the former Signet was graunted should come to haue it confirmed by the new whereby hee raised great summes of money to the griefe of his subiects Then procures he a power from the Pope that whosoeuer himselfe pleased to dismisse from the iourney and leaue at home should bee free from taking the Crosse and this likewise got him great Treasure which was leuied with much expedition by reason the king of France in Nouember after the Coronation sent the Earle of Perch with other Commissioners to signifie to king Richard how in a generall Assembly at Paris he had solemnly sworne vpon the Euangelists to bee ready at Tours with all the Princes and people of his kingdome who had vndertaken the Crosse presently vpon Easter next following thence to set forward for the Holy Land And for the assurance and testimony thereof hee sends the Charter of this Deede vnto the king of England requiring him and his Nobilitie vnder their hands to assure him in like sort to be ready at the same time and place which was in like maner concluded at a generall Councell held at London And in December hauing onely stayed but foure monthes in England after his Coronation this King departs into Normandie Vide Append. The Kings departure out of England toward the Holy warre keepes his Christmas at Rouen and presently after hath a parle with the King of France at Reimes where by Oath and writing vnder their hands and seales with the faith giuen by all their Nobility on both sides is confirmed a most strict Peace and Vnion betwixt both Kings for the preseruation of each other and their Estates with the orders concluded for their iourney Which done the King of England sends for Queene Elionor his mother his brother Iohn the Archbishop of Canterbury the Bishops of Winchester Duresme
Norwich Bath Salisbury Ely Chester and others which came vnto him to Rouen where hee commits the especiall charge of this Kingdome to William Longshamp Bishoppe of Ely vnder the Title of Chiefe Iustice of England and giues him one of his Seales and the Custodie of the Towre of London and confers vpon Hugh Bishop of Duresme the Iustice-ship of the North from Humber to Scotland with the keeping of Windsor Castle which after gaue occasion of dissention to these two ambitious Prelates impatient of each others greatnesse Hugh Bardolph William Marshall Geffrey Fitz Peter and William Brewer are ioyned in commission with the Bishop of Ely And least his brother Iohn whose spirit hee well vnderstood might in England worke vpon the aduantage of his absence hee first caused him to take an Oath not to come within this Kingdome for the space of three yeares next following Which after vpon better consideration hee released leauing him to his libertie and naturall respect But hereby hauing giuen him first a wound by his distrust his after regard could neuer heale it vp againe nor all the Honours and State bestowed on him keepe him within the limmits of obedience For this suspition of his Faith shewed him rather the waie to breake then retaine it whensoeuer occasion were offered and the greater meanes hee had bestowed on him to make him content did but arme him with greater powre for his designes For this Earle Iohn had conferred vpon him in England the The great Estate left to Earle Iohn Earledomes of Corwnewall Dorcet Sommerset Nottingham Darby Lancaster and by the marriage with Isabell Daughter to the Earle of Glocester had likewise that Earledome moreouer the Castles of Marlborow and Lutgarsall the Honours of Wallingford Tichill and Eye to the valew of foure thousand Markes per annum besides the great commaunds hee held thereby which mighty Estate was not a meanes to satisfie but increase his desires and make him more daungerous at home Then the more to strengthen the reputation of his Viceroy the Bishop of Ely the King gets the Pope to make him his Legate of all England and Scotland and to the end his Gouernment might not bee disturbed through the emulation of another hee confines the elect Archbishoppe of Yorke his base brother whose turbulency hee doubted to remaine in Normandie till his returne and takes his Oath to performe the same Hauing thus ordered his affaires hee sends backe into England this Great Bishop furnished with as great and absolute a powre as hee could giue him to prouide necessaries for his intended iourney Wherein to please the King hee offended the people and committed great exactions Clerum populum opprimebat Exactions by the Viceroy confundens fasque nefasque saith Houeden Hee tooke of euery Cittie in England two Palfryes and two other Horses of seruice and of euerie Abbay one of each likewise of euery Mannor of the Kings one of each for this seruice And to shewe what hee would prooue hee tooke the Castle of Windsor from the Bishoppe of Duresme and confined him within his Towne of Howedon questions his Authoritie and workes him much vexation and for all his meanes made to the King ouertopt him The King takes order for a Nauie to conuay people and prouision to the Holy land and commits the charge thereof to the Archbishop of Auxere and the Bishop of Bayon Robert de Sabul Richard Canuile which done both Kings the latter end of Iune with their powres together take their iourney to Lyons where their numbers growing so great as bred many incomberments and distemprings betweene the nations they part companies the King of France takes the way of Genoua by Land the The Kings quarrell in the lsle of Sicile King of England of Merseilles where after he had stayed eight daies expecting in vaine the comming about of his Nauie withheld by tempest hee was forced to hire twentie Gallies and ten other great vessels to transport him into the Isle of Sicilia The King of France takes shipping at Genoua and by tempest was driuen to land in the same Isle and arriued there before the King of England where those mighty companies of both these powrefull Kings fell fowle on each other and themselues taking part with their people enter in quarrell and rancor so that being of equall powre and stomacke and alike emulous of honour and reuenge they began to shew what successe their enterprise was likelie to yeeld The King of France repayring his wracked Nauie and the King of Englands long staying for his forced them both to Winter in Sicilia to the great pesture and disturbance of that people themselues and theirs William late king of Sicile who had married Ioane sister to the King of England was dead which made the intertaynment of the English there the worse and Taneredi base sonne of Roger grandfather to that William was inuested in the kingdome contrary to the will of the late King dying without yssue and the fidelitie of the people sworne to Constantia the lawfull daughter of the sayd Roger married to Henry King of Almaine sonne to the Emperour Frederic Barbarossa by which occasion Tancredi was forced to vse all meanes to hold what hee had gotten by strong hand and had much to doe against the Emperour and his sonne Henry The King of England after great contention with him to make the conditions of his sisters dowre the better enters into league with Tancredi against all men to preserue his Estate and gets in conclusion 20000 Ounces of Gold for his Sisters dowre and 20000 more vpon a match to bee made betweene Arthur Earle of Brittaine sonne to Geffrey his next brother who was to succeed him in the Crowne of England if himselfe died without yssue and the daughter of Tancredi At the opening of the Spring both kings hauing beene reconciled and new Articles The Kings reconciled of Peace and concord signed and sworne the King of France sets first forward to the Holy Land but the king of England stayes in Sicile vntill Whitsontide after And during his abode which might therefore bee the longer his Mother Queene Elionor who in her youth had well knowne the trauaile of the East came vnto him Berenguela fianced to King Richard bringing with her Berenguela daughter to the king of Nauarre who has there fianced vnto him Which done Queene Elionor departs home by the way of Rome and the young Lady with the Queene Dowager of Sicile take their iourney with the king who sets forth with an hundred and thirty ships and fifty Gallies and was by tempest driuen to the Isle of Cyprus where being denied landing he assailes the Isle on all sides subdues it palces his Granisons therein and commits the custody of the same to Richard de Canuile and Robert de Turnham taking halfe the goods of the Inhabitants from them in Lieu whereof hee confirmed the vse of their owne Lawes And here our Histories say hee
Hugh Spencer the father hanged at Bristol gallowes in his Coat armour cut vp before hee was dead headed and quartered This done shee passes to Hereford and the King beeing not to bee found Proclamation is made that if hee would returne and conforme himselfe to rule the State as hee ought to doe hee should come and receiue the gouernment thereof by the generall consent of his people But hee either not daring as destitute both of courage and counsell to trust to this offer or not well informed thereof keepes himselfe still concealed Whereupon as may seeme was intended aduantage is taken to dispose of the gouernment and the Prince who is now vnder their guard is made Guardian of the Kingdom hath Fealtie sworne vnto him and a new Chancelor and Treasurer are appointed Long it was not ere the King came to be discouered as a person too great for any couer and was by Henry Earle of Lancaster brother to the late Thomas William The King taken prisoner Lord Zouch and Ries ap Howell taken and conuayed to the Castle of Kenelworth The younger Spencer with Baldocke the Chancelor and Simon Reading apprehended with him are sent to the Queene to Hereford Spencer who was now Earle of Glocester is drawne and hangd on a gallowes Fifty foote high wherein hee was exalted aboue his father otherwise had the like execution and likewise in his Coat armor whereon was written Quid gloriaris in malitia psal 52. Simon Reading was hanged Ten foote lower then hee But Baldocke in regarde hee was a Priest had the fauour to bee pined to death in Newgate And here likewise a little before was the Earle of Arundell with two Barons Iohn Danyll and Thomas Micheldeuer executed as Traytors by the procurement of Roger Mortimer for adhering to the Kings part To accompanie these mischiefes of the Countrey the Commons of London made insurrection and force their Maior who held for the King to take their part let out all prisoners possesses them of the Tower put to death the Constable thereof Sir Iohn Weston murther the Bishop of Excester to whom they bare an especiall hatred for that being the Kings Treasurer hee caused the Iustices Itenerants to sit in London A Parlement at London where the Prince is elected King by whom they were grieuously fyned and thus all is let out to libertie and confusion After a moneths stay at Hereford the Queene with her sonne returning kept Christmas at Wallingford their Candlemas at London where the Parlement being Reg. 20. Anno. 1327. assembled agreed to depose the King as vnfit to gouerne obiecting many Articles against him and to elect his eldest sonne Edward which they did in the great Hall at Westminster with the vniuersall consent of the people there present and the Archbishop of Canterbury makes a Sermon vpon this text Vox populi vox Dei exhorting the people to inuoke the King of kings for him they had there chosen The Queene either out of the consideration of the difference of a husband and a sonne whom now shee was not like long to guide or through remorse of conscience looking backe vpon what shee had done takes this election grieuously to heart insomuch as her sonne to recomfort her swore hee would neuer accept of the Crowne without the consent of his father whereupon by a common decree three Bishops two Earles two Abbots foure Barons three Knights of euery Shire with a certaine number of Burgesses of euery Citie and Borough and especially of the Cinque-Ports are sent to the imprisoned King at Kenelworth to declare vnto him the election of his sonne and to require the renuntiation of his Crowne and royall dignity whereunto if hee would not consent the State was resolued to proceed as it thought good The King beeing first priuately made acquainted with the Message The King is brought to resigne his Crowne the most harsh to Nature that could bee imparted and by two whom hee especially hated for hauing especially offended them the Bishoppes of Hereford and Lincolne was brought forth before the assembly to whom as soone as his passion wherewith hee was ouercharged would giue him leaue hee confessed how he had beene misguided the common excuse of a poore spirit and done many things whereof now hee repented which if hee were to gouerne againe hee would become a new man and was most sorrowfull to haue so much offended the State as it should thus vtterly reiect him but yet gaue them thankes that they were so gracious vnto him as to elect his eldest sonne for King Hauing spoken to this purpose they proceed to the Ceremony of his resignation which chiefly consisted in the surrender of his Crowne for the forme whereof beeing the first that euer was seene in England they could followe no precedent but must make one and William Trussell a Iudge put it into the Stile of Lawe to render it the more authenticall and pronounced the same in this manner I William Trussell in the name of all men of the Land of England and of all the Parlement The forme of his resignatiō Procurator resigne to thee Edward the Homage that was made to thee sometime and from this time forwards now following I defie thee and priue thee of all royall power and I shall neuer be tendant on thee as King after this time This was the last act and the first example of a deposed King no lesse dishonorable to the State then to him He was a Prince more weake then euill and those exorbitances of his met with as great or greater in his people who as wee see delt ouer roughly and vnciuilly with him Hee is reported by some to haue been learned which perhaps might make him the softer to haue written verses when hee was in prison to haue founded Oriall Colledge and Saint Mary Hall in Oxford He had by his wife Isabell two sonnes Edward borne at Windsor who succeeded Misissue him and Iohn Surnamed of Eltham who was created Earle of Cornewall An. 1315. and died in the Flower of his youth in Scotland And also two daughters Ioan married to Dauid Prince of Scotland and Elionor to the Duke of Gelders The end of Edward the second The Life and Raigne of Edward the third VPpon the resignation of Edward the second Edward his sonne of the 1327. An. Reg. 1. age of fourteene yeares beganne his Raigne the twentith of Ianuary 1327 and sends forth Proclamations of his peace into all Shires in this form Edward by the grace of God King of England Lord of Ireland Duke of Aquitaine to N. N. our Shirife of S. greeting Whereas the Lord Edward late King of England our father by the common councell and assent of the Prelates Earles Barons and other chiefe men with the whole Communaltie of this Realme did voluntarily amoue himselfe from the gouernement thereof willing granting that we as his eldest son and heire should assume the same c. which proclamation made
haue no conference with the King but in open Parlement which at that time said the King was not for especiall reasons conuenient to be called Then aggrauates hee the vndutifull contempt of the Archbishop and his hypocriticall dealing with him avowing that although by hereditary right and the diuine grace hee was aduanced to that sublimitie of regall power hee held it alwaies to haue beene a detestable thing to abuse the greatnesse thereof and how he affected nothing more in the world then to gouerne his subiects with mildnesse clemency and moderation of Iustice that hee might with peace enioy their loue And how notwithstanding the Archbishoppe had most iniuriously by his Letters published in diuerse parts torne his innocency and slandered the faithfull seruice of his Counsailors and Officers who executed his regall Iustice exclayming how the people were opprest the Cleargy confounded the kingdome agrieued with taxations and all kinde of exactions Which the King argues was to no other end but to raise sedition amongst his people and to withdrawe their loue and obedience from him Lastly to giue notice of the Archbishoppes corruption he declares how himselfe beeing vnder age had through his counsell made so many prodigall donations prohibited alienations and excessiue gifts as thereby h●s treasurie was vtterly exhausted and his reuenewes diminished and how the Archbishop corrupted with bribes remitted without reasonable cause great summes which were due vnto him applying to his proper vse or to persons ill-deseruing many commodities and reuenewes which should haue beene preserued for his necessary prouisions And therefore concluded vnlesse hee desisted from this his rebellious obstinacie hee intended in due time and place more openly to proceede against him inioying them to publish all and singular these his malignities and to cause others to doe the like for the manifestation of his owne pious and Princely intention in relieuing his owne and his subiects wrongs This Letter was sayd to haue been penned by Adam Bishoppe of Winchester and bare date the 12. of February An. Reg. 15. Thus the King and his Officers whose proceedings must not receiue a check are cleared and the imputation rests vpon the Archbishop who is charged with great accoūts pressed by such as lent the King mony to render the same But shortly after the King found much to doe in the Parlement held at London being earnestly petitioned by the whole Assembly of the three Estates that the great Charter of Liberties and the Charter of Forrests might be duly obserued and that whosoeuer of the Kings Officers infringed the same should lose their place that the high Officers of the kingdome should as in former times be elected by Parlement The King stood stiffe vpon his owne election and prerogatiue but yet yeelded in regard to haue his present Vid. Stat. 15. Edward 3. turne serued as himselfe after confessed these Officers should receiue an oath in Parlement to doe iustice vnto all men in their offices and thereupon a Statute was made confirmed with the Kings Seale both for that and many other grants of his to the subiects which notwithstāding were for the most part presently after reuoked The truce agreed on before Turney for one yeare was by the Commissioners of both The Articles Vid. Appen Kings and two Cardinalls from the Pope concluded at Arras which yeelded some cessation of Armes but not of plotting more mischiefe Louys of Bauier intituled Emperour is wonne to the party of the French King becomes his sworne confederate The Emperor reuokes the Vicariate the reason why Vid. Append. and reuokes the Vicarshippe of the Empire formerly confirmed on the K. of England pretending the cause to be for concluding the late truce without him as appeares by his Letters to King Edward which are againe by him fully and discreetly answered But in steed of this remote and vnconstant confederate whose power lay without the limits of France Fortune brought in another more neere and of readier The controuersie for the Duchy of Brittaine meanes to offend within the bodie of that kingdome The inheritance of the Duchy of Brittaine is in controuersie betweene Charles de Blois Nephew to King Phillip and Iohn de Monfort vpon this title Arthur Duke of Brittaine had by Beatrix his first wife two sonnes Iohn and Guy by Yoland Countesse of Monfort his second wife Iohn de Monfort Iohn the eldest sonne of Arthur hauing no issue ordayned Iane his Neece daughter to his brother Guy who died before him to succeed him in the Duchy This Iane Charles de Blois marries on condition his issue by her should inherite the same wherein after consummation of the Marriage hee is inuested and had homage done vnto him during the life of Iohn their Vncle. But after his death Iohn de Monfort doth homage for the Duke of Brittaine to King Edward Monfort claymes the Duchy comes to Paris to do homage for the same to the French King Charles de Blois in the right of his wife opposes him the controuersie is referred to the Parlement Sentence passes on the side of Charles Monfort inraged repaires to the King of England doth his homage vnto him for the Duchy is receiued with great applause and his title howsoeuer held bad at home is heere made to bee good Returning back into Brittaine both with comfort meanes after some encoūters Monfort taken prisoner His wife prosecutes her husbands quarrell with his enemie hee is taken and committed prisoner to the Louure in Paris His wife the Countesse of Monfort sister to Louys Earle of Flanders a Lady who seemed to haue more of the man then her brother prosecutes her husbands quarrell puts on Armour leads and incourages her people surprises and defends many strong peeces of Brittaine but in the end like to be ouerlaide by the power of Charles de Blois she craues ayde of the King of England and hath it sent vnder the conduct of the Lord Walter de Manny which relieued her for the present but the future required more whereof King Edward was not sparing in regard of his owne designes for aydes are seldome sent to forrainers but for the Senders benefit The Lady her selfe comes ouer into England to treate both for supplyes and alliance tendring a match betweene her sonne and a daughter of King Edward The Earles Salisbury Pembrooke and Suffolke Forces sent ouer into Brittaine the Lords Stafford Spencer and Bourchier with Robert de Artois Earle of Richmond are sent with great forces backe with the Lady Many were the incounters surprises and recouerings of Fortes betweene the English and the French and in this action The death of Robert de Artois Robert de Artois receiued his last wound at the siege of Vannes but yet was brought to die in England it being not in his Fate that his countrie which by his meanes had suffered so much affliction should haue his bones though it had his blood which he lost with little honour
Earle of Warwick in France to haue a hand in the execution of the Accorde King Iohn is honourably conducted to Calais attending the promised Summe the first gage of his libertie Anno Reg. 35. 1361. The Citie of Paris yeelds one thousand Royals by whose Example other Cities contribute according to their proportions And thus is King Iohn deliuered after hauing remained Prisoner in England neere about fiue yeeres And both Kings depart in kinde manner with all demonstrations of brotherly Loue. King Edward returning with his Crownes calles a Parliament wherein the forme of the Accord was read and allowed of all the Estates and an Oath taken by the Nobles to obserue the same for their partes Heere the King restorees to the Priors Aliens their Houses Lands Tenements which he had taken from them Anno Reg. 12. for the maintenance of his French Warres which now being ended he grants by his Letters Pattents in as free manner as before they helde them A rare Example of a iust King being seldome seene that Princes let go any thing whereon they haue once fastned Now againe was the ioy and glorie that England receiued by their gettings seasoned The second great Pestilence with the sowrenesse of another mortalitie called The second Pestilence whereof dyed many Noble men the chiefe was Henry Duke of Lancaster of the Royall blood a Prince of great note for wisedome and valour who had beene an especiall Actor in all these Warres and a principall Pillar of the Crowne of England whose Daughter and Heyre was a little before marryed to Iohn of Gaunt by dispensation being neere of consanguinitie whereby hee is made Duke of Lancaster And shortly after by the like Dispensation the Prince of Wales marryes the Countesse Anno Reg. 36. of Kent Daughter to Edmond brother to Edward the second And so both are prouided of Matches within the Kingdome The King giues to the Prince of Wales the Duchy of Aquitaine reseruing to himselfe Homage and Fealtie and shortly after sends him ouer with his wife and Court to liue there His sonne Lionell Earle Vlster is sent into Ireland with a regiment of 1500 men to guard his Eatledome against the Irish and was created Duke of Clarence in the next Parliament held at Westminster in Nouember which continued vntill the feast of Saint Brice King Edwards Birth-day and the Fiftith yeare of his age Wherein for a Iubilie hee shewes himselfe extraordinarily gracious to his people freely pardoning many offences releasing prisoners reuoking Exiles c. And vpon petition of the Commons causes Pleas which before were in French to be made in English that the subiect might vnderstand the Lawe by which hee holdes what hee hath and is to know what hee doth A blessed act and worthy so great a King who if hee could thereby haue rendered the same also perspicuous it had beene a work of eternall honour but such is the Fate of Law that in what language soeuer it speakes it neuer speakes plaine but is wrapt vp in such difficulties and mysteries as all professions of profit are as it giues more affliction to the people then it doth remedy Here was also an act passed for Purueiors as there had beene many before in his time that nothing should bee taken vp but for ready money vpon strict punishment For retribution of which relieuements the Parliament granted sixe and twenty shillings eight pence for tranportation Vid. Stat. of euery sacke of woole for three yeares Thus all were pleased sauing the remouing of the Saple from the Townes of England to Calais was some grieuance to those whom it concerned Yet the Kings desire to inrich that Towne being of his owne acquisition and now a member of the Crowne of England might herein be well borne withall And sure this King the most renowmed for Valour and Goodnesse that euer raigned in this kingdome not onely laboured to aduance the State by enlarging the Dominions thereof but to make his people as well good as great by reforming their vices whereunto fortunate and opulent States are euermore subiect as may be noted in the next Parliament held at Westminster Anno Reg. 37. wherein for the publique Good certaine Sumptuary lawes the most necessarie to preuent Ryot that dissoluing sicknesse the feuer Hectique of a State were ordayned both for Apparell Diet appointing euery degree of men from the Shepheard to the Prince the Stuffe Habits they should weare prohibiting the adornements of gold and Siluer Silkes and rich Furres to all except eminent persons Vid. Stat. Whereby forraine superfluities were shut out home-made Cōmodities only vsed The Labourer and Husbandman is appointed but one meale a day and what meates he should eate c. whereby Gluttony Drunkennesse those hideous euils which haue since vtterly disfashioned infeebled the English Nation were auoided So carefull was this frugall King for preseruing the estates of his subiects from Excesse And as prouident was hee for the ordering of his owne committing his treasure to the safest Chest that Religion could keepe lockt For by a certificat Anno Cleargy men Officers to the King Reg. 39. sent to Pope Vrbane concerning Plut alities and the estates of Church-men in England there were found more of the Spirtualty which bare office about this King then any other of Christendome beside As first Simon Langham Archbishop of Canterbury was Chancelor of England William Wickham Archdeacon of Lincolne Keeper of the Priuy Seale Dauid Weller Parson of Somersham Maister of the Rolles Ten beneficed Priests Ciuilians Maisters of Chancery William Mulse Deane of Saint Martins le Grand Chiefe Chamberlayne of the Exchecquer Receiuer and Keeper of the Kings treasure and Iewels William Askby Archdeacon of Northampton Chancelor of the Exchecquar William Dighton Pribendary of Saint Martins Clarke of the Priuy Seale Richard Chesterfield Prebend of Saint Staphans Treasurer of the Kings house Henry Snatch Parson of Oundall Maister of the Kings Ward-robe Iohn Newnham Parson of Fenni-stanton one of the Chamberlaines of the Exchequer and keeper of the Kings Treasurie and Iewels Iohn Rousbie Parson of Harwick Surueior and Comptroler of the Kings works Thomas Britingham Parson of Asbie Treasurer to the King for the parts of Guisnes and the Marches of Calais Iohn Troys Tresurer of Ireland a Priest and beneficed there These men being without those Feminine Ginnes of attraction and consumption deuoted onely to Sanctitie were thought then fittest to be husbands for his profit Shortly after three Kings came to visite the King of England The King of France the King of Scots and the King of Cypres The occasions that mooued the French king might be diuers but it seems the especial wereto free some Hostages that remained heere and to cleare such imputations as were had of him for not obseruing in all points the late Accorde wherewith his Nobles were much discontented and many dissiculties arose among them so that in an Assembly of the States at Paris certaine
Court at Paris to these complaints Now had the Lords of Arminiaque D'Albert Peregort Cominges and many others Anno Reg. 43. 1369. made their protestations against the King of England for the Crowne of France which they say they were by nature to obey and not to a strange Soueraigne that it was absolutely against the Fundamentall Law of the Kingdome to disseuer them from the Crowne that the Contract was made in prison and therefore inciuile and not to be held by the right of Nations So that they were resolued to spend their liues and estates rather then bee vnder the gouernment of England By their example the Cities of the County of The Emperor Charles 4. makes a iourny into France to reconcile the two Kings Ponthieu rendered themselues to Guy Conte de Saint Poll and Guy de Chastillon The King of England complaines of this breach of accord to the Pope and the Emperour Charles 4. who made a iourney into France to reconcile the two Kings and determine the businesse Before whom our Ambassadours first declare how this Accord hauing beene more for the good of France then vs in regard we resigned thereby not The allegations of the English Ambassadours before the Emperour onely our Title to Normandie Touraine and Aniou the fairest and richest Countreys of France But also our Title to the Crowne to the end we might hold in Souraigntie the Duchy of Aquitayne the Country of Ponthieu with some other peeces which by Hereditary right appertained to the Crowne of England whereby the effusion of Christian blood was stayed France had peace and their King restored in faire manner after a faire imprisonment and vpon the most resonable Conditions could bee deuised Notwithstanding the French King who Vid. Appen himselfe with the whole Councell of France contracted the Accord and solemnly swore to obserue the same hath contrary to the Law of God and Nations after he had recouered his Hostages by fraud seazed both vpon the Duchy of Aquitayne and the Country of Ponthieu without denouncing Warre by his Heraldes c. The French Reply How we by the Accord were bound immediately to with draw our The Reply of the French Army out of France which they say wee did not during all the Reigne of their King Iohn That the Peace was thereby made more offensiue then the Warre they being constrained to purchase the departure of our Souldiers with greater charge then would haue maintained an Armie That the breach was on our side for that the Souldiers were ours That King Edward was bound to renounce his Title to the Crowne of France in open Assembly of the States of both Realmes which they say was not done And concerning the releasing of their King they say it cost France more gold then the redeeming of Saint Louys their King his brother the Peeres and the whole Armie taken by the Soldan an Infidell Thus both sides defend their cause being easie for Princes who will breake out of their Couenants to finde euasions The French King it seems though willing to get in what he could yet was very loath to renue a Warre and therefore with many Presents courts the King of England Who seeing himselfe thus deluded prepares to haue out his Sword And Anno Reg. 44. hauing borowed great Summes of the Clergie sends ouer Iohn Duke of Lancaster and Humphry Bohun Earle of Hereford with a mightie Armie to Calais to inuade France on this side whiles the Prince of Wales works to recouer the reuolted Townes on the other But little was effected The Duke shortly returnes And then Thomas Beauchamp Earle of Warwicke with fresh supplyes is sent ouer who dyes in the iourney Forces sent into France Sir Robert Knoles a man renowned in those times for valour and counsaile is made Leader of an Armie Consisting of many great Lords who disdayning to bee commanded by him whom they helde their inferiour ouer-threw themselues and the Action Thus all went backe and the French King growes both in State and Alliance Anno Reg. 45. Margueret sole daughter and Heire to Louys Earle of Flauders to whom King Edward sought to match his sonne Edmond is wonne to marrie Phillip Le Hardy Duke of Burgogne brother to the French King And this much vexes King Edward who A Subsidie granted by Parliament the maner of seyzing the same the better to furnish himselfe for reuenge calles a Parliament at Westminster wherein he resumes his claime to the Crowne of France and requires ayd of his Subjects and hath it The Clergie graunted him 50. thousand poundes to be payd the same yeere and the Laitie as much For the leuying whereof euery Parish in England was rated first to pay 23 shillings foure pence the great helping the lesse vpon supposition there had beene Parishes ynough to haue made vp that summe But by certificate vpon the Kings Writs sent out to examine what number of Parish Churches were in euery Shire they found it came short and then rated euery Parish at fiue pound sixteene shillings the greater to helpe the lesse and so of 8600. Parishes found to be in the 37. Shieres 50. thousand 181. pound 8. peence was raised But in regard of the great pouertie of Suffolk and Deuon Shire the 181. pound was abated and the King answered 50. thousand pounds for the Laytie Vpon this Supply the King grants that the great Charter and the Charter of The Duke of Lancaster sent into Aquitaine Forrests should bee obserued in all points which in most Parliaments of his is euer the first Act as may be seene in the printed Statutes And now Iohn Duke of Lancaster and Edmond Earle of Cambridge are sent with Forces into Aquitayne to ayde the Prince of Wales who after he had sacked the Citie of Limoges that was reuolted his health failing to performe any more leaues the prosecution of the Warre to his brother and with his wife and young sonne Richard borne at Burdeaux returnes The Prince of Wales returnes into England home into England and here resignes vnto his father the Duchy of Aquitayne The Duke of Lancaster after the departure of the Prince did little but being now a widdower his wife dying two yeares before in the third great Pestilence in which yeare also Phillippe wife to King Edward ended her life hee marries Constance eldest daughter to Peter King of Castile by whom hee had the empty title of King The Duke of Lancaster marries Constance daughter to the King of Castile and was after the death of his father-in-law stiled King of Castile and Leon. This Constance though shee were the daughter of a wicked father and infamous mother yet was so happy that the daughter shee had by this Duke of Lancaster named Katherine became after Queene of Castile and Leon being married to Henry 3. in possession before and in her right King of both those Realmes and left her posterity Kings of Spaine Edmond Earle of